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216 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: political

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nezopont.huAccording to 61 percent of Hungarians, political parties in Hungary should not receive any financial support from abroad for their election campaigns; and 60 percent think that stricter regulations are needed than the current ones. Even 41 percent of left-wing voters are against any foreign campaignpolitical poll, political analysis, research political, social political, political relationpoll, hungarians, category, feature, institute117
szazadveg.huBased on the methodology described in the HRW report, it was prepared on the basis of research conducted between November 2021 and August 2022 and documents how the data-driven political campaign in Hungary contributed to “an already unequal playing field by giving the ruling party an undue…political think, political analysis, media political, political advertising, government politicaldata, report, protection, human, campaign28
xpl.hu…We are able to translate EU challenges to the language spoken in global board rooms and help our clients to analyse and mitigate the effect of political risk on their EU operations. Many of our clients are Fortune 500 companies with a commercial interest in the EU or which seek to use their…analysis political, political risk, industry political, political landscape, mission politicalclient, public, risk, government, affairs15
russianstudies.hu…European History and Historical Russistics also attended at the convention as a paper presenter. His paper was presented in the 'Cultural and political reinventions in 20th century Hungary: micro-historical approaches' panel. The panel's chair was Béla Bodó (University of Bonn) and the…language political, political science, datur political, political history, historian politicalrussian, study, history, russia, historical10
egyensulyintezet.huThe Equilibrium Institute is Hungary’s independent think tank. In order to renew the political discourse in Hungary, we draft political, economic and cultural future visions and write detailed policy proposals and strategies based on these visions. We are engaged in an ongoing dialogue with the…order political, political discourse, hungary political, political economic, important politicalinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think9
meltanyossag.huCentre for Fair Political Analysis has analyzed the crisis communication of four European leaders from the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak to the first re-openings (from the end of February to the end of May). We were curious to see how the crisis altered the political communication of the…fair political, political analysis, hungarian political, political culture, university politicalanalysis, election, opposition, primary, european9
gabortorok.huRESEARCH. Specializes in the analysis of the political system following the regime change, as well as in political and strategic analysis; wrote his doctoral dissertation on the topic of political agendas. Writer, co-writer or editor of eight books, of which two are widely used university…historian political, political scientist, scientist political, political analyst, history politicaluniversity, analysis, science, academic, head8
abtl.huSpecial rules refer to public personalities. No difference is made whether the person is a public personality now or used to be once. Anybody who has or used to have executive power, has been nominated for such position or has the task of forming the political public opinion is included. Anybody…operation political, political police, annulations political, political sentence, organization politicalarchive, shall, public, record, document8
papapedia.huAs he was part of the advance team for the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia (UNOMIL), which was headed by a retired Canadian Brigadier General and was tasked with preparing for the mission's visit to Gbarnga. As part of the advance team, he was responsible for conducting research into…military political, political security, advisor political, political leader, stable politicalmission, military, force, observer, peace8
ppke.hu…a very important gap, and the international professional community also pays attention to the research and teaching of bionics. At the Faculty of Law and Political Science, you can discover the different forms and norms of human coexistence found in the world, from Roman law to the present day.law political, political sciencefaculty, study, student, scholarship, international7
primefund.huspecialist lawyer in banks, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, PázmányPéter Catholic Universitylaw political, political sciencelaw, fund, investment, management, expert7
theorangefiles.huOn January 3, Prime Minister Orbán sent letters to Fidesz-KDNP supporters throughout Hungary requesting donations to help the party alliance finance its political campaign for the EP election ( source in Hungarian).alliance political, political campaign, lawyer political, political scientist, diagnosis politicalnational, file, orange, election, european7
mcc.huMCC’s Public Affairs Programs are recommended for those who wish to complement their knowledge obtained in higher education with skills and expertise that are essential to act as well-informed public leaders and decision-makers in political, economic or, cultural spheres.center political, political philosophy, legal political, political struggle, right politicalinternational, student, public, center, academy6
barandygergely.huWelcome to my website! Here you can find the most important pieces of information concerning my professional, scientific and political work. I...scientific political, political workwebsite, piece, important, scientific, parliament5
tiancheng.hu…Previously, I completed my master’s in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at ETH Zürich . My master’s thesis is about quotative usage in U.S political news. It was done at The Data Science Lab at EPFL , supervised by Manoel Horta Ribeiro , Prof. Andreas Spitz and Prof. Robert West .usage political, political news, objectivity political, socio political, political eventlanguage, social, computation, bias, student4
fvszemle.hu…down of certain consumer rights . Work on a directive that would for the first time bring together all consumer rights in a single law began two years ago in the European Parliament. But the proposal to apply the method of full harmonisation under this legislation has led to political deadlock.barroso political, political guideline, market political, political determination, legislation politicalmarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission4
humanreport.hu…and involvement in social communication processes, and understanding the problem-solving and interpretation strategies of cooperating communities. His thesis also explored the various aspects of added value and the way motivation is generated in corporate and political communication processes.corporate political, political communication, budapest political, political transition, dialogue politicalhuman, report, book, communication, social4
inditsukbe.huOur dream is to live in a country which plays a leading role in the scientific sphere, decent livelihood is guaranteed to all citizens and public issues are not unnecessary burdens but part of the daily life. This vision however is only achievable through the continuous development of the…development political, political culture, fortunate political, political elite, renewal politicalcountry, foundation, goal, data, security4
kopintalapitvany.huThe Hungarian business cycle slipped from an overheated phase to a slight recession after mid-2022 with the economy experiencing a change from a large positive GDP-gap into a similarly significant negative GDP-gap, as turns in the political business cycle allowed a restrictive economic policy…detail political, political economy, turn political, political business, measure politicaleconomic, international, literature, country, economy4
barankovics.huIn Hungary, similar to western democracies, the parties with parliamentary representation receive budget subsidies for their respective foundation. The task of these party foundations is mostly to build the political hinterland and rally supporters. Just as the operation, organisational structure…foundation political, political hinterland, party political, political rival, philosophy politicalfoundation, christian, democracy, k., activity4
etoki.hu…and administration. The aim of the Institution is to contribute to the deep and comprehensive understanding of the contemporary, European political, social, and economic processes, and to play a role in the familiarization and distribution of the result of the European social science…european political, political socialeuropean, research, education, institution, understand4
napkiado.huking resided here during the Lent. Unfortunately, the details and basement of this wonderful royal centre are still in the ground because of the political power neglecting our history. The royal castle and city of Buda were built in the second half of the 13th c. , which was the capital of the…geographical political, political economic, ground political, political power, hand politicalanthem, national, country, nation, book4
