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1669 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: knowledge

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szav.huYour character may use this talent before making a check to use any knowledge skill and Intellect instead of the skill and characteristic the check would normally require. Your character may use this talent a number of times per session equal to their ranks in Applied Research. When your character…discipline knowledge, knowledge magic, knowledge interest, knowledge academic, knowledge professionaltier, activation, check, character, active48
knowledgepyramid.huKnowledge Pyramid Ltd. is a boutique management consultancy firm operating in 3 main industry sectors: the SSC (shared service centres), SME (small and medium-sized enterprises) and corporate sectors.motto knowledge, knowledge pyramidpyramid, expert, change, introduction, sector19
geze.huBenefit from concentrated expert knowledge: Discover now the recordings of all lectures, expert talks and product presentations of our Digital…product knowledge, expert knowledge, knowledge recording, knowledge sustainabilitybuilding, solution, build, window, safety14
aok.hu© Copyright 2024 Art of Knowledge . All Rights Reserved. Blossom Coach | Developed By Blossom Themes .Powered by WordPress .art knowledge, knowledge coaching, knowledge rightart, organisation, client, protect, start14
ovitas.huOvitas Hungary (Ovitas Magyarország Informatikai Kft.) provides outstanding, internationally acknowledged products and services in the fields of document, content and knowledge management. Recognized for its excellence by customers in Hungary and abroad, the company offers modern, standards based…center knowledge, knowledge base, ovitas knowledge, knowledge manager, content knowledgemanagement, solution, document, access, center14
affianced.huBelow, we would like to provide more information to our dear readers who are less informed in the world of gold jewelry, precious stones, and diamonds. We have tried to clarify all the details regarding the purchase of jewelry, so that even those who already have a basic knowledge of the subject…jewelry knowledge, knowledge base, basic knowledge, knowledge subjectwedding, engagement, jewelry, unique, color13
allon4centrum.huImagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.important knowledge, knowledge imagination, knowledge limitedimagination, example, page, portfolio, important13
pattern.hu…assignments we bring a holistic approach to our engagements with a strong focus on ready-to-execute concepts. We work closely with our clients to formulate and deliver solutions that make a strategic impact by enriching robust analysis with creativity and hands-on-knowledge of digital tools.knowledge management, omnichannel knowledge, hand knowledge, knowledge digital, art knowledgemanagement, digital, consulting, pattern, automation13
mellearn.huUniversity of Pannonia, Veszprém – 6th Hungarian National and International Lifelong Learning Conference: „The Role of the Hungarian Higher Education in Achieving the Knowledge Triangle (Education-Research-Innovation). The Europe 2020 and the Education-Training 2020 Strategies” In the cultural and…regional knowledge, knowledge centre, prior knowledge, knowledge competence, method knowledgelearn, education, lifelong, international, university10
tmg.hu“ Our farm started unfolding around 2010. We started farming without a plough: this was normal for us, but at that time we still had little knowledge of the principles of soil regenerative agriculture. Our knowledge has gradually grown over the years, based on experience gained on our lands and…organization knowledge, knowledge member, little knowledge, knowledge principle, agriculture knowledgesoil, regeneration, association, condition, website9
pepperpr.hu…in the Zalaegerszeg Industrial park of Flextronics International Kft. provides the opportunity to 54 students to gain high level practical knowledge. The biggest value of this unique workshop is that the curricula, the machinery, the equipment and the software is developing together with the…english knowledge, knowledge disable, language knowledge, knowledge market, certain knowledgepepper, software, technology, market, office9
kornyezet-szimulacio.huEnvironmental simulation test equipment, test chambers, vibration test systems, sales, renting, service, consulting, professional news, knowledgetransfer knowledge, knowledge technology, rental knowledge, knowledge amtestchamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental9
zerocarbonhub.hu…for this cooperation with the aim of enabling Hungary to apply the key technologies and market organisation solutions of the future in practice as soon as possible, building on the domestic innovation and knowledge base, but also taking advantage of the opportunities for international cooperation.központ knowledge, knowledge centre, law knowledge, innovation knowledge, knowledge basegreen, centre, development, economy, energy9
kapcsolatmentor.huNo matter whether your issues concern relationships, parenthood, family, children, divorce, career, or self-knowledge, RelationShip can help you find the proper solution.self knowledge, knowledge relationship, knowledge coachingrelationship, family, career, divorce, problem9
nt.hu…in the energy sector. Clients highlight that the lawyers are "very good strategically," as well as "experienced, decisive and have super deep knowledge of litigation procedures." Clients are also pleased with the team's effectiveness, describing it as being "thorough, accurate and prepared."…sector knowledge, knowledge value, strong knowledge, knowledge good, pool knowledgelaw, nagy, legal, firm, client9
piksys.huWhen you invest in a security solution, it should become a key component of your overall security strategy—and fit seamlessly into your organization. Our team of skilled experts ensures that your security solutions are implemented at peak efficiency by using our knowledge. This helps your…piksys knowledge, knowledge strength, efficiency knowledge, knowledge organizationsecurity, strength, solution, threat, management8
isaac.huWe are proud of our unique and intuitive solutions to the moders challenges. Our experts and our Industry 4.0 platform application are ready to design your digital security communication, your automated corporate knowledge space and to make your permeation points 100 % controlled, even without…corporate knowledge, knowledge space, work knowledge, knowledge worker, digital knowledgesecurity, communication, safety, site, corporate8
basilicon.huAt Basilicon, we believe in the transformative power of knowledge. We offer comprehensive Cross-Cultural Advisory and Language Services to equip our clients with the understanding they need to succeed in diverse environments. Our team of linguists and cultural advisors are seasoned in a range of…industry knowledge, knowledge forward, power knowledge, knowledge comprehensive, negotiation knowledgeconsulting, international, strategy, broad, firm8
helping-hand.huDuring the course of the training participants gained profound knowledge of what ADHD is, what its symptoms are, what causes it (and what doesn’t), its effect on children, and what differences the development of ADHD children demonstrate in comparison to those typically developing children.behaviour knowledge, knowledge skill, teacher knowledge, little knowledge, knowledge adhdchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten8
eletbiztositasicsucstalalkozo.huThe Money Culture Foundation aims to improve life insurance culture in the Central and Eastern European region. Since 2014, it has participated in the organisation of the regular annual event series of the Budapest Life Insurance Summit, promoting co-operation and knowledge-sharing across the…operation knowledge, knowledge share, happy knowledge, knowledge personal, growth knowledgeinsurance, summit, culture, event, money8
lita.huEvery company has data challenges, easy or complex, big or small. This asks for flexibility and in-depth knowledge of data solutions and techniques. We help to define the data strategy and implement best-fit data solutions. We strive to be the best-in-class by delivering high quality, advanced…data knowledge, knowledge value, depth knowledge, knowledge data, implementation knowledgedata, management, governance, delivery, organization8
avicenna.hu…extra-curricular activities. WHY CHOOSE AVICENNA? Avicenna International College prepares and educates its students to be responsible citizens, enjoy learning, develop academically and pursue a successful higher education. The passion for knowledge and lifelong learning is an integral part of ourpassion knowledge, knowledge lifelong, school knowledge, knowledge goodinternational, college, student, education, study8
kozossegikertek.hu…footprint" more comprehensible for everyone, which is important from the viewpoint of city life. We would like to share with city residents the knowledge, with the help of which, as conscious city users, they could contribute to the reduction of the harmful effects of climate change, either…creation knowledge, knowledge base, resident knowledge, knowledge help, garden knowledgegarden, community, city, programme, centre7
bkb-solutions.huDue to the growing size and acquired knowledge of our team we can completely manage one or more full-sized projects.requirements knowledge, knowledge sap, professional knowledge, knowledge experience, user knowledgesolution, management, development, performance, process7
nextentservices.huWe offer you the best tools for knowledge-based decision support, including KPI measurement, reporting and forecasting tools. By converting data into information, you can make better decisions and react quickly to changes in your business.tool knowledge, knowledge decision, control knowledge, knowledge freedata, solution, application, development, decision7
bestlocalgov.huThe aim of the program is to identify the Local Governmental Best Practices and introduce them to other municipalities in the country and the creation of a knowledge base from the best practices. Dissemination of new and innovative local solutions or rather the knowledge of such local government…creation knowledge, knowledge base, solution knowledge, knowledge local, problem knowledgegovernment, local, practice, council, europe7
bte.hu…during dangerous goods transportations. After the presentations the audience had the possibility to ask questions about the topics and other relevant issues from the speakers. We could discuss activities (based on knowledge, not on sentencing tariffs), that provide safe environment for shipments.activity knowledge, knowledge sentencing, specific knowledge, knowledge test, europe knowledgeassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor6
compuworx.huOur firm, Compuworx plc., started under business scope of ltd. business type in 1993. We have been dealing with systems which are based on chip card with microprocessor technology since our establishment. The scale of our services has been widened during the years due to the acquired knowledge and…technological knowledge, knowledge connection, professional knowledge, knowledge reliable, level knowledgesolution, card, terminal, news, firm6
tamasmagusmedium.hu…had already experienced the moment of what we wanted, with this we sent the request to the sky, and the solution started towards us. These were not just tasks, but very hard self-knowledge. Let's use the acquired knowledge well! Wow, it wasn't just a few lines 😃But once again, thank you very much!good knowledge, master knowledge, knowledge egyptian, self knowledge, knowledge financialcourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health6
quantaconsulting.huQuanta Consulting is a vanguard advisory company specialized in quantitative business modeling. Our diversified industrial knowledge, expertise in analytics and our academic excellence enable us to deliver the highest quality service to our clients.industrial knowledge, knowledge expertise, client knowledge, knowledge transferconsulting, modeling, advisory, quantitative, industrial6
mta-tkk.huOn 10th of May 2018, the Research Centre for Multilingualism team held an informative professional workshop within the framework of the Languag-E-Chance Educational Research Group’s project – Development of language conscious school, bilingual deaf education and innovative methods and tools of…thirst knowledge, knowledge understand, approach knowledge, knowledge deaf, tool knowledgelanguage, news, research, deaf, chance6
doit.hu…accuracy and findability are essential for the guaranteed operation of the system administrator service. So, the task of the DOIT is to make a knowledge base, and continuously expand it: we start this upon receipt, and then we build it continuously during the service. Based on this, anyone who…local knowledge, knowledge quick, general knowledge, knowledge second, certain knowledgeprice, administrator, customer, server, colleagues6
mosthungary.huMaster of Sales Training provides practical, immediately applicable knowledge, which you can apply anywhere, let it be online communication, body language or even sales. The impact of a motivational speech lasts up to only 48 hours, which is why we have a different strategy. We show you verbal and…applicable knowledge, knowledge online, audible knowledge, good knowledge, knowledge listenertraining, sale, communication, language, body6
szoftvertippek.huDesign is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual commun ications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge.technical, way, view, optimization, point6
ikte.huThe key feature of this complex, interdisciplinary approach is that it uses multimodal expressive arts processes for self-knowledge, inner growth, personal development, trauma work and other therapeutic goals. This feature derives from the idea that expression has a healing power and we all have…self knowledge, knowledge inn, skill knowledge, knowledge youth, new knowledgegroup, method, therapy, training, art6
kopintalapitvany.hu…the main schools of economic science and it also exposes the historical and social environment in which the great contributions to our stock of knowledge have been accomplished. The present economics mainstream has eventually absorbed a lot from previously peripheral tendencies such as the…development knowledge, knowledge essay, body knowledge, knowledge subject, tool knowledgeeconomic, international, literature, country, economy6
leadgenerator.huWe check your LinkedIn profile and recommend improvements based on our knowledge, experience, and criteria.improvement knowledge, knowledge experienceprice, profile, order, account, lead6
ptf.huBecome a more conscious, efficient and effective leader with our training! In addition to teaching management science knowledge, we create a forum for you to meet other leaders with similar values, and to learn from each other by discussing practical and life-like issues. The purpose of the…inspiration knowledge, knowledge community, deep knowledge, knowledge non, modern knowledgechristian, timetable, training, management, theology6
smartlegal.huRichard represented us in an international arbitration, in relation with our construction project in Hungary. From the very beginning, we could work as a team, and his clear answers, pragmatic advices together with a deep knowledge of the legal environment have led us to success. l hope to have…knowledge center, professional knowledge, knowledge richard, deep knowledge, knowledge legallegal, law, international, lawyer, solution6
szarvasimuzeum.hu…culture, women did their usual work until the last moment before childbirth. At the time, midwives assisted with the delivery, with obstetric knowledge that rarely exceeded that of the average locals. In the postpartum period, a woman was considered unclean and, along with her infant, vulnerableobstetric knowledge, knowledge rarely, ideal knowledge, knowledge communityexhibition, age, idol, room, people6
outturn.huWe has experience in turnaround management and several MNA deal, deep experience with the HUngarian legal and economical situation and knowledge both on SME and multinational values.situation knowledge, knowledge smenegotiation, management, deal, support, market6
braininghub.hu…with their off-the-shelf commodity training classes, are focused on what they offer—not what your team needs. Our teaching solutions are focused on your people, project, and productivity goals. Our professional trainers also came from corporate sector with the knowledge of the latest technologies.sector knowledge, knowledge latest, timeline knowledge, knowledge level, deep knowledgetraining, hour, corporate, technology, latest6
bridgeinstitute.huWhile we catalyse the process of new opportunities for people to realize their ability and influence their future in Bridge Budapest through our non-profit programmes, we provide knowledge transfer and produce tools for the commercial market in Bridge Institute. With our social enterprise we…result knowledge, knowledge goal, programme knowledge, knowledge transfer, ngo knowledgecourse, cooperation, education, engagement, basic6
tudastars.huTheoretical Approaches to Science Communication – in the Frame of Communication Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Social Representation and Knowledge Philosophyrepresentation knowledge, knowledge philosophy, position knowledge, knowledge hungary, group knowledgescience, communication, training, research, event6
biharybalassa.hu…TELFA, the leading European alliance of independent law firms, our basic values remain unchanged: high standards, reliability, promptness and comprehensive approach. Due to our in-depth competence and wide-spread experience, we serve our partners with up-to-date knowledge in their chosen language.date knowledge, knowledge language, thorough knowledge, knowledge lawlaw, legal, firm, attorney, comprehensive6
munkavedinfo.huIn the legal realm, knowledge is power. Understanding whether terms and conditions are a legal requirement can be the difference between success and failure in business. Knowing the laws that govern small businesses in specific regions, such as Minnesota, can also give you a competitive edge.pro knowledge, knowledge power, realm knowledge, requirements knowledge, knowledge resourcelegal, law, agreement, regulation, important6
kismihok.huKismihók, G., & Mol, S. T. (2019). Role of Learning Analytics in Individual, Goal Driven Person – Job Matching. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK19) , 717–718.view knowledge, knowledge management, application knowledge, knowledge economy, job knowledgelearn, t., conference, research, proceedings6
szeretetfenye.huAs a non-profit Foundation we need to create and maintain our financial background to be able to continue our free treatments, to run our self-knowledge courses, and actively promote our cultural and tradition preserving activities.self knowledge, knowledge coursetreatment, group, health, local, international5
partikerteszet.huOur gardencenter is located in the green area of Szombathely, on the bank of the brook Perint (reflected in our name). It was created by Attila Nagy, the owner, and combines the dexterity, knowledge and experience of three generations of the Nagy family. The roots can be traced back to a past of…dexterity knowledge, knowledge experiencefamily, nagy, gallery, brook, area5
reflife.hu…and development program, providing participants with comprehensive and practical learning experiences. These instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in officiating, scouting, development, game management, rule interpretation, fitness, and coaching, and will ensure that…skill knowledge, knowledge ice, wealth knowledge, knowledge experience, ability knowledgeice, camp, hockey, summer, combine5
mlszsz.hua) The development of the science of SLT, the deepening of the scientific and methodological knowledge of the members, and the spread of SLT knowledge in the society;methodological knowledge, knowledge member, slt knowledge, knowledge society, professional knowledgeassociation, member, shall, presidency, president5
vedikusasztrologus.hu…in soul purification, and in reaching awareness. This is what Jyotish astrology is about: a road to Light (God), shedding light on the inner desires and deepest problems of soul. Everyone can obtain this knowledge, independent of their faith and religion, illuminating their destiny.soul knowledge, knowledge independentvedic, relationship, course, introduction, instead5
tarot-dr-gal.hu…us, to us. The ancient symbol system of TAROT works with the same effect mechanism: if we are aware of the meaning of the symbols, images and forms, we receive a direct personal message. I apply this experienced knowledge I gained throughout numerous years of practice to help you in your guidance.deep knowledge, knowledge life, experience knowledge, knowledge numerous, mysterious knowledgecard, path, origin, page, question5
rowanhillglobal.huWe keep on investing in solid value and innovation and also take the responsibility for our enviroment as we gain knowledge and shape our futureenviroment knowledge, knowledge futureglobal, strategy, mission, valuation, value5
nessum.hu…back office support by assembling a self-guiding checklist, as far as submitting the ESPD response and beyond, our clients can rely on our knowledge and practical experiences and insights. In Hungary, Nessum is an outstanding and unique service provider with references about successfully…client knowledge, knowledge practical, number knowledge, knowledge attendees, proper knowledgeprocurement, public, training, reference, authority5
redphoto.huI'm glad you have found this page. Let me introduce myself. I'm Ákos Vörös I started to use my camera intentionally some years ago. I got under its spell and decided to develop my knowledge. The course is still going on. I have been fascinated by technology many times but then I realize it's not…spell knowledge, knowledge coursephoto, question, camera, fun, activity5
avico97.huKnowledge Base content is collected to support those who are newcomer in the area of electro-acoustics, presenting some of the most important theoretical and practical knowledge - without being comprehensive - that are playing a key role during the design and implementation of Voice Alarm Systems.practical knowledge, knowledge comprehensivealarm, voice, sound, base, reference5
csovarilegal.huFounder of Csővári Legal. 20 years’ experience primarily in the fields of tax law and corporate law. He specializes in interdisciplinary projects where he can apply his legal, taxation and accounting knowledge and experience.legal knowledge, knowledge understand, accounting knowledge, knowledge experience, professional knowledgelaw, tax, legal, university, expertise5
new-buddha.huWelcome! You do not have to develop yourself by acquiring new knowledge from various sources, e.g. from books, films, music, science, religion, arts, the Internet, etc. You already know everything about life – my apologies to the exceptions. This knowledge is sufficient for self-realisation. There…new knowledge, knowledge source, exception knowledge, knowledge sufficientreligion, issue, music, exception, answer5
btmunkacsoport.huOur primary aim is to enhance an effective treatment for patients with borderline personality disorder and complex traumatisation, supporting each other in the treatment of severe patients, sharing tools and our pool of knowledge within our group and in wider professional networks.pool knowledge, knowledge groupgroup, disorder, personality, treatment, pool5
russianstudies.hu…brutal changes in the world that started early in 2022. Society expects to be given a valid explanation of the peculiar development of Russian history, and we, as a part of international Russian studies, are attempting to fulfill this ‘order from society’ to the best of our knowledge and expertise.good knowledge, knowledge expertise, theoretical knowledge, knowledge pragmatic, marketable knowledgerussian, study, history, russia, historical5
neointeractive.huSo, we have a new task these days: to preserve the values we have achieved! To maintain the good, the quality, not to allow negative side effects, and to ensure sustainability, long-term operation, and the background conditions for actionable knowledge. Both on a corporate and an industry level…actionable knowledge, knowledge corporate, knowledge centerinteractive, media, digital, brand, campaign5
proacteam.huI began my career in a multinational environment at the world’s largest oil company, where I worked in accounting. I could easily put the theoretical knowledge of my degree gained in Great Britain into practice, my tasks included among others: accounting for supplier invoices, building processes…business knowledge, knowledge experience, theoretical knowledge, knowledge degreetax, accounting, accountant, relocation, chief5
jobgroup.huWith in-depth industry knowledge, a local and global network of contacts, and the most innovative methods, we address the labour market challenges of the energy and utilities sector. In addition to our comprehensive services, we also offer an HR decision support function.professional knowledge, knowledge fresh, experience knowledge, knowledge market, market knowledgedetail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour5
masszazsheviz.huIn our massage salon in Hévíz, our masseurs use ancient massage techniques with a high level of knowledge and dedication to achieve harmony of body and soul.level knowledge, knowledge dedicationmassage, body, masseur, technique, salon5
zobak.huI always strive for reaching this latter, when I share my knowledge with young engineers, or, when I support implementation of or audit a quality management system.lexical knowledge, knowledge essentialquality, management, automotive, supplier, consulting5
action2020.huBased on the experiences of the past 30 year and contributing to the development of hundreds of thousands of companies, we can say that K & H understands the needs of domestic businesses, so using this knowledge we can provide professional background and assistance to startups, which can make the…sustainability knowledge, knowledge trend, employee knowledge, knowledge school, education knowledgeceo, director, manage, environmental, development5
tc2.huThe knowledge of our engineers, our Amazon Web Services (AWS) Advanced partnership and our ISO 27001, ISO 9001 certifications are the guarantees that with TC2 we add value to the application of cloud-based technology. We are constantly developing our services to support companies and organizations…challenge knowledge, knowledge exchangecloud, solution, migration, case, study5
edac.huElectronicsDesign &Consultancy ABOUT THE COMPANY EDAC is an international Electronics Desing And Consultancy company on the bases of AGILE principles. We develop ease-of-use products and share our knowledge during consultation. We provide our services for consumer, industrial and automotive…product knowledge, knowledge consultationelectronic, consultancy, concept, engineering, production5
flow.hu…supporting them on their path to achieving their goals. Among the topics that find me as a consultant, leadership and talent development (self-knowledge, skills development, etc.) stand out, but I am also very attracted by organisation-wide development processes. As an accredited consultant, I…available knowledge, knowledge hungary, happy knowledge, knowledge webinar, self knowledgedevelopment, management, leadership, training, group5
logness.hu"LOGNESS Boxer is a high-performance product that is simple to deploy and use, provides full-featured log collection and analysis services, yet only at a fraction of the cost of other solutions. We believe in simple and good solutions and the power of knowledge. The success of LOGNESS testifies…power knowledge, knowledge successstory, success, site, official, log5
sintegroup.huKnowledge of the installation of seed plant equipment requires special expertise, which was acquired by the specialists of Lak-Alarm Kft. During more than 20 years of construction activity.repository knowledgeconstruction, plant, capacity, group, extraction5
drgerei.hu…sector for nearly 20 years. During this time, I have got a degree in economics, and have been providing management consulting services to executive managers. Subsequently, I started my law practice in 2014, as I could well supplement my experiences in management and economy with legal knowledge.testator knowledge, knowledge regulationlegal, law, representation, procedure, case5
aranyrichard.huKnowledge of the economics of e-commerce, proper web ergonomics, marketing and market entry skills.job, developer, website, plan, app5
tuskevariskola.hu…maintained by foundation, it requires more attention of families to ensure effective working, however, the mutual responsibility, the self-organization of parents association, the experience of becoming one community can give each active participant of school-life worthwile knowledge as a present.practical knowledge, knowledge strong, worthwile knowledge, knowledge present, centre knowledgeteacher, school, training, learn, child5
milla-plastic.hu…products. In 2003 we grew beyond the world of small family enterprises and added new employees to our team. Our colleagues possess extensive knowledge and vast experience. Thanks to continuous development in recent years and the emerging new needs of our clients, the scope of our activities hasextensive knowledge, knowledge vastplastic, technology, activity, shading, distribution5
planidea.huThe PlanIdea Knowledge Center was established with the aim to promote the cooperation amongst the representatives of the economy, the higher education and the society and to integrate the emerged knowledge into the Hungarian and European research and economic space.planidea knowledge, knowledge center, society knowledge, knowledge hungarian, center knowledgeresearch, activity, field, job, introduction5
therapyforyou.hu“With my work, I aim to support the stabilization of the physical and mental immune system, the formation of healthy self-knowledge and self-esteem as well as the restoration of constructive human relationships.”self knowledge, knowledge selftherapy, physical, formation, self, esteem5
acelcsarnok.huVass Acélcsarnok Kft. was established as a classic family business in Székesfehérvár, Hungary. The founder of our company, János Vass used his professional knowledge to start producing steel structures in 1985.professional knowledge, knowledge steelsteel, structure, family, founder, production5
csejteikft.hu…now 10 associates. Our clients has been helped by a wide range of services, besides hiring professionally trained and skilled co-workers, our knowledge and professional experience has been improved together with our customers. In 2010 we have opened a representation (branch) in Budapest in orderworker knowledge, knowledge professionalaccounting, office, industry, introduction, client5
azumba.huAbsolutely, legal knowledge is crucial. I recently came across a helpful legal office procedures book that provided essential guidelines and practices for maintaining legal compliance in day-to-day operations.right knowledge, knowledge resource, legal knowledge, knowledge cruciallegal, law, agreement, contract, rule5
blumprogram.huThrough the Blum program, we offer kindergarten teachers the knowledge and tools they need to cope with this modern pedagogical challenge.teacher knowledge, knowledge tool, professional knowledge, knowledge shall, scientific knowledgechild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher5
opl.huMárk joined OPL in 2018 in order to deepen his knowledge in ICT and labour law and support OPL’s ICT team with telecommunications compliance research in multiple global jurisdictions. He is also a member of the firm’s employment law practice, providing extensive legal research on both employer and…transformation knowledge, knowledge tech, profound knowledge, knowledge telecom, order knowledgelaw, university, legal, language, fluent5
ltlegal.huThe members of the association - dr. Attila Lénárdt, dr. Zsuzsanna L. Tóth and dr. István Valenytik - possess great experience, a substantial knowledge and understanding of the legal realm and a broad and extensive line of clients in Budapest and its surrounding area, as well as throughout western…substantial knowledge, knowledge understandmember, association, area, legal, line5
icqglobal.hu…ICQ Global is dedicated to working with leaders and teams who have a clear vision and outstanding skills, but they are not sure why they are getting just a fraction of the results they are capable of. The unique portfolio of tools and knowledge of ICQ Global is already available also in Hungary.wealth knowledge, knowledge experience, intercultural knowledge, knowledge icq, knowledge practitionerglobal, welcome, people, trainer, able5
iask.huIt is the mission of iASK to bring together a critical mass of intellectually open, courageous and knowledge-sharing practitioners – those that know that everything is at risk and that conventional research will simply not do, only creative and unusual combinations of ideas.courageous knowledge, knowledge practitionerresearch, centre, digital, news, sustainable5
fencon.huFENCON Ltd. is a family owned firm, which was established in 2009 to unite our knowledge and experiences first of all for the benefit of the conservation and sustainable use of forests, nature and environment.firm knowledge, knowledge experiencenature, conservation, environment, sustainable, benefit5
kiskozossegek.hu…Budapest. About two dozens of people, experts at various fields work on the programme, nearly all of them voluntarily. Our main activities are: field work, support of communities, knowledge sharing, book writing, organizing summer camps for children and adults and providing human ecology course.community knowledge, knowledge share, publication knowledge, knowledge base, knowledge experiencecommunity, small, programme, local, ecological4
orientme.huSuch value is incomparable, as it is the key to building trust. Through the language, we also accept the culture of the given nation as our own. It can be an economic, social or scientific field, we are able to meet the expectations. Our knowledge goes beyond the cognition of the given language…activity knowledge, knowledge order, thank knowledge, knowledge nearly, expectations knowledgeconsulting, source, translation, introduction, language4
etoki.huthe investigation and critical interpretation of the theoretical and empirical knowledge gathered in the European history, cultural history, politics, economy, law and sociologyempirical knowledge, knowledge european, transfer knowledge, knowledge europe, significance knowledgeeuropean, research, education, institution, understand4
galambostrans.huGalambos Group’s logistics service system, its professional local partners and perfect knowledge of the region mean the basis to the excellent shipment, transportation and complex logistics solutions.assurance knowledge, knowledge colleagues, perfect knowledge, knowledge regiontransportation, logistic, field, shipment, domestic4
enasco.husupport research and technological development projects to explore new opportunities. We have the market expertise, scientific and technological knowledge that enable us to guide our customers to deploy and optimize the right solutions. With strong technological background and our own investments…extensive knowledge, knowledge global, technological knowledge, knowledge energy, knowledge customerenergy, group, innovation, advisory, development4
reillyshop.huDuring our Body Tattoo training organized by Reilly Shop, you can acquire professional, artistic and practical knowledge with the help of our trained and experienced instructors. By applying the acquired knowledge and the appropriate technique, as a creator, you will be able to express your…practical knowledge, knowledge help, instructor knowledge, knowledge appropriate, skill knowledgetattoo, body, training, shop, artist4
furedyacht.huTo obtain the sailing license, you do not need any previous experience. In the sailing school, the beginner course is for students who start completely from the basics. The course aiming at the sailing license starts with the basics, it is not built on any previous knowledge. You can and you…sailing knowledge, knowledge interested, previous knowledge, knowledge order, knowledge freelysailing, course, boat, examination, license4
teremtoonismeret.huDivine Self-Awareness is Your spiritual capacity, Your inherent Universal knowledge. * Divine Self-Awareness is the Creative Power inside you that you bring for getting to know Yourself. * Divine Self-Awareness is the way, the purpose and the mission. * Divine Self-Awareness is the method which is…universal knowledge, knowledge divine, knowledge universal, knowledge trulyparent, power, father, mother, relationship4
sonrisa.huWe refresh ourselves by swapping projects to challenge our knowledge with different technologies. It’s great to be a Sonrisa intern - as you can easily manage working hours with university duties.curious knowledge, knowledge base, open knowledge, project knowledge, knowledge differenttechnology, great, solution, smile, today4
dynflow.huTo understand SAP tasks every administrator have to have deep system knowledge. By comparison Dynflow is transparent, easy-to-use and it provides efficients workflows while the administrative errors are avoided at the system level.financial knowledge, knowledge project, knowledge management, system knowledge, knowledge comparisoncustomer, operation, workflow, client, administration4
online-angol.huThese online English lessons apply a communicative approach to language learning, making use of learning materials that are interesting, practical, up-to-date and come from everyday life. The lessons, complementing each other, develop all language skills and besides, the exercises help acquire and…good knowledge, knowledge language, exercise knowledge, knowledge creativity, skill knowledgelesson, free, song, christmas, skill4
relnet.huThe up-to-date and high-level knowledge of our technologies is crucial for the design, implementation and operation of high reliability and complex computer networks and IT security systems.solution knowledge, knowledge point, level knowledge, knowledge technologytechnology, vendor, network, event, solution4
socialstudies.huThe courses and subjects offered at our department follow an interdisciplinary approach combining the theoretical foundations of sociology and political sciences, and the research findings providing the knowledge base for social planning, community development, family and youth affairs, social…finding knowledge, knowledge base, professional knowledge, knowledge directly, collaborative knowledgesocial, research, department, science, apply4
forgonyanna.hu…follow. I took the Basic DNA seminar quite a few years ago, and even the Advanced, but since I didn’t use the technique, I wanted to refresh my knowledge, so I took Anna’s online course as a repeat. I couldn’t imagine what the mood would be like online, but it surpassed all my expectations. These…purpose knowledge, knowledge ability, way knowledge, knowledge time, technique knowledgeseminar, practitioner, free, instructor, day4
dataset.huTo complete this phase, we would like to involve our customers in the process and work on a solution together. We believe the best result can be achieved by combining our expertise and your knowledge on business, to better satisfy your individual business needs. Are you ready?expertise knowledge, knowledge business, service knowledge, knowledge tool, background knowledgesolution, report, sale, data, customer4
openminds.huWe love building software. We are always curious and open to perfecting our knowledge base, taking part in trainings, dojos and conferences, and helping new colleagues with mentoring.curious knowledge, knowledge base, open knowledge, project knowledge, knowledge differentopen, technology, great, solution, smile4
firkaegyesulet.hu…because I don’t know the other participant. In these exchanges, it doesn’t matter who you are or where are you from. The most important is who can you be, and who you are after this one week, with memories, with new friends, with new knowledge, new feelings and aims. So, thank you Erasmus +.new knowledge, knowledge new, period knowledge, knowledge social, different knowledgeyouth, exchange, people, ngo, young4
balancemedacademy.hu"I've taken a lot of courses before, but clearly the Balance Movement trainings are the most practical! As a responsible sports masseuse, I only dare to give my athletes a treatment that I feel confident. Along with the tape course, I already have two pieces of knowledge, thanks to which, not only…practical knowledge, knowledge form, scientific knowledge, knowledge instructor, instructor knowledgetraining, course, physiotherapist, website, quality4
meta-inf.huIn-depth expertise, knowledge transfer and Atlassian apps from the highest-level Atlassian partner.course knowledge, knowledge lot, jira knowledge, useful knowledge, knowledge practicejira, training, app, issue, user4
hungarian4u.huWe will practice what you already know and you will learn to use your gained knowledge in several situations.knowledge situation, knowledge vocabulary, level knowledge, knowledge needlanguage, session, topic, conversation, free4
admiralcount.huare modified several times a year, which requires of our professionals to follow the latest laws and regulations, adapt, learn and develop their knowledge. Only someone with a Chartered Tax Adviser qualification is entitled to work in the field of tax consultancy. Don’t take a risk! Bring your…date knowledge, knowledge field, regulation knowledge, knowledge charter, widespread knowledgetax, taxation, count, accountancy, bookkeeping4
merjed.huThey are the ones who set their goals at developing fermentation industry. They understand the fundamental questions: the industry will only be able to develop and produce the right products with the help of highly-qualified workforce because with their professional knowledge they can promote…practical knowledge, knowledge wide, professional knowledge, knowledge employer, knowledge costtraining, fermentation, industry, school, page4
inforness.huIn order to serve a given “USE CASE” on the basis of artificial intelligence, thorough domain knowledge is required, on the basis of which mathematical models and algorithms can be created.professional knowledge, knowledge application, domain knowledge, knowledge appropriate, knowledge basistraining, university, development, algorithm, hana4
prevenor.huOccupational health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection, food safety and property protection are all special areas, so it is beneficial for employers to manage these areas centrally and entrust the provision of professional activities to a service provider with reliable…theoretical knowledge, knowledge practical, kft knowledge, knowledge safety, field knowledgesafety, protection, activity, health, fire4
propertysupport.hu…mind at all times. After face-to-face consultations, we draw up specific plans for the rental strategy. This is based on the up-to-date market knowledge of our professional associates. Since we operate as an independent property consulting company in the office market, tenants can feel confident…market knowledge, knowledge professionalproperty, support, management, office, client4
hajdurichard.huKnowledge I've gained by using or participating in projects using the following technologies.close, network, university, developer, css4
gaszek.hu…or naturalistic paintings. Of course it does not mean that I despise this genre – on the contrary! I only want to say that without a solid knowledge of painting technique, one is unable to create a strong abstract piece of art either! It is visible from the distance whether the creator of a…technical knowledge, knowledge fact, proper knowledge, knowledge symbol, solid knowledgenews, gallery, archive, painting, art4
sherlockrehab.huIn order to rehabilitate sciatica symptoms, I looked for a massage therapist in addition to physiotherapy, manual and other complementary therapies. Viktória Balázs from the ballet group was recommended by an expert doctor friend of mine. He always applies his professional, efficient and complex…complex knowledge, knowledge current, lot knowledge, knowledge kind, level knowledgemanual, therapy, therapist, treatment, pain4
marmin.hu…not not in in six six months months or or a a year, year, but but literally literally as as soon soon as as you you put put your your new new knowledge knowledge to to work. work. I I have have used used this this method method on on 1,000's 1,000's of of Internet Internet leads leads of of all…new knowledge, knowledge worklead, site, visitor, free, website4
agrooko.huThe aim of this multistakeholder, transdisciplinary and intergenerational network is to connect and strengthen those working with agroecology. The network is meant to be a meeting point, a knowledge-producing and - sharing community and an advocacy organization. The long-term goal is to promote a…point knowledge, knowledge community, theoretical knowledge, knowledge jointly, event knowledgenetwork, practice, eng, process, share4
arthurmurraybudapest.hu…of 18, I’ve been on multiple ocean liners, and I’ve appeared on two seasons of Dancing With The Stars. My partner and I had many Hungarian championship podium finishes and are national champions. My entire life has revolved around dance, and now I want to share my passion and knowledge with others.plethora knowledge, knowledge activelydance, center, studio, dancer, student4
drzsu.huDr. Zsu’s specialty is to make a difficult and very fearful topic understandable and digestible. She designed the steps to get out under the grip of fear, reach inner emotional freedom, achieve inner happiness and health. She helps the person to connect within her or himself to reach their inner…practical knowledge, knowledge behavior, inn knowledge, knowledge inn, knowledge availablehealth, alive, change, integrate, unique4
oltigergo.huOnline contracting with remote identification and deposit managing service to support real estate transactions. SMARTdeposit was brought to life with years of real estate experience the knowledge of the real needs. SMARTdeposit offers a unique solution that helps customers get to their…experience knowledge, knowledge real, market knowledge, knowledge year, goal knowledgereal, estate, media, market, academy4
twh.huWith many years of professional experience, we undertake comprehensive domestic and international project management of architectural and interior design projects. In addition to English, we can effectively represent the goals of our clients through the high level of knowledge of the languages of…level knowledge, knowledge language, professional knowledge, knowledge accuracyclient, detail, management, customer, success4
klimakamra.huAbout us Customer services Sales Service center Equipment rental Knowledge Amtest TM Environmental simulationrental knowledge, knowledge amtestchamber, climate, temperature, environmental, simulation4
fibusmed.huBusiness developement in healthcare, medical knowledge management and medical decision support, telemedicine.medical knowledge, precise knowledge, knowledge situation, broad knowledge, knowledge managementhealthcare, small, professionalism, news, passion4
danubecapital.huBy establishing Danube Capital R&A Zrt. analysts’ outstanding professional knowledge accumulated within the MKB Financial Group, so that international-level macroeconomic, capital market, sectoral and market research competence has become available to the outside world. Through this, unique…business knowledge, knowledge way, plan knowledge, knowledge current, professional knowledgecapital, danube, analysis, market, economic4
arc-budapest.huWe provide premium quality, independent immigration, and destination services, with guarantees, up-to-date legal knowledge, and fast return. We facilitate arrival and stay in Hungary to be as smooth as possible, and the immigration process as effective as possible.case knowledge, knowledge base, legal knowledge, knowledge fast, date knowledgeimmigration, destination, process, legal, employee4
mahasti.huIf less than 4 applications are filed for one category, then the category will be merged with another one (different knowledge levels won’t be put together of course, etc.). In case of a category merge a prior announcement will be sent.level knowledge, knowledge advanced, technical knowledge, knowledge dancer, different knowledgegroup, dance, competition, category, belly4
sensa.huWe provide a team of experts who can become proactive partners with the use of their industry knowledge, development skills and professional experience.new knowledge, knowledge skill, learn knowledge, knowledge transfer, industry knowledgedevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting4
globalmetalwelding.huThe professional knowledge and experience of our staff is the guarantee for fast and accurate workprofessional knowledge, knowledge experience, outstanding knowledge, knowledge market, constantly knowledgewelding, metal, global, main, quote4
szaboesszalai.huThe lawyers of the Law Firm Szabó and Szalai have up-to-date, in-depth and complex legal knowledge, extensive and wide-ranging professional expertise, as well as a flexible and dynamic, yet traditional, way of thinking, which enables us to provide legal services to individuals, companies and…specialise knowledge, knowledge experience, substantive knowledge, knowledge factual, legal knowledgelaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case4
ifd.huCourse creation has never been easier with the ability of creating courses in just minutes and require no coding knowledge. Everything is minimal, very easy and comfortable. This WPLMS will change your life forever.coding knowledge, knowledge minimal, teachable knowledge, knowledge easilycourse, studio, teacher, page, payment4
nblegal.huCorporate legal services, Nagy-Baranyi Law Office is a dynamic Hungarian business law firm with an international outlook, local knowledge and a commercial perspective.local knowledge, knowledge commerciallegal, law, office, nagy, corporate4
dbx.hu…light onto some of the most intriguing trends in this domain. DBX is a long standing parner of the Associations and also the largest local IT knowledge center in the field. CEO Sándor Székely Sándor talked about The Good, the Bad and the Ugly among the IT trends that the industry has to cope…broad knowledge, knowledge industry, server knowledge, knowledge docker, local knowledgesoftware, insurance, communication, engineering, technology4
iriszoffice.huIt is extremely important for not only us but also our clients to be innovative. We constantly develope our knowledge and everything which is neccesary for efficient work. To achieve this we currently support the following products, not only as a user, but also as a professional partner:hungary knowledge, knowledge horizon, knowledge partnership, craft knowledge, knowledge baseoffice, plan, tax, financial, activity4
huonker.huMetalworking and plastic injection moulding are the foundation of our knowledge base, and one of our key strengths is the innovative combination of these two materials, the production of hybrid plastic and metal components.foundation knowledge, knowledge baseplastic, mould, injection, production, technical4
budapestguides.huFor all tours please note that since these are private tours, it's an option for you to arrange the schedule according to your demands. These are suggested schedules which are certainly based on experience and knowledge. The prices include the guiding and the transportation + parking fees, any…experience knowledge, knowledge price, budapest knowledge, knowledge budapest, present knowledgetour, city, hour, guide, famous4
angolintezet.huAs your English knowledge and skills improve, you will feel more courage to speak in real situations at work and in business. You will enjoy the chance to use your English in front of others.skill knowledge, knowledge confidence, english knowledge, knowledge skill, knowledge universityteacher, course, language, native, communication4
knowledgeport.huWe believe in a Hungary where knowledge and talent serve as the grounds of advancement both on the level of the individual and on the level of society. We position Knowledge Port to be a hub through which international knowledge and experience flows into the country, interacts with local knowledge…milestone knowledge, knowledge port, international knowledge, knowledge local, channel knowledgeevent, community, future, previous, country4
szabadnyelvklub.huYou can practice your English or German knowledge here, in the Libre Language Club, by joining our weekly conversations, without restrictions.german knowledge, knowledge librelanguage, conversation, german, restriction, weekly4
blogbook.huKnowledge Graphs: Data in Context for Responsive Businesses – Jesús Barrasa, Amy E. Hodler, Jim Webber (PDF) (email requested)volume knowledge, knowledge michael, spark knowledge, knowledge baseprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book4
parallelcollective.huThe Collective started working together in 2019 as an experimental group project. The aim at that point was to create an exhibition based on regular meetings where knowledge exchange of the different cultures was the primary goal. The collaborative project with the doctoral students from outside…meeting knowledge, knowledge exchange, wealth knowledge, knowledge diverse, cultural knowledgecollective, parallel, student, art, doctoral4
columbusalap.huOn the other hand, since the provision of capital does not solve the lack of proper market knowledge and networking, the COLUMBUS Private Equity Fund aims to create a so-called " Service Office” in the US. The Service Office intends to assist, support and contribute to the successful launch of the…market knowledge, knowledge networking, standard knowledge, knowledge practicalfund, equity, private, capital, venture4
pgospedition.huDedicated contact person – for our customers we can always select dedicated contact person who has the most experience and knowledge about the segment the customer is related with,special knowledge, knowledge energy, experience knowledge, knowledge segmentoffer, transportation, day, customer, additional3
szineskepek.hu- I have some knowledge of computer usage: for example always I update and edit all parts and graphics of this website myself.basic knowledge, knowledge english, minimum knowledge, knowledge germanpainting, exhibition, example, photo, landscape3
kanadistak.huIn harmony with our past, at present our community incorporates not only academics, researchers, students, but in a broader sense all those interested in studying the blend of cultures and values Canada stands for. Our aim is to accumulate and disseminate a profound knowledge of Canada.profound knowledge, knowledge canada, digital knowledge, knowledge sharecanada, canadian, study, conference, central3
arteries.huThe Arteries team design and implement unique software solutions with more than 10 years of experience for his local partners as well as clients from overseas. We love to learn, extend our knowledge and do our best in quality in each departments like: UX, Graphics Design, Back-end, Front-end and…extensive knowledge, knowledge software, overseas knowledge, knowledge good, professional knowledgedevelopment, mobile, quote, application, detail3
komplexinstrukcio.huMost of the assignments are dealt with in the groups of four or five pupils. The group-work changes the atmosphere in the classroom from one of a competition to one of collaboration and it also alters power relations. It is no more just the teacher who is a source of knowledge, but the pupils…source knowledge, knowledge pupil, knowledge consequence, method knowledge, knowledge magneticschool, teacher, child, pupil, group3
i-coaching.hu„I have known Henrik for almost 20 years and have been following his developmental path. His vast knowledge and decades of experience have made him a committed developer. He has deep knowledge about the human mind and spiritual processes. His creativity and innovative spirit culminate in…vast knowledge, knowledge decade, deep knowledge, knowledge human, new knowledgedata, process, academy, training, course3
it-shape.huCandidates who intend to obtain EUCIP Core Certificate have to fulfill the requirements (knowledge and skills) on three Knowledge Areas, described in details by EUCIP Core Syllabus 3.0broad knowledge, knowledge fundamental, experience knowledge, knowledge candidate, requirements knowledgeshape, certification, european, informatics, core3
biokutatas.huÖMKi is the only independent organization in Hungary devoted specifically to sustainable agriculture. Since 2011, we have been working to ensure the competitiveness of organic food production in Hungary by practical research, authentic advices, consultation possibility and knowledge transfer, . We…possibility knowledge, knowledge transfer, hungary knowledge, knowledge pragmatic, area knowledgeorganic, research, agriculture, food, variety3
mke.info.hulibraries are staffed by professionals with up-to-date knowledge and adequate competencies .date knowledge, knowledge adequate, learn knowledge, knowledge erudition, free knowledgelibrary, branch, association, county, conference3
worldeconomy.huThe IEB Program is very interesting, where students with different backgrounds can gain knowledge in the field of international business and economy. Advantage of program is in extraordinary professors with international experiences. Moreover, students have chances to participate in exchange…background knowledge, knowledge field, personal knowledge, knowledge chance, employment knowledgeeconomy, student, international, research, view3
novareg.huIt is knowledgeable about innovation and can use it in innovation management (a bit of project management, a bit of financing, a little knowledge about grant applications).creatology knowledge, knowledge creativity, little knowledge, knowledge grant, thorough knowledgemanagement, strategic, development, innovation, analysis3
moonwalk.hu’MOONWALK’ would focus on how to involve local groups of young people living with disabilities more efficiently into skills development processes and how to empower them more efficiently. The partnership would work on gathering professional literature, knowledge from the experts working on the…literature knowledge, knowledge expert, multidisciplinary knowledge, knowledge organization, teacher knowledgedisability, people, research, young, youth3
hdmarketing.huWe have been using the world's most popular marketing automation & email marketing tool since 2011. MailChimp acknowledged our professional knowledge of it's system as we've entitled a MailChimp Expert company, so are among the 400 company who has this title world-wide.consultant knowledge, knowledge youtube, professional knowledge, knowledge systemconsultant, qualification, agency, growth, management3
i-deal.huMortoff’s team is made up of flexible and well-prepared colleagues with up-to-date knowledge. They’ve made thorough efforts to fully understand our operations, serve our clients' needs and tailor their solutions to our needs.date knowledge, knowledge thoroughsolution, medium, enterprise, large, colleagues3
visualbits.huTekbird was a major plan of several European development teams and creative agencies to put the knowledge and power together, in a big friendly network. The website's visual concept was to use pictures of toys and games, which refer to the members' interests as children, similar to their…systematization knowledge, knowledge end, agency knowledge, knowledge powercategory, close, client, agency, graphic3
rewart.hu"Why do I enjoy to work with Rewart? Because they have a very dedicated, conscientious and professional team, who I can always count on and enjoy working with. One of the best agencies that provides full service management. They are not only brilliant in classic promotions but they also have a…wealth knowledge, knowledge strong, need knowledge, knowledge client, professionalism knowledgebrand, curious, enthusiastic, heart, talented3
biggeorgeproperty.huWe aim to use our knowledge to enlarge our clients’ assets. Based on our experience in the real estate market, we offer real estate investment products primarily for our institutional partners.market knowledge, knowledge creativityproperty, development, real, estate, view3
control1.hu…a comprehensive interpretation of the data produced by an accountant, which is examined in conjunction with other important information (e.g. headcount, sales volumes, etc.). Armed with this knowledge, they can provide the support that will enable the business to achieve greater business results.importantly knowledge, knowledge language, secure knowledge, knowledge easy, etc knowledgecontrol, management, controller, analysis, plan3
classboxmester.huTo help pedagogues to have an easier and more productive education, for more elementary school students could acquire the the knowledge and skills that are needed in the 21st century , and thus they will become happy and successful adults.student knowledge, knowledge skill, online knowledge, knowledge libraryschool, class, student, parent, child3
herbalabor.huParents and grandparents usually still have stories with herbs from their childhood, or knowledge passed down from their families. You could experience some touching moments, and could learn still-useful therapies and recipes if you ask them about their experiences.childhood knowledge, knowledge family, nowdays knowledge, knowledge excitingherb, mushroom, l., story, gift3
franchisehungary.huThe party that is expanding their business. The franchisor requests royalties from the franchisee in order for the franchisee to use his brand and knowledge. This is possible when the franchisor shares his knowledge (in the form of franchise manual), and the marketing strategy, meaning the…practical knowledge, knowledge comprehensive, brand knowledge, knowledge possible, franchisor knowledgeapplication, need, range, option, opportunity3
arbolus.hu…and credit markets, and we can effectively help companies that have been faced difficutlies by an ad hoc decision or whose management lacks the knowledge to overcome the hardships that the company faces. These problems can be addressed with a well thought-out reorganisation plan and lead the…link knowledge, knowledge base, management knowledge, knowledge hardshipllc, bankruptcy, mission, proceedings, management3
testimesek.huI help with methodological knowledge gained from internationally recognized courses and based on my own experiences.self knowledge, knowledge work, methodological knowledge, knowledge experience, knowledge internationallyshare, method, energetic, release3
lovelanka.huFor groups or individuals. Tourist guides provides the visitor with in depth knowledge about the geography, history, archaeology, culture, nature, wildlife and Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Guides had been professionally trained and authorized by Sri Lanka Tourism Board. SunRide Tours is ready to provide…way knowledge, knowledge self, creativity knowledge, knowledge dream, depth knowledgedriver, tour, holiday, guest, rental3
gaiayoga.hu"Quantum Psychology and Healing” Retreat Want to relax, but to learn something unique knowledge as well?unique knowledgeyoga, retreat, description, couple, health3
timesolutions.huI spent 25 years in Magyar Telekom in various positions. I worked in mostly managerial positions in areas relating to network development, innovation and customer relations. I have deeper knowledge relating to network architecture, equipment, solutions and implementation processes. I have helped…professional knowledge, knowledge ict, complete knowledge, knowledge finance, deep knowledgesolution, development, ict, consulting, communication3
equilibriumcapital.huWhile he has been working as a lawyer for more than 20 years, the belief of the clients of the co-owner, the Law Firm, in the knowledge of the firm’s manager and the continuous trust in him were the two preludes that gave rise to the need to develop such a branch of business outside the Law Firm…firm knowledge, knowledge firm, financial knowledge, knowledge trustworthy, dynamism knowledgecapital, equilibrium, fund, manager, client3
smartians.huEU aims to provide its citizens proper education, skills, competences and creativity they need in a knowledge-based society. In our rapidly changing world, renewable education systems need to adapt to new forms of teaching and learning, taking advantage of new opportunities. Education, trainings…creativity knowledge, knowledge society, preliminary knowledge, knowledge assessment, skill knowledgetraining, education, career, news, management3
diasporascholarship.hu…language skills and strengthening their Hungarian identity. After graduation, scholarship holders return to their home country with competitive skills and knowledge that enables them to support their community, preserve Hungarian values and reinforce the relations between the diaspora and Hungary.competitive knowledge, knowledge personally, skill knowledge, knowledge community, language knowledgescholarship, diaspora, application, education, holder3
stipendiumhungaricum.hu‘My quest for more knowledge and determination to fulfil my dreams made me search the internet to see available scholarships, fortunately I saw bilateral education award between the Governments of federal Republic of Nigeria and Hungary and I applied.’competitive knowledge, knowledge unique, skill knowledge, knowledge social, quest knowledgestipendium, study, programme, scholarship, finder3
felvesznek.huOur project builds on the profound knowledge base and policy recommendations of European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN). In 2007-2015 the network assisted the EU Member States (and the neighbouring countries eligible to participate in the EU Erasmus+ Programme) and the European…profound knowledge, knowledge base, manual knowledge, knowledge experience, practical knowledgetraining, manual, teacher, school, career3
learninginnovation.hu’The European Distance and E-Learning Network exists to share knowledge and improve understanding amongst professionals is distance and e-learning and to promote policy and practice across the whole of Europe and beyond.’network knowledge, knowledge understand, huge knowledge, knowledge subject, useful knowledgetraining, innovation, course, education, adult3
yourcityquest.huEach CityQuest is packed with local insider knowledge. You will be supported by local guides and authors who will provide you with the best stories of the city.insider knowledge, knowledge localcity, gift, story, author, guide3
warrioracademy.huWith over 15 years of experience and knowledge we founded Delightad with the goal of creating meaningful print and online advertisments that connect with people. Today, we conceive, design and apply brands to every media channel, so it promotes the products besides the brand.experience knowledge, knowledge delightad, success knowledge, knowledge resource, year knowledgeadvertising, agency, media, interested, detail3
colegal.huThrough his studies in Austria and Hungary (Vienna Uni 2003, ELTE Budapest 2005), Dr. Levente Kovács-Andor boasts extensive specialist knowledge of country-specific case law, specialises in general contract and commercial law including the incorporation of legal entities in Austria, distribution…client knowledge, knowledge innovative, legal knowledge, knowledge professional, specialist knowledgelaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling3
incominghungary.huWe are travel experts with more than 20 years of experience in the tourism market. Our philosophy is based on flexibility, reliability, professionalism and a deep knowledge of Hungary.deep knowledge, knowledge hungary, vast knowledge, knowledge hungariantravel, incoming, luxury, trip, family3
ovst.huOur experienced team of specialists supports incoming ships with a round-the-clock service, 365 days a year. Our team’s knowledge of all aspects of marine operations gives you the opportunity to do what you’re good at. Using our expertise of the market, we provide a best-in-industry, tailor-made…depth knowledge, knowledge short, team knowledge, knowledge aspecttrade, value, social, large, corporate3
violet-consulting.hu…as intended. Key words: 3-4+ years of experience as a DevOps Engineer, experience with Linux, AWS, Ansible, Kubernetes, Helm, Docker, Gitlab, Git, IdM (preferably Keycloak), German language proficiency. Advantages: English knowledge, experience with Jenkins, Terraform, Grafana, ELK stack, Kafkadeep knowledge, knowledge market, practical knowledge, knowledge container, english knowledgeconsulting, engineer, position, candidate, manager3
pentatrade.huWe support our clients to ensure that they have a knowledge and service based operation. For this we provide new processes, systems and automated IT tools. Our goal is to be successful together.client knowledge, knowledge servicesolution, management, homepage, support, corporate3
eutdij.huAuto Securit Zrt as contracted and audited e-toll declaration operator, fleet management service provider and report Agent Company was among the first to provide the possibility for clients to report e-toll. All of our employees have added their knowledge, their effort and hard work, that before…employee knowledge, knowledge effort, language knowledge, knowledge company, knowledge germanvehicle, device, road, axle, easy3
