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2243 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: important

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seohun.huDuring local SEO keyword research, we identify keywords that generate the most traffic during local searches. This is especially important for local businesses that focus on local customers.engine important, important video, content important, important message, build importantwebsite, analysis, research, strategy, keyword29
munkavedinfo.huNowadays, it’s essential to have access to accurate legal advice and assistance. With the constantly changing landscape of the law, it’s important to stay informed and protected. Whether it’s understanding the legal requirements for street legal LED headlights or the process and impact of a free…exception important, important latest, ontario important, important resource, quickly importantlegal, law, agreement, regulation, crucial26
azumba.huHey everyone! As we navigate the world of adulthood, we often come across various legal guidelines and regulations that are important to understand. Whether you’re a student, a tenant, or an aspiring professional, it’s crucial to be aware of the rules that govern our daily lives. Here are some key…easy important, important information, lawsuit important, important data, expense importantlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule20
helping-hand.huADHD children are constantly struggling with lack of self-esteem. There is tremendous strength in praise for such a child, so teachers and parents shall always organize activities so that the child can do something good, have a sense of achievement and be praised. For children with ADHD, it is…child important, important family, therapy important, important child, important teacherchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten19
indicon.hu…and Eco Plus (singl-, two-stage, or modulation control) versions. The number of zones (equivalent to the number of installed R-M modules) can be increased from one up to eight, regardless of the heater types used in any separate zone. The most important advantages of the bus-based control system:zone important, important advantagecontroller, zone, sensor, heating, input19
pepperpr.hu…contract with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. With this move Flextronics has engaged itself to Hungary again, and strengthened its strategy in which beside the operation of the Hungarian company seats, the added high-quality products and services play an important role.october important, important hr, hr important, important unit, list importantpepper, software, technology, market, office14
allon4centrum.huImagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.imagination important, important knowledgeimagination, example, page, portfolio, knowledge13
tamasmagusmedium.hu…during meditations, sensed or saw helpers, but of course this is an advanced category. So everyone in the group can find the meditation that is important to them, who just wants to relax, who just wants to get better, who wants to get better, who wants to sleep well, who just wants to be more…people important, important compatible, knowledge important, important person, day importantcourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health13
freedroid.huIt is important to be chic. I love the 2000s because everyone started to love haute couture. I always say: To be well dressed you must…important chicstyle, general, travel, game, lifestyle13
ora-akcio.huIn the legal realm, it’s important to understand the concept of legal bindings . Much like the characters in “Lagaan” were bound by their circumstances, individuals and organizations are bound by legal agreements and obligations that must be upheld.portal important, important quality, specifically important, important market, today importantlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements12
kophaza.huKópháza /Koljnof, is a large village in Győr-Moson-Sopron country of ~2000 inhabitants, near Sopron (5 km). Nowadays are less people in the village, who speak the language Croatian, approximately 43,6%. The villages near Kópháza are Harka and Nagycenk. The most important sight is a chapel. This…nagycenk important, important sight, house important, important history, tourism importantvillage, country, chapel, welcome, century10
pannoncsoport.huWe have maintained strategic cooperation with many of PANNON Group's Owner-Partners for several years, even decades. We believe that predictability, reliability and mutual support and assistance in long-term goals are particularly important. Our recently launched joint work with PANNON Centrum Kft…way important, important principle, field important, important equally, brand importantopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market10
inmategym.huThe answer is simple: if you wanna be strong, good looking and really fit, then you have to do all in one. For most of you, the “looking good” is the one that may be the most important. We can agree on that. But in order to maximise muscle growth, you must work on your strength and endurance power…good important, important order, extremely important, important endurance, important steadytraining, body, session, muscle, like10
marmin.huYour website website speed speed is is one one of of the the most most important important ranking ranking factors factors in in search search engines engines like like Google.speed important, important rank, focus important, important thing, media importantlead, site, visitor, free, website10
pestbuda.huThe father of the Lágymányos residential houses, architect József Fischer was born 150 years ago Architect József Fischer was one of the important creators of the large-scale residential house constructions that began at the beginning of the 20th century. His buildings still define the image of…building important, important role, area important, important logistic, wave importantago, square, public, build, century10
trashvagyok.huAt their core, keywords are one of — if not the most — single important component of a successful SEO campaign. Keywords refer to the words typed into a search box – be it on Google, Bing, or Yahoo. However, there is much more to keywords than just that.single important, important component, thing important, important keywordportfolio, customer, single, traffic, grid10
action2020.hu…we can provide professional background and assistance to startups, which can make the most in highly critical moments. We consider it very important that regarding the needs of businesses, by a mutual work we provide a sufficiently detailed professional information and help them from startupsutmost important, important goal, result important, important decision, development importantceo, director, manage, environmental, development9
marcellremenye.hu…was diagnosed with a special disorder, Fibular Hemimelia , which means my fibular bone is missing in my leg. For this reason, my right leg is much shorter, I can barely move my ankle, and my foot is turned outwards. Now, I’m about to have the most important surgery of my life, and I need your help.alapítvány important, important surgery, outwards important, straight important, important ablesurgery, help, donation, goal, fund8
nanotechnology.hu…effects of thermal stress on the pigmentary colors of butterfly wings, such studies regarding structural colors are mostly lacking, despite the important role they play in sexual communication. To gain insight into the possible differences between the responses of the two kinds of coloration, we…contribution important, important uv, despite important, important role, nanoscale importantpublication, butterfly, image, detail8
interpreter.hu. This means that it is crucial to provide the interpreters with as much information and material as possible before the event. Naturally, confidentiality is an important requirement in the interpreting profession; the interpreters never disclose any of the information they receive during their…confidentiality important, important requirementinterpreter, interpret, event, meeting, training8
budapestguides.hu…Castle Hill the old town in Buda drive there on the oldest street of the city. We take a walk to the Palace and along the main street passing important buildings as Presidential Palace, the oldest houses on Castle Hill. Optional visit of Matthias Church and Fisherman's Bastion. Then we drive to…walk important, important section, palace important, important attraction, street importanttour, city, hour, guide, famous8
lintimage.huAn aesthetic, well-groomed and demanding appearance is also very important for men, which is why it is becoming increasingly common for them to have hair removal and waxing as well. Whether it’s the back, chest, neck, ears, nose, eyebrows or even an intimate wax, more and more men get waxed…appearance important, important man, man important, important aspect, colour importanttreatment, care, price, hair, massage8
futureoceans.hu…and the danger these wonderful animals were exposed to. He initiated a well-needed research on the Ecuadorian manta rays, creating an important data set during several years of scuba diving by the remote island, Isla de la Plata. As he contacted and invited Dr. Csilla Ari, the…awareness important, important adaptation, ray important, important data, behavior importantmanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future7
mediawavearchivum.hu…| BENCÉS WOODSTOCK | CIMBI PROJECTS & FESTIVAL OF KISCSŐSZ | KACSA PROJECTS & CIFRA WORKSHOP | VILLÁNYI & MŰHELY | MEDIAWAVE webTV | IMPORTANT HUNGARIANFILMS & FEATURES | FILM HISTORY | IMPORTANT FILMS N THE WORLD | Hungarian from South American | 2nd Dance Camp in China | NMI |…webtv important, important hungarianfilms, history important, important filmmusic, archive, festival, dance, documentary7
aeo.huWhy is this important? It is important, because during the AEO application process the applicant is responsible for any activity that it conducts or outsources . Some of the companies that perform the above mentioned outsourced activities can and some cannot apply for the AEO certificate. This…regardless important, important aeo, process important, important way, directly importantcustom, certificate, authority, application, status7
abtl.huThe foundation of the Archives was due to an Act of the Constitutional Court of Hungary. In 1994, the Constitutional Court was examining the constitutionality of the law that had ordered the lustration of people in important public positions. They stated that the Parliament acted against the…people important, important public, person important, institute important, important rolearchive, shall, public, record, document7
por.hu- - College of Veterinary Medicine, Jiangsu Co-innovation Center for Prevention and Control of Important Animal Infectious Diseases and Zoonosesvolume important, important prognostic, aurkb important, important event, feature importantuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine7
kurultaj.hu…influences. In addition, the origin of the Hungarian tribes, to a large extent, can be attributed to Hunnic tribal alliance. One of the most important highlights of the history of Hungarians is establishing of historical homeland under the leadership of Arpad Khan (conquest of the Carpathian…master important, important craft, alliance important, important highlight, arpad importantnation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient7
garenal.hu…can happen if we live at a place where the air pollution is high or if we live under especially high stress and pressure. After a while our body cannot neutralize as many free radicals, that is why it is very important that we help our body’s work as much as we can and maintain our health this way.water important, important role, antioxidant important, important part, radical importantpowder, drink, function, health, body7
ketnyelvu-eskuvo.huThe Wedding MC's most important job is to eliminate the walls between the different cultures, and to do it without showing: it's a big effort. The best job we do is when no one can spot we're working.mc important, important job, day important, discretion important, important backgroundwedding, bilingual, united, color, big7
heartandsexuality.huIssues of sexuality are equally important for everyone and the challenging points are the same, regardless of sexual orientation. LGTBQ people also have the opportunity to join our programs, we are happy to see them.course important, important basic, equally important, important point, tender importantsexuality, training, heart, body, basic7
abece.huThe first and most important task is to provide information for the child and the parents. Even with a six or seven-year-old child, it is possible to discuss with him what the problem is, and the way it would be handled (of course, at a level appropriate to his age). It is important for the child…evaluation important, important student, section important, important step, age importantchild, problem, programme, task, treatment6
ecolres.huHungary’s richest, internationally renowned botanical garden showcases 13,000 plant species and varieties in a sentimental landscape garden that dates back two centuries. A national nature reserve and historic monument, a strategically important gene bank, an inexhaustible repository of research…waterfowl important, important seed, strategically important, important generesearch, garden, ecological, species, science6
whiterabbit.huThe Millennials reject the traditional communication solutions and style, so we have to engage them in their “voice” on “their channels”. Social media is the most important channel for that. The “Zing your life” slogan symbolizes how freely and easily can street food enter into the consumers’ lives.audience important, important era, regularly important, important way, mannequin importantcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution6
keresztenymotorosok.hu…is the basis of our value system, too. It is present in our everyday lives and determines our way of thinking and our decisions. This is quite important for us, because those who experience what God’s love and grace mean, may also experience the wonderful joy resulting from it. And not only the…decision important, important god, activity important, important role, unity importantgod, fellowship, christ, jesus, christian6
kappenabzeichen.huFrom the point of view of the Central Powers, the most important event took place on December 15, 1917 in Brest-Litovsk, where the disintegrating Russia signed an armistice agreement with [ … ]power important, important event, war important, important task, battle importantjanuary, postcard, october, corps, arm6
ferrotamin.huretching) mostly the presence of free radicals are responsible. In case of active ingredients in trivalent form fewer side effects are expected, which is important also because for an effective iron supplementation it is inevitable to use the products for a long period of time, i.e. for some months.effect important, important effective, supplementation important, important healthyiron, woman, body, supplementation, complex6
tejtermek.huIntroduction   The interbranch organizations organized in each sector play an important role in the market regulation of the sectors, within the inst...sector important, important role, important partnerorganization, milk, board, sector, market6
creatit.huOur activity is defined by several principles, but the most important one is quality work. We aim to apply high quality standards in our work in relation to both customers and technology. We believe that many factors must be coordinated for a successful project. We are therefore not a typical team…principle important, important quality, important valuesolution, reality, page, digital, main6
eutdij.huOf course for companies and for carriers it is important to know in advance exactly how much each transit will cost, since this is the way they can plan their budgets, then estimate and count their prices for clients. Although the calculation of the e-toll fee is possible at the built terminals…account important, important money, ticket important, important necessary, carrier importantvehicle, device, road, axle, easy6
weinberg.hu…and drive our business lines forward. As in everyday life, we look for stability also in business. For a customer, therefore, the most important thing is that the company performing the construction is reliable. The more than 27 years we have spent in the construction industry have shown…customer important, important thing, procedure important, important healthcare, sárospatak importantconstruction, general, award, steel, structure6
betalab.huWe have several methods for determining physical development. In addition to determining the size and morphological age, bone age can be estimated. Within the framework of the BETA project, I have the opportunity to get to know one of the most exciting stages of child development. I find it…parent important, important child, development importantadolescent, lab, cognitive, development, biological6
angolmesekert.huWhile training we feel it is very important to take into account not only groups of children, but also the special interests and needs of the individual child. Therefore, planned interests and needs are reflected in the activities for the children. These activities are made to be fun and…concept important, important child, independence important, family important, important teamchild, preschool, introduction, education, development6
komplexinstrukcio.hu…a stable structure for the classes. The teacher first starts with an introduction of the activities prepared for the class. This is in itself important as the children can follow the whole process and they know what to expect. After an introduction follows a short group warm-up activity that…intelligence important, important thing, important pupil, class important, important childschool, teacher, child, pupil, group6
punkt.hu‘It has become important for me to work against the phoney world around us’ – In conversation with András Viziinterview, conversation, gallery, photographer, news6
bte.huBeside the leaders mentioned above, Nagy Zsolt, chairman of our association – International Professional Association of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors – presented the important changes of ADR of next year. The leader of dangerous shipment section of NDGDM (National Directorate General for…advisor important, important change, app important, important road, success importantassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor6
qstest.hu"As a former Sensix customer, the quick transition to Qualysoft in January 2015 was a pleasant surprise for us. The fact that our most important contacts moved to Qualysoft, and the professional structures at Qualysoft we could see from the onset, have validated our choice to rely on the services…fact important, important contact, increasingly important, important role, care importantmanagement, solution, automation, customer, process6
zsonglor.huhe social circus area in Hungary. We bring them further methods during these sessions and also they can report abour the work they are doing. Since it is not anymore the Hungarian Juggling Association being active in social circus field but many more individuals and association we find important…circus important, important identity, seeker important, important youngsters, association importantcircus, association, international, juggle, activity5
lorik.huOur criminal law office in Budapest, Hungary provides full defence services. We help to anyone involved in criminal proceedings due to one reason or another, whether (s)he is an aggrieved person, a criminal defendant (suspect or accused) or another participant in the proceedings. It is important…proceedings important, important criminal, equally important, important fact, defence importantcriminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, defence5
diamondresidence.huFor us, a strong personal relationship with our guests is a key factor in achieving as many positive guest feedback as possible. These positive feedbacks are equally important to the number of returning guests we strive to fulfill. We always hand over our apartments in person.portal important, important prospective, equally important, important numberguest, accommodation, apartment, package, booking5
iccecip.huThe current international political situation and the EU sanctions directly and indirectly affect the energy security of the countries of the European Union. The energy sector is a very important segment between the critical infrastructures. The new motto of this year’s conference is “The impact…important date, sector important, important segmentconference, university, infrastructure, international, protection5
bestwax-szortelenites.huIt is important that not all waxes are the same, they differ in ingredients and it is also important that NOT ALL WAXS ARE CALLED! – because in English the word wax means resin!ingredients important, important wax, nourish important, important step, efficient importanthair, skin, resin, appointment, intimate5
kanapeborze.hu3. The most important features to consider when purchasing Bőr-börze leather sets ar the following:assistance important, important rightleather, set, color, furniture, bed5
smithmann.huForward-looking, state-of-the-art medical technology serves a high level of healing. Its application is intended to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of care. The return of every healthy person to everyday life is important to society. In order to keep the time spent as short as possible…life important, important society, extremely important, important technologytechnology, art, care, extremely, medical5
raszta.huYo, let’s talk about some legal rights and protection like policyholder protection rules and agreements between companies like schools. When can an employer change your contract? That’s an important question to ask, it’s a real fact. The legal rights and advice are there to protect you. Now, let’s…review important, important information, uk important, important stuff, legality importantlegal, january, law, agreement, board5
ceremoniamestered.huDear Ákos Mc, Master of ceremonies, Ákos was an excellent fit for what we were looking for in a master of ceremony. He took time to listen and understand our personalities and our ideas about our wedding - something critically important for us. He was really helpful in putting together a…critically important, important helpful, day important, important successful, wedding importantceremony, wedding, feedback, guest, day5
napkiado.huThe castle in Tata belonged to the king. Esztergom was one of the most important secular and later ecclesiastical centres of the early ‘Medium Regni’, King St. Stephen was born here in the palace, and he was crowned here as well. In spite of the fact that the development of the city of Esztergom…latin important, important source, óbuda important, important clarist, esztergom importantanthem, national, country, nation, book5
sandorpalota.hu"I think the most important value is to live our lives with faith and conviction and to do our work that way."important issuemain, family, page, president, news5
technicalinterpreters.huAs a company with many years of experience, we know that accuracy and speed are significantly important to our customers. We provide technical interpretation throughout the country in the language you need. In case of personal contact, the BeneDictum translation agency is also available in…extremely important, important perfect, quality important, important interpreter, vocabulary importanttechnical, interpret, interpretation, interpreter, introduction5
szemvizsgalat.hu…activities protect macula against oxidative stress. 1,2,3 Zinc Helps functioning of different enzymes in the eye, protects the retina against oxidative stress, takes part in synthesis of rhodopsin. 4,5,6 Copper Prevents potential anemia. 7,8 Both formula and amount of nutrients are important.eye important, important sensory, light important, important essential, vitamin importantvision, eye, antioxidant, health, copper5
serpakalandpark.huData protection and data security are very important to we, the Serpa Adventure Park Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “ Company ”). Therefore, we want to inform you about which of your personal data we collect when you visit our website and for which purposes it is used.important information, security important, important serpadata, price, adventure, personal, process5
wojtyla.hu…Wadowice in Poland, the hometown of Pope John Paul II. The relationship between us has been thriving since our first visit in 2007. We have also been planning to enter into relations with other Italian and German towns that important members of the Roman Catholic Church are or were connected with.sentence important, important christmas, protection important, important topic, town importantfriendship, centre, house, poor, town5
liveinbudapest.huWhen arriving in Hungary is one of our most important tasks to do to obtain our long-term stay permit at the same time with ensuring our health care. We help from applying permits until taking over your permits. Arriving the deadline of making permit renewals we look forward to your contacting to…important note, hungary important, important taskpermit, administration, case, consulting, task5
saxon.huThe code to our creativity. When we create our concepts, the most important thing we do is keep our customer’s message in mind and give ...concept important, important thingsaxon, advertising, agency, creativity, concept5
bluechipskft.huFlawless quality and low prices – these are the main cornerstones that have helped us build our business. There is nothing more important than our client's needs and perfect reputation of our shop. Sharing is everything and we are glad to share our latest creative ideas about banquet menus and…business important, important clientdolor, sit, amet, ctetur, ipsum5
barandygergely.huWelcome to my website! Here you can find the most important pieces of information concerning my professional, scientific and political work. I...website important, important piecewebsite, piece, political, scientific, parliament5
depron.huDepron is one of the most efficient indoor thermal insulation material of the world. The energy efficiency is more and more important for you.. In the...insulation, thermal, efficient, energy, internal5
transferme.huWe at TransferMe know very well how important it is to travel in comfort and style. Especially when one leaves the country. Our Budapest-based transfer agency was born out of a need for high quality services in the Central European region and offers a wide range of vehiclestransferme important, important comforttransfer, airport, private, agency, style5
turisztikaitanulmanyok.huThe most important goal of the quarterly scientific journal Tourism and Rural Development Studies, founded in 2016, is to be – as one of the main forums for the scientific work of Hungarian tourism, hospitality and rural development researchers – an important domestic basis for the publication of…researcher important, important domestic, study important, important book, scientist importantstudy, tourism, page, rural, development5
bonitasprings.huThe rules applying to the breeding of other animals apply to the breeding of dogs too – with one, most important, extra dimension: the breeder, while striving to create better, nicer, healthier dogs, is also creating a FRIEND and COMPANION for the future owners of these animals. This principle of…character important, important general, dog important, important extra, breeder importantdog, spring, breed, breeder, member5
palcso.huWhen preparing an excellent product, it is important to use the right material, the technology and the quality process used in the production process, because then the product will be perfect. Based on strict criteria and satisfying consumer demands, our Palcsó products were created.product important, important rightpig, quality, technology, consumer, cream5
photohullanzsuzsa.huPhotography as a form of self-expression has been a constant presence in my life. It has become increasingly important to me.increasingly important, important pastphoto, photography, exhibition, presence, constant5
magyarendre.huThe first and perhaps most important advantage is WOMA anti-clogging safety for machines. These machines use high-pressure water jets to remove blockages, which means an effective and gentle solution. A WOMA machines are of excellent quality, and they follow strict safety standards during their…extremely important, important effective, removal important, important qualifiedremoval, channel, machine, camera, sewer5
addresscheck.huIt's a common misconception that the most important element of effective email marketing is a well-edited newsletter and a large database full of email addresses.misconception important, important element, undeniable important, important factor, success importantdatabase, address, mail, worth, check5
ibs-b.huBefore important decisions we tend to look for pros and cons; we try to draw possible outcomes, so that we eventually find a right way. When deciding about higher education, we do exactly the same. And we often daydream.important information, class important, important date, graduation importantprogramme, management, strategic, student, international5
countinghouse.huThis is an important function not only for the multinational companies, but also for the SME sector. So, I decided to move to the SME sector to strengthen the Counting House team, helping our Clients build-up their own HR processes, operate their employment admin systems, and the connecting…hr important, important function, people important, important adequate, bookkeeping importanttax, accounting, count, house, payroll5
beshodrom.huThese days life mainly runs on facebook and ‘the gram’, but we still find this website important, and worthy of an update with a new look and tons of new content.website important, important worthyday, website, mainly, update, look5
ila-hungary.hu…later the vice-president) of the Hungarian Branch was Nándor Baumgarten (1873-1935), professor of commercial law at the time, who played a very important role in the foundation of the Hungarian Branch. It is an interesting fact that among the members of the Hungarian Branch we can find not only…ila important, important ngo, time important, important role, lawyer importantbranch, international, law, association, member5
downdogjoga.hu…usually less busy, so if you don’t sign up, the class might be cancelled because there were not enough people in the system. For the afternoon and evening classes it is important to reserve your spot by signing up otherwise it can happen that you come to the class and there are not enough places.shortly important, important thing, important information, class important, important spotclass, member, yoga, login, timetable5
kopintalapitvany.huAfter the regime change in 1989, Hungary has been involved in globalization whose one of the most important component are international capital flows. Within a rather short period of time, Hungary has become an attractive target for foreign direct investments (FDI). By now, the weight and role of…index important, important consumer, state important, important role, fund importanteconomic, international, literature, country, economy5
csullogestarsakft.hucommunication. By this, we mean both personal and electronic communication. Good personal connections rely on employees’ interactions with customers, as it is they who meet on an everyday basis. For this reason, we believe it is important how we select our employees, and how they conduct themselves.extremely important, important deadline, process important, important aspect, today importantclient, customer, painting, development, introduction4
draaronstern.huDental bridges are used to bridge the gap left by missing tooth. Individual teeth play an important role in your ability to speak, chew and maintain proper alignment or nearby teeth. When you are missing a tooth all of these abilities can go awry.tooth important, important role, checkup important, important new, additionally importanttooth, treatment, dental, dentistry, crown4
offihaz.huThe OFFI HOUSE is located in the heart of Eger, in the Kis Dobó Square, in a beautiful late Baroque building from the 18th century. The excellent location of our comfortable accommodation allows easy walking access to the city’s most important attractions, while the building itself is situated in…city important, important attraction, event important, important happeningevent, offer, room, booking, venue4
startouring.huTree". As you approach the nearby Modern Hungarian Art Gallery, you´ll see the striking sculptures of Pierre Székely. Inside, there are works by important 19th and 20th century Hungarian painters. Another museum showcases artifacts from Renaissance Pécs. Other museums on Káptalan utca include the…hungary important, important market, work important, important century, trade importantwine, century, castle, country, house4
rolandtoth.hu…I got it look the way I liked and fortunately the nursery management was also loving it. It's much more simpler and less blog or portal looking and the important information can be found much easier. Unlike the previous version it's fully responsive which was one of the main motives for the change.mobile important, important factor, portal important, important information, localization importantsite, toth, developer, portfolio, previous4
homeinspection.huCoordinating appointments with the seller and the real estate agent is your task and responsibility. Please inform the person concerned about the date of the inspection and its conditions (cancellation policy) and that you are bringing an expert this time. This is important information for them…particularly important, equally important, important purchase, time important, important informationproperty, inspection, decision, house, price4
ertekado.huOnline slots have been around for quite a while and as technology advances, so do the internet slots accessible now. Today, slots have been offered on dating websites. Slots offer you a fun way to play with online games and there’s not any limit to the different varieties offered. It is important…variety important, important different, deposit important, important aware, spin importantslot, free, machine, bonus, game4
kiskunmeridian.huAt our drying equipments pliancy is an important aspect, e.g. a robust mixing device – through its special design – works without buckling close to the cloak, or a balance valve without dead-space carries out the full evacuation of dry material, therefore cleaning is an easy process.pliancy important, important aspect, product important, important function, requirements importantequipment, pressure, litre, container, value4
ipait.huThis is a personal webpage deticated to image processing and information technology. Here you can find my most important projects and the related technologies.technology important, important projecttechnology, image, process, webpage, related4
techno-security.huThe CLIENT stands in the centre of our quality policy; hence we believe the execution of quality on the highest possible level especially important in the field of equipment and services catering for life and property protection.quality important, important task, especially important, important field, system importantsecurity, quality, task, location, equipment4
prevotex.huOut single most important metric is customer satisfaction, which is defined by product quality. In order for any factory to be able to manufacture only perfect parts, Prevotex provides the best measurement solutions. Prevotex provides the best measurement solutions so that only impeccable parts…type important, important tool, single important, important metric, extremely importanttool, machine, lathe, bar, solution4
aktivforras.huThe most important for us is to serve the business operation of our clients effectively, to provide clear service by the accurate completion of the book-keeping and taxation, as well as the financial consultancy.book, consultation, tax, financial, item4
belsoepitesz-lakberendezo.huEach space has a special objects, which dominate in scenery, and function. Not only at the custom-made furniture, but at every object, the usability and visuals is an important aspect of a design. Each composed …desire important, important mind, house important, important carefully, workplace importantroom, furniture, interior, kitchen, object4
suncitybbq.huThe most important accessory of BBQ: the smoker’. There are several types, which operate with different principles. We believe that high-quality BBQ can only be prepared with appropriate and serious tools, therefore we chose the BBQ PitBox smokers developed and manufactured in our country, which…place, competition, day, vienna, spice4
eskuvoi-rendezveny-dj.huIf you are interested in the perfect visual experience that the photographer and the videomaker can capture the most important moments clear, then I would recommend you to order a premium package that includes the installation and continuous control of 6 rotating headlights additionally to the…dj important, important day, pricing important, important sympaty, videomaker importantwedding, music, light, event, sound4
fotohub.huHUBert makes important photos of HUBerta. Uploads them to Fotohub, into a gallery, dedicated to HUBerta.huberta important, important customer, hubert important, important photo, friend importantphoto, gallery, welcome, studio, photographer4
zoldaktiv.hu…seasonal employment opportunities in the area for full year employment, improving the situation of local and regional tourism enterprises, local community service, new approaches in the way of living toward sustainable development. Both the social and the ecological aspects are important for us.aspect important, important organization, cooperative important, important transnationalsocial, tourism, cooperative, barrier, day4
spiritnailspa.huOur manicure services satisfy all needs, from nail polish replacement to long-lasting rejuvenation rituals. During the manicure services, it is important for us that our guests enjoy real relaxation. Let go of haste and urgent tasks! Every minute spent with us is exclusively about you!extremely important, important modern, time important, important today, service importantnail, pedicure, manicure, booking, minute4
mta.hu…and consequences of companion animal ownership. Little is known about the impact that an animal treated as a family member has on the social behaviour of humans and how this situation changes the animals themselves. This is an important issue also because these changes are not always positive.teacher important, important element, justice important, important scientific, animal importantscience, academy, research, member, forum4
aktivzenetanulas.hu…volumes “Psychological and neuroscience impact assessment of the two models of active music learning”, which provide an overview about the most important measurement tools, methods, and results of the 1 st and 2 nd models’ longitudinal study. The rich Active Music Learning pools helping the…handbook important, important concept, overview important, important assessment, important measurementmusic, learn, model, movement, active4
csomagszallitasmalta.huIt is important to fill the empty space as it can cause your box to collapse. A not fully filled box, when stacked with other boxes, can be crushed by the weight of the others, while an overfilled box can bulge on the sides or top and when it’s stacked with other boxes, it’s going to create a…parcel, delivery, malta, packaging, transport4
tuskevariskola.huWe consider the training specifically important as NAT (Hungarian National Curriculum) contains the barely-known method of relaxation, however, at present there is no course for relaxation methodology in the system of teacher’s training programs. Still, at school the method can be used easily by…personality important, important pedagogical, specifically important, important youth, important natteacher, school, training, learn, child4
szamoljademokraciaert.huNo, but it is extremely important that the members of the polling station committee respectfully observe each other’s work.extremely important, important membermember, election, station, poll, worker4
klebelsbergkastelybudapest.huThe castle is one of the five most important building complex in Hungary. Count Klebelsberg Kuno, Minister of Culture lived here until 1932.castle important, important buildcastle, room, price, event, newsletter4
budapest-erotic-massage.huScents are also important: the oil used for the massage itself can be mixed with some essential oil. Incense or volatile oil evaporation also has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere.massage important, important person, sensual important, important point, course importantmassage, masseuse, body, effect, erotic4
premiumvision.huThe most important test, the eye mirror test. It reveals the state of the eye-ground and the interior of the eye. We recommend this examination for all eye disorders.important eyevision, premium, eye, optic, ophthalmology4
technosecurity.huThe CLIENT stands in the centre of our quality policy; hence we believe the execution of quality on the highest possible level especially important in the field of equipment and services catering for life and property protection.quality important, important task, especially important, important field, system importantsecurity, quality, task, location, equipment4
prooptimum.huTax consultant with NAV experience, Tax consultancy in the heart of Budapest. For individuals and for SMEs . Ever case is important to us!tax, cancellation, consultancy, consultant, advice4
edeleny-kastely.huThe most important resource of the castle island of edelény's experiental presentation is editing and operating the museum education that can get in touch with the most generations in the local and suburban schools during school trips. It also related to competency developement by the NAT.group important, important informationcastle, island, exhibition, attraction, permanent4
habitat.huBesides Habitat and the volunteers themselves, this activity is also important for those receiving help. The joy of working together at the construction site and the kindness and helpfulness of volunteers is an empowering experience for them. Since 1996, Habitat for Humanity Hungary has worked…opportunity important, important detail, sector important, important advocacy, activity importanthabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization4
partnerstudio.hu“Working with Partner Studio is a special experience. During the meetings and emails, you can feel like you are the most important client in the world. They also work professionally, this will be my second project with them. They ask you in detail about your ideas to make sure the end result is…business important, important brand, like important, important clientstudio, logo, edit, graphic, photo4
intretech.huSustainability can be considered as one of the most important keywords of recent years in every sense of the word…plan important, important business, sustainability important, important keywordmanufacture, intelligent, automation, global, industry4
magnexpress.huDuring sporting many minerals leave our body, which loss can lead to unbalanced electrolyte levels in our body. To avoid this it is more than important to pay attention to our magnesium intake, as magnesium contributes to electrolyte balance.body important, important attention, probably important, important appearance, tooth importantmagnesium, normal, page, main, muscle4
lovecraft.huIt is very important to point out that the Society will not function as a publishing company, but we want to support talents in Hungary, who wish to salute to H. P. Lovecraft’s style and legacy with their own fictitious writings. Primarily we plan to publish the works of hungarian writers, if the…material important, important intellectuality, society important, important tasksociety, community, member, essay, purpose4
bonus.co.huThe onions are cut into pieces that are suitable for our taste, which has no importance. However, it is important not to be too small. Smaller heads are usually cut to four and larger ones are cut into several pieces. We place the whole goose liver on it and seal the foil. Bake in a 200 degree…business important, important livelihood, work important, important able, importance importantbonus, goose, recipe, meat, piece4
yurusuaikido.hu…by an alternation of hardness and softness, it fits well with aikido, but there is a karate style, “Strength Karate”, with which fewer common point can be found. In aikido, technical knowledge is very important, less strength, the structure of trainings also follows and strengthens this principle.system important, important child, knowledge important, important strength, maybe importanttraining, art, martial, official, organization4
suhanjfitness.huTeaching and skill development – especially in physical education – has always been important for me. During all my time working in the field of sports, I have always tried to do my best to pass on my knowledge and my love for sports for my students.education important, important time, problem important, important professionaltraining, education, physical, class, people4
onalloelet.huThe members of our association regularly visit various schools to share their stories and raise awareness of teachers and students about life situations and problems that people with disabilities face every day. The most important goal is to promote tolerance, respect and openness towards disabled…ramp important, important public, day important, important goal, question importantpeople, activity, independent, live, accessibility4
promove.huAn important aspect when choosing a moving company can be the availability of additional services, which make it easier for the customer. Such a service can be the provision of quality packaging material in which fragile or even heavy items can be safely transported. However, Promove not only…natured important, important good, company important, important beginning, control importantfurniture, quote, removal, quick, price4
fusion.co.huFUSION is a collective where we support each other in order to realize a project from the initial idea to its realization. Whether it's a family home, a table or a dinner, the process is important to us, how it changes and develops along the way.process important, important wayfusion, initial, idea, way, dinner4
euroemlekpenz.huThe euro banknotes depict the most important Hungarian monuments, personalities or events. They commemorate our rich history and represent it at home and abroad.motif important, important hungarian, banknote importantbanknote, map, shop, introduction, castle4
felvesznek.hu…over a third of vocational training students indicate that they would choose a different occupation, if they could start again. It is therefore important for career guidance and placement services to be available towards the end of courses, to help students to review their career plans and to findoccupation important, important career, manual important, important point, discussion importanttraining, manual, teacher, school, career4
sinkovitsphoto.huYou've probably heard, "A picture is worth a thousand words." In this extremely fast-paced world we live in today, that term couldn’t be more accurate. Photography is more important than ever in telling their stories and connecting with their clients.photography important, important story, important momentwedding, family, model, event, graduation4
balettora.huGives inspiration to fantasy through dance moves, rendering the children a sense of achievement. It is important to to carry the moves to the finish in a healthy way, by taking care of the joints and muscles, and of the gradual, as well as conscious use of the body.achievement important, important movedistrict, ballet, dance, course, child4
silhouetteconsulting.hu…Since then, I have participated in the implementation of multiple events, starting from Santa Claus parties to largescale corporate events to important economic conferences – the variety is great. I gained new experiences at all venues every time. I believe that as a member of such a buoyant andvalue important, important bonus, event important, important economic, useful importantevent, consulting, manager, challenge, client4
bs-nails.huKnow what you want, and tell me . You can send me a photo (from Instagram, or something like that). It’s important, because every feature needs a different time period, and I must know how much time your new nails set will take.like important, important feature, late important, important thing, durable importantnail, extension, minute, appointment, price4
dentartfogaszat.huOur experienced dentist awaits you with painless dental treatments located a few minutes from Keleti Pályaudvar railway station. Customer satisfaction is the most important for our company, as so we are providing a 2 year warranty for all dentures prepared by us.satisfaction important, important companydental, art, treatment, tooth, denture4
bionectar.huAll honey offered for purchase is tested in a laboratory. Quality is the most important factor for us. After analyzing laboratory results, the price set in the contract is payed to the producer immediately. Some of the tests are carried out with our own instruments, and other tests are made by…tradition important, important value, quality important, important factorhoney, quality, acacia, sunflower, pallet4
poligratkft.huThese procedures can also be performed on site and no special expertise is required to perform the operations safely. To avoid health, safety and environmental risks, it is important to have the right expertise and supervision to create the right quality pickled surface. The treated surface may…product important, important component, risk important, important right, steel importantsurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless4
flow.hu…I have been working in the training and development area since 2013. I am qualified as a psychologist and I am a certified Human Synergistics, GPOP, Greenline and Idea factory trainer. I believe in the power of relationships and personalized development and it is important for me to create value.reason important, important direction, development important, important valuedevelopment, management, leadership, training, group3
momert.huAlready the third baby grows up on Momert’s baby products. 🙂 From baby scales, baby bottle sterilizers to thermometers, we use Momert products. There is no question that we made the right decision to choose them. It is also important for us to buy the product of a Hungarian manufacturer.moment important, important reliable, decision important, important productscale, detail, care, analogue, digital3
sunlighten.huI rarely endorse anything but I have several Sunlighten saunas and use my own products, FasciaBlaster tools, in them. The heat and infrared ‘melts’ the fascia tissue making my massages so effective. The sauna is as important to me as clean food, exercise and a happy outlook. I could'nt live…happy important, important biohack, sauna important, important clean, single importantsauna, infrared, technology, quality, health3
fmbenchmarking.hu…data collection and processing for the FM Benchmarking publication. The processing of the questionnaires was supported by 6 experts and external companies. The anonymity of the publication is assured by an external data controller, and the data providers themselves played an important role in this.million important, important development, provider important, important role, important linkproperty, operation, publication, facility, data3
ohav.huO ur strong belief is that in order to improve children’s own individuality it is important to introduce them to other cultures and nations besides their own. They will be able to find their places in the world and their self-confidence will be stronger in this early childhood already. Meeting…hy important, individuality important, important culturefoundation, course, culture, child, nation3
mildent.huDental Clinic recommends you to see your dentist for an annual check-up, and it is very important to have a professional dental hygiene treatment for your remaining teeth conducted once or twice a year.vital important, important proper, denture important, important beginning, check importanttooth, dental, crown, treatment, dentist3
gtssimulation.hu…situational awareness, decision-making and stress tolerance for the safety of themselves and others. The training for these situations is very important and costly and required not only for the top-tier operators, but also for any service member who carries rifle or other firearm. Based on…situation important, important costly, behavior important, important military, awareness importantsimulation, training, skill, environment, task3
personaltrainerbudapest.huI know you've heard it before but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. After not consuming any food whilst sleeping breakfast will kick start your metabolism and get the body going. Excuses include “I haven't got time in the mornings” or “I just don't like eating that early” but…weight important, important weight, breakfast important, important mealnutrition, body, training, trainer, plan3
szarvasimuzeum.hu…the average locals. In the postpartum period, a woman was considered unclean and, along with her infant, vulnerable to hexes. Thus it was very important to have the newborn receive the baptismal water as soon as possible. In the 18th century, the bride and groom hardly knew each other before the…hex important, important newbornexhibition, age, idol, room, people3
balinttarsasag.huIn the past years the technique has not only been used in the different areas of health care, but also in any area where the client-aid-relationship is an important dimension of the profession. For example in education, consulting, social work, hospice care and elderly care, law, human resources…relationship important, important dimension, basis important, important indication, psyche importantgroup, saturday, society, fee, technique3
emesesoft.huIt is important to us that our partners can easily modify their pages manually, so we can help them to manage their administrative interfaces in the framework of free consultancy.extramly important, important web, hand important, important sitecustomer, reference, book, site, website3
muller-cleaning.huDuring our cleaning process quality is really important for us. Because of this we provide guarantee to our work.quality important, important guaranteeclean, quality, residential, house, office3
physiotherapy.hu. Starting with a full musculoskeletal assessment, the therapist will work out a treatment program to match the goals and expectations of the patient. Every case is unique , and it’s important that everyone’s therapy is tailored to their specific problem, personal anatomy, and goals and…prehabilitation important, important current, unique important, important therapy, plan importantphysiotherapy, pain, therapy, problem, patient3
csudijo.huThe first time we talked about the children, our children, we knew we had a common journey. Through many-many evenings, funny talks, wine, cakes, honest confessions of problems …. shaped as a love … and we knew, we felt it must have gone on. We confided our most important, inmost feelings…love important, important inmost, nature important, important thing, child importantchild, organization, community, everybody, love3
clearpharma.huOur core business is wholesale distribution and marketing of pharmaceuticals. Our primary business partners are well-known and leading multinational companies. Our most important customers include national hospitals and public and private sector health care providers. We reach out to and cover all…patient important, important human, company important, important customerclear, news, job, opening, welcome3
historycruise.huThe statue of Saint Gellért is holding a cross in his hand showing us that he played an important role in baptising pagan Hungarians. This switch to Christianity was led by our holy king, Saint Stephen, and was a very important political decision. Hungarians arrived at the Carpathian Basin in 896…mill important, important city, tram important, important great, hand importantbridge, city, history, cruise, build3
greensoil.huGreenSoil Humin products are organic-mineral fertilizers enriched with humic acid , they contain phosphorus, chlorine-free potassium, calcium, sulphur, important micronutrients and organic matter . GreenSoil Humin product line provides a perfect solution for different nutrient requirements in…sulphur important, important micronutrients, calcium importantfertilizer, family, acid, matter, organic3
ontarget.huJust doing our daily job right does not always guarantee results. What we give you here is the strategic business planning process that focus of the most important goals and drives alignment not only on goals but also on the strategy and how we execute that strategy.truly important, important issue, focus important, important goal, attention importantresult, consulting, potential, strategy, development3
streetarttattoo.huA tattoo is not only a form of self-expression, but also a real work of art, and in order for it to remain beautiful for a long time, proper aftercare is important.tattoo important, important memorable, individuality important, important thingtattoo, art, street, appointment, artist3
endomedix.huColonoscopy and gastroscopy are unpleasant procedures, which can be performed under general anaesthesia at our centre - in this case the patient does not experience the discomfort of the examination and does not remember the examination itself. It is important to note that, unlike many other…increasingly important, important role, examination important, important unlike, stomach importantcentre, food, anaesthesia, gastroenterology, examination3
drlevai-budapest.hu…company law service via personal or online consultation. My clients can get legal help in setting up or modifying a company, preparing important contracts, and before making any major business decisions. There are a number of companies that work with foreign partners or provide…individual important, important decision, company important, important contractlaw, lawyer, legal, attorney, real3
doit.hu(It’s ITIL name: IT operations manager). We provide you a permanent contact person who is a senior system administrator or a system engineer colleague, who can be contacted at any time if there is an issue which is not an ordinary administration. Your long-term satisfaction is also personally…security important, important requirement, personally important, important colleaguesprice, administrator, customer, server, colleagues3
netfog.huOur dental clinic is located in Budapest’s 2. district, in the heart of Buda. Come and visit our practice so we can provide you with the best, individualised solution for your teeth problems. Our most important goal is that you have a painless treatment and leave our dentistry satisfied. You can…problem important, important goal, pain important, important treatmentdental, clinic, treatment, tooth, orthodontic3
direkt36.huIn England, the cleaner is the most important person in the hospital. How did other countries manage to decrease hospital-acquired infections?clean important, important personhospital, infection, secret, document, russian3
joybyhoney.huIt feels extremely good when customers and partners give feedback that they have not received such a special Christmas present from anyone else. It’s really touching at the festive moment that we’ve managed to make them feel how important they are to us. I recommend the selection of Joy by Honey…moment important, important selectionhoney, joy, coffee, flavour, taste3
myweddingplanner.hu”Ildiko has been a fantastic planner, and a absolute pleasure to deal with. Living in Sweden and planning a wedding in Budapest made it very important for us to find a good planner whom could give us relevant advice, source the right suppliers, find venues, and keep track of our budget. As such…budapest important, important goodwedding, planner, day, ildiko, big3
hairtransplanthungary.huI had a great experience. I am satisfied with the results and this ist the most important aspect. The doctor Mate and the nurses worked together and did a great job. They were calm and precise. If I need to come back I definitely choose DHC!result important, important aspecthair, clinic, transplantation, consultation, result3
kozossegikertek.huUtilizing the experience of past years, the long-term goal of the Programme, regarding society and a liveable city, is to introduce and implement different equipments and methods. It is important for urban people to learn to adapt to climate change, so we are looking for city development equipment…city important, important urban, comprehensible important, important viewpoint, network importantgarden, community, city, programme, centre3
realidaconsult.huIn addition to having a good business idea – a reliable quality product or service – correct and accurate communication, reliability and trust between business partners are important for success.process important, important key, partner important, important successconsult, management, issue, situation, process3
23weekends.hu5 Most Important Attractions near the Basilica – Discover the most beautiful treasures of Budapestpet important, important memberbasilica, luxury, price, panorama, apartment3
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huIt is important that the notary public shall verify the personal identity of the client before issuing the notarial certificate.degree important, important purpose, client important, important notarizationnotary, notarial, document, public, register3
bibliatanitasok.huArnold's book also became very important to Rita as she wrote her doctoral dissertation on the topic of the roots and the history of Christian antisemitism, entitled Theology and Antisemitism: The Influence of Amillennialism on the Parliamentary Discourses of the Hungarian Church Representatives…book important, important rita, york important, important charismatic, extremely importantchurch, bible, book, jewish, christian3
shiba-faluvegi.huAnother characteristic feature of this breed is the possessive urge. Shiba preserves its toys, food, or territory. In minimizing this preservative quality, proper socialization is an important element. It is wise to remove your dog’s favorite toys during training. If there are other dogs or…order important, important shiba, necessarily important, important dog, result importantdog, character, strong, way3
famesco.huWhat is never debated is the Akita’s historical and famous combination of fearlessness and loyalty. These traits were once put to the test at the London Zoo, when a Sumatran tiger cub was orphaned. The zookeepers needed special help in raising the cub, and they chose an Akita puppy for this…puppy important, important task, year important, important suitable, walk importantdog, american, litter, detail, puppy3
nokatud.huAward is granted year after year to young female researchers who are active participants in the scientific life of the country and achieve outstanding results in their professional field. It is an important condition for the winners to feel at home in the promotion of science and technology…later important, important aid, field important, important conditionscience, girl, woman, technology, field3
gyuttmentfesztival.huBecause this experience it is important to me to make ecovillage values more present in the South-Eastern European region as well. I participate in organising of the Southern European Ecovillage Network, in bringing the Community Incubator Program (CLIPS) to Hungary, and in finding the connections…europe important, important inspiration, experience important, important ecovillagegather, community, countryside, network, day3
ipacsszabo.huThe building is a cellar with three floors, without a pump. I spent the ‘price of a house’ on the elevator, while renting a one and a half room flat with the kids for a fair amount of time… This was very important to me to have a true gravity winery – I simply cannot let the pump to spoil the wine…cultivation important, important grape, course important, important tool, time importantwine, vineyard, place, estate, earth3
madagaszkar.hu- The tasks of the honorary consul are wide-ranging and every task is equally important: developing relations, giving information, as well as representing interests. Naturally it is important to take part in every action that can add to the reputation and prestige of Madagascar in Hungary.important task, equally important, important relation, naturally important, important actionmadagascar, honorary, republic, task, country3
businessenglishonskype.hu. Managers still focused on efficiency, but realized that workers were more productive when their social and emotional needs were taken care of. For the first time, job design, workplace environments, teamwork, remuneration, and nonfinancial benefits were all considered important to staff…benefit important, important staff, product important, important quality, quality importantmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy3
mbtelectric.huThe great thing about solar panels is that they do not require a lot of maintenance. However, it is still important to get them checked regularly to ensure safe.maintenance important, important regularly, machine important, important wind, company importantelectric, energy, process, maintenance, sustainable3
hotelsbudapesthungary.hu…renewal in 2004 – offers 32 rooms for the guests. Hotel Hid is an excellent starting-point of sightseeing tours in Budapest because the most important sights as the City Park, the Széchenyi Baths, the Museum of Fine Arts, the ZOO, the Vajdahunyad Castle and the Heroes’ Square are situated just…district important, important historical, budapest important, important sight, pu importantreservation, city, centre, room, near3
hungaryinstant.hu…of (“what if it’s even worse than we thought??”), they are given praise for their valuable contributions. These conspiracy groups often become important parts of people’s social networks - they can spend hours every day talking with like-minded people from these communities and sharing their…like important, important truth, wrong important, important painful, group importantpeople, theory, thing, like, fact3
imgaleria.huIn our gallery, we make it a priority to choose artists who inspire and convey a valuable message, so that they can deliver an experience that enriches everyday life. Art is an integral part of our lives, so it has an important role to play in filling the world with beauty and love.customer important, important goal, life important, important role, discount importantgallery, image, search, leave, art3
datalogging.huThe consumption measuring always contains important and useful information for factory operators.consumption important, important usefulconsumption, background, introduction, default, useful3
cirkuszbp.huOne of the most important aspects to Tibor is the family atmosphere that Cirkusz has given him. The Cirkusz is his family and he knows that his success could not of been made without the rest of his Cirkusz family by his side too.breakfast important, important meal, coffee important, important cirkuszcoffee, place, food, family, day3
dreamwedding.hu, but what matters more is that those who you had recommended were known to you and you knew what they could provide. And this is one of the most important things, for one just cannot repeat that day, and if it turns out wrong, the meal or the music is bad or the venue is inconvenient, that's a…possibility important, important wedding, thing important, important decision, intuition importantwedding, day, help, dream, guest3
theagent.huYoung athletes also need guidance in everyday sports and learning. An important role is also played by a mentor who knows the world of sports, thus being able to authentically support and develop the athlete, while also setting an example for them through their own career. At the same time, it is…fund important, important young, learn important, important roleagent, athlete, organization, agency, legal3
comfort65.huThe entire apartment is designed with home comforts in mind. Family comfort is also important to us, so the apartment is soundproofed, with comfortable pillows, child safety sockets, full-size baby cots and high chairs.comfort important, important apartment, guest important, cleanliness importantapartment, guest, booking, check, free3
geze.huIt is important for doors to close reliably, and to close as quietly as possible. However, some indoor conditions can make quiet closing more…building, solution, build, window, safety3
hungaria-karnis.huIn addition to complete sets, accessories such as pull rods, clips, pleat hooks or curtain tie-backs and decorative objects also represent an important product section.ownership important, important participant, object important, important productinjection, mould, curtain, extrusion, packaging3
controllabor.hu…material testing for us for many years. Typically they carry out a large number of tests, sometimes lasting several weeks. The other important factor is their flexibility and their ability to meet the deadlines we have agreed to, which means we do not have to look for another testing…week important, important factor, time important, important businessmaterial, control, solution, procedure, quality3
morenocentrum.hu…of the professional tutor, mentor, partner and that of a certain kind of very intimate friend at the same time. As far as experiences with Hungary are concerned, our Judith Teszáry had learnt psychodrama from Zerka as trainer and she went on to become an important figure in psychodrama in Hungary .essentially important, important moreno, trainer important, important figuredrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend3
budapesttimes.huIt is vitally important to avoid a third world war and prevent the escalation of the war in Ukraine, President Katalin Novak told a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday.vitally important, important worldjanuary, mep, minister, newspaper, european3
cbctbudapest.huGenerally speaking, these diseases disappear almost without delay as the underlying cause, in this case the dental focus, is treated. Therefore, it is very important that you check the condition of your teeth with your dentist at regular intervals and make sure that you do not have a dental focus…focus important, important condition, especially important, important entiredental, focus, tooth, scan, organ3
cobracontrol.huCobra Control has been delivering test systems, measurement and automation solutions to its partners since 1993. Our most important market is the automotive industry, followed by the electronics and mechatronics industries. The focus of our activity is Hungary and the neighbouring regions…partner important, important market, time important, important processcontrol, engineering, tester, electronic, industry3
biofreeze.huBiofreeze Pain Relieving Gel travel sachet packings anywhere to create a more thorough experience by massaging the affected area during application. This hands-on application also reinforces touch which has been shown to be very important in the healing cycle.touch important, important healingpain, shop, distributor, unique, application3
medaqua.huMade from the Matra spring waters, Aqua Oxygen Plus contains seven times more oxygen than city waters, other bottled waters, and soft drinks. The secret of the method lies in the way we combine the drinking water with oxygen, mixing together the two vitally important elements.vitally important, important element, water important, important componentwater, curative, treatment, illness, complaint3
olforg.huBy operating in accordance with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, we guarantee reliable and high-quality services to our clients while responsibly managing our environmental impacts. This is an important part of our corporate philosophy, and we constantly strive to adhere to and further…client important, important project, consciousness important, important role, impact importantmilling, turn, client, reference, quality3
dckarting.hu‘As a kart racer, I think we have to use every minute we can to improve our driving skills. One of the most obvious and affordable ways to do that is karting. It is important to have strong and reliable go-karts, and safety is a top priority on the track. At the same time, it will be a pleasure to…important information, tab important, important soon, karting important, important strongkarting, track, competition, race3
startkontakt.huAdditional important market demand is to design pressure vessels, tanks, gas technological systems, steel structures and pipelines , which is performed together with the experts of Start Kontakt Ltd.examination important, important activity, additional important, important marketpressure, gas, production, storage, start3
karatsonarchivum.huThe Apartment Gallery and Memorial is the exhibition space for a small, thematic part of the legacy. We can see the documents of Gábor Karátson’s role in 1956, his participation in the Danube movements, the most important pieces of his fine art work, the inherited and the oriental works he…movement important, important piecearchive, collection, research, book, database3
balatongitar.huSince 2014 he won numerous guitar competitions in Italy and in the world obtaining two dozen international awards including more then ten first prizes, among the most important 1st prize Kutna Hora 2022, 1st prize Forum Gitarre Wien 2020, 1st prize XXVI Concurso Ciudad de Linares Andrés Segovia…thailand important, important concert, prize important, important prizeguitar, international, music, prize, concert3
budapestjewishwalk.huGuiding “back to the roots” tours from time to time, I have experienced that as people are getting older, their family heritage, specifically their Jewish roots become more important...world important, important eventview, jewish, tour, child, city3
dev-nelli.hu…with Mech Works Ltd. in production tasks for several years. Covering a wide range, they are available flexibly, and support our work with good communication and responsibility. We gladly recommend Mech Works Ltd. in connection with any task where production quality and reliability are important.plan important, important constantlymachine, cut, production, page, engineering3
bookers.hu…helpful and experienced, and if these were not enough, you should choose us because we do not know „no” as an answer and never say "no" to our customers. Trustful relationships and personal ties with our clients are important to us. For this reason, we aim to develop a limited number of customers.important information, client important, important reasonticket, flight, reservation, travel, slovak3
startupokejszakaja.hu…Hungarian capital. Our mission is to contribute to the development and expansion of viable, new and existing entrepreneurs based on the market needs, thus we play an important role in the creation and preservation of workplaces in Budapest and the facilitation of the economic growth of the Capital.need important, important role, opportunity important, important innovation, generation importantenterprise, city, ecosystem, programme, international3
magyarugyvediiroda.huIn order to start a successful business, in the beginning it is essential to choose the company form that meets your needs the best and it is also important to create the required legal documents in detail. Our Law Office provides complete solutions to companies in the field of company…good important, important legallaw, client, legal, office, representation3
mosomedve.huWith our wasn-n-fold service, which provides you washing, drying, and folding services you can save a lot of time. It is particularly important for big families and busy people. We recommend using our drying machines as well, because the freshly washed clothes can be folded easier and bed sheets…particularly important, important bigwashing, laundry, machine, clothes, coin3
eagleburgmann.huEagleBurgmann is one of the world's leading companies for industrial sealing technology. Our products are used wherever safety and reliability are important: in the oil and gas industry, refineries, the petrochemical, chemicall, and pharmaceutical industries, food processing, energy, water…center important, important economic, reliability important, important oilsolution, technology, industry, mechanical, customer3
nadordental.huA dental focus develops from chronic inflammation of the teeth and, like any other foci, can cause other illnesses. It’s important to have your teeth regularly checked and treated by a dental proffesionalextremely important, important overall, removal important, important dental, illness importantdental, treatment, tooth, dentistry, private3
hunyouth.huFor Domokos, the strength of the community has been important to him since he was 10 years old thanks to water polo. He spent his school years at a Waldorf school and then at a German ethnic minority school. At the Friedrich Schiller German Nationality High School in Pilisvörösvár, it was…community important, important year, pilisvörösvár important, important active, abroad importantyouth, delegate, student, nation, united3
dknv.huMature functional organisations relying on complex, mixed system architectures often straggle to implement changes enforced by changing business environment. Our out-of-box thinking and our capability to manage complex projects ensure that important corporate programs are timely delivered and…project important, important corporate, outmost important, important asset, value importantsolution, consulting, management, trading, client3
drkelen.hu…they would work, but when our machine arrived and I started using the Fit Shape deep fat burning cream I was absolutely stunned as we could clearly see it helping to remove fat and it convinced me 100%. For me, it’s important to give my customers products that I know work and that I believe in."concept important, important element, fat important, important customersun, cream, shape, massage, body3
okolakopark.hu…based on solar and geothermal energy, professionally organized and managed agricultural model farm based on organic farming provide the most important living conditions on an own, sustainable basis, including food production. Our prestigious building stock and establishments with recreational…life important, important thing, farming important, important live, mind importantmodel, house, plan, area, location3
myinvest.huOur most important values are reliability, flexibility and the professionality to which connected the suitable dynamism, and the practical approach of matters.permit, agency, worker, general, real3
lelek-harmonia.hu…methods (NLP, cognitive techniques, KIP, immagination, relaxation, autogenic training) can be used in the virtual space as well. Under the current circumstances mental and physical health, efficient stress-management, positive thinking, solving the crisis situations quickly is highly important.webpage important, important step, balance important, important readyproblem, psychologist, counselling, disorder, technique3
bit-soft.hu…It is a package that only a market leader can offer for software products dedicated to the HoReCa industry. We can honestly say that the most important aspect of City Grill's collaboration with Bit Soft is the attention to our needs and those of our customers as well as the speed with which Bit…honestly important, important aspect, pub important, important reaction, period importantsoftware, solution, bit, hospitality, restaurant3
budapestboats.huOur company has years of experience in event planning and catering and we passionately believe that guest satisfaction is the most important thing. We are flexible to adapt to individual requirements to create the perfect event. On our boats you can explore the Danube and the picturesque Danube…satisfaction important, important thing, guide important, important chaptercruise, bath, boat, danube, tour3
szalokybow.huThe limbs are mostly made of canadian maple, but it is possible to use other materials, too. Above all aesthetics, shape and originality are important. Because of this we design the bow with the procurer, so the product not only technically the best but outwardly adapts to the imagination of the…trust important, important andthe, originality important, important bowbow, custom, detail, limb, shoot3
ais.hu“Since she is at the AIS, I can clearly see that my daughter’s English knowledge has improved a lot within a short time, she is happy and creative thanks to the AIS, but the most important is that she is Very Happy! We appreciate it a lot!”ais important, important happyschool, nursery, child, international, general3
kamillaeva.huI made a poll on Instagram asking you if you wanted me to write a blog post about my DIY bathbomb and many of you voted yes, so here it is. It is really important for both the body and the soul to rest and regenerate, one of my favourite ways to do this is…exactly important, important case, yes important, important body, life importantrecipe, fashion, photography, photoshoot, wedding3
mozaikelmeny.huPerhaps one of the most important things when cooking in a cauldron is not to be afraid of fire, be confident. If you are already an experienced cook, or if you are just starting to cook and cook in the garden, thensmoothly important, important ingredientrent, easy, cook, accessories, opportunity3
mindenkinyer.huStrategic business planning is an important part of any successful business. It involves setting long-term goals, analyzing the company’s current...plan important, important successful, important linkgoal, individual, plan, testimonial, area3
szabadterek.hu· puts emphasis on and provides platform for the representation of socially important themes and the need for alternative culture to be given adequate spaceplatform important, important topic, socially important, important theme, cause importantspace, network, member, society, open3
versenyabroncs.huHankook Tyre will be ‘The Future Driving Innovator’ by realizing the most important value of customer and presenting better life through innovation.innovator important, important valuetyre, emotion, tire, surface, wet3
energo-consult.huOur new website has been launched, where visitors can get to know Energo Consult Ltd. and its services and references, as well as get to know the most important news of the industry.design important, important innovative, reference important, important newsconsult, engineering, hvac, news, welcome3
szepkezlab.huIf we hear this word we all think (without exception) about the classic nails with white ends and natural colour which is the mostly liked type of nail, with its natural beautyness and low-keyness. I have to point out one important misconception: it is not true that french manicure is different…accessibility important, important thing, keyness important, important misconception, shoes importantnail, manicure, foot, pedicure, skin3
gyogytorna.info.hu…of homework exercises tailored to the individual. The performance of these exercises effectively helps the efficacy of the physiotherapy treatment. If the joint injury required surgery, the most important element of postoperative rehabilitation is targeted physiotherapy, started at the right time.defect important, important treatment, surgery important, important element, especially importanttreatment, physiotherapy, method, pain, physiotherapist3
hevizhotelsbooking.huIn Heviz different kinds of sights await for the visitors to explore: of course the Lake Heviz , historic buildings and countless natural attractions. The most important attraction is the world-famous Lake Heviz and its surroundings. Several man-made attractions are in the public places of Heviz :…attraction important, important attraction, balaton important, important tourismthermal, lake, package, booking, piece3
kulcsarjuli.huThere are no “small” or “big” clients. For me, every single client and candidate is equally important, so I choose to only work on a few assignments simultaneously. I try to take an active part in the company’s everyday life so I can thoroughly map out their needs and the opportunities. Equally, I…equally important, important assignment, word important, important process, highly importantjob, career, people, interview, recruitment3
hankooknegyed.huHankook is committed to energy sustainability, so it’s not enough for us that we constantly look for ways to improve and operate an environmental management system, it is also important to motivate our employees to go green and improve together.system important, important employee, mongolia important, important folk, christianity importantemployee, health, day, september, news3
vargaanita.hu…issues for e.g. skin cancer. Since 2008, I have participated in a number of international clinical trials, mainly in the treatment of advanced metastatic melanoma (dye cell tumor). In addition, I consider the prevention to be crucially important with regular skin cancer screening and mole checking.crucially important, important regularskin, dermatologist, clinical, screening, cancer3
insolvcontroll.huIt operates a young, dynamic team has been developed, which team has the experience and approach of the XXI. scored centuries. In our work we seek it to significantly change the social and economic assessment of the insolvency profession, we are considered important to the forums of our social…important information, profession important, important forumengine, description, search, short, management3
knhungary.huFor me, it was important to have a full service, which KN Hungary delivered to the maximum, from the survey, through the installation, to the follow-up of the work.important informationgallery, installation, customer, heat, pump3
abahazy-forditoiroda.huOur main policy is to make our customers satisfied with our services over a long time. For us, even the smallest request is important and we find solutions to even the most difficult tasks.request important, important solution, document important, important informationtranslation, interpretation, quote, quotation, customer3
heritagemanager.huArt itself often becomes heritage or it can help to give new meanings to heritage phenomena. For us both are important, but our area of interest is particularly heritage interpretation, which is a methodology of interpreting heritage phenomena. Interpretation is the art of relevance, it can render…phenomenon important, important area, especially important, important traditional, heritage importantheritage, manager, cultural, association, community3
keripharma.huKéri Pharma has been operating on the pharma market for almost 30 years with the aim of doing everything and working hard for health, the most important value in life.health important, important value, extremely important, important professionaladverse, drug, reaction, market, pharmaceutical3
aok.hu…joy, meaning and success. Even as a leader I have never been interested only in what we achieve with my team. How we get there has been just as important to me. Are we consumed, burnt out, jaded by the work, or are we working in a vibrant, inspiring atmosphere with enough time and energy to truly…team important, important work, net important, important portfolio, increasingly importantart, knowledge, organisation, client, protect3
drogriporter.huDUNews, together with Talking Drugs, presents the first episode of Drug Policy and Harm Reduction News from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In it, we bring you up to date on important developments in our countries and give the floor to experts for comment. We will be publishing these video…big important, important event, date important, important development, belarus importantdrug, people, video, harm, reduction3
q2020.huOn this website, you will find important information on the conference’s topics, sessions and training courses. Key dates and guidelines for the submission of abstracts and papers as well as practical information for your stay are also included.important date, website important, important informationconference, committee, statistical, date, training3
collagenius.huThe unflavoured version of Collagenius is also a very high purity combination formulation, the main component of which is a type I collagen hydrolysate, which contains other important ingredients such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid prebiotics, micro- and…dose important, important role, hydrolysate important, important ingredientsquality, doctor, open, question, effect3
getmarried.huWedding cinematography is completely different from the traditional style of wedding videos. It replaces traditions and focuses mainly on emotions, which are being shown in a unique and unforgettable way in the short film. Our goal is to capture the most important moments of the day, and we think…goal important, important moment, depth important, important detail, emotion importantwedding, video, short, minute, moment3
acpartner.huThe basis of our work are the coordination and clarification of your requirements, we support you with reliable information so that you can make well-founded decisions. Nowadays, continuous and rapid development is the most important characteristic of the economic environment.tomorrow important, important decision, development important, important characteristicaccounting, financial, advisory, auditing, client3
dooroffice.huGet together with your clients in our meeting room. We can provide you with a quiet place, video communication infrastructure some coffee and drinks which are all indispensable during important appointments. Our space is enough for up to 16 people.indispensable important, important appointmentoffice, community, day, room, meet3
icteuropa.huAs of 1 December 2017 the company is a member of the Russell Bedford International global consulting network. Since 1983 , every one of the 290 Russell Bedford offices has been an important and market-leading enterprise in its field, with locations in Europe, North and South America, the Middle…risk important, important part, office important, important marketaccounting, ict, tax, auditing, finance3
balanceuniversal.huThe company that is considering your company as a partner, and feels important that your company will receive the highest quality accounting service, or the other which works relatively inexpensive, but the sole purpose of performing the required minimum, and invoicing the fee?nowadays important, important accounting, partner important, important companyaccounting, office, universal, bookkeeping, payroll3
pecspilates.huThe most important factor is centering and turning on the power center. This means the use of deep muscles (lateral abdominal muscles, pelvic floor muscles, back muscles) which are proven to be responsible for stabilizing the waist and pelvis. Regular practice of pilates increases the endurance of…body, method, exercise, class, muscle2