debrecenijogimuhely.hu…down of certain consumer rights . Work on a directive that would for the first time bring together all consumer rights in a single law began two years ago in the European Parliament. But the proposal to apply the method of full harmonisation under this legislation has led to political deadlock.barroso political, political guideline, market political, political determination, legislation politicalmarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission4
esztersipos.huEszter Sipos is a Budapest-based artist. Her artworks takes critical view of social, political and cultural issues. She often reflects on recent history of Eastern Europe.social political, political culturalartist, factory, issue, europe, artwork4
papprekakinga.huan elaborate series by the title Pussy Politics on the social history of obstetrics and the free birth movement in Hungary; also wrote on the matter for Eurozine. Papp researched West German students’ movements and leftist terrorism as a junior fellow at the Hungarian Institute of Political History.crisis political, political passivity, new political, political normal, europe politicaltalk, special, treatment, casual, ancient4
businessenglishonskype.huFor centuries social, political, and technological factors have forced companies and individuals to create new ways of generating profits. Whether bartering goods with a neighboring village or seeking ways to make profits from social networking, business thinking has changed, shifted, and evolved…social political, political technologicalmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy3
geopolitika.huMove Europe East: Seizing an Opportunity to Make Central and Eastern Europe’s Economic and Political Wealth Equal or Surpass that of Western Europeeconomic political, political wealthfresh, china, road, city, century3
quaestorgate.huComments Off on Hungary central banker’s claims of political interference “not credible”, U.S. saysclaim political, political interferenceoctober, gate, poster, protest, street3
themagicbox.hu​The BKV-case is a good example of how successfully can the prosecution, the police and the court work together when the political interest requires so. One of the most important roles was performed by prosecutor Szabadváriné Dr., the chief of the Department of Special Investigation. It can be…hagyó political, political rival, incident political, political showdown, court politicalcase, court, election, media, investigation3
alapjogokert.huThe Budapest-based Center for Fundamental Rights (Alapjogokért Központ) has been a Hungarian think tank dealing with political and legal analysis since 2013. The Center serves as the main organizer of CPACHungary, the only Conservative Political Action Conference on European soil. A key mission of…tank political, political legal, conservative political, political action, fundamentalism politicalhomepage, research, center, review, wake3
mrazagoston.huBetween 2010 and 2022, I was a university lecturer in political science at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). My areas of interest are European domestic policies – with special regard for Germany – and electoral systems’ impact analysis.appearance political, political analyst, unsurprisingly political, political science, lecturer politicalbiography, university, european, research, science3
mellearn.hu…must become a valid process of value creation. Higher education must, accordingly, represent the relations of performance and values in social, political and professional and scientific contexts. The Confernce has outlined sub-themes in order to cover most issues currently reflect various aspects…independent political, political party, association political, political activity, social politicallearn, education, lifelong, international, university3
nokvilaga.huWomen, despite their age, political and religious affiliation, hold their hands together and teach the world to love! The first step is to get to know each other’s culture, fashion, feeling and cuisine.age political, political religious, challenge political, political economicperformer, event, woman, country, fashion3
oroksegintezet.huThe Heritage Cultural Political Institution (Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet) founded in 2012 – unlike the majority of domestic public political institutes - has a definite profile of expertise: its main activity includes doing research and analysis, organizing conferences, handling projects and…cultural political, political institution, public political, political institute, political significancecultural, culture, research, event, publication3
budapestenergysummit.hu2008 she served as the Executive Vice President of the Budapest-based International Centre for Democratic Transition (ICDT). In 2004-05 she was editor of the ’World’ section of the Hungarian political weekly Heti Valasz where she also ran a monthly op-ed column on international issues for six years.degree political, political science, hungarian political, political weekly, mainly politicalenergy, gas, profile, view, thank3
historycruise.huThe statue of Saint Gellért is holding a cross in his hand showing us that he played an important role in baptising pagan Hungarians. This switch to Christianity was led by our holy king, Saint Stephen, and was a very important political decision. Hungarians arrived at the Carpathian Basin in 896…time political, political marriage, local political, political police, important politicalbridge, city, history, cruise, build3
ststephen.huFreemasonry, as a body, will never express a view on politics or state policy. The discussion of politics at Masonic meetings has always been prohibited. Any political extremist would be unlikely to be accepted as a member, and any brother who attempts to introduce politics into a Lodge meeting…non political, political fraternal, meeting political, political extremist, lodge politicallodge, stephen, member, mason, st.2
nagyboldizsar.huAn open, political clash between the Commission and the Hungarian Government. One of the parties is lying...open political, political clashimmigration, tax, nagy, activity, law2
szamoljademokraciaert.huSince the 1990s, governments and political leaders have done very little to get Hungarian citizens to understand the importance of their civic duty and shared responsibility that forms the basis of any functioning democracy.government political, political leader, security political, political strategymember, election, station, poll, worker2
ugyvedjeszenka.huI graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University with a degree in economic law, and I am currently studying for a post-grad degree in sports law.law political, political sciencelaw, legal, contract, economic, representation2
hungarianreview.hu…and Pittsburgh after a long period of Germanization in the nineteenth century, while the quasi-declaration of independence of the Czech–Slovak Republic appeared in New York City and Washington, DC, well before the dramatic political events unfolded at the Paris peace conferences in 1918–20."dramatic political, political eventreview, author, poem, editor, nation2
parlamentiszemle.huThe contents of the journal are determined by the independent editorial board, composed of professors and heads of departments from the fields of public law and political sciences and dealing with parliaments and parliamentary issues at Hungarian universities nationwide, former and current…legal political, political science, law politicaluniversity, professor, parliamentary, constitutional, national2
colegal.hu2022 - University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Compliance master of laws, specialised lawyerlaw political, political sciencelaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling2
startouring.huConceived in 1995 and founded in 1996, STAR Touring and Riding Association is an international family riding organization. As the, "Official Riding Organization of Star Motorcycles.," STAR is a non-political, non-confrontational association. Its main focus is on family, fun, camaraderie and…non political, political non, gradually political, political pressurewine, century, castle, country, house2
metropolis.org.huPápai Zsolt: Borderline Fixations Notes on the Political Historical and Social Psychological Context of Hungarian Films of the Horthy Eranote political, political historicalcontemporary, representation, history, social, woman2
remember.huGoing political; 2007-2008: a series of whistleblowing newspaper articles in Hungarian news outlets, highlighting discriminatory treatment of musicians signed in Eastern Europe by music publisher EMI. Some examples: newspapers Nepszabadsag , Index , HVG , Origouk, record, music, gig, europe2
civilosszefogas.huThere is a possibility that the highest form of democracy, the referendum, will work out in Hungary. The public has shown that they are capable of taking their fate into their own hands, or indeed continuously caring for their future if necessary. Meanwhile, the political parties have…necessary political, political party, love political, political interestgallery, letter, open, statement, history2
betekinto.hu…of the institution. Initially, Betekintő was published online, from the autumn of 2020, however, it has also been available in print. The title of the journal expresses its “ars poetica”: it aims to afford a glimpse into the state security files and the workings of the political police before 1990.working political, political police, history politicaleditor, security, issue, archive, scientific2
