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505 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: risk

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por.huPrimary High-Grade Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: High NFκB Expression in Tumor Specimens Distinguishes Patients Who are at Risk for Disease Progression 225obesity risk, risk factor, cancer risk, risk chinese, rna riskuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine95
cyber-risk.huCyber risk insurance (or cyber insurance) includes refunding financial losses: penalty imposed by the Data Protection Authority ( NAIH ), the costs of IT security experts and charges of legal defense. These latter are reimbursed even when only the suspicion of data leakage emerges, because more…cyber risk, risk insurance, security risk, risk information, insurance riskinsurance, data, protection, loss, damage36
rigocon.huOur cooperation in financial risk management delivered practical and hands-on results that have moved well beyond the textbook. After running through the firm’s processes, we developed out-of-box solutions with RiGoCon in order to measure and hedge foreign exchange and commodity exposures as well…risk management, reasonable risk, risk control, proper risk, ownership riskmanagement, control, solution, financial, value30
szigmaszerviz.huSzigmaSzervíz Business Risk Management Ltd. is the first Hungarian company engaged in integrated risk management. Szigma IntegRisk® risk management system and software – which is unique in the local and in the international market as well – provide:implementation risk, risk assessment, business risk, risk management, integrate riskmanagement, assessment, software, methodology, reference25
cedit.huWith the help of our new software specially developed for home office risk assessment, an inspection of an employee's home workstation can be carried out in up to 10 minutes, while the related fire safety and occupational safety training can also be carried out. All this does not require personal…office risk, risk assessment, order risk, risk accident, risk managementprotection, fire, safety, office, learn14
gombaforum.huCultivated mushrooms regularly make headlines in newspapers for their various medicinal properties. They have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer and contain significant […]consumption risk, risk depression, low risk, risk cancer, property riskmushroom, cultivation, technology, research, economy12
xpl.huMultinational companies operating in this part of the world often feel perplexed by the complexity of EU processes. Businesses seeking to grow in the EU require responses to such risks that are locally tailored while corresponding to the expectations of a multinational company. We are able to…political risk, risk assessment, risk valuable, regulatory risk, risk opportunityclient, political, public, government, affairs12
generisk.hurisk assesment, consequence assessment, industrial safety analysis, fault tree, event tree, HAZOP, chemical safety, environmental safety, supply chain analysis, suppply chain reliability analysis, food safety, drug safety, critical infrastructure protection, CIPrisk assessment, safety risk, assessment risk, risk management, work risksafety, analysis, environmental, industrial, assessment10
validum.huLegal compliance and risk management – We support organizations with environmental permitting, compliance with national and European legislation, risk assessments and due diligence for all manner of transactions including disposals, mergers, and acquisitions, debt-financed, securitizations.barrier risk, risk management, high risk, risk activity, compliance risksafety, fire, management, training, environmental10
alfanyugdij.huThe composition of the portfolio, i.e. the ratio of stocks and bonds is not fix. The asset manager dynamically changes the composition according to the market trends in order to achieve higher returns in medium and long term than in case of risk-free investments.low risk, risk portfolio, medium risk, high risk, risk highfund, pension, portfolio, voluntary, tax8
pepperpr.hu…of one the key customers. Credit insurance however could be one of the efficient tools to pre-empt and reduce number of insolvencies and reduce risks and damages caused by the late or non paying customers, However, the number of signed credit insurance contracts is still very low in Hungary…real risk, risk hungarian, cyber risk, risk good, danger riskpepper, software, technology, market, office7
sustain.huThe next step is to assess the biggest risks in your own supply chain and that of your suppliers. You need to optimise your processes to significantly reduce waste. You must demonstrate sustainable performance to financial institutions and your customers by setting ESGs and indicators. It’s not a…big risk, risk supply, climate risk, risk assessment, risk vulnerabilitysustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate7
interactivebrokers.huOptions involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. For more information read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options , also known as the options disclosure document (ODD). Alternatively, please contact IB Customer Service to receive a copy of the ODD. Before trading…capital risk, risk control, automate risk, option risk, risk suitableaccount, broker, trading, interactive, fund7
realsafety.huRisk assessment and preliminary examination with expert’s report of the facility, workplace and work tools before operating the technical devicesequipment risk, risk assessment, revision risk, protection risk, hazard risksafety, fire, real, maintenance, technical7
iosec.huRiA represents a unique tool for systematic management of any risk in an organization. It helps to manage risks for risk owners as well as cyber and information security managers.management risk, risk organization, organization risk, risk owner, tool riskdata, security, protection, personal, management7
aeo.hu…those applicants who already have the certificate all the conditions are considered as given, and their application is simply a formality. In the electronic customs procedure the certificate owners have benefits during the risk analysis as well. This means less documentation and product inspection.benefit risk, risk analysis, inspection risk, risk digital, digital riskcustom, certificate, authority, application, status6
coris.huHowever we are doing our best to perform our work well, there are always risks resulting losing our job therefore a very harmful situation for the whole family when the main financial security provider is out.essential risk, risk life, work risk, risk jobinsurance, pension, family, detail, protection6
falcongt.huOur objective is to quantify the real digital risk for our customers and to demonstrate the identified IT risks and the associated solutions. As the specialist of digital data & system protection we target to prepare our customers for becoming resistant against the constantly changing threat…digital risk, risk customer, customer risk, risk solution, internal riskconsulting, security, data, threat, digital6
poligratkft.huThese procedures can also be performed on site and no special expertise is required to perform the operations safely. To avoid health, safety and environmental risks, it is important to have the right expertise and supervision to create the right quality pickled surface. The treated surface may…later risk, risk corrosion, environmental risk, risk important, safety risksurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless5
iask.huIt is the mission of iASK to bring together a critical mass of intellectually open, courageous and knowledge-sharing practitioners – those that know that everything is at risk and that conventional research will simply not do, only creative and unusual combinations of ideas.practitioner risk, risk conventionalresearch, centre, digital, news, sustainable5
etk-rt.huETK Co. has been involved in the development of compliance systems, strengthening risk management processes, regulation and operational arrangements for public companies and institutions.risk management, approach risk, sustainably risk, key risk, risk organisationinternal, co., event, provider, expert5
premiermed.huAll our treatments are performed without cuts, but the results are equivalent to those of traditional open surgery. Therefore the risk of complications is minimized and the recovery period is significantly shorter, so our patients can resume their everyday activities much sooner.surgery risk, risk complicationshealth, centre, patient, treatment, thyroid5
dknv.huHighly competitive trading floors are profit driven battle zones which must comply with regulatory and risk management rules. Trading desks should be supported in a way that their dealing activities remain the fastest possible while fully transparent and compliant with internal and external rules…trading risk, risk performance, trader risk, risk activity, regulatory risksolution, consulting, management, trading, client5
hsmti.hu…paths on the input and output side or even with robots. Design and integration of automated buffer storage into an existing production line. Risk and resource evaluation of production lines, making of proposals for capacity expansion. Expansion of an existing production lines with additional…review risk, risk analysis, line risk, risk resourcemachine, image, process, technology, production5
epds.hu…the requirements set by them. The immediate reports and continuously accessible documents show exactly to what extent the organisation, the processes and their assets conform to the relevant standards. Full compliance significantly increases operational safety and reduces risks for the company.system risk, risk parallel, safety risk, risk company, personal riskequipment, environment, activity, operation, management5
kopintalapitvany.hu…Ukraine, the CIS countries (Commonwealth of Independent States2 ), Russia and the Central and Eastern European EU member states. For Hungary, the risks are significant, especially through demand and supply shocks triggered by the embargo against Russia, but the exposure is moderate compared to thestagflation risk, risk growth, turbulent risk, risk laden, downside riskeconomic, international, literature, country, economy5
adatvedelmi-jog.huWhen it comes to data controllers, the GDPR tightens the rules of liability. Amongst other obligations, data controllers shall keep straight records of data processing, perform impact assessment regarding high-risk activities and should deliberately pursue, the application of general data…high risk, risk new, operation risk, risk probability, zero riskdata, protection, law, process, subject4
qstest.hu…implement solutions that acknowledge digital taxpayer registration, tax returns filing and complete account management, including automatic calculation systems. In addition, document management, risk assessment, the collection of taxes and all statistical analyses can be done using the solution.management risk, risk assessmentmanagement, solution, automation, customer, process4
edutax.huA related field of our labour sector is labour and fire protection , the complexity of our services can be complete with them. The labour audit can be extended to the professional risks of labour and fire protection, at the same time we undertake trainings, preparation of sample documents, ad hoc…error risk, risk analysis, aim risk, risk internal, solution risktax, labour, consultancy, expert, bookkeeping4
bsce.huTesting strategy or concept development (scope, processes, prerequisites, risks, success criteria, etc.)prerequisite risk, risk success, risk managementdevelopment, management, solution, data, report4
strapa-pack.huThe risk of shipping damage is reduced to a reasonable level by the packaging materials we design and manufacture, and with our packaging service we take this risk over.service risk, risk shipping, packaging risk, risk factorpackaging, material, detail, solution, transport4
pannoniakonyvvizsgalo.huAudit of annual reports, business valuation, transfer pricing consultancy. Evaluation of assets, intangibles and shares. Benchmark analyses. Risk analyses.analysis risk, risk analysisvaluation, pricing, transfer, evaluation, detail4
felvesznek.huIncreasing number of students are in risk of dropping out from VET schools nowadays in Europe. The aim of CARMA project is to empower teachers from partner countries (Hungary, Finland and Bulgaria) and beyond to deliver career guidance and foster the development of career management skills among…student risk, risk vet, risk able, high risk, risk unemploymenttraining, manual, teacher, school, career4
tomlin.huApart from traditional cost management services, our standalone department provides conceptual budget advice, holistic life cycle costing, project risk quantification and other specialised cost intelligence to clients, architects, consultants and others ensuring that each project meets its…project risk, risk quantification, fund risk, risk optimummanagement, cost, consultancy, cee, energy4
iriszoffice.huWe offer management support in order to achieve more efficient operations to our partners. Our strength is in tax optimization – taking full advantage of legal tax opportunities, for example, by assessing business and country risk. This is usually followed by recommendations and preparation for…relevant risk, risk method, method risk, risk prerequisite, country riskoffice, plan, tax, financial, activity4
ferrotamin.huIn older age we have to count with the fact that the efficiency of digestion decreases: the absorption of nutrients and their utilisation inside the body worsen, which increases the risk of iron-deficient anaemia further.body risk, risk ironiron, woman, body, supplementation, complex4
astellasaszakdolgozokert.huDid you know that Sportingbet offers a risk-free bet of up to CZK 3 000? The ideal way to step into the world of betting …sportingbet risk, risk freebetting, successful, football, discipline, money4
taxatron.hu…data is validated by the software in the first step and by the tax authority in the second step, and immediate corrections can be made without any additional charge. This solution therefore offers important benefits for all taxpayers, as it significantly reduces the risk of subsequent VAT audits.return risk, risk advance, significantly risk, risk subsequent, audit riskvat, return, news, tax, consultation4
orientriver.hu…foundations, providing insights into local regulations, taxation, and obtaining necessary licenses or permits. We understand the challenges and risks associated with entering a new market, and we are equipped to provide you with comprehensive strategies to mitigate these risks and ensure a…challenge risk, risk new, strategy risk, risk successful, analysis riskriver, orient, solution, management, expertise4
ritkabetegsegakademia.huIn case the data breach has high risk for the rights and freedom of the data’s subject, Diamond Congress Ltd. informs the data’s subject about the data breach without reasonable delay with the following content at least: character of the breach, contact person and contact information, possible…high risk, risk right, possible risk, risk breachdata, congress, case, legal, conference4
csavigasoft.hu"Rapidiously integrate multimedia based resources whereas low-risk yield. Proactively innovate market positioning products without B2B products resources before."low risk, risk yield, risk highupper, version, mockup, low, yield4
aka.huThe traffic speed on the M5 Motorway may decrease from time to time due to scheduled maintenance and operation works. In overloaded traffic lanes, the risk of accidents and periodic traffic jams can also increase, so AKA Ltd. compiled several useful pieces of travel advice for travelers.lane risk, risk accidentmotorway, maintenance, news, operation, road4
nyitottkor.hu…specials needs, young people with migrant backgrounds, teachers’ groups, and European young people participating in long term volunteering programs. We consider these target groups being vulnerable groups, as their situation is special in society and their wellbeing is at risk for certain reasons.impaired risk, risk early, wellbeing risk, risk certain, child riskdrama, group, participant, european, education4
businessenglishonskype.hupart of the management lexicon. In the late 1990s this expanded to venture capital: the funding of small companies by profit-seeking investors. The risk of starting and running a business remains, but the opportunities afforded by technology and easier access to finance have made taking the first…investor risk, risk businessmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy4
unlocked.hu…and sharing, focusing on the especially vulnerable, disadvantaged target group of offenders, detainees and ex-detainees with a high criminality risk, addicts and those in a marginalised situation, as well as on professionals and experts treating them. Low school qualification and early…criminality risk, risk addict, risk social, high risk, risk criminalitysummary, presentation, photo, programme, meet3
budapestconsulting.hu…specialist in this field, who will communicate with the authorities during the tax audit. This continuous professional assistance can minimize the risk of conviction in any tax audits, regardless of how many times the company is inspected in a given year, and at the same time this unique assistanceassistance risk, risk conviction, term risk, risk financial, credit riskconsulting, tax, accounting, eng, financial3
oditsolutions.huThrough helping other organizations mitigate risks and grasp opportunities, we can drive positive, sustainable change for clients, our people and society at large.strategy risk, risk compliance, organization risk, risk opportunitycybersecurity, academy, leadership, publication, change3
mikrolabspf.huOur objective is, besides the diagnostics on poultry and livestock and zoonotic diseases , is the environmental monitoring of animal keeping and breeding facilities to reduce the microbiological risk to the forthcoming production cycles.microbiological risk, risk forthcoming, risk critical, chain risk, risk salmonellaanimal, microbiology, lab, manager, technician3
lita.hu…understood more quickly for data management and planning. Metadata-driven automation can be used to deliver data pipelines faster. When used in tandem with Data Literacy, Data Catalog provides the technical data governance foundation organizations require to maximize data potential and limit risk.innovation risk, risk businessdata, management, governance, delivery, organization3
mkvk.hu– on April 30, 2002 the Chamber founded the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors Insurance Broker Ltd., as a one-man joint stock company, to manage auditors’ liability insurance. The company’s tasks include obtaining insurance offers, concluding contracts, representing auditors vis-á-vis insurance…great risk, risk audit, situation risk, risk interest, degree riskchamber, member, auditing, sector, place3
trenico.huDue diligence of corporate, private banking and financial portfolios in terms of risk tolerancebusiness risk, term risk, risk tolerance, profit risk, risk nationalinvestment, office, family, event, management3
constructionpapers.hubusinesses in the construction industry. The materials published here do not constitute legal advices, we can only give them in individual cases. However, our easily understandable analyses can still help you manage risks effectively: avoid avoidable litigation, and prepare for unavoidable lawsuits.analysis risk, risk effectively, contractor risk, risk successfully, dilemma riskconstruction, contract, law, paper, dispute3
