| • The bondage in Babylon. The return from Babylon, the Persian and greek rule. The Hasmonians and the Kingdom of Herode . | bondage babylon, babylon return, return babylon, babylon persian | jewish, christian, lecture, society, community | 4 | | 1 Sustainability Solutions Research Lab, Faculty of Engineering, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary, 2 Environmental Research and Studies Center, University of Babylon, Babylon, Al-Hillah, Iraq, 3 University of Pannonia, Faculty of Engineering, Center for Natural Science, Research Group of… | university babylon, babylon al, babylon iraq | university, environmental, engineering, sciences, faculty | 2 | | "One of the most frequent picture motives of József Kőfaragó is Babel-Babylon, regardless it appears in the titles of the paintings (Sinful Babylon, Greetings from Babylon, One Teardrop in Babylon) or does not (The Guard of the Passage, The Great Director of The Nature, The Steps of The Choice… | babel babylon, babylon regardless, sinful babylon, babylon greeting, greeting babylon | painting, artist, hungarian, official, art | 1 | | We can found sundials in all antique civilisations, in Babylon, Egypt, the Greek, - Roman Empire. Throughout history in certain ethnic groups it bore a significant part regarding climate, work, subsistence. Thus we inherited a great number of works from the territories of the North-West part of… | civilisation babylon, babylon egypt | horizontal, vertical, century, main, precise | 1 | | The history of vinegar goes back a long time. The vinegar is mentioned many times in the Bible, and even in a ten-thousand-year Egyptian vase from the Pharaoh period, scientists have found vinegar residues, thus proving that they have been known to the Egyptians, Babylons and Persians to use… | egyptians babylon, babylon persians | vinegar, product, recipe, food, history | 1 | | A Fun Company Party Zenekar és Esküvői Zenkar teljes mértékben élőben játszó együttes. Nem csalunk, nem verünkt át senkit. Ezért csak teljes létszámban tudjuk előadni a műsorunkat és nem is szeretnénk máshogyan. A zenekar öt fővel és egy sofőr-technikussal tudja csak elvállalni az esküvőtöket. | river babylon, babylon sunny | fun, love, queen, day, boy | 0 | | Magic: The Gathering Foundations… Duskmourn: House of Horror… Bloomburrow… Assassin's Creed… Modern… | | game, war, battle, sword, shield | 0 | | Sweatpants… Farmer… Blazers… Sneakers… Egyéb kiegészítők… AI_… ASH… Aeronautica Militare… Alexander… | | christian, exchange, liu, white, circus | 0 | | Prime Metal offers a comprehensive and global service to companies that need metal waste for their production, as well as to companies that need to manage the waste they produce from their activity. | metal babylon, babylon group | metal, waste, sale, international, shipping | 0 | | …and Peter Drucker— encouraged businesses to consider their environments, to consider the needs of people, and to remain adaptable to change. Maintaining the conditions for business growth, and the correct positioning of product within their market, were considered key to business strategy. | babylon berlin | corporate, issue, human, strategy, global | 0 | | Home… About Us… Weddings… Events… Photo… Video… Repertoire… Rider… Partners… Contact… Enter… Contact… | babylon boney | love, technician, wedding, event, photo | 0 |