mlszsz.hu(5) The association is politically independent, doesn’t provide financial support to any political party and doesn’t do direct political activity.education political, political aim, support political, political party, direct politicalassociation, member, shall, presidency, president2
drgyolcsjudit.huJudit graduated with an MA in Law and Political Sciences from the Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary in 1997. The Budapest Bar Association admitted her as an attorney-at-law in 2000. Judit holds an LL.M. in Family Law from the Institute of Law of the Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary. She…law political, political sciencelaw, firm, legal, mediator, mediation2
hm2020.hu…and flourishing city received new public offices, avenues, channels, public lighting, horse carriageways, a subway, green parks and bridges. By the turn of the century it was a genuine rival to Vienna. Dynamic Pest grew into the country's administrative, political, economic, trade and cultural hub.administrative political, political economic, achievement political, political changeforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis2
jovomentes.hu…thinker, author of Europe's peace anthem. According to his creed, the anti-war artistic stance can serve as an urgent example for pro-peace political action today, and can greatly help the common cause of peace-making if the words of art, society and politics reinforce each other. Its mission…migration political, political leader, peace political, political actionfuture, peace, europe, european, today2
bhkka.huby Flore Perroquin Bachelor of Arts of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick (UK). She performed her summer internship at the CSDS. Energy has become a crucial issue in the international security debate and carries “significant political and...security political, political economicsecurity, study, main, booklet, international2
drogriporter.huThis documentary is about the communities of people living with HIV in Russia. It tells the story of how the members of the most vulnerable communities affected by the HIV epidemic, such as drug users, sex workers, and LGBTQ people, struggle for survival and dignity in a hostile cultural and…cultural political, political environmentdrug, people, video, harm, reduction2
szentimrey.huDr. jur. Szentimrey Mária - Hungarian Bioethics Society 25th Anniversary Conference(Venue: Budapest, Catholic University of Law and Political Science Faculty) 18. September 2015law political, political sciencelaw, legal, health, data, office2
mobicity.huThe European Union has also been providing substantial funding for decades to support the development of town-twinning so that these ties can be as strong as possible and not torn apart by day-to-day political battles. Our aim is to use our modest means to support the strengthening of…relationship political, political reason, day political, political battlecity, town, agreement, tour, programme2
ahang.huaHang took part in organizing a solidarity march after Coca Cola’s latest billboard campaign turned into a political scandal in Hungary, which also resonated internationally.number political, political somewhat, somewhat political, political petition, campaign politicalcampaign, family, public, national, care2
deepdata.huScraping, parsing, analyzing, visualising networks of the political and financial elit of Hungary.network political, political financialresearch, science, university, data, corruption2
szellkalmanalapitvany.huWelcome on our website. The Széll Kálmán Foundation was established in December 2003 with the aim of providing its members with an invitation-only intellectual platform where they can share information on social, economic, or even philosophical and very practical political issues on a regular…practical political, political issue, business political, political activityfoundation, media, page, main, people2
zoldaktiv.huThe founders of the co-operative and the staff of the enterprise work with a research and social political background, developing and offering sustainable and social activities and services in the South-Transdanubian Region.. They successively organize adult training programmes and workshops, and…social political, political backgroundsocial, tourism, cooperative, barrier, day2
szabadsagszinpad.hu…orb, while the German imperial eagle is preparing to strike. Thus does the work subserviently reflect the populist and authoritarian ruling political party's new constitution, forced upon the population again without any consultation, suggesting that the state of Hungary bears no…rule political, political party, lie political, political intentionmonument, history, civilian, government, personal2
datavik.huWe take on translational works of political and economic articles to and from English, Hungarian and German.work political, political economicclient, market, development, review, research2
europatarsasag.hu…her book "Szétzilált ország" on the development and characteristics of the Orbán-regime. Following her presentation, Miklós Mitrovits, historian, lecturer at ELTE University and the National Public Service University analysed the political situation in Poland ahead of the parliamentary elections.party political, political plan, university political, political situationsociety, europe, open, space, democracy2
nexthostel.huThe mixture of western capitalism that has been advancing relentlessly since the change of political systems, and the after effects of the more than 40 years of communist era give Budapest a strange appeal.change political, political systemhostel, apartment, room, book, contract1
a-stage.husmall 4,0m x 4,0m - for smaller appearances, smaller wedding bands, speeches, political representationsspeech political, political representationstage, installation, type, minute, capacity1
hunbisco.huIt seems that the world market raw material prices for confectionery are stabilising albeit at an elevated level. However, vulnerability remains high. Consolidation can be overshadowed by unexpected political, military, or weather events, as wellunexpected political, political militaryconfectionery, manufacturer, association, sweet, moment1
artmagazin.hu…with themes such as absurdity, embarrassment, irony and apathy. Through his paintings, he captures distant characters, silently provocative inhabitants of terrains the rules of which we are not even aware of; while his performative practice dives in the bizarre spheres of political extremism.sphere political, political extremismart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary1
budapestcapoeira.huDue to its effectiveness, even after the slavery was abolished, outlaws, criminals, notorious fighters and even high-rank political leaders knew the banned techniques. At those times, those who turned out to be capoeiristas were jailed and capoeira was considered as the sport of the poor and was…rank political, political leadergroup, training, schedule, photo, presentation1
racerbeans.huWhile its nearby neighbors of Costa Rica, El Salvador, and even Guatemala began emerging as specialty-coffee origins in the 1980s, Nicaragua’s political and economic instability through the long Nicaraguan Revolution period (roughly 1974–1990), as well as the destruction of Hurricane Mitch in…nicaragua political, political economiccoffee, small, process, dry, quality1
commonsensesociety.huCommon Sense Society was founded as a debating forum in 2009 by a group of American and European university students. They aimed to explore the ideas that have shaped our history and will greatly influence our future. In doing so, CSS became a celebration of the moral, social, political, and…social political, political culturalcommon, society, sense, event, news1
trappdominika.huhand, a sensitive painterly approach that allows for intuition and introspection; on the other, an outward-directed sensitivity that facilitates dialogues between communities in the service of collective self-knowledge while maneuvering through various emotional, cultural, and political differences.cultural political, political differenceart, exhibition, painting, artist, peasant1
szabadsagszinei.hu…of every day, regularly experience exclusion, judgment and non-acceptance, in fact that we are created from the same material. Money, health, political leaning or belonging to whichever religion does not matter. The human spirit, the innate purity and the vocation to do what is right and godd ishealth political, political leanfreedom, colour, people, therapy, real1
mehi.huCommission welcomes political agreement on new rules to boost energy performance of buildings across the EUcommission political, political agreementenergy, efficiency, institute, activity, update1
budapestlngsummit.hu…the role of Chargé d’Affaires ad interim. Ms Zombori has had a variety of assignments in Washington, serving as the First Counselor for Energy and Political-Military Affairs at the Embassy of Hungary. She was also Transatlantic Diplomatic Fellow at the US Department of State from 2015 to 2016.energy political, political militarylng, summit, gas, energy, speaker1
cij.huhow the previous generations in their families were affected by the events of 1945 and its aftermath. Activities included public events and unconventional history lessons at high schools to contribute to a political culture based on tolerance, empathy, civility and the respect of different opinions.school political, political culturemedia, center, training, independent, production1