drlichtenberg.huThe satisfaction of our partners and our mutually positive partnership is the most important confirmation – and the strongest incentive in terms of the future – of the success and long-term endurance of our joint efforts.partnership important, important confirmationcorporate, improvement, productivity, sized, medium2
bynd.huWe are firm believers in thorough preparation. After finalizing the concept, we will create the storyboard, compile our staff, take care of the cast, the venues and the equipment park necessary for the filming and we send a precise project calendar which will include the more important milestones…calendar important, important milestone, feedback important, important developmentcreative, commercial, brand, video, social2
zane.hu…of electronic circuit board and electronic design. Creating a design office capable of designing world-class electronic products played a very important role in founding the company. Our mission is to show that Hungarian electronics professionals can stand their ground not only in electronics…design important, important part, product important, important rolecircuit, development, quotation, software, prototype2
bvlkft.huYou can find detailed information about the most important changes and current news concerning BVL Felszámoló és Csődmenedzser Kftimportant information, information important, important changenumber, account, procedure, document, news2
telcotrend.huFor our Federation, orderliness and predictability have always been important. We are convinced that without it, it would certainly not be possible to produce a line of Olympic, World and European champions. The complexity of our work and the large number of athletes we have made it essential to…sight important, important aspect, predictability important, important certainlysolution, custom, software, view, need2
health-wise-living.huutilization and design of real estate, and on the fact that the finished space really fulfils the role for which it is intended. I believe it is important that the space, the environment we are in, in addition to comfort, raises our vibration and energises us. As a health conscious mother, I also…role important, important spaceinterior, health, space, live, wise2
rtg.hu“We first met RTG as a likeable and customer friendly firm for whom, in addition to thorough professional work, it was important to get to know our company, to make a comprehensive analysis of our business environment and to understand it. Thus were born an audit and a strategy which is excellent…work important, important company, inception important, important futuresustainability, reference, strategy, responsibility, corporate2
ezerjonap.huWe believe that Ezerjó is an important, Hungarian indigenous grape variety – a so called ‘Hungaricum’ –, which makes the trade and the winelovers feel like learning more about it. We also believe that we are capable of making great, exciting, lovable but also elegant, serious great wines! But the…ezerjó important, important hungarianwine, variety, day, food, registration2
movingservice.huMoving an office smoothly to a new location is a complex task. It is important that the relocation is carried out with as little downtime in the work processes as possible.task important, important relocation, content important, important questionoffice, international, domestic, relocation, furniture2
moodlefix.huI keep in mind safety when doing Moodle developments or upgrades, it is the most important thing for me.upgrade important, important thing, important linkdevelopment, upgrade, installation, plugin, version2
topoguru.huFingers. Not a big part of human body but one of the most important piece in climbing. We catch or touch everything.body important, important piece, opinion importantclimb, app, guide, route, video2
krafty.hu…flora in humans which usual is of no harm. How does one treat prostatitis caused by taking flomax and cipro to treat morganella morganii and enterococcus faecalis? I am a male, 49 years old. Enterococcus faecalis is increasingly becoming an important nosocomial infection opportunistic pathogen.species important, important way, increasingly important, important nosocomialinfection, prostate, doctor, az2
zoldgepezet.huWe consider the safe operation of our machines important. Thus, we expect our customers to return at any time if there is a problem with any of the equipment purchased from us.process important, important mission, machine important, important customermachine, scrap, force, metal, process2
taxworld.huThe hardships a business has to face due to changes in the legal and tax environment are well known. It is important to adapt to changing rules in due time. Instead of constantly reviewing legislation, you can concentrate on...point important, important aspect, environment important, important rulelegal, tax, accounting, office, client2
kor-fitting.hu…as well. In the course of our work, we consider the establishment and maintenance of long-term partnerships based on mutual trust as the most important thing. Thanks to our favorable prices, you can use our stainless steel fittings in areas of special technical applications that you have not…trust important, important thingvalve, stainless, steel, tube, instrumentation2
skc.huFood production is one of the most important industrial segments in terms of global economy and ecological sustainability. Recognizing the ever-increasing importance of this, thanks to our comprehensive strategic construction and numerous high-value investments, we have made significant…production important, important industrial, addition important, important lifelongconstruction, office, food, management, application2
themagicbox.hu​The BKV-case is a good example of how successfully can the prosecution, the police and the court work together when the political interest requires so. One of the most important roles was performed by prosecutor Szabadváriné Dr., the chief of the Department of Special Investigation. It can be…case important, important bit, interest important, important rolecase, court, election, media, investigation2
ajbh.huCommissioner for Fundamental Rights Gives Talk at International Ombudsman Conference Entitled “Ensuring Human Rights and Freedoms as the Highest Value and an Important Criterion of the Reforms Carried out in the Country”value important, important criterionanimation, commissioner, fundamental, office, county2
bypassnet.huAll of our employees are important to us, as we can do more with an enthusiastic, motivated and well-prepared team.employee important, important enthusiasticdevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment2
oneminute.hu…offering’s pricing, we were able to provide the new investors with the most attractive entry level, while company valuation became higher for the next round. Moreover, founders were also able to clean up the cap-table by buying out their silent partner, which was also an important goal for them.development important, important company, likewise important, important task, partner importantminute, table, cap, management, overall2
absolutelycosmopolitanbostons.huI deem it very important to control the keeping of puppies because not only in Hungary but also worldwide many puppies are being adopted or held in a careless way depriving the puppies of their basic needs thereby torturing or eventually abandoning them. On my part I try to do my best to avoid the…question important, important developmentlitter, puppy, absolutely, dog, page2
nikolettadanian.huBuilding a brand that best captures the activities and the spirit of a company is extremely important. As your logo will be with you during the whole lifecycle of your company, it is worth to think it through and give enough time for the decisions and the creatiive process. I’ll present at least…extremely important, important logo, step important, important stepillustration, graphic, cover, identity, brand2
innomed.huAmong the connections of Innomed Medical Inc., there are business partners who we know for decades. It is important for us to achieve reliable cooperation and mutual business success.important success, decade important, important reliablemedical, development, ray, generator, ecg2
taxatron.huBy using Taxatron, companies can achieve greater taxpayer security, as the transaction data is validated by the software in the first step and by the tax authority in the second step, and immediate corrections can be made without any additional charge. This solution therefore offers important…solution important, important benefit, system important, important milestonevat, return, news, tax, consultation2
szatmarregio.huOur most important fruit is the fresh sour cherry. In the summer season, we deliver to our partners from the end of June to early August, in line with the ripening of the crop. We can sell with a capacity of 2,000 tons per year, to nearby regions without cooling, to more distant regions or to…vegetable important, important foodproduction, harvest, cooperative, fruit, vegetable2
fklaw.huMay 31 is an important milestone in the life of Hungarian companies: corporations are required to publish their annual accounts by this date each year. Compliance with this statutory obligation is important also from the perspective of the company management: pursuant to Hungarian insolvency…obligation important, important perspective, decision important, important aspectlaw, data, firm, legal, client2
kzst.huPope Benedict XVI: „One of the two most important theological questions of the 21. century is interfaith dialogue!” – Events in 2008: in February, March, April, May, September, October, November, Decemberxvi important, important theologicaljewish, christian, lecture, society, community2
hiaszt.hu…which had been formerly banned, and their amateur status offered them a chance for experimenting with theatre aesthetics and language. Although important publications have been made on several ensembles and creators, systematic research on the topic has not been carried out to date. The aim of thelanguage important, important publication, theatre important, important date, extremely importanttheatre, stage, literary, amateur, studio2
eniac.huENIAC remote accounting provides an ideal online solution to companies that do not have the in-house capacity to carry out accounting tasks when it is important to possess up-to-date financial and accounting information to make well-founded decisions.task important, important datemanagement, software, solution, detail, enterprise2
astellasaszakdolgozokert.huUndoubtedly the most important feature of any successful punter. Without discipline may otherwise successful bettor in a single day to lose what he had laboriously earned even an entire year. Without discipline, even punters can get into debt to them ruin your life. Surely you understand that in…plan important, important component, undoubtedly important, important featurebetting, successful, football, discipline, money2
budapestbusiness.hu…I am a forensic expert in the field of bookkeeping, audit and taxation. By offering audit, tax and business consulting services, I have two important aims. First of all, I wish to help the work of all my clients to exploit their market potential, secondly I help to analyse and influence the…venture important, important requirement, service important, important aimtaxation, financial, consulting, tax, statement2
pappsdiamond.huWe keep quality in mind versus quantity. Proper regeneration of the mother dog is important to us so that healthy puppies can be born. In addition, we strive to maintain the prescribed standard traits for the breed.dog important, important healthy, picture important, important informationpuppy, dog, litter, tab, news2
lollipop.huI deal with the internal and foreign sales and coordination of products manufactured by our company. Furthermore, I consider my most important task to help our customers find their personalized products, which perfectly meet their expectations.furthermore important, important task, manufacture important, important satisfactionhand, natural, quality, traditional, individual2
drkerekesfanni.huUsually dental centres have their own site where doctors only appear in the ‘staff’ section. I started my own site because I find it important that you learn a bit more about me besides the standard information like where( Budapest) and when ( 2007) I finished my studies, what sort of…function important, important issue, site important, important bitorthodontic, dentistry, patient, tooth, appliance2
balokanymajalis.hu⬤ ( April 08, 2023. ) ⬤ During the preparation process we explored the history and memories of the place in order to have a small amount of context. It's fairly important, mostly in the case of such a place like Balokány Grove in Pécs. Our college Ábris Novák summarized a line of historym and…location important, important history, fairly important, important caseday, event, concert, student, performance2
mecsektravel.huWe believe that these days it is not only important that we transport passengers: it also does matter how we do it!day important, important passengertravel, tariff, condition, request, private2
compassioninaction.huLearn about awareness narrowing, “toxic” vs. awareness opening, “hygienic” emotions. Revisit important scenes of your life where you managed to act in alignment of your conscious choice (as opposed to toxic emotions).emotion important, important sceneaction, self, result, group, value2
karotazs.huDuring the 15 years, KAROTÁZS Ltd. has achieved an important position in the practice of Hungarian borehole, and well-logging metrology. For maintaining a high quality in our work, we use quality operating systems, improve our equipment supplied by our own and external resources.karotázs important, important positionmeasurement, range, development, application, activity2
tokajmagic.hu…What shall we see in Zemplén Hills? How shall I plan a water-excursion on River Bodrog? Which one is the most delicious among the local cheeses? So many important questions. And we can help you, and the best way to figure out your program is to open a copy of our TOKAJGUIDE at first.gift important, important hard, cheese important, important questionwine, tasting, special, local, topic2
oko-melli.huSo far, the honeys have been sold in barrels to domestic packaging plants. Despite this year's difficulties, we still believe that we now have a commodity base with which we can enter the export market. It is important to us and we can only maintain our operation if we try to bring a real natural…market important, important operation, bee important, important participant, tradition importanthoney, bee, organic, natural, quality2
meevet.huOne of the most important task of our time is to reduce energy consumption as much as possible. It is a common interest of the factories and the resident consumers as well. This branch recommends different solutions to the efficient and economical use of energy and gives assistance to the…technology important, important environmentalbranch, electric, energy, industry, resident2
szaguldozz.hu…bud Palese and Shaw, How the individual segments traffic to the plasma membrane and best anti ageing serum korean packaged remain active areas of research. The matrix M1 protein lines the virion beneath the envelope and may be important for morphology and viral assembly at the plasma membrane.envelope important, important morphology, influenza important, important causerespiratory, virus, korean, cell, vaccine2
pillefizioterapia.huway. Mastering sports rehabilitation, manual therapy and other complementary techniques have helped me to develop a holistic approach, which I believe brings the best possible results in my treatments. Besides the rehabilitation of pathologies, physiotherapy also has an important role in prevention.treatment important, important problemetic, physiotherapy important, important rolepain, preparation, pelvic, physiotherapy, rehabilitation2
biketiszadob.huImportant: Please phone or email to check availability and pre-book. Adult bike hire prices: 2 hours: 2000 Ftbike, hour, area, availability, aliquam2
owkft.huThe greatest joy for us is when our distribution partners like our products they win. They enthusiastically select them, wait for the goods to arrive, and recommend them to their customers with a big smile. t is very important to us that our brands end up on whose shelves and windows, a good…smile important, important brand, importance important, important daily, partner importantcustomer, optic, login, page, warranty2
shefitness.huLearn to properly use exercise equipment. This is important because you want to make sure that you get the most out of your exercises. Before starting the equipment based fitness program your personal trainer will explain briefly how to use it properly. If you’re in our women’s fitness gym, your…fit important, important especially, equipment important, important suretrainer, personal, woman, studio, district2
mediatorpont.huWe provide in-depth information for Clients who have been assigned to a Criminal Mediation by a Court in an ongoing lawsuit. Important! We don’t perform Criminal Mediation at our office , we only provide legal support.lawsuit important, important criminal, request important, important emaildivorce, attorney, mediator, court, agreement2
emilyauto.huIt is a memorable travel with a legendary car, which tops off any important event of your life.car important, important eventevent, history, gallery, price, transfer2
keletagrologistic.huAssessing, tracking and serving the ever-changing needs of the freight market is vital to the life of a dynamically growing company, so we strive to gauge the needs of our customers and offer them the most appropriate transport mode, vehicle type, and cost-effective solution. It is important for…grain important, important role, solution important, important personallogistic, management, forward, freight, transport2
smartians.hu…adapt to new forms of teaching and learning, taking advantage of new opportunities. Education, trainings, informal and non-formal learning are important factors in creating jobs and increasing Europe’s competitiveness. To this end, Erasmus + will provide € 14.7 billion between 2014 and 2020 to…learn important, important factor, counselling important, important roletraining, education, career, news, management2
meltanyossag.huOn March 15, one of the most important Hungarian national holidays, the Hungarian government took many people to the streets. The opposition parties could mobilize a lot less but the April 8 elections obviously will not be decided by how many people take to the streets. Ervin Csizmadia explains…revolution important, important element, march important, important hungariananalysis, election, opposition, primary, political2
exceltrening.huThe basic guideline for a general training can be read below, and it covers the usual needs of any team having an average level of experience with Excel. As it is important for me to achieve maximum customer satisfaction the thematics of the course is tailor-made to the needs of the company. An…excel important, important maximumtraining, site, thematic, useful, function2
tokajivamiroda.huLearning is still the most important. Succesfully acquiring new service qualifications, we can suit more client demands.learn important, important succesfullycustom, administration, representation, fee, license2
verbatim.huMisplacing keys, bags and other valuables are a thing of the past with Verbatim's My Finder Bluetooth Tracker. Working exclusively with Apple's Find My app, simply attach the My Finder to any item you need to track and view them on the map. Never lose your important items again.map important, important itemchristmas, data, support, storage, europe2
dca.huSandra is always seeking feedback and ideas for staying relevant which has been particularly important over the last 12 months with classes going online.particularly important, important monthdance, drama, class, school2
hegypasztor.huEvents are very important in the life of our association. With the passing of time some of them became a recurring event, such as the tree tender day at springtime, or the event of Orbán-day at May, the common harvest and vintage, and our Martin-day gathering at November.voluntarism important, important role, event important, important lifeinitiative, event, community, offer, accommodation2
bpc.huThe abbreviation “ETL” refers to the three important processes of database management: Extract, Transform, and Load. The goal of ETL tools is to extract the required type and amount of data from the appropriate source database, transform this data into the required form, and load the previously…performance important, important buzzword, etl important, important processconsulting, data, process, intelligence, development2
bestformaruha.huMuch more depends on the appearance of the employees than most people would think – the first impression is extremely important, and not only from the point of view of colleagues, but also from the point of view of the company. A uniform can be considered a business card, reflects its values, and…incredibly important, important appearance, extremely important, important pointuniform, clothes, catalogue, reference, material2
qualydent.huThe professional and infrastructural preparedness of the surgery is also a very important criterion in order that the treatments can be done in high-standard, painlessly and with high expertise. Our surgery does its best to give even injections without any pain, because there is a tasted aesthetic…important principle, surgery important, important criteriondental, discount, treatment, appointment, patient2
djj.huAnother important milestone in the transfer of ownership was when in 2001 the Bombardier Group purchased Adtranz Group and obtained a majority share in the Bombardier MÁV Kft. The next stop came in 2014. This was when the Hungarian state purchased Bombardier Transportation’s share. The company was…strategically important, important companyrailway, manufacture, news, repair, history2
orlai.huThe Orlai Productions have yearly more than 600 performances in Hungary, approx 50% countryside. 35 performances are on continuously. The plays of contemporary Hungarian writers (Parti Nagy Lajos, Grecsó Krisztián, Péterfy Novák Éve, Gerlóczy Márton, Tarr Béla) play also an important role in the…group important, important investor, béla important, important roleproduction, theater, theatre, critic, artist2
edinapasti.huI try to communicate clearly and pay close attention to customer education. It’s important for me that my clients understand what we are doing and that we can think together throughout the project.well important, important short, education important, important clientwebsite, industrial, custom, solution, focus2
smartlegal.huRichard and his team represented us in litigations in multiple disputes in front of Hungarian courts. They are capable to support with compliance topics as well. Everybody in the law firm is very professional and speaks fluent English which is important for us as we operate globally. Additionally…english important, important globally, success important, important legallegal, law, international, lawyer, solution2
aitk.huSince its inception, the association has become a recognized center of Hungarian literary criticism. At our public forums, we have regularly hosted researchers and specialists unconnected to our group. Another important tradition is the continuous search for talented graduate students, many of…research important, important tradition, group importantassociation, study, literature, general, member2
blueride.huI was Blue Ride's guest of honor at a very important sporting event for me, where I received such services that I desire to return since that time. I can highly recommend it to everyone!beautiful important, important moment, honor important, important sportingwater, danube, booking, date, ride2
mkfe.huIt is important to know that the closures and diversions already started on the 3rd of August 2023 for transport companies operating with tourist buses in the capital, as well for small goods vehicles and trucks. The restrictions will last until 15 of September, by which time traffic will return…transport, coronavirus, border, restriction, traffic2
laptopszervizbudapest.huThe most common issue of the keyboard is the liquid damage, when accidentally some liquid (beer, wine, coffee) spills into the keyboard. The most important thing to do in this case is the immediate removal of the battery, if the liquid reaches other parts within the laptop, it will cause serious…laptop important, important client, keyboard important, important thing, motherboard importantrepair, day, problem, price, replacement2
nyitottkor.hu…a group has not yet taken place. The program might help the children in preventing exclusion and to choose to take the side of the weak. The high level of interaction plays an important part, the children make decisions as a group, they also play the part of the students of the fourth grade class.interaction important, important child, situation important, important thingdrama, group, participant, european, education2
szilvieslaci.huIt would be a great honor if you could join us to celebrate and share in our joy on this special and important occasion.pleased important, important life, special important, important occasionwedding, ceremony, location, useful, pm2
iaabudapest.huSheba Nandkeolyar, Global Vice President Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of IAA Global and President of IAA Australia said: “It is a privilege to lead IAA DE&I and Australia at this important time in IAA’s history. As our 85 years celebrations spotlight IAA’s value for members, I am pleased to…australia important, important time, review important, important advertisingglobal, brand, industry, advertising2
patinamuterem.huA workshop for couples. The wedding band, or couples’ jewelry, is the most personal and often only piece of jewelry people wears. It is important that it be an expression of the relationship and of unity, as well as the person wearing it. And yes, even the differences. For these are what make it…people important, important expressionjewelry, gallery, studio, space, metal2
nyirerdo.huNYÍRERDŐ Nyírségi Erdészeti Zrt. (Forestry Company) manages nearly 60,000 hectares of state-owned forest land in the area of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County and Hajdú-Bihar County, in the north-eastern part of Hungary. The company’s most important task is traditional forestry: afforestation and…company important, important task, definitely important, important rolehunting, forestry, acacia, forest, process2
ecpa2021.huWe would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that the payment deadline for Corresponding Authors is very close. It is very important that minimum one author per paper registers and pays the registration fee until 31 March at the latest. (Until today we have received 58 registrations.)close important, important minimum, martonvásár important, important centreconference, abstract, submission, agriculture, precision2
soundrisestudio.hu"Every time I've been in the studio, it's always been a very homely and easy atmosphere. This is important for me because I'm nervous at first. On top of that, I always got professional quality! My recordings ended up exceeding expectations."mix important, important work, atmosphere important, important nervousstudio, sound, record, music, expertise2
babel-budapest.hu„He is one of the most defining figures of the Babel family and we love it when he visits us to work together. I could not compere him to any other chefs who I know, therefore it was an important moment in my life when he said yes to our collaboration.chef important, important momentrestaurant, wine, great, day, reservation2
europeandanubeforum.huThis means both access to the most important works representing the highest level of European culture (in particular, the address of its freely accessible website) and news of major cultural events.interesting important, important daily, access important, important workeuropean, danube, forum, media, alternative2
inwb.huIn our days internet trends video content gains more and more space. With sofisticated video creation tools, motion picture content is appearing on all platforms reaching a wider audience. A well produced and targeted info video or animation can demand lots of attention and be an important viral…pr important, important sale, attention important, important viralbrand, social, media, customer, tool2
hullampack.huThe most important products of the firm are corrugated products, - which are very good advertisement carriers as well - boxes with printing or sheet-mounting.structure important, important productfirm, corrugated, production, office, head2
rbc2022.huWith 200 expected participants and 5 days of stimulating interactions, it is expected to be one of the most important European scientific forums in the region besides the European Biophysics Societies’ Association Congress.important deadline, interaction important, important europeanbiophysics, conference, regional, deadline, registration2
thehungarianpaprika.huNot only that, authentic Hungarian paprika is used to produce many of the traditional Hungarian food products such as the Piros Arany, Erős Pista, Haragos Pista and Édes Anna, which are all paprika pastes with varying degrees of hotness. They are widely used for sandwiches, soups or grilled meats…meat important, important paprikatype, spice, sweet, hot, history2
mostmarketing.huFor almost 10 years we worked on the communication of the Hungarian Red Cross. We didn't have a classic, old school client-agency relationship, we worked more as a team. They have always been sensitive to socially important issues and put the brand first.socially important, important issue, particularly important, important directcampaign, client, brand, director, head2
dajanaspearlkennel.huI let my dogs from the kennel only with register, contract and guarantee. Every puppy goes away with a special parcel with the most important things.touch important, important life, parcel important, important thinglitter, miniature, dog, american, puppy2
ha2mn.huTime has come to revisit pages after four years. The question was whether to operate a ham radio station or to waste time on maintaining a home page with devoting a considerable effort to it. Of course both are important so the question is answered.actual important, course important, important questionpage, radio, ham, activity, contest2
freegereb.huWe, the board of Human Rights in Childbirth, write to show our concern that the important issues raised around the case of the obstetrician and midwife Agnes Geréb be addressed and resolved in her favor and to the benefit of future maternity services in Hungary.brazil important, important partner, concern important, important issueletter, president, international, birth, janos2
creativedu.huIt is important for us that both the youngsters and the older generations view global challenges in a more sensitive and responsible way, and they would not run away but face them.creative, education, method, global, educational2
biopol.huLarge-scale crop growers also have to cope with fierce international market competition. Cost-effective nutrient management and plant protection are particularly important in this competition, but high product quality is also expected. Even in such circumstances, our products, which are also…plant important, important care, particularly important, important competitionorganic, soil, farming, quality, nutrient2
tippado.huThe team does on a high level not only the accountancy itself but they also act as advisors in the field of taxation and thus, they really contribute to the success of our company. Taking into consideration the above, I really do recommend them to companies to whom it is important to have their…price important, important flexible, company important, important accountancyaccounting, medical, offer, complete, office2
acelkft.huYou can find all the important accessories: garbage, patio, automated safety barriers, planters, bulletin boards, tree guards, passenger shelters, bicycle racks. In addition to the products on our website designers we can help realize the unique ideas as well.bench, outdoor, furniture, lighting, lock2
kaalifa.huAs part of artistic activities, I draw on paper and wood. Since I believe the heritage and the values of both the Hungarian and the ancient cultures are important, I use the motifs in my creations which I want to preserve and pass on for the future, such as shapes and forms in nature and ancient…value important, important interesting, culture important, important motifcreation, page, furniture, art, ancient2
bekesstock.hu…building changed its function and became a barracks for gladiators, which resulted in certain parts of the building being reorganised. The most important rooms were those on the eastern side whereas the rooms upstairs may have been the apartments of the undertaker of the gladiators. Pompeii was anbuild important, important roomcounty, travel, europe, tourism, vacation2
bio-klima.huWe believe in mechanical cleaning – it is not enough to simply spray some kind of chemical on the heat exchanger or treat it with ozone. The most important thing is to remove the dirt deposited on the fan – this can be done by cleaning the fan mechanically or washing it in water.ozone important, important thingclean, air, unit, healthy, premium2
trustbuilder.huTrustMap shows the important, even critical points . At the end of the anonymous survey we produce aggregate reports and analyses. We examine change-readiness to increase the level of trust.trustmap important, important criticaltrust, employee, tax, turnover, survey2
casinolove.huThese bonuses credit an amount larger than the deposit made. Typically, you'll see 50%, 100%, or even 200% extra credit. It's important to know that most casinos maintain two parallel accounts: one for our deposited money (also called real money account) and one for bonus money (which also holds…bonus important, important casino, credit importantbonus, deposit, spin, free, code2
wishywashy.huWe help you focus those on things, which are important to you. We do washing, ironing and a wide range of cleaning services in Debrecen.thing important, important washing, furthermore important, important clothesclean, washing, package, shoe, clothes2
hopajzskft.huOur aim is to introduce to our clients the new insulation technologies, that in some cases are yet unknown to the public. This is especially important to us, as most of the products we offer are the result of Hungarian innovation.home important, important traditional, especially important, important productdocument, gallery, technology, forum, insulation2
incominghungary.huWhat are you looking for? What is the most important thing you want to take with you from this trip?travel, incoming, luxury, trip, family2
budapestairporttransfer.huTransfer Plus offers superb transfer service in Budapest. We are the most popular and has been chosen by many important people. Make yourself comfortable and let everything go smoothly on your birthday.popular important, important peopletransfer, airport, homepage, trip, rate2
purgemax.huOn the first quarter of the last year we started to test PurgeMax. The first impression was very good. The cleaning method was very easy an effective. The first time we could see the cleaning time was very short(only 3 minutes). And the most important advantages: · There was not large downtime; ·…time important, important currency, minute important, important advantagemolding, injection, extrusion, blow, feature2
pestextfestival.huPesText is a Budapest based international literary and cultural festival that was founded in 2019 by MISZJE (Hungarian Literary Authors’ Collecting Society). The festival places world literature in the spotlight. Since the foundation of the festival, Petőfi Cultural Agency – the most important…agency important, important financing, translation important, important creativefestival, literary, author, writer, literature2
mestertomi.huYou can tell a little bit more about your website here. Why is it great for your visitors? Why should they stick around? Then you can point them to your most important page. (Probably a newsletter subscription? Or a product page?)visitor important, important pagepost, page, friendly, lead, article2
kodkft.huThe regional maintenance centers of KÓD KFT provide continuous electric power supply to the facilities of our customers and ensure reliable operation of the electrical equipment of our contracted partners through the most important business- and industrial sites of Hungary. At present, our…respect important, important actor, partner important, important industrialelectrical, production, control, implementation, activity2
biohair.huRegular nail care is as important as hair or skin care. That's why we have made available manicure services at many BioHair Salon, which can also be used without a check-in for our guests looking for beauty. In just 30 minutes, we can make your hands look beautiful, whether you choose a…care important, important hair, satisfaction important, important teamsalon, hair, line, treatment, scalp2
abrazivfeed.huThis year ABRAZIV participated as an exhibitor at the 90th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, Serbia’s most important food and agricultural event, in cooperation with CED…serbia important, important foodfeed, plant, bulk, technology, handle2
metwork.huIf you and your company believe in open and honest communication, innovative solutions and it is important for you to meet deadlines, then our core values are the same.template important, important technical, solution important, important deadlinemachine, quote, offer, deadline, solution2
thomasmenner.huWhen we create our beers, we evoke the character which may have been typical of Thomas Menner, and also typical of the consumers of our beers. Therefore, the most important feature of the brand is the high quality of beer, bottle, packaging, service and the communication as well.beer important, important feature, different important, important criteriabeer, craft, abbey, quality, tradition2
citikert.huWith a child’s eye, a garden is the place for various adventures. It is not just about putting a slide in the corner, but also create space for games like jumping, running, hide-and-seek and so on. But one thing is really important, the safety of our children. Of course, we design the gardens…thing important, important safetygarden, construction, plant, child, harmonious2
daalgroup.huAt DAAL Group we learnt in time that advanced theoretical knowledge does not deliver perfect results without on-site experience. We consider it very important to keep engineering expertise and work during implementation in harmony and in permanent touch at all times.safety important, important high, experience important, important engineeringindustrial, engineering, group, air, hall2
agilegettogether.huHow do you allow agile transformations to scale and become business as usual? Getting engagement and embedded capabilities is critically important, but really difficult to achieve. Most organisations fund coaches to start, but that investment does not always last, so how do you proactively work to…critically important, important difficult, company important, important organisationagile, session, track, speaker, detail2
hapa.huAccumulating important basic data related to the statutes and decrees of the industry, taking the industry’s standpoint of the different topics into account;order important, important objectiveasphalt, member, association, road, european2
servicemania.huI am glad that I chose ServiceMania for my company’s accounting and payroll needs. Reports and payables regularly arrive a few days before the deadline. They answer my urgent questions at any time, even after working hours, and I also think it’s important that they love what they do and do it well.business important, important reliableaccounting, payroll, staff, management, quote2
drgerei.huKnowledge of frequently changing labour law provisions that are important in the working life and often not allowing any derogations. I give advices to both employers and employees, and represent them in labour law cases if necessary. Next>>provision important, important worklegal, law, representation, procedure, case2
agrikusz.huThe employees of our company are extremely knowledgeable in the insurance market, having previously been important players in the chain of business activities at other large insurance companies, and especially in the field of agricultural insurance. The services shown on our website are…previously important, important playerinsurance, agricultural, market, broker, corporate2
bcsconsult.hu“I find it important to ask my leader's opinion when I need new ideas during my work. Here, I always have the option to do so. ”consulting, solution, development, financial, detail2
ltcom.huWe are looking for a senior account manager to join the LT Communication Advertising Agency team! Do you like rush and exciting, spectacular projects? Is it important to you that your work be diverse? When problems need to be solved, are you the first person in your environment to find a solution…goal important, important fun, project important, important workcommunication, creative, campaign, promotion, customer2
centraldent.huThis procedure is the most important part of preserving the tooth. The treatment can take more time and needs more visit, however the result could be a long lasting, painless tooth. Thus the final step, the extraction, can be prevented.manager important, important latest, procedure important, important toothtooth, central, dental, preview, denture2
megoldaseskuvore.huAs a master of ceremonies, I am here with you on one of the most important days of your shared life to ensure that everything happens just as you've planned.ceremony important, important daywedding, day, big, guest, joy2
reillyshop.huIn many cases, the essence of modern tattoos is self-expression, a message to the outside world that can carry an important message for its wearer as well. Fortunately, some workplaces are becoming more accepting of this form of body modification, even on uncovered body parts.world important, important messagetattoo, body, training, shop, artist2
horvathfogorvos.huMy client’s satisfaction and beautiful smile are the most important for me as a dentist. Dentistry develops year by year and I claim that we keep pace. Our goal is that you get the best service and that you leave our surgery satisfied and making good impression.dentist important, important satisfied, smile important, important dentistdental, tooth, treatment, replacement, aesthetic2
avidinlab.huSampling can be done independently (by the patient) or with the help of qualified medical staff (doctor, nurse). Proper sampling is not complicated, does not require special knowledge or professional qualifications, and is described in the instructions for use of the sampling kit. However, it is…increasingly important, important player, kit important, important currentsample, result, laboratory, logistic, method2
papapedia.humore or less evenly distributed in the three sectors and two remained in the staff of the HQ. Lt. Colonel Forgács received almost the greatest trust and honor when he was appointed commander of the Central Sector (HQ at Ba'qubah) as this Sector was considered one of the most important and sensitive.sector important, important sensitive, task important, important specialmission, military, force, observer, peace2
szamurajkardvivas.hu…can study this tradition, and get familiar to an aspect of this seemingly simple, but actually extremely complex system. This site has another important function, it is a knowledge base of descriptions and video clips for advanced students, who want to know deeper the motion culture of Muso…site important, important function, important pageseminar, industry, login, gallery, planner2
avplay.huCrystal clear sound quality - only from professional manufacturers, be it a microphone, loudspeaker or other equipments. However, we know that human factors are at least as important as state-of the art technology: you won’t feel left alone as you can count on our support from the installation to…factor important, important state, communication important, important effectivelysolution, play, event, quotation, technology2
ssscc.huanniversary of this important conference series. The conference will provide an excellent platform in the research field of smart sustainable and safe cities for knowledge exchange between researchers, scientists, academicians and engineers working in the areas listed here (but not limited):anniversary important, important conference, important datecity, safe, conference, sustainable, submission2
mfe-hda.hu…transferring the national and international scientific results in order to promote the development of dentistry, and maintaining a high level of professional standard. Interdisciplinarity is considered to be the Association's important task, which determines the place of dentistry within medicine.association important, important task, difficult important, important professional, news importantassociation, society, dental, dentistry, news2
buco.hu…professional categories. And you need someone with trusted counterparts around the world whose own experience and connections may be just as important. But what you need most is someone who understands you. Someone who really knows what drives you – and where you’re driving to. Someone who willcourse important, important thing, connection important, important waybookkeeping, tax, finance, corporate, fiscal2
3delite.huNotez - Virtual post-it for Windows. Uses Time-Blend™ technology, notes fade out and disappear. User selectable colors. You never loose your important notes, because notes are saved automatically on every keypress. Timer option, plays a sound file on alarm.color important, important notefile, component, library, software, use2
dm-innovation.huFor Investors, two of the many aspects and parameters are the most important. Expected return and the riskiness of the investment. The success of investing in a technology project depends mainly on business development and sales activities.parameters important, important return, environment important, important currentinnovation, development, technology, sale, process2
piksys.huGain visibility and control across your entire security ecosystem with central, cross-product management platform that connects global threat intelligence, enterprise risk, and system security posture in real time. When using monitoring and auditing systems, you will have time for other important…time important, important tasksecurity, knowledge, strength, solution, threat2
skinacademy.huFinally, there will be important sessions for practicing dermatologists for which the Skin Academy has been dedicated at the outset: The Academy of Differential Diagnoses and the Academy of Clinical Challenges.later important, important rare, finally important, important sessionacademy, registration, skin, interactive, disease2
dnv.huDNV is a very diverse and inclusive company today, and we know that diversity and inclusion is one of the important keys to our success, today and tomorrow. In the future, we will dare to be even more ambitious and focused in our pursuit of increased diversity and inclusion.equally important, important inclusion, inclusion important, important keydiversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group2
loftdent.huNowadays, aesthetics becomes more and more important, thus many patients choose tooth whitening after the dental hygienic treatment. Both we can carry out within one seat. The chief oral surgeon of our dental office performs painless and quick tooth extractions, that is his personal mission. The…quotation important, important life, aesthetic important, important patientdental, patient, treatment, price, media2
kertvellesy.huPlanning is a conversation between us. The most important to me is to understand you, your needs. The plan is not about me, but rather about you. I merely create the unity of color, form, needs and possessions. The style itself is secondary but to be stylish, is important. You have to feel and…workplace important, important winrar, conversation important, important need, stylish importantagreement, contract, office, reference, data2
build-log.huThe satisfaction of our partners is important to us, thus we can meet any storage requirements in our warehouse.partner important, important storagelog, build, solution, homepage, career2
drsuta.huWhen the wisdom tooth could not grow out from the jaw because of lack of the space, it ignites, or if it touches other teeth with damage, our specialists offer the removal of the tooth, that important for prevention and which could be the solution to the problem.prevention important, important advice, tooth important, important preventiondental, surgery, tooth, oral, istvan2
restoration-ecology.huThe restoration of invasion-resistant plant communities is an important strategy to combat the negative impacts of alien invasions. Based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of seed-based ecological restoration experiments, here we demonstrate the potential of functional similarity, seeding…community important, important strategy, run important, important voterestoration, ecology, group, publication, research2
falcocluster.huDue to the fierce economic competition and the escalating innovative expectations, the cooperation provided by a cluster is becoming more and more important. Cluster: group, pile, conglomeration. In other words: association, unity, collaboration, cooperation.cluster important, important clustercluster, member, market, activity, introduction2
expatserv.huWe understand how important it is for you to arrive in time, well informed about the new cultural environment, about the basic facilities and relaxed knowing that you can almost continue your life where you stopped it in your previous location.expatriate, relocation, trust, card, expat2
bsm.co.huI present all exercises in a jargon-free and easy-to-understand way. In addition, you will find a summary for each muscle. I think it’s important to understand what’s going on with you and see what we need to put more emphasis on to succeed.strong important, important strength, muscle important, important emphasispain, exercise, package, video, material2
sensa.huWe consider it important that the implemented projects generate value for our partners’ businesses, with a high return on investment.uncertain important, important jobdevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting2
evoq10.huWhat is “enzyme”? - These are substances that support and manage chemical, biochemical processes in the organism. At a molecular level, important processes would go slower or would not happen without enzymes. Enzymes are mostly proteins produced by our body. Additional non-protein organic…level important, important processdeficiency, ingredients, dosage, price, lot2
naturbiokal.huIn the beginning it was a family enterprise which won many important awards in Hungary and abroad. Because of the awards and the feedback of the satisfied customers the company expended its production capacity. The result of this the Natur Biokal factory which was built in Barcs , where the…enterprise important, important awardinternational, family, plant, natural, result2
helio.huHelio took over the full support of Premium Health Fund’s online presence in 2014. Since then one of the biggest fund services of Hungary is one of our most important clients as well.hungary important, important clientdevelopment, client, fund, website, user2
korinda.huThe true and authentic interpretation is one of the most important aim of Korinda Band, focusing on the ethnical groups who live in the eastern part of the Hungarian speech area. At the time of the beginning the three founders started to play together after they got the possibility to learn the…interpretation important, important aimmember, tradition, music, heart, concert2
sniperfegyverbolt.huAfter 2004 many of its traditional export markets were put under embargo and this caused the company to stop its activity connected to the defence industry. At the end of 2010, FÉG almost went bankrupt when HUF 1.7 billion of funds disappeared from the company. MPF Industry Group made an important…company important, important arm, group important, important investmentgun, store, shop, cart, industry2
biggeorgeproperty.huThe most important mission of Biggeorge Property is to satisfy the client’s needs to the greatest extent and to create buildings that people enjoy; therefore, in 2017, we established our construction subsidiary, GroupdUp. Our mission is to provide our partners with complete, professional building…value important, important objectiveproperty, development, real, estate, view2
nobilitas.huThe presidency considers it important to emphasize the non profit nature of the association, to provide future generations tradition and moral virtue, while focusing on communicating social-centered pure noble values towards general audiences.presidency important, important nonassociation, historical, family, noble, youth2
mystiqueroom.huOUR NEW ROOM HAS ARRIVED!!! By accident, all the fairy tale characters have been trapped inside a magical object... Unfortunately, if they don't change back in 1 hour, they will be trapped in the objects forever. We need your help! It's important to know that this is not a classic escape room, but…king important, important dangerous, help important, important classicroom, player, minute, difficulty, length2
applepshostess.huWe work primarily with young, attractive hostesses and hosts who also have the most important inner qualities needed to perform the task: outstanding communication skills, empathy, endurance, proactivity and patience. Year after year we receive more and more high-quality and challenging jobs in…host important, important inn, festival important, important messageevent, host, staff, exhibition, agency2
hordoetterembuk.huAlso referred to as the Daily menu. The most important thing is that we offer our weekly rotating menu around midday for the hardworking heroes of every day. A filling portion with quality.menu important, important thingrestaurant, staff, guest, protect, drink2
debrecensun.huA chubby girl from Debrecen turned into a fitness competitor. Mária Hajdrik also fights for important goals as a coachhajdrik important, important goaljanuary, price, zone, sun, economy2
mea-metal.huMEA Metal Group is one of the most important suppliers to the construction industry in Europe with over 130 years of experience on the market. We offer solutions for drainage, various applications for basements and cellars, metal applications and accessories.group important, important supplier, important linkmetal, mea, basket, application, grating2
dentalroyal.huOur dental clinic considers correctness and reliability as the most important things and therefore we cannot and do not want to participate in any kind of price competition. We are very keen on hygiene and we only work with materials and tools of exceptional quality.reliability important, important thingdental, treatment, tooth, price, implant2
tka.hu…who have attended or graduated from any higher education institutions in Hungary. The network is also open for Hungarian higher education institutions and other partners, who want to share important news and information in the community with the aim of networking, recruitment and cooperation.hungary important, important information, partner important, important newstempus, international, foundation, public, education2
smartbuykft.huTransportation of plants by important transport, where the necessary temperature and microclimate. We work only with trusted logistics companies.supplier important, important business, plant important, important transportplant, seedling, supplier, custom, material2
bravolight.huYou might not think that the right lighting is an important driver of your business. Actually, it can be one of your most important marketing tools, as it makes you visible! Good lighting makes the environment more comfortable and the pleasant atmosphere created by decorative LED lighting can…lighting important, important security, important driver, actually important, important marketinglighting, light, plan, solution, source2
hauff-technik.huSustainability is an important issue for us. Topics such as environmental impacts or social issues along the …sustainability important, important issueentry, build, cable, plan, tool2
digify.huWe assess the exact target of our customers, determine what offline and online interfaces can be most important to them to achieve their goals and increase their sales.interface important, important goalclient, strategy, goal, media, social2
laserbrothers.huImportant! If we receive incorrect or incomplete data, we will not be able to process the quote request or order.important teamcut, offer, production, idea, request2
alukol.huDuring the years since its foundation, the company has become one of the most important aluminum-facade manufacturers in Hungary and has been the one of the biggest among them for years. The name of ALUKOL now stands for reliable, high quality and fair work.company important, important aluminumquality, facade, aluminum, profile, reference2
framest.huThe most important asset of the agricultural production is the soil. The state of the soil determines other factors of the cultivation. The FRALAZ subsoilers help us to create good soil structure.humidity important, important productiongallery, machine, cultivation, agricultural, manufacturer2
czurda.huDuring the Turkish invasion the region became unpeopled. The Turkish armies marching to Vienna went through this region. After the Turks were expelled, the vineyards started to flourish again and became an important way of making a living. In the second half of the 19th century the phylloxera…győrszemerén important, important good, vineyard important, important waywine, region, riesling, vineyard, shop2
pr-evolution.huLove on earth and in heaven... The value that the wordof the heart carries and that a couple feels for each other is a defining factor in everyday life. The pursuit and the joy of happiness is important for all people. This time, Mihály Vörösmarty’s classic play comes tolife in a new language in…happiness important, important people, stain important, important carpetdance, evolution, performance, mother, goose2
rgbstudio.huIf you would like to present your company, product or service in a cost-effective and entertaining way, then the infographic style 2d animation (explainer animation) will be right for you! If a unique, aesthetic, exclusive look is important for you and the product has to be photorealistic, select…look important, important product, commercial important, important storyanimation, studio, graphic, motion, video2
drszalay.huIn the course of its works, the LAW OFFICE OF DR. TAMÁS SZALAY acts in compliance with the Act on Attorneys, as well as the code of ethics and norms applicable to attorneys-at-law. We hereby inform our clients of the substance and the most important rules of the above:substance important, important rulelaw, attorney, client, legal, office2
adatvissza.huThe Adatvissza, data recovery team had made several thousand successful jobs due to our unique recovery technology, professional equipment and experts with many years of experience. That is sufficient in order to identify the causes of data loss and quick recovery of data which is important to you…data important, important cost, individual important, important customerdata, recovery, drive, hard, card2
privateinvestigation.huThe experience mentioned above is very important. A truly experienced private detective, like myself and members of my team, has tens of thousands of hours of experience. Creativity is also indispensable. Every case is different, and even if there is often a similarity between them, not always…experience important, important trulyprivate, investigation, case, agency, family2
braccoitaliano.hu…take them for walks or play sports with them. They can be kept indoors, outdoors or in a kennel but the closeness of their owner is what's most important to them. Our dogs are kept in kennels with a long stretch of running area. In addition to excercising them regularly with walks, biking and…owner important, important dog, puppy important, italiano importantdog, puppy, hunting, great, kind2
dimboard.huLarge operational display with employee information, breaks, shifts, important information. For production lines: current production, quality information, recommended machine settings, warning for periodic inspection.shift important, important information, reminder important, important corporatedata, production, collection, process, improvement2
gitartanar-budapest.huI have studied for my jazz guitar BA degree in Hungary and graduated from Conservatory in 2011. In 2015 I graduated for my jazz guitar MA degree in the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. Apart from my family the most important thing in my life is playing and composing music.family important, important thing, tempo important, important studentlesson, guitar, music, student, musician2
atlantiszkiado.huNaught is for man so important as rightly to know his own purpose; For but twelve groschen hard cash ’tis to be bought at my shop! (Friedrich Schiller)man important, important rightlybook, cart, island, search, discount2
elektronforras.huAlthough with a well designed UPS system and the revolutionary usage of the renewable energy sources we can protect the most important part of the home and industrial processes or at least the IT and the communication systems during the temporary outage.source important, important homeserver, room, energy, power, installation2
hologramhungary.hu…against your competitors’ products. The customer will see that you take the secure packaging seriously, the aesthetics of the product is important to you and this way, you will seem more professional. The customers will realize that your product is high quality . A spectacular hologram…environment important, important company, product important, important waylabel, security, customer, printing, material2
drtakacsdavid.huFor me it is important to make top quality work, and also make my Patients feel comfortable and relaxed during the dental treatments as well.fitness important, important thingdental, dentistry, job, dentist, degree2
magnewill.huIt is always worth supplementing your diet with exercise, so magnesium supplementation is important not only for your diet, but also for supporting your muscles. Magnesium is involved in normal energy-producing metabolic processes and is necessary to maintain electrolyte balance.different important, important thing, supplementation important, important dietmagnesium, supplementation, muscle, main, page2
pavadesign.huResponsiveness (mobile responsiveness) and aesthetics are now essential when building a website. But beyond that, quality content, transparency and ease of navigation are more important. A website can be created to present a small business, but most of the time it is used to achieve business…increasingly important, important online, navigation important, important websitewebsite, quote, publish, portfolio, document2
astrodent.huIn our clinic You will not be offered a simple dental service of an impersonal enterprise, but our patients will meet the owners of a family owned company, who will treat them and will take personal responsibility for the treatments. That should be one of the most important factor in deciding…trust important, important role, change important, important patient, treatment importantdental, dentistry, treatment, clinic, care2
budapestinsiderguide.hu…the beaten track of tourists and only cross major sightseeing routes, you will still have the opportunity to take a glimpse at some of the most important sights in town. Major points of interest / Route: Városligeti fasor – Munkácsy Mihály utca – Bajza utca – Dob utca Dohány utca - Hold utca –…tour important, important iconic, glimpse important, important sighttour, guide, distance, history, price2
budapest18.huAs the main road of our district, it is the most important route of Pestszentlőrinc, making its appearance as a settlement image is of paramount importance. The defining elements of this image are the proportion of areas used by pedestrians and reserved for public transport vehicles (e.g. trams)…direction important, important route, district important, sign important, important streetcenter, innovation, district, road, urban2
szintezis-net.huStrategic planning helps us better understand your goals so that we can keep the focus on what is important to you throughout our cooperation. We can plan milestones for the development process and how we can achieve them most efficiently. We will define KPIs and how we will measure them.focus important, important cooperationprocess, development, solution, user, patient2
colortec.hu…constantly provide our customers with reliable and durable material with no interruptions in quality. Pre-Painted Galvanised Iron (PPGI) are an important component for the production of industrial, construction and household products. To meet the needs of all industries, ColorTec focuses on four…ppgi important, important component, coating important, important characteristicsteel, news, quality, production, partnership2
q-projekt.huIstanbul Escorts is one of the most important cities in Turkey and is visited by millions of tourists every year. istanbul escorts services are also offered in Istanbul to meet the needs of domestic and foreign tourists traveling to Istanbul.escort important, important citygirl, escort, agency, city, client2
dealercars.huAs a car dealer it is important to find the best possible cars at the best possible prices to stay competitive. A great way to acquire quality cars at affordable prices is to participate in used car auctions.dealer important, important good, business important, important componentauction, vehicle, dealer, country, international2
mititex.huAccording to our philosophy people come always first, labour protection, fire-protection and environmental protection are far the most important key point in our company’s life, therefore we pay very special attention to fulfil all obligations perfectly with the cooperation of our well trained…people important, important valuable, far important, important keyquality, activity, group, member, italian2
paintballakademia.huThermal masks: As professionals we exactly know how important is to use the highest quality paintball mask, which is fog resistent. On our field you can play with these masks.exactly important, important high, sportsurface important, important thingfield, book, real, easy, cheap2
satyananda.huWe invite you to yoga classes conducted in English at our beautiful downtown yoga center. Taking up yoga is one of the single most effective ways to improve your sense of wellbeing. As there are many types of Yoga it’s important to choose the right type for you. We teach Satyananda Yoga. It’s…retreat important, important faculty, yoga important, important rightyoga, february, retreat, author, awareness2
adatvedelmi-jog.huThe principle of fair and transparent data processing is in the main focus of the GDPR. Consequently, the rights of the data subject must be assured right from the first recording of data. It is important to highlight at this point that the current information about these rights needs to be…important regulation, data important, important pointdata, protection, law, process, subject2
ccsys.huCSyS implements the most important machine room quality assurance functions within a closed loop system. The automated spectrophotometer coloring-, density measurement, pre-inking and press control systems relieve the machine operator of the burden of having to adjust the zone and color. The CSyS…solution important, important industrial, csys important, important machinecolor, control, measurement, quality, camera2
muszertechnika.hu…structures. In the future, they plan to enter the market with a joint company, aiming to serve the entire European market with solar support structures through a merger that is unique in the solar market, and thus becoming one of the most important manufacturers of solar metal structures in Europe.market important, important manufacturer, spirit important, important systemicmanufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software2
davehelpsdebrecen.huWell I could only trust David to get my residence permit(the most important document one can have here) from the post office and send it to me in Germany last year!residence important, important documenthelp, price, day, problem, international2
nimfea.huSo the colleagues of the Association welcomed the guests of the Nimfea stall wearing traditional local folk costumes. The visitors could meet some of the most important actors of the Landscape Rehabilitation and Regional Development Program of Túrkeve, such as the small flock of traditional racka…especially important, important feed, visitor important, important actornature, association, conservation, center, environmental2
bepro.hu…sign, possibly totem column or advertising tower. From image design through visual elements and production, all the way to actual on-site assembly and maintenance we give our maximum performance. It is important for our customers, that their business are distinguished from the competitors, to raiseperformance important, important customer, beginning important, important strategic, price importantsign, board, office, decoration, advertisement2
kkbse.huWe are looking for member who are willing to work together. Racing is still encouraged and remains an important part. Members are welcome to race if they choose to do so.racing important, important membermember, opportunity, reason, event, charity2
ggis.huChoosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. GGIS offers the students who attend more than just a great academic education. GGIS educates the whole student; body, soul and spirit. Students will have the academic preparation for the…equally important, important world, child important, important decisionschool, international, great, question, grace2
bluecart.huWe realize how important is to have different cart and mounting options for our monitors, ecg-s, tcg-s and Lumify, therefore we developed a new product line that is fully compatible with these products.process important, important timecart, order, form, quality, need2
racerbeans.huNicaragua was planted with coffee in the late 1800s, but it wasn’t until the middle of the 19th century that the crop established itself as an important export: Increasing global demand—especially from North America—and diminished supply from the Pacific Islands contributed to a steady development…crop important, important export, important billioncoffee, small, process, dry, quality2
lacom.huIs it important to see what was published in the media about your company? Does effective communication matter to you? Would you like to be aware of the communication activities of your competitors?matter important, important marketmedia, plan, creative, event, personal2
consultancyhouse.huIn all the important business decisions, what is most important is to do the right thing. It will be frustrating and making pain, doing the right things at the wrong time. But doing the right things at the right time will cause amazing success.decision important, important rightplan, financial, organization, thing, success2
kontron.huIt is a technology platform for digital transformation, the fundamental pillar of a corporate ecosystem, providing integration between applications and standard user experience in a simple, secure, and reliable way. The most important components of this technology platform are the following:…property important, important physical, way important, important componentsolution, network, management, customer, cloud2
furedyacht.hu…of the sailing course on your clothes for the first time. Indeed good quality sunglasses are essential. Due to the reflection of water, it is important to protect your eyes with good quality lens during sailing. Later, if you really go sailing frequently, it is worth investing in quality clothes,water important, important eye, home important, important studentsailing, course, boat, examination, license2
sport-tiedje.huA weight bench offers a versatile use for the training with dumbbells or barbells. Upgrade your fitness facility at home with an adjustable weight bench and get several exercising possibilities and do special trainings for all important muscle groups. While doing sport with free weights, the…especially important, important muscle, training importanttraining, bike, equipment, weight, europe2
falco7.huFAL-CO7 Cleaning Service Ltd. offers its services to meet every requirement and with all the advantages of precise work to owners and company leaders, who find the satisfaction and good spirits of their customers and colleagues important, by providing a feeling of comfort and cleanliness.regulation important, important rule, colleagues important, important feelclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements2
csharp-tutorial.huIt could be very useful if your application (doesn’t matter if it’s a Winforms or web application) create a log file and write every important moment in it. The best package I found is Log4Net. It can be easily used …file important, important moment, work important, important thingtutorial, code, framework, entity, useful2
ivanyifilm.hu…present his personality, but also to give an overall impression of the situation Hungary is facing nowadays. We’ve been following Gábor Iványi for the past two years, our camera was present at the most important events, but we also took every opportunity to have meaningful conversations with him.”present important, important event, message important, important beginningpastor, soul, portrait, documentary, director2
kidma.huKidma’s main goal is to provide quality free-time activities to Jewish young adults. We would like to have an open community where everyone feels free to join. Our ideology is not based on religion, yet Jewish tradition is important to us. Our programs focus on issues about Israel, Jewish culture…tradition important, important program, interesting important, important lifejewish, goal, activity, cultural, movie2
nyelvinfo.huThe knowledge of the user's grammar is important. As all the examinations of high standards, TOEFL iBT ® examination also requires more than the knowledge of the structural grammar. The lack of using the proper form and composition may influence the number of the acquired points. The course will…timing important, important factor, grammar important, important examination, course importantexamination, language, course, school, skill2
lauryfarm.husignificant results and individual genetic background. It is the quality and the determination that is important. Our mini pony foals are beautiful, pure-bred and unique in Hungary. If you are ready to have your lovely pony at your home, don't hesitate to contact us.individual important, important breed, determination important, important minibreed, stallion, sale, gallery, individual2
masped.hu…aim is to provide you comfort and service with the help of our seventy-year long professional experience and innovative way of thinking. Social responsibility, participation in professional organizations and sustainable ethical way of thinking in business is essentially important for our companies.essentially important, important company, group important, important rolegroup, logistic, reliability, tradition, social2
autcom.huYou can find detailed information about the most important changes and current news concerning Autcom Szolgáltató Zrt.important information, information important, important changenumber, account, procedure, document, news2
kadar-komjathy.huOur articles provide legal advice and current legal news to help you navigate the complexities of the legal world and understand important legal issues.customer important, world important, important legallegal, lawyer, client, news, fee2
lanclanc.hu…or only for a few days a week, depending on what is best for the family. The teachers regularly inform the parents about their children’s development and everyday life at the nursery, as we believe that the cooperation between parents and teachers is an important basis of successful education.teacher important, important basis, rhythm important, important childgroup, child, teacher, kindergarten, school2
sziklaimasszazs.huI massage only with natural , 100% pure, cold pressed rice oil (oryza sativa bran oil). It is completely odorless and leaves no oily feeling after the massage. I know a lot of people love fragrant oils, but for me, health is more important. This oil is completely allergen-free, gentle , can be…health important, important oil, protection important, important homemassage, unique, guest, free, book2
resinematkft.huOur partners include many multinational companies that have an impact on the region's economy, as well as several smaller but more important local businesses. Thanks to our foreign customers, we have successfully exported the parts and equipment we manufacture to Austria, Romania, Italy and China.construction important, important equipment, small important, important localmachining, step, activity, machine, development2
leadgenerator.huB2B (business-to-business) lead generation plays an important role in the lives of companies. To operate and grow successfully, a company needs new partners, customers and suppliers. However, building the right business relationships is not always an easy task and requires effective and targeted…generation important, important role, account important, important enquirersprice, profile, order, account, lead2
hungarianbatteryday.huThe Hungarian Battery Day is the most comprehensive international conference for reviewing the opportunities and challenges faced by the stakeholders of the fast-developing battery industry in Hungary and in the wider region. The conference established itself as an important yearly meeting point…conference important, important yearly, trend important, important playerbattery, day, industry, director, objective2
konyhabiztos.huThe HACCP system is such an important requirement in some places that if it is missing, the business will not be successful. (They will not buy from a partner without a system.)establishment important, important halal, system important, important requirementfood, rule, career, reference, restaurant2
ydrab.huIt is important, that the module can only be used with activated Ignition. It is not enough to buy the module.important informationmodule, power, focus, configuration, automation2
doublerosenext.huIf a neat look and good impression on your customers and clients are important for you, then we are your good decision. The clean, stylish design of our clothes ensure elegant, professional appearance, so thus your clothing measures up to the level of your work.client important, important goodprotection, technology, fabric, comfortable, healthcare2
biondobike.huPinarello and Wilier have been the two pulling brands in the Biondo Bike bike business from the beginning. These two bicycle brands with exceptional prestige and quality culture need not be presented to anyone, but it is important to mention that for both Pinarello and Wilier, the Biondo Bike bike…need important, important pinarello, store important, important newsbike, second, hand, shop, bicycle2
jaroracs.hu…dividing to be used increases the freedom of the static design. It makes it possible to synchronize and optimize the demand regarding the loading and the actual load supporting capacity. Of course, the grid dividing has an important influence on the specific price beyond the static point of view.grid important, important influence, picture important, important mannergrating, bar, grid, bear, steel2
karpitmuveszek.hu…even if not conscious, it represented a sharp U-turn back to the academic founder of the art form in Hungary. Back, to one of the most important figures of the 20th century Hungarian tapestry art, Noémi Ferenczy and her concepts on medieval ideals. According to her, the real value of the…hungary important, important figure, ladder important, important group, important linkartist, light, thread, tapestry, nature2
euroadvance.hu…agreement, prepare the accounts and the final report. You should focus on running your own business, your municipality, or your NGO. Our experience and contact capital since 1994 (sometimes this is more important) is a sure guarantee that you will complete the development you have started smoothly.capital important, important sure, century important, important elementmanagement, development, line, consultancy, education2
gyekenyes-szallasajanlo.huFor fishers it is extremely important, how wide is the area, how big is the size of the fishing area.fin important, important information, extremely important, important widehouse, area, main, offer, fishing2
csaladtudomany.huThe European Family Science Society is an important member of the Family Science Alliance practically with the same professional goals. Members of the Alliance are organizations and members of the Society are individuals.health important, important human, society important, important memberfamily, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter2
blue.huInspiring for employees, a functional and aesthetic workplace can be measurable for the company’s effectiveness. Consequently, it is important for us how people feel at their workplace, or wherever they happen to work and create every day. Work is not only about performance: it is also a way of…interior important, important company, consequently important, important peoplespace, office, workplace, desk, furniture2
relaxspa.huthe body and to be absorbed immediately by the body. It is impossible to mention all the healing effects of peat, but here are a few of the most important ones: cleansing blood-vessels, strenghtening of the vein wall, accelerating metabolism, regenerating the skin, rejuvenating the cells, helping…hair important, important method, peat important, important onetreatment, massage, cost, minute, weight2
efisz.huWhen using electronic payment services, it is very important to monitor the implementation of the principles set out in the Electronic Payment Services Code of Conduct.service important, important implementationpayment, electronic, association, provider, member2
elektromoskocsi-betegagy.huIt is important to make sure of the route before purchasing lifters and ambulance services obstacle clearance. There should be a suitable ramp to the threshold. The lift or patient adjuster can be used on a bed or armchair that under which the legs of the lift or adjuster can be pushed. It is…important information, adjuster important, important rightfoundation, hospital, care, bed, wheelchair2
budapestenergysummit.hu…environmental and technology policy issues. 1998-2005, Mr. Magwood was Director of Nuclear Energy at the US DoE, where he launched several important initiatives including GIF. He began his career working as a scientist for Westinghouse and Edison Electric Institute. Mr. Magwood holds…doe important, important initiative, world important, important issueenergy, gas, profile, view, thank2
renographic.huIt is the most important part in the creation of the brand. Your logo does really determine you in the best way. Your logo is the face of your company, it often specifies whether you will make a good or bad impression in the potential clients.graphic, brand, visual, logo, identity2
kozelafrikahoz.hu'It is an honour for me to know and work with the Close to Africa Foundation because I personally know what it is like to live in Africa and I know what it is like to not have access to proper school supplies or even have no access to education at all. Education is the most important thing one can…outstandingly important, important activity, education important, important thingchild, africa, school, sponsor, education2
potenton.hu…renowned soloist, composer and teacher, counts among the most outstanding cellists and musicians of our time. Has performed at all important festivals and musical centres worldwide and given numerous concerts with fellow musicians such as Heinz Holliger, Gidon Kremer, Thomas Larcher…time important, important festival, music important, important aspect, beloved importantconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music2
colibri90-trade.huOur main and permanent customer base composed of many retailers, different stores and food chains, because we consider it important to continiously review and expand our product range.chain important, important continiously, fairness important, important valuesale, manager, representative, warehouse, officer2
eloszer.huIt is important for us to work exclusively from quality raw materials through qualified procedures.build, industrial, house, public, hall2
scottishmission.huExplore more of the history of the Scottish Mission, based on important themes in the saga of the community, here!connection important, important year, mission important, important themescottish, mission, church, timeline, community2
aegisgeneral.huThe structural condition of your buildings also plays an important role in their safety, and at Aegis we are committed to complex solutions. This is why we also provide property management, full technical management, exterior and interior cleaning, landscaping and concierge services, as well as…building important, important rolegeneral, protection, operation, personal, complex2
biztonsagosvaltozas.huI like to build on already existing strengths in the process. I believe that everybody has the knowledge, potential, experience and opportunities to reach their goals. Besides reaching the goals of the coaching process, it is also important that my clients’ self-confidence and consciousness grow…process important, important clientorganization, development, process, group, goal2
automotive.co.huOur 'complete package' focuses on our customers' needs and their markets. The competence of Automotive Engineering lies in its knowledge of the total manufacturing process. Our mission is total customer satisfaction. Positive interpersonal relations are important to usautomotive, customer, consulting, supplier, satisfaction2
prohair.hu…with a device called a ‘Densitometer’, in order to assess the degree of miniaturization of the hair follicles. This assessment is very important when recommending the proper course of treatment. Some advertised “clinics” might recommend a costly hair analysis or a scalp biopsy to properlyassessment important, important proper, loss important, important far, information importanthair, pattern, transplantation, loss, doctor2
sensomedia.huVision We are present directly in more than 10 countries via our subsidiaries and joint-ventures, whereas we are represented by our partners on all the important markets of the world.partner important, important marketmedia, solution, software, development, customer2
budapesthotelsnet.huPark Hotel Flamenco****, in modern style, is just a few minutes from the downtown in green surroundings, offers accommodation of high standard both for tourists and for business travellers. Its conference room suitable for 500 persons and the additional 13 function rooms make the hotel one of the…hotel important, important conference, pu important, important transportationreservation, city, centre, room, discount2
cerlux.hu…foreign fund, the secured market background and the specialized knowledge accumulated in the region since 1976 and the experts who held it are important. These 4 main facts make the company stable. Thanks to the +50% ground expansion, the factory lays on 2700 m2. Production goes in 22 furnaces…expert important, important main, extremely important, important accuracyquality, technical, need, material, customer2
okotars.huAccording to civil society organisations, the bill submitted by the Government which would amend the rules of public consultation “in the interest of reaching an agreement with the European Commission” offers only pretend solutions. Strengthening public participation in lawmaking is an important…hungary important, important step, lawmaking important, important goalsociety, report, european, tree, rule2
hunled.huThe question of retrofitting may be one of the most important to you! In development, we paid great attention to the simple, drop-in replacement of existing lamp types that are already widely used. You do not need to make any changes to the luminaire, be it public lampposts, or 20-30 year old…location important, important good, retrofit important, important developmentlighting, luminaire, type, technology, industrial2
daytodaykids.huAs a psychologist, in her years spent in the field of child protection, Kriszti experienced how important the environmental factors are in the physical and mental development of children, particularly in the early stages. A strong parent-child relationship and the time spent together are priceless…kriszti important, important environmental, pace important, important predictorday, child, kid, activity, parenting2
cloverfield.hu…management on massive volumes of data , fast, easy and at an affordable cost . Anaplan is a cloud based application that features the flexibility of a spreadsheet and the scalability of an enterprise software. It represents unprecedented power , scalability and speed . Most important features:information important, important heartbeat, speed important, important featureprocess, plan, cloud, performance, fast2
merjed.huWe feel that it is extraordinarily important for us to cooperate with companies present in the fermentation industry. Our aim is that we should be the first thought of these companies when planning to employ new work force. In order for our students to get the best possible professional education…extremely important, important procedure, extraordinarily important, important companytraining, fermentation, industry, school, page2
ikte.hu…potentials, hidden resources, and thus to improve the quality of their life. The process of creation and its meaning for its creator is more important than the aesthetic value of the end-product. IED works in groups – while immersed in artistic activities, the participants encounter each other…creator important, important aesthetic, able important, important stagegroup, method, therapy, training, art2
safranycsilla.huThe Opera Garden Hotel & Apartments is located in the city center of Budapest, in an Art Nouveau building of Hajós street built in the last turn of the century. An important aspect of the interior design was the application of the original building ornamentation, integrating it with the…century important, important aspectaward, room, gallery, publication, interior2
iriszoffice.hu…accounting, tax planning, budgeting, optimization and financial tasks to Írisz Office, the management will be able to deal with the most important things; the clients’ needs, the employees, the partners, sales activities, acquisitions, the production and developing of products. We take the…able important, important thing, extremely important, important clientoffice, plan, tax, financial, activity2
