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16 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: gpl

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eheti.huProudly powered by e107 Bootstrap CMS which is released under the terms of the GNU GPL License.gnu gpl, gpl licensearticle, consequat, minim, vel, ut1
mmrutin.huProudly powered by e107 Bootstrap CMS which is released under the terms of the GNU GPL License.gnu gpl, gpl licensewebsite, news, item, administrator, article1
villatoscana.hu…in the province of Massa Carrara, among the hills surrounding the Magra river, the village of Debirotti, with only five houses, is about 20km from the coast. The house has mains water and sewerage, central heating and hot water with GPL gas, wifi, tv, fridge, microwave, hi-fi and dvd player.water gpl, gpl gashouse, place, hike, village, holiday1
rrpge.huRRPGE is a new emulated game oriented microcomputer design, built to bring back the era of the early 90's while integrating seamlessly into today's technology. The whole specification and the reference implementations are open, by the spirit of GNU GPL.game, revolution, engine, system, technology1
gepsuli.huHelium was crafted with love by the RocketTheme team to showcase the capabilities of the Gantry 5 framework. Helium is open source and available for free under a dual license system ( MIT or GPL version 2 or later ). You do not have to keep the Gantry or RocketTheme links and logos in the front…mit gpl, gpl versionframework, editor, easy, feature, layout1
bricobau.huProudly powered by e107 Bootstrap CMS which is released under the terms of the GNU GPL License.gnu gpl, gpl licensenews, item, article, area, feature1
bekesbiztonsag.huProudly powered by e107 Bootstrap CMS which is released under the terms of the GNU GPL License.gnu gpl, gpl licensenews, item, article, area, feature1
erregyere.huThis is a twitter bootstrap template for a simple marketing or informational website. The only difference is that e107 is managing the content. ie. The text you are reading is the "Welcome Message". Visit the admin-area to modify.gnu gpl, gpl licensenews, item, area, button, text0
aquvia.huCímlap… Új fiók létrehozása… Új jelszó igénylése…acquia gpl, gpl licensemain, license0
kapinfood.huSafety of the food chain is fundamental to life quality and public health. Yet, trends show increase in food-borne outbreaks, causing great economic damage. The underlying reason is a massive discrepancy in the food industry: while business operations are high-intensity , safety control has…flowplayer gpl, gpl licensefood, safety, system, lab, innovative0
nyirsportse.huUt wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto…gnu gpl, gpl licensewebsite, article, ut, sign, area0
genya.huThis is a twitter bootstrap template for a simple marketing or informational website. The only difference is that e107 is managing the content. ie. The text you are reading is the "Welcome Message" and the items below are "News Items". Visit the admin-area to modify.gnu gpl, gpl licensearticle, sign, news, area, gallery0
powerwebhost.huNews… Contact Us…gnu gpl, gpl licensenews, gnu, term, license, close0
forditasgyorsan.huAMT AMMA Ltd. is a translating agency with many years of expertise in the legal, economical, energetics, financialgnu gpl, gpl licensedelivery, uk, energetic, agency, legal0
formulado.hutypography, layout, game design, imaging, prepress, flyers, banners, proofreading, webcoding, lettering, translation, subtitlinggroundhog gpl, gpl weeklygame, layout, prepress, proofread, imaging0
beatdriver.huThis is a twitter bootstrap template for a simple marketing or informational website. The only difference is that e107 is managing the content. ie. The text you are reading is the "Welcome Message". Visit the admin-area to modify.gnu gpl, gpl licensearticle, feature, area, news, close0