lovecraft.hu…his translated and untranslated works. The Society is doing this towards creating a clear and realistic picture in the hungarian common knowledge of the writers’ personality, his life, his literary and professional works, and the position he takes in world literature. Furthermore, the…common knowledge, knowledge writer, bibliography knowledge, knowledge base, later knowledgesociety, community, member, essay, purpose3
laszloerno.huthrough several projects like Multi-Gaap (i joined at the UAT phase), IFRS9, IFRS16, GDPR and actually S4 HANA conversion i collected several knowledge in banking and leasing area. Beside FI its neccessary to get in touch other modules so i have also some knowledge in FI-AA , FS-BP , CATS .way knowledge, knowledge course, conversion knowledge, knowledge banking, module knowledgedevelopement, manager, developer, consultant, like3
mindkiado.hu, as the world became more complex, they became separate sciences. Today, philosophy does not add to these, but synthesizes research findings and knowledge. Philosophy is a way to better understand how the human mind and man work, operate. These sciences are about the same subject, but individual…finding knowledge, knowledge philosophy, dissemination knowledge, knowledge socialbook, psychology, publisher, soul, accessible3
collagenius.huAnd in the quiz section you can test your knowledge about collagen. The quiz questions will help you deepen your knowledge of collagen, its effects and how to choose the right supplements. Remember, getting the right answers will increase your knowledge and help you make the best decision about…section knowledge, knowledge collagen, question knowledge, answer knowledge, knowledge goodquality, doctor, open, question, effect3
magadert.hugroup two group leaders coordinate the discussion. Among the group leaders, there are social workers and also addicts, who have not been using drugs or alcohol for over 8 to 12 years. In addition to our professional knowledge, in our work we also use our own life experience and talk about ourselves.self knowledge, knowledge lack, professional knowledge, knowledge work, knowledge emphaticgroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem3
auter.hu…circuits (PCB), graphic foils you can find in our product range but we do electrical test of circuits produced elsewhere, we make rework of missing technology steps if needed. And furthermore with our professional training we help PCB users broaden their knowledge based on our 30+ exprerience.user knowledge, knowledge exprerience, produceable knowledge, knowledge work, colleagues knowledgefoil, circuit, board, graphic, production3
nmd-budapest2019.huSpecialists in neuromuscular disorders possess specialized knowledge in the science, clinical evaluation, and management of disorders of the motor neuron, nerve roots, peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junction and muscle that affect patients of all ages. Diagnostic procedures relevant to…education knowledge, knowledge condition, specialize knowledge, knowledge sciencesummer, course, sponsor, programme, sponsorship3
furedi-annamaria.huAn amazed book series found me a few months ago. The title of the collection is Yotengrit and it consists of four volumes. It describes the ancient philosophy of our ancestors and of whole ancient Europe, probably. Wise old knowers faithfully preserved this knowledge successfully throughout the…previous knowledge, knowledge previous, faithfully knowledge, knowledge successfullycanada, woman, people, thing, category3
transhungaria.huOur company aims to provide its partners with high quality services at accessible prices. In addition to utilizing the experiences and technical knowledge that our colleagues have amassed over the years, we also make sure to always keep our IT background and vehicle fleet up to date.technical knowledge, knowledge colleaguesmain, page, vehicle, privacy, technical3
varberg.huWe list commitment and up-to-date professional knowledge among the most important values of ours. The project-management services of the Extend Europe Ltd. help their customers strategic and organizational efforts with concrete practical methods, instruments and also with integrative supportive…professional knowledge, knowledge important, solution knowledge, knowledge partner, knowledge workltd, associate, management, solution, development3
myinvest.huWe provide you as a business development consulting complex services. Our biggest value is our living experiences, professional knowledge and our individual “know-how” technique.professional knowledge, knowledge individual, local knowledgepermit, agency, worker, general, real3
encounter.huBesides the freely unfolding small and big group self-knowledge experiences there are so-called theme-groups, that we use to work on the root societal tension, the challenges of the helping professionals, the path-finding of the individual.knowledge bundle, self knowledge, knowledge experienceregistration, group, fee, meal, encounter3
ora-akcio.huFor those seeking knowledge on insurance law notes in South Africa , this article will provide you with deep, dark insights into this mysterious field. It’s like stepping into the shadows of the legal world.legal knowledge, knowledge power, lagaan knowledge, knowledge skilllegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements3
stelladesign.hu…can’t ignore when sewing It doesn’t matter if you know a few tricks. Which makes your job easier while cutting and sewing If you are looking at a drawing of a garment, it is advantageous to recognize what and how many parts it is sewn together… but this also requires knowledge of the first…energy knowledge, knowledge thing, creativity knowledge, knowledge willingness, part knowledgething, tailor, sewing, portfolio, previous3
gergipeter.huProficient in PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL. Experience with YII2 framework with OOP design and MVC pattern. Knowledge of agile methodologies and project management tools. Strong understanding of software developer principles and coding standrads. Experience with REST API development and…pattern knowledge, knowledge agileresume, developer, software, development, engineer3
molnar78.hu…Faculty of Law in 2011. Subsequently, he participated in the office’s activities as a trainee lawyer, and – after passing the bar exam in 2015 – an attorney. In 2014, he completed a course in legal English organised by Precedens Stúdió; therefore, he has a working knowledge of the language.available knowledge, knowledge case, merely knowledge, knowledge positive, stúdió knowledgeattorney, law, office, client, representation3
engineed.huThe Engineed team brings together versatile professionals with in-depth knowledge in various fields: computer science, electronics and engineering. Our wide range of business activities includes electronics design, to custom manufacturing, automation, robotics, software development. In addition…company knowledge, knowledge skill, depth knowledge, knowledge field, practical knowledgeengineer, customer, electronic, development, research3
iqc.huIQ ConsultinG was founded in 1994. The main areas of our activity are Change Management (Business Process Re-engineering, Organizational Development) and Knowledge Management (Management Academies and IT-based solutions, like e-learning).development knowledge, knowledge management, structure knowledgeconsulting, market, organizational, development, management3
mortoff.huMortoff’s team is made up of flexible and well-prepared colleagues with up-to-date knowledge. They’ve made thorough efforts to fully understand our operations, serve our clients' needs and tailor their solutions to our needs.date knowledge, knowledge thoroughsolution, development, enterprise, software, medium3
workandsmile.huThere are. But most Thai workers have a certain level of basic knowledge of English, and the majority of those working in hotel tourism in their home country speak English. Of course, it is possible to determine the level of English required for the job, when assessing the needs. Work & Smile will…good knowledge, knowledge people, basic knowledge, knowledge english, skill knowledgeemployee, smile, recruitment, worker, people3
horvathconsulting.huOn his knowledge transfer programs - being a workshop, training, brain-storming or coaching session – he plays a lot. Real life examples, games in teams or one-on- one makes his education fun and success.sale, horvath, consulting, management, development3
diaklabor.huWe support the work of student labs with information, national and international connections, with the establishment and the operation of a knowledge-sharing network, with projects and fundraisingoperation knowledge, knowledge network, promotion knowledge, knowledge sharestudent, lab, operation, education, laboratory3
moon42.huIn the past two decades we have experienced that our interdisciplinary approach provides more value to our clients, than anything else. We involve our academic hubs, and combine new knowledge with cross economy experience to create tangible and applicable innovative content. Thus we support…intimate knowledge, knowledge benefit, experience knowledge, knowledge great, new knowledgedevelopment, complex, software, solution, innovation3
qstest.huWe help our customers to eliminate the manual work, improve quality, maintain the stability of their software and services, raise their employees’ level of knowledge, work process and elevate experience. Let the bots do the boring part!level knowledge, knowledge work, technical knowledge, knowledge new, infinica knowledgemanagement, solution, automation, customer, process3
seahorse-engineering.huSeahorse Engineering Kft. is a reliable IT and Engineering partner for the industry based on the experience and knowledge of our colleagues, and our contractors.experience knowledge, knowledge colleaguesengineering, expert, tab, software, page3
endo.huOnly true Siebel knowledge can help you achieving your goals using your Siebel investments in the most efficient way. We take the necessary time to understand your goals and situation.siebel knowledge, knowledge success, knowledge goal, knowledge experiencemile, application, investment, digital, long3
eltesoft.huIn the forthcoming years the main task of the info-communication industry will be to ensure higher and higher levels of means and solutions for invigorating the flow of knowledge on particular scientific and innovation areas. And also, to dismantle the time and space barriers in the public ICT…theoretical knowledge, knowledge year, flow knowledge, knowledge particular, informatics knowledgeevent, news, research, training, ict3
abstractman.huAccording to my knowledge there is only a single kind of officially documented honeycomb with its building cells presenting tetrahedral symmetry and that’s the triakis truncated tetrahedral honeycomb . Can we call this the 3D correspondent of the triangular tiling? Or is there another one…thirst knowledge, knowledge simple, kind knowledge, knowledge sensesurface, solid, shape, edge, case3
elekieletmodkozpont.huParticipate in our lifestyle or Bible programs to expand your knowledge and your social network!right knowledge, knowledge commitment, theoretical knowledge, knowledge therapy, program knowledgelifestyle, guest, center, disease, medical3
myfarmalapitvany.huWe realized during practice, that although there would be a huge demand for the sustainable crops, sustainable farming did not spread in our country due to either the lack of knowledge of the farmers or the magnitude of the risk.lack knowledge, knowledge farmer, knowledge programfoundation, cooperation, people, activity, collaboration3
bodywork.huIn our method we use the word ‘bodywork’ not in the usual way: it is not only breathwork or massage (individual work with the body), but rather a self knowledge movement therapy group method in nondual point of view. Just like Byron Katie calls her method ‘The Work’, Nóra Pecsenka, who developed…self knowledge, knowledge method, knowledge movement, knowledge coursemovement, method, therapy, self, way3
ecovalley.hu…find their own way to do the same. Therefore, we put education and volunteer work projects at our forefront. On our website you can find out more about who we are, extend your knowledge through our blog posts and seminars, apply to volunteer with us and find out how you can support our endeavours.website knowledge, knowledge blog, educational knowledge, knowledge andrás, organizational knowledgevalley, volunteer, model, education, sustainable3
orientriver.huOur experienced consultants offer expert advice and guidance to clients, leveraging our in-depth knowledge of international markets and business practices. With our global network, we have the ability to find you the best partners to achieve your goals. Whether you're looking to expand into new…sector knowledge, knowledge good, specific knowledge, knowledge strategic, depth knowledgeriver, orient, solution, management, expertise3
netlogic-consulting.huOn an individual level, the practices carried out daily in order to continue increasing knowledge.mode knowledge, knowledge minuteagile, consulting, practice, certification, unlimited3
mindenkinyer.huI had the pleasure of working with my coach for the past 6 months. In that time, they helped me to clarify my business goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and provided valuable guidance and support as I worked to implement that plan. Their wealth of experience and knowledge in the industry was…experience knowledge, knowledge industrygoal, individual, plan, testimonial, area3
countinghouse.huWe have more than 20 years of professional experience in the Hungarian accounting and taxation environment, which we gained in multinational, corporate and SME sector. We are now utilizing this accumulated knowledge and experience for the benefit of our Clients, thus relieving the burden of…sector knowledge, knowledge experience, experience knowledge, knowledge benefit, incomplete knowledgetax, accounting, count, house, payroll3
itlgroup.huOur 25 years of experience in the real estate market in Hungary mean you can count on our knowledge and expertise to make the right investment decision.hungary knowledge, knowledge expertise, reader knowledge, knowledge investmenttax, law, real, estate3
drivingcamp.huTraining for beginners and novice motorcyclists who have not yet participated in a training before, or who would like to refresh their knowledge with a technical skill training.training knowledge, knowledge technical, general knowledge, knowledge vehicletraining, drive, price, voucher3
edunet.huWe have responsibility for the successful life and knowledge of the younger generations. We aim at promoting a wide scale access to the education and good teaching to everyone which meets the needs and possibilities of the 21st century. We focus on elaborating and spreading developing programs to…basic knowledge, knowledge specific, life knowledge, knowledge young, joint knowledgefoundation, education, news, download, willing3
sarimetal.hu…when we chose this type. Both the management and the colleagues in the plant gave assurance of their satisfaction when they presented the true knowledge of the machine after commissioning. High-precision bending can be achieved with it, which can make the production faster and more cost-effective,continuously knowledge, knowledge toolkit, thorough knowledge, knowledge modern, true knowledgemachine, welding, metal, bend, cut3
budapest18.huInnoK supports the implementation of the concept as a research, development worskhop, as well as an innovation and knowledge management center. Among different topics, the concept of the main road will be presented at the economic and real estate development conference, that will be held on the…district knowledge, knowledge management, innovation knowledgecenter, innovation, district, road, urban3
icons.huTrain yourself online with us and gain up-to-date business knowledge through accredited training!business knowledge, knowledge training, continuously knowledge, knowledge servicenetwork, analysis, icon, training, development3
nokatud.huSCIndicator is the country’s very first science communication mentoring program to support young researchers in developing their communication skills. We build a community where we provide space for knowledge, inspiration and creativity – a community that facilitates connection to science and also…world knowledge, knowledge sex, ability knowledge, knowledge idea, space knowledgescience, girl, woman, technology, field3
syntesia.huWe firmly believe that authentic and accurate medical content may only be created by writers and translators who possess the appropriate background knowledge via their medical education and experience.knowledge understand, background knowledge, knowledge medicalmedical, communication, reference, write, quality3
credibility.huProfessional translation in financial and legal areas requiring high-level professional knowledge is performed in different languages , in premium quality .thorough knowledge, knowledge expertise, professional knowledge, knowledge differentlegal, language, solution, financial, translation3
brunner.hu…of the prototypes is a very complex process, since the number of participants in the process is typically high, their professional background is very diverse, and those factors don’t always help. To manufacture the prototype you need deep professional knowledge and a close-knit team, just like us.professional knowledge, knowledge mechanical, knowledge closecustom, machinery, metal, machine, shape3
ebc.huWith extensive industry experience and broad SAP technological knowledge, Enterprise Business Consulting (Team EBC) has a proven track record of successfully resolving complex challenges.technological knowledge, knowledge enterpriseconsulting, enterprise, development, technology, industry3
feith.huI encountered the shakuhachi – that ancient Japanese instrument – for the first time during my studies with Kashima Sensei. I decided that it was essential for people in Hungary to become familiar with the shakuhachi and its culture. I wanted to create a programme that offered both knowledge and a…feeling knowledge, knowledge ability, programme knowledge, knowledge memorable, opinion knowledgedance, zoltan, theatre, performance, music3
bsm.co.huOver the past few years, I’ve seen the problems people struggle with in their daily lives, which makes it significantly harder to enjoy the life that’s in front of them. I’ve been involved in various sports since I was a kid, but every time I gained new knowledge, I always thought about how I…vast knowledge, knowledge profession, perseverance knowledge, knowledge narrow, new knowledgepain, exercise, package, video, material3
mymentor.huWelcome to our Financial page! We understand the importance of financial well-being and aim to empower you with the knowledge and tools to achieve your financial goals. Whether you're looking to build wealth, manage your finances more effectively, or plan for a secure future, our platform is here…financial knowledge, knowledge tool, expert knowledge, knowledge result, motivation knowledgegoal, , expert, success, community3
itstudy.hu…of the quality of teaching, exploiting the opportunities offered by 21st century technology. Indirectly we would like to make learning fun for students, by making new teachings methods widely accessible to teachers and by encouraging sharing of knowledge through the means of connected learning.share knowledge, knowledge mean, purpose knowledge, knowledge skilleducation, vocational, teacher, training, development3
falco7.huModern chemicals and technical devices require adequate professional knowledge and attention, therefore our employees always receive up-to-date training to ensure that their professional work complies with the most optimal requirements of hygiene. We ensure the professional knowledge of our…professional knowledge, knowledge experience, knowledge attention, knowledge employee, course knowledgeclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements3
potenton.hu…We are convinced, however, that not the building or the structure of the institute are attractive to the music lovers, but the personality, knowledge and pedagogical commitment of our art teachers. His art teachers - as soloists or as members of renowned Hungarian bands - are regular…music knowledge, knowledge music, pedagogic knowledge, knowledge field, personality knowledgeconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music3
brumiovoda.hu…proud of my colleagues adoring kids and being devoted to their profession – they ensure the exceptional level of professional work and the cosy atmosphere with their personality and competences. Continuous education, training, knowledge sharing, self-development is highly encouraged within Brumi.training knowledge, knowledge share, line knowledge, knowledge pedagogykindergarten, group, child, age, range2
easy-debrecen.huOver the years we have built a compassionate and dedicated team bringing a great experience in relocations with them. With outstanding local knowledge and backgrounds in corporate environments, real estate and education, our clients always relocate with confidence.secure knowledge, knowledge child, local knowledge, knowledge backgroundeasy, relocation, integration, client, support2
kozgazknowledgehub.huWelcome to the Knowledge Hub of LC Közgáz where you will find knowledge related to our everyday operations.közgáz knowledge, knowledge everydayreport, member, site, mid, annual2
postedison.huMore than twenty years of experience, a dynamic creative team. High-quality sound knowledge that all our clients need. You are welcome in our renewed studios.sound knowledge, knowledge clientpost, commercial, studio, portfolio, effect2
localcapital.huAfter conducting a thorough consultation aimed at gaining an understanding of your company’s needs and culture, we leverage our vast market knowledge to design the right coverage solution(s) for you. We also help to implement the plan, administer and manage your solution.proficiency knowledge, knowledge web, market knowledge, knowledge rightlocal, capital, insurance, solution, strong2
sriprahlada.huBesides the Vaishnava subjects built into their schedules (puja, sloka, Vedic literature, etc.), on project weeks, children prepare for the Vaishnava festivals, and deepen their knowledge about the scriptures. They often invite Sri Govardhan Lal for their mini-festivals at the Gurukula.activity knowledge, knowledge human, word knowledge, knowledge practical, festival knowledgeschool, valley, education, student, krishna2
scrolldown.huBuilding on extensive knowledge and experience, I foster synergies between professions. Through collaborative efforts, I leverage diverse perspectives to innovate, refine strategies, and amplify the impact of my work. This collaborative spirit ensures comprehensive and effective solutions for the…extensive knowledge, knowledge experiencedigital, website, user, story, presence2
reedglobal.hu…team around him.” Lajos was looking to create a department of some 20-30 people and was keen to have Reed’s support and specialist tech knowledge. He said: “In the past, we tried to work with freelance head-hunters, but it was not very successful.” Anna was sure her team could provide the…market knowledge, knowledge credibility, tech knowledge, knowledge pastrecruitment, salary, job, guide, career2
berbekuczunique.hu…a history fair where I wouldn't find a new (or old, no longer available) book about weapons from different historical periods. Many people think this is no longer normal, to buy a lot of historical books, but ... that's how I am. The expansion of scientific knowledge has not stopped, why should I?unique, weapon, picture, gallery, sword2
disol.huAt Disol we have an extensive knowledge of passive fire protection for steel structures in refineriesextensive knowledge, knowledge passiveprotection, insulation, corrosion, fire, proof2
heartandsexuality.huWe are really proud of the results achieved by this tender, but the most important output is the formation of the Hungarian professional team. We are all deeply committed to make the lives, relationships and intimacy of the participants in our programs freer, fuller and more honest with the tools…sexuality, training, heart, body, basic2
eltinga.huOur mission is useful knowledge. Our innovative team developed some of the most respected data-driven analysis related to the Hungarian real estate market.useful knowledge, knowledge innovative, excellent knowledge, knowledge spatialanalysis, residential, urban, market, research2
stscope.huWe use our 25-year-long experience for the benefit of our clients. We offer a rich connection network, an innovative approach and up-to-date professional knowledge.accumulate knowledgecommunication, scope, st, client, agency2
dckarting.hudriving technique, competition tactics, preparation which knowledge can be built for a go-kart and car racing career.practical knowledge, knowledge kart, preparation knowledgekarting, track, competition, race2
szarazszilvia.huI always had doubts about myself! In relationships and knowledge wise too. Szilvia helped me to open my heart and explore, how I can readjust all these bad feelings. Through Szilvia I received guidance, and since then I’m working on myself. Thank you very much for your help and the loving…szilvi knowledge, knowledge year, relationship knowledge, knowledge wisetreatment, consultation, class, day, happy2
pmi.huPMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter, builds a voluntary project management professional community for the development of the individual, as part of the PMI global organization with a half-century history, based on a proven knowledge base and qualification system. Our goal is to be the most significant…experience knowledge, knowledge base, prove knowledgecertification, pm, award, overview, member2
niotech.huBased on our experiences in manufacturing operation area we decided to establish a company knowing that we will be able to use our knowledge in areas where this may have not yet been used so we can offer our clients a unique expertise.able knowledge, knowledge area, constantly knowledge, knowledge innovativepage, main, manufacture, operation, process2
fiziodia.huPhysiotherapy is a degree based healthcare profession. ‘Physios’ use their knowledge and skills to improve a range of conditions associated with different systems of the body, such as:physio knowledge, knowledge skilltherapy, pain, eng, manual, body2
necs.huWe have a comprehensive knowledge of domestic and EU environmental law and environmental authorities.comprehensive knowledge, knowledge domesticenvironmental, consulting, client, welcome, management2
silver-line.huThe romantic atmosphere of the evening is provided by soft candlelight moreover, the two talented pianists and an enchanting female singer – having professional knowledge of world-wide known songs - will provide the program of the dinner, knowing as piano battle show. Not only do they offer…professional knowledge, knowledge world, city knowledge, knowledge aspectcruise, dinner, danube, piano, river2
ernart.hu…visual expression psychology at Prof. Dr. Zoltán Vass , and art therapy at John Wesley College (Budapest, Hungary) at a two years postgraduate course. Even since I graduated I take part at art therapy workshops and short courses to widen my knowledge and set of methods I can use in my practice.thorough knowledge, knowledge basic, course knowledge, knowledge setart, therapy, session, creation, group2
szigetkozpont.huYour students can see, try and understand many things. They will learn more while playing than in an average school lesson. Our pedagogically thought-out methodological materials also help their acquisition of knowledge.center, package, interactive, exhibition, booking2
noierdek.huInternal capacity development and coalition building: strengthening of and networking among member organisations of the Hungarian Women’s Lobby through capacity development, elaboration of strategic planning, and mainstreaming knowledge on women’s human rights into the work of member organisations…plan knowledge, knowledge woman, organisation knowledge, knowledge member, experience knowledgewoman, organisation, national, lobby, member2
proconsultatio.huproducts to disappear, and great professionals to get lost in a bureaucratic hierarchy. One common bond of all these cases is that those involved could not turn the value (knowledge, quality, idea, and competitive advantage) they possessed into a real result (carrier, success, profit, market share).value knowledge, knowledge qualitydetail, analysis, valuation, consulting, research2
drivinglicence.hu…your free time, since we only plan lessons 1-2 days ahead. Sometimes the English-language lessons are not taught by instructors possessing the knowledge of a native speaker, however you should not be alarmed by this fact. If they managed to teach Chinese students without speaking Chinese, and a…professional knowledge, knowledge head, instructor knowledge, knowledge nativedrive, school, course, theory, licence2
ensport.huYou get much more than a training plan and a coach. You will become part of the EnsportSystem; all the knowledge of Ensport experts will be available for you.ensportsystem knowledge, knowledge ensport, maximalists knowledge, knowledge lotwindow, plan, training, run, athlete2
btpartners.huOur tax team uniquely integrates tax and legal expertise with industry knowledge and an understanding of our clients' business needs. This approach ensures that we are able to deliver sophisticated, high-profile and seamless tax advisory services and provide tax solutions.indepth knowledge, knowledge founder, industry knowledge, knowledge understandtax, advisory, solution, people, client2
jankovits.huJankovits Engineering is based on creativity, quality and sustainability. Since the manufacture of unique machines embedding engineering knowledge has become decisive, we provide our partners with comprehensive services from the creation of a concept to its realisation. We deem the tasks to be…engineering knowledge, knowledge decisive, enterprise knowledge, knowledge professional, professional knowledgeengineering, hydraulic, machine, manufacture, machinery2
turbotanoda.huGood teachers open the doors for you, but you are the one who has to enter the rooms.’ She is a professional having complex pedagogical and psychological knowledge who has alloyed and matched different pedagogical procedures to the children’s diagnoses in a specific way.environmental knowledge, psychological knowledge, knowledge differentteacher, speciality, child, school, education2
meetnlearn.huWe share the knowledge. See thousands of study-related answers to different questions free.tutor, student, question, learn, meet2
benkoborialapitvany.hu…age-appropriate techniques. Our pupils are open-minded, curious, and understanding children because we are not merely focusing on attaining book knowledge, but on improving emotional and spiritual intelligence as well. In addition, strengthening our learners’ will is a key concept in our school.hungary knowledge, knowledge experience, book knowledge, knowledge emotionalchild, foundation, school, reason, occurrence2
trhome.huI have been in the legal field for more than 20 years, of which I spent 15 years at the Pest Central District Court, of which I worked as a criminal judge for nearly 10 years. Our purchase of real estate in Turkey inspired me to open up to the real estate market and use my knowledge and experience…market knowledge, knowledge experience, lot knowledgeproperty, real, estate, number, turkey2
drlevai-budapest.huI have worked as a lawyer in public administration and local government, as well. I had the opportunity to expand my knowledge through internships in Washington D.C. (USA) and Brussels (Belgium). I am familiar with the corporate environment, currently provide legal services to individuals as well…opportunity knowledge, knowledge internshiplaw, lawyer, legal, attorney, real2
bugfactory.huExpand your SAP B1 knowledge to meet all your business requirements. We not only develop addons but also integrate the SAP Business One system with any other application having a public API.sap knowledge, knowledge expansion, knowledge businessbug, factory, development, software, digital2
eljharmoniaban.hu…groups, with quality teaching in our english language yoga and meditation classes and courses. The one day and also several weeks long courses are providing the opportunity of getting acquainted with the theoretical and practical basics, increasing and deepening knowledge and yoga practice as well.practical knowledge, knowledge experience, basic knowledge, knowledge yogayoga, class, private, meditation, course2
hutchandsons.huWe help you finalize your project, based on application knowledge and years of practical experience. We always comply with strict quality criteria and strict norms that naval and aviation sector ask to satisfy the application requirements.application knowledge, knowledge yearengineering, industrial, homepage, aviation, mechanical2
doktor24.huThe Kastélypark Klinika in Tata is a unique musculoskeletal centre within the Doktor24 health network, and a knowledge base for our other institutions. The clinic has been operating since 2003 and is a stronghold of Hungarian sports orthopaedics and rehabilitation, where we have established the…child knowledge, knowledge healing, network knowledge, knowledge baseview, health, centre, expertise, area2
borsyugyveditarsulas.huWe believe that providing comprehensive and customized service is the key to the future. Our combined knowledge not only covers all areas of law, but through our international contacts we even aim to offer more. In addition, we are fortunate to work with partners with extensive experience from…combine knowledge, knowledge area, inherent knowledge, knowledge mutuallyattorney, act, association, accordance, regulation2
phantomelectricboats.huThe quality knowledge of Hungarian engineers and specialists are acknowledged worldwide. This high level of engineering also made the Phantom boat to be birth.quality knowledge, knowledge hungarianphantom, boat, electric, quality, material2
scarabeus.huAs we learn more and more from generation to generation, important knowledge is often forgotten. This can happen because a given era does not require the given knowledge. However, today’s age may require knowledge that was already available to us in the past. So we need to revive this. That’s what…being knowledge, knowledge mean, important knowledge, knowledge era, era knowledgerecycling, research, ancient, today, challenge2
drmikoczi.huPediatricians differ from internal medicine doctors. In almost the same way pediatric plastic surgeons are different from general plastic surgeons. Juveniles can have complex problems that most plastic surgeons do not see on a regular basis. These require special skills and sufficient amount of…objective knowledge, knowledge pediatricpediatric, surgeon, surgery, plastic, consultation2
mediconcept.huFrom the fundamentals of health economics to the details of critically appraising clinical and economic analyses, providing hands-on training delivers the knowledge that is essential to evidence-based reasoning.legislation knowledge, knowledge different, training knowledge, knowledge essentialeconomic, health, quality, result, consulting2
zselicivt.huThe most popular method is hunting from a deer blind, battue , and herding hunt. Thanks to our excellent knowledge of the area combined with high density of big game species and our well planned game management plan our customers usually have a satisfying and productive experience.excellent knowledge, knowledge areaprice, list, accomodation, hunting, association2
e6integrations.huOur solutions are delivered by experienced architects to experienced architects. We provide not only a clean architecture, but knowledge and methodology​ as well.solution, integration, architecture, architect, flexible2
unlocked.huA partnership project of 4 partner organizations (Váltó-sáv Alapítvány, Crime Prevention Fund - IGA, Amaka NGO, Antropos Mental Hygiene Association) from 4 countries (Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia) based on innovation, common experience and method exchange, knowledge extension and sharing…exchange knowledge, knowledge extension, overall knowledge, knowledge information, extension knowledgesummary, presentation, photo, programme, meet2
omnit.huRely on our knowledge! Our experts have over 10 years of professional experience in the domestic Oracle database market.solution, data, process, page, development2
partnerstudio.huIt is important for us to create value. Our goal is to help our partners with our experience, expertise, and knowledge.use knowledge, knowledge yearstudio, logo, edit, graphic, photo2
drtanacs.huthe level of detail and cost-effectiveness expected by the given client to be of paramount importance. As law is constantly evolving, up-to-date knowledge is essential for him, so he is a participant and speaker at many conferences to this day. He finds it crucial that clients are provided with…date knowledge, knowledge essential, constantly knowledge, knowledge catalystlaw, legal, contract, protection, representation2
flamella.huRegular fire safety education improves the safety of building use and the awareness of workers. We are committed to site-specific exercises that provide up-to-date knowledge and practice!detail knowledge, knowledge material, date knowledge, knowledge practicefire, safety, protection, simulation, plan2
romel.huI pursue improving my knowledge even by today, I regularly take part on training courses as well as on conferences. Next to that, I am on the road a lot too, visiting various manufacturing sites. I am a member of AIAG.quality, management, supplier, automotive, unique2
anikozecz.huWe focus on your current situation, your goals, problems during the sessions. I’m like a guide – who helps to find the right direction – help you with my questions, my knowledge, my active listening to find you the next step toward a more balanced, healthy and happy life.question knowledge, knowledge active, personality knowledge, knowledge professionalismhealth, institute, integrative, nutrition, step2
summitdvkft.huDue to our size, teamwork is common at our company. We support each other in reaching our goals with joint efforts. We share our knowledge, to the particular benefit of new employees. We respect each other’s personality, and mutually strengthen our capabilities. At company events, friendships are…effort knowledge, knowledge particular, emphasis knowledge, knowledge skillsummit, career, corporate, employee, support2
dm-innovation.huWe complement the knowledge and capacity of technology developers in order for their innovation applications to be successful. We provide support in the development of the business plan for the new prototype, tender administration, and project coordination.deep knowledge, knowledge rightinnovation, development, technology, sale, process2
hanyuhenrietta.huUsing my knowledge and experiences gained in the field of conflict resolution in the workplace, I am able to assist companies in choosing the conflict resolution method appropriate for the given situation, which enabling the minimisation of both costs and legal risks.able knowledge, knowledge englishemployment, law, mediation, workplace, legal2
tradeland.hu…polymath who is well versed in local customs and superstitions. As Managing Director and Co-owner of Tradeland Group, Balázs bases his cultural knowledge on his MA in Sinology and Oriental Studies, his communication skills are backed up by a native command of 4 languages, and his economic…industry knowledge, knowledge environmental, cultural knowledge, knowledge mawater, owner, group, director, manage2
wildwind.huOur instructors, RYA and VWDS certified, are highly professional, friendly and very approachable on and off the water. The team receives plaudits every week of the season and everyone who works with us is dedicated to sharing their passion, knowledge and enthusiasm. Many of our staff have competed…passion knowledge, knowledge enthusiasm, enthusiasm knowledge, knowledge thing, deep knowledgesailing, holiday, beach, greece, kid2
vblaw.huThe founding members of our Association have jointly carried out their activity as junior associates, during which period they got to know each other well. By strengthening their friendship and collegial relationship, and by combining their knowledge and experiences, they decided to establish the…relationship knowledge, knowledge experiencelaw, property, representation, field, legal2
ststephen.huFreemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisation. It teaches self-knowledge through participation in a progression of ceremonies. Members are expected to be of high moral standing and are encouraged to speak openly about…point knowledge, knowledge decision, self knowledge, knowledge participationlodge, stephen, member, mason, st.2
hamiltoncollege.hu…institutions, Hamilton believes in the power of interactive learning that enables individuals to engage with their peers while expanding their knowledge base through experiential education opportunities like internships, study abroad programs or research projects which contribute to their…peer knowledge, knowledge base, effective knowledge, knowledge fieldcollege, pre, application, american, student2
intertranssec.huExperienced and trained professional staff, extensive market knowledge. Achieving the goals of InterTransSec Kft. is guaranteed by our preparedness, professional experience and practical training of our staff covering the entire area of the complex security market.market knowledge, knowledge goalsecurity, training, event, technology, transport2
hurnyuzogitarsuli.huYou have to appreciate your knowledge, that you know how much time spend with it's developing.day knowledge, knowledge littleguitar, lesson, teacher, music, tutor2
trustair.huThe management and experts of TrustAir Aviation Kft. uniquely combine all the knowledge needed in the fields of medical and rescue flights, system development, consulting and helicopter flying and aircraft operation.professional knowledge, knowledge experience, uniquely knowledge, knowledge fieldmedical, transport, aviation, trust, flight2
shedohairsalon.hu…is combined by many years of persistent work. Ádám Kaló is the first Hungarian platinum key instructor for Kevin Murphy. With his wide-ranging knowledge, he enriches the team’s knowledge not only in our salon, but also on an international level, with all corners of the wonder of color theory…wide knowledge, knowledge team, team knowledge, knowledge salon, knowledge philosophyhair, salon, introduction, price, result2
lavx.huHow could I describe myself? Always thinking about how to make something real or better. In the last few years, I spent much time to research new products or services for companies, forging developer teams and lead them and deliver an application or IT solutions for the customers. Thankfully my…extensible knowledge, knowledge field, thankfully knowledge, knowledge experiencesolution, develop, consulting, manage, skill2
masszazsharmonia.huI started training myself as a Swedish masseuse in 2014, and I did so well that I still wanted to learn. So I went to further training to enrich my knowledge with as many techniques as possible.training knowledge, knowledge techniquemassage, body, harmony, appointment, pressure2
cserneczkybalint.huI obtained my degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Software Engineering from Eszterházy Károly University, Eger campus, where I acquired extensive knowledge in various aspects of software development. However, there were two pivotal lessons that particularly aided me in becoming a…extensive knowledge, knowledge aspect, fundamental knowledge, knowledge unix, protocol knowledgesoftware, developer, code, solution, performance2
automotive.co.huOur 'complete package' focuses on our customers' needs and their markets. The competence of Automotive Engineering lies in its knowledge of the total manufacturing process. Our mission is total customer satisfaction. Positive interpersonal relations are important to usengineering knowledge, knowledge total, local knowledge, knowledge relationshipautomotive, customer, consulting, supplier, satisfaction2
evosoft.huThrough social events and knowledge sharing, we build a community where both corporate and individual development play a key role. We create a workplace where colleagues help each other, where it’s good to go to work, and where colleagues are happy to spend time together outside of the day-to-day…knowledge community, event knowledge, knowledge sharesolution, development, value, career, open2
soundrisestudio.huRecording sound is a delicate balancing act where expertise and knowledge become the keys to excellence. Recording in the studio is not just a technical process, but also a work of art where every detail counts. The knowledge and experience of a sound engineer is essential to perfectly harmonise…expertise knowledge, knowledge key, detail knowledge, knowledge experience, thorough knowledgestudio, sound, record, music, expertise2
divali.huOn the festival of Dīpāvali we invite everybody to light lamps, to carry the Light. We invite you with affection to the Festival of the Light by giving you the light of life force, of the festival, of knowledge at once, maintaining the beautiful and rich tradition of India.light knowledge, knowledge righteousness, festival knowledge, knowledge beautifullight, festival, krishna, valley, programme2
casualstyle.huDetailed knowledge of the Hungarian laws, particularly applied to accounting, tax accounting and bank requirements.detail knowledge, knowledge hungarian, market knowledge, knowledge localaccounting, logistic, financial, matter, assistance2
s6mernok.huAn important profile of our company is creating the user’s softwares of control systems. We have thorough knowledge about these kind of systems: Freelance (ABB), S5 and S7 (Siemens), Centum CS-3000 (Yokogawa), DeltaV and Ovation (Emerson), HC900 Hybrid Controller (Honeywell), PSS-3000 (Pilz), YES…engineering knowledge, knowledge field, thorough knowledge, knowledge kindengineering, control, plant, power, software2
ab-dental.huAfter two professional exams and soon 25 years of practical experience, my goal is to gain even more knowledge and practical experience, so that in the future I can serve not only the patients who turn to us, but also the emerging, thirsty, generations of dentists.internationally knowledge, knowledge high, goal knowledge, knowledge practicaldental, surgery, oral, dentistry, patient2
tihanyiugyved.huDr. Tihanyi Low Firm work with all types of business structures, from unincorporated entities to international and publicly traded corporations. Whether you are starting a new project, selling or acquiring a business or seeking to expand or strengthen an existing enterprise, we possess the…experience knowledge, knowledge dedicationlaw, client, family, firm, attorney2
balancepointconsulting.huIn addition to professional knowledge and many years of experience, passion for the profession and competent attention is also required for the client in order to ensure that service should be more than data recording.professional knowledge, knowledge year, widespread knowledge, knowledge payrollpoint, consulting, accounting, client, multinational2
englishschool.huTeachers are continuously trained throughout the year - our staff are coached by Hungary's leading thinker, speaker and trainer who has a great knowledge about teaching second language studentsgreat knowledge, knowledge secondschool, teacher, child, language2
primech.huThe main activity of Primech CNC Kft is machining unique precision parts and machine units in lease work. Our orders are thoroughly carried out tailored for the needs of the costumers regarding quality and deadline. In order to offer our best services, we are constantly developing our equipment…library knowledge, knowledge quality, metalworking knowledge, knowledge hardmachining, production, machine, centre, table2
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.huWe invite the participants (healing teams, physicians, nurses) to joint learning and knowledge sharing led by Robin Youngson and 15 highly committed Hungarian healthcare specialists. It will be worth it, as a healthcare professional is one of the most incredible jobs in the world.learn knowledge, knowledge share, time knowledge, knowledge healthcarehealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion2
falcocluster.huBy strengthening economic cooperation, joint development, production and market access activities and supporting knowledge transfer, we wish to increase the competitiveness of our members.exchange knowledge, knowledge information, activity knowledge, knowledge transfercluster, member, market, activity, introduction2
obchungary.huMy name is Oliver Kugyela from Hungary and I would like to offer my hand carry service. I used to work as customs officer in BUD airport, therefore I have good partnership with customs officers and knowledge of Hungarian and EU customs laws.local knowledge, knowledge local, officer knowledge, knowledge hungarianairport, hand, delivery, personal, board2
nyelvinfo.hu…reading, listening comprehension, speaking and writing. Consequently our courses mainly focus on these fields but also focus on the grammatical knowledge. Our cooperating partner is the Fulbright Foundation. If interested in our courses, please call 3179644, 06209722744 local phone number or send…grammatical knowledge, knowledge partner, examination knowledge, knowledge structuralexamination, language, course, school, skill2
ostertrade.huOur approach is based on our expertise in engineering, trading, and financing. We develop projects in close collaboration with our clients. We provide expert knowledge and analysis of the market and of the demand, availability of raw material, latest machinery and manufacturing equipment…european knowledge, knowledge industrial, expert knowledge, knowledge analysisnews, expert, leave, profile, engineering2
szkiroda.huIn addition to classical civil law and economic law assignments, our office also seeks new challenges. We have obtained outstanding experiences in several exciting new areas requiring special approach and problem-solving skills. We aim to extend our up-to-date knowledge besides preserving the…date knowledge, knowledge traditional, continuously knowledge, knowledge specialoffice, law, area, colleagues, page2
cziczanoemi.huWelcome to Green Valley International School. We strive to provide highest quality education, bridging your child's success with infrastructure of knowledge and creativity.infrastructure knowledge, knowledge resource, knowledge creativityrhoncus, laoreet, sit, feugiat, lorem2
por.hu- - Seoul National University College of Dental Medicine, Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Laboratorypharmacological knowledge, knowledge design, biomedical knowledge, knowledge engineeringuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine2
congressline.huOur company is well known for its attention to detail and services. With over 30 years extensive, first-hand knowledge of Hungarian venues, hotels and meeting facilities, Congressline team is able to offer a responsible and reliable service that can be tailor-made to your specific requirements. We…hand knowledge, knowledge hungarian, local knowledge, knowledge hungaryevent, reference, gallery, photo, congress2
webandmore.huWe have extensive knowledge in hardware-near programming, so our experts can reach outstanding results in the field of embedded software development, as well. We also deal with Linux-based developments and developments to Android platform, as well as with web development. Programing languages: PHP…extensive knowledge, knowledge hardware, perfect knowledge, knowledge europeandevelopment, technology, job, field, management2
edinapasti.huI provide my services specifically for industrial and B2B companies, and my specialised knowledge and experience enable me to offer the best solutions for these sectors. So you can be sure that I know the specifics of your industry and the expectations of your customers. I have no problem…specialise knowledge, knowledge experience, extensive knowledge, knowledge understandwebsite, industrial, custom, solution, focus2
finchdesign.huOver the years I have had to become proficient in a few things, because I need also edit this page, for example. This graph shows that where can I stand with my knowledge today. Of course, this is a matter of judgment a highly subjective thing, however, can be tested. If somebody can't survive…experience knowledge, knowledge topic, graph knowledge, knowledge todaywebsite, detail, pattern, weave, shuttle2
fice.hu…with much recreation and spare time-activities. This year the main issue was the renewable energy sources and the children could obtain much knowledge in this topic through obstacle race and playful tasks. The environmental factors affected the children in a positive way. We can say that the…emphasis knowledge, knowledge self, child knowledge, knowledge topicchild, event, day, theatre, camp2
mobilleaserwelding.huCo-operation with our partner companies complements our professional knowledge and practical experiences.professional knowledge, knowledge practicalwelding, engraving, impress, quality, flexible2
markcon.hu"One million steps in Hungary" is a quiz game that guides players on virtual hiking routes. Meanwhile players gain information connected to the Hungarian Product Nonprofit Ltd. and its trade mark owners, and also test their general knowledge. Hiking routes pass all over Hungary. Each route consist…general knowledge, knowledge hiking, question knowledge, knowledge continuouslycampaign, game, website, development, application2
cadcam3000.hu…3000 arranged for the modifications of the already existing drawings on the basis of the instructions and they also optimized the new shapes for the best aesthetic outcome. They perfectionized this re-design with regard to the fabrication of the new components, displaying considerable knowledge.software knowledge, knowledge excellentengineering, tool, prototype, solution, measurement2
inkalevents.huBased on the tradition in our new company with international experience and a reliable legal, technical and practical knowledge, we guarantee that our service meets the international standards.practical knowledge, knowledge serviceön, reference, mission, social, gallery2
budapestconsulting.hu…outside the business tax, corporate tax, small business tax and KATA declarations)Payroll is a cardinal issue for any business. With the help and knowledge of our professional specialists, we calculate for your business the employment methods applicable and the tax benefits can be used by law.help knowledge, knowledge professional, professional knowledge, knowledge taxisconsulting, tax, accounting, eng, financial2
abrahamlaw.huAs our philosophy is to achieve deep knowledge of our clients’ activity, we consider it very important to maintain a regular personal relationship with the companies. The most optimal way of communication is agreed in cooperation with our clients in order to find the most optimal procedure. This…tool knowledge, knowledge activity, deep knowledge, knowledge clientlaw, office, introduction, relationship, international2
smartoservice.huThe workshop named „Interior design in practice” is created for Interior designers who are just starting their businesses. Practical knowledge with real life examples are presented during the workshop. Participants are guided through the processes of earlier projects managed by the company and are…hard knowledge, knowledge school, practical knowledge, knowledge realoffice, room, access, interior, meet2
dezsenyi.huHer main area of expertise is family law, but she also navigates smoothly in real estate transactions and the business and company transactions of micro- and small businesses. Although she likes the law, she would rather talk about her cats, children, or music. She has encyclopaedic knowledge…encyclopaedic knowledge, knowledge healthylaw, legal, client, labour, attorney2
egyeditrade.huWe take great pride in our ability to provide exemplary technical services. Our team of experts is skilled at handling specialized tasks, offering planning assistance, and facilitating communication with suppliers. Our technical knowledge is second to none, and we are committed to delivering…technical knowledge, knowledge second, exceptional knowledge, knowledge productiontechnical, helpful, gtc, supplier, expert2
liverland.huAs a continuation of these efforts, we are looking for professional partners who have depth knowledge of the market and provide an overview about the consumer habits of each country and regions and would cooperate with our company for the best sale of our product.depth knowledge, knowledge market, local knowledge, knowledge mutuallyland, goose, live, production, market2
bobaszerelo.huHis knowledge is outstanding and works with very reasonable rates. The mobile service has helped me out so many times in situations when the van breaks down.wealth knowledge, knowledge skilljob, mechanic, helpful, highly, price2
airwin.huWhen you finish any of our pilot training and obtain your pilot licence, we can guarantee you that you will be able to fly safely, responsibly and confidently the aircraft. You are about to posess all the relevant theoretical knowledge and flying skills for conducting safe flights in any…theoretical knowledge, knowledge fly, knowledge instructortraining, flight, instructor, aircraft, easa2
bav-art.huAbout the instructors of our Appraiser Academy, we can say without immodesty that they are the most experienced experts of the profession. When organising education, we focus on the fact that the participants of the training will receive firsthand the knowledge that the instructors themselves…firsthand knowledge, knowledge instructor, practical knowledge, knowledge student, emphasis knowledgeart, academy, training, painting, auction2
hugames.huWould you like to learn a bit about creating private servers? Or maybe you want to share your knowledge about it? - If at least one of the questions was answered "yes", this section is for you!maybe knowledge, knowledge questionpost, forum, activity, map, game2
marketing21.huDuring the three-month trial period, you can take our knowledge for a test drive, and experience first-hand the effectiveness of our marketing toolscontinuously knowledge, knowledge date, period knowledge, knowledge testagency, solution, digital, advertising, innovative2
conpart.huMainpage About us Manufacturers Services Knowledge Base Webshop Downloads Permament offers Newness Contact General Terms and Conditions Data security Impressum Sitemapservice knowledge, knowledge baseindustrial, machine, special, purpose, automation2
catapult.huThe knowledge of the deeper understanding comes from the different point of perspectives where the studying our failures creates new opportunities for developing - our design thinking comes from our experience of stepping out of our comfort zone and asking new questions from a different context.benefit knowledge, knowledge insightcommunication, research, strategy, graphic, method2
studystream.huStudyStream is a complex, human resource, cost and time effective knowledge base and training system combined with state of the art immersive technologies for improved learning curves.effective knowledge, knowledge base, way knowledge, knowledge lifelikelearn, human, curve, tutor, training2
acelhidak.huOur highly trained engineers and skilled craftsmen have decades of experience and deep industry knowledge in steel manufacturing and construction.industry knowledge, knowledge steelstructure, steel, manufacture, engineering, installation2
szamurajkardvivas.huand get familiar to an aspect of this seemingly simple, but actually extremely complex system. This site has another important function, it is a knowledge base of descriptions and video clips for advanced students, who want to know deeper the motion culture of Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. They need to…function knowledge, knowledge base, time knowledge, knowledge energyseminar, industry, login, gallery, planner2
logvalve.huThe LOG VALVE Ltd. was founded on December 5, 2008. but the company's professional knowledge and relationships in the market, dates back more than 37 years, as the professionalthe predecessor was the Oil Machine Factory founded in Lenti in 1983.professional knowledge, knowledge relationship, knowledge skillvalve, log, control, quality, gate2
gyuttmentfesztival.huWe, the new-starters in the countryside, the ones who choose the eco-friendly life and values, who fit in to the landscape meet in festival milieu to share and exchange our knowledge and experience. Along the 100 presentations and programs, associations, foundations and communities present…milieu knowledge, knowledge experience, experience knowledge, knowledge comfort, self knowledgegather, community, countryside, network, day2
ggis.huThere are many ways to perceive and understand the world in which we live. GGIS has, from its founding in 1991, looked at life from the perspective of the Bible. This miraculous collection of 66 books written by over 40 authors over a period of 1500 years provides a framework, a unified field of…field knowledge, knowledge scienceschool, international, great, question, grace2
lelek-harmonia.huSmall group sessions: sessions for 5 - 10 persons on particular topics (e.g. autogenic training , developing stress management skills, integration problems for foreigners, developing conflict management skills, developing self-knowledge, etc.). Groups start every half-year depending on the number…self knowledge, knowledge balance, knowledge etcproblem, psychologist, counselling, disorder, technique2
drbecskydent.huImplantology is one of the most beautiful and most complex fields of modern dentistry. Knowledge of periodontal diseases, conservative dentistry, aesthetic dentistry, and experience in oral surgery are highly necessary and required. Furthermore, orthodontic deviations can often influence the…dentistry knowledge, knowledge periodontalimplant, tooth, replacement, dental, surgery2
locked.huThe Motel game is an all-time favourite escape room with super engaging puzzles, crazy twists, and an actualy motel room setting. It's an easier medium-leveled game for everyone, but basic knowledge of English is recommended!basic knowledge, knowledge englishroom, game, escape, lock, player2
lanclanc.huOur daily schedule is designed to serve effective learning and to form a great community. New knowledge is provided by the teachers in small groups or individually. This helps the teachers to be sure about the effectiveness of the teaching method and the Montessori materials used, as it all should…new knowledge, knowledge teacher, previous knowledge, knowledge atmosphere, abstract knowledgegroup, child, teacher, kindergarten, school2
procurcon.huIt includes the evaluation of the positioning, the role and other relevant aspects of the existing procurement organization as a whole and the members of the organization as well. Both the hard skills (procurement knowledge and experience) and the soft skills are evaluated and summarized.procurement knowledge, knowledge experienceprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement2
a-kontir.huwith its IT background and knowledge, it helps business with their electronic contact, reporting and tax declarationbackground knowledge, knowledge business, advise knowledge, knowledge baseaccounting, digital, tax, accountant, office2
meevet.hu…and give advice on energy-efficiency regarding environmental protection. Learning the most modern techniques and regularly deepening their knowledge they are able to build more and more energy-efficient and eco-friendly systems. They help realizing the importance of the process of handling…able knowledge, knowledge inside, regularly knowledge, knowledge ablebranch, electric, energy, industry, resident2
budapestlngsummit.huThroughout his career, Ion Sterian has developed and perfected his professional knowledge of corporate and security governance, international and diplomatic relations and financial management, all of which have contributed to the efficient, high-performance development of the company he manages…professional knowledge, knowledge keen, knowledge corporatelng, summit, gas, energy, speaker2
babel-budapest.huThe Babel team is a close-knit family and We strongly believe in the importance of people’s characteristic, therefore it has a great significance next to hospitality and professional knowledge when it comes to recruitment.professional knowledge, knowledge recruitmentrestaurant, wine, great, day, reservation2
suhanjfitness.huTeaching and skill development – especially in physical education – has always been important for me. During all my time working in the field of sports, I have always tried to do my best to pass on my knowledge and my love for sports for my students.good knowledge, knowledge lovetraining, education, physical, class, people2
noiegyutthato.huThe WECAN Program brings together 30 female municipal and community leaders from 209 small Hungarian cities (under 10 000 inhabitants) as part of a 52 hours training and mentoring program on participative leadership and inclusive governance. Besides strengthening leadership skills and enhancing…skill knowledge, knowledge citizen, locality knowledge, knowledge toollocal, selection, training, community, application2
easy-way.huAll our experts have up-to-date, certified knowledge of the newest technologies, trends and know-hows in their field of work.date knowledge, knowledge newsolution, strategy, expert, enterprise, automation2
paintball.hu…Are you likely to plan ahead? During paintball games you need to manage more stress than in everyday life. But you need the exact same coping skills as in your relationships or at work. Apart from feeling great, you can learn a lot about yourself and use this knowledge returning to your weekdays.lot knowledge, knowledge weekdaygame, field, price, equipment, course2
blss.hu…them. Therefore, for your comfort and safety, we pay attention to employing chauffeurs who are technically and professionally trained. Moreover, they have foreign language skills according to the service they provide. They are elegant, polite, they have a lot of experience and local knowledge, too.bus, vehicle, main, page, limousine2
drcsernus.huDr Csernus’s aim is for her patients to feel comfortable in their own skin. She brings all of her knowledge, experience and dedication to each patient or visitor, taking care of both general and cosmetic dermatological issues. Dr Csernus likes to place particular emphasis on helping her patients…skin knowledge, knowledge experiencedermatology, treatment, skin, general, care2
markjector.hu…with the rules and regulations of crime scene investigation. Advantages: Cost-effectiveness. The use of the device does not require special knowledge, as it does not alter the crime scene in any way, therefore it allows an unlimited number of trials. It is possible for the user to cast the…good knowledge, knowledge tool, special knowledge, knowledge crimelight, figure, length, distance, subject2
lombardinvest.huWe also believe that if ideas, professional knowledge and capital meet at the right time, this creates long-lasting values. This is what we seek.implementation knowledge, knowledge establishment, professional knowledge, knowledge capitalreal, estate, activity, broker, insurance2
lichen.huGeneral knowledge and results of research in Hungary and in the world are intended to make it easily available for all who is interested in to help the distribution of the results and the development of this field of science.knowledge lichen, general knowledge, knowledge resultresearch, homepage, science, detail, source2
indebud.huThat's when I come! I add the essential experiential and professional knowledge that moves production out of the usual circles and boosts the company.professional knowledge, knowledge necessary, knowledge productionproduction, performance, capacity, consulting, manufacture2
erdorezervatum.huGaining knowledge about the natural lifecycle, varied structure, long-term processes and rich wildlife of the forestsnew knowledge, knowledge conservationforest, reserve, programme, homepage, main2
ronakft.hu…industrial brake pads and clutches, from the ones of a 6300 tonn forging press, through mining friction material, agricultural clutches and railway brake pads, to printing and X-ray brakes. This unmatched experience, knowledge and technology is all in your service to solve what needs to be solved.experience knowledge, knowledge technologyinquiry, renewal, technical, page, manufacture2
ebht.hu…of forests, hills and slopes would be worth discovering even if it did not have wines.) Vincze Béla, Eger winemaker, burst into the general knowledge with huge success, making such red wines in his first year with which he achieved Hungarian successes at the international competition organisedwalloons knowledge, knowledge grape, general knowledge, knowledge hugewine, grape, cellar, region, century2