klikkmania.hu“For us, continuous development is truly important so we can delight our clients to a maximal degree. Our carefully developed mentor programme, as well as the weekly news and know-how sessions ensure we serve our clients on a first-class, senior level.”development important, truly important, important clientagency, media, premium, performance, complex2
pome.hu“At the launch of Vodafone Family, we considered it important to reach the families, beyond the original media devices, at new meeting points where through the right medium our message is even more relevant.” - Palincsár László, TeamRed Managing directorfamily important, important familycampaign, school, indoor, family, young2
nxtlevel.hu…available budget and time: success depends on many things. However, we can guarantee one thing: we will not take on a project if we do not feel we can make it a success. As we have written before, client satisfaction is the most important thing, after all, a failed project is bad publicity for us.satisfaction important, important thing, essential important, important pagecase, form, study, goal, step2
wisdom.hu"Starting today everyone is welcome at the official Wisdom Fan Club website. We intend not to be a copy of the official Wisdom website but to focus on curiosities, exclusive photos and videos, meetings, as well as games with special gifts, along with all the important news of course."gift important, important news, maiden important, important hungarianwisdom, tour, alive, october, september2
jurtak.huIf you already have the place, it needs to be cleared of trees, bushes and bigger sized rocks, not only under the yurt but also the surrounding area, about 2 meters wide. Usually no ground works are needed. What’s very important though is for us to get information about the structure of the ground…work important, important information, fault important, important damageyurt, base, place, gallery, ground2
fortano.huThe nature of the document , because if the same text is repeated throughout the document, we charge the translation fee only once. In other words: the more is the recurrence, the lower the translation fee. (This is an important consideration in case of e.g. the translation of catalogs, price…fee important, important consideration, way important, important companytranslation, price, case, document, text2
tamarahagen.huIf you would like to attract and retain the right talent and feel that you need professional communication support to build your company’s reputation, do not hesitate to contact us. Being part of a right company culture is more important than you would believe. How do you convince your customers…culture important, important customer, thing important, important thingcommunication, touch, public, relation, corporate2
pmmg.huSocial media is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and it has become one of the most important marketing strategy tools in business life.site important, important forum, world important, important marketingmedia, social, reference, graphic, login2
apartmanrevesz.huChoose Introducing on the left side of the site – you can read about our apartments, its equippments, prices and important information.price important, important information, programme important, important holidaysight, offer, programme, welcome, discount2
select.huIt is important for us to provide quality service for every company or enterprise. Regarding the last 16 years period there have been no such sectors in which Select Human Resource Ltd. would not have dealt with. It has covered all range of companies such as Pharmaceutical industry, FMCG and all…control important, important jobselect, job, advise, training, management2
beingmore.hu“We’ve made a lot of progress in the dynamics of our team, late joiners have also been integrated and we’re finally on the same page. The experience of working together was great, uplifting and at the same time a relief. Earlier I felt that these workshops only work because I think they are…workshop important, important workshopclient, leadership, journey, performance, development2
fenekpusztacastrum.hu…of Heidelberg. Thousands of people are expected to see this spectacular exhibition. The exhibition of the Balaton Museum and its partners will arrive in Keszthely in September. Fenékpuszta is one of the most important archaeological sites in Hungary, and it is of great interest to professionals.fenékpuszta important, important archaeologicalhistory, exhibition, excavation, fortress, archaeological2
sipikontener.huThe first and most important step is to decide what size of container is needed. Garbage disposal is carried out in the following sized containers: 4-7-10-20-25-40m3container, carriage, garbage, scrap, rent2
guidetobook.huDiscover all the most important sights in the Northern part of Hungary with your local guide during a 8-10 hour countryside tour. Let us show you the main attractions around the city of Egerpalace important, important sighttour, guide, city, tourist, book2
budbed.huRenovation and interior design. Our experts take care of this part of the process attentively with high quality and fast pace. Time is a particularly important factor in this case since the longer the renovation takes the later the investment makes profit.particularly important, important factor, condition important, important placeapartment, management, rent, short, real2
adnijoga.hu"It is important for me that through our yoga classes we are also supporting a good cause."cure important, important lessonyoga, class, socially, instructor, group2
kerimpex.huWe are proud to be an important participant in the Hungarian building industry since 25 years.proud important, important participant, job important, important privatebuild, interior, material, architect, retail2
expertsys.huBetween public methods the ProcessMessage is the important one. All others are described in documentation and has kind of infrastructure rules.processmessage important, important documentation, big important, important boxvalue, method, message, code, result2
schmidtmanagement.huW hen reviewing the quality of technical operations of buildings, the most important factor is the technical skill of the staff, however a customer-oriented approach is absolutely necessary, too. We attach great importance to the long-term value maintenance of buildings. Our vision is to operate…building important, important factor, extremely important, important environmentally, performance importantmanagement, security, operation, clean, technical2
stikabudapest.huBreakfast is not just one meal among others, but the most important one that defines the rest of our day.day important, important aspect, meal important, important restbreakfast, egg, sandwich, story, private2
reach-i4.huIn this post we are going to show why is so important to have a data lake in the era of Industry 4.0post important, important data, increasingly important, important roledata, reach, solution, big, real2
hvac-klima.huDespite the seeming simplicity of the process of designing, choosing and installing air conditioning systems, we recommend contacting only specialists. Each stage of the development of the air conditioning system is important, and in the best case, if you make mistakes in it, you will lose money.conditioning important, important comfortable, system important, important goodair, conditioning, supply, climate, international2
darjeelingteahaz.huUsing Windows antivirus program can keep your computer safe from vicious attacks. It is important to find the best product to meet your needs. You can use a free version of this program or buy a commercial anti virus product. The Microsoft Glass windows operating system includes a built-in anti…attack important, important good, feature important, important businessfree, paper, write, game, math2
ar-game.huIn the case of both individual and team games, it is important that the results can be displayed visually.game important, important resultgame, application, reality, solution, mobile2
security-expert.hu…ago. He can use his international relationships all the time what he has built in the last 20 years. Ordinary training and learning is really important to him. His main ambition is to provide as holistic service as he can both in the security industry and in legal problems. In this case he does…learn important, important main, safety important, important aspectdebt, management, security, legal, private2
refkossuthter.hu…Bible weeks started and Sunday worships were held for three age-groups. Furthermore, joint services with other congregations took place and important guest-priests were invited, but the most significant improvement was making the adult converts enter into service. All these blessed activities…place important, important guestcongregation, god, church, jesus, family2
ourstory.huFirst, choose your characters: you are the giver, and the receiver is the one you would like to give this book to. Choose a name to your characters that you usually use to call each other. It is important to know that our site will automatically insert these names where necessary. Of course you…usually important, important site, shipping important, important infobook, story, editor, order, valentine2
nonprofitpartner.huWhy is non-profit consultancy and skills-based volunteering important? (with English subtitles)volunteer important, important english, partner importantvolunteer, social, organization, consultancy, programme2
agromashexpo.huA larger and more spectacular exhibition than ever before brought together the most important players in the domestic and international agricultural sector: producers and users, agribusiness professionals, legislators and the general public at the Hungexpo Budapest Congress and Exhibition Centre…exhibition important, important player, product important, important hungarianticket, exhibitors, exhibition, visitor, discount2
europutz.huProperty protection and manned guarding-protection are important professional tasks also at the market of real estate management.protection important, important professional, building important, important taskmanagement, build, property, clean, industry2
startvideo.huWe introduce your company, services, products. Start Video creates a short image film, that is concise, summarizes the most important "messages" and can be used effectively in places and surfaces where it is important to have the most comprehensive picture of yourself in the shortest possible time.concise important, important message, surface important, important comprehensive, price importantvideo, reference, start, picture, price2
hrsmart.huHowever, thoroughness pays off because the organizational integration of the new employee is also much faster. Not to mention that in the event of a wrong selection, the process restarts, causing a serious loss of time and money. Therefore, it is important to make a good decision first. We can…implications important, important strategic, money important, important goodemployee, recruitment, staff, organizational, support2
econtest.huImportant part of the contest is the presentation of the results. Be open and broadcast the jury live, or publish the result after a few seconds of voting!care importantcontest, easy, management, detail, data2
bestlocalgov.huThe Best Practices Program in Hungary has got a short name in Hungarian: LÖGY. In domesticating the LÖGY program in Hungary dr. Katalin Pallai in representation of Council of Europe and Katalin Sabján the Secretary of International Affairs of TÖOSZ took an important role. The competition of best…töosz important, important role, government important, important challengegovernment, local, practice, council, europe2
ctosolutions.huIt is important for our cohesive, skilled and motivated team that we are part of a supportive community where work is both a joy and a challenge.solution, optimization, consultation, transformation, client2
bta-group.huManual application testing is a very important point in all software development methods. Our employees have an international ISTQB certificate and extensive experience in carrying out all test phases. Choosing the right test strategies and test plans, test data generation, test case creation…test important, important point, role important, important rolegroup, management, software, process, analysis2
spiderpig.huSpiderPig has a predefined report serving as a financial effect forecasting tool enabling you to run simulations on different scenarios and measure the impact of the most important contracts on your financials, even before contracting. By using this functionality, SpiderPig can be used as a…quality important, important feature, impact important, important contractlease, tool, contract, accounting, functionality2
biblecamps.hu…Scripture Union Hungary and other organisations are among those that use English Language teaching to attract children, and rely on native English speakers coming to Hungary to volunteer as English Teachers. You don't need to be a teacher to be able to help out, but it is important that you are:activity important, important waycamp, bible, faq, week, travel2
eurogate-rail.huThis partnership with EUROGATE is not only important for EWG, but also for Hungarian rail logistics as a whole. With this step, we are integrating Hungary into the international rail logistics network,” explains János Tálosi.eurogate important, important ewg, increasingly important, important rolerail, railway, price, road2
gastromood.hu…Balatonfüred for their own winery. Budakalász is characterised by a very close-knit Swabian community and maintaining the traditions plays an important role in the life of the restaurant. We arrived on a rainy, leaf-covered day of October, so my main wish was a soul-warming, autumnal lunch with…szada important, important preamble, tradition important, important rolecuisine, post, view, restaurant, gastronomy2
smileexpert.hu…latest 3d printing technology, which the patient can wear for a few days, try it on and indicate any changes required. For a round bridge or smile design, it is important how well it fits, whether it is comfortable when chewing, there are many possible shapes. We only fit tried and tested dentures.design important, important comfortabledental, smile, dentistry, tooth, expert2
kt-sec.huIn the course of company management, we consider it to be our most important task to carry out professional work on a surpassingly high level, and to perfectly satisfy customer demands.development important, important keystone, management important, important taskmarket, dominant, owner, property, operator2
humanskill.huTo be able to manage stress efficiently is the most important for our physical and psychological health. It is essential to improve the stress coping skills and broaden our coping techniques. In order to avoid any health damage caused by chronic stress good self-efficiency should be developed…number important, important professional, efficiently important, important physicaltraining, development, organisational, skill, psychological2
cityplant.huHowever in order to do that, plants need to be healthy as well, and our qualified colleagues oversee their correct maintenance. If your co-workers’ and environment’s health is important to you, feel free to contact us and choose from a selection of plant rental schemes, plant care and green wall…health important, important feelplant, office, green, air, wall2
b-labs.huWe will continue working together after the application has been completed and tested. It is very important to make the completed app visible to users. We will roll out apps developed for the iOS platform to the App Store, and do the same with Android apps to appear on the Google Play Store.design important, important element, application important, important appmobile, app, application, development, user2
lockedmein.hu…passion by artists, the game plan created by experienced game creators. Every attractions has multiple roomst and unique atmosphere. It is very important to us that you find yourself in new rooms as the game progresses, ensuring that you are always thrilled when you reach your destination. When…atmosphere important, important newroom, game, escape, unique, gift2
i-volution.huWe will respond as soon as possible, so that we can discuss all the important points with you. After our discussion, our team will put together a suitable deal for you or your businesspossible important, important point, list important, important advantageluxury, electric, lease, vehicle, rental2
kaszasgabor.huHead of department : “trainees’ journal, as I said it before, serves for the trainee to note the necessary and important things, and the oral assessments after the sit-ins“procedure important, important detail, necessary important, important thingtraining, contract, traffic, air, controller2
icftech.huCustomer satisfaction is even more important than the technology itself, and so we offer multilingual customer support in several offices, with the option of live chat and phone calls.world important, important sure, satisfaction important, important technologytechnology, great, office, career, engineering2
anpr.huHow works the Matrix Park system? By Parking companies one of the biggest problem is the effective and rapid control of parking cars. It is very important to have access to the database quickly and safely. It is also important to controll the work...car important, important access, safely important, important workplate, police, number, pocket, recognition2
kozossikereink.huIt has been recognized that to do for nature protection, to preserve our environmental values by planning, developing and innovation is very important. The purpose of the Operative Programme for Environment Protections and Energy Efficiency (Környezeti és Energiahatékonysági Operatív Program…tourism important, important vital, innovation important, important purposeresult, success, funding, cycle, financial2
intertar.huIt is important for us that the apartments bought from us represent the beginning of a new and happier life for future apartment buyers.success important, important teamconstruction, development, download, gallery, office2
megertesz.hu…of their purchases and the increase of the level of processing of the products. Beyond the organisation of the production process, an important task is the matching of the product range to demand – especially as regards quality and quantity – and the concentration of the supply side, theprocess important, important taskcooperative, member, sale, agricultural, privacy2
filmservice.huThe heroes square for its iconic statue complex featuring the Seven chiefs of the Magyars and other important Hungarian national leaders. It hosts the Museum of Fine Arts and the Műcsarnok. The you can see sculptures on the right: Man with a Snake is the symbol of War, The couple of Labor and…hungary important, important church, magyars important, important hungariandevelopment, homepage, commercial, bridge, series2
drbalsai.huIt is not uncommon that a new denture causes excessive salivation, bedsores on the gum and pain. It is important to consult our doctor about this so he can help. Dental adhesives can be of great use at the beginning, since they shorten up the acclimatization period.important precautions, pain important, important doctordental, tooth, smile, clinic, oral2
damnnatural.huThere are 5–6 episodes of one exercise, It is important to remember that this is not a super series; alternate and rest between the series. common steroids for asthma But AT Same | the time you only the perform one’s series for the this exercise Other, and the then! Go on to the next one’s. For…exercise important, important super, slightly important, important body, course importantnatural, muscle, steroid, training, method2
skyva.huOne of our fleets Boeing 737-800WL HA-KMK aircraft with the registration number is being repainted for the important purpose of fuel-saving operation on our airline flights!number important, important purpose, fleet important, important goalsky, airline, flight, approval, fleet2
hejokereszturiskola.hu…these years the electronic system of the school was changed and the old coal-firings was changed for the more modern gas heating as well. The end of the General Cultural Centre in 1993 played an important role in organizing the school work as the grades 1-4 were reestablished also in Szakáld again.shift important, important role, centre importantschool, class, student, pupil, education2
oktatasiweblap.huDuring SARS-COVID-2, it became much more difficult to exchange information face-to-face, so online information and awareness-raising became more important.presence important, important immediatewebsite, interested, previous, institution, day2
cansathungary.huDownload the 2020 CanSat Competition Guidelines for full eligibility criteria, rules and other important information.satellite important, important parameters, rule important, important informationcompetition, satellite, official, organizer, challenge2
nematech.hu…company provide us their services, so then we give possibility of work near than 200 person. We think that, our products’ and services’ most important part is the quality of that. To make this guaranteed, our company developed quality- and environment management system according to ISO 9001…person important, important quality, qualification important, important elementpage, quality, management, possibility, reference2
kiraly24.huThe panorama of the green terraces and roof top terraces, which integrate into the cubature, combines with modern architectural spatial connections and large glass surfaces. The resulting open spacious and sunny spaces further enhance the uniqueness of the properties. An important goal is to shape…second important, important aspect, property important, important goalapartment, detail, city, location, terrace2
independenttheater.hualready abandoned by society active citizens. We want that the young people in the future can find authentic pieces of art about today’s society. It’s important for us to show how colourful the Roma theatre is, how many different topics are covered and what a wide range of genres are combined in it.society important, important colourfultheater, independent, festival, mission, people2
humanregenerator.huIt optimizes the body’s metabolism, it has a positive, stimulating effect on cell division. This is very important, because if the process is slow, the decomposition of the old elements is prolonged, however the fast process does not does not provide enough time for the progression of cells. The…life important, important device, division important, important processhuman, effect, cell, treatment, device2
drtatar.huIt is very important, that the laws of the European Union and the judgements of the Court of the European Communities are also in Hungary to apply, since Hungary joined the European Union. Most of judgements of the court and many of the laws are currently only in foreign languages (in previous…office important, important reasonlaw, court, language, legal, establishment2
wellwed.huOf course, the dazzling bridal gown, the perfect menu for everyone, and all the other details are important too, but just think about it: after a few months, no one will remember what the appetizer was like. However, they will talk about even 20 years later how they danced until dawn at your…detail important, important month, day important, important situationwedding, music, award, meet, favorite2
hoszivattyu-pest.huWhat is the most important thing I should consider when looking to install a heat pump or an air conditioner?air, heat, heating, pump, solution2
studies.huLocal products and short supply chains play an important role in national economies, as well as in creating a sustainable economy and society. In our research, we examined Hungarian consumer attitudes using a model related to the consumption of local products. The model analyses the reasons for…chain important, important roleanalysis, result, economic, farming, ago2
evida.huAll three of these basic elements are equally important and increase the security of our shipments. We check the technical condition of trucks regularly as well as their equipment and in this way we guarantee that shipments reach their destinations. Our specially selected and experienced drivers…equally important, important securityvehicle, reliable, shipment, transport, international2
magyarlukafa.huIt is important to note that a vacant plot of not more than 400 sqm is considered part of the building, therefore land tax shall not be paid for that area.attention important, important informationdistrict, tax, shall, office, real2
russianstudies.hu2005 – The volume Medieval Russian Sources, edited by Sándor Szili, was published as the first item in a series of source publications ( The Selected Sources of Russian History , in Hungarian: Az orosz történelem forrásai); other important publications of the year included Everyday Life under…forrásai important, important publication, interesting important, important periodrussian, study, history, russia, historical2
adveropia.huPlatforms such as Google AdWords and Bing Ads are important to your business. With our pay-per-click marketing (PPC) expertise, we can help take your accounts to the next level. We customize strategy and reporting tailored to your needs. We provide the support and guidance you require to…ad important, important businesssuccess, brand, awareness, strategy, customer2
sprintreport.hu…to see through project and team health expressed in numbers and graphs. This Sprint Report in the hand of smart Scrum Masters makes it smooth for management to get the big picture and focus on what is important. It is a quick, easy-to-look-at, standardized, business oriented and metric based tool.picture important, important quickreport, app, pricing, page, sale2
equery.hu…horse care by enabling horse professionals to deliver safe, effective and sustainable trainings and treatments via carefully selected, synergetic technologies. EQUERY R6 contracts the most important muscle groups in a systematic way and recruits 3 times more fibers than a conventional training.equery important, important muscletechnology, muscle, horse, wireless, stimulation2
jegrendeles.hu…moved our production into our new workshop, located in the 11th district of the city. We also established our company, Artificer Hungary Ice Producing and Trading Ltd. The location was very important for us so that we can reach the inner city as well as the suburbs in a fast and flexible way.location important, important inn, satisfied important, important factorice, great, quality, drink, moment2
powerchild.huPowerChild Kft believes the most important values are: environmental protection , positive intent of energy management, the locally considered usage of renewable energy , customized engineering solutions which, are making our life more comfortable.kft important, important value, decision important, important impactengineering, wind, prototype, repair, electric2
egyensulyintezet.huThe Equilibrium Institute is Hungary’s independent think tank. In order to renew the political discourse in Hungary, we draft political, economic and cultural future visions and write detailed policy proposals and strategies based on these visions. We are engaged in an ongoing dialogue with the…dialogue important, important politicalinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think2
ordogkatlan.huThe festival is deeply conservative in its conviction that reading is good, that literature is important. Líra Literary Afternoons - conversations with writers and poets will prove us right.literature important, important líratheatre, performance, festival, concert, music2
pulsoholding.huPulso Holding is a Hungarian company that believes in our country's increasingly important role not only in the European economy but also in the global one. We wish to go on making our mark with new projects and taking advantage of the enormous opportunities that we see on the horizon. I am very…increasingly important, important role, ethics important, important relevantdevelopment, oil, health, real, estate2
danubecapital.huIt is especially important for ALTEO Nyrt. that senior analyst at Danube Capital R&A, is very thorough and accurate in terms of company valuations. In the course of our joint work, he contributes to the operation and strategic issues of our Company with useful questions and insights.especially important, important alteo, survey important, important strategiccapital, danube, analysis, market, economic2
petconnvet.huWe are building a unique digital animal health platform where pet owners can collect, edit and retrieve important information about their pets in a structured format, with a range of other convenience features such as the ability to door-to-door vet or book a clinic appointment.owner important, important information, date important, important petapplication, owner, digital, appointment, animal2
matheannapszichologus.huIMPORTANT! I do not deal with mental disorders and their treatment during my sessions; in this case, please seek the help of a clinical psychologist!extremely important, important clientsession, introduction, pricing, form, help2
echosummeracademy.hu…to life from the new knowledge collectively, as chamber music – something close to the heart of all the three professors - is going to have an important role besides the four classes with individual instruments at the Summer Academy. The hierarchical bounderies - so common during the year - won’tteach important, important teacher, professor important, important roleacademy, summer, concert, music, main2
dnieltattoo.huIt is extremely important to me that my guests receive their tattoos in the most comfortable conditions possible, which requires a serious foundation of trust. I do my best to ensure that the hygienic conditions are met, by which I mean a clean workstation, a nice and comfortable environment, the…important pattern, extremely important, important guest, tattoo important, important proceduretattoo, testimonial, appointment, idea, artist2
i-coaching.huIt is very important to respect the deadlines for application and payment in order to organise the venues and secure your place on the course. NLP Academy reserves the right to change locations.emdr important, important pillardata, process, academy, training, course2
citycentrehotelsbudapest.huHotel Marmara, the 4-star category design hotel with oriental style is situated in the centre of Budapest. Thanks to its location the most important sights of the city centre can be easily reached from the hotel. All hotel rooms are equipped with laptop-size safe and broadband Internet access to…pu important, important transportation, location important, important sightcity, centre, reservation, center, castle2
humanfield.huMaintaining the motivation of the candidates - in the current situation on the market - is becoming more and more important.time important, important suitablesearch, executive, market, candidate, firm2
swisscham.huAs a Swiss company, we consider it important to belong to the community of other Swiss companies and work together for our common goals.company important, important community, invoicing important, important changemember, event, chamber, news, swiss2
nyirsegmez.huto the website of Nyírség Méz Kft. We have tried to provide here all the important information for you. In case you would like to know any further information about our company, please do not hesitate to contact us.kft important, important information, company important, important playergallery, people, honey, need, day2
eco-office.huWe wanted to create a place like this. When we decided to create a coworking office we were sure of one thing: it will be different to the other ones. There are a lot of cool places in the city where you can hire a desk. However, it was important for us to be environmentally friendly and to change…desk important, important environmentally, regard important, important chairoffice, space, community, meet, appointment2
choice1.huAccounting, tax service & consulting, payroll, business consultation – these are the cores of Choice1 Hungary. Thanks to our best quality we deliver Choice1 is now acknowledged as one of the important consulting firm among Korean companies in Hungary. In order to provide our clients with full…purpose important, important business, quality important, important consultingchoice, tax, accounting, consultation, legal2
kiskakukk.huIt was all taken for granted in the 1910's in Hungary. Having built restaurants the most important point of view was the interior, preferring the adequate furniture. Restaurant Kiskakukk was established in 1913, in the era, when eating out was appreciated. It was the time when even great writers…time important, important thing, restaurant important, important pointrestaurant, guest, page, map, reservation2
trackgps.huWith the new TrackGPS mobile application you have access to the most important data in the fleet in just a few seconds.access important, important data, vehicle important, important reportfleet, solution, vehicle, management, track2
dent-esthetic.huBeautiful and strong teeth are important more than just for hygienic and aesthetic reasons, but they contribute to a pleasant feeling of well-being and health.tooth important, important hygienic, holder important, important deviceesthetic, dental, summary, treatment, tooth2
basicasset.huUI planning refers to the designing of the ‘look’ of the mobile application. Designers apply the right colors, icons, logos, and corporate identity elements to the wiring scheme prepared during phase 1. It is through the user interface that users come into contact with the application, so it is…application important, important planprocess, management, development, basic, asset2
pannonpaprika.hu…vegetables, mainly white peppers and table tomatoes, associated with greenhouse and foil tented production technology, in many cases geothermal heating. As a sales and purchasing community of our members, we are developing into increasingly important players in the Hungarian market every year.increasingly important, important player, content important, important vegetablevegetable, pepper, biological, protection, plant2
djbartazsolt.huThe most important thing for me is to organize an event with the perfect sound, at the right volume, the perfect songs, the perfectwedding, sound, event, piano, song2
kostolomborbar.huIt is particularly important to us to organise interesting programmes and wine events week after week. Different themes (winemakers, wine regions, countries) and we always try to have a little twist to deviate from the conventional tastings, and add as much playfulness as possible. Wine…winemaking important, important thing, particularly important, important interestingwine, event, bar, reservation, place2
firstclean.huOUR TEAM: HAVING A CLEAN & MAINTAINED ENVIRONMENT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER NOW. YOU CAN COUNT ON US TO DO THE JOB RIGHT Read moreenvironment important, important job, spotless important, important regularlyclean, office, machine, detail, premise2
highfivebp.huWedding day gives you plenty to celebrate, but you can’t save all the fun for the big day alone. Another important occasion is the bachelor or bachelorette party, where the parties go out to kick back, relax, and have a good time being single – for the last time! This is what we call the Last Dance.day important, important occasionevent, room, story, reservation, drink2
spiderclub.huThe most most important important for for us us is is the the safety safety of of our our climbers. climbers. That That is is why why we we often often examine examine the the equipments equipments strictly, strictly, and and we we make make an an effort effort to to instruct. instruct. For For…important safety, beginner important, important informationhall, training, climb, course, wall2
qplan.huThe most important element of our slaughterhouse technology is an efficient refrigeration system. The operational reliability of our plant has been substantially improved by the maintenance contract concluded with QPLAN Cooling Technical Design & Services Co. Ltd. We get a high-level of expertise…manufacture, equipment, general, plan, development2
drlorinczrita.huVery nice, renovated environment with modern equipment. Precise, thorough, work. What is important to me is a kind, smiling, and thus reassuring welcome. Try to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy from competent hands. What your smile gives back. I strongly recommend the Doctor and her dental…extremely important, important task, work important, important kindtreatment, doctor, dental, login, smile2
fogdakezemalapitvany.hu…Candle, hired labor work, Therapeutic (ceramic objects) or Kitchen and household workshops according to their abilities and interests. Also an important part of our daily activities is the professional and supervised group and individual movement development. Then they take part in movement…interest important, important daily, abroad important, important foundationfoundation, people, disability, youngsters, young2
sunbelt.hu10 + 1 important points that every procurement specialist should be familiar with. Free to download!document important, important pointreference, procurement, quote, industrial, solution2
novomatic.huOur colleagues are awaiting for your enquiries under their following activity-related availabilities. Our partners are very important for us, therefore we always strive to deliver the highest quality services and products to them. We set high standards for ourselves in order to completely fulfil…partner important, important highgame, production, career, active, mall2
minibullotis.huI have proven: I produces very small puppies. And besides this more of my puppies has became many times adult best in show. And it is very important that 90% of my puppies has perfect bites.good important, important puppyhealth, puppy, picture, father, mother2
englishschool.huNo. Our curriculum sets measurable outcomes and it’s important that your child practises their language skills 4+ hours a week. Thus, in order to progress to the next level by the end of the school year, we highly recommend that your child attends our English lessons twice a week.community important, important communication, outcome important, important childschool, teacher, child, language2
soundbridge.huIt is very important to me that you FEEL SAFE as you develop spiritually, as we also explore the shadow aspects of your BEING. In order to find your light, you will inevitably encounter your own shadows along the way. The good news is that the more you get to know and gradually accept them, the…important advicesound, group, day, session, retreat2
focusfox.huThe outset of the studio was tied to availability of Digital Betacam technology. We had already seen it at the most important technology shows (Las Vegas, Amsterdam) that we have been visiting since then.technology important, important technology, edina important, important betaspwebsite, production, post, commercial, studio2
tourdematra.huIt is important that members obey all road rules. Races are on open roads and all road rules apply, in particular no crossing the centre line. KEEP RIGHT in Hungary. Indications given by authorized staff along the way must be followed.race, entry, tour, road, cycling2
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huThe curatorial staff of Zsolnay Light Art considers it important to strengthen the public-art nature of building mapping and the conscious exploitation of its potential. When the tender applications are assessed, in addition to visuality, a particular importance is attributed to the presentation…understand important, important element, art important, important publiclight, festival, art, map, visitor2
piperayipari.huConstruction or renovation, it is always a challenge. Buying the necessary assortment of building materials, high-quality and at an affordable price, delivering them to their destination is a task that requires time, certain knowledge and effort. Therefore, a good building material supply partner…technology important, important guarantee, tool important, important requirementquality, construction, material, equipment, manufacture2
euromarksolar.huInstalling a solar panel on a roof is easy in most cases, but there are plenty of exceptions. Above all, it is important to consider whether the available roof is suitable for the...aftercare important, important implementation, exception important, important availabledetail, energy, individual, installation, quality2
fise.huThe exhibition titled Immersion offers a larger cross-section of the works of the Young Industrial Artists Studio Association Collection. Since FISE represents all branches of the applied arts and extends into fine art border areas, the collection includes all important genres. In Merítés, we…collection important, important genreexhibition, artist, art, glass, textile1
natodrot.huNowadays we encounter an increase in the number of burglaries, attacks, terror actions, illegal border crossings so the protection of the premises and of persons has an important role. Using razor wire such secure protection may be reached which helps reduce to a minimum the number of such…person important, important rolewire, obstacle, quotation, stock, impossible1
magna-balance.huThe magnetic biostimulation is scientifically proven to play an important role in health promotion. The bioelectrical activity of the living cells can be measured (ECG, EEG). Due to the Earth’s declining magnetic properties, the cell metabolism of the living cells may slow down. By replenishing…scientifically important, important rolemagna, device, family, massage, magnetic1
ppke.hu…numbers, it has now reached the point where the Pázmány BTK is the most popular faculty of humanities in the country, archaeology fills a very important gap, and the international professional community also pays attention to the research and teaching of bionics. At the Faculty of Law and…archaeology important, important gapfaculty, study, student, scholarship, international1
krq.huWe believe that audiovisual content is the most important. Our team does not merely record events using advanced technology. Numerous awards show that our creative ideas have not only satisfied our clients but won the approval of expert panels as well, helping to build trust, increase brand…content important, important teamcommunication, client, brand, page, video1
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.hu…Each session I’d come in with my “thing I’m trying to figure out”, and his skill of deeply listening and exploring what is most relevant and important to me is what always served me to create a powerful outcome of our session, and big shifts in awareness and life in general. I now know the…relevant important, important powerfultraining, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur1
apatit.huThe ambition of our homepage is you to know our dental office , treatments , prices , contact . Very important for us patients to keep ther oral health, we have got lots of informations about teeths, dental diseases, oral care. We have got tips for your acut dental problem, but only dentist can…contact important, important patientdentistry, treatment, patient, price, dental1
avicenna.hu…of international experience in education. Today, more than any time, there is a need for a unique educational model which can meet the needs of the young generation and also satisfy the standards of international education. This important responsibility has been trusted to our colleagues at AIC.education important, important responsibilityinternational, college, student, education, study1
ggdent.huIn today’s world, a nice and comforting appearance is crucially important. It is no different regarding our teeth either. Teeth whitening, dental veneers and other solutions for a charming and impeccable appearance.crucially important, important differentdental, implantation, tooth, implant, oral1
protexsafe.huNowadays, it is increasingly important to improve health and well-being, so there is a real demand to the development of innovative product, which can protect against variopus risks, and their wearing contributes to the prevention.increasingly important, important healthdownload, event, news, meet, main1
mentalizacio.huAn important aim of ours is to be able to offer our service for everyone in need, regardless of their financial situation. This can only happen in the future with the help of your kind contributionsmental, introduction, association, treatment, contribution1
tofer.huPunctual delivery is one of the most important aspects for our company. We always handle the needs of our customers flexibly, we deliver the ordered goods directly to many points in the country on the working day following the order!delivery important, important aspectegg, disinfection, fresh, quality, customer1
hrbl.huIt lists those less important, foreigner, otherwise legitimate-looking mail servers that send malware to us or to our contributors . It does not matter at all why they send us malware, who sends us malware through them. Lazy ISPs, hacked servers, open relays, hijacked accounts may result listing.usage, contributor, mail, server, legitimate1
bukkoshotel.huSauna and soothing massage: you will enjoy it twice as much with the most important person in your life! Our adult-friendly hotel provides undisturbed, intimate relaxation.twice important, important personrelaxation, offer, room, guest, adult1
grandiohungary.hu…be tolerated, but in return remains a rich soil life and living community, which, in our view, might be able to protect itself in the long term. In this system, the role of the nearby forests is also very important, because the organisms living there can also affect the health of the plantations.forest important, important organismwalnut, organic, quality, buy, free1
balatonoszodstrand.huBalatonőszöd is part of the Balatonboglár wine region, so the winery plays an important rolewinery important, important rolechange, default, village, wide, beach1
elektromosyacht.huFunctional elegance - this is what Wia's model is all about. When designing each of our ships, our most important guiding principle is a usable design language application that guarantees outstanding ergonomics and a timeless appearance. Our designers are distinguished for their outstanding work…ship important, important principlemodel, electric, news, hard, style1
datelite.huDATelite Informatics Ltd. was established in 2017 as an official spin-off company of University of Pécs, Hungary. The company formulation was a result a long research cooperation of senior researchers from various field of STEM and an important international partner of the University, sarmap SA…stem important, important internationalresearch, switzerland, decade, result, image1
naf.huThese companies represent a similar approach to ours. A sustainable, long-term, predictable, ethical partnership is just as important to them."board, limited, seeker, job, main1
indotek.huchecks, all of which significantly contribute to increasing the value of our portfolio. Letting or selling the properties in our portfolio is an important part of our activities. Thanks to the broad range of our buildings and locations we can cater for widely different needs, ranging from small…portfolio important, important activitymanagement, investment, group, property, market1
darklight.co.huDancing makes the committed artist blossom, to become more beautiful, by putting the most important moments of her life into the dance, re-living them, and communicating her feelings to the rest of us. These are magical happenings, beyond explanation.beautiful important, important momentdance, body, science, photo, ensemble1
tec2000.huFor many drivers, one of the most important parameters for efficient driving is the engine power. Although it's sufficient...driver important, important parametersclean, engine, fuel, flush, additive1
quanticon.hu"Time period of a building development is a fraction of the whole lifecycle of a facility. However it is especially important to make the possible best decisions and thus ensure that it will be usable, suitable and livable in the future. With support of our engineering office you can reach that at…especially important, important possibleoffice, build, development, execution, building1
idegennyelvumedia.huForeign-language Hungarian press has an important mission, as Budapest and Hungary are significant tourist and cultural hubs in Europe, but we can honestly say that the whole world knows and loves our country and the symbolic buildings of the capital. The opinions foreigners form of the country…press important, important mission, especially important, important nowadaysmedia, news, language, foreign, supporter1
stsgroup.huOne of the most important parts of power plant construction is the transportation of the energy produced.group, plant, power, energy, construction1
plf.huThe Book World Prague (Svet Knihy Praha) is the largest book fair in the Czech Republic, and as the Czech Republic is traditionally one of the most important regional markets for Hungarian literature, the Petőfi Cultural Agency (PLF), together with the Liszt Institute in Prague, organized a stand…traditionally important, important regionalliterary, book, page, author, publish1
thairelax.huNow more than ever, it is important to take care of your (not only physical) health. Our team works tirelessly to ensure that you get the best possible experience from your massage.massage, list, price, promo, card1
sermones.huHungarian medievalists. The modern, critical edition on internet of their sermons and the publication of the exempla in them give access to very important elements of medieval sermon literature for both, Hungarian and international research. The importance of the two authors goes far beyond…access important, important element, work important, important textedition, de, research, digital, oeuvre1
homesolution.huTo find a trustworthy tenant from whom one can collect the rent on schedule is the most important desire and expectation of any owner related to the renting out of the apartment Not only do we calculate the exact amount to be paid, but we also regularly check the monthly balance and perform all…schedule important, important desireproperty, solution, rent, sale, apartment1
nuanstextil.huWhen we think of upholstery fabric, in addition to high quality , it is also important to choose colors or design , easy to clean , environmentally friendly technology, to protect our health , and for our four-legged friends to enjoy their time with us comfortably .quality important, important colorfabric, friendly, color, catalog, upholstery1
solhotel.huThe healing power of thermal waters was already known by the ancients. They devoted great care to keep both their physical and mental health. Today it is not otherwise either as the most important value is the human being whose biggest treasure is his health.today important, important valueapartment, house, lorem, molestie, look1
exportreadiness.hu‘Better done, than perfect’ as word has it. Everything can be done even better. However, starting and doing it are even more important for me than doing slightly better.well important, important slightlymarket, sale, foreign, international, development1
humusz.huBrussels, 3 July 2017 - More than 7 months after the transposition deadline of the EU Plastic bags directive, environmental NGOs celebrate today the 8th edition of the International Plastic Bag Free Day. In this important year where plastic pollution of ocean is considered a priority global…day important, important yearwaste, plastic, international, economy, circular1
kalocsaibokreta.huThe organisation and management of festivals, meetings, trainings, exchange of experiences, camps. Important events and dates in the calendar.camp important, important eventgroup, photo, folk, ensemble, event1
budapestaccommodations.hu…The 3-star hotel is a highly recommended place for traveling businessmen: direct dial telephone, free Internet access, fax, etc. are available for the guests. The most important sights and the business centre of Budapest can be reached in 15-20 minutes from the hotel. ✔️ Jagelló Hotel Budapestguest important, important sightenquiry, price, room, booking, accommodation1
gandharvaved.huShrimati Anita Roy is a talented matured vocal artiste of Hindustani Classical Music has been consistently rendering performances in many important select music centres throughout the country as well as, at abroad and winning high acclaim.performance important, important selectmusic, course, indian, concert, june1
bhweimaraner.huIt is important that only those should choose this overwhelmingly wonderful breed who can take notice of the fact that this means a different lifestyle.breed, dog, news, story, navigation1
domelia.huHello. I contacted more helpers - and within few days they wrote back, but they already had a full schedule. So I posted an advert and within 24 hours I got three responses and some more during the following days. So I am really happy because I found what I was looking for. It is important to be…happy important, important activejob, profile, helper, membership, household1
terracargo.huThe Kőszeg based Terra-Cargo Ltd. international transportation company was established in 1998. Our company has an experienced and energetic management which keep the trustworthiness and quality in view, and it’s aim is high-quality „just-in-time” service of the partners. It’s important for us…partner important, important goodinternational, transport, ltd, colleagues, document1
transunisol.huMeeting the requirements of both domestic and international transportation at a high level is considered the most important task of our company.level important, important taskoffer, transportation, pool, address, homepage1
flamella.huEvacuation planning is one of the most important tasks in the design of fire safety in buildings, as the protection of occupants is a priority in the event of a fire. It is important to note that each evacuation process is completely unique and is influenced not only by technical parameters but…plan important, important task, fire important, important evacuationfire, safety, protection, simulation, plan1
firewin.huKnauf is a German family-owned enterprise that has been an important partner in the global construction sector and one of the leading suppliers of building mate- rials worldwide for more than 80 years. With FireWin, Knauf a so proves that innovative product quality, a deep understanding of…enterprise important, important partnerfire, safe, reference, free, catalog1
bpdigital.huDuring our collaboration, we have made significant progress in strategically important areas. BP Digital’s professional assistance, smooth project management, and communication enabled us to achieve outstanding SEO results.strategically important, important areadigital, organic, traffic, engine, search1
learninginnovation.huWhy it is important to integrate innovative teaching methods in the educational context? Read more...training, innovation, course, education, adult1
ahang.hu…a daily basis in Hungary. Families torn apart like this are separated and struggle to come together again. This could all be avoided with a couple of amendments to the law. To achieve this, the organization A Város Mindenkié (The City is for All) and platform aHang have begun an important campaign.ahang important, important campaigncampaign, family, public, national, care1
meatheaven.huOur guest’s reviews are important: check out what others say. If you’ve ben at Beef Heaven, please rate us!review important, important beefheaven, meat, table, reservation, book1
fridomasszazs.huFOR EVERYBODY, FOR WHOM IT IS IMPORTANT TO HAVE A FULL RELAXATION, THE HEALTHY LIFE AND PREPARED TO PAY FOR THE PRICE OF A LUNCH FOR THIS REASONeverybody important, important relaxationmassage, price, guest, discount, swedish1
kekjatek.huWe have visited our manufacturer Ningbo Eastar in China. It was a fabulous journey, the kind we are going to tell our grandchildren. The primary goal of the visit was to have a look at the manufacturing process of Dice Upon a Time, because it’s really important to us to make sure we can thank you…time important, important sureinvisible, main, page, game, news1
mezopiktura.huOnly this time do you get to know our brushes? We have the answer for the question, how important is to trust, while you are shopping. Mezőpiktúra had been serving professional painting tools to small trade and wholesale partners for 20 years.question important, important mezőpiktúrabrush, distribution, manufacture, normal, wooden1
travellina.huIt is always exciting to visit cities that I last saw when I was a child. Sometimes it’s absolutely startling how a place has changed. I had to do my best to keep up with Eger, if I wanted to fit all the important sites into just a two-day visit. Of all the many interesting sites, I am…eger important, important sitecountry, travel, island, cape, useful1
cre8.huWe provide full service to our customers from research to final design. Our main strength is to design the user experience from the ideas to the finished product. Our passion and vocaton is the most important for our work.vocaton important, important worklabel, beer, festival, wine, poster1
kobellker.huIf the packing is important for you, we are ready to send you a photo of the selected products.pack important, important readymain, page, global, order, gallery1
panoramaklinika.huPanoráma Polyclinic considers it particularly important that the patients affected by addiction and their relatives receive full care, therefore it created a form of service based on the collaboration of specialists operating in the field of addiction, involving a psychiatrist, an addictologist, a…particularly important, important patientpediatric, adult, psychiatry, consultation, practice1
oltigergo.huMy goal is to make this acquired knowledge base available to anyone interested in real estate as a topic. Most people buy real estate 3-4 times in their lives. It is important to be aware of what is happening and what laws and habits are in place both as a seller and as a buyer. In addition, I’ve…life important, important awarereal, estate, media, market, academy1
aiplibusz.huOur vehicles are repaired in professional authorized services. Our drivers have good technical qualifications; the continuous technical and aesthetical maintenance is an important consideration at our company. The limited-liability company can guarantee the safety of operation, the cleanliness…maintenance important, important considerationimage, transport, passenger, government, success1
produkteam.huThe process and administration of payroll is very complex and surprisingly challenging, but month by month it is one of the most important task for companies and employees as well. Our payroll specialist colleagues have professional experience in the KulcsSoft payroll system, which provides a…month important, important tasklabour, recruitment, solution, payroll, employee1
gergelyparoka.huWhen my wig was completed, I felt like I could lift huge weights off my chest. I regained my everyday life. I regained an important element of my femininity. I no longer saw a snow white stranger looking back in the mirror but myself.life important, important elementhair, hairdresser, privacy, arrival, sale1
zalazonepark.huRheinmetall AG, based in Düsseldorf, Germany, is a powerful, internationally successful enterprise. As an integrated technological group Rheinmetall is in a cutting edge position in both the fields of eco-friendly mobility as well as protective safety technologies. Rheinmetall is the most…rheinmetall important, important supplierscience, map, industrial, prove, development1
hazai-banyak.huThe dolomite mine of Zsámbék, belonging to the area of Domestic Mines Plc., offers extremely high-quality dolomite. In addition to the use of dolomite and limestone in the construction industry, it is extremely important from an agricultural point of view, just as dolomite sand, which is…extremely important, important agriculturalsand, mining, sale, domestic, quality1
jogiszakforditas.huYou believe that a high standard of foreign language documents is an important indicator of their professional quality.document important, important indicatortranslation, legal, quotation, office, price1
chemcryst.hu…research as study of non-covalent interactions is crucial in understanding many biological processes. Exploring the secondary interactions is important to the development of new pharmaceutical therapies by understanding the interactions at a drug binding site, in protein-protein interactions andinteraction important, important developmentresearch, publication, chemical, science, laboratory1
speakacademy.huDevelopment requires two steps: practice and feedback. When preparing for an important speech, don’t wait for the audience to react to realize that something has failed.feedback important, important speechspeak, academy, course, speech, talent1
centralpc.huOur business goal was to become a small but high-capacity information technology company that helps its clients with efficient and reliable solutions. In the spirit of these things our company's main characteristic is friendliness and efficiency. We find it important that in the occasions of…efficiency important, important occasionrepair, computer, desktop, central, complete1
janosmolnar.huEvery tool we use needs regular maintenance. Just like cars, websites need to be regularly maintained and updated. Contact me, and I am more than happy to explain what this means and how much this could cost if you do it. Just like with cars, it could cost your business if you don’t do it. So this…business important, important conversationjanos, website, molnar, place, portfolio1
hardening.huThe goal of hardening is to find the potential risk areas in order to maximize system security – with joint effort and according to your needs. Thereby we send a message to cybercriminals: "We work hard on protecting the system." It is important: we don’t aim to criticize the existing system…system important, important systemharden, security, vulnerability, reference, penetration1
colorguild.huAs we look ahead to 2023, reconnecting with nature and creating meaningful moments with loved ones is what’s most important. To reflect this, our homes will become a sanctuary where we feel grounded and can build memories to cherish forever. With this in mind, we introduce our color of the year…one important, important homecolor, member, expert, manufacture, worldwide1
galgepszer.huLooking back for the experiences working together with Gál Gépszer 2010 Ldt., I can say that they always keep all the deadlines and they are flexible in solving problems. Theese are wery important things for me. - Vági Tibor (Leva Team Kft. )wery important, important thingmaintenance, implementation, equipment, page, quality1
duhoffice.huOur team consider it very important to embrace issues that serve to preserve and promote European values and spread culture and offers pro bono work.team important, important issueoffice, law, legal, introduction, gallery1
luxuryhotelsbudapest.huHotel Marmara, the 4-star category design hotel with oriental style is situated in the centre of Budapest. Thanks to its location the most important sights of the city centre can be easily reached from the hotel. All hotel rooms are equipped with laptop-size safe and broadband Internet access to…location important, important sightreservation, package, piece, luxury, thermal1
machupicc.hu…of archaeological sites and Inca roads, where the Andean meets the Amazonian and natural and cultural conservation go hand in hand. It is one of the most important archaeological sites in South America, one of the most visited tourist attractions in Latin America and the most visited in Peru.hand important, important archaeologicaleye, story, gallery, site, image1
mta-tkk.hu…Research Group. The study of the connections between metalinguistic reflections, conversations, awareness and the joint attention is also important as basic research, but the lecture has also made important and directly applicable statements for kindergarten and school education, for the…attention important, important basic, lecture important, important directlylanguage, news, research, deaf, chance1
nextconsulting.huFinding the right person for the right position is one of the most important tasks in a corporation’s life. But what should we base our decisions on?position important, important taskconsulting, manager, introduction, consultant, reference1
amperstudio.huWe believe that precise working and complying with the Hungarian standard provisions on assembly works (especially those of standard MSZ HD 30643) are important. Our company has the capacity to securely fulfil our customers’ requirements in any part of the country.hd important, important companystudio, general, electrical, contractor, reference1
pattern.huWe work with you to determine what’s important for your business and your customers when it comes to digitalization.management, digital, knowledge, consulting, pattern1
egrifocisuli.huOur club was founded in 1999. Our main purpose is to provide well-organised trainings and to provide opportunities for the pre-school and school-aged children to take part at competitions within good circumstances. It is important for our club to teach the children for healthy lifestyle, to make…circumstances important, important clubcup, download, registration, training, international1
truckroadshow.huJust imagine that from now on the event can be held precisely where your target market and customers are! We can ensure that the brand experience will be delivered as close as possible to your intended audience. In this way you can be sure that important messages about your product will reach…sure important, important messagetruck, event, purpose, reference, main1
mondovicsmuhely.huWe take short deadlines, because we know it is one of the most important factor in our industry.deadline important, important factormachine, lathe, firm, metalworking, production1
bfhotel.huJenő Kvassay was a hydroengineer, an important figure in Hungary’s water ministration, and a big contributor to Balatonföldvár’s development. His scientific research of Lake Balaton and his work on water-regulation and port building on Lake Balaton made him famous in Somogy. The very first walkway…hydroengineer important, important figureholiday, treasure, natural, sight, offer1
intersearch.huIt is more important that we know how to find these most talented people. What makes it possible for us: our experience of 3 decades in executive search, our global network and our speed.executive, diversity, network, worldwide, inclusion1
kertmanufaktura.huFair, professional, flexible, dependable work. Dispite our tight schedule, they quickly measured the magnitude, required time and costs of the job. What’s even more important came afterwards as they started and finished the building on time, with quality workmanship and leaving the garden neat and…job important, important buildgarden, build, maintenance, quality, schedule1
kisimre.huI can proudly say that I managed to get to the first important point of my studies because I just got my BSc diploma. The last year was quite eventful. After my internship I stayed at Lightware Kft and I wrote my thesis there. I had many projects meanwhile and I wrote a few words about them and…proudly important, important pointhvac, sensor, device, data, belgrade1
r-water.huThe Absolute Live Professional sport drinks made for people who does sport not only as a hobby and it has became an important part of their life. Our drinks can help to achive bigger goals: like loose weight, improve endurance, build muscles and regenerate faster.hobby important, important lifelifestyle, kid, fruit, power, detail1
neurit.huFor those for whom the online look is important or you just want a webshop for your products that you can manage afterwards, this can be easily achieved by combining Divi, Woocomerce and custom plugins on demand.look important, important webshopsoftware, data, big, artificial, intelligence1
elbronco.hu-The staff is professional in horse training, riding and client work. The staff chooses horses well for each guest and is able to create an encouraging learning experience. Safety is an important part of the learning atmosphere. This is very well understood also in El Bronco.safety important, important learnel, horse, ride, national, western1
tilea.huInternational tax advisory and international tax planning are key services of our company. Taking into account all tax and accounting related areas we consider these two divisions as the most important and valuable ones since due to their complexity international tax advising and international tax…division important, important valuabletax, international, advisory, accounting, plan1
gyorfidaru.huUnder current turbulent market conditions it is quite important to co-operate with those subcontractors for long-run who are regarded as trustworthy and provide their services in high quality and at competitive prices. As a matter of fact, these conditions contribute to successfully finish our…condition important, important subcontractorcrane, hire, mobile, truck, rental1
geonauta.huI spent an important part of the last ten years of my life going through El Camino and finishing its different versions. Until now I’ve crossed 18 El Caminos, and during my trips, my good luck gave me the chance to meet every kind of people.way, el, journey, gallery, garbage1
hotelambra.huThe perfect choice for your trip to Budapest! Our hotel awaits it’s guests with 37 uniquely designed rooms, located in the heart of the city, only a few steps to the most important tourist attractions, local restaurants and bars. Enjoy our generous buffet breakfast before a big day of sightseeing…step important, important touristroom, homepage, previous, website, bar1
d8hotel.hu“The location of the hotel could simply not be better. The Chain Bridge, Deák Ferenc Square, Váci Street, Andrássy Avenue and important sights are all within walking distance. Breakfast is fantastic. Excellent choice and quality. But I think the best part of our stay was the D8 personnel. They are…avenue important, important sightlifestyle, street, chain, bridge, room1
myfarmalapitvany.huAt the beginning, The Foundation identified 3 new cooperation programs, all of which are important steps towards sustainability.program important, important stepfoundation, cooperation, people, activity, collaboration1
qcihungary.huAnother important aspect of the project is training and education: methodologies and training materials will be developed for various audiences and a simulator software for our courses. The project will actively engage in international collaborations with neighbouring and other EU countries in…communication, training, news, satellite, presentation1
belsoudvar.huI find it important that our buildings have to take into account the aspects of the natural environment, beside the architectural visual quality and functional compliance.research, build, office, expert, architect1
iqc.hu“ We rely on three basic principles. The first one is our business model, which is very similar to the business model of an IT consulting company; namely, that they are also adopting the best international IT solutions to the Hungarian market just as we do. Innovation is the second most important…second important, important elementconsulting, market, organizational, development, management1
infogroup.hu…our usual conduct of business. We also put sustainable, green solutions and the energy-consumption of our buildings in our focus. The sustainable operation of buildings plays significant role in decreasing global CO2 emission, therefore responsible facility management is ever more important for us.director, development, real, estate1
lowevonblumengarten.huIMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : Height at the withers to length of body : 9 to 10. The depth of chest is nearly 50% of the height at withers.dog, breed, close, strong, straight1
improversgroup.huEmployer branding, in the Y, Z generation world, is far more important than it used to be.development, group, culture, organization, school1
shoplog.huFor us, it is important to have the flexibility of logistics, e.g . receiving suppliers. The Laci’s are doing this well, which is why we decided to do so. There’s no problem with the packaging, no luggage is late, the reports are accurate. Plus, customer has already praised them for their…package, logistic, management, customer, inventory1
bankaccount.huWe will send you important information about the packages and what kind of documents are needed.account, easy, fast, condition, process1
nagyerdeimaraton.huWe organize the competition in this autumn with 6. occasion already. Our purpose is to make running, as a hobby and lifestyle, attractive amongst more and more people because from this time on, the entry surface of the competition, the menu items and the most important required informations are…item important, important informationapril, terrain, website, race, photo1
consumer.huReading time: 4 minutes 2020. Amendments concerning consumer protection regulations were published in two separate issues of Magyar Közlöny, the official government gazette, at the end of last year. The most important new developments include that starting from 1 January 2021, procedures before…year important, important newconsumer, protection, inspection, rule, minute1
gyoriszesz.huGyőr Distillery, owned by a Hungarian family, has been producing and refining high-quality alcohol since 1884. Our most important customers besides pharmaceutical companies and cosmetics manufacturers, are the drink industry and vinegar manufacturers, as well as companies producing paints…alcohol important, important customerindustry, food, pharmaceutical, chemical, alcohol1
australianshepherd.huHe won all 3 important titles (Europasieger, German Winner and Bundessieger) this year. This boy is definetely on fire!dream, champion, breed, dog, judge1
kör-ház.huThe Lake Invest 2001 Kft. Several years of professional experience, many cities (Veszprém, Tatabanya, Várpalota, Sopron) offers small and medium enterprises in the surrounding office rental demand. Our company considers it important to our service recipient companies keep the highest possible…company important, important serviceoffice, gallery, build, condition, rental1
pontjo.huDo you only need to execute your perfect plan to make it a dream come true? In this case, it is extremely important to make sure that even the smallest details are designed exactly as planned.extremely important, important sure, solution, dream, idea, reference1
palyazatokprojektek.huThe project, one of the pillars of business ideas the most important, and that is the realization of professional technical work which is also an important pillar, that In the years systematically developed network of contacts do complete. We have in the business sector stable cooperation existed…idea important, important realization, work important, important pillartender, development, consulting, write, consultancy1
ikelosz.huIf I think of György Kobelrausch, professionalism comes to my mind. I can be sure, that the quality of his service is always high providing the the feeling of individual approach. It is especially important for me in our cooperation, that he provides appropriate candidates but he has a special…especially important, important cooperationexecutive, search, candidate, selection, network1
eltex.huÉLTEX has played an important role in the Hungarian waste market since it was first established and has since expanded operations into many other European countries. Our main activities include theéltex important, important rolewaste, value, hazardous, management, electronic1
cei.huEven best machinery gets out of order and then to detect malfunctions is really important.control, industry, engineering, equipment, machine1
sepsieniko.hu…literary works into university-level courses, as well as their discussion in thesis papers, in doctoral theses and in my studies) as one of my important scientific achievements, which also impacts arts. Far-reaching results of my research on Bonnefoy and Novarina are the exploration of the…study important, important scientificstudy, university, theatre, research, french1
bargraph.huAs security technology is becoming increasingly important in every field it is essential for young professionals of our days to get the best education and training.increasingly important, important fieldgraph, bar, label, security, people1
yata.hu"When Hungary decided to join NATO, it did so because it identified with the values, the foundations of democracy, which defines the structure of NATO member states and which are also important elements of this cooperation.”state important, important elementyouth, association, treaty, summit, publication1
motorfesztival.huThe company, considering all the circumstances, made this difficult decision in the interest of the visitors. Hungexpo has discussed with major dealers and potential exhibitors until the last minute, but some partners withdrew due to lack of support. Satisfaction of visitors and exhibitors is the…exhibitors important, important valuefestival, gallery, exhibition, visitor, close1
trendoptik.huWe are convinced that the work we do is important and valuable - and we hope you will also feel similarly when you visit us.work important, important valuableglass, eye, exam, hour, sunglasses1
vivatbacchus.huAs an outcome of this diversity and success the group grabbed the attention of numerous well-known artists from Hungary resulting plenty of joined projects, furthermore thanks to their intense presence in the musical world they published 6 different music albums on CDs in the past few years. It is…year important, important albumwine, ensemble, group, song, culture1
asteriskgallery.hu…text, but still enriches it from the sideline. We believe in the little joys that can be found alongside our busy, pragmatic lives. They are important and essential to our well-being despite their marginality, just like footnotes in a text. The Asterisk invites you to indulge in these small…life important, important essentialglass, vase, ceramic, bowl, gallery1
doku7.huLeaving a mark, respecting handmade objects, coming to terms with our past – these are ideas that are very important to János, who lives in voluntary solitude, out of society’s sight. He’s a Renaissance-type craftsman who restores inlaid furniture, and makes unique picture frames. He’s also a…idea important, important jánoslove, main, close, identity, family1
privateflight.huWe have no boundaries, whether it is an important business meeting in Dubai, a football game in Milan or just a coffee in Paris.boundary important, important businessprivate, introduction, quote, travel, airport1
secoser.huWe consider it partyculary important to have an excellent after-sales customer service with up-to-date repair shop and continous supply of manufacturer made spare parts to serve our customers and esure the reliable operationof the equipment we sell.partyculary important, important excellenttool, machine, supplier, reference, equipment1
triadhomes.huTRIAD Homes is a company with a stable, capital-strong Hungarian investor background, founded in 2015 with the long-term goal of building homes of the highest quality for families and investors in Hungary. Building trust and reliability among our partners is an important aspect.partner important, important aspectdetail, garden, form, request, apartment1
bmtonerpatron.huIt is important that we always serve our partners with a good quality remanufactured toner cartridge.cart, account, drum, registration, login1
matyofoldipuli.huWe are in the fortunate position of being able to promote two hungarikum at the same time. First, the Puli is so kind to us, but also important our folk art, called Matyó tradition which belong to this area. Our kennel primary target is breeding healthy Pulis. Important also our Pulis must match…kind important, important folk, puli important, important pulibreed, available, puppy, favorite, dog1
totho.huI like to design a logo and love the process of ideating the little details that give the essence of it. It's very important that the product should reflect the brand of the company. But not only reflect, but must give much more to the brand identity.essence important, important productgraphic, logo, website, client, user1
greenergy.huOne important pillar of this is decentralized energy production, which relies on small power plants installed close to consumers. The other pillar is the application of the achievements of information technology in the production management of decentralized small power plants and in the power trade.energy, plant, power, trading, main1
nminnovacio.huWe do this not only with the present but also with the future generations in mind: our work makes everyday life simpler and more conscious, and the solutions we offer can bring predictability, transparency and important simplifications to our corporate customers in many areas of business.transparency important, important simplificationinnovation, value, news, future, solution1
boroczkycsaladok.huAn important paper from the old time came from the business life: in 1729 Böröczky Ferenc is the buyer of a vinery estate in Léhért next to Adásztevel, from Miklósné Horvát of Tapolcafő (legal record of a purchase in 1729 in Adásztvevel). (The varying usage of ’i’ or ’y’ at the end must not make…family, branch, county, descendant, origin1
smaxclub.huWith winter slowly but surely coming, it's good to know how to prepare your car. Prepare your car Above all, the most important thing is to keep your vehicle...car important, important thingknowledge, base, discount, winter, main1
crownacademy.huIt is highly important to initiate the need for a healthy lifestyle and to support physical development.highly important, important needgroup, academy, crown, location, small1
bipoco2016.huAll participants have to register online. Abstracts can to be submitted through the Registration & abstract submission site until March 31, 2016. Important deadlines:march important, important deadlineseptember, august, conference, photo, goal1
dezsenyi.huThey also believe that Justice should be blind and that the most important social responsibility of lawyers is to work towards its practical implementation. The greatest compliment for them is when a client remembers them after the closure of the case as attorneys who kept their promises.blind important, important sociallaw, legal, client, labour, attorney1
informatikusleszek.huPHP performance, or PHP web app performance, is one of the most important parts of modern PHP development. From user experience and satisfaction, to scalability and server costs, ensuring your PHP app...performance important, important partperformance, pattern, question, developer, method1
gellertdental.huWe believe that any treatment can be customised for each and every person and such planning can provide an ideal, harmonic smile for everyone. We not only pay attention to create the harmony of the face, but absolutely consider durability and reliability as important, since only these together can…reliability important, important satisfydental, dentistry, treatment, price, testimonial1
jobcapital.huThat’s where Jobcapital’s team of professional headhunters and recruitment consultants comes in. Once priorities have been set, we compare them with the company’s values and the criteria for the job, as we know the work environment from years of experience. Why is this important? There are many…experience important, important opportunityjob, workplace, page, application, search1
folia-szamitas.huTo statistically eliminate wrong measurements it is also important that you should repeat the measurements at least 3 times, sporadically. In case there is no significant difference between the results of the three measurements, you can take the measurement as being accurate. In case the three…measurement important, important measurementcalculator, site, calculation, shrink, portal1
betatrans.hu“I was close to observing the development of the company; both its tools, its staff and its business policy have been constantly evolving. What I would like to emphasize as an important factor of success: in addition to large-scale development, the company has retained its flexibility all the…constantly important, important factorcustom, quality, website, customer, track1
arzenalzrt.huOn our new website, we would like you to gain an insight into the life of our company, to get a picture of our professional work and services. We hope that while browsing the website, you will get to know the company's operation and structure even better with the help of a lot of important and…lot important, important usefulintroduction, news, publication, general, list1
clima360.huLast but not least, the installation of a Clima360 air conditioning unit does not in any way compromise the structural properties of the cabin, as it does not affect the main supporting structure. This is an important aspect for the design and safety of the machinery.structure important, important aspectair, installation, machine, conditioning, unit1
akavevilagnapja.huas self development, creating the next-generation talents and leaders to be able to meet the challenges that the future holds. The human side of business is just as important for us as making profits, because we strongly believe that without a motivated and passionate team, there is no real success.business important, important profitltd, brand, uk, square, customer1
szegedikortarsbalett.huHe considers the continuous training of the dancers and the enrichment of the repertoire to be his most important task. The ability of reception and individualization of the contemporary and modern technics, the high quality of the artistic expression based on the technical safety makes the…repertoire important, important taskproduction, repertoire, contemporary, dance, current1
borimami.hubetween guests and restaurant. We create dishes from local, seasonal raw material sources while keeping an eye on awereness. We also consider it important to buy from local suppliers, thus supporting sustainability on family farms. We believe in warm hospitality and perfect ingredients to make…awereness important, important localreservation, restaurant, gallery, award, public1
gp-inno-consulting.huGiving the best user experience (customer or employee experience) becomes an important aspect for more and more companies, organizations and universities nowadays to keep their customers, cooperational partners as well as their employees . Users are keener on receiving a high user experience than…experience important, important aspectconsulting, think, agile, creativity, innovation1
webregisztracio.huSince 2008, I’ve designed streamlined, easy-to-use websites and user interfaces. I work to the principle that less is more, while carefully and strategically including important details and interactions.strategically important, important detaildeveloper, website, user, quality, exceptional1
lovelanka.huI had a six-day tour with Ishanka Maddawattha. He was reliable, kind and confident in our journey. He is a very good driver, which is very important to seeing local traffic! This was my first trip to Sri Lanka, but certainly not the last one. I would recommend Ishanka it to everybody!driver important, important localdriver, tour, holiday, guest, rental1
fogak.huIn addition to the high quality of our work, the satisfaction of our patients is also very important to us. If you have already had a dental treatment with us, please tell us your opinion about us and our work.patient important, important dentaldentistry, dental, treatment, tooth, implantation1
antalemese.huMy name is Emese Antal, and I am a Dietitian and Sociologist. In my work, I aim to emphasize at every forum that adequate nutrition is one of our most important means of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Research shows that there is a strong relationship between poor health outcomes and inadequate…nutrition important, important mean, phase important, important childconference, habit, future, health, healthy1
dulasegitseg.huHowever, it also is important for you to find what is comfortable for you. How involved you are is your choice. In this culture we have progressed from complete exclusion of men in the birth to demanding their presence. It is between you and your partner to find what works best for you, and there…birth, woman, process, pregnancy, russian1
galamboslogistic.huEach employee of Galambos Logistic Ltd. is living the philosophy that current generations create the conditions for the next generation and one of the most important conditions is a clean and tidy environment. Therefore it is the obligation of each person and company to protect the environment.generation important, important conditionlogistic, environment, protection, value, clean1
olcsoszallaskecskemet.huOur guest are important to us! So, if you require a longer renting period, we'll give you a relevant dicount of our list prices.guest important, important longview, accommodation, quality, cheap, price1
stericlean.huGreenSoil Humin products are enhanced with humic acid, they contain phosphorus, chlorine-free potassium, calcium, sulphur, important micronutrients and organic matter.sulphur important, important micronutrientsplant, disinfectant, detail, family, industry1
szemelyre-szabva.huI think it’s important that each piece should be part of your wardrobe for many years to come, as I believe that a well-assembled wardrobe should be made up of mostly timeless pieces.shop, cart, piece, page, order1
archbook.huAt sixty, this book could be an autobiography, but that is only partly true. The author’s identity, or even the place or date of his birth, is in fact irrelevant. But the journey he has taken is far more important, and yet it is dwarfed by the natural values that amaze, enchant and define a…far important, important naturalbook, national, memory, wonder, arch1
taragos.huAlong with awareness and preparedness, I still consider humour to be extremely important, which I believe can be useful not only at a wedding but at every moment of life. Therefore, if something goes wrong (of course it will not), with enough humour, you can make a situation that might be more…extremely important, important usefulwedding, gallery, calendar, situation, homepage1
stilladrops.huIt is important for us that we reward our customers' trust with complete transparency. We show you the technology that allows the micronutrients in Stilla drops to be carried by water instead of alcohol.cart, drop, technology, detail, shop1
prd-hungary.huThe universal value of good health is important for all of us, this is what we support, with truly innovative products.health important, important trulydistribution, fact, country, pharmacy, aim1
fewi-guide.hu5.) Important about the prices : If you only order a tour guide, the costs per tour are as follows: From 2 to 4 hours: 120.- € ; from 5 to 6 hours: 150.- € from 7 to 8 hours: 180.- €guide, tour, site, german, category1
pizzeriabellanapoli.huNot just pizzas and piadinas : our menu offers interesting Italian appetizers , salads and desserts . All accompanied by an important selection of Italian wines .dessert important, important selectionitalian, traditional, salad, dessert, real1
