| …annual ASCEG. He had fun and enjoyed his time with his daughters who did really well. Pepper came second in his class at the show. His daughters really showed him how it should be done. Thank you to our judge, Michelle Jackson who showed Pepper to perfection. Thank you Melani Voges of Pure Paws SA. | pure paws, paws sa | dream, champion, breed, judge, dog | 1 | | Yes, at least on the first paws, especially if there are small children in the family. If you get used to nail trimming at a young age, it can be done in a few minutes, and you will have to clip the tips of the nails only every 2 months. | yes paws, paws especially | breed, available, price, gallery, apartment | 1 | | We use technologies to display personalised content and advertising as well as external media. We also monitor users and optimise the success of our websites and advertising. For these purposes, we process data about the users of our websites, their devices and how our offers are used on their… | marry paws, merry paws | merry, marry, navigation, legal, basket | 0 | | is extremely intelligent. The Maine Coon is basically cheerful, exploratory and open-minded. It adapts well to the owner's time. In general, like all cats, they are more active in the morning and evening. Maine Coons love to play, either alone or in company. They can be taught to retrieve like dogs. | | sale, available, long, breeder, breed | 0 | | The game involved designing the courts, creating their visuals, 3D models and texturing of the court models, assets and other accessories, some effects and animation, and polishing the courts. | backpack paws, paws ear | animation, texture, unity, model, game | 0 | | Thank you for the great weekend Szederház! Very beautiful environment and clean house. We really enjoyed ourselves and even our dog, Lucky, had a great time in the large garden. | joy paws, paws alike | house, garden, great, book, slide | 0 | | Helping Our Pets on Earth Shop… Helping Our little People on Earth Shop… Helping Our Paws on Earth… | paws earth | earth, people, little, color, life | 0 |