dealagency.hu…management. For us sports management is not only about continuing a successful sporting career in a related field but rather a ‘love project’ where we could utilize our vast experience and extensive knowledge of international markets while representing our clients and defending their interests.performance knowledge, knowledge health, extensive knowledge, knowledge internationaldeal, agency, athlete, talent, career2
highquality.hu…replacement stock can be provided immediately. When we say cost reduction we mean fast and professional support by a strategic partner who has knowledge of the product and works for a fix cost with a professional stuff. By making smaller deliveries, smaller quantities are affected by the…company knowledge, knowledge loyalty, partner knowledge, knowledge productquality, action, customer, support, inspection2
lakogep.huWe developed our transparent processes from our international experience and the local construction market knowledge from our decades long local presence. We represent a new generation, a new voice and new standards in Hungarymarket knowledge, knowledge decadenumber, proud, construction, permit, long2
carryall.huWe are confident that our extensive knowledge and experience in logistics will enable us to be your best partner, a partner you can rely on. Our priority is to meet all needs of our clients. We are proud to say that we also include B2B,B2C & C2C amongst our many services.extensive knowledge, knowledge experience, insight knowledge, knowledge industrydelivery, logistic, oversize, installation, transport2
antrodentbudapest2016.huThe lecturers coming to Budapest from 9 different countries will use the knowledge and experience gained in their respective fields to answer the current questions of dentistrycountry knowledge, knowledge experiencecongress, dental, lecturer, event, island2
blb-soft.huOur experienced professionals have already proven themselves at several companies, so using their knowledge gained so far, they are able to provide help in case of almost any software problem that arises.constantly knowledge, knowledge wide, company knowledge, knowledge fartechnology, solution, software, main, privacy2
1agroup.huWe support your company with engineering knowledge of lean operations, quality and cost effective tooling.company knowledge, knowledge leancolumn, engineering, group, list, industry2
szabodani.huAs you can see, this is one of the latest projects that I worked on, my personal portfolio where I deepened my knowledge in Laravel and tailwindcss, and understood the basics of Vue, to show my ability to master the technologies mentioned above.properly knowledge, knowledge thesis, portfolio knowledge, knowledge laravelportfolio, website, university, job, study2
geselem.hu…reality, therefore the model build up, and the results yielded can not exactly match reality even if we assume the error proof operation of the application. The measure, how close the model approximates reality can and must considered possessing appropriate engineering knowledge.application, element, page, help, available2
jdlaw.huWe have in-depth knowledge and practice in the field of business law, company law, labor law, classic civil law and civil procedure law, and experience in drafting and reviewing commercial contracts and internal regulations.legal knowledge, knowledge client, depth knowledge, knowledge practicelaw, legal, client, firm, expertise2
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.hucertainly not do without physics. Do not neglect the study of the topic, also for the liberal arts. Physics creates the mind and also instructs how to apply knowledge in life. When purchasing home appliances, a bike or items, one needs to take care of physical features as well as primary guidelines.mind knowledge, knowledge lifegame, video, like, lot, certainly2
nuvu.huAnd what else is my reason for existence? Knowledge transfer and shaping the society: to teach Hungarian people that they can use fireworks on their own, that they can be trusted and can grow up for the “game” and game rules. Profession: while teaching and evaluating the exams of the pyrotechnists…outstanding knowledge, knowledge pyrotechnists, existence knowledge, knowledge transferpage, trade, letter, original, torch2
ecolres.huCulture, ecology, botany. With the Garden on the Cube series, we give real knowledge through authentic experts, while entertaining and enriching our guests with experiences: talks by scientists and artists, great concerts, ecological garden cinema and book launches, natural art exhibitions…real knowledge, knowledge authenticresearch, garden, ecological, species, science2
mcc.huMCC’s Public Affairs Programs are recommended for those who wish to complement their knowledge obtained in higher education with skills and expertise that are essential to act as well-informed public leaders and decision-makers in political, economic or, cultural spheres.program knowledge, knowledge high, knowledge centerinternational, student, public, center, academy2
starthomebudapest.hu"My journey has enriched me with a wealth of market knowledge, a high-level routine, and an extensive track record in leasing and selling properties. I approach the real estate market with humility and passion, while using my expertise to guide clients toward successful transactions. With a…market knowledge, knowledge high, extensive knowledge, knowledge uniqueproperty, rent, start, real, estate2
en-hu-interpreter.hu- Knowledge of a wide range of professional topics (e.g. legal, financial, engineering, medical etc. technical terms)depth knowledge, knowledge hungarianinterpreter, private, tutor, reference, photo2
goconcept.hu…the course of training we learn from each other, with each person investing themselves into the “here and now”. What I can provide in every case is my openness, empathy, flexibility, over 15 years of training & organizational development knowledge, my experiences, lessons as well as my curiosity.”self knowledge, knowledge thrill, development knowledge, knowledge experiencetraining, lab, development, trainer, change2
femker-97.huOur company has more than 35 years of experience in cutting and milling. We have been using CNC technology for 13 years, and we continuously develop this both in regards to machinery and knowledge. We are ready to support our customers with highly qualified experts and machine pool, and precise…machinery knowledge, knowledge readycomponent, machine, milling, job, page2
mta.hu…(between 1 September 2022 – 31 August 2026), which aim to lay the foundations for the development of education and training by providing new scientific findings and to carry out research on how to renew the pedagogical perspectives and methods for knowledge transfer and the transmission of values.budapest knowledge, knowledge hub, method knowledge, knowledge transferscience, academy, research, member, forum2
actualart.huWe came home and by making use of our knowledge and experience we started to realise our earlier dream, building our own production agency which acts as an agent between artists and productions, self-created shows and cruise ships, luxury ferries, hotels, casinos and international stages.dance knowledge, knowledge number, use knowledge, knowledge experiencestage, image, production, art, actual2
dogandpony.huOur marketing agency in Budapest supports companies with a holistic knowledge in every aspect of marketing: from market analysis, strategic planning, and creative design to copywriting and production, as well as each field of marketing communication, whether it is ATL or BTL. Our Hungarian…holistic knowledge, knowledge aspectagency, logo, dog, advertising, media2
brbfinance.huThrough our wide knowledge on the Hungarian market, we can efficiently assist you in raising finance for your project(s). Our services may cover from contacting through full administrative support to negotiation support.wide knowledge, knowledge hungarianfinancial, expertise, market, finance, advisory2
pillefizioterapia.hu…be honest I still do not understand what she is doing, but she is doing something extraordinary that is for sure. Having such an impact of and knowledge of a certain topic is outstanding for me, and can recommend her to all the other skeptical folks, like myself. In my personal life I always…student knowledge, knowledge lesson, personally knowledge, knowledge yoga, impact knowledgepain, preparation, pelvic, physiotherapy, rehabilitation2
skool.org.huInnovative platform for community building and experience sharing to support Skool graduates to exploit their skills and knowledge in the technology sector.skill knowledge, knowledge technologylab, technology, eng, homepage2
boldideas.huWhere data science, brand knowledge and business intelligence meet. Data-based purpose development and profitability improvement.brand knowledge, knowledge businessbold, brand, idea, client, hello2
oriastablajatekok.huI consider it important that our activities are knowledge transfer activities, and that the knowledge gained can be recalled at home at any time after the time spent together and the experience gained."activity knowledge, knowledge closely, knowledge transfer, knowledge homegame, event, board, giant, festival2
tothdeni.huThe technological revolution is changing aspect of our lives, and the fabric of society itself. it's also changing the way we learn and what we learn. Factual knowledge is less prized when everything you ever need to know can be found on your phone. There's no imperative to be an expert at doing…factual knowledge, knowledge phoneportfolio, website, interface, logo, activity2
drsimapeter.huI have experience and unique knowledge in handling difficult economic crimes and criminal offences against public finances such as budget fraud, fraud relating to social security, social and other welfare benefits .unique knowledge, knowledge difficult, prosecutor knowledge, knowledge aspectcriminal, crime, attorney, prosecutor, client2
aranyesoegyesulet.huWe raise awareness of healthy eating among families, with a focus on sustainability. We support families in organising leisure activities and healthy lifestyles. We help to change eating habits through lifestyle changes and related training in cooking techniques and food knowledge.easy knowledge, knowledge practicallifestyle, mobility, association, family, activity2
dace.huThe greatest intrinsic value of our company is the knowledge and experience of our colleagues. We are committed to continuous development with individual training and building on the international knowledge base as a subsidiary of Russmedia. We actively involve the employees in the decisions of…company knowledge, knowledge experience, international knowledge, knowledge basedate, mission, portfolio, europe, central2
rapabon.huFounder and managing director of Rapabon Llc., he is a leader with wide range of knowledge in business administration, finance, controlling and IT techologies.range knowledge, knowledge business, wide knowledge, knowledge glutenfreesolution, director, wide, sale, quality2
cosyhome.hu“Tünde started with a clear strategy. Her professional attitude was very convincing throughout the process. During the design, I was impressed by Tünde's extensive knowledge of trends, manufacturers, raw materials, and suppliers. The end result reflects our tastes and lifestyle, all with a perfect…extensive knowledge, knowledge trendcosy, approach, bonus, free, gambling2
botanic-art.hu…creative flower arrangements. He has proven his talent at numerous flower arranging competitions and demonstrations and is always up to date on current trends. He is one of the few florists who excels not only in his work but also in the transfer of his outstanding knowledge of flower arranging.”world knowledge, knowledge experience, outstanding knowledge, knowledge flowerbasket, flower, bouquet, composition, course2
eurosegway.huRecently spent a fab 90 mins with Kamran as our tour guide. He asked us where we had been so far on our trip and was there anywhere in particular we would like to go. As we were staying in Pest it was decided we would tour Buda. What a fantastic, informative and enjoyable experience we had…great knowledge, knowledge site, kamran knowledge, knowledge perfecttour, guide, detail, review, spanish2
4theclients.hu“Eszter is a committed and knowledgeable consultant. We have known her and her company for more than 10 years. There is virtually no question that she doesn’t know the answer to. Extremely communicative, helpful and flexible. Since she has thorough knowledge of her clients and Generali products…thorough knowledge, knowledge client, accurate knowledgeinsurance, client, health, pandemic, family2
intalion.huIntalion has the knowledge to offer effective IT answers to business questions that arise. We deliver adaptive solutions that easily keep pace with changing market demands.intalion knowledge, knowledge effective, evangelist knowledge, knowledge applicationsolution, software, process, interested, digital2
ais.hu“Since she is at the AIS, I can clearly see that my daughter’s English knowledge has improved a lot within a short time, she is happy and creative thanks to the AIS, but the most important is that she is Very Happy! We appreciate it a lot!”child knowledge, knowledge real, english knowledge, knowledge lotschool, nursery, child, international, general2
itsecarea.hu…area is. From social engineering through forensic to vulnerability monitoring, we apply several testing and examination methods. By having decades of professional experience, our experts dispose of a really wide range of knowledge in this area and are able to use these even in extreme situations.activity knowledge, knowledge training, range knowledge, knowledge areaarea, security, everyday, data, private2
kerteszmate.huI got to know Mate as an excellent trainer. He is prepared, attentive, helpful, brings many examples of his own, and teaches in a practical way. I have gained tangible knowledge from his course and would highly recommend him.hand knowledge, tangible knowledge, knowledge courseconsultation, management, training, pmo, reference2
mikeklaudia.huThen the self-knowledge and the coaching came into the picture. During the life and career coaching course I have learnt several useful techniques and methods, which also helped me in my career path.self knowledge, knowledge process, knowledge coachingcareer, process, job, change, today2
cogwheel.huThe consultant […] actually learnt our technology in depth and he made his propositions based on that knowledge. He also tried to involve as many employees into this development process as possible, and he continuously monitored and controlled the its proceeding.proposition knowledge, knowledge employeetraining, development, employee, manager, participant2
drbennandras.hu…this includes legal counseling, litigation, creating documents as well as representation before various offices. Due to my higher English knowledge I have international partners among my clients, as well. My work experience derives from my personal vocation of my profession. You can read…english knowledge, knowledge international, german knowledge, knowledge professionallaw, representation, office, legal, contract2
bochemie.huThanks to our many years of experience and knowledge, our focus on developing our own formulations and the enthusiasm and expertise of our employees, we have succeeded in building Bochemit as a strong brand across Europe.experience knowledge, knowledge focusenergy, fabric, wood, steel, news2
trinityenviro.huO ur company is one of the young and dynamic uprising consulting firms in Hungary. In Trinity a couple of young and talented highly educated experts has been teem up to gather expertise, knowledge and experiences to enhance our future. In spite of our relatively young age our experts have been…expertise knowledge, knowledge experience, interdisciplinary knowledge, knowledge appropriateclient, expertise, area, reference, management2
budapestcircusfestival.hu2022, she was awarded the Bronze Crown at the Circus Princess circus festival, and in 2023 she won the circus arts category at the Young talents of Russia. In her graceful lyrical aerial rope act, she presents her sophisticated movement culture to the audience in addition to her technical knowledge.technical knowledge, knowledge innovativecircus, festival, international, act, artist2
mhid.huThe objective of M-Híd Műszaki Szolgáltató Zrt. is to further enrich the knowledge and experience inherited from former generations of bridge constructors, and to provide high quality technical support for the implementation of projects.zrt knowledge, knowledge experience, outstanding knowledge, knowledge skillactivity, pride, membership, certificate, co.2
realidaconsult.huProviding legal support for concluding contracts (language, knowledge of Anglo-Saxon and German jurisprudence)knowledge experience, language knowledge, knowledge angloconsult, management, issue, situation, process2
ookpress.huExpertise and caring attention. This is what we add even to the smallest order. In addition to the state-of-the-art technology, we also provide practical knowledge and human support. Because a satisfied customer counts as double.practical knowledge, knowledge humanprinting, book, price, family, production2
agroit.huSupport the key objectives of the Cluster members of the international market entry process, professional representation in international events, building relationships in the international trade representatives, preparation of the cooperation, assistance and knowledge of the international market.organization knowledge, knowledge base, assistance knowledge, knowledge internationalsolution, complex, cluster, member, event2
ipvision.hustages. Having been a developer, architect my instinct and wisdom lead me to become a pioneer of these sciences. Years of hard work passed and I can firmly state, that today we are amongst the top developers in this area on stable financing and the largest cumulated knowledge in the European region.scientific knowledge, knowledge practical, large knowledge, knowledge europeantechnology, machine, solution, intelligence, carrier2
bonaadventure.huBona Adventure is working for the development of Hungarian agriculture and the most efficient, knowledge-intensive, and sustainable production of farmers since 2018. We provide several services that bring real results to our partners in a short period of time.efficient knowledge, knowledge intensive, scientific knowledge, knowledge challengeadventure, main, result, field, scientific2
drtatar.hu, we can provide the service with the highest quality, because the document in foreign language can not have mistakes caused by the lack of legal knowledge of the translator or by lack of knowledge of the facts by the translator. Secondly, this way the confidential information would not get out of…legal knowledge, knowledge translator, lack knowledge, knowledge fact, theoretical knowledgelaw, court, language, legal, establishment2
inflexion.hu…Péter, Dávid and Endre brought an opportunity to dive deeply into the sales techniques and successful business expansions for our startups. This practical workshop based on the trends from the market was very valuable for all participants. Thank you very much for the transferred knowledge!sale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead2
orosznyelvtanar.hu…grammar which has an extensive palette of rules. In addition, it is very good that she gives homework about every topic, thus the theoretical knowledge can be put into practice. Also it has to be emphasized that as early as it is already possible, she tries to make practicing the taught…basic knowledge, knowledge hungarian, theoretical knowledge, knowledge practice, possible knowledgelesson, class, russian, student, language2
hungarikumhotel.huThe tour guides enriched me with wonderful experiences. Their knowledge, kindness, and competence will remain an eternal memory.experience knowledge, knowledge kindness, national knowledge, knowledge associationroom, place, staff, kindness, wonderful2
nhgandpartners.huInterest in and commitment to the private law, expectable professional knowledge, communication skills in English.professional knowledge, knowledge communication, salary knowledge, knowledge marketlaw, office, expertise, lawyer, legal2
isb.huOur academic program is a unique combination of the skills-based method of Cambridge International curriculum and the lexical knowledge-based method of the Hungarian curriculum. The students of our International Academic Program follow the world recognized Cambridge International Curriculum. The…lexical knowledge, knowledge method, new knowledge, knowledge customschool, student, academic, international, programme2
csprogression.hu…work and organizational culture of the organizations. The aim is to develop the digital competence and the relationship between art and digital knowledge of the final group of beneficiaries, i.e. underprivileged, mainly Roma adults, and to map out the possibilities of the arts in international…digital knowledge, knowledge finalsummary, meet, programme, photo, training2
odpartner.huby developing, supporting, guiding their leaders. We consider the leaders as those, who with their own functioning, practices, desires and needs are enabling their organization to improve. Hence, our goal is to strengthen and support them that is inevitably a road to self-knowledge for them as well.knowledge inspirationdevelopment, organizational, talent, leadership, management2
danubian.huMany years of experience Domestic and international reference Extensive partnership Own industrial zone Close to Budapest The company, which combines the expertise, experience, market knowledge, partnership and favorable conditions in the high quality of servicesmarket knowledge, knowledge partnershipaircraft, activity, tradition, operation, market2
relaccount.huAs a result of our continuous development, we apply modern technologies on the highest level. We make our knowledge easily accessible to our customers in the form of many useful IT services.level knowledge, knowledge easilyglobal, truck, gallery, solution, customer2
trutax.huWith our extensive knowledge and personalised approach, we support individual business owners and investors in different tax matters.extensive knowledge, knowledge personalised, experience knowledge, knowledge differentadvisory, tax, documentation, pricing, transfer2
wpo.huSystem development; Securely locked interactive knowledge materials with complex subscription system options (packages, items, expiration, upselling and more).interactive knowledge, knowledge material, józsef knowledge, knowledge centerdigital, development, website, creative, technology2
ksh-rugo.huKSH Rugógyár Betéti Társaság has been manufacturing products in series production for a number of TIER1 and TIER2 automotive suppliers and directly for OEMs since the beginning. The knowledge we have gathered over time is made available to our customers at an early stage of the project. And the…beginning knowledge, knowledge timecustomer, manufacture, quality, technology, supplier2
tktrans.huExtensive knowledge and expertise in all facets of vehicle, commercial and residential areas.extensive knowledge, knowledge expertisesit, dolor, elit, consectetur, lorem2
tudasalapitvany.hu…or agriculture and that of the college or university students taking part in education related to these fields and also the farmers concerned; the foundation wishes to achieve this through imparting up-to-date knowledge about economy, agriculture, environmental protection, rural development etc.foundation knowledge, knowledge objective, date knowledge, knowledge economybook, main, publication, detail, play2
smallthings.huSmallthings solution: The client had acquired a CRM system that, through Smallthings’ knowledge of both tech and the intricacies of the CEE market, we knew would not be an effective solution for the company’s growing needs. So our team created a brand new CRM from scratch that incorporated all of…depth knowledge, knowledge vision, smallthings knowledge, knowledge techsit, consectetur, velit, amet, duis2
doubledecker.huTímea completed her MA in Media Studies and Linguistics & Literature at ELTE University. She has 15+ years of experience in PR, gaining knowledge both on agency and corporate side (Magyar Telekom, Coca-Cola) in a wide range of sectors from telecommunications to FMCG, fashion and finance. At Double…depth knowledge, knowledge business, pr knowledge, knowledge agencydouble, brand, agency, media, expertise2
sttp.hu…and maintain business value. The best way to achieve it is sophistication. And since Leonardo, we know that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Creating a sophisticated system requires expert knowledge, forward-looking, strategic thinking and a complete and deep understanding of business.expert knowledge, knowledge forward, knowledge commitmentpoint, client, straight, management, solution2
nyitottkor.huWe follow the story of a fourth grade class, who are witnesses to school bullying. In the first stage it’s hard to decide whether it’s teasing, joking around, a silly slip or just and innocent word game. Later on we learn that it’s foul play. The adults and teachers have no knowledge of the…chance knowledge, knowledge emergency, teacher knowledge, knowledge bullyingdrama, group, participant, european, education2
inteco-trade.hu…and suppliers, which enable reliable and stable supply of LPG to each client. Our co-operation with wide array of refineries, LPG equipment manufacturers and logistics companies brings us practical experience and deep knowledge, which we use to deliver a professional and timely service to you.pleased knowledge, knowledge experience, deep knowledge, knowledge professionaltrade, fuel, energy, industrial, railway2
mahayanaegyhaz.huAt the same time, we proclaim a process of self-knowledge in which man, stepping out of himself and overcoming the self, ascends to inner peace in the world of Buddhist doctrines. In which world the person is no slave to time, necessity, illness, death, or the illusion of consciousness, where…self knowledge, knowledge man, wisdom knowledge, knowledge buddhabuddhist, activity, human, teaching, great2
iranytuafenntarthatosaghoz.huWith our knowledge and commitment, we want to help business organizations and settlements in setting and achieving environmental-social-management goals that support sustainability , and in transforming their operations into a climate-neutral and circular one .database knowledge, knowledge transfersustainability, sustainable, climate, circular, social2
secon.huTherefore, we pay special attention to following the international trends, with special care to Google’s improvements and communication. Besides performing our daily duties, we tirelessly search for, test and deliver new work methods, procedures and knowledge bases.procedure knowledge, knowledge basis, new knowledge, knowledge materialsearch, consulting, effectiveness, strategy, training2
hoszivattyu-pest.hu…with different challenges, so we provide personalized advice and suggestions to support our clients. With our consultation services, you can be confident that every decision you make is well-founded and based on the latest industry knowledge, ensuring you always choose the most optimal solution.industry knowledge, knowledge optimalair, heat, heating, pump, solution2
csakgergely.huAt EFEB, I received my 2-year basic training as a physiotherapist, which includes not only massage techniques, but also anatomy, nursing knowledge, balneology and pathology. I am constantly attending further training courses such as FDM (Fascia Distortion Manipulation) or Yumeiho massage.approach knowledge, knowledge tool, nursing knowledge, knowledge balneologyyoga, massage, stress, people, healthy2
kulcsarjuli.huMy feedback is very positive about Juli. I think her greatest strength is that she does actually listen to you, pays attention to the smallest detail and considers these in discussions. She guides you and she is also flexible about changing her initial suggestions or ideas if necessary. She has an…excellent knowledge, knowledge currentjob, career, people, interview, recruitment2
geoplan.huOur mission is to provide environmentally-friendly service of geotechnical tasks from simple facilities to large projects, following and applying modern technologies, and trends, with appropriate professional sophistication. Constantly increasing our market recognition with reliable professional…professional knowledge, knowledge competence, date knowledge, knowledge regulargeotechnical, investigation, foundation, assessment, soil2
nconnect.huMonolitic or Microservices? Self hosted vs. Cloud based? Virtualized or Phisycal? With 15+ years of Enterprise IT managment & Architecture build experience combined with the offensive IT security knowledge we can desing build or help making the best architecture for you from step one.security knowledge, knowledge desingsecurity, solution, intelligence, hardware, hacking2
csaladfakutatas.huWith the use of any of the further featured family research services the memory will be possible to become to a definite knowledge and by this in addition you may complete your family tree you have known until now with a number of generations.definite knowledge, knowledge addition, grateful knowledge, knowledge completelyresearch, family, history, register, field2
zalkak.huAnd passing on knowledge to the next generation is one of the greatest pleasures. In addition to the lectures delivered in the above two periods, the following six textbooks – in Hungarian – may help studying structural mechanics.structural, structure, building, analysis, engineering2
masterfield.huI am delighted that I had the chance to meet Myroslav! Great person, big knowledge, very inspiring person.big knowledge, knowledge inspirecourse, training, learn, catalogue, centre2
cei.huTo help others to get more practical knowledge - we share years of experience with pleasure.knowledge transfer, practical knowledge, knowledge yearcontrol, industry, engineering, equipment, machine2
kritikaifoldrajz.huSpeaking from the Semi-Periphery: Decolonizing Geographical Knowledge Production in Socialist Hungary, 1960s to 1980sgeographical knowledge, knowledge productiongeography, global, critical, eastern, europe2
buddypest.huWith the sum of this knowledge and experience, I am sure that I can create a great itinerary for any visitor.sum knowledge, knowledge experiencelocal, personalized, travel, unique, gallery2
nemzedekekenat.huBeing the relationship is the bedrock of everything. The relationship with God, ourselves, our fellow human beings and the world. We believe and know that peace can just as easily expand as conflicts – and this is why we put our knowledge, experience and intention into all of our work – for a…conflict knowledge, knowledge experience, good knowledge, knowledge servicefoundation, activity, mission, woman, goal2
hr-trener.hu- good knowledge of people types and their behavior, good in speaking to people "how with whom"good knowledge, knowledge peopletrainer, training, consultant, expert, human2
blendedstudios.huVisit our knowledge base for informations about Graphic design, Webdesign, Web development and more...useful knowledge, knowledge everybodygraphic, studio, corporate, package, photo2
tendernetwork.huTENDER-NETWORK Ltd. ’s well-prepared team consists of professionals who possess extensive knowledge about and comprehensive experience in connection with the EU. With our expertise in project development and project management, we can both design and actively contribute to the successful…extensive knowledge, knowledge comprehensive, company knowledge, knowledge basenetwork, tender, management, development, reference2
bslaw-en.huDedication, expertise, up-to-date knowledge, practical and cost-effective solutions: these are the cornerstones of the operation of BSLAW Budapest – Szuchy Law Office. Based on the remarkable breadth and depth of our experience, our team of partners and lawyers, including the associated lawyer…date knowledge, knowledge practicallaw, office, expertise, solution, legal2
dreamwedding.huDepending on the style of the wedding, the Groomsman or the Master of Ceremonies are the ones who I recommend to accomplish, with full knowledge of the program, the role of being the host of the event, managing and co-ordinating the guests. While the wedding organizer would stay in the background…one knowledge, knowledge program, enthusiasm knowledge, knowledge informationwedding, day, help, dream, guest2
rigocon.hu…deliver precise implementation outputs that didn’t require any unnecessary follow-ups afterwards. We received an absolute senior-level consulting service alongside real-world knowledge to properly challenge our current practices and to come up with independent and relevant recommendations.world knowledge, knowledge properlyrisk, management, control, solution, financial2
aplusrenovation.huExplore the full list of our services. We combine quality workmanship, superior knowledge and low prices to provide you with renovation service unmatched by our competitors.superior knowledge, knowledge low, knowledge fairrenovation, property, remodel, quote, free2
zssz.huExperienced in developing, and creating visually compelling brand experience across multiple platforms. Able to deliver high-quality print, interactive and retail solutions. Knowledge in web ergonomics and SEO.solution knowledge, knowledge web, visualize knowledge, knowledge prototypingskill, portfolio, able, packaging, animation2
htconsulting.huWe have been offering practically applicable knowledge for thirty years with unchanging enthusiasm. We are committed to creating value for our partners, both at individual and organizational level. It is important for us that our clients feel the energy that we not only bring into our cooperation…latest knowledge, knowledge base, applicable knowledge, knowledge thirtyconsulting, innovation, training, development, management2
mke.hu…the university's curriculum. The BA in Visual Art and the MA in Fine Art, which build on drawing skills, emphasise not only classical technical knowledge but also installation design, experimentation with performative expressions of fine art, landscape art, public art and body art. Alongside our…level knowledge, knowledge freedom, technical knowledge, knowledge installationart, university, department, head, education2
dooroffice.huIn our office you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in your own projects as well as to be part of a supportive community. In case you need quick support, the widespread knowledge of our coworking community is at your disposal.widespread knowledge, knowledge coworkingoffice, community, day, room, meet2
45plusz.huIn the first stage of the Group Day the consultant assembles the group ensuring that the participants are nearly the same age, having similar life situations and have knowledge and experiences which complement each other perfectly. The aim of the Group Day is to collect the participants’ business…experience knowledge, knowledge excellent, situation knowledge, knowledge experienceentrepreneurship, day, group, idea, age2
globalbusinessgroup.huGlobal Business Group Kft is a privately owned Hungarian company based in Budapest. Our head office is located in Budapest which was founded in 2022 by a group of bright professionals with extensive knowledge of product marketing, buy and sell, procurement, and project execution in the Oil, Gas…extensive knowledge, knowledge productgroup, global, view, petrochemical, oil2
magyaradozas.huOur company is at the forefront of Hungarian tax advisory services. With personalized international strategies and profound knowledge of international markets, we assist our clients in maximizing the potential of their work and business.profound knowledge, knowledge international, latest knowledgetax, international, taxation, appointment, strategy2
login.huOur interdisciplinary expertise covers security technology, production, IT, HR, legislation, knowledge of labor law both locally and internationally.legislation knowledge, knowledge laborsoftware, access, solution, login, competency2
ipacsszabo.hu…of organic or biodynamic cultivation, the most important part is that the grape should get what’s good for it. I’d like to create the most natural unity between grape and men . I aim for the most simple method of wine making, where besides knowledge and mindfulness you’ll need instinct as well.making knowledge, knowledge mindfulness, need knowledge, knowledge presentwine, vineyard, place, estate, earth2
yurusuaikido.hu…by an alternation of hardness and softness, it fits well with aikido, but there is a karate style, “Strength Karate”, with which fewer common point can be found. In aikido, technical knowledge is very important, less strength, the structure of trainings also follows and strengthens this principle.desire knowledge, knowledge lot, technical knowledge, knowledge importanttraining, art, martial, official, organization2
smartprojectconsulting.huSmart Project Consulting Informatics Ltd is a spin-off company dealing with custom software development, data mining and data visualization. The company's knowledge of economics, in addition to IT, enables us to provide our partners with effective support in investment appraisal, project portfolio…company knowledge, knowledge economicconsulting, ltd, competence, methodology, career1
bariatria.huThe surgery turned out to be the best decision of my life! Dr. Baranyai is the coolest doctor I have ever met! He does not only have a good approach and great knowledge, but his humanity also contributes to the success!great knowledge, knowledge humanitysurgery, weight, gastric, loss, calculator1
kizara.huserve. Today, we bring our experience in global markets to our customers, supported by extensive contacts with mills in Europe and solid product knowledge. Our supply chain models include mill-to-customer, mill-to-warehouse-to customer. We offer customized financing and logistics services to both…product knowledge, knowledge supplycomplex, supply, iron, mission, quality1
pmq.huWe’re extremely pleased with the results of our digital marketing campaign thanks to Papanek’s expert knowledge in SEO, social media, and PPC advertising.expert knowledge, knowledge seocommerce, revolution, sample, page, stunning1
danonejatek.huWe created a searchable consensus database of hallmark genes by summarizing recent knowledge from various mapping resources. The database enables the exploration of extensive gene lists, yielding swift and readily understandable results. The CancerHallmarks analysis platform allows for sifting…recent knowledge, knowledge maphallmark, gene, enrichment, cancer, plot1
datarocklabs.huIn this project, we built an AI-powered email response system, leveraging a vast internal knowledge base. This system empowers service teams to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.internal knowledge, knowledge baselab, data, technology, solution, raw1
fklaw.huto the representation before the competent court of appeals. In this regard, our goal is to provide information to the client to the best of our knowledge both on the outcome of the lawsuit and on the chances of actual recovery. All of our lawyers are qualified and approved to act at all courts of…good knowledge, knowledge outcomelaw, data, firm, legal, client1
hamiltonconsulting.huEducation, consulting and research in quantum technologies. Transferring knowledge between science and society.technology knowledge, knowledge scienceconsulting, technology, industry, science, workforce1
hrexecutives.huWe have many years of human resources experience in corporate and service area with a fresh approach. Our most important business philosophy is to establish a personal relationship with our partners, clients and candidates in order to fully understand their needs and motivations. We expand our…motivation knowledge, knowledge permanentcareer, homepage, consultancy, strategy, solution1
lambdaprojekt.huWe would like to share this knowledge with our Clients and contribute to their success with our unique services.management, asset, technical, engineering, coordination1
telos.huBut at the same time, networks of tunnel systems worldwide are becoming mainstream knowledge:update, situation, force, light, surface1
kinnaree-thaimassage.huKinnaree Thai Massage is a professional massage salon, we pride ourselves on offering an authentic Thai massage experience that reflects the rich traditions and techniques passed down through generations. Our massage therapists are licensed and well trained in Thailand. Many years of experience…experience knowledge, knowledge differentmassage, treatment, price, technique, therapist1
romakepmuhely.hu…This website records, archives all these acts and events. But hopefully it is not just an archive but far more than that: it is a way of reflexive knowledge production, a source of inspiration for those who are involved with the representation of social issues, cultural interpretation of films.reflexive knowledge, knowledge productionvisual, season, lab, image, book1
greensolar.huUsing our technical knowledge of photovoltaics and in-house capabilities gained during the years we are currently focusing only on the photovoltaic power plant developments and PV module distribution.technical knowledge, knowledge photovoltaicenergy, production, capacity, location, land1
bestdiamond.hu…any questions you may have and get a valuable insight in the exciting world of diamonds. We will also go through the 4 main characteristics of a diamond („4C’s”). My aim is to make sure you leave the consultation with gained knowledge and added value which will help you to take the best decision.consultation knowledge, knowledge valueengagement, guide, broker, collection, mission1
fnwork.hu• to develop requirements profile, assessment of knowledge, skills, experience required for filling the relevant postassessment knowledge, knowledge skillfirm, customer, job, offer, value1
bhouse.huBuying external expert knowledge is increasingly more significant in modern business life. The improvement of this field can be easily explained. In the current, intensive market competition all companies need the specialists of a given field. Irrespective of their size, all companies shall…expert knowledge, knowledge increasingly, knowledge continuouslysolution, industrial, structure, machine, milling1
kklaw.huAt the Law Office of Dr. Kond KOVÁCS we are able to offer dynamic, multi-jurisdictional and cost-effective legal services. Our Hungarian and European trained lawyers and solicitors have the experience and knowledge to meet a wide range of legal needs for our clients.experience knowledge, knowledge widelaw, office, legal, effective, international1
eastwestunion.huMany international partners have a lot of experience and knowledge on their own “territory” but when it come to business opportunities outside EU or vise verse some of them run into obstacles.experience knowledge, knowledge territorywest, union, east, useful, portfolio1
palyazatokprojektek.huWhat, whereof and how? These are the fundamental aspects of development. A successful project requires careful goal setting, right choice of the financing scheme and the thorough knowledge of the implementation environment. The employee of the AAI Tender Ltd. are working quick, efficient and with…thorough knowledge, knowledge implementationtender, development, consulting, write, consultancy1
elektronforras.huWe made our homepage for you to introduce our products and services and that care, expertise, special knowledge and... I read more! »server, room, energy, power, installation1
drgogl.huAs a senior doctor, I use my experience and knowledge to support the team I have assembled.experience knowledge, knowledge teampain, treatment, center, diagnostic, appointment1
rustler.huIncreasing the value of buildings is the highest priority for our property managers. We are maximizing your ROI while increasing tenant quality and satisfaction. Through our deep knowledge in Facility Management we are able to reduce maintenance cost substantially. The value of your building will…deep knowledge, knowledge facilitymanagement, facility, property, statement, mission1
valkuz.hu"Working with Valkuz on Odoo ERP management has transformed our business operations. Their comprehensive knowledge of Odoo, coupled with their expertise in customization and support, has optimized our processes and increased productivity. We couldn't be happier with the results."comprehensive knowledge, knowledge odoowebsite, management, security, server, solution1
rablautosiskola.huOur driving theory and health courses are organized in a high-standard environment with experienced instructors, where all students can acquire the basic knowledge that is required before starting the driving practice. Dates and further information:basic knowledge, knowledge driveinstructor, course, category, price, gallery1
meliora.huThis knowledge allows us to work quickly and in high quality, helping Clients meet their submission deadlines.translation, pharmaceutical, quality, agency, client1
csullogestarsakft.huOur company also benefits from the owner’s several decades of wide-ranging professional experience, and it is our aim to use this knowledge to help us achieve perfect results for our customers every time. To add to this, personal relationships between our workers are excellent. This company is a…aim knowledge, knowledge perfectclient, customer, painting, development, introduction1
lacahelpme.huWe have been working together with Laca on social marketing campaigns and editing landing webpage for 3 years (at Dahua Technology). He is very prepared and always helps the daily proceedings with good ideas. He has an up-to-date knowledge of social media algorithms, thereby offering appropriate…date knowledge, knowledge socialdigital, help, website, strategy, creation1
momenthotel.huNow you can playfully explore how much Szolnok has in store for you! The sights on the bank of river Tisza await as an exciting game for you to try your knowledge and have fun.game knowledge, knowledge funmoment, apartment, river, build, sight1
gitartanar-budapest.huDavid is an excellent teacher. I found him to be professional, dedicated, and highly proficient as a musician and teacher. His knowledge of music and of his instrument is profound. He is serious and communicates very well. I would highly recommend him to beginners , intermediate or advanced guitar…teacher knowledge, knowledge musiclesson, guitar, music, student, musician1
hernyak.huWe do not stop at just using renewable energy or composting. With the recent addition of our botanical garden, we now grow most of our own spices, herbs, kitchen garden vegetables and tea plants. The aim is to develop a sustainable operation using 21 st century technologies and knowledge. Our…technology knowledge, knowledge planwine, estate, family, grape, organic1
medaid.huOur Specialists are Dermatologists, Radiologist (Ultrasound examination), Urologist, Gynecologist and Surgeon. Our clinic offers a range of services to patients with concerns regarding their skin lesions and conditions, urological, gynecological and other problems. We use our experience and…experience knowledge, knowledge clienttreatment, lesions, removal, hair, vascular1
trappdominika.huHer practice has been characterized by a two-way interest: on the one hand, a sensitive painterly approach that allows for intuition and introspection; on the other, an outward-directed sensitivity that facilitates dialogues between communities in the service of collective self-knowledge while…self knowledge, knowledge emotionalart, exhibition, painting, artist, peasant1
duelco.huDuelco has comprehensive knowledge in the areas of security devices, components, standards and regulations, thus with our full range security program you don’t need anyone else!comprehensive knowledge, knowledge areasafety, emergency, controller, speed, module1
onalloelet.huOur Association is of the view that raising awareness and spreading knowledge is crucial, as we would like to cooperate with people. We do not want to enforce our independence against anyone.awareness knowledge, knowledge crucialpeople, activity, independent, live, accessibility1
geopolitika.hu…as a discipline in Hungary. Since the beginning, our researchers have published nearly 600 articles and studies. We would like to believe that these articles have, to some extent, contributed to the development of the Hungarian scientific life or promoted the creation of common sense knowledge.fresh, china, road, city, century1
solarkraft.huWith their comprehensive knowledge of solar power systems, our colleagues design the most modern and efficient solutions for your project. We always ask the most competent subcontractors suitable for the project to perform the installation work.comprehensive knowledge, knowledge solarpower, energy, solution, free, government1
entersoft.huOur experts acquired in-depth knowledge in designing and implementing of custom software products also in integration of various user systems during more than 20 years of the operation of the companydepth knowledge, knowledge designtechnology, recent, career, tool, developer1
rescube.humotivating young people to learn skills and knowledge necessary in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as well as to foster their soft skills through participating in the creative process of building and programming autonomous robots.skill knowledge, knowledge necessaryrobotic, young, open, community, engineer1
mikropakk.huAs a full-service provider, Mikropakk stays at their partners’ disposal throughout and beyond the implementation of new product or process design solutions with our deep knowledge of their products.deep knowledge, knowledge productsolution, packaging, injection, value, closure1
hardsonic.huIn the first round, the component drawings (3D model, in .step or .iges format), knowledge of the material of the component, and knowledge of the welding machine’s technical data are required. Detailed description of the problem, complete with photos. Then there is a site visit where the…format knowledge, knowledge material, component knowledge, knowledge weldingultrasonic, welding, machine, clean, technology1
lkqacademy.huAfter completing the course, you receive a certificate confirming the acquisition of new knowledge.academy, training, course, technical, german1
kinai-medicina.huAcupuncture is more than 2000 years old. Throughout the centuries this remarkable science kept growing and developing in China. Many special needling techniques were developed and vast libraries of knowledge were accumulated based on the clinical experiences of Chinese medicine practitioners. Our…library knowledge, knowledge clinicalacupuncture, pain, herb, chinese, problem1
spartafy.hu…As a result, Spartafy is not only based on our IT skills but also on many years of experience in competency development in the corporate world. With our knowledge we can create a powerful pre-screening process where HR professionals, top managers and candidates are all pleased with the results.world knowledge, knowledge powerfulcompetency, candidate, map, assessment, software1
mth.huOur highly trained professionals have several years experience, regional and local knowledge and always up-to-date market information to provide our partners with constant high standard services.local knowledge, knowledge dategroup, local, management, firm, construction1
galambriaszto.huOur company ensures planning and installation of pigeon deterrent systems on buildings or parts of buildings with decades of experience and professional knowledge.pigeon, installation, surface, electric, long1
pmikft.huOur specialists are entitled to design chemical & sanitary engineering, environmental protection design, expertise and technical inspection too. During designing we get practice in authorization to known and supply necessary state administration and law knowledge.industry, engineering, activity, scope, data1
sme-europe.huWith our comprehensive logistics services, we provide flexibility and high standards to meet your needs. From small packages to oversized consignments , we are happy to help deliver the goods to the desired destination to the best of our knowledge.transport, detail, road, domestic, proposal1
genaqua.huOur company is present within the family as the third generation, whose professional, quality and business knowledge lives on in this company. Our goal is to provide a wide range of quality work at a fair price. Our company mainly deals with industrial building engineering constructions, but we…business knowledge, knowledge companybuild, general, construction, industrial, engineering1
eurogate-rail.huIn addition to rail logistics cooperation, the agreement also includes technology knowledge transfer. As an investor in cutting-edge terminal technology, EWG will offer EUROGATE insights into its experience with 5G networks, remote crane operation, virtual simulation and other modern logistics…technology knowledge, knowledge transferrail, railway, price, road1
maniv-bp.huWe have now 5 apartments with Maniv, Avivs knowledge and experience in the Hungarian real estate market made it very easy for us to let him and his team do all the work for us. All Apartments are fully managed for us by Manivavivs knowledge, knowledge experienceproperty, real, estate, apartment, management1
diapraxis.huAs members of a diverse society, we value cooperation. We believe in peaceful coexistence and collaboration, with knowledge exchange and enjoyable experiences being key components.collaboration knowledge, knowledge exchangeislam, place, date, european, organization1
redbridge.huThe members of our team are qualified management consultants who create independently following shared values and proudly undertake their products under their own signature. Their work is characterized by many years of experience and up-to-date knowledge.management, founder, page, consultancy, excellence1
maround.huM-Around Educational Consulting Ltd. is a private company situated in South-Hungary. The company started its operation at the end of 2016; however, the members of the company have strong knowledge, background and many years’ experience in the field of education and training.strong knowledge, knowledge backgroundeducational, training, background, school, development1
metalspray.huThe wide range of our references hand in hand with relevant practical and theoretical knowledge enable us to provide targeted, high-quality, anti-corrosive solutions for railway bridges, oil rigs (petrochemical equipment), chemical industry applications, fertilizer plants, commercial truck and…theoretical knowledge, knowledge targetmetal, technology, solution, thermal, quality1
demant.huthank you for your interest in our service. DEMANT Ltd. and co-companies have more than 10 years’ experience and knowledge about assembling electronic devices, industrial, clinical and laboratory water cleaner equipment in unique, small quantities and flow production. Among these there are…experience knowledge, knowledge electronicmanufacture, development, transport, industrial, clean1
yata.huI do not really remember, when was the last the time, I did not have valuable knowledge of an international topic and started a bookvaluable knowledge, knowledge internationalyouth, association, treaty, summit, publication1
kaposgarden.huThe company was founded in 2008 by Akos Grosics, MsC in Horticultural Engineering at Szent Istvan University, Budapest. Combining the advanced scientific knowledge with a practical approach has been in focus since then.scientific knowledge, knowledge practicalgarden, landscaping, maintenance, quality, soil1
francianyelvgyerekeknek.huyou are already learning French, but would like to hear the melody of the language from a mothertongue teacher, and complete your knowledge of French language in another environment.teacher knowledge, knowledge frenchfrench, child, camp, story, drama1
digitalconto.huWe provide business consulting and mentoring services based on up-to-date tax knowledge, communicated in an easy-to-understand manner. For further details, click on the 'Book an appointment' button!tax knowledge, knowledge easyaccounting, entrepreneur, sole, taxation, rate1
crysys.huThe CrySyS Student Core is an invite-only group of talented students who expressed strong interest in the field of IT security. Core members meet once a week to expand their knowledge by discussing specific topics in system and network security, to prepare for CTF competitions, to socialize, and…week knowledge, knowledge specificlab, security, professor, assistant, research1
grantis.huThen you are at the perfect place! Our team of genuinely independent financial advisors based in Budapest, Hungary is ready & able to help you with any problem you might encounter. During your free consultation, you will gain in-depth knowledge on the issue you might face - if you wish so. Or you…depth knowledge, knowledge issueinsurance, financial, consulting, investment, loan1
budaventura.huHome-based in Budapest, Hungary, we provide local knowledge, creativity and enthusiasm to organize your special customized programs and venues.local knowledge, knowledge creativitytrip, tour, travel, wine, central1
mirkzsofia.huMy name is Zsofia (Sophia) Mirk, I am a psychologist (MA) working with different ages of people and with different kind of problems. One thing is always the same, my open and emphatic attitude towards my Clients. With my professional knowledge I can facilitate you to find your solution in those…professional knowledge, knowledge solutioncounseling, curious, solution, psychologist, problem1
expanzio.huTeacher-centred educational institutions are transformed into student-centered ones. Using global experiences, the process of transformation builds on constant feedback in the seamless daily work of the institutions. We combine the rigorous and knowledge-intensive Central-European way with…rigorous knowledge, knowledge intensiveconsulting, human, learn, educational, development1
mcrn.huis a countrywide network of key opinion leaders including paediatricians as well as professionals and experts interested in paediatric trials. MCRN Hungary has extensive knowledge and experience of paediatric research, and supports non-commercial as well as industry-sponsored studies across the…extensive knowledge, knowledge experienceresearch, network, child, medicine, trial1
probako.huThe company boasts solid international connections: Managing Partner András R. Nagy is board member of EMEA for the Worldcom PR Group, of which Próbakő Communications has been a member for 15 years. Worldcom is an international network comprised of local communications agencies worldwide, bundling…worldwide knowledge, knowledge expertisecommunication, media, award, campaign, social1
lavet.huOur experts lay great emphasis on the precise knowledge of the needs of farmers and pet owners. These experiences are used to develop our products in order to give the best solution for preventing the possible animal health problems. In the spirit of our slogan “You Love We Care” we constantly…precise knowledge, knowledge needinnovation, development, animal, page, main1
budapestrenovations.huAs an Architect, I appreciate Budapest Renovations Company commitment to building our projects as designed. Laszlo and all his staff make every effort to understand the complexity of each project long before they actually begin construction. Their technical knowledge, construction skills, and…technical knowledge, knowledge constructionrenovation, client, portfolio, kitchen, apartment1
unimode.huHungarian-owned UNIMODE Kft. is a traditional sewing company. Opposing today’s clichés, it combines old tools and high professional knowledge with novelties and innovation. A team of young, enthusiastic seamstresses took over the former business and, with their experience and expertise, have given…professional knowledge, knowledge noveltyuniform, british, school, international, basic1
vulcano-research-group.huBelonging to the crystalline basement of the Tisza Megaunit, Hungary, a-few-meter-thick marble bodies are known (e.g. Dorozsma marble, Baksa marble). Our knowledges of them, however, are rather restricted; some studies on general textural features and classification of index minerals have been…marble knowledge, knowledge studygroup, research, field, property, marble1
liveinbudapest.huWe thought we wanted to help whose arriving in Hungary to integrate. It turned out that the wishes and at the same time the amount and type of tasks to be performed can be said to be almost inexhaustible. We are available to everyone to the best of our knowledge in the services in which we can…good knowledge, knowledge servicepermit, administration, case, important, consulting1
ecofact.huThe managers of companies may not have a profound knowledge of fire safety rules and regulations. However, they are held responsible by the law for implementing the rules of fire prevention in the workplace, which is just fair given the fact that it takes a responsible leader with decision making…profound knowledge, knowledge firesafety, fire, payroll, regulation, accounting1
darvasjudit.huReal presence, a non-judgemental attitude, acceptance, trust, respect, belief in the client and empathy are my most valuable assets in the helping professions. My knowledge-based approach and structural thinking are the extras that I can use to support my clients in gaining awareness of their…profession knowledge, knowledge approachstudent, study, approach, therapy, freedom1
mbgroup.huUnique, customized leadership trainings adapted to the adults’ learning motivation; practical knowledge that can be utilized in everyday lifepractical knowledge, knowledge everydaycourse, additional, group, training, management1
agai.huOffice head László Ágai is among those few and exceptional international business lawyers who not only have high-level foreign language skills but also an actual international experience, a multi-national legal culture, a legal knowledge and a breadth of view that excels from other fellow…legal knowledge, knowledge breadthlaw, office, international, corporate, commercial1
ventosus.hu…efficiency and cost saving. To minimize energy consumption and to simplify the system management, BUS system communicating energy management valves have been employed. In addition, specialist expertise and knowledge was required for indoor use of sports firearms operating with live ammunition.expertise knowledge, knowledge indoorbuild, heating, energy, engineering, heat1
arcww.huCompetent knowledge of attitude and motivation of costumers with the use of international and local resourcescompetent knowledge, knowledge attitudegroup, leo, brand, agency, strategic1
rallycross.huWe had the pleasure to work with well-known clients including Formula1, WTCC, DTM, WRC, WRX, GRC and PPIHC champions, just as well oil companies like Total andnot to mention power-tool factories from Taiwan to Sweden. Therefore we have great knowledge and experience on working smoothly from behind…great knowledge, knowledge experienceevent, client, race, single, review1
avenuehostel.huWe will help you to plan your time in Budapest. We give you free maps, share our insider knowledge of the city and offer you the best cultural and party programs.insider knowledge, knowledge cityroom, hostel, avenue, common, area1
ajnasz.huBased on the knowledge I created a small program to check if a address is listed on a blacklist: DNSBL Checknumber, option, power, simple, file1
cafecsoport.huOne of Hungary’s first social media focused digital agencies. Since 2010, the launch of Facebook in Hungary our professionals have gathered immense social media agency experience to help you navigate in the ever-changing world of community communication. Thanks to our professional knowledge and…professional knowledge, knowledge diversegroup, communication, agency, integrate, media1
petrolszolg.hu…gas- and chemical technologies, improve equipment performance and support the operation. Our professional collegues owns a great and unique knowledge and experience . The highly qualified professionals helps the client's activities, increase the value and decrease their operating fees…unique knowledge, knowledge experiencemaintenance, contractor, supplier, engineering, career1
baumeister.hu7 but for the moment 35 persons work for our company. From 1997 Ferenc Gelencsér joined u sas an expert of underground building engineer. He has knowledge and extensive experience of over ground construction as well. Our income at the beginning was about 40 000 €/year, but upto now it has inclased…engineer knowledge, knowledge extensiveintroduction, beginning, build, heating, owner1
rewerob.huWith our free “ask and answer” service we are ready to give you expert help. Our colleagues will try to do their best to answer you within one working day. Their answers will be based on our many years of experiences and academic knowledge.resistance, welding, page, main, solution1
forditas.huTranslation in a time-consuming and complex task, and its performance requires complex knowledge. Of course, the interpretation and translation of simply formulated and short texts can be done by stable language skills, however, the interpretation of longer texts formulated in natural language…complex knowledge, knowledge coursetranslation, language, price, agency, translator1
autoritassoft.hu…is supported by the long-term relationship, which also contributes to our professional- and organizational development. Finding appropriate responses to the fast-changing circumstances is our common interest and helped by our colleagues’ up-to-date professional knowledge and continuous trainings.professional knowledge, knowledge continuoustax, industry, accounting, advisory, payroll1
projectbuilder.huConstruction and technical management are carried out with the direct assistance of an engineer with extensive knowledge of the construction industry andextensive knowledge, knowledge constructionconstruction, builder, site, general, page1
theagent.huIn the case of sports organizations, sports law advice requires a detailed and special type of knowledge. We are consistently monitoring changes in the law, so our agency always has up-to-date information and prepare or review legal documents based on it. A law firm trained in this can support the…type knowledge, knowledge consistentlyagent, athlete, organization, agency, legal1
answare.huWe have that specific knowledge of business-information technology, planning and implementing, with which we are creating stable, and reliable bridge between the business expectations of a given organization and its IT infrastructure support.specific knowledge, knowledge businesssocial, news, solution, quality, responsibility1
internkft.huOur most important activity. For industrial and commercial facilities, during construction, demolition or renovation - we work with extensive experience, mastery material knowledge and the application of the latest welding technology solutions, either on the building or on technological equipment.material knowledge, knowledge applicationintern, homepage, training, technology, material1
synergia.huWe work with about 30 translators; each of them has big translation practice and high professional knowledge on their special field.professional knowledge, knowledge specialhomepage, language, foreign, translation, director1
altavia.huBoost print media, generate more conversions (drive to web and drive to store) and get a better knowledge of the offline audience. We implement the right tools and share knowledge.well knowledge, knowledge offlineproduction, development, retail, brand, store1
drogriporter.huHow does the war on drugs affect women? Is it really so different from how it affects men? Our knowledge was very limited before we interviewed the participants of an international workshop in Budapest. Please watch our video report and read our article !man knowledge, knowledge limiteddrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
betonracspadlo.huMy consulting work in industry has deepened my knowledge of the LEAN approach, making me even more aware of our goals, as described above. This is the core knowledge we want to share with our agricultural partners through our STALLPROFI Process Management Service.industry knowledge, knowledge lean, core knowledge, knowledge agriculturalfloor, concrete, grid, quality, flooring1
egc2023.huand the Kiskunság National Park Directorate. The theme of the 18th EGC is 'Conservation and management of grasslands in transforming landscapes'. The conference aims to improve our knowledge on the flora, fauna, diversity, management, and restoration of Palaearctic grasslands in changing landscapes.conference knowledge, knowledge floraconference, grassland, national, september, directorate1
petnehazy-nora.hu…helping elder people to improve their quality of life through my senior program and social engagement. I am eager for development of new teaching methods in higher education. I love to see my students working on group project, course works and putting their knowledge and viewpoints together.work knowledge, knowledge viewpointvolunteer, research, goal, care, personal1
hustef.huMeet the the vibrant testing community in the wonderful city of Budapest and share your experience, thoughts, and knowledge about software quality and testing. Make new friends , build your network , and, last but not least, be a part of this fantastic community while enjoying the hospitality of…thought knowledge, knowledge softwaresoftware, forum, programme, proposal, member1
