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2435 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: number

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marmin.huThat’s what what makes makes our our new new SMS SMS Text Text With With Lead Lead feature feature so so powerful… you’ve got got their their phone phone number, number, so so now now you you can can start start a a text text message message (SMS) (SMS) conversation conversation with with them… so…phone number, number moment, number new, number right, number minutelead, site, visitor, free, website105
szav.huYour character may spend a a from a Charm or Negotiation check to use this talent to upgrade the ability of a single ally’s subsequent social skill check a number of times equal to your character’s ranks in Good Cop. The check must target the same character as your character’s initial check, and…equal number, number melee, talent number, number adversary, equivalent numbertier, activation, check, character, active70
numberstore.huA phone number that gives the calling party free access to increase trust in the company and make reaching out more convenient and fast. In the case of a toll-free number, the called party pays for the call.phone number, number simple, number party, free number, premium numberfree, international, premium, virtual, rate33
por.huEvaluation of Next Generation Sequencing for Detecting HER2 Copy Number in Breast and Gastric Cancers 2577cancer number, number metastatic, copy number, number variation, number breastuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine23
pepperpr.hu…market as well as the fast expansion of mobile and digital technologies in recruitment and employer brand building alike. Also, we anticipated a growing number of people with disabilities appearing on the job market. During the year, most of our expectations have become true." - sums up Dobár.change number, number disable, employee number, number lack, alike numberpepper, software, technology, market, office21
trhome.hu…famous Turkish bazaars, boat tours, a relaxing Turkish bath, a walk in the wonderful Alanya Castle (which also has a cable car accessible), the number and diversity of restaurants, from the most popular fast food restaurants to authentic gastro restaurants. From 11 o'clock in the evening, many…number room, number bathroom, number terrace, accessible number, number diversityproperty, real, estate, turkey, detail20
posthuman.hu2020-February Last year I released Number Fever #3 fanzine with some gorgeous graphics, here's a shirt design for two pictures taken from the fanzine. These are self-made graphics with pen, the concept comes from the Scrödinger's cat experiment, so obviously both of them are expressing the weird…number fever, year numberfever, production, shirt, arch, archive18
anpr.huWhat is the Matrix Police ANPR System? The MATRIX Police is a special number plate recognition software, which until now has many times proved the efficiency and reliability. The Hungarian police has been using this number plate recognition system...automatic number, number plate, special number, police number, gate numberplate, police, pocket, recognition, automatic16
eutdij.huIf the company is reporting e-road toll via on-board unit (OBU), than companies have to pay attention on the data given in the HU-GO system are correct (license plate number, nationality and number of axles, environmental assessment), near to this vehicle drivers have to take care about the OBU…axle number, number adjustment, actual number, number axle, number immediatelyvehicle, device, road, axle, easy15
autcom.huOur bank account numbers and key details Please read carefully! Dear Creditors! Statement of Irrecoverability According to Section 46 of the…account number, number keyaccount, procedure, document, news, announcement14
bvlkft.huOur bank account numbers and key details Please read carefully! Dear Creditors! Statement of Irrecoverability According to Section 46 of the Bankruptcy Act (6), the liquidator is…account number, number keyaccount, procedure, document, news, announcement14
anyanyelv-pedagogia.huThe column Tanulmányok [Studies] presents studies mainly in applied linguistics and first language pedagogy and—in a smaller number—in pedagogy. In the column Műhely [Workshop], there are studies and articles about the practical activities in education at the institutions and in the family and…doi number, number international, small number, number pedagogy, number articlejournal, editor, language, pedagogy, article13
countinghouse.huIf you are a personal contributor, managing director of your Hungarian business (i.e. you work for your own company) or have employees, you have a number of monthly tasks to do, what the team of Counting House your English-speaking accountant can do on behalf of your company: collecting monthly…employee number, number monthly, identification number, number directortax, accounting, count, house, payroll13
ajnasz.huWhich will end up in 0, because a number which is the power of 2 only the first digit will be 1 and when we substitute 1 from the same number, we will get a number where all digits are 1 (except the first of the original number). So in the and we will &-ing 0 to 1 in every digit.til number, number power, number binary, operation number, number resultoption, power, simple, file, secret12
sidenote.huRandomization. I’d like like to to report report on on a a little little experiment experiment I I did did with with random random numbers. numbers. One One might might complain complain that that the the letters letters I I have have designed designed are are too too perfect, perfect, too too…random number, number letter, float number, number boundary, local numberlocal, function, color, outline, like12
eredetvizsga.hu…Each section of the VIN number can be used to reference the manufacturer of the vehicle, the country of origin, the type or body style of the car and its sequence in the manufacturing process. You may want to use a straight-edge or ruler to divide the car serial numbers into manageable sections.vin number, identification number, number widely, serial number, number questionvehicle, section, serial, manufacturer, character11
fejlesztek.huSecond it iterates through all uints in data from block’s start to just before the uint comes where the index maps. It counts ones in these uints and sums them. The uint where the index maps has to be masked before it can count the ones in it (because the remaining part must be dismissed). Than…total number, number one, element number, one number, block numberdata, bit, image, file11
indicon.hu…The R-M zone module is available in Plus (single-, or two-stage control), and Eco Plus (singl-, two-stage, or modulation control) versions. The number of zones (equivalent to the number of installed R-M modules) can be increased from one up to eight, regardless of the heater types used in any…cell number, number customer, sequence number, number switch, version numbercontroller, zone, sensor, heating, input11
transferdoctorheviz.hu…your reservation. To ensure proper communication and make our work easier, please provide an available mobile phone number through which we can contact you and send short messages any time. Our company does not assume any responsibility for problems arising from incorrectly specified phone numbers.phone number, number message, number example, flight number, number arrivalorder, transfer, price, person, condition10
likedrive-autosiskola.huFor more information on receiving a client, please contact the Driving School email address and telephone number.phone number, registration number, subject number, number hour, require numberexam, drive, hour, fee, school9
i-coaching.huName and address of the customer, in case of a company, company name, registered office and tax number. Date of order, invoice details, date of invoice. The data processed are used to identify the customer and the order, for contacting, invoicing and parcel delivery. The data provided when placing…tax number, expect number, number participant, telephone number, number contactdata, process, academy, training, course9
egeszsegbiztositas.huUnlimited number* of specialist examinations in the following basic outpatient departments:unlimited number, number test, number specialist, number laboratory, number diagnostichealth, insurance, plan, care, day9
liszkay.huFind the number between the circles, then type it and press enter. The circles (which draws the number) can contains maximum three colours. These colours are not always similar.number circle, circle number, number maximum, telephone number, number visitcircle, server, privacy, website, game8
aeo.hufrom the countries that joined the EU since 2004. Since then we have submitted an unprecedented number of license applications for our clients. The evaluated applications that we have submitted have all resulted in the issuance of the certificate. In the past four years we have developed the…unprecedented number, number license, achievement number, number provider, length numbercustom, certificate, authority, application, status8
companyformation.huChoose Hungary for setting up a company. Available to all nationalities, company registration takes just 4-5 business days, and corporate tax is the lowest in the EU at only 9%. Hungary is also unique because you will receive an EU VAT number immediately when your company is registered. The…vat number, number immediatelyformation, tax, vat, corporate, registration8
tourdematra.huAny racer withdrawing from the race must inform the Organiser as soon as the decision has been made and hand over their race number.race number, number bike, emergency number, number organiserrace, entry, tour, road, cycling8
prosper.huWarehousing activity requires accurate, precise and fast operation. With its more than 15 years of warehousing experiences Prosper can help fulfill these expectations. In fact the introduction of our system reduces the shortage and the time spent with inventory, the items can be localized exactly…number software, number ticket, number customer, exactly number, number servesoftware, development, mobile, application, customer7
helping-hand.huAllow the child to choose their chores from a number of options and let this be changed from time to time. You can make the tasks more attractive if, for example, when he can do it together with a friend or listen to music or we make a little competitive play out of it.project number, min number, number visitor, number kindergarten, number parentchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten7
merkbau.huACTIVITIESPUBLIC BUILDINGS General contractor services for the construction of educational, healthcare, church and touristic buildings. Currently, we have 60 blue-collar workers and a suitable number of technical management and preparatory staff, as well as our own machine park. CONTAINER…suitable number, number technical, large number, number construction, end numberbuilding, construction, plant, machine, build7
felvesznek.huIncreasing number of students are in risk of dropping out from VET schools nowadays in Europe. The aim of CARMA project is to empower teachers from partner countries (Hungary, Finland and Bulgaria) and beyond to deliver career guidance and foster the development of career management skills among…trend number, number learner, leave number, number reason, institute numbertraining, manual, teacher, school, career7
borond-javitas.huFinding Spare Parts for your suitcase has never been easier. Simply search for your model number and directly purchase matching parts.model number, number directly, number fit, product numbereminent, suitcase, repair, guide, spare7
whiterabbit.huBrand awareness has grown, especially in the target audience. The effect of the print ad has manifested in the social media, as well: the number of the visitors and the followers of Barnes Hungary has significantly grown.view number, number video, sale number, number year, media numbercampaign, result, brand, brief, solution7
robinsonrestaurant.huRobinson now plays an iconic role in Városliget's everyday life. The restaurant –uniquely in Europe -was built on the Island of the Varosliget’s Lake, and opened its doors on July 16, 1989. It didn’t take much time and the Robinson has become the number one hangout spot of the citizens, the…robinson number, number hangout, huge number, number famousrestaurant, venue, fabulous, excellent, iconic6
counterguard.huWith the most recent CounterGuard solutions, you can get much more complex visitor information compared to the market standard footfall data. With our newest developments, beside the fundamental visitor numbers we van provide information about the most common visitor routes, building hot-spots…visitor number, number van, gate number, number entry, easily numberevent, real, shopping, mall, establishment6
spicypress.huOn your list of places where people might access your web app, Teams is probably number “not-on-the-list”. But it turns out that making your app accessible where your users are already working has some profound for benefits.probably number, number listconsulting, thing, expert, weird, career6
fehova.huOver 38 thousand visitors attended the four days of the 29 th Fishing, Hunting and Arms International Exhibition (FeHoVa) at the HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center. This far surpassed last year’s visitor numbers; it seems that the society of hunters and anglers has returned to its…visitor number, number range, number society, great number, number foreignexhibitors, visitor, ticket, exhibition, app6
navaykornel.huOur most important task is to protect wildlife and its reasonable extension and nurturing. Hunting is primarily for the regulation of the number of games We try to protect wildlife from all risks, whether it is caused by the game, by diseases or by poaching.regulation number, number gamehunting, game, nature, area, list6
rafacz.huUse the preload selector and the pedal ratio adjuster with the combination of a spring setup to find the initial feel of your pedal. The larger the number of disc springs in series makes the pedal softer but a little bit linear. Using the springs in parallel makes the pedal harder. If the springs…continously number, number accessories, high number, large number, number discpedal, simulator, spring, setup, real6
csomagszallitasmalta.hu…where your parcel can be picked up and delivered at any time - from early morning until late at night. Parcels also can be handed over to us and received by a family member, a neighbour, a friend, etc. as long as we are informed in advance and provided with their details like name and phone number.floor number, number address, phone number, number day, serial numberparcel, delivery, malta, packaging, transport6
doit.huProfessional liability insurance: HUF 100 million. Insurer: Colonnade. Number of damages: 0colonnade number, number damageprice, administrator, customer, server, colleagues6
vonalvezeto.huBetween 2005 and 2007, we were involved in the design of industrial road networks for new commercial plants. Over the years, the volume of work gradually increased and so did the number of our colleagues.gradually number, number colleagues, tax numberengineering, line, road, local, office6
dpfservice24.hu…to replace it on the very first occasion when the computer shows error, since by appropriate cleaning , it may be restored to its original condition – and all this at a fraction of the replacement cost . In numbers: you may save hundreds of thousands of forints by cleaning the particulate filter!cost number, number hundredfilter, vehicle, clean, cost, vat6
szarvasimuzeum.hu…the fisher-hunter-gatherer lifestyle pursued before in these lands, this represented a real breakthrough. The grain crops could feed much larger numbers of people, and even support domestic animals. These changes transformed people’s lives. The population grew, and new technological improvements…large number, number people, significant number, number disusedexhibition, age, idol, room, people6
baracsi-paletta.huOUR SERVICES OTHER WOODEN PACKAGING MATERIALS Typically individual production, small number of pieces but we can also provide the production capacity for larger orders and we have the ... DRYING AND HEAT TREATMENT Our company was one of the first in Hungary to put into operation the necessary…small number, number pieceproduction, wooden, packaging, material, pallet6
mimicry.huLED screen animations The Mimicry team created all the animations for the LEN European Water Polo Championships. In the Duna Arena, Budapest, we created two weeks of material for more than 13 million pixels of 9 LED walls. The following showreel presents this project:  "Metro number 5"…metro number, number commercial, number conceptanimation, video, commercial, festival, selection6
targoncaportal.huAmong the machines at Targoncaportal, you will find a large number of lifting machines that can lift even the heaviest loads. Click and choose from our machines with a load capacity of more than 5 tons!large number, number machine, phone number, number suremachine, forklift, inspection, need, personal6
ritkabetegsegakademia.huWe have to process your data to fulfil the conference services. Data processed: name, address, contact information (telephone, e-mail), invoice address, and card number in case of credit payment by mail order authorisation, scientific degree. Other eventual necessary data: data of workplace.card number, number case, number way, reg number, number cgdata, congress, case, legal, conference5
casinolove.hu…can be used on. Also, the casino sets the stake size for the free spins, typically between €0.1 and €1. With this information, we can calculate the value of this bonus by multiplying the number of spins by the stake value, revealing that the typical value of this bonus ranges between €5 and €100.mobile number, number code, bonus number, number spin, small numberbonus, deposit, spin, free, code5
kozossikereink.huHungary as a major beneficiary of the 2007–2013 eu financial period's funding received 8700 billion Forints. The number of investments during this cycle was 67 500, 28 000 of the small and medium-sized enterprises could develop and 114 687 new jobs were created.forint number, number investmentresult, success, funding, cycle, financial5
mbcirodahaz.hu…technical condition and offers 5,200 sq m various office areas. The two-storey underground garage helps to fulfil tenant’s parking place requirements. Due to the easy access of the building MBC is an ideal choice for service provider enterprises and for companies with high number of daily visitors.high number, number dailybuild, office, protect, foot, area5
phbences.huStudents eligible for financial aid scholarship are identified by the faculty. Students, along with their parents, complete the application for financial aid and file it with the Board. Prior to each school year, the Board decides the amount of each scholarship, as well as the number of students…scholarship number, number student, registration number, account number, number hufstudent, school, foundation, financial, fund5
pannonianyomda.huBooklets are finished in one of our two Theisen & Bonitz saddle-stitch machines, with folding, collating and serial number printing capability (10, 12 respectively. 15 stations). These machines allow a great size variability, however, the smallest booklet size is 65x65 mm. Sheet folding with…automatic number, serial number, number printing, score number, number heidelbergprinting, size, color, machine, cover5
thermofoam.huSome of our details changed on 1 June 2019. Please, take note of our new official address, company registration number and VAT identification number!registration number, number vat, phone numberpackaging, material, construction, solution, need5
markjector.hu…The use of the device does not require special knowledge, as it does not alter the crime scene in any way, therefore it allows an unlimited number of trials. It is possible for the user to cast the projected image of the device onto a semi-transparent reflective surface, or a small aperture…frequently number, number letter, arrow number, number site, source numberlight, figure, length, distance, subject5
meltrade.huOur company’s system integrator partners have already implemented a number of successful projects, the most common tasks being the design, construction (manufacture) and installation of a robot cell or new target equipment, program modification, machine conversion and modernization.partner number, number successful, vat numberelectric, distributor, certificate, address, account5
iplstudio.huTo achieve a long-lasting, smooth skin, 6 to 10 treatments are required, depending on genetics and the area to be treated. The contrast value of the skin tone and hair color highly affects the number of treatments necessary. Patients with lighter skin tone and darker hair only need about 4 to 6…hour number, number appointment, highly number, number treatmenttreatment, skin, hair, light, area5
mvj.hu…modern equipment helped repair work. During the Second World War the plant suffered major damages. After the restoration gradually increased the number of staff and the number of repaired vehicle fleet improved. From the sixties the plant carried out repair work with higher technical task demands…gradually number, number staff, staff number, number vehiclevehicle, railway, big, repair, site5
mta.huAlongside the positive consequences of the rise of open access, a number of new forms of unethical behaviour have also emerged. Therefore, in the spring of 2023, the Presidium of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences decided to set up a committee whose main task was to develop an action plan for…access number, number new, significant number, number urban, size numberscience, academy, research, member, forum5
d16apartman.huWith a reservation, the entire apartment is yours, regardless of the number of people! - SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION Fully equipped apartment on the 1st floor in the center of Szentgotthárd, which can accommodate a maximum of 6 people at the same time. FREE PARKING AND WI-FI The apartment has 1…regardless number, number peopleapartment, person, free, fully, floor5
drgyolcsjudit.hu…personalized approach. Our ultimate goal is to help you succeed. With decades of collective expertise, we focus our efforts on a limited number of practice areas to provide better our clients with personalized and outstanding quality legal services. Our clients receive the full advantage…limited number, number practicelaw, firm, legal, mediator, mediation5
mehesapartman.huApartment Méhes is a 2 storey, 5 bedroom apartment, only a 15-minute-walk away from Lake Bánk, welcoming a maximum number of 12 people, available for rent throughout the whole year.maximum number, number peopleapartment, away, storey, minute, lake5
timxgroup.huTim-X Group – The Hungarian dressmaker chain. If beautiful is what you need. We are working in 6 well-equipped dressmaker shops with more than 150 employees to fulfil the increasing number of customers' orders.employee number, number customergroup, customer, shop, chain, quality5
kornyezet-szimulacio.huThe particularly robust VC3 test chambers create more productive, comfortable and clear thermical tests for a great number of products. Max. temperature (+)180°C, min. temperature (-)70°C, condenser – air-cooled.great number, number product, record number, number exhibitorschamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental5
geohome.huThe mission of Geoinvest is to demonstrate and implement technological systems that are based on the efficient application of renewable natural resources. Our aim is to gather the highest number of those people to our community for whom the efficient production of the required energy besides the…high number, number people, vat numberenergy, ground, efficient, source, family5
shopperparkplus.huThe surrounding area is a mix of retail and other commercial properties and single-family residential. There are also a number of bus stops close to the retail facility in Nyíregyháza in the northeast of Hungary, which is also directly accessible from Highway 4.i. number, number new, offer number, issue number, number retailretail, classification, area, property, portfolio5
balinttarsasag.hu…laboratory” nature is a decisive part here too, in that the members of the group are participants of the procedures in a predetermined functional plan. The technique contains a number of elements from training techniques (aquarium technique, reflective group, etc.), and is led by a moderator.approximate number, number people, limited number, number single, night numbergroup, saturday, society, fee, technique5
matrabikersc.huThis website is operated by the Mátra Biker Sport Club. MBSC is a non-profit organisation, a cycling club in Hungary under company number 18024502-1-10 and has its registered office at Dobó István utca 12., Gyöngyös, Hungary 3200.goal number, number people, year number, number cyclist, company numbercycling, website, bike, road, member5
balatonhelp.huBy using the BalatonHelp application , you can request assistance from our rescue control center at any time throughout the year. The application has been meticulously developed to transmit precise coordinates of your location and contact number to the VMSZ rescue control center with a simple…contact number, number vmsz, promptly number, number simultaneously, phone numberdiscount, price, package, weekly, monthly5
euroemlekpenz.huThis makes them identical to genuine euro banknotes, they are made of 100% paper and contain many of the security features that you will also find on genuine euro banknotes (holograms, letters, UV elements, …). Each one has its own serial number, which makes each one special. Each issue has a…serial number, number like, limited number, number value, number specialbanknote, map, shop, introduction, castle4
alpako.huALPAKO’s mission is to become a leader in the electronics industry by managing our business with passion, establishing partnerships based on trust and growing our team by creating confident, experienced and professional environment. We aim to be the number one clients’ choice in electronics. Our…environment number, number client, tax number, statistical numbersupplier, mission, electronic, mobile, phone4
lacitanit.huNumbers can indeed complement behavioral analytics beautifully. By combining cold, hard numbers with behavioral analytics, you'll gain a holistic understanding of your visitors and swiftly respond to vital trends. Traditional analytics tells you 'what' happened, while behavioral analytics unravels…website number, number pattern, hard number, number behavioral, restriction numberuser, website, conversion, visitor, session4
greenstarbau.huIf you want to use Rita's interior design advice, write her an e-mail or call her on her phone number.tax numbergreen, reference, interior, furnishing, apartment4
frik.huOnline space has grown to become an incredibly large market and the number of online purchases is still multiplying, so this is one of the best ideas you can think of, whether you already have a physical store or if you just want to sell online. Our webshop development processes take your ideas…market number, number online, number website, number webshopwebsite, development, management, application, engine4
piheapartman.huThe basic prices and the minimum number of nights that can be booked may change during the holiday, event, event, the accommodation fees given in the “Offer” always apply.minimum number, number night, phone numberseason, price, apartment, night, gallery4
forditas.huOur translation agency employs a number of highly professional people who are able to formulate both professional and official documents in a wide variety of languages. A great advantage of this type of work is that, if necessary, by using intermediary languages, it is possible to perform…damage number, number quote, unit number, number character, agency numbertranslation, language, price, agency, translator4
businessimmigration.huExpand your business in Europe. Company formation Hungary in 1-2 days without travelling. Get immediately a valid EU VATTax number, and enjoy the 9% company tax rate, which is the lowest flat company tax rate in the EU.vattax number, number company, tax number, number day, number necessaryimmigration, europe, formation, previous, tax4
vizgaz-gyorsszerviz.hu:: Highly Trained Staff Ready To Help You. We are certified company. We provide best plumbing services for you & your company . Book Online Full name here* Email here* Contact number* Select service* SubjectKitchen plumbingGas Line ServicesWater Line RepairBathroom PlumbingBasement Plumbing Short…contact number, number serviceplumbing, line, typesetting, text, dummy4
panograph.huYou will find a growing number of 6x17's, Xpans and stunning 360 degree panoramas by the best of class panoramic photographers of the world in our stock library.base number, number hotel, rank number, number hit, necessary numberpanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour4
terdgepberles.hu„I used it tailored to the individual needs of my patients, supporting my work. Faster rehabilitation is achieved with it after a number of knee and hip surgeries. Immediately after surgery, it ensures an adequate blood supply to the muscles, increases the mobility of the soft tissues, prevents…kompanion number, number additional, telephone number, number lenght, id numberknee, machine, rental, rent, patient4
papapedia.huForgács was a Colonel in the Hungarian Army, serving as a Military Officer in the Hungarian Armed Forces from 1961 to 1995. He held a number of positions, including Commander of Arms Control and Verification Centre (ACVC) of the Defence Ministry, implementing the Vienna Agreement on verification…force number, number position, limitation number, number caliber, mission numbermission, military, force, observer, peace4
nokatud.huInitially, we provided a forum for experienced female professionals who had already been working in a field of science, then we gradually started to reach out to young people, as well. This is how Girls’ Day came into being in 2012, followed by a number of other initiatives, such as the Shadowing…day number, number initiative, account number, iban numberscience, girl, woman, technology, field4
bozzayviktor.huIt is also a fully object-oriented solution for a theater ticket management system, enhanced with the functionality to specify the number of consecutive seats desired and the preference level for different search parameters, such as being closer to the center rather than close to the stage…functionality number, number consecutive, tax number, number exemptuniversal, curriculum, developer, application, measurement4
galambosiszerviz.huOur NON-STOP rolling truck service has a well-equipped service car, after the phone call we assess the possible cause of the error and consult with the customer. We get out all over Europe, so wherever you call our NON-STOP truck service number, you can be sure that you can count on us. Call us if…phone number, number problem, service number, number sure, number galambositruck, europe, phone, engine, replacement4
oxyhouse.huThe higher and higher number of vehicles and the smaller and smaller green areas all contribute to the increasing quantity of dust in the air, covering our landmarks and mixed back again and again in the air and our body, weakening our immunitary system .high number, number vehicle, tax numberclean, environment, deep, ecological, house4
benkoborialapitvany.huRecently, the number of our pupils and colleagues have increased greatly, and our school has been receiving significant support from the parents and the founding community as well.recently number, number pupil, tax numberchild, foundation, school, reason, occurrence4
petranyijozsef.huIn 2002, the need to buy a main site arose, which set new targets for our family business. In order to adapt to market demand, our business is also engaged in international transport. The increase in the number of trucks required a service staff, then a separate service department.increase number, number truck, company number, vat numberinternational, shipping, domestic, transport, bulk4
karamellchoco.huWhile the yearly number of cases which we take totals to an insurmountable number, unparalleled by any other Houston, TX law firm, our percentage of wins is record-breaking too... Just to drop some statistics here, in more than 9000 cases that we have ever taken on, a whopping 98% of those (which…number counter, yearly number, number case, insurmountable number, number unparalleledstyle, law, lawyer, header, case4
puzsar.huWebCamera - - ASUS ASUS - - Drivers Drivers and and Download Download VID-PID VID-PID numberwelcome numberpage, pic, electronic, software, basic4
cae-service.huCAE-Service Ltd. was established at the end of the year 2017. After gaining many years of industrial experience, the founding members have decided to set up their own business. Due to the favorable development of the circumstances and the reliable basis the young company is developing dynamically…dynamically number, number partner, vat number, register numbersimulation, page, engineering, water, faq4
fklaw.huPartner of the firm, a graduate of the Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law, with magna cum laude. Dr. Kovács has been involved in corporate law, in a number of international commercial transactions as well as liquidation procedures. She also specializes for general labor law matters, including…company number, number obligation, law number, number internationallaw, data, firm, legal, client4
ferrotamin.huDESPITE OF THE DECREASING DEMANDS THE NUMBER OF WOMEN SUFFERING FROM IRON-DEFICIENT ANAEMIA DURING MENOPAUSE IS SIGNIFICANT! In older age the reason of iron deficiency is the inappropriate nutrition. According to results of representative studies about nutrition habits, from the diet of older…status number, number erythroblasts, demand number, number womaniron, woman, body, supplementation, complex4
vargaanita.hu…of dermatology, and most of all specializing in dermato-oncology related skin issues for e.g. skin cancer. Since 2008, I have participated in a number of international clinical trials, mainly in the treatment of advanced metastatic melanoma (dye cell tumor). In addition, I consider the preventioncancer number, number international, appointment number, factor number, number uvaskin, dermatologist, clinical, screening, cancer4
kor-fitting.huHanSun Co. Ltd. has been operating in South Korea since 1993. Its main profile is manufacturing of quality instrumentation products. Their total number of employees is around 100, and the efficiency of their business is shown by the fact that they produce USD 10 million worth of acid-proof…total number, number employee, tax number, account number, number hufvalve, stainless, steel, tube, instrumentation4
mtcsocsoklub.huThe club room is only available to a pre-agreed number of guests. which may be checked by the club operator without prior notice.place number, number player, agree number, number guest, phone numberaddress, operator, guest, rule, table4
sportwelt.huFociexpress is an Event and Promotion Agency headquartered in Hungary and has been focused 100% on the ‘Number One Popular Sport of Soccer’hungary number, number populartouch, football, event, mail, address4
futureoceans.hu…Kitchen-Wheeler and Dr. Csilla Ari to join him. The liveaboard MV Sea Spirit departed at the beginning of August from Male atoll toward Baa atoll to photograph and observe large numbers of feeding mantas which visit a recently discovered lagoon throughout the south west monsoon (May to November).tax number, decline number, number mobula, large number, number mantamanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future4
startouring.huHerdsmen´s Museum where the history and memorabilia of the herding life shown. A stone bridge was built across the river Hortobágy on the road connecting Budapest with Debrecen in 1827, and from the number of its arches it is known colloquially as Kilenclyukú híd, which means bridge with nine holes.large number, number inn, number tough, debrecen number, number archwine, century, castle, country, house4
hrsmart.huWe find the perfect people for your business fast. Nowadays, it is not uncommon that companies need a large number of new employees within a very short period. With our unique methods, we can recruit up to hundreds of new employees per month for your business.large number, number new, unlimited number, number week, case numberemployee, recruitment, staff, organizational, support4
profiforditas.huOur translation agency employs a number of highly professional people who are able to formulate both professional and official documents in a wide variety of languages. A great advantage of this type of work is that, if necessary, by using intermediary languages, it is possible to perform…damage number, number quote, unit number, number character, agency numbertranslation, language, agency, translator, text4
bte.huNumber of participants is limited in 64 persons, 32 vehicles. Double Drive training is possible with 2 persons by car, driving in shifts. Participants need to use their own cars.tax numberassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor4
akuna.huIn addition to the above information, the customer can also provide the entrepreneur identification number, tax identification number and address (street, city, postcode). In case the Customer provides such additional information, the Administrator also processes these data.phone number, number necesary, number mail, identification number, number taxbuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case4
kontron.huOur number one partner is the US-based PTC , a leading developer of industrial digital transformation software. Kontron has the highest “Platinum Partner” status and “Authorized Training Partner” rating at the PTC.world number, number extend, tax numbersolution, network, management, customer, cloud4
ceremoniamestered.huWedding budgets are all about balance. Start your budget planning by making a list of the crucial details, like the music, your wedding gown, the invitations, the flowers, and the photographer, and assign a number to each -- one being the most important and three being the least. Invest your money…approximate number, number guest, vendor number, number cell, photographer numberceremony, wedding, feedback, guest, day4
ertekado.huoffering real cash prizes. Players were able to build a reputation for their progressive play which is defined as hitting the highest 22Bet Casino number of jackpots. This became a magnet for many casino players who realized that winning combinations were easier to get through bonus rounds than…random number, number generator, line number, number paylines, payout numberslot, free, machine, bonus, game4
budatours.huWith over 25 years of experience, Budatours is the number one professional and business destination management agency and event organizer in Hungary.budatours number, number professionalevent, agency, management, organizer, travel4
krgroup.huWithin 15 days from incorporation, companies must register for the municipality business tax (helyi iparüzési adó). Registration procedures may vary by municipality, but the application should include such information as the company name, registered office, tax number, etc. After registration, the…tax number, number etc, taxpayer number, number company, number commencementtax, group, accounting, vat, rate4
foreest.hu…can be regarded as a 'veteran' in the business. The Direkt first published completely free-themed illustrations, then in later numbers the publication obtained a more definite outline, the artists made illustrations of a common, given topic. The latest, eighth number is entitled BEFORE / AFTER.later number, number publicationclose, client, date, llc, graphic4
protontheatre.huImitation of life , a play directed by Kornél Mundruczó, has been invited to a number of festivals and won several awards since its premiere in 2016.mundruczó number, number festivaltheatre, proton, production, performance, premiere4
granoperis.huOur company was established in 2020 primarily to provide temporary employment and recruitment services. Our employees – in their previous functions – were in contact with several large companies, which require a significant number of employees, as a Client. Among others, they have cooperated with…vary number, number dozen, significant number, number employee, specific numbercurrent, hire, employee, recruitment, previous4
itworks.huITWorks contains a number of pet projects, musings in IT. It hosts FreeplaneGTD, FreeplaneWBS and some other utilities you might find handy.itworks number, number petpost, opportunity, chinese, february, cheap4
russianstudies.huEvery year for the last decade and a half, the Foundation for Russian Language and Culture – recently joined by the Institute of History and the peer-reviewed journal RussianStudiesHu – has organised a nationwide competition to find the ‘Russian Studies Thesis of the Year’. This year, a large…recently number, number drawbacks, book number, number publication, large numberrussian, study, history, russia, historical4
partitestverek.hu…read the “Octalogo” and asked me if I was interested. I asked for some to think about it seemed a responsible decision. Who is inaugurated gets a number which one will be his and nobody can never get it ever. His name will be recorded for a lifetime. Becoming a brother is responsible too because…id number, number status, brother number, number health, decision numbertable, national, news, flag, international4
gergenyi.huIt is the perfect choice for large companies and major suppliers. In this segment legal transactions must be solved on a daily basis, a big number of lawsuit and extra judicial procedures might occur. A much bigger contract file must be handled, often with special areas of law.limited number, number new, small number, number legal, large numberlegal, office, law, procedure, contract4
transporteconomics.hu…increase in the price of the trip may be quite large – and can lead to more people choosing to stay off the motorway. The number of these drivers could be quite high, however, since cost-benefit analyses and feasibility studies are out of fashion in today’s Hungary, we do not know these numbers.country number, number accident, motorway number, number driver, dot numberdata, transport, map, note, road4
alfanyugdij.huHungarian state pension (not the above discussed VPF pension) depends on many factors, e.g. nationality, number of years of service in certain countries, the country in which the person finally retires and the international agreements between Hungary and the retirement country.telephone number, pensioner number, number active, nationality number, number yearfund, pension, portfolio, voluntary, tax4
azumba.huNeed to get in touch with TD Ameritrade’s legal department? Find the phone number and contact information here. Whether you have questions or need assistance, the legal department is there to help.room number, number reliability, phone number, number contactlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule4
dckarting.huEach of the trainings takes 2 hours: 1 hour of theoretical and 3x8 minutes of practical karting lessons. Number of participants: 5 person/ grouplesson number, number participant, maximum number, number entrantskarting, track, competition, race4
1818.huOur customer service provides information regarding public administration procedures. You can contact us on our telephone number 1818 or any of our electronic communication channels. More...telephone number, number electronic, easily number, number caseadministration, phone, question, news, document4
tulipanpecs-apartman.huThe deposit is 30% of the total cost of the accommodation. The necessary information and the bank account number for the payment you can find in the confirmation e-mail. In case we would not receive the deposit within 2 business days of the reservation date, your reservation will be cancelled.phone number, number email, address number, number guest, account numberday, apartment, booking, testimonial, page4
promove.huDon’t fall for numbers. Most moving companies work with hourly rate based settlement, but it is not the lower hourly rate that guarantees a cheaper move, but the faster one. If the endurance of the transport guard is inadequate, the removals will definitely be longer. And that means a more…serial number, number box, movement numberfurniture, quote, removal, quick, price4
altenergy.huAs a perfect guide in the transition to modern waste management, our specialized business unit is firmly committed to the principles of sustainability and the circular economy, not only providing waste management services to a number of large companies, but also actively involved in the…service number, number large, tax numberquote, natural, gas, electricity, interested4
kopintalapitvany.hu…and fiscal policy, complementing the relevant international literature. It concludes, in a scientifically novel way, that the qualification of a number of applied monetary policy rules suggests that passive monetary policy is preferable in the short run, while active policy is more beneficial in…vector number, number vector, year number, number private, qualification numbereconomic, international, literature, country, economy4
mkvk.huAs a result of elections held to fill in various posts, new faces appeared in most counties, the national presidium and at the head of the different committees, as well as in the membership, to make way for new concepts. The number of statutory duties have increased, interest representation has…concept number, number statutorychamber, member, auditing, sector, place4
tc2.hu…support according to ITIL regulations requires at least 5 qualified support professionals due to the 3 shifts, vacations, and illnesses. And the majority of customers rarely have this number of employees, especially in the field of cloud-based computing, which is still new today but is emerging.rarely number, number employee, certification number, number continuously, magic numbercloud, solution, migration, case, study4
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huThe notaries offer a number of services: drawing up sale and purchase, tenancy, donation, loan, rental, leasing contracts, pledge, mortgage agreements, draft wills, power of attorney, acknowledgment of debt, declaration of undertaking, etc. Furthermore, the law empowers the notaries to conduct…notary number, number service, registration number, number company, tax numbernotary, notarial, document, public, register4
bhouse.huOur company has made a number of mechanic factory welded structure, Whether carbon steel or stainless steel are a materials. We can make in addition to the various tanks machine frames, shelf frames, Solar stands, gates and other locksmith industry products. You can find in our machinery CO and…company number, number mechanic, tax number, number hu, invoice numbersolution, industrial, structure, machine, milling4
mahasti.huThe entries are processed according to the order of application unless the quota is reached by the number of contestants (i.e. if the 45 groups apply until the 15th of January, the entry is closed by that day).category number, number contestant, quota number, account number, number casegroup, dance, competition, category, belly4
siofokiallatvedo.hucarers as well as transportation costs from the funding received in our official capacity as Dog Pound. We have very good relations with the Siofok Municipality, they have assisted us in a number of development projects recently and we feel that they are more and more appreciative of the work we do.challenge number, number stray, municipality number, number development, tie numberanimal, rescue, dog, shelter, donation4
magadert.huWe organize and run the groups in the standard way; the average number of participants is 10-15. Before the start of group meetings one of the group members reads the “group rules” which contain our principles such as volunteering, abstinence, honesty, openness, consistency and respect for others…average number, number participant, increase number, number relative, addition numbergroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem3
docroom.huThe latest joint report by FEANTSA and the Abbé Pierre Foundation puts the number of people experiencing homelessness living infoundation number, number peopleresearch, health, publication, social, people3
ddmetall.huLead has the highest atomic number of any stable element and three of its isotopes each conclude a major decay chain of heavier elements. Galena, (PbS) is a principal ore of lead.atomic number, number stablemetal, alloy, copper, waste, steel3
polynorm2000.huWe are the distributor of Raychem power-cable accessories that brand have been being market leader in Hungary since 1972. The number of offered and sold products have been extended after acquisition some companies by Tyco Electronics and TE Connectivity. Like GURO, AMP, SIMEL, BOWTHORPE…eu number, number satisfied, hungary number, number productcable, heating, tool, voltage, accessories3
ora-akcio.huUnderstanding legal jargon, like subcontract line item numbers in contracts, can be daunting. However, it’s essential to comprehend these terms, just like knowing the legal limit for alcohol in Kansas to stay within the bounds of the law.data number, number option, georgia number, number ease, item numberlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements3
csi-ga.huIf you're looking for dog-friendly accommodation, you've come to the right place! You don't have to share the two-room family house with anyone else, and there are no restrictions on the size and number of pets you want to relax with. In fact, there is no extra charge for them. Borsodnádasd is…size number, number pet, tax numberguesthouse, friendly, dog, nature, stay3
360fokbringa.hu…we checked if we had any damage we tried to introduce the guy to the idea of breaking distance but he just kept pretending that it was not his fault all, so we started to talk about police and took photos of him and his plate number. Then he run away unexpectedly … Were we too harsh and strict?plate number, number away, incredible number, number carday, people, road, asia, way3
god.huAccessibility: From Budapest on the main road number 2 through Dunakeszi and the new M2 motorway that was paved in the recent past, as well as on the Budapest-Szob electrified international railway line at Alsógöd, Göd and Felsőgöd MÁV stations. On waterway it’s accessible on the Danube by the…road number, number leave, number dunakeszi, number budapestlocal, place, line, introduction, location3
biokarma.huBiokarma Ltd.'s main innovations and focus is the research and development of technologies for intelligent mobile energy products, accessible to the largest number of users.large number, number user, registration numbertechnology, limited, founder, energy, support3
premiumapartmanok.huPersonal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data…identification number, number location, use number, number userapartment, data, personal, premium, process3
workandsmile.huIn factories and assembly plants. Thai trained workers represent a reliable and precise workforce, so they are happy to be employed worldwide alongside the production lines of larger plants. We also focus on this area and can provide a larger number of applicants.large number, number applicant, tax numberemployee, smile, recruitment, worker, people3
uniquetravel.huHungary has a temperate climate, similar to the rest of the continental zone. The coldest month is January, the hottest month is July. The number of sunny hours a year is 1988. See the actual weather and forecast HERE.government number, number change, july number, number sunny, total numberunique, travel, art, tour, heritage3
eurologo.huOur specialist in graphics art and printing industry will help you to find the best solution, customized orders, and to specifiy the priorities of all data (number of items, deadlines, etc.) for you and for your business.data number, number itemsticker, customer, quality, resin, message3
hankooknegyed.huAs part of the Hankook Value Creation Program, we launched our Tire Donation Program in 2012 and it has been a great success ever since. This year’s program has again attracted a good number of applications from organizations seeking support, with winners already arriving to the factory to receive…currently number, number open, good number, number application, factory numberemployee, health, day, september, news3
helpers.huCentral Europe’s best-kept secret, Hungary offers amazing business opportunities – the corporate tax is Europe’s lowest at 9%, and you can have a company up and running, with an international VAT number, in just 4-5 days. HELPERS offers a one-stop-shop for international businesses: open a company…vat number, number day, number bank, tax number, number personalimmigration, helper, solution, permit, investment3
preventa.huThe numbers indicated in the names of Preventa drinking waters mean the deuterium content of that product in ppm units. Accordingly, Preventa 125 contains 125 ppm, Preventa 105 contains 105 ppm, and Preventa 85 contains 85 ppm deuterium, in contrast to the 140-145 ppm typical for surface waters –…mean number, number preventa, vat numberwater, drink, homepage, quality3
onlinet.huGood and bad times go round in business, sectors intervene with each other, all while providers face new challenges in client service and experience. ONLINET is the most reliable expert on this road, satisfying a large number of customers in various fields day after day.large number, number customer, number salesolution, development, process, client, quote3
one-event.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.event number, vat number, number hu, metric number, number visitorevent, perfection, passion, agency, website3
ap-x.huThe Company shall, without undue delay, and in any event within one month of receipt of the request, inform the data subject of the action taken on its request to exercise its rights. If necessary, taking into account the complexity of the application and the number of applications, this period…tax number, telephone number, application number, number applicationdata, subject, process, personal, management3
flippermuzeum.hu…called the ‘Time Machine’. This name has got a symbolic meaning ever since. Today all pinballs have transformed into a time machine, remnants of an old age. Their natural environment, the arcade has been outdated since then, yet we can find an ever increasing number of pinballs at collectors.fast number, number enquiry, outdated number, number pinballpinball, ticket, news, machine, media3
eredeti-sudoku.hu…puzzle. The puzzle itself was invented in the USA when Howard Garns, an architect, added the nine 3×3 blocks within the 9×9 grid to a statistical analysis tool called Latin Squares, originally devised by 18 th century Swiss mathematician Leonard Euler. Howard Garns called his puzzle Number Places.puzzle number, number place, kagiru number, number unmarriedintroduction, place, favourite, originally, analysis3
americanaejournal.huWe are proud to release our VOLUME XVIII , ISSUE NUMBER 1, 2022. The issue features a great variety of topics in American studies, ranging from history and literature to film and politics. It is once again our pleasure to provide platform to bring such a colorful variety to our readers all around…issue number, number issuejournal, american, study, issue, volume3
marcellremenye.huIf you want to send donation by bank transfer, you’re going to need our fund’s IBAN number and the bank’s SWIFT code.tax number, iban number, number banksurgery, help, important, donation, goal3
wojtyla.hu…delivered a brief speech to the audience and spoke about the foundation of the Karol Wojtyla Friendship Centre and the renovation works. A number of people promised to make a donation to the Wojtyla House. The mayoress, for instance, pledged to cover the expenses of the construction of the…fax number, work number, number peoplefriendship, centre, house, poor, town3
dev-lab.huYes, there is a possibility for a private shooting session, but the prices of that is substantially higher, than of shooting experiences for groups. For a private shooting, it is necessary to reserve a distinct sector, to have another shooting guide, and the number of available guns is also lower…slot number, number premium, package number, number people, guide numbershoot, package, weapon, range, detail3
help4you.huHelp4You offers complete comprehensive business assistance: expand your business into HU, start a your own business, set up a company, open bank account, prepare a business plan, get EU VAT number etc. GET Residence Permit through company formation.tax number, number low, vat number, number etc, number socialimmigration, permit, help, social, search3
isthungary.huFor this amount, we have concluded a number of large contracts that have brought profit to our partnerspossible number, number vulnerabilitysale, solution, consulting, official, innovative3
habitat.huThe number of people living in housing poverty in Hungary today is approximately three million. Such a significant issue may only be tackled through a wider cooperation and efficient housing policies. Our pilot projects and advocacy activities are designed to help people in Hungary in need of a…hungary number, number projecthabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization3
benei.huThose early successes made possible for the company to extend its number of employees from 3 to 15 in a few years. In 1992 they installed the first automatic waffer making machine which at the same time led to the opportunity of making new products.company number, number employee, life numberfirm, market, development, production, employee3
tradiscoseeds.hu…subject. To this end, the Company may request identifying details of the contract concluded by the data subject and the Company (e.g. contract number or date), identification number of the document issued by the Company to the data subject, or provision of the personal identification data kept…area number, number partner, request number, number request, contract numberdata, subject, shall, personal, process3
turisztikaitanulmanyok.huSince 2019, in addition to MATARKA and EPA, the journal with the scientific qualification of Section X. of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has also been referenced by CrossRef, and our studies are published with a DOI number. Our other important goal is to obtain a category C rating from Section…doi number, number important, tax numberstudy, tourism, page, rural, development3
hclu.huIn the last few years, the possibilities for protesting on public issues in Hungary have changed significantly. A number of changes have taken place that have significantly damaged the freedom of expression, the right to strike and the freedom of assembly that are relevant to protest. It is harder…significantly number, number change, tax numberlaw, freedom, union, rule, news3
pgospedition.huIf you would like to give us a shot – please contact us . Rather gain some more information? Drop us your number , we will call you!offer, transportation, day, customer, additional3
matpal.huWe maintain relations with more companies who can provide the required number of employees with high-class quality.able number, number short, company number, number employee, phone numberhomepage, quality, activity, manufacture, steel3
humanskill.huAs soon as you apply for our job offers or you send us your CV here, we contact you on your phone number. It is very important to attach a professional CV during your application so we can determine whether you are a potential candidate for our job offers or not. In case we find an appropriate job…phone number, number important, tax numbertraining, development, organisational, skill, psychological3
toscana.huWe can accept your reservation request 24 hours before your arrival. For confirmation, please provide your phone number in each case.phone number, number case, tax number, registration numberrestaurant, italian, reservation, wine, list3
beachfrontapartmans.huThe reservation becomes final after payment of a 10% deposit! Please transfer the deposit to the bank account of Ingatlancentrum 2007 Kft. immediately after making the reservation! The account number is: 11713081-21459289 The remaining amount should be paid by bank transfer at least 14 days before…account number, number remain, phone number, number ingatlancentrumapartment, beach, night, reservation, gallery3
ratotcenter.huIf you are interested in one of our services to provide a phone number and call you back soon.phone number, number soonoffice, warehouse, center, sqm, parking3
procreditor.huThe bank account number of Pro-Creditor Ltd for the payment of the registration fee in bankruptcy proceedings:account number, number pro, number necessarycreditor, debtor, liquidation, proceedings, bankruptcy3
feedbacksolutions.huAt FBS, we work with a number of private dental clinics and are proud to be part of their success stories. Competition is fierce, but we always manage to stay at least one step ahead of everyone else.fbs number, number privatedental, client, clinic, feedback, page3
csaladfakutatas.huWith the use of any of the further featured family research services the memory will be possible to become to a definite knowledge and by this in addition you may complete your family tree you have known until now with a number of generations.tax number, registration number, number company, tree number, number generationresearch, family, history, register, field3
lbmcoach.huBefore you start your coaching, you’re sure to have a number of questions about the journey you will soon undertake. Here are crunched numbers about it before coaching even begins.sure number, number question, soon number, number coachingcolumn, grid, post, portfolio, latest3
foldmeresma.huA plot split is a division of one or more plots of land into two or more plots with separate parcel numbers.parcel number, number parcelland, build, plot, today, measurement3
hqmedia.huAd Optimization: The ad budget for up to 80-90% can be a waste of money. In addition to a discount that we can achieve a number of leading media interface, we free our customers to help optimize their advertising costs. Our goal at the lowest possiblebudget, the highest conversion values ​​are…discount number, number leadmedia, hq, advertising, optimization, plan3
hatvany.huIn 2005 Viktória opened her artwork to the public both in online channels and in a number of regular exhibitions including solo as well as group events. Shortly she contracted with ArtArea Gallery, an online arts gallery and agency that facilitated selling many of her early paintings to private…channel number, number regular, gallery number, number country, wall numberart, portfolio, school, artist, book3
matro.huMATRO is one of the leading automotive suppliers in Southern Transdanubia. We have a history of almost 30 years, and today the total number of employees and students exceeds 300.history number, number employee, total number, phone numbertool, production, quality, machine, career3
budataxi.huGroup and individual high-quality transfers. The attention for the comfort and satisfaction of our customers is exquisite. Thus we provide a suitable vehicle for the number of passengers such as business limousines for up to 3 passengers, VIP taxis for up to 4 passengers and Luxury Vans for up to…maximum number, number passenger, number luggage, vehicle numbertransfer, limousine, luxury, vehicle, booking3
nanotechnology.huThis image shows the number of graphene related publications for the years 1990-2011 in logarithmic scale. The fast evolution of research made possible the preparation of samples with arbitrary sizes. Available sample production techniques, combined with the right patterning tools, can be used to…somewhat number, number wing, image number, number graphene, large numberpublication, butterfly, image, detail3
aktivzenetanulas.hu…different perspectives, including their application in various developmental fields (pulse, meter, forms, melody, polyphony, music listening), number of participants, and the applied movement types, movement choreographies for the different age groups. Detailed descriptions, summary charts and…listen number, number participant, item number, number creativemusic, learn, model, movement, active3
envitek.hu…as engine and vehicle manufacturers in the U.S., Europe and Asia, for the measurement of CO, CO 2 , NO, NO 2 , THC, NMHC, CH 4 , NH 3 , O 2 , N 2 O, SF 6 , Particulate Mass, and Particle Number. Sensors is also the manufacturer of the HI-FLOW 2 sampler and analyzer which is ideal for LDAR activity.particle number, number sensor, vat numbergas, process, solution, manufacturer, instrument3
l2group.hu“ I have been using it for a number of years. I use Colorlib for usability testing. It's great for taking images and making clickable image prototypes that do the job and save me the coding time and just the general hassle of hosting. ”image, great, prototype, job, feature3
kurultaj.hu…to such great ancestors as Attila, Bayan Kagan, Madjar baba, Kartsig warrior, and Arpad. This time Kurultaj attracted thousands of people and the number of visitors had almost doubled from 2008! Since 2010, the festival is held under the auspices of the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of Hungary…large number, number horse, people number, number visitor, number peoplenation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient3
gyermekkoriautizmus.huRoutines are very important. Many people with autism use lists to prompt them about what comes next and the need for the list continues even when those around them think the individual knows the task well. It is common for people with autism to have a keen interest in numbers, timetables or weather.interest number, number timetableautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic3
budaors.hu…dynamically. By 2007, it was qualified as the most developed settlement of all in the country by the Central Statistics Office. In the course of their comparison, they considered 17 aspects from the existence of public utilities to unemployment rate to the number of enterprises per inhabitant.rate number, number enterprise, site number, citizen number, number sooncity, affairs, office, settlement, transaction3
euromedic-hungary.huOur vision is to be the number one provider of value added integrated health services in the hospital pharmacy market in Central and Eastern Europe.vision number, number provider, phone number, fax numberactivity, pharmaceutical, quality, logistic, hospital3
lovely-home.huFree parking is available for guests arriving by car in a private, numbered but unguarded courtyard behind the house.example number, number people, private number, number unguardedapartment, guest, reservation, house, away3
balloon.huOn 27 May 1931, Auguste Piccard and Paul Kipfer took off from Augsburg, Germany, and reached a record altitude of 15,781 m (51,775 ft). (FAI Record File Number 10634) During this flight, Piccard was able to gather substantial data on the upper atmosphere, as well as measure cosmic rays. On 18…file number, number flight, number ultimatelyballoon, september, national, report, flight3
irpg.huI haven't run the numbers to see which alignment it is better to follow, so the stats for this feature may change in the future.random number, number zeropenalty, item, command, simply, password3
monda.hu…navigation. I’ve seen his work after I came up with the Ultimate layout which is similar to these layouts. The core idea of the Optimizer layout is very good, but their implementation is suboptimal for a number of reasons which I won’t talk about now because I don’t wanna share the details yet.multiplexer number, number terminal, suboptimal number, number reasonkeyboard, long, saturday, easy, session3
szigetinapkft.huThe goal is to bulid a solar park with the capacity of 499 kW at the location of Vaskút 0540 parcel number. The Ltd. already has all the necessaryparcel number, number necessary, tax numberview, investment, parcel, activity, capacity3
velutina.hu…nest (secondary), which is built in the crown of trees 10-30 m in diameter, up to 1 m in diameter, and can contain thousands of wasps. The number of adults in a single nest can be up to 10,000 hornets. Rome et al. ( Rome et al. 2015 ) have described that a single nest can release up to 13…wasp number, number adult, survey number, number v., large numbernest, colony, beekeeper, species, asian3
diakhitel.huWe provide a number benefits for mothers during pregnancy and after birth. Please contact our Customer Service for further information.study, loan, student, free, page3
xlfight.huBreaking down Saturday’s UFC on FOX 12 card By The Numbers… On Saturday, the Octagon is in San Jose for…card number, number saturdayago, fight, night, card, return3
ptf.huWith the Child and Youth Protection Consultant training, you can get a job in a number of positions related to child and family protection. Sign up for our training and do your part to ensure that families and children function healthily and develop - both physically and mentally.job number, number position, account number, number bank, tax numberchristian, timetable, training, management, theology3
controllabor.hu…and experience. Control Labor Ltd. has been performing non-destructive material testing for us for many years. Typically they carry out a large number of tests, sometimes lasting several weeks. The other important factor is their flexibility and their ability to meet the deadlines we have agreed…large number, number test, vat numbermaterial, control, solution, procedure, quality3
dttrecruitment.hu"Timea is a special recruiter and she was truly at the top of her game at Hortonworks. She managed a number of stressful ramp up hiring periods where she took the challenge on strongly and delivered great results for the business. She understands the business and delivers talent that matches the…hortonworks number, number stressful, registration number, tax numberrecruitment, hire, career, job, seeker3
birnerauto.huOur sales points have a wide range of products adapted to the market and a large number of items, and the customers are served professionally by the qualified sales staff.product number, number naming, large number, number item, mobile numberbrake, map, shop, belt, oil3
tuskevaralapitvany.huOur bank account number for donations: Erste Bank Hungary Zrt.: HU11600006-00000000-83429521account number, number donation, tax numberanimal, exotic, wild, foundation, sick3
arc-budapest.huFor two 2 years, we have been working with ARC in the field of immigration and registration services of our foreign employees relocated to Hungary. We had to handle a number of different and complicated cases and the services of ARC have always been excellent. Their professionalism, availability…hungary number, number different, eura number, number international, werc numberimmigration, destination, process, legal, employee3
serpakalandpark.huPersonal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data…identification number, number location, use number, number userdata, price, adventure, personal, process3
egervaritrans.huEgervári Trans Ltd. is a dynamically developing successful company. Our performance has been steadily upward since our foundation in 1996. In the last 3 years, we have been able to expand our fleet of vehicles and achieve an outstanding number of transports and warehouse turnover.large number, number subcontractor, mirror number, outstanding number, number transporttransport, warehouse, category, logistic, equipment3
productflow.huNumbers don’t lie. Where does your system need attention and what are the ideas that seem like good ones but really aren’t, you’ll know earlier than ever.decision, webinar, page, process, need3
cableworld.huWe would like to inform our partners that CableWorld Ltd's bank account number has been changed on the 5th of December, 2023. We kindly ask…account number, number decemberdevice, software, analyzer, download, uk3
4voice.huhome | about us | services | technical informations | contact | job opportunities | partner - login | premium number's inventory | GTCdial number, number premium, premium number, number inventoryvoice, solution, login, office, virtual3
itkholding.huThrough its subsidiaries, ITK Holding Zrt. is present in a number of sectors. As a transport integrator in the field of mobility, from the automotive industry to energy, infocommunication, education development, real estate management, environment, urban development, transport and human relations…present number, number sector, number key, result numbermobility, sustainable, education, management, development3
ujpestihorgaszbolt.huWe have a number of different teams within our agency that specialise in different areas of business so you can be sure that you receive a generic service and although we boast years and years of service we can ensure you that is a good thing in this industry.ipsum, lorem, industry, smith, sit3
maniv-bp.huBudapest are between the top 3 cities in property investment worldwide, in 2019 Budapest gain number 1 city in property price growth globally, with 19% price increase, and the average market price growth was 15.5% since 2015 and average rental yield of 6.5%.budapest number, number cityproperty, real, estate, apartment, management3
exceltrening.huimport data from text file, problematic cases (stripping zeros, text or number, strange data results)text number, date number, number day, number strangetraining, site, thematic, useful, function3
apambeajulna.huny snow snow matters matters imports imports talent. talent. ,NUMBER ,NUMBER strip strip daughters daughters participants participants provinces provinces brokers brokers ... ... köppen köppen globo globo ambac ambac sarcophagus sarcophagus deflected deflected rayon rayon worsen worsen denounce.abstract number, number consumer, talent number, number stripny, ray, york, movie, book3
investmedical.huThe aging society and the growing number of people with chronic diseases are playing a great role in the increasing demand for the best solutions. With a strong emphasis on providing medical aids at home, we contribute to the improvement of the quality of life through of millions with our balanced…society number, number people, tax numbermedical, care, factory, patient, quality3
kbtraining.huCompany contact information: Surname, first name, phone number and email address of contact personnumber participant, phone number, number email, tax number, number ruledata, training, participant, controller, process3
szokolkft.huSzokol es Tarsa Kft. was founded in 1994 (org number: 01-09-363396). It has 3 million HUF share capital. Two auditor owns the organization, Erzsebet Szokol is the CEO from the begining.org number, number milliontax, accounting, consultancy, ceo, million3
leadgenerator.huWe don’t have guarantees or exact numbers, but the feedback and satisfaction of our customers show that it works for themnumber connection, exact number, number feedback, navigator number, number optionprice, profile, order, account, lead3
wildwind.huAre you ready to book your sailing holiday, or do you have any more questions? There are number of ways in which you can contact us.wildwind number, number choice, year number, number reason, question numbersailing, holiday, beach, greece, kid3
papprekakinga.huA founder of the 2006 Students’ Network movement; speaker at the free press mass protest ‘ Nem tetszik a rendszer ‘ in 2011 as a representative of the students. Featured at a number of rallies and other demonstrative events as a free speech, free press and feminist activist.student number, number rally, army number, number far, biannual numbertalk, special, treatment, casual, ancient3
shellshop.huThe higher the summer grade number (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 the more the oil remains viscous at high temperatures (100°C), and therefore the more protection it provides to the motor during strenuous use. Present day engines are designed to operate with a hot oil viscosity of SAE 40. In winter, a cold…tax number, grade number, number oildetail, light, oil, helix, engine3
rudolfibolya.huOn the fang of the filled teeth germs can settle down easily producing toxic substances. Dr. Thomas Ran, the leader physician of the Swiss Paracelsus Clinic, has fulfilled a number of experience with patients suffering from SM (Sclerosis Multiplex) and the evident result was that in the spinal…clinic number, number experience, cosmetic number, number standpointtoothpaste, tooth, body, skin, jaw3
szatmaritransport.huThe registered seat of the company is at the village of Bugyi, the public road network of which is properly developed. One of the characteristic features of the region is that a number of quarries have been excavated here, enabling the transport of large quantities of pebbles. This is the reason…fleet number, number subcontractor, region number, number quarrytransport, continuously, consideration, quality, client3
cutpro.huVertigo used to have a number of contractors and looked for new partners to cooperate with in the fields of authoring, DCP mastering, etc., but we were never really satisfied. Ever since we work with Cut-Pro (and that's a long time), we don't even listen to the offers of other companies. It is not…dvd number, number blue, customer number, number continuously, vertigo numberdcp, production, cut, digital, offer3
mediatormiskolc.hu(Duration: max. 3 hours / session, the number of sessions varies from case to case, sometimes a single session is sufficient)license number, session number, number session, regardless number, number participantmediation, mediator, relationship, divorce, view3
nyitottkor.hu…both of them or separately, he should talk to his girlfriend Lili, he should go see a psychologist, he should be alone and think. When the number of suggestions become clear, the discussion continues in smaller groups. The participants join a group by deciding which solution they find most…size number, number participant, psychologist number, number suggestiondrama, group, participant, european, education3
hejokereszturiskola.huBy the end of the 1990s the growth in the number of pupils required more class-rooms, so was the attic built in three steps: an IT room and four new class-rooms were added.growth number, number pupil, number teacherschool, class, student, pupil, education3
datalistshop.huWe sell company data lists in many countries. You can filter your best potential customers by location, address, income, business activity classification, number of employees, etc. With these filters in place, you can easily acquire your dream customer list delivered in an organized Excel sheet.classification number, number employee, income number, telephone number, number emaillist, data, customer, country, owner3
pecs-somogyiovoda.huBebio helps increasing your child’s intelligence at an early age with games like number matching.like number, number matchchild, kid, teacher, care, school3
freesportparks.hu…Pascal RIDE channel. As a workout I have always used Street Workout Parks , Fitness Parks or Running Tracks , as well as Ping-Pong tables or Basketball courts for recreation. Nowadays there are lot more places and getting better parks, courts and tracks and even the number of sports has increased.number sport, number settlement, track numberfree, map, street, location, city3
nyelvinfo.hu…grammatical knowledge. Our cooperating partner is the Fulbright Foundation. If interested in our courses, please call 3179644, 06209722744 local phone number or send a letter to Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát. .phone number, number letter, composition number, number point, weekly numberexamination, language, course, school, skill3
abece.huIn Hungary, Educational Acts list dyslexic students among persons with disabilities; for this reason, they become disabled for the public. This classification is the most difficult to deal with, because after the great number of failures and without valuable help, both the child and the parents…great number, number failure, ildikó number, number type, student numberchild, problem, programme, task, treatment3
hirvitransport.huWe are at your service with our own vehicles and a number of carefully-chosen subcontractors for jobs of any kind, to anywhere and anytime.vehicle number, number carefully, volvo number, number trucktransport, transportation, fleet, international, domestic3
lita.huWe provide the foundation to become a data-driven organization in which data is managed as an asset. This can unlock a huge number of business use cases benefitting from improved quality of data.huge number, number businessdata, management, governance, delivery, organization2
kosditrade.huLocal governments come up against several tasks on public areas day by day. The price of our new machinery with a great number of optional accessories suitable for both urban and rural works can be quickly refunded. Just follow tenders and let your local government thrive with our new machinery.great number, number country, number optionalloader, machine, category, accessories, machinery2
kaszasgabor.huThe OJTI (On-the-Job Training Instructor) responsible for the training, is obliged to fill out the appropriate page of the on-the-job-training journal after every training period, in which the instructor details in writing the content of the oral assessment, together with the total number of hours.total number, number hour, defendant number, number sittraining, contract, traffic, air, controller2
natiandaaronwedding.huGiven the small number of rooms available at the Hotel Botanica, unless you have been previously advised, we recommend that you stay at the 4-Star Aquarell Hotel in Cegléd. This spa hotel offers a wide range of facilities including hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas, cold plunge pools and a dedicated…small number, number room, approximately number, number passengerwedding, day, weekend, special, planner2
prismavisual.huOver the years, we have been fortunate to work with a number of companies, from different sectors.fortunate number, number company, phone number, number immediatelyvisual, video, animation, studio, customer2
action2020.huIn MOL’s strategy for 2030, it has been stated that a much larger role is addressed in mobility services: selling kilometers instead of liters in order to be the number one choice to the ones on the road.order number, number choice, currently number, number trendceo, director, manage, environmental, development2
talaloskerdesunk.huAdvertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you).example number, number timeprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data2
normafapark.huIf htere is a serious accident, please call for an ambulance on 112, then call our number for further assistance.ambulance number, number assistance, emergency number, number englishskiing, quarry, forest, cultural, centre2
gann.huWhat is the real reason behind the obsession with the number nine? I explain where Gann’s idea came from.obsession number, number gann, certain number, number timetrading, question, tool, point, conception2
miniatour.huThe lighting of the buildings, cars, and roads is switched and monitored by nearly thirty microcomputers. The number of integrated LEDs exceeds a thousand.microcomputers number, number ledconstruction, visitor, eastern, result, fantastic2
szaknyelvioktatas.huWe have maximised the number of students: no more than 6 people can attend a class, so you can be sure to have your voice heard.legal, course, student, class, international2
clubduna.huThere are thousands of foreigners who have bought apartments in Hungary. All of them need to have tax id number, all should file personal income tax (PIT) return, no doubt, each year.tax number, number personal, identification number, number pithelp, taxation, apartment, foreigner, owner2
eubottlebuilder.huClick on any Colour Swatch to immediately change your bottle, cap or spout to that colour. Alongside the bottle an info box will show the colour, style and product number information.product number, number information, bar number, number sizebottle, graphic, builder, colour, big2
avidinlab.huWe can provide door-to-door logistics services for our partners whose required inspection quantity does not reach the number required for free on-site collection.great number, number process, quantity number, number freesample, result, laboratory, logistic, method2
fermenta.hu…lately. We pass our innovative food and drink development ideas to food and beverage producers, which –in turn-- helps us increase the number of our partners every year; and a faith-based relationship evolves ensuring long-term success. We would not like to present our set of values by…producer number, number partner, concentrate number, number freeapplication, food, drink, concentrate, fruit2
mosodabudapest.huWe optimized the numbers of our washing and drying machines for optimal amount of laundry in the busier periods with the expectation that we can start cleaning your favourite clothes immediately.laundry, self, machine, washing, price2
medtechconsult.huIn the past few decades, the number of minimally invasive procedures has increased continuously. With the instruments for endoscopy we are one step ahead of the competition with products from Endodoctor.decade number, number minimally, tax numbermedical, consulting, technical, repair, sale2
bsplastic.huPolyethylene meets a large number of packaging requirements due to its advantageous properties.large number, number packaging, identification number, number tinplastic, packaging, custom, material, size2
edelstahl.hu…Just one of many examples: a wooden handrail in the stairwell, a Corten sheet in the garden, a powder-coated aluminum sheet on the balcony. Number 1 in our customers' desired catalog, however, is the combination - stainless steel / glass - in the variants of privacy protection, matt films or…balcony number, number customersteel, stainless, process, metal, iron2
onlinepiackutato.hu“The online method offers a number of benefits that make it essential to use in the corporate sector, not to mention cost-effectiveness. We've tried several online market researchers, they are among the best in value for money...”method number, number benefit, target number, number answerresearch, market, sample, result, questionnaire2
refkossuthter.huIn the new, communist era starting from 1945, possibilities of the congregation seemed to disappear; it was getting harder to provide even the daily needs. However, by the grace of God, these years saw a revival and an improvement in religious life, with hardly any decrease in the number of…decrease number, number congregation, regular number, number catechesiscongregation, god, church, jesus, family2
innorail2021.huAs it can be seen from the numbers, due to the pandemic, the number of participants was lower than in case of our previous conferences – it were mostly our guests from other countries who had to abstain. As certain lockdown measures had already been put into effect in the days preceding the…pandemic number, number participantconference, summary, sponsor, development, railway2
napkiado.huThese are special encyclopaedias, which contain the description of several hundred villages of Transsylvania in an alphabetic order. The reader can get acquainted with the population, the number of inhabitants, the division of the ethnic groups and the religions. It reports even about the number…population number, number inhabitants, religion number, number childanthem, national, country, nation, book2
wecup.huWhen we look at a single paper cup it seems harmless but the estimated number of uses of paper cups in Europe has grown up globally to 58 billion pieces a year (it is 500 billion worldwide) by today which ends on the landfills. An average of 8 % of a cup is plastic as a barrier on it (PE or PLA)…harmless number, number usecup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable2
pmssolutions.huDue to the seasonal character of certain products you may have to cover a greater number of stores in given periods and your sales representatives don’t have the capacity for this.great number, number store, tax numbersale, material, promotion, promotional, production2
bmpvsz.huIn 2020, financed from the amount we had won on the tender set by NEA (National Cooperation Fund), we compiled the board game named „Play to survive…”, which has only been presented at a limited number of occasions due to the Covid situation, but, while keeping the prevailing regulations, we have…large number, number event, limited number, number occasiondisaster, organisation, protection, management, event2
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huDual Dash hasn’t been the game-changing part of the Mario Kart franchise business that several hoped it was, but it has made a number of substantial modifications to the gameplay. The choice of personalities as well as automobiles was impressive, as were the new weapons, in addition to the…understand number, number resource, number approach, business number, number substantialgame, video, like, lot, certainly2
