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62 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: severe

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aholnapiskolaja.huThe inclusive school tackles the gaps in the education of children with multiple (and severe-multiple) disabilities. However, due to our focus on developing talent, the knowledge, skills and strengths of typically developing children also greatly improve. We are creating a type of institution that…child severe, severe multiple, multiple severeschool, tomorrow, child, multiple, disability7
btmunkacsoport.huOur primary aim is to enhance an effective treatment for patients with borderline personality disorder and complex traumatisation, supporting each other in the treatment of severe patients, sharing tools and our pool of knowledge within our group and in wider professional networks.treatment severe, severe case, severe patientgroup, disorder, personality, treatment, pool5
por.huColorectal Cancer that Highly Express Both ACE2 and TMPRSS2, Suggesting Severe Symptoms to SARS-CoV-2 Infection 612969brother severe, severe aplastic, highly severe, severe symptom, origin severeuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine4
yoganiche.co.huMy journey with yoga began in 2015 or 2016, during a challenging period in my life. I was going through a difficult breakup, facing academic and professional struggles, and dealing with the physical and emotional aftermath of a severe leg injury. It was during this time that I discovered yoga, and…period severe, severe leg, work severe, severe injury, aftermath severeyoga, journey, inspiration, january, period3
gyuloletellen.huIn Hungary, the Criminal Code provides more severe sanctions for hate crimes: assault, coercion and anti-social behavior committed with a bias motive constitute a crime called violence against a member of a community . Bias motivation is considered a qualifying or aggravating circumstance in the…code severe, severe sanctions, case severe, severe sanction, incident severecrime, group, offence, victim, criminal3
posthorax.huSternal Dehiscence In Patients With Moderate and Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Undergoing Cardiac Surgerymoderate severe, severe chronicheart, surgery, complications, patient, wound2
csunyavalas.huThis phenomenon, known as narcissistic parental alienation syndrome, is a severe issue many parents worldwide have experienced.syndrome severe, severe issue, additionally severe, severe casevisit, october, september, june, january2
toepler.huFor individuals with a severe degree of OSA, an additional sleep laboratory test, the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT), is performed to map somnolence, its overcoming, and wakefulness stability. Additionally, persons who are recommended to undergo therapeutic treatment from all three severity…moderate severe, severe osa, individual severe, severe degreesleep, norm, medical, institute, research2
flaviva.hu“We started taking FlaViva Colonett and FlaViva Influence for more than 2 weeks for a very severe diarrhoea and severe general weakness (unfortunately not responding to any conventional medication). Putting 2-3 tablespoons of Colonett in yoghurt in the morning completely stopped diarrhoea in about…practically severe, severe diarrhea, week severe, severe diarrhoea, diarrhoea severeelderberry, powder, drink, cranberry, pineapple2
bio-klima.huIf you inhale air infected with Legionella and the bacteria reach your lungs, the initial influenza-like symptoms may – depending on your resistance – be followed by severe pneumonia, diseases of the digestive and nervous systems and ultimately even death .resistance severe, severe pneumonia, membrane severe, severe caseclean, air, unit, healthy, premium2
moonwalk.hu…services, and to promote the integration and development of people with disabilities. Through the rehabilitation centre we support people with severe disabilities and complex needs. Our organization have a qualified and recognized work in the areas of Medical Rehabilitation and functional…disability severe, severe condition, people severe, severe disabilitydisability, people, research, young, youth2
drrose.humassage should be avoided in the case of cancer, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy and certain heart and circulatory diseases.inflammation severe, severe varicose, cancer severe, severe osteoporosisscreening, surgery, card, package, child2
draaronstern.huDental crowns If you are looking for a permanent solution to your dental problems, dental crowns can make your smile appear as new, as these are reliable treatment option used to repair even the most severe dental issues, offering a natural smile and a functional bite.option severe, severe dentaltooth, treatment, dental, dentistry, crown2
fulspecialista.huThe larynx, the organ of phonation, provides protection to the airways during eating by separating the passage of food and air. Diseases and symptoms of the larynx and vocal cords include hoarseness, hoarse voice, laryngitis, vocal cord inflammation, coughing, and in severe cases, suffocation and…cough severe, severe caseear, nose, throat, inflammation, disease1
fahal.hu…all important parameters of the cord. The cords are strong, faithful to size, quiet, do not fluff and do not lose their color. Even with the most severe use, it is safe to say that YGK products are not made for one season. Although they often try to keep this a secret, in many cases premium cords…color severe, severe usefishing, brand, catalogue, lures, duel1
