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4457 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: hungarian

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asszisztencia.huJoint Annual Congress of the Hungarian Society for Orthopaedics and Hungarian Trauma Societycongress hungarian, hungarian society, hungarian orthopaedic, society hungarian, hungarian radiographerscongress, society, annual, conference, september190
idancehungary.huWelcome on the first online platform dedicated to the non-Hungarian speakers of the Hungarian Dance House Movement! Dear Visitor, You are one of tens or even hundreds of thousands of people all over the world who love Hungarian dances but cannot speak Hungarian.non hungarian, hungarian speaker, speaker hungarian, hungarian dance, world hungariannews, dance, folk, festival, house142
russianstudies.hu…the language of instruction) within the framework of an enlarged centre for Russian studies; however, we were immensely grateful. Finally, the Hungarian government was willing to make a gesture in this matter; by that time, popularizing the Russian language around the globe had become part of thedatabase hungarian, hungarian electronic, case hungarian, hungarian condition, history hungarianrussian, study, history, russia, historical89
pepperpr.hu…commented Dr. Gergely Dzsinich, the recently-elected chair of the Business Software Alliance (BSA) Hungary Committee. Dr Dzsinich spoke last week on behalf of the BSA, the global organisation of the leading business software companies, at a training event of the Hungarian Finance and Customs Guard.market hungarian, hungarian outsourcing, change hungarian, hungarian organizational, risk hungarianpepper, software, technology, market, office78
mta.huAlongside the positive consequences of the rise of open access, a number of new forms of unethical behaviour have also emerged. Therefore, in the spring of 2023, the Presidium of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences decided to set up a committee whose main task was to develop an action plan for…history hungarian, hungarian academy, professor hungarian, competitiveness hungarian, hungarian researchscience, academy, research, member, forum68
mrtt.hu…was Prof. Jouke van Dijk, President of the European Regional Science Association. On the first day two plenary sessions were organized: one in Hungarian and one in English, with international speakers: Prof. Daniela L. Constantin (Romanian Regional Science Association), Prof. Tomasz Komornicki…presidency hungarian, hungarian regional, president hungarian, chairman hungarian, library hungarianregional, science, association, annual, conference62
emsports.huGame intelligence combined with a huge passion and balanced playing style. Yes, you are right, that is András Schäfer, the Hungarian player of the year 2021.great hungarian, hungarian deal, star hungarian, hungarian football, talented hungarianplayer, debut, champion, transfer, profile60
por.hu- Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Semmelweis University, Research Group of Molecular Pathologyseven hungarian, hungarian center, survival hungarian, hungarian patient, pandemic hungarianuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine54
mariannmarczi.huMariann Marczi is a Hungarian concert-pianist, soloist and chamber musician. She is professor at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest. Her DLA / DMA dissertation deals with " György Ligeti's Etudes for Piano " (2008). She was awarded Habilitation in 2022 at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music…marczi hungarian, hungarian concert, century hungarian, hungarian work, liszt hungarianpiano, minor, sonata, concert52
learninghungarian.huHungarian is part of the Finnougrian language family and uses no genders (phew!). However it adjusts affixes and in divides definite and indefinite conjugation. So you can state that Hungarian differs in its grammar from most languages. All these possibly unfamiliar elements in Hungarian structure…hungary hungarian, hungarian key, successfully hungarian, hungarian right, right hungarianteacher, lesson, private, learn, language49
hungarytoday.hu30 years ago, the Hungarian minority in Slovakia formulated the principles of self-determination and expressed their demand for self-government.weapon hungarian, hungarian defense, mep hungarian, hungarian student, expulsion hungarianeuropean, minister, flight, latest, government49
nemzetiregiszter.huOn Monday, Prime Minister and President of Fidesz Viktor Orbán welcomed the presidents of Hungarian member organizations of the European People's Party. The meeting was attended by: Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) Zsolt Semjén, President of the…hungarian register, camp hungarian, hungarian large, secretary hungarian, hungarian communityhungarians, minister, community, national, school49
hungarianstudies.huThe Szeged Hungarian Studies Center offers a complex and intensive two-semester preparatory program in Hungarian as a foreign language for international students who wish to study at a Hungarian university.intensive hungarian, hungarian preparatory, program hungarian, hungarian study, hungarian studentstudy, student, language, semester, center45
thehungarianpaprika.huThe unique and favorable climate made Hungarian paprika so delicious that it was able to become popular in the whole world. Not too hot but has a nice sweet taste, authentic Hungarian paprika gives one-of-a-kind flavor to many dishes. It doesn’t have a smokey flavor like Spanish paprika, and it’s…history hungarian, hungarian paprika, good hungarian, use hungarian, fact hungariantype, spice, sweet, hot, history44
metropolis.org.huEach year, the four thematic issues draw on various film-theory and film-history topics. One of the journal’s primary tasks is to publish research results in contemporary Hungarian as well as international film theory. We also place a great deal of emphasis on publishing film-studies literature…metropolis hungarian, hungarian journal, contemporary hungarian, hungarian international, unavailable hungariancontemporary, representation, history, social, woman44
mfe-hda.huAs the oldest national dental organization, the Hungarian Dental Association’s missions are preserving the traditions and values ​​of Hungarian dentistry, transferring the national and international scientific results in order to promote the development of dentistry, and maintaining a high level…organization hungarian, hungarian dental, value hungarian, hungarian dentistry, association hungarianassociation, society, dental, dentistry, news43
budapestguides.hu…Scenic countryside, hilly - the Danube Bend - or flat - the Great Plain. The largest warm water lake of Europe the Balaton we call it the Hungarian sea or Eger, with much history, beautiful sights and the famous wine growing region. Győr is also a wonderful town with the nearby Benedictine…balaton hungarian, hungarian sea, tour hungarian, hungarian capital, nice hungariantour, city, hour, guide, famous42
hungarianbatteryday.huThe Hungarian Battery Day is the most comprehensive international conference for reviewing the opportunities and challenges faced by the stakeholders of the fast-developing battery industry in Hungary and in the wider region. The conference established itself as an important yearly meeting point…day hungarian, hungarian battery, ii hungarian, i. hungarian, plan hungarianbattery, day, industry, director, objective42
padeltv.huCentral European Padel Tour CEPT-Hungarian Master Challenge 2023 CEPT-HUNGARIAN MASTER CHALLENGE 2023 Padel Club Bravos Padel Event Padel Live Streamcept hungarian, hungarian master, head hungarian, hungarian padelevent, reaction, tour, live, challenge40
nyariegyetem.huYou are not satisfied with your Hungarian yet? Then choose one of our Hungarian language courses. If you have reached a good level of Hungarian proficiency but still want to improve your skills, browse through the list of thematic courses either in Hungarian or in English. But if you are…school hungarian, hungarian language, online hungarian, hungarian interested, interested hungarianlanguage, material, course, foreign, section40
opl.hu…she recently attended the international Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition. Ildikó is an adjunct lecturer in labour law at Károli Gáspár University Faculty of Law, an editor at Arsboni, a Hungarian legal professional community, and has practised traditional Hungarian folkdance for fifteen yearseuipo hungarian, hungarian ip, hungarian native, position hungarian, hungarian telecomlaw, university, legal, language, fluent40
segelyszervezet.huApart from social programmes in Hungary, Hungarian Interchurch Aid has also carried out humanitarian and development work in over 40 countries, helping those in need regardless of nationality, religion or world view, all the while meeting the highest professional and transparency requirements.hungary hungarian, hungarian interchurch, account hungarianaid, account, code, humanitarian, donation39
jogaszegylet.huDr. habil. Róbert Szuchy Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Law of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary and Chair of the International Committee of Hungarian Lawyers Association was giving a lecture at the Day of Hungarian Science 2021 in…day hungarian, hungarian science, committee hungarian, hungarian lawyer, recommendation hungarianlawyer, association, president, newsletter, law38
europatarsasag.huThe Hungarian Europe Society, as a non-partisan and non-governmental organisation, is committed to the ideal of a unifying Europe and wishes to promote Hungary’s ever-deeper integration into Europe. We believe that the founding of the European Union and the subsequent accession of the…workshop hungarian, hungarian europe, seat hungarian, politics hungarian, hungarian primesociety, europe, open, space, democracy37
mkvk.huThe Forensic Audit Committee was established in 1965, the Society of Hungarian Auditors in 1967. The Association of Hungarian Auditors was founded twenty-one years ago in 1987, and the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors was formed eleven years ago. With Act LV of 1997, the first period of the renewal…chamber hungarian, hungarian auditor, auditor hungarian, hungarian business, international hungarianchamber, member, auditing, sector, place36
theorangefiles.huI have not updated The Orange Files since moving away from Hungary several years ago. Some of the material on this website is therefore outdated. The date on which posts were published or last modified appears at the bottom of the given text. After a long hiatus, I will resume writing articles on…article hungarian, hungarian history, history hungarian, hungarian people, german hungariannational, file, orange, election, european33
hungarian4u.huI love Hungarian – my mother tongue and I also love people who love learning Hungarian language.hungarian skill, communication hungarian, hungarian citizenship, date hungarian, hungarian hobbylanguage, session, topic, conversation, free33
kutdiak.huExtended deadline: June 20. – XIII. Hungarian Research Student Association Scientific Poster Competitionxiii hungarian, hungarian research, xviii hungarian, xii hungarian, president hungarianstudent, research, association, competition, scientific32
startouring.huOn the sand of the Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld) lighter wines ripen faster. These white and rosé wines are for everyday consumption but provide a gastronomical delight for feasts. Grapes and wine have always formed an integral part of life in the Balaton Region, intertwined with a variety of…century hungarian, hungarian territory, independent hungarian, hungarian state, administration hungarianwine, century, castle, country, house32
abtl.huArticle 12: (1) Within ninety days after the entry into force of the Act a Committee shall be established, a member of which shall be appointed each by the Government, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the President of the Hungarian Historical Association. The members of the…archive hungarian, hungarian state, committee hungarian, hungarian parliament, operation hungarianarchive, shall, public, record, document32
kurultaj.huHungary’s more than one thousand years of history in the middle of Europe has shaped its culture as the most westernized of the nomadic cultures. Today the Hungarian nation is united (without tribal division) but much of the Hungarian nation’s history is characterized by a system of tribal…karos hungarian, hungarian conquest, avar hungarian, hungarian armoured, group hungariannation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient31
napkiado.hu…according to László Gerevich’s excavation is can be visited today. Visegrád, just a few kilometres from Dömös, was a royal residence and the Hungarian Holy Crown was also kept here. The gorgeous royal palace in Visegrád was admired by the travellers of contemporary Europe. The palace from the…álarcok hungarian, hungarian essay, performer hungarian, hungarian instrumental, english hungariananthem, national, country, nation, book30
hungarianlearn.hu2009 Hungarian Language and Culture Summer University at the University of Pécs, language teacherprivate hungarian, hungarian lesson, linguistic hungarian, hungarian foreign, interesting hungarianlanguage, lesson, private, teacher, university29
gastromood.huThe secret of the unbroken success of the Michelin-starred Essência lies not only in the harmonious fusion of Portuguese-Hungarian cuisine, but also in the work and alliance of two extremely talented professionals. Tiago and Eva have realised their dream and invite us on an exceptional gastronomic…portuguese hungarian, hungarian cuisine, itthon hungarian, hungarian finecuisine, post, view, restaurant, gastronomy29
guideme.huHungarian Parliament The building of the Hungarian Parliament is certainly one of the most famous tourist attraction in Budapest and […]austro hungarian, hungarian empire, classic hungarian, hungarian recipe, bit hungarianhistory, tour, city, day, art28
nfi.huThe National Film Institute Hungary – Film Archive has made its documentary Lost Hungarian Films available free of charge on its official YouTube channel. The film covers the vicissitudes endured by the domestic motion picture industry over the past 120 years, the tragic circumstances under which…upcoming hungarian, hungarian production, tragedy hungarian, hungarian film, lose hungariannews, national, institute, festival, animation28
ahang.huOn the website, petitions are published only in Hungarian. On the page you are on now we post a selection of blog posts published on the Hungarian main page, as well as summaries of how the campaigns are progressing.petition hungarian, hungarian page, post hungarian, hungarian main, publication hungariancampaign, family, public, national, care28
hungarianlessons.huHungarian Lessons with Szilvi in person or via Skype. I can help you to become fluent in Hungarian and speak confidently in everyday situations.individual hungarian, hungarian lesson, fluent hungarian, hungarian confidentlylesson, individual, situation, everyday, fluent28
wineofthehungarianparliament.huThe Wine of the Hungarian Parliament competition debuted in 2017 with the aim of starting a tradition, and was held with the participation of wineries from 13 historical wine regions of Hungary, as well as a nominee from Arad-hegyalja. In its first year a total of 147 entries from 81 wineries…wine hungarian, hungarian parliament, office hungarian, hungarian national, spirit hungarianwine, parliament, national, welcome, category28
easystudyhungarian.huI am a native Hungarian qualified as a Hungarian as foreign language teacher. Learning Hungarian does not have to be difficult. In fact, it’s interesting and easy.hungarian simply, lose hungarian, hungarian study, hungarian learn, hand hungarianstudy, free, easy, language, minute28
kopintalapitvany.huThe Hungarian economy expanded dynamically last year. With the 4.6 percent annual GDP growth Hungary placed in the middle of the growth ranking of European countries. The time profile of growth was characterised by a duality: the dynamic growth in the first half of the year slowed down in the…analysis hungarian, hungarian sme, point hungarian, hungarian study, tool hungarianeconomic, international, literature, country, economy27
ila-hungary.huThe first national branches of the ILA were founded after World War I, and the Hungarian Branch is one of the oldest branches, founded on 24 February 1923 and has been working since that time almost continuously (the work of the Hungarian Branch had to be suspended during and after World War II…ila hungarian, hungarian branch, war hungarian, work hungarian, president hungarianbranch, international, law, association, member27
pestbuda.huFrom the Curia's building to the City Park: the Hungarian National Gallery opened 65 years ago The Hungarian National Gallery is one of the best-known institutions in the country and the capital, which celebrates its 65th anniversary this year. The institution, which collects masterpieces of…ago hungarian, hungarian airline, downfall hungarian, hungarian railway, loss hungarianago, square, public, build, century27
magyarij.huThe Foundation decided to choose, award and support ceremoniously, in professional aspects, the creator of the most deserving Hungarian bow. In 20 August 2016 we founded an award, with which we would like to raise the horn bow fabrication handicraft to a worthy rank.hungarian bow, century hungarian, deserve hungarian, trademark hungarian, jurisdiction hungarianbow, foundation, homepage, trademark, award26
uniquetravel.huExperience Budapest, the city of Art & Culture, while you discover your own talents. Get an insight into the Hungarian art life, get inspiration from nature and art, and develop your artistic sense with the help of a recognized artist of Hungary.taste hungarian, hungarian capital, insight hungarian, hungarian art, austro hungarianunique, travel, art, tour, heritage26
diasporascholarship.huThe programme aims to support the professional advancement of the scholarship holders with high-quality Hungarian higher education while improving their Hungarian language skills and strengthening their Hungarian identity. After graduation, scholarship holders return to their home country with…home hungarian, hungarian diaspora, quality hungarian, hungarian high, dream hungarianscholarship, diaspora, application, education, holder26
morrohun.hunitially the MorroHun Team was created for the sole purpose to translate a role playing game which is among those that contain the most text in the world into Hungarian. This project meant translating far more than 5,000,000 characters - not counting the books present in the game. Such a great…standard hungarian, hungarian translation, time hungarian, hungarian elder, os hungariantranslation, original, pillar, game, demonstration25
portfolio.huSouth Korean battery plant keeps sacking Hungarian workers after pocketing billions for job creationyear hungarian, hungarian housing, news hungarian, hungarian worker, plant hungarianprice, fund, economy, portfolio, rate25
dataprivacy.huOn 9 May 2016, the Hungarian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Agency (Hungarian DPA) published comprehensive new guidance (only available in Hungarian), summarizing its practice on voice recordings and…august hungarian, hungarian data, operation hungarian, hungarian dpa, agency hungarianguidance, data, post, category, privacy25
hungarian-teacher.huWhat? Hungarian Who? Hungarian teacher How much? Hungarian language course Online Hungarian tuition Reference Hungarian in Budapest Contact Learn Hungarianexperience hungarian, hungarian native, online hungarian, hungarian course, hungarian teachercourse, exercise, teacher, grammar, language24
countinghouse.huKnowing the local regulations, the team of Counting House undertakes to establish Hungarian limited liability companies and domestic establishments for foreign investors and businessmen on the basis of Hungarian Company Law. With the help of our contracted lawyers and legal advisors, we can…client hungarian, hungarian english, experience hungarian, hungarian accounting, hungarian foreigntax, accounting, count, house, payroll24
ellipsometry.huThe activities of the Ellipsometry Laboratory of the Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science in the Centre for Energy Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA EK MFA) span more than 30 years, dating back to the early ‘80s when Tivadar Lohner started optical…otka hungarian, hungarian project, german hungarian, hungarian government, czech hungarianoptical, student, university, development, fry24
hungariancontemporary.huHungarian Contemporary is a journal of contemporary Hungarian art in English language, and it is aimed to enable the international audience to engage with art in Hungary. It often happens that language barriers prevent proper engagement with certain local context, therefore the purpose of this…hungarian contemporary, contemporary hungarian, hungarian art, magazine hungarian, hungarian academycontemporary, art, editor, individual, treat24
colegal.huWith her many years of professional experience gained while working with different international law offices, Dr. Nóra Tapolczai provides legal advice in German, English and Hungarian language as well primarily in relation to the complex implementation of business and corporate law, in particular…expansion hungarian, hungarian company, german hungarian, hungarian language, qualification hungarianlaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling24
hdy.huShe began her career at Atrium, the first Hungarian design periodical in 1995 parallel with her studies at the Hungarian–Aesthetics Department of the ELTE Faculty of Arts. She was the editor-in-chief of the bilingual periodical between 1998 and 2004. In addition, she translated, edited and proofed…trendsetter hungarian, hungarian design, magazine hungarian, publication hungarian, level hungarianbook, editor, art, university, international23
defence.hu“The Hungarian defence sphere and the Ministry of Defence achieved several significant results in 2023, but we cannot chill out in this year either”, said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at a reception held in honor of the members of the Budapest Military Attaché Corps (BMAC) in the…phd hungarian, hungarian leader, herzegovina hungarian, hungarian commander, able hungariandefence, force, general, news, command22
ceremoniamestered.hu…find attached some photos of you on the day to enjoy! Best Regards Nesh and Evi You can read more english language feedbacks: MC's feedbacks hungarian: ceremóniamester visszajelzések In fact the couples are indicated for the sake of credibility (since I read about so many fake references have…mc hungarian, hungarian wedding, english hungarian, hungarian and, nesh hungarianceremony, wedding, feedback, guest, day22
bhutan.info.huThe inaugural event of the Hungarian Bhutan Friendship Society took place at ELTE University, Faculty of Humanities in Budapest with around 200 people attended. Our honorable guest speaker was Dr Karma Phuntsho, cultural expert and Buddhist scholar from the University of Cambridge. Dr Karma talked…bhutan hungarian, hungarian book, support hungarian, hungarian counterpart, president hungarianbhutan, talk, zoltan, society, dream22
nagyfatalkonyhaja.huThe Hungarian Hell’s Kitchen awaits you with real home feeling flavours and traditional Hungarian food & atmosphere in the heart of the city! This is the best traditional hungarian restaurant in Budapest.good hungarian, hungarian restaurant, budapest hungarian, hungarian hell, traditional hungariankitchen, restaurant, food, real, heart22
debrecenbike.huas the implementation of relevant regulation. Its lobbying power and sophisticated system of services make it an efficient body representing the Hungarian community of cyclists. MK’s mission is to establish the status of the bicycle as a means of transport of its own right and as the most popular…cradle hungarian, hungarian civilization, traditional hungarian, hungarian culture, spectrum hungarianbike, street, church, build, city22
magyar-iskola.huMagyar Iskola is the biggest and first language school in Budapest which provides only Hungarian courses for foreign students.budapest hungarian, hungarian course, experience hungarian, hungarian language, effective hungariancourse, language, school, intensive, morning22
direkt36.huAccording to secret plans uncovered by Direkt36, the Orbán government is close to reaching an agreement with China to transport Chinese chemicals supplying battery factories and other industries in Europe by rail through a Hungarian hub. One possible distribution center is on the outskirts of…account hungarian, hungarian tycoon, company hungarian, hungarian business, secret hungarianhospital, infection, secret, document, russian22
szuszekos.hucoffin – a similar chest – the “house” of the deceased person. Since this roof type – the gable roof – is called a “saddle-roof” (nyeregtető) in Hungarian – both in terms of houses and chests – this is also a hint to the fact that they are related to the ancient táltos faith (táltos horse, táltos…early hungarian, hungarian wooden, hungarians hungarian, hungarian painter, type hungarianchest, style, carpentry, item, geometric21
navszakerto.huThe lawyer office’s first brief are referring to tax inspection procedures, such as substantiality review, recoverable VAT, stucked VAT by HTCA, excise duty cases, deliver an opinion about contracts, in the aspect of hungarian tax law, liquidation, company screening by audits and tax law aspects…aspect hungarian, hungarian tax, experience hungarian, taxlawyers hungarian, advisor hungarianlawyer, tax, legal, law, procedure21
hungarian-translator.huTranslation bureau for English-Hungarian, English-German, Hungarian-German, German-Hungarian translations, specialization in law, trade, e-certified documents, reasonable prices, fast deliveryenglish hungarian, hungarian translation, hungarian english, german hungarian, hungarian germantranslation, agency, german, district, certified21
biomembrane.huthe Academia Europeae, in 2007 served as president of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), in 2010 became full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. I am currently member of several international research societies, and vice president of the International Cell Research…member hungarian, hungarian academy, phd hungarian, dsc hungarian, science hungarianuniversity, research, science, academy, member21
szarvasimuzeum.hu…again around the room in the showcase next to the door, you can see some of the simple pieces from the Conquest Period as well as medieval Hungarian jewelry. In addition to introducing certain ancient cosmetic practices, the boards on the wall will offer you a more comprehensive look at the…basin hungarian, hungarian conquest, great hungarian, hungarian plain, ornate hungarianexhibition, age, idol, room, people21
kzst.hu• The history of the Jewish people: 1. Settlement, The Period of the Judges, The Kingdom of Saul, the Reign of David and Salomon (Dr. György Haraszti professor of the Hungarian Jewish University).president hungarian, hungarian jewish, professor hungarian, west hungarian, hungarian jewryjewish, christian, lecture, society, community20
kepmas.huThe movie-like story of a Hindu-Hungarian aristocratic family and their Transylvanian heritagehindu hungarian, hungarian aristocratic, champion hungarian, hungarian web, self hungarianfamily, story, like, european, bike20
aficionado.huEnglish-Hungarian translator: native Hungarian speaker, fluent in English. Rich vocabulary and very reliable grammar in both languages. Thorough understanding of idiomatic expressions; natural-sounding Hungarian translations.english hungarian, hungarian translation, hungarian translator, native hungarian, hungarian speakertranslation, language, understand, natural, expression20
toepler.huDr. Toepler Károly Ágost / Dr. Toepler, Joannes, Carolus Augustus / obstetrician, one of the ordinary chief physicians of the city of Sopron, Budapest Hungarian Royal Student of the Society of Natural Sciences, Vienna Corresponding member of K. Medical Associationhome hungarian, budapest hungarian, hungarian royal, nascent hungarian, hungarian academicsleep, norm, medical, institute, research19
hungarikum.huAccording to the National Value Pyramid’s bottom-up building system, anyone is allowed to make a suggestion for a value to the basic collections by filling out the proper standard form. After the admission, the now so-called national value can be suggested further to the Collection of Hungarian…collection hungarian, hungarian value, performance hungarian, hungarian people, typically hungarianvalue, collection, committee, national, people19
gundel.huThere are many iconic Hungarian dishes associated with the name of Gundel that we only call National 11 on the menu? Gulyás soup, Palóc soup, Újházy chicken soup, Paprikás chicken, Fogas Kárpáti, Somlói dumplings and Gundel Pancakes were also included in this selection. They are all Gundel…famous hungarian, hungarian restaurant, traditional hungarian, hungarian cuisine, world hungariannational, event, wine, cake, restaurant19
eusun.huKerri commented on Government Launches New Programme to Support Hungarian Businesses : It looks like you've misspelled the word "Eger" onslovak hungarian, hungarian border, rossi hungarian, hungarian citizen, number hungarianjanuary, zone, europe, september, sun19
advopatent.huHe obtained his degree in civil engineering in 1959 at Budapest University of Technology. Until 1964 he worked in various fields of civil engineering. Between 1964 and 1969 he worked in the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office as a patent evaluator. As a member of the body of Hungarian experts…authority hungarian, hungarian intellectual, communication hungarian, procedure hungarian, member hungarianattorney, office, trademark, property, intellectual19
hungarianchauffeurs.huHungarian Chauffeurs offers premium private transfers, airport pick-ups, private tours, and more to ensure you travel in comfort and style.hungarian chauffeur, touch hungarian, hungarian hospitality, foothills hungarian, hungarian originalchauffeur, tour, touch, private, driver19
hungarianreview.huSzilárd Biernaczky : László Magyar – Untold Stories of a Hungarian Explorer Born Two Hundred Years Ago – Part Ihungarian review, hungarianreview hungarian, goliath hungarian, hungarian poet, story hungarianreview, author, poem, editor, nation19
shooteasy.huSHOOTEASY will give you advice and provide you with the best experts of the special Hungarian film incentive system. All local, Hungarian expenses (with a very few exceptions) qualify for a 25% rebate . An additional allowance of 25% of the local, Hungarian spending can be used for foreign costs…special hungarian, hungarian film, local hungarian, hungarian expense, hungarian spendproduction, director, incentive, channel, location19
batranmagyarul.hu…get frustrated if some things get forgotten from one lesson to the next and she will look for new angles to tackle the issue from. I would recommend Zsuzsa to anyone who wants to learn Hungarian, at any level. Hungarian is by no means an easy language, but Zsuzsa will make it accessible and fun.zsuzsi hungarian, hungarian foreign, exercise hungarian, hungarian culture, goal hungarianlesson, language, student, month, people18
hagyomanyokhaza.huThe performance shows for the first time in the history of Hungarian folk dance the colourful and rich traditional culture...life hungarian, hungarian heritage, history hungarian, hungarian folk, performance hungariandance, folk, performance, scenic, repertoire18
hungariantranslation.huLocated in Debrecen, Hungary Aniva Bt. is a professional organisation offering comprehensive Hungarian translation services in a wide range of fields at competitive rates. All translation work is completed by experienced, qualified, native Hungarian translators each of them specializing in…aniva hungarian, hungarian translation, comprehensive hungarian, native hungarian, hungarian translatortranslation, market, quality, communication, rate18
vinotek.huPurchase the most famous Hungarian wines: Tokaji, Somló, Villány, Eger, Szekszárd, Balaton, Pannonhalma, Furmint, Olaszrizling,Bull's Blood, Kékfrankos, Kadarka and Villány Franc.famous hungarian, hungarian wine, pdf hungarian, quiz hungarian, selection hungarianwinery, wine, cart, bottle, selection18
mellearn.huUniversity of Pannonia, Veszprém – 6th Hungarian National and International Lifelong Learning Conference: „The Role of the Hungarian Higher Education in Achieving the Knowledge Triangle (Education-Research-Innovation). The Europe 2020 and the Education-Training 2020 Strategies” In the cultural and…october hungarian, hungarian high, network hungarian, hungarian university, register hungarianlearn, education, lifelong, international, university18
zsonglor.huThe Hungarian Juggling Association is the PLATFORM in Hungary of INDEPENDENT CIRCUS ARTISTS. It gives an official background to all initiatives about juggling as a circus art, sport or hobby/ free time activity. In its projects, the members of the association use the creativity, joyfullness, and…yearly hungarian, hungarian juggle, important hungarian, hungarian circus, level hungariancircus, association, international, juggle, activity18
bartfaivendeglo.huOld Hungarian traditional dishes – that have a very unique culture – can only be changed and transformed with great care, in order not to loose their halo. Hungarian literature faithfully follows the gastronomic atmosphere of the old ages and our wish to present this heritage to our guests in a…famous hungarian, hungarian artist, traditional hungarian, hungarian food, hungarian mealfood, restaurant, dish, unique, traditional18
budapestenergysummit.huIn 1998 he was appointed as Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Economic Affairs and started to work on the liberalisation of the electricity and gas sectors in Hungary. In January 2000 he became the President of the Hungarian Energy Office, the national energy regulator. Between 2000 and 2004 he…region hungarian, hungarian government, president hungarian, hungarian energy, analysis hungarianenergy, gas, profile, view, thank18
hungariandentalaward.huThe best in all areas of dental practice were sought: dentist, assistant, oral hygienist, dental technician, dental clinic, laboratory and dealer not only won awards, but also gained recognition with the Hungarian Dental Awards.knowledge hungarian, hungarian dentist, world hungarian, patient hungarian, hungarian dentaldental, award, dentist, winner, laboratory18
studyinhungary.huStudy programmes of Hungarian universities, scholarships, living costs, current issues, events and fresh local news about higher education.programme hungarian, hungarian university, famous hungarian, hungarian invention, hungarian cuisinestudy, scholarship, university, programme, education18
nt.hu…Péter Nagy boasts "deep legal knowledge" and is "extremely confident" in court. He is further noted for his "great oversight and network." Nagy represents clients in litigation as well as arbitration, and is particularly active on financial disputes and litigation involving the Hungarian state.partnership hungarian, hungarian ügyvédi, sole hungarian, hungarian member, client hungarianlaw, nagy, legal, firm, client17
meltanyossag.huThe fact that the Hungarian opposition was not able to win elections for the past twelve years makes it unique within East-Central Europe. But why is the opposition so weak, and what are its possibilities for the future? Ervin Csizmadia’s analysis.transformation hungarian, hungarian opposition, fact hungarian, conflict hungarian, hungarian electionanalysis, election, opposition, primary, political17
nges.huThanks to the professional results of the past years, the work with the Hungarian Football Federation could finally begun, while we quickened the fans of FIFA games with famous Hungarian football players and esports athletes together with Hungary’s largest sports site, National Sports Online. In…competition hungarian, hungarian player, staff hungarian, hungarian esport, able hungarianchampionship, cup, federation, able, competition17
skyva.huSky Hungarian Airlines is a virtual airline. On 1st of June 2013 our group has started with the aim of bringing together aviation enthusiasts and anyone who feels passion to aviation. Sky Hungarian Airlines strives to provide the most realistic experience possible within the limits of flight…sky hungarian, hungarian airlinesky, airline, flight, approval, fleet17
hungarianworldcup.hu© 2018 - All rights reserved Hungarian Kickboxing Federation | Website © 2018 - Sunny Planet Marketingright hungarian, hungarian kickboxinghall, invitation, city, organizer, sponsor17
hlh.co.huOur Miskolc based School of Hungarian Language aims at teaching Hungarian to foreigners coming to our town and the surrounding agglomerations. We have taught Hungarian as a foreign language for ten years. Out of the numerous textbooks and methods we always choose the most appropriate one for the…school hungarian, hungarian language, language hungarian, hungarian foreigner, agglomeration hungarianlanguage, co., heritage, foreign, institute17
kszgysz.huThe Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises (HAEE) is the largest Hungarian environmental advocacy organization, whose members are key players in the Hungarian green industry covering the whole range of environmental activities. The HAEE works to promote members’ demands at national and…large hungarian, hungarian environmental, player hungarian, hungarian green, actor hungarianwaste, plastic, european, international, water17
hfta.huThe Hungarian Fur Trade Association was founded on 25th June 2008 by 24 members, included the 200 members of Hungarian Chinchilla Breeders Association, furriers, manufacturers, fur dressers, fur traders and trappers.moldovan hungarian, hungarian business, indonesian hungarian, year hungarian, hungarian entrepreneurfur, association, trade, creation, member17
agriakennel.huJanuary 3, 2020, our wonderful Hungarian princess AUBRY (AGRIA WHO CARES) turned 6 years old. We are grateful to the President of the Hungarian Cynological Union ANDRAS KOROZS and the owner of AGRIA KENNEL – Judit Korózs – Papp for a wonderful fox terrier! She exceeded all our expectations and…champion hungarian, hungarian champion, dog hungarian, hungarian kennel, wonderful hungarianchampion, winner, dog, breed, group17
mke.info.huThe Association of Hungarian Librarians takes pride in the traditions of Hungarian librarianship, and looks with respect upon the great librarian predecessors: József Szinnyei, Zoltán Ferenczi, József Fitz, Ervin Szabó, Béla Kőhalmi, Pál Gulyás, Béla Varjas, Ákos Domanovszky, Máté Kovács, Csaba…association hungarian, hungarian librarian, organisation hungarian, hungarian librarianship, archivists hungarianlibrary, branch, association, county, conference16
historycruise.huWith its size , the Hungarian Parliament is the second biggest in Europe. You might ask the question: Why does a tiny little country have a Parliament as big as that? There are several reasons. First of all, you should know that it was a bicameral Parliament, with two meeting rooms for the lower…event hungarian, hungarian history, seven hungarian, hungarian tribe, exclusively hungarianbridge, city, history, cruise, build16
mtaudulok.huA unique holiday opportunity in a special Hungarian region. The harmony of clean air, peace and quiet awaits you when you stay at our resort. Whether it’s a family holiday, a corporate event or just a romantic weekend away, you’ll find what you’re looking for here. By choosing us you can get a…resort hungarian, hungarian academy, house hungarian, outstanding hungarian, hungarian researcheracademic, reservation, main, page, academy16
ahproduction.hu…creative staff capacities, expertise and experience gained in this particular segment. Thanks to the annual volume of orders and the quality of the programs produced, Antenna Hungária is now one of the major program producers in the Hungarian market, a recognized player at an international level.producer hungarian, hungarian market, partenza hungarian, hungarian stage, formula hungarianchampionship, production, broadcast, european, woman16
helpers.huOutsource administrative and specialized tasks to the experts, and focus on what you are best at to grow your business. Let us give you a hand in authenticating your company documents, registering your trademark, or finding the best location and best partners for your Hungarian company. Whatever…partner hungarian, hungarian company, eligible hungarian, hungarian residence, hungary hungarianimmigration, helper, solution, permit, investment16
wisdom.huWe are the best Young Band by the voting of the audience in Hungarian Metal Hammer, and you vote us into your 10 Favorite Bands too. That's not easy to thank it in writing, we'd rahter release a professional full lenght album for you. More details about Words of Wisdom soon!hit hungarian, hungarian fan, legendary hungarian, hungarian thrash, wave hungarianwisdom, tour, alive, october, september16
finchamber.huI have been connected to Hungary for more than 20 years and I have also been serving the same period of time as a member of the Board at the Hungarian-Finnish Chamber of Commerce. During these years in I have helped several Finnish companies to start businesses in Hungary and also supervised…finchamber hungarian, hungarian finnish, experience hungarian, hungarian market, market hungarianfinnish, chamber, event, commerce, member16
competition.hu3 new experts in the competition team of CERHA HEMPEL Hungary – Boglárka Priskin spent 11 years at the Hungarian Competition Authority.decision hungarian, hungarian competition, quickly hungarian, september hungarian, year hungariancompetition, law, consumer, authority, advertisement16
nesz.huThe Association of Hungarian Folk Artists initiated the organisation of the Open Workshop network in Hungary. This was done to create a permanent live connection between the folk artists, masters, and people interested in the traditional arts.association hungarian, hungarian folk, artist hungarian, hungarian academy, contemporary hungarianfolk, association, art, artist, festival16
bekesstock.huhungary spring green background color flowers detailed beauty bekes county forests macro flora outdoors may bekes organic single botanic taraxacum county garden closeup floral selective focus bloom green leaves dandelion decoration gardens blow ball seeds hungarian colorful blossom beautiful open…reed hungarian, hungarian hungary, nature hungarian, hungarian floral, marketing hungariancounty, travel, europe, tourism, vacation16
hungarikumhotel.huIt was a great pleasure for us that such a wonderful Hungarikum Island was created, where the traditions of the Hungarian people are preserved and can be passed on to future generations. We had the opportunity to spend 3 days in a wonderful environment, in a sophisticated and tasteful design, with…cathedral hungarian, hungarian wine, hungarian gastronomy, traditional hungarian, hungarian dishroom, place, staff, kindness, wonderful16
hungarikumliget.huThere's a place in the heart of Hungary, in the wide Great Plain, along the Tisza, where the best of Hungarian achievements, Hungarikums, await visitors. The Népfőiskola Foundation was founded in 1991 by Sándor Lezsák and his wife, Sándorné Lezsák. The Foundation received the four-hectare plot…port hungarian, hungarian value, achivements hungarian, hungarian nation, cathedral hungarianevent, thermal, restaurant, hall, house16
magyarasztrofotosok.huJust over a decade ago, a new opportunity to observe the sky opened up in our country, which soon lead to a revolution in astrophotography. During this time, countless dazzling shots were made thanks to the persistent and committed work of Hungarian astrophotographers. And since 2012, no year has…value hungarian, hungarian astrophotography, work hungarian, hungarian astrophotographers, result hungarianassociation, month, community, activity, member16
parazitak.huIn the 1960’s, parasitologists formed national societies throughout Europe. In 1963 the Hungarian Academy of Sciences promoted to establish the Hungarian Society of Parasitologists (HSP) with academician Sándor Kotlán as its first president. The goals of the Society are to supporthsp hungarian, hungarian society, history hungarian, europe hungarian, hungarian academysociety, history, news, presidency, book16
royaldelicatesse.huRex Ciborum goose liver and duck liver cans and jars are all high quality Hungarian specialities. If you wish to give a unique surprise to your foreign or local partners, relatives and friends, or you just long for a gastronomic experience, you are at the right place. You can order our products at…quality hungarian, hungarian speciality, exclusive hungarian, hungarian gooseliver, goose, cart, view, quick16
hungarianquants.hu…power plant scheduling, auctions. He was also a leader of a successful, one and half year long R&D project of energy trading. He has several papers in peer-reviewed journals as well as he is a regular speaker of Hungarian and international conferences of operations research and energy market.speaker hungarian, hungarian international, profile hungarian, hungarian quantsoftware, development, power, plant, energy16
magyarutazo.huHungarian Guide | “You can learn more about the trip if you tour, as all map of the world.”hungarian guide, hungarian sitecastle, sightseeing, monument, guide, city16
pmi.huPMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter, builds a voluntary project management professional community for the development of the individual, as part of the PMI global organization with a half-century history, based on a proven knowledge base and qualification system. Our goal is to be the most significant…budapest hungarian, hungarian chapter, hungarian editioncertification, pm, award, overview, member16
folkfeszt.huThe Federation of Hungarian Folklore Festivals was established in 1991 as a separate legal entity, an NGO interest group for folk arts across the country with a current membership of 33 national and international folklore festivals and folklore associations. The main ambition of the Federation is…federation hungarian, hungarian folklore, participant hungarian, hungarian international, group hungarianfolklore, festival, folk, federation, international16
hlo.huNew Péter Nádas, Andrea Tompa, Magda Szabó and debuts from Zsolt Láng, Melinda Mátyus, and Gábor Zoltán – our list of Hungarian books published in English translation in 2023interview hungarian, hungarian illustrator, story hungarian, hungarian writer, yugoslav hungariantranslation, poem, writer, woman, body16
nokvilaga.huThe aim of the Hungarian-Chinese Cultural Association is to promote further good relations between Hungarian and Chinese cultural partners: the Hungarian Presidential Palace, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Economy, the…winner hungarian, hungarian actor, prize hungarian, taste hungarian, hungarian countrysideperformer, event, woman, country, fashion16
cantemus.org.huCantemus Choral Institute - Choral singing, choral concerts, kodaly method, conducting mastercourse, contemporary hungarian choral musiccontemporary hungarian, hungarian choral, day hungarian, hungarian culture, hungarian englishconcert, choral, choir, music, method16
sinkobelyeg.huHungarian stamps, foreign stamps (stamps from Africa, North Korea all the way to Monaco), accessories for collecting stamps, Stamp catalogues, commemorative sheet, private souvenir sheetaustro hungarian, hungarian monarchy, gift hungarian, hungarian post, hungarian banknoteissue, island, republic, africa, stamp16
genealogia.huThe FORUM and WEB Archive of Hungarian Genealogy has been established to present you with a digital databases when researching in the field of genealogy aimed at greater Hungary. This database will help you, and ease both home and international research by fast and wide-ranging Internet ties.archive hungarian, hungarian genealogy, hungarian library, forum hungarian, beginning hungariangenealogy, forum, archive, history, research16
mab.huPresentation by MAB President Valéria Csépe at a roundtable discussion on the digital transformation of Hungarian higher educationboard hungarian, hungarian accreditation, issue hungarian, procedure hungarian, transformation hungarianaccreditation, education, procedure, forum, decision16
papapedia.huLászló Forgács ( Budapest , 5 April 1940 ) was a United Nations Military Observer and the first and only Hungarian Military Observer (MILOB) of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia (UNOMIL). He was also responsible for the mission set-up and chair of the Joint Arms Control and…observer hungarian, hungarian military, colonel hungarian, hungarian army, officer hungarianmission, military, force, observer, peace15
malnalab.huThe subproject named “Large systems in science and their computational simulation” is part of the TÁMOP project of our university (see the homepage of the project in Hungarian here ). The first conference of the subproject will take place in Walden Hotel , Dobogókő, with plenary and section…december hungarian, hungarian compound, work hungarian, hungarian academy, president hungarianresearch, article, september, june, molecular15
goldvisanow.huAre you yearning for the freedom and opportunities that Europe offers? Look no further than the Hungarian Gold Visa Program, and let Residence Relocation’s Gold Visa experts be your trusted guide throughout the entire journey.relocation hungarian, hungarian gold, europe hungarian, experience hungarian, passionate hungarianrelocation, immigration, european, requirements, dream15
geotechnikaiegyesulet.huThe Hungarian Geotechnical Society, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Section of Engineering Sciences and the Geotechnical Section of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers in co-operation with the professional institutions yearly organize the most prestigious event of the Hungarian Geotechnial…official hungarian, hungarian member, role hungarian, hungarian national, issmge hungariansociety, geotechnical, award, memorial, homepage15
tatamicup.huWe hereby would like to invite you to the 34. Hungarian Tatami Karate Cup (International WKF Karate Competition for Children, Cadets, Juniors U21 and Senior) 09 of March, 2024 .competition hungarian, hungarian tatami, coach hungarian, soon hungariancup, competition, march, child, dear15
mvaat.huThe Hungarian Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (MVÁÁT) was founded in 2004 by 22 members actively working in the field at that time. The aim of the organization is to represent the field of zoo and wildlife medicine in the country, to outline clinical and research-based information…medicine hungarian, hungarian sectionwildlife, association, section, european, conference15
martanyilas.huFor the Occasion of the Day of Hungarian Painting, Artists from Pécs and Baranya County Society Exhibition , Gebauer Gallery, Pécs, (H)nagy hungarian, hungarian academy, pannon hungarian, hungarian house, scholarship hungariangallery, art, exhibition, artist, university15
ommik.huOMMIK’s mission is to make information, knowledge and know-how accessible to the Hungarian GLAM sector through our services (available in Hungarian only): MuseuMap – national collection of digital images, MuzeumStat – national database of Hungarian museum and public collection statistics…department hungarian, hungarian national, bridge hungarian, hungarian international, accessible hungarianmuseum, national, conference, digital, collection15
silver-line.huBudapest Danube Dinner Cruise & Folklore Show with Sightseeing: Should you look for something more authentic, do not lose out on our Budapest River Cruise and Folklore / Operetta Show that depicts what it is like to have fun the Hungarian way. It all starts out with traditional music that is…wonder hungarian, hungarian capital, night hungarian, hungarian cuisine, sight hungariancruise, dinner, danube, piano, river15
iask.huOn Wednesday evening, a conversation with Ferenc Miszlivetz, Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies was broadcast on Kossuth Radio’s program “The Evening – the Host” in Hungarian. The interview was about the Kraft (Creative City, Sustainable Region) program and its results, the interviewer…critical hungarian, hungarian academic, member hungarian, hungarian academy, host hungarianresearch, centre, digital, news, sustainable15
vese-alapitvany.hu…got on board and established working relations with HKF and Semmelweis University to support the development of nephrology. Several young Hungarian physicians received their special training at the University of Toronto and after their return to Hungary, they started a career in education…award hungarian, hungarian kidney, school hungarian, association hungarian, hungarian nephrologicalnephrology, foundation, school, kidney, university15
bankszovetseg.huPress release Two weeks of blood donations in banks In the framework of the Fourth Bank Blood Donation Week, bank employees contributed to the national blood supply with nearly 3,500 units of usable blood. With this initiative and the volume of blood donated, the Hungarian Banking Association is…page hungarian, hungarian banking, association hungarian, blood hungarian, release hungarianbanking, association, detail, release, week15
euroemlekpenz.huThe Hungarian euro banknotes project aims to promote the beauty and uniqueness of Hungary. The banknotes tell the story of the monuments, events and personalities of our history and present. They help to expand tourism and support the national monuments involved in the project.important hungarian, hungarian personality, hungarian monument, unique hungarian, hungarian eurobanknote, map, shop, introduction, castle14
ajbh.huRum Children’s Home to be Renovated by National Headquarters of Hungarian Prison Service, Initiated by Commissioner for Fundamental Rightshungarian version, shelter hungarian, hungarian red, refugee hungarian, hungarian ukrainiananimation, commissioner, fundamental, office, county14
hipa.huIn a one-stop shop service model, the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) provides a wide range of free of charge services for foreign investors from site selection to tailor-made incentive offers and much more.model hungarian, hungarian investment, copyright hungarianinvestment, promotion, agency, automotive, news14
penzjegynyomda.huThe Hungarian Banknote Printing Company is among the oldest and most iconic Hungarian companies, which offers cutting-edge security services and provides complex system solutions for the identification and security industries.iconic hungarian, hungarian company, history hungarian, hungarian banknote, old hungarianbanknote, security, stamp, document, printing14
haba.org.huThe Hungarian Association of British Alumni (HABA) is a non-profit organisation that caters to all UK university alumni in Hungary since 1994, in close cooperation with the British Embassy in Budapest and university-specific alumni groups. The Association was originally established for those who…association hungarian, hungarian chevening, board hungarian, hungarian associationbritish, association, event, board, university14
magyarklasszikuszenenapja.huZoltán Kocsis, one of the defining figures of Hungarian music life over the past five decades, established a tradition by giving a charity concert each year on his birthday, having invited his friends and fellow musicians to play chamber together. This noble tradition was revived by the Hungarian…director hungarian, hungarian national, influential hungarian, hungarian artist, academy hungariannational, philharmonic, music, orchestra, classical14
agrooko.huorganize events to promote knowledge sharing and networking, facilitate working relationships and the development of processes between the actors of the Hungarian agroecological transition;actor hungarian, hungarian agroecological, story hungarian, hungarian agroecologynetwork, knowledge, practice, eng, process14
ukrainehelp.huTrain travel within Hungary is free for those with Ukrainian passports who obtain a solidarity ticket at a ticket office. If you want to travel further from Hungary, solidatiry tickets should be bought until the stations on the Hungarian border with neighboring countries.station hungarian, hungarian border, clinic hungarian, hungarian health, ukrainian hungarianhelp, ukraine, free, station, ukrainian14
whiterabbit.huIn the last few years, Hungary has seen a rise on xenophobic and racist movements. It has reached such high scales in the Hungarian government that the UN Human Rights Chief called the country’s Prime Minister racist, what sparked mixed reactions from Hungarian people. As a brand that stands…specifically hungarian, hungarian market, traditional hungarian, hungarian fortune, iconic hungariancampaign, result, brand, brief, solution14
budapesttimes.huAhead of a meeting with members of the Israeli government in Jerusalem on Wednesday, Peter Szijjarto, the foreign minister, said that Hungary was working to ensure that the last Hungarian hostage held by Hamas is freed.time hungarian, hungarian newspaper, hungary hungarian, hungarian hostage, dollar hungarianjanuary, mep, minister, newspaper, european14
nhmus.huAfrican exhibition of the Hungarian Natural History Museum presented many of these reptiles in the early 1950s, but only one of them survived the vicissitude of history.museum hungarian, hungarian natural, establishment hungarian, hungarian national, palaeontology hungarianmuseum, history, natural, research, exhibition14
curling2002.huHere you can read (in English soon) all of international open cup and bonspiel organized by Hungarian Curling Association and EMC Ltd or several clubs at Kamaraerdei Curling Club in Budapest, Hungary from the first one, 2005 October till future venues.region hungarian, hungarian men, good hungarian, hungarian result, bonspiel hungariancup, double, march, september, open14
demografia.huThe Hungarian Demographic Research Institute (HDRI) is one of the longest established European demographic research institutes, conducting research in ageing and mortality, family and fertility, historical demography, migration and mobility, population structure and dynamics.home hungarian, hungarian demographic, anniversary hungarian, year hungarianresearch, demographic, institute, population, family14
bbexport.huAcacia is the surest mass-blooming honey plant. Although it blooms for a short time, it is ideally an abundant source of nectar. Acacia trees that are 11-20 years old are best able to produce nectar. 1 kg of acacia nectar becomes 0.5 kg of acacia honey. Roughly half of Hungarian honey production…export hungarian, hungarian natural, performance hungarian, hungarian people, quarter hungarianacacia, honey, natural, quote, market14
archivportal.huThe Hungarian archives portal was originally created by cooperation between local governmental archives, but other institutions such as the Hungarian National Archives later joined the initiative. The institutions involved felt the need to provide the public enquiring into the activities of the…institution hungarian, hungarian national, collection hungarian, hungarian language, material hungarianarchive, portal, database, review, award14
mkfe.huThe Hungarian Government lifted all protection measures against the coronavirus pandemic. As of 7th of March 2022 entry into Hungary is possible without any restrictions.hungary hungarian, hungarian bordertransport, coronavirus, border, restriction, traffic14
bestlocalgov.huThe Best Practices of Local Governments Program is led by Steering Committee with the coordination and supervision of Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities. Members of the Steering Committee from the beginning are: the Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities, Hungarian…practice hungarian, hungarian local, success hungarian, hungarian national, short hungariangovernment, local, practice, council, europe14
mte.huestablish the Hungarian Association of Content Providers that has elaborated, discussed, and accepted the Statutes of the Association, the Code of Content Providing, the Code of Ethics of Content Providing, and made several recommendations to its members and accepting associations about the…association hungarian, hungarian content, body hungarian, hungarian internet, development hungarianassociation, provider, provide, rule, regulation14
nezopont.huThe Nézőpont Institute has conducted its seventh Hungarian-German barometer. The survey has examined the image that Germans have of Hungary and Hungarians have of Germany. The economic, cultural, social and political relations between the two countries are traditionally close. Although the ideologicpresident hungarian, hungarian central, seventh hungarian, hungarian german, conservative hungarianpolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature14
clioinstitute.huProject-based research institute investigating 20th century Hungarian history. Catalyzing critical conversation and writing accessibly for the wider public.century hungarian, hungarian history, historiography hungarian, hungarian holocaust, history hungarianinstitute, history, occupation, century, research14
lovecraft.hu„The Hungarian H. P. Lovecraft Society’s purpose is to popularize, spread and make the acquaintance with the the work and life of the late american author Howard Phillips Lovecraft, so as registering his translated and untranslated works. The Society is doing this towards creating a clear and…picture hungarian, hungarian common, furthermore hungarian, hungarian h., purpose hungariansociety, community, member, essay, purpose14
lsealumni.huWelcome to the LSE Alumni Association Hungary! The Hungarian LSE Alumni Association is recognised by the LSE as the official volunteer organisation for alumni relations in Hungary. Originally it was founded in 2002 in order to help LSE graduates living in Hungary to meet one another in order to…hungary hungarian, hungarian lse, alumni hungarian, hungarian youth, september hungarianassociation, british, event, news, discussion13
szeniortenisz.hu…a crisis and when the 2003 General Assembly, which was attended by a number of senior tennis members, I suggested that the Association for Hungarian Veteran Tennis Players be set up as an independent legal entity with self-management. The General Assembly unanimously accepted this proposal…recently hungarian, hungarian indoor, pleased hungarian, hungarian senior, history hungariantennis, room, night, association, person13
felvesznek.huThe success of the CARMA Manual developed under the CARMA project depends on the cooperation among the teachers of different nationalities as well. A joint staff training for 10 Finnish and Hungarian teachers, who also contribute as the promotional team of the CARMA project was organized by…relationship hungarian, hungarian ministry, finnish hungarian, hungarian teacher, brahe hungariantraining, manual, teacher, school, career13
eagleburgmann.huEagleBurgmann Hungaria Kft is a 100 % Hungarian-owned subsidiary of the German EagleBurgmann group, one of the worlds leading providers of sealing technology, with over 130 years of experience. They are also part of the German Freudenberg- and the Japanese EKK group. EagleBurgmann Hungaria Kft…kft hungarian, hungarian subsidiarysolution, technology, industry, mechanical, customer13
fotomuveszek.huAward launched by the Association of Hungarian Architects and the Hungarian Architecture magazine The main objective of this contest is to encourage and inspire thinking about our man-made environment via architecture-related photographs.association hungarian, hungarian photographer, hungarian architect, architect hungarian, hungarian architectureopen, photographer, association, venue, ceremony13
hrbl.huIt also lists hostnames and domain names that are related to Hungarian malware , and are usually not listed in the main, international RHSBL services.hrbl hungarian, hungarian realtime, mainly hungarian, hungarian mail, related hungarianusage, contributor, mail, server, legitimate13
emeraldpr.hu"In the Hungarian launch campaign of Forevermark, Emerald PR provided us with the highly professional support we needed, combined with creative ideas and a „we have everything under control” attitude. Knowing that we have an agency we can fully rely on, made the launch much more pleasant. And to…service hungarian, hungarian pr, emeritus hungarian, hungarian public, poem hungarianemerald, zsofia, communication, member, association13
mbft.huThe formal organization of the Hungarian Biophysical Society started in May, 1960 and was completed on March 3, 1961 with 111 founding members. Prof. E. Ernst was elected President and Prof. J. Tigyi became Secretary. The foundation of the Society gave a remarkable impulse to the development of…organization hungarian, hungarian biophysical, center hungarian, hungarian academy, membership hungariansociety, national, section, member, scientific13
mnm.huThe Hungarian National Museum collects, preserves and presents the historical relics of the Carpathian Basin and Hungary since 1802.project hungarian, hungarian nationalmuseum, national, virtual, tour, highlight13
ls-simon.hul.s. simon,attorneys,law,english,hungarian,budapest,commercial law,copyright law,real estate transactions,licensing,corporate law,foreign trade law,litigationenglish hungarian, hungarian budapest, firm hungarian, hungarian language, formation hungarianlaw, transaction, firm, attorney, foreign13
foldtan.huThe Hungarian Geological Society is one of the oldest scientific organizations in Hungary, it has been functioning permanently since its foundation in 1848, at present as a public benefit organization. Its mission is to bring experts engaged in geosciences (in a wider range) together, preserve…great hungarian, hungarian plain, newsletter hungarian, vicinity hungarian, hungarian englishregional, geological, branch, geology, society13
filmpartners.huFILMPARTNERS BUDAPEST is a fast-growing production services company, a part of Filmpartners Production Group. We provide expertise and support for non-Hungarian commercials, television productions and feature films shot on various Hungarian locations, on the historic streets of Budapest and in a…major hungarian, hungarian service, talent hungarian, hungarian film, hungarian footballproduction, director, agency, music, distributor13
hrda.hu…Should those recommendations be acted upon, information and guidance from RDA will be needed. Regardless of any national regulation, Hungarian researchers need proper guidance and support in order to meet RDM requirements whenever they participate in European projects. It is not…hrda hungarian, hungarian national, regulation hungarian, hungarian researcher, organisation hungariandata, science, research, national, open13
hudomainregistration.huThe domain registration form can be returned electronically. The registration of hungarian domain names takes max. 2-3 working days, and in case of international domain names it's only 1 business days if the necessary conditions are met.registration hungarian, hungarian domain, trademark hungarian, hungarian patent, transfer hungarianregistration, free, price, hosting, mail13
guestpost.huHungarian Guest Posts to support your search engine optimization campaign on high DA / DR sites in Hungary. Although worth even more!build hungarian, hungarian guestpost, guest, article, build, search12
fklaw.hucum laude. Dr. Kovács has been involved in corporate law, in a number of international commercial transactions as well as liquidation procedures. She also specializes for general labor law matters, including labor law litigation. Dr. Kovács is fluent in Hungarian and English, she also speaks German.provision hungarian, hungarian labor, life hungarian, hungarian company, pursuant hungarianlaw, data, firm, legal, client12
orosznyelvtanar.huI have been studying Hungarian with Veronika for almost a year, and every time I sincerely look forward to the next class! Lessons with Veronika are a perfect mixture of learning, mastering theory, vocabulary and live interesting communication with a native speaker. Not a single lesson has been in…knowledge hungarian, hungarian everyday, husband hungarian, hungarian hesitation, teacher hungarianlesson, class, russian, student, language12
visitvac.huRock & roll party Pedrofon is currently the busiest Hungarian rock & roll band. Their spectacular show with show elements is guaranteed to create a great atmosphere at any event. This is guaranteed by the musical [...]busy hungarian, hungarian rock, day hungarian, hungarian culture, comedy hungarianevent, day, lover, orchestra, concert12
featherland.huFeatherland® is an internationally recognized brand name designating the highest quality Hungarian goose and duck feather and down processed in Featherland’s high-tech processing plants. The company’s management and professional team has over 33 years of experience in treating raw materials…featherland hungarian, hungarian feather, quality hungarian, hungarian goose, supplier hungarianfeather, goose, manufacturer, luxury, quality12
mlszsz.huThe Professional Association of Hungarian Speech and Language Therapists (Magyar Logopédusok Szakmai Szövetsége Egyesület) was established in accordance with Act CLVI of 1997 on Public Benefit Organisations and Act II. of 1989 on the Right of Association.association hungarian, hungarian speech, member hungarian, hungarian foreignassociation, member, shall, presidency, president12
szkeptikustarsasag.huThe Hungarian Skeptics Society was chosen by ECSO to host the 14th European Skeptics Congress in Budapest. Registration has started. On the congress pages you can find information about the lecturers , the workshops , registration and the previous European skeptic events . Please check back…member hungarian, hungarian academy, hungary hungarian, hungarian skeptic, evidence hungarianeuropean, congress, detail, society, news12
hupakbc.huHPBC President met Mr. Masroor Ahmad, Senior Water Governance Advisor at the Hungarian Embassy in Islamabad. Mr. Ahmad boasts a rich experience in this field, having worked with many international organizations and currently responsible for the "Water and Sanitation Governance Program 2017-2020…platform hungarian, hungarian pakistani, renowned hungarian, hungarian orientalist, early hungarianrelation, event, pakistan, news, water12
microscopy.huAt the award ceremony held on May 8, 2023, in the framework of the 196th Ceremonial General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Péter Németh, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of the Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of…prestigious hungarian, hungarian award, doctor hungarian, hungarian teljes, assembly hungariansociety, award, microscopy, member, conference12
telex.huThe Hungarian Foreign Minister is currently in Israel, and has met with his Israeli counterpart, as well as families of hostages and survivors of the October attack on the country.source hungarian, hungarian government, country hungarian, hungarian national, clear hungariantranslation, minister, ukraine, country, member12
guidetobook.huWelcome to Budapest! One of the most beautyful cities of the world! If you want to visit the real Hungarian Capital or just want to have some fun, than you are at the best place! Our City Tours and our Guides will help you in discovering the Real Budapest!real hungarian, hungarian capital, hungarian puszta, hungarian cowboy, touch hungariantour, guide, city, tourist, book12
transparency.huWithout genuine and credible rule of law and anti-corruption measures, Hungary will not get EU money – joint press relase by Hungarian NGOsrelase hungarian, hungarian ngo, quarter hungarian, hungarian government, contribution hungariancorruption, transparency, report, international, public12
bertollnok.hu…content that is in their own mother tongue. We can help you delivering your message of your website, app and other digital content to them by localizing it. Good news: Hungarians are really keen social media users so if your message is delivered in Hungarian then you’re already half-way to succeed.localisation hungarian, hungarian market, great hungarian, hungarian nicely, conversation hungariancampaign, social, media, post, creative12
mmi.org.hu© 2022 Hungarian Management Institute | Designed by: Theme Freesia | Powered by: WordPressmanagement, institute, forum, invitation, participation12
reflex.huReflex Translations has been providing professional language services with a special focus on Hungarian translation and interpretation since 1983.translation hungarian, hungarian translation, focus hungarian, old hungarian, hungarian ranslationtranslation, agency, language, interpretation, quote12
magyarbankholding.huThe Takarék Group is one of the biggest banking groups of Hungary and is a key member of the Hungarian financial system. The members of the Group are MTB Bank of Hungarian Savings Cooperatives Ltd. as its integration business management organization, Takarékbank Ltd. as its universal commercial…hungarian bankholding, merger hungarian, hungarian banking, nation hungarian, hungarian banknews, group, organizational, structure, banking12
fdlaw.huForgó, Damjanovic & Partners Law Firm | Forgó, Damjanovic és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda Hungary. Corporate and M&A. Labour & Employment, Dispute Resolution Hungarian law, Hungarian lawyers.hungary hungarian, hungarian law, law hungarian, hungarian lawyer, resolution hungarianlaw, firm, lawyer, employment, corporate12
hirtalalo.huThe figures quoted by Secretary of State for Health, Péter Takács when attacking the Democratic Coalition have absolutely nothing to do with the official data of the Hungarian Statistical Office on the abortion situation in Hungary.transcarpathia hungarian, hungarian community, leave hungarian, hungarian people, data hungarianoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians12
pestextfestival.huPesText is a Budapest based international literary and cultural festival that was founded in 2019 by MISZJE (Hungarian Literary Authors’ Collecting Society). The festival places world literature in the spotlight. Since the foundation of the festival, Petőfi Cultural Agency – the most important…miszje hungarian, hungarian association, word hungarian, hungarian culture, pure hungarianfestival, literary, author, writer, literature12
compliancetarsasag.huThe Hungarian Corporate Compliance Society is Hungary’s professional organization promoting and sharing compliance knowledge. Our goal is to bring the compliance community together to help compliance professionals to further advance their expertise and careers, to network and to stay up-to-date…trend hungarian, hungarian corporatesociety, corporate, goal, community, career12
folklife.huThe Smithsonian Folklife Festival is an exposition of living cultural heritage annually produced outdoors on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., by the Smithsonian’s Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. Hungarian Heritage: Roots to Revival highlights the vitality of Hungary’s unique…hungarian heritage, heritage hungarian, significance hungarian, hungarian folkjune, revival, heritage, july, photo12
protontheatre.huFrom the beginning of this season Proton Theatre, led by Kornél Mundruczó and Dóra Büki, will not only be heard about by its tours abroad, but for the first time in the life of the company the Hungarian audience can see their productions on a monthly basis on the program of their permanent partner…life hungarian, hungarian premiere, novel hungarian, hungarian literature, company hungariantheatre, proton, production, performance, premiere12
japankinai.huJapanese, Chinese and Hungarian translation, interpretation. Business administration, project management and representation in China. Locating Japanese and Chinese business partners, business consulting, liaison, factory visit, production supervision, quality check before shipping.chinese hungarian, hungarian interpretation, hungarian translation, english hungarian, hungarian languagetranslation, interpretation, china, japanese, chinese12
chifufund.huChi Fu Hungarian Economic Opportunity Fund is a private equity fund with funding from Chi Fu Investment Group and MFB Invest . The initial size of the fund is €200 million, with a focus of investing in Hungarian companies.fu hungarian, hungarian economic, licence hungarian, hungarian national, focus hungarianfund, investment, management, opportunity, economic12
leonettafolklor.huHungarian handwork, Hungarian handmade, Hand-embroidered blouses, Hungary Matyó cloth, Hungarian folklore, Folk Art Clothing, Matyo jacket, Kalocsa Richelieu, Pepper embroidery, Matyó embroidery, head scarf, kerchief, shawl, Matyo hand made coat, Hungarian laces, Hungarian folklor, Matyo outfit…typical hungarian, hungarian matyó, handwork hungarian, hungarian handmade, cloth hungariancart, folk, embroidery, market, page12
mke.huThe Hungarian University of Fine Arts is one of the flagships of Hungarian art education, covering all fields of fine arts. Throughout its 150 years of history, it has been seen as a reference point for art education throughout the Carpathian Basin. The University's teaching and artistic research…art hungarian, hungarian university, flagship hungarian, hungarian art, student hungarianart, university, department, head, education12
budapestinfo.huIn 2023, Budapest was the second best party city in the world according to The Travel magazine’s ranking! Only Berlin got a higher score than the Hungarian capital city. Why should you come to Budapest to party?luck hungarian, hungarian new, good hungarian, hungarian street, hungarian cuisinecard, city, free, sightseeing, special11
savethehungarianorthodoxy.huThe Hungarian orthodoxy is in grave danger! Our finances are in ruins, our religious life is under threat of discontinuation, and our properties are in tragic states! Whatever that was not destroyed during the Shoah was ruined during the communist occupation, then even deteriorated further under…the hungarian, hungarian orthodoxysave, restoration, orthodox, street, synagogue11
ewald.huGovernment of the Hungarian Republic honored the Ewald Brass Quintet with Franz Liszt prizeinterpretation hungarian, hungarian contemporary, government hungarian, hungarian republic, prize hungarianbrass, ensemble, prize, music, record11
zalkak.huAnd passing on knowledge to the next generation is one of the greatest pleasures. In addition to the lectures delivered in the above two periods, the following six textbooks – in Hungarian – may help studying structural mechanics.textbook hungarian, hungarian structural, house hungarian, hungarian academy, system hungarianstructural, structure, building, analysis, engineering11
hunbisco.huIn times of peace, crisis and war, people have always loved, love, consumed and consume biscuits, chocolate, candies and other delicacies, said Dr Róbert Török, director of the Hungarian Trade and Hospitality Museum, at the traditional pre-Easter round table discussion of the Association of…association hungarian, hungarian confectionery, director hungarian, hungarian tradeconfectionery, manufacturer, association, sweet, moment11
zsolnayfenyfesztival.hu…moving mapping works. The theme of this year's competition is balance. The selection is over; the shortlisting jury has selected the 5 finalists to be seen at the festival. Entries came from all over the world, including works by a Hungarian, a French, a Spanish, a German and a Thai artist.prominent hungarian, hungarian expert, kaposvár hungarian, hungarian academy, certificate hungarianlight, festival, art, map, visitor11
rocham.huDiscover the benefits and become a member of the Romanian-Hungarian Business Circle Association today!romanian hungarian, hungarian bussiness, hungarian businessassociation, romanian, circle, member, site11
pechakucha.huEach time 2-300 guests showed up at our previous events to see the presentations of Pecha Kucha Night in Budapest. Superb projects and tasty DJ sets made up unforgettable nights. Our last event co-organized with Budapest New Technology Meetup and KÉK – Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre…dávid hungarian, hungarian museum, office hungarian, hungarian telecom, kék hungariannight, date, pm, event, contemporary11
hclu.huThe Hungarian government declared a state of danger for the first time in March 2020. Under a draft law recently put to public consultation, this would soon be extended again, until the end of May 2024. The Ministry of Justice which prepared the draft law “justified” the proposal with a single…row hungarian, hungarian civil, coordination hungarian, hungarian human, institute hungarianlaw, freedom, union, rule, news11
trusthungary.hu“Both Chappellet Vineyard and Titus Vineyards have worked with Trust Hungarian oak barrels since 2006. We started out with just a few barrels in a Cabernet Sauvignon trial which included a number of well established French and American oak coopers. We were pleasantly surprised that the Trust…magyar hungarian, hungarian oak, famous hungarian, cooperage hungarian, hungarian frenchtrust, barrel, process, oak, customer11
potenton.hu…Board of the Jeunesses Musicales, she has regularly given concerts as a soloist since she was in high school. She has made recordings for Hungarian Radio and Television and has given live recitals at the Márványterem of Hungarian Radio. She has performed with such renowned partners as…concert hungarian, hungarian brass, chapter hungarian, hungarian kodály, recording hungarianconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music11
panograph.huHungarian location scouting site . We provide filming locations and location management, pre-production, production, logistics for broadcasters, advertisers and corporate clients, wishing to film in Hungary or in Central Eastern Europe. Our local knowledge guarantees that we will find you the…photo hungarian, hungarian edition, management hungarian, hungarian hotel, kft hungarianpanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour11
bandy.hu14 March 2023 Roster for Men’s World Championship is announced 6 March 2023 The men’s national team starts the World Championships against Czechia 2 February 2023 Successful tournament hosted on Városliget 22 January 2023 Letter of Apology 20 January 2023 The U21 Hungarian team was excluded from…history hungarian, hungarian bandy, hungarian cup, january hungarian, hungarian teamplayer, statistics, national, march, championship11
dunaihajospalinka.huOn the XVI. Hungarian National Pálinka, International Fruit Pálinka Competition, which was arranged within the frame of the IX. International Home distilled brandy Festival, Exhibition and Fair our apricot and grape-skin pálinka both won bronze medal.visegrád hungarian, hungarian king, myriad hungarian, hungarian foreign, hungarian worlddistillery, bronze, international, competition, festival11
anyanyelv-pedagogia.hu…contains reviews and studies on publications about first language pedagogy, professional events, and research results in the regions with Hungarian minority beyond the borders as well as on first language education in other countries. The column Mozaik [Mosaic] provides reports on…society hungarian, hungarian linguistic, pedagogy hungarian, hungarian language, paper hungarianjournal, editor, language, pedagogy, article11
mehi.huWhen it comes to energy efficiency, one of the biggest potential savings in Hungary is in residential buildings. A deep energy renovation wave of 100-130 thousand residential buildings per year would be needed to renew the Hungarian building stock.mehi hungarian, hungarian energy, year hungarian, hungarian build, stepchild hungarianenergy, efficiency, institute, activity, update11
magyarfilmakademia.huCsaba Káel, a new Hungarian Film Commissioner responsible for the development of the Hungarian motion picture industry, the National Film Institute will be established on the basis of the Hungarian National Film Fund, changing its name from 1 January 2020.succesful hungarian, hungarian movie, new hungarian, hungarian film, development hungarianbody, soul, movie, award, language11
foreignstudents.huHungarian Educational Tourism Association (HETA) was created in 2017, Budapest, by academic experts, professors and private entrepreneurs, interested in increasing arrival of foreign students to Hungary. According to previous researches, foreign students play important role in development of…mote hungarian, hungarian education, development hungarian, hungarian high, aim hungarianforeign, student, association, tourism, educational11
sugarvizsla.huThe Hungarian Vizsla is our national treasure. It is a part of the Hungarian folklor and culture, an excellent breed. These dogs have one of the most beautiful look in the world, elegant and full of power. It is a splendid gundog that made a conquest of thousands of people's hearts. Our dogs are…quality hungarian, hungarian vizsla, treasure hungarian, hungarian folklordog, breed, quality, character, origin11
drtoka.huFounded by Dr. Tamás Tóka in 1998, our law office provides a full array of legal services for domestic and international clientsas in both Hungarian and German. We also offer auditing and real estate-related services through our partners and associates.service hungarian, hungarian german, clientsas hungarianlaw, lawyer, german, office, legal11
arrabonastudio.huI am a sound mixer / designer at my own sound studio Sound from Scratch. I have worked as a sound designer on such major feature films such major films s recent Berlinale winner ‘On Body and Soul’, Hungarian blockbuster ’Strangled’ or Karlovy Vary Chrystal Globe winner ‘It’s not the time of my…studio hungarian, hungarian film, soul hungarian, hungarian blockbuster, master hungariandocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy11
korhelyfaloda.huOne of the best recommended Restaurants, in the heart of Budapest. Opposite the Hungarian Music Academy at Liszt Ferenc Square. Value for Money Award Winner.traditional hungarian, hungarian cuisine, opposite hungarian, hungarian musiccuisine, traditional, restaurant, heart, square11
faedragroup.huThe Faedra Group is a property development group of companies owned entirely and privately by Hungarian members. Our activities cover complete property development projects, including the phases of planning, financing, construction and sales. Thanks to our own construction company, we can ensure…privately hungarian, hungarian membergroup, development, construction, investor, gallery11
husse-esse.hu…with the opportunity to partake of all its programmes and application opportunities. HUSSE, in turn, has its own filial organisations: the Hungarian Society for the Study of Drama in English (HUSSDE) and the Hungarian Society for Irish Studies (HUSIS) since every HUSSE member can opt for…husse hungarian, hungarian society, generously hungarian, hungarian academy, organisation hungariansociety, study, october, april, february11
360fokbringa.hu…leaving the city, we met a 66 years old cyclist, Soso who rides his bike like a young man – for him the Bicycle is the Life. Next day we met a Hungarian family, Mariann and Peter. They are travelling with a campervan in Asia and their uniqueness is their lovely 3 years old daughter, Ajsa, who…day hungarian, hungarian family, laci hungarian, hungarian friend, maybe hungarianday, people, road, asia, way11
fotohonap.huThe Hungarian Month of Photography, organized by the Association of Hungarian Photographers, will again offer a diverse programme. The country’s most popular photography festival was joined by 35 exhibitions, held at both smaller galleries and big-name institutions. During the festival, Mai Manó…website hungarian, hungarian month, assosiation hungarian, hungarian photographer, association hungarianoctober, exhibition, photography, photographer, month11
mediawavearchivum.hu30th Mediawave | FESTIVAL REPORT | CONCERTS & PERFORMANCES | MEDIAWAVE Festival / Gathering | "slow river..." gathering" | CAFÉS & CITIZENRY - The Roma Origins | "LUCKY MEETINGS" Gipsy & Hungarian Project | SZÉKELY'S FRUIT FESTIVAL | PASSPORT CONTROL | Films from Győr and Region | KÉP-ÁRNYÉK BT |…gipsy hungarian, hungarian project, world hungarian, hungarian south, diary hungarianmusic, archive, festival, dance, documentary11
focusfox.hu…grading of the film with the help of Sándor Sára, director of photography, who was once an assistant to István Szőts, director of the film. We made full restoration in 2k resolution. The restoration of the film was sponsored by Hungarian Academy of Arts and supervised by Eszter Fazekas (MANDA).help hungarian, hungarian filmfund, numerous hungarian, hungarian american, film hungarianwebsite, production, post, commercial, studio11
onlinevignette.huAll users of motorcycles, vehicles with a maximum weight of 3,5 tonnes and buses have an obligation to purchase an online vignette in Hungary. The obligation to purchase Hungarian online vignette also applies to trailers.information hungarian, hungarian highway, hungarian vignette, duration hungarian, obligation hungarianvignette, customer, support, day, month11
metatabor.hu33th Méta Camp - 13 July - 21 July, 2024 Bodajk. The most prestigious Hungarian folk music and dance camp. Come and be part of the experience!prestigious hungarian, hungarian folk, meta hungarian, hungarian fiddlecamp, musician hungariancamp, music, folk, july, teacher11
goldenvisas.huInvest for just 5 years, enjoy Hungarian Golden Residency for 20 years. ✓ €250K (RE Fund) ✓ €500K (RE) ✓ €1MM (Public Donation). Learn more.year hungarian, hungarian goldentoday, application, donation, public, residency11
petocz.huExcellent Hungarian wines straigh from the winery. Comfortable apartments only a few steps away. Petőcz Winery & Guesthouse in Ászár (Neszmély wine region)traditional hungarian, hungarian wine, excellent hungarian, wine hungarian, hungarian foreignwine, winery, guesthouse, region, traditional11
budapestpartyhostess.huThese beautiful Hungarian models will keep the party going and ensure that everyone is having a wonderful time. With their charm, wit, and communication skills, our hostesses will bring out the best of your nightlife in Budapest .beautiful hungarian, hungarian girl, real hungarian, hungarian modelgirl, night, guide, beautiful, model11
zerocarbonhub.huZKK operates as an organisational unit of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Centre for University-Industry Cooperation. ZKK aims to help achieve the 2050 climate neutrality goal set in Hungarian law, as a knowledge centre that stimulates various interdisciplinary collaborations.development hungarian, hungarian green, goal hungarian, hungarian lawgreen, centre, development, economy, knowledge10
primefund.huMr. Balogh gained years of workout experience in financial firms and law firms. For almost ten years, he gained professional knowledge related to claims management and corporate portfolio management at Hungarian Factoring Company Ltd. (MKK Zrt.), dominant in the sphere, where, as a business branch…management hungarian, hungarian factoring, mkk hungarian, counsel hungarian, hungarian developmentlaw, fund, investment, management, expert10
csejteikft.hu…provide comprehensive, tailored and industry-specific services to help clients meet challenges and respond to opportunities whether they are a Hungarian branch of an EU based company or local. Accounting, tax and related services are provided to the following industries: International, and…opportunity hungarian, hungarian branch, hra hungarian, hungarian registeraccounting, office, industry, introduction, client10
tukros.huThe Tükrös ensemble play hungarian folk music, transilvanian folk, folk dance house music in Hungary, and traditional music from the villages culture!ensemble hungarian, hungarian folkmusic, ensemble, house, folk, dance10
wigner.huAs part of the HUN-REN Welcome Home and Foreign Researcher Recruitment Programme announced for the first time this year by the HUN-REN Secretariat, six Hungarian and one foreign researcher from the international elite will come to Hungary to form research groups at HUN-REN research site to…secretariat hungarian, hungarian foreignresearch, physics, news, centre, institute10
brigetio.huThe Brigetio Heritage Visitor Center was built in 1907 as the main building of the Hungarian Royal State Horse-Stable Department in Komárom. It served as the central building of the Komárom State Farm from 1962, later the Komárom Agricultural Combine until 2004.build hungarian, hungarian royal, museologist hungarian, hungarian nationalvisitor, exhibition, museum, heritage, center10
bozayattila.humixed-voice choirs could not be completed by the composer, who had died a tragically early and sudden death. The significance of his life’s work was confirmed with the Artisjus Prize in 2001 and a second Hungarian Heritage Prize in 2009. In 2016 a street in Balatonfűzfő was named after Attila Bozay.music hungarian, hungarian radio, setting hungarian, hungarian poet, member hungarianmusic, biography, composer, period, academy10
arkhungaming.huARK [HUN] Gaming - Hungarian ARK servers without the need for completeness! Island, Ragnarok, Genesis, Valguero, Aberration, SE and currently Crystal Isles!gaming hungarian, hungarian arkserver, island, currently, need, rule10
laurelbudapest.huThe Dining Guide Top 10 Hungarian restaurants awarded Laurel Budapest stands as a culinary destination that delights the senses and creates lasting memories. From their remarkable dinner service, featuring the chef menu and plant-based vegan degustation menu, to the delightful lunch experience…respect hungarian, hungarian culinary, modern hungarian, hungarian gastronomy, traditional hungarianrestaurant, dining, culinary, taste, wine10
celeni.huCeleni is a lifestyle, emerging, Hungarian fashion brand for women. Celeni’s feminine pieces ,are wearable and versatile trousers, jackets, dresses, transitioning from daywear to evening-wear with just the change of fashionable accessories. Celeniwedding designs unique made-to-measure wedding and…emerge hungarian, hungarian fashion, lifestyle hungarianprice, sale, regular, save, dress10
pannoncsoport.hu…strengthen the existing relationships with our Partners and to make new Partners aware of the benefits of a joint strategic cooperation. As a Hungarian manufacturer of white masonry blocks, Xella Magyarország Kft is constantly working to provide solutions for builders and to lead the way for…customer hungarian, hungarian build, unpolished hungarian, hungarian construction, people hungarianopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market10
ifoodklaszter.huOn Monday afternoon, the Hungarian Cluster Association (of which iFood Cluster is a founding member) and the University of Pécs (Pécs University of Technology) signed…afternoon hungarian, hungarian cluster, tovább hungarian, agreement hungariancluster, member, cooperation, association, university10
speakersbureau.huFirst Hungarian Speakers is a start-up speakers bureau - the first of its kind in Hungary. Gábor Antal, our founder is an experienced lawyer with a broad-based professional and corporate network. First Hungarian Speakers was established with the objective of exploring whether the speakers bureau…hungarian speaker, network hungarian, successfully hungarian, hungarian market, station hungarianspeaker, bureau, lawyer, network, gabor10
mzzt.huThe Archive of online content of the Hungarian language Magyar Zene music quarterly with abstracts in English are now available on our website, under Magyar Zene [Hungarian Music] .zene hungarian, hungarian music, book hungarian, hungarian language, society hungarianmusic, exhibition, site, society, digital10
tyrusz.huTYRUSZ LTD Limited is a company owned by Dr Rashed Daher and was established and founded in October 2015. The company is registered in Budapest and has been functioning continuously since the day of establishment. The main profile of TYRUSZ is Arabic, English, and Hungarian interpretation…hungarian honey, english hungarian, hungarian interpretation, vibrant hungarian, hungarian marketmarket, study, honey, communication, success10
hunyouth.hu…at the University of Passau with a scholarship from the German state and became a volunteer and then a member of the Association for German-Hungarian Youth. In the summer of 2019, he attended the Purdue Eyetem at the Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Institute as a U.S. State Department fellow…page hungarian, hungarian youth, german hungarian, collection hungarian, hungarian schoolyouth, delegate, student, nation, united10
idegennyelvumedia.huForeign-language Hungarian press has an important mission, as Budapest and Hungary are significant tourist and cultural hubs in Europe, but we can honestly say that the whole world knows and loves our country and the symbolic buildings of the capital. The opinions foreigners form of the country…language hungarian, hungarian press, crucial hungarian, hungarian economy, foreigner hungarianmedia, news, language, foreign, supporter10
szentjakabut.huThe Hungarian track of the Camino spreads 275 kms from Budapest to Austria and further 3200 kms to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Lébény: home of a more than 800 years old Roman style church of Saint James. Picturesque landscape and villages, a fully marked route, the spirit of Saint…history hungarian, hungarian way, way hungarian, hungarian caminoway, st, route, practical, history10
meliora.huPharmaceutical translations from English to Hungarian. Our agency is specialized in pharmaceutical translations to deliver exceptional quality.english hungarian, hungarian agency, hungarian vice, ema hungarian, hungarian regulatorytranslation, pharmaceutical, quality, agency, client10
mta-tkk.hu…had a professionally highlighting role at all times. In the world of sign languages, language sciences, Deaf communities he left behind a vacuum which will be hard to fill . The Research Centre and the Hungarian Deaf Community share the loss and grief of the family and the Austrian Deaf Community.secretary hungarian, hungarian association, ratification hungarian, hungarian sing, loss hungarianlanguage, news, research, deaf, chance10
mvj.huThe Győr-Szombathely line of Hungarian West Railway Company has been opened, and therefore it was necessary to build a bigger workshop where the vehicles of the company are repaired. The workshop of Hungarian West Railway Company started functioning in 1872, with 90 workers. On 1886 was…line hungarian, hungarian west, workshop hungarian, like hungarian, hungarian royalvehicle, railway, big, repair, site10
abouthungary.hu"The Hungarian dollar left is a very intensive participant in Brussels’ unlawful blackmailing behavior,” Tamás Deutsch said.day hungarian, hungarian culture, slovakia hungarian, hungarian alliancenews, brief, minister, slovakia, latest10
botafogo.hu…into the national team. He is involved with ballroom dancing since he was 14. He is the choreographer of Botafogo and also of the six times Hungarian Champion Ködmön Dance Ensemble of Miskolc, and he was the chief-choreographer of all three series of the TV shows "Dance with the Stars" as well.successful hungarian, hungarian dance, time hungarian, hungarian champion, hungarian championshipdance, ensemble, formation, theatre, championship10
ordogkatlan.huThey have been with us for a long time, but this year they are really on top! They are taking over Beremend and present Hungarian culture with programmes like Folkliget, Folkudvar and street dance. There will be concerts, theatre performances, jewellery making and soulbird-carving, basket weaving…value hungarian, hungarian folk, virtuoso hungarian, hungarian musician, great hungariantheatre, performance, festival, concert, music10
zeneszalon.huZenes Zalon is the right place for every fan of classical music concerts events and modern symphonic music. Throughout the age of Communist the modern music was censored. After that the modern Hungarian music start to develop and lot of Groups and Artists begin to express themselves. The modern…modern hungarian, hungarian music, strategy hungarian, hungarian record, number hungarianmusic, classical, concert, event, radio10
mamat.huThe Hungarian Malacology Society (MAMAT) was founded in 2008 with the aim of gathering those who are interested in the molluscs.társaság hungarian, hungarian malacological, rare hungarian, hungarian literaturesociety, member, picture, news, species10
bearing.huBearing EXpress distributes all kind of roller bearings, linear bearing, industrial robots, lubrication and bearing accessories. As a wholesaler it is the official Hungarian distributor of many international bearing brands.express hungarian, hungarian bear, official hungarian, hungarian distributorbear, bearing, news, wholesaler, linear10
matrabikersc.huMAKETUSZ ( Magyar Kerékpáros Turisztikai Szövetség , Hungarian Cycling Tourism Association) is a non-profit association that engages in national cycling developments and is active in defining and implementing cycling developments. It is a member of the Hungarian National EuroVelo Coordination…szövetség hungarian, hungarian cycling, member hungarian, hungarian national, hungarian championcycling, website, bike, road, member10
ceid.huThe poster child of Hungarian foreign policy: how relations with Germany turned sour – A Summary Of Our European Café Event In 2023 CEID is renewed its European Cafe series of discussions, which focuses on a selected expert discussions on the main dilemmas of Hungarian…csárdás hungarian, hungarian foreign, event hungarian, institute hungarian, hungarian governmentagreement, event, foreign, previous, partnership10
biosysfoodeng.huThe Department of Food Measurement and Process Control and Department of Food Process Engineering of Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Food Science and Technology in collaboration with Agro- and Biosystems Engineering Research Committee of the Hungarian Academy of…engineering hungarian, hungarian university, committee hungarian, hungarian academy, felföldi hungarianeffect, conference, university, science, food10
babel-budapest.huThere was many hungarian artists involved in the designing of Babel Budapest as we always emphasize the supporting of hungarian traditions and core values. The letter B in the word ’Babel’ that can be seen at the entrance is the work of the world famous Samuel Havadtoy and it showcases his very…austro hungarian, hungarian empire, team hungarian, hungarian ukrainian, exclusively hungarianrestaurant, wine, great, day, reservation10
hungarianspeakers.huFirst Hungarian Speakers is a start-up speakers bureau - the first of its kind in Hungary. Gábor Antal, our founder is an experienced lawyer with a broad-based professional and corporate network. First Hungarian Speakers was established with the objective of exploring whether the speakers bureau…hungarian speaker, network hungarian, successfully hungarian, hungarian market, station hungarianspeaker, lawyer, bureau, network, gabor10
szentandrasivizsla.hu…We are not just owners, but an active family that likes sports and trips, where our dogs - Deres and Masni, the two pumi, and Mango, the Hungarian Vizsla - are indispensable parts of our everyday life. We got to know the Hungarian Vizsla breed two years ago, when Mango entered our lives…hungarian vizsla, mango hungarian, life hungarian, knowledge hungariandog, gallery, litter, exhibition, breed10
foorseg.huAs a part of world heritage, we can shape our country’s image: it’s responsibility and possibility as well. We make some of the remarkable Hungarian historical moments real and tasteable for the visitors, focusing on the camaraderie and special world of the Royal Guard. We offer a genuine and…remarkable hungarian, hungarian historical, tourist hungarian, hungarian curioushall, ride, story, historical, event10
dynamictours.huWe are an enthusiastic, full service Hungarian DMC in Budapest. We are at your service for Meetings & Events, Leisure groups and FITs.service hungarian, hungarian dmc, hungarian parliament, mask hungarian, hungarian embroiderytour, dynamic, event, leisure, meeting10
bluebit.huBlueBit Engineering Office is a Hungarian enterprise specialised in counselling business and engineering, being a dynamically developing protagonist of the national market. By developing our counselling activity we strive to infuse this dynamism into the process of improving the efficiency of our…proposal hungarian, hungarian public, office hungarian, hungarian enterpriseprocurement, public, tender, procedure, counselling10
hta.org.huThe Hungarian Tire Association (HTA – Hungarian Tire Association) was established on August 26, 2011 at the Ibis Hotel on Váci út, which building has been demolished since.hta hungarian, hungarian tire, operation hungarian, hungarian markettire, association, member, tyre, director10
husa.huThe formation of the Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Stockpiling Association, the legal predecessor of the Hungarian Hydrocarbon Stockpiling Association (the Association or HUSA) was set out by Act No. XLIX of 1993 on the strategic stockpiling of imported crude oil and petroleum products…establishment hungarian, hungarian hydrocarbon, predecessor hungarianassociation, hydrocarbon, strategic, stock, volume10
speakers-bureau.huFirst Hungarian Speakers is a start-up speakers bureau - the first of its kind in Hungary. Gábor Antal, our founder is an experienced lawyer with a broad-based professional and corporate network. First Hungarian Speakers was established with the objective of exploring whether the speakers bureau…hungarian speaker, network hungarian, successfully hungarian, hungarian market, station hungarianspeaker, bureau, lawyer, network, gabor10
okotars.huÖkotárs Foundation is contributing to the European Commission’s annual Rule of Law Report in coordination with other Hungarian human rights and anti-corruption CSOs.initiative hungarian, hungarian environmental, swiss hungarian, hungarian ngo, coordination hungariansociety, report, european, tree, rule10
coldwar.huWhy East Europe Mattered: A New History of the Cold War. A podcast with CWHRC Director Csaba Békés is now available on Capitalhist - Modern European History Podcast. In the interview, he discusses the main findings and theoretical innovations of his book published in 2019 in Hungarian: Detente and…evidence hungarian, hungarian mediation, book hungarian, hungarian detente, document hungariancold, history, research, center, soviet10
cathayassociates.huHe is responsible for info-communication and data protection issues at one of Hungary’s leading telecommunications companies and trade banks. His other areas of expertise include competition law, consumer protection, and economic law. He is a member of the Hungarian Competition Law Association and…entire hungarian, hungarian cathay, addition hungarian, hungarian language, asia hungarianlaw, international, legal, corporate, media10
jewishroots.huFAMBLE is the classical word search type game, but the words you have to look for are Jewish surnames. There are some 3,000 (Hungarian) Jewish surnames hidden in the matrixes, waiting for you to discover them. Schwarz and Weiss and Pollack and Klein and Kohn and Gross and Lowy – they are all…surname hungarian, hungarian jewish, facebook hungarianjewish, root, game, family, familiar10
centrepoint.hubonds”, where an investor with the purchase of a specially issued government bond with a face value of EUR 250,000 and with a maturity of 5 years is entitled to obtain residency in Hungary. Detailed information can be found at the Hungarian Residency and Hungarian Citizenship section of our website.hungarian residency, hungarian citizenship, information hungarian, residency hungarian, hungarian passportresidency, citizenship, download, useful, consulting10
mze.huHungarian Enamellers Association was founded in 1989 with the aim to hold together professionals of fritt producers, enamelling plants, suppliers of enamelling materials, tools and equipments; to provide an opportunity for them to meetings, to change of experiences, to expand knowledge.association, member, main, conference, publication9
luxuryvillakeszthely.huAnd for those interested in history, Keszthely offers many attractions, including the Festetics Castle. And after exploring the castle, it’s worth exploring the local cafés and restaurants for some tasty Hungarian cuisine.tasty hungarian, hungarian cuisineluxury, booking, region, place, event9
mmpp.huThis is the online surface of the Hungarian Labor Market Forecast (HLMF, from Hungarian MMPP) research. The HLMF aims to provide useful information to employees, job-seekers, employers and educational organizations on the expected tendencies of the Hungarian labor market. Our intention is to…mmpp hungarian, hungarian labour, research hungarian, hungarian chamber, surface hungarianforecast, labour, force, survey, analysis9
mostmarketing.huWe developed a Hungarian Red Cross programme called University Blood Donation Challenge to convince young people become blood donors. We involved sponsors and ran an award-winning campaign, that started with fake trailers. The campaign made the front pages and generated nationwide attention to…copy hungarian, hungarian english, opportunity hungarian, hungarian launch, time hungariancampaign, client, brand, director, head9
nonprofitpartner.huHungarian companies’ social responsibility practices based on responses of 65 organisations.volunteer, social, organization, consultancy, programme9
iceee.hu1 Institute of Environmental Engineering and Natural Sciences, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary, 2 Szent István University, Gödöllő, 3 Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Gödöllő, Hungary, 4 Institute of Mathematics and Basic…science hungarian, hungarian university, hungary hungarian, management hungarian, study hungarianuniversity, science, environmental, engineering, faculty9
kordastudio.huKorda Studios is a state-of-art film studio complex located 30 km (18 miles) west of Budapest in the wine-making village of Etyek. The studio is named after Sir Alexander Korda, a Hungarian-born British film producer and director. Korda Studio fact sheet:eligible hungarian, hungarian spend, budget hungarian, hungarian taxpayer, qualified hungarianstudio, production, art, tax, season9
nyitraizsolt.hu“The world-famous composer was bestowed the award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to promoting Hungarian music”, Ministerial Commissioner for Social Relations Zsolt Nyitrai said when presenting the award.cross hungarian, hungarian order, contribution hungarian, hungarian music, renewal hungariannews, presidency, europe, european, spectrum9
feheraniko.huWhat you wanted to know about Hungarian Folk Music, Instruments and Dance but were afraid to ask….variation hungarian, hungarian folk, picture hungarianfolk, music, instrument, song, imprint9
nokatud.huThe Nature Award-winning Association of Hungarian Women in Science (NaTE) was established in 2008 by only 10 female researchers. In a unique way in Hungary, we started or work with the aim of ensuring that the achievements of both sexes are equally recognized in the field of science and…association hungarian, hungarian womanscience, girl, woman, technology, field9
eskuvoi-rendezveny-dj.huAre you looking for an experienced, reliable, professional, hungarian wedding Dj for your most important day?professional hungarian, hungarian wedding, international hungarian, hungarian favorite, traditional hungarianwedding, music, light, event, sound9
championshow.huDear Exhibitors! The Budapest Winner CACIB, Hungarian Breeds’ Speciality, Champion of Champions and the President’s Cup CACIB shows mini catalogs are available on the links below with the ringlists and ringmaps: Budapest Winner CACIB and ...champion hungarian, hungarian national, cacib hungarian, hungarian breedchampion, president, breed, cup, speciality9
osz.huThe Hungarian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation (Országos Mozgásszervi Intézet) only receives medication when payment is made in cash. In another Budapest hospital, surgeries faced delays due to equipment not arriving on time. The root cause? The sky-high debt of Hungarian hospitals.time hungarian, hungarian healthcare, present hungarian, payment hungarian, hungarian healthmedical, healthcare, association, manufacturer, device9
bjc.huDon't miss the opportunity to visit the longest active jazz club at Budapest! Great jazz concerts with dominent Hungarian & international musicians on every evening. A cozy bistro and a jazz café are also waiting for their guests. Unique atmosphere and great jazz music in the heart of Budapest!dominent hungarian, hungarian international, hub hungarian, hungarian jazzfree, night, session, wednesday, thursday9
melodika.huThree musicians - many instruments - different musical genres mixed together. The trio plays it's own arrangements of well known classical themes, hungarian folk songs and film music crossing limits between different styles with unique instrumentation.theme hungarian, hungarian folk, melodika hungarian, hungarian radio, performance hungarianmusic, concert, classical, fusion, instrument9
sovit.huWe have experienced, certified experts in all relevant fields of environment protection (water, air, soil, waste, noise and ecology) and practical knowledge of Hungarian environmental legislation. We have long-term partnerships with environmental laboratories and other companies for specialized…service hungarian, hungarian legislation, knowledge hungarian, hungarian environmental, russian hungarianpermit, environmental, waste, transportation, german9
apostille.org.huA number of authorities or other bodies (e.g. university) of foreign countries only accept documents issued by the Hungarian authorities if the documents are legalized for international use.legalization hungarian, hungarian document, document hungarian, hungarian authority, request hungariandocument, legalization, delivery, international, certificate9
realestatehungary.co.huLooking for a home, holiday resort or business investment in Hungary? Search thousands of Hungarian property offers for sale and long-term rent.thousand hungarian, hungarian property, advertising hungarianproperty, sale, estate, real, rent9
webconf.huFor more than ten years, the Hungarian Web Conference has been one of the largest free tech conferences in Central Europe. Usually reaching the registration limit of 800 attendees , it provides a great opportunity to network and expand your horizon .year hungarian, hungarian webconference, sponsor, location, machine, paper9
genbio.huThe Hungarian Centre for Genomics and Bioinformatics, officially recognised as an Hungarian Excellent Research Infrastructure, provides integrated, streamlined and expertly supported Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Bioinformatics based services that encompass experimental design, sample…hungarian centre, officially hungarian, hungarian excellent, chinese hungarian, hungarian centernews, category, sequencing, bioinformatics, publication9
australianshepherd.hu…at the age of 11 month did a perfect job !!! She was shown 3 times, first time in junior class. She got 2xBest of Breed at the internationales and 3xHPJ,3x Best Junior in Breed, and finally Junior Best in Show at the yearly Clubshow. And she won BEST OF GROUP in Friday. Hungarian Junior Championnew hungarian, hungarian minor, hungarian champion, girl hungarian, hungarian championshipdream, champion, breed, dog, judge9
ihbc.huWe are a contact point for Irish businesses interested in setting up in Hungary and for Hungarian businesses wishing to set up in Ireland.irish hungarian, hungarian business, hungary hungarianevent, irish, member, news, circle9
rogosturo.huThe European Commission decided to protect a traditional, special Hungarian product, the ‘Rögös túró’, which thereby received the ’Traditional Specialties Guaranteed’ (TSG) label. Traditional speciality guaranteed (TSG) highlights the traditional aspects, such as the way the product is made or its…hungarian cuisine, special hungarian, hungarian product, history hungarian, hungarian rögöscurd, cheese, traditional, production, milk9
thefifthprovince.huThe Fifth Province – an Irish blog is the realization of a long-standing idea. Irish studies has been present in Hungary for at least two decades, and has gradually integrated into Hungarian higher education and academic life. Irish cultural events, workshops, conferences, lectures, and other…writer hungarian, hungarian reception, gradually hungarian, hungarian highirish, fifth, book, event, culture9