ekraft.huNowadays the use of electric boats is spreading more and more rapidly. What led to these large numbers of interests? The positive and negative side of e-boating, facts and myths.large number, number interestboat, electric, gallery, faq, open2
goconcept.huCsilla was often great help to me as a coach whenever I became unsure of myself and didn't know which way to move on. With her well chosen questions, she showed me the path forward a number of times. Being both intelligent and emotionally sensitive, she's a fantastically refined individual. I'm…forward number, number timetraining, lab, development, trainer, change2
dtdexpress.hu…quantity, weight, packaging dimensions, stacking ability of the goods, as well as the loading and unloading locations, are crucial. Specific requirements like temperature control, securing, delivery deadlines, goods availability, reference numbers, and contact details are also highly beneficial.company number, reference number, number contactfreight, transport, shipment, air, road2
superweek.huIn a world awash with data, numbers wield the power to enlighten or deceive. In this session, Ibrahim will explore the interplay between human bias and statistical storytelling.data number, number powerdata, analytic, digital, day, analyst2
hmatsz.huGive your website an extra numerical boost with the Grid Statistic particle. Displaying animated numbers for your visitors is a snap.particle number, number visitorimage, view, label, grid, particle2
exkluzivsirko.huAdvertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you).example number, number timeprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data2
chichaya.huYou will receive a confirmation e-mail after clicking on the “ Submit booking ” button, which will confirm your booking, but for the final booking our colleague will contact you within 24 hours on the phone number or e-mail address you have provided! Thank you!appointment number, number hour, phone number, number mailmassage, body, traditional, type, effect2
drogriporter.huSharing of injecting equipment by people who use drugs leads to infections, such as Hepatitis C or HIV. Discarded needles on the streets are not welcomed by people who live in the area. The solution does not lie in the hands of the police – arresting people who use drugs does not reduce the number…country number, number people, drug number, number drugdrug, people, video, harm, reduction2
film-m.huHD quality, on-site mixed video live stream service, with the ideal number of cameras, that suits the nature of the event. Open or private accessideal number, number cameravideo, event, live, production, site2
unidebconf.huT he conference is going to take place within the planned timeframe , so everybody is encouraged to register and contribute to the conference. The conference is going to be organized in on-site and a hybrid conference. Please note that only selected number of authors will be invited for physically…conference number, number author, talk number, number talkconference, technology, submission, general, neuroscience2
bio-klima.huTo protect our customers and their equipment, we do not use aggressive, chlorine-based detergents or A/C cleaning liquids available in stores. These products contain a number of auxiliary chemicals – chlorine-based disinfectants also contain at least 3% active chlorine!product number, number auxiliaryclean, air, unit, healthy, premium2
edwards-vakuumszivattyu.huNaturally, it’s not just about numbers. Here are other factors to consider… and more numbers.naturally number, number factorpump, dry, axis, industrial, technology2
familyday.huWrite and illustrate your own math-inspired comic! Design your own characters out of different kinds of triangles, draw a comic about your favourite shapes and numbers, create a story on a Mobius strip or a hexaflexagon, or make a comic to teach the world about your favourite mathematical idea…series number, number sinusoids, shape number, number storybridge, math, family, day, art2
jet-vill.huthe number of countries that are covered by the industrial patent for our JFA 100 underground stationunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power2
kalivineyardestate.huTo view availability and current prices, enter the planned arrival and departure times and the number of guests!time number, number guestestate, place, condition, view, basin2
ahang.huZsolt Borkai resigned on 6 November. A number of factors may have contributed to this decision, and one of them is the approximately 7,000 people who have signed the initiative demanding his departure. According to our experience, this is a very large number for a political (or somewhat more…lot number, number car, november number, number factor, large numbercampaign, family, public, national, care2
bpso.huSoundtracks are mainly recorded in studios, by orchestras that have to fulfil a number of requirements . These requirements include the ability to match the pace of music to previously recorded frames and they also need to have experience in playing a great variety of music from modern to jazz…orchestra number, number requirements, vat number, number huorchestra, symphony, score, composer, record2
budatrioapartments.huThe Customer warrants to the Service Provider that he has informed the contact indicated during the registration that his data (name, email address, telephone number) will be included and that they will be entered in the Data Provider's database as a data controller, and that, in order to comply…telephone number, number datacustomer, provider, use, order, apartment2
iparnapjai.huoperators, the 10th AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY exhibition, again provided an overview of the Hungarian market operators and innovations of the automotive manufacturing industry, while also serving as a forum where a number of domestic and international suppliers and service providers could meet one another.host number, number key, forum number, number domesticindustry, exhibition, day, exhibitors, visitor2
ecolres.huOur park ponds typically hold good numbers of mallards, and urban grassy areas often hold concentrations of geese. In the UK, Canada Geese are an abundant and widespread alien species, well known for fouling parks withgood number, number mallardresearch, garden, ecological, species, science2
gabrieltex.huCloth zippers in different sizes and colors. The zippers on the pictures have number for the easier transparency. On the side you can choose the...picture number, number easy, number zipperview, quick, price, foam, rubber2
aipderm.huIf you have a social security card in Hungary, you will need to enter your social security number, an e-mail address, and a password to register.security number, number maildermatology, diagnosis, treatment, social, artificial2
drborbelyalbu.huThis type of fee structure is ideal if the scope of the assignment or legal work cannot be exactly specified in advance. In this case the attorney’s fee is calculated based on the number of working hours spent with the case. For a greater transparency, if the payment of fees takes place in this…irrespectively number, number attorney, fee number, number work, client numberlaw, fee, legal, attorney, representation2
flyboy.huThe costs calculated this way will be divided by the number of passengers transported by Flyboy with the aircraft.way number, number passengerflight, passenger, cost, regulation, book2
abtl.huthe 1956 Revolution may get a pension supplement. The Archives can give them the documents that prove that they are entitled to get that supplement in a significant number of cases. Victims who turn to our institute often need personal attention as well, which they get from the Archives if possible.significant number, number case, organ number, number employeearchive, shall, public, record, document2
cserkeszek.husimple mattresses with sleeping bags (for 20 people), or in case of larger number (up to 100 people) accommodation on boarded floor on your own camping mats (if you use our mattresses, please bring a bed-sheet)large number, number people, house number, number vasútroom, possibility, small, court, sqm2
bibianaiskola.hufor a family raising an autistic child, one of the key issues is to help the child become as independent in self-care as possible. Our number one goal is to provide them all the help we can in order to reach that goal.possible number, number goalschool, elementary, foundation, child, autistic2
horvathconsulting.huWhat is really nice about this? He measures his engagements with clear indicators. And this is very convincing when you see the number of calls or the quality of customer meetings increase.convince number, number callsale, horvath, consulting, management, development2
eurogate-rail.huThe Hungarian Rail Association, as the number one group representing professional interest in the Hungarian railway sector and an organization with a strategic partnership agreement with the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, is firmly opposed to all factors affecting against the…association number, number group, statistical numberrail, railway, price, road2
damnnatural.huCAN crawl one’s no out of Their skin every AT a workout. The progressive system Using, you perform a separate training for one part of the body three times a week, and in such a way that the first training is conducted with a relatively large number of series and repetitions, but with a small…process number, number cycle, large number, number series, strength numbernatural, muscle, steroid, training, method2
lecfolott.huIn the past couple of years the number of various leisure sport events increased significantly,...year number, number leisure, tax number, number bankevent, qualification, organiser, date, location2
bluetechnology.huIf we have raised Your interest and You feel committed to introducing and operating innovative technologies, do not hesitate to contact us on the phone numbers and e-mail addresses indicated bellow:number client, phone number, number mailtechnology, massage, substance, health, client2
englishschool.huAt ESB we recognise these dilemmas and have 20 different classes from Monday to Saturday at two different locations to give parents the greatest number of options.great number, number optionschool, teacher, child, language2
procura.co.huRegistration number at the Public Procurement Authority as certified Public Procurement adviser:registration number, number cg, number publicpublic, procurement, consulting, expert, international2
trainingandpractice.huIn the article "Trends and Issues on STEM and STEAM Education in Early Childhood" printed in Volume 17, Numbers 3–4 of the Journal "Képzés és Gyakorlat" ("Training and Practice") the author, regrettably, used by Aysun Ata Aktürk's and Hasibe Özlen Demircan's article "A Review of Studies on STEM…volume number, number journal, number scientificpractice, training, conference, journal, educational2
flow.huI usually work with top executive level managers individually and in teams. I help them increase the number of their exercisable choices. I am experienced in driving processes that design business strategies that are in line with the corporate culture and the commercial brand. I drive processes…success number, team number, number exercisabledevelopment, management, leadership, training, group2
aircraftnoise.huWith the increasing number of electrically driven air vehicles, new noise issues are emerging. The Aeroacoustics Specialists Committee of CEAS has decided to address this issue and organise its next workshop on the aeroacoustics of electrically driven air vehicles.airspace number, number uavair, vehicle, committee, noise, aircraft2
scargo.huIn recent years , we have made a number of shipments of hatching eggs domestically and internationally , including c ontinuously for 3 years in Russia. Thanks to our special high-tech semi-trailer carrying pre-incubated eggs , it is not a problem , as they c an easily maintain a temperature of 30…year number, number shipmentchick, offer, safe, choice, transport2
petnehazy-clubhotel.huThe location has ideal parameters for events. With 77 apartments, it is suitable for accommodating a large number of guests, and with its 3 rustic event halls covered with wood, it provides an excellent location for conferences, lectures, family days, and musical events.large number, number guestevent, homepage, guest, group, nature2
costesdowntown.huDespite his young age, Márk Molnár worked at a number of world-class restaurants over the past 2 decades, gathering his "worldwide" experience in the top gastronomic establishments of several continents.molnár number, number worlddowntown, restaurant, voucher, dining, faq2
viphunting.huThe ”crowned king” of the Hungarian forests is indigenous in Europe and in the Middle East. You can find red deer in the biggest number in Western Europe, but Eastern Europe (specially Hungary) gives habitat for the world’s finest quality red deer population.big number, number western, round number, number decentlybook, wild, boar, hunt, brown2
supershop.huSimply put, the SuperShop card is for collecting and then redeeming points. It’s a simple yet great thing. The secret of its success lies in the number of places points can be collected and redeemed, the quality of services, the constantly renewed offers and its simplicity of use. You only need…success number, number place, point number, number pointpoint, card, programme, shop, offer2
etalonhorses.hu…Domingo to address a concert in Hungary first in his carreer. Additionally, he created a movie with Beniamino Gigli, a tenor from Italy. The President of Hungary also enjoyed his support for four years. He headed a number of Hungarian and foreign companies as CEO over years with high success.year number, number hungarian, solution number, number musichorse, fire, close, equestrian, video2
carrentalbudapest.huCall us now to place your order on one of the following telephone numbers: Our premises open from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm, however, you can reach us and rent a car via our telephone customer service at the weekend as well.telephone number, number premiserental, detail, airport, yes, sticker2
markidental.huIn our dental clinic we also provide emergency services on weekends for our dear Patients. Please consult us for an emergency appointment on the +36302700144 phone number any day of the week.phone number, number daydental, surgery, dentistry, oral, patient2
airmatic.hu…and manufacturing processes are undergoing continuous improvements by our company’s professionals. As a direct result of these improvements the number of orders has increased in the last years and made it possible to dynamically increase the number of employees and the number of product…improvement number, number order, dynamically number, number employee, employee numberassembly, line, machine, software, need2
iotnet.huLoRa radio standard developed by Semtech is capable of point-to-point connections. Based on this technology LoRaWAN (open standard, maintained by the LoRa Alliance) defines networking capabilities. Using LoRaWAN a huge number of end devices can communicate to one gateway which sends every data…huge number, number end, network number, number sensornetwork, low, technology, software, solution2
kerekbt.hu, please notify us in advance before placing an order, the inquiry is over. The mere transfer case where the destination hotel or bed and breakfast and airport, railway station, ship station, need not be indicated, because - if the number of passengers requires - is automatically attached to the…need number, number passenger, category numberbus, passenger, transport, europe, travel2
ppke.huThe Pázmány Péter Catholic University, through its Faculty of Theology, is the heir to the oldest Hungarian university traditions. In the past thirty years, our university has come a long way: from the initial difficulties and low student numbers, it has now reached the point where the Pázmány BTK…student number, number pointfaculty, study, student, scholarship, international2
laszloerno.huBorn in 1982 , unfortunately its just a semi prime and not a prime number but i dont’t care. I like numbers mostly prime numbers and everything around them, maybe thats the reason why i work with computers. No not really ;)! My first computer was an XT machine so i ignored the world of amiga and…prime number, number dont’t, dont’t number, number prime, number maybedevelopement, manager, developer, consultant, like2
property.huReal estate quick search Property Newly built homes Project Our offices Office Search by registration number Reg. num.registration number, number regestate, real, property, office, market2
oralstudio.huOralStudio co-operates with a large number of dental surgeries throughout the country that refer various cases of ambulatory oral surgery to us. Upon the completion of the treatment, we send patients, along with their case assessment, report and further treatment proposal, back to the referring…agradually number, number patient, large number, number dentalstudio, surgery, treatment, patient, oral2
wewifi.huWe no longer just read emails or watch YouTube videos on our devices. We use a growing number of applications and regularly take part in video conferences, such as Zoom or Google meetings, which require high bandwidths.device number, number applicationnetwork, survey, wi, site, office2
tachografkiertekeles.huAs part of our special offer, our customers can now take advantage of our Platinum Tachograph package*, regardless of the number of monthly evaluations.regardless number, number monthly, invoicing number, number analysisanalysis, data, file, card, driver2
elkakft.huOur company was founded on 27 March 1995. Right from the outset building design and construction was the main activity. The two founders previously worked as a contractor (AREVA) and designer (AGROBER) in the business. The initial three persons to the number of employees increased by 20 people.line number, person number, number employeebuild, installation, gas, equipment, gallery2
kaveautomata.huCurrently, we operate a large number of vending machines mainly in Budapest and its surrounding area.large number, number vending, phone numbermachine, office, automation, operation, refurbishment2
any.huOur company personalises Hungarian biometric passports and numerous other documents. Its manufacturing technology makes it possible to produce several billion tax stamps and excise stamps and luncheon vouchers . Its Document Security Laboratory offers a number of custom-developed products from…laboratory number, number custom, number employeesecurity, printing, document, solution, paper2
kellegywebsite.huIn this digital generation where information can be easily obtained within seconds, business cards still have retained their importance in the achievement of increased business exposure and business sales. If your business already has a bunch of printed cards distributed to a number of potential…card number, number potential, phone numberdeveloper, ceo, portfolio, science, way2
soforszolgalatbp.huTo order driver service, please send your request in text form, be sure to i nclude your phone number in the message box .phone number, number messagedriver, chauffeur, district, offer, phone2
admiraltrans.huOur Company was funded in 1989 by private individuals experienced in, and committed to, bus transportation with the goal to meet the then dynamically growing demands of domestic and international tourism and the needs of the then large number of manufacturing companies and plants for the…company number, number event, large number, number manufacturecapacity, client, price, bus, man2
szabihid.huThe coordination and preparation of the Szabihíd Project is done entirely by the volunteers of the VALYO – City and River Association. You can support us with donations. Our Magnet Bank account number is 16200151-18536955. Thank you!valyo number, number actionbridge, space, event, public, city2
myfarmalapitvany.huOur goal is to increase the number of sustainable, local, chemical-free farms in our country, in order to create new values in the cities and new livelihoods in the countryside.goal number, number sustainable, number child, child number, number peoplefoundation, cooperation, people, activity, collaboration2
europetell.huYou can also order our service by e-mail with delivery, you can even arrange number transfer online. You just have to write a request by e-mail and we can start the procedure.delivery number, number transferpackage, loyalty, contract, period, card2
jennyz.hu…writing down the steps so she could refer back to it later. “Nah, I’ve got it!” The next day, I received a text message from her. Plot twist: she doesn’t know how to text! The text simply contained my phone number — it was clear that this was a failed attempt to FaceTime, and she had not gotten it.online number, number counterfeit, phone number, number clearday, february, week, photo, family2
tulipantunder.hu…water park after a year of shutdown as the strategic consultants of the park, after a complete change of image and renovation. Thanks to our full rebranding, interim management and business development services, the water park exceeded its pre-pandemic (2019) sales and number of visitors in 2021.sale number, number visitor, phone numberproduction, exhibition, space, dream, game2
datatronic.huCustomized Support and Personalized Attention: The Advantages of a Small Hosting Provider Are you tired of being treated like just another number by big hosting companies? Do you crave personalized support and attention for your website? If yes, then opting for a small hosting provider may be the…like number, number big, large number, number administrativecloud, native, infrastructure, industry, technology2
diamondresidence.huFor us, a strong personal relationship with our guests is a key factor in achieving as many positive guest feedback as possible. These positive feedbacks are equally important to the number of returning guests we strive to fulfill. We always hand over our apartments in person.important number, number guest, phone numberguest, accommodation, apartment, package, booking2
borbazilikavendeghazak.huAir conditioning, Free parking possibility, Unlimited coffee drinking, Free from 1 to 7 years of age Number of rooms: 20, Capacity: 53 peoplegreat number, number spectacle, age number, number roomroom, group, entertainment, guest, cellar2
propertysupport.hu…can realize cost optimization that means substantial savings until the end of the term of the lease. The savings scheme stands on several pillars from reduced amounts of rents through the increased number of rent-free months to the financing of construction and installation costs by the landlord.rent number, number rentproperty, support, management, office, client2
ls-simon.huLaw Office # 12 was established by three legal counsels in Budapest in 1983. With enactment of the new comprehensive legislation re-regulating the legal profession and allowing private law firms to operate in Hungary, the operation field of the firm and number of the lawyers expanded to a peak of…firm number, number lawyer, great number, number incorporationlaw, transaction, firm, attorney, foreign2
absolutelycosmopolitanbostons.huDomicile arrangement (family house or flat? How many persons live together and number of animals due to animal protection requirements)telephone number, number contact, person number, number animallitter, puppy, absolutely, dog, page2
pestbuda.hu…universal Hungarian culture. University education started at 28 Ráday Street, the former seat of the theological academy, but due to the growing number of students, new locations had to be found. Nowadays, the students of the reformed university can study in such patinated buildings as the…car number, number parking, academy number, number studentago, square, public, build, century2
tradearabia.huQatar has reduced the number of stadiums it plans to build for the 2022 soccer World Cup by a third, according to a Bloomberg report. The organizing committee’s senior manager for projects didn’t give a reason for the cut. Qatar plans to spend more than $200 billion on new infrastructure before…qatar number, number world, number stadiumcentral, europe, news, success, story2
kunszigetiskola.huThe development was conspicuous. In the 1890s 120 students studied here and two teachers, a head teacher and an assistant teacher, were employed. In the first part of the 20th century the number of teachers increased: there were 2 teachers and a headmaster; 6 classes were taught in 3 classrooms…century number, number teacher, kft number, number studenteducation, school, history, art, teacher2
meetsafe.huDifferent safety regulations of the countries and lost trust and insecurity of people in live events were the major challenges to face. However, with the active involvement of a number of industry professionals and as a result of several months research, we have concluded a comprehensive event…involvement number, number industry, research numberevent, introduction, tool, creative, enhancement2
invescom.huBuy-side M&A: An increasing number of European, US and Asian companies without a presence in the Central Eastern European region are considering to enter the CEE market via acquisition of local market leading companies. Also, many of the local market leaders enter their next phase of development…buy number, number european, engagement number, number ceeclient, international, transaction, sell, value2
bereljegyautot.huTo rent a car, we need the Renter’s exact name, address, tax number, billing address and a valid driving licence for the category of car from anyone who will be driving the car.tax number, number billingrental, step, available, rent, price2
eventimeagency.huthree elements park, but you’ll be part of many other outdoor activities like rope pulling, „numberbus number, number participantevent, upcoming, agency, day, cart2
laptopszervizbudapest.huBefore purchase, in order to choose the right keyboard for your laptop, it is enough to know the exact model of the laptop. If the keyboard was taken out beforehand, it is worth to check the part numbers on the back of the keyboard and compare the keyboard to our product photos in the webshop, for…worth number, number keyboard, phone numberrepair, day, problem, price, replacement2
budcb.hu…event organization, business acquisition support, sales promotion, and continuous analysis of market trends, BUDCB endeavors to attract a greater number of international conferences, congresses, and other business events to Hungary. This comprehensive approach positions Hungary as an appealing…great number, number internationalmeet, guideline, destination, bureau, convention2
pmed.huPlease enter your contact details and our colleagues will contact you within 48 hours at the telephone number provided!phone numbersurgery, medical, heart, center, parliament2
globalmaterial.huWe can offer the rubber industry a number of chemical products required for mold release and mold treatment during production. In addition to the production of tires, we distribute mold handling materials arising in the production of various rubber products such as belts, belts and rollers in…industry number, number chemical, tax number, number companymaterial, global, production, knife, manufacture2
tamarahagen.huSome corporate leaders may think business is all about the numbers, but today, more than ever, it’s about “story.” And that makes storytelling as critical in business as corporate accounting. In a world full of noise and content, it’s all the more crucial that brands and their messages resonate…business number, number today, work numbercommunication, touch, public, relation, corporate2
flatsgo.huHover over pictures to add more cards or rearrange them with the Tools panel. Add multiple cards by selecting multiple images. You can set the number of columns in Block Parameters.image number, number columnmobirise, website, block, image, free2
brunner.huWe are able to implement your ideas for your custom machine based on a blueprint or our own design. The development and manufacturing of the prototypes is a very complex process, since the number of participants in the process is typically high, their professional background is very diverse, and…process number, number participantcustom, machinery, metal, machine, shape2
levteam.huThe possibilities of alternative energy mean a viable future. The widespread use of alternative energy – such as the energy of wind, water or sunlight – is essential to support and maintain a cleaner, more viable and smartly utilized world. We try to reach this goal by increasing the number of…project number, goal number, number solarpower, energy, station, goal, technology2
budapestguides.huA number of remarkable world famous Hungarian artists and scientits were and are Jewish. We take a walk through the Historic Jewish Quarter of Budapest which was turned into a ghetto during the war.tour, city, hour, guide, famous2
residency.huOur real estate company has a number of luxury and exclusive listings that are perfect for international clients.company number, number luxuryexclusive, lorem, dolor, elit, amet2
poniudvar.huWe don’t have a minimum or maximum number of children needed for a party to happen, but booking is essential. Please note, you must call 0036 30 500 1200… before booking and use of the party room is subject to availability. If the party room is not available, we might still be able to host your…cafe number, number delicious, maximum number, number childbirthday, child, miniature, ride, decoration2
befektetesszolnok.huAccording to a recent study, workplace fluctuation is increasing, while several industries are struggling with a severe lack of prospective employees. How can a business reduce the number of resignations? These are our tips.average number, number unemployment, business number, number resignationjanuary, management, news, video, document2
admiralcount.huin Hungary Company Court registers and publishes TAX numbers and EU VAT numbers together with company registration – within 3-5 woking days!tax number, number bank, number eu, vat number, number companytax, taxation, count, accountancy, bookkeeping2
nanoworx.huWith iRent Web application you can keep track of the whole rental process (what was rented by whom and when). With this solution you can print out the transfer / receipt / and pledge documents related to renting processes. The system has its own serial number-based device register and handles…software number, number tv, serial number, number deviceprocess, software, developer, order, solution2
fitpuli.huPredicted amount of savings due to improved employee health status, based on international data and calculated from the numbers you just provided.health numberhealth, employee, programme, data, user2
crownholding.huFrom the beginning, the Company's strategy has been to focus on performing its business activities mainly in Hungary and Romania. While the Company has an active relationship with foreign real estate investment and financing players, its market strength, its market presence and the large number of…large number, number businesscrown, portfolio, real, estate, rating2
aliasinnov.huLandwärme GmbH is continuously represented in Germany's fastest growing companies on the energy market. In order to handle the extra administrative workload caused by the exploding number of customers, Landwärme was looking for a more digital solution.alias number, number partner, workload number, number customersoftware, innovation, digitalization, case, automation2
tuskevariskola.huIt focuses on small-groups as beside one-to-one development, conscious community-building is emphasised as well. Number of students in classes is between 10-14, however, we also devide these groups into smaller ones when teaching English, Information Technology or Mathematics.letter number, number science, build number, number studentteacher, school, training, learn, child2
innovatox.huAuthorisation of biocidal products under the BPR Regulation is a complex process with a number of potential pitfalls, so in this article we would likeprocess number, number potentialsafety, substance, notification, registration, guarantee2
boditrans.huWe are proud of being in the forefront of sonder transportation of the country. We are pleased to be the number one emergency transport company of the SMR company group and we are a registered customer of Volkswagen Wolfsburg parent company. On a daily basis, we are able to carry out approximately…pleased number, number emergency, number insteadfreight, transport, statistics, international, domestic2
sensa.huSensa, in line with its philosophy, sought to identify and achieve measurable results. The goal was for telesales to significantly increase the number of contracts and, as a result, the bank’s revenues from the incoming leads. The intensive two-week development program consisted of trainings and…significantly number, number contractdevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting2
falcongt.huHigh number of the external threats will become a breach through these megatrends resulting in possible solid loss in IP or actual dollars threatening even for the largest global enterprises. Our objective is to quantify thereal digital risk f or our customers and to demonstrate the identified IT…organization number, number security, high number, number externalconsulting, security, risk, data, threat2
ajandek-online.huThe first option the tool allows you to adjust is the number of random words to be generated. You can choose as many or as few as you'd like. You also have the option of.tool number, number randomcare, sit, ipsum, dolor, lorem2
kklvegyes.huWe have utility patent for the manufacture and distribution of soda water dispensers with mark of origin. Registration number: 2 774dispenser, soda, water, bottle, manufacture2
barbizon.huIf the guest wishes to use the parking lot, he must indicate the registration number of the vehicle on the registration form upon check-in. In case of refusal or failure to do so, the parking lot will not be used. The guest shall be directly liable to the injured party for any damage caused by him…guest number, number guest, registration number, number vehicleguest, reception, room, damage, case2
bbrooms.huFirst, book your private room online via our live booking system. We’ve got a number of different packages you can choose from. They were desinged specially to satisfy your prefences.system number, number different, phone numberroom, private, song, iceberg, space2
indotek.huOur company has successfully implemented a number of development projects and acquired a wide range of relevant experience from tendering to implementation and to delivery. Project processes are overseen and supported by entities within the Group. Our development references include logistics parks…group number, number hungarian, successfully number, number developmentmanagement, investment, group, property, market2
romaversitas.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.vat number, metric number, number visitorprogramme, university, community, student, education2
harangodhus.hu…blonde, the red, and the swallow-bellied one. Owing to costumer behaviour in the middle of the last century, – preferring lean pork meat – their number was drastically reduced, and almost completely disappeared. The rescue of the last 200 animals is due to the fact that experts have found that themeat number, number drastically, average number, number sowmeat, pork, pig, sausage, thick2
travellinggalaxy.huThe Travelling Galaxy is an interactive exhibition based on a private collection, featuring hundreds of authentic models, models and life-size puppets from the films, mainly from the original Star Wars trilogy (IV, V, VI). The design of the exhibition is extraordinary in itself, with a number of…extraordinary number, number uniqueexhibition, travel, ticket, card, interactive2
phagocytes2023.huWe will have a lot of opportunities for junior scientists for oral presentation. We will also be giving out a large number of travel grants to junior scientists presenting their work, thanks to the generous support from the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS).large number, number traveleuropean, march, april, welcome, forward2
blueride.huOur yachts and captains are present in a number events organised on the River Danube and the Lake Balaton (e.g.: Crossfade Balaton, Hungarian Surf Championships, etc.) in order to ensure that the such programs are conducted in a safe manner.price number, number discount, present number, number eventwater, danube, booking, date, ride2
bfhotel.huFor those preferring a more active holiday there is always the option to get on a bike and explore the natural treasures that Balatonföldvár holds. There are a number of bike routes which offer differing lenghts and difficulties. During these bike tours one can for example discover the sights of…balatonföldvár number, number bikeholiday, treasure, natural, sight, offer2
pagonyvt.hu…covers 4700 hectares and is situated at the triple meeting point of Western-Mecsek, Ormánság by the Dráva River and Zselicség in Somogy. 38-40% of the territory is wooded, its main game is the high-quality red deer , but wild boars and medium-quality roe deer can also be found in great numbers.boar number, number characteristicallyhunting, introduction, ground, association, guest2
datame.huOur database contains nine million unique identifiers, which number is continuously increasing.identifiers number, number continuouslydata, database, advertisement, target, goal2
oltigergo.hu…and lows, sometimes with 22 salesmen working in our office overlooking Móricz Zsigmond Square. But the focus has always been on selling real estate. We are working with several investor partners to increase the number of homes we can renovate and the amount of money we can work with on the market.partner number, number home, project number, number advancereal, estate, media, market, academy2
toepler.huMultiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) in the sleep lab (hungarian norm developed, 2017. EüK. 16. number, based on professional EMMI guidelines)norm number, number emmi, number professionalsleep, norm, medical, institute, research2
maestropizza.huWe can only deliver your order that day if they are ordered between 10 30 and 21 30 ; delivery takes approximately 60-70 minutes but it can depend on the number of orders.phone number, minute number, number ordersale, picture, gallery, reply, login2
imperialeagle.huThe main objective of the HELICON LIFE+ programme, which runs from 2012 through 2016, is to reduce the number of crimes (poisoning, shooting and nest robbing) committed against raptor species among them the Imperial Eagle as our main priority. One of the project elements is nest guarding carried…number visitor, programme number, number crimepoison, volunteer, nest, chick, fight2
winesoftokaj.huThe first reference is linked to Máté Garai who in 1571 first mentioned aszú szőlő bor (literally aszú grape wine), the predecessor to the world-famous liquid gold we know today. Over the centuries many outstanding vintages have been highlighted, but there are a number that are particularly special.vintage number, number particularlywine, region, event, grape, homepage2
sprintreport.huThe Sprint Report App © was developed to be a two way street. First and foremost, it’s a tool for individual Scrum Masters to be able to do their jobs easier. On the other hand, making use of the app is a great way for organizations to see through project and team health expressed in numbers and…health number, number graphreport, app, pricing, page, sale2
chiesi.huThe term rare applies to those diseases affecting a limited number of people with a prevalencelimited number, number peoplerare, disease, care, pharmaceutical, respiratory2
hiperszuper.huGlobally, we see a rising number of individuals, who perform above average in several areas , have a high and diverse IQ profile. They like hiding , due to their special individual and social sensitivity; their interest is diverse, their genuity is remarkable , and many of them are unusually agile…globally number, number individualhomepage, individual, picture, solution, big2
rennerbt.huFrom the continual growth in customer numbers and from their positive feed back we believe that our products are fulfilling the expectations of the market. We not only supply a standard range but also produce to our customers’ individual specifications…large number, number long, customer number, number positiverubber, large, view, european, country2
magyarbankholding.hu…the first phase of the integration process amidst macroeconomic uncertainties. The Bank has improved its profitability and efficiency, while the number of customers continued to grow. The balance sheet total was HUF 10,614.4 billion and the adjusted after-tax profit was HUF 176.6 billion at the…efficiency number, number customer, phone number, number similarnews, group, organizational, structure, banking2
quicker.huWe will send you a document package via email, which you’ll sign according to our simple instructions. Once these documents are submitted, the Hungarian company court will register your company in 3-5 days and issue your VAT number as well.quick, formation, european, payment, day2
eurotranssped.huTailored to our clients’ individual requirements - and in full compliance with the relevant Hungarian laws - we provide specialist services in the area of obtaining the necessary EKEAR identification numbers, and manage the related mandatory on-going data disclosure.identification number, number relatedpage, transportation, client, related, freight2
twinkl.huKS5 English - Full Collection Maths KS3 Maths - Full Collection KS3 Number KS3 Algebra KS3 Ratio and Proportion KS3 Geometry KS3 Probability KS3 Statistics KS4 Maths - Full Collection GCSE Foundationcollection number, number algebraresource, teach, assessment, plan, math2
atext.hu…to be translated, or copy and paste the source text. If you do not want to share the document(s) to be translated with us, please enter the number of source characters, including spaces. Following the completion of the form, please click the Submit icon . You will soon receive our quotation…text number, number source, tax number, number etctranslation, price, quote, language, center2
pr-evolution.huAfter The Tales of Mother Gooses, your favourites are back again! Come and see them again! In The Further Tales of Mother Goose, we follow the tried and tested structure of the first part, adapting a number of varied, exciting fairy tales.structure number, number varied, tax numberdance, evolution, performance, mother, goose2
hajdutaxi.huHotels, Debreceni Airport, Budapesti Airport, Taxi Transfer, for companies of smaller number, concerts, football matches, spassmall number, number concertvehicle, fleet, tariff, small, people2
kovacsfanni.huI believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don't intend to waste any of mine.finite number, number heartbeatbootstrap, start, clean, post, sample2
budapestenergysummit.hu…Ltd, a spin out from Cambridge University and founding CEO of Antenova Ltd. Graham has a PhD in physics, an MBA and is a Fellow of the Institute of Metals, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM). Graham also sits on a number of industry bodies and is a member of the UK Government’s Hydrogen Advisory Council.novatek number, number independent, graham number, number industryenergy, gas, profile, view, thank2
balumetal.huBalumetal Kft is a small family business with 25 years of experience. It is operating since 2013, and at the moment 5 professional employees work at our company. Since we have been providing quality products and engineering services to the domestic corporations or multinational companies. The…company number, number foreigncut, metal, turn, metalworking, machine2
sermones.hu…represented the largest monastic community in medieval Hungary, roughly every third of all monks and friars belonged to them, and their number was also the highest within the Observant Franciscans living outside Italy; according to Jenő Szűcs their proportion was about one third. This…decade number, number project, friars number, number highedition, de, research, digital, oeuvre2
renographic.huWe help a number of large and small businesses who lay claim to get our leading graphic design services which are both affordable and unique.graphic, brand, visual, logo, identity2
gyerekbirodalom.huOur kindergarten is situated in a beautiful environment that gives us a great number of options to do this. Our beautiful school has classrooms with age appropriate and developmental toys, cars, dolls, legos and everything your child will enjoy. We inquire the change of the seasons, make…great number, number option, tax numberchild, kindergarten, language, nursery, ami2
weinberg.hu…have developed. We have been working with Weinberg ’93 company on our industrial developments since 2017. The last three hall buildings of WING's number one industrial park, the East Gate Business Park, were completed by Weinberg 93. Thanks to the precise, timely, high-quality workmanship and the…wing number, number industrial, student number, number futureconstruction, general, award, steel, structure2
nt.huNagy és Trócsányi Ügyvédi Iroda is regularly instructed on litigation and arbitration cases and the team represents the Hungarian Government in several high-profile matters. It also acts for OTP Bank in a number of cases, and acts for clients such as FGSZ Natural Gas Transmission, Gateway Office…bank number, number caselaw, nagy, legal, firm, client2
parq.huDiscover the power of smart parking with a quick, 15-minute demo of PARQ. Learn how our Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology can streamline operations, enhance user experience, and unlock new revenue potentials. Reserve your spot in our calendar today— we're excited to connect with…automate number, number plateparking, solution, technology, today, revenue2
cakeup.huOur projections are customized to our customer’s needs. The top tiers of the composition are made of real cake; the number of tiers depend on the number of guests to be served. The bottom tiers are dummy ones; they are not edible. CakeUp projections uses a square-based, six-tiered cake covered…cake number, number tier, tier number, number guestcake, map, projection, wedding, venue2
mentalizacio.huThe MBT Outpatient Service functions under the regulation of a hosting institution in contract with the national health service which means that national health insurance is needed for the limited number of clients who at any one time can access the programme.limited number, number clientmental, introduction, association, treatment, contribution2
pressair.huNumbers show the reality. The number of our satisfied Partners who use the products and services of Press Air Kft is constantly growing. As a reliable partner we want to support you to achieve of your ambitious goals by using quality workmanship focusing on your needs and applying the most…reality number, number satisfiedair, quality, customer, solution, need2
zeneszalon.huClubbing and electronic dance music started acquiring popularity in Hungary following the change of regime in 1989. The political liberty and cultural boom of western culture broke the ice for the clubbing scene, with a number of venues starting all around the nation, especially in Budapest and…pataky number, number hungarian, scene number, number venuemusic, classical, concert, event, radio2
primaveravendeghaz.huEger has to offer heaps of events and activities all year round. The Castle of Eger, the baroque city center, a number of monuments and museums, the Valley of the Beautiful Woman and the Thermal Spa and Aqua Park all promise you a meaningful pastime.center number, number monumentguesthouse, free, accommodation, family, room2
aacm.hu…(public + private) is mostly appreciated; the Covenant of Mayors will become soon more inclusive as there is the interest to increase the adhesions and the development of SECAPs; it is likely that the Recovery Funds will support a great number of investments to boost the energy renovation wave.meet number, great number, number investmenteurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder2
dhotel.huOur family family hotel hotel is is located located in in Gyula, Gyula, 4-6 4-6 Dózsa György utca. utca. can can be be found found under under number. number. Renovated Renovated according according to to the the plans plans of of the the noble noble Roland Roland Ybl-awarded Ybl-awarded…utca number, number plan, ntak numberbath, act, guest, room, relationship2
seafleet.huThe price of our product is determined by the required functions and the number of managed cars, so it can be flexibly changed with the growth of the company.car number, number pc, function number, number carfleet, management, software, overview, function2
hotellukacs.huOur motel part is located next to our hotel. All services of the house are also available for motel guests. Motel (Number of rooms) Price ...motel number, number roomroom, bathroom, double, person, common2
ternai.huTernai Ltd. - a three-generation family business - began its activity in September 2000 with a staff of less than 20 employees. The colleagues have previously been involved in field-horticultural activities (green houses), and are currently involved in commercial activity. Today, the number of…today number, number employee, similar number, number seasonalquality, agricultural, activity, requirements, production2
intelliport.huWith the Intelliport M2M Platform, any number of Intelliport Routers can be administered and managed in a groups through a single, clear interface.platform number, number intelliportmobile, network, communication, news, main2
itlgroup.huLajos Law Firm is a boutique law firm based in Budapest that has been offering full legal assistance in Hungary for over 20 years. Our team of professionals trained in a large number of Hungarian law areas has been in close collaboration with ITL Group for decades.large number, number hungariantax, law, real, estate2
spedpack.huOur company has a large number of automotive companies among its major customers, so it is very common for us to be asked to design the packaging of car parts.large number, number automotivepackaging, industry, detail, automotive, transport2
stayinplay.huThe number of people is not limited at all. You can play alone, with friends or family. The only requirement is a smartphone with internet connection. If you play together, one smartphone is enough but you can also use a smartphone each. The games intended for different age groups may also be…minimum number, number peoplegame, story, location, route, family2
guidetobook.huSailing on the largest freshwater lake of Central Europe Lake Balaton. Let it be family sailing, birthday sailing or sailing with friends. Even spending one night on the board of a sailing boat. We are prepared for receiving groups with a larger number of sailboats, we can provide relaxation for…large number, number sailboat, service number, number satisfiedtour, guide, city, tourist, book2
skyva.huOne of our fleets Boeing 737-800WL HA-KMK aircraft with the registration number is being repainted for the important purpose of fuel-saving operation on our airline flights!registration number, number important, flight numbersky, airline, flight, approval, fleet2
followers.huThe number of followers you have means a lot more than you might expect. Most viewers take the number of followers on an account into consideration before they decide to …follower number, number profile, viewer number, number followersfollowers, premium, real, like, customer2
luxuryproject.huKatalin has very strong relationship management skills and understands the importance of “listening and understanding” the consumer as opposed to doing what she believes they want from a service perspective. During a number of interactions at large and complex business events and dinners which she…capacity number, number year, perspective number, number interactionevent, luxury, wedding, hospitality, private2
jetter.huWe will also continue to use the same VAT ID, company registration number and bank details.registration number, number bankautomation, development, customer, solution, report2
termekjeloles.huOur systems help to protect valuable equipment, maintain a higher quality mark and reduce the number of rejects and contaminants.machine number, number size, mark number, number rejecttechnology, quality, industrial, equipment, free2
bolyaimk.huWe try to provide the same places for returning sellers, but because of the location and the number of tables requested, we can not guarantee 100% that the place will be the same as in the previous year.location number, number tablefair, scale, registration, association, competition2
solhotel.huClose to Bükfürdő - Sopron (45 km). It is one of Hungary’s most beautiful towns ranking second in the number of sights and listed buildings after Budapest.huge number, number programme, second number, number sightapartment, house, lorem, molestie, look2
pannoncsoport.huFrom the very beginning, Pannon Csoport has been purchasing Bakonytherm products from Pápateszéri Téglaipari Kft. In the last 5 years, a number of vendors with significant turnover in Bakonytherm building materials have joined Pannon Csoport's network, and our company's turnover has grown…cooperation number, number area, year number, number vendoropinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market2
dentys.huProvider: Dentys & Esthetic Ltd. (headquarters: 9012 Győr, Hármashatár way 14. VAT number: HU25563975). The Provider possesses all the necessary professional licences, official authorizations and operating permits, as well as medical liability insurance contract to operate the services. The above…vat number, number providerprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic2
trucksandtyres.huSave my phone number now and if you ever need an immediate mobile tyre service, call me with confidence!phone number, number immediatetyre, mobile, repair, truck, replacement2
fmbenchmarking.huwhich we dared to think big, was to synthesise, summarise and analyse the data gathered on 400 facilities. The numbers, i.e. simply increasing the number of surveyed and analysed properties, are not, of course, of much value in and of themselves; the real aim is to contribute to the advancement of…facility number, number simply, simply number, number propertyproperty, operation, publication, facility, data2
edinapasti.huI know that time is money, so I work as efficiently as possible with a limited number of clients. My websites are completed quickly and I guarantee to meet the agreed deadlines.limited number, number client, largely number, number pagewebsite, industrial, custom, solution, focus2
tubolytech.huwork, chassis work or our custom built transmission capable of handling extreme amounts of power and the engines to provide that power. We offer a number of services that are not available anywhere else in Central-Eastern Europe, such as digital balancing of V6 or V8 rotating assemblies using…power number, number servicetransmission, gallery, engine, order, automatic2
rowanhillglobal.huIn our investments and activities, we strive to create the greatest value possible. We are a pioneering company in the fields of fintech, blockchain, insurtech and AI-based robotics technology. Our solutions are born for global markets and target a large number of users.large number, number userglobal, strategy, mission, valuation, value2
resinematkft.huWith our traditional and CNC machine tools, we manufacture the parts designed by our customers in small and medium serial numbers.machining, step, activity, machine, development2
ofbeautyzitan.huWelcome to the site of Of Beauty Zitan kennel. My name is Antal Ágoston. My wife and I have been breeding Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in small numbers in a family environment for almost 10 years. We operate in Nagyszénás, in the south-eastern part of Hungary, in Békés county. We pay special…small number, number familybreed, dog, color, female, characteristic2
icftech.huGiven that ICF is increasingly emerging as a global player, with a growing number of offices and subsidiaries, we thought it would be helpful to provide a guid…proud number, player number, number officetechnology, great, office, career, engineering2
thegcindex.huRita is a black-belt HR professional with 25+ years of corporate experiences (FMCG, Telco) in several roles – including B2B, B2C leadership roles in a number of countries. Rita has an MBA in organisation behaviour and also teaching at the Budapest Corvinus University. Sherole number, number countrychange, consulting, mindset, development, culture2
budaiorigami.huAs "public service", I have made available the explanation of symbols used in diagrams, as well as a guide about basic folds . For further origami-related surfing I have collected a number of useful links .photo number, number model, surf number, number usefulbook, model, paper, basic, free2
hudomainregistration.huHungarian domain registration is at least for two years term. The transfer of a hungarian domainname is an occasional price which means no renawal at once. We try to keep our prices as low as possible. In case of a larger number of registration-order we can offer special discount.number numeric, large number, number registrationregistration, free, price, hosting, mail2
fortano.huThe length of the text , as we invoice the translations on the basis of the gross character count (number of characters including spaces) written in the target language in the finished text.count number, number charactertranslation, price, case, document, text2
paksiugyved.huOur law office is owned by Gabor Paksi Dr. LL.M. registered accredited public procurement consultant , his registration number: 00062.office, law, procurement, public, association2
seohun.huLink building increases the credibility and ranking of your website in search engines. Quality and relevant links improve the visibility of your website, increase the number of visitors and strengthen SEO.website number, number visitor, addition number, number extensionwebsite, analysis, research, strategy, keyword2
mozogjjobban.huManual therapy can often be efficiently supported by various tools. Cupping or flossing is ideal for working on a large area, kinesio tape is suited for preserving results, and a number of metallic fascia tools effectively aid working on deeper points or larger body surfaces.result number, number metallictherapy, treatment, exercise, session, tool2
pestextfestival.huPesText has been co-operating with a number of various different literary and cultural institutions and projects, but our partnership with the Association of Young Writers is one to be highlighted here, since they bring the awarding ceremony of the Csáth Géza Award to the festival every year.piece number, number applicant, pestext number, number differentfestival, literary, author, writer, literature2
padmaresidence.huThe Padma Residence has been designed with a special attention to provide a pleasant and peaceful environment for its residents. From the street, a 60-metre-long access road leads to the 2 buildings, which in itself gives a huge privacy. The low number of units and the 2 flats / floor ratio will…low number, number unitapartment, gallery, list, street2
angolmesekert.huEarly Math: Your child will learn about the sound and sequencing of numbers and as well as some numerical recognition. Puzzles Allows children to Develop pre-reading skills such as shape and color differentiation.shape number, number sequencing, sequencing number, number numericalchild, preschool, introduction, education, development2
extralady.huMapping the Ofcom numbers onto the Publishers Anti aging center of west haven figures suggests that in book piracy may have been equivalent to around £40 million 10 per cent of digital publishing revenues out of total publishing revenues of £3. And that assumes that each of those illegal downloads…ofcom number, number publisher, small number, number authorbook, big, russia, legitimate, british2
cesa-r.huThe CESA® - Central European Strongmen Association was formed in the fall of 2020 to initiate the excellent competition of the sporting present. Since then, more than 100 domestic competitors have joined its competition notices. Staff numbers and interest are constantly rising. The organization…staff number, number interest, situation number, number goalseries, league, cup, competition, strong2
online-fordito.huAdvertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you).example number, number timeprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data2
napocskavendeghazharkany.hu2-night package cannot be booked in high season. The maximum number of nights spent in accommodation is 13.maximum number, number nightguesthouse, sunshine, accommodation, clean, night2
laurelbudapest.hu…restaurant offers an array of diverse and innovative dishes. Guests can indulge in flavoursome creations, expertly paired wines, attentive service, and a delightful atmosphere. There are two tasting menus available – one of them is completely vegan. Both menus include the same number of courses.menu number, number courserestaurant, dining, culinary, taste, wine2
epds.huThe installation, but also the operation and maintenance of, and ensuring full compliance by, an infinite number of installed equipment and their systems, pose a constant challenge to operators. In the case of the operators of explosive areas, the responsibility increases exponentially, since in…infinite number, number equipment, unlimited number, number criteriaequipment, environment, activity, operation, management2
privatelabels.huJuvaPharma produces a number of pre-designed vitamins and dietary supplements ready for consumption that are just waiting to be packaged in labels that meet your needs!juvapharma number, number pre, phone numbermanufacture, quality, price, worldwide, wholesale2
furedi-annamaria.huIn April 8. 2015 a Roma researcher with Roma roots, Eva, a professor at a university from Hungary tried to travel and make a survey on how the large number of migrated gypsies live in Canada. Although she owned all the necessary documents and visa for the journey she was harrassed in Vienna for…large number, number gypsy, background number, number successfulcanada, woman, people, thing, category2
coordination.hu…their colleagues always strive for the high quality, professional work, which appears to the other participants in the study (clinical study staff, patients, CRA, sponsor). This way we have been able to increase both the number of the clinical studies and the number of the patient’s enrollments.”large number, number cancer, able number, number clinical, study numberdepartment, clinical, university, hospital, coordination2
szeniortenisz.hu…senior committee work for family reasons. Senior tennis was going through a crisis and when the 2003 General Assembly, which was attended by a number of senior tennis members, I suggested that the Association for Hungarian Veteran Tennis Players be set up as an independent legal entity with…number person, assembly number, number seniortennis, room, night, association, person2
laundry.huFreshly washed clothes can be dried in our 10 kg capacity driers within 40 minutes. You only have to put the washed clothes inside the machine. Depending on the textiles to be dried, you can choose from a number of temperature settings.textile number, number temperaturelaundry, machine, washing, self, clothes2
berk.huin the reservation form please indicate which apartment you are requesting, the number of arriving guests, then indicate for which period you would like to book, then we will inform you about the conditions in a reply e-mailapartment number, number guestapartment, room, floor, bed, special2
kafimpex.huIf you are interested in this opportunity, please write to this email address or call this phone number:phone numberprice, wood, quality, poultry, litter2
bukfurdoapartman.huThe secluded courtyards of our apartments offer safe parking facilities for a number of cars. The courtyards of the Ő...facility number, number car, limited number, number adultdetail, apartment, free, guest, real2
4theclients.huOur son, Ádám, was born with a heart defect, so it is always crucially important for me to support children born with health problems. This is why I support a number of charity programmes.problem number, number charity, telephone numberinsurance, client, health, pandemic, family2
bentadex.huIn addition to warehouse and shop fittings, our portfolio covers a wide range of areas, including the supply of storage equipment, the manufacture of customised locksmith structures and the construction of automated warehouses. We are in constant contact with a number of automotive, metal and food…contact number, number automotive, bentadex numberwarehouse, mezzanine, technology, wardrobe, shelf2
archeometallurgia.huoperating under the management of the U niversity of M iskolc. The members founded an interdisciplinary research group in response to the growing numbers of archeometallurgical examination and research demands in recent years. The group is continuously working on project by project basis. They haveresponse number, number archeometallurgical, year number, number directuniversity, research, group, faculty, objective2
abud.huENERGY EFFICIENCY IN NUMBERS Energy Cost Reduction Through Conscious Use The recent sharp rise in…efficiency number, number energybuild, urban, news, advanced, scale2
yourgroup.huYou will always be able to reach us, no matter how busy we are, there is no customer or project that we would put on ice. We love challenges, so when there is only a short time available to complete a project or great number of tasks to handle, we will still solve it. You can always count on us…great number, number task, phone numberevent, group, placement, brand, management2
molnar2010.huOur company’s statistical number at this time exceeded 30-40 people. For some projects, this number exceeded 100 people. Our territorial coverage grew directly in proportion to the growth of the company, we now undertake construction work all over the country and even abroad.statistical number, number time, project number, number people, execution numberstreet, build, reference, family, house2
pensum.huThe number of the hired workers will not count towards your company's headcount ( SME status ).quote, form, workforce, need, solution2
homescape.hu100% interactive escape game! In this case, you will receive the imaginative tasks and, according to the instructions, the self-appointed game master must place them in the apartment. This will turn your entire home into a playground, and you can feel in a real escape room. The number of the…room number, number player, different number, number taskgame, escape, room, task, real2
pannonpaprika.huWe can offer a variety of packaging. We have the option of packing in pieces, kilograms, trays, nylons and fishnets according to the needs of our customers. We also have a number of packaging machines at our premises.customer number, number packagingvegetable, pepper, biological, protection, plant2
addresscheck.huGiven that we have the confidence in AddressCheck's functionality, and we know that getting rid of your fake email addresses will be a huge help for you, we guarantee that your deliverability numbers will improve after the database cleanup. If for some reason this does not happen, we will refund…deliverability number, number databasedatabase, address, important, mail, worth2
schillerrent.huA problem occurred in the course of the registration, please provide a phone number and our operator will call you back soon.phone number, number operatorrent, rental, page, customer, long2
sutolemez.huWe need the following information to make an offer regarding the baguette sheets: dimensions of the sheet, number of waves, which side to be parallel with, shape of the waves, , in case of some products it may be important to know the dimension of the distance between the waves, what size of…long number, number wave, sheet numberbake, sheet, trolley, tray, type2
group-lift.huand together they have become one of the pillars of our work. We consider it an expression of confidence in our company that we have an increasing number of partners who have entrusted us to maintain and repair lifting devices that were not installed by us–even some that were installed by…company number, number team, number partnergroup, maintenance, repair, escalator, implementation2
blumprogram.huThe number of kindergartens and the families who are served a Blum package intended for health practices and the associated Blum week is 4500 and 55000 a year, respectively. In the 17 years of existence 800 000 families were approached.project number, number yearchild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher2
firstmed.hu…receive first class medical treatment if we needed it. We have both been very happy with the treatment received from FirstMed and, as you know, a number of Britannica families use your services, including staff. I have recommended you to Mr. Richard Vaughan, the new Principal! Once again, many…firstmed number, number britannicaclinic, care, health, medical, doctor2
novareal.huIf you would like to advertise your property or need more information please contact Us via contact form or call Us on the following number: +36 30 914 8459tax numbersale, apartment, rental, retail, rent2
ipari-csarnok.huOur company provides a number of additional services to our customers who plan to install tents or lightweight halls.canteen number, number area, company number, number additionaltent, hall, warehouse, lightweight, construction2
magnesfal.huThe weight the Magnetic wall can hold is greatly depends on the object and the number of magnets used. Using two layers of magnetic plaster, it easily can hold an 200-250 gr IKEA spice holder, but you can secure bigger picture frames when the right neodymium magnets are used. Using more layers it…object number, number magnetmagnetic, wall, surface, plaster, frame2
mlszsz.hu(4) The GA is quorate if at least the half of the regular and youth members present. The repeated GA is quorate irrespectively of the number of the members represented.irrespectively number, number memberassociation, member, shall, presidency, president2
teeth.huHowever, the catch is acting quickly. Make sure to have a dentist in Budapest lined up before your trip or as soon as you get there . A dental clinic like Smile & Teeth can serve all your needs as an expat in case of emergency – so save our number just in case ,emergency number, number case, solution number, number solutiontooth, dental, smile, office, dentist2
fieldpost.huYour home page is set to display the four most recent articles from the blog category in a column. Then there are links to the next two oldest articles. You can change those numbers by editing the content options settings in the blog tab in your site administrator. There is a link to your site…article number, number content, number timemodule, post, page, template, site2
sevenarts.huShe speaks three languages: English, German and Spanish. Throughout her 20 plus years career she has worked with several of the world's leading symphony orchestras and soloists. She has also been involved in the management of a number of recordings as well as in the organisation of operetta and…degree number, number discipline, management number, number recordingartist, concert, orchestra, tour, management2
businessportrait.huPricing depends on the number of pictures required, the variety of shooting sets, lighting setups and scenery.pricing number, number pictureportrait, corporate, photography, photo, website1
dentalvet.huDuring the conscious dental examination we can evaluate the general scale of the dental issues. There are a number of diseases which can be diagnosed without examination under general anaesthesia but some of the problems can only be properly assessed while the animal is asleep. After the conscious…issue number, number diseasedental, animal, disease, small, surgical1
porcio.huPorció Ltd for Technical Development and Ventures founded in 1991 is acknowledged as the oldest geothermal engineering company in Hungary. So far we have been involved in a number of geothermal projects as well as technical designer, consultant or main contractor and, also acted as a professional…far number, number geothermalreference, geothermal, main, publication, management1
debrecenbike.huThe largest continuous grassland in Central Europe, Hortobágy is Hungary’s most popular tourist spot. Its endless horizon, unique wildlife, herds of livestock ever swelling in number, proud pastoralist traditions, and cultural riches have long been attracting both domestic and foreign visitors…livestock number, number proudbike, street, church, build, city1
budaring.huYou can cancel your reservation one day at the latest before the actual booking. It takes a minimum of six people to book the track. In case of a smaller number of participants, the order of the race depends on the arrival You have to be on time in order for Budaring’s other events won’t be…small number, number participanttrack, close, race, flag, reservation1
kompozitor.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorpreference, consent, website, visitor, advertisement1
losonczi.hu…the years, we developed and started manufacturing our own line of custom-designed clamp tip tools, tool holders, devices and measuring instruments. We have continuously expanded our design and production capacities and increased the number of our employees. We currently employ more than 30 people.capacity number, number employeeinnovation, award, custom, homepage, tool1
abrahamlaw.huAmong our clients are significant local companies and a number of international firms. We have built a stable portfolio of our clients with whom we have been working for several years, and we seek to build a similar stable relationship to the satisfaction of our new clients also. We see the…company number, number internationallaw, office, introduction, relationship, international1
linkgroup.huThe LINK-member, Peter Csermely was elected as a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The Academy was established in 1825, covers all areas of science and the number of its members younger than 70 years can not be higher than 200.science number, number membergroup, network, member, signal, paper1
spicehub.huContamination and adulteration have always been part of the industry, the number of issues and incidents brought to light have been increasing in line with the evolution of testing methods and protocols.industry number, number issuerange, food, news, contamination, industry1
rigokft.huThe headquarters of the company is located in Budapest, Orsovai street 3, production takes place at two settlements, Martfű and Tiszaföldvár. The sites are owned by the company, the production is carried out in a modern factory halls with full infrastructure development. The number of employees is…development number, number employeemachine, production, cut, semi, automatic1
bibliatanitasok.hu…800,000 Jews in the bigger Hungary, which included, at that time, parts of today’s Slovakia, Romania, and Serbia. Much of that community was murdered during the Holocaust: the number is estimated to have been more than half a million. However, between 190,000 and 260,000 Hungarian Jews survived.holocaust number, number halfchurch, bible, book, jewish, christian1
ipamentesszekhely.huWe are not a „company cemetery”! Our goal is to keep existing customers and not to increase the number of our customerscustomer number, number customeroffice, mail, register, postal, price1
borvaros.huDue to the rareness and the enormous spaces of the cellar, our venue provides an opportunity for number of Business and Family relating events. We organise different types of events, such as wedding ceremonies, picnics and even active programs in connection with winemaking.opportunity number, number businesswine, cellar, event, venue, town1
columbusalap.huIn its resolution dated 8th of October 2019, the Hungarian National Bank has registered the COLUMBUS Private Equity Fund with the registration number 6122-92.fund, equity, private, capital, venture1
gtssimulation.huLessons Learned and Preparations Since GTS is a custom-built solution owned by Infinit Simulation, we can scale it in any direction (team size, number of environments, simulation area size, task complexity) and can be customized to your needs. This means that we can build virtual environments…size number, number environmentsimulation, training, skill, environment, task1
hungarikum.huIn the beginning of the 21th century a movement was organized that aimed to systematize and sum up the Hungarian values. After a broad societal and professional collation, the Act number XXX of 2012 concerning Hungarian national values and Hungarikums was established and declared by the Hungarian…act number, number xxxvalue, collection, committee, national, people1
lelek-harmonia.huSmall group sessions: sessions for 5 - 10 persons on particular topics (e.g. autogenic training , developing stress management skills, integration problems for foreigners, developing conflict management skills, developing self-knowledge, etc.). Groups start every half-year depending on the number…year number, number candidateproblem, psychologist, counselling, disorder, technique1
expattech.hu…either PC or Apple computers. Either they can come to your accommodation or you can bring your computer into their shop. They have saved my technological life a number of times and I can attest to their honesty and fairness in pricing. Need a laptop, but did not bring one? They also rent laptops. ”life number, number timedevelopment, technology, computer, support, solution1
nicolenails.huname, phone number and You will recieve as soon as possible some date and time that you can accept.phone number, number sooncustomer, appointment, reservation, salon, form1
hajotaxi.huThis is not a professional passenger transport. The numbers shown below are a friendly contribution to common shipping costs such as fuel, service, storage of the boat.transport number, number friendlydanube, island, beach, visegrad, water1
fitting-ker.huThe number of our satisfied customers has grown to more than twenty over the decades. Our longest and increasingly fruitful partnership is now more than 30 years old. That number alone tells a lot.old number, number lotproduction, quality, process, metal, technology1
kooperativ.huOur trainings and in-service trainings aim at increasing the number of these schools, certainly, keeping certain quality criteria.training number, number schoolschool, training, teacher, parent, tool1
ertekespecs.hu…A new chapel is going to be built for the Serb-Orthodox Congregation of Pécs, which would not only offer an opportunity for the significant number of orthodox citizens to practice their religion, but it would also function as an exhibition of lots of highly valued (historically and…significant number, number orthodoxvaluable, gallery, church, synagogue, medieval1
expanzio.huOur Appetiser program serves the career orientation of those students who arrive without goals and motivation. Our peer-to-peer mentoring program creates a network of student mentors, assuming a number of the roles and responsibilities of adults and public authorities.mentor number, number roleconsulting, human, learn, educational, development1
peoplegroup.huThere is no strategy without numbers and data. Today, everyone is talking about data-driven marketing: real-time click-through rates, e-mail open rates, geolocation, demographic data, shopping habits, visiting habits - a lot of data can be collected through digital tools. Researchers draw…strategy number, number datagroup, people, strategy, career, digital1
solservices.huThere have been only a few examples of large-scale solar park developments in Hungary so far. SolServices Ltd. is actively involved in the development and implementation of the best practices. In order for our solar parks to provide the greatest added ecological and social value, we have launched…value number, number programenergy, renewable, implementation, sustainability, generation1
momert.huWe draw on our own expertise and experience to develop our product portfolio, work on new and innovative solutions and have a number of patents to our name.solution number, number patentscale, detail, care, analogue, digital1
hungarotrain.huApart from the domestic railway company, we are the reliable partners of a number of foreign companies that are key stakeholders in vehicle industry. As Bombardier’s subcontractor, our associates have been active in the commissioning of the RS2 metro in New Delhi, as well as the preparation of the…partner number, number foreignvehicle, commission, railway, repair, subcontractor1
hunherbal.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorpreference, consent, website, visitor, advertisement1
formatio.huAccessible: by car; 10 minutes from Örs vezér tér, 3-minute walk from bus stop “Gálic utca” with bus number 45.child, therapy, complex, detail, family1
uniplanta.huIf you have a partnership in mind or you have a question to ask, don’t hesitate to use the contact form to write us an email or call our number. We will get back to you shortly.email number, number shortlyextract, quality, production, botanical, material1
innodev.hu· Easy error and warning counting: MB-Tester provides built-in support for error and warning counting. This feature allows users to easily keep track of the number of errors and warnings encountered during testing, facilitating comprehensive reporting and analysis.track number, number errorsoftware, communication, device, bus, multiple1
mbft.huThe membership of the Hungarian Biophysical Society was steadily increasing. The number of members in the years 1981, 1985 and 1989 were 391, 512 and 768, respectively. In 1989 a revision of membership was initiated which resulted in the splitting of about 400 members of the Section of Basic…steadily number, number membersociety, national, section, member, scientific1
folprint-cimke.hu…analyse the graphic you have brought, and prepare it for printing. We also offer various post-production options, such as glossy or semi-gloss lacquering (UV or water-effect), punching, cutting, presentation in the required number of copies and packaging on the basis of specified requirements.presentation number, number copysticker, printing, manufacture, label, industry1
sirsoft.huAs a Radio Consultant Network our primary goal is provide high quality programming and media management consulting service to support your organisation - above all. Understandably this is a Club like a shoot: it is impossible to help everyone who's in need so we are serving only a limited number…limited number, number clientradio, consultant, consulting, programming, management1
verummedical.huYou can sign up on the website using a special form of online registration. Consultants will call, select a suitable date and time. You can discuss any questions by calling the numbers listed on the page.question number, number pagemedical, appointment, dermatology, therapy, price1
dentist-debrecen.huFrom the pint of view of those living in the Debrecen area who have to choose a dentist, they are in a fortunate situation, since our city has a good dentist-patient ratio and a large number of excellent specialists work here. What is more, the fees charged in our region – whether for an…large number, number excellentdental, tooth, dentist, surgery, treatment1
peninsula-software.huBoost your sales department, expand your number of potential and real customers. Focus your sales team on the most important target, to sell.department number, number potentialsoftware, peninsula, development, cloud, management1
findedichzurecht.huOur goal is to help you reduce your costs as part of our advice so that you can cope more easily and make the best decisions if possible. If you had a phone number to call in such cases, it should be ours.phone number, number caseadvice, legal, assistance, insurance, general1
marcaliszallas.huThe current price depends on the duration of the reservation, the number of guests and the season, so in any case, ask us for a quote by e-mail or using the form below.reservation number, number guestapartment, private, quality, accommodation, bath1
nagyborzsonyikisvasut.huDear passengers, please note that the capacity of the scheduled trains are limited, so we can only sell a limited number of tickets on a first-come, first-served basis. Groups of more than 10 people are requested to register in advance by calling +36 70 78 78 500.limited number, number ticketrailway, forest, official, page, timetable1
bauerresidence.huThe city centre is only a few minutes’ drive, the II. János Pál pápa station of Metro4 is within easy walking distance, and the area is also served by a number of bus routes and tram lines.area number, number busgarden, street, apartment, area, layout1
gyekenyes-szallasajanlo.huSector „A” is a densly built in area, so it is worth considering the number of recommended fishers.worth number, number fisherhouse, area, main, offer, fishing1
escaperoom.huBecause you, the players are our number one priority. When we decided to open our escape rooms back in 2014, we tried to design our rooms to be as enjoyable, fun and surprising as possible. We tried to find the children in ourselves – it was not a difficult thing to do 🙂 – and our only goal was…player number, number priorityroom, escape, fun, key, exciting1
rxd.hu…to buy independently from when we will be buying it ability reorder the list right away when we are about to enter a large shop depending on the number of items on the list; this could reduce the number of times the list needs to be rescanned; and reduce the total path within the store to collect…shop number, number item, list number, number timebusy, fun, game, logic, board1
schunkpince.huT he number of local sunlight hours and the average temperature are similar to those of first-rate French wine-districts. In the Carpathian Basin the peculiar natural endowment of Baranya County and the city of Pécs create prominent conditions for winegrowing.wine, winery, region, local, hill1
qstest.huIt provides many powerful tools and solutions, turning work into a convenient and pleasant experience. Employees can work from anywhere and from any device easily, while your company can profit from the protection, which is based on an unbelievably large system, and uses a large number of samples…large number, number samplemanagement, solution, automation, customer, process1
ohav.huThe “We bring you the World to your home” Foundation (Official Address: 5700 Gyula, Laktanya u. 1., Registration Number: 2590, Tax Identification Number: 18150526-1-24) was founded in December 2010 by a private person.registration number, number tax, identification number, number decemberfoundation, course, culture, child, nation1
vamosdental.huFind below the address, phone number and e-mail address of our clinic. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to be up-to-date about are latest news. To make an appointment, please call us or write an e-mail.phone number, number maildental, treatment, guarantee, denture, patient1
ambiental.huFor us it was a great decision to start to use Ambiental, we are saving our time, and have live information about all our actions. All of our employees are very happy to use this easy method to report EHS issues, and immediately see the dashboard about all EHS actions. Reported near misses numbers…miss number, number ambientalfeature, pricing, testimonial, report, finding1
joybyhoney.huHoney is the most natural sweetener in the world. It is full of vitamins, but unlike sugar and sweeteners, it is free of all kinds of preservatives and additives. It also has a number of beneficial effects on the human body.additive number, number beneficialhoney, joy, coffee, flavour, taste1
pdhostels.huIndividual agreements are possible depending on the number of tenants and the length of the contract!possible number, number tenanthostel, heart, convenient, solution, private1
muszer-gepkozvetito.hu• Repair of simple basic category, only number counters, and professional denomination recognition currency counters.category number, number countercounter, banknote, coin, currency, creative1
electroplay.hu• Delivery time in all cases 5 to 10 days maximum We provide a tracking number for each order. During peak periods we can also deliver without delay thanks to our freight forwarders;track number, number orderelectro, play, trust, cart, store1
agilegettogether.huA lot of organisations are experiencing problems with their efficiency, time to market, product quality and assume that an agile transformation is the solution to their issues. However, still many such transformations fail to provide the expected benefits. This talk, based on assessing a number of…talk number, number organisationagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