horvathconsulting.huBalázs graduated as an economist at the College of Foreign Trade, studied Business Administration at the University of Humberside in UK, later with a Soros scholarship completed his MA studies at the Central European University specialized in the political and economic transition of CEE and also…university political, political economicsale, horvath, consulting, management, development1
orszagbarok.huNowadays Hungary is a small country we don't hear too much about but throughout the Middle Ages it was the largest cohesive political entitity in Europe. The Kingdom of Hungary existed as an independent realm for over five hundred years from 1000 A.D. to 1526 during which time it was considered…cohesive political, political entititystory, realm, kingdom, family, castle1
rabomatik.huRABOMATIK’s history started in 1982, when private individuals established, under the name protected by industrial law, their up-to-date undertaking that was possible then within the Hungarian political and legal framework. The entire professional background of the founders was involved in…hungarian political, political legalautomation, industrial, machine, branch, element1
lsealumni.huFounded in 2002, this growing, increasingly active and strictly independent Association is recognised by The London School of Economics and Political Science as the official volunteer organisation for alumni relations in Hungary. Our aim is to offer former LSE students in Hungary the chance to…economic political, political scienceassociation, british, event, news, discussion1
keresztenymotorosok.huThe Fellowship of Hungarian Christian Bikers (MKMK) is an interdenominational organization independent of any church, movement or political party. Motorcycling means a lot to us all and most of us have been riding on two wheels for years, even decades. At the same time we are believers who confess…movement political, political partygod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important1
hivo.huSermon #1: Improving the Moral, Spiritual, Economical, and Political Condition of our Nationeconomical political, political conditionrevival, christian, theology, faith, article1
nyelvinfo.hu…an ETS institution in the Netherlands for many decades when TOEFL® exam was not yet known in Hungary and our country belonged to a different political block. We specialize in teaching foreign languages and during the past decades our school developed many practices which have also been…different political, political blockexamination, language, course, school, skill1
argeomentum.hu…and summer schools. Amongst our teaching specialisations are geospatial planning, remote sensing, geodesy, agricultural and land relations and political economy, conservation planning, conflicts and mediation tools, ecosystem services valuation and research methodologies and research design.relation political, political economyresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation1
biomembrane.hu…Importantly, the environment provided a safe place for discussions on any scientific and non-scientific topics in spite of the pretty different views on religious, philosophic, political, and scientific issues. They also put emphasis on training scientists for and people of the next generations.philosophic political, political scientificuniversity, research, science, academy, member1
adamisugyvediiroda.hustudied law at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University of Budapest, Faculty of Law and Political Scienceslaw political, political sciencelaw, office, legal, area, small1
balinttarsasag.hu…the end of the 1960s, when Pál Juhász founded the psychosomatic work group at the Budapest Psychiatric Clinic. The goal of the workgroup was supervisory psychotherapy and case discussions utilizing the Balint technique; however, due to political reasons the name officially could not be emphasized.technique political, political reasongroup, saturday, society, fee, technique1
budapestguides.huAs Canadians I found it hard to understand how countries living so close together can take up arms and destroy their neighbours by following political leaders. With the U.S. sharing our huge border and the situation there I am not feeling so secure as I was before visiting E. European countries…neighbour political, political leadertour, city, hour, guide, famous1
ukrainehelp.huThis website was created by volunteers aiming to help anyone in need of information. The developers are not affiliated with any organizations, governments, authorities or political entities, official or otherwise.authority political, political entityhelp, ukraine, free, station, ukrainian1
himesudvar.huThe political changes caused a turn for the better. New investors mainly from abroad renovated and modernized the old vineries or for the sake of greater capacity and modern technology built new ones. This way all stages of winemaking take place in these factories. Cellars are used only for ageing…wine, grape, region, taste, quality1
aideko.huBut the political landscape of the world changed and the Geminins disappeared from Earth due to a deadly disease.animation, previous, texture, unity, model1
geotan.huTechnological development must focus on the human and humanist values, and both Europe and the United States have the necessary political and cultural preconditions for this.necessary political, political culturalmain, council, financial, quality, activity1
baby-chameleon.huWith seven floors of striking architecture, UMoMA shows exhibitions of international contemporary art, sometimes along with art historical retrospectives. Existential, political and philosophical issues are intrinsic to our programme. As visitor you are invited to guided tours artist talks…existential political, political philosophicalkid, little, nursery, scientist, page1
bozayattila.huOn October 23, 1956, he took part in the student demonstration against Russia’s political domination that marched from the Budapest University of Technology via Bem Square to Parliament,russia political, political dominationmusic, biography, composer, period, academy1
striker.huThere is an alarming commonality between the political power of authoritarianism and the economic power technologies of crude capitalism. It is that both the despot and the savage capitalist simply treat their material and human resources as their prey.commonality political, political poweropen, letter, president, festival, human1
wojtyla.humatter of fact, save lives and souls by our humanitarian support, giving them the best of our knowledge, regardless of race, gender, religion or political views. We believe, together with our Supporters, we are able to best use all the donations, allocate relief and give medical help with good…religion political, political viewfriendship, centre, house, poor, town1
graphicpecs.huThe 1960s were a key period in the United States, a time of unprecedented upheaval, marked by political protests, social changes and artistic experimentations. The counter-culture flourished, civil rights were asserted, and music became a reflection of the aspirations of a committed generation…upheaval political, political protestgraphic, exhibition, festival, edition, international1
bunyevacintezet.huOur institution does its job disinterestedly – without a statement referring to national, political stand. This job includes the following tasks:national political, political standinstitution, activity, cultural, attendance, heritage1
offbiennale.hu…event. OFF’s mission is to strengthen the local independent art scene, and initiate public discourse about urgent yet neglected social, political, and environmental issues. OFF is a constant experiment that realizes the vision of a sustainable and democratic institution in the civil sphere.social political, political environmentalbiennale, association, event, large, contemporary1
cgeopol.huPrimarily the Council makes competitive , political and strategic researches and geopolitical analyses. It organizes conferences and seminars as well as holding lectures on the questions of foreign and security policy. It also undertakes the preparation of risk analyses and the handling of the…competitive political, political strategiccouncil, member, board, research, foundation1
szeged-english.huNew Faces is a European Strategic Partnership that aims to promote historical and literary understanding of the complexities of crises (cultural, linguistic, political, social, religious, and economic), to help face a complex contemporary European context.linguistic political, political socialuniversity, february, study, student, department1
concerteurope.huFive years after Nigerian Wood, Keziah Jones is back with a personal and political project, wearing the outfit of an Afro superhero,”Captain Rugged”, his quirky and socially committed doublepersonal political, political projectdetail, concert, europe, performer, dub1
dnv.huWe commit to treating all employees fairly and with respect. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, gender, age, nationality, ethnic background, skin colour, political opinion, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, marital status, physical constitution…colour political, political opiniondiversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group1
eltearabszak.hu…exchange (1933–1938) falls into the period of Nazi rule in Germany, shedding some light on the ways in which each of them negotiated the political intricacies, temptations and dangers of the period. The situation completely changed for the two scholars during the second period of their…way political, political intricaciespost, reply, volume, september, october1