ful-orr-gegesz-orvos.huBudapest, for reasons of removal of penetrating intraorbital bodies, also for LASER laryngeal surgery from the Flór F. Hospital, to provide aid to severe facial nerve damage, to carry out operations on patients with parotid tumor from the Szolnok County Hospital, moreover in order to perform a…aid severe, severe facialsurgery, tumor, treatment, neck, medical1
drogriporter.huA new movie by Dhojo Wahengbam on the severe rights violations committed against people who use drugs in Manipur.wahengbam severe, severe rightdrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
drbalsai.huDuring bleaching, the active substance (carbamide-peroxide) infiltrates the enamel of the tooth and neutralises every discoloration through oxidation. Under careful use it does not affect the tooth and its structures negatively. But it can cause severe sensitivity if it’s used too often.negatively severe, severe sensitivitydental, tooth, smile, clinic, oral1
mspgroup.hu…sector), resulting in societal benefits. However, the use of plastics generates plastic waste, and improper management of this waste leads to severe plastic pollution. In Hungary, there are some encouraging waste management trends, such as higher recycling and recovery rates and a decrease in…waste severe, severe plasticplastic, group, waste, material, price1
mta.huIn the near future, agriculture will have to face increasingly severe droughts, so we need to increase productivity in the face of growing stress to provide food for an ever-increasing human population. Zsuzsanna Kolbert Ördögné, Associate Professor at the Department of Plant Biology, University…increasingly severe, severe droughtscience, academy, research, member, forum1
themagicbox.huThe new Fundamental Law of Hungary granted Tünde Handó, president of the National Office for the Judiciary, the right to (re)assign the BKV-case to the Court of Kecskemét famous for giving unreasonably severe court decisions. According to the plans the judgement would be passed in the peak period…unreasonably severe, severe courtcase, court, election, media, investigation1
egyuttazautistakert.hu…have a hard time understanding the unwritten rules of society, find it difficult to read gestures and mimicry, and they often fail to understand metaphors and idioms. Autism can be very severe or it can be more moderate. People with sever forms of autism may need full care throughout their lives.autism severe, severe moderatepeople, autism, spectrum, goal, disorder1
papapedia.hu…LOFA county fighters, etc.). Over the course of the war, both sides committed numerous atrocities against civilians and employed child soldiers, who were forced to fight in the conflict. In addition to the human toll, the conflict caused severe damage to the country's infrastructure and economy.conflict severe, severe damagemission, military, force, observer, peace1
autobio.huPatients with SARS-CoV-2 infection can experience a range of clinical manifestations, from no symptoms to critical illness. Covid-19 patients face a high risk of death for the severe complication such as hypoxemic respiratory failuredeath severe, severe complicationdiagnostic, solution, news, infection, microbiology1
lowevonblumengarten.huSevere anatomical faults (i.e. pronounced cow hocks, pronounced roach back, bad swayback; front feet turning out extremely. Totally insufficient angulation of shoulder, elbow, stifle or hock joints.dog, breed, close, strong, straight1
pepperpr.huAtradius, second largest global credit insurance company has entered the Hungarian market. Atradius sees growing business possibilities because Hungarian companies experience severe financial problems. By the help of its unique credit management system, Atradius main goal is to stimulate business…company severe, severe financialpepper, software, technology, market, office1
hankooknegyed.huAlthough the fifth wave of COVID-19 has left more of our colleagues unable to work than ever before, the omicron variant has fortunately caused mostly simple cold symptoms. Experts are hopeful that the aggressive spread of this type will inhibit the more severe variants, so that only mild illness…type severe, severe variantemployee, health, day, september, news1
habitat.huIn the BlackFlat 3.0 proposal package, as a continuation of our previous campaigns and research, we present a detailed policy concept to improve the situation of those living in the private rental sector. We make suggestions regarding regulations and interventions that address the two most severe…intervention severe, severe problemhabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization1
stressmentor.huFurther results can be: the loss of well trained employees, depression, certain addictions, psychosomatic disturbances and suicide in the most severe cases.suicide severe, severe casestress, management, workplace, training, group1
kinai-medicina.hu…problem, this can be more. You usually will feel better after the treatments, occasionally slightly drowsy, but the more treatments you get the better and healthier you'll feel. The optimal frequency of sessions is twice or three times a week. In case of severe pain treatments can be given daily.case severe, severe painacupuncture, pain, herb, chinese, problem1