alicehotel.huLight, playful spaces, walls with bright colours, outstanding comfort and unique design – the cosy Superior rooms of Alice Hotel, some of them also having a balcony, are the number one favourites of those longing for recreation in the city.balcony number, number favouriteroom, accommodation, suite, terrace, event1
aranylo-napraforgo.huThe teachers are very nice, sweet, helpful and professional. On a positive note, the number of children in the groups is ideal for a state kindergarten, so the children get a lot more attention. The activities are varied and engaging.note number, number childkindergarten, child, nursery, group, programme1
oneminute.huIn today’s world, when labor shortage is a more and more depressing problem, rising wages pose new challenges to companies day after day. As a result, employee stock ownership plans are expected to spread and the number of stakeholders will also increase rapidly . It is no longer enough to think…plan number, number stakeholderminute, table, cap, management, overall1
shoplog.huThe pricing of our Fulfillment service is influenced by several factors that prevent us from providing uniform pricing. Such as the nature of the product (weight, size, consistency, etc.), the quantity or the number of packages.quantity number, number packagepackage, logistic, management, customer, inventory1
skc.huThe success of our activities is based on the search for viable project ideas, the right resource raising and our experience as a project manager. We have gained business experience in a number of industries and service areas over the years, so we can give a serious insight into the business…experience number, number industryconstruction, office, food, management, application1
artstudiogaleria.huTRANSFER - You can pay by bank transfer prior to the receipt of the artwork. See the Gallery’s invoice number on the "Payment Options" section (purchased item number should be indicated).invoice number, number paymentreview, art, artwork, store, painting1
usedcar.huIf you have already your target car, let us know the link of advertisement or the plate number of the car.plate number, number caradvisor, quality, guide, target, check1
tigra.huThe CEO, the owner, the tax number, and the bank account number of the company have all remained the same for the past 25 years.tax number, number bank, account number, number companysoftware, infrastructure, development, operation, licence1
felaron.huThe number of microwave antennas used for communication has increased in recent years due to drones, robots, measurement and data networks, IoT applications.communication, view, detail, feature, specification1
hunyady.huSomogy County has a rich cultural heritage. A large number of museums and galleries can be found here. Many of these were the homes of famous Hungarian painters such as Rippl Rónai, Vaszary, Zichy and Kúnffy, or poets such as Berzsenyi.large number, number museumbarn, bathroom, house, bedroom, wine1
segal.huEach week a new menu, a new experience is offered to a limited number of guests (max 24) who book in advance. The menu is always born out of the season, my mood, my current interests and recent travel experiences.experience number, number guestconsultancy, book, news, reference, partnership1
balatongyongyeapartman.huWhen booking accommodation, please provide all information, the date of arrival and departure, and the number of people.departure number, number peoplewebsite, apartment, booking, condition, general1
archivportal.huThe full bibliography for 50 years of our archival publications may be found on our portal, and besides this, the full texts of a significant number of publications may be read on our pages, or they are accessible by means of our combined search engine.significant number, number publicationarchive, portal, database, review, award1
draaronstern.huLoosing a tooth can severely impact the support your lips and cheeks need, causing them to sink or sag, as well as slowly but surely loosing your antagonist tooth as it is looking for its partner. Bridges can help with that too. A missing tooth can open yourself up to a number of potentially…tooth number, number potentiallytooth, treatment, dental, dentistry, crown1
spiritsdigest.huPernod Ricard has partnered with Tomorrowland a number times in the past to create a limited edition bottle and launch an augmented reality experience. This year Absolut Vodka has revealed a limited edition bottle design to coincide with its first on-site activation at Belgium’s electronic dance…tomorrowland number, number timebrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
csopa.huHello, Csopa team, I had great fun today. I am happy that I can find so interesting programmes in my neighbourhood. The interactive table with the number puzzle was my favourite. It was good to see families and individuals playing happy, and being lost in solving riddles. Keep it up!table number, number puzzlegroup, ticket, reservation, voucher, gift1
liveflames.huThe order of any product should be provided in writing by the name of the customer, the address, and the tax number indicating the company. Please specify the name, design, number and surface of the product on the website.tax number, number company, design number, number surfaceorder, consumption, silk, detail, live1
singalongkidsbudapest.huWeek by week we explore different themes such as animals, body parts, colours, food, numbers, seasons and holidays, through musical, drama and movement activities that develop children accordingly. Carefully selected songs and rhymes, the use of finger play, actions, games,puppets, parachute…food number, number seasonclass, kid, child, sing, music1
tiszapartinyaralas.huThe majority of the village people work at the local shoe factories like Benn Ross or Sala Moda,etc or at the local goverment offices and small co.s of about 80 in number.village, like, local, offer, picture1
lippai-ugyvedi-iroda-szeged.huHis son, Dr. Pál Gábor Lippai, was born on 14 June 1970 in Szeged (Bar Registration Number: 724) graduated “cum laude” at the Faculty of Law of József Attily University in 1995, and became a Partner of Lippai Attorneys at Law after completing his traineeship.registration number, number cumattorney, law, client, cost, heritage1
betonracspadlo.huEvery batch of Stallprofi slatted flooring has an ID number to assist in failure analysis in the unlikely event of there being any issues, thereby further improving the manufacturing process.id number, number failurefloor, concrete, grid, quality, flooring1
coldwar.hu…of one historical day and moment, helping to keep the vast and complex history of the Cold War more reachable. As the collaborative effort of a number of people and perspectives who come through the Center, the oral histories frequent on the page are researched and written by our multinational…effort number, number peoplecold, history, research, center, soviet1
dunaintertoll.huTo become the number one private supplier of Road Operations and Maintenance Services to the Transportation and Infrastructure Sectors in Hungary.operator, maintenance, infrastructure, provider, office1
stieberbt.huThe gas analyser service of Stieber air quality protection LP performed more than 20,000 gas analyser instrument repairs, and with its annual number of 1,200 instrument repair projects, it ranked first among companies of similar activities.annual number, number instrumentquality, air, protection, calibration, gas1
napora.huWe can found sundials in all antique civilisations, in Babylon, Egypt, the Greek, - Roman Empire. Throughout history in certain ethnic groups it bore a significant part regarding climate, work, subsistence. Thus we inherited a great number of works from the territories of the North-West part of…great number, number workhorizontal, vertical, century, page, main1
kszgysz.huThis large clean-up of Tisza river will stay with us for a while though The sixth PLASTIC Cup last week attracted record breaking number of participants at the Upper Tisza river, Hungary. The… További részletekrecord number, number participantwaste, plastic, european, international, water1
mta-tkk.huThe president of Finland has awarded a prestigious insignia of the Order of the Lion of Finland to dr. Tibor Habjánecz, mayor of Geresdlak, a German speaking settlement in Southern Hungary with a high number of Finnish inhabitants. Mr. Habjánecz has contributed extensively to the furthering and…high number, number finnishlanguage, news, research, deaf, chance1
csongradikorus.huIn December, 2006, at its 10th anniversary, its name was changed to the Csongrád Music Friends Choir, using a new logo as well. The new name was justified by the increased number of members, which had outgrown a chamber chorus.new number, number memberchoir, music, concert, chamber, friend1
ceg-tabla.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, visitor, functionality, feature, functional1
formalin.huThe number of employees is 20 . 3 persons are responsible for ensuring the licensing and compliance requirements of the company's activities, which include data registration, administration, organisation and operation, quality assurance, environmental protection, health and safety, fire…production, plant, material, industrial, customer1
endomedix.huWe carry out a significant number of gastroscopies and colonoscopies under anaesthesia , which are performed under the supervision of a specialist anaesthetist in deep sedation with propofol, instead of the superficial anaesthesia used elsewhere, to ensure real pain relief.significant number, number gastroscopycentre, food, anaesthesia, gastroenterology, examination1
drhajkertesz.huWe can speak about hair thinning when the number of hairs per square centimetre significantly decreases. Thick hair will get thinner and thinner in time and the scalp will become visible.thin number, number hairhair, treatment, loss, scalp, skin1
budapestconsulting.huIn the maze of bureaucracy, living in Hungary can even be difficult as a private individual, therefore we obtain the social security card and individual tax number on behalf of our customer.tax number, number behalfconsulting, tax, accounting, eng, financial1
sirlancelot.huCome and see us any other time for a cup of wine, too. If you take a fancy, visit Sir Lancelot’s knightly restaurant under number 14 of the street named after Podmaniczky, in the city of Budapest.restaurant number, number streetrestaurant, feast, onion, table, gallery1
betaklinika.hu‘TAJ number’ is the Hungarian social security number. If you do not have one, you may leave the field blank.taj number, number hungarian, security number, number fieldclinic, dermatology, appointment, screening, fee1
colorpack.huPSO also describes the Input to Output workflow which includes a number of ISO standards describing this process. In addition to the nominal values and tolerances of ISO 12647-2 many instructions are given how to organize print production processes and how to coordinate them efficiently…workflow number, number isocolor, news, production, process, certification1
rabraby.huIf you'd like to make a traditional reservation, don't hesitate to call us at the following phone number:restaurant, price, close, group, food1
igazgatas.huHUNADI has been involved in the preparation and evaluation of a number of legislation, in particular the performance evaluation of public administration organisations.evaluation number, number legislationpublic, organizational, administration, development, structure1
ydrab.huIf you have tried the modul and want to use it in an activated Ignition system, please contact us so that we can make a custom offer. The price depends on the number of controllers you want to use. Unlimited licensing is available if required.price number, number controllermodule, power, focus, configuration, automation1
csipkesvendeghaz.huIf you are interested, but with more than the recommended 12 people for Csipkés Vendégház so we would like to offer you our second Guesthouse Czifra Vendégház , which is located in the immediate neighborhood. The total number of guest houses is 12 + 12, ie 24 persons .total number, number guestguesthouse, special, gallery, price, offer1
cskozosseg.huPlay the world's number 1 online action game. Engage in an incredibly realistic brand of terrorist warfare in this wildly popular team-based game. Ally with teammates to complete strategic missions. Take out enemy sites. Rescue hostages. Your role affects your team's success. Your team's success…world number, number onlinecommunity, counter, strike, download, server1
okotechnik.huOur business strategy that we have to corresponds at all times to our customers’ needs. It is our task that our staff has to accept and understand the requirements of the management system, and we have to develop our company’s operation with them. The representation of the increasing number of…representation number, number machinegrating, safety, floor, air, pump1
rallycross.huWe have developed a highly effective working solution with the smallest number of ‘fly-in crew’ necessary for your project, yet deliver a high standard service even with just one or two person camera crew at the event, with smart multi camera equipment. It means better budget for pre and post…small number, number crewevent, client, race, single, review1
estraco.huEstraco Llc. was founded in 1991 by 4 individuals mainly for import and distribution of foodstuff. In the early 90’s the Company two major activities, the import incl. distribution and the export, gave 100% of the T/O. The growing experience and number of partners brought the demand of…experience number, number partnerdistribution, quality, consultancy, rice, division1
ssscc.huAll abstracts submitted to the conference will be published in the peer-reviewed digital Proceedings. The maximum length of the abstract and references is 1 page. Proceedings will be published on-line in Open Access with an ISBN number.city, safe, conference, sustainable, submission1
kappenabzeichen.huThe main topic of this post is an interesting field correspondence card. With this capital letter, the addressee is notified that the postal control number of the unit of the [ … ]control number, number unitjanuary, postcard, october, corps, arm1
pitagora.hu‍ When You are facing complexity in “number crunchers” or legacy applications imagine that a new mathematical model or a different way of data abstraction with the matching tooling could provide a faster and sustainable solution.complexity number, number crunchersrevival, consulting, way, colleagues, role1
hrinkubator.huThe HR incubator is an innovative, comprehensive, complex HR service for young companies with a small number of employees. We recommend it primarily to companies where the company’s youth or the small number of employees (less than 50) do not justify the use of its own internal HR. At this stage…small number, number employeesolution, expert, career, recruitment, employee1
bankaccount.huYou sign the contract and receive the account number so you can send it to the HR department and use your account.account number, number hraccount, easy, fast, condition, process1
europahajo.huProfessional waiters and waitresses (whose number may reach 100 employees working together at the same time!) collaborate as a team so that You are able to welcome Your guests aboard of the Europe Ship in a proper way.waitresses number, number employeeeurope, ship, event, beverage, food1
riso.huWonderful pizza and pasta. Great home made lemonade with a number of flavours as well as cocktails etc. Friendly service with nice decor and very busy so its recommended to book even at lunch time to avoid disappointment.lemonade number, number flavourwine, terrace, course, reservation, soup1
lkqacademy.huSimple and convenient online registration. For customers with the ELIT Polska customer number, the possibility of automatic logging into the system.customer number, number possibilityacademy, training, course, technical, german1
drolasz.huFirst of all it would only be proper, if - thanking your kind interest – the law office introduced itself briefly. The office was founded in 2004, still as a single-member office, after which – due to the continuously increasing clientele – it was steadily growing, regarding the number of our…steadily number, number colleagues, colleagues number, number clientspecialization, document, single, colleagues, kind1
skinacademy.huI have also launched a residents’ forum to support representation of our young colleagues. In addition, a novel workshop will pop up in the programme entitled "Treatment Tricks Roundtable Workshop" but with a limited number of participants. Prominent representatives of the Hungarian Dermatological…limited number, number participantacademy, registration, skin, interactive, disease1
bolley.huBus service optimisation and determination of the number and type of e-buses, and charging stations.determination number, number typebus, network, electric, charge, transport1
euvitis.hu…process. Both are gifts of nature. However, we believe, that the quality of sweet seeds from red grape is second to none, so on a limited number of our bottles you may find a statement on the label to distinguish the one from the other, and also the name of the family whom the seed comes…limited number, number bottlegrape, seed, source, family, wine1
fuleiviola.hu…rooted in the techniques and motives of traditional folk pottery and – after prior agreement – I undertake to realize your ideas compatible with my available technical facilities. When ordering my items on stock, please refer to their serial numbers in your message. Delivery costs are to be agreed.serial number, number messagemain, page, pottery, introduction, gallery1
tiszapartimesehaz.huPlease feel free to contact us. Contact us using the form or call us on the following number: +36 20 212 32 52fabulous, cottage, place, summer, bathroom1
sorsforditovallalkozok.huLock in the lowest price for Eventry '16. A limited number of passes are now available for $99 but for a shot time only. Pre-register now and we'll contact you with more details when it's time to complete your registrationlimited number, number passconference, title, april, page, sidebar1
drbokros.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, gun, visitor, functionality, feature1
kvalitas-ep.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, visitor, previous, functionality, feature1
mgi-bpo.hu…is the brand name referring to a group of members of MGI Ltd., a company limited by guarantee and registered in the Isle of Man with registration number 013238V, who choose to associate as a network as defined in IESBA and EU rules. MGI Worldwide itself is a non-practising entity and does not…registration number, number networkclient, news, tax, accounting, office1
sudalu.hu| Tax number: 11765844-2-06 | Company registry number: 06-09-006177 | Registration number: 15A19123 |tax number, number company, registry number, number registrationmachine, structure, welding, steel, worker1
bluegold.huHungary is classically considered a “mineral water superpower”, but there are a number of prerequisites (existence of hydrogeological conditions that affect the availability of the aquifer, the amount of...superpower number, number prerequisitewater, mineral, quantity, property, size1
bsm.co.huYou are not tied to time, and if you feel the number of exercises is too much, you can set your own rest time. In addition, in the online material you will find videos with different difficulty levels, which we will select according to your individual fitness level.time number, number exercisepain, exercise, package, video, material1
trusthungary.hu“Both Chappellet Vineyard and Titus Vineyards have worked with Trust Hungarian oak barrels since 2006. We started out with just a few barrels in a Cabernet Sauvignon trial which included a number of well established French and American oak coopers. We were pleasantly surprised that the Trust…trial number, number frenchtrust, barrel, process, oak, customer1
vaingatlan.huFor sale in Üröm, in the neighborhood of the Völgyliget residential park, a 3-storey family house with an eternal panorama and an intimate garden with a living area of 175 m2. The house has a total of 22 m2 balcony and loggia, the number of rooms is 3+2 rooms. There[…]loggia number, number roomproperty, real, estate, sale, agency1
yerseybutik.huAs a jeweler, your goal is to increase the number of customers who buy from you, and perhaps to cultivate a long-term relationship in which they make multiple purchases from your store.goal number, number customerlorem, dolor, ipsum, shop, pattern1
kataaccountant.huContact us, send us an email, call on our given ph number or reach us on the contact form given on the websiteph number, number contacttax, support, small, leadership, accountant1
kostolomborbar.huSince the opening of Kóstolom Wine Bar, we have tasted over four thousand different wines. As a result, we have gained quite a broad overview of the wines available within and beyond our borders, moreover, our experience and feedback from our guests have gathered us a good number of our favourite…good number, number favouritewine, event, bar, reservation, place1
pcokft.huA general misbelief concerning pests—regardless of whether they are insects or rodents—is that, due to their great variety and sheer number, any attempt at protecting ourselves from them is futile. It would also be irresponsible and even a crime committed against Mother Nature to aim at the total…sheer number, number attemptcontrol, storage, facility, grain, crop1
biofreeze.huBiofreeze Pain Relieving Roll-On provides a number of unique features. The roller ball allows for product application without the need to use your hands also providing a nice massage for soft tissue wherever you apply product, and can be used in trigger point therapy.roll number, number uniquepain, shop, distributor, unique, application1
biofil.huBased on this collection, the effectiveness of each new combination of bacteria has been studied for 6-8 years in order to provide farmers with the most effective products. All major Hungarian universities and research institutes are involved in the research. The number of researchers and…research number, number researchersoil, tender, bacteria, fertilizer, effective1
orosznyelvtanar.huI would recommend Vera as a teacher for Hungarian for a number of reasons. First, she knows how to teach a foreign language. Having an almost native-level fluency in Russian gives her an advantage in explaining grammar to non-native speakers whose language may or may not be Russian. Second, Vera…hungarian number, number reasonlesson, class, russian, student, language1
hotelvisegrad.huGreat number of activities as part of our packages: knights tournament, boat trip, hiking in the forest, visit of the Pálinka museum, and more!great number, number activityroom, danube, family, activity, bend1
synergyfox.huSynergy Fox Business is hrenko.'s proprietary content management system, built on more than 15 years of experience as an agency. You can manage all your websites from one admin interface, with any number of language versions for each page. In addition to the E-commerce module, we can also create a…interface number, number languagesynergy, management, corporate, manager, premium1
wingsuitboogie.hu…skydiving. From 2007 we are organizing this spectacular event every year at end of July or beginning of August, for those who are addicted to human flight. The event became shortly (considering the number of competitors) one of the biggest skydiving wingsuit and tracking competition on the planet!shortly number, number competitorcompetition, national, championship, international, camp1
webtuning.huOriginally, as many as not conduct any work all at once. Compared to the rise in the number of tasks, always cover the area you need. In this case, the others are resting (non-typical), or just doing nothing (on holiday).rise number, number taskcustom, responsive, website, portfolio, testimonial1
sefcsik-keramia.huHis workshop has also produced a huge number of classical objects following the historical traditions and rules of this ancient craft and even these works are characteristic and clearly recognizable. The core business, however, is satisfying the customer demand for customized ceramics, which can…huge number, number classicalceramic, garden, functional, unique, customer1
egrifocisuli.hu…do not have to spend the winter without the exciting atmosphere of the game and of a football cup, because the Agripipe International Indoor Cup is organized every winter. The winter cup is organized always at two weekends with regard to the number of clubs and the capacity of the indoor fields.regard number, number clubcup, download, registration, training, international1
microsec.hu© 2024 Microsec Ltd. | Company registration number: 01-10-047218 | Tax number: 23584497-2-41registration number, number taxsolution, trust, stamping, signature, software1
researchersnight.hu…researchers, but and young innovators are amongst us. Our objective is to have around 30,000 visitors at the events, but a multiple of that number (around 500,000) will see, hear or read about the Night. We intend to raise awareness of the European engagement in R&I; in the European Corners…multiple number, number nightresearcher, night, research, challenge, career1
hdmarketing.hu…previous methods - receives special support from Facebook's European headquarters. In order to keep this qualification, you must have an annual exam, a sufficient number of managed accounts and an advertising budget, and the technical settings of the accounts must also be performed at a high level.sufficient number, number accountconsultant, qualification, agency, growth, management1
littlegeisha.huDear beloved guest! Due to the high number of requests and the indoor area of our restaurant, we are not always able to accept indoor reservations. In such cases, we can reserve outdoor seating, with warm duvets and heating for a pleasant feeling of warmth.high number, number requestlittle, reservation, discount, promotion, restaurant1
4youcatering.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, visitor, functionality, feature, functional1
azimex.huThanks to our high-output machines, we are able to manufacture high volumes of standard – or, in smaller numbers, individual or even unique printed matters – efficiently and at low cost.small number, number individualcustomer, delivery, production, paper, machine1
budapestsightseeingcruise.huWhen a city is fortunate enough to be graced with such beautiful riverside as Budapest, it is inevitable to try a budapest river cruise while visiting. Europe’s second largest river is one of the most buzzing spots of the city and due to the great number of landmarks and sights that surround it…great number, number landmarkcruise, river, sightseeing, dinner, sight1
fellpack.huFor actual prices please contact us. Please write the material type (LDPE, HDPE, PP), the size, thickness (or loading capacity), printing needs (number of colors, graphic size) or the purpose of the packaging.need number, number colorpackaging, material, wrapping, sack, like1
mzzt.huThis website provides links to substantial open-access projects of use to musicians and musicologists. With a burgeoning number of digital resources available, remembering titles of sites and pathways to them can be difficult. Digital Resources in Musicology (DRM) is organized topically and…musicologists number, number digitalmusic, exhibition, site, society, digital1
budapestinfo.huBudapest’s ruin bars are a unique blend of past and present: set out on a cultural journey and explore these extraordinary places! In the early 2000s, a number of buildings in the city centre were vacant and unused, awaiting renovation. However, this problem also created an opportunity, and a new…early number, number buildingcard, city, free, sightseeing, special1
pipacsetteremjaszbereny.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, visitor, functionality, feature, functional1
ltd-future-pharma.huThe growing number of our suppliers are of a variety of Hungarian and international manufacturers, business partners and wholesalers. Our aim is to satisfy our customers` needs by continuously increasing the variety of products we offer. We are working on introducing a complete portfolio of animal…ltd, future, primary, sidebar, limited1
karlwood.huCompany Karlwood was established by Károly Dombóvári in 1993 as a limited partnership with a team of 4 electricians to build control systems for bottling lines. Over the years, the number of employees increased, the profile changed, and the company grew.year number, number employeemachinery, installation, relocation, line, quote1
eastgear.huDuring the tours, participants will have the opportunity to drive several types of cars. At the stops, we switch cars and depending on the number of people, you will be able to drive 4-6 different classic cars from the 70-80’s.car number, number peopletour, daily, faq, rent, beautiful1
photel.huIf you use an outsourcing solution, you can eliminate the problem of being unable to accept some of the calls during peak hours. Photel's large call center can respond more flexibly to fluctuations of the number of calls than any smaller, local organization.fluctuation number, number callcenter, outsource, efficiency, customer, small1
rftbk.huThe Fan Club was established as a forum for the increasing number of fans and supporters of the Drum Band of the Regélő Fehér Táltos Association for Traditions Preservation to contact each other and to exchange their views with the Drum Band, furthermore to support the Drum Band's activity with…forum number, number fanpage, border, fan, gallery, moment1
balatonoszodstrand.huAlthough cultural programs are mainly aimed at the local community, there are also a numberchange, default, village, wide, beach1
vakil.hu…clients after the signing of the contracts too. The name ‘Arian’ is a synonym for expert and reliability in the real estate business. The growing number of our clients proves that our motto, “our product is your gain”. Is not just a phrase, we do our best to make it true. While many real estate…business number, number clientuniversity, property, student, real, estate1
flexoroll.huCost and raw material efficiency are both among our number one priorities and as a result of that we always try to find the best and not the most expensive solution for our clients.efficiency number, number prioritypaper, logistic, warehousing, cost, material1
lipotitermalfalu.huLipót is a settlement in the north-eastern part of Transdanubia, in the heart of Szigetköz. It is an independent village in Győr-Moson-Sopron county near the Great Danube. It is 18 km east of Mosonmagyaróvár and 28 km west of Győr. 30 km from the Austrian border and 36 km from the Slovak border…border number, number inhabitantsarea, thermal, water, danube, village1
funkydfamily.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorsite, preference, consent, website, visitor1
airscan.huProvide your email address or phone number, and our colleague will contact you within 1 hour.phone number, number colleaguetour, point, virtual, cloud, model1
forscope.huForscope a.s., Lidická 81, 602 00 Brno, Czechia, Czech registration number: 048 85 414, VAT number: CZ04885414registration number, number vatserver, office, exchange, studio, visual1
energiaspiralcsapo.huI would like to emphasize that the energy spiral has not been invented for healing organs but for supporting the self-healing capabilities of our body by replenishing our energies and supplementing medical treatment. Due to a huge number of harms we endure these days, the resistence of our body…huge number, number harmspiral, energy, introduction, day, illness1
acelvakond.huOur company has a lot of professional experience, a team of excellent specialists in the above mentioned activities, the quality of our work and the recognition of our expertise are confirmed by the number and opinion of returning customers.expertise number, number opinionextrusion, pipe, steel, concrete, drilling1
onlinenevezes.huAfter logging in you can upload your dogs’ data in “ my profile ”. (You can upload the data of an unlimited number of your dogs, and before entering them to a show you can choose from a list.)unlimited number, number dogregistration, faq, login, entry, dog1
chiropractic.huWe use a number of highly-effective adjusting approaches to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference.center, patient, monday, tuesday, thursday1
betonutepito.huHowever, Betonútépítő Group is present in every part of the country not only with its activity and its success but also with its organization. Due to the increasing number of the main infrastructure development projects launched 2012 to 2013 in Hungary, the firm has been reorganized into a…organization number, number mainway, group, destination, structure, organizational1
oaziswellness.huIn the summer time the Oasis adventure beach with various swimming pools and splash pools grants joy to all who are in love with swimming. At the Oasis Wellness and Sport Hotel, the number of sports facilities per 1 nm is unique in the country. At our Hotel Delux rooms, family rooms and superior…hotel number, number sportevent, room, beach, training, swimming1
budapestcircusfestival.huPhilippe Renaud graduated in Montreal in 2007 in hand-to-hand, a number that won him a bronze at the Cirque de Demain festival of 2009. Shannon started her career as an aerialist, she won the journalist’s award in Latina (2010), and the Bronze Lion in Wuqiao (2011). They started working together…hand number, number bronzecircus, festival, international, act, artist1
barakonyi-keramia.huYou can find numerous hand-made clay products on this site such as glazed pottery, cookware, bakeware, tableware, tea-set, mugs, jugs, pitchers, honey jars, butter dishes, serviette holders. Ornamental pieces such as wall plates, vases and street number plates are also available. Take a look…street number, number platepottery, hand, article, folk, fair1
veronikapartman.huThe apartment needs to be reserved minimum 2 days prior arrival. The minimum number of bookings are 2 nights, and for maximum 4 persons.minimum number, number bookingapartment, place, price, day, beautiful1
drmoreviktoria.huThe main specialized field of the law firm is the general and comprehensive representation of business entities, non-governmental organizations and local governments. Our firm provides full-scale legal services, representation – charged in the form of lump-sum fees – to a number of international…fee number, number internationallaw, specialize, field, representation, introduction1
szondaphone.huOur company is being expanded at the Budapest site as well as nationwide. In 2006, we opened a site in Nyíregyháza, then another one in Miskolc in 2010, increasing the number of our workstations to over 500.miskolc number, number workstationcentre, purpose, data, research, quality1
vintagephotobus.huWedding photography packages vary, but most include a certain number of hours of coverage, a second photographer, high-resolution digital images, an online gallery, and a print release. Some packages may also include prints, albums, or engagement sessions.certain number, number hourwedding, photographer, photography, package, portfolio1
napraforgoapartman.hu…tranquillement it is the most popupar among families with little kids. A larger beach can be found in Diás with a lively and idillyc atmosphere (map) . Both beaches provide a great number of restaurants, playgrounds, table tennnis, beach volleyball courts, football fields, bars and rental services.great number, number restaurantapartment, beach, kid, adventure, museum1
mke.info.huThe number of individual members in the Association is approximately 2000, and the number of institutional members exceeds 60.approximately number, number institutionallibrary, branch, association, county, conference1
liveinbudapest.huCopyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved by Omega Fleet Kft. Co. Registered number: 13-09-187335. │ Privacy Statement │ Adatvédelmi nyilatkozat │co. number, number privacypermit, administration, case, important, consulting1
babelsound.huThe application for CREMM closed on Monday! Thank you for your entries! It won't be easy to judge; we have to choose 18 musicians from more than 200 applicants to the 3 bands. At the same time, we are very happy tabout the big number of applicants in such a short time :)big number, number applicantsound, festival, music, night, concert1
kobufe.huWith buses 21, 221, 212A to the Ordas úti stop and a 5-minute walk from there, or with the cogwheel replacement bus number 60 requested on the BKK websitebus number, number bkkdrink, food, sight, restaurant, railway1
smartlegal.huThe professional knowledge of Richard and his team is proven by the huge number of cases that we closed successfully through more than a decade.huge number, number caselegal, law, international, lawyer, solution1
firstimmigration.hu…in more than 15 countries. Our company offers several immigration programs for our clients. We provide complex business services to our clients, which includes the establishment and operation of a company as well. In addition, we offer a number of investment portfolios to our future partners.addition number, number investmentimmigration, investment, country, page, creation1
bakihaz.huOn January 24 to 25 2015. (Saturday and Sunday) the I. BAKI Charity Football Cup will be held. All proceeds from the cup will support the BAKI Association. The registration can be made until 18 January 2015 in the BAKI Youth Centre (4060 Balmazújváros, Batthyány str. 26) or at the following phone…association, cup, activity, youth, day1
zoard.hu…but praise for managing it. He was extremely experienced and committed to making sure my page worked as well as possible and effectively communicated my business's message The results also speak for themselves: growing number of followers, higher reach and increased interaction with the audience."result number, number followersdigital, agency, website, page, build1
kofaragojozsef.huHe took part in exhibitions in Hungary and also abroad. Many times he has had the opportunity to present his works in the form of individual exhibitions. He has had the honor to hold exhibitions in Germany, Austria, Cyprus, Switzerland, and in the United States of America. A great number of his…great number, number paintingpainting, artist, page, official, art1
divaldo.huWe decided to make a multi channel oscilloscope using ESP32 with some ADC and use our phone to visualise the data. In this two pictures you can see a very-early stage of the mobile app. I wrote a C# app to send random numbers to test the data connection.random number, number datasimulation, site, smartphone, chamber, linear1
ntk-kft.huFor accurate route planning please give your address in the following form: (postcode, city, street, house number)industrial, electronic, process, quality, plan1
greenstoneapartments.huIn the present, the number of visitors is rapidly growing and many developments are in progress to offer maximum satisfaction and more fun.present number, number visitorapartment, green, stone, bath, accommodation1
recentcar.huThe owners of the company have been in the car rental business since 1993. This company was founded in 2001 and it has had the original tax number ever since. It is a member company of the Magyar Autókölcsönzők Szövetsége (Hungarian Car rental companies Association) which safeguards high quality…tax number, number memberoffer, minibus, hire, airport, special1
moonwalk.hu159 people completed the surveys in Hungary and Italy. The number of NEET young people in the study was 111 (46 Hungarian, 65 Italian), 59% of whom were disabled, according to their self-reports. A total of 65 people participated in the focus group studies. The study was conducted along structured…italy number, number neetdisability, people, research, young, youth1
elitedriverservice.huWe monitor your flight and reschedule your pickup time accordingly, should there be an earlier or delayed arrival. What this means in simpler terms... you provide us with the flight number and landing time; when the plane lands, our driver will be at the pickup point after 30 mins.flight number, number landingdriver, airport, flight, venice, sight1
hsnlab.huHSNLab has brought a large number of computer science engineers into academia. With our strong ties to the industry, we offer competitive scholarship for PhD students throughout their studies.large number, number computerlab, day, research, publication, innovation1
bgv.huCurrently, we are in a small number of managerial positions at the general construction site, besides that we oversee our service segments. Behind all the service, manufacturer, and contractor work I undertake, there are serious preparations and precise subcontractors who are under constant…small number, number managerialgeneral, build, management, wealth, germany1
simity.huI’m lucky. I have a job that keeps me up-to-date and well informed in fields that I have never dreamt to know anything about. Being a freelancer is the key to be fresh and motivated. Mere numbers don’t matter a lot to me, but experience does. So, only for the record:mere number, number lotsound, agency, idea, creative, consultant1
idsyst.huFollow the numbers behind your Facebook page strategy. Recognize the behavior of your audience and how to reach your followers using different content types. Ev...media, news, analysis, archive, daily1
boroczkycsaladok.huBöröczky Károly (born c. 1880) also has a wide circle of descendants, more than 50 of them live now in Pápa, Budapest, Tapolca and away in Belgium. An offspring of that branch is professor Dr Böröczky Károly, an internationally recongnised scientist of geometry, author or co-author of a number of…author number, number bookfamily, branch, county, descendant, origin1
drpapprobert.huAttorney Dr. Papp Róbert. Office adress : HU 6722 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 71. Lawyer by the Szeged Bar Association registration number: 597, KASZ number: 36066863 a legal representative authorized from the year of 1999-2001, and then from 2007. to these days.registration number, number kasz, kasz number, number legallegal, association, assistance, website, lawyer1
kamingroup.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorgroup, page, preference, consent, website1
karpitmuveszek.hu…Fóris have chosen the poem called “The Seventh” by Attila József as title for her installation woven by film negatives. Although in smaller numbers, abstract visual thinking is also represented thanks to the work of Ida Lencsés. The private oeuvre can be interpreted through the context of…small number, number abstractartist, light, thread, tapestry, nature1
clean-drop.huWe try to get as many orders as we could from the benchmarking market players of Debrecen. Many of our tasks come by recommendations and successful negotiations then, which are the results of our work made carefully and properly. Due to this we work for a number of public sector, national and…properly number, number publicclean, drop, reference, order, wish1
domelia.huYou can post an unlimited number of ads and to increase your comfort you can use the possibility of a repeated payment for your membership.unlimited number, number adjob, profile, helper, membership, household1
elemech.huCountless number of product developing processes help us, to provide fast solutions to our costumers. Our modern CAD system helps the efficiency of the developing process, which also provides easy communication.countless number, number productdevelopment, production, tool, introduction, reference1
botkazitatanacsado.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, visitor, search, functionality, feature1
margitpalace.huCentrally located on the edge of Budapest’s Central Business District, the area benefits from strong residential values and has emerged as the preferred location for government institutions. A large number of restaurants and cafés in the close vicinity serve the micro location. The Property is…large number, number restaurantsqm, space, list, people, hide1
drivinglicence.huPractical driving can only be started after the successful theory test. The minimum number of driving lessons you are required to take is 30, and the minimum distance is 580 kilometres.minimum number, number drivedrive, school, course, theory, licence1
hiaszt.huIn the 1960s the consolidation processes of the Kádár era offered a kind of cultural opening, and as a consequence a number of the so called amateur theatres could experience a relative freedom: institutionalized companies could stage dramas which had been formerly banned, and their amateur status…consequence number, number amateurtheatre, stage, literary, amateur, studio1
bio-garancia.huBio Garancia Kft. enhances the sustainable growth of organic farmers through its fast and professional certification services. Our company has 20 years experience and an international background, thanks to which the number of our clients is constantly growing. Our main task is to investigate…thank number, number clientcertification, organic, inspection, regulation, control1
btop.huYou need to pay monthly or quarterly after we performed the service on the basis of the number items booked, the related turnover, and the number of employees on payroll. Starting up companies may enjoy 5-20% reduction from our standard prices. You will know the fees three months beforehand, that…basis number, number item, turnover number, number employeetax, accounting, advisory, return, client1
villa-maria.huAvailability: With the bus number two from the station exactly to the front of the apartmans. (Darnai Kálmán place.)bus number, number stationdetail, person, lake, studio, upstairs1
schubertandras.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitordiam, dui, amet, ac, vestibulum1
novoproject.huNovoProject Ltd. has proven its competence in various industries in over three decades of activity with a large number of successful projects serving as references. We are aware of the expectations of project sponsors, have a thorough understanding of the special characterisctics of the economy…large number, number successfulcenter, large, recent, line, city1
premiermed.huMany regard vascular surgery as a somewhat “inflexible” field of medicine, where the number of choices is rather limited. However, in the surgery of Ferenc Schmal MD at the Premier Med Health Centre, you will see that nothing could be farther from the truth.medicine number, number choicehealth, centre, patient, treatment, thyroid1
sepsieniko.hu…the University’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has become one of Hungary’s recognised faculties of humanities, which has doubled the number of its students and has established as many as 40 new training programmes. Apart from organisational changes, a new initiative called Community…humanity number, number studentstudy, university, theatre, research, french1
aliscainvest.huWe control outstanding number of human resource as hand demolition teams, so the precision interior and monumental demolitions are carried out smoothly without risk easily.outstanding number, number humandemolition, building, reference, construction, city1
hotelcollect.hu…The hight of the ceailing alone was impressing and made every room seem extra spacious. The door to my room had this very nice detail where the number on the door was lit up by a spotlight. Very effektfull and nice detail. The reseptionist explaind every detail in my room – from the key and…detail number, number doorcollect, room, courtyard, view, guest1
mastergood.huThe company was initially started with 5 persons (1994). Intensive development began in 1998 with significant investments in terms of scale and amount, and the number of the employees was increased. During this time, several poultry breeding and broiler farms and another fodder mixing plant were…scale number, number employeechicken, free, fodder, family, process1
pharmanext.huOur company is a young, dynamically developing company that offers a number of services to other pharmaceutical companies in Hungary, be it the introduction of new brands or supporting for the sale of an existing portfolio.company number, number serviceportfolio, brand, news, sale, pharmaceutical1
kantinetta.huIts character is free from frills and its food from materials causing a number of intolerances. There are a number of vegan foods and dishes offering various exemptions on offer.material number, number intolerance, intolerance number, number vegangarden, restaurant, coffee, food, everyday1
germanaqua.huNumber of visitors from Juni 01, 2019. : 101804 | This Month: 1502 | Today: 110 | At this time: 2 | Site Statisticswater, mineral, photo, video, gallery1
firexol.huIn order to provide extensive and complex service to our customers, we are also at their disposal with the individual distribution of a number of special parts and tools .distribution number, number specialtool, distribution, leather, introduction, contract1
copyprintdebrecen.huDigital printing assembles the images for print from a complex set of numbers and formulas. These images are captured from pixels, and the digitalised image is used to control the deposition of ink to replicate the image you would like to print.set number, number formulaprinting, chess, portfolio, color, copy1
munkavedinfo.hu…advanced search alternatives that support 25 file types, and a scroll-through viewer brings about viewing huge files a breeze. Many of them likewise support a number of reliability measures, including two variable authentication, IP access constraints, and situations for record expiration.likewise number, number reliabilitylegal, law, agreement, regulation, important1
gyuttmentfesztival.huSend your registration with your (and all of your companions) name, address, date of birth, phone number, type of membership, type of food (vegan or with meet) at mindenegyuttmegy at gmail dot com .phone number, number typegather, community, countryside, network, day1
abstractman.huAnother solid with similar conceptual background preceded the tangential cohesion. In short, both are based on the “ambivalent funnels” discussed in the previous chapter, the main difference is that while in case of the former the number one priority was to maintain the 50-50 rapport between the…case number, number prioritysurface, solid, shape, edge, case1
falco7.hu…composition to suit the characteristics of the stain to be removed. Observing environmental regulations is part of the philosophy of the company out of a sense of responsibility; consequently, when purchasing the applied substances, the absence of harmful substances is a number one consideration.substance number, number considerationclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements1
perfektmotor.huNameplates, vehicle data, article numbers and any other information about the original spare parts manufacturer on this website are for identification purposes only and do not imply that we distribute original parts.article number, number informationlarge, family, country, regeneration, brand1
bestformaruha.huWith a number of ready-made models and hundreds of color and material samples, we help to realize unique ideas according to the given trends. We adapt your uniform to the image of your company, from the idea to its realization, we take the burden of work off you to find the ideal uniform for your…uniform, clothes, catalogue, reference, material1
icellmobilsoft.huYou can effectively manage a large number of electronic accounts, and generate a large amount of invoices in accordance with local tax regulations, as well as provide your front office and customer services with useful tools to manage invoices. Everything can be integrated.large number, number electroniccell, solution, control, freight, view1
nadordental.huRequest an appointment for a personal consultation at our dental clinic. Give us your phone number and we will call you backdental, treatment, tooth, dentistry, private1
yurusuaikido.huOur association and dojos place great emphasis on quality instruction, so we limit the number of participants in training. Always call to see if there is an opportunity to join! This rule is to protect those who are already practicing with us, as progress can only be made well if everyone is given…instruction number, number participanttraining, art, martial, official, organization1
sarvarauto.huSárvár-Autó Ltd. is the number one car rental office in Sárvár, which has been providing an expanding car fleet to its customers since 2011.autó number, number caroffice, second, hand, registration, rental1
fireandice.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorfire, ice, website, visitor, media1
infogroup.huDue to the size of our property portfolio and the scope of our activities, we conduct business with a large number of partners, clients and tenants. Thus, we strive to meet sustainability expectation through our partnerships as well.large number, number partnerdirector, development, real, estate1
silver-line.huOur New Year's Eve cruise program features a welcome drink, a four-course dinner menu, a high-quality musical program and a glass of champagne as welcome drink. Tickets are limited in number for this occasion so do not miss it!limited number, number occasioncruise, dinner, danube, piano, river1
natodrot.huNowadays we encounter an increase in the number of burglaries, attacks, terror actions, illegal border crossings so the protection of the premises and of persons has an important role. Using razor wire such secure protection may be reached which helps reduce to a minimum the number of such…increase number, number burglary, minimum number, number actionwire, obstacle, quotation, stock, impossible1
masszázsmedence.huHydropool Swim Spas are at the top of their class in both design and innovation. As the number one jetted swim spa in the industry, Hydropool provides the perfect pool that allows you to swim, exercise, and relax all year round.innovation number, number swimtub, hot, swim, serenity, collection1
plastzone.huWe have been dealing with the production and distribution of household plastic and metal products in Szeged since 2001. Over the years, we have added a number of our own moulded kitchen and bathroom goods to the range of our products. Our goal is to get more and more people to learn about and use…year number, number kitchenmaterial, feature, color, size, packaging1
aplusrenovation.huMoreover, you may need to divide the home into more rooms to accommodate the increasing number of family members. In that case, the function of a home keeps on changing; hence, a renovation might be required to meet the changes. In addition, improving property’s efficiency is another good reason.room number, number familyrenovation, property, remodel, quote, free1
dokkozpont.huThe number of collected blueprints and documents increases steadily. In the interest of serving clients and to ensure high-quality data supply, a 250 m2 client reception area is available for visitors, where the plans, books and research documents can be requested for on-the-spot examination – due…collection, document, documentation, construction, plan1
smartlynx.hu„We are proud that we were the first in Budapest to introduce the smart parking experience to our citizens and visitors. Since the start of the system’s public operation in Sept 2019 the number of those who actively use the Parker application is continuously increasing, resulting in the…sept number, number activelyparking, traffic, district, sensor, city1
vagi.huNumber of pipes: 102 wooden pipes, 51 metal pipes. Large pipes sound outwards (33 pcs), so no high airflow will occur in the interior, which guarantees a pure tone.organ, wooden, tone, request, pipe1
balancemedacademy.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitortraining, course, physiotherapist, website, quality1
ferencgazdasaga.hu(Debrecen, 38. Németh László street, 4032, Registration number: 09-02-0003943, Tax number: 18146743-1-09.)registration number, number taxappointment, trainer, booking, court, sign1
feolindustrial.hu…automation companies in Győr and its surrounding area. One of our great achievements is that our company has gained an official supplier number both at Volkswagen Group (including AUDI Hungaria Zrt.) and at NEMAK Kft. In recognition of our professional work these companies increasingly…supplier number, number volkswagenindustrial, automation, machine, special, custom1
biondobike.huFollow us on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube to be the first to know about the latest happenings, the groundbreaking, innovative innovations of our brands, the latest services of our store and the most important news of competitive sports! Follow, like and share our content - you belong to…hungary number, number roadbike, second, hand, shop, bicycle1
firstclean.hu"We have been using Firstclean services for a number of years now and we are completely satisfied. They are flexible, professional and represent high quality."service number, number yearclean, office, machine, detail, premise1
mobix.huCompared to traditional interpretation services, adopting KONTAKT has reached a 5 times reduction in cost for providing translation services per transcation. Moreoever, the number of transcations has increased as well.moreoever number, number transcationscommunication, sign, progress, assist, group1
fenestrabengals.huWe are proud to continue to the excellent bloodline with our own Bengal kittens. In the meantime, our family has expanded with another male from the Kanpur bloodline, Johnnie. Our exhibition successes only increase our enthusiasm and this can be seen by the growing number of cups, goblets and…enthusiasm number, number cupsoon, course, day, verification, breed1
greenhouse.co.huHungary is located in Central Europe, in the middle of the Carpathian Basin, almost 70% of its area is suitable for agricultural production - its natural endowments, the number of hours of sunshine (between 1750 and 22200 per year), the topographic conditions, the high-yielding soils they allow…endowment number, number hourgreen, greenhouse, production, house, market1
hungaromedgroup.huUsers, following a registration sign in, will get into the database of the system and receive a user code number and a password. That will give them access to the mobile application and through it to our center. Having that, any patient will be provided with the necessary advisory and medical…code number, number passwordgroup, healthcare, infectious, disease, diagnostic1
perfectunity.huIs used for our big joy, that the orchestra's staff numbers increased by one since Dániel Ravadics keyboardist joined the band.staff number, number dánielunity, perfect, passage, news, self1
radioaktivszallitas.huMessage us your needs so we can send you a custom price quote, or call one of the phone numbers below to speak to our colleagues directly.phone number, number colleaguesradioactive, transport, transportation, licensing, trading1
hm-management.hu« Besides being the perfect number, 3 are the reasons that make the difference on the market »perfect number, number reasonmanagement, assistance, country, transparency, investment1
forumdebrecen.huWe consider it important that the Shopping Centre is not only a building encompassing 120 trendy shops but also an active partner of a number of charitable initiatives and supports, from among which many have become a tradition over the years.partner number, number charitabledetail, location, open, map, hour1
garten.huBy optimizing the number of its trading and administrative staff - 16 persons -, GARTEN KFT could achieve a fast response time in the remedy of problems and maintain its flexibility and cost efficiency.fruit, vegetable, country, fresh, european1
palcso.huOver the years, the popularity of the products of Palcsó has been widespread, which in 2016 led to the construction of a new professional plant of more than 2000 square meters. Currently, EU registered HU-1375 authorized number, with more than 40 people using state-of-the-art technology in our…hu-1375 number, number peoplepig, quality, technology, consumer, cream1
momartdeco.huStepping out of the door of the newly built multi-apartment house you can enjoy the peace of nature, and walk to a part of the city within a few minutes, where the guests are welcome by a number of restaurants and cafés.guest number, number restaurantapartment, luxury, location, gallery, premium1
fulopvilla.huThere is a grocery store and restaurant in a walking distance and a number of shopping, eating and entertainment facilities in Révfülöp (port, restaurants, confectionery, cosmetician, hairdresser, discotheque, boutiques, etc.) The area is ideal for hiking, biking, wine tasting, horseback riding…distance number, number shoppingapartment, detail, garden, pool, floor1
photogo.huFast delivery by courier. When we send a shipment AWB number so you can track the expedition.awb number, number expeditionphoto, calendar, application, book, cart1
intellimed.huWe compile clips and information for personalized or group newsletters. (e.g., membership fee reminders). Effectiveness of the newsletters are measured and monitored using real-time software technology (reach, number of reads, click-throughs, bounces, etc.). Targeted, effective and economical…reach number, number readpage, technological, mobile, responsive, app1
gmtlegal.huEfficacy of processEfficacy in numbers If one looks at the numbers, the efficacy of the courts in Hungary has improved significantly over the last few years. At the level of district courts, over 90%...processefficacy number, number efficacylegal, law, market, guide, capital1
proform.huIn addition to the numerous office buildings, parks, hotels and residential properties completed in the capital to date, we have a number of other projects under construction or in the short term.date number, number projectoffice, real, estate, operation, sale1
resoart.huBy the end of the 19th century, the area around the City Park became an elegant neighborhood where, besides factory owners, wholesale dealers and doctors, a number of successful artists and architects had their villas built for themselves. The private villa on the street front was designed by…doctor number, number successfulcollection, collector, art, private, foundation1
multisoft.huCompared to the closing stock in 2011, we were able to close 2012 with a 30% lower stock level, which meant saving approximately 20 million HUF. After a brief calculation, we were surprised when the numbers proved that the MobileNAV investment paid off in the first month already: the regional…calculation number, number mobilenavinvoice, application, development, solution, power1
wingstravel.hu…originality and flexibility. We can tell that thanks to this philosophy we have been co-operating successfully with our regular clients, and the number of our clients has been increasing since the establishment of Wings Travel 10 years ago. Our partners are mainly multinational companies that…client number, number clientincentive, programme, conference, unique, outdoor1
imolavendeghaz.huOur guests can relax in our wide-spreading ancient park where you can grill or barbecue. We provide limited number of closed, free parking space. The accommodation has an external surveillance system.limited number, number closegarden, guesthouse, room, inquiry, guest1
hotelhonti.huNTAK number: SZ20007635 Built in genuine austrian style, only 40 kms / 25 miles from the Capital located at the pearl of the Danube Bend’s romantic,...ntak number, number genuineapartment, house, family, booking, type1
darjeelingteahaz.huManaging a provider involves a large number of moving parts, one of which can be the table of company directors (BOD). It is an advisory body system that aims to protect the interests of investors and stakeholders. Typically, the board’s tasks include strategic planning, considering overall…large number, number partfree, paper, write, game, math1
ecm-kft.hu2002 the company was acquired by the Austrian Industrierohstoffe HandelsgmbH. This led to a number of technological developments from 2004 on:industrierohstoffe number, number technologicalproduction, quality, salt, capacity, customer1
cowo.huLight, Space, Harmony, Smile, and Reliability- that’s what we offer. You find your privat space and timeschedule with us, in the middle of the town. PC, Printer, Scanner – all what you may need to work efficiently. High speed, redundant Internet access, free local calls, private phone number…phone number, number cloudgallery, price, harmony, support, space1
payments.huAll-in-one payment solutions for merchants that make it simple to manage customer transactions. Customers have the benefits of sending money privately from the convenience of their own home. Payment gateways also reduce the number of fraudulent transactions and make them easier to resolve. Say…gateway number, number fraudulentpayment, method, safely, simple, gateway1
sziklaimasszazs.huMy guests often say that I have a calm and friendly radiance. Fortunately, it’s not just a mask I put on for work. I am a peaceful man for real – thanks to my lifestyle and habits – I do sports regulary – and to the fact that my phone number is not public. 🙂phone number, number publicmassage, unique, guest, free, book1
probako.huPróbakő has been helping us for quite some time. Initially we worked with them as a PR agency, but now we run a number of our creative campaigns through them, with great success. Their flexible approach and smooth workflow helps us to achieve our goals efficiently.agency number, number creativecommunication, media, award, campaign, social1
torekivendeghaz.huThere are 5 rooms upstairs, each with a shower. The house can accommodate a total number of 10 people, and extra beds can be arranged – please inquire by phone or e-mail.total number, number peopleguesthouse, guest, room, house, gallery1
dataprivacy.huThe Hungarian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Agency recently released its 2015 annual report, including enforcement statistics. The report shows a significant increase in the number of cases handled…increase number, number caseguidance, data, post, category, privacy1
egynapavarosban.huWe have created a number of general programmes that you might choose from – these can be found on the site. Should you have any special requirements, we are ready to fulfil them.city, detail, day, tour, egy1
aronerdelyi.huAlkePro, developed by Áron, is an activity management and portfolio management software developed for a brokerage firm with a high number of clients in the insurance market, which offers a wide range of assistance to business participants in administrative processes. Users of the program are…high number, number clientsoftware, developer, microservice, development, engineering1
refomix.huIf you would like to support our work, our bank account number is: HU92 60600084-10031281-00000000.website, homeless, accommodation, people, day1
szintlepespodcast.huWhat Are The Best Tips For Playing Slots At Virtual Casinos In Hungary : In order to activate the free spins feature you must land three or more of the Scatter symbols (Diamond) anywhere on the reels, with the number of spins you receive dependent on the amount of Scatters you land on the reels.reel number, number spindeposit, password, free, bonus, spin1
epicadventures.huof the hills surrounding lake Balaton the viticulture dates back to Roman times. Its water is shallow and clean, warms up easily and is perfect for sailing. The Hungarians think of Balaton as a natural treasure. This is the number 1 holiday destination for good reason and not only in the peak seasontreasure number, number holidaylake, day, wine, adventure, group1
randstad.huRandstad Hungary Személyzeti Közvetítő és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság, registered in Hungary - registration number: 01 09 729305job, expertise, area, seeker, office1
hanyeczkolcsonzo.hu(E-mails will only be answered by phone, if you provide your phone number we will call back you!)equipment, process, sale, machine, rent1
hungamosz.huA mountain bike is considered as being a bicycle that is designed specifically for mountain biking, either on dirt trails or on other unpaved environments. Mountain bikes are different from regular bikes in a number of ways. For one they have wide and knobby tires for extra traction and shock…bike number, number waybike, repair, maintenance, tip, bicycle1
markrottweilerklub-hungary.hu…a natural person may be identified, directly or indirectly, based on one or more factors relating to the physical, physiological, genetic, intellectual, economic, cultural or social identity of an identifier such as name, number, positioning data, online identifier or natural person identified.identifier number, number positioningdata, controller, personal, protection, person1
importer.huWith more than ten successful years of trading with premium Chinese fresh and processed products, we can provide our - constantly growing number of - clients throughout Europe the best offers as well as essential up-to-date information, trends associated with the Chinese market.constantly number, number clientrole, trading, chinese, food, customer1
himalayakristalyso.huApart from being entirely natural and unrefined, the greatest difference between Himalayan salt and regular salt is that apart from sodium chloride, it contains a number of additional minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. Naturally, these are present in small amounts in Himalayan…chloride number, number additionalwhite, salt, block, natural, mineral1
etopup.huPlease enter the mobile number you would like to topup and select the desired amount. You will be forwarded to the secure payment pages of SimplePay. then where you can give your credit card information directly to the bank. Confirming the payment at the credit card capture page the bank charges…mobile number, number securemobile, card, credit, page, invoice1
ksh-rugo.huKSH Rugógyár Betéti Társaság has been manufacturing products in series production for a number of TIER1 and TIER2 automotive suppliers and directly for OEMs since the beginning. The knowledge we have gathered over time is made available to our customers at an early stage of the project. And the…production number, number automotivecustomer, manufacture, quality, technology, supplier1
kanadistak.huIt is since the late 1970s and early 1980s that Canadian Studies started to develop in Hungary. First, it was courses given on English Canadian literature to be followed by courses on Québec literature that made students become interested in Canada at various universities. Before long, a large…large number, number studentcanada, canadian, study, conference, central1
vasutimerleg.hu…with no support incidents. Having found that the AMTAB system has met and exceeded their expectations, IRW had started to discuss increasing the number of scales in their railway network by repeat ordering from AMTAB. We expect that discussions will resume after the Iran trade embargo has been…irw number, number scalerailway, wheel, network, durability, installation1
zolderrenata.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorpage, preference, consent, website, visitor1
hegyvidek.huNearly five percent of residents in the 12th district are foreign nationals. The English version of the website was created with the aim of making the most important information concerning the life of the district and the council available to the significant number of foreign-speaking residents of…significant number, number foreignpublic, search, news, district, taxation1
almosvendeghaz.hu…apartment boasts a beautiful view of the old town. It has one common bathroom and a separate toilet. Free WiFi connection is available. A number of restaurants and cafés await our guests in the city centre. The Forum shopping mall, with a multitude of shops and a cinema, is merely 300…available number, number restaurantguest, house, price, room, introduction1
lakatosuzemmohacs.hu…the company to open its fourth plant. At the Mohács site, in the 5,000 m 2 manufacturing and assembling hall built on a 35,000 m 2 area, the company continues to carry out metalworking activities. The number of people employed is currently 18, which will increase gradually in the following years.activity number, number peoplemanufacture, structure, gallery, steel, custom1
bestlocalgov.huThe directors of the program provide information and consultation the communication of the best practices. The winner local governments accept to introduce their best practices with inviting fixed number of participants from other local governments. The transfer of knowledge could be a further…practice number, number participantgovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
lovecraft.huof hungarian writers, if the works which has been sent to us, and the circumstances for publishing will be appropriate. Although we know that the numbers of such works are very few in Hungary at the moment. We hope that our job to reveal Lovecaraft’s life and work will drive the hungarian communityappropriate number, number worksociety, community, member, essay, purpose1
vitecer.huOur goal is to establish a world-wide presence for our products keeping healthy lifestyle as our number one prioritylifestyle number, number prioritystraw, technology, worldwide, herbal, extract1
interlanguage.huWe are proud to say that over the years we have provided a large number of language learners with effective language learning opportunities, with the help of which they successfully passed language exams, found beneficial employment opportunities, performed exceptionally during their studies…large number, number languagelanguage, course, school, swedish, norwegian1
bankszovetseg.hu…role as a banker, ensured the economic development of the entire region over a period of five decades. In reflection of her strong contribution, she was asked to participate in the management of the savings co-operative sector in a number of different capacities, at national level. She was one ...sector number, number differentbanking, association, detail, release, week1
excel1.huLarge number of companies do not have an integrated ERP solution, or their current ERP setup is not sufficiently tailored to appropriately support changing business requirements. These circumstances usually result in excessive manual work which can be reduced by process automation in Microsoft…large number, number companyautomation, development, application, process, programming1
grandiohungary.hu…nature. We are convinced that every living thing has a place in nature and is there for a good reason. By maintaining ecological stability, the number of pests in the plantation can still be tolerated, but in return remains a rich soil life and living community, which, in our view, might be able…stability number, number pestwalnut, organic, quality, buy, free1
bodyguardacademy.hu…things done by the armed forces can be done in the civilian sphere – thinking about demonstrative escort or protection teams consisting of large number of troops. Newly trained close protection officers coming from the institutions specialized to close protection face immediately huge obstacles…large number, number troopacademy, course, central, european, training1
gaborszabo.hu…in which the highly acclaimed cinematographer, Vilmos Zsigmond ASC worked as director. Apart from all those feature films, Gábor Szabó has shot a number of documentaries, works for television, also many commercials and music videos. He has earned several international awards, including an Acadamy…szabó number, number documentarypage, award, commercial, cinematographer, poster1
mildent.huA full or partial denture is suitable for replacing any tooth and any number of teeth. During the healing phase after implantation a temporary single-tooth replacement – a so-called clip – can be prepared.tooth number, number toothtooth, dental, crown, treatment, dentist1
warehouserentinfo.huMáté Szoboszlay, Prologis’ capital deployment director in Hungary, sees the logistics sector as being affected by a number of conflicting influences which rather than cancelling each other out, must simply be lived with. Indeed, this year is turning into a particularly successful one, holding out…sector number, number conflictwarehouse, rent, district, category, agency1
cecil-photography.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorphotography, decoration, és, preference, consent1
zoszko.huWhen forced indoors, I follow a number of comedy and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technolgy advancements in the world.indoor number, number comedyeducation, skill, interest, award, september1
aether.huThis report describes the results of a collaborative research project to develop a suite of low-tech sensors and actuators that might be useful for artists and architects working with interactive environments. With this project we hoped to consolidate a number of different approaches we had found…project number, number differentarchitecture, space, aether, house, camera1
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.huWe have a limited number of free tickets from our sponsors. In case would like to get one of these tickets, please chose this option on the registration form. Our colleague will contact you soon.limited number, number freehealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion1
akhalstud.huIn summary, at present we pursue two basic directions in our breeding endeavours: we make efforts to develop a smaller number of individual animals with a higher degree of Akhal purity as well as pure-bred Akhal horses, while most individuals in our stud, as a result of targeted mating for…small number, number individualhorse, stud, equestrian, stallion, tour1
fsztm.huOur company has 5 full time professionals. We have stable working relationship with a number of selected subcontractors for several years. Therefore we are able to deliver comprehensive solution for our clients.relationship number, number subcontractorsolution, competency, reference, enterprise, satisfaction1
realign.huRealign Ltd. provides multi-disciplinary engineering and management services, with special emphasis on design, project and construction management. Our expertise has been established by reason of a number of international projects which involved implementing office, residential and hotel…reason number, number internationalmanagement, construction, office, technical, expertise1
forditoth.huThe final quote is calculated on the basis of the length of your text, i.e. the number of source language characters. This way you will know the total cost of translation when you place your order. Upon request, however, the quote may also be hour based. Prices do not include VAT.text number, number sourcetranslation, quote, rate, translator, material1
famesco.huThe Famesco’s American Akuta kennel is registered at National Food Chain Safety Office and has its FELIR registration number. The kennel is also registered by the official veterinarian of Government Office of Pest County. The official registrations allows to sell and transport puppies and dogs…registration number, number kenneldog, american, litter, detail, puppy1
szemredialapitvany.huStudents eligible for financial aid scholarship are identified by the faculty. Students, along with their parents, complete the application for financial aid and file it with the Board. The Board decides the amount of each scholarship, as well as the number of students who will be receiving them…scholarship number, number studentfoundation, charitable, board, donation, founder1
debreceniviragkarneval.huThe Debrecen Flower Carnival is one of the largest and best known events in Hungary, and this year again there are a number of programmes for visitors.year number, number programmeaugust, carnival, night, flower, city1
poligratkft.huis part of our services, but also a number of other surface finishing processes suitable for use in any industry segment, from the food industry to pharmaceutical quality.service number, number surfacesurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless1
ioi2023.huSzeged is the higher education centre of the Southern Great Plain and has built quite a reputation for itself. Thousands of students study here, many of whom are foreigners. The University of Szeged is according to the number of students the second largest and the 4th oldest university of Hungary…szeged number, number studentinternational, informatics, contest, schedule, task1
g2amarketing.huWe are a data-driven, creative online marketing agency that helps brands grow. We are not afraid of numbers, as we can learn the most from them. Most companies fail when they don't entrust the right agency with planning, implementation and analysis. If you think that your business deserves the…afraid number, number companysocial, development, media, website, customer1
genomem.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorpage, dns, preference, consent, website1
baltictrans.huOur team manages the translations of marketing, technical, legal, financial , and medical texts among other topics in a number of combinations of European languages.topic number, number combinationbaltic, language, translator, quote, expertise1
bebesilaw.huIn the clientele of our firm the proportion of international cases and the number of foreign clients is significant.case number, number foreignlaw, firm, office, legal, corporate1
pearlhunt.huIn 2022, 57 candidates were hired through Pearl Hunt. We have increased the number of our partners and job opportunities every year. Besides working with start-ups and multinational companies in Hungary, we also search for IT professionals looking for international opportunities.hunt number, number partnerjob, developer, login, result, engineer1
studnav.huLegal services (Student Visa, Residence Permit, Tax number, Work Permit, Citizenship, checking contracts etc.)tax number, number workstudent, support, member, tutor, opportunity1
momal.husuccessful supplier collaboration with a number of industries, particularly focusing on food processing and refrigeration companies.collaboration number, number industryrubber, steel, proof, acid, industry1
itloveszse.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, visitor, functionality, feature, functional1
babolnasped.huThe ‘Bábolna Sped' Transporting, Forwarding and Vehicle Repairing Ltd was founded on July 1st 1992. The company was privatized in an open tender in March 1996. In present days the company is owned 100 % by native private individuals. The fact that a certain number of the owners are personally…certain number, number ownervehicle, repair, forward, logistic, transportation1
debalu.huThe doors, windows and facade glass walls are connected optically and technically in an integrated way through the fewer number of matching building elements. Wide range of opening elements with numerous variationsfew number, number buildwindow, solution, build, quality, plastic1
applepshostess.hu„The cultural jewel box of the capital, the Castle Garden Bazaar has continuously expanded the number of its audience with a various range of programs in recent years. We get a lot of help from the always impeccable-looking hosts and hostesses of the Apple PS Hostess Agency for the high-quality…continuously number, number audienceevent, host, staff, exhibition, agency1
bipoco2016.huBiPoCo 2016 will take place in the Hotel Hunguest Forrás Szeged **** Superior located in Szeged, the capital of „Alföld”, the Great Hungarian Plain, at the confluence of the Tisza and Maros rivers. Szeged is the 3rd largest Hungarian city, also called City of Sunshine because it has the highest…high number, number sunnyseptember, august, conference, photo, goal1
globalbusinessgroup.hu…in Budapest which was founded in 2022 by a group of bright professionals with extensive knowledge of product marketing, buy and sell, procurement, and project execution in the Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Water Treatment, and Energy Sectors. We cover a variety of projects over a number of industries.project number, number industrygroup, global, view, petrochemical, oil1
printologic.huexpanded at the Budapest site as well as nationwide. In 2006, we opened a site in Nyíregyháza, then another one in Miskolc in 2010, increasing the number of our workstations to over 500. With their relevant knowledge and supportive attitudes, our managers contribute a lot to the constant progress ofmiskolc number, number workstationtechnology, printing, gallery, solution, organisation1
hatos.huHatos Language School has been operating in Győr and its vicinity since 1997 and by now it has become one of the most significant and versatile private educational institutions. We have a number of awards and satisfied customers which prove our high-quality work.institution number, number awardlanguage, course, recent, news, private1
cereskft.huOur company, CERES Gazdasági Tanácsadó és Felszámoló Kft. (Reg.: 14-09-306648; Tax number: 13615635-2-14; Headquarters: 8600 Siófok, Fő tér 10/B., A. lph. 1. em. 2. door) was founded in 1992, and since 1994 we have been continuously performing liquidation, accounting and economic consulting…tax number, number headquarterprocedure, activity, liquidator, liquidation, court1
a47.hu…in Neo-Renaissance and eclectic style with a residential function, based on Vilmos Freud’s designs. Due to the dilapidated condition of the building, it has spoiled the World Heritage cityscape for years, so the building at number 47 received a complete renovation as commissioned by the developer.build number, number completebuild, area, history, description, location1
stipendiumhungaricum.huYou can choose from an ever-growing number of programmes taught in English, covering all higher education fields at all degrees offered by the most renowned Hungarian universities.stipendium, study, programme, scholarship, finder1
harmatingatlan.huHouse number 8 is the former Golden Eagle Pharmacy, which is still a pharmacy. Its beautiful wooden portal and some of its etched shop windows have been preserved in their original form.house number, number goldenhouse, room, century, square, programme1
amsmart.huOur unique hardware solution provides on-the-fly image processing, plate number recognition, garbage classification and trash can identification. We can live track each and every littering car with onboard GPS module.plate number, number recognitiontechnology, software, solution, need, protect1
freegereb.huThe aim of the facts and figures is to be provide exact numbers to allow people to see the whole picture and understand the current environment in which the debate on home birth is taking place.exact number, number peopleletter, president, international, birth, janos1
maxelektro.huDuring the lifetime operation of the heating system there may be situations that require reducing or increasing the number of sections, or flush the radiator.situation number, number sectionheating, page, air, conditioning, maintenance1
centauriweb.hu„This winter has seen a surge in the number of turtles stranded on beaches across the UK and the Republic of Ireland, according to… Continue Readingsurge number, number turtlestory, short, literature, sun, matter1
macskahal.huIn recent days, a growing number of online news sites and blogs ridiculed themselves by iterating the assumption that Balázs Dzsudzsák is leaving Anzhi Makhachkala for Dynamo Moscow. This is obviously not so.day number, number onlinerussian, site, league, fan, balazs1
hauff-technik.huJust answer a few short questions regarding the number of cables, pipe diameters, wall thicknesses, etc. and you will receive a complete package including the ideal products with tender specifications.question number, number cableentry, build, cable, plan, tool1
daytodaykids.huChildren can learn new words at an incredible pace. The most important predictor of vocabulary development is the number of words heard by the children. Those include words that are uttered during a conversation, while playing or reading a book, etc. Here are 7 [...]development number, number wordday, child, kid, activity, parenting1
cerlux.hu…and the experts who held it are important. These 4 main facts make the company stable. Thanks to the +50% ground expansion, the factory lays on 2700 m2. Production goes in 22 furnaces, in 8 shop-floors with 150 people. Numbers are increasing every year parallel with the development of the company.people number, number yearquality, technical, need, material, customer1
emsports.huAs a result of our detailed scouting knowledge and expertise, we are privileged to work with a great number of highly talented athletes. Here below you can find our portfolio and the transfers we have contributed to.great number, number highlyplayer, debut, champion, transfer, profile1
privateflight.huDepending on the number of passengers we can provide various aircrafts so your departure or arrival time is your choice, regardless of any cancellation.private, introduction, quote, travel, airport1
panzioalfold.huNumber of visitors from Mai 4, 2015, : 907731 | This Month: 11747 | Today: 146 | At this time: 4 | Site Statisticsrestaurant, guesthouse, surrounding, town, centre1