fogjegytaxit.huLeaving your car parked at the airport for a longer period can increase security risks. Although airport parking lots are generally safe and well-equipped, there is still a possibility of theft or vehicle damage.decision risk, risk downside, security risk, risk airportairport, transfer, journey, driver, parking3
f12.huIn my previous post , I highlighted the risks of using password credentials for apps and how to spot client secret usage for service principals. This post will focus on limiting password lifetime for apps (scoped to tenant or specific application level) which can be configured if your tenant has…high risk, risk sign, post risk, risk password, entire riskhello, access, application, user, sign3
sssmart.huBeing a representative of any segment of the industry, you can expect our company to develop a risk management solution tailored to your specific activities.company risk, risk management, increase risk, risk agricultural, operational riskinsurance, solution, industry, proposal, sector3
smartprojectconsulting.huSmart Project Consulting Informatics Ltd is a spin-off company dealing with custom software development, data mining and data visualization. The company's knowledge of economics, in addition to IT, enables us to provide our partners with effective support in investment appraisal, project portfolio…portfolio risk, risk management, analysisproject risk, risk managementfinancialconsulting, ltd, competence, methodology, career3
fleetconcept.huFleetConcept understands company vehicle usage down to the last detail, which allows us to offer our fully comprehensive, risk-free services to suit the unique needs of multinationals, large enterprises and SMEs. Also, we highly value the fact that our customers can take advantage of…client risk, risk free, comprehensive riskfleet, financing, management, rate, corporate3
cgeopol.hu…under the aegis of the Council, the Corporate Social Responsibility Centre, the Central-Asia and the NATO Centers were established. The Applied Risk Analyzing Unit, as well as the Fund Raising Tender Unit satisfy the professional claims within and outside the Council. The Hungarian-German…preparation risk, risk analysis, business risk, risk council, apply riskcouncil, member, board, research, foundation3
piksys.hu…organization. Our team of skilled experts ensures that your security solutions are implemented at peak efficiency by using our knowledge. This helps your organization mitigate risk, provide technical controls, achieve compliance, and ensure that you harness the full power of your security solutionsecurity risk, risk complex, enterprise risk, risk system, organization risksecurity, knowledge, strength, solution, threat3
expanzio.huOur analysis reveals the demographic, educational, financial and socio-cultural risks of educational institutions or districts. Our model connects the various risk factors and gives guidence to local risk managers.cultural risk, risk educational, model risk, risk factor, local riskconsulting, human, learn, educational, development3
ora-akcio.huIn business development, privacy and reliability are critical aspects of preserving a competitive advantage. Keeping sensitive data private makes certain that competitors cannot use your innovations or perhaps strategies while not risk of legal penalties, and fosters trust with clientele and…strategy risk, risk legal, access risk, risk fraudlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements3
borzaconsulting.huNon-life insurance support: pricing, deterministic and stochastic provisions of claims, claim modeling, annuities, low probability modeling, internal risk modelsinternal risk, risk model, insurance risk, risk departmentconsulting, insurance, support, development, pension3
ggh.huabout all the risk of your investment, and collect you all the available latest technologiestechnology risk, risk possibleglobal, house, glass, investment, build3
szazadveg.hu…government bodies and institutions in Hungary comply with data protection regulations, bearing in mind the principle of purpose limitation and delete personal data collected without proper purpose limitation, together with data that poses a risk of reuse for the purposes of any political campaign.data risk, risk reuse, infringement risk, risk month, clear riskdata, report, protection, political, human3
superweek.hu…at play across different domains of decision-making – bridging concepts like Wardley-mapping and insights from the Frankfurt School to uncover how risk, cost and regret shape our actions and outcomes. Understanding these principles will allow you to use and navigate our rapidly changing world and…regret risk, risk reward, school risk, risk costdata, analytic, digital, day, analyst3
karro.huWe are interested in any business possibility requiring a high professional understanding on behalf of an investor. Relying on our expertise in vastly different areas, we can evaluate and manage diverse risks.investment, property, commercial, industrial, management3
vbenz.hu…may be necessary. In this case, the usual method is often to empty the tank, but this may trigger production downtime and fire protection risks that can be only mitigated by standby fire department services only. In order to reduce costs (drain and filling of tanks, production downtime) wesafety risk, risk simple, discount risk, risk particularly, protection risksolution, maintenance, liquid, protection, installation3
ertekado.humoney. These programs are extremely popular since they allow players to play a variety of casino Betway Casino games and win real money without any risk. Whether you want to try out a new game for the first time, or simply enjoy a few hours there is an online casino that provides a generous amount…money risk, risk new, game risk, risk extensiveslot, free, machine, bonus, game3
argonsoft.huEasy, quick and cost-effective solution for retrieving nation-wide third-party liability (KGFB) insurance data provided by the Central Bank of Hungary for the use of pricing, provisioning and risk analysis for Hungarian insurance companies.provision risk, risk analysissoftware, development, data, custom, effective3
bta-group.hu, takes part in the creation of the test strategy, the test plan, effort estimation, configuration management, incident management, or carries out a risk assessment and test monitoring for the project. The TM reports regularly to the project management about the status of the project to the client…risk management, management risk, risk assessmentgroup, management, software, process, analysis2
iaabudapest.hu• IAA says brands need to pay closer attention to customer perceptions of sustainability - failure to communicate clearly about ESG puts value at risk.value risk, risk consumerglobal, brand, industry, advertising2
ravera.huBased on many years of experience, we can provide engineering support to our Partners. We provide an optimal solution proposal in case of the time schedule of the contractors needs to be modified, the proposed technical solution needs to be adjusted, the quality of construction is at risk or the…big risk, risk high, high risk, risk human, construction riskindustrial, engineering, mechanical, co., industry2
hardening.huThe goal of hardening is to find the potential risk areas in order to maximize system security – with joint effort and according to your needs. Thereby we send a message to cybercriminals: "We work hard on protecting the system." It is important: we don’t aim to criticize the existing system…potential risk, risk areaharden, security, vulnerability, reference, penetration2
vargaanita.huLight colored skin, blue eyes, red or blond hair or if you have a history of skin tumors in your family, may increase the risk of developing malignant melanoma.family risk, risk malignant, moderate risk, risk childhoodskin, dermatologist, clinical, screening, cancer2
magnesfal.huThe Magnetic Wall is uses the same principle, it is not a magnet, but magnetizable. Therefore the Magnetic Wall has no health risks and is not dangerous. It can be implemented in children rooms and elderly homes as well.health risk, risk magnetic, risk dangerousmagnetic, wall, surface, plaster, frame2
szelmezeitavak.huUsage of boat is allowed by keeping the valid law terms at the anglers own risk. Feeding, playing the hooked fish, deploying the baited hook from boat is allowed without bothering the boat and shore anglers. Deploying the baited hook is allowed up to the distance of 100 meters. The chosen boilie…angler risk, risk hookfishing, fish, angle, area, lake2
költségosztó.hu…repeated exposures. Long term exposures to even low concentrations of some chemicals may induce chronic effects. Cancer is the most commonly associated long term health consequence of exposure to indoor air contaminants. For example, long term exposure to the following increases cancer risk:people risk, risk oneair, quality, solution, building, indoor2
csullogestarsakft.huCustomers and users placing orders for long-term projects are not only interested in the technical details and expenses laid down in the plans drawn up at the outset. Today, it is just as important to clarify what risk is involved in the plans that are accepted, as well as to what extent future…important risk, risk plan, future riskclient, customer, painting, development, introduction2
whiterabbit.huOver 40% of the world’s species are estimated to be at risk of extinction. The survival rates of these animals and plants are very low. However, making people realize that even being aware of the problem and talking about it, raises the survival chances of these endangered species considerably…attention risk, risk pneumococcal, species risk, risk extinctioncampaign, result, brand, brief, solution2
helping-hand.hu…become contributing members of their communities. However, if these children do not learn skills to deal with their difficulties, then they are at risk for a range of negative outcomes, such as repeated experiences of failure, low self-esteem, dropping out of school, becoming unemployed or…difficulty risk, risk range, specific risk, risk adhdchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten2
addresscheck.huAfter the syntactic check, AddressCheck initiates a simulated email sendout, during which the system checks the email addresses at 19 different points. To name just a few, such as checking the existence of the email domain, checking the availability of the Mail Server, checking for bounce risk or…bounce risk, risk prefix, worth risk, risk databasedatabase, address, important, mail, worth2
studies.huevaluation (4) inflation (3) innovation (4) Kosovo (3) LEADER (4) maize (3) off-farm income (4) participation (3) policy (4) price transmission (3) risk management (3) rural areas (4) rural development (13) social capital (3) social innovation (3) Structural Funds (3) sustainability (5) sustainable…transmission risk, risk managementanalysis, result, economic, farming, ago2
akuna.huIf the method of transport is agreed upon by a buyer's special request, the buyer carries the risk and any additional costs associated with this method of transport.buyer risk, risk additional, risk circumstancesbuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case2
countinghouse.huOur monthly accounting fee is determined based on the scope of the client’s activities and the amount of accounting materials to be processed each month. Some activities have higher risk and more thorough preparation and processing of more data. So, this is also taken into account when calculating…high risk, risk thorough, employment risk, risk incompletetax, accounting, count, house, payroll2
columbusalap.huThe funds, known as Core Venture, were established to finance innovative ideas that were deliberately supplemented by investments in traditional low-risk industries. Accordingly, funding targeted projects related to renewable energy, emission-free waste treatment and projects using information and…low risk, risk industryfund, equity, private, capital, venture2
szintezis-net.huFrom ideation to support, our deep domain knowledge allows prompt, risk-managed value delivery in complex regulated environments.adeptly risk, risk compliance, prompt risk, risk valuesupport, software, today, page, development2
euvitis.huIn general, grape seed products, manufacturing sites are rarely evaluated and controlled by government authorities. Certain products might be contaminated by toxic materials, drugs, or just may contain preservative additives. Reduce your risk by purchasing only from reliable sources. (Please be…major risk, risk factor, additive risk, risk reliablegrape, seed, source, family, wine2
deepdata.huAutomatically flags corruption risks in public procurements using various indicators, the website provides filters and subscription.corruption risk, risk publicresearch, science, university, data, corruption2
dezsenyi.huWe help employers manage this part of their business risk. We deal with employment law issues on a monthly fee basis, which includes not only document drafting and legal advice, but also litigation in labour disputes. Upon engagement, we are available to provide legal advice before workplace…legal risk, risk client, business risk, risk employment, manner risklaw, legal, client, labour, attorney2
realign.huWith our services, we provide much more than project management consultancy. At the center of our work, it is always the interest of our clients.. We work in close partnership with all stakeholders of our projects, we support efficient implementation, we help reducing technical risks and…technical risk, risk constructionmanagement, construction, office, technical, expertise2
ovst.huhands-on Management Team and project personnel, who fully understand the specific requirements of individual projects. Our services are tailored to meet the clients’ individual requirements in accordance with the highest HSQE, social responsibility, compliance standards and Risk Management Policies.risk committee, standard risk, risk managementtrade, value, social, large, corporate2
highquality.hu…sorting action service we make sure that your customer will be able to continue it’s manufacturing process with no further harm since we minimise risk and 100% evalute failures. The purpose of our service is to minimise cost, time, travelling and capacity for our partner so he can fastly solve…harm risk, risk evalute, service risk, risk wellquality, action, customer, support, inspection2
beingmore.hu• identifying and reducing organizational risks of generational handover, mergers and acquisitions.organizational risk, risk generationalclient, leadership, journey, performance, development2
renovplus.hu…the payout when you hit the jackpot. However, it is essential to remember that while this can significantly enhance your winnings Top Bet it also carries a higher risk. Therefore, it’s advisable to use this strategy only after gaining sufficient experience and understanding of the game’s mechanics.high risk, risk advisable, luck risk, risk luckstrategy, today, winning, slot, game2
ap-x.huIf the data protection incident is likely to pose a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the Company will inform the data subject of the data protection incident without undue delay.appropriate risk, risk connection, high risk, risk rightdata, subject, process, personal, management2
bombavadasz.hu…full counseling. Unexploded ordnance (UXO or UO), unexploded bombs (UXBs), or explosive remnants of war (ERW) are explosive weapons(bombs, shells, grenades, land mines, naval mines, cluster munition, etc.) that did not explode when they were employed and still pose a risk of detonation today.etc risk, risk detonationarea, disposal, exploration, explosive, technical2
hanyuhenrietta.huUsing my knowledge and experiences gained in the field of conflict resolution in the workplace, I am able to assist companies in choosing the conflict resolution method appropriate for the given situation, which enabling the minimisation of both costs and legal risks.employment, law, mediation, workplace, legal2
orienteventive.huBrainstoring, generating creative ideas, data and information analysis, event life cycle. Budgeting is done by taking risk aversion strategies into consideration.budgeting risk, risk aversionorient, event, build, conference, ready2
realmanagement.hu2021: According to its business performance, Real Management Kft. has been again qualified “A” , that is into the extremely low risk category by analyst OPTEN Kft.low risk, risk category, minimal riskreal, management, reference, career, responsibility2
munkahely-stressz.huThe test is online, the employee can provide personal information, but can also complete the test anonymously. The test is not about the worker, but about the exposure to health risk factors in the work environment.health risk, risk factorstress, occupational, workplace, health, physician2
indotek.huThe cornerstones of our business strategy are practicality, calculated risk-taking, an in-depth understanding and the flexible management of the market and client needs, and an ambition to create value. We consistently strive to develop optimal solutions in all of our activities from property…calculate risk, risk taking, financial risk, risk projectmanagement, investment, group, property, market2
guidevision.huPolicy and Compliance Management, Risk Management, Performance Analytics, Audit Management, Vendor Risk Management, Business Continuity Management, and more...risk management, management risk, vendor riskmanagement, customer, insight, value, study2
kaptarbudapest.huOnce you've seen KAPTÁR and know what you can expect from working with us, it will be easy decide which package to choose. Plus, with our money-back satisfaction guarantee you can choose any coworking pass completely risk-free!completely risk, risk freecommunity, office, room, space, meet2
menekultugyved.huThe Republic of Hungary shall grant subsidiary protection status to an alien who does not qualify as a refugee but in respect of whom substantial grounds have been shown for believing that the person concerned, if returned to his or her country of origin would face a real risk of suffering serious…real risk, risk harm, unable risk, risk unwillingasylum, citizenship, immigration, attorney, procedure2
dentist-debrecen.huEvery six months everyone should devote half an hour to this. The dentist checks that there is no risk of decay or plaque developing. Plaque is largely responsible for tooth discolouration and for unpleasant breath odour. With regular check-ups this problem can be treated quickly and painlessly…consumption risk, risk cavity, dentist risk, risk decaydental, tooth, dentist, surgery, treatment2
echo.huWTI after the false breakout week before now retested the September high as risk-off mood prevailed.strong risk, risk mood, high riskweek, ahead, asset, january, class2
acpartner.huWe always strive so that you can see us as a PARTNER, we achieve this with attention and reliable work. Nowadays, auditing is more than a certification of the accounting system. Risk analysis, correct information and operational regularity is part of our opinion.system risk, risk analysis, significant risk, risk sightaccounting, financial, advisory, auditing, client2
kismihok.huBerg, A. M., Kismihók, G., Lynch, P., & Hannover, T. I. B. (2018). Risk Mitigation in the age of Learning Analytics. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of European University Information Systems . EUNIS 2018, Paris.b. risk, risk mitigation, p. risklearn, t., conference, research, proceedings2
coomportix.huA penetration test for new developments is always advised to reveal the possible security risks in applicaton or websites.security risk, risk applicatonsecurity, advisory, training, employee, general2