aru-fuvarozas.huOptimal route planning, excellent route knowledge, trusted professionals. The three main factors in the domestic freight is the most representative of our service.route knowledge, knowledge professionalfreight, rental, transport, international, truck1
okonett.hu…of industrial sites in Győr-Moson-Sopron County, which later developed into more complex environmental projects. Due to our experience and knowledge about the environmental aspects related to the automotive industry, we are proud to have both national and international car and machine…experience knowledge, knowledge environmentalreference, german, solution, today, decade1
pksolutions.huWe are the right term for your business. We have the expertise and knowledge to offer impartial advice and services at an honest price.expertise knowledge, knowledge impartialquote, solution, client, potential, trust1
2060.huInPage is easy content management system that allows you to create your own website easily without any programming knowledge. It was founded in 2007 as a comfortable solution for easy creation and management of web sites. Since then it has thousands satisfied customers. Most of them is using a…programming knowledge, knowledge comfortablesolution, price, customer, certificate, free1
drschadt.huWe are convinced that key of success is not only the professional calling and elaboration, but the client-focused service, such as permanent personal contact, handling issues of clients as „our own”, direct knowledge of requirements and expectations of clients and in cases.direct knowledge, knowledge requirementslegal, law, international, expertise, labour1
urbantours.huZip through the streets on an electric scooter and take in the best things to do in Budapest. Our guided city tours combine the thrill of riding an e-scooter with the knowledge of a local expert, ensuring an unmatched adventure for tourists and locals alike. Whether you’re interested in history…scooter knowledge, knowledge localtour, scooter, hour, city, electric1
bodecslili.huUnderstanding the „why” behind your nutrition plan is crucial. We provide you with the knowledge and resources to make informed choices about your diet, empowering you to take control of your health.crucial knowledge, knowledge resourceplan, nutrition, healthy, goal, meal1
bhutan.info.huWelcome to the official site of the Hungary-Bhutan Friendship Society that provides information about the Kingdom of Bhutan and our Society’s programs. Our association was launched in September 2011 and registered at the court in May 2012. The Society’s goal is to encourage and promote knowledge…goal knowledge, knowledge understandbhutan, talk, zoltan, society, dream1
transferdoctorheviz.huThe lack of knowledge of the terms and conditions described above does not release from responsibility.lack knowledge, knowledge termorder, transfer, number, price, person1
szaboorsi.huTell me anything and I will tell you how it is connected to self-knowledge and skills development. As a new parent I am speculating whether being a mom (especially a SAHM) is like a job or is it more like a long and deep individual soft skill training – if we look at it from […]self knowledge, knowledge skillarchive, training, skill, track, applicant1
bvi-romanugyved.huOur entire activity is determined by the following ethical and professional values: integrity, loyalty and confidentiality, supplemented by professional knowledge acquired in over 30 years of experience.professional knowledge, knowledge yearlaw, office, lawyer, romania, judicial1
sophia-institute.huAnthroposophic therapy works out of the understanding of the human being found in Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy. What distinguishes anthroposophic psychotherapy from conventional methods is the knowledge that the human being is a spiritual being, an "I" who is learning to control and guide its…method knowledge, knowledge humaninstitute, self, exercise, process, session1
dpc.huKeep up to date with new knowledge and technology to apply in own department to improve and enhance productivity in worknew knowledge, knowledge technologymanagement, consulting, training, software, solution1
iscw.huThe conference was aligned this year with the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (UN) . The annual conference is a multidisciplinary and hybrid platform for the international scientific debate on water in all aspects. The event contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and good…dissemination knowledge, knowledge goodconference, scientific, water, international, committee1
simsig.huAlthough produced by railway software engineers to ensure a high degree of realism, the simulations are usable by those without any in-depth or professional knowledge of signalling systems. Most simulations can be joined over the Internet to share the workload. Some simulations can be linked to…professional knowledge, knowledge signalsimulation, signal, rail, railway, site1
vatafaka.hu…tightly together. Is it a concert when they perform? No, if a concert is defined as some artists who have learnt something and present their knowledge to the enjoyment of other people. The performers did not learn anything to play together (there are no rehearsals or preparations), and they areartist knowledge, knowledge enjoymentevent, performance, action, people, jaw1
jakablovak.huConsidering the fact that the Dutch KWPN sport horses are equally suitable both for carriage drivingand show-jumping, it had become obvious that, based also upon my previous knowledge, I should deal with this breed of horses.previous knowledge, knowledge breedhorse, sale, race, page, slide1
choice1.huThe latest knowledge of accounting regulations and the proper utilization of this for tax purpose has become important in business in Hungary. It is critical both in international and Hungarian accounting that accounting procedures comply with existing laws and regulations.latest knowledge, knowledge accountingchoice, tax, accounting, consultation, legal1
renadesign.huLearn how to market your contractor business professionally. In depth knowledge of attracting clients with online marketing strategies and deep thinking ...depth knowledge, knowledge clientconstruction, detail, build, general, green1
fortuneinvest.huOur company support the Client’s decision by preparing market researches and business plans. The team of competent attorneys and accountants will fully take care of all tasks connected with establishing and running the company. Our knowledge of local culture and habits will maximally support…company knowledge, knowledge localfortune, investment, europe, real, european1
metna.huOur training covers knowledge from the basics of the machining profession to the control, programming and operation of CNC machines.training knowledge, knowledge basictraining, lathe, quality, machining, tool1
egroup.huEnergyTech is for the future on a living planet. With our knowledge in artificial intelligence, our excellence in deep tech data and experience in data security we work on innovative solutions for cost-efficient and sustainable energy consumption in partnership with the energy industry, including…planet knowledge, knowledge artificialdata, group, innovation, trust, software1
bebesilaw.huOur experts of the given field are professionals of the legal area with comprehensive knowledge and great experience and by their effective, prompt, precise work and by working out creative solutions serve the interests of our clients and contribute to the efficiency of our firm.comprehensive knowledge, knowledge greatlaw, firm, office, legal, corporate1
filmservice.hu…of Hungary, Andrew II of Hungary, Béla IV of Hungary, Charles I of Hungary, Louise I of Hungary. And on the left: The female statue of Peace, The couple of Knowledge and Glory, John Hunyadi, Matthias Corvinus, István Bocskay, Gabriel Bethlen, Imre Thököly, Francis II Rákóczy and Lajos Kossuth.couple knowledge, knowledge glorydevelopment, homepage, commercial, bridge, series1
morenocentrum.hu…method, thus becoming the leading power of the international dramatic movement. Drama today around the world would not be the same without her knowledge, experience and inspiration or without her charismatic personality. Tens of thousands of people from all continents saw her working with…world knowledge, knowledge experiencedrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
bridgesolutions.huI am reaching out to you to share my knowledge with you, to help you find ways to cope with this unprecedented and rapidly changing situation.bridge, change, solution, mediation, true1
ful-orr-gegesz-orvos.huIn January, 1978 I started working at the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic of the same university , where I acquired a basic knowledge in Otolaryngology under the supervision of Dr. Ottó Ribári. I took an active part in the practical teaching of medical students and scientific research.basic knowledge, knowledge otolaryngologysurgery, tumor, treatment, neck, medical1
hpmc.huThe combination of the strong financial background, the general business knowledge, executive experience and the strategic thinking ensures the performance and efficiency improvement of the companies using HPMC’s support.business knowledge, knowledge executiveconsulting, financial, general, profile, reference1
coretrade-shipping.huThanks to our knowledge and experience, combined with the long term partners and networking we managed to slowly build and consolidate through the years, we are able to provide first class chartering and operation services to our customers (owners, producers, traders and receivers of dry bulk…thank knowledge, knowledge experienceshipping, core, trade, dry, fast1
drdombi.huA Dr. Dombi Law Firm , assists its partners and clients in a wide range of business law areas, focusing on commercial and corporate law, digitalization projects, e-commerce, and innovative services. We put our knowledge and experience at the benefit of our clients in order to create new value…service knowledge, knowledge experiencelaw, digitalization, commerce, corporate, area1
debrecenbike.huThe school and the dormitory are based in beautiful green surroundings at Pallag. It is named after a pioneer of Hungarian agrarian development, János Balásházy, publicist, social reformer, and an apostle of out-of-school diffusion of agricultural knowledge.bike, street, church, build, city1
numismania.huI have been passionate for numismatics since I was young. I have discovered that beside giving a high level of aesthetic experience, the world of old banknotes, through its diversity, also provides insight into a knowledge that gives a constant and exciting learning opportunity.insight knowledge, knowledge constantcart, money, account, banknote, coin1
goldtunnelsystem.huThe coaches can find out on which player they can build the major elements of the game in team sports; moreover, they have the chance to learn the athletes' decision-making mechanisms, motivations, and influence points. Top athletes need outstanding cognitive skills, but knowledge of their senses…skill knowledge, knowledge sensetunnel, athlete, assessment, analysis, success1
gordonkaiskola.huWe offer a wide range of knowledge, valuable musical specialties, and entertainment to cello music lovers. Lessons, tutorials, and performances will be available on our constantly updated website. Learning to play the cello will be a joyful experience well worth the effort.range knowledge, knowledge valuablecello, tutorial, news, student, gallery1
emlekezesdramaja.hu…in parallel. The dramas of remembrance works up an episode of the Hungarian history through more points of views with 9th to 13th grade high school students. The performances are mainly not creating new knowledge about history itself with the participants, but about remembrance, as a social action.new knowledge, knowledge historyschool, remembrance, drama, art, social1
qhbprojekt.huQHB Projekt Kft., established as a spin-off company. Our company was spun off from a construction company with a history of almost 30 years in 2020, with the intention of separating the construction activity from the project management tasks. We have created a project management team with a…significant knowledge, knowledge basemanagement, technical, activity, advice, preparation1
rtg.hu…activities appropriate to the expectations of their company and stakeholders. We are proud that our professional calling and interest has remained undiminished since the firm’s inception. We find it important to supply our future experts with our constantly expanding knowledge and experience.constantly knowledge, knowledge experiencesustainability, reference, strategy, responsibility, corporate1
sociall.huI have grown up on social media and have a true passion for it. With the knowledge I have from university, courses, and previous work I can help you with jumping on new trends and turning your followers into customers.passion knowledge, knowledge universitysocial, media, owner, list, strategy1
kucserkafanni.huI provide individual counseling in English to adult expatriates living in Hungary. My goals are to help improve my clients’ self-knowledge, cope with loss, deal with conflicts and support decision making.self knowledge, knowledge losscounseling, family, individual, psychologist, therapist1
isamurai.huAt iSamurai we have the knowledge, the expertise and the equipment to make sure your iPhone gets the best attention possible on the spot with years of experience at best price!isamurai knowledge, knowledge expertiserepair, center, replacement, battery, shopping1
napkiado.hu…experience in which he was involved during his work. To imprint on our memory: our ancestors live with us, radiate strength, honesty and knowledge, give us confidence to help solve our everyday problems. Splendid photographs bring closer to us the Calvary of King Matthias, which is one of…honesty knowledge, knowledge confidenceanthem, national, country, nation, book1
adgeneral.huSince then, we have prioritised representing our clients professionally. Our customs clerks are equipped with a wealth of expertise and up-to-date knowledge, which we maintain through continuous professional development programmes.date knowledge, knowledge continuousgeneral, introduction, price, client, custom1
dharmacentrum.huWe look forward to hearing from you if you have an open mind and heart and a long-term yet thorough spiritual knowledge. Because we are a circle of friends , we specifically call those who value the community experience . Our programs are free and we also have access to the largest spiritual…spiritual knowledge, knowledge circletradition, spiritual, yoga, community, russian1
nyerjfotozast.huWe created a searchable consensus database of hallmark genes by summarizing recent knowledge from various mapping resources. The database enables the exploration of extensive gene lists, yielding swift and readily understandable results. The CancerHallmarks analysis platform allows for sifting…recent knowledge, knowledge maphallmark, gene, enrichment, cancer, plot1
matheannapszichologus.huWith my help, we can work together unlocking the depth of your soul, while being in a supportive setting. Recognition, and the knowledge of ourselves, is power. The deeper we know ourselves, the more we are able to accept our imperfections and thus improve the love we have for our being.recognition knowledge, knowledge powersession, introduction, pricing, form, help1
egyensulyintezet.huKnowledge-based society, high-quality jobs. Social mobility and welfare. The foundations for our economic resurgence. A long, healthy, and happy life. Smart cities.institute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think1
ngproject.huThe NG Project Ltd. is a member of the Blockchain Coalition, initiated by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology and the National Data Economy Knowledge Center. The founders of the Blockchain Coalition belong to the forward-thinkers who have recognized that blockchain technology has matured and…economy knowledge, knowledge centersolution, energy, industrial, automation, technology1
lb42.huLB42 Technologies Engineering Services is an industrial automation company with experience, knowledge and vocation.experience knowledge, knowledge vocationtechnology, engineering, production, equipment, industrial1
dentalvet.huOur knowledge about and approach to the dental diseases of our domestic animals have changed markedly in the last 10 years as more and more modern diagnostic equipments and treatment methods became available. We now know that by 2 years of age, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of…dental, animal, disease, small, surgical1
certisbelchim.huCertis Belchim B.V. combines the strengths of two well-established businesses with expertise in product development, registration and marketing and best-in-class technical and product knowledge.protection, crop, development, growth, expertise1
hzacademy.huThe teaching material is divided into modules and lessons, with a knowledge assessment test per module.lesson knowledge, knowledge assessmentcourse, country, worker, training, programme1
in-soft.huWe do not hesitate to learn any new technologies. If your business needs special or in-depth knowledge then we might be the team you are looking for. Ask away and you will get the answer!depth knowledge, knowledge teamtechnology, software, control, custom, reference1
magicom.huWe strive to provide companies with state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of IT infrastructure. We offer technological solutions that help you seize the opportunities of the future.art knowledge, knowledge fieldinfrastructure, hardware, operation, consultancy, security1
info-m.huWe joined TM Forum, the leading professional collaboration and knowledge market of telecommunications. We are looking forward to growing the professional knowledge of our team and international partnership opportunities.collaboration knowledge, knowledge market, professional knowledge, knowledge teamsolution, customer, engineer, clever, telco1
czifrajuli.huWith more than 15 years of management experience behind me, in 2018, I decided to share my professional knowledge and experience as a coach and consultant. My purpose in creating this website is to present my management and coaching services as an entrepreneur, but also to write articles about…professional knowledge, knowledge experienceinterview, consulting, article, psychology, book1
hwm.huFinite element simulations are widely used. Various simulations can be used to model any situation. Benefits can be enjoyed by almost any company with the appropriate knowledge and software background. Simulations enable us to make our partner’s products more cost-effective, reliable and…appropriate knowledge, knowledge softwareengineering, simulation, guarantee, main, element1
leanbox.hu…region to start or improve their digital transformation. Built from the ground up LEANBOX merges state-of-the-art technology with all the knowledge of the development of the manufacturing industry to deliver a solution that redefines the very concept of manufacturing business technology…technology knowledge, knowledge developmentmanufacture, production, way, process, data1
docroom.hu…people? How can we provide a more effective healthcare to those who have lost trust in the health system? We are looking for the best answers together with universities, academic institutions, and social organizations. We are proud of our collaborations leading to a unique knowledge sharing.unique knowledge, knowledge shareresearch, health, publication, social, people1
fogaszatifotos.huWe are an early learning academy focused on social-emotional development and early literacy and numeracy. Our students walk out with the character and confidence to make their mark in the world, equipped with the knowledge and real-world skills that take them way ahead in the industry they may…world knowledge, knowledge realactivity, academic, student, school, champion1
ferrykerturbo.huRepresentatives of both companies attended factory training to be able to carry out their activities to the highest standards, being aware of the latest product and technological knowledge.factory, repair, representative, number, official1
minerofil.huOur main aims are to popularize the mineralogy, to diffuse knowledge related to minerals and geology, to give scientific lectures for the general public in these areas, to realize the most possible mineralogical survey of Hungary, to keep and protect the morals of mineral collection, to safeguard…mineralogy knowledge, knowledge mineralmineral, species, address, publication, organizational1
wolbi.huThat’s what true biblical study is about. Using our knowledge of who God is to build a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. It’s only through “Knowing” God that we can “Grow” in Him.study knowledge, knowledge godinstitute, bible, admission, student, academic1
one-event.huWe create unique events and provide Destination Management Services with authentic experience, utilising our extensive knowledge and expertise.extensive knowledge, knowledge expertiseevent, perfection, passion, agency, website1
szengine.huOur goal is to develop, manufacture and provide an engine optimized for the Formula Student race series for several teams. At the same time, our ongoing goal is to provide practice-oriented training for engineers, economists, and law students who, armed with the knowledge acquired here, can gain a…student knowledge, knowledge hugestudent, engine, result, member, news1
xtrorealm.hu…circles, exhibitions, field trips) dealing with new-realist and ecological theories that critique the anthropocentricism of contemporary thinking, in order to provide access to the discourses of climate change and the Anthropocene, all in the spirit of knowledge-sharing and transdisciplinarity.spirit knowledge, knowledge sharerealm, group, reader, climate, field1
esztergal.huKaldi is the ultimate spot for coffee lovers who want to learn about their java’s origin and support the farmers that grew it. We take coffee production, roasting and brewing seriously and we’re glad to pass that knowledge to anyone.coffee, great, homepage, value, bean1
mestersegekunnepe.huEvery year, the workshops – where masters present special craft tricks and practices – draw a great deal of interest. Visitors are able to observe unique knowledge rooted in centuries of generational experience, immense humility and love.unique knowledge, knowledge centuryfolk, festival, art, craft, guest1
city-realestate.hu…operation of our real estate agency and the constant expansion of our Hungarian and international clientele is reflective of our team’s knowledge and expertise in their operating area. Each member of our team caters to the interests of our clients ensuring they are fully aware of the…team knowledge, knowledge expertisereal, estate, property, phone, sale1
euroguide.huWe fulfil orders mainly in Central Europe, but we are also at home throughout Europe. You can count on us! Our buses meet all demands, our drivers have great experience and excellent local knowledge, and all of them speak English. As a Hungarian company, one of our main goals is to introduce and…local knowledge, knowledge englishbus, quality, price, constantly, affordable1
laurius.hu…Our company is an ideal partner in satisfying the permanent or temporary workforce needs by leasing workforce. Based on our extensive market knowledge and the methodology we apply in headhunting we offer solutions in this field as well – typically in the case of special experts. Our service…market knowledge, knowledge methodologyclient, market, operation, expert, technology1
scootertour.hu…or rent a scooter to explore the city at your own pace, you’ve come to the right place. We know Budapest inside out and are eager to share our knowledge with you. So why wait? Book now and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Budapest on a scooter! Ride with us today and discover Budapest…eager knowledge, knowledge readytour, scooter, rental, guide, original1
agilegettogether.hu…observed that strategic misalignment in many of these organizations is often a key root cause for being stuck in the chasm. My session brings together the collective knowledge of UST in enabling strategic alignment for our Fortune 500 clients, and shares some key learnings from these engagements.collective knowledge, knowledge ustagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
dorakonyvel.huIn my opinion accounting is something what people don’t just learn once and keep doing the same for years. Legislation, accounting policies, even the format of the returns are changing continuously. So I have to keep my knowledge up-to-date, this is really a life-long-learning. That’s the attitude…continuously knowledge, knowledge datevel, main, page, accountant, payroll1
greenformatics.hu…topic is the question of the developer human resource. Some cross platform technologies are based on web technologies, so they can help to avoid native mobile development knowledge being a bottleneck, providing better load balance in the development team, thus helping to ensure proper quality.development knowledge, knowledge bottlenecksolution, data, digital, operation, case1
heidtgabor.huWorking as a designer and creative director for the past 20 years has taught me how to succeed as a team player and a freelancer at the same time. I mastered the importance of focused, dedicated work at world famous advertising agencies, and then acquired the knowledge of how to lead a bunch of…agency knowledge, knowledge bunchgabor, creative, advertising, freelancer, leaflet1
solservices.huIn Hungary, it is necessary to continuously improve the level of general knowledge and public awareness about renewable energy sources. The backbone of our educational and public awareness activities consists of developing and mentoring local and national social programs that demonstrate the…general knowledge, knowledge publicenergy, renewable, implementation, sustainability, generation1
bluedanubefilmfestival.hu…and Asia presenting programs of his and Diannas work. His films are typically highly structured. Tuohy has devoted much time and effort in sharing his knowledge through workshops and classes both in his native Australia (notably through the Artist Film Workshop in Melbourne) and internationally.effort knowledge, knowledge workshopfestival, short, danube, official, selection1
infood2000.huDuring these two decades we have gained deep knowledge of the Hungarian FMCG market which contributes to the success of our brands.deep knowledge, knowledge hungarianbrand, food, quality, page, interested1
duftin.huOur company is looking back to more then 60 years of needlework history and knowledge passed already to the third generation.history knowledge, knowledge generationembroidery, login, shelf, order, history1
review.huFocus on content Manhattan Review’s programs focus on enabling students to understand the content in-depth rather than a download of voluminous basic knowledge interspersed with tricks.basic knowledge, knowledge trickpreparation, review, sit, prep, channel1
szta.huBased on our experts' unparalleled transaction experience, business, market and capital market knowledge, extensive network and dynamism.market knowledge, knowledge extensiveinvestment, news, fund, step, success1
realign.huWe have extensive experience in the implementation of office, retail, hospitality and residential properties. The diversity of our reference portfolio clearly illustrates that we have extensive and high-quality knowledge as well as the required competencies to apply at all stages of real estate…quality knowledge, knowledge competencymanagement, construction, office, technical, expertise1
evelingua.huNot sure about your language learning goals yet? Want to maintain or refresh your knowledge?language, ease, lesson, package, goal1
mea-metal.hu, agricultural, logistics constructions, as well as with specialized trade and we have taken over their requirements and wishes. This unique practical knowledge is a solid foundation on which we develop products and system solutions. So that you can work easier, faster, safer – and more…practical knowledge, knowledge solidmetal, mea, basket, application, grating1
danagroup.huWe have also identified market for providing construction to clients and operation & maintenance services for existing photovoltaic parks. The experience – gained by being an O&M service provider in a complex IT environment – and knowledge being a regional developer and investor of PV projects…environment knowledge, knowledge regionalphotovoltaic, bulgaria, romania, multiple, proud1
wannawalk.huAs soon as we met Rob under his red umbrella, he was very welcoming and friendly even though he had to accommodate more people than usual on our tour day. His knowledge of Hungarian history was extensive as well as entertaining. We are not the most knowledgeable in terms of history but Robert made…day knowledge, knowledge hungariantour, guide, city, fun, gallery1
stylersgroup.huYou should have the following knowledge and skills: Configure, secure, and maintain LAN and SAN based on Cisco Nexus and MDS switches, Configure, secure, and maintain Cisco Unified Computing System, Configure, secure, and maintain Cisco ACIfollow knowledge, knowledge skilldata, series, group, center1
oko-melli.huWe sell about 2% of the natural honey produced in the country. Our main aspect is the sale of quality honey produced by the bees of our members. For us, respect for nature and tradition is the most important values. We are constantly improving our knowledge in the field of beekeeping with…constantly knowledge, knowledge fieldhoney, bee, organic, natural, quality1
allaboutparenting.huyou need to take paid lessons and TWO tests to legally drive a car but you can raise a child with absolutely ZERO knowledge?!parenting, child, parent, month, chapter1
luzsiadam.huBesides PHP, I’m constantly extending my knowledge with the latest web and cloud technologies such as ReactJS and AWS.constantly knowledge, knowledge lateststack, plugin, developer, website, portfolio1
zoszko.huI am experienced in both product and system design. I usually work on bigger projects from the idea level to the finished products with all the tecnical details figured out and documented. This way I can utilize a wider range of knowledge and keep all my fields up to date.range knowledge, knowledge fieldeducation, skill, interest, award, september1
hta.org.huThe Mission of the Association is to promote, represent and protect the legitimate interests of the tire manufacturing and distribution industry in Hungary and to support, assist in and make public knowledge of its contribution to all relevant aspects of social life, such as transportation, public…public knowledge, knowledge contributiontire, association, member, tyre, director1
haba.org.hu…We have an active membership of approximately 100 people. In the past 20 years, HABA has been active in organising lectures, talks and social events, and undertook projects like the Visegrád4 project of knowledge sharing. Our Patron is His Majesty's Ambassador to Hungary, Mr. Paul Fox.project knowledge, knowledge sharebritish, association, event, board, university1
tetraplan.huOur returning and prospective customers are provided by our highly qualified engineering team of more than 10 people, with professional knowledge gained in many fields of design and expertise in recent decades, providing professional, flexible, high-quality and comprehensive services in close…professional knowledge, knowledge fieldplan, introduction, reference, structure, structural1
talentumprogram.huThis seminar is a rare opportunity for you be able to raise your level of skills and knowledge in Martial Arts.skill knowledge, knowledge martialevent, september, topic, far, reply1
koszegisor.hu"Specialist say bonbon making is the cream of confectionary. It is a great task for every master to create the harmony of sweet and bitter. It needs creativity, imagination, knowledge about raw materials and arranging a proper technology order - then precisely following it. Experts say, that each…imagination knowledge, knowledge rawbeer, legend, brewery, taste, delivery1
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huIn the coming years, a site functioning as a "light artist colony" is going to be be created in Káptalan Street, which, in addition to the transfer of knowledge, professional technical background and mentoring support, will provide an opportunity for young artists to present their works and to…transfer knowledge, knowledge professionallight, festival, art, map, visitor1
bettynail.huI am constantly training myself and updating my knowledge so that I can always keep up with the latest nail trends.constantly knowledge, knowledge latestmain, pedicure, nail, gallery, price1
startvideo.huWe help you to create effective film support for online or distance education. In a training video the instructor's personal gestures and presentation style, as well as creative visual elements (infographics and animations) can facilitate the effective knowledge transfer.effective knowledge, knowledge transfervideo, reference, start, picture, price1
sexybuddha.huWe offer specialized development of native media applications with more than 20 years of experience. Our knowledge and deep understanding of the media industry set us apart in designing efficient, high-performance systems tailored to media-centric needs and harnessing our expertise in…experience knowledge, knowledge deepsexy, application, native, software, solution1
operation-evergreen.huSecondly, we want to pass on our experience, team spirit and knowledge to the next generation.spirit knowledge, knowledge generationoperation, mission, sponsor, robotic, website1
onlineprojects.huOnline Projects becomes a strategic partner with T-Mobile and Telenor, developing early mobile applications, including games and knowledge-base software.game knowledge, knowledge basedevelopment, software, history, mobile, solution1
hevesgep.huOur company also carries out significant innovation activities in the field of agricultural machinery, based on the professional knowledge and experience accumulated over several decades. In addition to production, we try to satisfy the needs of agricultural farmers by applying modern technical…professional knowledge, knowledge experiencemachine, homepage, technology, reference, grain1
zoldaktiv.huIt is important for us to provide an opportunity to acquire modern knowledge, increase the digital competence. We organised with a Google-expert...modern knowledge, knowledge digitalsocial, tourism, cooperative, barrier, day1
mcdaniel.huYour professors are there to share their extensive knowledge customized to your individual learning needs.extensive knowledge, knowledge individualstudent, application, fee, expense, american1
iguideyou.huLocal knowledge flavoured with funny stories and urban legends to understand Budapest and the locals better!local knowledge, knowledge funnytour, walk, guide, food, tailor1
hazinspektor.huA property inspection could be useful for anyone who is interested in buying an apartment or a house in Hungary. When viewing a property, unless you have the necessary knowledge and experience, you may miss important defects and mistakes which at later stage can be expensive to repair.necessary knowledge, knowledge experienceproperty, inspection, real, estate, detail1
mmgrendszerhaz.hu…PLC and DCS systems. We are proud to be among the largest automation offices in the Hungarian engineering market, with unique multi-platform knowledge. Since 2019, we have been operating as a group of companies, Profigram System Zrt. was established, which operates under the name Independent…platform knowledge, knowledge groupprocess, control, automation, production, machinery1
globecenter.hu- we monitor the hotel standards and services provided by our partnersrestaurants for all needs - with our specialised local knowledge we can offer for all needs and budgetlocal knowledge, knowledge needagency, travel, festival, center, globe1
bolykyzoltan.huI took part in the violin masterclasses of András Ágoston, Dénes Zsigmondy, Nelly Söreghy-Wunderlich and the Vienna Brahms Trio. I had the possibility to expand my knowledge at the conducting courses of Salvador Mas Conde, Michael Dittrich, Zoltán Peskó, Marco Zambelli and Carlo Caputo; and my…possibility knowledge, knowledge conductwebsite, orchestra, music, study, symphony1
hotelambient.huThere is something for every taste. Kids and adults can improve their knowledge about wood in our famous wood museum and can take a ride with the nostalgic train “Murtalbahn” through our beautiful nature.adult knowledge, knowledge woodactivity, room, booking, summer, winter1
onlinestory.huWe simply can’t get enough of each other, therefore we always have some common projects going on! And it is great, because we really complement each others knowledge. Also, it is so exciting to set new challenges for each other.great knowledge, knowledge excitingwebsite, story, copywriting, build, page1
hungariandentalaward.huThe greatness of the knowledge of Hungarian dentists and the outstandingly high standard of dental care in Hungary is worldwide recognised. It is no coincidence that most of our patients come from all over the world, and that Hungarian dentists are in high demand on all five continents. The reason…greatness knowledge, knowledge hungariandental, award, dentist, winner, laboratory1
madagaszkar.huDuring my long stay in Hungary, a feeling of estrangement from my country, Madagascar became more and more tangible. I also wished to broaden the Hungarians’ knowledge about my country so as they would know more than just the name of Móric Benyovszky.hungarians knowledge, knowledge countrymadagascar, honorary, republic, task, country1
abrazivfeed.huOur pet food milling plants are customized to your needs. Our deep technical and technological process knowledge and innovative technology will help you efficiently and sustainably produce safe feed to the highest hygiene standards.process knowledge, knowledge innovativefeed, plant, bulk, technology, handle1
comsyssoftware.huData science uses scientific methods, processes, and algorithms extract knowledge from data and leveraging this data to take major decisions is a key strategic practice for any business.algorithm knowledge, knowledge datasoftware, data, development, llc, technology1
grow-up.huThere are also three games in the Reading and Logic category, which aim to improve children’s knowledge of the English alphabet.child knowledge, knowledge englishgrow, child, game, learn, navigation1
gyuloletellen.huThe ineffective response is largely due to the fact that law enforcement agencies lack the required knowledge and competences ; the topic of hate crimes does not receive proper attention in legal and police training, and there are no guidelines for police officers on how to respond to such…agency knowledge, knowledge competencecrime, group, offence, victim, criminal1
petranyijozsef.huThe business started in March 1987 when an IFA truck was bought only to satisfy the needs of a small construction company. Capitalizing local opportunities and the knowledge of the industry, we saw the development in gravel transport, hence we bought more trucks. Following the change of regime, an…opportunity knowledge, knowledge industryinternational, shipping, domestic, transport, bulk1
tyrusz.huExpertise and Experience: We bring a wealth of expertise to the table. Our in-depth knowledge of both the Hungarian and Arab markets equips us to navigate complexities and deliver tailored solutions.depth knowledge, knowledge hungarianmarket, study, honey, communication, success1
grimmeniko.huMy goal is to offer you the best beauty services possible with my professionalism, knowledge, high-quality materials and equipment. I want both of us to be happy whenever we are looking at the results.professionalism knowledge, knowledge highquality, professionalism, makeup, appointment, great1
silex.huCustomers say, Silex is as a reliable, cooperative partner. This opinion is based on the engineering knowledge and the experience of the company, as well as the flexible and helpful attitude of the management.engineering knowledge, knowledge experiencevehicle, control, electronic, electric, confidence1
tarant.huTarant gives banks what they love: considerably lower costs, incredibly experienced professionals and deep Flexcube knowledge.resource, consultant, consulting, support, remote1
elektromoskocsi-betegagy.hu…There should be a suitable ramp to the threshold. The lift or patient adjuster can be used on a bed or armchair that under which the legs of the lift or adjuster can be pushed. It is important to choose the right size strap. It is essential here also knowledge of the patient’s height and weight.essential knowledge, knowledge patientfoundation, hospital, care, bed, wheelchair1
synergydigital.huThe combination of our HR process knowledge , technical expertise , and change management provides systems that are appreciated by the organization.process knowledge, knowledge technicaldigital, synergy, transformation, technology, integration1
leglibirtok.hu“We did state and keep stating: He became a Prophet in his own land. Knowledge, expertise, honesty and commitment are the loosely interpreted human factors. Nature is about the creative men and wine naturally.”land knowledge, knowledge expertisewine, family, land, winery, flavour1
balanceline.huWe organise workshops especially for those who are interested in setting up a new local business. Participants will receive detailed knowledge about the most relevant aspects of being an enterpreneur. During these small-group courses we deal with the issues of different obstacles, possible…detail knowledge, knowledge relevanttax, line, legal, finance, financial1
lhf.hu…of additional services; to have the willingness for the continuously improvement of our processes; to offer high quality products at a competitive price.. We have the knowledge and experience to design and develop cold forming tools, as well as the capacity to produce them within our own tool room.price knowledge, knowledge experienceimpact, extrusion, deep, draw, technology1
keletholding.hu…proceedings in the case of the proceedings indicated in the table. The liquidator request in this announcement that if anyone has creditable knowledge of any properties (including chattel, real estate, demands or property rights) anywhere owned by debtor, or can provide assistance in conductingcreditable knowledge, knowledge propertyliquidator, useful, liquidation, number, advice1
kj.huStrategy • Planning • Analysis • New business development • Regulation • Government relations • Deep knowledge of CEE and ASEAN regions • Knowledge of private & public sector business' culture • Business model evaluation • Smart Cities • E-citizenshipdeep knowledge, knowledge cee, region knowledge, knowledge privateticketing, solution, touch, innovative, mobility1
mihalovits.co.huOur jewels are made by forging, sawing, brazing and grinding. We are trying to complement the old and traditional knowledge according to the spirit of the age with the help of modern technology; therefore, we apply turning, CNC milling, scanning and photo etch working as well.traditional knowledge, knowledge spiritwedding, unique, engagement, jewelry, jewel1
gyermekborgyogyaszat.hu…in children than in adults, making diagnosis tricky for general dermatologits, who are not attuned to the naunces of children’s skin. At the time pediatricians, may lack the specialized dermatologic knowledge needed to diagnose and treat anything but the most simple pediatric skin conditions.dermatologic knowledge, knowledge simpledermatology, pediatric, unique, child, care1
mwr.huMoneywheel Research Zrt. is a privately held Hungarian proprietary quantitative trading firm founded in 2011 by financial experts. Our company focuses on the microstructure of price behaviors. We develop algorithmic models to trade in the environment of shorter time period. We combine our…theoretical knowledge, knowledge highresearch, corporate, detail, technology, algorithmic1
bitrial.huBiTrial combines the advantages of a regional CRO – cost effectiveness, local knowledge, personalized service, and flexibility – with the expertise and understanding that comes from a history of managing global clinical trials at the highest standards of quality.local knowledge, knowledge personalizedclinical, site, study, management, trial1
towerconsulting.huOutstanding accounting firm in Budapest: we have been their clients for several years now and are very pleased with their professionalism and knowledge, as well as customer service manners. Highly recommended!professionalism knowledge, knowledge customertower, accounting, tax, consulting, payroll1
mariannmarczi.hu…will be at work in this – which can be compared when someone, through her extensive reading, not only expands her vocabulary, but uses her knowledge to always choose the most appropriate word. It is hardly enough to describe her play that everything is practiced to be safe in her performance…vocabulary knowledge, knowledge appropriatepiano, minor, sonata, concert1
kiskunmeridian.hu…equipments comply with the PED (Pressure Equipment Directive), therefore our devices represent a higher level of development. With our professional knowledge we are capable of manufacturing intricate and more complex equipments which meet the most stringent industry standards and requirements.professional knowledge, knowledge capableequipment, pressure, litre, container, value1
amw.hu…partners, there is also the possibility of pipe bending, sheet bending, laser or plasma cutting. Wage Work: Because there is a huge shortage of skilled professionals in manufacturing, our goal is to use our knowledge to any large company or small company that needs to get quality products on time.goal knowledge, knowledge largemachine, activity, map, gallery, fleet1
ibs-b.hu“At the end of secondary school, I had no idea what I wanted to become. With the common first year at IBS, I gained some time to think and check out the wide variety of Bachelor’s programmes. Studying at IBS requires constant preparation but it pays off; knowledge is ingrained gradually and exams…preparation knowledge, knowledge graduallyprogramme, management, strategic, student, international1
maxtattoo.huHy to everybody. I do tattoos and piercing jobs for a 14 years now but unfortunately only during summer time and i know that knowledge cannot be counted in years but earned with a lot pratice. After this year's season ends. I would like to get a full time job in a studio somewhere. If anyone of…time knowledge, knowledge yeartattoo, artist, video, price, faq1
hegesztokeszulek.huWe have been involved in the production of welded structures, project management, and professional support for more than 30 years. Our built-up software base and processing machine park are combined with professional knowledge and experience, so after learning about the tasks, we immediately…professional knowledge, knowledge experienceprice, day, receipt, step, offer1
paladino.huThe preparedness and practical knowledge of our staff guarantee fast, legal and professional work.practical knowledge, knowledge staffproceedings, liquidation, liquidator, introduction, member1
derossi.huOur experts distill complex topics into digestible articles, providing you with up-to-date industry knowledge and practical tips to help your business navigate the financial landscape with confidence.industry knowledge, knowledge practicalvaluation, auditing, de, financial, data1
ajkaaudit.huWe like to lay emphasis on high professional quality, an ongoing process of training as well as providing up-to-date professional knowledge.page, current, auditing, client, expand1
bee.co.huAt a time when scientific research and knowledge are becoming increasingly important for our society, it's crucial that the scientific community operates in an open and transparent manner. This is where open science comes in.research knowledge, knowledge increasinglybee, nature, change, urban, story1
ressol.hu1. Ressol knowledge: Preparing since 2017, the professional team of our company studied the problem and evaluated solutions from a variety of perspectives (e.g. legal framework, technical background, deep tech line, customer behaviour, psychological influencing factors).ressol knowledge, knowledge professionalsolution, customer, component, refill, idea1
techandtrad.huWith the tutorials on the use of various application, made by our students, we will provide guidance to other students and teachers who are willing to use or increase their knowledge of these applications. The tutorials will be shared on various platforms like Youtub, eTwinning and social websites…willing knowledge, knowledge applicationschool, technology, tradition, activity, day1
urbs.huOur company has substantial knowledge of local markets and a global view in its appraisals.substantial knowledge, knowledge localreal, estate, group, management, development1
himachines.huWe are glad that you are interested in our machines, and we promise that we will offer our knowledge and experience to help you find the best solution to your application.machine knowledge, knowledge experienceprice, welcome, website, glad, interested1
a-list.hu…then, she has been continuously holding Redken trainings in Hungary, and together with her team, she regularly participates in further Redken trainings all over the world - from New York to Las Vegas, from Barcelona to Milan - in order to be aware of the latest trends and professional knowledge.list, salon, pedicure, manicure, quality1
hagabalazs.huConstantly growing, soon leaves the Island for West-Auckland and Mangere wineries. The next milestone is the Villa Maria Estate, where he became a member of the cellar and the winemaking team. He gains wide knowledge about big scale winemaking procedures, quality managements, big scale grape…wide knowledge, knowledge bigbalazs, wine, winemaking, management, quality1
crealine.huWe bring the breathe of our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making work.industry knowledge, knowledge issueview, development, solution, explore, today1
pelsobay.huWithin the framework of the development, in 6 extended townhouse-style building clusters, we are offering nearly 120 apartment units, ranging from 30 to 250 m2. Having gained knowledge about the needs of customers, there is an opportunity to make minor modifications to the design blueprints, to…having knowledge, knowledge needapartment, lake, build, building, shore1
wagnerlaw.huWhen a compensation case spans across borders, clients often consider their chances slim to recover any damages. Having no knowledge of the applicable laws and the language of a foreign country can be intimidating. Let us take over your case. We are good at dealing with insurance companies too…damage knowledge, knowledge applicablelaw, citizenship, firm, international, injury1
forestfoods.huWith the knowledge of the cycles of the forest and our network of foragers, we have become a leading source of the most beautiful, wild harvested ingredients from the depths of Hungary’s forests. Having extensive experience and knowledge of sourcing wild ingredients in ways beneficial to the…experience knowledge, knowledge wildforest, food, mushroom, nature, straight1
obic-bbs.hu…in oriental business studies - not only in Hungary, but in the broader Central European region as well - by the application of its cutting-edge knowledge and efficient operation. As such, OBIC also plays a major role in the implementation of the international strategy of BBS. In its work OBIC…edge knowledge, knowledge efficientconference, orient, dialogue, language, book1
clevermove.hu"Anna answered the questions clearly and concisely, and where the help of an additional specialist was needed, she organized it. The overall impression from the cooperation is positive: experience and knowledge of the case is evident, there were sound advice and recommendations."experience knowledge, knowledge casepermit, path, permanent, appeal, residency1
timstudio.huAt the moment we can best be described as a community, a team, mainly organised around the Studio. We are all open-minded young people looking for connections, searching for self-identity and creative opportunities. In our alternative studio theatre, theatrical expression and cognition…self knowledge, knowledge selfstudio, community, theatre, training, association1
sssmart.huOur experience show that the customized solutions in all areas mean the main value for our partners. Arranging them in a single package we can guarantee the smooth operation. We strive not only to improve the knowledge of our products, but also to be able to learn from all our customers ourselves…operation knowledge, knowledge product, customer knowledge, knowledge serviceinsurance, solution, industry, proposal, sector1
mze.huHungarian Enamellers Association was founded in 1989 with the aim to hold together professionals of fritt producers, enamelling plants, suppliers of enamelling materials, tools and equipments; to provide an opportunity for them to meetings, to change of experiences, to expand knowledge.association, member, main, conference, publication1
kalo.huWe offer significant expertise in structuring domestic or cross-border mergers and acquisition transactions and have first rate industry knowledge on financial sector related mergers and ... read moreindustry knowledge, knowledge financialassociation, attorney, law, legal, advice1
treatmentsbyjanos.huIn the last years I learnt SMT® Sports Manual Therapy, which contributed to the deepening of my knowledge through various testing and treatment techniques.deepen knowledge, knowledge testtreatment, janos, massage, therapy, health1
petrovoice.huI also work with this knowledge and professional humility when writing narratives or speaking as an advertising voice.voice, sample, ready, material, short1
mecc.hu…is to capitalize on mechanical, electrical, civil construction alliances by securing the private, state and government contracts. Combining the quality of services with excellent geographical knowledge company plans to enter international tenders and enlarge its investment capacity in Europe.geographical knowledge, knowledge companyconstruction, quality, industry, renovation, management1
rotera.huWe are a group of friendly and good-tempered young people who could help you achieving your goals by using their knowledge and experince in creating moving pictures. We are easy to work with and we can handle an ever-changing environment with agility and patience. We are observers, thinkers and…goal knowledge, knowledge experincevideo, event, promo, corporate, photo1
pecsiepito.huWe know no compromise when it comes to the quality of our work. Utilising our solid professional knowledge and capital assets, we strive to maintain both our AAA qualification and the satisfaction of our clients.professional knowledge, knowledge capitalbuilding, apartment, electrical, office, industrial1
aggtelekivendeghaz.huOur goal is that we spent time visiting the unforgettable experiences to benefit from knowledge of the enriched environment, and our return home, the regions reputation and take your house.experience knowledge, knowledge enrichregion, class, trip, training, day1
gloriadent.huIn our clinic, highly qualified and experienced dentists and implantologists workto the best of their knowledge. Our dental worke and all the substances built in carry a 100% guarantee. For further information, please contact us.good knowledge, knowledge dentaldental, surgery, tooth, dentistry, oral1
mkne.huTo enhance the knowledge as well as the environmental consciousness and responsibility, and to develop an environmental-friendly way of thinking and way of life of those devoted to environmental education, and through them, of the Hungarian society as a whole;environmental, education, member, society, training1
rwh.huThe two owners – managing directors as well as the members of the staff gained technical and commercial knowledge and experiences at the former Hungarian Bearings Company (MGM).commercial knowledge, knowledge experiencebearing, linear, series, table, housing1
shuttlers.huThe founders and managers have over 25 years of experience and pass on this knowledge and expertise to our drivers and customer service staff alike.experience knowledge, knowledge expertisedriver, booking, fleet, price, travel1
dishwasherrepairbudapest.hu…experience in repairing all dishwashers ! Unfortunately, it happens at specialized services that a mechanic only knows a certain brand and even only a few types! This can happen because you have not acquired the necessary knowledge to repair that type. Our experts can quickly repairdishwashernecessary knowledge, knowledge typedishwasher, repair, mechanic, appointment, price1
vikstore.huIf you possess images ripe for transformation into NFTs but lack the knowledge to make that leap, then you’ve found the perfect guide in me. I’m here to facilitate this exciting process for you.nft knowledge, knowledge leapimage, exhibition, digital, winner, collection1
diakdezso.huMy two main interests are economics and IT. I am curious about big enterprises systems and the workflows are used in production. I want to explore, upgrade and work in these branches to get professional knowledge and experience. In addition I would contribute with my IT and problem solving skills…professional knowledge, knowledge experiencesite, developer, development, resume, university1
gergelyszalay.huAs a junior developer I've had the chance to work with many technologies and used them to solve a variety of problems successfully. My main interest is IOT, embedded systems and electronics, where I hope to expand my knowledge in the future. I aim to continue expanding my knowledge and one day to…electronic knowledge, knowledge future, future knowledge, knowledge daydeveloper, window, close, development, school1
aktivzenetanulas.hu…their age specifities, today’s music lessons’ – like the practice of any other subjects – quantitative approach is focusing on the theoretical knowledge transfer and mechanical skill development, while it camouflages the often soulless, and ugly singing and half-focused music listening as art…theoretical knowledge, knowledge transfermusic, learn, model, movement, active1
jupet.huAt Jupet Animal Clinic, our team strives to promote the well-being of all pets. Out of a commitment to each patient’s unique needs, we aim to utilize the latest advancements in veterinary medicine and to constantly improve our standard of care. Every day we dedicatedly seek to use our skills…skill knowledge, knowledge compassionguide, clinic, care, medicine, animal1
zoard.huI’m a Zoárd. This is the homepage of my Marketing and Digital agency. We can use our knowledge together in the light of a successful future! As a marketing professional, I prioritize this.agency knowledge, knowledge lightdigital, agency, website, page, build1
turuljatek.hu…characteristics of tabletennis, badminton and volleyball with all the qualities of modern ball games. The game is based upon proper technical knowledge, single, well-planned actions which lead to succesfully finished rounds. The game is very similar to an old Italian ball-game called „palonne”…technical knowledge, knowledge singleplayer, history, play, round, game1
arreditalia.huMore than sixteen years of sales on the local market experience, design, product knowledge make us the ideal partner to create a suitable living space to the tastes and need of those who will inhabitproduct knowledge, knowledge idealitalian, furnishing, exterior, interior, furnish1
drzsuborilaszlo.hu…in oral surgery. I started working in the Oral and Maxillofacial Unit of the Hospital of Bács-Kiskun Megye where I am still a member of the medical team as an oral surgeon. For me it is very important to experience the complexity of hospital cases which help me expand my professional knowledge.dental, tooth, oral, implant, replacement1
domelia.huDo you know how to help with cleaning, babysitting, senior caregiving or tutoring in common households? Do you know how to fix tasks as a handyman or to help others with your health and beauty skills? Well then, do not waste your time, sign up and get your knowledge, skills and experience paid.time knowledge, knowledge skilljob, profile, helper, membership, household1
dancecoreinvaderz.husubstantial theoretical knowledge and routine in music production over the years. However,theoretical knowledge, knowledge routinehand, genre, official, music, january1
aldomor.huThe liquidator must report any criminal offences coming to his knowledge in connection with the activity of the debtor.offence knowledge, knowledge connectiondebtor, liquidation, creditor, bankruptcy, liquidator1
chemcryst.huOur work is performed in order of deeper understanding of intermolecular interactions and their effect on the arrangement of molecules in the solid phase influenced by temperature and pressure. Increasing knowledge on the principles of supramolecular chemistry contributes to the crystal…pressure knowledge, knowledge principleresearch, publication, chemical, science, laboratory1
eurofair.huWe use all of our innovative technology with disciple and knowledge. We are able to process approximately 80 tons of raw metal per month. The on-site assembly of the manufactured metal structures are performed by our experienced mechanics using modern hand tools and lifting equipment.disciple knowledge, knowledge ablestructure, production, construction, metal, site1
myesabcareer.huWe are a global leader with a proud tradition of being an agent of change in the welding and cutting industry. Uncompromising quality, unmatched knowledge and undying passion have defined who we are. We push boundaries and pursue innovation because we take pride in finding solutions for our…unmatched knowledge, knowledge undyingcareer, global, job, presence, customer1
magyarklasszikuszenenapja.hu“A professor at the Liszt Academy, Zoltán Kocsis not only engaged with our students at masterclasses, he also took the podium of the Liszt Academy Symphony Orchestra as conductor. It was touching to see how much he wanted to pass on his knowledge. Although he is no longer with us physically, his…touch knowledge, knowledge longnational, philharmonic, music, orchestra, classical1
rs-carbon.hunewest and most technologically sophisticated processes of carbon fiber prepreg fabrication in the autoclave. Those that decide to purchase RS-Carbon parts do so with the knowledge and vested certainty that they can take pleasure in the constituent technical and optical advantages for years to come.part knowledge, knowledge vestpremium, detail, gallery, quality, real1
bravogroup.huWe make business decisions based on prudent calculation and professional knowledge, bearing in mind the current market situation and any changes. Our goal is to be able to rely on professionalism and dedication in key decision-making situation instead of having our judgment be clouded by emotions.professional knowledge, knowledge mindsolution, office, distribution, operation, trade1
medicert.hu…common set of values have brought the team together and led to the creation of Medicert Ltd. In this company, we combine the experience accumulated over the years, solid professional knowledge, flexibility, creativity and excellent teamwork to bring the products we represent to the domestic market.professional knowledge, knowledge flexibilitymarket, research, result, pharmaceutical, staff1
h-p-s.huWe believe that we can only create perfection if we co-operate closely with our clients and have full knowledge of their administration and production processes. We have gained significant experience in the German-speaking countries of the European Union.client knowledge, knowledge administrationknow, solution, reference, job, opportunity1
tedxbme.huÁgota Ráhel Tóth is the co-founder of Y-Side, a social enterprise dedicated to helping young candidates navigate and conquer the challenges of the job market, particularly in knowledge-intensive industries.particularly knowledge, knowledge intensiveevent, idea, official, organizational, website1
pannongroupconsulting.husatisfaction of our Partners. Our comprehensive service is a guarantee of successful recruitment, workforce intermediation and accommodation. We want to support our partners from the beginning to the implementation and increase the results achieved with our own knowledge and a personalized approach.result knowledge, knowledge personalizedconsulting, group, recruitment, foreign, market1
jobconcept.huOur accountants are professionals with more than 10 years experience, who are in full knowledge of the most recent legal regulatory environmentexperience knowledge, knowledge recentemployee, labour, accounting, detail, presentation1
echosummeracademy.huWe are expecting those violinists, cellists and pianists to the masterclass who are not only interested in the literature of their own instrument and the solo performance, but would also like to play music that is coming to life from the new knowledge collectively, as chamber music – something…new knowledge, knowledge collectivelyacademy, summer, concert, music, main1
residencehungary.huWe can offer private or small group (5-6 person) Hungarian language classes to learn the essential fundamental or upgrade your knowledgeimmigration, assistance, relocation, comprehensive, appointment1
agriakennel.huThank You to owners of these beauties and huge congratulations to breeders. Special Thank You to Elżbieta Chwalibóg for shearing knowledge about breed what I start to learn about.chwalibóg knowledge, knowledge breedchampion, winner, dog, breed, group1
magolcsay.humillion leaves with someone’s life on each leaf, and if a leaf falls down the person dies. Odin, the chief god in Scandinavian mythology was hanging from Yggdrasil pierced by a spear for nine days to get to know the secrets of poetry and the runes. (His knowledge made Odin mournful and melancholic.)rune knowledge, knowledge odincolor, guitar, music, keyboard, programming1
learninghungarian.hu…need it for even as basic as saying hello. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you! Not just with explaining the grammar, but by monitoring your knowledge and skills to reassure you that you are making progress. The right mindset is taking it day by day. A bit similar to yoga: never rush yourself…grammar knowledge, knowledge skillteacher, lesson, private, learn, language1
elbronco.hu…riding skills, horse handling and stable management. The instructors are trained to a high level and have vast experience of imparting their knowledge to their students, whilst the wide range of horses allows horsemen and women of all levels to experience the pleasure of western riding. The…experience knowledge, knowledge student, testament knowledge, knowledge skillel, horse, ride, national, western1
inbuss.huOver the years, we accumulated considerable experience and knowledge that will help us provide our customers with high-quality, flexible and quick to serve. Problem-oriented thinking is important for us to always understand our clients' business needs. We can think together and our goal is to…experience knowledge, knowledge customertechnology, management, ltd, solution, application1
omnipack.huOur cluster is considered as a dynamic strategic association which is a living example of an efficient and innovative cooperation of SME’s, big companies and researchers resulting further growth for our cluster members. Omnipack Cluster also serves as a knowledge center of market players engaged…cluster knowledge, knowledge centerpackaging, cluster, material, technology, tool1
euromedic-hungary.huThrough our practical experience, Euromedic accumulated the knowledge of the kind of services patients prefer, require and deserve.euromedic knowledge, knowledge kindactivity, pharmaceutical, quality, logistic, hospital1
dnui.hu…the best legal services available in Hungary. The Firm offers a unique combination of practice, business minded approach and an in-depth knowledge of law. Within its fields of specialization, the Firm has the resources and capabilities met only by the strongest law firms in Hungary. Its…depth knowledge, knowledge lawlaw, firm, practice, field, preparation1
bancard.huAt Bancard, we firmly believe that beside professionalism, the commitment and the continuous curiosity lead to a new and even more satisfactory solutions. Our most valuable treasure is our knowledge.reference, management, light, introduction, consulting1
dalmasialmaskert.huIn Dunaalmás the “Almáskert” is a venture based on the ideas of master and disciple, rooted in Jászság (part of Hungary), combining the ideas of the grandparent’s past knowledge with the possibilities of the current time. The Jászság is far from Dunaalmás. The forties is also far away from the…past knowledge, knowledge possibilitytraditional, course, previous, language, family1
raczlawfirm.huOur client can also count on us for specialist knowledge across a wide range of areas and sectors so when we say comprehensive legal service, be it advising on regulatory matters, corporate and commercial issues, banking and finance, litigation & dispute resolution, collection, employment, real…specialist knowledge, knowledge widelaw, firm, legal, client, matter1
hpandpartners.huWe believe that for truly high standard legal assistance not only considerable professional knowledge and experience, but also creativity is needed.professional knowledge, knowledge experiencelaw, firm, legal, client, solution1