rppa.hu…RPPA facility. Furthermore, we plan to collaborate with any group using antibodies directed against mitochondrial proteins in an effort to validate antibodies for RPPA suitability, as well as those groups that can provide large number of samples in lysate format (priority given to human samples).large number, number samplefacility, university, sample, release, participant1
pannonhalmanetterem.huWe can offer 18 kind of menus through phone, fax or e-mail. Our cuisine is dominated by the Hungarian tastes and offers a numbers of specialities (Pannon Plate for 2, Pannon Salad).taste number, number specialityrestaurant, group, navigation, event, booking1
zaiaekszer.huSemi-precious stones and natural pearls are the special gifts of Mother Nature- Gaia. Their diversity, delicacy, light, and brilliance are all enthralling. Humanity has attributed unique healing energy and radiance to them for millennia. A number of books have been published about their beneficial…millennium number, number bookjewelry, necklace, bracelet, page, main1
multisteelhungary.huFor us, it is important to strengthen domestic economy through our activities, so when selecting our partners we take into account whether the company is Hungarian owned with a Hungarian tax number, and preferably distributes Hungarian products on the market.tax number, number preferablymanufacture, ltd, technology, construction, installation1
szeged-english.huThe form of education (physical presence or online) depends on the number of students enrolled in a given course, soonline number, number studentuniversity, february, study, student, department1
globpack.huOur company was founded in 2000. Since then we provide packaging material for small-, medium-, and large companies. At the moment we have business relationship with 8 countries of Europe and we are about to extend this number.waste, management, paper, location, packaging1
abouthungary.huGyörgy Bakondi noted that a total of 355,000 migrants had come to Europe on the three main migration routes last year, a record number since 2016.news, brief, minister, slovakia, latest1
rakosmiklos.hu…Bartók Viola Concerto (Op. posth.), and he published the reconstructed work for viola and piano in 2016, with a study about it entitled „Béla Bartók’s Viola Concerto restored with the aid of the Fibonacci number sequence”. This publication could be a useful study aid for viola players and students.fibonacci number, number sequencehomepage, study, publication, music, book1
opentour.huDepending on possible changes in traffic patterns, road construction, events and traffic, our buses may operate on alternate routes. We reserve the right to change schedules and routes, for more information ask in our office at Károly körút 10, or this phone number: +36 1 374-70-50tour, open, city, hour, office1
ijat.huIn the 2022-2023 academic year, the GAMF faculty's spectacular travelling truck will once again visit a number of secondary schools to help prospective students make career guidance decisions.truck number, number secondarydepartment, news, university, research, conference1
demak.huThis is an international competition and exhibition, entry and participation is free. In all categories (adult, junior and children) the three best models will be awarded and there will be a number of special prizes too.model number, number specialplastic, competition, model, exhibition, news1
irisrent.huIn some buildings the heating is operated by the house itself. So the heating and the hot water, sometimes the cold water too is also on the same bill with the community fee. Here the meter numbers are written too because the computer system of the house does the calculation.meter number, number computerrent, real, estate, flat, agency1
europcarhungary.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, visitor, functionality, feature, functional1
isaac.huThe essence of the communication in the industry, commerce, education is that the information can be understood and memorized in a short period of time. This is possible with the iSaac System with an unlimited number of dispalys.unlimited number, number dispalyssecurity, communication, safety, site, corporate1
amper99.huMaintenance and operational tasks for a number of industrial companies, at its own sites and with professionals working on location.task number, number industrialelectrical, implementation, manufacture, equipment, maintenance1
dekorkell.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, clock, visitor, functionality, feature1
ardinsys.huARDINSYS Zrt. has focused on designing and implementing enterprise software for over two decades. The main angle of our specialties is complex software development for banks , investment companies , brokerage firms , insurance companies and industrial customers . As a result, we now have a number…result number, number nationalsolution, structure, history, organizational, management1
bariatria.huTreating obesity with the help of surgery, bariatric surgery, is a rapidly growing surgical field. One reason is that the number of obese people is continuously growing. The other reason is that traditional treatments such as diets and medicines are unsuccessful in many cases. Surgeries provide…reason number, number obesesurgery, weight, gastric, loss, calculator1
gemesipreparator.huMy workshop started with a small staff, but due to the increasing number of customers it has become a bigger manufacture with 12 constant workers. The workshop grew with a 200m2 preparation department in 2006. I am waiting for my old and new customers kindly to our exhibition and conference room.staff number, number customerpreparation, hunting, tamas, copy, african1
hta.org.huThe Municipality Court registered the organization under the number 14619 on October 18, 2011.organization number, number octobertire, association, member, tyre, director1
ubersteel.huwere also firmly convinced that our project will be successful and durable. We are carefully following market trends and requirements, so that the number of our partners is continuously growing. In the current market situation, we can only stay competitive if the first-class quality is accompanied…requirements number, number partnersteel, quality, reference, homepage, activity1
kezmu.huMagyarország legnagyobb megváltozott munkaképességüeket foglalkoztató vállalat csoportja. Our Group employs the largest number of workers with reduced work capacity in Hungary.large number, number ofhousehold, contrast, clothing, item, manufacture1
epchungary.huEPC Hungary is a company registered in Hungary with number 01-09-908128. EPC Hungary has been authorised by various organisations in Hungary to act on their behalf in administering traffic contraventions.hungary number, number epcpayment, client, communication, login, organisation1
lokal47.huWe have a small farm located 47km from the restaurant – with lots of apple trees, a bit of grapes and raspberries, and we also plant some vegetables each year. On the other hand this number means much more to us, as our main aim is to have the main part of our raw materials from this 47 km circle.hand number, number mainreservation, card, gift, concept, wine1
tamasibeladr.hu‘TAJ number’ is the Hungarian social security number. If you do not have one, you may leave the field blank.taj number, number hungarian, security number, number fielddermatology, clinic, appointment, screening, fee1
idosgyogyaszat.huIn the last decade a great number of scientific and educational papers related to the gerontology and geriatrics has been published in Hungarian or international scientific journals mainly on the following topics:great number, number scientificage, university, effect, medical, health1
ldani.huWhen forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I am an aspiring chef, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the front-end web development world.indoor number, number scidevelopment, client, developer, place, website1
mcl.huWe are focusing on quantum computing, quantum communications (including fiber based quantum key distribution, free-space quantum key distribution, satellite based quantum key distribution, photon based quantum random number generators), 5G solutions (protocols of 5G, 5G and satellite…random number, number generatorcommunication, laboratory, mobile, technology, member1
kaliartinn.huThe village of Köveskál, situated in the geographical centre of the basin, preserves in its name the memory of the Kál family that settled here around the Hungarian conquest. Köveskál is located in a wine-growing region. A number of wine merchants settled down here and built large upper middle…region number, number wineroom, offer, art, view, booking1
trinityenviro.hu…and experiences to enhance our future. In spite of our relatively young age our experts have been involved and have gathered experiences in a number of large projects financed by Hungarian and International Financing Institutions (EU, The World Bank, European Investment Bank, Hungarian State…experience number, number largeclient, expertise, area, reference, management1
dalova.huOur association, the Dalmand Association of Riders and Hunters, has kept indigenous wild and domestic animals for years, for which we strive to provide natural habitat. The number of animals is increasing constantly.habitat number, number animalintroduction, appointment, animal, visitor, wildlife1
deavonturenvankrisztiendavid.huBased on wishes that we gathered from you regarding the stay at the hotel on the night of the 30th to the 31st, we reserved a number of rooms. The hotel asked us to inform you that those staying overnight can complete their booking during the check-out.night number, number roomwedding, january, news, dinner, special1
smarthomeapartment.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorapartment, room, detail, student, accommodation1
hungaplan.huToday, the feature of covering areas of usually big window surfaces with canvas aiming at extending the season not only pertains to taverns and restaurants but - in order to winterize - to private houses in increasing number as well.detail, tent, covering, cover, main1
tigret.huStarting our business proved difficult, but over the years we’ve continuously developed our tools and increased the number of our workforce.tool number, number workforcefleet, vacancy, construction, railway, main1
algeo.huIf you need a detailed list of values, the Table feature will show the functions evaluated at the given points. You can quickly glance over the list to compare the numbers.calculator, review, function, manual, faq1
faircomp.huWith more than 20 years of experience our goal is to make the IT background of a growing number of companies reliable and make their system user friendly.background number, number companyavailability, reliability, problem, announcement, price1
kwu.huThis is the webpage of KraftWare Unlimited , also known as KWU, the fantasy name of the Hungarian Nagy Elemér Károly E. V. micro-firm. Our tax number (adószám) is 71971674-1-43 , our EU VAT number is HU71971674 and our registration ID (nyilvántartási szám) is 7240777 . We are a micro-firm and we…tax number, number adószám, vat number, number registrationunlimited, main, mission, webpage, tax1
corvinhotel.huThe rooms are well-equipped (bath, toilet, cable TV, telephone), some of the rooms have access to ISDN main line and a direct-call outside number.room, quiet, guest, price, picture1
barke.huFor inquiries, please use the contact phone number above, or send an email using the contact form .phone number, number emaillanguage, education, translation, teach, interpret1
mmg.huIn the world thousands of companies use the products produced by the MMG and we hope that owing to our activity their number will not decrease but increases.detail, measurement, pressure, instrument, element1
pernixpharma.huThe unambiguous proof of our high-quality service is the quick increase of the number of our partners.increase number, number partnermanufacture, pharmaceutical, activity, application, map1
trident.huFree Hungarian (prepayed with £ 10) mobile phone with all the contacts and emergency numbers you may needtreatment, implant, free, dentistry, dental1
cegvedo.huWordPress can import from a number of systems . First you need to get WordPress installed and working as described above, before using our import tools .wordpress number, number systemfile, version, developer, detail, thing1
zolkiss.huThis stop in my career was the first multi-national company. I started here and as a Junior Java Developer. I'll be honest... I did not really liked this place. Don't misunderstand me. The office was number one, fresh fruit every day, the colleagues was awesome, and fortunately I practiced and…office number, number freshdeveloper, client, date, close, software1
pentapharma.hu…of highly qualified and experienced co-workers in every field. Following the demands of the market, we continuously expand our range with high-quality products, preferring natural active substances. Our aim is to help an increasing number of people maintain their health, beauty and well-being.aim number, number peoplesearch, pharmacy, health, problem, privacy1
sembo.huKungsgatan 6, 252 21 Helsingborg , SWEDEN | Registration number: 556529-1795 | Registered office: Helsingborg, Swedenregistration number, number registertrip, booking, holiday, flight, apartment1
jungleapartment.huneed your email address and mail address with postal code. You can do it in message through Booking page, what’sapp, telegram, in SMS to my mobile number. Thanks for your cooperation. The apartment is 2km far from the new PUSKAS ARENA, it takes 20-25 min on foot or with Metro or bus, about 200…mobile number, number thankapartment, house, bed, gallery, kitchen1
baglyoska.huAfter confirmation of the reservation request, 50% of the accommodation fee must be paid and transferred within 24 hours, after which the reservation becomes final. The amount of the second half of the accommodation fee must arrive at the specified account number 14 days before arrival. In case of…account number, number dayhouse, guest, holiday, day, reservation1
devai-intezet.huUsing public transportation: In the city center (Ferenciek tere), take bus number 8, which reaches our Institute in 15 minutes. (The name of the bus stop where you should get off: "Irhás árok") Click here for the bus schedulebus number, number instituteinstitute, reproduction, welcome, treatment, examination1
drlevai-budapest.hu…get legal help in setting up or modifying a company, preparing important contracts, and before making any major business decisions. There are a number of companies that work with foreign partners or provide cross-border services. For them, I also provide legal representation based on Hungarian…decision number, number companylaw, lawyer, legal, attorney, real1
smallthings.huWe know how important your website is to your business goals, so we create products that are fast, reliable, safe, and secure. Smallthings creates custom site planning based on your projected number of visitors to achieve the best performance possible, while keeping your budget in mind.plan number, number visitorsit, consectetur, velit, amet, duis1
budajuniors.huDear All, as you probably noticed, the number of players increased in all our groups, therefore we feel...probably number, number playertraining, activity, news, aid, happy1
airconnect.huWe are proud to say, that Győr-Pér Regional Airport – what is the most prosperous business airport in Hungary – is still our number one business partner on this filed.hungary number, number businessair, quotation, private, aviation, airport1
plidco.huSince 1949, PLIDCO ® has been the leader in pipeline repair fittings by creating innovative solutions to help minimize costly shutdowns and assure worker safety. With hundreds of thousands of fittings installed around the world, PLIDCO ® is the number one source for safe, reliable pipeline repair…plidco number, number sourcepipeline, repair, request, line, maintenance1
dunarama.huThe River Danube, the pulse of Budapest, connects our capital with a number of enchanting locations of Europe. It has served as an important travel route for centuries, yet today we rarely think of it as an option of reaching our destination.capital number, number enchanttrip, boat, gallery, water, danube1
steampeek.huSearching for a large number of jellyfish. A carefully hand drawn 4K scene filled with cute characters. The process is short and won't take up too much player time. You can choose your favorite dyeing for the convenience of color blind players. Extremely easy to achieve.large number, number jellyfishgame, similar, strategy, simulation, action1
sz-tars.huIn 1982 the number of employes and our profile were expanded. Our special tool machine manufacturing branch was significantly improved and we started the implementation of patents and contrivances with 24 workers for Swiss, German, Canadian and Czech markets.site, page, machining, industrial, iron1
cronmail.huYou can store unlimited number of groups and subscribers, the newsletters and campaigns are also unlimited. Sending emails can be timed even to the minute, and it does not require user interaction after the campaign was set up.unlimited number, number groupregistration, newsletter, campaign, simple, click1
kodkft.huto fix connectors or plugs on cable ends, perform custom labelling, tagging or even doubling. And with more than 20 pcs of Schleuninger and Stocko automatic jacking machines, we manage to process a huge number of connectors. We guarantee excellent quality by monitoring each process along production.huge number, number connectorelectrical, production, control, implementation, activity1
hikari-apartman.huClose to the center of Balatonalmádi we offer two first floor and attic apartments with a separate entrance, a separate kitchen and bathroom with a floor area of 60 m2. The total number of seats is 10, of which 1 to 4 people in the attic, and 1 to 6 people on the first floor. Rooms are air…total number, number seatfree, management, script, minute, installation1
baloghteszta.huOn our portfolio you can find pasta without eggs, pasta made of aestivum wheat with different number of eggs added and pasta of durum wheat.different number, number eggdetail, wheat, report, egg, quality1
remiz.huFrom Széll Kálmán tér take bus number 22, 22A, 222 and get off at the Szép Ilona stop. Or take tram no. 61 and get off at Budagyöngye. Continue on the same direction and then cross the street. It is about a 5 minutes walk.bus number, number szépreservation, traditional, taste, offer, drink1
rolandtoth.huAfter the go-live we got many positive feedbacks and the number of reservations grew to previously unknown heights, which was very nice to hear.feedback number, number reservationsite, toth, developer, portfolio, previous1
foreignstudents.huAt the same time, it is not easy to increase the number of foreign students in a region: the need special services, special programs in their high schools and universities, special free time programs, special accommodations, etc.easy number, number foreignforeign, student, association, tourism, educational1
secreto.huSecreto is a strictly invitation only tango occasion in Budapest, Hungary. The ideal (and maximum) number of dancers is 250 , but we will not insist on it, if this had a decreasing influence on the dancing or navigation (etc.) level.maximum number, number dancerregistration, music, travel, secret, people1
sopronikisvonat.huThe tours will start with a sightseeing train or an electric car, depending on the expected number of people and the available capacity.car number, number peoplesightseeing, vehicle, train, tour, landscape1
hegedu-oktatas.huLearning to play the violin is beautiful and enjoyable but at the same timeit is a time and consuming occupation requiring effort. If we wish to progress, we should practice every day or at least four or five times a week. How long does it take to learn? This depends on our abilities, goals and…goal number, number yearviolin, teacher, district, lesson, progress1
morenocentrum.huShe was working really hard but we also heard her laughing a lot, reciting her own poems or singing burlesque songs. Zerka arrived by car every morining to the trainings and a number of times she took me over to Beacon, to the house she used to share with Moreno . So we did get to spend some…training number, number timedrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
absolutevision.huThe system is able to control 16 video sources at the same time, in any number of displays. Absolute Vision™ is capable to handle by default 4 video sources at the same time, however this number can be upgraded regarding to the number of display devices and the updates to enable it from 8 to12 or…time number, number displayabsolute, vision, device, touch, type1
belegal.hu…of which Bényi & Partner Law Firm is the leading and coordinating member. Our Alliance provides permanent legal services for a considerable number of multinational and domestic enterprises, in the course of which we have gained extensive and profound experience in effective management of…considerable number, number multinationallaw, attorney, legal, solution, reliable1
eltesoft.hu…activities since decades; and also take part in development tasks claiming high level expertise and experience. Results of our finished projects are built in the marketable products of our industrial partners. The vast number of high-level publications also prove the efficiency of our cooperation.vast number, number highevent, news, research, training, ict1
dimboard.huEncourage production staff with success statistics, target numbers, performance indicators, and production reports using DIMBOARD displays. Fault-based information based on outdated information can be reduced.target number, number performancedata, production, collection, process, improvement1
hipa.huSupportive business climate, competitive taxation system, a range of incentives and a highly-skilled workforce encourage you to take the first step and follow the example of a remarkable number of foreign investors who have placed their trust in our economy.remarkable number, number foreigninvestment, promotion, agency, automotive, news1
ethica.huIn some companies people might feel like a number in the system and projects can take a toll on people's lives and motivation. We try to keep a family-like feeling within the company by having a flat hierarchy and by focusing on projects that are challenging and fun to work with.like number, number systempeople, client, technology, planet, software1
kszs-law.huIAG (Integrated Advisory Group International): an international association of independent lawyers and auditors, of which KSzS has been a member of since 2004 and through which it represented a significant number of foreign clients in Hungary and in many cases provided representation for Hungarian…significant number, number foreignlaw, lawyer, social, publication, engagement1
senbistro.huTo save time, customers can call directly to the mobile number 06302668666 to order food or book a table.mobile number, number foodcart, order, salad, sen, rice1
allhotelsbudapest.huThe 3-star To Wellness Hotel is a romantic and elegant wellness hotel in Hungary. It is located 60 km far from Budapest, in Bank, about 15 minutes drive from Vác on the main roads number 2/a and 2. The hotel is located at the meeting point of Börzsöny and Cserhát Mountains, on the picturesque…road number, number hotelenquiry, deal, package, price, lake1
tengerdi.huThe three decades of professional management experience and the high number of returning guests is a professional guarantee that everyone will leave with pleasant memories.high number, number guestbooking, gallery, apartment, beach, pension1
raday-panzio.hu…request. You can park your car in the garden in a closed car park. We can provide excellent facilities for events in the basement of our special room, which can cater for 40-50 people. If you are interested in booking a room, please contact us at any of the phone numbers or e-mail addresses listed.phone number, number mailroom, gallery, photo, reception, bus1
gestor.huThe listed numbers are indicative and do not constitute an offer or contractual inducement.portfolio, mail, story, management, real1
onergy.huThe primary objective of the energy management is to optimize and reduce the consumption. There are number of possibilities to achieve this goal, but the energetic measuring tools and measuring systems play a crucial role in the the exploration of energetic „weak” links, and the evaluation of the…consumption number, number possibilityenergy, building, technology, methodology, automation1
locksmithservice.hutech every time you call whether you are in need of our services or simply have a question that needs answered. At Budapest Locksmith service, our number one priority is getting our customers back to enjoying their day as quickly as possible. We are proud of the fact that over 99% of our customers…service number, number prioritylocksmith, lock, problem, cylinder, customer1
basilicon.hu…allows businesses to anticipate trends, optimise operations, and boost their competitive edge. Whether you’re navigating through the labyrinth of Big Data or embarking on sophisticated network analyses, our team of data experts is your dependable partner, translating numbers into strategic wisdom.partner number, number strategicconsulting, international, knowledge, strategy, broad1
malatahomes.huWi-Fi is free throughout the property. Each apartment has its own kitchen and bathroom. We provide private parking for our guests at an additional cost. We also offer a number of optional, facultative programs, all of which are about discovering Budapest and other landmarks in the country. We also…cost number, number optionalapartment, private, room, reservation, area1
esztamorrison.huIt is an obvious and quick solution if you call us. You will be given the information that helps you judge our work and service better. Press the following button and your mobile phone will call the number:footwear, upper, industry, woman, detail1
beachrugby.huWe have a number of venues which are our official sponsors at this year’s 4th Balaton Beach Rugby tournament, 1 hely; 2 hely; 3 helybeach, tournament, city, venue, sponsor1
economical.huOn an annual basis we carry out the construction of several detached houses, take part in government contracts, and work as a subcontractor in large investments. For performing these skilled works we have twenty well-qualified employees but, if necessary, we can increase the number of employees…necessary number, number employeeeconomical, build, house, semi, homepage1
kultplay.huJeff Victor of STARFLEET , the International Star Trek Fan Association shows around the 12,500-foot Star Trek exhibition at Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute. On screen, number one!reader, art, social, installation, european1
wineofthehungarianparliament.huIn recent years, Wine of the House has found and maintained its role in the series of high quality events promoting wine culture with its traditional roots, as both the number of entries and volume of both national and international feedback confirms.root number, number entrywine, parliament, national, welcome, category1
bordagep.huWe have 18 workers, and with slight changes this number stayed mostly the samein the last 10 years.change number, number sameinmetalworking, long, history, enterprise, private1
seacon.huAdministration of a company’s car fleet is not a simple task over a certain car number. If our Excel sheet (which used as a target program) is becoming too difficult to do with our management processes, we need a more efficient solution.car number, number excelsoftware, europe, data, presentation, fleet1
service247.huGood collaboration with HPE local and regional organizations, as well as a number of relevant ISVs (Independent Software Vendors)organization number, number relevantsoftware, customer, infrastructure, data, available1
cerealport.hu…the needs of merchants and growers – domestic and international as well. The company which is an expert in bulk forwarding and transportation of agricultural products , could achieve it’s fast growth by continous increase in the number of consigners and the satisfaction of it’s clients as well.increase number, number consignersagricultural, forwarder, international, domestic, expert1
molnarbeton.hu…our environmental values. Beyond business, our goal is to help our children and grandchildren get to know the beauty of Hungarian landscapes. Therefore, in addition to complying with mandatory conservation standards and regulations in the industry, we also perform a number of voluntary tasks.industry number, number voluntarytransport, concrete, customer, environmental, construction1
racerbeans.hu…Europe or to feed the demand for coffee by Europeans in other colonies. Under Belgian rule, Burundian farmers were forced to grow a certain number of coffee trees each—of course receiving very little money or recognition for the work. Once the country gained its independence in the 1960s, thecertain number, number coffeecoffee, small, process, dry, quality1
starkor.huWe, at StarkŐr Ltd. hold our goals and principles in high regard. Most of all our central theme; our Customers. Every day we strive to offer the quality of service you deserve. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority.satisfaction number, number prioritydeveloper, solution, customer, software, branch1
thomashotel.huGiven the current situation, We recommend using contactless payment. We have expanded the number of acceptable cards. Nevertheless, the cash payment option remained.payment number, number acceptableroom, faq, gallery, restaurant, option1
meta-inf.huI recommend the course; it takes you from the basics to the user level. The number and time of exercises are optimal, and the theory is sound.level number, number timejira, training, app, issue, user1
furedyacht.hu…you can see that is possible to obtain the sailing license for the first try. Our training includes the practical material with increased number of hours which cannot be replaced with studying at home. It is really important for us that all our students shall have sufficient practical…material number, number hoursailing, course, boat, examination, license1
balanceuniversal.huShould you be interested please get in touch with us on phone numbers or e-mail addresses you can find under Contacts .phone number, number mailaccounting, office, universal, bookkeeping, payroll1
energoprojekt.huWith so a large number of VDR programs available, it is usually hard to recognise which is perfect for your business. Rather than sorting through market jargon and marketing sales messages, we recommend beginning by simply clearly determining what you aspire to accomplish from the VDR computer…large number, number vdrsoftware, management, organization, board, way1
friendshipbracelet.huWe recommend that you check the appointments in our Salonic system, but you can call us anytime during our opening hours at +36303544634 Phone Number.bracelet, friendship, procedure, price, little1
ozeki.huIt will keep your phone numbers and messages safe : All your messages will be stored on your own server.phone number, number messagegateway, software, mobile, phone, message1
apostille.org.huA number of authorities or other bodies (e.g. university) of foreign countries only accept documents issued by the Hungarian authorities if the documents are legalized for international use.document, legalization, delivery, international, certificate1
tmtanitas.huOur health care system is better described as “sick care”. Patients are looked after too late. Despite our very advanced methods for health care, people are often left with an incredible number of chronic problems. Most of the 600 scientific studies around TM confirm the effects of transcending on…incredible number, number chronicmeditation, stress, deep, benefit, health1
csillagplafon.huYou can make an appointment for a presentation by filling out the following form or contact us at a following phone numbers:price, offer, opportunity, showroom, district1
dulobisztro.hu…where we combine local traditions with state-of-the-art wine-making technologies in an area stretching over 13 hectars, has been awarded a number of international awards over the recent years. Our organic and vegan wines are sought after worldwide , while our wine tasting events bring…hectars number, number internationalwine, open, winery, taste, offer1
meraki.hu"Due to the PPC ads managed by Meraki, many new customers found us with their turbos waiting for repair or renovation. The number of our sales has also increased significantly, thank you Meraki Marketing!"renovation number, number salewebsite, digital, strategy, auditing, graphic1
luminaxis.huAt this point, there are already seven projects that have been undertaken. So, we have real life numbers. The average assignment takes from six to eight months. This includes the purchasing of the estate, the transformation process, and everything that needs to be done in the final stage…life number, number averagereal, estate, month, property, investment1
rentabikesiofok.huYou can ride around Lake Balaton by high quality KTM bikes, shorter (76km) or longer (210km) trips can be done as well starting from Siófok. The number of the bikes are limited, so be sure you have reserved your bike in e-mail in advance.siófok number, number bikebike, rental, tour, news, lake1
blackand.huUnique, mobile-friendly websites and webshops to make your business stand out from the crowd. Online marketing and identity design to increase your brand awareness and the number of your customers.awareness number, number customerbrand, customer, build, market, portfolio1
bibus.huWe can only serve companies and private persons with a Hungarian TAX number through OUR WEBSHOP.tax number, number webshoptechnology, safety, linear, gear, gas1
lawlang.hu…translation electronically; however, you can also collect the work from our Budapest or Pécs offices. In the case of certified translations or official translations with an enclosure, we can also send the requested number of copies of the translation to your address by mail or courier service.enclosure number, number copytranslation, law, discount, package, legal1
avobmat.huThe development of AVOBMAT began in 2017 with the objective of creating a tool that is capable of performing critical and interactive analysis of bibliographic metadata AND texts with data-driven and NLP (Natural Language Processing) methods supported by AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques in…technique number, number languagetext, metadata, digital, toolkit, research1
lastminutewellnesshotels.huZenit Hotel Balaton****, the number one 4-star wellness hotel of Vonyarcvashegy, awaits its guests on the northern shore of Lake Balaton with 36 modern rooms and suites, panoramic restaurant, 200-year-old wine cellar, wellness department, vinotherapic treatments and naturally lighted conference…balaton number, number stardeal, package, enquiry, price, piece1
levelekivendeghaz.huYou can use this form to ask questions or to make a reservation. The data entered in the booking form is for information purposes only, once submitted the booking will not be made automatically. We will contact you within 24 hours via the email address or phone number provided to confirm or modify…phone number, number bookingphoto, apartment, bed, bathroom, people1
fvv.huFVV Fém- és Villamosipari Kft. (FVV Metal and Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd.) is a Exhibitor in Subcon . We'll be three days in Birmingham at 2-4 June 2015. Please visit my company Stand in a Hall 4. The Stand Number is S150.stamping, solution, és, metal, assembly1
coachingteam.huConscious Leaders Academy (former Young Leaders Academy) is the first development program for the leaders who are in a young age or who are new in their position. It’s been operating in Hungarian with continuously growing participant number since 2012 and deals with development topics which are…participant number, number developmentdevelopment, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious1
laxford.hu…have expanded to planning, developing and testing of slot machine and electronic roulette programs that are successfully operating in the domestic and international markets. In this area, we have developed several programs that a number of casino operators are using with great satisfaction.program number, number casinodevelopment, director, successfully, electronic, component1
leonettadesign.huAs a payment option, a bank transfer is possible, for which you will find our account number on your order receipt, which will be sent to you after your order has been sent.account number, number orderbasket, puppet, bible, saint, teacher1
control1.huEnter your name, phone number and company name below, and we will call you back on the question you specify in the free text field.phone number, number companycontrol, management, controller, analysis, plan1
vese-alapitvany.huto develop the “Nephrology Research and Training Center” at the Semmelweis University Budapest, under the leadership of Dr. Rosivall. A remarkable number of young nephrologists were trained in Hungary, the USA, Canada and Germany at the partner universities. The graduates undertook educating other…remarkable number, number youngnephrology, foundation, school, kidney, university1
wagodesign.huAs a jeweler, your goal is to increase the number of customers who buy from you, and perhaps to cultivate a long-term relationship in which they make multiple purchases from your store.goal number, number customercart, checkout, account, page, sample1
healthy-options.huIf you’d like to know more or have a question, we’d be happy to have a chat with you. Just leave us your number and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.chat number, number soonholiday, healthy, option, yoga, class1
wingtsuncsorna.huThe 'less is more' basic principle was successfully applied, so the number of techniques was significantly reduced; only those were taken into consideration, which can be applied in a real fight. According to this approach only three bare-handed, a wooden dummy and two weapon sets were created…successfully number, number techniqueman, art, martial, technique, special1
hungarytaxi.huAt the Balaton Sound festival there’s a ton of unprofessional taxis trying to rip people off. Since there were five of us, we needed a minivan. Balazs’s team transported us multiple times during the festival, at fair prices. I saved their phone number for the future!phone number, number futureride, airport, destination, quality, fleet1
cmco.huOur products meet the specific requirements of a large number of industries but always have one thing in common: Maximum reliability and safety during use. As a result of this quality claim, each of our products has to pass extensive testing before being offered for sale.large number, number industrychain, sling, equipment, crane, hand1
szkeptikustarsasag.huThe Skeptic Blog had been nominated for the Goldenblog 2008 competition by some of our readers - thanks for it! The blog received the 5th price in the News category among 75 nominees. Since its launch one and a half years ago we published 125 articles on the blog and the number of the comments…blog number, number commenteuropean, congress, detail, society, news1
balatonpetanquefestival.huThe Balaton Pétanque Festival is the number one destination for pétanque lovers in Hungary.festival number, number destinationfestival, calendar, reference, tournament, international1
investigator.huTarget Hungary Security was founded in 2012 by professionals who have been working in the field of safeguarding and security for more than a decade. By uniting several companies we work with high security and old traditions for the existing and future Clients. Target Hungary Security has a…substantial number, number associateprivate, client, need, security, mission1
phi.huThe Forecasting module provides information, predicts future turnover and determines the optimum number of the required workforce – based on historical data.optimum number, number workforcedivision, shift, employee, page, data1
abrahampartners.huFor the accounting fee, we take into account the sales revenue, the number of documents and the frequency of the VAT return.revenue number, number documentaccounting, preparation, tax, monthly, return1
nyirerdo.huThe company has earned excellent international reputation for its wildlife management and hunting services. A large number of hunters visit the north-eastern Hungarian hunting grounds, known mainly as Gúth and Lónya, year after year.large number, number hunterhunting, forestry, acacia, important, forest1
glover.huWe offer the highest standards of maintenance at our premises. There we can very effectively fulfil both warranty and non-warranty commitments. With the help of our testline, we can minimise the number of malfunctions in our LED products so maximising the quality of our service.testline number, number malfunctionlight, lighting, lamp, public, date1
schmidt-szimon.huConcerning the number of clients, our office is one of the largest bookkeeping, financial and tax counselling organisations in Hungary.financial, counselling, representation, office, legal1
phagocytes2024.huWe have invited a number of outstanding speakers at different stages of their career, and will aso provide a lot of opportunities for junior scientists for oral presentation. We will also be giving out travel grants to junior scientists presenting their work, thanks to the support from the…european, march, welcome, forward, meet1
keszthelyivarosfejleszto.hu…Development Bureau, the Centre of Volunteers in the Csók István Street and the Bureau of Family Support in Gagarin Street stood up. In addition, a number of trainings and programs were carried out such as the free Senior-taxi for elderly people and the free trainings of Family and Career Point.addition number, number traininghomepage, resource, compliant, channel, relationship1
ebht.huThe area of Eger provides a home and a living for a number of excellent winemakers. Outstanding among these are Thummerer Vilmos, Gál Tibor and Vincze Béla. Thummerer Vilmos, elected the Winemaker of the Year in 1995, makes his high-quality wines in Noszvaj. The Hungarian Wine Academy awarded the…live number, number excellentwine, grape, cellar, region, century1
flocking.hu…the scratching of articles, anti-skidding e.g. storage compartment (glove-box, glasses holder, etc,) and decorative purposes may be applied to a number of different materials. Many rally cars have a flocked dashboard to cut down on the sun reflecting through the windscreen. Other things we can…purpose number, number differentinterior, dashboard, automotive, holder, decoration1
rutin.huThe University of Nyíregyháza offers a wide range of educational programmes. Based on the number of students, the most popular programmes are teacher training, engineering, agricultural sciences, economics, sports, natural sciences and informatics. The liberal arts, social sciences and art…programme number, number studentuniversity, science, teacher, research, education1
proacteam.huTo start a business, you need to look at a number of aspects in order to choose the most appropriate form of company, the most optimal form of taxation, and the best location. In addition, the type of the service to be provided by the prospective company must be taken...business number, number aspecttax, accounting, accountant, relocation, chief1
propertygroup.huThe visitor number of the Property Group sites are steadily growing by 15% year by year. Our MLS portfolio is one of Hungary's most progressive real estate listing site. 300+ real estate agencies have already chosen us to place their listings. Join and be part of our success!visitor number, number propertyproperty, site, group, portfolio, estate1
atlantikhair.huTo disseminate printed materials (including the distribution of leaflets) is a report of the advertising information (or information of a different kind) to the maximum number of potential customers in a particular area (or several areas).maximum number, number potentialleaflet, distribution, advertising, type, people1
dronepermet.huThis is an ideal solution for assessing your crop’s nutrient and stress status, the field’s weed infestation, the damage caused by game animals as well as the number of plants per unit of land.animal number, number plantdrone, page, farming, crop, solution1
swissclinic.huBook an appointment via our Call Center: +36 1 225 0566, in case of an emergency call our on-call number 0-24 hours a day: +36 30 992 0387emergency number, number hourmedical, swiss, center, surgery, clinic1
nurnberg.hu…27b/6 features a collection of humorous emails and articles from Thorne's life. These and additional essays appear in Thorne's book, The Internet is a Playground. Published by Penguin Group and released on 28 April 2011, the book debuted at number four on The New York Times Best Seller list.book number, number newliterary, agency, night, essay, playground1
trl.huTRL Hungary Ltd. also provides Maconomy support to a number of international organisations from Europe to Asia, including helpdesk activities, customisation, integration and development.support number, number internationaldistributor, solution, regional, organisation, provider1
up.huWhat is the difference between numbers and insights? We believe it’s the strategist! Lucky you, we have a diverse group of planners with experience coming from various fields to turn that data into dollars.difference number, number insightaward, creative, media, digital, advertising1
vindornyalak.huThe village reached its highest ever number of inhabitants in 1857 with a population of 486; currently it is home to about 100 people. Nevertheless, proximity to the Balaton lake offers potential for village tourism. The village´s largest „treasure” consists of its „Hertelendy kúria ”, the manor…high number, number inhabitantsvillage, page, lake, website, baroque1
sacinformatics.huWe are a software developer company with a huge experience in creating web, desktop and mobile applications based on individual needs of our Clients. We have a great number of successful projects behind us and always welcome new challenges. Contact us, describe your ideas - let us find the…great number, number successfultechnology, banking, office, development, application1
interproject.huPV systems have a number of merits and unique advantages over conventional power-generating technologies. PV systems can be designed for a variety of applications and operational requirements, and are modular, easily expandable and transportable.system number, number meritenergy, sun, power, development, free1
innomotive.huand consulting experience in ICT, Social Media Analytics, Training and E-Learning development. Thanks to our extensive network of partners, we work together with a number of organizations, research centers, universities, civil organizations and businesses, and implement joint international projects.partner number, number organizationmain, training, market, development, consulting1
fastwatervehicleonwheels.huApart from the design developed by me, and tested and presented on a quad bike, I have elaborated and tested a similar solution on a number of other vehicles: on cars and off-road vehicles. I have also developed a feasible solution for other vehicles, such as goods vehicles, buses and tanks, etc…solution number, number vehiclefast, wheel, vehicle, water, transport1
kirapanzio.hu(Children under the age of 4 are free. Don’t add them here to the calculator. The number of children under the age of 4 is to be reported later on the booking form only.)calculator number, number childroom, double, bed, bathroom, single1
metalfor.huTo receive your individual offer, please call our colleague at the number +36 70 410-6897, or send us a message to the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .colleague number, number messagemetal, waste, scrap, price, disposal1
dentalhome.huYou will receive the following gifts depending on the total number of nights spent here and your dental treatment:total number, number nightdental, treatment, technology, stay, tourist1
flinder.hu. Flinder can detect potential vulnerabilities of the evaluated product by generating and executing a vast number of special test vectors.vast number, number specialmeet, search, lab, software, secure1
gastlandcatering.huOur goal is to become the number one choice for Airlines flying from all international airports in Hungary with Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport being our primary focus.goal number, number choicecarrier, flight, cost, legacy, low1
radiopanel.huUnleash the power of real-time information! The statistics of our ShoutCast Radio Panel server are fast, accurate, and continuously updated. Whether it's the number of listeners, audience duration, or data traffic information, you'll have access to a detailed picture of your radio broadcasts'…continuously number, number listenerradio, server, quality, file1
lintimage.huIt is a 5-minute walk from Deák tér by metro, or take metro number 1 and get off at the Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út metro stop.metro number, number bajcsytreatment, care, price, hair, massage1
familytree.hu(Családfa Kft. is registered under number 01 09 673 772 in the Court of Registration, Budapest)kft number, number courtfamily, tree, search, europe, eastern1
szoloskertvendeglo.huWe've been eating here for a number of years and the service, food variety and quality all remain high. Highly recommend this restaurant for customer care, quality of meals, excellent Hungarian dishes cooked superbly!restaurant, traditional, dish, place, quality1
kidma.hu, movies, and meeting well-known and interesting personalities. Up until now, Kidma has organized more than 100 different programs, and in the last number of years Kidma can rely on a group of regular members. In 2002, we decided to become an independent organization and established “Kidma Hungary”…program number, number yearjewish, goal, activity, cultural, movie1
innovasol.huTHE PERSONALISED CUSTOMER HANDLING IS ACHIEVABLE IN ANY INDUSTRY OR ANY NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS.industry number, number customercustomer, data, advisory, warehouse, process1
scrollinhand.huRoman funeral monuments can be found virtually everywhere in the former territory of the Roman Empire, that is ca. 36 countries today from Britain to Iraq and Germany to Algeria. According to some calculations their number can exceed the half a million.calculation number, number halfscroll, roman, representation, hand, monument1
proexcellence.huPro Excellence Management Consulting Kft | Pro Excellence © 2023 All rights reserved | Registered trademark | Company registration number: 01-09-971066management, excellence, page, main, actual1
szinvonalbau.huWhat makes an enterprise outstanding from the multitude of construction companies is the number of years spent in profession and consequently the professional experience and know-how. It is essential for our employees to have appropriate qualification .company number, number yearconstruction, customer, coating, employee, insulation1
szommerkonyvelo.hua pension for your employment in Hungary as a foreign national and, if yes, how much? Is a non-citizen managing director required to have a tax ID number in Hungary? These are just some of the many questions a start-up or operating business will face in a foreign country or in a different economic…id number, number hungarytax, accountancy, payroll, reference, news1
acpartner.huWhen making decisions, you not only need a series of numbers, but backgrounds, relationships and analyzes are necessary in order to see clearly.series number, number backgroundaccounting, financial, advisory, auditing, client1
himesudvar.huDepending on the number of tubs - puttony - (a tub contains 25 kg) of aszú berries are added to a gönci cask (136 litres) containing new wine, we can speak about 3, 4, 5 or 6 tubs (puttonyos) Aszú wine. These traditional measures (gönci cask, tub) are not in use nowadays, the number of tubs…nowadays number, number tubwine, grape, region, taste, quality1
dotisgallery.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorgallery, website, visitor, functionality, feature1
chiosnackcast.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, visitor, functionality, feature, functional1
calmed.hunow represent a significant part of our company’s daily work. During repairing and maintenance of endoscopic systems in the past, we encountered a number of type errors and malfunctions for which users are not fully prepared, neither as repair nor as replacement, although their rapid treatment is…past number, number type, result number, number lengthrepair, maintenance, device, manufacture, custom1
fabafem.huMain line of our production is consists of 30 pieces CNC swiss-type lathe (Citizen, Miyano, Hanwha), complete with many other machine tools. The 3 production shifts going on. Number of employees 63 people.shift number, number employeemain, page, swiss, lathe, type1
nezopont.huAccording to a recent survey of the Nézőpont Institute, seven out of ten (70 percent) active voters believe that Fidesz-KDNP will win again in the April elections. It is remarkable that just over a third of opposition voters (37 percent) are confident of a change of government, and the same number opolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature1
ernart.huBesides the above I also help individuals who feel the need of talking to a professional in the framework of mental health counselling and life coaching sessions. due to the present situation I decided to offer for 50% of the regular fee a limited number of online helping conversation and…limited number, number onlineart, therapy, session, creation, group1
rs-carbon.huWe provide totally secured shipping via DPD Parcel Service, which is reliable, precise and fast. Order as many items as you want, it will be charged only once for shipping. Tracking with ID. number, in Europe the shipping terms are between 24 and 72 hours.id number, number europepremium, detail, gallery, quality, real1
kulcsarjuli.huThe number one priority for me is to know that people have found the place they belong and everybody is pleased. I tend to build life-long relationships with my clients and my candidates. I’m available to help them any time they need me even after the placement. This type of trust is only possible…job, career, people, interview, recruitment1
mathspectral.huThere were 17 invited speakers from 11 countries who delivered 20-minute talks on the subject. Although the participation was subjected to free registration, the zoom link of the conference was available . The number of registered participants was 31 from 19 countries, and the maximum number of…available number, number participant, maximum number, number listenerspectral, analysis, conference, point, problem1
mavrec.huMÁV-REC Kft. has been operating successfully in a number of service areas since its establishment in 2001. ...successfully number, number servicehomepage, news, latest, success, common1
surgosellatas.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, visitor, functionality, feature, functional1
felicia-feder.huIn recent years, the company has developed continuously, both in the number of employees and machines. We are working hard to maintain this course, so we can expand, develop and this way be able make our products even better quality.continuously number, number employeefeather, material, goose, quality, benefit1
gyorcup.huThe tour is divided into multiple grades from the lowest level of Futures, of which there are the greatest number of tournaments each year, up to the four Grand Slam events.great number, number tournamentcup, tournament, site, result, media1
golyahiralapitvany.huAdopted children suffer from an above-average number of premature developmental delays, nervous system immaturity problems, partial disability and learning difficulties for a variety of reasons (preterm birth, neglected pregnancies, smoking during pregnancy, drug and alcohol use, mental trauma).average number, number prematurechild, family, parent, community, shop1
sundance.huKarinthy is an outstanding development site close to the city centre in Budapest’s XIth District. It comprises 7,250m² of on-grade parking for approx. 200 cars and also has a number of small business premises and storage units. The general development plan permits the development of approx. 25…car number, number smalldevelopment, property, view, office, croatia1
foodscience.org.huThe Foundation of ERD in Food Science may accept the 1% of personal tax in Hungary, since 2017. In case you wish to support our activity, please write our tax number in the form during your annual tax report. You can find the list of eligible civil organizations, who can receive this type of…tax number, number formfood, science, foundation, development, research1
agagro.hu3 sites Number of employees 28 7900 tons of grain storage capacity 13 trucks with a load capacity of 40 tons 1.5 million breeding capacity for QS-certified roast ducks Operating since 2012site number, number employeestorage, poultry, vegetable, forestry, consulting1
born.huYou pay per KPI, CPS, CPL.. magic words, magic numbers, magic mushroom – Subject: Easter Egg. We get you a Unicorn, write us a mail.magic number, number magicbear, brand, manager, event, rule1
ithelpcenter.huWe are glad to give you a call back at a time that suits you if you provide your telephone number.support, help, step, solution, center1
filmpartners.huFILMPARTNERS BUDAPEST is a fast-growing production services company, a part of Filmpartners Production Group. We provide expertise and support for non-Hungarian commercials, television productions and feature films shot on various Hungarian locations, on the historic streets of Budapest and in a…budapest number, number hollywoodproduction, director, agency, music, distributor1
seahorse-engineering.huAddress and e-mail adress below. We do not provide telephone number to avoid automated marketing calls.telephone number, number marketingengineering, expert, tab, software, page1
applixation.huRegistration number: ‎01-09-276084 (In the Registry of the Court of Registration of the Budapest Metropolitan Court.)registration number, number registrydevelopment, location, software, task, spectrum1
maratonmernok.huSite-wise optimization for better balance . Coordinating the assests to reach the production numbers, running the units at it’s best efficiency while considering all the limitations in current and production schedule dictated time.... is a challange or a big opportunity for imrovement via an RTO…production number, number unitcontrol, unit, advanced, industry, process1
bimco.huBimco is part of Cordeel Group, an independent family-owned business with 1,600 employees and an annual turnover of 800 million euros. With roots in Belgium, Cordeel Group has grown to become a major European player in the construction industry, and now oversee a number of companies, alliances and…industry number, number companyconstruction, modelling, modeling, structural, future1
corvin-hotel.huDon’t you secretly long for this? Away from everyday troubles, just the two of you? Your dreams may come true here, enjoying every bit of love and intimacy. If you have already started the fire, don’t let it burn out. Our hotel offers a number of exciting possibilities to have a blossoming…hotel number, number excitinglove, offer, focus, day, erotic1
egyedieremrendeles.huAs a jeweler, your goal is to increase the number of customers who buy from you, and perhaps to cultivate a long-term relationship in which they make multiple purchases from your store.goal number, number customercustomer, store, sale, earring, perfect1
szelmezeitavak.huUsage of the Fishing Logbook is mandatory! The angler has to mark the number of the lake and the water space code in the logbook. The retained noble fish should be written to the book immediately, other fish can be noted at the end of the fishing taking in account the native and foreign category.angler number, number lakefishing, fish, angle, area, lake1
sudong.huSUDONG has been focusing on fastening and manufacturing industries for 10 years. We have always valued the technological innovation a lot, therefore we own a number of proprietary intellectual property rights. We take the lead of the domestic fastening industry for our precise and durable…lot number, number proprietaryelectric, navigation, normal, speed, counter1
budapestdron.huDrone photography is still an incredibly new and emerging art form. Just a few short years ago it would have been nigh on impossible to capture some of the images that we now see on a regular basis. It’s easy to become jaded by the onslaught of drone photographs out there but a number of artists…photograph number, number artistdrone, studio, photo, video, panorama1
hernyak.hu…activities outside Europe, in Japan and Canada. Given the current situation we are mainly thinking of organising our own events. With smaller numbers of people (up to 150) invited to our product presentations we can meet the new safety requirements brought in as a result of the pandemic…small number, number peoplewine, estate, family, grape, organic1
elitehr.hu“I can’t believe it took us this long to make a change. So happy that we did. Numbers don’t lie.”amet, interdum, lorem, consectetur, ipsum1
maroni.huDue to the professional confectioner background, the number of products continuously expanded. Today the company has a wide range of chestnut products, from deep frozen chestnut products, through chilled and deep frozen desserts covered with cocoa, to canned chestnut puree, chestnut flour, and…background number, number productchestnut, bar, quick, natural, quality1
logijobs.huAdd new postings, analyze the performance of existing ones by viewing applications, visualizing the number of reactions, impressions and postulations. Dashboard with all your job ads at glance.application number, number reactionjob, candidate, logistic, simple, abroad1
dorlin.huMany of our partners – plants, factories and industrial plants – wanted to reduce the number of suppliers.plant number, number supplierprotection, industrial, lubricant, plant, complex1
bookers.hu…helpful and experienced, and if these were not enough, you should choose us because we do not know „no” as an answer and never say "no" to our customers. Trustful relationships and personal ties with our clients are important to us. For this reason, we aim to develop a limited number of customers.limited number, number customerticket, flight, reservation, travel, important1
noemiesberci.huBy public transport: take bus number 5 and get off at the Gábor Áron utca / Pasaréti út bus stop and the church is a 1-minute walk from there.bus number, number gáborwedding, live, schedule, location, story1
ahproduction.huIn addition to television program production, Antenna Hungária offers a number of services that are not available from any other service providers. We are open to developing new solutions too.hungária number, number servicechampionship, production, broadcast, european, woman1
omszkwakecentrum.huWith a record number of entrants and 55 riders, there have never been as many riders in the history of the tournament as in the 2018 OB. The Wakeboard Hungarian Championship was streamed live to the public and also for the first time.record number, number entrantswake, price, center, free, beginner1
rewart.hu"We've had several joint projects with the agency and have been working on a number of topics together. We have always been fully satisfied with both their ideas and their day-to-day work routine. Today we can safely say that we have had many great success together, and we are counting on Rewart's…agency number, number topicbrand, curious, enthusiastic, heart, talented1
telcotrend.huFor our Federation, orderliness and predictability have always been important. We are convinced that without it, it would certainly not be possible to produce a line of Olympic, World and European champions. The complexity of our work and the large number of athletes we have made it essential to…large number, number athletesolution, custom, software, view, need1
dataset.huAs we all know, a picture worth a thousand words. This is all the more true when working with large and heterogeneous amounts of data: it is a lot easier to spot outliers, trends, correlations if you can take a look at a visualization than to dive into a spreadsheet of numbers. Visualisations can…spreadsheet number, number visualisationsolution, report, sale, data, customer1
doktor24.huParking: click here to find out about parking facilities. The underground car park has a limited number of parking spaces, which can be used by presenting your registration number at the reception desk.limited number, number parking, registration number, number receptionview, health, centre, expertise, area1
schaltech.huWe have been involved in the construction of a number of office buildings, residential complexes and shopping centres both domesdtically and abroad.construction number, number officefacade, reference, technology, structure, construction1
bakator.hu…materials using any desired method from flexographic printing (which requires a relief plate and is therefore more economic if the production numbers are higher) to laminated offset printing. As a result, in addition to secondary packaging, our products also include external packaging, display…production number, number highbuild, packaging, house, construction, quote1
compuworx.huOur firm deals with distribution of PAX terminals among which the most popular is PAX D210 that has already been used by big numbers. We also have in our selection the A920 Pro model, which is able to use MasterCard and VISA card certifications.big number, number selectionsolution, card, terminal, knowledge, news1
etlapgyartas.huThe room information folder should not just simply stand on the table out of sheer habit, but should also be part of the room and its decor! We have been producing room information folders for hotels since 1991, with which we offer a number of accessories. Note holders, ice buckets, kettles, mini…hotel number, number accessoriesmaterial, accessories, gallery, need, reference1
r-bag.huChina Eastern Airlines is China's second-largest carrier by passenger numbers after Air Ch...passenger number, number airwebsite, group, phone, austria, slovenia1
arvamisszio.huBack in the days we used to play simple games, such as Indian make-believe or war of numbers.child, family, adoption, mission, story1
korhaztechnikaizrt.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorequipment, radiation, protection, website, reference1
actualart.hu20 years ago we appeared with our dance knowledge in a number of domestic and foreign productions, we toured the world and, among other places, got to know the world of cruise ships.knowledge number, number domesticstage, image, production, art, actual1
emcotest.hubut also its employees and environment. There is also a great lack of humanity, a sense of responsibility for the region and the environment. The numbers speak for themselves: 40 employees at the company’s headquarters in Kuchli are responsible for our international trade success. Together with ourenvironment number, number employeeautomatic, enquiry, semi, environment, application1
lightbridge.huHungary has always been a ‘hotbed’ of technological excellence. Over the last century a disproportionally large number of inventions were conceived by Hungarians.large number, number inventionmember, area, value, set, consistent1
backstreetvoice.hu…renowned Hungarian voiceover artist coach with twenty years of experience- undertook this enormous task, not only for children but for adults as well (in limited numbers). Thanks to ample training, his students are later able to find their way in the Hungarian voiceover industry with great success.limited number, number thankvoice, studio, director, artist, sound1
humandialog.hu…„Keep them alive! A simple and fast way of CPR” made for the National Ambulance Foundation. Since then the continuation of this camapign, the „Keep them alive…”, got us 2 more Effies in the coming years. As of 2019 the number of Effies awarded to campaigns coproduced by Human Dialog stands at 13!year number, number effiehuman, dialog, fundraising, communication, client1
adminangel.huOther official and tax matters for companies and individuals (health insurance administration, tax number, representation before the tax authorities, banking matters, etc.)tax number, number representationaccounting, tax, individual, expat, eiusmod1
lb42.huWith more than 15 years of experience in industrial software engineering we are able to answer a number of programming questions.able number, number programmingtechnology, engineering, production, equipment, industrial1
estrato.huAlgoNet is a visual algorithmic image processing software. It consists of modules and connections between them. Modules typically perform simple tasks, such as cropping of an image, or multiplying two numbers.detector, cloud, manual, reference, software1
tánci.huThanks for this and our policy strategy based on professionalism and safety, we were able to fulfill a large number of orders within a very short time. A sign of the success of our business policy is that the Customers and Buyers who come into contact with us appear again and again during our…large number, number orderconstruction, inspection, technical, portfolio, activity1
lsw.huWe offer a ceremony independent of denominated contention, optional farewell music, a full farewell event and a number of additional services to make the last trip truly special.event number, number additionalway, sky, quotation, faq, cloud1
lacushaus.huEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone: +36 30 9466004 NTAK registration number: MA19005811person, introduction, bedroom, bed, floor1
ferrataapartmanok.huIn the closed yard of our guesthouses, there is a parking space corresponding to the number of rooms, which we provide free of charge.space number, number roomguesthouse, family, offer, quality, apartment1
oitservices.huDuring my professional experience, I met a significant number of cases, issues and solutions, which gives me a confident background. Here at Outsource-IT Services you will find professional solutions for every possible issues you may have. My dedication is based on determining, identifying and…significant number, number caseict, solution, office, outsource, data1
kon-trade.hu…authorised repair workshop have been in existence since 1979, at that time, under the possible operational frameworks. Even before the change of regime, despite of the industrial production’s crisis at that time, we succeeded at starting up our company and widening the number of our customers.company number, number customertrade, news, login, production, customer1
combatives.huIt is a collection of reality based fighting skills, that are principle based, limited in number, easily installed and recalled under fight duress. It involves threat recognition and management, as well as fight management. It is not an art, it is martial science.limited number, number easilyprotection, self, demand, personal, choreography1
expertvengriya.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitoripsum, lorem, sit, tellus, consectetur1
lowevonblumengarten.huIn both World Wars and the needy post war times, the numbers of breeding stock reduced dramatically. Today the Leonberger is an excellent family dog which fulfills all the demands of modern life.time number, number breeddog, breed, close, strong, straight1
photohullanzsuzsa.huAll photographs on this website can be purchased in limited numbers, signed, with certificates of originality.limited number, number certificatephoto, photography, exhibition, presence, important1
hotelrosecity.hu…of the M2 metro, is a 10-minute walk away, but numerous trams, buses and night bus routes are only a 5-minute walk from the hotel, including tram number 6 which travels across the entire downtown of Budapest day and night. The friendly atmosphere in our hotel is ensured by the polite and helpful…tram number, number entireroom, city, reservation, free, clean1
alidea.hu…the single suppliers managing the complete project as well as the related technological and after-sales service. All contacts come from a single source because we are involved in every project phase ourselves. This keeps the number of interfaces to a minimum and ensures that projects run smoothly.phase number, number interfaceline, equipment, bakery, vegetable, fruit1
plastic-surgeon.huPrices of plastic surgery in Cyprus can be up to 30-40% lower compared with UK. Most of the people insist to have their treatment in privacy, away from their work colleagues and neighbours. A growing number of holidaymakers are coming to Cyprus for plastic surgery and combining it with the annual…neighbour number, number holidaymakerssurgeon, plastic, surgery, cyprus, price1
trainingcontrol.huThe operation of the complex performance diagnostic unit is based on the so-called sensor network principle, on the basis of which a large number of physiological variables characterizing the fitness status of the body are determined.large number, number physiologicaltraining, process, diagnostic, performance, adaptation1
bazisoffice.huEnter your name, phone number, email and message, our staff will contact you as soon as possiblephone number, number emailoffice, center, meet, room, offer1
3diclone.huIn case of larger request, please call us at phone number +36 1 477 4070 on working days between 9-17 hours.phone number, number daystep, video, scan, picture, price1
leavers.huThere is a limited number of indoor sleeping places available. Therefore, we cannot guarantee indoor accommodation for non-leavers. In such cases, we kindly ask you to bring a tent. As a leaver participant, you have the option to deliberately choose to sleep in your own tent. Otherwise, the…limited number, number indoorcamp, milestone, community, official, website1
clearvision.huHe worked for a number of state institutes, ministries and major Hungarian companies. He is currently the developer and supporter of several IT systems. In 2008, he joined Clearvision team for an exceptional professional challenge as a system designer. Currently he is managing several projects at…solution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication1
maddancers.huYou sholud know that our service doesn’t contain sex service! Call us on this number +36 ( 70) 701 7743 Or writhe us an email and we will reply soon.service number, number emailboy, dancer, price, place, request1
wffinbudapest.huDear Guest! If you find an error on the page or you have any technical question please call the customer service center. Phone number is 06-80-203-776. The Central Bank of Hungary.phone number, number centraldirector, central, digital, head, finance1
femiparikft.hu"We have been collaborating with the Fémipari Kft of Gyula in the production of steel structure of belt conveyers for 22 years. The collaboration has been continuous, so the number indicates the importance of the relationship by itself. I have experienced flexible and selfless willingness in case…continuous number, number importancesteel, structure, filter, website, field1
absolvo.huBLOG - In the fast-paced world of startups, the engines seem to be losing steam as VC Funds tighten their grip on the accelerator. The funding landscape is experiencing a notable shift with a reduction in the number of completed deals, VC firms are becoming increasingly discerning, carefully…reduction number, number dealgrowth, market, transaction, investor, capital1
23cloud.huIn order to streamline support requests and better serve you, we utilize a support ticket system. Every support request is assigned a unique ticket number which you can use to track the progress and responses online. For your reference we provide complete archives and history of all your support…ticket number, number progresssupport, ticket, customer, status, center1
focusfox.huThe Inferno was running on Onyx2, the Siicon Graphics' hyper computer. The size of the machine can be judged from the number of carrying boxesmachine number, number boxwebsite, production, post, commercial, studio1
physiotherapy.huThanks to the growing number of hours we spend with our computers and smartphones, the forward head posture, flattened cervical lordosis, and stiff neck is becoming a more and more prevailing complaint, as it can lead to a stubborn neck pain. Take steps before it becomes a bigger problem!thank number, number hourphysiotherapy, pain, therapy, problem, patient1
lifee.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorlifestyle, preference, consent, website, visitor1
bhutan.info.huDue to the Covid-19 pandemic, our Society could only organise a limited number of public events in 2020. Instead, we focused on our online communications and fundraising for Bhutan.limited number, number publicbhutan, talk, zoltan, society, dream1
infius.huIf it is not enough guarantee for your satisfaction our experience, a wide range of satisfied customers, a number of successful projects behind us, the internationally recognized exams, here it is our "Time Trial Guarantee". If within a week you feel that you are not satisfied with our work, you…customer number, number successfuldevelopment, expert, developer, task, need1
nessum.huWe offer personal or small group trainings, presentations, roundtable-discussions, to prepare the participants of the public procurement for all the challenges they might face. The subject, scope and schedule of the training is always a result of prior agreement, considering the number and…agreement number, number knowledgeprocurement, public, training, reference, authority1
nippur.huDigital and analogue circuits having little and medium number series. Although, the prices of our products cannot compete with those of produced in the Far East, we are certainly capable to satisfy individual demands for little series and to assure good quality of the services to be rendered and…medium number, number serieselectronic, order, download, support, quality1
artbeet.hu…Török-Bognár. 12 Months is a unique piece of work: besides being a nonesuch thematic collection of recipes it promises a wonderful artistic book experience. Its first, by now also award-winning international licence in German, titled 'Nur Salat', is also available in a limited number of copies.limited number, number copyorder, month, book, publish, search1
balaton-online.huOur prices vary between 7500 HUF / person / night - 15000 HUF / person / night. They vary from season to season and depend on the number of people and the number of nights spent.season number, number people, people number, number nightrequest, apartment, beach, people, terrace1
marcalvolgyevt.hu…Gógánfa and Megyer. The eastern border is the Marcal river. Almost half of the area is a coherent forest block, consisting mainly of mixed woodland (oaks, cherry trees) with a small number of different pine species, the other half of the hunting area is intensively cultivated agricultural land.small number, number differenthunting, page, news, association, gallery1
erd-tech.huThe “Diesel scandal” has raised a number of questions in recent years about the real emissions of conventional explosive engines. Harmful gases and soot from vehicle exhaust are much higher in some cases than the standardized values ​​regulated by the European Union. As vehicle engines wear out…scandal number, number questionemission, device, reduction, goal, process1
irodalmirohamosztagos.huI’m rebloging this again because I just realized it’s now 6 characters. The same number of a full team in a match of overwatch.character number, number teamnote, photo, instead, text, video1
apponyiestarsai.huThis website is maintained by Apponyi Law Firm, an office registered in the Bar Association of Budapest under number 4662, in accordance with the law and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which can be found on the website of the Hungarian Bar Association along with information on client…budapest number, number accordancelaw, protection, photo, lawyer, property1
smartpr.huCommunication is much more than just profession. Communication is the game of emotions, senses and creativity, where behind the numbers, statistics and plans there are innumerable human factors standing. Therefore, our philosophy is that public relations and marketing focuses on to human being on…creativity number, number statisticsclient, news, relation, public, main1
sacinf.huWe are a software developer company with a huge experience in creating web, desktop and mobile applications based on individual needs of our Clients. We have a great number of successful projects behind us and always welcome new challenges. Contact us, describe your ideas - let us find the…great number, number successfultechnology, banking, office, development, application1
adammedia.huThe display played in a number of scenes that required quick and easy movement. The trailer shown in the picture was designed to help keep to a tight schedule by switching between two scenes in a few minutes.display number, number sceneevent, media, unique, conference, projector1
dynflow.huThe corporate ecosytem improved in several ways. We can react faster to the changes and emerging expectations, meanwhile the number of the contradictory answers have decreased significally. Last but not least we could expand our scope of activities owing to the time we saved with DynFlow.expectations number, number contradictorycustomer, operation, workflow, client, knowledge1
gerbeaud.huGerbeaud’s extraordinary talent and his enterprising spirit gave the business added impetus, and accounted for the unique success story of Gerbeaud‘s. He took on a great number of new employees in both sales and service.great number, number newpage, legend, chocolate, ago, tradition1
petimiri.huSo-called „Lagzi Taxi” will be available during the night for those guests whose accomonodation is nearby and provided by us. If you managed your accommodation by yourself and at a different place, please use the official Taxi service (you will get their number on the spot)!service number, number spotwedding, story, gift, music, schedule1
hotelgoldenpark.huGiven the current situation, We recommend using contactless payment. We have expanded the number of acceptable cards. Nevertheless, the cash payment option remained.payment number, number acceptableroom, faq, gallery, station, private1
fiziodia.huMyofascial release (MFR) therapy focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness. There are a number of conditions and symptoms that myofascial release therapy addresses.tightness number, number conditiontherapy, pain, eng, manual, body1
nauticat.huThe city is extremely rich in historical sites, most of which have been rebuilt and renovated. It might happen that they are utilized in a different way than they used to be, yet they belong to the culture of Füred. There are a great number of famous mansions and cottages whose owners have…great number, number famouslake, unique, ground, marine, boat1
bsce.huIn close collaboration with T-Systems and Amana, our company offers a modern solution for adapting to the new IFRS regulations. Amana’s stand-alone XBLR tagging software, combining the IFRS and the XBLR expertise can identify any kind of document and data format, thus the summarized financial…statement number, number availabledevelopment, management, solution, data, report1
e-med.huES-TECK is a medical device, which combines the bio-impedance (analysis of conductivity and electrical resistance in tissues) with pulse oximetry and analysis of the variability of heartbeat, using a software to break down a large number of physiological variables. This equipment provides valuable…large number, number physiologicalessence, medical, device, result, tissue1
sparks.huSPARKS Ltd. is constantly developing its lighting, camera and grip equipment according to the latest technological developments and trends, in order to serve the growing number of shootings in Hungary with such qualitative equipment and expertise, which will carry its fame, and to provide such a…order number, number shootingequipment, camera, lighting, production, extension1
szellkalmanalapitvany.huthe basis of their experiences and resulting sensible approach. The people who have been awarded so far have done a lot to familiarise the highest number of international decision-makers and opinion shapers with Hungary, and presented Hungary’s business and political activity in the spirit of…high number, number internationalfoundation, media, page, main, people1
massageservice.huOur company has been providing high quality "on-call" massage services to hotel guests in Budapest, employees of smaller companies and offices for over 10 years! The number of satisfied guests and our growing partners contribute to our professional development and the success of our company!year number, number satisfiedmassage, event, office, individual, guest1
balalakeresort.hu© BalaLake Resort | GTC | Data protection | Impressum | NTAK number: CSEJ229E | powered by CM Designntak number, number cmapartment, offer, gastronomy, gallery, lake1
krafty.huFollow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below. Az Enterococci prostatitis Streptococcus be an effective treatment for Prostatitis? It is safe or dangerous to use Streptococcus while suffering from Prostatitis? It is used to…prostatitis number, number bacterialinfection, prostate, doctor, az1
mkfe.huFrom 1 January 2024 many changes got into force at HU-GO toll system. Please pay attention for the choose of number of axles! Heavy good transport vehicles of 5 or more axle have to apply category "J5" in HU-GO!choose number, number axletransport, coronavirus, border, restriction, traffic1
dentalcenterkelemen.huLow cost implants at Dental Relax Budapest A person can lose a tooth for any number of reasons: for some, it is a result of genetics, while...tooth number, number reasondental, center, clinic, news, treatment1
fradi.huThe premium Swiss serial numbered wristwatch designed for the club's 34th title is now available. Snap up your favourite number!football, match, news, ice, hockey1
palyazatokprojektek.huThese two hard pillars help us to reach our business development plans, to assistance to the applicants on tenders, to fend them from difficulties and failures and to achieve the increase in the number of satisfied applicants and sustainable developments and growth.increase number, number satisfiedtender, development, consulting, write, consultancy1
terinfo.huBoth AtlasBuilder™, and the generated Atlas™ are small systems (depending on the number and complexity of the layers in the map), so they can be used on computers running Windows XP (or later).system number, number complexitymap, database, data, sample, software1
chatdeck.huWith Chat Deck, any number of players can enjoy the game together, but it’s more comfortable to split into two groups if you have more than 10 participants.deck number, number playergame, delivery, question, card, order1
megaglobal.huThe barcode is a readable code in which information is expressed by a specified alternation of vertical dark lines and light gaps of different thicknesses. Usually, numbers are placed below them. Its most common use is in commerce, such as the packaging of goods, which allows the rapid…usually number, number commoncustomer, structure, slide, manufacturer, technology1
balancebuilding.huThe building is located in one of Budapest's most popular office market locations, the Váci Street office corridor. There are a number of banks, supermarkets and pharmacies nearby.corridor number, number bankbuild, floor, sqm, building, office1
stancpack.huBecause the corrugated plastic sheet may be widely used and has a number of beneficial accomplishments, it is the adequate answer to the more challenging packaging needs.widely number, number beneficialpackaging, corrugated, creativity, process, solution1
elisabethhome.huAs you add a new item to the bid, you see the increase in the number of items in the upper right corner.increase number, number itemfurniture, quote, room, set, style1
biztonsagosvaltozas.hu…focusing moments and humor. Besides coaching, I also work with Focusing and body-conscious methods. I am a qualified practicioner in a number of psychometrics including ARPe©, GPOP™, DISC, BM (Business Motivators) and Hogan Personality Suite and I can integrate these in my training and…practicioner number, number psychometricorganization, development, process, group, goal1
amperstudio.huAs an electrical general contractor our company correctly implements the requirements of our customers within the shortest period of time. Consequently, the number of orders submitted to us is continuously increasing and customers return.consequently number, number orderstudio, general, electrical, contractor, reference1
helpersfinance.huOur company formation service includes the company registration, VAT number, chamber of commerce membership, company registration tax, and assistance with the bank account opening.vat number, number chamberhelper, finance, tax, payroll, accountancy1