advorg.huDiscover how Advocate consultants helped shaping Risk Management in the wake of recession.fine risk, risk management, help riskconsulting, case, study, organization, development2
liskaklinika.hu…vertebra. Correction of this displacement can alleviate these chronic conditions and offers a real, long lasting solution without being forced to take medicines and taking the risks of the side effects. This way several kind of health problems can be solved by abolishing the main cause of them.medicine risk, risk effectpage, main, problem, method, health2
4kaudit.huWe believe that our services should provide real value besides the obligatory audit services. We could help identifying operating and tax risks, improving financial and structural efficiency in accordance with the effective legislations.tax risk, risk financialwebpage, advisory, tax, field, auditing2
quintus.huA thorough feasibility assessment ensures that the planned project will be profitable and meet the expected return on investment. Feasibility studies also provide a framework for risk management and help set expectations regarding the timeline and costs associated with a project.framework risk, risk managementsustainability, sustainable, environment, investment, construction2
portex.huCombined rail road transport is particularly well suited to the shipping of hazardous goods since it reduces risk.freight, chain, road, compliant, supply2
relnet.huYou don't have to take the risk of buying something untried. Test our products free of charge! Use our extensive demo equipment pool to experience the capabilities of our vendors' solutions.risk untriedtechnology, vendor, network, event, solution2
betonracspadlo.huSlatted floors can suffer damage during transportation and shipping. We want to supply a perfect product, which is why we pay special attention to packaging and support when unloading . Edge protectors minimize the risk of impact damage while our unloading manual supports machinery operators in…protector risk, risk impactfloor, concrete, grid, quality, flooring2
infogroup.huPrior to becoming Infogroup's financial and operations director, Máté was CEO in one of Hungary's leading banks. His specialties are corporate, project- and syndicate financials, as well as credit risk management.credit risk, risk managementdirector, development, real, estate2
outturn.huWe consider hard data as well as soft factors when conducting our risk analysis. The financial aspect of the valuation is then performed using a variety of accepted and proven methods. Depending on the specific circumstances of the company, a combination of the following methods is used:factor risk, risk analysisnegotiation, management, deal, support, market2
senex.huSENEX Ltd. provides high-quality expert services in all fields of environmental protection. Our employees have decades of professional experience and knowledge. Our activities mainly include environmental assessment and coordination of permitting procedures, risk assessment, environmental surveys…procedure risk, risk assessment, health risktreatment, wastewater, assessment, environmental, field2
pannonrex.huWe create solutions that work: through careful analysis, proactive risk management, creative design, thoughtful implementation, throughout testing, attention to detail, and continual project control we deliver applications that do what our clients need within budget, on time.proactive risk, risk management, analysis risk, risk assessmentsolution, vision, execution, software, showcase2
lfblegal.huTo minimize the tax risk and optimize the tax burdens of our clients, we provide tax advice and tax structuring from one off commercial transactions to complex corporate re-structuringtax risk, risk tax, transaction risk, risk timelegal, tax, client, litigation, international2
kabelkonfekcio.huDuring conversations with our Clients we have time and again heard them mention the problem that the turnover speed of their business far exceeds the reaction time of production, resulting in serious economic risk and exposure for them. What can be done in such a rapidly changing environment in…economic risk, risk exposurecable, assembly, signal, power, industry2
secaas.huIn addition to the data protection fine, the company’s reputation is at serious risk. Prove your efforts by using ISO 27701, which is based on ISO 27001.reputation risk, risk effort, supplier risk, risk managementsecurity, training, management, organisation, interest2
rehabmed.huOral hygiene is essential for your overall wellbeing, not just your oral health. In fact, gum disease is a major risk factor for developing certain dangerous health conditions, such as diabetesmajor risk, risk factorweight, health, doctor, healthy, loss2
mailengine.huAuthenticated email sending with own and unique sender domain by single SPF, DKIM and DMARC configuration. Easily reduce the risk of your marketing message getting into spam.easily risk, risk marketingdetail, campaign, management, easy, mail2
infravizsgalat.huvaricose vein abnormalities, spinal and joint degenerative changes , or for example inflammation of the carotid artery, thereby signaling a form of risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease, as well as other processes involving changes in cellular metabolism with extremely high sensitivity and…form risk, risk stroke, fast risk, risk freeinfrared, imaging, body, hormone, treatment2
magyarendre.hu…an excellent choice for unclogging due to their outstanding safety features and efficiency.. They are easy to use, they are reliable and effective in removing various types of blockages. By using WOMA machines, unblocking can be done quickly and safely, minimizing the risk of damage and accidents.system risk, risk accident, safely risk, risk damageremoval, channel, machine, camera, sewer2
syscontrol.huWe work to ensure that our solutions make this information available to our customers at the optimal time, so they can make decisions with the lowest possible risk.risk controlcontrol, solution, instrument, webpage, proprietary2
infius.huThis way, you can minimize the risk of working with us, because in the worst case, only time may be lost.way risk, risk baddevelopment, expert, developer, task, need2
taxworld.huour clients could become well-informed, more prepared, and they could minimize their business related risks. Our experts can offer extra functions, information and services, making everyday business activities much easier.business risk, risk expert, unfair risk, risk mannerlegal, tax, accounting, office, client2
eurobond.hu…and professional background, are recognised as our business partners as well as the Hungarian insurance companies. These business relations and capacities allow us to provide such services where there are significant value bonds or guarantees to be issued, or special type of risks to be undertaken.type, international, user, guide, advantage1
uniqalis.huWe are focusing on the uniqueness and specific requirements of each of our clients. We provide valuable support to reduce time, costs, and risks for your business in the African markets.cost risk, risk businessschedule, appointment, african, international, main1
ransommentes.huThanks to the unique experiences we have gained at Data Recovery and in this critical role, and due to the special knowledge we have built we have a real and extensive insight into the process and mechanism of a ransomware attack. Having this wide experience enables us to assess the risks of a…experience risk, risk certainattack, assessment, day, detail, eng1
munkavedinfo.huFor motorcycle riders, knowing the list of states with helmet laws is crucial for ensuring compliance and safety on the road, while drivers should be aware of the legal driving limit for blood alcohol content to avoid penalties and risks while driving.legal, law, agreement, regulation, important1
soundbridge.huIf any of them concern you or if you have any questions, please contact us! Your participation is at your own risk.sound, group, day, session, retreat1
choice1.huChoice1 Kft help our clients understand business areas and risks, makes a solution to enhance business effectiveness.area risk, risk solutionchoice, tax, accounting, consultation, legal1
pmed.huPre-heart surgery consultation, counselling, surgical risk assessment, indication setting, preparation of personalized surgical plans, post-operative surgical follow-up examinations.surgical risk, risk assessmentsurgery, medical, heart, center, parliament1
webandmore.hu, and we also have a perfect knowledge of European Union tenders in the field of research and development. We keep both the financial aspect and the deadlines of the projects well in hand, and we carry out constant risk analysis, whose results are regularly communicated to the sponsor of the…constant risk, risk analysisdevelopment, technology, job, field, management1
caimmo.huWhen using web analytics, Google Maps or Youtube, your data is processed in the USA. The USA is not accorded an adequate level of data protection by the European Court of Justice. In particular, there is a risk that your data may be subject to access by U.S. authorities for control and monitoring…particular risk, risk dataprivacy, provider, map, setting, data1
kszgysz.huThe host country for the workshop, Poland, has recently introduced risk-based policy and legislation. További részletekrecently risk, risk policywaste, plastic, european, international, water1
asar.hu…to help them advance industry standards and improve performance. We blend diverse expertise with keen foresight to facilitate projects and minimise risk. Whether you are an owner, contractor, attorney, construction professional we can assist you in achieving project success, from the ground up.project risk, risk ownerconsultant, industry, construction, user, login1
aqvila.huWe work with clients to assess potential risks or defects that may affect the value, feasibility or performance of the property or the project. Site Technical Due Diligence helps owners make informed decisions and mitigate risks before they become costly or problematic.potential risk, risk defect, decision risk, risk costlyengineering, consultancy, consult, build, value1
icontest.huOur customers want high quality experts in different technology areas for their projects. Reduce the cost, time and risk to find and hire them. We...technology, energy, expert, area, solution1
ipasy.huBeyond mere disease detection, our diagnostic kit furnishes nuanced insights into the risk and aggressiveness of prostate cancer, making clinical decision-making easier.insight risk, risk aggressivenessdiagnostic, technology, cancer, prostate, vision1
opl.huOPL is an international, innovative, and independent legal consultancy boutique providing full-range CEE legal and regulatory services primarily to multinational companies. We excel at helping our clients manage risk – our expertise in identifying, analysing, and mitigating risk ensures that our…client risk, risk expertise, expertise risk, risk clientlaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
apiinvertix.hu…Due to its high glucose content, it does not crystallize even at low temperatures such as when stored in honeycombs. As the product is made in laboratory conditions, it has maximal sterility, it does not contain spores, bacteria, viruses or toxins, thus, the risk of bee diseases are lower.toxin risk, risk beesugar, bee, feed, syrup, natural1
teeth.huHowever, this comes with its own handful of risks. I’m not saying you should never get on a scooter, ride a bike, or leave the house BUT you should be prepared for an accident.handful risk, risk scootertooth, dental, smile, office, dentist1
marinero.huLightning protection design of biogas power plants with high risk of explosion: 2011 – Kisbér; 2011 – Bicsérd, 2013 – Tatabánya (Szennyvíztelep); 2013 – Csongrád; 2014 – Békés; 2016 – Tiszavasvári; 2016 – Harsányhigh risk, risk explosionreference, solution, infrastructure, power, construction1
bancard.huAssisting the proprietor and authority audit revelations IT-connected implementation; Creating and implementing the IT governance system; Reviewing and renewing the IT risk management software; Conducting risk evaluation; Developing executive management guidelines.system risk, risk management, software risk, risk evaluationreference, management, light, introduction, consulting1
violet-consulting.hu…of the research process. You will onboard, validate, and analyze data to help build, prototype, and test models that explain and forecast the risk and return properties of assets across multiple asset classes. You will apply your skills to help solve a broad and diverse set of problems…model risk, risk returnconsulting, engineer, position, candidate, manager1
familytree.hu…to retrieving and submitting all necessary documents to concluding the financial settlement. Throughout the length of this process, we assume all risks and cover all costs. Thanks to our extensive network of correspondents, we have the capacity to locate and represent heirs in almost all parts of…process risk, risk costfamily, tree, search, europe, eastern1
dominarium.huThe fund is 100% privately owned and financially independent. We have the ability to be dynamic and opportunistic with regard to investment size and risk profile.size risk, risk profileroom, location, sector, website, investment1
balatonhelp.huGeneral contracts for routine use do not apply to special events with heightened risks, such as solo, overnight, and record sailing races. Additional packages are available for these events. Lifesaving and assistance are, of course, provided without charge in such cases.heightened risk, risk solodiscount, price, package, weekly, monthly1
nautilusstudio.hu…a service. We can do everything for you from graphics design and template building to custom development. Any service ordered from us also gets you the runtime version of our broadcast graphics application for free. Can broadcast graphics be a less risk free investment than this? We don't think so.graphic risk, risk freerequirements, hardware, news, broadcast, graphic1
dentys.huThe Provider does not accept any warranty claims regarding temporary bridges, crowns or dentures. The Patient acknowledges that depending on the biological responsiveness of the organism (besides depending on the not yet known risks), the expected result and the final recovery time may vary from…organism risk, risk result, damage risk, risk surgicalprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic1
dreamwedding.hu…that is the common route in which I offer the possibilities, and your part will only be the excitement and beauty of taking the decisions, not the risk of it. Therefore, no matter which you select from the offered options, one thing you may be sure of is that a very exquisit team will work on…decision risk, risk matterwedding, day, help, dream, guest1
etalonhorses.huEach and every rider participates in any equestrian activity on their own risks in field of sport, spare time activity and equestrian presentation.activity risk, risk fieldhorse, fire, close, equestrian, video1
swoosh.huSwoosh Capital Ltd. has also invested in long-term infrastructure-related assets that provide stable returns and diversified risk-return profile. Thus far, our investment portfolio is in excess of EUR1 billion as at FY2020, with our investment reach as far as Asia, in markets such as the…diversified risk, risk returncapital, website, asia, opportunity, management1
mt-gasconsulting.hu…for both the market and the status of our customers'. We can show You the business opportunities hiding behind these changes, we identify the risks and the adequate solutions. The world changes, since 2015. there are some ultimate changes in the conditions of the energy supply, for which we…change risk, risk adequateconsulting, gas, customer, welcome, energy1
nconnect.huNOWadays the biggest risks in IT Security are coming from data leakage - data stealing and from the vulnerable IT infrastructure. It is now a daily example in the media to hear about unauthorized data accesses, hijacked computers and complete IT systems, or similar technological abuses. These…big risk, risk securitysecurity, solution, intelligence, hardware, hacking1
scx.hu…way to ensure that you have the right to use them in your project. This is important because using copyrighted images from Google can lead to legal problems. When you buy the stock images from Adobe Stock, you have a license that allows you to use them in your project without the risk of a lawsuit.project risk, risk lawsuitstock, photo, detail, free, image1
ecofact.huEmployers have to establish safe and healthy conditions of work and determine the manner in which work must be performed in order to avoid the risk of workplace accidents and occupational diseases.order risk, risk workplacesafety, fire, payroll, regulation, accounting1
payful.huPivot3 was founded by several industry veterans of Compaq, HP, VMware, and Adaptec with a vision to simplify computing at the edge and in the datacenter by consolidating storage, compute and network resources onto a powerful, easy-to-deploy solution that would reduce cost and operational risks and…operational risk, risk overallsolution, payment, client, development, edge1
origodigitalfilm.huWith new file formats, storage capabilities, and rates of data flow constantly changing, there is a risk that data stored on current tapes and hard drives might not be accessible later. The ARRILASER 2 HS offers the only proven way to store film images that can be accessed not only tomorrow, but…constantly risk, risk datadigital, post, production, complex, daily1
ybg.huThe Budapest Investment Club is the first student organization focusing on stock market investments in Hungary . Their aim is to bring the world of stock markets and investments, its operation, opportunities and risks, and its role in the economy to as many students as possible. In the long term…opportunity risk, risk rolestudent, university, organization, follow, diplomacy1
mimsafehungary.huThe market's safest dog cage for SUV, estate and hatchback cars. This cage is designed to stand behind the back seat. Telescopic construction that maximizes the space for your dog. It's Built-in deformation zone reduces the risk of back, neck and head injuries to the rear seat passengers in case…zone risk, risk neckdog, image, easy, safe, small1
simplyadd.huTWe can say No! Tasks that can’t be completed by us are indicated before the work starts and we can provide the right partners for the right job if needed but we are willing to cooperate with any party who is dedicated for the success of the project. We also highlight risks if there is any.development, management, cooperation, simply, responsibility1
knui.huMost importantly it should be stated, that in case the child or the parent is not in quarantine and presents no epidemiological risk – eg. none of them has just arrived home from an infected area, no contaminated person was identified in their close vicinity -...epidemiological risk, risk eglawyer, child, custody, family, divorce1
studystream.huCan you learn driving a car only by reading a lot about it? Visual sensing is the dominant and most effective way to acquire knowledge. Reproducing lifelike situations by taking the place of a tutor is the closest experience to doing it on your own without the risk of accidents, failures and…experience risk, risk accidentlearn, human, curve, tutor, training1
dietetikusod.huwho already have risk factors discovered according to their laboratory test results, but they want to avoid the disease (secondary - prevention)diet, nutrition, university, health, disease1