technosecurity.huOur specialist staff regularly takes part in professional trainings which give them the knowledge about the most up-to-date technical equipment, thus adapting to the requirements of our times.training knowledge, knowledge datesecurity, quality, task, location, equipment1
gyerekrehangolva.huCecilia has always been very approachable and made us feel comfortable to share our experiences, questions and thoughts. We have learned valuable knowledge on how children behave and how to respond to these natural behaviors. To think about ourselves as parents and as individuals is very helpful…valuable knowledge, knowledge childparenting, parent, early, support, child1
okopannon.huÖKO-Pannon Nonprofit Plc. maintained in the last years the professional knowledge on the field of packaging collection and recycling.professional knowledge, knowledge fieldtrademark, packaging, charge, green, licence1
magorganic.huThe cowboy (gulyás) profession has a long history in Hungary. They are the ones whom supervises, takes care of and protects the herd that entrusted to them. Their work is responsible, as the high-value herd is exposed to many dangers. A good cowboy is patient, disciplined, reliable, has local…local knowledge, knowledge loveorganic, article, buyer, consultancy, introduction1
hrinkubator.huHer expertise and services are: Recruitment and scale-up, company trainings, employer branding, career coaching, self-branding, career coaching, mentoring, children’s coaching, self-knowledge trainings and school programs in solution-focused mindset.self knowledge, knowledge trainingsolution, expert, career, recruitment, employee1
nishuyoga.huYoga is the important part of the healthy lifestyle and the Ayurvedic Life. Our Yoga Classes are mixes of the Hatha and the Medical Yoga – it depends always on the knowledge of the participants. We emphasize not only the improvement of the Asanas (poses) but the protection of joints and the spine…yoga knowledge, knowledge participantyoga, event, treatment, ayurvedic, welcome1
perks.huWe have been restoring old classic vehicles since 2017. Our team has experience and professional knowledge to convince you: your project car is not a dead-end, we are able to fix it. We do have reference of full restorations or parts of that. Check out our photos and visit our workshop in Hungary.professional knowledge, knowledge projectreference, type, vehicle, able, restoration1
dmlab.huDmlab was founded in 2007. We have been placing great emphasis on how we can turn our data science knowledge into business value for our clients from the outset. We are building our team of over ten by creating value for our clients.science knowledge, knowledge businessdata, scientist, solution, decision, custom1
angoliskolabudapest.huIn all subjects ESB will utilise international teaching methodology to target skill development rather than simply knowledge. ESB’s approach will be child centred learning, focussing on the students learning skills and needs, raher than the traditional frontal method. Our priority will be to…simply knowledge, knowledge esbschool, child, learn, language1
polynorm2000.huIf you have a question regarding heating-cables, cable accessories or HAUPA products, please apply to our colleagues. We are at your disposal with our long-term experience and specialized knowledge.cable, heating, tool, voltage, accessories1
dentalroyal.huThe most important thing for us is Your satisfaction, the members of our team guarantee the implementation of your ideas with experience and guaranteed professional knowledge.dental, treatment, tooth, price, implant1
enet.huWe provide guidance and support in banking technology services, leveraging our market knowledge, digitalization expertise, and expert management.market knowledge, knowledge digitalizationdigitalization, process, management, consulting, technology1
fgdental.hu“I have been running a private practice since 2003. After graduation I first specialized in oral diseases then took a specializing exam in dentoalveolar surgery. I keep my knowledge up-to-date with continuing professional education and hands-on courses in order to provide my customers with a wide…surgery knowledge, knowledge datedental, german, treatment, surgery, oral1
cegpalyazat.huIn a digital welfare society, young talented people and start-ups have to face so many challenges. The key question is whether, with the right knowledge, you can exploit the potential opportunities in this new arrangementright knowledge, knowledge potentialapplication, free, game, condition, individual1
evacon.huThe smooth running and real value of any event is as important for us, as for our partners. “Success is in details” based on knowledge and experience will result unforgettable occaisons.detail knowledge, knowledge experienceconcept, management, programme, activity, reference1
budataxi.huQualified drivers with up-to-date knowledge. We’ve worked with numerous clients and understand discretion is key. Our clients are individual business leaders, politicians, foreign or local corporations or boards of private banks. Our drivers are reliable to the highest extent and stress-proof…date knowledge, knowledge numeroustransfer, limousine, luxury, vehicle, booking1
magyaralkusz.huKnowledge nay estimable questions repulsive daughters boy. Solicitude gay way unaffected expression for. His mistress ladyship required off horrible disposed…assurance, travel, expression, education, preference1
felicia-feder.huwe deal with the processing and sale of recycled feathers and down. With my father’s knowledge and he helped me with his experience, I will pass on this knowledge and love for the feather profession from him I inherited it.father knowledge, knowledge experience, experience knowledge, knowledge lovefeather, material, goose, quality, benefit1
papache.huJunior Full Stack Developer, who focuses on gaining experience and utilizes him knowledge.skill, stack, developer, technical, school1
futurefounders.huTo empower University students and young adults in Hungary with the skills, connections, and practical knowledge so they can transform their ideas into globally successful startups.practical knowledge, knowledge ideafuture, founder, timeline, idea, investment1
peminfo.huwe have a mission to evangelize spreading the good news about the forgiveness, growing in the knowledge of our Lord. Being grateful for all what He has done for us, we can serve Him helping and loving each other. We are convinced that it is God’s plan to see more and more people giving praise to…forgiveness knowledge, knowledge lordgod, homepage, construction, people, holy1
crownholding.hu…its external representation. To this end, it entrusts its management tasks to the most outstanding and competent players in the Romanian and domestic real estate market, who bring to the Company the benefit of their knowledge and experience, which they have acquired earlier and partly elsewhere.benefit knowledge, knowledge experiencecrown, portfolio, real, estate, rating1
infius.huWe consider it important to underpin our knowledge gained with internationally recognized exams as well. Therefore we expect to take succesful Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) exams from all members of our development staff, accordance with their personal training plans. So we already have…important knowledge, knowledge internationallydevelopment, expert, developer, task, need1
bmpvsz.hu…of citizens to rescue themselves, others and material possessions, and, through targeted practice, includes the process of developing this knowledge into skills. In addition, the population must be made aware of the fact that with careless behaviour or in the lack of necessary information…process knowledge, knowledge skilldisaster, organisation, protection, management, event1
cetlie.huOn your first day, what's more frustrating than finding your account to the internal knowledge base missing? Cetlie can automatically warn you about this before the employee's start date.internal knowledge, knowledge basehire, manager, faq, employee, like1
aranylo-napraforgo.huOur institutions use the Helen Doron English language method. It is specially designed by linguist and teacher Helen Doron to meet the abilities and needs of pre-school children . The effectiveness of the method has been proven many times over, with the level of knowledge stored and acquired by…level knowledge, knowledge endkindergarten, child, nursery, group, programme1
framework.huEach company needs knowledge and experience in order to sucessfully follow business and economic changes. We as advisory company can assist you, so that you have all the required tools to effectively respond to the challenges to eventually stand on solid fundaments and start growing again. We can…company knowledge, knowledge experienceframework, publication, reference, energy, development1
peoplefactor.huThe advanced skills of our employees are of significantly more value in today's highly competitive market than the lexical knowledge they acquire in the classroom.lexical knowledge, knowledge classroomfactor, people, training, train, skill1
cookroom.hu…our profession, it’s our passion. We know the current trends, we attend a lot of international interior design and home furnishing exhibitions, we are always up to date with the latest trends, but we also believe in timelessness. And we put our constantly updated knowledge to furnish for your home.constantly knowledge, knowledge homefurniture, kitchen, italian, unique, bathroom1
hungarianlearn.huEven though linguistics and finno-ugric studies are really interesting, I chose to teach Hungarian to foreigners as my vocation . I focus on practising a lot. The lexical, grammatical etc knowledge, gained during the first "classroom" lessons is applied and practised in real life with my students…etc knowledge, knowledge classroomlanguage, lesson, private, teacher, university1
equital.huAre you looking for the ideal location for a seminar, training or demonstration on equestrian topics, where you can share your knowledge in an authentic setting? We can provide a venue for equestrian training courses, presentations, conferences in any equestrian discipline, with accommodation and…topic knowledge, knowledge authentichorse, ride, equestrian, therapeutic, horseback1
plasticor.huWe existe since 2004. With increasing knowledge and quality, meeting market demands, maintaining our target areas and conquering further, we strive to create a workplace that our employees are justifiably proud and happy to do.injection, molding, plastic, production, tool1
balance-online-marketing.huWe are the right term for your business. We have the expertise and knowledge to offer impartial advice and services at an honest price.expertise knowledge, knowledge impartialclient, quote, website, solution, mission1
limo.huTake advantage of our local knowledge and contacts and get excited, because we're ready get you into the coolest places in town. Party like you've never before and experience the magical nightlife Budapest has to offer!local knowledge, knowledge contacttransfer, airport, limousine, hour, single1
complextrade.huAs the managing director of Complex Trade Machine Manufacturing and Assembly Ltd. ( Gépgyártó és Szerelő Kft.) , let me welcome you as my future partner! The knowledge of our experts, our technical equipment and the experience gained over the years are a guarantee of success.partner knowledge, knowledge experttrade, complex, machinery, introduction, hall1
flexoroll.hu“Our company combines the extensive knowledge and experience in paper converting that our predecessors, the Finnish Ikapaper then later the Pyroll company, bestowed upon us, with market awareness in Hungary and the latest technologies acquired over several generations. The fact that our services…extensive knowledge, knowledge experiencepaper, logistic, warehousing, cost, material1
helgem.huThis slogan of our enterprise is derived from our endeavour to balance theory and practice. With a firm belief in the importance of theoretical knowledge, we are seeking to find ways of utilizing it in business management creatively, with an ultimate goal to ensure that customers are offered…theoretical knowledge, knowledge wayprocess, quality, practice, food, machine1
aholnapiskolaja.huThe inclusive school tackles the gaps in the education of children with multiple (and severe-multiple) disabilities. However, due to our focus on developing talent, the knowledge, skills and strengths of typically developing children also greatly improve. We are creating a type of institution that…talent knowledge, knowledge skillschool, tomorrow, child, multiple, severe1
simplyadd.hu…cultures, countless processes and multiple support systems. As B2B business development expert, he represented Magyar Telekom around the globe on international conferences and learnt through his projects how complicated knowledge transfer is even to daughter companies in Montenegro or Macedonia.complicated knowledge, knowledge transferdevelopment, management, cooperation, simply, responsibility1
welloffice.huThe Jury members market knowledge and the available public (mostly online) sources provide sufficient information to evaluate projects in the first year.market knowledge, knowledge availableaward, jury, building, winner, prize1
computer-service-balaton.hu…I am here to assist individuals, vocational school students, students, gifted children, and companies at Lake Balaton. In my training sessions, I combine a modern and practical approach to ensure that you acquire the relevant knowledge and skills that are in demand in today’s technological world.relevant knowledge, knowledge skillcomputer, training, lake, security, mobile1
fogak.huWe constantly take part in practical trainings. We learn from the best to become even better. Please do not be deceived by the young age of our colleagues. Proper knowledge and practice are crucial in our dentistry!proper knowledge, knowledge practicedentistry, dental, treatment, tooth, implantation1
fortheloveofgames.huFor the Love of Games is a small company, we are trying to make Big from what we have, our experience, our knowledge, our dedication and our love for games.experience knowledge, knowledge dedicationgame, developer, love, adventure, big1
angoloniskola.huHi everyone, I would like to ask you now to turn your Angol On for a moment so I can tell you about my dream. I imagine a world where everyone can share their hopes, dreams, knowledge, and wisdom with each other. A world where communication and community connects us all. Each person knows…dream knowledge, knowledge wisdomteacher, student, training, language, native1
singlish.huSinglish is a resource for students who have begun to learn the language and wish to extend their knowledge of culture and also their verbal and listening skills. It is designed to be used in conjunction with other teaching methods to develop interest in the language.​language knowledge, knowledge cultureship, model, tuesday, wednesday, construction1
elsner.huDental implants provide a solution for people who have lost their teeth due to injury, dental disease, or other reasons. In the field of dental prostheses (dentures), fixing with a releasable bond (screw) is gaining more and more space than fixing with an insoluble bond (glue). To the best of our…good knowledge, knowledge special, implant knowledge, knowledge worlddental, implant, solution, news, denture1
consumer.hu…to introduce stricter rules in many areas in order to guarantee a higher level of consumer protection. So companies are not in an easy situation: accurate knowledge of the regulations, and therefore reliance on precise legal advice, is crucial if they want to prevent infringements and avoid fines.accurate knowledge, knowledge regulationconsumer, protection, inspection, rule, minute1
nges.huOur federation has members with outstanding knowledge both domestically and internationally and partners, who are playing important roles in the market-together, they help to provide the highest possible level of professional and legal support for domestic esports players and teams.outstanding knowledge, knowledge domesticallychampionship, cup, federation, able, competition1
leones.huWith our shared knowledge and experience, we strive to bring this beloved brand closer to Hungarian consumers as a member of the McDonald’s family.restaurant, developmental, market, egg, meal1
ritualtattoo.huYour tattoo is for a lifetime: a thoroughly planned, creative motive demands knowledge, artistic abilities and we are offering you exactly these - plus 25 years of experience, professional technical background and a high level of comfort and hygenics in our studios. We are here to help you realize…motive knowledge, knowledge artistictattoo, ritual, gallery, useful, picture1
scienceport.huIn all cases, Janos and SciencePort gave a high quality scientific and practical solution to difficult and to routine issues. The depth of knowledge and enthusiasm for problem solving, together with the access to a very wide range of different types of analytical equipment, has resolved analytical…depth knowledge, knowledge enthusiasmscience, analytical, advisory, issue, chemistry1
dubicz.huIn case of every vintage, we bottle the very best of our heart, soul and professional knowledge. Our offering includes traditional wines made from white grape varieties that make everyone enchanted from those loving light flavors to gourmets.professional knowledge, knowledge offerwine, winery, vineyard, award, store1
noemi-fejlesztohaza.hu…for over 5 years. Meanwhile, I help children's development in foreign languages and other areas by giving private lessons. I have gained my knowledge of the English language and the basics of the profession in England where I spent a few years learning through experiences. My aim is to supportlesson knowledge, knowledge englishchild, development, institute, language, availability1
egyjomasszazs.hu…If we feel pain at any point of the body, we put our hands automatically on the top of it, and ease the pain with rubbing and smoothing movements. If this is combined with knowledge of medically recognized effects, relief can be achieved at the musculoskeletal and medical levels as well.”movement knowledge, knowledge medicallymassage, treatment, muscle, guest, body1
mspire.huWe are a group of regulatory, policy and strategy consultants specialized in connectivity and disrupting digital technologies , with an in-depth knowledge of the industry.depth knowledge, knowledge industrystrategy, regulatory, consulting, industry, connectivity1
angolmesekert.huFor the children of Hungarian nationality, we start both English and Hungarian preschool program from the age of 5, which consists of 4 subjects (speech therapy, mathematics, environmental studies, music-physical education), each day of a week. These sessions help the children organize their…child knowledge, knowledge englishchild, preschool, introduction, education, development1
bestchem.huOur company - also using a network of similar activity companies in other countries - has got a wide knowledge about the users of chemicals in various industries and we can give value to your surplus or obsolete stocks. Our company takes into a consignment or - in case of special conditions…wide knowledge, knowledge userchemical, colour, card, stock, solution1
szaszdominik.huMy main project that i have been working on for months, an app where developers can talk and chat to eachother on. This site is made for developers to share the knowledge and talk to other programmers. Sadly this project is NO MORE.developer knowledge, knowledge programmerdocument, developer, mobile, multiple, react1
bta-group.hu…communication skills and a successful conflict management competence are our basics. Our test staff pays special attention to the business logic of the affected systems. With this gathered knowledge, our employees are able to offer training and support for end users or key users during the project.system knowledge, knowledge employeegroup, management, software, process, analysis1
red-dot.hu"The purpose of the association is the promotion of knowledge, research and education concerning design, the promotion of education in the handling of design and the promotion of the art and culture of design. This purpose is to be pursued by actions including but not limited to exhibitions in…promotion knowledge, knowledge researchshop, award, association, germany, eng1
bombavadasz.huWith our Hungarian staff, we have been in charge of day-to-day EOD tasks for decades. We have got our experiences mainly in Huingary and in other war-torn countries. We are continually expanding our knowledge, monitoring and applying international developments and use these technologies in our…continually knowledge, knowledge internationalarea, disposal, exploration, explosive, technical1
moodlefix.huAs IT specialist I know several computer software and I learn the new software quickly, thanks to my beta testing experience. I have knowledge to analyze, diagnose, solve hardware and software related problems under Windows and Linux. As programmer, I have experience in PHP, Perl web development…experience knowledge, knowledge hardwaredevelopment, upgrade, installation, plugin, version1
korita.huMedilar comes with incredible user-friendly 1-Click installation process which helps you for saving time. With 2 different homepage layouts, you are thrully free to design your professional-looking medical, health or treatment center website without coding knowledge. Because we are at your serve…website knowledge, knowledge servemedical, treatment, ipsum, elit, dolor1
striker.huA manhunt against a university is a manhunt against the institution of knowledge. The universities are knowledge builders and institutionalized knowledge mediators.institution knowledge, knowledge university, university knowledge, knowledge builder, builder knowledgeopen, letter, president, festival, human1
falcongt.hu„Our internationally certified experts possess more than twenty years of professional experience. We have concluded partnership and cooperation agreements with the vendors supplying our portfolio’s product base allowing us to provide high quality services using the best of our knowledge.”consulting, security, risk, data, threat1
btms.huWe are a highly skilled software development and consulting firm driven by a passion for innovation. With expertise in government and banking projects, as well as a keen interest in artificial intelligence, we bring together a diverse range of talents and knowledge to deliver exceptional results…talent knowledge, knowledge exceptionalsoftware, development, solution, consulting, client1
csopa.huThank you, Kristóf, for guiding us through the Birth exhibition! He was well prepared and authentic. Being a mother of 3 I could still learn from him. His nice manners and accurate knowledge were respectable! Thank you!accurate knowledge, knowledge respectablegroup, ticket, reservation, voucher, gift1
monedit.huWe are committed to improving the efficiency in science and education by professional distribution of knowledge, equipment and services.distribution knowledge, knowledge equipmentaid, supplier, distribution, science, education1
salvavita.huThe members of the consortium jointly developed innovative tools and methods that can be used to expand employers’ knowledge of the social inclusion of disabled people at work.employer knowledge, knowledge socialpeople, employment, organization, job, disability1
somplast.huOur unique and mass production experience over the past 25 years and the knowledge of our employees enable us to carry out complex, complete projects independently.year knowledge, knowledge employeecareer, gallery, news, plastic, mould1
zelebots.huDue to the complexity of industrial electrical systems, specialized expertise and knowledge are essential for their design and execution. Competitive results require understanding the latest technological solutions along with relevant safety regulations and specific requirements of industrial…expertise knowledge, knowledge essentialltd, page, industrial, collaborative, reference1
drgasparlevente.huHe acquired the knowledge of arthroscopy and knee arthroplasty in Basel, Switzerland and at the University of New Hampshire, USA.page, orthopaedic, university, department, surgery1
kisfecske.huWith the help of a qualified riding instructor and trained horses, it is possible to get a taste of the mysteries of riding and horsemanship. With an equine therapist and a clinical psychologist, we can help those who want to improve with the method of horse-assisted self-knowledge and team…self knowledge, knowledge teamaccomodation, gallery, previous, neighbor, house1
mamat.huWe support the education of malacological knowledge, the research of malacological branches, nevertheless, we embrace those for whom malacology is not more than a simple collecting passion. One forum of this is our magazine called Soosiana.malacological knowledge, knowledge researchsociety, member, picture, news, species1
hands-on.huOur clients have ranged from multinational companies seeking to securely mobilize their workforce , to boutique consulting firms aiming to improve their knowledge management processes , to NGOs and EU Grant recipients needing IT infrastructure and communications management support.firm knowledge, knowledge managementhand, consulting, management, support, provider1
peninsula-software.huOur extensive experience in software projects, methodologies, industry certifications and services management provide us great knowledge about the management of the processes involved in the development lifecycle. This includes things such asrequirements definition, software design, coding, source…great knowledge, knowledge managementsoftware, peninsula, development, cloud, management1
kreativfejlesztes.hu…well. The process of developing people has always been very interesting for me, and as a Manager I also put great emphasis on the individual’s professional development and accomplishment. As a Business Coach and HR Consultant I am supporting my clients’ development, improvement and self-knowledge.manager, trainer, development, individual, homepage1
digidental.huWe have 15 years of experience gained at the Central Stomatological Institute, We are also co-developers of the widely used Digident Electrometric Measuring Device, which is applied to achieve correct and precise root fillings. Our theoretical knowledge is applied extensively using materials and…theoretical knowledge, knowledge extensivelysurgery, dental, treatment, implant, discount1
queen-king.huI'm passionate about helping others to achieve their desired results with my experience and knowledge.career, page, goal, post, personal1
ormo.huWe specialise in mobile and web app development & design. Our talented and well-grooved team use their broad knowledge to make a complete 360-Degree approach on your needs and turn your vision into a viable product on the digital market.broad knowledge, knowledge completedigital, step, mobile, brand, touch1
batizandras.huStories have power – a power that is rarely used in business today yet, even though shared stories have played a significant role in the evolutionary development of Homo Sapiens. Stories have always connected larger communities as a platform for sharing collective knowledge.presentation, custom, offer, webpage, impact1
magyarermebolt.huEven new, you are old numismatist and in one's informations perhaps vague, let him signal it in connection with the coins produced after 1946 then, and we answer his questions according to our best knowledge!coin, condition, mint, beautiful, main1
triptobudapest.huWe also know that through our enthusiasm and knowledge of the city, we can help ensure you to have a great time.enthusiasm knowledge, knowledge citytour, free, walk, trip, sight1
it4all.huWe consider ourselves lucky because our colleagues’ thirst for knowledge and the mission of it4all drives us towards the innovation and new limits. The challenges we face require up-to-date knowledge and cutting-edge technology.thirst knowledge, knowledge mission, date knowledge, knowledge cutsolution, main, career, goal, software1
profiforditas.huTranslation in a time-consuming and complex task, and its performance requires complex knowledge. Of course, the interpretation and translation of simply formulated and short texts can be done by stable language skills, however, the interpretation of longer texts formulated in natural language…complex knowledge, knowledge coursetranslation, language, agency, translator, text1
horvathsikuveg.huMiklós Horváth formed our family venture, who, based on his existing knowledge and work experience obtained business license in the trade of glazing in 1968. In the initial stage he mainly worked for individuals, then increasingly more companies have trusted in his expertise.venture knowledge, knowledge workglass, introduction, gallery, class, venture1
balazstakacs.huI have been enjoying the massages of Balázs for years. He keeps on broadening his professional horizon with new techniques all the time. I think that he has managed to accumulate so much knowledge that he can assuage the pain of most locomotor diseases immediately. You can take relaxation and rest…time knowledge, knowledge painmassage, gift, voucher, pain, minute1
elte.huEötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is the oldest and largest university in Hungary and it is the most popular higher education institution among applicants each year. As the leading research university in Hungary, the name of ELTE means knowledge, opportunities, competition, openness and community…elte knowledge, knowledge opportunityuniversity, student, faculty, mobility, summer1
perfektmotor.huWith a large spare part kit and extensively high product knowledge we can take piston-type vehicle compressors renovation.product knowledge, knowledge pistonlarge, family, country, regeneration, brand1
calmed.huBased on our decade-long service experience and our various existing MSc-level background knowledge in engineering, mechanical engineering and medical engineering technology, we have built our own research and development center and implemented not only custom made but also small-scale series…background knowledge, knowledge engineeringrepair, maintenance, device, manufacture, custom1
homexperts.huWe didn’t stop there: we decided that our passion and dedication should be reflected not only in practice but also in knowledge. We attended trainings, learned about the latest techniques and methods in the industry, to provide the best service possible to those who entrust their homes to us.practice knowledge, knowledge trainingtask, package, handyman, job, hour1
senex.huSENEX Ltd. provides high-quality expert services in all fields of environmental protection. Our employees have decades of professional experience and knowledge. Our activities mainly include environmental assessment and coordination of permitting procedures, risk assessment, environmental surveys…experience knowledge, knowledge activitytreatment, wastewater, assessment, environmental, field1
mkvk.hu– providing high-quality services and developing their professional knowledge and competence on a continuous basis,professional knowledge, knowledge competencechamber, member, auditing, sector, place1
biztositasod.huPlethora of options neatly organized into sections that allow you to build websites without any coding knowledge.avada, option, page, support, custom1
interdata.hu…in the areas of accounting and finance, taxation, payroll and consulting. Our local contacts and international connections provide customer-centric service and fast solutions. Through our professional knowledge and experience, we put together customized service packages to meet our clients needs.professional knowledge, knowledge experiencereference, list, newsletter, accounting, client1
ikoninformatika.huWe strive to lead our clients through the multitude of available IT services and software and find the optimal solutions for their corporate information handling issues or their infocommunication device pool management. Our colleagues have proficiency in various fields of IT, we master a…range knowledge, knowledge marketsoftware, solution, development, financial, reseller1
nordegard.huWe design our equipment and programs based on this knowledge in order to create the most authentic image. In addition to preserving traditions, our reenactment team has been featured in American, Austrian, Canadian and British educational and entertainment movie productions. The support we receive…program knowledge, knowledge orderperiod, carpathian, basin, history, introduction1
avicenna-med.huDr Marton graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of Semmelweis University in 2009. He studied at some of Hungary’s most renowned oral surgeons, then furthered his knowledge in Germany and qualified as an oral surgeon in 2012. He was born into a family of dentists, carrying on the family…surgeon knowledge, knowledge germanydentistry, forward, dental, oral, tooth1
polymeron.huCommerce Relying on our comprehensive knowledge and experience, our company is constantly expanding its commercial activities. In addition to thecomprehensive knowledge, knowledge experiencedivision, extrusion, molding, injection, prototyping1
inducon.huOur company stands for solving ad-hoc brand- independent repairs and maintenance with over head price in all part of Hungary. The professional knowledge of our colleagues ensure for us the possibility to troubleshoot in time. ...... MOREprofessional knowledge, knowledge colleaguesmachine, spare, additional, heat, refurbishment1
kettannyelvuiskola.huAcquiring versatile scientific knowledge through interesting experiments, interactive whiteboard use and external programs.scientific knowledge, knowledge interestingschool, native, primary, grade, language1
csernitzkylaura.huMy educational journey took me through undergraduate studies at ELTE, a half-year at Freie Universität in Berlin, and a master’s degree in clinical psychology at Leiden Universiteit in the Netherlands. Along the way, I not only acquired knowledge but also encountered different cultures and the…way knowledge, knowledge differentjourney, support, forward, unique, passionate1
hotelmanagementservices.huHotel Consulting Services -offering you the possibility of our expertise and knowledge in the different fields of successful management for your hotel, tailor-made to suit your personal needs.expertise knowledge, knowledge differentmanagement, portfolio, group, mood, consulting1
amadeus.huBudapest Apartments Tourist information: Guests in our Budapest apartments have all of the knowledge of our local staff at their disposal. Once all of the formalities are out of the way, we are free and happy to answer any questions concerning life in Budapest, leisure activities, monuments…apartment knowledge, knowledge localapartment, price, centre, room, accommodation1
nemethgaborbuvesz.huSelf-knowledge and crossing our own boundaries lie at the heart of this spectacular performance combining danger, challenges, and extremities. A show where the main role is played by the refinement, synchronization, amplification, and exclusion of the senses. Thanks to the unexpected and…self knowledge, knowledge boundaryticket, performance, trick, date, wedding1
f2pilates.huWhat I like the most about reformer pilates is that during the classes I can completely shut off the outer world and pay attention only to myself. I would love to pass over this knowledge and mindset to my guests.attention knowledge, knowledge mindsetclass, studio, instructor, group, gallery1
powerchild.huSince, our profile is finding solutions for unique demands , the first-hand knowledge and experience has key-importance both for us and for our customers.hand knowledge, knowledge experienceengineering, wind, prototype, repair, electric1
ewmgroup.huData is knowledge, and knowledge is power. We can make your business intelligent by providing data visualization and reporting solutions who express the behavior of your target group.data knowledge, knowledge powergroup, career, management, contract, insurance1
ducidili.huVast experience and extensive research about the marketing growth of companies led to the creation of this blog. The aim is to share this knowledge with others seeking to start a new startup.aim knowledge, knowledge newstrategy, success, growth, hello, result1
absl.huABSL Hungary’s members are a part of an active professional community, with access to various knowledge sharing and networking opportunities, data and reports about the Hungarian Business Services Sector as well as education and development initiatives.access knowledge, knowledge shareevent, member, calendar, news, report1
lorik.hu…of someone else. Whether it is forging public records to register at an address where the registrant does not, in fact, dwell. Taking a position on individual issues is further hampered by frequent changes of criminal laws, due to which our earlier knowledge, believed to be certain, becomes dated.early knowledge, knowledge certaincriminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, defence1
tibikeborike.huOur company was established in 1991 as a family business. Knowledge and retail of raw materials for the fancy leather goods industry passed from father to son, and by now, everyone contributes their share of the work. Our business has developed continuously, resulting in a national recognition…business knowledge, knowledge retailsale, leather, customer, reference, gallery1
kovacsendre.huMy goal is to deepen the knowledge I have acquired so far and to gain new skills. Another objective is to acquire backend skills.goal knowledge, knowledge farskill, developer, css, welcome, creativity1
hadrian.huAdrián Horváth specializes in creating unique orchestrations for wind bands as an arranger. His theoretical knowledge and expertise allow him to create creative and dynamic arrangements. He has created arrangements for various musical genres ranging from classical to jazz and rock. Whatever the…theoretical knowledge, knowledge expertisecomposition, wind, music, book, march1
laptopszervizbudapest.huWe cannot fix, and we do not recommend changing or fixing low-power or old battery cells. In our best knowledge, better quality battery cells usually cost almost as much as a brand new third party battery that our company provides with warranty, and usually restored laptop batteries are unpleasing…good knowledge, knowledge wellrepair, day, problem, price, replacement1
megawatt.huMegawatt Ltd’s market recognition is based on this, our strength is in the spirit, knowledge and skills of our staff!spirit knowledge, knowledge skillinstallation, reference, site, commercial, department1
ransommentes.huThanks to the unique experiences we have gained at Data Recovery and in this critical role, and due to the special knowledge we have built we have a real and extensive insight into the process and mechanism of a ransomware attack. Having this wide experience enables us to assess the risks of a…special knowledge, knowledge realattack, assessment, day, detail, eng1
mito.huIt started out as an in-house circulation of the most interesting links of a week and turned into Mito's weekly newsletter of inspiration and knowledge for all. You can sign up, too.study, case, performance, page, campaign1
nesz.huThe Masters of Folk Arts are creative artists highly acknowledged within their own communities. They have the vast knowledge of long-established folk activities and they have the power to influence those they interact with. The masters are examples to all because they preserve the values and…vast knowledge, knowledge longfolk, association, art, artist, festival1
expogroup.huOur company, as the Hungarian, Serbian and Bulgarian representative of Reed Exhibitions – The World’s Leading Events Organizer (500 events, 43 countries), is organizing and managing many events in the World. Mainly we are working in Western-Europe, but we have long partnerships and market…market knowledge, knowledge asiagroup, exhibition, event, news, detail1
kreativkontent.huWe are the right term for your business. We have the expertise and knowledge to offer impartial advice and services at an honest price.expertise knowledge, knowledge impartialclient, website, agency, solution, digital1
phpguru.huInstallation and configuration of WordPress, adding features and bugfix in plugins, use of Elementor website editor, MVC , Laravel, Symfony framework knowledge.developer, development, control, environment, software1
rgbstudio.huWe have a solution suggestion for each problem. Our tasks are prepared on time and in accordance with discussions, while striving for maximum customer satisfaction. Considering professional trends, we develop our knowledge. Because each task is based on a variety of professionals who are most…trend knowledge, knowledge taskanimation, studio, graphic, motion, video1
eniac.huWe combine our experience in several industrial sectors and our expertise of nearly two decades with in-depth knowledge of best practices to design industry-focused, customized solutions.depth knowledge, knowledge goodmanagement, software, solution, detail, enterprise1
pegazushomestaging.huWe have qualifications of art and design, decades of experience of styling consulting and up-to-date knowledge from renowned foreign home stagers and marketing professionals. We would be happy to help you to show your propertydate knowledge, knowledge renownedproperty, sale, real, value, estate1
edueras.huThe aim of the project are to develop and test innovative teaching materials according to learners 'perceptions, perceptual features and learning styles, guiding students to self-directed learning, promoting exchanges in this field, strengthening teachers' knowledge and reducing social…teacher knowledge, knowledge socialtouch, learn, idea, innovative, course1
banyaiorsolya.huI am in the beginning phase to share with others my knowledge that I’ve so far realized. Until now I mostly concentrated on my personal life.phase knowledge, knowledge farvoice, society, activity, clear, event1
viczjanpal.huCompetencies: good communication skills, cooperative, creative, precise, self-dependent, excellent legal knowledge, excellent IT knowledgelegal knowledge, knowledge excellentsoftware, competency, developer, language, database1
sovit.huWe have experienced, certified experts in all relevant fields of environment protection (water, air, soil, waste, noise and ecology) and practical knowledge of Hungarian environmental legislation. We have long-term partnerships with environmental laboratories and other companies for specialized…practical knowledge, knowledge hungarianpermit, environmental, waste, transportation, german1
murati.huGained deep knowledge in networking, operating systems, storage, web- and database technologies, as well as in plant management, advanced scripting, automation and development as a graduate of the New York Technology Analyst Program.deep knowledge, knowledge networkingcloud, engineer, technology, architect, infrastructure1
humantelex.huWork with us in a super team! Apply for our current job vacancies or just submit your CV if you think we need your knowledge!event, creative, human, client, campaign1
elevenborbar.huI used to think that I have good knowledge of wines, but I learn something new from Richárd every time. But it is not compulsory!good knowledge, knowledge winebar, wine, shop, reservation, daytime1
mipolan.huNo question remains unanswered. Find us on any day of week, we give our best knowledge to you. Our customers maximal satisfaction is our satisfaction too.good knowledge, knowledge customerplastic, industry, quality, competence, process1
divegear.huAfter several decades in the light industry we combined our knowledge with our diving experience and started to produce our local dive gears with brandmark SUKK.industry knowledge, knowledge divingdive, gear, diving, manufacturer, equipment1
medprise.huOur vast experience in marine, energy and civil engineering and our unique blend of innovative talent and deep technical knowledge makes us the ideal offshore partner.technical knowledge, knowledge idealenergy, leadership, news, marine, installation1
hdy.hu…higher education stakeholders, while the design yearbook will be useful for all design people from policy decision-makers through students to keen laymen. The opinion leader publications, available both online and offline, are the most efficient means of knowledge transfer as far as we know it.mean knowledge, knowledge transferbook, editor, art, university, international1
lake-tisza.huBefore setting off for a canoe tour on Lake Tisza, it is highly recommended to become thoroughly prepared! Without local knowledge and talent in using maps, orienteering is not that easy.local knowledge, knowledge talentlake, tour, canoe, island, touristic1
skinacademy.huCertain immunological diseases will be introduced from the perspective of translational medicine. I have asked the presenters to not only try to put everyday practical knowledge into our minds, but also to explain scientific background in detail so that our memory receives logical, structured…practical knowledge, knowledge mindacademy, registration, skin, interactive, disease1
proficv.huProfi CV Ltd. provides job seekers with real assistance, backed with our knowledge and experience. Our mission is to assist you in finding the best possible job in the shortest possible time. The staff at Profi CV is committed to attaining success with you and achieving your job search related…assistance knowledge, knowledge experienceintroduction, job, interview, success, client1
aqvila.hu…Group Facility & Utility Director, Henrik Tornager who has worked closely with CEO, Péter Czirják for several years is impressed of his knowledge of all aspects of a building project and ability to gain detailed knowledge of any technical details for building works as well as installation…impress knowledge, knowledge aspect, detail knowledge, knowledge technicalengineering, consultancy, consult, build, value1
agriteach.huAgriculture has changed fundamentally over the last 15 years, and is increasingly becoming a knowledge-intensive sector within the 21st century global economy.increasingly knowledge, knowledge intensiveagricultural, teacher, training, agriculture, digital1
cryptomesek.huBy the time today's children between the ages of 3-6 reach the threshold of adulthood, it will be essential for them to be proficient in the crypto world and to have basic knowledge of digital money. In this book your child will find their first crypto friend in the person of the Long-Eared Crypto…basic knowledge, knowledge digitalbook, coloring, sticker, long, page1
pentapharma.huof medical research and fulfil a wide range of consumer demands while continuously developing existing products taking advantage of the acquired knowledge. Our reseller partners include all domestic pharmacies and wholesalers and we also supply to several drugstore chains and herbal specialty shops.advantage knowledge, knowledge resellersearch, pharmacy, health, problem, privacy1
szondaphone.huWith their relevant knowledge and supportive attitudes, our managers contribute a lot to the constant progress of our company. Almost all of our employees in the “cockpits”, as well as in the back offices, have worked as operators before, so they all have the relevant experience to understand the…relevant knowledge, knowledge supportivecentre, purpose, data, research, quality1
goodstone.huFounders of Goodstone have more than 20 years of global experience at automotive industry. Member companies are operating across Europe also at the Republic of South Africa. Throughout their branches and subsidiaries they gained knowledge at North American and Asian region as well. They are…subsidiary knowledge, knowledge northstory, staff, gallery, south, search1
maksz.hu…In the early days, special emphasis was placed on the organization of training, such as the detection of false documents, currency management, credit card knowledge, changes in the foreign exchange code, and cooperation with the authorities in verifying the eligibility of border crossings.card knowledge, knowledge changerental, guide, association, homepage, organizational1
tecton.co.huOur team of architects and engineers is dedicated to combining technical knowledge with creative vision to design and build industrial structures that are not only efficient and cost-effective but also aesthetically pleasing.technical knowledge, knowledge creativeconstruction, architect, builder, manager, industrial1
bravolight.huThe Bravolight team were flexible and had an excellent knowledge of the products, the products themselves are outstanding and our employees are also very happy with the new lights. It became clear very quickly that it was worth changing to LED lighting!excellent knowledge, knowledge productlighting, light, plan, solution, source1
tánci.hu…that have accompanied our assignments throughout the years. In order to preserve this, we employ highly qualified employees who are not only excellent in the specific field, but also regularly participate in further professional training in order to have the most up-to-date knowledge.construction, inspection, technical, portfolio, activity1
canata.hu​​I was born in 1965, in Budapest. I learned here, I am living and creating here. I have been taking photos more seriously since 2003 and I take the opportunity to indulge in this passion. Most of my knowledge comes from myself and from my mistakes but I like discussing my thoughts with others…passion knowledge, knowledge mistake, able knowledge, knowledge workshopphotography, story, able, photo, short1
europahajo.huThe Europe Ship is just like a chameleon: it may have thousands of colours and faces. It can change as long as it becomes exactly the one You require. We have got our own decorator team whose knowledge and taste are something You can always rely on. They are capable of „getting the rooms dressed”…team knowledge, knowledge tasteeurope, ship, event, beverage, food1
ec-invest.huWe offer customized deals tailored specifically to your company according to your needs! Each offer is preceded by a personal consultation, during which we work with you to determine the parameters of the final offer. Our colleagues with thorough professional knowledge will be happy to advise you…professional knowledge, knowledge happyarea, clean, price, capital, european1
kisimre.huinfo. Hardware The fact that this device was made in 2007 pretty much sums up that I used the parallel port of my computer as I did not have any knowledge about microcontrollers. By adding couple resistors to the display the interfacing to the LTP port was done. The role of the cable management…computer knowledge, knowledge microcontrollerhvac, sensor, device, data, belgrade1
pr-evolution.huContinuing the principles laid down at the foundation of the company: such as new quality, high technical standards, and continual cooperation with foreign dancers and choreographers to gain experience in order to solidify the knowledge obtained at international practices (workshops and training)…order knowledge, knowledge internationaldance, evolution, performance, mother, goose1
daalgroup.huAt DAAL Group we learnt in time that advanced theoretical knowledge does not deliver perfect results without on-site experience. We consider it very important to keep engineering expertise and work during implementation in harmony and in permanent touch at all times.theoretical knowledge, knowledge perfectindustrial, engineering, group, air, hall1
settlers.hu"Settlers have supported us for various activities related to helping our employees settle in Budapest and getting the necessary documentation done per due process. Settlers team is always very professional and have deep knowledge that really helps. We greatly value their services."deep knowledge, knowledge greatlyimmigration, relocation, authority, matter, destination1
expatservices.huExpat Service Kft was established in 2018 based on over 10 years of experience in Relocation Business. Thanks to the experience of the past 10 years, I have gained the knowledge that I can use to provide the best advice to foreigners wishing to stay in Hungary.year knowledge, knowledge goodexpat, destination, introduction, news, international1
kiscellimuzeum.huJanuary 21 , 2022 – April 17, 2022. Exhibiting artist: Gábor GERHES / Curated by: Emese MUCSI, Enikő RÓKA / Architectural design: Gábor GERHES, Paradigma AriadnéWhat are we to do with the traditional instruments of scientific knowledge in an age when facts are losing their grip on the public…scientific knowledge, knowledge agemuseum, exhibition, fashion, place, permanent1
dmker.huOur employees are constantly updating their knowledge during factory trainings, so they carry out warranty and post-warranty repairs with expertise and efficiency.constantly knowledge, knowledge factoryloader, machine, machinery, excavator, construction1
hidepito.huOur experience, professional knowledge, quality certificates and legal memberships ensure that we perform our tasks in accordance with the regulations and the customer's expectations every time.professional knowledge, knowledge qualityactivity, reference, membership, legal, certificate1
paladinbilisim.huBoost your employees' skills and knowledge through our training, workshops, and retain them with our development services.skill knowledge, knowledge trainingdata, solution, management, intelligence, organisation1
technicalinterpreters.huIt is very important to know that in the case of technical interpretation, knowledge of terminology plays a key role.interpretation knowledge, knowledge terminologytechnical, interpret, interpretation, important, interpreter1
bayenergy.huRefugees in in Egypt: Egypt: practices practices and and prospective prospective law. law. - - AUC AUC Knowledge Knowledge ...auc knowledgeday, leigh, book, series, novel1
fortano.huVitafoam Hungary has been ordered technical and other translations from Fortano Ltd. for years. They work quickly in a smooth, precise way, which is very important for our company. Their professional language knowledge is essential for us, they carry out the technical translation with excellent…language knowledge, knowledge essentialtranslation, price, case, document, text1
aether.huA zooming user interface based navigation system which arranges an large knowledge about genetic research base into a playful and comprehendable structure and experience.large knowledge, knowledge geneticarchitecture, space, aether, house, camera1
nyariegyetem.huLanguage is the basic means of communication, and it can be used for many different purposes. Undoubtedly, learning a language is certainly the best way of learning about the culture it represents. Our thematic courses have been designed not only to deepen your knowledge of Hungarian but also to…course knowledge, knowledge hungarianlanguage, material, course, foreign, section1
taichiflow.hu– helps you to have a deeper self knowledge, specially about your relations to yourself, to others, to the worldself knowledge, knowledge speciallybody, movement, self, martial, art1
gtssimulation.huLAW ENFORCEMENT In law enforcement training, the legal environment makes the modelling of behaviors even more important than in military situations. Using pre-scripted and randomized behavior trees, police officers and SWAT operators can be successfully trained, and their knowledge and aptitude…successfully knowledge, knowledge aptitudesimulation, training, skill, environment, task1
uniquetravel.huOur team of incentive management specialists have extensive knowledge and experience in running group travel program across the globe. Be it Cancun or Bangkok, Mauritius or Bali, Rome or Phnompen, chances are we will have run a successful program in a country or destination of interest to you.extensive knowledge, knowledge experienceunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
investigator.huof associates and an infrastructure that covers the whole country. For the Clients’ needs they are ready to manage the easiest work as well as those which require special knowledge and preparation. The working of Target Security suits all the required safeguarding and related regulations and laws...special knowledge, knowledge preparationprivate, client, need, security, mission1
zsonglor.huThe members of the Association can travel in the frame of the European project to partner countries. They have to answer to the calls, send applications and go through a selection procedure. Beneficiaries each time organize a dissemination workshop to give on the knowledge and also inform the…workshop knowledge, knowledge membershipcircus, association, international, juggle, activity1
crowndental.huOur colleagues work against high expectations, we are also committed to keeping it updated knowledge of our employees, so we regularly participate in training courses and courses.update knowledge, knowledge employeedental, crown, denture, list, price1
cspadvisors.huI had the pleasure of working with Zoltan on multiple occasions in both live and online business settings. His outstanding competence was always matched by his reliability and flexibility. Zoltan’s deep knowledge of the industry consistently helped us in making the right decisions.deep knowledge, knowledge industryadvisor, agency, strategic, zoltan, creative1
kidlife.hu"My children love to learn, think critically and have an amazing knowledge base. Both my children now speak with confidence in public and have great memories with wonderful role models."amazing knowledge, knowledge basespecialist, child, parent, counselling, therapy1
spiritsdigest.huChairman and CEO of Moët Hennessy said: “Moët Hennessy is in the world of bars and a supplier to many bars in the world, but we don’t actually operate one ourselves. It is a way to gain more credibility, knowledge and a place to test ideas and concepts. We wanted to create a complete experience…credibility knowledge, knowledge placebrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
porcellino.huAccording to an old teaching it’s impossible to firm the knowledge of something that we don’t know,delivery, reservation, gallery, newsletter, venue1
interreg-project.hu…Transdanubia region (and Austria). In my experience, cross-border and transnational funding programmes require special expertise and system knowledge of project beneficiaries. Even applicants and project beneficiaries who are experienced in these funding programmes are challenged when it comessystem knowledge, knowledge projectdevelopment, border, transnational, management, implementation1
osas.hu…changes accordingly, its view is accordingly arbitrary, there is no bottom or top. The concept of the frontal view also loses its meaning, and movement becomes a more effective means of approach. Ultimately, we become the plaything of a tipped balance between our knowledge and our experience.balance knowledge, knowledge experienceart, post, open, exhibition, structure1
bbox.huBBOX’s qualified team, the gained technological know-how, the professional knowledge of the local and international fiscal environment and the continous cooperation with the partners are the guaranties to have BBOX as a reliable partner for the future in the development, production and lifetime…professional knowledge, knowledge localfiscal, useful, development, production, printer1
iepd.huThe task of the Institute is to increase the professional training of teachers and researchers of foreign universities, improve their professional skills, deepen and expand industry knowledge, skills and abilities, gain experience in this regard by conducting trainings, seminars. Priority in the…industry knowledge, knowledge skill, professional knowledge, knowledge educationalinstitute, educational, development, internship, method1
oko-rt.huÖKO Co. Ltd. was established in 1991. On the market of environmental consulting, however, it is considered a long-standing firm since the research- and expert team of the share company has worked previously as a certain unit of different state-owned institutions, obtaining the skill and knowledge…skill knowledge, knowledge experienceenvironmental, management, protection, assessment, preparation1
onlinet.huSince there are no two business spaces that can be managed exactly the same way, standardized management approaches can only go so far. Projects of ONLINET start with a willingness to gain deep knowledge about our client’s operation and then get into creative planning based on comprehensive…deep knowledge, knowledge clientsolution, development, process, client, quote1
dtdexpress.huA freight forwarder ensures hassle-free delivery of the shipment to the recipient through an extensive network and proper professional knowledge. In many cases, contractual relationships with service providers used for transportation are required, necessitating the use of unique systems. With…professional knowledge, knowledge case, specialize knowledge, knowledge freightfreight, transport, shipment, air, road1
pcroyal.huThe printing industry has significant tradition in Békés County. Royal Printing House Ltd. is based on this knowledge and experience. The printing house was founded and bought the currently used building in 2002. The main products of the company are self-adhesive labels and flexible packaging…house knowledge, knowledge experienceprinting, packaging, quality, self, adhesive1
pharmacenter.huWe are committed to contribute the missing insights, local mosaics, bits and pieces needed to bring your Orphan Drugs, Oncological, Urological and Hospital medicinal products successfully to patients in our country based on the knowledge and experience we gained in over 20 years of successful…country knowledge, knowledge experiencedrug, hospital, oncology, grant, market1
deliontechnik.huIn order to increase my knowledge and gain extensive experience, I continued my career in Germany until 2016 as a Designer, Project Manager.order knowledge, knowledge extensivewater, gas, fire, construction, mist1
mavex-rekord.huThe company supports its customers in the procurement of all parts for rail vehicles and trolley-buses or in repairing the brake systems, with the cooperation of our specialists who have extensive knowledge and excellent language skills. We serve our customers reliable, on time and at an…extensive knowledge, knowledge excellentreal, estate, railway, component, manufacturer1
hornyanszky.huIn my practice I combine my legal skills with my business experience, thus I can offer my clients not only legal advice, but also profound business knowledge.law, attorney, expertise, appearance, member1
sysment.huAt Sysment, we believe that strong knowledge, experience and hard work are the keys to improve efficiency.strong knowledge, knowledge experiencedevelopment, software, app, mission, flexible1
accountantz.huQualified professional staff with wide-range accounting and financial experience; constant trainings and knowledge sharetraining knowledge, knowledge sharepersonal, fee, career, process, financial1
greenconsulting.huclose co-operation with our client's leaders and colleagues, based on the exact knowledge of needs and expectations we build on our work. We provide a wide range of service portfolios and the delivery of complex solutions that provide our customers with a unique and effective solution.exact knowledge, knowledge needmain, page, client, website, solution1
lab-comp.huSince 1989, our company has gained recognition in the field of laboratory technology trade. Keeping the interests of our customers in mind, our colleagues with professional knowledge provide assistance in selecting devices that meet the required specifications already in the request for proposal…professional knowledge, knowledge assistancelaboratory, chemistry, lab, support, sale1
mvconsulting.huWe support the employment of retired employees so that they can pass on their professional knowledge and life experience to the younger generation, thus increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of work and the success of our company.professional knowledge, knowledge lifeconsulting, certificate, employee, main, page1
sportnaplo.huWe are looking for experts who have in-depth knowledge of the peculiarities of sports, and who not only play a key role in system development but also contribute to the involvement of new participants through their network.depth knowledge, knowledge peculiarityathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance1
cryptobank.huWe’ve managed to deliver 100% performance from the start, with 100% satisfaction, and with not a single failed transaction behind us. We are always available, ready to serve our clients with our knowledge and experience.client knowledge, knowledge experiencecryptocurrency, process, transaction, detail, transparent1
babamuzeum-keszthely.huWe welcome our visitors and groups to our exhibitions every day all year round. At the Doll Museum, the display can enlarge your historical, folk and ethnographical knowledge. The Doll Museum with folk costumes is the largest one in Europe. The Historical Waxworks exhibits the wax figures of fifty…ethnographical knowledge, knowledge dollmuseum, historical, snail, folk, doll1
faircomp.huSeveral small and medium sized enterprises in different sectors of the economy use our customized and optimized systems throughout the country. Thanks to our complex IT tasks we’re always keeping our knowledge up-to-date. Our company offers cost-effective solutions for IT administrator tasks since…task knowledge, knowledge dateavailability, reliability, problem, announcement, price1
procreditor.huThe liquidator must report any criminal offences coming to his knowledge in connection with the activity of the debtor.offence knowledge, knowledge connectioncreditor, debtor, liquidation, proceedings, bankruptcy1
bgm-industry.huBGM Industry was established in 2019 with our knowledge to strengthen both the domestic and foreign mechatronics market. The main activity of our company is the construction and repair of control systems, measurement and data collection systems, CNC machining centers, single and multi-function and…industry knowledge, knowledge domesticindustry, certificate, previous, article, login1
aegisgeneral.huIf you are looking for the right staff for your event , our trained hostesses are at your service! For us, only the best quality is acceptable, so our staff has years of experience and all the necessary professional knowledge to perform their tasks to a high standard.professional knowledge, knowledge taskgeneral, protection, operation, personal, complex1
skc.huOur goal is to provide our partners with up-to-date professional knowledge in a way that is easy to accept and enjoy. In addition, we consider it important to promote and support the 'lifelong learning and skills development' advocated by the Council of the European Union, through which…professional knowledge, knowledge way, marketable knowledge, knowledge rightconstruction, office, food, management, application1
drujvari.huWe are really proud of being able to combine our professional knowledge and fresh approachprofessional knowledge, knowledge freshcolleagues, law, privacy, useful, homepage1
uniqalis.huHis deep knowledge of the Hungarian and African economic and social environment and his valuable contacts in the African continent provide an excellent opportunity for our clients to discover the potential of African countries and to realize their international expansion on a sustainable basis.deep knowledge, knowledge hungarianschedule, appointment, african, international, main1
drhodosi.huThere are some controversial issues that are no longer expected to result from conciliation. In such cases, the parties entrust the determination of their case with a competent authority, ie the Court, to decide disputes. Most of us, unfortunately, do not have enough knowledge of court…unfortunately knowledge, knowledge courtcase, legal, contract, client, solution1
hfta.huThe association set as task to represent the fur trade and to protect its interests at national and international level. HFTA creates opportunity to their members to meet and exchange their experiences, to develop their technological knowledge.fur, association, trade, creation, member1
kevintalas.huLearning is a lifelong journey. I embrace opportunities for growth, constantly seeking new knowledge, experiences, and challenges to become the best version of myself.new knowledge, knowledge experienceuniversity, opportunity, challenge, science, computer1
eszterga.huIn case of brands represented by M+E Szerszámgép Kereskedelmi Kft., our 14-member service staff with multiple years of professional experience and up-to-date knowledge awaits our customers.date knowledge, knowledge customermachine, news, brand, center, machining1
daytodaykids.huI would like to provide the kiddies with the opportunity of opening up to all the different fields of experience, not just those in which I can develop their knowledge.day, child, kid, activity, parenting1
fotaxi.huAs an unavoidable player in the taxi market, we are a stable and constant participant in the life of the capital. As an expert in the bustling metropolitan life, having an in-depth knowledge of the sector and transport in Budapest, you can safely entrust your customers and colleagues to us! We…depth knowledge, knowledge sectortravel, application, passenger, order, calculator1
logbook.huWe know that a lack of expertise can cost you a lot, which is why we work every day to make sure we have the best knowledge. So we recommend the best route for you.good knowledge, knowledge goodlogistic, transport, international, domestic, shipping1