qcihungary.huThe Deploy Advanced Quantum Communication Infrastructure (QCI) in Hungary (QCIHungary in short) project is implemented within the framework of the Digital Europe Programme under Contract r number 101081247.communication, training, news, satellite, presentation1
formenza.huWe founded Formenza Kft. after decades of experience in the food and meat industry, with only a few dozens of employees, but thanks to our organizational skills and high quality of work, over the years the number of our employees has increased to several hundred.year number, number employeeindustry, food, training, decade, organizational1
pribojszki.huThere are 12 numbers on this record, all originals except "Switchin` in the Kitchen" originally performed by Big Joe Turner. The band has been rocking this song live but this is their debut with horns added. The Custom Big Band and Matt have a long history of collaborating in different projects…festival, jump, pig, video, official1
nxtlevel.huWithout a doubt for some businesses it is inevitable to have an offline presence in the world, but nowadays it is amlost impossible to expand without an online presence. The number of internet users are growing each year and hence the number of social media users are increasing too. It's no…presence number, number internet, year number, number socialcase, form, study, goal, step1
csemo.huNumber of visitors from October 19, 2016. : 4196338 | This Month: 61324 | Today: 2722 | At this time: 3 | Site Statisticsvillage, flowery, area, official, website1
galambvilla.huIn case of emergency Hospital, Police station, Fire station is here. Phone number for all is: 112 - Click to Call!siofok, appartment, free, person, beach1
digitrainspro.huYou can add any number of data to trains, sort them into groups, and filter in locomotive library for any data or group.app, user, model, control, versatile1
lurkobebiszitter.huWe give a discount on large numbers of hours and do our best to always find a point that is fair for both parties.large number, number hourminute, price, reservation, frequently, question1
soneraudio.hu…should never be detrimental to the integrity of the music, the holistic experience of human beings playing together. If you have tested a fair number of audio chains you will know that equipment capable of delivering all of the above is few and far between. This is our number one priority in…fair number, number audio, far number, number priorityethos, news, music, result, color1
debrecendixieland.huSince 1984 the band has been a constant participant of Debrecen’s musical life. Since 1985 they have uninterruptedly hosted the Debrecen Jazz Days. A number of high-enriched Debrecen musicians have been playing in the band as members. There are many memorable concerts connected to its name…day number, number highmember, vocal, guest, festival, radio1
regea.huThere have been different work groups, clubs and meetings in Eger and Miskolc from 2010. But as an increasing number of patients has been looking at us we also started work groups in Hatvan, Edelényi and Ózd as well. Our volunteers visit cancer patients in hospitalsmiskolc number, number patientpatient, cancer, method, health, foundation1
encotrade.hu…is EN-CO Software Ltd, which was established in 2008 to focus on the development of personalized, tailor made IT solutions based on customers’ needs. Ever since its establishment, EN-CO Software Ltd has shown a continuously increasing trend concerning its turnover and the number of its employees.turnover number, number employeepage, trading, ltd, united, republic1
dentalnetwork.huIn general, oral surgery deals with the healing of lesions and diseases of the teeth, jaws and soft parts (salivary glands, gums, lips), but today there is a lot of overlap with other sectors of dentistry. Thus, oral surgery performs a number of interventions, such as the removal of teeth and root…surgery number, number interventiondental, network, implant, appointment, clinic1
ha2mn.huThere are a great number of the most popular Kenwood boatanchors (TS-520, TS-530, TS-820 and TS-830) on the air even today. These transceivers have their own magic but being decades old they have their own specific technical problems either. There is an international mailing list dealing with…great number, number popularpage, radio, ham, activity, contest1
lovesziskola.hu…in all of these is impossible as each one these categories require full life determination. There are many that act accordingly to this and know their field exceptionally well. Of these of course youtubecommandos that know everything and the number of uploads and likes justifies their preachings.youtubecommando number, number uploadshoot, training, school, tactical, competition1
csivavamentes.huFor the Chihuahua Species Rescue Association, the tax is a tax number for a 1 percent donation: 18523599-1-43tax number, number percentassociation, rescue, dog, breed, species1
okora.huPlease, leave your phone number or e-mail and we will send you the information you are interested inphone number, number mailrental, luxury, order, gallery, premium1
ovupred.huIt is the most economic solution: you buy it only once but can reuse it for an unlimited number of tests.unlimited number, number testuse, microscope, day, instruction, sexual1
privateinvestigation.huA well-trained private detective is learning his profession for years and has many years of experience. He has access to a number of databases that he can use to share a part of his work with his desk. Subsequently, the evaluation, analysis of the information obtained from the source, is compared…access number, number databaseprivate, investigation, case, agency, family1
palyazatiro.huOur company’s main activity is to support the micro-, small- and medium-sized organizations. Since Hungary joined the European Union, the number of calls for proposals for the competitive sector has been increasing. More and more economic organization realize the financial opportunities in calls…union number, number callfinancial, economic, union, organization, proposal1
mrcc.hu…Its special feature, the use of automated programming tools enabled the development of tensor manipulation routines which are independent of the number of indices of the corresponding tensors, thus significantly simplifying the general implementation of quantum chemical methods. Applying the…independent number, number indexversion, homepage, support, feature, reference1
balanceline.huBalance Line will also assist you to obtain a tax identification number for your firm. Our professional legal team prepares all necessary corporate documents and registers your company at the Hungarian Court of Registry.identification number, number firmtax, line, legal, finance, financial1
mercitvennek.huThere are a number of car services available in the area, perfect for when you need to get somewhere quickly.website, way, perfect, repair, wide1
hunor-almamellek.huThe red deer herd is also excellent in terms of numbers and quality, but the roe deer and wild boar population is also remarkable. Thanks to the high quality and the excellent hunting conditions, our hunting guests have been coming back to us regularly for many years. If you have already visited…term number, number qualityhunting, area, list, price, photo1
ngtt.huOn 11 October 2011 , the National Economic and Social Council of Hungary’s (abbreviated NESC in English, and NGTT in Hungarian) inaugural session was held in the House of Parliament, attended by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and a number of government representatives.orbán number, number governmentnational, member, council, social, economic1
verper.huon visualisation and I gained a lot of experience in presenting buildings and moods. Later, at Singer Design, I had the opportunity to work with architects and interior architects on a number of large-scale projects, such as the 5-star Baron Hotel in Keszthely and the Tokaj Hotel under construction.architect number, number largeportfolio, visualization, interior, visual, architectural1
ggdent.huTop two double teeth are germ deficient. The number threes approach each other but are not next to each other completely, there is a large gap between the teeth. This also causes many problems in chewing. What do you suggest?deficient number, number threedental, implantation, tooth, implant, oral1
apartmanom.huFrom the historic to the modern, a number of crossings can be found across the Danube providing essential connections between the two halves of the city: Buda and Pest. Some are well known landmarks while others take on a more practical role. Each one forms a crucial part of the city’s landscape.modern number, number crossingapartment, city, piano, short, rental1
boskohidraulika.huIn 1995 our activity was expanded to include hard chromium plating. In this year we purchased a new plant and the number of staff reached 10 persons.plant number, number staffactivity, hydraulic, hard, manufacture, component1
ionart.huBudapest is one of the most beautiful capital cities in the world. It is home to historical heritage sites, numerous congresses, international events, sport and cultural facilities. An increasing number of tourists visit the city year after year. It has an elegant view, competitive shopping…facility number, number touristanimation, cinematic, game, studio, commercial1
connectioncontrol.hu…installations. Thanks to our well-qualified and innovative experts, and that our strategy is based on safety, we could manage to finish a high number of projects in a short period of time, and our references can convince you to be our next partner. Feel free to contact us. We can provide you…high number, number projectconnection, control, implementation, electronic, technical1
kokenyapartman.huNumber of guests: on weekdays minimum 2 guests, on weekends and holiday seasons minimum 6 guests.apartment, season, room, free, holiday1
ingatlan5.huIf you are interested in our service, feel free to contact us at the phone number or email address belowphone number, number emailproperty, china, leadership, beijing, uk1
malvinbt.huhoney into glass with the beekeeper’s identifier number on it. All of our products are uniqueidentifier number, number producthoney, bee, type, sell, fact1
orthopaedics.hu. I have spent 6 months with Mr Robert Middleton who is a hip specialist at the Royal Bournemouth and Poole hospitals, and I was exposed to a large number of primary and revision total hip replacements in both the elective and the fracture setting. I have spent 18 months in Newcastle, New South…large number, number primaryorthopaedic, department, surgeon, consultant, professor1
nimfea.huThe migration of cranes (Grus grus) is a memorable late autumn experience. The number of cranes passing over the Hortobágy at the end of October can be as high as 85000.experience number, number cranenature, association, conservation, center, environmental1
camillehouse.hu…heating in winter and cooling in summer. Each apartment has a separate bathroom and kitchen. The kitchen is well-equipped with a microwave, fridge, hob, Nespresso coffee machine, kettle pots and pans, crockery and cutlery. Each apartment has a dining table with a sufficient number of dining chairs.sufficient number, number diningapartment, clean, great, location, place1
magtein.hubrain barrier unlike other magnesium agents. Magtein is well tolerated by the GI tract, unlike other magnesium compounds which can cause stomach upset and diarrhea. Clinical studies show that Magtein increases the number and density of synapses in the brain, which correlates with improved cognition.magtein number, number densitymagnesium, cee, distributor, region, website1
emiratusadozas.hu49% foreign ownership. Can conduct business inside & outside of UAE. Ideal for B2C services (retail stores, restaurants, etc.). Real estate must be rented (office or shop), can support high number of resident visas, depending on the activity.high number, number residentuae, solution, account, free, permanent1
sovit.huYou can also book a call with us leaving your phone number, your question and the time when you can be reached.phone number, number questionpermit, environmental, waste, transportation, german1
zsolnayfenyfesztival.hu…of guests and visitors, while social media and the press were also buzzing with the reports and audio-video contents of the light festival. The number of people committed to the festival shows a remarkable increase, as compared to last year; more than twice as many people bought The Route of…festival number, number peoplelight, festival, art, map, visitor1
bbmri.hu…field – researchers, biobankers, industry, and patients – to boost biomedical research. To that end, we offer quality management services, support with ethical, legal and societal issues, and a number of online tools and software solutions. Ultimately, our goal is to make new treatments possible.issue number, number onlinenode, available, research, quality, governance1
tndtech.huJust like everywhere, we had a long way to get here. A number of little (and big) failures make us say that Quality Assurance and Testing is not just an item on your to-do list: it must be an integrated part of any development or even translation or localization process.way number, number littledevelopment, application, software, desktop, publish1
auditeco.huThe Audit-Eco Auditing, Bookkeeping and Consulting Ltd. is 100% Hungarian, our registry number: 001156. The majority owner, managing director and registered auditor of the company is Bálint Kálmán Bulcsúné dr. Auditor certificate number: 002917 She started her carrier in accountancy in 1978 with…registry number, number majority, certificate number, number carrierbookkeeping, auditing, consulting, consultancy, taxation1
roseville.huATENOR is a nearly 100-year-old company listed on the Euronext stock exchange in Brussels and has been active in the real estate development sector for 30 years. During this time, it has implemented a number of outstanding developments in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Portugal…time number, number outstandingoffice, build, development, developer, manager1
continentalgroup.huGábor is a numbers guy. As Operations Director he is responsible for the company's financial and economic management, fine tuning of daily operations and preparatory work for all new projects. He has precise and detailed calculations of everything. Nothing is left to chance.gábor number, number guygroup, travel, owner, portfolio, restaurant1
kozteherbringa.huCargobikes are available in a number of accessible spaces in Budapest as part of the Community Cargobike Platform. Through the online platform you can view a list of cargobike types and their host locations, and after a quick registration process you can reserve a bike for yourself at the…available number, number accessibleshare, bike, location, space, community1
taxidza.huAll other destinations are calculated based on the extra distance and number of passengers. Use the button below to get more information or buy your ticket.distance number, number passengerticket, search, netherlands, travel, close1
tomolikpinceszet.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, visitor, functionality, feature, functional1
drandirko.hu. Antall József street, H-4025 – where all the up-to-date technical equipment necessary for attorneys are available and where we can greet our existing and future clients in a pleasant, modern environment. There are parking places directly in front of the office with a large number of parking…large number, number parkinglaw, office, homepage, labour, inheritance1
gordanseedlings.huOur sapling gardens are located at the South Transdanubian region of Hungary, where thanks to the excellent climatic conditions – the number of hours of sunshine, moderate impacts of topography onto the climate, optimal annual evolution of cloud cover – excellent conditions are offered both for…condition number, number houreuropean, seedling, production, data, protection1
ols.huProcessing of sheet metal constitutes an essential part of mechanical engineering, manufacturing of equipment and a number of other industries. The advantages of sheet metal include the ease of processing and formability, therefore sheet metal processing has been gaining an importance from year to…equipment number, number industrysheet, metal, process, technology, quality1
geonosis.huThe steady decline in the number of techno parties in recent years and the fact that they have gone unserved has prompted us to take matters into our own hands and organise parties where cultured entertainment, living the present and the love of music are brought back into focus.decline number, number technopresent, tune, awaken, artist, event1
konradhaz.huIf you would like to visit with a larger group or outside the times indicated above, please, contact us directly at our phone numbers at least one day ahead, we will be happy to arrange the visit.phone number, number dayhouse, museum, welcome, introduction, open1
1st-steps.huThe GradeOnFire website has sample essays that students can download and read to assess the quality of the service. There is also various grammar tools and a plagiarism detection program to ensure your essay is completely original. There are no restrictions on the number of revisions that you can…restriction number, number revisionpost, layout, page, header, essay1
deseda.hu3. The name, address of the owner shall be indicated inside the boat and outside the boat the number of the harbour place, on both sides with a letter size of 20 cm, with different colour than the basic colour of the boat.boat number, number harbourfishing, fish, shall, permission, place1
efficiency.huWith the help of our temporary workforce service, we can provide a workforce of 10-250 people for multi-shift employment, which you can use in a short time. Depending on the current state of the production process, the number of employees can be adjustedprocess number, number employeeefficiency, employee, recruitment, problem, long1
expertsys.huI got the exact number of key value pairs in my list property but the Key and Value props were always null and 0 . I repeat: without any error!exact number, number keyvalue, method, message, code, result1
carlsbad.hu…to Vienna and Budapest, in Hungary. The facility has been set up to conduct studies with mixed or single infection. The facility has shower-in, shower out operation, black-and white corridors, the rooms has separate air handling systems and capable of handling studies with large number of animals.large number, number animalresearch, study, clinical, animal, privacy1
silinfo.hu…to provide professional services in different areas to help our customers achieve their goals. Our experts have considerable IT, process and project management experience and, in recent years, they have participated in a number of successful IT implementation, IT management and consulting projects.year number, number successfulconsulting, career, management, area, process1
rogosturo.huThe aim of the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Board was to increase the number of renowned national values, to clearly distinguish the ‘Rögös túró’ from other fresh cheese, to generate international publicity and to prove that this product has no match.board number, number renownedcurd, cheese, traditional, production, milk1
primech.huThe company started production in 2013 as an individual proprietorship. The members of our team have vast professional experience in metalworking. By investing this knowledge and hard work, the enterprise became competitive and honoured by our partners. We are continuously extending the number of…continuously number, number employeemachining, production, machine, centre, table1
minibullotis.huIMPORTANT NOTICE: Our contact information has been changed! Our new mobile number is: +36702500230health, puppy, picture, father, mother1
mindenallatert.hu…regardless of its species, sex or age – as they all feel sorrow and fear, as well as joy and love. We are delighted to see that an ever-growing number of individuals and organisations are working to change the status quo of human-animal relations, this is the only way of creating a better place…delight number, number individualanimal, care, minden, foundation, way1
hdktranslate.huThe price of the translation is determined by the number of characters (with spaces) in the source language text. This enables the client to plan ahead without subsequent surprises.translation number, number charactertranslation, law, text, price, deadline1
paytrim.huPaytrim Sweden AB. Linnégatan 87B, 115 23 Stockholm. Organization number: 559311-8390. All rights reserved.organization number, number rightpayment, solution, future, card, terminal1
awdkft.huOur specialists have implemented a number of large projects in the areas of control and conservation of natural resources, banking, administrative management, cartography, and computer system security. Our company developed the concept, software and implemented the developments.specialist number, number largeart, water, scheme, management, control1
grow-up.huIn Alphabet Spelling, children can choose from 6 different categories – animals, fruits, vegetables, numbers, colors and everything else – and have to sort the letters that make up the meaning of the pictures on the screen.vegetable number, number colorgrow, child, game, learn, navigation1
liverland.hu…of geese – is very significant and greater than 20%. Our activities are very diverse, from the foster of parent couples with great genetic endowments live on our own farms, through a number of productions of the final products to the professional supervision of the processes of tight integration.farm number, number productionland, goose, live, production, market1
mohacsiiparipark.hu…a favourable close-to-border location, excellent transport connections and well-trained workforce. The Mohács Industrial Park has a well-developed basic infrastructure network, as well as a number of discounts and services supporting settlement for both potential and already established businesses.network number, number discountindustrial, enterprise, excellent, connection, traffic1
kossuthpince.huA Number of our growers also produce wine in their own private vineyards. The finished wine is then bought by the association and marketed after standardisation. These wines produced by smaller winery nicely compliments our range.wine, association, grape, dish, deep1
tgym.huThe exhibition shows the impressive – newly found – artefacts which form part of the relics from Vas County originating from the early stage of the Migration Period. The cemetery – containing a high number of graves [ ... ]high number, number graveexhibition, house, welcome, people, open1
amavat.huThis includes all formalities requested for the release of the local VAT registration number/s for your selected countries, and help you to establish when VAT de-registration is appropriate. We offer the complete service.registration number, number countryvat, tax, registration, country, seller1
nautilus.huThis program is an integral part of our radio automation system NAUTILUS JUKEBOX, but you can also run it independently. You can edit any of your information, news wires. All information can be categorized into subgroups to help sorting them. The number of workstations depends only on your needs…subgroups number, number workstationradio, automation, broadcast, schedule, software1
apt4you.huAlthough VOLT attracts over 100 000 fans each year, it still managed to maintain a special ’family’ atmosphere. This is the right place to meet open-minded and friendly youngsters, all in love with music. The event offers approx. 10 stages with over 150 performers and a number of quality lounges…performer number, number qualityairport, festival, transfer, image, close1
prevenor.huWe combine all the services that come with security and reduce the number of your subcontractors, thus you can save valuable time and money. We take a significant burden off your shoulders so that you can focus on the core business of your companysecurity number, number subcontractorsafety, protection, activity, health, fire1
dolgos-nimrod.huMy wife joined me in 2018. Since then she has exponentially increasing numbers of wires, next to her shepherds.exponentially number, number wiredog, news, puppy, navigation, welcome1
ivanyifilm.hu…one of the founders, is not only committed to religion, but also to outstanding social service. In recent decades, the pastor has spoken out on a number of human rights issues, standing up for the vulnerable and persecuted. Since 2010 he has been under regular political attacks and his work has…pastor number, number humanpastor, soul, portrait, documentary, director1
hubadurwedding.huBudapest, due to Hungarians’ hospitality, is a perfect city for your wedding, no matter the number of the guests.matter number, number guestwedding, ceremony, real, like, panorama1
medialinestudio.huOver the years, we have been involved in a number of film production and dubbing activities, which further strengthens our commitment to this profession. Our equipment meets all the requirements for a professional job, from individual requests to media channel releases, but we also offer the…year number, number filmmedia, line, studio, homepage, equipment1
aragda.hu…world-famous operetta composer, Imre Kálmán was born in Siófok, therefore the music-poet’s birthplace is his memorial museum today. Siófok has a number of art galleries where exhibitions of several famous painters can be seen. We also recommend the museums for those, who are taking or planning to…siófok number, number artapartment, detail, house, website, homepage1
mariagyud.huOfferings to help the maintenance of the sanctuary may be sent to the bank account number BIC(SWIFT): OTPVHUHB, IBAN HU68 11731001 20125882 00000000. Thank you for supporting us!account number, number otpvhuhbstatue, church, pilgrimage, century, chapel1
kgbearings.huDuty service If you need urgent help, do not hesitate to call our duty telephone number: +36 30 370-0358industry, technique, bearing, bear, auxiliary1
jewish.huFrom the end of the 18th century the Jewish population grew along with their rights. The history of the Hungarian Jews were not different from other parts of the world. They also had to face pogroms and false accusations of water poisoning and ritual killings, too. Despite the difficulties the…difficulty number, number hungarianjewish, tour, heritage, private, history1
betekinto.huThe last decade has seen a welcome increase in the number of studies, source editions and monographs regarding the history of political police. It has thus become clear that the past of state security services can only be understood in the context of the domestic and international relations of the…increase number, number studyeditor, security, issue, archive, scientific1
studiohello.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorhello, studio, interior, brand, website1
mcc.hu…of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) and the Barna Horváth Law and Liberty Circle. The conference’s panel discussions, attended by high number of participants explored the proliferation of rights claims that distort the balanced idea of fundamental rights and responsibility, the essentialhigh number, number participantinternational, student, public, center, academy1
csicsericsarda.huIn the winter period we can accommodate up to 40 people. In the summer time, thanks to the wonderfully green surrounded patio, this number doubles. Our restaurant also offers take away service, so our guest can request for their meal to be delivered. Additionally we can arrange catering at a…patio number, number restaurantwelcome, food, history, courier, guest1
historycruise.hu…travelled to Britain several times to study Westminster. And now some facts and figures: 365 little towers decorate the roof just like the number of days in a year, the height of the cupola is 96 meters to commemorate the arrival of the Hungarians to the Carpathian Basin in 896, 40 kilogramslike number, number daybridge, city, history, cruise, build1
womenscareer.hu…Women 2010 Award, which drew significant interest in recent years. Within the framework of our Best Workplace for Women initiative, launched in 2007, a number of leading firms from the ICT sector have received this award, among them SAP and Microsoft, who participated in this event as exhibitors.initiative number, number firmwoman, career, development, association, release1
compat.huCompat-Licencia Ltd. was founded in 1990 by Hungarian citizens. Since that time, the company has introduced several new up-to-date industrial products and technologies in Hungary and exported innovative high-quality locally-manufactured products into a number of neighboring countries.product number, number neighbormain, network, component, summary, cable1
healing-darkness.hu…the sound of volleyball I am going to pay you 200 rupees.” “I can’t catch you” – I said. For some reasons, my brain is banned from conceiving numbers. I have to repeat in my mind in order to understand. Maybe we can put it more correctly by repetition, I thought. But he probably felt he was…brain number, number minddarkness, sound, second, retreat, method1
hungaryinstant.hu…down these rabbit holes - people with degrees and professional careers and rich lives have fallen for these theories, leaving their loved ones baffled. Decades-long relationships have splintered this year, as the number of people flocking to these conspiracies out of nowhere reaches a fever pitch.year number, number peoplepeople, theory, thing, like, fact1
viragautomata.huThis is a real smart machine: it sends sales datas to the operator’s phone so she can always be up-to-date concerning the number of sold products and how much money is in the cashbox.date number, number productmachine, flower, day, like, operation1
amazonfoci.huWe offer discounts for mother-daughter relationships and similarly, for sisters joining the Club. If you are interested, please contact us using the telephone number or email address referred to below.telephone number, number emailtraining, player, session, group, football1
osz.huAccording to data shown on the National Hospital Directorate’s list, the number of those who are waiting for surgery exceeds 26,000. That’s only those who were waiting for more than 60 days.list number, number surgerymedical, healthcare, association, manufacturer, device1
gaja.huNumber plates of the world (no, I'm not a collector, but I want to present this theme to the Hungarians)summary, mail, engineer, field, interest1
mito.huWe paid attention to location modularity in order to extend the number of analysed locations to additional countries by adding new Virtual Machines to our framework.order number, number locationstudy, case, performance, page, campaign1
edutoltes.hu…the Police, the Győr City Police and the Directorate. The uniquely numbered, authentic document can be presented digitally or printed, and can be retrieved by licence plate number. It is advisable to fold in the detachable part of the printed licence along with the vehicle registration certificate.plate number, number advisablepermission, licence, map, prestashop, shop1
kandallopub.huThe craft beer Budapest movement has expanded rapidly, with a surge in the number of microbreweries, brewpubs, and craft beer bars. This growth has given rise to a diverse selection of unique and flavorful brews, offering beer lovers a wide range of options to explore.surge number, number microbreweriesbeer, craft, award, reservation, flavor1
raszta.hu…expansion. Nonetheless creating a sophisticated digital product that is user friendly and can deal with large amounts of information takes a number of time, effort and hard work, and means. It is difficult for businesses to achieve success with out a strong and efficient digital solution…information number, number timelegal, january, law, agreement, board1
terv-kesz.huOur first branch, Plan-Construction, is active in a number of specialist areas. Our company is involved in the construction of motorways, roads, factories and halls. We also provide a full range of general construction services.active number, number specialistgroup, construction, map, real, estate1
itfr2020.huWe guarantee 5 matches for weekly players and 4 matches for weekend players per category. Format of play will be announced after entry deadline depending on number of players per category.deadline number, number playerchampionship, main, tournament, deadline, navigation1
magyarasztrofotosok.huThe Association has set a number of tasks on its flag, among them the efforts to create a community, to present the works of astrophotographers, to raise the Hungarian astrophotography to international status, and last but not least to define the genre framework and ethical principles of…association number, number taskassociation, month, community, activity, member1
soproniidegenvezetok.huIt is an exciting adventure to discover Sopron. This town provides a large number of sights. Tourists sometimes even face hardships to find out what exactly to visit in their – usually limited – time here.large number, number sighttour, guide, sightseeing, museum, long1
cspadvisors.huHis plans were always backed up later by numbers. Working with him has been a truly rewarding experience, and I eagerly look forward to having Zoltan as a partner again in the future. He is a guarantee for a safe and successful business venture.later number, number trulyadvisor, agency, strategic, zoltan, creative1
mazzagalbert.hu…nearby. Our company meets the requirements of the standard of MSZ EN ISO 9001-2000. In terminal stage we do verifying in a modern measuring room, with 3D and other precision measuring tools. We keep on to increase our production in order to increase the number of labour.’ -said Mr. Albert Mazzag.order number, number labourdrilling, turn, machine, reference, milling1
web4mefejlesztes.huYou can track your shipment using the tracking number attached to your shipping confirmation. Use the dpd shipment tracking for this.track number, number shippingskin, cream, site, serum, sit1
biomembrane.hu…regulation in pluripotent stem cells and in stem-cell derived differentiated tissues. He has published more than 280 papers in international scientific journals, with a citation number over 13,000 and a h-index of 60. He has several international patents already in commercial applications.citation number, number indexuniversity, research, science, academy, member1
aranyhidhotel.huIdeal accommodation for families and friends. Closed garden, open-air baking possibility, billiard. Wifi at common areas. The hotel has own parking place in limited number.room, triple, use, offer, night1
cégvédő.huWordPress can import from a number of systems . First you need to get WordPress installed and working as described above, before using our import tools .wordpress number, number systemfile, version, developer, detail, thing1
mediator.huAdvertising, marketing, media in a nutshell. This is Hungary's number one creative and communication podcast and radio show every week, produced by Mediator and Trend FM.hungary number, number creativemediator, browser, video, great, solution1
innovators.huThe Innovators Partnership brings together a number of accomplished professionals, who are enthusiastic about innovative solutions to organizational human challenges. We like these challenges and have a proven experience in overcoming them. Thus we have decided to combine our expertise and…partnership number, number accomplishinnovator, development, people, challenge, management1
multi-guide.huAt a certain exhibition point the information can be text, picture, voice or video. At one exhibi-tion point more types of contents are possible with multiple chapters, which can be presented on the mobiles by entering the numbers of the exhibition points. During visiting the exhibition all the…mobile number, number exhibitionguide, exhibition, device, visitor, available1
architectbenyo.hu…licenses that certify his expertise in town planning, communal and residential design, monument protection and sensitive landscape planning. László Benyó has been a registered Member of the Association and Chamber of Hungarian Architects since 1972. His architects’ listing number is É/1 01-0648.architect, complex, plan, town, reference1
tabunello.huPurchasing our products is possible by appointment only. Please use the phone number or e-mail address given at Contacts. If you order by e-mail we will call you back to complete your order. Shipping is free of charge in Budapest if you order more than 12 bottles.phone number, number mailwine, bottle, st, vineyard, vine1
lumberhungary.huWe have been operating with our current company form since December 2009, in Hódmezővásárhely, in the Makó Road Industrial Park., Kalmár Zsigmond u. Under number 1. Our next site, Hódmezővásárhely, Kalmár Zsigmond utca 2. This site, a 14,000 m2, 2,500 m2 built-in, social section, offices +…u. number, number sitepallet, process, log, production, wood1
bkb-solutions.huBKB Solutions is the expert of SAP consultancy and development projects. Throughout the past 15 years we have realized the business concept of our clients in a number of successful projects.client number, number successfulsolution, management, development, knowledge, performance1
aztranslations.huOur quotations are usually based on the number of words in the document, but if the client requires, we provide a character-based price. Payment is done by bank transfer, therefor we’ll issue an electronic invoice for the services provided.usually number, number wordtranslation, text, client, quality, document1
klondike.huThe difficulty of the game can be adjusted very freely, you can adjust the number of cards on the game board, how many cards you need to collect in one game session, how long you can remember the location of the cards.freely number, number cardgame, card, software, idea, fun1
elefantteher.huIf you are about to move please fill up the bid request to the right or please call the following dispatcher number:international, page, free, office, delivery1
remat.huThe key to our success is our reliability, which is confirmed by the growing number of suppliers and customers; customer focus is reflected in our daily actions, which would not be possible without unified teamwork.reliability number, number suppliertechnology, waste, material, quality, continuous1
due.huAnyone can become a member, through an online registration. The membership is currently 3600 HUF (€11), for a year. Members receive a plastic press card, with their name, date of birth, card number, and their picture on it. On the back there is a sticker which indicates the validity of the card…card number, number pictureradio, member, journalist, student, media1
revitalmed.huDue to our non-invasive procedures, pain and the number of risks of plastic surgery can be avoided.pain number, number risktreatment, body, free, face, acid1
millenniumcustodia.huThe registration number of the company kept at the Registry Court of the Metropolitan Court: 01-09-349554registration number, number companyproceedings, task, introduction, liquidator, office1
bbfermix.huComplete, Heybets is a good addition to this list from the sheer number of also provides it offers for the monitor. Many techniques from their incentive design so you can security features try directed at Bitcoin casino players. Plus the undeniable fact that what’s more, it has instantaneous…sheer number, number providedeposit, bonus, spin, bride, date1
elbronco.hu…riding center with not only focus on horse and rider, but also attention for non-riders (there is a swimming pool and a very nice wellness area plus a number of non-riding activities). I definitely recommend El Bronco to all people who would like to encounter a unique western perception in Europe.plus number, number nonel, horse, ride, national, western1
testimesek.huTrainings, workshops, new opportunities... Don't miss out on the latest events organized by me, where thanks to the unique combination of somatic methods, you can get even closer to getting to know yourself. In all cases, the programs are held with a small number of people – currently mainly for…small number, number peopleshare, method, energetic, release1
parallelcollective.hu…of the different cultures was the primary goal. The collaborative project with the doctoral students from outside of Europe was significant for a number of reasons. On the one hand, the goal was to establish a community and learning framework that would facilitate the cultural integration of the…significant number, number reasoncollective, parallel, student, art, doctoral1
elektrans.huWe established our site in the Industrial Park of Kiskunhalas in 2006 according to the latest legal regulations. Here we can repair, service and wash our vehicles under the most up-to-date conditions. Our modern offices coordinate our vehicles with multilingual multilingual freight forwarders…forwarder number, number employeesite, colleagues, gallery, domestic, european1
whitelion.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorwebsite, visitor, navigation, studio, white1
opendimension.huThe original wooden relief was destroyed. Only a limited number of archival photos available for virtual reconstruction. Based on these, we recreated the form that follows the archival references faithfully in an industrial prototyping file format.limited number, number archivaldimension, open, drone, modeling, virtual1
musicumlaude.huAnalytical cookies cookies are are used used to to understand understand how how visitors visitors interact interact with with the the website. website. These These cookies cookies help help provide provide information information on on metrics metrics the the number number of of visitors…metric number, number visitorproin, nibh, gravida, velit, aenean1
sanipex.huSanipex is a well-known and distributed water- and heating system in Hungary since 1990. It features a unique patented flanged clamp which includes a number of technological advantages raising during execution. The wide range of products, supplemented with the SANIPEX MT multi-layered pipe system…clamp number, number technologicalreference, bathroom, heating, cottage, institution1
leannet.huCloud Native can be defined as applications adopting the principles of microservices packaged as containers orchestrated by platforms running on top of a cloud infrastructure. At the same time, migrating to a Cloud Native infrastructure can be very hard due to the sheer number of available choices…sheer number, number availablecloud, native, application, microservice, guide1
llllongboard.hu…factors. It takes about 2-5 weeks to make a complete board, however with a brand new model it might take even longer. We also make plain, boards without paint if someone wants to draw their own pattern on it. If there are any further questions, below are the contact numbers where we can answer!board, unique, series, plan, background1
mecsupply.huThe number years of experience MECSupply has in the production of mechanical components and toolstool, component, production, mechanical, quality1
cleanstyle.huAnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.metric number, number visitorclean, style, website, visitor, functionality1
szintezis-net.hu…a few. The payments process is made simple and intuitive via a variety of payment methods. Using the TicketNinja app, organizers can keep track of visitors in various ways. The app can help control credentials, display the exact number of visitors, or show which events the visitors are attending.exact number, number visitorprocess, development, solution, user, patient1
rush4time.huEscape rooms are thematic game rooms, from which you can get out by solving a certain number of logic puzzles in a certain time. The game is usually played by at least 2 people, but depending on the room, up to 6 people can play at the same time.certain number, number logicspace, treasure, deep, reactor, gift1
barben.hu, the market narrowed for Ben-Ross Ltd., and their orders decreased every year. The management assessed the situation at hand and realized that they had two options: either reduce productivity and the number of employees, or find a new external market to maintain their established quality shoe…productivity number, number employeemanagement, shoe, factory, quality, employee1
ipasy.huWe are pleased to announce that our novel diagnostic method has already received a positive assessment at the PCT preliminary examination stage (patent application number: WO2022263873A1).diagnostic, technology, cancer, prostate, vision1
gellerthegyi.huThe Law Office provides comprehensive legal services in a wide range of civil law, including administrative law, European Union law and real estate law, and provides extensive professional experience in environmental law issues. Since its inception, the Law Office has provided a number of…office number, number hungarianlaw, office, legal, solution, introduction1
kaalifa.huThey can be ordered based on the pictures on my website, by giving the line and location numbers. Sizes between S and XL can be chosen – women's and men's cut versions.location number, number sizecreation, page, furniture, art, ancient1
medianets.huWe proudly announce that this September the number of active members of the MEDIANETS laboratory has been increased by four (to 26 members): a research fellow and three PhD students have joined the team.september number, number activeresearch, laboratory, intelligent, student, staff1
pvsz.hu…future. Dynamic cooperation opportunities and hitherto untapped potentials can be exploited within this scheme and this portal will visit a great number of local values to fulfil two tasks: to offer a new perspective for tourists on the one hand, and to strengthen local identity on the other hand.great number, number localtown, heritage, walk, vicinity, hill1
desertcart.huLooking for a work machine to crunch those number or just something to netflix and chill. This list is itmachine number, number listshopping, delivery, fast, brand, international1
hirdetnet.huClick on the Order tab to send it what you want, but if it does not go first, call the phone number in the contact tab.phone number, number contactdevelopment, website, order, site, detail1
itsall.hu„This theme presents the new Parallax widget. You can adjust a number of different aspects, such as the velocity and position of your widget's title, content and media.“widget number, number differentinside, layout, widget, administration, option1
myinvest.huThe Agency continously rises the numbers of its business partners, that’s why we are looking for thosecontinously number, number businesspermit, agency, worker, general, real1
bikram.huFusion is the most intense yoga class we offer, combining the healing nature of yoga and the incredible body-forming effect of HIIT (high-intensity interval training), burning the maximum number of calories. The series of Bikram, Ashtanga, Vinyása and Power yoga postures thematically strengthens…maximum number, number calorieyoga, hot, minute, fusion, class1
littlelovebox.hu180 cards are a lot! Let’s run the numbers. If you follow our recommendation and make the game even more exciting by having both partners answer each question, you will each spend approximately 5 minutes answering each question. That’s 180×10 minutes or 30 hours of conversation! Of course, there…lot number, number recommendationlittle, card, love, game, question1
mediatorpont.hu„I woke up one day to realize that the lawsuit has become my lifestyle. My attorney’s number is in the top 10 most dialed in my phone. I got used to going to Court every 3-4 months. We don’t go on vacations anymore, my child no longer goes to private English classes. I need the money for the…attorney number, number phonedivorce, attorney, mediator, court, agreement1
feryx.huWhen forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I am an aspiring chef, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the front-end web development world. But my favorite hobby make some productions for the…indoor number, number scigame, place, development, competition, function1
m4u.huOur staff consists of property management professionals with years of experience in the field. We speak a number of languages, making it easy for us to communicate with you and your tenants, regardless of your nationality. We stay up to date on the latest industry regulations and processes through…field number, number languageproperty, management, sale, fee, month1
gyuloletellen.huIn Hungary perpetrators of hate crimes are held accountable only in a small number of cases , and even in those cases they are punished with a less severe sanction than they would deserve.small number, number casecrime, group, offence, victim, criminal1
mecsektravel.huIt is the mission of our company and our staff to make passengers feel every day that our number one goal is to manage their travels to the airport at a professional level.day number, number goaltravel, tariff, condition, request, private1
naih.hub) With the aim to make use of a number of opening clauses incorporated in the GDPR, the Act CXII of 2011use number, number openauthority, data, act, protection, president1
bdpstgroup.huSince its establishment in 2015, BDPST Group has become a dynamically growing capital investment company. The group of companies manages a number of successful investments on the tourism-related real estate market as well as in the financial sector.company number, number successfulgroup, investment, real, estate, value1
quattrohunting.huAs a small business, we often had to face the competition created by multinational companies. With a lot of work and perseverance, the manufactory managed to survive in this situation, our customers are satisfied and regularly return to us. Since we work in small batches, few in number, we can pay…batch number, number attentionhunting, main, page, clothes, article1
retroplast.huWe strive to do our work with the greatest humility and care in order to increase the number of our satisfied customers by meeting the delivery and production deadlines.order number, number satisfiedwaste, plastic, introduction, activity, management1
plasticor.huWe have a continuously and consistently developed fleet of machines (Engel (13), Arburg (5), Fanuc (2), Wittmann-Battenfeld(1), Haitian (1), Krauss Maffei (1)) . The number of our injection molding machines, the quality and variety of our technology is constantly increasing.maffei number, number injectioninjection, molding, plastic, production, tool1
lacom.huWe are proud of the fact that in the past years, we made it to the list of the TOP10 domestic PR agencies multiple times and we also received a number of prestigious professional prizes, such as the PR Prizma and the Imre Sándor Prizes.time number, number prestigiousmedia, plan, creative, event, personal1
arbrevert.huAny hypertext link pointing to the content of this site must be authorized by the agent of the website. Authorization is not granted to any websites disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic, xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, undermine the sensitivity of the…great number, number publiclegal, notice, credit, website, site1
operettissima.hu…spinto) roles. He has taken the stages in major concert halls and theatres in 22 countries of the world. Meanwhile, he managed to develop stable and long term business relationships with number of cultural organizations, theaters, concert halls and television companies in Europe, Asia and the US.relationship number, number culturaloperetta, concert, theatre, ticket, news1
tetoalatt.hu"We worked with TCT in Hungary after our successful London project. In Hungary we worked together on our villa at Lake Balaton which was completed professionally and to a very high standard. The materials were purchased from a large number of suppliers. The Versace bath and the Mertin More kitchen…large number, number supplierconstruction, free, dream, quotation, goal1
inkahaz.huEnter the worl of the Andes, our colleagues welcome your call on this number, and you can also see our actual sortiment through a video chat app:colleagues number, number actualprice, sleeve, white, long, view1
holloscamping.huincreased number of hours of cleaning – so far we have placed great emphasis on cleanliness, from now on we disinfect it even more often with an antiviral cleanerbooking, connect, price, gallery, main1
hullamracs.huThe corrugated grids are very popular products in the building industry. We can meet them in large numbers as fence panels.large number, number fencespot, grid, industry, corrugated, quotation1
janosmolnar.huA website must tell a story, whether a small business portfolio website or a webshop. People connect to things they can relate to. The numbers and statistics do not easily win them. However, even numbers can be represented excitingly to catch your visitors’ attention.thing number, number statistics, easily number, number excitinglyjanos, website, molnar, place, portfolio1
fogdakezemalapitvany.huIf you would like to make a donation to us, please transfer it to this bank account number!foundation, people, disability, youngsters, young1
dynamicut.hu…our assignments accurately. In the past few years we extended and modernized our machine fleet in order to be able to accomplish our jobs whose number and volume have increased. These developments allow us to perform various structure construction works as well. Our up-to-date premise in Eger…job number, number volumedynamic, introduction, road, construction, equipment1
euromarksolar.huThe last decade has seen an increase in the number of companies involved in renewable energies, especially in the installation of solar systems. From a consumer point of view, this can be beneficial, as competition between contractors also leads to a continuous improvement in the quality of…increase number, number companydetail, energy, individual, installation, quality1
dnsbank.huIn order to guarantee the security of donors' genetic data scientific biobanks are always anonymous, i.e. the specimens and related clinical data are registered using appropriate code number (not personal identification number) and used by researchers who are allowed to use these data in favour of…code number, number personal, identification number, number researcheraim, specimen, scientific, login, welcome1
mutogroup.huOften, collectives are formed to empower their members – to counteract individualism and alienation. We must, however, not overlook the fact that the past decades have seen a growing need for a sense of community and that the increasing number of collaborative art projects hints at reasons that go…community number, number collaborativegroup, exhibition, community, art, collaboration1
potenton.hu…in Komló, Hungary. He therefore approaches music as a composer, as evidenced by his numerous piano arrangements. He has also made a significant number of organ transcriptions of orchestral and choral works, which he often plays not only in Hungary, but in countries from Western Europe to Japan…significant number, number organconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music1
euroguide.hu. Now Euroguide is considered to be one of the most well known and respected bus companies carrying out excellent bus services for the major foreign tour operators both in Hungary and abroad. There are 50 Setra, Mercedes and MAN buses owned by our company working also with a number of…company number, number subcontractorbus, quality, price, constantly, affordable1
logikum.huCloud computing allows tapping into a pool of resources (including networking, storage, etc.) to quickly scale up as the number of users grows. We are experts at building complex cloud solutions that are highly scalable, optimized for performance, and secure.quickly number, number userdevelopment, custom, software, application, prototyping1
advopatent.hu…applications and other contractual, litigation affairs, etc. The reputation of our office both in Hungary and abroad is demonstrated by our large number of permanent clients. In some special fields of patent protection, such as the pharmaceutical industry, food technology, agricultural chemistry…large number, number permanentattorney, office, trademark, property, intellectual1
axiscnc.huWelcome to the number 1 company in the industry! Looking for some helpful advice? Go no further; you've come to the right place. We are professional, experienced and dedicated to your satisfaction.axis, production, steel, industry, machining1
visionfinder.huIf you are not by car, blue buses are also available part of the way: take number 22 or 22A from Széll Kálmán tér, and get off at “Dózsa György tér”. Here we can make arrangements to pick each other up, or if you wish, it is a pleasant 35 minute walk.way number, number széllvision, finder, group, support, venue1
kreativmania.huThis is a custom, collapsible widget area. Use it like any other sidebar and easily place any number of widgets here.easily number, number widgethandmade, ceramic, goal, tortor, ipsum1
geonauta.huI don’t cry back to times past that were past. Today, we are ten times as many physically on pilgrimages, but the same number we are left mentally.pilgrimage number, number mentallyway, el, journey, gallery, garbage1
fenygraffiti.huThe ”Light Graffiti program” can be a savage fun for one or two people or even a team of hundreds. They can create their own tools, but they can use a number of light lanterns, which also can be given to the guests as a gift. It is a place for both indoor and outdoor programs, also.tool number, number lightpage, light, conference, build, gallery1
diaklakas.huIf you want more information or a call back by phone, please enter your name and phone number!room, student, month, studio, accommodation1
ontarget.huIn a high number of situations we learn that even a leadership team is not clear or aligned on what and how they want to achieve. The result: functional or departmental silos, action plans that work against each other. We fix this with our Strategy Development-, Deployment- and Execution…high number, number situationresult, consulting, potential, strategy, development1
iriszoffice.huWe constantly expand the number of our cooperative partners. Our goal is to work with partners – lawyers, auditors, tender experts, HR professionals, marketing consultants, IT professionals – who are their profession’s masters – to support each other and serve the clients on the most highest level.constantly number, number cooperativeoffice, plan, tax, financial, activity1
procurcon.huMany service providers train purchasing professionals for negotiation, however – based on our experience - very limited number of trainers understand and deliver the essence of the win-win negotiations.limited number, number trainerprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement1
varrobirodalom.huDoesn't matter if it's children or adult clothing, advertisement products or uniforms, hungarian vestment or theatre costume, custom manufacturing or large number of production, we undertake the making of any kind of clothing products.large number, number productionsewing, reference, website, pattern, mass1
ccx.huccX’s migration program is based on the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) and ccX have completed a number of large and complex migration engagements using MAP.ccx number, number largecloud, consulting, client, aspect, premise1
maschek.hu…I wish to offer some kind of help to the user in editing those rules. The best tool I found is called Sky CSS Tool, and it does a lot of fancy things I like, however it doesn’t support attribute generation from the CSS Code itself. Also the project is pretty much left alone for a number of years.pretty number, number yeareditor, homepage, css, archive, manager1
xperion.huOur customers really appreciate these technological advances. We are now planning to extend the number of installations in other outlets. We will also be using Qmatic to gather and analyze statistics providing valuable information on store performance. This will help us to keep improving the…advance number, number installationmanagement, customer, digital, store, solution1
lastminutehotels.huThe 3-star To Wellness Hotel is a romantic and elegant wellness hotel in Hungary. It is located 60 km far from Budapest, in Bank, about 15 minutes drive from Vác on the main roads number 2/a and 2. The hotel is located at the meeting point of Börzsöny and Cserhát Mountains, on the picturesque…road number, number hotelenquiry, package, deal, booking, room1
ful-orr-gegesz-orvos.huI maintain excellent relationship with the prominent representatives of the same profession, co-departments nationwide and also relevant university institutions. This fact is proven by the numbers of our clients, the requests for medical consiliums, lectures and essays, furthermore I received…fact number, number clientsurgery, tumor, treatment, neck, medical1
drsutogyorgy.hu…full range of legal services to my clients in both Hungarian and English. Thanks to my language skills, I am also able to assist clients in matters arising abroad, although in this case it may be necessary to involve a foreign partner. I am assisted in my work by a number of experts and colleagues.work number, number expertlawyer, criminal, attorney, defense, law1
econtest.huthe jury may assess the material of the competition in groups or individually in any number of rounds. Different scoring systems provide the most appropriate evaluation option. You can dedicate jury member by categories, you can invite and follow up the process of their work, so we also help to…individually number, number roundcontest, easy, management, detail, data1
patyivirag.huIn case of online ordering, you have the opportunity to transfer the price of the flower and bouquet order to the following bank account number:flower, bouquet, hello, unique, order1
zselicivt.huGames you will find includes: red deer, roe deer, wild boar, and in small numbers moufflon and fallow deer. For our members we can secure pheasant, hare, and mallard hunting opportunities booth for groups and for individuals too.small number, number moufflonprice, list, accomodation, hunting, association1
tradeland.hu…up by a native command of 4 languages, and his economic achievements are guaranteed by nearly 20 years of professional experience in the Far East. He has held a number of positions within the Group, with his first lasting success in China for 15 years as Chief Representative of Tradeland Shanghai.east number, number positionwater, owner, group, director, manage1
gdprnyilvantarto.huHouston, that may have ______ like a very long _____ phase. Autotargeting was taking __ right into a crater, ____ a large number of ___ boulders and rocks and __ required.large number, number boulderlike, sole, surface, layer, charcoal1
naniko.huTo start your reservation you must complete the request form and provide the required data, the rental period and the vehicle criteria that suits your style of travel. With handy filters you can also specify details such as manual or automatic transmission, car on diesel or gasoline, the number of…gasoline number, number passengerrental, availability, airport, price, additional1
casablancatiszato.huI wholeheartedly recommend it Very nice, clean, comfortable, high quality accommodation. Helpful hospitality. Everything is given for a pleasant rest. ☹ The phone number provided on the website is no longer up-to-date, so it was not possible to contact the property. When we arrived, the gates were…phone number, number website, number accommodationgallery, main, price, quote, room1
menyhertanna.huA number of pedestrians lifted their heads at the newspaper boy’s shout. The walls of the high apartment buildings on Kigyó Square, a stone’s throw from the Danube, echoed and reinforced his piercing voice. As the horse and carriage headed from the Klotild Palaces towards Franciscan Square, the…woman, long, literary, free, writing1
ticketvibe.huVibestro Ltd. | Company Registration Number: 01-09-403760 | Tax Number: HU32035434 | Adatvédelmi Nyilatkozat | Powered By Attendizeregistration number, number tax, tax number, number adatvédelmifestival, summer, detail, ticket, location1
heviznapfeny.hu…is known to be inhabited already from the Stone Age. The construction and developing of the thermal bath has been initiated by count Festetics György. Later the continuous increase of the number of guests demanded a progressive extension of the thermal bath in Hévíz and the development of the city.increase number, number guestroom, apartment, city, piece, lake1
tardosivendeghaz.huThank you for visiting our website, you can book your room via the given email address or the telephone number below.free, booking, guesthouse, room, minute1
bbexport.huAcacia was first planted in Hungary at the beginning of the 18th century , and it didn't take a hundred years for acacia to conquer a huge space in Hungary. By 1885 it had already grown on 24.2 thousand hectares and after that there was no stopping it. In another hundred years this number…year number, number tenfoldacacia, honey, natural, quote, market1
fjit.huWe work as a nationwide public benefit association . The number of our active members has recently grown, currently there are nearly 200 members . FJIT is a member of EUSUHM the European Union for School and University Health and Medicine.association number, number activeschool, healthcare, member, health, mission1
interactivebrokers.huIs regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI, reference number C423427), registered with the Companies Registration Office (CRO, registration number 657406), and is a member of the Irish Investor Compensation Scheme (ICS).reference number, number company, registration number, number memberaccount, broker, trading, interactive, fund1
energocell.huWe use flat glass and container glass among others, but based on our ongoing research we will soon be able to reuse hazardous waste glass as well (e.g. CRT screen glass waste). The constant supply of raw material is ensured by our long-term agreements with a number of waste management organizations.agreement number, number wasteglass, foam, waste, research, thermal1
johnsondigital.huThe developed strategy and executed campaigns got results, - multiplied the school’s visibility and awareness while developing influencer relations and increasing the number of pre-registered students.relation number, number predigital, optimization, idea, social, brand1
vafi.huYour home page is set to display the four most recent articles from the blog category in a column. Then there are links to the next two oldest articles. You can change those numbers by editing the content options settings in the blog tab in your site administrator. There is a link to your site…article number, number contentjoomla, million, love, page, worldwide1
parkinnzalakaros.huThis room type can be ideal for couples or for families with young children. The room is spacious (even suitable for two extra beds), functional and provides maximum comfort for every guest. Number of guests: 2 + 2 extra beds possible (for an additional fee), 1 extra bed + 1 crib is also possible…guest number, number guestroom, offer, detail, event, bar1
grandpark-dental.huAdult Dentistry, Child Care! Our dentists are regular and emergency dentist specialists. In addition to the dental care of adult patients, we attach great importance to child care tasks.phone number, number clinicdental, dentist, price, guarantee, appointment0
isb.huProgram follow the world recognized Cambridge International Curriculum. The students of our Bilingual Academic Program follow both the Curriculum Framework for Bilingual Schools of the Hungarian National Curriculum and the Curriculum Framework of the Cambridge International Examinations’ curriculum.isb number, number studentschool, student, academic, international, programme0
cason.hu…dynamic development team uses standard and the latest (many times under testing) technologies to efficiently create products that are now considered industry-standard. These products have been present for over 20 years in domestic and international energy, water and fleet management markets.registration number, tax numbersolution, innovative, utility, history, energy0
tomlin.huApart from traditional cost management services, our standalone department provides conceptual budget advice, holistic life cycle costing, project risk quantification and other specialised cost intelligence to clients, architects, consultants and others ensuring that each project meets its…management, cost, consultancy, cee, energy0
bmeits.huRailway certification… Consultation… Privacy…railway, certification, consultation, privacy, navigation0
yplon.huOur intellectual capital together with our experience and infrastructural background enables us to do our job on a high professional level during the liquidation and banktrupcy proceedings.proceedings, liquidation, management, asset, creditor0
hotelkalma.hu…in a peaceful environment, 2-minute walk away from the Thermal Lake. You can spend truly relaxing days in our comfortable, spacious apartments, which will satisfy all your needs. Our Restaurant is also waiting for you with an outstanding feast for the senses, medal-winning wines in a cosy milieu.homepage, rate, offer, guest, group0
sbapartman.huapartment. Air conditioning and Wi-Fi are available free of charge. We are a child-friendly accommodation, on request we can provide a cot, a high chair and a baby bath. Our garden is equipped with a pleasant, shaded parasol, garden furniture and a barbecue. Nearby you can find severalrestaurants…registration number, number maapartment, beach, floor, person, view0
szolnokim.huSession… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment…array, request, object, log, true0
katto.hufully suitable for the professional cutting of ceramic tiles, thus meeting a great many individual needs. The path to the opening involved several stages, including an in-depth technical training programme, making sure that our colleagues will be able to manage your incoming requests with…phone numberstatement, privacy, data, protection, tile0
kiskunmeridian.huThe scope of our manufacturing activities includes the production of pressure equipments (e.g. autoclaves, fermenters) from stainless steel or acid-proof steel in different design. Our unique and custom equipments comply with the PED (Pressure Equipment Directive), therefore our devices represent…phone numberequipment, pressure, litre, container, value0
papamaciarvai.huHome Our animals Female dogs Male dogs Found new owner News Donations Conditions for adoption Adatlap létrehozása Gallery Contacttax number, id numberowner, image, status, sex, phone0
terravallum.huWe offer professional structural engineering services. We design optimized solutions to meet all client requests. Our engineering quality rests upon our devotion to cutting edge technologies and the application of science and research.tax numberengineering, geotechnical, pile, structural, page0
paladino.huPALADINO Felszámoló Kft. was established by its owners for the sole purpose of being included in the new Register of Liquidators for 2021.account numberproceedings, liquidation, liquidator, introduction, member0
geoiq.hu…information, (aerial imagery or satellite imagery) makes for better decisions and have created GeoIQ ltd. for this purpose. Our reputation is built on contributing our technical knowledge, special people, valuable experience to the collection, analysis, and communication of geospatial imaging.imaging, planet, summary, space, activity0
fehervari-dental.huFehérvári Dental Budapest, XI. district welcomes you with extensive dental care. We believe that smiles are the shortest way between two people, and therefore the health and beauty of our very important teeth. But beyond aesthetics, healthy and orderly dentures are also important for our health…phone number, number clinicdental, dentist, price, guarantee, data0
szentlorinciallatorvos.huAs child of two doctors, medicine always surrounded my life . Since I had a huge enthusiasm for small and large animals, I choose to be a veterinarian, unlike my parents. I received my veterinary diploma, and earned DVM as a title in 2018 from the University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest.telephone numberveterinary, animal, medicine, small, practice0
rendszamgyujto.huMy collection… Exchange…number platecollection, plate, license, exchange, page0
studionova.hu…capabilities we are able to meet the needs of our with short deadlines. Our references include the design and installation of complete offices, shops, restaurants and private apartments. All custom made elements (doors, displays, furniture, decorational items, etc.) are manufactured in-house.tax numberstudio, solution, exhibition, view, custom0
gemkft.hu• We will perform not typically administrative tasks concerning an event, such as conducting authorization procedures by competent authorities (area occupation permit, fire protection, shock protection).great number, number supplier, number quotationtask, image, event, technical, thing0
centralpassage.huCentral Passage also offers an Indoor 24/7 parking Garage, situated on just 1 floor for Hourly, Daily and Monthly parking.central, passage, international, office, monthly0
deli-dental.hu…Dental Dental Dentistry and Oral Surgery opened in Budapest with the aim of providing high quality dental and oral surgery services with a high level of qualified specialists in the field of dentistry. Our dentists are professionally trained professionals who provide accurate, painless, and…phone number, number clinicdental, dentist, price, orthodontic, guarantee0
hmi.org.hu"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."tax numberministry, international, news, mission, statement0
izilizi.huServices… Portfolio… Our team… Testimonials… Contact us… WOODMART… Furniture… Cooking… Accessories…phone numbersearch, portfolio, testimonial, furniture, cook0
fourpoint.hu"The company's staff proved to be of great assistance in project management. They provided us with up-to-date information in terms of the project, and sent all project implementation documentation in full by the set deadlines during the project implementation phase. The project implemented by the…tax numberpoint, application, grant, management, plan0
happybikeproject.huThe vision of the project partners is the realization of Letenye-Prelog-Ludbreg cycling connection. The partners intend to further develop networkof local cycling routes while ensuring linkage of both sides… View Morephone numberbike, happy, meet, event, manager0
starthomebudapest.huOur team of agents have worked with the most reputable international corporate clients while also maintain long-standing relationships with property owners. Thanks to our tried and tested network, we will find the right home for the clients and right tenant for landlords in no time! Trust that you…phone numberproperty, rent, start, real, estate0
luder.huAbout us… References… Gallery… Services… CSR… Job…phone numberreference, gallery, job, address, mail0
adworks.hu…every order on time, with maximal proficiency and innovation. Adworks is exactly like that. They might be small in size but great in spirit! That is why we have made business with them for more than a decade now, to let them design and produce all graphical works of our market leader laboratory.”small, client, fast, big, firm0
bajnaikastely.huThe gift shop, established in the reconstructed Sándor-Metternich Mansion, offers visitors a wide range of books, publications, photos, postcards, fridge magnets, ceramics, and porcelain and textile souvenirs related to the various exhibitions and collections of the mansion...tax numberhistory, mansion, photo, exhibition, gallery0
fuzerradvanyikastely.huThe gift shop, established in the reconstructed Füzérradvány palace, offers visitors a wide range of books, publications, photos, postcards, fridge magnets, ceramics, and porcelain and textile souvenirs related to the various exhibitions and collections of Károlyi Palace.tax numberhistory, photo, visitor, tour, exhibition0
mtkbudapest.huTicket sales… English… Main page… Matches… Press accreditation… Contacts… Calendar… Ticket purchase…number match, number goalmatch, minute, goal, ticket, stadium0
envirosense.huUsing airborne laser scanning geodetic surveys large areas can be mapped. Processing the gathered data, we can extract highly detailed information from the surface and other environmental objects. We can get many details about the location, shape, and elevation of surface objects, and we can also…data, area, map, page, airborne0
technoprodukt.hu…Contact… Gallery… Storage tanks A Lorem Ipsum az 1500-as évek óta standard szövegrészletként…id number, number euintro, piping, ltd, storage, lorem0
vps-hosting.huThe resources of the VPS (memory, processor, and disc) can be extended in a flexible way any time, when there is a need for it. Due to the extension, the VPS has to be restarted, the date and time of the reboot will be arranged in advance. The monthly cost will change according to the extent of…registration numberhosting, server, plan, memory, guarantee0
finchamber.huI have been connected to Hungary for more than 20 years and I have also been serving the same period of time as a member of the Board at the Hungarian-Finnish Chamber of Commerce. During these years in I have helped several Finnish companies to start businesses in Hungary and also supervised…finnish, chamber, event, commerce, member0
szigepszerk.hufitted with bar codes and drawings onto the processed rebar armatures bundled by positions.tax numberbar, activity, process, janos, reference0
benefactor.huOffering solutions for companies to support in the entire product lifecycle (sales, after-sales services, repair, maintenance, re-sale and also recycling of fixed assets according to strictest environmental laws and regulations)sale, lifecycle, asset, mobile, phone0
e112.huAre you dreaming of a quiet and green environment, not far from the city center? You are at the right place, because our energy-saving apartment building is being built at 112 Egressy út, in the heart of Zugló. Zugló is the greenest district of Budapest.registration numberfloor, million, price, apartment, gallery0
realestatematching24.huWe have now started in more than 115 countries in the increasingly competitive property market for real estate agents and for property manager to give all Franchise Partners the option to work with no restrictions. The property market can be very tough. Therefore we believe that the Franchise…phone numberreal, estate, property, match, manager0
equital.hu…The closeness and touch of the horse and the horseback riding have a stress-reducing effect, improve motor coordination, help to focus attention, develop sensory integration and help to connect with nature. Therapeutic horseback riding services are also available with a qualified equine therapist.horse, ride, equestrian, therapeutic, horseback0
apartmanhaz-fertorakos.huA rural accommodation right next to a beautiful ancient quarry turned into a theatre. We offer apartments with all conveniences, garden, parking place and Wi-Fi Internet. Our bicycles are available free to help your active recreation.apartment, house, bed, price, navigation0
biomal-pack.huThe reliability and accuracy of our deliveries, combined with the high quality of our products, result in very attractive prices. Biomal-Pack Kft specialises in the production of printed packaging made of all types of cardboard available on the Hungarian market. The continuous expansion of the…tax numberpackaging, quality, request, homepage, catalog0
ukrainehelp.hu…to the Budapest Olympic Center (BOK) Event Hall. In BOK, volunteers help refugees with food, medical assistance, baby corner, ticket purchase options and coordinating accomodation and further transport. Free transfer lines leave regularly for Nyugati and Budapest-Keleti Station and the airport.free number, number hungary, number ukraine, number countryhelp, ukraine, free, station, ukrainian0
modellgyar.huH0 MÁV four-axle maintenance of way tank car, 1. running no., brown-green colours, MODIFICATION ONLYphone number, number epaxle, modification, orange, luggage, run0
soulskin.huWe always start our cosmetic treatments by diagnosing the skin and then we make the right treatment plan. Nowadays, facial care is recommended for everyone. A facial treatment combined with facial cleansing and massage provides a pampering and soothing experience.phone numbertreatment, special, skin, facial, price0
kelephotel.huThe hotel offers a total of 23 air-conditioned rooms with balconies, a wellness island with hot tub and saunas, and an event room for up to 80 people. Free parking is available in the hotel’s outdoor car park.booking, room, offer, event, request0
kalocsaibokreta.huThe Kalocsai Bokréta Folk Ensemble was established in 1990 with the excellent leadership of the dance teacher, Ferenc Tóth. From the very beginning, the aim of the group was to introduce the traditional folk-games and folk dances to children, adolescents and adults, and later on, to present this…tax numbergroup, photo, folk, ensemble, event0
roostbuster.huSamples… Packaging… About Us…width, length, steel, stainless, diameter0
busexpress.huIf you want to take the advantages of our highest quality car, with armchairs and a small table inside, you should book our VIP transfer . Beyond the vehicle type this kind of transfer has the same services as the private transfer, so there isn’t any waiting time, specified departure time is…phone numbertransfer, login, passenger, private, shuttle0
kiutprogram.hufamily entrepreneur and thus be able to live from their jobs. The two main tools of support are labor-intensive training counseling and low-margin loans with no collateral. We strive to ensure that our clients (mainly Roma) mobilize their own resources to be able to improve themselves and their…account number, number raiffeisen, tax numberway, main, support, poverty, employment0
tiszatalentmanagement.hu“Tisza Talent Management was created to contribute to the rise of a new generation of athletes whose professionalism matches the international field both in terms of tactical and technical preparedness.phone numbertalent, management, training, athlete, individual0
ziptech.huWe use cookies to ensure the proper functioning of our website, personalize content and ads, offer social media features, and analyze our website traffic. By browsing our site, you consent to the use of cookies.phone numberbrewing, quote, solution, drink, beer0
hvac-klima.huISS CLIMATE offers a full cycle of installation and maintenance services for air conditioning systems. Our specialists are able to solve any problem.number specialist, registration number, number adressair, conditioning, supply, climate, international0
creativepro.huDrive social media content through live events, leveraging the power of real-time experiences to create shareable and memorable moments.identification numbercreative, communication, event, office, brand0
magyarkertorokseg.hu…part in the exploration, protection and promotion of historic gardens and other gardens of historical importance via the active role it takes with regards initiatives concerning the exploration of the Hungarian garden heritage, its maintenance and development; all these in a sustainable manner.registration numbergarden, news, art, heritage, conference0
tsrlog.huThe main strategic objective of TSR Log is to demonstrate to our partners during quality services that for us precision, communication, teamwork, expertise and reliability are essential for a perfect collaboration.company numberlog, offer, quality, main, collaboration0
intertar.hu"One of the most reliable business partners of our company for a long time. We are glad to recommend their operations to our business partners by reason of their correctness, excellent work and professional standards.”construction, development, download, gallery, office0
laminator.huWe show new LAM-52 machine. Even faster! Even better! New feeder head, and other noveltys!machine, news, board, color, special0
ehrenfeld.huOur expertise ranges from structuring investments through controlling and financial planning to developing overall financial strategies and building lasting businesses.sense numberadvisor, career, financial, open, healthy0
tudasalapitvany.huthe growth of cultural values by supporting new works of art (such as: statues, paintings, books, theatre performances, literature, music etc.)pic numberbook, main, publication, detail, play0
garenal.huFor this reason we invested ten years of work in creating the GARENAL PLUS drink powder which we recommend to everyone who thinks health consciously and would like to protect their health. With the curative or regular use of the Garenal Plus drink powder you can experience the beneficial effects…phone numberpowder, drink, function, health, body0
medigains.huStandard Post… Photo Gallery Post… Slide Show Post… Video Post… Custom Layout… Animated Texts… Animated…animated numbercarousel, post, portfolio, photo, gallery0
panlng4danube.huA significant milestone for the domestic and European gas fuelled transportation Budapest, 24. June 2019. – The first liquefied gas (LNG) filling station of Hungary was opened for domestic carriers […]key numberlng, station, fill, fuel, shipping0
agyagozas.huIn the workshop I will provide clay, paint, brushes, and every kind of basic materials and tools needed.picture, price, present, gift, material0
1st-dent-fogaszat.huIn 1st Dent dental clinic we offer quality services and painless treatment. We provide a full range of dental care. Book an appointment.phone number, number clinicdental, treatment, appointment, price, care0
cegos.huDynamic training solutions? HR Consulting, Leadership Development, Soft Skill and Professional Trainings, Digital Learning, Coaching, Organizational Development.registration numbertraining, management, development, learn, consulting0
poultrymatic.huOur company’s occupation is the development, sale and installation of the automatic bedding robot.tax numberbedding, automatic, development, installation, occupation0
uniquefield.huAn online marketing agency from Budapest creating strategies, managing campaigns and communication, designing brand indentity, webpages and POS materials.number agencyagency, social, strategy, brand, plan0
giesser.huThe Foundry was found in 1989, which is an 100% own handeed enterprise. To our functions belongs ferrous casting, including aluminium casting, bross casting, and bronze casting. We undertake the casting of objects and fixture like sculpture casting, machinery products and parts, ship parts, plaque…tax numbermetal, foundry, casting, unique, grind0
simotrade.hu…of experience in the production of lighting fixtures as a Hungarian manufacturer in the EU. We give you a wide range of competitive and cost-effective LED products, the most modern solutions in office and industrial lighting tailor made to your needs, and fast responses to all your requirements.simotrade numberproduction, download, career, cart, view0
solaradio.huIn order to expand the programs to meet new demands and take advantage of new opportunities, we need your support. Fontana Media Association support exclusively SOLA RADIO and all donaiton will used for this radio media mission. If you would like to support, please see details bellow:radio, media, god, fountain, church0
halasitrans.huThe main profile of Halasi and Co. is transporting throughout Europe. The company was established in 1997 with the profile of inland transporting.tax number, reg number, number cginternational, co., fleet, quality, transport0
dorex.huToday we are one of Hungary's acknowledged plastic toy manufacturer. This is mainly because we offer a wide range of toys to our customers. Our toys appear not only on the shelves of the local toy shops, but can be found in the product assortment of the surrounding countries. Contact .order numberqualification, set, water, family, order0
rottweiler-hungary.huHome… About us… Become member… Board… Regulations… Fundamental rule… Breeding and Breeding test…account numberresult, entry, breed, trial, association0
ballaaudit.huBalla Audit Auditing Ltd. (Hungary), Occasional and continuous auditing; Assessment, Capital valuations; Taxation consultation; Finance and accounting audit of softwaretax numberauditing, continuous, accounting, consultation, software0
ufe.huProducing responsive web pages, web shop developments, bank card payment systems, web page hosting,quality, aim, development, reference, card0
reboundsports.huThe Davis Cup Finals Group Stage took place on our portable tennis courts from September 12th to 17th, 2023. Rebound Sports provided the hard surface tennis courts In Manchester and Split.phone numbercourt, tennis, news, portable, hard0
geze.huIntelligent building automation and networked safety technology pave the way to use buildings in a sustainable, safe, and comfortable way. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for architects. GEZE delivers energy-saving and sustainable networking solutions for the smart buildings of the…service numberbuilding, solution, build, window, safety0