sgwhun.huThis is the official homepage of the Hungarian Unity of the GateWars MMORPG. Only those people can be members of our alliances, who speak Hungarian. (Or with limitations, others may join as well.)homepage hungarian, hungarian unity, alliance hungarian, hungarian limitationunity, welcome, diplomacy, forum, alliance9
doit.huReferences: our clients are Hungarian and international companies. We operate and support more than 800 servers + network devices, thousands of user computers, more than 170 companies and organizations. If you need, we can provide a detailed list of our customers (of course, only those who gave…language hungarian, hungarian english, client hungarian, hungarian international, regularly hungarianprice, administrator, customer, server, colleagues9
urologiahungarica.huThe journal is published 3 monthly in print and online by the Promenade Publishing House The official language of the journal is Hungarian with a full English summary of the articles, but occasionally thanks to authors from abroad there are some manuscripts in English language.journal hungarian, hungarian society, hungarian urology, hungarian englishjournal, society, scientific, issue, editorial9
british.huFounded in 1990, by HE Amb. Tibor Antalpéter & the Rt Hon. Lord Rees QC, the British-Hungarian Society fosters positive bilateral relations between the Magyar nation and the United Kingdom in the fields of art, science, academia, diplomacy and commerce.british hungarian, hungarian societybritish, society, event, nation, science9
wpmax.hu(*he was playing with the words, because my surname is Nagy, which means great in hungarian)website, offer, media, social, tool9
gregusgizella.huI provide quality, accurate translations to Hungarian from English, German, and French. With over 30 years of experience meeting my client’s translation needs, I am an expert in providing prompt and dependable translations across industries. It is my honour to meet your translation needs with…freelance hungarian, hungarian translator, translation hungarian, hungarian english, native hungarianfreelance, translator, translation, quality, technical9
artmodels.huAnita was chosen by one of the most prestigeous Hungarian magazine, the Cosmopolitan for You Are The Best Model...hungarian blood, hungarian guy, beautiful hungarian, hungarian champagne, nikolett hungarianmagazine, editorial, fashion, campaign, model9
sepsieniko.hu…(co-tutelle), which I defended in Paris in 2003 and in my books, which were published in French in 2014 and in a modified version in Hungarian in 2015. My study published by the American McFarland Publisher’s book series (and journal) entitled Text & Presentation approaches this…bill hungarian, hungarian excellence, french hungarian, hungarian poetry, version hungarianstudy, university, theatre, research, french9
trhome.huMany people are afraid to leave the territory of the European Union when it comes to buying real estate. They feel that both their invested money and their own person are safer. However, this is far from true! In Turkey, a Hungarian citizen can directly acquire ownership of the purchased property…hungarian information, process hungarian, hungarian will, purchase hungarian, hungarian stepproperty, real, estate, number, turkey9
abt.huOur group started its business activity as Andreas Baumann & Co. in Zurich in 1980. Our Hungarian office was opened in Budapest in 1993, and today over 50 highly-qualified employees provide the services.audit hungarian, hungarian insurance, payroll hungarian, hungarian employee, zurich hungariantax, payroll, accounting, data, financial9
barben.huBy 1997, the company expanded to fifty employees and increased their production to 100 thousand pairs of shoes per year. Ben-Ross products became one of the most demanded Hungarian manufactured shoe brands in the domestic market. At the start of the new millennium, however, much cheaper footwear…share hungarian, hungarian market, product hungarian, hungarian shoe, east hungarianmanagement, shoe, factory, quality, employee9
hungarikumbisztro.huWe are a family, who together with some friends, would like to create an atmosphere where everybody can feel like a family member and feel the sense & the taste of the real Hungarian hospitality.real hungarian, hungarian hospitality, ring hungarian, hungarian tomato, gnocchi hungariangallery, reservation, sour, potato, like9
szalkasszorutacskok.hu…wild boar`s digging, the feeding and salt place, the big snow , the taste of hot tea and sandwiches what he did to me. There were special with Hungarian salami and roasted meat with paprika. Of course, as we climbed on the high stand and I ate my sandwich and chocolate after I always fell asleep.champion hungarian, hungarian champion, special hungarian, hungarian salami, requirements hungariandog, hunting, champion, class, judge9
yandex.huCímkék: English - Hungarian , German - Hungarian , Hungarian - German , Russian - Hungarianenglish hungarian, hungarian german, german hungarian, russian hungariangerman, russian, translation, interpretation, water9
mvgyosz.huThe Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted has been representing the interests of the visually impaired in Hungary for more than 100 years. With our advocacy activities and with our various services we want to achieve an easier and more liveable world for the blind and partially…federation, blind, sight, partially, useful9
hm2020.hu…be traced to the Celtic people who occupied the plains of Hungary from the 4th century BC, until its conquest by the Roman Empire who established the fortress and town of Aquincum on the bank of Danube, today’s Budapest around AD 100, and the subsequent arrival of the Hungarian Conquerors 895 AD.arrival hungarian, hungarian conqueror, age hungarian, hungarian millennial, course hungarianforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis9
karpitmuveszek.huThe artworks of this exhibition represent the artistic and stylistic diversity of the tapestry artists. Although 1970 marked an attempt at modernization in the history of Hungarian tapestry, by the mid-1990s, at the time of the association’s foundation, most of the artists have turned back to the…association hungarian, hungarian tapestry, gallery hungarian, hungarian cultural, forum hungarianartist, light, thread, tapestry, nature9
radpuszta.huEXPERIENCE RELAXING ADVENTURES WELCOME TO RÁDPUSZTA Traditional inn, Hungarian wines, an impressive event house and unique horse riding programs near Lake Balaton – to make it an unforgettable experience. DISCOVER OUR SERVICES TRADITIONS COMBINED WITH A MODERN STYLE Cellar of Hungarian Wines…inn hungarian, hungarian wine, cellar hungarianevent, horse, wine, cellar, ride9
kandallopub.huCraft beer enthusiasts in Budapest prioritize quality ingredients, traditional brewing techniques, and innovative flavor profiles. Many brewers experiment with local ingredients, such as Hungarian hops or fruits, to add a distinct regional character to their beers. This focus on quality and…new hungarian, hungarian craft, offer hungarian, pub hungarian, hungarian restaurantbeer, craft, award, reservation, flavor9
a-kontir.huKomárom is town next to the border, so our clients come from Slovakia as well. Next to our Slovakian and Hungarian clients we have other foreign client from Komárom and its surrounding. With the spread of digitalization, we do not know kilometers, borders, so we also have a suitable background for…hungarian slovenský, slovakian hungarian, hungarian clientaccounting, digital, tax, accountant, office9
djj.huAnother important milestone in the transfer of ownership was when in 2001 the Bombardier Group purchased Adtranz Group and obtained a majority share in the Bombardier MÁV Kft. The next stop came in 2014. This was when the Hungarian state purchased Bombardier Transportation’s share. The company was…máv hungarian, hungarian railway, stop hungarian, hungarian state, history hungarianrailway, manufacture, news, repair, history9
les-hungary.huAs the Hungarian chapter of Licensing Executives Society International (LESI), our goal is to help the work of professionals in the fields of licensing and technology transfer, to actively participate in promoting cooperation between the Hungarian and international licensing culture and contribute…cooperation hungarian, hungarian internationallicensing, international, field, membership, member9
bbmri.huThe Hungarian Biobank Node (HBN) is the umbrella organization of the largest biobanks in Hungary and represents the Hungarian research community within BBMRI-ERIC, the largest biobank network in Europe. HBN is supported by the Hungarian Research and Innovation Office, and is the primary contact in…bbmri hungarian, hungarian biobank, hungary hungarian, hungarian research, hbn hungariannode, available, research, quality, governance9
budapestjewishwalk.huThe place where the unique Hungarian playing cards, the so-called “magyar kártya” deck was born in 1836 is exactly in the heart of the historical Jewish Quarter of Budapestcitizen hungarian, hungarian origin, budapest hungarian, hungarian countryside, decree hungarianview, jewish, tour, child, city9
kaczursandor.hu…training, public education. I consulted several theses. I also deal with talent management. I managed several online courses. I have 10+ years of leadership experience. I also gained experience Erasmus+ and abroad. I also have a professional blog in Hungarian. I worked in the following jobs.detail hungarian, hungarian photo, in hungarian, hungarian felsőoktatás, hungarian szoftverfejlesztéswebpage, university, mobility, staff, training9
plf.huThe Book World Prague (Svet Knihy Praha) is the largest book fair in the Czech Republic, and as the Czech Republic is traditionally one of the most important regional markets for Hungarian literature, the Petőfi Cultural Agency (PLF), together with the Liszt Institute in Prague, organized a stand…contemporary hungarian, hungarian author, publish hungarian, hungarian literature, new hungarianliterary, book, page, author, publish9
csovarilegal.huSoftware, created or further developed by companies, patents and utility models entitle them to significant tax savings in corporate income tax, local business tax, as well as in innovation contribution under the Hungarian IP box regime. R&D activities are also entitled to tax incentives not only…contribution hungarian, hungarian ip, advantage hungarian, hungarian trust, independent hungarianlaw, tax, legal, university, expertise9
borzospuli.huI am a hungarian puli lover and breeder. Borzos Puli Pestimrei kennel, My goal is to raise litters that carry the characteristics of the Hungarian puli both in looks and behavior.characteristic hungarian, hungarian puli, performance hungarian, hungarian artifact, typically hungarianlitter, dog, look, lover, behavior8
hbs-conference.huWe are pleased to announce that the Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Biochemical Society 2022 (HBS)will take place this August 25 th -27 th at the University of Pecs, Medical School. This meeting was scheduled to 2020 but was postponed until now because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lets use this…meet hungarian, hungarian biochemicalmeet, annual, conference, society, abstract8
wellwed.huOur team of a 12 member group of DJs and light technicians with the most thorough expertise and utmost dedication, having already created a festival atmosphere for hundreds of weddings. As Hungarian and international sound masters, our goal is to make your wedding not only the most beautiful day…wedding hungarian, hungarian international, hungarian wedding, industry hungarian, jury hungarianwedding, music, award, meet, favorite8
auditassistance.huAudit. Due diligence. Tax advisory. Forensic audits. Audit Assistance Kft has been a member of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors since 2002.chamber hungarian, hungarian auditor, sized hungarian, hungarian company, foreign hungarianassistance, advisory, forensic, diligence, tax8
rapszodia.huDeparture to Kecskemét, the hometown of the great Hungarian composer, Zoltán Kodály (86 km).traditional hungarian, hungarian handicraft, sheep hungarian, hungarian grey, great hungariandeparture, trip, tour, day, lunch8
logoiltools.huThe activity and products of LOG Oiltools Ltd. have been applied and well-known over 50 years in the Hungarian and International oil- and gas industry.year hungarian, hungarian international, foundation hungarian, hungarian american, participation hungarianlog, oil, tool, gas, industry8
lake-tisza.huLake Tisza — the Hungarian eco-touristic island — Canoing in Hungary - Canoing on Tisza-tótisza hungarian, hungarian eco, hungarian guidelake, tour, canoe, island, touristic8
munkahely-stressz.huDr. Tímea Tács, company physician, I recommend to company managers and occupational health and safety professionals the online anonymous workplace stress test in Hungarian, English and German.test hungarian, hungarian english, german hungarian, hungarian id, quote hungarianstress, occupational, workplace, health, physician8
microcosmos.huBudapest boasts with stunning off-site gala venues in many unusual locations and buildings. There are of course many restaurants as well that offer space for fun or formal evenings. Excellent Hungarian and International gastronomy, locally produced great wines and a wide range of entertainment…excellent hungarian, hungarian international, andrea hungarian, hungarian communication, hungarian englishgallery, destination, event, management, great8
drlevai-budapest.huEnglish-speaking Hungarian lawyer in Budapest and Debrecen area. Drawing up contracts for individuals and businesses; legal representation in lawsuits and at authorities. Practices: real estate law, family law and corporate law.english hungarian, hungarian lawyer, representation hungarian, hungarian international, hungarian germanlaw, lawyer, legal, attorney, real8
noierdek.huThe Hungarian Women’s Lobby, established in 2003, is an umbrella organisation dedicated to advocating for the women’s human rights agenda as laid down by international norms. The Hungarian Women’s Lobby recruits, unites and represents the interests of Hungarian women’s organisations with a gender…hwl hungarian, hungarian national, norm hungarian, hungarian woman, interest hungarianwoman, organisation, national, lobby, member8
aranyhordovendeglo.huOur restaurant enchants you with the flavors of the traditional Hungarian cuisine and with the charming music.traditional hungarian, hungarian cuisine, liver hungarian, hungarian letcho, offer hungariandrink, chicken, list, gallery, beef8
iamthebest.huWhy do international students study Hungarian and how to start to learn this language? Ania Tomczak have checked it for you.hungarian cuisine, hungarian site, hungarian hard, student hungarian, hungarian languagelearn, self, awareness, training, youth8
embersari.huIn the kitchen, in bed, in public, Hungarian House of Photography – Mai Manó House Budapestchild hungarian, hungarian art, overview hungarian, hungarian photography, vii hungariangallery, art, photography, group, são8
mnv.huAs one of the most important supporting organisations of the Ministry of National Development, the Hungarian National Asset Management Inc. (HNAM Inc.) exercises ownership rights over state assets of over 16 trillion Hungarian forints, representing almost 50 percent of the annual GDP of Hungary...development hungarian, hungarian national, trillion hungarian, hungarian forintintroduction, website, asset, complete, purpose8
ovsz.huThe Hungarian Stem Cell Donor Registry (HSCDR), the former Hungarian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, hosted by the HNBTS inks clinical care to worldwide stem cell networks of unrelated donor registries (BMDW and WMDA). The HSCDR is responsible for finding an unrelated donor for Hungarian patients who…questionnaire hungarian, hungarian blood, donation hungarian, hungarian national, non hungariandonation, blood, office, stem, cell8
otthon-design.hu, the competition of solar panel manufacturing specialists. Highlights of the exhibition series included the continuing education courses of the Hungarian Chamber of Architects and the Budapest and Pest County Chamber of Engineers , the Meeting of Roofing Professionals , and the conference…fabunio hungarian, hungarian furniture, object hungarian, hungarian contemporary, participation hungarianexhibition, interior, exhibitors, application, map8
balogedina.huto teach singing, playing the violin, double-bass, jew's harp, and gardon (Hungarian folk instrument), djembe, conga.balog hungarian, hungarian folk, gardon hungarianfolk, music, dance, main, photo8
tanarnokeremenkeszultem.huYou are at the best place. I've been teaching Hungarian with 10 years of experience. I do believe that everyone is an achiever in language learning. I can be your teacher who pushes and supports you on the way to achieve your goals.well hungarian, hungarian pronunciation, place hungarian, hungarian year, way hungarianlanguage, package, learn, teacher, discount8
aktivzenetanulas.hu…considered as etalon by foreign countries during the past decades. However, surveys aiming at music learner students unfortunately shows, that Hungarian music lessons are among the most rejected school subjects, students consider them as an unpleasant event, they feel themselves often shamed…programme hungarian, hungarian academy, opportunity hungarian, hungarian movement, president hungarianmusic, learn, model, movement, active8
furedi-annamaria.hu…danger of ruin, the old wisdom should be brought to light as it can save us from destruction”. The books present surprisingly modern and pragmatic ideas about our world, about our relationships with others, about animals, about men and women. I would recommend it to everyone who can read Hungarian.care hungarian, hungarian kingdom, dentibus hungarian, hungarian translation, canada hungariancanada, woman, people, thing, category8
enisvagyok.huWe were at Balatonfenyves again this year with ÉN IS VAGYOK! Association' members. We were at Slovenia to watch orchids, saw the Hungarian National Circus, played football and volleyball. Talking each others. Maybe we travel to Croatia next year... ;)tribunj hungarian, hungarian website, meet hungarian, hungarian rehabilitation, tünde hungarianén, association, day, website, croatia8
pandv.huP & V International's applications have come first in public procurement schemes by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Finance (Customs and Finance Guard), Hungarian Tourism plc., Ministry of Education and affiliated organisations, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development.player hungarian, hungarian scene, association hungarian, hungarian translation, privatisation hungarianinternational, ministry, tender, translation, client8
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)hungarian history, hungarian innovation, migrant hungarian, hungarian fence, hungarian abcdocumentary, islam, history, america, article8
shcinternational.huSHC International began its operations by translating camera manuals and IT text from English to Hungarian. Our office has been providing translation, review, interpreting and other related services as an SLV to multinational enterprises as well as corporations and SMEs for 15 years. We use the…english hungarian, hungarian shc, hungarian office, language hungarian, hungarian vicetranslation, international, camera, manual, privacy8
foodbase.huA Hungarian flavour producer company specializing in the production of flavours, vinegar powders, essential oils, and herbal extracts.flavour, food, vinegar, base, powder8
idosgyogyaszat.hu…on Gerontology was organized in 1937. Coordination and support for research on gerontology started when the Committee of Gerontology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was set up, with prof. Haranghy in the chair. The Committee regularly organized scientific meetings and CME courses on…gerontology hungarian, hungarian academy, section hungarian, hungarian biological, later hungarianage, university, effect, medical, health8
szentimrey.huDr. jur. Szentimrey Mária - Hungarian Bioethics Society 25th Anniversary Conference(Venue: Budapest, Catholic University of Law and Political Science Faculty) 18. September 2015hungarian english, mária hungarian, hungarian bioethics, hungarian clinicallaw, legal, health, data, office8
wrap.huI have developed the key visual and designed print ads, posters and booklet for Katona József Theatre’s new play A filozófus. The play is an eighteenth century hungarian drama made contemporary.century hungarian, hungarian drama, brochure hungarian, hungarian vodafone, member hungarianidentity, portfolio, corporate, logo, graphic8
trutax.huWe have decades of professional experience in supporting the financial, accounting, HR and tax managers of Hungarian subsidiaries in different tax matters.manager hungarian, hungarian subsidiary, hungarian companyadvisory, tax, documentation, pricing, transfer8
kovacs-hawa.huFounder of the Kovács-Hawa Law Office. Dr Diana Kovács-Hawa has over 10 years of experience acting in matters of family law, property law and corporate law. She speaks Hungarian and English.formation hungarian, hungarian legal, client hungarian, hungarian english, hungary hungarianlegal, agreement, representation, lawyer, law8
sriprahlada.huOur Gurukula has its own set of rules. The policy sets out the standards we expect from children and families. We only accept children from practicing Krishna-conscious families. Currently, in addition to Hungarian children, there are also students with foreign mother tongues. We teach them the…able hungarian, hungarian national, build hungarian, hungarian eco, history hungarianschool, valley, education, student, krishna8
republikbistro.huOur daytime operating Bistro & Garden, called Republik attracts guest for a nice plate of our French touched Hungarian cuisine or just for a cool glass of rosé spritzer with the energy of youth, no matter if it's before noon or midnight.french hungarian, hungarian cuisine, strip hungarian, hungarian hentes, medallion hungarianstyle, table, book, french, salad8
nightcruise.huMake the most of your Budapest experience by combining a cruise with live music entertainment and a Hungarian dinner on the Danube River. Try all the 'must haves' aboard the unique Gróf Széchényi shipcruise hungarian, hungarian dinner, entertainment hungariancruise, dinner, boat, tour, sightseeing8
etalonhorses.huAll the beautiful horses on show were born and bred in Hungary from traditional Hungarian bloodlines, however, the fire riding act includes an Arabic-Shagya crossbred. ETALON horses kept close to their natural environment as well as training provided by due professional care. Team members learnt…ancient hungarian, hungarian equestrian, traditional hungarian, hungarian bloodline, hungarian bowhorse, fire, close, equestrian, video8
cocora.huLegal services in English, at favourable prices, in the heart of Budapest, next to the Basilica - Real estate law * Company law * Family law - Working languages: Hungarian, English, Romanianlanguage hungarian, hungarian english, non hungarian, hungarian clientlegal, client, law, package, translation8
anh.huI have got wide-range experience in the field of financial and accountancy counselling, take part in audits of Hungarian medium-sized companies and subsidiaries of international organizations, perform due diligence and consultancy assignments.provision hungarian, hungarian act, fulfilment hungarian, hungarian taxation, sheet hungarianprofile, network, counselling, tax, foreign8
tradeland.huRecognising the development potential of the Eastern markets, he was the first Hungarian SME manager to establish a representative office in the Far East. As co-owner and Managing Director of Tradeland Group he has founded a 30-strong ISO-certified subsidiary in Shanghai, the economic hub of China…budapest hungarian, hungarian subsidiary, player hungarian, hungarian water, service hungarianwater, owner, group, director, manage8
pkf.huIf you are seeking a firm with relevant experience in accounting, payroll and tax advisory services, do not hesitate to contact us. Our clients are leading Hungarian enterprises and Hungarian subsidiaries of international groups with specific reporting requirements.experience hungarian, hungarian subsidiary, client hungarian, hungarian enterprise, enterprise hungarianaccounting, advisory, tax, international, legally8
indotek.huThe Indotek Group is a group of investment management companies owned by American and Hungarian shareholders. Over two decades we have developed significant capacities and a dominant presence in our key markets, ensuring that the investments of our institutional partners, as well as of our…american hungarian, hungarian shareholder, number hungarian, hungarian organisation, group hungarianmanagement, investment, group, property, market8
emnhungary.huAnnual international conference of the Hungarian Contact Point of the European Migration Networkconference hungarian, hungarian contactpage, migration, international, protection, european8
sportlovak.huHome Page Hungarian Sporthorse Sporthorse Akhal-Teke Other Horses Contact Stallions Aranykapu Stud Farm Bognár Stud Farm Kabala Stud Farmhorse hungarian, hungarian breeder, website hungarian, hungarian horse, page hungarianhorse, stallion, sale, breeder, connection8
nagyboldizsar.hu* Any party (domestic of foreign, in parliament or outside of it) and any party-foundation can freely support. So all the great German party foundations (Friedrich-Ebert, Konrad Adenauer, Heinrich Böll) are exempt - neither they, nor the supported organisations have to pay. Any small Hungarian…ed hungarian, hungarian yearbook, commission hungarian, hungarian government, present hungarianimmigration, tax, nagy, activity, law8
kissnoemi.huNoémi Kiss (born in 1974 in Gödöllő) is a Hungarian writer, whose works have been translated into English, German, Polish, Bulgarian, Romanian and Serbian. The German press considers Kiss as one of the most promising writers of her generation. She is a columnist for the German weekly Die Zeit…gödöllő hungarian, hungarian writer, sociology hungarian, hungarian study, poetry hungariangerman, writer, literature, serbian, bulgarian8
deepdata.huDeepData Ltd was established in 2016. Its team members have formerly been the Hungarian partner in various FP7 and H2020 projects, possessed research contracts with major Hungarian institutions, such as the country's prime research university, Eötvös University, or MTA, the Hungarian Academy of…major hungarian, hungarian institution, member hungarian, hungarian partner, mta hungarianresearch, science, university, data, corruption8
rs-sailing.huRS Feva HC, RS Feva EC, RS Aero és RS500 VGYE Cup and RS Feva Eurocup and Hungarian Championship 2021 races, Prize-giving ceremonylink hungarian, hungarian rs, eurocup hungarian, hungarian championship, home hungariansailing, place, friendly, registration8
kektoimenes.huThe main goal of the event was to draw attention to the values of the traditional Hungarian breeds. Another target of the initiative was to have the breeding soundness exam for Hungarian bred horses on a permanently high level, organised around a central event. More than 200 Hungarian horses…breed hungarian, hungarian horse, federation hungarian, traditional hungarian, hungarian breedhorse, breed, stud, news, day8
budapestboats.huJewish Heritage Tour - Long Meet your tour group in front of the impressive Dohány Street Synagogue and discover the centre of the Hungarian Jewish community, the largest synagogue in Europe! Tour the building with your guide and learn about the origins of the religion and gain insights into…evening hungarian, hungarian wine, centre hungarian, hungarian jewish, history hungariancruise, bath, boat, danube, tour7
rsfevaeuropeans.huToday, Balatonfüred is the principal center of Hungarian sailing. Year after year, top-ranking sailing events are organized by the local clubs and the Hungarian Sailing Federation which has a top modern sailing center also here. Apart from excellent sailing conditions, the charming restaurants and…member hungarian, hungarian rs, home hungarian, hungarian sailor, austro hungarianeuropeans, boat, sailing, registration7
markhazipalinka.huThe most modern distillation technology was installed to enhance the smoothness and flavor of our palinka spirits. This modern, 21st-century technology is operated by a team that honors the Hungarian tradition of palinka!quality hungarian, hungarian palinka, hungarian distillery, team hungarian, hungarian traditionpalinka, premium, quality, flavor, production7
isb.huOur academic program is a unique combination of the skills-based method of Cambridge International curriculum and the lexical knowledge-based method of the Hungarian curriculum. The students of our International Academic Program follow the world recognized Cambridge International Curriculum. The…international hungarian, hungarian curriculum, method hungarian, school hungarian, hungarian nationalschool, student, academic, international, programme7
mehke.hu…the preparations for the domestic introduction of such systems. With the introduction of new waste recollection systems we plan to animate the Hungarian waste recovery industry, which in turn should lead to the creation of new sustainable jobs all over the country. With the newly created…environment hungarian, hungarian investment, system hungarian, hungarian waste, output hungarianwaste, association, industry, management, protection7
a-games.huAnother card game based on the trick taking mechanism where you can even win by not taking any cards or take all. The game gives you the spirit of some traditional Hungarian card games and promises fun parties.game hungarian, hungarian international, traditional hungarian, hungarian card, award hungariangame, board, player, play, family7
farkasildiko.huI give Hungarian lessons to foreigners in English and in German. Also I teach English and German as a foreign language to Hungarians. I also give lessons on SKYPE .german hungarian, hungarian englishinterpret, introduction, language, lesson, teach7
innomed.huThe Innomed Group has made it possible for its employees to participate in life-saving trainings thanks to its responsible thinking and social commitment. Additionally all the company cars are equipped with CardioAid-1 AED Hungarian defibrillator developed and...hungarian manufacture, hungarian development, production hungarian, hungarian semi, aed hungarianmedical, development, ray, generator, ecg7
mvosz.huThe Hungarian National Association of Enterprise Developers(MVOSZ) is the largest non-profit enterprise development organization and support association in Hungary which Was founded with the aim of helping the Hungarian SME sector improvements thereby increasing the quality of entrepreneurs…aim hungarian, hungarian sme, misson hungarian, efficiency hungarian, hungarian companyassociation, enterprise, efficiency, event, page7
sunnyhomebud.huSunny home near BUD with 2BR, AC and free parking, a property with a garden and a terrace, is situated in Vecsés, 25 km from Keleti Pályaudvar Metro Station, 26 km from Keleti Railway Station, as well as 26 km from Dohany Street Synagogue. The air-conditioned accommodation is 25 km from Hungarian…km hungarian, hungarian nationalsunny, parking, free, near, ac7
monera.huOur activity is focused on a special segment of the IT market, the card- and payment systems, with the priority of products and services connected to the self-service payment. Although the Hungarian market is still significantly behind the EU countries in this special area but feedbacks from…monera hungarian, hungarian kft, payment hungarian, hungarian marketself, payment, priority, activity, market7
meatcapital.huWelcome to Meat Capital! Meat Capital Ltd. is an increasingly dominant and dynamically developing market player of the Hungarian meat business.player hungarian, hungarian meat, european hungarian, hungarian slaughterhousemeat, capital, market, player, dominant7
lanclanc.huThere are three mixed-age groups with 20-25 children in each. Hungarian and English speaking teachers work with the children individually or in small groups taking into consideration their individual development and their fields of interest. The rooms are spacious, bright, and fully adapted to the…eszterlánc hungarian, hungarian english, child hungarian, english hungarian, hungarian montessorigroup, child, teacher, kindergarten, school7
outturn.huWe has experience in turnaround management and several MNA deal, deep experience with the HUngarian legal and economical situation and knowledge both on SME and multinational values.experience hungarian, hungarian legal, position hungarian, hungarian marketnegotiation, management, deal, support, market7
joyevents.huJOY EVENTS office has been established to support international, hungarian clients and partners for organizing those events, aiming to give them the best entertainment overall fun and excitement.event hungarian, hungarian program, international hungarian, hungarian clientjoy, event, introduction, agency, exclusive7
swisscham.huWe place great emphasis on the continuous information of our members and online followers: we publish Swiss and Hungarian business news as well as news of our members on our platforms.swiss hungarian, hungarian healthcare, hungarian business, information hungarian, hungarian interestedmember, event, chamber, news, swiss7
ststephen.huAs part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the history of Freemasonry in Hungary parallels that of all Central Europe. The first Hungarian Lodge is documented in Brasso, Transylvania, in 1749, although little is known of it. There were certainly military-type lodges working in Hungary by the 1770’s…language hungarian, hungarian german, membership hungarian, hungarian expatriate, austro hungarianlodge, stephen, member, mason, st.7
hunagram.hu„Hunagram“ is the joint name of my mandalas, which were and are born out of higher inspiration. These are sacral mandalas, which blend the Hungarian symbol system that has evolved over thousands of years - meanwhile ingrained in our DNA -, and the specifically applied energetic elements of…hunagram hungarian, hungarian sacral, mandala hungarian, hungarian symbol, force hungarianlove, peace, force, version, energy7
aqualorenzo.huAs a 100% Hungarian company, we produce and distribute popular mineral waters, soft drinks and energy drinks with a long history. We pride ourselves in our environmentally conscious, sustainability-focused operations, innovation and being one of the largest cutting-edge bottling plants in Europe.range, energy, drink, water, contract7
linkgroup.huOur LINK-Group member, Erik Seitz a high school student of the Pannonhalma Benedictine school won one of the four 1st prizes of the 30th Hungarian Innovation Contest. He participated in the development of a two-cell dynamic network model of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and discovered a…seitz hungarian, hungarian innovation, prize hungarian, university hungarian, hungarian researchgroup, network, member, signal, paper7
lethargy.huLethargy – Lethargy is a Hungarian C64 demoscene group, established on 28th August 1991. Reborn in 2017.lethargy hungarian, hungarian demosceneaugust, group, machine, dark, bright7
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.huWe invite the participants (healing teams, physicians, nurses) to joint learning and knowledge sharing led by Robin Youngson and 15 highly committed Hungarian healthcare specialists. It will be worth it, as a healthcare professional is one of the most incredible jobs in the world.committed hungarian, hungarian healthcare, director hungarian, hungarian hospital, dobos hungarianhealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion7
gilyen.hu- Quantum Computing (2014 Spring @Eötvös Loránd University) -- notes for the introductory lecture in Hungariantdk hungarian, hungarian mail, class hungarian, hungarian springcomputing, university, page, exercise, theory7
koltaimgabor.hu…as well as collaborations with independent theatre companies. His works attended the official selection of many festivals, like the Hungarian National Theatre Fest in Pécs, Theatre World Festival in Brno, Contemporary Drama Festival in Budapest, Euro-Regional Theatre Fest in Timisoara,like hungarian, hungarian national, lyric hungarian, hungarian alternative, duende hungariantheatre, studio, head, contemporary, festival7
freegereb.hu…of Hungary ought to take immense pride. We are deeply concerned to learn that instead of honouring and celebrating the immense contribution that Ágnes Gereb has made to Hungarian maternity care and the world of midwifery, she has been mistreated and denied her fundamental rights as a professional.pardon hungarian, hungarian president, impact hungarian, hungarian society, gereb hungarianletter, president, international, birth, janos7
mentok.huMission Statement: to save, preserve and exhibit the historical relics of the Hungarian Ambulance System; to acquaint our visitors with the scientific, intellectual and cultural heritage of the National Ambulance Service – and its predecessors.relic hungarian, hungarian ambulanceambulance, national, page, emergency, main7
pannonpaprika.hu…vegetables, mainly white peppers and table tomatoes, associated with greenhouse and foil tented production technology, in many cases geothermal heating. As a sales and purchasing community of our members, we are developing into increasingly important players in the Hungarian market every year.delicious hungarian, hungarian vegetable, player hungarian, hungarian market, quality hungarianvegetable, pepper, biological, protection, plant7
balinttarsasag.huThe Hungarian Michael Balint Society for Psyschosomatics was created in 1990. The predecessor of the organization had been in existence since the end of the 1960s, when Pál Juhász founded the psychosomatic work group at the Budapest Psychiatric Clinic. The goal of the workgroup was supervisory…weekend hungarian, hungarian michael, board hungarian, hungarian balint, president hungariangroup, saturday, society, fee, technique7
gregorius.huCurrently Sam & Max: Save The World is on sale on the website of Good Old Games . Gregorius' corner was part of the crew working on the official Hungarian translation of the game. It is good engough reason to try and withstand the puns and jokes the two protaginsts are bombing you with throughout…official hungarian, hungarian translation, game hungarian, hungarian developer, news hungarianvideo, website, music, news, date7
geneconservation.huJOINT RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT IN POULTRY BREEDING AND AQUACULTURE BASED ON TRADITIONAL HUNGARIAN AND VIETNAMESE ANIMAL BREEDS, 31 August 2022 - 09 September 2022old hungarian, hungarian farm, traditional hungarian, hungarian vietnameseconservation, gene, institute, protection, animal7
nohac.huNorth Hungarian Automotive Cluster has regional importance for joint investment promotion, design and development services.north hungarian, hungarian automotiveautomotive, cluster, news, event, north7
monarchiagaleria.huMonarchia Galéria offers a wide variety of unique, modern and classic artisan jewelry, as well as antiques and decorative art objects. Most of the jewelry was handmade by Hungarian artists. The name Monarchia Galéria represents quality, trustworthiness and 20 years of experience.jewelry hungarian, hungarian artist, hungarian jewelleryartist, object, unique, variety, antique7
halmosbelaprogram.huHalmos Béla Programmeis a very effective, exemplary governmental patronage-programme which promote traditional Hungarian folk music in Hungary and abroad.traditional hungarian, hungarian folk, hungarian musicianmusic, folk, guide, industry, local7
kulturalisutvonalak.huBased on a Government Decision, Hungary joined the Cultural Routes of the European Council on 1 March 2013. Since than Hungarian associations and institutions can accede already existing routs or, with other European partners can apply for the Cultural Routes of the European Council’s certification.march hungarian, hungarian association, heritage hungarian, hungarian open, document hungarianroute, european, cultural, council, danube7
maksz.huThe epidemic of the Covid, which came in several waves from the beginning of 2020, has hit all tourism around the world in a few weeks, so it has hit the Hungarian car rental business extremely unexpectedly and unfavorably, from which only a slow way out can be predicted. In order to deal with the…association hungarian, hungarian car, formula hungarian, hungarian grand, year hungarianrental, guide, association, homepage, organizational7
budapestcircusfestival.hu11 January 2024 is a celebration of circus performing arts and circus science, when we open our major international exhibition of circus history in the framework of the XV Budapest International Circus Festival. For the first time, relics of Hungarian performers and circus dynasties, outstanding…relic hungarian, hungarian performer, supply hungarian, hungarian circus, student hungariancircus, festival, international, act, artist7
startups.huWith your help, we aim to update and extend our database of Hungarian startups. Help us improve the legal and administrative environment by participating in our survey, it only takes 5 minutes. Click the button below to proceed.state hungarian, hungarian startup, database hungarianreport, ecosystem, investment, survey, database7
akademiacatering.huAkadémia Catering the official catering service provider of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – contracted catering partner of Festetics Palace and having functioned as the main catering supplier of the EU Presidency in 2011.provider hungarian, hungarian academy, hungarian nationalpresidency, academy, event, gallery, proposal7
greyheart.huGREYHEART CATTERY – 1st Hungarian Transylvanian Cattery presentation and information website.cattery hungarian, hungarian transylvanianpresentation, website, post, mission, document7
angoliskolabudapest.hu…classes in grades 1-4. Currently we are working towards gaining accreditation from CIE (Cambridge International Exams). We will work with the Hungarian curriculum for Hungarian literature, grammar, science and maths but the remainder of the subjects will be taught in English using the Cambridge…english hungarian, hungarian teacher, child hungarian, hungarian education, exam hungarianschool, child, learn, language7
wineamore.huWine a'More is the perfect choice to meet, moreover to exceed your expectations! Leave the city behind and visit vineyard and cellars, meet the winemakers and learn about Hungarian wines.little hungarian, hungarian provence, winemaker hungarian, hungarian wine, course hungarianwine, tour, region, vineyard, day7
saxbronzeage.huExcavation at the site is directed by Dr Magdolna Vicze ( Hungarian National Museum ), Professor Marie Louise Stig Sørensen ( University of Cambridge ), andsax hungarian, hungarian national, vicze hungarianage, expedition, excavation, archaeological, site7
mma-mmki.huThe electronic publications of the Institute of Art Theory and Methodology of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA MMKI) can […]program hungarian, hungarian academy, methodology hungarian, right hungarian, hungarian perspectiveart, institute, publication, close, cultural7
maks.huHungarian Golden Crown Cooperative is an international financial institution and is a unifying instrument for all individuals – natural persons and legal entities, from any part of the world, regardless of gender, religion, social status, opinions and other attitudes. The cooperative creates the…genocide hungarian, hungarian nation, copyright hungarian, hungarian goldencooperative, crown, goal, activity, legal7
itbkft.huITB Kft is a major supplier of industrial seals, valves and control technology products to Hungarian companies operating by using pipeline technologies. Since its establishment in 1992, our Company has been serving its customers in oil industry, petrochemicals, chemical and pharmaceutical…product hungarian, hungarian companytechnology, valve, control, supplier, pipeline7
bmbah.hu• the partner with whom the EEA national has entered into a registered partnership before the relevant Hungarian authority or the authority of another Member State of the European Unionswiss hungarian, hungarian cooperation, member hungarian, hungarian national, spouse hungariannational, permit, permanent, client, fund7
mgi-bpo.huHungarian workers are highly sought after by companies operating in the European Union. With the rise of digitalization and teleworking, Hungarian workers can now work from home, even in Hungary,act hungarian, hungarian parliament, guide hungarian, hungarian accounting, possibility hungarianclient, news, tax, accounting, office7
oszk.huThe joint temporary exhibition of the NSZL and the Saint Stephen Association offers an insight into the history of one of the most important cultural institutions of Hungarian Catholicism.ukrainian hungarian, hungarian edition, institution hungarian, hungarian catholicismlibrary, collection, document, database, national7
hudex.huIf a non HUDEX Member third party intends to incorporate the 'HUDEX Hungarian Financial Futures Index in any manner into its products or services traded on an energy exchange or equivalent facility, it shall conclude a contract with HUDEX Energy Exchange Ltd. on the use of the above data (this…hudex hungarian, hungarian derivative, hungarian financialdata, report, overview, member7
womenscareer.hu…School of Social Service to speak at their CSW59 side event to be organized at Fordham University. Thanks to the travel grant received from the Hungarian Initiative Foundation Andrea Ferenczi could accept the invitation and participated in the International Symposium organized by Fordham…grant hungarian, hungarian initiative, institute hungarian, hungarian central, equality hungarianwoman, career, development, association, release7
miskahuszar.huThe Miska-Hussar statue is the symbol of the Hungarian hussars, the monument of the Hungarian military Hungaricum, which is intended to capture the heroism and courage of the Hungarian soldiers. This statue is also the symbol of the victorious Hungarian soldier, as it stands and reminds us on the…brave hungarian, hungarian hussar, new hungarian, hungarian tourist, thought hungarianstatue, tradition, soldier, archive, brave7
magyarfutball.huHungary's football grounds, clubs, matches. The Hungarian National Team, international cup matches of Hungarian clubs, Hungarian cup matches. Photos, data, history, statistics.match hungarian, hungarian national, hungarian club, club hungarian, hungarian cupmatch, national, international, data, cup7
erdorezervatum.hu; most of them have a diverse structure, rich and specific flora and fauna and also show natural dynamics. In the 1990's the establishment of a forest reserve network started in Hungary too and in several of these areas research has begun. The Hungarian network includes 63 forest reserves at…programme hungarian, hungarian forest, research hungarian, hungarian networkforest, reserve, programme, homepage, main7
twinstravel.huWe have found Twins Travel as a reliable partner for Hungarian trips. They are very prompt and willing to arrange our clients` travel requirements. We are happy to work with such responsible partner in tourism business. Lenka Tour managercsárdás hungarian, hungarian traditional, dance hungarian, hungarian kiss, partner hungariantravel, tour, city, guide, person7
parallelcollective.huParalell Hungary Collective is a collaborative initiative of the international doctorate students studying at the Doctoral School of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. The collective gathers the students who arrive from countries outside of the European region, from Latin America to the Far…school hungarian, hungarian university, knowledge hungarian, hungarian community, difference hungariancollective, parallel, student, art, doctoral7
diplomaticmagazine.huOn the occasion of 104th Independence Day, annually observed on May 28, the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Hungary hosted a grand reception at Aranybástya Restaurant, attended by the Political Director of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, high officials of government agencies, heads…president hungarian, hungarian karate, director hungarian, hungarian ministrymagazine, diplomatic, interview, public, colour7
mindpower.hutranslation agency, translation, technical translations, legal translations, localization, Hungarian translation, online translation agency, technical translation, quality competitive price, Mind Power Hungary Translation Agency Ltd.localization hungarian, hungarian translation, greek hungarian, hungarian italiantranslation, power, agency, quality, technical7
goldenrootfilm.huGolden Root Film made several documentaries, including the 41th Hungarian Filmweek Award Winning The Last Performance.documentary hungarian, hungarian filmweek, channel hungarian, hungarian stateroot, format, original, creative, documentary7
or-zse.huThe Jewish Theological Seminary – University of Jewish Studies, Hungary (JTS–UJSH, or OR–ZSE) is a dynamically prospering small university under the auspices of the Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities (Mazsihisz). Opened in 1877 as the rabbinical seminary ( Landesrabbinerschule , or Jewish…hungarian site, federation hungarian, hungarian jewishjewish, university, study, theological, doctoral7
proacteam.huWith high customer satisfaction in mind, our goal is to provide our customers with a contact-less service using modern electronic devices, in English and Hungarian, always informing our clients in advance about the changes that can affect them and providing possible alternatives on time for their…english hungarian, hungarian client, quality hungarian, hungarian wine, language hungariantax, accounting, accountant, relocation, chief7
felicia-feder.huHungarian goose feather and down are highly prized materials used in luxury bedding and clothing items. Hungarian geese are known for their large, fluffy down clusters that provide exceptional insulation and warmth. In this blog post, we will explore the unique characteristics of Hungarian goose…hungarian feather, item hungarian, hungarian goose, characteristic hungarian, benefit hungarianfeather, material, goose, quality, benefit7
tulipantunder.huWe brought the space exhibition to Millenáris Park, so for the first time the Hungarian public could see the world's largest collection of NASA-registered space artifacts. In two months we were able to delight more than 100,000 visitors.nomination hungarian, hungarian motion, successful hungarian, hungarian film, time hungarianproduction, exhibition, space, dream, game7
tradiscoseeds.huCourt proceedings: General courts (in Hungarian: Törvényszék) have jurisdiction in data protection related legal actions. At the data subject’s discretion, the action may be brought before the general court that is competent based on the domicile or the place of residence of the data subject.experience hungarian, hungarian neighbour, hybrid hungarian, hungarian distributor, hungarian teamdata, subject, shall, personal, process7
krgroup.hu…estate transfer tax is 2%, on condition that the property is sold or leased within two years. A 2% rate is applied when the property is purchased by a Hungarian real estate fund. This rate is also applicable in the case of real estate investment trusts (REITs) and special-purpose vehicles (SPVs).company hungarian, hungarian vat, taxis hungarian, hungarian tax, incentive hungariantax, group, accounting, vat, rate7
pontifex.huService before setting up her own language school. The distinctive approach to teaching Hungarianspecialist hungarian, hungarian language, teacher hungarian, hungarian english, britain hungarianschool, language, pls, course, tuition7
jagellobusinesshotel.huJagelló Business Hotel*** is ideally placed within the Budapest business district on the Buda-side of the Hungarian capital . It lies close to the Budapest Congress and World Trade Center and is easily accessible for guests travelling from Vienna and Croatia, on the M1 and M7 motorways.buda hungarian, hungarian capitalcenter, congress, bus, room, close7
gyuloletellen.huIn January 2012, five Hungarian NGOs established the Working Group Against Hate Crimes to join forces for a more effective approach against hate crimes. Besides the representatives of the organizations, individual experts also take part in the work of the working group.january hungarian, hungarian ngo, provision hungarian, hungarian criminal, iacp hungariancrime, group, offence, victim, criminal7
lightbridge.hu“In the heart of Europe live a few young professionals who share a passion for innovation! They set out to exploit the strong tradition of invention in Hungary and demonstrate that the rightly famous innovative spirit of the great Hungarian past is still with us. To fully realize this dream, they…hungarian genius, great hungarian, hungarian pastmember, area, value, set, consistent6
cnchungaria.huThe surface grinding machines can be ordered in various sizes from small to large table size (400 – 2000). Manual, hydraulic and CNC design, either with SIEMENS control or with Hungarian language control.control hungarian, hungarian language, kft hungarian, hungarian dynamicallymachine, tool, production, activity, hydraulic6
gulyasbence.huIn the 2017-2018 season, on behalf of the Hungarian Kodály Society, we held Kodály ballad evenings in the big cities of Hungary. At the request of the Hungarian State Opera, I sang one of the leading role in Paul Hindemith’s piece Hin Und Zurück. In spring 2018, we presented Stravinsky’s Renard…budapest hungarian, hungarian radio, behalf hungarian, hungarian kodály, request hungarianrole, music, radio, student, academy6
rethysirko.huThe hungarian Réthy-Sírkő Kft. is specialized in crafting custom monuments for more than a century.apprentice hungarian, hungarian city, member hungarian, hungarian chambermonument, custom, century, craft, family6
marthakicsiny.huMartha Kicsiny (*1995) is a British-Hungarian visual artist based in Budapest, Hungary. “Representing the Collective Psyché with Immersive Media” is her topic of artistic research on the Multimedia Artist DLA course at the doctorate school of the Moholy-Nagy Arts University (MOME, Budapest…british hungarian, hungarian visual, sapientia hungarian, hungarian university, magyarország hungarianexhibition, group, art, artist, visual6
siofoktaxi.hu…Balaton round trip. - International transfers with minibuses and buses. - Door-to-door service from train stations, Budapest, Vienna, Graz, Zagrab, Bratislava, Hévíz. - Premium category cars with air-condition, huge luggage-rack. - Experienced, educated English, German, Hungarian speaking drivers.german hungarian, hungarian driver, tranfers hungarian, hungarian german, driver hungarianairport, transfer, minibus, driver, lake6
reformatus.huThe Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) hosted its General Assembly in Rome this year. RCH was represented by László Zságer, head of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid’s (HRCA) Refugee Ministry, and Angela Canadey, project coordinator of the Refugee Ministry.team hungarian, hungarian reform, head hungarian, division hungarian, bishop hungarianchurch, ministry, refugee, community, event6
nivex.huNIVEX P+P Ltd. established in 1986 is a 100% Hungarian privately owned company manufacturing custom-made injection moulded technical rubber parts and moulds.nivex hungarian, hungarian privately, reliable hungarian, hungarian europeanrubber, trading, manufacture, injection, technical6
poszata.huHigh quality products of the three Hungarian world-famous factories Zsolnay Porcelain Manufactory, Hollóháza Porcelain Manufactory and Ajka Crystal Manufactory are also available in our shops.hungarian richelieu, original hungarian, hungarian product, product hungarian, hungarian worldfolk, art, region, jewelry, style6
asbothjozsef.huThe year 2017 was declared the year of Asbóth by the Hungarian Tennis Association. To commemorate this, the nine-time Grand Slam champion Monica Seles, the Hungarian Tennis Association and the Hungarian Sports Journalists Association jointly donated a commemorative plaque to József Asbóth.hungarian championship, great hungarian, hungarian player, successful hungarian, hungarian malechampion, man, single, record, cup6
berta.huThis is my personal website, opinions expressed here are strictly my own, and do not reflect the opinion of my employer. My English blog is experimental and only a small portion of my Hungarian blog is available in English. Contents of my blog may be freely used according to Creative Commons…blog hungarian, hungarian entry, portion hungarian, hungarian blogcourse, presentation, book, entry, file6
broadbit.huBroadBit Hungary Kft. is a Hungarian-owned company founded in 2006 and has been operating continuously since then, and is engaged in software development, national and international info-communication and vehicle research and development, as well as development and implementation of project and…kft hungarian, hungarian company, introduction hungarian, hungarian telekomdocument, management, development, implementation, software6
diakhitel.huIf you would like to receive financial assistance for everyday livelihood, you should opt for the freely disposable Student Loan 1 with exceptionally favourable interest conditions, even when you study abroad in the European Economic Area as a Hungarian citizen.hungarian citizen, member hungarian, area hungarian, hungarian versionstudy, loan, student, free, page6
laszlojudit.hu…of a major national mineral water and soft drinks producer for 2 years, with a global customer portfolio generating a sales revenue of HUF 3 billion. After that, I assisted the world market sales of a Hungarian technological invention in the role of business development and marketing director.company hungarian, hungarian economy, sale hungarian, hungarian technologicalmarket, sale, foreign, international, development6
kompress.huThe jury of the HUNGAROPACK Hungarian Packaging Competition awarded the packagings developed for ZOLLAI Baromfi Kft. with the honourable certificate of merit, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. The award is the addmission to the WORLDSTAR 2016 competition organized by the World Packaging…award hungarian, hungarian association, hungaropack hungarian, hungarian packagingpackaging, printing, leaflet, data, finish6
mastergood.huIn Hungary, consumers are more and more interested in GMO-free products. Master Good launched the GMO-free Hungarian chicken product line as its own brand.free hungarian, hungarian chicken, poultry hungarian, hungarian grainchicken, free, fodder, family, process6
adtradebt.huHome page of A.D. Trade Bt., exporter of high quality hungarian goods with the latest products and special seasonal offersquality hungarian, hungarian good, new hungarian, hungarian food, firm hungariandetail, easter, list, trade, offer6
hsze.huHe grew up in the Soviet Union. His father was Yugoslavian, his mother was a Hungarian communist emigrant. His uncle, Vojislav Vujović, was the Main Secretary of the Youth Comintern for a few years. His father, Radomir Vujović, and two of his uncles – Vojislav and Gregor – died as victims of the…leadership hungarian, hungarian communist, team hungarian, hungarian academy, illegal hungarianinterview, century, memory, university, foreign6
bankutiandras.hu…as a photo reporter and picture editor. He was Director of Photography between 1995–2015 for an economic weekly, HVG and is currently Editor-in- chief of Digitális Fotó Magazin. His photographs have been published beyond the Hungarian press, in The New York Times, The Guardian and Business Week.house hungarian, hungarian photographer, photograph hungarian, hungarian press, support hungarianphoto, ballet, people, value, market6
szineskepek.huNOTE : On the lower part of the above painting on the right side You can read my signature written by the very old hungarian runic characters. The exact name of this writing is "szekely-hungarian rovash". This is thousands of years old, but the violent christian conversion forbade it about one…hungarian version, famous hungarian, hungarian pilgrim, hungarian writer, old hungarianpainting, exhibition, example, photo, landscape6
csigateszta.huI am Illés Molnár, individual entrepreneur. I’ve been engaged in making pasta since 1982. I make various types of “csiga” noodles (a traditional Hungarian dry soup pasta with appearance and preparation method similar to Italian garganelli, except “csiga” is much smaller) under factory conditions…traditional hungarian, hungarian dry, nagydíj hungarian, hungarian productnoodle, manufacture, type, traditional, soup6
hostpapi.huAlmost 20 years of experience - serving more than 15,000 websites - Hungarian, family company - web hosting for your website - Become a member of the family!website hungarian, hungarian family, registration hungarian, hungarian domain, hungarian internationalhosting, website, server, storage, rental6
casualstyle.huThe company Casual Style Kft is your partner in Hungary. We provide logistics services, assist you to transact deals with Hungarian companies. We provide accounting and legal services in Hungary.cooperation hungarian, hungarian european, deal hungarian, hungarian company, support hungarianaccounting, logistic, financial, matter, assistance6
ignis.huPicturesqe had a featured place in the biggest autumn show of the community of Hungarian photographers. Apart from being an exhibitor, we also participated in the implementation of the event as organisers. We set up a photo corner in one of the function rooms where photographers could select…chameleon hungarian, hungarian online, interview hungarian, hungarian jazzy, hungarian newscomputer, development, lock, great, big6
kapusi-co.huOur law firm serves both Hungarian and expatriate clients, corporations and individuals. We have broad experience in corporate,- commercial,- competition,- e-business and finance law matters, real estate cases, developments and purchases and are fully able to advise our clients on all of the legal…client hungarian, hungarian constitution, international hungarian, hungarian arbitration, firm hungarianlaw, estate, real, office, legal6
timxgroup.huTim-X Group – The Hungarian dressmaker chain. If beautiful is what you need. We are working in 6 well-equipped dressmaker shops with more than 150 employees to fulfil the increasing number of customers' orders.group hungarian, hungarian dressmaker, question hungariangroup, customer, shop, chain, quality6
dace.huRandivonal is a unique Hungarian brand widely recognized for premium quality service run by real dating experts. Randivonal was established in 1999, and over the 20 years of its existence we have dedicated all our efforts to ensure that Hungarian singles have the best chance of finding a partner…leader hungarian, hungarian date, unique hungarian, hungarian brand, effort hungariandate, mission, portfolio, europe, central6
rekkova.huI started to work on the web copies of Vandor Studio in 2022, and the two materials introducing the contemporary collections are very close to my heart. Hungarian and English versions appeared on the site in December 2022. Creating the descriptions of “Shape of Water” and “Once Upon a Time…” was…hungarian english, publication hungarian, hungarian architectural, case hungarian, european hungariancopy, article, publication, management, art6
kszs-law.huHungarian Lawyers Association: Since its founding KSzS has been a member of the Hungarian Lawyers Association with minor interruptions, our naming partner, Prof. Dr. Tamás Sárközy has been the president of the Association for many yearsbar hungarian, hungarian lawyer, new hungarian, hungarian civil, member hungarianlaw, lawyer, social, publication, engagement6
appletree-kindergarten.huApple Tree provides English language childcare and education. There are two teachers in each classroom at all times – a native English speaker and a Hungarian qualified kindergarten teacher who is fluent in English.qualified hungarian, hungarian teacher, speaker hungarian, hungarian kindergarten, week hungariankindergarten, tree, nursery, child, teacher6
officialfilms.huThe eligible direct film production costs which form basis of the tax rebate also include the cost of royalties (up to 4% of the film production costs accounted for in the books of the Hungarian film production company), producer fees (up to 4% of the film production costs accounted for in the…big hungarian, hungarian equipment, company hungarian, hungarian film, book hungariandirector, production, winter, official, documentary6
magnesfal.huInformation On Our Magnetic Wall Magnetic Wall is special plaster material, that makes it possible to magnetize almost any surface. Using this 100% original Hungarian invention anyone can secure blueprints, posters, picture frames, decoration, magnetic accessories, small and even bigger objects…original hungarian, hungarian invention, ingredients hungarianmagnetic, wall, surface, plaster, frame6
dbx.huThe Association of Hungarian Insurance Companies held its 11th annual international conference on November 4th 2021 in Budapest. The leading theme of the event was Future-Proof Insurance. Speakers shed light onto some of the most intriguing trends in this domain. DBX is a long standing parner of…association hungarian, hungarian insurancesoftware, insurance, communication, engineering, technology6
nimfea.huIf you would like to see the natural beauties of the Great Hungarian Plain, especially Nagykunság, our ecotourism selection is for you! Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association offers nature-friendly birding trips with photographing opportunities, excursions on horse-back or by…great hungarian, hungarian plain, forest hungarian, actually hungarian, hungarian greatnature, association, conservation, center, environmental6
prepostrecords.huRecorded live on 'Jazzaj' series in Lumen, Budapest on 28 november 2018. 34 minutes from the 52 minutes long, fully improvised performance. This was the first occasion Shelton even met the hungarian duo. István GRENCSÓ - tenor-, and soprano saxophones Aram SHELTON - alt saxophone, clarinet…variety hungarian, hungarian band, slovakian hungarian, hungarian punk, shelton hungarianduration, date, music, live, concert6
1870.huHungarian Freemasonry was consecrated into a Grand Lodge on the 30th January 1870. Masonry existed in Hungary from 1749 and had the patronage of many prominent members of society, but due to our turbulent history we had to wait for the formation of our National Grand Lodge, (the Grand Lodge of…build hungarian, hungarian steel, good hungarian, hungarian cuisine, hungarian wineanniversary, lodge, event, dress, bus6
group-lift.huWe won the "LIFT OF THE YEAR" award – jointly offered by the Hungarian Lift Association and the Hungarian Association of Elevator Companies for the winner of their public competition – with our panorama lifts built in 2010, 2011 and 2014. Our main references for new construction: Liszt Ferenc…current hungarian, hungarian technical, installation hungarian, hungarian small, result hungariangroup, maintenance, repair, escalator, implementation6
peoplefirst.huWelcome to the People First Public Benefit Association - Pécs homepage! We don't make a difference between man and man, for us is the People first! Our association operates as a first and currently single Hungarian member of an international network in Pécs. Our main goals are to support…single hungarian, hungarian memberpeople, association, page, member, public6
skinacademy.huI have also launched a residents’ forum to support representation of our young colleagues. In addition, a novel workshop will pop up in the programme entitled "Treatment Tricks Roundtable Workshop" but with a limited number of participants. Prominent representatives of the Hungarian Dermatological…representative hungarian, hungarian dermatological, workshop hungarian, hungarian session, april hungarianacademy, registration, skin, interactive, disease6
eston.huESTON International provides full-scale commercial property advisory services on the Hungarian real estate market since 1993.service hungarian, hungarian realinternational, property, management, office, real6
incominghungary.huEnjoy our entertainment programs for all members of your family. Discovering the vibrant city, the cosy restaurants, the “Hungarian sea”, spa and historical places that will make your trip unforgettable.restaurant hungarian, hungarian sea, budapest hungarian, hungarian countryside, knowledge hungariantravel, incoming, luxury, trip, family6
szerzodj.huRental contract based on the valid Hungarian legal system with our lawyer's recommendationhungarian language, contract hungarian, hungarian english, valid hungarian, hungarian legalcontract, rental, package, price, lawyer6
bepelog.huAs an Hungarian-owned company, Bepelog Kft. has been transporting goods in Europe since 2011.europe, tail, shipping, destination, delivery6
winetasting.hu…wine. The region is located about 80 kilometers from Budapest on the southern slopes of the Mátra Mountain range in Northern Hungary. Encompassing approximately 7,800 hectares of vine growing area, Mátra is Hungary's second largest wine region and the country's largest exporter of Hungarian wine.palinka hungarian, hungarian origin, exporter hungarian, hungarian wine, indigenous hungarianwine, gap, local, hill, main6
upartment.hu…Hungarians writes a whole new chapter. Ruin pubs are reinterpreting centuries old café-culture, where young minds and ideas meet from every corner of the world. A new wave of inspired chefs is rejuvenating the prestigious Hungarian cuisine garnering the highest praise from home and abroad.prestigious hungarian, hungarian cuisine, good hungarian, hungarian vineyardrule, happy, mean, game, city6
egerhaziimre.hu(Magyar) By the new millennium Imre Égerházi was regarded as one of the Hungarian Great Plain’s leading masters. He had gained great recognition in Hungary and beyond its borders for his art and his organizational work in the world of art. In the course of his life he received twenty-one state and…égerházi hungarian, hungarian great, painting hungarian, hungarian nationalgreat, art, recognition, museum, gallery6
ferrykerturbo.huIn 1995 Ferryker Bt. was appointed as the Hungarian representative and service of the KKK / Kühnle, Kopp & Kausch AG / turbo manufacturer. In the summer of 1996 Ferryker Bt. became the first official factory representative and service in East Europe.bt hungarian, hungarian representative, turbocharger hungarian, hungarian authority, march hungarianfactory, repair, representative, number, official6
hankooknegyed.huAlready, at this year's first copmany blood donation, organized in cooperation with the Hungarian Red Cross, we had a good turnout of almost a hundred people. A single donation can save the lives of up to three people, so Hankook employees contributed to the recovery of three hundred patients with…directive hungarian, hungarian national, cooperation hungarian, hungarian red, magical hungarianemployee, health, day, september, news6
metalproduct.huMartin Metal Product Co. started its activity in 2012 with the distribution of wide range of aluminum and non-ferrous semi-finished products becoming quickly one of the leading competitor on the domestic Hungarian market, with the support of its mother company Martin Metals which has more than 10…domestic hungarian, hungarian market, corner hungarianmetal, sheet, aluminum, strip, copper6
naih.huThe competence of the Authority do not cover the processing of personal data " when courts are acting in their judicial capacity " under GDPR Article 55(3) and LED Article 45(2). Hence, the Hungarian legislator, by the amendment of the Act CXII of 2011, established a mechanism according to which…article hungarian, hungarian legislatorauthority, data, act, protection, president6
socialcluster.huDr. Ágnes Egervári as the president of the Social Cluster Association received the prestigious award "for the development of social services systems, especially for increasing of life quality and well being among the elderly and people with dementia and their families". (Hungarian Official Gazette…cross hungarian, hungarian order, merit hungarian, hungarian parliament, family hungariansocial, cluster, news, practice, event6
massagehouse.huTHE BEST Erotic massage in Budapest ļ Beautiful Hungarian girls offer lingam, tantric, body-to-body slippery and happy ending massage.beautiful hungarian, hungarian girlmassage, review, weight, height, erotic6
alfanyugdij.huHungarian state pension (not the above discussed VPF pension) depends on many factors, e.g. nationality, number of years of service in certain countries, the country in which the person finally retires and the international agreements between Hungary and the retirement country.term hungarian, hungarian government, entitled hungarian, hungarian statefund, pension, portfolio, voluntary, tax6
jardinette.huYou can enjoy traditional hungarian dishes made from seasonal ingredients in our glass-covered sunny wintergarden or in the main building.magyar hungarian, hungarian hu, traditional hungarian, hungarian restaurant, hungarian dishevent, gallery, setting, traditional, soup6
myweddingplanner.huIldiko is a highly professional and most competent wedding planner. Without her help, we would never have been able to celebrate our dream wedding on the Hungarian countryside. Our privately owned Tanya in the middle of nowhere proved to be a serious challenge for celebrating a 100 person wedding…wedding hungarian, hungarian countryside, july hungarian, hungarian fiancee, couple hungarianwedding, planner, day, ildiko, big6
panmedia.huPanMedia has one of the longest professional histories among Hungarian media agencies – we have been market players since 1995. On an international level, we are part of Interpublic Group (IPG, New York), which is the third largest network of agencies in the world. In Hungary, PanMedia has a 33.3%…history hungarian, hungarian media, experience hungarianmedia, agency, history, campaign, market6
hmdcc.huWe will update the gallery after the 14th ISS WCT Hungarian Open Mixed Doubles Championship!wct hungarian, hungarian open, westbay hungariangallery, open, schedule, double, championship6
feith.hu…phenomenology provided a way to create an intimate relationship between philosophising, scientific activity and everyday life. The goal of the Hungarian Phenomenological Association is to promote the education and research of phenomenology in Hungarian, and to popularise and spread…bata hungarian, hungarian ambassador, goal hungarian, hungarian phenomenological, phenomenology hungariandance, zoltan, theatre, performance, music6
adoeljaras.huWhy to choose us? Due to our procedures, our clients have been saved in the past two years from paying unjustified tax debt in the amount of HUF 2 billion. All of our colleagues have worked for many years in different audit departments of the Hungarian tax administration, therefore we are from…department hungarian, hungarian tax, practice hungarian, hungarian supremetax, law, client, procedure, association6
borkovics.hu2016 Hungarian Glass Exhibition AVRAN Art& Design Gallery, Laguna Beach, USA – with Lukácsi Lászlóartemide hungarian, hungarian lamp, award hungarian, hungarian state, exhibition hungarianglass, exhibition, art, international, gallery6
compchem.huPéter Jeszenszki receives the Junior Research Prize from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for his research on precise computation of few-body quantum systems. Congratulations!otdk hungarian, hungarian national, scholarship hungarian, hungarian science, fellowship hungarianresearch, group, molecular, doctoral, congratulations6
saga.huThe Sága brand is a 9X Hungarian Brands winner and 10x Superbrands winner. “Füstli” brand received the Hungarian Brands award in 2017, in 2018 in 2019, in 2020 and in 2021, in Excellent Consumer Brand category.brand hungarian, hungarian brand, share hungarian, hungarian masterbrand, news, retailer, quality, proud6
petroleum.huTo protect and promote the general interests and social reputation of oil industry and trade. Seal of the Association: Hungarian Petroleum Association, Budapestassociation hungarian, hungarian petroleum, company hungarianpetroleum, association, oil, industry, environment6
sondorgo.huListening to the band play, you soon hear it’s nothing like traditional violin-led Hungarian music. Söndörgő’s sound is light, springy and delicately plucked. Their signature instrument is the tambura , a mandolin-like instrument, probably of Turkish origin, used by the South Slav (Serbian and…violin hungarian, hungarian music, tamburocket hungarian, hungarian fireworks, rich hungarianmusic, instrument, signature, respect, store6
folkmagazin.hu• Food and Hungarian tradition – Christmas foods and meals from all over Europe – by Juhász Katalinchange hungarian, hungarian town, andrás hungarian, hungarian chuvash, belief hungarianfolk, result, search, foundation, christmas6
szoloskertvendeglo.huThe Szőlőskert Vendéglő (Vine Garden Restaurant) that has been operating for 32 years awaits its existing and new guests in Balatonfenyves with its family atmosphere, Hungarian flavours and with the cosy shades of its vine arbour!hungarian dish, atmosphere hungarian, hungarian flavour, delicious hungarian, hungarian traditionalrestaurant, traditional, dish, place, quality6
skunion.huOur company was founded in 1992 with the aim of providing accounting, payroll, taxation, financial consulting and auditing to the Hungarian companies and also to foreign partners. Today our company has become a consulting agency with a network of international connections providing also…service hungarian, hungarian foreign, auditing hungarian, hungarian company, tv hungarianunion, auditing, legal, accounting, aim6
klimaalap.huThe Climate Protection Venture Capital Fund with a capitalization of 10.5 billion Hungarian forints is 100% registered and managed by the Blue Planet Climate Protection Investment Fund Private LLC.billion hungarian, hungarian forintinvestment, capital, fund, venture, planet6
nemzetkozi-szallitmanyozas.huFerrara 2006 Kft. is a hungarian company providing international logistical services. The company's aim is providing high quality, tailor-made logistical service for both national and international, small and medium enterprises, as well as individualskft hungarian, hungarian company, firm hungarian, hungarian ownership, member hungarianinternational, logistical, freight, offer, quality6
hotelhero.huAt the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of the Red Cross, World Blood Donor Day has been held on 14 June since 2004. On this occasion, a three-week national blood donation campaign will be launched by HotelHero and HHRA hotels with the help of the…commerce hungarian, hungarian csr, campaign hungarian, hungarian hotel, help hungarianhelp, news, hero, member, campaign6
ecpa2021.huOn the ECPA2021 conference technical tour participants will gain insight into precision agriculture technology solutions adopted and applied on the field through the example of a large Hungarian farming company, KEVE Zrt. The technical tour begins in the outskirts of Baracska, near Budapest (the…event hungarian, hungarian press, invoice hungarian, hungarian law, partner hungarianconference, abstract, submission, agriculture, precision6
hodysport.huIt doesn’t matter, if you race at Hungarian or International events, if you sharpen your skills during training or you are a coach and you want to find the best for your athletes, you can always rely on the HODY SPORT boats.professional hungarian, hungarian mkksz, unique hungarian, hungarian boat, old hungarianboat, kayak, canoe, page, main6
menedek.huWe believe that the adopted bill does not effectively define the basic framework of migration (the entry and stay of foreigners), regarding the economic and cultural interests of Hungary and Hungarian citizens.child hungarian, hungarian school, hungary hungarian, hungarian citizensocial, volunteer, child, school, community6
funside.huFunside’s new after school program in Budapest focuses on 21st century skills for ages 7 to 17, offering English and Hungarian afternoon courses, as well as Programming and Robotics classes in English, throughout the school year.english hungarian, hungarian language, hungarian afternooncamp, school, registration, summer, news6
sagisolymasz.huThe Sági Solymász Hungarian Vizsla Kennel is active in the breeding of Vizsla in Győrság and its surroundings. We still deal with falcons. Dog breeding is not only a hobby but also a way of life. We are waiting for our interested clients and see our current litter range.hungarian vizsla, solymász hungarian, creation hungarianlitter, dog, actual, history, cover6
pannongroupconsulting.huWe provide a comprehensive labor market solution for our Partners. Our company deals with the recruitment, workforce intermediation and accommodation of foreign and Hungarian workers. Our expertise follows the dynamics and trends of the labor market, using effective methods to ensure the selection…foreign hungarian, hungarian worker, people hungarian, hungarian laborconsulting, group, recruitment, foreign, market6
personalpartner.huOur comapny group has been active since 1989 in metalworking and personnel recruitment. In 2011, the Personal Partner International Recruitment Company was one of the first Hungarian companies to apply for and receive approval for temporary employment in Germany.mainly hungarian, hungarian worker, available hungarian, hungarian mag, company hungarianpersonal, recruitment, agency, international, germany6
britmagyariskola.huThe Brit-Magyar Bilingual School uses the Hungarian National Core Curriculum and the bilingual framework curriculum as defined for bilingual schools. Furthermore, Brit-Magyar is an accredited school for Cambridge International, the second bilingual school in Hungary to achieve this. Cambridge…teacher hungarian, hungarian national, school hungarian, english hungarian, hungarian nativeschool, student, child, question, admission6
infood2000.huAs distributor of superior brands we provide excellent quality products to Hungarian consumers.hungarian page, product hungarian, hungarian consumer, knowledge hungarian, hungarian fmcgbrand, food, quality, page, interested6
brbfinance.huWe are experts in Hungarian and IFRS accounting. Through our partner, we can provide you with full scale of accounting services including bookkeeping, payroll, controlling and reporting services. As well, we can provide basic back-office services relating to supplier payment and debt collection.expert hungarian, hungarian ifrs, knowledge hungarian, hungarian market, hungarian nativefinancial, expertise, market, finance, advisory6
andorkapeter.huSix excerpts will be performed from my Opera, Witch-heritage (Boszorkányvér) in the Klebelsberg Culture Mansion on 17th November evening. The work was nominated as the best Hungarian opera in the final of the Opera-composing Competition announced by the Bartók Plusz Opera Festival in 2017-18. In…concert hungarian, hungarian musical, good hungarian, hungarian opera, narration hungarianwebsite, music, choir, score, programme6
kisgabipszichologus.huhopefully new, creative ways of approaches, attitudes of coping with the crisis situation can be worked out. Gabriella Brédáné Kis is a licenced Hungarian Psychotherapist (Therapist) and Clinical Psychologist, providing counselling and psychotherapy in her private practice in Budapest. She…licence hungarian, hungarian psychotherapist, english hungarian, hungarian issuecounseling, psychotherapy, therapy, relationship, group6
budaizöld.huBudai Zöld Fine Wine Service was created with an aim to show the richness of Hungarian wine production. We intend to list premium products of mainly lesser-know but outstanding wineries. We firmly believe it is a fortunate coincidence that we are located on Gellért hill, where once some of the…richness hungarian, hungarian wine, opinion hungarianwine, hill, vineyard, aim, production6
seohun.husmaller companies successful, references are of course available on request. Our main target group are foreign companies that want to conquer the market in Hungary and Hungarian companies that want to sell successfully abroad. follow me on facebook , on instagram and linkedin you can also find it onoffsite hungarian, hungarian international, hungary hungarian, hungarian company, service hungarianwebsite, analysis, research, strategy, keyword6
englishcenter.huThe Szentendre English Center language school offers tailor-made Hungarian language courses to foreigners. Private lessons can be arranged with one of our teachers, who has extensive experience in teaching Hungarian as a foreign language. Schedule is subject to the teacher’s availability and can…tailor hungarian, hungarian language, experience hungarian, hungarian foreigncenter, adult, learner, language, situation6
egyensulyintezet.hu“NATO after the Vilnius Summit: assessment from a Hungarian perspective” – the Equilibrium Institute organised a joint conference with NATO for the second timeplace hungarian, hungarian europe, doctor hungarian, hungarian academy, assessment hungarianinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think6
globecenter.huvisit of hungarian sport events, organisation of training camps, contact with hungarian sport clubsluxury hungarian, hungarian style, performance hungarian, hungarian partner, visit hungarianagency, travel, festival, center, globe6
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huThe president of Hungarian Chamber of Civil Law Notaries may entitle the notary to prepare notarial deeds in a foreign language, and shall issue a language licence to certify such authorisation. The notary with language licence shall prepare and issue the deed in one language of the clients’ choice.president hungarian, hungarian chambernotary, notarial, document, public, register6
towerconsulting.huWe are here to provide customized professional payroll services to guarantee you are in line with Hungary regulations. Our experts will manage the maze of the Hungarian legislation of payable taxes and the Labour Code.representation hungarian, hungarian authority, maze hungarian, hungarian legislation, business hungariantower, accounting, tax, consulting, payroll6
bonaadventure.huBona Adventure is working for the development of Hungarian agriculture and the most efficient, knowledge-intensive, and sustainable production of farmers since 2018. We provide several services that bring real results to our partners in a short period of time.development hungarian, hungarian agriculture, predecessor hungarian, hungarian academy, unprecedented hungarianadventure, main, result, field, scientific6
szentjanosbal.huIn 2018 we celebrated the IV Saint John’s Charity Ball and collected a record amount of donations. These were used to support the Order of Malta’s Hungarian and international summer camps for handicapped youth.malta hungarian, hungarian international, headquarter hungarian, hungarian associationsaint, charity, donation, supporter, ticket6
absl.huStarted in 2005 as Hungarian Service and Outsourcing Association (HOA) and known as ABSL Hungary from 2022, our goal has always been to act as a bridge between the Shared Services Sector and Hungary, supporting the growth of both.report hungarian, hungarian businessevent, member, calendar, news, report6
exportreadiness.hu…of a major national mineral water and soft drinks producer for 2 years, with a global customer portfolio generating a sales revenue of HUF 3 billion. After that, I assisted the world market sales of a Hungarian technological invention in the role of business development and marketing director.company hungarian, hungarian economy, sale hungarian, hungarian technologicalmarket, sale, foreign, international, development6
bartoktavasz.huA special series of artistic events is launched in the spring of 2021, on the 140th anniversary of Béla Bartók’s birth. The Bartók Spring International Arts Weeks will take an unconventional form in this uncommon year, with Hungarian and international stars’ online streamed concerts of epochal…year hungarian, hungarian international, moment hungarian, genre hungarian, hungarian worldspring, international, main, page, art6
ayreon.huA site dedicated to the Ayreon Universe with Timeline, album descriptions and Hungarian translations as an extra!description hungarian, hungarian translation, interested hungarian, hungarian content, content hungarianuniverse, live, music, studio, piece6
goldenvisa.huBecome an EU resident through investment in Hungarian real estate. Faster procedure and more affordable prices than in other EU countries.investment hungarian, hungarian real, fund hungarian, hungarian national, new hungarianreal, estate, news, investment, immigration6
flow.huAs a consultant and coach, I have been working for 11 years to develop organisations, groups and individuals. I started my career as a psychologist and economist, and I’ve been accredited by the Hungarian Psychological Society as a trainer for skills and personality development. Previously I…economist hungarian, hungarian psychological, session hungarian, hungarian english, coaching hungariandevelopment, management, leadership, training, group6
femiparikft.huFémipari Acélszerkezeteket Gyártó és Szolgáltató Kft is a small Hungarian-owned enterprise located in south east Hungary that has operated in the field of manufacturing steel products for more than 25 years.small hungarian, hungarian enterprise, relationship hungarian, hungarian companysteel, structure, filter, website, field6
thepolisting.huA Hungarian music formation from Budapest presenting live the songs of the Grammy winner Sting and his previous band The Police. In the program next to the energetic hitsongs in pop, rock, punk, reggae style we can find the lyrical jazzy compositions also.police, cover, eng, tribute, concert6
ioaa2019.huOn behalf of the Academic Committee, it is a great honour for me to invite you to the 13 th International Olympiad of Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) in Hungary! It is a great pleasure and incomparable opportunity for the whole Hungarian science of astronomy to host the IOAA, the highest ranking…opportunity hungarian, hungarian science, century hungarian, hungarian astronomy, physics hungarianinternational, astronomy, science, country, official6
szazadveg.huperforming its task well in terms of effective data protection. In Hungary, the possibility of fair access to the media is also ensured, and the Hungarian legislator endeavors to ensure the transparency of campaign revenues and expenditures more and more effectively. Furthermore, the National…media hungarian, hungarian legislator, data hungarian, hungarian government, current hungariandata, report, protection, political, human6
drsutogyorgy.hu„defense lawyer Hungary” „defence lawyer Kecskemét” „defence lawyer Hungary” „defence lawyer Kecskemét” „criminal lawyer Hungary” „criminal lawyer Kecskemét” „hungarian defense lawyer” „hungarian defence lawyer”kecskemét hungarian, hungarian defense, lawyer hungarian, hungarian defence, client hungarianlawyer, criminal, attorney, defense, law6
magyaradozas.huOur company is at the forefront of Hungarian tax advisory services. With personalized international strategies and profound knowledge of international markets, we assist our clients in maximizing the potential of their work and business.forefront hungarian, hungarian tax, true hungarian, expert hungarian, hungarian internationaltax, international, taxation, appointment, strategy6
afromag.huAfroMag participants had a chance to take part at 7. HTCC Africa Expo and Fair Budapest as a volunteer. Africa Expo and Fair is an annual international forum focused on the building of African-Hungarian relations, presenting business and cooperation...member hungarian, hungarian labour, food hungarian, hungarian heti, african hungarianjob, event, search, legislation, curriculum6
tabulatura.hu…traditions and historical past, therefore, we most of all play historical instruments and according to faithful contemporary instrumentation. It is especially interesting with early Hungarian music as in that case the archaic elements of today's Hungarian folk music also occur during performances.early hungarian, hungarian music, today hungarian, hungarian folk, virtuoso hungarianmusic, ensemble, instrument, baroque, renaissance6
budapesthotelsnet.huand sights can be reached within 10-20 minutes from the hotel. City Hotel Unio offers comfortable, air-conditioned rooms exceeding the level of three-star hotels. The hotel's restaurant serves Hungarian and international dishes. Parking: in covered and guarded parking house 40 metres from the hotel.mediterranean hungarian, hungarian cuisine, view hungarian, hungarian parliament, specialty hungarianreservation, city, centre, room, discount6
drsimonyi.huLet me introduce You the Office in English. We are sure that our firm is able to support Your Hungarian business activities succesfully. The DR. SIMONYI Legal Office represents civilians, domestic and foreign companies either in different cases or permanently. It is an office which deals with…hungarian visa, able hungarian, hungarian business, network hungarian, hungarian memberlaw, firm, legal, representation, message6
drgyolcsjudit.huJudit began her professional career as an in-house corporate counsel for a market leader Hungarian motor vehicle company. Following the bar exam in 2000, she has been practicing as an attorney-at-law. She gained wide-ranging egal and leadership experience as a corporate lawyer, dealing with all…leader hungarian, hungarian motor, hungary hungarian, hungarian english, position hungarianlaw, firm, legal, mediator, mediation6
hungariabistro.huOur daytime operating Bistro & Garden, called Hungaria attracts guest for a nice plate of our Hungarian cuisine or just for a cool glass of rosé spritzer with the energy of youth, no matter if it's before noon or midnight.hungarian cuisine, plate hungarian, hungarian ratatouillepotato, salad, table, book, reservation6
aquincum.huThe monthly sessions present our Roman heritage in a lively way for active senior citizens. The event is in Hungarian.past hungarian, hungarian capitalmuseum, collection, school, event, tour6
patent.huThanks to our international and domestic experience and references, we are aware of the typical requirements of the pharmaceutical industry, whether it is for documentation needs or for particularly fine surface finishes. Our materials are of European origin only and we provide complete…magyar hungarian, hungarian hu, documentation hungarian, hungarian english, project hungarianindustry, documentation, site, production, welding5
ezerevparkja.huThe contents of our temporary and permanent exhibitions represent the diversity of Hungarian cultural heritage.diversity hungarian, hungarian culturalnews, build, event, family, culture5
fbc.huFine Brands Company is a distributor of premium beverage brands, including quality spirits, still wines and Champagne wines on the Hungarian market. Our current portfolio includes Ardbeg, Armand de Brignac, Belvedere, Bodega Numanthia, Chandon Garden Spritz, Château d'Esclans, Cloudy Bay, Dom…wine hungarian, hungarian marketbrand, wine, spritz, chandon, premium5
tavirozsakemping.huThere are 8 small lakes in Délegyháza where you can swim or fish (Hungarian fishing licence required) or just rest comfortably. Besides our 9 bungalows we have a campground for tents and caravans. We also have a bar and a hall available for special events.délegyháza hungarian, hungarian fishing, camping hungarian, hungarian versionfar, small, bungalow, beach, fishing5
niptex.huA NIPTEX Textilipari Ltd. was founded in 2002 and is a 100% Hungarian owned family business.textilipari hungarian, hungarian familyprotection, glove, family, safety, quality5
silverhost.huHungarian, foreign, funny, domain in our offers you will surely find what you are looking for at reasonable prices.default, unlimited, server, cart, backup5
drilleszsolt.huI am a member of the Censorial Body of the Legal Specialist Examination Board, the Hungarian Penal Society and the EU Penalnet network. I regularly appeared as a legal specialist in condominium matters in the "Család-barát" (Pro-Family) service magazine program and "Complaint-book" program on…board hungarian, hungarian penal, program hungarian, hungarian television, book hungarianreal, estate, sale, condominium, law5
subly.huOur business is mainly specialized in executing complex development needs for foreign and Hungarian companies, but we also provide a wide range of IT and graphic services for our new and existing clients.foreign hungarian, hungarian companydevelopment, complex, need, mainly, foreign5
szommerkonyvelo.huHow to set up a business in Hungary as a foreigner? Can you, as a foreign national, be managing director of a Hungarian business and what are the requirements? Do you know if you’re entitled to a pension for your employment in Hungary as a foreign national and, if yes, how much? Is a non-citizen…partnership hungarian, hungarian business, accounting hungarian, hungarian law, sure hungariantax, accountancy, payroll, reference, news5
masped.huAs a Hungarian-Austrian joint venture of MASPED and ÖBB Hungarian freight forwarding companies, we have been serving our customers for 25 years, offering international freight forwarding throughout our wide partnership network to and from all countries of the world by air, road, sea and rail…öbb hungarian, hungarian freight, partner hungarian, hungarian international, interest hungariangroup, logistic, reliability, tradition, social5
ha2mn.huHajdu QTC is the Hungarian ham radio monthly newsreel. It is edited by HG0EK and transmitted on the third Monday of the actual month. My new series titled "The Radioamateur" is about the radioamateur activity for those who have never heard of our special hobby. Unfortunately the language is only…qtc hungarian, hungarian ham, language hungarian, hungarian qtc, club hungarianpage, radio, ham, activity, contest5
hazinspektor.huProperty inspection of Hungarian real estate to assess its condition, identify any potential issues to provide professional help to property buyers.inspection hungarian, hungarian real, examination hungarian, hungarian propertyproperty, inspection, real, estate, detail5
admiralcount.huNo business can afford to have its accounting done in a haphazard manner. The recent years have brought about major changes in the tax system of Hungary, including the complete reformation of the Hungarian tax authority, which operates with more efficient control tools now. Furthermore, any fault…advantageous hungarian, hungarian company, reformation hungarian, hungarian tax, advantage hungariantax, taxation, count, accountancy, bookkeeping5
casablancatiszato.hu– we have luckily combined the beauty of the Hungarian countryside with the exotic atmosphere of distant landscapes;beauty hungarian, hungarian countrysidegallery, main, price, quote, room5
mikofami.huIn this project value improvement focused development took place related to hungarian agricultural products. In case of improving of meat processing procedure effectiveness various equipment acquisition completed sucessfully in this project. (sawing machine, electrical forklift, gas-powered…hungarian product, partner hungarian, hungarian consumer, frontline hungarian, hungarian beefmeat, plant, beef, quality, development5
boreas.huBoreas Ltd. is a Hungarian high-tech company founded in 1994. The company is specialized in development, production and retail of automated meteorological and environmental weather stations.boreas hungarian, hungarian highenvironmental, meteorological, production, development, station5
nyomozzvelunk.huThis new generation team-building game titled "Save Mankind from the Epidemic!" in English can be played “out of the box” outdoors and indoors immediately after ordering, with teams of 7 to 15 members up to 105 participants! A team building training module and game not only in Hungarian but also…game hungarian, hungarian english, quest hungarian, hungarian nyomozzgame, hunt, urban, mobile, build5
bhidvegi.huHe was born in 1936 in a small Hungarian town called Nagyszénás. His parents were landowners and, after the war, they lost all their properties and had to flee from the mob to the other part of the country. Continued his studies in Keszthely Agricultural University and in 1956 continued the…small hungarian, hungarian townconservation, small, parent, property, town5
tommyv.huTamas Veres (also Tommy V) is a Hungarian emerging young DJ with outstanding ambition and real artist background, affecting both classical and modern genres of music.tommy hungarian, hungarian youngmusic, tamas, welcome, real, genre5
hdmarketing.huOver the years, beyond core business an influencer marketing agency grew out from it as a spin-off company, it manages the largest Hungarian brands and YouTube partners in the region under the brand name Star Network .management hungarian, hungarian founder, large hungarian, hungarian brandconsultant, qualification, agency, growth, management5
weddingceremony.hubest romantic movies. Our wedding ceremonies are just as long as your guests like, the text is written in a mood that it is a pleasure to listen to and say all its words. The wedding ceremony can be both spiritual, christian, crossfaith, crossreligious – and even official by the Hungarian civil law.official hungarian, hungarian civil, arrangement hungarian, hungarian authority, ceremony hungarianwedding, ceremony, christian, way, minister5
winexperience.huThe Budapest Wine Experience is a recurring wine-tasting event designed for those eager to discover Hungary’s classic wine styles and its most important wine regions complemented with carefully selected matching Hungarian “tapas” and dishes.carefully hungarian, hungarian tapa, enthusiast hungarian, hungarian wine, overview hungarianwine, event, taste, booking, sample5
eduid.huHungarian Research and Educational Federation (HREF) is a SAML2-based Identity Federation of Hungarian higher education and research institutions, public collections and other content providers. For the end-users, the federation aims to be transparent, therefore the login procedure is communicated…federation hungarian, hungarian high, institution hungarian, hungarian research, mb hungarianfederation, member, user, attribute, institution5
harombetyar.huOur guesthouse is located in Balatonszőlős, 9 km from Lake Balaton, in the historical wine region. Guests visiting here “simply” refer to the area as Hungarian Tuscany, which has plenty of hiking trails, wine bars, wine cellars and a great deal of tranquility. Our house was built in 2021 to meet…area hungarian, hungarian tuscanyguest, house, today, wine, hiking5
bombavadasz.huSecurity investments (existing and currently operating Hungarian, former Soviet, international, military and civil airports; power plants; Hungarian and former Soviet barracks, military shooting- and training venues; other special defense investment areas; fuel, gas and other chemical storage…multinational hungarian, hungarian company, currently hungarian, hungarian soviet, plant hungarianarea, disposal, exploration, explosive, technical5
taylorhudak.huTaylor Hudak is an American-Hungarian journalist based in Budapest, Hungary. Taylor researches, writes and produces video reports and interviews for The Last American Vagabond and acTVism Munich . Taylor is also a contributor to Children’s Health Defense Europe . She covers issues focused on human…american hungarian, hungarian journalistinterview, health, american, video, defense5
satyananda.huWe invite you to a special summer yoga retreat at the Hungarian Yoga Associaton, conducted by 5 experienced international yoga teachers of the Satyananda Yoga-Bihar Yoga tradition. The foundation of the program will be the systematic practice of different branches of yoga. At this retreat you will…available hungarian, hungarian interpretation, build hungarian, hungarian yoga, ashram hungarianyoga, february, retreat, author, awareness5
abece.huIn Hungary, Dr. Ildikó Meixner was the first to draw my attention to dyslexic children, and developed a programme, which is still applied by Hungarian speech therapists. The only drawback of her programme is that the time of the therapy is set in years. If she was still among us, seeing the rapid…accent hungarian, hungarian language, time hungarian, hungarian foreign, programme hungarianchild, problem, programme, task, treatment5
agbprodukcio.huEnglish intermediate level, “C-type” Hungarian State Foreign Language Examination Certificatefilmvilág hungarian, hungarian freelancer, news hungarian, hungarian public, type hungarianproduction, head, department, manager, language5
artofprojects.huPMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter reserves the right to make changes to the AOP 2023 Conference program. If necessary, changes may be made to its content, method and organization before or during the event, insofar as these changes do not substantially diminish the described benefits of the event…budapest hungarian, hungarian chapterconference, art, participant, class, speaker5
edmon.hu6. step: residential permit. If you can prove you previous Hungarian nationality you dont have to wait 3 years. But you can get the permit only if your living cost and expenses are financially proven. The important point is the IRS certificate of the previous year. Categories: Have to wait 2 years…way hungarian, hungarian citizenship, previous hungarian, hungarian nationality, year hungarianpermit, step, live, administration, job5
relnet.huIn order to keep pace with the development of the technology we pay particular attention to the continuous training of our resellers and end users. Our trainings, workshops and other events provide insight into the details of our vendors' solutions. Please note that some events are only available…available hungarian, hungarian language, billion hungarian, hungarian forint, year hungariantechnology, vendor, network, event, solution5
tudastars.hu…research connected to higher education and works in the field of science communication. The results we obtain with both our theoretical and practical works directly influence the social position and social communication development of Hungarian science and especially of our partner institutions.science hungarian, hungarian society, scienceclips hungarian, hungarian science, researcher hungarianscience, communication, training, research, event5
ar-game.huIntegrated into the recruitment process, the selection can also be gamified, with a digital competence-measuring game that can be prepared in Hungarian or even in English, which has already been successfully used in Hungary by some pioneering companies. Namely, in such a way that the online…game hungarian, hungarian english, mainly hungariangame, application, reality, solution, mobile5
millenniumgardens.huMillennium Gardens is one of the most representative office projects on the Hungarian market and an exemplary showcase of ESG development practices.project hungarian, hungarian marketgarden, floor, office, sqm, page5
egmo2022.huIn this video, the mascot of the Hungarian EGMO team, Marvin shows you Budapest, the capital of Hungary, and the Veil Falls in the Szalajka Valley, which the participants can hopefully visit during this event. Of course, you can also see Eger, the city where the competition will be organized. So…hungarian mathematician, mascot hungarian, hungarian egmogirl, problem, european, mathematical, location5
tka.huThe first international alumni network in Hungary is aimed at establishing and enhancing an interactive, highly engaged and vibrant alumni community of former foreign students, who have attended or graduated from any higher education institutions in Hungary. The network is also open for Hungarian…foundation hungarian, hungarian national, overview hungarian, hungarian education, open hungariantempus, international, foundation, public, education5
eurogate-rail.hu…rail freight that cannot be diverted to road due to the nature of the goods, so that they can provide more stable and affordable service prices. This would be catastrophic in terms of climate protection, the safe return of Hungarian families to their homes on our roads, and the national economy.ewg hungarian, hungarian rail, interest hungarian, hungarian railway, return hungarianrail, railway, price, road5
liveflames.huSafe • Smell and Smoke Free • Mobile • Lifetime warranty • Economical consumption • 100% stainless steel • Unique design • Hungarian productdesign hungarian, hungarian product, good hungarianorder, consumption, silk, detail, live5
kaalifa.huAs part of artistic activities, I draw on paper and wood. Since I believe the heritage and the values of both the Hungarian and the ancient cultures are important, I use the motifs in my creations which I want to preserve and pass on for the future, such as shapes and forms in nature and ancient…value hungarian, hungarian ancient, mythology hungarian, hungarian folk, element hungariancreation, page, furniture, art, ancient5
likedrive-autosiskola.hu● in the case of foreign certificates and diplomas, by a competent Hungarian authority recognition certificate, localization clause, official certificate, official verification, information or a student relationship issued by a higher education institution in Hungary not older than 3 months a…non hungarian, hungarian citizen, citizen hungarian, hungarian residence, month hungarianexam, drive, hour, fee, school5
prezilimpia.huFollowing the traditions of Prezilimpia, the best non-SZTE students studying in Hungarian higher education in the field of economics can also enter the final of the competition in the framework of an online competition.student hungarian, hungarian high, contest hungarian, hungarian english, language hungarianpresentation, competition, talent, student, round5
lorifit.hu© 2023 Dr. Loretta Hegedüs | Standard Policy Conditions (in Hungarian) | House Rules (in Hungarian) | Privacy Statement (in Hungarian) | Used Font Statementsorry hungarian, hungarian house, condition hungarian, rule hungarian, hungarian privacyinstructor, class, statement, personal, trainer5
fice.huthe competitors could excel in cooking a broad repertoire of cuisine all around the world (Mexican, Azerbaijan, Italian, African, Transylvanian, Hungarian, etc). The organizers also provided programs for bystanders: dance groups, kindergarten groups, sport events, art workshops and folk workshops…aim hungarian, hungarian fice, transylvanian hungarian, hungarian etc, fice hungarianchild, event, day, theatre, camp5
rozsacsarda.huDirectly in front of the Austrian-Hungarian border, the M1 motorway, 171 km of the exit of the Shopping Center waiting for you 28 room hotel, restaurant and residential car park in our immediate neighborhood.austrian hungarian, hungarian border, famous hungarian, hungarian wine, hungarian cuisinebooking, food, restaurant, room, caravan5
ignaczbusz.hu…trailer can be provided. Our goal is to suit to our clients to become returning partners. Our bus driver’s decades of routine, experience guarantees that we provide a safe, high quality passenger transportation. Our buses are complying with the current Hungarian and EU rules in all respects.current hungarian, hungarian eubus, tour, introduction, transportation, group5
flowerme.huFresh and seasonal flower bouquets delivered by bike in Budapest. Weekly changing designs and a donation to Hungarian Cyclists` Club.donation hungarian, hungarian cyclist, bouquet hungarianflower, bouquet, fresh, bike, seasonal5
ppke.huThe Pázmány Péter Catholic University, through its Faculty of Theology, is the heir to the oldest Hungarian university traditions. In the past thirty years, our university has come a long way: from the initial difficulties and low student numbers, it has now reached the point where the Pázmány BTK…deadline hungarian, hungarian diaspora, old hungarian, hungarian universityfaculty, study, student, scholarship, international5
aquadit.huOur company, Aquadit Hungary Kft ., is a young and dynamic enterprise which in public opinion stands for the exclusive Hungarian distributor of stadium seats and grandstands, swimming pool accessories, changing room equipment and water adventure accessories, with several references from finalized…exclusive hungarian, hungarian distributordescription, accessories, stadium, change, swimming5
photohullanzsuzsa.huMy second solo exhibition, “The Beauty of Decay,” curated by Éva Keleti, has been presented at the National Association of Hungarian Journalists, at the Aranytíz Community Center, and at the Art and Antique Fair and Exhibition at Bálna Budapest.association hungarian, hungarian journalist, prize hungarian, hungarian press, budapest hungarianphoto, photography, exhibition, presence, important5
janosetterem.huWe use high-quality resources and modern technology to create the best dishes for you. Our specialities are originated from Hungarian and Modern-European cuisine.speciality hungarian, hungarian modernreservation, restaurant, italian, french, german5
designkft.huDesign Ltd. is a reliable Hungarian company utilities wastage, trim, garbage, litter, scrap, refuse disposal, salvage. It has 4 landfill and junkyard sites: Debrecen, Dunaújváros, Kecskemét, Kerepes. Main profil is waste management.reliable hungarian, hungarian companywaste, transport, management, disposal, packaging5
belegal.huBényi, Tamási & Schümeky Attorneys at Law is an alliance of Hungarian attorneys registered by the Budapest Bar Association with wide international and local legal expertise, of which Bényi & Partner Law Firm is the leading and coordinating member. Our Alliance provides permanent legal services for…alliance hungarian, hungarian attorneylaw, attorney, legal, solution, reliable5
cansathungary.huThe Hungarian Astronautical Society and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade also participated in the implementation of the Competition.official hungarian, hungarian cansatcompetition, satellite, official, organizer, challenge5
agrotrain.huAGROTRAIN KFT. is a Hungarian road transport company founded in 2001. Our team of professionals are specialized in all fields of transportation and are supported by a corporate governance and division system, and a back office. We transport and handle several hundred thousand tons of bulk or…kft hungarian, hungarian roadtransportation, transport, field, logistic, bulk5
alefordito.huAlthough high school years were still heavily influenced by learning foreign languages ​​(English-Hungarian bilingual grammar school), afterwards I turned aside from languages. Finally, after spending two years in England, I started my journey in professional translation. I tried myself in several…english hungarian, hungarian english, language hungarian, hungarian bilingualtranslation, text, document, proofreading, technical5
cgeopol.hu…in English and French languages. Under the name of 'Workshop Studies' not only the researchers of the Council publish articles, but also representatives of other related disciplines. The Council of Geopolitics is a foundation member of the Twentieth Century French-Hungarian Joint Commission.honor hungarian, hungarian foreign, french hungarian, hungarian joint, trustee hungariancouncil, member, board, research, foundation5
parkatrium.huThis premium office building with its landmark design is an iconic contemporary piece of art located in a historic part of the Hungarian capital. Set against the greenery of the City Park and complete with retail functions, Park Atrium offers 23,400 square meters of gross leasable area in the 6th…historic hungarian, hungarian capitalatrium, art, office, build, functionality5
talktonora.huIf you are an expat living in Budapest or anywhere around the world and need an English, Italian or Hungarian speaking counsellor, you are at the right place.italian hungarian, hungarian counsellorcounselling, psychotherapy, expat, place, italian5
hr-group.huHungarian workforce is extremely skilled, they perform the tasks assigned to them flawlessly. Just like HR-Rent Kft., as they provide us professionals extremely quickly and they also help us navigate through administrative processes.hungarian companygroup, rent, solution, staff, human5
leadevents.huOur country, the land of our ancestors, our culture, our traditions, our wealth, that we invite you to discover, to share to preserve.

Devise and implement programs, trips for our customers in Hungary, it is the basis of our concept.