rezgés.huOur company offers turn-key solutions for providing all the information regarding the condition of machines, which are necessary for establishing and sustaining risk-based and predictive maintenance systems.necessary risk, risk predictivevibration, diagnostic, alert, tool, measure1
krafty.huUrinary Urgency, Frequency and Pain. Enterococcus faecalis is a relatively frequent cause of urinary tract infections 6. People who have been recently hospitalized, had a urinary bladder catheter or a procedure involving the urinary tract are at increased risk for this type of Enterococcus…tract risk, risk typeinfection, prostate, doctor, az1
avidinlab.huPeriodic screening, i.e. periodic repetition of the PCR test, can be a guarantee that only patients with proven non-infectivity will go into the community and return to work, thus minimizing the risk of further spread of the virus.work risk, risk spreadsample, result, laboratory, logistic, method1
kozmetikazalaegerszeg.huThe desired result thanks to the quality products I use and the risk of allergies is minimized.product risk, risk allergysalon, homepage, treatment, centre, facial1
ipariparkinfogroup.huInfogroup’s dedicated, professional team and diverse experience in property development as well as construction, ensure that we meet our clients’ highest needs. This first-class all inclusive service is guaranteed by our unique project and financial management, investment banking background…background risk, risk capacityhall, industrial, plot, logistic1
classys.huThe possibilities and the risk must be seen in the continuously changing environment. Classys has been helping the companies to achieve their goals in a cost effective, efficient and measurable way.possibility risk, risk continuouslyclassy, solution, simple, job, management1
holisys.huWe assess your IT services and it’s weak points, evaluate risks and analyse the performance of your IT team and 3rd party providers. As a result you receive a complete list of areas that needs attention.point risk, risk performancemanagement, digital, detail, sme, agile1
dnv.hu…for delivering excellence to our customers. Managed well, diverse and inclusive teams can also identify and capture more opportunities and manage more risks than homogenous teams. For DNV, not being committed to diversity and inclusion would be both ethically wrong and a grievous business error.safety risk, risk english, opportunity risk, risk homogenousdiversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group1
miskolczilaw.huOur aim is to provide our clients with complete and professional information about legal issues and options from as far as a patent application to a real-estate acquisition. We have always focused on providing special care by informing our clients about the expectable advantages and the possible…possible risk, risk orderlaw, protection, attorney, office, trademark1
hajotaxi.huAvailable from 8am to 10pm daily, depending on weather, from May 1st to August 31st. All passengers take part in the journey at their own risk!danube, island, beach, visegrad, water1
feic.hu“Flott Expert” is an independent security consultant company, that helps to handle the security risks of the business, reduces the losses of the client while provides security and makes a safety workplace for the employees.security risk, risk businesssecurity, independent, expert, consulting, consultant1
petroleum.huTo support research and development programs studying the effect of the oil industry on human safety and health and serving for the prevention of the connecting risks.petroleum, association, oil, industry, environment1
viesa.hu…III has no protruding parts inside the vehicle cabin: the air vents are flush with the cab roof, perfectly integrated to provide improved comfort (no more risk of drivers accidentally bumping their head against an air vent) and allow for the complete opening of the hatches on topside compartments.comfort risk, risk driverdriver, air, conditioner, technical, battery1
bi360.huFinancial controlling, risk, operation, marketing, sales and trade-marketing are the key areas where we increase corporate analytical capabilities through planning and forecasting, reporting, consolidation and many other custom analytical applications. We always emphasize the integration of AI…control risk, risk operationtechnology, retail, solution, data, corporate1
trhome.huSince finishing my studies, I have been active as an entrepreneur. I spent nearly 10 years in the world of the stock market, during which time I gained a lot of knowledge and experience in the field of investments. With every investment (be it securities or real estate), I try to minimize the risk…estate risk, risk highproperty, real, estate, number, turkey1
luminaxis.huWe do not take any risks: we buy only those properties that can provide a good profit margin in a reasonable amount of time.real, estate, month, property, investment1
superposition.huinvestment options against various criteria, it selects the ones where divergent approaches produce mutually reinforcing results. The methods used for analysis can be fundamental, statistical or technical. Where no adequate option is available, the capital of the Fund is invested in low-risk assets.low risk, risk assetfund, rate, investment, current, asset1
animata.huWe are proud to be a creative and flexible small team, who does not afraid to take risk, create prototypes, dive deep into problems and give complex solutions.afraid risk, risk prototypecreative, solution, installation, problem, event1
jovomentes.huAfter 80 peaceful years of peace, the biggest security policy challenge and risk for our common future is once again Europechallenge risk, risk commonfuture, peace, europe, european, today1
rigips.huBoards formulated with our advanced M2TECH technology provide the ultimate moisture and mold-resistant lining solution for even the most at-risk areas of schools, hospitals and other moisture-prone buildings.solution risk, risk areamain, page, technology, news, sell1
admiralcount.hu…times a year, which requires of our professionals to follow the latest laws and regulations, adapt, learn and develop their knowledge. Only someone with a Chartered Tax Adviser qualification is entitled to work in the field of tax consultancy. Don’t take a risk! Bring your taxation matters to us!consultancy risk, risk taxationtax, taxation, count, accountancy, bookkeeping1
consultancyhouse.huOur aim is to find innovative ways to optimize processes, reduce back office costs, manage risks, capture the economic benefits of building loyal customers.cost risk, risk economicplan, financial, organization, thing, success1
hologramhungary.huBeing first is always an advantage. It has its risks and challanges, but the rewards can be high. When the hologram security label first appears on your product, it will give you an advantage against your competitors’ products. The customer will see that you take the secure packaging seriously…advantage risk, risk challangelabel, security, customer, printing, material1
lawlang.huAt the very beginning of our operation, we decided to take a business risk in not releasing details of our clients or cases that we are involved in for commendations or the acquisition of business, even to the extent of quoting a reference. So far, we haven’t regretted our decision.business risk, risk detailtranslation, law, discount, package, legal1
socialstudies.huOur research interests at the department cover a wide spectrum of research directions related to community formation, population mobility, social values, justice and integration, family and youth life, social media, civic competencies, human resources, reducing social vulnerabilities and risks…vulnerability risk, risk applysocial, research, department, science, apply1
freeride.hu…taking a look at the mental commitment an athlete operating at De Le Rue's level has to give. Though he rides intimidating, über-steep faces at 100km/h+ with what looks like complete ease, inside his head De Le Rue is constantly battling to balance ambition against safety, risk against reward.safety risk, risk rewardago, share, short, archive, fast1
itgen.huMaintaining and operating stable and reliable SAP systems in a permanently changing environment, tuning business processes according to the challenges of the market is a highly responsible task. As most changes and projects, the tasks above usually come with a certain level of risk, but with…level risk, risk appropriate, experience risk, risk acceptablesupport, security, implementation, solution, technology1
bankszovetseg.huOne prerequisite to the thriving of the Hungarian economy is that the banking sector needs to keep up its lending activity, taking into account the conditions and risk factors prevailing on financial markets, as well as sustainability and stability criteria. In critical situations, an on-going…condition risk, risk factorbanking, association, detail, release, week1
mupa.huThe music for the opera - adapted from the well-known fairytale - closely resembles the character of its young hero, Aliz, who is unafraid of risk, and bravely leaps into the unknown with the aim of doing good. The music is colourful, inventively arranged, energetic, melodic and thrillingly…unafraid risk, risk bravelydetail, ticket, music, event, pm1
femiparikft.hu…the number indicates the importance of the relationship by itself. I have experienced flexible and selfless willingness in case of deadlines or common risk on the part of the managers and employees as well. If I wanted to express these in one word, I would say that our relationship is exemplary. "common risk, risk managersteel, structure, filter, website, field1
experiplant.huRestoring the biological basis of agriculture is our fundamental task, and we now have access to a wide range of products and services to achieve this. Among these, the use of biostimulants and bio-based inoculants holds great promise, but also risks, as it is difficult to choose the most…promise risk, risk difficultlorem, ipsum, soil, plant, biology1
dulasegitseg.huI can help you with relevant and updated information during your pregnancy, so that you could make a more responsible choice after considering all the risks and benefits.choice risk, risk benefitbirth, woman, process, pregnancy, russian1
jet-vill.huWe take great care to ensure the conditions of production and continuous operation. Apart from daily routines, we also give our clients recommendations about how to reduce risks. Using thermal imaging technology, we pinpoint the defects of electrical equipment and draw attention to the deviations…recommendation risk, risk thermalunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power1
ventosus.huBIM Design Solutions: Our advanced 3D modelling processes help us to realise the benefits of BIM for our clients. These include: much improved accuracy and coordination, significant risk and costs reductions, increased productivity and efficiencies, greater sustainability, and enhanced…significant risk, risk costbuild, heating, energy, engineering, heat1
spedpack.huAll packaging is designed free of charge. We also produce samples so you can test our packaging without taking any risk.packaging, industry, detail, automotive, transport1
gadam.hu…following the example of legends of old, taking challenges off the bucket list that for most of today’s top drivers are nothing but unnecessary risk. He returned to F1 after a two-year hiatus, and has been showing week after week first for Alpine and then for Aston Martin that his skills have…unnecessary risk, risk yearbook, publication, publisher, newspaper, page1
merlegprofi.huThe U-frame provides easy on and off loading of open-bottom pallets and containers, reducing risk of injury and over-exertioncontainer risk, risk injuryclamp, stainless, steel, sample, speed1
ardomus.huValidated, on-line and localised monitoring and analysis. Risk assessment stratification and prevention using novel technologies.analysis risk, risk assessmentimaging, development, webpage, official, science1
f2pilates.huSafe, gentle on the joints, very little risk of injury, suitable for prevention and post-rehabilitationlittle risk, risk injuryclass, studio, instructor, group, gallery1
recentcar.hu…of the Magyar Autókölcsönzők Szövetsége (Hungarian Car rental companies Association) which safeguards high quality services. All our cars are in our property and are regularly maintained. We only rent our own cars which eliminates risk in connection with the conditions and reliability of the cars.car risk, risk connectionoffer, minibus, hire, airport, special1
p2k.huWe help our clients define their priorities, understand their risks and implement management and control procedures and systems to cover their needs, and guarantee the optimal management and implementation of their projects.priority risk, risk managementcooperation, builder, website, digital, competitive1
angolmesekert.huwhere staff can feel safe, unthreatened by the risk of losing their jobs if they work conscientiously;unthreatened risk, risk jobchild, preschool, introduction, education, development1
amplify.huDue diligence We conduct thorough and comprehensive due diligence to identify potential risks and opportunities in M&A transactions.potential risk, risk opportunityfinancial, consulting, reference, organization1
momjatszo.huUse our games and playhouse at your own risk, there are informations about the usage on the side of each and every game.playhouse risk, risk informationchild, unlimited, ticket, adult, package1
autorola.huImprove market transparency Analyse, manage and reduce risks Optimise dealer network performancetransparency risk, risk dealervehicle, auction, buyer, seller, direct1
sundayit.hu…documents into business value by capturing and validating information in any format at its point of need. Intelligently digitizing documents and automating document processes ABBYY helps organizations remove risk and cost while accelerating revenue and drive competitive advantage every day.organization risk, risk costsunday, solution, intelligence, process, software1
finextfm.huOur fund of hedge funds (FoHF) invests exclusively in individually selected international hedge funds. The fund aims to achieve a high alpha return with minimal correlation to equity and capital markets – offering superior risk-weighted returns with low volatility.superior risk, risk returninvestment, fund, management, real, estate1
preciz.co.huBased on our experience for many years we can make a risk assessment of the project, we take the project development risk.year risk, risk assessmentltd, commercial, build, wind, energy1
envirosense.hu…densely covered with vegetation. The range of applications for surface and terrain models are extremely wide, they can be very useful in flood risk assessment, fieldworks for constructions planning (e.g., road network developments), as well as for raw material extraction and applications…flood risk, risk assessmentdata, area, map, page, airborne1
ende2022.huThough we do hope that the epidemic will be soon controlled, we also believe that the only responsible decision now is to cancel this event, to reduce the health risk of traveling abroad.health risk, risk abroadpaper, deadline, submission, invitation, conference1
drkelen.huThe use of the specialised sport gels and creams intensify the efficiency of the warm-up, regeneration of muscles, enhances the performance and helps to reduce the risk of injuries…performance risk, risk injurysun, cream, shape, massage, body1
jaroracs.hu…(the one of the bearing bars). This is why it is primordial to mark clearly the length of the bearing bars: always the dimension of the first given sheet side. In order to avoid the risk of accidents due to the interchange possibility of the sides it is advisable to avoid designing square grids.order risk, risk accidentgrating, bar, grid, bear, steel1
cservolgymajor.hu…purposes only and is not intended to replace medical care. Under no circumstances should the written instructions be used to diagnose or treat any disease or medical condition. Always consult your primary care practitioner before making any changes to your lifestyle, given the increased risks.main, page, march, day, pm1
szunyogmonitor.hu…to the 50 native species in Hungary. Invasive mosquito species are potential vectors of several pathogens (e.g. viruses and roundworms) posing a risk to humans and domestic animals as well. To better understand the arising epidemiological threat we need to know the spatial and temporal…roundworm risk, risk humanmosquito, distribution, asian, spatial, report1
laptoplifestyle.hu…of anyone who really wants to change positively the life. In addition, not associated with any financial investment, the existing existence at risk by making cheating our fellow human beings, guiding, accommodation houses and so on. In the network marketing our help, which is not to be confusedexistence risk, risk fellowopportunity, income, excellent, combine, generation1
szesim.hu…situations that require increased focus, increasing cognitive load. This loss of attention and increase in cognitive (nervous) load is a serious risk factor for accidents, and a deeper understanding of this can provide valuable assistance to vehicle designers, developers of driver assistance…load risk, risk factordrive, simulator, driver, development, cognitive1
altshift.huOur target is to help our clients improve their business-related sales success rates, such as optimizing their workflows and security risk postures with innovative technologies and trends.security risk, risk posturesoftware, development, machine, data, learn1
tourdematra.huI understand and agree that I participate in cycling events entirely at my own risk. I have considered and understand the nature of such events. I am satisfied that I is sufficiently responsible and competent to assume full and entire responsibility for my own safety whilst engaged in events…entirely risk, risk naturerace, entry, tour, road, cycling1
bcwtc.huWatch how quickly your health improves! See how your heart health, taste, smell, breathing, circulation and risk of tooth loss returns to normal.circulation risk, risk toothsit, quis, mauris, pellentesque, nibh1
navaykornel.huOur most important task is to protect wildlife and its reasonable extension and nurturing. Hunting is primarily for the regulation of the number of games We try to protect wildlife from all risks, whether it is caused by the game, by diseases or by poaching.wildlife risk, risk gamehunting, game, number, nature, area1
mariannmarczi.hu…To such effects can many features of Mariann Marczi's play traced back, which should not be put into words, for any such approach carries the risk of misunderstanding. I like to emphasize the "naturalness" of her play, in which it is needless to ponder the proportions of awareness and…approach risk, risk misunderstandingpiano, minor, sonata, concert1
eurogate-rail.huThe country will be avoided by transit traffic, so Hungary will lag behind in the fight for international commodity funds (Europe - Asia). The remaining traffic will be diverted to roads, thus deteriorating our roads and air quality, and putting families on the roads of Hungary at greater risk…great risk, risk furthermorerail, railway, price, road1
servicemania.huThe complexity of the tax system and the frequent changes to it require specialised expertise. This is the only way for businesses to avoid and minimise their tax risks.accounting, payroll, staff, management, quote1
evida.huOur company has more than 20 years’ experience in delivering goods, and we offer a reliable service whether you need to deliver internationally or within Hungary. We have used our experience to develop an efficient operational system which is convenient and risk-free for our customers.convenient risk, risk freevehicle, reliable, shipment, transport, international1