diapraxis.hu…does not mean convincing each other or sharing their views. But participation in activities and solving problems together creates shared experiences that destroy stereotypes and build positive feelings towards each other. Diapraxis is an important means of intercultural and interreligious dialogue.diapraxis important, important meantalk, muslim, view, activity, religion1
zoldutak.huof the eleven member trans-national consortium Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (Ökotárs) and Cycling Hungary Alliance (KMSZ) play important roles in the project. The works last from January to December of 2011, while we and our western neighbours are forming the route that meanders…kmsz important, important roleiron, curtain, border, area, step1
iparnapjai.huDue to the pandemic, Hungary’s largest business-industrial gathering was only hosted virtually last year, which is why it was so important for domestic and international market operators to meet in person this year. Amongst other things, this was one of the subjects that Gábor Ganczer , CEO of…year important, important domesticindustry, exhibition, day, exhibitors, visitor1
magicvalley.huSince we need to order all transportation services 4 to 6 weeks prior to your visit, it is important that we receive all the relevant information in time.visit important, important relevantvalley, media, centre, school, literacy1
dokkozpont.huOur collection is an important information source of architectural and construction materials from the period between the post-World War II reconstruction and the democratic transition. By gathering, preserving, maintaining, as well as supplying and making researchable the documents that fall…collection important, important informationcollection, document, documentation, construction, plan1
magyarlatnivalok.huMore than 7000 hotels, pensions, apartments, guesthouses and campsites can be found in our database along with their most important information and contact details. You can even check their prices and available rooms. In addition to sights and hotels, we have also collected restaurants: you can…database important, important informationsight, feature, app, search, map1
melea.huIn making Melea become reality, we were guided by our most important mission: to play a prominent educational role in the field of prevention and health promotion in Hungary and the region, paving the way for science-based holistic lifestyle enhancement.reality important, important missionroom, guest, premium, suite, bathroom1
bprh.hu…perfect speed keeping. The organizers perform the timing by professional measuring equipment also used in modern rallye under the whole round. Important to remark that the rules of the roads apply for the whole distance and the average speeds granted on the measured sections never exceed the…round important, important rulehistoric, regularity, category, race, speed1
budapesterotic.huIt is very important to harmonize your relationship with your partner. An erotic massage can help create balance sexually, mentally and emotionally.massage, erotic, body, salon, type1
kondellamisi.huC orporate photography is crucial; running a business requires variable elements, such as planning the future or having a certain VISION . Your visual identity speaks volumes about who you are, so does ours. That is why your business and your event is the most important for us.photography, wedding, portrait, corporate, event1
mindy.huBesides it's super adorable, this amigurumi pattern is completely free ! One of the nice things about amigurumi is that the exact size is rarely important, so you don’t need to worry about matching the designer’s gauge. Provided your stitches are compact enough that they won’t gape open to leaving…rarely important, important designercraft, tutorial, pattern, detail, step1
madlobaevents.huHigh quality conferences are extremely important for creating and maintaining a good brand image. We will create for you exceptional networking events which will generate huge publicity for the organization.extremely important, important gooddrone, event, organization, strategy, conference1
pokorny.hu…and the clothes minuscule sutures. In all cases I aspire to a kind of poetry or lyricism impregnate with a kind of reflexive content, but here the time rules a very important, and in many cases the minutes as occurred during the event. The works evolve over time, and were destroyed so to speak)time important, important casegallery, sculpture, art, stone, nature1
ramonabenkoart.huI have a sensitive artist of the 21th century, I build a unique surrealist world using sample elements in the pictures. My series starting in 2018 is extremely important in finding this individual voice. In my pictures, randomness, order, complexity and reduction reign simultaneously. With this…extremely important, important individualexhibition, artwork, cooperation, series, fragment1
csordasphoto.huI am a photographer specialized in aviation and interior photography. When taking my photos, I pay attention to details and messages that are important to my clients. My clients include various media and travel agencies and airlines.message important, important clientphoto, portfolio, website, interior, detail1
hmmmaster.huIts bad reputation originates from the old catering systems in Hungary, where the quality wasn’t as important as the quantity. Consequently, pottage CAN be really healthy and delicious at the same time, since thickening (densification) grants the fine flavours of a good pottage.quality important, important quantitysoup, fruit, delicious, healthy, dish1
nekemsemlehetetlen.huMy weight is below 100kg again! 🙂 This hasn’t been the case for years, so I’m really happy to achieved this. Even though weight loss is not the most important factor in my case, weight loss means that my diet is effective. Based on the measurement and the mirror of course, it is also apparent that…loss important, important factorcompetition, practice, till, week, day1
finchdesign.huThe most important goal of my website is to show how we made knitting patterns for Jacquard shuttle looms, before using various weaving programs that are excellent for this.website, detail, pattern, weave, shuttle1
dmlab.huWe believe in the power of data. We love challenges. We build custom solutions to solve important problems.solution important, important problemdata, scientist, solution, decision, custom1
ambianceevents.huFor her, Ambiance is a way of life. It is important to make sure that the execution of qualitative and stylish events provide joyful moments for the complex process of organization and at the same time, for the event itself. Beside her corporate partners, her own colleagues also appreciate this…life important, important sureevent, open, day, ambiance, st1
zerocarbonhub.huThe Centre was born out of the recognition that business and technological innovations will play a key role in the "green transition", which will not only offer opportunities for the research and innovation sector but can also become important tools for economic development by strengthening the…sector important, important toolgreen, centre, development, economy, knowledge1
elesta.huV – REGULA BT – was founded in 2005 for the exclusive commercial distribution of Elesta products in Hungary. With the help of the Elesta GMBH in the first years, it has become the main supplier to the Hungarian automotive, chemical and food industries, and to the important companies that form the…industry important, important companymodule, control, page, help, encoder1
amw.huThe most important activities of our current profile are: production and design of individual parts, appliances, tools,units and smaller (max 200kg total weight)locksmith, welding works.machine, activity, map, gallery, fleet1
liskaklinika.hu…Making such an investment in your children has even greater returns, for it can profoundly enhance their physical and emotional development, and free them to achieve their full potential. It can be especially important in the case of exhaustible or knock-kneed chlidren or children with flat foot.especially important, important casepage, main, problem, method, health1
peterpetiphoto.huThe Fotofalu community spends a wonderful week together every year in the summer. For me, this is the most important week of a year when only photography is the topic. I made this series about my friends. about everyone in their own technical approach with great love.summer important, important weekphotography, photo, portrait, page, past1
fgtech.huIt is very important for us to have a good personal relationship to our partners and customers.asphalt, track, spare, plant, machine1
rozsacsarda.huMosonmagyaróvár is situated at the join up of the River Mosoni Danube with the River Lajta, and is 14 Km away from our Csárda. You can reach Mosonmagyaróvár easily on the highway, Exit 160 Km. The most important touristic attraction of the town is the thermal water, so we recommend visiting the…km important, important touristicbooking, food, restaurant, room, caravan1
hubnerudvar.hunoble purpose and mission. The building, due to its history and special features, is unrepeatable, and each aspect serves a greater purpose more important than its individual piece: the environment in which it is built and the person who will live in it. In addition to aesthetics and outstanding…purpose important, important individualroom, kitchen, apartment, interior, build1
officeit.huAt OfficeIT, we provide unrivalled IT Support, delivering a reliable and comprehensive service throughout the city of Budapest and beyond. With over 15 years’ experience and a team dedicated to ensuring your system’s stability, you can have the confidence to concentrate on the important tasks…confidence important, important tasksupport, development, solution, infrastructure, outsource1
dtdexpress.huFreight can be chosen from several options: urgent, normal transit time, partial shipment, full shipment, or even various modes of freight (road, air, sea, rail) Please discuss important considerations for you with our colleagues to determine the optimal solution.rail important, important considerationfreight, transport, shipment, air, road1
fogtogon.huThe ideal would be to brush your teeth after every meal, but in fact it is difficult to carry out. It is important that brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, for 3 to 5 minutes each time. It is important to remove all food residues, as well as plaque, from teeth. In the evening, brush…difficult important, important tooth, time important, important food, bedtime importantdentist, surgery, tooth, dental, gum1
netbriefing.hu…faster and simpler preparation for safe flights. The NetBriefing system helps pilots submit flight plans from wherever they may be for flights to HungaroControl’s Flight Information Centre. The website collects the most important, regularly updated air navigation and meteorological information.website important, important regularlyflight, plan, navigation, air, arrival1
bacs.huSince its formation in 1957, the choir has been in the forefront of international choir culture and has participated the most important choral competitions in Europe with great success. It regularly takes part in the Choir Olympics and different Hungarian events such as Budapest Spring Festival…culture important, important choralchoral, choir, academic, society, music1
almaskertpanzio.huAs a family firm, it is a quite important goal for us to serve our customers in a friendly enviroment. At the same time we would like to operate a pension which has highly standards and also a good spirit. Whether you come by yourself or with friends, family, we offer suitable rooms.firm important, important goalroom, airport, family, pension, transfer1
salisbury.huOne of the city members of the Hanseatic League, Groningen had played an important role in providing food to the Netherlands. One of the city members of the Hanseatic League, Groningen had played an...groningen important, important rolesurvey, excavation, archaeological, geophysical, technology1
eurolex.huReputation is one of the most important things for a brand to manage. Cut through the media noise by showing authenticity through outstanding PR, marketing and communication. Boost your sales. Let your brand grow in your own way. That’s the full potential of your story.reputation important, important thingstory, potential, consulting, case, study1
ddriu.huThe European Union considers innovation, research and technology transfer to be the most important sphere of creating competitive advantage. Innovation is crucial in the enhancement of competitiveness and export capabilities of corporations. In the last decade, the most technology-intensive and…transfer important, important spherenews, introduction, proposal, innovation, meet1
nokvilaga.huTheir cuisine is fantastic: they use a variety of spices, vegetables and grilled meat. Plov is one of the best known and most important Azeri dishes for which rice is cooked and steamed in a pot lined with a dough.good important, important azeriperformer, event, woman, country, fashion1
peninsula-software.huBoost your sales department, expand your number of potential and real customers. Focus your sales team on the most important target, to sell.team important, important targetsoftware, peninsula, development, cloud, management1
kissanikomesterkozmetikus.huWith the help of the most important life exchanger, the process of the early skin aging can be eliminated by the concentrated oxygen-cure treatment, the cell-regenerating and the circulating.help important, important lifeskin, treatment, minute, duration, cell1
leavers.huJust to make sure that you have the full picture of MSLC24 make sure that you have read these important pages below as well and have followed the camp on Instagramsure important, important pagecamp, milestone, community, official, website1
domaker2011.huWhen we designed our plant we had the ambition to create all of necessary activities in a ’stand-alone’ way, starting it with purchasing of materials and installation of all necessary machines, till final tests of the ready machines. This way our lead time is short and – what is also important –…short important, important manufacturefruit, process, machine, machinery, vegetable1
visualpoetry.huIts important for us to connect with our clients. We can give our best as creatives if you like our style and you imagine your wedding photos and video like our work.wedding, visual, poetry, destination, photography1
indupro.huEdge bending is one of the most important sheet metal working processes, which requires high skills and precise machines.bend important, important sheetcut, machining, solution, advanced, technological1
tánci.huBoth economic and technical management is carried out with the personal assistance of our Owner, who himself considers it important to be able to provide the most modern solutions to the constantly changing challenges. Our company's work is characterized by the meeting of professional experience…owner important, important ableconstruction, inspection, technical, portfolio, activity1
scx.huYou can even buy premium stock pictures here as a way to ensure that you have the right to use them in your project. This is important because using copyrighted images from Google can lead to legal problems. When you buy the stock images from Adobe Stock, you have a license that allows you to use…project important, important imagestock, photo, detail, free, image1
budapest-dinner-cruises.huSoak in the unmatchable panorama of Budapest on a nighttime boat ride along the Danube. Witness the most important landmarks of the city as you sip on unlimited glasses of high-quality Prosecco.danube important, important landmarkcruise, dinner, boat, sightseeing, evening1
miskolckulturajaert.huWe would like to make suggestions for developing a cultural strategy. We comment on completed concepts. We expect our views to be heard and considered when making important decisions that affect the culture of the city.view important, important decisioncultural, city, public, culture, foundation1
csagyi.huAn important element of our activity is the provision training in different conflict resolution - mediation and conferencing - techniques, including family mediation, victim-offender mediation, Family Group Conferencing.child, family, association, youth, training1
travelsoft.huThe satisfaction of our partners is the most important thing for us. With our developments and outstanding expertise, we strive for long-term, stable relationships.partner important, important thingsolution, corporate, software, custom, technology1
ngproject.huIn all areas of industry, solutions based on distributed intelligence management systems are becoming more and more important every year, not only to manage the operation of a single process or machine function but also to monitor the entire factory or even a national system of a sector and…system important, important yearsolution, energy, industrial, automation, technology1
szexualszakpszichologus.huIt is important for your business to be seen on the internet. You can have a great business, but If people do not see nor find you on the web, what does it profit you? We help you to be found better online.case, action, sit, consectetur, amet1
dentrip.huTherefore cosmetic dentistry is a very diverse specialist field that requires great expertise. It is important to always be familiar with the most current professional guidelines and the related standards of the specialist fields.expertise important, important familiardental, prosthetic, tooth, treatment, dentistry1
berkykuria.huThe gatherings, which are particularly important and valuable to us – strengthening our friendships and family ties – have inspired us to make these special experiences available to others. That’s why we decided to open the doors of the Berky Mansion to you… So now you can experience what it’s…particularly important, important valuablefinally, family, cottage, gathering, house1
infraceramic.huPartners for voting to trust the infrared panels manufactured by TEPLOCERAMIC LLC. We appreciate the efforts of the manufacturing company, it is important for us to be able to provide our dear customers with quality and suitable models for different heating areas. Our products continue to perform…company important, important ableheating, infrared, ceramic, option, select1
megujuloderiutca.huThe plans of the street have been completed based on the main findings of the community planning events. An important aspect of the planning process was to create a public space that offers long-term solutions to the effects of climate change. Some of the rainwater will not be discharged into the…event important, important aspectplan, street, area, community, renovation1
greenformatics.huWe, at Greenformatics, are continuously searching for methods that enable us to create the most fitting solutions to our clients needs. Quality is especially important, but price-value ratio also plays an important role. The classic native mobile development’s costs are often higher than a…especially important, important price, ratio important, important role, time importantsolution, data, digital, operation, case1
kornyezet-szimulacio.huFor manufacturers of electronic components, it is particularly important that their products are protected against electrostatic discharge in the best possible way. ESD options are available in the LabEvent, ClimeEvent and ShockEvent series.particularly important, important productchamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental1
nodle.huIMPORTANT: By joining Nodle, you agree that you understand that the cryptocurrency market is a volatile market.network, smartphone, app, node, decentralized1
amadeus.huBudapest is a very extended, large city. So, GOOD LOCATION is very important. Choose the best location in Budapest! Book an apartment in the real heart of the City Centre of Budapest !location important, important goodapartment, price, centre, room, accommodation1
forumdebrecen.huWe consider it important that the Shopping Centre is not only a building encompassing 120 trendy shops but also an active partner of a number of charitable initiatives and supports, from among which many have become a tradition over the years.detail, location, open, map, hour1
examed.huappropriate treatment of visual disturbances, during which the health of the eye is also examined. Regular ophthalmologic examination is especially important, because by treating diseases discovered in time, later, more serious complications, such as the development of vision loss, can be prevented.especially important, important diseasedetail, medical, general, center, health1
atransministro.huIt is very important for us that our vehicles should be in the right technical condition and we are taking a special attention about the cleanness of the trucks.fleet, available, property, equipment, area1
agenos.huOur strength lies in the development of platform-independent web and mobile applications, but we also feel comfortable creating traditional Windows desktop solutions as well. It is important to us that our applications have a responsive design and look equally nice on every required platforms.solution important, important applicationsolution, software, desktop, mobile, app1
shedohairsalon.hu…after 10 years of adventure I found Kevin Murphy products after returning home. It was love at first sight. Since I admire the natural, it was important for me to work with an environmentally friendly, innovative brand that contains raw materials inspired by the finest ingredients offered by…natural important, important environmentallyhair, salon, introduction, price, result1
red-dot.huIn our Red Dot online shop, you will find design products and gifts as well as exciting innovations for your personal lifestyle. The special feature of the online shop is that you can order products from designers and manufacturers who have been awarded one of the most important design prizes in…manufacturer important, important designshop, award, association, germany, eng1
icqglobal.huEither in our corporate or private environment creating a culture of equality, where people feel valued and a sense of belonging has never been more important. We believe that in an inclusive environment, diversity is transformed into synergy, thus the level of innovation, engagement and…belong important, important inclusiveglobal, welcome, people, knowledge, trainer1
szivsn.hu“During the festive season, when the word love takes on even more meaning, it is important to look out for others and to be able to help our fellow human...mean important, important ablenews, event, patient, january, presentation1
levendula-vendeghaz.huas a mother of three children I have been through the anxious packing before trips thinking "I hope we are not leaving anything important at home". The guesthouse is child friendly and has got all the essentials which make the holiday of families with small children easier. We make sure that the…trip important, important homeguesthouse, room, booking, region, festival1
mazuri.huTo differentiate yourself from your competitors and become more recognizable. You need a logo, colors, and characters which represent you. It is important that they recognize you at first glance on the street, in offline and online advertisements or just on Facebook wall. If you don’t have your…character important, important glancewebsite, campaign, logo, graphic, goal1
planetfanatics.hu“Important things can not be done just a bit” – said Péter Popper. We state that doing for the future, working for sustainability are important, so it can not be done just a bit, either. The team of Planet Fanatics’ Network does it day by day with high professionalism, great professional network…sustainability important, important bitsustainability, planet, network, corporate, introduction1
andantemusic.huHopefully we chose them, Andante Band, and now after the wedding I can say that we made the best decision. These guys (Robi and István) made such a great flow of spirits and such a diverse performance satisfying every musical taste that this was they pinnacle of the day which was so important for…day important, important waymusic, wedding, great, live, unforgettable1
vistanet.huCourtesy may not be the first thing people think of when it comes to plumbing, but for us, it's one of the most important tools we carry.plumbing important, important toolpost, single, list, grid, offer1
varberg.huWe list commitment and up-to-date professional knowledge among the most important values of ours. The project-management services of the Extend Europe Ltd. help their customers strategic and organizational efforts with concrete practical methods, instruments and also with integrative supportive…knowledge important, important valueltd, associate, management, solution, development1
hiwash.huThe hiwash team is dedicated to providing high-quality laundry, ironing, and cleaning services available to everyone. The demands of daily life and the usage of living space for a home office justify the provision of space for the most important functions in our lives and in our living spaces…space important, important functionlaundry, hour, clean, industry, commitment1
internkft.huOur most important activity. For industrial and commercial facilities, during construction, demolition or renovation - we work with extensive experience, mastery material knowledge and the application of the latest welding technology solutions, either on the building or on technological equipment.intern, homepage, training, technology, material1
goldencrm.huWe consider it very important that our work is done to the highest standard, in a good atmosphere and in a friendly relationship. The following opinions about our activities so far can provide a good basis for why you should trust us.sale, communication, detail, website, consulting1
housemagnolia.huIt is very important that we live in the house in the backyard. We use the same front gate in the garden. If you feel uncomfortable with this arrangement then please search further for other renting options in Velence.house, booking, price, activity, gallery1
eurokulcs.huEuro-key could not be obtained in Hungary, but within the framework of an international tender, the Association of Assistants for Disabled People launches the key system. Important: Only those persons who have a valid official decision to prove that they are physically disabled can receive this…system important, important personkey, invitation, road, study, basic1
dhlexpress.huOur colleague will ask you several important questions about the size and weight of your package and will prepare the waybill for you. You will receive the waybill by e-mail. If you find it okay, our courrier colleague will come to you to pick it up.colleague important, important questionlocker, point, ut, shipment, package1
memyselfandi.huA must-have utility on your macOS box, displays several system status information right in the macOS status menu with a few clicks you can instantly check several important resource usage information.instantly important, important resourcecurrently, status, player, application, track1
poultrymatic.hu…of the pen You can get answers for events, that when solved can increase profit. With PoultryMate it is even possible to have a live broadcast of the pen, so that the farmer can take a virtual walk around it whenever he wants to. This is important because the farmer can see if there are any issues.walk important, important farmerbedding, automatic, development, installation, occupation1
szivemcsucsketorta.huFor me, baking is a passion. I believe that less is more and to make a good cake you don’t need dozens of textures. The most important thing is harmony and the quality ingredients. I bake exclusively with natural ingredients.texture important, important thingcake, occasion, shop, wedding, order1
majorosbirtok.huTreading this path is both a joy and a challenge; sanguine because of the appreciation and praise my wines garner, and testing as the hunt for the perfect vintage and the ideal element of improvement continues. There are lots of new adventures to be had, many thrilling experiences down the line…line important, important thingwine, memorable, moment, winery, parcel1
szlovakia-utazas.hu…portal the visitor can find information about the beauties of the Slovak regions, cultural-folklore events and sport activities. Last but not least the visitor can get a good overview of accommodation possibilities in all categories in Slovakia and other important and interesting information.slovakia important, important interestingaccommodation, tourist, cottage, slovakia, center1
atevteszt.huSocial responsibility and environmental awareness are highly important tasks for our company in which tasks we are to be involved voluntarily and exemplary.highly important, important tasknumber, current, document, order, environmental1
datame.huWhile serving ads online, it’s important to give a reader an advertisement that will most likely interest them, making the ad less bothering and at the same time more effective. To achieve this, you will need information. You can be successful if you have various data about the reader. Our goal is…online important, important readerdata, database, advertisement, target, goal1
eldujra.huVR 360° videos are truly the most immersive way to capture the most important moments in your life. 360° video, especially when viewed with a VR headset, will truly transport you back in time to allow you to relive the moment from every angle. Everytime you rewatch the video you can see it from…way important, important momentvideo, wedding, eng, degree, day1
sumegipalota.huSümeg and its environs were given to the episcopate of Veszprém as a royal gift at the beginning of the 11 th century, which influenced its development and prominence. During the Turkish occupation, it grew to be a very significant and important city: when Fehérvár and Veszprém fell, Sümeg castle…significant important, important cityvisitor, history, development, gift, shop1
academic.huTo develop a customized program for your business, we have a few of our consultants spend time in your business, absorbing the culture and understanding what’s important. Then we’ll schedule a series of in-depth meetings to determine a plan of action.culture important, important seriesacademic, growth, excellence, interest, able1
helloszentgotthard.hu…If there is a prospect of a large deposit, it is quite possible that an individual offer with special conditions will be made. One of the most important quality features of online gambling is the welcome bonus, which no casino provider can do without. The welcome bonus is usually given for the…condition important, important qualityhomepage, tourist, game, introduction, pension1
ajvk.huThe respect of traditions and the claim of modernity have always played an important role in the culture of this area. The history of the town which goes back to 1395, the self- consciousness, the way of Cumanian thinking and the fostering of progressive cultural traditions becomes part of the…modernity important, important rolesmall, management, commercial, site, simple1
szatmaritransport.huMore and more clients value environmental considerations as a decisive factor when selecting suppliers, therefore it is also important that the average age of trucks is 3 years, and they fall within emission classes euro V, EEV and VI, respectively. Our company continuously develops its vehicle…supplier important, important averagetransport, continuously, consideration, quality, client1
sissident.huOur praxis has been taking part in dental education as a special place of course of the University Albert Szent-Györgyi. We do love our profession and patients are the most important for us – this is our philosophy we would like to transmit the next generation.patient important, important philosophydental, dentistry, tooth, hour, consulting1
sparks.huThe managing directors of SPARKS Ltd., Béla Romwalter „Richy” and Judit Romwalter consider it important to further promote and continuously develop the Hungarian film production activity, and also the active participation of their company in it. Their aim is, while staying true to the professional…romwalter important, important continuouslyequipment, camera, lighting, production, extension1
trebutarestarsa.huIt is important to understand that the quality of equipment can vary from one manufacturer to another. Before buying construction equipment, it is recommended to do market research, compare different brands and models, read customer reviews and contact experts to select the best equipment that…equipment, construction, quality, technology, industrial1
gyuloletellen.huIn 2013, we prepared a detailed legal commentary on the most important hate crime provision in the Hungarian Criminal Code: violence against a member of a community. We translated the investigation guidelines of the International Association of Chief of Police (IACP) to Hungarian. We assessed the…commentary important, important hatecrime, group, offence, victim, criminal1
apertura.huMacedonia). Publishing the studies in a bilingual form, we wish to reach both Hungarian and international audiences. We consider it particularly important to publish a special thematic issue on the documentary culture of the region in English, as there is a lack of such thematic summaries in…particularly important, important specialdocumentary, winter, fall, spring, summer1
indaservice.huOur machines are suitable for single part producing and for low & medium volume projects. We are not only a custom manufacturing company. Cooperation with our customers is very important and help to make a design with a best technology as well. Assembling units, measuring units, JIG’s with full…customer important, important designknife, industry, machine, industrial, application1
goconcept.huThrough supervisory coaching, we develop those skills, behaviors, responses, and approaches which are important to practicing your profession and maintaining the necessary state of mind.approach important, important professiontraining, lab, development, trainer, change1
agroszemek.huIn the last few years our trade was extended by the research improvements of base plants for biogas and bioethanol, thus our years of research resulted in improving Sorghum saccharatum hybrids as an excellent base for biogas systems. The grain sorghum is an important supplement for human nutrition…sorghum important, important supplementgrain, seed, nutrition, human, gallery1
morafke.huWe consider one of our most important goals for our non-governmental, civil association to preserve our intellectual values and historical artifacts. We have been making several efforts to place memorial tablets, and we also take care of the gravesites of our prominent people. Beside the efforts…association, activity, publication, writer, local1
para-mis.huOur company is fully committed to environmental awareness. Most of our products are made from recycled paper and the rest of our materials are recycled. In addition, energy saving and environmental protection have become very important for Para-Mis Ltd. in the recent years, with modern insulation…protection important, important paraquote, type, manufacture, packaging, page1
sardi.huFurthermore, I find it important to keep my clients informed about the status of their case, knowing that for them their case is always important.furthermore important, important clientlawyer, contract, data, process, legal1
szonyegsalem.huOur shop was opened in 1995 in one of the most frequented parts of Óbuda, district No.3. We sell hand-made persian carpets that we import from Iran ourselves. We select each and every carpet we have, during our regular purchasing trips there. This is one of the most important parts of out job…trip important, important partshop, carpet, offer, hand, quality1
drtamasiajurveda.huLet’s prevent more serious health problems together, or treat them in time! Let’s work together for the harmony of your body and soul! Curing is most important to us, so feel free to contact us! Make a booking now, we look forward to seeing you!cure important, important freenatural, article, treatment, ayurvedic, medicine1
mentalkozpont.hu… living in Hungary as a foreigner, we are open and ready to work with you in English. We understand that living in a different country and culture can be very difficult – that’s why it is important for us to do psychotherapy also for You.difficult important, important psychotherapytherapy, therapist, page, psychologist, problem1
noimodszer.huAfter childbirth, it is important to regain control of the pelvic muscles; the postnatal exercises support this. Uterine prolapse and incontinence can thus be prevented easily. Exercises to eliminate incontinence. People affected by incontinence should definitely learn the “basic method”. Also…childbirth important, important controlmethod, series, basic, march, class1
flexoroll.huThe know-how, that was passed down to us from our Finnish predecessor as an heirloom, has long been playing an important role in our becoming as good as other big Finnish paper companies.long important, important rolepaper, logistic, warehousing, cost, material1
drbecskydent.huA dental implant is a special screw-shaped artificial dental root usually made of titanium. It is capable of replacing missing teeth after located inside the jawbone. Implants are also used to fix removable dentures. Furthermore, it can have a very important role in orthodontics.furthermore important, important roleimplant, tooth, replacement, dental, surgery1
catcafebudapest.huSome important rules however take place in the café; you must not feed them, use flash while taking photos, lift them or disturb them while they are resting. You can of course play with them, and pet them 🙂guideline, place, street, card, drink1
optimumfs.huThe food industry is a critically important area in terms of quality assurance. Only suitable cleaning products may be used, and with the respective prescribed technology. By choosing us, you can be sure that you will receive the best in quality, guaranteed. Reach out to us for details.critically important, important areaquote, clean, privacy, facility, industrial1
dietetikusod.huSince I was a child, helping others has been my passion, especially when it comes to human health and improving the quality of nutrition. I am grateful that I chose to become a dietitian. In my profession, I believe it is important to balance sport and psyche, education for lifestyle change and…profession important, important sportdiet, nutrition, university, health, disease1
wideo.huThe most important for us is to create a movie production that helps our customers to achieve their goals. We use picture and dramaturgical tools applied at motion pictures to increase the efficiency of the project.movie, picture, reference, communication, motion1
smileterminal.huThe health of your teeth has a huge impact on the first impression you make for others - a smile says more than anything. That's why it's particularly important to make sure that teeth are naturally white, neat and in harmony with the character of the face. With ourparticularly important, important suredental, dentistry, treatment, smile, aesthetic1
geoplan.huThere is every opportunity for the "Szilvágyi Family" to continue to be acclaimed expertsin the Hungarian professional field, and together with the team of Geoplan Ltd., using the most modern design solutions, to contribute to the sustainable, economical implementation of important construction…implementation important, important constructiongeotechnical, investigation, foundation, assessment, soil1
dariusmusic.huI have been going to the Darius music shop in Budapest for 5 years now. Apart from very friendly atmosphere they provide fast and professional service. Zoltan has very good understanding of every individual musician’s needs – from having a wide collection of fine instruments – to simple, but…simple important, important thinginstrument, music, shop, violin, cello1
kutyaossejtkezeles.huYou can find the most important information about dog stem cell treatment here, but ask us if your dog’s disease has a good chance of being treated with bone marrow stem cell treatment.stem, cell, treatment, therapy, long1
pedanteria.hu…the EU standards. Our qualified cleaning personnel obtained a qualification that is listed in the National Qualifications Register. The practical application of their knowledge was very important during their training. Our company takes full responsibility for the work carried out by our personnel.knowledge important, important trainingclean, carpet, certificate, office, industrial1
gyermekkoriautizmus.huThe lives of people with autism need to be predictable and the individual may become very anxious or even aggressive if change is introduced without warning. Routines are very important. Many people with autism use lists to prompt them about what comes next and the need for the list continues even…routine important, important peopleautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic1
sinusmedia.huFrom 2016 the company concentrates on providing production services to high budget foreign movies shot in Hungary growing to be an important player on the market, showcasing dolly / key grips and gaffers such as Pál Paluch, László Balázs, Krisztián Paluch, Norbert Csontos.hungary important, important playermedia, reference, crew, gallery, production1
goldtunnelsystem.hu…skills, but knowledge of their senses, negotiation and decision-making skills, self-confidence, helpfulness, and risk appetite are also important. The tests and assessments of Gold Tunnel System provide small but important bricks of the road and can provide that little extra push that can…appetite important, important test, small important, important bricktunnel, athlete, assessment, analysis, success1
afromag.huWith the help of our coach expert we listed the most important things and aspects which you should consider before and during writing your cv. Read about how to write a CV and see some tips too. Write your perfect one! You can also find these useful...booklet important, important rule, expert important, important thingjob, event, search, legislation, curriculum1
edunet.huWe are pleased to cooperate with all the people who consider the above values important. We believe in the power of cooperation and in developing joint knowledge with others. We actively participate in developing and operating specific professional networks to realize our common goals.value important, important powerfoundation, education, knowledge, news, download1
nitrogreen.huEnvironmental and climate protection is important to me. What is the ecological footprint of NitroGreen?protection important, important ecologicalsupplement, nitrogen, plant, soil, phosphorus1
catalogdb.huIn early stages of production and also during the whole development process the need of a lightweight database is a must. One of many important aims of The Catalog is small environment and database size.database important, important aimcatalog, database, small, developer, low1
balloon.huImportant notes – Not all tanks have a kinked dip tube and cylinders can have different valve configurations.balloon, september, national, report, flight1
mke.hu…the frescoes of Károly Lotz are once again in their original splendour, and our old exhibition spaces, the Barcsay Hall and the Aula, play an important role not only in representing the university, but also in the teaching and research work of the university through thematic and group student…aula important, important roleart, university, department, head, education1
imitravel.huAppearance is extremely important in business, our fleet and drivers meet all kinds of requirements and expectationsextremely important, important businesstravel, class, passenger, leather, day1
villeroy-boch.huceramic sinks, kitchen taps & fittings and accessories. You will find individual solutions for any style, regardless of whether it’s for a modern or a country house kitchen. The easy-care surfaces and easy-to-use elements take the strain out of everyday tasks, leaving more time for what’s important.bathroom, collection, kitchen, live, dealer1
capacenter.huThe unique exhibition presents about 138 photographs from the series, including many that have become iconic, and explores the major stages of the photographer’s life, arranged according to the themes defined by the oeuvre. Robert Capa’s work is important because of the profound impact his images…work important, important profoundcenter, photography, exhibition, contemporary, event1
csaladfakutatas.hu…process will necessarily activate the desire for the community in the people, what will be independent from the previous frontiers. The most important condition of the desire is, however to know, who we are, where are we coming from and whom are we in relationship with. The unified Europe will…frontier important, important conditionresearch, family, history, register, field1
ezustkameleon.huExperience in different areas of specialization and knowledge are of great use when designing our future work. In our work, it plays an important role in the recycling, multiple-use. We think in pre-module building systems.work important, important roleevent, homepage, custom, reference, rent1
veronikapartman.huImportant: from 01. June 2024. to 31. August 2024. the apartment can only be booked for 5 nights or more.apartment, place, price, day, beautiful1
ellipsometry.huDouble-monocromator rotating polarizer spectroscopic ellipsometer in the wavelength range of 250-850 nm. The spot size is about 1 mm. Especially well suited for high spectral resolution measurements, for which the speed is not an important requirement. New generations of this ellipsometer is…speed important, important requirementoptical, student, university, development, fry1
batizandras.huIn the spring of 2020, most companies had to change their operations radically. Because of the constraints of permanent teleworking, the online space has become the lifeboat for our informal relationships as well as the venue of our important conferences. Which are the crucial elements of an…venue important, important conferencepresentation, custom, offer, webpage, impact1
m37apartman.hu…and the Carnval of Flowers! Debrecen is a year-round tourist center. Although in Debrecen, with a comfortable walk, you can easily reach all important sights and venues, but if you are not be able to walk, local public transport offers a variety of convenient facilities, but you can even…easily important, important sightapartment, downtown, accomodation, mood, person1
energoprojekt.huBoard software is a instrument to help businesses streamline all their board get togethers and increase governance. It may help reduce supervision and provides a secure method to share records, but it is also important to select the best software for your company’s certain needs. This will ensure…record important, important goodsoftware, management, organization, board, way1
pecsivilagitotorony.huWith the help of this website, you can be an important participant in the illumination of the tower.website important, important participantpage, tower, history, website, poll1
perfectenterprises.huSex is something you like to think about every time. But do you like thyroid problems? Obviously not. You might not understand why I'm asking about thyroid problems when we're talking about sex. But it's important to talk about this because many men experience sexual problems due to the thyroid…sex important, important manenhancer, description, cart, man, perfect1
hegyvidek.huNearly five percent of residents in the 12th district are foreign nationals. The English version of the website was created with the aim of making the most important information concerning the life of the district and the council available to the significant number of foreign-speaking residents of…aim important, important informationpublic, search, news, district, taxation1
szabofogaskerek.huWe find it important to achieve success with satisfied workforce in a motivating environment. Thanks to our Enterprise Resource Planning System we stand ready for the latest challenges of Industry 4.0.gear, quality, production, industry, treatment1
apostille.org.huThis legalization for international use means that the official seal and signature on the document is verified by the competent authority or body in Hungary, and the document is certified by one or more additional official stamps. It is important to point out that legalization confirms the…stamp important, important legalizationdocument, legalization, delivery, international, certificate1
bornemisszavendeghazak.huIt is an important resting place for birds migrating across Europe. A protected area, which can be visited with a guide.lake, water, area, beach, apartment1
sznbk1988.huIn Hungary, the Monastery of St Maurice of Bakonybél has published several volumes in its "Lectio divina" series, in collaboration with the publishing house L'Harmattan. Our lecturers are invited to present this important topic through the concrete work of an author.lecturer important, important topicconference, st., text, biblical, th1
hegyaljagyongyszeme.huThe Hegyalja Gyöngyszeme Pension is found at Rátka, a small ethnic german swabian village in the Tokaj Historical Wine Region Cultural Landscape, Hungary. The small village lying in a picturesque environment is the most important ethnic settlement of the wine region where the first swabian…environment important, important ethnicpension, site, warm, welcome, wine1
ethica.huWe believe people are the most important element of any company, therefore we value them by making sure they share in the company’s success.people important, important elementpeople, client, technology, planet, software1
scrollinhand.hu…however, do not exclusively confess through their inscriptions about the deceased, but their ornaments and pictorial representations carry important information about the deceased person as well. We can assume that for the contemporary observers the meaning of the frequently used “scroll in…representation important, important informationscroll, roman, representation, hand, monument1
kep-ter.huWelcome, it's great to have you here. We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your new site with some initial getting started posts that will help you get familiar with everything in no time.…impression important, important newago, custom, post, site, option1
thevoid.huThe Void was formed in 2006 in Szeged, Hungary. In the beginning, the main genre of our music was melodic death metal but later on we started to turn towards a more industrial aspect of metal music. Synths and samplers got a more important role in our songwriting. Our previous album ‘Unraveling’…sampler important, important rolevoid, industrial, metal, sci, video1
buzassandor.hu„Sandor Buzas knows how to get results! He can see what I cannot. He helped me expand my thinking and my perspective to clearly see my options. Each session was full of important insights. Sandor Buzas is a trusted advisor. He keeps me on the fast track for growth. Working with him, I had found…session important, important insightsession, strategy, performance, free, people1
meliora.huWe too. We definitely know that low quality translations come with serious costs, both in terms of time, money and prestige. A bad translation can ruin months of dedication and effort by delaying an important regulatory procedure.effort important, important regulatorytranslation, pharmaceutical, quality, agency, client1
sargarez.huPrice in focus! We try to reach the satisfaction of our customers with low and calculable prices. In our opinion, it is one of the most important things to keep up the customer satisfaction.opinion important, important thingbrass, main, bronze, bar, ferrous1
bottpince.huWe had no exact plans at all at that time. We were young, loose and perhaps a bit light-minded, too – though over the years we have lost a little bit of this. In return, we learned to take responsibility, how to make plans in the long run and to arrive at important decisions in a good harmony with…run important, important decisionvineyard, house, ceramic, region, decision1
knui.hu…not be taken lightly. We have been in family law since 2008. We are purposely a small team of experienced family lawyers. We believe this is important as we can offer you a personal service from a team who are all familiar with your case. You can be confident that you will always have someone…lawyer important, important personallawyer, child, custody, family, divorce1
tech-trend.huI admit, though, however, that without a weary satisfaction that causes returns and luxuries that provokes the thought in the memories of your stay in a foreign country, traveling for me would be a lot less exciting and important. So, do not travel just to remember, but I'm going to travel…exciting important, important mentalenterprise, city, age, today, destination1
arondn.huMore and more data centers are being deployed in order to accommodate the physical resources needed by cloud systems. As an important side effect the global energy demand of data centers are also on the rise. In the meantime the advancement in virtualization technologies has made migrating virtual…system important, important effectcloud, network, application, edge, resource1
yplon.huThis economic field has a high impact ont he whole Hungarian national economy, thus the professional and conceptional background of the liquidating and banktrupcy managing organizations is especially important for us.proceedings, liquidation, management, asset, creditor1
garten.hustorage facilities in 2007. The cold stores of about 8,000 square meters of space and the packaging machines, which are located in Hungary in four different but equally important production areas allow the delivery of up to 150 truckloads of export vegetables and fruits per week during peak periods.equally important, important productionfruit, vegetable, country, fresh, european1
baloghorsolya.huAre you looking for the right place for a larger sum? Would you like to have access to it at any time? Maybe you don’t have enough time to track the yields, which is why it is important an expert does this for you. Tell me what your goal is and we will achieve it together!yield important, important expertstrategy, financial, revenue, private, insurance1
drchoc.huTo replace quantitative sweets consumption with qualitative has become more important in our country too.qualitative important, important countrymilk, dark, chocolate, lunar, cycle1
hazinspektor.huA property inspection could be useful for anyone who is interested in buying an apartment or a house in Hungary. When viewing a property, unless you have the necessary knowledge and experience, you may miss important defects and mistakes which at later stage can be expensive to repair.experience important, important defectproperty, inspection, real, estate, detail1
radaymuzeum.hu…until higher education and naturally the college had a dormitory for the students as well. For a long period of time, this college was the most important educational institution of the Danube Basin District. The present-day school building was built later and it is called New College (Újkollégium).college important, important educationalchurch, main, exhibition, museum, ecclesiastical1
bdpstgroup.huThe fundamental principles of our group are creating, building, and, maybe the most important of all, value creation. The operation of BDPST Group is determined by these, and it also includes the renewal of our real estate heritage, increasing the attractiveness of our tourism or modernising the…maybe important, important valuegroup, investment, real, estate, value1
eitansguesthouse.hu…all needs while spending couple of days in Budapest. The location is perfect –it is so central as possible,just a walking distance from most important touristic sites,cultural places and places to have fun. Enjoyment is guaranteed when staying with us and use our multilingual staff for tips…distance important, important touristicguesthouse, room, reservation, location, price1
hungaromedgroup.huAnother important aim of the system is to provide a new and efficient means to quick filtering and diagnostics of infectious diseases so that national and worldwide outbreaks be prevented or, if necessary, treated quickly and efficiently.group, healthcare, infectious, disease, diagnostic1
hajosprogramok.huThe fabulous beauty of the Balaton ambience may contribute to the excitement of your wedding preparations or other important moments of your life. One of our most popular boat programmes is a boat rental with photo shooting when you and your partner or your family may experience the most sumptuous…preparation important, important momentprice, boat, rental, sailboat, people1
perlit92.hu…since 1959. The milling, drying and sieving of perlite effects in the preparation plant near to the quarry, according to the demand of the customers. Perlit-92 Ltd. has opened its second mine in 2006, which ensures raw perlite supply for 80 years period. Important developments in the last 5 years:period important, important developmentplant, protection, industry, filter, environment1
autotherm.huAt the time of van isolation the temperature and transport requirements of the goods has to be considered. In the case of a precise medicine transport a permanent temperature is much more important as in the case of a fresh good transport. In case of a meet transport resistance is a main factor…temperature important, important casebody, quotation, vehicle, production, transport1
timeoff.huSo here we are at last. After a long wait my blog is finally up and running. This website has to very simple, but nonetheless important goals: – First and foremost entertainment. Nowadays we are always rushing, running towards our next goal, the next thing to do. We barely have […]nonetheless important, important goalidea, adventure, draw, february, category1
partnershungary.huIt is important for us that professionals working with children are able to create the conditions necessary for children to develop optimally, with a special focus on disadvantaged children. All children, regardless of their origin and their family and social background, deserve to have the…conflict, mediator, training, management, mediation1
recodesk.huInstead of quantitative production, we consider quality, precise and accurate work to be important. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at any of the contact details provided, we are ready to be the partner of your company.work important, important interestedtool, molding, injection, form, maintenance1
tabunello.huWe are convinced that these lands are qualified for the hihtest quality. Our aim is simple. We want to create the best by any means – the rest is not important.wine, bottle, st, vineyard, vine1
house-thermkft.huOur company considers environmental protection extremely important. In all phases of implementation, we prefer using the most environment-friendly technologies and tools, bearing the preservation of the environment in mind.extremely important, important phasehouse, heating, maintenance, gallery, installation1
eljharmoniaban.huAs the world is rushing today, the restoration of harmony is taking an important role int he life of the people. Yoga, meditation and ayurveda are our great help in this attempt. Yoga is a great answer from the ancient times for the problems of the modern life, where this several hundred years old…harmony important, important roleyoga, class, private, meditation, course1
perfectage.huThis is a healing process that can be particularly important for scar treatment (thank you for your patience and understanding).particularly important, important scarpatient, age, perfect, surgery, treatment1
connext.huIt’s the most important for us to set up exclusive, high quality places, where the people like working and have a good time, like at home. We offer unique construction solutions and we take consider the individually demands. Our solutions exceed the frequently growing demands of the next…office, build, square, construction, implementation1
bhkka.huby M. Ali Samay 2019-09-30 The post-Soviet Central Asian states are members of several military and security organizations. Their most important aim and expectation is promoting multilateral solutions to security, political and economic challenges. Some conceptual...organization important, important aimsecurity, study, main, booklet, international1
synergia.huBy profession I am a qualified chemical engineer, engineer-economist and foreign trade businessman. Previously I spent a lot of years in the field of the industry, economy, home and foreign trade in important managerial positions. As a managing director of a foreign-owned company I had the…trade important, important managerialhomepage, language, foreign, translation, director1
kertaiautojavito.huBecause of the increasing traffic and the lack of a polishing workshop, further enlargement became important in order to fully serve our Customers.enlargement important, important orderpolish, repair, introduction, form, faq1
fourpoint.huFour-Point Kft. has been expanding its social responsibility every year. Supporting deprived people is particularly important to our company. We support the “Hope for Ill Children, Those in Need and Patients Foundation” and the “Helping Hands Foundation.” In the cultural sector, we allocated 5,200…particularly important, important companypoint, application, grant, management, plan1
susa.huQuality of our food is the most important for us, therefore you can find in our shop only food made of the best ingredients. The wide product range makes it possible that we fulfill the most special demands.food important, important shopfood, puppy, close, salmon, dog1
szaboesszalai.huHe has been involved in the country's most important and most significant criminal cases, including economic, property, fiscal and transport cases, and has taken an active role as a defender and as legal representative on the side of the defendant or the victim.country important, important significantlaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case1
coaching-nlp.huOnce I finished coaching I realized that conditioning the mind is just as important as training the body for me. I do not mean learning here, but an external expert’s help, who can help to realign my way of thinking. The conversation was truly inspiring, I'm still under its influence. Thank you…mind important, important bodytraining, mediation, course, toth, conflict1
projectbuilder.huwell-designed workflows, and having a durable and reliable subcontractor background are particularly important.construction, builder, site, general, page1
meatland65.huMajority and largest part of our market are Central and Eastern Europe, and some particular countries of the Far East. Our priority, besides our export and import activity, is providing our Clients with accurate service and high quality raw materials. The quality of our distributed products is…excessively important, important consequentlymeat, land, mobile, sale, market1
search-lab.huSupported by our extensive experience, we believe in the holistic approach of handling IT security issues instead of treating only few but important problems.instead important, important problemlab, search, security, vulnerability, secure1
levteam.huof solar farms. The greatest thing about building solar power stations is the fact that they do not produce carbon dioxide – unlike other technologies – thus they play an important role in reducing greenhouse effects and in stopping and reversing the environment pollution trends of the 21st century.technology important, important rolepower, energy, station, goal, technology1
protone.huThe most important thing for us is the personal connection. We are mostly inspired by willing to help, care and heal. We have already solved the hearing problems for thousands of our clients and we are determined to help you either. Meanwhile we have created the one and only family of innovative…hear, free, doctor, close, clinic1
vbenz.hu…standards and often alongside international insurance requirements. If someone fails to comply with these requirements the insurance premium discount can be at risk therefore it is particularly important for us to have the necessary approvals and be aware of relevant insurance rules and standards.particularly important, important necessarysolution, maintenance, liquid, protection, installation1
primustrust.huFiduciary asset management is one of the most important tools for tax planning, offering a range of strategies and opportunities to achieve significant tax benefits for High Net Worth Individuals and companies after thorough preparation and planning.management important, important tooltrust, protection, asset, tax, family1
lugos-asvanyviz.huFeatures of the oxygen-enriched water The most important basic elements of life are oxygen and water! Currently,water important, important basicwater, mineral, natural, alkaline, review1
raczlawfirm.huInnovative business thinking and a solutions-based approach are perhaps more important than ever in these unpredictable times.approach important, important unpredictablelaw, firm, legal, client, matter1
ofbeautyzitan.hu…playmate of families with small children, or as everyday companions of single people. This is aided by the breed’s outstanding adaptability and people-centredness. It is extremely important for us that puppies from us are placed in the right environment. We give a breeder guarantee for all puppies.extremely important, important puppybreed, dog, color, female, characteristic1
govitex.hudegreasing and phosphating iron, steel, aluminum, zinc, copper and other light metals (L x W x H) 4.2 x 1.1 x 2.0 m in individual and series production. In order to the right adhesion of paint, we remove the oil, grease and the other impurities off the metal surface. Degreasing is an important…coating, powder, metal, degreasing, detail1
nemesarch.huAs the the look of outside has importance for the good of the public, the interior is more important for the ones living inside.interior important, important onebuild, architect, introduction, certificate, law1
wecup.hu…of an enterprise. Today – due to the significantly increased amount of waste by packaging materials in the FMCG sector- it is an extremely important global task to develop the packaging truly sustainable and thus environmentally-friendly. These changing in technologies have just started and…extremely important, important globalcup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable1
beauty-kiallitas.huWith almost 3,000 professional participants, 80 exhibitors and 65 presentations, the 30th edition of Beauty Forum Budapest was a really special event. It was a touching and uplifting feeling to toast to this important milestone with our exhibitors, old and new alike, and to be able to share the…feel important, important milestoneexhibitors, makeup, permanent, forum, visitor1
ec-invest.huWhat we believe in: a close, human relationship based on personal contact. We still believe that it is not possible to establish and maintain a satisfying partnership for both parties in an impersonal, purely electronic manner. It is important for us that you will be able to reach us by phone or…manner important, important ablearea, clean, price, capital, european1
navszakerto.huConsider expertise and compatibility: Assess the lawyer’s expertise and experience in handling cases similar to yours. It’s important to choose a lawyer who specializes in the specific area of law relevant to your needs. Additionally, consider whether you feel comfortable working with the lawyer…similar important, important lawyerlawyer, tax, legal, law, procedure1
perident.huA proper oral hygiene and professional cleaning by the hygenists play an important role in the maintenance of dental implants.hygenists important, important roledental, dentist, implant, clinic, treatment1
anettehilbertcoaching.huWe often identify ourselves with our habits, “This is who I am”, when we could ask: what is really important to me? What do I want? Who do I want to be with? Who are those around me and what is their role in my life?habit important, important rolepeople, easy, appointment, thing, booking1
drycon.huWater flooding out of control can be very damaging, just as a simple burst in a water pipe can held some unwelcome surprise in store. Moisture seeping into the building structure must be removed expertly, and this is just as important as exploring and eliminating the problem. Moreexpertly important, important problemdamage, restoration, fire, water, industrial1
korhazirezsicsokkentes.huIncontinence affects more than 100,000 persons (prevalence over 5%) and the absorbent devices constitute the largest item in the Medical Device budget of the National Health Insurance Fund. Thus, management of the lack of continence is among the most important tasks of the rehabilitation and…continence important, important taskdevice, cost, news, rate, patient1
kaposternero.huImportant elements of the business strategy are e.g. the increase of veal and mutton consumption on the domestic market and the expansion of the export markets.market, lamb, meat, quality, main1
tsrlog.huBecause we believe in the strength of a cohesive team , with decades of experience and a high level of expertise , our main goal is to work smoothly with our partners, the most important factor of this collaboration being reliability .partner important, important factorlog, offer, quality, main, collaboration1
darkcube.huIt is important to emphasize that the space sector covers a lot more disciplines than we might think at first, for example, engineering, medical science, economics and law.dark, space, consulting, telecommunication, sector1
bakonyiavocats.huIn the interest of satisfying the needs of our clients, we consider it important to develop as broad as possible international connections.client important, important broadlaw, field, office, international, colleagues1
csillagkupola.huWe often forget what are the really important things in life. We rush, get nervous, over-plan, our lives revolve around stressful deadlines. We just don’t have time to experience and understand the essence, the everlasting nature all around us.price, near, lake, amenities, location1
cicaskacus.huThis holiday cottage is located in the beautiful area of Matrafured. The setting is ideal as it is a popular vacation spot. The traditional folk style décor has been maintained with all of today’s conveniences. It is important to us to keep the traditional Paloc style. The cottage is located in…convenience important, important traditionalroom, area, booking, holiday, day1
budapestcircusfestival.huBalance plays an important role in our lives, both physically and mentally. Vladimir Erofeev developed keeping and maintaining balance to an artistic level in his breathtaking Rola-Bola act.balance important, important rolecircus, festival, international, act, artist1
akhalstud.hu…to create a special equestrian show. Our core mission is to present this breed of horse to the public with the aim to raise awareness of the fact that we, Hungarians, have strong bonds with the history of this noble breed, and that this breed played an important role in the history of our countrybreed important, important rolehorse, stud, equestrian, stallion, tour1
masterconsulting.huThe most important feature of the LOGA timesheet is flexibility in the development of working time models.consulting, payroll, data, development, plan1
nishuyoga.huYoga is the important part of the healthy lifestyle and the Ayurvedic Life. Our Yoga Classes are mixes of the Hatha and the Medical Yoga – it depends always on the knowledge of the participants. We emphasize not only the improvement of the Asanas (poses) but the protection of joints and the spine…yoga important, important healthyyoga, event, treatment, ayurvedic, welcome1
fitpuli.huHealth in the workplace is not a fringe benefit. It’s one of the most important investments any company can make. Choose a well-balanced workplace health programme to boost work efficiency and overall productivity, reduce employee turnover and sick leave costs, and build stronger teams.benefit important, important investmenthealth, employee, programme, data, user1
tunderkert97.huThe EPDM surface is a very popular material for multifunctional sport – MUGA – and recreation surfaces. It provides excellent protection from serious injuries for its users , and the sound-absorbing effect of the rubber surface lightens the noise load around the field, which is particularly…particularly important, important housingsurface, rubber, wet, material, playground1
szkiroda.huIn addition to the various legal areas, it is especially important for us to specialise our colleagues in the sectors of our clients as well. Therefore, our lawyers obtain continuously expanding and deepening knowledge concerning the special legal environments relevant to our partners and the…especially important, important colleaguesoffice, law, area, colleagues, page1
tailwindnutrition.huIMPORTANT! If you’re a store owner, please make sure you have Customer accounts enabled in your Store Admin , as you have customer based locks set up with EasyLockdown app. Enable Customer Accountsnutrition, endurance, recovery, price, fuel1
epitoanyag.org.hu…with original research for already 70 years. First issue of the journal was published in 1949 in Hungarian and became soon the most important and mostly referred Hungarian journal in the field of construction and building materials. Today, Építőanyag – Journal of Silicate Based and…soon important, important hungarianissue, journal, author, material, paper1
bibianaiskola.hudiverse programs, since we consider it most important that children should enjoy coming to school.program important, important childschool, elementary, foundation, child, autistic1
plastic.huThe use of end closing profiles is especially important for multiwall sheets (eg Exolon multi UV and PLEXIGLAS® SDP Alltop), but is also useful for the installation of solid materials. The U-profile not only provides an aesthetic seal to the plastic sheets, but the appropriate shape also stiffen…especially important, important multiwallprofile, sheet, plastic, login, offer1
deaksopron.huIn case of payments by card your security and the easy process is important for us. Six Pay enables both of them.process important, important paycheese, sauce, soup, tomato, restaurant1
sarmany-parsons-ilona.hu…national schools of painting (Austrian, Czech, Polish, Hungarian and Croatian). Documenting the visual composition of such an exhibition is important, but it is equally vital to make permanently available the texts of the catalogue and some explanatory wall texts for all the specialists who…exhibition important, important equallyhomepage, art, age, generation, text1
grepton.huWe consider progress and continuous improvement to be important, so we always strive to be able to create something new and forward-looking. This approach allows us to be technologically at the forefront. We apply this innovative approach, trained in our R&D activities, to the delivery of custom…improvement important, important ablesolution, industry, detail, tender, career1
bookfut-konyvelo.huCommunication is extremely important to us therefore we make sure to keep in touch regularly with our clients.extremely important, important sureoffer, accounting, tax, site, accountant1
f2pilates.huBreathing techniques play an important role. Pilates also improves body awareness and therefore also your posturetechnique important, important roleclass, studio, instructor, group, gallery1
profimunkak.huTechnology preserves changing and evolving in a incredible rate. It is important for marketers to be updated on the latest trends andrate important, important marketerboard, data, way, software, room1
famapr.huHence we are attached to each other, our surroundings and life itself via communication. It is the tangible reflection of our personality, style and world. This is our "facade" that we show toward others. Communicating is important. The appropriate, effective communication can be learned…communicate important, important appropriatecorporate, advisory, communication, organizational, tour1
ganteline.huAs a market leader we consider important to make our clients always satisfied and experience our cooperation as a joint success.leader important, important clientprotection, protective, clothing, glove, welding1
bartokudvar.huand industrial building developments, it is active in the residential and retail segments and provides services in facility management. Its most important projects, among others, are Bartók Court Office Complex, Polgár Industrial Park and Logistic Center, Karcag Industrial Park, Kecskemét South…management important, important projectcourt, office, award, location1
budapestlngsummit.hu…company he manages. Under Mr. Sterian’s close coordination, Transgaz has implemented and continues to implement one of the most ambitious and important national natural gas transmission infrastructure development programs of the last 20 years, with investment projects estimated at over 3.4…ambitious important, important nationallng, summit, gas, energy, speaker1
promezsu.huWelcome, it's great to have you here. We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your new site with some initial getting started posts that will help you get familiar with everything in no time.impression important, important newsite, post, familiar, editor, option1
torokcsilla.huThe most important thing is to create a hairstyle that gives individuality, is in harmony with the personality, and provides my guests with well-managed, healthy hair on a daily basis.telephone, mail, booking, price, guest1
homeawayapartment.huWe had a lovely stay in Budapest and Szabolcs´ studio. It is spacious, very bright and comes with everything you need - good Wifi, all the necessary kitchen utensils, a comfortable bed, a cute bathroom. The studio was very clean, too (which I think is important). A plus: there is a small café are…clean important, important plusapartment, away, location, place, excellent1
businesscoachdebrecen.huEva is very professional, I especially like the fact that she also conducts consultations online and works on short notice. In my case, it was especially important that it was also in English.especially important, important englishleadership, job, consultation, search, hello1
lengyel-wagner.huWithin the framework of consulting prior to company foundation and knowing the desired owner structure and future planned operation, the important, quantifiable elements of the founding documents are configured, so these can be permanently in accord with the operation peculiarities of the company…operation important, important quantifiableclient, notion, utilization, logical, strength1
vilagkep.huWhy is graphic design important? If you create your own logo, layouts, business cards, then you fill your company with a soul.design important, important logographic, photography, website, jump, news1
wordpressdev.huThe blog is used to display AstroWind documentation. Each new article will be an important step that you will need to know to be an expert in creating a website using Astro + Tailwind CSS. Astro is a very interesting technology. Thanks.article important, important stepwebsite, css, template, page, free1
megawatt.huSatisfied customers are the most important thing for our company – that’s what the Megawatt team is all about.customer important, important thinginstallation, reference, site, commercial, department1
momenthotel.huAll apartments are fully equipped, as we know how important it is during travelling that nothing is amiss for total comfort.fully important, important travelmoment, apartment, river, build, sight1
superweek.huJoin David on an exciting journey into debugging complex analytical systems. With technology getting more advanced, debugging has become a key skill. This talk will teach you important methods to handle issues in areas like Single Page Applications, iframes, server-side tracking, web views…talk important, important methoddata, analytic, digital, day, analyst1
kirana.huElements, objects around us reflect to our unconscious messages, desires, and our current status. They are like mantras, their color and shape affects us and our environment. I believe that the manifestation of the world and our inner reality interact with each other. That's why it's important…reality important, important insideelement, eng, profession, creation, harmony1
bonaadventure.huOur involvement in domestic and international scientific life is becoming more and more important. Our main areas of expertise are animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, but we have also worked in the fields of plant breeding, horticulture, molecular biology, microbiology and analytical…life important, important mainadventure, main, result, field, scientific1
colegal.hu…years in Hungarian, German and English languages. Thanks to this work experience, we represent our clients’ interests in local and international affairs highly professional and with a business-minded approach, in several languages and provide legal advice in all important fields of business law.advice important, important fieldlaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling1
littlegeisha.huLittle Geisha Can Cook is the most special Asian restaurant in Hungary and in the capital, Budapest. For the founder’s little geisha, the most important thing is that all the ingredients are always fresh.geisha important, important thinglittle, reservation, discount, promotion, restaurant1
quintus.huFeasibility studies are an important component of the real estate industry. We provide an in-depth analysis of potential investments to determine their feasibility for development.study important, important componentsustainability, sustainable, environment, investment, construction1
meta-inf.huIn our experience Email This Issue for Jira really fits our needs. We never had any maintenance complexity, so if stability is important, I'd recommend using it for HR processes.stability important, important hrjira, training, app, issue, user1
rimconsulting.huWe undertake the conformity assessment of the applicants for admission of institutions and companies, either ex-ante or ex-post, in full compliance with the legislation, especially the data protection provisions, examining the reliability of important and confidential positions, security awareness…reliability important, important confidential, strategically important, important positionconsulting, rim, protection, security, case1
petroleum.huIn harmony with the maintainable rate of growth the oil industry undertakes an important task by the exploration, production and processing of petroleum and by the marketing of oil products contributing this way to the development of the economy…industry important, important taskpetroleum, association, oil, industry, environment1
budateher.huOne of the most important and often one of the most challenging aspects of construction, renovation and refurbishment projects is the temporary storage and removal of accumulated debris. It is important to know that waste from construction and renovation projects should not be mixed with household…debris important, important wasteoffice, furniture, removal, transport, equipment1
betonracspadlo.huExperience tells us that concrete grating is a technological element not just a building material, so our role is really important!floor, concrete, grid, quality, flooring1
amavat.huThis is great news for businesses; but, it’s extremely important to make sure that VAT obligations are fulfilled as part of the process of making sales.extremely important, important surevat, tax, registration, country, seller1
rexcellence.huOur company run Rex rabbit breeding since many years. The manual work and the time dedicated for the animals are highly important for us, we even try to represent the best quality of work both in the human side and in the animal welfare.highly important, important goodfur, rabbit, quality, premium, breed1
minimabistro.huAs a child she was already fascinated by the Greek way of life and culture, which she combined with her professional catering skills during her years as a student of the chef Uncle Laci Benke and during her work at Dionysos Taverna, so it is important to her that Mínima Bistro offers not just…taverna important, important mínimarestaurant, reservation, drink, event, mediterranean1
systemmonitoring.huBackup and restore plan for awx: We will focus on only the database of awx in this article. This is the most important part in our case, at the moment.article important, important casenode, host, log, deployment, support1
open-budapest.huLike everyone, every hair is unique. Either service you choose we begin with a personal consultation so there is a perfect harmony between stylist and client. We always focus on our clients, it is the most important part of our job. Hair dressing is art for us, even if it’s just a blow-dry. It…client important, important jobhair, open, salon, nail, blow1
advitas.hufully understand that our mission is to help you – trader, producer, purchaser – in having a clear picture of the market movements, while making important decisions whether selling or purchasing agricultural commodities. We are those who stand next to you when you face unforeseen issues in your…movement important, important decisionmarket, agricultural, commodity, trading, buyer1
rbfitness.huOur most important intent is to inspire our guests, and help them to know how to achieve their goals.sauna, class, training, pricing, lehet1
braininghub.huGood training and development programs help you retain the right people and gain profits. As the battle for top talent becomes more competitive, employee training and development programs are more important than ever. Hiring top talent takes time and money, and how you engage and develop that…program important, important talenttraining, hour, corporate, technology, latest1
existentialcounselling.huIf we decide that we want to work together, I will be interested to hear from you what it is like to be you – how you relate to the world around you, what that feels like for you and how you make meaning of your life experiences. Together, we can explore new perspectives and whether there are any…perspective important, important areacounselling, expat, psychotherapy, book, issue1
polarkiss.huOur most important goal is to achieve the full satisfaction of our customers and to meet the technical and legal requirements with our high-quality services and the reliable, high-quality products we sell.reference, construction, electrical, maintenance, arrest1
sikerexport.huPartnerships are important in enabling us to help deliver comprehensive business solutions. Take a look at how we can complement your services.partnership important, important comprehensivesolution, client, provider, group, market1
sipospack.huBeing a family owned business with more than 30 years of experience, we truly believe in long term collaborations, where both professional and personal values are equally important on a daily basis. We are constantly looking for new challenges and implementing leadin-edge technologies in order to…equally important, important dailypackaging, recyclable, material, printing, solution1
ksh-rugo.huCustomer satisfaction is our top priority! Each of our Partners is as important as if they were our first client!partner important, important clientcustomer, manufacture, quality, technology, supplier1
premiumcarwash.huWe invented our VIP Club for customers for whom it is extremely important that their car is always immaculate, inside and out. If you want to join the VIP members, contact our staff for more details! Join and receive VIP treatment!extremely important, important carwash, clean, package, removal, premium1
biggeorgeholding.huWe know that the one of the most important keys to the continuous development and high quality client service of our company is the efficacy of our human resources. The success of our present and future depends on the expertise and client-focused daily work of our colleagues and on positive…director, manage, management, property, city1
sutolemez.huWe need the following information to make an offer regarding the baguette sheets: dimensions of the sheet, number of waves, which side to be parallel with, shape of the waves, , in case of some products it may be important to know the dimension of the distance between the waves, what size of…product important, important dimensionbake, sheet, trolley, tray, type1
eurologo.huTo those businesses for whom the correlation between the brand message and the quality is important.sticker, customer, quality, resin, message1
caves.huIn my last post I gave a short list of things to have. I also gave some reasoning on this list, however I was trying to not get too lost in the details. This chapter is probably well known for most of you, but I think it's important to make things clear, and it is a good opportunity to explain…probably important, important thingvertical, cave, gear, detail, hand1
agrotrain.huThe most important aim of our quality policy is to ensure safe services, which can guarantee the safety of the transported products. This is why we have created the pillars of our service safety system…transportation, transport, field, logistic, bulk1
anteus.huOur development team plays an important role in maintaining the high standards of our products and systems.team important, important roleaccess, control, management, solution, ticket1
carryall.huOver the years, we have gained invaluable insight knowledge of the industry and built relationships which are extremely important to the success of our business.extremely important, important successdelivery, logistic, oversize, installation, transport1
kisbalaton.huKis-Balaton and Balaton were not distinguished until the end of the 18th century because this area used to be a bay of the lake. The bay played an important role in that Zala could deposit its sediments here. Kis-Balaton lost its filter function gradually by the middle of the 20th century due to…bay important, important rolehistory, water, bay, lake, role1
lowchen.huOur goal is to breed the perfect companion dog, combining beauty, temperament and health. And - Our goal is to produce happy, healthy Havanese and Lowchen puppies who typify the havanese breed standard and the lowchen breed standard. Temperament and health are the most important qualities to us…health important, important qualitydog, breeder, female, breed, family1
gpfishing.huOne of the most important prerequisites for running a successful web presence is the domain name. It is what people will mark first when they chance upon your site and what they will identify you with. The domain should be easy to memorize, but should also be something that informs your website's…hosting, dedicated, server, semi, website1
luckypennykennel.huWe are proud of our sighthounds and their achievements, but the most important thing for us is that they live a full dog life with us. When we see that they are cheerful, it makes us happy too.achievement important, important thinglucky, boy, girl, proud, dog1
inflexion.huIt helped a lot that Dávid was introduced to the secrets of the sales profession by a professional who knew people and the business well. The most important points that I would highlight is that you should always be direct and professional. Another important thing I learned during our work…business important, important point, professional important, important thingsale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead1
