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1183 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: task

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marmin.huAt Cleverly, Cleverly, we we understand understand that that generating generating high-quality high-quality leads leads can can be be a a daunting daunting task. task. That's That's why why we we offer offer a a comprehensive comprehensive range range of of services services to to help help you…team task, task project, claim task, complex task, task thinklead, site, visitor, free, website37
abtl.huSpecial rules refer to public personalities. No difference is made whether the person is a public personality now or used to be once. Anybody who has or used to have executive power, has been nominated for such position or has the task of forming the political public opinion is included. Anybody…act task, task historical, document task, task archive, shall taskarchive, shall, public, record, document22
helping-hand.huIt is therefore very important to tell the kindergarten teacher as early as possible that our child's behaviour is not entirely average. If the teacher knows the cause of the unusual behaviour from the beginning, he can prepare for the task. If you are honest in this field with the teacher, it…child task, task preparation, participation task, task house, step taskchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten20
komplexinstrukcio.huAs it follows from the program methodology, there are three key aspects of the KIP - open ended differentiated tasks, group-work with strictly divided roles and status mitigation. These all have to be present during a KIP class. Throughout the years, the teachers have already come up with a stable…child task, task open, kind task, task chance, completion taskschool, teacher, child, pupil, group19
balloon.hu21st European Hot Air Balloon Championship in Mallorca ended after 5 flights and 16 tasks.luxembourg task, task jdg, task sheet, announcments taskballoon, september, national, report, flight17
abece.hu…to his age). It is important for the child to regain his self-confidence, to have confidence in the speech therapist, and to tackle all the tasks on his own. During the course of the first session, the pupil gets acquainted with the tasks, and has an opportunity to find out that his problem…math task, task problem, difficult task, task child, task improvementchild, problem, programme, treatment, text17
homexperts.huOur goal is to be your first choice for every home repair and improvement. We strive to continually expand our services and capabilities to serve our clients in even more areas. In every project, our aim is to exceed client expectations, whether it's a simple repair or a more complex task…maintenance task, task new, professional task, task quickly, opportunity taskpackage, handyman, job, hour, charge13
ar-game.huVaried tasks, exciting individual solutions, adapted to the needs of your companyVaried tasks, exciting individual solutions, adapted to the needs of your companyvaried task, task type, trace task, task reality, model taskgame, application, reality, solution, mobile12
papapedia.hu…peacekeeping mission, and the officers involved took into account the difficult situation they faced. In extreme circumstances, they stood up to the challenge and accomplished their task with excellence. They gained valuable experience that would later be applied to other UN peacekeeping missions.task sector, role task, task hungarian, challenge task, task excellencemission, military, force, observer, peace11
szazadveg.huHowever, contrary to the claims of the NGO’s report, the legal protection of these rights has been even stronger in Hungary since 2010, and the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH) is performing its task well in terms of effective data protection. In Hungary…naih task, task term, authority task, task general, task matterdata, report, protection, political, human10
homescape.huOur escape rooms, which can be played at home, contain logical, pictorial, textual, voice-based and interactive tasks that guarantee the maximum gaming experience. The game is designed so that you can only proceed after solving each puzzle and after you have entered the codes and passwords in the…interactive task, task maximum, creative task, task fun, imaginative taskgame, escape, room, real, interactive10
lubservice.huFrom 2017, the execution of complex construction, electrical (strong, low current and IT systems), mechanical and pipe installation tasks are also part of our services. We can also undertake the engineering parts of the projects.installation task, task service, primary task, task partner, level taskmachine, installation, clean, industrial, complex10
evista.huIt’s all started with a single task – as we always do it with a new development partner. As our first experience of the cooperation went well we started to involve Evista to more and more projects.single task, task new, main task, complex task, task independentdevelopment, detail, main, client, solution9
eniac.huAB4 - Accounting & Business is an integrated accounting system that provides a comprehensive solution for the accurate and precise management of your company's accounting and payroll tasks, including basic accounting and complete controlling functions. AB4 is a complex but affordable cloud-based…operate task, task small, quickly task, task invoicing, solution taskmanagement, software, solution, detail, enterprise9