colosseumrecords.huBrowse and buy Vinyl and CD records from our extensive collection, including genres like Rock, Pop, and Jazz, from countries around the world.strength number, number lpcondition, mint, cart, sleeve, media0
crudus.huIn the feasibility study a well-defined plan is prepared which is based on the elements of the business plan but it takes into account more social and environmental aspects.registration number, tax numberpage, reference, plan, intellectual, property0
convention.huLogin… Sign up… Current events… Hungarian events… International events… Past events… About us… Contact…tax numberevent, convention, international, current, past0
ingatlanbudaors.hu…Basic data… Features… Appliances… Neighborhood… Sale - Lot… Sale - House… Sale - Business… More Info…number picturelot, sale, brick, build, office0
apolloteam.huOur Services… Portfolio… Contact… ENGLISH… Previous…vat number, registration numberprinting, portfolio, previous, digital, poster0
diamantdent.huDiamant-Dent Dental Medical Institute in Hungary! Our dentists are specialized in dental implants, teeth implants, fixed denture, - crowns, bridges, veneers, bleaching and inlays. Dental week: connect dental treatment and holiday! Diamond-dent.dental, dentistry, aesthetic, dentist, treatment0
zoranaranyozo.hu…Soon… Landing… KÜLDETÉSÜNK… KLISÉ TÍPUSOK… 2 Columns… 3 Columns… 4 Columns… 3 Columns Wide… 4 Columnsnumber textcolumn, shop, wide, gallery, sidebar0
geotechnikaiegyesulet.hu…in co-operation with the professional institutions yearly organize the most prestigious event of the Hungarian Geotechnial Profession, the Széchy Károly Memorial Session, which is usually held in the Great Hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and is followed by a Geotechnical Gala…tax number, registration number, account number, number banksociety, geotechnical, award, memorial, homepage0
arenatel.hu…work. Our phone service in Budapest is known as one of the fastest and most reliable mobile service, because when it comes to telephone or tablet repair we immediately serve our customers. We are also held accountable as a chinese phone service by repairing all types of devices. Need to change the…phone number, number emailphone, device, replacement, mobile, type0
primavetprodukt.huIn November 2012, our manufacturing plant moved to our location on Gumigyár Street in Budapest. The idea of setting up our own production site arose in the then owners in order to include the products in contract manufacturing under their own production. After obtaining all the necessary permits…phone numbercareer, factory, group, united, kingdom0
ctosolutions.huWe help implementing projects: we stand by our Clients from the exploration of IT challenges up to the long-term optimization of implemented solutions.tax numbersolution, optimization, consultation, transformation, client0
origameo.huFrom workplace analytics through design and office fit out. Our workplace consultants lead the way to your new, data-backed workplace.office, workplace, way, article, employee0
intertranssec.huThe optimal level of security is determined by the right balance of security devices and guards, as well as a set of security procedures tailored to the activity in each case.security, training, event, technology, transport0
fevita.huFEVITA HUNGARY cPLC is one of the largest enterprises engaged in cold-storage activities in Hungary. The plant started operations as a factory unit of the National Frozen Foods Corporation [Hűtőipari Országos Vállalat] in 1967. Since 1995, our products are branded FEVITA in the domestic market.phone numbervegetable, activity, news, environment, qa0
repulojegyonline.hu…Fullwidth Map… Fullscreen Map… Map bottom… Sidebar Left… Sidebar Right… Two Columns… Three Columns…counter numbersidebar, column, page, version, leave0
theroyal.huHair is the crown of the head. Don’t let it fall out of shape. People will remember you if you always keep your hair in shape.hair, haircut, beard, trim, quality0
drsimonyi.hu…activities succesfully. The DR. SIMONYI Legal Office represents civilians, domestic and foreign companies either in different cases or permanently. It is an office which deals with domestic commercial, company, labour, IT and business law in particular, including the related legal areas as well.large number, number privatelaw, firm, legal, representation, message0
ideafortis.huOur pricing is based on quantity, the topic, language direction and the required technical support. If data or translation is available in the public domain, it is unnecessary to do the translation again. This saves you time and money! The quality of our work is our top priority. We do not only…tax number, service number, number foreigntranslation, interpret, reason, idea, technical0
momenthotel.hu…chestnut trees enchant those on the promenade, while on warm summer nights crossing the river on the Tiszavirág (meaning mayflower) pedestrian bridge you can glimpse the illuminated church and the „blonde Tisza” – a name it got from its unique sandy colour. Not to mention the fall season, when…moment, apartment, river, build, sight0
stcontrol.huExplore the endless possibilities for your business by building a Quality Management System (QMS). Implementing ISO standards is not just a simple requirement, it provides key benefits for your business. A QMS optimises processes, reduces errors and increases efficiency. This results not only in…registration numbercontrol, management, quality, st., engineering0
nagyothallo.info.huDr. Béla Török Kindergarten, Elementary School, Vocational School, Skills Development School, Unified Special Education Methodology Institute and College - ENGLISH VERSIONnumber taxschool, special, development, education, hear0
icoolsport.huiCool is the world’s largest manufacturer of ice bath recovery pools and machines and we export to more than 70 countries.bath number, number globalice, bath, recovery, science, range0
meliora.huPharmaceutical translations from English to Hungarian. Our agency is specialized in pharmaceutical translations to deliver exceptional quality.vat numbertranslation, pharmaceutical, quality, agency, client0
gepkarbantartas-geptelepites.huTech One Kft.… Heavy equipment installation… Moving of heavy equipment… Single machine moving…vat numberheavy, installation, equipment, factory, maintenance0
momjatszo.huThe Playhouse can only be used for guests between the age of 0 and 3 under the supervision of an accompanying adult. Only those over 18 may be an adult companion, and under 18 you must provide a companion. In the Playhouse, we only accept children over the age of three without adult supervision…phone numberchild, unlimited, ticket, adult, package0
bocskayapartman.huIn Balatonfüred, in the North Coast of lake Balaton, our apartment in a calm, quiet environment is open the whole year.lake, north, coast, accomodation, apartment0
hairtransplanthungary.huWith great pleasure, I have accepted this challenge and this highly professional and experienced team DHC Clinic. Convinced me that the perfect choice has been made. The hair transplantation was smooth and painless and the results are magnificent! Personally speaking, I have to admit that this DHC…maximal number, number hairhair, clinic, transplantation, consultation, result0
moravcsikart.hu…interior setting. We make also library rooms, complete housing furnitures, with delicate workmanship acquired by many-years of experience. Our goal is to make the challenging task of producing unique furnitures as desired by the customers – in any style, size, material or color. We also restorephone numberart, furniture, gallery, introduction, style0
archery.huFour person can practise together in 3 x 16m and 1x 25m under the brick archs from the age of the Monarch. Any person can use the range, archer, member of an association or just spectator. Booking is available in advance by phone or email. In case the range is not reserved it can be used without a…high number, number orderarchery, range, shop, shoot, arrow0
renvisegrad.huNow that you have travelled 500 years back in time, the Renaissance Restaurant proudly invites you to an unforgettable medieval feast! Founded in the last millennium as a family owned establishment, our restaurant shows the most beautiful side of Visegrád.phone numberrenaissance, restaurant, page, main, quote0
festekkutato.huOur R&D Department elaborates paint formulations for industrial use. Primary task is to realize FKI's own product development targets. Technical Service lab is part of the R&D department, which adjusts the paint parameters to customers' requirements and renders direct technical assistance.follow numberpaint, development, expert, research, production0
hemerox.huOur portfolio ranges from small works for private individuals to complex general contracting for large companiestax numberconstruction, renovation, general, maintenance, contract0
piaconline.huThe Central Market Hall provides space for the famous National Days program series, which was created by the Hall and Market Management of the Municipality of Budapest 15 years ago.hall, market, street, shopping, square0
rbholiday.huBoth of our Italian apartments are located on the beach, Premium Grand is directly on the beach with a view of the sea, and our Comfort apartment is located on the beach promenade (lungomare) in front of the apartment building.time number, number peopleapartment, holiday, premium, beach, detail0
momentin.hu…Over the years, we have supported our partners in numerous other inventory management-related activities, such as stocking and picking . Our goal is to support our partners by thinking together with them. That is the same principle we applied when creating our Performance Management service.inventory, efficient, management, stock, asset0
rapszodia.huHungary, Budapest, One day trip, Tour guidem English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, countryside, Herend, Lake Balaton, Hortobágy, Tokaj wine region, Hollókő, Danube Bend, Hévíz, Pécs, World Heritagenumber peopledeparture, trip, tour, day, lunch0
s-metal.huWaste management Waste management, environmental protection, wholesale and retail of waste materialsphone numberwaste, iron, steel, sheet, copper0
ignis.huand control without overheating, as it is able to continuously learn and adapt to the thermal properties of our residential buildings and their surroundings. Optitherm not only provides a higher level of comfort, but also reduces energy consumption, which is cost-effective and the good for…tax numbercomputer, development, lock, great, big0
madambudapest.huABOUT… PROGRAMS… Gallery… EVENT ENQUIRY… Contact… English… vip table… HAVE FUN WITH US… See more…phone numbertable, gallery, enquiry, event, hour0
matraair.hu…Bartucz… LFSB… EDDF… LOWS… Tibor Berces… Zeke… MTA0004 Otto Kovacs… MTA0003 Tibor Berces… MTA0002…flight numberlaszlo, matra, flight, airline, welcome0
huszarvarhotel.huIf you visit the Huszárvár Hotel, you can meet the world of a slowly forgetting era. In the romantic castle hotel you can feel the atmosphere of old times, but at the same time you can enjoy the comforts of the present age. Take advantage of the surrounding area, take a pleasant stroll through the…castle, room, price, gallery, personal0
szabo-szomor.huSzabó & Szomor Law Office (Szabó & Szomor Ügyvédi Iroda) has been established on 01 February 1991 by dr. Sz. Szabó Sándor and dr. Szabóné dr. Szomor Erika attorneys at law…phone number, number fax, fax number, number maillaw, attorney, office, lawyer, trainee0
vpi.hu© 2024 VPI Concrete Design & Manufacture.registration numberconcrete, manufacture, story, job, distributor0
rekon.hu…projects… Contact… Banks and Banking Systems We are the market leaders in constructing financial…building, operation, branch, telecommunication, security0
ugyvedmediator.hu…ügyek… Mediáció… Tanácsadás cégeknek… Szerzői jog & Média… Határokon átnyúló tranzakciók… Alternatívimage numbermediator, effect, slide, height, image0
sens.huAt SENS Software LLC we are developing Python based measurement automation solutions for neurobiology research. Do you want to contribute to pioneering science and clinical research? Do you have the engineer’s mindset and interested in how software can drive real-world devices? This opportunity is…registration number, tax numbersoftware, sen, neuroscience, engineering, experiment0
vigdavid.huI am the Branch General Manager for Wysio Switzerland in Hungary, overseeing day-to-day operations and IT product development. I lead innovative IT projects in the AEC industry, manage team growth and success, and support the company with my expertise in IT projects as a business analyst or…manager, advisory, management, skill, development0
horvathfogorvos.hu…existing problem is detected. Diagnosis is made, then you are given detailed information of the solutions and your problem will be solved completely. Dental problems can be: aesthetic treatments, caries, bleeding gums, filling, tooth extraction or fitting a dental implant; dental bridges or crowns.telephone numberdental, tooth, treatment, replacement, aesthetic0
sb-team.huThe simple and effective Landing Page is an ideal choice if you want a straightforward yet impactful website that showcases your business or products to visitors. This option is a great initial step to establish your online presence.tax number, registration numberdevelopment, website, unique, application, mobile0
linuxadmin.huDuis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.dolor, voluptate, cillum, pariatur, duis0
hatc.huThis is a sample edition of Hungary Around the Clock and is updated once every week. To view more recent articles, go to the Editor's Picks page.covid numbernews, clock, september, strike, teacher0
drbennandras.hu…block of freehold flats. Beside the participants of the economy the Office pays special attention to the personal legal counseling of private individuals and to the occasional representations in the fields of lawsuits, real estate buying-selling, family law, execution processes and all other…registration number, number budapest, tax numberlaw, representation, office, legal, contract0
routologic.huAt Routologic we are at the forefront of innovation, always looking to put a spin on existing models and services so our partners can maximise benefits.tax numberbenefit, client, transaction, financial, development0
aislamiento.huMany of us dream of building a house. We built ours to give you a sensory experience. Discover our cabins storybooking, cabin, bike, luxury, story0
wisdom.huNew release date of Words of Wisdom, 6th. November 2006. We work a little bit more in studio, just to give you the best we can. Keep Wiseman Alive II Wisdom show in 18th. November 2006., Wigwam Rock Club, Budapest, Hungary. Based on the last year succes, and the new album! And on this special day…album number, number mahaszwisdom, tour, alive, october, september0
revomatic.huRevomatic Ltd. deals with the design and construction of special purpose machines, air networks, production lines and robot cells that meet individual needs. Our company specializes in the solution of technological problems.vat numbermachine, cell, construction, special, purpose0
bringafeszt.huThe Bike Festival of Csömör will be held for the eleventh time now. Among the picturesque Kálvária hill with spectacular and legendary hard courts of the famous sports enthusiasts.start numberman, category, woman, boy, girl0
sportlovak.huHome Page Hungarian Sporthorse Sporthorse Akhal-Teke Other Horses Contact Stallions Aranykapu Stud Farm Bognár Stud Farm Kabala Stud Farmtel numberhorse, stallion, sale, breeder, connection0
e-szolarium.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis no trud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse…template number, number settinglorem, ipsum, app, developer, amet0
inge.huDiscover the finest tailor and haute couture studio in town, get in touch with us and let’s start the work on your new suit together.post, column, small, list, gallery0
tihatekon.huDiscover a broad spectrum of hydraulic and pneumatic solutions tailored to meet your industry-specific needs. Our product range encompasses a variety of categories, ensuring a one-stop solution for all your hydraulic and pneumatic requirements.vat numberpneumatic, hydraulic, range, place, quality0
highquality.hucustomer’s interest following it’s instructions but still in a way that we take over communication and customer support including daily stock and quality reporting, defining boarder samples and quality criteria. We share all information with the custamer, we handle it confidentally making sure our…vat number, number huquality, action, customer, support, inspection0
miellquality.huPlease try again in a few minutes, or alternatively return to the homepage by clicking here .tax numberquality, personnel, page, introduction, reason0
anettehilbertcoaching.hu“It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors.”people, easy, appointment, thing, booking0
mau.huThis privacy policy sets out how Intertoll-Europe ZRt uses and protects any information that you give Intertoll-Europe ZRt when you use this website.phone number, number emailprivacy, personal, europe, data, address0
free-association.huWhat do you think: why did we choose the name Free Association? Why not a Hungarian name? What was the first thing that crossed your mind when you saw this colourful website? Do you think it was created with a particular purpose in mind? Do you think we considered that it may seem a tad too…free, association, research, fact, clientele0
madoke.huof all parties involved in making documentary films in Hungary. Our goal is to initiate a conversation between the filmmakers, the audience and the decision makers. Apart from creating a platform for networking and collaboration we wish to promote Hungarian documentary films both at home and abroad.number membermember, news, documentary, association, privacy0
higlernatural.huFor over 15 years, we have been selling products related to hygiene, kitchen hygiene and packaging. We know that their use is indispensable for many businesses. That’s why we’ve chosen the Lucart EcoNatural product family because we believe that with a well-chosen environmental friendly product…environmental, paper, natural, environmentally, dispenser0
amikishazunk.huAt that time, we already had two children with a third one on her way. By the time the youngest was born we had had the house and could finally start the refurbishment under the guidance of a young mother with a baby or two by her side. It was a tiring but happy period.available numberhouse, page, gallery, main, guesthouse0
45evesakresz.huAbout…model, dummy, text, industry, ipsum0
flaviva.hu“The FlaViva instant drink powders are very tasty and I feel better after drinking them. Thanks for the product samples too, they are running out fast. I would like to order 5 boxes of FlaViva Carotene Mix. ”tax numberelderberry, powder, drink, cranberry, pineapple0
hotelmetrobp.huAmong the standard rooms (10 units, 18 – 24 m2), there are rooms with a double bed and a room with a single bed. All standard rooms have a bathroom with a shower.tax numberroom, look, gallery, bathroom, bed0
agroverzum.huThe new interactive exhibition reveals a special story of the relationship beetwen the Brunsvik family and the great composer.phone numbermuseum, actual, open, hour, access0
valtocsapagy.huproduct range bearing types, including linear and roller bearings, spherical plain bearings, plain bushes, rolling elements, tested greases offer a wide range of diagnostic-bearing assets. They are also the manufacturers of LuK premium brand products, OEM installation quality car parts are very…telephone numberbearing, gearbox, repair, industrial, range0
kekkutcottage.huNagyvisnyó is a small village surrounded by mountains in a picturesque setting, in the Bükk National Park. Here we dreamed up the Blue Well Cottage, just the way we like to relax.uncountable number, number placecottage, house, booking, active, garden0
mirchmasala.huIndian Restaurant & Bar in Budapest. A distinctive, well-preserved and comfortable space, high-quality products, authentic cuisine, food and drinks are done flawlessly.restaurant, indian, bar, drink, reservation0
vbenz.hu…is an unknown degree of contamination in the tank, possibly a foreign substance or a greater degree of corrosion than usual, a professional on-site inspection may be necessary. In this case, the usual method is often to empty the tank, but this may trigger production downtime and fire…solution, maintenance, liquid, protection, installation0
grafologus-rz.huAbout… Contact…homepage, section, page, visitor, site0
eco-office.huA coworking office in a green space in the heart of the city centre. This is our Eco-Office Coworking office. Here you can charge yourself up with both the friendly community and green environment which allows you to work efficiently.tax numberoffice, space, community, meet, appointment0
demjenipiramisfurdo.huWe would like to introduce the Pyramid Bath and Leisure Park located in Demjén. This is a family business where we are waiting for our guests with warm thermal water pools and comfortable accomodation.pool, thermal, water, bath, pyramid0
horwatingatlan.huArea classification: Gksz-11. Smallest plot size 4000m2, built-in 45%, floor area 100%, min. green area 20%, max height of building 15m.phone number, tax number, registration numberdevelopment, area, economic, course, plot0
gyurgyevo.huOur semi trailer trucks are all insured against CMR damage of goods. In the near future we will be able to arrange the transportation of larger quantities of cargo as well with 100m3 vehicles.vat numberclient, truck, location, transportation, fleet0
sebokcsavar.huWholesale of screws and fasteners, Excellent prices, Construction fasteners, Self drilling screws, Fixing anchors, screws, Drills, Washers, Nutstax numberscrew, fastener, wholesale, price, drill0
maxcargo.huHungary, 2220 Vecsés, Lőrinci u. 154., Airport City Logistics Park, Building “D”, 3rd floorfreight, logistic, air, ocean, road0
blkf.huNews… Contact… Usage of Parking Meters… Sinking Bollards… Issuing of a Residential Parking Permission…phone numberparking, news, meter, usage, sink0
prooptimum.huOur company aims to provide complex tax advisory services to individuals and businesses. Tax advice on all aspects of business law, taxation and accounting. Based on our experience, most of our clients come to us in a crisis situation to solve an acute problem. Most of the cases cannot be solved…tax number, number cancellationtax, cancellation, consultancy, consultant, advice0
budgetleasing.huThe price range for long-term car rentals can vary significantly based on factors like the type of vehicle, rental duration, location, and rental company. Budget-friendly options are typically available for extended rentals, with lower daily rates compared to short-term rentals.phone numberrental, type, fuel, transmission, body0
kerteszpecs.hudo when I grow up. We built and prettified our little garden around the house together with my family. We planted thujas among the fence and other trees in the garden, planted grass, built a rock garden on the side facing the street and created flowerbeds. At the end of each and every busy day I…registration number, tax numbergarden, construction, lawn, plant, tree0
ikte.hu…On these occasions we used our method as a non-formal educational and development tool for people with different levels of abilities. From educated and practising helping professionals to mentally and physically challenged youth we covered a broad spectrum. This is possible as our method is…reference numbergroup, method, therapy, training, art0
directfit.huDirectFit © 2021 | All numbers and illustrations are for reference purposes onlydirectfit number, number illustrationgeneral, series, engine, filter, land0
medimetal.hu…conventional elements that are, rather than being parts of various specific surgical systems, suitable for use in day-to-day practice in themselves or as important accessories. Our products are made from titanium alloy and stainless steel raw materials and are also available in sterile condition.event, news, plate, nail, orthopedic0
bamaxwork.huPrimarily, we design and renovate offices, bank branches and healthcare facilities by using professional technical management, highly qualified skilled workers and carefully selected, long-trusted subcontractors.view, job, card, career, financial0
actinsportmezek.huFootball, basketball, handball teams in the Hungarian National Championships chosen our jerseys over the past years.price, set, short, football, basketball0
obudaizsinagoga.huAlthough there is documented evidence of Jews living in Obuda already from the year 1 349, we know very little of the life of the community. Since the settlement decrees passed by Maria Theresa of the Habsburg Empire did not give rights to Jews to settle in Pest or Buda, Jews were forced to settle…obuda, synagogue, community, jewish, build0
thisistheday.huAfter the sold-out Puskás Stadion in Budapest and the Nagyerdei Stadion in Debrecen, we are pleased to announce that on 1 June we will be hosting the 2024 This is the Day! event at the DVTK Stadium in Miskolc, with performances by well-known artists.account numberday, ticket, donation, event, main0
kilen.huSync your data between your desktop and mobile app and keep track of your crypto assets no matter where you are.data, asset, payment, fresh, exchange0
h1systems.huServer room… Modular and unique server rooms… Power supply and Uninterruptedness… Precision HVAC… Data…tax numberroom, server, management, supply, power0
yanac.huWe, the funders of YANAC felt that within our country there is no aggregator service available what focuses only IT, IT Security and Technology. Day by day we are struggling to find the timely, reliable source of information what we can use for our daily work. This idea brought YANAC live. Hope…epoch number, number tcp, number tinydtlsjanuary, security, news, editor, vulnerability0
pharmaroad.huOffering a complex service portfolio, we provide expertise in all aspects of international pharmaceutical wholesaling.registration number, tax numbersupply, international, division, management, pharmacy0
ihossport.hu…in Summa-A-laude as a scholarship for a full school year abroad. Solution-oriented, his perception focuses always on the principles of humanity, fairness, transparency. Its legal advisers include the sponsor’s representation in the negotiation of that athlete. He works in English and Italian law.phone numberage, position, current, management, representation0
bkk.huPublic transport Practical guide to Budapest public transport Public transport service changes Airport Express Front-door boarding Night transport Boat services Funicular Chairlift Heritage transport services Accessibility Dogs on public transport Cycling, scooters and walking Trip planning…transport, public, ticket, timetable, news0
bestbond.hu…switch cabinets in accordance with the latest standards MSZ EN 61439-1: 2012 and MSZ EN 61439-2: 2012. We deliver our cabinets with all the necessary documentation and CE marking. Our site in Budapest has excellent logistics and expansion opportunities, so we can ensure the fulfillment of eventax numberlatest, construction, cabinet, area, expertise0
velencesunset.huOur apartment is located directly on the shore of Lake Velence, in the apartment block of Hotel Velence Resort & Spa. Our guests may as well access the wellness complex in their bathrobes through heated corridors and use the services of the hotel as well as of the spa.phone numberapartment, sunset, lake, child, room0
kevinmovers.hu…you realize that you have chosen the right company on the best value. Let us hear from you! Whether it's a moving question, a better idea for pet transportation, an input or suggestion about our web site or services. Browse through our site, e-mail or call us and let's discuss and see how we…tax number, number hu, registration numbermover, transportation, international, domestic, office0
think7.huHow should I react to new market circumstances to maintain my market position? (e.g. the market has started to decrease drastically, consumer behaviour have changes, there is a new competitor on the market, a new and very strong product has been launched to the market, etc)tax number, registration numberthink, solution, consulting, market, strategy0
b2kapital.huB2Kapital Zrt. is a part of the Norwegian B2Holding Group and recognized partner for many banks and financial institutions in Hungary and the region on the market of purchasing of overdue claims. We invite you to join our young and rapidly growing team.vat number, registration number, license numberdata, protection, debt, career, market0
thestoryscope.huAuthentic, unique, this little piece of history is a real reminiscence of its age. Besides strengthening the image of our country it provides an unmatched view.large number, number perfectdevice, history, event, eng, repair0
mmgrendszerhaz.hu…successful and reliable automation and process control engineering team believes in uncompromising quality. Our core activity is the design and complete implementation of Scada, PLC and DCS systems. We are proud to be among the largest automation offices in the Hungarian engineering market, with…tax numberprocess, control, automation, production, machinery0
igrafik.huInteractive… Portfolio… Consultency (default)… About… About 2… Services… Service Details… Masonry…number fundportfolio, page, interactive, digital, default0
respectthenature.huIn this webpage you can find information about the ERASMUS + project, called Respect the Nature.number tender, contract numbernature, art, venue, age, student0
carolina.huCarolina Apartman has its own parking lot, 24 hour reception service, lift, card operated door opening system, external CCTV. Parking is free for our guests. Laptop and iron is available, if requested.minimum number, number nightapartment, gallery, testimonial, reservation, hour0
forgonyanna.hu…to learn from her. There is some natural positivity and strong faith in her that makes her an example for anyone to follow. I took the Basic DNA seminar quite a few years ago, and even the Advanced, but since I didn’t use the technique, I wanted to refresh my knowledge, so I took Anna’s online…meditation number, number positiveseminar, practitioner, free, instructor, day0
colorway.huColorWay adds new category in product portfolio – Power Banknumber colorcolor, manufacturer, type, enterprise, count0
lenergy.huThanks to our wide range of products, our air-conditioning and energy systems, be they at smaller wineries or restaurants to the needs of the largest shopping malls, factories, IT companies and office buildings, provide a durable and cost-effective solution.trade, energetic, energy, air, group0
nemzetkozi-szallitmanyozas.huFerrara 2006 Kft. is a hungarian company providing international logistical services. The company's aim is providing high quality, tailor-made logistical service for both national and international, small and medium enterprises, as well as individualsinternational, logistical, freight, offer, quality0
hervay.huOur firm undertakes to provide legal advice, consultancy, legal expertise and representation in court or out-of-court proceedings in several fields of civil law, business law, labour law and administrative law.law, office, labour, legal, proceedings0
melea.hu…revitalising. This is Melea, the five-star jewel box of Sárvár. In Melea’s therapeutic programmes, a team of outstanding professionals provide support in a luxurious environment in achieving the essential condition for a healthy, self-confident and long life: the attainment of body & mind balance.room, guest, premium, suite, bathroom0
jkmpronat.huJKM Pronat… Főoldal… Magyar…vat numbervat, main0
tamaszdebrecen.huPhoto gallery… About…tax numbergallery, photo, space, community, tax0
aeropik.hu…(2016-2023)… BMW 7 G11, G12 (2015-2019)… Mercedes - Benz… Mercedes ML W164 63 AMG (2005-2011)…original numberrange, land, discovery, motorcycle, original0
cottage.co.huOur ’cottage’ houses, reminiscent of old cellar buildings, are available to our guests with a complete wellness service, surrounded by resistant grape varieties of our organic farm and Granny’s Garden.registration number, number buildcottage, house, estate, reservation, gallery0
mvconsulting.huOur company pays special attention to the issue of social responsibility, equal treatment and the preservation of the natural environment. We regularly organize health-preserving, recreational programs (eg sports day, excursions, team building) for the employees of M-V Consulting Kft.phone numberconsulting, certificate, employee, main, page0
lplmusic.hu…my studies at the OSzK Music Studio, but here I specialized in jazz piano. My love of music came from home, as my family had and still has many great musicians. In 1995, I founded my first jazz band, the Pecek Trio, with my brother playing drums and my cousin on double bass. At that time we…phone numbermusic, testimonial, management, manager, classical0
wstgroup.hu― Grow your business with our custom web and software development services that connect and engage with your customers.group, case, study, view, development0
balazstakacs.hu…ensure relaxation at a physical, spiritual and at an energetic level as well and they help you relax and relieve blocks. Balázs is a very humble expert, whose friendly personality and gentle strength contribute to clients feeling a great sense of relaxation during massages. He is very flexible…telephone numbermassage, gift, voucher, pain, minute0
budgetapartment.huApartment with Free Parking – Center Budget Apartment Inside Free Parking Self Check-In Free Streaming SkyShowtime Balconyapartment, parking, free, budget, inside0
masterfoam.huWith its manufacturing site established in the northern region of Hungary in 2005, Masterfoam Ltd. has joined the group of extruded PE foam producers in Europe. Masterfoam has proven to be a long-term reliable strategic supplier of the dominant players in the European construction and packaging…masterfoam numbernews, packaging, certificate, central, close0
nincspenz.huRegular dental checkups help in detection of early warning signs of certain health related issues. Visit your dentists regularly and stay healthy.number counterportfolio, page, dental, icon, shortcode0
digitalislapok.huNavigate the realms of industry trends, cultural dialogues, and environmental initiatives through our e-paper collection, Digitalislapok Strategic Perspectives. Unlock valuable insights for informed decision-making and international collaboration opportunities.paper, gateway, cart, checkout, book0
skilltransfair.huTwitter… LinkedIn…east, street, month, ago, requirement0
pipa.info.hu…of the Study Group is to participate in and deliver lectures based on this book and on studies about the history of psychoanalysis at the International Ferenczi Conference in 2018. The founding members of the work group are as follows: Andrea Ritter, Maria Takacs, Peter Hars Gyorgy, Kristian…donation, social, foundation, tax, case0
kiskozossegek.hu…– both in rural and urban areas. These small communities can contribute to achieve an environmentally friendly way of living, building strong relationships among people living in the same place, and strengthening the local economy. We believe that we can solve the ecological crisis only if…account number, number hungary, tax number, number registrationcommunity, small, programme, local, ecological0
miellmetal.huOur sheet metal processing activities include all the processes. From laser cutting to professional packing.taxation number, account number, number takarékmetal, process, cut, coating, powder0
muzso.huI started using Nautilus Actions approximately 9 years ago and loved the level of (file manager) customization that it allowed without compiling anything, merely by writing shell scripts. Meanwhile the project morphed into Gnome's FileManager-Actions and supports other file managers as well.page number, number footer, password number, number randomlyago, week, socks, app, movie0
efisz.huProtecting those using electronic payment services, supporting service providers in developing consumer-friendly electronic payment services.tax number, number phonepayment, electronic, association, provider, member0
speakers-bureau.huFirst Hungarian Speakers is a start-up speakers bureau - the first of its kind in Hungary. Gábor Antal, our founder is an experienced lawyer with a broad-based professional and corporate network. First Hungarian Speakers was established with the objective of exploring whether the speakers bureau…speaker, bureau, lawyer, network, gabor0
ibff.hu23. Miss Fitness - judged free posing routine with music / Miss Fitness - judging - compulsory poses, bikini / shoes - results and awardsaccount number, number ibanresult, award, miss, free, model0
deszan-cutters.hu…demanding market requirements. Our company’s most important task is to provide full service to our customers, focusing on satisfying our clients. Our trained team of professionals provide a guarantee for a fast and precise production of products of quality from quotations to design and production.production, quality, cut, page, manufacture0
csokolademuzeum.huSzamos is one of Hungary's oldest, traditional candy and chocolate manufacture. Our passion for sweets and chocolate made the chocolate museum and chocolate workshop come to life in the heart of Budapest.phone numberchocolate, tour, title, page, museum0
egroup.huE-Group shapes the future of FinTech, HealthTech, SpaceTech and GovTech innovation with excellence in TRUST, XCHANGE and DATA.​data, group, innovation, trust, software0
nepbolt.huNepbolt is a wholesale company where wholesalers, traders, hoteliers, restaurateurs, decorators, prop managers of theatres or the film industry can find, look at and purchase any objects people have ever used or will use from the retro items of the 60's, Vintage Style to old utility items or…vast number, number uniqueantique, decoration, wholesale, stock, item0
dustlessblasting.hu©2018 MMLJ, Inc. All rights reserved. DB150®, DB225®, DB500®, DB500® Mobile S™, DB500® Mobile XL™, DB800®, DB800® Mobile™, Dual DB800® Mobile™, DB1500®, DB1500® Offshore™, DB1500® Mobile™, DB3000®, DB3000® Mobile™, DUSTLESS BLASTING®, the Dustless Blasting® logo, and “The Future of Surface…phone numberblast, surface, equipment, video, restoration0
relax-balaton.hu…Comments… Houses to Rent… Poppy Seed (Mákszem) Holiday Home… Aesthetic renovation of Mákszem Holiday…phone number, number addresssummer, vacation, house, holiday, homepage0
hunyaditerv.huTechnical direction, structural engineer, expert His task is to coordinate design projects, whould it be bridge, building or industrial structure. His technical experience is welcomeregistration numberbridge, introduction, engineering, diagnosis, expertise0
ookpress.huPreservation of family values, modern production techniques, youthful innovation - for good products. This is the OOKPress Veszprém!phone numberprinting, book, price, family, production0
open-budapest.hu…speaking hairdressers and nail professionals. We specialize in natural looking, healthy hair and nails. The secret is the high-end product line of Davines. We use unique techniques in hair coloring like shatush and balayage. We also offer hand & nail treatments with professional CND products.hair, open, salon, nail, blow0
kinderparadise.hu…a restaurant and you don’t want to sacrifice the peace of your own home on the altar of the kid’s party, yet you are looking for something quite unique, then Kinder Paradise is the best place. We provide a cloudless and enjoyable birthday party for all ages. Kinder Paradise provides an idyllic…person numberparadise, child, kind, package, pool0
socialcluster.huDr. Ágnes Egervári as the president of the Social Cluster Association received the prestigious award "for the development of social services systems, especially for increasing of life quality and well being among the elderly and people with dementia and their families". (Hungarian Official Gazette…account numbersocial, cluster, news, practice, event0
sipeuropa.huService Provider means any natural or legal person who processes the data on behalf of the Company. It refers to third-party companies or individuals employed by the Company to facilitate the Service, to provide the Service on behalf of the Company, to perform services related to the Service or to…phone numberdata, personal, privacy, purpose, website0
clew.hu…investment process. We provide the business plan and financial model required to raise capital, and support you in finding the right investors for your company. On the other hand, we also support investors and capital fund managers with company valuations, financial and legal due diligence (DD).consulting, financial, hand, investor, legal0
albasolder.huWe believe, that we can achieve our goal with our values: we want to be the market leader in brush-pen based solutions in Hungary.registration numberbrush, international, use, market, solution0
digitaliskozosseg.huMade for developers, agencies, photographers, corporations, web studios, designers, bloggers and creative people.portfolio, visual, set, single, wide0
palazzani-industrie.huPalazzani Industrie is a Company that specializes in the design and manufacture of Aerial Working Platforms and Earth Moving Machines. It has a proud history, spanning over 80-years, and an exciting, bright future. Born as manufacturer of agriculture equipment, Palazzani became a Join Stock…vat numbermachine, application, news, loader, sale0
bombavadasz.huIn-ground instrumental exploration and explosive objects disposal (EOD) at various depths, taking into account the technical needs of the customer and the features and military history of the area. We make an EOD impact study, impact assessment, technical documentation, and provide full…company numberarea, disposal, exploration, explosive, technical0
egylakas.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis, velit ut tincidunt laoreet, nunc orci tristique est, at placerat ligula urna et neque. Sed sed mattis nibh. Sed venenatis tortor metus, vel volutpat mauris interdum a. Mauris id finibus nisi. Vivamus eu ipsum maecenas…large number, number servicelorem, ipsum, elit, article, sit0
vardronphotography.huA positive effect living and enuative effect livens up interruptsover effect livens up unsuals it.art numberphotography, website, effect, animal, tip0
egeszsege.huLiving Health… English… Essential oils… Indications associated with oils… Oils – emotions… Acupuncture…registration number, tax numberhealth, live, point, oil, homepage0
busz-top.huBUSZ-TOP provides custom tailored chauffeured transportation for groups of all sizes. Whether you use our services for business or pleasure, we focus on the goal – meeting our clients’ needs.phone numberbus, rental, transport, passenger, customer0
digitaldust.huDigitalDust is a team of talented graphic artists who are commited to create high-end 3D content. We aspire to show people a new level of entertaining and design by various manifestations of innovative ideas and spectacular creations.dust, digital, artist, talented, young0
talaj-mechanika.huGEOVÁL Kft. was founded in 2011 as the successor of my self-employment. The main services are the followings: geotechnical soil drillings, soild analysing reports, making geotechnical plans, software based geotechnical planning, inspections of building damages.authorization numberengineering, gallery, report, photo, geotechnical0
companysolutions.huDuring a company’s registration, an agent to receive service of process should be reported ifvat number, number automaticallyoffice, virtual, incorporation, perfect, package0
cactusjuice.huAbout us… Food, drink… Menu… Drink list… Specials… Parties… Events… Contact… Reservation… View… Terms &…tax numbercactus, drink, reservation, bar, food0
iltopolino.huThe workshop was founded in 2012 by Attila Horváth PhD., who is dedicated to car restoration. He established the company with the aim of serving the customer with high quality service and have the car repaired no matter how difficult the work is.phone numberrestoration, diagnostic, detail, customer, suspension0
ihbtc.huOur team is professional with a decade of experience between Iran and Hungary Executive Director of the company has done many successful projects between two countries and he has organised many delegations in all fields during the last 10 years.iran, news, gallery, language, academic0
selfieparade.huUsing the photo booth is very easy and it is also a great fun. Alone or in a small group, grab a funny accessory, or just make a silly facial expression, and then step in front of the selfie booth . Your memory is ready in a few seconds, in the form of a good quality image!phone numberpackage, booth, image, photo, accessories0
tubiresort.huTubi Resort is set in Balatonederics, 15 minutes walk from Balatonederics Beach, in an area where where guests will be able to enjoy activites in and around Balatonederics, like hiking and cycling.phone numberapartment, pension, accommodation, house, enquiry0
aranymandula.hu…overlook the lake Balaton. The rooms are equipped with modern furniture, cable TV, Internet access, air-conditioners to provide comfort for our guests. In the bathrooms there are spacious showers. The guesthouse provides comfortbale accomodation altogether for 28 people (24 adults and 4 children).september number, number minimumapartment, price, people, accomodation, terrace0
opusglobal.huIn 2018, the Board of Directors of OPUS GLOBAL Plc. decided on portfolio enlargement, by which OPUS Group was supplemented with companies of significant potential. The Corporate Group was enlarged with two food industry companies utilizing agricultural inputs.global, value, industry, management, food0
bta-group.hu…or carries out a risk assessment and test monitoring for the project. The TM reports regularly to the project management about the status of the project to the client and to the business side. He / she is responsible for the continuous exchange of information inside and outside the project.phone numbergroup, management, software, process, analysis0
smartautoassist.huBased on a preliminary consultation, we’ll find the ideal appointment for your car at a service location of your choice or based on our recommendation. We also provide seasonal quick check-ups along with the tyre replacement service. We’ll collect your car from your home and deliver it to you…phone numberpackage, electric, basic, tyre, cost0
edeleny-kastely.hu…in the Castle island of Edelény. The main goal of the 1st Phase of the developement was an experiental presenting of the castle's remaining values. While the main focus of the developement's 2nd phase is about the collection of the castle which is well-known in the country and in Europe as well.number windowcastle, island, exhibition, attraction, permanent0
agenos.huWe develop customized software solutions for businesses on web, mobile and desktop platforms.registration number, tax numbersolution, software, desktop, mobile, app0
feelhome.huFeel Home Relocations inherently understands the challenges a relocating family might be facing - Our own personal experience of living a life of an expatriate enables us provide professional relocation assistance, turning challenges into success helping our clients feel at home and well taken…feel, relocation, image, challenge, assignment0
ganteline.huSince 2011, Ganteline is the member of the Worldwide Euro Protection (WEP) being a decisive participant of the global labor safety business.protection, protective, clothing, glove, welding0
goldenshape.hu…and results in a beautifully curved row of eyelashes. With the help of its silicone shield technology, every eyelash is individually lifted from the base, and then gently curled upwards with the use of several special substances and techniques. The process itself is simple, painless and gentle.week number, number inflammatorytreatment, key, skin, shape, result0
filesender.huAs an authenticated user you should be able to upload files one or more times and either have FileSender email the recipients after your upload completes or provide you with a link to allow file download. You should also be able to invite other researchers to the system to upload one or more files…maximum number, number recipient, number filefile, size, upload, user, guest0
fotohome.huTerraces with various functions. Grill, relax, sunbathing and wellness terrace with sauna and jacuzzi.area number, number peoplepanorama, terrace, place, photo, picture0
keletatlasz.huThe Kelet-Atlasz Kompresszor Kft. has been founded in March 2001 by 100 % Hungarian individuals.distribution, compressor, air, main, maintenance0
colourmystyle.huWe recommend you purchase this service after a personal color analysis (or a personal color and image consultation & body type analysis). This way you will gain a better understanding about what to keep in or throw away from your wardrobe.result numbercolor, analysis, personal, consultation, image0
crk.hu“This was the second year that we held our end-of-year event at the Cistercian Recreation Center, but we have already set the date for next year. We have everything we need here. Wonderful service, great food, clean comfortable accommodation. Evening football games with colleagues, then swimming…event, center, wedding, quote, camp0
synovis.huThe main field of activity of Synovis Medical Ltd is the distribution of freely accessible medical devices. Interventional radiology, interventional cardiology, neurological intervention, interventional oncoradiology, biopsy, urology.tax numbermedical, device, freely, accessible, ltd0
megfizethetoweboldal.huOur team will help you to operate on instant exchange to trade bitcoins successfully. We will teach you the basis of trading.permission, feature, conference, main, sale0
surf.hu…back to Polynesian fishers, who traditionally stand on their boards. It is highly probable that this tradition spread to Hawaii, where surf coaches taught the sport while standing on surf boards. Since sup proved to be a great sport opportunity even on windless and waveless days, it is…water, board, people, ago, key0
csokonaideluxe.huCsokonai Deluxe Restaurant and Banqueting Hall can be found in the very heart of the town and it is the newest and most modern location for various programs.number tablewedding, conference, hall, logo, fashion0
ciponeked.hu…Product Filter at Top… Shop Style Four… Default Blog… Blog One… Blog Two… Blog Three… Contact-One…product number, number easystyle, shop, shoes, view, quick0
bekemetal.huOur company renders services along a wide range of activities, the core activity being wholesale of waste and scrap materials. In addition, we are engaged in collecting, treating, and recycling dangerous and non-dangerous waste as well as demolition.copper, radiator, metal, clean, waste0
sziluett-plasztika.huOur clinic is always up-to-date through traditional and modern methods of plastic surgery ( a variety of modern lasers ) and offers a personalised treatment for every patient. The patient is always in the focus during our interventions, treatments and follow-up treatments.phone numberbreast, surgery, thread, plastic, reconstruction0
fortunaexpressz.huFortuna Expressz Kft. is a logistics and freight forwarding company with a professional experience of several years.phone number, tax numberdelivery, vehicle, logistic, track, fleet0
perfectenterprises.huRecently, more and more products have been investigated and withdrawn from the market of potency enhancers. So there is great uncertainty among men about which of the existing products to choose. After all, the pill must meet many criteria. Men's expectations of a potency-enhancing pill Start…tax numberenhancer, description, cart, man, perfect0
ipfone.hu…and the Lync file share has the change permissions for the user (you) running the Topology Builder. This doesn’t really work and gets a little bit more trickier, when you want to user DFS for Lync file share, but it very simple if you follow the procedure I’ve figured out. Let’s see how it works.number serverprotocol, remote, configuration, server0
in-cup.huPackaging and wholesaling of various premium South American premium instant coffees from South America.phone numbercup, packaging, main, page, coffee0
elber.huIndustrial tanks and equipment Individual planning and construction Pharmaceutical and chemical industrial tanks, Tanks for the food industry, Tank accessories, equipmentindustry, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, industrial0
artoftour.huFrom the Hungarian financial sector, many companies choose Art of Tour over the past 7 years during their incentive tours and their events abroad and in the country bothe country both.company number, tax number, vat number, number huevent, tour, client, fact, art0
rogersalapitvany.hu© 2024 Rogers Foundation for Person-Centered Education. All rights reserved! | Privacy Policy (HU) | Cookie Settingseducation, foundation, person, centre, development0
trashvagyok.huAt their core, keywords are one of — if not the most — single important component of a successful SEO campaign. Keywords refer to the words typed into a search box – be it on Google, Bing, or Yahoo. However, there is much more to keywords than just that.real numberportfolio, customer, single, traffic, grid0
szarvaspinceszet.huVisit our family owned winery located in Eger, Hungary. We offer a wide range of white and red wines, as well as a special icewine.wine, white, winery, selection, special0
triotechnik.huTriotechnik Ltd was established in 1999. and it is a market leader in the Hungarian combined heat and power production field. There are many units supplied by our company to many different countries of Europe, moreover one unit beyond the Ural mountain. Our products offer a turnkey solutions to…tax numbergas, container, equipment, auxiliary, optional0
kocziankft.huThe Kóczián + Kóczián Ltd. is a professional experience and extensive work carried out on the basis of demand. Consider the images and the introductory film, which may be a taste of our services and our machines.phone numberbuild, page, reference, removal, road0
genealogia.huThe FORUM and WEB Archive of Hungarian Genealogy has been established to present you with a digital databases when researching in the field of genealogy aimed at greater Hungary. This database will help you, and ease both home and international research by fast and wide-ranging Internet ties.genealogy, forum, archive, history, research0
jogomvan.hudr. Csaba D. Kiss solo attorney’s page, listing of the preferred areas of law, ways to get in contact to avail of legal representation.vat numberrepresentation, legal, law, area, partnership0
betatrans.hu…great advantage is speed, precision and flexibility, constant tracking of merchandise and continuous information to customers. Expanding its own truck fleet with brand new trucks is unprecedented in the field of domestic container carrying trucks, which gives even more confidence to the customers.”number order, vpid number, number claimcustom, quality, website, customer, track0
hegyiandi.huprovide professional support in salon work and extreme forms, and I hold technical trainings all over the country with any material group. As a brand-independent trainer, I have an overview of a wide range of materials available on the domestic market, so I can also help you use them professionally.registration number, number adult, tax number, account number, phone numbertraining, educator, group, technical, salon0
jasonc.huJason Chu… Home… Contact… Scroll down to content… May 24, 2018… Hello…homepage, section, post, page, hello0
kiraly24.huThe Király24 Penthouse apartments have been designed so that the fantastic panorama can be enjoyed from as many apartments as possible. In the case of penthouse apartments, the designers strived to provide them with natural light from as many directions as possible and to ensure the intimacy of…number roomapartment, detail, city, location, terrace0
angyaltuz.huAngyal Tűzzománc… Rólam… Munkáim… Kapcsolat… Scroll down to…site, visitor, homepage, artist, mission0
meter.huDistribution of measuring instruments and automation elements, technical advisory, service, vocational training, calibration of measuring equipments.meter, calibration, measurement, cable, industrial0
koyocsapagy.huThis year, Koyo was founded exactly 100 years ago, which provides a nice occasion for commemorating 100 years of quite remarkable Koyo history.product number, number quantitycatalog, cart, login, condition, quantity0
smartflex.hu…and flower pastes in the world. Unbelievably silky smooth to the touch, with a delicious variety of flavours and captivating aromas. At Smartflex we strive to offer our clients the best top-quality products available on the market, ensuring maximum yield, productivity and customer satisfaction.vat number, number hupaste, distributor, premium, market, flower0
dime.huThe production hall and the machines: NC, CNC and traditional plants are mainly able to do aluminium and acid resistant materials' fine surface process.tax number, phone number, number faxwelcome, machine, field, reference, assurance0
lubservice.huOur company was established on September 1, 2001 in the form of LP. From the very beginning, lubrication services has been our main profile. (FM – services, lubricants, oil filtration, oil dewatering).tax numbertask, machine, installation, clean, industrial0
funnybox.huExpand your portfolio in your retail shop, webshop with balloons, party accessories, costumes and decorations. We offer a wide choice of products and special wholesale prices for our reselller partners.balloon, accessories, wholesaler, hire, bottle0
juliamalom.hu2008 – Construction and commissioning of mill no. III. with a milling capacity of 250 tons of autumn wheat / 24 hours. This investment increased the milling capacity to 570 tons a day, so Júlia Malom Kft. became the highest capacity mill in Hungary.wheat, flour, technology, mill, quality0
edpro.huThe ED Pro is try to be more than a real estate agency. We really know this market and all the tools which help us to show the opportunities to increase the value of your property.tax numberavenue, andrassy, size, sqm, mezzanine0
orienteventive.huOrient Eventive. Whether it is a company or private event, a product launch campaign, wedding, team building or conference, incentive or individual trips, our group is ready to bring your event to life.tax number, phone numberorient, event, build, conference, ready0
polytermix.hu…to our continuous development, modernization of our plant and technology, we currently work with 25 people. Our company's equity is HUF 412 million, our net sales in 2019 approached HUF 363 million. We are both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. ISO 9001 és ISO 14001 minősítéssel egyaránt…tax number, account number, number hufprocess, waste, material, application, site0
smartrain.hu…railway model exhibitions. Thus over the years I have talked to thousands of visitors, who – though had the enthusiasm – did not have room, free-time or manual skills, and they were left with only the desire for model railways. Since I have been working as a leader of a furniture…tax numbercolour, table, price, lighting, specification0
iepd.hu…tools of teaching, expansion and improvement of skills, expansion of general and professional knowledge, educational, publishing, publishing and media activities related to the professional sphere. Target audience Research and teaching staff of higher educational institutions, researchers…cert numberinstitute, educational, development, internship, method0
technocar.huSince the foundation of our predecessor, Technocar Kft, in 1991, the company has built up strong capabilities in all kinds of metal processing and unique know-how to provide with high quality, comprehensive and flexible services to our customers.number machinemetal, painting, machine, process, capability0
grantis.huIn case the financial & insurance environment of Hungary looks new, overly complicated, or simply you want to save time, then join our foreign clients! We have already helped several thousand people in improving their financial status. Our partners range from local investment firms through…insurance, financial, consulting, investment, loan0
hidroszfera.huWhat it's pretty constant is weekly dives at Kőbánya mine system. There is no exact schedule but roughly weekly I go there.dive, instructor, course, cave, site0
promenadegardens.huPromenade Gardens is the largest scale office development with the most complex technical content on Váci út, the main office corridor of Budapest. It meets the highest expectations when it comes to environmental consciousness, energy- and water efficiency, and providing a healthy, comfortable…build numberpromenade, build, office, sustainability, technical0
goldhouse.huIf you like the exciting and colorful work, you have good organization skills and want to earn a lot, come and work for us!phone number, cellphone numberhouse, detail, real, estate, sale0
microsolutions.huWith strong and daily communication, development progress in paralell with the design, during our work experience it prooved to be the fastest and cost effective solution.large number, number parameterssolution, resource, development, tool, customer0
ncaim.huNCAIM | National Collection of Agricultural and Industrial Microorganismsncaim numbercollection, agricultural, industrial, national, strain0
masszazsfotel.huOur massage chairs offer you relaxation in body and mind. Visit our massage chair showroom and find your way out from everydays problems!phone numberchair, massage, showroom, relaxation, interested0
brothersbuild.huHome… Information on data management… About us… Contact… Industrial sector… Our references… Public…large numberconstruction, build, industrial, sector, public0
neternet.hu…Soon… 404 Page… Login Form… Posts… Standard Post Format… Gallery Post Format… Video Post Format…animated numbergallery, column, post, space, format0
bilingua.huCertified translations with stamp and clause, translations in a certain area of expertise in Budapest with the help of Bilingua Translation Agency, in English, German, Czech, Slovakian, Romanian, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Italian, Spanish, French and other languages.bilingua numbertranslation, agency, language, price, free0
cleaningpecs.huOur Mission… Long-Term Services… Terms and Conditions… Details - General package… Details - Extended…clean, package, mission, condition, discount0
hungaro-ventilator.huWhen its establishment, Hungaro-Ventilator Ltd. set the noble goal of developing and producing the ventilation equipment necessary for the supply of air to the people inside the buildings, be it fresh air supply or smoked air extraction systems.tax numberventilator, registration, reference, fresh, air0
fejszamol.huThe asset settlement of a company defund without successor i.e. the settlement of assets ownership for a company terminated from the register of companies. Also the possibility in order to be deregistered the right or fact entered in a register for public or public interest purposes in favor of…account numberproceedings, settlement, liquidation, asset, creditor0
galamboslogistic.huServices: warehousing, value added services: labelling, repackaging, mixing, multipack packaging, cross docking, production supporting logistics, cleaning of rolls, boxes, logistics consultationtax number, account number, number iban, id number, number hulogistic, environment, protection, value, clean0
ceegex.huMarket data is published according to delivery gasdays. The published prices before 1st of October 2017 are converted with the official euro exchange rates of MNB and serve for information purposes only.number trademarket, day, data, membership, rule0
hotel-kiss.hu© 2022 Hotel Kiss**** Tata | Privacy Policy | General terms and conditions | Impressum | Designed by KOLORdsgnoffer, booking, room, gastronomy, package0
immoprof.huEgyéb… 2023…phone numberproperty, real, estate, divi, agent0
suzyfoto.hu© 2023 Copyright - By SuzyFotoanimated number, block numberportfolio, carousel, image, gallery, testimonial0
customers.huPhone, Tablet, Laptop… All… Mobile phones and accessories… Mobile phones… Phone cases… Screen…phone numberaccessories, game, phone, garden, machine0
exleasingcar.huIn the open auctions, you offer a price which is 100 € higher than the current maximum price visible to all the auction participants.auction, condition, bid, privacy, search0
connect2001.huKey driver for communicating the unique aspects of the CASINO PALACE lifestyle and productslarge number, number platformconnect, slot, development, user, player0
kontener.huStorage and shipping containers, reefers, Festainer, office containers for sale and for rent - Container Hungary Ltd., Budapest. Large stock available at our facility.number door, tax numbercontainer, rent, sale, shipping, storage0
horanyitarsasag.huCreating the Society and organizing its life is the merit of Professor Attila Lipcsey. He was also the first chairperson. His unfortunate early death understandably lead to temporary operational difficulties. The leadership was re-established in 2005 (Dr. Magda Stipula as president, Dr. László…society, neurology, clinical, neuroscience, professor0
hunled.hu…LED technology. In the light of our commitment, we have begun to create a premium-quality industrial luminaire family that perfectly meets the lighting needs of industrial facilities, public spaces, airports, harbours or sport halls of any size. In addition, it stands out for its maximum…type number, number heightlighting, luminaire, type, technology, industrial0
valvac.huOur company also deals with the installation and servicing of vacuum valves. We undertake to simultaneously complete the balancing of the valves of operating sewage systems, to increase the efficiency of the system and to reduce the specific energy. We prepare a price calculation after this…number valvevalve, vacuum, sewage, energy, settlement0
esnelte.huErasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.emergency numberevent, housing, international, map, office0
nof.huWelcome to the website of NÖF, the National Heritage Protection and Development Non-profit Ltd. We aim at the renovation and accountable operation of historic buildings of national importance in order to participate in the conservation and the presentation of Hungarian built heritage. We believe…tax numbercastle, location, heritage, protection, garden0
falcosoft.huFalcosoft is just me, Zoltán Bacskó from Hungary . Download my free software from the specified links. All of the programs are portable and require no installation. If you have any problems or questions, or you need custom software solution send your mail to but you can place your questions, any…maximum number, number iterationsoftware, low, power, fast, page0
ligya.hu…from 1990 until his death to help disadvantaged children in their studies. The foundation would like to continue the work of preserving his memory. Its primary purpose is to help talented disadvantaged children who are living in difficult financial circumstances in their further education.tax number, account number, number unicreditfather, foundation, university, difficult, child0
e-konyveles.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et leo condimentum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et leo condimentumlorem, dolor, ipsum, sit, amet0
medicinaklinika.huWe have opened the therapeutic clinic in Heviz to provide our patients with high quality health care treatments. The therapies are carried out in a peaceful, soothing environment. Heviz and its thermal lake provide a setting for regeneration, tranquillity, and even active relaxation.hour, consulting, specialist, phone, consultation0
csehsro.huSetting up a company in the Czech Republic or Slovakia companies offers endless possibilities for international entrepreneurs and investors. Our experienced team would be glad to assisting you with the company formation and with bank account.polish, fee, administration, czech, formation0
digitools.hu…more »… New audio!… H-START 628 312 and 313… Go to the news… ABbmot / Bbmot Sound project…news, page, main, list, price0
kisvarosnezok.huYou will find a map at the beginning of the book to help you find your way around. And at the end of the book, we hid a word puzzle. You will need to collect letters and then you can solve the word puzzle at the end. Of course, we also wrote the solutions at the very end! The QR codes in the book…try number, number hungariantravel, post, currency, shop, detail0
suttner.huchoose the latestand most appropriate technology for the production of the wanted illuminated advertising. Another strength of our company is the project management in the Southeast European region; We gladly take on for you the survey, the permits and the installation and maintenance tasks in the…letter, face, solution, homepage, digital0
turbotanoda.huHumanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree in Pedagogy of Students with Learning Disabilities."tax number, telephone numberteacher, speciality, child, school, education0
amoreapartmansiofok.huWelcome in our cozy and modern Apartmanhouse in the heart of Siófok Gold Coast, only 2 minutes walk from the free beach, and from the famous Petőfi Walk, with plenty of bars, restaurants, shops and club although the apartment takes place in quiet area.limited number, number privateapartment, introduction, testimonial, free, area0
mdv.huIf you're looking for the official website of MDV air conditioners you're in the right place!mode, function, interested, filter, unit0
ll-c.huStrengthen your credibility, security, quality and international competitiveness certifications from an international certification authority.company number, number municipalcertification, international, verification, certificate, demand0
demnet.huWe are committed to reducing inequality, strengthening global solidarity and partnership, promoting gender equality, joint responsibility, active citizenship, a strong civil sphere and transparency.tax numberdevelopment, solidarity, democracy, assembly, global0
pergercom.hukevin beef ribs shoulder… FTP Services… Reseller Hosting… High Speed… Control Panel… Web Hosting… VPS…hosting, unlimited, select, customer, több0
surgoscovidteszt.huIn the recent period, we have performed more than one hundred thousand PCR tests, rapid tests and Laboratory test. The practice of this is based on our experience in occupational healthcare dating back decades. We provide occupational healthcare services to more than 1,000 companies on an ongoing…document number, tax numberappointment, official, individual, coronavirus, antibody0
dockbau.huMár készülőben van a ház, de a kivitelezővel gonjaink vannak. Át tudják venni a folyamatokat?array, controller, action, request, component0
gyermeksegito.huOur NGO Borhy Gardening is making our headquarters a home from home with donations of seedlings, soil and cattle manure. Thank you to Borhy Gardening for their help!approval number, number taxngo, need, christmas, family, ukrainian0
oddwords.huOddwords is a quasi-journalistic site founded in 2018, created to document and discuss the various games and events related to the Oddworld series, its community, and its developers. While most of the content on the site deals with Soulstorm, especially its pre-release material, you can also find…game, thought, list, event, media0
doppio.huWhat does Doppio Creative - Online Marketing Agency offer to you? Market research, Web development, Online marketing campaigns, PPC management.modest number, number employee, phone number, vat numberagency, creative, market, research, management0
syntesia.huSyntesia Ltd. has been providing our global brand teams of blockbuster drugs with professional medical writing support over the past 4 years. The team has proven its competency and expertise within our therapeutic areas, the delivery has been reliable and of high quality supplied in a rapid pace…medical, communication, reference, write, quality0
vm-shop.huWe strive for the best possible quality, we prepare our products with outstanding quality.vat numbershop, publication, magazine, picture, photo0
feherdenever.huWe assist creditors and debtors in exercising their rights and facilitate the effective, lawful and professional conduct of liquidation proceedings.account numbercreditor, proceedings, tender, account, liquidation0
bpresidence.huI can use my many years of experience in the construction industry in the maintenance team of 10 people at Budapest Residence.number employeeguest, property, maintenance, price, client0
monersaber.huThe company has a wine cellar of Hungary’s famous wine regions offer a wide range of excellent wines.phone numberfeather, wine, premium, cellar, restaurant0
grendarsmedia.huthese projects with significant digital post production and animation – in case of a company image films or viral videos spreading on social media sites – our excellent partner is Grend arsMedia. We love to work with them because we talk the same language and they are enthusiastic about their work.”tax number, vat number, registration numbervideo, animation, portfolio, faq, production0
sunshinethai.huTraditional Thai massage in Hatvan. Highly trained Thai masseuse evoking a real Asian atmosphere ensures complete relaxation and recharging.phone numbermassage, sunshine, masseuse, booking, traditional0
biolog.huAt Logintech, we believe that a quality product is not everything. In our daily work, we strive to find the right solution for our partners.telephone numbersurgical, implant, patient, bone, suture0
pamet.huWe constantly follow and apply the trends and developments related to our activities. Good laboratory practice and proved innovative solutions are taken into account when selecting test methods and devices. We are the first in Hungary to use FTIR spectroscopy for emission measurements and other…tax numberassurance, quality, emission, measurement, source0
hungarytoday.hu30 years ago, the Hungarian minority in Slovakia formulated the principles of self-determination and expressed their demand for self-government.china number, number flighteuropean, minister, flight, latest, government0
memail.huMeMail gives you the ability to get the email address that best represents you! 1000s of email addresses for fun, personal or business use.address, favorite, cart, inbox, account0
mbrlb-paperless.huThank you for choosing Mövenpick Balaland Resort Lake Balaton! We would like to provide a unique experience and memories for kids and families. The team of our hotel wishes you a pleasant stay!lake, room, family, reception, child0
colas.huBeyond transport facilities, public utilities, flood-control investments and aggregate production, the holding company – which has been managed by Hungarian executives right from the beginning – is also a key player when it comes to building construction. In addition to its fleet of equipment and…number employeeconstruction, road, bridge, section, investment0
koszegigabor.hu1xBet Mobile Vebsayt Və 1x Bet Mobil Uygulama Indir 2023 Journal of English Language and Literature – 982date, site, bride, woman, review0
brabusz.huHome… Vehicles… Services… References… Contact… English… Worker's transport… Private…tax numbervehicle, reference, transport, worker, private0
trackgps.huCompanies that activate in industries such as courier services, refrigerated transport, freight transport usually make use of utility vehicles (vans) in order to carry out their daily activities.number accident, number finefleet, solution, vehicle, management, track0
stadionunifit.huDear Guests! We are pleased to announce that Stadion Unifit Fitness & Gym Center will reopen on May 4, 2020 and provide an opportunity for those who want to strengthen their immune system through sports as part of a healthy workout. We created a special Unifit –SET immune system booster program in…phone numberpersonal, trainer, center, training, news0
dekorgomb.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.sit, dolor, elit, consectetur, lorem0
artmodels.huDean, Csaba and Viktor’s fashion and beauty editorials from the Absolute Man magazine are amazing...magazine, editorial, fashion, campaign, model0
gadam.huHello Sports fan! Welcome to the website of the book and newspaper publisher G-ADAM Stúdió. Come and take a look at our books and magazines.page numberbook, publication, publisher, newspaper, page0
intertranscoop.hu| Cross-docking | Győr | Intertranscoop Kft. | Goods management | Goods manipulation | Rental | Family business | Transportation | ISO certification | Order picking | Logistics services | Logistics activity | Warehouse | Transport | Bonded warehouse | Customs clearancetax numbereurope, warehouse, gallery, real, estate0
mosogatogepszerelozuglo.huAbout Us… Our Services… Features… Appointment… Our Team… Testimonial… 404 Page… Contact…large number, number service, number gratefuldiam, sit, amet, ipsum, dolor0
konformitas.huIn our Certification system we continuously apply quality improvements by tracking the changes in the international practice and developing the various accredited system certification activities.certification, certificate, activity, detail, stage0
atlaszmernokiroda.huThe careers of the three of us has split after the university years. In addition to designing reinforced concrete structures for civil engineering and water-management, we gained experience and expertise in structural design of bridges and in the field of building constructions.vat number, registration number, number country, number c-01structural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation0
mimsafehungary.hu…suitable for dog cages in car. Adapted to MIMsafe VarioCage all models. Sewn zones and foldable along the seams. High-density pads provides improved weight distribution at rest. Powerful stitches that can handle tough grips. Durable material for use for a long time to come. Soft and…telephone numberdog, image, easy, safe, small0
keletholding.huKelet-Holding Zrt. informs the creditors about the following, according to the Bankruptcy Act § 63/B. para 1: We inform you that in the list of the ongoing liquidation proceedings in the case of companies under liquidation that are marked the assets of the debtor are not enough to finance even the…registration number, company number, tax number, phone number, fax numberliquidator, useful, liquidation, advice, economic0
bilogic.hucompany, you can get an overview of your company’s business processes, internal and external environment, the functioning of its customers and the market. And with the help of data analysis, you can get a more accurate picture of the use of your company’s resources, the efficiency of your productionphone numberintelligence, data, logic, decision, colleagues0
derbygroup.huThe mission of the Derby Group is to provide the highest quality service in international forwarding and logistics for our clients.activity numbergroup, employee, history, activity, result0
ganzeg.huproducts, supporting structures for truck cranes and concrete pumps, components for tower cranes, components for earth-moving machines, steel structures for rail vehiclestax numberhomepage, management, structure, sheet, organisational0
thegoatherder.huOffering a simple and delicious menu, some seriously good coffee and a friendly team – all served in a trendy setting. You can find all of this at The Goat Herder Espresso Barbus number, number goatgoat, bar, coffee, friendly, delicious0
innowaste.huThe InnoPellet system offers an economical solution of sewage sludge treatment for wastewater companies. Our technology is a self-supporting machinery for drying and pelleting sewage sludge without external need of fossil fuel or any other additional material. Our technology fits into the ‘energy…tax number, registration numberwaste, sludge, cost, innovative, management0
matildhotel.huNovelty: You asked for it, we gave it: Our large upstairs apartment can be extended to 3-5 bedrooms, so our guests with large families (max. 12 people) can relax in a living space of up to 80-120m². Read moretopographical number, number endapartment, country, room, horse, garden0
evida.huAll three of these basic elements are equally important and increase the security of our shipments. We check the technical condition of trucks regularly as well as their equipment and in this way we guarantee that shipments reach their destinations. Our specially selected and experienced drivers…tax numbervehicle, reliable, shipment, transport, international0
somogytrans.huSomogy Trans Ltd was founded in 2007, our main activity is inland and international shipping. We ship cargo all around Europe and Hungary.tax numbertransport, international, vehicle, colleagues, subcontractor0
seasonone.huOur apartment is located in one of the most popular parts of the city according to the opinion of visitors to Szeged. The accommodation is near the city center (900 m, about 8 minutes walk), in a frequented location, next to the Szeged railway station, which can be reached by a 2-minute walk from…phone numberseason, apartment, gallery, location, rule0
lake-tisza.huThose who believe that Lake Tisza is similar in structure to most reservoirs have a false image of it. Lake Tisza is undoubtedly the most diverse canoe tour paradise in Hungary with the alternation of its zigzagging channels, reedy areas, water passages, unfrequented backwaters, streams and…tax numberlake, tour, canoe, island, touristic0
smartprojectconsulting.hu…visualization. The company's knowledge of economics, in addition to IT, enables us to provide our partners with effective support in investment appraisal, project portfolio and risk management. Our team consists of IT specialists and economists. We are ready to support you in achieving your goals.tax numberconsulting, ltd, competence, methodology, career0
ellipsumfurdo.huDuring the holidays we have the following opening hours at the Ellipsum Adventure and Outdoor Bath.phone numberoutdoor, pool, hall, bath, open0
blendedstudios.hu…can help you create the photos you need for your business, provide you with professional quality images for graphics, adding content to your website, capturing your image, showcasing your team or illustrating the products and services you offer. (Service is only avilable in Helsinki area, Finland)phone numbergraphic, studio, corporate, package, photo0
budapestcitycenterapartments.huBudapest City Center Apartments Booking - Fully equipped studios in Budapest’s historic 6th district. Central & quiet location, most of the sites...registration numbercity, apartment, center, booking, district0
quintus.huOur services include architectural design, master planning, interior design, space planning, project management, BIM modelling, building engineering, structural engineering, MEP engineering, cost estimation, construction supervision, and more. Some of the specialist engineering services are…registration number, vat numbersustainability, sustainable, environment, investment, construction0
beacoach.huMusic is my life: I enjoy dancing and going out for concerts and festivals. I believe this is one great way of having fun :o) The other way is playing boardgames with family or friends and a good bottle of wine ;o)coaching numberway, career, september, university, fun0
jazmindentalclinic.hu…professional and complete care for all dental problems in one place. Our office keeps pace with the development of dental equipment, so our modern and professional equipment includes, among others, a panoramic X-ray and smaller X-ray units as well as three dental chairs with state-of-the-art…phone number, number clinicclinic, dental, dentist, price, gallery0
der-schweighofer.huWelcome to Modellsport Schweighofer, your leading online store for remote controlled vehicles, camera drones, e-mobility products and much more! Since 1978 we are proud to offer you high quality products at unbeatable prices in RC and model sports.battery, brand, model, accessories, remote0
lazarlovaspark.huWe provide a marvellous environment for all kinds of events – family trips, company team-building programs or a romantic wedding day. We are also a popular location for organizing birthday parties and other family events in a friendly environment.vat number, number huevent, wedding, equestrian, gallery, restriction0
catolodge.huOur services include cat boarding (accounted every 24 hours) and cat day-care, including full boarding care, 24/7 on-site presence, vet-related services on duty, day-care fun and game, outdoor runs and private suites.care, day, boarding, lodge, sit0
ledmuhely.huLorem Ipsum is simply text the printing and typesetting standard industry. Lorem Ipsum is simply text the printing and typesetting standard industry.lorem, ipsum, electronic, industry, printing0
budaker.hu…related to transport components (AC heater, traffic lights, signaling and communications equipment). Telecommunications equipment , control technology equipment and parts Our company engaged in import activities in the above areas. Relations extend to European and overseas countries. We aim to…registration number, tax number, account numberprevious, reference, transport, career, login0
antaresapartman.huThe Antares Apartment was built as a family house in 2018, but from February 13, 2024 it operates as an independent apartment after a minor renovation.apartment, price, house, city, availability0
hotelkerpely.huEach room has bathroom, television, refrigerator and free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel.room, detail, guest, booking, double0
aktivforras.hu“Aktiv Forras Ltd. has been providing book-keeping, tax return declaration and pay-roll services for our company for 10 years. The always completed their work meeting the legal regulations and the deadlines. We had no penalty, default interest or any other legal consequence in connection to our…book, consultation, tax, financial, item0
cardioexpert.huThe SPIN®, Spinner®, Spinning® and the Spinning logo® are trademarked brand names, their sole owner is MAD DOGG ATHLETICS Inc. Upon the contract between Mad Dogg Athletics Inc. and Spinning® Hungary / Cardio Expert Kft. is the official and exclusive Spinning® partner and representative.instructor, training, bike, event, expert0
kehidatermal.huKehida Termál Hotel **** Twenty steps from your room to the pool? Kehida Termál Hotel, which is situated in the same building as the thermal and adventure bath, is the best choice for comfort seekers. There is only a fact that you should pay attention to: these rooms sell out fast. Hertelendy Housenumber adult, number childbath, special, offer, thermal, price0
perfecthousing.huOur services: home buyer inspection, construction technical supervisor. More than 20 years of professional experience.phone numberperfect, housing, construction, inspection, technical0
bepro.hu…BePRO’s professional, complex services provides the full package; thus, you will not need to mandate any other companies with respect to the design works, or the preparation of the illuminating letters or company, or the printing of advertising instruments. You can say goodbye to spending timetax numbersign, board, office, decoration, advertisement0
parphis.huReal World… Just for…real, fun, editor, application, software0
dataexpert.huBusiness Intelligence is a set of methods and tools which converts complex business data into readable informationdata, tool, webinar, survey, process0
henigaleria.hu…first storybook entitled "Lord Kázmér and the miracle cave". The painting for me more than the device of the self expression. I believe that my paintings live independent life and their life positive influence is practised for their environment for an edge and with their existence. My aim that letpainting, painter, national, soul, sale0
kreativ-marketing.huTeam… Contact Us… FAQ… Login Form… Registration Form… Rhino Icon… Coming Soon… 404 Page… Accordion…animated number, block numberlorem, ipsum, industry, text, dummy0
dooroffice.huin the same space independently of one another. Coworkers can get acquainted at work, exchange their experience, moreover find their new business partners! You can find everything you need in a well-equipped office: access to wifi, scanner, printer, fax, flip-chart, projector as well as many other…tax numberoffice, community, day, room, meet0
auter.huAre you looking for the best solution for graphic overlays design and production? Let us be your Partner in PCB and keyboard manufacturing making 100% special design for your request. We help you in design and manufacturing of professional keyboards, switch boards, display foils created in unique…foil, circuit, board, graphic, production0
dentownlab.huFor us, these are not just words but our vocation. This is why we use the best available technologies and materials compatible with them. We decided on those we use today after a long and thorough selection. Day in day out, we feel that expertise, experience, instruments, materials, and…lab, gallery, thing, real, zirconium0
filmesgyakornok.huIf you would like to find out more about how the film industry works, how film crews are set up, and learn more about the fields and roles in film production, browse through the Film Profession Search site without a registration. You will find up to date information on the current work…production, registration, position, able, available0