To live Hungarian moments, to visit the…
basis hungarian, hungarian momentlead, culture, country, land, wealth5
energiaklub.huEnergiaklub’s opinion on the nuclear elements of the Hungarian National Energy and Climate Plannew hungarian, hungarian wind, element hungarian, hungarian nationalenergy, nuclear, climate, photo, article5
police.huAustrian, Slovakian and Polish dog professionals met at the Service Dog Training Centre of the Hungarian Police in Dunakeszi.february hungarian, hungarian ministry, centre hungarian, hungarian police, foreign hungarianpolice, training, activity, cooperation, dog5
andreakeresztes.huI am an actress and stunt performer from Hungary, my native language is Hungarian, I speak fluent English and a little German. My hobbies are cave exploring and rope access works.language hungarian, hungarian fluent, kozt hungarian, hungarian tv, titkok hungarianseries, actor, builder, website, main5
axiom-it.huWe are proud to say we provided an IT-security audit for the Hungarian electricity high-voltage transmission lines operator, MAVIR Zrt. The grid measures approximately 3,200 kilometers in overall length, and its system contains many of Hungary's power plants, including the Paks nuclear power plant.prominent hungarian, hungarian fleet, audit hungarian, hungarian electricity, hungarian postdevelopment, software, passionate, ready, security5
gki.huOne of Hungary's best-known and longest-running economic research institutes. We have been at the service of science and the Hungarian economy for 30 years.science hungarian, hungarian economy, autumn hungarianeconomic, research, article, month, newsletter5
layanda.huThe Layanda style is: Raag 'n' Roll. Indian Raag + Rock 'n' Roll = Raag 'n' Roll. The band fuses the Hungarian folk and Indian musical...band hungarian, hungarian folkindian, folk, style, gabor, video5
pillefizioterapia.huHow can we help you? Read more Spine issues Regardless of age, we can experience neck, back and lower back pain, which can also produce frightening... Read more Read more Pains caused by sedentary work Our lifestyle has changed a lot in the last century. An average Hungarian person sits for 6…average hungarian, hungarian personpain, preparation, pelvic, physiotherapy, rehabilitation5
foreest.huAs Graphic Artist and Graphic Designer I always have some freelance work. I have orders from Campus Debrecen regularly. I created their first Campus Festival image design. I created a lot of designs for hungarian metal events and metal bands. I took part in a big hungarian comic book project…big hungarian, hungarian child, design hungarian, hungarian metal, hungarian comicclose, client, date, llc, graphic5
dstech.huDS Tech Ltd. is a technology services and consulting company. DS Tech delivers technology and business consulting competence and experience to MNCs and national companies in the Hungarian market.company hungarian, hungarian markettechnology, consulting, competence, market, national5
turrisbabel.hutranslation agency, translation agency Budapest, translation, interpreting, interpreting agency, interpreting agency Budapest, Hungarian translation, English translation, German translation, Hungarian interpreting, English interpreting, German interpretingbudapest hungarian, hungarian translation, translation hungarian, hungarian interpret, proford hungariantranslation, language, interpret, reference, quality5
herbakastely.huextensive herbal library. The three exhibition rooms neighbouring the library present the long history of the beauty industry, starting from the collection of herbs and travelling through the history of the Hungarian beauty business, including success stories from the wine region, like Estée Lauder.magyar hungarian, hungarian hu, company hungarian, hungarian quality, history hungarianherbal, house, herb, visitor, centre5
budapesttravel.hu…is a great tourist spot. Hikers can go to the waterfall by railway then walk back to the bus whitin one hour next to the stream. On the way they can stop to taste trout next to the lake. In the afternoon they visit a tipical Hungarian wine cellar, where we offer wine and dinner for our guest.performance hungarian, hungarian native, taste hungarian, hungarian cuisine, traditional hungarianday, bus, city, lunch, sightseeing5
paprikamolnar.huPaprika powders sweet & hot, Hungarian, Szegedi, paprika seed-oils, paprika flakes, smoked paprika, paprika spice mixtures, paprika items and morehot hungarian, hungarian szegedi, paprika hungarian, ix hungarian, hungarian immigrantmuseum, mill, shop, history, powder5
hungarofarm.huHUNGARO-FARM Ltd was established in 1991 by three Hungarian private individuals; the main activity of our company is producing, processing and trading with different seeds and other cores of high quality needs.ltd hungarian, hungarian private, innovative hungarian, hungarian companyseed, quality, german, core, main5
komondors.huORLD CUP OF HUNGARIAN NATIONAL BREEDS 2021 Budapest 30 december 2021 organised the World cup of hungarian breeds. Our dogs has absolutely super results. we are so happy. HJCH, HCH, HSCH, HGRCH ANDAHÁZI Tanyák őre ANCSA Best Veteran komondor, and res. BIS Veteran HJCH, HCH, Andaházi Tanyák őre MURA…cup hungarian, hungarian national, hungarian breed, winner hungarian, komondor hungarianpuppy, breed, result, dog, litter5
klimapolitikaiintezet.huMáté Litkei, Director of the Institute for Climate Policy, shared his thoughts in an article for the Hungarian Conservative about the economic, social...cpi hungarian, hungarian embassy, asset hungarian, hungarian autonomy, article hungarianclimate, event, green, institute, protection5
winesofhungary.huHungarian wine bottle guide: can you tell the quality of a wine by the shape of the bottle?hungarian wine, francis hungarian, guide hungarianwine, district, region, day, upper5
offroop.huOFF-ROOP offers its customers self-designed and 100% Hungarian-made roof racks and off-road accessories. In addition, he wants to make the feeling of overlanding more accessible with VisionX Outdoor roof tents.self hungarian, hungarian roof, hungary hungarian, hungarian designaccessories, waterproof, roof, tent, outdoor5
noiegyutthato.huThe WECAN Program brings together 30 female municipal and community leaders from 209 small Hungarian cities (under 10 000 inhabitants) as part of a 52 hours training and mentoring program on participative leadership and inclusive governance. Besides strengthening leadership skills and enhancing…small hungarian, hungarian city, participant hungarian, leader hungarian, architect hungarianlocal, selection, training, community, application5
dev-lab.huIt is not possible. As written in our Terms and Conditions, our prices are non-negotiable, valid per person and per package, inlude 27% Hungarian VAT and cover all costs related to the selected standard shooting packages.inlude hungarian, hungarian vat, fully hungarian, hungarian groupshoot, package, weapon, range, detail5
collagenius.huCollagenius is a very high purity, high quality collagen product developed by Hungarian doctors. Our product contains several active ingredients that can improve physical and mental endurance and cartilage regeneration. The product contains high levels of antioxidants, which can support physical…product hungarian, hungarian doctorquality, doctor, open, question, effect5
yata.huThe Youth Atlantic Treaty Association of Hungary (YATA Hungary) was established in 1995 as the youth section of the Hungarian Atlantic Council. It is a full member of the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA) international network. Its basic principle is to promote the values of Atlanticism…section hungarian, hungarian atlantic, atlanticism hungarian, hungarian youth, organisation hungarianyouth, association, treaty, summit, publication5
phantomelectricboats.huThe quality knowledge of Hungarian engineers and specialists are acknowledged worldwide. This high level of engineering also made the Phantom boat to be birth.place hungarian, hungarian manufactory, knowledge hungarian, hungarian engineerphantom, boat, electric, quality, material5
starkcapital.huAn economist and banking expert with thirty-five years of professional experience in the financial industry, Mr. Erős played a pivotal role in the modernization of the Hungarian commercial banking sector. Having spent over a decade as CEO of major Hungarian banks (K&H Bank, ÁÉB) and eight years as…domestically hungarian, hungarian credit, market hungarian, hungarian agricultural, modernization hungariancapital, advisory, acquisition, management, merger5
grandiohungary.huGRANDIO - The Walnut of Zemplén – Gluten free, vegan, hungarian walnut from organic farm. Walnut buying, Walnut selling? It is Grandio. Premium quality Hungarian organic walnuts.vegan hungarian, hungarian walnut, quality hungarian, hungarian organicwalnut, organic, quality, buy, free5
yunik.huOur scouting activity aims to assess the Hungarian field and select the most promising players.activity hungarian, hungarian fieldplayer, management, unique, career, goal5
ivanyifilm.huPastor Gábor Iványi, former Member of Parliament, founder of the Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship, have had the mission to help the most impoverished for decades. He is an emblematic figure in Hungarian public life, speaking out whenever he can for the values he holds dear. As a result, he is…founder hungarian, hungarian evangelical, figure hungarian, hungarian public, member hungarianpastor, soul, portrait, documentary, director5
pigment.huAs the exclusive Hungarian representative of the German manufacturing company, all the services available in Germany are also available to our customers in Hungary. Together we have the opportunity to find a solution to almost every mixing problem. The quality of our products is so high, that we…ltd hungarian, hungarian company, exclusive hungarian, hungarian representativefoil, industry, solution, operation, exclusive5
rescube.huRescube Robotics is the first Hungarian competitor team ever in any of the major RoboCup leaguesexperience hungarian, hungarian robotic, hungarian team, robotic hungarian, hungarian competitorrobotic, young, open, community, engineer5
kliniktv.huKlinikTV is supporting the Hungarian alternative, underground and electronic scene by showcasing their music videos, broadcasting live acts and featuring podcasts.kliniktv hungarian, hungarian alternativelive, video, underground, alternative, electronic5
bayzoltan.huBay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. – as the coordinator of the Hungarian EURAXESS network – provides free of charge assistance for the outgoing and incoming researchers.coordinator hungarian, hungarian euraxessmaterial, development, laboratory, bay, technology5
constructionpapers.huThis article gives a brief account of three of the unique concepts used in Hungarian construction law: the Certificate of Performance Expert Board, construction trusteeship and designer copyrights.concept hungarian, hungarian constructionconstruction, contract, law, paper, dispute5
xlw.huWe at the XLW Parts , together with the Ineos Grenadier's Hungarian brand representation collaborate with GABLINI INEOS GRENADIER to create the finest OFF-Road and Overlander accessories tailored to your needs, ensuring the Grenadier handles the toughest terrains with confidence!grenadier hungarian, hungarian brandaccessories, road, detail, discovery, tough5
transporteconomics.huThe case of the M0 is special of course due to its location, but if one looks at Hungarian motorways farther away from the capital, they tend to be quite empty – especially the M6 which does not reach the border. This may be a sign that road tolls are too high. I am skeptical about cars having to…népszabadság hungarian, hungarian budget, article hungarian, hungarian general, location hungariandata, transport, map, note, road5
gyorsun.huKerri commented on Government Launches New Programme to Support Hungarian Businesses : It looks like you've misspelled the word "Eger" onrossi hungarian, hungarian citizen, number hungarian, hungarian tourist, programme hungarianjanuary, price, zone, economy, sun5
bereslegal.huThe main activity of our law firm is counselling Hungarian clients regarding foreign trade and commercial cases and representing foreign companies in Hungary.firm hungarian, hungarian client, disposal hungarian, hungarian english, swiss hungarianlaw, legal, firm, client, partnership5
filmservice.hu…from corporate tax-paying companies in the market. The tax incentive system is available for foreign films shooting in Hungary, as well as for Hungarian movies. The tax rebate has been increased to 30% of film production costs spent in Hungary. So if you spend 100 EUR for Hungarian film you can…scheme hungarian, hungarian film, foreign hungarian, hungarian filmmaker, hungary hungariandevelopment, homepage, commercial, bridge, series5
bpid.huBPID Ltd. is the Hungarian subsidiary of the well-known Austrian Vermehrt real estate investment group, which is primarily engaged in residential and public building development in Hungary, especially in Budapest, representing high technical and aesthetic quality.bpid hungarian, hungarian subsidiarymanagement, plan, investment, quality, build5
56films.hu…of 1956-ers, Andrea and Réka have worked together for the past 20 years. The Memory Project is their joint project to help document and record the personal stories of Hungarians who emigrated to the United States after the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and as displaced persons after World War II.year hungarian, hungarian revolution, state hungarian, story hungarian, fighter hungariandocumentary, revolution, story, outdoor, cold5
budapestsightseeingcruise.huas Budapest, it is inevitable to try a budapest river cruise while visiting. Europe’s second largest river is one of the most buzzing spots of the city and due to the great number of landmarks and sights that surround it, it is also one of the most sought after destinations of the Hungarian capital.destination hungarian, hungarian capital, majestic hungarian, traditional hungarian, hungarian costumecruise, river, sightseeing, dinner, sight5
namor-ep.huSince 2003, our company has been primarily involved in road construction and civil engineering. Our practical experience in civil engineering projects in the Eastern Hungarian region has enabled us to execute our construction activities at a high standard, even for large-scale civil engineering…eastern hungarian, hungarian regionconstruction, unit, road, machine, excavator5
mihalovits.co.huUnique handmade jewelry, personalized wedding rings, personalized engagement rings, Hungarian Goldsmith, Jewels made by forging, sawing, brazing and grinding.ring hungarian, hungarian goldsmith, art hungarian, worthily hungarianwedding, unique, engagement, jewelry, jewel5
gemesipreparator.huMy preparation palette is rich and diverse: it expands from the Hungarian and African trophies to the reptiles and trophy copies which are made with an individual technology. Our business deals with the selling of trophies as well. I like taking part in huntings with customers and friends.rich hungarian, hungarian african, diverse hungarianpreparation, hunting, tamas, copy, african5
stmargaretsbudapest.org.huIsten Hozott, God Brought You to Us, This Hungarian greeting well expresses our feelings for visitors and newcomers To our wonderful Saint Margaret’s Anglican Church Budapest community.god hungarian, hungarian greetchurch, saint, margaret, god, community5
okoindustria.huWith the co-organization of the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises (HAEE) and the support of the ÖKOINDUSTRIA trade fair, HUNGEXPO Zrt., as a traditional and prominent player in the domestic and Central-Eastern European exhibition market, will introduce a new, gap-filling…organization hungarian, hungarian association, exhibition hungarian, hungarian market, innovation hungarianexhibitors, green, programme, event, organizer5
yogasutra.huFor our premium cork mat, we do not use rubber or cork dust, making Yoga Sutra cork mat unique in the Hungarian market and in the surrounding countries.unique hungarian, hungarian market, reliable hungarian, hungarian webshopcork, yoga, premium, friendly, accessories5
szasznemesacel.huSzász Nemesacél Kft. Was established in 2007 as a private enterprise. Our company is a 100% Hungarian-owned company operating in Hungary.company hungarian, hungarian companyenterprise, private, production, activity, machine5
osfa.huDrawing inspiration from decades of successful family history research in Hungary, and a real commitment to the profession, the OSFA Genealogical Bureau was created with a view to help people acquaint themselves with their Hungarian roots and Hungarian Jewish roots, wherever they may live in the…people hungarian, hungarian root, root hungarian, hungarian jewish, citizenship hungarianfamily, tree, research, bureau, genealogy5
jobgroup.huWe provide flexible, cost-effective HR solutions, fast and simple processes tailored to the unique needs of Hungarian SMEs. Support is available from taking over partial tasks to the entire HR function.exclusive hungarian, hungarian partner, partner hungarian, hungarian international, need hungariandetail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour5
dutcham.huEstablished in 2002, the Chamber aims to facilitate the exchange of professional expertise and provide networking possibilities for Dutch Companies operating in Hungary and also for those Hungarian Companies setting foot in the Netherlands. It is a self-financed business associated with active…netherlands hungarian, hungarian chamber, hungary hungarian, hungarian companyevent, member, news, netherlands, chamber5
hunicorn.huWe are a member of the Association of Hungarian Forwarding and Logistic Service Providers, and we work under the Hungarian General Forwarding Conditions.hungarian ownership, association hungarian, hungarian forward, provider hungarian, hungarian generalforward, international, ltd, insurance, container5
alkotomuveszet.huThe colony that was founded by artists in Szentendre in 1926 followed in the tradition of the Nagybánya School. The intention and aim of the Szentendre Colony was primarily to provide a space for artists who wished to continue working in a Hungarian-organised artists’ residence, even after…network hungarian, hungarian cultural, future hungarian, hungarian artist, heart hungarianartist, creative, house, art, scholarship5
dominikvaradi.huMy BSc thesis project encompasses the creation of a dynamic full-stack web app, a simple hungarian picture-less social networking platform. Proficient in both front-end and back-end development, I designed an engaging interface with features like user profiles, and personalized feeds. This project…website hungarian, hungarian stack, simple hungarian, hungarian picturestack, developer, portfolio, personal, website5
mbgroup.huMcMillan & Baneth Kft. was established in 1989, as an Irish-Hungarian joint venture, inspired by the World Bank. It has now become entirely independent, a 100% Hungarian-owned consulting company. Our company operates in the premium (niche) market and the owner actively participates in the…irish hungarian, hungarian joint, independent hungarian, hungarian consulting, hungarian companycourse, additional, group, training, management5
reguly.huAt the school we had a last chance to rehearse our play, and then finally the plays were performed on stage in front of an audience. We had to perform one of the other countries’ plays or sagas. We got the Italian saga about the Medici family, while the Hungarian saga was performed by the…family hungarian, hungarian saga, background hungarian, meet hungarian, hungarian delegationschool, student, teacher, host, day5
businesslawyer.hubusiness lawyer Hungary, corporate lawyer Hungary, business association establishment Hungary, company formation Hungary, Kft formation Hungary, company foundation Hungary, attorney at law Hungary, Hungarian lawyer, law firm Hungary, attorney at law gyorhungary hungarian, hungarian attorney, hungarian lawyerlaw, formation, attorney, lawyer, association5
bigfish.huWe grant you access for more than 30 online payment methods. The biggest Hungarian webshops chose our easily integratable product, which ensures a simple payment process and a transparent course of business.big hungarian, hungarian webshopbig, fish, career, commerce, great5
metal99.huMetal 99 Ltd. has been serving the Hungarian industry since 1991. Our dynamically increasing and expanding product portfolio is capturing both the domestic and the international markets. We have strong relationships with significant transport companies, such as BKV Budapest Transport Corporation…metal hungarian, hungarian industry, máv hungarian, hungarian railway, railway hungarianmetal, production, homepage, repair, electrical5
hitechplast.huHi-Tech Plast is a Hungarian private company manufacturing products made of glass fibre reinforced polyester. Our company specialises in supplying trainer and umpire catamarans for rowing and kayak–canoe sports associations, venues and clubs, throughout Europe and worldwide. We are proud to have…plast hungarian, hungarian company, hungarian privaterow, canoe, kayak, italy, championship5
metaweb.huThe Hungarian Health Economics Association was founded in 2003 with the aim of offering a platform for discussion of actual health economic issues for professionals and for those interested in health economic science. Further objectives of the Association are the widespread promotion, instruction…economist hungarian, hungarian health, image hungarian, career hungarian, association hungarianassociation, economic, health, international, research5
geoplan.huSince its establishment in 1990, Geoplan Ltd. has been operating as an acknowledged geotechnical - soil mechanical design company and expert on the Hungarian engineering design market. The foundation of the company is based on the traditions of a multi-generational family of engineers. The…company hungarian, hungarian geotechnical, activity hungarian, hungarian english, expert hungariangeotechnical, investigation, foundation, assessment, soil5
mscity.huthe work of audit assistants, and quality control within the company . Still while working at Moore Stephens, she was engaged in tax advising in Hungarian and international cases, cooperated with international offices of Moore Stephens, and regularly participated at international conferences…consultancy hungarian, hungarian international, proficient hungarian, connection hungarian, auditor hungariantax, city, accountancy, accountant, client5
donaszi.hu…I have a wide range of interests, I keep on educating myself. I am always ready to learn something new. I also got my feet wet with ebook publishing. I’ve self-published two collections of my short stories and an ebook on blogging (in Hungarian). Learning about book marketing is one of my hobbies.writer hungarian, hungarian rovaniemi, blogging hungarian, hungarian bookwriter, journalist, freelance, social, media5
dogandpony.huWe are managing several online and offline campaigns for our clients as a Hungarian marketing agency. Our main services include: marketing consulting, social media marketing, Google Ads management, search engine optimization, web development, content marketing, influencer marketing, PR…hungarian market, service hungarian, hungarian marketing, expertise hungarian, btl hungarianagency, logo, dog, advertising, media5
fagosz.huIn this electronic catalogue you can search on more than 9500 companies for all the Hungarian forest and wood business (inclusing sawnwood, wood based boards, parquetry, palletts, wood housing, window-door, furniture, and all the machines, fittings, chemicals ant others used in this field) by a…english hungarian, hungarian time, company hungarian, hungarian forestwood, industry, forestry, federation, page5
meatland65.huWelcome to Meat-Land! Meat-Land 65 Ltd. is an increasingly dominant and dynamically developing market player of the Hungarian meat business since 2008.player hungarian, hungarian meat, european hungarian, hungarian slaughterhousemeat, land, mobile, sale, market5
wojtyla.hu…colourful. The fundraising for the development - around one hundred million HUF - already began. To our joy from November 2009 a group of the Hungarian Catholic Caritas works in the institute, namely the Karol Wojtyla Center became part of a prestigious organization of a great past which…group hungarian, hungarian catholic, past hungarian, got hungarian, hungarian shepherdfriendship, centre, house, poor, town5
smartlegal.huRichard and his team represented us in litigations in multiple disputes in front of Hungarian courts. They are capable to support with compliance topics as well. Everybody in the law firm is very professional and speaks fluent English which is important for us as we operate globally. Additionally…dispute hungarian, hungarian court, english hungarian, hungarian smartlegal, international hungarianlegal, law, international, lawyer, solution5
wing.huWING is one of the leading property developers in the Hungarian real estate market. It partners with international companies to provide world-class solutions to their specific real estate needs.developer hungarian, hungarian real, hungarian marketoffice, district, property, international, real5
papprekakinga.huPapp was a Milena Jesenksá Fellow at the Viennese Institute for Human Sciences in 2017 where she researched the Hungarian sex market and sex workers’ social circumstances. She published an elaborate series by the title Pussy Politics on the social history of obstetrics and the free birth movement…communication hungarian, hungarian literature, hungary hungarian, hungarian association, officer hungariantalk, special, treatment, casual, ancient5
colas.huBeyond transport facilities, public utilities, flood-control investments and aggregate production, the holding company – which has been managed by Hungarian executives right from the beginning – is also a key player when it comes to building construction. In addition to its fleet of equipment and…role hungarian, hungarian construction, company hungarian, hungarian executive, experience hungarianconstruction, road, bridge, section, investment5
bte.huChairman of HAS (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), the Director General (DG) of NDGDM (National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of the Interior) and the rector of the National University of Public Service awarded our Association (BTE- International Professional Association of…slovenian hungarian, hungarian border, happy hungarian, hungarian association, chairman hungarianassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor5
synovis.huThe main field of activity of Synovis Medical Ltd is the distribution of freely accessible medical devices, which covers the supply of Hungarian hospitals, outpatient care institutions, private healthcare providers and private users.development hungarian, hungarian healthcare, supply hungarian, hungarian hospitalmedical, device, freely, accessible, ltd5
nobilitas.huThe main purpose of the Association is to cultivate the traditions and spiritual legacies of Hungarian historical families helping to protect their contemporary interests, preserving Christian and other noble values for future generations to come while encouraging solidarity for Hungarians living…association hungarian, hungarian historical, family hungarian, hungarian magyar, legacy hungarianassociation, historical, family, noble, youth5
puskasferenc.huAfter he stopped playing, he worked as a coach and led the Greek team Panathinaikos to the Euopean Championship Cup. He also headed the Hungarian National Team on four occasions. In 2002, People's Stadium, originally inaugurated in 1953, was officially renamed Ferenc Puskás Stadium.president hungarian, hungarian football, old hungarian, hungarian national, captain hungarianchampionship, national, board, news, thank5
moonwalk.hu…Portugal, along with efforts to eliminate segregated special education schools. Speaking of teaching methods, Italy and Portugal are similar to Hungarian schools in their tendency of using frontal methods regardless of the state of integration. Developing competences - precisely because they…study hungarian, hungarian italian, similar hungarian, hungarian schooldisability, people, research, young, youth5
havik.huThe Havik Ltd., founded in 2003, is an industrial and trade company with 100% Hungarian ownership. The production center is at Kaposújlak, 3 kilometers from Kaposvár, in Somogycounty, Hungary. Since 2011 we operate at a brand new, more than 1000 square meters production area.company hungarian, hungarian ownershipproduction, steel, locksmith, structure, industrial5
omikron-mo.huNearly 30 years of experience on the Hungarian banking software market. Omikron Group is present at 1100 banks in 90 different countries.leader hungarian, hungarian european, sector hungarian, hungarian commercial, experience hungarianbanking, solution, electronic, financial, reference5
iqc.hu“ We rely on three basic principles. The first one is our business model, which is very similar to the business model of an IT consulting company; namely, that they are also adopting the best international IT solutions to the Hungarian market just as we do. Innovation is the second most important…large hungarian, hungarian organization, alliance hungarian, hungarian non, non hungarianconsulting, market, organizational, development, management5
gsound.hu…invested energy, our presence has risen to a national level over the years. At the same time, we received requests from more and more popular Hungarian bands to provide high-quality soundengineering and visuals for their productions. Since we have constantly placed great emphasis on quality workpopular hungarian, hungarian bandevent, acoustic, sound, technology, visual5
villanypasztorgyar.huVillanypásztorgyár is a Hungarian manufacturer of electrical cord, electrical cord, devices and accessories. Contact us!villanypásztorgyár hungarian, hungarian manufacturer, website hungarian, hungarian hempfence, electric, cord, device, accessories5
kocsisszabougyved.huDr. Gergely Szabo is a senior partner at Kocsis and Szabo Law Office, a Hungarian attorney admitted to the Budapest Bar Association. He specializes in civil law, contracts, litigation, arbitration, corporate law, property law, labour and employment law, hereditary succession, intellectual property…transfer hungarian, hungarian bank, office hungarian, hungarian attorney, hungarian lawlaw, legal, office, representation, lawyer5
elmenybalatonhotel.huDepart from the beautiful harbor of Alsóörs Marina and conquer Lake Balaton! ! Spend a full or half day in the Hungarian Sea and enjoy the freedom in the company of your couple, family, friends or colleagues!wave hungarian, hungarian sea, day hungarianlake, room, waterfront, facility, beach5
hiwash.huOur company, Macmillan Equipment Group, aspires to be a major participant in the Hungarian laundry and dry cleaning industry. Our plants are constructed utilizing wholly new, cutting-edge technology, with long-term sustainability in mindparticipant hungarian, hungarian laundrylaundry, hour, clean, industry, commitment5
stipendiumhungaricum.huThe Hungarian Government established the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme to promote the internationalisation of Hungarian higher education and to attract top international students from all around the world who can establish personal and professional links to Hungary while enjoying…degree hungarian, hungarian university, renowned hungarian, internationalisation hungarian, hungarian highstipendium, study, programme, scholarship, finder5
urbanverbunk.huThe Hauser X Urban Verbunk country image building video was created in the spirit of Hungarian-Croatien cultural diplomacy, in which our wonderful capital, Budapest, and Hungarian culture are presented.player hungarian, hungarian folk, tunnel hungarian, hungarian grey, spirit hungarianurban, dance, folk, video, water5
zsolnaycafe.huDiscover the enchanting Saturday evening ambiance of Zsolnay Café, where culinary delights are accompanied by the soothing sound of piano melodies. Gyula Nyári is in charge of the live piano performance. Gyula is a founding member and president of the Hungarian Bar Pianists Association.origin hungarian, hungarian word, president hungarian, hungarian bar, famous hungariandessert, coffee, tradition, famous, build5
amstelhattyu.huOn our menu you can find the creams of Hungarian cuisine and the pride of other nations. We are proud of our XXI. century-kitchen, where the latest trends are combined with the traditions of traditional tasty Hungarian cuisine. Taste our menu, you will not be disappointed, culinary journey in…cream hungarian, hungarian cuisine, tasty hungarianrestaurant, guesthouse, hospitality, german, czech5
eutdij.huFrom 1st July, 2013 it is mandatory to pay e-road toll in the territory of Hungary for the vehicles that’s maximum gross vehicle weight exceeds 3.5 tones. The distance-based toll system (DTS) contains a total of 6,513 km roads of the Hungarian public road network. E-road toll has to be paid on…easy hungarian, hungarian toll, road hungarian, hungarian publicvehicle, device, road, axle, easy5
blacko.huI am making and upgrading this list, that I would like to show the colourful world of the Hungarian phonecards for every collectors. This site contains all of public and private Hungarian phonecards till these days.quantity hungarian, hungarian phonecards, list hungarian, hungarian card, sale hungariancard, swap, sell, list, interested5
bedandbreakfast.huEnjoy our elegant Bed and Breakfast guests rooms in the heart of Budapest close to the Hungarian Parliament, the Danube river, and other major attractions.close hungarian, hungarian parliamentbreakfast, bed, room, location, attraction5
hiaszt.huAs the first part of a broad and comprehensive inquiry, the proposed three years of research aims to examine the history of the Hungarian so-called ‘amateur’ phenomena (theatres, performances, festivals etc.) and the accessible documents of their history between 1961 and 1972. Missing (Theatre)…theatre hungarian, hungarian stage, history hungarian, hungarian amateur, tradition hungariantheatre, stage, literary, amateur, studio5
polarkiss.huPOLARKISS Kft. Is the exclusive Hungarian representative of ZODIAC ARRESTING SYSTEMS AMERICA, accordingly it performs the installation, service and maintenance tasks of ZASA's arresting systems in Hungary.exclusive hungarian, hungarian representative, hungarian englishreference, construction, electrical, maintenance, arrest5
englishschool.huLooking to continue to refine his teaching skills and experience a new language and culture, Dan first came to the English School of Budapest in 2017. It was a rewarding experience to be a part of the team at ESB and make a positive contribution to improving Hungarian children’s language skills in…daytime hungarian, hungarian school, student hungarian, hungarian education, teacher hungarianschool, teacher, child, language5
agardi.huAGÁRDI DISTILLERY. Agardi palinkas and Spirits. Manufacturing ’pálinka’, the Hungarian protected origin fruit spiritis more than...pálinka hungarian, hungarian originpalinka, distillery, fruit, premium, glass5
hungaryprogrammes.hu…Esztergom, Visegrád, Szentendre, Pannonhalma Abbey, Lake Hévíz, Gundel Restaurant, sightseeing by helicopter, folklore show, Matyó embroidery, Hungarian Cuisine, Gellért Hill, St. Stephen’s Basilica, organ concerts, Fishermen’s Bastion, Buda Castle, paprika, pálinka, goulash soup, wine tasting…budapest hungarian, hungarian countryside, embroidery hungarian, hungarian cuisinetour, sightseeing, cruise, danube, ticket5
costesrestaurant.huChef-patron Jenő Rácz, a celebrity chef best known for his appearances on the most popular Hungarian cooking show, the country's version of Masterchef and the Rumour Restaurant, is assisting us in resuming our quest to maintain excellence while incorporating his own style of bohemian elegance and…popular hungarian, hungarian cookrestaurant, faq, taste, cart, voucher5
psalmusarts.huPsalmus Humanus Integrated Arts Education program is built on the fifty-year traditions of Hungarian educational system and the most recent scientific researches.tradition hungarian, hungarian educationalart, education, educational, scientific, integrate5
shmentor.hu…to them. The mentors' responsibility is to assist their mentees in administrative and educational tasks and to help them in getting used to Hungarian transportation, culture, and norms. These mentors always attend the same university as their mentees and are there for them to provide help withtask hungarian, hungarian transportationuniversity, network, stipendium, student, registration5
ecsy.huWe are trading with confectioner, baker and gastronomical tools, since 1993. We are 100 percent Hungarian property family business; as a result of our work the structuralization, the continuous progress of our company and our top quality products result real value, success and satisfaction.price hungarian, hungarian vat, hu hungarian, hungarian en, company hungariantool, cake, form, cutter, bowl5
topartetterem.huTÓPART RESTAURANT Our goal is to make your stay even more memorable with our delicious and healthy meals made from fresh ingredients. Hungarian and international dishes are prepared with the use of the newest technologies and the greatest care. The dishes are paired with the best wines of the…ingredients hungarian, hungarian internationalrestaurant, lake, guest, delicious, wine5
bdml.huExplore the sustainable materials of the future Budapest Design Material Library Co-founded by the Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency and Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, the material library is a collection of the most innovative materials currently available worldwide. If you need…library hungarian, hungarian fashion, co hungarianmaterial, library, sustainable, collection, innovative5
budapestprivatewalks.huBudapest Private Walks offers private walking and bike tours in Budapest and its surroundings. During the tours one can get a comprehensive knowlegde on the history, culture, architecture of the Hungarian capital.architecture hungarian, hungarian capital, place hungarianwalk, private, tour, bike, capital5
hahn-law.hu…identified. In judicial and extrajudicial proceedings, in drawing up contracts, we offer comprehensive legal advice in our two law offices in Budapest and in Vienna in Hungarian, German and English. You can find a detailed presentation of the profile of our law firm under the menu item Activities.office hungarian, hungarian german, vienna hungarianlaw, office, vienna, firm, field5
teamforce.huIn May 2017 again Budapest gained the right to organize the LEN Champions League, Final Six event. As the sport marketing agency of the Hungarian Water Polo Federation, we had the opportunity to welcome the best six teams of Europe at the brand new Duna Arena. This evet served as the rehearsal…event hungarian, hungarian ice, spring hungarian, hungarian skating, agency hungarianevent, communication, portfolio, organization, federation5
parkvendeglo.huOur restaurant was founded in 1988 as a family business. Park restaurant in the center of Keszthely, 200 m from Lake Balaton, in a friendly atmosphere but easily accessible. Our menu includes mainly well-known Hungarian and international dishes. For groups and events - by pre-arrangement - we will…hungarian food, hungarian soup, mainly hungarian, hungarian international, dish hungarianrestaurant, reservation, gallery, guest, food5
gombaforum.huFor the fourth year running, the Hungarian SPAR has announced the Hungaricool product competition. It’s aims to give interesting, innovative and novel companies operating on […]year hungarian, hungarian spar, fungus hungarian, hungarian universitymushroom, cultivation, technology, research, economy5
studiolegale.huThe key to survival is adaptation. During our 25+ years we had to adapt to several fundamental reforms of the Hungarian legal system, even to economic crisis, booms, and the changing of needs of our clients. We have always tried to be faster and more flexible than our competitors.reform hungarian, hungarian legal, firm hungarian, hungarian foreign, liability hungarianlaw, firm, associate, insolvency, tax5
korinda.huThe true and authentic interpretation is one of the most important aim of Korinda Band, focusing on the ethnical groups who live in the eastern part of the Hungarian speech area. At the time of the beginning the three founders started to play together after they got the possibility to learn the…day hungarian, hungarian culture, eastern hungarian, hungarian speech, dialect hungarianmember, tradition, music, heart, concert5
drtivadar.huThe Hungarian Data Protection Authority has imposed the highest ever data protection fine in connection with the unlawful use of artificial intelligence (AI).january hungarian, hungarian consumer, force hungarian, hungarian authoritylaw, protection, firm, data, office5
parlamentiszemle.huThe contents of the journal are determined by the independent editorial board, composed of professors and heads of departments from the fields of public law and political sciences and dealing with parliaments and parliamentary issues at Hungarian universities nationwide, former and current…new hungarian, hungarian academic, approach hungarian, hungarian foreign, online hungarianuniversity, professor, parliamentary, constitutional, national5
aranyszarvasetterem.huIn addition to the specialties of Hungarian and international cuisine, with wild food, as well as welcome our guests to the famous Hungarian wine regions and wineries famous for the excellence of our wine list. All of this is offered on our panoramic terrace for those arriving by usspecialty hungarian, hungarian international, famous hungarian, hungarian wine, excellent hungarianguest, panoramic, food, cuisine, terrace5
pecsisor.huOur beers are made exclusively from the karst water of the Mecsek mountain near Pécs and Hungarian malt with the addition of the finest European or American hops.magyar hungarian, hungarian hu, pécs hungarian, hungarian maltbeer, brewery, organic, free, gluten5
ikte.huIKTE (Integrált Kifejezés- és Táncterápiás Egyesület, i.e. Hungarian Association for Expressive Arts and Dance Therapy) is offering trainings, workshops and professional cooperation based on the specific methodology of Integral Expression and Dance (IED) Therapy. Our main goal is to train, develop…egyesület hungarian, hungarian associationgroup, method, therapy, training, art5
mititex.huMitiTex Kft is a foreign owned Hungarian company, founded and started its activity in 2009. as a member of an Italian group of textile companies managed by the same family since four generations.foreign hungarian, hungarian companyquality, activity, group, member, italian5
macskahal.huAs Macskahal aptly foretold , Hungary defeated a somewhat disarrayed Sweden side in yesterday's EURO 2012 qualifier. Dzsudzsák, the highest rated Hungarian could not play for his collarbone injury, but there was an enduring team and a shining Rudolf to keep the three points home.makhachkala hungarian, hungarian midfielder, high hungarian, hungarian collarbonerussian, site, league, fan, balazs5
mestersegekunnepe.huArts and crafts, music, dance, all that tradition. Celebration of the hungarian folk art at the Buda Castle.celebration hungarian, hungarian folk, association hungarianfolk, festival, art, craft, guest5
acelhidak.huACÉLHIDAK is a Hungarian company with manufacturing and construction of steel structures – mainly bridges and cranes – in the focus of its activity. We are happy to provide our clients with the related engineering services as well. Every single custom-made steel structure we produce is…acélhidak hungarian, hungarian companystructure, steel, manufacture, engineering, installation5
hvbattery.huThe HV battery trainer has been developed by a handful of Hungarian automotive and software development engineers. Every main R&D phases was validated by experienced high voltage professionals (mechanics, electrical engineers). It took almost 3 years from the first prototype to the…handful hungarian, hungarian automotive, english hungarian, hungarian languagebattery, simulator, training, learn, diagnostic5
nagyvillam.hu…of nature and the timeless ambience of the neighbouring historic monuments. We serve our guests with the finest dishes, quality wines and we provide excellent service. In addition to traditional the Hungarian cuisine, our menu also includes game and wild mushroom dishes, grilled specialities.traditional hungarian, hungarian cuisine, menu hungarian, hungarian national, hungarian dishwedding, restaurant, event, conference, dream4
szecsodi-office.huThe official web-site of the Szecsődi Law Firm. Legal services in English, French and Hungarian languages.french hungarian, hungarian languagelaw, firm, office, legal, site4
cooptech.huCooptech is a Hungarian owned technological designer and installation services solutions provider company with over 20 years of experience. Cooptech offers its expertise in DESIGNING, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION of process plants to the leading PHARMACEUTICAL, CHEMICAL, FOOD AND BEVERAGE companies.cooptech hungarian, hungarian technologicalindustry, pharmaceutical, vessel, food, beverage4
zoldutak.hu…of a subsequent action plan for the Austrian border zone as part of “Sustainable Tourism” preparatory action of the European Commission. As Hungarian partners of the eleven member trans-national consortium Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (Ökotárs) and Cycling Hungary Alliance…commission hungarian, hungarian partner, consortium hungarian, hungarian environmental, border hungarianiron, curtain, border, area, step4
spa.huHungary's medicinal waters widely used for bathing. In Budapest, Heviz, Hajduszoboszlo, Bukfurdo, Mezokovesd and in many other places You can enjoy high quality hungarian hospitality in the best spa termal facilities.quality hungarian, hungarian hospitalityplace, hospitality, quality, bathing, widely4
enviszolg.huEnviszolg Kft. is a hungarian owned company, offering paint stripping services since 2008. Efficient and cost-friendly paint removing.kft hungarian, hungarian companypaint, strip, clean, remove, thermal4
bacchusnectar.huGood wine can be just good wine spritzer or a good cocktail prepared and Bacchus Nectar compiles the best raw materials drink of the gods. Hungarian wine making and viticulture undergoing a new renaissance. Made excellent Hungarian wines, of which difficult Basic Wine Karoly Ats wine we chose, who…old hungarian, hungarian tradition, god hungarian, hungarian wine, excellent hungariannectar, drink, wine, flavor, bottle4
panzioalfold.hu…a visit to the thermal spa and relaxation centre Ceglédi Termál Fürdö, a national attraction. Cegléd is an excellent starting-point for exploration of the surroundings: the architectonic pearl Kecskemét, the puszta or the Tisza Bend nature reserve. Take your time for the rich Hungarian past...hungarian deutsch, cuisine hungarian, hungarian hospitality, rich hungarian, hungarian pastrestaurant, guesthouse, surrounding, town, centre4
interregioforum.huOur project was launched in 2014 within the framework of the Hungarian-Slovak Cross-border Cooperation Program 2007-2013 (HUSK / 1101 / […]framework hungarian, hungarian slovak, slovak hungarian, hungarian borderforum, border, cooperation, practice, region4
planetfanatics.huPlanet Fanatics’ Network is an enterprise consisting of people with close to twenty years of professional experience in the area of sustainability gained in Hungarian, international, corporate and NGO environments.sustainability hungarian, hungarian international, london hungarian, hungarian largesustainability, planet, network, corporate, introduction4
allhotelsbudapest.huZichy Park Hotel**** is located beside highway 63 ca. 120 kms far from Budapest in the neighbourhood of Bikacs colony. The 4-star wellness and conference hotel, which unifies the style characteristics of modern architecture and old hungarian country style construction elements, offers smart…international hungarian, hungarian cuisine, old hungarian, hungarian country, view hungarianenquiry, deal, package, price, lake4
caravancamping.hu20% discount for pitches, 10% discount for caravan rental for Hungarian National Ambulance Service employees. Discounts are valid until revoked!rental hungarian, hungarian nationalcaravan, campsite, price, guest, booking4
mkne.huTo enhance the knowledge as well as the environmental consciousness and responsibility, and to develop an environmental-friendly way of thinking and way of life of those devoted to environmental education, and through them, of the Hungarian society as a whole;aim hungarian, hungarian society, education hungarian, award hungarian, hungarian ministerenvironmental, education, member, society, training4
eli-alps.huThe Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI ERIC) signed an agreement with the University of Szeged to become the majority shareholder in ELI ALPS. The strategic agreement effectively integrates the Hungarian-based research...science hungarian, hungarian scientist, journal hungarian, hungarian science, effectively hungarianprocurement, data, public, research, alp4
hotelgerardus.huThe newly built Hotel Gerardus opened its doors in August 2023 in Szeged, on the grounds of Szent Gellért Forum, creating the largest and most comprehensive sports and event center in the South Great Hungarian Plain. With its sophisticated design, 50 rooms, including 2 suites, and our excellent…great hungarian, hungarian plain, traditional hungarian, hungarian dishroom, gastronomy, rental, offer, event4
vivatbacchus.huVivat Bacchus, established in 2001 has travelled around Europe and the whole world contributing to the promotion of good Hungarian wines in order to strengthen its recognition on the international scene. Within their repertoire we can discover way more than just the traditional folk and drinking…good hungarian, hungarian wine, famous hungarian, hungarian poem, course hungarianwine, ensemble, group, song, culture4
icellmobilsoft.hui-Cell - creator of Hungarian Hu-Go Toll System, Nation-wide Invoice Control System and EKAER System for Control of Freight Traffic. i-Cell mobilsoftcreator hungarian, hungarian hucell, solution, control, freight, view4
magicom.huWe have been an Investors in People accredited organization for 16 years. With this, we can play as a role model for the operators of the Hungarian economy, as a company that is not satisfied with following of the trends, but also “does” them.operator hungarian, hungarian economyinfrastructure, hardware, operation, consultancy, security4
docroom.huWe are proud that DocRoom, the Health Research Program of the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta isprogram hungarian, hungarian charity, practice hungarianresearch, health, publication, social, people4
partitestverek.hu…in the free world and initiate a new “table” in it. In their idea the most suitable person was one of their brother “Huszár” because of his Hungarian bonds, and his dedication. This story really touched me and I felt sympathy. They ignored the tradition the selected people will be members of…found hungarian, hungarian brotherhood, community hungarian, hungarian coastal, huszár hungariantable, national, news, flag, international4
lfblegal.huOn the field of arbitration, we are familiar not only with the codified law but also with the Hungarian and international practicelaw hungarian, hungarian internationallegal, tax, client, litigation, international4
inspirationtravel.hu…companies for guests, we realise the importance of deeply knowing our destination , and helping our partners with fresh ideas and innovative programs on board and during shore excursions as well. We offer our services all along the Hungarian section of the Danube: from Komárom to Mohács / Pécs.famous hungarian, hungarian thermal, association hungarian, hungarian travel, service hungariantravel, inspiration, cruise, tour, medical4
egzatik.hu…clients can retrieve information about their business quickly and easily via the internet. This is a unique online accounting system in Hungary. We can issue not only Hungarian standard reports but can also develop custom reporting mechanisms for your company if needed, in a short amount of time.webmaster hungarian, hungarian administration, hungary hungarian, hungarian standard, correspoding hungariantax, accounting, financial, advisory, report4
paksiugyved.huOwner of the law office, Gabor Paksi Dr. LL.M. is lawyer at the Association of Mutual Insurers of Hungarian Lawyers.team hungarian, hungarian official, association hungarian, hungarian consulting, office hungarianoffice, law, procurement, public, association4
susanbatori.huHungarian children's book illustrator. Line magician. Googly eyes expert. Always optimistic, except on Monday.expert, line, monday, child, eye4
derossi.huWe cultivate success across borders. While we work in the Hungarian regulatory environment, we understand the expectations of businesses from around the globe.chamber hungarian, hungarian auditor, border hungarian, hungarian regulatory, culture hungarianvaluation, auditing, de, financial, data4
dorakonyvel.hu…became a charted accountant and payroll specialist. I worked for multinational accounting service providers, learnt from the best to be able to stand here now as an individual accountant who offers you high quality, proactive accounting services about the Hungarian Legislation in English language.hungary hungarian, hungarian legislation, service hungarian, aim hungarian, way hungarianvel, main, page, accountant, payroll4
akademiaklub.huOur exclusive, closed restaurant is located in the centre of Budapest at the foot of the Chain Bridge, on the ground floor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, with a beautiful panoramic view of the Buda Castle.build hungarian, hungarian academy, traditional hungarian, hungarian flavour, floor hungarianacademy, quote, hall, event, rule4
cetemcom.huOur company is 100% Hungarian-owned company, that provides many services with many years of experiences.english hungarian, company hungarian, hungarian company, consultant hungarian, hungarian foreignmanagement, european, consulting, technology, central4
obudaizsinagoga.huThe synagogue has regained it original use in 2010, when EMIH (Egységes Magyarországi Izraelita Hitközség – Unified Hungarian Jewish Community] was able to reclaim the building as a result of unprecedented communal effort. Renovations started to take place than, completely financed from private…cradle hungarian, hungarian jewry, unified hungarian, hungarian jewish, symbol hungarianobuda, synagogue, community, jewish, build4
tubakurzus.huIn the 1990s, Barcs was the meeting place of the brass community. In the village of south-eastern Hungary, hungarian and foreign “vibrators” destroyed the Iron Curtain during the camp, and a euphoric tone emerged that brought joy, peace, unity and dream to the hearts of the participants. After the…celebration hungarian, hungarian tuba, hungary hungarian, hungarian foreign, document hungariancamp, teacher, music, meal, application4
temptprincess.hu…articles on the subject since spring 2015, and since 2018 she has been giving public and private lectures on the imperial-royal family both in Hungarian and English. Her first book, Queen Elisabeth and the Hungarians was published in 2021 and won the “Book of the Year 2022” award in the…family hungarian, hungarian english, book hungarian, hungarian new, relative hungarianbook, video, article, memory, reference4
forditoszalon.huI graduated with a double major in English and Hungarian Linguistics and Literature from University of Szeged in 1993. I worked as lecturer at Juhász Gyula Teacher’s Training College, Szeged (today: part of the above university), I taught English language, translation, literary history and…english hungarian, hungarian freelance, native hungarian, hungarian translator, hungarian linguistictranslator, translation, gabor, freelance, native4
budapestuomo.huPatrik Ligetvári is a member of the Telekom Veszprém handball team and the national team, a four-time Hungarian champion, and has played 93 times in the Hungarian national team. At the Budapest Uomo Charity Event the signed shirt he wore in the winning match against Barcelona will be offered for…history hungarian, hungarian fashion, model hungarian, hungarian tailor, goal hungarianticket, fashion, tailor, main, programme4
sudy.co.huJapanese producer of innovative glass coating agents, Hardolass established their Hungarian subsidiary on May 25th, 2023.hardolass hungarian, hungarian subsidiaryjapan, support, market, europe, japanese4
meatfactory.huDomestic processed meat products from the heart of Somogy, Kaposvár! We work with quality raw materials. More than 200 Hungarian employees take part in the production.material hungarian, hungarian employee, family hungarian, hungarian companyprice, list, meat, request, factory4
ultratrail.huOnly half an hour away from Budapest. Connect travel with your passion! Salomon UTH® is the most popular Hungarian trail running race. 6 distances, 1500 trail runners, 1 race.popular hungarian, hungarian trailrace, infographic, sponsor, guide, news4
eszka.huKnitwear, unique, sustainable, fairfashion, colorful, knitted coat Hungary, knitted coat Budapest, knitted jumper Budapest, knitted coat Hungary, knitted blanket, yarn, designer wear, Hungarian knitwear, Budapest knitwear, knitwear designer hungary, knitwear designer Budapest, designer clothing…wear hungarian, hungarian knitwearcoat, sustainable, blanket, unique, clothing4
budaventuratravel.huHave a look at the extended version of our beloved Hungarian program. During the tour we will visit UNESCO World Heritage sites not only in Hungary but also in Central Europe, shaping a nice roundtrip with full of wonderful experiences.harvest hungarian, hungarian sea, beloved hungarian, hungarian program, adventure hungariantour, travel, central, europe, heritage4
ingenium.huAs Hungary prepares to embrace the idea of a National ESG framework, Hungarian businesses seek to adopt the new initiatives. We can say that not only policymakers, but investors and even consumers are starting to favour those companies that manage to showcase their environmentally friendly…workshop hungarian, hungarian office, hungarian blog, framework hungarian, hungarian businessconsulting, boundary, realm, today, center4
backstreetvoice.huon both sides of the microphone as actors, narrators, voice over directors, music directors, film composers, as well as in multiple areas of the Hungarian and foreign media and localization: television, film, music and advertising industry. Our extremely experienced staff includes some of the best…area hungarian, hungarian foreign, producer hungarian, hungarian voiceover, hindi hungarianvoice, studio, director, artist, sound4
eniac.hu…be used by our clients in the framework of a designable, convenient construction without any hidden costs, cost-efficiently from anywhere, at any time. Furthermore, in 2006 our company was one of the first to introduce cloud-based services for enterprise management systems on the Hungarian market.system hungarian, hungarian market, software hungarianmanagement, software, solution, detail, enterprise4
executiveresearch.huSCS Executive Research Consulting Ltd. was formed - as first on the Hungarian market - providing a flexible research service to both executive search consultants and heads of HR or Company Directors.consulting hungarian, hungarian marketexecutive, research, consulting, search, consultant4
clearvision.huWe have worked in state administration, telecommunication and finance industries so far and somehow, we always deal with customer relations and sales systems. Our first serious project was the migration of NAV's (Hungarian Tax Authority) central customer base, followed by the financial forecasting…nav hungarian, hungarian tax, module hungarian, hungarian state, máv hungariansolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication4
natiandaaronwedding.hu…of them to be our witnesses, and we all sat at least one metre apart…! Therefore after more than three years we can now at last look forward to celebrating together with our close friends and family in a wonderful, relaxed setting, with a party atmosphere gilded with a hint of Hungarian tradition.hospitality hungarian, hungarian people, hint hungarian, hungarian tradition, traditional hungarianwedding, day, weekend, special, planner4
grande-maison.hu…Lukács and all the magnificent museums, charming little art-galleries, and antiquity-shops with their treasures to be discovered. After an eventful day full of experiences, you can relax in the garden and enjoy the sunset on the terrace or in the garden with a nice meal and fine Hungarian wine.fine hungarian, hungarian wineapartment, away, garden, terrace, mediterranean4
hotelsbudapesthungary.huand sights can be reached within 10-20 minutes from the hotel. City Hotel Unio offers comfortable, air-conditioned rooms exceeding the level of three-star hotels. The hotel's restaurant serves Hungarian and international dishes. Parking: in covered and guarded parking house 40 metres from the hotel.mediterranean hungarian, hungarian cuisine, view hungarian, hungarian parliament, restaurant hungarianreservation, city, centre, room, near4
royalehost.huWe are RoyaleHost. Our goal is to create an affordable and cheap hosting service at a price of 1€/GB RAM. We actively support our users in both English and Hungarian.monthly, backup, support, month, storage4
limo.huIt´s no secret that Hungarian girls are the most beautiful, and with that said, it would be a shame not to experience that first hand with one of our sexy strip shows. The hottest girls in town are the perfect way to spice up your evening, and are just a click away!beautiful hungarian, hungarian girl, secret hungariantransfer, airport, limousine, hour, single4
imro.huIt was announced at the Croatian-Hungarian EU Interreg funded SEPIaM-CC project’s closing event that the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of the City of Lenti has been completed. The document was prepared by expert contribution from IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd. The Action Plan builds on the…slovenian hungarian, hungarian collaboration, organization hungarian, hungarian slovenian, croatian hungarianenergy, climate, tovább, close, county4
somogyiangelika.huCoaching psychologist – Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest ELTE és Hungarian Coaching Associationcentre hungarian, hungarian mindfulness, és hungarian, hungarian coaching, budapest hungarianproblem, university, counselling, psychologist, therapy4
ruszwurm.huThe classical Hungarian pastry, simply called “creamy”, is a cooked egg cream with vanilla mixed with the egg white after cooking. However, the Ruszwurm cream pastry is not mellowed with the egg white but with whipped cream, of course when cold.classical hungarian, hungarian pastry, available hungarian, hungarian time, hungarian bookcake, root, pastry, round, book4
socialresearch.huThe trade unions argue that the wages in Audi Hungaria are 25-39% behind the wages of other Central and Eastern European filials of Volkswagen group in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland. So, their target is very modest, to decrease the gap between the Hungarian and the Central and Eastern…demand hungarian, hungarian trade, interest hungarian, hungarian mercedes, gap hungarianwage, social, union, trade, labour4
technoorg.hu"Nowadays, the possibilities for further development of cutting-edge technologies must be sought in the nanoscale, which decisively determines the arsenal of tools and techniques for examination and intervention." Szigethy András, the CEO of Technoorg Linda, was recently interviewed by the…recently hungarian, hungarian innotékascientific, preparation, user, magazine, news4
digitalis-konyveles.hu• I speak Hungarian, German and English, so I can help international companies with the Hungarian accountingafraid hungarian, hungarian tax, company hungarian, hungarian accountingdigital, accounting, tax, bookkeeping, international4
biztonsagosvaltozas.huI have been developing individuals and organizations for 14 years . I have a coach certification from Lemma coaching school, a brief coach certification from the Hungarian Psychological Association and a brief coach certification from SolutionSurfers (ACTP). I have an Action Learning Team Coach…certification hungarian, hungarian psychological, coach hungarian, hungarian coaching, szemle hungarianorganization, development, process, group, goal4
fairtransfer.co.huBuda Castle is the historical castle and palace complex of the Hungarian Kings in Budapest. It was first completed in 1265. The castle now houses the Hungarian National Gallery and the Budapest Historical Museum.complex hungarian, hungarian king, castle hungarian, hungarian nationalairport, north, south, city, center4
frame-online.huHITS is the acronym for Hungarian Framework Architecture for Intelligent Transport Systems describing the Hungarian equivalent of the English framework architecture for intelligent transport systems; such a system for the Hungarian framework of intelligent transport systems that summarizes the…hit hungarian, hungarian documentation, acronym hungarian, hungarian framework, system hungarianframe, history, architecture, website, intelligent4
gyalog.huClient-centered, high-quality legal services for Hungarian and foreign companies and individuals in the fields of Criminal Law, Economics and Company Lawservice hungarian, hungarian foreignlaw, area, office, criminal, quality4
karsay.huBirdy by Karsay is a piece of ceramics designed and produced by Hungarian ceramist Judit Karsay. Her other work includes contemporary vessels.ceramic hungarian, hungarian ceramistceramic, vessel, piece, contemporary4
hydroinfo.huHungarian Hydrological Forecasting Service was founded on 1 March 1892. Starting from 1929 it operated within the Institute of Hydrology. In 1952 the Research Institute for Water Resources Development (VITUKI) was established, HHFS operated within VITUKI until its closing in 2012. From 1 August…hungarian hydrological, webpage hungarianforecast, meteorological, data, delivery, process4
krq.huWe obtain our clients by tender and recommendation after successfully completed projects. Our clients include the biggest multinational brands as well as dominant players in the Hungarian market.hungarian expertise, quality hungarian, hungarian fresh, player hungarian, hungarian marketcommunication, client, brand, page, video4
picturestart.hu"After the arrival you are participated in the screening of the second block of KAFF Hungarian Short Film Program. What do you think of this sorting, did you have a favorite movie?blende hungarian, hungarian trailer, hungarian competition, kaff hungarian, hungarian shortpicture, start, festival, production, animation4
bmcrecords.huFounded in 1998, the catalogue of BMC Records has now surpassed 250 releases. It publishes Hungarian and international artists of the contemporary, classical and jazz field.release hungarian, hungarian internationalcart, record, error, official, website4
ait-budapest.hu"From spending time learning from some of the best Hungarian professors with fellow Computer Science students in AIT’s beautiful facility during the week to exploring Budapest’s cuisine, social scene, and historical monuments on the weekends, the entire semester felt like a dream."addition hungarian, hungarian culture, learn hungarian, good hungarian, hungarian professorcollege, student, application, abroad, staff4
talling.huI have great experience in locating such projects, the establishment of the project company, management of the renovation of the real estate and renting it out to solid tenants. The tenants may be small Hungarian companies as well as multinational companies who are active in the Hungarian market.activity hungarian, hungarian real, hungarian business, small hungarian, hungarian companymanagement, real, estate, consulting, market4
pressair.huIn accordance with the developed market needs, we have General Liability Insurance covering liability for activities, service providers, products, and environmental pollution. Our economy is balanced. We are a qualified taxpayer of the Hungarian Tax Authority earning the title “Debt Free Company”.magyar hungarian, hungarian hu, promise hungarian, hungarian market, taxpayer hungarianair, quality, customer, solution, need4
budapestbusiness.hu…(merge, demerge) of the companies. From the North European region I have worked for two Norvegian companies in Hungary and I also audited a Hungarian subsidiary of a Swedish company. I am engaged with companies, subsidiaries from the following countries: USA, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and…hungary hungarian, hungarian auditing, audit hungarian, hungarian taxation, budget hungariantaxation, financial, consulting, tax, statement4
aries.huARIES hungarian business network help you to increase your business success. Doing business in Hungary with overseas global partners in Europe! Internet marketing, free classified websites.aries hungarian, hungarian businesseurope, network, website, solution, free4
ngtt.huOn 11 October 2011 , the National Economic and Social Council of Hungary’s (abbreviated NESC in English, and NGTT in Hungarian) inaugural session was held in the House of Parliament, attended by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and a number of government representatives.ngtt hungarian, hungarian inaugural, member hungarian, hungarian civil, science hungariannational, member, council, social, economic4
a-list.huWe have been representing high quality in Budapest since 2003. Our goal is to provide the highest quality service to the international and Hungarian guests. The best Beauty Salon Buda II. Pest V. Hűvösvölgy 2/A. Redken Hairdresser, Belico Cosmetic Anti-aging, Manicure Pedicure CND OPI Shellack…international hungarian, hungarian guestlist, salon, pedicure, manicure, quality4
budapestcollege.huOne of the things I’ll never regret in my life is being a student at BIC. Throughout this year I had a lot of fun, I learned a lot and I met amazing people. The staff, teachers and students are all very nice and helpful. My favourite subject was Hungarian, I enjoyed learning such a language. I…subject hungarian, hungarian languagecollege, university, engineering, foundation, international4
forditoth.hu…several teaching materials for Pharmacy and Physiotherapy undergraduates, as well as for Medical students interested in Prescription Writing. Besides teaching Hungarian and international students, I also gave healthcare English language courses for practising pharmacists and future translators.write hungarian, hungarian international, english hungarian, hungarian english, romanian hungariantranslation, quote, rate, translator, material4
residencehungary.huWe can offer private or small group (5-6 person) Hungarian language classes to learn the essential fundamental or upgrade your knowledgeexpert hungarian, hungarian authority, scale hungarian, hungarian university, person hungarianimmigration, assistance, relocation, comprehensive, appointment4
budapestdishcovery.huLooking for a culinary experience with full of urban stories and history? We will show you the famous Hungarian hospitality while you DishCover our enchanting city. You can also book a private tour.famous hungarian, hungarian hospitality, hungarian palinkatour, private, city, news, latest4
kortarsgaleriak.huThe Association of Hungarian Contemporary Art Galleries is a non-profit membership organization of the nation’s leading galleries in contemporary fine arts. Renewed in 2010 the Association’s primary objective is to further develop the recognition and prosperity of the Hungarian contemporary art…association hungarian, hungarian contemporary, prosperity hungarian, recognition hungarian, hungarian artistgallery, art, contemporary, management, dynamic4
hapa.huThe Hungarian Asphalt Pavement Association (HAPA), registered at the court of registration, is such a professional union, which includes the work of asphalt manufacturers and asphalt road builders as members, and people, who participate more extensively in asphalt road building as associated…road hungarian, hungarian asphalt, meeting hungarian, hungarian europeanasphalt, member, association, road, european4
anpr.huWhat is the Matrix Police ANPR System? The MATRIX Police is a special number plate recognition software, which until now has many times proved the efficiency and reliability. The Hungarian police has been using this number plate recognition system...reliability hungarian, hungarian police, family hungarianplate, police, number, pocket, recognition4
due.hu…(€11), for a year. Members receive a plastic press card, with their name, date of birth, card number, and their picture on it. On the back there is a sticker which indicates the validity of the card. The press card is in Hungarian and English, and it has the address and phone number of DUE on it.president hungarian, hungarian radio, card hungarian, hungarian english, successful hungarianradio, member, journalist, student, media4
imzrt.hucorporate engineering engagements, especially construction management, full scale technical control and independent engineer’s services. In this segment, we have participated in several projects supported by the Hungarian National Development Agency as technical controllers or independent engineers.range hungarian, hungarian construction, federation hungarian, hungarian property, hungarian consultingtechnical, control, scope, engineer, construction4
javorbenedek.huBenedek Jávor is a Hungarian environmentalist and a Member of the European Parliament for Párbeszéd Magyarországért (Dialogue for Hungary). Read moreprocedure hungarian, hungarian government, jávor hungarian, hungarian environmentalistmedia, european, mep, letter, story4
arthurmurraybudapest.hu…since the age of 18, I’ve been on multiple ocean liners, and I’ve appeared on two seasons of Dancing With The Stars. My partner and I had many Hungarian championship podium finishes and are national champions. My entire life has revolved around dance, and now I want to share my passion and…partner hungarian, hungarian championship, place hungarian, dancer hungarian, hungarian dancedance, center, studio, dancer, student4
gerbeaud.huThe Gerbeaud legend began with Henrik Kugler and continued its journey with Emil Gerbeaud. Their common feature lies in their innovative spirit which made the business extremely popular among Hungarian guests. We have continued this tradition and aspiration with the launch of our webshop. Our past…gerbeaud hungarian, hungarian market, resthouse hungarian, hungarian king, classic hungarianpage, legend, chocolate, ago, tradition4
grantis.huOur services are completely free for you as a private user. Grantis’ income comes primarily from the financial institutions as referral fees according to the laws and regulations set by the state and the Hungarian Central Bank. These fees are virtually identical to ensure the independence of…calculator hungarian, hungarian market, state hungarian, hungarian central, body hungarianinsurance, financial, consulting, investment, loan4
milan.huHungarian photographer, Budapest based artist, designer and visual storyteller. Hi combining fine art photography and photojournalism.view, art, photographer, artist, photography4
budapestphotofestival.huThe Budapest Photo Festival is an annual city-wide exhibition series representing the contemporary and classical values of the photography with the presence Hungarian and international art scene. The aim of the Festival is to make Budapest the „City of Photography”.presence hungarian, hungarian international, contemporary hungarian, hungarian photographyphoto, festival, photography, exhibition, contemporary4
itlgroup.huLajos Law Firm is a boutique law firm based in Budapest that has been offering full legal assistance in Hungary for over 20 years. Our team of professionals trained in a large number of Hungarian law areas has been in close collaboration with ITL Group for decades.constantly hungarian, hungarian international, number hungarian, hungarian law, data hungariantax, law, real, estate4
drtatar.huWe can manage legal representation also, when in procedures before Hungarian courts it will be necessary to initiate the preliminary ruling of the Court of the European Communities (Luxembourg) to interpret the law of the European Union. We also manage to write applications to the European Court…field hungarian, hungarian german, instead hungarian, procedure hungarian, hungarian courtlaw, court, language, legal, establishment4
hhgreenhouses.huThis company is specified in the building, renovation and sales of greenhouses all over Europe. We deliver new and occasion greenhouses. With our company the Dutch quality is a promise and will be built by our Hungarian employees with a Dutch foreman. Every type of greenhouse can be delivered by…holland hungarian, hungarian greenhouse, kft hungarian, hungarian company, promise hungariangreenhouse, screen, control, climate, europe4
kpli.huThe Codification Committee of the Self-Regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT) and the Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ) updated the Hungarian Advertising Code of Ethics ("Code") following extensive…ört hungarian, hungarian advertising, mrsz hungarian, case hungarian, hungarian nationallaw, firm, labour, pharmaceutical, client4
afrikatudastar.huThe African-Hungarian Union is a non-profit organisation that has created this electronic database for lecturers, researchers, students and for those who are interested. The purpose of this database is twofold; on the one hand, we want to enrich the research of Hungarian Africa studies with…material hungarian, hungarian foreign, african hungarian, hungarian union, research hungarianintroduction, database, electronic, list, bug4
rekk.huThe online workshop will discuss the UK and Hungarian experiences, innovation activities and regulatory frameworks related to flexibility, energy storage and demand side response.analysis hungarian, hungarian gas, uk hungarian, hungarian experienceenergy, market, research, analysis, economic4
weddinginhungary.huPremium quality of food and beverages what are served at your wedding reception is very important for you and your guests to feel very happy and to make your wedding day unforgettable. (international course, typical Hungarian food and drink or vegetarian courses )typical hungarian, hungarian food, accordance hungarian, hungarian law, jurisdiction hungarianwedding, planner, day, agency, venue4
eloszer.huAmong our clients we can find many foreign and Hungarian companies, food businesses, private builders, public institutions.hungarian property, person hungarian, hungarian nationality, foreign hungarian, hungarian companybuild, industrial, house, public, hall4
erdosmecske-vendeghaz.huThe houses are being protected by 3 friendly dogs. “Kifli” the Vizsla, “Vitéz” and “Csuba” the Puli. Enthusiastically and full of pleasure the dogs play the part of perfect hosts for the kids and our guests. “Frici” and “Cirmi”, the two cats, the goats and their kids, the Hungarian ramshackle…book hungarian, hungarian language, kid hungarian, hungarian ramshackle, rural hungarianhouse, guest, welcome, village, kitchen4
rhedey.huConsulting activity in own company primarily for multinational companies, Hungarian real estate funds and developers. Development and project management of office-, industrial- and retail projects.chamber hungarian, hungarian architect, actor hungarian, hungarian international, company hungarianestate, real, consultant, architect, management4
uniqalis.huHis deep knowledge of the Hungarian and African economic and social environment and his valuable contacts in the African continent provide an excellent opportunity for our clients to discover the potential of African countries and to realize their international expansion on a sustainable basis.relation hungarian, hungarian organization, african hungarian, hungarian government, knowledge hungarianschedule, appointment, african, international, main4
artoral.huMeet Hungary’s one of the most modern dentistry centers, which was built to tower above these expectations and to set up a new standard in the Hungarian dentistry.standard hungarian, hungarian dentistry, famous hungarian, hungarian designerdentist, dental, surgery, street, clinic4
molnarbeton.huMolnár Beton is a 100 percent Hungarian-owned company. The owners of the company are committed to the Hungarian market and to Hungarian customers. These values are reflected in the company’s environmental objectives. We also contribute to the success of the Hungarian economy by investing the…percent hungarian, hungarian company, beauty hungarian, hungarian landscape, company hungariantransport, concrete, customer, environmental, construction4
karate2020budapest.huIn the Hungarian Team we do our best to find the balance and give equal opportunity to the experienced, EC finalists and to the young, talented competitors. Our aim is to delegate a National Selection that will do its best in front of the home audience, and lives up to the fair name of their…president hungarian, hungarian karate, predecessor hungarian, hungarian audience, past hungarianpage, main, location, accommodation, download4
plts.huPLTS Industrial Ltd. is the exclusive Hungarian importer of Bernd Siegmund GmbH and GEISMAR S.A., and GETZNER solutions for railway.exclusive hungarian, hungarian importerrailway, track, machine, welding, table4
digiloop.huHungarian Shopify Experts agency. Shopify store building, Shopify Plus store building, Shopify application development, Shopify consulting.store, integration, build, agency, consulting4
environtec.huNext fall, the first ENVIRONTEC powered by ÖKOINDUSTRIA international trade fair for environmental industry, infrastructure development, waste and water management will open its doors in cooperation with the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises and with the professional support of…exhibition hungarian, hungarian market, cooperation hungarian, hungarian associationexhibition, application, topic, environmental, water4
lac.huHonorary Kazakh Consul László Horváth, President and CEO of LAC Holding Zrt, participated in the 6th session of the Hungarian-Kazakh Strategic Council. The... more...session hungarian, hungarian kazakh, exhibitor hungarian, hungarian railwaysupport, management, kazakh, strategic, session4
alumnihungary.huA special focus will be given to strengthening the worldwide network of foreign graduates of Hungarian higher education institutions and to establishing local alumni groups with the aim to increase the international impact of the Alumni Hungary Network through its members.student hungarian, hungarian high, graduate hungarian, secretary hungarian, hungarian diplomaticconference, programme, international, speaker, foreign4
nadastamas.hu…years' work and training. In May on the Karlovy Vary CAP in the Czech Republic I placed overall second, in July I took the first place on the Hungarian Aerobatics Championship. I achieved my biggest success so far in Poland by winning gold in the Q Program of the 6th FAI Advanced Aerobatic…place hungarian, hungarian aerobaticevent, aircraft, championship, medal, impact4
scottishmission.huThe Scottish Mission has had a rich history of both Scottish and Hungarian ministers serving there. Gain insight into the history of the Mission through a timeline of ministers as well as interviews with some of them, past and present.mission hungarian, hungarian spiritual, scottish hungarian, hungarian ministerscottish, mission, church, timeline, community4
qcihungary.huAt the invitation of the Deputy Secretary General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, László Bacsárdi gave a lecture on satellite quantum communication. László Bacsárdi, Associate Professor at the BME Faculty of Electrical Engineering and was invited to give a...presentation hungarian, hungarian neumann, general hungarian, hungarian academy, previous hungariancommunication, training, news, satellite, presentation4
edenkertcsarda.huHungarian taste meals, pizzas, specialities. Resthouse with a function room and luxury suite next to road 21hungarian tastegallery, suite, luxury, event, apartment4
himesek.huThis is the homepage of a site about the Hungarian Easter eggs made by Ildiko Fekete the author of Message written in waxsite hungarian, hungarian eastereaster, ildiko, egg, painter, author4
kisterem.huKisterem is a contemporary art gallery in Budapest, founded in 2006 with the aim to showcase progressive tendencies of Hungarian contemporary art within its local settings and on international platforms.tendency hungarian, hungarian contemporaryaim, progressive, contemporary, art, setting4
sanatmetal.huSanatmetal is a 100% Hungarian-owned family company that manufactures and distributes traumatology, spine surgery, dental and veterinary implants and large-joint prostheses (hip and knee). Our leading solutions are developed in cooperation with Hungarian and international clinics, professors…sanatmetal hungarian, hungarian family, cooperation hungarian, hungarian international, headquarter hungariandetail, spine, page, academy, career4
futureoceans.hu…+36302843467, futureoceans, Joao, Pedro, Correia, neuroanatomy, neuroanatomist, zoology, zoologist, cartilaginous, fish, Chondrichthyes, hungarian, Semmelweis, University, analysis, movement, laboratory, aquarium, press, publication, scientific, environment, endangered, vulnerable, sea…chondrichthyes hungarian, hungarian semmelweismanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future4
drtanacs.hucapital raising (venture capital, private equity, crowdfunding, angel investors, loans), M&A, preparation of individual syndicate agreements (pre-emption, drag along, drift along rights, vesting provisions), obtaining international and Hungarian compliance regulatory approvals, preparation and…international hungarian, hungarian compliance, representation hungarian, hungarian nationallaw, legal, contract, protection, representation4
igazsagosatmenet.hu11th March 2021 as the first consultation platform of Hungary focusing on the questions of coal transition. The mission of the Coal Commission is to provide a platform for continuous multi stakeholder consultation in order to support the sustainable and just transition of the North Hungarian region.implementation hungarian, hungarian national, establishment hungarian, hungarian coal, north hungariancoal, footprint, calculator, news, power4
eriksumo.hu#words #erik sumo #album #2022 #afro #afrodisco #mediterranean #hunglish #hungarian #english #scifi #discohunglish hungarian, hungarian english, bit hungarian, hungarian italiannote, owner, composer, song, volume4
darklight.co.huIn Hungarian, the word „tánc” is a relatively new acquisition (it comes from the German „tanzen”). Before that, in old Hungarian, it was called „tombolás” („fury” or „rampage”). What we need today may be reconnecting with those ancient roots of dancing, with the unbridled love of life which lives…old hungarian, hungarian tombolás, stage hungarian, hungarian nationaldance, body, science, photo, ensemble4
iriszpanzio.huThe Hungarian Grand Prix has been one of the annual destinations for the Formula 1 championship since 1986...formula hungarian, hungarian grandroom, available, bed, private, garden4
proford.huWe translate, interpret, teach and learn; we organize workshops, conferences, and job fairs, and also represent the interests of professional language service providers on both the Hungarian and international markets.company hungarian, hungarian association, provider hungarian, hungarian international, interest hungarianlanguage, member, career, provider, quote4
webthree.huStar Wars: Jedi Academy. The official website of the Hungarian MJA clan. GtkRadiant level design for games powered by id Tech engines from id Software. Downloadable content, Guides, Wiki, Forum and much more. May the Force be with you!website hungarian, hungarian mjaclan, server, academy, forum, engine4
himesudvar.huHungarian wines were well-known all around Europe from 1200 AD especially from the reign of King Matthias. Tokaj got into the limelight when Tokaji Aszú, the noblest sweet wine became known. According to the latest researches in a document of inheritance from the year of 1571 a portion of aszú…entry hungarian, hungarian book, emperor hungarian, hungarian king, presumably hungarianwine, grape, region, taste, quality4
civilosszefogas.huCÖF is supported by Hungarian civil communities who have affirmed their active cooperation and participation in social and economic issues. Established: Palm Sunday, 2009 on Hero’s Squaresuspension hungarian, hungarian daily, community hungarian, hungarian region, cöf hungariangallery, letter, open, statement, history4
bmc.huSince its day of opening on 24 May 1996, the main aim of the Budapest Music Center has been to present values of Hungarian music in its complexity and entirety.value hungarian, hungarian musicmusic, center, news, open, complexity4
lukacsdenes.huMember of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). Trained by Imre HERMANN (1975-1984); associate fellowship (1985), standard fellowship (1992); training analyst (1994); founding member of the Hungarian Psychoanalytic Association (1989). Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist.member hungarian, hungarian psychoanalytic, research hungarian, hungarian population, conference hungarianconference, psychology, association, research, clinical4
vindornyalak.hu…to the bank of the Vidornya brook. The building was renovated by the municipal self-administration between 1992 and 2002 and shows elements of Hungarian regional late baroque style. It is now used as the municipality´s office, with meeting rooms and two separate guest rooms for three guests each.vindornyalak hungarian, hungarian content, element hungarian, hungarian regional, language hungarianvillage, page, lake, website, baroque4
szépszerével.hu…every ensembles musical servings. It was refreshing. The contact is intensified by common historical memories, royalty, Zakon Świętego Pawła Pierwszego Pustelnika, minority in Bukovina (1910: 5% Polish, 1.5% Hungarian csángó), and similar thinking about way of living, relationship with nature, etc.csángó hungarian, hungarian folk, traditional hungarian, polish hungarian, hungarian csángógroup, music, dance, people, poland4
photography.huDaniel Horvath advertising photography portfolio and photography technology blog. Reklámfotó portfólió és fotótechnikai blog. In English and in Hungarian.photography, horvath, industrial, portfolio, liquid4
nblegal.huCorporate legal services, Nagy-Baranyi Law Office is a dynamic Hungarian business law firm with an international outlook, local knowledge and a commercial perspective.dynamic hungarian, hungarian businesslegal, law, office, nagy, corporate4
ipariparkinfogroup.huInfogroup has been one of the most significant players in the Hungarian real-estate market since 1990. Its ever growing portfolio covers all aspects: besides office and industrial building developments, we are active in the residential and retail segments and provides services in facility…magyar hungarian, hungarian hu, player hungarian, hungarian realhall, industrial, plot, logistic4
zurosbanda.huTheir second album 2021 features original compositions, not just folk song arrangements. The Hungarian lyrics are in the majority on this album, but the Balkan line in the music is of course still there. This album also became a WMCE top-list album, and in September 2021 it was voted the 10th best…orchestra hungarian, hungarian folk, passion hungarian, hungarian modern, song hungarianmember, organizer, music, folk, balkan4
all.huHomepage of Applied Logic Laboratory a Hungarian SME specialising in natural language semantics, medical informatics and cognitive systems.laboratory hungarian, hungarian smeapply, logic, laboratory, technology, cognitive4
bouchal.huOur company has been supplying books to libraries around the world for more than twenty years. Working with us means you are in direct contact with almost all Hungarian book wholesalers and retailers, as well as with all Hungarian publishers and several dozen bookstores and second-hand bookshops…contact hungarian, hungarian book, retailer hungarian, hungarian publisher, hungarian universitybook, order, plan, approval, library4
gerotamas.hu…from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. As a member of the Budapest Bar Association, I maintain this website in accordance with the laws and internal regulations relating to attorneys. These, along with the reference of the Client’s rights, can be found on the website of the Hungarian Bar Association.committee hungarian, hungarian bar, website hungarianlaw, criminal, real, estate, corporate4
stsgroup.hu…have been an active participant of the International Economic Fair Mostar from the very beginning. We had the chance to be a part of the Hungarian delegation thanks to HEPA, the Hungarian Export Promotion Agency. We are also proud to note that on Tuesday our colleague, Arnold Kovács, was a…chance hungarian, hungarian delegation, hepa hungarian, hungarian exportgroup, plant, power, energy, construction4
blueride.huTravel with us on the Danube and discover new flavors! The Danube shore restaurants offer a big range of Hungarian dishes, from the international cuisine to local food specialties. Arrive by yacht and feel richer by having a true culinary experience in the below waterside's restaurant.sight hungarian, hungarian foreign, range hungarian, hungarian dish, balaton hungarianwater, danube, booking, date, ride4
abtk.huHeléna Huhák , a research fellow of the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre RCH Institute of History, participated in the workshop Confronting the Nazi Genocide: New Directions in Holocaust Studies , held at the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, September 7-8, 2023.austro hungarian, hungarian monarchy, presence hungarian, hungarian culture, cleanse hungarianresearch, humanity, centre, news, detail4
iparnapjai.hu…the domestic exhibition of automotive suppliers and operators, the 10th AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY exhibition, again provided an overview of the Hungarian market operators and innovations of the automotive manufacturing industry, while also serving as a forum where a number of domestic and…technology hungarian, hungarian battery, president hungarian, hungarian hydrogen, overview hungarianindustry, exhibition, day, exhibitors, visitor4
turisztikaitanulmanyok.huThe most important goal of the quarterly scientific journal Tourism and Rural Development Studies, founded in 2016, is to be – as one of the main forums for the scientific work of Hungarian tourism, hospitality and rural development researchers – an important domestic basis for the publication of…work hungarian, hungarian tourism, primarily hungarian, hungarian goal, representative hungarianstudy, tourism, page, rural, development4
kemki.huThe mission of the Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) is to strengthen Hungary's academic discourse and represent Hungarian art and art history at a high standard globally by initiating and implementing locally focused, regional and international research projects and…discourse hungarian, hungarian artart, research, history, central, european4
fewi-guide.huIn addition, we are also travel guide partners to Hungarian Turizmus Zrt., Hungarian Ministry of Defense, Standby Police, SOMFY and the Budapest Chamber of Commerce.hungarian gastronomy, guide hungarian, hungarian foreign, partner hungarian, hungarian turizmusguide, tour, site, german, category4
kapcsolatcentrum.huOur main activities: Individual Therapy and Counseling, Family & Couples Therapy and Counseling, Parental Counseling, Divorce Mediation, Mutual-help Groups, Group Training. The sessions are held in Hungarian, English and Spanish.magyar hungarian, hungarian hu, session hungarian, hungarian englishfamily, individual, group, appointment, help4
tormaricum.huTorma in Hungarian means horseradish. Hungarikum is a collective term for high quality Hungarian values.torma hungarian, hungarian horseradish, quality hungarian, hungarian value, position hungarianhorse, sauce, raw, facility, value4
fandrpartner.hu…packaging that is unique in Europe. We are proud for our walnut roll which won the “Best Beigli Roll of 2019” in a blind test conducted by the Hungarian Price Value Research Association, so we can say we can give you the best beigli roll in the country. We strive to make sure that our quality…kft hungarian, hungarian bakery, aid hungarian, hungarian internationally, test hungarianfree, soon, gluten, lactose, bread4
menekultugyved.huasylum law attorney, asylum attorney györ, asylum procedure hungary, hungarian citizenship, immigration hungaryhungary hungarian, hungarian citizenshipasylum, citizenship, immigration, attorney, procedure4
r-bag.huR-BAG Austria GmbH started active operation in January 2015 as a Branch of R-BAG Group. R-BAG Austria is owned by its Hungarian parent company which is based in Budapest (Hungary). The aim of R-BAG Austria is to provide the best Service in our Industry to our valuable customers in all fields of…management hungarian, hungarian headquarter, austria hungarian, hungarian parentwebsite, group, phone, austria, slovenia4
budaiorigami.huI am glad to announce that a few days ago my friend József Zsebe published his new book, entitled Paper & Form ( Papírforma ). The bilingual (English and Hungarian) publication openly targets the more experienced folders, containing 13 original and witty models (with one exception, all animals)…new hungarian, hungarian origami, english hungarian, hungarian publication, nice hungarianbook, model, paper, basic, free4
etoki.hu…mission – thinking in terms of the unity of Europe – incorporates the representation of the bonding of Hungary and the territories with Hungarian population in the neighbouring countries, plus of the necessity of the Central European regional cooperation based on the idea of V4 partnership.territory hungarian, hungarian population, country hungarianeuropean, research, education, institution, understand4
osas.hu…On top of actively participating in several art groups in Paris, Austria, Slovenia and the Netherlands, he was also an avid promoter of Hungarian constructive, concrete and conceptual art on the international scene. As soon as he was able to return to his home country, together with this…promoter hungarian, hungarian constructive, work hungarian, hungarian foreign, german hungarianart, post, open, exhibition, structure4
malometterem.huTake a look at our menu, where you can find the most delicious meals of Hungarian and international kitchen.masterpiece hungarian, hungarian gastronomic, unadulterated hungarian, hungarian flavor, flavor hungarianlist, wine, restaurant, drink, event4
matrozalramirez.hu…yet the design of the modern interior creates a unique experience. Our menu offers excellent international culinary experiences as well as some traditional Hungarian dishes that have been reimagined. With our Gyros specialties, we present our guests with a taste of traditional, Eastern flavors.traditional hungarian, hungarian dishhomepage, drink, german, dish, table4
delicatelines.huElevated stationery for the happiest moments in life, wedding invitation for hungarian weddings, wax seals, envelopes and more. Letisztult, modern grafikák készítése meghívóhoz és esküvői kellékekhez.for hungarian, hungarian weddingline, delicate, wedding, moment, invitation4
intelligencemedia.huIntelligence Media, a leading Hungarian AI solutions provider, delivers cutting-edge customized frameworks, system integration, and chatbot development tailored for global businesses. As pioneers in the AI domain, we're trusted by renowned brands worldwide. Dive into our offerings and discover how…media hungarian, hungarian ai, offering hungarian, hungarian ingenuityintelligence, media, solution, development, process4
brumiovoda.huSince 2011 we have been operating as an English – Hungarian bilingual kindergarten. We use as a pioneer the bilingual pedagogical programme in practice among the private schools of Pest.english hungarian, hungarian bilingualkindergarten, group, child, age, range4
morihana.huA Hungarian IT consulting firm won a tender for a logistics company, but had a lack of expertise in data migration and system change cutover processes. For this purpose they looked for a partner.audit hungarian, hungarian smenews, firm, value, consulting, sme4
bibliatanitasok.huArnold's book also became very important to Rita as she wrote her doctoral dissertation on the topic of the roots and the history of Christian antisemitism, entitled Theology and Antisemitism: The Influence of Amillennialism on the Parliamentary Discourses of the Hungarian Church Representatives…hungarian branch, believer hungarian, hungarian people, discourse hungarian, hungarian churchchurch, bible, book, jewish, christian4
lastminutehotels.huLocated on the northern shore of the Lake Balaton, the Hotel Panorama is a great wellness hotel in Balatongyorok. The hotel's has exellent wellness and fitness area, restaurant with international and Hungarian cuisine, and many children's programs. Conference and event rooms are ideal for…international hungarian, hungarian cuisine, view hungarian, hungarian parliament, mediterranean hungarianenquiry, package, deal, booking, room4
betekinto.huBetekintő is the scientific journal of the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security, published four times a year. The journal publishes studies, source editions and reviews, as well as reports on events organised by the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security. The launch of…archive hungarian, hungarian state, century hungarian, hungarian universaleditor, security, issue, archive, scientific4
egyjomasszazs.huIs an element of ancient Hungarian popular medicine. Glass or plastic cups are placed on the oily skin. The vacuum effect over the acupressure points has benefits on the immune system and helps the lungs work. The cupping technique is used for loosening the adherent muscles. After the treatment…ancient hungarian, hungarian popular, life hungarian, hungarian familymassage, treatment, muscle, guest, body4
elegantdesign.huWe emphasize the importance of durable, hand-crafted items created by our Hungarian and Romanian craftsmen.item hungarian, hungarian romanian, family hungarian, hungarian ownershipelegant, factory, clothing, fashion, principle4
zalkacsenge.huZalka Csenge Virág , also known as The Multicolored Lady, is Hungary’s first international storyteller. She travels the world, sharing Hungarian folktales with her audiences (in English, Spanish and Hungarian), and takes all the stories she learns back home to Hungary.world hungarian, hungarian folktale, spanish hungarian, hungarian story, dc hungarianstorytelling, lobby, fairy, international, performance4
sommelier.huIt was a great recognition of the sommelier profession and the work of the Sommelier Club Budapest when it gained admission to the Hungarian National Gastronomy Association in 1997. This is how the Sommelier Division of the Hungarian National Gastronomy Association was born.admission hungarian, hungarian national, division hungarian, value hungarian, hungarian winemember, championship, association, training, wine4
greenstoneapartments.huIf needed we can help with translation from Hungarian to English, Romanian, Italian, Spanish and French.translation hungarian, hungarian english, famous hungarian, hungarian geologistapartment, green, stone, bath, accommodation4
capitalw.huBy leveraging insights into the Hungarian local market, we prioritize harnessing the global financial expertise of WOOD & Company to provide clients with unparalleled private banking and wealth management solutions.sole hungarian, hungarian agent, insight hungarian, hungarian localcapital, wood, financial, management, office4
mlszksz.huThe document was drawn up and specified by MLSZKSZ on the basis of the record approved by the Logistic Conciliation Forum (LEF) on its session of March 21st 2006 under the title „The system of criteria for awarding titles for Hungarian logistic service centres”. To win the title for a certain…association hungarian, hungarian logistic, title hungarianlogistic, transport, development, member, goal4
bilingual.huOur program delivers both a head start in English amounting to a significant gain compared to students in the standard national bilingual program and a full Hungarian education.program hungarian, hungarian educationbilingual, student, education, unique, school4
hungarotherm.hu, the competition of solar panel manufacturing specialists. Highlights of the exhibition series included the continuing education courses of the Hungarian Chamber of Architects and the Budapest and Pest County Chamber of Engineers , the Meeting of Roofing Professionals , and the conference…course hungarian, hungarian chamber, consultancy hungarian, fabunio hungarian, hungarian furnitureexhibition, exhibitors, gallery, energy, visitor4
helping-hand.huWe are preparing for the project kick-off meeting, which will take place in Budapest on 29-30 January 2018, with the participation of the project partners: the Hungarian Raabe Klett Kft., The ADHD Hungary Foundation, the ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty for Sepcial Education, Conventry University…partner hungarian, hungarian raabechild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten4
deruslelek.hu– on the one hand, it seeks to provide assistance to children and their families with serious illnesses and, in connection with this, to support hospitals and institutions where Hungarian children are cared for from here and beyond our borders through fundraising;foundation hungarian, hungarian child, institution hungarian, operation hungarian, hungarian orphanagesfoundation, help, tax, child, card4
cosyma.huCollegium Symphonicum Hungaricum was established to promote the brightening of the Hungarian music culture, including the Hungarian orchestral culture. With its novel, especially compact approach, it intends to make proposals for the operation and development of the entire Hungarian orchestral…hungaricum hungarian, hungarian music, culture hungarian, hungarian orchestral, entire hungarianmusic, semester, novel, proposal, operation4
striker.huTovább>> VIKTOR ORBAN PUSHES THE HUNGARIAN NATION INTO A SUB-HUMAN EXISTENCE tartalommal kapcsolatosanorban hungarian, hungarian nation, the hungarianopen, letter, president, festival, human4
bethlenter.huRobert Deutsch “זצ״ל” was the Chief Rabbi of the Bethlen square synagogue, director of the Hungarian Rabbinate for 25 years, president of the Hungarian Rabbis and director of the Av Bet Din (Rabbinical Court).director hungarian, hungarian rabbinate, president hungarian, hungarian rabbi, supervision hungarianjewish, synagogue, community, religious, congregation4
luxurybudapest.huLuxury Budapest has been guiding affluent travellers for over 7 years in Budapest. Our ultimate guide book helps you to discover the elegance and superb refinement of the Hungarian capital.refinement hungarian, hungarian capitalluxury, sightseeing, nightlife, dining, special4
polyglot.huProfessional translations for small and large companies into Hungarian and 50+ other languages within 24 hours.company hungarian, hungarian language, polish hungarian, hungarian basictranslation, language, interpret, agency, proofreading4
biopol.husubstances based products offer one of the most effective alternative for these problems. We are the member of the International Humic Substance Society (IHSS). Dr. János Csicsor is the chairman of the chemical chapter of the Hungarian Peat Society, and the coordinator of the IHSS Hungarian chapter.chapter hungarian, hungarian peat, ihss hungarian, hungarian chapterorganic, soil, farming, quality, nutrient4
bojtosfulupajkos.huWe first met this small Hungarian sheepdog that is called Pumi in a Hungarian writer’s, namely Istvan Fekete’s novel titled Bogáncs and then later on we came across this special Hungarian breed at a dog show in Szilvásvárad. As our beloved old dog died we felt to be ready again to let a new dog…small hungarian, hungarian sheepdog, pumi hungarian, hungarian writer, special hungariandog, small, breed, ready, istvan4
vatem.huto be able to measure animals which are kept externally and which do not tolerate the traditional measurement technique. We have tried it out on Hungarian Grey cows, which are especially irritated by the human touch, and as they have long horns, it would indeed be very dangerous to touch them. The…technique hungarian, hungarian grey, work hungarian, vatem hungarian, hungarian heavypoint, software, download, file, measure4
lakatoskoves.huLakatos, Köves and Partners won "Best Law Firm of the Year" award at the Hungarian CIJ EUROPE Awardsinvolvement hungarian, hungarian aspect, lkt hungarian, hungarian ranking, award hungariandetail, law, practice, firm, protection4
budaval.huBudaval Ltd. was founded in 1989 as a Hungarian-Swiss joint venture. The Hungarian paper industry company's employees' long decades of experience in the paper industry,..budaval hungarian, hungarian swiss, venture hungarian, hungarian paperquality, news, event, sheet, italian4
punkt.huWhat lies behind the deeply intimate and private images of this young Canadian-Hungarian photographer? With over one million followers on Instagram, Petra F. Collins is one of the most influential young photographers of our time. An artist and model in one, a kind of Warholian character. The main…contemporary hungarian, hungarian photography, canadian hungarian, hungarian photographer, famous hungarianinterview, conversation, gallery, photographer, news4
budapestaccommodations.huHungary has always been rich in thermal waters and the 4 * thermal and wellness hotels built on them. These places are well known by older foreign and Hungarian guests, now I would introduce a few thermal hotels to the younger generation. From the western border towards Budapest, the first city is…view hungarian, hungarian parliament, mediterranean hungarian, hungarian cuisine, hotel hungarianenquiry, price, room, booking, accommodation4
jpa.huIn his speech given at the 78th PEN International Congress held in South Korea in 2012, President of the Hungarian PEN Club Géza Szőcs announced the creation of a major international poetry prize in these words:president hungarian, hungarian penprize, poetry, description, foundation, sponsor4
facemodel.huFACE specializes in representation and personal management of Hungarian models, with a proven track record of discovering over the last years, and introducing models to the local and international scene.management hungarian, hungarian modelmodel, face, management, international, scene4
niu.huThe development of the domestic innovation ecosystem is essential. To achieve this goal, the Hungarian Innovation Agency fosters a collaborative business community among entrepreneurs, investors, as well as educational and research institutions. We reach out to the youngest by introducing new…mission hungarian, hungarian innovation, implementation hungarian, hungarian entrepreneur, goal hungarianinnovation, international, validation, agency, support4
multkutatas.huHungarian, romanian and slovakian genealogy portal. Family Tree Research in Hungary, Transylvania, Romania Slovakia, Family History, Genealogyfamily, tree, research, detail, transylvania4
specialty.huDiscover the best specialty coffee shops of Budapest. Virtual coffee tour provides insights into the work of Hungarian roasterswork hungarian, hungarian roastercoffee, event, guide, city, shop4
jet-vill.huFinally, a solution that provides answers to several problems of local authorities. It is elegant, future-proof and energy efficient. Not to mention it is Hungarian.general hungarian, hungarian nationalunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power4
jany.huDr. Jány Law Office provides comprehensive legal service for Hungarian and foreign corporations and private persons in the field of civil and economic law interpreted in the most inclusive sense.service hungarian, hungarian foreign, member hungarian, hungarian german, austrian hungarianlaw, office, real, estate, legal4
losonczy.huOn the 14th of March 2018, the Losonczy István Hagyományőrző és Sportegyesűlet Association organised the annual event of commemorating the heroes of the 1848 Hungarian Revolution. The event was held next to the village of Dudeștii Noi, in front of the monument that commemorates the 54 patriots who…commemoration hungarian, hungarian revolution, hero hungarian, edition hungarian, hungarian culturalevent, association, calendar, fight, revolution4
eurohand.huEurohand had been founded in 1991 by private Hungarian enterprises. Its founding owners had decided to start the company’s core activities in the field of trade and investments based on their capabilities and experience gained through decades and their wide ranging economic , cultural and…private hungarian, hungarian enterprise, activity hungarian, hungarian inventionactivity, investment, co., field, decade3
grunwald.huJohnson Controls helped me a lot in my carrier. I started there as plant HR manager responsible for a small automotive manufacturing plant in Mezõlak, Hungary, then after an other 3 plants joined the company, my great boss asked me to be a country HR manager, responsible for all four Hungarian…responsible hungarian, hungarian plant, traditional hungarian, hungarian weddig, chance hungarianday, thailand, school, china, university3
somogytrans.huThe vehicles of our subcontractors comply with the strictest European and Hungarian environmental regulationseuropean hungarian, hungarian environmental, language hungarian, hungarian german, hungarian englishtransport, international, vehicle, colleagues, subcontractor3
sarandpartners.huThe Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (hereinafter referred to as NAIH) submitted 11 new resolutions…approach hungarian, hungarian nationallaw, attorney, software, dispute, resolution3
kokuszvilag.huSorry, this entry is only available in Hungarian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You mayavailable hungarian, hungarian sakecoconut, cook, reseller, bake, healthy3
worldeconomy.huThe teaching and research profile includes: macro- and microeconomic aspects of the development of the world economy, international trade, finance, regional integration and multinational corporations. Currently it runs the International Economy and Business MSc program both in English and Hungarian.french hungarian, hungarian italian, budapest hungarian, hungarian universityeconomy, student, international, research, view3
jobbadni.huThe Hungarian Reformed Church Aid was among the first organization to mobilise its staff to provide assistance to refugees.universal hungarian, hungarian responsibilitydonation, social, mission, development, office3
gadam.huWe have been publishing sports books since 2005. We published bestsellers like the thematic album FUTBALL-EB 2016 about the UEFA European Championship (and the Hungarian team) or Kobe Bryant ’s, Jürgen Klopp ’s and Michael Jordan ’s biographies.championship hungarian, hungarian teambook, publication, publisher, newspaper, page3
kozossegikertek.hu…connection with similar international platforms. Our website, with its renewed content and functionality, is an important instrument for this, and we hope it will not only provide current information about Hungarian community gardens, but also function as a coordinating- and knowledge centre.adaptable hungarian, hungarian environment, information hungarian, hungarian communitygarden, community, city, programme, centre3
costesdowntown.huCostes Downtown cuisine is predominantly Contemporary French, Spanish and Japanese with other Asian and global influences, focusing on the best artisan and sustainable local Hungarian and European produce.local hungarian, hungarian europeandowntown, restaurant, voucher, dining, faq3
mousa.huI am Dr. Mousa Delal Attila lawyer. I have been a lawyer registered at the Budapest Bar Association since 2011. I graduated from the Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law in 2006. I have gained experience in settling many legal disputes of Hungarian and foreign firms and individuals.dispute hungarian, hungarian foreign, regulation hungarian, hungarian bar, legislation hungarianlawyer, law, case, fee, legal3
albamez.hu…diseases and infections. The purpose of Alba-Méz Kft. is to keep this "magical product" for future generations as well. Our company sells different honey varieties. Our commercially available products are 1.) Hungarian quality acacia honey , 2.) linden honey , 3.) flower honey , 4.) honeycomb .product hungarian, hungarian qualityhoney, flower, acacia, bee, effect3
kerimpex.huWe are proud to be an important participant in the Hungarian building industry since 25 years.participant hungarian, hungarian buildbuild, interior, material, architect, retail3
alpaca.hu– Sustainable alpaca wool production and processing mainly in handcrafted products in Hungary, with the help of Hungarian talents.help hungarian, hungarian talentcart, view, quick, shop, care3
encounter.huForty years ago I attended a three-year training In PCA and it had a great effect on my life. I left my job at the Technical University of Budapest and concentrated my efforts to humanize teacher training in Szeged. In 1984 and in 1986, I invited Carl Rogers and his coworkers to the first…help hungarian, hungarian nationality, coworkers hungarian, hungarian cross, traditional hungarianregistration, group, fee, meal, encounter3
ventosus.huIn addition more recent Ventosus projects include the construction of the Ferenc Csík Swimming Pool venue in Kaposvár, named after the Hungarian Olympic Swimming Champion, and a uniquely designed Lace Thermal Bath and Spa complex , being built in Kiskunhalas, in honour of the world-famous…league hungarian, hungarian championship, titans hungarian, hungarian food, kaposvár hungarianbuild, heating, energy, engineering, heat3
rift.huBest Paddle is a Hungarian startup established in 2016 by a team of sport and business professionals and academic researchers.paddle hungarian, hungarian startup, bank hungarian, hungarian company, member hungariankayak, shape, university, available, development3
keresztenymotorosok.huThe Fellowship of Hungarian Christian Bikers (MKMK) is an interdenominational organization independent of any church, movement or political party. Motorcycling means a lot to us all and most of us have been riding on two wheels for years, even decades. At the same time we are believers who confess…fellowship hungarian, hungarian christian, member hungarian, hungarian evangelical, court hungariangod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important3
aplusproperty.huIf you're a foreign property investor, A+ Real Estate is the perfect choice. We understand that it can be challenging to navigate the Budapest real estate market if you don't speak the language. That's why our team speaks multiple languages, including Hungarian, English, Hebrew, Russian, German…understand hungarian, hungarian real, language hungarian, hungarian englishproperty, estate, real, sale, detail3
gyuttmentfesztival.huWe, who dream about the countryside and who dream in the countryside, „Gyüttment”s-to-bes and already-„Gyüttment”s plan and formulate this new Life together. Gyüttment is a funny hungarian nickname for newcomers starting a new life in the countryside. A Life, in which we do not bypass the mud, but…funny hungarian, hungarian nickname, slovenian hungarian, hungarian member, magnet hungariangather, community, countryside, network, day3
ant.huAdvanced Network Technologies Limited was established as a Swedish-Hungarian joint venture in 1990. Over the years the Hungarian management bought out the foreign owners. By now the company is wholly owned by Hungarian private persons.swedish hungarian, hungarian joint, year hungarian, hungarian management, wholly hungariansoftware, detail, event, security, management3
airscan.huIn 2018, on behalf of an architectural firm, we made external orthophotos of the facades and the roof of the Hungarian National Bank using a drone.roof hungarian, hungarian nationaltour, point, virtual, cloud, model3
airports.huAirports in Hungary: Budapest Ferihegy, Balaton, International hungarian airports informationinternational hungarian, hungarian airportairport, international, big, page, departure3
expertsys.huIf I would rename the parameter from Hungarian notation to smsNumber that parameter value would be always null until the callers refresh their access code or proxies to reflect change in WSDL we triggered via this rename. And these callers may spread around the whole world or simply sit at one…parameter hungarian, hungarian notation, yes hungarian, hungarian localevalue, method, message, code, result3
vblaw.huWe carry out our activity primarily in the field of private law. Alongside Hungarian language, English and Russian are also our languages of work. In addition, our colleagues can maintain contact with clients in German, Ukrainian, Serbian and Croatian languages as well.alongside hungarian, hungarian language, language hungarian, hungarian english, hungarian russianlaw, property, representation, field, legal3
prohair.huAndrogenetic alopecia or commonly male pattern hair loss (MPHL) accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men. By the age of thirty-five, 35% of all Hungarian men will experience some degree of appreciable hair loss and by the age of 50 approximately 50% of men have significantly thinning hair…thirty hungarian, hungarian manhair, pattern, transplantation, loss, doctor3
biofil.huBioFil’s first range of poly-microbial products were 3 soil bacterial inoculants released onto the Hungarian market in 2001 under the trade name of BactoFil. This was followed by an enhanced range of products offered to the market in 2014 under the tradename of BioFil. Initially, this consisted of…biofil hungarian, hungarian businessman, major hungarian, hungarian university, inoculants hungariansoil, tender, bacteria, fertilizer, effective3
tarnoczvendeghaz.huPlease note: the owners of the guesthouse speak Hungarian only. If you have any questions or would like to book a room you can send an email in English and an English speaking person will contact you.hungary hungarian, hungarian slovak, atmosphere hungarian, hungarian village, guesthouse hungariancomputer, repair, affordable, photographer, friendly3
bodabalazs.huand welcome to our gallery. We are Balázs Boda and Kati Oláh, a Hungarian artist couple, living and creating in our studio-gallery in Paloznak, the gorgeous little lakeside village at the north coast of the lake Balaton.oláh hungarian, hungarian artistgallery, painting, artistic, coast, welcome3
bauer-reisen.huWe offer you the entire range of the Hungarian attractions for planning an individual- or group tour of your personal desire.range hungarian, hungarian attractiontour, travel, city, trip, danube3
hotel-magita.huOur cozy restaurant can accommodate a total of 40 people. In summer, early spring and autumn, it is pleasant to sit on the terrace and enjoy the scenery and eat your dinner. The bistro-style restaurant offers a taste of the great dishes of Hungarian and international cuisine to our hotel guests…dish hungarian, hungarian internationalsauna, booking, guest, surrounding, gallery3
apertura.hu…in some Balkan countries, Serbia, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia). Publishing the studies in a bilingual form, we wish to reach both Hungarian and international audiences. We consider it particularly important to publish a special thematic issue on the documentary culture of the region…form hungarian, hungarian international, personalness hungarian, hungarian documentarydocumentary, winter, fall, spring, summer3
centrehotelsbudapest.hu…which is so popular for its medical department and its 36-degree water, not to mention the hotel's cuisine, which is very popular with both Hungarian and German. lip population. There is already a region of Hungary where English and German tourists arrive by plane, which is very favorable for…restaurant hungarian, hungarian international, excellent hungarian, popular hungarian, hungarian germancentre, enquiry, city, price, booking3
merjed.huI have been working in a laboratory that is specialized in food safety since 2007. I am a technician of food analysis and a chemist and got enrolled in Food Engineering at Corvinus University. There I met the pioneers of Hungarian fermentation industry with who we developed the mutual aim of…future hungarian, hungarian company, circumstances hungarian, hungarian educational, pioneer hungariantraining, fermentation, industry, school, page3
itpc-bud.huBoosting Trade Collaboration: Indonesian Ambassador and ITPC Budapest Discussed Business Opportunities with the Hungarian Importersopportunity hungarian, hungarian importerindonesia, trade, international, furniture, exhibition3
mszjf.hu…Organisation (WIPO) or in the frame of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). For further information on ALAI please visit its website. As the Hungarian national group of this highly prestigious international organisation, the most significant event in our short history was the hosting of the…activity hungarian, hungarian patent, website hungarian, hungarian national, operation hungariancongress, protection, international, award, national3
drbalogharon.huIn addition to being a lawyer, I am a regular lecturer at the University of Debrecen, my PhD degree is currently in progress, I regularly publish in national and international journals, and I regularly present at conferences both in Hungarian and English. In 2016, as a Fellow of the Rézler…conference hungarian, hungarian english, member hungarian, hungarian labor, service hungarianuniversity, attorney, association, lawyer, addition3
capacenter.huSándor Kereki’s photos in the Hungarian seventies evoked the now internationally recognized category of street photography. His closed and completed oeuvre consists of seven thousand exposed negatives. We are very fortunate to be able to select today’s fresh-looking images for the exhibition…review hungarian, photo hungarian, hungarian seventycenter, photography, exhibition, contemporary, event3
barankovics.huThe Voyage of Hungarian Christian Democracy to the Heart of Europe (Hungarian Chapters in English translation) – original bookvoyage hungarian, hungarian christian, europe hungarian, hungarian chapterfoundation, christian, democracy, political, k.3
emika.huSorry, this entry is only available in Hungarian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Az EMIKA Bővebben...available hungarian, hungarian sakenews, language, career, download, entry3
bacs.huSince its formation in 1957, the choir has been in the forefront of international choir culture and has participated the most important choral competitions in Europe with great success. It regularly takes part in the Choir Olympics and different Hungarian events such as Budapest Spring Festival…ensemble hungarian, hungarian music, different hungarian, hungarian event, new hungarianchoral, choir, academic, society, music3
albertbahn.huPresentation of Deutsche Bahn's class 185 electric locomotive in the Hungarian Railway Museum Railway History, Budapestlocomotive hungarian, hungarian railwayrailway, train, photo, line, locomotive3
classicalconcerts.huFischer, led the ensemble into the exclusive group of the world's finest symphony orchestras. Based on 20 years of experience in the classical music world, his agency provides individually tailored premium artist management services to a handful of carefully selected Hungarian and foreign musicians.carefully hungarian, hungarian foreignconcert, classical, agency, piano, news3
consumer.hu…be a daunting task, especially given that EU regulations are directly applicable in many areas of consumer protection and most of the relevant Hungarian rules serve to transpose EU directives, and so international companies expect that they should primarily comply with harmonised EU rules…relevant hungarian, hungarian ruleconsumer, protection, inspection, rule, minute3
budapestcruises.huMake your trip in the Budapest unforgettable by going on our three hours night view budapest dinner cruises on the Danube river with a pleasant Hungarian four-course dinner and live double piano performance. Besides the tasty fine dining dinner, a welcome sparkling wine is also included in the…course hungarian, hungarian cuisine, traditional hungarian, hungarian alcohol, unicum hungariancruise, river, dinner, dining, romantic3
sgconn.huthe early 2000s in numerous telecommunications-, medical electronics- and industrial applications. The application of OMNETICS connectors in the Hungarian space- and brain research industry is also associated with our name. We provided support at BME for the development of a geared hub motor for…connector hungarian, hungarian brain, member hungarian, hungarian electronicelectronic, connector, component, engineering, background3
svada.huLaunched in 1993, inbound tour operator Sváda Office Ltd arranges programmes for the Hungarian section of Danube river cruises.programme hungarian, hungarian section, office hungarian, hungarian tourism, hotel hungariantour, danube, gallery, office, cultural3
vitecer.huViteCer Ltd. is a Hungarian family – owned company. Beside the continuous developments and popularization of our products, we are focusing on educating healthy lifestyle.magyar hungarian, hungarian hu, vitecer hungarian, hungarian familystraw, technology, worldwide, herbal, extract3
tmerp.huT&M ERP Rendszerház Ltd., as an SAP and ERP consulting company, has been successfully operating in the Hungarian SAP service provider market for several years. The principles of its business operation: quality work based on expertise and reliability. The goal of T&M ERP is to offer large…successfully hungarian, hungarian sap, mnv hungarian, hungarian national, sztnh hungarianimplementation, solution, process, management, operation3
dnui.huIn addition to acquisitions, the Law Firm assists its clients in the negotiation of lease contracts, contract for beneficial use, design and construction contracts, etc. The Law Firm often assists Hungarian and foreign property owners in condominium related matters (including representation at…registration hungarian, hungarian financial, authority hungarian, hungarian share, complicated hungarianlaw, firm, practice, field, preparation3
kofaragojozsef.hu…House of Békásmegyer formerly with the art painter, Mr. József Szentgyörgyi, and today with Mr. Gábor Véssey, art painter and teacher of the Hungarian Art University. This course is mainly for students intending to continue their education in institutions of higher learning. Huge portion of…study hungarian, hungarian university, management hungarian, hungarian college, society hungarianpainting, artist, page, official, art3
operettissima.huBeing a non-profit performing arts organisation, Operettissima Nonprofit Ltd. nurtures the legacy of world-famous Hungarian operetta composers and Hungarian operetta traditions through the promotion and staging of concerts and theatre performances. Operettissima, together with its strategic…famous hungarian, hungarian operetta, composer hungarian, scholarship hungarian, hungarian stateoperetta, concert, theatre, ticket, news3
druzsoki.huAs managing partner László Uzsoki has more than 20 years of experience in several areas of economic law. He also worked in multinational corporate environment during his attorney career. As legal director he managed the Hungarian and regional legal team of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc for several…director hungarian, hungarian regional, mol hungarian, hungarian oillaw, area, practice, main, corporate3
any.hu…regions. ANY Security Printing Company’s strategy is focused on secure person and product identification and payment-related products. The Company’s activities are characterised by references such as the production of Hungarian electronic ID documents and the personalisation of biometric passports.company hungarian, hungarian biometric, card hungarian, hungarian international, new hungariansecurity, printing, document, solution, paper3
zobak.huBesides my native Hungarian, I offer all my services, either audits or trainings, in German and English languages too.native hungarian, hungarian service, ready hungarian, hungarian englishquality, management, automotive, supplier, consulting3
ferratavendeghaz.huThe Ferrata Guesthouse, which opened in 2021, is located in the hearth of Bakony Hills, one of the strongholds of Hungarian hiking, in the centre of Csesznek. In a wonderful mountainous environment, our guesthouse offers unparalleled experiences and inexhaustible opportunities for relaxation both…stronghold hungarian, hungarian hikingoffer, booking, guesthouse, room, accommodation3
barlangmuhely.huThe project was realized in the framework of the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency’s design LAB curated by Rossana Orlandi incubation programme, in collaboration with Studio Komok.framework hungarian, hungarian fashion, convent hungarian, hungarian order, chapel hungarianquality, present, job, attention, material3
code4.huRight now our core team communicates in hungarian, but most of us speak english, get in tought to see how you could join! Thanks!team hungarian, hungarian englishcode, mail, developer, social, map3
magyarkertorokseg.huThe Hungarian Garden Heritage Foundation, as a professional non-governmental umbrella organisation takes part in the exploration, protection and promotion of historic gardens and other gardens of historical importance via the active role it takes with regards initiatives concerning the exploration…exploration hungarian, hungarian garden, copyright hungariangarden, news, art, heritage, conference3
apt4you.hu…the unkind influences of materialistic exaggerations, leaving it green-breathing and human-scale. However it also takes an glorified place in Hungarian history. The site of the victorious battle of 1848 - its heroes inscribed in gold in all Hungarian historical chronicles, is also home to Pipo…place hungarian, hungarian history, gold hungarian, hungarian historical, beautiful hungarianairport, festival, transfer, image, close3
korte.huWe have worked with all key players of the Hungarian industry in the field of industrial water technology and wastewater treatment.large hungarian, hungarian industrial, player hungarian, hungarian industrywastewater, treatment, technology, chemical, water3
aitk.huSince its inception, the association has become a recognized center of Hungarian literary criticism. At our public forums, we have regularly hosted researchers and specialists unconnected to our group. Another important tradition is the continuous search for talented graduate students, many of…renewal hungarian, hungarian literary, tradition hungarian, hungarian scholarship, scholarship hungarianassociation, study, literature, general, member3