drtacstimea.huAfter knowing the family history, health status, risk factors, I will prepare a personalized test plan for the client for a fee.status risk, risk factormedical, portfolio, health, family, occupational1
lawyerbudapest.huChoose professional business LAWYERS for company formation, instead dealing with uneducated administrators to avoid risks of not drawing your attention to certain details those are crucial for a safe business set up.administrator risk, risk attentionlaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat1
adoeljaras.huA company plans and prepares its business processes, contracts and decisions and tries to eliminate or minimalize the possible risks. Our team can help you and your company with... Read more >possible risk, risk teamtax, law, client, procedure, association1
wecup.hu…made of paper where it is not a point like newsprint, books, corrugated board for boxes, etc, which can be produced of recycled paper without any risk so it would be a waste to produce them of virgin fibre, therefore this system of producing virgin fibre-based papers and recycle them when they endpaper risk, risk wastecup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable1
lih.huDrawing on our expertise in financial consulting, process improvement and risk analysis, we do more than simply assure clients fulfill financial requirements. Our consultants quickly identify management and investment issues that can keep companies from achieving their business objectives. We…improvement risk, risk analysisinvestment, overview, management, solution, financial1
rewart.huIt is inspirational see when from a brave idea – taking all risks under consideration – a great campaign is born; our message reaches the right target audience and serves the brand purpose.idea risk, risk considerationbrand, curious, enthusiastic, heart, talented1
rekk.huflood risk management climate policy price forecasting energy efficiency ASTEC academic publications smart technologies water basin management public policy security of supply water utilities electricity markets renewable energy water economics district heating natural gas markets market…flood risk, risk managementenergy, market, research, analysis, economic1
bnpparibas.huCombining the experience, the financial strength and extensive network of the BNP Paribas Group as well as the local staff’s expertise, the bank is well qualified to serve large and medium-sized corporate clients. The wide variety of financing and cash management solutions, risk and liquidity…solution risk, risk liquidityparibas, group, access, direct, corporate1
inbudapest.huInvesting in student accommodations has always been a wise choice for income-generating investments, due to their low-risk profiles and assured success indicators.low risk, risk profileapartment, student, build, innovative, investment1
crownholding.huSince its establishment, the Company's strategy has focused on the profit that can be gained on the owner's invested capital in line with the risks involved. It achieves this objective by seeking development investments in its main markets, i.e. in Hungary and Romania, which have a high potential…line risk, risk objectivecrown, portfolio, real, estate, rating1
innobile.huSupport the business processes, design IT infrastructure, reduce IT risk, increase operational efficiency, develop centralized system structure in collaboration with the company’s strategy.infrastructure risk, risk operationaldevelopment, application, technology, maintenance, education1
torekivendeghaz.huYou can stay in the Guesthouse at your own risk. Other provisions in the General Terms and Conditions.guesthouse risk, risk provisionguesthouse, guest, room, house, gallery1
shiba-faluvegi.hu…to strangers and is a good house dog. When unexpected and unusual events occur it is an excellent signaling dog. It is not recommended to drive most Shibas without a leash. It is a willful character, it likes to hunt instinctively. There is a high risk of the dog chasing a squirrel, bird, or cat.high risk, risk dogdog, character, strong, way1
adatvedo.huLearn about your company’s current privacy risks. We conduct an on-site interview and then evaluate it.privacy risk, risk sitedata, protection, security, privacy, reference1
duelco.huIn industrial facilities one of the greatest sources of risk may be represented by machines and production lines. Exactly for this reason, it is important that the equipment comply with strict regulations and standards.source risk, risk machinesafety, emergency, controller, speed, module1
itsecarea.huOur team of experts have many years of international project experiences in performing and managing IT Security Assessment and Risk Analysis project in both private and public sectors, from the SME market to large- scale, World Bank and EU-funded government-level projects.assessment risk, risk analysisarea, security, everyday, data, private1
itoperation.huSupport your decision making mechanism in in-, co- or outsourcing; providing risk management services by using our quality assurance competency for your implementation projectsoutsourcing risk, risk managementoperation, enhancement, performance, advisory, management1
xperteam.huOur company can be an outstanding partner of your business when it comes to high-risk projects, strategic decisions and planning return on investment.high risk, risk projectintelligence, reference, age, expertise, competency1
rabakert.hu…results of which is a long tradition of supplying our customers in the whole of Europe. We pay attention to the needs of our partners in the EU, and therefore hold product liability insurance valid in every country in Europe, thereby guaranteeing that products can be sold effectively and risk-free.effectively risk, risk freetiller, garden, factory, machine, edge1
sportnaplo.huThis area examines posture, the harmony of joints and skeletal structure, as well as muscle balance. For its determination, postural analyses, that is, posture examinations can be performed, and the results compared with the ideal posture of the given sport. Body statics can be a good indicator of…indicator risk, risk injuryathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance1
juliamalom.huWe have the necessary equipment for the ELISA method to measure DON toxin content, which is the highest risk in case of wheat, and this is controlled on a daily basis “ from farm to fork ”.high risk, risk casewheat, flour, technology, mill, quality1
euenglish.huA potential British exit from the European Union would be a “shock” that ranks among rising downside risks and vulnerabilities for the world economy, G20 … Read More »downside risk, risk vulnerabilityquiz, lesson, news, movie, free1
oralstudio.huOralStudio places great emphasis on delivering a thorough and precise patient treatment and care. Our team is always available for in-person consultations to discuss possible alternative treatment, potential risks, or any issues ensuing from the omission of the recommended treatment.potential risk, risk issuestudio, surgery, treatment, patient, oral1
avander.huIMS2 is a modern HSE software which aims to provide a complex, integrated and up-to-date solution for factories in the fields of incident management, quality assurance, risk management and audit. Since 2021 the system has had two big clients, who use it for their daily operations: Hydro and Speira.assurance risk, risk managementapplication, angular, client, process, solution1
hrpark.huWe work with short deadlines and guarantees enabling our customers to calculate with less energy input and risk when submitting us an order.input risk, risk orderworkforce, customer, complex, solution, effective1
darjeelingteahaz.huDuring the research process of a merger or perhaps acquisition, a digital data place is one of the best ways to share business papers firmly and efficiently. By providing a secure place for paperwork to be distributed, you will eliminate the risk of sending sensitive facts through the email or…paperwork risk, risk sensitivefree, paper, write, game, math1
ggdent.huThe dental implants made using all on six technology may serve its owner for up to 30-35 years and is almost immediately usable. An exceptionally high success can be achieved with minimal risk according to dr. Gábor Görög, The Szeged specialist of the method.minimal risk, risk drdental, implantation, tooth, implant, oral1
aliscainvest.huWe control outstanding number of human resource as hand demolition teams, so the precision interior and monumental demolitions are carried out smoothly without risk easily.smoothly risk, risk easilydemolition, building, reference, construction, city1
agai.hu…in English or French and to conclude the relevant deals while disclosing the potential dangers in the Hungarian target companies and the eventual risks in the contemplated transactions. We pay particular attention to the development of IT law as new complex area of law (protection and processing…eventual risk, risk transactionlaw, office, international, corporate, commercial1
hazareten.huFind an overview about diabetes, the different types, risk factors, and the impact it has on public health. To receive updates about diabetes topics, enter your email address: Előnézet University of Bristol Clinical Staff - Rates and Allowances. From 1 April Rate from 1 April.type risk, risk factorexperimental, clinical, school, journal, physics1
datapowerlab.hu…attack. Hidden vulnerabilities can not be found by automated tools. This security testing is designed to provide a deep technical analysis of a target environment’s vulnerability to exploitation and attack. Penetration testing is an integral part of an overall information risk management program.information risk, risk managementsecurity, analysis, code, secure, source1
vps-hosting.huVPSs can be used for any task apart from a few exceptions. Certain activities are not allowed due to legal concerns or other risks. Not permitted activities:concern risk, risk activityhosting, server, plan, memory, guarantee1
basilicon.hu…tailored solutions that drive international growth. Our team assists with market entry strategies, partnership development, and cross-border expansions. We navigate the complexities of international business, mitigating risks and maximizing gains. With Basilicon, the world is truly your market.business risk, risk gainconsulting, international, knowledge, strategy, broad1
modul-system.huNo drilling required. This eliminates the risk of corrosion and protects the vehicle’s residual value.drilling risk, risk corrosionsolution, long, floor, lining, delivery1
pinceveszely.hu…environment of dangerous cellars and caverns 5. Cellar ruin 6. Cellar collapse, cellar damage on the surface 7. Perform Cellar Danger Prevention 8. Municipal, governmental measures in areas at risk of cellar collapse 9. History - History of the cellar protection in Hungary since the 1970s Center>area risk, risk cellarcellar, danger, prevention, dangerous, cavity1
datalyze.huWe live at a time where everything is chaotic and there are countless options for marketing tools. The risk of making a bad decision is very high. Data is the only thing which gives you reference points and support in navigating in such fragmented landscape.tool risk, risk baddata, brand, opportunity, decision, insight1
sibarisclub.huCreate plan and strategies to evaluate and manage personal and group safety, challenge, and riskactivity, nature, environment, area, event1
drinksystem.hu…can be bought individually with short delivery time, so we are committed to smaller investments, too. The complete automation is available with full documentation (the inspection of electric shock protection, connection diagram, technical drawing documentation, CE statement, risk analysis).statement risk, risk analysisproduction, line, machine, installation, conveyor1
valkuz.huWe prioritize server security and employ robust measures to safeguard your data. These include implementing firewalls, regular security audits, intrusion detection systems, encryption protocols, and employee training to mitigate the risk of cyberattacks and ensure data confidentiality.training risk, risk cyberattackswebsite, management, security, server, solution1
blpartners.hu• Financial and tax due diligence • Business valuation and synergies • Risk management and recommendation for mitigationsynergy risk, risk managementhomepage, financial, industry, advisory, management1
nitrogen.hu…performance. I was not surprised by the negative decisions of the agencies, in spite of our different assessment. It is challenging to offset the risks associated with the newly introduced, extraordinary tax payment in a highly cyclical industry, even if our performance is at the forefront of…challenge risk, risk newlynitrogen, investor, industrial, news, acid1
safeintel.huA safe home is a home that is as protected as possible from threats such as burglary, vandalism, intrusion, fire, and other hazards. To achieve this goal and minimize all risks, we use our vast experience and the best solution in our sigma. All this helps our clients to feel safe.goal risk, risk vastsecurity, fire, detection, detector, device1
con.huAs an independent investment service provider we endeavour to create the best return-risk ratio portfolios relying on the widest range of investment products.return risk, risk ratioinvestment, corporate, private, research, banking1
spininvest.huCreators. Dreamers. Doers. Fresh thinkers. Risk-taking freedom-fighters. We would like to hear about your burning desire to solve customer problems and make the world a better place.thinker risk, risk freedominvestment, creative, application, value, great1
laundry.hu*You can use the laundry at your own risk. We are not liable for damage caused in the clothes.laundry risk, risk liablelaundry, machine, washing, self, clothes1
procurcon.hu…look even beyond the TCO as well. Their value delivery – toward the company – would cover the engagement of the suppliers to improve cost positions in both sides, to ensure stable quality and optimized supply, and to proactively communicate with their customers (eg. our Company) on any risk issues.company risk, risk issueprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement1
myfarmalapitvany.huWe realized during practice, that although there would be a huge demand for the sustainable crops, sustainable farming did not spread in our country due to either the lack of knowledge of the farmers or the magnitude of the risk.foundation, cooperation, people, activity, collaboration1
actpartner.huWe know that our partners are happy to work with us because we help them to draw down the awarded grants without risk.grant, training, act, application, plan1
weddinginhungary.huWe will do our best to ensure that all materials and information published on our Website, and our Directory are accurate, but please note that all content, materials and information on our Website is provided on an ‘as is’ basis and you assume total responsibility and risk for your use of our…responsibility risk, risk usewedding, planner, day, agency, venue1
onlineprojects.huWe provide vendor-independent IT security solutions tailored to your company's risk profile.company risk, risk profiledevelopment, software, history, mobile, solution1
madhousebudapest.huMADHOUSE is a manifestation of everything that makes Mad Scientist what it is: creativity, risk-taking, power. Not a brand pub, but a place to go even if you don’t know anything about the brewery or don’t care about the beers.creativity risk, risk takingopen, hour, order, story, drink1
greenbrother.huWe are here to help innovators to enter the domestic and international markets and get investment more quickly with less risk. Green Brother is powered by SC Energy LLC, a member of the Startup Campus Group in Hungary. As the representative of two bodies of the European Institute of Innovation and…quickly risk, risk greengreen, detail, open, training, mobility1
action2020.hu90-95 % of beer is water, moreover almost every technological step of its production requires water. Although our own wells provide water in the long run, the availability and quality in some places in the world is at risk. Therefore, it is extremely important for us to be conscious with clean…world risk, risk extremelyceo, director, manage, environmental, development1
mentalisallokepesseg.huRisk Orientation – Individuals scoring highly will be open to change and new experience. They are open to learning and are prepared to manage risk.mental, individual, scale, highly, dimension1
pulsoholding.hu…and manage expectations. Through real-life case studies, we can identify appropriate best practices related to governance, execution strategies, requirements management, procurement, asset and risk management, and organizational design and development for the successful delivery of large projects.asset risk, risk managementdevelopment, oil, health, real, estate1
rockdigital.huA Of course, the course is 100% guaranteed which means you can ask for a refund anytime and receive the full reimbursement of your money. So your investment is risk free.investment risk, risk freecourse, training, day, strategy, sell1
prevenor.hu…and have as many documents as organizing trainings, conducting machine commissioning procedures, providing periodic inspections, preparing a risk assessment, and the list goes on and on… You must ensure the personal, material and organizational conditions of working in a health-friendly and…inspection risk, risk assessmentsafety, protection, activity, health, fire1
agilegettogether.huIn any business, entrepreneurial spirit combined with customer centricity and a quick feedback loop can differentiate you in the marketplace. You deliver faster, with lower risk by embracing agility! AT UST, for over a decade, we have practised lean agile principles leveraging our unique business…low risk, risk agilityagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
significant.co.hu…we’ve successfully elevated performance across diverse business lines. Our data-driven approach extends to enhancing HR, strategic planning, risk management, branch network operations, IT and product development, corporate partnerships, and CRM processes. We offer cost-effective solutions…plan risk, risk managementdata, strategy, significant, optimization, tool1
protexsafe.huNowadays, it is increasingly important to improve health and well-being, so there is a real demand to the development of innovative product, which can protect against variopus risks, and their wearing contributes to the prevention.variopus risk, risk weardownload, event, news, meet, main1
promove.huIf you have furniture purchased in one of the furniture stores IKEA, KIKA, MÖMAX, etc. we recommend dismantling them. These pieces of furniture, due to their often weak structure, are at increased risk of injury by movement. We can help you with the disassembly and assembly of the furniture! If…structure risk, risk injuryfurniture, quote, removal, quick, price1
meetsafe.huThe goal of the concept is to define innovative, regionally independent solutions that allow the return of live events, while minimizing health risks.event, introduction, tool, creative, enhancement1
sakurazaka.huONE PIECE – Mug 3D – Barrel A pirate’s life, it’s adventures, treasures, lots of risks, but it’s also partyingman, art, piece, dead, death1
aacm.hu…obstacles still hinder energy retrofits in condominium so, strategies and tools developed by Mr. Czabarka were shares as to how to manage the risks of the renovation and the solutions for mitigating them. This webinar was an opportunity for decision-makers and practitioners to ask questions toshare risk, risk renovationeurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