keletagrologistic.hu…solution. It is important for us to have a personal relationship with our partners and to keep up to date with the information we expect. At the heart of our business is the customer, and we develop our services to meet your expectations, always keeping in mind the needs of our customers.tax number, registration numberlogistic, management, forward, freight, transport0
intretech.huWith the advent of Industry 4.0 and consumer IoT boom, Intretech has developed a global intelligent manufacturing system with a high level of informatization and automation to meet the increased needs for collaborative development, customisation services, flexible production and information…intretech numbermanufacture, intelligent, automation, global, industry0
friulmodel.huBecause of the new EU VAT law (since July 1, 2021): all customers will have to charge VAT according to their own country.track number, number soonfigure, track, type, account, academy0
bancard.hu…(financial institutions, energetics, commerce and state administration). Our colleagues have often participated in the preparation of strategic plans, implementation studies, have devised business models from planning through supporting the introduction to participation in operative execution.reference, management, light, introduction, consulting0
kalivendeghaz.huThe Káli Basin (Káli Medence) on the shores of Lake Balaton is also called the “Hungarian Mediterranean” because of its rolling hills and southern European atmosphere resembling Toscana.fast, page, main, course, daily0
curvesclub.huHome Join now Legyél te is franchise tulajdonos! Curves programme Curves & Health Find your club Own Your Franchise News and videos Testimonials Career Contact usage numbercurve, woman, minute, strength, testimonial0
tomajor.huThe Tómajor guesthouse is located in the near of the Tokaj Mountain Panorama and at the shore of a 16-hectare fishpond. The fishpond is a floodplain of the river Tisza (2nd largest river in Hungary).guest, house, guesthouse, room, area0
balancehall.huBalance Hall offers a human-centred working environment, well-being conscious service for tenants within its Human Innovation Program. Indoor & Outdoor sport & recreational facilities, free wifi on common areas.number elevatorhall, build, sqm, floor, conscious0
iamthebest.huMight be a suggestion: Our talent mentoring programmes provide assistance to young people who are already in the business or are new in the field. Our activities are based on the development of self-awareness a useful tool for creating the basis for a successful career.phone numberlearn, self, awareness, training, youth0
storksystems.huBesides our electronics responsible for flight, there is another integral part of the Stork System, a multi-core processor device integrated into the management and monitoring system, specifically developed for payload service (useful load, in this case a surveillance camera).protection number, number sector, high number, number flightstork, development, flight, thing, phase0
smilestone.huSmileStone is a dental technology resource planning system inspired by executives of dental laboratories. In a nutshell: a specialized management software which gets rid of the administrative work for laboratory managers and saves 90% of the time by correcting in-house and dental information flow…unlimited number, number userdental, case, software, lab, laboratory0
napelem-uzemeltetes.hu“There is a great cooperation with our company and excellent professional team works there. Our solar park works well under their supervision. There were some problems in the operation of the solar park but they could start to troubleshooting within 24 hours so the loss of production was…phone numberreference, offer, request, maintenance, troubleshoot0
fermentia.huFermentation services, Scale-up, Pichia fermentation, E. coli fermentaion, Lactobacillus, contract fermentation Our pilot plant and the team’s expertise is ideally suited to support bacterial and fungal fermentation up to 1000 l scale, as well as carrying out various process development and up-scaliregistration numberfermentation, production, development, process, scale0
honorshop.huSport karpánt tok… Ascend G750 (Honor 3X)… Honor 10… Honor 10 Lite… Honor 10i… Honor 10X Lite… Honor…number shareplay, shop, market, youth, view0
greenorganico.huThe organic chicken can graze freely like farm-chicken on the open field and can retreat its protection building freely when they like. Their diet consist of certified organic feed and enriched by all the insects, seeds, grains they find on the open farm.number steadilyorganic, green, food, conventional, quality0
krajcarpack.huAmong our products, besides traditional natural sachets and bags, there are colorful packaging materials and films with unique graphics. Single-layer, multilayer, and coex film structures are also used, thanks to this, we can produce aroma, vacuum or gas closing packaging. The production of…phone numberindustry, printing, main, page, carrier0
bhkka.huThe Center for Security and Defense Studies Foundation was established with the support and sponsorship of the ERASMUS Foundation for Democracy and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Center for Peace and Conflict Studies. The Center for Security and Defense Studies has been fully operational…security, study, main, booklet, international0
magyarszikla.huTerra decor, Aqua decor, decore stone. Home made terra decor and aqua decor stones. It by way of us hand-made rock decorations, made of artificial ....plant number, number fish, large number, number aquariumdecor, stone, hand, artificial, way0
tedxbme.huOur event is called TEDxBME , where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxBME event, TED Talks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.event, idea, official, organizational, website0
trattoriapositano.hu…Amalfi Coast. The region has always been famous for its hospitality and cuisine. All our dishes are lovingly prepared by our chef with the finest ingredients, following original traditional Italian guidelines. We trust that you will taste our food and with it the sensation we feel. Happiness.phone numberstory, spaghetti, gallery, reservation, olive0
sardi.hu…and appreciating the interests of the other - come to an agreement which provides advantages on both sides. Therefore I endeavor to avoid unnecessary procedures, to prevent legal and non-legal controversies, and to settle already existing disputes reasonably and righteously and thus lasting…tax number, registy numberlawyer, contract, data, process, legal0
initials.huspacious environment, with time to spare. 1134 Budapest, Taksony u. 9. Book Now About us Traditional barber services meet precision haircuts. A place where we can find a solution to everyone’s ideas. High level of service, many years of professional background. Premium surroundings, in the Green […]hour number, number reservationinitial, haircut, beard, quality, precision0
bioszenguru.hu• The relationship between human health and ecological farming, in sustainable organic agriculturephone number, tax numbertitle, page, parameters, technical, provider0
adatvedo.huMore than 15 years of data security and privacy protection. Creating more than a hundred resolutions a year, data security audits, system reviews.phone number, number colleaguedata, protection, security, privacy, reference0
csodalampa.huThe mission of Csodalámpa (Magic Lamp) Wish Granting Foundation is to grant 230 to 300 wishes a year: a wish to any, 3-18 years old child, who suffer from a life-threatening illness.tax numberwish, report, foundation, lamp, annual0
mgr-informatika.huMGR-Informatika Ltd.'s mission is the operation, supervisory, safety and to guarantee that the informatics at our clients with investment counsel it serves the claims of business processes and the achievement of the organizational aims tight.tax numbersolution, supplier, consultation, reference, server0
parittyahaz.huThe Parittyaház "Sling House" in english, is a real, authentic porterhouse in the village Alsómégy. It is the most beautiful face of the Southern Great Plain, the pearl of Bács-Kiskun county, the hidden spot of Kalocsai Sárköz, which is worth discovering.parittyaház numberbooking, house, village, guest, gallery0
rbzarbetet.huRB-LOCKS, the lock products division of the company specializes in development and production of high-quality locks, cylinders, mechanical and electro-mechanical lock mechanism, electronic locking products, metal handles, hardware and integrated locking solutions.lock, cylinder, security, key, unique0
pmcar.huPM Car Logistic Company’s management deals with domestic and international vehicle transport for 25 years. The main activity is transportation used and new cars.month numberpm, gallery, document, vehicle, logistic0
mobiletyreservice.huMobile Tyre Fitting Service Székesfehérvár | Tyre service available 24/7 within a 150 km radius of Székesfehérvár.mobile, tyre, tire, truck, available0
solcar.huFrom premium quality executive vehicles, to new mid-range executive vehicles, to commercial vehicles in excellent condition, we have a solution for every need! Choose from our existing range or present your individual ideas! We rent out even a single vehicle, we maintain it regularly and we even…tax numbervehicle, premium, fleet, management, dealership0
motionblurstudios.huMotionblur Studios are vital to our business. We rely on their creative minds to bring our ideas to life and spread our message. It’s always a pleasure to work with the team at Motionblur Studios.registration number, number vatstudio, animation, brand, story, production0
ddgifts.huPromotional items, business gifts, conference and exhibition gifts in Hungary - D&D Gifts & Merchandisingproduct number, number colourgift, promotional, conference, exhibition, item0
weddingflow.huIt is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking...phone numberportfolio, ipsum, lorem, sit, consectetur0
marketing-turizmus.huHome… Contact… Introduction… News… Staff… Research… Projects… Partners… Study Office… Our TV Ads…number visitortourism, institute, introduction, news, staff0
siriusteahaz.huAbout our teahouse… About Tea… Offer… Programs… Exhibitions… Photo gallery… Reservations… Links…visitor numberoffer, exhibition, gallery, photo, reservation0
gopallets.huSTRENGTH – racking capacity of up to 1200 kg (assuming even distribution of load), and static loads of up to 5000 kg.pc number, number stackpallet, hygienic, static, weight, low0
knhungary.huProfessional installation of smart-home systems controlled by phone or computer, in cooperation with our heat pumps, smart meters, modern inverters and energy storage systems.gallery, installation, customer, heat, pump0
kisscstrans.huAny cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your…tax numberhomepage, quote, logistic, escort, shipment0
ptsh.huThe Municipality of Paks City as the project owner is responsible for the supervision of the implementation of the project development tasks, while the Protheus Holding plc and its subsidiaries are responsible for the operative management related to the tasks to be performed.transport, municipality, implementation, development, city0
webike.co.huTo continue viewing this product on Japan domestic webike (in Japanese), press "Go to Japan Domestic".genuine, model, korea, south, piston0
wellevent.huThe founder of WELLEVENT, after achieving success in Hungarian events, relocated his activities to the United Kingdom where he furthered his education. He delved deeper into the industry, even working on mega-projects. Upon his return, he decided to elevate the standard of domestic events to a new…tax numberevent, technology, quote, music, execution0
contourszalon.huSzolgáltatásaink… Műkörömépítés… Galéria… Elérhetőség… További híreinkért kattintson…line numbererror, notice, severity, variable, message0
laposigabi.huÜdvözlet a WordPress-ben! Ez az első bejegyzés, amelyet lehet akár módosítani, akár törölni, aztán kezdődhet az írás, a tartalommal történő feltöltés.number commentimage, camera, icon, site, search0
daalgroup.huIs your hall full of dust? You need a solution to overcome cooling or heating problem? Do you want to make your industrial technology more efficient? Nothing is impossible for our specialists in mechanical and electrical engineering, and automation.tax numberindustrial, engineering, group, air, hall0
egerszegtaxi.huIf you have any comments or complaints about our activity, please email us at or contact our colleagues at +3692333333.phone numberaccommodation, complaint, city, night, day0
hsmti.hu…material conveying paths on the input and output side or even with robots. Design and integration of automated buffer storage into an existing production line. Risk and resource evaluation of production lines, making of proposals for capacity expansion. Expansion of an existing production lines…tax number, number vatmachine, image, process, technology, production0
treffasafari.huour company – as an organizer of quality hunting trips since 2003 – has taken every effort to make your hunting in Hungary more successful with a better atmosphere. The results of that work are our renewed catalogue and our website, whi ch provides now even more in formation .tax numberview, hunting, office, quality, trip0
kdtkft.huand commercial clients. With a combination of the internal, highly skilled construction resources and the nearly 30 delivery partners, the company offers end-to-end solutions in housing, refurbishment and redevelopment across the residential and commercial spectrum within the Budapest- Balaton axis.tax numberfamily, refurbishment, renovation, commercial, construction0
konigkft.hu…and glazing systems for numerous OEM bus, rail, tram, and automotive manufacturers. König Kft. believes in the importance of quality, flexibility, and continuous improvement. We focus on creating the greatest value for our clients by working closely together, even in the design stage to…window, customer, certificate, vehicle, central0
charitybridge.huDuring our nearly 18 years of existence, now we turn for the first time for public assistance.phone numberchild, donation, bridge, progress, edit0
gyb.huPosts… Contact…certificate numberbalazs, webpage, personal, post, certificate0
szentferenc.hu…Ms Merza’s “home”, located in the forest of Ócsa presented quite a different picture: a large, fenced-in area with a rustic farm house, with a great many kennels scattered around the place, and lots of waggly tailed dogs – big and small, male and female –all in the same place, together. read…account numbershelter, adoption, animal, foundation, support0
dentiumimplantcenter.huDentium Implant Center - Általános fogászat, esztétikai fogászat, fog implantátum és Plasztikai sebészet Budapesten.phone number, number cliniccenter, implant, dental, dentist, price0
ravera.hu…With our well-established system of subcontractors, we also undertake the design of complete industrial facilities. Our subcontractors operate mainly in the following fields: technological design, mechanical engineering, electrical design, instrumentation, architecture, statics, building…vat numberindustrial, engineering, mechanical, co., industry0
actegon.huHome… Terms of Service… Privacy…registration numbersolution, developer, thing, big, independent0
aranyhal-apartman.hu…provided… Free WiFi Internet… Winter special offer… View Details… Autumn special offer… Spring…sufficient number, number cleanapartment, offer, view, detail, studio0
aectutor.huParticipating in an online English course was truly enjoyable. The convenience of learning from the comfort of my home, coupled with the interactive and engaging content, made the experience outstanding. The diverse community of fellow learners from around the world added a unique cultural…phone numbercourse, language, class, student, skill0
officeresearch.hu…questionnaires to map employee needs and individual office usage. Using cross-questions our team brings unseen problems to the surface. We strive to understand the individual and team level thinking of every leader, department and employee. These are summarized and formulated as a majority need.tax numberoffice, workplace, research, organizational, analysis0
hotelbestseller.huHOTEL BESTSELLER provides its guests with high-quality rooms. The variety of room types allows everyone to find the most suitable choice, as our offer ranges from single rooms to family apartments. A Finnish sauna, two pools with whirlpools, a sun terrace, massages, and a cafe are available for…room, bed, double, single, guest0
win-pres.huWIN-PRES Kft. is a privately owned company with 60 employees. Typically, we manufacture a wide range of stamped and assembled components for the automotive industry.win, technology, quality, stamping, certificate0
agorairodahaz.huThe chief town of a country was chosen as the European city of the future in 2018 by the Financial Times.office, center, premium, energy, health0
szentimrey.hu…who speaks English and the head of Office who has the postgraduate degree in health law. In order to our Client (hospitals) we had a good cooperation in case of clinical site research agreements, we supervised and authorized from legal point of view many well-known pharma companies in the…bus numberlaw, legal, health, data, office0
hajdufolk.huof 207,000 people, lies in the heart of Europe. This is the seat of Hajdú-Bihar county andtotal number, number dancerfolk, ensemble, dance, city, national0
gunspince.huOur 100 years-old, renovated house is located in the middle of a vine-hill. It belongs to all rooms bathroom, and it is available one kitchen, and in the court a swimming-pool too. Beneath the house is a wine-cellar, where our guests can taste our wines in intimate circumstances.phone numberroom, accommodation, pension, bath, thermal0
zsorycamping.huThe special feature of our campsite is that it is located next to Zsóry Thermal Bath and Spa, from where the services and facilities of the bath can be reached within a short walk.registration number, tax number, number huthermal, bath, offer, guesthouse, bed0
gyulaimemorial.huHow fast YOU run the 100m?… Media… Volunteers… Hungarian… History… DR. Spiriev Bojidar trophy… Meeting…record number, number hungariansmemorial, record, meet, sponsor, athletic0
telekidental.huand therefore the health and beauty of our very important teeth. But beyond aesthetics, healthy and orderly dentures are also important for our health. Our dentists perform their work with expertise, dedication and years of experience, always taking into account the individual needs of the patients.phone number, number clinicdental, dentist, patient, guarantee, price0
borderlinealapitvany.huThe goal of the BORDERLINE TALENT FOUNDATION is to introduce people to Borderline personality disorder and the accompanying difficulties in life, and to introduce solutions to both the affected individual and their environment.tax numberfounder, publication, page, main, talent0
test-it.huAbout us… Case studies… Careers… English (UK)… Work with us… Work for…tax number, registration number, number hrbpage, study, case, career, address0
nextcarrental.huWhether you need a car for short or long term, with the services of Next Car Rental, you can easily choose from more than 350 cars at an affordable price without hidden costs.rental, easily, price, offer, great0
ditlin.huThe dreamers of the rooms and apartments are a couple of sisters, Judit and Katalin, the name of the accommodation was born from the last syllables of their names: Ditlin.room, apartment, breakfast, review, attraction0
conos.hu…latest project developments by sending notification emails whenever new files or documents are uploaded or shared by other team members. You can easily activate these notifications separately for each project participant. Keep your team up-to-date and streamline your project management with Conos..document, file, build, construction, management0
truefitness.hu…Tudjon meg még többet.… History… Session… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment… Includearray, controller, action, true, request0
tank.huDrive a tank in Budapest, more than 15 different types of tanks or armored personal vehicles can be driven.phone numberdrive, detail, movie, gallery, stag0
inhale.huAt Inhale our mission is to foster a mind-body-soul experience that goes beyond calorie burning. Our purpose is to help you truly understand your body and its limits while finding a harmonious connection between your physical and spiritual self.phone numberstudio, trainer, privacy, body, address0
zsidokivalosagok.huAlbina Vas, born in Szatka, lived with her husband, Imre Kertész, for 42 years. During this time, she supported him financially, believed in his...gallery, exhibition, group, history, homepage0
kreativter.huYou have the freedom to transfrom the rooms for the needs of your programme. It is up to your creativity what you want to create. No matter if you organize youth exchanges, trainings, camps, team building for company or a yoga retreat you will find a home in Creative Space.vat number, iban numberspace, creative, youth, offer, request0
medionline.hu…About Us… Contact Us… Payment Options… Privacy Policy… Refund Policy… Shipping Policy… Terms of…phone numbercart, catalog, set, orange, earring0
tavernasopron.hu…air conditioning! The location in the Táncsics Mihály str. 15 is only about a 10-15 minute walk from the city center and the local tourist sights like the Lövér district, open air bath, museums, stadium, shopping opportunities or the market place. We wish you a pleasant browsing and we look…guest, room, person, price, night0
crazygames.huTöbb mint 7000 játék érhető el az oldalon, bármilyen kategóriában, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. A legnépszerűbb kategóriák a(z):több, tower, defense, merge, soccer0
megamart.huLorem ipsum dolor amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt labore dolore.consectetur, ipsum, elit, dolor, eiusmod0
cinerentbudapest.huHome… lighting… grip… electric… camera movement… urh radio… contact… cinegrip…phone number, number emaillighting, movement, electric, camera, radio0
magyaregregy.huMagyaregregy lies on the outskirts of the Eastern Mecsek Mountains (Eastern Mecsek), on the banks of a small river called the Valley Stream, about 15 kilometers north of komló in the county.event, municipality, settlement, area, announcement0
jackplate.huInstalling a properly sized JackPlate on a fishing boat eliminates any problems that result from our outboard engine obscuring or falling into the line of our side-view sonar, meaning we usually experience poorer sonar images on the portside. The perfect sonar image depends on many parameters, but…pitch number, number leaveseries, plate, engine, power, hydraulic0
csocsek.hu…Serbian, Dalmatian and Greek influences, laidback Mediterranean mood, a thriving art scene and infectious joie de vivre was felt each year at local band Söndörgő’s festivals between 2001 and 2006. Csocsek carries on this legacy with fiery rhythms, family fun and Southern flavours by the beach.festival, payment, sponsor, century, local0
atlasmernokiroda.huThe careers of the three of us has split after the university years. In addition to designing reinforced concrete structures for civil engineering and water-management, we gained experience and expertise in structural design of bridges and in the field of building constructions.vat number, registration number, number country, number c-01structural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation0
kisviragvendeghaz.huKisvirág guesthouse Located 100 m from the center of Mezőberény. Great recreation for families in an intimate, quiet environment. Detached family house with a yard of 2000 m2, a cozy terrace and a lit yard awaits guests. There are 2.5 rooms in the building, a kitchen (fully equipped), and a…phone numberguesthouse, room, house, reservation, guest0
mtesz-szabolcs.hu“Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts of lorem ipsum dolor”client, country, text, determination, accountant0
omnimind.huAPI… PHP programming… MsSQL database… May 9, 2022October 11, 2022… Freelancer Projects… May 7…programming, application, desktop, march, freelancer0
nhkv.huWe established the website of NHKV [National Coordination of Waste Management and Asset Management Plc (NHKV Plc)] with the purpose of implementing the state tasks of waste management public service within the most efficient frameworks possible.account number, number uniquepublic, data, introduction, organisation, recommendation0
antrodentbudapest2016.huThis is the first anthroposophical dental congress to be hosted in Central Europe. The event will be attended by lecturer physicians and therapists from nine different countries. The subject of the conference is: The oral cavity as the meeting point of various qualities – from an anthroposophical…congress, dental, lecturer, event, island0
auditinfo.huWe would like to inform our Dear Customers that in order to prevent the consequences of a human epidemic causing a mass illness that endangers the safety of life and property…tax numberannouncement, management, proceedings, colleagues, privacy0
technosecurity.hu…1997 and in every following three years since then. The ISO 9001 and our well-prepared professionals guarantee that the proper level of quality is ensured from planning to handover during the tasks executed by TECHNO SECURITY Zrt. Our company is also a member of the Hungarian Quality Association.bank number, number locationsecurity, quality, task, location, equipment0
florian-dental.hu…of the art equipment, a highly qualified and friendly dentist team. Our dental clinic in Budapest, Flórián Dental looking forward to you if you need dental care. Complete dental care and complex oral surgery are performed for all age groups. We offer our patients more options for dental treatments.phone number, number clinicdental, dentist, price, patient, guarantee0
pk-tech.huOur services are permanent disinfection, air technique systems cleaning, high cleaning, kitchen hood cleaning in restaurants.year numberclean, disinfection, air, kitchen, technique0
betonacelszerelo.hu…the Project or throughout the year to help plan the cost of reinforcing steel. Unique offers, discounts: We are able to guarantee additional price cut for resellers depending on turnover. Outstanding quality assuring system: All of our suppliers have the required Factory Certification required by…line numberdocument, line, equipment, technical, function0
marketingalapok.huHiring an SEO expert could well prove to be a shot in the arm for your online business, that deserves a robust web presence. Hiring an SEO expert could well prove to be a shot in the arm for your online business, that deserves a robust and web presence.phone numberengine, search, robust, expert, media0
borostyankert.huIn our Guesthouse there are rooms with 2,3,4,5 beds and a new apartment with 4 beds. Each room has its own bathroom, television and fridge.phone numberrestaurant, room, reservation, alley, guesthouse0
asg.co.huThe name of the company was changed to ASG Hydro Ltd. (ASG Vízgép Kft.) from 2010 and via expansion of the ownership group, the company acquired a new profile. Besides keeping and widening the already existing profile, the main profile became the tailor-made production of hydro-machineries…manufacture, machine, industrial, detail, main0
otkert.huOne of Budapest’s most popular dance clubs, ÖTKERT has been the pinnacle of the city’s nightlife since its opening in 2010 with wild parties, frenzied crowds, famous local DJs and unique events. The club is a breathtaking XIX. Chain Bridge and Saint Stephen’s Basilica. Every night different genres…phone numbernews, january, table, event, gallery0
porcellino.huPorcellino Grasso represents the enthralling Italian countryside style and is dedicated to the Italiandelivery, reservation, gallery, newsletter, venue0
somapak.huFilling machines, capping machines, labeling machines, sachet and bagging machines, other types of packaging machinesvat number, registration number, number cgtechnology, packaging, machine, manufacture, cut0
hangveto.huHangvető has been a hub for world music in Central Eastern Europe since 2003. We organise world and folk music festivals, produce films, publish and distribute records. Hangvető builds cultural strategies and consults with cities, having worked with several ECoC title holders and candidates.festival, music, international, consulting, documentary0
profinito.huDeclaration of intent to attend a creditors’ meeting using an electronic communication deviceaccount number, phone numberintroduction, proceedings, creditor, settlement, account0
don-vito.hu“ Anyone who leaves the path to the inexperienced knows what he is losing, but not what he finds. “phone numberrestaurant, food, drink, wine, gallery0
snaply.husnaply is designed to help content creators on the web, create a free account and start making money now.creator, favorite, free, account, site0
caratboutiquehotel.huOfficial website of Carat Boutique Hotel , a 4 stars hotel in the Budapest center. Book your hotel in Budapest at the best priceroom, center, guest, website, price0
dragin.huDRAGIN Kkt is a language teaching company founded in 1996 for providing services for companies that operate in and around Budapest.language, tuition, translation, learn, german0
ransommentes.huThose who know us know how many special people work in our team. We put our heads together and decided to celebrate this occasion in a special way. We are sick and tired of the tension caused by ransomware attacks in IT and other sectors. Therefore, we developed a method so that our name…registration number, number crnattack, assessment, day, detail, eng0
upperwolf.huTNABLAK… Top 10 Trends In Web Design for 2014… Read More… Friday Inspiration…template, creative, page, mission, unlimited0
bibliaszol.huIt’s me, God… Resignation & The Work of God Proceeds… God’s Impossible Solution & You And Your…phone number, account number, number tithes, tax numbergod, church, foundation, christian, location0
dronedesign.hu…reducing the cost of aerial cinematography. The problem comes from that in the film industry most people have drones, and everyone wants to be a drone pilot. That’s why we are offering our quality service for the industry, with the best-in-class equipment, and pilots with more than a decade of…vat number, number rightdrone, solution, agriculture, enterprise, development0
furedvet.huOur aim is to provide a large scale of veterinary services for the little beloved pets coming into our office in order to make as exact diagnoses as possible and to create a comfortable environment for the owners.phone number, number emergencyoffice, veterinary, food, store, animal0
dealagency.hu…management. For us sports management is not only about continuing a successful sporting career in a related field but rather a ‘love project’ where we could utilize our vast experience and extensive knowledge of international markets while representing our clients and defending their interests.deal, agency, athlete, talent, career0
smartvizitaxi.huThe 335 HTS joins the cruiser lineup of the Third Generation Galeon models and further improves on the already impressive performance and handling characteristics of the sporty 325 series it was based on. With upgrades to the hull design, layout and general aesthetics it truly warrants…ship, station, engine, sound, general0
hotelthelena.hu…wine region of Szekszard and from Fadd-Dombori the beloved holiday resort. The hotel, embraced by centennial horse chestnut trees creates an atmosphere and offers a variety of programs making not only tourists but also participants of meetings, conferences or other events have a pleasant stay.room, bed, event, size, double0
zuibudapest.hucontext, it can be interpreted as our guests becoming deeply intoxicated by the delicious breakfast, coffee, or tea they enjoy with us, feeling extremely satisfied and happy. Every bite and sip with us is a little joy, where you can indulge in delightful flavors and traditional Asian ambiance alike.phone numberasian, bar, page, flavor, food0
apatit.huThe ambition of our homepage is you to know our dental office , treatments , prices , contact . Very important for us patients to keep ther oral health, we have got lots of informations about teeths, dental diseases, oral care. We have got tips for your acut dental problem, but only dentist can…phone numberdentistry, treatment, patient, price, dental0
fogaszatifotos.huThe Champion School aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.game number, number logicactivity, academic, student, school, champion0
taxi-siofok-olcso.huSiofok Taxi, reliable, category "A" car with passengers waiting for your call, cheap tariffs.phone numberperson, step, passenger, downtown, destination0
blissandbody.huPamper your body after workout or at the end of an exhausting day in our wellness section! Relax in the jacuzzi, be refreshed in the pool, the sauna or the steam bath, release the daily stress and chill out during a pleasant massage.phone numberbody, training, personal, yoga, class0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)america number, number bullet, whittle numberdocumentary, islam, history, america, article0
btpartners.huOur tax team uniquely integrates tax and legal expertise with industry knowledge and an understanding of our clients' business needs. This approach ensures that we are able to deliver sophisticated, high-profile and seamless tax advisory services and provide tax solutions.tax numbertax, advisory, solution, people, client0
cetinelconsultancy.hu…offer creative, result-oriented and high-quality legal solutions. Our client-orientation dictates that every client issue receives all due attention and care whether it is part of a continuing client relationship or a single transaction. We work in concert with each client to develop…phone numberconsultancy, turkey, activity, area, tier0
idegennyelvumedia.hu…the sense that as a member of the European Union and NATO, Hungary is a significant factor for foreigners who do not speak Hungarian. Political, economic, or even business news may have a serious impact on other countries or companies, so Hungarian political or economic news interest experts…statistical numbermedia, news, language, foreign, supporter0
duelcorp.huAbout Us… Cases… For Creditors… Important Infos… Documents… Complain Policy…telephone numberhomepage, case, creditor, important, document0
autotherm.huLCW Body building. LCW body building cooled vehicle body production and service. Deceased transport vehicle production.body, quotation, vehicle, production, transport0
avicogroup.huThe founders have an enviable record of meeting the challenges of the Real Estate market in Israel, USA and Europe. Avico Group is developing residential properties in several locations at Hungary. The portfolio of the group is about 5000 units including the finished Lőrincliget in the 18th…district, group, fully, hand, flat0
suhanjfitness.huWith the opening of SUHANJ! Fitness I started doing spinning. I am holding spinning and circuit training classes in the integrative gym. My aim is to provide opportunity for regular exercise and healthy lifestyle, and that the guests learn the joy of sports during my trainings. Because, as we…tax numbertraining, education, physical, class, people0
fonixtaxi.huEnglish (UK)… Mainpage… Services… Payment methods… Prices… Taxi order application… Online taxi order…tax number, license number, number d-09order, transfer, airport, payment, method0
studyinhungary.huStudy programmes of Hungarian universities, scholarships, living costs, current issues, events and fresh local news about higher education.emergency numberstudy, scholarship, university, programme, education0
kotroalkatresz.huLet me briefly introduce our company, which we have established based on 30 years of practice and experience in earthmoving machine service and spare parts sales. The main profile of our company is to offer and ensure spare parts for our customers in accordance with their needs. Moreover, we…tax numbermachinery, unit, long, reach, tool0
metommusic.hu…Hardcore Crossover… Rock… Cannibal Corpse - Vile LP 180g Mastered For Vinyl… Lucifer - Lucifer V CD…patient number, number blacklive, marble, white, day, edition0
jobconcept.huThe main business activity of JobConcept Kft. is labour lending, but we are also available for labor exchange, head hunting, hired recruitment, HR Outsourcing, payroll, accounting and financial consulting.large number, number employeeemployee, labour, accounting, detail, presentation0
safelezerterapia.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.phone numbersit, luctus, nec, tellus, dolor0
hintalovon.huSince 2015, we have been working to raise awareness of children's rights. We want to make sure that society has a voice in all aspects of life. children's interests and perspectives in all areas of life, so that we really listen to children. We want us all to understand the importance of a good…tax numberchild, participation, report, safeguard, advocacy0
jupet.hu…the well-being of all pets. Out of a commitment to each patient’s unique needs, we aim to utilize the latest advancements in veterinary medicine and to constantly improve our standard of care. Every day we dedicatedly seek to use our skills, knowledge, and compassion to serve you and your pet.telephone number, number appointmentguide, clinic, care, medicine, animal0
mfpartners.huThis website is maintained by Maráczi, Fellegi and Partners Law Firm, a law firm registered at the Budapest Bar Association, in accordance with the legislation applicable to lawyers and internal regulations.tax number, vat number, number hu, registration numberlaw, attorney, expertise, client, firm0
alucasting.huWe manufacture high-precision castings for the automotive industry and the electrical and mechanical engineering. From 0.1 to 30 Kg per piece we have created an enormous range in the casting technology. Alu Casting do not just produce all common alloys also Hypereutectic alloys for highly stressed…vat numbercasting, support, machine, navigation, precision0
birkasco.huGuascor / Siemens gas, diesel and marine engine parts. We supply original, genuine, OEM and after-market parts for your Guascor engine.number changeengine, gasket, piston, head, cylinder0
watchfinder.huSpecial Offers New Arrivals Presale Watches All Watches Rolex Watches Newly Priced Watchesserial numberpre, offer, exchange, warranty, special0
hunguest.huFind your favorite Hunguest hotel! Book now!number guestchild, friendly, conference, discovery, popular0
klimaalap.huemissions, improvement of sustainable quality of life, production of renewable energy, increase of energy storage, transportation and efficiency, solution of global global water problems. Innovative ideas and developments in the fields of green energy, climate-friendly agriculture and food use, the…tax number, registration numberinvestment, capital, fund, venture, planet0
majkiremeteseg.hu…is also the peculiar reverence that the centuries-old walls emanate and impact each visitor. Through the introduction of period interiors, interactive display elements, and the digital exhibition guide (Visual Guide), visitors can gain insight into the monks’ sequestered world, spent in silence.tax numberexhibition, visitor, history, house, photo0
accountingbudapest.huAccountingBudapest is a Company setup, Accounting, Tax and Audit service provider business organisation registered in Hungary with more than ten years experience.tax, formation, accounting, support, registration0
ferrykerturbo.huIn 1995 Ferryker Bt. was appointed as the Hungarian representative and service of the KKK / Kühnle, Kopp & Kausch AG / turbo manufacturer. In the summer of 1996 Ferryker Bt. became the first official factory representative and service in East Europe.registration number, number aq, vat number, eori numberfactory, repair, representative, official, distribution0
elmenykulonitmeny.huÉlménykülönítmény is the community of Bátor Tábor fundraisers. With our “ÉK” fundraisers, we have been encouraging severely ill children since 2011. In the meantime, we pursue our obsessions - do sports, cook, play music, celebrate, or juggle while standing on our heads. Together with our…tax numberevent, campaign, fundraising, art, category0
applion.huWe provide excellent services in the field of mobile platforms (Android, iOS), custom software, applications, server development and system operation. We build our services on our many years of experience and expertise, which ensure the satisfaction of our customers.development, mobile, solution, app, customer0
icons.huiCons-Hungary: Training, coaching, consulting, tests. Development of business strategies and personal competenciestax numbernetwork, analysis, icon, training, development0
bionectar.huAll honey offered for purchase is tested in a laboratory. Quality is the most important factor for us. After analyzing laboratory results, the price set in the contract is payed to the producer immediately. Some of the tests are carried out with our own instruments, and other tests are made by…honey, quality, acacia, sunflower, pallet0
oxicar.huOxicar-Trans LLC. has been operating since October 15, 1998. It's legal predecessor was Oxicar GM. The family founded and owned company's main profile is domestic and international finished vehicle transport, freight transport and forwarding.vat numbermain, page, transport, career, vehicle0
sumegipalota.huThe gift shop offers visitors a wide range of books, publications, photos, postcards, fridge magnets, ceramics, and porcelain and textile souvenirs related to the various exhibitions and collections of the Episcopal Palace in Sümeg.tax numbervisitor, history, development, gift, shop0
classboxmester.huClassBox is the online version of the real class community. The community of form-master, teachers, students and parents in online version. This is the basis of ClassBox.classbox numberschool, class, student, parent, child0
papikmetal.hu…and an open yard. The company, which employs about 100 workers, meets international quality assurance standards. We can provide qualified labor and state of the art equipment and technology. Over 33 years of professional experience guarantees our ability to fully satisfy the needs of our clients.tax number, registration number, account number, number hufprofile, metal, transportation, road, gallery0
everyparts.huEveryparts… Contact… English… Caterpillar… Caterpillar motors… Cummins… Cylinder heads… CAPS II…phone numberhead, cylinder, close, cap, block0
itcontrol.huProvide All Kind Of IT Services Provide All Kind Of IT Services Whether bringing new and amazing products and an services to market Solution For All IT Security Solution For All IT Security Whether bringing new and amazing products and an services to market All IT Consultancy Solution All IT…account numbersolution, style, page, amet, sit0
industrialplots.huPest county Szigetszentmiklós 8542sqm large land in economic, commercial, service zoen for saleid numbersale, industrial, plot, county, detail0
colling.huYour own accountant without staff? Are you interested in an integrated accounting system that allows you to get up-to-date information about the current status of your company, even from home, in a matter of seconds?quote, friendly, accounting, payroll, question0
szabadkigyosikastely.huThe gift shop offers visitors a wide range of books, publications, photos, postcards, fridge magnets, ceramics, porcelain, and textile souvenirs related to the various exhibitions and collections of Szabadkígyós Palace.tax numberhistory, visitor, family, gift, shop0
metalfusion.huWe focus on high level quality, precision and implementation. In addition to maintenance the relationship with our partners, we also aim on developing a wide range of customer base. Our mission is to perfectly adept to the expectations of our business partners besides the industry standards and…phone numberquality, production, reference, small, batch0
babellaantik.huBabella Antik… Főoldal… Galéria… Textil… Kapcsolat… Nyelvek…tax numberpiece, gallery, furniture, original, accessories0
a-list.hu…in Budapest since 2003. Our goal is to provide the highest quality service to the international and Hungarian guests. The best Beauty Salon Buda II. Pest V. Hűvösvölgy 2/A. Redken Hairdresser, Belico Cosmetic Anti-aging, Manicure Pedicure CND OPI Shellack, Massage Body Massage, Fish-pedicure.list, salon, pedicure, manicure, quality0
markhazipalinka.huOur distillery was established in autumn 2009, and after 10 years, in 2019 the Márkházi Palinka was acquired by the DunaPro group. The focus of Márkhazi is to continue high quality Palinka production and improve production with innovation and evolution.tax numberpalinka, premium, quality, flavor, production0
combinatorica.hu…T., Jr. Extremal problems in discrete geometry Volume 3 (1983), Issue 3-4, 381–392 de Fraysseix, H.; Pach, J.; Pollack, R. How to draw a planar graph on a grid Volume 10 (1990), Issue 1, 41–51 Frankl, P.; Wilson, R. M. Intersection theorems with geometric consequences Volume 1 (1981), Issue 4…geometry number, number theorypaper, issue, editor, mathematics, volume0
superpixel.hu“Dani nem lovagol problémákon, meg nem keres igazat, egyszerűen fogja és megoldja, ha probléma merül fel. Kiszámítható weboldal építő: amit mond, az úgy lesz. Tartja az időkereteket. Mond építő kritikát, véleményt is.”order number, number prowoocommerce, builder, form, premium, divi0
navszakerto.huThe lawyer office’s first brief are referring to tax inspection procedures, such as substantiality review, recoverable VAT, stucked VAT by HTCA, excise duty cases, deliver an opinion about contracts, in the aspect of hungarian tax law, liquidation, company screening by audits and tax law aspects…tax numberlawyer, tax, legal, law, procedure0
visitvac.huGala performance organised by the Municipality of Vác Performers: students of the University of Dance, Veronika Varga folk singer, László Ruzicska theatre artist. During the evening, the "Art Award of the City of Vác", the "Award for the Culture of the City of Vác" and the "Award for the Work of…tax numberevent, day, lover, orchestra, concert0
speakersbureau.huFirst Hungarian Speakers is a start-up speakers bureau - the first of its kind in Hungary. Gábor Antal, our founder is an experienced lawyer with a broad-based professional and corporate network. First Hungarian Speakers was established with the objective of exploring whether the speakers bureau…speaker, bureau, lawyer, network, gabor0
drgerei.huI have been working as an operative manager, a director general managing groups of companies in the international corporate sector for nearly 20 years. During this time, I have got a degree in economics, and have been providing management consulting services to executive managers. Subsequently, I…registration numberlegal, law, representation, procedure, case0
carvalet.huWe would like to introduce you our new website. We hope that these pages will help you find all the information you need.phone numberchemistry, document, special, website, slovakia0
dtgcement.huSince 2006, we have been producing bagged cement, which we fill at a plant own by us in Debrecen and distribute throughout Hungarytax numbersale, plant, imprint, supplier, tax0
lakogep.huWe developed our transparent processes from our international experience and the local construction market knowledge from our decades long local presence. We represent a new generation, a new voice and new standards in Hungaryproud, construction, permit, long, solution0
mortoff.huenterprises since 2002. The experience gained during the past decades, as well as the support we received from the excellent, highly skilled, and competent team of professionals made it possible for us to achieve that the name Mortoff is recognized not only in the domestic market but abroad as well.customer number, number areasolution, development, enterprise, software, medium0
csagyi.huThe Family Child Youth Association was established in 1993, as one of the first non-profit organizations in Hungary working in child welfare and protection – aims to support the protection of children and the strengthening families , accomplished by fortifying, training and providing services to…tax numberchild, family, association, youth, training0
euroring.huDo you love motorcycles, cars? The Euro-Ring asphalt racetrack is the perfect location for both track riding and driving experiencestax numberevent, track, drive, motorcycle, road0
tachografletolto.huBluetooth tachograph and driver card downloader For VDO, Stoneridge, EFAS, Actia older type and SMART tachographscard, driver, orange, download, smartphone0
prime-magankollegium.huDaily cleaning of common spaces, weekly cleaning of bedrooms and bi-weekly changing of bed linen are included in the price.infinite numberuniversity, room, minute, price, location0
fixpmo.hu…admin. That's why we provide our Daily Jira Administrator service. We use our project management skills to do this. The other necessary thing is that the Jira settings must also constantly follow the needs. This is what our Jira Administration Support service provide, based on our Jira expertise..tax numberjira, management, administrator, administration, portfolio0
x-cheats.huThe Metronomicon… Batman: Arkham VR… Kholat… H1Z1: King of the Kill… Mafia III… Battlefield 1… Hotline…forest, blind, force, awaken, madness0
sipeurope.huSIP-EUROPE Group is an ever-growing European group engaged in the design, manufacturing and supply of SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels), as well as other construction systems for the construction of low-energy and passive buildings.tax numberbuilding, construction, advantage, europe, process0
ecbtravel.huWe at ECB Travel own our own fleet with premium buses, coaches, minibuses and minivans. With depots in Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Ljubljana, and München , we are always prepared and able to provide prompt services with competitive prices, for any kind of excursion, LDC, transfer or day trip.phone number, mobile numbertravel, tour, minibus, trip, solution0
bravogroup.huBravogroup is one of the most significant Hungarian owned, private holdings. In the course of almost 3 decades, we have provided office automation, mobile and IT services for thousands of satisfied customers with the help of more than 650 of our colleagues, working in 15 companies.number employeesolution, office, distribution, operation, trade0
dstech.huDS Tech Ltd. is a technology services and consulting company. DS Tech delivers technology and business consulting competence and experience to MNCs and national companies in the Hungarian market.phone numbertechnology, consulting, competence, market, national0
absolutmachines.huAbout Us… Products… Partners… Galery… Contacts…tax numbermachine, construction, page, sorry, webpage0
bonitasktk.huBonitás Investment Fund Management Zrt. is engaged in private equity and venture capital investments and real estate fund management. Bonitás Investment Fund Management Zrt. has been active in the domestic equity investment market since 2013. Our venture capital investment activities were expanded…tax numberinvestment, management, fund, group, domestic0
stylersgroup.huThe Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCIT) v7.0 course shows you how to troubleshoot LAN, SAN, Cisco® Data Center Unified Fabric, Cisco Unified Computing System™ (Cisco UCS®), and Cisco Application-Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI®).You will learn methodologies and tools to…unit number, number lundata, series, group, center0
inducon.huIn the beginning our company was established to solve industrial automatic problems in 1989. Our main activity was to make machine tools’s driving controls with computer. In that time the additional automatic was well-tried technology .... MOREphone number, number unchangedmachine, spare, additional, heat, refurbishment0
dunagarden.huAbout us… Restaurant… Wedding… Recreation… Events venue… Company events… Family festivities… Our rooms…event, garden, restaurant, wedding, recreation0
imitravel.huin case of rural or foreign work, the accommodation costs and daily allowance of the drivers (15,000 HUF / day / driver)tax numbertravel, class, passenger, leather, day0
baranyay.huNeed a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needsgrowth, plan, current, solid, foundation0
dutrade.huDUTRADE Steels Product Processing and Trading Co., (DUTRADE ZRT) is a Hungarian steel producer with a long tradition, it is a member of the ISD DUNAFERR Group. DUTRADE ZRT has been running a domestic steel distribution network of ISD DUNAFERR ZRT since 1992. The first Steel Service Center in…profile, steel, document, sheet, cold0
fotoreklam.huAdvertising marketing is an important element of marketing communication. A well-featured, corporate-branded promotional gift builds the company's reputation.phone numberagency, graphic, gift, unique, printing0
havik.huThe Havik Ltd., founded in 2003, is an industrial and trade company with 100% Hungarian ownership. The production center is at Kaposújlak, 3 kilometers from Kaposvár, in Somogycounty, Hungary. Since 2011 we operate at a brand new, more than 1000 square meters production area.vat numberproduction, steel, locksmith, structure, industrial0
motorvasarlasitanacsado.huHome II… Home III… About Us… About Us II… Why Us… Date -Author Left… Date Left… Medium… Medium…number countersit, consectetur, amet, ipsum, elit0
deltafitness.huThe Delta Fitness Club was born in 2000, in the city center of Debrecen. The equipments of the GYM have expanded recently, with HOIST, TechnoGym and Impulse machines.tax number, registration numbermonth, price, rule, bodybuilding, machine0
pcroyal.huused building in 2002. The main products of the company are self-adhesive labels and flexible packaging materials in rolls. Thanks to the economic policy of our company, we spend most of our revenues for new investments, improvements. In this way we can grow from our own resources. According to our…printing, packaging, quality, self, adhesive0
naf.huThese companies represent a similar approach to ours. A sustainable, long-term, predictable, ethical partnership is just as important to them."tax numberboard, limited, seeker, job, main0
dizajnorak.huAMŐBA… 'DARABOK'… 'ERDŐ'… Facebook… History… Session… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment…array, controller, action, component, request0
expresszekszerhaz.huFlex is distributed with six preset styles. Each can be customized in the “Presets” Settings to individualize the template text, background and mayor colors, and in the Layout Builder, you can use unlimited color combination for every part of your template!animated numbergallery, column, space, post, format0
suncell.huOur company is an end-to-end, customer-oriented alternative energy company that brings you cutting-edge solar energy solutions.phone numberenergy, renewable, solution, wind, reader0
bpcsatornazas.huCONTACT… About the project… Description of the project… Environmental effect of the project… Project…data, description, environmental, effect, technical0
regio10.hu…Depolarizations 2023… Register… Details… Organising conferences… Organising virtual and online…régió-10 numberevent, conference, account, international, detail0
edunet.hulife and knowledge of the younger generations. We aim at promoting a wide scale access to the education and good teaching to everyone which meets the needs and possibilities of the 21st century. We focus on elaborating and spreading developing programs to support the success of the learner's career.tax numberfoundation, education, knowledge, news, download0
pcnfilm.huAdventure… The Lost European… Eszter’s Inheritance… The Secret Number… Notes from Underground… Embers…secret numberadventure, european, lose, inheritance, secret0
mymenu.hu…beginning of the 20th century by a Hungarian Romanian philanthropist, Mano Gozsdu. It was fully renovated in 2008. The promenade is hosting the Gouba, the open-air Sunday bazaar, offering design items (jewellery, clothes, accessories…), some antics, drawings, stationary, etc. These days it…airport, guide, tourist, page, map0
ilant.huIlant technology offers innovative engineering solutions, business consulting, production and manufacturing planning. Startup supporting.result numberengineering, production, technology, manufacture, plan0
best-budapest.huBEST Budapest… About us… Organisation… Management… Support us!… BEST Courses… BEST Academy… BEST…tax numbercourse, academy, summer, education, symposium0
newlogicconsulting.hu…a full range of logistics services to its clients. Its main activity is international and domestic shipping. The manager and staff of our company have many years of professional experience in this field. We track the path of the cargo 24 hours a day, and we keep our partners informed continuously.registration number, number cg, tax numberlogic, consulting, domestic, international, solution0
oba.hu…insurance in Europe… What is not protected by NDIF?… Compass (downloadable)… Compensation… Bank…account number, number submissioncompensation, insurance, deposit, customer, member0
nyirinvest.huFurthermore, our task is to support the enterprises present in Nyíregyháza, and to properly manage their needs and problems in order for these companies to plan their operation and developments here in a long run. We contribute to the day-to-day operation of businesses already operating in our…city numberindustrial, development, local, city, area0
lipahotel.huHotel Lipa provides bicycles with which the guests can discover the hilly landscape of the national park Őrség and the Raba Region. In some packages, bike rental is free of charge!package, restaurant, guest, bicycle, gallery0
adapt.huOur service for companies is customized: from hiring of semi skilled employees (i.e. operators) to skilled workers (i.e. welders) our specialts with our database are here to help finding the effective, skilled and loyal employees.approval numberjob, worker, privacy, condition, competition0
cookroom.huExclusive design kitchen furniture, bathroom furniture and additional interior design accessories, straight from Italy. With the Italian design furniture that comes with our range, you can furnish every room in your home and bring it back to life. Check out our latest products and dream up a home…furniture, kitchen, italian, unique, bathroom0
happytrain.huHappy Train has been producing and selling tourist trains since 2002. Our Happy Train brand is one of the market leaders in Hungary and we also have clients in Slovakia, Romania, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Norway, Czechia, Poland, Italy, Portugal, Austria, and Saudi-Arabia . Happy Trains provide a…vat numbertrain, happy, tourist, sightseeing, quality0
fekete-sereg.huA short summary of the project "MY EARTH", our latest intercontinental cooperation with 6 countriestax numbervolunteer, news, opportunity, youth, publication0
nuvu.huIn a thousand years, fireworks have actually evolved the most in the range of demonstrable forms, but their basics have not changed much. Developments of the past thirty years (like the display of colours in the most varied and powerful manner) have led to breakthroughs in terms of the chemicals…phone numberpage, trade, letter, original, torch0
bellobreaking.huOur company, Bello Breaking Kft. Has several decades of professional experience and experience in demolition of buildings and concrete structures, as well as in mechanical earthworks. We also undertake demolition of industrial facilities, large machines, complete factories, and landscaping after…registration numberdemolition, machine, removal, introduction, reference0
pmrkft.hu…in compliance with regulatory requirements and specific authority licenses. As a result, we can help our partners in fulfilling their obligations which are required by the waste management regulatory frameworks for business organizations, so the unlawful conduct is preventable and to takeregistration number, gln number, account number, üj numberwaste, management, paper, plastic, metal0
multilogkft.huMultilog Ltd. with 20 years of experience and innovative digital solutions, makes customs operations efficient and smooth. Please take a look at our services and contact us with confidence!eori number, number requestcustom, useful, operation, duty, indirect0
jobgroup.huWe offer complete HR services with the combination of innovative methodology and classic solutions. Effective support for the in-house HR professionals.tax numberdetail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour0
varagesztenye.huWe are more than happy to host you at Chestnut guesthouse! Relax in the heart of the Danube bend!number petprice, chestnut, guesthouse, booking, bend0
centera.huWe provide support primarily in strategic planning, innovation management, process management, system design and installation, and integration tasks.registration number, vat numbermanagement, innovation, plan, strategic, risk0
twinstravel.hu…We went to the Heroes Square, Thermal Bath, St Stephens Basilica, Central Market Hall, shopping of branded goods at Vaci Street. Next day we went beyond Budapest and visited Visegrad, Danube Bend and Szentendre. I did enjoy so much! Hungary is beautiful, thank you very much for TWINS Travel!phone number, fax numbertravel, tour, city, guide, person0
nagyvadhunting.huIn the 21st century - expert-managed hunting grounds definitely do not guarantee wealth, unless you work against the interests of the game. Nevertheless, I can say that our hunting ground made me rich - not in material in financial terms, but rather in terms of spiritual wealth deep inside and the…registration number, vat numberhunting, proposal, ground, introduction, cost0
impactworks.hu…campaign, and when we conduct communication or leadership skills development training for individuals or groups, we always strive to reveal out our customers’ values and show them to the world. And to ultimately generate a positive impact through authentic, transparent and engaging communication.impact, communication, training, development, page0
mbgroup.huMcMillan & Baneth Kft. was established in 1989, as an Irish-Hungarian joint venture, inspired by the World Bank. It has now become entirely independent, a 100% Hungarian-owned consulting company. Our company operates in the premium (niche) market and the owner actively participates in the…vat numbercourse, additional, group, training, management0
nytbk.huThe Open Mind Buddhist Community was founded by the Hungarian disciples of Venerable Dhammasami and the Oxford Buddha Vihāra (OVB) in order to establish a Theravādan monastery.registration numberretreat, monastery, detail, community, centre0
bjc.huDon't miss the opportunity to visit the longest active jazz club at Budapest! Great jazz concerts with dominent Hungarian & international musicians on every evening. A cozy bistro and a jazz café are also waiting for their guests. Unique atmosphere and great jazz music in the heart of Budapest!session number, number mathfree, night, session, wednesday, thursday0
impactalapkezelo.huIntroduction… About us… Company leading… A fuller description of Management… Practice areas… Real…registration numberimpact, management, fund, asset, house0
bookfairy.huBook and Jigsaw… Baby's very first black and white books… Very first words… Flap books… Touchy Feely…letter number, number shapebook, story, activity, sticker, fairy0
lordresidencebudapest.huOnly 5 minutes’ walk away from the Opera Metro Station and the Andrassy Avenue, Lord Residence offers free WiFi.phone numberapartment, bedroom, away, reserve, room0
kabelkonfekcio.huScintilla Ltd. - Cable assemblies, cable fittings, signal and power cables, from the automotive industry to telecommunicationsfact numbercable, assembly, signal, power, industry0
parokakeszites.huAbout us… Wigmaking… References… Shopping… Registration… Log in… Contact… FAQ… Cart… English… Privacy…telephone numberfaq, news, reference, shopping, registration0
elanhunting.huDear Fellow-Hunters, October is ended, we are over some fantastic fallow bucks-hunting with Danish, English, Slovakian Guests, the satisfaction...reg number, tax numbernewsletter, hunting, offer, video, news0
besbim.huOur consulting activities include supporting BIM implementation and workflows, as well as BIM audit.tax numbermodel, detail, coordination, consulting, plan0
wpo.huCode, Design & Technology for every device. WPO was founded in 2011 with an aim to create future-forward developments and designs. Throughout the years we op...vat numberdigital, development, website, creative, technology0
bilingual.huOur program delivers both a head start in English amounting to a significant gain compared to students in the standard national bilingual program and a full Hungarian education.bilingual numberbilingual, student, education, unique, school0
granaxisconsult.huGRANAXIS CONSULT Kft. is a company included in the new list of liqudatiors effective from the 3 March 2021 (published in the Official Gazette No. 11 of 2021)tax number, statistical numberproceed, financial, consulting, management, asset0
szigetkozportal.huConnection… Dunakiliti… Mecsér… Activities and nature… Leisure activities… Nature… Family programs…accomodation, event, programme, nature, activity0
caffelamessicana.huTogether, Elektra and Caffè La Messicana Piacenza have identified this coffee consumption market niche, examined its needs and use modalities and then made it qualitatively excellent.tax numbercoffee, capsule, blend, machine, bean0
solditech.huIts main profile is metal work, the production of non-series machinery, supported with engineer planning and design using INVENTOR 3D planning software.staff number, number peoplemachine, production, series, introduction, reference0
taxibudapest.hu…in Budapest at competitive rates. We provide you with the highest level of service from the Budapest River Cruise Dock or the Budapest Railway Station to hotels, villas, apartments and private residences. Reliable Service - Best Taxi, always on time. Book your Budapest transfer quickly and easily >maximum number, number passenger, number luggagelimousine, luxury, transfer, offer, price0
carryall.huAll members of our business partners hold many years of experience in logistics and we are particularly knowledgeable in the area of industrial environmental investments. We are also delighted to offer a wide range of services such as unique size, shape and weight parcel delivery.tax numberdelivery, logistic, oversize, installation, transport0
galambostrans.huGalambos Trans Ltd. - Reliable partner in the field of emergency shipment of goods. Domestic and international transportation, organization and execution of groupage shipment and freight distribution, organization of freight and logistics servicestax number, account number, number iban, id number, number hutransportation, logistic, field, shipment, domestic0
glz.huSample text. Click to select the text box. Click again or double click to start editing the text. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat nonphone numbersample, double, text, sint, cupidatat0
bihartax.huThe liquidation proceedings, which are its main activity, are carried out by the company in accordance with the several times amended Act XLIX of 1991 on bankruptcy proceedings and liquidation proceedings. in accordance with the provisions of the law, based on a court appointment.registration number, statistical numbertax, liquidation, proceedings, liquidator, colleagues0
dromedar.huIf you want to produce your own line of clothing, this is how Dromedar can help youdromedar numberwoman, catalog, fashion, shop, pant0
duslant.huYou can choose from our experts qualified welders, pipe fitters, locksmiths, engine fitter and also other specific metallurgical specialist. Upon request of our partners we help to search the professionals with proper competence and to fix the necessary headcount to the given work.tax numberspecialist, registration, abroad, main, quick0
ezermesterek.hu…sure about our work. Initially we started as a company specializing in household maintenance. During our successful work we expanded our list of services. Now we are proud that we can help people with welding, moving, dry cleaning, landscaping and even pest control. Every member of our team is…large numberplumbing, style, single, view, roofing0
dekorozmar.huOur studio was established in 2004; we are aiming to complete the orders of our customers from design to construction with good quality, short deadlines, professional machinery, trained colleagues and sub-contractors. Our activities spread from small series orders to mass production.reg numbermobile, image, packaging, style, advertisement0
gyongykristaly.hu…services, but we strive to shape our services according to the different needs of the market and of our customers. Our team of experts is constantly working to provide integrated and comprehensive opportunities for building management. We continuously train our staff so that our system is as…tax numbergroup, manual, clean, equipment, reference0
pallercsarnok.hu"Pallér Csarnok Kft., as general contractor, built the warehouse hall of Praktiker in the 15th district on time and within the contracted budget. In addition to demonstrating their professional expertise, the specialists were flexible, precise and found solutions to the challenges and problems…company numberhall, machinery, construction, reference, electronic0
eutek.huIn project management we deal with the organisation and management of the resources with the aim of successfully achieving the project objectives by keeping the set time schedule and budget.detail, technical, mep, contractor, main0
bypassnet.huOur logo and image have been renewed. We won a tender, expanded with a new reputable B2B client; we have continuously improved to increase our efficiency and provide new services; we also won 3 tenders, we have started to introduce a new ERP system, and have started to renovate our plant to reduce…number device, number partdevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment0
superresolution.hu© 2022 Second Symposium on Super-resolution and Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy and István Ábrahám Memorial Workshopaccount numberresolution, symposium, memorial, advanced, microscopy0
washaway.huProduct name 3… Quick view… Product name 12… Product name 4… Product name 11… Sale… Product name 10…view, quick, sale, simple, parturient0
primapolir.huWhen you starting a company you are thinking on how to cut expenses. One of such options to cut the startupclean, office, residential, build, view0
eagleburgmann.hu120 year and part of the German Freudenberg Group. EagleBurgmann Hungaria Kft's headquarters opened in Budapest on 1 January 2003. Thanks to the highly qualified professionals and precision German production, EagleBurgmann’s name is synonymous with reliable and top quality seal technology worldwide.transparency number, number partsolution, technology, industry, mechanical, customer0
confidus.huOur company offers consulting services for small and medium-sized business about company management, and gives flexible outsourcing solutions for them.tax numberlaw, consulting, office, development, activity0
hypersales.huconditions… Imprint… Cookie policy… Frequently asked Questions… Payment information… Shipping informationphone numberpayment, closure, category, austria, bulgaria0
leones.huToday, McDonald’s USA announces that we are making significant progress towards our commitment to source 100% cage-free eggs by 2025. Our egg supply chain is now 33% cage-free, and we will source more than 726 million cage-free eggs for our McDonald’s U.S. restaurants...tax numberrestaurant, developmental, market, egg, meal0
edmon.hu…We treat your datas confidently, before the administration we provied you free advise about what will happen in the process. In association with the LIVE and WORK in HUNGARY Fundation for private individuals we provide free advise and administration for residental permit and permit of residence.tax number, phone numberpermit, step, live, administration, job0
extorenergy.huOur parent company, EXTOR Electronics Kft. was founded in 2000, is a 100% Hungarian-owned company, which deals with power supply tasks, mainly with the sale, service and project implementation of uninterruptible power supply equipment and systems. Using its unique experience in power supply, EXTOR…company numberpower, plant, energy, construction, network0
pecsi-apartman.hu…has a children’s playground, slides, ancient ruins, a fountain, sports fields, an arboretum, and a limestone tuff cave. There are also many small cafés and restaurants close by. The hiking trails of the Mecsek begin just above the park. The historic city center is a short walk away to the south ofapartment, spacious, reservation, bath, house0
szamoljademokraciaert.huThe president of Hungary, members of the Parliament, Vice Mayors, notaries, members of other election commission, members of the election office, professional and contractual members of the military or candidates cannot be members or the polling station commission.member, election, station, poll, worker0
menziesaviation.huMenzies Aviation plc, a division of John Menzies plc registered in Scotland is one of the world’s major independent suppliers of ground handling services to the aviation market providing passenger, ramp and cargo services for many of the world’s leading airlinescompany numberhandle, aviation, ground, latest, news0
suncitybbq.hu…ourselves at KCBS organized competitions at home and abroad and we won the best Hungarian competition team award in 2018 & 2019. We competed with Péter Tamási and my wife, Margit Kurunczi, in 2019. That year we started to use our self-developed rubs in the competitions and reached 4th place on thephone number, number bbqplace, competition, day, vienna, spice0
kittipanzio.huThis triple room features a cable TV, air conditioning and sofa. The room has 1 single bed and 1 large double bed.phone number, number mailroom, double, free, shower, apartment0
kumiko.huHome… About… Contact… Scroll down to content… May 28, 2020May 28…address, site, artist, mission, maybe0
dentalia.huI arrived at Dentalia with a lot of pretty serious problems... But I was already set at ease when they welcomed me in. After the first treatment session, I knew I was in the right place. I have found a dental clinic where I love going, and I can honestly recommend it to anyone.account numbertooth, treatment, clinic, dental, orthodontic0
webhotel.huYou are welcome – and we are prepared to solve your request in Hungary. We offer you comfortable solutions for business needs and your personal demands.agreement numberagreement, description, contract, law, solution0
mps-studio.hu…all needs, we have expanded our services to help our clients to implement complex IT solutions, taking into account market needs. With the help of our more years experience, we can combine our resources with those of our partners, so that we can handle both diverse and large enterprise needs.colleagues, reference, vendor, network, account0
smartians.huEU aims to provide its citizens proper education, skills, competences and creativity they need in a knowledge-based society. In our rapidly changing world, renewable education systems need to adapt to new forms of teaching and learning, taking advantage of new opportunities. Education, trainings…registration number, tax numbertraining, education, career, news, management0
seqomics.huThe privately held small enterprise SeqOmics Biotechnology Ltd. was founded by established scientists in order to provide solutions for the permanently increasing demand for genomics and bioinformatics services, as well as food safety and animal health fields.phone numberfood, safety, animal, health, bioinformatics0
marcitrans.huAbout us… Fleet… Gallery… Contact us… Privacy policy.… Privacy…tax numberinternational, fleet, transportation, gallery, freight0
jobbadni.huOne of the most well-known and popular programs of our Foundation is the Rescue Bear Program, which launched in 2018...donation, social, mission, development, office0
i-deal.huMortoff has been working with domestic and international medium-sized and large enterprises since 2002. The experience gained during the past decades, as well as the support we received from the excellent, highly skilled, and competent team of professionals made it possible for us to achieve that…customer number, number areasolution, medium, enterprise, large, colleagues0
gentsofbudapest.huOur team of experienced barbers specialize in providing customers with the highest quality of service, offering everything from classic cuts to modern and trendy styles. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has earned us a reputation as one of the best barbershops in the city. We…clipper number, number grade, single numberhaircut, beard, hair, trim, shop0
officebuildings.huBudapest III. district Óbuda Szőlőkert street B class office building office blocks for rentid numberoffice, class, district, build, detail0
dlkarpitos.huWe undertake old and new furniture upholster and repair their timber construction. We undertake making new furniture with our joiner's help.furniture, gallery, timber, construction, help0
granex-alisanos.huWe have dogs in many countries in Europe. We are certified FCI and MEOE members. Our kennel name is Granex Alisanos Bullbox Kennel.phone numberdog, devil, silence, reference, family0
huonker.huAs an innovative and reliable manufacturer of plastic and metal parts with different properties, the Huonker name has for many years provided the highest level of expertise and a wide range of products in metalworking, injection moulding, hybrid injection moulding, pad printing and various…number employee, number customerplastic, mould, injection, production, technical0
walletinvestor.huBring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation.pricing, client, category, awesome, title0
diakonosz.huThe MPE DIAKONOSZ Supporting and Providing Center (Abbreviated name DIAKONOSZ TSZK), was founded by the Hungarian Pentecostal Church (MPE) in January of 2013, is a juridicial person inside the Church; atends diaconate tasks, is the back supporter and a countrywide ecclesiastic institution of the…church, introduction, task, feature, photo0
grefa.huOur competitive prices are due to the fact that we deliver the goods directly from the production plants to the premises of our customers.tax numberwholesale, wood, quality, customer, reliable0
comelux.huOur main activity is selling and distribution of industrial ironing equipment and providing all maintenance, service repairing and customer service. If you are interested in our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us. In our office you can check and try many types of machines…mobile numbersite, trade, machine, kind, garment0
thispoint.huOur LED and Inductive lighting techology solutions are both suitable for updating or already existing lighting solutions, but of course we also recommend to use them in case of completely new purchases.vat number, account numberpoint, lighting, technology, informatics, skill0
teamforce.huIn May 2017 again Budapest gained the right to organize the LEN Champions League, Final Six event. As the sport marketing agency of the Hungarian Water Polo Federation, we had the opportunity to welcome the best six teams of Europe at the brand new Duna Arena. This evet served as the rehearsal…tax numberevent, communication, portfolio, organization, federation0
feximfoods.huOur company has been established to offer the best solution for companies in the food industry with respect to the current market situation, regarding manufacturing, production, export and import of goods.phone numberfood, solution, respect, current, market0
jouton-lohaton.huProgrammes… General programmes… Gruntvig PAT… About Gruntvig PAT… Gruntvig PAT Results… MOL - Those…tax numberresult, programme, member, report, committee0
kisallathamvasztassopron.huThe service of cremation is mobile, which means it is available in the territory of the whole country. The cremation of a little pet is in service any day of the week within 12-24 hours after signal. Before each cremation there is a ceremony of reverence, during which the owners are able to say…mobile numberlittle, farewell, owner, versatile, easy0
adnijoga.hu…instructors lead free yoga classes on a weekly basis for children and adults who could not otherwise experience calmness through yoga. We offer classes for young people with disabilities, women in difficult life situations, refugees, and children in state care or living in poverty. emberekkel is.tax numberyoga, class, socially, instructor, group0
fixpaletta.huSelling-purchasing and repairing used pallets for 16 years. With many years of experience and many types of pallets.pallet, type, purchase, main, fast0
garmentsx.huBuy Premium Lambskin Leather Jackets in Europe. Unbeatable Prices and Long Lasting Leather Jackets. Best Price in Whole Europe. Free Shipping.tax numberleather, jacket, price, option, select0
humilitas.huHumilitas Group takes full responsibility to offer their partners the appropriate workforce, do the complete recruitment and selection process and employ the appropriate peopletelephone numberemployee, student, recruitment, placement, applicant0
elektriker-kapu.huResume & Portfolio Joomla template - Responsive Joomla 3 template for Resume and Portfolio. With multiple layouts and built with T3 Frameworkphone numberresume, responsive, joomla, framework, layout0
krns.hu…management solutions coupled with the expertise of our people, we empower organisations throughout Europe to keep your people connected, productive and happy. Manage your workforce without limits and engage and inspire your people to realise your organisation’s goals with Workforce Dimensions.tax numberdimension, workforce, management, resource, people0
atransministro.huOur company was established in 1990 as a private undertaking. Our main activity was inland road transport in Hungary. During these years our activity was used not only other companies but a lots of private persons also.registration number, tax numberfleet, available, property, equipment, area0
mentok.huMission Statement: to save, preserve and exhibit the historical relics of the Hungarian Ambulance System; to acquaint our visitors with the scientific, intellectual and cultural heritage of the National Ambulance Service – and its predecessors.ambulance, national, page, emergency, main0
dunapartvilla.hu…on the waterfront. Protected by nature, the area's fish stocks are big, ducks and swans swim in the resort, a great experience for children as adults. The resort has a direct panoramic view of the Danube from all its rooms. Beach option is closest to Szigetszentmiklós 5 km and Ráckeve 10 km away.house, room, apartment, away, danube0
thesymptoms.huRéka Szabó was awarded this year's Imre Zoltán Prize, which she received on the occasion of the World Dance Day on 29 April at the National Dance Theatre.account numbersymptom, award, performance, privacy, statement0
pistar.huPistar Law Office is provider of legal services specializing in intellectual property, informational technology, corporate and commercial law matters in Hungary with a regional network in CEE as member of Schrade Alliance (est. 2008)tax numberlaw, cee, alliance, office, legal0
mindforgelab.huWaretech is a it solutions HTML template for all kinds of it, technology, online tech websitephone numberstyle, solution, onepage, detail, technology0
kistetenyitarsaskor.huour foundation in January each year . and organise Heroes’ Sunday in St Stephen Church in Budatétény in May.tax numberorganisation, society, activity, association, programme0
faedragroup.huThe Faedra Group is a property development group of companies owned entirely and privately by Hungarian members. Our activities cover complete property development projects, including the phases of planning, financing, construction and sales. Thanks to our own construction company, we can ensure…group, development, construction, investor, gallery0
crewteam.huCrewteam | Video . Commercials . Features . TV.commercial, feature, video, production, local0
skyborn.huYou can use their coupon code for save at Write My Essay. Copy and paste your referral link to share with acquaintances. Your referrals get a discount of 10% on the first purchase. It is possible to recommend your best essay writing service review reddit friends to anyone you like to receive your…id number, number basiclegal, advice, template, expert, law0
civilszemle.huCivil Review (CR) is a quarterly periodical that was started in Hungary, 2004. The periodical is a real civic initiative: the founder editors – well known and key experts, researchers, NGO leaders – realized that there was a massive demand for the distribution of high quality studies focusing on…number copyreview, board, criteria, periodical, order0
mipack.huMipack Kft was founded in 2006, to enable companies dealing with flexible films packaging in Hungary and in the neighbouring countries in order to provide optimal solutions in packaging methods, selecting the right film types and sourcing the best machinery available. As part of it’s services…vat numbersolution, packaging, flexible, method, optimal0
ninjatools.huA collection of the most popular and useful tools that help you easily convert day-to-day data.number word, random number, number generator, number range, numerals numbereasily, image, format, color, file0
3dparts.huÁrajánlat kalkulátor… 3D…number polygon, number shapemodel, hide, printer, warning, large0
autohof-gyor.huSave money with our fair fuel prices, taste our fine restaurant menu, surf on the internet with our free WiFi. You have time for it, because 2 hours are FREE.parcel numberprice, room, parking, fuel, restaurant0
vostokkonstrukt.huprojects including civil and industrial construction projects throughout Hungary. VOSTOK KONSTRUKT is a full service general contractor specializing in all types of construction for building owners, property management companies, retail spaces, franchises, business offices, and villas to name a few.number proudconstruction, interior, management, open0
golfpannonia.hu…shapes to ensure true golfing pleasure. Eight water hazards spice up the game, while the positioning of flags on the undulating hills of the greens also add a challenge. The six different tees offer both beginner and advanced players the chance to accurately assess their golfing skills. The…phone numbercountry, course, event, restaurant, detail0
kovasztunde.huIt’s always wise to add information in chunks. That way your website users will find it easier to digest content on your site.important numberclient, block, user, website, useful0
boxprint.huWe are holding an experience of more than a decade in sheet lamination. In January 2017, we have invested into a brand new, even larger and faster automatic laminator. With our experiences and machines, Box Print FSD is among the best laminating companies in Hungary. Also we have experiences in…cardboard, packaging, blister, reference, quality0
vostokinterlog.huOur professional team has been dealing with international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for more than ten years.phone number, tax numberfreight, forward, international, quote0
dombraditiszapart.hu(fireplaces and electric heating). In the main building we can provide heated accommodation for 40 people, a conference room and meals. New Year's Eve parties, birthdays, name days and other private events are organised in winter too. To make bookings, please contact us by any of the methods listed.lot numberfishing, event, apartment, room, build0
quadrotex.huSpecial quality, flexible and form-retaining sponge with extra quality scrub plus an extra layer of special quality sponge which helps better foaming and prevents incorporation of impurities.product number, number quantitysponge, cloth, detail, quality, manufacturer0
silvestris.huSzilasmenti Cooperative is privatised under the national reprivatisation programme. Silvestris acquires the essential oil producing factories. Name changes to Silvestris & Szilas Ltd.oil, process, botanical, essential, technology0
jardin.huChocolate Sacher sponge, chocolate cocoa bean crunchy layer, passion fruit curd, milk chocolate mousse.slice numberchocolate, fruit, passion, cake, sponge0
metaleng.huMETAL Engineering Kft. - Magyar METAL Engineering Kft. - Angol METAL Engineering Kft. - Koreaitax numbermetal, construction, engineering, activity, plan0
apprendreparlejeu.hu…GALLERY… CONTACT… Read more ...… Next… End… Forgot your username?… Forgot your password?… Erasmus+…page, main, country, school, event0
boxerjumperducato.huNew and used spare parts for Fiat Ducato, Citroen Jumper and Peugeot Boxer | Fiat Ducato, Peugeot Boxer és Citroen Jumper alkatrészekhungary number, number choicespare, unit, control, és, light0
boxerklub.huAds… Member recruitment… The Club… Events… News… Contact… CHAMPIONSHIP…account number, number otp, tax numbermember, recruitment, event, news, championship0
montana-ederics.hu- 12 rooms, including 4 apartments with kitchen. The rooms are mostly equipped with separateable beds, which is why groups on a (abroad)delegation often choose to stay. Suitable for team building.