mysterygames.huIf you like stories filled with mystery, magic and the mystical medieval age, prepare yourself, because Budapest’ finest room is waiting for you with modern scenery and thrilling puzzles. Your goal is to obtain the secret treasure of the Wizard by solving given tasks using logic and your…logic knowledge, knowledge minutebooking, room, game, secret, depth1
europeandanubeforum.huof the issues at stake. Here, of course, we also want to give space to studies in other media in a similar field, the aim being to have a common knowledge base that facilitates communication with each other and provides a common knowledge that can be used, for example, to form and express our own…common knowledge, knowledge base, knowledge exampleeuropean, danube, forum, media, alternative1
batranmagyarul.huI am committed to helping you become a confident speaker who is not afraid of making mistakes but rather motivated to further enhance your knowledge.lesson, language, student, month, people1
szuszekos.hu…“dictionary” of these symbols; to understand and interpret them, one needs to know their functions and the uncover their associations. Also, the knowledge of the laws of nature (known to all cultures due to the movement of the Sun and changes of daylight, as these defined their lives) is necessary.association knowledge, knowledge lawchest, style, carpentry, item, geometric1
gs-poseidon.huThey understand the maritime industry inside-out and can share their knowledge of the procedures and the techniques in a very interesting way.inside knowledge, knowledge proceduretraining, centre, course, certificate, price1
ocmhungary.hu…for cabling or complex mounting. By removing the module from the OBD connector, the car's original functions are restored, in other words, the module does not make any modifications to the car. The "additional knowledge" can be used or handed over to another car with the same model and engine type.additional knowledge, knowledge carmodule, action, video, voltage, function1
idosgyogyaszat.huSemmelweis University initiated a case-based online interactive geriatric teaching and self assessing program (with case presentations and basic knowledge blocks), targeting first of all the geriatric residents. This e-program has been successfully completed and finalized by the leading experts of…basic knowledge, knowledge blockage, university, effect, medical, health1
budapestcapoeira.huCapoeira is a martial art in which participants prove their ability and knowledge with kicks, head blows, leg swipes, takedowns, sometimes deceptions and crafty traps. All this is surrounded by the tribal instruments’ rythm, sometimes slowly, sometimes at high speed.ability knowledge, knowledge kickgroup, training, schedule, photo, presentation1
rajtmar.huI gained a lot of knowledge with my YouTube endeavour so I even made several wedding videos and ads.lot knowledge, knowledge youtubevideo, ethical, cycling, interest, hacking1
dunaihajospalinka.huBesides displaying an awesome cornucopia of wines, the exhibition also offers seated tastings – master classes – lectures and interactive workshops where wine lovers may sip both wine and knowledge, while wineries receive up-to-date information and efficient assistance.wine knowledge, knowledge winerydistillery, bronze, international, competition, festival1
easystudyhungarian.huI use official learning materials besides self-developed learning thematic, both offline and online. No matter if you are starting from scratch or already speak Hungarian confidently. I adopt the learning curve to your current knowledge and your future goals.current knowledge, knowledge futurestudy, free, easy, language, minute1
hatos.huWe have been dealing with translation and interpretation for several years. Our professional translators have outstanding professional knowledge, extensive experience and expertise. We undertake translation and interpretation in many foreign languages, including English, German, Russian, Italian…professional knowledge, knowledge extensivelanguage, course, recent, news, private1
azurbagoly.huwe believe that if you have comprehensive knowledge, you can customize any piece of furniture to your own stylecomprehensive knowledge, knowledge piecepaint, milk, owl, furniture, painting1
alukol.hu…that even the most complex façades are manufactured and built with the already established "ALUKOL quality". The colleagues working in the workshop have been a stable member of the company for long years, so they have adequate knowledge and experience to guarantee the high quality of their work.adequate knowledge, knowledge experiencequality, facade, aluminum, profile, reference1
harmatingatlan.hu…courses, climbing frames, bouncers and even climb on a real zebra striped safari plane. In addition to playing, children can also learn useful knowledge at the Veszprém Zoo, where zoo education sessions provide children with useful environmental and animal protection skills as well as learning…useful knowledge, knowledge veszprémhouse, room, century, square, programme1
proexcellence.huInnovation “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” (Albert Einstein)intelligence knowledge, knowledge imaginationmanagement, excellence, page, main, actual1
dimu.huThe digital museum – in short, dimu – encompasses the applications of digital technologies to expand the museum visit, both in terms of the way of acquiring knowledge and its place and time. As a digital curator, I can help cultural heritage institutions to:way knowledge, knowledge placedigital, application, strategy, museum, education1
birokft.huOur company, Bíró Ltd., is a young, dynamic team equipped with fresh knowledge and more decades of experience. The company, first specialised in tool production, with Hungarian ownership, started its operation in 1991. Looking for challenges, paying attention and responding to market demands, we…fresh knowledge, knowledge decade, body knowledge, knowledge experiencemilling, operator, metal, tool, production1
appevo.huDue to our solid knowledge about market conditions and stable connections with market players, you can be sure thatsolid knowledge, knowledge marketcore, consultancy, software, development, goal1
conos.huConos is a zero-knowledge content collaboration platform, developed uniquely for building design and construction projects.zero knowledge, knowledge contentdocument, file, build, construction, management1
chatdeck.huA response does not require background knowledge, making the game suitable for any company. For school teams, some cards may pose a challenge due to the topics related to work.background knowledge, knowledge gamegame, delivery, question, card, order1
mri.hu• Participation in the coordination of the knowledge exchange network of European Cities (URBACT).coordination knowledge, knowledge exchangeresearch, institute, housing, social, publication1
122.huKaldi is the ultimate spot for coffee lovers who want to learn about their java’s origin and support the farmers that grew it. We take coffee production, roasting and brewing seriously and we’re glad to pass that knowledge to anyone.coffee, example, form, bean, great1
feic.huThere are numerous security companies on the Hungarian market and as consequence of the significant price competition, providers offer their services at the possible lowest price. In several cases the preparedness and professional knowledge of the security service providers are not in balance with…professional knowledge, knowledge securitysecurity, independent, expert, consulting, consultant1
ar-game.huWe offer innovative solutions for libraries and museums, as well as schools, for the playful acquisition of new knowledge during study trips. One of its main advantages is continuous interactivity, participants are active participants in the learning and experience process.new knowledge, knowledge studygame, application, reality, solution, mobile1
alcozer.hu…in the heart of Florence in order to realize his dream by creating unique jewelry of classic inspiration with contemporary taste. Thanks to knowledge of artisan jewelery techniques, to a team of young designers and to the art of making do at all costs, are designed and created –in the first…thank knowledge, knowledge artisancollection, stone, unique, layout, template1
szabadterek.hu· effectively shares knowledge within the network and attracts necessary knowledge from outsideeffectively knowledge, knowledge network, necessary knowledge, knowledge outsidespace, network, member, society, open1
game-zone.huThe Game-Zone group of companies is is able to assess the rapidly changing market needs, to develop and manufacture competitive products in both domestic and international market. Our team possess extensive knowledge in various technological fields are able to react quickly to the constantly…extensive knowledge, knowledge technologicalgame, zone, cabinet, need, group1
techno-security.huOur specialist staff regularly takes part in professional trainings which give them the knowledge about the most up-to-date technical equipment, thus adapting to the requirements of our times.training knowledge, knowledge datesecurity, quality, task, location, equipment1
advertisingagency.huWe believe in dedicated attention to detail, customized campaign management, and clear reporting. We provide a range of all-inclusive, template-free marketing and creative services, based on our extensive commercial real estate market knowledge and contemporary thinking.market knowledge, knowledge contemporaryadvertising, agency, free, solution, campaign1
atbridges.huBased on experience, we firmly believe that compared to other generations, people between 30 and 50 have the most creative energy, workload capacity, empirical knowledge, and network potential to establish a company from scratch.empirical knowledge, knowledge networksolution, bridge, investment, generation, focus1
karatsonarchivum.hu…to providing as comprehensive an overview as possible of the artist’s multifaceted work, presenting his philosophy of life, and disseminating knowledge drawing on the results of comprehensive research activities. Our goal is to preserve a personal remembrance of Gábor Karátson and to pass it on…life knowledge, knowledge resultarchive, collection, research, book, database1
lelosoft.huWe actively support our clients’ special ideas with the knowledge we have. We are Your helping hand to bring them into effect. The centralized IT solutions we make - and also the decentralized ones (with shared resources) - each come alive after many common arrangements. We develop user-friendly…idea knowledge, knowledge handsoftware, management, manual, presentation, history1
itgen.huIn the life of a productive SAP environment incident requiring deep system and business knowledge may arise beside daily operation issues, which exceeds competency of local key users. We offer our SAP support services for these situations, which we can tailor to the needs of our Customers. This…business knowledge, knowledge dailysupport, security, implementation, solution, technology1
pozsonyi16.huPsychodrama is one of the most popular group techniques for enhancing self-knowledge. It develops the personality via the experience of performed actions, apperception of emotions, and insights gained through the process. It is a diverse, exciting, and playful method that also enables working with…self knowledge, knowledge personalitygallery, logo, individual, edit, group1
boxerjumperducato.huMotorbox is a Hungarian spare parts retailer company. We are specialized in sale of used and new genuine parts for Fiat Ducato, Citroen Jumper and Peugeot Boxer cars . Our small team has seasoned professionals whose experience and knowledge add value to this company. They are trained specifically…experience knowledge, knowledge valuespare, unit, control, és, light1
blue.huRelying on our knowledge based on Steelcase research we understand how work and workers have changed, and how all this has changed the workplace. With our products + services + experience we can give you a helping hand in creating the sustainable and cooperative workplace. We would like to…space, office, workplace, desk, furniture1
bsce.huFrom the start, we have focused on understanding our clients’ business problems and using this knowledge to propose a way forward.problem knowledge, knowledge waydevelopment, management, solution, data, report1
mullerkft.huIn the past 30 years we got expanded knowledge about gravity casting and high pressure aluminiumyear knowledge, knowledge gravitycasting, pressure, gravity, activity, main1
logicloud.huThere is no need for knowledge in programming to use the applications we make. These applications are completely user-friendly, no pre-training is required.need knowledge, knowledge programmingprogramming, application, website, solution, technology1
persoft.huThe effective process-oriented operation and the continuous development of the activities is crucial for the companies working in the private sector in order to retain their competitiveness. The poor knowledge of the processes and the improper management causes mainly the problems of the…poor knowledge, knowledge processdevelopment, consulting, process, management, perfect1
csucs-forma.huDuring the years we gained serious experiences and knowledge on those areas, since this special territory require sharp quality standards and challenges, what can delivered with only ready and experienced workforce and flexible, innovative leadership. We are believe the new technologies and…experience knowledge, knowledge areacoating, construction, steel, corrosion, reference1
cereskft.huOur company's employees are professionals with several years of professional experience, and the competence of our liquidation commissioner colleagues also extends to additional areas of liquidation procedures (law, economics, accounting). Our employees all have adequate knowledge and experience…adequate knowledge, knowledge experienceprocedure, activity, liquidator, liquidation, court1
mapema.huYou have landed on a personal website which I created to share the knowledge I acquired and the hobby projects I constructed in my free time. I tried solve the problems, implement these projects and create this site with high quality, I hope I have succeeded with them.website knowledge, knowledge hobbymaterial, educational, site, application, game1
tighthold.hu2013. At home, I was the first to start street workout trainings for coaches and future instructors, further, for all who wish to acquire deeper knowledge about the theory and practice of own bodyweight training. In Hungary, I am known as one of the most successful representatives of this ever moredeep knowledge, knowledge theorytraining, street, event, method, beginner1
bi360.huBusiness requirements always come first and they can only be fulfilled with profound knowledge of diverse base technologies.profound knowledge, knowledge diversetechnology, retail, solution, data, corporate1
benczurconsulting.huWe have extensive knowledge to support the SME sector with information related to SDG, ESG and EU Taxonomy, interest representation and networking at an international levelextensive knowledge, knowledge smeconsulting, communication, client, international, page1
vamosdental.hu…so we can make CT images on site, which are essential for planning oral surgery and other dental treatments. We consider the constant updating of professional knowledge to be extremely important, our employees regularly participate in domestic and foreign professional trainings and conferences.professional knowledge, knowledge extremelydental, treatment, guarantee, denture, patient1
csomboknikoletta.huBeyond my theoretical and technical knowledge, I consider it particularly important that the tattoos I make should heal to the color we imagined and discussed with my Clients, so I also participated in a unique color theory training in Hungary, held by Katalin Bizinger.technical knowledge, knowledge particularlytattoo, makeup, permanent, eyebrow, powder1
felfoldi.huOur production technology requires completely unique knowledge which cannot be developed anywhere else.confectionery, innovative, sweet, cheese, food1
gyermekkoriautizmus.huMost parents are constantly looking for the newest formulations, treatments and access to them. As far as their knowledge is concerned, some have a striking advantage over those in the profession. They live a timeline that doesn’t leave them a rest; they feel the inner force to move forward; the…far knowledge, knowledge strikeautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic1
klima-tartozek.huSince we are present on the market for almost 20 years, we gained considerable experience and professional knowledge in order to achieve maximum satisfaction of our Customers.professional knowledge, knowledge orderdrain, pipe, accessories, bracket, conditioning1
nemesarch.huWe need experience and knowledge on the the possible materials and lighting methods currently on market, and an architect proficient in interior design can help.experience knowledge, knowledge possiblebuild, architect, introduction, certificate, law1
deltafitness.huKarate sports instructor - Szegedi University, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Teacher Training and Knowledge Technologytraining knowledge, knowledge technologymonth, price, rule, bodybuilding, machine1
fintechplatform.huWith 10+ years of development and 100+ years of proven track record of professional knowledge and experience, we have developed a unique FinTech Platform, enabling our customers to use, integrate even develop their own FinTech offers to their recent and future customers. Focusing on the growth and…professional knowledge, knowledge experiencebutton, customer, solution, mobile, payment1
promir.huThe Schneider Electric SI Alliance Program is a network of independent system integrators that offer their customers the excellence of a local knowledge base using Schneider Electric’s best technology solutions.local knowledge, knowledge baseintroduction, control, plan, manufacture, programming1
tigret.huWe acquired our professional knowledge and practice in railway construction and maintenance as an employee of MÁV Rt. We thought we would integrate our professional experience gained at MÁV into our own company, therefore we founded TI-GRÉT Kft.professional knowledge, knowledge practicefleet, vacancy, construction, railway, main1
motivation.huMotivation Global has vast experience in producing conferences and events, gained from many years in the business. Our success has come from having a thorough knowledge of the destination.thorough knowledge, knowledge destinationmotivation, event, eye, video, photo1
magyarasztrofotosok.huon its flag, among them the efforts to create a community, to present the works of astrophotographers, to raise the Hungarian astrophotography to international status, and last but not least to define the genre framework and ethical principles of astrophotography and to build an open knowledge base.open knowledge, knowledge baseassociation, month, community, activity, member1
zhe.hu…the assembly of cloth pieces using fixtures is a widely used technique to reduce the reliance on skilled workers and to improve the sewing quality. In this paper, we present a general visual-based approach to automatically align cloth pieces with target pins without any prior knowledge.video, robotic, jia, pan, human1
pannonianyomda.huThe knowledge and experience of our collegues with typesetting and design gives you the assurance of unique, quality work done with reasonable timing and prices. We also supply prepress services including file conversion and imposition for offset and digital runs. We support both PC and Macintosh…printing, size, color, machine, cover1
sikerexport.huAre you looking for one-stop solutions to support international expansion in the center of Europe? Our extensive experience and market knowledge will help you succeed.solution, client, provider, group, market1
bixpert.huCutting-edge software, expert IT knowledge, and best business practices all in the palm of your hand.expert knowledge, knowledge goodstory, success, data, intelligence, training1
corvingyogymasszazs.huSince then I continued participating in several courses to develop my knowledge and widen my services. I pursue my profession in Budapest, both in my private practice and in various hotels.course knowledge, knowledge servicemassage, appointment, body, scrub, treatment1
strigon.huWe have been designing and manufacturing machine tools since 1959. During this time, we gained market-leading knowledge and experience. Our excellent engineers work on continuous improvements every day, which means that the machine tools we manufacture perform faster, higher quality and more…market knowledge, knowledge experiencemachine, tool, welding, machining, manufacture1
unimatik.huWe regularly update our knowledge of the latest developments and technological innovations in the sector so that we can always provide our customers with the most advanced and innovative solutions.regularly knowledge, knowledge latestmachine, process, food, production, industry1
dugulaslharitas.huExcellence and professionalism are first when it comes to our Plumbing Service. We are constantly improving our services, staying up-to-date on all the latest industry advancements and bringing our knowledge to your doorstep. Since 2000, our goal has remained the same—to provide reliable services…advancement knowledge, knowledge doorstepclient, page, tab, item, latest1
coexistence.hu"Co-Existence Portal has been launched to provide an online meeting place to share knowledge on ways we inhabit our planet. Launched in 2016, the Portal intends to become a proactive community project."place knowledge, knowledge wayexistence, city, velit, quam, vestibulum1
doctech.huDoctech Solutions Ltd. was founded by three experienced young men in Hungary, to provide high quality documentation services. What ties us is the knowledge in the field of technical communication and what differentiates us is our different professional background making our company diverse…service knowledge, knowledge fieldsolution, technical, documentation, safety, software1
everestjobs.huThey are reliable, precise, punctual and hardworking workforce. In simpler tasks such as trained factory worker, kitchen assistant, hotel cleaner, they have an extraordinary monotony tolerance. In higher positions, their knowledge rivals with anyone and, of course, they have the relevant degree.position knowledge, knowledge courseworkforce, job, reliable, asia, construction1
netlogistics.huWe are a fast-growing company thanks to our punctuality, flexibility and the high quality of service we provide to our customers. Our highly experienced team and multinational management system combined with our local and international knowledge enable us to give you the best service possible.international knowledge, knowledge goodeng, truck, solution, transport, delivery1
debalu.huIn the manufacturing of doors and windows with an excellent value for money. In case of any question or solution concerning plastic or aluminium doors and windows, in such building constructions which require technology and knowledge on an international level.technology knowledge, knowledge internationalwindow, solution, build, quality, plastic1
tradiscoseeds.huFor our partners we can provide the selection of farmers with appropriate knowledge and production area and we follow up the progress of production, seed processing, certification and logistics processes.appropriate knowledge, knowledge productiondata, subject, shall, personal, process1
efisz.huWe hope that EFISZ can provide support and information to the public and to service providers, so that knowledge about e-services in finance can become an integrated part of our everyday lives.provider knowledge, knowledge servicepayment, electronic, association, provider, member1
rutin.huThe University of Nyíregyháza has a specific education and research profile with the mission of providing academic research and knowledge transfer.research knowledge, knowledge transferuniversity, science, teacher, research, education1
carlsbad.huThough the company is relatively young, our team of professionals has extensive knowledge and several decades track record in contract research in the area of infectious diseases, microbiology immunology both pre-clinical research and clinical testing, drug and vaccine registrations studies.extensive knowledge, knowledge decaderesearch, study, clinical, animal, privacy1
jgdevportfolio.huHello my name is Gábor Jőrös , from Hungary. Since 2022 I'm on the path to becoming a Webdeveloper . My current goal is to be part of a team where I can deepen my knowledge in webdevelopment.team knowledge, knowledge webdevelopmentportfolio, gabor, react, app, site1
totho.huAs soon as I learned how to design a website, I entered a whole new world. The passion to create something clean and valuable is a huge motivating force for me. I am restless in my work, keen to improve and expand my horizon every day, my curiosity and thirst for knowledge always keep me going.graphic, logo, website, client, user1
jetter.huOur company has extensive knowledge and experience of designing, developing and manufacturing customized electronic appliances that match our client’s needs and requirements. Our expertise includes:extensive knowledge, knowledge experienceautomation, development, customer, solution, report1
muszakiperek.huI perform competitive and civil law representations and advisory services related to special technical and engineering solutions. Legal protection of special technical solutions proves to be of high importance on the competitive market. Related competitive law and litigation proceedings require…legal, attorney, law, nagy, economical1
cerlux.huThe Cerlux ltd is a Hungarian-American joint venture which has been established in 1990 with the purpose to satisfy the increased industrial demand for the technical ceramics. In the success of the company the involvement of the foreign fund, the secured market background and the specialized…specialize knowledge, knowledge regionquality, technical, need, material, customer1
unimetro.huWe will use our knowledge and experience to offer our customers and distributors the best measuring solution, and this last in the process of model selecting, technology supporting, after sales service and continuous training service. The Unimetro products are widely used in different industries…support, precision, device, technical, probe1
mendlerpince.huZoltán Mendler, the winemaker and owner of the winery, Mendler Pince, combines his long- standing experience with an innovative approach, professional knowledge and modern technology, as a result he produces wines of predictable quality year after year. He graduated as a food technologist in 1997…professional knowledge, knowledge modern, practical knowledge, knowledge yearwine, quality, cellar, dry, taste1
oxyhouse.huWe want to contribute to it actively with our professional knowledge, serious experience and our exclusive usage of ecological products.professional knowledge, knowledge experienceclean, environment, deep, ecological, house1
plantor.hu. We consider it important that we could assist clients and give appropriate professional support to them in the implementation of the project. Through the implement of projects, we try to contribute not only to our clients’ interest but also to our company itself by gaining knowledge and…company knowledge, knowledge experienceactivity, water, reference, engineer, planner1
altekfa.hu…and development goes hand in hand with creating new methods for propagating and cultivating a large variety of species, and passing on this knowledge. We put great emphasis on cultivating well established native and introduced species, and on trying new species and varieties and sharing our…species knowledge, knowledge greatnursery, wholesale, tree, quality, plant1
impurum.huNowadays, translation is primarily made electronically, using computer aided translation tools (CATs) , like Trados, SDLX or MemoQ. Besides translations at various areas our main profile is software localization, which not only requires an accurate language knowledge but also special know-how . We…language knowledge, knowledge specialtranslation, localization, profile, software, price1
drszalay.huIt is our aim to represent the interests of our Clients in full compliance with the Act on Attorneys and other relevant provisions of law, conscientiously and by giving the best of our knowledge.law, attorney, client, legal, office1
proevent.hu“Your expertise and knowledge of the industry led to the success of our brand activation at the Sziget Festival. You were able to meet a demanding request with strict deadlines, while managing to deliver a production that exceeded our expectations. It seems that nothing is impossible for your…expertise knowledge, knowledge industryevent, production, agency, quality, portfolio1
request.huWe register domain and storage space. We develop WordPress web pages. We provide search engine optimization. We share the knowledge needed to manage your page. We operate your page and provide maintenance.optimization knowledge, knowledge pagerequest, creative, agency, freelancer, brand1
dime.huOur company has been continually helping, during the school year and the summer internship, the students of the Sándor Petőfi Secondary Technical School and of all the neighbouring Technical and Vocational Schools (in Hatvan and in Vác), to acquire the necessary technical knowledge. We do it with…technical knowledge, knowledge cowelcome, machine, field, reference, assurance1
binarit.huOur company has solid knowledge in the field of system integration in large companies and financial institutions. In recent years we have had the chance to prove our excellence in several projects aimed at the integration of applications delivered by different producers.solid knowledge, knowledge fieldsoftware, development, integration, custom, operation1
trl.huOur team of experts has widespread and segment specific knowledge and experience with ERP implementations and connected consulting activities for Professional Services Organisations.specific knowledge, knowledge experiencedistributor, solution, regional, organisation, provider1
hiperszuper.hu…who, in addition to their significant achievements, also undertake to report on their unique sensitivities, peculiar worldviews and everyday experiences, is also rising. Their performance speaks for itself, with decades of self-knowledge training and mentoring behind their achievements.self knowledge, knowledge traininghomepage, individual, picture, solution, big1
bestwax-szortelenites.huIt all started with the fact that Ági studied to be a dog beautician and she needed a “model” for her practical exam to show off her knowledge. ZiZi tolerated living with 16 large dogs. We always loved animals, but Ági wanted a dobermann, I didn’t want a dog (especially not in an apartment)…exam knowledge, knowledge zizihair, skin, resin, appointment, intimate1
kontener.huOur two decades of activities in sea logistics and trade provides us with a deep knowledge of the wide variety of the shipping containers.deep knowledge, knowledge widecontainer, rent, sale, shipping, storage1
oet.huThe Ormai & Partner Law Office performs its legal activity with a high level theoretical knowledge and years of practical experience with outstanding precision, cooperating with its partner-office and highly qualified expert team.theoretical knowledge, knowledge yearlaw, office, area, practice, administrative1
hungafoods.huThe deep knowledge and insight in business culture of the two countries, the fact that over the years we managed to establish very good working relationship with food producer companies in both Hungary and Serbia enables us to serve our customers in a safe and continuous way.deep knowledge, knowledge insightfood, customer, trade, domestic, agency1
manc.huYour knowledge is of great value and sharing your work is the most valuable thing you can do. Earn everlasting Manchu fame!text, resource, account, reader, subject1
pedanteria.huThe materials, tools and equipments we use for cleaning, the technological background we have and our quality certificates all comply with the EU standards. Our qualified cleaning personnel obtained a qualification that is listed in the National Qualifications Register. The practical application…application knowledge, knowledge importantclean, carpet, certificate, office, industrial1
deanristudio.huDuring my work, I try to expand my knowledge and services in accordance with the latest trends, keeping both the professional expectations and the needs of my guests in mind. When developing treatments, I always try to work with skin-friendly active ingredients, I do this with professional natural…work knowledge, knowledge servicetreatment, care, beautician, profession, facial1
balancemassage.huI completed medicinal massage school in 2019 and have been expanding my knowledge while working in this field ever since. I’ve learned traditional Thai massage, Swedish massage, Shiatsu, and continue to broaden my expertise further.school knowledge, knowledge fieldmassage, mobile, relaxation, talk, technique1
gonefishing.huThese are the keywords for my guiding service. Fishing trips are always tailored to your unique needs, with local expertise. I have the knowledge of waters and fishing spots and we can use GPS and fishfinder onboard. So don’t waste your time searching, just hire a guide who is in the know. We fish…expertise knowledge, knowledge waterfishing, guide, water, local, fish1
bschenk.huGet solid knowledge of EU funding | Know the latest professional trends | Get support in your daily work | Design smooth research support workflow and communication | Enhance your professional acknowledgmentsolid knowledge, knowledge eutraining, research, grant, communication, europe1
gellertdental.huWe pay high attention to the up-to-date knowledge and skilfulness of our specialist team who can satisfy the highest individual needs and expectations. This is the pledge of the perfect smile!date knowledge, knowledge skilfulnessdental, dentistry, treatment, price, testimonial1
adsforyou.huWe are the right term for your business. We have the expertise and knowledge to offer impartial advice and services at an honest price.expertise knowledge, knowledge impartialwebsite, digital, agency, quote, solution1
esri.org.huThe purpose of the European Society for Reproductive Immunology (ESRI) is to advance the study of the immunological, biological and genetic aspects of the reproductive process, to facilitate contact among people interested in this and allied fields and to disseminate new information and knowledge…information knowledge, knowledge scientificsociety, immunology, european, membership, meeting1
szbike.hu…memorial tour will take place in the fall of 2020 (September-October, depending on the weather). Our project helps to expand the professional knowledge of the university students and the wider audience, preserve traditions and innovate competitiveness. Pál Kozma’s innovation activity is an…professional knowledge, knowledge university, level knowledge, knowledge basiswine, order, association, innovation, carpathian1
bluetechnology.huBased on our physiological and pathophysiological knowledge we looked up those substances which are new and had not been used yet, since they can facilitate the success of the technology.pathophysiological knowledge, knowledge substancetechnology, massage, substance, health, client1
pipistrel-hungary.hu…that Hungary is willing to promote and strengthen the growth of its defence industry, creating new production capabilities, increasing the knowledge as well as innovative solutions; where at the same time the Slovenia is highly supporting the bilateral and regional industrial cooperation…capability knowledge, knowledge innovativeaircraft, cooperation, manufacture, virus, production1
deutsche-immo.huDuring the course of our operation, in response to client requests, we have carefully managed our growth in expertise to offer a select range of professional Financial Advisory Services. We deliver knowledge based high-quality services and offer international expertise to help our clients achieve…service knowledge, knowledge highreal, estate, finance, corporate, investment1
gregusgizella.hu…applications of the language. Grammar and usage change slightly depending on the context of the information and the target reader. My clients trust me to translate their critical information into Hungarian with professionalism and reliability using industry-specific knowledge and expertise.specific knowledge, knowledge expertisefreelance, translator, translation, quality, technical1
safetyworld.huWith the help of SafetyWorld you can acquire the knowledge to have a safe work, which is easy and flexible at the same time. We set a goal to provide you the minimum level of safety at work required by law. We would like support the development of safety culture and employee's behaviour toward the…safetyworld knowledge, knowledge safesafety, learn, registration, news, training1
etour-budapest.hu"Your knowledge of the history of Budapest and all of the sites was very gratifying and added significantly to our enjoyment. Thanks again - we had a great time." (Jack, Tami and Abigail)guide, tour, visit, private, testimonial1
empmi.huEMPMI’s reliable and professional consultancy services are based on nearly 30 years’ worth of knowledge and experience.worth knowledge, knowledge experienceengineering, private, construction, field, nuclear1
hollako.huWhen it comes to modern external knowledge. Simple, comfortable and safe - impossible to withstand it!external knowledge, knowledge simplecaravan, membership, installation, hire, edition1
r-filter.huBuy a device and start your business immediately, with the knowledge and support of AIR-FILTER Ltd. behind you.immediately knowledge, knowledge supportair, disinfection, odor, device, filter1
vojtek.hu…to work on long term tasks to do this pre-sale job because the buyer often replaces the old management team. Experienced interim managers are able to take the business on in this phase, and at the moment of the sale can provide special knowledge that will contribute to the success of the sale.special knowledge, knowledge successmanagement, manager, task, portfolio, solution1
metida.huOur experience extends beyond simple real estate knowledge. The kind of service we consistently give, through the power of our team, is what sets us apart from all the others and it is virtually impossible for individual agents to match. Please call us for assistance with any of your real estate…estate knowledge, knowledge kindinvestment, property, news, client, research1
radchem.huOur knowledge and experience in radiation techniques and isotope applications allows us to maintain our longstanding reputation as a competent partner in solving diverse and difficult measurement problems and as a supplier of innovative and up-to-date instruments of the highest quality and…application, isotope, solution, quality, history1
gctiprofessional.huGive Your Team the Right Context and Tools in One Consolidated View Provide your team with a single, omnichannel desktop that has all the context and knowledge needed to serve customers across every channels. Make everyone an expert in delivering personalized service while increasing efficiency.context knowledge, knowledge customercertified, communication, channel, customer, center1
certum.hu“I believe that experience is one of the best masterminds and that our customers can become more prosperous and more profitable by this knowledge – whether if they need IT or sales related help. Our team is ready to solve the most complex problem by the countless years of experiences at numerous…profitable knowledge, knowledge sale, endless knowledge, knowledge commitmentconsulting, cloud, development, sale, solution1
erotic-massage-budapest.huAfter all, it is good for the audience between the two parties, it strengthens intimacy , so the parties still can to get closer to each other. Some techniques can be snapped up in an instructional video, but many moves come naturally. It’s good to have a little knowledge of anatomy so we don’t…little knowledge, knowledge anatomyerotic, massage, masseuse, energy, man1
bricon.huMy name is Tamas Herold. I am the hungarian Bricon distributor since 2019 July. Since that time I've collected experience about the actual need of a single fancier. With this knowledge I would like to provide flexible service for all Bricon users. In my opinion the most important think is to…fancy knowledge, knowledge flexiblecurrent, price, able, fancy, technology1
osziczki.huEven if you are beginner with zero coding knowledge, You can build awesome responsive sites using FOTAWP!coding knowledge, knowledge awesomesite, edit, ipsum, lorem, website1
golden-roses.huWith all the love of my heart and my best professional knowledge, I help the puppies and their owners throughout their lives.professional knowledge, knowledge puppylitter, owner, dog, love, puppy1
hildapest.huWe are grateful for the existing conditions of the Hungarian landscapes and we give our guests the best of everything that the countryside has given us. Using centuries of experience and French cuisine knowledge, we prepare typical Hungarian dishes that retain their well-known characteristics, yet…cuisine knowledge, knowledge typicalgallery, media, food, reservation, language1
siofoktaxi.hu…more comfortable and safe. - If you want to take a short break for lunch or to visit some scenic places during the journey, you can arrange it with the driver. - We offer an Hungarian, German, English speaking private driver as your tour guide, with great knowledge of the most interesting sights.great knowledge, knowledge interestingairport, transfer, minibus, driver, lake1
alomarc.huI consider credibility and the right professional knowledge and attitude to be extremely important, which is why I decided to complete three levels of training at the world-renowned American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM). The Academy is one of the global leaders in the education of…professional knowledge, knowledge attitudemedical, aesthetic, medicine, client, treatment1
universaltrade.co.hu…Belorussia, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Armenia and Azerbaijan. As a result of our past operations, our local knowledge, experiences and our business connections in these countries enable us to be a successful player in the field of lighting, and to guide other…local knowledge, knowledge experiencetrade, universal, eastern, expert, europe1
4smile-dental.huOur orthodontists continually attend to domestic and foreign scientific conferences and courses to expand their knowledge.dental, dentistry, smile, material, removal1
inspirationtravel.huOur experienced team has collected extensive knowledge on Hungary as a destination. Therefore we can pick the most attractive program ideas to meet your needs and guarantee your success. With a network of reliable partners throughout Hungary we provide excellent quality services.extensive knowledge, knowledge hungarytravel, inspiration, cruise, tour, medical1
euroviptours.huThe tailor-made approach, our knowledge we have gathered over long years of work, enable us to provide the best service for the requirements of our clientsapproach knowledge, knowledge longtour, wine, city, festival, pilgrimage1
ithelpcenter.huHaving broad knowledge of the IT sector, our team can provide you with all the technical support to run your business smoothly without having to dedicate much time yourself on the IT-related issues.broad knowledge, knowledge sectorsupport, help, step, solution, center1
panograph.huHungarian location scouting site . We provide filming locations and location management, pre-production, production, logistics for broadcasters, advertisers and corporate clients, wishing to film in Hungary or in Central Eastern Europe. Our local knowledge guarantees that we will find you the…local knowledge, knowledge suitablepanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour1
silhouetteconsulting.huDevelopment and change constantly shape our everyday lives. New technical solutions and the knowledge and application of creative ideas are a basic expectation towards our agency. Silhouette offers tailor-made solutions to tasks like that and believes that, above all, precision, reliability and…solution knowledge, knowledge applicationevent, consulting, manager, challenge, client1
bearing.huThe professional knowledge of our staff about the latest developments of bearings and bearing products is always up to date.professional knowledge, knowledge staffbear, bearing, news, wholesaler, linear1
hordelrelo.huWe believe that key to our success relies on competent, experienced and skilled people who handles each and every relocation not just with knowledge but with empathy and commitment as well.relocation knowledge, knowledge empathyair, transportation, globe, size, road1
eurama.huBeautifull city , great tour! The guide was very kind and has a huge knowledge about history.huge knowledge, knowledge historytour, city, sightseeing, bus, book1
madebuild.huAs a second-generation architect, my father inspired me to choose this career and field of construction. My motto is to achieve the best performance in the shortest time. In construction, I also use the knowledge I have acquired during my long career in sports in several fields.construction knowledge, knowledge longconstruction, square, hall, special, build1
talpraallok.huI, used to be of this opinion until I found myself in a situation I was unable to handle and control even with all the abilities, skills and knowledge I’d gained throughout my life. Then I realized that it was in fact me that had to look at things from a different angle. That only I can make my…skill knowledge, knowledge lifeway, solution, help, success, like1
expatcenter.huWe have in-depth knowledge of the complex immigration systems, regulations, and processes of various countries.depth knowledge, knowledge complexpermit, relocation, card, international, immigration1
ommik.huOMMIK’s mission is to make information, knowledge and know-how accessible to the Hungarian GLAM sector through our services (available in Hungarian only): MuseuMap – national collection of digital images, MuzeumStat – national database of Hungarian museum and public collection statistics…information knowledge, knowledge knowmuseum, national, conference, digital, collection1
psgroup.huBased on our Experts’ and Service Partners’ experience, the knowledge of the local and regional market,experience knowledge, knowledge localsupport, group, maintenance, management, engineering1
kraftszer.huBuilding on the expertise of our innovative colleagues, our company has been a stable and dominant operator in the domestic energy and industrial market for over 27 years. We continuously expand our knowledge base by collecting their ideas and experience. We use this basis to provide our partners…continuously knowledge, knowledge baseindustrial, management, plant, phase, engineering1
colornyomda.huThe Color nyomda was founded in 2012 from two individual enterprises. Association consisting of professionals with thirty years of professional experience with knowledge of offset printing technology and young people with great creativity, who together can provide a full range of printing services…experience knowledge, knowledge offsetprinting, color, digital, paper, corrugated1
btop.hu…and since then they successfully operate, now at two different locations. Our colleagues have deep understanding of the economy, and the permanently changing accounting and tax regulations, they have up-to-date IT knowledge, therefore we are able to perform our job efficiently and appropriately.date knowledge, knowledge abletax, accounting, advisory, return, client1
rockwellwestie.huI've taken up breeding since 1983. At first I dealt with Irish setters. It was in 1991 when my good fortune led me to the westies. Fanny, my first bitch was acquired from Netherland and from that time on I 've been hooked on breeding mainly westies. Gradually I gained knowledge on a really…gradually knowledge, knowledge loveablenews, female, exhibition, winner, video1
kyuhnfaat.huOur association’s intsructors learned the Wing Chun styles of grandmaster Yip Man’s two early master students, Lok Yiu and Lo Man Kam. Our instructors now make for passing on their knowledge.association, website, martial, art, book1
vajalimindenes.huI think it would be hard to find a better conclusion than this English saying above, to explain the needs of a Labrador retriever. I try to meet this goal to the best of my knowledge because of ourselves and our dogs: to have the best quality in the circumstances of keeping, feeding, training and…good knowledge, knowledge doghard, need, conclusion, breed, dog1
enemysquad.huOur goal is to successfully pass on the knowledge of Bboying to younger generations while keeping its essence intact, doing so professionally and safely.successfully knowledge, knowledge bboyingenemy, europe, iconic, crew, member1
hunyouth.hu…Schiller German Nationality High School in Pilisvörösvár, it was important for him to be an active member of student life. He deepened his knowledge of German in the debate club and then he visited Germany several times thanks to scholarships. Together with his fellow students, he joined the…life knowledge, knowledge germanyouth, delegate, student, nation, united1
tokajmagic.huAny wineregion and each wine can be understood way better at the place of its birth. We can organize an unforgettable day in Tokaj for you and for your loved ones, departing right from Budapest. Unique experience, professional guided tour with a real expert, that has deep local knowledge and…local knowledge, knowledge experiencewine, tasting, special, local, topic1
primefund.huMr. Balogh gained years of workout experience in financial firms and law firms. For almost ten years, he gained professional knowledge related to claims management and corporate portfolio management at Hungarian Factoring Company Ltd. (MKK Zrt.), dominant in the sphere, where, as a business branch…professional knowledge, knowledge claimlaw, fund, investment, management, expert1
gimm.huWe are engaged in the manufacturing of machine parts for the park and road maintenance industry since 2011. The fabrication of frames, chassis and carters, etc. enabled us to accumulate our technical knowledge and experience in this field as well. We are planning to design and manufacture complete…technical knowledge, knowledge experiencemachine, technical, manufacture, industry, history1
socurity.huOur approach is rooted in a blend of expert knowledge, proactive strategies, and state-of-the-art technology, keeping your business secure and compliant.expert knowledge, knowledge proactivecybersecurity, division, environment, solution, virtual1
investmedical.huThe company’s network of regional representatives has 10+ employees. Our colleagues are qualified as distributors of medical devices and continuously take part in further trainings to gain the latest knowledge in the field of wound care.latest knowledge, knowledge fieldmedical, care, factory, patient, quality1
drsimonyi.huThe lawyer's profession requires a reliable and thorough job, which our office always wants to do. Our clients' interests are represented with our best knowledge and dedication.good knowledge, knowledge dedicationlaw, firm, legal, representation, message1
netilab.huThe economy is changing. Jobs are disappearing while creative careers are booming across the globe. Today’s economy is more turbulent, technological, and connected than ever before. It is centered on knowledge intense teams, global connections, andnew modes of work and life that are reshaping the…connect knowledge, knowledge intenselab, network, technology, innovation, laboratory1
sh-media.huCUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY : Our experienced team continuously feed new tech knowledge into ourmedia, vision, technology, latest, method1
hdktranslate.huThe knowledge and love of the English language dates back to my childhood. I studied abroad in an American school and haven’t stopped using English ever since. This is what made me decide to take a new turn in my life and focus more on the use of my language skills.translation, law, text, price, deadline1
sopronikisvonat.hu"Thank you for the good, comfortable driving, the wealth of knowledge and the enrichment of knowledge!"wealth knowledge, knowledge enrichmentsightseeing, vehicle, train, tour, landscape1
tiancheng.huMian Zhong , Tiancheng Hu , Ying Jiao , Shehzaad Zuzar Dhuliawala , Bipin Singh (2021). Drug Re-positioning via Text Augmented Knowledge Graph Embeddings . NeurIPS 2021 Workshop AI4Science.text knowledge, knowledge graphlanguage, social, computation, bias, student1
termet.huHeat Pumps Ask an expert Where to buy? Find an installer Use the grant Find a service technician Termet S.A. magazine Advice and knowledgeboiler, water, heater, privacy, technician1
sungdoeng.huOur experts worked on designs, construction, and validation according to the standards of GMP, GLP, HACCP, Bio-Hazard, etc. required for food and dairy processing of biopharmaceutical companies. Based on experience and knowledge of bio and pharmaceutical processes, we can provide total engineering…experience knowledge, knowledge bioeng, construction, customer, factory, process1
compliancetarsasag.huThe Hungarian Corporate Compliance Society is Hungary’s professional organization promoting and sharing compliance knowledge. Our goal is to bring the compliance community together to help compliance professionals to further advance their expertise and careers, to network and to stay up-to-date…compliance knowledge, knowledge goalsociety, corporate, goal, community, career1
elox.huFor decades, the leader of our company has grown to be one of the best in the profession, due to the constant desire for knowledge and determinationdesire knowledge, knowledge determinationsurface, aluminum, treatment, decade, protection1
soudalbicikli.huWe created a searchable consensus database of hallmark genes by summarizing recent knowledge from various mapping resources. The database enables the exploration of extensive gene lists, yielding swift and readily understandable results. The CancerHallmarks analysis platform allows for sifting…recent knowledge, knowledge maphallmark, gene, enrichment, cancer, plot1
cleverit.huOur company was created by specialists, having multiple years of experience working in IT, Media and Telco sector. We are offering our knowledge and experience to hotels, media and telco companies, as well as consulting companies from other economy sectors.sector knowledge, knowledge experiencedetail, deployment, telco, sector, media1
blackroyal.huWe are the right term for your business. We have the expertise and knowledge to offer impartial advice and services at an honest price.expertise knowledge, knowledge impartialwebsite, client, solution, idea, trust1
dariusmusic.huI admire Zoltán’s fantastic sense of optimization of the cello soundpost, coupled with his extraordinary professional and sound technology knowledge.instrument, music, shop, violin, cello1
szentlorinciallatorvos.huDuring my studies, I spent shorter and longer period of times in the following foreign universities to increase my practical and theoretical knowledge:veterinary, animal, medicine, small, practice1
bozzayviktor.huExperienced engineer with an extensive background in engineering principles, technical measurements, and project leadership. Participated in several product development projects. Capable of offering different solutions focusing on quality and efficiency. Through his extensive knowledge, he can…extensive knowledge, knowledge stressuniversal, curriculum, developer, application, measurement1
investincsongradcounty.huIn Csongrád County the following activities are significantly concentrated: agriculture and food industry, industrial hemp processing, knowledge industry and ELI, automotive supply, renewable energy, IT & communication technology and tourism.process knowledge, knowledge industrycounty, investment, investor, estate, real1
springforum2019.huThe meeting promises the finest scientific program, including lectures and workshops, that will provide clinicians and embryologists with an insight and take-home messages that will fill out their knowledge and improve their practice.message knowledge, knowledge practiceforum, spring, agenda, form, navigation1
telcotrend.huWe believe that designing and transforming IT systems requires not only technical knowledge, but also an understanding of our clients' business processes.technical knowledge, knowledge understandsolution, custom, software, view, need1
inventionfact.hu…if needed. We learned how to look at a situation from an entirely new perspective and define real goals based on our unique solutions. Despite the vast amount of information, meaningful knowledge is always highlighted at the right moment. I think everyone is excited about what comes next!meaningful knowledge, knowledge rightdevelopment, change, invention, confidence, organization1
multisteelhungary.huDue to the extensive knowledge of our professionals who use almost all the technology occurring in Hungary, our company has gained high experience in these areas. The constant technological changes also pose great challenges for our company which we are always happy to undertake.extensive knowledge, knowledge professionalmanufacture, ltd, technology, construction, installation1
kaszo-life.huWe believe that guided tours led by our experts will attract the public. In the course of such tours areas closed for the public will also be visited and the information absorbed and the knowledge gained during the tours will significantly contribute to the increase of the participants’ commitment…information knowledge, knowledge touraction, official, welcome, result, progress1
ttisuccessinsights.huDiscover what motivates and engages a person by examining six unique continuum: knowledge, utility, surroundings, others, power, and methodologies.continuum knowledge, knowledge utilitysuccess, insight, talent, science, assessment1
nokvilaga.huIn the mountains, the day begins differently. The gentle twittering of birds in the trees behind the house and the chime of a church bell; the fragrance of forest and meadows wafting in through the open window, and the knowledge that out here there will always be opportunities to stop and take…window knowledge, knowledge opportunityperformer, event, woman, country, fashion1
gydu.huThe group assignments is conducted by Éva Risztov and her instructors as part of a swim level placement test, where children will be directed to a group that is appropriate to their level of knowledge.pool, swimming, water, school, hour1
rhedey.huMy services in the real estate market are characterized by long decades of experience, reliability, customer orientation, as well as the widespread knowledge of the professional actors. Several renowned actors of the Hungarian and the international real estate business could be listed among my…widespread knowledge, knowledge professionalestate, real, consultant, architect, management1
coaching-nlp.huMarta Toth is an interesting and interested Trainer and Coach, who gives all her energy and knowledge for her clients and projects.energy knowledge, knowledge clienttraining, mediation, course, toth, conflict1
hospicehaz.huOur documentaries were made for educational purposes for family members looking after ill relatives at home. We would like to share our knowledge about how to take care of somone who has to stay at home or in bed after an illness or an operation. We are giving practical and useful tips and…home knowledge, knowledge carecare, patient, family, pain, donation1
kontikon.huOur knowledge is based on years of experiences in seeking, acquiring and successfully integrating firms to multinational companies.client, industry, expansion, market, successfully1
megertesz.huThe foundation of MEGÉR-TÉSZ led to the birth of a producers’ association on firm foundations – a community whose members are capable of high quality production, sharing with each other the information and knowledge that they posses. As regards production technology and production process, the…information knowledge, knowledge productioncooperative, member, sale, agricultural, privacy1
printologic.huwe opened a site in Nyíregyháza, then another one in Miskolc in 2010, increasing the number of our workstations to over 500. With their relevant knowledge and supportive attitudes, our managers contribute a lot to the constant progress of our company. Almost all of our employees in the “cockpits”…relevant knowledge, knowledge supportivetechnology, printing, gallery, solution, organisation1
hegeldent.hu“Dr. Csenár is the one to recommend everyone. He has a clever hand, a very reassuring personality with great knowledge. I recommend the surgery because everyone is very nice.”great knowledge, knowledge surgerydentistry, dental, clinic, treatment, tooth1
healwithklari.huEven if you are beginner with zero coding knowledge, You can build awesome responsive sites using FOTAWP!coding knowledge, knowledge awesomeheal, site, edit, sit, consectetur1
avidinlab.huSampling can be done independently (by the patient) or with the help of qualified medical staff (doctor, nurse). Proper sampling is not complicated, does not require special knowledge or professional qualifications, and is described in the instructions for use of the sampling kit. However, it is…special knowledge, knowledge professionalsample, result, laboratory, logistic, method1
deltasource.huFast, accurate headhunting, based on the depth of an organization developer’s professional knowledge.development, organization, executive, sale, search1
radiancedigitalsolutions.huWe are an expert integrator in outsourcing solutions for SMEs with great organizational and coordination capacity. Our team is made up of professionals with knowledge of the latest technologies and trends. We apply experience in the field of customer service, management, IT integration and more.professional knowledge, knowledge latestdigital, solution, client, free, touch1
ezustkameleon.huExperience in different areas of specialization and knowledge are of great use when designing our future work. In our work, it plays an important role in the recycling, multiple-use. We think in pre-module building systems.specialization knowledge, knowledge greatevent, homepage, custom, reference, rent1
ectb.huDuring the past years we have built an international reputation in the above fields. Knowledge and experience form the foundation for the success of different programs organized for our selective clientele.field knowledge, knowledge experienceevent, travel, congress, coordination, idea1
magyarlukafa.huAdministration, which may impose a fine. The legislation put great emphasis on the weed control, so please get rid of the weeds properly. To our knowledge ragweed itself, and ragweed control is not common in other countries, so in order to help the fight against the ragweed you can see a few…properly knowledge, knowledge ragweeddistrict, tax, shall, office, real1
adagolocentrum.hu…experienced specialists, and using the most modern machines, test benches is a good way to guarantee the satisfaction of our partners and customers. We focus our attention on the changes of diesel technology, and pay heightened attention to improve the professional knowledge of our colleagues.professional knowledge, knowledge colleaguespump, injection, repair, machine, cost1
healthcaremed.huCreating a trust and knowledge-based partnership with healthcare actors, assisting them in their work.trust knowledge, knowledge partnershiphealthcare, homepage, oncology, therapeutic, area1
dansol.huThis relationship has provided us with every necessary knowledge, expertise and connection we may need to ensure we deliver a top-notch service to our client.necessary knowledge, knowledge expertisesolution, equipment, industry, supplier, purchase1
anker-auditor.huThe members of ANKER-AUDITOR Ltd. have particularly deep knowledge beyond the general auditing tasks in the fields of transformation, consolidation, firm-valuation, due diligence and economic law.deep knowledge, knowledge generalreference, member, accountancy, profile, curriculum1
remedio.huOur team brings a wealth of industry knowledge, fostering an environment where creativity, innovation, and continuous growth are celebrated. Join us to learn, grow, and contribute to creating user-centric experiences in the ever-evolving world of design.industry knowledge, knowledge environmentbook, mastery, summary, login, course1
ap-x.huBy subscribing to the newsletter on the website, contacting us and requesting a quote, the User expressly consents to the processing of the personal data of the Data Controller. The User voluntarily provides the Company with his / her personal data in the knowledge of this Data Management…data knowledge, knowledge datadata, subject, process, personal, management1
karkojanos.huMy priority was to assemble ecommerce companies trading Apple products and Accessories in Hungary, to create broad advertising opportunities. While I worked closely with the CEO, I acquired comprehensive product knowledge of various advertising skills. I discovered valuable potential advertising…product knowledge, knowledge advertisingmanager, digital, certification, ecommerce, growth1
tndtech.huWe effectuate our Partner's needs - even claims arising in the SME sector or at large enterprises - from the following knowledge base:follow knowledge, knowledge basedevelopment, application, software, desktop, publish1
johnsondigital.huWe are creative & curious. We think outside of the box and come up with brave ideas. Most importantly we implement them with great results thanks to our strong domain knowledge.digital, optimization, idea, social, brand1
drfabry.huI work as a junior lawyer in the office since 2015. Apart from the extension of my legal knowledge, I am seeking to explain the nature of a legal issue and the possible solution to the Client in a transparent and understandable way. I am active, flexible, capable to work hard and willing to learn…legal knowledge, knowledge natureclient, law, legal, office, agreement1
fonixplass.huThe site has own in-house capabilities are also available in the industrial park service, such as custom corrugated board and label manufacturing, electrostatic powder coating, SMT manufacturing, electromechanical assembly, plastic injection molding, welding, packaging, and more. In addition, the…extensive knowledge, knowledge culturetrust, manufacture, plastic, powder, assembly1
veszpremnews.huIn a digital welfare society, young talented people and start-ups have to face so many challenges. The key question is whether, with the right knowledge, you can exploit the potential opportunities in this new arrangementright knowledge, knowledge potentialshort, news, application, free, category1
bonitasprings.huA breeder qualifies to be called “ breeder “ after the first litter has been produced, provided all the guidelines were strictly adhered to. The fact is, however, that at least 3-4 litters are necessary to gain enough knowledge and experience – to see the results of all the careful work and…necessary knowledge, knowledge experience, achievement knowledgedog, spring, breed, breeder, member1
inmategym.huJoints can move out of their very best positions without us even noticing it. It may occur during sleeping, exercising or just simply having tight muscles, tendons and ligaments for any reasons. These little problems are very often unnoticeable by individuals, especially for those who have no…especially knowledge, knowledge unabletraining, body, session, muscle, like1
elegantkeve.hu…since decades. Our company has been operating in its current organizational form and under the name Elegant-Keve Ltd since 1991. During this long period of time, we collected an enormous wealth of both practical and theoretical knowledge, which we utilize to meet the expectations of our clients.theoretical knowledge, knowledge expectationselegant, gallery, logo, woman, manufacture1
olddominion.huOld Dominion Bt. in downtown Vác is not an English school. It is an English-teaching service . We teach English, including technical English, to people who usually have pre-intermediate (or higher) knowledge of English. The real advantage is this: Your teacher was born and educated in the United…high knowledge, knowledge englishstudent, homepage, location, conversation, language1
jurtak.hu…looked after. It’s the duty of a responsible owner to learn how to take care of it at installation, we are happy to share all information and knowledge with our customers. Those who can’t look after their yurt are not ready for the world of yurts. Those who can do it, who grow up to the task…information knowledge, knowledge customeryurt, base, place, gallery, ground1
oroshazaglas.huWithin the construction industry we have mainly project-oriented assignments, which can be typically subcontracting processed glassware, or a general contracting glass installation work. We have adequate professional knowledge in architectural design, structural static design, fire and safety…professional knowledge, knowledge architecturalglass, homepage, application, industry, vehicle1
wecup.huWe have been committed to develop sustainable, plasticfree products on the most optimal way for several years so could utilise our knowledge and experience in the brand-new product of recyclable, plastic-free and biodegradable EcoSelect paper cup.year knowledge, knowledge experiencecup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable1