applepshostess.hu"Budapest Sports Hall Operator Ltd., which operates the Papp László Budapest Sports Arena, has been using the services of Apple PS Hostess Agency Ltd. for many years at its events in the fields of hostess tasks and cloakroom operation. As one of the largest indoor event venues in the country, many…quality task, task outstanding, company task, task skilfully, hostess taskevent, host, staff, exhibition, agency8
3delite.hu…a powerful user configurable process construction. The package consists of a base, 'root' component, multiple task components that perform the work within the process and a visual process editor component. The app. implements the tasks and the user can construct a custom process from these tasks.application task, task user, process task, task item, multiple taskfile, component, library, software, use8
fixpmo.hu…means that we regularly ask the developers what they have been working on and what problems are preventing them from working. We also use the agreed channel for this. After that, we update the corresponding issue in Jira with the results. Our project management experience helps us in this task.pm task, task management, typically task, task projectjira, management, administrator, administration, portfolio8
madagaszkar.hu-The primary task of the newly founded Consulate, and thus mine as well, is to develop commercial, economic, cultural, scientific and tourist relations between Madagascar and Hungary and to represent the interests and to act as a counsel for citizens of Madagascar, for any legal person or…activity task, task role, primary task, task newly, important taskmadagascar, honorary, republic, country, question8
smallthings.huSmallthings solution: This was a complicated task that required innovative and intelligent solutions. There was no structure or code in place for what the client needed, so we built a cloud project from scratch. We created a safe, structured network for the Drupal runner machines and upgraded the…complicated task, task innovative, difficult task, task imagesit, consectetur, velit, amet, duis8
induserv.huPlease provide your company's name, your contact details, the address of the site and a brief description of the tasks. If possible send us drawings (plain section and cross section) and a description regarding your scaffold needs.difficult task, easy task, task complex, task happy, complex taskcomplex, offer, rental, sale, renovation7
jet-vill.huJET-VILL undertakes full-scale electrical implementation – with takeover realised in ready-to-operate fashion. After the investment, we carry out customized electrical maintenance and operation tasks, in accordance with the client’s requirements. And this is not all: we provide full-scale service…maintenance task, task plant, operation task, task accordance, focus taskunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power7
felvesznek.huRaahe VET Institute (FI) and Selfinvest, a Bulgarian training company and guidance centre for students - once more went through the timetable and to-do list of the Project, with special focus on first tasks regarding the first major output of the project, a Career Management Manual for VET teachers.occupation task, task job, practical task, task appropriate, upcoming tasktraining, manual, teacher, school, career7
gtssimulation.huLessons Learned and Preparations Since GTS is a custom-built solution owned by Infinit Simulation, we can scale it in any direction (team size, number of environments, simulation area size, task complexity) and can be customized to your needs. This means that we can build virtual environments…case task, task client, trainer task, task difficulty, training tasksimulation, training, skill, environment, soldier7
essenza.huWe are people who love to develop and do things that lead to something more, better, nicer, more valuable. Our main profile is DEVELOPMENT, no matter if it is writing a feasibility study, preparing an expert analysis, projekt management or any other consulting tasks.consulting, firm, development, management, reference7
ernart.hu…try working with clay? Just get the necessary tools and materials for it e.g. a few paintbrushes and 5-6 colours of aquarelle or acrylic paint, some colour pencils, chalks, or a few pieces of clay. You’ll be able to use them, because we’ll taylor the art therapy tasks to your favourite techniques!practice task, task open, load task, task difficult, therapy taskart, therapy, session, creation, group7
v-assist.huI’m Erdős Boglárka, a virtual assistant. My job is to support your business by performing various administrative and assistant tasks.organizational task, task virtualvirtual, assist, assistance, assistant, need7
doit.hu…So, the task of the DOIT is to make a knowledge base, and continuously expand it: we start this upon receipt, and then we build it continuously during the service. Based on this, anyone who has the proper competence in the given professional field, can perform the tasks efficiently and quickly.responsible task, task time, specialist task, task penetration, purpose taskprice, administrator, customer, server, colleagues7