fonixplass.hu…SMT manufacturing, electromechanical assembly, plastic injection molding, welding, packaging, and more. In addition, the extensive knowledge and culture are important characteristic of the site, as exemplified by EHS and quality awareness (ISO 9001: 2015, ISO / TS 16949: 2009, ISO / IEC 17025).culture important, important characteristictrust, manufacture, plastic, powder, assembly1
ismerosok.huWe always appreciate your feedback and other suggestions about our products and services. But it is important to know that we may use them without any restrictions or obligation to compensate you, and we are under no obligation to keep them confidential.service important, important restrictiondata, condition, account, purpose, law1
ernart.huAfter having spent abroad shorter and longer periods of time, I realised how important emotional support is, and decided that I would like to give other people the help I also would have needed when I was travelling in different countries, and had to face all the problems that came accross.time important, important emotionalart, therapy, session, creation, group1
honettcatering.huWe know you’re in a balancing act between budget and great expectations. Who better to tell you about Honett Szerviz than our customers? What our clients say is extremely important to us. Without client satisfaction, we would not have a business. That is why Honett Szerviz is so invested in making…extremely important, important clientfood, location, people, air, airport1
lavet.huWe consider responsible behaviour as the most important aspect during development, manufacturing and distribution of medicinal products. We strive continuously with updated skills and attention to ensure the highest possible level of safety during the manufacturing process. We believe that our…behaviour important, important aspectinnovation, development, animal, page, main1
innoid.huThe most popular weather forecast application in Hungary with more than a million downloads and outstandingly high ratings. During the development process, we ensured to create an easy-to-use application that has every important information necessary yet uses as little network traffic as possible.application important, important informationmobile, development, software, native, app1
himesudvar.huThis kind is originated from Transylvania and it is grown also in Rumania (outskirts of Cotnar) at the present time. It was a very important kind here in Tokaj before the big destruction caused by the vine-pest. It has produced "tokaji" since 1998. It’s foliage is deep green, border of the leaves…time important, important kindwine, grape, region, taste, quality1
fotoreklam.huAdvertising marketing is an important element of marketing communication. A well-featured, corporate-branded promotional gift builds the company's reputation.marketing important, important elementagency, graphic, gift, unique, printing1
gaborhargitai.huIf you need to free up some space and you are definitely sure that there could be nothing important / indispensable within your local Time Machine snapshots / backups, then issue the following command to regain the disk space consumed by them: for d in $(tmutil listlocalsnapshotdates | grep "-")…sure important, important indispensablefile, command, server, user, network1
startgraphix.huAppearance is important indeed and we will make sure to put smile on your customer’s face.appearance important, important suretall, unique, appearance, style, personal1
kolozar.huMaintaining a set of strong and consistent work ethics has always been important for us, throughout all the 45 years we’re in business. That’s all because for us, being ahead of schedule and ahead of the competition is not just our work, but our motto and a lifestyle!ethics important, important yearsteel, post, layout, style, construction1
kucserahaj.huWith the L’Oréal ProfessionnelArts Team we have been working to familiarize our guests with the French style, which is characterized by fine lines, soft and feminine waves, as well as form adapted to the face. It is also important for us that the haircut we create can be easy to make at home.face important, important haircuthaircut, salon, dry, shop, price1
vitezpetra.huBesides utilizing my professional skills, what’s most important to me is to be attentive and thoughtful with my clients, communicate clearly and ask good questions, so everybody will be satisfied and happy with the final work.skill important, important attentivegraphic, logo, portfolio, website, illustration1
mahayanaegyhaz.hu…Ratnalingpa, Dorjilingpa, Pedmalingpa, and Karmalingpa were also received from his Holiness and other great masters. Rinpoche also received important empowerments and instructions from his Holiness Tsetrul Rinpoche. From His Holiness Yangthang Rinpoche, he received the empowerments and pith…rinpoche important, important empowermentbuddhist, activity, human, teaching, great1
fitparade.huImportant! The registration fees will not be lost! We would like to organize the Fitparade event if it turns out to be possible only without spectators. If the date of the competition changes due to the legislations made by the government, the paid registration fees will be transferred to the next…npc, competition, news, regional, division1
masszazsbarlang.hu…performance of the muscles increases. Tired muscles regenerate faster, thanks to which endurance improves. Unpleasant complaints will disappear, and you will become more energetic and persistent as a result of more flexible muscles and joints. This is especially important if you exercise regularly.especially important, important regularlymassage, homepage, swedish, refresh, aromatherapy1
olddominion.huYou choose the topics, and during the conversation we give you what you need: vocabulary, expressions, idioms, and corrections. Äll the important parts of the English language will appear in our conversations: grammar, special words, culture, hidden messages, etc. If you don't know where to begin…äll important, important partstudent, homepage, location, conversation, language1
drnagygabor.huIn addition to meet the highest professional standards in my work, I, as a dentist, consider at least such important to inform my patients adequately about the procedures to be performed and the techniques used. Our fundamental goal is to make patients fully satisfied with the results after the…dentist important, important patientsmile, treatment, dental, dentistry, surgery1
inmediasbrass.hu…play pop music pieces, among which everybody can find their favorite whether it be soundtrack from a film, ragtime or Latin jazz. They find it important that each and every one of their concerts is worthwhile and that the audience not only realizes the potential brass musical instruments have butjazz important, important concertbrass, concert, prize, event, video1
regea.huOur method is based on an attitudinal change. It is very important to understand that cancer can be defeated by active, responsible attitude.change important, important cancerpatient, cancer, method, health, foundation1
starkor.hu…it continues with customer support during the warranty period to ensure our customers obtain the highest level of services. It is indeed important for us that our customers are satisfied with StarkŐr Ltd. Communication with our Clients is continuous, in order to get instant feedback and to…service important, important customerdeveloper, solution, customer, software, branch1
huray.huProper volumebuffer tanks are extremely important when designing, installing or upgrading cooling chillers.extremely important, important chillerwater, hot, boiler, technological, industrial1
suzuki.huThe DoingGood - CSR Award was held for the fourth time this year to raise awareness of the importance of social responsibility. It is an important objective each year, to enable companies to share experiences and best practices from their CSR campaigns, inspiring each other to elevate socially…responsibility important, important objectivecorporation, website, christmas, employee, corporate1
paintball.huThe simplest and fastest game. Everyone is against everyone else, there are no aims or groups, no scores and rules. Total chaos, complete madness! Are you a loner trying to hunt everybody down or are you waiting for the last surviving warrior and finish him off with a shot in the back? What’s more…shoot important, important honorgame, field, price, equipment, course1
feith.huHippocrates once said that “There are in fact two things: science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.” Which is why it’s important to me that scientific findings reach as many people as possible.ignorance important, important scientificdance, zoltan, theatre, performance, music1
porcellino.hutherefore training and continuously educating our colleagues is an important part of our daily routine.colleagues important, important dailydelivery, reservation, gallery, newsletter, venue1
franchisehungary.huWe tailor our services to companies based on needs and so is how we advise. The franchise market is very sensitive, so it is very important that the franchise consultant’s job doesn’t end after the franchise model is done.sensitive important, important franchiseapplication, need, range, option, opportunity1
thestationrestaurant.huWhatever the occasion, The Station is a place where the environment, the service, the flavours and the aromas all fulfil the purpose that our guests only have to pay attention to the most important thing: EACH OTHER. Thanks to our facilities, we welcome even larger groups of family or friends…attention important, important thingstation, restaurant, bar, list, reservation1
gtec-power.huWith satisfaction and pride we announce that the new training room has been inaugurated. It aims to be the highlight of Gtec training proposal. Gtec has always considered training as essential and strategic, as an important mean to support its clients and distributors...strategic important, important meanpower, supply, modular, industrial, europe1
bartfaivendeglo.huOur wines come from the most authentic wineries, as one of the most important accompany of good Hungarian food is a high quality, traditional Hungarian wine of many varieties.winery important, important accompanyfood, restaurant, dish, unique, traditional1
360fokbringa.huAfter Attila, we stayed with Goy who is a really passionate Couchsurfer so we had a few fellow surfers around all the time and that was really great. First the Spanish guys. They were making a multi lingual travellers dictionary. It’ made in a small printable size with the most important words…size important, important wordday, people, road, asia, way1
tihanyiugyved.huIn Debrecen , Hajdúszoboszló and mostly all Hungarian area, you can still get personal attention from an attorney who cares about your situation and will protect your best interests. At the law firm of Dr. Tihanyi client concerns are important, and every client is treated with dignity and respect.concern important, important clientlaw, client, family, firm, attorney1
dentsanata.hu…in a ring of Levereka covered by coniferous forests and famous vineyards. Sopron has more architectural monuments than any other Hungarian city and has been awarded with the "Europa Nostra" prize back in 1975. Roman city of Skarbantia was an important point on the road crossing Europe from north...skarbantia important, important pointpage, main, registration, dental, kind1
mlsystems.huThe solutions offered by us ensure that all daily routines regarding your fleet are automated and provide an easy and clear access to important data and statistics. We provide quality, safety and efficiency in everyday life.access important, important dataoffer, global, management, fleet, solution1
correct-csoport.huThe most important things besides competitive prices are quality, professional work and speed of delivery.correct, office, exhibition, quality, real1
a-list.huFor our Male Guests , in addition to quality , their time is incredibly important , which is why we have developed incredibly effective and time-saving treatments specifically tailored to the needs of our Male Guests .incredibly important, important incrediblylist, salon, pedicure, manicure, quality1
acsgep.huIt is important for us to inform a wide range of our partners about the news, events, innovations connected to our operation and to the life Ácsgép Group.crane, quote, request, mobile, detail1
foliapont.huWe endeavour to keep all information intact, unless it is necessary to remove as a part of the repair. These repairs usually include software problems or liquid damage. If your data is particularly important please do let us know when you send in your mobile phone.particularly important, important mobilerepair, location, layout, device, phone1
beleptetes.huOne of the most important units of ticketing and parking access control systems is the ticketing and payment automats. The automat accepts and handles bank notes and coins and may give back the change in coins, if required. It can also manage different badges or tickets abreast (with RFID or…access, control, management, visitor, parking1
sos-magyar.huthose who intend to learn Hungarian properly , and therefore consider a solid basis important,book, vocabulary, material, author, order1
kurko.huThe most important thing for me is to add value through my carvings. If you want to surprise your mother, father, wife, lover, child, grandparents, yourself, or anyone who is important to you with a carved gift, take a look at my carvings and choose, or describe your idea.grandparents important, important giftart, wood, carving, performance, actor1
csovarilegal.huThe most important advantages of Hungarian trust schemes are highly efficient and broad asset protection, favourable taxation and the avoidance of inheritance restrictions.law, tax, legal, university, expertise1
agrobiomass.huThe use of renewable energy sources is important for both environmental and economic aspects. Fossil and nuclear energy production causes a significant amount of environment pollution. Mankind vastly contributes to the deterioration of Earth’s condition by consuming such a giant amount of energy…source important, important environmentalbiomass, wood, energy, activity, green1
macher.huImportant pillars of our core activity are the high complexity technologies and manufacturing processes, that require significant manual processing. The strong background of high value-added harness manufacturing is provided by the extensive manufacturing experience and by a specially trained…production, quality, cable, customer, technology1
enektanar-budapest.huTeaching is a very important part of my life. I love talking to people, getting to know their stories, and I teach them the way I think they need it. It doesn’t matter if you are an adult professional singer or an enthusiastic beginner, I teach everybody with the same passion. On this website you…teach important, important lifevocal, lesson, singing, homepage, class1
foundry.huYou can have access to the most important data of the Hungarian foundry industry and the association members, as well as to the links connected to foundry activities.access important, important datafoundry, free, capacity, metal, job1
rudolfibolya.huThis kind of toothpaste is the agent of many different kinds of problems that concern the skin. It is said that it has got an important role in dental cavity. Let's consider the facts: NaF: is a toxic compound I examined its availability and in which domains it is exactly used: ratpoison roa...skin important, important roletoothpaste, tooth, body, skin, jaw1
casualstyle.huYou need a reliable partner in logistics and supplies so as to make it possible for you to focus on the important things in your businesspossible important, important thingaccounting, logistic, financial, matter, assistance1
zsolnaycafe.humenu offers a selection of light meals freshly made with high quality ingredients, created by our chefs in the spirit of tradition coupled with innovation. Our customers’ health is also important for us, which is why we also serve lactose free desserts with no added sugar or traditional wheat flour.health important, important lactosedessert, coffee, tradition, famous, build1
drhajkertesz.hulayer. This layer can absorb the water based and also the greasy ingredients. Thus this protective layer becomes a special unit which can be found everywhere on the surface of the body including the surface of body-, and scalp hair. This protective layer serves as a home for many important bacteria.home important, important bacteriahair, treatment, loss, scalp, skin1
broadwaygameclub.huThe most important thing for us is for you to have the best time with us, whether you come alone or with friends, and that you go home with as much experience as possible.game, price, screen, huge, friend1
iliosart.hu* Görgess lejjebb a magyar verzióhoz * Dear Reader, this time I would like to post a video about a very important topic. This topic is exactly our culture...video important, important topicisland, nature, culture, greek, eng1
fehervari-dental.huFehérvári Dental Budapest, XI. district welcomes you with extensive dental care. We believe that smiles are the shortest way between two people, and therefore the health and beauty of our very important teeth. But beyond aesthetics, healthy and orderly dentures are also important for our health…beauty important, important tooth, denture important, important healthdental, dentist, price, guarantee, data1
online-angol.huThe lessons contain one or more authentic English resources and exercises treating the information in these resources that is important and topical in the current phase of language learning.resource important, important topicallesson, free, song, christmas, skill1
transolut.huIt is important for us to be able to serve the needs of our partners at a high level, while meeting the highest safety and environmental standards.delivery, navigation, quality, need, operation1
kaptarbudapest.huThis makes working in our inspiring and colourful community a really special experience, which is motivates and supportive Plus, at KAPTÁR you are free to welcome guests into our meeting rooms and office facilities, giving you that all-important professional first impression and working environment.facility important, important professionalcommunity, office, room, space, meet1
tflotta.huOur dear passengers can find all the informations concerning the Talizman pirate ship and speedboat adrenalin tours time schedule. During high season, we use two boats ( Talizman II and Talizman III ) for the pirate children program, so they leave every 30 minutes. It is important for to check…minute important, important scheduleboat, build, ship, event, lake1
hrda.huHUNOR (Hungarian Open Access Repositories) created a questionnaire on the usage of research data in order to better support researchers in this important field. In order to get better support from HUNOR, please, fill in the linked questionnaire by the 16th ofresearcher important, important fielddata, science, research, national, open1
abrahamlaw.huAs our philosophy is to achieve deep knowledge of our clients’ activity, we consider it very important to maintain a regular personal relationship with the companies. The most optimal way of communication is agreed in cooperation with our clients in order to find the most optimal procedure. This…activity important, important regularlaw, office, introduction, relationship, international1
limetree.huWe plan to implement one of the outstanding projects in the area with this development. During the planning process, we made sure that the environmentally friendly construction methods, which are very important to all of us, come to the fore.method important, important foreapartment, architecture, location, list, price1
kertet.huEnvironmental awareness and nature protection are important to us, so we work with machines using battery, and we collect and transport waste generated in the gardens selectively.protection important, important machinegarden, plant, maintenance, care, tree1
balogarpad.huOur livestock – chickens, roosters, turkeys, and geese – are an important part of our family’s sustainable farming, but the Hungarian Racka sheep, Hungarian Grey cattle, and the horses living around us are also part of the unity of the landscape.goose important, important familywine, grape, natural, winery, vine1
holyprojects.hu…ones who want to be talked about, must be the odd one out, using any means to reach their aims. Anything can be a medium. Only one thing is important: the idea determines what sort of thing becomes the transmitter of the message. Holy Projects does not lean on statistics, with target audiencesthing important, important ideaholy, interior, balazs, graphic, set1
erdosmuanyag.hu…that the most important task is to adapt to the continuously changing expectations. Things like raising the manufacturing capacity, making the deadlines, speeding up the shipping chain, are core parts of our work. We work hard every day to improve both the quantity and the quality of our current…manufacture, key, glass, flexible, connector1
spartafy.huWe know that recruiting tests make an important first impression on candidates. They want an insightful and nice-looking branded test to demonstrate their talents, and you want to effortlessly select the outstanding applicants.test important, important impressioncompetency, candidate, map, assessment, software1
inbuss.huOver the years, we accumulated considerable experience and knowledge that will help us provide our customers with high-quality, flexible and quick to serve. Problem-oriented thinking is important for us to always understand our clients' business needs. We can think together and our goal is to…think important, important clienttechnology, management, ltd, solution, application1
felujitasportal.huWe remove the demolished waste, get the construction materials, we renovate and then we clean up for you. During that time all the important working processes are photographed and documented.time important, important workrenovation, roof, house, complete, premise1
bodenvinkft.huBut technology is just one part of the equation. At our winery, we believe that the human touch is equally important in creating exceptional wines. That's why we combine our technological innovations with the expertise and passion of our winemakers to produce wines that are truly extraordinary.equally important, important exceptionalwine, winery, technology, vineyard, area1
puppies.huOur goal is to breed the perfect companion dog, combining beauty, temperament and health. And - Our goal is to produce happy, healthy Havanese and Lowchen puppies who typify the havanese breed standard and the lowchen breed standard. Temperament and health are the most important qualities to us…health important, important qualitydog, breeder, puppy, breed, family1
airportshuttle.huThe safety and health of the passenger is the most important to us at all times. We pay more attention to these after the COVID-19. Our drivers always follow the health regulations and we transfer you and your crew accordingly under stricly private transfer conditions.passenger important, important timeairport, transfer, price, cost, surprise1
dumplings.huWe offer you high quality dried semolina dumplings in various form and taste. It is important to know, that every aditive is only natural, we do not use artificial flavours, savours or preservatives.taste important, important aditivedumpling, egg, fresh, quality, form1
blumprogram.huFor Márta Bácskai, founder of the Go Healthy! Foundation, it has always been important to build on the trans-generational legacy passed down from her family, which she has been carrying on instinctively yet resolutely. The primary source of her inspiration was her grandfather, drama teacher Mihály…foundation important, important transchild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher1
timstudio.hu…and creative opportunities. In our alternative studio theatre, theatrical expression and cognition, self-knowledge and self-expression are important at the same time. Our profile evolves as the community changes, as time goes by. Our toolkit is mostly grown from theatrical practices, methods…expression important, important timestudio, community, theatre, training, association1
fortuneinvest.huThe children can study as on English, French, German and Chinese as well as on Hungarian too. We are in connection with several schools, collages and universities covering a lot of specializations and professions. Cooperating with our company Clients have opportunity to invest in the more…opportunity important, important futurefortune, investment, europe, real, european1
coachingteam.huIn general, during a crisis, an organization is forced to face conditions that threaten its balance, and resolving them becomes the most important task, however the situation cannot be solved nor avoided with standard problem-solving tools.balance important, important taskdevelopment, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious1
avicogroup.huThe six buildings parallel to the street were built on an area of 17,000 sqm. Simplicity and functionality were in focus when the flats were planned, while providing them with as much natural light as possible was equally important.district, group, fully, hand, flat1
wanderlustbook.huBut Aliz's book has something more to offer, beyond all this and her personality! It makes me want to take my suitcase down from the top shelf of the upstairs cupboard, throw the most important things in it and go, go, go, go... ∞, how good for me!cupboard important, important thingbook, zone, trip, outside, review1
grandsolution.huIt is important to know that all of our products are manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO14001 standards.solution, shrink, heat, tool, component1
fitting-ker.huDuring the past some years, the Kaizen approach has become increasingly important in all phases of our processes. We are now proud to say that we have become a Kaizen organisation.increasingly important, important phaseproduction, quality, process, metal, technology1
travellinggalaxy.huYes, the show is pet-friendly, so your well-behaved pet is welcome, but it’s important to keep it on a lead during the show as the light and sound can be frightening.welcome important, important leadexhibition, travel, ticket, card, interactive1
icell.hu…to the continuous development of vehicle tracking system. The fleet management has become an effective tool for controlling, in addition to its important role in remote fleet control, in driver monitoring and in performing rapid analysis of data coming from vehicles ( fuel consumption, cargo bay…addition important, important rolevehicle, fleet, track, solution, management1
i-ching.huImportant note (in 2018): In the course of the last years, studying the old Chinese diagrams, I have learned that the King Wen sequence might not originate in the Yi-globe in the way, as it was supposed in this article. The advanced theory on this subject can be found in a new site (see below).yi, globe, arrangement, group, jing1
fcifurukawa.huThe composite insulators by FCI represent the most advanced and most reliable insulators these days. They surpass in every aspect the traditional (porcelain and glass) insulators. FCI insulators even have some important advantages compared to other composite insulators thanks to the unique design…insulator important, important advantagecomposite, specification, technical, lenght, quality1
perks.huEngines, suspensions, brakes, transmissions, drive shafts. Those are important to have an enjoyable and safe vehicle, our team is able to help you to find a cost-efficient way for best performance.shaft important, important enjoyablereference, type, vehicle, able, restoration1
auf.huIn 2005, we achieved to expand our products with import products, which we feel our customers are very pleased to receive. We try to handle our customers' requests flexibly and maximize their needs. Our most important point of sale is that our partners are satisfied with the quality, price and our…need important, important point, store important, important personalwebsite, household, retail, wholesale, advanced1
beautybalance.huFor us, the most important thing is to provide a real experience as a service provider. Bringing a little kindness, a little fun and joy to our guests' everyday lives.district, treatment, beautiful, studio, skin1
katalin2.hu– As it happens, Sámuel Tessedik was born in Albertirsa....! - he sheepishly adds this late but most important information. With a little nod, and a cheeky smile under his moustache he graciously takes this little hiccup aboard. He then explains to the confused passengers where he made a mistake…late important, important informationboat, river, captain, hot, summer1
juliapanzio.huWe would like our guests to revisit our pension, because they felt comfortable. Our guests’ good first impression is very important to us. In the summer of 2019, after completing renovation, Julia Pension got the 4* qualification.impression important, important summerroom, guest, view, website, pension1
prevenor.huIn the field of food safety (HACCP), the consumer and consumption-oriented product chain approach is important, therefore not only the final product but also the entire food production chain must be examinedapproach important, important finalsafety, protection, activity, health, fire1
pentamedia.huMainly influencer-focused events are important parts of our activity, since we aren’t only organizing them, but we also make them popular.event important, important partmedia, production, group, event, creative1
bbexport.huOur clients are reputable wholesalers with a long history, for whom the sale of quality products and the maintenance of long-term relationships are the most important values.relationship important, important valueacacia, honey, natural, quote, market1
speednailsdebrecen.huWe have began in April of 2017 in the Debrecen plaza with 3 stations of manicure desks. Our professional workers because of the continuous work and training they built up a huge experience because they find challanges day by day of the request by our costumers. We provide training to our staff…staff important, important goodsize, nail, colour, french, manicure1
dioliget.huPerhaps you’ve been dreaming about escaping the rut you’re in. You’ve been meaning to leave the city, change lifestyles, and live somewhere closer to Nature. Somewhere in the countryside where completely different things are meaningful and important. Our family is lucky: we managed to make this…meaningful important, important familywalnut, area, studio, cottage, accomodation1
budgarage.huOur customers’ health is as important as their comfort! Stingy smell? Deposition? Have your car’s air conditioning system cleaned.health important, important comfortac, clean, refill, repair, change1
apolloconsulting.hu​Everyday life easily distracts us from important questions. How can we grow together, what do we have to do to make our workplace, our sport community, or family life better? What do we have to change and do so that we can accomplish our individual and common goals at work and in sport more…easily important, important questionconsulting, goal, method, people, activity1
eletjobbitok.huIn this section, you want to advertise the 3 most important destinations on your website for new Visitorssection important, important destinationnote, section, pain, point, benefit1
genaqua.huFrom time to time, it is important to check the operation of our mechanical system to eliminate existing but even foreseeable faults. Ideally, these maintenance will not be a particular financial burden, but failures can lead to replacement of the entire system.time important, important operationbuild, general, construction, industrial, engineering1
lifthold.hu…also helps speed: when the tower crane raises the load, it adjusts the maximum rhythms of work based on the given parameters at once. It is important that the Group's designers design in BIM (Building Information Modeling System), so they can anticipate what a tower crane can do at a distance…parameters important, important groupmachinery, machine, history, crane, operation1
okoko.huNext to the quality the quantity is also important for our customers’ all-time satisfaction: we might as well produce 110,000kg of meat per day thanks to the highly developed technologyquantity important, important customerchicken, quality, trade, fodder, gallery1
sinusdental.huThe most important thing is for us our patients satisfaction so we do our best to make you leave our surgery pleased.dental, implant, clinic, price, page1
navaykornel.huOur most important task is to protect wildlife and its reasonable extension and nurturing. Hunting is primarily for the regulation of the number of games We try to protect wildlife from all risks, whether it is caused by the game, by diseases or by poaching.hunting, game, number, nature, area1
cseka.huOne of the most important moments of becoming an adult is the Prom Celebration and one more great party with classmates.prom, reference, wedding, advertising, day1
ligya.huMy dream came true when I met my father in 2008. It was an incredible feeling, when I was standing in the street, and he was walking towards me, and I knew it is him. It is very important the mention, that he did not know about my birth, because of the defection he had to leave the country and my…street important, important mentionfather, foundation, university, difficult, child1
horizontiroda.huIt is important to us that your brand not only becomes known, but also LOVED through EXPERIENCE. If you feel the same way, please do not hesitate to contact us.page, event, group, main, communication1
birokft.hu…paying attention and responding to market demands, we were continuously developing and improving our machinery, technology, and the most important thing: expertise! As a result of all that, the body knowledge and experience of three decades has been put into the service of our customers by…technology important, important thingmilling, operator, metal, tool, production1
lexodont.huWe believe that we are not done after the treatment is finished. The regular visit of the dentist after the treatment is as important as the treatment itself to maintain the condition we achieved.treatment important, important treatmentdental, family, painless, range, extensive1
aplusrenovation.huOwning a home or any other type of property is everyone’s dream, but what happens when you wake up in a house that doesn’t quite fit your needs? Deciding whether to remodel your current home or move to a new one can be tough. However, there are many important reasons to consider.tough important, important reasonrenovation, property, remodel, quote, free1
environtec.huThe focus of the exhibition is one of the most important questions of the 21st century: how can we keep our environment at a livable level by transforming our society, economy, and industrial activities, with adaptation practices and serve economic actors interested and active in mitigation and…exhibition important, important questionexhibition, application, topic, environmental, water1
pernixpharma.huOur most important aim is to offer our partners a service which enables them to concentrate their attention to their main business activities. We adapt to their special business demands, values and most important aims. We have proved for our Partners and we would like to assure our future partners…value important, important aimmanufacture, pharmaceutical, activity, application, map1
smallthings.huWe know how important your website is to your business goals, so we create products that are fast, reliable, safe, and secure. Smallthings creates custom site planning based on your projected number of visitors to achieve the best performance possible, while keeping your budget in mind.sit, consectetur, velit, amet, duis1
spiceit.huSeamless operations of existing infrastructure and IT landscape is as important as building our future. We are parter in your day to day IT operations regardless you need interim or longterm support to your service.landscape important, important futurespice, technology, development, management, transformation1
aerisorgona.hu…the original conception) so they can be played anew as properly functioning, inspiring instruments of the highest caliber. We find it extremely important to submerge in any given style before attempting to construct a new instrument; we have visited over a hundred historic organs across Europe andextremely important, important style, europe important, important historicalorgan, instrument, reference, restoration, media1
natiandaaronwedding.huHaving the opportunity to celebrate our wedding with friends and family from across the globe is the best and most important gift we can ask for after years of delay.good important, important giftwedding, day, weekend, special, planner1
capoeirabrasil.huIn our trainings, we deal with all aspects of capoeira, from fighting to acrobatics to music. I think it is important that we train in a good mood, but hard, and that the level of our school is as good in Hungary as in Brazil or anywhere in the world.music important, important goodtraining, class, downtown, news, media1
ebht.hu…storms of history: it was almost destroyed during the Tartar invasion but its stone fortress built in the 12 th century already played a very important role in the defence of the town during the Turkish battles. In 1552, the captain of the fort, Dobó István, and his 2,000-strong army, just a…century important, important rolewine, grape, cellar, region, century1
strapa-pack.huHungarian manufacturers are constantly evolving and their products are now travelling to several continents. Quality, reliable packaging material and professional packaging technology are becoming increasingly important.packaging, material, detail, solution, transport1
laszloerno.huI degree as business developer in economics in 2017. As an SAP consultant was important for me to understand the business and learn methodologies to support and advice them.consultant important, important businessdevelopement, manager, developer, consultant, like1
crownholding.huAn important element of the Company's strategy is to keep the staff turnover at a low level and to establish long-term cooperation with successful and exemplary employees. This will be achieved primarily through employee appreciation and competitive salaries.crown, portfolio, real, estate, rating1
igfhungary.huOpen and transparent. It is important that the IGF is conducted in a transparent manner. This means that wider relevant communities, beyond the organizing team, need to be properly informed about the work plan. This will be done by keeping interested stakeholders and the wider community informed…transparent important, important igfgeneration, forum, committee, steering, principle1
mionarix.huOf course we do! Following modern trends, where social communication is no longer just via email or phone, we thought it was important to be available on such a platform. On our Discord server you can communicate with us easily and quickly, even in an informal, direct way. If you have any…phone important, important availabledevelopment, website, client, reference, site1
massagehouse.hu…certainly know what’s the big fuss about. If you haven’t, this is the perfect time, because you don’t know what you’ve missed so far… It’s also important to note that as all other massage types, slippery massage can be too done below averagely, so it’s important to do some research before visitingfar important, important massage, averagely important, important researchmassage, review, weight, height, erotic1
rcnivo.huWhy would I offer RC to others? Mostly because they are fast, punctual, and last but not least, fair. I felt all along that me being satisfied with the apartment was very important to them.ltd, official, website, sale, apartment1
bpbw.hu30 various local and regional breweries from abroad and the specialties of the most important domestic beer shops between September 7-10., for 4 days again KRAFT Sörfesztivál 2023 in the renewed Dürer Garden!specialty important, important domesticdetail, beer, session, taste, day1
group-lift.huOur objectives continue to be fast and fair service for our clients, the distribution of high quality products, and a high level of maintenance. It is important for us to sustain the high opinion of our precision and reliability that has developed over the years. The performance of these tasks is…maintenance important, important highgroup, maintenance, repair, escalator, implementation1
cocora.humoreover, in a proactive manner, by taking into consideration every important aspect of the matter;consideration important, important aspectlegal, client, law, package, translation1
yesoryes.hu- Important : each "section" must have one, and only one, inner container (element group) for the section content . The outer margins of this sub-container set minimum distances from section boundaries.yes, ut, sit, element, page1
engineed.huOur company is constantly developing and growing, so we consider it important to provide our customers with a quality product! This requires our team members to be highly qualified in their field of expertise!constantly important, important customerengineer, customer, electronic, development, research1
sgconn.huIt was also important to have a thorough knowledge of the supplier’s side: in addition to personal acquaintance, participation in distributor meetings, training, factory visits, constant monitoring of the manufacturer’s catalogs and websites, and thorough knowledge of the components.electronic, connector, component, engineering, background1
gotyourback.hu…as back or back pain. Our body was not “invented” to spend 10-12 hours in a chair, but to be constantly in motion, as our posture plays a very important role in protecting our spine. Due to the lack of exercise lifestyle, our torso-stabilizing muscles are weakened, back and lumbar pains appear…posture important, important roletraining, personal, free, check, health1
pkf.huAs a member of PKF International we assist our clients in understanding complex issues in a simple and efficient way, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. This leaves you more time to concentrate on matters that are truly important – your own course of business.truly important, important courseaccounting, advisory, tax, international, legally1
starapartmaneger.huI recommend this apartment to everyone. Demanding furnished new flat with all important equipment what needed for a carefree stay. The city center is a few minutes by walk and because the flat also has a garage, you don’t have to worry about parking. The owners are very fair and helpful…flat important, important equipmentapartment, check, detail, city, guest1
karpatklub.huWe also organize classic round-trips, where we visit cities, castles and other important sights of the region. We present the cultural elements on the highest possible level: the city walks are led by trained and professional local guides, who know best the places. Through us you can discover the…castle important, important sightwalk, hike, beautiful, view, white1
adlibitumgitar.huOur new concert series “ By the Music for the Hungarian Historic Monuments ” begins from the autumn in 2011 with which we would like to call the attention onto the importance of the protection’s of historic buildings, onto the coacting force of music, for it concerned, that how important to entail…music important, important openassociation, guitar, music, photo, concert1
moviepuppeteers.hua beautiful film together. Perhaps the most important thing is that we became a real team during the shooting.“film important, important thingipsum, lorem, puppet, sit, consectetur1
filmesgyakornok.huPlease read the following important information before beginning the registration procedure:follow important, important informationproduction, registration, position, able, available1
csomboknikoletta.huBeyond my theoretical and technical knowledge, I consider it particularly important that the tattoos I make should heal to the color we imagined and discussed with my Clients, so I also participated in a unique color theory training in Hungary, held by Katalin Bizinger.particularly important, important tattootattoo, makeup, permanent, eyebrow, powder1
deszan-cutters.huOur company’s main ambition is to match the quality of our cutting dies, tools and parts with the most demanding market requirements. Our company’s most important task is to provide full service to our customers, focusing on satisfying our clients. Our trained team of professionals provide a…company important, important taskproduction, quality, cut, page, manufacture1
feherdent.huIt is important for us that our patients feel comfortable knowing that our full-service practice provides them with the ultimate in professionalism and technology.dental, dentistry, tooth, treatment, oral1
clean-drop.huOur company would like to fulfil those customers' wishes who emphasize not only favourable prices but also high quality services of cleaning are important. Cleaning has a confidential activity meaning, we work only with people possessing certificates of good conduct and their lifestyles fit to the…clean important, important cleanclean, drop, reference, order, wish1
capitalproperties.huQuality and value creation are important to us and are reflected in our work. We draw on decades of experience and a close-knit team to turn investment properties into luxury apartments.creation important, important workproperty, capital, investment, real, estate1
szazadveg.hu…the report itself does not even seek to define for the reader the objective scientific criteria for the evaluation in a way that clearly presents the professional explanation, the objective essence of the most important findings, but merely to imply and suggest inherently vague statements of fact.essence important, important findingdata, report, protection, political, human1
alicehotel.huIt is important for us that our Guests could enjoy the comfort of the hotel without compromise, therefore it is not possible to place any extra beds in the rooms.room, accommodation, suite, terrace, event1
ilussoepito.huWe consider speed to be important, but never at the expense of quality. Thanks to our experience, we can solve any kind of planning and approval process blazingly fast, meeting all the deadlines.speed important, important expenseconstruction, plan, quote, customer, quality1
goldpenkonyveloiroda.hu…the comfort of your office, business trip or home. You don’t have to spend time visiting the accountant, hassle finding a parking space. This saves you energy and money, which you can then spend on matters that are important to your business – implementing your plans and developing your company.matter important, important businessaccounting, protect, tax, payroll, firm1
techno-geo.huThe important part of the construction is the continuous quality control what means the Taking of Samples and Qualification Designs, Technological Instructions, making of technological descriptions, as well as the technological work leadership, field coordination (technology-lab, lab-land…qualification, survey, profile, land, engineering1
dynamis-hordo.huWe produce customized, up-to-date products, taking the customers’ needs and expectations into consideration. Achieving a high level of satisfaction of our business partners is the most important for us.barrel, wine, production, success, type1
joyevents.huIn our daily life customer wishes, direct contacting, exciting programs became so important, that our events represents those values on high quality. Our aims were to create kind of special ideas which reflecting in our services, that makes different from our competetion. Our business objectives…program important, important eventjoy, event, introduction, agency, exclusive1
cesc.huIMPORTANT ! Please note that travel expenses to Szeged are excluded. However, we will organize group transportation from Budapest Airport to Szeged on 5th of July and from Szeged to Budapest Airport on 11th of July. More details will be sent after the registration closed.general, location, speaker, scientific, gallery1
petarolo.huInternal shading is important , not because of protecting us from strong and disturbing sunlight but they improve the...shading important, important strongshutter, screen, insect, shade, type1
hammer-nutrition.huIn the summer of 2020, a remarkable study was published in the journal Nutrients [1], and to this day it remains one of the most important studies I’ve seen in many years, especially given the...day important, important studyguide, success, nutrition, race, recovery1
galambostrans.huAll employees of Galambos Trans Ltd. are aware that the living conditions of the future generations are formed by the previous generations, and the most important living condition is the clean, properly cared environment. This way we are committing ourselgeneration important, important livetransportation, logistic, field, shipment, domestic1
comfortapartments.huWe are working a lot on our reputation. The guests and their opinion are the most important things.opinion important, important thingapartment, gallery, testimonial, guest, place1
hanyuhenrietta.huwhen working with an expert who is not only experienced in all areas of employment law, but is also able to convey their knowledge in English is either necessary or importantemployment, law, mediation, workplace, legal1
sttp.huRe-testing: Retesting the errors found during testing is just as important as analyzing the impact of the fix. If the error is found by automated testing, the back-check is also faster.test important, important impactpoint, client, straight, management, solution1
cruisinclean.huHome-delivered car wash offers the opportunity to minimize personal contact with others, which can be particularly important during times such as pandemics.particularly important, important timeclean, wash, vehicle, wheel, interior1
lacoppola.huThe TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence is one of the prestigious awards that testify to restaurants , hotels and attractions, the constant commitment to hospitality excellence . Salvo Sgroi , owner of Trattoria La Coppola , thanks his customers and colleagues for this important goal.colleagues important, important goalitalian, restaurant, dish, quality, traditional1
affianced.huSince gold alloys are soft, fragile metals that can be scratched, depending on the intensity of wear, it may be necessary to renew the surfaces so that they shine in their original beauty. In the case of wedding rings containing precious stones, it is important to periodically inspect them to…stone important, important periodicallywedding, engagement, jewelry, unique, color1
nevex.huPreviously approved and used molecules and the plant production products derived from these are continued to be rejected and excluded by the strict EU legislation due to their harmful effects to the environment, so it is exceedingly important to replace them with new and safe products as fast as…exceedingly important, important newauthorization, plant, evaluation, process, institute1
bcc.huCuisine… whatever the nature of your event, food and beverages are playing an important role. Let...beverage important, important roleevent, meet, room, congress, center1
lutheranimation.hu…monastery and the years of conflict with the Pope and the Catholic Church, up until the birth of Reformation. The episodes not only feature the life of the reformer, they also display the most important historical events and the characteristics of the German Church and society in the 16th century.reformer important, important historicalanimation, church, series, contribution, news1
kecskemetiarboretum.hu…interesting place for experiments of adaptation, meteorological observations, bird watching as well as education and teaching. As it lies in the major wind direction (NW), this 62-hectare forest and garden area plays an important role in sheltering the town and conditioning the air arriving here.area important, important rolearboretum, belt, collection, hectare, place1
foodbase.huAs a flavour producer, we create flavours that give consumers a sense of value, that plays a significant role in the consumption and acceptance of food, therefore it is very important to choose a supplier that produces high-quality flavour. We produce flavours in liquid and powder form.food important, important supplierflavour, food, vinegar, base, powder1
hebakontur.huQuality is important for us. This way we can ensure that you get what you dreamed of. Whether it’s interior painting or exterior insulation, the quality of our work will help decorate your house.quality important, important wayinsulation, house, quote, color, painting1
thinfilms.hu…low friction, hard coatings and magnetic layers. Moreover semiconductor layers, heterostructures and contacts to semiconductors are among their important research areas. Their third working field is the ion-solid interaction, ion mixing in layers and at interfaces. In July 2013 the ceramics group…semiconductor important, important researchthin, physics, laboratory, research, news1
focuspoint.huYour reservation, request, opinion or feedback is very important to us. Write us an e-mail, call us on the phone or just simply make an online reservation with instant confirmation through our website! We are more than happy to assist you!feedback important, important mailapartment, focus, point, location, central1
casadelgrano.hu…and ladders. Moreover we aim to strengthen their presence with the material choice for the newly added components. On the other hand it was an important goal to create a state of the art apartman house confirming to the technology of the 21st century . We fulfilled this goal by the following…hand important, important goalapartment, layout, floor, yes, build1
harispark.huThere are few more exciting events in any couple’s life than their wedding. Your most important yet stressful task is to make sure everything is perfect on the Big Day. Let our professional team at Haris Park take the worry out of organizing this important event and help you make your dreams come…wedding important, important stressful, worry important, important eventevent, wedding, gallery, newsletter, restaurant1
szasznemesacel.huOur success is based on the experience of more than 15 years, which is provided by our excellent specialists. Our most important principle is to ensure the highest possible quality, and since 2007 we have been operating a quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9001 – 2015 standard.specialist important, important principleenterprise, private, production, activity, machine1
holidayapartman.hu“Definitely flexible, understanding accommodation providers! Family-friendly design of the property! Proximity to the bath shell! And the most important thing is the accuracy of the pre-arranged dates and amounts !! Complete information and continuous availability! Thanks to the hosts for…shell important, important thingholiday, apartment, introduction, gallery, feedback1
viphunting.hu…services from your arrival until the very last moment of your stay in Hungary. Upon receiving your inquiry either through our website or by whatsapp or phone we will be in touch with all the important information, so you will not have to worry about leaving out any details out from the plan.touch important, important informationbook, wild, boar, hunt, brown1
profiforditas.huA translation agency with a skilled and experienced team is the guarantee for ensuring that the content and message of the text to be translated is fully delivered to the user. Translation is nothing more than your image in a foreign language! Do you find a precise, demanding look important? Do…look important, important proficiencytranslation, language, agency, translator, text1
lakeandsunshine.huAn important aspect was the concentration of the public spaces (living room, dining room, kitchen, wellness) in one airspace, thus better satisfying the social needs of a larger family or a group of friends.lake, sunshine, room, guest, page1
csaloganyorvosikozpont.huTailored to you, with the most modern procedures and truly natural results, we help you with what is most important: to feel good in your skin.result important, important gooddermatology, aesthetic, appointment, medicine, sexual1
bud360.huBeautiful unit in a restored Ary Deco building near the metro station and some important museums. Felt really like the home I am used to 5 starsstation important, important museuminvestment, appointment, property, real, estate1
hdktranslate.hu…as an accurate, professional translation completed on time makes their work even more efficient, freeing up valuable time to carry out other important professional work. I use a CAT tool in my work, which improves quality by ensuring consistency in the text. Due to my legal qualification and…time important, important professionaltranslation, law, text, price, deadline1
mimsafehungary.huIMPORTANT: For safety reasons: Do not store the water bowl inside the cage while traveling.dog, image, easy, safe, small1
teacher-training.huChoosing a TEFL course can be a daunting process, with all the choices of courses and locations. It’s an important decision, one that will mean a considerable investment of time and energy; we want you to make a decision you’ll be happy with, regardless. Browse through our website and if at any…location important, important decisiontraining, teacher, course, assessment, fee1
globalmetalwelding.huIt is very important for our customers to be able to calculate with an accurate quote issued by our colleagues.welding, metal, global, main, quote1
trialshow.huEach year one of our most important purpose is, that to make the New Year period unforgettable. From time to time we would like to provide our guests the highest quality and special performances. It was no different in 2018, when we invited the Trial Show for the New Year’s Eve as a performer at…year important, important purposequote, event, price, trial, spectacular1
fmaxhungary.hu…become a supplier for multinational companies in the region. We have spent more than 10 years in the machining industry, inside and outside of Hungary as well. Quality and meeting deadlines are the most important for us, and to keep our customers satisfied when they receive parts we have machined.deadline important, important customermanufacture, machinery, reference, tender, website1
hurnyuzogitarsuli.huYou should figure it up, what you want to learn and from who! Important, that it has to be a real target!guitar, lesson, teacher, music, tutor1
deri.huOur law firm was founded in 1991. Since then we have been advising foreign investors doing business in Hungary. Our clients come from many industries. We look to help our clients with valuable and business driven legal solutions. In a frequently changing regulatory environment it is important to…environment important, important flexiblelaw, tax, firm, co., structure1
gépvédelem.hu…appear. It is beneficial from the aspect of maintenance and productions to use machine protection system at expensive machines which are important in the production. The early recognition of failures and hereby the prediction of life expectancy helps to plan maintenance activities much…machine important, important productionmachine, protection, tool, dealer, vibration1
aboldogelet.huThe most important enemy is yourself. Fight with it. Learn with it. Work with it. Turn the negative energy to the positive. The outside enemy is easy. Most important is inside. Jet Lieasy important, important insidehappy, board, game, secret, page1
cheaphotelsbudapest.hu…renewal in 2004 – offers 32 rooms for the guests. Hotel Hid is an excellent starting-point of sightseeing tours in Budapest because the most important sights as the City Park, the Széchenyi Baths, the Museum of Fine Arts, the ZOO, the Vajdahunyad Castle and the Heroes’ Square are situated just…budapest important, important sightcheap, reservation, city, discount, room1
docroom.huIn most cases, our research projects are unique regarding the health issues of people experiencing homelessness. It is highly important for us that our publications are open access so all of our scientific papers are available in full text. We are always open to discussions and sharing good…highly important, important publicationresearch, health, publication, social, people1
icomos.hu…different appearance: already at the first glance are obvious the radically new, user-friendly qualities of this enhanced solution. Another important step in content development is the introduction of bilingualism. The English language content is partly accessible at the start of functioning…solution important, important stepcommittee, event, sub, aim, news1
laundry.huBesides efficient and fast washing, environmental protection is also very important to us. Our machines enable environmentally friendly washing thanks to their efficient use of energy, detergents, and water due to their professional design.protection important, important machinelaundry, machine, washing, self, clothes1
uxd.huDesigning the user experience is important because a successful product seeks to meet the needs of the user, not its designer or manufacturer.experience important, important successfulsimple, consulting, main, user, close1
szegedfish.huBesides the part it plays in the national fish production, our fish farm has an important role in connecting environmental protection and intensive agricultural activity. Some of our ponds lies an area which is under the effect of Ramsar Contract, where we both successfully preserve the protected…farm important, important rolefish, production, sidebar, primary, activity1
eger-apartman.huWe consider it very important to ask our guests on every occasion where we can improve our services and what factors make it worthwhile to choose us.apartment, city, dog, friendly, family1
pallercsarnok.hu"It was important for us to optimise the use of space in the design and construction of the building and we received excellent suggestions from Pallér Hall in this regard. They made our lives easier by performing the tasks related to planning and general construction, because by letting Pallér do…hall, machinery, construction, reference, electronic1
worldofluxury.huThe WOL - World of Luxury as one of the important players in the European & Middle east luxury market, is a strategy consulting company that provides creative and very professional services to the global brand industry and with special experience in luxury industry and all premium markets where…luxury important, important player, brand important, important rollluxury, brand, consulting, sale, strategy1
ozorafest.hu…same views as us. To find out more, please visit the Ozora Fest website, and while you are there don't forget to subscribe in order to receive important updates. Please remember that this is an open-air event, and therefore, you should prepare adequately before your arrival. We have a camping…order important, important updatefestival, place, kind, live, tip1
bphm.huThe Budapest Holocaust Museum and Education Center (BHMEC) was founded by private citizens in 2001. BHMEC’s most important goal is to present the history of the Holocaust in Hungary and Europe in an accessible way, to commemorate the victims and to preserve and introduce Hungarian Jewish heritage…bhmec important, important goalholocaust, center, education, museum, close1
nippur.huOur partnership has been producing up-to-date electronic appliances mostly for electricians, over which we are keen to render high quality services to our customers and further support as regards our products. Our most important target is to satisfy our clients to the highest extent.product important, important targetelectronic, order, download, support, quality1
checkitlean.huIt is important to us that the interested party finds all the necessary tools for the development of their business in the Check It Lean Ecosystem.ecosystem, check, development, expertise, thought1
bethlenter.huGetting married is one of the most important specifications for Jews written by our philosophers.getting important, important specificationjewish, synagogue, community, religious, congregation1
zadorhus.huThe most important goal of our business is to satisfy our customers' maximum satisfaction. That is why we continue to make continuous product improvements to meet the high expectations of our expanding consumer society. Thanks to this, today we can state that our products are guaranteed gluten and…cold, meat, sausage, cut, roast1
budapesttravel.huEger is the gate of Mátra Mountain, the most important wine-growing region of the area. Its is also famous about its Baroque downtown, its Basilica and its castle. Eger is the northest city in the world where mosque can be found. Szalajka-Valley is a great tourist spot. Hikers can go to the…mountain important, important wineday, bus, city, lunch, sightseeing1
bacchusnectar.huAnother important basis for the preparation of spritzer of soda and most of the water itself. A lot of mineral water or purified water can worsen the overall tone so drink carefully selected Bükki spring water. The source Lázbérc arising from the protected zone free of all mineral and rich with no…nectar, drink, wine, flavor, bottle1
barathegyisegitokutya.huMore puppies, successfully passed exams, fantastic volunteers and a moving. We show you the most important events of the year.moving important, important eventdog, guide, change, page, school1
orbitmedia.huFrom the Tragic Passing Of Angus Cloud , to the latest news regarding Lizzo's Sexual Abuse Case , last week was full of important and interesting news stories. After Jake Paul's Win Over Nate Diaz , another fight seems to come to an early end. We're of course talking about Mark Zuckerberg Moving…week important, important interestingmusic, style, news, culture, release1
legalise.huWe use LegalTech tools to solve your problems faster and more efficiently. It will save time and money that you can spend on important things.money important, important thinglegal, money, law, success, story1
pearlgallery-bielek.humay seem, until recently very little was known how they are created by the living mollusc. Acc. to general belief a pearl is formed when a grain of sand enters the mollusc’s body and the animal protects itself, well, it does not hold water... Here you can find all the important information about it.water important, important informationhistory, value, treatment, natural, factor1
err.huWe’ve been working together with Laszlo for more than five years. For me, the two most essential values are reliability - reliability as a developer and person - and punctuality. This is really important for me, because despite of the complexity of the projects, everything remains estimable and…punctuality important, important despiteclient, description, engineer, developer, application1
tedxbme.huAnastasija Đorđa Bosančić is a passionate diplomat serving as the Young European Ambassador to the Western Balkans. With her strong commitment to the community, she’s a familiar figure in important conferences around the world such as COP28.figure important, important conferenceevent, idea, official, organizational, website1
millenniumcustodia.huWe always carry out our activities with the legislation in force, and primarily with the interests of creditors in mind, however, we consider it important that if it is not contrary to the interests of creditors, the interests of debtors should not be compromised through reorganization and…mind important, important contraryproceedings, task, introduction, liquidator, office1
modernceremoniamester.huI started my career helping out on my friends’ and family members' weddings. I find it very important to reach mutual understanding with the couples I work for. I always do my best to get to know you as people, not just clients which leads us to an amazing result!wedding important, important mutualwedding, video, gallery, day, friend1
emeraldpr.hu"In less than a year Emerald has helped us build up our brand with the media representatives that are most important and relevant for us. From strategy building, to content calendar creation, event organisations, we know that we can rely on them and that they will deliver what is promised."representative important, important relevantemerald, zsofia, communication, member, association1
derossi.huHowever, equally important to us is our focus on nuances; we place significant emphasis on those subtle details that have the potential to yield considerable financial savings for you.equally important, important focusvaluation, auditing, de, financial, data1
drzsuborilaszlo.hu…in oral surgery. I started working in the Oral and Maxillofacial Unit of the Hospital of Bács-Kiskun Megye where I am still a member of the medical team as an oral surgeon. For me it is very important to experience the complexity of hospital cases which help me expand my professional knowledge.surgeon important, important complexitydental, tooth, oral, implant, replacement1
thisismorzsa.huthanks lili, you can also pre-order our family cakes. check instagram for details our wednesday brunch and breakfast is based on the symbiotic collab of kitchen and bakery, starring levain and its derivatives, but bread plays an important role also during dinnersbread important, important roleeng, bakery, event, kitchen, table1
stek-hungary.huIt is important to know that STEK’s paint protection films are only able to provide effective protection for your car if they are properly looked after. Of course, we offer complete solutions for maintaining the paint protection film installed on your car. You can find all car care products in our…protection, paint, county, installation, impress1
theartaroundus.huall remember. In collaboration with the Hungarian Dance University, DVM group – the general contractor of the building’s rejuvenation – took the important social initiative to pay tribute to the architectural, artistic and cultural heritage of the future W Budapest hotel with a photo and video…rejuvenation important, important socialphoto, art, page, exhibition, ballet1
molnarkozmetika.huConsisting of natural and high-tech active ingredients, creams, lotions are used during treatments. Because the tradition important to us and application of new technologies, too.tradition important, important applicationtreatment, makeup, beautician, training, eyelash1
europetell.huAnd what is most important: our main goal is to provide the highest possible quality at the best possible price. For this reason, we use Yettel's network, which has 99% coverage.package, loyalty, contract, period, card1
qbparty.huYes, if you wish to sleep somewhere else than the party place, we can help you with accommodation, but it's important to book early.accommodation important, important earlyentry, yes, place, travel, minute1
magyarfutball.huYou need to create a user account to be able to use all functions of the site: match rating, getting notified of important news about favourite players and clubs, getting featured on the hungarian groundhopper top list, helping us with missing data and commenting.getting important, important newsmatch, national, international, data, cup1
picula.hu„Picula és Társa” Ltd. is a three-handed family company which finds important to maintain a harmonic relationship between the boat and its owner according to the personal needs.company important, important harmonicboat, sailing, hand, festival, rank1
nikolettmagyar.huThis is true for figural and landscape representations, but also for intuitive and colorful works made with pastel chalk or mixed media, featuring different materials, the atmosphere of which is created by the joint work of shapes and colors. The most important thing for me is that my paintings…color important, important thingart, exhibition, group, artwork, color1
orgona-koncertek.huThe most important information about the churches, organs, participating artists and programmes can be found on our website, and you can also find out more about where to buy tickets and how to get to the concert sites.concert, prize, artist, church, musician1
plum.huWith QuickSafe you gather the most important first aid products in one place and position the solution close to where the products are to be used. The station does not take up much more room than an A3 sheet of paper, so you can place it exactly where it is needed.quicksafe important, important aidwipe, cleanse, hand, cleanser, safe1
hungaryvfr.huWe also bring you the other important cities, as well as the mood of the original countryside, in addition to the capital.scenery, airport, library, media, recommendation1
logness.huCentral log management is more and more recognized as an important security control in any IT infrastructure. Download LOGNESS Windsender TRIAL version now!management important, important securitystory, success, site, official, log1
alpoktrans.hu- It is important to us that goods are delivered within the agreed deadlines and that our customers are continuously kept informed about the movements of their cargo.transportation, domestic, international, partial, collective1
urologiahungarica.huThe issues contain peer-reviewed original articles, state of the art reviews and opinions, surgical techniques, case reports, book reviews and correspondence. We publish important, practice challenging manuscripts to educate our readers and improve the care of our patients. Urologists…correspondence important, important practicejournal, society, scientific, issue, editorial1
htconsulting.huWe have been offering practically applicable knowledge for thirty years with unchanging enthusiasm. We are committed to creating value for our partners, both at individual and organizational level. It is important for us that our clients feel the energy that we not only bring into our cooperation…level important, important clientconsulting, innovation, training, development, management1
deliontechnik.hu…not applicable due to the nature of the object or technology to be protected. Such areas include, for example, high-value electrical with complex structures, computer centres that operate important databases, electrical switchgear, industrial control and management centres, aircraft engines, etc.centre important, important databasewater, gas, fire, construction, mist1
bozayattila.huhe became interested in folk culture, in particular the (transformed) zither and beak flutes. In 1971 he wrote his first work for zither, Op. 22, No. 1, ’Improvisations’. This would ultimately form a pair with ’Improvisations’, Op. 27, No. 2, which is perhaps his most important work for beak flutes.op important, important workmusic, biography, composer, period, academy1
airmatic.huAt our company, the most important thing is to meet the needs of our customers. To achieve this, we use tried and true, precise and reliable tools that help us to deliver the best quality products to them. Thanks to our focus on precision and attention to detail, we are able to consistently…company important, important thingassembly, line, machine, software, need1
grande-maison.huThe villa in Mediterranean fashion stands in the noble 12th district of Budapest. The location of the mansion is unbelievable central – just 10 minutes from the underground M2. All the important sights are easily and quickly accessible from our place: Castle Hill with Fishermen’ s Bastion and…underground important, important sightapartment, away, garden, terrace, mediterranean1
szegediujremeny.huWe aim to make everyone feel that they are needed and important in the ministry, and that they can become suitable for their own mission. We feel it is our task to teach, help and also inspire converted, reborn Christians to go into service.jesus, god, mission, christ, university1
i-qrs.hu…to a local server. The real-time analysis of the data enables the trainer to give feedback already during the sport activity. The telemetric module may also be important for the head-coach of a national team, or head-coach of a club, by allowing distance real-time monitoring of the players.module important, important headmodule, player, field, rehabilitation, animal1
bettynail.huFor me is very important the nails health and care, because of this i decided to use the CND shellac. With this product, permanent varnishing and nail strengthening can be done completely without filing.main, pedicure, nail, gallery, price1
psychologistbudapest.huBy professional environment I mean: it is a supportive, accepting and confidential setting, where an effective, empathetic dialogue is the most important “tool” at hand.dialogue important, important toolpsychologist, counseling, family, couple, deep1
littlelovebox.huThis little box was made for those who remember what it’s like to sit on the balcony with a glass of wine and talk for hours. To listen to each other talk about what’s really important and feel the thrill of being understood. Those who remember nights laughing about how late it was and how they…hour important, important thrilllittle, card, love, game, question1
ganz-holding.huGanz Machinery Works Holding is one of the largest machinery works in Hungary, the products of which are related to the rail transport, power generation, water supply, management of water resources, urbanization and environmental protection therefore they play an important role in the formation of…protection important, important rolegroup, production, machinery, trade, gallery1
rapidszerviz.huOur partners’ satisfaction is very important for us. Therefore we consult with the tasks to be carried out and the parts to be built in advance and the price range on each order.satisfaction important, important taskrepair, truck, tractor, member, group1
doubledecker.huProfessional excellence, state-of-the-art technology, ESG commitment, reliability are among the many key values that we help B2B brands communicate to their important stakeholders.brand important, important stakeholderdouble, brand, agency, media, expertise1
frissitomasszazs.huIt is incredibly important to us that we still have the business and trust of our very first clients who have built our office massage services into their everyday lives over the years. We hope that our work can contribute to their success.incredibly important, important businessmassage, office, event, chair, client1
kinaiforditas.hu…close to 70 percent of the country’s population already speaks one of the Northern dialects that differs only slightly from Putonghua played an important part in making this particular language variation the country’s official language in 1909. The official language, referred to by the Western…putonghua important, important particulartranslation, agency, language, chinese, associate1
newdoor.hu“ Working with Newdoor’s Team means much more than any simple marketing service. I have been taught to see and think in system, which is one of the most important key to the success of our work together.system important, important keystory, communication, digital, value, competency1
dentownlab.huI came here to work because it is a very reputable company committed to outstanding quality, where human and personal relationships are also important. I especially loved working in a family atmosphere! In addition, as we can work with the most modern tools and materials, continuous development…relationship important, important especiallylab, gallery, thing, real, zirconium1
szommerkonyvelo.huAs an expat business owner and manager you can easily get lost in the maze of tax rules of another country. We believe it’s important for you to feel safe in the Hungarian tax environment while optimising your tax affairs.country important, important safetax, accountancy, payroll, reference, news1
szokimondoka.huSzóKiMondóka’s books are well suited for the all important “lap time” between parent and child. Because of the interactive nature of our books it creates an ideal “emotional gas station” for the child.suit important, important lapchild, parent, book, methodology, language1
horizont-trening.huThese programs put the emphasis on common experience in team building. The preparation, understanding the situation and the needs of the team – the professional standard is just as important as in the case of OD or training programs.standard important, important casedevelopment, adventure, training, organizational, organization1
benei.huThat was the place where the companyís current managers and owners Ė Mr Laszlo Benei and his wife – started to work. Their task was to make the vital element of a confectionery shop: the waffer. This became such an important thing both in their and the companies life that in 1983 the firm became a…waffer important, important thingfirm, market, development, production, employee1
feedbacksolutions.huThe uniqueness of content is at least as important as using the right keywords, whether it be blog posts, complete website content, educational content, PR articles, newsletters, or email marketing. We populate your website with unique, quality, SEO-compliant and relevant content.content important, important rightdental, client, clinic, feedback, page1
alexhorsch.huIt is important to us to use 432 Hz tuning. For the note ‘A’, 432 Hz is the optimal frequency. The fundamental principle of according sounds and harmonies makes our bodies in tune with the music that we listen to. Hence we get in harmony with ourselves, our surroundings and the universe. We lay…flute, singing, instrument, bone, harp1
mito.huPage speed has become an important factor for website owners and SEOs since Google began focusing more and more on user experience factors. If companies don’t adapt to this new mindset, they will lose their organic power.speed important, important factorstudy, case, performance, page, campaign1
winexperience.huThe Budapest Wine Experience is a recurring wine-tasting event designed for those eager to discover Hungary’s classic wine styles and its most important wine regions complemented with carefully selected matching Hungarian “tapas” and dishes.style important, important winewine, event, taste, booking, sample1
foreignstudents.huHungarian Educational Tourism Association (HETA) was created in 2017, Budapest, by academic experts, professors and private entrepreneurs, interested in increasing arrival of foreign students to Hungary. According to previous researches, foreign students play important role in development of…student important, important roleforeign, student, association, tourism, educational1
insub.huWe believe in using environment friendly products for a better, healthier hair structure. Always keeping up with the latest trends to satisfie your specific wants and needs because we know how important it is to feel your best .need important, important goodhair, homepage, gallery, salon, environment1
feketeborpince.huIt is important for us to receive feedback for our wines. You can find here the awards for our wines from national...medal, award, wine, main, previous1
newbudabeauty.huI believe that commitment and humility to a profession is one of the most important in this beautiful profession. I always strive for the best, so I do my job as best I can, taking into account the requests and needs of others. I consider the satisfaction of our guests to be important in order to…profession important, important beautiful, guest important, important ordertreatment, skin, body, massage, machine1
4kidsnetwork.huWe are grateful for you for sending us your idea because for us the most important aim is to support you in making your dream come true!idea important, important aimnetwork, channel, creator, month, offer1
reformatusgyongyszem.huIt’s very important for a mother to have a back-up plan in case you need to leave for work unexpectedly or go on a business trip, and you need to leave your kids with someone.column, child, order, page, style1
axbo.huIt is important that you get up right after you hear your wake-up melody. If you do not get up you will fall asleep again and a new sleeping phase will start which would be unfavourable for waking up pleasantly. Therefore aXbo does not come with a snooze function.sleep, alarm, phase, clock, wristband1
testimesek.hu…I got a picture of myself and got closer to a friend of mine, who helped me with homework and after several years of one-sided friendship showed me that I am still important to her. I hope we will meet again. Have a lot of joy in learning again! A million kisses and thank you for everything!friendship important, important lotshare, method, energetic, release1
dekut.huProtecting and displaying our natural values are an all-important investment to our future.value important, important investmentregional, development, cluster, strategy, research1
gts-automation.huSIC Marking is an innovative, reliable partner for solutions of permanent marking of metal parts and traceability, customer-oriented, one of the most important companies in the world for such technologies, with extensive experience on market.customer important, important companysolution, automation, software, packaging, industry1
bakator.huIn any supply chain, one of the most important questions is the delivery distance and the time it takes for the delivery of the given quantity. This is why our customers regularly make use of our significant warehousing capacity, which we make available to them free of charge for up to 30 days. As…chain important, important questionbuild, packaging, house, construction, quote1
zsenaktrans.huIf you are looking for fast and affordable services, if you do not want to linger in the impersonal world of call centers, and if a transparent, almost family like working environment is important, you are in the right place!environment important, important rightfleet, storage, homepage, destination, career1
fizioart.huA crucially important procedure when treating a spinal hernia. With this method cartilage disc hernia’s forming at any part of the spine can be treated.crucially important, important procedurephysiotherapy, therapy, manual, problem, downtown1
herczegudvarhaz.huThe Herczeg Udvarház can be an excellent location for the most important days of your life. Have your wedding with us! We have an answer for all your needs.location important, important dayroom, moment, tree, restaurant, family1
artmagazin.hu…art scene as a visual artist, poet, and radical female performer. This shift clearly illustrates a more general turn in perceptions. Several important initiatives from recent years that were intended to spread this turn in broader circles are worth mentioning, for instance the Secondary Archive,perception important, important initiativeart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary1
gaszek.huBecause Vermeer’s paintings, without any exception, illustrate a proverb or a biblical word, which anatomized the most important social problems of his age. Biblical words and proverbs are condensed thoughts as well: they are abstractions. During the years the Thought has slowly worn out from them…word important, important socialnews, gallery, archive, painting, art1
sziklakorhaz.huHistory must be explored and remembered! Thanks, you are doing your best to pay others attention to important never-ending things! - From Ukraineattention important, important thingmuseum, ticket, hospital, nuclear, donation1
danit.huAs a Junior Java developer, I intend to deepen my programming skills and learn new programming languages. I believe continuous learning is essential in this profession. Due to the increasingly important role of information technology and mobile devices today, I see my future as a mobile…increasingly important, important roledeveloper, programming, intro, exam, school1
pls.huWe believe that cost is an important factor in any investment. Our in-hose R&D team and high-tech production facility allow us to keep our prices on affordable level.cost important, important factorpls, digital, power, network, unit1
timxgroup.hue here at Tim-X Group know exactly that our success is owed to numerous components, yet one of them is still the most important of all:group, customer, shop, chain, quality1
osas.huShe leaves behind an oeuvre of outstanding quantity and quality. Vera deviated from the main thrust of the concrete art of the time as her thinking was essentially algorithmic. Mathematics, structure, and chance played an important role in her work. Working together with her late husband, François…chance important, important roleart, post, open, exhibition, structure1
cmco.huColumbus McKinnon adds an important model to its range of manual chain hoists with the new YaleMINI…mckinnon important, important modelchain, sling, equipment, crane, hand1
babelsound.huSince the agreement to disband the CMEA, we do not know much about the Bulgarians, although some interesting things are worth mentioning. For example, one of Bulgaria's most important treasures is its music. Is it possible that aliens are listening to the song of Valja Balkanska called "Izlel e…bulgaria important, important treasuresound, festival, music, night, concert1
izometriafitness.huWith us, it doesn't matter if you have the most branded shoes, clothes, one is important, have fun! In our children's corner, you can fit your offspring, feel free to bring them with you. You can look at it during class.clothes important, important funprice, gallery, guest, hour, timetable1
interrescue.hu…technical rescue mission when calculating their technical systems and their determination to ensure the operability, control. There is a very important element of the research tasks with dogs branch into that form the basis of a special rescue operations. The intervention of other branch into…control important, important elementrescue, international, association, special, earthquake1
grand58apartman.huYes, the apartment and the garden are completely self-contained, only you and your guests will be there for the duration of the reservation. However, it is important to note that it is located on the ground floor of a condominium, so there are neighbours.reservation important, important groundapartment, region, booking, place, event1
barbizon.huIn case of fire or emergency, the "Hotel Barbizon's Fire Safety Regulations shall be followed. It can be viewed at the hotel reception. Details concerning the most important hotel guests can be found at the end of this brochure. On the inside of the front door of the hotel room is the escape route.detail important, important hotelguest, reception, room, damage, case1
dekorozmar.huThe solutions are born after common thinking where your aims and opportunities are crucial. Our duty is to get to know you and your enterprise, asking about every important detail, understanding your problems and demands in order to deliver the best possible solution , considering the deeper…enterprise important, important detailmobile, image, packaging, style, advertisement1
siteco.huBuilding and refurbishing with energy in mind - in times of rising energy prices more important than ever. Significant energy savings potential is made available with efficient lighting from Siteco.price important, important significantlighting, reference, training, course, luminaire1
faktura.huWhile building a piece of furniture it is important to me that the material, the structure and the shape should mutually influence one another.furniture important, important materialbrief, furniture, piece, page, structure1