workandsmile.huDuring the selection process, Work & Smile will start preparing its employees for Hungarian customs in order to support the employee’s integration.entire hungarian, hungarian economy, ideal hungarian, hungarian labor, employee hungarianemployee, smile, recruitment, worker, people3
budapestbi.huThe program is managed by the Program Committee. We plan both English and Hungarian tracks.english hungarian, hungarian track, tutorial hungarian, day hungarian, hungarian personconference, data, track, day, sponsor3
granadahotel.huBe our guest and experience the true form of relaxation, and enjoy the many possibilities provided by our hotel. Recharge in our wellness facility or taste the favors of the Hungarian cuisine.favor hungarian, hungarian cuisine, heart hungarian, hungarian plain, meal hungarianevent, room, restaurant, wedding, guest3
midway.huThese are some of the documents what I wrote during the years (for example my thesis) and also my CV. (Sorry buy many of this is only in Hungarian.)hungarian native, site hungarian, hungarian associationskill, site, personal, document, download3
artisto.huStage Manager at gigs like Sziget festival, VOLT fesztival, Balaton Sound, EFOTT, Campus and for many more Hungarian festivals.upcoming hungarian, hungarian pop, campus hungarian, hungarian festival, hungarian etnostage, tour, manager, officer, management3
droidx.huThe ISO 9001 standard is a key member of the ISO 9000 quality assurance / quality management standard group. This standard contains requirements for a quality management system. This is the fourth edition of the standard in the Hungarian edition. They are in order: MSZ EN 9001: 1992, MSZ EN ISO…standard hungarian, hungarian editionmachine, quality, machining, plant, management3
amiovink.huOur institute starting in 2002 was the first in Hungary to combine the Montessori education with bilingual education (Hungarian-English).education hungarian, hungarian english, director hungarian, hungarian montessorikindergarten, child, teacher, institution, talent3
bzmusic.hu…you need a good host or showman for your event or show (who is fluent in Hungarian and English).fluent hungarian, hungarian english, ide hungarian, hungarian versionvideo, night, release, host, music3
gastroguide.hu1. N28 wine bar and kitchen With the opening of N28 Wine Kitchen, the dream of two famous Hungarian wineries came true. Károly Barta and winemaker Vivien Ujvári makes world-class ...famous hungarian, hungarian winerybar, wine, restaurant, real, history3
amberhomes.huThe building at 3 Bank Street is in the protection zone of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The classicist romantic-style house was built by Mátyás Zitterbach Jr., who came from a multi-generational architect family, and whose name was also connected to the construction of the former Hungarian…construction hungarian, hungarian theatreattic, gallery, apartment, build, terrace3
godollepat.huThe firm is qualified and able to handle application, nullity and cancellation cases before the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office and upon appeal before the Hungarian courts in patent, utility model, trademark, design, microelectronic topography protection, plant variety protection and…szabó hungarian, hungarian patent, case hungarian, hungarian intellectual, appeal hungarianattorney, trademark, property, intellectual, protection3
visualbits.huIn that time, jobinfo, the known job portal, was one of the lead brands of Hírek Média (Reach Media). It served the content for MSN's hungarian weibsite - MSN Mai nap.'msn hungarian, hungarian weibsitecategory, close, client, agency, graphic3
dola.huI'm Hungarian, so most of my homepage is in my native language, but as my free time allows, I will do my best to translate it into English so I hope to see you again.hungarian versiontool, device, power, cave, current3
mymenu.huGozsdu udvar / courtyard is a scenic Budapest passage and building complex, a series of passages and courtyards connecting Király utca and Dob utca, having an exit at Király utca 13 and Dob utca 16. It was built at the very beginning of the 20th century by a Hungarian Romanian philanthropist, Mano…century hungarian, hungarian romanianairport, guide, tourist, page, map3
fenyeslorand.huHello and welcome to my astrophotography and aerial photography page! I am Lóránd Fényes Hungarian photographer, member of the Hungarian amateur astrophotographer community.fényes hungarian, hungarian photographer, member hungarian, hungarian amateursky, deep, video, photo, picture3
ml-sped.huAn escort may only be provided by a person who has received an Professional escort qualification from the Hungarian Transport Inspectorate.cooperation hungarian, hungarian public, qualification hungarian, hungarian transportescort, police, truck, oversize, route3
oregharang.hu…each and every case we purchase the necessary ingredients from local farmers. Our restaurant got its reputation because of the dishes made from Hungarian specialities, such as goat, grey beef, water buffalo, donkey, guinea fowl, rabbit and 'mangalica' pig. We serve a wide range of wines made by…dish hungarian, hungarian specialityrestaurant, picture, speciality, introduction, gallery3
csefem.huThe tool manufacturing plant is producing casting and punching tools for the Hungarian and foreign high-pressure die casting foundries. These tools are produced for the foundries which are involved in casting aluminium components for the world’s reputable automobile industry manufacturers like…tool hungarian, hungarian foreigntool, ltd, mould, manufacture, machine3
trappdominika.hu“Hungarian multidisciplinary artist Dominika Trapp gravitates away from speculative futures to focus on the critical axis of past and present within Hungarian folk culture. (…) Trapp worked with a musical instrument manufacturer, traditional dancer and an architecture workshop among others on…department hungarian, hungarian university, fate hungarian, hungarian peasant, present hungarianart, exhibition, painting, artist, peasant3
turuljatek.huTurul, or volley-tennis is an old, almost-forgotten ball-game typically Hungarian. The first discription of the game dates back to 1903. It was created and later petanted by it’s inventor and protagonist Antal Halácsy, a fencing master and physical instructor from Szeged. He organized…new hungarian, hungarian sport, typically hungarian, hungarian discription, thékes hungarianplayer, history, play, round, game3
saulgyermekei.huMore than 100,000 Hungarian Jewish children were killed during the Holocaust. The Children of Saul memorial program aims to commemorate their names and their fate.child, july, story, victim, video3
eurotranssped.huIn addition to our loading services, we also provide cargo services to wagons, we fill out and administer the underlying road transportation and railway freight documents, as well as liaise, and cooperate with the various parties involved, such as the Hungarian Railways Company (MÁV), the various…relevant hungarian, hungarian law, party hungarian, hungarian railwaypage, transportation, client, related, freight3
rimconsulting.huThe RIM Consulting ltd. has recognized the opportunities inherent in the international mobility of higher education students. The main profile and primary activity goal is the search for and entry of foreign citizens (primarily from the Asian region) intending to continue their studies in…study hungarian, hungarian high, regard hungarian, hungarian entrance, esteem hungarianconsulting, rim, protection, security, case3
bbart.huAt the same time the foundation is working on its own project about the Hungarian Art Nouveau ornaments . Its goal is both scientific and social i.e. to help PhD students during the period of writing their theses. The work in the year 2010-2011 was helped by the ministry of culture, later on the…century hungarian, hungarian friend, project hungarian, hungarian art, later hungarianart, foundation, century, university, early3
sipospack.hu…constantly looking for new challenges and implementing leadin-edge technologies in order to support our Partners locally as well as globally. This vison of ours helped us to became a significant player in the Hungarian packaging industry, and we are always available for new relations to initiate.player hungarian, hungarian packagingpackaging, recyclable, material, printing, solution3
businessimmigration.hu“Company income tax is only 9% in Hungary since 2017, which is the lowest flat rate within the EU. And personal income tax is also very low (only 15%), if you want to take a dividend from your Hungarian company. “liability hungarian, hungarian company, dividend hungarianimmigration, europe, formation, previous, tax3
kklaw.huAt the Law Office of Dr. Kond KOVÁCS we are able to offer dynamic, multi-jurisdictional and cost-effective legal services. Our Hungarian and European trained lawyers and solicitors have the experience and knowledge to meet a wide range of legal needs for our clients.international hungarian, hungarian reference, service hungarian, hungarian europeanlaw, office, legal, effective, international3
varvendeglo.huTraditional hungarian cuisine with a superb fusion of flavours from the hegyköz and the bodrogköz areas, plenty of tasty fish soups and other fish dishes .traditional hungarian, hungarian cuisinewine, drink, guest, price, room3
cardioexpert.huA training program with a comprehensive professional background, with improved and continuously developed curriculum for decades, from the Hungarian members of the international Master Instructor Team, in Hungarian.decade hungarian, hungarian memberinstructor, training, bike, event, expert3
edeskert.huWe were quite curious about the Valley, the atmosphere and the wines. We wanted to find a local restaurant with local dishes and traditional Hungarian cuisine. Édeskert Restaurant was a very good choice, nice dishes, good value for money.ingredients hungarian, hungarian classic, traditional hungarian, hungarian cuisinerestaurant, valley, beautiful, woman, wine3
primaudit2005.huSome of our clients are dealing with logistics. During the process of examining their characteristic economic activities we focus on the examination of the performance process of transport contracts and delivery orders putting specific emphasis on the Hungarian and EU regulations, the changes in…emphasis hungarian, hungarian eu, apeh hungarian, hungarian tax, member hungarianclient, activity, area, tax, government3
leones.huLeones QSR is owned by Sándor Scheer, founder and CEO of Market Építő Zrt. Numerous Hungarian McDonald’s restaurant as well as the first Hungarian Ronald House was built by him.numerous hungarian, hungarian mcdonald, restaurant hungarian, hungarian ronald, close hungarianrestaurant, developmental, market, egg, meal3
bphm.huThe Budapest Holocaust Museum and Education Center (BHMEC) was founded by private citizens in 2001. BHMEC’s most important goal is to present the history of the Holocaust in Hungary and Europe in an accessible way, to commemorate the victims and to preserve and introduce Hungarian Jewish heritage…victim hungarian, hungarian jewish, summary hungarian, hungarian childholocaust, center, education, museum, close3
intellexi.huIntellexi Ltd. is a private Hungarian SME providing a wide range of innovation management, business development, entrepreneurship and internationalisation support activities. Our key topics are according to our experience and as follows: business development, innovation, agro-ICT, bioeconomy…private hungarian, hungarian sme, later hungarian, hungarian investment, leader hungarianinnovation, development, entrepreneurship, management, support3
mt-gasconsulting.huMT-Gas Consulting Kft. is basically the same age as the Hungarian energy market. Since that moment Hungarian customers can freely choose their natural gas and electricity suppliers. However, leaving the comfortable area of public utility is not only an opportunity, it's also a duty. The…age hungarian, hungarian energy, moment hungarian, hungarian customerconsulting, gas, customer, welcome, energy3
szikametro89.hu…the manufacturing of an extensive range of parts. Our major partners include the community transportation provider of Budapest (BKV Zrt.), the Hungarian railway company (MÁV-START Zrt.), Knorr-Bremse Hungária Ltd., Siemens Mobility Ltd., MÁV-VAGON Ltd., Dunakeszi Járműjavító Ltd. vehicle repairs…zrt hungarian, hungarian railwaymanufacture, machinery, repair, main, duct3
mottokft.huSince 1987 they left their full time works and focused on developing the MOZAIK Ltd, which were transformed into MOTTÓ Construction Ltd in 1992. In the beginning of 1990 MOTTÓ Construction Ltd limited its activities into special underground works, which was niche in the Hungarian construction scene.liberation hungarian, hungarian market, niche hungarian, hungarian construction, leader hungarianconstruction, relationship, underground, shaft, station3
drszenassy.hu…at Vienna-based law firm Weiss-Tessbach. After graduating she worked as a trainee lawyer and subsequently as attorney and partner at the Hungarian member firm of international tax consultancy and accountancy firm Ernst & Young, one of the Big Four, for over ten years. She joined our law…language hungarian, hungarian english, partner hungarian, hungarian member, hungarian germanlaw, firm, corporate, labour, real3
qualitytours.huQualified by the Hungarian Convention Bureau we provide local destination knowledge and act as an extension of your company. Be it a weekend trip to Budapest, a thematical wine tour on the countryside, an incentive with teambuilding activities and gala dinner, or a roundtrip in Central-Europe, we…management hungarian, hungarian customer, formula hungarian, hungarian grandquality, tour, tailor, group, event3
kondorecolodge.huWe offer an unique place as a base to stay to discover the special Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Butterflies, Moths, Dragonflies, other invertebrates & Wildflowers , botanical and other natural values of the "Hungarian Puszta" or flat grassland. We are at the Westernmost edge of the…value hungarian, hungarian pusztaphotography, introduction, booking, wildlife, hide3
iskolakavaltozasert.huTo establish a network of 4 Hungarian schools participating in the development, testing and integration into the conventional syllabus of a pedagogical material (curriculum material package) that reflects the topics, philosophy and approach of global education. With that the participating schools…gap hungarian, hungarian pedagogical, goal hungarian, hungarian project, network hungarianschool, change, agent, global, globally3
ritkabetegsegakademia.huDiamond Congress Ltd. (seated: 1012 Budapest, Vérmező út 8, central and head office: 1015 Budapest, Csalogány utca 28.) is a Hungarian resident business company providing conference organizing services as core activity for more decades. Since 2020 beside the traditional face to face events our…utca hungarian, hungarian resident, relevant hungarian, hungarian regulation, shall hungariandata, congress, case, legal, conference3
feszekcsarda.huWelcome to Fészek Csárda, Traditional Hungarian Restaurant , located near Budapest, directly next to the M1 motorway, at the Sasfészek rest area in Páty, we are waiting for our guests who like Hungarian and international cuisine.traditional hungarian, hungarian restaurant, guest hungarian, hungarian internationalreservation, drink, gallery, event, highway3
bbtb.huRide down to Duna Corso, Chain Bridge, Castle District, along the side of Danube River in Buda, Margaret Bridge, Margaret Island, along the side of Danube River in Pest, House of Parliament, Freedom Square, St. Stephen’s Basilica, Sas street, Andrássy Avenue, Hungarian State Opera, House of Terror…avenue hungarian, hungarian statetour, bike, sightseeing, private, castle3
help4you.huHelp4You provide variety of ways to get Hungarian residency: acquire through business ownership, family unification, get temporary residence permit, residense permit for the purpose of study, job-searching, employment, intra-corporate transfer, seasonal employment, official purposes, medical…solution hungarian, hungarian residency, way hungarianimmigration, permit, help, social, search3
induserv.huWe provide our offer based on the actual market rates. The quality of our services is one of the top in the Hungarian market. It is unique in the Hungarian market, that we have 3 registered civil engineers, 2 health and safety controllers and 3 site supervisors. If you have a multi language site…service hungarian, hungarian market, unique hungariantask, complex, offer, rental, sale3
patinaspalinka.huIn connection with both my work and leisure I came across a wide variety of drinks, ranging from the ordinary to the special, premium categories. I have always admired the tradition and care distillers show for their whiskey. The drink is matured for many years until it reaches its perfect state…state hungarian, hungarian pálinka, english hungariantaste, fruit, process, story, basket3
mfab.huThe aim of the Friends of the Museum is to create a dedicated circle of audience for the Museum of Fine Arts and the Hungarian National Gallery together with their affiliated institutions.old hungarian, hungarian collection, art hungarian, hungarian nationalart, museum, exhibition, collection, open3
ferrataapartmanok.huOur apartments, which are opened in 2022, are located in the heart of Bakony-Hills, one of the strongholds of Hungarian hiking. Our guesthouses in a wonderful mountainous environment offer unparalleled experiences and inexhaustible opportunities for relaxation both in winter and summer to nature…stronghold hungarian, hungarian hikingguesthouse, family, offer, quality, apartment3
fjordin.huFjordin is a leading supplier of frozen seafood products in Hungary. Our company was founded in 1995 as a Norwegian-Hungarian joint venture company. We are distributing frozen fish and seafood mostly to our professional partners such as restaurants, cafés, hotels and wholesalers. Embassies…norwegian hungarian, hungarian joint, product hungarian, hungarian market, good hungarianfish, seafood, range, price, quality3
hatvany.huIn 2009 she was approached by Tibor Szőnyi, curator of Opera Gallery to whose invitation she participated in a group exhibition hosted by YTrip Art Gallery in Tokyo’s artists’ quarter. The exhibition celebrated the 140th anniversary of the Japanese – Hungarian diplomatic & commercial…japanese hungarian, hungarian diplomatic, relationship hungarian, hungarian spirit, mainstream hungarianart, portfolio, school, artist, book3
komplexinstrukcio.hu…be ascribed to this specific instructional system. CI was developed by Cohen and Lotan at Stanford university and we translated the method into Hungarian circumstances. It took 3 years to create the Hungarian CI, as an innovation, is called Komplex Instrukciós Program (henceforward KIP). The basicmethod hungarian, hungarian circumstances, year hungarian, hungarian ci, work hungarianschool, teacher, child, pupil, group3
muszertechnika.huUnder a tripartite cooperation agreement concluded between ASTRASUN Solar Nyrt , a Hungarian solar panel manufacturer listed on the stock exchange, Műszertechnika and IK METAL Kft. , a member of the company group, start the production of solar panel support structures. In the future, they plan to…significant hungarian, hungarian group, nyrt hungarian, hungarian solar, zrt hungarianmanufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software3
ertekterv.huÉrtékterv Ltd. introduced the Hungarian Cycling Network Development Plan during the Velo-city cycling conference which was held in Dublin, June 2019. Within the last two years, our company has been involved in the elaboration of several Cycling Development Plans, including proposals for cycling…értékterv hungarian, hungarian cyclingplan, cycling, network, development, conference3
munkataborok.huOur website is an homage to the victims that were held captive in Hungarian concentration camps between 1945 and 1953. In this dark chapter of Hungarian history, there were not only officially sentenced prisoners but also tens of thousands of victims who were either sent to internment and forced…captive hungarian, hungarian concentration, chapter hungarian, hungarian history, recsk hungariancamp, labour, general, historical, website3
danubecapital.huDanube Capital’s senior analyst gave an interesting and complex presentation focusing on the Hungarian competitiveness reforms, the labor market and the inflation outlook,presentation hungarian, hungarian competitiveness, development hungarian, hungarian economycapital, danube, analysis, market, economic3
edoartprodukcio.huThe creation of our show "Love is not a shame" "(A szerelem nem szégyen) was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts (Magyar Művészeti Akadémia) in 2020.szégyen hungarian, hungarian academyevent, january, art, love, shame3
applepshostess.hu…medals or even conducting line-up tournaments and refreshing distributions. Our hostesses probably are welcoming the guests with smile in many Hungarian football clubs’ stadia and national team matches even at this moment. We are also regular participants of the sport world events held in Hungary.smile hungarian, hungarian football, company hungarian, hungarian international, major hungarianevent, host, staff, exhibition, agency3
pipistrel-hungary.huPipistrel’s award winning aircraft family SW 121 has been identified as the ideal fit for the needs of future Hungarian aviation undertakings, with Genevation stepping up with their interest to manufacture, market and provide after-sales support for select markets. Following extensive coordination…future hungarian, hungarian aviation, maróth hungarian, hungarian government, opportunity hungarianaircraft, cooperation, manufacture, virus, production3
hotel-mako.hu…sights, the surrounding settlements (eg Szeged) and the programs and events of our city at our 24-hour reception. You can order delicious and Hungarian dishes from several restaurants. Opposite the guesthouse there is a supermarket (Lidl) where you can get everything on foot in a few minutes…delicious hungarian, hungarian dish, hungarian foodroom, guesthouse, apartment, rule, child3
artifex.huArtifex Simulation and Training Systems Ltd is an independent organization offering a multidisciplinary engineering and scientific staff with a history of long term support to the military training industry. Headquartered in Budapest, Hungary, Artifex is a well established Hungarian MoD defence…artifex hungarian, hungarian mod, centre hungarian, hungarian defencesimulation, training, military, profile, software3
lacom.huAward: 2014 – Hungarian PR Association’s Imre Sándor Award – main award (Goodwill management category) The Taskaddition hungarian, hungarian media, award hungarian, hungarian prmedia, plan, creative, event, personal3
argeomentum.huWe have advised small Hungarian start-ups through to multi-national companies in the fields of earth observation, geospatial and related mapping and software advice. We participate in and undertake the development of national, EU and international research project proposals, and are happy to…small hungarian, hungarian startresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation3
varakeskastelyok.huCheck out the residences of even more Hungarian noble families inside and outside of Hungary.residence hungarian, hungarian noble, famous hungariancastle, map, family, noble, famous3
rakosmiklos.hu…getting his diplom, for the next 10 years period of time he was a member of the viola section in the Budapest (MÁV) Symphony Orchestra, and the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra. Later on – going on with his music activity – he began to teach violin and viola, and was involved in musicology, too. Heorchestra hungarian, hungarian state, history hungarian, hungarian violin, play hungarianhomepage, study, publication, music, book3
jewish.huThe Jewish life in Hungary was colorful and rich. Great Rabbis and yeshivas were originally from Hungary like Chatam Sofer, Reb Shayele Steiner, Reb Teitelbaum. The funders of the Zionist movement Theodor Herzl and Max Nordau were born and raised in Budapest. The Hungarian Jewry abounded with…age hungarian, hungarian king, history hungarian, hungarian jew, number hungarianjewish, tour, heritage, private, history3
enektanar-budapest.huMy name is Erika Kertész, I am a singer, songwriter, lyricist and vocal coach. I come from Hungary, that’s where I studied for my BA degree in jazz singing. I give singing lessons in Budapest in Hungarian, English and Dutch languages.budapest hungarian, hungarian englishvocal, lesson, singing, homepage, class3
makog.huThe Hungarian Cognitive Science Foundation has been operational since 1993. It has been instrumental in bringing together and running the Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science, and has recently participated in several EC-funded and Hungarian national level research projects in the fields of…ec hungarian, hungarian nationalcognitive, science, archive, foundation, semester3
netbriefing.huHungaroControl’s online application helps pilots prepare HungaroControl Hungarian Air Navigation Service’s new, free-of-charge, webbased service offers general aviation pilots faster and simpler preparation for safe flights. The NetBriefing system helps pilots submit flight plans from wherever…hungarocontrol hungarian, hungarian air, traffic hungarian, hungarian firflight, plan, navigation, air, arrival3
dezsenyi.hucultures over the years. Equipped with this experience, English and German language skills and the relevant legal expertise, our law firm provides complex legal services of medium-sized companies and Hungarian subsidiaries of large international corporations in West-Hungarian region and in Budapest.company hungarian, hungarian subsidiary, west hungarian, hungarian region, client hungarianlaw, legal, client, labour, attorney3
szokimondoka.huDr. Annamária Kádár (leading child developmental psychologist), Dr. Silvia Harday (leading social psychologist), Tímea Szabó-Zsedely (US based linguist, psychologist, language preservation expert), János Lackfi (best selling, award winning children’s story book writer), Veronaki (reknowned…methodology hungarian, hungarian language, reknowned hungarian, hungarian band, partner hungarianchild, parent, book, methodology, language3
toppanto.huToppantó's mission is to show how Hungarian culture appears at the level of the individual and the group, at the levels of cognitive and emotional development, in the age group of 2-6 years.mission hungarian, hungarian culture, hungarian englishcamp, child, instructor, foundation, game3
swoosh.huPrior to joining Swoosh Capital, she dealt with the office management and Public Relations of various Hungarian companies and institutions.section hungarian, hungarian economic, association hungarian, hungarian economist, relation hungariancapital, website, asia, opportunity, management3
kenosident.huI was a chief oral surgeon for two years in one of Budapest’s district (XIII). Later I also worked at Hungarian Defence Forces Medical Centre. Besides being committed to oral surgery I also worked from the beginning as a dentist in Hungary and also abroad (United Kingdom, Netherlands). I commuted…later hungarian, hungarian defence, regularly hungarian, hungarian internationaltreatment, surgery, tooth, root, crown3
eurama.huEurama Sightseeing City Tour Travel Agency offers several sightseeing and city tours, private tours in Budapest and Hungary. Take a look on our site to discover Budapest City and the Hungarian landmarks. The tours departing daily from our Eurama Office (at the Hotel Intecontinental by the Chain…city hungarian, hungarian landmarktour, city, sightseeing, bus, book3
dubaiestate.huDubai Estate is the Hungarian expert in Dubai luxury real estate. Discover stunning luxury apartments, the latest developments on crystal clear beaches.time hungarian, hungarian market, estate hungarian, hungarian expertestate, real, luxury, property, latest3
luxuryhotelsbudapest.huThe brand new 4-star Novotel Budapest Danube hotel is located on the banks of the Danube on the Buda side of Budapest in the vicinity of Buda Castle. The hotel awaits its guests with the magnificent view of the Hungarian Parliament. The 175 Novation rooms of Novotel Budapest Danube and the hotel…lánchíd hungarian, hungarian hotel, view hungarian, hungarian parliament, restaurant hungarianreservation, package, piece, luxury, thermal3
erdosmuanyag.huOur clients recognized the always improving nature of our company. This helped us develop several long-time mutual business relationships both on the Hungarian and the European market. If you are looking for parts for insulating glass or plastic doors and windows, look no further!relationship hungarian, hungarian europeanmanufacture, key, glass, flexible, connector3
carboncomp.huBy developing our equipment, automating our processes we could also enter the aviation industries with Diehl Aircabin, and the Railway industries with the Hungarian State Railway Holding. The high performance and low weight reinforced plastics also found the niche in the medical equipment…english hungarian, hungarian german, industry hungarian, hungarian statecomposite, production, technology, ltd, website3
1978.huJohnson Controls helped me a lot in my carrier. I started there as plant HR manager responsible for a small automotive manufacturing plant in Mezőlak, Hungary, then after an other 3 plants joined the company, my great boss asked me to be a country HR manager, responsible for all four Hungarian…responsible hungarian, hungarian plant, traditional hungarian, hungarian weddig, chance hungarianday, thailand, school, china, university3
sopronbianco.huOne of the most famous churches in the city. It stands on the Main Square, opposite the Fire Tower. Franciscan Church, Benedictine Church, Hungarian Church, Church of the Goats, Church of the Assumption – all names refer to the Church of the Assumption (Benedictine) of Sopron.church hungarian, hungarian churchroom, bed, house, detail, guest3
somapak.huSOMAPAK Ltd. was founded in 1986 as a Hungarian-Italian joint venture company. Since 1995, the company has been in 100% Hungarian ownership.somapak hungarian, hungarian italian, company hungarian, hungarian ownership, italian hungariantechnology, packaging, machine, manufacture, cut3
balogarpad.huIn the Hungarian Great Plain region, building proper cellars has not been an option historically because of the high water table. As an adaptation to these unique local environmental challenges, the adobe houses of the area have a “cellar room” lowered into the ground. It is in the cellar room of…farming hungarian, hungarian racka, sheep hungarian, hungarian grey, reference hungarianwine, grape, natural, winery, vine3
multisteelhungary.huOur main goal is to cover the Hungarian market with competitive prices. To achieve this, it is indispensable that we choose our suppliers based on the best quality and prices, ensuring optimal economic operation of our company.goal hungarian, hungarian market, company hungarian, hungarian tax, preferably hungarianmanufacture, ltd, technology, construction, installation3
tourdematra.huAll riders taking part in events registered with Mátra Biker Sport Club are subject to the Hungarian Cycling Association's rules for cycling events when entering events using the online entry system.competition hungarian, hungarian cycling, subject hungarianrace, entry, tour, road, cycling3
airconnect.huIn cooperation with Hungarian and international partners Air Connect offers aviation consultancy service for start up or further development of aviation related businesses, airlines or airports.assistance hungarian, hungarian regional, cooperation hungarian, hungarian internationalair, quotation, private, aviation, airport3
januscountry.huHere, it is possible what would otherwise be unachivable at our hotel in Siófok. Perhaps you could benefit of the combination of the two, a nice stay at our four star wellness hotel with all the facilities, then a relaxing, and isolated time with family at the hungarian countryside. We know, that…family hungarian, hungarian countryside, compliance hungarian, hungarian lawcountry, site, guest, offer, website3
unicranes.huAfter graduating with a degree in material handling first, I worked at a Hungarian-Bulgarian company called INTRANSZMAS Ltd. Then I started to work for a multinational one which is the world-leading company of „lifting business” as a design production manager then I became project manager, service…technology hungarian, hungarian crane, handle hungarian, hungarian bulgarian, group hungariancrane, overview, maintenance, equipment, gallery3
ksh-rugo.huKSH Rugógyár Bt., a Hungarian member of the Kurt Kauffmann Technische Federn Group, a German family-owned group of companies. With over 50 years of experience, we are a recognised international expert in the development and manufacture of high-quality technical springs, bent and pressed components.bt hungarian, hungarian membercustomer, manufacture, quality, technology, supplier3
hmmmaster.hu…suit the gastronomic expectations of our era – these dishes are fresh, delicious, healthy, they do not contain preservatives, and You can eat it right away -, on the other hand we would like to offer a great variety of dishes to our customers (from modern soups to traditional Hungarian flavours).traditional hungarian, hungarian flavour, majority hungarian, hungarian household, tradition hungariansoup, fruit, delicious, healthy, dish3
borbelylaszlo.huDebussy: En blanc et noir, László Borbély, Péter Kiss (piano), Stravinsky: Les noces, László Borbély, Péter Kiss, Dóra Bizják, Emese Mali (piano), Kinga Kriszta (soprano), Lúcia Megyesi-Schwartz (mezzo-soprano), István Horváth (tenor), Zsolt Haja (baritone) Hungarian Radio Orchestra Choir…broadcast hungarian, hungarian radio, baritone hungarianconcert, media, music, piano, radio3
mafeosz.huSorry, this entry is only available in Hungarian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. A Magyar Vegyipari Szövetség és tagszövetsége, a Magyar Festékgyártók Országos Szövetsége a Kozmetikai…available hungarian, hungarian sake, in hungarian, hungarian fornews, april, saturday, february, organization3
wanger.huThe Wanger Chinchilla Breeding System had been established in 1978 and today it is the world's biggest breeding stock producer and fur trader plantation, a model farm of the West Hungarian Universite (Mosonmagyaróvár).world hungarian, hungarian chinchilla, west hungarian, hungarian universite, wanger hungarianfur, dress, september, event, dyeing3
porti.huZoltan Joo is a Hungarian artist, altar and table painter. Porti has made some different artworks: table pictures, oil paintings, sculptures, painted coffered ceiling, wall paintings and other painted constructions from wood, furthermore illustrations and animated book.hilton hungarian, péli hungarian, joo hungarian, hungarian artistaltar, table, painter, ceiling, illustration3
aeo.huThe evaluation and acquisition of the status is such a complicated process, that the Hungarian customs authorities initiated a pilot project in 2007 with the inclusion of nine companies, most of which are multinational.process hungarian, hungarian custom, possible hungarian, hungarian branchcustom, certificate, authority, application, status3
kaliartinn.huUplands National Park. The countryside is calm in winter, delightful in spring, sparkling in summer and enchanting in autumn. The village of Köveskál, situated in the geographical centre of the basin, preserves in its name the memory of the Kál family that settled here around the Hungarian conquest.family hungarian, hungarian conquest, homeland hungarian, hungarian whiteroom, offer, art, view, booking3
projecon.huWe are providing customer-tailored project management services, especially, but not exclusively in the area of IT and telecommunication, within and outside of Hungary. PROJECON Project Consulting Ltd. was founded in Budapest in 2010. Working languages are: Hungarian, English and German.language hungarian, hungarian english, projecon hungarian, hungarian businessconsulting, management, training, preparation, exam3
tengerdi.huWe warmly welcome our guests to the beach in five apartments above our beach diner. The „Gold Bridge” and „Silver Bridge” apartments can accommodate a whole family. Five rooms of the „Hungarian Sea” can accommodate up to nine people, while Boglárka and Levente apartments have a capacity of 8-8…unforgettable hungarian, hungarian sea, restaurant hungarian, hungarian international, room hungarianbooking, gallery, apartment, beach, pension3
fantasyexpo.huFantasy Expo is a hungarian event where fantasy, sci-fi, anime, manga, comic book, cosplay, videogame and boardgame lovers can meet and have fun for one whole day. We don’t want to create a large festival and we don’t have any marketing will, we want to give everyone a “classic convention” feeling…expo hungarian, hungarian event, társaság hungarian, hungarian anime, alley hungarianticket, stage, performance, category, application3
mbve.huThe Hungarian Association of Security Managers (MBVE) is one of the largest customers of the Hungarian security market. It was formed in 1996.customer hungarian, hungarian security, major hungarian, hungarian universitymember, security, association, market, manager3
seismology.huOn 2016-09-09, a nuclear test was carried out in North Korea. The seismic waves generated by this test were recorded by the Hungarian National Seismological Network as well. For more details, please read our short technical report .test hungarian, hungarian nationalmanual, croatia, earthquake, romania, ukraine3
trainingandpractice.huThe Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Institute of Education in cooperation with the Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Sopron organises the 14. Training and Practice International Conference on Educational Science in early autumn.english hungarian, hungarian language, language hungarian, hungarian englishpractice, training, conference, journal, educational3
biondobike.huThe Biondo Bike bicycle shop was founded in 1999 by former professional bicycle racer Márta Seregély and Gabriele Biondo , who also races. Márta won 22 Hungarian championship titles in four different disciplines (road, track, cross country, downhill) and six Giro d’Italia. And Gabriele was also…exclusive hungarian, hungarian distributor, márta hungarian, hungarian championshipbike, second, hand, shop, bicycle3
agai.huThe law office has also a significant experience in international acquisitions and regularly conducts full legal due diligence of Hungarian companies that foreign-based clients wish to purchase, in cooperation with its financial audit partner where necessary. For eight years, László Ágai has…french hungarian, hungarian language, language hungarian, hungarian foreign, diligence hungarianlaw, office, international, corporate, commercial3
hungarotrain.huOur cooperation with the Hungarian State Railways (MÁV) looks back on a long history, we have had a role in the repair services of commissioned vehicles both in and beyond the guarantee periods. We have important relations and contacts with the vehicle repair service entities of MÁV, and as…sector hungarian, hungarian ownership, manufacture hungarian, hungarian railway, cooperation hungarianvehicle, commission, railway, repair, subcontractor3
taxcontor.huWe are member of the National Association of Hungarian Tax Consultants and Accounting Service Providers and the Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts. We take responsibility and, of course, dispose of professional liability insurance.association hungarian, hungarian tax, hungarian certified, accounting hungarian, hungarian subsidiarytax, accounting, consulting, reference, newsletter3
oaktree.huWeb design, programming, domain name registration, web hosting and internet marketing services from our Hungarian pros ...service hungarian, hungarian prowebsite, development, application, tree, oak3
gmtlegal.huOur dispute resolution team is one of the most recognised among Hungarian law firms. We regularly advise Hungarian and foreign market participants on matters handled by state courts, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution solutions. We implement...framework hungarian, hungarian capital, client hungarian, hungarian law, team hungarianlegal, law, market, guide, capital3
chimneycake.huThe Chimney Cake Shop Chimney Cake We took THE ORIGINAL SPECIAL HUNGARIAN RECIPE and adapted it to meet the new and evolving tastes of the modern world. In our menu you can find the traditional Hungarian Chimney Cakes prepared in delicious sweet flavours and our famous Chimney Cones, whilst still…delectable hungarian, hungarian sweet, freshly hungarian, hungarian pastry, special hungarianshop, cake, chimney, gallery, review3
houseinhungary.huDo you not speak Hungarian? We at House In Hungary do. We make the initial phone call to the owner (or agent) on your behalf and find out all crucial information about the property that can make the difference between an interesting property or not.flexible hungarian, hungarian propertyproperty, house, buy, purchase, search3
nyergesteto.huOur guests can have a taste of the local history, as well as the material and written memories of the 1848 – 1849 Hungarian War of Independence.memory hungarian, hungarian warnews, battle, national, day, agenda3
multisoft.huAs the Hungarian representative of Philips Dictation Systems, we also sell professional dictaphones.invoice, application, development, solution, power3
liveinbudapest.huWe founded our company only a few years ago as a family business. We are a Brazilian - Hungarian couple with more than 3 foreign spoken language communications, all of our subcontractors and partners speak English, which can mean for our clients to find a common language in all cases.brazilian hungarian, hungarian couplepermit, administration, case, important, consulting3
openaccess.hu…free of charge and without any restrictions. Our mission is to enforce and develop the international standards of academic book publishing, and to promote the effective dissemination of research. Our platform has been developed in cooperation with the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.library hungarian, hungarian academy, librarian hungarian, publication hungarianaccess, open, academic, publication, publish3
acpartner.huI have more than 15 years of professional experience primarily in the audit of the stand-alone and consolidated financial statements of major Hungarian and multinational companies prepared in accordance with the Hungarian Accounting Act and IFRS and in auditing of mergers and acquisitions…international hungarian, hungarian sme, major hungarian, hungarian multinational, accordance hungarianaccounting, financial, advisory, auditing, client3
ndhsz.huA cross-sector group of partners from two continents, including Hungarian National School, University and Leisure…colombian hungarian, hungarian grassroots, budapest hungarian, hungarian university, continent hungariannews, diplomacy, university, health, conference3
argonsoft.huEasy, quick and cost-effective solution for retrieving nation-wide third-party liability (KGFB) insurance data provided by the Central Bank of Hungary for the use of pricing, provisioning and risk analysis for Hungarian insurance companies.analysis hungarian, hungarian insurancesoftware, development, data, custom, effective3
dealagency.huthe field with one spotlight with the song ‘Girl from Ipanema’ playing – well, that was mind-blowing, still giving me goosebumps after these years. Or cheering for the Hungarian medals, watching Team USA Basketball dominating, or the Ladies beach volleyball games – I would go back to Brasil anytime.year hungarian, hungarian medal, hungaroring hungarian, hungarian wtcc, match hungariandeal, agency, athlete, talent, career3
komlofarmdebrecen.huThere are not many relevant descriptions of hop cultivation in Hungarian. Obviously, this is due to the fact that in the early 2000s, hop plantations were completely abolished in Hungary. More serious studies have never been done here in Hungary, with the possible exception of the “bible” of…cultivation hungarian, hungarian obviously, bible hungarian, hungarian hopseedling, offer, news, special, gallery3
szekelytanyacsarda.huThe Fészek Csárda, Traditional Hungarian Restaurant, with its cosy separate rooms and services is the ideal place for family and friends gatherings, graduations, small weddings and corporate events.traditional hungarian, hungarian restaurant, guest hungarian, hungarian internationaldrink, conference, room, reservation, gallery3
drszilagyikatalin.huThe Office provides its services in Hungarian and English, and LegalAgain can also assist with services in German and French.service hungarian, hungarian englishlaw, office, small, individual, medium3
bakonyiavocats.huBased on the experiences of recent years, our Office has developed close cooperation with numerous Hungarian and foreign law offices, in the interest of providing the most comprehensive, highest quality service possible to our clients. >>>numerous hungarian, hungarian foreignlaw, field, office, international, colleagues3
icell.huThe HU-GO distance based electronis toll system was introduced on 1 July 2013 for the use of a total of 6513 km of Hungarian motorways, then the toll obligation was extended for the use of 6500 km of Hungarian speed highway and main roads. This applied to all cargo vehicles and towing vehicles…innovative hungarian, hungarian telematics, solution hungarian, hungarian toll, km hungarianvehicle, fleet, track, solution, management3
kataaccountant.huKATA is a flat-tax system where you pay a fixed monthly amount to cover all your Hungarian tax obligations as a self-employed person.monthly hungarian, hungarian tax, week hungarian, hungarian employer, english hungariantax, support, small, leadership, accountant3
procurcon.huModule based, structured training program is offered, from which the above improvement plan can be assembled. Our trainers and cooperating partners are among the most experienced procurement professionals on the Hungarian market and in the CEE region.section hungarian, hungarian embassy, germany hungarian, hungarian chemical, professional hungarianprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement3
gergenyi.huHe received his diploma at the University of Szeged at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences in 2007. He was a trainee lawyer from 2008 to 2011 at a famous Hungarian law firm. The next day following his graduation he went to a trial and since then he has had hundreds of separate procedures. He…work hungarian, hungarian legislation, famous hungarian, hungarian law, diligence hungarianlegal, office, law, procedure, contract3
myinvest.huThanks for its complementary activities and services which are built on one and another the Alpha – Pannon Agency can offer solution for the existence of your company in Hungary, for yours and your family member’s, employees’ legal residence. We let you know about profitable, primarily Hungarian…primarily hungarian, hungarian possibility, seeker hungarian, hungarian companypermit, agency, worker, general, real3
babelsound.huThe 3rd album of the Balkan beats band from Holland has been released under the title Babel Fish, which remembers the hungarian Babel Sound Festival's feeling. You can hear the Balkan signature, which is cleverly and refreshingly interspersed with pop, reggae and swing.foreign hungarian, hungarian festival, fish hungarian, hungarian babelsound, festival, music, night, concert3
davehelpsdebrecen.huDavid spent the entire day with me while I was selling my car. He did all the talking while we went from dealer to dealer. I got thousands of dollars more for my car than I was first offered thanks to him negotiating for me in Hungarianhungary hungarian, hungarian personhelp, price, day, problem, international3
papplaszloakademia.huIn January 1965 his professional contract expired and he did not get permission for further matches including the World Championship from the Hungarian Sport Office. After two years interruption he joined a famous Hungarian sport club as a trainer.championship hungarian, hungarian sport, famous hungarian, coach hungarian, hungarian nationalmedal, championship, young, boxing, result3
vigmolnarcsarda.huAt Víg Molnár Csárda, we strive to offer authenticity on the plate. Our Hungarian cuisine is a celebration of traditional flavors, prepared with high-quality local ingredients. From fisherman’s soup to pork fillet, each dish tells the story of our land.dive hungarian, hungarian flavor, place hungarian, hungarian tradition, plate hungarianrestaurant, dish, flavor, place, quality3
techno-security.huqualification, which was audited by the Hungarian Electronic Controlling Institute in August 1997 and in every following three years since then. The ISO 9001 and our well-prepared professionals guarantee that the proper level of quality is ensured from planning to handover during the tasks…qualification hungarian, hungarian electronic, member hungarian, hungarian quality, hungarocontrol hungariansecurity, quality, task, location, equipment3
echosummeracademy.huBrahms and Bartók among them. He has been one of the most employed performer of the Liszt Memorial Year in 2011. He worked together with several Hungarian and foreign symphonic orchestras, he gave solo and orchestra concerts on stages like the Konzerthaus in Vienna, the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam…member hungarian, hungarian scientific, merit hungarian, hungarian republic, year hungarianacademy, summer, concert, music, main3
tánci.hu…experience and innovative ideas thanks to our two-decade history. Thanks for our team hardwork and our progressive policies our CEO won the local, Csongrád-Csanád County Entrepreneur of the Year 2018 award, and the folllowing year the Hungarian National Entrepreneur of the Year 2019 award.year hungarian, hungarian nationalconstruction, inspection, technical, portfolio, activity3
concentusconsort.huThe activity of the group is shared in concert programmes on Hungarian and European (A, CZ D, F, I, PL, RO RUS) concert stages, radio and television recitals, and recordings. On summer time renaissance courses are led at Martonvasar, near Budapest.programme hungarian, hungarian european, early hungarian, hungarian music, old hungarianmusic, photo, ensemble, programme, european3
dravahotel.huEuropean Cultural Capital in 2010, the Ancient Drava Visitor Centre and the Danube-Drava National Park, the castle of Siklós, as well as the Ottoman remains are deservedly known throughout Europe. Visitors are enchanted by the impressive villages, medieval Hungarian castles and picturesque churches.medieval hungarian, hungarian castle, traditional hungarian, hungarian flavourroom, conference, price, rate, package3
energowatch.huEuronet Hungary Informatika Zrt. (Euronet Hungary Inc.) was established in November 2000 and entered the telecommunications service provider market. To date it is 100% owned by Hungarian individuals.date hungarian, hungarian individual, hungarian englishdata, fatigue, development, connection, hardware3
findyourways.huThe essentials of the Pest side every visitor has to know. General orientation on Hungarian culture, cuisine, history, everyday life. ...orientation hungarian, hungarian culture, history hungarian, hungarian jewtour, way, depot, privacy, condition3
moroantik.hu1889 pattern Austro- Hungarian official sword, with curved blade. Asymmetrical hand guard with flower decoration and the coat-of-arms of Habsburg...pattern hungarian, hungarian officialweapon, japanese, event, sword, century3
habsburgottoalapitvany.huOn 13 December 2023, the Hungarian National Museum opened a magnificent and unique exhibition ...collection hungarian, hungarian bride, december hungarian, hungarian nationalfoundation, news, collection, biography, programme3
kidma.huKidma is supported by Hungarian Jewish Community (Mazsihisz), the Joint Distribution Committee and the Jewish Agency, in addition to members of Kidma and other donors.significant hungarian, hungarian politician, important hungarian, hungarian jewish, kidma hungarianjewish, goal, activity, cultural, movie3
families.huMomentum “Integrating Families” Research Group is supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The project entitled Integrating Families: Children and the Stepfamily in the Kingdom of Hungary (16–19th Centuries) runs for five years. The project aims to study the history of the pre-modern family…group hungarian, hungarian academy, erdélyi hungarian, funding hungarianfamily, research, people, database, event3
jackdoyles.hu…to associate with Irish pubs abroad. Good selection of drinks, both local (and English). Staff always friendly and all speak English along with Hungarian. Decor tastefully done, cool selection of quotes on walls, as well as Munster rugby jersey and a few other bits and bobs. Food always top notch,hungarian goulash, irish hungarian, hungarian cuisine, english hungarian, hungarian decorirish, restaurant, food, staff, bar3
madoke.huThe Hungarian Documentary Association (HDA) was founded in 2019. The main aim of the organisation is to represent and safeguard the interest of all parties involved in making documentary films in Hungary. Our goal is to initiate a conversation between the filmmakers, the audience and the decision…collaboration hungarian, hungarian documentarymember, news, documentary, association, privacy3
sos-magyar.huthose who intend to learn Hungarian properly , and therefore consider a solid basis important,hungarian efficiently, familiar hungarian, hungarian languagebook, vocabulary, material, author, order3
szamoljademokraciaert.huOur nonpartisan civil organization, Unhack Democracy launched the Count for democracy! campaign to inform every Hungarian citizen about what we can do together to protect the integrity of our elections.little hungarian, hungarian citizen, campaign hungarianmember, election, station, poll, worker3
corvinahotel.huIn our hotel restaurant you can choose from a wide selection of Hungarian and international dishes and taste famous Hungarian wines.selection hungarian, hungarian international, famous hungarian, hungarian wineroom, table, family, book, restaurant3
firkaegyesulet.hu…knowledge regarding social entrepreneurship but, at the same time, having the most amazing and enjoyable time. At the end, of course, we even prepared a public event in order to show possibilities for starting entrepreneurship and where to find information about Erasmus+ to Hungarian youngsters.ngo hungarian, hungarian organization, serbian hungarian, hungarian greek, information hungarianyouth, exchange, people, ngo, young3
yessmagyarorszag.huI would like to draw everyone's attention to a company or brand that is listens to a brand name YESS!, so YESS! yes, because it is really delicious and, which is really good, that it is a 100% Hungarian-owned company ”good hungarian, hungarian company, recipe hungarian, hungarian globuscart, sauce, mustard, premium, dress3
ernstgaleria.hu…Wien, Kunstforum Wien, Hofburg Wien, Wolfsonian Miami, LA County Museum Los Angeles, Lincoln Center New York, furthermore to local museums among others: Fine Arts Museum, Hungarian National Gallery, Hungarian National Museum, Museum of Applied Arts, Rippl-Rónai Museum, Jannus Pannonius Museum Pécs.ambassador hungarian, hungarian art, aim hungarian, hungarian painter, museum hungariangallery, art, painting, poster, antique3
nuvu.huNuvu Kft. is a key player of Hungarian pyrotechnics industry both in the field of service and trade. Its name is marked by the execution of August 20 fireworks in Budapest and the pyrotechnic support of the concerts of many famous performers.player hungarian, hungarian pyrotechnic, society hungarian, hungarian people, dynamism hungarianpage, trade, letter, original, torch3
bettikamusic.huuses elements of jazz, free improvisation, world music and contemporary poetry. Most of the current program consists of her own compositions, included pieces, which are rooted in jazz, interspersed with jazz-poetry or spoken word elements, the rhythm and lyrics of which are based on the works of…work hungarian, hungarian contemporary, mainly hungarian, hungarian gypsy, müpa hungarianmusic, improvisation, vocal, song, orchestra3
equinox.huPreparation of a feasibility study for the project "Innovative scientific workshops in Hungarian agricultural higher education”analysis hungarian, hungarian canoe, workshop hungarian, hungarian agriculturaldevelopment, preparation, management, consulting, reference3
drogfokuszpont.huThe Hungarian National Focal Point just published its latest 2016 National Report on the recent developments of the drugs problem in Hungary. The National Report summarizes the developments in 2015 according to the international standards in eight workbooks. The Hungarian National Focal Point…workbook hungarian, hungarian national, english hungarian, hungarian language, emcdda hungariandrug, report, problem, european, national3
sjlaw.huFounding member of the Law Office. During his university studies at Eötvös Loránd University he received a State Scholarship. His doctoral degree was summa cum laude and he passed the Bar Exams with an excellent result. Member of the Budapest Bar Association and the Hungarian Society of Contract…service hungarian, hungarian english, association hungarian, hungarian societylaw, data, contract, client, office3
stieberbt.huWe are the exclusive Hungarian representative and authorised specialist service for the products of Industrial Scientific, a manufacturer belonging to the international safety technology frontline.exclusive hungarian, hungarian representative, hungarian representation, faith hungarian, hungarian manufacturerquality, air, protection, calibration, gas3
ful-orr-gegesz-orvos.huFor 6 years I hold the title of secretary general of the Hungarian Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head & Neck Surgery , furthermore I am a member of the presidency and board of directors in the same association.general hungarian, hungarian society, member hungarian, hungarian oncologicalsurgery, tumor, treatment, neck, medical3
rudabanya.hu…Ore excavation started again in 1880 and at the same time the development of Rudabánya got new momentum. Following the Trianon treaty, Rudabánya remained the only significant iron ore mine in the country. It was also member of the former alliance of Upper Hungarian Mining Towns with seven members.north hungarian, hungarian region, upper hungarian, hungarian mining, find hungariantown, website, city, welcome, sightseeing3
sardy.huRepresentation in trademark registration procedures before the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office and international offices (WIPO).proceedings hungarian, hungarian foreign, procedure hungarian, hungarian intellectual, foreigner hungarianlaw, office, representation, counselling, proceedings3
katalizis.huI wrote my thesis at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Szeged, in 2017 in Hungarian language. Using the above motivational theory, I created a 120 item self-administred scale, and measured its content validity with the help of psychologists and psychiatrists. Analysing their…szeged hungarian, hungarian language, thesis hungarian, theory hungarianmotivational, theory, motive, motivation, model3
pumijatek.huThe Pumi is an indigenous Hungarian dog breed that emerged during the 17th and 18th centuries as a cross between the Puli and terrier-like herding dog. The Pumi is a vitality bomb spurting on four swift legs, its energy virtually everlasting. The breed is most attentive and always barking or…european hungarian, hungarian folk, indigenous hungarian, hungarian dogplayhouse, material, climb, bridge, bench3
halaszkertvendeglo.huOur plentiful menu offers for you great variety of fish courses together with other Hungarian specialities.tasteful hungarian, hungarian cuisine, course hungarian, hungarian specialityrestaurant, friendly, child, fish, course3
spiritsdigest.huHungarian craft gin maker Búzavirág Gin has released its new expression 100% planned for the summer, called Búzavirág Summer Edition. The well-known flavours of the original gin were supplemented with summery spices and southern fruits, creating a magnificent London dry gin. This is how the Summer…liqueur hungarian, hungarian sweet, category hungarian, hungarian marketbrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour3
everestjobs.huAsian restaurant workers performing very well in every position. Replace the missing Hungarian workforce with Asian chefs, sous chefs and cleaners. Please contact us!position hungarian, hungarian workforceworkforce, job, reliable, asia, construction3
flaviva.hu…product can also be snacked on. I can dilute it, mixed with water or yogurt and still very delicious! I enjoy it every day, I can't wait to eat it again... Hungarian development, Hungarian production, Hungarian product, 100% natural ingredients! I will definitely recommend it to my friends too! ”day hungarian, hungarian development, development hungarian, hungarian production, production hungarianelderberry, powder, drink, cranberry, pineapple3
hrcapital.huHR Capital Kft. is a 100% Hungarian-owned business organization. Company was established with the aim of providing human resources and cross-border services for the partners. We are constantly helping our partners in the rapidly changing market environment.kft hungarian, hungarian recruitment, hungarian businesscapital, employee, job, agency, certified3
clir-research.huIn 2020 the CLIR Research Center assisted an intriguing non-invasive research with the technical supervision of the Archaeological Heritage Protection Directorate of the Hungarian National Museum […]site hungarian, hungarian section, directorate hungarian, hungarian nationalresearch, international, roman, section, heritage3
sokszinusegikarta.hu…the mental health of employees and further topics covered by this year’s EU Diversity Month’s 56 programs in Hungary. The Diversity Month, organized in several countries joining the European Diversity Charter was a great success in Hungary, coordinated by the Hungarian Business…president hungarian, hungarian business, hungary hungariandiversity, month, european, award, country3
ohav.huT he Idea of creating the Foundation was born because of the fact, that most of the Hungarian children don’t have the opportunity to meet or live together people from foreign cultures, since there are only a few foreign populations living in Hungary especially in the country. Tourists from…fact hungarian, hungarian child, member hungarian, hungarian people, culture hungarianfoundation, course, culture, child, nation3
glowhealth.huWith the products of the Hungarian Glowhealth Shop, you can turbocharge your everyday life and preserve your health. Among the capsules, powders and drops, you will also find what best fits into your daily routine and diet.product hungarian, hungarian glowhealth, reliable hungarian, hungarian shop, order hungarianshop, powder, payment, select, option3
ebht.hu…Vincze Béla, Eger winemaker, burst into the general knowledge with huge success, making such red wines in his first year with which he achieved Hungarian successes at the international competition organised in Bordeaux (Blaye-Bourg) not seen before. In 1998, Gál Tibor, Eger winemaker, won the…century hungarian, hungarian middle, year hungarian, hungarian success, noszvaj hungarianwine, grape, cellar, region, century3
gyorrally.huThe HUMDA National Rally Championship visited Győr in 2023, as the 1st edition of WHB Győr Rally took place between 8-10 September 2023, bringing together the best of Hungarian rallying. The event was supported by Győr, Széchenyi István University and HUMDA Hungarian Mobility Development Agency in…good hungarian, hungarian rally, humda hungarian, hungarian mobilitynews, brand, hometown, building, contractor3
opendimension.huThe 70 meters tall, animated sculpture representing the mythical deer of Hungarian mythology was premiered in 2018 within the official celebration of the Hungarian national holiday in collaboration with the CollMot Robotics.english hungarian, deer hungarian, hungarian mythology, celebration hungarian, hungarian nationaldimension, open, drone, modeling, virtual3
offihaz.huDiscover the enchanting atmosphere of Eger! Stepping in from the cobblestone pedestrian street, the rustic wine bar and the upstairs, first-class ARANY OROSZLÁN restaurant exude a historical ambiance, offering traditional Hungarian and Bükk dishes, as well as lighter and more unique creations from…traditional hungarian, hungarian bükkevent, offer, room, booking, venue3
cardinal.huThe electronic channels of the Electra product family supported by various technology solutions have served communication between the Hungarian financial intermediation system and their retail and corporate clients in managing their daily finances for more than 25 years now.communication hungarian, hungarian financial, customer hungarian, hungarian bankdocument, management, support, electronic, customer3
oneeleven.huThe quality of our coffees is guaranteed by the owner of our roaster, the four-time Hungarian barista champion, Attila Molnár, whose profession has been coffee for 15 years.time hungarian, hungarian barista, attila hungarian, hungarian final, lead hungariancoffee, water, school, educational, treatment3
egely.hu…is not driven by heat, convection, or electromagnetic energy. The inventor and designer, Dr. George Egely, is a trained scientist who was employed for many years by the Atomic Energy Researc Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is an expert in the field of energy transport processes.physics hungarian, hungarian academy, institute hungarianwheel, glass, science, mysterious, miracle3
cantatenobis.hu…as well as festivals or stand-alone concerts. Some of the most precious memories for us are the concerts at the Old Academy of Music , the Hungarian National Galery and Erkel Theatre in Budapest. Our members give the majority of the singers in the monumental multi-art production “ JÁSZOK…music hungarian, hungarian national, mihályi hungarian, hungarian state, award hungarianensemble, choir, vocal, leadership, hometown3
szekrestaurant.huOur restaurant opened its doors in the heart of Budapest in the autumn of 2020 with the aim to bring Transylvania gastronomy closer to the Hungarian people and introduce it to foreign tourists visiting Hungary. Our dishes are made with traditional, original ingredients and seasonings, but served…close hungarian, hungarian people, range hungarian, hungarian transylvanian, traditional hungarianrestaurant, cabbage, cheese, pepper, weekly3
cij.hu…latest development in this regard. In September 2020 and April 2021 CIJ supported the production and the distribution of 36 podcast episodes produced by 8 selected Hungarian news outlets and civil society organizations. As a result, the podcasts reached tens of thousands of the Hungarian citizens.episode hungarian, hungarian news, thousand hungarian, hungarian citizen, present hungarianmedia, center, training, independent, production3
technosecurity.huqualification, which was audited by the Hungarian Electronic Controlling Institute in August 1997 and in every following three years since then. The ISO 9001 and our well-prepared professionals guarantee that the proper level of quality is ensured from planning to handover during the tasks…qualification hungarian, hungarian electronic, member hungarian, hungarian quality, hungarocontrol hungariansecurity, quality, task, location, equipment3
bfuzfoplebania.hu…the minutes of the affidavits again. We are confident, that there will be a place for Magdi not only on the huge mosaic picture of Cracow, but also among the canonized Hungarian saints. Let us make her name familiar to those, who have never heard about her, and let us ask you for your good offices!picture hungarian, hungarian chapel, hungarian saint, cracow hungariangirl, jesus, religious, christ, church3
rakosyuveg.huglass Engineering design CNC machining Glass with textile insert Glass decorated with metallic materials Modern technologies Bulletproof glass Screen printed glass Sandblasted glass Hungarian Design Award Implemented projects Painted glass Personalized quotation Highlighted products Digital printingglass hungarian, hungarian designglass, heating, technology, highlight, sound3
q2020.huThe Hungarian Central Statistical Office and Eurostat are pleased to invite you to the 10th European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Q2020), which will be held in Budapest, Hungary on 9–12 June 2020.spread hungarian, hungarian centralconference, committee, statistical, date, training3
cbrnhungary.huOur main activity is to complete research, representation and marketing tasks for our partner companies, Gamma Technical Co. and Respirator Company, - two leading Hungarian manufacturers in the field of CBRN detection and defence - on their export markets, also providing consultation services…company hungarian, hungarian manufacturer, goal hungarian, hungarian demand, present hungarianwebsite, technical, corporation, market, task3
balanceline.huIf you’d like to make strategic business decisions or launching a new firm in Hungary, you need an extensive overview of the local tax environment. Experts of Balance Line can provide all up- to-date information concerning the relevant Hungarian tax regulations. After a deep and thorough analysis…client hungarian, hungarian tax, relevant hungarian, company hungarian, hungarian courttax, line, legal, finance, financial3
eyewitness.hu…Second World War, the Holocaust, and the 1956 Revolution and War of Independence), which belong to the unspoken, unprocessed events of today’s Hungarian society. However, due to modern technology, the sources of oral history regarding these three topics can be built into educational contents in…program hungarian, hungarian academy, today hungarian, hungarian societyresearch, education, subject, material, host3
szoborkanystudio.hu…if you would like to choose a ceramic aticle, you must take it in your hand, to rotate and see it's back, touch it's surface and you (ofcourse) are not able to ake it "virtually". Certainly, if your opinion is different, just go to the first hungarian Web-based Gift Shop . May we are not right.different hungarian, hungarian webceramic, african, map, aromatic, site3
idegenvezetes.huOur qualified tour guides, the members of the Federation of Hungarian Tourist Guides show you the beauties of Hungary.federation hungarian, hungarian tourist, organization hungarian, hungarian tourguide, tour, tourist, member, gallery3
invescom.huInvescom has closed more than 50 M&A transactions and corporate finance advisory assignments with an aggregate value close to EUR 1 billion. Invescom is the exclusive Hungarian member of Global M&A Partners, one of the world’s leading partnerships of independent M&A firms focusing on the mid-market.lead hungarian, hungarian flexible, exclusive hungarian, hungarian memberclient, international, transaction, sell, value3
thermofoam.huIn collaboration with the University of Pannonia and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, our company undertook a 3-year long R&D project, funded by the Széchenyi 2020 Programme. The consortium’s aim was to develop a construction material that is able to store energy in buildings by the application…reflector hungarian, hungarian construction, pannonia hungarian, hungarian academypackaging, material, construction, solution, need3
mahasti.huThis is the one and only Hungarian belly dance competition exclusively for groups in the past 17 years.representative hungarian, hungarian bellygroup, dance, competition, category, belly3
ak-epito.huWe work together with Hungarian- and foreign-owned multinational companies, we know that we represent not only ourselves but also the Hungarian supply industry and our country. We make our mark, we construct buildings that will survive us. Knowing this and in accordance with our belief sworn to…company hungarian, hungarian supplyconstruction, general, hall, build, customer3
varrattisztitas.hu…with the belonging accessories and professional consumables from Switzerland allow a quick, easy, and environmentally friendly cleaning . The Hungarian product SMART CLEANER 932´s advantage beyond the favorable price is the larger performance and the adjustable primary voltage that allows the…hungarian version, clean hungarian, hungarian productclean, brush, seam, machine, article3
almarium-gyor.huPainted faience, about 1880, with a caption: MAGYAR K. POSTA (Hungarian Royal Mail), 42 cm, signed: ZSOLNAY PÉCSposta hungarian, hungarian royaloil, paper, wood, century, vase3
amplify.huPerforming interim controlling tasks for a Hungarian fashion company with global market access. Our engagement mainly focused on the development, improvement and maintenance of Power BI reports based on the Company's financial data.forefront hungarian, hungarian industry, task hungarian, hungarian fashion, situation hungarianfinancial, consulting, reference, organization3
ikosz.huThe National Association of Innovative Clusters (IKOSZ) is an independent non-profit organisation that brings together Hungarian cluster initiatives based on the pooling of knowledge, experience and expertise to strengthen Hungarian competitiveness. Established in 2012 as a result of the…organisation hungarian, hungarian cluster, expertise hungarian, hungarian competitiveness, cooperation hungariancluster, member, innovation, activity, event3
kontron.huAs a recognized system integrator of industrial digitalization solutions, on November 6, 2019, Kontron launched the Kontron University 4.0 Programme, unique in the history of Hungarian higher education. Under this programme, Kontron entered into a five-year strategic partnership with five…client hungarian, hungarian international, enterprise hungarian, history hungarian, hungarian highsolution, network, management, customer, cloud3
okthaimassage.huOur masseur speaks little English and little Hungarian, so if you have any communication problems our receptionist will be happy to help.little hungarian, hungarian communication, hungarian englishmassage, foot, neck, head, traditional3
naike.huHere you will find many examples of my repertoire from different languages. Jump to Hungarian, Greek, or German here.language hungarian, hungarian greekgallery, performer, video, love, song3
fjit.huWe have several partnerships with other respected national organi s ations in Hungary (such as the „Association of Hungarian Health Visitors” (MAVE, more decriptively Hungarian Association of Mother, Child and Public Health Nurses, but the above mentioned is the official name), National Food and…fjit hungarian, hungarian society, member hungarian, hungarian association, association hungarianschool, healthcare, member, health, mission3
fuzeserdeikennel.huThe founding female of the Kennel is Parlagi-Vadász Bársony "Csengő", in which we found the values that we expect from a Hungarian Vizsla.value hungarian, hungarian vizsla, real hungarianlitter, news, dog, hunt, gallery3
diamondresidence.huShould you chose our Premium package, we will prepare and submit all necessary Sales Tax returns for you, as well as the required tax reports to NAV (Hungarian Tax Agency), which is due every month.nav hungarian, hungarian taxguest, accommodation, apartment, package, booking3
koronayacht.huThe famous Dutch company Bellmarine, which produced electric marine motors, has been purchased by the Italian Transfluid; in this way a wide range of Bellmarine electric marine motors and systems have been also become available for sale in the Hungarian market.sale hungarian, hungarian market, year hungarian, hungarian dealerelectric, engine, ship, amsterdam, market3
agresearch.huSpecial agronomic trials , like planting time, plant density, dry down. FAO calculation according to the official Hungarian Methodology . Hybrid characterization, description.official hungarian, hungarian methodologytrial, crop, soybean, sunflower, yield3
aztranslations.huMe and my professionally prepared team translate from German to Hungarian and English to Hungarian. We do large translation projects with short time limits as well as smaller projects and we are happy to assist with translations in the fields business and economic, legal, technical, quality…german hungarian, hungarian english, english hungarian, hungarian large, hungarian proofreadingtranslation, text, client, quality, document3
nitrogen.huNitrogénművek Zrt. in Pétfürdő, a member of the Bige Holding Group, is the only Hungarian nitrogen fertiliser producing company today with ammonia and fertiliser production capabilities. It was founded in 1931.group hungarian, hungarian nitrogen, need hungarian, hungarian agriculturenitrogen, investor, industrial, news, acid3
realmanagement.huSince 1999, the fully Hungarian-owned company has been an active participant on the Hungarian real estate market. During the challenging, manifold times of the past years, we have taken part in the development of retail, office and residential properties by continuously responding to the current…fully hungarian, hungarian company, participant hungarian, hungarian real, french hungarianreal, management, reference, career, responsibility3
petrolkft.huPetrol Kft. took up it's duty in 1990 at the fuel-technology segment of the market with those professionals and technicians who came from the company KLIMA Industrial Co-operative Society. From the formation the company is owned by the Hungarian management. In the beginning only the technological…company hungarian, hungarian management, authorisation hungarian, hungarian technicaldispenser, fuel, technology, technological, client3
budapestlngsummit.huPrior to her assignment in the United States, she served as head of the Energy Security Unit at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary where she held a variety of postings, including Energy Policy Expert, Desk Officer for Japan and the Asian Development Bank, Energy Policy…climate hungarian, hungarian ministry, coordinator hungarian, hungarian eu, fund hungarianlng, summit, gas, energy, speaker3
hivo.huPsychology Measured: Does Christian Psychology Exist? A summary of four studies by Els Nannen, a Dutch Bible School teacher, published in the magazine "Bibel und Gemeinde" and translated into Hungarian by Czövek Olivér, a Presbyterian pastor. These studies are based on the book of Martin Gross…gemeinde hungarian, hungarian czövek, available hungarian, hungarian present, hivo hungarianrevival, christian, theology, faith, article3
consultger.huThe clients of "Consulting Germany" are Hungarian and German small and medium-sized companies that want to appear abroad with their products and services and subsidiaries, thus expanding their markets and businesses:relation hungarian, hungarian german, goal hungarian, germany hungarianconsulting, germany, german, expansion, market3
architectbenyo.hu…licenses that certify his expertise in town planning, communal and residential design, monument protection and sensitive landscape planning. László Benyó has been a registered Member of the Association and Chamber of Hungarian Architects since 1972. His architects’ listing number is É/1 01-0648.chamber hungarian, hungarian architectarchitect, complex, plan, town, reference3
nesthotel.huTraditional, Victorian, contemporary English pub and restaurant with Hungarian flavors to English steaktraditional hungarian, hungarian restaurant, restaurant hungarian, hungarian flavor, young hungariannest, reception, tip, central, flavor3
propertysupport.huSince 2009, Property Support has been a leading property consultancy company in the Hungarian market. Our wide-ranging activities are principally focused on the promotion of our Clients’ interests during the real estate transactions in the form of tenant representation. In line with our…company hungarian, hungarian market, reputable hungarian, hungarian multinationalproperty, support, management, office, client3
lionpremium.huLION PRÉMIUM HOTEL is located in the heart of Budapest, in the famous Váci Promenade, 300 metres from Great Market Hall and 500 metres from Hungarian National Museum.metres hungarian, hungarian national, selection hungarian, hungarian international, stay hungarianroom, premium, free, air, sofa3
baka.huSelected Poems by the late Hungarian Poet Istvan Baka. = Abbey Press Kiadó, Észak-Írországidentity hungarian, hungarian poet, late hungarian, century hungarian, hungarian poetryimage, prize, poem, istvan, hometown3
timesolutions.hu…to network architecture, equipment, solutions and implementation processes. I have helped Time Solutions with my knowledge since 2015. I am proud that I can contribute to the development of the industry as part of a small Hungarian company in such exciting, fast changing times of the industry.industry hungarian, hungarian entrepreneur, small hungarian, hungarian companysolution, development, ict, consulting, communication3
adminangel.huAccounting services for companies and individual proprietorships according to Hungarian accounting standardsproprietorship hungarian, hungarian accounting, help hungarian, hungarian companyaccounting, tax, individual, expat, eiusmod3
artmagazin.huKatalin Ladik is an internationally recognized figure of the Yugoslavian and Hungarian neo-avantgarde, and she is among the great rediscoveries of recent years. The prevailing assessment of Ladik in Hungary has shifted dramatically. Originally stigmatized as the “naked poetess,” she is now…yugoslavian hungarian, hungarian neo, figure hungarian, hungarian art, exhibition hungarianart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary3
cdre.huThe Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences is pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Rural Environment . The Conference became an annual tradition to meet colleagues all over the world at Szarvas (Hungary). Our…development, rural, environment, conference, committee3
csulokcsarda.huThe staff are friendly, professional and polite, the restaurant is a sophisticated and cultured experience. The food is fantastic, tasty and varied. My favourite is all the knuckle dishes. Among the soups I would highlight the Hungarian mushroom soup and the garlic cream soup. Among the…traditional hungarian, hungarian dish, heart hungarian, hungarian pálinka, famous hungarianfood, soup, guest, restaurant, pork3
orbitmedia.huThe first temporary exhibition opened at the Hungarian House of Music, entitled “They wrote the song for us!” – The heroic age of Hungarian popular music and its social effects, from 1957 to the regime change.story hungarian, hungarian pop, exhibition hungarian, hungarian house, age hungarianmusic, style, news, culture, release3
hoppabistro.huFood was fantastic, no doubt the best restaurant we found in our Hungarian holiday. The waiters were kind and discreet at the same time and the location was consistent with the elegant neighborhood the restaurant is located in.restaurant hungarian, hungarian holiday, cuisine hungarian, hungarian cuisinereservation, restaurant, career, guide, offer3
interpreter.huIf you work with Hungarian employees, contractors, managers in a plant, factory or construction site,professional hungarian, hungarian interpret, conference hungarian, hungarian participantinterpreter, interpret, event, meeting, training3
radiosansz.huRead some teaching and articles from those artist and teachers who's on Radio Sansz (only in Hungarian)prayer, request, radio, article, browser3
izinta.huFounded in 1993, IZINTA Trading Ltd., a 100% Hungarian owned company, has a history of more than a quarter of a century. IZINTA has been steadily increasing the value of the company in response to the market needs of its customers. We are expanding our product range accordingly and providing…trading hungarian, hungarian company, product hungarian, hungarian market, test hungarianhuman, diagnostic, therapy, science, need3
trustair.huOur professional knowledge, experience and location are unique in the region. We are proud of the fact that in addition to our Hungarian (LHPR) base, our company has opened another hub in Girona, Spain (LEGE) in 2018, from these two bases we can provide medical flights to hundreds of patients in…magyar hungarian, hungarian hu, addition hungarian, hungarian lhprmedical, transport, aviation, trust, flight3
szta.hu“AutoWallis Group, the car company of the Hungarian stock exchange, has found a professional investment partner in Széchenyi Funds.”széchenyi hungarian, hungarian businessman, company hungarian, hungarian stock, competitiveness hungarianinvestment, news, fund, step, success3
rentify.huAre you in the loop when it comes to Hungarian tenant laws, local ordinances, and federal housing stipulations? Don’t leave it up to chance; let our team keep your property on the right track.loop hungarian, hungarian tenantproperty, management, reference, portfolio, problem3
infogroup.huFor more than 30 years, Infogroup has been a dynamically developing property developer on the Hungarian market.e Infogroup’s ever growing portfolio covers all aspects of the real estate market: while focusing on the industrial-logistic sector, the company has office- and hotel developments as…developer hungarian, hungarian infogroup, president hungarian, hungarian realdirector, development, real, estate3
aticsaszarne.hu+ Official interpreter has to be present at the exam, if you can’t speak Hungarian at all (extra cost)exam hungarian, hungarian extraexam, drive, course, theoretical, licence3
budapestvibes.huThis special walking tour focuses on the history of the Hungarian Jews and takes you to the Jewish Quarter.history hungarian, hungarian jew, hungarian heritagetour, guide, walk, city, story3
balazsbranyi.huThe Magic of Venice I-III in Hungarian and the Golden Cup of Örvényes is a historical novel combined with a treasure hunt for a golden cup in the 1980s in Hungary. It will probably published in 2024 in Hungarian.teacher hungarian, hungarian literature, hungarian language, home hungarian, hungarian goldsmithvenice, author, story, school, novel3
tatarpek.huToday, Tatár Pékség Kft. has become a unique, constantly growing and developing business with 37 years of experience in the food industry. One of its key unique features is the fact that the company is still 100% Hungarian-owned. This is not often seen nowadays. We are involved with practically…player hungarian, hungarian good, company hungarian, hungarian nowadays, network hungarianpastry, small, salty, big, sweet3
szabadsagszinpad.hu…again without any consultation, suggesting that the state of Hungary bears no responsibility for the genocide following the German occupation , including the deportation of nearly half a million Hungarian citizens (mostly Jews but also gypsies, gays and dissidents) to Nazi extermination camps.million hungarian, hungarian citizen, unable hungarian, hungarian citizenship, historian hungarianmonument, history, civilian, government, personal3
drsoos.hu…and carry out efficiency studies in several areas of economic life. Our office is awarded the Middle Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic. Volunteering is highly important for us. In voluntary work, we represent the Munka-Kör Foundation for the Hearing Impaired and the…hungarian deutsch, merit hungarian, hungarian republiclaw, firm, study, education, case3
trademagazin.huGrabowski Kiadó Kft. is a member of MATESZ (Hungarian Audit Bureau of Circulations). Please click here for the official certification.matesz hungarian, hungarian auditnews, january, chain, article, price3
grin.huAs you already noticed, there is a Hungarian tree of my pages. That's because I am Hungarian. More biographical data could be found... nowhere. It's none of your business. But I tell you that the Hungarian pages contain just completely different infromations than this one. If you don't understand…page hungarian, hungarian biographical, business hungarian, hungarian page, lot hungarianhomepage, page, lot, bore, text3
kalmardavid.huWelcome to my website! I am Dávid Kalmár, an experienced freelance interpreter and translator from Budapest, Hungary. My working languages are Hungarian, English, and Italian.language hungarian, hungarian english, english hungarian, hungarian business, italian hungariantranslator, interpreter, interpret, translation, italian3
aragda.huSiófok is one of the busiest tourist centers in Hungary, also called “the capital of the Hungarian summer”. Its holiday resorts and its residential villa district were built as the biggest touristic undertaking at the end of the 19th century. The world-famous operetta composer, Imre Kálmán was…capital hungarian, hungarian summerapartment, detail, house, website, homepage3
coltempo.huPéter Forgács’s exhibition “Col Tempo”, in the Hungarian pavilion in the Giardini, was opened by State Secretary for Culture Márta Schneider and art historian Lóránd Hegyi.installation hungarian, hungarian pavilion, year hungarian, tempo hungarianinstallation, exhibition, w., main, page3
euraxess.huYou can find personalized assistance in 14 Hungarian EURAXESS member organisations. Find the closest one here:hu hungarian, assistance hungarian, hungarian euraxessresearcher, funding, job, search, development2
columbusalap.huIn its resolution dated 8th of October 2019, the Hungarian National Bank has registered the COLUMBUS Private Equity Fund with the registration number 6122-92.october hungarian, hungarian nationalfund, equity, private, capital, venture2
crewlofts.huWe are Rozi and Máté, daughter and son of Hungarian producer-director father and screenwriter-psychotherapist mother. We have lived a life close to set, so we know our way around the film industry and can help you in English, Hungarian, French, Spanish and German.son hungarian, hungarian producer, english hungarian, hungarian frenchlocation, crew, apartment, price, house2
makoldiszobor.huI was born in 1973 in the town of Miskolc, Hungary. I went to elementary school in Debrecen and Tokaj, and then majored in Sculpture and Bronze Casting at the Nyíregyháza Vocational Secondary School of Fine Arts. After my GCSE’s I went on to study sculpture at the Hungarian University of Fine…sculpture hungarian, hungarian university, association hungarian, hungarian creative, hungarian artistbronze, sculpture, award, relief, school2
momert.huAlready the third baby grows up on Momert’s baby products. 🙂 From baby scales, baby bottle sterilizers to thermometers, we use Momert products. There is no question that we made the right decision to choose them. It is also important for us to buy the product of a Hungarian manufacturer.addition hungarian, hungarian product, product hungarian, hungarian manufacturerscale, detail, care, analogue, digital2
sportovi.huOur Kindergarten follows the principles of Cambridge Budapest Language School, Methodology and Exam Centre for Young Learners, our educational material is based on the CAMBRIDGE English Language Education System. In addition to the Hungarian academic programme, children are involved in the…addition hungarian, hungarian academicprogramme, child, education, kindergarten, language2
hidepito.huHídepító Zrt is a Hungarian-owned company and a key player in the Hungarian construction industry. The success of our projects is based on our technological and technical preparation and the expertise of our employees.zrt hungarian, hungarian company, player hungarian, hungarian constructionactivity, reference, membership, legal, certificate2
modulbake.hu…pastry sheeters and pastry lines, flour silos, convection ovens, etc. We are working with 40 different companies from Europe and Asia. If you are a manufacturer of bakery and pastry machines and you want to enter to the Hungarian market with a strong local partner, please contact us by e-mail.magyar hungarian, hungarian română, machine hungarian, hungarian marketbread, machine, bakery, bake, automatic2
nonloso.huWe welcome Hungarian and foreign guests with an abundant breakfast offer, Hungarian dishes and international dishes. You can find bistro food, wine, unique offers and coffee specialties here. True to our name, our coffees are made from products of the Italian Pascucci brand.world hungarian, hungarian flavor, offer hungarian, hungarian dishcoffee, offer, story, breakfast, wine2
cfpharma.huFounded in 1996 in Budapest, Hungary by Dr. Géza Schneider, CF Pharma Ltd. is a privately owned, independent Hungarian developer and producer of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).independent hungarian, hungarian developer, regularly hungarian, hungarian nationalmanufacture, site, certificate, quality, development2
senanszkypetra.huStudies : University of Debrecen: 2012-2016 Biology BSc, 2017-2019 English-Hungarian special translator (natural sciences) postgraduate specialist training, 2020- Sports and Recreation management BScenglish hungarian, hungarian specialswimming, champion, achievement, surface, underwater2
avicenna-med.hu…and Implantology Working Groups and she was also responsible for the practical training of the dental students in prosthodontics in Hungarian and English languages. She graduated as a dental specialist in Conservative Dentistry and Prosthodontics in 2018. Her areas of interest are…prosthodontics hungarian, hungarian englishdentistry, forward, dental, oral, tooth2
sznbk1988.huPlease include a brief biography of the author, the name of the original edition of the work under consideration, the modern language edition of the text and, if there is one, a Hungarian translation. We would be grateful if our lecturers could include in their studies secondary literature from…text hungarian, hungarian translation, conference hungarian, hungarian caseconference, st., text, biblical, th2
classicgrill.huThis was our first visit to a Serbian grill and it turned out to be one of our best meals in Hungary. The decor of this restaurant is neutral Hungarian cafe style. The food was absolutely delicious. We ordered a kebab filled with cheese, a roast aubergine with potato puree and a Shopska salad…reason hungarian, hungarian border, neutral hungarian, hungarian cafereservation, request, quote, restaurant, event2
ambianceevents.huBogi has acquired her very first experiences in Germany, where she was working in the field of tourism marketing for four years. It was a great and at the same time noble task to spread Hungarian values in a foreign country. Among the multivarious tasks the most memorable ones were the…task hungarian, hungarian value, china hungarian, hungarian branchevent, open, day, ambiance, st2
guidebudapest.huBudapest private tour ! As an art historian and tour guide in Budapest I offer You classical city tours, walking tours and special tours with music, fine art and other hidden treasures in great detail in Budapest and excursions, circular tours in the Hungarian countryside both for individual…tour hungarian, hungarian countryside, interested hungarian, hungarian artguide, tour, sightseeing, city, classical2
jungleapartment.hu…telegram, in SMS to my mobile number. Thanks for your cooperation. The apartment is 2km far from the new PUSKAS ARENA, it takes 20-25 min on foot or with Metro or bus, about 200 metres from Keleti rail station. I welcome my guests with some fresh fruits, coffee, tea, one bottle of Hungarian wine.bottle hungarian, hungarian wineapartment, house, bed, gallery, kitchen2
triticale.huEstablished in 1924, the Cereal Research Non-Profit Ltd. Szeged, Hungary – the Venue – is one of the leading institutions of the Hungarian Agricultural Ministry. Research work focus on variety development and seed production of small grain cereals, corn, and oil crops and hereby triticale breeding…association hungarian, hungarian plant, institution hungarian, hungarian agriculturalsymposium, research, registration, cereal, production2
banina.huBanina Ltd. has been present on the Hungarian fruit and vegetables market for almost 20 years. Our goal is to provide our partners high quality services built on our experience and serve the consumers with the best quality fresh goods.present hungarian, hungarian fruit, sell hungarian, hungarian productmarket, vegetable, fruit, consumer, quality2
heureka-kreativ.huGraphic design for a major player in the Hungarian compressor industry. Presentations, event materials, exciting Industry 4.0 solutions.refresh hungarian, hungarian romanian, player hungarian, hungarian compressorcreative, agency, client, thing, ideal2
archeometallurgia.huIn October 2011, the first Hungarian A rchaeometallurgical R esearch G roup was established. This group is the only one so far in the country. The members of this group are mainly Engineers – particularly Material Engineers and Metallurgists - but Archaeologists also play valuable parts in it. The…october hungarian, hungarian rchaeometallurgical, institution hungarian, hungarian highuniversity, research, group, faculty, objective2
mailengine.huWe process the data of your subscribers in accordance with the applicable Hungarian and European (GDPR) data management laws - in compliance with the requirements for the protection of the data of subscribers and subsequent specific requests.applicable hungarian, hungarian europeandetail, campaign, management, easy, mail2
singulab.huSingulab… is a Hungarian business incubator founded in 2017. We help start-ups to validate their products / services in top institutions and present them to internationally recognized companies throughout Europe.singulab hungarian, hungarian businessidea, funding, start, mission, target2
cerntech.huAs a research and development company we collaborate with Hungarian research institutes, universities, and other companies to develop and produce complete systems.company hungarian, hungarian research, laboratory hungarian, hungarian industryreference, quote, faq, physics, data2
mascher.huI create in several fields of the fine arts, so it’s hard to define my activity, to name my homepage. It was obviously to choose aviation art, because all pieces of my art are connected to aviation. Since 1997 I have been (as only Hungarian) an Artist Member of the American Society of Aviation…aviation hungarian, hungarian artistart, aviation, picture, painting, sculpture2
balancepointconsulting.huWith decades of extensive economic and financial experience behind us, we founded Balance Point Consulting. In addition to traditional accounting services, our company provides complex financial, accounting, controlling and HR services to its Hungarian and international clients, which also serve…service hungarian, hungarian international, association hungarian, hungarian taxpoint, consulting, accounting, client, multinational2
greenhouse.co.hu…and excellent product quality. Sweet corn is the largest industrial vegetable grown in Hungary, Hajdú-Bihar county, which stands out from the Hungarian production areas with its 14,000 hectare production area, but also in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Bács-Kiskun, Békés, Csongrád and…people hungarian, hungarian agriculture, process hungarian, hungarian job, county hungariangreen, greenhouse, production, house, market2
pensum.huWe are one of the Hungarian companies that has a manpower leasing license in Germany for an indefinite period.quote, form, workforce, need, solution2
tubolytech.huWelcome to the TubolyTech website ! Although the site is fairly recent, our name has been well known within the hungarian US car community for many years now. It all began as a hobby around 15 years ago, and progressed to this full time business.know hungarian, hungarian cartransmission, gallery, engine, order, automatic2
rabomatik.huRABOMATIK’s history started in 1982, when private individuals established, under the name protected by industrial law, their up-to-date undertaking that was possible then within the Hungarian political and legal framework. The entire professional background of the founders was involved in…possible hungarian, hungarian political, certificate hungarian, hungarian certificateautomation, industrial, machine, branch, element2
jdlaw.huThe Dr. Jaczó Dániel Law Firm is a boutique law firm that was established in 2009 under the direction of Dr. Jaczó Dániel attorney at law. The Law Firm focuses particularly on providing legal services for corporate clients, including various multinational corporations as well as Hungarian small…corporation hungarian, hungarian small, consultation hungarian, hungarian englishlaw, legal, client, firm, expertise2
techlegal.huThis website is operated by Gergely Székely Law Firm, established under Hungarian Bar Association regulations. All information displayed on this site is compliant with and protected by Hungarian law.firm hungarian, hungarian bar, compliant hungarian, hungarian lawtechnology, passion, pioneer, legal, desk2
cpigroup.huSustainability has always been a priority for CPI Hungary. Three years ago, the company was the first in the Hungarian real estate market to have certified and qualified its portfolio, then most of the company’s office buildings, as well as the Campona an...advantage hungarian, hungarian real, company hungariangroup, office, opportunity, building, space2
epitoanyag.org.huIt is my honour to welcome you on behalf of the Editorial Board at the online platform of Építőanyag – Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials , which is the international journal of the Hungarian Scientific Society of the Silicate Industry (SZTE). SZTE is the oldest Hungarian research…journal hungarian, hungarian scientific, old hungarian, hungarian research, hungarian soonissue, journal, author, material, paper2
tothtanya.huThe Tóth Tanya located in the heart of the Hungarian Plain. In a quiet environment, offers the opportunity for rest and relaxation.heart hungarian, hungarian plainpicture, visitor, book, relaxation, gallery2
museo.huWe can date back to the start of our duo's relatively passive period to 1994 which lasting till today. By featuring new songs we hope that we can leave our mark in the Hungarian music life.east hungarian, hungarian city, mark hungarian, hungarian musicsong, favorite, pic, forum, music2
biggeorgeproperty.huThanks to the company’s innovative, dynamic approach, great expertise, and constant striving for perfect details, it has been one of the key players in the Hungarian real estate market for a long time.player hungarian, hungarian realproperty, development, real, estate, view2
faragoandras.huSince 2010 as the Head of Communications at the Hungarian Basketball Federation I'm working on reforming the communications strategy of basketball in Hungary. In the meantime I'm also holding the position of Head of Sport at DIGI Sport, a dinamically growing sports cable network in Hungary.romania hungarian, hungarian sport, communication hungarian, hungarian basketballandras, communication, hosting, media, guidance2
hzacademy.huOur e-learning platform allows participants to learn about the diverse culture of Hungary and the customs, lifestyle, and traditions of the Hungarian people.tradition hungarian, hungarian peoplecourse, country, worker, training, programme2
fpsc.huIn May 2012 our Foundation concluded a strategic partnership agreement with Barankovics István Foundation. The agreement provides that the two foundations will co-operate in order to issue publications related to Hungarian and European Christian democracy and, based on the social teaching of the…social hungarian, hungarian european, publication hungarianfoundation, christian, social, account, democracy2
stop-ferfieroszak.huHungarians are thought to be passive and reserved – in our new series however, we’ll prove that assumption wrong, introducing you the prime movers of change in Hungarian society: people who are thinking ahead, doing something innovative in their respective fields, whether it’s in business, civil…change hungarian, hungarian society, website hungarian, hungarian englishviolence, group, publication, man, field2
realidaconsult.huI personally have 20 years+ experience acquired in management positions at Hungarian subsidiaries of foreign companies. Have been working with German-Austrian-Swiss (DACH, Scandinavian, French, British, Japanese and Spanish colleagues and business partners in Hungary and abroad.position hungarian, hungarian subsidiary, partner hungarian, hungarian marketconsult, management, issue, situation, process2
pome.huProcessing the topic with the help of two high-end hungarian in uencers, with a reach
of 170 000 people in the age group of 14-15end hungarian, hungarian uencerscampaign, school, indoor, family, young2
telcotrend.huFounded in 2004, Telcotrend is a dynamically developing Hungarian-owned company offering a wide range of IT services. Our company currently employs more than 110 people. We deliver flexible, state-of-the-art solutions with the implementation methodology that best suits our customers’ needs.dynamically hungarian, hungarian company, general hungarian, hungarian kayaksolution, custom, software, view, need2
europt.hu…University of Budapest, Hungary, August 23-25, 2023, where EUROpt WG has been founded on July 14, 2000. The workshop will be organized by the Corvinus Centre for Operations Research (CCOR), Corvinus University of Budapest, the EUROpt WG of EURO and the Hungarian Operations Research Society (HORS).euro hungarian, hungarian operationconference, committee, scope, special, date2
tothkrisztina.huIn her review of Pixel entitled, “The Hungarian Author who foresaw the future of Nationalism”*, Stephanie Newman writes, “Tóth muses that generations of humans, like bobbing needles, are “seaming together the fraying layers of the past and the present.” Their countries of origin don’t matter…good hungarian, hungarian author, pixel hungarianczech, finnish, french, german, polish2
stompmetal.huHungarian and international companies can outsource their production to our company, our plant is well equiped to manage it.metal, main, page, quality, production2
szegedszeged.huIn Szeged you can find numerous unique buildings of the Hungarian art - noveau. In a three-hours tour we go to see most of these buildings, climb the water tower in Szent István Square and visit the beautiful New Synagogue. We will get acquainted with the brave ideas and the tragic fate of Ede…building hungarian, hungarian art, famous hungarian, hungarian paprikaimage, tour, interesting, hour, church2
kantornedda.huI work in line with the Ethical Codex of Hungarian Psychologists. It covers the obligation of professional secrecy as well.proficient hungarian, hungarian english, codex hungarian, hungarian psychologistpsychologist, family, adoption, relationship, therapist2
on2wheels.huSorry, this entry is only available in Hungarian . For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.available hungarian, hungarian sakebike, rent, bicycle, ride, price2
geopolitika.hu…as a discipline in Hungary. Since the beginning, our researchers have published nearly 600 articles and studies. We would like to believe that these articles have, to some extent, contributed to the development of the Hungarian scientific life or promoted the creation of common sense knowledge.development hungarian, hungarian scientific, group hungarian, hungarian governmentfresh, china, road, city, century2
idosotthon.huThough our texts are written in Hungarian browsing the site you may discover pictures on our homes for the elderly. If you happen to be of Hungarian origin and would like to return in your homeland for retirement please contact us for details at the addresses below.text hungarian, hungarian site, elderly hungarian, hungarian originnews, gallery, care, site, elderly2
workant.huBCP Hungary Ltd. examines the company information and financial data of more than one million Hungarian companies, and collates those companies that show dynamic economic development during their operationmillion hungarian, hungarian companyrecruitment, cycle, candidate, management, worker2
budapestpartyservice.hu… you choose the best: since 2010 we have continuously been awarded by the Hungarian Gastronomic National Association and boast the Events Organiser of the Year (2011) prize.continuously hungarian, hungarian gastronomic, carefully hungarian, hungarian supplierwedding, event, detail, venue, worth2
csagyi.huto helping professionals, parents and the wider public. The Association publishes books, training materials and for 20 years publishing the only Hungarian professional journal on family and child welfare, protection, since 2010 due to the lack of finances it has been suspended. Whilst the programs…year hungarian, hungarian professionalchild, family, association, youth, training2
avidinlab.huSince 2002, AVIDIN Research, Development and Trade Ltd. has become an increasingly important player in the Hungarian biotechnology industry. Relying on our own research and development capacities, we have created a great number of processes and products that are available on the market…player hungarian, hungarian biotechnology, representative hungarian, hungarian healthcare, large hungariansample, result, laboratory, logistic, method2
simplyadd.huSandor started his career in 2002 at Westel – the market leader national mobile operator – that established his work culture and approach to business problems. He experienced how a successful Hungarian enterprise builds up from scratch and even more, when rebranded to T-Mobile as an international…successful hungarian, hungarian enterprise, life hungarian, hungarian smb, challenge hungariandevelopment, management, cooperation, simply, responsibility2
studies.huLocal products and short supply chains play an important role in national economies, as well as in creating a sustainable economy and society. In our research, we examined Hungarian consumer attitudes using a model related to the consumption of local products. The model analyses the reasons for…research hungarian, hungarian consumer, journal hungarian, hungarian academyanalysis, result, economic, farming, ago2
drfabry.huOur office offers a wide range of services related to tax counseling and representation before the tax authority. We make sure that the transactions, projects and all the taxation aspects of the Clients’ operation comply with the changes in Hungarian tax law.association hungarian, hungarian branch, change hungarian, hungarian taxclient, law, legal, office, agreement2
zoldaktiv.huThe first multiplication workshop of the international project that focuses on accessible tourism has been recently held for people living with disabilities in Pécs. The Hungarian partner in the project is Zöld-Aktív Szociális Szövetkezet, based in Pecs.pécs hungarian, hungarian partnersocial, tourism, cooperative, barrier, day2
balker.huBalker Ltd. was founded in 2008 as a 100% Hungarian owned company. Our primary goal was to collect the products of manufacturers and distributors in the Hungarian adhesive and sealant market in order to best serve and fulfil the needs of the industrial sectors.balker hungarian, hungarian company, distributor hungarian, hungarian adhesiveadhesive, application, range, construction, industry2
szegedfish.huOur company has got own officially accredited fish hatchery as the recognized breeder organization, registered by the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture. The supplying of the ponds with reproduction matter is carried out from our own breeding herd by artificial propagation. In the first year we…organization hungarian, hungarian ministry, attention hungarian, hungarian foreign, interested hungarianfish, production, sidebar, primary, activity2
soundweaving.hu…of Soundweaving clearly create a feminine realm. At the core of the Soundweaving project is the traditional cross-stitching pattern used in Hungarian folk embroidery transformed into sound by a punch card comb music player. The cross-stitch pattern of holes on the tape in the musical box were…pattern hungarian, hungarian folk, society hungarian, hungarian electrographypattern, origin, artist, county, introduction2
smepitesz.huMAPASZ ( Hungarian Passive House Association ) have started the qualification of passive housee.member hungarian, hungarian passive, mapasz hungarianplan, construction, general, passive, west2
videoninjas.huGolden Life is a Hungarian crime drama television series. The show was produced by HBO Europe and originally aired from November 8, 2015 to December 2, 2018 on HBO HungaryAttila Miklósi (Szabolcs Thuróczy) provides his […]life hungarian, hungarian crimescene, series, production, february, station2
viz-szer.huThe hungarian government dictates that your water meter is changed every 8 years. If your meter is about to expire contact me to change it and describe the appropriate procedure to notify the government and register your new meter.meter hungarian, hungarian governmentmain, water, uk, page, meter2
bekeslegal.huThe main profile of the Law Office is focused on criminal law, specifically preparing legal opinions both in Hungarian and English languages, providing complex legal counselling covering all segments of this area of law, and depending on the nature of the assignment preparing denunciation and…opinion hungarian, hungarian english, principally hungarian, hungarian foreignlaw, lawyer, legal, office, representation2
timesnewromanband.huTimes New Román performs 20th century folk music cultivated in Serbian, Hungarian and Romanian cities – and they do so with a tongue-in-cheek attitude that only brilliant young musicians can pull off. They honor the masters of urbanized Eastern Europe by capturing the essence of Gypsy music…serbian hungarian, hungarian romanian, new hungarian, hungarian pieceurban, eastern, europe, central, news2
suntop.huSun-Top CoLtd is a family enterprice established in 1994 which changed later into an oneman CoLtd. Owner and simultanously managing director is Judit Kanizsay who is disposing more than 25 years of foreign trade practice and speaking German, English and Italian. Function of the firm is: Export of…export hungarian, hungarian fresh, hungarian suppliersun, cherry, start, grape, onion2
xfbanalytics.huWe are a proud partner of the Hungarian Football Federation developing a statistical reporting and analyzing system for their coaches and managers. With xfb Analytics, they have found a solution to closely monitor the performance of the national teams and players in the domestic leagues and be…partner hungarian, hungarian footballfootball, player, analysis, data, performance2
airon.huHungarian Card, Golden Visa, National Residence Card – All in one place about the new rulestrust, corporate, tax, finance, advisory2
talpraallok.hu„Our son now 8 years old has a much better vocabulary in Hungarian, more well spoken than myself and his father. Lately he is misbehaving, arrogantly talking back to us in Hungarian using words that we can barely understand. We feel like we are losing the authority with him as parents. He won’t…vocabulary hungarian, hungarian father, arrogantly hungarian, hungarian word, position hungarianway, solution, help, success, like2
babolnamenes.huThe Society of the Hungarian Arabian Horse Breeders holds its yearly stallion approval show on the Stud Farm on the 24th October.society hungarian, hungarian arabianstud, stallion, horse, breed, event2
hildapest.huDelicious food, bohemian chic. The newly renovated interior of the Art Nouveau building designed by József Hild was dreamed up by the renowned Hungarian contemporary architect Péter Szendrő. Created in collaboration with Gábor Melka, the mosaic wall , lively colors and art deco elements are…renowned hungarian, hungarian contemporary, condition hungarian, hungarian landscape, typical hungariangallery, media, food, reservation, language2
predaistvan.humedicine and from 1969 to 2007 he worked in the prestigious, more than 100 years old National Scientific Center which the successor of the first Hungarian Jewish Hospital. Presently, he is Professor of Cardiology at the Military Hospital (State Health Center) and Professor Emeritus of the…successor hungarian, hungarian jewish, affaires hungarian, hungarian railroadprofile, area, main, geographical, cardiology2
jetter.huWith effect from July 8 2019, Jetter AG acquired 100% of the Hungarian R&D specialist for mobile systems ELAN Systems Kft. The acquisition strengthens Jetter's activities in the field of municipal and agricultural technology and at the same time expands its research and development capacities…ag hungarian, hungarian specialistautomation, development, customer, solution, report2
stayinplay.huGames in open-air sights and majority of the connected stories are available on both Hungarian and English.available hungarian, hungarian englishgame, story, location, route, family2
kalivendeghaz.huThe Káli Basin (Káli Medence) on the shores of Lake Balaton is also called the “Hungarian Mediterranean” because of its rolling hills and southern European atmosphere resembling Toscana.balaton hungarian, hungarian mediterranean, shore hungarian, hungarian seafast, page, main, course, daily2
prime-time.hu…and online communication, content and creative production, press work, publishing, event management, database management, media planning and buying. We also aim to provide Hungarian companies with solutions for how to enter onto international markets and how to promote their products and services.buy hungarian, hungarian company, addition hungarian, hungarian project, internationally hungariancommunication, event, connectivity, trust, expertise2
mondocon.huYou can buy the tickets right at the entrance, just don’t forget to bring Hungarian Forints in cash with you.facebook hungarian, entrance hungarian, hungarian forintconvention, competition, event, rule, visitor2
con.huThe Concorde research team, which won the ‘Research Team of the Year’ award in 2015, has been preparing capital market analyses for 21 years. Team members prepare quarterly fundamental analyses about the largest companies in the region and small and medium-sized Hungarian enterprises listed on the…good hungarian, hungarian investment, sized hungarian, hungarian enterpriseinvestment, corporate, private, research, banking2
ledtechnika.huThe LEDTECHNIKA is in 100% Hungarian property and the latest applied items are our own develoments mostly.archive hungarian, hungarian language, ledtechnika hungarian, hungarian propertymain, lighting, fundamental, conception, history2
randomblog.huAlsa Alsamixer AMD Android Apps Cheat sheet Chrome OS Dark Souls Dark Souls Board Game Embed Extensions Fitness Gaming Gnome Gnome 3 Gnome Tweaks Google Chrome Google Sheets GRUB Health Home Office How to How to fix html Hungarian jQuery Kodi Linux Linux Mint Mac macOS Nemo Pop! OS Productivity…html hungarian, hungarian jqueryrandom, code, stuff, hardware, app2
hedemonaqua.huHedemon Aqua is a Hungarian company with more than a decade of experience in water treatment. Our goal is to provide our customers with unique water treatment solutions and thus with good water quality. Our company is flexible in dealing with all requests and we are open for combined solutions…aqua hungarian, hungarian company, purity hungarian, hungarian waterwater, treatment, customer, equipment, elit2
quicker.huYou can run your company fully online, so if you never want to set foot in Europe, that’s fine. But if you do want to live and work in the EU, a Hungarian company will enable you to get residency, and do business or travel freely in Europe. It’s up to you!document hungarian, hungarian company, eu hungarianquick, formation, european, payment, day2
dhotel.huDocuments acceptable acceptable to to Hungarian Hungarian citizens: citizens: identity identity card, card, passport passport or or driving driving license.acceptable hungarian, hungarian citizenbath, act, guest, room, relationship2
antaloczy-legal.huOur law firm serves its clients in Hungarian and in English. Our leading attorney speaks German as well.client hungarian, hungarian englishemployment, law, attorney, legal, lawyer2
tenyerlegal.huMerger of a Hungarian subsidiary into its parent company based in Luxembourg (managing the cross- border merger process) Establishing a branch office of a foreign company in Hungary Drafting the terms and conditions of a syndicate contract Competition law review of contractual practices…merger hungarian, hungarian subsidiarycontract, legal, law, agreement, procedure2
tamasibeladr.huAs a private clinic, please be advised that none of our services or fees is subject to reimbursement by Hungarian social security.reimbursement hungarian, hungarian social, number hungariandermatology, clinic, appointment, screening, fee2
czurda.huwine region is situated in the north-northwestern - south-southeastern line of the Pannonhalma-hills. Its climate is average compared with other Hungarian wine regions. Its average annual temperature is about 15°C and the 2000 sunshine in hours per year is considered good. The annual rainfall is…average hungarian, hungarian wine, document hungarian, hungarian viticulturewine, region, riesling, vineyard, shop2
nativeenglishteacher.huThe first 24 years of my life were spent in the United States, in New Jersey. Since August, 1991, I have lived in Hungary. In 1993 I married my Hungarian wife and now have 4 children.hungary hungarian, hungarian wifeteacher, native, course, school, protect2
hanyuhenrietta.huAs an employment lawyer, I provide legal consultancy to medium-size and large Hungarian and multinational companies in the wide range of areas of employment law, assisting my clients in comprehensive employment projects as well as representing them before authorities and courts.large hungarian, hungarian multinational, area hungarian, hungarian internationalemployment, law, mediation, workplace, legal2
nvc.huThe INOTA Festival is a joint initiative of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture programme, the 18-year-old NVC event organisation collective and Centrum Production. The aim of the event, created by the Hungarian underground music and visual scene, is to create Hungary's largest…event hungarian, hungarian underground, young hungarian, hungarian talentevent, electronic, news, select, programme2
dharmacentrum.huRegular programs and topics of our meetings: a trip to the river bank to be grounded and not fly away! Lectures and talks on wisdom of self and world from Vedic tradition to esoteric Christian trends to modern American and Russian masters, as well as topics of Hungarian organic cultural heritage…topic hungarian, hungarian organic, tradition hungariantradition, spiritual, yoga, community, russian2
nevex.huThe NEVEX Institute is involved in the licensing process as an accredited, official partner of the national authorities, thereby to speed up the registration of new products and ultimately their route to the Hungarian users. This is the common interest of producers, traders, farmers as well as the…route hungarian, hungarian user, process hungarian, hungarian producerauthorization, plant, evaluation, process, institute2
handwerkstudio.huI n the year 1978 I was offered the opportunity to join the world of Hungarian artists, having years of experience in the artistic finishing of egg shells. In the course of the years I elaborated a unique technique in Europe in the field of egg-shell finishing, which consists in a special…world hungarian, hungarian artistegg, studio, painting, card, ornament2
rockwellwestie.hu…Gradually I gained knowledge on a really loveable and kind creature with a very pleasant temperament. Now my life would be totally unthinkable without westies. Fanny's descendants became very smart dogs and a lot of them were awarded by Hungarian, International and even Multichampionship honours.lot hungarian, hungarian international, bencze hungarian, hungarian tvnews, female, exhibition, winner, video2
hotelwagner.huThe restaurant honoured with the first category of the seal of approval, and in summer the garden offers with its unique menu exclusive Hungarian, international and own food specialities. We await our guests with a banquet-hall, tavern, and about 220 persons capacity.exclusive hungarian, hungarian internationalroom, restaurant, view, like, wine2
ip-board.huIn order to avoid inconveniences caused by translation errors, we provide the financial information in Hungarian in accordance with Hungarian legislation.information hungarian, hungarian accordance, accordance hungarian, hungarian legislationsoftware, room, gallery, goal, camera2
passziopanzio.huPasszio Panzio is easily accessible from the Budapest city center, the M3 highway and the Hungarian Expo Center.charismatic hungarian, hungarian family, highway hungarian, hungarian exporoom, rate, sight, feature, location2
absolvo.huNEWS - Our Client Shoprenter, a member of the Innonic Group, closed a successful M&A transaction with the market leader Polish e-commerce SaaS provider company IAI (IdoSell), which acquired a majority stake (51%) in the Hungarian company. Shoprenter was advised by Absolvo Consulting in the…starschema hungarian, hungarian big, stake hungarian, hungarian companygrowth, market, transaction, investor, capital2
sedoresearch.huSEDO Research Ltd is intended to provide reliable data survey support to those market research companies and agencies present in the Hungarian market who need proactive, professional and stable data supply. We provide a solution where day-to-day human resources management represents a problem - be…panel hungarian, hungarian provider, present hungarian, hungarian marketresearch, data, interview, collection2
budapestfa.huTwo hungarian contemporary artists have decided to move out from the crowded city to decrease their ecological footprint.original hungarian, hungarian countrysideforest, tour, air, monument, horse2
e2hungary.huE2 Hungary started its business on 1 January 2016 in the Hungarian market of energy supply. It entered the market as a new player, which, however, looks back to certain business traditions, as the founders of the company used to be significant players of the energy industry and trade while its…january hungarian, hungarian market, player hungarian, hungarian energypage, energy, trading, request, proposal2
prevost.huPrévost Hungária Kft. was founded in 1992 in the spirit of French-Hungarian relationships by its owner who had lived in France for 7 years and driven hundreds of thousands kilometers by truck.french hungarian, hungarian relationshipsemi, news, refrigerator, tractor, unit2
meltrade.huMeltrade Automatika Ltd. was founded in 2002 specifically for the distribution of Mitsubishi Electric’s industrial automation products in Hungary. Our first task was to introduce the Mitsubishi Electric brand and product range to the Hungarian market. Of course, Mitsubishi products were previously…range hungarian, hungarian market, equipment hungarian, hungarian company, official hungarianelectric, distributor, certificate, number, address2
datavik.huWe undertake grammatical and professional revision and proofreading of websites, brochures and briefings in English, German or Hungarian.english hungarian, hungarian germanclient, market, development, review, research2
feketehollok.huThe medieval dances and court attractions are also performed in authentic noble or commoner clothing. In our camp we prepare food with ingrediens available for the medieval hungarian people. We are keen on historical accuracy both in customs and in figure.goal hungarian, hungarian medieval, medieval hungarian, hungarian peopleintroduction, event, package, recruitment, friend2
ovst.huOVST is a “green company”. No other Hungarian companies maintain so many environmental protection programs. The entire document turnover is electronic, therefore we use practically no paper. OVST carries out volunteer clean-up activities annually, which anyone may participate in.employer hungarian, hungarian labor, company hungarian, hungarian companytrade, value, social, large, corporate2
cafe57.huWe complement our menu with a broad and dynamic list of wine from all over the six Hungarian wine regions and some unique wine from all over the globe.wine hungarian, hungarian wine, specialty hungarianrestaurant, reservation, christmas, lunch, gallery2
madis.huWe are looking for a .NET Software Engineer to join our Software Development team in Budapest, working closely with our German and Hungarian software development partner companies, working directly on projects of German customers.german hungarian, hungarian softwaredata, software, consulting, detail, engineer2
iccecip.huThe „ICCECIP 2023 — 5 th International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection” will be held this year as part of the Hungarian Science Festival in a present form in Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering at 13-14 November 2023.cooperation hungarian, hungarian defence, year hungarian, hungarian scienceconference, university, infrastructure, international, protection2
denesavofely.huI'll manage Your wedding in English and in Hungarian as well, including or skipping Hungarian traditions and make it an enjoyable and memorable day for you and your guests too. No matter where it is: Hungary or abroad.english hungarian, hungarian traditionwedding, manager, overseas, local, tradition2
bionectar.huWe continuously purchase honey (rape, acacia, linden, phacelia and sunflower) from Hungarian producers at the daily market-rate with immediate payment.valuable hungarian, hungarian honey, sunflower hungarian, hungarian producerhoney, quality, acacia, sunflower, pallet2
kennel.co.huI named my kennel after the well-known Hungarian fairytale ’Fehérlófia’. I chose this name because it refers to my home country as well as to my love and dedication for animals, especially dogs and horses.kennel hungarian, hungarian fairytaledog, chinese, puppy, sale, owner2
kinaiforditas.huBudapest-based TransJet Translation Agency provides high-quality linguistic services in Chinese-Hungarian and Chinese-English language pairs as well as special protocol and business etiquette consulting.chinese hungarian, hungarian chinese, representative hungarian, hungarian publictranslation, agency, language, chinese, associate2
adamisugyvediiroda.hu…with our network of Italian law firms, we are able to guide and facilitate the management of our client’s international businesses. We are fluent in Hungarian, Italian and English. The Law Office has taken out insurance of civil liability with the Insurance Association of Hungarian Lawyers.fluent hungarian, hungarian italian, association hungarian, hungarian lawyerlaw, office, legal, area, small2
sarmany-parsons-ilona.huThis homepage is a kind of summary of a life’s work. Besides the studies in three languages (Hungarian, German and English ) on painting, architecture and the applied arts, a major part of it is an attempt to keep alive some visual details and the scientific message of the exhibition I curated…language hungarian, hungarian german, painting hungarian, hungarian work, polish hungarianhomepage, art, age, generation, text2
mascarada.huSzékesfehérvár one of the most ancient towns of Hungary. The first monuments date back to Roman times. This was the royal seat of the first Hungarian king and 43 kings were crowned in Székesfehérvár.hotel hungarian, hungarian king, seat hungarianevent, registration, tango, soon, dancer2
foodconf.huThe 4 th FoodConf is organized in cooperation with the Institute of Food Science and Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) , the Scientific Committee on Food Science, the Scientific Committee on Agricultural and Biological Engineering as well as the Scientific…technology hungarian, hungarian university, science hungarian, hungarian academyfood, science, technology, conference, committee2
cryptobank.huWe have been helping our clients in various specialised IT areas since 2005, and we started working in depth with cryptocurrency after 2014. As the Hungarian headquarters of an internationally operating company, we provide a stable environment for cooperation within a well-established framework.cryptocurrency hungarian, hungarian headquartercryptocurrency, process, transaction, detail, transparent2
konyok6.huThe locals of Cegléd are meant to be proud of their town, the largest in the County of Pest (Pest megye). Cegléd is also known as Kossuth town, named after Lajos Kossuth the famous Hungarian politician of the 19th century who visited the town various times. Should you stay in Cegléd for longer…great hungarian, hungarian plain, famous hungarian, hungarian politicianapartment, great, town, downtown, oasis2
corvinsetany.huThis special office building provides quick and easy access from anywhere on the Corvin Promenade. This building houses the Hungarian development centre of the software development company EPAM.build hungarian, hungarian development, street hungarian, hungarian capitaloffice, promenade, build, apartment, view2
fercomsystems.huFercom Systems is a trusted partner of the Hungarian National Police, the National Tax- and Customs Authority, the Ministry of Defense and the National Disaster Management Direcotrate for more than 20 years.organization hungarian, hungarian international, partner hungarian, hungarian nationalradio, optical, communication, solution, situation2
gepujsag.huAll this brought changes to the Engineer training. In spring 2011 we could read on the Hungarian University recruitment website about 80 such vocations, their name included the words „mechanical Engineer”. 67 bachelor's degree program started (full time, correspondent etc.). There were 20…coat hungarian, hungarian company, spring hungarian, hungarian universityannual, newspaper, journal, informative, engineer2
merkbau.huThe predecessor of Merkbau Zrt, Merkbau Építőipari és Kereskedelmi Kft, was established in 1990. It is based in Kiskunhalas and 100% owned by Hungarian individuals. The company conducts business primarily in the construction industry, with three major divisions. In response to market needs, the…kiskunhalas hungarian, hungarian individual, player hungarian, hungarian marketbuilding, construction, plant, number, machine2
babokastely.huIn the south-eastern corner of the Great Hungarian Plain we can find the Babó Castle pension.great hungarian, hungarian plaincastle, event, hunting, pig, wedding2
ova.info.hu…populations, habitats, and the complexities of ecological interactions. The National Game Management Database (NGMD) was first mandated by the Hungarian Game Management and Hunting Law (the Act on Game Conservation, Management and Hunting (Act LV, 1996)) in 1996. Since then, the database has…ngmd hungarian, hungarian gamegame, management, database, data, national2
rudasbistro.huOur Chef and his Team produce Amazing flavors of Modern Hungarian and international Cuisine, with unwavering enthusiasm and enormous expertise.modern hungarian, hungarian international, variate hungarianoffer, forward, gallery, special, event2
bodrogikuria.huOur chef-designed menu, with a touch of folly, offers Hungarian specialities and special game dishes.folly hungarian, hungarian specialityroom, offer, request, restaurant, wedding2
