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86 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: victim

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gyuloletellen.huWhat is a hate crime? Simply put, hate crimes are criminal offences committed with a bias motive. According to the OSCE, hate crimes are criminal offences, including offences against persons or property, where the victim, premises, or target of the offence are selected because of their real or…property victim, victim premise, common victim, victim hate, problem victimcrime, group, offence, criminal, legal10
ahang.huaHang’s activists, together with the citizens who joined them, have achieved a tremendous result: due to their exerting pressure, the National Roma Self-Government has reinstalled the memorial plaque commemorating the victims of a series of homicides against the Roma. This is another huge…plaque victim, victim roma, victim seriescampaign, family, public, national, care5
nemzetisegijogok.huCommemoration of the victims of the series of murders against Roma on the day of the Tatárszentgyörgy tragedyworkshop victim, victim approach, commemoration victim, victim seriesminority, message, commissioner, challenge, day5
abtl.huRehabilitation of the victims is not one of the Archives’ responsibilities. This problem was settled by the Acts of Annulations and Amendment. The Act of Annulations had already annulled the political sentences, and the Act of Amendment had given financial amendment well before the legal…rehabilitation victim, victim archive, case victim, victim institute, compensation victimarchive, shall, public, record, document4
drszalay.huAccording to Tamás Szalay, attorney-at-law, if the accident victim suffers permanent injuries, the actor may face up to five years in prison.month victim, victim morning, accident victim, victim permanentlaw, attorney, client, legal, office3
szaboesszalai.huIn the event of criminal suspicions arising in the context of family law, he also represents the victim before the authorities and courts.defence victim, victim legal, law victim, victim authoritylaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case3
mehesugyved.huWe represent the victims of criminal offences through the complete criminal procedure and we assist in the enforcement of any claim for damages.client, law, field, office, page2
budapestguides.huYou will get a comprehensive overview on the history of Jewish people in Hungary from the early beginnings to the present days. We will talk honestly about the events of the 2nd WW. How many victims Hungary had in the Holocaust. The life and acceptence of Jewish people today in Hungary.ww victim, victim hungary, museum victim, victim terrortour, city, hour, guide, famous2
teremtoonismeret.humy father used to extort me emotionally and I don’t know how to deal with this (e.g. he was insensitive with me, he overpraised me, he was condescending with me if I knew less than he did, he used to extort me with his being the victim)parent, power, father, mother, relationship2
ransommentes.hufrom a good friend call us being victims of a ransomware attack since they were not adequately prepared. If you haven’t met us yet, you can consider yourself fortunate. This encounter is also fortunate, we can prepare for these attacks together.will victim, victim crypto, friend victim, victim ransomwareattack, assessment, day, detail, eng2
filmart.huIn the process of investigation, Kamenár finds out that such kind of murder is not a single case. Previously, the victims and the false killers were criminals but succeded to slip out of police. Kamenár suspects everybody, except Petra, who turns from suspected to allied person. Or, in contrary…murder victim, victim turk, previously victim, victim falsetelevision, police, story, documentary, series2
hm2020.huThe destruction of the Second World War could only be compared to the devastation wrought by the Turkish occupiers. After the war and until May 1990, when the first democratically elected government took power, the country was a victim of communist imperialism. The achievements of the political…identification victim, victim world, country victim, victim communistforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis2
whiterabbit.huWe analyzed more than 157 mobile providers' contracts in Europe. We crossed data with our mobile recognition system, and made these contracts available on our platform. We created 20 individual, digitalized hand-drawings by the help of a graphic artist who is a victim of cyberbully as well; so her…severe victim, victim afraid, artist victim, victim cyberbullycampaign, result, brand, brief, solution2
russianstudies.huHeroes? Victims? Perpetrators? Changes in the Image of Hungarian Soldiers Fighting on the Eastern Front (pdf)hero victim, victim perpetratorrussian, study, history, russia, historical2
drsimapeter.huPlease feel free to contact especially if you are a victim of a crime, a witness, or summoned as a suspect in a criminal proceeding.case victim, victim witness, especially victim, victim crimecriminal, crime, attorney, prosecutor, client2
furedi-annamaria.huI could catch a few prejudices too which were certainly imported from the present to the depicted past. For example in the season 8 / 2 episode when a murdered woman’s body is dissected and dr. Ogden reckons that the bad quality tooth implant indicates that the victim was from Eastern Europe. I am…implant victim, victim easterncanada, woman, people, thing, category1