- Bicycle rental

- Roof protected wellness area with salt therapy sauna and…
small, group, field, room, salt0
drkocsis.huThe law firm is specialized in intellectual property protection, especially in the area of industrial property , with special regard to trade marks and European Union Trade Marks . As far as trade marks are concerned, we provide general legal advice on the absolute and relative grounds of refusal…registration numberlaw, firm, trade, property, member0
snowboards.hu…Ninja Suits… Headwear… Amplifi… Anon… Aphex… Arbor… Snowboards… Bent Metal bindings… Burton…vat numberclose, type, woman, glove, helmet0
kör-ház.huThe Lake Invest 2001 Kft. Several years of professional experience, many cities (Veszprém, Tatabanya, Várpalota, Sopron) offers small and medium enterprises in the surrounding office rental demand. Our company considers it important to our service recipient companies keep the highest possible…large number, number outdooroffice, gallery, build, condition, rental0
szeretetfenye.hu…in Humanity, the force of Love, and we accept the benefiting, educational role of love in our lives. Since 1995, through our health preserving activities, self-help and helping methods we provide support for people within and outside of Hungary. We volunteer our free treatments to those who ask…tax numbertreatment, group, health, local, international0
locked.hu…at Székely Mihály street, 6 of our games can be played in one place and 6 more at AROOM at Kiraly street 14 – meaning that we can host very big groups at the same time. Our escape games are marked with a grade 10 difficulty level, while choosing a game, this can help you choose a room that…tax numberroom, game, escape, lock, player0
sgconn.huAs an electronics component dealer (COMPEX, 1990-2000 and FARMELCO (my own company), 2000-2021) using my rich engineering experience I helped developers, designers, and procurement managers in the selection and procurement of the components to be used. My activities as an electronics component…electronic, connector, component, engineering, background0
komaromikozjegyzo.huComing to Komárom from the east, turn right onto Felvidéki Street, then at the first possibility on Jedlik Ányos Street, after 100 metres, you will find the building and the parking lot in front of it on the right.notary, street, office, friendly, version0
aka.huThe traffic speed on the M5 Motorway may decrease from time to time due to scheduled maintenance and operation works. In overloaded traffic lanes, the risk of accidents and periodic traffic jams can also increase, so AKA Ltd. compiled several useful pieces of travel advice for travelers.motorway, maintenance, news, operation, road0
bereghidegburkolas.huAnyway, you still use Lorem Ipsum and rightly so, as it will always have a place in the web workers toolbox, as things happen, not always.phone numberview, large, shop, advantage, ipsum0
evermeat.huEvermeat Hungary Ltd. developed its product range based exclusively on partners with international quality certificates. The flagship products of our offer are the American Baby Back Ribs and South American steaks.tax numbermeat, quality, homepage, distribution, reliability0
complexpress.huImagine an ideal world where your webshop logistics works automatically and, if you want, you do not even have to have any physical contact with your product to make a profit. Others call this a beautiful dream, we call it a 4PL service . [Körbefuttatás-törés] We have been providing full logistics…number parcellogistic, courier, commitment, social, power0
oroslaszlo.huYou get professionally prepared high resolution images with Kava. Your visitor’s screen...sheeran number, number albumexecutive, review, seller, music, address0
kartyakatszeretnek.huGaming… Giftcards… Games… Add-ons… Xbox Live Game Pass… Xbox Game Pass Ultimate… Google Play… Roblox…coc number, tax numbergame, add, pass, play, shopping0
congressline.hu…of Hungarian venues, hotels and meeting facilities, Congressline team is able to offer a responsible and reliable service that can be tailor-made to your specific requirements. We provide cost effective and imaginative solutions for events ranging from private dinners to global conferences.congressline numberevent, reference, gallery, photo, congress0
proo.huDid it ever happen to you that something hasn’t arrived on time or one of your orders has been lost?procurement, reason, quote, order, central0
primefund.hu. Our experts maintain partner relationship based on full discretion with both our clients and the companies managed. Thanks to our relationship of trust, we provide our investors with personalized and complex solutions while adapting to their expectations flexibly and quickly. Through our…tax number, number resolutionlaw, fund, investment, management, expert0
mikofami.huMikofami Kft. - Mikofami meat plant Zalaegerszeg: beef meat and various meat products. One of the bigest slaughterhouses in Hungary.identification numbermeat, plant, beef, quality, development0
qualitytours.huQuality Tours Hungary is an inbound travel agency offering destination and event management services since 1999 - continuing to build upon the high standards laid down by our well-renowned predecessor Pannonia Tourist Service.tax number, number hu-1191quality, tour, tailor, group, event0
trt.huTRT Europe Kft. 2019 Copyrighttax number, number hueurope, privacy, page, profession, passion0
liviaapartmanok.hu…keszthely hungary figula winery child balaton children's program at Lake Balaton thermal lake in Hévíz adventure Park Kehida thermal hungary bicycle at lake Balaton bicycle tour at Lake Balaton apartment for rent in szigliget balaton house for rent in Balatonfüred excursion to Lake Balaton…apartment, lake, beach, accommodation, wine0
diemond.huYou could be a musician, a band, a venue, a festival, a manager, a sound engineer, a light technician, a music producer, a studio, a rehearsal place, a transporter, a music teacher, a film artist, a dancer or even just a music lover or concert goer. Be either an amateur or a pro, MusicMonarchy…limited number, number betamusic, tester, event, industry, place0
berns.huThe harmony of carefully designed, high quality stainless steel and sparkling original high quality crystals provides the unmatchable magic of Berns jewelry. Berns Jewelry - Rayawadi Kft.jewelry, quality, gift, premium, harmony0
nordicbridge.hu"The emergence of a common Nordic food culture has placed the region front and centre on the global gastronomic map. But could a focus on social sustainability renew the food movement and drive the Nordic countries to spearhead a shift towards increased diversity in the food sector?"phone numberbridge, operation, finland, ambassador, future0
britannicaschool.huAs Hungary's longest established British international school, Britannica International School Budapest is fully accredited to deliver high-quality British education for students aged 5-18. British-owned, our educational programme is based on the English National Curriculum, enhanced to meet the…school, international, admission, student, british0
delgepber.huAbout… Faq… Company information… Documents… Online booking… News…tax numberbooking, faq, document, rental, news0
lightport.huThe development of a road data collection system for road vehicles, with an automated data processing unit, as well as the optimization of the practical use of the image processing process and the transfer of collected data to related professional systems.tax numberroad, pilgrimage, portal, application, development0
korrepkristof.huThis inspired me to found KorrepKristof as a private education company that has been serving a wide range of students who are interested in economics and close to this discipline for more than 5 years now. With an efficient organization of education, the KorrepKristof team has already completed…korrepkristof numberexam, education, language, guarantee, essay0
maszin.huWe can deliver and assembly our metallurgy products as complete sets and finished products. We can perform electrostatic powder dying, sintering in a job work system for our existing and potential customers.tax numberdetail, customer, set, powder, job0
fakalandmanufaktura.huThe emphasis on details is one of the things that makes Fakaland figures truly unique, the aim of which is to make them as cute and realistic as possible.phone numberanimal, figure, set, forest, condition0
villanymagus.huIt is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. It is a long established fact that a reader will be by the readable content of a…phone numberreader, fact, long, center, readable0
hevizholiday.huRequest, Contact… Gallery… Prices and Services… Freetime… Partners… Know Us Read our introduction…holiday, request, photo, gallery, price0
iconrem.huProperty management Retail services Facility management Financial Services Cleaning & Hygiene Services Security Servicesnumber projectmanagement, icon, property, estate, real0
heritagemanager.huArt itself often becomes heritage or it can help to give new meanings to heritage phenomena. For us both are important, but our area of interest is particularly heritage interpretation, which is a methodology of interpreting heritage phenomena. Interpretation is the art of relevance, it can render…tax number, account numberheritage, manager, cultural, association, community0
hoszivattyu-pest.hu…of the given area to consider every factor during the design and installation phases. This way, we can ensure that the system you choose, be it a heat pump, air conditioner, or underfloor heating, perfectly matches the environment of your home or business and meets your expectations. With our…phone numberair, heat, heating, pump, solution0
ramkorplaszt.hu…From 2005 it became the main efforts include plastic waste management, plastic raw material buying and selling. The separately collected primarily fröccsöntésből origin of production scrap and waste technology (Angus) processed, but extrusion materials, plastic sheets customization waste…tax number, vat number, number humaterial, stock, list, price, current0
siketvak.huwe provide parents raising deafblind children, other organizations and their professionals with counselling;personal, introduction, activity, job, association0
ritorno.huTechnics Corner Shop Inside Technics Stereo Audio Reference Pure High Fidelity 1979-2009 Japanstereo, detail, amplifier, tube, portable0
hagyodistilling.huHAGYO Distilling is a family-owned business that was founded in 1999 by a winemaker wife and a distiller husband. Our company focuses on product-purity first and engineers customized beverage solutions around the product. We partnered with experts in distillery engineering and research labs at…fruit, process, automation, solution, fermentation0
amorenbudapest.hu…at the marvelous Art Deco Grand Ballroom , in a really beautiful romantic venue in the heart of Budapest , with excellent international DJ-s and a lot of well-known and new friends, all together. If you are in Facebook, please also join to the 8th Amor en Budapest Tango Marathon 28 - 30 June 2019.time number, number participanttango, june, registration, venue, accommodation0
newagebc.huDesigned to be built on the Pest side of Árpád Bridge, the New Age office building will be an iconic building of the area. Breaking free from the constraints of construction lines – thinking out of the box of lines of buildings –, the new building will be statuesque and interesting from all…number elevatorage, floor, build, area, location0
cberry.huC-Berry Kft. - The fruit of the future! - We are uniqe provider of sea buckthorn products, making your life happy and healthy.tax numberfruit, future, healthy, happy, provider0
sh-media.huAfter the project completion we ensure the continuous availability of the web project on our scalable server cloud or on the client’s device.phone number, vat numbermedia, vision, technology, latest, method0
szigetweb.huBemutatkozásunk… Szolgáltatásaink… Árlista… Órarend… Kapcsolat… Blog… Online jelentkezés… Szülőportál…security number, number tracenanny, news, tellus, donec, eget0
improversgroup.huDevelopment of school culture based on strengthening the life-skills and character competences of teachers and young people.development, group, culture, organization, school0
airportpickup.huBudapest pick up - Book your airport pick up with travel professionals on best rates guaranteed.number passangerairport, rate, transfer, travel, price0
hotelmemories.huA section of the almost 600-year-old city wall, the individual design and the selected vintage furniture, stories told with a glass of wine at the end of a long day, the cheerful, professional staff, the fantastic breakfast… these are just some of the memories that you can find here.memory, booking, restaurant, room, access0
industrialproperties.huPest county Dunavarsány 3539sqm land with 1500sqm large newly built steel frame sandwichpanel storage for saleid numberdetail, county, sale, storage, rent0
rockrose.huI'm attached to Rock Rose because here I receive care I last experienced in my childhood. The treatment comforts not only my teeth but also my soul. The staff is exceptionally committed to painless work.tap numberdental, treatment, dentistry, oral, surgery0
kartya-jatek.huPlaying-cards… French-suited Playing-Cards… German-suited Playing-Cards… Italian-suited Playing-Cards…number cardcard, play, game, french, german0
katipvendeghaz.huThe Balaton waterfront and the sandy beach are only 150 meters away from the Kati P Guesthouse. In our garden, you can enjoy your long-awaited holiday by our lovely garden pond rippling away.room, studio, garden, floor, balcony0
sparq.huAt Sparq, we believe that innovation, science, and data are the cutting edges of business. Our app is designed to help organizations challenge norms, inspire innovation, and drive success within the corporate landscape. But don't just take our word for it - here's what our satisfied customers have…average number, number individualapp, faq, use, data, innovation0
andrassypalota.huThis exceptional building is located in the heart of Budapest fronting Andrássy út. This street is an avenue of great importance, is a protected route and it is the most representative avenue of the city of Budapest. The high prestige building comprises two high quality interconnected properties…number elevatorbuild, floor, building, opportunity, space0
risefm.hu…FM app or press play on our website, or catch us on Messenger. Yes, you heard it right. On Messenger. As the first chat radio in Hungary, you can listen to RISE FM even on Messenger. Just drop us a line and you can tune right in! This is a new radio station: this is RISE FM. Good music, good vibes.tax numberrise, channel, radio, hour, vibe0
d-five.huDaily Rentals… Monthly & Annual Rentals… Main… Owners… Rental Management… Sales… AirBnb management…phone numberrental, management, daily, monthly, annual0
echosummeracademy.hu, and have been known as some of the most famous orchestras of ex-Yugoslavia. He organised monumental international chamber music festivals as the artistic director of the Novi Sad Music Festival, and also did several concerts meanwhile. Significant composers wrote pieces for him and he won the…tax numberacademy, summer, concert, music, main0
hungarianspeakers.huFirst Hungarian Speakers is a start-up speakers bureau - the first of its kind in Hungary. Gábor Antal, our founder is an experienced lawyer with a broad-based professional and corporate network. First Hungarian Speakers was established with the objective of exploring whether the speakers bureau…speaker, lawyer, bureau, network, gabor0
kert3d.huYour customers just learned what services you offer. Tell them why they should work with you or your team, for example you could highlight your experience and positive client reviews.phone numbernature, love, customer, original, understand0
homeawayapartment.hu…we explore Budapest or where the best spot for money exchange 🙂 Well equipped kitchen and hair drier is present. Most valuable plus of apartments is location, few kilometers on foot to historical center. Near by Jewish district, a very beautiful part of the city, with a lot of cozy cafes and bars.”registration numberapartment, away, location, place, excellent0
kovacszsofia.huThis track is age restricted for viewers under 18, Create an account or login to confirm your age.account number, number ibantrack, sure, report, successfully, event0
egyuttazautistakert.hu…does not only mean that someone finds it hard to make eye contact or is a bit of an introvert. Autism shows differences in social interactions like the use of eye contact, the regulation of social contacts, contemporary relations and mutually sharing experiences. Some autistic people have a…vat numberpeople, autism, spectrum, goal, disorder0
masped.hu…aim is to provide you comfort and service with the help of our seventy-year long professional experience and innovative way of thinking. Social responsibility, participation in professional organizations and sustainable ethical way of thinking in business is essentially important for our companies.tax numbergroup, logistic, reliability, tradition, social0
cegspecialista.huDo not travel abroad! Buy a company and have the book keeping in Budapest with legal guarantee! Free consultation!plate number, number insurancebook, legal, free, guarantee, consultation0
das2023.huTo achieve this purpose the Society intends to: encourage exchanges of teachers and researchers between universities and other technical and scientific societies; develop areas of technological cooperation between researchers and technicians from different countries on bilateral and multilateral…isbn number, number downloadsociety, mechanic, symposium, experimental, conference0
tervgyar.huAs a supplier, we pay special attention to quality service, the end result of which is a quality finished product.vat numbermachine, quality, tool, solution, production0
happybounce.huMake the best of your children’s birthday party, vacation time with inflatable bouncers brought to you by Happy Bounce.vat number, registry numberhappy, bounce, ocean, cleanser, grade0
fut-ker.huOur company's field of activity is the distribution of safety valves and other safety fittings, as well as other industrial fittings in connection with the safety technology of pressure vessels. We provide a complete service: sizing, valve selection, warranty, spare parts supply, aftercare!tax number, account number, number cibvalve, safety, technology, heating, vacuum0
blue.hueople and values are key for us. We strongly believe that space is more than a physical space calculable in square meters. Essential like home as a physical space for everyone to return to, creating the right office interior is getting more and more important for companies.blue numberspace, office, workplace, desk, furniture0
toll-charge.hu…classify goods motor vehicles with a gross weight over 3.5 tonnes, registered in the HU-GO system and with a foreign country code, into the lowest environmental protection category, where carriers cannot provide satisfactory evidence of their vehicle’s environmental protection category.national, payment, news, customer, protection0
okosoldal.huYou can easily find the answer to your questions on the online support pages of Vodafone or the manufacturers. Browse frequently asked questions and answers.insurance number, number checkdevice, answer, page, question, main0
idomulato.hufree online flying games… free online logic games… Magic games… Mahjong… Mario games… Search… Sniper…number gamegame, free, collection, defense, fight0
haifadent.hu…care. Solution to eliminate dental emergencies, sudden problems and discomfort. Our dentists work with the highest quality professionals with the highest quality raw materials and professional tools to get the highest quality dental care. With the utmost care, favorable price, guaranteed quality.phone number, number clinicdental, dentist, price, gallery, guarantee0
teljeselet.hu…the word about the camp, which has led to an increase in applicants that currently exceeds our capacity. We arrange eight, one-week long summer holiday periods each year in July and August for more than 130 people with physical or multiple disabilities mostly from Székesfehérvár and Fejér county,tax numbergoal, foundation, camp, newly, center0
fluxtoll.huWe have also developed product-specific websites accordingly to these groups, but if you have any other type of different use, or you can not find what you are looking for, or just want to get advice on using the brush-pens, contact us and we are happy to answer your questions.registration numberbrush, international, use, user, solution0
clubdobogomajor.huClub Dobogómajor offers cozy apartments (for 2, 4 or 6 guests) a block away from Hévíz. The thermal lake is located only a 5-minute walk from us. Lovers of relaxing countryside weekends can explore all the secrets of the idyllic town within a few days. Guests searching for further experiences can…guest, rate, offer, homepage, cozy0
paksbusz.huWith the new electric Solaris buses purchased by the City, a significantly higher standard of transport supply will be created, tailored to the current needs. In addition to pointing out that citywide public transport services are going to improve considerably both in quality and volume, it is…registration number, vat numbertravel, news, bus, public, point0
poulpharm.huWelcome to Poulpharm Hungary! | Poulpharm Hungary Kfttax number, account number, number erstenews, newsletter, main, form, job0
gs-poseidon.huCrowd Management or Security Awareness training: For those requesting a CROWD Management only please be advised that the 2010 MANILA STCW Convention has separated this documentary of evidence two trainings ad issue two pieces. Price: 200 EUR. 3./ Security Awareness training, Price: 120 EUR. The…phone numbertraining, centre, course, certificate, price0
mcrn.huis a countrywide network of key opinion leaders including paediatricians as well as professionals and experts interested in paediatric trials. MCRN Hungary has extensive knowledge and experience of paediatric research, and supports non-commercial as well as industry-sponsored studies across the…phone number, number messageresearch, network, child, medicine, trial0
bali0531.huRoyaleNetwork is a new minecraft server. There is a lot of game mode for example fullpvp, kingdoms...currently number, number languagesite, personal, soon, lot, server0
yardmanagement.huProven tools based on genetic algorithms provide the right technology for the L-mobile Yard Management software to support the planning by displaying and optimizing your logistics processes on the yard.sequence number, number duplicateyard, management, solution, mobile, plan0
eden-apartman.huEverything you need for carefree relaxation. Jacuzzi, BBQ and lounge corner in our modern apartment. Watersports, fishing or cycling opportunities nearby are available.phone numbermain, page, booking, sight, gallery0
hungarian-teacher.huWhat? Hungarian Who? Hungarian teacher How much? Hungarian language course Online Hungarian tuition Reference Hungarian in Budapest Contact Learn Hungarianexercise number, number unitcourse, exercise, teacher, grammar, language0
y-soft.huThe employees of the firm work out products and strategies meeting the requirements of both hungarian and international standards and demands regarding up-to-date informations on computertechnology, IT and telecommunication.homepage, official, firm, computer, consulting0
guidebudapest.huBudapest private tour ! As an art historian and tour guide in Budapest I offer You classical city tours, walking tours and special tours with music, fine art and other hidden treasures in great detail in Budapest and excursions, circular tours in the Hungarian countryside both for individual…guide, tour, sightseeing, city, classical0
hungaria-karnis.huHungária-Karnis Kft. – Manufacturing and customization of curtain rods – Present on the domestic and international curtain rod market for nearly 20 yearsinjection, mould, curtain, extrusion, packaging0
game-zone.huThe Game-Zone group of companies is is able to assess the rapidly changing market needs, to develop and manufacture competitive products in both domestic and international market. Our team possess extensive knowledge in various technological fields are able to react quickly to the constantly…phone numbergame, zone, cabinet, need, group0
budapestacappella.huEnchanting melodies fill the air at the first weekend of June, at Castle Garden Bazaar’s picturesque location. Interactive family programs and unique concerts await guests 8-9 of June, Budapest A Cappella Festival.festival, family, june, castle, guest0
szentmartonwaldorf.hu…of Budapest (15 km). In 2019, the same association made up by parents and supporters decided to continue its work and establish an elementary school in the village, which would offer pedagogy based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, in the nurturing natural environment of the…tax numberassociation, history, intention, gallery, donation0
businessenglishonskype.hu…and Peter Drucker— encouraged businesses to consider their environments, to consider the needs of people, and to remain adaptable to change. Maintaining the conditions for business growth, and the correct positioning of product within their market, were considered key to business strategy.tax numbermanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy0
okotars.huWhere do we stand with the European civil society strategy? – was the title of the conference Ökotárs and its partners held on 12 October in Brussels, in the EFTA House. The event, attended by about 60 representatives of civil society organisations from Central Europe, Brussels-based European…tax numbersociety, report, european, tree, rule0
medisave.huMedisave Kft. Is a Hungarian-owned company, which was founded as individuals with more than ten years of experience in the medical instrument trade.medical, antigen, instrument, detail, page0
abbazia-nemesnep.hu…highly welcome as well! The untouched nature of the Őrség region encourages walking or cycling. Authentic programs, traditional meals, sport and wellness services and plenty programs in the neighbourhood guarantee an unforgettable experience while staying at Abbázia Country Club. Arrive with your…rate, offer, guest, homepage, dog0
jagellobusinesshotel.huattention. At the spacious and cozy garden, which almost gives you the feeling of being in the countryside, guests can chill out after an intense Budapest day. The hotel is perfectly located at the Western gateway to the city center. By public bus or taxi you can reach the city center easily within…center, congress, bus, room, close0
endometriozismagyarorszag.huOur goal is to raise awareness of the symptoms of endometriosis, its early detection, the dangers and causes of painful menstruation, and to provide information about the disease and its treatment.donation numbersymptom, treatment, tax, donation, awareness0
tars95.huThe company was established to manufacture custom steel structures. In order to better meet market demands the scope of activities was extended by constructional execution works.tax numberprevious, reference, machinery, structure, steel0
talaljkapust.huThe provider arranges user bookings and then communicates with handyman to ensure successful service completion.helpline numberhandyman, provider, ac, user, clean0
hungarikumbisztro.huWe wanted to create a place… a good place where a Guest can truly feel like a guest would feel in our home, where the meals are prepared in a traditional, authentic way. So, we opened one. Our concept is a bit different than trend nowadays.phone number, number attendantgallery, reservation, sour, potato, like0
prevost.huThe company, which initially offered freight forwarding and complex logistics services, reacted to the market concentration with a restructuring and focusing strategy, and since the accession of Hungary to the EU has focused on road transport. Its founding and continuous development is the result…hungaria numbersemi, news, refrigerator, tractor, unit0
bastetpetshop.huSmall rodents will be fed with complex dry food and dried hay according to owners requirements. Food will be stored in a sealed container labelled with the animals name and feeding instructions such as the amount per day; allergen requirements etc...food, owner, day, animal, price0
csaloganyorvosikozpont.huWe are waiting for you in the heart of Budapest with scientific experts in healing and aesthetic dermatology, in an empathetic and understanding environment.phone numberdermatology, aesthetic, appointment, medicine, sexual0
kajarikft.huShould there be a quality issue – without any misuse of the product – with the packaging materials bought from us due to a technology problem, we will compensate you by either re-manufacturing the product, or giving your money back, according to your choice.vat numberpackaging, material, technology, customer, machine0
certum.huMany businesses do not get enough resources for marketing and business development, or there is not enough harmony between different departments. Certum’s experts (with decades of multinational and their own business experiences) help you to find the right solution in every situation.tax number, registration number, phone numberconsulting, cloud, development, sale, solution0
nartorchestra.huBio… Média… Galéria… Kapcsolat…line numberorchestra, error, severity, line, warning0
kmgy.huAll proprietary rights reserved by KMGY Ltd.oem numbersensor, instrument, draw, fuel, support0
ufm.huUFM is a leading polyolefin bun foam producer. Using the latest technology our UNIFOAM® product range is made from high quality Polyethylene, EPDM and EVA copolymers.foam, united, manufacturer, polyethylene, detail0
somplast.huIn our production units in Kaposvár and Kecskemét, we currently operate 75 injection moulding machines. By the end of 2018, we will establish a new plant in a new 2000 square meter area with 12 new injection moulding machines and peripherals.tax numbercareer, gallery, news, plastic, mould0
gutenbergapartments-szeged.huA very nice and clean apartment in a beautiful location. The owner, Erika and her family were very friendly and helpful. A modern apartment, offering a generous space for a family with two kinds or for 4 + adults, kept very clean by the owners. I highly recommend if ever in Szeged …to book it…apartam number, number bedroom, apartman numberapartment, guest, neighbourhood, point, bedroom0
labident.huWe can also help you with useful hints on digital workflow integration and innovative solutions, such as the iPhysio scan bodies that address the formation of anatomical emergence profiles around the implants.lot number, number finaldental, digital, laboratory, lab, ready0
imgaleria.huIn our gallery, we make it a priority to choose artists who inspire and convey a valuable message, so that they can deliver an experience that enriches everyday life. Art is an integral part of our lives, so it has an important role to play in filling the world with beauty and love.tax numbergallery, image, search, leave, art0
gamma-controll.hu…1995 onwards we have been continuously accredited by the National Accreditation Board for testing laboratories. Our company is owned by three private individuals, with a total of 15 employees. Our employees are 1st and 2nd Grade certified in accordance with BS EN 473, and as of 1st January 2013,material, examination, casting, joint, substrate0
flashcars.huOur main profile is the escort of overweight and oversized cargo transportation and the acquisition of the required route licence.activity numberroute, escort, oversize, assessment, removal0
imolaudvarhaz.huOur Hotel is waiting for its guests with 15 sweet and homelike rooms and apartments which are furnished in different styles. Among these you can find single rooms, which are ideal for business travellers, double rooms for couples and our apartments with more airspace are popular for families or…registration numberroom, conference, wine, gallery, restaurant0
newdoor.hu“ We have been working with Newdoor Communications Kft for years. Together we’ve developed the online communications of our company. Our team is characterized by strategic collaboration, analysis, flexibility, creativity and precision.tax number, registry numberstory, communication, digital, value, competency0
macher.huWe specialize in designing, developing and manufacturing complex, high value-added cables, wiring harnesses and complex electronic systems. For the production of simple cables, semi-automatic and fully automated equipment is available, which automatically checks and records data.production, quality, cable, customer, technology0
faa.huThis artwork is a series of infinite still lifes. Expands the boundaries of space and meaning of still life, if it\'s possible.decimal number, number systemartwork, exhibition, drawing, website, text0
baseinvest.huBASE-Invest LTD. a static office for the design and editing of the structure of thousands of m² industrial and public buildings from detached houses.structure, base, building, tool, reference0
elektromoskocsi-betegagy.huOur organization has been operating for 21 years. During this time, we distributed more than 300 trucks of home care equipment and devices in the following countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Ukraine, Romania, Poland and Slovenia. These devices are: hospital bed, nursing bed, sick bed, bath bed…phone numberfoundation, hospital, care, bed, wheelchair0
rendernet.huThis animation presents some animals and plants that lived between the Devonian and Permian Periods (358-299 million years ago).cell number, number organelleimage, interactive, animation, imagine, history0
depress.huNyomtatás „szinte mindent szinte mindenre”, nyomdai szolgáltatások egy helyen, már több mint 20 éve!vat numberminden, improvement, quote, transfer, substance0
santosproductions.huThe full range of PR services includes planning, strategy, branding, visual support (videos, photos), copywriting, event organisation, national and international media coverage (articles, interviews), press release distribution, social media management, brand representation.lot number, number phoneproduction, reference, tiny, social, media0
flowhotel.huOur brand new hotel portrays a distinct style and vibe which resemble the characteristics of other units from our company, however, the usage of modern design elements make the unit unique.great number, number participantevent, room, restaurant, conference, corporate0
hotelambra.hu…most important tourist attractions, local restaurants and bars. Enjoy our generous buffet breakfast before a big day of sightseeing, free coffee, tea and snack in our lobby bar afterwards. Our friendly colleagues are at your disposal 24 hours a day and strive to make you feel like you're home…room, homepage, previous, website, bar0
folkmagazin.hu• Changes in the Hungarian town of Mezőkövesd and Matyó folk costume from the 19th century to the present (Part 3.) – by Murányi Márta Annafolk, result, search, foundation, christmas0
hotelclarkbudapest.huThe stylish rooms and studios of Hotel Clark Budapest embody islands of serenity in midst of busy city life. Choose any of our six room categories and you are guaranteed to encounter relaxing and inspiring ambiance at your highest comfort.room, legend, city, leo, heart0
cackft.huThe Company was founded in October 1997 by the French company Climatel and a Hungarian private individual. The company has been owned by three Hungarian private individuals since May 2004.registration number, tax number, statistical number, number kshactivity, reference, individual, quality, client0
airportshuttle.huWe provide a safe airport shuttle between your Hotel and Budapest Airport. We only do private transfers. You can pay by card on the website or you have the possibility to pay with PayPal, Wise or Revolut. In this case please send me an email or contact me via whatsapp.airport, transfer, price, cost, surprise0
bestdiamond.hu…rings which are personally and sophistically designed and I guarantee you won't meet them anywhere else, besides at Best Diamond's. As a diamond broker , I work exclusively with high quality sparkling diamonds, which come directly from the diamond stock exchange, by this you are getting the best…registration number, tax numberengagement, guide, broker, collection, mission0
rentagent.huRent one of our reliable, everyday cars. Whether you need a travel companion just for a few days or for a long time, we have the right vehicle for you!phone numberrent, agent, vehicle, day, fee0
hallatlan.huThe Unheard Foundation’s mission is to develop innovative technological solutions in order to promote barrier-free access to information for the hearing impaired and their social inclusion by promoting the widespread use of sign-language.main, language, sign, animal, family0
borarcok.huWined face is a comunity of people loving wine and gastronomy. This site was established with the scope of gathering those who feel that there is a need of a meeting place to enjoy wine and gastronomy . That’s why You should be here such as wintners, restaurants and of course yourself.login, wine, site, restaurant, community0
qfxdesign.huBrain is the seed of intelligence cosmic ocean finite but unbounded a still more glorious dawn awaits science from which we spring courage of our questions totam rem aperim.cosmic, science, figure, dance, helmet0
soltimenhely.hu…sheltered countless animals in her own home. In 2015, she started building her shelter, first in her home, and then on a property outside Solt, using her father's inheritance. The shelter has now housed countless injured, old and sick animals who otherwise would not have had a chance to survive.bankacc numbershelter, animal, help, sick, chance0
totpalszilvia.huUpdate Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin .image numberlibrary, media, slide, height, image0
hubnerudvar.hu…team of designers and Contractors has had the utmost respect for this noble purpose and mission. The building, due to its history and special features, is unrepeatable, and each aspect serves a greater purpose more important than its individual piece: the environment in which it is built and thenumber roomroom, kitchen, apartment, interior, build0
adrio.huWe offer several bungalows to rent. They have one bedroom for 2, kitchinette, dining - and living room with sofabed for extra 2 person, shower with toilette. Each flat has own parking place outside the house, free internet access, AC and covered terrace with garden connection, sunchairs. (more…registration number, number privatepicture, house, bungalow, free, room0
hungarianlearn.hu2009 Hungarian Language and Culture Summer University at the University of Pécs, language teachercell numberlanguage, lesson, private, teacher, university0
divegear.huAfter several decades in the light industry we combined our knowledge with our diving experience and started to produce our local dive gears with brandmark SUKK.tax number, account number, number otpdive, gear, diving, manufacturer, equipment0
dodovill.huSwitch assembly was soon replaced by the construction, design and installation of solar energy utilization systems.tax number, registration number, phone numberconstruction, camera, protection, installation, power0
jokaidental.huThe Jókai Dental Dental Office located in central Budapest in district 6. awaits its patients with full dental care. Whether it’s aesthetic or oral surgery, we guarantee you are at the best place.phone number, number clinicdental, dentist, tooth, price, appointment0
stabilpenzugyek.huHome Default… Home 2… Home 3… Home 4… Home 5… Home 6… Home 7… Home 8… Home 9… Home Landing Page… About…law, practice, study, case, area0
3dguide.huBased on previously published case report: the 3D printed exoskeleton as a surgical guide during LVAD implantationguide, model, excellent, proper, outcome0
gksoft.hu…pressure vessels. We also distribute very efficient finite element programs for engineering purposes. GKSoft provides a wide range of gratis services for its customers such a hot-line service in Hungary during the maintenance and support period, an elementary program training and a getting…number crunchersltd, engineering, analysis, vessel, co.0
egyesek.huDuring the time I spent in Hollókő with children, friends and mentors as well as during the trainings I attended, I became more ready to express and share my emotions, thoughts and experience. I became more competent in facing and adapting into new situations.vat number, iban number, number eurcomplete, training, volunteer, newsletter, guide0
terramatra.huForest Cabin accommodation in Matraszentimre, Bagolyirtas in modern environment. Booking only with us. | Terra Mátramaximum number, number personforest, house, cabin, matra, price0
ideona.huWhere others see problems, we do see opportunities. Our broad spectrum of activities create powerful synergies. This enables us to see the world in its complexity and deliver out of the box solutions.phone numberdivision, director, ceo, board, kovacs0
tarka.huTarka Architects… studio… contact… University of Pécs – Medical Science Centre – developement of public…vat numberpublic, architect, space, post, studio0
giaform.huYou can rely on us in every phase of industrial projects. We work with the best professional colleagues, in the field of design, part design, mould design, mould production, plastic injection moulding or CNC cutting. GIA Form ensures professionalism from the idea to its fulfilment. Cutting-edge…number employeemould, form, manual, cut, plastic0
ceosengineers.huAs a leader in structural design in Hungary, we are proud that our engineering services allow the safe and economic execution of various exceptional civil engineering works. This contributes to the quality of our built environment, while protecting the resources of the planet and our Customers.vat numberceo, quality, execution, structural, structure0
szalaygallery.huThe gallery of the painter Ágnes Szalay, now in both earthly and virtual reality. Check out the collection of an amazing artist from Hungary and her story. Paintings made in real-life, turned into NFTs! Get yours too on OpenSea!gallery, painting, artist, collection, virtual0
orhamuvek.hu…Director Mr Balázs Tóth wished to expand the existing service workshop to include a high-standard, modern service area. Our company performed the construction works by the deadline and in accordance with the high standards of quality required. We performed the works as the general contractor.tax number, phone numberstructure, satisfied, quality, manufacture, additional0
cardinal.huAn electronic document management system with workflow support. An efficient and stable partner in secure management of business documents with a wide range of satisfied customers and more than 25 years of experience.achievement numberdocument, management, support, electronic, customer0
keresztenymotorosok.hu…Christ to be our personal Saviour. We have accepted Him in our hearts as the Lord and Governor of our lives. The value system formulated by the Bible is the basis of our value system, too. It is present in our everyday lives and determines our way of thinking and our decisions. This is quite…account numbergod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important0
drtamasiajurveda.hu…Somogy hills, in an environment with great historical background and full of natural resources. The center was built 3 years ago and offers high quality services of a wide range in hosting individuals and families. Currently, there are 4 types of apartments in Radhe Resort, all with an equipped…phone numbernatural, article, treatment, ayurvedic, medicine0
tokajivamiroda.hu"I have known Tamás for a long time. For me, it’s soothing, that from customs clearance, through product fee administration, to representation at the authorities, my company is always in reliable hands. He takes off all these burdens from me, so I can direct all my-, and my colleagues’ resources…custom, administration, representation, fee, license0
hegypasztor.hu…local product manufacturing and organising community events. The Visitors can enjoy the charms of living in the countryside in the vineyard accommodations in traditional environments. The association has already organised basket-work, straw-spinning, fuller and thatching courses, furthermore…number guestinitiative, event, community, offer, accommodation0
clima360.hu…right temperature is vital for the work. However, in many cases it can be difficult to select and retrofit the right cooling system into machines. This is where the Clima360 12V roof-mounted air conditioner provides a solution, offering many advantages in terms of operation, installation and use.conditioner number, number advantageair, installation, machine, conditioning, unit0
capitalbus.hu…especially focuses on its main task of organising and deliverying daily schoolbus services for students attending the international schools or kindergardens here in or around Budapest. Our goal is to run our door-to-door school bus service at the possible highest level of quality and efficiency.school, passenger, bus, introduction, trip0
ppbm.huOur company provides consulting, quantity surveying, project and tender management services in the field of construction industry in private and public procurement procedures.registration number, tax numberfacility, construction, consultancy, preparation, tender0
navigatorcentrum.hu…one of the largest shipment accompanying companies in Hungary since 1996- with excellent references. If you entrust us with the escort of your consignment, we arrange and organize everything for you in Hungary. All you need to do is drive the lorry and you’ll reach your destination without worries.tax numberreference, quotation, order, gallery, office0
virtlanglab.hu…we were always committed to the same values as language teachers and translators. Thus, one day, we decided to establish Virtual Language Laboratory to help you make the most out of your potential by leveraging our expertise and diversity. Our team is backed by a combined 25+ years of experience.infinite number, number opportunitylanguage, virtual, assistance, value, power0
hunguesthotels.huSrpski… Loyalty… Discovery… Our hotels… Hunguest Hotel Apollo… Hunguest Hotel Aqua-Sol… Hotel Aquarell…number guestchild, friendly, conference, popular, value0
webformalo.hu“ Really good service and good quality plants, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua quis ipsum! ”plant, shop, quick, amet, eiusmod0
bestofbudapest.hu…tracks… Sports centres… Education… Nurseries and Kindergartens… Primary and Middle schools…emergency numbertransportation, shopping, movie, accommodation, rent0
srs-budapest.hu…Marci, and he will pick you up at the airport if necessary, he will entertain you all the way to your apartment, he will always say a couple nice words to you when you see him in the office. He will also recommend you secrets from the hidden Budapest, that only the best informed locals know about.number apartmenthelp, thank, nice, registration, flat0
dlb.huESD and Soldering technology specialist. Retailer and wholesaler of ESD products with more than 25000 products. ESD education, audit and consultancy. Producer of ESD garments: ESD smock, ESD T-Shirt, ESD Polo-Shirt, ESD Shoes and slippers. Developing and manufacturing of ESD entrance systems and…tax numbercatalogue, shoes, soldering, technology, protection0
fannyferencz.huAbout… pricing page… co-working-space-25…phone numberpricing, page, brand, day, coffee0
realpearl.huCountess Of Mystic Realms At Real Pearl ( Cricket x Smiley)“Aelynn” 1st place excellent JCAC and best junior of breed!!!russia number, number borderreal, dog, champion, past, border0
solarapex.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Who connection imprudence.office numberluctus, ut, nec, tellus, elit0
portline.huPortline Kft. – Minden ami számítástechnikaaddress, phone, plugin, basic, form0
drszenassy.huDr. Mónika Szénássy has been a practising attorney since 1996. Educated at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Faculty of Law, Budapest, she was awarded a degree with summa cum laude qualification in 1993. She spent her internship at Vienna-based law firm Weiss-Tessbach. After graduating she worked as…registration numberlaw, firm, corporate, labour, real0
raktaar.huWe handle your datas due to EU norms and we are using 3D secure credit card payment gatewayphone numberstore, music, clothing, payment, privacy0
blb-soft.huOur experienced professionals have already proven themselves at several companies, so using their knowledge gained so far, they are able to provide help in case of almost any software problem that arises.tax numbertechnology, solution, software, main, privacy0
ecsy.huNEW Naturestar products line (under Paper and other goods) arrived, including paper straw, wood cutlery, cane plate and bowls, bambus straws, coffee cup and lid, and also paper ice-cream cups in different style and size, with related wood ice-cream spoon we serve!telephone number, number opentool, cake, form, cutter, bowl0
molplugee.huMOL Plugee electric mobility service has just started! Our charging stations are capable to charge every electric vehicle simple and fast in even 30 minutes. Fill the energy!type, charger, device, cable, station0
dreros.huThe balance of private life and relationship means the basis of happiness – said Erika Erös M.D.phone numbereros, clinic, remote, consultation, health0
bartokdental.hu…and helpful receptionists help you in the administration. Our goal is to provide fast, painless, professional and complete care for all dental problems in one place. Our office keeps pace with the development of dental equipment, so our modern and professional equipment includes, among others, a…phone number, number clinicdental, dentist, price, patient, gallery0
abbazia-clubhotel.huThe Abbázia Club Hotel Kék is situated in the heart of Keszthely within walking distance from the downtown and from the Lake shore. The main square, the pedestrian area - with restaurants, shops and cafés - the railway and bus station - all can be reached within few minutes on foot.offer, homepage, rate, group, building0
hotelnagykanizsa.hu…and the whole area of our hotel are non-smoking. Filagoria, open and closed lobby, wellness cellar, garden with a small fish pond offer a peaceful rest. If you want to have a meaningful relaxation, roam through beautiful landscapes, or just want to relax and recharge, we are waiting for you in our…oasis, room, detail, package, homepage0
penznavigatorinformatika.humbstring extension makes use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.imagemagick number, number formatsupport, value, version, directive, local0
immunoinfo.huOfficial Website of the Systems Immunology Research Group in Szeged. We use computational and empirical methods to understand adaptive immune recognition.fact numberimmune, recognition, research, group, adaptive0
szekelyszallas.huAccommodation from Transylvania - Szekler accommodations - Accommodation in Szeklerland, Transylvaniaphone numberregion, accomodation, accommodation, pension, transylvania0
m1autohof.huM1 Autohof truck stop opened at the beginning of 2020 at km 142 of Motorway M1, 300 metres from the exit toward Lébény-Mecsér. The rest area, with a capacity of 70 tractor-trailers, refrigerated trailers and oversized trucks is guarded 24-hours a day with security cameras. We are continuously…truck, parking, rest, area, price0
kophaza.huKópháza /Koljnof, is a large village in Győr-Moson-Sopron country of ~2000 inhabitants, near Sopron (5 km). Nowadays are less people in the village, who speak the language Croatian, approximately 43,6%. The villages near Kópháza are Harka and Nagycenk. The most important sight is a chapel. This…village, country, important, chapel, welcome0
traffipaxshop.huImage full time, s: Image full time, s: Image full time, s: Image full time, s: Image full time, s:image numbereffect, slide, image, height, mode0
asiacenter.huDue to its size and facilities AsiaCenter is an excellent exhibition and event venue. The spacious second floor of AsiaCenter’s Western Wing is perfect for any event from a small party to any large-scale exhibitions. The full area of 7925 sqm is to let.number shopevent, floor, space, area, office0
babatb.huHome… Our Target… For Companies… Webshop… Contact… Cart… Log in… Read more… Details… Bébiutaskísérő…detail, cart, target, premium, economy0
lukacsdenes.huEötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Department of Personality and Clinical Psychology (until 1995), then private practice until today. In addition, teaching in Budapest, Szeged, and under the auspices of the Szondi Foundation: researching of the Szondi Test; management of accredited courses (female…number visitorconference, psychology, association, research, clinical0
workant.huWorkant Kft. also helps its partners in planning and carrying out any operating processes that require live labor and are not part of the company's core business. Our company has experience in the planning, recruitment and employment of the workforce necessary for the efficient supply of…vat numberrecruitment, cycle, candidate, management, worker0
totalelektronik.huWe started our service in Győr and around for bigger companies in 1992. Our profiles: electro-motor windings, repair of electronic machine tools and of garden machines.average number, number companymachine, data, reference, introduction, profile0
sunbelt.huIt is often an external observer who can identify and handle these tiny, but very annoying problems. We at Sunbelt believe that by relieving procurement specialists of unnecessary burdens, we allow them to have more time and energy to concentrate on the tasks that really matter. In the long run…sunbelt numberreference, procurement, quote, industrial, solution0
szekelykert.hu© 2022 Székelykert Panzió - Make your reservation on our site for a better price! . All rights reserved. | Created by MambooWEBphone numberreservation, price, site, room, gallery0
hangkelto.hu…to the work of the Vox Insana Chamber Choir and the MediCantare Mixed Choir, participating in 8-10 concerts and on average 2 international projects, with the help of 15-20 volunteers. The ImPulzus Creative Music Lab is the Foundation’s newest initiative, with the goal of revealing the methodsphone numberchoir, foundation, chamber, lab, creative0
idealbebe.hue-finance provides you with fast and instant online mobile loans in Nigeria. Apply from our loans website now to receive up to 5million Naira. We are the top loan company in Nigerialoan, nigeria, finance, quick, mobile0
mmts.huM&M Translation Services LTD was founded in May 2009 for the purpose of providing foreign language communication services.tax number, vat numbertranslation, insurance, condition, quote, address0
pigment.huComapny profile… Chemical industry… Finished poducts… Plastic industry… Packaging – Printing… PET foil…tax numberfoil, industry, solution, operation, exclusive0
laserderm.huWe see our patients – in order to avoid waiting - at in advance arranged dates. The ambulant (regular or laser) surgeries can be made after the first meeting, or according to the treatments later at an arranged date.mobile numbertreatment, removal, surgery, skin, wrinkle0
teomse.huThe Champion School aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.game number, number logicstudent, learn, champion, school, activity0
homm.huOn 1 August, the first phase of BOSCH’s transport of workers, with more than ten buses, started. The second phase will start on September 20, when only Homm buses will carry passengers on 23 lines, four of which will arrive from Slovakia.transport, flight, worker, local, special0
wellyou.huWellYou is a Budapest based digital creative agency providing photo and film production, branding and webdesign services.production, communication, consulting, visual, digital0
neuronsolutions.hu…of competencies during the joint project work with the expert of Neuron Solutions enables the team of Gedeon Richter Plc, after the implementation of the pilot project, to be able to start and execute AI development projects on its own or, if necessary, to select and apply supplier AI systems.”vat numbersolution, application, consultant, intelligence, artificial0
zoldmivesalapitvany.huThere are many varieations of passages Lorem Ipsum available majority have only alteration some form, have onlyphone numberipsum, lorem, passage, majority, available0
panamyphoto.huPanamyPhoto… Home… Family… Wedding… Portrait… Food… Contact… Portrait Photo… Gallery… Wedding Photos​…photo, gallery, family, wedding, portrait0
cardnet.hu…electronic transactions every year, and offers innovative payment solutions to banks, merchants, and other service providers. Cardnet offers tailor-made gift cards and loyalty programs for medium and large companies. The company is also providing transaction, prepaid and postpaid services.vat numbertransaction, detail, provider, electronic, market0
makker.hu* Makkeróni - web audio operating systemwar number, number multiplecooperative, user, multiple, exploration, photo0
park22.hu…located in Budapest’s South Buda District 22. White Star Real Estate’s and Europa Capital’s joint venture development will be completed in several phases comprising six buildings offering a total rentable area of 60,800 sq m including 45,600 sq m of warehouse space and 15,200 sq m of office space.estate, management, real, building, office0
freightexchange.huEmployers can create job offers for free on the Freight Exchange and send offers to the email addresses of more than 300 drivers in the Driver database. Drivers can create their Driver profile on the Freight Exchange in order to obtain a higher salary or better working conditions.unlimited number, number requestlogin, data, freight, offer, exchange0
ferbetta.huFull-scale contract manufacturing from the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of the finished product. Our own brand products are currently available: sugar, oil .tax numberdelivery, contract, manufacture, order, continuous0
campingmovar.huThe thermal pool with hydromassage, sauna and infrared sauna is located on the ground floor of the hotel. Opening hours: From Monday to Sunday: 6 a.m. to 10 p.mthermal, booking, price, gallery, reception0
aktiv-magyar-ok.huWe offer on this homepage lessons and exercises for beginners in learning the Hungarian language.practice numberchapter, practice, page, dictionary, beginner0
dentina.huEmese doctor made me fantastic teeth. Painlessly, with lots of patience and expertise. Thanks! I'm so proud of my teeth and my dentist too!phone numbertooth, denture, metal, dental, offer0
kertvellesy.hu…is important. You have to feel and create harmony with either minimal, classic or mediterranean feeling. I enjoy my job, I love architecture. It gives me a creative, entertaining and even sufficiently comprehensive world. I’m happy to show you too… /design with passion – architecture with passion/tax number, registration numberagreement, contract, office, reference, data0
eljharmoniaban.huPrivate yoga, Hatha yoga, yoga, meditation coures and classes, yoga philosohpie, in Budapest, private class, yogaphone numberyoga, class, private, meditation, course0
flatco.huFlatco Real Estate kft Is Budapest’s leading owner and operator of residential real estate. We rent out top quality apartments for long term rent, as well as shops, offices, parking spots, and storage units all over Budapest. Our apartments come fully furnished and perfectly suited to become the…apartment, office, complex, space, shop0
siofokkc.hu…of October… 14 sep 2022, Good performance against Győr… 10 sep 2022, 2 points against NEKA… 03 sepyouth, height, date, birth, staff0
tec2000.huI drive a diesel Smart car for work and have seen significant improvements since using TEC 2000 products. The combination of Oil Booster, Engine Flush, and Diesel System Cleaner resulted in a healthier engine with reduced oil burn, no smoke, and easier cold starts. Despite the car’s limited power…phone numberclean, engine, fuel, flush, additive0
czmb.huIn the 2015 foundation of CZMB Technical Development and Art Limited Partnership we concentrate our profession to two main fields: online or offline software development and traditional or computer assisted graphics. In the beginning we compensated our modest capacity with the pursuit of maximum…tax number, statistics numberdevelopment, application, management, ornament, gallery0
keviwlan.huKeviWLAN Informatikai Kft.… Kezdőlap… Hírek, események… Hírek… Tervezett karbantartások… Elérhetőség…page, text, minute, price, plan0
citroenorigins.huCitroën Origins - From 1919 to today, discover exceptional models that make Citroën's historynumber seat, number carorigin, generation, today, history, exceptional0
okonett.hu…services in environmental and engineering consultancy, we are happy to offer services including the assistance with legal compliance, with management systems, and related consultant services. Our experts possess all the necessary licenses and we have an ever growing list of references, which…phone numberreference, german, solution, today, decade0
dogmopolite.huDog walking with flexible timing and frequency, based on your and your dog’s individual needsdogmopolite numberdog, care, day, boarding, training0
niok.huNIOK Foundation provides an intense mentoring and consultancy support for CSOs via its internal and external subject matter experts mainly in the fields of communications and fundraising and in the format of personal consultancy, mentoring, training courses and networking opportunities. The…vat numbermission, build, foundation, society, organization0
incominghungary.huOn our package programs, we include the must-see sights as well as special gems and behind-the-scenes activities, such as UNESCO World Heritage sites in Budapest and in other parts of Hungary, a folklore show, a Knight Tournament in Visegrád, in one of the beautiful city of Danube Bend, a visit…number customer, number triptravel, incoming, luxury, trip, family0
hotel-mako.hu…to ask for information about the sights, sights, the surrounding settlements (eg Szeged) and the programs and events of our city at our 24-hour reception. You can order delicious and Hungarian dishes from several restaurants. Opposite the guesthouse there is a supermarket (Lidl) where you can get…room, guesthouse, apartment, rule, child0
chochomoon.huApart from the crafting of chocolate pastilles, we also produce finished goods: chocolate bars (with cream and filling), desserts, Christmas candies, and dipped goods. Beyond indsutrial purposes, our products are great for confectionaries and chocolate workshops as well.vat numberchocolate, dark, premium, milk, quality0
jpa.huIn his speech given at the 78th PEN International Congress held in South Korea in 2012, President of the Hungarian PEN Club Géza Szőcs announced the creation of a major international poetry prize in these words:registry numberprize, poetry, description, foundation, sponsor0
hajosprogramok.huOne of the most traditional boat programmes is our 2-8-hour day or night sailing on Balaton. Upon request we can include food and drinks or wine tasting in the boat rental at Balatonfüred. Our well-equipped sailboats and skilful skippers offer ideal recreation programmes for couples, families or…number cabinprice, boat, rental, sailboat, people0
genbio.hu…as an Hungarian Excellent Research Infrastructure, provides integrated, streamlined and expertly supported Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Bioinformatics based services that encompass experimental design, sample preparation, sequencing, bioinformatics data analysis and interpretation.news, category, sequencing, bioinformatics, publication0
petremedy.huOur products can be found at more than 1,200 pet stores, 3,000 veterinary surgeries, 600 experts and 180 animal rescue organizations in Hungary and 21 other countries.tax numberremedy, basket, review, calm, rescue0
rallysimfans.huRBRHUD plugin revoluziones how gauges look and behave in RBR cockpit view. This is yet another milestone for RBR to improve immersion. Gauges are embedded into 3D models and made to look as close to real world counterpart as possible. Especially VR players love this. Certainly you can still use…improvement number, number gaugestage, plugin, update, detail, version0
evotech.huNowadays, the environment-friendly and cost-efficient buildings are unimaginable without building automation system (BMS) and building management. Our solutions, based on intelligent devices allow the implementation of integrated building management systems that cover the most modern access…vat number, registration number, statistical numberelectrical, build, activity, industrial, automation0
dewinter.huOur mission is the local and international sales and distribution of canned food products produced in Hungary and the surrounding countries. We are dedicated to proving that WinterTrade Plc stands for Reliability, and our brands and represent Quality.winter, international, retail, raw, material0
okoindustria.huintroduce a new, gap-filling exhibition on the Hungarian market in the fall of 2024. With the professional support of Messe & Marketing Michael Pittscheidt, the first ENVIRONTEC powered by ÖKOINDUSTRIA international trade fair for environmental industry, infrastructure development, waste and water…event number, number visitor, number conference, number exhibitorsexhibitors, green, programme, event, organizer0
plastix.huCopyright © 2023 PLASTIX Lameix Hungary Kft. All Rights Reserved.plan, measurement, delivery, installation, customer0
pamuttermekek.huFull Width… Project with video… Brands Element… Products Slider… Recent Products… Featured Products…phone numberview, quick, element, portfolio, title0
arkad-dental.huThe Árkád Dentistry is waiting for you in a pleasant environment! We guarantee the quality of care! Our clinic is professionally trained and dedicated, demanding and enthusiastic professionals are waiting for you. We will do our best to meet your specific needs. Dentistry is safe and reliable…phone number, number clinicdental, dentist, price, gallery, guarantee0
jaguarclub.hu…Sponsors… Partners… Important links… Jaguar SS 100 1937… Jaguar Mark IV 1947… Jaguar SS 100…tax numbergallery, sponsor, event, board, hall0
significant.co.huA coherent data strategy in unleashing the full potential of your organization’s data assets. Our methodology commences with aligning your data initiatives with your company objectives, ensuring a clear vision for data-driven success. By adopting a holistic approach that encompasses people…number speakdata, strategy, significant, optimization, tool0
exv.huOur clients are domestic companies wishing to enter foreign markets, and international (foreign) companies planning to introduce or extend their business, or to carry out site development or technical or industrial investment projects in Hungary.tax numbermanagement, investment, consulting, client, financial0
nativeenglishteacher.huBetween 1992 and 1994 I held teacher workshops for American English teachers from the organization Educational Services International, who were teaching English as a foreign language here in Hungary.phone numberteacher, native, course, school, protect0
fixbetonkerites.hu…For the production of our fence panels, our company uses only materials of impeccable quality. However, as manufacturers, we are able to offer our entire range of products at affordable prices, and we can help you install it cost-effectively and hassle-free with the help of professional experts.fence, concrete, quality, quote, customer0
gyorsun.huThe suspect of the double murder in Tószeg was arrested and taken into custody, the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Police Headquarters told MTI.january, price, zone, economy, sun0
szivattyuvezerles.hu…Rainwater recyclingDid you know, that with rain water, you can save a lot of money?… Level…company numberwater, pressure, pump, electronic, vessel0
turulpack.huThe goods to be packed are measured on a given spot, we manufacture the necessary paletts and boxes in our facility, we package the goods on a spot given by the ordering company and even arrange transportation with the help of our partner company.large number, number masspackaging, gallery, scale, directive, customer0
ace-consulting.huBroad range of experties in design, implementation and operation services. We can provide solutions for all SAP modules. Our consultants are also experienced in SAP implementation and operational tasks. In the near future, the transition to the S/4 HANA solution will be due everywhere, in which we…tax numberconsulting, customer, solution, position, open0
gustocafe.huCafe Gusto quickly became well-known for its fine tiramisu, loin carpaccio and foie gras. Our restaurant can be found in Frankel Leo street next to Margaret Bridge, just few minutes walk from Danube.reservation numberfood, gallery, friendly, coffee, wine0
szamtarto.huOnly 35 Km far from Győr, in the center of Csorna in a quiet area , is a for 5 years teastful renovated Familyhouse on sale. The living area is 186 m², the land is 1300 m² large. The house is bright, good parted, climatized, with door security, window shutter, and has an alarmsystem connected to a…telephone numberdetail, gallery, website, land, shutter0
atevteszt.huSocial responsibility and environmental awareness are highly important tasks for our company in which tasks we are to be involved voluntarily and exemplary.tax numbercurrent, document, order, environmental, awareness0
toscaneria.hufor interior designers… Home fragrances… Magazine… Add to cart… Jan 13… Read More… Sep 4… Jun 25… Englishcompany numberexclusive, cart, gift, decor, magazine0
fise.huThe exhibition titled Immersion offers a larger cross-section of the works of the Young Industrial Artists Studio Association Collection. Since FISE represents all branches of the applied arts and extends into fine art border areas, the collection includes all important genres. In Merítés, we…phone number, number businessexhibition, artist, art, glass, textile0
wls.huClassic Commodore games rewritten on Nintendo's Gameboy handheld console by László Rajcsányi - WLS.number builerrun, game, wild, set, rescue0
pozsonyi16.huWhen we get stuck in life's challenges, can't see the next step or when the burden we carry alone is too heavy, an external professional supporter, a psychologist can help us find our resources, direction, and answers. This process takes place within the framework of individual counselling and…mobile numbergallery, logo, individual, edit, group0
sundayit.huWe offer solutions for automatically capturing data, relationships and insights from documents, forms and correspondence to improve business outcomes. It transforms documents into business value by capturing and validating information in any format at its point of need. Intelligently digitizing…phone numbersunday, solution, intelligence, process, software0
zzcopy.huZZ Copy… Hungary’s Number One ZZ Top Tribute Band…hungary number, number zzcopy, tribute, main, navigation, booking0
bingham.huTogether with the server solution we also provide software and service. You can find Linux OS on all our servers. For file sharing, we use our software platform compatible with mobile devices.vat numberserver, software, user, additional, solution0
kunszov.huWe open our website with the trade sign of KUNSZÖV which is a hallmark of more than 7 decades of the activity of the company, and essential development while preserving traditionstax numberclothing, textile, short, tax, registration0
amiovink.huOur institute starting in 2002 was the first in Hungary to combine the Montessori education with bilingual education (Hungarian-English).number groupkindergarten, child, teacher, institution, talent0
techno-security.hu…1997 and in every following three years since then. The ISO 9001 and our well-prepared professionals guarantee that the proper level of quality is ensured from planning to handover during the tasks executed by TECHNO SECURITY Zrt. Our company is also a member of the Hungarian Quality Association.bank number, number locationsecurity, quality, task, location, equipment0
mountbleu.huAbout us… Proceedings… For Creditors… Account numbers… Tenders… Contact us… Privacy policy… Complaint…account number, phone numberproceedings, creditor, liquidation, account, liquidator0
btmev.huThe beginning was condominium management and performing arts , and since building and industrial cleaning and insurance are closely linked to residential real estate management, the scope of activities has expanded. As a residential property, I also manage sublets and manage accommodation .registration number, tax numbersite, official, activity, competence, build0
aensys.huThe main activity of our company is to develop custom softwares. We are ready to develop specific applications in the following fields:tax numberdevelopment, technology, application, operation, field0
alvicom.huIn addition to software testing, our software development service has been growing in recent years, where we are involved in the development of software that is essential for the operation and integration of various IT systems. In all cases, software development tasks are carefully planned to…alvicom numbersoftware, development, expert, client, reliable0
encosoftware.huThe main profile of EN-CO Software cPlc. is personalized IT Solution planning and development for enterprices.phone numbersoftware, development, solution, plan, security0
mystiqueroom.huThe point of an escape room game for a team is to escape from locked rooms within a specified time limit. The experience takes away players’ real life worries and places them in a different world. If you’re looking for something unique that will entertain both adults and kids, then Mystique Room…number playerroom, player, minute, difficulty, length0
corvinsetany.huThis corner building offers an unparalleled view of both the Corvin Promenade and Corvin Cinema. The rhythmic alternation of rendered and glass surfaces on the facade of the office building is a fine example of modern, cavity-based architecture.office, promenade, build, apartment, view0
appletree-cig.huAppletree CI Group is an expert niche CRO (Contract Research Organization) and global regulatory affairs service provider. We are specialized in contract clinical research services in Europe and regulatory affairs support on a global level.case number, number calculationgroup, regulatory, clinical, management, medical0
aranypatkopanzio.huWe have a wide selection of dishes a la carte and pre-paid daily menus to serve our guests!mobil numberguest, house, restaurant, gallery, detail0
polyglot.huPolyglot Translation Agency: ✔️ Translation ✔️Interpreting ✔️Proofreading for business clients. Please contact us for further information!polyglot numbertranslation, language, interpret, agency, proofreading0
gkindustry.huOur company, GK-Industry Technology Kft. was established primarily to carry out technological pipe fitting works as well asfact numberindustry, construction, portfolio, european, technology0
proevent.huWelcome to Pro Event Productions, where we turn your grandest visions into unforgettable realities. As a premier event agency, we specialize in organizing high-quality events on a massive scale, including – but not limited to – music festivals, sports and corporate events. What sets us apart and…tax numberevent, production, agency, quality, portfolio0
trendix.huSzakembereink segítenek az Ön számára a legmegfelelőbb minőségű anyák, csavarok, illetve más egyéb termékek kiválasztásában.tax number, number hushop, wholesale, tool, screw, specialist0
relativepozsonyi.huavocado, walnut, tomato, balsamic vinegar cream, vegan cheese cream, fresh green mix saladphone numberfresh, green, cheese, vegan, cream0
gruziaborai.huIt is hard to come across this quality of wine even in Georgia, as the Winery owner commented. The Saperavi grape variety excels in this creation, which was born from overripe grapes, produced in a Qvevri. The relatively higher alcohol and natural residual sugar content do not detract from the…phone numberwine, grape, sweet, georgia, variety0
funside.huFunside summer camps and after school programs – Funside School after school and Funside summer campscamp, school, registration, summer, news0
skalar.huWe deal with the preparation of permitting structural documentation, structural tender documentation and structural construction plans, product design of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and steel structures, structural design of civil engineering structures and buildings to be…structure, future, construction, engineering, reference0
mitor.huThe technologies applied by Mitor offer solutions in a broad range of industries for customers. Our well-equipped plant ensures outstanding efficiency and high quality in production, quality control and logistics.mitor numberpage, group, integrate, efficiency, outstanding0
kiskutpanzio.huOur guest house is located in the suburb of Győr, in a quiet and peaceful area, only 2 km from the city center. Relax at the rink, the zoo, the Audi Arena, and the ETO Stadium! Visit the beautiful Baroque downtown, splash in the well-known Győr healing water for decades In Rába Quelle, take a bike…room, look, apartment, town, bed0
csokonya.huPaid guest service: 7555 Csokonyavisonta Szent L. u. 25/Btax numbergallery, apartment, guesthouse, restaurant, attraction0
callsheet.huWe at Passion Backline, constantly strive to meet the requirements of our customers, and to provide the best possible equipment at reasonable prices. Therefore we carry gear from all the major brands, which are suitable for a wide variety of genres.passion, detail, reference, gallery, customer0
framework.hu…decides whether they are relevant to your company. If so, Framework Hungary Kft. also helps in specifying what to do for compliance with regulations concerned. Our statements and proposals are never effected by any business interests. This is one of our values we are proud of the most. Read more>>tax numberframework, publication, reference, energy, development0
playfellow.huWe are concentrated upon high quality toys. Raw material is non-toxic and safe for children.article numberset, detail, cart, play, sale0
f12.huWindows Hello for Business and Windows Hello may sound siblings, but they are actually two different families in authentication world ( link )*. Hello is basicly using password caching while Hello for Business uses asymmetric authentication (key or certificate based) – that’s why Windows Hello for…hello, access, application, user, sign0
piperayipari.hu…materials have appeared on the market, which have largely influenced the change in all construction technologies, both residential and industrial. We follow new solutions in this area and promptly replenish the range of products. Our managers will give you the necessary highly qualified advice.tax numberquality, construction, material, equipment, manufacture0
administer.huThe adMinister Hungary Kft. is a provider of complex financial and accounting services for small and medium-sized enterprises, and a company committed to long-term, trusted partnership. Our team of experts offers to its partners personalized, complete services, be it traditional accounting tasks…good numbertraditional, expertise, specific, area, financial0
geoplan.hu…Ltd., which has become one of the leading companies in the field of geotechnical engineering in Hungary. In addition to the practical design tasks, he places great emphasis on the tasks of professional public life and interest representation as a member of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers…geotechnical, investigation, foundation, assessment, soil0
wordpressdev.huAstroWind is a free, customizable and production-ready template for Astro 4.0 + Tailwind CSS. AstroWind: Production-ready. Suitable for Startups, Small Business, SaaS websites, Professional Portfolios, Marketing websites, Landing Pages & Blogs.fake number, number pagewebsite, css, template, page, free0
totalgeneral.huFacebook page opens in new window Twitter page opens in new window Dribbble page opens in new window YouTube page opens in new windowphone numberdetail, page, testimonial, amet, lorem0
kbsurfshapes.humake your surfboard completely unique. You can choose the shape that suits your style, your needs, the design that best suits your purpose and the circumstances, and you can design the graphic to your liking. With the board configurator, we will help you design the board of your dreams step by step.registration number, tax numberboard, custom, technology, media, clinic0
alexandrapanzio.huWe have air-conditioned, smoke-free rooms. We welcome our guests, each with its own bathroom, TV, refrigerator, air-conditioning equipment. Free Wi-Fi capability and excellent parking, bike and stroller storage provided for your convenience.account numberguesthouse, room, guest, price, gallery0
keruletiallatorvos.huWelcome to our veterinary clinic, where we have created a friendly and pleasant atmosphere for your pets. Get to know us!phone numberclinic, veterinary, price, atmosphere, friendly0
drtacstimea.huDr. Tímea Tács family physician, occupational health specialist, health professional portfolio, in which I present the main areas of my work, e.g.: occupational physicianphone number, number officemedical, portfolio, health, family, occupational0
officialemsculpt.huEMsculpt Infinity ® Experience was developed by our Lead Surgeon for Advanced Results for EMsculpt NEOresult number, number treatmentofficial, clinic, treatment, doctor, surgeon0
ccch.huThe Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hungary is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 1992. Based in Hungary, we provide a platform for developing commercial relationships between Canadian and Hungarian companies.canadian, event, chamber, commerce, membership0
emsculptneo.huEMSCULPT NEO is the world's first and only technology that uses Radiofrequency and HIFEM+ (high intensity electromagnetic field) to eliminate fat and build muscles non-invasivelyresult number, number treatmentclinic, andrassy, treatment, official, street0
swision.huSince its foundation in 2008, Swision has been a key supplier of solutions for midsize and large companies in Hungary. The Swision project methodology assures that every step in projects we manage is designed and documented from the initial demand definition to the project closure.phone numbersolution, application, sale, management, document0
performercenter.huAdult Performer Network is the supporting site of several adult video chat websites. All persons registering in APN must be at least 18 years old and prove their age with documents. Documents are kept on file as required by 18 USC 2257. Registered performers are autonomous, work from remote…number hungaryperformer, payment, adult, twice, month0
bestseed.huOur firm is entirely in Hungarian family-ownership specialising in only for export purposes throughout Europe since 1996. Our range of products consists of dehydrated vegetables, culinary herbs, spices, fruits and medicinal herbs.tax numberseed, spice, herb, medicinal, beginning0
callgirlservice.huShare to Blogger Share to WhatsApp Share to Amazon Share to Gmail Share to Myspace Share to Twitter Share to LinkedIn Share to Pinterestnumber shareshare, girl, flight, airline, ticket0
executiveresearch.huSCS Executive Research Consulting Ltd. was formed - as first on the Hungarian market - providing a flexible research service to both executive search consultants and heads of HR or Company Directors.hungary numberexecutive, research, consulting, search, consultant0
terkokecskemet.huAfter trying other contractors, we were so happy to find Divi Paving. Right from the start the owner and the crew were friendly and helped us understand everything about the project. Thank you!integrity number, number valuepave, sidebar, value, quote, asphalt0
modiano.huWith three floors dedicated to convenient parking, an idyllic inner garden, and breathtaking top terraces, Modiano is a premium office complex that combines timeless elegance with state-of-the-art technical solutions and services, high-quality work environment and prime location. The renovation is…office, build, gallery, efficiency0
firstclass-tarskereso.huPlease, call us or send us an e-mail to learn how we work in more details and how we can help you to find your soul mate with the help of First Class Hungarian Dating Agency.set number, number personalagency, class, date, package, personal0
ringatokiskore.huWhy Ring-a-tó? Because it is unique and a novelty, it is special and something old but something entirely new at the same time. Ring-a-tó is an ideal place for weddings and private and corporate events. Visit Ring-a-tó Kisköre Beach and Apartment Park and decide which event you would like to hold…tax numberapartment, beach, lake, room, night0
gtl.huGuarantor Team Logistics (GTL) is a dynamically developing company that specializes in the wholesale supply of plants, planting material and flower products to the different countries worldwide.logistic, plant, flower, european, nursery0
registerforvat.huVAT registration is obligatory, when an EU tax payer is obliged to pay VAT in Hungary and reverse charge is not applicable.vat number, number week, tax number, number taxvat, tax, registration, applicable, reverse0
startit.huWishlist 0… Sign in… English (US)… News… About Us… Get Quote… Contact…vat numbernews, cart, quote, vat, latest0
erdosmuanyag.hu…changing expectations. Things like raising the manufacturing capacity, making the deadlines, speeding up the shipping chain, are core parts of our work. We work hard every day to improve both the quantity and the quality of our current manufacturing line, and still keep our prices competitive.vat number, registration numbermanufacture, key, glass, flexible, connector0
mfilmswed.hu…nem találtuk Sanyiék oldalát. Ahogy megláttuk milyen videókat készítenek nem is volt kérdés, hogy adunk nekik egy esélyt és felkerestük őket. Mindenkinek bátran ajánljuk Sanyit és csapatát, nem fogtok bennük csalódni sem mint ember, sem mint szakember. Az tény, hogy nem a legolcsóbb kategóriába…year numberwedding, picture, package, faq, photo0
salvavita.huProability: The aim of the project was to increase the employment opportunities of people with disabilities in the open labour market. As envisioned by the project partners, this could be achieved through awareness raising programs regarding the employment of disabled people, designed for present…people, employment, organization, job, disability0
econordesign.hufurniture at ECONOR Design. Our recycled furniture are designed for a long lifespan with their solid structures. With our team of visionary and adventurous minds, we are the ideal collaborators for designers and interior architects seeking to bring their boldest and most innovative concepts to life.registration numberfurniture, material, foam, recycle, accessories0
palocflora.huSince 15 years TERRA has been combining craftsmanship and innovation, offering its customers high-end products. Quality is one of the most precious values of our products. We make every effort to keep them on the highest level, while ensuring their functionality, aesthetics and a unique design at…terra number, number productionmodel, production, urban, innovative, quality0
teatrom.hu…European minority. TeatRom - on its former name Made in Gypsystan from 2015 - has mainly been the encounter of amateur groups mentored by Utca-SzAK artist community. However, throughout the years also professional Roma artists and internationally ackowledged street theaters joined the initiative.community, performance, group, art, festival0
lakeandsunshine.hu…Poroszló, in the immediate vicinity of Lake Tisza. The street between Lake Tisza and Lake Cserő provides adeguate proximity, yet complete intimacy for guests wishing to recreation and peaceful relaxation. The area is free of transit traffic, so children are completely safe, even outside the fence.phone numberlake, sunshine, room, guest, page0
btas.hu…szabva… Tudjon meg még többet.… History… Session… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment… Includeaction, controller, array, maybe, component0
sherlockrehab.hu…and complex knowledge to my current condition, in a personalized way. She gives a powerful, problem-centered, healing massage, spiced up with her likeable personality and good mood. I would like to write a prescription for your therapeutic massage for anyone affected by musculoskeletal complaints!phone number, number emailmanual, therapy, therapist, treatment, pain0
sparrowband.huThe FCI’s breed standards are written to serve as a guideline for the development of dog breeds, while keeping in mind the importance of the health and wellbeing of the dogs belonging to these breeds. The FCI also organizes several dog shows, field trials, and other activities in order to evaluate…owner number, number importantbreed, dog, health, vaccination, guarantee0
moviepuppeteers.hu…ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proidentipsum, lorem, puppet, sit, consectetur0
bishungary.humaintenance of large industrial facilities, plants, and factories, including all technical andregistration number, vat number, tax numberindustrial, activity, maintenance, assembly, plant0
kovgafam.huAbout us Our services Gallery Measuring Quality policy Our machine park Our references Contuct ustax numberproduction, quality, eng, machine, precision0
operagardenhotel.huStay minimum 4 nights at our hotel and get a free transfer from the Airport or 50% discount from the parking ticket if you arrive by car.registration numberipsum, previous, adipiscing, amet, dapibus0
magyarugyvediiroda.huWe provide a full legal service to our clients in regard of real estate contracts by preparing and constructing the contracts and by consulting about taxes and duties according to the binding laws of Hungary. After contersigning the documents in person or through Skype we also undertake the…vat number, number hulaw, client, legal, office, representation0
lawyerbudapest.huViktor has graduatated from ELTE Budapest law school. He has aquired Master of Laws “LL.M.” postgraduate degree in Business and Transactions and another one in Employment Law. He has gained notable experience in corporate law and labor law. His primary focus is on corporate transactions and…vat number, number daylaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat0
donautica.huNomad room The conditions of our room for a nomadic fantasy name are not nomadic at all. Thanks to the special interior design, the elements of nomadic existence come back, but in terms of comfort, this room is a first-class room same as all the others.phone numberview, room, offer, booking, gallery0
hotelorion.huThe Keleti Train Station is 6 km away from the Hotel Orion Varkert. Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport can be reached within 23 km. Should you arrive by car a public garage is 100 m away from the hotel.room, homepage, location, castle, danube0
blackstag.huEssentials theme is awesome! There are unlimited possibilities to create great looking websites in minutes. Great work! I am a web designer, you guys are very inspiring. I wish to see more work from you, maybe more freebies. Using pixfort products made my life a lot easier!agency numbercolumn, item, stag, awesome, text0
csaladpartialapitvany.huSkip to footer… Home… About us… Recent Events… Stipendium Peregrinum… Gallery…tax number, registration numberrecent, event, gallery, family, footer0
fusthylawoffice.huHome… The Firm… Partners… Practice Areas…association number, number registrar, tax numberoffice, law, firm, area, practice0
plastrade.huWe are proud to offer innovative high-quality primary packaging solutions to companies in the pharmaceutical, veterinary, home & garden, chemical, automotive, beauty & personal care, as well as the food industry.pharmaceutical, care, bottle, food, healthcare0
drhe.hu© 2021 DRHE - All rights reserved. • Website made by Digitall Sapiens Kft.phone numberstudent, doctoral, office, programme, university0
furstnerdentistry.huAfter clicking on the video, this video will be loaded from Youtube's servers. By doing this, you explicitly consent to the installation of Google advertising cookies. The communication between the website and Google servers will be interrupted by the page reload. For more information, please read…work number, number implantdental, dentistry, video, treatment, orthodontic0
dogandpony.huWe are managing several online and offline campaigns for our clients as a Hungarian marketing agency. Our main services include: marketing consulting, social media marketing, Google Ads management, search engine optimization, web development, content marketing, influencer marketing, PR…agency, logo, dog, advertising, media0
royaltranszfer.huIn addition to groupage flights, we also allow private passengers, ie individual destination transport services. Allow us to take the burden off your shoulders; choose our cost-effective services, save time, money and energy with Royal Transfer and travel first class to the airport!tax number, account number, number cibtransfer, discount, price, airport, page0
kovet.hu…Egyéb… Next… January 2024… December 2023… November 2023… September 2023… July 2023… June 2023… Maynumber programseptember, january, june, march, february0
iparterv.huwe kindly inform all our contacts that our company is available with great vocation and precise work to you. our company remains in H-1134 Budapest, Lehel str. 12. at your disposal (including the design archives as well) offering all the services also at our headquarters.phone number, number mobile, number unchangedclient, disposal, image, dear, kindly0
regalservice.huIngatlanfejlesztés… Rólunk… Kapcsolat… Conmetall GmbH… Suki International GmbH… Humex SA… Vents Hungary…phone numberinternational, address, europe, phone0
eredetifeny.huThe Program begins on the 26 th of November 2023 and ends on 25 th of February 2024. The winter retreat is an advanced practice carried out under the guidance of Chong An Sunim in the Original Light Zen Temple , following the teaching o...phone numberretreat, temple, light, original, video0
elsner.hu…by services that require high precision. Our professional machinery, coordinated design and production system based on state-of-the-art processes, has always enabled high quality service and production processes. Previously, our main activity was the design and manufacture of tools and thetax numberdental, implant, solution, news, denture0
csakadizajn.huAbout… Terms of Sale…phone numbersale, cart, faq, main, neck0
karate2020budapest.huIt is a great honour to host the most prestigious event of the rising generation of karatekas, the EKF Junior, Cadet & U21 Championships. I am particularly glad that only 7 years after the European Senior Championships, Budapest is to host such an exclusive and international karate tournament…championhips numberpage, main, location, accommodation, download0
ingroup.huIN GROUP is one of the leading companies in the field of project development, real estate investment and construction.group number, number subsidiarygroup, management, estate, real, development0
kertmanufaktura.huIn the spring of 2013, we ordered a major garden transformation work: creating a rockery, planting grass, creating a flower garden. We were very pleased with their work. The results are amazing: we are the owners of a whole new garden!tax numbergarden, build, maintenance, quality, schedule0
ab-dental.hu…office in Harkány, equipped with the most modern machines and equipment of the age, and in August 2017 we opened our dental and oral surgery center in Pécs, expanded with a dental laboratory and an independent X-ray practice. From now on, we will try to help our patients and medical colleaguesdental, surgery, oral, dentistry, patient0
clustermedia.huLooking for a marketing agency for your online channels? Choose Cluster Media Ltd and let your audience notice you!bare number, phone numbercluster, media, agency, solution, optimization0
meditest.huInvasive blood pressure monitors and blood flow meters Authorized by OGYÉI until August 2025phone numberaugust, availability, device, offer, mobile0
babolnamenes.huStud fee: 600 EUR + VAT • Date of birth: 2007 • Breed: purebred Arabian • Gender: stallion • Colour: grey • Height: 158 cmrecord number, number entrystud, stallion, horse, breed, event0
salessolutions.huVia our international venue finding partner we work together with 150 professionals from Singapore to Florida in many locations of the world to find the perfect venue just anywhere.registration numbervenue, sale, solution, find, event0
nadasdladanyikastely.huOne of the most beautiful historicising, neo-Gothic, Tudor-style mansions in Hungary, surrounded by a 24-hectare English landscape garden with rare plants and a pond. The renovated building and its park, as well as several rooms of the mansion, serve as a worthy backdrop for holding wedding…tax numberhistory, mansion, visitor, gift, shop0
orhaautomotive.huOur company purchased purlins, screws and bolts from Orha Művek Kft., and we have the following experiences regarding this: Customer service and the preparation of the quote was quick, precise and understandable , and we were able to order the purlins and the related screws and bolts listed in the…tax number, phone numbermanufacture, steel, quality, satisfied, automotive0
caverescue.huHowever, in addition to cave rescue, BMSz is also ready and able to help those in need in many other cases. Due to special trainings, the members of the service are also able to approach difficult terrains in Hungary or to overcome extreme weather conditions.tax numberrescue, cave, member, area, operation0
mobita.hu…is always a pleasure for us to design and implement custom spaces. We realize the ideas of our customers with the reliability, expertise and enthusiasm that comes from our twenty-year past. From simple refined shapes and raw materials to special design furniture in line with the latest trends, […]phone numbercustomer, interior, furniture, space, special0
er-petro.huThe Libyan Iron and Steel Company has accepted the final handover documentation of our Asbestos Abatement Project with full satisfaction as to the accomplished work.phone number, fax numberheat, treatment, construction, oil, actual0
evacon.huOur service is based on attention to details, with flexibility and innovation on cost effective ways. We take care of the timeline and budget of the planned organized programme. Evacon Ltd. knows the successful importance of the project security and goals with the maximum satisfaction of sponsors…tax numberconcept, management, programme, activity, reference0
btomdrums.huThe sound reaches its limits when the tuning of the plywood shell is finished. Then comes the change in the sound image of the solid wood drum. This makes the solid wood drums unique. This is the speciality of solid wood drum shellvat numberdrum, custom, process, gallery, portfolio0
reillyshop.hu…the first electric tattoo machine in December 1891, making him a pioneer in the history of tattooing. His machine was based on the rotary technique of Thomas Edison’s autograph pen. O’Reilly began tattooing in New York in the mid-1880s. One of the founding members of our company got his…tax number, account number, number otptattoo, body, training, shop, artist0
transemex.huTransemex Kft. offers road freight services mainly for Türkiye – Hungary routes using our own fleet, always focusing on the needs of our partners. In addition, we also work with our carefully selected subcontractors, mainly on Türkiye and Middle East routes, in constantly increasing volumes.phone numberfreight, road, logistic, quotation, fleet0
wallart.huBoss Mega Menu module allows you to arrange many header menu items in different columns. Customerslorem, felis, congue, mauris, phasellus0
margaretabalaton.huTHE REGION… THE GUESTHOUSE… PRICES… GOOD TO KNOW… RESERVATION… CONTACT… WEBCAM… Free dates, online…guesthouse, homepage, reservation, price, free0
barakadiamond.huA professional watch workshop operates in our watch salon, providing the full scope of repair services and repair management of the watches. This service includes the survey of the condition of watches, polishing, battery replacement, repair, legitimacy control, appraisal, the ordering and…phone numberjewellery, luxury, collection, previous, big0
kaposengineering.huAt Kapos Engineering we take care of your manufacturing requirements press machines, drying systems, grinding machines, filtration systems, automation equipment.serial numbermachine, engineering, equipment, sale, care0
vigam.huVIG | Fund Manager » Investment Funds, HUF, EUR, PLN, classic, total return, and capital protected fundsinternational numberseries, fund, investment, market, return0
willisport.huThe Willisport Hockey Store and Sporting Goods Store has been a committed supporter of domestic hockey since its establishment in 1996. Our goal is to provide a wide range and professional service for ice sports enthusiasts, from protective gear to rackets to training equipment.registration number, tax numberhockey, special, accessories, figure, stick0
fensthermcroatia.hu…activities… Sport & entertainment… Gastronomy… Boat Trips… Boat trips to Privic-Kaprije… Boat trips…phone numbertrip, tour, croatia, boat, north0
eusun.huProduction has stopped for a week at the Magyar Suzuki factory in Esztergom, between January 15th-21st – the company’s communications manager informed MTI on Monday.significantly number, number parceljanuary, zone, europe, september, sun0
codehunters.huCodeHunters specializes in comprehensive IT training solutions covering DevOps, AWS, Azure, GCP, Java, SpringBoot, and Cloud technologies. Our expert-led courses empower professionals to excel in these cutting-edge domains.registration numbercourse, solution, training, academy, cloud0
hetfenyovendeghaz.hurare spectacle for those who love traditional folk architecture but still demand today’s comfort. In the house and the belonging spacious garden stillness is guaranteed: it’s not bordered by any streets, only the neighbouring gardens and a watercourse are around. If you are looking for a complete…number guesthouse, surrounding, price, reservation, garden0
kicsicipo.huOur shoe shop was opened in 2003. knowing that women\'s shoes size 35 / en. 2,5 / rarely, size 34 and under are almost impossible to find in ordinary shoe shops. Of course, this causes problem for "small-footed" women.phone numbershoes, shop, small, size, woman0
bioskin.huWe will be happy to take on the implementation of a project of any complexity. We guarantee the quality of our work and have many years of experience in the field of repair.phone numberrepair, view, portfolio, large, phone0
mtgfemonto.huIn Hungary, we have unique production capacity (casting machines, melting cauldrons, furnaces, drawing and pressing machines) and know-how in the field of soldering, lead wires and tin-lead alloys.phone numberlead, metal, wire, production, casting0
hallercamping.huWe are looking forward to your arrival in our camping in the peaceful green belt area of Ferencváros near the central of Budapest with a good acces of metro. Our camping could be a good chance for everyone, who would like to take a calm rest after a trip in the teeming central of the city.guest, heart, campsite, dear, quality0
unicranes.huOur company provides crane services and wide range of lifting equipment no matter which manufacturer they made by.mobile numbercrane, overview, maintenance, equipment, gallery0
bethlenter.huRobert Deutsch “זצ״ל” was the Chief Rabbi of the Bethlen square synagogue, director of the Hungarian Rabbinate for 25 years, president of the Hungarian Rabbis and director of the Av Bet Din (Rabbinical Court).fruitful number, number earthjewish, synagogue, community, religious, congregation0
sustain.hu…governments, customers and legislation. Corporate performance is measured and presented using 67 GRI indicators. Depending on the size of the company and its activities, it is recommended that 10-20 indicators are selected and developed over an annual period to demonstrate the change in the…tax numbersustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate0
marketorg.huIn shipping, quality is about competence, modern, reliable vehicles, dynamic, innovative work and forward-looking marketing.shipping, international, vehicle, quality, customer0
mendlerpince.huMendler Pince with winemaker Zoltán Mendler welcomes the visitors to a special cellar tour and wine tasting in his cellar, in Főkáptalan Pincesor in Császártöltés.registration number, number taxwine, quality, cellar, dry, taste0
greentool.huWe would like to partially replace the activities of production technologists, process engineers, production support engineers, service engineers, service technicians and colleagues working in other positions, or to replace them with a kind of part-time work, thereby reducing the costs of our…phone numberproduction, activity, optimization, industrial, development0
gelcaps.huOur high-tech facility based in Hungary can craft variety of laundry detergent pods – solo & duo-caps – aligned to your custom needs and to fully comply with European Union policies.cap, detergent, label, contract, maker0
aisb.huAISB - American International School of Budapest will become a leader among the international schools of Europe, recognized for its outstanding students, dedicated faculty, excellent facilities, and rich and challenging programs for students and the community.school, international, student, american, learn0
csanyialapitvany.hu“Gábor Marosi, one of the trustees of the Csányi Foundation and CEO of the Unity Asset Management Foundation, was the......foundation, website, official, news, dinner0
interhotel.hu…a pleasure weekend somewhere. Inter Hotel is very close to the city center, however, we can provide the silent and calm environment, what you need to be relaxed. Let us introduce our city, our hotel, our services as we don't want to be just a hotel - we would like to be your home during your stay.tax numberroom, restaurant, self, stay, perfect0
hanami.huOther blogs you have: @aurin-home ~ all the reblogs go here, mostly cats & things I find funny or interesting, + fandoms & art I like (also I wanted to make an undertale au more than a year ago, but I gave up halfway figuring it out & never posted anything so I have an empty blog somewhere, maybe…note, art, photography, march, copy0