stipendiumhungaricum.huWhen our graduates return to their home countries with marketable skills and knowledge, they can build social, political and economic relationships, thus contributing to extending and deepening cooperation between Hungary and their home countries.social political, political economicstipendium, study, programme, scholarship, finder1
foodscience.org.huThe Foundation does not practice political activity, does not depend on political parties, does not support them, does not nominate representative into local government and parliament, does not support activity and election of political candidate. The Foundation can not accept support from…foundation political, political activity, activity political, political party, election politicalfood, science, foundation, development, research1
ivanyifilm.hu…but also to outstanding social service. In recent decades, the pastor has spoken out on a number of human rights issues, standing up for the vulnerable and persecuted. Since 2010 he has been under regular political attacks and his work has been obstructed by those in power through various means.regular political, political attackpastor, soul, portrait, documentary, director1
doubledecker.huEdina received an MA in political sciences from ELTE University, then graduated as a PR expert at the Budapest Business School. After several years in the corporate comms sector (Hewlett-Packard) and then on agency side, Edina joined Double Decker in 2010. Her responsibilities are key account…ma political, political sciencedouble, brand, agency, media, expertise1
europeuncensored.huThe Future of Europe debate needs to be open and free. We have to restart Europe. Without useless political correctness, without taboos, completely UNCENSORED.useless political, political correctnesseurope, future, strong, identity, nation1
hdktranslate.huI earned my law degree in 2001 at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences.law political, political sciencetranslation, law, text, price, deadline1
kanadistak.huMany of our members are acclaimed experts of Canadian culture and literature, while we also take pride in our young and in the creative members who represent areas like law, media and political science. We are offering information on the various fields of activity our members are involved in. What…media political, political sciencecanada, canadian, study, conference, central1
ifes.hu…Hungarian universities. We want to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our fellow students and to establish student groups , where we can study the Bible and talk about the most important things of life and where everyone is welcome - regardless of religious, political or ethnical background!religious political, political ethnicalchurch, group, student, christian, international1
sermones.hu…too, to be considered. The strong presence of Observant Franciscans in Hungary was even more strengthened by the intensive support of the political elite, including the king and practically all the magnates between 1445 and 1526. The political alliance between the elite and the friars…support political, political elite, magnates political, political allianceedition, de, research, digital, oeuvre1
abouthungary.huBalázs Hidvéghi insisted the recently elected Polish government headed by former European Council President Donald Tusk had launched a political revenge campaign against its opponents.tusk political, political revengenews, brief, minister, slovakia, latest1
menhely.huThe Shelter Foundation is an independently run organisation. The foundation is not influenced by any level of government, political parties or businesses. However, the foundation aims to work harmoniously with all other organisations, businesses and individuals who also aim to alleviate the…government political, political partyfoundation, mission, shelter, organisation, homeless1
bibliatanitasok.hu…Discourses of the Hungarian Church Representatives (1842-1941). She also wrote about premillennialism and its pro-Israel, philosemite political and theological influences. Dealing with the reasons of anti-semitism in the churches and the controversial history and theology of the Church…philosemite political, political theologicalchurch, bible, book, jewish, christian1
budapestjewishwalk.huSoon after Hungary was granted independence in 1867 and the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was formed, the equality of Jewish citizens in their political rights was finally declared and together with...citizen political, political rightview, jewish, tour, child, city1
tabellio.hu…on legal matters apart from their procedures, they may not prepare any private documents, and with very narrow exceptions they may not assume legal representation. In most procedures territorial jurisdiction of the notary is determined by law. Notaries must not engage in political activities.notary political, political activitynotary, law, colleagues, data, protection1
szaszlilla.hu…circumstances try to find goals in their lives and survive with the help of simple joys, with which they can forget about their misery for a while. She searches for stories that are very personal and universal at the same time to reveal the socio-political contradictions in contemporary society.socio political, political contradictionyork, art, photo, award, book1
extralady.hu…which allowed East German refugees to head for the West. Reading many new publications and attending rallies for newly established democratic political parties, I was swept up by the atmosphere of unbounded hope for our future. Today, such sentiments seem like childish naivete, or at least like…democratic political, political partybook, big, russia, legitimate, british1
1956osintezet.huDoctor of Science. He was research fellow of the 1956 Institute since 2000. His main fields of interest are the political and military history of the 20 th century, the antisemitism, and the secret services.interest political, political militaryinstitute, foundation, history, research, historian1
blss.huWe have more than 30 vehicles in our fleet with limousines, minibuses, and buses of various sizes, but the strength of our service is the work of our well-trained and experienced chauffeurs. We regularly transport tourists, tourist groups, businessmen, dignitaries, performers, and business and…business political, political delegationbus, vehicle, main, page, limousine1
agnesrajacic.huYoung people are rebelling in North Africa. Although the political breakthrough came only a few months ago, social change hasafrica political, political breakthroughpublication, revolution, march, post, woman1
gergenyi.huHe received his diploma at the University of Szeged at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences in 2007. He was a trainee lawyer from 2008 to 2011 at a famous Hungarian law firm. The next day following his graduation he went to a trial and since then he has had hundreds of separate procedures. He…law political, political sciencelegal, office, law, procedure, contract1
csaladtudomany.huThe political and economic power to dismantle the family recognized correctly that the family can best be weakened and ruined by influencing people’s sexual behavior. Due to their successful activities, couple relationships in Hungary have become rough and the institution of marriage and family…family, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter1
apertura.huThe concept of Central and Eastern Europe is a battleground for political and historical interpretations. Without intending to draw borders and to make exclusions, we approach Central and Eastern European documentaries from their common history, and we think the region can be regarded as a unique…battleground political, political historical, socialist political, political system, economic politicaldocumentary, winter, fall, spring, summer1
creativedu.huThus, in our work, we focus on the topics of global (citizenship) education, finding new and creative education methods, increasing the sensitiveness to global challenges, and finding ways for political integration.way political, political integrationcreative, education, method, global, educational1
iccecip.huThe current international political situation and the EU sanctions directly and indirectly affect the energy security of the countries of the European Union. The energy sector is a very important segment between the critical infrastructures. The new motto of this year’s conference is “The impact…international political, political situationconference, university, infrastructure, international, protection1
truckroadshow.hu…are the ideal vehicle for show-casing products, sales events, special offers, competitions, musical performances, sports events, concerts, political campaigns, product ad campaigns, business meetings or family-based events. We know that the key to ensuring that such an event is successful…concert political, political campaigntruck, event, purpose, reference, main1
turisztikaitanulmanyok.hu…and our studies are published with a DOI number. Our other important goal is to obtain a category C rating from Section IX. (Section of Economics and Law – including sociology, demography and political sciences) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and to strengthen international visibility.demography political, political sciencestudy, tourism, page, rural, development1