vidakatalin.huI provide individual counseling both in English, and in Hungarian to adults who are experiencing a wide range of emotional and behavioral concerns.english hungarian, hungarian adult, member hungarian, hungarian psychological, emdr hungariancounseling, psychologist, family, price, activity2
fuvolaharfaduo.hu…where the artists gave a concert at the Zemplén Music Festival. They have also played at various events, award ceremonies, festivities at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in the Parliament, in the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Ethnography. They gave concerts also abroad at the ?Ars…festivities hungarian, hungarian academy, scholarship hungarianflute, harp, concert, nagy, website2
cutpro.huThis is when we got a taste of the world of cinema and it seduced us straight away. In addition, it was the very beginning of digitalization in the Hungarian cinemas and we felt the change at first hand. Our first film was distributed to movies on 35 mm copies and our last solely on DCPs.digitalization hungarian, hungarian cinema, organization hungarian, hungarian publicdcp, production, cut, digital, offer2
binarit.huThe BINARIT Information Technology Plc. is a hungarian company focusing on special IT services in the financial and large corporate sector since 2003. Our major profile is the development of individual software solutions using state-of-the-art technology.plc hungarian, hungarian company, successful hungarian, hungarian internationalsoftware, development, integration, custom, operation2
orthoptera.huWhen I was searching for information on them, I found that there was no comprehensive source about the Hungarian fauna.website hungarian, hungarian orthoptera, source hungarian, hungarian faunakey, source, insect, news, website2
jonapack.hu…casemaker manufacturing machine line. The objective of our company is to manufacture packaging materials meeting European standards produced by Hungarian workers for domestic enterprises. Our company produces boxes, cases covering the entire area of cardboard sheets (3,5 and 7-layered also) in…experience hungarian, hungarian private, standard hungarian, hungarian workerintroduction, packaging, corrugated, size, catalogue2
kultplay.huWe are in the mood for listening music all day today. In the morning we've posted an ancient Future Sound of London video to the hungarian version, now let's play something new for the afternoon. Passionate ornithologist and acclaimed techno-house producer Dominik Eulberg has a brand new video for…suit hungarian, hungarian journalist, video hungarian, hungarian versionreader, art, social, installation, european2
galtanya.huOn our organic farm we raise indigenous animals; Hungarian grey cattle, rack ewes and poultry, as well as arable fodder crops and cereals.animal hungarian, hungarian greypage, main, organic, national, farming2
toursinbudapest.huImre Varga is a Hungarian sculptor, painter, designer and graphic artist. He is regarded as…uniquely hungarian, hungarian product, varga hungarian, hungarian sculptortour, programme, roman, danube, art2
florin.huOur company was established in 1957 in Szeged, Hungary, and it has had 100% Hungarian ownership ever since. We manufacture more than 500 different household cleaning products, body care products and sanitizers for hospital and home use.hungary hungarian, hungarian ownership, present hungarian, hungarian healthdisinfectant, sanitizer, manufacture, contract, fact2
nyirsegmez.huThe purpose of Nyírség Méz Kft. is to acquaint people with Hungarian honey production, which is of excellent quality, and to export our luscious honeys, which are particular owing the climate of the Carpathian Basin, to Europe. We collect the best Hungarian honeys to be able to satisfy the needs…people hungarian, hungarian honey, good hungariangallery, important, people, honey, need2
pharmanext.huWith our brand representation services, we help our partners to reach their Hungarian target audience in the most efficient way with their products, and with our third party sales force servives, we communicate effectively with professionals and specialists alike.partner hungarian, hungarian target, pharmanext hungarian, hungarian pharmaceuticalportfolio, brand, news, sale, pharmaceutical2
himoney.huOur product is still in it's development phase and not yet released to the public. Once it arrives in the app-stores it will enable users to oversee their investment portfolio, and find out about great investment opportunities that are tailored to their needs. The product focuses on the Hungarian…product hungarian, hungarian marketinvestment, user, market, journey, financial2
demant.hu…we handle the whole transportation process from raw materials till the final product to the customer. We can welcome mainly German, Austrian, Romanian and in the past few years also Hungarian customers among our partners. We hope to have you in the near future as our satisfied customer.year hungarian, hungarian customermanufacture, development, transport, industrial, clean2
nessum.huIf you are a Tenderer being invited to a Hungarian Public Procurement, you can trust our Company right from the registration to the signature of the contract. We offer representation and management, so that you can deal with your professional part, being the expert of it, while being supported in…tenderer hungarian, hungarian publicprocurement, public, training, reference, authority2
abci.huThe Hungarian loan market experienced a dynamic growth in the past five years which resulted in record-high disbursed and outstanding amounts both in the Corporate and in the Household sector...inflation hungarian, hungarian nationaldevelopment, consulting, industry, pharmaceutical, financial2
fise.huWe are preparing a special surprise for Christmas 2023, between December 15-17, FISE's industrial artists will be waiting with their handicrafts. Choose from the latest works of the best Hungarian graphic artists, ceramicists, glass artists, textile artists, porcelain designers, goldsmiths and…good hungarian, hungarian graphic, support hungarian, hungarian academyexhibition, artist, art, glass, textile2
officefinder.huThe Nokia Skypark is one of the biggest leasing deals completed in the Hungarian office market since the finan...center hungarian, hungarian capital, deal hungarian, hungarian officeoffice, build, green, building, center2
eagle23.huEagle23 Ltd was founded in 2009. Our company has been present in the Hungarian market for 13 years now, constantly delivering lighting systems and smoke and heat ventilation systems.present hungarian, hungarian marketreference, gallery, photo, present, heat2
finextfm.huFINEXT Investment Fund Management Ltd. offers institutional investors unique investment and asset management opportunities in real estate and other alternative assets that are unmatched in the Hungarian market, all in partnership with the world’s leading fund managers.unmatched hungarian, hungarian market, management hungarian, hungarian fundinvestment, fund, management, real, estate2
villanyikiado.huAndrás Villányi (1948–), a Sándor Scheiber Prize laureate artist has been taking photographs of the Hungarian Jewry since the 1970s, including all its branches from the orthodoxy to the neolog community, holidays and weekdays, times of joy and moments of mourning, men and women, the elderly and…photograph hungarian, hungarian jewry, life hungarian, hungarian jew, english hungarianthirty, bilingual, photo, navigation, light2
aprylenergy.huAPRYL ENERGY Group is a group of Hungarian entrepreneurial companies, founded and run by experienced experts with decades of management experience and a proven track record of successful project implementation.group hungarian, hungarian entrepreneurialenergy, group, development, power, plant2
tiszapartinyaralas.huThe first written papers which mentions this area is from 1332 and the first hungarian tribes also lived around here.area hungarian, hungarian tribevillage, like, local, offer, picture2
bestseed.huOur firm is entirely in Hungarian family-ownership specialising in only for export purposes throughout Europe since 1996. Our range of products consists of dehydrated vegetables, culinary herbs, spices, fruits and medicinal herbs.entirely hungarian, hungarian family, exclusively hungarian, hungarian cultivationseed, spice, herb, medicinal, beginning2
globe-shield.huOnly Hungarian companies and individuals participated in the founding of our company in 2015, building on the many years of high-level professional experience of our senior staff and their achievements in this economic sector, which were achieved as the leaders of the most significant Hungarian…significant hungarian, hungarian foreign, exclusively hungarian, hungarian businessglobe, shield, security, control, protection2
dumplings.huWe used only fresh hungarian hen eggs and they are used immediately after processing. In fact we break only those quantity of eggs which is needed for the daily production. There no preservatives neither in the fluid eggs nor in the semolina dumplings.fresh hungarian, hungarian hen, product hungarian, hungarian flourdumpling, egg, fresh, quality, form2
pribojszki.huHe started playing the harmonica at the age of 15, when he listened to a rare recording of the late Sonny Boy Williamson. In 1994 he founded his first band, the Blues Fools. The band’s reputation quickly grew, and the band became the most well-known Hungarian blues band on the European blues…band hungarian, hungarian bluefestival, jump, pig, video, official2
levteam.huUsing solar energy is not only a trending topic nowadays but it is also a very effective and environmentally friendly technology. Levteam Ltd. was founded in 2009 by a Hungarian owner in order to extend his business profile. The owner has always looked for innovative solutions, so exploiting the…levteam hungarian, hungarian owner, station hungarian, hungarian energypower, energy, station, goal, technology2
partybikebudapest.huBe a bartender! You can draw beer from a keg for yourself on the beerbike tour. For bachelor and bachelorette parties we could provide hot Hungarian hostess girls and host boys who draw the beer for you on the beerbike.hot hungarian, hungarian hostessbike, beer, tour, friend, price2
ec-invest.huEuropean Capital Invest Kft. Has Hungarian owners, so there is no need to worry that the parent company of a multinational fleet manager or a financial institution will decide to close down its operations in Hungary.kft hungarian, hungarian ownerarea, clean, price, capital, european2
erdelyihazicsoki.huHungarian singer, actress and performer Ildikó Keresztes has been a widely-known fan of Vitéz Kürtős for years and one of our favourite patrons in our Édes Mackó Kürtőskalács Pastry Shop ever since we opened. No wonder that multiple innovations in our chimney cake flavours are liwonder hungarian, hungarian singerevent, festival, cake, spring, chimney2
diamantkft.huTo offer a comprehensive, innovative service, we are an active member of the Tax Trade Section, the Budgetary Trade Section, the Bookkeeping Section, the Nature Trade Section, the Financial and Capital Market Section, and the IT Trade Section of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors, the Accounting…chamber hungarian, hungarian auditor, association hungarian, hungarian certified, available hungarianconsultancy, tax, control, expert, group2
1agroup.hu…international domain name services over international partners in every unique domain ending. From single site management to complex cloud based coworking our qualified technical colleagues answer your questions both in English and in Hungarian language for our international partners and customers.english hungarian, hungarian languagecolumn, engineering, group, list, industry2
szip2.huConveniently situated in the centre of Budapest, SZIP 2 - New in Downtown offers river views and a terrace. Providing private parking, the apartment is 1.2 km from Hungarian Parliament Building.km hungarian, hungarian parliamentapartment, booking, private, view, downtown2
culturaldiversity.huHaving been launched 15 years ago, the Foundation has been active in organizing meetings and talks, including a full series of lectures of the University of the Third Age for the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. The Hungarian speaking video recordings were uploaded and then seen by more than 20…budapest hungarian, hungarian video, performance hungarian, hungarian musiccultural, diversity, foundation, place, happy2
jarmumechanika.huOn January 28, 2013, the 100% Hungarian-owned Vehicle Mechanics Ltd. was established, which, under unchanged conditions, took over the operation of the workshop from its previous owners.january hungarian, hungarian vehicleclutch, mechanic, vehicle, repair, brake2
kappenabzeichen.huThe commando of the VII. corps stationed in Temesvár (today Timișoara). The recruitment area of the corps covered the region of the Hungarian Plain east of the Tisza and south [ … ]region hungarian, hungarian plainjanuary, postcard, october, corps, arm2
csipkesvendeghaz.huOur intention for our guesthouse was to create a pleasant and familiar atmosphere in a typical traditional Hungarian way of our grandparents . In our guesthouse you can enjoy your holiday and relax together with your beloved ones at a reasonable price.traditional hungarian, hungarian way, catering hungarian, hungarian specialtyguesthouse, special, gallery, price, offer2
hotelsatlakebalaton.huEcho Residence All Suite Luxury Hotel is located in Tihany, just above Lake Balaton. The luxury hotel offers suites with one or two bedrooms, a non-stop wellness department and modern Hungarian cuisine at the hotel-restaurant.modern hungarian, hungarian cuisine, apartment hungarian, hungarian internationallake, package, piece, reservation, siofok2
fehova.huFor yet another year, hunters and nature-lovers alike had the chance to attend numerous professional and general audience events at HUNGEXPO’s largest Pavilion A, including trophy demonstrations and trophy evaluations, roundtable discussions, screenings and travelogues. The collection of Hungarian…collection hungarian, hungarian big, famous hungarian, hungarian recreationalexhibitors, visitor, ticket, exhibition, app2
szbike.huThe aim of the Grape and Wine Innovation Centre is to increase the competitiveness of the Hungarian viticulture and oenology sector by mediating international scientific and market trends, and to support the international utilization of Hungarian viticulture and oenology results. The Grape and…competitiveness hungarian, hungarian viticulture, utilization hungarian, effectiveness hungarian, hungarian highwine, order, association, innovation, carpathian2
bornemisszavendeghazak.huLake Tisza is a four-season fishing lake, which includes several types of water and is home to most of the native Hungarian fish. Uniquely, more than 50 species live here, from catfish giants sleeping at depths of up to 20 metres, to the balinese of the flushing channels, to the carp inhabiting…current hungarian, hungarian legislation, native hungarian, hungarian fishlake, water, area, beach, apartment2
dixiejam.huJam session, an exclusive, occasional gathering of jazz musicians, where they play jazz music just for their own fun and enjoyment. It is a typical, traditional way of playing jazz. 'Örömzene' in Hungarian jargon means exactly the same. The short form of the phrase 'jam session' is jam i.e…örömzene hungarian, hungarian jargon, interview hungariansession, official, site, website, century2
rigokft.huRIGO Ltd. was founded in 1990 with a registered capital of HUF 25 million. 100% Hungarian owned company, family business.million hungarian, hungarian companymachine, production, cut, semi, automatic2
hotsmusic.huHOTS (Hungarian Oncoming Tunes) is the music export brand for supporting and educating Hungarian acts to expand their activities on an international scale. It is amplified by Hangfoglaló, a subdivision of National Cultural Fund in Hungary, coordinated by Petofi Media Group Nonprofit Kft.. HOTS…hot hungarian, hungarian oncoming, brand hungarian, hungarian actmusic, hot, news, sound, festival2
simonlegal.hu…law issues arising in the course of day-to-day operations, employer successions, collective redundancies, and lawsuits related to termination of employment and executive liability. She is credited with winning a Hungarian lawsuit for damages with one of the highest value against a senior official.client hungarian, hungarian english, liability hungarian, hungarian lawsuitexpertise, area, reference, training, lawsuit2
mega-logistic.huMega-Logistics Zrt. is one of Hungary’s largest Hungarian owned faculty management and investment companies. With goal-oriented leadership, accountable resource management and high quality and adaptable services we provide our services in a customer-oriented way in Hungary and abroad.large hungarian, hungarian faculty, hungarian facilitylogistic, management, facility, investment, quality2
select.hu. It has covered all range of companies such as Pharmaceutical industry, FMCG and all sectors of services, financial, trade, manufacturing, logistics, production fields and human resources ranging from Hungarian smaller and medium enterprises up to international companies and multinational…change hungarian, hungarian venture, resource hungarian, hungarian smallselect, job, advise, training, management2
surgoscovidteszt.huIn case of PCR test or Laboratory test, we will send the official result by email in Hungarian, English and German by the following deadlines: In Budakeszi within 6 hours, in Budapest within 12-16 hours, in the countryside the next day by 10 am.email hungarian, hungarian englishappointment, official, individual, coronavirus, antibody2
akhalstud.huThe Cseppentő saddle is a product of the Cseppentő Family. The structure of this saddle is based on a historical Hungarian saddle, the ?Tiszafüred saddle?. During a course of several decades of development and continuous testing (2-300 kilometre-long equestrian tours, training and courses for…site hungarian, hungarian conquest, historical hungarian, hungarian saddlehorse, stud, equestrian, stallion, tour2
romel.huBesides my native Hungarian, I offer all my services, either audits or trainings, in German and English languages too.native hungarian, hungarian servicequality, management, supplier, automotive, unique2
hubay.hu| biography | compositions | publishers | discography | hungarian violin school | photos | events |famous hungarian, hungarian violinist, modern hungarian, hungarian school, personality hungarianfoundation, main, page, laszlo, violin2
humanexchange.huIn the process of implementation – in line with the changes in the Hungarian legislation -, good practices on the social and labor market integration of the Gypsy target group living in Hungary have been collected. Three of these projects were selected.project hungarian, hungarian european, change hungarian, hungarian legislationhuman, exchange, foundation, development, collection2
szabadterek.huOPEN SPACES IS A HUNGARIAN NETWORK THAT BRINGS TOGETHER INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY SPACES WITH CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS.space hungarian, hungarian network, member hungarian, hungarian cityspace, network, member, society, open2
nyirlift.huAmount of the assitance provided by the European Union and the Hungarian government: 108 million HUF.union hungarian, hungarian governmentelevator, escalator, device, accessibility, engineering2
beerbase.huOur database includes the major Hungarian breweries, their brands; all about Hungarian beer. You can also find information about first-rate pubs, brasseries, beer-gardens, different importers and organizations dealing with beer. All this info is organised in a clear and concise way to make it easy…participant hungarian, hungarian beer, major hungarian, hungarian brewery, brand hungarianbeer, importer, brewery, organization, news2
cerc.huT he Central European Research Centre Ltd was established in 2010. The company is 100% Hungarian-owned and the activities include research and development, science communication and project creation. Our goal is to help our partners achieving successful project development through our professional…company hungarian, hungarian activity, team hungarian, hungarian researchlab, research, powder, development, innovation2
tehetszmehtobbet.huThe most we can do for them is to plant bee pastures, only use chemicals that do not harm bees, and purchase honey from Hungarian producers.exhibition hungarian, hungarian natural, honey hungarian, hungarian producerbee, campaign, exhibition, event, ambassador2
drdoczy.huI graduated in 2013 at Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem, Faculty of Law. I speak fluent German and English. I graduated from a bilingual high school where I took my exams in German and in Hungarian. As part of the Erasmus program I studied for one semester in Germany, attending classes of company…mnb hungarian, hungarian national, german hungarian, hungarian erasmuslegal, advice, law, contract, litigation2
qbparty.huFortunately, there haven't been any kind of damages caused or valuables stolen at Hungarian parties for ages, and we'd like it to stay that way.valuable hungarian, hungarian party, foreigner hungarian, hungarian taxientry, yes, place, travel, minute2
rabraby.huBest place in Szentandre to get the beloved Hungarian fisherman soup. It comes with a side of peasant bread and some sought of chili paste. You can ask for more bread if you run out. The restaurant is medieval themed and decked fully with interesting items and trinkets. The prices are very…price hungarian, hungarian forint, beloved hungarian, hungarian fishermanrestaurant, price, close, group, food2
gofri.co.huWith our direct selling chain we are serving 4000 retailer from 3 of our sites. Also we have 150 wholesaler partners so 7000 more retailer have the acces for our product range. Some examples for partner retail chains in Hungary: CBA, COOP, Reál, Relay, Hungarian Post and the Auchan.kft hungarian, hungarian sweet, relay hungarian, hungarian postday, happy, season, group, sweet2
sttp.huWe are present at almost all major CRM IT implementation projects on the Hungarian market in both mobile and landline sectors.big hungarian, hungarian telco, project hungarian, hungarian marketpoint, client, straight, management, solution2
boroczkycsaladok.hu…still existing and is guarded by the Kaputsi family.” Accordingly this document originates from the period 1711-1740, the years of reign of the Hungarian King Károly III. (also named Károly VI. German-Roman emperor.) (The genuine copy of this document is to be found in the appropriate volume of…derivative hungarian, hungarian christian, böröck hungarian, hungarian city, berecki hungarianfamily, branch, county, descendant, origin2
translog.huTranslog Worldwide Ltd. is a fully Hungarian owned company. Our main profile is air, road and sea transport all over the world, and of course with the related full-scale administration, such as customs administrations, warehousing, packing, etc.fully hungarian, hungarian companytransport, freight, road, air, custom2
globalbusinessgroup.huGlobal Business Group Kft is a privately owned Hungarian company based in Budapest. Our head office is located in Budapest which was founded in 2022 by a group of bright professionals with extensive knowledge of product marketing, buy and sell, procurement, and project execution in the Oil, Gas…privately hungarian, hungarian companygroup, global, view, petrochemical, oil2
civilszemle.huSince 2004, 62 issues have been published, including more than 400 studies from Hungarian and foreign authors. The periodical focuses on the theoretical problems of the third sector and civil society. CR publishes so called „community studies” that are scientific but are also easy to understand in…study hungarian, hungarian foreign, abstract hungarian, hungarian englishreview, board, criteria, periodical, order2
drhorvathdavid.hu…XIth International Congress of the World Poultry Association, World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA), Poultry Health Organisation of the Hungarian Veterinary Society, Veterinary Medical Research Institute (VMRI) of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), Budapest, Hungary, Gastroenterology…organisation hungarian, hungarian veterinary, vmri hungarian, hungarian academy, university hungarianexamination, veterinary, assistant, hour, animal2
equilibriumcapital.huAt the 6th meeting of the Hungarian-Kazakh Strategic Council, Mr. Murat Nurleu, Minister ofmeet hungarian, hungarian kazakhcapital, equilibrium, fund, manager, client2
interoot.huOur SPAM filtering solution performs extremely well in filtering hungarian-language mail compared to competitorsextremely hungarian, hungarian languagenetwork, software, data, operation, server2
pr-evolution.huContinuing the principles laid down at the foundation of the company: such as new quality, high technical standards, and continual cooperation with foreign dancers and choreographers to gain experience in order to solidify the knowledge obtained at international practices (workshops and training)…training hungarian, hungarian context, performance hungarian, hungarian poetdance, evolution, performance, mother, goose2
maskaolin.huDue to our chemical-free processing the mined Hungarian clay fully retains its original mineral content and crystal-like molecular structure, hence all its beneficial properties as well. Get to know the different types of clay and choose the mask which suits best your skin type and conditions to…natural hungarian, hungarian clay, process hungarianbasket, shop, page, clay, mask2
microsec.huBased on Hungarian and foreign orders we have extensive consulting activities in PKI and authentication services.development hungarian, hungarian companysolution, trust, stamping, signature, software2
jegrendeles.hu…students finishing our studies. Adam, the oldest one of us has even chose this as a topic for his final thesis project. He studied closely the Hungarian ice market and its products making a research if there was any place for a new business to fit in. It looked like there was... We didn't want toclosely hungarian, hungarian ice, idea hungarian, hungarian barice, great, quality, drink, moment2
arteries.huThe Hungarian Catholic Radio is a special and unique spot in the media market. Accordingly, we dreamed up a special and unique mobile application, the implementation of which could not be left to just anyone. Arteries has created exactly the application we dreamed of for ourselves and our…development hungarian, hungarian nfcdevelopment, mobile, quote, application, detail2
biokutatas.huThe 2023 Viticultural Planning Workshop has been organized in Kőlyuktető by the horticultural team of the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi) at the beginning of November with the support of the Agroecology-TRANSECT project. One of the major goals of the event was to create…team hungarian, hungarian research, focus hungarian, hungarian organicorganic, research, agriculture, food, variety2
kozossikereink.huEntrepreneurs would be the major beneficiaries of the period lasting till 2020, as they provide the economic foundation. Their success leads to the development of Hungarian economics, so the major purpose of the new cycle is the funding of prosperous investments. It is also of utmost importance…cycle hungarian, hungarian funding, term hungarian, hungarian entrepreneur, development hungarianresult, success, funding, cycle, financial2
brasserieandatrium.huBrasserie & Atrium restaurant serves lightsome dishes of the Hungarian and international cuisine in the most magnificent atrium of Budapest.international hungarian, hungarian cuisine, dish hungarian, hungarian internationalatrium, restaurant, newsletter, event, international2
dianaclubhotel.huThe Parliament is one of the most famous public buildings in Budapest, the seat of the Hungarian Parliament and some of its institutions.seat hungarian, hungarian parliamentroom, view, detail, gallery, news2
bbox.huBBOX takes part in the fiscal development and production in the region since 1991. After the foundation in 1991 a new product line, the “POCOK” has been started in 1992, which gained a good reputatation on the Hungarian, Romanian, Slovakian and Ukrainian fiscal markets. Based on the continous…reputatation hungarian, hungarian romanian, requirements hungarian, hungarian onlinefiscal, useful, development, production, printer2
somloi.huBelow you can read our unofficial translation of Gault Millau Hungary’s interview with Eva Cartwright, owner of Somlo Wine Shop. The original Hungarian version, which was published on 6th February 2017 is available here. Q: Which appellation, country or style … Continue reading “Gault-Millau…original hungarian, hungarian version, somlo hungarian, hungarian whitewine, cellar, news, translation, shop2
novomatic.huNOVOMATIC started its operation on the Hungarian market in 1994. The name of the company has been NOVOMATIC Hungária Kft. since 2016. The key to our success is the constant technological development, which ensures that we can provide the highest quality to our partners.operation hungarian, hungarian marketgame, production, career, active, mall2
vatregistration.huFrom 1 May 2004, with Hungary’s accession to the EU, our Hungarian domestic law adopted the provisions of the EU’s so-called Sixth VAT Directive. As a consequence of the harmonisation of the individual member states’ VAT systems to the EU law, it became possible to use the concept of the so-called…eu hungarian, hungarian domestic, group hungarian, hungarian limitedvat, registration, taxation, news, law2
tervaz.hu“Térváz Ltd. made a contract with the Hungarian Postal Service as a public procurement winner for an EU-supported project to design and reconstruct an existing hall with an area of 1 032 m2. During the design phase they prepared precise, detailed, all-encompassing documentation. They were flexible…contract hungarian, hungarian postal, contemporary hungarian, hungarian constructionhall, construction, office, warehouse, general2
bstk.hu…interest brought about their first random dance meetings, which gradually became more and more frequent and regular. Similarities in Scottish and Hungarian history and culture contributed to the birth of our a club in 1998 which was based on a common affection towards Scottish country dancing.scottish hungarian, hungarian historydance, weekend, scottish, course, country2
deseda.hua week can be retained in the possession of any (child, beneficiary, grown-up, daily) permission. During the indicated period the biggest retainable size of the carp is: Hungarian common carps - 60 cm, mirror carp – 50 cm. In the indicated period we proceed against violators with increased severity.fish hungarian, hungarian common, carp hungarianfishing, fish, shall, permission, place2
hm-management.huHungary is attracting foreign investors in certain investment sectors due to the investment benefits of the Hungarian stateoffice hungarian, hungarian territory, benefit hungarian, hungarian statemanagement, assistance, country, transparency, investment2
dunakarneval.huThe second part will feature Hungarian ensembles joining the Duna Art Ensemble and the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble in commemorating the Petőfi anniversary with an unmatched and special dance production. We invite You to join the hundreds of Hungarian and foreign dancers and musicians engaged in…second hungarian, hungarian ensemble, ensemble hungarian, hungarian state, hundred hungarianinternational, cultural, danube, festival, programme2
ajkaelektron.hu…have combined these with the experience of the present, adding value to the decades of accumulated expertise. We are proud of the fact that our company, as a 100% Hungarian-owned company, is still able to stand its ground in the mostly multinational environment built around the automotive industry.company hungarian, hungarian companytechnology, career, assembly, component, gallery2
elektromosyacht.hu…outstanding ergonomics and a timeless appearance. Our designers are distinguished for their outstanding work, and have been awarded the Hungarian Designer Award, the Hungexpo Innovation Award and awards from Hungarian press. The sleek and sophisticated style design gives you the pleasure…work hungarian, hungarian designer, award hungarian, hungarian pressmodel, electric, news, hard, style2
cirkuszbp.huOne of our founding members, Edit, won 3rd place at the Latte Art World Championships in Melbourne, Australia (2014). Our other member of the Cirkusz family, Adam, was named the Hungarian Barista Champion (2018).adam hungarian, hungarian barista, winner hungariancoffee, place, food, family, day2
fermenta.huOur company – established in 1993 – is a fully Hungarian-owned family enterprise. Our main activity is the trade in aromas and additives for the food processing industry. Besides, we also develop food and beverage products. The latter activity has been gaining more and more significance lately. We…fully hungarian, hungarian family, format hungarian, hungarian englishapplication, food, drink, concentrate, fruit2
winetrek.huDiscover the Hungarian wine regions. There are currently 7 larger regions, which are divided into 22 sub-regions.gateway hungarian, hungarian winewine, region, gallery, tour, look2
orientapartmanok.huThe historic center of Eger, with the best restaurants, is 500m away. Classic or modern, international or Hungarian cuisine – everyone will find something to their liking.tv hungarian, hungarian international, international hungarian, hungarian cuisineapartment, downtown, house, orient, main2
hernyak.huand using our professional still. All of our spirits are matured, often for many years in wooden barrels, and they offer a unique quality on the Hungarian market. Besides the pomace spirit and brandy we make, we also distil and mature the pomace of the Szepsy family from Mád. We use special barrels,winemaker hungarian, hungarian designation, quality hungarian, hungarian market, spirit hungarianwine, estate, family, grape, organic2
oko-melli.huThe membership of our cooperative is 230-280 people with our annual honey yield as it is greatly influenced by the weather, the crop culture and the condition of our bees. We are convinced that we are looking for high quality hungarian producers and a demanding market for our natural honeys. Our…quality hungarian, hungarian producer, people hungarian, hungarian acaciahoney, bee, organic, natural, quality2
esztergom.huEsztergom with a permanent population of 28,000 is 39th in the ranking of Hungarian cities by inhabitants. The district of Esztergom includes a total of 24 settlements with more than 91 thousand people, making it Komárom-Esztergom County’s most populous district, and there are only 18 more…list hungarian, hungarian settlement, rank hungarian, hungarian city, slovak hungariancity, history, municipal, economy, government2
ilonamajor.huThe historical gorgeous estate Ilona Major is situated in the West Hungarian Region near to the Austrian border between the two villages Hidegség and Nagycenk. The place received the name „Ilona” in memory of Countess Ilona Széchenyi. The name Széchenyi stands for a well-known aristocratic…west hungarian, hungarian region, aristocratic hungarian, hungarian familydressage, horvath, gallery, horse, endless2
kecskemetiarboretum.huThe Kecskemét Arboretum has joined these examinations, as a member of the Association of Hungarian Arboretums and Botanic Gardens. The automatic meteorological station gives helpful data from the local climate.association hungarian, hungarian arboretums, rockery hungarian, hungarian saintarboretum, belt, collection, hectare, place2
clubdobogomajor.huWe have been classyfied as a Silver hotel in the contest organized by the Hungarian Hotel & Restaurant Association - we can praudly call ourselfs a Green Hotel in 2021-22.contest hungarian, hungarian hotel, local hungarian, hungarian legislationguest, rate, offer, homepage, cozy2
bitandpixel.hupresented in a post-industrial space, is based on a unified, yet diverse approach. Experimental and audience-friendly at the same time, and inspired by new innovations as well as cultural heritage, it provides a space for the presentation of work by both domestic Hungarian and international artists.understand hungarian, hungarian legislative, domestic hungarian, hungarian internationalbit, development, software, management, consultancy2
inventio.huInventio Consulting group was set up in 2002 as the initiative of experts in tourism and EU affairs, working in leading positions in the Hungarian state administration (Hungarian Tourism Board) and the private sector.position hungarian, hungarian state, administration hungarian, hungarian tourismdevelopment, tourism, consultancy, proposal, funding2
propertygroup.huThe most versatile portfolio of the Hungarian real-estate market with tens of thousands of houses, apartments, garages, offices, weekend houses and lands for sale or rent.portfolio hungarian, hungarian realproperty, site, group, portfolio, estate2
cskwiki.hu– browse articles that were either written by professionals, based on the methodological guides they created in the project, or entries contributed by the community (available only on the Hungarian version of the website);available hungarian, hungarian versioncommunity, volunteer, article, category, institution2
robinsonrestaurant.huWe stopped for lunch here after touring Szechenyi Park this summer. We shared tapas of a variety of Hungarian special meats and cheese. Then my husband had a lovely salad and I had a veal cutlet which was the largest, thinnest and most delicious I have ever had. The setting is lovely- on a large…traditional hungarian, hungarian dish, variety hungarian, hungarian specialrestaurant, venue, number, fabulous, excellent2
debrecen4u.huThis year, the University of Debrecen and the University of Miskolc will host the European University Games. The Secretary of State mentioned that by 2030, one Hungarian university should be among the top 100 universities in the world, and three universities among the top 100 institutions of the…state hungarian, hungarian universityexhibition, school, education, registration, accommodation2
paltranslations.huMy name is Pál Gyurkó, I am a native speaker Hungarian. I have been in the English-Hungarian translation and interpretation business for decades. I am based in Hungary.speaker hungarian, hungarian english, english hungarian, hungarian translationpage, translation, interpretation, subject, translator2
bmeaerospace.huBME Aerospace Team, as the first and only Hungarian team represented Hungary and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics at the 2022 European Rocketry Challenge in the 9 000 m solid propellant category.team hungarian, hungarian teamaether, launch, long, supporter, support2
itgen.huSupport of SAP applications is offered regardless of the technical operation. We have several years of experience in supporting Hungarian subsidiaries of foreign companies in support. We are ready to work out the best support solutions for both parties.experience hungarian, hungarian subsidiary, process hungarian, hungarian regulation, entity hungariansupport, security, implementation, solution, technology2
holisys.huAccording to a survey 49% of the hungarian SME’s treat digitization as low priority and only 25% of these companies invested in IT in the last 2 years. If you believe that information technology can contribute to your competitive advantage you will need professional support to manage it:survey hungarian, hungarian sme, comission hungarian, hungarian smallmanagement, digital, detail, sme, agile2
gaborszabo.huHungarian cinematographer, founder and president of the Hungarian Cinematographers Association (HCA). As cinematographer he has completed dozens of feature films, including the one and only movie in which the highly acclaimed cinematographer, Vilmos Zsigmond ASC worked as director. Apart from all…president hungarian, hungarian cinematographerpage, award, commercial, cinematographer, poster2
balatonszemeshullam.huOn the Southern Coast of the ‘Hungarian Sea’, only 130 kilometers from Budapest, lays the tranquil and peaceful Balatonszemes, a village, capable of satisfying every tourist demand you can think of. The shady parks and the sunny coastline is filled with excellent restaurants, where you and your…coast hungarian, hungarian sea, traditional hungarian, hungarian gastronomychange, default, wide, introduction, beach2
rosi-systems.huROSI-Systems Kft. is the official Hungarian representative of Rosenberger OSI, as you can read the certificate of our parent company here or download it in PDF format . ROSI-Systems is also a partner of Rittal and HADstair.cable hungarian, hungarian plant, official hungarian, hungarian representativesupport, center, speed, light, news2
biharybalassa.hu...this is what we promised our prospective partners in 2002, in the first brochure of the freshly founded Bihary, Balassa & Partners Attorneys at Law. Today, when important players of Hungarian business life rely on our legal advice, when our law firm is a well known and recognised member of…player hungarian, hungarian business, interest hungarian, hungarian internationallaw, legal, firm, attorney, comprehensive2
bringafeszt.huWhen calling to start UCI ranking shoult take into account, then the actual complex hungarian hierarchy. The competitiors not ranked will be called by lot. On the seasons first cup competition the last seasons first 10 rated competitiors must be called, the others will be called by the order of…complex hungarian, hungarian hierarchyman, category, woman, boy, girl2
evangelikustemplom.huIn the meantime, the Congregation became officially autonomous and the parish hall soon was found too small. We are very grateful that with the help of The Lutheran Church in Hungary, the Hungarian Government and last but not least thanks to the willingness of the parishioners to make sacrifices…expulsion hungarian, hungarian germans, hungary hungarian, hungarian governmentchurch, lutheran, congregation, effort, build2
nytbk.huThe Open Mind Buddhist Community was founded by the Hungarian disciples of Venerable Dhammasami and the Oxford Buddha Vihāra (OVB) in order to establish a Theravādan monastery.community hungarian, hungarian discipleretreat, monastery, detail, community, centre2
angolmesekert.huFor the children of Hungarian nationality, we start both English and Hungarian preschool program from the age of 5, which consists of 4 subjects (speech therapy, mathematics, environmental studies, music-physical education), each day of a week. These sessions help the children organize their…english hungarian, hungarian little, child hungarian, hungarian nationality, hungarian preschoolchild, preschool, introduction, education, development2
sbtrans.huS.B. Trans & Spedition Kft. is a 100% Hungarian-owned, innovative, and dynamically growing company. We are available to our partners for all types of grain, including durum wheat, triticale, rye, oats, soybean, sorghum and others. We manage annual sales of more than 200,000 tons in connection with…kft hungarian, hungarian innovativegrain, site, application, win, equipment2
avico97.huWe are introducing the activities of Avico ’97 Ltd. e.g. system survey, design, trading, implementation of Public Address and Voice Alarm Systems that can support buildings or other types of sites. Furthermore you can find a summary of the brands (and product groups) we are representing on the…group hungarian, hungarian marketalarm, voice, sound, knowledge, base2
rivtrans.huRiv Trans Kft. is a Hungarian family based passenger transport company who is operating not only in Hungary but throughout in whole Western and Eastern Europe with its own fleet of young reliable vehicle.kft hungarian, hungarian familychinese, travel, europe, reliable, vehicle2
naturexpert.huWe have found the best Hungarian reserves, where you can make your hunting dreams come true! Don’t settle for less!good hungarian, hungarian reservehunting, hunt, page, main, game2
geonauta.huHungarian Trabant explorer on a new journey to pick up litter on El Camino pilgrim route In ten days, Zsolt Vadász has collected 500 l of trash on the popular #ElCamino route...way, el, journey, gallery, garbage2
aircruise.huSpend 25 minutes above the Hungarian capital, visit it's most beautiful sights and bring home an unforgettable experience on your very own travel video!minute hungarian, hungarian capital, way hungariantour, cloud, gallery, navigation, capital2
borvaros.huWe offer team building programs, especially for larger groups up to 120 people. On every station the participants taste one of the famous Hungarian wines, followed by a special task they have to complete. Our venue provides a chance to organize treasure hunting programs with real excitement…traditional hungarian, hungarian meal, famous hungarian, hungarian winewine, cellar, event, venue, town2
managerent.huOur dedicated multilingual property manager staff (English, German, Hungarian) is available to answer all your questions. We provide 24/7 online cashflow visibility, in-house book-keeping and accounting, legal advice and personal contact with all our client enquiries.german hungarian, hungarian available, irish hungarian, hungarian businessproperty, detail, management, sale, sqm2
gabortorok.hu…Writer, co-writer or editor of eight books, of which two are widely used university text-books in Hungary. Elected the secretary-general of the Hungarian Political Association for three years respectively in the years 2000 and 2003. Member of the presidium of the association from 2006 to 2015.general hungarian, hungarian political, democrats hungarian, hungarian liberalpolitical, university, analysis, science, academic2
barcsibarangolo.huBearing town rank since 1979 and located within the area of Duna-Drava National Park, Barcs is the southern gate to Somogy County and the capital of the Drava river. It is a dynamically developing small town on the Hungarian-Croatian state border, covering an area of 123 km2 and serving as the…town hungarian, hungarian croatiancentre, mobility, exhibition, interactive, tourism2
laternastudio.huSince 2011, we have started to manage construction projects in another specific area covering buildings serving scientific research. Over the past 10 years, we have implemented numerous major projects for the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: the Research Centre for Natural Sciences, the Research…center hungarian, hungarian football, project hungarian, hungarian academymain, office, management, architect, privacy2
parkinnzalakaros.huPark Lounge welcomes guests with a modern but friendly atmosphere and offers delicacies of international cuisine as well as Hungarian and local specialties.cuisine hungarian, hungarian local, delicious hungarian, hungarian dishroom, offer, detail, event, bar2
artbeet.hu"'12 Months' is one of the most valuable books of my bookshelf, and I also believe that it is amongst the most beautiful Hungarian publications. It is not only beautiful, but also quite useful for a health-conscious hedonist like myself. The recipes are simple and easy to follow, yet, they have…available hungarian, hungarian market, beautiful hungarian, hungarian publicationorder, month, book, publish, search2
argosart.hu100 musicians play at the same time on the grand concert, performing popular melodious tunes while the audience is tasting selected outstanding wines of Hungarian wineries.wine hungarian, hungarian winery, hungarian dancewine, music, concert, ticket, orchestra2
rwh.huThe company became exclusive Hungarian – regional representative and distributor of the most renowned Japanese, American, German, Italian, Korean bearings manufacturers and is now supplier of several Hungarian and multinational machine factories and engineering firms.experience hungarian, hungarian bearing, exclusive hungarian, hungarian regional, supplier hungarianbearing, linear, series, table, housing2
lastminutewellnesshotels.huLocated on the northern shore of the Lake Balaton, the Hotel Panorama is a great wellness hotel in Balatongyorok. The hotel's has exellent wellness and fitness area, restaurant with international and Hungarian cuisine, and many children's programs. Conference and event rooms are ideal for…mediterranean hungarian, hungarian cuisine, international hungariandeal, package, enquiry, price, piece2
pfp.huBeside our strong creative marketing experience, we operate the biggest styling company (STYLING-SERVICE) in Hungary, that offers hair, make-up, dressing solutions for the Hungarian National Television (MTVA) and for other commercial televisions, FOR FILM MAKERS and FOR EVENTS. Due to our TV and…international hungarian, hungarian company, program hungarian, hungarian tv, solution hungarianproduction, video, agency, client, creative2
mn6.hu…companies with competitive energy related consultancy since 2011. Our team offers sustainability services in a holistic way as part of the energy related consultancy. The MN6 Energy Agency is an accredited energy auditing company by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority.company hungarian, hungarian energy, organisation hungarianenergy, certification, efficiency, technical, consultancy2
cserpestejivo.huThe milk bar ("tejivó" in Hungarian) is no new invention. Its history in Budapest dates back to the early 20th century. Such shops used to sell beverages made with milk, soft drinks and pastry. Some Hungarians still recall the exceptional atmosphere of these establishments, and the splendid…tejivó hungarian, hungarian new, range hungarian, hungarian culinarymilk, bar, pastry, cheese, quality2
chemcryst.huWelcome to the site of the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.science hungarian, hungarian academy, association hungarian, hungarian chemicalresearch, publication, chemical, science, laboratory2
barkert.huTraditional and classic – modern and novel – these are the main features of our dishes and, thanks to ‘fusion cuisine’, our guests can also expect a delightful surprise in every taste! What is fusion cuisine? We have paired fine traditional Hungarian food with characteristic international flavors.traditional hungarian, hungarian foodevent, castle, special, stylish, delicious2
metaelmelet.hu15-18-11-2006 under the auspices of the Institute for Strategic Research, the Hungarian Cultural Foundation and the Third Millennium Foundation an international scientific conference will be held with the title: Unified Theories.available hungarian, hungarian information, research hungarian, hungarian culturalresearch, homepage, group, institute, strategic2
mmgrendszerhaz.huOur fully Hungarian-owned company has been activating since 1998, serving clients across the globe, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, from the Equator to the Arctic Circle, and even beyond. Profigram's successful and reliable automation and process control engineering team believes in…fully hungarian, hungarian company, office hungarian, hungarian engineeringprocess, control, automation, production, machinery2
hallercamping.hu15 minutes walk from the camping the biggest outdoor concert place of Budapest, „Budapest Park” is located. Every weekend – from Thursday to Wednesday – the most popular stars of pop music Hungarian and foreigner amuse the audience.music hungarian, hungarian foreigner, dandár hungarian, hungarian qualityguest, heart, campsite, dear, quality2
digitaljustice.huSub-Institute of the Hungarian National Chamber of Notaries, General Vice-President of the Hungarian National Chamber of Notariescurrent hungarian, hungarian situation, institute hungarian, hungarian national, president hungarianresearch, legal, justice, court, digital2
ganz-holding.huGanz Machinery Works Holding is one of the largest machinery works in Hungary, the products of which are related to the rail transport, power generation, water supply, management of water resources, urbanization and environmental protection therefore they play an important role in the formation of…beginning hungarian, hungarian industrialization, history hungarian, hungarian industrial, formation hungariangroup, production, machinery, trade, gallery2
taxicab.huModern vehicles: CAB provides you always modern vehicles and are all licensed under the strict Hungarian laws. This is also applied to our driver team and to everyone who is travelling with us. We have full insurance (all documents can be obtained from us at any moment).strict hungarian, hungarian lawtransfer, day, trip, bus, vienna2
sudi.huHi there! My name is Kristóf Südi, and I am a Hungarian freelance e-commerce and PPC specialist with a passion for helping businesses increase their online visibility and drive profitable customer action. With over 7 years of experience in the industry, I have a strong understanding of PPC best…südi hungarian, hungarian freelance, need hungarian, hungarian freelancer, kristof hungariancommerce, campaign, website, testimonial, media2
megertesz.huIn order to stabilise producers’ prices we promote a cooperation of our members by which we are not followers but become dictators of the prices on the Hungarian market of agricultural crops.fruit hungarian, hungarian land, price hungarian, hungarian marketcooperative, member, sale, agricultural, privacy2
amadeushotel.huRestaurant Our elegant, stylish restaurant with the capacity of hosting 120 guests is expanded with a grill terrace during summer days. With its hungarian and international choice of foods and wide range of drinks it is an appropriate place for weddings, parties and other family and business…day hungarian, hungarian international, trip hungarian, hungarian pusztaroom, restaurant, wedding, event, price2
mediway.huMediway is an independent, private Hungarian company founded in 2009, with great expertise in the introduction and distribution of pharmaceutical products, food supplements and medical devices for the Hungarian market.forefront hungarian, hungarian market, private hungarian, hungarian company, device hungarianforce, sale, medical, pharmacy, centre2
greenscorecard.huseek to generate debate on social phenomena, on sustainability, and on the future of society. If many people used this database suitable for preparing decisions, that would mean that the time has finally come when Hungarian public discourse is ready to take the cause of the Green New Deal seriously.state hungarian, hungarian society, finally hungarian, hungarian publicgreen, deal, sustainability, society, economy2
badogozas.huThe company Pléh-Mester Építőipari és Kereskedelmi Kft. is a family businesswith a 100% Hungarian ownership, providing building construction services.businesswith hungarian, hungarian ownershipclient, history, price, touch, important2
hungaromarket.huFounded in 1981 as one of the first private companies, by our founder Mr János Walger, whos original idea was to introduce the latest industrial solutions to the Hungarian metal industry. In addition to representing foreign companies, we also have our own production capacity working with the…solution hungarian, hungarian metalcoating, thermal, rubber, application, lubricant2
balatongitar.hu…the best transcription at the Aschaffenburg Guitar Competition. In their own repertoire the Trio pays especial attention to the involvement of Hungarian classical music, as well as the safeguarding of cultural traditions. At the concert they will play the works of Hungarian composers from the…role hungarian, hungarian international, involvement hungarian, hungarian classical, work hungarianguitar, international, music, prize, concert2
fradi.huHome of Ferencváros, the Hungarian national team and many business conferences. Get to know the Groupama Arena.collaboration hungarian, hungarian brand, ferencváros hungarian, hungarian nationalfootball, match, news, ice, hockey2
boxprint.huOne of our main strengths is that we combine the professional and quality-conscious operation typical of multinational companies with the directness and flexibility typical of medium-sized Hungarian companies.privately hungarian, hungarian printing, sized hungarian, hungarian companycardboard, packaging, blister, reference, quality2
compat.huOur present activity focuses on the sales and installation of passive components for copper and fiber-optic cable access networks manufactured by 3M Company (St. Paul, Minnesota, USA). We act as distributor for 3M Hungaria Kft. (1138 Budapest, Váci út 140.) and are a qualified vendor of Hungarian…licencia hungarian, hungarian citizen, vendor hungarian, hungarian telekommain, network, component, summary, cable2
solservices.hu…including a complex biodiversity survey in cooperation with several nature conservation institutions. In addition, we are participating in the launch of technological developments and research to improve the efficiency of solar parks by involving Hungarian universities and research institutes.renewal hungarian, hungarian power, park hungarian, hungarian universityenergy, renewable, implementation, sustainability, generation2
kaszasgabor.huSzepessy, who had been leading the company for barely a year. I wanted to talk with him in good faith about what was going on at the training of Hungarian air traffic controllers under the management, as I was almost certain that in the short period of time, he couldn’t gain proper insight into…training hungarian, hungarian air, cost hungarian, hungarian statetraining, contract, traffic, air, controller2
viphunting.huThe ”crowned king” of the Hungarian forests is indigenous in Europe and in the Middle East. You can find red deer in the biggest number in Western Europe, but Eastern Europe (specially Hungary) gives habitat for the world’s finest quality red deer population.king hungarian, hungarian forest, popular hungarian, hungarian hunterbook, wild, boar, hunt, brown2
kisebbsegiombudsman.huThe Parliament of the Hungarian Republic elected Dr. Ernő Kállai on 11 June, 2007 with 326 votes in favour and 14 votes against as Parliamentary Commissioner for National and Ethnic Minority Rights, accountable exclusively to Parliament, for the protection of national and ethnic minority rights.parliament hungarian, hungarian republicminority, ethnic, national, commissioner, parliamentary2
cembeton.huBy placing the emphasis on wider technical aspects the Hungarian Cement Concrete and Lime Association expanded its activities related to the industry and advocacy, thus helping the survival and development of the field. Its representation covers the wide scope of domestic construction material…aspect hungarian, hungarian cementhomepage, association, member, industry, domestic2
partium.hu…is based on Tiszaújváros Plant. The company was a member of TSZKER Agricultural Cooperatives Trading Network till 1996, when it has changed its name to PARTIUM ’70 Co. Ltd. The company’s proprietors are Hungarian private persons, its own capital is more than 2 billion HUF (over 7,5 million Euros).proprietor hungarian, hungarian privateproduction, co., sheet, wide, corrugated2
cryptomesek.huMy First Crypto Coloring Book - The Long-Eared Crypto Bunny - Hungarian-English Version (76 pages)bunny hungarian, hungarian englishbook, coloring, sticker, long, page2
procreditor.huPRO-CREDITOR Liquidation and Asset Controller Ltd is one of the leading and most acknowledged companies of the Hungarian Insolvency profession, which specialises in conducting bankruptcy proceedings, liquidation proceedings, and final settlement proceedings as well as providing reorganizational…company hungarian, hungarian insolvency, member hungarian, hungarian associationcreditor, debtor, liquidation, proceedings, bankruptcy2
23weekends.huSet 300 metres from Hungarian State Opera and less than 1 km from Dohany Street Synagogue, Basilica Presidential panorama suits offers accommodation in the heart of Budapest. This property offers access to a balcony, free private parking and free WiFimetres hungarian, hungarian state, originally hungarian, hungarian royalbasilica, luxury, price, panorama, apartment2
kissanikomesterkozmetikus.huPANNONESSENCE, Hungarian Thermal Water, Villány Blue Grape, Argan Tree Oil, Rosemary, Medical Sage, Thyme Essential Oil, Peach and Forget Flower Flower /pannonessence hungarian, hungarian thermalskin, treatment, minute, duration, cell2
napiflex.huI would like to present you every week a new hungarian talent, please welcome them with love!new hungarian, hungarian talentpast, people, famous, talent, america2
poolking.hu…are actively involved in the company's operational work, have more than 20 years experience in the swimming pool technique as well as in production of chemical and wellness products. The mid term goal of the owners is, to become the leading trading company on the Hungarian swimming pool market.company hungarian, hungarian swimming, member hungarian, hungarian bathpool, swimming, chemical, water, news2
highfivebp.huHigh Five Budapest is the ‘love child’ of Hungarian ruin pubs and the American ‘Project X’ house party, where you can celebrate in over 700 sqm (with an additional separate room and a huge basement, if needed).quesadilla hungarian, hungarian classic, child hungarian, hungarian ruinevent, room, story, reservation, drink2
conferences.huThe first professional team in Hungary for organising international scientific conferences was set up in 1970 at the Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI).federation hungarian, hungarian event, pco hungarian, hungarian convention, institute hungarianconference, participant, meeting, international, event2
euroad.huEuroad International Ltd.'s achievement as being successful in the Hungarian retail fashion market, was accomplished by our company striving daily to ensure that our high quality fashion and apparel products are manufactured and delivered to our clients on time, and with the highest standard of…hungary hungarian, hungarian retail, successful hungarianinternational, retail, collection, brand, fashion2
belcat.huBelcat is an Italian-Hungarian company with more than ten years experience in the field of production of 100% natural preserved plants and greenery.italian hungarian, hungarian companygreen, wall, flower, tree, decorative2
doktor24.huThe Kastélypark Klinika in Tata is a unique musculoskeletal centre within the Doktor24 health network, and a knowledge base for our other institutions. The clinic has been operating since 2003 and is a stronghold of Hungarian sports orthopaedics and rehabilitation, where we have established the…stronghold hungarian, hungarian sport, available hungarian, hungarian athleteview, health, centre, expertise, area2
impurum.hu…at various areas our main profile is software localization, which not only requires an accurate language knowledge but also special know-how . We are proud of participating in the Hungarian localization of some widely known software products and solutions (e.g. SAP, Windows XP , and Oracle ).proud hungarian, hungarian localizationtranslation, localization, profile, software, price2
orlai.huThe Orlai Productions have yearly more than 600 performances in Hungary, approx 50% countryside. 35 performances are on continuously. The plays of contemporary Hungarian writers (Parti Nagy Lajos, Grecsó Krisztián, Péterfy Novák Éve, Gerlóczy Márton, Tarr Béla) play also an important role in the…story hungarian, hungarian private, force hungarian, hungarian theater, piece hungarianproduction, theater, important, theatre, critic2
icqglobal.huOur ICF accredited (10 CCE points) Certification Training Program is already available also in Hungary either in Hungarian or in English.official hungarian, hungarian partner, hungary hungarian, hungarian englishglobal, welcome, people, knowledge, trainer2
karitativ.huThe Hungarian Food for Life Foundation was founded by the Hungarian Society for Krishna-Consciousness as the charity arm of the religious community, although the food distribution had been going on continuously since the official acknowledgement of the Society in 1989. The purpose of the programme…foundation hungarian, hungarian societyfood, distribution, love, help, crisis2
janosiferenc.huPrior I started to work as a freelance graphic designer, I worked as an art director, than later as creative director in the Hungarian office of a BTL-focused international agency ‘Publicis Dialog’. Some of the clients and brands I have had pleasure to work with during the years I spent with…director hungarian, hungarian office, communication hungarian, hungarian babyfood, variety hungariangraphic, art, direction, portfolio, brand2
lexunit.huWe have collaborated with Atotal Insurtech (owned by Generali) - a large Hungarian claim settlement service company - to build a car inspection web application for a large vehicle fleet management company.large hungarian, hungarian claimsolution, data, software, case, development2
bmpvsz.hu…the prevention of disasters, strengthening the commitment to protection against disasters, and to improve abilities for self-rescue. Every Hungarian citizen has the right to become familiar with and acquire the relevant defence rules which ensure the survival and rescue of humans and the…rescue hungarian, hungarian citizen, publication hungarian, hungarian reddisaster, organisation, protection, management, event2
morafke.huSince our association, called Kiskunfélegyházi Móra Ferenc Cultural Association, was founded in 1988, its goal is to maintain the local culture and traditions, and pay tribute to the most notable Hungarian artists by organizing several commemorations, wreathings, conferences, memorial day and…notable hungarian, hungarian writer, common hungarian, hungarian folk, hungarian artistassociation, activity, publication, writer, local2
mernokverseny.huEngineering Competition for university student that tests your real-life skills! In the competition you take part in Challenges with your team. The Challenges are brought to you by leading Hungarian companies and university departments.challenge hungarian, hungarian company, opportunity hungarianday, engineering, competition, innovative, history2
serpakalandpark.hunatural independence. He never ever would give this up for any kind of mlney or goods. He was fighting until his death for Transilvania's acient hungarian history, all the kultural values and the beatuy of the nature. When the park opened he was helping a lot as a good friend. His all being gave a…acient hungarian, hungarian historydata, price, adventure, personal, process2
krecsanyi.huI am a member of the Hungarian Surgery Team (MST), the Hungarian Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (MPHEST) and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).member hungarian, hungarian surgery, mst hungarian, hungarian plasticsurgeon, surgery, plastic, introduction, hospital2
stoppanzio.huOf the numerous places of interest in Debrecen, one is the Déri Museum, where besides other interesting exhibitions, the Christ Trilogy of the well-known Hungarian painter, Munkácsy Mihály can be seen. Those who like folk art should visit the so-called Tímárház (Tanner’s House). In 2001, the main…trilogy hungarian, hungarian painter, typical hungarian, hungarian speciesoffer, room, event, house, guest2
hpmc.huHPMC Consulting Ltd was founded with the vision to contribute to the success of different enterprises with its support, which is based on broad financial, business, general management experience. This broad experience is based on best practices used by multinational companies and Hungarian and…company hungarian, hungarian central, cfo hungarian, hungarian multinationalconsulting, financial, general, profile, reference2
foundry.huYou can have access to the most important data of the Hungarian foundry industry and the association members, as well as to the links connected to foundry activities.association hungarian, hungarian foundry, data hungarianfoundry, free, capacity, metal, job2
ecsconsulting.huOur company provides guidance regarding visa processes, residence permits, permanent residence permits and obtaining of nationality to foreign or Hungarian citizens and to foreign or Hungarian legal entities.foreign hungarian, hungarian citizen, hungarian legalconsulting, easy, permit, legal, issue2
radvanyi.huOne of our major activities is the representation of foreign and Hungarian investors, companies, advising them in their existing or newly established projects, as well as in connection with the acquisition of companies, assisting them in all fields of legal activity regarding the realization of…foreign hungarian, hungarian investor, establishment hungarian, hungarian company, service hungarianlaw, real, estate, corporate, foreign2
tli.huTLI, Technology Laboratory and Innovation Corporation has been active on the Hungarian and Romanian civil engineering market since 1996. Skilled engineers, specialists, and laboratory assistants contribute to the company’s success.active hungarian, hungarian romanian, major hungarian, hungarian companyconcrete, laboratory, engineering, technology, site2
mab-pharma.huThe client-centeredness, quick response time, and flexibility that characterize all of the MAB Group company culture are part of the way we conduct our everyday business, which – taking into account the peculiarities of the Hungarian market – give us the necessary stable background for operation.peculiarity hungarian, hungarian market, success hungarianpharmaceutical, vision, market, client, mission2
schneiderpanzio.huWithin the hilly landscape of the western Danube side, we are located in an old-Swabian site. Our invitingly calm and beautiful residential area above the historical center of the Hungarian capital has recently developed to one of the richest cities of Hungary and also offers some own interesting…center hungarian, hungarian capital, possibility hungarianpension, minute, city, room, downtown2
cdinstitute.huThe highly successful book The Curse of Popularity published jointly by CDI Hungary and CFR, has been the subject of several book launches. The book was edited by Dr. Bernadett Petri and Dr. Kristóf Heil, with essays from Hungarian, Slovenian,…essay hungarian, hungarian slovenian, átka hungarian, hungarian englishinstitute, christian, democratic, book, curse2
aram-foldgaz.huAccording to the current Hungarian practice, the electricity and natural gas sale contracts are generally concluded for a period of 1 year. The main aim of our service was to help our partners find the most appropriate, mainly the cheapest and most reliable, electricity and natural gas procurement…liberalization hungarian, hungarian energy, current hungarian, hungarian practiceelectricity, price, low, order, energy2
betaklinika.huAs a private clinic, please be advised that none of our services or fees is subject to reimbursement by Hungarian social security.reimbursement hungarian, hungarian social, number hungarianclinic, dermatology, appointment, screening, fee2
dunahajok.huIn 2016, we saw that the time had come to create a ship of our own development, as well as a new Hungarian brand, DUNA BOATS. Combining many years of professional experience and the opinions of our customers, we developed our concept, the result of which was the Duna 6.1 electric boat completed in…new hungarian, hungarian brand, partnership hungarian, hungarian suzukiboat, cabin, marine, tradition, additional2
icteuropa.huICT Europa Finance Inc. is not just an enterprise, it is a Hungarian-owned administration service group where we have set up an excellent quality service portfolio in related fields: tax consulting, accounting, auditing, legal services and IT system operation. Our human resources, our expert…large hungarian, hungarian accountant, enterprise hungarian, hungarian administrationaccounting, ict, tax, auditing, finance2
expatservices.huOur team members are highly qualified to provide you the best service possible while ensuring full compliance with the related Hungarian laws and regulations.related hungarian, hungarian law, solution hungarian, hungarian residenceexpat, destination, introduction, news, international2
dmj-solutions.huLeads the management consulting, telecommunication and renewable energy business lines of DMJ Advanced Solutions. Fluent in his native Hungarian and English languages.safety hungarian, hungarian global, native hungarian, hungarian englishmanagement, energy, renewable, consulting, solution2
cvekedli.hu…and perfected over the years, spiced with local flavors and local ingredients, to everyone. In Cvekedli - true to its name - the well-known Hungarian pasta dishes come to the pasta fans in rethought, but in Hungarian portions and at Hungarian prices (and if you weren't a pasta fan, then you…hungarian ingerients, true hungarian, hungarian pasta, rethink hungarian, hungarian portionfood, ingredients, cream, dish, restaurant2
szaletly.huwe offer our carefully prepared dishes primarily to the Hungarian public. We hope you enjoy our menu, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask our colleagues. Then, sit back, relax and enjoy the Szaletly gastro experience we’ve created for you!ingredients hungarian, hungarian producer, primarily hungarian, hungarian publicmain, weekend, offer, drink, wine2
aether.huScattered House , London Festival of Architecture, Hungarian Cultural Centre, July 4-6 2008tentacle hungarian, hungarian institute, architecture hungarian, hungarian cultural, mancs hungarianarchitecture, space, aether, house, camera2
szoftveralapcsomag.huDigital Success Software Package is a collection of an operation system and several user software in Hungarian language that is free to download and to use. It is supposed to substitute those document and spreadsheet editor, web browser, email client and other office software that require…software hungarian, hungarian language, importance hungarian, hungarian governmentuser, software, package, success, digital2
okopannon.huIn case the Hungarian government follows best European Practices and the obligation is transferred to fillers / packers, ÖKO-Pannon Nonprofit Plc. is.abbreviated hungarian, hungarian nav, case hungarian, hungarian governmenttrademark, packaging, charge, green, licence2
gajdoszenekar.huThe intention of the Gajdos Band is to propagate the beauty and eternal value of Hungarian folk music. We want to show that authentic Hungarian folk music has retained its freshness and vigour even in the 21value hungarian, hungarian folk, authentic hungarian, dialect hungarian, hungarian areagroup, folk, release, gallery, authentic2
royalpack.huRoyalpack is a leading Hungarian packaging company in connection with wood-based industrial packaging solutions. Royalpack’s professionals are capable of providing standard and customized wood-based industrial and transportation packaging solutions to the partners of Royalpack. We undertake to…royalpack hungarian, hungarian packaging, multinational hungarian, hungarian companyinfrastructure, environmental, awareness, gallery, packaging2
bipoco2016.huBiPoCo 2016 will take place in the Hotel Hunguest Forrás Szeged **** Superior located in Szeged, the capital of „Alföld”, the Great Hungarian Plain, at the confluence of the Tisza and Maros rivers. Szeged is the 3rd largest Hungarian city, also called City of Sunshine because it has the highest…great hungarian, hungarian plain, large hungarian, hungarian city, traditional hungarianseptember, august, conference, photo, goal2
obchungary.huMy name is Oliver Kugyela from Hungary and I would like to offer my hand carry service. I used to work as customs officer in BUD airport, therefore I have good partnership with customs officers and knowledge of Hungarian and EU customs laws.knowledge hungarian, hungarian euairport, hand, delivery, personal, board2
acelvakond.huAcél-Vakond Kft. Was founded in 1998 and is 100% Hungarian owned. The head of the company, Tibor Csombor, started his business as a sole proprietor in 1991, then in November '98, the company acquired its present image.kft hungarian, hungarian head, hungarian propertyextrusion, pipe, steel, concrete, drilling2
trofea.huTrófea Grill Restaurants located near the city centre welcome foreign and Hungarian visitors with modern, stylish furnishing and an elegant combination of colours. Make us a stop on your tour of the city and enjoy a nice full lunch or a lovely dinner.authentic hungarian, hungarian dish, foreign hungarian, hungarian visitorrestaurant, accommodation, event, management, card2
rexfilm.huRexfilm Kft. represents an extremely high standard in the Hungarian world of broadcasting. Their experts are highly qualified, flexible and helpful. Be it support, acquisition or system integration, all of their activities can be described as highly professional. During my nearly 20 years of…standard hungarian, hungarian worldbroadcast, integration, support, reference, customer2
elevenborbar.huEleven is not a traditional restaurant, it is a wine shop and wine bar. During daytime we offer shoppers the best wines of Hungarian and international wine regions, tested by our professional team.wine hungarian, hungarian international, selection hungarianbar, wine, shop, reservation, daytime2
langsapartmans.huShould you not be a wines fan, try something stronger - palinka or Unicum are typical Hungarian choices.tasty hungarian, hungarian wine, typical hungarian, hungarian choiceapartment, guest, great, place, nice2
tihanyiugyved.huIn Debrecen , Hajdúszoboszló and mostly all Hungarian area, you can still get personal attention from an attorney who cares about your situation and will protect your best interests. At the law firm of Dr. Tihanyi client concerns are important, and every client is treated with dignity and respect.hajdúszoboszló hungarian, hungarian area, asset hungarian, attorney hungarian, hungarian reallaw, client, family, firm, attorney2
suncitybbq.hu…Society (KCBS), the wordl's biggest BBQ organisation. We proved ourselves at KCBS organized competitions at home and abroad and we won the best Hungarian competition team award in 2018 & 2019. We competed with Péter Tamási and my wife, Margit Kurunczi, in 2019. That year we started to use our…good hungarian, hungarian competition, performance hungarianplace, competition, day, vienna, spice2
photonet.huBrassaï, originally as Gyula Halász, Hungarian-born French photographer, painter, writer, film artist. The artist was born in Brasov on September…halász hungarian, hungarian french, sánta hungarian, hungarian presserror, thumbnail, photography, magazine, photo2
regea.huThe regional factors can affect their situations even more. In the region of Northern Hungary datas show much worse average than the unfavorable Hungarian statistics.unfavorable hungarian, hungarian statisticspatient, cancer, method, health, foundation2
szamiroma.huT his year organized for the 23rd time, OWMF will host Hungarian professionals brought to the event by Hangvető. Roma music, networking and the meeting of cultures through music will be in the focus of their activities.owmf hungarian, hungarian professionalmusic, voice, norwegian, artist, norway2
estraco.huAccording the activity Estraco is in direct or indirect contact with almost all Hungarian and Multinational owned chains (hyper, retail, C+C discounter) which are present in Hungary. Besides, there are strong co-operations with wholesalers and production companies as well. Estraco partners in…abroad hungarian, hungarian multinational, contact hungariandistribution, quality, consultancy, rice, division2
meerrettich.huThe taste of Hungarian vegetables is first-class. These are essential spices for Hungarian flavors.proud hungarian, hungarian base, taste hungarian, hungarian vegetable, spice hungarianvegetable, fruit, peach, cherry, fresh2
tream.huCurrently we are partaking in the recovery program offered by the hungarian government, which aims to ease the hungarian SME’s loan repayment procedures as a consequence of the recent economic turmoil caused by the COVID-19.program hungarian, hungarian government, government hungarian, hungarian smecompetence, reference, board, programming, guarantee2
samsound.huI could not believe when I found it online. Now my makita batteries can work with my DeWalt machines. Is this really a hungarian idea? I could save a lot of money with this idea… It works perfectly. …machine hungarian, hungarian ideasolution, creative, battery, plate, shop2
madagaszkarutazas.huHe graduated from a university in Budapest and currently the only hungarian – speaking local tour guide in Madagascarcurrently hungarian, hungarian local, simalar hungarian, hungarian systemtour, madagascar, travel, destination, island2
omnipack.huOmnipack First Hungarian Packaging Technology Cluster is a strategic alliance engaging itself in environment protection and sustainable development, the development of state-of-the-art packaging technology solutions and proactive international presence.omnipack hungarian, hungarian packagingpackaging, cluster, material, technology, tool2
harangodhus.huBreeding of Mangalica pigs started in 2003, and the livestock includes all three colour types (red, blond and swallow-bellied) . Mangalica, or the so-called “Hungarian pig,” has been considered as a Hungaricum (national treasure) since 2004 and due to the fact that its fodder is free of…mangalica hungarian, hungarian pig, hungarian nationalmeat, pork, pig, sausage, thick2
onlinepiackutato.hu*average target population (Hungarian consumers) and average research topic with maximum a 5-minute questionnaire!population hungarian, hungarian consumerresearch, market, sample, result, questionnaire2
hrinkubator.huJudit has over 15 years of professional, 10 years of management and 6 years of University master teaching experience. She is an HR expert, consultant, and Business Coach. Throughout her career, she worked for Hungarian and International companies in the luxury retail, international hotel, IT and…career hungarian, hungarian internationalsolution, expert, career, recruitment, employee2
simmoag.huS IMMO Hungary has been a reliable player on the real estate market of Budapest for more than 20 years. We are a subsidiary of Vienna-based S IMMO AG and are responsible for the Hungarian portfolio of the group.responsible hungarian, hungarian portfolionews, office, portfolio, estate, main2
oeconomicus.huNovus Homo Oeconomicus Kft. was established in 2003 by Hungarian individuals, Hungarian owned company, which operates in Hungary. Our main service is a full scope accounting service and providing the regarding services.kft hungarian, hungarian individual, individual hungarian, hungarian companyhomepage, accounting, actor, exact, benefit2
ovarvill.huÓvárvill Kft. is a joint company possessed by Hungarian owners in 100 % and founded in 2005. We perform our work in Mosonmagyaróvár and its direct region typically but we also had several projects in different areas of the country, and undertake implementation everywhere. Due to the recirculation…company hungarian, hungarian ownertender, introduction, reference, activity, photo2
twh.huWe make our unique furnitures from the best quality of materials selected by our customers in our Hungarian workshop.customer hungarian, hungarian workshopclient, detail, management, customer, success2
hospicehaz.huThe Hungarian Hospice Foundation has been providing hospice care for incurable cancer patients, who are already out of active therapy, in Budapest for 30 years now. While we alleviate their pain and other symptoms and lessening their mental suffering, we focus above all on humane treatment and the…completely hungarian, hungarian sitecare, patient, family, pain, donation2
polgardidesign.hu…for individual target machines, and we undertake their installation at short notice. We also satisfy individual needs with complete machine rebuilding and rewiring. With our own developed UCCNC software, we offer an alternative to replace the Mach3 program, with Hungarian and English support.program hungarian, hungarian englishsoftware, introduction, download, machine, website2
kiraly100.hu…restaurants in Budapest where famous artists, sportsmen and politicians like to reserve table frequently. It is debated whether our success is gained through the good atmosphere or the excellent dishes accompanied by the tasty Hungarian wines. The uncovering of this secret has been waiting for you.tasty hungarian, hungarian wine, building hungarian, hungarian operaevent, reservation, table, gallery, video2
ccch.huThe Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hungary is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 1992. Based in Hungary, we provide a platform for developing commercial relationships between Canadian and Hungarian companiescanadian hungarian, hungarian companycanadian, event, chamber, commerce, membership2
zelemo.hu…account management of different key accounts in Industrial and High-Tech sector in EMEA. In the past 5 years Gabor was active in transforming the Hungarian sales organization at WebEye Telematics Group as Sales Director, achieving record growth in new sales and securing the market leader position.expansion hungarian, hungarian telematics, active hungarian, hungarian salemanagement, value, unit, industrial, customer2
drumcafe.huour restaurant has been in your service for almost ten years and thanks to our outstandingly hardworking staff - six chefs and six waiters - we receive more and more positive feedback and recognition from our Hungarian and foreign customers - sometimes in person, sometimes on social media sites.recognition hungarian, hungarian foreign, traditional hungarian, hungarian meal, flavor hungariandrum, restaurant, staff, order, food2
magyarugyvediiroda.hu…Bar Association (address: 1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 7, mailing address: 1363 Budapest, PO Box 61) in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to attorneys at law, which regulations can be found on the website of the Hungarian Bar Association with information on client rights.non hungarian, hungarian client, website hungarian, hungarian barlaw, client, legal, office, representation2
hirvitransport.huWe speak your language: our colleagues speak Hungarian, English, German, Finnish, Slovakian and Czechcompany hungarian, hungarian taxis, colleagues hungarian, hungarian englishtransport, transportation, fleet, international, domestic2
reflife.huThe Hungarian Ice Hockey Federation, in partnership with the National Hockey League (NHL), is hosting the second Summer Exposure Combine top-level ice hockey referee camp in 2024. This camp offers a unique opportunity for game-officials worldwide to gain valuable training and development under the…traditional hungarian, hungarian cuisineice, camp, hockey, summer, combine2
leoweytancegyuttes.huThe group regularly participates Hungarian and foreign festivals as well as the Helikon Festival.programme hungarian, hungarian dance, regularly hungarian, hungarian foreigndancer, gallery, dance, group, german2
sztrokaylawoffice.huOur Office can offer expert counseling in three languages (Hungarian, English and Chinese), and two of our colleagues speak medium level French. For a long time we have been working closely together with one Hungarian and one Chinese accountacy firm, therefore we can provide updated and prompt…language hungarian, hungarian english, closely hungarian, hungarian chineseoffice, law, small, lawyer, template2
semmelweis200.huThe monuments and tombs related to Ignác Semmelweis have been renovated with the support of the Hungarian Government in the year of the …sapientia hungarian, hungarian university, support hungarian, hungarian governmentmemorial, statue, heritage, university, previous2
thre.huThe Hungarian Real Estate specializes in catering to the needs of Non EU investors seeking a higher standard of living and settlement in the European Union. Our team has deep knowledge of the real estate market and settlement opportunities, ensuring that our clients feel at home in the EU.house, main, future, street, european2
backtotheroots.huThe festival will be held from September 19-21, 2024 in Mátészalka, in honor of Tony Curtis, whose Hungarian heritage and Hollywood career set him apart. The event is brought to you by the Hungarian Hollywood Council, the city of Mátészalka, and the Origo Film Studio, with the aim of bringing…globe hungarian, hungarian jewish, curtis hungarian, hungarian heritage, event hungarianfestival, root, international, application, location2
escorttourist.huOur website provides a preview in a foreign language for your initial reference. If you are interested in our current travel options, you can access the Hungarian version of our website.option hungarian, hungarian versiontravel, tourist, escort, agency, day2
amadeus.huConstruction of the House of Hungarian Music, an educational, museum and concert venue designed by the world-famous Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto, will soon start as part of the Liget Budapest project in the City Park.house hungarian, hungarian musicapartment, price, centre, room, accommodation2
getmarried.huIn 2017 I had the honor to make the short film for the yearly gala of the hungarian wedding business - the Hungarian Wedding Gala & Award.gala hungarian, hungarian wedding, business hungarianwedding, video, short, minute, moment2
aidarg.huThroughout her career as a trainer, gymnasts of various ages achieved podium positions in German, Hungarian and international competitions.german hungarian, hungarian international, relevant hungarian, hungarian legislationgymnastics, trainer, girl, schedule, young2
bagdal-vino.hu…you are guaranteed to return home with good experiences! The host of Bagdal-Vino, László Bagdal and his son, keep their family tradition in this peaceful rural place. Don't miss the atmospheric evenings, authentic Hungarian specialties and the best wines! Spend an unforgettable time at Bagdal-Vino!authentic hungarian, hungarian specialtywine, winery, hill, guest, gallery2
gksoft.hu…more efficiently. Our company's principal activities include co-operating in design and expert with the domestic companies, supplying the Hungarian industrial market with high-grade technical softwares and postgraduate trainings. As a consequence of these aims, we provide the following…company hungarian, hungarian industrial, mol hungarian, hungarian oilltd, engineering, analysis, vessel, co.2
scrolldown.huScanomat, specializing in coffee solutions, aimed to boost its Hungary online presence for a broader customer reach. Creating Hungarian content on its main website, the company prioritized local alignment while ensuring global consistency. Enhancing searchability and user experience were paramount.reach hungarian, hungarian contentdigital, website, user, story, presence2
tuskevariskola.hu…psychologists, special needs teachers, teachers of learning disabilities with great experience. The training is child- and practice-centred. We intend to emphasise activities with self-experience. We introduce the effective strategies and results of the latest foreign and Hungarian researches.foreign hungarian, hungarian research, nat hungarian, hungarian nationalteacher, school, training, learn, child2
modultrend.huMuseum of Chemistry of The Hungarian Museum of Science, Technology and Transport “The History of Chemistry in Europe and Hungary” – permanent exhibitioncontract hungarian, hungarian international, chemistry hungarian, hungarian museumexhibition, construction, execution, museum, printing2
sommelierhungary.huThe MASOSZ (Hungarian Sommelier Association) was founded in 2011 by enthusiastic professionals who reflected upon the current issues of the local food and beverage sector and believed in innovative aproaches to adequate and continued training and education of the fellow members with a variety of…masosz hungarian, hungarian sommeliergeneral, member, association, food, training2
adnijoga.huWe have a workshop for yoga instructors about trauma-informed yoga, which is for now only available in Hungarian.yoga, class, socially, instructor, group2
balsailaw.huPlease be informed that pursuant to the regulation on ethical rules and requirements of the practice of attorneys issued by the Hungarian Bar Association, the cases undertook by the attorney and the clients represented by the attorney cannot be displayed on the attorney’s website.attorney hungarian, hungarian barlaw, firm, attorney, representation, litigation2
bilingua.huSince joining the European Union, many Hungarian companies feel that they could be active role players in the markets of the neighboring countries, however, the language barrier may sometimes prevent them from taking the right steps.union hungarian, hungarian company, english hungarian, hungarian translationtranslation, agency, language, price, free2
cziffrafesztival.huGyörgy Cziffra toured the world’s cities, and now nearly all culturally important cities of the world are celebrating with us. Primarily, Cziffra’s second home, France (Paris and Senlis), but concerts will also be held in New York, London, Vienna, Prague, Stuttgart and Oradea. A series of…concert hungarian, hungarian hospice, series hungarian, hungarian internationalfestival, event, performer, art, calendar2
theartaroundus.huDrechsler Palace on Andrássy Avenue has served in many roles during its rich history of 135 years. Being home to the former Ballet Institute is still one of the most iconic cultural functions we all remember. In collaboration with the Hungarian Dance University, DVM group – the general contractor…collaboration hungarian, hungarian dance, picture hungarianphoto, art, page, exhibition, ballet2
embroidery-service.huBudapest, but according to the service actuality the main goal is to keep continuous, personal connection. It's not easy since we keep in touch almost friendly with more than 150 Hungarian factories, above companies from Slovakia, Austria, Romania, Germany, but even with Mexiko, Nigeria, Cameroon...friendly hungarian, hungarian factoryembroidery, software, hand, machine, second2
magyarlovak.huFrom the National Association of Hungarian Horse Breeders: " Award for the Hungarian Horse" , for the domestic and international success of the bred horses.royal hungarian, hungarian kisbéri, association hungarian, hungarian horse, award hungarianhorse, stud, news, sale, championship2
pentech.huPéntech makes factoring, administration, and uploading of documents easy online. According to our foreign owner's experience, they're the Hungarian company with a factoring concept similar to Western Europe's practice.experience hungarian, hungarian company, process hungarian, hungarian smalldigital, main, page, leasing, solution2
urizanyi.huThe scope of our business activities also includes translation and proofreading services in English-Hungarian and Hungarian-English language pairs. See details under section Fordítás / Translation services.english hungarian, hungarian englishgas, air, conditioning, appliance, translation2
btpartners.huAll B&T team members come from market-leading advisory firms (the Big4 or high-end international law firms), the Hungarian Tax Authority or the Hungarian Ministry of Finance and have developed extensive expertise in various areas of law and tax advisory services.firm hungarian, hungarian tax, authority hungarian, hungarian ministrytax, advisory, solution, people, client2
eiffelbistro.huEiffel Bistro & Bar is a new culinary figure of the vibrant downtown in Budapest, and it has just opened its doors in the beautifully restored Eiffel Palace. The atmosphere of our restaurant was created with modern, sleek design, according to the needs of our days. Our cuisine combines the…cuisine hungarian, hungarian flavour, hand hungarian, hungarian winelunch, drink, salad, gallery, chicken2
pav.huOngoing visibility in Hungarian media through monthly ’experttopics’, amplified through digital platforms.choice hungarian, hungarian smb, visibility hungarian, hungarian mediavalue, solution, small, medium, vision2
lenergy.huWe believe that protecting our natural values and contributing to Hungarian nature conservation efforts are crucial tasks ahead of us.value hungarian, hungarian nature, fajbook hungarian, hungarian faunatrade, energetic, energy, air, group2
saberarmory.huWe noticed you're visiting from Hungary. We've updated our prices to Hungarian forint for your shopping convenience. Use Euro instead. Dismissmeme hungarian, hungarian shirt, price hungarian, hungarian forintshop, cart, browse, free, support2
safetycenter.huThe official Hungarian partner of ABS Safety GmbH - Anchorage points - Safety systems - Guard rail systems - Fall arrest PPEofficial hungarian, hungarian partnersafety, fall, point, arrest, rail2
luminaxis.huThe narrative of our business is quite simple. We buy apartments in good neighbourhoods of the Hungarian capital, we thoroughly renovate them, and in the end we sell them with a good profit margin.neighbourhood hungarian, hungarian capitalreal, estate, month, property, investment2
zadorhus.huHungarian flavors Red meats Cold cuts Fried products Smoked meats Smoked cooked meats Cooked sausages Grill products Frozen products Dry products Ham products Conventional productscold, meat, sausage, cut, roast2
peppy.huThe Peppy-Trade Ltd. was founded in 2003 as a 100% Hungarian owned hygienic paper producing family business which was based on the more than 30-year-long paper industrial machinery experience. Properly in Hungary we have the widest selection of own produced institutional and industrial paper…trade hungarian, hungarian hygienic, appropriate hungarian, hungarian international, continuously hungariantrade, paper, history, soul, market2
szigmaszerviz.huSzigmaSzervíz Business Risk Management Ltd. is the first Hungarian company engaged in integrated risk management. Szigma IntegRisk® risk management system and software – which is unique in the local and in the international market as well – provide:management hungarian, hungarian company, big hungarianrisk, management, assessment, software, methodology2
artoftour.huFrom the Hungarian financial sector, many companies choose Art of Tour over the past 7 years during their incentive tours and their events abroad and in the country bothe country both.owner hungarian, hungarian decadenumber, event, tour, client, fact2
perfectdesign.huWe have a state of the art technical background in the hungarian market and an extremely diverse portfolio of assets. All the technical equipment needed for your event can be provided by ONE supplier. This will simplify communication and reconciliation, leaving you more time for other work…production hungarian, hungarian international, background hungarian, hungarian marketperfect, production, site, portfolio, market2
wecup.huWecup – the producer of the Eco-Select paper cups – was born as a start-up from a rib of the Hungarian company UgrinPack Ltd which is a second-generation family company, has been producing flexible packaging materials made of mainly papers for typically food, HORECA, catering and electronical…rib hungarian, hungarian company, founder hungarian, hungarian packagingcup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable2
promotermarketing.huAt Promoter Marketing, we specialize in unlocking the potential of promoter marketing to help businesses thrive in the Hungarian market. With our expertise and dedication, we connect brands with passionate promoters who authentically advocate for their products and services. Whether you’re aiming…business hungarian, hungarian market, understand hungarianpromoter, brand, campaign, objective, strategy2
silex.hu…like Sweden and Norway). Silex’s tire inflation systems are used is military trucks. These vehicles have been successfully used in the Hungarian Army’s peace keeping operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries. Silex has been a key electronic supplier for Raba and is planned to benato hungarian, hungarian air, successfully hungarian, hungarian armyvehicle, control, electronic, electric, confidence2
vl2004.huVL2004 Ltd. Is a 100% Hungarian, family run enterprise. We provide collection and transportation of steel and metal scrap at a price corresponding actual world market price-niveau. We focus on confidence of our partners since the establishment of our undertaking in 2004. From the very beginning…scrap, equipment, licence, confidence, metal2
pitpit.huPitpit opened in July 2022 in one of our favorite buildings in Budapest, within one of the city's most beautiful gardens (the name also originates from here: the building houses the Hungarian Association of Architects and the Hungarian Chamber of Architects, which inspired the name Arquitecto, and…build hungarian, hungarian association, architect hungarian, hungarian chambertable, book, dining, spanish, favorite2
husserl.hu© 2022, Peter Andras Varga ( Research Centre for the Humanities [Budapest, Hungary], Institute of Philosophy , Hungarian Archives of Philosophy)philosophy hungarian, hungarian philosophical, hungarian archivesearch, news, manuscript, browse, archive2
szomszedbisztro.huSzomszéd is the result of a combined concept that provides limitless options and that one can relate to by true passion: high-class gastronomic experiences, hospitality, community creation and the support of Hungarian design.support hungarian, hungarian designspace, community, wine, drink, food2
superresolution.huThe program will include the István Ábrahám Memorial Workshop., where colleagues from all over the world come together to give scientific talks and to remember István Ábrahám, former Head of the Institute of Physiology, founder of the Nano-Bio-Imaging Core Facility in Pécs and President of the…president hungarian, hungarian neuroscienceresolution, symposium, memorial, advanced, microscopy2
alumninetworkhungary.huThe Alumni Network Hungary celebrated the achievements of its volunteers and alumni chapters in 2023 with a series of publications highlighting their contributions to the community. The network recognized the great effort of volunteers who organized events, provided mentorship, and promoted…mentorship hungarian, hungarian culture, beauty hungarian, hungarian languagevolunteer, international, network, event, news2
hidasi.huOur specialities are real estate and contract law, law of public administrative, representation before courts and authorities, and authentication of contracts in Hungarian, German and English.contract hungarian, hungarian germanlawyer, law, firm, contract, german2
bslaw-en.hu…public procurement, labour law, business, commercial and IT capabilities. We offer professional consultancy and uniquely tailor-made solutions, in a rapidly changing legal environment. Our team is well equipped to meet our clients’ needs in any of Hungarian, English, French and German languages.need hungarian, hungarian englishlaw, office, expertise, solution, legal2
rexsan.huWe thank the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and HEPA Hungarian Export Development Agency Nonprofit Zrt. for their supportpercent hungarian, hungarian ownership, hepa hungarian, hungarian exportbasket, distributor, doe, self, independent2
seconds.huSpecial agronomic trials , like planting time, plant density, dry down. FAO calculation according to the official Hungarian Methodology . Hybrid characterization, description.hungary hungarian, hungarian serbian, official hungarian, hungarian methodologytrial, winter, single, shop, sunflower2
odd.huWe gained a significant market share on the Hungarian market in 2015 by selling conventional and smart electricity meters . We hope that the quality and the competitive prices of products sold by us will ensure the future of our market position achieved so far.exclusively hungarian, hungarian individual, share hungarian, hungarian marketconsulting, electricity, introduction, meter, activity2
ddmetall.huA D&D Metall Ltd was founded in 1993 by a 100% Hungarian management and ownership. Our profile is to collect, and process different types of scrap metals (mainly aluminium and its alloys). During the metal recycling process scrap metals are sorted, sheared and baled tailored to the actual demand…ltd hungarian, hungarian managementmetal, alloy, copper, waste, steel2
lipotitermalfalu.huThe village has a Hungarian-English languages school, a sports facility and a medical office.village hungarian, hungarian englisharea, thermal, water, danube, village2
magna-balance.huThe current information about the new Hungarian invention, Magna-Balance Family massage devices, can be found in the menu.interested hungarian, hungarian novelty, new hungarian, hungarian inventionmagna, device, family, massage, magnetic2
haxbase.huThis section includes various topics related to the stages of the hungarian national team from the very beginning.evolution hungarian, hungarian haxball, stage hungarian, hungarian nationalintroduction, activity, value, attribute, instance2
habitat.huAnnual report on housing poverty – Since 2012, Habitat for Humanity Hungary has compiled an annual report on the Hungarian housing poverty situation every year. The aim of the publication is to gather information and evaluate the developments of last year’s policies related to housing poverty, as…unique hungarian, hungarian civic, report hungarian, hungarian housinghabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization2
csodama.huWe're happy to build network with our Hungarian and international partners for good and noble causes!variety hungarian, hungarian international, network hungarianevent, activity, cause, goal, foundation2
borostyankert.huWe can seat 60 people in the restaurant, another 60 on the covered terrace and 30 in the flowery and shady garden. On the menu you can find international and Hungarian dishes.international hungarian, hungarian dishrestaurant, room, reservation, alley, guesthouse2
pubcrawl.huReal Hungarian alcoholic beverages are something you should look forward to sampling if you have travel plans to Hungary in the near future.real hungarian, hungarian drink, hungarian alcoholiccrawl, night, guide, tour, crazy2
deveco.huCommissioner of the Prime Minister of Hungary, former President of the Hungarian Parliamentpresident hungarian, hungarian parliamentdevelopment, consulting, sustainability, innovation, evaluation2
xilaw.huXiaoyou Xi (Lucas) is a very creative and tactical lawyer. He has excellent communication skills (Chinese, English and Hungarian). His background makes him a good advisor, who understands the needs of my business.hungarian citizenship, english hungarian, hungarian backgroundlitigation, law, tax, finance, dispute2
renvisegrad.huTime: every Wednesday and Saturday from 12 o'clock Our programs presented in Hungarian, German, English and Italian languages, other languages presented with a translator. We can only accept guests on the presentation by prior registration! The tower is accessible on...program hungarian, hungarian german, soup hungarian, hungarian kitchenrenaissance, restaurant, page, main, quote2
mtkhungaria.huMTK Hungária FC was formed in 2001, and won the championship in the second division right in the first season. Since then, we have been crowned eight times Hungarian champion and four times Hungarian Cup winner.time hungarian, hungarian champion, hungarian cupstadium, ticket, sale, page, main2
cafeliszt.huChef Viktor Hiermann has created a menu of modern, European, accessible dishes, while also offering real Hungarian popular dishes. The menu is complemented by a vegan diet. Café Liszt also serves breakfast in the morning: in addition to the classic egg dishes, the menu includes eggs Benedict, eggs…real hungarian, hungarian popularbreakfast, gallery, place, room, music2
extremefilm.huOur service company is one of the oldest and most reliable boutique film production company in Budapest, Hungary. Extreme Film is a Hungarian film production and service company that has been present in the international and domestic film market since 1996. During that time the company has created…film hungarian, hungarian filmproduction, commercial, director, equipment, price2
fixbetonkerites.huIf you believe in the high quality of Hungarian products, buy from us and support the strengthening of our country's economy.hungarian product, quality hungarianfence, concrete, quality, quote, customer2
cstamas.huA friend of mine asked me how I use puppet and what I consider best practice. He thinks I still use puppet as I gave a talk about it 6 years ago (in Hungarian).presentation hungarian, hungarian networkingnetwork, puppet, entry, user, idea2
drandirko.huThe possibility of countersigning remotely has previously been created by the Hungarian Act LXXVIII of 2017 on the professional activities of attorneys-at-law; however, its applicationpreviously hungarian, hungarian act, amendment hungarian, hungarian labourlaw, office, homepage, labour, inheritance2
fiskinternational.huOne of our aims is to help marketable Hungarian innovative products go to foreign (and domestic) markets.american hungarian, hungarian joint, marketable hungarian, hungarian innovativecare, international, brand, skin, europe2
livepoint.huSince 2007 we have been dominant player in the Hungarian market as an integrated digital production company. Beside the production of image film and event film, we cover the entire digital spectrum. From television and online broadcasts, animation and graphic design, to web development, our…player hungarian, hungarian market, hungarian postanimation, production, event, reference, studio2
huslevesestarsai.huHúsleves comes with a rich-flavor broth, lots of meat and vegetables cooked within the broth, and some special pasta. This is a soup that one finds on a typical Hungarian family’s table on Sundays.typical hungarian, hungarian family, famous hungarian, hungarian restaurateursoup, és, rich, vegetable, pancake2
ecst.huNowadays every major discipline has got a scientific society. Couple relationships, marriage and family are among the most important issues in human life. The establishment of this Society seeks to fill the gap in this field of the Hungarian and European science.religion hungarian, hungarian basic, field hungarian, hungarian europeanfamily, society, science, european, marriage2
yplon.huthe events of the Non-profit Society of Police Headquarters of Budapest of the Hungarian Section of Police Associationont hungarian, hungarian national, budapest hungarian, hungarian sectionproceedings, liquidation, management, asset, creditor2
turbotanoda.huTurbó Tanoda was founded in 2015. A school which is not alternative but unique. Children are taught according to NAT (Hungarian National Core Curriculum).nat hungarian, hungarian nationalteacher, speciality, child, school, education2
panta-rhei.huAbout 50 songs, all instrumental (often without a title), used as stock material for short films. The engineer was Istvan Horvath, recorded in the Electronic Music Studio of the Hungarian Radio.studio hungarian, hungarian radio, review hungarian, hungarian rocksong, live, suite, dance, music2
bnpparibas.huThe presence of the BNP Paribas Group as a whole in the Hungarian market has been become increasingly visible since then: in addition to the products and services of Cardif, which deals with consumer loans and credit insurance, respectively, the fleet-management services of Arval, the custodian…group hungarian, hungarian market, specificity hungarianparibas, group, access, direct, corporate2
drderm.huDermatologist, Cosmetology Chief Consultant, Chief Executive of Dr Derm Dermatology Anti-Aging Centre, Head Clinician in Aesthetic Laser, Plastic and Vascular Surgery. International trainer for Cynosure Inc., USA and Sciton Inc., USA laser manufacturing companies. Guest speaker at Hungarian and…speaker hungarian, hungarian internationaltreatment, detail, dermatology, skin, consultation2
ohkult.huWe are very proud that the famous The Face magazine featured our store twice in 2002. Happily we'been a favourite for the Hungarian since our opening - thanks! We also did 20 radio shows with various guests in 2002. Bence Gyulai became our very own art blogger and trend watcher, who publishes his…movie hungarian, hungarian band, favourite hungarian, hungarian openradio, shop, download, newsletter, contemporary2
boxerjumperducato.huMotorbox is a Hungarian spare parts retailer company. We are specialized in sale of used and new genuine parts for Fiat Ducato, Citroen Jumper and Peugeot Boxer cars . Our small team has seasoned professionals whose experience and knowledge add value to this company. They are trained specifically…motorbox hungarian, hungarian spare, part hungarian, hungarian areaspare, unit, control, és, light2
bingham.huWe are a renovated Hungarian company IT enthusiast. We operate all over Europe. Our mission and purpose is to make it accessible to everyone. With the increase in biocracy across the European Union, it is still necessary to prove, send and care about the security of your data. This is our goal in…german hungarian, hungarian russianserver, software, user, additional, solution2
alterjatek.huIn 2009, we started working with licensed games, and the result was a board game adaptation of a successful Hungarian television show, with the title Beugró . The game topped the 2009 Christmas sales list, and 2010 saw the launch of two sequels. Based on drama improvisational exercises, these…support hungarian, hungarian environmental, successful hungarian, hungarian televisiongame, alter, board, title, profile2
viplimuzin.huThe term “limousine” is often used incorrectly in both Hungarian and English. It is commonly used to refer to classic saloon models, although these vehicles are correctly called sedans.incorrectly hungarian, hungarian englishlimousine, rental, airport, transfer, city2
bodywork.huIn case you don’t speak Hungarian or don’t have a Hungarian friend to help you out with this,case hungarian, hungarian friendmovement, method, therapy, knowledge, self2
unikraft.huIn 2013, after a management decision, our company started a new branch: the representation of Hungarian manufacturing companies in European markets.engeneering hungarian, hungarian steel, representation hungarian, hungarian manufactureengineering, steel, construction, management, machining2
castrumhotel.huWe offer 95 comfortable rooms, a 56-seat restaurant serving international and Hungarian cuisine and a 25-seat lobby bar offering cocktail specialities.international hungarian, hungarian food, hungarian cuisineevent, room, booking, gallery, price2
ressol.hu3. Refilling station: The packaging-free dispenser machine is a 100% Hungarian development. It is a worldwide unique technological solution , developed and implemented with conscious environmental protection principles.machine hungarian, hungarian development, work hungarian, hungarian specialistsolution, customer, component, refill, idea2
doszkocs-zsuzsa.huIstván Ef Zámbó, a painter, Munkácsi Mihály Award recipient, and Knight of the Hungarian Order of Merit, for the painting "Trapped in a Virus," January 3, 2021.knight hungarian, hungarian order, classic hungarian, hungarian traditionpainting, gallery, drawing, picture, painter2
bodenvinkft.huTo make Hungarian wines available for everyone at an affordable price by producing grape must and wine for businesses looking to offer their customers the finest wine options.wine, winery, technology, vineyard, area2
madagaszkar.huAs oil-mining engineer I started to apply working (1980-1989: for MOL Magyarország - Hungarian Oil Company) in Budapest (Hungary), later as IT (Information Technology) manager (1989-1991: for MMG Automatic Works - Budapest, Hungary) , and afterwards as economist, financial analyst, financial…wife hungarian, hungarian daughter, magyarország hungarian, hungarian oilmadagascar, honorary, republic, task, country2
jmphotels.huAdditional amenities include a lift, free private parking, conference rooms and the Tópark Restaurant & Pizzeria with terrace which serves typical Hungarian and Italian cuisine.restaurant hungarian, hungarian international, typical hungarian, hungarian italianroom, operation, free, motorway, centre2
mozaikhub.huOnline platform of parashah interpretations and commentaries with and egalitarian and inclusive approach to traditional Jewish learning. Over 100 commentaries in Hungarian from both secular and religious community members.manual hungarian, hungarian nonprofit, commentary hungarian, hungarian secularcommunity, member, jewish, support, financial2
santosproductions.huA veteran concert promoter who has worked with the biggest Hungarian bands and whose phone is always ringing - and for good reason.big hungarian, hungarian band, manager hungarian, hungarian languageproduction, reference, tiny, social, media2
menszt.huThe United Nations Association of Hungary (UNA-H) is a national movement for the support of the United Nations (UN). It is the Hungarian member organization of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA). Inspired by the first words of the Charter of the UN „We the Peoples….”, one…un hungarian, hungarian member, new hungarian, hungarian actactivity, human, publication, international, day2
budapestinsiderguide.huAmong all the eclectic and neo- styles to be found in the city it is easy to miss all the art nouveau buildings even though they are quite distinct from the rest of the buildings constructed from the second half of the 18th century to the early 1920s. This tour gives you a taste of Hungarian Art…city hungarian, hungarian people, taste hungarian, hungarian arttour, guide, distance, history, price2
karinaplant.huFirst of all, we emphasize that the current Hungarian legislation does not allow the consumption of CBD flowers, they cannot be marketed here.current hungarian, hungarian legislationhemp, plant, flower, use, medical2
savariadent.huOur company is the Hungarian representative of the Japan-based Tomy. Please see our catalog about the products.company hungarian, hungarian representativeorthodontic, detail, appliance, arch, device2
szojaoltopor.huThe Blue Seed Kft. is wholly owned by Hungarian company, which has operated since 2001 with the basic activity of plant cultivation. For 20 years our main activities have involved the cultivation and the contract cultivation of cereals, leguminous plants, and oil-seeds for sowing seed purposes as…wholly hungarian, hungarian company, inoculation hungarian, hungarian agricultureseed, soybean, privacy, imprint, powder2
cesa-r.huThe Hungarian Strong Man and Strong Sports League is noted by András Gadó, a young initiative, founded in 2019. October 2020: The CESA® Central-European Strongman Association is formed.country hungarian, hungarian siteseries, league, cup, competition, strong2
ikelosz.huIkelosz is an executive search firm working on search and selection of managers and specialists. Being the Hungarian representative of Kennedy Executive network the company operates meeting highest international standards.network hungarian, hungarian subsidiary, specialist hungarian, hungarian representativeexecutive, search, candidate, selection, network2
syntesia.huWe have widespread experience in translating medical texts of various types and subjects from English into Hungarian and from Hungarian into English.english hungarian, hungarian english, number hungarian, hungarian foreignmedical, communication, reference, write, quality2
eroticmassage.hu“THE BEST EROTIC MASSAGE IN BUDAPEST,TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE WITH REAL HUNGARIAN BEAUTIES.”real hungarian, hungarian beautymassage, erotic, masseuse, dream, quality2
peachtree.huCorg Computer Ltd. has been present in the hungarian market for PC-based imaging and sound equipment since the early 90s.present hungarian, hungarian marketamplifier, device, digital, computer, recipe2
drpatakieva.huI am Éva Eszter Preisz MD, licenced Hungarian Psychiatrist. I am offering you a highly professional, and confidential service that might include counselling and psychotherapy depending on the nature of your problem.md hungarian, hungarian psychiatrist, english hungarian, hungarian enjoydisorder, anxiety, depression, psychiatrist, crisis2
megoldaseskuvore.huMaster of Ceremonies Wedding Wedding party Master of Ceremonies Ceremonies Master Budapest Wedding Master of Ceremonies Wedding Wedding Organization Phone Guestbook Wedding Organization English-Hungarian Wedding Guide Who is a good Master of Ceremonies The Wedding MC: Wedding Master of Ceremonies…english hungarian, hungarian wedding, hungarian languagewedding, day, big, guest, joy2
metegyhaz.huThe Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship (HEF) is a member of the Universal Mother Church of Jesus Christ. Our legacy extends back in time to the story of the Church of the Book of Acts, i.e., the Word of God. Looking back over the past centuries, it is very difficult to keep track of which branch of…church, congregation, detail, temporary, christ2
rokaberc.huOur restaurant offers the best of Hungarian cuisine to its guests! (Reservation required.)good hungarian, hungarian cuisineroom, family, restaurant, gallery, wine2
askm.huProfessional background of the colleagues: mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, technicians, mechanicians, precision mechanical and electronic assemblers, machining skilled workers, who have gained their professional expertise within the frameworks of the former Hungarian precision…framework hungarian, hungarian precision, application hungarian, hungarian border, guard hungarianask, development, production, profile, faq2
businesscoachdebrecen.huIn terms of my degree, I am an economist specializing in organizational development and HR, who has always been very interested in psychology. As a certified business and leadership coach qualified by the Hungarian Coaching Psychology Association (MPCE) and as an HR consultant, I help my clients…coach hungarian, hungarian coaching, representative hungarian, hungarian testleadership, job, consultation, search, hello2
proform.huPROFORM Real Estate Investment Ltd. has become a major player in the Hungarian real estate market with more than 400,000 m2 of built-up real estate since its foundation in 1989, which is also reflected in its diverse and substantial real estate portfolio and its well-established, demanding tenant…player hungarian, hungarian realoffice, real, estate, operation, sale2
immovest.huOur German management, being fluent in Hungarian, has a firm foundation in working experience at international firms, architecture (local and international qualifications), project management and development experience with renowned German construction, development and asset management companies…fluent hungarian, hungarian firm, network hungarian, hungarian realbuild, real, estate, management, office2
cheapapartmentsbudapest.huThe 3-star Hotel Zuglo is located in the green belt of Budapest, in Zuglo, near Heroes’ Square and City Park. Air conditioned double rooms and apartments are at the guests’ disposal. The restaurant of the hotel offers the specialties of Hungarian cuisine. Fitness – wellness services: swimming…specialty hungarian, hungarian cuisine, good hungarian, hungarian internationalapartment, enquiry, city, centre, cheap2
phbences.huIn the first field, next to “Szervezet neve”, type in Szemrédi, and press enter. It will display “Szemrédi Közhasznú Alapítvány a Pannonhalmi Diákokért”. To see the registration document, (currently available only in Hungarian) double click on the charity’s name.registration hungarian, hungarian judicial, available hungarian, hungarian doublestudent, school, foundation, financial, fund2
rusa.hu…popular pickled cabbage of Vecsés is produced. Our products are manufactured out of specially selected vegetables, obtained exclusively from Hungarian providers. The outstanding quality of our products is ensured by our experts’ careful supervision from the harvest through the picking and…exclusively hungarian, hungarian provider, cabbage hungarian, hungarian turnippickle, cabbage, size, recipe, offer2
fortuneinvest.huOur company provides a comprehensive range of services in the Hungarian and European property market from advisory services in real estate investments and property management to a full- scope project management starting from obtaining of building permit, constriction ending with occupacity…service hungarian, hungarian european, chinese hungarian, hungarian connectionfortune, investment, europe, real, european2
landal.huLandal Residence Duna's distinctive setting is less than an hour's drive from Budapest (80 km). The countryside, wineries, Hungarian hospitality, and park facilities will ensure that you never forget this vacation. Landal Residence Duna is a wonderful resort for those who enjoy nature, culture…class hungarian, hungarian cuisine, winery hungarian, hungarian hospitalitylake, map, swimming, outdoor, activity2
pharmapool.huPharmaPool Ltd. Is a Hungarian based pharmaceutical wholesaler enterprise. We are primarily engaged in international pharmaceutical trade. Our extensive, long-standing business network allow us to successfully complete complex tasks that require unique solutions.pharmapool hungarian, hungarian pharmaceuticalactivity, useful, pharmaceutical, network, wholesaler2
c3s.huHungarian aerospace company C3S LLC. has created the GRASSHOPPER power supply, a high-efficiency converter based on Gallium Nitride (GaN) semiconductors. With a 750W power output, it has achieved a milestone in the European Space Agency's (ESA) Hungarian Industry...esa hungarian, hungarian industryspace, detail, satellite, power, large2
simsig.huThis site was created by Hungarian fans of the English SimSig railway signalling software.site hungarian, hungarian fansimulation, signal, rail, railway, site2
macskako-vendeghaz.huOur freshly renovated guesthouse takes place here, on this majestic scenery, in one of the calmest parts of the Hungarian-Slovakian border village Somoskőújfalu, just between the two famous border fortresses: the castles of Somoskő and of Salgó. The guesthouse features two separate, nicely…part hungarian, hungarian slovakiannews, price, reservation, promotion, history2
csillamolnar.huBoth counselling and coaching is held in English or Hungarian languages, and personally or online, as required.symboltherapy hungarian, hungarian relaxation, english hungarian, hungarian languagepsychologist, psychology, relaxation, leadership, counselling2
action2020.huBay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research aims to contribute to the competitiveness and efficiency of Hungarian companies by providing services in innovation and technology transfer in cooperation with Hungarian and foreign partner institutions.hungarocontrol hungarian, hungarian air, efficiency hungarian, hungarian company, cooperation hungarianceo, director, manage, environmental, development2
inmategym.hu…in the stomach, appearance of kidney stones, even a kidney or a liver failure. Since one of our speciality is to teach medical English to Hungarian doctors, we have heard about cases from the head of Synlab Microbiological Laboratory (Dr Agnes Juhasz) in which patients arrived with excessiveenglish hungarian, hungarian doctor, unlike hungarian, hungarian personaltraining, body, session, muscle, like2
actpartner.huACT Partner Stratégia is an expert of Hungarian and EU non-refundable grant application processesmoney hungarian, hungarian eu, expert hungariangrant, training, act, application, plan2
proread.huOur training completed by millions of participants worldwide is available now in Hungarian as well besides English and German. Find out more >>available hungarian, hungarian englishtraining, reference, skill, day, ability2
placcc.huIn the 15th year of PLACCC, we are transforming the format of the event from a festival to a platform. In 2023, we will be presenting a series of events with all Hungarian artists.event hungarian, hungarian artistexhibition, dance, performance, twig, festival2
kritikaifoldrajz.huThe transnational history of Hungarian economic geography and spatial planning in the state-socialist era, 1949-1989history hungarian, hungarian economicgeography, global, critical, eastern, europe2
opuseteducatio.huPletl Rita: Sapientia Hungarian University of Transilvania – Faculty of Technical and Human Sciencesferenc hungarian, hungarian academy, sapientia hungarian, hungarian universityuniversity, education, faculty, economic, technology2
bannercraft.huEase, speed, professionalism: these words could best characterize the work of BannerCraft’s team of specialists. HTML animations that seem impossible to do or short deadlines cannot deter us. We work for both Hungarian and foreign clients with pleasure (neither foreign languages, nor different…deadline hungarian, hungarian foreign, banner hungarian, hungarian partnercampaign, reference, development, image, client2
dalmasialmaskert.huOf course besides the traditional preserves and jams, we are also experimenting. That’s how the Chutney, (plum preserve with Hungarian brandy), or the green walnut variants were made.traditional hungarian, hungarian taste, preserve hungarian, hungarian brandytraditional, course, previous, language, family2
aldomor.huAldomor Ltd is one of the most acknowledged companies of the Hungarian Insolvency profession, which specialises in conducting bankruptcy proceedings, liquidation proceedings, and final settlement proceedings as well as providing reorganizational counselling.company hungarian, hungarian insolvency, member hungarian, hungarian associationdebtor, liquidation, creditor, bankruptcy, liquidator2
totalelektronik.huAccording to expectations of future cooperation, please allow us to introduce our concern in short. Our company was founded in 1992 in Győr, we are 100% in Hungarian ownership. It rests on traditional bases and has been working in its today form since 1999.győr hungarian, hungarian ownershipmachine, data, reference, introduction, profile2
plastic-surgeon.huUnlike in several other countries, in Hungary the laws regarding plastic and cosmetic surgery are very strict and surgeons, after having been qualified general surgeon, have to train for an additional three years to become qualified plastic surgeons. Hungarian plastic surgeons are world-renowned…surgeon hungarian, hungarian plasticsurgeon, plastic, surgery, cyprus, price2
flexoroll.hu…all factors that enable us to contribute to your business’s success. As a key figure in domestic paper market, we are in close partnership with Hungarian and foreign paper companies, presses, multinational businesses and wholesale networks. Consequently, even the smallest orders can get high…partnership hungarian, hungarian foreign, player hungarian, hungarian paperpaper, logistic, warehousing, cost, material2
moodlefix.hu– Moodle site upgrades, fixes, custom developments for NÉBIH Hungarian national food security education site (several projects),nébih hungarian, hungarian food, hungarian nationaldevelopment, upgrade, installation, plugin, version2
barandygergely.huHere you can find the most important pieces of information concerning my professional, scientific and political work. I uploaded all my publications – including books, studies and other documents – written in Hungarian and foreign languages. Whilst looking at my photos you can learn about some of…member hungarian, hungarian parliament, document hungarian, hungarian foreignwebsite, piece, important, political, scientific2
kodaly.huDr. Mihály Ittzés, regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, former deputy director of the Kodály Institutemember hungarian, hungarian academyinstitute, music, course, study, academy2
eurobond.huWe are professionals. The objective of EuroBond Ltd. is to introduce on the Hungarian market and increase the recognition of surety insurance, which is well known in the European Union and in other parts of the world. We have been working towards this since 2002.eurobond hungarian, hungarian market, partner hungarian, hungarian insurancetype, international, user, guide, advantage2
horanyitarsasag.huHis work was fundamental in clinical neuroscience, both in neurology and psychiatry. He was President of the Hungarian Psychological Society. His work in neuropathology made him world famous. Professor Horányi passed away in 1986.person hungarian, hungarian neurology, president hungarian, hungarian psychologicalsociety, neurology, clinical, neuroscience, professor2
trident.huFree Hungarian (prepayed with £ 10) mobile phone with all the contacts and emergency numbers you may needfree hungarian, hungarian mobiletreatment, implant, free, dentistry, dental2
bravogroup.huBravogroup is one of the most significant Hungarian owned, private holdings. In the course of almost 3 decades, we have provided office automation, mobile and IT services for thousands of satisfied customers with the help of more than 650 of our colleagues, working in 15 companies.player hungarian, hungarian business, significant hungarian, hungarian privatesolution, office, distribution, operation, trade2
graefl.huThe castle is situated in ten hectares of beautiful parkland in the heart of the Great Hungarian Plain, surrounded by sunflower and wheat fields.great hungarian, hungarian plain, traditional hungarian, hungarian cottagemanor, restaurant, apartment, event, castle2
arec.huWe are looking forward to the visit of children and adults alike. We are continuously expanding our Hungarian and international network. We are looking forward to having new partners. Our inventor is member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.continuously hungarian, hungarian international, member hungarian, hungarian academytherapy, respiratory, method, child, technology2
potenciaklinika.huHe is the president of the Hungarian Society for Sexual Medicine and a member of some Hungarian and international medical societies.president hungarian, hungarian society, member hungarian, hungarian internationalimplant, private, clinic, treatment, medical2
escoplatform.huTo achieve these targets, a functioning energy efficiency market needs to be developed, and to facilitate this, the Hungarian Association of Enterprise Developers (MVOSZ) has established the Energy Efficiency Service Providers and ESCO Platform (HUNESCO), whose members are prominent Hungarian and…market hungarian, hungarian association, prominent hungarian, hungarian internationalenergy, efficiency, market, contract, environment2
texturaetterem.huOur wine selection by Krisztian Juhász sommelier is a very exciting, unique, natural and organic collection of Hungarian and international wines. Most of our wines are available by the glass as well.collection hungarian, hungarian internationalwine, restaurant, reservation, gallery, white2
trinityenviro.hu…In spite of our relatively young age our experts have been involved and have gathered experiences in a number of large projects financed by Hungarian and International Financing Institutions (EU, The World Bank, European Investment Bank, Hungarian State Budget) in decision making level. This…project hungarian, hungarian international, bank hungarian, hungarian stateclient, expertise, area, reference, management2
bozsodret.huBozsód-Rét Non-profit Ltd. was established in 2012 with the aim to play an active role in regional rural development. Its main mission is to rescue rural values as well as to preserve population levels in rural areas. Settlements in the Eastern-Hungarian region are fundamentally rural in nature…eastern hungarian, hungarian region, institution hungarian, hungarian high, science hungarianrural, area, value, main, mission2