koszegisor.huThe old brewery of Kőszeg (Güns) operated from 1896 until WWII. It produced a now rare specialty beer, even winning an esteemed award in Trieste once (1898). Alas, the beerworks ultimately fell victim to history’s relentless fury. The Second World War swept the brewery away, along with all the…ultimately victim, victim historybeer, legend, brewery, taste, delivery1
fenestrabengals.hu…some of them ours and some that only visited our yard. Back in the day, it was not customary to keep a cat at home or to neuter them, and unfortunately my first cat, Cirmi, became the victim of exactly this. She was hit by a car in front of our house as she was looking for boys in search of girls.cirmi victim, victim exactlysoon, course, day, verification, breed1
drtanacs.hucitation, private prosecution, submission and representation of substitute legal action, submission of action for the enforcement of a civil law claim, representation of a victim, representation of persons participating as witnesses, protection of suspects / defendants / accused personrepresentation victim, victim representationlaw, legal, contract, protection, representation1
szabadsagszinpad.huIn the official wording, the sculptural ensemble commemorates Hungary's German occupation on March 19, 1944 . As a result of the scandal following the publication of the design, the text has been changed to "the victims of the occupation". The central figure of the composition is Archangel Gabriel…text victim, victim occupationmonument, history, civilian, government, personal1
smartcad.huChanging the life by PSI Methodology ; A story of a sophisticated design and implementation War victim patients face us...war victim, victim patientview, digital, approach, treatment, reconstruction1
arserotica.huWe provide sex-ed classes from age 4 till age 18. Beyond health issues we work with various topics such as body image, self-awareness, love, intimacy, relationships and also how to prevent yourself from being victim of sexual abuse. We use non-formal pedagogical methods based on democratic values…relationship victim, victim sexualfoundation, teacher, school, training, sexual1
drhajkertesz.hu…that we loose a hair while taking a shower or combing our hair. It can be natural. But sometimes we notice that we lost more hair than usual. We can see more hair in the hairbrush or in the tub. Than we get a little bit worried about it and we suspect that we are the next victim of hair loss .worry victim, victim hairhair, treatment, loss, scalp, skin1
tarsasjatekvac.huIn a city that needs investigating, you’re the one on the job. Find out who committed the murders at Karlov Manor…before you become their next victim.gather, card, murder, manor, commander1
ablakprofilok.hu…conditions now. Their replacement is not necessary even after a hundred or a hundred and fifty years from now. However, the majority of them fell victim to upgradings, most often because of the common, but mistaken view that they cannot meet today’s energetical expectations and requirements, and…majority victim, victim upgradingwindow, mistake, historic, website, manifesto1
drsutogyorgy.huMy practice includes ad-hoc legal advice, permanent assignments for companies, drafting of contracts, defence in misdemeanour and criminal proceedings, representation of victims and legal representation in imprisonment.representation victim, victim legallawyer, criminal, attorney, defense, law1
tarot-dr-gal.huWhen we are stuck or just feel like a victim in the course of our life events and we would like to reconnect with our constructive relationships.like victim, victim coursecard, path, knowledge, origin, page1
gloriavictis.huIn name of the 100 million victims of the four-continent-wide destruction of communism, our foundation reminds that there are no second class deads, and we fight against the still existing double standard. Learn more.million victim, victim continentfoundation, memorial, photo, support, connection1
bphm.huThe Budapest Holocaust Museum and Education Center (BHMEC) was founded by private citizens in 2001. BHMEC’s most important goal is to present the history of the Holocaust in Hungary and Europe in an accessible way, to commemorate the victims and to preserve and introduce Hungarian Jewish heritage…way victim, victim hungarianholocaust, center, education, museum, close1
arvamisszio.huThe Mission for Orphans Christian Foundation was established as a branch organization of the Gipsy Mission Foundation in 2015. Our Mission is to help children who unfortunately fall victim to child abandonment in the gipsy communities, so that they come to Christian families. Within this, our…unfortunately victim, victim childchild, family, adoption, mission, story1
obexconsulting.huNew attackers and attack methods are emerging every day, targeting both companies and individuals. Regardless of the size, profile and value of your company, you can fall victim to hackers and cybercriminals at any time, as attacks are often not targeted but automated, systematically searching for…company victim, victim hackersecurity, consulting, vulnerability, training, scan1
randomblog.huAre you tired of receiving constant pop-up notifications from websites on your Android device, especially those fake warnings and scams? Do you have elderly relatives who get anxious about all the notifications and fall victim to scams? Fear not, this guide will show you how to turn off website…notification victim, victim scamrandom, code, stuff, hardware, app1