hevesgep.huOur long-established company has many references in the domestic market, especially in the field of grain technology. We treat our customers as partners and consider the care, maintenance and warranty of our products to be important, and we give priority to feedback on operational experience. Our…product important, important prioritymachine, homepage, technology, reference, grain1
terinfo.huOne of the most important aspects of map printing on external media is to replicate valuable GIS data in a protected, non-recoverable, extensible format, so the program stores all data in a unique, encrypted SQLight database for a user. The database cannot be exported, nor can it be opened in…map, database, data, sample, software1
rudasbistro.huKeep your important events with us! All our rooms are available for rent, even the whole territory of the Rudas Bath and offered in several conditions for business meetings, press conferences or any private occasions.offer, forward, gallery, special, event1
bpairporttransfer.huWe provide guarantee for every booked and accepted airport transfer. If our driver fails to take you to the agreed location in time – assuming that it was their fault, and every important information were provided beforehand –, we will cover the additional expenses this caused (e.g.: cost of a cab…fault important, important informationtransfer, airport, price, area, driver1
zenevaros.huTo those who want not only what was mentioned above, but who also find reliability and warranty important;music, instrument, store, accessories, sheet1
safeandgo.huThe COVID-19 pandemic has shown how important disinfection truly is, especially in social environments visited by many people. The SAFEANDGO no-touch product family offers an excellent solution in shops, at petrol stations, in hotels, at conference centres and many other places.pandemic important, important disinfectiondispenser, safe, sanitizer, hand, touch1
mcdaniel.huAverage of 8 students per class. Many seminars and independent studies directly with professors. Small, multicultural community constitute the most important advantage of the McDaniel Experience.community important, important advantagestudent, application, fee, expense, american1
elox.huOur clients are satisfied with our work because the most important thing is to provide our customers with the possibly best servicework important, important thingsurface, aluminum, treatment, decade, protection1
patinaspalinka.huOur goal is to provide consumers with high quality pálinka using only the finest fruits. It was important to highlight this quality for consumers as well, which is why we came up with a youthful, modern packaging. Since we both come from very different areas, the birth of the Patinás Pálinka brand…fruit important, important qualitytaste, fruit, process, story, basket1
dugulaslharitas.huThis is your Feature description. Write a short blurb explaining what the feature is and why it matters for visitors, customers or clients. Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn! Take this opportunity to emphasize the important benefits or key advantages.opportunity important, important benefitclient, page, tab, item, latest1
hullamvilla.huSustainability was very important to us when we built and designed Hullám Villa. Our goal was to use natural materials from sustainable Hungarian sources wherever possible. We have been collecting rain water for watering the garden, we have installed LED lights and ecological and sustainable water…sustainability important, important hullámroom, attraction, nature, natural, gallery1
drgogl.huDiagnostics plays an important role in the management of shoulder pain. Choosing the right treatment and rehabilitation tools is key. Find out how we treat your shoulder pain, frozen shoulder!diagnostic important, important rolepain, treatment, center, diagnostic, appointment1
bodorka.info.huThe fish, whose eating habits were examined in details, eats plankton, snails, mussels and sometimes even small fish. However the roach is an important nutrition to a lot of predators such as the pike , the zander and the catfish . The common roach grows slowly. It is rare if a fish weighs over…roach important, important nutritionlake, fish, aquarium, area, common1
cantara.huI was also enchanted by celtic mythology which provided the name and the lyrical background for my metal project Taranis. The demo "In Days Of Yore" (2000) was an important step for me as it showcased my vocals for the first time.yore important, important stepvocal, lyric, woodland, choir, guitar1
avico97.huKnowledge Base content is collected to support those who are newcomer in the area of electro-acoustics, presenting some of the most important theoretical and practical knowledge - without being comprehensive - that are playing a key role during the design and implementation of Voice Alarm Systems.acoustic important, important theoreticalalarm, voice, sound, knowledge, base1
goldenwell.huYour satisfaction is important to us, so we provide our mineral water at the best price on the market.satisfaction important, important mineralwater, mineral, bottle, quality, litre1
teatrom.huWe are theatre artists namely directors with “social development specialization”. It is important also for the Roma communities to understand the quality of help we are able to offer. We need to build trust by differentiating ourselves from schools, social institutions – generally from all sorts…specialization important, important romacommunity, performance, group, art, festival1
classboxmester.huYou can send all the important information to all parents at the same time. You don’t need to make the children write in the message book, thus you can save valuable minutes in the lesson.school, class, student, parent, child1
holloscamping.hu10 IMPORTANT NEW RULE S – that our visitors can feel as safe as possible during their stayingbooking, connect, price, gallery, main1
laszlojudit.hu‘Better done, than perfect’ as word has it. Everything can be done even better. However, starting and doing it are even more important for me than doing slightly better.well important, important slightlymarket, sale, foreign, international, development1
idosgyogyaszat.hu…Association of Gerontology (HAG) was established. From the late sixties the scientific activity on the medical, clinical and sociological fields of gerontology gradually increased. The team of the contemporary Hungarian Research Institute on Gerontology played important role in this development.gerontology important, important roleage, university, effect, medical, health1
sintegroup.huEnvironmental requirements, environmental protection, economy and food safety standards play an important role in the selection of technologies.standard important, important roleconstruction, plant, capacity, group, extraction1
szfe.huThe management and maintenance of our important international academic relationships, coordination of festivals and events, administration of the Erasmus+ program, and facilitation of international student and faculty mobility are some of the tasks carried out by the International Directorate.maintenance important, important internationalinternational, institute, art, student, institution1
cziffrafesztival.huGyörgy Cziffra toured the world’s cities, and now nearly all culturally important cities of the world are celebrating with us. Primarily, Cziffra’s second home, France (Paris and Senlis), but concerts will also be held in New York, London, Vienna, Prague, Stuttgart and Oradea. A series of…culturally important, important cityfestival, event, performer, art, calendar1
efficiency.huThe key to our success lies in our employees . It is essential that those who come in contact with us feel that their problems and questions are important to us and they can count on us at any time.question important, important timeefficiency, employee, recruitment, problem, long1
metalleg.huOver 50 years, Fini has developed into one of the most important European compressor manufacturers. Fini compressors are of the highest quality. development continues according to market expectations.fini important, important europeanpneumatic, solution, metal, technology, brand1
actionfranchise.huWould You like more detailed information? We have a comprehensive overview available with all the most important information.available important, important informationreason, owner, step, story1
gergelygasztronomi.hu…dumplings filled with cottage cheese cream and served with chocolate sauce, Doughboy."Lapcsánka" with Potato and Chilli, "Lapcsánka" with Potato and Garlic, ”lapcsánka” with cabbage. Our important products also the sauces: Vanilla sauce, Chocolate sauce, Gamy sauce (vegetable sauce with condiment).cabbage important, important productdumpling, production, giant, line, recipe1
vitecer.huTo improve health of the people all over the world, as we believe our health is the most important gift.health important, important giftstraw, technology, worldwide, herbal, extract1
avisonyoung.huAvison Young is a global commercial real estate company designed to create and act on the most important opportunities for our clients.company important, important opportunityyoung, real, commercial, estate, advisor1
palotasmix.huOur owner, Mr. Reinhard Hübner considers Hübner Values to be an important topic, as the 8 values concerned reflect who we are, and what we stand for. They correspond to all the values that our company has represented in recent years, and form the basis of good cooperation. These are the values…value important, important topicmixture, value, compound, activity, rubber1
targoncaportal.huDo you work at height? Is speed and flexibility important to you? Ask us for a quote for our personal lifting equipment to speed up your work processes!flexibility important, important quotemachine, forklift, inspection, need, personal1
multiterra.huIt is important for us to maintain the highest quality standards at all times in our manufacturing; therefore, we operate an efficient quality management system, including the regulation of manufacturing and on-site installation processes, guaranteeing the constant and faultless quality of…page, main, metal, machine, manufacture1
iparimotoralkatreszek.huVOLVO-PENTA has more than 100 years of history. Today, it is the world’s leading manufacturer of power generators for industrial and marine applications. It is very important that as a member of the VOLVO Group you benefit from the results and advantages of the company’s developments.application important, important memberengine, generator, quality, brand, spare1
gyuricsarda.huSümeg Castle was a present from Saint Stephen to the bishopric of Veszprém. During the decades of Turkish expansion, Sümeg Castle played an important role in defending Hungary and Western Europe in the second line. The city had been in Turkish hands several times, but they could not take the…castle important, important roleplace, wonderful, panorama, cozy, restaurant1
spedpack.huWhere appearance is not important, but only product protection, transportability and financial efficiency are the goals, corrugated cardboard is our secret weapon. We have had to protect a wide range of products, from beer cans to complete car parts.appearance important, important productpackaging, industry, detail, automotive, transport1
kunszigetiskola.huOur school is next to the church in the centre of the village and has been the gem of Kunsziget since 1909. The most important event of the local education was the building of the school. Unfortunately, it is not much known about the history of our school but we know it for sure that in 1680 a…kunsziget important, important eventeducation, school, history, art, teacher1
drszenassy.hu…matters. She further specializes in company acquisitions and transformations (including mergers and demergers), as well as cessations without a legal successor. Her wide-ranging expertise gained in this field allow for outstanding legal counsel in matters that are truly important for our clients.truly important, important clientlaw, firm, corporate, labour, real1
cosmos.hu“Customer-oriented thinking” is a priority for Cosmos, that is why every event itinerary strictly depends on the company goals and participants. We know that sharing the “we-feeling” is an important emotional ingredient for a real and memorable fun.feel important, important emotionalevent, city, note, great, incentive1
spiritcoach.huYou don’t understand why you face heavy obstacles in your work and you don’t know how to overcome them? You don’t know how to quickly jump start areas of your life that are important to you? It would be great to know whom to contact to get some external support? Take a step so that things you want…life important, important greatmeet, direction, development, kid, support1
gordonkaiskola.huGardian Cello Tutorials are an important part of the official curriculum recommendations of national cello education in Hungary, and the primary sources of the pieces played in cello competitions. Their international popularity is constantly growing.tutorial important, important officialcello, tutorial, news, student, gallery1
ptf.huDo you think it is important that we deal with the next generations? Would you like to take part in helping children and families in difficult situations?christian, timetable, training, management, theology1
elephantintheroom.huOur goal is to educate, raise awareness and encourage behavior change through creative campaigns. We talk about important issues like climate change, sustainable transportation, digital addiction and many more.campaign important, important issueelephant, room, idea, campaign, positive1
swgroup.huOver the years, I have experienced and learned from my own hands and the tasks that arise in enterprises, which are related to non-primary activities, but are just as important, the problems that arise during the operation of the facility, and the solution needs of entrepreneurs and managers. We…activity important, important problemgroup, clean, garden, solution, security1
gepteko.huIt’s very important to us to work with the most modern devices,tools and engineering softwares everyday.engineering, software, liability, insurance, activity1
lfd.huCardio is important to everyone. Our cardio department consists of more than 30 cardio machines: treadmill, stair, ellipse, backrest and sitting bike. You can watch Youtube and Netflix on a large screen on every machine.cardio important, important cardiopersonal, trainer, ticket, price, season1
premiumapartmanok.huData protection and data security are very important to we, the Premium Apartments (hereinafter referred to as “ Company ”). Therefore, we want to inform you about which of your personal data we collect when you visit our website and for which purposes it is used.security important, important premiumapartment, data, personal, premium, process1
zoldmami.huWasting food is important not only for your wallet and trash, but also because it is the culmination of a much more far-reaching problem. Reducing and preventing green is the cornerstone of thinking.food important, important walletoffer, cart, wish, list, view1
gasztrologus.huContinuously it is very important for us to improve the content and topics of our menus and the flavor of authentic food, to present new alternatives, and continuously control the quality of used materials.continuously important, important contentevent, family, flavor, food, gallery1
moaihomesarvar.huWe chose this name for our apartment because values ​​such as appreciation, honor, ancestors – therefore the family – are important to us.photo, digital, camera, apartment, offer1
hotelgoldenpark.huThe 4-star Golden Park Hotel is located in the imposing 100-year-old building on Baross Square, next to Budapest's most important transport hub, Keleti Railway Station. The city centre with the Danube, the Parliament and Váci Street is only a few minutes away by public transport without any…budapest important, important transportroom, faq, gallery, station, private1
gerson.huThe most important elements of health are derived from nutrition, the food you eat and its nutrients. The saying “you become what you eat” is no coincidence. Gerson Therapy is also based on this approach.therapy, europe, center, holistic, colleagues1
avenuedental.huIt is important for us to have regular check-ups with our guests, even if they do not have any current complaints.dental, avenue, treatment, denture, root1
vmmodel.huToday VM is Hungary’s market leader agency based on the international bookings on the most important Fashion Capitals (since 2015 constantly).booking important, important fashionmodel, homepage, girl, boy, international1
suttner.huWe take over the production of signage products of all kinds (box letters, light boxes, flex face signs, monoliths, 3D designs etc). Our company has more than 20 years experience in the international and technical field. QUALITY CONTROL is very important to us. Depending on the ordered product we…control important, important productletter, face, solution, homepage, digital1
irum.huI chose IRUM because it is in our country, and the service is provided at any time, there is a contact person who always helps me if something happens. It is important for me that service is provided and the boys move very fast, they come to you wherever it is needed, you no longer have to look…person important, important service, agriculture important, important tractoragricultural, tractor, forestry, dealer, customer1
magicom.hu2016 was an extremely important year for us; we won also the title of the Best Company in Hungary in the category of developing organizational and individual skills. Such companies were awarded by IIP Hungary and the British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary that set a good example to other players…extremely important, important yearinfrastructure, hardware, operation, consultancy, security1
malnalab.huOur new paper “Drug Effect Prediction by Polypharmacology-Based Interaction Profiling” just appeared in the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (JCIM) was selected as cover story. The paper deals with our new Pattern-based Drug Design approach, and its apparition is an important milestone…apparition important, important milestoneresearch, article, september, june, molecular1
semmelweis.huGiven that we spend 90% of our time indoors, indoor air quality is the single most important environmental health factor.single important, important environmentaluniversity, health, faculty, science, medicine1
studiolegale.huClient satisfaction is the most important for us: we believe in continuous and correct communication. We always try to give prompt answers; we work with an eye on the client’s interest considering what is the best professional solution.satisfaction important, important continuouslaw, firm, associate, insolvency, tax1
plamapack.huIn insulation, most people first consider thermal insulation, but other types of insulation are also important for comfort and quality of life. Recently, the design and construction of the building is increasingly accentuated by noise reduction.insulation important, important comfortpackaging, insulation, production, quality, flexibility1
magadert.huWe consider addiction as a family problem, therefore we try to involve in the treatment as many players of “the drug game” as possible, because the family plays an important role in the development of addiction, in the maintenance of drug use and in the recovery process as well.family important, important rolegroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem1
debrecenbike.huThis is the biggest remaining windmill in Central Europe and the most important relic of Debrecen’s industrial history. A lot of similar ventures were in operation in the city as recently as the second half of the 19th century. Their memory, however, only survives in the names of a few streets:…europe important, important relicbike, street, church, build, city1
midentcare.huDid you know that technique is important when cleaning? We’ve teamed up with dentists who recommend brushing at a 45-degree angle. Place your toothbrush at this angle at the junction of the tooth and gum and start making small circles so that the fibers get in between the teeth. It is important to…technique important, important dentist, tooth important, important precisestock, toothbrush, free, currently, tooth1
jobgroup.huWe know the most important aspects of business, so in addition to identifying and screening the best candidates, we also provide decision support and organisational development services.detail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour1
agiesatti.huThe ceremonies, the wedding dinner and the party will all take place on the ground of the Kastélyszálló. Therefore no travelling between different locations will be involved. Everything will happen at the same place so it is guaranteed that you will not miss anything important.és, useful, wedding, video, photo1
bobaszerelo.huI found Bob a thoroughly decent person, he is a very good mechanic, he works hard to ensure your totally satisfied with his work, he is punctual, which to me is important, I was happy with his work and the price he charged.punctual important, important happyjob, mechanic, helpful, highly, price1
bpso.hu“When I write a certain type of music, I know already in Paris, that Béla Drahos (the conductor) will bring the orchestra even higher that could have expected. It is very important for a composer to find a conductor who understands his music. I think that in Béla I practically found a kind of…high important, important composerorchestra, symphony, score, composer, record1
sashq.hu…experience in this area and using nowadays the following technology: XHTML, jQuery, PHP, MySQL and all of these sites are platform-free. When I create a new site one of my most important points of view are simply and SEO-friendly guidelines, use SEO friendly links, fast page load and W3C validity.site important, important pointsimply, quickly, perfect, site, free1
ezermesterek.huElectricity is very important part of our life. We canu2019t imagine it without home appliances that in turns work with services providerelectricity important, important lifeplumbing, style, single, view, roofing1
pavideo.huAdvertising is important for any business - from the smallest venture through fitness gyms to the largest corporations.advertising important, important businessvideo, wedding, drone, portfolio, event1
sitt-lom.huEach and every customer is very important to us no matter how big or small their waste disposal requirements are.customer important, important matterwaste, hire, collection, disposal, builder1
scrapart.huOUR VISION IS TO MAKE people HAPPy WHEN they first lay eyes on OUR ART COMPOSITIONS. we want everyone to REMEMBER that OUR ENVIRONMENT IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT things IN OUR LIFE.environment important, important thingscrap, environment, price, recycling, art1
elevenborbar.hu…flexible and charming service. They always have gluten-free baguettes, an important thing nowadays.baguette important, important thingbar, wine, shop, reservation, daytime1
szav.huOnce per session, perfectly recall an important fact previously learned as if a Story Point had been spent.perfectly important, important facttier, activation, check, character, active1
baqkyra.huFor us, it’s important to find the right solution that is flexible, cost-effective and perfectly corresponds to your business goals and IT strategy.privacy, software, automotive, house, development1
its-pro.huITS Protection Ltd. deals with GPS-based vehicle tracking. Our staff has more than 10 years of experience in this sector. During this time, we have gradually realised that the data obtained from tracking is as important to company managers as the safety of the vehicles, and we have developed our…track important, important companytrack, vehicle, parking, polish, solution1
silverbus.huSilver Bus Kft uses 22 seater Mercedes Benz Sprinter Midibuses. The vehicles provide confort and space. They are regularly maintained to secure pervect reliability. Quality and clean cars are most important for us to fulfill all needs of our clients. Tanned windows and curtains provide privacy if…car important, important needbus, transportation, transfer, programme, order1
abt.huVisit our website created specifically for foreign managers and investors, where in one place can you find the most important economic data, the most significant legal and tax information, and can get current economic news.place important, important economictax, payroll, accounting, data, financial1
branaldi.huBranaldi Hungary achieves economic growth with environmental protection in mind. Reducing adverse environmental impact in production is important to us. In our development processes we keen recycling and unwasteful material using. With our recycled raw materials we protect the environment, and…production important, important developmentslide, production, process, material, quality1
gandharvak.huThe simple, beautiful, upward striving melodies and the accompaniment consisting of base harmonies make it appealing for anyone. Important are the regularly alternating periods and the striving for music-aesthetic beauty. The classical musical forms are recognisable (like the rondo or the…appeal important, important regularlyclassical, music, style, uplifting, latest1
greencrew.hulet's make everyone in film production understand how important sustainability and recycling are. We regularly communicate with all departments, give ideas and help to minimize and best achieve the set goals. We have qualified sustainability coordinators to oversee the processes. We assess the…production important, important sustainabilitygoal, sustainability, solution, operation, production1
bmszki.hudeeply concerned the European Community will effectively answer into our needs emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic! That’s why this campaign is important for us in which the social sector workers can present their needs towards the EU decision makers. The campaign was launched by the European…campaign important, important socialsocial, street, accommodation, european, center1
kraftszer.huOur project, which also serves security of supply and environmental protection functions and is classified as a project of special significance for the national economy, has reached an important milestone. We considered this phase of the development project a great challenge as this was one of the…economy important, important milestoneindustrial, management, plant, phase, engineering1
loupefilms.huWe got you fully covered in every aspect of filmmaking. Details are just as important as the big picture.detail important, important bigproduction, big, field, motion, screen1
plastic-form.huThe satisfied business partner is important for us. In every case the tools are made using of prime (Meusburger, Thyssenkrupp, Böhler, Hasco, Alfun, Amari) materials, to guarantee the long lifetime and expected quality by the customer.partner important, important casetool, plastic, form, management, production1
violet-consulting.huWe believe that we worth your trust. Why? We truly care and pay attention for professional requirements and personal characteristics as well, so we could support your career choices and just be there if you are at a crossroad. We know how important feedback is after a recruitment process, so you…crossroad important, important feedbackconsulting, engineer, position, candidate, manager1
nordegard.hu…preserving traditions, our reenactment team has been featured in American, Austrian, Canadian and British educational and entertainment movie productions. The support we receive from museums adds great value to our work and enables us to access important scientific materials from original sources.work important, important scientificperiod, carpathian, basin, history, introduction1
safehands.huBeing reliable is very important to us. We want to deliver the best possible service, and to the highest standard. We take pride in our work, and we want you to experience that as we hold ourselves to high standards.reliable important, important goodproperty, management, safe, hand, investment1
euroxdrive.huThe collection hides numerous treasures, including vintage cars that represent important milestones in the history of the automotive industry. The collection features brands such as Messerschmitt, BMW, Zündapp, and Mercedes. Each car is meticulously maintained and reflects its original condition.car important, important milestonedrive, track, package, collection, near1
kaposhotel.huCelebrate one of the most important events of your life at Hotel Kapos and our restaurant.event, offer, room, gastronomy, restaurant1
nadasdibaromfi.huProducing of chicken broiler happens to hatching of chicks from the best chicken couple's eggs. The time of fattening basically lasts 38-42 days targeting the ideal weight of 2-2,5 kg. Feeding has an important aspect in which high corn content of the stover is used, so to positively influence the…feed important, important aspectintroduction, quality, assurance, poultry, factory1
gyerekrehangolva.huOne of the most important characteristics of parenting is to dare to open up, ask questions, and learn new things about parenting.parenting, parent, early, support, child1
implant.hu"Developing minimally invasive regenerative techniques led to favorable long-term clinical outcomes. I have a passion for sharing those important surgical details, the science behind all the innovation and the long term follow up of the cases that puts all details to a credible prospective.passion important, important surgicalday, course, implant, urban, tissue1
epgepszerviz.huWe consider it important that the production of equipment be the least burdensome for our environment.concrete, plant, manufacture, news, highway1
compuworx.huOur firm considers very important to employ colleagues with the latest professional knowledge. Reliable workplace and traditional values. We believe that excellent performance provides value.firm important, important colleaguessolution, card, terminal, knowledge, news1
bbis.huI chose to choreograph a contemporary piece for my Personal Project. Every style has its specifications, movement style and technique. As one of my teachers once said: “ it takes ten years of learning about dance and your body to understand the basic concept of dance technique.” I agree with it…technique important, important thingschool, student, primary, secondary, admission1
budatrioapartments.huAll important venues and sightseeings can be reached from Buda Trio Apartments fast and easily.customer, provider, use, order, apartment1
cavok.huIf you dream of becoming an airline pilot, you are at the right place. Before you start your training at CAVOK, it is important to understand the minimum criteria to apply.cavok important, important minimumtraining, flight, aviation, airline, school1
queensymphonic.huDanubia Orchestra is one of Hungary’s leading symphonic orchestras. Apart from the most important concert halls in Hungary, they performed regularly in the major festivals in Europe; their special program arrangements and our youth and social projects have made them one of the most characteristic…apart important, important concertsymphonic, queen, kind, concert, gallery1
lumoshelmet.huCommunication is always important - we show you how you can signal your change of direction with a simple press of a button.communication important, important changehelmet, light, safe, soon, romanian1
monera.huOur team has decades of experience and dozens of projects using acquired knowledge, we provide consultancy on POS terminal, magnetic, or contactless smart card project. If it is important for you to put in place a thorough system design, dates and costs of compliance with the smooth system launch…project important, important placeself, payment, priority, activity, market1
ecst.huNowadays every major discipline has got a scientific society. Couple relationships, marriage and family are among the most important issues in human life. The establishment of this Society seeks to fill the gap in this field of the Hungarian and European science.family important, important issuefamily, society, science, european, marriage1
illemkata.huTell stories at home! Storytelling is as old as mankind. Stories evolved from anecdotes, our own stories stay with our and our children’s entire life. Why are our personal stories important? Why – When – Whom – should I tell stories, and what? The storytelling...story important, important storystory, card, programme, journey, book1
kiralyklinika.huKirály Clinic was opened in July 2014, when the building underwent an important modernisation offering the most advanced technology and treatments. The Király Clinic is dedicated to gastrointestinal diagnostic and treatment services and proctology. Three outpatient hospitals are operated by…build important, important modernisationclinic, treatment, medicine, hospital, procedure1
belcat.huNowadays the role and the influence of “GREEN” is getting more and more important because it represents a sort of physical and mental well-being in our stress filled urban life.green important, important sortgreen, wall, flower, tree, decorative1
exclusivefloor.huOur most important mission is to construct a distinctive and characteristic floor that would represent as the face of your home. Moreover, we combine aspects that are as significant like quality and exclusivity such as design.floor, exclusive, build, template, joomla1
wincom.huThe most important factor of a successful partnership is satisfaction, which leads to a long cooperation. We use the latest technologies in both photography and cinematography. We can also provide fully equipped studios for shootings, our trained crew is available at outdoor venues.solution, creative, photography, cinematography, demand1
alkotomuveszet.hu…works at MANK Gallery. Supporting young talent is a primary endeavour for us, through which we spotlight artists and artworks that speak to important sociocultural events. We encourage artists who are not afraid of critical self-reflection and who are willing to experiment. We want to inspire…artwork important, important socioculturalartist, creative, house, art, scholarship1
relevat.huOne of the most important elements of a modern and captivating campaign or website is a transparent and user-friendly interface in its designdigital, brand, process, identity, strategy1
tiszatalentmanagement.hu- For us it is important not only to establish the possibility for a continuous progress but thanks to our supportive work our athletes can take these opportunities.talent, management, training, athlete, individual1
evista.huWe love that they understand well our requirements and can also anticipate and ask relevant questions to help us elaborate an idea. Evista team always meets the defined deadlines and we can reach them anytime, the communication goes without gaps – it’s really important for us.development, detail, task, main, client1
kovacs-hawa.huWe think it’s especially important to inform our clients of any fees and costs arising during from our work in advance.especially important, important clientlegal, agreement, representation, lawyer, law1
avicenna-med.huIt is important to have my teeth checked at a clinic where I can have full trust in the dentists as people and as professionals. Avicenna is a relaxing place from where I always return home in a relaxed mood.dentistry, forward, dental, oral, tooth1
arenatel.huAre you afraid that during the repair your photos, videos, contacts, or any other important datas may disappear? Don’t you like to leave your phone to others because of the private datas? In our open service you can keep track of the repair and you can ensure that your personal datas are in safe.contact important, important dataphone, device, replacement, mobile, type1
probodystudio.huMaximum attention and thoroughness. In the course of our work, we consider it important to have a complex approach to treatment, to examine it precisely, so to find the root of the problem - that is why we try to learn as many special and innovative methods as possible and use them in our therapy.work important, important complexstudio, body, reference, gallery, price1
boxago.huMost important distribution businesses charge for packages based on load and dimension, so it’s more significant than ever to decrease your box sizes.step, packaging, size, process, demand1
delinapfeny-hacs.huVillage renewal: Public buildings and community places are the heart and soul of a settlement: they are stages of important events, festivals which have a great influence on people’s awareness of togetherness.stage important, important eventdevelopment, rural, local, regional, public1
annacafe.huThe road going north from Pest used to be guarded by the Váci Gate. This used to be the way to Vác, hence the name of the Váci Street. The street in the middle of the city is one of the most important tourist hubs today, near the riverbank of the old Danube. Anna Café is situated in the middle of…city important, important touristsquare, street, sight, cocktail, news1
jootour.huUtilizing 27 years of experience, we accomplish orders in passenger transport – which has remained the most important activity of the enterprise – with our motor vehicles of different sizes, equipment and quality, from cars to buses, on-demand, from 1 person up to 72 , from the employees to VIPs…transport important, important activitytour, bus, transport, passenger, employee1
bettikamusic.hu‘Elvitték a cigányokat’ – the poem is from József Choli Daróczi written for the memory of the Hungarian gipsy holocaust and about a terrible action of gipsies digging their own grave. It is important to remember and to make clear this may never happen anymore.grave important, important clearmusic, improvisation, vocal, song, orchestra1
frik.huOur business management system frees up many of the hours that had to be spent on administration and other important, operation related company tasks. All of these capacities can now be freely used to scale your business and find new customers.administration important, important operationwebsite, development, management, application, engine1
cleveroffice.huOur principle is to provide flexibility not only in space, but also in time. With us, you can rent an office in Győr for a short time -already for a month, or just for the time of an important project- and the rented office space can grow or shrink with your company's needs. Our services are…time important, important officeoffice, clever, virtual, solution, advantage1
rewerob.huIt is important to know that with most technical problems, faults might have several reasons and so, several solutions might be applicable. Please specify your question, describe the problem as precisely as possible and if possible, send us photos or illustrations. If received information is not…resistance, welding, page, main, solution1
amberhomes.huThere are many important tourist attractions nearby, the Parliament and St. Stephen’s Basilica are a few minutes walk away. Leaving the building, we arrive green immediately, across the street, the landscaped Szabadság Square is an excellent place for a refreshing walk. The wide range of…transport important, important junctionattic, gallery, apartment, build, terrace1
diasporascholarship.huAs the deadline for submitting your application for the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship is just around the corner, we have collected the most important steps and documents you need to check for your successful application. Read our article and make sure to meet all the requirements until 31 January.corner important, important stepscholarship, diaspora, application, education, holder1
magashegy-pinceszet.huWe insist on the maximal naturalness. Spontaneous fermentation. Nothing added, nothing taken away. No additives, no adjustments, only some added sulfur. As we don't use additional acids neither aditional concentrated musts, the choosing of the time of the harvest is a very important decision. We…harvest important, important decisionwine, house, guest, distributor, condition1
pistar.huYou helped us in all stages of the acquisition process. Our "target" company trusted you which was extremely important for us. It is also very valuable that you are always open and giving the client a very honest and direct estimation of critical situations. Your strongest point is your personality.extremely important, important valuablelaw, cee, alliance, office, legal1
synergyfox.huCreating an effective website is not just a programming task. It's more important that your site fits into your sales and communication processes, represents your image and is an effective part of your online marketing strategy. Our services are designed to help you do all of this, thinking with…task important, important sitesynergy, management, corporate, manager, premium1
falkland.huIn addition, Falkland Kft. provides 24/7 dispatch service, ensuring proper communication with both drivers and clients, and performing constant monitoring of the vehicle positions and other important parameters.position important, important parametersswap, delivery, body, vehicle, transport1
hardsonic.huIt is important to use the right solvent , as the solvent envelops and neutralizes the dirt separated by cavitation, preventing it from re-adhering to the surface. So the practical effectiveness of ultrasonic cleaning without solvents is close to zero!ultrasonic, welding, machine, clean, technology1
weddinginhungary.huPremium quality of food and beverages what are served at your wedding reception is very important for you and your guests to feel very happy and to make your wedding day unforgettable. (international course, typical Hungarian food and drink or vegetarian courses )reception important, important guestwedding, planner, day, agency, venue1
jovomentes.huDue to its dramatic change in balance, peace has now become the most important, yet most uncertain cornerstone of our children's sustainable future construction. Time is running out to teach the world a new concept of sustainability from the Eastern European focal point of a new global war:peace important, important uncertainfuture, peace, europe, european, today1
evergreenbudapest.huany of Evergreen Accommodation, we guarantee your unforgettable stay close to Budapest’ s main attractions, with comfortable, specious, nicely equipped apartments. You can decide what is important for you, and we offer the best option: would you like to stay in one of Budapest’ s former civil…apartment important, important goodapartment, guesthouse, unforgettable, attraction, main1
orosznyelvtanar.huwords and phrases by interweaving them into your regular routines. Finally, Vera is just an attentive instructor that makes you feel comfortable about making mistakes and learning by doing. I think this is important with a language as challenging as Hungarian. I would gladly recommend her to others!mistake important, important languagelesson, class, russian, student, language1
markom.huTo ensure that the homebuilding process goes smoothly, it's important that both the homebuilder and buyer understand each other's expectations.smoothly important, important homebuilderhouse, builder, style, type, white1
winetasting.huThe manufacture of PALINKA from Hungarian origin fruit spirit is not only the merging of old and protected traditions with modern techniques, it is a process of creation, in which the role of the local artisans is no less important than it was centuries ago.artisan important, important centurywine, gap, local, hill, main1
maxaldo.huNowadays enterprises find high quality bookkeeping and administrative services more and more important; there is an increasing demand from managers and owners for information, more and more companies are utilizing integrated computer systems, therefore there is a higher demand for bookkeeping…service important, important demand, extremely important, important clientaccounting, preparation, bookkeeping, activity, financial1
vidzsu.huI’ll try to post and answer the most important / interesting comments and questions in my blog weekly.methodology, lesson, plan, language, close1
gastroenterology.huGastrointestinal cancers represent an important public health problem. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth commonest form of cancer and the second most common cause of cancer mortality. The incidence of colorectal cancer increases with increasing age. Screening can reduce the incidence of…cancer important, important publicgastrointestinal, gastroenterology, symptom, disease, bowel1
biokarma.huMag® Textile™ technology generate on natural way for the human body important negative ions , long wave Infrared waves, bioresonance and scalar energy. This effects helps to maintain balanced health by strengthening the immune system.body important, important negativetechnology, limited, founder, energy, support1
zemplenimuzeum.huThe idea of founding a museum in Szerencs was first considered in the 1960s. The collecting of material about the local history began in 1965, in which the study group of local history led by Angyal Béla had a very important function. On the 17th July 1967 dr. Petrikovits László dentist and…béla important, important functionmuseum, collection, postcard, exhibition, pedagogy1
napora.huLater on its role as decoration in parks, in castles, in gardens became just as important as its time-keeping function.garden important, important timehorizontal, vertical, century, page, main1
abtk.huAn important Ottoman source has become available to researchers as part of the RCH’s 21st-Century Studies in Humanities series. The Mufassal Tahrir Defteri of the Sanjak of Segedin (1578) is the work of Miklós Fóti , junior research fellow at the Institute of History .research, humanity, centre, news, detail1
actualart.hu…through the eyes of the customer and keeps in touch with the partners. In work I believe in rapid problem solving, and I try to keep an eye on the details in every area, bearing the deadlines in mind and the requirements of the partners. I consider precision and perfectionism to be very important.stage, image, production, art, actual1
demonich.huOne of the most important word in our system is awareness: in environmental as pects, relationships and working methodspackaging, industrial, environmental, profile, wood1
vinylmaster.huBefore buying a vinyl floor, it is advisable to think about what function the vinyl floor will actually fulfill - do we want to put it in a bedroom, living room, or do we want to cover a wet room with it? Accordingly, choose whether it is necessary to lay down a glued vinyl floor, and another…floor important, important aspectfloor, flooring, cover, type, room1
sriprahlada.huDuring the Covid lockdown, we also had to find a way to reach our students. Thanks to that situation, even today, our students and parents can access daily class materials, homework, and important information regarding school programs and events on Gurukula’s website. We also started our quarterly…homework important, important informationschool, valley, education, student, krishna1
deavonturenvankrisztiendavid.huWe want to have a fun and engaging evening at this beautiful and small hotel. It should be an occasion for cocktail dresses but not gala dresses, a suit is always nice, bot no need for formal ties. You can of course always change your shoes for dancing: having fun is the most important thing. …fun important, important thingwedding, january, news, dinner, special1
openaccess.hu…and their specific research groups easy to see. The rich metadata of our publications, as well as our industry-leading citation technology, allow the academic content displayed on the platform to be included in the most important international databases in science metrics and research evaluation.platform important, important internationalaccess, open, academic, publication, publish1
colormespray.huYou can see the aerosol bottle capacity of our machine in the table below. Important! If you may not find the right sizing and would like to work with your own valves and nozzles, just let us know!table important, important righttechnical, manufacture, paint, industrial, unique1
rehabmed.huPhysical activity is an important addition to diet, as it boosts metabolism and increases weight-loss.activity important, important additionweight, health, doctor, healthy, loss1
bestdiamond.huYou will receive a certificate of authenticity attached to the engagement ring. This is not just a piece of paper, it proves the quality and value of the product you chosen. Best Diamond takes full responsibility for it's content, therefore it is an official and very important valuation made by…official important, important valuationengagement, guide, broker, collection, mission1
oregpitvar.huVisitors are welcome by Molnár Family. For us the most important is that all those coming here can recall the fine taste and atmosphere of earlier times thanks to the dishes made in oven.family important, important finewelcome, september, website, small, alp1
talpalavalo.huThank your for the opportunity to try the Floating Feet. The great comfort provided by the product is really important for the barbers because they can spend 20% more time on the job which results in more revenue.product important, important barberfoot, float, long, health, day1
cryptobank.huIt is important to note that the cryptocurrency you purchase can only be transferred to the withdrawal address you have provided in advance.cryptocurrency, process, transaction, detail, transparent1
transrat.huIn the drug discovery workflow early prediction of selectivity and toxicity of the potential drug candidates requires the evaluation of both in vitro and in vivo effects. Among those, cellular calcium homeostasis and signaling are important factors to be examined, being key drug targets, as well…signal important, important factor, target important, important effecthomepage, page, development, rat, research1
mitor.hu…subsidiary, EURINGS Zrt, which was followed seven years later by the founding of MITOR.A past accident and centuries of experience both contributed to the fact that our company manufactures bearing rings in a high-quality, modern working environment at the strategically important site in Debrecen.strategically important, important sitepage, group, integrate, efficiency, outstanding1
dishwasherrepairbudapest.huYou do not have to dismantle the dishwasher or remove the pipes connected to the appliance. The most important aspect in such situations is to see the condition when the device produced the abnormal operation. In order to test the device , it is necessary that the drain and the water pipe and the…appliance important, important aspectdishwasher, repair, mechanic, appointment, price1
dentalstudio.huIt is important for us to make our services affordable for everyone. Of course we pay similarly special attention to our private patients who visit our praxis from more and more remote places. We believe that we can get the best results by the cooperation of both the doctor and the patient. That…patient, equipment, staff, warranty, prevention1
ladyzara.huimportant to me, but above all, safety. Over the years, I have learned how to make the mostbook, session, faq, appointment, main1
drfucskar.huImportant for our law firm to provide a professional and empathetic environment for our clients while providing thorough and conscientious work.law, case, legal, agreement, asset1
mobicity.huThe first modern-day agreement went unheeded for decades, but the Second World War boosted twin-town relations. The most important and model agreements were signed between Coventry in Britain, Stalingrad in the Soviet Union and Dresden in Germany - all suffered severe damages during the war. The…relation important, important modelcity, town, agreement, tour, programme1
euvitis.huGrape seed is a dietary source of essential fatty acids, E-vitamin (i.e. tocopherols) and a lot of other important polyphenolic antioxidants. We have made a quick survey on the web in order to enlist the benefits attributed to the ingredients of the seed. At first, we identified 43 diagnoses…lot important, important polyphenolicgrape, seed, source, family, wine1
weddingceremony.huAny wedding ceremony with the spiritual energy of live singing performance. The gospel choir sings your favourite songs live in the important moments.live important, important momentwedding, ceremony, christian, way, minister1
arttrend.huIt is our fast-paced lives that make it most difficult to enjoy quality time. But the most important thing for a perfect rest, for total relaxation, is to slow down, to fully experience the experience, to listen to the other. These are the things that help us to live the magic of the moment. The…time important, important thingart, luxury, house, programme, price1
danieltoth.huBased on my experience, it is often difficult to harmonize the graphic concept and the needs of the client. Thanks to my experience in commerce, I can understand and assess my partners expectations better and know exactly how important a product's appearance is in terms of marketability. With my…exactly important, important productgraphic, photography, photographer, card, unique1
emin.huTrademarks are an important means of informing consumers. They provide direct information about the product or service. Trademarks create a link between different products and their producers, different services and service providers, they have a quality indicating role, they contribute to the…trademark important, important mean, culture important, important advertisingquality, award, tender, value, consumer1
bigdatascientist.huDuring the 16 years that I have spent in international market research with managing hundreds of regional & global projects, I have learnt that there are common values that are equally important to all clients either running smaller or bigger projects. The transparency, trustworthiness…equally important, important client, value important, important valuebig, data, scientist, client, operational1
drhodosi.hu…counterpart. We prefer to settle conflicts through mediation, but we can also assist in litigation and claim enforcement if necessary. We consider it important not only to solve the matter, but also to make our client a real winner: may his case bring economic benefits and be humanly representable.necessary important, important mattercase, legal, contract, client, solution1
sipeuropa.huThe security of Your Personal Data is important to Us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your Personal Data, We cannot guarantee its absolute security.data important, important methoddata, personal, privacy, purpose, website1
eszakferr.hu…of overhead contact cables, and we expanded our product range by steel, aluminum and steel-aluminum stranded wire ropes. Within a short time after its start, Észak-Ferr Kft. became an important participant both on the domestic and the European market. We cooperated in major projects such as:kft important, important participantwire, steel, rope, aluminum, cable1
hrp.huIMPORTANT! By accepting the ESD ordering and payment terms, you acknowledge that by clicking the order button, the ordering and invoicing will be created immediately.order, payment, immediately, button, invoicing1
conet.huIn order to provide high level IT System Integration Services we have to deal with a broad range of IT areas. To that reason, we formed professional expert groups in all important areas ... moregroup important, important areaintegrator, main, network, computer, area1
mikroprogram.huOur main focuse is to ensure high quality software solutions to our customers based on their needs. It is really important for us to use state of the art technologies, but meanwhile our strength point is to adapt the actual customer expectations. Our motto: "use the right tool for the right job" .need important, important statedevelopment, software, research, education, customer1
hrinkubator.hu…supporting companies in engineering and IT industries mainly with recruitment and scale-up projects. Learning and self-development are all very important to her. She earned her degree in Management and Leadership from the University of Pécs already as a mother of small children. In 2020 she got…development important, important degreesolution, expert, career, recruitment, employee1
myfolio.huIn the past 8 years, I have gained a lot of experience in the field of graphic design, both on a personal and professional level. In my work, I strive to create unique, creative, and effective solutions for my clients. For me, it is important to always give my best and to showcase my talent and…client important, important goodchristian, toth, category, video, page1
sushiplace.huThe two most important characteristics of our business are quality and freshness, to which we place great emphasis.place, select, option, order, spicy1
epds.huIn the case of explosive industries, environmental protection, occupational safety and fire protection formulate important input considerations for full compliance with the explosion-proof technical regulations. The most important feature is explosion-proof technology. Environmental protection…protection important, important input, regulation important, important featureequipment, environment, activity, operation, management1
goldhorse.huA concentrated granulated mix for stud-mares and foals for a successful, healthy and long life. In order to fully take advantage of the genetic capabilities, it is important to provide the adequate in uterus feeding for the foals not yet born. The adulthood strength and agility relies on the…capability important, important adequatefeed, horse, detail, suggestion, quality1
ace-consulting.huOur senior project managers have many years of experience in many industries. Our projects include everything from complete SAP implementation, performance testing and retail automation to preparation for PCI DSS audits. It is important for us to find a solution for everything by thinking together…audit important, important solutionconsulting, customer, solution, position, open1
hrexecutives.huWe have many years of human resources experience in corporate and service area with a fresh approach. Our most important business philosophy is to establish a personal relationship with our partners, clients and candidates in order to fully understand their needs and motivations. We expand our…approach important, important businesscareer, homepage, consultancy, strategy, solution1
solyomvar.huNature walks improve the short-term memory and it also plays an important role in the regulation of hyperactivity and concentration.memory important, important roleroom, sauna, balcony, floor, restaurant1
ovarvill.huWe pay special attention to the training of our employees. We consider further professional training, and the knowledge and keeping of safety standards as important.tender, introduction, reference, activity, photo1
elmenybalatonhotel.huThe Élmény Balaton Hotel with its excellent facilities allows anyone to experience this unique atmosphere and milieu near the waterfront. Our hotel is located on the northern shore of the eastern basin of Lake Balaton, in the center of Alsóörs, close to important cities (Balatonfüred 8 km…close important, important citylake, room, waterfront, facility, beach1
bricon.huMy name is Tamas Herold. I am the hungarian Bricon distributor since 2019 July. Since that time I've collected experience about the actual need of a single fancier. With this knowledge I would like to provide flexible service for all Bricon users. In my opinion the most important think is to…opinion important, important thinkcurrent, price, able, fancy, technology1
pemszti.huWhen I was in preschool my grandmother taught me the knack of crocheting, knitting and sewing. My mother encourages me till today, she is my main critic, her opinion is very important for me. As a child I was always engaged with DIY activities and repairing with my father and grandfather. If I did…opinion important, important childchild, exhibition, book, tender, daughter1
flanker.huAffection is important not only in the industry but also in case of partnerships. We are thinking long term and building quality relations. See what our customers think of us!affection important, important industryindustry, adhesive, manufacture, automotive, electronic1
interface.huOur staff regularly deliver software development and operational courses,trainings for our partners employees. Our advanced systems are provided with detailed documentation. Education and documentation are an important part of introducing a new development or new product, because it is important…documentation important, important new, product important, important staffinterface, software, administration, maintenance, management1
magicarpetclean.huIn my work, the most important thing is that the customer is satisfied with the work done.work important, important thingclean, welcome, site, price, photo1
laxford.huA very important component of any project is a transparent and clear documentation, that provides an information about the program's capabilities and the user instructions.development, director, successfully, electronic, component1
multisteelhungary.huFor us, it is important to strengthen domestic economy through our activities, so when selecting our partners we take into account whether the company is Hungarian owned with a Hungarian tax number, and preferably distributes Hungarian products on the market.manufacture, ltd, technology, construction, installation1
pozi.huPozi addresses the most important bottleneck of industrial production efficiency: logistics.pozi important, important bottlenecktechnology, positioning, benefit, production, real1
drkissildiko.huI find it very important to do a precise and accurate job. In order to achieve that, I use microscopic spectacles and state-of-the-art devices and accessories. I do my best to use the latest dental materials.surgery, dental, implant, faculty, university1
femker-97.huOur main profiles are the manufacturing of precision casting machine components in small-, medium- and large series, also manufacturing of unique components, and assembly of finished components. We place heavy emphasis on the expectations and requirements of our clients, and as such, the most…client important, important aspectcomponent, machine, milling, job, page1
symmetry.huWe are looking forward to the next year with our most important international event – the largest interdisciplinary scientific and art Symmetry Festival!year important, important internationalsymmetry, festival, event, international, science1
pekasolar.huThe demand for residential solar systems is increasing year by year, and besides more and more domestic tender opportunities are also available for households. Thinking environmentally friendly and reducing the electricity bill are major factors but choosing the right contractor is also an…contractor important, important aspectinterested, quality, energy, solution, wholesale1
okotechnik.hu…operation with them. The representation of the increasing number of sold machines we can improve our system’s proper operation. We consider the introduced management system a very important mean to improve our competitiveness, and to increase the confidence and satisfaction of our customers.system important, important meangrating, safety, floor, air, pump1
dentist-debrecen.huSadly, in Hungary dental treatment in general is not free, and so even a simple tooth replacement (e.g. a crown) can represent a significant outlay for someone earning an average wage. In addition, nowadays a well-cared-for appearance is more important in social success, and a winning smile and…appearance important, important socialdental, tooth, dentist, surgery, treatment1
ekoelit.huOur reason is simple: We’re family men, and it is important to us that our children have a future on this wonderful planet.man important, important childhouse, build, extension, refurbishment, quality1
4theclients.huOur son, Ádám, was born with a heart defect, so it is always crucially important for me to support children born with health problems. This is why I support a number of charity programmes.crucially important, important childinsurance, client, health, pandemic, family1
ballaispa.huFor our healthy self-confidence, it is important to have a beautiful and well-groomed look.confidence important, important beautifultreatment, facial, detail, face, skin1
aether.huQualities of virtual spaces are building up social conditions that architecture should respond to, the actual gets blurred with the virtual, local with the global, and our perception of space and architecture is going through major transformations. Therefore it is important to develop a more…transformation important, important refinearchitecture, space, aether, house, camera1
canata.huThe main topic of my work is the woman, both her body and her soul. Trying to describe the feminine lines from different side to help understanding that the body can not exist alone but together with our inner world. Confidence, openness and cooperation are very important for me. I would like to…cooperation important, important peacephotography, story, able, photo, short1
mnv.huAs one of the most important supporting organisations of the Ministry of National Development, the Hungarian National Asset Management Inc. (HNAM Inc.) exercises ownership rights over state assets of over 16 trillion Hungarian forints, representing almost 50 percent of the annual GDP of Hungary...introduction, website, asset, complete, purpose1
juhaszvin.huOur 350-hectare vineyard is in the Eger wine region. Our most important vineyards are located on the edges of Eger, Egerszalók, Egerszólát, Demjén, Nagytálya, Andornaktálya and Maklár. Black varieties cultivated include Kékfrankos, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir, Portugieser…region important, important vineyard, guyot importantwine, taste, vineyard, region, event1
roseville.huATENOR, the Belgian real estate developer listed on the Euronext Brussels market, is proud to announce that RoseVille, its Class “A+” office building on Bécsi Road has been awarded the BREEAM “Excellent” sustainability rating. Achieving this rating is an important milestone in the development…rating important, important milestoneoffice, build, development, developer, manager1
mamuzsich.huA lawyer can be a true ally during these battles. A trustworthy and dedicated lawyer will find the sometimes hidden paths in the thick of the law; let it be a property dispute with the neighbour or a valuable contract with your most important international partner.contract important, important internationallaw, introduction, agency, fee, imprint1
hajnalisorfozok.huFor each of our beers, we consider it extremely important that everything from the ingredients to the label is harmonious.extremely important, important ingredientshomepage, cart, interested, curious, condition1
ifes.huWe are a fellowship of Christian students from Hungarian universities. We want to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our fellow students and to establish student groups , where we can study the Bible and talk about the most important things of life and where everyone is welcome - regardless…bible important, important thingchurch, group, student, christian, international1
tokajiborlovagrend.huLászló Mészáros the director of Disznókő Szőlőbirtok and a member of the Confrérie de Tokaj is looking to him back like this: He was one of the most important and charismatic individuals in the wine world. His wide-ranging work had…like important, important charismaticauction, wine, great, news, lot1
jetter.huWith the effective date of July 1 2023 Jetter Automation Hungary Kft. became Bucher Automation Budapest Kft. The new company name and corporate identity clearly show our affiliation with Bucher Industries. Jetter Automation Hungary Kft. has already been an important part of the Swiss Group since…kft important, important swissautomation, development, customer, solution, report1
vaskft.hu…needs first. Our own transport allows us to provide fast service. We strive to maintain long-term relationships with our customers. It is important to keep pollution in mind, so our production waste gets recycled. We are also registered with Environmentally Friendly Products Co. We are able…customer important, important pollutionagricultural, sack, industrial, garbage, pouch1
eriksumo.huThe whole thing started with me sitting in the studio during Covid… Damn, whatever, the most important thing is, I discovered 80s African disco music and then I discovered many unseen Kaurismäki movies, and then I discovered a bunch of Italian trash movies. Finally I’ve written (involving many…damn important, important thingnote, owner, composer, song, volume1
naturcleaning.huThe GREEN BRANDS trademark is one of the most important and most valuable recognition of the highly rated brands. This demonstrates compliance with the certification, showing - end consumers and business partners - the proven ecological sustainability of the company and the product.trademark important, important valuablecart, story, bottle, exchange, feedback1
oregpresetterem.huThe Hotel’s private rooms are suitable for having workshops, conferences, training or presentations. We can help in the preparation and the organization as well, so the important event will definitely be successful.organization important, important eventrestaurant, event, wedding, wine, culinary1
joulekft.huWe consider precise workmanship, compliance with standards, requirements related to assembly and technology instructions important.build, reference, engineering, complete, task1
oszk.huThe joint temporary exhibition of the NSZL and the Saint Stephen Association offers an insight into the history of one of the most important cultural institutions of Hungarian Catholicism.history important, important culturallibrary, collection, document, database, national1
polyglot.huWhy is authentic marketing translation important? We all know that barely is enough to create a product (or service), you also are to be abletranslation important, important barelytranslation, language, interpret, agency, proofreading1
infius.huWe consider it important to underpin our knowledge gained with internationally recognized exams as well. Therefore we expect to take succesful Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) exams from all members of our development staff, accordance with their personal training plans. So we already have…development, expert, developer, task, need1
nges.huOur federation has members with outstanding knowledge both domestically and internationally and partners, who are playing important roles in the market-together, they help to provide the highest possible level of professional and legal support for domestic esports players and teams.partner important, important rolechampionship, cup, federation, able, competition1
vanaround.huIt’s time to explore three of the most picturesque cities of Lake Balaton! After a sightseeing in Balatonfüred and Tihany, we cross the lake by a ferry to visit the Southern side of Balaton and take a walk in its most important city, Siófok. The tour ends with watching the sunset from the…walk important, important citytour, region, trip, beautiful, place1
rekettyesi.huThe first event of this year we took part in was last week’s FeHoVa Winterdogshow CACIB exhibition. We did not regret taking part in it, because we managed to do well, we also managed to gain new experiences, which is as important as the result itself. Ferdinand achieved Exc. 1. CAC and Saci Exc…experience important, important resulthunting, dog, news, result, event1
hyd.hu„I think, people will soon realize that water is the most important foodstuff, drink, important element for us to live, and therefore to choose the proper water is very important…that would be offered, I hope, by HYD.”water important, important foodstuff, drink important, important element, important hydcancer, research, view, llc1
s6mernok.huAn important profile of our company is creating the user’s softwares of control systems. We have thorough knowledge about these kind of systems: Freelance (ABB), S5 and S7 (Siemens), Centum CS-3000 (Yokogawa), DeltaV and Ovation (Emerson), HC900 Hybrid Controller (Honeywell), PSS-3000 (Pilz), YES…engineering, control, plant, power, software1
hologram.huThe biggest harm to the economy and to value producing companies is caused by forgers. If forgers take advantage of the defective protection, products can easily become their prey. It is not only the economy that suffers the forgers' activity, but it becomes more difficult to collect taxes, and…taxis important, important state, product important, important documentsticker, reference, protection, foil, safety1
hwg4sc.huHowever, it is important to note that the Telemetry data does not account for several variables, such as network speed, memory capacity and speed, and storage, which could impact the accuracy of the performance data.hardware, guide, game, performance, data1
matracvelemenyek.huHealth and wellness are important aspects that many of us spend alot of time thinking about. Many people think of health and wellnessand think only of diet and exercisewellness important, important aspectcamera, post, comparison, hello, offer1
fundingproject.huSeptember 30, 2021 will be an important date for many, as the quiet period when there was no obligation to pay the principal and interest obligations under the...september important, important datefunding, financial, financing, consulting, structure1
hndmetal.huUnderstanding a client’s needs is critically important when tasked with finding the best possible solutions. Our company takes a consultant-like approach with clients in order to obtain the many details needed for successful results. You can reach out to us with confidence knowing our team will…critically important, important goodmetal, sheet, bespoke, treatment, water1
mosaicdesign.huas part of your brand strategy and your branding, finding your voice matching your visuals is just as important as having a unique appearancevisual important, important uniquebrand, strategy, cup, water, like1
jobconcept.huThe safety of our partners and employees is important to us. Therefore, we provide the following services:employee important, important followemployee, labour, accounting, detail, presentation1
kittibalakinapmu.huDay 5-7: the resulting crust will fall down in pieces which is completely normal and part of a natural healing process. It is important not to start picking it.price, permanent, gallery, faq, review1
peoplegroup.huThe media is changing at an alarming rate, new and effective tools are constantly being created to reach the consumer. It is of course important that we manage these channels appropriately and always look for the one that is the most suitable for reaching our target group. This is why there has…course important, important channelgroup, people, strategy, career, digital1
icf.huThe special connection solution of the elements (rabbets) allows to build dry walls without adhesive, and it also provides free of thermal bridge to the inner and outer insulating layers. The development of an uninterrupted, continuous thermal barrier is an important part of the planningbarrier important, important planthermal, build, energy, wall, technology1
neting.huWhen designing an educational portal, it’s important to first have a clear and defined vision that will make your site stand out, and help reach its aim. With this in mind, we here at Neting believe that our job is not just to offer technical expertise, but to help create this vision to make your…portal important, important clearlearn, solution, client, development, video1
drsipka.huWe support organisations with values that are important to us, furthermore, we also show solidarity with the less fortunate members of our society by voluntarily (pro bono) performing certain mandatesvalue important, important furthermorelawyer, association, society, organisation, individual1
munkahely-stressz.huIt is important to state at the outset that the employee is not being tested by the "test"! The test examines the potential psychological and psychosocial stress factors arising from the job.stress, occupational, workplace, health, physician1
lapszereles.huFor me every assignment is equally important, there is no "small" job and "big" job. I am keen on undertaking the assembly of smaller pieces of furniture, or any other work or repair that is generally considered small.equally important, important smallfurniture, flat, ready, intro, price1
control1.huThey interpret the data that directly and indirectly affect the success of the business, revealing relationships that are not clear to a manager, thus providing background support for making important strategic decisions. A controller makes a comprehensive interpretation of the data produced by an…support important, important strategic, conjunction important, important informationcontrol, management, controller, analysis, plan1
humanreport.hu…health care services. The complex questionnaire included my scale measuring the willingness of respondents to become a public figure. Other important modules for the book were the Hofstede Values Survey Module 1994, which looks at the following value-related attitudes: Power Distance Index…figure important, important modulehuman, report, book, communication, social1
fullm.huOur company, Full-M Kft. has been operating as a 100% hungarian-owned company since 1999. Our purpose is to address those clients for whom it is important that the service provider performing cleaning and park maintenance tasks is accurate and precise, always adapt to the client’s needs and work…client important, important servicereference, client, clean, removal, maintenance1
forditas.huA translation agency with a skilled and experienced team is the guarantee for ensuring that the content and message of the text to be translated is fully delivered to the user. Translation is nothing more than your image in a foreign language! Do you find a precise, demanding look important? Do…look important, important proficiencytranslation, language, price, agency, translator1
mavex-rekord.huOur most important business partners in Hungary are the MÁV Zrt, the MÁV Gépészet Zrt, the MÁV Trakció Zrt, the MÁV Járműjavító Kft, the Operation Managements of BKV Zrt Subway, Local train, Tram and Trolley-bus divisions, the BKV Vasúti Járműjavító Szolgáltató Kft, the GYSEV Zrt, and the private…real, estate, railway, component, manufacturer1
postacom.huWe consider the professional development of our employees important, meet the new technological challenges, and draw our partners’ attention to the latest opportunities.employee important, important newnetwork, telecommunication, construction, operation, optical1
tiszaett.huIn the process of Ukraine's European integration, the establishment of Tisza EGTC with the support of the Hungarian Government, was an important event in October 2015. We are proud of creating the first exemplary EGTC (European grouping for territorial cooperation) which was established by the…government important, important eventnews, document, gallery, event, conference1
zsidokivalosagok.huKálmán Balogh is one of the best known dulcimer players not only in Hungary but also internationally. Two important areas of his activity are...internationally important, important areagallery, exhibition, group, history, homepage1
szantaipszichologus.hu…found common ground and I was able to open up before. As a result of our conversations, I can now express my emotions better. It was also important for me to understand my own behavior and my relationship with my coach. I became easier, my change of club was successful and even my partner…well important, important behaviorarticle, public, activity, goalkeeper, post1
alvicom.huWe focus on software testing because that’s how we can do the most for our customers. IT systems support our customers’ most important processes, store their most sensitive data, and it makes a difference how they do it. Supporting a poorly functioning IT system creates extra workloads, so the…customer important, important processsoftware, development, expert, client, reliable1
vese-alapitvany.hu…instructions above). It is intended that the posters be readable when published. Please provide the original posters in PDF format at a minimum of 300 dpi. Please feel free to include any important part of your poster in the description of your activities which will be printed on the opposite page.free important, important posternephrology, foundation, school, kidney, university1
vamosdental.hu…so we can make CT images on site, which are essential for planning oral surgery and other dental treatments. We consider the constant updating of professional knowledge to be extremely important, our employees regularly participate in domestic and foreign professional trainings and conferences.extremely important, important employeedental, treatment, guarantee, denture, patient1
mohani.huBy making conscious decisions today we care for the sustainability of our planet. Mohani caring for planet at heart! Our skincare products are important to us and are derived in a cruelty-free way!product important, important crueltycollection, oil, natural, polish, essential1
hfta.huOne of the most important aim of the association is to support and promote the use of fur by the fashion industry.fur, association, trade, creation, member1
primaudit2005.huThe guiding principle of our Company is to be client and task oriented. We consider it extremely important that our services meet consumer satisfaction, therefore through our suggestions and opinions we are assisiting our clients to comply with ever-changing legal and economic standards without…extremely important, important serviceclient, activity, area, tax, government1
scarabeus.huAs we learn more and more from generation to generation, important knowledge is often forgotten. This can happen because a given era does not require the given knowledge. However, today’s age may require knowledge that was already available to us in the past. So we need to revive this. That’s what…generation important, important knowledgerecycling, research, ancient, today, challenge1
qprt.hu…provide services to leading vehicle and machine industry players in the series manufacturing of custom-designed and manufactured equipment and engine components. The owner-CEO plays an important role in the civic life of the city and the region, and his corporate social responsibility is exemplary.ceo important, important rolemanufacture, series, customize, career, component1
lab-comp.huOur company considers it important to present the novelties of analytics to its customers. In the framework of the thematic lectures held at regular intervals, domestic and foreign specialists present the outstanding novelties of the given topic during theoretical and practical lectures.company important, important noveltylaboratory, chemistry, lab, support, sale1
forraikatalin.hu“Teaching and educating cannot be treated as separate concepts, especially not in kindergarten and elementary school. You cannot teach art, you can only educate people. First you have to develop the ability to perceive. To notice and bring to others’ attention what is nice or important, beautiful…nice important, important beautifulmusic, kindergarten, search, publication, interview1
stamlerdesign.huGain a competitive advantage for your company! We use your most important keywords for search engine optimization to get high ranking in Google's organic results.company important, important keywordagency, additive, college, school, customer1
karpatvasut.hu– Unfortunately, the NOHAB is remaining with us only for two more weeks, because we are in need of a stronger locomotive. Ours is the longest industrial railway track in Hungary, it spans ninety kilometers – added an important piece of information Miklós Bükki, vice-president of VAPE, the…kilometer important, important pieceengine, railway, locomotive, track, coal1
helsinki.huIt is important for us to be able to live in a just, civilized country where the means of criminal justice are used when necessary and applied in a way that complies with the principles of justice, domestic and international law. That is why we have been working for decades for fair, law-abiding…article, law, refugee, rule, committee1
hellopodcast.huAlthough we use professional studio technology, we believe that the most important thing in a good podcast is not the technology, but the content.technology important, important thinghello, studio, agency, story, strategy1
exmarkt.huLong-term company policy relies on our people and on innovative products created by our own development teams. Aiming for excellence is one of our most important corporate values.excellence important, important corporateterminal, control, material, accessories, light1
betonoptik.huA decorative concrete one of the most important advantages of ease of use . Its unique structure allows for individual use, which not only time- and cost-saving , but it is also extremely economical. What's more, it is available in a wide range of concrete gloss palettes to suit many interior…concrete important, important advantageconcrete, wall, application, interior, sample1
applemax.huIt is important to us that there are as few steps between the orchards and the consumer’s table as possible to maximize freshness and taste while minimizing environmental impact. We personally sort our fruit in-house according to size, colour, and quality to ensure you receive the fruit you are…organic, food, produce, consumer, fruit1
tmg.huTo spread knowledge even more widely and build possible collaborations, we would like to connect with other organizations and companies that consider regenerative agriculture and the renewal of our soils important.soil, regeneration, knowledge, association, condition1
fotogo.hu“It’s so important for me to use eco-friendly products, so Flo & Co has been a dream. Their products are sustainably made and absolutely beautiful!”vase, friendly, delivery, perfect, set1
okthaimassage.huStretching is important after a hard workout, but it is not always successful. Even during exercise, a muscle can tighten or a muscle group can stiffen. A Thai masseur can unblock these muscles and joints, relaxing and reworking them, while also benefiting the connective tissues.massage, foot, neck, head, traditional1
hotellover.huEverything on the table is an important part of a hotel stay. The buffet table is one of the most important measures of guest satisfaction. You can sample a rich selection of buffet breakfasts to start the day, or enjoy them on the cosy terrace in summer.table important, important hotel, important measureroom, price, voucher, booking, restaurant1
matexkft.huWe are a recognized and old member of the profession, the most important thing for us is to serve the maximum needs of quality.profession important, important thingproduction, reference, application, quality, idea1
cluefactory.huHe is responsible for the game look and art setup of the room. Design is as important as the tech part. Our rooms are super realistic and we ensure the highest quality look inside the game areasdesign important, important techgame, room, escape, real, provider1
hernyak.huDuring the technology design we paid special attention to the application of gravitational processes, so connecting the ground floor and the cellar via technology during processing is crucially important. The development rests on three basic supplementary activities. The fundamental idea was to…crucially important, important developmentwine, estate, family, grape, organic1
okobank.huIt is important to create such local financial cycles that would help strengthen sustainable, local initiatives from local money, thus creating local employment opportunities and targeting local consumers. This would not only be more transparent to everyone but would also decrease the burden on…initiative, sustainable, introduction, event, news1
mahasti.huIMPORTANT! The jury won’t compare different styles of groups but takes into consideration the compliance of the style with the one presented on the entry sheet. The style given on the entry sheet will be presented on the scoring sheet as well. (Raqs sharqi, drum solo, saidi, fusion, fantasy…group, dance, competition, category, belly1
oriensb.huFrom these one of the most important is the manufacturing of the spare parts of the T174/2 type of weimar-turning-loading machines, which parts we have delivered to Germany too.clutch, manufacture, profile, activity, machine1
dorlin.huKeep up with the industry developments and apply them as well! The environmental awareness should be important, modern technology is more thorough and better pays off – eg. OG cleaners.awareness important, important modernprotection, industrial, lubricant, plant, complex1
arkadpecs.huWe want you to thoroughly enjoy your experience, which is why providing an extensive range of guest services is so important to us.detail, location, open, map, hour1
flumen.huThis approach is unacceptable for enterprises, where vehicle availibility is the first priority. Those cars need to be charged first, which have the most important tasks, and each car should get as much power as necessary for its next route.car important, important taskcharge, enterprise, electric, fleet, approach1
dropofhungary.huIt's so important to me to use products that align with my values, and I'm so happy to have found a brand that does just that.cleanser, oil, drop, explore, foundation1
nappalipecs.huWe have a positive view of the world around us. It is important for us to protect our natural environment, we operate sustainably, producing minimal waste. Most of our raw materials are sourced from local producers, we do not use any disposable plastic.world important, important naturaldrink, gallery, heart, city, room1
foreverroseboutique.huA personal meeting is possible at a pre-arranged time. In some cases, it is also important because you can see and feel in person what you want to buy and order.case important, important personview, quick, paper, wedding, flower1
marotikiskert.huFriday-Sunday from 9 AM to 7 PM (last rent at 6 PM). For booking outside opening hours please contact us. Important: please reserve the bicycle the day before till 8 PM - otherwise we can't guarantee your rental. Before coming please take a look at our online reservation calendar to make sure the…hour important, important bicyclerental, article, bike, address, phone1
followmeangol.huDuring classes, our relationship is equal, which means that the aim is to build a partnership. One of our most important pillars is that you feel comfortable during the training. I’m open-minded and adaptable, so if a method isn’t working, it’s worth and should be changed. But you can’t get away…partnership important, important pillarfollow, learn, method, effective, language1
biharybalassa.hu...this is what we promised our prospective partners in 2002, in the first brochure of the freshly founded Bihary, Balassa & Partners Attorneys at Law. Today, when important players of Hungarian business life rely on our legal advice, when our law firm is a well known and recognised member of…today important, important playerlaw, legal, firm, attorney, comprehensive1