diplomaticmagazine.huOn the occasion of 104th Independence Day, annually observed on May 28, the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Hungary hosted a grand reception at Aranybástya Restaurant, attended by the Political Director of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, high officials of government agencies, heads…restaurant political, political directormagazine, diplomatic, interview, public, colour1
idegennyelvumedia.hu…also in the sense that as a member of the European Union and NATO, Hungary is a significant factor for foreigners who do not speak Hungarian. Political, economic, or even business news may have a serious impact on other countries or companies, so Hungarian political or economic news interest…hungarian political, political economicmedia, news, language, foreign, supporter1
boroczkycsaladok.huA member of the Böröczky’s Burgenland branch was Franz Böröczky (Böröczky Ferenc, 1922-2002) who made a brilliant political career in Austria. He was born in town Kittsee in Burgenland, he was member of the Burgenland Landtag (1964-1969) and the Österreichischer Bundesrat (1969-1974). At the same…brilliant political, political careerfamily, branch, county, descendant, origin1
nfi.huFires, recycling and political censorship further aggravated the tragedy of lost Hungarian filmsrecycling political, political censorshipnews, national, institute, festival, animation1
zeneszalon.huClubbing and electronic dance music started acquiring popularity in Hungary following the change of regime in 1989. The political liberty and cultural boom of western culture broke the ice for the clubbing scene, with a number of venues starting all around the nation, especially in Budapest and…regime political, political libertymusic, classical, concert, event, radio1
dhotel.huc) political political service, service, commissioner, commissioner, governmental governmental service service under under the the Government Government Administration Administration Act,political servicebath, act, guest, room, relationship1
kfib.huSince 2011 we have been working to make the impacts of budgetary policies easier to understand for everyone who takes an interest in the matters of political economy in Hungary. We are confident that the country needs professional reasoning based on empirical facts to become a priority. We think…matter political, political economy, priority political, political discourseanalysis, budget, fiscal, projection, impact1
lawyerbudapest.huView the latest news and breaking weekly news and current news, plus political news for Hungary. all the latest breaking stories.plus political, political newslaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat1
corvinak.huLeading EU and member state politicians and political commentators closely observed the election campaign in Poland in recent months. Indeed, the stake of the October election was high and centred around the question whether Law and Justice (PiS) would stay in power, or the opposition would…politician political, political commentatoropinion, general, election, airport, vote1
publicholidays.huPublic holidays in Hungary are referred to as national holidays. In addition to those that are officially sanctioned, the country observes numerous religious and political observances. All workers in Hungary are entitled to paid national holidays. Local and territorial observances are usually…religious political, political observancepublic, holiday, day, saint, christmas1
angolaembassy.huVisitors can also closely follow the activities of our Diplomatic Mission in its wide range based on the political and diplomatic relations, friendship and cooperation between the Republic of Angola and Hungary.range political, political diplomaticangola, embassy, event, diplomatic, sector1
servicemania.huwith distinction 1992. Juris Doctor with “Summa cum Laude” (law degree) September – December 1992. – International Institute of Sociology of Law – (Onati, Spain) 1987-1992 university studies – Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences References, Professional Experiences…law political, political scienceaccounting, payroll, staff, management, quote1
erzsebetpince.hu(Elizabeth Cellars) is a family winery founded by one of the first female winemakers in Tokaj, Erzsébet (Elizabeth) Prácser. In the year of the political change in Hungary, 1989, to start their own family business, Erzsébet and her husband bought a cellar in the old wine merchants’ street (Bem…year political, political changewine, winery, family, vineyard, coffee1
mihalikpeter.huHe was born in 1958. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences in 1985, earning a summa cum laude degree. He has worked as a lawyer since 1989 and as a private lawyer since 1992. His professional experience is focused on company law…law political, political sciencelaw, image, lawyer, firm, private1
mta-tkk.hu…or by applying radical solutions when necessary, to ensure the visibility of the marginalised and to advocate for them, to shed light on the political and societal responsibilities. He has worked tirelessly for years, his efforts manifested in the proposal and ratification of the Sign Language…light political, political societallanguage, news, research, deaf, chance1
kultplay.huWhat is left of the radicality and political message of the joint? What is left of it's shining glory of "fuck them all?" Well, consuming pot is a minor offense (thankfully) kept alive by administration (not in Budapest. We'll have a Marijuana March next sunday though, it is still a bloody fight…radicality political, political messagereader, art, social, installation, european1
drszalay.hu…1999 and 2006, he worked as an in-house counsel at UNION Insurance Company. In 2001, he obtained a legal specialisation in company law from Péter Pázmány Catholic University in Budapest. Between 2004 and 2006, he completed a course of study for political experts, organised by Corvinus University.study political, political expertlaw, attorney, client, legal, office1
ceid.huCEID is co-hosting an event about the Hungarian foreign policy decisions in cooperation with Political Capital and the CEU Democracy Institute. Since 2010 the Hungarian government has taken a more active international role, including in the Western Balkan. What economic interests shape Hungarian…cooperation political, political capitalagreement, event, foreign, previous, partnership1
hta.org.huThe aim is to create a positive understanding of the tire industry and its products amongst the general public, communities, to advise participants of economic and political life, to achieve an appropriate and globally competitive legislative and regulatory environment.economic political, political lifetire, association, member, tyre, director1
ccor.huProfessor László Végh (Department of Mathematics, London School of Economics and Political Science) will be a guest of the Corvinus Center for Operation Research (CCOR) the next two weeks. As part of his visit, a minicourse and a workshop will be organized. Continue Reading …economic political, political sciencegame, theory, seminar, research, operation1
focusfox.huThe film was shot in 1947 but originally it had been planned to be made before the war. For different political reasons the shooting was postponed and the final version also differed very much from the original screenplay, in this case, due to some other political reasons. The challenge of the…different political, political reason, case politicalwebsite, production, post, commercial, studio1
kossuthpince.huFounded in 1961, the Kossuth Vintners' Association was for many years, one the biggest professional wine making associations in Hungary. After the political changes in 1989 the membership of the association changed significantly, the production profile became more refined and the association was…hungary political, political changewine, association, grape, dish, deep1
menekultugyved.huThe Republic of Hungary shall grant refugee status to an alien who, owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social group, is outside the country of nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear…nationality political, political opinionasylum, citizenship, immigration, attorney, procedure1
wingtsuncsorna.hu…that the old system was way too complicated, started to lose its real fighting value and needed disproportionally much time to learn it. In the political-power relations of China at that time, it was a serious disadvantage, which made the masters leaving the Shaolin temple consider, in the…time political, political powerman, art, martial, technique, special1
hirtalalo.huA recent survey found that Hungarian society is deeply divided on the issue, and political preferences also influence how people view the question.issue political, political preferenceoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
azumba.huThe best meeting apps have integrated tools to get collaborating and taking quick insights during a mother board or panel meeting. Collaborate with picked people in real-time or perhaps create private annotations for personal notes. Political election on a document in-person or perhaps online and…note political, political electionlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule1
europeandanubeforum.huA special section on our website is dedicated to studies that seek to shed light on the political, economic and social background. For example, it deals with geopolitical studies, economic theories and economic policy in general, demography, environmental protection and statistics that will…light political, political economiceuropean, danube, forum, media, alternative1