ajbh.huDr. Ákos Kozma attends OSCE Meeting on the Protection of the Rights of Victims of Human Traffickingright victim, victim humananimation, commissioner, fundamental, office, county1
moonwalk.huConflict management habits, a higher rate of asking for help from others during conflicts, low motivation to take the lead, becoming a more frequent victim, are characteristic of both samples and point in the direction that strengthening assertiveness may be the goal of a developmental work.frequent victim, victim characteristicdisability, people, research, young, youth1
startouring.hu…government, Imre Nagy, and several of his associates were executed. The dictatorship was restored with Soviet support and hundreds fell victim to reprisals. In the years of János Kádár´s leadership (1956-1988), after a period of retaliation for the revolution, the regime was consolidated,hundred victim, victim reprisalswine, century, castle, country, house1
gombaforum.huIreland’s farmers have become Brexit’s first victims: the pound has sunk and is hauling down the livelihood of thousands of Irish farmers with it. Seated […]brexit victim, victim poundmushroom, cultivation, technology, research, economy1
bethlenter.huDuring his nearly three decades long work, he held memorials in the remembrance of the Holocaust’s victims in almost every part of the country.holocaust victim, victim countryjewish, synagogue, community, religious, congregation1
mattor.huDear blog owner and visitors, This blog had been infected to serve up Gootloader malware to Google search victims, via a common tactic known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) poisioning. Your blog was serving up 62 malicious pages. Your blogged served up malware to 95 visitors. I tried my best…search victim, victim commonline, production, news, day, engine1
mecsekifarkasvar.hu…and Barátúr, as well as the route connecting Pécs with Veszprém in the Middle Ages. During the Turkish occupation, the village fell victim to Ottoman attacks several times. In the 1760s, Germans settled in the eastern part of the village. The town of Barátúr, a few kilometers from…village victim, victim ottomanapartment, night, price, child, guest1
csagyi.huAn important element of our activity is the provision training in different conflict resolution - mediation and conferencing - techniques, including family mediation, victim-offender mediation, Family Group Conferencing.mediation victim, victim offenderchild, family, association, youth, training1
reformatus.hu…awareness and affirm its support for the Christian community facing persecution in Pakistan. A gathering hosted by the Érdliget Reformed Parish included powerful testimonies, and another, a prayer group hosted at the community center for the Refugee Ministry, honored the victims of the persecution.ministry victim, victim persecutionchurch, ministry, refugee, community, event1
drbennandras.huCounseling and legal representation of victims and defendants related to Economical crimesrepresentation victim, victim defendantlaw, representation, office, legal, contract1
publicholidays.hu…include Saint Stephen’s Day, observed in honour of Hungary’s first King and the official day of the foundation of Hungary; Memorial Day for the Victims of the Holocaust; National Defence Day; Day of National Unity and Day of the Independent Hungary. Multiple spring and summer festivals are also…day victim, victim holocaustpublic, holiday, day, saint, christmas1
sedulitas-pro.huFrom beginning of 1990s until today vehicle industrial companies became victims of privatizations such as Ganz Electric Works and its successor companies (Ganz-Anslado Co, Ganz Transelektro Co.).company victim, victim privatizationvehicle, electric, main, page, battery1
wingtsuncsorna.hu…masters of the past generations remained loyal to the root and made only such changes in the system that did not make the martial art style of the beautiful spring lose its uniqueness. In addition, it did not become a victim to the effort of transforming martial art styles into combat sports.addition victim, victim effortman, art, martial, technique, special1
newbudabeauty.hu…for youthful-looking skin. In this way, GUINOT was the first laboratory in the world to create skincare products with the 56 Cellular Ingredients of the Cellular Life Complex. These biological ingredients are used in hospitals to create new skin, especially in the treatment of serious burn victims.treatment, skin, body, massage, machine1
computer-service-balaton.huAre you concerned about your IT security and want to protect your data? As your IT security expert, I offer solutions for data recovery, secure and anonymous internet browsing, antivirus, and VPN. Whether you have fallen victim to malware, need to protect or recover sensitive data, or simply want…vpn victim, victim malwarecomputer, training, lake, security, mobile1
pestbuda.hu…located next to Kossuth Square, on Vértanúk Square, receives relatively little attention. The dignified work even in its simplicity commemorates the victims of the proletarian power after World War I. After five years of preparation, it was unveiled on 18 March 1934, exactly eighty-nine years ago.simplicity victim, victim proletarianago, square, public, build, century1
drogriporter.huMetzineres provides a safe haven for womxn who use drugs who are also surviving violence in Barcelona. They are not passive victims to be rescued – we can learn a lot from them about community empowerment. Watch our new video produced together with INPUD!passive victim, victim lotdrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