hagcso.huIn 2009, we introduced the ISO 9001 quality management system using EU funds awarded to us in the frame of the tender announced by the Hungarian Economic Development Centre (MAG).tender hungarian, hungarian economicprice, main, activity, list, technical2
holyprojects.huHoly Projects, Simon Balázs , owner, interior designer, scene-designer, graphic designer Studies: Hungarian University of Arts and Design (MOME) - Industrial designer, Master’s Degree. Private office: since 2011 - Graphic artist, scene designer and interior designer, working out self-designed and…study hungarian, hungarian universityholy, interior, balazs, graphic, set2
auter.huAs the biggest PCB manufacturing company owned by Hungarian strategic investors in Hungary we help you in design and professional manufacture of your printed circuit products with 100% special demands. It can be single side, double-side, multilayer PCB, flexible, rigid or rigid-flex we use our 35…company hungarian, hungarian strategicfoil, circuit, board, graphic, production2
nyitottkor.huCurrently we are hosting 3 Hungarian speaking volunteers from Romania in the frame of project What is drama?central hungarian, hungarian region, currently hungarian, hungarian volunteerdrama, group, participant, european, education2
oditsolutions.hu"Thank you to the Hungarian Business Awards for this incredible honor, and to every individual whose unwavering support and dedication have brought us to this momentous occasion."cybersecurity, academy, leadership, publication, change2
jeansday.huAfter its foundation, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) determined new regions as destinations. Before the launch of marketing communication campaigns, our experts had been requested to conduct a comprehensive research project, within the frame of which and based on the various touristic regions…foundation hungarian, hungarian tourismbrand, analysis, city, corporate, insight2
mentalizacio.huThe Hungarian Mentalization Association, based in Pécs, was established in 2017 through the collaboration of professionals working with Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT).mental, introduction, association, treatment, contribution2
harvardclub.huWe were delighted to welcome over 350 distinguished guests at our Year Opening Festive Concert held at the Ceremonial Hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on February 17, 2020. The evening was opened by the welcome speeches of Mr. Marc Dillard, Chargé d’Affairs of the Embassy of the Unites…dear hungarian, hungarian harvard, hall hungarian, hungarian academyuniversity, news, science, concert, day2
grandis21.huThe project ended successfully and owing to its results and quality was awarded as Best Quality Project by the Hungarian National Agency Tempus Public Foundation. The awarding ceremony took place on13th October 2020 during the conference Borderless Effect held by the Foundation online. Here stands…project hungarian, hungarian national, award hungarianmeet, event, award, course, result2
lutheranimation.huAlong with the Hungarian version, international versions have been produced in English, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Finnish and Lithunian, further language versions are currently under production. It became clear during the screening of the pilot-film that subtitles cannot ensure simultaneous…editor hungarian, hungarian french, modern hungarian, hungarian literatureanimation, church, series, contribution, news2
orszagbarok.huBarons of the realm were those members of the nobility who held the highest offices in government and in the royal household were usually either descended from the original clans of the Hungarian tribes that settled in the Carpethian Basin in the late ninth century or from the foreign knights that…austro hungarian, hungarian empire, history hungarian, hungarian kingdom, clan hungarianstory, realm, kingdom, family, castle2
reedglobal.hu…Senior Recruitment Consultant at Reed. She explained: “After we found the ideal candidate in Lajos, we started working together to build the Hungarian software development team around him.” Lajos was looking to create a department of some 20-30 people and was keen to have Reed’s support and…lajos hungarian, hungarian software, autumn hungarian, hungarian developmentrecruitment, salary, job, guide, career2
tofer.huTofer Kft. started its egg disinfection activities in 1997 with a Hungarian ownership background.yellow hungarian, hungarian table, activity hungarian, hungarian ownershipegg, disinfection, fresh, quality, customer2
tangolibre.huThis will be a totally beginner tango class starting from zero. Although the classes will be mainly in Hungarian, we speak Spanish, French, Romanian and Englishs.mainly hungarian, hungarian spanish, entrance hungarian, hungarian nationaltango, class, beginner, private, group2
quanticon.huExperience of our team makes possible to realize any size of buildings that currently appears on the Hungarian market. In case there is a complex challenge in the projekt, it might give extra work to the grey matter of our office, however outstanding solution is guaranteed.currently hungarian, hungarian marketoffice, build, development, execution, building2
vikstore.huI am a Budapest-born Hungarian enthusiast, navigating the riveting universe of NFT creativity. Not only am I immersed in the realm of digital artistry, but I also function as a personal assistant at a prestigious IT software development firm. In this era where digitization takes center stage, I…budapest hungarian, hungarian enthusiast, poem hungarian, hungarian poetimage, exhibition, digital, winner, collection2
alexhorsch.huAbove all, we play ancient prehistoric, traditional Irish and Hungarian, old dance and meditational healing music. Our performances shed light to the similarities, affinity and joyful characteristics of the Moldavian Csango and the traditional Irish music.hungarian pipe, irish hungarian, hungarian oldflute, singing, instrument, bone, harp2
continentalgroup.huContinental Group is a Hungarian-owned hotel management company, a definitive force within the local tourism profession. Its owners have a passion for their profession and have spent many years working together as friends and family. Their objective is to offer quality hotel and restaurant…group hungarian, hungarian hotel, founder hungarian, hungarian incominggroup, travel, owner, portfolio, restaurant2
konigunits.huKönig-Units Ltd. is a privately owned export-import trading company, significant participant of the Hungarian retail market.participant hungarian, hungarian retail, company hungarian, hungarian chainunit, news, quality, distribution, national2
emb.huOur edition is distinguished by absolute authenticity regarding both the musical text and the style of notation, as well as superior engraving and print quality. The edition is complete with informative prefaces (in Hungarian, English, and German) and detailed Editorial Comments (in Hungarian and…preface hungarian, hungarian english, comment hungarian, part hungarian, hungarian nationalmusic, edition, string, complete, orchestra2
budapest-dinner-cruises.huMake the most of your Budapest experience by combining a cruise with live music entertainment and a Hungarian dinner on the Danube River. Try all the 'must haves' aboard the unique Gróf Széchényi shipcruise hungarian, hungarian dinner, entertainment hungariancruise, dinner, boat, sightseeing, evening2
aramlat.huKecsUP visited Warsaw last week, where Hungarian and Polish rural newspapers met to share their experiences, challenges and plans regarding the situation of independent rural journalism within the framework of a three-day professional conference. The most striking difference between the public…situation hungarian, hungarian independent, week hungarian, hungarian polish, polish hungarianpublic, career, event, document, library2
palyazatokprojektek.huAnalysis. Advantage. Innovation. These three words describes best in 2009 founded and in 100% by Hungarian owned AAI Tender Consulting and Service company. Our many years of experience and hundreds of successful projects in the development from tenderwrting to the full implementation help our…good hungarian, hungarian aai, union hungarian, hungarian governmenttender, development, consulting, write, consultancy2
iloveeye.huMember of Hungarian Society of Ophthalmology, Hungarian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (SHIOL) and European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS). Currently working in the following locations .member hungarian, hungarian society, ophthalmology hungarianeye, love, cataract, surgery, price2
litikum.huA large part of the Australian collection of the Hungarian Museum of Ethnography in Budapest, 766 stone artefacts altogether, was donated in November 1977 by László Pintér, a Hungarian citizen who had immigrated from his hometown Tata to Sydneycollection hungarian, hungarian museum, pintér hungarian, hungarian citizenresearch, central, european, article, journal2
biomal-pack.huThe reliability and accuracy of our deliveries, combined with the high quality of our products, result in very attractive prices. Biomal-Pack Kft specialises in the production of printed packaging made of all types of cardboard available on the Hungarian market. The continuous expansion of the…available hungarian, hungarian marketpackaging, quality, request, homepage, catalog2
csongradikorus.huThe attraction of singing together has been experienced during several native and abroad concerts since the formation of the choir. There was a memorable concert in 2001, the appearance at Couzex, in France where the choir met with success by works of Hungarian composers on a festival organized in…work hungarian, hungarian composer, respect hungarian, hungarian daychoir, music, concert, chamber, friend2
camh.huOn 6 December 2010 the ITD and the Hungarian Embassy in Rabat (Morocco) formed the Moroccan-Hungarian Business Council. The founding members of the association fixed the goal to develop further business relationships because even though Morocco is the fourth partner of Hungary on the African…itd hungarian, hungarian embassy, moroccan hungarian, hungarian business, potential hungarianmain, morocco, member, news, exhibition2
clubduna.hucertification – issued by the Hungarian Tax Office – about your annual income and the paid PIT. We file your building tax return if necessary (in many towns, including Budapest, it is). We are not real estate managers – we provide accounting and taxation service with 10 years of experience. We…help hungarian, hungarian tax, certification hungarianhelp, taxation, apartment, foreigner, owner2
precizforditas.huMy name is Gyöngyi Kajári, teacher of English and German, Economist and Certified Translator. My native language is Hungarian. As a Certified Translator and a Language Teacher, I have several decades of experience. I can look back on countless translation projects, I have also prepared hundreds of…language hungarian, hungarian certifiedlanguage, translation, teach, request, quotation2
clew.huInvestor capital is key to the business growth of successful Hungarian scale-ups. With the help of our experts and partners, we can help your company manage the entire investment process. We provide the business plan and financial model required to raise capital, and support you in finding the…successful hungarian, hungarian scaleconsulting, financial, hand, investor, legal2
cleartrans.huShould you need localization or translation of manuals, you have come to the right place: our company provides localization of software and websites and translation of technical or medical manuals and other professional texts from English and German language to Hungarian at short notice.language hungarian, hungarian shortclear, translation, medical, technical, german2
rbc2022.huThe South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (STRIA), as part of the 2022 Regional Biophysics Conference organised by the Hungarian Biophysical Society, will held itsconference hungarian, hungarian biophysical, congress hungarian, hungary hungarianbiophysics, conference, regional, deadline, registration2
sniperfegyverbolt.huKnown as FÉG, is a Hungarian industrial conglomerate founded on 24 February 1891 in Csepel (now part of Budapest). The company came under the ownership of MPF Industry Group in 2010. Since the acquisition, FÉG is one of the biggest exporters of HVAC products to the international markets in the…fég hungarian, hungarian industrial, engine hungarian, hungarian engineergun, store, shop, cart, industry2
zsibokhangszer.huI have expanded my professional capabilities in Switzerland, Germany and the U.S. From 1995 until 2003, I worked as a technical director until the 50 years old factory has ceased. My instruments participated in the exhibitions organized by the Hungarian Association of Musical Instrument (in…exhibition hungarian, hungarian associationinstrument, repair, exhibition, factory, country2
felfoldi.huThe Hungarian market has always been on the periphery of the company's operations, as it primarily focused on international shipments. The company, which is 98% export-oriented, concluded a new agreement with a partner at the end of this year, thanks to which its products will also be available on…company hungarian, hungarian region, shelf hungarian, hungarian retailerconfectionery, innovative, sweet, cheese, food2
bloomair.huThe Bloomair technology provides several opportunities to apply for the calls of the tender system within the framework of the Hungarian CAP (Common Agricultural Politics) Strategic Plan. The technology helps to improve the environmental conditions and the sustainable use of natural resources. It…hungarian innovation, framework hungarian, hungarian capsoil, technology, water, nutrient, directly2
betonutepito.huBeing part of Betonútépítő Group, Betonútépítő Plc. is the only firm among the five biggest similar companies in the Hungarian construction industry which is exclusively in domestic ownership. It also has the greatest experience among its competitors in the country. Though it has been a long way…company hungarian, hungarian construction, prize hungarian, hungarian qualityway, group, destination, structure, organizational2
astero.huA significant achievement of our work thus far has been introducing and spreading Hungarian sour cherries among Russian customers in the early 2000s, making Hungarian sour cherries a big success in the span of a few years satisfying the Hungarian farmers.product hungarian, hungarian vegetable, far hungarian, hungarian sour, early hungarianvegetable, fruit, fresh, cherry, sour2
penzforgalom.huMarch 2020 has been the start of a new period in the long history of Hungarian payment and clearing system. Instant Payment System was launched, which executes the electronic money transfers (among commercial bank accounts) within a few seconds, in real-time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.history hungarian, hungarian payment, radically hungarian, hungarian bankingpayment, day, clear, commercial, money2
feic.huThere are numerous security companies on the Hungarian market and as consequence of the significant price competition, providers offer their services at the possible lowest price. In several cases the preparedness and professional knowledge of the security service providers are not in balance with…company hungarian, hungarian market, client hungarian, hungarian territorysecurity, independent, expert, consulting, consultant2
tothmetal.huThe Tóth Metál Bt. is a full Hungarian small enterprise owned by my family for 2 generation and located 120 km far away from Budapest, 20 km from Eger in Sirok.bt hungarian, hungarian small, europian hungarian, hungarian multinationalistmachine, small, enterprise, main, reference2
pipa.info.hu" The Study Group for Hungarian Psychoanalysis is a work group formed to collaborate in a particular project. The project objective is to publish the book entitled “Lélekelemzési tanulmányok. Dolgozatok a pszichoanalízis főbb kérdéseiről” című 1933-as tanulmánygyűjtemény (Psychoanalytic studies…group hungarian, hungarian psychoanalysis, partner hungarian, hungarian coachingdonation, social, foundation, tax, case2
hullamvilla.huSustainability was very important to us when we built and designed Hullám Villa. Our goal was to use natural materials from sustainable Hungarian sources wherever possible. We have been collecting rain water for watering the garden, we have installed LED lights and ecological and sustainable water…fine hungarian, hungarian wine, sustainable hungarian, hungarian sourceroom, attraction, nature, natural, gallery2
nanotechnology.hu…signal processing, computing, and as ecological freindly colorants. But biological evolution created photonic nanoarchitectures in living organisms more than 500 Million years ago. This video presentation prepared for Hungarian Physics Students gives and account of our research in this field.news hungarian, hungarian academy, presentation hungarian, hungarian physicspublication, butterfly, image, detail2
i-coaching.huOpen training courses are open to Hungarian adults or foreign nationals who understand and speak Hungarian at an appropriate level. English language courses are also available on request.open hungarian, hungarian adult, national hungarian, hungarian appropriatedata, process, academy, training, course2
compuworx.huOur POS terminals are inline with the present Hungarian and EU requirements and they have EMV and PCI DSS certificationspresent hungarian, hungarian eusolution, card, terminal, knowledge, news1
atisziget.huThe nearest railway stations of MÁV (Hungarian National Railways) are in Taksony and Soroksár.máv hungarian, hungarian nationalnetwork, road, building, property, public1
skymarketing.huSky Group is a 100% Hungarian-owned agency group, which has been operating successfully since 1992. The Group, which consists of Sky Marketing Communications and BusinessPlus Consulting, delivers original and customised solutions in all existing areas of the communications industry.group hungarian, hungarian agencysky, communication, group, place, event1
kozut.huHungarian Public Roads has applied for the call of the ITS Hungary Excellence Award by developing the TN-ITS service, and has won this May. In TN-ITS we have tried to share static road i...road, route, authority, device, vehicle1
duhajdombikutyaiskola.huOur dog school was founded in 1971 by one of the first female dog trainers in the country, Gyuláné Eőry (Aunt Csöpi). She was one of the main figures in the Hungarian canine society.figure hungarian, hungarian caninetraining, group, school, dog, individual1
ies.huThe headquarters are in Helsinki, established more than seven years ago. The Budapest subsidiary has been present on the Hungarian market for seven years. The youngest subsidiary is the Ho Chi Minh City one, established more than six years ago.present hungarian, hungarian marketsolution, integrate, career, finland, city1
boatshow.huIn 2024, the Sailing Home programme will be the guest of honour of the exhibition, in cooperation with the Hungarian Yachting Association and the Hungarian Sailing Academy, which aims to increase the presence of sailboats, so that everyone, from who are just getting to know sailing as well as…cooperation hungarian, hungarian yachting, association hungarian, hungarian sailingboat, exhibitors, ticket, application, sailing1
solaradio.hu“Few months ago our ministry ran out of money as many times before. It was payday, and we did not know how we would pay our three employees. The leaders prayed for this issue and went home. On the way home, one of them got a phone call from a Hungarian church member from Norway and she asked about…phone hungarian, hungarian churchradio, media, god, fountain, church1
probako.huWe have been working for many years on communications for various Hungarian and international food companies, services including press relations, liaising with industry trade associations, managing consumer communications campaigns, and planning and managing social media activities.communication hungarian, hungarian internationalcommunication, media, award, campaign, social1
lidar-wmt.huThe service provides tools for capturing each location through automatic compilation. In case of archaeological applications, online document templates comply with professional standards and also correspond with Hungarian as well international legal regulations; all templates and forms with…standard hungarian, hungarian internationalsurvey, solution, process, landscape, preliminary1
colaw.huThis website is operated by the Law Offices of Kölcsey-Rieden and Partner, registered with the Budapest Bar Association (H-1055 Budapest, Szalay u. 7.), in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which can be found on the website are of the Hungarian Bar…website hungarian, hungarian barlaw, lawyer, employment, partnership, january1
organconcert.huPerformed by Solti Chamber Orchestra and ETUNAM Mixed Choir, as well as the soloists of the Hungarian National Operasoloist hungarian, hungarian nationalorgan, concert, venue, ticket, stephen1
toureasttour.huLearn more about famous Hungarians, world heritage sites, films from Budapest, Hungarian wine & gastronomy, summer & autumn impressions of this beautiful country. Watch amazing videos about the highlights and enjoy the splendid atmosphere.budapest hungarian, hungarian winetour, european, gastronomy, danube, friendly1
nagyvadhunting.huI maintain business contacts with approximately 50 Hungarian hunting grounds and I welcome also any additional offers, since I always look continuously for new hunting grounds for my significant and still growing clientele.approximately hungarian, hungarian huntinghunting, proposal, ground, introduction, cost1
elisabethhome.huWe offer high quality, large range and the best price value for money. Transylvanian, Italian, Polish and Hungarian furniture manufacturers offer products in your houses or apartments, mansions or castles or even for complete furnishing diningroom, bedroom, living room, working cabinets, bookcase…polish hungarian, hungarian furniturefurniture, quote, room, set, style1
sensomedia.hu"Our ultimate goal and motivation is to create internationally recognised and globally acknowledged Hungarian intellectual properties, in order to achieve social and technological development. We produce and provide people with lasting values to reach industrial breakthroughs. If we do this…globally hungarian, hungarian intellectualmedia, solution, software, development, customer1
markcon.hu"One million steps in Hungary" is a quiz game that guides players on virtual hiking routes. Meanwhile players gain information connected to the Hungarian Product Nonprofit Ltd. and its trade mark owners, and also test their general knowledge. Hiking routes pass all over Hungary. Each route consist…information hungarian, hungarian productcampaign, game, website, development, application1
lokomotivmotel.huGuests a full or half-board /breakfast and lunch or breakfast and dinner/ we can provide about 5 minutes walk from the motel own Hungarian and the domesticated Fekete Ló Fogadó ”Black Horse Inn” with demand.motel hungarian, hungarian domesticatedbed, room, railway, station, gallery1
credibility.huWe undertake full accountancy solutions supplemented with foreign language solutions and legal activities for enterprises with Hungarian and foreign clients or interests.enterprise hungarian, hungarian foreignlegal, language, solution, financial, translation1
pulsoholding.huPulso Holding is a Hungarian company that believes in our country's increasingly important role not only in the European economy but also in the global one. We wish to go on making our mark with new projects and taking advantage of the enormous opportunities that we see on the horizon. I am very…holding hungarian, hungarian companydevelopment, oil, health, real, estate1
vendeghazfulop.huOur family guest house is located in Nyárliget near to the Hungarian and Austrian border. This is the western gate of Hungary. Nearby, is situated the fifth largest lake in Europe, the Lake Fertő. The Lake is owned by the two countries. (1/3 of Hungary 2/3 of Austria) The town, Nyárliget became…near hungarian, hungarian austrianintroduction, approach, map, gallery, price1
budai-tancklub.huAs a result of the work of our teachers several students got admission to the Hungarian Dance Academy.admission hungarian, hungarian dancedance, teacher, award, gymnastics, excellence1
csernitzkylaura.huExploring the intricacies of better connecting with ourselves, others, and even with newborns or older children became a pivotal question for me. This exploration led me to complete the SASOK training, organized by the Hungarian Hypnosis Association and Semmelweis University. Subsequently, I…training hungarian, hungarian hypnosisjourney, support, forward, unique, passionate1
getinvestment.huWe are a dynamic and fast-developing Hungarian trading company established in 2017 who’s product portfolio ranges from the categories of PPE to health care and food industry products.fast hungarian, hungarian tradinginvestment, homepage, mask, group, protective1
kekjatek.huYou can find all the information about our publisher’s board games, publications, Hungarian and English language games by clicking on the links below.publication hungarian, hungarian englishinvisible, main, page, game, news1
sabor.huSabor Group has been active in the Hungarian Market since 1997. Sabor deals mainly in Residential development in the capital, Budapest. In all the developments we are involved in, we pay great attention to the requirements of the current market but also keep our eye on the future, so that the…active hungarian, hungarian marketsqm, apartment, group, residential, construction1
tfmworld.huServices on this website only available for hungarian private persons due taxing limitations!available hungarian, hungarian privateserver, hosting, package, backup, day1
koktel4u.huDuring the years we worked with various event managers . We are proud to win their appreciation, as we have been nominated for the Best Wedding Band category in 2013 , 2016 and 2022 as part of the Hungarian Wedding Awards .category hungarian, hungarian weddinggallery, wedding, cocktail, mood, music1
varnaigyula.huBorn in 1956, Kazincbarcika (Hungary). Gyula Várnai’s influential practice is associated with a group of Hungarian neoconceptual artists who came to prominence in the 1990s. Known widely for his large scale installations, Várnai’s background in mathematics and physics informs much of his practice…group hungarian, hungarian neoconceptualbiennale, peace, earth, opinion, friendly1
agrikusz.huThis year the INSURANCE ALMANAC (2014) was published for the sixth time, which is the only yearbook in the field of insurance in Hungary. This year we are ranking 33rd on the TOP LIST of the Hungarian brokerage market, which position evidences our commitment to the insurance profession [...]list hungarian, hungarian brokerageinsurance, agricultural, market, broker, corporate1
confindustria.huWe make information a strategic element through cooperation with a study center and an online newspaper about Hungarian economic information in the Italian language.newspaper hungarian, hungarian economicpresident, association, presence, membership, private1
singalongkidsbudapest.huSing along Kids has been helping Expat and Hungarian families make new friends and become part of a loving and supportive community since 2016.expat hungarian, hungarian familyclass, kid, child, sing, music1
new-buddha.huIf someone would like to inquire, they should be kindly asked to have their questions translated into Hungarian.religion, issue, music, exception, answer1
spielmann.huThis site was prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the Hungarian Bar Association.recommendation hungarian, hungarian barlaw, firm, property, inheritance, question1
hpandpartners.huOur team has broad ranging Hungarian and international connections which enable us to provide our clients with services on the highest possible standard.broad hungarian, hungarian internationallaw, firm, legal, client, solution1
gandharvak.huBesides some tracks that are purely of its own composition, much of the orchestra’s repertoire has been inspired by folk music of various kinds such as Hungarian, Irish or South Slavic, but contains baroque and renaissance motives as well as tunes from the Far East.kind hungarian, hungarian irishclassical, music, style, uplifting, latest1
kerezsi.huVision Graphics, major participant in the hungarian 3D visualisations market provides high-quality services in photo-realistic visuals, 3D animations and interactive presentations to its clients.participant hungarian, hungarian visualisationvision, graphic, garden, airport, emerald1
zenevaros.huVictoria Music company was founded in 1993. Mr. Bela Kollar as an oboe artist, had already more then a decade of professional experience, especially because he has been the member of Symphony Orchestra of Hungarian Radio since 1981.orchestra hungarian, hungarian radiomusic, instrument, store, accessories, sheet1
europamozgalom.huWe are working hard to promote the European values and to keep the Hungarian people informed about what opportunities can the EU provide for its members and for which values does the EU actually stand for.value hungarian, hungarian peopleeuropean, movement, network, budget, member1
stettin-hungaria.huIn the last thirty years, STETTIN-HUNGARIA Kft has developed into one of the leading, stable, general construction companies in the Hungarian construction industry. Its equity exceeds HUF 1.5 billion, its activities cover the full range of general construction services. Our references include the…company hungarian, hungarian constructionbuilding, renovation, public, industrial, reference1
kwu.huThis is the webpage of KraftWare Unlimited , also known as KWU, the fantasy name of the Hungarian Nagy Elemér Károly E. V. micro-firm. Our tax number (adószám) is 71971674-1-43 , our EU VAT number is HU71971674 and our registration ID (nyilvántartási szám) is 7240777 . We are a micro-firm and we…fantasy hungarian, hungarian nagyunlimited, main, mission, webpage, tax1
devlabor.huElsewhere: By outsourcing excellent Hungarian professionals for telework, full-time or part-time.excellent hungarian, hungarian professionaldescription, shop, long, payment, candidate1
jouton-lohaton.huOur therapist is trained and qualified by the Hungarian Riding for the Disabled Federation. Her horse’s name is Kajás of whom the children speak as the most beautiful, the cleverest and the nicest horse in the world.therapist hungarian, hungarian rideresult, programme, member, report, committee1
ganzszentes.huGANZ-SZENTES Steel Works Ltd. started operations in 1978 as the GANZ-MÁVAG Railway Vehicle Plant. After privatization, he continued to operate as part of Ganz-Hunslet Rt. Since 1995, becoming a Hungarian owner, as GANZ-SZENTES Steel Structures Ltd. continues to operate without interruption.rt hungarian, hungarian ownercertificate, inquiry, structure, railway, steel1
resoart.huHe made use of his success in business by the acquisition and meticulous renovation of one of the true gems of the Avenue of City Park (Városligeti Fasor in Hungarian), the villa designed by Albert Kőrössy. This is where he brought to life the Kőrössy Szalon which was meant to introduce the…fasor hungarian, hungarian villacollection, collector, art, private, foundation1
szabofranciska.hu…which is the archive of the Secondary School of Visual Arts (established 1778). I focus on the methodology of teaching how to depict the human figure. My interest also extend to the present practise. I carry out my research at the Doctoral Institute of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts.institute hungarian, hungarian universityeducation, art, anatomy, painting, event1
nyirerdo.huThe company has earned excellent international reputation for its wildlife management and hunting services. A large number of hunters visit the north-eastern Hungarian hunting grounds, known mainly as Gúth and Lónya, year after year.eastern hungarian, hungarian huntinghunting, forestry, acacia, important, forest1
katonairadiok.huMy interests are mainly the radios from the countries participating in the Warsaw Pact, mainly Russian and Hungarian military radios, whether they are just a simple receiver or even a transceiver.russian hungarian, hungarian militaryradio, introduction, site, device, website1
drszijarto.huOur office has been operating in the legal services market for almost 10 years, and we provide legal support to our clients in Hungarian and English languages.client hungarian, hungarian englishlaw, legal, colleagues, corporate, real1
radi-apartmanhaz-balaton.hu…Balaton at the southern shore deepens slowly so you can walk into the lake more hundred meters before the water infests you. In the summer “the Hungarian Sea” (like Hungarians call the lake) heats up to 24-25 – sometimes even 29 – Celsius. Balaton is 77 km long and the narrowest part located…summer hungarian, hungarian seaapartment, accommodation, lake, summer, holiday1
aranylo-napraforgo.huPlease bring the perconal documents of the child ( address card, social security card, vaccination book) and the parents ( address card, ID card or passport). For non Hungarian citizens: residentce permit, social security card, passport.non hungarian, hungarian citizenkindergarten, child, nursery, group, programme1
stereoswing.huStereo Swing is the first hungarian electro-swing band, playing their own songs. In their music they mix the traditional swing melodies with electronic music base, with unique sound. In 2018, the band was nominated for a hungarian music award: Fonogram.swing hungarian, hungarian electro, band hungarian, hungarian musicstereo, concert, past, song, download1
bankokft.huproduction of 3 playground equipment range in house – hungarian product, excellent price-to-value ratiohouse hungarian, hungarian productequipment, playground, range, price, grass1
bbis.hu…studies with the accessibility of various clubs that help us build on our skills. We would typically practice these skills during school hours, but with clubs such as Hungarian, Choir, Homework Club, Science Club and Creative Writing, we improve without being restricted to our subject lessons”.club hungarian, hungarian choirschool, student, primary, secondary, admission1
magyarlukafa.huAccording to the current Hungarian regulation the language of the documents we send you is Hungarian, but if you feel it necessary the documents can be translated into another languages, but in that case the costs of the translation shall be born by you.current hungarian, hungarian regulation, document hungarian, hungarian necessarydistrict, tax, shall, office, real1
fritzbirtok.huTry delicacies in our restaurant, where the taste of every dish is natural and where we rely on Hungarian and Swabian cuisine. Stay in our boarding house, where every single room is unique and heartwarming.natural hungarian, hungarian swabianestate, wine, winery, restaurant, house1
prolaser.huAfter long persuasion from William R. B. Jr. we decided to take part on the world laser competition with one of our production created for a Hungarian conference. Our philosophy is to create rather than compete. However, we need to admit that we were really glad about the decision of the jury by…production hungarian, hungarian conferenceproduction, gallery, concert, element, event1
etk-rt.huPractice-oriented training courses at various levels, with interactive online courses in Hungarian and in English for all sectors from the best trainers, provided by market leader ETK Co. since 2004.course hungarian, hungarian englishinternal, co., event, provider, expert1
ginkgo.huStaying at Ginkgo will open up hundreds of years of Hungarian history to you: it is housed in a historical art nouveau building that still bears bullet holes from the 1956 Revolution against Soviet occupation. The hostel is located in a flat that was privatized after the change of regimes…year hungarian, hungarian historyhostel, homepage, facility, booking, gallery1
auditeco.huThe Audit-Eco Auditing, Bookkeeping and Consulting Ltd. is 100% Hungarian, our registry number: 001156. The majority owner, managing director and registered auditor of the company is Bálint Kálmán Bulcsúné dr. Auditor certificate number: 002917 She started her carrier in accountancy in 1978 with…consulting hungarian, hungarian registrybookkeeping, auditing, consulting, consultancy, taxation1
panoramabuda.huHungarian Parliament Building is 11 km from the villa, while Fisherman’s Bastion is 11 km away. Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport is 31 km from the property.room, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, live1
photographymrazlaszlo.huWith the title “Artwork and Recovery”,from 16 November 2017 until 26 November 2017 an exhibition held by the Hungarian Psichooncology Society from art works of recovered cancer patinents. The exhibition was held on the occassion of the XXXII congress of the Hungarian Cancer Society in Debrecen…exhibition hungarian, hungarian psichooncology, congress hungarian, hungarian cancernews, photo, portrait, exhibition, photography1
hamiltonconsulting.huWe have assisted the organisation of the Budapest Quantum Computing Meetup, an online gathering that featured Hungarian experts working abroad in the quantum industry.gather hungarian, hungarian expertconsulting, technology, industry, science, workforce1
nyitottakvagyunk.huWeAreOpen has grown from a volunteer project to a nonprofit social enterprise, providing the full range of diversity and inclusion services to corporate clients. Up to date, 1100 plus Hungarian organisations signed our manifesto and we have worked with more than a hundred corporate clients, which…plus hungarian, hungarian organisationopen, diversity, resource, inclusion, practice1
triotechnik.huTriotechnik Ltd was established in 1999. and it is a market leader in the Hungarian combined heat and power production field. There are many units supplied by our company to many different countries of Europe, moreover one unit beyond the Ural mountain. Our products offer a turnkey solutions to…leader hungarian, hungarian combinegas, container, equipment, auxiliary, optional1
madeinhelsinki.huMade in Helsinki has served American, English, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Indian, and of course, Hungarian crews, working with stars such as Penélope Cruz or one of India’s most famous actors, Shah RukhKhan. Even so, Panni’s most coveted memory is when the studio was able to house five short film…course hungarian, hungarian crewspace, reference, production, set, place1
kaveautomata.huWe had our company, Italautomata Ltd., founded in 1992 with my wife, specializing in refurbishment of vending machines. At first, we started by completing orders for our german partners. With the opening of the Hungarian market, our scope of activity has also expanded.open hungarian, hungarian marketmachine, office, automation, operation, refurbishment1
borzsonybarokk.hu…of Börzsöny Baroque Days. We would like to extend our thanks to all of you who contributed to the festival. The cooperation with the Haydneum — Hungarian Early Music Centre has been a significant help. We are also grateful for the financial support from partner municipalities as well as from…haydneum hungarian, hungarian early, hungarian centrebaroque, day, august, festival, concert1
parkhotelbuk.huThe life of Bük, apostrophized as one of the centres of Hungarian bathing culture, has been particularly exciting since the early 1960s. The unique...centre hungarian, hungarian bathingroom, hot, gallery, price, dinner1
progresszivnyomda.huOur company is in 100% owned by hungarian private individuals. The flexibility and uncompromised quality is guaranteed by the family company.company hungarian, hungarian privatepage, printing, prepress, download, reference1
toetterem.huTry a modern, reinvented version of traditional Hungarian flavours and bistro-style food. Our dishes are prepared with the highest quality ingredients to provide you with the finest culinary experience.traditional hungarian, hungarian flavourdetail, leisure, restaurant, centre, tourist1
keramix.huEvents Introduction New products Sale Floor tiles and glazed tiles Bathroom furnitures Bathroom accessories Rattan furnitures @-Spa Massage Pools Partners Contacts References LED lighting technology Magyar verzió (Hungarian version)verzió hungarian, hungarian versionfloor, tile, bathroom, international, ltd1
alpokaqua.hu…the fresh water rose as a natural spring containing a balanced mix of clean water and valuable mineral components. Due to the location in the Hungarian Alps and unique geographical and climatic variations, it is one of Europe’s last remaining biodiversity hotspots. Today, approximately 74% of…location hungarian, hungarian alpwater, mineral, alkaline, return, ginger1
gimm.hu…WildFire7) with which we are the most able to help our customers achieve their concepts. Our major services include 3D modeling, creation of workshop /technological and production drawings, machine manufacturing, English-Hungarian and French-Hungarian technical translation and interpretation.english hungarian, hungarian french, french hungarian, hungarian technicalmachine, technical, manufacture, industry, history1
isze.huCorrespondence and cooperation with the Hungarian and foreign professional and interest safeguarding bodies concerned in teaching;cooperation hungarian, hungarian foreignteach, training, course, activity, teacher1
aph-hsps.huActa Pharmaceutica Hungarica (APH) is a peer reviewed international open-access journal published on-line by the Hungarian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (HSPS).line hungarian, hungarian societypaper, guide, author, board, editorial1
lelekkapu.huLélekkapu means Soulgate in Hungarian. It is an opportunity to get better. Not just temporarily, not just on the surface, but truly well. All you need is to love yourself right where it’s hardest. If improving yourself or your life hasn’t worked for you, it’s time to take a different approach to…soulgate hungarian, hungarian opportunityez, sound, constellation, family, path1
unimode.huHungarian-owned UNIMODE Kft. is a traditional sewing company. Opposing today’s clichés, it combines old tools and high professional knowledge with novelties and innovation. A team of young, enthusiastic seamstresses took over the former business and, with their experience and expertise, have given…uniform, british, school, international, basic1
okotura.huThe guesthouse and camping is located in village of Hortobágy in the heart of the Great Hungarian Steppe Hortobágy (Puszta), 1500 m from different World Cultural Heritage sites, 2000 m from railway station and close to Highway 33. It is next to the newly built cycleway and to the trunk line bus…great hungarian, hungarian steppebooking, site, price, guesthouse, room1
bpbw.hu“KRAFT has always been at the bottom of our hearts. A beer festival featuring regional names where Hungarian kraft breweries are in the spotlight. It’s not an unlimited and grandiose all you can drink festival (perhaps we’re better known for that), but a token-bases, pay per drink, casual event…name hungarian, hungarian kraftdetail, beer, session, taste, day1
boulevardcitypanzio.hu…for travellers interested in nightlife, city walks and health spas. The Pension is surrounded by restaurants and bars and the well-known pubs are just a short walk away. We provide for all guests a good continental breakfast. Languages spoken: English, German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hungariancity, boulevard, room, offer, double1
nehezgep.huThe company was founded in 1993 and is fully Hungarian owned. Starting with 6 employees, the company grew to 16 in 2004. Our main activity is machine repair. Our mechanics take part in continuous professional training, so they try to keep up with today's modern machinery and equipment repair.fully hungarian, hungarian employeeexcavator, machine, machinery, loader, wheel1
emgmetall.huUnder a project financed by the European Union and the Hungarian State we acquired rotary-screw compressors, fastener insertion systems, and press brakes.union hungarian, hungarian statemetal, sheet, technology, cut, custom1
smilestone.huThe application is available now in English and Hungarian, but on special requests any other language is possible in verified translation.english hungarian, hungarian specialdental, case, software, lab, laboratory1
diakonosz.huThe MPE DIAKONOSZ Supporting and Providing Center (Abbreviated name DIAKONOSZ TSZK), was founded by the Hungarian Pentecostal Church (MPE) in January of 2013, is a juridicial person inside the Church; atends diaconate tasks, is the back supporter and a countrywide ecclesiastic institution of the…tszk hungarian, hungarian pentecostalchurch, introduction, task, feature, photo1
instantpayments.huWe have summarised and compared the Hungarian instant payment program to the implementations of other countries. Specialities of HCT Instpayment, resource, speciality, technology, singapore1
kiskakukk.huWe wish to raise standards to the level of the establishers, according to the demands of our age. In order to carry out this plan we use higih quality raw material, having an eye for all details while preparing specialities of traditional, civil Hungarian and International cuisine, offering…civil hungarian, hungarian internationalrestaurant, guest, page, map, reservation1
isthungary.hu…of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Adidas, Slovak companies, in the Czech Bank Home Credit and Finance Bank (group PPF Group), in the Hungarian OTP Bank and Veon Ltd. (the world's 10th largest wireless mobile communications company with 220 million customers--more than AT&T and Verizon).group hungarian, hungarian otpsale, solution, consulting, official, innovative1
centrumpanzioszentendre.huAll rooms are equipped with air conditioners and flat screen tvs with Hungarian and English channels also to give you the best entertainment.tv hungarian, hungarian englishcheck, detail, room, person, danube1
s-consulting.huS-Consulting Ltd. was founded in 2006 by Hungarian professionals for IT management consulting, software development activities and IT business services purpose. During the last 11 years of market presence we participated in many projects and developed new softwares, platforms and systems. All…consulting hungarian, hungarian professionalconsulting, solution, software, future, development1
falco7.huFAL-CO7 Ltd. is a company in 100% Hungarian ownership, which tries to hold its own with appropriate prices to suit Hungarian conditions, in a sector of the Hungarian economy where modern technology requires skilled human resources. Reliable, skilled workers with official certificates of good…company hungarian, hungarian ownership, price hungarian, hungarian condition, sector hungarianclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements1
1956osintezet.huExcerpt from Imre Mécs's life-interview made by Béla Nóvé in 2010-11 for the Oral History Archívum of the 1956 Institute (only in Hungarian).institute, foundation, history, research, historian1
piko.huBecause of the companies international activity and/ or ownership we offer our services also in English and German, of course based on the Hungarian legislation.course hungarian, hungarian legislationaccounting, tender, application, auditing, price1
hegyaljagyongyszeme.huThe main sigths of the settlement are the Swabian Folk-House Museum, (a peasant-house built in 1824), the Roman Catholic Church and the monument of the first Hungarian king St. Stephan I.monument hungarian, hungarian kingpension, site, warm, welcome, wine1
ediport.huOne of the most important requirements for our economic development is the ability of our Hungarian suppliers to connect to national, European, and global production and distribution systems with great efficiency. The key to this efficiency is automatic electronic document interchange (EDI), which…ability hungarian, hungarian suppliersupport, message, connection, client, implementation1
koolin.huKoolin Bt. is a Hungarian IT company founded in 2002. We provide innovative solutions in the field of software development, web design and online marketing. Our main goal is to create value for our clients and help them achieve their business goals. We are a team of experienced and passionate…bt hungarian, hungarian companylaunch, investor, award, privacy, goal1
inno21.huThe Hungarian developed Parking Turntable is a worldwide success. This parking aid allows you to park your vehicle in tight spaces. Just get on the plate and position, i.e. turn your car the right direction.parking, space, tight, construction, technology1
it-shape.huThe aim of I-TShape project is to adapt EUCIP Core IT certification into the Hungarian vocational education. EUCIP Core was established by CEPIS – by the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies, and till now it has been introduced with success in seven European countries.certification hungarian, hungarian vocationalshape, certification, european, informatics, core1
vasutvill.huVASÚTVILL Kft. has built and renewed thousands of kilometres of railway overhead lines over the past decades across the country and has participated in all major electrification and renovation projects of the Hungarian railway network. Its main activity is the construction, renovation and…project hungarian, hungarian railway, point hungarianrailway, line, overhead, construction, activity1
pantry.huYou can choose the ingredients from the menu and put your own breakfast together. We try to provide options for everybody so we have vegetarian,vegan, gluten- and lactose-free options as well. Enjoy your breakfast with specialty coffee from Hungarian and foreign roasters or choose from our…coffee hungarian, hungarian foreigncoffee, breakfast, step, away, delicious1
gulliveretterem.huThe Gulliver restaurant is one of the homely spirited restaurants of Budapest, in the heart of Kispest, which holds something interesting or exciting from the culinary world for every age-group. This is the place, where the traditional, hungarian and snug flavours meet new approaches, where the…traditional hungarian, hungarian snugrestaurant, seasonal, food, drink, offer1
wingsuitboogie.huMBSE (Hungarian BASE and Skydiving Sport Club) was third on the world (after Germany and Russia) who organized a worldwide competition in wingsuiting in 2007, in this fresh new discipline of skydiving. From 2007 we are organizing this spectacular event every year at end of July or beginning of…mbse hungarian, hungarian basecompetition, national, championship, international, camp1
hungafoods.huThe aim of our company is the utmost satisfaction of Hungarian and Serbian customers through trading with quality food products at reasonable price.satisfaction hungarian, hungarian serbianfood, customer, trade, domestic, agency1
gtkb.huWe would like to kindly draw your attention to the Hungarian railway industry’s new event, the InnoRail 2013.attention hungarian, hungarian railwaymarch, quality, career, condition, general1
pacifictravel.huAt Pacific Travel you can have professional Travel Agency services in many different languages: English, Hungarian, Vietnamese, German, Russian, Korean, and Chinese.english hungarian, hungarian vietnamesetravel, pacific, agency, community, local1
sgf.huSGF Technology Associated Co. Ltd. (SGF Co. Ltd.; in Hungarian SGF Technologia Fejlesztő Kft.; or in short form SGF Kft.) was established in 1996 as a spin-off company of the MTA KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (KFKI RMKI), presently its name is Wigner Research Centre for…co. hungarian, hungarian sgf, physics hungarian, hungarian academypage, mission, space, ground, site1
lisztunnep.huHeld between 11 and 22 October, the Liszt Fest International Cultural Festival featured international world stars and Hungarian artists at over a hundred events, and boasted two world premieres, two...star hungarian, hungarian artistevent, art, international, main, page1
kosborpanzio.huKosbor Guesthouse is a perfect base for discovering three countries. In the Hungarian territory, the endless wonders of the Őrség and Venvidék regions await our guests, but there is also plenty to discover in the neighbouring hills of Slovenia and Austria with their Medieval towns, healing thermal…country hungarian, hungarian territoryroom, card, booking, gift, country1
nvhh.hu…and NVH (Noise Vibration and Harshness) organized by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the University of Győr, and the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers in close cooperation with industrial partners. The goal of the conference is to provide an international forum for acoustic,győr hungarian, hungarian chamberacoustic, objective, october, conference, vibration1
exceltrening.huQuite a unique feature in Hungary: I hold the Excel training in English if required. Can be useful for expat managers working in Hungary, or for multilingual staffs. The basic thematics is the same as for the Hungarian audience, and certainly can be customized also to meet special needs. I hold…thematic hungarian, hungarian audiencetraining, site, thematic, useful, function1
drmba.huThe acquisition of real estate property in Hungary as a non-Hungarian citizen requires a more complicated process comparednon hungarian, hungarian citizenlaw, area, practice, real, estate1
englishgarden.huThe English Garden is a fully licensed International English Language kindergarten and nursery, established in accordance with the Hungarian Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Children’s Welfare. Additionally, we are a member of the Preschool Learning Alliance, which is one of the largest…accordance hungarian, hungarian ministrygarden, school, nursery, child, pre1
ovitas.huWhat makes it all possible is the wide range of products we sell and 20 years of experience on the Hungarian market.experience hungarian, hungarian marketmanagement, knowledge, solution, document, access1
highlite.huEverybody longs to show the world what they are capable of without any difficulty both at work and in private life. A good command of English is inevitable to grow your business. From now on, do not worry about it. I will help bridge the language barrier (Hungarian and English). Should it be…barrier hungarian, hungarian englishtranslation, interpretation, proofreading, reference, language1
furdoszoba-szaniter.huIf you need help or can't find THAT product, look for our colleagues or visit our showroom in Budapest, where our employees with more than 15 years of professional experience will be at your disposal in Hungarian and in English !disposal hungarian, hungarian englishshower, tap, tub, cabin, accessories1
themagicbox.huhis wealth the court decision was made in his favour. The investigation initiated based on the report made by the State Audit Office was dropped, furthermore the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg decided in Hagyó’s favor against the Hungarian state in connection with the conditions of his custody.favor hungarian, hungarian statecase, court, election, media, investigation1
cool4u.huINNOVATION – Constant renewal is the key to our success. As a leading participant of the Hungarian air conditioning market, continuous innovation is the core principle to maintain our position and to provide uninterrupted development.participant hungarian, hungarian airautomotive, air, conditioner, commercial, group1
acsgep.huThe Ácsgép Group was established in 1990 as the first private crane operating company in Hungary after the end of the socialist regime. The Company is a market leader in Hungarian tower crane rental business, due to the highly qualified and experienced employees and the significant fleet extension…leader hungarian, hungarian towercrane, quote, request, mobile, detail1
emlekezesdramaja.huKáva started it’s program sequence in spring 2013, called The dramas or remembrance, whereby four theatrical performances were created in parallel. The dramas of remembrance works up an episode of the Hungarian history through more points of views with 9th to 13th grade high school students. The…episode hungarian, hungarian historyschool, remembrance, drama, art, social1
siofok-taxi.huaccommodation. 1. - Gellért Hill - Citadel - Liberty Statue 2. - Buda Castle - Matthias Church - Fisherman\'s Bastion - Széchenyi Chain Bridge - Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Gresham Palace 3. - Central Market Hall - Hungarian National Museum - Dohány Street Synagogue - Andrássy Avenue 4. -…bridge hungarian, hungarian academy, hall hungarian, hungarian national, basilica hungariantransfer, lake, airport, driver, vienna1
holdkoalapitvany.huTo this end, we hold sessions for children in school settings and individually, and organise camps during the holidays. We organise thematic clubs, workshops, trainings for adults, conduct professional trainings and develop curricula. We cooperate with our Hungarian and foreign partners.curriculum hungarian, hungarian foreignfoundation, department, child, adult, value1
chefecet.huIt is possible to live without vinegar, but its taste is closely related to Hungarian cuisine.closely hungarian, hungarian cuisinevinegar, recipe, food, history, closely1
picula.huThree Hungarian boats took part in the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam. Those wood-made boats still exist amongst the beautiful old timer boats.boat, sailing, hand, festival, rank1
cpa.huof the company has not changed basically, however, by now also several big multinational companies take our services. More and more consolidated Hungarian companies are going to benefit by our services of international standard and our prices, which are fairly well adjusted to the Hungarian…consolidate hungarian, hungarian company, fairly hungarian, hungarian conditionauditing, college, owner, continuous, advise1
ipkovich-emoke.hu– I am a psychologist proficient in Hungarian and English, providing sessions both in person and online (video calling). Personal sessions are of the highest efficiency and available in Budapest city center. If you are an expat living abroad, I can offer you online sessions as well. Although…proficient hungarian, hungarian englishpsychologist, client, issue, relationship, personal1
pharmacenter.huWe are open to in license orphan drugs, oncological, urological and hospital products or we are ready to act as a Hungarian Representative Office for pharmaceutical companies as well.ready hungarian, hungarian representativedrug, hospital, oncology, grant, market1
barke.huAside from being the CEO of BARKE Iris Kft., a company for sustainable projects and management, she is also an instructor and examiner at the Goethe-Institute in Budapest for German language and culture and works as a translator and interpreter in English, German and Hungarian.language, education, translation, teach, interpret1
magyarugyved.huDr György MAGYAR graduated in law from Faculty of Law and Political Science, ELTE (Budapest) in 1973. He was admitted to the bar in 1977. He is a revered guest speaker to many legal conferences, giving lectures on data protection, tort law and on the aspects of criminal law. He is the honorary…president hungarian, hungarian detectivelaw, introduction, expertise, case, bar1
lemezborze.huIn the L+ Gallery photos of Hungarian and international singers, bands, actors, sport, media and other celebrities are displayed who we have already met in person and wrote us a dedication.photo hungarian, hungarian internationaldownload, gallery, archive, news, media1
rugocenter.huOur customers are Hungarian subsidiaries of multinational companies, as well as machinery manufacturers, traders, farmers and individual entrepreneurs.customer hungarian, hungarian subsidiaryspring, manufacture, tension, compression, agriculture1
humanreport.hu…– until now no attempts have been made in the literature on social theory in Hungary to do this. Unfortunately, Luhmann’s approach in Hungarian public thinking is underrepresented, even though the majority of theorists, especially in Western Europe consider this theory one of the most…approach hungarian, hungarian publichuman, report, book, communication, social1
bolykyzoltan.huthe Vocal Studies Department. This cooperation within the Faculty of Music led to the performance of different operas and oratorios under my direction: the most recent one (in 2022) was the premiere in Debrecen of the oratorio „Passion in Hungarian language” by György Orbán, a contemporary composer.passion hungarian, hungarian languagewebsite, orchestra, music, study, symphony1
ijat.huStudents from three countries came to the GAMF Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology and the Faculty of Economics to participate in joint professional programmes and internships with Hungarian students.internship hungarian, hungarian studentdepartment, news, university, research, conference1
herbamedicus.huIntroduction of the Herbamedicus family to the Hungarian market proved successful. The German value-for-money as well as quality corresponds well with the expectations of the Hungarian market. Feedback from our clients using Herbamedicus products clearly shows the products' suitability to prevent…family hungarian, hungarian market, expectations hungarianfamily, trade, history, introduction, medical1
bluedanubefilmfestival.huAssociate professor Gábor Gelencsér is associate professor at the Film Studies Department of the Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, ELTE BTK. He was born in 1961. He received his degree as a teacher of Hungarian Language & Literature and History in 1986, and in Aesthetics in 1990. He…teacher hungarian, hungarian languagefestival, short, danube, official, selection1
illeslegal.huMe as managing partner worked several years in the Anglo-American Attorneys Office Burai-Kovács and Partners, which was associated with Arthur Andersen Worldwide, and after that in the Anglo-German Attorneys Office Freshfields, Bruckhaus, Deringer Oppenheim and Partners, which represented bigger…big hungarian, hungarian companylegal, attorney, field, practice, manage1
iaido.huAfter 2 years of Pandemic emerged on us, finally we can come out from our homes again and meet at an international event. The Hungarian Kendo,Iaido & Jodo Federation proud to announce to be host after these years, and we hope that we can strive to deepen our knowledge with to support of Japanese…event hungarian, hungarian kendoopen, official, seminar, calendar, community1
alakart.huSzabadság tér is one of the most stately squares downtown, easily accessible also from the direction of the Parliament, through Kossuth tér. Dominated by a huge park, the square is a popular place to hang out. Although the Hungarian Television, once housed in the Exchange Palace, left in 2009, is…place hungarian, hungarian televisionrestoration, stone, reconstruction, sculpture, architect1
impactadvisory.hu© 2022 Impact Advisory. Impact Advisory Zrt. is a Hungarian Private Company Limited by Shares providing consultancy services.zrt hungarian, hungarian privateadvisory, impact, transaction, financial, client1
heidtgabor.hu…of focused, dedicated work at world famous advertising agencies, and then acquired the knowledge of how to lead a bunch of creative people at large Hungarian advertising companies. In the past 10 years I learned how to deal personally with clients and projects as a senior creative freelancer.large hungarian, hungarian advertisinggabor, creative, advertising, freelancer, leaflet1
csudijo.huWhat does the word „CSUDIJÓ” mean? Hungarian pronunciation: tʃudijɔː You can not find this word in the Hungarian dictionary. The whole word (CSUDIJÓ) is a nice, folksy version of the word „csodajó” that can be translate as ’wonderfully good’. The last part of the word (DIJÓ) sounds the same as the…csudijó hungarian, hungarian pronunciation, word hungarian, hungarian dictionary, dijó hungarianchild, organization, community, everybody, love1
actinsportmezek.huFootball, basketball, handball teams in the Hungarian National Championships chosen our jerseys over the past years.team hungarian, hungarian nationalprice, set, short, football, basketball1
aceh.hu…between members and with local enterprises in Hungary; To help members understand and study the investment and trade related Chinese and Hungarian policies and regulations; To maintain communication and exchange with the relevant government organizations in China and Hungary on behalf of…chinese hungarian, hungarian policymember, news, event, page, section1
betatrans.huWe can be there anywhere, anytime Beta-Trans Plusz Ltd. has become one of the 100 most dynamic Hungarian small and medium enterprises and Top 100 Logistics companies in Hungary. We have won the Business Superbrands award times..dynamic hungarian, hungarian smallcustom, quality, website, customer, track1
lqd.huOur company has been founded for more than 20 years and it does liquidations, winding ups, property supervisor and wealth settlement proceedings. Our company has been registered in the Register of Liquidators and it is a member of the Hungarian Association of Insolvency Practitioners and Asset…member hungarian, hungarian associationproceedings, wealth, liquidation, settlement, bankruptcy1
budajuniors.huBuda Juniors is an English-language, multi-national football club in Budapest, Hungary for children aged 4 to 16 years old. Run by Janos Banfi, a former Hungarian national team captain with 14 years experience of playing professional football and qualified with the UEFA coaching license, we play…banfi hungarian, hungarian nationaltraining, activity, news, aid, happy1
morenocentrum.huZerka messaged to the Hungarian psychodramatists in 2009. For the opening ceremony of our congress she wrote: „ My late husband, J.L. Moreno would really feel honoured that his 120th birthday is celebrated in Hungary . In a country where we could spend some time together with Pet ő András back in…zerka hungarian, hungarian psychodramatistsdrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
matuszimpex.huRepresentatives of the Hungarian company Matusz – Vad Zrt, the domestic company Toro and the National Investment Agency announced about that today at a press conference at the Kabar Agency. The parties signed a supply agreement today. At the first stage, 20 tons of meat …representative hungarian, hungarian companyquality, trout, meat, kazakh, fillet1
beauty-kiallitas.huIn addition to the well established Student Olympics, Lash- and Brow Gala, and the Make-Up Hungarian Cup, last year’s highly successful novelty was the permanent make-up conference, where those interested in this new, independent profession could hear about the latest information and current…gala hungarian, hungarian cupexhibitors, makeup, permanent, forum, visitor1
stancpack.huWe pride ourselves on having well-known multinational enterprises and recognized Hungarian companies among our customers across the country.enterprise hungarian, hungarian companypackaging, corrugated, creativity, process, solution1
lantdalok.huThis domain is for my friend Gábor Domján . A new homepage is being made here according to his own speed of making new recordings. It might be worth visiting sometimes again. I am nudging him to record his Hungarian translations of lute songs so that others may enjoy them, too.worth hungarian, hungarian translationsong, lute, recording, sing, introduction1
kovagoszolo.huOur vineyards are located in the southern slopes of Sár-hegy which is the south part of Mátra-Mountains and the intersection of the mountains and the Great Hungarian Plains. For 20 years, the size of our wine yards has been increasing significantly, today we cultivate a 30 hectare land (which…great hungarian, hungarian plaingrape, vine, wine, grow, harvest1
comelux.huWe are a Hungarian company dealing with all kind of machines, spare parts, and accessories of the garment industry.site, trade, machine, kind, garment1
nagykrisztian.huI like to making prints on paper, so I made collodion glass negatives and making contact prints. So I got lot of medal from International and Hungarian competition with these pictures.international hungarian, hungarian competitionnagy, photography, photo, camera, digital1
rallysimfans.huUpdated translations. Portuguese (Ricardo Soares, MiguelBernardo7), Czech (JordanT), Hungarian, Greek (Haris Gavalas), Finnish.jordant hungarian, hungarian greekstage, plugin, update, detail, version1
ols.huOur highly qualified and highly motivated staff, excellent plant and equipment and the active use of the German language along with the native Hungarian language in management and in design both lend competitive edge to OLS Ltd.native hungarian, hungarian languagesheet, metal, process, technology, quality1
azbesztdiagnosztika.huThe 100% Hungarian owned company was founded in 2020. It deals with condition survey and diagnosis of non-metal pipelines with modern, innovative robot technology.management, certificate, pipeline, phone, main1
balokanymajalis.hu…in order to have a small amount of context. It's fairly important, mostly in the case of such a place like Balokány Grove in Pécs. Our college Ábris Novák summarized a line of historym and published them in a series of posts at the fb-event. It's in Hungarian, but give a try to the auto-translator!event hungarian, hungarian tryday, event, concert, student, performance1
horvathconsulting.hu…of Humberside in UK, later with a Soros scholarship completed his MA studies at the Central European University specialized in the political and economic transition of CEE and also did an MA in Sociology with a change management focus at leading Hungarian University ELTE while already working.focus hungarian, hungarian universitysale, horvath, consulting, management, development1
ceeproductions.huCommercial television in Hungary launched about 20 years ago and we have been there ever since - in fact, even before. Our guys are multilingual: they speak not only English or Hungarian but also the languages of the region - Romania, Slovakia, the Balkans - on a native level. We have been working…formula hungarian, hungarian gp, english hungarian, hungarian languagecee, production, price, equipment, live1
anker-auditor.huANKER-AUDITOR Ltd. was established in 1991 by eight private owners. Currently all the owners of the company are active members of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors.chamber hungarian, hungarian auditorreference, member, accountancy, profile, curriculum1
mediacomm.huWe are proud to offer various Mini MBA programs both in Hungarian and English, open and company training on both languages as well as we are the only tuition provider for ACCA's Diploma in Financial Management degree course.program hungarian, hungarian englishmanagement, training, financial, open, question1
terezsulyok.huDepartment of Fine Arts, Department of Art Programs, Hungarian Institute of Culture and Lectorate of Fine Artsprogram hungarian, hungarian instituteexhibition, nature, landscape, village, illustration1
aurora.co.huAll our dishes are made from fresh ingredients, with special attention to quality. Our menu reflects the traditional Hungarian flavours, but also some international specialties were added to our menu.traditional hungarian, hungarian flavourrestaurant, guest, jewel, centre, intimate1
mindreset.hu“My dream would be to have something like this,” she says, gesturing to the room in which we’re sitting. “Like Jurányi – just in English. A cultural centre, so we could invite different kinds of artists: musicians, painters, professional actors…. I’d also like to see Hungarian plays performed in…actor hungarian, hungarian playact, play, class, drama, theatre1
edimodul.huÉDIMODUL Ltd., a small Hungarian private held company has got the experience in gear cutting tool manufacturing for many years. The product range includes those tools which are needed for the manufacturing of different kind of serrations assmall hungarian, hungarian privatecutter, requirements, special, gear, tool1
velutina.huwasp predation has caused the death of nearly 50% of bee colonies. Losses of 30-80% have been reported in France ( Kennedy et al. 2018; Monceau et al. 2014; 2016 ).The first population of Velutina in Central Europe was detected in a Hungarian settlement, Kimle, in August 2023 ( Márta and Vas 2023 ).europe hungarian, hungarian settlementnest, colony, beekeeper, species, asian1
boditrans.hu…safely with load capacity, flexibility and with a competitive market price. By recommending and implementing the most practical transportation solutions, we strive to deliver the best performance in every situation. We are committed to high European standards, which we provide at Hungarian prices.standard hungarian, hungarian pricefreight, transport, statistics, international, domestic1
esvcp2024.huThe congress site is the campus of the veterinary school with its historical buildings and parks. The architect of the campus was Imre Steindl who designed the Hungarian Parliament.steindl hungarian, hungarian parliamentaugust, registration, congress, abstract, veterinary1
niveuslegal.huAt the beginning of 2023, Dr Tamás Halmos and Dr Zoltán Jánosi, who together have collected 30 years of professional experience at the Hungarian office of the reputable Hogan Lovells international law firm, embarked on the path of independence and established the Halmos and Jánosi Law Firm, and…experience hungarian, hungarian officelegal, law, real, estate, corporate1
moringa.huThe design brand Moringa was established by the Hungarian designer Réka Molnár in 2011. Réka graduated as a textile designer at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest. She got in touch with pattern design at a Finnish scholarship in Helsinki. In Finland she took ability of purpose…moringa hungarian, hungarian designermolnar, pattern, textile, colour, purpose1
lemanit.huLemanit Ltd. – founded in 1993 – is known in the industry as a traditional supplier of renowned German (schwäbische Alb) and Hungarian companies.alb hungarian, hungarian companyfabric, body, range, machine, size1
magadert.huThe name of our organisation is Magadért Foundation. Magadért is a Hungarian word which means For Yourself, so this choice of name was not an accident. We think that people who come to us should change not for their family or friends, just for themselves. The Magadért Foundation was established by…magadért hungarian, hungarian word, foundation hungarian, hungarian couple, assistance hungariangroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem1
mwr.huMoneywheel Research Zrt. is a privately held Hungarian proprietary quantitative trading firm founded in 2011 by financial experts. Our company focuses on the microstructure of price behaviors. We develop algorithmic models to trade in the environment of shorter time period. We combine our…privately hungarian, hungarian proprietaryresearch, corporate, detail, technology, algorithmic1
huninn.huThe company was established in 2006 with the specific aim of conducting highly innovative research and development projects in the North-Hungarian region. We are running researches related mainly to image processing and artificial intelligence. We are dealing with software development as well.north hungarian, hungarian regionintroduction, career, research, image, north1
siofokiallatvedo.huAnimal Rescue Siófok is also able to collect 1% of personal income tax that Hungarian tax payers can pledge to a charity of their choice. We also try to utilize all tendering possibilities, few as they may be. We try to economize on costs as much as we can as feeding and veterinary care are our…tax hungarian, hungarian taxanimal, rescue, dog, shelter, donation1
drogriporter.hu…and torture at a Russian prison. The hand drawn animation film was awarded the Best Short Documentary award at the Madrid Film and Human Rights Festival and the Best Documentary award of the 65th Hungarian National Independent Film festival in 2020. Click here for the official web page .award hungarian, hungarian nationaldrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
kettoronyegylet.huWe have an agreement of long-term cooperation with Hungarian Permaculture Association having its headquarters in Nagyszékely.cooperation hungarian, hungarian permaculturevillage, tower, settlement, cultural, gallery1
gyurgyevo.huWe would like to call your attention to our dynamically developing 100% Hungarian owned international transportation company.dynamically hungarian, hungarian internationalclient, truck, location, transportation, fleet1
kettannyelvuiskola.huDue to the increased compulsory lessons prescribed by the Hungarian National Curriculum, the BGC English Program is implemented three times a week, with special emphasis on language exam preparation.lesson hungarian, hungarian nationalschool, native, primary, grade, language1
hellopodcast.huOur staff and partners are among the best in their field. Professional program and content producers and editors, from former Hungarian Radio staff to regional media and local content producers. Thousands of hours of programming and live broadcasting experience is in their backgrounds.editor hungarian, hungarian radiohello, studio, agency, story, strategy1
inskft.huINS Ltd. has a goal to help Hungarian companies to expand their exports. We organize their presentation in international expo.goal hungarian, hungarian companypage, tab, item, mission, goal1
fuleky-tokaj.huFüleky Tokaji Aszú 6 puttonyos 2013: * Berliner Wine Trophy 2019: Grand Gold Medal * Decanter 2019: Silver Medal * Wine of the Year 2019 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciencesyear hungarian, hungarian academywine, estate, gallery, guesthouse, news1
kiralysport.huGabor Kiraly, is the goalkeeper of the Hungarian National Team, and he played 92 times for the country. On the eternal rank list he is the third, among goalkeepers he is on the first place as a record holder goalkeeper. He grew up at the Szombathelyi Haladás, then played for Hertha BSC, Crystal…goalkeeper hungarian, hungarian nationalgoalkeeper, school, training, kiraly, complex1
gonefishing.huIf you need it, I will purchase the Hungarian state fishing license and the local fishing permits for you before our trip.fishing, guide, water, local, fish1
omszkwakecentrum.huWith a record number of entrants and 55 riders, there have never been as many riders in the history of the tournament as in the 2018 OB. The Wakeboard Hungarian Championship was streamed live to the public and also for the first time.wakeboard hungarian, hungarian championshipwake, price, center, free, beginner1
fancsali.huOur goal is to provide for our client real support and advice in the cases that we are entrusted with. We work rapidly and effectively in a quality environment. Besides Hungarian, we are at our clients’ service in English and German language. Our law office provides legal services in English…environment hungarian, hungarian clientattorney, area, practice, client, support1
memoriesofhungary.humemories of hungary, souvenirs, budapest, hungary, Hungary, gifts, sightseeing, tourist info, tourist, information, hungarian, hungarian souvenirs, hungary souvenirs, hungary gifts, Buda, Pestinformation hungarian, hungarian souvenirmemory, shop, airport, tourist, network1
pint.hu‎Gánt, Halimba, Iszkaszentgyörgy - these are the settlements I remember from my geography class at school when it came to listing the Hungarian bauxite mining sites. It is a pity that almost every school organized study trips to Sopron, Kőszeg or Veszprém instead of travelling to Gánt, for…school hungarian, hungarian bauxiteago, like, month, post, note1
dkh.huSince 1997 the core business activities of the Dunakeszi Cold Storage Plant have included the storage of fast-frozen food, deep-freezing and all related logistical activities, mainly for companies involved in the Hungarian food production and distribution industry.company hungarian, hungarian foodstorage, plant, food, gallery, cold1
parkhotelbukfurdo.huThe life of Bük, apostrophized as one of the centres of Hungarian bathing culture, has been particularly exciting since the early 1960s. The unique...centre hungarian, hungarian bathingrestaurant, room, gallery, price, booking1
econordesign.huPU foam waste which used to be incinerated is now reborn in the form of design furniture. We source our raw materials from Hungarian manufacturers and employ innovative technology to recycle industrial production waste.material hungarian, hungarian manufacturerfurniture, material, foam, recycle, accessories1
medisave.huMedisave Kft. Is a Hungarian-owned company, which was founded as individuals with more than ten years of experience in the medical instrument trade.kft hungarian, hungarian companymedical, antigen, instrument, detail, number1
revitrans.huOur Hungarian site company transport goods mainly to Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg.tire, transportation, change, warehousing, transfer1
fehervarplastic.huFehérvár Plastic & Cleaning Ltd. was established in 2013 by Hungarian owners who invested their own professional experience of several years. Our company emphasizes the protection of the environment and follows environmentally conscious operative principles. The choice and development of our…clean hungarian, hungarian ownerplastic, clean, waste, material, stock1
hsmti.huAs a qualified expert of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers (read more in the “About us” section), we undertake the modernization of the material handling system of your machines, with automatic material conveying paths on the input and output side or even with robots. Design and integration of…expert hungarian, hungarian chambermachine, image, process, technology, production1
margofeszt.huFestivals take place twice a year, in spring and autumn, offering over seventy public readings, panel discussions, debate sessions, and lectures in the course of four days. Alongside contemporary Hungarian authors, the autumn festival focuses on contemporary writers from all over the world…contemporary hungarian, hungarian authorfestival, book, fair, literature, literary1
fcifurukawa.huWe have been awarded to supply complete 400 kV busbar systems to the Hungarian system operator, MAVIR to several substations all around Hungary. The busbars supported by our composite station post insulators.system hungarian, hungarian systemcomposite, specification, technical, lenght, quality1
szatmarikacsa.huOur company is in the heart of hungarian countryside, close to the farms, in the municipality of Balástya, Csongrád county. We have been working as a family holding since 1990. It is a long-cherished dream that became reality in 2010, when with our children, we built a wonderful poultry processing…heart hungarian, hungarian countrysideprocess, quality, gallery, welcome, foie1
nextapartments.huThe rooftops, buildings, churches in Buda and Pest with the Danube in betweenThe Hungarian capital’s charm lies in the many cultural influences that affected the city during its long history.betweenthe hungarian, hungarian capitalapartment, room, margaret, island, brochure1
innorail2021.huInnoRail Budapest, a series of professional conferences for the railway industry is organized in Budapest once every second year. The conference was called into being by Hungarian professionals committed to rail transport with the objective of thinking together about the present of rail transport…conference hungarian, hungarian professionalconference, summary, sponsor, development, railway1
pharmafitsport.huWe offer our distributor activities to those who plan to be present on the Hungarian pharmaceutical market with medical devices, cosmetics and food supplements.present hungarian, hungarian pharmaceuticalmarket, strong, central, pharmacy, international1
mcs.huWith this investment an effective, higher value-added production can be carried out that focuses on the needs of the market and can flexibly adapt to them, furthermore it enables the higher level utilisation of market opportunities. MCS Vágóhíd Zrt. intends to be a competitive market participant…participant hungarian, hungarian internationalquality, meat, pig, strategic, production1
mediner.huAccording to the long-term partnerships with our partners we ensure the continuous and safe medicine supply in the Hungarian market.supply hungarian, hungarian marketarea, adverse, event, report, medicine1
tedxbme.huDr. Sándor Kling is an exceptional individual who has made significant contributions to the world of engineering and sports. Dr. Kling made history as the first person to enter Formula 1 from the Hungarian education system, setting a pioneering example for aspiring motorsport enthusiasts in his…formula hungarian, hungarian educationevent, idea, official, organizational, website1
hatc.huThirty-four teachers of the Karolyi Mihaly Hungarian-Spanish Secondary School in Budapest’s 19th District have announced they are on strike for two days.mihaly hungarian, hungarian spanishnews, clock, september, strike, teacher1
proarte.huThe Pro Arte et Natura Foundation (PAN) is a non-governmental public benefit organisation dedicated to the Hungarian national cultural heritage and nature in the service of art and nature.organisation hungarian, hungarian nationalmedia, foundation, et, art, nature1
fabrystudio.huGraduated from the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts. Completed the Broncolor Professional Photographer’s Workshop in Basel. Works both as a graphic designer and photographer. His works are displayed in several institutions and private collections, and grace the walls of the Musée de l’Élisée in…museum hungarian, hungarian photographyphoto, commercial, studio, art, graphic1
olddominion.huWe usually understand written Hungarian. It's okay to send an SMS message or e-mail in Hungarian. Telephone conversations in a foreign language are very difficult!usually hungarian, hungarian okay, mail hungarian, hungarian telephonestudent, homepage, location, conversation, language1
y-soft.huThe employees of the firm work out products and strategies meeting the requirements of both hungarian and international standards and demands regarding up-to-date informations on computertechnology, IT and telecommunication.requirements hungarian, hungarian internationalhomepage, official, firm, computer, consulting1
comfort65.huDiscover the perfect apartments of Miskolc, the gems of the Northern-Hungarian region! Book with us and enjoy the perfect city holiday in Miskolc!northern hungarian, hungarian regionapartment, guest, booking, check, free1
elesta.huV – REGULA BT – was founded in 2005 for the exclusive commercial distribution of Elesta products in Hungary. With the help of the Elesta GMBH in the first years, it has become the main supplier to the Hungarian automotive, chemical and food industries, and to the important companies that form the…supplier hungarian, hungarian automotivemodule, control, page, help, encoder1
hungarytaxi.huOur experienced drivers know the city like the back of their hands, and will get you to your destination expediently. Our team speaks a multitude of languages, including Hungarian, English, German, Italian and Romanian.language hungarian, hungarian englishride, airport, destination, quality, fleet1
crownacademy.huWe put the emphasis on expanding active and passive vocabulary in Hungarian and English, developing fine motor skills and introducing digital tools.vocabulary hungarian, hungarian englishgroup, academy, crown, location, small1
astralabor.hu…the latest technology are individuals who consider their work as their vocation. Our main specialty: frames made of zirconium and metal ,with CAD / CAM technology but of course,we cover a complete dental palette. Hungarian and West European partners work with us as well with great satisfaction .palette hungarian, hungarian westcrown, metal, dental, zirconium, ceramic1
claviaton.huur instruments have been exhibited at many an international and Hungarian forum, including the Musikmesse Frankfurt, the Brugge and Versailles instrument shows, the Musicexpo Budapest, and exhibitions in Abony and Székesfehérvár (Hungary). Our customers range from acclaimed artists and early music…international hungarian, hungarian forummanual, instrument, single, double, keyboard1
mybudapesttours.huWith us you will learn of history, art, architecture, music and have a taste of Hungarian gastronomy. In our tours we share our upbringing and personal experiences of the past and present.taste hungarian, hungarian gastronomytour, day, local, half, quality1
bhkka.huThe Center for Security and Defense Studies Foundation was established with the support and sponsorship of the ERASMUS Foundation for Democracy and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Center for Peace and Conflict Studies. The Center for Security and Defense Studies has been fully operational…democracy hungarian, hungarian academysecurity, study, main, booklet, international1
coachingteam.huConscious Leaders Academy (former Young Leaders Academy) is the first development program for the leaders who are in a young age or who are new in their position. It’s been operating in Hungarian with continuously growing participant number since 2012 and deals with development topics which are…position hungarian, hungarian continuouslydevelopment, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious1
hgrv.huof the integrated program system were contract and risk management, optimization and prognosis. IRM Hungária Ltd. was responsible for contacting Hungarian customers, on-site expert support, localization of the software system and participation in domestic energy market projects. Since 2003, the…responsible hungarian, hungarian customerdevelopment, process, management, need, informatics1
somnusfilm.huThe company’s ongoing projects are the feature documentary Your Life Without Me , a Hungarian-Swedish co-production in post-production, and the fiction feature Rapseeds in Flower , a TorinoScriptLab 2022 project, in development.life hungarian, hungarian swedishindependent, director, minded, like, possibility1
euromedic-hungary.hu…Hungary by combining a unique self-made tender system for medical materials with a hospital reference stock system for pharmaceuticals. Since its inception, Euromedic has become a dominant factor in the Hungarian healthcare sector, providing the utmost satisfaction to healthcare service providers.factor hungarian, hungarian healthcareactivity, pharmaceutical, quality, logistic, hospital1
shefitness.huIn 2022 we launch our women’s personal trainer fitness gym network in the Hungarian countryside and in the neighbor countries. Based on our success we think its a great opportunity if you want to work with enthusiasm and efficiently in the fitness business! We offer you this opportunity if you are…network hungarian, hungarian countrysidetrainer, personal, woman, studio, district1
szakitrans.huInlaying a Scania LNG truck and enlarging our Berger Ecotrail fleet to 50 units, as very first ones of the hungarian market, we seriously forwarded towards the sustainable green transportone hungarian, hungarian markettransport, fleet, eng, international, oversize1
translangedu.hu…2016, García et al 2017, Paulsrud et al 2017), our project explores the possibilities of integrating children’s Romani-language resources in a Hungarian-monolingual primary school setting and curriculum. Our approach challenges the tradition which associates school with monolingual and…resource hungarian, hungarian monolingualeducation, matter, multilingual, communication, research1
binderszerszam.huDeveloped in 1992 as a private entrepreneur, tool-making and metal chipping. We worked in the workshop in the family house initially, we started outgrowing it with time then. We were building in 2004 because of this one 800m 2 crane hall and we work here since it. That in 2012 expanded 1200m 2…hall hungarian, hungarian propertymachine, tool, introduction, gallery, reference1
abbazia-nemesnep.huWe hereby inform you that according to the current local Hungarian legislation *, the personal data of all guests using accommodation services in Hungary after the 1st of September...local hungarian, hungarian legislationrate, offer, guest, homepage, dog1
eurohunting.huIt is important to us that our guests enhance the good reputation of hungarian hunts and that they return to us with their friends.reputation hungarian, hungarian hunthunting, offer, price, hunt, county1
okotechnik.huÖkotechnik Kft. has founded in 1998 by austrian and hungarian individuals. The main scope of activities are the environmental, wastewater treatment, distribution, dealership and service of industrial machines.austrian hungarian, hungarian individualgrating, safety, floor, air, pump1
auroragaleria.huand technique of all artwork, as well as all the aspects of shopping (such as export license, shipping, professional wrapping). We are open every day and our highly educated, Hungarian, English and Russian speaking competent colleagues are here to provide excellent service in a pleasant environment.highly hungarian, hungarian englishart, map, location, site, buy1
timargumi.huThe predecessor of Timár-Gumi Ltd. was founded in 1971, which preserved their markets and also their experts when the Hungarian regime was changed in 1991.expert hungarian, hungarian regimeplant, rubber, market, air, component1
mizsepack.huMizsepack Kft. was among the very first in the Hungarian market to offer this service, and ever since, serves its partners...kft hungarian, hungarian marketlabel, printing, detail, self, adhesive1
unlimitedtravel.huUnlimited Travel Ltd. is a Hungarian incoming agency- DMC organising services mainly for special interest groups and incentives.travel hungarian, hungarian incomingtravel, unlimited, website, group, individual1
picimfalum.huThe boundaries of the former border of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy can be seen on the outskirts of the village. The former railway watchtower of the monarchy and the ruins of Rakoczi castle are also located here.austro hungarian, hungarian monarchydistance, approx, house, guest, church1
bartokudvar.huInfogroup has been one of the most significant players in the Hungarian real estate market since 1990. Its ever growing portfolio covers all aspects of the real estate market: Besides office and industrial building developments, it is active in the residential and retail segments and provides…player hungarian, hungarian realcourt, office, award, location1
movingservice.huOur work processes are designed in accordance with the requirements / guidelines of the Hungarian Association of Movers and the IAM International Association of Movers,guideline hungarian, hungarian associationoffice, international, domestic, relocation, furniture1
harispark.huBobo Restaurant at Haris Park opened in April 2019, serving traditional flavours of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in modern layout - paying homage to history of the building, yet fulfilling 21st century preferences. In the summer, or as long as possible you will be seated in our spacious garden…austro hungarian, hungarian monarchyevent, wedding, gallery, newsletter, restaurant1
geoinsight.huGEOInsight is a start-up business formed to commercially utilise a set of software and procedural solutions (the “GEOInsight Solution”), originally developed at the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, specifically to support the analysis of…science hungarian, hungarian academydata, welcome, case, use, solution1
spellcom.huIn addition to offering marketing and web development assistance to our Hungarian and multinational clients within Hungary, we also have clients in other European countries, mainly in Austria and Germany.assistance hungarian, hungarian multinationalwebsite, client, communication, agency, development1
mm-erd.huThe successful innovation proves that our products had won significant prizes in numerous Hungarian and foreign exhibitions. Well-known participants of the Hungarian food industry use our forms for years with satisfaction. Our product quality, the aesthetic finish made it possible to appear in…numerous hungarian, hungarian foreign, participant hungarian, hungarian foodpage, main, market, development, beginning1
hdktranslate.huI recommend translation services to those institutions and companies that interact in English and Hungarian. My services are especially helpful for lawyers and attorneys at law working in this field, as an accurate, professional translation completed on time makes their work even more efficient…english hungarian, hungarian servicetranslation, law, text, price, deadline1
kfib.huFor up-to-date information, follow us on Facebook on the „ Az átlátható költségvetésért ” page, where we posts about our media coverage or publish information on the Hungarian budget on a weekly basis.information hungarian, hungarian budgetanalysis, budget, fiscal, projection, impact1
galeriafaur.huThe primary goal of Faur Zsófi Gallery, which has been operating since 2001, is to promote and integrate Hungarian contemporary art into the international art scene. It aims to achieve this by its increasingly active presence at foreign art fairs and by building partnerships with foreign galleries.gallery hungarian, hungarian contemporarygallery, fair, exhibition, artist, prospect1
supplymanagement.huOur firm is a Hungarian company that is specialized in sales and supply management in the European market.firm hungarian, hungarian companymanagement, supply, document, sale, europe1
bestchem.huWe represent Fast & Fluid Management on the Hungarian market. We offer automatic dispensers, shakers and mixers that is scored to be the most reliable ones by our customers.management hungarian, hungarian marketchemical, colour, card, stock, solution1
gs-poseidon.huWE ARE THE ONLY HUNGARIAN MARITIME TRAINING CENTRE, ACCEPTED BY IMO (London), EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency, Brussels)training, centre, course, certificate, price1
hostelrelax.huand it’s a great experience to try the Hungarian railways still in Budapest (just like in London, Amsterdam or Berlin)!experience hungarian, hungarian railwayhostel, free, green, price, room1
vibesmagazine.huGörgess le, ha magyarul szeretnéd elolvasni ezt a cikket. Scroll down for Hungarian. Just the other day I got tangled up in...cikket hungarian, hungarian dayvibe, movie, june, pan, guide1
genomics.huThis website aims to collect Hungarian genomics projects and research groups in an organized manner. Data and analysis tools developed during research will be made available for download with the respective publications and manuals. Please stay tuned for updates!website hungarian, hungarian genomicgenomic, lung, multiple, patient, research1
bs-nails.huPrices are in Hungarian Forint. It is valid from July 15, 2022 until revoked. In case you have any question feel free to contact me.price hungarian, hungarian forintnail, extension, minute, appointment, price1
smart-food.huSorry, our webpage speaks only Hungarian. If you need help, please contact with us in English or in Russian!webpage hungarian, hungarian helpfood, day, lifestyle, diet, free1
orchideenwald.huThis success motivated us to accept even more only the high quality cat breeding. It was confirmed by the show prizes achieved by our own bred cats. The world-famous film star of Hollywood – Brad Pitt – during His short Hungarian visit signed the photo of his “famous namesake”.short hungarian, hungarian visitchampion, magazine, breed, success, prize1
squarra.huWe have three active partners who are supported by a team of associates, trainee lawyers, and co-operating specialized lawyers. We perform our services and provide advice to our clients in Hungarian, English and German.client hungarian, hungarian englishlaw, office, property, international, firm1
andantemusic.hu…hits, standard songs, pop and rock hits, fresh rakish music and fast disco songs in our repertoire, that is everything which is necessary for good cheer. Let it be a smaller or larger, older or younger , Hungarian or foreign, rakish or party fan audience, our goal is to put it in a good mood.young hungarian, hungarian foreignmusic, wedding, great, live, unforgettable1
budapestnosql.huThe list of speakers include Hungarian Telecom, GE, HVG and Secret Sauce Partners, with more to come. The talks will cover MongoDB, CouchDB, Neo4j, Cassandra, SolR and ElacticSearch among others.speaker hungarian, hungarian telecomtechnology, talk, conference, ticket, early1
freesportparks.huOur PEDIA page presents the Hungarian outdoor free sport parks and their main sports' basic rules. Train Smart videos and QR-stickers show the correct use of Fitness Park machines and Street Workout Park equipments. And we provide cities with a complex city-marketing toolkit through our “We Are a…page hungarian, hungarian outdoorfree, map, street, location, city1
sziklakorhaz.huAudio guide tools are available for free during the guided tours in 7 languages (english, german, italian, french, russian, spanish, hungarian).museum, ticket, hospital, nuclear, donation1
exante.huWe post professional articles. Have a look at the blog posts of our Consulting Group. (The articles are, however, only in Hungarian available.)article hungarian, hungarian availablegroup, consulting, introduction, colleagues, main1
proficv.hu** Based on total clientele, counting the clients who mandated us with writing at least a Hungarian curriculum vitae and cover letter and who attended our 1-day training on job seeking and interviewing. The data is calculated based on feedback.client hungarian, hungarian curriculumintroduction, job, interview, success, client1
sushisei.huThe Japanese restaurant, dating back more than 10 years, awaits gastronomy‑lovers with an authentic menu and unique atmosphere. The elegant restaurant, located not far from Kolosy square in the heart of Óbuda district, combines innovative technology with traditional flavours, and the result: both…result hungarian, hungarian guestevent, award, career, order, restaurant1
fertohajo.huOur most popular program is the one-hour tour, where you can visit the peculiarities of the Hungarian territory of Lake Fertő. There is also the possibility of an amusement ride in the Austrian territory by prior arrangement. Since the lake is also framed by a bike path, we offer the possibility…peculiarity hungarian, hungarian territorylake, line, ship, cruise, tour1
kepeskronikak.huWith our highly experiences creative and marketing team, we organize art-themed events and exhibitions. Past years we assisted local governments, museums, comics book association in the organization of their events, like International Historical Comics Festival, Art exhibitions in the Hungarian…exhibition hungarian, hungarian culturalbook, event, creative, exhibition, art1
pintxo.huOur prices are in Hungarian Forints and VAT included. / 10% service charge will be added to the final bill.price hungarian, hungarian forintspanish, tomato, ham, cheese, cream1
imolavendeghaz.hu…management software with the aid of a document reader, and be transmitted to a storage space, the Closed Guest Information Database (VIZA in Hungarian). For guests younger than 14, the accommodation provider may record the above data on the basis of data provided by the guest’s representative…viza hungarian, hungarian guestgarden, guesthouse, room, inquiry, guest1
csongradmuvesztelep.hu…printmaker, and blacksmith meetups; Plein Air and start Plein Air), we have had German, Polish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Indonesian, Argentinian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Czech, Croatian, Slovakian, French, Turkish, Serbian, Italian, Swedish, Swiss, Spanish, and Hungarian artists in residence.spanish hungarian, hungarian artistsite, bronze, sculptor, artist, symposium1
mett.hu© 2011 Hungarian Society for Separation Sciences. CMS & hosting: Molcomp System Ltd. Design: Al-Ba Film Hungary , Balázs Baksasociety, award, board, meeting, gallery1
dentys.huFor matters not covered by the TA and the Service Contract, the provisions of the Hungarian law, especially the Civil Code, as well as other regulations connected to health care and health services are applicable.provision hungarian, hungarian lawprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic1
agrosped.huWe are a Hungarian company specializing in international pig and piglet transport (over 8 hours transport).vehicle, transport, animal, livestock, fleet1
oneminutechallenge.huIn case the Organizers have to cancel the event because of any changes in the pandemic situation or the Hungarian government’s applicable Covid measures:situation hungarian, hungarian governmentcompetition, minute, challenge, event, showcase1
eltex.huÉLTEX has played an important role in the Hungarian waste market since it was first established and has since expanded operations into many other European countries. Our main activities include therole hungarian, hungarian wastewaste, value, hazardous, management, electronic1
hungarorekord.huAs the Hungarian partner of Heizprofi we have built a detailed network of retailers all over the country. Through us the german browncoal briquets have found a solid ground on the Hungarian market and are being sold very successfully.ground hungarian, hungarian marketmain, solid, page, winter, summer1
broadwaycasting.huWe provide full casting services: seeking the right persons, English or French speakers if required, organising the casting, casting directing in Hungarian, English or French languages.direct hungarian, hungarian englishcasting, reference, production, actor, model1
perjesivad.huWe monitor continuously our breeding stock, to fullfill the current requirements of the hunters. Our unique strain, the „Hungarian pheasant” is the result of this selection, please count on us at Your hunting also!strain hungarian, hungarian pheasantnews, gallery, video, big, profile1
uccusetak.huIn Roma thaj Romnya Walk, lets get to know together the outstanding Roma representatives of Roma culture and history. Starting from the József Attila memorial, we discover the figures of the Hungarian arts and fine-arts, and then we remember of historical heroes and victims of Roma origins at the…figure hungarian, hungarian artwalk, social, tour, culture, dialogue1
wine-tours.huLeave the city behind and discover the beautiful tranquility of the Hungarian countryside with its hidden treasures and world of excellent wines! Meet the most outstanding winemakers of the North-Balaton region and learn about grape varieties like Kéknyelű, that can only be found in this…tranquility hungarian, hungarian countrysidetour, wine, lake, day, private1
zalavarpark.huThe heritage and religions of several nations are concentrated here to get along well with each other. As an evidence of this a collection of Hungarian, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Austrian monuments stands in the park. Thanks to the several-year long exemplary cooperation of the Local Government of…collection hungarian, hungarian bulgariancounty, memorial, visitor, gallery, history1
budamotor.huWelcome to the website of the hungarian Budamotor Ltd ! If you are interested in oldtimer races, building classic motorbikes, reproducing, repairing or refurbishing drum brakes and other spare parts - then this is the place you want to go.website hungarian, hungarian budamotorbrake, motorbike, race, wheel, drum1
keripharma.huKéri Pharma is a sufficiently flexible company, reaches decision quickly and provides complex services to ensure that the products of its partners generate the highest sales in the Hungarian pharmaceutical market.sale hungarian, hungarian pharmaceuticaladverse, drug, reaction, market, pharmaceutical1
boxago.huI have worked for a Hungarian-owned SME, a multinational company, a startup, a professional international consulting company and this helps me to look at the big picture from several perspectives. I worked in customer service, developed for 2 decades, led projects, and sold when I needed to.step, packaging, size, process, demand1
drmolnarandrea.huDr. Andrea Molnar attorney-at-law is a Hungarian based law firm, with headquarters in Veszprém with a wide range of legal services for any foreign or local client. The office provides different legal services to various companies, and especially to subsidiaries of foreign companies doing business…law hungarian, hungarian lawlaw, attorney, real, corporate, estate1
montana.huMontana is a pioneer in the field of developing and using AI-based software in the Hungarian market. Our self-developed text analytical and content analyzing software provides an universal solution for both small-sized and large companies. Using the software they not even get valuable information…software hungarian, hungarian marketintegration, software, development, career, stable1
emcglobal.huAt the beginning of 2020, we expanded our profile and are now present not only in Europe, but also as a Hungarian and regional representative of companies in the Far East. In line with the challenges of 2020, we got involved in one of the most effective coronavirus containment activities…europe hungarian, hungarian regionalglobal, website, machinery, trade, card1
cristianapartman.huIn the neighbouring ’Major Restaurant’ you may find a wide selection of Hungarian and international dishes with a very polite and professional staff.selection hungarian, hungarian internationalaccommodation, heart, entrance, beach, away1
radel-hahn.huThe main profile of the Hungarian Radel & Hahn embraces the whole area of air-engineering . Our corporation deals with planning, production, servicing and maintenace of air-engineering systems, clean room-engineering devices and building service systems. Thereby we can reach not only the leading…profile hungarian, hungarian radelair, ventilation, swimming, pool, conditioning1
inditsukbe.hu…those who work really hard to achieve their goals. Instead of them those people are fortunate who choose to serve the ruling political elite. Hungarian people lost their hope in politics and politicians, become disinterested in public issues, and do not get involved in the process of finding…elite hungarian, hungarian peoplecountry, political, foundation, goal, data1
clearplex.huClearPlex® is the first and only optically-clear protection film for vehicle windshields, which has valid Hungarian and Czech permit thereby it can be legally applied on the outside of the front windshield! The film is a patent-pending innovation. The exclusive distributor of ClearPlex® windshield…valid hungarian, hungarian czechprotection, vehicle, invisible, complex, stone1
hekotec.huWe are a Hungarian company based in Budapest with broad experiences in the fields of pharmazeutical-, chemical-, cosmetical- and food- industry.reference, broad, field, industry, solution1
komediaskavehaz.huTaste the spirit of the Belle Époque in Budapest! Our café in the heart of the Budapest Broadway offers our guests traditional Hungarian, Jewish and French cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and live piano music from 7pm from Wednesday to Sunday.traditional hungarian, hungarian jewishgallery, guest, pm, sunday, main1
alicehotel.huThe hotel’s location on Andrássy street is ideal for travelers who want to explore Budapest’s rich history and cultural heritage. The street is lined with elegant buildings and landmarks, including the Hungarian State Opera House and the Franz Liszt Academy of Music. The city’s famous thermal…landmark hungarian, hungarian stateroom, accommodation, suite, terrace, event1
nagyatad-parkhotel.huDuring the rest of the day, the hotel’s restaurant awaits lovers of Italian and Hungarian cuisine. The pleasant little garden area at the entrance of the restaurant ensures relaxing relaxation.italian hungarian, hungarian cuisineroom, request, offer, accommodation, people1
humandialog.huOver 2 million people saw the gangster short film promoting a simpler method of CPR (a Hungarian version of Vinnie Jones hard-and-fast CPR) commissioned by the National Ambulance Foundation. It has become by now the most viewed non-profit online video in Hungary, more so, in the year of its…cpr hungarian, hungarian versionhuman, dialog, fundraising, communication, client1
mau.huYou have the right to have recourse at any time to the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (address: Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c, 1125 Budapest, Hungary) if you consider that any data protection violation has been committed.time hungarian, hungarian nationalprivacy, personal, europe, data, address1
madedent.huIf you are reading this in english the chances are you are not hungarian and probably not from Hungary , so why would you choose to visit me at my practise rather than the dentist in your home town? For the same reason the austrians and germans have been coming to Hungary for dental work for…chance hungarian, hungarian probablydental, tourism, faq, colleagues, assistance1
gyorhotelsbooking.huThe 3-star Revesz Hotel is the second largest hotel of Gyor. The hotel is situated only 10 minutes far from the city centre and the thermal bath. The hotel offers 65 guest rooms and apartments. Revesz Restaurant awaits the guests with Hungarian cuisine, fish- and vegetarian specialities. Guarded…guest hungarian, hungarian cuisinegyor, price, enquiry, booking, reservation1
geoflame.huOur company is involved in the investments of the key players of the Hungarian hydrocarbon mining industry in the entire area of Hungary. We contribute to the success of our employers through our professional experience of several decades in the field of general surveying and mine surveying as…player hungarian, hungarian hydrocarbonquestion, reference, mining, survey, technology1
borsyugyveditarsulas.hu…experience from different fields of economic life, who assist in our work and help us deliver an even more complete service to our clients. We have good connections with the leading Hungarian and international advisory firms providing business and tax consultancy, as well as tax planning services.connection hungarian, hungarian internationalattorney, act, association, accordance, regulation1
hotelmomentsbudapest.huHotel Moments Budapest is located on the stunning World Heritage site of Andrássy Avenue, only a few steps away from the Hungarian State Opera House, the St. Stephen’s Basilica and from several other spectacular sights of Budapest.away hungarian, hungarian stateroom, moment, size, bed, selection1
bmszki.huFEANTSA (European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless) was shocked to learn that the Hungarian Government could close the health centre of the Budapest Methodological Social Centre (BMSZKI) in Szabolcs Street.shock hungarian, hungarian governmentsocial, street, accommodation, european, center1
orangesoil.huAbout us – Oranges Oil Company is the first Hungarian-owned fully self-service gas station within Hungary. Our story began in Mosonmagyaróvár by opening a station at Park Center, which grew into the dynamically growing network that we are today. As a result you may now use our services at Zala…company hungarian, hungarian fullyprice, oil, orange, fuel, quality1
sermones.huOsvaldus de Lasko and Pelbartus Temesvári were the most outstanding personalities of the Franciscan sermon literature in medieval Hungary. The publication of their works is one of the old debts of Hungarian medievalists. The modern, critical edition on internet of their sermons and the publication…debt hungarian, hungarian medievalists, literature hungarian, hungarian international, age hungarianedition, de, research, digital, oeuvre1
csemo.hustatue of the seven chieftains of the Hungarians and the open-air stage were completed in honour of the mille-centenary of the foundation of the Hungarian state (1996) in Templom Square. Also in the 1990-s the construction of the Catholic and Protestant churches was commenced. The people living…foundation hungarian, hungarian statevillage, flowery, area, official, website1
palcso.huThe greaves cream's assortment in the Hungarian stores is huge, but it is worth remembering that not all the greaves cream that look like it.assortment hungarian, hungarian storepig, quality, technology, consumer, cream1
appwise.huBased in Budapest, we are a Hungarian owned software development company. Our field of activities include supporting business processes and development of large enterprise systems. We provide innovative solutions for real business needs.budapest hungarian, hungarian softwaredevelopment, software, custom, expert, ready1
nyitramenti.huDear visitor! Welcome at the site of the Hungarian collie-sheltie kennel "Nyitramenti". We hope, in all the variety of the presented information you will find a useful piece for you. All the presented texts are written by me - Elena Balazsovits – all the content is copyrighted. All the photographs…site hungarian, hungarian collie, english hungarian, hungarian versionchampion, european, winner, breed, site1
foreverroseboutique.huAt the moment you will see the prices and delivery time of the Hungarian post Magyar Posta in the store.time hungarian, hungarian postview, quick, paper, wedding, flower1
qstest.huWe Are the First Hungarian Company to Receive Microsoft Cloud Business Applications Solution Partner Badgemanagement, solution, automation, customer, process1
doku7.huSince the 90’s, Zsolt has been an iconic part of the underground Hungarian LGBTQ scene and dresses up as Zsófi from Thursday to Saturday, performing at Club Ver Deco . However, the identity words of queer or LGBTQ are not used by her, as she decidedly sets herself apart from what she sees as…underground hungarian, hungarian lgbtqlove, main, close, identity, family1
napur.hu…An extremly exciting architectural excercise is to address the designed spaces with an architectural treatment, which bears meaning well beyond itself. The mission of MCC is that the new building will appear as a positive symbol for the whole of the rising Hungarian nation in the 21st century.symbol hungarian, hungarian nationdetail, architect, office, build, center1
thedreamcatchers.hu…hopefully the full version will be available in May. The band is billingual which leads to that every song on the album was made in English and Hungarian as well. Live concerts are electronic and unplugged too fillfulled with own songs and covers. Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, London Grammar…english hungarian, hungarian livevideo, photo, electronic, song, grammar1
alukol.huThe ALUKOL Fémszerkezetgyártó Magyar-Német Kft. was founded in 1990 by Hungarian private individuals and the German Versbach Metallbau GmbH. The company has provided the opportunity for employees to experience German standards by working at the founding partner company in Germany for more than 10…kft hungarian, hungarian privatequality, facade, aluminum, profile, reference1
kisduna.huOur restaurant offers dining opportunity in a comfortable and air-conditioned place for 150 people. We have a terrace for 60 people. We offer traditional Hungarian foods and international specialties.traditional hungarian, hungarian foodrestaurant, wedding, pension, room, event1
rigler.huThe BEKA CHAIR ( « beka » meens « FROG » in hungarian) is a seat with two feet which is wedged into a corner. The feet are detachable. The corner plays the...frog hungarian, hungarian seatceramic, andras, plaster, resin, size1
gastlandhotelek.huOur company, as a member of the Gastland group, has been a key player in the Hungarian catering for more than twenty years.player hungarian, hungarian cateringmain, page, guest, privacy, member1
pmssolutions.huWe are present in Auchan, Insterspar, Tesco and Metro stores and in Hungarian-owned retail chains.store hungarian, hungarian retailsale, material, promotion, promotional, production1
pellet.huWe buy 100% of our raw materials from domestic suppliers, thus stimulating the Hungarian economy.supplier hungarian, hungarian economypallet, material, social, responsibility, news1
fenekpusztacastrum.huIn its full reality, the fortress of Fenékpuszta will be presented to the visitors at the latest exhibition of the Balaton Museum. The Castrum Virtuale exhibition presents the results of a German-Hungarian co-production excavation, but also guides visitors to the past with digital technology.german hungarian, hungarian cohistory, exhibition, excavation, fortress, archaeological1
pffkft.huPannon Fine Food Ltd. ( HU-1182 EK ) is a 100% Hungarian firm. The owners are major players of the Hungarian poultry industry, having several decades of expertise in the fields of livestock commerce and management.ek hungarian, hungarian firm, player hungarian, hungarian poultryquality, food, tradition, certificate, fatty1
aupairkft.huOur agency is member of THE IAPA, a global alliance, which is a kind of trademark, that gives guarantee both for the families and the au pairs. As the only hungarian member, we represent our contry since 2002. Our nannies has a 11-15 years experience in child care (hospital) and care (nursery). In…pair hungarian, hungarian memberpair, family, country, agency, application1
csato.huWe await our kind guests in the historical ancient village of Tihany in romantic and evocative cottages. There is a fine view from over the abbey of Tihany to the tip of the Hungarian sea.tip hungarian, hungarian seaapartment, panorama, tour, guest, minute1
ezerjonap.huWe believe that Ezerjó is an important, Hungarian indigenous grape variety – a so called ‘Hungaricum’ –, which makes the trade and the winelovers feel like learning more about it. We also believe that we are capable of making great, exciting, lovable but also elegant, serious great wines! But the…important hungarian, hungarian indigenouswine, variety, day, food, registration1
singularcrew.huA report on Arok Party was forwarded to the forum of János Neumann Computerscience Society, and it is even available in written format at the Hungarian National Museum of Technology and Transport.format hungarian, hungarian nationalcrew, graphic, poison, music, plugin1
dunaintertoll.huDuna Intertoll is a service provider in the Hungarian roads maintenance sector. We pride ourselves on delivering a first-rate service to our clients based on the whole-hearted commitment of our employees, our flexible approach, our experience and our operational capability.provider hungarian, hungarian roadoperator, maintenance, infrastructure, provider, office1
rutafakorus.huIn April 2016, at the National Qualification of KÓTA (Association of Hungarian Choirs, Orchestras and Ensembles) the choir received the following qualifications: Children’s Choir: ‘Choir of the Year’, Rutafa Choir: ‘Concert Choir’, Mixed Choir: ‘Gold Diploma with Praise’…association hungarian, hungarian choirchoir, gallery, child, youth, video1
gombaipezsgopince.huWhat Is The Best Online Casino To Play Hungarian Roulette In Hungary Unsurprisingly, classic one-armed bandits started to give way to their more innovative cousins. Best Paying Fruit Spins At Debrecen Casino In 2023 The game will not try to cheat you, the randomness is actually random and that the…casino hungarian, hungarian rouletteslot, bonus, game, live, free1
pannonhalmanetterem.huWe can offer 18 kind of menus through phone, fax or e-mail. Our cuisine is dominated by the Hungarian tastes and offers a numbers of specialities (Pannon Plate for 2, Pannon Salad).cuisine hungarian, hungarian tasterestaurant, group, navigation, event, booking1
existentialcounselling.huPlease note that my services are by no means a substitute for professional mental health or medical health services under Hungarian law.service hungarian, hungarian lawcounselling, expat, psychotherapy, book, issue1
fureverbycsanyi.huFollowing the centuries-long tradition of Hungarian fur breeding, Furever by Csányi Ltd. has been dealing with the finishing, dyeing and confectioning of fur skins for almost 30 years.tradition hungarian, hungarian furcollection, fashion, jacket, luxury, salon1
faa.huThis text is about the geometry of Penrose-drawings. Their base is the Penrose-tiling, or Penrose-parquet - from a Hungarian translation (Géza Perneczki).parquet hungarian, hungarian translationartwork, exhibition, drawing, website, text1
theforcealliance.huThe Force Alliance- Hungarian Galactic Fan Club is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd. The club is comprised of and operated by Star Wars Fans. Star Wars , it's characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used…force hungarian, hungarian galacticforce, alliance, fan, intellectual, associate1
raabsped.hu…which has worked as a Limited trade Company since April 2005 was created by 3 people in 2003 who had been working for several shipping companies before so they gained a great deal of theoretical and practical experience of freight forwarding and transport. The company is completely Hungarian-owned.freight, forward, international, fleet, inquiry1
fiokaetterem.huEach season we upgrade our selection of wine just as our menu with great care. You can take an adventure tasting the wine of both boutique wineries and well known Hungarian wineologists.winery hungarian, hungarian wineologistswine, free, gluten, lactose, vegetarian1
bpss.hu…legal issues of each individual case enables us to guide our clients in the most complicated legal matters by providing professional, creative advice. The close co-operation of our lawyers and assistant colleagues ensure par excellence legal services offered in Hungarian, English, German or French.service hungarian, hungarian englishpeople, practice, area, career, law1
bsproduction.huMy name is Gabor Kovacs. I'm a Hungarian sound engineer and producer. Blacksmith Production offers professional mixing, mastering and editing service what specialized in rock and metal music. My goal is to bring out the best in your music.kovacs hungarian, hungarian soundproduction, blacksmith, official, useful, gabor1
investmentor.huWe aim to help foreign and Hungarian companies wishing to settle and expand in Hungary especially in the Southern Transdanubia region. Our job is to find the economically most suitable location taking into consideration the labour market, the logistics facilities and the possibilities for…foreign hungarian, hungarian companyagency, real, estate, support, legal1
mattor.huSanta Claus day at Mattor HO-HO-HO-HO! Sweets and chocolates were given to Mattorgroup’s employees to celebrate Santa Claus Day. According to the hungarian tradition on the Eve of December 5 children leave their newly polished shoes on the windowsill so Mikulas can fill them with sweets, chocolate…day hungarian, hungarian traditionline, production, news, day, engine1
sugogabona.huSugo-Gabona primarily specialises in the trade of cereals and industrial plants through the integration with Hungarian farmers. Our operations also expand to the trade of raw materials (fertilizers, seeds and chemicals) necessary for agricultural production.integration hungarian, hungarian farmercrop, office, introduction, trade, industrial1
kockamuhely.huLife-size busts of two Hungarian artists, replacing the two original bronze statues which had been stolen from a park in Budapestbust hungarian, hungarian artistbalazs, model, brick, landmark, photo1
fivestarmotel.huSince October 2021, Five Star Motel has been shining ever brighter on the Hungarian popular music scene. The five members of the band are all multiple Fonogram Award winners and widely acclaimed musicians both nationally and internationally. In the course of their quarter of a century-long career…bright hungarian, hungarian popularrequest, video, gallery, proposal, member1
premiumbudapest.hu2 minutes away from the building, the “Hungarian Champs Elysée” is Andrássy Avenue, which offers the purchase of exclusive clothes, shoes and other accessories with the shops of luxury fashion brands.build hungarian, hungarian champsroom, apartment, premium, kitchen, live1
simotrade.huAt Simotrade Kft. we build on 30 years of experience in the production of lighting fixtures as a Hungarian manufacturer in the EU. We give you a wide range of competitive and cost-effective LED products, the most modern solutions in office and industrial lighting tailor made to your needs, and…fixture hungarian, hungarian manufacturerproduction, download, career, cart, view1
trillafesztival.huAfter last year’s success, Trilla (vocal trill) festival returns to Martonvásár from September 2-4. The free, outdoor event series awaits everyone who is fond of folk songs, likes to dance, to play, to learn while playing, or just wants to chill and listen to the eminent performers of the…performer hungarian, hungarian worldfestival, folk, song, conference, heritage1
recentcar.huThe owners of the company have been in the car rental business since 1993. This company was founded in 2001 and it has had the original tax number ever since. It is a member company of the Magyar Autókölcsönzők Szövetsége (Hungarian Car rental companies Association) which safeguards high quality…szövetsége hungarian, hungarian caroffer, minibus, hire, airport, special1
huntypeteam.huThe HunTypeTeam has many years of experience in the typesetting of rubber stamps and seals, signs, and promotional items, in many languages like German, English, French, Italian, Dutch and Hungarian etc.dutch hungarian, hungarian etcprivacy, stamp, rubber, site, typesetting1
karrieresstilus.huTo provide comprehensive consultancy - for the managers and professionals working in hungarian and multinational companies in the leading edge industries :professional hungarian, hungarian multinationalcareer, style, training, search, consultant1
aipderm.huBehind the digital skin clinic, which is the first in the world to be available nationally, are the most prestigous Hungarian doctors and scientific experts.prestigous hungarian, hungarian doctordermatology, diagnosis, treatment, social, artificial1
fermentia.huIn the last ten years we have established a cooperation network with hungarian universities active in the fields relevant to our interests. Budapest…network hungarian, hungarian universityfermentation, production, development, process, scale1
forestfoods.huThe highest grade wild chanterelle mushrooms and “bouchon” porcini mushrooms which are naturally fruiting in Hungarian national parks and forests.naturally hungarian, hungarian nationalforest, food, mushroom, nature, straight1
glovita.huThe gloves of our Olympians were made in Glovita Gloves Factory. The light and dark green gloves were wearn by the Hungarian team durin...glove hungarian, hungarian teamglove, safety, risk, mechanical, quality1
medicalaesthetics.huMEDICAL AESTHETICS SUPPLY keeps abreast of progress in aesthetic medicine, and offers for specialists in the Hungarian market the latest achievements in the field of beauty industry, monitors and implements the latest technologies in the field of cosmetology and dermatology in the Hungarian…specialist hungarian, hungarian market, dermatology hungarianmedical, cream, serum, aesthetic, supply1
ahid.hugive environmental tasks associated with our work a great deal of attention. Great emphasis is placed on the prevention and gradual reduction of potential environmental effects, to fully comply with international and Hungarian regulations, and the responsible and environmental approach of our times.international hungarian, hungarian regulationenvironmental, protection, activity, responsibility, social1
centralhotel.huThe restaurant of the hotel offers with Hungarian hospitality the bests of the national culinary and international cuisine made by our Master Chef. You can taste Hungary’s finest wines and a wide range of prize-winning pálinkas with the recommendation of our Sommelierhotel hungarian, hungarian hospitalityroom, restaurant, suite, offer, event1
torocsiktech.huThe award was created by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the three regional chamber of commerce. Its porpose is to recognize the most significant product or service based on intellectual work. I was honored to be one of the two awardees in 2022 with my "IoT Platform" project.award hungarian, hungarian academysoftware, technology, circuit, engineering, embedded1
ozorafest.huMake sure you have your camping essentials with you and don't forget to bring some good friends too. The Hungarian Festival Ozora is an outdoor event promoting a special kind of counterculture where we say no to capitalism and greediness, and we embrace living a simple life. Our continuous success…friend hungarian, hungarian festivalfestival, place, kind, live, tip1
riversideboats.huDiretcly from the riverside of Danube. Made by a highly experieced hungarian aluminum master- and passionated fisherman and his professional team.experieced hungarian, hungarian aluminumboat, riverside, custom, close, aluminum1
jerring.huThe professional manager and owner of the shooting ground is Tamás Jéri, the youngest talent and dare-devil of Hungarian clay shooting, World and European champion sport shooter.devil hungarian, hungarian clayshoot, ground, basket, voucher, option1
hajnalmt.huTLDR: Here is my new CV written in latex: English CV Hungarian CV The source code link on Overleaf: Hajnal Mate CV. Intro Today I stumbled upon the task to refresh my CV and I decided tha...cv hungarian, hungarian cvkubernetes, sail, welcome, page, setup1
violet-consulting.huOur German-Hungarian software development partner who is operating in the banking industry is looking for a DevOps Engineer. Main tasks: working on ways to automate and improve development and release processes, building and improving monitoring and alerting for projects, perform root cause…german hungarian, hungarian softwareconsulting, engineer, position, candidate, manager1
lunatics.huMusician, tv-host, stand- up comedian. Twenty years in show business, regular participant in comedy and talent shows, events and ads on the Hungarian scene. Father of two, loving owner of his bicycle.ad hungarian, hungarian scenedata, father, big, commercial, advertising1
jasdipince.huWe are ’boomers’, Hungarian citizens in our 70s, living actually in our quarantine-islands. Our generation is…boomer hungarian, hungarian citizenwine, bar, shop, terrace, reservation1
innomedio.huInnomedio Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Ltd. is a 100% Hungarian-owned company that started its operation in 2007. The company’s head office and site are also in Szeged. Our company provides architectural software programming and planning, project management, process modelling and case management…szolgáltató hungarian, hungarian companysoftware, management, process, client, modelling1
ifes.huWe are a fellowship of Christian students from Hungarian universities. We want to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our fellow students and to establish student groups , where we can study the Bible and talk about the most important things of life and where everyone is welcome - regardless…student hungarian, hungarian universitychurch, group, student, christian, international1
kegyeletipark.huKISTELEK – it introduces not only the Hungarian characteristics of burial, but local folklore and traditions as wellkistelek hungarian, hungarian characteristicopen, gallery, hour, price, tradition1