kisebbsegiombudsman.huMinority communities in Hungary have had great expectations about the new Parliament elected in April 2010. They were hoping that the two-third majority of the governing political forces would pass the legislation vital for their interests that had not been adopted for years due to the lack of…majority political, political force, lack political, political consentminority, ethnic, national, commissioner, parliamentary1
szamiroma.hu…of minority cultures. The next day Arne Berg of NRK moderated the Minorities, Identity, Music panel where presenters looked at cultural and political aspects, the relationship of music and language in the culture of non-majority communities as well as the representational potential of culturalcultural political, political aspectmusic, voice, norwegian, artist, norway1
magyarugyved.huDr György MAGYAR graduated in law from Faculty of Law and Political Science, ELTE (Budapest) in 1973. He was admitted to the bar in 1977. He is a revered guest speaker to many legal conferences, giving lectures on data protection, tort law and on the aspects of criminal law. He is the honorary…law political, political sciencelaw, introduction, expertise, case, bar1
afshin.hu…to practice medicine and indulge in his passion for writing. He devotes his debut novel, Whispering Date Palms to the promotion of education and awareness of human rights. Based on a fictionalised account of his own life he uses his novel to bring light to the human toll of political decisions.toll political, political decisionsurgeon, plastic, heart, introduction, order1
mta.hufar. Africa is the most authentic location for the discussion of this topic because, unfortunately, the low-income states of the continent will be harshly affected by climate change. Therefore, climate justice will be one of the most important scientific and political problems of the coming decades.scientific political, political problemscience, academy, research, member, forum1
360fokbringa.hu…is very sad. They are a Muslim minority in Myanmar, pursued by the Buddhist Minority of the country because of some crazy propaganda made for political reasons; they have no citizenship in that country, neither in Bangladesh. Here they are only refugees, with limited rights and only have an ID…propaganda political, political reasonday, people, road, asia, way1
aacm.hu…was an opportunity for decision-makers and practitioners to ask questions to accelerate the energy retrofitting of condominiums from both, a political and an operational point of view. We have launched two surveys to found out the opinion of the participants. The first targeted the…condominium political, political operationaleurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
dzalapitvany.huPhylloxera epidemic, the age of wine adulterations, the dictate of Trianon, the Great Depression, the losses of the World War II and the practical realization of Communism – the historic challenges Hungarians found themselves confronted with, by the time of political and economic changes of the…time political, political economicfoundation, wine, vineyard, map, generation1
socialstudies.huThe courses and subjects offered at our department follow an interdisciplinary approach combining the theoretical foundations of sociology and political sciences, and the research findings providing the knowledge base for social planning, community development, family and youth affairs, social…sociology political, political science, engagement political, political actionsocial, research, department, science, apply1
nyitraizsolt.huhas to come up with prompt and effective answers to the technological challenges of our time. He also noted that European Union needs to shift into higher gear since the political regimes of our global competitors with communities of greater populace are more adapt and faster-reacting to challenges.gear political, political regimenews, presidency, europe, european, spectrum1
betonutepito.huLooking back into the past for a bit, the history of Betonútépítő Vállalat (National Concrete Road Construction Company) perfectly illustrates how a Central-Eastern-European company could successfully adjust itself into a constantly changing and often very hectic economic and political environment.economic political, political environmentway, group, destination, structure, organizational1
hklegal.hu…and Latin-American firms in Hungary and worked as an economist both in Hungary and Latin America. He graduated „summa cum laude” in 2001 at the political science faculty and in 2002 at the law faculty of ELTE University, Budapest. He spent his academic practice at the Dornbach and Hegyvári…laude political, political sciencelegal, law, attorney, energy, investment1
aliscainvest.huOur grandfather began his business in 1970, the main profile was the preparation of construction sites and the demolition of buildings. The given political conditions and Moscow's authority did not allow us the dynamic growth but through these hard times the external and internal demolition of the…building political, political conditiondemolition, building, reference, construction, city1
mbve.huThe association does not pursue direct political activities. It is independent from political parties.direct political, political activity, independent political, political partymember, security, association, market, manager1
szakiszovetseg.huCommunities based on economic solidarity need access to spaces that will enable them to expand. The Alliance therefore puts a priority on the acquisition of appropriate real estate, an area that has unavoidable political aspects. It seeks buildings that can provide affordable housing, community…unavoidable political, political aspectcommunity, acre, mission, build, real1
nextapartments.huThe mixture of western capitalism that has been advancing relentlessly since the change of political systems, and the after effects of the more than 40 years of communist era give Budapest a strange appeal..change political, political systemapartment, room, margaret, island, brochure1
barnoczki.huMy name is Dávid Dr. Barnóczki, I graduated at Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. I have experience mainly in the field of civil law, labour law, commercial and economical law, criminal law, administrative law, constitutional law and immigration law (working…law political, political sciencelaw, procedure, practice, economical, legal1
refkossuthter.huThe political changes after 1989 revived some possibilities: a parsonage was built, catechesis classes restarted, and the community’s activities were again frequented by the members. Small groups were formed; the church was full of life again. The members became better acquainted with each other…congregation, god, church, jesus, family1
zsolnaycafe.hu…to perfection. Back in the day, the famous novelist Ferenc Móra had a room here, and this was also when the Szondi pub was established, and it was in the hotel that the novelist Zsigmond Móricz founded his unique literary and political club that was centred on the literary journal ‘Nyugat’ (West).literary political, political clubdessert, coffee, tradition, famous, build1
nokatud.hu…stereotypes (2) promote a counter-narrative to the traditional family roles (3) create opportunities for teachers to deconstruct gender norms (4) support children in recognizing gender norms and their effect from an early age (5) promote gender equality in political and economic decision making.equality political, political economicscience, girl, woman, technology, field1
hungaryinstant.hu…fertile ground for conspiracy theories; even though a woman dying in a car accident is less weird than a man being shot four times by a paid political assassin, her death has attracted more conspiracy theories because it had a bigger outcome. A princess dying in a car accident doesn’t feel big…time political, political assassinpeople, theory, thing, like, fact1
osas.hu…knew him, was a par excellence conceptual artist. As a hard-core liberal all his life with a deep respect to social values, he was often making political statements with and by his mobile sculptures both in the communist years from the mid-sixties as well as recently for he just could not stand…value political, political statement, édeske political, political regime, way politicalart, post, open, exhibition, structure1
furedi-annamaria.huSimilarly, a large amount of make-up is applied to the whole portray of the era, too: the unrealistic neatness of streets, clothes and hairdos, and the unrealistic political correctness when it comes to behavior or communication.unrealistic political, political correctnesscanada, woman, people, thing, category1
karpatvasut.huMÁV purchased altogether 20 of this kind of locomotives. In spite of the fact that the NOHAB factory was ready to manufacture and deliver further vehicles, the political circumstances at that time prevented their procurement. The Soviet leadership was in disfavour of letting a neutral country…vehicle political, political circumstancesengine, railway, locomotive, track, coal1
architectbenyo.huBENYÓ & SON ARCHITECT STUDIO, an architectural design office, providing consulting and other specialist services is a Limited Liability Company, one of the first established in Hungary in 1990, shortly after the political and economic transition.shortly political, political economicarchitect, complex, plan, town, reference1