angoliskolabudapest.hu…ESB’s approach will be child centred learning, focussing on the students learning skills and needs, raher than the traditional frontal method. Our priority will be to provide a safe and caring environment so that students feel confident to learn, explore, take risks, make and learn from mistakes.confident risk, risk mistakeschool, child, learn, language1
fortano.huoccupational safety, fire protection, accident prevention, and disaster management: policies, strategies, rescue plans, risk assessments, reports, logs, registers …plan risk, risk assessmenttranslation, price, case, document, text1
szinorg.huThe Group is very well positioned for property development activities, since in addition to the high level of capitalization, bank financing is also ensured. The investment risk is significantly reduced by the fact that several members of the group are well-operating construction companies.investment risk, risk significantlyuniversal, group, property, news, development1
helpers.huFrom a simple feasibility study to a detailed market analysis, we can help you reduce risk and start your business on the most solid foundation possible.analysis risk, risk businessimmigration, helper, solution, permit, investment1
seohun.huWe accept orders with a success fee, so you don't have to pay anything in advance, so you don't take any financial risk.website, analysis, research, strategy, keyword1
mobilhgvtire.huWell-maintained tires not only enhance fuel efficiency and handling but also minimize the risk of accidents caused by blowouts or tread separation. By adopting a proactive approach to tire maintenance, truck drivers can extend the lifespan of their tires, reduce expenses, and ensure a smooth and…handle risk, risk accidenttire, view, detail, road, pricing1
bio-garancia.hu…a random inspection may also be conducted. In case any deviations from the regulations are found, we assign a deadline, until when it is necessary to complete the specified corrective measures. In case of factories with high risk (based on risk assessment) or any suspicion a sample may be taken.high risk, risk assessmentcertification, organic, inspection, regulation, control1
galambosiszerviz.huBe prepared in advance : maintain your vehicles with our help to reduce the risk of failure.help risk, risk failuretruck, europe, phone, number, engine1
marketing21.huWe view the first three months of cooperation following the signing of the contract as a trial period . During this time, our services can be cancelled at any time. We do this to ensure that you can make use of our services with minimal risk.agency, solution, digital, advertising, innovative1
klima-tartozek.huWe distribute products that are exclusively from European origin, which guarantees that the risk of quality problems are reduced to virtually zero.origin risk, risk qualitydrain, pipe, accessories, bracket, conditioning1
as-services.hu…and the International Atomic Energy Agency. These projects aimed to assist nuclear regulators and operators in capacity building, research and development, and risk management. Moreover, to support operators in preparation of feasibility reports, project planning and implementation of projects.development risk, risk managementnuclear, main, development, support, engineering1
szemvizsgalat.huTo reduce the risk of vision impairment, it is important to supply the retina with appropriate micronutrients. The AREDS2 formula is a clinically proven micronutrient composition for vision health. Furthermore, in order to reduce additional risk factors, it is important to accept the following.additional risk, risk factorvision, eye, antioxidant, health, important1
doublerosenext.hudoublerosenext™ garments are made of TorTex fabrics, which are unique in patented design and antimicrobial properties scientifically proven to prevent 99.9% of virus and bacteria and reduce the risk of infection by 20x compared to standard PPE fabrics. SGS has verified, that the antiviral fabric…bacteria risk, risk infectionprotection, technology, fabric, comfortable, healthcare1
casinolove.huThere are working strategies, but these are often prohibited by the bonus terms and conditions. Such strategies include High-Low Risk Betting or delaying the Bonus Game Free Spins.low risk, risk bettingbonus, deposit, spin, free, code1
granatalmasuritmeny.huAlthough it contains fructose, but it won’t increases the blood sugar level . According to research results, the pomegranate concentrate able to prevent diabetes , because it decreases the insulin resistance , which is one of the diabetes risk factor, growth of certain types of cancer, mainly skin…diabetes risk, risk factorpomegranate, concentrate, process, gallery, order1
produkteam.hu…and spend on its continuous updating. In addition, the costs will be more predictable, as payroll fees are calculated per person. We guarantee payroll process for your company in accordance with current legislation, and you can reduce tax risks and gain tax benefits provided by legislation.tax risk, risk taxlabour, recruitment, solution, payroll, employee1
alairt.huAccess to the Alairt service is restricted to authorised personnel with explicit roles. After filling a brief form, the operator submits the alarm with one click, which is then immediately received by all affected organisations, without the risk of any delays or misinformation.organisation risk, risk delaysecond, feature, user, operation, organisation1
search-lab.huDamage costs can range from a couple of hundred dollars to even $250K per vulnerability. Consider whether it is worth taking the risk!lab, search, security, vulnerability, secure1
smaxclub.huAbout driving in winter 1. Use public transport instead of your car when there is a risk of snow or ice 2. Use winter tyres. However, the use of winter tyres...car risk, risk snowknowledge, base, discount, winter, main1
agilecontracting.huAlthough this form of contracting is the lowest-risk-option on the market for agile organizations and partners, on projects below 9-12M HUF it may not be worth working with.low risk, risk optioncontract, agile, ac, webinar, template1
hungaromedgroup.huOur system, with this development will allow patients suffering from infectious diseases to be identified and isolated in due time. This way risks of huge world size outbreaks can be considerably reduced.way risk, risk hugegroup, healthcare, infectious, disease, diagnostic1
margitpalace.huThe Management of the Property is centred and focused on best practices to identify areas of risks and opportunities.area risk, risk opportunitysqm, space, list, people, hide1
arttrend.huWe can also manage the access of guests to the villa, without contact, thus minimising the risk of infectioncontact risk, risk infectionart, luxury, house, programme, price1
silkesztetika.huDo not listen to anything or change information about your previous medical treatments and surgeries, especially those related to illness or personal risks of allergies.personal risk, risk allergytreatment, silk, hair, skin, diode1
vasutimerleg.huIn addition to measuring all the train sets’ weight variables, AMTAB WIM also detect damaged wheels (WDD) and detect and warn against increased derailing risks.railway, wheel, network, durability, installation1
trebutarestarsa.huSome areas of construction use robots to carry out specific tasks, such as bricklaying or welding, to improve productivity and reduce risk to workers. This is why we place great emphasis on increasing training and educating our staffproductivity risk, risk workerequipment, construction, quality, technology, industrial1
haverla.huWith the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation and the risk of high fines, data protection has become one of the most pressing tasks for companies.regulation risk, risk higharea, law, practice, contract, data1
intertranssec.huTo identify the possible risks, to adapt the security tasks to the current basic activities at the process management level, to exclude the identified problems, to prevent damage events, and to manage the extraordinary events that may occur.possible risk, risk securitysecurity, training, event, technology, transport1
azumba.hu…evasive) approaches employed to reduce or perhaps defer fees, vigorous adjustment by challenging authorities and expanding basics for starting state taxes nexus, M&A transactions present significant potential risks that could otherwise be hidden with out a thorough overview of tax affairs.potential risk, risk thoroughlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule1
baricsaorsi.huRapidiously integrate multimedia based resources whereas low-risk high-yield technologies. Proactively innovate market positioning products without B2B products. Progressively recaptiualizelow risk, risk highmockup, resource, alignment, video, brick1
monolamp.huWe are not ruling out the possibility of one day make a glass version but for now, that would demand a significantly larger upfront investment with a higher risk of feasibility and would have resulted in a potentially 3-4x more expensive, less safe product with higher shipping costs. So why glass…high risk, risk feasibilitylamp, globe, history, light, cost1
akkoinvest.huAKKO Invest Plc invests its own assets, does not manage external assets, and its basic goal is to build a successful holding company, which, although operating with risk, can hopefully achieve value growth for its owners in most market economy environments, in parallel with rising share prices.company risk, risk hopefullynews, share, portfolio, publication, shareholder1
newcontour.huHow a consultation takes place What do you have to do until an operation? About making an appointment From the appointment to the operation Timing of operations The patient’s cooperation Previous diseases Risks and complications Corrections of prior aesthetic surgeries About the guarantee…disease risk, risk complicationsbreast, correction, surgery, enlargement, implant1
valvac.huThus, the customer does not have the cost or the risk, because if there is no savings, he does not have to pay for it, but if there is savings, some of it will remain so it can operate the system less cheaply. After one year, you can benefit from the full savings.cost risk, risk savingvalve, vacuum, sewage, energy, settlement1
logikum.huWant to take the industry by storm? If so, we are your reliable tech partner with a wealth of experience in helping startups. Our engagement model and low-risk approach will help reduce time to market, optimize your budget, and ensure 100% IPR protection of your code.low risk, risk approachdevelopment, custom, software, application, prototyping1
autobio.huPatients with SARS-CoV-2 infection can experience a range of clinical manifestations, from no symptoms to critical illness. Covid-19 patients face a high risk of death for the severe complication such as hypoxemic respiratory failurehigh risk, risk deathdiagnostic, solution, news, infection, microbiology1
telex.huThe Bosnian Serb leader has often caused a stir with his pro-Russian and anti-Western statements, and threats to break up Bosnia and Herzegovina. An analysis of the risks of the Orbán-Dodik...analysis risk, risk orbántranslation, minister, ukraine, country, member1
toepler.huIn addition, our goal is to compile a psychometric test package measuring neurocognitive functions that may be suitable for OSA patients, to prepare an opinion on the suitability to perform activities with a high risk of accidents, and to determine the minimum conditions for neuropsychological…high risk, risk accidentsleep, norm, medical, institute, research1
lims.huWe are launching a system for our contracted customers that meets the new requirements. - Information and support WEB page through the customer portal - Training materials with new technology - LIMS legal system changes - Risk mitigation of data channels - Customer gateway custom solutions -…change risk, risk mitigationcustomer, development, solution, laboratory, news1
krq.huThe project opens new horizonts in lab diagnostics via computer aided risk assessment and explanation of blood test results. Our mission is to promote prevention, which can save lives.computer risk, risk assessmentcommunication, client, brand, page, video1
tigrics.hu…are accepting coordinated status and the current administrative systems are deficient. There are numerous species in the earth confronting risk, however Tiger is one of the Flagship Species going to be cleared off from its wild, if an eleventh hour endeavors are not taken to capture the…earth risk, risk tigernear, wild, privacy, condition, worldwide1
rimconsulting.hu…which can make the activities of the institution or company better and safer. We can point out shortcomings that pose a significant business risk to the customer, even if it does not fulfill it's legal obligation by failing to develop an internal provision or regulation and may result in the…business risk, risk customerconsulting, rim, protection, security, case1
geselem.huYou are using the application at your own risk. I do not bear the responsibility of any damages or losses arising from using the application.application risk, risk responsibilityapplication, element, page, help, available1
bereljegyautot.huEveryone uses the car at their own risk, so any damage to the car must be paid to the Lessor.car risk, risk damagerental, step, available, rent, price1
mascarada.huWe cannot of course guarantee complete epidemic safety, so everyone should participate at their own risk. Please do your best to be safe, as the organiser cannot be held responsible for any infections.safety risk, risk goodevent, registration, tango, soon, dancer1
goldtunnelsystem.hu…need outstanding cognitive skills, but knowledge of their senses, negotiation and decision-making skills, self-confidence, helpfulness, and risk appetite are also important. The tests and assessments of Gold Tunnel System provide small but important bricks of the road and can provide that…helpfulness risk, risk appetitetunnel, athlete, assessment, analysis, success1
theorangefiles.huOn September 12, 2018, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) of the European Union adopted a resolution asking the Council of the European Union to determine if the government of Hungary has initiated measures and engaged in activity that present “a clear risk of a serious breach” of the…clear risk, risk breachnational, file, orange, election, european1
pabrointernational.huWe therefore build our fleet with vehicles in perfect condition preferably new vehicles in order to minimize the risk of loss of time and money caused by breakdowns, as well as to incrase the comfort and safety of our drivers.order risk, risk lossinternational, fleet, career, driver, quality1
boerner.huFor professional chefs, the high-quality kitchen gadgets mean time savings from the regular pub to the canteen kitchen and minimize the risk of injury. In addition, you can always provide guests with consistently high quality.kitchen risk, risk injurykitchen, accessories, vegetable, helper, category1
mikropakk.huWe understand the importance of quick development time for our customers, hence all our workflows are streamlined. By being a one-stop-shop for injection moulding services, any risks from miscommunication or logistics between different service providers is eliminated.service risk, risk miscommunicationsolution, packaging, injection, value, closure1
examed.huUltrasound is one of the most commonly used imaging methods that does not present any discomfort or risk to the patient. During the procedure, internal medicine, endocrinology, as well as urological, gynecological, joint and vascular problems can be discovered. The medical device produces a…discomfort risk, risk patientdetail, medical, general, center, health1
hgrv.hu…and introduction of new software tools for liberalized energy markets. The main modules of the integrated program system were contract and risk management, optimization and prognosis. IRM Hungária Ltd. was responsible for contacting Hungarian customers, on-site expert support, localization…contract risk, risk managementdevelopment, process, management, need, informatics1
bravogroup.huAs a continuously growing corporate group, we consider providing a proper space for our developing, talented colleagues a primary objective. Our task is long-term profit management that properly controls risk factors. The key to our advancement lies in successful agreements and cooperation, which…properly risk, risk factorsolution, office, distribution, operation, trade1
pentolt.huWe keep risks threatening human lives and livelihood under control with the help of our systems and services which allow us to ensure the smooth business flow of our partners.fire, institution, centre, vehicle, detection1
sttp.huPrepares consolidated Deliverable list, RQ list, Resource plan, CR list, Risk catalog, OC Decision List,list risk, risk catalogpoint, client, straight, management, solution1
transhungaria.huTrans Hungária Kft. offers its customers comprehensive services, from receiving the goods to delivery to the addressee, while assuming liability for both the logistics activities and the inherent risk.main, page, vehicle, privacy, technical1
soshungary.huTravelling abroad, mostly to exotic regions, means numerous risk factors. Although, these can be reduced with a ceartain amount of precaution.numerous risk, risk factorassistance, travel, medical, department, insurance1
securesoft.huEvery day e-mail exchanges consist significant business risks. Highly sensitive operation and strategy related information is sent and received. Adequate protection is necessary meanwhile providing an excellent user experience. It is a must as data protection is much easier with high level of user…business risk, risk highlysecure, security, software, white, view1
polarismanagement.huThere are more elements in our services which are free of charge (yes, you do not need to pay anything!) or with payment of success-fee (where the risk is ours) - try them!column, main, navigation, consulting, executive1
bestwax-szortelenites.hu…adheres to hair and skin!) If the hair is very short, the extra-skin part is shorter, less than the subcutaneous root part – therefore, there is a risk of rupture. This means that it recovers quickly, the skin will not be smooth for a long time. Also because of the growth phases of the hair, it is…root risk, risk rupturehair, skin, resin, appointment, intimate1
kepmas.hu“Now, Andrea, you won’t have any more children, will you?" - Risk, Adventure and Challenge with 11 kidschild risk, risk adventurefamily, story, like, european, bike1
revitalmed.huDue to our non-invasive procedures, pain and the number of risks of plastic surgery can be avoided.number risk, risk plastictreatment, body, free, face, acid1
ithelpcenter.huThere is no risk in trying us: let’s work together for a month and if you are not completely satisfied with our services, you will not be billed.support, help, step, solution, center1
comfort65.huThe Comfort 28 apartment's friendly and elegant atmosphere makes it the perfect choice for those who want to truly relax! Feather soft beds, quality amenities, free parking and extra comfort all in one place.apartment, guest, booking, check, free0
munka-vedelmi.huWe are passionate about improving safety standards. Our mission is to deliver the best safety solutions for our International Customers in Hungary.risk assessmentquote, construction, safety, health, consultant0
tolnait.huService Style 6… Life insurance… Travel Insurance… House Insurance… Fire Insurance… Car Insurance…insurance risk, risk fireinsurance, style, fire, travel, house0