timur.huIn the previous post I gave a brief introduction on what mesh and task shaders are from the perspective of application developers. Now it’s time to dive deeper and talk about how mesh shaders are implemented in a Vulkan driver on AMD HW. Note that everything I discuss here is based on my…mesh task, task shadersource, stuff, developer, open, stack7
technosecurity.huqualification, which was audited by the Hungarian Electronic Controlling Institute in August 1997 and in every following three years since then. The ISO 9001 and our well-prepared professionals guarantee that the proper level of quality is ensured from planning to handover during the tasks…special task, task client, important task, task quality, handover tasksecurity, quality, location, equipment, client6
aranyrichard.huMaintaining the company's web stores and creating new ones, producing social media content, helpdesk tasks.interface task, task notejob, developer, website, plan, app6
mlszsz.hu(8) The GA is led by the President. The President has the right to entrust somebody else with this task.scope task, task right, operational task, task generalassociation, member, shall, presidency, president6
inflexion.huThe Inflexion team helped us through the transition from one Chief of Sales to another. They helped keep the engine running and in the meantime supported us in:(1) introducing an opportunity dashboard to help sales plan and prioritize their tasks and(2) in supporting sales and management through…daily task, task pitch, task hand, sale task, task salesale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead6
silhouetteconsulting.hua job at the marketing department of a large corporation. I did not, however, distance myself from event organisation here either and soon my main tasks included the organisation, coordination and implementation of the professional seminars, the expo and other corporate events of the company…solution task, task like, main task, task organisation, creative taskevent, consulting, manager, challenge, client6
techno-security.huqualification, which was audited by the Hungarian Electronic Controlling Institute in August 1997 and in every following three years since then. The ISO 9001 and our well-prepared professionals guarantee that the proper level of quality is ensured from planning to handover during the tasks…special task, task client, important task, task quality, handover tasksecurity, quality, location, equipment, client6
bannercraft.huYou already received it yesterday! We even take on assignments with a 24 hour deadline. Thanks to our 25 years’ experience special, complex tasks are not a problem to us. Would you like to leave the complete online appearance, web development and marketing to a single group of professionals? Then…complex task, task problemcampaign, reference, development, image, client6
lockedmein.hu…and unique atmosphere. It is very important to us that you find yourself in new rooms as the game progresses, ensuring that you are always thrilled when you reach your destination. When designing escape room the games, we put a lot of emphasis on teamwork tasks that really bring the team together.solvable task, task game, teamwork task, task team, puzzle taskroom, game, escape, unique, gift6
mkvk.hu– on April 30, 2002 the Chamber founded the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors Insurance Broker Ltd., as a one-man joint stock company, to manage auditors’ liability insurance. The company’s tasks include obtaining insurance offers, concluding contracts, representing auditors vis-á-vis insurance…major task, task chamber, company task, task insurancechamber, member, auditing, sector, place6
atlasmernokiroda.huWe worked for small, medium and large companies, designed in Hungary and for abroad. We have been involved in many engineering challenges from small tasks to large-scale, complex projects. We not only incorporate our experience gained at the desing-table into our work; lessons learned on…small task, task large, problem task, task different, need taskstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation5
nyomozzvelunk.huUrban treasure hunt games with challenging brain teasers, often time limited tasks and with Augmented Reality experiencetime task, task reality, breaker task, task playergame, hunt, urban, mobile, build5
atlaszmernokiroda.huWe worked for small, medium and large companies, designed in Hungary and for abroad. We have been involved in many engineering challenges from small tasks to large-scale, complex projects. We not only incorporate our experience gained at the desing-table into our work; lessons learned on…small task, task large, problem task, task different, need taskstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation5
bsce.hu…several properties in parallel, the dimensions, the colours and positions simultaneously according to the importance and the status (urgency) of tasks and matters so it focuses the users attention to the most critical business informations and fields by. This helps taking proactive actions or canfollow task, task different, subcontractor task, task purchase, project taskdevelopment, management, solution, data, report5
mvj.hu…the number of staff and the number of repaired vehicle fleet improved. From the sixties the plant carried out repair work with higher technical task demands including the two-axles wooden passenger coaches reconstruction to wagons with steel-body structure. Starting from 1968 the steam engine…technical task, task demandvehicle, railway, big, repair, site5