kiskozossegek.hu…– both in rural and urban areas. These small communities can contribute to achieve an environmentally friendly way of living, building strong relationships among people living in the same place, and strengthening the local economy. We believe that we can solve the ecological crisis only if…community, small, programme, local, ecological0
mcdaniel.huAverage of 8 students per class. Many seminars and independent studies directly with professors. Small, multicultural community constitute the most important advantage of the McDaniel Experience.student, application, fee, expense, american0
szombathely2030.huAn internationally unique development and test environment, ranging from households to senior homes and thermal baths to virtual hospital infrastructure. There is a particular emphasis on sports, stroke and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. It combines academic and applied research with user needs.unanimous political, political supportenvironment, rehabilitation, development, international, city0
caboverdeconsul.huhours) and North America (7-8 hours), Cape Verde is a potential platform for trade betweeneconomic political, political socialrepublic, investment, cape, country, general0
new-buddha.hu…various sources, e.g. from books, films, music, science, religion, arts, the Internet, etc. You already know everything about life – my apologies to the exceptions. This knowledge is sufficient for self-realisation. There are, however, some sensitive issues; the answers I give to these are worthpolitics political, political discussionreligion, issue, music, exception, answer0
ahproduction.huAntenna Hungária covers over 1700 sports and cultural events annually. Exclusive broadcast production partner of the home matches of the National Teams and the clubs tournaments in Champions League and Europa League along with National Championships and League competitions in football, handball…ceremony political, political eventchampionship, production, broadcast, european, woman0
mma-mmki.huThe electronic publications of the Institute of Art Theory and Methodology of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA MMKI) can […]art, institute, publication, close, cultural0
exindex.huexindex – Contemporary Art Magazineexhibition political, political spaceart, gallery, focus, contemporary, magazine0
szabihid.huover the bridge. It became natural to use the bridge as a public space. People enjoyed the freedom of Szabihíd lounging in the hammocks both provided by Valyo and brought by themselves. They organized sporting events, yoga classes, parties. The Szabihíd Project irrevocably became a part of Budapest.political eventbridge, space, event, public, city0
davidzsofia.hu…Nationally Established. Internationally Recognized Free Consultation Criminal planCriminal Law"> Our Independence Makes the Difference Nationally Established. Internationally Recognized Free Consultation Business law planBusiness Law"> Our Independence Makes the Difference Nationally Established.political expertlaw, injury, criminal, personal, family0
countrystyle.huModule Variations add diversity to your site's appearance. Syndicate is bundled with 20 module class suffixes, 14 of which are style based suffixes that can be combined to create a total...political newsstyle, country, news, module, template0
hclu.hu…proposal with a single sentence. However, according to Amnesty International Hungary, the Eötvös Károly Institute, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the regulatory framework of the state of danger should be transformed and the Government’s unjustified…law, freedom, union, rule, news0
hajnalmt.huTLDR: Here is my new CV written in latex: English CV Hungarian CV The source code link on Overleaf: Hajnal Mate CV. Intro Today I stumbled upon the task to refresh my CV and I decided tha...economic political, political discussionkubernetes, sail, welcome, page, setup0
colosseumrecords.huBrowse and buy Vinyl and CD records from our extensive collection, including genres like Rock, Pop, and Jazz, from countries around the world.condition, mint, cart, sleeve, media0
macfigyellek.huHatározza meg az eszközök biztonságának gyengeségeit vagy sebezhetőségeit. Ez magában foglalja annak felmérését, hogy az egyes eszközök mennyire érzékenyek az azonosított fenyegetésekre.social political, political movementsecurity, view, news, insight, safety0
hungarytoday.hu30 years ago, the Hungarian minority in Slovakia formulated the principles of self-determination and expressed their demand for self-government.european political, political sceneryeuropean, minister, flight, latest, government0
kissasian.huAsian Drama, Watch drama asian Online for free releases in Korean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong,Thailand and Chinese with English subtitles, Download drama with english subbeddrama, asian, free, reality, kong0
studentguide.huHome - StudentGuide - Representative of Foreign Students in Hungarypolitical scienceuniversity, engineering, student, economic, medicine0
javorbenedek.huenergy energy policy European Commission European Parliament European Union Greens Hungary investigative journalism paks Paks2 press freedom transparency whistleblower directive whistleblower protection whistleblowersmedia, european, mep, letter, story0
beretzkyagnes.huINTRODUCTION TO HISTORIOGRAPHY… BRITISH HISTORY II. TEXTS… BRITISH HISTORY II. DATES AND FACTS… THE…spec political, political ideologyhistory, specialization, british, text, assessment0
womenscareer.huAndrea Ferenczi, president of the Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary, board member of Older Women’s Network Europe has been invited by INPEA (International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse) and Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service to speak at their CSW59…social political, political lifewoman, career, development, association, release0
ishs.huThe purpose of the International Society for Hermeneutics and Science is to develop an understanding of the role of hermeneutics in natural sciences through, among other activities, organizing meetings, editing a newsletter, disseminate information, and facilitate discussions by an international…institute political, political sciencescience, society, international, vienna, university0
por.hu- - Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer (IBMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), Department of Thoracic Medical Oncologyuniversity political, political scienceuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine0
policyagenda.huWe will show you the world that we are surrounded by. Our interpretations are based on facts and figures. We do not claim to know how social issues are to be resolved but we are aware of the fact that effective communication will lead to solution ultimately. To this end we undertake to find the…agenda, homepage, analysis, fact, research0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)political comedy, origin political, political correctness, authority political, political opponentdocumentary, islam, history, america, article0
isourcing.huAbout Us… Finding and identifying sources of supply… Tender processes and tendering… Supplier…economic political, political capitalanalysis, source, international, market, process0
4seasons-klima.hu© 2021 4seasons-klima. Minden jog fenntartva.exploration political, political economicalquick, close, view, climate, computer0
romakepmuhely.hu…film club, based on student involvement, active participation. In the tradition of engaged scholarship it has become a place of cultural resistance, moving the lessons into unique cultural spaces open for public. It pays critical attention to the media and other visual representation of the…artistic political, political activityvisual, season, lab, image, book0
hatc.huThis is a sample edition of Hungary Around the Clock and is updated once every week. To view more recent articles, go to the Editor's Picks page.political newsnews, clock, september, strike, teacher0
drkocsis.huThe law firm is specialized in intellectual property protection, especially in the area of industrial property , with special regard to trade marks and European Union Trade Marks . As far as trade marks are concerned, we provide general legal advice on the absolute and relative grounds of refusal…budapest political, political sciencelaw, firm, trade, property, member0
konyvlap.hu0,00 € / 0 items 0 Cart… Add to cart… Chess Lyrics by A. F. Mackenzie. 1887-1905. Edited by Alain C…vol political, political culturalcart, book, music, manuscript, rare0
petroleum.huTo protect and promote the general interests and social reputation of oil industry and trade. Seal of the Association: Hungarian Petroleum Association, Budapestchange political, political systempetroleum, association, oil, industry, environment0
malikdr.huPOLITICAL THEORY… METHODOLOGY… SOCIAL STUDIES… WORLD…political theorytheory, game, methodology, politics, hello0
marmin.huNeil used used this this platform platform to to generate generate 11,000+ 11,000+ hits hits - - for for FREE FREE - - to to one one of of his his websites. websites. He He doesn't doesn't know know SEO, SEO, he he doesn't doesn't have have time time to to market market this. this. And And he he…political contentlead, site, visitor, free, website0
pannonbiotech.huPannonian Plant Biotechnology Conference for Ph.D Students in Plant Biology (28 - 29 April, 2014, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary)provisional political, political agreement, andriukaitis politicalbiotechnology, plant, association, research, seminar0