nezopont.huEvery second Hungarian (50 percent) believes that European sanctions are "more harmful to Europe" - this is revealed by the current research of the Nézőpont Institute. Only a quarter of that, one in eight respondents (12 percent) think that the victim of the Brussels sanctions is "rather Russia".percent victim, victim brusselspolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature1
hclu.huThe Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) is appealing to the Constitutional Court to challenge the decision of the Supreme Court of Hungary, which upheld the police's decision to ban solidarity demonstrations in support of the victims of the Gaza conflict. The Curia deemed the police's decision…support victim, victim gazalaw, freedom, union, rule, news1
creacity.huVisitor experience development, place making and design thinking consultancy for the House of Fates, a unique museum project dedicated to the child victims of the Holocaust.child victim, victim holocaustdevelopment, view, concept, city, stakeholder1
helsinki.huWe are a non-governmental watchdog organisation that protects human dignity and the rule of law through legal intervention and public advocacy. We provide assistance to refugees, detainees and victims of violence committed by law enforcement agencies.detainees victim, victim violencearticle, law, refugee, rule, committee1
jennyz.huHow absurd it was for me to take up the doctor’s time, which could be used for treating serious burn victims.day, february, week, photo, family1
motoexpert.huThe Switzerland automotive appraiser Switzerland performs services related to the valuation of motor damages also for Polish victims who have suffered an accident or road collision in Germany.polish victim, victim accidentaccident, damage, valuation, expert, vehicle1
sysoon.huYou were not the victim of this marriage... Tracy felt the need to tell me he loved me NOT YOU. she has-been tryn to get ur SS. I did try But the drinking an ur physical abuse was not enough for YOU.. Rest now Ray. your always in my thoughts.abuse, report, people, dead, funeral1
pannonrex.hu“You did your job right! I am the victim of our success! We have an increase of more than 30% in new users over the last two months!”right victim, victim successsolution, vision, execution, software, showcase1
fice.huPresentation of the entries having participated in the drawing competition, opening of the exhibition, together with the presentation of the shows and programmes having been prepared under the artistic workshop are an obeisance at the same time to the victims of the hungarian holocaust.time victim, victim hungarianchild, event, day, theatre, camp1
ferrotamin.huThe number of women suffering from heavy periods is not known, as women do not talk about the problem and rarely consult their doctor. They are the victims, who suffer from symptoms for long years, although THERE IS A SOLUTION for the treatment of physical and mood problems originating from heavy…doctor victim, victim symptomiron, woman, body, supplementation, complex1
peterprog.huThere has always been an interest in examining the vulnerability of the network. How it is possible for a stranger to see our traffic, possibly obtain our closely guarded secrets, use our passwords, even in a way that is undetectable and untraceable to the victim...network, security, language, industrial, programming1
i-coaching.huIt is a uniquely effective and fast method of treating trauma and is spreading worldwide. EMDR has helped millions of people to escape the effects of past negative experiences. It has proven its effectiveness in clinical therapy for victims of disasters, war, sexual and domestic violence. It is…therapy victim, victim disasterdata, process, academy, training, course1
uccusetak.huIn Roma thaj Romnya Walk, lets get to know together the outstanding Roma representatives of Roma culture and history. Starting from the József Attila memorial, we discover the figures of the Hungarian arts and fine-arts, and then we remember of historical heroes and victims of Roma origins at the…hero victim, victim romawalk, social, tour, culture, dialogue1
hsze.huHe grew up in the Soviet Union. His father was Yugoslavian, his mother was a Hungarian communist emigrant. His uncle, Vojislav Vujović, was the Main Secretary of the Youth Comintern for a few years. His father, Radomir Vujović, and two of his uncles – Vojislav and Gregor – died as victims of the…gregor victim, victim purgeinterview, century, memory, university, foreign1
munkataborok.huOur website is an homage to the victims that were held captive in Hungarian concentration camps between 1945 and 1953. In this dark chapter of Hungarian history, there were not only officially sentenced prisoners but also tens of thousands of victims who were either sent to internment and forced…homage victim, victim captive, thousand victim, victim internmentcamp, labour, general, historical, website1
papprekakinga.huWell-intentioned appeals from the collective West to encourage cultural dialogue between victim and aggressor reflect existing power structures. Reconciliation cannot be imposed from outside,...dialogue victim, victim aggressortalk, special, treatment, casual, ancient1
tacho-spion.huThe victim is always the innocent buyer and the dealer at least in Europe, have to bear full responsibility if the manipulation has been detected.buyer, price, check, europe, private1
morvaykrisztina.huWhen a sadistic hacker, code-named Phate, sets his sights on Silicon Valley, his victims never know what hit them. He infiltrates their computers... morevalley victim, victim computertranslation, literary, literature, fiction, page1