szviktor.huIzberite Dobre Igralnice V Letu 2023… Casino Igra Pravi Denar Na Spletu… Kako Delujejo Elektronski…risk managementelit, sit, consectetur, amet, ipsum0
dentalux.huAbout Us… Dental Clinic… Technologies… Direct fillings… Amalgam fillings… Direct tooth-coloured…dental, filling, implant, restoration, indirect0
therealworld.huWe are constantly adding new skills and wealth creation methods that we couldn’t previously disclose. Join The Real World and level up now.anytime risk, risk freereal, skill, money, learn, month0
ppbm.huOur company provides consulting, quantity surveying, project and tender management services in the field of construction industry in private and public procurement procedures.risk managementfacility, construction, consultancy, preparation, tender0
budaring.huYou can cancel your reservation one day at the latest before the actual booking. It takes a minimum of six people to book the track. In case of a smaller number of participants, the order of the race depends on the arrival You have to be on time in order for Budaring’s other events won’t be…vehicle risktrack, close, race, flag, reservation0
grantis.huIn case the financial & insurance environment of Hungary looks new, overly complicated, or simply you want to save time, then join our foreign clients! We have already helped several thousand people in improving their financial status. Our partners range from local investment firms through…risk insuranceinsurance, financial, consulting, investment, loan0
medicover.huPrivacy Policy – Medicover Zrt. | Privacy Policy – Medicover Försäkrings AB (Publ) Branch Office in Hungaryfoetal risk, risk testsurgery, clinic, point, lab, dental0
applemax.hu…apples, walnuts, pears, plums, cherries and sour cherries. Our particular focus is organic apples, but we have expanded to provide greater diversity to answer our customer’s needs. We personally monitor, sort and deliver our products in partnership with local growers to ensure your satisfaction.risk cancerorganic, food, produce, consumer, fruit0
uniopharma.huOur system gives an Internet-based real-time visit opportunity. The doctors allows communication from the medical representative within the permission marketing frame. The e-detailing effectiveness is close to the face-to-face visit, the representative could show tests, presentations, films to the…previous, sale, medical, representative, doctor0
exva.hu…professional support for the design phase of the equipment our Company manufactures for use in potentially explosive environments and for conducting their testing according to the requirements of the latest EU Directive, as well as for the proper functioning of our production quality assurance.analysis risk, risk assessmentcertification, expert, hazardous, safety, area0
bcsconsult.huSAP, HR, SuccessFactors, Financial Institution Solutions, Outsourced Payroll Services, Development, Consulting, Helpdeskconsulting, solution, development, financial, detail0
greenstoneapartments.huWe had the best accomodation experience so far at Green Stone Apartments. Our hosts, Kalin and Alina, are the best hosts that we have ever met. They helped us with everything we needed and they recommended us a lot of things to do. Their apartments are nice, modern and very clean. The space is…rate risk, risk freeapartment, green, stone, bath, accommodation0
szombathely2030.huAn internationally unique development and test environment, ranging from households to senior homes and thermal baths to virtual hospital infrastructure. There is a particular emphasis on sports, stroke and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. It combines academic and applied research with user needs.environment, rehabilitation, development, international, city0
glovita.huGlovita Gloves Co.,Ltd is one of the largest gloves manufacturer in Europe We produce our high quality gloves on more than 300 most uptodate new generation Japanese SHIMA SEIKI knitting machines according to ISO 9001 Quality Certified System.minimal risk, mechanical riskglove, safety, mechanical, quality, proof0
dtbsoft.huSunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aue irure dolor sit reprehenderit in voluptate velit. Excepteur sint ocaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.risk managementvelit, dolor, anim, sint, laborum0
nobleprog.huNobleProg ajánl teljes tréninget és konzultációt a Mesterséges Intelligencia, Cloud, Big Data, Programozás, Statisztika és Management terén.training, data, management, course, cloud0
woodwinds.hualto saxophone Amati bariton saxophone bass clarinet Buffet clarinet Flute Jupiter Leblanc Vito Limited edition Muramatsu new professional reparation Sankyo saxophone Selmer soprano saxophone tenor saxophon tenor saxophone Trevor J. James unique used warranty Yamaha Yanagisawasaxophone, quality, instrument, warranty, case0
plastiflex.hu…of production is for export. The main outlets: Switzerland, Norway, EU. The domestic market is constantly expanding need for our products. The BIG-BAG of all types can be found, for example, the Standard Bag, the Baffle Bag(Q-BAG), the UN-coded Bag, the Conductive Bag, Bags for food and…big, trade, certification, gallery, reference0
isaac.huAny iSaac Factory / main system. When we want to specify and algorithmize the security system center, we must have typed, controlled, aggregated measurement data from the system units, from the real environment, so we can diversify the operation in a corporate level in the most effective way.robot risk, risk managementsecurity, communication, safety, site, corporate0
ahaoutdoor.hu…it can happen to your body and to your soul. It can be climbing a high tree, meet disabled people and face your feelings or simply being alone and review your story. Point is to reflect the experience, to make a connection with other fields of your life and so make it to a thoughtful adventure.outdoor, adventure, challenge, expertise, tool0
ambimass.huAmbimass Ltd. 7. Zahony str. Budapest, Hungaryrisk managementmass, management, idea, chemical, research0
edfman.huWelcome to ED&F MLP Hungary kft We are the leading supplier of liquid products and we offer you winning solutions. We offer you a wide range of products dedicated to the sectors: Animal feed (liquid feeds) Feed mills (molasses, protein products and raw materials) Organic (organic feeds)product risk, risk managementliquid, feed, man, mill, raw0
firstmed.hudoctor and staff were exceptional. Please express our sincere appreciation to those on duty on the 29th, 30th and 31st of December. We operate a couple of tourist apartments in Budapest and it will our pleasure to recommend to all of our guests FirstMed if they should have the need for medical care.table risk, risk trendyclinic, care, health, medical, doctor0
drszabozsanett.huRenowned for the quality of work of the lawyers, our team provide best legal advice under competitive terms.tempor, attorney, video, background, page0
gdiensemble.hu…Module. This modular system is coupled with a service package that generates continuously processed data from remote sensing of parcels in the master dataset that can be used in precision farming. Our solution provides complete intelligence to help farmers get the most out of precision farming.ensemble, agriculture, data, industry, today0
insightlab.huComplex services, professional toolkit, quality assurance, reliability and short timings just like the “big ones”, combined with the specific expertise, creativity, attention and flexibility of small market research workshopssoftware risk, risk analysisinsight, research, market, quality, resource0
lanaxis.huWe are professionally engaged in the manufacturing, installation and maintenance of steel structures, machinery and process equipment, as well as other metal works.steel, structure, manufacture, equipment, pipe0
alternate.huThe partner in the transition of sustainability and responsibility We supported almost 100 organization's responsible and sustainablebusiness risk, risk opportunitysustainability, organization, responsible, transition, responsibility0
bitrial.huBiTrial Clinical Research is a privately owned mid-sized Clinical Research Organization (CRO), based in Central and Eastern Europe with a headquarter in Budapest, Hungary.verification risk, risk monitoringclinical, site, study, management, trial0
v3partners.huEnglish… Investment focus… Interested in V3 Partners?… Investment process… Our investments… Mentoring…investment, private, equity, ltd, idea0
visionfinder.huVision Finder is a training in that it uses “games” or situations constructed to provide you with experiences to learn from. It is also a peer-coaching and conversation group in that it builds on learnings from your past life experience, and the sharing of insights within the group. And above all…vision, finder, group, support, venue0
magnumsecurity.huExamination of residual of plant protection products in plant products, water and soil; examination of heavy metals and other toxic substancesconsultancy risk, risk assessmentsecurity, protection, plant, build, private0
karacsonyfa-vasar.huOur family owned plantation is located in South West Hungary close to Nagykanizsa, where nordmann fir and blue spruce trees are grown for our customers. We only cut our spruces and firs fresh on order only, ensuring long lasting Christmas trees and avoiding cutting too many out during the season.size, detail, cart, tree, small0
hssengineering.hu…service is a much better solution. HSS Engineering will take care of utilizing the needed expertise, the proper delegation of tasks and proper planning, documentation and reporting needs of the Client’s corporate culture. All of these in a short time, doing effective work from the first minute…safety risk, risk analysisengineering, support, problem, client, value0
metagames.huMetagame kártyajáték és társasjáték bolt! Tekintse meg kínálatunk és látogasson el üzleteinkbe, vagy rendeljen online!high riskgame, card, battle, space, set0
pslab.huThe less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean.risk managementwastewater, ocean, water, eventually, detail0
gezzazone.huLinks, news, reviews about pop culture like comics, Star Trek, Witcher and others of personal interest.culture, score, digital, news, review0
kutyaossejtkezeles.huBone marrow stem cell treatment (BMC) in Hungary is currently performed exclusively at Profivet Veterinary Surgery Center and Animal Hospital in Göd. Prior to treatment, it is necessary to book an appointment for an examination. Bone marrow stem cell treatment is the only form of stem cell…stem, cell, treatment, therapy, long0
nnx.huWe offer a wide variety of services, supporting every step from initial brainstorming on methods engineering right up to auditing and overwatching ended / ongoing transformation programs. Here is a short teaser to some of our team-level services, just to give you a - very light - impression about…risk issueintroduction, agile, story, transformation, activity0
zobak.huIn frames of a potential analysis I can assess - either alone or along with your purchasers and supplier quality engineers - the technical capabilities of potential or existing suppliers before nomination for a new project. With my experience in project management and quality planning, I can…excessive risk, risk supplyquality, management, automotive, supplier, consulting0
weldicon.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also…phone risk, risk malwaretype, review, electric, holiday, incredible0
szabihid.huover the bridge. It became natural to use the bridge as a public space. People enjoyed the freedom of Szabihíd lounging in the hammocks both provided by Valyo and brought by themselves. They organized sporting events, yoga classes, parties. The Szabihíd Project irrevocably became a part of Budapest.bridge, space, event, public, city0
legiseged.huUnbelievable but true, I completed the application on June 13th and today, due to the work of Lennuabi, the compensation has been transferred to my bank account. Great communication and I would definitely recommend Lennuabi for other people, who have had problems with flights. I didn't even know…compensation, claim, flight, airline, faq0
cloudbooster.huOur web hosting, WordPress hosting, and cloud hosting plans offer server locations in: USA, Germany Egypt , India, Chaina, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Australia and South Africa.completely risk, risk freehosting, detail, plan, cloud, view0
productsafety.huDo you have lack of information or no time to solve product safety and compliance problems of your company?I'm Hortenzia Csiszár, product safety andrisk managementsafety, testimonial, problem, lack, expert0
fourpoint.hu"The company's staff proved to be of great assistance in project management. They provided us with up-to-date information in terms of the project, and sent all project implementation documentation in full by the set deadlines during the project implementation phase. The project implemented by the…point, application, grant, management, plan0
biggeorgeholding.hu…it will be created together with a newly built 4 star hotel, with a wide scale of services fulfilling the future habitants’ needs. Besides apartments, on the ground and 1st floors even commercial spaces and premises will be developed. For further enhancement of the occupiers’ expectations and…director, manage, management, property, city0
globe-shield.huThe colleagues in service of Globe-Shield Kft. work in uniforms appropriate to the season and the workplace. Staff in service can appear in three different styles of clothing, which are the following: standard clothing, field clothing, and casual uniform.security risk, risk analysisglobe, shield, security, control, protection0
tmerp.hu…provider market for several years. The principles of its business operation: quality work based on expertise and reliability. The goal of T&M ERP is to offer large enterprise and public sector customers intelligent solutions for implementation and operation supported by ERP, HR and BI systems.analysis risk, risk managementimplementation, solution, process, management, operation0
yanac.huWe, the funders of YANAC felt that within our country there is no aggregator service available what focuses only IT, IT Security and Technology. Day by day we are struggling to find the timely, reliable source of information what we can use for our daily work. This idea brought YANAC live. Hope…security risk, risk awarenessjanuary, security, news, editor, vulnerability0
muladharayoga.huDaily Yoga practices, building core strength for your mind and body. The studio is located in the heart of Budapest and offers semi-private yoga classes for all levels of students. such as: Spine Yoga Practice, Hip-opening Yoga Practice, Balance and Stability Yoga Practice, Prenatal Yoga Practice…fall risk, risk injuryyoga, practice, hour, class, event0
icteuropa.huICT Europa Finance Inc. is not just an enterprise, it is a Hungarian-owned administration service group where we have set up an excellent quality service portfolio in related fields: tax consulting, accounting, auditing, legal services and IT system operation. Our human resources, our expert…screening risk, risk importantaccounting, ict, tax, auditing, finance0
nt.hu…work with." She leads cases that involve government institutions as well as acting on real estate and tax litigation. According to sources, Péter Nagy boasts "deep legal knowledge" and is "extremely confident" in court. He is further noted for his "great oversight and network." Nagy represents…risk managementlaw, nagy, legal, firm, client0
er-petro.huThe Libyan Iron and Steel Company has accepted the final handover documentation of our Asbestos Abatement Project with full satisfaction as to the accomplished work.high risk, risk serviceheat, treatment, construction, oil, actual0
solesco.huWe design and implement projects that contribute to sustainable and cleaner environment for the current and future generations, with a positive return on investment. Under a long-term contract, we build a predominantly self-financed renewable energy generation system at the customer's site, which…energy, generation, renewable, electricity, long0
kiranduljvelunk.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also…fashion, dummy, lorem, simply, ipsum0
algoguru.huI am a professional computer programmer engineer with many years of experiences. I have been developing trading strategies since 2010 for the most popular trading platforms as:risk disclosuretrading, idea, reference, strategy, price0
mediclean.huJournal… About us… Contact… Mediclean… SHOP… COLLECTIONS… Outlet… New Arrivals… GoGrip… SHOP…shop, collection, return, journal, summer0
falnivalo.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has beenbreach riskreward, bowl, guide, dog, complete0
creditexperts.hu…the help of which I can request individual discounts from several banks. There’s nothing to lose! If I manage to negotiate a better offer, you have spared easy money. If not, I will still be happy to help you manage the best loan offer saving you a lot of time! Give it a try, you won’t regret! 😊loan, insurance, credit, mortgage, offer0
kontron.hu…governance and software provision solutions, industrial product lifecycle management systems and IT security solutions to IP networking solutions for telecommunications and the full range of IT infrastructures (active networks, server and storage systems, virtualization, backup, archiving, etc.).audit risk, risk analysissolution, network, management, customer, cloud0
iceee.hu…Sydney, Kensington NSW 2052, Australia, 5 ELKH-PE Limnoecology Research Group, Veszprém, Hungary, 6 School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 7 Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon…healthcare risk, risk managementuniversity, science, environmental, engineering, faculty0
mabisz.huIn addition, our Association considers among its tasks the coordination and management of activities within our members’ common interest such as prevention of damage, education, protection against insurance fraud.prevention risk, risk management, insurance riskinsurance, homepage, news, fee, report0
4voice.hu…service even makes it possible to manage the VOIP telephones installed for your company in your own "business unit" on a Web page. 4Voice also offers an efficient solution for cable TV enterprises so that they can use their existing infrastructure to offer telephone services to their own customers.voice, solution, login, office, virtual0
exactsolutions.huWe provide tailor-made, effective solutions to satisfy companies’ needs for human resources. Our strengths include recruitment-selection, the ability to reach passive job-seekers and the competence-based selection.job, exact, recruitment, solution, offer0
abt.huDistance doesn't matter. We will do your booking in your ERP system from Hungary. Whether it is expert accounting, preparation of financial or management reports or merely processing of documents or data recording, we will be happy to undertake the task.risk compliance, risk managementtax, payroll, accounting, data, financial0
bayzoltan.huBay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. – as the coordinator of the Hungarian EURAXESS network – provides free of charge assistance for the outgoing and incoming researchers.technical risk, risk managementmaterial, development, laboratory, bay, technology0
inmedia.huA hírlevél a leghatékonyabb módja annak, hogy közvetlenül az ügyfeleidhez juss. Készíts olyan hírleveleket, amelyek nem csak olvasásra, hanem cselekvésre is ösztönöznek!finance risk, risk transformationsemper, consequat, tortor, viverra, posuere0
leitnerleitner.huTaxand focuses entirely on tax advice. The main areas of work are Compensation Tax, Energy Tax, Indirect Tax, Real Estate Tax, Financial Services, M&A, Private Clients Services, Tax Disputes as well as TP and Business Restructuring.management risk, risk managementtax, accounting, law, real, estate0