mgr-informatika.huWe can help such companies in expanding with our up to date expertise and knowledge. We also can serve these companies using our experiences in large enterprises' know-how.expertise knowledge, knowledge companysolution, supplier, consultation, reference, server1
piperayipari.huConstruction or renovation, it is always a challenge. Buying the necessary assortment of building materials, high-quality and at an affordable price, delivering them to their destination is a task that requires time, certain knowledge and effort. Therefore, a good building material supply partner…certain knowledge, knowledge effortquality, construction, material, equipment, manufacture1
polarismanagement.huAdapt and/ or insert a new knowledge-modul into your operation by ordering consultancy from us,new knowledge, knowledge modulcolumn, main, navigation, consulting, executive1
trenico.huIt is not enough to know enough about financials. Enough must be utilised from that knowledge – and enough time and energy should be devoted to them.financial knowledge, knowledge timeinvestment, office, family, event, management1
loyalworkers.huTo the best of our knowledge, Loyal Workers is the first recruitment agency in Hungary that places people mainly from Africa for Hungarian employers.good knowledge, knowledge loyalloyal, worker, employee, contract, candidate1
zelemo.huOur dedicated team is the heart of our company. We invest in our people to ensure they are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge to serve you better.skill knowledge, knowledge wellmanagement, value, unit, industrial, customer1
wojtyla.hu…them with earthy and holy possessions. We, as a matter of fact, save lives and souls by our humanitarian support, giving them the best of our knowledge, regardless of race, gender, religion or political views. We believe, together with our Supporters, we are able to best use all the donations…good knowledge, knowledge regardlessfriendship, centre, house, poor, town1
advopatent.huToday three patent attorneys work in the Office: Ms. Enikő H. Faber , György Kovári and Csaba Varannai . The patent attorneys regularly meet to exchange their experiences. We also maintain a close professional and friendly relationship with our former lawyer colleagues, and we mutually use each…mutually knowledge, knowledge experienceattorney, office, trademark, property, intellectual1
siomedical.huFor the patients contacting us we provide the knowledge to keep healthy, to prevent illnesses and to recover, the nice atmosphere of being understood and distinctly cared for and the environment being aesthetic and hygienic.patient knowledge, knowledge healthyappointment, doctor, examination, surgery, health1
cbrnhungary.huOur main activity is to complete research, representation and marketing tasks for our partner companies, Gamma Technical Co. and Respirator Company, - two leading Hungarian manufacturers in the field of CBRN detection and defence - on their export markets, also providing consultation services…service knowledge, knowledge cbrnwebsite, technical, corporation, market, task1
barberbudapest.huPrecise hair and beard cutting, hot towel shaving,head massage, quality material usage. Our barbers have outstanding knowledge and many years of professional experience.outstanding knowledge, knowledge yearhaircut, beard, appointment, cut, price1
bdl.huThe engineering and business knowledge and broad experience of our staff and partners, covers the full technical fields related to design (technology, civil engineering, control engineering and automation), and the complex financial and economic knowledge associated with water utility services…business knowledge, knowledge broad, economic knowledge, knowledge waterplan, water, asset, evaluation, utility1
belegal.huOur colleagues provide complex legal services within the rules of our profession and ethical guidelines with reliable knowledge, high level language skills and client-oriented attitude. Our main goal is to serve our client’s business interest in the most efficient way, therefore we provide quick…reliable knowledge, knowledge highlaw, attorney, legal, solution, reliable1
nemestamaslaszlo.hu…get his Computer Science and Engineering degree in a dual training form, my partner firm was AUDI HUNGARIA. In my free time I try to expand my knowledge in a wide range of fields, fields I am passionate and curious about. Anything IT-related in general, especially hardware, networks and IT…time knowledge, knowledge widecurriculum, owner, education, hello, field1
tcmmedic.huOur medical experts welcome you to our modern and comfortable facility. We are committed to providing you with the very best medical care in a gentle but highly effective manner. We combine scientific knowledge with traditional wisdom to guide our patients to their full health potential.scientific knowledge, knowledge traditionalmedical, center, huang, chen, health1
euroadvance.huEuroAdvance Közgazdasági Tanácsadó Kft., In cooperation with the Department of Economics of the University of Nyíregyháza, joined the dual training aimed at expanding the students' practical knowledge. In September 2016, 6 students started their training with us, several of whom are still working…practical knowledge, knowledge septembermanagement, development, line, consultancy, education1
dartsmatek.huThanks to the many setting options the programme can be adjusted to someone’s own knowledge and desired difficulty level. Children dealing with dyscalculia or special educational needs can use effectively as well.programme knowledge, knowledge difficultymath, page, student, programme, device1
iaido.huAfter 2 years of Pandemic emerged on us, finally we can come out from our homes again and meet at an international event. The Hungarian Kendo,Iaido & Jodo Federation proud to announce to be host after these years, and we hope that we can strive to deepen our knowledge with to support of Japanese…year knowledge, knowledge supportopen, official, seminar, calendar, community1
budapestlaw.huSátori and Lutter Law Firm assists its clients efficiently with the highest level of expertise both in general legal counselling and in matters requiring special knowledge and skills. The attorneys of our Law Firm have extensive experience in the fast and successful management of everyday…special knowledge, knowledge skilllaw, firm, expertise, extensive, area1
andantemusic.huWhen I found your band I immediately knew that You will make our wedding (held on 19th July 2014, Eger) unforgettable. Your character reflects your confidence and serenity, so I entrusted OUR BIG DAY to you without any fears. Your approach is very correct in every way. Your professional knowledge…professional knowledge, knowledge comparemusic, wedding, great, live, unforgettable1
starkor.huWe combine state of the art technologies and IT knowledge to develop agile, efficient and effective solutions that keep your business one-step ahead.technology knowledge, knowledge agiledeveloper, solution, customer, software, branch1
privateguide.huThis city is a cruel woman that affects someone who has touched her forever: they either escape, or stay in its charm forever, even if they have to depart for a while. This woman is my life, she is my destiny. The fruit of our love is the knowledge she reveals to me day by day that I can share…love knowledge, knowledge dayimage, city, woman, love, taste1
coachingteam.huDesign Thinking brings together several different areas of knowledge and can be applied to different segments of life, but the goal is the same in all cases.area knowledge, knowledge differentdevelopment, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious1
nikolettmagyar.huAs a student at the Éva Paksi drawing studio I have got acquainted with various graphic and then painting techniques, and initially became a dedicated fan of pastel chalk. However, I did not stop experimenting or expanding my further artistic knowledge, so I have studied with the painters Gábor…artistic knowledge, knowledge painterart, exhibition, group, artwork, color1
wanger.huDressing of the chinchilla fur needs special care and knowledge. The whole process is handmade and there is no way for using machine work. The key for producing high quality furs is the endless care a...care knowledge, knowledge processfur, dress, september, event, dyeing1
hunzel.huAt the installation of a complete factory all machines and facilities need to be at hand. Transportation of these appliances require tremendous preparation and expert knowledge.welding, construction, machine, industry, chemical1
aectutor.hu…made it easy to grasp complex concepts. The flexibility in scheduling allowed me to balance my work and learning effectively. Overall, this online course not only enhanced my language skills but also broadened my horizons, and I’m grateful for the valuable knowledge and experiences gained.valuable knowledge, knowledge experiencecourse, language, class, student, skill1
navavrajadhama.hu1. To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all people in the techniques of spiritual life in order to check the imbalance of values in life and to achieve real unity and piece in the world.spiritual knowledge, knowledge societykrishna, donation, society, god, member1
mockup.huOur father, József Szabó began making architectural models in the early 1990s. Based on what we learned from him, we founded Mockup Ltd. in 2010. We combine high-quality craftsmanship with modern technical knowledge and tools. In addition to conventional machines – precision circular saws, band…technical knowledge, knowledge toolmodel, mockup, build, architectural, graphic1
qualitytours.huQualified by the Hungarian Convention Bureau we provide local destination knowledge and act as an extension of your company. Be it a weekend trip to Budapest, a thematical wine tour on the countryside, an incentive with teambuilding activities and gala dinner, or a roundtrip in Central-Europe, we…destination knowledge, knowledge extensionquality, tour, tailor, group, event1
familytree.huO ur work in the field of genealogical and probate research over the past 30 years has equipped us with expert knowledge. Primary focus of Family Tree Ltd. is locating missing heirs and connecting them with unclaimed estates they are entitled to. To this end, we take on all the responsibilities…expert knowledge, knowledge primaryfamily, tree, search, europe, eastern1
iks.hu"Music is an indispensable part of universal human knowledge. He who lacks it has a faulty knowledge. A man without music is incomplete. It is obvious that music should be a school subject. It is essential!" (Zoltán Kodály)human knowledge, knowledge faulty, faulty knowledge, knowledge manscholarship, music, membership, newsletter, publication1
infravizsgalat.huIn my work I use the type of endocrinological knowledge which unfortunately has so far only been acquired by a few doctors and naturopath colleagues in Hungary. This is a regrettable fact, since these hormonal connections have been developed and taught by Dr. Lee in the United States for 40 years…endocrinological knowledge, knowledge unfortunatelyinfrared, imaging, body, hormone, treatment1
gksoft.huOur colleagues have up-to-date knowledge in their speciality and use the latest design and analysis softwares . The efficiency of our work and the increased interest after our services are proveded a wide range of customers in Hungary.date knowledge, knowledge specialityltd, engineering, analysis, vessel, co.1
wingstravel.hu…trips for years. These trips are organized by an experienced department within the company with special regards to the needs and requirements of our clients. The standard of our trips, the quality of our services are guaranted by the professional knowledge and conscientios work of our colleagues.professional knowledge, knowledge conscientiosincentive, programme, conference, unique, outdoor1
aisb.huExpression AISB students create, perform, analyze, and respond to music, theater, visual, and media arts, developing in-depth skills in at least one art form. We value art as an expression of human experience and encourage our students to apply their artistic knowledge and skills throughout their…artistic knowledge, knowledge skillschool, international, student, american, learn1
camillehouse.huresidential units. Each room has its own key lock, contactless check-in and check-out. Each apartment is air-conditioned, has its own bathroom and fully equipped kitchen. The apartment house is hosted by Katalin and her son Tamas, who use all their knowledge to give you the best experience possible.tamas knowledge, knowledge goodapartment, clean, great, location, place1
winexperience.huCheerful raffle games during the night where you can test your knowledge of what you learned and the quick-witted ones will be rewardednight knowledge, knowledge quickwine, event, taste, booking, sample1
taxworld.huUpon hearing the term ‘payroll’, most people primarily think of wages and various payable mandatory contributions. Payroll services, however, are complex services that require comprehensive knowledge and the constant monitoring and observing of the ever-changing regulations of the payroll system.comprehensive knowledge, knowledge constantlegal, tax, accounting, office, client1
drnagygabor.huWe provide almost the full range of dental treatments to our patients using cutting-edge dental equipment and materials, applying the latest dental procedures in addition to continuous development of our professional knowledge.smile, treatment, dental, dentistry, surgery1
wingtsuncsorna.hu…much time to learn it. In the political-power relations of China at that time, it was a serious disadvantage, which made the masters leaving the Shaolin temple consider, in the possession of ancient knowledge, to create something revolutionarily new. This is how Wing Tsun Kung Fu came to existence.ancient knowledge, knowledge revolutionarilyman, art, martial, technique, special1
polynet.hu…added service provider of telecommunications network synchronization infrastructure. PolyNet’s experts have gained special experiences and deep knowledge on this specific area of engineering. Applying this knowledge PolyNet produces timing sources ( PRC ), signal regenerators ( SSU ), NTP Server ,deep knowledge, knowledge specific, engineering knowledge, knowledge polynetnetwork, solution, clock, timing, support1
kaalifa.hu…the best we can. We believe in the power of spirit of nature, and in balance, without which our lives would never be united. And finally, we believe in our values ​​born with us, in our traditions that hold ancient knowledge and experiences, and that teach us, when we are open to those teachings.ancient knowledge, knowledge experiencecreation, page, furniture, art, ancient1
banyai-office.huIn addition to our expertise and domestic knowledge, we have gained considerable experience in dealing with foreign clients.domestic knowledge, knowledge considerableconsulting, accounting, tax, office, payroll1
undergroundgym.huWe design a free workout plan for the beginners if needed, and guide them to acquire an extensive knowledge of proper excercise form.extensive knowledge, knowledge properunderground, gallery, open, hour, price1
turisztikaitanulmanyok.huIt is important for us to gather the best and latest research on the topic and disseminate it widely to both those interested in theory or practice. We hope that the publications of our journal will not only provide novel and high-quality knowledge for researchers, educators in higher education…quality knowledge, knowledge researcherstudy, tourism, page, rural, development1
alefordito.huMy interest in information technology meant not only a special field of translation for me, as it has become more and more unimaginable to be a translator without IT knowledge. If I had the opportunity, I was glad to get to know different software. Although I mainly work with SDL Trados Studio, I…translator knowledge, knowledge opportunitytranslation, text, document, proofreading, technical1
biztonsagosvaltozas.huI like to build on already existing strengths in the process. I believe that everybody has the knowledge, potential, experience and opportunities to reach their goals. Besides reaching the goals of the coaching process, it is also important that my clients’ self-confidence and consciousness grow…everybody knowledge, knowledge potentialorganization, development, process, group, goal1
bdpstgroup.huCapital investments and real estate management constitute the main activity of BDPST Group. Our group performs its activities related to development, investment, hotel management, brand strategy and consultancy through its subsidiaries. BDPST Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft. is the professional knowledge…professional knowledge, knowledge centregroup, investment, real, estate, value1
rabakert.huAs our knowledge of manufacturing garden tools and agricultural products has grown, we have become a recognized partner for machine manufacturers in this industry.tiller, garden, factory, machine, edge1
gip.co.huWe have the experience, local knowledge and rescources to help you save valuable time and find the solution that suits you and your investment best.local knowledge, knowledge rescourcesinvestment, global, real, estate, management1
facilitator.huThe wide range of our methodological trainings and our unique Qualified Facilitator® programme provides instantly applicable knowledge and practice to professionals dealing with teams.applicable knowledge, knowledge practicefacilitator, training, qualified, development, consulting1
digitalpinkunicorns.huAs a Full-Stack Agency, we think that a great idea deserves the care and knowledge of experts to thrive. Our team of professionals pay great attention to your unique vision, and we not only make it come to life, but establish it by your goals to expand. Our projects represent our belief in the…care knowledge, knowledge expertdigital, agency, creative, site, vision1
epitoanyag.org.huWe hope that – together with the contribution of our respected authors – our aim to promote the dissemination of knowledge on silicate based ceramics and composites at an international level and to further strengthen the link between participants in the silicate industry can be achieved.dissemination knowledge, knowledge silicateissue, journal, author, material, paper1
metki.huNow the company is run by the family of the founder still, ensuring a great combination of the continuous knowledge and ambitious efforts.continuous knowledge, knowledge ambitioushistory, production, customer, able, tool1
ovarvill.huWe pay special attention to the training of our employees. We consider further professional training, and the knowledge and keeping of safety standards as important.training knowledge, knowledge keepingtender, introduction, reference, activity, photo1
bth.huWe are aware that continuous development, improvement, learning and training are essential for achieving this goal, and that requires assistance from competent and experienced experts, formulating their opinion, determining possible directions of development and improvement, and delivering their…reference, main, page, development, restaurant1
bfuzfoplebania.hu…serenity to the teasing remarks against her personal religious behaviour. Anticlerical accusations were duly repudiated with clever religious knowledge, smart argumentation, and she would not ever hurt anyone. Since her behaviour was characterized by placid modesty, which was paired by a…religious knowledge, knowledge smartgirl, jesus, religious, christ, church1
katalin2.huSome people find the notion of information being stored on their computer or mobile device a little intrusive, in particular when that information is stored and used by a third party without their knowledge. If you prefer, it is possible to block some or all cookies, or even delete cookies which…party knowledge, knowledge possibleboat, river, captain, hot, summer1
sparks.huIt not only “provides” equipment, but also knowledge and experience, which often helps the young, wing-trying generation to become real professionals. SPARKS Ltd. is proud of its professional technicians and colleagues, with whom it represents not only the company, but also its world-renowned…equipment knowledge, knowledge experienceequipment, camera, lighting, production, extension1
lebersoftware.hu…software solutions. In 2019 I participated in a UX Designer course, where I could learn the modern software designing methods which are excellent extensions to my knowledge I have learned at university. So now I can easily use the traditional software designing techniques with the modern aspects.extension knowledge, knowledge universitysoftware, react, game, tutorial1
gytomi.huIt will be a tech page with my knowledge and experiences as coder, PCB designer, CAD designer and quality engineer.page knowledge, knowledge experiencepage, welcome, quality, engineer, instruction1
intellitax.huBased on our extensive and up-to-date knowledge, we proactively inform You about the most ideal tax optimization options based on the current legislation, the most suitable form of taxation for Your business, and the legal ways to avoid sanctions!date knowledge, knowledge proactivelyaccounting, payroll, accountancy, office, tax1
twinkl.huSpoken Language and Listening Stories and Poems Morning Starter PowerPoints Assessment Interactive English Games Maths Areas of Study Resources Planning White Rose Maths Supporting Resources Ready to Progress Resources Same-Day Intervention Times Tables Times Table Assessment Tool & Tracker…assessment knowledge, knowledge organiserresource, teach, assessment, plan, math1
szazadveg.hu…reach voters through new, opaque paths — has been the subject of relatively little investigation .” However, the report was unable to substantiate these blunt statements on the basis of sufficiently systematic knowledge and related convincing arguments, included in an appropriate professional unit.systematic knowledge, knowledge relateddata, report, protection, political, human1
novumdental.huWhen opening the clinic, our goal was to open a new dimension of dentistry where professional knowledge meets modern technology, kindness and elegance.professional knowledge, knowledge moderndental, treatment, appointment, oral, surgery1
personaltrainerbudapest.huHis personality and passion for the sport motivated me to train harder than ever. His knowledge in nutrition is profound.hard knowledge, knowledge nutritionnutrition, body, training, trainer, plan1
pergel.hu…audited and fully complies with laws and standards. Often, a single development operation takes significantly less time than the entire development process. With this knowledge, we can ensure that our programs are faultless and usable, enabling precise targeting and eliminating misunderstandings.process knowledge, knowledge programdevelopment, plate, license, recognition, software1
stressmentor.huOur goal is to provide participants with theoretical knowledge that they can afterwards integrate into their lives in practice as well; learning trough experience will enable them to use their experience actively in everyday life and at the workplace as well. We also encourage them to recognize…theoretical knowledge, knowledge lifestress, management, workplace, training, group1
projecthr.huWorking in the corporate environment with C-level executives, managers, and specialists we find the exceptional leaders for your field with deep professional knowledge and the ability to build successful teams.professional knowledge, knowledge abilityhealth, market, research, human, resource1
guidevision.huHaving our roots in software development, we know great tech when we see it, and that’s why we love ServiceNow. Our consultants have the necessary technical knowledge and experience to understand your requirements and prepare innovative solutions.technical knowledge, knowledge experiencemanagement, customer, insight, value, study1
life-division.huWe have created a training system to provide our consultants and other partners with the knowledge necessary for career growth and professional skills development on a regular basis During a three-day intensive training with lectures by experienced partners you will:partner knowledge, knowledge necessarydivision, account, question, assistance, security1
englishcenter.huWe aim to create an active English speaking community of our students and provide them with an English language knowledge that meet their career needs. Therefore we organise social programmes like English language Theatre performances or Tourist mornings in Szentendre and also help them prepare…language knowledge, knowledge careercenter, adult, learner, language, situation1
webzify.huWe are the right term for your business. We have the expertise and knowledge to offer impartial advice and services at an honest price.expertise knowledge, knowledge impartialclient, quote, website, solution, agency1
artifex.huBased on our twenty year experience on knowledge engineering we are developing military expert software, which includes among others the functions of a terrain assessment GIS system and a database of military equipment and weapons containing items from pistol ammunition to aircraft carriers. This…experience knowledge, knowledge engineeringsimulation, training, military, profile, software1
nagyut21.huOur company not only provides the entire logistics background for the customers during shipping, but also guarantees the safety of the cargo and the punctual delivery. Our employees also have knowledge of the necessary legislation and routes for the full handling of the shipment. Our fleet of…employee knowledge, knowledge necessarynagy, trade, handle, main, page1
inthera.huRegulatory affairs is a crucial point for all manufacturers of pharmaceutical products and outsourcing it requires trust and confidence in a company. With our 30 years of knowledge in RA, we have already won the trust of some industry giants, and we believe we can also be a perfect match for you.year knowledge, knowledge rahealthcare, regulatory, distribution, pharmaceutical, affairs1
geoiq.huAs a philosophy of GeoIQ Imaging ltd. we believe that better information, (aerial imagery or satellite imagery) makes for better decisions and have created GeoIQ ltd. for this purpose. Our reputation is built on contributing our technical knowledge, special people, valuable experience to the…technical knowledge, knowledge specialimaging, planet, summary, space, activity1
cafeexpress.huFor major refurbishments, our extensive expertise and knowledge will transform your coffee machine into a like-new condition. If necessary, we provide replacement machines during the repair period.expertise knowledge, knowledge coffeecoffee, machine, sale, water, colombia1
ongyogyitowebshop.huCement your knowledge with downloads, worksheets, and quizzes. Don't forget a thing and know how to implement what you learned effectively.lesson, main, footer, webinar, free1
gajdosmeheszet.huBeekeeping has been a tradition in my family for generations, as a child I was introduced to keeping bees by my grand parents who passed their knowledge on to both my father and uncle.parent knowledge, knowledge fatherqueen, rear, abroad, trip, form1
hejokereszturiskola.huThe question for us is how we can achieve the successful inclusive education of students in heterogeneous knowledge and socialization groups, with special regard to talent management and catching up.heterogeneous knowledge, knowledge socializationschool, class, student, pupil, education1
deep-soft.huWith more than 25 years of IT experience behind me at one of the world's largest electronics manufacturing companies, I decided to start my own business and utilize my knowledge in the fields of manufacturing, warehousing and IT. My goal was to create a flexible, cost-effective system that…business knowledge, knowledge fielddeep, main, page, introduction, storage1
okotechnik.huWe would like to change this confidence - with consistent compliance of the requirements and with develop our professional knowledge - to an association with which we can assure our company’s durable, stable and calculable future.professional knowledge, knowledge associationgrating, safety, floor, air, pump1
hrsmart.huWe have a team where each field has an expert with an unquestionable professional background (meaning results) and knowledge in the given topic.result knowledge, knowledge topicemployee, recruitment, staff, organizational, support1
ebs-consulting.huEffects-Based Solutions offer a series of lectures ranging from the tactical to the strategic level to senior leaders in the corporate world. Knowledge and expertise of lecturers come from a thorough understanding of major aspects of military science, practical experience as commander both at home…world knowledge, knowledge expertiseconsulting, topic, research, military, lesson1
hrtrainingsolutions.huWould you like your training curricula, methodologies and materials to be organized into a well functioning knowledge base , and improve their knowledge delivery & applicability?material knowledge, knowledge base, base knowledge, knowledge deliverytraining, solution, efficiency, task, minute1
emsports.huAs a result of our detailed scouting knowledge and expertise, we are privileged to work with a great number of highly talented athletes. Here below you can find our portfolio and the transfers we have contributed to.scouting knowledge, knowledge expertiseplayer, debut, champion, transfer, profile1
goldpenkonyveloiroda.huNo additional knowledge, cost or effort is required. All you have to do is log in to the web interface and you can send your receipts, ask our colleagues questions, access the information you need to make financial decisions.additional knowledge, knowledge costaccounting, protect, tax, payroll, firm1
nminnovacio.huWe are working to contribute our knowledge and commitment to building a truly more liveable and comfortable future.innovation, value, news, future, solution1
qualydent.huis, that all dental problems of yours will be solved in one place to the best of our knowledge. Our specialists participate in continuous trainings, so we always use the latest technology in our teatments.good knowledge, knowledge specialistdental, discount, treatment, appointment, patient1
kathleenedubsalapitvany.huIn November 2021, 10 years after she passed away, fellow academics and former students commemorate Kathleen E. Dubs, university professor, medievalist and literary historian. She was exceptionally energetic, conscientious and not given to petty compromise. Her thorough knowledge of medieval…thorough knowledge, knowledge medievaldub, foundation, university, grant, study1
slashdigital.huWith our extensive professional knowledge, we develop our customer's digital products from client vision to the end-product.professional knowledge, knowledge customerdigital, development, user, agile, strategy1
naiceland.huWhether you need help with investment transaction or managing your assets, finding the right tenants for your properties, optimizing your retail strategy, determining the value of your assets, or overseeing development projects, we have the expertise and knowledge to help you succeed. Trust us to…expertise knowledge, knowledge efficientestate, land, real, commercial, article1
interregioforum.huGenerating the knowledge of rural businesses to develop sustainable tourism products based on cultural and intellectual heritage (STORIE) 2018-1-HU01-KA202-047746 STORIE […]forum, border, cooperation, practice, region1
kesabirtok.huFurthermore we can apply our professional knowledge and ideas in a way that wouldn’t be possible in high volume productions.professional knowledge, knowledge ideaescape, cottage, estate, production, quality1
heritagemanager.huare many who work with natural heritage. The nature of heritage is that it’s part of the complex ecological system in which we live and create cultures. For KÖME it’s especially important to convey traditional and contemporary ecological knowledge, so that they become part of our everyday practices.ecological knowledge, knowledge everydayheritage, manager, cultural, association, community1
sanatmetal.hu“The aim of the Academy is to contribute to the innovative procedures of traumatological, orthopaedic, spinal and dental surgery and the expansion of its scientific knowledge at domestic and international level, developing high-level education of current medical science.”scientific knowledge, knowledge domesticdetail, spine, page, academy, career1
szemben.huIn my studio, I work to create good plans in addition to design, which are created based on a thorough knowledge of the situations and possibilities and forward-looking functionality. And once they're done, don't leave them on the drawing board.thorough knowledge, knowledge situationexterior, interior, view, functional, studio1
sgconn.huIt was also important to have a thorough knowledge of the supplier’s side: in addition to personal acquaintance, participation in distributor meetings, training, factory visits, constant monitoring of the manufacturer’s catalogs and websites, and thorough knowledge of the components.thorough knowledge, knowledge supplier, knowledge componentelectronic, connector, component, engineering, background1
astrodent.huOur dentists, graduated on the worldwide highly respected Semmelweis University , have earned more decades of professional experience. We aim to improve continuously our dental knowledge and experience to ensure all our patients receive the best possible treatment. We are committed to continuing…dental knowledge, knowledge experiencedental, dentistry, treatment, clinic, care1
rwc.huOur company, RWCIT Kft. , was founded in 2015 with the aim that our team, which has previously gained extensive corporate experience, will also pass on the knowledge that every company and enterprise needs in the IT market, tailoring it all. We currently enjoy the trust of more than 20 satisfied…experience knowledge, knowledge companyoffice, page, development, operation, virtualization1
jmphotels.huWe assist you in selecting the right property, conduct market research, assess current and near-future demand-supply relationships in the area concerned, and identify market opportunities in the given segment of the hotel industry. With this knowledge, we carry out feasibility studies (economic…industry knowledge, knowledge feasibilityroom, operation, free, motorway, centre1
nasoft.huIn order to achieve a satisfying and completed mission, NA-Soft Ltd. relies on its dynamic, effective team and close partners. The company, using its engineering and IT talent and knowledge, provides services in the following fields:talent knowledge, knowledge servicesolution, software, hardware, specialize, provider1
karman-mechanics.huOur team of engineers has thorough knowledge of solid mechanics, material science, and numerical methods and has gained considerable experience in both FEA and CAD tools. We utilise the experience gained from our numerous successful projects and our constantly expanding contact network to shorten…thorough knowledge, knowledge solidmechanic, reference, customer, structural, engineering1
hradvise.huBesides the traditional tools and methods we prefer to use new ideas, technologies and knowledge. We create value. We show our values during the daily work and while making our dreams happen. We dream a Specialist Company in this region and nationwide where Partners enjoy our attention and like…technology knowledge, knowledge valueadvise, introduction, recruitment, consulting, labour1
abece.hu…of asking why -, in which children tend to ask questions constantly. In the case of leaving out this period, parents may not be able to pass on knowledge to their children, in spite of their best intentions, for the simple reason that they may talk about something different from what is actually…able knowledge, knowledge child, child knowledge, knowledge naturalchild, problem, programme, task, treatment1
szabadossandor.huAll seven and a half billion of us have the same fate. We are going to witness our own and each other’s ephemeral existence, and one day we are going to die. What to do about the crippling horror caused by the knowledge that death is inevitable? What should I do about the obligation to bring a…horror knowledge, knowledge deathsession, self, counseling, issue, relationship1
vatregistration.hu…answers can be obtained on the basis of the experiences obtained during practical application and via the secondary regulatory function of legal (court) cases. Our tax consulting team has many years of international practice in this field, and we are ready to use our knowledge to assist you.vat, registration, taxation, news, law1
vajdaszilard.huIt was my privilege to work with Szilard a bit more than a year at Mirum Budapest. He was appointed to the Head of PMO and we could not have chosen better. He has a wide knowledge when it comes to the project management and business development. What comes to his work, he is proactive, innovative…wide knowledge, knowledge projectmanager, solution, management, people, onepage1
szentandrasivizsla.huSince Mango regularly achieves good results at exhibitions and works excellently on hunts, we decided that we would like to continue to inherit this breed and Mango's excellent qualities. Our goal is to share all this knowledge with others and help promote the Hungarian Vizsla breed. We can…goal knowledge, knowledge hungariandog, gallery, litter, exhibition, breed1
eljegyzesi-gyuru.huOur jewel studio started its business in 1991. European and overseas trained excellent goldsmiths make good use of their professional knowledge in this workshop contributing to the restoration of the old tradition of unique jewelry making. Brills have passed the test of the ordeal of time…professional knowledge, knowledge workshopprecious, unique, stone, jewelry, certification1
cirkuszbp.huOur Cirkusz family really knows its coffee. Our nose and our knowledge set us apart from other specialty coffees. We needed to expand and moved our roasting out from the Cirkusz, but it’ll always be the coffee that we pour in your cup.nose knowledge, knowledge apartcoffee, place, food, family, day1
cnsystem.huCooperation and knowledge sharing is key in a rapadly developing technology. Our experts are selected based on customer feedbacks and the teamworking capabilities. All RF related tasks are handled with the specielists who ara the most experienced on the specific field.cooperation knowledge, knowledge shareplan, network, strategy, optimization, consultancy1
futureoceans.hu'During this exhausting trip we collected exceptional adventures and valuable new knowledge on manta rays, so on the way back to Male atoll we planned a fun dive. Finally we ended up taking our last photos in a really strong current with several reef sharks around us.'new knowledge, knowledge mantamanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future1
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.huI invite you to take off your mask and look at yourself candidly. I give you the tools and pose the questions, you provide the knowledge required for change, from within. Take a look around here and if you find something resembling your situation, call or write to me.question knowledge, knowledge changetraining, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur1
tflotta.huOrganizing team building on Lake Balaton is one of our main activity. We have different task for your team, developing your knowledge and skills while having fun. It can take form as a shared stage, or entertainment that aims to escape everyday life.team knowledge, knowledge skillboat, build, ship, event, lake1
tuning-futomu.huArticles and Guides that are written with the help of mechanics to ensure you have all the knowledge you need to make the correct purchase here at Mobex.mechanic knowledge, knowledge correctfilter, brake, oil, sensor, shop1
soneraudio.hutransient attack, sustain and decay, the ability to sort out the simultaneous sounds of massed instruments, and so on and so forth… However, the knowledge of these individual attributes should never be detrimental to the integrity of the music, the holistic experience of human beings playing…forth knowledge, knowledge individualethos, news, music, result, color1
baanpakk.huFrom the very beginning, we have been dealing with industrial packaging design and manufacturing. Our goal was to create an engineering design based on a high level of material knowledge and a technological background with expertise.material knowledge, knowledge technologicalpackaging, industrial, homepage, production, manufacture1
realestatehungary.co.huOur advertisers are professional real estate agents with years of experience in their region, local knowledge and routine. We are at your service, look for us among the advertisers of a given region!local knowledge, knowledge routineproperty, sale, estate, real, rent1
smsolutions.huThe keys to our success are technology and knowledge; both shape our company’s long-term vision and also define the quality of the partner relationship in the field of daily operation.technology knowledge, knowledge companysolution, technology, water, ltd, device1
skilltogo.huExcellent presenters, with special knowledge. To ensure organizational well-being. Tools to form positive organizations. Sharing experiences, consultation. RH plus, who will be the genius? Positive organization and well being. Knowledgable facilitators. Growing with this program is an adventure!special knowledge, knowledge organizationalresilience, organization, development, positive, leadership1
diamantkft.huIdentifying with the business interests of our clients is one of the indispensable foundations of our success. We at the Diamant Group give our best knowledge to clients to seize opportunities and not only to sustain their business, but to grow dynamically.good knowledge, knowledge clientconsultancy, tax, control, expert, group1
gemesipreparator.huI continually develop my professional knowledge at national and foreign exhibitions where my colleagues accompany me.professional knowledge, knowledge nationalpreparation, hunting, tamas, copy, african1
keresztenymotorosok.hu- We believe that it is important to grow in faith by deepening our personal relationship with Jesus Christ and by remaining obedient to him, by increasing our knowledge of and keeping the Word of God, by ardent prayer, by loving fellowship with other believers, by brave testimony to…obedient knowledge, knowledge wordgod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important1
budapestenergysummit.huDuring more than 20 years spent in the oil and gas industry Laszlo Fritsch has gained extensive professional knowledge and is also keen on sharing his expertise as a member of the Board of GIE, member of the Advisory Board of the Fund for Hungarian Oil and Gas Museum as well as a member of the…professional knowledge, knowledge keenenergy, gas, profile, view, thank1
physiotherapy.huI attend regular physio trainings to keep my knowledge up-to-date so I can offer my patients an efficient and professional therapy.training knowledge, knowledge datephysiotherapy, pain, therapy, problem, patient1
feolindustrial.huFeol Indrustrial Automation Kft. is a company with full Hungarian ownership. It consists of well-trained programmers, electrotechnical and control professionals providing a high level of knowledge and experience in industrial automation. The company was founded in 2011 in order to provide an…level knowledge, knowledge experienceindustrial, automation, machine, special, custom1
ahaoutdoor.hu"Experiential education is a philosophy that informs many methodologies, in which educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop people's capacity to contribute to their communities."order knowledge, knowledge skilloutdoor, adventure, challenge, expertise, tool1
tmerp.huKnowledge transfer – personalized transfer of knowledge that forms the basis for the safe operation of systems.transfer knowledge, knowledge basisimplementation, solution, process, management, operation1
quantic.huWe are industrial process experts with extensive manufacturing experience and industrial digitisation knowledgedevelopment, industrial, management, process, land1
szendeffy.huMy academic foundation has equipped me with a strong understanding of the fundamentals of technology, while my practical experience has allowed me to apply this knowledge in innovative and meaningful ways. I've had the privilege of working on projects that bridge the gap between the physical and…experience knowledge, knowledge innovativereality, development, unity, viewer, technology1
henigaleria.hu…dream was natural so that let me create my own inspired oracle cards. The usage of the oracle cards is too suitable for getting the deeper self-knowledge. I published my first storybook entitled "Lord Kázmér and the miracle cave". The painting for me more than the device of the self expression. I…self knowledge, knowledge storybookpainting, painter, national, soul, sale1
iceee.huIt’s an amalgamation of classic and applied Sciences and humanitarian thoughts with Environmental Professionals from across the Globe sharing their knowledge and thoughts about the Fundamental topics related to Environmental care and Safety.globe knowledge, knowledge thoughtuniversity, science, environmental, engineering, faculty1
thre.huThe Hungarian Real Estate specializes in catering to the needs of Non EU investors seeking a higher standard of living and settlement in the European Union. Our team has deep knowledge of the real estate market and settlement opportunities, ensuring that our clients feel at home in the EU.deep knowledge, knowledge realhouse, main, future, street, european1
findedichzurecht.huOur team of lawyers, attorneys, teachers, advertising specialists, economists and cultural organizers have set themselves the goal of giving you the home game advantage in these situations in Hungary by passing on our local and professional knowledge to you.advice, legal, assistance, insurance, general1
tmfu.huTCDA Tolna County Development Agency was established in early 2017 as a subsidiary of the Tolna County Council. Our mission is the representation of the county, its civic organizations and institutions as well as key economic sectors in the international community. Our main goal is to transfer…goal knowledge, knowledge goodevent, news, practice, main, page1
ssscc.huanniversary of this important conference series. The conference will provide an excellent platform in the research field of smart sustainable and safe cities for knowledge exchange between researchers, scientists, academicians and engineers working in the areas listed here (but not limited):city knowledge, knowledge exchangecity, safe, conference, sustainable, submission1
lacom.huOur owner and team members gained experiences earlier as customers themselves, thus we have a good understanding of our customers’ needs. We have high level English and German knowledge. In addition to the Hungarian media, we are also experienced in the international one.german knowledge, knowledge additionmedia, plan, creative, event, personal1
europlastik.huWe operate a modern, well equipped company with wide scope of activity in a cultured surrounding with high theoretical and practical knowledge.lorem, ipsum, aenean, packet, machine1
innoagro.co.huWe offer local market knowledge and a good understanding of tools completing versus tools competing .market knowledge, knowledge goodplan, way, solution, market, happy1
ikosz.huThe National Association of Innovative Clusters (IKOSZ) is an independent non-profit organisation that brings together Hungarian cluster initiatives based on the pooling of knowledge, experience and expertise to strengthen Hungarian competitiveness. Established in 2012 as a result of the…pool knowledge, knowledge experiencecluster, member, innovation, activity, event1
urizanyi.huOur colleagues possess all the substantial EU-conform vocational and environmental competencies and skills required in this industrial segment. In order to ensure the appropriate professional level and to keep up with the intensely improving heating and cooling system technologies requiring…date knowledge, knowledge technicalgas, air, conditioning, appliance, translation1
omegaoffice.huOur staff are always on hand to share their knowledge and offer advice to ensure our customers order the correct furniture to fulfil their requirementshand knowledge, knowledge adviceoffice, furniture, premium, desk, chair1
chezdodo.hu…attempts at creating them at home, she attended an advanced class in Paris to learn all the tricks and turns of the elaborate process. With the knowledge in her pocket she started baking them for friends and colleagues, being an account manager at an ad agency during the day and a self-made pastryprocess knowledge, knowledge pocketprocess, dream, true, day, elaborate1
twcs.hu…World Heritage Wine Region of Tokaj at the University of Tokaj in the historic town of Sárospatak. The basic idea of the Congress is to pass on knowledge to professionals that is up-to-date, useful, and easy to put into practice from an international and holistic perspective. University of Tokaj…congress knowledge, knowledge professionalcongress, wine, venue, session, registration1
comelux.hu…maintenance, service repairing and customer service. If you are interested in our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us. In our office you can check and try many types of machines. We are at your disposal with our specialized knowledge and ready to serve you with any advices.specialize knowledge, knowledge readysite, trade, machine, kind, garment1
xpl.huMany countries' foreign affairs ministries, especially outside Europe, lack the resources and local knowledge to maintain an effective presence in every EU Member States. We help our foreign government clients to enhance their diplomatic, political, economic, and cultural engagement by…local knowledge, knowledge effectiveclient, political, public, risk, government1
me-innovations.hu…for their clients, they are using innovative techniques to deliver the main scientific message even to non-scientific communities. Using the knowledge and experience of the owners in web design, programming and lecturing they easily develop and maintain webinars, training materials and online…community knowledge, knowledge experienceinnovation, energy, mobility, staff, research1
wellwed.huThe coordinator of the WELLWED team, Norbert Brotya, spent 11 years in the United Kingdom, where he conducted numerous parties and events with great success. After returning home, he passed on his knowledge and experience to the whole team. As a result, we represent an international standard that…home knowledge, knowledge experiencewedding, music, award, meet, favorite1
edeldental.huDr. Nemes received her degree in 1994 in the medical university of Pécs. She received her specialist degree in 1996 and since that time works in her private practice. Over the last 20 years she has been constantly updating her skills and knowledge of recent developments in dental surgery by…skill knowledge, knowledge recentsurgery, dental, treatment, oral, prosthesis1
monera.huOur team has decades of experience and dozens of projects using acquired knowledge, we provide consultancy on POS terminal, magnetic, or contactless smart card project. If it is important for you to put in place a thorough system design, dates and costs of compliance with the smooth system launch…project knowledge, knowledge consultancyself, payment, priority, activity, market1
wise.huWe disseminate the administrative works of renowned author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard to use in organizational, professional and private endeavors. The product of more than three decades of research, piloting and codification, this body of knowledge is the world's most comprehensive system of…body knowledge, knowledge worldwise, membership, management, member, free1
dentist-debrecen.huDr. Zsolt Horai, dental surgeon, is the leader of the Debrecen Divinus Dental Surgery. He has 17 years of professional experience and achieved excellent results in his Dental and Oral Diseases exam, and then in 2001-2002 qualified in implantology, acquiring the necessary professional knowledge for…professional knowledge, knowledge dentaldental, tooth, dentist, surgery, treatment1
teomse.huWe are an early learning academy focused on social-emotional development and early literacy and numeracy. Our students walk out with the character and confidence to make their mark in the world, equipped with the knowledge and real-world skills that take them way ahead in the industry they may…world knowledge, knowledge realstudent, learn, champion, school, activity1
healthandyouth.huVisit our health center, where we provide the best of our knowledge to restore and preserve your health and youth in a natural way.good knowledge, knowledge healthhealth, youth, frequently, question, oil1
avenuedental.huAvenue Dental is characterized by quality care and premium customer service. Whatever your specialty, our dentists have highly trained, comprehensive knowledge and experience.comprehensive knowledge, knowledge experiencedental, avenue, treatment, denture, root1
panmedia.huWe are a media agency with more than 20 years of experience. All of the Hungarian media research databases and software is at our disposal. We have access to state-of-the-art international knowledge databases and data resources. We are proud of our numerous research projects and exclusive…international knowledge, knowledge databasemedia, agency, history, campaign, market1
fjit.huSchool healthcare is in a unique and privileged situation in the field of prevention by being present and operating in the natural educational environment of children, and delivering services by professionals with medical knowledge. We are convinced that taking advantage of multi-disciplinary…medical knowledge, knowledge advantageschool, healthcare, member, health, mission1
abci.huAdvocate Business Consulting have in-depth knowledge and expertise of Core Banking Development for Finastra Fusion Equation and Fusion Midas solutions, Business Intelligence Development expertise for Oracle and Cognos. Our consultants have industry-specific knowledge provided for a wide range of…depth knowledge, knowledge expertise, specific knowledge, knowledge widedevelopment, consulting, industry, pharmaceutical, financial1
nevex.hu…of producers, traders, farmers as well as the authority. Through transparent, accredited operation driven by the highest industry standards and knowledge of the latest business trends, we seek to ensure an effective and successful registration process for active ingredients and chemical products…standard knowledge, knowledge latestauthorization, plant, evaluation, process, institute1
swedishchamber.hu“This community is much more than networking. It is a very inspiring group of company leaders where knowledge sharing and sharing of best practices are our passion.”leader knowledge, knowledge sharechamber, swedish, member, sustainability, commerce1
expathelphungary.huWe faced challenges over the years and now we look forward to passing on our knowledge and experience to you.forward knowledge, knowledge experienceinternational, management, property, challenge, daily1
algoguru.huHe is a very professional with the highest level of knowledge and many years of experience in the Forex trading and developing.level knowledge, knowledge yeartrading, idea, reference, strategy, price1
nextpertis.hu…That’s why we offer a team of dedicated agile testers who will help you with realizing your ideal project while sharing their know-how with you. So, we’ll hand you over a fully functioning project and a team of skilled employees who have the necessary knowledge to keep the project’s success.necessary knowledge, knowledge projectagile, automation, success, story, academy1
szerdalawfirm.hu…Our clients receive this assistance and support throughout the entire lifetime of their projects. They also take advantage of our extensive legal expertise in and knowledge of the local and regional business environment, which our legal team has developed over nearly two decades of legal practice.expertise knowledge, knowledge locallaw, firm, expertise, area, legal1
creativespot.huUp-to-date knowledge, complete preparedness, speed and precision – this is our approach to our job which is our hobby and passion at the same time. In our studio things don’t fall apart and there is no blame game among us: if we commit to something, we are going to fulfil it.date knowledge, knowledge completeanimation, video, explainer, logo, request1
generisk.huGenerisk Ltd. was established in 2005. Our goal was to combine chemical, mathematical and physical knowledge with safety sciences’ risk based approach. We aimed to form a group of objective and cost efficient services in safety planning. Our ideas fitted in with the new international trends…physical knowledge, knowledge safetysafety, analysis, environmental, industrial, assessment1
pridesign.huWe undertake the production of custom-designed furniture with extensive knowledge and insight, whether it is a simpler, standard product or a complex installation.extensive knowledge, knowledge insightoffice, axis, equipment, factory, build1
lintimage.hu…so we need to pay special attention to it. It is best if you choose a salon (especially for the first time) that specializes in this, whose knowledge and experience you trust, where they work with sufficient routine, competence and quality materials, otherwise it can easily end in injury… Withtime knowledge, knowledge experiencetreatment, care, price, hair, massage1
adlibitumgitar.huMusic in Budakeszi city. This “musical workshop” made an opportunity for it, that apart from the guitar other instrumental game (piano, flute) too may acquire and let us put an implement onto guitar orchestra and Renaissance chamber musical knowledge which created a determining musical basis for us.musical knowledge, knowledge musicalassociation, guitar, music, photo, concert1
littlelovebox.hu…to decide which category to draw from with the help of the dice. During the game, you can get closer to each other, you can even talk about topics you have never dealt with, and your self-knowledge can also improve, since you will notice that it is not so easy to answer many questions immediately.self knowledge, knowledge easylittle, card, love, game, question1
alvicom.huAt Alvicom Ltd, people are at the centre. In our friendly, family atmosphere, we take care of every employee, because our greatest assets are our experts, their accumulated knowledge and experience. Our colleagues are involved in a wide range of tasks, which help them to gain professional…expert knowledge, knowledge experiencesoftware, development, expert, client, reliable1
bekeslegal.hu…cash logistics, energy, pharmaceutical and building industries, moreover credit institutions, municipalities and other business associations founded by municipalities or natural persons. The representation of our foreign clients is facilitated by the fluent English knowledge of our colleagues..english knowledge, knowledge colleagueslaw, lawyer, legal, office, representation1
les-hungary.hu…and technology transfer, to actively participate in promoting cooperation between the Hungarian and international licensing culture and contribute to a more effective technology transfer and an innovative, knowledge-based and competitive national economy by creating professional added value.innovative knowledge, knowledge competitivelicensing, international, field, membership, member1
okotars.hu…was 2 pm on 20 March 2023. The call for applications was open to cohesive and active civil society organisations that committed themselves to building new partnerships, developing as organisations, and expanding their methodological knowledge while implementing concrete campaigns. The first...methodological knowledge, knowledge concretesociety, report, european, tree, rule1
mps-studio.huThanks to our colleagues’ and partners’ expertise, their knowledge in special area of expertise, and experience gained over the years, our company underwent a major transformation in 2008.expertise knowledge, knowledge specialcolleagues, reference, vendor, network, account1
kaczursandor.hu1993-2020: More than 2900 hours of training in information technology, programming, foreign languages, self-knowledge, pedagogy, methodology across topics, marketingself knowledge, knowledge pedagogywebpage, university, mobility, staff, training1
költségosztó.huHuman responses to pollutants, climatic factors and other stressors such as noise and light are generally categorized according to the type and degree of responses and the time frame in which they occur. Building managers should be generally familiar with these categories, leaving detailed…detail knowledge, knowledge healthair, quality, solution, building, indoor1
palocflora.huPriority of TERRA’s company is providing all of its clients with innovative and effective technical solutions for the development of plants. Thanks to integrated knowledge of scientist, production experts as well as landscape designers and architects, TERRA’s products always offer innovative…thank knowledge, knowledge scientistmodel, production, urban, innovative, quality1
end2end.huOur main effort is to always do our work in the best quality. We work in a small but effective team that have a wide range of competencies. We only undertake a task that we feel competent in. If we feel that a given task needs different competencies than ours, we are happy to use our extensive…market knowledge, knowledge rightconsulting, management, customer, task, surprise1
grendarsmedia.hu“Working with Péter is a pleasure. I’ve hired him earlier this year to help us with producing motion graphics videos for one of my clients, and we’ve been working closely for weeks. After this, my conclusion was that I’m lucky I found him: not only does he have the needed technical knowledge and a…technical knowledge, knowledge greatvideo, animation, portfolio, faq, production1
citadelconsulting.huThe two pillars of our service portfolio form a perfect combination, offering unique and customized solutions to our clients’ complex business challenges. In our collaborations, we quickly and effectively gain in-depth knowledge about our clients and their market environment, as well as we strive…depth knowledge, knowledge clientadvisory, consulting, management, merger, sell1
duhajdombikutyaiskola.huAunt Csöpi passed on her experience, professional knowledge and respect and love for dogs to her granddaughter, Adrienn.professional knowledge, knowledge respecttraining, group, school, dog, individual1
etalonhorses.huRobi Kádár invented and created this fantastic production that is based on his knowledge and experience of essentials of Hungarian equestrian society who inherited these ancient traditions from generations to generations. It was always his childhood dream to make this show come true to pay tribute…production knowledge, knowledge experiencehorse, fire, close, equestrian, video1
biofil.huBioFil’s research team is the most knowledge able in Hungary and is recognized globally as leaders in soil bacteria research and product development. BioFil Acidic, Normal and Alkaline soil inoculants provide innovative and complex soil-specific solutions for microbial inoculation and improvement…team knowledge, knowledge ablesoil, tender, bacteria, fertilizer, effective1
cofa.huIn today’s world, advanced knowledge of natural biological processes is combined with traditional farming practices. Some unique features of organic farming include polyculture (planting multiple crops in the same location), carbon-based fertilizers and natural pest control. Organic farming…advanced knowledge, knowledge naturalorganic, association, member, farming, certified1
konyhabiztos.huQatar is the fastest developing country in the world and we are happy to be part of it by supporting food security and sharing our knowledge.food, rule, career, reference, restaurant1
helkasor.hu…then also as operations manager and technician at Hübris in Székesfehérvár. I have been to many breweries in the past 10 years to expand my knowledge and technical skills. Dóri Lakner It all started with an old, childhood friendship…After quite a few years of working in sales and even more…year knowledge, knowledge technicalbeer, brewery, garden, event, detail1
fehervaribirtok.huThe connection between the Fehérvári family and Somló dates back to 1545. Together with the family estate, the knowledge and experience accumulated during generations is passed down from father to son following tradition.estate knowledge, knowledge experiencewine, basket, reserve, white, region1
emesesoft.huThey are characterized by their flexibility and quality work from their hands. It is important for us that the site is also ranked well in the search engines and it is a priority for many new clients. Their references largely reflect their knowledge.customer, reference, book, important, site1
kantinetta.huDecades of work have enriched us not only with the knowledge at our fingertips, but also with a respect for everyday food.work knowledge, knowledge fingertipsgarden, restaurant, coffee, food, everyday1
kalocsaibokreta.huThe Kalocsai Bokréta Folk Ensemble was established in 1990 with the excellent leadership of the dance teacher, Ferenc Tóth. From the very beginning, the aim of the group was to introduce the traditional folk-games and folk dances to children, adolescents and adults, and later on, to present this…later knowledge, knowledge localgroup, photo, folk, ensemble, event1
satyananda.huWhat do we mean by awareness? For most people, awareness means mere knowledge. We often say, “I am aware of that,” meaning that we know something. In yoga it also means knowledge but it simultaneously means far more. Awareness in a general sense means to comprehend, to know, to feel what is…mere knowledge, knowledge aware, yoga knowledge, knowledge simultaneouslyyoga, february, retreat, author, awareness1
pifis.huOur goal is to help foreigner students to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to gain admission to a Hungarian university as well as to be able to sucessfully finish it.skill knowledge, knowledge necessaryadmission, university, available, faq, document1
impactacademy.huOur courses help you to deepen your knowledge in various key areas, on a one-day or even several-month long training.course knowledge, knowledge keyimpact, academy, month, measurement, community1
internetworking.huJoplin is a fantastic personal knowledge management (PKM) tool. Currently it has only Intel build for the Apple platform. The Intel version works on the newer apple MacBooks equipped with M1 processors with the help of emulation. However M1 processors are using ARM architecture, so an ARM version…personal knowledge, knowledge managementgabor, network, automation, code, journey1
coachakademia.huOur instructors have more than 20,000 hours of coaching experience and are dedicated to passing on their knowledge.training, international, reference, graduate, trainer1
deltaplast.huWe respectfully and humbly approach each other, our employees, managers, partners, and we communicate our problems and successes with honesty. We take responsibility for our work, our decisions, each other and our common goals. We work with dedication to meet the challenges, with our professional…professional knowledge, knowledge solutionproduction, technical, quality, manager, manufacture1
procura.co.huin the public procurement field are concentrated in one firm. Our experts combine the legal and economic approach, and theoretical and practical knowledge. As our firm employs all experts therefore the experience of the experts are also part our company’s know-how. One of our strengths is that we…practical knowledge, knowledge firmpublic, procurement, consulting, expert, international1
relaxspa.huThe health improving and energizing reflexologic massage has been used since ancient times, as it has been common knowledge for millennia that our inner organs are represented on our footsole. Massaging the right points enhances the treated organ’s energy supply, helps eliminating toxins and waste…common knowledge, knowledge millenniumtreatment, massage, cost, minute, weight1
c3d.huC3D’s mission is to provide real-world engineering solutions and services that will shape the engineering world of the future. We provide effective and high-quality solutions to our clients’ real needs and seemingly insoluble problems by combining our diverse professional knowledge and creativity.professional knowledge, knowledge creativitydivision, engineering, development, research, stamping1
handmadehealing.huMy earlier career I graduated as an energy and mechanical engineer. I perform the treatments with appropriate thoroughness (as an engineer would), purposefulness, and great care. I continuously seek to further develop and broaden my knowledge of the field.continuously knowledge, knowledge fieldhandmade, treatment, therapy, option, price1
tritoo.huDevelopment of security culture, raising security awareness, developing protection against targeted attacks (eg. social engineering), preservation of corporate data assets and treasures of knowledge.data, solution, science, analysis, process1
workant.huWe integrate for you workers with knowledge of a foreign language or translators for the training of all staffworker knowledge, knowledge foreignrecruitment, cycle, candidate, management, worker1