vostokfood.huVostok Group is specialised on sales of the Hungarian and European food products in HoReCa sector.sale hungarian, hungarian europeanfood, seafood, poultry, pork1
innovatox.huI am delighted to recommend you the exemplary quality services provided by InnovaTox Chemical Safety Consulting. For the past few years we have worked hand in hand with InnovaTox Chemical Safety Consulting to assist us with numerous services including our biocidal productsregistration, according…productsregistration hungarian, hungarian bprsafety, substance, notification, registration, guarantee1
buzassandor.hu…event with him and now I see that Sándor not only presents the essence of the original training, but also adapts the American ways to the Hungarian reality. Our coaching process revealed such depth of insight into my life, that it triggered self-development in my career, and even beyond, in…way hungarian, hungarian realitysession, strategy, performance, free, people1
nepbolt.huWe chiefly serve dealers of the United States, Canada, Australia, the UK, the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, France and Italy predominantly with Hungarian, Ukrainian, Slovakian, Romanian and Moldovan antiques of folk and peasant origin , as well as refurbished and new interior decor objects in ’…predominantly hungarian, hungarian ukrainianantique, decoration, wholesale, stock, item1
hotelpresident.huWelcome to Hotel President Budapest — 4-star hotel located at the heart of historical and enchanting Budapest. Surrounded by the main business, commercial and governmental districts, in the vicinity of the Hungarian National Bank and the US Embassy. Only just a few hundred meters away from the St…vicinity hungarian, hungarian national, basilica hungarian, hungarian parliamentpresident, room, city, center, offer1
coachok.hu…of life. We support our members with trainings, publications and pro bono opportunities to show off their skills. The association is also a founding member of Hungary’s overarching „Hungarian Coach Bodies’ Association” – founded in May 2013, which has a strict professional ethical codex to follow.overarching hungarian, hungarian coachassociation, account, close, main, big1
exploredebrecen.huTrip to Hungary’s oldest and biggest national park, the UNESCO World Heritage site Hortobágy that is also known as the Hungarian Pusztahortobágy hungarian, hungarian pusztatour, traditional, alternative, explore, city1
drivinglicence.huFor students attending our school to obtain their category ‘B’ driving lessons we offer English, Chinese and, of course, Hungarian theory courses.course hungarian, hungarian theorydrive, school, course, theory, licence1
geosan.huGeosan Ltd. is a 100% hungarian owned private company. At the time of its foundation in 1996 the company operated based on the work of the Engineering Office, which was followed by the launch of the biotechnological branch-establishment.geosan hungarian, hungarian privateengineering, office, environmental, focus, solution1
gyermekkoriautizmus.huEveryone knows sensitization tales; let us take only the “táltos horse” (“táltos paripa” – “táltos” typically refers to the power of the horse) in the Hungarian folk tale, who appears in the image of a lean horse in very bad condition and you need to know him to reveal his hidden abilities.horse hungarian, hungarian folkautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic1
horvatherno.huI am a Hungarian photoreporter, socialized in socialism. I saw the fall of “communism” in Hungary, Moscow, Berlin, Romania and Yugoslavia. I saw the changes, the birth of new powers. I saw and photographed. Now I show you these pictures. The history of Eastern Europe. … Continue reading About mejanuary, photo, june, october, march1
edvymalom.huAmong Hungarian towns radiating historical atmosphere Pápa is among the most beautiful ones with its baroque heritage.mill, room, town, introduction, house1
mochnacs.hu…needs in the market. We target small and medium sized companies just like multinational companies. The satisfaction of the latter customer base lead us to others nationwide and even abroad. We became the member of the Hungarian Space Cluster and reasearch of defense came into our list of fields.member hungarian, hungarian spacemachine, technology, special, engineering, technological1
orsogroup.hu…textile materials, where’s our main products are industrial textiles, velcros and sack sewing threads, but we are trying to constantly keep our product line up to date according to any changes in the needs of our customers, whom are mainly Hungarian domestic manufacturers and wholesale resellers.mainly hungarian, hungarian domesticgroup, material, feel, loop, fastener1
agromashexpo.hu…users, agribusiness professionals, legislators and the general public at the Hungexpo Budapest Congress and Exhibition Centre. In addition to Hungarian companies, exhibitors from 12 countries, including Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Italy and the United…addition hungarian, hungarian company, important hungarian, hungarian forumticket, exhibitors, exhibition, visitor, discount1
alapjogokert.huThe Budapest-based Center for Fundamental Rights (Alapjogokért Központ) has been a Hungarian think tank dealing with political and legal analysis since 2013. The Center serves as the main organizer of CPACHungary, the only Conservative Political Action Conference on European soil. A key mission of…központ hungarian, hungarian thinkhomepage, research, political, center, review1
officexpress.huWhile browsing the Internet You’ve just found a distributor offering all Hungarian and world famous brands of stationery (altogether cca. 4800 different products), in a continuously expanding stock.distributor hungarian, hungarian worldoffice, customer, vision, mission, value1
gironde.huThe products of the Hungarian-owned Gironde Ltd. are mostly made from natural ingredients, without animal testing, using environmentally conscious technology. The success of Lorin in Hungary and Eastern Europe is due to the fact that we offer high quality cosmetics and household products at…product hungarian, hungarian girondebrand, clean, price, quality, household1
egyszivcsakra.huMy technical background helped me greatly to understand the logic and operation behind this wonderful device. I was very fortunate to learn from Dr. Nelson and a Hungarian internal medical doctor.nelson hungarian, hungarian internaltestimonial, session, doctor, practitioner, medical1
nishuyoga.hu…but the protection of joints and the spine, that is why there are many props installed in the studios. The check-in to the classes is unnecessary, only the change of cloth is recommended. The language of the classes is Hungarian. Every alteration is announced on the wall of the Facebook group.class hungarian, hungarian alterationyoga, event, treatment, ayurvedic, welcome1
bricon.huMy name is Tamas Herold. I am the hungarian Bricon distributor since 2019 July. Since that time I've collected experience about the actual need of a single fancier. With this knowledge I would like to provide flexible service for all Bricon users. In my opinion the most important think is to…herold hungarian, hungarian briconcurrent, price, able, fancy, technology1
betryal.huBetryal is a Hungarian independent team of two, and currently working on its first title "DemonBlaze : Rodmar". Founded in 2013 as a Linux Distribution dev team, we have changed our profile to our real passion, creating well crafted games for PC and mobile devices.betryal hungarian, hungarian independentwebsite, news, official, gallery, game1
foltinandfoltin.huThe history of F&F Ltd. started in 1991. Over the past 27 years, our family-run and 100% Hungarian-owned company profile has been continuously expanding over the years. According to our philosophy, the key to success is continuous improvement. But it also ensures that the quality of finished…family hungarian, hungarian companyquality, customer, profile, market, food1
nexthostel.huThe rooftops, buildings, churches in Buda and Pest with the Danube in betweenThe Hungarian capital’s charm lies in the many cultural influences that affected the city during its long history.betweenthe hungarian, hungarian capitalhostel, apartment, room, book, contract1
okobank.huReviews of the investment policies of international and Hungarian banks in aspect of sustainable developmentinternational hungarian, hungarian bankinitiative, sustainable, introduction, event, news1
egynapavarosban.huWe started our weekend tours during spring 2012, and that summer also organised our first team building programme. Since then we have conceptualised tours in Budapest for high-profile companies such as Google. We have organised tours for fifty professionals from abroad, and ten Hungarian…abroad hungarian, hungarian colleaguescity, detail, day, tour, egy1
herczegmechanika.huOur main goal was to serve companies primarily working on Hungarian electronic developments and manufacturing in a manner of marketable quality in the field of milling.primarily hungarian, hungarian electronicactivity, short, introduction, gabor, welcome1
intertranscoop.huIntertranscoop is a Hungarian, family-owned business. We invest in, develop, to let and operate privately-owned industrial and commercial real estate that meets high quality standards and we provide premium quality services related to these activities.intertranscoop hungarian, hungarian familyeurope, warehouse, gallery, real, estate1
avantgardebluesguitars.huIt was when I visited Ghana that I came across the so called cigar box guitars and I was awed by their uniqueness. This experience has lead me to start making my own cigar box guitars but with a Hungarian twist. I really hope that my love for avantgarde and naive art also shines through.guitar hungarian, hungarian twistguitar, video, bass, cream, wardrobe1
bartok-haz.huBartók ház was completed in 2003 and is situated in the heart of the Hungarian capital. It offers around 17,600 sqm of modern office space for national and international companies.heart hungarian, hungarian capitalbuild, space, transport, office, minute1
divorceinhungary.huIf you decide to manage your divorce in Hungary on your own without a lawyer, it is better to prepare for a nightmare: long procedure, paying for things you don’t need, and missed opportunities. At the same time, a Hungarian lawyer specialised in international divorce cases can make your divorce…time hungarian, hungarian lawyerdivorce, case, international, lawyer, legal1
fadcafe.huIf you want to keep your privacy and safety when browsing on the internet in a café or if you want to avoid region based content restrictions. (Hungarian version link) Prerequisites Raspberry ...restriction hungarian, hungarian versioncurriculum, reference, website, technology, page1
sunnyside.huBest Online Spins To Win At Hungarian Casinos 2023 - Apart from dynamite, all the players winnings are paid from the left to the right.spin hungarian, hungarian casinosunny, bonus, player, spin, free1
elevart.huWhere fine art and design meet the digital world. Here you can find the best works of Hungarian artists, whether it's paintings, graphics, or unique design products. Elevart's goal is to provide a platform for both amateur and recognized creators to share their works with the world.work hungarian, hungarian artistartist, artwork, exhibition, place, popular1
choice1.huThe latest knowledge of accounting regulations and the proper utilization of this for tax purpose has become important in business in Hungary. It is critical both in international and Hungarian accounting that accounting procedures comply with existing laws and regulations.international hungarian, hungarian accountingchoice, tax, accounting, consultation, legal1
fnwork.huFN WORK SERVICE Kft. was founded in 2011 as a firm in 100% Hungarian ownership. Our office is first of all engaged in lending workforce.firm hungarian, hungarian ownershipfirm, customer, job, offer, value1
csaba-metal.huCSABA METÁL Zrt. (Share company) is 100% owned by Hungarian private shareholders. Founded in August 1st. 1999, with 19 employees.company hungarian, hungarian privatetechnology, quality, control, production, manufacture1
kisshanzsa.huKiss-Hanzsa Ltd (or Kiss-Hanzsa Kft in Hungarian) is a Hungary based indie software development company founded in 2014.kft hungarian, hungarian hungaryspeed, price, favourable, quality, development1
ugh.huThe inaugural event of the Sustainability Manager Basic Training, a joint training programme of GREEN BRANDS Hungary and MagNet Hungarian Community Bank, was held with great interest. On 26 May, more than 80 participants gathered at the MagNet Community House to learn from the 9 lectures of the…magnet hungarian, hungarian communitytraining, brand, czech, event, publication1
autohof-gyor.huClick the icons above to view and download our documents in PDF format (available in Hungarian language)available hungarian, hungarian languageprice, room, parking, fuel, restaurant1
phpguru.huStudy HWSW online presentations, participate in English and Hungarian freesoftware conferences.english hungarian, hungarian freesoftwaredeveloper, development, control, environment, software1
szabodani.huI have excellent communication skills in Hungarian and in English too. I am characterized by precision, accuracy, reliability, independence, and I do not back down when it comes to teamwork as well.skill hungarian, hungarian englishportfolio, website, university, job, study1
pilla2000.huPilla 2000 was founded in 2000 so we are until 13 years in the valve market. We have very big stock from actuated valves and actuators so we are proud that lot of Hungarian and Central European customers take the phone up when they need actuated valves. MORE...lot hungarian, hungarian centralvalve, specialist, phone, customer, japan1
bilk.huBecause it is one of the largest intermodal logistics parks in the Hungarian logistics market, which is characterised by, among others:park hungarian, hungarian logisticlogistic, warehouse, centre, corporate, governance1
aquaworldresort.huI've had the best service in the main restaurant at new year's eve what ever! All my request was realised. The foods and the cheese pickness of the chef with premium hungarian wine selection was exellent!The spa and wellness was perfect.premium hungarian, hungarian wineroom, treatment, day, family, pool1
icomos.huThe aim of the Hungarian National Committee of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) is to promote and assist in all possible ways the preservation, presentation as well the worthy – sustainable and sustaining – use of monuments and sites. Since the foundation of ICOMOS in 1965…aim hungarian, hungarian nationalcommittee, event, sub, aim, news1
carinex.huHunity Defense is a cyber security consortium which was founded by four Hungarian IT security solution provider and consultancy companies to offer an advanced, comprehensive and customizable technology and service pack against the cyber threats of today.consortium hungarian, hungarian securitysecurity, official, webpage, range, sector1
cesep2023.huThis is the first time that CESEP is organized in Hungary. The Hungarian carbon community is honoured to host the 9th CESEP meeting. The organizers will follow the tradition of CESEP established by the French Carbon Group: no parallel oral sessions and a full afternoon for conference excursion.hungary hungarian, hungarian carbondetail, conference, storage, energy, protection1
bunyevacintezet.hu…matter covers personal fates, human history and emotions which root deeply. Our decided intent to preserve the culture of all Bunjevacs – either be the person Bunjevac, Bunjevac-Croatian, or anybody who self-confess himself or herself Hungarian, Serb or any other nationality with Bunjevac origin.self hungarian, hungarian serbinstitution, activity, cultural, attendance, heritage1
medtechconsult.huWe, MTC - Medical Technical Consulting Kft., are a dynamic company founded on the basis of German-Hungarian friendship.german hungarian, hungarian friendshipmedical, consulting, technical, repair, sale1
mandalajogapecs.huCurrently we do not have led classes in English. However, you can visit any classes. These classes are held hungarian but our yoga instructors speak English and translate the essentials for you.class hungarian, hungarian yogaclass, schedule, yoga, pass, unlimited1
creaturawine.huLight white wine from the traditional Hungarian wine region, Eger. It is a perfect pairingtraditional hungarian, hungarian winewine, main, page, selection, winery1
unimatik.hu…process from design to commissioning. Our products are widely available in large domestic canneries and cold stores, as well as in many European and Asian countries. We develop unique machines and equipment that are not offered by other Hungarian companies and that are considered special worldwideequipment hungarian, hungarian companymachine, process, food, production, industry1
drsikloskrisztina.huF These wise words from Hungarian poet Milán Füst ring especially true when it comes to our skin, since it is our most visible part – both to ourselves and for those around us.word hungarian, hungarian poetskin, introduction, curriculum, dermatology, mole1
piac42.huHungarian colorful ribeye, spicy butter, dirty fries (roasted potatoes), yogurt salad – 11000.-bread, cheese, sourdough, salad, potato1
feryx.huI created and maintained the Hungarian Gamemaker and the Unity3d community on the facebook.game, place, development, competition, function1
pontismedia.hu- IP based TV signal distribution - Content Distribution Network - Direct connections to Budapest Internet eXchange Media Center Campona Luxembourg, Warsaw, Bucharest, Prague, all major Hungarian and most Central Europe based DTH providersmajor hungarian, hungarian centralmedia, viewer, bridge, broadcast, video1
fusia.hu…prove the viability of international, volume trade to the company. Our customers are as well the potential wholesalers of the Hungarian market, as all of our domestic partners are the largest Hungarian wholesalers and distributors of branded household products, We have customers…wholesaler hungarian, hungarian market, large hungarian, hungarian wholesalertrade, international, parallel, close, europe1
globalproject.hu…for free circulation. We provide storage facilities for our customers who do not want to use their imported product immediately or export their goods abroad – without paying customs duties – or provide an opportunity to defer the payment of customs duties within the framework of Hungarian law.framework hungarian, hungarian lawtransport, international, groupage, global, england1
bpdigital.huI can fully endorse the BP Digital team – both professionally and personally. In the Hungarian market there are few SEO agencies with international experience and references, so anyone considering export expansion can rely on their expertise with confidence. Their open and honest communication…personally hungarian, hungarian marketdigital, organic, traffic, engine, search1
teampassion.huIn addition to the team’s 11-time Hungarian title and numerous international successes, we are proud that since 2016 we have consistently finished in the midfield at the World Championships and are able to compete with the best of the sport.time hungarian, hungarian titleinterview, passion, international, farewell, authority1
hungrana.huAs the most significant corn processing company in Europe, Hungrana Starch and Isoglucose Manufacturing and Trading Ltd (Hungrana Keményítő- és Izocukorgyártó és Forgalmazó Kft.) has been a definitive player in the Hungarian food industry for more than a century.player hungarian, hungarian foodcorn, procurement, management, food, career1
teljeselet.huFurther occasions for helpers and participants to meet up and deepen their friendship include: the „Santa Claus Eve” and „Farsang” (Hungarian carnival).farsang hungarian, hungarian carnivalgoal, foundation, camp, newly, center1
altagra.huAs the only Hungarian member of the Agricultural Tour Operators International (ATOI), we are the only company in Hungary to organise full-scale trips for agricultural professionals. We offer each group a unique travel programme tailored to their needs.conference, agricultural, detail, management, travel1
ithelps.huWe participated in the successful introduction of SAP to the Hungarian market, as well as widespread implementation. In addition to the success of the classic ERP implementations, the financial sector opened to SAP, and we were lucky to be right there at the start. Today, financial institutions…sap hungarian, hungarian marketstatement, page, process, implementation, comprehensive1
hradvise.huHR Advise Kft. is a100% Hungarian company established in 2009. We concentrate 10 years experience in our enterprise from the field of corporate HR and HR services. We provide high quality, professional and accountable HR services for our Partners.kft hungarian, hungarian companyadvise, introduction, recruitment, consulting, labour1
queensymphonic.huOn December 12, 2022 QUEEN ROCK & SYMPHONIC SHOW returns to Hungary! After 3 years of waiting the Hungarian audience can enjoy Queen’s most popular hits live again, performed by the singing stars of the West End, accompanied by a rock band and a symphonic orchestra!year hungarian, hungarian audiencesymphonic, queen, kind, concert, gallery1
abtlegal.huOur cooperation with ABT group enables us to provide complex assistance together with ABT’s experts including among others tax, HR, payroll and IT security specialists in English, Hungarian, and in German. We are committed to know and understand our clients and their businesses in order to provide…english hungarian, hungarian germanlegal, law, practice, area, corporate1
porosimeter.huOur company is a small Hungarian family company, where the focus is to make our products with care what attracts high precision and quality. We have in this industry since 2008 and we can say our products are time standing. There are Porozits what our customers have been using for 10 years. Our…small hungarian, hungarian familymeter, order, faq, accurate, hello1
prevotex.huA Prevotex Hungary Ltd. has been helping Hungarian companies to overcome the challenges of CNC automation and programming for more than 25 years.hungary hungarian, hungarian companytool, machine, lathe, bar, solution1
kigyopatikamako.hu…2010, it has been operating as a family business again, joining the now 10-year-old chain of Kulcs Pharmacies, in which pharmacies owned by Hungarian pharmacologists have joined forces to provide better quality care. In our daily work, we consider prevention (phytotherapy, homeopathy…pharmacy hungarian, hungarian pharmacologistsprice, consumer, health, pharmacy, condition1
bonitasktk.huBonitás Investment Fund Management Zrt. acquires and funds mature or growth-stage companies with Hungarian operations and invests in real estate and development as well. Although we follow a generalist portfolio investment strategy, we prefer industries where synergies can be created with Bonitás…company hungarian, hungarian operationinvestment, management, fund, group, domestic1
piaconline.huOne of the best markets in Europe. Good Hungarian red peppers and other Hungarian products are available here. Colorful cavalcade in historic setting. Good shopping! It'sworth coming here.good hungarian, hungarian red, pepper hungarian, hungarian producthall, market, street, shopping, square1
bcwd.hu! Due to legal reasons the original backpack dog carriers are now called Canine Sport Sack . With this name change we’d also like to make it clear that the American K9 Sport Sack company is a completely different entity to the Hungarian Julius-K9 company and the two has nothing to do with each…entity hungarian, hungarian juliusdog, food, sack, happy, accessories1
folia-szamitas.huTry for free (only in Hungarian actually), and use all functionality. The result shown only after 30 seconds in the demo. The unlock key is only 7€.free hungarian, hungarian actuallycalculator, site, calculation, shrink, portal1
hevesgep.huHEVESGÉP Mezőgazdasági Gépgyártó, Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft. is a hungarian company with more than 60 years of experience. The company was founded in 1958 to provide technical background and to meet the needs of agriculture requirements at the time. It has been manufacturing agricultural…kft hungarian, hungarian companymachine, homepage, technology, reference, grain1
luxuryproperty.huChinese and vietnamese market Budapest, guided tour 1-3 persons for 99 euro (3-4 hours). Probabaly the most multicultural region of Budapest is this market. Chinese, vietnamese, arab and some hungarian vendors, shoppers from Romania, Slovakia, chinese restaurants, vietnamese pho, turkish kebab…arab hungarian, hungarian vendor, gyro hungarian, hungarian snitzelproperty, luxury, sale, real, estate1
golyavar-porta.huThe guest houses of "STORK COTTAGES" are located half-way between Tiszafüred and Hortobágy (the famous Hungarian "Puszta"), at the gate of the Hortobágy National Park. Kócsujfalu is a tiny countryside village with an approximately 160 inhabitants, where people live in the embracement of nature…famous hungarian, hungarian pusztaguest, image, stork, house, cottage1
doctor360.hu. During his last assignment he has acted as Senior Project Manager and Business Analyst of the delivery of the Scolvo mobile solution at a major Hungarian bank. Even though the project had an extremely tight deadline, he managed the scope and resources very well and in the meanwhile the Client was…major hungarian, hungarian banksolution, technology, portfolio, client, nearshore1
muszakiperek.huI conclude my legal activities for corporations and private entities operating in Hungarian and German language territories.entity hungarian, hungarian germanlegal, attorney, law, nagy, economical1
codehunters.huWith courses in English or Hungarian, we cater to a wide range of audiences, and our comprehensive training will help you handle your career life with ease.english hungarian, hungarian widecourse, solution, training, academy, cloud1
tracel.huTransport-Beton Kft., a Hungarian owned construction company which was established in 1991, built a new industrial hall in 2011, opposite its headquarters. We set up this division in order to manufacture stainless steel and carbon steel structures to compliment our own activities.kft hungarian, hungarian constructionmanufacture, steel, sheet, structure, material1
buveszmusor.huMy act is packed with laughter, the miracles happen interactively involving your guests. It can be performed in english or hungarian. Weather the occation is a wedding, birthsday party, tradeshow, corporate or private event: the magic show is always costumsized to your event.english hungarian, hungarian weathermagician, kid, child, interactive, event1
origodigitalfilm.huBack in 2004, a group of Hungarian investors with more than 20 years experience in the worlds of film production and finance first conceived the idea of bringing Hollywood-quality filmmaking in Europe, and set out to align itself with the best premier independent film studios in the United States…group hungarian, hungarian investordigital, post, production, complex, daily1
barczy.huOur company has received a set of Hungarian and foreign awards in acknowledgement of our work. We have numerous references – we have been making business with more than 4000 companies in the years behind.set hungarian, hungarian foreigndetail, oil, profile, reward, control1
drgaspar.huMPHEST Section of Private Physicians, Hungarian Surgical Society, Hungarian Plastic Remedial, Aesthetic, Surgical Societyphysician hungarian, hungarian surgical, society hungarian, hungarian plasticplastic, breast, surgery, curriculum, augmentation1
mesevilagovi.huWe provide a homely environment for a small group of mixed-age, English-Hungarian speaking children. This small class size gives us the opportunity to focus individual care and attention on each child, allowing the teachers to interact with each child in accordance with their particular stage of…english hungarian, hungarian childchild, kindergarten, environment, introduction, language1
usedcar.huMasaaki Sato is the Chief Advisor at UsedCar Advisor, Originally from Japan, he has been living in Budapest since 1999 and is fluent in Hungarian. With orver 2 years of experience in the used car business in Hungary. He is reliable and trustwothy advisor who can guide you through the complex…fluent hungarian, hungarian orveradvisor, quality, guide, target, check1
tiszaett.huIn the process of Ukraine's European integration, the establishment of Tisza EGTC with the support of the Hungarian Government, was an important event in October 2015. We are proud of creating the first exemplary EGTC (European grouping for territorial cooperation) which was established by the…support hungarian, hungarian governmentnews, document, gallery, event, conference1
orthopaedics.huSince 1998 I have been involved in the graduate training of both Hungarian and English language medical students as a practical teacher and later as a lecturer. I am actively involved in graduate research and mentor numerous theses. I have been an ATLS instructor since 2011. Since 2013 I have been…training hungarian, hungarian englishorthopaedic, department, surgeon, consultant, professor1
szabihid.huOn 29 March, the workshop primarily focused on the question of traffic. Following presentations by Valyo, the Hungarian Bicycle Club and Közlekedő Tömeg (Commuting Crowd), during a roundtable discussion, the concept of transforming the Liberty Bridge into a permanently car-free bridge for…valyo hungarian, hungarian bicyclebridge, space, event, public, city1
hotelcollect.huA small and luxury 4-Star boutique hotel , within a few minutes walking distance from the Hungarian national Museum and Dohany Street Synagogue.distance hungarian, hungarian nationalcollect, room, courtyard, view, guest1
infinitewind.huAs a result of Hungarian development, the VertiGo SRG human-scale wind generator product line has been created.result hungarian, hungarian developmentwind, infinite, power, generation, energy1
zalazonepark.huIn the past 17 years the Hungarian AVL has become the cutting edge centre in the field of powertrain systems, putting more and more emphasis on electric and hybrid technologies as well.year hungarian, hungarian avlscience, map, industrial, prove, development1
monochromeclack.huThe Monochrome Clack group is a result of the joined creative activities of two hungarian artists, Éva Köves painter and Andrea Sztojánovits digital artist.activity hungarian, hungarian artistcollection, research, proposal, color, biennale1
balettakademia.huOur classes are offered in Hungarian or English. Standard is Hungarian - but if you prefer English, simply let us know at the check-in!class hungarian, hungarian english, standard hungarianballet, schedule, class, academy, school1
kultur-press.huFor nearly ten years, our company has been involved in foreign distribution of Hungarian books, foreign language books, scientific publications and periodicals published by Hungarian publishers both in Hungary and in neighboring countries. By clicking on the on-line catalogue or search program you…distribution hungarian, hungarian book, periodical hungarian, hungarian publisher, virtually hungarianbook, periodical, journal, publication, dear1
fonixhotelbuk.huSeveral mythologies beginning with the ancient Egyptians, together with the Christianity of the early middle ages took over the figure of the phoenix (in Hungarian: Főnix) bird, which was the symbol of rebirth and eternal youth. A being that is always able to rejuvenate itself by fire, who immerse…phoenix hungarian, hungarian főnixroom, price, package, offer, gallery1
stadiumkiado.huIts main Task: to create and save artistic values in fine arts and literature, in az enduring form, and continuing for the future’s artists to help the hungarian spiritual values to find place inand be a part of the European spiritual heritage.artist hungarian, hungarian spiritualart, artist, publisher, century, artistic1
libertyskate.hu“Megrakták a tüzet.” The Hungarian sub-heading translates as “The fire has been set”, uttered approvingly by an unknown guy after one of us pulled a steezy combo at a frequented skatepark. This time a keen member of the Liberty crew endeavoured to get at some janky lost & found bits of prolific…tüzet hungarian, hungarian subvideo, crew, day, spot, long1
ltd-future-pharma.huThe growing number of our suppliers are of a variety of Hungarian and international manufacturers, business partners and wholesalers. Our aim is to satisfy our customers` needs by continuously increasing the variety of products we offer. We are working on introducing a complete portfolio of animal…variety hungarian, hungarian internationalltd, future, primary, sidebar, limited1
beautyandstyle.huThere was a great deal of interest in the beauty care national championships organized at the exhibition as a total of 200 beauticians, hairdressers and artificial nail artists competed with one another in over 40 different events. The Hungarian Hairdresser and Beautician Public Benefit…event hungarian, hungarian hairdresser, st. hungarianstyle, exhibitors, exhibition, gallery, visitor1
carmel.huThe Carmel restaurant is the embodiment of timeless elegance and masterful flavors in the heart of the city center, in the Jewish quarter of Budapest, where traditional Jewish food and authentic Hungarian flavors meet. We have come a long way during our more than 30 years of business.authentic hungarian, hungarian flavornews, restaurant, plate, beef, lamb1
kollazs.huVibrant and inspiring, KOLLÁZS - Brasserie & Bar is a contemporary French brasserie in Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace, overlooking the Chain Bridge and the Danube River. The Hungarian word for “collage,” KOLLÁZS highlights creative combinations in all aspects of the dining experience.river hungarian, hungarian wordbar, restaurant, chain, river, inspire1
opentour.huHungarian, English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese, Hebrew, Greek, Finnish, Swedish, Japanese, Korean, Arabictour, open, city, hour, office1
cirrushungary.huCirrus Hungary was founded in 2007 to offer very high quality general aviation aircrafts of truly XXI. technology on the Hungarian market. At our base together with the exclusive fleet we offer products and services which are of the highest standards.technology hungarian, hungarian marketphoto, video, training, dear, visitor1
bushofest.huBuSho (Budapest Short) was established in the autumn of 2004 by a group of young Hungarian filmmakers and the first event successfully ran its course the following year. The festival became an international breakthrough in an exceptionally short period of time. We had plenty of festival…young hungarian, hungarian filmmakerfestival, news, archive, entry, gallery1
dunapartvilla.huThe resort has a direct panoramic view of the Danube from all its rooms. Beach option is closest to Szigetszentmiklós 5 km and Ráckeve 10 km away. Located in the immediate vicinity of the Hungarian Kayak Canoe Selected Training Camp, the Danube is ideal for family canoeing and boating.vicinity hungarian, hungarian kayakhouse, room, apartment, away, danube1
borzaconsulting.huThe Hungarian and Danish subsidiaries of a significant European IT development group are working on an IFRS17 solutions.consulting, insurance, support, development, pension1
eszakmagyartegla.huThis company is entirely ran by hungarian management. Among our services we also offer delivery and transportationentirely hungarian, hungarian managementbrick, factory, production, introduction, primary1
holloscamping.huBased on the recommendations of the Institution of Operational Staff, the Hungarian Tourism Agency, and the regulations of the National Public Health Center.staff hungarian, hungarian tourismbooking, connect, price, gallery, main1
silvestris.huDr. Svab and her co-workers start the selection work on Matricaria chamomilla. During the following decades Hungarian Blue Chamomile Oil receives international recognition due to its high chamazulene and bisabolol content. The major buyer of the oil is Germany, so this oil is also known as German…decade hungarian, hungarian blueoil, process, botanical, essential, technology1
perametal.huThe company currently owned by two Hungarian private individuals, employs a staff of 35 and his activity is increasing dynamically.currently hungarian, hungarian privateproduction, machine, casting, machining, activity1
kaposternero.huThe raw material suppliers are exclusively Hungarian producers. The climate and the mixed flora of Hungary is particularly suitable for the production of livestock. The natural methods of livestock farming and the innovative genetic background contribute to the opportunity for manufacturing…exclusively hungarian, hungarian producermarket, lamb, meat, quality, main1
purecotton.huOur company’s main profile is 100% cotton nightwear and underwear for women, men and children since 1991. We also offer casual street wear and sportswear to our customers. Our products are designed in Hungary by well known Hungarian designers, following the current fashion trends. The production…hungary hungarian, hungarian designercotton, woman, kid, language, sportswear1
cabtor.huCABTOR Ltd. is a company owned by Hungarian private individuals. The company's main profile is assembling, testing and putting into operation of mechanical and electromechanical semi-finished and finished assemblies, distribution, control and switching equipment.company hungarian, hungarian privateassembly, reference, electrical, mechanical, main1
4m97.huIn our virtual world you can find information about our activities, products and a short history of our company. We are a 100% Hungarian family based company and proud of it. 20 colleagues in two facilities are responsible to make our daily activity fluent and efficient. We are focused on…company hungarian, hungarian familyproduction, trade, fruit, warehousing, process1
forditosziget.huHungarian-English-Hungarian; Hungarian-Ukrainian-Hungarian; Hungarian-Russian- Hungarian; English-Ukrainian-English; English-Russian-English; Ukrainian-Russian-Ukrainian.english hungarian, hungarian ukrainian, ukrainian hungarian, hungarian englishtranslation, language, interpretation, teach, island1
gyerekbirodalom.huOur experienced staff trains your child's social and communicative skills in English and Hungarian language.english hungarian, hungarian languagechild, kindergarten, language, nursery, ami1
indepth.huOUT SOON by in-Depth Soulutions publishing – Ferenc Kiss: Sociocracy and Holacracy – Agile and Human Organizations (in Hungarian)depth, organization, group, development, learn1
adlibitumgitar.huOur new concert series “ By the Music for the Hungarian Historic Monuments ” begins from the autumn in 2011 with which we would like to call the attention onto the importance of the protection’s of historic buildings, onto the coacting force of music, for it concerned, that how important to entail…music hungarian, hungarian historicassociation, guitar, music, photo, concert1
naniko.hu…attractions, and exactly for this was named the Paris of the East. Naniko provides its services at key points in the city and you can get the auto rent in Hungary and in all its towns and cities. Moving by a private car is the ideal way to explore the beautiful places in the Hungarian countryside.place hungarian, hungarian countrysiderental, availability, airport, price, additional1
nauticat.hu…England, which arrived in our country on 6 December 2007 after an adventurous trip. Only Santa Claus, who was extremely busy that day, missed the transport, but not even he had ever seen a more beautiful fairy than her. Since then ALCINA has been sailing on the waves of the Hungarian sea.wave hungarian, hungarian sealake, unique, ground, marine, boat1
egc2023.hu…Marceno, Denys Vynokurov, Szabolcs Lengyel, and András Kelemen as our keynote speakers. The mid-conference excursion will take us to the famous Hungarian 'puszta' in the Körös-Maros National Park, and a three-day optional post-conference excursion will take place in the diverse and spectacular…famous hungarian, hungarian pusztaconference, grassland, national, september, directorate1
sungdoeng.hu…(electrolyte, electrode membrane, assembly process, etc.), we provide process design, construction, operation, and maintenance work according to customer requirements, and currently, Secondary Battery Factory Construction is the main project of the Hungarian subsidiary established in March 2019.project hungarian, hungarian subsidiaryeng, construction, customer, factory, process1
furedijulia.hu…three decades in top HR positions at multinational companies. Following my burnout, I set up my own company and developed an innovative software that measures the characteristics of corporate cultures. My book on burnout was published recently. It is available in Hungarian only for the time being.available hungarian, hungarian timespeaker, consultant, author, latest, organisational1
studiovilagitas.huWelcome to our family business located in Budapest. We produce quality lighting products for film, photo, television and stage. Our lights, stands, hanging and other equipments are widely used in most Hungarian and European studios, theaters and in other special applications such as fine art…widely hungarian, hungarian europeanmodular, lighting, light, control, desk1
swedishchamber.huThe Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary has cooperation with two Hungarian organizations who are supporting women and children who face particular difficulties these times.cooperation hungarian, hungarian organizationchamber, swedish, member, sustainability, commerce1
hungaromedgroup.huThe clinical laboratory testing of those devices has already been started on viruses of MTB and HIV (both rather frequent in Europe) in prestigious Hungarian healthcare institutions in Budapest.prestigious hungarian, hungarian healthcaregroup, healthcare, infectious, disease, diagnostic1
fairtech.huThe Fairtech Ltd. that was founded in 2001, deals with building construction and is owned by Hungarian private individuals, is a professionally sound business with a stable financial position.construction hungarian, hungarian privatebuilding, facility, build, residential, office1
cyberground.huI worked as a Systems and Network Engineer in Hungarian hosting companies, where I gathered at least 20 years of experience with everything in hosting environment. It means all service administration like web, mail, sql all platforms like windows, linux, hypervisors, and a lot of devices. This…engineer hungarian, hungarian hostingstatic, category, page, engine, opinion1
szofiolah.huI studied art history and Hungarian grammar and literature at university. The key takeaway of the 5 years: there are many nice old stuff in the world!history hungarian, hungarian grammarmain, client, outdoor, award, june1
szappanospince.huThe Tolna wine region belongs to the wine regions since 1998, however wine-cultivation has been present for a longer period, it dates back to the Roman times. The Hungarian viniculture can be thankful for the German settled in this region, who played a significant role in the revival of…time hungarian, hungarian viniculturewine, winery, region, tourism, gallery1
golem.huThis is an evolution model for optimizing logical layouts in Hungarian. Letter frequency , bigraph and trigraph statistics. This was my original area of interest and the main reason to start this site.layout hungarian, hungarian letterkeyboard, custom, layout, build, sound1
biopipacstanya.hu…National Historical Memorial Park provides ample enterainment, where you can become better aquainted with the rich history of the early nomadic Hungarian settlers, visit the ruins of an 11th-century Romanesque Church, wander through the quaint open air museum, or witness horseriding and archery…nomadic hungarian, hungarian settlersorganic, activity, picture, forest, street1
noemi-fejlesztohaza.hu…through experiences. My aim is to support children with special educational needs (SEN) in order to help them overcome their learning difficulties. In addition, I am committed to improving children's development of English and Hungarian languages as well as strengthening their school readiness.english hungarian, hungarian languagechild, development, institute, language, availability1
infopark.huInfopark is the first innovation and technology park of Central and Eastern Europe. It is an innovation centre primarily for IT, telecommunication and software development companies where such multinational companies as Lufhansa Systems, Hungarian Telekom, IT-Services Hungary as well as young…system hungarian, hungarian telekombuild, office, development, accessibility, area1
fuleiviola.hu…or stoves. The porous wall structure provides excellent thermal insulation, many of its advantageous attributes are exploited in traditional Hungarian dairy production, food storage and for drinking vessels. With their durable quality and thousands years of tradition, these products radiate a…traditional hungarian, hungarian dairymain, page, pottery, introduction, gallery1
polgarmestervendeglo.huAll the tourist attractions of the Fertő landscape worth attention can be found within an easy reach from here. The Eszterházy Castle of Fertőd, the Hungarian Versailles, is a three kilometre long walk, or in Sárród the centre of the Hungarian-Austrian national park is Kócsagvár. At the same…fertőd hungarian, hungarian versailles, centre hungarian, hungarian austrianrestaurant, photo, gallery, map, kitchen1
reboundsports.huWe are an emerging Hungarian company, present on the Hungarian and European market for more than seven years, so we are proud to be the market leader in Hungary with several hard surface tennis courts both indoor and outdoor.present hungarian, hungarian europeancourt, tennis, news, portable, hard1
congressline.huOur company is well known for its attention to detail and services. With over 30 years extensive, first-hand knowledge of Hungarian venues, hotels and meeting facilities, Congressline team is able to offer a responsible and reliable service that can be tailor-made to your specific requirements. We…knowledge hungarian, hungarian venueevent, reference, gallery, photo, congress1
rotorway.huOur company is unique in Hungarian aviation. In cooperation with our head company Budapest Hungary we offer pleasure flights, taxi flights and other ordered flights.unique hungarian, hungarian aviationhelicopter, sightseeing, tour, homepage, gallery1
bizsan.huBuda showroom is a 10 minute walk from either Széll Kálmán Tér or Déli Metro station, Pest showroom is a few minutes walk from the Hungarian state Opera building and Opera metro station.walk hungarian, hungarian statecollection, rug, view, carpet, hand1
skc.huAs part of the extensive commercial activities of SKC Solution Kft., our company is a hungarian distributor of many visuals and office technical and electronic and diy machines. More than 23,000 of our products are currently available on our SKCSTORE website, 60% of which can be shipped directly…company hungarian, hungarian distributorconstruction, office, food, management, application1
myapps.huDiscover the bicycle path connecting the Castle of Siklós with the Mailath Mansion. Read about the sights of the region and listen to the audio guides available in English, Hungarian and Croatian.english hungarian, hungarian croatianapp, news, development, sight, offer1
dstmusic.huAlmost the total part of the contents are also available in Hungarian language, you can set it on the right side!available hungarian, hungarian languagesession, dawn, release, music, review1
parfumline.huPerfumes – niche brands – toiletries - designer brands – beauty products decor cosmetics wholesale for 20 years in both the Hungarian and international marketsyear hungarian, hungarian internationalline, market, brand, perfume, form1
fact-plus.huWe work as the Hungarian regional sales agency of several worldwide acknowledged equipment manufacturer.equipment, fact, machine, sale, process1
mpex.huMPEX is a Hungarian privately owned company, the unbroken growth based on the trust of its partners. We are proud, that our staff, is one of the most highly qualified professionals in their field.mpex hungarian, hungarian privatelyproduction, expert, metal, line, industrial1
procoplan.huOur company, ProCoPlan Ltd. was established in 1998, by former members of the Instrumentation Design and Software Engineering Group, of the Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc – Danube Refinery’s Instumentation & Automation Department.group hungarian, hungarian oilengineering, safety, software, automation, control1
orgcat.huOur group is part of the Hungarian Research Network and the Research Centre for Natural Sciencesgroup hungarian, hungarian researchresearch, group, publication, chemistry, member1
handwritten.hu…I have to change something. My cursive handwriting is not good enough so I started to use a calligraphy pen and I wrote my next work with it. A Hungarian poet, a giant of our literature, Attila József's all poems and translations. Meanwhile I thought it would be interesting to see how may Bilbo…work hungarian, hungarian poetcomplete, version, edition, fruit, volume1
muszer-gepkozvetito.huThe currency counters are certificated by MNB ( Hungarian Central Bank ) that the machines are able to separate the fake banknotes from the valid banknotes.mnb hungarian, hungarian centralcounter, banknote, coin, currency, creative1
nagy-lezer.huNagy-Lézer Kft. is a Hungarian company established in 2015, starting its businesses with laser engraving and laser welding based on 15 years of professional experience. According to the changes of market demand its activities are expanded towards mould repair. By increasing its machinery besides…kft hungarian, hungarian companynagy, mould, repair, welding, engraving1
fotimpex.huFótimpex-MPI Ltd. is a Hungarian company offering integrated services related to stand construction for trade shows, exhibitions and other events all across Europe.mpi hungarian, hungarian companyexhibition, booth, build, interior, custom1
gellerthegyi.huThe Law Office provides comprehensive legal services in a wide range of civil law, including administrative law, European Union law and real estate law, and provides extensive professional experience in environmental law issues. Since its inception, the Law Office has provided a number of…number hungarian, hungarian foreignlaw, office, legal, solution, introduction1
juliamalom.huJúlia Malom Kft. (Júlia Mill) is a Hungarian-German family enterprise established by the cooperation of three experienced managers of the milling industry.mill hungarian, hungarian germanwheat, flour, technology, mill, quality1
hyyc.huAfter a hiatus of five years, the Hungarian Yo-Yo National contest has finally returned. This thrilling event has been eagerly awaited by fans who have been waiting to see their favorite players back in action. Over the past few years, the sport has had its lowest point around the world due to…year hungarian, hungarian yorule, registration, competitor, judge, staff1
firstclass-tarskereso.huPlease, call us or send us an e-mail to learn how we work in more details and how we can help you to find your soul mate with the help of First Class Hungarian Dating Agency.class hungarian, hungarian dateagency, class, date, package, personal1
psi.huOur core team has taken part in the planning and execution of high-profile security operations in the private sector since 1992. Understanding the security demands and requirements of the Hungarian and international clientele, we judged it to be of crucial importance to establish a company based…requirements hungarian, hungarian internationalsecurity, need, customer, demand, protection1
evista.huWhen we selected eVista for revamping our mobile application portfolio, they were shortlisted from a selection of 10+ Hungarian companies based on many criteria. Evista indeed had the expertise in the mobile development domain that we needed to create our bespoke mobile applications. They were…selection hungarian, hungarian companydevelopment, detail, task, main, client1
inveris.huIn September, 2015 InVeris Foundation implemented a vocational training project in Burgundy, France, providing a 3 weeks vocational training opportunity to 6 hungarian students from Villány wine region....opportunity hungarian, hungarian studentfoundation, news, international, future, region1
pentapharma.huPenta Pharma Trade and Services Ltd is a Hungarian pharmaceutical marketing company, which was founded by Hungarian private persons in 1989 in order to make niche products already on the market in Western European countries available for the Hungarian public. Our company is mainly concerned with…ltd hungarian, hungarian pharmaceutical, company hungarian, hungarian private, available hungariansearch, pharmacy, health, problem, privacy1
springforum2019.huHungarian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, together with COGI, are happy to invite you to attend the Regional Spring Forum which will be held in May 16th & 17th in Budapest, Hungary, at the beautiful location of the Hotel Sofitel.forum, spring, agenda, form, navigation1
eurodoc2014budapest.huPatron of the conference: Prof. Dr. József Pálinkás, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencespresident hungarian, hungarian academypage, registration, conference, programme, venue1
mediacity.huMediacity Hungary kft is a dynamically developing publishing company, which was founded in 2002 as Word Communications Kft. In the past several years, our ever-growing company widened its range with several leading magazines in the Hungarian media market.magazine hungarian, hungarian mediamagazine, media, eng, portfolio, offer1
cheaphotelsbudapest.huThe Hotel Anna Budapest is located in a quite environment, near to the metro stop in the XI. district. waiting for its guests. The building has 37 double rooms with unique equipments, 11 exclusive single rooms and one apartment. Mimama Konyhája is a family restaurant next to the hotel, which makes…hotel hungarian, hungarian cuisinecheap, reservation, city, discount, room1
sworks.huWe advise and represent our clients before the Hungarian Patent Office and courts in matters of patents, utility models, trademarks and designs.client hungarian, hungarian patentattorney, international, map, area, practice1
euroguide.huWe fulfil orders mainly in Central Europe, but we are also at home throughout Europe. You can count on us! Our buses meet all demands, our drivers have great experience and excellent local knowledge, and all of them speak English. As a Hungarian company, one of our main goals is to introduce and…english hungarian, hungarian company, foreign hungarian, hungarian visitorbus, quality, price, constantly, affordable1
xpl.huAcquis-Explico have a diverse international team comprised of Belgian, British, Dutch, Croatian, German, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Slovakian, and Syrian staff members located in Budapest and Brussels offices and across Europe.german hungarian, hungarian lithuanianclient, political, public, risk, government1
homeinspection.huI completed my studies at the Budapest University of Technology (BME) as an MSc architect specializing in construction and then obtained a qualification as a real estate appraiser. I'm a member of the Hungarian Real Estate Association (MAISZ).member hungarian, hungarian realproperty, inspection, decision, house, price1
megaglobal.huThe ownership structure was completely transformed by 2010, but the company remained Hungarian-owned and managed. The products and services sold have shifted significantly in the direction of engineering informatics and barcode technology.company hungarian, hungarian productcustomer, structure, slide, manufacturer, technology1
morello-fruit.huThe Morello Ltd. is located Köveskút puszta 1, Felsőörs, Hungary operates with fruit growing and with agricultural services. The Biomorello Ltd. manages 20 ha is the part of the enterprise, what was have to be created by reason of the Hungarian laws.reason hungarian, hungarian lawfruit, research, innovation, irrigation, water1
pharmaroad.huBeing a privately owned company, our proprietors as well as members of our top management consider the area of human resource management as of paramount importance. We place a high emphasis on providing employees with the most competitive renumeration schemes in the Hungarian pharmaceutical…scheme hungarian, hungarian pharmaceuticalsupply, international, division, management, pharmacy1
kozepbekes.huand maps and is available in Tourinform and InfoTour offices in Hungary and Romania, municipalities, tourism organisations, and hotels along the Hungarian-Romania border and in the Körös Valley Visitor Centre in Békéscsaba. The project had two closing events – on 22nd, June in Békéscsaba and on…hotel hungarian, hungarian romaniatourism, brochure, active, tour, result1
expathelphungary.huWe understand it is not easy to grasp the Hungarian language, so we offer assistance to make day to day living stress free, leaving you with quality time to enjoy life in beautiful Hungary.easy hungarian, hungarian languageinternational, management, property, challenge, daily1
katonaborhaz.huBesides the most significant varieties of the world (such as Chardonnay, Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon), the traditional Hungarian varieties can also be found in our cultivation.traditional hungarian, hungarian varietywine, winery, grape, cellar, taste1
robinsontranslates.huRichard Robinson I was born in London, and after a spell in Italy I moved to Budapest. I translate from Hungarian, French, and Italian. Fields: music, art history, psychology, fiction (adults' and children's).budapest hungarian, hungarian frenchtranslation, welcome, widget, french, music1
benei.huWe would like to preserve and develop the traditions and flavors of the Hungarian sugar confectionery.flavor hungarian, hungarian sugarfirm, market, development, production, employee1
civiljogok.huWithin the scope of its program to develop the legal environment of non-governmental organizations, Ökotárs / Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (HEPF) has been playing a significant role in the revision of nonprofit status rules, the expansion of public and community participation…ökotárs hungarian, hungarian environmentalngo, public, legal, goal, regulation1
secon.huWe are present in several fields of search marketing. We optimized our first webpage in 2007, and today, we can proudly claim that our activities have spread out to every type and field of search optimization and search marketing, both in the domestic (Hungarian) and international scene.domestic hungarian, hungarian internationalsearch, consulting, effectiveness, strategy, training1
clevermove.huWe offer our expert advice on obtaining Hungarian residence permit of all types. The team at CleverMove will help you navigate the complications of Hungarian law from start to finish, prepare your residence permit document package according to requirements and make the application experience…advice hungarian, hungarian residence, complications hungarian, hungarian lawpermit, path, permanent, appeal, residency1
bsplastic.huBS Plastic™ was founded in 2002, with full Hungarian ownership. At first we mostly sold shopping bags. In 2004 we bought our first bag cutting machine, which was a turning point in the history of the company. Continuous innovation, adaptation to the fast-changing needs of the market…plastic hungarian, hungarian ownershipplastic, packaging, custom, material, size1
evolecol.huWe are a team of evolutionary biologists and behavioral ecologists at the Plant Protection Institute of the Centre for Agricultural Research within the Hungarian Research Network in Hungary. We started as the “Lendület Evolutionary Ecology Research Group” thanks to the funding by the Lendület…research hungarian, hungarian research, program hungarian, hungarian academy, conference hungarianpeople, publication, agricultural, ecology, group1
drgasparlevente.huHe took part in teaching of Hungarian and English-speaking medical students and residents of the University of Debrecen.teach hungarian, hungarian englishpage, orthopaedic, university, department, surgery1
ginavilla.huIt offers a lot of possibilities, beautiful surroudings,places of interest,entertainment at the same time. I would like to assure you of the Hungarian standard hospitality.time hungarian, hungarian standardpage, vicinity, visitor, facility, gallery1
arserotica.hu…sex-related topics in schools and similar institutional environments. Our goal is to help participants to find ways to integrate these methods and exercises into their daily work in schools. With my colleagues we offer this training both in Hungary for Hungarian teachers or internationally.hungary hungarian, hungarian teacherfoundation, teacher, school, training, sexual1
szegedikortarsbalett.huThe company performs 80-90 times a year in Hungary and has produced 112 shows since the beginnings – 65 of these were coreographed by the artistic director Tamás Juronics, moreover 15 Hungarian and 19 international choreographers were invited to make choreography. Since its foundation the company…juronics hungarian, hungarian international, company hungarianproduction, repertoire, contemporary, dance, current1
artcomm.huI am a B2C and B2B strategic marketing specialist with extensive experience in marketing, communication, event management and PR. I have over 20 years Marketing and Marketing Communications experience with executive leadership skills in the Hungarian & Central Eastern European, automotive, energy…skill hungarian, hungarian centralpresentation, communication, skill, strategic, leadership1
csaladtudomany.huHousing for first-time couples should be facilitated and financial support and financial benefits for parents of children should be provided. The current Hungarian government is doing this well.current hungarian, hungarian governmentfamily, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter1
posnerbistro.huIf we have to define our culinary concept, we would say ‘bistro kitchen’. In our point of view this means fresh Hungarian dishes made from local ingredients, which can be enjoyed in the special atmosphere of the interior, under the glass dome.fresh hungarian, hungarian dishdrink, gathering, event, gallery, dinner1
istvangrill.huOur restaurant awaits its dear guests with Hungarian cuisine, barbecue dishes, fitness salads, as well as pizzaand ice cream specialties based on Italian recipes.guest hungarian, hungarian cuisineistvan, food, salad, restaurant, dish1
froccs.huWe are waiting for you with the largest fleet of vehicles and boats for our rafting programs (96 seats in 13 rafts) in 2021 as well. We stand out of the other Hungarian companies because, we transport our guests from our base to the river bank with our own buses and then back to our base after the…raft hungarian, hungarian companyslovenia, tour, kayak, package, river1
meetmeprograms.huCELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR’S EVE IN THÖKÖLY RESTAURANT! One can find our restaurant named by Hungarian Grof Thököly at the...restaurant hungarian, hungarian grofrestaurant, shop, sight, look, hospitality1
molnar78.huAttorney-at-law and office manager Dr. Péter Molnár graduated from the Eötvös Loránd University’s Faculty of Law in 1981. Following a successful bar exam, he worked at a major Hungarian corporation as a legal counsellor, and went on to co-found the office in 1988. He relies on over three decades…major hungarian, hungarian corporationattorney, law, office, client, representation1
insightlab.huHavng conducted over 100,000 interviews in the past 3 years , and more than 100 research projects for dozens of multinational as well as Hungarian companies, we have become one of the key players in the marketmultinational hungarian, hungarian companyinsight, research, market, quality, resource1
mixer-beton.huOur products are designed, manufactured and tested to fully comply with the relevant requirements of the Hungarian authorities and of EU Standards. All our individual materials conform to the relevant European Standards, ensuring you can be confident of a quality product each time you order.requirements hungarian, hungarian authorityconcrete, hire, consultation, free, pump1
teutonhungary.huTeuton Hungary Kft has been active in market since 2005. Our company - which has always been owned by Hungarian individuals - is specialized in container trucking. On our customers' demand we have met during the years, we also offer forwarding and consultancy services.company hungarian, hungarian individualcontainer, market, customer, active, forward1
wannawalk.huAs soon as we met Rob under his red umbrella, he was very welcoming and friendly even though he had to accommodate more people than usual on our tour day. His knowledge of Hungarian history was extensive as well as entertaining. We are not the most knowledgeable in terms of history but Robert made…knowledge hungarian, hungarian historytour, guide, city, fun, gallery1
dentsanata.huSopron - a small town with a sub-alpine climate in western Hungary, next to Austrian border, which lies in a ring of Levereka covered by coniferous forests and famous vineyards. Sopron has more architectural monuments than any other Hungarian city and has been awarded with the "Europa Nostra"…monument hungarian, hungarian citypage, main, registration, dental, kind1
etnofon.hu…the world playing concerts with the Vízöntõ and Kolinda ensembles and my experiences on tour made it increasingly clear to me that something was lacking here in Hungary. There was no business entity with the principal goal of presenting Hungarian folk music both in Hungary and beyond its borders.goal hungarian, hungarian folkconcert, sound, studio, article, catalogue1
brojler.huBábolna Brojler Kft. is one of the leading enterprises of the Hungarian broiler parent stock breeder market with an impressive and long history background, which can serve the increased and permanent demands of both domestic and foreign broiler farms continuously on high quality.enterprise hungarian, hungarian broilerquality, career, background, egg, continuous1
gatifoto.huAll the info & content (design, layout, text and graphics) posted on this Site are the property of GATIFOTO, and are protected by U.S., Hungarian and other foreign copyright and trademark laws. By accessing this Site, you agree to the terms & conditions below. If you do not agree, you have no any…gatifoto hungarian, hungarian foreignphoto, main, page, site, contest1
hotelvadvirag.huEverybody who would like to try and learn this particular sport, can practice with the historical hungarian bows.historical hungarian, hungarian bowdetail, restaurant, horse, wedding, forest1
varrobirodalom.huDoesn't matter if it's children or adult clothing, advertisement products or uniforms, hungarian vestment or theatre costume, custom manufacturing or large number of production, we undertake the making of any kind of clothing products.uniform hungarian, hungarian vestmentsewing, reference, website, pattern, mass1
schillerrent.huthe first time that I choose to rent a car from a small company other than AVIS, EUROPACAR and other big companies. I will be very glad to recommend your company to my Chinese compatriots. I wish you a prosperous business. Thank you for the goodwill of the Hungarian people. Best regards, D. MINHAN “goodwill hungarian, hungarian peoplerent, rental, page, customer, long1
naturbiokal.hu…expended its production capacity. The result of this the Natur Biokal factory which was built in Barcs , where the production is going on still today according to the traditional “formula”. The Natur Biokal product family won many international and Hungarian professional awards and recognitions.international hungarian, hungarian professionalinternational, family, plant, natural, result1
cafecsoport.huWe have decades of domestic and international experience and since 2009 we have been an official partner of FleishmanHillard in the Hungarian market.fleishmanhillard hungarian, hungarian marketgroup, communication, agency, integrate, media1
kajarikft.huIf you reach the minimum quantity required, delivery to Hungarian addresses is free of charge as part of a scheduled delivery.delivery hungarian, hungarian addresspackaging, material, technology, customer, machine1
budapesterotic.hu…is very tasty. Additionally, there are several thermal baths where you can relax after an all-night party. Of course, you can walk in the markets and shopping malls where you can find unique gifts and Hungarian specialties. And meanwhile, enjoy the view of the sensual Hungarian girls as well!gift hungarian, hungarian specialty, sensual hungarian, hungarian girlmassage, erotic, body, salon, type1
pearlhunt.huPearl Hunt was founded in 2011 in order to provide opportunities for potential employees to connect with employers and to support both sides in meeting their expectations and achieving their aims. Our company is 100% Hungarian-owned. Our enthusiastic team provides professional services in…company hungarian, hungarian enthusiasticjob, developer, login, result, engineer1
zolkiss.huHello Stranger! My name is Zoltán Kiss, a hungarian software developer located in Budapest. I started my career in November, 2011 without any experience. I was like John Snow... I knew nothing about the IT industry. In the years after I had the opportunities to extend my experience, and create…kiss hungarian, hungarian softwaredeveloper, client, date, close, software1
dreamwedding.huOne may hardly keep enumerating the kinds of services, for a Wedding Quote forms along Your dreams and notions. But let it be an exclusive wedding in a castle, traditional Hungarian wedding-feast or I-dos said along the shore of a lake under the blue sky – I may recommend with all my heart any of…traditional hungarian, hungarian weddingwedding, day, help, dream, guest1
krisna.huHungarian Society for Krishna Consciousness 1039 Budapest, Lehel utca 15-17. [email protected]krishna, thousand, feast, love, christmas1
sz-tars.huEnglish site is under construction. Some parts will only appear in Hungarian. Feel free to e-mail us u ntil we finish updating !part hungarian, hungarian freesite, page, machining, industrial, iron1
csanakysiofok.huOur house is located at about 150 m from centre of Siófok and the renewed Coke Club (Beach House), so use of car for shopping and sightseeing is nearly needless. A closed parking lot is available for the guests. Program options (from house to house by bus), for example, Budapest, Puszta (the…puszta hungarian, hungarian plainfamily, mood, accomodation, guest, bath1
duna3000.hu…contributions payable. We try to pay close attention to our clients’ questions, requests and satisfy those by providing them clear answers and solutions in accordance with the Hungarian regulations. Our partnership agreement involves one complimentary consultation per month for all of our clients.accordance hungarian, hungarian regulationaccounting, tax, consultation, authority, report1
wellevent.huThe founder of WELLEVENT, after achieving success in Hungarian events, relocated his activities to the United Kingdom where he furthered his education. He delved deeper into the industry, even working on mega-projects. Upon his return, he decided to elevate the standard of domestic events to a new…success hungarian, hungarian eventevent, technology, quote, music, execution1
telcohalozatok.huTelco Hálózatok Ltd. is a 100% privately owned Hungarian enterprise. Our main activity is the retail and wholesale trade of communication network components, and it covers the full spectrum of optical and copper-base communication network items.privately hungarian, hungarian enterprisetelco, network, installation, leasing, optical1
connectioncontrol.huSince we started our journey, we worked with countless companies, including the biggest hungarian building industries.big hungarian, hungarian buildconnection, control, implementation, electronic, technical1
agiesatti.huIn order to give you a glimpse into how the day will unfold, we have included a preliminary timeline for the day in the wedding invitation. We hope it also gives you some ideas as to how a Hungarian wedding is arranged. However, this is only a guide, the actual timing of the events may vary – with…idea hungarian, hungarian weddingés, useful, wedding, video, photo1
ekraft.huThe Hungarian developed electric powertrain is the result of several years of research and testing. Thanks to continuous development, nowadays we provide a highly qualified e-powertrain, but where did we start?boat, electric, gallery, faq, open1
hangszergyujtemeny.huThe Leskowsky Instrument Collection has over 1800 instruments in its collection. In addition to our significant collection of Hungarian folk instruments, we have folk, experimental, classical and historical instruments from all over the world.collection hungarian, hungarian folkgroup, school, event, instrument, camp1
okoko.huOur Brand O’Koko represents our mission explicitly: as proud participants of Hungarian primary economic sector we focus on excellent quality and healthy products, ecofriendly business operation, and society beneficial, respected workplace establishment.participant hungarian, hungarian primarychicken, quality, trade, fodder, gallery1
dckarting.huRegister for the competitions and if you get the most points among the Hungarian competitors, represent Hungary in the final! By registering, your results will be uploaded to the Sodi system, where you can keep track of where you stand in national and international rankings.point hungarian, hungarian competitorkarting, track, competition, race1
htvmaros.huIn our cca. 700 m2 heat treatmet workshop We undertake heat treatment task based on IPSEN multipurpose protective gas atmospherefurnaces, mainly for the south Hungarian region and some Romanian and Serbian industrial firms.south hungarian, hungarian regionconstruction, thickness, measurement, layer, message1
iliosart.huMy name is Mariann, I am the author of this blog, where I write in English and in my mother tounge, Hungarian. Click on my photo if you wish to know more about me, or click on 'About me' on the top menu bar. I wish you lovely reading and thank you for being here!tounge hungarian, hungarian photoisland, nature, culture, greek, eng1
tapiokisker.huIn 2006 the village Tápiógyörgye won the Hungarian Village Restauration Award, and it also received the second category award at the European Village Restauration Contest. More than 30 thousand flowers decorate the streets every year, and in the evenings residents and guests can enjoy the village…tápiógyörgye hungarian, hungarian villageguest, restaurant, house, village, introduction1
wetalent.huOur Vietnamese-Hungarian partner company provides reliable and proven professionals for English-language projects, where high quality is combined with favorable investment costs.vietnamese hungarian, hungarian partnerjob, value, partnership, touch, technology1
matyofoldipuli.huWe continue breeding with involve rare and valuable ancient lines. Our great pleasure, we actively participate in the breeding and promotion of this exceptional Hungarian breed with five black bitches (Anka, Csuda, Csillagfürt, Fagyöngy and Mákvirág) and two black males (Avar and Erdész).exceptional hungarian, hungarian breedbreed, available, puppy, favorite, dog1
obic-bbs.huOBIC's overall goal is to improve the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy by contributing to a better understanding of the East Asian region. To achieve its objective, OBIC aspires to become a leading institution in oriental business studies - not only in Hungary, but in the broader Central…competitiveness hungarian, hungarian economyconference, orient, dialogue, language, book1
horvath-vendeghaz.huGet known with all the possibilities of the active relaxation: the amazing water of the Thermal Bath and Spa of Gyopáros; the typical tastes of the region and of the Hungarian cuisine, the unique mediterranean clima, the aquatic sports possibilities for the lovers of the water.region hungarian, hungarian cuisineguesthouse, room, price, gallery, bath1
das2023.huThe upcoming symposium is officially organized by Hungarian Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineering (GTE) .symposium hungarian, hungarian scientific, officially hungariansociety, mechanic, symposium, experimental, conference1
meraki.hu“We want to thank the Marketing Team of Meraki for the development; I think we have really managed to show something new with this among Hungarian and international websites!”new hungarian, hungarian internationalwebsite, digital, strategy, auditing, graphic1
jupadent.huOur dental office is situated in Szentgotthárd which is a city near the Austro-Hungarian border.austro hungarian, hungarian borderoffice, dental, appointment, guarantee, gallery1
karpatvasut.hu…procurement. The Soviet leadership was in disfavour of letting a neutral country snatching the potential market from an ally, and while the Hungarian state had to pay the price for 25 engines, eventually received only 20 locomotives. Thereafter, MÁV had no choice other than to decide on…ally hungarian, hungarian stateengine, railway, locomotive, track, coal1
kalo.huOur dynamic real estate team is highly respected in the Hungarian market. We combine a high level of domestic and international awareness with first-class transactional ... read morerespect hungarian, hungarian marketassociation, attorney, law, legal, advice1
geofluids2021.huThe ENeRAG H2020 project organizes the symposium, together with the Eötvös Loránd University, the József and Erzsébet Tóth Endowed Hydrogeology Chair Foundation, the Regional Groundwater Flow, the Managed Aquifer Recharge Commissions and the Hungarian National Chapter of the International…commission hungarian, hungarian nationalsymposium, deadline, international, abstract, registration1
szerdalawfirm.huSzerda Law Firm provides full-scale legal services to its clients in the areas of business, commercial and civil law since 2001. Our clients rely on our assistance in Hungarian and cross-border transactions, company formations and a wide range of other legal issues, including elaboration on the…assistance hungarian, hungarian crosslaw, firm, expertise, area, legal1
jewishguide.huThis family background gives me the opportunity to introduce you the WWII and the Hungarian Holocaust on more personal way and not just only pure facts learnt from history books.wwii hungarian, hungarian holocaustjewish, tour, guide, day, authentic1
agriteach.huThe iTStudy Hungary Educational and Research Centre for Information and Technology Ltd. has been working for more than twenty years in vocational and adult education in Hungary as an Accredited Hungarian Adult Educational Institute and accredited ECDL Exam Centre.accredited hungarian, hungarian adultagricultural, teacher, training, agriculture, digital1
animaquartet.huthey returned to the island in the autumn of the same year. The quartet played already in the major cities of Hungary, and performed live in the Hungarian National Radio. In 2006 they gave two concerts at the "Chamber Music Summer" festival in Miskolc. In the same year, the Anima String Quartet…live hungarian, hungarian nationalstring, music, concert, website, video1
conspiracy.huConspiracy is a small Hungarian group of multimedia artists, aimed to create realtime visuals on computers; formed in the November of 2002 and currently consisting of seven people, we had a streak of nice results at various international demoparties since.small hungarian, hungarian grouprelease, expectations, news, article, tool1
mipolan.huBy now the Mipolán tube has become a concept in the Hungarian market, to which the high quality and competitive price is signed. Our goal is to spread the acquaintance wider, to raise the quality into a higher level, that the use of our products by our customers is as satisfying as possible. In…concept hungarian, hungarian marketplastic, industry, quality, competence, process1
ankel.huAnkel Ltd. was established in 1995, a Hungarian small business. Locations were established in 1998. We have a hazardous waste, treatment, recovery license. Regeneration of degreasing waste containing hazardous materials and halogenated solvents, solvent mixtures. We have distillation devices…ankel hungarian, hungarian smallproduction, material, raw, waste, hazardous1
talizmanpanzio.huThe kitchen offers a great variety of Hungarian and local specialities as well as dishes of European kitchen. The guests can choose from all kinds of the famous Hungarian wines cultivated this region.variety hungarian, hungarian local, famous hungarian, hungarian winecastle, pension, restaurant, beautiful, room1
rugogyarto.huOur history goes back to the 1960s: it all began as a state-subsidiary of the famous Hungarian Steel Works until 1993 when the company was privatised and became a family owned business.famous hungarian, hungarian steelspring, manufacture, ltd, quality, wire1
2ge.huIts references including contribution in large projects (Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Hungarian State Railways) show the reliability and high technical level of the company.plant hungarian, hungarian stateengineering, technical, development, consulting, reference1
kovesdamucit.huTraditional hungarian dish. Like frech toast, but savoury. Served with salad and sour cream with chives.traditional hungarian, hungarian dishegg, cheese, water, sparkle, day1
prd-hungary.huWe offer our distributor activities to those who plan to be present on the Hungarian pharmaceutical market with medical devices and food supplements.present hungarian, hungarian pharmaceuticaldistribution, fact, country, pharmacy, aim1
free-association.huWhat do you think: why did we choose the name Free Association? Why not a Hungarian name? What was the first thing that crossed your mind when you saw this colourful website? Do you think it was created with a particular purpose in mind? Do you think we considered that it may seem a tad too…association hungarian, hungarian thingfree, association, research, fact, clientele1
gyogyitobeszelgetesek.huI studied person-centered psychotherapy counselling at the Hungarian Person-centered Psychotherapy and Counselling Association.counselling hungarian, hungarian personproblem, psychologist, hour, consulting, person1
eupowers.huEuropean Power Services Ltd. operates quickly and efficiently, with colleagues who have decades of professional and project management experience and expertise. As we see outstanding opportunities to operate in the Hungarian and neighbouring markets, we are already working on a dynamic and…opportunity hungarian, hungarian neighbourpower, management, european, operation, plant1
dobranyifoundation.huThe foundation devoted to the memory of Ildiko Dobranyi and Ibolya Hegyi tapestry artists by supporting Hungarian tapestry art and it's international presence.artist hungarian, hungarian tapestryfoundation, ildiko, publication, archive, artist1
ceh.huOne of the leading Hungarian engineering bureaus in building- and bridge design with more than 30 years of experience. A full-service company offering design and engineering services, project management and consultation. A creative community built on a unique company philosophy, called Value-System.lead hungarian, hungarian engineeringmanagement, career, news, engineering, build1
buddha-tar.huThe Hungarian Karma-Kagyüpa Buddhist Community comprises the practitioners of the living tradition of the Inner Path. The thousand-year-old Tibetan Karma-Kagyüpa tradition has preserved the blessing and teachings of the Inner Path in an unbroken linage of spiritual ancestors, from master to…rinpoche hungarian, hungarian discipletradition, meditation, history, spiritual, buddhist1
drolahugyved.huI am available for my clients in Hungarian and English, and I also have a specialized legal education on foreign trade.client hungarian, hungarian englishlaw, firm, specialization, lawyer, introduction1
eltinga.huOur mission is useful knowledge. Our innovative team developed some of the most respected data-driven analysis related to the Hungarian real estate market.analysis hungarian, hungarian realanalysis, residential, urban, market, research1
bergmann-cukraszda.huOur costumers who have less of a sweet-tooth are very pleased with our „pogácsa”, a traditional Hungarian savoury scones and breads.traditional hungarian, hungarian savouryconfectionery, cake, pastry, speciality, coffee1
radioaktivszallitas.huTransportation of radioactive materials in Hungary and abroad in compliance with Hungarian and international regulations.compliance hungarian, hungarian internationalradioactive, transport, transportation, licensing, trading1
inforness.huOur company has been a player in the Hungarian IT sector for more than 5 years. The employees of the company, which is 100% owned by a Hungarian private individual, have gained more than 10 years of experience in the field of IT developments, scientific research, university education and corporate…player hungarian, hungarian sector, company hungarian, hungarian privatetraining, university, development, algorithm, hana1
porcpotlas.huCartilage research is one of the hot topics in the recent years and as a result of a grant founded by the EU and the Hungarian Ministry of Economyfrom the year of 2005 major research commenced in Pecs, Hungary, to introduce novel technologies of cartilage repair (e.g., cartilage cell implantation)…eu hungarian, hungarian ministrycell, implantation, defect, injury, orthopedic1
bparchiv.hucustomers of the archives, have respected the continuous augmentation and gradual development of the Research Enquiry and Customer Service. In 2013 and 2021 the Budapest City Archives was awarded with the Research Centre of the Year Prize founded by the Hungarian Society for Family History Research.prize hungarian, hungarian societycity, archive, history, hall, document1
biofive.huHeavy metals in public sewage sludge in Budapest (public interest data) are around the Hungarian regulatory limit! Slovenia's allowed thresholds, this thirty part! Within the European Union, two neighboring countries have a significantly different limit on heavy metal content (eg cadmium, mercury…data hungarian, hungarian regulatorysludge, sewage, treatment, metal, russian1
porcio.huPorcio Co. Ltd. for Technical Development and Ventures (PORCIO Ltd.) was formed in May 1991 by Hungarian natural persons who had educated chartered mechanical engineers.porcio hungarian, hungarian naturalreference, geothermal, main, publication, management1
szaszlilla.huLa Junquiera Artist Residency, Lisbon; 2019 Hangar Artist Residency, Lisbon; 2018 Budapest Gallery Artist Exchange Fellowship, Lisbon (2018 June-July); 2010-2011 Hungarian Eötvös Fellowship, New York, ICP; 2008: Descubrimientos PHE08, Madrid; 2005 ECB Photography award – Hungary today (third price).july hungarian, hungarian eötvösyork, art, photo, award, book1
bigeholding.huMain purpose of the project was to fullfill all fertilizer demand of the hungarian agriculture segment.demand hungarian, hungarian agricultureintroduction, brief, plant, fertilizer, main1
filmart.hua middle aged Hungarian man who desperately wants to change his life. He tries to escape from his Eastern-European mid-life crisis, and elope with Irene.age hungarian, hungarian mantelevision, police, story, documentary, series1
butorgyar.hu…market and professional experiences, they founded the company near the industrial area of Szeged. The company today has a 900 m2 large joiner’s shop connected with supplemental halls and a vehicle park. It is one of the best timber industrial companies in the south Great Hungarian Plain region.great hungarian, hungarian plainfurniture, bathroom, glass, european, office1
bcc.huAbove all, there is something else that keeps bringing visitors back to us – the legendary Hungarian hospitality.legendary hungarian, hungarian hospitalityevent, meet, room, congress, center1
miskolcinyelviskola.huOur language school offers several ways of learning Hungarian as a foreign language. All of our teachers have many years of teaching experience and all of us are well prepared to be able to give you the best services possible. Our goal is to make you able to not just understand, but also be able…way hungarian, hungarian foreignlanguage, main, introduction, course, private1
kertmanufaktura.huWe also have a blog where we post gardening tips and other interesting garden-related articles (in Hungarian).garden, build, maintenance, quality, schedule1
dataqua.huThe water level recording system became used at more and more places: in mines, at Lake Hévíz, by the twelve National Boards of Water Conservancy, at the Hungarian and the Slovakian side of Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Barrage and by numerous water works.conservancy hungarian, hungarian slovakianrecorder, electronic, digital, analogue, ltd1
god.huIn front of the building there is the statue of László Iván-Kovács, freeman of Göd who was executed because of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.göd hungarian, hungarian revolutionlocal, place, line, introduction, location1
ransommentes.huWe can state, without exaggeration, we love our profession. In many respects, we are pioneers, the new challenges keep us alive, and year by year more and more challenges have found us, or we have found them for ourselves. For twenty years, we have made ourselves useful both on the Hungarian and…useful hungarian, hungarian internationalattack, assessment, day, detail, eng1
corvinhotel.huOur hotel awaits you with 20 comfortable rooms with bathroom, colour TV with cable programs, minibar and phone. The next step restaurant offers Hungarian and international dishes.restaurant hungarian, hungarian internationalroom, quiet, guest, price, picture1
lifestylehotelmatra.huTraditional Hungarian cuisine, Mediterranean piquancy or particularly fine vegetarian, paleo as well as fitness meals? Take your pick from the wide choice of our delicious meals and special wines!traditional hungarian, hungarian cuisinelifestyle, tower, lookout, room, suite1
myrmidon.huWe provide accurate translations in English, German, Hungarian, and more for efficient business communication.german hungarian, hungarian efficientworkforce, solution, management, organization, efficient1
preziosa.huThe Preziosa Kft is a travel agency in Budapest. In this form it was founded in 2005, but the owners have been continuously taken part in Hungarian tourism for 27 years and gained a lot of experience.continuously hungarian, hungarian tourismcity, guide, day, minibus, entrance1
microlicht.huOur company MICRO-LICHT Illumination technique Studio Ltd. was founded in 1991 and is exclusively Hungarian-owned. The company deals with the design and manufacture of lighting fixtures. However, the professional history of our specialists dates back to 1987. Our headquarters are based in…exclusively hungarian, hungarian companyluminaire, store, custom, reference, look1
tiszato-vendeghaz.huLake Tisza (Hungarian: Tisza-tó), also known as Kisköre Reservoir (Hungarian: Kiskörei-víztározó), is the largest artificial lake in Hungary.tisza hungarian, hungarian tisza, reservoir hungarian, hungarian kisköreilake, holiday, reservation, garden, gallery1
abigelrendezveny.huOur goal is to become a multifunctional venue in the Hungarian event organization market, and to make our name synonymous with professional competence, quality, elegance and reliability.venue hungarian, hungarian eventevent, private, hall, gallery, salon1
tanyasicsirke.hu…only healthy, high-quality, and safe products are placed on your table. The Free-range product line complies with the strict regulations of the Hungarian Association of Free-range Poultry Producers, as well as the domestic and international consumer protection regulations and requirements. When…regulation hungarian, hungarian associationchicken, free, range, tradition, great1
aktiv-magyar-ok.huWe offer on this homepage lessons and exercises for beginners in learning the Hungarian language.beginner hungarian, hungarian languagechapter, number, practice, page, dictionary1
hajosprogramok.huA boat rental at Lake Balaton means recreation and an unbroken rest all year round. Yet those who prefer speed and excitement during their holiday should not despair, either. Our Yacht charter services offer high category luxury sailboats to enjoy velocity even on the Hungarian Sea.velocity hungarian, hungarian seaprice, boat, rental, sailboat, people1
implanmed.huOur dental practice was opened in 1997 in the center of Mosonmagyaróvár, 12 km from the Austro-Hungarian border and less than 1 hour from Vienna.austro hungarian, hungarian borderdenture, dentistry, treatment, dental, main1
cerlux.huThe Cerlux ltd is a Hungarian-American joint venture which has been established in 1990 with the purpose to satisfy the increased industrial demand for the technical ceramics. In the success of the company the involvement of the foreign fund, the secured market background and the specialized…ltd hungarian, hungarian americanquality, technical, need, material, customer1
hklegal.hulicensing processes of energy investments, representation at the competent authorities, especially at the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (HEA)especially hungarian, hungarian energylegal, law, attorney, energy, investment1
drt.huIf you were advised of a medical intervention or treatment that causes you to worry and makes you anxious and you would like to have a second opinion from someone with an American background in training and practice yet familiarity of the Hungarian medical environment then you are most welcome in…familiarity hungarian, hungarian medicalmedical, background, main, page, reference1
homlokzrt.hurenovation in Hungary, 100% owned by Hungarian people. The several-decade professional andhungary hungarian, hungarian peopleconstruction, railway, engineering, visitor, station1
kapcsolatmentor.huHungarian is undoubtedly one of the world’s most difficult languages. Learning it properly is often demanding even for those who happen to be living here for years or even decades. English, however, is one of the world languages that could offer smoother and more comfortable communication.relationship, family, career, divorce, problem1
panoramahotelnoszvaj.huevery guest deserves tasty food and a helpful, caring service. In our menu, the emphasis is on popular Hungarian dishes enriched with local flavours.popular hungarian, hungarian dishpanorama, room, family, event, venue1
akusztik.huWe are an acoustic party band playing mainly international (but also Hungarian) Pop, Latin, funky, Blues, Rock and Retro hits.international hungarian, hungarian popacoustic, webpage, event, tap, wedding1
drmoreviktoria.huThe main specialized field of the law firm is the general and comprehensive representation of business entities, non-governmental organizations and local governments. Our firm provides full-scale legal services, representation – charged in the form of lump-sum fees – to a number of international…international hungarian, hungarian companylaw, specialize, field, representation, introduction1
halomapartman.huA folk dance festival that also became a bit of a symbol of Százhalombatta. Foreign dancers, hospitable Hungarian families, love of dance, unforgettable experiences, getting to know other cultures, self-forgetful celebration.hospitable hungarian, hungarian familyroom, bed, people, area, live1
kerka.hu"The mentality of a nation determined by some mysterious individuailty which - like the DNA - transmits the culture from generation to generation. It is different and interesting. the best part of the Hungarian culture is national and universal."good hungarian, hungarian cultureensemble, gallery, introduction, video, association1
escaperoom.huWe would like to thank all of you for helping us lead the Tripadvisor list of Hungarian escape rooms and lists on other forums as well, and for the countless positive reviews we received over the years. We are extremely proud of the many Hungarian and foreign escape room blog posts that praise our…list hungarian, hungarian escape, proud hungarian, hungarian foreignroom, escape, fun, key, exciting1
ibrahimhotel.huRanging over the border, Kőszeg Mountains is the part of Austrian-Hungarian Nature Park where hikers can enjoy well signed...austrian hungarian, hungarian natureroom, page, executive, reservation, gallery1
kozmetikusobuda.huThe products what I’m using are the high-quality Gigi, Phandy’s, Jean d’Arcel, Solani e facial and body treatments at Hungarian prices. The cosmetical room in the beauty shop is a small friendly separated room, with one chair, which provides a personalized service.treatment hungarian, hungarian pricetreatment, facial, price, face, salon1
bio-klima.huThis 100% Hungarian-developed product, which contains stable hypochlorous acid , is extremely effective against all known bacteria – including hospital super bacteria – and viruses , including HIV, SARS-CoV-2 (the cause of COVID-19), H1N1, influenza, Ebola, Zika, Pseudomonas, Legionella…clean, air, unit, healthy, premium1
buffaloetterem.huThe attentive service, the delicious meals and the most excellent Hungarian wine growers’ wine guarantee our guests a perfect, relaxing time out.excellent hungarian, hungarian wineatmosphere, restaurant, city, house, west1
ltlegal.huclients in Budapest and its surrounding area, as well as throughout western Hungary. The work of the members is not limited to multinational and Hungarian small and medium sized enterprises, but also ranges to private individuals, having a particular focus in the areas of energy-, financial-, tax-,multinational hungarian, hungarian smallmember, association, area, legal, line1
redlemon.huRed Lemon is presented in the Hungarian market since 2005. Initially we were known as a tabloid communication agency, but our services have been evaluated over the years with the upcoming market needs. Today we have extended experience in B2C and B2B communication, social media management…lemon hungarian, hungarian marketsocial, media, management, client, communication1
nof.huWelcome to the website of NÖF, the National Heritage Protection and Development Non-profit Ltd. We aim at the renovation and accountable operation of historic buildings of national importance in order to participate in the conservation and the presentation of Hungarian built heritage. We believe…presentation hungarian, hungarian heritagecastle, location, heritage, protection, garden1
ebhinvest.huDr. Csaba Paróczai , Vice-President Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authoritypresident hungarian, hungarian energyconstruction, reconstruction, monument, general, engineering1
karotazs.huDuring the 15 years, KAROTÁZS Ltd. has achieved an important position in the practice of Hungarian borehole, and well-logging metrology. For maintaining a high quality in our work, we use quality operating systems, improve our equipment supplied by our own and external resources.practice hungarian, hungarian boreholemeasurement, range, development, application, activity1
minibud.hu…you can see over 100 discount attractions, landmarks, baths and pieces of cultural heritage, as well as experience eventful programs and Hungarian cuisine. Lots of other new discounts are available now, only for holders of the BUDAPEST CARD Plus. You can purchase all cards now, and collect…program hungarian, hungarian cuisineairport, shuttle, transfer, card, hour1
rimoalkatresz.huThe Company RIMO Sándor Rimóczi and Son Kfc. is an enterprise in Hungarian ownership. The main profile of the company includes the manufacturing of components and the company looks back on a past of 40 years in this field.enterprise hungarian, hungarian ownershipcomponent, manufacture, machine, special, reference1
consultecheu.huHungarian and international experience in the solar industry from pv cell & panel production to photovoltaic power plant investmentseurope, industry, engineering, reference, consultancy1
econtent.hu„In my experience, e-content maintains a quality point of view until the very last detail. Their team of professionals are quick, precise, accurate and have an exceptional sense of aesthetics, which distinguishes them from other Hungarian agencies.”aesthetic hungarian, hungarian agencyquality, solution, brand, development, matter1
babamuzeum-keszthely.huWe welcome our visitors and groups to our exhibitions every day all year round. At the Doll Museum, the display can enlarge your historical, folk and ethnographical knowledge. The Doll Museum with folk costumes is the largest one in Europe. The Historical Waxworks exhibits the wax figures of fifty…figure hungarian, hungarian notabilitiesmuseum, historical, snail, folk, doll1
csaladfakutatas.huAs of 1st October, 1895 the state registrations became legal. Researching in these is more difficult, since the Hungarian legal rules - in order to protect the personal rights and data - regulate the limits of the research.difficult hungarian, hungarian legalresearch, family, history, register, field1
parkinnsarvar.huThe Family Lunch restaurant is the ideal choice for families, who can choose from the excellent Hungarian and international dishes we provide in our all-inclusive service.excellent hungarian, hungarian internationalroom, offer, event, family, detail1
fehervaribirtok.huThe Nagy-Somló wine region is like a small jewellery box on the table of Hungarian wine culture. It is beautiful in appearance, carefully crafted, yet its true beauty and uniqueness lies in its contents and details. The aroma and taste of the wines made here are unique in the Hungarian wine market.table hungarian, hungarian wine, unique hungarianwine, basket, reserve, white, region1
egervaritrans.huIn 1996, Egervári Trans Kft was established as the successor of the entrepreneurship, a 100% Hungarian family-owned company. Since then, it has become an active player in the international transport market, which has led to the expansion of its fleet. Today, we are a company with 30 employees and…entrepreneurship hungarian, hungarian familytransport, warehouse, category, logistic, equipment1
hopajzskft.huOur aim is to introduce to our clients the new insulation technologies, that in some cases are yet unknown to the public. This is especially important to us, as most of the products we offer are the result of Hungarian innovation.result hungarian, hungarian innovationdocument, gallery, technology, forum, important1
affianced.huOur trademark is the master mark found in our jewelry, which authenticates our work together with the Hungarian hallmark. We guarantee the materials used, the quality of the handwork, the quality of the gems, and the durability of the reservation.work hungarian, hungarian hallmarkwedding, engagement, jewelry, unique, color1
consact.huWhen, in the early 1990s, the reviving Hungarian companies sought to renew their leadership model, we voted for cooperation with them, and established CONSACT Ltd. because we thought that there would be an increasing need for qualified organization development and management consultants.early hungarian, hungarian companydevelopment, solution, virtual, area, consulting1
epitomesterbt.huCsorvási Építőmester Bt is a 100% Hungarian-owned construction and wood processing company that has been operating and developing continuously since 1993.bt hungarian, hungarian constructionactivity, page, main, gallery, tender1
boengineering.huService and maintenance of robots and individual machines from Hungarian staff with foreign support.machine hungarian, hungarian staffforward, engineering, industrial, automation, maintenance1
tengerpartiingatlan.huEmerging economies (many investors from all over the world: English, German, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, etc.)russian hungarian, hungarian etcsale, property, island, de, apartment1
azimex.huAzimex Ltd, established in 1997, is a Hungarian private enterprise. The company’s main profile is the manufacture of paper and printed matter goods with its own in-house equipment, and the sales and delivery of said goods.ltd hungarian, hungarian privatecustomer, delivery, production, paper, machine1
dert.huOur main area of activity at Dunamenti Erőmű (Dunamenti Erőmű Power Plant) is the production of electricity, however, we also hold a licence to trade electricity and gas. It is the largest gas-fired power plant in the Hungarian electricity system with a total output of 794 MW. With units which can…plant hungarian, hungarian electricityplant, power, statement, management, history1
mccfeszt.hu…speakers, engaging programs, and exceptional musical talent. This one-of-a-kind festival will bring together distinguished international and Hungarian experts, influential thought leaders, captivating family activities, interactive programs, and, naturally, the cream of Hungarian pop music. Allinternational hungarian, hungarian expert, cream hungarian, hungarian popnews, festival, talent, pass, gallery1
armenian.huDeputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Paruyr Hovhannisyan received the Hungarian delegation led by Miklos Panyi, the Deputy Minister of the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office and Tristan Azbej, Secretary of State for the «‎Hungary Helps» Programme.hovhannisyan hungarian, hungarian delegation, minister hungarian, hungarian primeago, month, minister, foreign, day1
elenastudio.huI am a sworn English-Russian-Hungarian interpreter and translator with 20 years of translation experience in areas which dominate the business today.russian hungarian, hungarian interpreterstudio, image, certificate, interpreter, russian1
drwittner.huHe gained ten years of legal experience as an independent legal advisor mostly to Hungarian and multinational companies operating in various fields and employing 15-150 people. Thus he has extensive experience in mapping, shaping and fine-tuning the internal processes, operations and organization…advisor hungarian, hungarian multinationallaw, corporate, client, contract, commercial1
hazareten.hu…thyroid cancer and the lack of availability of registered tyrosine kinase inhibitors, vandetabin and cabozantinib in Hungary, we designed a uncontrolled, prospective efficacy and safety study of patients with metastatic MTC treated with first-line sorafenib in five Hungarian oncology centers.sorafenib hungarian, hungarian oncologyexperimental, clinical, school, journal, physics1
djangofeszt.huAfter last year’s immense success, the Django spirit returns to Budapest in 2023 for another edition of this great Hungarian manouche celebration. Let’s meet again at Hungary’s coolest festival.great hungarian, hungarian manouchecelebration, day, music, great, fun1
rendernet.huHere, in the City of Sunshine, we create 3D scenes for educational (primary and high school) purposes, both for the Hungarian market and abroad.purpose hungarian, hungarian marketimage, interactive, animation, imagine, history1
cetin.huThanks to our 2G, 3G, 4G, 4G advanced and future 5G mobile networks, CETIN Hungary is perfectly positioned to help Hungarian and CEE customers in designing, implementing and operating mobile service support.perfectly hungarian, hungarian ceeinfrastructure, sustainable, technology, solution, class1
köles.huLet’s start it over again, this time in English. For the sake of practicing the language and to make it easier to type text without any funky Hungarian letters. …funky hungarian, hungarian letterphoto, post, map, note, unsplash1
borbazilikavendeghazak.huLanguages spoken: Hungarian, English, Table tennis, Billiards, Hiking availability, Hunting (for a fee), Wellness, relaxation Jacuzzi (for a fee), Finnish sauna (for a fee), Steam room (for a fee) Accessible for disabled guests, Garden premise, Air conditioning Barbecue availability.language hungarian, hungarian englishroom, group, entertainment, guest, cellar1
budapesteroticmassage.hu…is very tasty. Additionally, there are several thermal baths where you can relax after an all-night party. Of course, you can walk in the markets and shopping malls where you can find unique gifts and Hungarian specialties. And meanwhile, enjoy the view of the sensual Hungarian girls as well!gift hungarian, hungarian specialty, sensual hungarian, hungarian girlmassage, erotic, salon, girl, type1
gyoriszesz.huGyőr Distillery, owned by a Hungarian family, has been producing and refining high-quality alcohol since 1884. Our most important customers besides pharmaceutical companies and cosmetics manufacturers, are the drink industry and vinegar manufacturers, as well as companies producing paints…distillery hungarian, hungarian familyindustry, food, pharmaceutical, chemical, alcohol1
ntu.huOur goal goal is is to to provide provide the the optimum optimum solution solution for for our our clients’ plant plant material material requests requests directly directly from from the the growers. growers. We We belive belive that that our our success success is is the the high high quality…quality hungarian, hungarian nurserynursery, union, trade, member, deal1
szilagyinorifizio.huI undertake the translation of medical specialized texts from Hungarian into English and in the opposite direction. (Patient guidance, medical reports, articles, leaflets, brochure etc.)text hungarian, hungarian englishspine, university, physiotherapist, private, injury1
gardrobkozossegivasar.huYou can find the online booking system on this website under the links marked with dates. BOOKING IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN HUNGARIAN LANGUAGE AND POSSIBLE BY CREDIT CARDavailable hungarian, hungarian languagetable, clothes, market, second, hand1
city-realestate.huWe specialize in the most reliable and advantageous parts of real estate investment in the Hungarian capital where there has been guaranteed growth, gradual and often high profits with emphasis on urban and public safety aspects. The successful operation of our real estate agency and the constant…investment hungarian, hungarian capital, expansion hungarian, hungarian internationalreal, estate, property, phone, sale1
symmetry.hu…organizing of the Symmetry Festivals and many other symmetry linked scientific and art events. György Darvas, PhD, physicist and philosopher with an encyclopedic approach to symmetry was a senior scientist from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary.scientist hungarian, hungarian academysymmetry, festival, event, international, science1
shedohairsalon.hu…personalities creating uniqueness. This is a storehouse of art, which is combined by many years of persistent work. Ádám Kaló is the first Hungarian platinum key instructor for Kevin Murphy. With his wide-ranging knowledge, he enriches the team’s knowledge not only in our salon, but also on…kaló hungarian, hungarian platinumhair, salon, introduction, price, result1
szentferenc.huIts founder, Ms Henriett Merza, when asked about her activity in the 1980s and 1990s, always fervently protested against being called a shelter. For her, and probably for the average Hungarian person as well, the notion of a dog shelter conjures up images of distressed dogs locked up in small…average hungarian, hungarian personshelter, adoption, animal, foundation, support1
hervay.huin civil and commercial law , employment law transactions and parties. In addition cases deal with all that occurs and in which we can help our customers Dear law firms practice. Professionals particular expertise and great practical experience. Full range of legal services in Hungarian and English.service hungarian, hungarian englishlaw, office, labour, legal, proceedings1
xperion.huThe year 2024 will also be about uncertainty and rapidly changing market conditions, and Hungarian SMEs can fight against this with awareness, technological developments and the methodical building of business…condition hungarian, hungarian smemanagement, customer, digital, store, solution1
euroadvance.hu…operational programs. With the help of the latter, not only the domestic, but also the cross-border consortium developments can be monitored in Hungarian and English. Our 25 employees and our highly experienced subcontractors (architects, energy engineers, adult education experts, trainers…development hungarian, hungarian englishmanagement, development, line, consultancy, education1
patakft.huWe are members of the Hungarian Alliance of Vehicle Parts Manufacturers and the Bács- Kiskun county Chamber of Industry and Commerce.member hungarian, hungarian allianceprofile, founder, gallery, page, technology1
birherui.huThe Birher Law Firm offers comprehensive legal services in Hungarian, German, Italian and English languages. We have considerable professional experience in the fields of agricultural law, European law and adult education, and we supply legal representation for civil suit and / or extrajudicial…service hungarian, hungarian germanlaw, firm, legal, research, publication1
szepasszonyvolgy.info.huIn case of getting hungry, we can drop by at one of the numerous restaurants Szépasszony-völgy has to offer, where it is possible to choose from a wide selection of dishes , ranging from specialities of Hungarian cuisine to preferably lighter meals as well.speciality hungarian, hungarian cuisinewine, valley, beautiful, woman, taste1
alphagreen.huWe specialize in the supply of CBD products to the Hungarian marketplace and the supply of quality CBD flowers to international marketplaces as well. The company consists of proven sales & purchasing professionals with many years of experience working within the CBD field.product hungarian, hungarian marketplacegreen, focus, supply, marketplace, supplier1
lazarbusz.huOur continuous service is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year in Hungarian and English languages. Please visit the About Us page to learn more about us!year hungarian, hungarian englishbus, transportation, homepage, domestic, international1
tamarahagen.hu…workshops and trainings, media and crisis trainings, event management. Since 2011 we can provide regional campaigns on regional and global level as well thanks to the cooperation with our international strategic partners. We offer our services in Hungarian, English and German language.service hungarian, hungarian englishcommunication, touch, public, relation, corporate1
torekveskosar.huSince its establishment in 1997 as a school basketball team our club joined the FTC and MAFC, both clubs with strong roots in Hungarian basketball. Over the past years we have grown to numerous teams competing in all age divisions from 9 year old girls to young women 17-18 years of age.root hungarian, hungarian basketballbasketball, introduction, opportunity, girl, association1
lescale.huTo search and rent a home with a fair lease agreement in Hungary without mastering Hungarian language and Hungarian law is a challenge.hungary hungarian, hungarian language, language hungarian, hungarian lawsearch, permit, foreigner, immigration, relocation1
szentex.huOur company is member of the Hungarian Association of Customs Affair and the Hungarian Roadworks Association.member hungarian, hungarian association, affair hungarian, hungarian roadworkscustom, trade, international, solution, agency1
buddypest.huI have been living in Budapest for 24 years and have been actively traveling around the world for 4 years as part of trips I organize. I studied Hungarian tourism for 5 years and I also have a tourism reference qualification.trip hungarian, hungarian tourismlocal, personalized, travel, unique, gallery1
ionart.huThe Motion Picture Act and Corporate Tax Act, in other words the Hungarian financial support system, is providing two unique methods for a movie’s financial support. ( contact us )word hungarian, hungarian financialanimation, cinematic, game, studio, commercial1
allinapartman-budapest.huYou will be able to enjoy the vibe of the city by an easy access to its bohemian coffeehouses, excellent restaurants, numerous entertainment facilities and the quintessentially Hungarian ‘ruinpub’ culture, which will all be only a few minutes walking distance from your home.quintessentially hungarian, hungarian ruinpubapartment, person, suitable, gallery, country1
control1.huImre brings three decades of finance and logistics management experience to Control1 to support Hungarian SMEs.experience hungarian, hungarian smecontrol, management, controller, analysis, plan1
wip2023.huThe Archdiocese of Veszprém, with the support of the Hungarian Government, is in the process of restoring 18 historical monuments of the Castle District between 2020 and 2025. The WIP'23 exhibition takes you behind the scenes and offers you the opportunity to observe the buildings and artefacts at…support hungarian, hungarian governmentmain, page, cart, ticket, visit1
martinus.huThe Hungarian Catholic Church, the Diocese of Szombathely and the County City of Szombathely celebrates in 2016 the 1700th anniversary of Saint Martin’s birth.st, jubilee, church, st., bishop1
ballaaudit.hu…Local Government in Budapest, 3rd district and the Research & Technological Innovation Funds. The company is fulfilling the bookkeeping requirements in the also family owned BAMOTO Economy Organiser and Informational Ltd which is in line with the ethical norms of the Hungarian Chamber of Auditors.norm hungarian, hungarian chamberauditing, continuous, accounting, consultation, software1
sky-soft.huSky-Soft Ltd. was established on the 1 st of March, 1993. The founders are by profession physicists and are members of the KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (RMKI) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.rmki hungarian, hungarian academysky, research, development, software, qualification1
nxu.huHey, I am nxu, short for Zsolt Fekete. I'm the lead software developer of fws , a Hungarian web agency.fws hungarian, hungarian webdeveloper, software, lot, agency, lead1
aacm.hu…Stancioff and Ms. Luigia Ekubirojs. The second example addressed the RenoHUb project’s market research were delivered by Dr. Fanni Sáfián, Hungarian Energy Efficiency Institute (MEHI). Her presentation was largely focused on the homeowners' the challenges, motivations, drivers and obstacles…sáfián hungarian, hungarian energyeurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
challenge4survivors.huWe will hike 231kms on the Hungarian National Blue Trail (Hollóháza - Sátoraljaújhely - Putnok) in the land where Satmar Chasidism was born. We will be living from our backpack and sleep in our tent.challenge, people, jewish, story, memory1
dpc.huParticipating in the MÁV-FOR project for the Hungarian State Railway as software designers and developersproject hungarian, hungarian statemanagement, consulting, training, software, solution1
gabriellaerdos.huI’m a registered tax advisor and mediator. I have more than 30 years of experience as a tax expert including five years spent in the Netherlands and several years of accounting experience in industry and at the Hungarian Tax Authorities.industry hungarian, hungarian taxpage, research, tax, direct, merger1
myindiannovels.hu…I pay back even a morsel of it? What solution could I come to finally? Well, here it is: this homepage and ten sweet children in it, ten novels from the depthless and pure Indian literature translated into Hungarian by me… to show you why I love India… I brought them now to you, do love them, too.”literature hungarian, hungarian indiabook, indian, photo, favorite, page1
czinkapanna.hu…society. Culture is the means, by which we can show ourselves, through which they can recognize us. At the same time, the Roma people also need to "relearn" the Roma culture, because we believe that Hungarian people of Roma origin with a strong identity can integrate into the majority society.culture hungarian, hungarian peopleassociation, cultural, event, talent, interest1
5thgear.huOur company intends to supply you with products and services on the fields of manufacturing accessories and metal works. Nowadays, our company works for Hungarian and foreign procurers, small enterprises and corporations. We produce and sliver customised and standardized metal works with CNC…company hungarian, hungarian foreigngear, machine, assurance, quality, gallery1
carion.huThe Carion Group has been present in the Hungarian market since 1994, when Carion Zrt was founded. The first Carion company established a new model for group purchasing in Hungary, while building its other companies in order to provide its clients with the fullest possible range of services. The…present hungarian, hungarian marketgroup, estate, investment, capital, management1
gbbhungary.huAt this moment, my focus is on hungarian page but I hope that I will get help from the hungarian community to translate my reviews, technical description to english soon. You can have my "old reviews" as starting articles, have fun to them.focus hungarian, hungarian page, help hungarian, hungarian communityinterview, login, article, technical, pistol1
tokajmagic.hu…stories to be told. The picuresque landscape, the amazing vineyards, the best natural sweet wine of the world, the biggest rebel moments of Hungarian history are all organic parts of Tokaj. But I do believe that after all what fullfills this wineregion with energy is the mission of the local…moment hungarian, hungarian historywine, tasting, special, local, topic1
lacucina.hu…tablecloths. You’ll feel as if you are sitting on Piazza Navona, thanks to our “life-size” picture of it. We offer you a wide selection of Hungarian and Italian wines. The interior is Mediterranean, the staff is compliant and joyful, the mentality is Italian, and the food is delicious, so…selection hungarian, hungarian italianreservation, restaurant, page, gallery, food1
emtc.huLet me welcome you on our website in name of EMTC. The EMTC (ElektroMotorenTechnik Cegléd) was founded in Mai 2000, as a Hungarian-German Joint Venture.mai hungarian, hungarian germanrequirements, quality, colleagues, german, general1
safehands.huIn case you own a property or portfolio and have a Hungarian based company we will manage your properties and your company.portfolio hungarian, hungarian companyproperty, management, safe, hand, investment1
littlemind.huI have used sitters from Little Minds for almost 2 years for parents who wanted to take Hungarian For Expats classes and still had kids at home. The experience was very positive. The sitters were kind and the service is excellent. Bea, the CEO, always tries to find a solution for problems…parent hungarian, hungarian expatnanny, little, family, application, page1
etnoshop.huFind pleasure in our fabulous culinary objects. Discover the ceramic wares made by Hungarian craftsmen and the wooden pads decorated with wonderful patterns which could embellish any dining room. Combine practicality and art in your kitchen.ware hungarian, hungarian craftsmanpublication, data, storage, entertainment, fashion1
mueller-dental-heviz.huLegal notice notice • Dental Dental Hungary, Hungary, Dentist Dentist H�v�z, Hungarian Hungarian Dental Dental • Webdesign Webdesign by by Alexgraphics Alexgraphics • Linksdentist hungarian, hungarian dentaldental, treatment, dentist, crown, private1
lelek-harmonia.hu…they use it with success all round the world when meeting personally is difficult or impossible. I also work online for several years with Hungarian clients who live or work abroad. During these years I developed the way how different methods (NLP, cognitive techniques, KIP, immagination…year hungarian, hungarian clientproblem, psychologist, counselling, disorder, technique1
epicadventures.huHungary uses Hungarian forint (abbreviated as Ft or HUF). There are loads of ATMs and changing offices around the lake but major business cards and in many places even euro is accepted.hungary hungarian, hungarian forintlake, day, wine, adventure, group1
redrecruitment.huHungarian average gross salary spikes to 1200 EUR in Q2 2022. What are the reasons for such an increase and how to face hiring new talents in Hungary nowadays?recruitment, europe, central, agency, eastern1
harmincas.huUp-to-date legal services with decade-long experience in the field of company law, contract law, tort law and real property law both in English and Hungarian.law, real, property, procedure, case1
avicenna.huThanks to Avicenna International College for providing the English education system. It made my studies easier in Hungary especially that I am not a native Hungarian speaker.native hungarian, hungarian speakerinternational, college, student, education, study1
arcww.huWide range of professional experience in many sectors of the Hungarian market, with international backgroundsector hungarian, hungarian marketgroup, leo, brand, agency, strategic1
noaharthomes.huQuiet apartmet right next to the Parliament. This stylish 2 bedroom flat is decorated with Hungarian contemporary art pieces. It comes with with 2 bathrooms, a fully equiped kitchen, a living room, a dining area and 2 separate bathrooms. The buzzing city central just 10 minutes walk.flat hungarian, hungarian contemporaryroom, live, street, bedroom, district1
planidea.huThe PlanIdea Knowledge Center was established with the aim to promote the cooperation amongst the representatives of the economy, the higher education and the society and to integrate the emerged knowledge into the Hungarian and European research and economic space.knowledge hungarian, hungarian europeanresearch, knowledge, activity, field, job1
szuperjogsi-drivingschool.huIf you don't speak Hungarian but want to get a category B driving license in Hungary you can come to our school.school, drive, license, training, vehicle1
drfarkaseva.huThis study presents the performance of Hungarian universities in the three main areas where universities can best achieve transformative impact on boosting lifelong learning.performance hungarian, hungarian universityactivity, education, learn, adult, research1
creacity.huCoordination and stakeholder management for Budapest 2030, a holistic urban development concept aiming to put the Hungarian capital on the map of the world’s most liveable cities.concept hungarian, hungarian capitaldevelopment, view, concept, city, stakeholder1
labtech.huLabtech Ltd. is an innovating, Hungarian and Japanese owned company established in 1990, dealing with developing and manufacturing PC-based ECG Systems. Our products are used for monitoring and analysing the heart's activity and its electronic signals, these are mainly ambulatory (Holter) ECGs and…labtech hungarian, hungarian japaneseecg, detail, news, stress, simulator1
casadelgrano.huThe last review of the granary facility was conducted in 2011 in frame of the architectural conceptual planning . An assessment of the structural engineer is available in Hungarian language. While the brick facades and outer structural walls are in good condition , much of the inner structure as…available hungarian, hungarian languageapartment, layout, floor, yes, build1
doubledecker.hu. As co-founder and managing partner of Double Decker he is responsible for strategic projects and management consulting, as well as business and institutional clients. Péter is a frequent speaker at media and PR conferences and was an elected Board Member of the Hungarian PR Association for 5…member hungarian, hungarian prdouble, brand, agency, media, expertise1
hoszivattyu-pest.huOur project office employs a mechanical engineer specializing in HVAC design and building energy expertise, who also holds professional qualifications registered with the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers.qualification hungarian, hungarian chamberair, heat, heating, pump, solution1
vanaround.huI invite you to join an adventure by reserving one of the 8 seats of my van, explore Hungarian heritages, local cuisine, trekking trails and the most beautiful sights of the region. Choose or request the most suitable trip for you and make the best out of it by VanAround Tours!van hungarian, hungarian heritagetour, region, trip, beautiful, place1
pifis.huOur goal is to help foreigner students to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to gain admission to a Hungarian university as well as to be able to sucessfully finish it.admission hungarian, hungarian universityadmission, university, available, faq, document1
iks.hu, educational and cultural concepts associated with Zoltán Kodály for the benefit of music generally and in particular for the educational advancement of youth. The Society serves as an international forum for all who are active in the spirit of the Hungarian master as composer, scholar and…spirit hungarian, hungarian masterscholarship, music, membership, newsletter, publication1
cegspecialista.huSlovakian company services: registered office and address, book keeping (in Hungarian), representation of companieskeeping hungarian, hungarian representationbook, legal, free, guarantee, consultation1
okobukkosd.huThe largest private eco-park in the country, the Bükkösdi Wildlife Park and Ecopark, opened at the confluence of the slopes of the South Zselic and the Western Mecsek. A wildlifepark, a wildlife garden and a paddock system have been set up in the park for domestic and native Hungarian animals…native hungarian, hungarian animalguest, event, house, accommodation, restaurant1
r-filter.hu…power UVC or VUV light in combination with TiO2 nano-photocatalyst. In the course of these developments, we benefit greatly from the results of Hungarian scientific research in the field of titanium dioxide nanotechnology. Working together with colleagues from the University of Szeged, we have…result hungarian, hungarian scientificair, disinfection, odor, device, filter1
novenytermeles.huThe journal publishes scientific papers, opinion papers, reviews and book reviews in the field of crop production, crop breeding, crop genetics, crop physiology and agrobotany written by Hungarian and international researchers with abstracts also in English and Russian.agrobotany hungarian, hungarian internationalcrop, production, l., yield, sweet1
remember.huGoing political; 2007-2008: a series of whistleblowing newspaper articles in Hungarian news outlets, highlighting discriminatory treatment of musicians signed in Eastern Europe by music publisher EMI. Some examples: newspapers Nepszabadsag , Index , HVG , Origoarticle hungarian, hungarian newsuk, record, music, gig, europe1
hungarovend.huAs a permanent supplier of hundreds of Hungarian restaurants and cafés, our company now offers a complete solution for your guests' quality coffee experience. We have almost any size, capacity, functionality and value for money that occurs with coffee machines and other vending machines. From…hundred hungarian, hungarian restaurantcoffee, cart, premium, list, wish1
feolindustrial.huFeol Indrustrial Automation Kft. is a company with full Hungarian ownership. It consists of well-trained programmers, electrotechnical and control professionals providing a high level of knowledge and experience in industrial automation. The company was founded in 2011 in order to provide an…company hungarian, hungarian ownershipindustrial, automation, machine, special, custom1
innodev.huThey are IT professionals, from top-tier Hungarian universities and high schools. Experts with many years of experience in outsourced software development.tier hungarian, hungarian universitysoftware, communication, device, bus, multiple1
letenyeyiskola.huThe location of our school is excellent, we are close to the capital Budapest and to many nice cities, villages, which are worth to visit. There are also special sights in Felcsút, like the football academy with its characteristic organic buildings by the Hungarian architect Makovecz, a little…building hungarian, hungarian architectschool, secondary, tradition, media, news1
mosonshow.huBy now it became a joint effort to organize this big show, so many hungarian modelling clubs are collaborating together and helping each other. Judging is done by teams of internationally acknowledged modellers coming from all around the continent. Of course this event is not only about modellers…big hungarian, hungarian modellingfair, model, competition, category, place1
orienteventive.hu…of pharmaceutical manufacturing, agriculture and telecommunication companies in the following cities: Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Sacramento, Honolulu, Hersonissos, Prague, Amsterdam, Dubai, Vienna, Warsaw, Bucharest, Marrakesh, Barcelona and also in beautiful Hungarian towns and cities.beautiful hungarian, hungarian townorient, event, build, conference, ready1
pejretvt.huWe are engaged in game management on an area of 8,000 hectares, on the outskirts of Gyula. We have 41 members and 1 professional hunter. Pejret Hunting Company gives exclusive access to some of the finest Hungarian countryside. This agricultural area is filled with mostly arable land but also has…fine hungarian, hungarian countrysidehunting, area, land, game, gallery1
pls.huPLS Electronics was founded in 1997 to manufacture high-quality disco, theatre and stage equipment originally for the Hungarian market.originally hungarian, hungarian marketpls, digital, power, network, unit1
vatafaka.huno clue what all this action is about. And therefore we call ourselves Vatafaka, which comes to people’s mind automatically when seeing us.” The Hungarian radio reporter did not understand anything from this (you also don’t), but there was no further question asked, hence this explanation can be…automatically hungarian, hungarian radioevent, performance, action, people, jaw1
dimboard.huWe are grateful for the support of the Hungarian state and the European union. SkyLine-Computer computer and development limited liability companysupport hungarian, hungarian statedata, production, collection, process, improvement1
fullm.huOur company, Full-M Kft. has been operating as a 100% hungarian-owned company since 1999. Our purpose is to address those clients for whom it is important that the service provider performing cleaning and park maintenance tasks is accurate and precise, always adapt to the client’s needs and work…kft hungarian, hungarian companyreference, client, clean, removal, maintenance1
bambamarha.hu…our first street food restaurant at Oktogon, which by now has become legendary among lovers of special burgers. We opened Bamba Bazilika in November 2016, and in December our largest restaurant to date, the first Hungarian hamburger joint as part of Fashion Street, opened its door at Deák Square.date hungarian, hungarian hamburgerrestaurant, bar, favorite, town, ingredients1
fellpack.huThe Fellpack Csomagolóanyagokat Gyártó és Forgalmazó Szolgáltató Kft. (Fellpack Packaging Material Manufacturer And Distributor Ltd.) is significant company in the Hungarian packaging and wrapping material manufacturing and distribution since 1993. We primarily produce plastic (polyethylene, BOPP…company hungarian, hungarian packagingpackaging, material, wrapping, sack, like1
tulipanpecs-apartman.hu…library room or play cards. Have a walk in the forest nearby or walk down to the old town to go sightseeing. Do you like wine? Enjoy a glass of Hungarian wine on the balcony; the landscape will mesmerize you in the evening hours. Bus No. 33 offers direct connection to the regional bus station and…glass hungarian, hungarian wineday, apartment, booking, testimonial, page1