defence.huThe battles fought at the Don Bend proved once again that man is the most important factor on the battlefield – said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at the commemoration of the victims of the Battle at the Don Bend held in plot 52 of the Fiume Street Cemetery, Budapest on 12 January.commemoration victim, victim battledefence, force, general, news, command1
karitativ.huFood distributing charities are under huge pressure from rising food prices, still, Food for Life programme will nonetheless hold its food distribution events during the festivities. The love feasts will have at least 5400 guests at several locations in the capital city and at country cities…aid victim, victim earthquake, distribution victimfood, distribution, love, help, crisis0
traumakozpont.huDuring our trainings, we help participants better prepare for traumatic situations that occur in everyday life.ukrainian, health, refugee, mental, therapy0
bmbah.huInformation for non-Ukrainian nationals fleeing from Ukraine and for Ukrainian nationals who arrived to Hungary before the outbreak of the armed conflict in Ukraineservice victim, victim humannational, permit, permanent, client, fund0
por.hu- - Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer (IBMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), Department of Thoracic Medical Oncologyoncologic victim, victim pharmacologicuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine0
artmodels.huDean, Csaba and Viktor’s fashion and beauty editorials from the Absolute Man magazine are amazing...trendy victimmagazine, editorial, fashion, campaign, model0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)real victim, victim testimonydocumentary, islam, history, america, article0
gocsejimuzeum.huGETTING TO THE MUSEUM AND PARKING Our colleagues at Göcseji Museum are delighted to give our guests a hearty welcome. The museum is in the downtown area of Zalaegerszeg, our address is 2 Batthyány street. (Batthyány utca 2). google maps If you drive to the museum, you can park your car at a…memorial victim, victim communistmuseum, collection, guest, street, area0
saulgyermekei.huMore than 100,000 Hungarian Jewish children were killed during the Holocaust. The Children of Saul memorial program aims to commemorate their names and their fate.victim formchild, july, story, video, june0
freedroid.hua Comment at Mall… World… Hello world!… Easy Boho Style: Without Looking Like a Coachella Victim… 15…style, general, important, travel, game0
studiolegale.huWe are fluent in English and Italian. We have considerable experience in civil litigation, tax law, company law, employment law, property law, insolvency law, agricultural law, administrative law, European law, criminal law, family law, competition law, mergers and acquisitions.crime victim, victim representationlaw, firm, associate, insolvency, tax0
radiohu.huFor every Show page the timetable is auomatically generated from the schedule, and you can set automatic carousels of Podcasts, Articles and Charts by simply choosing a category. Curabitur id lacus felis. Sed justo mauris, auctor eget tellus nec, pellentesque varius mauris. Sed eu congue nulla, et…fashion victimschedule, chart, congue, automatic, lacus0
funkymedia.hu…Is the Early Decision Agreement in Common App… What Was the Purpose of the Gentlemen Agreement with…contract, agreement, client, scene, crew0
iamthebest.huMight be a suggestion: Our talent mentoring programmes provide assistance to young people who are already in the business or are new in the field. Our activities are based on the development of self-awareness a useful tool for creating the basis for a successful career.dialogue victim, victim offenderlearn, self, awareness, training, youth0
avicenna-med.huShe graduated summa cum laude from the Faculty of Dentistry of Semmelweis University in 2013. After graduation, she was working at the Department of Prosthodontics at Semmelweis University between 2013- 2023, where she was member of the Rehabilitation Prosthodontics and Implantology Working Groups…disaster victim, victim identificationdentistry, forward, dental, oral, tooth0
holokausztmuzeum.huIn partnership with internationally acclaimed historians and world-famous experts of exhibition design and development, we are creating one of Europe's most extraordinary museums of the Holocaust and Jewish historyexhibition, history, house, fate, voice0
jogomvan.hudr. Csaba D. Kiss solo attorney’s page, listing of the preferred areas of law, ways to get in contact to avail of legal representation.defense victim, victim representationrepresentation, legal, law, area, partnership0
infopark.huInfopark is the first innovation and technology park of Central and Eastern Europe. It is an innovation centre primarily for IT, telecommunication and software development companies where such multinational companies as Lufhansa Systems, Hungarian Telekom, IT-Services Hungary as well as young…build, office, development, accessibility, area0
segelyszervezet.huApart from social programmes in Hungary, Hungarian Interchurch Aid has also carried out humanitarian and development work in over 40 countries, helping those in need regardless of nationality, religion or world view, all the while meeting the highest professional and transparency requirements.assistance victim, victim earthquake, thousand victim, victim flood, hia victimaid, account, code, humanitarian, donation0