zolkiss.huOK, it is not that secret, but I worked for the Government at the country side. Everything started here... When I signed for the job, my knowledge included only a "Hello World" Java knowledge, and 3 months of PHP and HTML experience. In the first months I was far from the Java, but later I jumped…job knowledge, knowledge hello, java knowledge, knowledge monthdeveloper, client, date, close, software1
dev4you.huI offer a range of design services, including Packaging, Stationary, Car & Store Front Wrap and T-shirt design, with print-ready file creation. Whether you're looking to create a stunning packaging design, or prepare your artwork for print, I have the expertise and knowledge to help you achieve…expertise knowledge, knowledge goaluser, development, website, exceptional, page1
szarvaspanzio.huIs not not a a secret secret desire desire that that the the reader reader of of today's today's home home tomorrow, tomorrow, guests guests must must be: be: "Knowledge "Knowledge of of Hungary, Hungary, and and acquainted acquainted with with a a good good knowledge knowledge of of their their…guest knowledge, knowledge hungary, good knowledge, knowledge homelandguest, introduction, reader, player, guesthouse1
idegenvezetes.huIf you need a qualified and ambitious tour guide, we can offer you the services of our 180 members, providing guided tours and translation in 30 languages . Many of us drive their cars, some even have a van. All tour guides of MISZ are licensed and work according to legal professional regulations.value knowledge, knowledge expertiseguide, tour, tourist, member, gallery0
rekon.hu…projects… Contact… Banks and Banking Systems We are the market leaders in constructing financial…specialize knowledgebuilding, operation, branch, telecommunication, security0
getcon.huWith 15 years of experience, our staff at GetCon Hungary Ltd. has the capabilities and expertise to take your IT networks and security infrastructure to the next level. At GetCon Hungary Ltd. we combine our solutions and skills to deliver IT network and security systems, which are totally aligned…solution, network, expertise, capability, staff0
gyerekagykontroll.huPreschool… Private Nanny… Education Agency… About Us… Testimonials… FAQ… Gallery 2-columns… Gallery…knowledge expansiongallery, column, kindergarten, sidebar, masonry0
hidasi.huWe are especially skilled in judicial and administrative proceedings. We are engaged in creating commercial and real estate law contracts in both German and English. We carry out representation and consulting activities for both state and local government agencies, as well as on behalf of domestic…principle knowledge, knowledge integrity, lawyer knowledge, knowledge security, knowledge powerlawyer, law, firm, contract, german0
horizonsolutions.huWe focus on the implementation of international share plan in Hungary - tax compliance, beneficial taxation, employee communicationfocus knowledgetax, consulting, plan, employee, share0
chilicreative.huwe are a digital creative agency specialized in online solutions, web application development, creative design and communicationlogo knowledge, knowledge likecreative, communication, development, digital, campaign0
zrt.huKnowledge Base… Login… Forgot…base, login, navigation, password0
redsbudapest.huYou need quality haircut or beard cut? This is the right place in the middle of Budapest! No booking, short queues. Come and try out the REDS experience!experience knowledge, knowledge edgehaircut, quality, price, salon, demand0
kereszthivatkozas.huA team of digital marketing specialists and experts have composed this course based on current day tactics and their real-world professional experience.prior knowledge, knowledge experiencecourse, digital, optimization, channel, day0
alumnihungary.huA special focus will be given to strengthening the worldwide network of foreign graduates of Hungarian higher education institutions and to establishing local alumni groups with the aim to increase the international impact of the Alumni Hungary Network through its members.hungary knowledgeconference, programme, international, speaker, foreign0
connectax.huA fundamental requirement in taxpayers' real-time invoice reporting obligation is to automatically supply data content in a valid and predefined structure right after issuing an invoice. Defaulting this obligation is sanctionable up to ~ EUR 1500 EUR per invoice. No subscription is needed to the…invoice, report, real, reporter, invoicing0
1978.huJohnson Controls helped me a lot in my carrier. I started there as plant HR manager responsible for a small automotive manufacturing plant in Mezőlak, Hungary, then after an other 3 plants joined the company, my great boss asked me to be a country HR manager, responsible for all four Hungarian…hr knowledge, knowledge expertday, thailand, school, china, university0
global-service.hu…each individual circumstance accordingly, constructing a seamless supply chain logistics to our clients. In addition, through upholding our core business values, namely Efficiency, Effectiveness, Integrity and Client Satisfaction, we continue to deliver goods in a professional, intact and timely…freely knowledgeglobal, touch, freight, value, need0
tpm-kepiro.hu…development of special software… operation of IT systems… IT trainings… My career history (CV)…ci knowledge, knowledge practiceintroduction, training, improvement, tool, software0
isze.huWe have been organizing courses since 1997. From 1997 to 2008 our courses were attended by 58 000 teachers at 1700 different venues throughout the country. More than 300 teachers are qualified in informatics teaching specialists.teach, training, course, activity, teacher0
womentime.huThis may be the latest case of post aggression emigration in Ukraine. But it is unlikely to be the final stage for millions of people to leave the country. These people do not wantstrong knowledge, knowledge wordpressjun, news, fashion, politics, lifestyle0
laboan.huA Surperior Hunting experience and The Dream of taking a unique Trophy is an often seen motivation, when Hungary is chosen as the distination for the hunting tour.local knowledge, knowledge experiencehunting, hunt, lodge, browser, video0
krgroup.huWithin 15 days from incorporation, companies must register for the municipality business tax (helyi iparüzési adó). Registration procedures may vary by municipality, but the application should include such information as the company name, registered office, tax number, etc. After registration, the…tax, group, accounting, vat, rate0
serbiz.huSpecialized to Service Business Development. Servicesales consulting, service market mentoring and traininglevel knowledgetraining, sale, development, market, consultancy0
csigajogsi.huDRIVING SCHOOL DRIVING SCHOOL continuously launches "B" category courses in English! APPLICATION: Please phone, send an e-mail or come to the office! OFFICE:traffic knowledge, knowledge constructional, operate knowledge, knowledge theoryschool, drive, learn, office, course0
advitas.hu…decisions whether selling or purchasing agricultural commodities. We are those who stand next to you when you face unforeseen issues in your business endeavours, we are your mediators and to a certain extent your advisors. We highly appreciate your confidence and trust in us. Yours faithfully…market, agricultural, commodity, trading, buyer0
grandfiesta.huGrand Fiesta is a service-oriented trading and consulting company providing domestic and international companies the opportunity to import and export products to new and existing markets.consulting, trading, opportunity, domestic, market0
gyorfidaru.huOur main priority is to hire mobile crane or self-propelled lifting equipment in affardable prices regarding working projects in Miskolc, Budapest, Győr, Komárom or even in Paks. Reliable, highly trained crane operators with several years or couple of decades experience, well-maintained fleet…crane, hire, mobile, truck, rental0
ifixking.huTwitter… LinkedIn… Laptop… Egyéb elektronika…camera, view, latest, support, headphone0
centauriweb.hu„Centauri’s prose is infinite and can not be coded. It mixes marks of great ancestors with popcultural and literal hints, with magical and merciless realism, and from the whole he creates something typically Centauri-like. And he does this in a way that we can not even define what makes it…centauri knowledge, knowledge magicstory, short, literature, sun, matter0
autosen.huOur constantly growing product portfolio includes more than 400 products from the areas of position sensors, process sensors, Motion Control, IO-Link sensors, software, masters, etc. and our IIoT gateway io-key. The range is completed with a selection of suitable connection technology, sensor…sensor, accessories, class, key, temperature0
idbc.huProject managers, business analysts, developers and testers, system engineers, sales and finance professionals.mentoring knowledge, knowledge sharecreative, job, recruitment, digital, fun0
ankaweb.hurelated technologies and skills 2 years ago. It all begun with a web developement bootcamp course on Udemy, where I've learned the basics of HTML and CSS. Later in the summer of 2021, I started to familiarize myself with javascript and jQuery, and after that I learned the main concept of typescript.current knowledge, knowledge nutshellsite, webpage, css, friend, current0
advorg.huIT Consulting Services for the Financials and Pharmaceuticals industry, from Payment Services to Treasury and Capital Markets and Legal Compliance.knowledge domainconsulting, case, study, organization, development0
faragostilus.huConsulting and strategic planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies.knowledge centerconsulting, guidance, plan, advice, responsive0
telc.huOur name is recognized all over the world. 2000 exam centers in 26 countries, 50 years of experience, numerous international certifications and awards, and 25000 teacher-examiners will ensure that the telc exam remains recognized and accepted in the international arena of higher education.exam, fee, examination, language, german0
ingroup.huIN GROUP is one of the leading companies in the field of project development, real estate investment and construction.hand knowledge, knowledge regionalgroup, management, estate, real, development0
konzolmania.hu…Switch Gépek… Switch Játékok… Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League… EA Sports WRC… Marvel's Spider-Manedition, duty, evil, resident, simulator0
logiclab.huLogicLab is a pneumatic workplace simulation e-learning software for practice all over the word. Learn to tubing, understanding pneumatic diagrams, pneumatic base elements. Simple, clear and understandable.pneumatic, element, workplace, simple, learn0
pkf.huIf you are seeking a firm with relevant experience in accounting, payroll and tax advisory services, do not hesitate to contact us. Our clients are leading Hungarian enterprises and Hungarian subsidiaries of international groups with specific reporting requirements.accounting, advisory, tax, international, legally0
excel1.huWe managed to reduce a nearly 8-hour long, monthly process to practically a 5-minute process with the support of László Varga. Not only that we automated that process, but we also learned several tools, so from now on we can develop further automation on our own in Microsoft Excel” – Katalin Nagy…form knowledge, knowledge developmentautomation, development, application, process, programming0
shl.huBorsodChem Zrt. has been in business relation with SHL Hungary Ltd. as a service provider since 2008. In 2008, three of our employees attended SHL Hungary Ltd’s “Tests in the World of Work” training. Following this course we bought some of their tests, having used with good results since then, and…professional knowledgequestionnaire, selection, development, exercise, manager0
filmesgyakornok.huIf you would like to find out more about how the film industry works, how film crews are set up, and learn more about the fields and roles in film production, browse through the Film Profession Search site without a registration. You will find up to date information on the current work…english knowledge, knowledge crucialproduction, registration, position, able, available0
kutdiak.huExtended deadline: June 20. – XIII. Hungarian Research Student Association Scientific Poster Competitionable knowledge, knowledge waystudent, research, association, competition, scientific0
macher.huWe specialize in designing, developing and manufacturing complex, high value-added cables, wiring harnesses and complex electronic systems. For the production of simple cables, semi-automatic and fully automated equipment is available, which automatically checks and records data.technical knowledgeproduction, quality, cable, customer, technology0
alkoholfuggoseg.hu…and effective method. For this reason we have found it necessary – as a model experiment – to adapt the institutional methods to supported day care community living conditions, thus providing a so-called near home ambulant rehabilitation system where their recovery program is compatible…addiction, rehabilitation, group, day, form0
sacibt.huMy company the Saci Könyvelő Bt. founded on the 16th of april in 2004 and our main activity is accounting service.date knowledge, knowledge quickaccounting, individual, family, client, introduction0
onedaytrip.huOneDayTrip – Your best day in Hungarytour, day, lacus, aliquam, sit0
xds.huThe XDS team has 15 years of experience, covering the full lifetime of the software development.knowledge serviceprocess, development, software, engineering, automotive0
sagerpharma.hu…Headache… Hormone-free contraception… Muscle and joint pain… Osteoporosis… Rheumatoid arthritis…understand knowledge, knowledge expertisevalue, strategy, management, history, future0
castlegate.huOur Beliefs at Castlegate are more than words on a page- they are the core values that guide our actions and shape our relationships with our clients. We understand it is our responsibility to protect not only your properties, information, but also your reputation and we strive to provide you a…experience knowledge, knowledge networkpage, gate, castle, member, plan0
i-qrs.hu…collective and individual monitoring of players leads to more efficient training for each player, the whole team and the trainer. The telemetric module transfers data during sports activities through a wireless connection to a local server. The real-time analysis of the data enables the trainer tomodule, player, field, rehabilitation, animal0
spirimed.hu…features of 2020… 1 year telt el… Theme fails to load to WordPress… 3 years, 6 months telt el…month, el, community, grid, forum0
bodyatwork.huAfter having been invited by the Budapest History Museum, our team facilitated two workshops in their amazing building last autumn. Extraordinary spaces and an extraordinary mission: visitors of the museum could take away calmness and trust after our stress-releasing sessions.body, page, awareness, stress, advanced0
fit360fitness.huHIIT training, HIRT training Budapest, 13th district. Interval training, group training, HIIT training, HIRT exercises. Fit360 fitness studio HIIT workouts.training, studio, group, class, exercise0
muza.huThe region's theater and cultural center. Theater, opera, dance theater, concerts, ticket office and information point.literature knowledge, knowledge disseminationart, ticket, house, theater, office0
domnanob.huThis is a Personal Website about Domnánovich Bálint. I'm a young programmer and teacher. I had some project and storys, if you are interested or searching for a developer read for more.website, personal, developer, interested, teacher0
flexiton.hubuilding up their network management systems and in providing them high quality data services.knowledge datamanagement, process, data, support, network0
tiszaviragpszichologia.huTiszavirág Psychological Center located in the center of Szeged offers a variety of psychological services.continuously knowledge, knowledge professionalpage, psychologist, psychological, center, self0
bookfairy.huBook and Jigsaw… Baby's very first black and white books… Very first words… Flap books… Touchy Feely…book, story, activity, sticker, fairy0
hays.hu© Copyright Hays plc 2024. The HAYS word, the H devices, HAYS WORKING FOR YOUR TOMORROW and Powering the world of work and associated logos and artwork are trademarks of Hays plc. The H devices are original designs protected by registration in many countries. All rights are reserved.promo, homepage, block, job, seeker0
nordentsmile.huNorDent Smile dental office was established in 2014 in Mórahalom. From the very beginning the goal of our dentistry was to provide impeccable dental services to our patients coming from all around the globe. Our mission is to provide tranquility and security through the kindness and…dental, smile, office, dentistry, dentist0
rbikft.huRepairs of Mixer és Finalmixer (bearing change, rotor change) Mill maintenance (roller change, plating) Conveyor development and transformation Deployment of QR Code engraving machine Maintenance of hay cutter machinedate knowledgedeployment, development, technology, machine, industrial0
rbc2022.huIt is with pleasure that we invite you to participate in the Regional Biophysics Conference (RBC) to be held August 22-26, 2022, Pécs, Hungary .technology knowledge, knowledge sharebiophysics, conference, regional, deadline, registration0
ifjusagkutatointezet.huEvents… Publications… Media… Youth Research Institute… Our team… Harmony for the mind: Music as a…youth, research, institute, news, event0
partnershungary.huIn general, the word "conflict" has a somewhat pejorative connotation, it is seen as a bad thing to be avoided. We think differently. Every society, community, organisation, human relationship goes through conflicts from time to time in the course of everyday interaction. If we have the means…conflict, mediator, training, management, mediation0
primustrust.hu…management, tax & legal advisory and trust management. Primus Trust Corp. aims to pursue its bespoken services at a high professional level with great commitment. Our corporate motto “ CREATING VALUE ACROSS GENERATIONS ” expresses our commitment to combine family value with continued development.knowledge channeltrust, protection, asset, tax, family0
oryannamaria.huCurriculum Vitae… Contact… Current Exhibitions… Trees… Timegarden… Creation – Code… Fine arts and the…series, picture, tree, heart, curriculum0
grid.huWithin the framework of our IT services, ready-to-use IT solutions and individual IT developments we always look for the optimal solution offering the greatest achievable support to the daily routine, thus presenting real and valuable support to every member of the organization.grid, main, cee, solution, consultancy0
hajdufolk.huof 207,000 people, lies in the heart of Europe. This is the seat of Hajdú-Bihar county andfolk, ensemble, dance, city, national0
civiljogok.hu…playing a significant role in the revision of nonprofit status rules, the expansion of public and community participation, the change of funding systems, the re-introduction of tangible incentives honoring the work of public benefit organizations as well as in the liquidation of legal difficultiesngo, public, legal, goal, regulation0
menet-szerszam.hu…SPIRAL POINT (THRUGH HOLE)… TAP WRENCH… SPIRAL FLUTE MACHINE… STRAIGHT FLUTE PLUG… STRAIGHT FLUTE…detail, drill, straight, leave, machine0
sustain.hu…governments, customers and legislation. Corporate performance is measured and presented using 67 GRI indicators. Depending on the size of the company and its activities, it is recommended that 10-20 indicators are selected and developed over an annual period to demonstrate the change in the…knowledge commitmentsustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate0
ganzkk.huOur products include contactors, relays and consumer cabinets that have proven their quality to electrician professionals for decades. We are proud that we manufacture Hungarian products as a company with 100% Hungarian ownership. The year 2017 was mainly about the change in ownership, which…expertise knowledge, knowledge realreference, download, catalogue, list, price0
csiki-fogszabalyozas.hu…system in Europe, thus in Hungary, was introducedby Dr. Csiki. This system enables to move the teeth with fine forces and precise movements, which results in a faster, nicer outcome, without teeth extraction or jaw surgery, even in those cases which requires previous, drastic intervention.orthodontic, treatment, technology, clinic, latest0
afromag.huAfroMag participants had a chance to take part at 7. HTCC Africa Expo and Fair Budapest as a volunteer. Africa Expo and Fair is an annual international forum focused on the building of African-Hungarian relations, presenting business and cooperation...job, event, search, legislation, curriculum0
kata.huToday, the dream has become a reality. This is Kata.cake, slice, day, cheese, quality0
sprintreport.hu…to see through project and team health expressed in numbers and graphs. This Sprint Report in the hand of smart Scrum Masters makes it smooth for management to get the big picture and focus on what is important. It is a quick, easy-to-look-at, standardized, business oriented and metric based tool.knowledge hqreport, app, pricing, page, sale0
smaxclub.hu“I am proud to have smax, to belong to you. You are the best club, we are. With helpers who are not elsewhere. The human selflessness, helping others is always felt in the club. As I read the actions, it must be an incredible job. So I’m going for the max. I can’t tell you how grateful we are for…entry knowledge, knowledge base, view knowledgebase, discount, winter, main, assistance0
opplelighting.huFrom Floodlights and Streetlights to Post Tops and Bollards. OPPLE Lighting offers you a wide range of outdoor luminaires to suit your environment.luminaire, performer, lighting, waterproof, spot0
locksmithbudapest.huLost your keys? Our skilled locksmiths offer key duplication and replacement services to ensure you always have access to your property.extensive knowledgelocksmith, key, security, solution, replacement0
swisscham.huWe place great emphasis on the continuous information of our members and online followers: we publish Swiss and Hungarian business news as well as news of our members on our platforms.member, event, chamber, news, swiss0
borganika.huWe are ready to host any type of event from family gatherings to corporate events. Our venue is suitable for seated events (with a capacity of 70 people) and receptions (with a capacity of 120 people) on the mezzanine level of Klauzal Market Hall.event, private, gift, idea, food0
szondiborbalapszichologia.hu…their everyday problems with someone, as they feel they can't face them alone. Let it be about changes in their lifestyle, relationship problems, family issues, career changes, or simply feel like it is a challenge to make new connections, or want to have a better understanding about themselves.appointment, like, psychologist, competence, issue0
panoramaklinika.huAt Panoráma Polyclinic the following specialties are available: pediatrics, internal medicine, neurology, endocrinology, nephrology, hematology, oncology consultation, psychiatry, psychology, psychosomatic care.basic knowledge, knowledge occupationalpediatric, adult, psychiatry, consultation, practice0
bionectar.huAll honey offered for purchase is tested in a laboratory. Quality is the most important factor for us. After analyzing laboratory results, the price set in the contract is payed to the producer immediately. Some of the tests are carried out with our own instruments, and other tests are made by…constantly knowledge, knowledge apiculturehoney, quality, acacia, sunflower, pallet0
nnx.huWe offer a wide variety of services, supporting every step from initial brainstorming on methods engineering right up to auditing and overwatching ended / ongoing transformation programs. Here is a short teaser to some of our team-level services, just to give you a - very light - impression about…force knowledge, knowledge organizationintroduction, agile, story, transformation, activity0
redrecruitment.huLooking for a stable and reliable partner in Recruitment & Business Services? RED is a leading agency in Central Eastern Europe, providing top-notch solutions for your business. Find out moremarket knowledgerecruitment, europe, central, agency, eastern0
worldnews.huabout After Back Best Bond Brexit British Britons Could Deal Euro First from Holiday holidays Huge Into James Live more movie news Next Over pension pound queen rate Release revealed Reveals Review Says Shock star State This Time travel Trump Update Warning Wars Watch Worldnews, travel, movie, daily, queen0
hungarian-teacher.huWhat? Hungarian Who? Hungarian teacher How much? Hungarian language course Online Hungarian tuition Reference Hungarian in Budapest Contact Learn Hungarianprior knowledge, knowledge setcourse, exercise, teacher, grammar, language0
marketool.hu…new challenges and demands, such as new technologies and tools developed to solve them. Therefore the users whose main aim is to ensure the daily and trouble free production, have not always sufficient time to look for new solutions, technologies, to keep themselves updated with the latest news.tool, market, technology, production, news0
multilogkft.huMultilog Ltd. with 20 years of experience and innovative digital solutions, makes customs operations efficient and smooth. Please take a look at our services and contact us with confidence!information knowledge, knowledge basecustom, useful, operation, duty, indirect0
hk-ceram.huIn the course of the history of our Company we have developed several areas related to production. By now, our marketing and communication tasks haveknowledge figureproduction, ceramic, furniture, quality, optimisation0
topcrm.huLogin… Forgot…base, login, navigation, password0
vdberk.hu…we cultivate them sustainably and efficiently? How can we plant more trees in urban environments? And how can we ensure that those trees have a future? These are the questions that we aim to answer and that we explore on a daily basis at Van den Berk Nurseries, working in partnership with our…tree, login, range, nursery, uk0
idegennyelvumedia.hu…the sense that as a member of the European Union and NATO, Hungary is a significant factor for foreigners who do not speak Hungarian. Political, economic, or even business news may have a serious impact on other countries or companies, so Hungarian political or economic news interest experts…tool knowledge, knowledge actormedia, news, language, foreign, supporter0
creditexperts.hu…the help of which I can request individual discounts from several banks. There’s nothing to lose! If I manage to negotiate a better offer, you have spared easy money. If not, I will still be happy to help you manage the best loan offer saving you a lot of time! Give it a try, you won’t regret! 😊loan, insurance, credit, mortgage, offer0
silverhost.huUnlimited Web Hosting SEO Hosting Hosting Packages Wallet-friendly Hosting Packages Business Hosting Packages Professional Hosting Packages Wordpress Hosting Joomla Hosting OpenCart Hostingreference knowledge, knowledge basedefault, unlimited, server, cart, backup0
humanskill.hu…to the competency development of your key employees. After identifying the problematic field, we provide flexible solutions focused onto your organisation by analyzing its variables. Besides the professional skills, it is essential to consider the individual competences and personal attributes as…training, development, organisational, skill, psychological0
azureyacht.huAbout us… Rebirth… Our services… They say… Contact… Home… Educomm Communications… English… Az…communication, language, main, rebirth, translation0
czifraj2.huI took part in a Cisco DevNet Race in which we finished first in the first round, third in the second round and first in the third round. I learned lot of new stuff about automation, how to make a better network when somebody entering your company, what need to do when something is happening. I…network knowledge, knowledge categoryportfolio, janos, network, skill, programming0
gammaorg.huDiscretion toward the customer, privacy protection, reliability and high quality are in focus of the policy of Gammaorg.ethical, hacking, education, development, security0
vistanet.huProfessionally cultivate one-to-one customer service with robust ideas. Dynamically innovate resource-leveling customer service for state of the art customer service.considerable knowledge, knowledge newpost, single, list, grid, offer0
kenderbenajovo.hu…and reinterpret the use of industrial hemp by developing infrastructure and expertise. As a result, local products of high market value can be produced and sold. The long-term goal for which this action plan can be the cornerstone is the creation of a new economic network in the Carpathian Basin.employment knowledge, knowledge sharehemp, process, future, development, page0
parphis.huReal World… Just for…fish knowledge, knowledge javascriptreal, fun, editor, application, software0
swiv.huFounded in 2014 in Hungary, SWIV creates software innovations and provides process solutions WORLDWIDE. We are specialized in innovative products and solutions that eliminate waste and add value to your enterprise.software, innovation, icon, process, training0
hungarikum.hu…standard form. After the admission, the now so-called national value can be suggested further to the Collection of Hungarian Values and the Hungarikum Committee decides whether the national value might be accepted or not. If something becomes an outstanding national value, then the petitioner…value, collection, committee, national, people0
electricbox.huHow do I choose the right lighting fixtures?… What if I face issues after installation?… How long does…electric, installation, electrical, safety, emergency0
somatech.huOur services include the production of special purpose machines, electrical control cabinets and pneumatic controls, and also industrial automation.important knowledge, knowledge newproduction, industrial, plan, shop, equipment0
safesoft.hu…solutions. Our product range meets high quality standards and aims to cover all possible parts of IT security, providing complete software and hardware solutions including components from encryption, digital signature through network security to Lawful Interception and Data Retention solutions.vendor, news, base, network, support0
salesfox.huSalesfox… Twitter… Facebook… Instagram…sale, text, industry, dummy, printer0
doczi.huHome… Airport Transfer… Trips… Rent a car… Internet… Airport transfer… Apartments for rent… Bank…order, technical, management, people, simple0
revomatic.huRevomatic Ltd. deals with the design and construction of special purpose machines, air networks, production lines and robot cells that meet individual needs. Our company specializes in the solution of technological problems.machine, cell, construction, special, purpose0
kh.huK&H Bank and Insurance offers a full range of financial services including bank accounts, loans, insurance and savings products.professional knowledge, knowledge groupaccount, card, loan, saving, investment0
apolloconsulting.hucomes from the outside and look at what happens within. Who am I, what are my goals and how can I accomplish them, who can be of help in this? Giving a meaning to our work life, setting clear goals for success in Sport and beyond, letting talent unfold – this is what self-awareness helps accomplish.financial knowledge, knowledge financialconsulting, goal, method, people, activity0
unitedservices.huUnited Services | Facility Operation and Maintenance Services provider in Budapest Hungaryexcellence knowledge, knowledge skillunited, maintenance, problem, facility, operation0
fdlaw.huForgó, Damjanovic & Partners Law Firm | Forgó, Damjanovic és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda Hungary. Corporate and M&A. Labour & Employment, Dispute Resolution Hungarian law, Hungarian lawyers.law, firm, lawyer, employment, corporate0
intimmedical.huYou can obtian new medical aspects and by those your clients can achieve a better life quality of life.genuine knowledge, ima knowledge, knowledge bridge, adequate knowledge, knowledge preventivemedical, health, training, woman, course0
atimoe.hu…Entry systems… Safes… Video door phones… Fingerprint reader… Shipping information… How to buy…knowledge centerfingerprint, data, detail, identification, safe0
treffasafari.huour company – as an organizer of quality hunting trips since 2003 – has taken every effort to make your hunting in Hungary more successful with a better atmosphere. The results of that work are our renewed catalogue and our website, whi ch provides now even more in formation .view, hunting, office, quality, trip0
sailportal.humagyar… Legal…advanced knowledge, knowledge advancedlegal, notice, language, search, advanced0
generaciovaltok.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conetur adiping elit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetur adipiscing elit Lorem ipsum dolor sit altmet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit aloma lomiur off silder tolos. Lorem ipsum dolor sitlor amet, conetur adiping elit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing…case, study, sit, ipsum, amet0
elverano.huElverano – Sun in your businessbasic knowledge, knowledge experiencesit, lorem, ipsum, dolor, amet0
ludman.huI am working in a prestigious University as a computer system administrator. My tasks is the supervision of more than one hundred computers, so you can be sure you get a professional, high quality service and support, if you choose my service.language knowledgeintroduction, computer, operate, update, engine0
likedrive-autosiskola.huParticipant should be applying for the Driving School training only personally, after getting to know Prospectus and Driving School Privacy Policy and complete and sign an application form. For the participant have the opportunity to send the application form in advance by e-mail to the Driving…transport knowledge, knowledge hour, operational knowledgeexam, drive, hour, fee, school0
procomtec.huNowadays, not all companies can afford to employ experienced quality assurance consultants, engineers. We provide help with this.quality, assurance, phone, engineer, consultant0
bse.huBSE Xtend - Stock exchange for medium-sized companiescorporate knowledge, knowledge center, vendor knowledgemarket, data, exchange, trading, stock0
kiszliakos.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.new knowledge, knowledge experiencesit, consectetur, amet, ipsum, elit0
corvinak.huIn this episode of the DiploMaci Podcast, dr. Calum Nicholson, the Research manager at MCC's Climate Policy Institute, will be discussing the topic of his brand-new book titled ,,Climate Migration. Critical perspectives for Law, Policy and Research".opinion, general, election, airport, vote0
fotomax.huWhen working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked.important knowledge, knowledge builduptechnology, politics, travel, news, small0
pechakucha.huEach time 2-300 guests showed up at our previous events to see the presentations of Pecha Kucha Night in Budapest. Superb projects and tasty DJ sets made up unforgettable nights. Our last event co-organized with Budapest New Technology Meetup and KÉK – Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre…lechner knowledge, knowledge centrenight, date, pm, event, contemporary0
alumninetworkhungary.huThe Alumni Network Hungary celebrated the achievements of its volunteers and alumni chapters in 2023 with a series of publications highlighting their contributions to the community. The network recognized the great effort of volunteers who organized events, provided mentorship, and promoted…knowledge skillvolunteer, international, network, event, news0
milepartners.huBlockchain and crypto law office, experienced in legal token design, and providing support in FinTech, with digital assets, in Hungary.depth knowledge, knowledge ipmile, digital, legal, asset, law0
novenyzetiterkep.huThe main goals of the MÉTA Programme are the whole country survey and recognition of the actual state of natural & semi-natural vegetation of Hungary, and sound evaluation of our natural vegetation heritage.programme, heritage, main, map, landscape0
newdoor.hu“ We have been working with Newdoor Communications Kft for years. Together we’ve developed the online communications of our company. Our team is characterized by strategic collaboration, analysis, flexibility, creativity and precision.passion knowledge, knowledge passionstory, communication, digital, value, competency0
paladianakos.huI'm Ákos Paladián, and I'm passionate about creating lasting digital experiences. As a web developer, my mission is to turn ideas into interactive, user-friendly websites that not only meet your needs, but exceed your expectations. Drawing on my strong front-end and back-end development skills, I…technological knowledge, professional knowledge, knowledge websitewebsite, reference, feature, technology, developer0
researchdata.huHUN-REN ARP is a digital infrastructure that enables the long-term preservation, delivery, and controlled and reliable sharing of research data.data, research, repository, event, infrastructure0
szalezikft.huTools for Professional Approach - Step 2: It’s not just about learning, it’s about having the confidence to use English in real life and upgrade your business communication skills.background knowledge, knowledge necessarylist, course, column, instructor, video0
ingenium.hu…we're here to create seismic shifts in the consulting landscape. We embrace daring, transparency, and the art of asking the right questions, all while infusing a playful yet professional spirit into our work. Welcome to a realm where we shatter boundaries and redefine what it means to consult.knowledge center, ingenium knowledgeconsulting, boundary, realm, today, center0
technoorg.hu"Nowadays, the possibilities for further development of cutting-edge technologies must be sought in the nanoscale, which decisively determines the arsenal of tools and techniques for examination and intervention." Szigethy András, the CEO of Technoorg Linda, was recently interviewed by the…scientific, preparation, user, magazine, news0
medi-lab.huOur partners are some of the leading companies in the laboratory diagnostics industry globally. Through their products, they are all working to achieve significant progress in providing quicker and more accurate laboratory diagnostic results.diagnostic, colleagues, laboratory, disease, care0
grunwald.huJohnson Controls helped me a lot in my carrier. I started there as plant HR manager responsible for a small automotive manufacturing plant in Mezõlak, Hungary, then after an other 3 plants joined the company, my great boss asked me to be a country HR manager, responsible for all four Hungarian…hr knowledge, knowledge expertday, thailand, school, china, university0
rigips.huSend us a message… English… Calculators… Download… Selling contacts… Knowledge base… Products… Glettek…main, page, technology, news, sell0
faházcentrum.huFota Home Solutions is your best and reliable server for top-notch smart home service and repair.depth knowledge, knowledge expertisepipe, repair, line, github, site0
allwin.huBased in Budapest, in the heart of Central Europe, we are a .NET custom software development company helping businesses grow worldwide with cutting-edge technologies since 2007. We provide full-cycle software development services to our partners with a focus on customer satisfaction, tangible…skill knowledgedevelopment, portal, customer, custom, solution0
hgd.huFrom Europe's 15 largest geothermal probe system 5 is made by the HGD Ltd.welcome, current, reference, quotation, industrial0
odelus.huOdelus – Investment & Real Estate Developmentextensive knowledge, knowledge realestate, development, investment, real, feature0
balogarpad.hu…cellar, we follow low intervention principles. We strive to bring out the best of the soil and climate characteristics in the grapes, so that our wines truly reflect the terroir. We work with nature to produce the best quality wines possible. Here, getting back to basics is definitely a step…wine knowledge, knowledge generationwine, grape, natural, winery, vine0
conway.huResponsible for the operation of our AZURE cloud services, and coordinate the implementation of ServiceNow into the tool landscape.servicenow knowledge, knowledge managementgabor, operation, manager, resume, management0
beepro.huYou Ask. We Solve. Be Automotive. We provide efficient, value-added, people-centered engineering solutions in the automotive world.smart knowledge, knowledge centerbee, automotive, network, engineering, efficient0
hlbh.huHLB Hungary is a member of HLB International, a global network of independent advisory and accounting firms.precise knowledge, knowledge hungarianinsight, international, network, advisory, award0
greenbrother.huGreen Brother is a professional network for green technology, energy efficiency, circular economy, smart cities and mobility, and environmental protection innovators. At Green Brother, we see the new challenges that we are facing globally. We understand that this journey is not an easy one, but if…financial knowledge, knowledge businessgreen, detail, open, training, mobility0
endomedix.huthe only way to ensure painlessness for the entire duration of the test. The patient is then "asleep" much more soundly, with an experienced anaesthetist and anaesthetic assistant equipped with the appropriate equipment to monitor the "sleep". You can find a full list of our anaesthesia tests here .centre, food, anaesthesia, gastroenterology, examination0
improversgroup.huDevelopment of school culture based on strengthening the life-skills and character competences of teachers and young people.date knowledge, knowledge businessdevelopment, group, culture, organization, school0
royalhotel.huThe Royal Hotel is a popular accommodation destination in Cserkeszőlő. Familiar, elegant, modern accommodation with cheap prices and special packages. Camera-monitored parking, wireless Internet access, free WiFi throughout the Hotel. Wellness services at the Royal Hotel: infrared sauna, Finnish…sale, room, price, gift, discount0
fcbacademy.huBarca Academy Hungary has taken a step forward: the official football academy of FC Barcelona in Hungary is now organising its international youth tournament, the 2nd Barca Academy Hungary Cup, with the participation of seven foreign teams, including the parent club. As a testament to the…academy, player, development, day, football0
gepteko.huWe can prepare onsite surveys with manual measuring tools and with FARO 3D laser scanner. We make point cloud processing with modern design softwares.engineering, software, liability, insurance, activity0
shetland.huWhy choose Shetland? Because our language school provides a cozy environment, which makes learning more efficient and more pleasant at the same time.knowledge powerlanguage, abroad, power, placement, introduction0
fmmanager.huan independent professional opinion for the preparation of the decision with exercising external control powerslocal knowledge, knowledge benefitmanager, contract, external, benefit, independent0
vrnq.huOur goal to help realizing the idea, to take part in cutting-edge development projects and provide full-scale engineering services. However, every mechanical, electrical development is built up of the smallest tasks, details, we’d love to help you taking one step forward!engineering, development, technical, inquiry, introduction0
artofprojects.huPMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter reserves the right to make changes to the AOP 2023 Conference program. If necessary, changes may be made to its content, method and organization before or during the event, insofar as these changes do not substantially diminish the described benefits of the event…knowledge insightconference, art, participant, class, speaker0
aticsaszarne.huThe student must take the Theoretical exam within nine months from the start of the course, and must take a successful Theoretical exam within one year from the start of the course. And with in two years of the successful Theoretical exam you must take a successful Driving practical exam…general knowledge, knowledge trafficexam, drive, course, theoretical, licence0
montana.huServing our clients in an accurate and reliable way is of paramount importance for us. Our main goal is to provide stable background to their day-to-day operations, whether they need network support, system integration, hardware support or software development.integration, software, development, career, stable0
kozjogazdasaga.huSkip to footer… Extranet… Community… Community News… E-Learning… Knowledge Base… Activity… Messages…collection, like, single, job, event0
batorhoskatalin.hu…használom, hogy segítsek Neked. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy képes vagy csodálatos dolgokat elérni. Az a belső erő, amely a túlélésre ösztönöz, ugyanaz az erő, amely a sikerhez vezethet. Te rendelkezel teremtő erővel, és én itt vagyok, hogy segítsek ezt a képességedet teljes mértékben kihasználni.resource, brand, support, list, plan0
codebreakers.co.huCodeBreakers takes behavioural economics further and turns the use of cognitive tools, codes and biases into behavioural business applications.behavioural, tool, conscious, cognitive, decision0
mlszksz.hu…the title for a certain logistic centre the procedure has to be initiated at MLSZKSZ, the association evaluates the application, upon which it is LEF’s authority to award the title. The qualification certificate shall be made out by LEF in agreement with the Ministry of National Development (NFM).logistic, transport, development, member, goal0
arbortalent.hu…development for 15 years. Learning international good practices and national demands founded Arbor Talent – I have been always dreaming on establishing such an enterprise, which provides real support with its competent and committed team to organizations and private persons willing to evolve.partnership knowledge, knowledge transferdevelopment, institute, talent, educational, organization0
moonrider.huWe are the home of cinematic solutions. We have experience in commercials, PR, image and films ranging from documentaries and series to feature films.knowledge heartproduction, mission, assistance, great, location0
robertson.huLandlord Representation Capital Markets Property Management Project Management Feasibility studieslocal knowledgemarket, office, management, research, representation0
checkitlean.huThe Check It Lean Podcast is a media program of Check It Lean Ecosystem Ltd., which focuses on the professional development of Businesses.knowledge poolecosystem, check, development, expertise, thought0
sararany.huIntroduction… Members… Services… Events… Media… The band… The band in Transylvania… Concerts… Videos…music, event, concert, member, introduction0
creatology.huThe Main Chapters of Creatology on the basis of Creatology Matrix (in brief summaries)creatology knowledgebasis, brief, paradigm, summary, main0
kivakonyvelo.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.new knowledge, knowledge experiencesit, consectetur, amet, lorem, ipsum0
intersearch.huIn a prior InterSearch news article, you may have encountered a discussion on the primary value that head hunters bring to organizations commented by the Board of Directors of InterSearch Worldwide.experience knowledge, knowledge globalexecutive, diversity, network, worldwide, inclusion0
metalloy.huCompany Metalloy can provide Chill casting activities based on casting cell on very cost evective waycasting, process, shoot, cell, machining0
vhstudio.hubuilt… plans… BORDERS… studio… Contact… ERDERLY HOUSE 2023… GRANDMA'S LAND, GRANDFATHER'S THREAD 2022…studio, reconstruction, centre, family, house0
rendernet.huThis animation presents some animals and plants that lived between the Devonian and Permian Periods (358-299 million years ago).depth knowledge, knowledge advanced, elementary knowledge, knowledge studio, advanced knowledgeimage, interactive, animation, imagine, history0
virtlanglab.hu…we were always committed to the same values as language teachers and translators. Thus, one day, we decided to establish Virtual Language Laboratory to help you make the most out of your potential by leveraging our expertise and diversity. Our team is backed by a combined 25+ years of experience.language knowledge, knowledge doorlanguage, virtual, assistance, value, power0
ishatala.huAddress… procuration – Contact… Professional CV… Activities… Available products…language knowledgeltd, address, activity, available, italian0
edutus.huSimilarly, to the previous past Semesters, the International Section of the Scientific Student Conference (TDK) – organised by Dr. Zoltán Peredy, Head of the Edutus Engineering Institute – took place again in the 2023-2024 Autumn Semester.practical knowledge, knowledge skilledinternational, student, conference, university, page0
europrotokoll.huWe believe that real professionals are trained in service, therefore, our students will spend half of their course time visiting outstanding event locations, top-class event venues that are related to protocol, international relations such as national ministries, international organizations…centre knowledgeprotocol, training, corporate, event, organisation0
emocio784.huThe product contains 94% pure live flora and also has a valuable antioxidant content, through black currant, cherry and blue grape extract. The drink consists exclusively of natural ingredients.extract, live, grape, antioxidant, cherry0
greenscorecard.huThis is the second time our Report undertaking to assess the state of the Green New Deal in Hungary is published. Three dimensions of the global crisis are presented, analysing data on the economy, the environment and society. Several hundred indicators are detailed, complemented with data tables…knowledge societygreen, deal, sustainability, society, economy0
kisgabipszichologus.huis a licenced Hungarian Psychotherapist (Therapist) and Clinical Psychologist, providing counselling and psychotherapy in her private practice in Budapest. She graduated from Eötvös Lóránt University Budapest with a Masters Degree in Health and Clinical Psychology and received post-graduate trainingself knowledge, knowledge developmentcounseling, psychotherapy, therapy, relationship, group0
daviddanielkozma.huEDUCATION… TECHNOLOGIES… PROJECTS… GET IN TOUCH… Profile… Education… Technologies… Projects… Get in…current knowledge, knowledge hobbyreact, app, technology, touch, site0
esgclub.huAs the founders of the ESG Club, our mission is to provide opportunities for business owners, decision-makers and specialists committed to sustainable economic growth to get answers to their questions about ESG.knowledge sharecorporate, event, membership, news, sustainable0
pixelio.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.ux knowledgesit, consectetur, ut, amet, ipsum0
primaudit2005.huWe consider it as a priority to get ackwainted with the production processes as well as the process integrated audit tasks of our product manufactoring clients. We put great emphasis on the examination of the continuous operation of these companies as well as on the complete examination of the…good knowledge, knowledge budgetclient, activity, area, tax, government0
itcardigan.huSchedule Consultation… Home… About… About Us… Team… Clients… History… Testimonials… Contact… Services…view, column, client, testimonial, price0
itbarlang.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Porro eius suscipit delectus enim iusto tempora, adipisci at provident.sit, amet, ipsum, elit, dolor0
japanonline.huTwitter… Instagram… december 8, 2023… Continue Reading →… Skype… Uncategorized… 2023. december…compliance knowledgecentury, electronic, leap, typesetting, archive0
caverescue.huHowever, in addition to cave rescue, BMSz is also ready and able to help those in need in many other cases. Due to special trainings, the members of the service are also able to approach difficult terrains in Hungary or to overcome extreme weather conditions.rescue, cave, member, area, operation0
fridomasszazs.huThe Swedish (also called classical) massage is the most common style of massage In Europe. This gives the base of the medical, sport and segment massages, they all use similar grips and procedure.massage, price, guest, discount, swedish0
amedclinic.huOur newly opened dental and aesthetic clinic is looking forward to welcome its new and returning patients in the 3. district of Budapest. The head of our clinic, Dr Anita Pavliskó, dentist and cosmetologist, has extensive experience in the field of medical aesthetic and dental treatments. She…clinic, store, price, special, offer0
kkik.huWe have more than 25 years of experiences in the field of import and export betwen Europe and China. Through our connections all over the world, we can help you choose the products with the best quality and price. Our tested products are garanteed for you without hidden costs!extensive knowledge, knowledge chinachina, center, trade, manufacturer, problem0
drakondevelopment.huThe Book of Knowledge… login… Hello world!… January 2024…book knowledge, knowledge zubinbook, hello, login, recent, january0
creditforte.huOur highly skilled and experienced case managers aim to offer a solution for the payment of debts and, if necessary, to give information on the reason why the overdue debt has arisen.knowledge marketcollection, homepage, shall, debt, data0
szintezis-net.huThe platform records all of the patient’s readings automatically including peak flow, inhaler use, and symptoms. Due to the small size of the meter, they can carry it anywhere and check their peak flow anytime. Patients receive explanations about all their readings and how to best manage their…domain knowledgeprocess, development, solution, user, patient0
sirsoft.huRadio consultant - radio programming & content specialist, professional expert, experienced radio programmer, advisor, radio programming consultantradio, consultant, consulting, programming, management0
bayzoltan.huBay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. – as the coordinator of the Hungarian EURAXESS network – provides free of charge assistance for the outgoing and incoming researchers.tmk knowledge, knowledge management, innovation knowledgematerial, development, laboratory, bay, technology0
gedikft.hu…founded and directed by the same management. The full monolithic reinforced concrete construction-building belongs to the pursuit of the company. Purposefulness, professional vocation, fastidiousness, open view made our dynamic development possible in a short time in the area of the building trade.regional knowledge, knowledge centrefacility, concrete, reference, establishment, agricultural0
suitable.huWhite T-shirts Bamboo T-shirts Extra long T-shirts Stretch T-shirts Skin tone T-shirts V-neck T-shirts Deep V-neck T-shirts Round-neck T-shirts Slim-fit T-shirtssuitable, sale, shirt, shop, brand0
krisztapenzugy.huConsulting planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies on how…knowledge centerconsulting, guidance, plan, advice, curiosity0
freekey.huWe are members of the Freekey team.teammates knowledge, knowledge experience, experiential knowledge, knowledge researcherpersonal, disable, person, assistant, assistance0
kibertronik.huFacebook… Twitter… Products…list, brand, support, latest, plan0
fermenta.hupartners every year; and a faith-based relationship evolves ensuring long-term success. We would not like to present our set of values by being selective towards our customers based on the size of their orders; but by showing our greatest appreciation for all our customers regardless of their sizes.application, food, drink, concentrate, fruit0
szentimrey.hu…who speaks English and the head of Office who has the postgraduate degree in health law. In order to our Client (hospitals) we had a good cooperation in case of clinical site research agreements, we supervised and authorized from legal point of view many well-known pharma companies in the…good knowledgelaw, legal, health, data, office0
redcrab.huFilm and video production, post-production, animation, online stream, live broadcast, TV show production, graphic design, website and webshop.production, video, animation, movie, graphic0
cason.hu…dynamic development team uses standard and the latest (many times under testing) technologies to efficiently create products that are now considered industry-standard. These products have been present for over 20 years in domestic and international energy, water and fleet management markets.solution, innovative, utility, history, energy0
kpluszj.huCollects, records, organizes and presents data on the assets and profitability of a business entity (business organization, cooperative, association, public institution, etc.). Aim of data collection: providing appropriate information for interested decision makers (managers, owners, lenders…precise knowledge, knowledge customeraccounting, tax, payroll, development, consultancy0
search-lab.huBe quicker than hackers! Get your software or hardware product tested for security vulnerabilities and learn to write secure secure code at SEARCH-LAB.security knowledge, knowledge comprehensiblelab, search, security, vulnerability, secure0
madagaszkarutazas.huAfter a trip the Island with Eddy in October 2019, after taking the photos she took here, she decided to create this website for others to get to know this fantastic country – and tour guide, Eddy.tour, madagascar, travel, destination, island0
minormedia.huParticipatory Culture of the Moving Image… Roma Visual Lab… Roma Digital Heritage… Roma Museum… Roma…knowledge centerimage, culture, lab, visual, digital0
duravit.huThe complete bathroom series Duravit No.1 impresses with its minimalistic and contemporary yet timeless looks, a compact, clear and comprehensive product range, and excellent value for money in the entry-level segment. Whether in your very first bathroom, in a rental apartment, in a hotel…material knowledgebathroom, shower, toilet, finder, cover0
moviemaker.huMovieMaker is a team of TV and movie professionals. We make moving pictures, without any boundaries of genres. We believe that no project is too great or to small, so we treat all of them with the same respect and passion what we feel about movies.university knowledge, knowledge educationalmovie, theatre, documentary, short, passion0
impactworks.hu…campaign, and when we conduct communication or leadership skills development training for individuals or groups, we always strive to reveal out our customers’ values and show them to the world. And to ultimately generate a positive impact through authentic, transparent and engaging communication.impact, communication, training, development, page0
mohani.huEarth Alphabet Collection Scandinavian Collection Mohani smile Collection Wild Garden Collection Essential Oils Collectionknowledge zonecollection, oil, natural, polish, essential0
mrazsystem.hu…and saturation. Without appropriate treatment the water can be the major cause of damage in pipe systems, air conditioning equipments, taps, etc. By time the salts solved in the water deposit on the equipments in the form of micro crystals (scale). This causes flow and heat performance reduction.good knowledge, knowledge shorttechnology, main, page, equipment, pipe0
tream.huDuring the past 25 years, we‘ve had the chance to particapate in projects related to banking systems, such as acceptance of card payment (ArkSys), accounting systems (Midas, Core), and we also delved into developing healthcare systems (MedSol) alongside inventory management.competence, reference, board, programming, guarantee0
1etem.huLogin… Repository… Permanent Link… Legal Notice…advanced knowledge, knowledge advancedrepository, login, permanent, legal, notice0
ideafortis.huOur pricing is based on quantity, the topic, language direction and the required technical support. If data or translation is available in the public domain, it is unnecessary to do the translation again. This saves you time and money! The quality of our work is our top priority. We do not only…translation, interpret, reason, idea, technical0
matevojts.hu/mate | A software engineer’s blog © 2019 - 2023 Máté Vojts - Powered by Jekyll using the Minima theme.notion knowledge, knowledge shareengineer, software, mouse, file, studio0
emnhungary.huOn the occasion of the European Day for Combating Trafficking in Persons (18 October), the Ministry of Interior, the Budapest Process and the European Migration Network organised an international conference in Budapest on 20-21 October, with the participation of more than 30 countries and…knowledge poolpage, migration, international, protection, european0
otelem.huContact… View…library knowledge, knowledge centerview, build, portfolio, residential, reconstruction0
bestfly.huBest Fly is an EASA Approved Training Organization (ATO) operating in Hungary Kalocsa Airport LHKA. Hungary is a small european country located east from Austria, the countrys moderate continental climate makes is perfect for flight training.theoretical knowledge, knowledge instructorfly, training, flight, hour, exam0
etnofon.hu…collections of traditional folk music. Over the years, we have also been involved in many activities and projects to preserve the folklore of the ethnic groups that live in the Carpathian Basin. ETNOFON has been dedicated to making the authentic folk culture of our region available to the general…concert, sound, studio, article, catalogue0
acad.huPInvestig ationes demons trave runt lectores legere liusry quod was legunt saepius claritas Investig tones. Pharetra dui, nec tincidunt ante mauris eu diam. Phasellus verra nisl vitae cursus aei uismod [...]common knowledge, knowledge basenec, nisl, cursus, phasellus, dui0
pureaqua.huThe up-to-date technological systems are installed with a complete guarantee for success with us as a general contractor. We also have the competence to operate the industrial establishments in the long term with a background of professional and service liability insurance.base knowledgetreatment, wastewater, competence, biological, consultant0
navitas.huI have gained my experience by working for worldwide present multinational companies, mainly in automotive, food and chemical industry, in the areas of quality-, production and project management.management, consulting, training, preparation, excellent0
memis.huHome… Services… ESD control… Contact… Knowledge…control, area, base, solution, protection0
indepth.huPurpose – a higher goal or mission – is inner inspiration which charges us with energy and carries us towards something. What’s in the depth of what we are doing? Who are we? What is an organization, why are we together and what drives us? There was, is, and always will be a purpose, although it…self knowledge, knowledge coachingdepth, organization, group, development, learn0
advalorem.huWith 15 years’ experience in industry, we offer a range of marketing and sales consulting services and marketing agency support.share knowledge, knowledge worldclient, conference, testimonial, human, consultancy0
zarsebesz.huReferenciáink… Rólunk… Facebook… Twitter… YouTube…adipiscing, minim, volutpat, class, magna0
ujpalotaiallatpatika.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.ux knowledgesit, consectetur, ut, amet, ipsum0
amcham.huAmCham Hungary is one of the largest American Chambers of Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe, representing both American, international and local business interests in Hungary. Not only is it a gateway to the growth of your business in the European Region but it also provides you with vital…knowledge share, networking knowledgemember, event, news, large, law0
bodyguardacademy.huWe start continously bodyguard, crises zone and firearms courses. You can learn professional skills from bodyguards of politicians, stars, etc.real knowledgeacademy, course, central, european, training0
proford.huSince then, Proford has been the advocacy body of professional language service providers in Hungary.language, member, career, provider, quote0
pabrointernational.huAt Pabro International Ltd., our definite goal is to provide quality services throughout Europe for those customers who entrust us with the task of delivering their goods to their destination with confidence.english knowledgeinternational, fleet, career, driver, quality0
praxi-dent.huWordzie GO: Play excellent quiz-based games, learn languages with word lists and master any subject, math, biology, chemistry or anything! With student and teacher functions. - Wordzie GOstudent, teacher, language, chemistry, list0
hodysport.huICF and HODY partnership from 2019GOOD TO KNOW: ICF and Hody Sports partnership good news for canoeing The International Canoe Federation is thrilled to announce a two-year partnership deal with leading international boat builder, Hody Sports. The relationship will be a major boost for canoeing,...boat, kayak, canoe, page, main0
balticm.hu…2015 in Latvia, our founders had already worked for a long time with future customers. That is why, at the time of foundation, Baltic Management and Solutions already had a stable portfolio of clients who trust us and use our services to develop their business and implement new ambitious projects.knowledge ablebaltic, management, solution, registration, foundation0
kerigeorgina.hu…states and schizophrenia. In 2015 I left my clinical job for a private practice (Avomed Psychological Centre), where I continued working with adults. Here I gained more experience in treating less severe anxiety and mood disorders, and problems concerning relationships or the self and general…problem, clinical, psychologist, self, group0
alternate.huThe partner in the transition of sustainability and responsibility We supported almost 100 organization's responsible and sustainablesustainability, organization, responsible, transition, responsibility0
hammer-nutrition.hu…WHEY PROTEIN… VEGAN RECOVERITE… VEGAN PROTEIN… ALL RECOVERY >>>… HEED SPORT DRINK… HAMMER GEL…essential knowledgeguide, success, nutrition, race, recovery0
viktoriapekseg.hu…Service Plus… Digital… Essential Free Resources for Graphic Designers in 2022… 12Comments… Options…digital, single, job, like, event0
rimconsulting.hu…higher education institutions. the administration of study visas or, if necessary, residence or settlement permit applications, and the preparation of admission courses (professional, general and language) and on-demand call center support (host) activities. Our company undertakes the…useful knowledge, knowledge simpleconsulting, rim, protection, security, case0
webkezdet.huÜdvözlet a WordPress-ben! Ez az első bejegyzés, amelyet lehet akár módosítani, akár törölni, aztán kezdődhet az írás, a tartalommal történő feltöltés.gravity knowledgeclient, gravity, food, roman, officer0
szamoljademokraciaert.huThe president of Hungary, members of the Parliament, Vice Mayors, notaries, members of other election commission, members of the election office, professional and contractual members of the military or candidates cannot be members or the polling station commission.poor knowledge, knowledge relevantmember, election, station, poll, worker0
service247.huService247 offerings are AaaS (Application as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) services based on the above mentioned data centre infrastructure for customers whom the above mentioned features have great importance but they cannot afford, because:lack knowledge, knowledge existence, business knowledge, knowledge salesoftware, customer, infrastructure, data, available0
budapestdental.huHigh Quality Dentistry. Budapest Dental Aesthetic Dentistry. Highly qualified dentists, oral surgeons. Premium and everyday dental solutions.dental, treatment, dentistry, premium, price0
megujulo-cez.huBased on the vast operating experience of both the energy trading and the balancing group management businesses, supplemented by CEZ Group's international experience in renewable energy production, CEZ Hungary Ltd. offers renewable production forecasting service to its partners.energy, renewable, group, schedule, trading0
bnc.huBetween 25 - 29 Sept, 2023 the Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) and the Institute of Nuclear Techniques of the Budapest University for Technology and Economics (BME) organized a hands-on training school on nuclear data measurement at Research Reactors in Budapest. The event was supported by the H2020…industry knowledge, knowledge experienceneutron, research, user, application, centre0
wisecrm.huSubmit a ticket… Knowledge base… Categories… Articles… Forgot password… Create account… Register… My…ticket knowledge, knowledge basewise, ticket, base, category, article0
caribedancecenter.huWe trust them since otherwise they could not have got the possibility to be the dance teachers of the courses of Caribbean Academy of Dances. And why do we trust them? We hope that you yourself will make experience of it during the lessons.dance, center, cuban, lifestyle, course0
ldservice.huDorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elised doingyt eiusmod teididunt ut labore et dolore eiusmod tempor.knowledge experiencesit, dolore, consectetur, ut, labore0
cembeton.huBy placing the emphasis on wider technical aspects the Hungarian Cement Concrete and Lime Association expanded its activities related to the industry and advocacy, thus helping the survival and development of the field. Its representation covers the wide scope of domestic construction material…professional knowledge, knowledge engineer, knowledge userhomepage, association, member, industry, domestic0