szivsn.huThe most severe patients with high cholesterol disease will now have easier access to newer, effective therapies. Medicines based on PCSK9 inhibition or inhibition of PCSK9 synthesis have been included...news, event, patient, january, presentation1
whiterabbit.huCyberbullying has been a growing problem lately. A recent study has suggested that bullied teenagers are three times more likely to commit suicide. In Europe – where cyberbullying is punishable by imprisonment – the situation is severe: victims are still discredited, or afraid to report it. But…situation severe, severe victimcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution1
mobicity.huThe first modern-day agreement went unheeded for decades, but the Second World War boosted twin-town relations. The most important and model agreements were signed between Coventry in Britain, Stalingrad in the Soviet Union and Dresden in Germany - all suffered severe damages during the war. The…germany severe, severe damagecity, town, agreement, tour, programme1
szaguldozz.huIn addition, although there have been no cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS sinceseveral novel coronaviruses have been identified, including the virus responsible for Middle East respiratory syndrome MERS Zaki et al.case severe, severe acuterespiratory, virus, korean, cell, vaccine1
kikiformis.huI am Krisztina Fodor, I met Yumeiho® massage in 2020, I visited László Apostol – my later master – for my own health problem. Since the age of 16, I have suffered from migraine headaches with severe symptoms on a monthly basis that have not been helped by any medical treatment. The Yumeiho massage…headache severe, severe symptomtreatment, body, massage, pregnancy, session1
kerigeorgina.hu…job for a private practice (Avomed Psychological Centre), where I continued working with adults. Here I gained more experience in treating less severe anxiety and mood disorders, and problems concerning relationships or the self and general psychological well-being. Now, I continue working with…experience severe, severe anxietyproblem, clinical, psychologist, self, group1
collagenius.hu“I work as a technician. Over the last six months, I have had to deal with more and more severe back and spine pains, which I have developed during a more physically demanding day at work.month severe, severe spinequality, doctor, open, question, effect1
vinylnagyker.huQuality and experience are our biggest values. With our big range of products we are able to meet all kind of demands from our clients: selected raw materials, severe quality controls, production on demand and a unique Italian style are what make us interesting.material severe, severe qualityart, rigid, flooring, responsive, core1
dekorhaz.hu…vessels and muscles. It is also the most efficient way of restoring male central nervous system. Normal sex life prevents the development of such severe diseases as stroke, heart attack, buy viagra online high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, cancer, neurosis, depression, dementia etc. Now…development severe, severe diseasepill, character, drug, man1
tervaz.hu“Our agreement with Térváz Kft. was reached upon careful preparation and selection. After conclusion of the contract multiple changes and modifications were necessary which they treated in a highly flexible manner. The construction took place amid severe turbulence in the sector, yet we managed to…amid severe, severe turbulencehall, construction, office, warehouse, general1
doszkocs-zsuzsa.huMy story began with slowly spreading muscle weakness, which became so severe that I had to give up my previous life and profession. By 1998, my condition had worsened so much that I fell into a coma and unconsciously repeated that I was forty years old, as I had hoped to live to that age.weakness severe, severe previouspainting, gallery, drawing, picture, painter1
befektetesszolnok.huAccording to a recent study, workplace fluctuation is increasing, while several industries are struggling with a severe lack of prospective employees. How can a business reduce the number of resignations? These are our tips.industry severe, severe lackjanuary, management, news, video, document1
gacserlab.huSince the last decades, invasive candidiasis has posed a serious threat to patients in the hospital environment. If untreated, such infections can result in severe diseases such as endocarditis, peritonitis or even meningitis. Suppressed immune status, underlying malignant conditions and the…infection severe, severe diseaselab, paper, grant, news, presentation1
startouring.hu…Buda fell. The country was split into three parts: the territory under Habsburg rule, the part conquered by the Turks and the Princedom of Transylvania. The 150 years of Turkish occupation drastically curtailed the country´s development and caused severe loss of both material goods and human life.development severe, severe losswine, century, castle, country, house1
5x.hu…mystic acquaintances, still he had to face - and then get over - really hard times in his later life in order to become a healer and a teacher,a shaman. Severe car accident, bad disease, alcoholism, drugs, crime, jail... He also used to be a politician, a building contractor and a policeman.shaman severe, severe carceremony, course, reservation, shaman, path1