boobeaters.huSelecting Games It's important to be selective. Placing too many wagers can lead to losing money more quickly.game important, important selectivetip, premium, free, game, faq1
tradeland.huWater is the most valuable raw material of our time, the pillar of our lives and one of the most important trade items in our global economy. As co-owner and Managing Director of Tradeland Group, Róbert has over 35 years of international trade experience between Asia and Hungary. And his mission…life important, important trade, decade important, important naturalwater, owner, group, director, manage1
markjector.huForensic technology already utilises light sources for a number of reasons. On the one hand, to illuminate the site, and on the other hand, the use of special light sources is a commonly applied practice when making certain traces and material remains visible. However, it is important to mention…visible important, important disciplinelight, figure, length, distance, subject1
arrabonastudio.huWe've made numerous EU supported project and event films in Brussels and around Europe. We treat these projects with a lot of care as we know how important role they play in attracting funding, new members or customers to your company. We write the script, organize the shoots, while always…care important, important roledocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy1
meditations.huWe accelerated face recognition, facial feature extraction, line search and other image processing and computer vision algorithms for a stereo vision mobile application. We achieved about 10 times acceleration. Imagine how important this can be if you plan to perform real-time computations!acceleration important, important realfast, custom, problem, algorithm, computation1
danubio.huDANUBIO is located right next to a well-developed part of the city. See the most important places in the area with the map below.city important, important placefloor, residential, view, location, build1
szarazszilvia.huFor me the most important thing that Szilvi gave me, is the knowledge that emanates from her, and that after almost two years I can restfully sleep again. I’ve been thinking for a long time only on the physical level about the possible causes of my restless sleep, and when we met, you mentioned…treatment, consultation, class, day, happy1
turrisbabel.huThe management of our company deems It important to be part of the major industry bodies and associations. In this sense, our company is a founding member of the country’s leading LSP industry association, PROFORD, the Hungarian Association of Professional Language Service Providers.company important, important majortranslation, language, interpret, reference, quality1
opuszterem.huFounded in 2023, Opusz is known for revolutionizing the way people eat and enjoy food and drink via one important key element: coffee. We take pride in our ability to discover the most unique flavors from around the world and share them with the Sopron area.drink important, important keypage, reservation, event, card, gift1
drsoos.hu…several areas of economic life. Our office is awarded the Middle Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic. Volunteering is highly important for us. In voluntary work, we represent the Munka-Kör Foundation for the Hearing Impaired and the GTTSz NGOs in litigation and out-of-court…highly important, important voluntarylaw, firm, study, education, case1
vivida.huWhen we talked to Kata, it was like a loose, casual conversation, and then she suddenly asks something that stops the air and is really very relevant and thought-provoking. It was shocking to me how much she felt about my situation and the critical / important points I had to think about.critical important, important pointhomepage, area, private, individual, news1
kocziankft.huThe owners and management of the company’s efforts were important to the enterprise to provide more services at an affordable price and high quality, which is a modern enterprise can not be done without.effort important, important enterprisebuild, page, reference, removal, road1
adrecords.huThe base of our production is a new Pheenix Alfa automatic press, which is the modernized version of the legendary Toolex Alfa AD12. We also work in co-operation with excellent European complementary service providers – studios, suppliers of raw materials, printing and, other important…printing important, important manufacturerrecord, quote, specification, requirements, historical1
zmg.huIf you want to look into our pedagogical activity, you can find the most important information about the life of our school.activity important, important informationschool, gallery, photo, teacher, document1
epti.huWe consider important the efficient operation of the facilities during the design works supported by the advanced computer technical equipment. We contribute to the improvement of the quality of built environment, the saving of natural environment with the design of energy- and water-saving…facility, reference, news, colleagues, technical1
disol.huMeeting deadlines cannot be a problem for us. We know how important this is to our customers thus we do everything we can to finish on time.problem important, important customerprotection, insulation, corrosion, fire, proof1
szuszekos.hu…their usage – es-pecially – on dowry chests that were presented at the culmination of human life, at the feast of marriage. He deciphered the important content related to the festive occasion by using analogies, as he did with similar symbols on woodworking objects connected to the pivotal…marriage important, important contentchest, style, carpentry, item, geometric1
oldmotoautoforsale.huWhen it comes to motorcycles, quality is more important for me than anything, so I'm offering no less for my clients.quality important, important clientsale, motorcycle, vehicle, collection, spare1
oriastablajatekok.huI consider it important that our activities are knowledge transfer activities, and that the knowledge gained can be recalled at home at any time after the time spent together and the experience gained."game, event, board, giant, festival1
madeinhelsinki.hu“We had occasions where we had to create a floristry or the conference room of an architecture firm,” he recalls, although the work he does in Made in Helsinki is of a different scale than creating the production design for a feature film. These moments, however, are still important to him, as is…moment important, important surespace, reference, production, set, place1
reticolo.huWe believe that the development of our team and abilities are incredibly important and we hope that our freshly made website will make it easier and more enjoyable for you to discover our company.incredibly important, important freshlydevelopment, castle, engineering, monument, construction1
boerner.huHealthy food and its practical processing are an important driving force in product development and manufacture. When you reach for a Borner slicer, slicer or other kitchen gadget in your kitchen at home, you can be sure of quality and simple, safe and quick processing.process important, important forcekitchen, accessories, vegetable, helper, category1
seadecmedical.huOur company is a representative of EmCyte, a well-known manufacturer at the top end of the market and one of the most important innovators in regenerative medicine.market important, important innovatormedical, patient, care, medicine, art1
workant.huOur company experienced first-hand the importance of a workforce not employed in its own warehouse. Outsourcing certain work processes to subcontractors is an increasingly noticeable trend these days. The reason for this is that an important accounting technical difference can be realized between…reason important, important accountingrecruitment, cycle, candidate, management, worker1
parlagisas.hu…the Eastern Imperial Eagle by decreasing human-caused mortality in the Pannonian Region” gives us the opportunity to continue our work in the next 5 year period during which important conservation actions will be carried out not only in Hungary, but in Slovakia, Czechia, Austria and Serbia as well.period important, important conservationphoto, crime, result, international, threat1
interreg-project.huThe most important part of my work involves accurate, careful, comprehensive planning, project development, and management. Over the past decade, I have established day-to-day working relationships with numerous private and public sector organizations involved in international cooperations in the…development, border, transnational, management, implementation1
pharmafitsport.huThe universal value of good health is important for all of us, this is what we support, with truly innovative products.health important, important trulymarket, strong, central, pharmacy, international1
harmatingatlan.hu…sandwiches and cakes. The family ice cream parlour is a cosy community space with ice cream, coffee and cake specialities, where tourists coming to Veszprém are welcome, because it is important for them to make their stay here memorable for the unique gastronomic and cultural offer of Veszprém.welcome important, important stayhouse, room, century, square, programme1
smartrailwaysolution.huOne of our main activities is the organization of training, education and exams of staff working in railway traffic safety. The company’s other important area is railway engineering service and consulting. Our engineers (mechanical, traffic, track) are able to deal with any problem arising in…company important, important arearailway, solution, field, training, centre1
allwork.huBefore you decide to get a quote for solar panels, there are some important questions you should ask any company you are considering hiring. “Will solar affect my power quality?” and “Will solar be able…panel important, important questionenergy, money, renewable, power, wind1
rentcar.huWe got a very comfortable and clean vehicle, the contact person helped us with everything and told us all the important information!person important, important informationday, month, rent, premium, rental1
fertilia.huThe most important and largest fertilizers’ conference of the East-European region, which is becoming more and more popular, was held in Prague between 17th and 19th June. The total of 180 companies from 40 countries including Russia, England, Holland, Switzerland, Ukraine, Croatia and the United…fertilizer, guide, solution, liquid, calendar1
fit360fitness.huNever train alone. It is great to train with a training partner, who encourages you and makes you strive for more, you are more likely to become consistent which is extremely important. We have good news you probably will find more than one training buddies. We strive to make life interesting and…extremely important, important goodtraining, studio, group, class, exercise1
csillagterkep.huStar chart products are gifts that depict a celestial image of a specific date and location. A birthday, an anniversary, the date of a first meeting, or even the birth of a child - all important moments can be captured in the sky. This gesture is not only a gift, but also a memory that will last…child important, important momentmap, ipsum, lorem, gift, perfect1
firstchoice.huLogin to gain access to your monthly financial statements for your property, your current and historical records, send us messages, follow important details of your tenants!message important, important detailchoice, llc, property, management, interior1
gergenyi.huWe know that the energy sources of the Earth are finite, it is important for us to save energy. Therefore, our office is proud to join any initiatives that want to preserve the environment.finite important, important energylegal, office, law, procedure, contract1
elber.hu…or management along the project, to get a good result in the end. As a manufacturer of tanks for the Food and Pharmaceuticals industry, it is important that the work is performed competently and seriously. Welding quality and inspection, in addition the documentation is right, this does ÉLBER…industry important, important workindustry, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, industrial1
alomarc.huI consider credibility and the right professional knowledge and attitude to be extremely important, which is why I decided to complete three levels of training at the world-renowned American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM). The Academy is one of the global leaders in the education of…extremely important, important levelmedical, aesthetic, medicine, client, treatment1
transintertop.huThe selection of carriers, shippers and logistics service providers has been getting critically important, since they are representing your firm in the physical contact with your partners. Therefore, our mission is to fully serve our clients’ needs professionally at a favourable price. If it is…critically important, important firm, price important, important companytransportation, vehicle, long, dedicated, road1
birnerauto.hu…under the name Margarete Autó Kft. since 2011 and Birner Autó Kft. since November 2020, its sole owner is Margarete Birner. From her comes the quote: “We consider it important to promote the efficiency of professional car services on the long-term with quality automotive parts that we distribute.”quote important, important efficiencybrake, map, shop, belt, oil1
crownkindergarten.huWe love you when you’re curious; we support you to express yourself; we encourage you to explore the world; we’re there for you in all your important moments.world important, important momentcrown, kindergarten, group, vele, programme1
xperion.huXovis has signed an agreement with HELLA Aglaia covering the acquisition of the company’s People Sensing business. The acquisition, which should close in three to six months, is an important…management, customer, digital, store, solution1
azoter.huGreenSoil Humin products are enhanced with humic acid, they contain phosphorus, chlorine-free potassium, calcium, sulphur, important micronutrients and organic matter.sulphur important, important micronutrientsbacteria, fertilizer, soil, control, plant1
luxnails.huNowadays many people forgets to have suitable hand care, however, it is very important. Our hands are one of those most exposed parts of our body to environmental effects -- such as weather, chemicals or even water.care important, important handnail, artificial, salon, hand, price1
halomapartman.huThe Ebatta Restaurant provides you lunch and dinner offers. Here you can find everything in one place: restaurant, pizzeria, ice cream shop, tea house, private rooms for events, and a terrace where 100 people can be seated. The most important of all, next to the outstanding cuisine of course, is…people important, important outstandingroom, bed, people, area, live1
cserneczkybalint.huor while traveling. My love of adventure and excitement translates into my work as well, as I'm always looking for creative solutions to problems and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. So, while I take my work seriously, I also believe that having fun and enjoying life is just as important.🙂software, developer, code, solution, performance1
coware.huTransparency towards our customers is very important to us, which is why we offer fair, fixed repair prices in all cases.customer important, important fairquick, view, industrial, electronic, exchange1
prime-time.hu"We have an excellent longterm working relationship with the agency. As an event partner they provide a perfectly reliable backdrop for us with a full spectrum execution of the events, including the invitation management and follow-up communication as well. It is especially important for us that…especially important, important teamcommunication, event, connectivity, trust, expertise1
abouthungary.huCooperation between European countries to face the challenge of energy security has “never been more important”, the foreign minister said.security important, important foreignnews, brief, minister, slovakia, latest1
zeneszalon.huHardcore and metalcore are most common in Budapest and Western Hungary, in the areas like Győr, Csorna, Szombathely and Veszprém, however Eastern Hungary and Debrecen is entering an increasingly more important place in the hardcore scene. Notable bands were Dawncore and Newborn of the late ’90-s…increasingly important, important placemusic, classical, concert, event, radio1
cubussapiens.huI would note that ties can be inserted with the numeric plus sign (on most keyboards this character is bound to Shift+3, which is reserved for inserting a third below), and also I think it would be important to emphasize that unfortunately, extracted parts are separate copies, not views (as…character important, important unfortunatelysoftware, development, editor, repository, reflective1
enciankft.huNowadays people live a lifestyle that is fast, stressful and even further away from the nature. Our goal is to distribute products that assist to reduce this distance. We think it is important to promote a healthier lifestyle and provide such future vision that encourages people to achieve good…distance important, important healthyquality, sale, medical, representation, network1
hotelambient.huAfter an active day on the slopes, recovery is very important for our body. The wellness area on the 6th floor of our hotel offers the perfect place to relax and to regenerate your muscles. Enjoy some hours in our saunas, pool and relaxation area to get fit for new activities the next day.recovery important, important bodyactivity, room, booking, summer, winter1
bsce.huThe biggest team of our company is the process and system organizer team. Their work is one of the most important ones providing information to business departments about the technology-based IT opportunities, helping to define and translate business demands into the necessary IT definitions…work important, important onedevelopment, management, solution, data, report1
athomedesign.huMoving in to your first home is always a special step in someone’s live. It’s important to find the perfect style with fresh youthful décor elements and careful implementation. We provide consultations for personalized solutions. Your ideas will be interpreted accurately to create the space you…live important, important perfectpackage, homepage, space, interior, unique1
hungarotrain.huOur cooperation with the Hungarian State Railways (MÁV) looks back on a long history, we have had a role in the repair services of commissioned vehicles both in and beyond the guarantee periods. We have important relations and contacts with the vehicle repair service entities of MÁV, and as…period important, important relationvehicle, commission, railway, repair, subcontractor1
sugogabona.huOur crop trading activities are not limited to Hungary, we have important international partners, who as buyers, represent a significant part of our market. As a result of our geographical location, our main transportation method is shipping on the Danube river, and our stock bases are located at…hungary important, important internationalcrop, office, introduction, trade, industrial1
oxyhouse.huIt’s very important for you to avoid your sweet pets touch any toxic chemicals, but you don’t want compromises in cleanness?clean, environment, deep, ecological, house1
agroit.huThe agricultural information technology has become particularly important in Hungary in the past few years. The importance of the developments in the IT sector of agriculture features formed from a robotic or process management systems, software, drones, and combining these integrated systems can…particularly important, important hungarysolution, complex, cluster, member, event1
bestbagel.huWe always freshly bake the best bagels of Budapest for you, in the heart of the city, next to the Basilica, on Zrínyi Street. We use simple, natural ingredients and by no means add anything we can’t pronounce, so our bagels do not contain preservatives, colorants, or flavour enhancers. It is…enhancer important, important handcraftedbest, cream, homepage, cheese, vegan1
borosferenc.huI also teach the theory and practice of Photography. From beginner to master leves, including digital afterwork. Here are some of the most important topics: Color theory, posing guide,afterwork important, important topicphotography, object, food, picture, school1
firkaegyesulet.hu…my problems, because I don’t know the other participant. In these exchanges, it doesn’t matter who you are or where are you from. The most important is who can you be, and who you are after this one week, with memories, with new friends, with new knowledge, new feelings and aims. So, thank…exchange important, important weekyouth, exchange, people, ngo, young1
pmed.huWe are proud of our colleagues’ medical work, which is widely recognized both in Hungary and abroad. Parliament Medical Center fully supports the training, research and career development of our doctors. We are committed to the health of our patients, and thus we believe that the most important…patient important, important thingsurgery, medical, heart, center, parliament1
meatcapital.hu…activity, is providing our Clients with accurate service and high quality raw materials. The quality of our distributed products is excessively important for us, consequently, our Suppliers are all leading European and Hungarian slaughterhouses and cutting plants having appropriate quality…excessively important, important consequentlymeat, capital, market, player, dominant1
dropevent.hu…appearances with several thousands of participants. We love challenges and tasks that seem to be unsolvable. Success and satisfaction are important for us but we know failures are to learn from. We are dedicated partners when it comes to creating decorations, visualisations, graphic design…satisfaction important, important failureevent, drop, plan, comprehensive, festival1
arwenmasszazs.huDuring a massage the masseur enters the client’s intimate space; therefore the masseur’s energy, communication, empathy and flexibility are very important.massage, body, main, office, client1
edmon.hu6. step: residential permit. If you can prove you previous Hungarian nationality you dont have to wait 3 years. But you can get the permit only if your living cost and expenses are financially proven. The important point is the IRS certificate of the previous year. Categories: Have to wait 2 years…financially important, important pointpermit, step, live, administration, job1
pilvaxhotel.huFinnish sauna located in the most impressive top floor of the hotel, equipped with a shower and relaxation area for up to 8 persons could be the perfect place for inward observation , deepening or even important conversations .observation important, important conversationroom, price, gallery, package, booking1
metki.huThis step was very important to the company's future development and because of this now we are able to satisfy any delicate request from our customers. We are also able to produce new tools for our own production in very short time which makes us flexible and responsive.step important, important companyhistory, production, customer, able, tool1
petnehazy-clubhotel.huWe love puppies, this has been known for a long time. We consider it important that the...event, homepage, guest, group, nature1
itoperation.hu…utilize its potentials for the sake of benefits for the shareholders, customers and the entire society. This has to be realized in keeping in mind various factors – but one of the most important is sustainability (a better business model than existing ones but also being environment conscientious).factor important, important sustainabilityoperation, enhancement, performance, advisory, management1
hungarytaxi.huAfter providing me with an estimate, they immediately contacted me to discuss the details of my trip. Timing was important as I had a flight to catch at Budapest Airport. This also saved me the airport parking fee. They were punctually awaiting me at my arrival as well. I hope to travel with them…timing important, important flightride, airport, destination, quality, fleet1
humanandmedicwork.hu…individual and group coaching for several years, at all levels of the corporate hierarchy, both on the clients' and employees' side. The most important thing for us is to serve individual needs. Furthermore, our work places great emphasis on close cooperation with our partners, continuous and…employee important, important thinghuman, consulting, search, employee, direct1
kisborsogasztro.hu…all our experience, and open a gastro shop. In 2022, with support from the capital, it was possible to start building the grocery store. It is important for us to introduce our customers to an outstandingly new – but still true to tradition – store, where they can find additive-free products. Ourstore important, important customerapprox, store, dish, cheese, cream1
littlefunnypaw.huTibetian Spaniels are typically alert, playful and intelligent. I highly recommend them for both children and older people because due to their strong togetherness they may become important members of families. I have been dealing with breading Tibetian Spaniels which are deemed to be quite rare…togetherness important, important memberlittle, funny, dog, breeder, female1
mueller-dental-heviz.huSince my my qualification qualification exam exam I I manage manage my my private private praxis praxis in in my my own own dental dental surgery surgery in in Hévíz. It It is is extremely extremely important important for for me me to to offer offer my my patients patients the the most most…extremely important, important patientdental, treatment, dentist, crown, private1
siofokiallatvedo.hu…day, we host visits by groups of school or kindergarten children as well. We plan to participate at local events to promote our work and hopefully recruit more volunteers. Another of our important projects is to popularize the love and protection of animals and nature among children and youngsters.volunteer important, important projectanimal, rescue, dog, shelter, donation1
granex-alisanos.huFor us, the most important thing is the satisfaction of our Owners! They said about us... :)dog, devil, silence, reference, family1
rossibiofuel.huRossi Biofuel Zrt. is part of the Envien Group that plays an important role in production of biodiesel in the region.group important, important rolelarge, production, site, oil, map1
blackand.huIt is important for us to make a pleasant impression on your customers so they return to you. To this end, we take special care to present the products and to build the store.brand, customer, build, market, portfolio1
milkymagic.huOur products make milk more fun – children everywhere love them. Therefore they are more willing to drink at least one glass of milk, which is important for their health and growth.milk important, important healthmilky, straw, milk, flavour, jul1
balsailaw.huAn attorney’s job is primarily based on trust, since the clients often trust the attorney with those secrets that they do not share with anyone else. Therefore, strict and complex legal regulations relate to the attorney’s obligation of confidentiality, which is one of the most important…confidentiality important, important guaranteelaw, firm, attorney, representation, litigation1
caratboutiquehotel.huThe hotel is surrounded by the main historical and tourist sights of the capital (Synagogue, St. Stephen’s Basilica, Andrássy út, Opera). Budapest’s most important transport hub, Deák Ferenc tér, where, among other things, the three metro lines meet, is only a 1-minute walk away.budapest important, important transportroom, center, guest, website, price1
partitestverek.huThere are other who sailed out which is a fault of the reigning Brothers. The 2 years of being an aspirant is a very serious thing. The table has to require the reality of it to show how important it is. There were 7 founders, now it is “Vitéz” and I. “Huszár” sailed away and the others sailed…reality important, important founder, operability important, important realtable, national, news, flag, international1
highquality.huIt is important to understand the customer and industrial needs, it is essetial to meet the requirments of this demanding and fastly improving industry. With 10 years experience in quality control, measurments, surface refining, packaging, assembly services, warehousing and distribution we learnt…quality, action, customer, support, inspection1
eletemvendeghaz.huMy Life is in the crossroads of many important routes, yet there is no noise and traffic. These are hiking routes, where people walk or bike. Traffic jam means even more roes and deers.crossroad important, important routebooking, guest, place, price, gallery1
chibchob.huAww yeah, you successfully read this important alert message. This example text is going to run a bit longer so that you can see how spacing within an alert works with this kind of content.successfully important, important alertpreview, code, action, item, example1
glz.huWe can ensure reliability, low cost fares and most important, with safety and comfort in mind.fare important, important safetysample, double, text, sint, cupidatat1
drcesko.huOnly for patients registered in the practice. Important, that these are approximate dates only. If you arrive without a date, we can call you back by the end of the order.practice important, important approximatepractice, private, vaccination, patient, consultation1
medimetal.hu…conventional elements that are, rather than being parts of various specific surgical systems, suitable for use in day-to-day practice in themselves or as important accessories. Our products are made from titanium alloy and stainless steel raw materials and are also available in sterile condition.practice important, important accessoriesevent, news, plate, nail, orthopedic1
vacimalom.huThe mill, which gives important part of flour needs in the Danube bend mills excellent quality flour from selected wheat. We check the quality of the wheat and the flour with laboratory analysises and baking try-out loaves. The mill uses HACCP quality assurance system. We aspire correct business…mill important, important flourofficial, site, shop, crop, food1
emgmetall.huWe often fabricate products according to completed design of our partners, in some cases our developers collaborating with them already in the design process. Proper preparation is important, as the basis of efficient and economical production.preparation important, important basismetal, sheet, technology, cut, custom1
atlantikhair.huImportant to obtain the maximum profit is the selection method of distribution. In order to select it, can be made small promotions in several places at a time.leaflet, distribution, advertising, type, people1
idancehungary.huKenneth Tse is working on his new choreography. Every detail is important, so are the dresses that just arrived from Hungary.detail important, important dressnews, dance, folk, festival, house1
elcomplex.huThe reliable and optimized software is important element of the embedded systems. We deal with Pic, Atmel, and ARM processors. We have many year experience with MPLAB developer environment. Our Windows softwares written C# language, in Visual Studio environment.software important, important elementdevelopment, process, production, software, electronic1
dataqua.huOne of the most important components of our environmental values and natural resources is water.recorder, electronic, digital, analogue, ltd1
ensport.hu3️⃣ One of the most important things you need to do is to set up a TrainingPeaks account. This is where you will get your training plan. You will receive an email with all information.window, plan, training, run, athlete1
estraco.huIn the Company portfolio there are canned vegetables and fruits, compotes, commodities and household chemical goods. The different type of rice import and distribution has always played an important role in the Company activity. The high quality and the attractive price were ensured by the…distribution important, important roledistribution, quality, consultancy, rice, division1
tradiscoseeds.hu…shall, with the exception of storage, only be processed with the data subject’s consent or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest of the Union or of a Member State.reason important, important publicdata, subject, shall, personal, process1
scargo.huWe know that day-old chicks are quite sensitive goods , so the choice of mode of transpor t is one of the most important issues . We have been transporting goods safely for the last 30 years with specially developed trailers , so you don’t have to worry about that anymore!transpor important, important issuechick, offer, safe, choice, transport1
dss.huOur employees form real teams, they constantly support and help each other. You can find your place with us if you want to be a member of a community where individual goals are also important.solution, data, development, quality, software1
esztetikaszolnok.huHowever, there is another very important thing. The desired result can only be achieved if the body wrapping is done professionally. Body wrapping enhances the transfer of excreta and reduces the fat cells! The result can be measured in centimeters With one cure you may even lose one size! The…treatment, cure, skin, cell, age1
quattrohunting.huIt was important for us that the material of our hunting clothes was durable and timeless.hunting, main, page, clothes, article1
webtuning.huThe most important thing for me is the reliability. Innovative, precise and impressive. I can tell that about his work. :)custom, responsive, website, portfolio, testimonial1
terv-kesz.huWe know that time is precious for you too. That's why it's important to us that your project is completed on time.precious important, important projectgroup, construction, map, real, estate1
blackbelt.huAll the members of the BlackBelt team were enthusiastic and their standards were high and what is perhaps the most important thing to me, that when it comes to application development, they really wanted to put themselves in our situation. There is no other attitude making it possible to develop…high important, important thingdevelopment, software, client, technology1
cma.huCMA has extensive experience with complex projects. We have had considerable success in creating design solutions to meet the needs of diverse user groups. These projects, many involving cherished, nationally important sites, have received strong public acclaim.nationally important, important sitearchitect, client, use, management, plan1
repulokamera.huIn the case of construction work, we can document important events or record the current status, such as the location of wires, piping, and the exact mesh of the reinforcing bars. These are an important element in the further work and enlargements.work important, important event, bar important, important elementdrone, video, industrial, condition, photography1
csunyavalas.huThe offending parent is uncompromising regarding the parenting schedule. E.g. You ask to switch custody days because you have an important doctor’s appointment on Wednesday, but the other parent refuses to compromise, causing you to miss a day with your child.day important, important doctorvisit, october, september, june, january1
kocsisszabougyved.hupunctually. We maintain close communication with our clients in order to inform them about everything in connection with their cases. It is very important to us to offer options in solving issues. We consider this essential and relevant to come to a reasonable decision. Based on our clients’ and…case important, important optionlaw, legal, office, representation, lawyer1
plantor.huAs the second component of the ars-petica in projects, we affirm that it is not enough for us to just implement the contract with the clients. We consider it important that we could assist clients and give appropriate professional support to them in the implementation of the project. Through the…client important, important clientactivity, water, reference, engineer, planner1
poliext.huWe offer solutions in the field of WATER SUPPLY , AGRICULTURE (open field, tree crops, and protected crops irrigation), LANDSCAPE, and TURF IRRIGATION (pop-up and SDI subsurface drip irrigation) & TELECOMMUNICATION . Providing sufficient water of appropriate quality and quantity has been one of…quantity important, important issueirrigation, water, supply, landscape, garden1
blackpage.huThere is nothing more important when facing a meeting than knowing your client, investor, and stakeholder well – let it be a partner-to-be or an existing one. Success often depends on the very small details. Ask for a comprehensive profiling about your partner and always be well-informed and…client, agency, communication, consulting, approach1
code4.huWe support socially important projects with tech. We give advice, help out, learn from each other, plan, code…socially important, important projectcode, mail, developer, social, map1
nightcruise.huSoak in the unmatchable panorama of Budapest on a nighttime boat ride along the Danube. Witness the most important landmarks of the city as you sip on unlimited glasses of high-quality Prosecco.danube important, important landmarkcruise, dinner, boat, tour, sightseeing1
egynapavarosban.huIt is not uncommon for co-workers working in different places around the world to meet in Budapest. In such cases, it is important that they get acquainted with each other and find out more about the city as well. We can find the balance between these two situations.case important, important citycity, detail, day, tour, egy1
albamez.huThe healing effect of honey is a proven fact. It has nearly 70 health and physiological effects. This gift of nature contains important substances for the human body such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, iron, copper and manganese.nature important, important substancehoney, flower, acacia, bee, effect1
qualiform.huAmong our future goals, we consider it important to strengthen long-term business relationships, improve the quality of our products and expand our product range. Appropriate and open partnerships help us to achieve our successes and goals.goal important, important longquality, machine, production, equipment, machining1
tpa-group.huYour Strong Support. CFO Advisory. As a Chief Financial Officer you have to make important decisions. With our assistance...officer important, important decisionaccounting, advisory, order, tax, group1
5elements-massage-spa.huAn important part of the massage is usually known only to experts – its reflex and humeral effects. First, massage has effects on the central and autonomic nervous system. During the massage there is stimulation of the receptors of the skin, muscles, tendons, joint capsules, ligaments, and the…salon, massage, element, day, ayurvedic1
jewish.huHungary has the largest Jewish community in the area. According to archaeological remains Jews have been living in historical Hungary from the second century. In the middle age some of the Hungarian kings allowed the Jews to live in towns and had important role in economic life. In the Turkish Era…town important, important rolejewish, tour, heritage, private, history1
gbdental.huHandling milk teeth is as important as that of permanent teeth, later. We always put special emphasis on our youngest patients as well, so that they could not fear or leave without information. They are also treated professionally, painlessly to prevent them from gaining eventually unpleasant…tooth important, important permanentdental, dentistry, tooth, choice, gallery1
kiskozossegek.huOccasionally we publish position papers regarding public policy issues closely related to our programme. Sometimes we stand together with other organizations for certain important causes.certain important, important causecommunity, small, programme, local, ecological1
kultplay.huThey think a good place to start is by identifying the most important techno-social trends and their effects on issues like societal governance, privacy and identity management.place important, important technoreader, art, social, installation, european1
next9.huWell-defined social purpose or CSR activities are the most important differentiating aspects among companies.activity important, important aspectcommunication, media, award, corporate, storytelling1
chadathaibudapest.huThis treatment has been designed to target four important parts of your body with the primary focus on your feet. The massage is a very good to get rid of the pain in the legs and refresh them. First of all, we renew the foot skin with the special Chada Thai herbal cream. This is followed by a…treatment important, important partmassage, treatment, price, salon, therapist1
puraset.huSustainability is increasingly important for young people. This year, we have again actively participated in the spring Sustainability Week.increasingly important, important youngwater, detail, solution, drink, treatment1
carminds.huOur life is hard to imagine without the four-wheelers. The history of cars and the driving, the quality as well as the new innovative technologies and creative solutions are important to us. Our first product, the long sleeve shirt with the racing cars, was created with the fusion of these…solution important, important productshirt, long, sleeve, view, quick1
eurohunting.huIt is important to us that our guests enhance the good reputation of hungarian hunts and that they return to us with their friends.hunting, offer, price, hunt, county1
momjatszo.huIMPORTANT! Without these steps, there is no booking option! The phone call, or an email is not equivalent for booking. You need to fill the form, and make a reservation in person!child, unlimited, ticket, adult, package1
cutpro.huThree specialists founded our company in 2003. The initial hardships were overcome through their enthusiastic and modest work, which enabled them to become one of the three major DVD authoring studios in Hungary and to work for the most important companies of the local market in the heyday of DVD…hungary important, important companydcp, production, cut, digital, offer1
panograph.huThe most important types of buses that Alfa Busz Ltd manufactures are as follows: * Alfa Regio intercity (suburban) buspanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour1
golyahiralapitvany.huWe form a community with thousands of members where the adoptive parents can participate in such an environment where they can share their problems, ask their questions and have a conversation with similar families. It is important that they understand that they are not alone, and they can turn to…family important, important communitychild, family, parent, community, shop1
echo.hu- Staples: could be bottoming that is a sign of overall weakness. It is important to note that it has started in June. So market started to be more defensive well before new highs.weakness important, important juneweek, ahead, asset, january, class1
zepterbioptronlampa.hu…of the given area ensure effectiveness. In individual cases, advice should be sought from a specialist. Even before using light therapy, it is important to diagnose the disease and consult with the attending physician. Do not expect it to replace medicine or medical treatment, but light and colortherapy important, important diseaselamp, therapy, light, color, available1
dataset.hulot easier to spot outliers, trends, correlations if you can take a look at a visualization than to dive into a spreadsheet of numbers. Visualisations can make great use of what humans have evolved to: by using colors and shapes you can easily differentiate between important and negligible subjects.easily important, important negligiblesolution, report, sale, data, customer1
shivaayurveda.huAyurveda has gained popularity worldwide as an alternative and complementary system of medicine. It is important to note that Ayurvedic treatments should be administered by qualified and experienced practitioners who have a deep understanding of the principles and methods.medicine important, important ayurvedicayurvedic, treatment, massage, health, page1
britmagyariskola.huI think English is very important, but also I want my child to learn Hungarian spelling and national values.english important, important childschool, student, child, question, admission1
netdesign.huThe dimension of the task doesn’t matter, whether it is branding: logos, business cards, or it is a creation of a complex website, with unique, userfriendly mobile phone optimized solution…We don’t differentiate, for us, every customer is important, and we serve everyone with the proper precision…customer important, important properwebsite, graphic, infographic, responsive, optimization1
totalelektronik.huThe followings have important rolls among our main goals: to ensure blameless implementation process at keeping optimal profit – to satisfy our customers. Our middle and long term aims are not only growth, but rather safe working conditions and the quality of our work.following important, important rollmachine, data, reference, introduction, profile1
hotelvillapax.huIf you would like to organize an event for your partners, customers or colleagues, when its important to have a shelter from the noise of the world than our hotel is the best choice.colleagues important, important shelterconference, event, room, island, mediterranean1
digitalisfelmeres.huavailable to professionals on a great variety of platforms and in different formats whether they are files processable by architectural, mechanical or electrical design systems or simple shares on software-free web interfaces where important pieces of information are easily accessible for customers.interface important, important piecedigital, measurement, engineer, day, computer1
rapabon.huWe are youngsters. We take our job seriously. The gentleman’s agreement is the most important part in our life and businesses. Our products - with some exceptions - are from organic economy, we always let you know the truth, there is no side talk. All of our products are coming from controlled…agreement important, important lifesolution, director, wide, knowledge, sale1
kikiformis.huIt surrounds the entire body, wraps the muscles and forms a system connected like “stockings”. In addition to connecting everything to everything and ensuring the development of the correct movement chains, it plays an important role in the supply of nutrients.chain important, important roletreatment, body, massage, pregnancy, session1
matisrita.hu…of expression: I often adopt settings and already well-established compositions. If an artistic problem arises, I invoke the painters that are important to me and use their artistic solutions in my paintings. Today I am most preoccupied with the thought how I could find the best technical…painter important, important artisticpainting, painter, interview, colour, exhibition1
littlebird.huOur aim is to support the children’s balanced personal development, together with attention to their special needs. It is important for us to educate children for a healthy lifestyle, supporting independence and respecting each- other.need important, important childlittle, main, user, account, navigation1
nothingbuthair.huNext to the customer conscious hairdressing, our second most important goal is sustainability, both when it comes to products used for cutting and dying. We put down our votes next to the environmentally friendly products.second important, important goalhair, hairdresser, salon, sandor, like1
dragakulfold.huThe integration of web fonts has always been one of the largest contributing factors to diversity in the overall look and feel of websites today vs. yesterday. Fonts, just like images, play an important role in helping a website’s overall design stand out from the competition.image important, important roletemplate, website, page, responsive, parallax1
dodovill.huWe are not a multi-company, I still personally control the most important work processes and I must confess, I am not ashamed to climb to the roof as a company manager either.personally important, important workconstruction, camera, protection, installation, power1
topdog.huThe director has great responsibility. Even the best story is uninteresting if the performance fails. So, the director’s personality is extremely important. Also, brilliant creation takes absolute commitment.extremely important, important brilliantdog, award, tvc, production, direct1
bee.co.huAt a time when scientific research and knowledge are becoming increasingly important for our society, it's crucial that the scientific community operates in an open and transparent manner. This is where open science comes in.increasingly important, important societybee, nature, change, urban, story1
hamos.huImportant! If you have installed Lucee on a public server you need make sure you secure the Server and Web admins OF EVERY CONTEXT with passwords or other access restrictions. It is also recommended that you set a default password in the Server admin so that all web admins are protected by default.development, server, installation, feature, language1
newenergy.huTires must be transformed into valuable and re-usable secondary raw materials which meet the continuous market demands. It’s very important for us to develop the resulting materials constantly as the different regions have several requirements in terms of utilization. Our system is created in a…demand important, important materialenergy, technology, introduction, news, process1
telekidental.huTeleki Dental Budapest, VI. district welcomes you with extensive dental care. We believe that smiles are the shortest way between two people, and therefore the health and beauty of our very important teeth. But beyond aesthetics, healthy and orderly dentures are also important for our health. Our…beauty important, important tooth, denture important, important healthdental, dentist, patient, guarantee, price1
weigel.hu…on responsive designs in recent years. I continuously develop myself on UX related topics. I manage my time and my responsibilities when working alone and I like to be a useful member of a team. I can set the priorities between requirements, decide what the most important task in the queue is.requirements important, important taskdevelopment, detail, website, user, css1
itris.huIT functioning smoothly is crucial for the success of most companies. Short response times and quick repair are even more important.support, maintenance, hardware, offer, device1
locked.huThe reserved game cannot be changed. Even or game masters cannot help with this over the phone. However, instead of making changes, you have the option of canceling and rebooking your reservation. Cancellation can be initiated in the the successful booking confirmation e-mail. It is important that…mail important, important cancellationroom, game, escape, lock, player1
etalonhorses.huThe falconry scene depicts the harmonious allegiance between falcons, humans and horses, who are all equally important for the successful outcome of the hunt. Falconry used to be a passion and also a form of training for the mounted warriors.equally important, important successfulhorse, fire, close, equestrian, video1
metegyhaz.hu…in time to the story of the Church of the Book of Acts, i.e., the Word of God. Looking back over the past centuries, it is very difficult to keep track of which branch of the Church continued to be the most faithful. The spiritual questions, decisions, and actions of all ages are important to us.church, congregation, detail, temporary, christ1
gyerekbirodalom.huMeals are important for us, our chef Kriszti is a legend, she cooks for us. She is the guardian angel of the cooker, the master of magnificent dishes, from quality commodities in a home-like style that children enjoy and love, based on twelwe years experience and taking individual needs into…meal important, important chefchild, kindergarten, language, nursery, ami1
konvekpro.huIt is very important that there is no need to disassemble the convector or perform any intervention on it, so it is completely safe.thermostat, gas, room, temperature, cart1
fksoft.huOur company considers it is important to provide tailor-made and productivity-enhancing software solutions for everyone. The purpose of our mission is to design, develop and implement highly sophisticated and secure up-to-date software.company important, important tailorsolution, software, development, catalog, database1
szabadossandor.huI consider it important to spend the first meeting with defining the issue as exactly as possible. We are going to use this time with mapping the underlying reasons and recurring patterns that may make it impossible to find an efficient solution to the situation. Next, we shall agree about what…session, self, counseling, issue, relationship1
etlapgyartas.huThe menu is not just a list of foods, but an important addition to the first positive impression as well. We offer a wide range of menus to welcome guests adequately, as they are tailored to your individual needs, suiting the nature and image of the catering facility concerned. We also provide the…food important, important additionmaterial, accessories, gallery, need, reference1
turbotanoda.huWe strive to create a community where being together is our highest purpose and where all children are equally important.teacher, speciality, child, school, education1
learninghungarian.huCommunication and talking, basic conversations were most important at the lessons – for the first time I feel like I really learnt some useful stuff.conversation important, important lessonteacher, lesson, private, learn, language1
infocommunications.huHTE and Infocommunications Journal follows the ethics and code of conduct described by IEEE for their Journals. HTE aims for the highest standards of integrity and endeavors to conduct business in all its tasks in a responsible and ethical way. It is important that those who act on behalf of HTE…way important, important behalfissue, introduction, journal, site, communication1
soulskin.huIt is rather important for me to be aware of professional innovations, but I myself want to use only those procedures that I have experienced and can recommend.treatment, special, skin, facial, price1
iskolakavaltozasert.hu…to a limited degree in a formal class framework. Although the teachers believe that the sensitisation of the students to global issues is important, they often complain that they are lack of means to integrate the topic into the regular class schedule. The project aims to fill in this gap…issue important, important lackschool, change, agent, global, globally1
grendarsmedia.hu“Peter is the best freelancer I’ve hired so far. On time, high quality delivery and a good understanding of doing business abroad. Most important is good communication in these kind of collaborations. Peter understands this more than well…let’s say excellent. I will hire him again when a new…abroad important, important goodvideo, animation, portfolio, faq, production1
borrak.huHyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the human tissues, it can be found in the skin in great quantity as it is a major component of the connective tissue of the skin and it plays an important role in the hydration of the skin. The amount of hyaluronic acid decreases by age, so, as a consequence…skin important, important rolewrinkle, treatment, skin, lip, hyaluronic1
kon-trade.hu…malfunctioning devices during and after the warrantee period; but we can also design special-purpose vacuum technical machines and tools. After the reorganization of company Leybold, the most important successor companies’ representation and service will be carried out by Kon-Trade+ Kft. as well.leybold important, important successortrade, news, login, production, customer1
drfarkaseva.huTalent management and the education of young professionals play an extremely important role in my life. My greatest success and pleasure is that many of my former university students are now recognized professionals in adult education or higher education.extremely important, important roleactivity, education, learn, adult, research1
iqwatering.huit can be defined for each zone if it is affected by rain sensor or not (it is important in case of covered zones)sensor important, important caseirrigation, water, rain, controller, installation1
veganactivists.huThe first and most important step you can take for the animals is switching to a vegan lifestyle. Following a vegan lifestyle sends a powerful message that you reject the exploitation of animals in all its forms. Once you have done this, the next step is to actively participate in the fight for…vegan, association, animal, ethical, gallery1
lb42.huBreakdowns are really annoying and cost effort and money. We believe that saving our Costumers' values is one of our most important mission.value important, important missiontechnology, engineering, production, equipment, industrial1
akademiaitalia.huWe truly believe that human work is an important value which strenghtens and safeguards the three above-mentioned values; community, quality and tradition.work important, important valueevent, school, cook, quality, tradition1
kritikaifoldrajz.huThis blog is about introducing critical geography to Hungarians. Why is critical geography important in Hungary? Why wasn’t it around before? How to interpret it at home and use it in practice?geography important, important hungarygeography, global, critical, eastern, europe1
hoppabistro.huWhile our bistro’s Michelin-plate rating and top ranking on Tripadvisor make our hearts beat faster, what’s most important to us is your satisfied smile, which is what makes our bistro shine.fast important, important satisfiedreservation, restaurant, career, guide, offer1
emcotest.huOur success is based on Karl Maier’s idea of ​​building hardness testing machines that “do everything simply, not simplify everything”. It is important to keep even the most complex functions with simple test equipment. That is why Karl Maier, a businessman and mechanical engineer in Salzburg…simply important, important complexautomatic, enquiry, semi, environment, application1
duslant.hu2. You need to register your company on our homepage. The registration is quick and easy. You need to present only the most important data.easy important, important dataspecialist, registration, abroad, main, quick1
ediport.huOne of the most important requirements for our economic development is the ability of our Hungarian suppliers to connect to national, European, and global production and distribution systems with great efficiency. The key to this efficiency is automatic electronic document interchange (EDI), which…support, message, connection, client, implementation1
ritkabetegsegakademia.huLet us call your attention to the fact that the services ordered through the online registration system, their consideration as well as the most important conditions found on the website of the conference (e.g., conditions of cancellation), further, the order placed by the Participant and its…consideration important, important conditiondata, congress, case, legal, conference1
mehi.huMEHI keeps up to date with national and EU energy efficiency and building energy policies – strategies, plans, directives, legislation – and here we have summarised the most important information.legislation important, important informationenergy, efficiency, institute, activity, update1
concierge-budapest.huIndulge yourself, your loved ones, impress your existing or future business partners; we offer you a stress-free life, deliver the most suitable solutions for you so you can focus on your most important matters.solution important, important matterpersonal, exclusive, manager, solution, assistant1
duelco.huIn industrial facilities one of the greatest sources of risk may be represented by machines and production lines. Exactly for this reason, it is important that the equipment comply with strict regulations and standards.reason important, important equipmentsafety, emergency, controller, speed, module1
meatfactory.hu…the optimal size with which it has taken its rightful place in the domestic environment, and now also in the foreign market. The main direction of our development is no longer quantitative, but the most important thing is to keep the quality at a high level in all areas, and continuous renewal.quantitative important, important thingprice, list, meat, request, factory1
blb-soft.huIt is important for us that a solution is not only completed, but fully meets the requirements of the customer.technology, solution, software, main, privacy1
clarksonhydeglobal.huInternational tax advisory and international tax planning are key services of our company. Taking into account all tax and accounting related areas we consider these two divisions as the most important and valuable ones since due to their complexity international tax advising and international tax…division important, important valuableglobal, tax, international, preparation, advisory1
rotera.hu…We are easy to work with and we can handle an ever-changing environment with agility and patience. We are observers, thinkers and creators at the same time. We are really flexible, and we work on a project till we both feel it’s ready. Trust us, you’ll feel you are our most important client!ready important, important clientvideo, event, promo, corporate, photo1
alomvolgykozpont.huIf individual development, the ascension of the family, the nation, and the entire planet are important to you,meditation, science, introduction, multimedia, consultation1
buddha-tar.huOur church respects Alexander Kőrösi Csoma as an enlightened being, and follows the way that he opened. Our important responsibility is to maintain and practice his spiritual inheritage. In his honor, through the Foundation of Clear Light, we maintain a Memorial Park in our Meditation Center in…way important, important responsibilitytradition, meditation, history, spiritual, buddhist1
garayszucs.huCreating the concept of our firm it was an important aspect to get inspiration from the hundred years old traditional lambskin garments style.firm important, important aspectchristmas, fair, market, coat, exclusive1
halacs.hu…On the other hand, endpoint's proxy configuration not always trivial in a heterogeneous software environment. In some rare cases dealing with proxy configurations may became very time consuming while the existing of the proxy is absolutely a must have (the reason why is not important here).site, network, meter, agent, utility1
innerbe.huBecause we believe in power of the nature. We consider the health conscious lifestyle and the consumption of the food important which is made from natural, chemical-free, preservative-free, high-class raw materials. We think that what is good for our heart of hearts, that is seen also from outside…food important, important naturaldetail, paste, vegan, free, seed1
infografik.huThe considerable planning is important. Be immediately recognizable your unique logo as your trademark, and the dominant visual element of your business's image. The perfect logo symbolizes the organization, providing an eye-catching, powerful and world-class overall picture about your product and…plan important, important immediatelylogo, identity, corporate, style, gift1
fromhelldaleranchkennel.huTo me, the Airedale is one of the easiest to live with, one of the easiest to handle, the "golden retriever" of terriers if you will. However, socializing and shcool for them are a must but under these conditions, I dare to recommend the breed to novice dog owners. It is important to choose the…owner important, important rightdog, irish, breed, ideal, love1
evacon.huThe smooth running and real value of any event is as important for us, as for our partners. “Success is in details” based on knowledge and experience will result unforgettable occaisons.event important, important partnerconcept, management, programme, activity, reference1
mmminterior.huOne of the most important parts of our work is the cleaning of passenger compartments, which we do with great detail, using the most professional materials.reference, interior, gallery, compartment, passenger1
nagyrendezveny.huPlanning weddings is my calling and I put my heart and soul into each event I plan. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to realize and watch the most important day of the couple, to share in their joyful and touching moments.able important, important daywedding, introduction, event, day, big1
wpmax.hu(+1) By building an e-mail list , our goal is to be able to reach visitors again and again without advertising costs. This is especially important for webshops.especially important, important webshopwebsite, offer, media, social, tool1
ihr.huwhich is a really important part of our job. I recommend Robbie as a great filmmaker, a great personview, video, promotional, main, page1
moovingdog.huOur name means the ‘ready to pounce’ attitude, mindset to the world of motion pictures, trustiness, watchfulness. The most important aspect for us is satisfaction of clients, partners, colleagues, high quality professional, fair and trustful approach, environmental work, comfortable, dynamic…watchfulness important, important aspectlocation, manager, short, dog, production1
napur.huThe venue was the home of the 2017 FINA World Championship in Budapest. The Arena was the center building of the world’s third most important sport event. The venue can be found on the plot of the former Dagály Bath on the riverbank of the Danube. The building complies with the most advanced and…world important, important sportdetail, architect, office, build, center1
smhv.huWe also play an important role in maintaining the country's public lighting. Our company has several maintenance models.power, lighting, public, grid, installation1
sidenote.huThe most most important important stuff stuff is is in in the the definition definition of of theimportant stufflocal, function, color, outline, like1
medidentfertod.huThis is the most important visit where we get to know you and see the full picture of your mouth. If you need any assistance arranging travel plans please reach out and our specialist will help you.dental, office, smile, tooth, appointment1
skool.org.huI think it is extremely important for online spaces to be as diverse as the real environment of everyday life. In this respect, I also consider it particularly important that for example the approaches and perspectives represented by the “feminine” strengths and competences meet the logic of…extremely important, important online, particularly important, important examplelab, technology, eng, homepage1
cedit.huThe safety of our partners and compliance with the law are important to us, so we help with the periodic inspection necessary to reduce the risk of an accident or electrical fire caused by the electrical network and lifting machine.law important, important periodicprotection, fire, safety, office, learn1
clearvision.huFor decades, we have been working on information technology solutions for telecommunications and financial service providers. We love this job because everything we do is important and interesting. We need to solve new and emerging challenges with newer approaches, methodologies and ever-changing…job important, important interesting, beginning important, important stagesolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication1
defence.huThe battles fought at the Don Bend proved once again that man is the most important factor on the battlefield – said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at the commemoration of the victims of the Battle at the Don Bend held in plot 52 of the Fiume Street Cemetery, Budapest on 12 January.man important, important factordefence, force, general, news, command1
hudakpiktor.huOn our projects we would like to help you with optimal solutions, taking “good value for money” into account. Durability is also important for us.wall, reference, price, requirements, request1
mhomes.huIf you've been on the lookout for a fresh and exciting spot to invest your time, energy, and maybe a bit of cash, you have come to the right place. In this article we will tell you the most important factors to look out for before buying real estate in Budapest, and how our teamarticle important, important factorapartment, property, rent, sale, rental1
caribedancecenter.hu…that here you find what you are looking for and you learn to dance... let alone the self-confidence necessary for it. You can come at any time, to any course, irrespective of your quality level, since it is the liberty which is the most important and which is characterizing the salsa in its origin.liberty important, important salsadance, center, cuban, lifestyle, course1
fogorvosszombathely.huBeautiful and strong teeth are not only important for hygienic and aesthetic reasons but it is also an essential condition of well-being and good health. I consider the accurate, conscientious dental examination, choosing the best treatment for the patient following the consideration and…tooth important, important hygienic, realization important, important practicetreatment, tooth, hygienic, dental, implantation1
allinwine.huWe consider the power of human communication important, as we believe that good relationships and collaboration shape the most outstanding experiences. Companies that invest in collaboration and team building can triple their performance.communication important, important goodwine, build, benefit, competition, culinary1
regioexpo.huFurthermore, it is also important that it can focus on professional content, since the symposiums, lectures, round-table discussions and exhibitions can be found in separate content blocks.furthermore important, important professionalconference, virtual, lecture, main, hall1
urban-it.huNot all businesses works the same way, so we believe it is important to have full understanding and cooperation from both the developer and the client side.way important, important understanddevelopment, central, urban, mobile, date1
renovex.huWe are working for thirty years to serve our clients claims. The air-pore forming is a little slice of the building industry, however if it wouldn’t be used it would turn out fastly how important part is it. In thirty years time our sensational products contributed to the construction and…fastly important, important thirtyfamily, pore, shop, renovation, plaster1
igazsagosatmenet.huHaving been in operation since 1969, Mátra Power Plant is the only significant electricity generating power plant based on domestic primary energy source (lignite) in Hungary. With its total installed capacity of 950 MW it is the second largest electricity producer in our country and plays an…country important, important rolecoal, footprint, calculator, news, power1
onlinepiackutato.huOn request, we can establish a representative sample (18+, 18-59 or other), according to the most important socio-demographic indicators.sample important, important socioresearch, market, sample, result, questionnaire1
rapszodia.huVisit to the Castle, playing a very important role during the Turkish conquest. Afterwards walking tour around the baroque city centre.castle important, important roledeparture, trip, tour, day, lunch1
szta.huIn an investment company, the spin is continuous, the events also happen in relation to portfolio companies. Some news is important to report publicly.news important, important publiclyinvestment, news, fund, step, success1
telc.huEarning the telc international certificate shows that you have real-life language skills, and it also indicates that you are motivated to learn. These two qualities are among the most important ones in today’s business world, and they might pave the way for the job of your dreams. Learning a new…quality important, important oneexam, fee, examination, language, german1
fnwork.huIt is important for us that our work should win the satisfaction not only of our corporate Customers, but also of the job seekers who have confidence in us.firm, customer, job, offer, value1
pacxpert.huWould you like to send your parcel or important documents, but you do not know which one to choose from among the countless shipping and courier companies and other postal service providers?parcel important, important documentparcel, delivery, package, expert, point1
budapestuomo.huIt is important to us that in addition to the representative bodies and the civilian sphere also the members of the business life take part in the realization of this outstanding initiative and feel it their own. The trivial content of altruism and „It’s good to give!” have become a part of our…ticket, fashion, tailor, main, programme1
miticake.huOur team has prepared a collection of useful tips for baking cakes. Each of these tips is pretty important to almost...cake, wedding, birthday, strawberry, vegan1
hundoghunterkennel.huWe consider it important that our dog is healthy and in best physical condition. Of course she was also screened for Canine Hip Dysplasia. We also take great care in selecting the male for mating, so that the little puppies will certainly inherit good genetic characteristics.dog, website, hunting, small, family1
lita.huWe’re pragmatic. How we deliver is as important as what we deliver. We help you get the right results in the right way. We keep complicated things simple. We’re flexible when you want us to be. And honest when we need to be. We’re quick, but never cut corners. We always deliver sustainable change.​pragmatic important, important rightdata, management, governance, delivery, organization1
varakeskastelyok.huMeet the most important noble families of Hungary, past and present, and learn about the history of their family residences, castles and palaces. With the help of quality video content and image galleries on our site, you can immerse yourself in the past and learn about the history-shaping role of…castle, map, family, noble, famous1
huonker.huOur customers value the versatility of our solutions, making our company an important partner for industrial sectors around the world, primarily in the automotive, healthcare, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering industries.company important, important partnerplastic, mould, injection, production, technical1
szegedszeged.huThe best way to explore the city of Szeged is on foot. In three hours we can stroll the main streets and squares and spend some time in the Votive Church, the symbol of Szeged. During this walk we can catch the feeling of the town, get an outline on its history and see the majority of the most…majority important, important touristimage, tour, interesting, hour, church1
inprivato.huInPrivato takes over all your real estate-related tasks so that you can only deal with the really important things.task important, important thinginheritance, management, real, estate, sale1
springboard.huIn this meeting we will go over the most important questions, such as the duration and timing of the study trip, your child’s personality, hobbies, favourite subjects. Based on these we can suggest schools to which we propose to submit the applications. We will discuss tuition fees and possible…meet important, important questionschool, application, boarding, british, child1
fahal.huJapanese manufacturers are known to pay attention to quality and at YGK they really do it on a masterful level. The company has several patents, and unique manufacturing mechanisms have been developed to maximize all important parameters of the cord. The cords are strong, faithful to size, quiet…mechanism important, important parametersfishing, brand, catalogue, lures, duel1
heureka-kreativ.huAbove all, the most important thing for us is to produce work that we can be proud to say: Yes, we did that! Everyone can promise things, but empty promises aren't worth anything. We don't hide behind jargon:creative, agency, client, thing, ideal1
yourdance.huDance teaching is not an easy thing. Our teaching materials will be introduced by our professional dancers. Thanks to our easy and clear educational films and topics you'll be able to learn to dance soon. The most important: learn, practise and feel well! Believe, your work will be successful…soon important, important workdance, school, music, course, history1
alkoholfutar.huAre you watching the most important match of the championship and you have just gulped down the last sip of our beer…drink, cart, delivery, wine, beer1
ininote.huEffortlessly capture important visuals, diagrams, or slides from your Udemy course videos with a single tap. Save them directly to your notes and refer back to them anytime, anywhere.effortlessly important, important visualnote, intro, pricing, viewer, learn1
unitrade-auto.huThe owners and management of our company considers, it is extremely important to involve properly trained, qualified professionals in the production of the ordered products. Our factory is based on the cooperation of our well-trained skilled workers who have been working together for a long time.extremely important, important properlyproduction, quality, machine, management, introduction1
spiritpartner.huEmployees are the most important sources of an enterprise. Therefore special attention is paid for...employee important, important sourceconsulting, accounting, touch, management, enterprise1
gyogygombakkalkonnyebb.huIt was a great idea on DXN’s part to mix Ganoderma mushroom containing components so important for our body into a daily consumption (enjoyment) item that will definitely not be left out of our everyday life.component important, important bodycoffee, opportunity, mushroom, medicinal, country1
foliahegesztes.huWe believe it is important to provide the maximum, so we ask for an evaluation of all our work.pouch, case, custom, type, size1
felszigetseta.huIn the middle of the 20th century, the Tihany Peninsula hosted many important writers, po-ets, and visual artists. The exhibition gives a taste of the works of these artists and shows how their lives and works are connected to Tihany and the surrounding landscape, how they are inspired by the past…peninsula important, important writerbenedictine, location, abbey, house, hill1
dunarama.huThe River Danube, the pulse of Budapest, connects our capital with a number of enchanting locations of Europe. It has served as an important travel route for centuries, yet today we rarely think of it as an option of reaching our destination.europe important, important traveltrip, boat, gallery, water, danube1
adyvgrafika.huThe single most important thing is our customer’s satisfaction, constant and high quality.single important, important thingmachine, quality, printing, customer, search1
webed.huHello! Webed is a software design and engineering team where we believe that everyone has a great idea. For us, the most important thing is to understand motivations and challenges. We would like to share the successes with our partners, and for this, we provide the best tools and support as…idea important, important thingpower, code, unlimited, talk, success1
genaudit.huThe Company provides high quality audit services in compliance with the prevailing regulations from transnational companies to small enterprises.tax, page, main, news, accounting0
meditrend.huAenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Lorem massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Lorem massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Lorem…dolor, people, amet, lorem, ipsum0
broda.huClick edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sapien.important linkmug, account, cart, shirt, coffee0
mediproof.huComparing market trends of any product, brand, distributor, or active substance. Does not matter if you are looking for medicines, medical aids or starters, we have the data.mediproof important, important decisionmarket, analysis, decision, support, data0
pentatrade.hu…or enhancing existing infrastructure, professional educations, trainings at high quality. Using our more than a quarter century experience, our colleagues after the inspection of inner operations in medium or national enterprises, capable of giving a competitive solution for our clients.important informationsolution, management, homepage, support, corporate0
ddvizig.huSouth-Transdanubian Water Management Directorate (DDVIZIG), Pécsimportant linkwater, management, news, directorate, south0
alpsadria.hu…May 2020) will be postponed and will be held from 25th – 30th April 2021 (Sunday – Friday) as the part of the 20th jubilee event. 2. Registration fee offer & cancellation: Because of the postponement we can offer you two options if you registered and already payed your registration fee:1. Your…important deadlinealp, scientific, announcement, abstract, cancellation0
sparrowband.huThe FCI’s breed standards are written to serve as a guideline for the development of dog breeds, while keeping in mind the importance of the health and wellbeing of the dogs belonging to these breeds. The FCI also organizes several dog shows, field trials, and other activities in order to evaluate…number important, important rolebreed, dog, health, vaccination, guarantee0
blxfoci.huOn weekdays after the classes I play on the school’s football pitch with my classmates. Our team’s name is BLX and my position is goalkeeper.minute important, football important, important lifefootball, result, favourite, goalkeeper, position0
styron.huThe first and defining product line of the Styron brand, which is always capable of renewalimportant linkpipe, accessories, wall, shower, channel0
holgykiseret.huIn addition to Europe, applications are also received from USA, Australia, Canada and from other countries who ask for escorts for weddings, travel, business and other events of friends. You can apply to be an escort from these countries as well. Your introduction is not seen by outside people…escort, europe, event, wedding, application0
dudastudio.huDudaStudio Ltd provides service in Virtual Construction and Passive House, Energyefficient House Designextremely important, important wayhouse, architecture, ltd, passive, construction0
smartrain.hu…railway model exhibitions. Thus over the years I have talked to thousands of visitors, who – though had the enthusiasm – did not have room, free-time or manual skills, and they were left with only the desire for model railways. Since I have been working as a leader of a furniture…important informationcolour, table, price, lighting, specification0
kovasztunde.huIt’s always wise to add information in chunks. That way your website users will find it easier to digest content on your site.important numberclient, block, user, website, useful0
drhorvathkatalin.huHome 3… Home 4… About Us 1… About Us 2… Practice… Single Practice 1… Single Practice 2… Team… Case…important linkcase, study, law, consectetur, elit0
digitalistortenetmeseles.huWe all love to tell stories. We all have the desire to leave a trace of us for the future. Everyone has a never told, buried story deep inside. We can all find our voice through digital storytelling.story importantdigital, storytelling, story, method, group0
enterpriseingatlan.huEnterpriseingatlan… 1954 Act Notice Agreement for Lease… Your Calling Definition… Xkcd Chess Legal…equality important, important freelegal, law, legally, free, enterprise0
cesep2023.huWelcome - CESEP'23 | 9th International Conference on Carbon for Energy Storage and Environmental Protectionimportant datedetail, conference, storage, energy, protection0
reedhotel.huReed Luxury Hotel cares about you in a 5-star luxury environment thanks to the hard work and enthusiasm of our staff. Let yourself relax and feel your body and soul become one.important informationluxury, room, price, suite, booking0
viragautomata.huThat’s exactly what its name covers. a flower vending machine from which flowers can be purchased.important datamachine, flower, day, like, operation0
intellimed.huMicrosites are used in editorial or commercial web design to add a specialized group of information with content optimized for target groups. Microsites used for editorial purposes may include a page or group of pages that contain information about a certain topic, an event or similar item giving…story important, important eventpage, technological, mobile, responsive, app0
newcontour.huConcealed plastic surgery Documentation of interventions Nursing, hospital stay Examinations Legal relations Questions, Answers (FAQ) Why is plastic surgery expensive? About price lists Discounts Smoking and plastic surgery What interventions do we NOT perform?surgeon important, important informationbreast, correction, surgery, enlargement, implant0
kdwebdesign.huFree mobile app HTML landing page template to help you build a great online presence for your app which will convert visitors into usersimportant linkapp, mobile, template, page, input0
skillroad.huClick edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.important linkskill, road, elit, dolor, sit0
kreativmania.huZass is a powerfull WordPress / Woocommerce theme with a modern, pixel perfect design suitable for handmade artisans, craft businesses and portfolio websites.track important, important contacthandmade, ceramic, goal, tortor, ipsum0
vegasshowband.hu…Germany, Austria and even Dubai have seen us performing live, earning us widespread fame and success. One thing is for sure: let the party be tiny or huge, loud or cosy; The Vegas Showband will be the highlight of the evening. Can we entertain you? Click below and get your personalised quote!quote, wedding, event, download, technical0
bestmont.huMain page - Assembly company for heavy and lightweight construction for industry and plantsconstruction, assembly, germany, heavy, lightweight0
banila.huAccessories Backpack Bags Bags for women Briefcases Canvas bag for women Casual bag Casual bags Casual bags Casual Envelope Bag Cork(wood) bags for women Cork(wood) wallet for women Leather bag Leather bags for women Leather Belts Leather wallet for women Medical accessories Medical bags Patchwork…shop, woman, medical, leather, quality0
ellman.huHome… About us… Producer… 1 english… Store… My account… Check out… Cart… Contact…important linkstore, account, cart, main, page0
somatech.huOur services include the production of special purpose machines, electrical control cabinets and pneumatic controls, and also industrial automation.value important, important knowledgeproduction, industrial, plan, shop, equipment0
badogozas.huOur company offers complete building construction services, including tower and decorative sheet metal work.client, history, price, touch, offer0
moksacsepp.humaterial.… Multi Level Marketing Everyone can join the opportunity to the Móksha Gyógyír Zrt. system…important informationlogin, shop, condition, general, regulation0
geselem.hu…After the given period of time elapsed the model is no more editable, however the calculation results are available, assuming that the calculation succesfully finished before the time period elapsed, or at least the calculation can be succesfully executed at the moment when the period elapse.important noticeapplication, element, page, help, available0
thenoblehouse.huThe Noble House… HOME… ABOUT US… DATA ROOM… CONTACT… Welcome… For more information and building access…house important, important eleganthouse, noble, heart, elegant, build0
kosarkafarm.huKosárkafarm… Home… Store… About Us… Contact Us… My Account… Plants…important linkstore, plant, account, cactus, main0
budapestcitycenterapartments.huBudapest City Center Apartments Booking - Fully equipped studios in Budapest’s historic 6th district. Central & quiet location, most of the sites...surprise important, important detailcity, apartment, center, booking, district0
ebola.huIn short I’m Tamás Tóth with a very long historical life of my nickname (started from my childhood): ebola .photography, thought, random, note, long0
boozebundle.huBoncellensis Secullant… Green Soil Lotus… Money Plant… Old Lady Cactus… Rattle Snake Tail… Star…important linkplant, cactus, collection, luctus, variety0
relax-balaton.hu…Comments… Houses to Rent… Poppy Seed (Mákszem) Holiday Home… Aesthetic renovation of Mákszem Holiday…summer, vacation, house, holiday, homepage0
roadtoll.hu…available but the service provided by our device is being constantly updated in terms of coverage and available countries. With our practical on-board-unit, which offers the EETS service, you can easily manage administrative tasks and then simplify the payment of tolls without additional tools…customer, device, detail, country, offer0
synovis.huThe main field of activity of Synovis Medical Ltd is the distribution of freely accessible medical devices. Interventional radiology, interventional cardiology, neurological intervention, interventional oncoradiology, biopsy, urology.extremely important, important companymedical, device, freely, accessible, ltd0
bsplastic.hu…in the history of the company. Continuous innovation, adaptation to the fast-changing needs of the market, state-of-the-art technology and highly qualified staff are only a few of our defining values that allow us to serve our Customers with the highest quality products efficiently and reliably.important informationplastic, packaging, custom, material, size0
kozjogazdasaga.huSkip to footer… Extranet… Community… Community News… E-Learning… Knowledge Base… Activity… Messages…important notificationcollection, like, single, job, event0
premiumeskuvoidj.huThis is not only a wedding planning agency but also a dreamy friend. I am very glad to work with them. They make my dream come true. In my wedding I found them as my best friends.photography important, important weddingwedding, friend, plan, bride, cake0
dianaclubhotel.huIn the tastefully decorated, friendly environment of our hotel, our professional and well-prepared staff take care of Your and Your Guests’ comfort. A very special feature of this hotel is the shooting range found on premises that caters to the needs of the enthusiasts of the sport.important informationroom, view, detail, gallery, news0
sherlockrehab.hu…and complex knowledge to my current condition, in a personalized way. She gives a powerful, problem-centered, healing massage, spiced up with her likeable personality and good mood. I would like to write a prescription for your therapeutic massage for anyone affected by musculoskeletal complaints!manual, therapy, therapist, treatment, pain0
pelsoapartmanhaz.huIn the attic there is an independent air-conditioned unit: room with 2 single beds, wardrobe, TV, bathroom with toilet, shower, hall, desk, refrigerator.important informationsailing, useful, price, street, area0
mohacsiiparipark.huAs the south-eastern gateway to the South Transdanubian region the town of Mohács awaits the enterprises intending to settle with a favourable close-to-border location, excellent transport connections and well-trained workforce. The Mohács Industrial Park has a well-developed basic infrastructure…important factindustrial, enterprise, excellent, connection, traffic0
bipoco2018.huconference initiated the organization of BiPoCo 2014 in Visegrád and the BiPoCo 2016 meeting in Szeged. The scope of the conference was extended with topics on smart, nano-structured systems for controlled molecular release and particular attention was paid to the biomedical application of polymers.important deadlineseptember, scope, goal, conference, speaker0
evangelikustemplom.hu…who could be in charge of ministering the growing congregation. In 2008 the LCH purchased a part of the house and, with the help of the Buda District of the Lutheran Church and GAW, the old building was converted it into a community hall. We had 50 seats there. Since then we have been able to…important informationchurch, lutheran, congregation, effort, build0