lineamagica.hu…advice… Gap analysis… Pre-submission dossier assesment… Compliance assesment… Promo material…rmp risk, risk managementregulatory, market, medical, strategy, advice0
zoard.hu"In the person of Zoárd, we had the opportunity to work with a marketing expert who delivered an outstanding performance. The marketing strategy he developed was not only effective, but even exceeded our expectations. Zoárd is extremely committed and professionally prepared, he was always ready to…brave risk, risk experiencedigital, agency, website, page, build0
tpa-group.huTPA Hungary is one of the leading tax advisory and audit firms in Central and South Eastern Europe. Our services include tax advisory , auditing , accounting , advisory and payroll services.management risk, risk controlaccounting, advisory, order, tax, group0
skool.org.huSkool has become a synonym for innovative and inspirational technology training for young girls over the past five years. Embracing the potentials of the digital economy that changes the relationship between humans and technology, we are now extending our activities beyond coding: we reinterpret…child risk, risk remotelab, technology, eng, homepage0
betatrans.hu…great advantage is speed, precision and flexibility, constant tracking of merchandise and continuous information to customers. Expanding its own truck fleet with brand new trucks is unprecedented in the field of domestic container carrying trucks, which gives even more confidence to the customers.”risk anytimecustom, quality, website, customer, track0
gutmanjobs.huOur firm, Gutman International has specialized in management consulting for big, multinational companies doing business in Hungary. Our clients are mainly manufacturing companies' Hungarian sites where the local management needs service provided by local firms.job, consulting, management, recruitment0
charitybridge.huDuring our nearly 18 years of existence, now we turn for the first time for public assistance.child, donation, bridge, progress, edit0
irkferenc.huNew Book: UNPUNISHABLE SINS II. / The metamorphosis of the exploitation of man and the environment.i. risk, risk managementpersonal, book, background, academic, skill0
cefood2024.huInternational Advisory Committee Local Organising Committee Honorary Committee Conference Secretariat Congress Historyfood, welcome, october, committee, conference0
romel.hu…either alone or along with your purchasers and supplier quality engineers - the technical capabilities of potential or existing suppliers before nomination for a new project. With my experience in project management and quality planning, I can effectively support your process of supplier selection.excessive risk, risk supplyquality, management, supplier, automotive, unique0
sinfonic.huStart your business with a clear vision, know your competition and target market to improve your product market fit for your customers.ultimate riskinnovation, management, market, competitor, vision0
elektriker-kapu.huResume & Portfolio Joomla template - Responsive Joomla 3 template for Resume and Portfolio. With multiple layouts and built with T3 Frameworkenvironmental risk, risk advisoryresume, responsive, joomla, framework, layout0
bariatria.huTreating obesity with the help of surgery, bariatric surgery, is a rapidly growing surgical field. One reason is that the number of obese people is continuously growing. The other reason is that traditional treatments such as diets and medicines are unsuccessful in many cases. Surgeries provide…health risk, risk obesitysurgery, weight, gastric, loss, calculator0
vanikmed.huSimply share your contacts with us and we will get back to you soon with the help you need.pricing, soon, education, start, login0
budbed.hu…to the use of professional help. Using an apartment as accomodation requires full care and although it offers high yield, it doesn’t neccessarily worth to give up your lifestyle. BudBed offers a solution for that! We have a wide range of statistics going back for years thanks to our 60 managed…risk investmentapartment, management, rent, short, real0
vese-alapitvany.huto support the development of nephrology in Hungary but also to place the founding bricks of a regional nephrology research and training center to train young physicians in central and eastern Europe. As the first health-related public, non-profit endowment to be founded in Hungary after the world…cardiovascular risk, risk alcoholnephrology, foundation, school, kidney, university0
gallery2.huGallery2 .Hu - Gallery Nightly Builds - Latest of the Greatest :)gallery, integration, latest, build, great0
monchi.hu…sint occaecat cupi… Duis aute irure dolo… Etiam ut metus ut leo malesuada… Mauris at mi in lorem…risk freebasket, view, quick, sint, cart0
open-air.huI was impresed by the facdori services, lorem ipsum is simply free text used by copytyping refreshing. Neque porro est qui dolorem ipsum quia.finance riskelement, ipsum, air, open, portfolio0
drveresmaria.huWith more than 25 years of experience as a basic occupational health care provider in Székesfehérvár, we offer services specifically to institutions, small, medium and large companies, keeping in mind the individual needs of our clients.occupational, health, category, reference, care0
trendent.huTrendent Dental Clinic and Implantology Centre in Hungary - brite smile, britesmile, dental, dental implant, dental implants, dental surgery, dentist, denture, dentures, diamant dent, diamantdent, inlay, nice teeth, teeth implants, teeth implant, tooth implants, tooth implant, tooth crown, veneer…implant, dental, tooth, denture, clinic0
metatox.huWe are confident that in our products range you find the most suitable products to help to you with reduce the environmental damage to the absolute minimum and in the long term can provide effective immediate surroundings home and business pest-free clean environment.website, safety, data, sheet, quality0
alpako.hu…accessories, laptops, TVs, HDD, SSD, SD cards and other consumer electronics. We have dedicated team members who are waiting to give you the best deals in tech gadgets. ALPAKO Kft. is a family business and enjoys an excellent reputation with an extensive professional network of sales and…supplier, mission, electronic, mobile, phone0
alliedsoft.huAllied Software Systems offers professional services to their customers since 2003. Main areas: software development, IT network management, digital cartography.software, value, management, automotive, reference0
nador.huSince the very beginning, we have defined ourselves as a ’system house’ to reflect right in our name that we aim to consistenly provide comprehensive services to our clients from the moment a need arises to the implementation of new systems and post-implementation support.risk managementsolution, implementation, security, device, range0
expoenergy.huEXPO Energy Engineering – Meyer Burger Türkiye and Bulgaria Official Solar Panel Sales and Servicecell risk, risk heatingenergy, sale, engineering, official, bulgaria0
cruisinclean.hu…but the result of passionate commitment. We, the founders of Cruisin Clean, deeply love and appreciate the world of cars. With immense dedication and determination, we strive to revolutionize the art of car washing, making this essential care process easier and more convenient for car owners.clean, wash, vehicle, wheel, interior0
sensa.hu…increase is possible in the results of a mediocre versus an outstanding sales agent. Finding an exceptional sales agent is not easy, especially since many believe the misconception that one is born for sales. Though selection process is key, we believe that good people can great sales agents.significant risk, risk investmentdevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting0
averisk.huEstablishment, sustenance, and improvement of the organization’s information security capability via integrating all the relevant people, process, and technology layers.cyber risksecurity, solution, process, vision, mission0
clearplex.huClearPlex® is the first and only optically-clear protection film for vehicle windshields, which has valid Hungarian and Czech permit thereby it can be legally applied on the outside of the front windshield! The film is a patent-pending innovation. The exclusive distributor of ClearPlex® windshield…family risk, risk windshieldprotection, vehicle, invisible, complex, stone0
kafimpex.huOur company has been trading high-quality wood pellets, lumber and premium pine wood shavings for several years.matter risk, risk infectionprice, wood, quality, poultry, litter0
isourcing.huAbout Us… Finding and identifying sources of supply… Tender processes and tendering… Supplier…overpricing risk, risk reductionanalysis, source, international, market, process0
fixpmo.hu…admin. That's why we provide our Daily Jira Administrator service. We use our project management skills to do this. The other necessary thing is that the Jira settings must also constantly follow the needs. This is what our Jira Administration Support service provide, based on our Jira expertise..jira, management, administrator, administration, portfolio0
promees.huWith nearly 10 years professional EHS organization supporting experience, the PRO-MEES team was specifically established to provide new ways and innovative solutions in Hungary by unique tools, methods and approach, creating a comprehensive professional basis for its partners.risk assessmentsafety, training, activity, fire, protection0
general-consulting.huProudly announcing that Ramasoft played a significant role at the largest professional event insupplier risk, risk management, operational risk, varitron riskreport, management, solution, software, supplier0
quanticon.huWe provide the following services to support your real estate development: PROJECT MANAGEMENT, construction TECHNICAL SUPERVISION, complete BUILDING DESIGN and project preparation or operation related TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY. These activities are intorduced in details on our Services page.office, build, development, execution, building0
4theclients.hu…Following a needs assessment we compile our proposal for insurance solutions and packages, but we are also happy to conclude ad-hoc or urgent insurance contracts too. During the term of the contract we conduct periodical cost reviews and inform our clients about discounts and changes in premiums.kind risk, risk coronavirusinsurance, client, health, pandemic, family0
castlegate.huOur Beliefs at Castlegate are more than words on a page- they are the core values that guide our actions and shape our relationships with our clients. We understand it is our responsibility to protect not only your properties, information, but also your reputation and we strive to provide you a…risk mitigationpage, gate, castle, member, plan0
rtg.hu…to make a comprehensive analysis of our business environment and to understand it. Thus were born an audit and a strategy which is excellent from the point of view of general CSR, as well as for the firm’s top managers not only understandable, but representable from a business point of view.”sustainability, reference, strategy, responsibility, corporate0
fonium.hu…in 2000 as a partner of a mobile communication company. In a short time, we started the engineering activities and the organization of projects which grew into our main activity. Our projects are different, but we have gained much experience in the industry, mass production and machine buildings.engineering, mobile, activity, field, search0
memis.huHome… Services… ESD control… Contact… Knowledge…control, area, knowledge, base, solution0
remedio.huWe are Remedio, a collective of product development professionals and UX experts, committed to mentoring the next generation. At Remedio, we transform curious minds into proficient UX researchers and designers.book, mastery, summary, login, course0
testware.huTesting and development of railway safety and control systems (CENELEC, ERTMS) Automation of manual testing environmentscrisc risk, risk informationcontrol, development, integration, automation, interface0
lakatoskoves.huLakatos, Köves and Partners is delighted that in the newly published Legal 500 2023 law firm rankings all of our practice areas were highly ranked. Namely, eight practice areas (Banking & Capital markets, Commercial, Corporate / M&A, Competition, Data protection, Dispute Resolution, Projects &…compliance risk, risk managementdetail, law, practice, firm, protection0
consumer.hu…to introduce stricter rules in many areas in order to guarantee a higher level of consumer protection. So companies are not in an easy situation: accurate knowledge of the regulations, and therefore reliance on precise legal advice, is crucial if they want to prevent infringements and avoid fines.advance risk, risk fineconsumer, protection, inspection, rule, minute0
softbusiness.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse.risk managementdolor, plan, dolore, lorem, ipsum0
totalpalyazat.huEu sit soluta antiopam, postea sanctus in an vis. Pro primis insolens recteque ne, nostrum molestie splendide sed et elitr.user, free, sit, molestie, et0
dronepermet.huDrones deliver higher concentration solutions therefore, thanks to precise intervention, the amount of chemicals and water used can be reduced by up to 90%. The solutions are mixed by our highly skilled crop protection specialists.drone, page, farming, crop, solution0
centera.huWe provide support primarily in strategic planning, innovation management, process management, system design and installation, and integration tasks.test risk, risk analysis, risk managermanagement, innovation, plan, strategic, footer0
utazasioltopont.huVaccination center accredited for injection of yellow fever vaccination and issuing international vaccination certificatestravel risktravel, counseling, medical, vaccination, occupational0
pallashealth.hu…optimising collaborative perspectives and finding system-based solutions to integrative healthcare services. We encourage business decisions that promote quality performance and growth through sharing our expertise and guidance on strategy, operations and organization from planning to execution.monitoring risk, risk managementeng, healthcare, health, eye, consulting0
geox.huGeoX provides GIS technology solutions to enable leading global companies and regional market leaders to succeed. Close to 25 years on the market made us a trusted and well-known partner in Hungary. Our various GIS products and services are used by government bodies, banks, utilities, retail…well risk, risk opportunitysolution, navigation, geospatial, expertise, software0
officialemsculpt.huEMsculpt Infinity ® Experience was developed by our Lead Surgeon for Advanced Results for EMsculpt NEOhealth riskofficial, clinic, treatment, doctor, surgeon0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)heroic riskdocumentary, islam, history, america, article0
autohitelbalazs.huIf you are interested in findig a reliable partner, please contact us or request a call back.fast, simple, page, loan, lease0
otpbank.huOTP Bank branch and ATM locator, bank account management, e-banking, bank cards and exchange rates.advice risk, risk inherentaccount, banking, retail, management, security0
deltafitness.huThe Delta Fitness Club was born in 2000, in the city center of Debrecen. The equipments of the GYM have expanded recently, with HOIST, TechnoGym and Impulse machines.month, price, rule, bodybuilding, machine0
hexa-alpin.huAbout Us… Training Center… Competition Results… Partners… Trainings… Self-rescue from Crane…training, rope, course, inspection, safety0
albamineral.hugallery,,hu,Newsletter,,hu,sending..,,en,Name,,en,Subscribe,,en,We use cookies on the website,,hu,which help us deliver the best possible services,,hu,By using our website further, you agree,,hu,to use cookies,,hu,Ok,,enwater, mineral, bottle, health, website0
agrikusz.huThe employees of our company are extremely knowledgeable in the insurance market, having previously been important players in the chain of business activities at other large insurance companies, and especially in the field of agricultural insurance. The services shown on our website are…assessment risk, risk managementinsurance, agricultural, market, broker, corporate0
klimaalap.huemissions, improvement of sustainable quality of life, production of renewable energy, increase of energy storage, transportation and efficiency, solution of global global water problems. Innovative ideas and developments in the fields of green energy, climate-friendly agriculture and food use, the…monori risk, risk managerinvestment, capital, fund, venture, planet0
xilaw.huXiaoyou Xi (Lucas) is a very creative and tactical lawyer. He has excellent communication skills (Chinese, English and Hungarian). His background makes him a good advisor, who understands the needs of my business.litigation, law, tax, finance, dispute0
bravosolar.huYour company will have a production licence, so that the green energy produced reduce the amount of energy purchased from the gridgreen, energy, licence, production, grid0
flexeffect.huFlexeffect Ltd. has a 15 year long professional history and demonstrates significant experiences in providing wagework services.simply risk, risk freesignificant, process, long, history, production0
psi.huOur core team has taken part in the planning and execution of high-profile security operations in the private sector since 1992. Understanding the security demands and requirements of the Hungarian and international clientele, we judged it to be of crucial importance to establish a company based…security, need, customer, demand, protection0
eusecacivil.huA központi képzések, az ESA hivatalos oldalán elérhető kurzusok összessége. Tematika, csoportok szerint rendezve, nincs olyan katonai, civil, medic, vagy akár cover security képzés, amelyet ne találnánk meg itt.high risk, risk protectiontactical, instructor, development, security, care0
pergercom.hukevin beef ribs shoulder… FTP Services… Reseller Hosting… High Speed… Control Panel… Web Hosting… VPS…hosting, unlimited, select, customer, több0
mgr-informatika.huMGR-Informatika Ltd.'s mission is the operation, supervisory, safety and to guarantee that the informatics at our clients with investment counsel it serves the claims of business processes and the achievement of the organizational aims tight.solution, supplier, consultation, reference, server0
aprylenergy.huApryl Energy Group is an active player in transforming the energy industry. We give answers to the challenges of future energy systems.model risk, risk managementenergy, group, development, power, plant0
napelem-uzemeltetes.hu“There is a great cooperation with our company and excellent professional team works there. Our solar park works well under their supervision. There were some problems in the operation of the solar park but they could start to troubleshooting within 24 hours so the loss of production was…fee risk, risk unlimitedreference, offer, request, maintenance, troubleshoot0
banila.huAccessories Backpack Bags Bags for women Briefcases Canvas bag for women Casual bag Casual bags Casual bags Casual Envelope Bag Cork(wood) bags for women Cork(wood) wallet for women Leather bag Leather bags for women Leather Belts Leather wallet for women Medical accessories Medical bags Patchwork…shop, woman, medical, leather, quality0
macfigyellek.huHatározza meg az eszközök biztonságának gyengeségeit vagy sebezhetőségeit. Ez magában foglalja annak felmérését, hogy az egyes eszközök mennyire érzékenyek az azonosított fenyegetésekre.risk reductionsecurity, view, news, insight, safety0