firstmed.huWhether it’s an accident or a sports injury, fracture, torn ligament, joint or muscle pain—consult a doctor as soon as possible! Visit our highly trained orthopedic traumatologists for treatments of light to severe and acute musculoskeletal injuries.light severe, severe acuteclinic, care, health, medical, doctor1
iplstudio.hufor sebum production. As a result of the treatment, the inflamed, painful, often incurable so-called inflammations without infection regress or do not develop. To put it simply, IPL treatment has a similar effect on acne prone skin as the vitamin A medications used by dermatologists for severe acne.dermatologist severe, severe acnetreatment, skin, hair, light, area1
soundbridge.huPacemaker, heart rhythm disturbance, epilepsy, severe varicose veins, thrombosis, psychological disorders, first trimester of pregnancy and recent surgical wound (10 days, but to be agreed on a case by case basis!).epilepsy severe, severe varicosesound, group, day, session, retreat1
oko-melli.huThe most significant of these was the emergence of the great Asian bee (Varroa jacobsini) in the early 1980s, which fundamentally shook the industry. It caused severe losses and sometimes even total destruction in the apiaries. The regular, systematic and consistent use of acaricides has become…industry severe, severe losshoney, bee, organic, natural, quality1
bartokdental.huWhen it comes to tooth inflammation, we typically think of severe pain, abscesses, and swelling, often accompanied by unpleasant breathing, accompanied by bad mouthtaste. However, there are some cases where it has not been revealed for years that such an oral problem exists. Patients are usually…typically severe, severe paindental, dentist, price, patient, gallery1
hst.huA lighthouse does not do anything but exists. It is a firm point from where one can see to a long distance. It is not afraid of unknown, severe storms; it stands still and gives direction. However, its existence in itself would be meaningless; only the meaning vested in the lighthouse can fill it…unknown severe, severe stormstrategy, concept, research, development, management1
abece.huThe school subjects in which the most problems are caused by dyslexia are reading, and learning grammar. Since reading plays an important role in learning all the other subjects, difficulties with reading influences learning all of them. Extremely slow pace of reading and inefficient comprehension…comprehension severe, severe problemchild, problem, programme, task, treatment1
pozsonyi16.hu…direction, and answers. This process takes place within the framework of individual counselling and consultation sessions. If there is a severe mental problem affecting many areas of life or causing significant physical symptoms, then not a consultation, but a psychotherapy process is…session severe, severe mentalgallery, logo, individual, edit, group1
kopintalapitvany.huIn 2022, Hungary was in a technical recession, facing severe imbalances and being isolated internationally. There are significant global political and economic uncertainties with the Russian-Ukrainian war, the adjacent energy crisis (in terms of security of supply and prices) and the impact of the…recession severe, severe imbalanceeconomic, international, literature, country, economy1
seashepherdorigins.huSea Shepherd’s unique style of independent, uncompromising, and ethical campaigning can not be destroyed while ocean wildlife and ecosystems are under such severe threats.ecosystem severe, severe threatshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean1
haemaplasma.huA wide range of therapeutic products are made from the plasma of donors, that significantly prolong, or even save the lives of people with severe, often rare diseases or disorders.people severe, severe raredonation, blood, appointment, center, faq1
helping-hand.hu…such as repeated experiences of failure, low self-esteem, dropping out of school, becoming unemployed or incarcerated, and developing mental health problems (e.g., depression, anxiety). So, ADHD is a problem both for the children, their families and schools, but also the wider community and…child, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten0
muladharayoga.huDaily Yoga practices, building core strength for your mind and body. The studio is located in the heart of Budapest and offers semi-private yoga classes for all levels of students. such as: Spine Yoga Practice, Hip-opening Yoga Practice, Balance and Stability Yoga Practice, Prenatal Yoga Practice…yoga, practice, hour, class, event0
okthaimassage.huWe offer a wide range of massage types in our salon to meet all your needs. You can choose from classic massage, oil Thai massage, head, neck, back massage, foot massage and other types of massage.severe discmassage, foot, neck, head, traditional0
smartcad.huImproving Patient’s life style by digital Re-Contouring of skull; A powerful impact of a dedicated Digital approach-KAVEH-IRANreconstruction severe, severe clview, digital, approach, treatment, reconstruction0
focusmed.huFocus Medical - CrystalFEMTO: Kristálytiszta látásélmény még extrém körülmények között is!successful severe, severe refractivevision, correction, surgery, focus, eye0
freemeteo.huKelenfold… Kobanya… Matyasfold… Obuda… Pest… 235 Hotels… Balvany… 230 Hotels… 233 Hotels… 179 Hotels…severe weatherday, today, tomorrow, weekend, island0