jootour.hu…equipment and quality, from cars to buses, on-demand, from 1 person up to 72 , from the employees to VIPs. We have several satisfied, regular Hungarian and foreign partners, expressing their satisfaction by recommending our services, thus we can welcome high families, politicians, leaders of…regular hungarian, hungarian foreigntour, bus, transport, passenger, employee1
acsi.huACSI Logisztika is a Hungarian manufacturer and provider of high quality storage technology solutions. Contact us before implementing new storage conceptions. We develop and manufacture innovative, excellent quality and cost-effective solutions for enterprises, factories and other institutions .logisztika hungarian, hungarian manufacturerstorage, solution, special, equipment, manufacturer1
fluidmix.huFLUIDMIX Ltd . is the Hungarian representative of the well-known Italian gearbox producer ROSSI Spa.ltd hungarian, hungarian representativetype, industry, gallery, ltd, manufacture1
healing-darkness.huto expose me to such a "danger". About half an hour of great effort, and half a litre went into the bucket. My dear helpers did not insisted any further. By that time most of the liquid – to put it freely after Attila József (a Hungarian poet) –„moved happily through the tunnels of the intestines"…”józsef hungarian, hungarian poetdarkness, sound, second, retreat, method1
cetinelconsultancy.huWe are a well-experienced consultancy firm for operations in both Hungary and Turkey. We advise investors operating in fields of construction, energy, infrastructure, aviation, marine, insurance, consume-related and trade matters. We advise our Hungarian clients on their investments in Turkey, and…matter hungarian, hungarian clientconsultancy, turkey, activity, area, tier1
kor-fitting.huOur company started its operations on May 7, 2010. As the exclusive Hungarian representative of South Korea’s HanSun Engineering Co. Ltd., our main profile is the distribution of Han-Sun’s high-quality instrumentation products known on the market as S-LOK Fittings and Valves.exclusive hungarian, hungarian representativevalve, stainless, steel, tube, instrumentation1
apponyiestarsai.huThis website is maintained by Apponyi Law Firm, an office registered in the Bar Association of Budapest under number 4662, in accordance with the law and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which can be found on the website of the Hungarian Bar Association along with information on client…website hungarian, hungarian barlaw, protection, photo, lawyer, property1
vacigreens.huVáci Greens is ATENOR’s first Hungarian development, and one of the largest office developments in Hungary.atenor hungarian, hungarian developmentbuild, green, office, floor, building1
aktivforras.huThe Aktiv Forras Ltd. started its operation in 1997. We may say on the basis of our more than 20 years of experience that our book-keepers are aware of the taxing and book-keeping problems of the companies operating in the recent Hungarian economy and we are able to provide effective and…recent hungarian, hungarian economybook, consultation, tax, financial, item1
undertherainbow.huThe kindergarten classes in three buildings accept children aged 3-7 from all over the world. Our international locations offer a curriculum in English, while the language of instruction in the bilingual program is both Hungarian and English.program hungarian, hungarian englishchild, international, bilingual, location, staff1
hunkarb.huHungária Karbantartó Kft. is a purely Hungarian-owned company, founded by its owners in 2020 with the main objective of aligning the other business competences within the ownership circle and to enter new markets by exploiting synergies, thus ensuring growth opportunities.purely hungarian, hungarian companymain, value, reference, certification, conditioning1
evermeat.huEvermeat Magyarország Kft. is a company specializing in the distribution of meat products, which was established by a team of experts working in the Hungarian hospitality industry for more than 20 years. Using our experiences, our goal is to be a safe and reliable supplier to our partners, as well…expert hungarian, hungarian hospitalitymeat, quality, homepage, distribution, reliability1
ced.huWe have developed our extensive service portfolio, that covers all segments of commercial processes, in close compliance with the needs of Hungarian enterprises and international trends. All this ensures that all of our partners, regardless of their size and export experience, can use our toolkit…need hungarian, hungarian enterprisepage, main, event, support, development1
issbudapest.huWe are an all-round service provider in Budapest for real estate and Airbnb management. ISS Budapest has been on the market since 2010 serving multiple private and corporate homeowners. We started as a small provider for the international community and today we have over 200 Hungarian and…today hungarian, hungarian internationalmanagement, clean, rental, international, real1
erdody.huSince 1994, our orchestra has aimed to popularize the values of Hungarian music history and present contemporary Hungarian compositions.value hungarian, hungarian music, contemporary hungarian, hungarian compositionconcert, main, news, orchestra, ticket1
gosztonyivilla.huRooms are equipped with modern flat-screen televisions receiving Hungarian channels. Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime and HBO apps are also available.television hungarian, hungarian channelroom, view, amenities, coffee, garden1
creativelab.huCreative Laboratory Ltd., a privately held company founded in 1993. Located in Szeged, Hungary, in a high-level scientific area. We are a member of the Hungarian Biotechnology Association. We follow the “hybrid” business modell activity, so we aremember hungarian, hungarian biotechnologycreative, research, development, line, cell1
biologiclabs.huBio-Logic Labs is a Hungarian-owned private research and development company that combines more than four decades of professional engineering and university experience thanks to its founding experience…lab hungarian, hungarian privatelogic, lab, development, production, research1
grid.huOur mission includes the support of decision making processes of our clients, contributing to companies and regulatory bodies in the establishment of strategic actions and decisions. In addition, we aim to promote rational energy consumption in line with the support of the Hungarian national…support hungarian, hungarian nationalgrid, main, cee, solution, consultancy1
fromhelldaleranchkennel.huMe and my husband, who's been breeding short-haired Hungarian Vizslas for almost 22 years, live in a farm-like village house in Heves County, an hour from Budapest, where our dogs live happily as dogs in a huge area with us and around us, under constant care and supervision.haired hungarian, hungarian vizsladog, irish, breed, ideal, love1
bibus.huWe can only serve companies and private persons with a Hungarian TAX number through OUR WEBSHOP.person hungarian, hungarian taxtechnology, safety, linear, gear, gas1
csicsericsarda.huSpecial care has been taken in the plan of our menu to meet the taste of all ages. Our aspiration is to keep the traditional Hungarian meals, which we try to cook in the same way as we were taught by our grandmothers. Therefore, on our menu next to the worthily famous whole knuckle, the toasted…traditional hungarian, hungarian mealwelcome, food, history, courier, guest1
avivamodszer.huAviva, the Hungarian teacher of physical education has been searching for years how to voluntarily control the womb-process. In 1966 in Israel she developed a series of exercises for elderly women that induced and regulated cycles in women in their menopause. On the bases of these exercises and as…aviva hungarian, hungarian teachermethod, woman, exercise, period, instructor1
clbpackaging.huOur experience in production is one of our assets as specialised cardboard distributors or the Hungarian market.distributor hungarian, hungarian marketpackaging, cardboard, distribution, manufacture, field1
gesztenyes.huOur amazing dishes together with our creative beverages menu, fine Hungarian wines, pleasant music and attention to detail will make your stay unforgettable.fine hungarian, hungarian winerestaurant, apartment, pension, page, room1
dunacorso.huThe nostalgic old and the reformed new tastes of Hungarian cuisine combined with our own gastronomic traditions determine the selection on the menu.taste hungarian, hungarian cuisineroom, restaurant, terrace, reservation, wonderful1
horvathfolia.hunear the Austrian-Hungarian border, and – thanks to our advantageous logistic possibilities – we can fulfil the orders of our national and foreign partners easily.austrian hungarian, hungarian borderfoil, packaging, printing, material, flat1
kisleptek.huPolish, Hungarian and Romanian Women Farmers Visit Serbia June 2022, Serbia Ama – Center for the ...polish hungarian, hungarian romanianfood, supply, chain, short, conference1
firstimmigration.huResidence permits: for business, other purposes, work, study, family reunification. Permanent residence permit, Hungarian citizenship.permit hungarian, hungarian citizenshipimmigration, investment, country, page, creation1
interreg-project.huComplex Lead Partner / Project Partner Management Service including: ongoing contact and consultation with domestic and foreign project partners in both Hungarian and foreign languages – in English as well as in German...partner hungarian, hungarian foreigndevelopment, border, transnational, management, implementation1
m37apartman.hucity, the unique environment of the meeting of the Hortobágy and the Tisza in Nagyerdő and the vicinity of the town, the easily accessible North-Hungarian wine region is of special value. In winter, thermal and culinary pleasures, in summer Campus Festival and the Carnval of Flowers! Debrecen is a…north hungarian, hungarian wineapartment, downtown, accomodation, mood, person1
agriavintage.huFeared family treasures, old Hungarian furniture and everyday objects rescued on the road and on the side of the road were found here and given new light. We restored ourselves, we fixed these little miracles.old hungarian, hungarian furnituremain, page, gallery, price, apartment1
sisilkzurre.huIf you love digging yourself into the lore, history and theories behind games, you are at the right place. The main language for the blog is Hungarian. I don’t plan on translating every content I create into English, but if I have the time I’ll try to share the more interesting or controversial…blog hungarian, hungarian contentgame, hall, article, theory, place1
rpt-innoteq.huWe started the Hungarian distribution of the Slovak PROFEX-LC water-base, corrosion protecting paints in 2007. These products are applicable on concrete and metal surfaces. Our product range contains outdoor facade and indoor wall paints, EPOXY resin floor coverings, water-base furniture lacquer…prototyping, manufacture, reverse, engineering, scan1
medimetal.huBesides our core business in human medicine, we have also been manufacturing veterinary implants since 2003. Products are developed in close cooperation with Hungarian, US and British veterinary partners; while manufacturing relies on solid human medicine foundations with regards to technology…cooperation hungarian, hungarian britishevent, news, plate, nail, orthopedic1
bocskaitermal.huAs of 1 September 2021, our accommodation facilities will be obliged to record the data of our guests in an accommodation management software with the help of a document scanner and to transmit them to the Closed Guest Information Database (VIZA). The VIZA is an IT repository created by the…repository hungarian, hungarian tourismguest, dear, apartment, accomodation, medical1
medianets.hu…with R&D projects carried out with our partners from the ICT industry. MEDIANETS’ teaching activity spans over the whole BSc-MSc-PhD structure. Along with courses in computer networks and V2X communications (in Hungarian and English), it is responsible for two BSc and one MSc specializations.communication hungarian, hungarian englishresearch, laboratory, intelligent, student, staff1
skalar.huis a Hungarian-owned private enterprise founded in 2006, engaged in civil engineering design activities. We work mostly with our returning customers in the final, implementation phase of investments, currently with our team of 15 people.structure, future, construction, engineering, reference1
cafecan.huAs part of Café Group, one of the leading Hungarian communications agencies, we provide high-level management and coordinational services when executing campaigns on local levels.lead hungarian, hungarian communicationcountry, agency, communication, media, group1
taxworld.huYou are required to apply for this service if you are a foreign private individual who has become an executive or manager of a business registered in Hungary. If you are a Hungarian citizen but are permanently away from your home or if your address changes often but want...hungary hungarian, hungarian citizenlegal, tax, accounting, office, client1
heartandsexuality.huWe are really proud of the results achieved by this tender, but the most important output is the formation of the Hungarian professional team. We are all deeply committed to make the lives, relationships and intimacy of the participants in our programs freer, fuller and more honest with the tools…formation hungarian, hungarian professionalsexuality, training, heart, body, basic1
strigon.huWe have been a 100% Hungarian family owned company for several decades! Our company achieves outstanding success in the field of machine tool manufacturing, welding and cutting in Hungary and internationally. Be our next satisfied customer! Contact us!machine, tool, welding, machining, manufacture1
capoeirabrasil.huEven if we are tired, we leave our training filled with positive energy. Capoeira is a very close-knit community, not only here, but worldwide. We regularly go to foreign events, from Croatia to the US, we visited countless places and spread the word about Hungarian capoeira, enriched ourselves…word hungarian, hungarian capoeiratraining, class, downtown, news, media1
csigajogsi.huAccording to the Hungarian rules you have to take at least 29 driving lessons, (+ the exam) which consist of:school, drive, learn, office, course1
helkasor.huHelka Brewery opened its beer garden at a prime location, right at lake Balaton, in the summer of 2021, in Balatonföldvár. We are developing our Helka Brewhouse – renovating an old MAV (Hungarian Railway) building – where our brand-new stainless-steel tanks are eager to move in. Our primary goal…mav hungarian, hungarian railwaybeer, brewery, garden, event, detail1
javipa.huEstablished in 1990 as a startup, JAVIPA Printing Ltd. has evolved into one of Hungary’s largest printing houses, distinguishing itself by being exclusively owned by Hungarian private individuals. Our comprehensive services cover the entire spectrum of printed packaging production, including…exclusively hungarian, hungarian privatequality, printing, environment, assurance, career1
lant.huHe studied with Toyohiko Satoh at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, first Hungarian lutist to graduate. In addition to renaissance and baroque lutes, he plays the archlute and the chitarrone. Currently a lute teacher at the University of Pécs in Hungary. Lute teacher and artistic director of…hague hungarian, hungarian lutistbiography, lute, chamber, actual, short1
sparks.huThe managing directors of SPARKS Ltd., Béla Romwalter „Richy” and Judit Romwalter consider it important to further promote and continuously develop the Hungarian film production activity, and also the active participation of their company in it. Their aim is, while staying true to the professional…continuously hungarian, hungarian film, international hungarian, hungarian especially, especially hungarianequipment, camera, lighting, production, extension1
miszje.huThe Round Table of Hungarian Playwrights, Society of Young Writers (FISZ), Hungarian Trade Union of Writers, József Attila Circle – Literary Association of Young Writers (JAK), Hungarian Association of Artists – Section of Literature, The Society of Hungarian Writers, The Hungarian Association of…table hungarian, hungarian playwright, fisz hungarian, hungarian trade, jak hungarianpage, main, distribution, rule, joint1
bayerconstruct.huBayer Construct Zrt. owned by Hungarian persons is one of the most determinant group of companies in the Hungarian building, contracting and developing market with more than 20 years experience in the field. In a unique way in our country, the Group covers the whole value-chain of development /…zrt hungarian, hungarian person, company hungarian, hungarian builddetail, construction, property, group, development1
zsofiataller.huHer opera Leánder és Lenszirom (Leander and Linseed), presented in 2015, was staged by the Hungarian State Opera House for 3 seasons, it was seen by more than 15,000 viewers which is remarkable for a contemporary opera. The performance was released on both CD and DVD.linseed hungarian, hungarian statecomposer, song, duration, cart, child1
citycentrehotelsbudapest.huHotel Novotel Budapest Danube is located on the banks of Danube, on the Buda side of Budapest. The hotel awaits its guests with the magnificent view of the Hungarian Parliament,with friendly staff,and online booking.view hungarian, hungarian parliamentcity, centre, reservation, center, castle1
twcs.huDr. Sándor Csányi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciencesfoundation hungarian, hungarian universitycongress, wine, venue, session, registration1
giaform.huWe provide several Hungarian and international companies with machining and injection moulding products; we offer quality parts for global brands.mould, form, manual, cut, plastic1
ergofem.huErgofém LTD was founded in 1992, which in 100 % hungarian ownership. The metallurgic company operates on 6 234 m2 manufacturing area in Újkígyós, near by Romania.ltd hungarian, hungarian ownershipltd, cut, welding, blast, coating1
silatti.huThe dishes of traditional Hungarian cuisine, quality cafes, patisseries and modern bistros , street food and excellent Balaton wines . You will find all this in and around Keszthely.traditional hungarian, hungarian cuisineapartment, room, guest, house, accommodation1
asar.huASAR is a young Hungarian management consultant firm that provides professional services to companies within the construction and engineering industries. ASAR's construction management consultants collaborate with its Clients to help them advance industry standards and improve performance. We…young hungarian, hungarian managementconsultant, industry, construction, user, login1
baobabcoworking.huAt Baobab, we embrace the concept and as such, we’re renting out desks in our gorgeous office just by Budapest Szent Gellért square in a house that’s actually one of Budapest's protected buildings designed by the famous Hungarian architect, Emil Vidor. We welcome people who don’t want their own…famous hungarian, hungarian architectspace, room, meet, place, oasis1
sporteseletmod.huThe onsite interview of cluster qualification conducted by the European Secreteriat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) at MSE Hungarian Sport- and Lifestyle Development Cluster took place on the 23rd June 2021 in Debrecen.mse hungarian, hungarian lifestylelifestyle, news, event, cluster, academy1
ujratervezespszichologia.hu…mental health. I graduated as a psychologist in 2004, and in 2017 I got my degree in sports psychology. In 2020, I graduated from the online Barca University with a degree in Psychology for High Performance. I accept clients from the age of 14. My services are available in Hungarian and English.available hungarian, hungarian englishpsychologist, trainer, counseling, psychological, performance1
balatonimuzeum.huFor more than 100 years, the “Hungarian Sea” has been our passion. Learn more about what we do, about our collections, our library, our services. Contact us !year hungarian, hungarian seamuseum, lake, exhibition, permanent, visitor1
viatormundi.huThey have been performing well in Hungarian waters for years. They are excellent for large groups and school classes.eng, water, navigation, boat, perfect1
meetingbudapest.huThe scope of our activity includes the comprehensive planning, organization and execution of Hungarian and international conferences, congresses, corporate events, professional exhibitions, banquets and balls.execution hungarian, hungarian internationalmeeting, event, conference, exhibition, execution1
boginyaralohaz.huIf we are full with the well-known scone of Balaton and we would prefer try-out some of the Hungarian cusine or spend a pleasent evening, the area has the possibility. List of restaurants in a walking distance: Sándor Restaurant, Tiffany Pizzeria, Sirály Restaurant, Fehér ló Steak House. As you…balaton hungarian, hungarian cusine, house hungarian, hungarian cuisineapartment, balcony, room, bed, area1
ipacsszabo.huI was born on the Great Hungarian Plain, so I am extremely fascinated by the endless view from the top of the vineyard. What did I bring with me from home? I spent my childhood with flowers and animals, in vineyards, orchards, greenhouses – this is where I inherited the love of Nature from. And…great hungarian, hungarian plainwine, vineyard, place, estate, earth1
logvalve.huWe have the professional knowledge, skills and technical means, required by the Hungarian and international oil, gas, chemical, and energy companies from the machine industry over the past decades.mean hungarian, hungarian internationalvalve, log, control, quality, gate1
bestofbudapest.huEvery day is good to try the best hungarian dishes along with the panorama of Budapest. Bring your friends and enjoy the sunlight on the Danube!good hungarian, hungarian dishtransportation, shopping, movie, accommodation, rent1
btop.huMembers and colleagues of our companies are young professionals educated at College of Finance and Accountancy, holding accountant certificate. Further, some of our members are registered as a tax advisor at the Hungarian Finance Ministry. The companies started operations in 1994, and since then…advisor hungarian, hungarian financetax, accounting, advisory, return, client1
vipberill.huAs a Hungarian-owned agency we have been on the market for more than 20 years, and this is in itself a great achievement.sale, start, gallery, agency, printing1
csanyialapitvany.huBrain Bar, Europe’s biggest future festival, will take place on 21-22 September at the Hungarian House of Music in Budapest.......september hungarian, hungarian housefoundation, website, official, news, dinner1
efisz.huSupporting the development of the Hungarian cash-saving electronic payment ecosystem that points towards sustainability, and the development of new service and business models.development hungarian, hungarian cashpayment, electronic, association, provider, member1
localcapital.huExcellent English and Hungarian language skills both written and verbal with the ability to influence all levels of the organization and multicultural/ international environmentsenglish hungarian, hungarian languagelocal, capital, insurance, solution, strong1
kenderfono.huThe history of the FIRST HUNGARIAN HEMP SPINNING COMPANY goes back 135 years in the past. Its predecessor the Szegedi Kendergyár was found by Mr. Nándor Bakay in 1877 for manufacturing hemp twine, cordage, rope and fabrics. The factory offers a wide assortment of yarns, twines and ropes. Our…history hungarian, hungarian hemprope, natural, industry, hemp, baler1
syndicatestudio.huOur team was created by six Hungarian film experts who gained experience in various fields of visual media in the last 10 years. Our main activities are film and video production, photography and 3D animations. We work tirelessly to bring synergies to life and present exceptional content to those…team hungarian, hungarian filmstudio, video, production, photo, photography1
egeszsegbiztositas.huOur health insurance plans are available and recommended not only to Hungarian citizens, but also to foreigners living, working, and studying in our country.available hungarian, hungarian citizenhealth, insurance, plan, care, day1
envien.huEnvien Magyaroszág is a member of Envien Group, consisting of nine legal entities operating in the biofuel industry in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). ENVIEN Magyarország Kft. was founded in 2013 with a primary objective to gain access to the Hungarian agricultural commodity market.access hungarian, hungarian agriculturaltrading, commodity, primary, objective, map1
szentdemeterkorus.hu…270. Maximian the eastern Roman co-emperor persecuted the Christians and in 306 Demetrius died as a Martyr at his behest in Thessaloniki. He then became the patron Saint of the town. He was also greatly respected in Hungary and it is well demonstrated as he is a figure on the Hungarian Saint Crown.figure hungarian, hungarian saintchoir, saint, church, music, member1
hungaria-karnis.huWe are proud that as a rather young company with 100% Hungarian foundation and ownership we have managed to get among the most important participants of the Hungarian market.company hungarian, hungarian foundation, participant hungarian, hungarian marketinjection, mould, curtain, extrusion, packaging1
icco.huThe Hungarian organization of ICCO EMT consists of 3 support engineers, one sales responsible and one administrative person.support, production, romania, electronic1
rowanhillglobal.huThe Hungarian-owned Dr. Dombi Law Firm, as a member of the RowanHill Group, supports its partners and clients in a wide range of business law areas, in particular in commercial and corporate law, digitalisation projects, e-commerce and innovative services.global, strategy, mission, valuation, value1
utilapu.huOpen Doors, our working group has been organizing CultiRider for 2 years now in which our international volunteers visit the Hungarian countryside and engage with the local communities and youth in joyful activities, bringing intercultural experiences to rural areas.volunteer hungarian, hungarian countrysidecommunity, transparency, intercultural, people, opportunity1
pps.huI am Tamas Garamszegi, a professional real estate agent with 20 years of experience in the Hungarian real estate market, specializing in Budapest. As the owner and founder of Pannonia Property Solutions in Budapest, it’s my privilege to offer assistance with all your real estate needs. Whether…experience hungarian, hungarian realproperty, sale, save, estate, real1
bakihaz.huThe Polish and Hungarian LEADER Action Group implemented an international meeting between 2014 August 29 and September 1 where the LEADER Non-profit Association in Hortobágy and the Kadarcs Folk Music Association was invited. [...] MOREpolish hungarian, hungarian leaderassociation, cup, activity, youth, day1
budapestbikerental.huBicycles can be rented by Hungarian or foreign citizens over 18, with an identity document.bicycle hungarian, hungarian foreignbike, rental, tour, gallery, reference1
thedoors.huThe objects and pieces of furniture are manually sorted, perfectly balanced between luxury and cosy atmosphere. The Doors Apartment is undoubtedly a feast for the eyes. Its attractiveness is expressed by the carefully designed decoration, focusing on the details, a glass of fine Hungarian wine, a…fine hungarian, hungarian wineapartment, terrace, garden, riverside, environment1
maniv-bp.huWe have now 5 apartments with Maniv, Avivs knowledge and experience in the Hungarian real estate market made it very easy for us to let him and his team do all the work for us. All Apartments are fully managed for us by Manivexperience hungarian, hungarian realproperty, real, estate, apartment, management1
mecc.huOur team consists of experts from different construction streams. We are a team of internationals who also speak of English, Russian, Hungarian, Turkish and etc.russian hungarian, hungarian turkishconstruction, quality, industry, renovation, management1
supremeconsulting.huWe provide services to investors in Hungary from the UAE, Saudi-Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar to help them making their investment-related decisions. Sharing our professional experience on real estate market and real estate investments via our Hungarian partners. Our company will be a reliable background…investment hungarian, hungarian partner, profit hungarian, hungarian realconsulting, national, client, management, investment1
dsmile.huDsmile Body Balance Training is one of the latest ‘combined’ treatment methods and we think one of the best! Hundreds of satisfied patients and many satisfied and successful Hungarian and UK trainers prove that this system is already achieving international recognition.successful hungarian, hungarian uktraining, method, body, client, adult1
gutmanjobs.huOur firm, Gutman International has specialized in management consulting for big, multinational companies doing business in Hungary. Our clients are mainly manufacturing companies' Hungarian sites where the local management needs service provided by local firms.company hungarian, hungarian sitejob, consulting, management, recruitment1
lavet.huBoth our manufacturing system and pharmaceutical production which is the main profile of Lavet Pharmaceuticals Ltd comply with the international and Hungarian regulations.international hungarian, hungarian regulationinnovation, development, animal, page, main1
lezermuvek.huLézerművek Kft. is a Hungarian company established in 2015, starting its businesses with laser engraving and laser welding based on 15 years of professional experience. According to the changes of market demand its activities are expanded towards mould repair. By increasing its machinery besides…kft hungarian, hungarian companymould, repair, welding, engraving, cut1
alfacon.huIT business oriented organizations are in focus of our ISO based implementation services. As hungarian market leader on this field we provide elaboration and implementation of ISO 20000-1 based IT service management systems and ISO 27001 based information security management systems.service hungarian, hungarian marketmanagement, tender, training, social, webpage1
qualiform.huThe company QUALIFORM ZRT. was founded on January 8, 2007 as the legal successor to BT Holding Qualiform Kft. (1995-2007). The 100% Hungarian company is located in Apc ...kft hungarian, hungarian companyquality, machine, production, equipment, machining1
dutrade.huDUTRADE Steels Product Processing and Trading Co., (DUTRADE ZRT) is a Hungarian steel producer with a long tradition, it is a member of the ISD DUNAFERR Group. DUTRADE ZRT has been running a domestic steel distribution network of ISD DUNAFERR ZRT since 1992. The first Steel Service Center in…zrt hungarian, hungarian steelprofile, steel, document, sheet, cold1
femker-97.huFémker-97 Bt is a dynamically evolving Hungarian family business. We have more than 30 years of professional experience in chipping. The business was established by István Czinki in 1983, and we changed to a limited partnership in 1997, and we have been operating in this company form since then.dynamically hungarian, hungarian familycomponent, machine, milling, job, page1
strapa-pack.huHungarian manufacturers are constantly evolving and their products are now travelling to several continents. Quality, reliable packaging material and professional packaging technology are becoming increasingly important.packaging, material, detail, solution, transport1
mercatrade.huMerca-Trade LLC was founded in 1999. Our main activity is the promotion of Hungarian and European products and services in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States as well as promoting the quality products from the CIS in the European Union. Furthermore, we represent companies in…promotion hungarian, hungarian european, intention hungarian, hungarian cavalry, outstanding hungariantrade, introduction, harness, unique, gallery1
telederma.huI attended several courses and gave lectures at Hungarian and international congresses (Skin Surgery - Salzburg, European Wound Care Congress EWMA-Pague, World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology - Cancun, European Dermatology Congress EADV-London).lecture hungarian, hungarian internationalskin, treatment, surgery, aesthetic, dermatology1
biointelligence.huAn informal group of researchers and students, most of us is somehow affiliated with the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania.sapientia hungarian, hungarian universitysite, lecture, video, publication, community1
happytrain.huThe Hungarian Sollers Print Ltd. developes and produces tourist trains since 2002 . Our Happy Train brand is one of the market leader in Hungary.train, happy, tourist, sightseeing, quality1
soloron.huOur company, Soloron 40 Zrt. has been present on the Hungarian IT market since 2016. In the beginning our main profile was the design and operation of complex IT systems, however, nowadays our product portfolio has expanded significantly. We provide complete IT solutions and end-to-end services to…present hungarian, hungarian marketsolution, operation, quality, click, security1
zane.hu…design. Creating a design office capable of designing world-class electronic products played a very important role in founding the company. Our mission is to show that Hungarian electronics professionals can stand their ground not only in electronics contract manufacturing, but also in design.mission hungarian, hungarian electroniccircuit, development, quotation, software, prototype1
europeandanubeforum.huThe European Danube Forum is an association of Hungarian, German, Italian, Swedish and Hungarian journalists based in Budapest, Hungary, which was created to provide the European public with information, news and analysis that is not available in the mainstream media, or even if it is, it is in a…association hungarian, hungarian german, swedish hungarian, hungarian journalisteuropean, danube, forum, media, alternative1
keletatlasz.huThe Kelet-Atlasz Kompresszor Kft. has been founded in March 2001 by 100 % Hungarian individuals.march hungarian, hungarian individualdistribution, compressor, air, main, maintenance1
bobskitchenbudapest.huDuring Bob's Kitchen Budapest's short-term activity in the Hungarian market, several prominent companies with British connections have been delighted to avail themselves of our catering services. Whether it's a team building event, Christmas fair, or company celebration, esteemed organizations…activity hungarian, hungarian marketkitchen, restaurant, taste, british, breakfast1
mohacsiiparipark.huThe industrial park, located on the Hungarian-Croatian border, is well-separated from residential areas. The area has excellent traffic links, with the M60 motorway near the outskirts of the town. The existing intermodal, commercial and transport hub function (road-water-rail transport) will be…park hungarian, hungarian croatianindustrial, enterprise, excellent, connection, traffic1
faker2000.huOur company trades and manufactures wide range of wood products that can be used for numerous applications in the construction and furniture industry. We use advance technology and modern machinery to process various import and Hungarian lumber from numerous suppliers. We offer high quality wood…import hungarian, hungarian lumberwindow, quality, introduction, indoor, wood1
investincsongradcounty.hu…County is committed to promoting investment in the region and wishes to be your reliable business partner. Hereinafter we have collected the most crucial pieces of information about the Hungarian business environment, its investment opportunities, and the main incentives the government offers.information hungarian, hungarian businesscounty, investment, investor, estate, real1
bestbond.huBest Bond ltd. Has been a growing participant in the Hungarian construction industry since 2010. Since 2021 with the start of switch cabinet production we place with our experienced colleagues more emphasis on the electrical sector. In addition to our successfully delivered domestic projects, our…participant hungarian, hungarian constructionlatest, construction, cabinet, area, expertise1
tusculanumvendeglo.huWe take care that our guests can find local, regional, truly Hungarian and popular “world cuisine” flavors on our menu!truly hungarian, hungarian popularrestaurant, spring, flavor, wine, card1
panszky.huRight from the start our main objective was to provide to-the-point, practical, top-quality, yet cost-effective legal services . The clientele of our Firm mainly consists of large and middle-sized multinational corporations and their local interests, but we also represent Hungarian enterprises…interest hungarian, hungarian enterpriselaw, corporate, privacy, competition, real1
mcrn.huis to make paediatric clinical trials in Hungary easier, faster and more efficient. This will include facilitating Hungarian participation in international paediatric clinical research.efficient hungarian, hungarian participationresearch, network, child, medicine, trial1
hajduugyvediiroda.huOur other main practice area is legal counselling and representation in procedures concerning legal Hungarian stay (e.g.: procedures for the issuance of residence permit, letter of invitation, settlement permit and registration card).legal hungarian, hungarian stayarea, practice, law, legal, client1
neonlight.huNeonlight Ltd. is a dominant player in the neonlight advertising segment of the Hungarian outdoor advertising market's.segment hungarian, hungarian outdoorsite, advertising, reference, image, outdoor1
techmontage.huA prerequisite for hiring out staff is the obtaining of a qualification in accordance with Hungarian law, which we obtained in 2019, providing the necessary financial and administrative resources. and financial conditions.accordance hungarian, hungarian lawmanufacture, steel, labour, structure, loan1
hadrian.huThe Book of Marches is the perfect accompaniment for any marching band. It contains over 100 Hungarian Marches and Protocol Music, making it a valuable resource for any band that wants to diversify their repertoire. This book is a must-have for any band looking to learn the traditional marches of…band hungarian, hungarian march, march hungarian, hungarian flavorcomposition, wind, music, book, march1
loyalworkers.huTo the best of our knowledge, Loyal Workers is the first recruitment agency in Hungary that places people mainly from Africa for Hungarian employers.africa hungarian, hungarian employerloyal, worker, employee, contract, candidate1
okolakopark.hu…the ecovillage is the private property of the entrepreneur, who has dreamt and created the ecovillage. The 200-hectare area is cultivated with arable farming, viticulture, early vegetable and fruit production covering plant variety and animal breed typical of the Hungarian Great Plain landscape.typical hungarian, hungarian greatmodel, house, plan, area, location1
silafertilizer.huOur product range includes fertilizers of the right quality and composition to meet the needs of Hungarian agriculture.need hungarian, hungarian agriculturefertilizer, supply, continuous, calcium, nitrogen1
rigo27.huWe have Chinese and Hungarian Representations, so we are one step ahead in every situation!chinese hungarian, hungarian representationmanagement, brand, install, market, research1
nazaret.huThis website was built up to inform and familiarize the visitor to the spiritual way of the Blessed Charles de Foucauld, which can be also called the spirituality of Nazareth. We collect and share information about Charles de Foucauld's spirituality, primarily in Hungarian. In our plans we…primarily hungarian, hungarian plan, literature hungarian, hungarian communityde, hide, writing, visitor, website1
royce.huRolls Royce Silver Shadow I - 1975 a wonderful car in fully working oder for sale. Located in Hungary, with hungarian historic license plate. All original UK documentation is available as well, for re-registration in the UK. Have a look through the gallery below and contact us any time on the…hungary hungarian, hungarian historicroyce, restoration, sale, luxury, original1
stahlcnc.huI am Kornél Ledniczki, Managing Director and co-owner of Stahl CNC Hungary Kft. We founded the company with Karl Stahl in 2015. I worked for him in Germany until 2015 and so the idea came to make a joint venture in Hungary. Since then, we have had many satisfied Hungarian, German, Austrian and…satisfied hungarian, hungarian germanmanufacture, metalworking, deep, bore, hole1
reason.huWe are excited to announce that our new album titled 'The Divine Rest' is available as a bonus CD in the Hungarian HammerWorld Magazin, and released by Nail Records. Grab your copy today!cd hungarian, hungarian hammerworldreason, release, photo, video, rest1
nandkft.huMost of our customers are from Europe, mainly German, Swedish and Danish and of course Hungarian customers.course hungarian, hungarian customerautomation, production, machine, industrial, construction1
kiskunemlekhely.huThe Cumans ( Kunok in Hungarian),an eastern nomadic people, arrived in Hungary in the mid-13th century, and this park is dedicated to their memory. During the bloody years of the westward advances of the Mongols, from which the Cumans sought refuge, they found a new home here. Over the centuries…wide hungarian, hungarian population, part hungarian, hungarian heritagehomepage, gallery, century, main, site1
privateinvestigation.hu…our extensive international connections and cooperation agreements, we can solve issues and follow leads abroad. Our company is a member of the Hungarian Association of Detectives , the Association of European Investigators (AIE) and the Association of British Investigat ors (ABI) with all the…member hungarian, hungarian associationprivate, investigation, case, agency, family1
avander.hu…ownership and responsibility Great ability to solve problems, come up with solutions that will have the “WOW factor” Can communicate in English Are fluent in Hungarian We work with new technologies on complex web applications, we expect creative, logical thinking and ability to work independently.fluent hungarian, hungarian newapplication, angular, client, process, solution1
garmentsx.huWe are one of the best Hungarian Fashion Brand specializing in leather products. Our goal is to provide you with the finest sheep leather jackets, meticulously crafted from 100% genuine materials. We believe in longevity without compromise, while offering the best price in the whole of Europe and…good hungarian, hungarian fashionleather, jacket, price, option, select1
ronaszovetkezet.huAmong the raw materials of our unique all-natural chips you can find beetroot, sweet potatoes and several traditional Hungarian vegetables. In our dried vegetable products and seasonings, the essential spices of Hungarian cuisine can be discovered. These mixtures are 100% additive-free.traditional hungarian, hungarian vegetable, spice hungarian, hungarian cuisinenatural, vacuum, development, dryer, beetroot1
rogersalapitvany.huBased on the Hungarian Bill LXXVI. of 2017 Rogers Foundation For Person Centered Education is a organization supported from abroad.education, foundation, person, centre, development1
fotosbacsi.huHungarian photographer - photographer in Budapest - photographer in Hungary - Hungarian staff - Hungarian camerahungary hungarian, hungarian staff, staff hungarian, hungarian camerastage, concert, outdoor, event, person1
labpharm.hu©2011-2021 Labpharm. All rights reserved. The Labpharm Logo and Labpharm are trademarks of the Labpharm group of companies. All other trademarks referenced are trademarks of their respective owners. This website is governed by applicable Hungarian laws and governmental regulations. The products…applicable hungarian, hungarian lawsequencing, laboratory, science, regulation, country1
drszilagyigergo.huI work in both Hungarian and English. I have a translator’s degree of legal and economic terminologies in English.law, contract, agreement, representation, advice1
guanxi.huNewsmatrix is a news aggregator application, which is built on the Hungarian contents of the Ringier AG.application hungarian, hungarian contentnetwork, recent, value, chain, success1
protone.huThe most important thing for us is the personal connection. We are mostly inspired by willing to help, care and heal. We have already solved the hearing problems for thousands of our clients and we are determined to help you either. Meanwhile we have created the one and only family of innovative…innovative hungarian, hungarian househear, free, doctor, close, clinic1
kalmus.huFeatured in 7 movies, 14 CD’s. While releasing many singles, In the summer of 2018, he released his first full album “Great Great Grandma”, on which he dips into the motifs of classic Hungarian folk-music, and drawing inspiration from them makes his own brave, and modern adaptations. In 2020 he…classic hungarian, hungarian folkmusic, live, upcoming, listener, unique1
nematech.huNematech Kft. - German – Hungarian Industrial Technological Products Manufacturing Company – which estabilished in 1993. In older times started working with 14 person, today growed to more than sixty employees. Those technological sections, which ones we are not in possession, several well…german hungarian, hungarian industrialpage, quality, management, possibility, reference1
radaymuzeum.huOur ecclesiastical district is the largest ecclesiastical administrative unit of the Hungarian Reformed Church. The collecting area of the Museum covers the whole district. To the field of collecting belongs mainly the material remains (historical sources, fine arts, handicrafts and folk arts) of…unit hungarian, hungarian reformchurch, main, exhibition, museum, ecclesiastical1
ernart.huhelping foreigners fitting in Hungary by understanding Hungarian customs and way of living providing a friendly and supportive environment to share emotions and experienceshungary hungarian, hungarian customart, therapy, session, creation, group1
novosped.huapplication: 12VBT-for Hungarian companies and 12VBM-for Hungarian private individuals (these documents are provided by our company)application hungarian, hungarian company, company hungarian, hungarian privatecustom, administration, consultancy, environmental, charge1
kj.huKJ IFS was founded in 2007 by Dr János Kóka, a well-known Hungarian IT entrepreneur , investor and public servant, after having left the position in the Government of Hungary . In his capacity as a minister of economy and transportation , The Ministry of Economy and Transport under Dr Kóka's…kóka hungarian, hungarian entrepreneur, minister hungarian, hungarian tollticketing, solution, touch, innovative, mobility1
magan-szallas.huThe population of Püspökladány is about 16,000. The town is situated in the middle of the Hungarian Great Plain in the crossing of the three areas Sárrét- Nagykunság- Hortobágy.middle hungarian, hungarian greathouse, guest, street, accomodation, programme1
apartmankovacs.huGastronomic experiences in a Hungarian csarda, at a wine tasting evening or at one of [...]experience hungarian, hungarian csardaapartment, adventure, nature, fun, lake1
idomsoft.hu…IT and public administration management consultancy, IT system design and implementation, hardware and software selection, operation of IT systems and providing related service activity. Our company had a significant role in major IT development projects of relevance to Hungarian citizens.relevance hungarian, hungarian citizenhistory, personal, activity, data, operation1
kooperativ.huWe would like to contribute to making Hungarian schools – at elementary, secondary, or tertiary level – into places where people's inner freedom can blossom, their self-esteem can increase, and where they can develop their skills which help them cooperate with others.school, training, teacher, parent, tool1
alpava.huOur company started in 2014 for become a part of the Hungarian market with our own developed devices.company hungarian, hungarian marketsite, software, mobile, device, market1
vorosmartyclassicxmas.huThe name of Budapest's Vörösmarty Square Christmas Fair and the heartfelt handicrafts of Hungarian exhibitors have become one. And is there anything better than admiring these little beauties accompanied by the fantastic flavours of the caterers?handicraft hungarian, hungarian exhibitorsexhibitors, open, hour, rule, christmas1
aliscainvest.huOur family has been dealing with demolition for 50 years, the business was started by our grandfather and has become an extensive construction network by his sons and grandchildren. We are covering every demolition types and connecting them with unique routine and expertise in the Hungarian…expertise hungarian, hungarian constructiondemolition, building, reference, construction, city1
passner.huPassner is highly committed to preserving traditional flavours and nearly 100-year-old family recipes. In developing our products, we have always paid special attention to maintaining our loyalty to Austro-Hungarian gastronomic traditions.austro hungarian, hungarian gastronomicmeat, quality, breast, fillet, pork1
ideafortis.hu“Idea Fortis made the German translation of our study on constitutional procedure law, the language of which was not easy even in our mother tongue, Hungarian, published within the research project of the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA). I would not have thought that they could deliver…tongue hungarian, hungarian research, project hungarian, hungarian scientifictranslation, interpret, reason, idea, technical1
motam.huThe 15-year-old driver, the only Hungarian among them, will compete against seven other kart drivers to determine who is the most suitable racer.driver hungarian, hungarian sevendriver, talent, italy, season, young1
numismania.huI am specialized in notaphily, within that Hungarian and Austro-Hungarian banknotes, but we also offer paper money from many other countries around the world, coins will also be available later.notaphily hungarian, hungarian austro, austro hungarian, hungarian banknotecart, money, account, banknote, coin1
kolosmagic.hu…a special magic trick for his 13th birthday. From that moment onward, Kolos was driven to make the best magic! At 14 years old, he met a famous Hungarian magician who mentored him for 5 years and taught him the ins and outs of magic. But most importantly Kolos learned how to entertain people. Fromfamous hungarian, hungarian magicianevent, video, magician, audience, reference1
bonus.co.huOur goal from the beginning was to keep the traditions and beside preserving them, continuously spreading the excellent quality of Hungarian goose meat and goose feathers all around the world.quality hungarian, hungarian goosebonus, goose, recipe, meat, piece1
deavonturenvankrisztiendavid.huThe dinner will consist of a variety of Hungarian dishes you will be able to choose from. Also, we took care of your wishes regarding vegetarian foods and allergies. The dinner will reflect on that, and have plenty of vegetarian options too. If you still have special needs (e.g. food allergies)…variety hungarian, hungarian dishwedding, january, news, dinner, special1
automotive.co.huDuring the years spent in the automobile industry with the largest Hungarian engine and car producers and their suppliers worldwide we have got the necessary local knowledge and relationships.large hungarian, hungarian engineautomotive, customer, consulting, supplier, satisfaction1
debrecendixieland.hu…(including New Orleans), as well. In addition, of course, the band is a regular guest at various domestic dixieland and jazz festivals, the Hungarian Radio and radios of numerous countries in Europe broadcast their programs. The band plays traditional jazz evergreens and the compositions of…festival hungarian, hungarian radiomember, vocal, guest, festival, radio1
redonyautomata.hu…in addition to the manufacture of other blind profiles. We has functioned as a limited company (“Kft.”) since 1989 in a proportion of 70% Hungarian ownership and 30% Swiss ownership. From 2002 on, the company became a 100% Hungarian venture operated under the name “Nádas and Leánya Kft.”…proportion hungarian, hungarian ownership, company hungarian, hungarian venturefactory, manufacture, buyer, small, phase1
tilos.huTilos Radio is everyone's favorite and the most popular Hungarian public radio station . Its structure, operation, programming, non-profit model, basic principles and values are one of a kind in Hungary and the radio played a key role at the time of Hungary's EU accession in promoting and…popular hungarian, hungarian publicradio, station, commercial, public, community1
gastroadventures.huLet’s discover together Hungarian gastronomy with a twist. During the tour, we are going to roam about the inner city, tasting the most prominent foods & drinks of Hungarian cuisine.drink hungarian, hungarian cuisinetour, detail, adventure, food, bath1
startupokejszakaja.huBudapest Enterprise Agency is the only organization founded by the Budapest City Council in 1993 for the development and promotion of the micro, small and medium enterprises of the Hungarian capital. Our mission is to contribute to the development and expansion of viable, new and existing…enterprise hungarian, hungarian capitalenterprise, city, ecosystem, programme, international1
apartmanom.huBudapest downtown, between Hungarian State Opera and St. Stephen’s Cathedral . 10 minutes walk from Deák Ferenc tér , that the city’s prime artery and the main station of airport buses .downtown hungarian, hungarian state, place hungarian, hungarian internationalapartment, city, piano, short, rental1
debrecensun.huKerri commented on Government Launches New Programme to Support Hungarian Businesses : It looks like you've misspelled the word "Eger" onprogramme hungarian, hungarian businessjanuary, price, zone, sun, economy1
triadhomes.huTRIAD Homes is a company with a stable, capital-strong Hungarian investor background, founded in 2015 with the long-term goal of building homes of the highest quality for families and investors in Hungary. Building trust and reliability among our partners is an important aspect.strong hungarian, hungarian investordetail, garden, form, request, apartment1
kovagopince.huOur vineyards are located in the southern slopes of Sár-hegy which is the south part of Mátra-Mountains and the intersection of the mountains and the Great Hungarian Plains. For 20 years, the size of our wine yards has been increasing significantly, today we cultivate a 30 hectare land (which…great hungarian, hungarian plainwine, price, list, news, gallery1
femtolab.huResults are published in the leading journal “Optica”. For a more accessible version of the story, see the press release of the Wigner Centre both in English and Hungarian .field, lab, opt, k., generation1
csonkakepek.huThe paintings and other art works are available for sale, please refer to the name of the picture among interest and quotation. Prices are in the Euros on this site, on the Hungarian version can see in Hungarian Forints.site hungarian, hungarian version, version hungarian, hungarian forintpicture, landscape, painting, art, introduction1
momenthotel.huAlthough the famous Hungarian poet Petőfi wrote these lines at the bank of the small river Túr, you can have a similarly magical experience here where the rivers Tisza and Zagyva meet.famous hungarian, hungarian poetmoment, apartment, river, build, sight1
cityinn.huHotel City Inn is centrally located in Budapest surrounded by restaurants, bars, terraces, cafes and a nice shoping center, The hotel is within walking distance from the Corvin Negyed metro station, Museum of Applied Arts, the Holocaust Memorial Center, the Hungarian National Museum, the Great…center hungarian, hungarian nationalcity, conference, accommodation, guest, gallery1
duhoffice.hudr. Dóra Düh , the founder of Düh Law Office, has over 25 years experience in assisting international businesses and foreign private investors with legal and business advice in the Hungarian market.advice hungarian, hungarian marketoffice, law, legal, introduction, gallery1
rchungary.huFree delivery as of 38 000 Forint (valid for Hungarian addresses and FoxPost & ExpressOne deliveries only )valid hungarian, hungarian addressshop, privacy, accessories, equipment, material1
tiszaviragszeged.huBook a room directly through our website and we will offer you a bottle of Hungarian wine....bottle hungarian, hungarian wineroom, contemporary, build, heritage, restaurant1
oroksegintezet.huWe believe that one of the strengths of the Hungarian culture lies in its diversity, and that our rich cultural heritage can only be preserved for future generations by presenting this variousity. Keeping this in mind, we strive to achieve this in our work.strength hungarian, hungarian culturecultural, culture, research, event, political1
gastlandcatering.huWe have a wide onboard product range that meets all needs and expectations in the legacy, low-cost and VIP flight segments . From sandwiches through Hungarian specialities and international cuisine we offer special meals, confectionery and pre-packed items .sandwich hungarian, hungarian specialitycarrier, flight, cost, legacy, low1
proctologybpmeeting.huThe Organisers, the Hungarian Society of Surgery and the Department of Surgery, Transplantation and Gastroenterology of Semmelweis University warmly invite you to the fourth Budapest Proctology Workshop to be held on 17-18 November 2023.organiser hungarian, hungarian societymeeting, registration, welcome, note, surgery1
szkiroda.huOur innovative team of experienced legal experts provide wide-ranging support to our clients. We have earned the unbroken trust of our Hungarian and international partners by high quality representation of their extensive legal and business interests. Our law office supports its clients with…trust hungarian, hungarian internationaloffice, law, area, colleagues, page1
atlas.huATLASZ Office is located in Budapest's western gate in Budaörs at the junction point of the busiest expressways of the country - M1 and M7. Owing to the city's high commercial and business activities, central logistic location, excellent infrastructure, and pleasant green environment, many…environment hungarian, hungarian internationaloffice, virtual, room, meet, day1
laszloerno.huBased on work experience i got more and more intrested in economics so i decided to start study again. So in 2012 i started beside work to study Business Developement (MA) on the West-Hungarian University in Sopron and graduate in 2017 .west hungarian, hungarian universitydevelopement, manager, developer, consultant, like1
nyelvinfo.huENGLISH: Subject matter: own series of books in English - also considering learning problems of the Hungarians - in the form of six books and supplementary books. Own development and publication of Hungarian-English, English-Hungarian Dictionary. We also use a wide choice of books published by…publication hungarian, hungarian english, english hungarian, hungarian dictionaryexamination, language, course, school, skill1
mindenallatert.huI adore animals since I was born. My favorite (Hungarian) kid's cartoon reflects that love, it's called Szaffi. The main character's adoptive mom was a lovely, old lady, always with a smile on her face, who rescued animals from the flood, regardless of their looks, age, and species. She had an…favorite hungarian, hungarian kidanimal, care, minden, foundation, way1
rcube.huThere are many types of Rubik's products available in the small store. The saleswoman was kind and helpful. I'm glad I found the shop and I could choose a special gift invented by a famous Hungarian. Thanks!!!famous hungarian, hungarian thankshop, brand, tour, art, street1
mfpartners.huWe serve a Hungarian and international clientele. Our clients include companies involved in industrial production, logistics, information technology, commerce, property development, providing services and tax consultancy.law, attorney, expertise, client, firm1
imolaudvarhaz.huIn the Wineshop you can find special wines from the most famous Hungarian vineyards... read morefamous hungarian, hungarian vineyardroom, conference, wine, gallery, restaurant1
egerhotelsbooking.huOne of the most famous historic cities of Hungary is Eger . Numerous world-famous monuments and museums are found here, e.g. the Castle of Eger, the Basilica, the Szepasszony Alley, the Ersekkert (large park), the Gardonyi Geza Museum (named after a famous Hungarian writer); Eger is also an…famous hungarian, hungarian writerbooking, city, reservation, apartment, package1
demnet.huDemNet Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights is an independent Hungarian NGO that was established in 1996.independent hungarian, hungarian ngodevelopment, solidarity, democracy, assembly, global1
demijohn.huI am conducting the sales and representation work of 10 Hungarian family winery to help them countinously build their reputation and and I help their products to reach the prospective partners and consumers on a timely basis.work hungarian, hungarian familywine, cart, cellar, view, quick1
ltcom.huWe are a full-service advertising agency providing you always with top quality at an affordable price. Continuous brainstorming and creativity drive us every day, unleashing creativity is our passion. We are proud of having started as a family business and have been operating as an independent…independent hungarian, hungarian agencycommunication, creative, campaign, promotion, customer1
bringasuli.huThe interactive videos, an interactive workbook and the teachers' e-learning material will be available in Hungarian, Slovenian and Romanian language, and a demo version of the materials in English also.available hungarian, hungarian slovenianteacher, interactive, material, description, site1
s6mernok.huThe documentation can be created in Hungarian, English and German according to the customer’s wishes.documentation hungarian, hungarian englishengineering, control, plant, power, software1
biblecamps.huAt each camp, most of the Hungarian volunteers have an excellent level of English, so you needn't worry that you won't know what's going on! There's more than just the teaching.camp hungarian, hungarian volunteercamp, bible, faq, week, travel1
revomatic.huWe have several years of experience in the system of development, production, automation and control processes, which allows us to provide quality services to our partners in the entire field of industrial automation. We have gained most of our experience at Hungarian and European multinational…experience hungarian, hungarian europeanmachine, cell, construction, special, purpose1
eletbiztositasicsucstalalkozo.huThe original aim of the Budapest Life Insurance Summit was to create an independent, institutionalised platform for regular meetings and exchanges between Hungarian and foreign experts.exchange hungarian, hungarian foreigninsurance, summit, culture, event, money1
vitezpetra.huHello, I’m Petra Vitéz, a Hungarian graphic designer, animal lover, humanist, environmentalist, herbivore.vitéz hungarian, hungarian graphicgraphic, logo, portfolio, website, illustration1
szellkalmanalapitvany.huThe Széll Kálmán Foundation, the local council of the village Rátót, the owners of the Széll Kálmán manor house, the Hungarian Forestry Association, the Hungarian Development Bank and the Szombathelyi Erdészeti Zrt. organised a commemorative ceremony in the Széll Kálmán manor house on 6 October…house hungarian, hungarian forestry, association hungarian, hungarian development, establishment hungarianfoundation, media, page, main, people1
dodgeball.huThe Hungarian Dodgeball Team has been playing at international matches and participating at the European Dodgeball Association’s tournaments since 2018.tournament, news, school, cup, pirate1
radroller.huWe are the exclusive Hungarian importer of RAD Roller. We are convinced that RAD products are the best of their kind, which, combined with a lifetime guarantee and professional, physiotherapist-supported customer service, makes them an attractive alternative to other similar products.exclusive hungarian, hungarian importermassage, view, quick, foam, tool1
suzuki.huMagyar Suzuki's employees and dealerships once again joined Hungary's largest Christmas charity program, the 20th “Shoebox” Campaign of the Hungarian Baptist Aid.campaign hungarian, hungarian baptistcorporation, website, christmas, employee, corporate1
mullerkft.huprimaly hungarian companies , but we delivers aluminium parts to Germany as well, one of ourprimaly hungarian, hungarian companycasting, pressure, gravity, activity, main1
euenglish.huSon of Saul is the second Hungarian movie to ever win an Oscar. It is Hungarian-French director László Nemes’ first full-length film which had won … Read More »second hungarian, hungarian movie, oscar hungarian, hungarian frenchquiz, lesson, news, movie, free1
oxit.huIn our developments, we focus on Innovating AI & Spatial Tech Solutions and Autonomous Robotics for a safer future. We have Military production license, Military technical activity license, Facility Security Clearance Certificate and are proud co-founders of the Hungarian XR Coalition.founder hungarian, hungarian xrtender, reality, robotic, technology, repair1
seahorse-engineering.huThe Seahorse Engineering Kft. is on the Hungarian market for more than 15 years. In the early years machine maintenance and parts manufacturing were the main activities. Nowadays ITC (IT and Consulting) services and Automotive IT are the major directionskft hungarian, hungarian marketengineering, expert, tab, software, page1
bdpstgroup.hu…It is our duty and responsibility to preserve this exquisite heritage for our children, as well. This is why we created BDPST Group, which is in charge of real estate development, sale, consultancy and hotel operation and plays a key role on the real estate market of Hungarian tourism, in 2015.market hungarian, hungarian tourismgroup, investment, real, estate, value1
insurance-partner.huThe Partnership offers professional legal services to our clients in Hungarian, English and German languages.client hungarian, hungarian englishlaw, insurance, partnership, office, ms.1
adatmentesfelhobe.huAs well as providing development in the use of the English language through-out the day, children have a unique opportunity to learn (or speak) the Mandarin language, as we are very fortunate to have two trained and experience Chinese language teachers as part of our Team. Hungarian is also spoken…team hungarian, hungarian pluschildcare, centre, learn, child, absolute1
ganzkk.huOur products include contactors, relays and consumer cabinets that have proven their quality to electrician professionals for decades. We are proud that we manufacture Hungarian products as a company with 100% Hungarian ownership. The year 2017 was mainly about the change in ownership, which…proud hungarian, hungarian product, company hungarian, hungarian ownershipreference, download, catalogue, list, price1
hotelmanagementservices.huMellow Mood Group has been on the market for over 16 years and has become the Hungarian market leader in Hospitality. Our company is the only hospitality provider offering accommodation from hostel level to luxury hotels within its existing portfolio of 10 hospitality business units.year hungarian, hungarian marketmanagement, portfolio, group, mood, consulting1
bugbag.huis my creator and manager, who got inspired on a trip in Malaysia in 2019 to make premium quality sustainable bags with unique graphics for daily life and adventures. Although I was conceived in Malaysia, I'm Hungarian.premium, everyday, sustainable, quality, hand1
varosligeti-luxuslakas.huThe terrace offers a direct view of the City Cark, the 2-kilometer running track and the Millennium building. The House of Hungarian Music, the Heroes' Square , the boating lake in the city park, the Széchényi Bath, the Capital Circus, the Zoo and Botanical Garden, the Art Gallery, the Museum of…house hungarian, hungarian musiccity, terrace, guest, nearby, suggestion1
expogroup.huOur company, as the Hungarian, Serbian and Bulgarian representative of Reed Exhibitions – The World’s Leading Events Organizer (500 events, 43 countries), is organizing and managing many events in the World. Mainly we are working in Western-Europe, but we have long partnerships and market…company hungarian, hungarian serbiangroup, exhibition, event, news, detail1
eitansguesthouse.huso central as possible,just a walking distance from most important touristic sites,cultural places and places to have fun. Enjoyment is guaranteed when staying with us and use our multilingual staff for tips about what to visit,where and how to go and what to do int he fascinating Hungarian capital.fascinating hungarian, hungarian capitalguesthouse, room, reservation, location, price1
hunyady.huSomogy County has a rich cultural heritage. A large number of museums and galleries can be found here. Many of these were the homes of famous Hungarian painters such as Rippl Rónai, Vaszary, Zichy and Kúnffy, or poets such as Berzsenyi.famous hungarian, hungarian painterbarn, bathroom, house, bedroom, wine1
pemu.huThe company, notable for its technological diversity within the Hungarian plastics industry specializes in injection moulding, polyurethane foaming, the use of extrusion technologies, and in processing special technical plastics, applied in the following areas: teflon, silicone, PVC, and casted…diversity hungarian, hungarian plasticindustry, process, tool, technology, production1
xlnt.hu…many outstanding international productions to Hungary and for years acted as the programme director of A38. Our company organizes events, manages hungarian productions and represents a range of exceptional foreign productions in the hungarian market whilst simultaniously acting as a record label.event hungarian, hungarian production, production hungarian, hungarian marketinternational, artist, young, agency, industry1
benyocs.huOur law office has significant experience in general corporate law-related legal matters. If you need legal assistance in establishing a corporation in Hungary, registering the necessary changes with the Hungarian company court, carrying out a merger or acquisition, or terminating or liquidating a…change hungarian, hungarian companylaw, office, legal, matter, dispute1
bebesilaw.huOur law office is established in accordance with Hungarian statutes and is registered with the Budapest Bar Association.accordance hungarian, hungarian statuteslaw, firm, office, legal, corporate1
mobilsped.huThe Company has been established on 1 January 1994 by the MOL, the Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC .mol hungarian, hungarian oiloffer, vehicle, form, introduction, quality1
littleoakcity.huLittle Oak City Nursery provides English-Hungarian bilingual daycare for children ages 1-4 alongside our diverse selection of extra services. Our core curriculum is structured in a play-based setting around the four pillars of learning: l earning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and…english hungarian, hungarian bilingualoak, little, city, education, mission1
birokft.huOur company, Bíró Ltd., is a young, dynamic team equipped with fresh knowledge and more decades of experience. The company, first specialised in tool production, with Hungarian ownership, started its operation in 1991. Looking for challenges, paying attention and responding to market demands, we…production hungarian, hungarian ownershipmilling, operator, metal, tool, production1
stelladesign.huEvery day we feel the aura of creativity, knowledge and willingness to act that pervades Hungary today. I believe that the intensification of the current fertile creative forces will break into the international public consciousness in an explosive form, and that Hungarian design will occupy a…form hungarian, hungarian designknowledge, thing, tailor, sewing, portfolio1
roadtoll.huOur customer service offers help via phone or e-mail in English, Hungarian, Romanian, and German.english hungarian, hungarian romaniancustomer, device, detail, country, offer1
maroni.huThe company was founded in 1987 by György Schweickhardt a Hungarian confectioner, who started making deep frozen chestnut puree for his confectionery shop. The chestnut puree was so delicious and such good quality that soon it was sold under the "Maroni" brand to wholesalers and retail chains.schweickhardt hungarian, hungarian confectionerchestnut, bar, quick, natural, quality1
miskolczilaw.huWe represent foreign clients having expanded patent and trade mark portfolios as well as smaller Hungarian enterprises and research institutions.small hungarian, hungarian enterpriselaw, protection, attorney, office, trademark1
nyakas.huA tiny settlement lying at the foot of the Nyakas Hill, wearing the simple name ‘Tök’ (which means ‘pumpkin’ in Hungarian) gives home to the Nyakas Cellar. We primarily engage in the making of fresh, reductive white wines, rich in fragrant essences and flavours. Our wines reach the maximum of…pumpkin hungarian, hungarian homewine, cellar, picture, news, data1
mikroprogram.huSome of our collegaues are contributed as teacher in education at the youngest faculty of the oldest Hungarian university. The high standard of training is guaranteed by the highly qualified academic staff. The teaching is supported by modern infrastructure and well equipped computer labs.old hungarian, hungarian universitydevelopment, software, research, education, customer1
mobicity.hu…of town-twinning relations. We believe that there can be no stronger bond than a personal relationship, and our aim is to ensure that Hungarian cities and their foreign twin towns are linked by as many threads as possible. We want to provide the backdrop for frequent face-to-face…aim hungarian, hungarian citycity, town, agreement, tour, programme1
hadacs.huOver the past decade, I have worked on countless B2B & B2C related social media campaigns for the largest Hungarian, regional and international companies such as Wizz Air, Telekom, Coca-Cola, GSK, Medela, Erste Bank, Burger King and more.large hungarian, hungarian regionalsocial, media, mission, power, goal1
regiapanzio.huOur restaurant is open all year round and offers a wide range of dishes, delicious vines, refreshing drinks and a waterfront setting for visitors to Szigetköz. A varied menu is offered in our restaurant where the most popular dishes of the Hungarian cuisine are prepared in old and new guises.dish hungarian, hungarian cuisinepension, room, restaurant, guest, reservation1
melchior-h.huOur company philosophy emphasis on customer satisfaction, building long term relations and support the market of the Hungarian products. It proves the fact that we maintain a friendship with several of our suppliers and customers for a long time.market hungarian, hungarian productcustomer, floor, wall, quality, available1
plantor.huThe Plantor Ltd. is a member of Hungarian Consulting Engineers and Architects (FIDIC), the Hungarian Association.member hungarian, hungarian consulting, fidic hungarian, hungarian associationactivity, water, reference, engineer, planner1
ikoninformatika.huWe like to think of banking as being IT for the most part. It is a challenge for smaller banks and financial providers to find the core system with the right functionality, which covers their full product portfolio and ensures operation compliance with the Hungarian regulations, while requiring a…compliance hungarian, hungarian regulationsoftware, solution, development, financial, reseller1
glulu.hu…conferences, trainings, visit and exhibit on the most prominent national and international food fares. We have an active co-operation with the Association of Hungarian Coeliac Society, Association of Hungarian Bakers, Central European Economic Development Network, and Enterprise Europe Network.association hungarian, hungarian coeliac, hungarian bakerfree, gluten, taste, deep, bakery1
amperstudio.huWe believe that precise working and complying with the Hungarian standard provisions on assembly works (especially those of standard MSZ HD 30643) are important. Our company has the capacity to securely fulfil our customers’ requirements in any part of the country.work hungarian, hungarian standardstudio, general, electrical, contractor, reference1
kiskepzo.hu”In the name of the most honourable Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary, [...] since her holiness, considering the organization and daily perfection of the cultivation of trades and various types of crafts of utmost importance and usefulness for the entire Hungarian kingdom and its adjoined…entire hungarian, hungarian kingdomart, school, student, participant, artistic1
knowledgeport.huMilestone Knowledge Port gathers, produces, and applies national and international knowledge. The local channelling of this knowledge is facilitated by programs, projects, and other forms of cooperation realised by the diverse community of the Port, made up of Milestone alumni, members of the…member hungarian, hungarian diasporaevent, community, future, knowledge, previous1
piros85.huThe registration system is only in Hungarian (next year it will be in English too), but we will guide you, if you need help. So the first step is to register on the page (name, gender, date of birth, email address and password), after which you can already enter your profile for registration…system hungarian, hungarian yearcompetition, finish, school, primary, possibility1
ultrasmart.huUltraSmart is a Hungarian-owned private research and development company that combines more than four decades of professional engineering and university experience thanks to its founding experience…ultrasmart hungarian, hungarian privatelab, development, production, research, innovation1
sinusmedia.huSinus Media Ltd. was founded in 2008, entering the Hungarian commercial and movie production business in 2013 after a change in ownership and management, when Mr. László Erős, previous PR director of Siemens AG took over bringing his excellent connections with the Hungarian cinema industry into…media hungarian, hungarian commercial, connection hungarian, hungarian cinema, professional hungarianmedia, reference, crew, gallery, production1
orhamuvek.huCamion Group 2000 Bt. has been present on the Hungarian market for over 26 years as one of the prominent hauling companies of western Hungary. As part of an investment, Managing Director András Jámbor had a warehouse built on the premises of the company. Our company won the project on a multiround…present hungarian, hungarian marketstructure, satisfied, quality, manufacture, additional1
monda.huI’ve started Coder Keymaps a long time ago to create a special keyboard mapping that’s the best for me. That idea is to map Hungarian characters in a special way using the Windows key. Take the standard US layout, keep a Windows key pressed and press an alphanumeric key which produces an accented…idea hungarian, hungarian character, character hungarian, hungarian keyboard, relevant hungariankeyboard, long, saturday, easy, session1
dsproperties.huManage the investment of European real estate investment companies in Hungarian real estate portfolio companies or real estate management companiescompany hungarian, hungarian realproperty, investment, management, value, real1
expanzio.huWe have two decades of professional experience in the monitoring and evaluation of EU-funded development programmes. Our company is a founding member of the Hungarian Evaluators’ Association. Our evaluation approach is focused on the value-generating elements of the programme implementation. Our…member hungarian, hungarian evaluatorconsulting, human, learn, educational, development1
colabs.hu"Our mission is to improve the Hungarian early-stage funding scene and create a more accessible and flexible capital environment in which the region’s best and brightest entrepreneurs can prosper."mission hungarian, hungarian earlyinvestor, member, investment, event, app1
navitas.huTaking advantage of my experience with various automotive companies, I have created my manufacturer, engineering office and commercial companies. In addition,I also actively participate in Hungarian education and believe that a practical training sooner or later comes everywhere.actively hungarian, hungarian educationmanagement, consulting, training, preparation, excellent1
bharatanatyam.info.huIn 2008, the first Hungarian Bharatanatyam dance film was produced and released, starring Meenakshi Dora Bittner. In 2015 'Over The Moon' associates the art of South Indian sacred dance with the plot of the film, alternating archaic and realistic acting. One of the creators of the film, the…dora, dance, class, indian, classical1
ptf.huThe first Hungarian-language apologetics master's degree specialization. You can learn the defense of the Christian faith from Hungary's finest apologists.christian, timetable, training, management, theology1
welkerlab.huIn: László, Buday; Gábor, Juhász; Beáta, Lontay; József, Mihály; Rita, Sinka; László, Virág; Attila, Varga; Gergely, Szakáts (eds.) Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences 2023: Book of Abstractsszakáts hungarian, hungarian molecularlab, publication, research, member, article1
ybg.hu…and investments, its operation, opportunities and risks, and its role in the economy to as many students as possible. In the long term, they will deepen the investment culture of the Hungarian population and thus offer a wider audience the opportunity to manage their investments in an informed way.culture hungarian, hungarian populationstudent, university, organization, follow, diplomacy1
thomasmenner.huThe Thomas Menner collection gives philosophy to consumers. The harmony of content and form evokes the 300-year-old past, and at the same time it meets the requirements of the 21st century. Because of this approach, we have chosen the Etruscan-green – almost black – bottle, which is new on the…new hungarian, hungarian marketbeer, craft, abbey, quality, tradition1
palosbusz.huThe Hungarian title – meaning Life is nice in a Pauline manner! – is a kind and playful version of a Hungarian phrase, differing from it in one letter (Párosan / Pálosan szép az élet [Life is nice together / in a Pauline manner]).This phrase implies that people have more opportunities for…version hungarian, hungarian phrase, time hungarianhistory, order, everyday, middle, age1
dio.huAmidst the circumstances of the Covid pandemic – despite the current situation – we managed a collaboration between Mizo (Hungary's largest dairy), the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Hungarian National Gallery.art hungarian, hungarian nationalart, brand, museum, consulting, reference1
govolcanic.huFriendly stuff stuff with with the the traditional traditional Hungarian Hungarian hospitality hospitality with with all all kind kind of of wines wines from from the the Somló wine wine region. region. If If you you are are ... ... here here it's it's mandatory mandatory to to visit visit the the…traditional hungarian, hungarian hospitalitywine, winery, cart, selection, estate1
taxatron.huThe eVAT system is finally launched for the second time It is indisputable that the digitisation of the Hungarian tax system has reached another important milestone, as the e-GST system will be launched on 1digitisation hungarian, hungarian taxvat, return, news, tax, consultation1
extorenergy.huOur parent company, EXTOR Electronics Kft. was founded in 2000, is a 100% Hungarian-owned company, which deals with power supply tasks, mainly with the sale, service and project implementation of uninterruptible power supply equipment and systems. Using its unique experience in power supply, EXTOR…kft hungarian, hungarian companypower, plant, energy, construction, network1
eurokulcs.hu…Only those persons who have a valid official decision to prove that they are physically disabled can receive this unit key. Such a decision is eg a decision of the Hungarian State Treasury establishing a disability allowance or a decision issued by the National Institute of Medical Experts.decision hungarian, hungarian statekey, invitation, road, study, basic1
miklosdaniel.huAn API wrapper for a hungarian webshop platform called Unas. Using this library you can fetch data parallel from the server, something you cannot do on the webui.wrapper hungarian, hungarian webshopmiklos, dev, job, great, common1
nckobs.huNagycenk Geophysical Observatory was founded in 1956-57 and it has been operated since then by the Geodetic and Geophysical Institute of the Earth Science Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.center hungarian, hungarian academyobservatory, geophysical, description, data, observation1
szentorban.hu…wellness section, where you can experience real relaxation. The extraordinary illumination of the cozy restaurant and its architectural solutions provide a unique atmosphere beside the delicious dishes. Our prominent chefs and helpful waiters offer a wide range of Hungarian foods and drinks.range hungarian, hungarian foodforest, heart, log, middle, unique1
maxolutions.huWe are young Hungarian engineers with common aims and diverse competences. We believe: together everyone achieves more. We like challenges and we are flexible.young hungarian, hungarian engineerdevelopment, software, benefit, application, source1
kolto35d.huActivities of WhiteSkiff Properties cover the purchase, construction, lease and sale of residential and office real estate. We primarily deal with high-end properties of premium quality in districts 1, 2 and 12 of the Hungarian capital, Budapest. These are the three most sought after districts for…district hungarian, hungarian capitalfloor, room, property, luxury, garden1
marathonsport.huOur products are made according to the disciplines of the industry, the Hungarian sports equipment standards and the rules prescribed by sports federations. The customers will get the products we manufacture and distribute after our strict quality control. Our transportation and assembly…industry hungarian, hungarian sporttool, quality, page, main, equipment1
borderlinealapitvany.huWhat's more, the Hungarian State also wants to use the test I wrote in the book in the Hungarian healthcare system. Negotiations are currently ongoing.book hungarian, hungarian healthcarefounder, publication, page, main, talent1
adfuturus.huAd Futurus Foundation was founded in 2013 with the primary goal of helping Hungarian companies with gaining a place in the foreign market and maintaining business relationships. In this work we have approximately 10 participants, including the management, coming from different countries of Europe…goal hungarian, hungarian companyfoundation, market, relationship, presentation, country1
npo.huPopular Hungarian news site that offers a wide range of news categories to its readers. The site is known for its comprehensive coverage of local […]popular hungarian, hungarian newsmusic, organization, sheet, track, news1
debrecenisporthotel.huIn our restaurant besides the traditional Hungarian dishes, the latest international trends of the advanced diet and catering are also on offer. Parking is available in our closed plot free of charge; moreover transfer can also be requested.traditional hungarian, hungarian dishoffer, training, conference, special, camp1
innoagro.co.huWe at InnoAgro are working to introduce products, services and solutions to the hungarian market of agricultural production.solution hungarian, hungarian marketplan, way, solution, market, happy1
sperlinger.huWe provide the highest level of real estate service on the Hungarian property market. Over 60 billion HUF worth of transactions in the last 10 years. Whoever joins our team is destined to work with us.service hungarian, hungarian propertyluxury, property, attention, client, family1
baltazarszinhaz.huThe Baltazar Theatre, founded in 1998, is the only professional theatre company in Hungary whose members are mentally disabled actors. The company became a significant part of Hungarian theatrical life. The Baltazar Theatre breaks new ground by putting actors’ disabilities in the background and…significant hungarian, hungarian theatricaltheatre, disable, member, mentally, actor1
polytermix.huDuring the processing, we produce recycled regranulate from the incoming waste - mainly industrial and, to a lesser extent, household waste - with the help of our washing system and regranulating machine lines, which we sell continuously to several Hungarian companies.continuously hungarian, hungarian companyprocess, waste, material, application, site1
hejokereszturiskola.huThe Complex Instruction teaching method of Stanford University was innovated and adopted to the Hungarian needs and now it is known as well as recommended as the Komplex Instrukciós Program (Complex Instruction Program).university hungarian, hungarian needschool, class, student, pupil, education1
angoloniskola.huDori is a native English teacher born as a first generation Hungarian in the United States. She completed her bachelors degree in Boston, studying Textile Fine Arts, after which she lived in India and Indonesia where she expanded on her studies and eventually had her first experience teaching…generation hungarian, hungarian unitedteacher, student, training, language, native1
cni.huDegradable paint, degradable raw material, water-based paints and a foresight e.g. to introduce degradable paints and raw materials to the Hungarian market by the end of 2021.material hungarian, hungarian marketitem, description, printing, domestic, coating1
trgykft.huSince 1996, the company has been a significant and dynamically developing Hungarian company producing a continuously increasing range of reinforcement bars and steel meshes according to the market requirements. The company has a strong focus on compliance with the highest quality requirements and…dynamically hungarian, hungarian companysite, fence, metal, plain, reinforcement1
synetron.huTaking into consideration the hungarian social, economical conditions and the growth of the electronic industry our company shapes its provisions and tries to offer more options continiously. Prudently choosen and regularly trained colleagues are working for us. They take into account on the…consideration hungarian, hungarian socialcustomer, quality, provision, instrument, requirements1
hevizdentalclinic.huWe are proud to tell you, that our family-run Dental Praxis was one of the first to establish in Hévíz - the most significant centre of Hungarian and central European spa tourism - and equipped in compliance with the dental standards of Western Europe.centre hungarian, hungarian centraldental, clinic, treatment, welcome, patient1
voteswithoutborders.huVotes without borders is an investigative reporting project about electoral manipulations, irregularities and questionable postal voting practices during the 2022’s general elections in Hungary. The project focuses on the native Hungarian communities living outside Hungary, and covers four…native hungarian, hungarian communityukraine, slovakia, vote, mail, tap1
lugosi.info.huEarlier for five years, I worked as an associate research fellow at the Institute of Nuclear Research (ATOMKI) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) in Debrecen, where I dealt with accelerator based atomic physics. During this time I had opportunity to join the research work of the Surface…atomki hungarian, hungarian academywebsite, personal, development, software, curriculum1
bagodihutohaz.huBagodi Freezing House has a history of nearly 20 years. It was built in 1998, and almost every year there was an expansion in the food industry plant. The plant is located in a small town named Bagod, in Zala county, near the Austrian-Hungarian border. The plant is surrounded by a 10 ha fruit…austrian hungarian, hungarian border, thank hungarian, hungarian familyfruit, certification, history, food, quick1
hkb.hu…providing high quality legal services for clients who expect rapid, flexible and competitive legal counseling, guidance and representation primarily in the fields of civil, business, commercial and labour law at affordable prices. We provide our services in Hungarian, English and German languages.service hungarian, hungarian englisharea, practice, attorney, international, legal1
safarihotel.huSzeged cuisine is one of the most delicious and diverse corners of Hungarian gastronomy. The city boasts many excellent restaurants and cafes where you can taste traditional Szeged flavors.corner hungarian, hungarian gastronomyroom, double, accessible, single, sight1
hotelambient.huIn our Spoonfield Restaurant we regale you with high quality delicacies. On our varied menu you will find traditional Austrian and Hungarian dishes, international delicacies, vegetarian delicacies or very healthy dishes from the reform kitchen. Of course, we are also taking food intolerance or…austrian hungarian, hungarian dishactivity, room, booking, summer, winter1
medcordis.huWe continue to help people with diabetes with the devices we sell. As of August 1, 2018, VeriFine ® needles – compatible with insulin pens in Hungary – are being marketed with NEAK (Hungarian National Healthcare Insurance Fund) reimbursement. The world’s thinnest pen needle is also available in…neak hungarian, hungarian nationalinsulin, needle, device, injection, aid1
dime.huThe company's production fulfils the orders of Swiss and American companies owing Hungarian branches and of Hungarian small and big enterprises.company hungarian, hungarian branch, branch hungarian, hungarian smallwelcome, machine, field, reference, assurance1
e-steel.huof activity is the design of industrial steel structures, nevertheless we design reinforced concrete buildings, reconstructions, special cladding supporting structures, silos, mechanical engineering supporting structures, family houses and condominiums as well for both Hungarian and foreign markets.condominium hungarian, hungarian foreignsteel, structural, engineer, structure, technology1
eszterlanc.huEszterlánc has been a regular guest of the Fonó Music Hall in Budapest, and performs annually at the Hungarian Táncház Festival under the auspices of the Budapest Spring Festival. The group’s most prominent concert was given at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in 2016. Eszterlánc concert open the…annually hungarian, hungarian táncházmusic, folk, village, traditional, musician1
technicalinterpreters.huRecently we have contributed to the introduction of a maintenance and security SAP system at a Hungarian company. This one-and-a-half-year project highlights the importance of accurate translation and interpretation.system hungarian, hungarian companytechnical, interpret, interpretation, important, interpreter1
darkcube.huThe Dark Cube Consulting Kft. was established in 2017 with the purpose of colligating, helping and developing the regional and particularly the Hungarian space sector as well as the telecommunications industry.particularly hungarian, hungarian spacedark, space, consulting, telecommunication, sector1
gulyasbalazs.huIn contrast with the →traditonal Hungarian groomsman , the Emcee appears more international and his communication can be diverse: he can be a funny anchor or a low-key organizer, according to your preferences. And this is why it’s useful to choose an Emcee for the Big day .contrast hungarian, hungarian groomsmanwedding, day, ceremony, big, task1
hotel-budapest.huAs a significant hotel in the Hungarian capital, all 289 rooms promise impressive view and comfortable rest for individuals and groups. Its restaurant offers international and Hungarian cuisine, and the retro-style café and lounge are perfect starting points to the bustling days of Budapest.hotel hungarian, hungarian capital, international hungarian, hungarian cuisineroom, price, available, booking, event1
pedagogiatortenetiszemle.huJournal of the Sub-commission for history of education at the Scientific Committee on Pedagogy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencespedagogy hungarian, hungarian academyannouncement, issue, author, journal, title1
swimcamp.huOur offer includes 10 Hungarian towns. Each places, the pools always meet international requirements, the water temperature of both outdoor and indoor pools is 26-28 C. Everywhere you can find other facilities as sauna, thermal bath, jacuzzi, fitness room...offer hungarian, hungarian towncamp, swim, page, training, town1
juliapanzio.huHajdúszoboszló, the well known bathing city of the Hungarian Great Plain welcomes you and your family. Be our guests in order to be able to experience the full adventure of recreation!city hungarian, hungarian greatroom, guest, view, website, pension1
cackft.huThe Company was founded in October 1997 by the French company Climatel and a Hungarian private individual. The company has been owned by three Hungarian private individuals since May 2004.climatel hungarian, hungarian private, company hungarianactivity, reference, number, individual, quality1
proper-m.huA development and sales professional, who have led the Hungarian and Romanian offices of Prologis through multiple real estate cycles from 2006 to 2019 and have gained consultancy experience at CBRE before. László had multiple responsibilities in these roles in multiple markets including property…professional hungarian, hungarian romanianproper, transaction, real, estate, management1
eiffelpalace.hu…Printshops, the authentically restored corner building organically combines 19th century heritage elements with modern technologies, and offers 14,500 sqm of total leasable space on GF+7 floors, as well as 5 floors of underground parking in the central business district of the Hungarian capital.district hungarian, hungarian capitalbuild, office, location, award, gallery1
huntingvideo.huThe site was created with the aim to provide an insight into my work and introduce the films and photographs to create the possibility of selling them. You could purchase the finished movies, photos directly from me through the web interface. Currently the films are available in Hungarian, German…available hungarian, hungarian germanvideo, hunting, movie, picture, introduction1
piroplan.huHis area is the fire detection and gasous (Nitrogen, Argon, Inergen, CO2, FM200, NAF S 125, NAF S 227, Novec) extinguishing systems. The company is prepared to design sprinkler systems which comply with the Hungarian standard as well as the FM, VDS, FOC, LPC rules and the international…system hungarian, hungarian standardengineer, fire, protection, mechanical, executive1
igazgatas.huThe Hungarian Public Administration and Organization Development Research Institute (HUNADI) was established in 2005 with the aim of being a patriotical committed, practice-oriented, tradition-based – that is conservative – and open to innovation thinktank of public administration-development, in…public, organizational, administration, development, structure1
botanic-art.hu“In the Hungarian florist society, the name of Krisztián Kövér is associated with quality and creative flower arrangements. He has proven his talent at numerous flower arranging competitions and demonstrations and is always up to date on current trends. He is one of the few florists who excels not…basket, flower, bouquet, composition, course1
danubio.huWe are very proud that DANUBIO is the first Hungarian residential property in Hungary to meet the stringent sustainability requirements set by the independent British Building Research Institute's environmentally conscious building certification system. With this achievment we've joined a platform…danubio hungarian, hungarian residentialfloor, residential, view, location, build1
greenplayer.huThe Green Player Ltd was founded in 2012, by experts specialized in green economy, green energy and environmental policy. All of our experts have previously worked in key positions of the Hungarian Government, European Parliament, European Commission, Consultant Companies or International…position hungarian, hungarian governmentgreen, player, main, management, economy1
filmfinity.huContent of the project: Hungarian established film production company for creating movie productions planned for the international market.project hungarian, hungarian filmgallery, production, mysterious, darkness, imprint1
notus.huThe mission of our agency is to maximize the efficiency of our Hungarian and foreign clients’ marketing activity from the least possible budget and provide international quality services at Hungarian price level. A too small or too large project does not exist for us, the only thing which matters…efficiency hungarian, hungarian foreign, service hungarian, hungarian pricemedia, campaign, strength, success, client1
novareg.huOur company was established in 2012 with the mission to provide support to leaders of Hungarian enterprises and foreign-owned companies operating in Hungary from strategic planning to operative implementation.leader hungarian, hungarian enterprisemanagement, strategic, development, innovation, analysis1
szoft-egyesulet.huWelcome to the website of the Hungarian Freelance Translators and Interpreters Association (SZOFT)website hungarian, hungarian freelancemember, language, interpreter, translator, board1
jeva.huClient: MA-HAL MA-HAL (Hungarian (Hungarian Aquaculture Aquaculture and and Fisheries Fisheries Interprofessional Interprofessional Organization) Organization) – 2020hal hungarian, hungarian aquaculturetitle, detail, post, commercial, campaign1
mockup.huOur works have participated in many Hungarian and international exhibitions (Budapest Housing Fair, MIPIM, MAPIC).work hungarian, hungarian internationalmodel, mockup, build, architectural, graphic1
abirato.huThe songs are composed in Hungarian and English language. The songs are born from the meeting of several generations and musical styles. Punk, dark, stoner effects are equally found.song hungarian, hungarian englishsong, music, gallery, video, lyric1
liver.huAfter studying our products and brief intruduction please see how our livers and meats are transformed into tempting dishes at best restaurants of Budapest.gra hungarian, hungarian tricolordish, liver, meat, day, restaurant0
anchorfence.huThe fences installed with the anchor fence system are extremely stable, so you can be sure that they protect you and your valuables from unauthorized persons.hungarian englishfence, column, main, page, reference0
oros.hu© Linamar Hungary Zrt. OROS Division All Rights Reserved.header, family, corn, sunflower, dealer0
soins.hu© 2018 Soins Natural Cosmetics.care, cart, facial, body, skin0
tuugo.huFree company and business search engine, business pages in Hungary | Tuugo local businesses and services The authentic Tuugo info page for Hungary is this website. Don't get confused with : Tu go, Two go, tugo, wwtugo, wwwtugo, wtuugo, wwtuugo, wwwtuugo twogo, togo, 2go, 2 go, twogo in Hungary.page, free, engine, search, local0
diakdezso.huMy full name is Dezső Fülöp Diák. I'm a university student of IT and business and have 4 years of experience working in IT as a developer and an admin as well.site, developer, development, resume, university0
kreativter.huYou have the freedom to transfrom the rooms for the needs of your programme. It is up to your creativity what you want to create. No matter if you organize youth exchanges, trainings, camps, team building for company or a yoga retreat you will find a home in Creative Space.space, creative, youth, offer, request0
szallas-net.hu) you are able to see a wide scale of offers being in the basic segment of tourism: in rooming.hungarian countyoffer, page, form, rent, property0
stikabudapest.huBreakfast is not just one meal among others, but the most important one that defines the rest of our day.homemade hungarian, hungarian grill, hungarian nudli, famous hungarian, hungarian dessertbreakfast, egg, sandwich, story, private0
torekivendeghaz.hua fisherman and a family to find relaxing tranquility on the lake shore, even in the hottest summer hustle. You can reach the first stop of the educational trail along the artificial lakes fed by the stream on the section of the main road 7 between Siófok and Balatonszéplak by turning towards the…language hungarian, hungarian englishguesthouse, guest, room, house, gallery0
drbalsai.huDuring treatment we apply latest technology to solve every problem and create your own perfect smile. Our services cover conservative dentistry (root canal treatments, fillings), esthetic solutions (bleaching, porcelain veneers, zirconia crowns), periodontal treatments (oral hygiene, deep…dental, tooth, smile, clinic, oral0
interlanguage.huWe are proud to say that over the years we have provided a large number of language learners with effective language learning opportunities, with the help of which they successfully passed language exams, found beneficial employment opportunities, performed exceptionally during their studies…language, course, school, swedish, norwegian0
bodogaleria.huOrder Tracking… Wishlist… My Cart… 0 items , 0 Ft… Auctions… 10th Winter Auction… Lugosi Lugo László…century hungarian, hungarian paintingauction, winter, spring, view, item0
dronedesign.hu…reducing the cost of aerial cinematography. The problem comes from that in the film industry most people have drones, and everyone wants to be a drone pilot. That’s why we are offering our quality service for the industry, with the best-in-class equipment, and pilots with more than a decade of…future hungarian, hungarian agriculturedrone, solution, agriculture, enterprise, development0
zrubi.huIBM QRadar Community Edition is a free version of QRadar that is based off of IBM core enterprise SIEM. Users, students, security professionals, and app developers are encouraged to download QRadar Community Edition to learn and become familiar with QRadar.security, server, event, installation, january0
pepitasummerswing.huThis year, instead of our yearly summer camp in the countryside, we organize workshops, social dance parties, a jazz band concert and practice opportunities in Budapest. Spend the weekend dancing and hang out with your favorite dancers in a cozy dance studio in Zuglo.registration, summer, dance, edition, teacher0
pro-form.huPressure forming Vacuum forming Injection moulding Extruding Product and mould developmentform, mould, plastic, injection, development0
grainconference.huTraditionally, Bácska region is the centre of agriculture. The biggest agricultural port of Hungary is a perfect place to organize this event.erdélyi hungarian, hungarian representativegrain, meet, partnership, registration, accommodation0
szigepszerk.hufitted with bar codes and drawings onto the processed rebar armatures bundled by positions.company hungarian, hungarian ownershipbar, activity, process, janos, reference0
biggeorgeholding.hu…it will be created together with a newly built 4 star hotel, with a wide scale of services fulfilling the future habitants’ needs. Besides apartments, on the ground and 1st floors even commercial spaces and premises will be developed. For further enhancement of the occupiers’ expectations and…available hungariandirector, manage, management, property, city0
mimsafehungary.hu…suitable for dog cages in car. Adapted to MIMsafe VarioCage all models. Sewn zones and foldable along the seams. High-density pads provides improved weight distribution at rest. Powerful stitches that can handle tough grips. Durable material for use for a long time to come. Soft and…hungarian englishdog, image, easy, safe, small0
etranszfer.huThe area of Szeged is divided into 10 parts, you can travel between zones, or within the zone at pre-determined prices .price, order, quotation, zone, pre0
drujvari.huwith our extensive network of contacts in the fields of Insurance, Property, Compensation, Road Traffic and Company Law.colleagues, law, privacy, useful, homepage0
femat.huOur company is an experienced, reliable and competitive partner in machine and plant engineering. In the automotive, cement and mining industries, many projects and manufactured products prove our efficient and professional competencies.assembly, equipment, automotive, mining, plant0
spritzbar.huThe first and only Aperol bar in the heart of downtown, in Gozsdu Courtyard. Aperol-based cocktails, spritzes, classic cocktails, premium spirits and beers. Pop in for a drink, just after work, or before the evening party.bar, spritz, event, truck, premium0
kistetenyitarsaskor.huour foundation in January each year . and organise Heroes’ Sunday in St Stephen Church in Budatétény in May.organisation, society, activity, association, programme0
torquemaster.huDEAR CUSTOMERS! We are currently moving the laboratory to a new building and a new location. During this time, our operations and all our calibration services will be suspended. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we hope that we will soon be able to provide our customers with a higher level…english hungarian, hungarian languagecalibration, laboratory, tool, measurement, instrument0
fejszamol.huThe asset settlement of a company defund without successor i.e. the settlement of assets ownership for a company terminated from the register of companies. Also the possibility in order to be deregistered the right or fact entered in a register for public or public interest purposes in favor of…hungarian englishproceedings, settlement, liquidation, asset, creditor0
barankovicsarchiv.huExcept where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons license.voyage hungarian, hungarian christian, hungarian pagenews, update, page, foundation, k.0
csaszarhotel.hu- Best prices guaranteed straight by the Hotel Team, so you can be sure it really is the best price, because we set the prices everywhere else!room, free, pool, direction, special0
alnico.hu25 years in the Executive Search business, 20 years Consulting experience with leading international executive search companiesclient hungarian, hungarian englishsearch, executive, main, market, today0
csorbai.hu© 2021 Adam Csorbai • All Rights Reservedifbb hungarian, hungarian championshipstat, winner, pic, skill, overall0
tipark.huWelcome to the website of the Tolnanémedi Industrial Park! In case you would like to buy a land with already existing halls that is suitable for the industrial activity, the Tolnanémedi Industrial Estate in Hungary offers the perfect opportunity for you! The 19 hectares of land is located in the…industrial, piece, activity, estate, land0
nicoart.huNicoArt – minden ami autó és művészethungarian englishdrawing, ago, january, navigation, page0
charity-foundation.huSample text simply exists so you can see what your new block looks like. To replace the text click on it and press CTRL+A on your keyboard to select the text. Then enter your own text to replace it. Our beautiful content blocks make creating great looking websites easier than ever.description, short, sample, shop, block0
longhaircollection.huLong Hair Collection provides a platform to all Long Hair Females to show their beautiful long hair to whole world and get praised and appreciated for it.community hungarian, hungarian girlhair, long, cart, collection, play0
hesgoal.huAz egyik dolog Hesgoal mivel a futballrajongók nagyon népszerű célpontja, az az, hogy a Hesgoal streamek minősége és megbízhatósága általában magasabb, mint más webhelyeken, például a Rojadirecta, a PirloTV, a Live TV SX vagy hasonló. Ha nem tud erős kapcsolatot vagy jó minőségű adatfolyamot…hungarian cupleague, cup, position, group, division0
danielvaczi.hu…piano is used. The Reticular album is on the boundary of XX. century’s classical and jazz music. The members of the band play extremely free improvisations on top of the foundation which is composed with very strict compositional rules in mind. They are also experimenting with live controlled…music, instrumental, concert, playlist, improvisation0
netvisor.huNETvisor is a system integrator specialized in designing, implementing operations support systems to improve ICT service quality and efficiency.ict, operation, support, development, network0
zenobia.huA Love Story of Ours around the love for food , the pleasure of heavenly flavors , family , gatherings with friends , or just the two of you being at the center. Our restaurant inspiration is Zenobia , the mysterious queen of Palmyra, whose empire stretched from Egypt to the Black Sea . Under her…restaurant, beverage, reservation, gallery, spice0
kolofol.huPTFE Teflon® skived sheet… Teflon® baking sheet… Teflon® plate… Teflon® tube… FEP film,foil… Silicone…silicone, rubber, sheet, plastic, tube0
alu-onto.hu…Contact… Articles… Contact form… English… Foundry of the Week - Foundry Planet… Technical publication -version hungarian, hungarian castingcasting, foundry, wall, thin, sand0
duslant.huYou can choose from our experts qualified welders, pipe fitters, locksmiths, engine fitter and also other specific metallurgical specialist. Upon request of our partners we help to search the professionals with proper competence and to fix the necessary headcount to the given work.specialist, registration, abroad, main, quick0
efergefer.huFerenc Szabó, efergefer, Graphic design for cultural clients. Brand and events appearance.stamp hungarian, hungarian postgraphic, client, event, brand, cultural0
globeowl.huTo join the project you must be an undergraduate, postgraduate or 2019 graduate. All skills and backgrounds are welcome – you might be an English student, a geographer, an economist or a sociologist or a history student (this list could go on…) – everyone has something to contribute and we’d…publication hungarian, hungarian availablestudent, training, owl, globe, skill0
munka-vedelmi.huWe are passionate about improving safety standards. Our mission is to deliver the best safety solutions for our International Customers in Hungary.hungary hungarian, hungarian health, business hungarian, hungarian hsequote, construction, safety, health, consultant0
bloomhill.huWe provide complex tax consulting and accounting services relying on modern IT solutions with an exceptional legal background.tax, accounting, consultancy, control, law0
borbaslegal.huIn 2012 Borbás Law Firm became partners with Dr. Andrea Szűcs Law Firm, moving its seat to 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 92-94. Dr. Beatrix Borbás, in addition to being a legally independent lawyer, provides litigation representation with many cases in cooperation with Dr. Andrea Szűcs, adding the…firm hungarian, hungarian englishlegal, office, law, field, lawyer0
szeles-neptanccsizma.huskin, some with lacquer decoration or velvet embroidery. The perfectly fitting shoes and bootsshoes, woman, list, price, main0
gyerekesely.huABOUT US… OFFICES… OUR STAFF… DOCUMENTS… VISIT OUR…poverty hungarian, hungarian academychild, programme, poverty, office, science0
drbiroagnesui.hu…in judicial and extrajudicial processes. The line of our clients consists of individuals, small and medium business companies, condominiums and housing cooperatives, and social organizations. We are offering our legal services to multiple companies and organizations, even on a retainer basis.office, law, expertise, legal, client0
soskamionmentes.huTruck Towing Balaton, Pápa, Veszprém, Zirc, Keszthely, Székesfehérvár, street 7, street 84, street 71, street 73, 710...hungarian sitetruck, tow, assistance, direction, feedback0
imech.huWe are professionals in planning and manufacturing single purpose machines and automatics, customised to your needs .purpose, machine, single, automatic, unique0
momal.huSince 1957, MOMÁL Ltd has accumulated vast experience in the field of acid-proof stainless steel processing and the production of rubber parts, which the company has been applying to many industries with great creativity and success in accordance with all the expectations of the modern age…operation hungarian, hungarian foreignrubber, steel, proof, acid, industry0
citikert.huWe design and create harmonious gardens, carefree gardens, child friendly gardens and dog-proof gardens! We are also experts in garden maintanance.garden, construction, plant, child, harmonious0
hdts.huHDTS - Hungarian Down Traceability Systemhdts hungarian, hungarian traceabilitytrack, try, quality, indicator, control0
barathegyisegitokutya.hu50 dogs participated in our puppy raising program in 2023. We held a puppy meeting every month so that the next generation could start the guide dog studies prepared and capably.relevant hungarian, hungarian regulation, dog hungariandog, guide, change, page, school0
cogmob.huHuman Interfaces: bio, cognitive, digital and wearable interfaces – augmented reality in transportcognitive, university, mobility, technology, conference0
makkhetesvendeglo.hu"We had lunch there on January 1st as the good year should start in a good place. We didn’t have to be disappointed now either, everything was first class. We love going to Makk Hetes Restaurant!"restaurant, delicious, preview, food, history0
partnerstudio.huGraphic design and Photo editing | Partner Studio | We help our partner's businesses with conscious branding and effective design.studio, logo, edit, graphic, photo0
famesco.huIf you consider that there is nothing to do with your akita than most probably you have missed somthing. There are several articles about American Akitas, which emphasize that Akita is not a good choice for first-time dog owners. This is true partly. If you have someone who support you in the…dog, american, litter, detail, puppy0
nyomdmegteis.hu…name will accompany our rover to the Moon. In return we ask that you support Puli with at least $20 USD - or the amount of two hours worth of your income - to push Puli little by little towards the Moon. Don't miss the chance to have your name on the Moon! Join our club to support Puli’s mission!club hungarian, hungarian pulismall, step, membership, mission, space0
japanszotar.huGoing through the pages hopefully helps you to see, whether this dictionary will be a helpful tool for you, even you are not a health professional, nor a professional translater. Of course, for professionals this dictionary is a must have one case.japanese hungarian, hungarian medical, magyar hungarian, hungarian japanesedictionary, medical, page, japanese, sample0
szelesteyfamilia.huyears now. In 2004, we wrote letters with Pál Dénes Szelestey's wife, Ilona Bendy. They left after the II. World War. Since then, unfortunately, the relationship has broken with both family branches and the pictures we have been waiting for are not coming to us. We hope that they all in good health!vocation hungarian, hungarian jobfamily, coat, arm, tree, research0
farmtojas.huThis was our guiding principle back in 2000 when we decided to start the marketing of Deep Litter Farm Eggs produced by free-range hens. These hens are not confined to batteries with small living space but allowed to move around freely within the deep-litter building. This is where hens can found…egg, free, deep, litter, range0
carlsberghungary.huCARLSBERG CSOPORT… CARLSBERG HUNGARY… A CARLSBERG ALAPÍTVÁNY… Az Új Carlsberg Alapítvány… DRAUGHT…hungarian englishprotect, europe, western, denmark, finland0
atlantikhair.hu…to look into this center, because he still passes. Here it is necessary to take into account the weather conditions (the same applies to the distribution of leaflets in other places of city streets). If it’s cold outside and the rain, people hurry about their business and do not want to stay nearmajor hungarian, hungarian cityleaflet, distribution, advertising, type, people0
drschadt.huThe Dr. Schadt Kata Law Firm provides its services to its clients (companies and private people) since 2015, the year of its foundation. The law firm focuses on rendering legal services primarily to national or international companies, medium- and large-sized corporations based on permanent or…service hungarian, hungarian germanlegal, law, international, expertise, labour0
elonyelvek.huEnglish… Hungarian language course… Magyarok – Hungarians… Free Online… ENGLISH books… Fábry és az…page, book, course, language, hungarians0
novation.huThis is a Hungarian language informational website of Novation products.launch, circuit, track, station, control0
soltipalinkahaz.huWe provide opportunity to visit our distillery and also the Solti Pálinkaház where we can introduce you to the traditional ‘Kisüsti’ distillation process and let you taste our high-quality craft products within a brewing show and a palinka tasting.detail, brewery, palinka, brewing, contract0
mindkiado.huMIND Publishers publishes books on psychology, on the mind and on the soul, that are understandable and accessible to anyone.book, psychology, publisher, soul, accessible0
flyby-steakhouse.huOur steak offering is special and unique in many ways. In addition to the Brazilian, Argentinian, Uruguayan and the highest-rated American cattle, we are also giving a lot of space to the best domestic breeders from who we buy Blonde, Charolais and Angus breeds. These are matured dry for 60 days…traditional hungarian, hungarian spiritway, special, potato, wine, addition0
abud.huSustainability at all scales - consultancy firm specialized in the built environment. ABUD - Advanced Building and Urban Design.build, urban, news, advanced, scale0
balatonhelp.huPackage prices vary depending on the boat's size and the duration of the contract. Each package can be contracted for the entire season, spanning from April 1st to October 31st. However, certain packages also allow for monthly or weekly contractual arrangements.hungary hungarian, hungarian lifeguarddiscount, price, package, weekly, monthly0
szarvaskoo.huSpacious, panoramic room with a view to the Bükk National Park, equipped with a 200 cm x 200 cm double bed and a double sofa bed, Mediterranean interior wood paneling, bedside tables, wardrobe, 4 soft blankets for cooler days and a radio. A mosquito net on the windows ensures undisturbed, restful…hungarian englishroom, national, blanket, table, wardrobe0
artelgaleria.huPortfolio…contemporary hungarian, hungarian art, erdelyi hungarian, hungarian artistgallery, art, contemporary, vienna, portfolio0
nemzetipalinkakivalosag.huThe National Pálinka of Excellence Program is committed to responsible alcohol consumption.book hungarian, hungarian pálinkanational, excellence, fruit, wheel, taste0
trxtraining.hu…smtc terasz advanced under armour baltimore maryland fx fitness ua performace center fraser quelch nasm certified pes performance enhancement specialist trainer group training fraser quelch performance center trxfc ketlebell functionaltraining massachusetts longmeadow functional training trxagtc…qualified hungarian, hungarian trxtraining, trainer, group, course, functional0
fusion4.huHa már minden összeállt, nincs más hátra, mint eljutni a meglévő és jövendőbeli vásárlóidhoz.publication hungarian, hungarian logoaward, logo, media, excellence, bronze0
granitcorvus-classica.huMain Page | Painting | Sculpture | Architecture | Making Tombstone | Media | Availabilities | General websitemaphungarian versionpainting, website, culture, ancient, greek0
nhgandpartners.hu…gained in significant litigation and arbitration cases. Our office has been renowned for effectively providing legal aid services to several relevant actors and investors in capital markets as well as for its advocacy activity at arbitration courts, but it also has solid experience in other…support hungarian, hungarian internationallaw, office, expertise, lawyer, legal0
hsh-ingatlan.huCookies are enabled on this site to give you the best browsing experience. You can modify your cookie settings to disable them.house, sale, room, floor, area0
dsa.huThe DSA’s role is to promote Direct Selling and uphold the highest standards of good practice by its Member Companies through its Codes of Practicemagyar hungarian, hungarian humember, practice, direct, sell, role0
vetiver-lms.huVET Itineraries with a Variety of Open Educational Resources enhanced by a Multilingual Repositorytext, navigation, flag, main, variety0
hunstar.huhunstar… Login…studio, login0
tlw.huTLW Ltd has beyond its base staff a strong technical expert team available with specialists commanding very high qualification and language skill. Involvement of this expert team in individual projects depends on the type of work and on the size of task to be done. Besides the expert team, a very…work hungarian, hungarian individualmachine, diagnostic, method, main, survey0
tixa.hu…*Ha te is jössz, én is megyek!*… Boogie Garden @ Dürer Kert… Within Destruction @ Dürer Kert… DLRM…hungarian englishticket, frequently, question, privacy, condition0
gustocafe.huCafe Gusto quickly became well-known for its fine tiramisu, loin carpaccio and foie gras. Our restaurant can be found in Frankel Leo street next to Margaret Bridge, just few minutes walk from Danube.food, gallery, friendly, coffee, wine0
beboaquapark.huOur water park is open even in bad weather. We are only closed in only during the second stage storm warning.price, hour, open, useful, ticket0
devyou.huWe aim to teach youth about skills related to this field, through workshops and Erasmus+ projects.people, youth, initiative, soon, partnership0
remmas.huContact… Home… Our Menu… Reservation… Menu… View…budapest hungarian, hungarian kitchenlove, kitchen, reservation, food, salad0
quaestorgate.hu…let them laughing at the end… November 5, 2017October 24, 2018… October 4, 2017October 24, 2018… We…hungarian websiteoctober, gate, poster, protest, street0
havasilotuszbetet.huThe Victoria Oriental Culture & Health, a company committed to natural solutions, to protect mankind’s health by natural methods and preparations, wishes to everyone.health, culture, oriental, care, secret0
delta3n.hu…Cables… Permanent Monitoring Cordsets… Junction Boxes… Barriers… Cable Reduction Boxes… Cable…training hungarian, hungarian governmentvibration, view, cable, sensor, portable0
albart.huPrevious design of albart sitebranding hungarian, hungarian climb, book hungarian, hungarian tablegraphic, book, picture, portfolio, editorial0
adyvgrafika.huThe single most important thing is our customer’s satisfaction, constant and high quality.graphic hungarian, hungarian companymachine, quality, printing, customer, search0
szikracoworking.huSzikra Coworking is located in the heart of Budapest, a short walk from Blaha Lujza square, hosting a community of freelancers, startups, and small businesses. This is a place to work, meet, and organize events.freelancer, privacy, condition, meet, room0
hotelforraszalakaros.hu…center. We have 47 rooms totally for available, which 37 are double room with an optional spare bed and furthermore we have 10 family apartments. Our rooms are modernly furnished, each of them has a balcony, a bathroom, a TV and a fridge. 19 rooms on thethird floor are equipped air conditioning.room, offer, price, guarantee, family0
pancreas.huWe are expecting institutes to join our multicenter observational clinical studies. Please note that the protocols of these studies:conference hungarian, hungarian conference, international hungarian, hungarian center, copyright hungarianstudy, group, visitor, protocol, sponsor0
cherrygarden.huAcqua di Portofino… Affinessence Paris… Angela Ciampagna… Antonio Alessandria… Atelier Des Ors… Atelier…perfume, cherry, garden, fragrance, equality0
globalcoop.huGlobal Coop Ltd. , founded in 1990, is a family-run machining and fabrication company based in Hungary. We mainly specialize in the fabrication of metal parts and metal structures, welding and repair services. The founder and Head Managing Director is Sandor Fricska, a mechanical engineer himself…fabrication, global, finish, custom, cart0
econtest.huImportant part of the contest is the presentation of the results. Be open and broadcast the jury live, or publish the result after a few seconds of voting!chairman hungarian, hungarian presscontest, easy, management, detail, data0
csabaaron.hu…motivated team playerm interpersonal, troubleshooting skills. Developing source code utilizing the open source environment and always seeking for new technologies. Urging DevOps agile relationship between Development and IT Operations my goal is to improve the relationship by advocating better…english hungarianportfolio, creative, perfect, template, bootstrap0
kalocsaibokreta.huThe Kalocsai Bokréta Folk Ensemble was established in 1990 with the excellent leadership of the dance teacher, Ferenc Tóth. From the very beginning, the aim of the group was to introduce the traditional folk-games and folk dances to children, adolescents and adults, and later on, to present this…official hungariangroup, photo, folk, ensemble, event0
szakiszovetseg.hubuildings that can provide affordable housing, community spaces or democratic workplaces, all run in the spirit of solidarity. By providing services in property search, property development, construction, finance, and community development, ACRED helps communities gain access to the space they need.community, acre, mission, build, real0
lovesziskola.huBeing a Shooting Instructor is a serious profession that only few can do good and even fewer can do exceptionally well as there are so many different categories. To be exceptionally well-trained in all of these is impossible as each one these categories require full life determination. There are…hungarian citizenshoot, training, school, tactical, competition0
hunfun.huHunFun – Hungarian Language & Culturehunfun hungarian, hungarian language, website hungarian, hungarian familiar, familiar hungarianculture, language, bread, spread, fat0
popovicspeter.humassage… weather…portfolio, motivation, massage, weather, space0
gyarmathy.huThe legal possibilities in transfer pricing for tax planning have become narrower in 2023.currency hungarian, hungarian subsidiarytax, accounting, international, legal, advice0
crossandfield.huEnglish… Magyar Hungarian hu… English English en… Deutsch German de… Introduction… Collections… Brands…magyar hungarian, hungarian huwedding, german, de, introduction, collection0
bahutelkft.huThanks to our excellent Chinese connection, we offer our products at affordable prices, striving for the best quality!member hungarian, hungarian companyconnection, price, quality, distributor, reseller0
inbuss.hu…to new, as yet unknown technologies. We always try to choose the right and up-to-date technology to solve your problem. We are able to meet your needs ranging from stand-alone solutions to high-availability (or site-redundant) and scalable, load-critical systems planning, design and implementation.inbuss hungarian, hungarian software, office hungarian, hungarian nationaltechnology, management, ltd, solution, application0
zoldkapuvendeglo.hu-Roasted pork chop with lots of garlic and cock’s comb (special shaped fried bacon) garnished with French fries served on a wooden platter 5500tiny hungarian, hungarian dumplingfry, french, cheese, sauce, cream0
dioptraingatlan.huCookies are enabled on this site to give you the best browsing experience. You can modify your cookie settings to disable them.real, estate, detail, sale, property0
jobcapital.huThat’s where Jobcapital’s team of professional headhunters and recruitment consultants comes in. Once priorities have been set, we compare them with the company’s values and the criteria for the job, as we know the work environment from years of experience. Why is this important? There are many…job, workplace, page, application, search0
pannonia76.huPannónia ’76 Foundation… The memorial statue… Balloon Museum… English… Info… Write to…foundation, museum, balloon, statue, memorial0
faithmarton.huElectrical safety, lightning protection, fire safety compliance check, explosion protection operatorlicense hungarian, hungarian chamberelectrical, faith, building, technical, inspection0
mare.info.huSymposium Proceedings of Hungarian Society For Blasting technology - 15th September 2022… Details… EFEE…proceedings hungarian, hungarian societydetail, newsletter, news, sponsor, video0
aquaflat.hu…the bedroom. Our apartment has everything you need for a pleasant stay. Discover Budapest and relax at the end of the day in our chromotherapy hot tub, on our artificial grass balcony, in our air-conditioned rooms. You don't have to leave us hungry as we prepare a mini breakfast for our guests…hungarian englishaccommodation, review, gallery, faq, apartment0
cafeintenzo.huAAH, WAIT, I REMEMBER NOW!… LOGIN… ABOUT US… OUR MENU… PHOTO GALLERY… RESERVATION… LOCATION… Cafe…potato, soup, chicken, cheese, rice0
kerteszpecs.hudo when I grow up. We built and prettified our little garden around the house together with my family. We planted thujas among the fence and other trees in the garden, planted grass, built a rock garden on the side facing the street and created flowerbeds. At the end of each and every busy day I…magyar hungarian, hungarian hugarden, construction, lawn, plant, tree0
bar-show.huBar Show event: a modern and progressive bar-cultural gathering that pools the professional figures of the bar scene along with connoisseurs interested in the world of bars and their sophisticated drinking culture.bar, event, ticket, award, exhibitors0
onkentesszemle.huThe online journal, Volunteering Review provides a forum for ideas and information, original theoretical and methodological articles, practical case studies and book reviews on the state and development of volunteering in Hungary. The journal welcomes contributions from variety of disciplines…development hungarian, hungarian volunteerissue, volunteer, review, journal, methodological0
proplan.huWe help you realise your personal aspirations. We create a 3D model based on your idea. We give you advice on what to change for feasibility purposes. If required, we can also assume full product development. We offer complex solutions, including rapid prototyping, electronic design and…manufacture, idea, implementation, perfect, solution0
ashszoftverhaz.huWelcome to the website of ASH Szoftverház Kft., where you can read up-to-date information about our company’s activities, novelties, and about our current innovative development projects.house hungarian, hungarian privateash, development, software, career, public0
villamosmerohely.huArabic… Hebrew… Polish… Bulgarian… Hindi… Portuguese… Catalan… Hmong Daw… Romanian… Chinese Simplified…portfolio, chinese, widget, arabic, polish0
snoty.hu…serve sugar sachets with individual print design and personalized advertising image widely used in cafes, bars and restaurants. Moreover, also different types of biscuits or delicious chocolate covered almonds are ideal with a cup of coffee or tea. Our product offerings and service are not…sugar, profile, white, biscuit, chocolate0
danieltoth.huPhotography and graphic design are my passion. I've studied, and received my professional photographer qualification, with world-renown Romanian photographer, Ovi D. Pop.graphic, photography, photographer, card, unique0
smarthomeapartment.huSmarthome Apartment will give you a full service during your stay! We organise maintenance and cleaning service to make your whole rental experience stress freeapartment, room, detail, student, accommodation0
eurocert.huWe draw your kind attention, that EUROCERT auditors having great experience carry out their task with flexibility, meeting with the professional requirements.activity, certification, process, reference, organisation0