roofsolution.huRoofSolution – Megoldás minden tetőreimportant linkmain, solution, roof, shopping, cart0
krisz-zol.huWe are at your service with wide range of products. We believe in precision and accuracy, that is what we try to mediate to our clients, too.quality, material, profile, sheet, bend0
budapetsgrooming.huBudaPets Kutyakozmetika… Home… Our ServicesExpand… Service Details… Schedule… About… Our Blog… Contact…health important, important prioritygroom, sit, consectetur, amet, ipsum0
eurocert.huWe draw your kind attention, that EUROCERT auditors having great experience carry out their task with flexibility, meeting with the professional requirements.bureaucracy important, important recordactivity, certification, process, reference, organisation0
budapestpartyhostess.huBudapest Party Hostess is the premier hostess and party concierge service company in Budapest, dedicated to providing exceptional experiences to tourists, business men and bachelors seeking the ultimate party adventure in this vibrant city. As the CEO and founder, I have been passionate about…girl, night, guide, beautiful, model0
biztositasdoki.huClass aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer in diam non eros porta suscipit nec vitae urnalocal, ecommerce, technical, page, optimization0
viktoriapekseg.hu…Service Plus… Digital… Essential Free Resources for Graphic Designers in 2022… 12Comments… Options…important notificationdigital, single, job, like, event0
printingit.huMain… GTC… Privacy Policy… Contact… document printing… Photo printing… canvas printing…important informationprinting, main, gtc, privacy, delivery0
anli-tech.huOur experienced electricians are highly trained in all aspects of electrical service, from office lighting and security systems to emergency repair.important factelectrical, electrician, installation, lighting, annual0
bonumkft.huWe would like to inform you that in connection with the coronavirus epidemic that also appeared in Hungary, our office will be closed for an indefinite period of time. Personal and telephone administration is paused.important informationaddress, postal, description, short, engine0
digitalriver.huCurabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus nibh. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit…important linkriver, digital, amet, lorem, sit0
smilethaimassage.huThai massage relieves fatigue, relieves pain and helps to regain freshness. It stimulates, soothes the soul and body. Thai massage Improves lymph problems and blood circulation, helping the body detoxifyIt relieves muscle and joint stiffness, tension and increase body flexibility.hygiene important, important informationmassage, smile, card, parlour, hygiene0
pafranyvendeghaz.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Disciplining elit, sed do eiusmod tempor pelican incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.important linkamet, eiusmod, lorem, consectetur, tempor0
asvanykovekvilaga.huHome… Store… About Us… Contact Us… My Account… Plants… Cactus… Boncellensis Secullant… Green Soil…important linkplant, cactus, store, account, collection0
eusun.huProduction has stopped for a week at the Magyar Suzuki factory in Esztergom, between January 15th-21st – the company’s communications manager informed MTI on Monday.factory important, important permitjanuary, zone, europe, september, sun0
budapestcollege.huBudapest International College. Read more about our college, our foundation programs and engineering, IT and business programs.college, university, engineering, foundation, international0
golgotabudapest.huWe look forward to seeing what God has planned for our church this year! We will have camps, conferences and weekends again this year which will provide great opportunities to experience God's blessings and care. Click here to access our major dates for this year.important datewelcome, date, live, ministry, church0
lubevirabonn.huAn approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience and engage worldwide methodologies with web-enabled technology. Method of support, a technique used to make inferences from high standards in web-readiness.great, effort, template, unique, seamlessly0
cogmob.huHuman Interfaces: bio, cognitive, digital and wearable interfaces – augmented reality in transportimportant datecognitive, university, mobility, technology, conference0
menedek.huEstablished in 1995 as a civil initiative. The association operates as a non-profit organisation, independent from politics. It provides complex system of services to support immigrants and third country nationals in finding a new home in Hungary... Moreimportant schoolsocial, volunteer, child, school, community0
gyulaipiheno.huThe famous Gyula Castle and Gyula Thermal Bath, offering numerous recreational, swimming, and cultural opportunities, are just a 6-minute walk from our apartment.apartment, offer, room, castle, close0
programmester.huEnables users to search and upload events. It has advanced event serach, categories, maps, and free upload form.important eventevent, free, exhibition, september, october0
cocktailsandfriends.huConstruction is our main work. We can construct anything imaginable except for the ladder to heaven. Need help? We are just a call away.important pageconstruction, main, away, customer, shop0
emeltangol.huExercise 3 Ismét a hiányos szöveggel találkozunk, ez alkalommal azonban már segítség nélkül kell kiegészíteni a mondatokat, nincs puska!diet important, important gap, important definitiongap, fill, item, definition, vocabulary0
szerzodj.huRental contract based on the valid Hungarian legal system with our lawyer's recommendationcontract, rental, package, price, lawyer0
productsafety.huDo you have lack of information or no time to solve product safety and compliance problems of your company?I'm Hortenzia Csiszár, product safety andimportant linksafety, testimonial, problem, lack, expert0
girep2019.huGIREP 2019 conference gives us a great opportunity to celebrate the International Eötvös Year gathering of educators, PhD students, researchers, policy makers.important dateconference, event, july, gallery, scientific0
playgroundstudios.huThe products I have produced with their help have been accounted outstanding, both in terms of music and graphics. I recommend Voicer unreservedly and unqualifiedly.playground, studio, engineer, session, record0
fejszamol.huThe asset settlement of a company defund without successor i.e. the settlement of assets ownership for a company terminated from the register of companies. Also the possibility in order to be deregistered the right or fact entered in a register for public or public interest purposes in favor of…important informationproceedings, settlement, liquidation, asset, creditor0
butorgyar.hu…bathroom furnitures has strong water and vapour resistance. We can make our rustic furnitures from any wood, even from apple trees. With a 3 dimensional design we help our customers to choose a form and color to their liking. We deliver and construct our furnitures if needed. Our products are…furniture, bathroom, glass, european, office0
stickers.huCommodo sociosqu venenatis cras dolor sagittis integer luctus sem primis eget maecenas sedurna malesuada consectetuer.important linksticker, plant, cactus, shop, collection0
samsound.huSamsound 3D Shop | Creative 3D Solutions Battery Adapter Plates for Makita, Parkside, Einhell, Ferrex...manufacturer important, important detailsolution, creative, battery, plate, shop0
xmm.huOur masseuses and colleagues put emphasis on professionalism every day. We do our best to ensure that the massage or chair massage, office chair massage provided in hotels, in an office or at an event is relaxing, stimulating and, above all, effective.massage, yoga, health, workplace, manager0
euromedic-hungary.hu…entrepreneur Joseph Priel, Euromedic’s distribution division revolutionized the hospital sector in Hungary by combining a unique self-made tender system for medical materials with a hospital reference stock system for pharmaceuticals. Since its inception, Euromedic has become a dominant factor in…activity, pharmaceutical, quality, logistic, hospital0
kodaly.huKodály Institute in Kecskemét, Hungary teaches music teachers from all over the world so they can teach children with the Kodály Conceptimportant dateinstitute, music, course, study, academy0
tachografkiertekeles.huOur tachograph data analysis system uses the latest technology to ensure that your tachograph and driver card data is always professionally evaluated and reported to the authorities.report importantanalysis, data, file, card, driver0
fiumeiresidence.huSecure investment with high rate of return, suitable for both short and long term rental makes Fiumei Residence Budapest an attractive value for money purchase.apartment, build, investment, flat, floor0
eventimeagency.huAs part of the SZTE Freshmen Orientation Days 2023 we will organize a fun team building event atevent, upcoming, agency, day, cart0
freshstart.huCommodo sociosqu venenatis cras dolor sagittis integer luctus sem primis eget maecenas sedurna malesuada consectetuer.important linkopen, plant, cactus, luctus, collection0
livingstone.huThe communication is not else than endless series of introductions, during we „show” our ideas, through ourselfs.introduction, production, advertising, order, colourful0
hungarykendocup.hu- The first Hungary Kendo Cup was organized in April 1990, with a support of the All Japan Kendo Federation who set up a ZNKR Challenge Trophy for Men’s and Team’s category. Its aim always been to provide a friendly atmosphere for quality camp, competition and Dan exam by providing good referees…important pagecup, registration, exam, fee, competition0
forgotermekfoto.huWe make 360 photos and videos of products and objects, still photos and other photo services for our clients.photo, customer, object, video, editor0
szaszracing.huThe idol of Szász Motorsport is a man, who, despite the turbulen nature of the system of the time, managed to race on a world class level. I have a long history with him... I remember as an apprentice, we waited for János Drapál like the Messiah, while cleaning in the Ikarus gokart factory. When…team important, important likegreat, idol, schedule, media, award0
aitmagyarorszag.huWe will explain everything you are intereste. Join our new session. If you have any questions or enquiries please feel free to contact us on the following details provided below or alternatively you can complete our online enquiry form also located below and we will get back to you as soon as…baby important, important informationenquiry, question, session, kid, child0
tteenager.huSimply…important linknatural, simply, store, plant, collection0
payform.huMalesuada fames ac turpis egestas sed tempus urna et pharetra. Urna duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet id elementum tellus.important linket, egestas, turpis, ut, tempus0
cyclolab.huCycloLab Cyclodextrin Research and Development Ltd. is a private SME with a focus on cyclodextrin research and development for over 30 years. We are working in the fields of pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry, agrochemical, environmental and analytical applications of cyclodextrins.appreciation important, important dispatchdetail, development, research, news, pharmaceutical0
maskaolin.huDue to our chemical-free processing the mined Hungarian clay fully retains its original mineral content and crystal-like molecular structure, hence all its beneficial properties as well. Get to know the different types of clay and choose the mask which suits best your skin type and conditions to…important infobasket, shop, page, clay, mask0
greencorner.huNecessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.green, website, privacy, heating, detail0
mountbleu.huAbout us… Proceedings… For Creditors… Account numbers… Tenders… Contact us… Privacy policy… Complaint…proceedings, creditor, number, liquidation, account0
pannoniakonyvvizsgalo.huAudit of annual reports, business valuation, transfer pricing consultancy. Evaluation of assets, intangibles and shares. Benchmark analyses. Risk analyses.partner important, important thingvaluation, pricing, transfer, evaluation, detail0
aideko.huThe game involved designing the courts, creating their visuals, 3D models and texturing of the court models, assets and other accessories, some effects and animation, and polishing the courts.fact importantanimation, previous, texture, unity, model0
nagyleszek.hu…Mini USB… Apple iPad Mini 6 Wi-Fi… Apple MacBook Pro 16″ M1 Pro… Acer ProDesigner PE320QK… Ailink…color, brand, drive, size, register0
complexpress.huImagine an ideal world where your webshop logistics works automatically and, if you want, you do not even have to have any physical contact with your product to make a profit. Others call this a beautiful dream, we call it a 4PL service . [Körbefuttatás-törés] We have been providing full logistics…thing importantlogistic, courier, commitment, social, power0
sociosummit.huThe Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (FTI-iASK) and the Centre for Social Care Excellence at Semmelweis University are organising the 2nd International Socio-Kraft Conference: The Space is Yours – Culture and Cooperation. The two-day event will take place on 23-24 November 2023 in Veszprém…submission important, important informationsocio, summit, committee, registration, conference0
inspirationtravel.huand best out of Hungary . Let it be a city break or a round trip around the countryside, we help you organizing the most exciting programs for your groups. Our offers include not only traditional programs, but also ideas off the beaten track , from a single hotel booking to complex package services.important partnertravel, inspiration, cruise, tour, medical0
haemaplasma.huAnyone between the ages of 18 and 60 years, if their body weight is at least 50 kg, is entitled to donate plasma. First, volunteers receive health assessments and blood samples are taken from them. If they meet the health requirements, then the plasma donation process can begin when they come back…donation, blood, appointment, center, faq0
lims.huWe are launching a system for our contracted customers that meets the new requirements. - Information and support WEB page through the customer portal - Training materials with new technology - LIMS legal system changes - Risk mitigation of data channels - Customer gateway custom solutions -…customer important, important indicatorcustomer, development, solution, laboratory, news0
lfblegal.huIn case of tax investigations and tax litigations, we represent our clients in teams composed of tax advisors with decades of in-house tax authority experience and litigation lawyers with international recognitionimportant decisionlegal, tax, client, litigation, international0
treehugger.hu…and self-penned songs from the purist flamenco tradition. Attila sings in Spanish and Nick accompanies on guitar, though Attila is also a brilliant drummer and will show his skills on the cajon, a Latin drum, and Nick will also perform a selection of flamenco guitar solos. No dancer? Read more »concert, date, uk, future, operation0
festekkutato.huOur R&D Department elaborates paint formulations for industrial use. Primary task is to realize FKI's own product development targets. Technical Service lab is part of the R&D department, which adjusts the paint parameters to customers' requirements and renders direct technical assistance.important targetpaint, development, expert, research, production0
hutfut.huHűt-Fűt Klíma… Tovább…important linkplant, main, interested, collection, shop0
kivakonyvelo.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.important linksit, consectetur, amet, lorem, ipsum0
lawyerbudapest.huViktor has graduatated from ELTE Budapest law school. He has aquired Master of Laws “LL.M.” postgraduate degree in Business and Transactions and another one in Employment Law. He has gained notable experience in corporate law and labor law. His primary focus is on corporate transactions and…wery important, important hourlaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat0
worldnews.huabout After Back Best Bond Brexit British Britons Could Deal Euro First from Holiday holidays Huge Into James Live more movie news Next Over pension pound queen rate Release revealed Reveals Review Says Shock star State This Time travel Trump Update Warning Wars Watch Worldnote important, important datenews, travel, movie, daily, queen0
talizmankert.hu…excellent wines of the famous Eger wine area, the popular spas of the surroundings, the beautiful nature and the hospitable people give the real essence of this city. The historical place and our traditions effecting the special feeling to live here. Find home in Eger we offer a good place for it.apartment, surrounding, complex, location, description0
thai-masszazs-budapest.huThai massage relieves fatigue, relieves pain and helps to regain freshness. It stimulates, soothes the soul and body. Thai massage Improves lymph problems and blood circulation, helping the body detoxifyIt relieves muscle and joint stiffness, tension and increase body flexibility.hygiene important, important informationmassage, card, parlour, hygiene, method0
siofokkc.hu…of October… 14 sep 2022, Good performance against Győr… 10 sep 2022, 2 points against NEKA… 03 sepyouth, height, date, birth, staff0
open2jobs.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.image, job, article, apply, february0
europt.huThe 20th EUROpt Workshop: continuous optimization working group is coming home , will be held at Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, August 23-25, 2023, where EUROpt WG has been founded on July 14, 2000. The workshop will be organized by the Corvinus Centre for Operations Research (CCOR)…important dateconference, committee, scope, special, date0
salesprocess.huMolti Provides a really clean & modern design, with many amazing functionalities that you haven’t seen before. With 15+ Page Designs for all kind of websites It’s gonna help you set up your next in just a few minutes.page, view, website, divi, single0
bestforyou.hubestforyou… Minden termék… Kiegészítők8 Products… Lakás dekoráció2 Products… Ruhák2…important linksearch, main, shopping, cart, privacy0
amedclinic.huOur newly opened dental and aesthetic clinic is looking forward to welcome its new and returning patients in the 3. district of Budapest. The head of our clinic, Dr Anita Pavliskó, dentist and cosmetologist, has extensive experience in the field of medical aesthetic and dental treatments. She…important information, patient important, important valuableclinic, store, price, special, offer0
coris.huMore than 250 insurance companies, Europe-wide representation guarantees youthat your claim and the full claims settlement process are in the best hands with us, a “Partner in everyday life” under the banner of our sloganinsurance, pension, family, detail, protection0
intertranscoop.hu| Cross-docking | Győr | Intertranscoop Kft. | Goods management | Goods manipulation | Rental | Family business | Transportation | ISO certification | Order picking | Logistics services | Logistics activity | Warehouse | Transport | Bonded warehouse | Customs clearanceeurope, warehouse, gallery, real, estate0
mvwconsulting.huIt is no coincidence that in the last two years about three times as many guest workers have arrived in Hungary from abroad. In the case of trained or auxiliary work, even the language barrier is not a particular obstacle. Administration and recruitment do not require time and energy investment on…consulting, permit, employment, real, estate0
olvassjol.huHome… Store… About Us… Contact Us… My Account… Plants…important linkstore, plant, account, cactus, main0
wigner.huAs part of the HUN-REN Welcome Home and Foreign Researcher Recruitment Programme announced for the first time this year by the HUN-REN Secretariat, six Hungarian and one foreign researcher from the international elite will come to Hungary to form research groups at HUN-REN research site to…researcher important, important strideresearch, physics, news, centre, institute0
borsodfolia.huShows widgets on Business Page Template Bottom Section. Suitable widget: TG: Services, TG: Call To Action Widget, TG: Featured Widgetspacious important, important linkwidget, page, visitor, site, homepage0
iugb35.huOn September 21, 2021, the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) opened its 35th IUGB Congress with a welcome speech from Congress President, Prof. Dr. Sandor Csányi.important datecongress, guideline, registration, nature, venue0
adfuturus.huSupport to fund Ad Futurus Foundation’s activities and programs. We would highlight that Ad Futurus Foundation is a not-for-profit organization.foundation, market, relationship, presentation, country0
jack-wolfskin.huJACK WOLFSKIN - Buy waterproof clothing, shoes, tents, equipment and more available online - JACK WOLFSKIN Outdoor Shop.jacket, shoes, trousers, footwear, hiking0
austrosportszer.huRólunk… Elérhetőség… Referenciák… Tervezés… Sportszer… Sportpadló… Referencia képek… Biztonsági…court, tennis, operation, photo, outdoor0
ideafortis.huOur pricing is based on quantity, the topic, language direction and the required technical support. If data or translation is available in the public domain, it is unnecessary to do the translation again. This saves you time and money! The quality of our work is our top priority. We do not only…satisfaction importanttranslation, interpret, reason, idea, technical0
havasilotuszbetet.huThe Victoria Oriental Culture & Health, a company committed to natural solutions, to protect mankind’s health by natural methods and preparations, wishes to everyone.important health, health important, important thinghealth, culture, oriental, care, secret0
ligetibastyavendeghaz.huGuest House… Home… Gallery… House 1 photos… House 2 photos… Prices and Booking… Booking house 1…important informationhouse, price, guest, stay, booking0
morepa.huMorEPA Move is Minami’s combination of high concentrated (90%) omega-3 (445 mg EPA + 136 mg DHA) with curcumin, vitamin C and copper in a premium formulation for flexible movement.available, concentrate, highly, liquid, fat0
gulyasbence.hu…October 2017. During the Kodály Year, we performed the great master’s ballads and songs with my colleagues in the Glass Hall of the MÜPA. In 2017 fall, we had a successful concert with students of the Academy of Music and students of the Hochschule für Musik “Hanns Eisler” in Berlin. I regularly…important performancerole, music, radio, student, academy0
trainingandpractice.huOur journal of Educational Sciences Training and Practice provides a forum for the lectures of the Training and Practice Conference to appear in our issue 3-4 2017.important newspractice, training, conference, journal, educational0
mecsupply.huLow-cost production of high-quality mechanical components and tools in Europe. Sheet metal processing, turning and milling, casting, plastic injection molding, and tool production. Wide range of products, competitive prices, and fast turnaround times. Contact us for a quote today!partnership important, important brandtool, component, production, mechanical, quality0
mandaline.huInterior: Complete and personalized interior design, utilizing online consultations between the client and the designer throughout the design process, interactive 3D walkthrough, cloud-based information exchange .detail important, important essentialthing, beautiful, september, interior, reference0
boxy.huOur fulfillment services help you optimize for time and cost, use the delivery experience to beat customer expectations, and own more of the customer relationship.important linkcareer, quotation, integration, process, price0
civilpolicy.huDuis neque nisi, dapibus sed mattis quis, rutrum accumsan magna sed. Suspendisse eu varius nibh. Suspendisse vitae magna eget odio amet mollis justo facilisis quis. Sed sagittis amet lorem ipsum.link important, important stuffquis, magna, amet, mattis, rutrum0
phagocytes2024.huWe look forward to meeting you at the 2024 European Phagocyte Workshop to be held between March 20-23, 2024 in Visegrád, Hungary., The workshop follows nearly 40 years of phagocyte-focused meeting he Welcome | European Phagocyte Workshop 2024 Budapestimportant dateeuropean, march, welcome, forward, meet0
joy4u.huWe will coach you and help you achieve your health goals. At garage, we can help you every step of the way. Join our family and own your fitness. What are you waiting for? Take the first step today.important linkaccount, today, way, garage, health0
heviz-wellness-szallas.huWe have apartments and competitive accommodation options for all! Are you a bridal couple? Grandparents taking the children on a break? New parents with babies? A group of friends on a leisure break? Have you got a pet who likes to travel with you? We offer many special apartment packages and…important pageapartment, price, special, child, accommodation0
tahimeter.huThe quality of our services is guaranteed by the most modern Leica instruments. Our slogan is „Survey on ground, water and air” and our work is always precise and expidite. Challenges means tasks for us: river surveys, plotting of ruined areas, taking photos from a glider. Exploit our home and…important notesurvey, industrial, geographical, news, note0
wowbaby.hu© 2024 by WOWBABY. Made by Emi Simon Designproduct important, important featureview, shop, sale, accessories, page0
beachrugby.huDuring the Tournament, the action centres round Beach – right on the beach and overlooking the main pitches. (Look out for special meal deals and drinks promotions)bus important, important earlybeach, tournament, city, venue, sponsor0
ferromagic.huMetal structure production for the automotive industry, cutting, locksmith industry, cutting, edge bending (sheet metal working), machine and tank production, metal surface cleaning. Locations: Ceglédintroduction, activity, division, metal, structure0
kiskutpanzio.huOur guest house is located in the suburb of Győr, in a quiet and peaceful area, only 2 km from the city center. Relax at the rink, the zoo, the Audi Arena, and the ETO Stadium! Visit the beautiful Baroque downtown, splash in the well-known Győr healing water for decades In Rába Quelle, take a bike…győr important, important sightroom, look, apartment, town, bed0
hta.org.huSince its establishment, HTA has been a member of the European Tire and Rubber Manufacturers Association (ETRMA), a central association of the European tire industry since 1959, and has its office in Brussels.sport important, important roletire, association, member, tyre, director0
testware.huTesting and development of railway safety and control systems (CENELEC, ERTMS) Automation of manual testing environmentscontrol, development, integration, automation, interface0
giorgiosticker.huUnique wall design and stickers for the stylish home! Wallpaper, wall tattoo, room sticker, home foil in different styles. Don't you like your living room's white walls? It's time to change!sticker, tattoo, decor, vehicle, faq0
kingscrossapartment.huSituated in the centre of Budapest (about 10 minutes walking distance from the very heart of the city), Kings Cross Apartment features free WiFi, Air Conditioning and a fully equipped kitchen.important advantageapartment, city, news, location, free0
baranyay.huNeed a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needsgrowth, plan, current, solid, foundation0
cerealport.huCerealport Kft. – Forwarder of Agricultural Products Cerealport Kft. has been present at the market of agricultural forwarder companies since 2013. The staff consisted of 6 colleagues in the beginning, but has been increasing dynamically ever since. Today 14 experts serve to satisfy the needs of…cerealport importantagricultural, forwarder, international, domestic, expert0
atlasmernokiroda.huThe careers of the three of us has split after the university years. In addition to designing reinforced concrete structures for civil engineering and water-management, we gained experience and expertise in structural design of bridges and in the field of building constructions.quality importantstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation0
realestatehungary.co.huThe Greale Group handles 100,000 properties on a daily basis. We calculate average prices by regions and property types based on these properties. We process new calculations each morning, so the average prices may change every day These sqm prices serve as a good indicator when comparing several…property, sale, estate, real, rent0
naturexpert.huHospitality and courtesy of the staff, accommodation in the hunting lodge, natural environment, logistics and competence of the huntsmen, abundance and quality of the game: also this year for me, as usual, everything was ok in every detail according to my expectations. Thanks to her brilliant…important informationhunting, hunt, page, main, game0
virtlanglab.hu…we were always committed to the same values as language teachers and translators. Thus, one day, we decided to establish Virtual Language Laboratory to help you make the most out of your potential by leveraging our expertise and diversity. Our team is backed by a combined 25+ years of experience.important calllanguage, virtual, assistance, value, power0
intertranssec.huThe optimal level of security is determined by the right balance of security devices and guards, as well as a set of security procedures tailored to the activity in each case.effectiveness important, important security, security important, important brandonsecurity, training, event, technology, transport0
hanivialand.huGallery… Contact… MEDIA TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS>>… Terms & Conditions… Privacy Policy… Medialogy Portfolio…important linkland, food, video, browser, gallery0
kisleptek.huRound-table discussion about the mushroom campaign in the framework of CO-FRESH project and mushroom theme corner at the short food supply chain exhibiton in Hungaryimportant newsfood, supply, chain, short, conference0
hungarytoday.hu30 years ago, the Hungarian minority in Slovakia formulated the principles of self-determination and expressed their demand for self-government.stefánsson important, important icelandiceuropean, minister, flight, latest, government0
cdre.huThe Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences is pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Rural Environment . The Conference became an annual tradition to meet colleagues all over the world at Szarvas (Hungary). Our…important datedevelopment, rural, environment, conference, committee0
fireandice.huFunctional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features.important linkfire, ice, website, visitor, media0
studnav.huFind all the info about studying in Hungary. Find all our services you need as an international student living in Hungary in our online one stop shop! Manage everything online whenever you want, wherever you are. Because your safety and comfort matters to us.student, support, member, tutor, opportunity0
transcore.huShould you need further information, contact us via the availabilities listed at Company data .data, document, visitor, dear, website0
klimarkt.huHome… Store… Plants… Cactus… About Us… Contact Us… My Account… Hungary… ← Previous…important linkstore, plant, cactus, account, previous0
lareesa.huLareesa Hu is a serial entrepreneur with a mission to combine science and creativity to make the world a happier place.identity important, important componentcreativity, science, brand, happy, serial0
budapestsup.huBudapest Sup Festival is Hungary's largest Sup event, with hundreds of sup lovers paddling through the heart of Budapest every yearimportant informationevent, festival, large, lover, heart0
szalaibusz.huWe are currently waiting for our future passengers, with more than 70 buses up for rent and our own service background wether it’s international cruises, domestic trips, worker transportation or scheduled bus transportation.company important, important safebus, transportation, cruise, order, worker0
oskarsztapartman.huThe surroundings of Úrkút include plenty of hiking and cycling excursions, including sights, an outdoor family program and hiking opportunities.apartment, room, gallery, surrounding, booking0
angolaembassy.huDear visitors, on this website you will not only follow closely the events from Angola, but also will inquire about the legal procedures in obtaining or updating documents linked to the Consular Section, such as procedures for obtaining visas; migration processes; civil registration among others…important linkangola, embassy, event, diplomatic, sector0
megamart.huLorem ipsum dolor amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt labore dolore.important linkconsectetur, ipsum, elit, dolor, eiusmod0
hlh.co.hu…one for the given goal. Let it be beginner’s level, language exam or business usage. As for the time of classes, we take your schedule into consideration and adjust to it. In our education, we work according to the methodology and practical guidelines worked out by the Department of Hungarian aslanguage, co., heritage, foreign, institute0
iscw.huThe conference was aligned this year with the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (UN) . The annual conference is a multidisciplinary and hybrid platform for the international scientific debate on water in all aspects. The event contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and good…important dateconference, scientific, water, international, committee0
drborbelyalbu.huThis type of fee structure is ideal if the scope of the assignment or legal work cannot be exactly specified in advance. In this case the attorney’s fee is calculated based on the number of working hours spent with the case. For a greater transparency, if the payment of fees takes place in this…law, fee, legal, attorney, representation0
qlit.huqLit received LIFT award for its work for the lesbian* communitypride, culture, inspiration, magazine, lifestyle0
zalatransfer.huAre you a business guest or are you traveling on a business trip? It is not a problem for us, as we have the greatest experience in this. Upon arrival, we are always waiting for you or your guest at each airport with a sign on the arrival side. On departure, we deliver to the entrance of the…transfer, trip, guest, arrival, great0
haaszkulcslabor.huTake up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let theidea, elit, ipsum, morbi, amet0
kaliartinn.huA delightful place blessed with a unique ambience in the pleasant village of Köveskàl. The neighbouring villages and Lake Balaton are shining with romantic autumn colours, a great opportunity to hike or even ride a bike in the vicinity. The room is wonderful, food is excellent. Highly recommended…important differentroom, offer, art, view, booking0
jzo.huI took part in database schema development with my team and a very strange and unexpected exception threw when we wanted to save data across NHibernate Entity Framework.video important, important thingmap, composite, relationship, identifier, code0
jonathermal.huOur Spa is a three-generation Spa, which operates constantly throughout the year, where all members of the family can find their recreation in the landscaped, sporting facilities included environment, in the indoor and outdoor Spa, with slides, wave and adventure pools.massage, bath, event, pool, wooden0
arthurmurraybudapest.hu…of 18, I’ve been on multiple ocean liners, and I’ve appeared on two seasons of Dancing With The Stars. My partner and I had many Hungarian championship podium finishes and are national champions. My entire life has revolved around dance, and now I want to share my passion and knowledge with others.dance, center, studio, dancer, student0
triticale.hu…and valuable crop. Circa 25 years ago, when triticale production commercially started, we did not believe that triticale would reach the four million hectares of by today. It is interesting to learn that triticale became a typical European crop – more than 85% of the world production is…important datesymposium, research, registration, cereal, production0
dronmagazin.hu…Lists His Top Ten Touchdowns And Best Players Of The Season… Read More… The Jackets Are Still…tonight important, important victoryaugust, season, privacy, player, hello0
kszgysz.hu…developments. Our working groups are Battery and Energy Storage, Environmental Communication and Information Technology (awareness-raising and education), Net Zero, Prevention of Littering, Measuring – Sampling, Remediation and Damage Control, Waste Prevention and Waste Management, Water…waste, plastic, european, international, water0
trucksandtyres.huMobile tyre fitting, tyre fitting and replacement immediately, 0-24. On-site tyre repair, puncture repair with guarantee. Truck tyre service with precision work.tyre, mobile, repair, truck, replacement0
magyaregregy.huMagyaregregy lies on the outskirts of the Eastern Mecsek Mountains (Eastern Mecsek), on the banks of a small river called the Valley Stream, about 15 kilometers north of komló in the county.important documentevent, municipality, settlement, area, announcement0
kezzelfestem.huClick edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.important linkluctus, nec, ullamcorper, dapibus, leo0
connectcx.hu…and responsiveness to our clients' business objectives. We do work with a value-driven approach in project management that delivers high-priority and high-quality result to our customers. Next to business and management consultation we are passionate about and specialists of Customer Experience.customer, connect, specialist, advisory, management0
comsyssoftware.huA data engineer is an IT worker whose primary job is to prepare data for analytical or operational uses. These software engineers are typically responsible for building data pipelines to bring together information from different source systems.software, data, development, llc, technology0
chargerhelp.huSj GoFast is a professional Transport, Logistics Joomla template that designed for transportation business with modern layout and lots of advanced features.transport, logistic, joomla, template, user0
hotelgerardus.hu…and event center in the South Great Hungarian Plain. With its sophisticated design, 50 rooms, including 2 suites, and our excellent chef's 21st-century concept, it becomes a center where we provide a unique experience for every guest. Elegant, complex, sporty, and exceptional - like nothing else.opinion importantroom, gastronomy, rental, offer, event0
evedesign.huSwimming-pool of Dorog. “The source of life” I-III (Fire-enamel) (240 x 365cm); “The history of coal” (Fire-enamel sequence)enamel, gallery, current, silk, painting0
szigetkozportal.huConnection… Dunakiliti… Mecsér… Activities and nature… Leisure activities… Nature… Family programs…accomodation, event, programme, nature, activity0
porosimeter.huWe have been producing and developing our flagship product since 2008. Nowdays this is the most accurate and beloved porosity meter in the paraglider industry. We have sold this product for paragliding shcools, clubs, repair shops and paraglider producers around the world in more than 52…meter, order, faq, accurate, hello0
mab.hu…and published by the MAB in advance. If the institution or programme meets these criteria, it is then accredited. The core activity of the MAB is therefore the accreditation of institutions, faculties and programmes, as well as the evaluation of applications for university professor positions.accreditation, education, procedure, forum, decision0
beachblu.huUt elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Donec Sodales Sagittis Magna. Sed Consequat, Leo Eget Bibendum Sodales, Augue Velit Cursus Nunc, Quis Gravida Magna Mi A Libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.important linkdescription, short, amenities, space, place0
unidebconf.huT he conference is going to take place within the planned timeframe , so everybody is encouraged to register and contribute to the conference. The conference is going to be organized in on-site and a hybrid conference. Please note that only selected number of authors will be invited for physically…important dateconference, technology, submission, general, neuroscience0
karoscamping.huThermal Camping Zalakaros lies across a vast, green space, characterised by pleasant groves and the shade of majestic trees, welcoming guests with 100 pitches for caravans and tents. The camping site offers quiet and serenity right in the heart of nature, which guarantees a relaxing break, while…important informationthermal, site, holiday, nature, ideal0
ginkgohotel.huHotel Ginkgo**** provides perfect venue for conferences, seminars, banquets or just for birthdays, weddings.important informationoffer, room, package, booking, wedding0
fodraszat521.huClick edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sapien.important linkshop, plant, website, account, cart0
parlament-hotel.huFrom July 1st, the hotel operates under the management of Hotusa and no longer belongs to Continental Group.important messagemessage, group, privacy, like, july0
aquariusspa.huNyíregyháza has a centuries-old bathing culture and 5 spas, which offer half a million guests a year experiences and help to maintain their health. If you are a fan of indoor baths or even of natural bathing places, you will surely find the bath of your heart in Nyíregyháza!bath, price, promotion, massage, gallery0
gioia.huCopyright © 2020 Gioia | Powered by SDesignimportant linkbrand, fashion, main, trendy, latest0
kavezokft.huWe create a clean environment and ensure that your offices will be thoroughly cleaned to your satisfaction every time. We also provide all cleaning supplies (soap, toilet paper etc.), so you can rest easy knowing your offices are being cleaned by bonded and insured cleaners, who have the…clean, office, quote, free, need0
bikeandcoffee.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet, nunc et accumsan cursus, neque eros sodales lectus, in fermentum…single important, important thingago, bike, fashion, lorem, coffee0
minima.huIn our efforts... Reliable demand-driven, mutually beneficial cooperation. Print, Web design and programming to the forefront of international monitoring. Minima’s process is responsive, create high quality, aesthetically pleasing graphics and user-friendly websites, banners, animations and…development, skill, css, website, studio0
kszs-law.huBudapest Bar: Kántor, Szilasi, Sárközy and Partners (KSzS) has been a registered member of the Budapest Bar Association since the 1 st of January 1992. Our lawyers and associate lawyers are also members of the Budapest Bar Associationimportant monographieslaw, lawyer, social, publication, engagement0
pannoncsapagy.huPannon Csapágy Kft. has been selling bearings, mechnical parts and industrial maintenance material for nearly 20 years. Our stock in continuous evolution to satisfy clients' needs and our well-coordinated logistics system are at our clients' service.work important, important companytechnique, bearing, catalogue, linear, technology0
landal.huLandal Residence Duna's distinctive setting is less than an hour's drive from Budapest (80 km). The countryside, wineries, Hungarian hospitality, and park facilities will ensure that you never forget this vacation. Landal Residence Duna is a wonderful resort for those who enjoy nature, culture…lake, map, swimming, outdoor, activity0
transfer-r.huWho are we and what we deal with? Transfer-r Kft. was established in Zahony in 1990 as forwarding company that deals with international transport. The main activity of the comreference important, important longtransfer, forward, reference, activity, transport0
cmff.hu…simulation of flows and physical modelling of flow processes using advanced measurement methods. The Conference aims at defining the state of the art in CFD and advanced measurement methods, inspiring both research and practical applications by promoting interaction between scientists and…important dateconference, september, august, committee, event0
bilingua.huCertified translations with stamp and clause, translations in a certain area of expertise in Budapest with the help of Bilingua Translation Agency, in English, German, Czech, Slovakian, Romanian, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Italian, Spanish, French and other languages.translation, agency, language, price, free0
vems.huDIY engine performance became very popular at around 2000-2001 with entry-level injection-only (batch) systems, that VEMS took to a different level with the added functionality of sequential injection and ignition, boostcontrol, direct ignition, WideBand O2, Detonation Detection and Exhaust Gas…important productpage, documentation, engine, application, gas0
icons.huiCons-Hungary: Training, coaching, consulting, tests. Development of business strategies and personal competenciesanswer important, important questionnetwork, analysis, icon, training, development0
tarot-dr-gal.huthe wisdom, philosophies, stories, morals and spirit of many cultures. The unique images on the cards present people’s similar, archetypal personality traits and life situations through a story. Every spiritual lesson that a person can experience in a lifetime is reflected in the pages of the TAROT.life important, important milestonecard, path, knowledge, origin, page0
cogniteamofficial.huMinden jog fenntartva. @ CogniteamOfficialslider, creative, gallery, innovation, shop0
weakmolinter.hu2nd International Conference on Intermolecular Interactions - March 5-6, 2015 - Tokyo, Japanimportant datesymposium, interaction, molecular, japan, abstract0
neternet.hu…Soon… 404 Page… Login Form… Posts… Standard Post Format… Gallery Post Format… Video Post Format…gallery, column, post, space, format0
ioaa2019.huOn behalf of the Academic Committee, it is a great honour for me to invite you to the 13 th International Olympiad of Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) in Hungary! It is a great pleasure and incomparable opportunity for the whole Hungarian science of astronomy to host the IOAA, the highest ranking…important dateinternational, astronomy, science, country, official0
foodconf.huThe 4 th FoodConf is organized in cooperation with the Institute of Food Science and Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) , the Scientific Committee on Food Science, the Scientific Committee on Agricultural and Biological Engineering as well as the Scientific…important datefood, science, technology, conference, committee0
petrolszolg.huThe Petrolszolg Maintenance & Service Ltd. was founded in 1994 as a 100% legitimate member of the MOL Group . It has reached the actual organization with mergeing some other maintenance companies till 2004. We are operating with more then 800 employees at 19 plants over Hungary. Petrolszolg is one…maintenance, contractor, supplier, engineering, career0
k-ep.huIf you want world-class service with excellent price, your partner definitely the K-ÉP Studio.important linksoftware, survey, price, site, unit0
magnitude.huAdvancé technologies Hungary, IT professional service provider and management consulting company in Italy and Hungarything important, important thingconsulting, technology, management, organization, italy0
nagyvadhunting.huIn the 21st century - expert-managed hunting grounds definitely do not guarantee wealth, unless you work against the interests of the game. Nevertheless, I can say that our hunting ground made me rich - not in material in financial terms, but rather in terms of spiritual wealth deep inside and the…hunting, proposal, ground, introduction, cost0
metaelmelet.huThe Institute for Strategic Research - Homepage of the Metatheory-Metaphilosophi Research Groupresearch, homepage, group, institute, strategic0
mirabellacamping.huAt the camping site and along the beach there are several restaurants and snack bars. Find the nearest place or the one with the most delicious foods and best drinks on offer.important informationcampsite, accomodation, place, booking, tent0
lekvartar.huI thought jam fans would appreciate if I shared some astonishing facts about jams in this chapter.important newshomepage, collection, gallery, news, donec0
procomtec.huNowadays, not all companies can afford to employ experienced quality assurance consultants, engineers. We provide help with this.quality, assurance, phone, engineer, consultant0
casinobusz.huBus transport to passengers, business trips, shopping trips, group excursions, holidays, ski toursjourney important, important journeyphoto, gallery, quality, transport, travel0
prosper.huA management consulting project is often indirectly related to software development as the first work phase. Prosper’s main activity, software development requires the assessing, interpreting and in case rationalising the Customer’s work processes so that a future software can lean on it…important functionsoftware, development, mobile, application, customer0
retek-group.huServices… Vulnerability Management… Vulnerability Scanning… Penetration Test… Patch Management…homepage, privacy, management, vulnerability, useful0
baroquehostel.huWe are a dog friendly place. You can bring your dog if you book a private room. The Hostel also has a small garden where you can safely leave your bike or motorbike overnight.important usefulhostel, baroque, place, room, gallery0
dronepermet.huDrones deliver higher concentration solutions therefore, thanks to precise intervention, the amount of chemicals and water used can be reduced by up to 90%. The solutions are mixed by our highly skilled crop protection specialists.drone, page, farming, crop, solution0
nowffice.huNeed an office, but not every day of the week? Need a separate room for teamwork in the city centre? Our comfortable city centre offices can be your solution if you don't need a permanent office space just for a few days a week, or occasionallyimportant informationoffice, room, day, space, week0
oddwords.huOddwords is a quasi-journalistic site founded in 2018, created to document and discuss the various games and events related to the Oddworld series, its community, and its developers. While most of the content on the site deals with Soulstorm, especially its pre-release material, you can also find…soulstorm important, important bitgame, thought, list, event, media0
phagocytes2023.huWe look forward to meeting you at the 2023 European Phagocyte Workshop to be held between March 29 - April 1, 2023 in Budapest, Hungary., This will be a standalone meeting dedicated entirely to phagoc Welcome | European Phagocyte Workshop 2023 Budapestimportant dateeuropean, march, april, welcome, forward0
mindenkinekweb.huStore… About Us… Contact Us… My Account… Plants…important linkstore, plant, account, cactus, main0
mizsepack.huSelf-adhesive and foil labels – as product packaging – are an inevitable part of our everyday life.important informationlabel, printing, detail, self, adhesive0
kolonics-trans.huIntroduction - Welcome to Kolonics-Trans - International and domestic road haulage, forwarding, express transportation, delivery of goods – Kolonics Trans Ltd.transportation, forward, domestic, road, international0
reginart.huKi vagyok én?… Itt érsz el… Zara Bray Legal and General… Yay Definition Adverb… Wrongful Dismissal…legal, legally, definition, general, claim0
aranypartcamping.huAt the camping site and along the beach there are several restaurants and snack bars. Find the nearest place or the one with the most delicious foods and best drinks on offer.important informationcampsite, offer, booking, pitch, accommodation0
transpersonal.huDear Visitor! Pictures used on our website are only illustrations. Please get more information about the appearance and usage of our tools!tool, privacy, condition, catalog, usage0
youday.huTICKETS Semester opening ceremony This is UD’s one of a kind, exclusive semester opening stadium show, not only for UD citizens! Stadium show It’s magical and truly unforgettable, unlike anything you’ve ever seen before! YoUDay can only be described as an extraordinary show with a vibrant spirit andimportant update, schedule important, important infoopen, ceremony, stadium, semester, magical0
noches.hubecause 12 is the real thing! By now we’ve learned what we had to learn. By now we’ve experienced what we had to experience, all the good and all the bad.tango, venue, registration, useful, general0
bohoboutique.huThe slender organic forms are fluid and graceful.‎ Noguchi emphasises the lightness of the elements with thin yet comfortable upholstery and a choice of cover fabrics in natural colours.room important, important spacecurve, table, sofa, chair, contemporary0
horvathrudolf.huRequest for quotation for road freight transport Request for quotation for passenger transport Request for quotation for logistics servicescompany importantlogistic, freight, passenger, transport, message0
mimicry.huLED screen animations The Mimicry team created all the animations for the LEN European Water Polo Championships. In the Duna Arena, Budapest, we created two weeks of material for more than 13 million pixels of 9 LED walls. The following showreel presents this project:  "Metro number 5"…animation, video, commercial, festival, selection0
bikesystem.huTouring bike, suitable both for off-road and bike paths, but also good in the city. Most models are fully equipped, so they have mudguards, luggage racks, lighting, and sometimes even a bell. There is also a telescopic and spring seat tube version of this. If you mostly go by bike, a Trekking bike…bike, bicycle, rental, city, day0
mmg.huOur company offers costumer’s service help in the choice of the products of the reorganized MMG companies. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I should like to recommend to you our company as supplier and service firm, if you have devices produced by the MMG AM joint stock company or you…customer importantdetail, measurement, pressure, instrument, element0
premiumhajbeultetes.huOur hair transplantation clinic is using the latest SafeSystem-FUE method to remedy the problem of inherited hair loss and baldness. Dr. Greg Pataki plastic surgeon, chief physician and our team are the first to use the regenerative ability of autologous fat grafting in the field of hair…hair, transplant, premium, clinic, fat0
silkesztetika.huThe laser can only treat hairs that are in the growing phase or visible on the skin surface, as a result multiple treatments are required to treat all hair in the skin. With the high power and skin cooling of Elysion most people only require 6-8 sessions.important noticetreatment, silk, hair, skin, diode0
szociautokarora.huI undertake the production of the watches continuously at the pace of the orders, with a short deadline.important informationorder, price, homepage, privacy, idea0
hrtsped.huThe mission of HRT Spedition Ltd. is to respect every client while doing our best with the requested tasks.offer, news, price, certificate, client0
bundasmacskabanda.huEgy nem elég, triplázzunk! — Ha macska kedvelő vagy, akkor azért, ha nem, akkor meg azért.blogging importanteasily, skill, idea, creative, popular0
goldbrand.huClick edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sapien.important linkmug, coffee, green, shirt, day0
sugarsebeszet.hu…sensitivity of tumor and healthy tissues, which throughout several repeated applications, preferentially affect tumor cells. In contrast, radiosurgery induces tissue necrosis in the affected areas by a high dose of radiation delivered in a single dose. In certain cases, radiosurgery can…insight important, important steptreatment, nerve, tumor, illness, process0
webergo.huCopyright © 2024 Flash All rights reserved. Theme: Flash by ThemeGrill. Powered by WordPressimportant linksidebar, food, photography, feature, collection0
zeezee.huHome… Shop… Right Sidebar… Left Sidebar… Simple Product… Variable Product… Grouped Product… External…important linkcart, sidebar, fringilla, pellentesque, shop0
panoramabuda.huThe villa is equipped with 6 separate bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen with a dining area, and a living room with a flat-screen TV.important advantageroom, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, live0
szovegiras.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et justo. Praesent mattis commodo augue. Morbi fringilla congue libero, ac malesuada vulputate pharetra.important linksit, commodo, ipsum, amet, lorem0
hostpapi.hu…have an online store, a VPS server is recommended for the many processes running in parallel, e.g. due to import processing. If you have a high-traffic website, e.g. newspaper over 50-100 e per day, then a dedicated server resource is definitely enough for the service. You should know that a…interesting important, important informationhosting, website, server, storage, rental0
portaepitesz.huHouses… About…detail importantnews, house, solution, functional, practical0
varandosan.huVitae adipiscing turpis. Aenean ligula nibh, molestie id viverra a, dapibus at dolor. In iaculis viverra neque, ac eleifend ante lobortis id. In in leo ultrices posuere ante viverra ipsum ...dolor, detail, ipsum, leo, site0
close.co.huHair that reaches up to the earlobes or the nape of the neck and is no longer than 5 centimeters is considered short, while anything longer is considered long hair.close, hair, salon, colour, haircut0
autohitelbalazs.huIf you are interested in findig a reliable partner, please contact us or request a call back.fast, simple, page, loan, lease0
briolett.huIs not just about working a piece of metal or gem, in fact it is about much more. Jewellery, which is not only an object but has a soul, will come into a tangible existence with the help of the costumer’s ideas and desires and the goldsmith’s creativity and her fantasy.important harmonygallery, jewellery, personalized, production, collection0
csokonaideluxe.huCsokonai Deluxe Restaurant and Banqueting Hall can be found in the very heart of the town and it is the newest and most modern location for various programs.important figurewedding, conference, hall, logo, fashion0
marketingalapok.huHiring an SEO expert could well prove to be a shot in the arm for your online business, that deserves a robust web presence. Hiring an SEO expert could well prove to be a shot in the arm for your online business, that deserves a robust and web presence.important linkengine, search, robust, expert, media0
vamositamas.huHe is interested in obtaining an IT manager, software development team leader or software designer - development position, in a challenging environment that focuses on the applications of technology to enterprise information management.important featuretamas, development, software, application, responsive0
grill-lak.huCompellingly plagiarize robust interfaces for principle centered systems. Phosfluorescently expertise. Energistically synthesize intuitive.important linkroom, regularly, photo, package, march0
visualbits.huAs a member of the RoomRaiser Founding Team, VisualBits is responsible for the design of its brand, applications (UI, UX), marketing and sales materials. This screen is the concept design of RoomRaiser's daily data-serving email.usability important, important datacategory, close, client, agency, graphic0
infood2000.huWe have been distributing premium quality food and beverage brands in Hungary for almost 20 years. Providing excellent products to our partners is of the utmost importance to us so we pay attention to every detail.brand, food, quality, page, interested0
tomajor.huThe Tómajor guesthouse is located in the near of the Tokaj Mountain Panorama and at the shore of a 16-hectare fishpond. The fishpond is a floodplain of the river Tisza (2nd largest river in Hungary).guest, house, guesthouse, room, area0
kiralydent.hu…on a much affordable price in Budapest. Our prices are designed to provide the cheapest for the highest available quality and standard with providing maximum guaranties. All our general dentists and implantologists are professionals and highly trained for an many years before started practicing.orthodontia importantdental, clinic, implant, appointment, staff0
meettech.huAs professional meeting technology specialists, our mission is to be your partner in developing and implementing extraordinary meetings.meet, technology, solution, production, digital0
tazie.huLorem ipsum dolor amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt labore dolore.important linkconsectetur, elit, dolor, labore, dolore0
cipofuzobolt.huAnikó az egyedi igényemmel kapcsolatban is nagyon segítőkész volt. Azt éreztette, hogy az 1 db cipőfűzővel is olyan fontos vagyok, mintha nagy mennyiségben rendelnék rendszeresen. Nagyon pozitív élmény volt. Arról nem is beszélve, hogy olyan színben sikerült cipőfűzőt rendelnem, amit nagyon régóta…important linkstore, plant, cactus, account, main0
promir.huOur company has extensive experience in planning, manufacturing, programming, on-site installation, commissioning and servicing of complete control technology and industrial process control systems. Whether it is residential or industrial projects, we are at your disposal.introduction, control, plan, manufacture, programming0
gazdagelet.huThe theme has icon blocks that will allow you to add icons and boost the visual experience of the website.important factblock, website, fashion, idea, icon0
iptker.hu…nearly every global market segment for over 30 years offering full turnkey design, manufacturing and assembly of world class end effector solutions. Our global application engineers work with customers from concept to commission to design and build a system tailored to each unique…profile important, important assesoriecesprofile, solution, pneumatic, automation, machine0
isc2022.huThe International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC) represents the oldest conference series on separation science. ISC symposia have been organised since 1956 in each even year. ISC is one of the premier meetings series for discussion of all modes of chromatography and separation science with a…important dateabstract, programme, poster, welcome, vendor0
pfeifferszilard.huThe certificate revocation system, just like any other cyber security mechanism, is needless, as long as everything is going well, but becomes essential when...trust, personal, page, security, feed0
soulfacebody.hu“Their laser hair removal is fast and effective, and their cosmetic treatments are wonderful for improving the condition of my skin. And the body treatments relieve me from the stress of everyday life. Outstanding services, excellent environment!”treatment, body, face, soul, skin0
czakowines.huCommodo sociosqu venenatis cras dolor sagittis integer luctus sem primis eget maecenas sedurna malesuada consectetuer.important linkwine, dolor, vibe, summer, help0
creditforte.huOur highly skilled and experienced case managers aim to offer a solution for the payment of debts and, if necessary, to give information on the reason why the overdue debt has arisen.collection, homepage, shall, debt, data0
hemp-angels.hu…this marvel of hemp. It has now become a calling. We want that our customers are happy, satisfied and above all healthy. Friendliness and a respectful togetherness is the way we want to go and we hope to be able to share it all with you. We wish you much pleasure with our products! Team Hemp Angelsimportant informationhemp, basket, oil, spectrum, laboratory0
deerforest.huTake a look at our galleries with plenty of pictures of everyday life at the hunting lodge, the lodge itself and hunting as well as of the amazing areas nearby; these are sure to inspire you to spend a fantastic hunt with us.hunting, forest, lodge, game, food0
affiliatepartner.huCopyright © 2023 Affiliate Partner All rights reserved. Theme: Flash by ThemeGrill. Powered by WordPressimportant linksidebar, az, feature, collection, layout0
ukrainehelp.hu…to the Budapest Olympic Center (BOK) Event Hall. In BOK, volunteers help refugees with food, medical assistance, baby corner, ticket purchase options and coordinating accomodation and further transport. Free transfer lines leave regularly for Nyugati and Budapest-Keleti Station and the airport.help, ukraine, free, station, ukrainian0
mentok.huMission Statement: to save, preserve and exhibit the historical relics of the Hungarian Ambulance System; to acquaint our visitors with the scientific, intellectual and cultural heritage of the National Ambulance Service – and its predecessors.important pageambulance, national, page, emergency, main0
mindentisvisz.hu© Copyright MindentisVisz . All Rights Reservedseo important, important businessdolor, sit, amet, ipsum, adipiscing0
amondo.huAMONDO ON – logo, barnd, design, typefacedesign, fonts web design, corporate fontscorporate, logo, brand, recent, image0
avivamodszer.huAviva, the Hungarian teacher of physical education has been searching for years how to voluntarily control the womb-process. In 1966 in Israel she developed a series of exercises for elderly women that induced and regulated cycles in women in their menopause. On the bases of these exercises and as…important pagemethod, woman, exercise, period, instructor0
mareklab.hu…of commercial livestock. We offer our clients a comprehensive and continuously expanding range of diagnostic services for poultry, pigs and cattle. Our modern laboratory facility brings together all the relevant diagnostic services: pathology, microbiology, serology, virology and molecular biology.sample, lab, molecular, laboratory, biology0
minibud.huIn addition to the 30+ services included in the BUDAPEST CARD product range for free, you also get an airport transfer, a cruise on the Danube, admission to Matthias Church, a ride on the Buda Castle Funicular Railway and a chimney cake from Molnár’s, all free of charge. In addition, you can see…comfort important, important extraairport, shuttle, transfer, card, hour0
budtours.huExplore this beautiful and enchanting ancient city, brimming with history and attractions. Leave behind the crowded double-decker buses (hop on-hop off) and choose an unforgettable, unique way to discover Budapest – one that’s more private and family-oriented! Uncover hidden, mesmerizing places…important informationtour, detail, city, route, russian0
seafleet.huOur product can be well integrated with CRM, administration (eg SAP), transport management or other IT systems, and the unified solution gives you full control over your fleet management.important questionfleet, management, software, overview, function0
fadedbot.huYou can prepare your server with our pre-made templates to provide the best social experience for your server, if the default language of your server is: English And you're afraid your spelling isn't the best. We'll take care of it for you.moderation important, important server, server important, important fadedbotserver, support, review, command, process0
realestatematching24.huWe have now started in more than 115 countries in the increasingly competitive property market for real estate agents and for property manager to give all Franchise Partners the option to work with no restrictions. The property market can be very tough. Therefore we believe that the Franchise…important linkreal, estate, property, match, manager0
elte.huEötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is the oldest and largest university in Hungary and it is the most popular higher education institution among applicants each year. As the leading research university in Hungary, the name of ELTE means knowledge, opportunities, competition, openness and community…university, student, faculty, mobility, summer0
brevissimus.huIn Tomcat 9.0 access to the manager application is split between different users. Read more...additional important, important configurationtomcat, manager, documentation, configuration, application0
jazmin.huEgestas quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Sed adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique risus nec feugiat in. Arcu risus quis varius quam quisque id diam. Aliquet enim tortor at auctor urna nunc id. Sed euismod nisi porta lorem mollis aliquam ut.important linktristique, ultricies, aliquet, urna, egestas0
angyalgyogyitas-jdv.huAngels… Guardian Angels… Supply… Angelhealing… Angel card… Power of angels… Angels of Abundance…doctor, supply, card, power, motivation0
hpz.huFrom July 1st, the hotel operates under the management of Hotusa and no longer belongs to Continental Group.important messagemessage, history, july, management, group0
cottage.co.huOur ’cottage’ houses, reminiscent of old cellar buildings, are available to our guests with a complete wellness service, surrounded by resistant grape varieties of our organic farm and Granny’s Garden.important linkcottage, house, estate, reservation, gallery0
pecsiepito.huOur services include building construction of family houses, industrial buildings, retail units, and apartment buildings with full-scale planning and installation of electrical systems. Our experts will take care of all aspects of architectural design, and building construction.trust importantbuilding, apartment, electrical, office, industrial0
businessimmigration.huNeed more freedom and security? Start your business immigration to Europe today. Set up a company in Hungary and get residence permit in Hungary for yourself and your family. The Hungary business immigration process is quite easy: If you run a successful business and have a permanent income in…immigration, europe, formation, previous, tax0
atlaszmernokiroda.huThe careers of the three of us has split after the university years. In addition to designing reinforced concrete structures for civil engineering and water-management, we gained experience and expertise in structural design of bridges and in the field of building constructions.quality importantstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation0
deanristudio.hu…as a beautician where I could learn the secrets of the profession from gold-crowned master beautician Magdi Janicsek. In recent years, I was lucky enough to gain experience in both foreign and domestic salons, and currently I run my own studio under the name De-Anri in the 11th district of…important mantreatment, care, beautician, profession, facial0
lichen.huIn this way we hope to contribute to the understanding of the role and importance of lichens and lichenological research in nature, in human life and society.important eventresearch, knowledge, homepage, science, detail0
fotomax.huWhen working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked.imagination important, important knowledgetechnology, politics, travel, news, small0
royalhotel.huThe Royal Hotel is a popular accommodation destination in Cserkeszőlő. Familiar, elegant, modern accommodation with cheap prices and special packages. Camera-monitored parking, wireless Internet access, free WiFi throughout the Hotel. Wellness services at the Royal Hotel: infrared sauna, Finnish…important informationsale, room, price, gift, discount0
meltrade.hu…Mitsubishi products were previously present in the production lines and equipment of Hungarian companies, but most of them were installed by foreign machine manufacturers. The turnover of Mitsubishi products has been growing significantly every year since 2002, currently Meltrade has the…opinion importantelectric, distributor, certificate, number, address0
dogandpony.huWe are managing several online and offline campaigns for our clients as a Hungarian marketing agency. Our main services include: marketing consulting, social media marketing, Google Ads management, search engine optimization, web development, content marketing, influencer marketing, PR…agency important, important businessagency, logo, dog, advertising, media0
valkuz.huOur Odoo ERP management services are backed by a team of experts who specialize in Odoo customization, implementation, and ongoing support. We tailor the Odoo system to your unique business needs, ensuring smooth operations, timely upgrades, and comprehensive user training. Our goal is to maximize…website important, important businesswebsite, management, security, server, solution0
stayinplay.hu…game is recommended for anyone above 6, with parental guidance if necessary. Keep in mind that the route is about 1 km long and must be completed on foot. The games intended for different age groups may also be played simultaneously, as the stories are parallel throughout the locations of the game.game, story, location, route, family0
erdosmecske-vendeghaz.hu…ramshackle sheep and their lambs, our “almond-cow” und her calf as well as the rabbits can be fed by our guests and caressed. Our guests are welcome to take part in the daily tasks and helping out. Whether by feeding or watering the animals from the well as well as taking them to their…freezer important, important kitchenhouse, guest, welcome, village, kitchen0
amazonchallenge.huEnglish… About Us… Webshop… Supporters… Gallery… Contact… Home… Conditions of admission… Physical…challenge, navigation, supporter, gallery, condition0
companyformation.huChoose Hungary for setting up a company. Available to all nationalities, company registration takes just 4-5 business days, and corporate tax is the lowest in the EU at only 9%. Hungary is also unique because you will receive an EU VAT number immediately when your company is registered. The…formation, tax, vat, number, corporate0
kulinyi.huBio…object, painting, graphic, media, future0
bfz.huBFO – Budapest Festival Orchestra – an orchestra under Iván Fischer's direction among the top ten symphonic ensembles of the worldbfo importantconcert, orchestra, festival, interview, community0
gozsdumission.huBest escape rooms in the heart of Budapest. It is a challenging adventure, and a huge fun!room, book, escape, mission, booking0
hemerox.huOur portfolio ranges from small works for private individuals to complex general contracting for large companiesconstruction, renovation, general, maintenance, contract0
global-service.hu…each individual circumstance accordingly, constructing a seamless supply chain logistics to our clients. In addition, through upholding our core business values, namely Efficiency, Effectiveness, Integrity and Client Satisfaction, we continue to deliver goods in a professional, intact and timely…custom important, important importglobal, touch, freight, value, need0
generaciovaltok.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conetur adiping elit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetur adipiscing elit Lorem ipsum dolor sit altmet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit aloma lomiur off silder tolos. Lorem ipsum dolor sitlor amet, conetur adiping elit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing…case, study, sit, ipsum, amet0
orangehomes.huWhole Budapest is in your hands with Budapest Card! Free public transport pass and several free services or discounts!tour important, important landmarkapartment, bedroom, management, clean, detail0
carrentalbudapest.huWe do NOT charge any extra costs. EXTRA is STANDARD at CAR RENT Budapest car rental company. We do not charge anything for car cleaning, for the child seat and neither for the motorway sticker.rental, detail, airport, yes, sticker0
lelkedert.huShow your latest blog posts here. You can modify this section from Appearance > Customize > Front Page Settings > Podcast Section.episode important, important tippage, detail, success, goal, event0
kh.huK&H Bank and Insurance offers a full range of financial services including bank accounts, loans, insurance and savings products.important informationaccount, card, loan, saving, investment0
deadzone.huDeadZone Archery – Archery shop, Archer's Accessoriesimportant informationarchery, accessories, bow, target, shop0
wise.huWISE International and its offices cultivate the WISE membership in areas around the world, providing a range of benefits, publications and services to guide members in their use of L. Ron Hubbard management technology. WISE offices license all use of L. Ron Hubbard management technology in the…wise, membership, management, member, free0
ovsz.huThe Central Waiting List Office (CWO) was established at the same time as Hungary's full membership to Eurotransplant. Its purpose is to operate a quality and safety framework that is transparent and traceable for professionals in the field of organ donation and transplantation, patients on…donation, blood, office, stem, cell0
busz-top.huBUSZ-TOP provides custom tailored chauffeured transportation for groups of all sizes. Whether you use our services for business or pleasure, we focus on the goal – meeting our clients’ needs.bus, rental, transport, passenger, customer0
queryconsulting.huOur newest product is a simplified business reporting tool developed especially for small and medium sized businesses. With the help of this reporting tool smaller companies without an ERP system could have reports to gain insights and improve results.query, consulting, report, solution, tool0
gyorihelyek.huDiscover the best businesses and services with our comprehensive directory. Find restaurants, hotels, fitness centers, and more. Explore reviews, photos, and opening hours. Start your search today!important linkdirectory, pricing, comprehensive, mortgage, hard0
etpkft.hu…means no problem either. Even in outdoor use, we have insulations installed for over 15 years. ETP products and manufacturing technology are constantly being developed, as are efficiency controls. To inform our partners, our software – based on two decades of experience and measurement –…important milestoneenergy, insulation, portfolio, gallery, return0
rankpro.huIdentify the most critical technical SEO issues and take action to improve the health and performance of your website.analysis important, important tagreport, tool, webpage, ago, checker0
oaziswellness.huIn the summer time the Oasis adventure beach with various swimming pools and splash pools grants joy to all who are in love with swimming. At the Oasis Wellness and Sport Hotel, the number of sports facilities per 1 nm is unique in the country. At our Hotel Delux rooms, family rooms and superior…important linkevent, room, beach, training, swimming0
citycomfort.huAbout Us… Cart… Checkout… Contact Us… cookies…important linkcity, store, cart, checkout, main0
uniplanta.huUsing up to date extraction-, evaporation-, and drying-techniques that provideses careful production conditions, resulting in high quality finished product, to meet the standards set by our clients and naturally by ourselves as well. The supply of suitable crude plant material is secured by…extract, quality, production, botanical, material0
origamiwebshop.huOrigami-Bikini official manufacturer webshop | Origami Bikini Webshop | Origami swimwear webshop | Origami 2024.faq important, important infoswimwear, triangle, size, official, piece0
hd120budapest.huThe largest motorcycle parade in the history of Budapest will begin on Saturday, 24 June 2023, at 11am at the Harley-Davidson® 120 Festival. 6,000 motorcycles will ride through the most beautiful parts of the city, over the River Danube from Pest to Buda and back. Line-up at 10am at the Puskás…important infotour, ticket, festival, anniversary, ride0
produktumgeneral.huWe fulfill our construction orders mainly in general construction. We also undertake the construction of schools, kindergartens, nurseries, sports facilities, halls, family houses, as well as the renovation of existing buildings!general, industry, coating, powder, locksmith0
raga.huThe Indian Classical Music is claimed to be the oldest and uniquely unbroken musical tradition of our cultural heritage. The first subsisting description of this musical tradition, The Natyashastra by Bharata is appraised to be at least 1800 years old! In this book there is a chapter which is…explanation important, important ragakhan, music, classical, indian, interview0
aptbp.huI moved in with my girlfriend so my apartment became available to let but I feared for my valuables. Friends recommended me the services of Apartment Management. We signed the contract a few months ago, I am very satisfied; they are competent, reliable, and professional.apartment, management, guest, advertising, clean0
kutymarket.huCopyright © 2024 Kutymarket, Ahol a kutya a világ..important linkplant, shipping, free, main, collection0
valikaviraguzlet.huValika Virágüzlet… Esküvői díszítés… Koszorú… Szezonális termékek… Kapcsolat…important linkplant, store, main, quality, touch0
rebutor.huCommodo sociosqu venenatis cras dolor sagittis integer luctus sem primis eget maecenas sedurna malesuada consectetuer.important linkplant, cactus, luctus, ullamcorper, nec0
innovationprint.huSuch printing stock materials are for example plastics (PVC, PP) , metal covered products and grid lens foil , the so-called lenticular .important hintinnovation, plastic, metal, coating, animation0
taxicab.hu…Zagreb, Guide from Budapest to Zagreb, Driver from Zagreb to Budapest, Guide from Zagreb to Budapest, Car rental Budapest to Zagreb, Car rental Ljubljana to Budapest, from Budapest, to Ljubljana, to Budapest, from Ljubljana, Private transfer Budapest to Ljubljana, Private transfer Ljubljana to…important informationtransfer, day, trip, bus, vienna0
harcsaveronika.huI’m studying music therapy at the University of Pécs, Hungary. My current research is creating an interactive concert program with elements of workshops and music therapy.important collaborationmusic, concert, video, photo, orchestra0
biopont.huCompany name: BIOPONT LTD. Central office: 2451 Ercsi Biopont utca 1.oil, organic, essential, food, corn0
ipari-csarnok.huThe modular design of the mobile halls allows for a variety of uses - whether it is a riding hall, a storage tent, any covering solution, a warehouse or a production hall!tent, hall, warehouse, lightweight, construction0
s-ms.huFor our potential B2B partners… Login… Full list of our authorized local representatives >… Privacy…important thingsit, amet, ipsum, ctetur, dolor0
10ora10.huWe offer a wide selection of used watches from lower-priced classics to high quality swiss masterpieces. Watches are serviced, regulated and ready to use. Check out our collection and order online, it takes only a few steps and we deliver worldwide.important accessoryshipping, pm, payment, lifestyle, condition0
eurosquare.huApple Shopping Event Shop great deals on MacBook, iPad, iPhone and more. Shop Now The new Google Pixel 7 Shop great deals on MacBook, iPad, iPhone and more. Pre-Order Now Discount on all Smart appliances up to 25% Shop great deals on MacBook, iPad, iPhone and more. Shop Now Aurora Headset 0 days…view, quick, basket, hot, color0
muladharayoga.huDaily Yoga practices, building core strength for your mind and body. The studio is located in the heart of Budapest and offers semi-private yoga classes for all levels of students. such as: Spine Yoga Practice, Hip-opening Yoga Practice, Balance and Stability Yoga Practice, Prenatal Yoga Practice…important thingyoga, practice, hour, class, event0
irisrent.huThe hot water can be produced by the individual system, by the block heating system or by the central heating system of the cities. People prefer the individual system but in this case the maintanance of the heating system can be costy.rent, real, estate, flat, agency0
goodmills.huThe relationship we foster with domestic growers is based on a long-term and close cooperation. This is the way we ensure that our raw material supply is always of the highest standard.quality, mill, career, long, data0
gs-poseidon.huCrowd Management or Security Awareness training: For those requesting a CROWD Management only please be advised that the 2010 MANILA STCW Convention has separated this documentary of evidence two trainings ad issue two pieces. Price: 200 EUR. 3./ Security Awareness training, Price: 120 EUR. The…training, centre, course, certificate, price0
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n28.huOur kitchen is available from noon, when you can choose from our daily changing lunch menu and some of our regular à la carte dishes, until 3pm. From 4pm you can enjoy the full evening á la carte menu until we close the doors.wine, lunch, regular, gallery, reservation0
jaguarclub.hu…Sponsors… Partners… Important links… Jaguar SS 100 1937… Jaguar Mark IV 1947… Jaguar SS 100…important linkgallery, sponsor, event, board, hall0
nemzetilovarda.huRiding School… Contact…ride, hall, national, school, touch0
jobbadni.huOne of the most well-known and popular programs of our Foundation is the Rescue Bear Program, which launched in 2018...donation, social, mission, development, office0
schneiderpanzio.huIn Budaörs, please follow the sign "Pension Schneider" (5): You'll have to drive some hundred metres and 30m after the first sign indicating "Pension Schneider", please turn right into a very narrow road.hungary important, important arrivalpension, minute, city, room, downtown0
sommelierhungary.hu…by enthusiastic professionals who reflected upon the current issues of the local food and beverage sector and believed in innovative aproaches to adequate and continued training and education of the fellow members with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. (Total membership as of 2018: 120.)objective important, important regulargeneral, member, association, food, training0
freekey.huWe are members of the Freekey team.experience important, important orderpersonal, disable, person, assistant, assistance0
parnapalota.huCommodo sociosqu venenatis cras dolor sagittis integer luctus sem primis eget maecenas sedurna malesuada consectetuer.important linkplant, shipping, collection, free, help0
momentin.hu…Over the years, we have supported our partners in numerous other inventory management-related activities, such as stocking and picking . Our goal is to support our partners by thinking together with them. That is the same principle we applied when creating our Performance Management service.inventory important, important onlineinventory, efficient, management, stock, asset0
egmo2022.huBased on the decision of the Jury at EGMO 2022, the next EGMO will be organized in Portorož, Slovenia (2023), and Georgia will organize EGMO...news important, important informationgirl, problem, european, mathematical, location0
bipros.huWe are accountants, tax professionals and payroll specialists, who gained a proven track record working at Big 4 professional firm, providing comprehensive and industry-focused perspectives to resolve our clients’ most complex local compliance issues.important linkoffice, liquidation, management, director, resident0
evtervezes.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sagittis consectetur elit, sed duius eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.sit, consectetur, amet, tempor, ipsum0
bacskastone.huUseful tips… Gallery… Videos… Photos… Contact… Menu… Products… Paving slabs… Standard slabs… Color…newsletter important, important newsstone, page, useful, tip, reseller0
mediawavefestival.huWe launched the organization and implementation of Mediawave on a community basis in 2011, more than 10 years ago. Which process has not been implemented in the same rhythm in all our genres. In the musical and other artistic, as well as environmentally conscious attitude, we managed to develop…festival, gather, archive, community, gallery0
cardioexpert.huThe SPIN®, Spinner®, Spinning® and the Spinning logo® are trademarked brand names, their sole owner is MAD DOGG ATHLETICS Inc. Upon the contract between Mad Dogg Athletics Inc. and Spinning® Hungary / Cardio Expert Kft. is the official and exclusive Spinning® partner and representative.instructor, training, bike, event, expert0
holokausztmuzeum.huIn partnership with internationally acclaimed historians and world-famous experts of exhibition design and development, we are creating one of Europe's most extraordinary museums of the Holocaust and Jewish historychallenge important, important taskexhibition, history, house, fate, voice0
pannontax.huPannon Tax Audit Kft. | Könyvvizsgálat, Rating, Audit, Eu pályázatok, Költségvetés, Pénzügy, Könyvelés, Audit, Szombathely, Könyvvizsgálat, West hungary, Adótanácsadás, Steuerberatungsecret important, important confidentialitytax, rating, west, expert, management0
lerbau.huFree landing page template to promote your business startup and generate leads for the offered servicesimportant linkblandit, ipsum, adipiscing, consectetur, amet0
transparency.huHungary is the most corrupt Member State of the European Union according to Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Indexhungary important, important stepcorruption, transparency, report, international, public0
balatongyongyeapartman.huTo the reservation please read the General Terms and conditions and the House Rules, if You have any question You can inquire in the contact menu.website, apartment, booking, condition, general0
hungarikumhotel.huPlanning an active holiday for a few days this summer? Our hotel, the jewel of Hungarikum Liget's 27 hectares, guarantees you an unforgettable summer holiday with its wide range of services!important informationroom, place, staff, kindness, wonderful0
fogszabalyzas.hu…lingual braces. In addition to traditional metal braces, you may even choose brightly coloured braces which many teenagers wear as jewellery. Orthodontic appliances – besides functioning as a fashionable “accessory” – ,contribute to perfect teeth and also for the birth of a beautiful smile.orthodontic, treatment, child, surgery, homepage0
triptobudapest.huJoin our free walking tours in Budapest and discover the sights and secrets with professional local guides! Daily walks by the tour schedule.fully important, important trip, important notetour, free, walk, trip, sight0
duelcorp.huAbout Us… Cases… For Creditors… Important Infos… Documents… Complain Policy…important infohomepage, case, creditor, document, number0
csipkesvendeghaz.hu…in the building. There is also a new air conditioning systems for cooling and heating . Our guesthouse has a jacuzzi . Use of the jacuzzi is free when booking the whole house. We set value on providing comfortable beds, such as new anti-allergic mattresses and beddings. You can find a…review important, important reviewguesthouse, special, gallery, price, offer0
mobilsped.huOur company, the Mobilsped Transporting, Freight forwarding and Vehicle repairing Ltd. is a professional corporation having great experience in carrying dangerous materials, logistics services, transportation, vehicle renting and repairing, official technical interrogation of vehicles. The company…offer, vehicle, form, introduction, quality0
innotiv.huWe undertake the perforation of leather, artificial leather and Alcantara® in circle (5 different sizes), square and star shape. We are also capable of printing „Flechtnarbe” as in oldtimer Mercedes’ in three different designs. The perforations are high quality made, they are parallel and…leather, order, quantity, minimal, material0
ookpress.huPreservation of family values, modern production techniques, youthful innovation - for good products. This is the OOKPress Veszprém!important ruleprinting, book, price, family, production0
hargitaikft.huBased on our experience of the past 16 years in accordance with market expectations, we offer solutions in connection with explosive technologies, primarily cable glands and terminal box field of production.view, cable, gland, terminal, family0
hellopension.huWe guide you through the implementation of a corporate pension program from the initial plans to the daily operationspension, corporate, individual, fund, client0