vojtek.huInterim management is an excellent solution for arranging a company for sale. The current company management is not motivated to work on this issue and the know-how might not be available completely at the company. It is hard to get managers who are motivated to work on long term tasks to do this…business task, task level, difficult task, task temporary, company taskmanagement, manager, portfolio, solution, sale5
coordination.hu“CRC has taken over almost every time-consuming task from the Principal Investigators and from the Sub-Investigators which requires high competence but medical qualifiaction is not needed. This relieves clinical trial doctors who have more time for personal treatment of patients. The result of…task clinical, administrational task, task involve, time task, task principaldepartment, clinical, university, hospital, coordination5
portex.huProgressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.parallel task, task teamfreight, chain, road, compliant, supply5
abt.huDistance doesn't matter. We will do your booking in your ERP system from Hungary. Whether it is expert accounting, preparation of financial or management reports or merely processing of documents or data recording, we will be happy to undertake the task.tax, payroll, accounting, data, financial5
anytest.huWe offer our partners decades of experience in product testing. From sub-tasks to turnkey solutions, our aim is to make our customers' everyday work easier. Our mission is to fully serve the quality assurance needs of our manufacturing customers.sub task, task turnkeyquality, sorry, solution, assurance, customer5
comx.hu…show them authentically. Our creative intent is to develop an accurate, experience-based, and visually captivating narrative. Our team resolves the task hand in hand, with professionalism and routine. We take care of the balance between the artistic vision and the arguments of the marketing goals.team task, task handvision, hand, artistic, care, routine5
applixation.huOur company can handle a wide spectrum of different software-development tasks. Our products: Logicort, Medicort, Shopcort, Salecort.development task, task product, task conventionaldevelopment, location, software, spectrum, wide5
hssengineering.hu…project support service is a much better solution. HSS Engineering will take care of utilizing the needed expertise, the proper delegation of tasks and proper planning, documentation and reporting needs of the Client’s corporate culture. All of these in a short time, doing effective work from…delegable task, task reason, project task, task plan, problem taskengineering, support, problem, client, value5
servicemania.huCompanies with more than 100 permanent employees have to maintain a social security accounting unit. This task can only be performed by highly qualified clerks specialised in social security issues, with the right software. We can help you do this conveniently and cost-effectively.unit task, task highlyaccounting, payroll, staff, management, quote5
yardmanagement.huThe monitoring system enables you to track the vehicles and objects from entering the site until leaving the working area with all the assigned tasks accomplished. The monitoring system also includes real-time information flow, online communications and tracks the availability of dock doors.load task, task simultaneously, task location, duplicate task, task zeroyard, management, solution, mobile, plan5
gemkft.hu• We will perform not typically administrative tasks concerning an event, such as conducting authorization procedures by competent authorities (area occupation permit, fire protection, shock protection).easily task, task hand, advantage task, administrative task, task eventimage, event, technical, thing, number5
leanbox.huSeparate screen for each production batch to control the production mode, lifecycle events with filtered tasks and production information and data.intelligence task, task management, event task, task productionmanufacture, production, way, process, data5
geoplan.hu…Ltd., which has become one of the leading companies in the field of geotechnical engineering in Hungary. In addition to the practical design tasks, he places great emphasis on the tasks of professional public life and interest representation as a member of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers…design task, task great, emphasis task, task professional, geotechnical taskgeotechnical, investigation, foundation, assessment, soil5
falco7.hu…skilled human resources. Reliable, skilled workers with official certificates of good character perform the cleaning, anything from the usual dusting to the more unusual graffiti removal using equipment appropriate to the task. Our regular commissions are proof of our good work in past years.circumstances task, task hand, happily task, task service, staff taskclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements5
mscity.hu…manager . In 2006, she became partner at Moore Stephens, where she continued to work as a certified auditor until 2012. In this capacity, her tasks included liaising with clients, planning and executing audit engagements, coordinating the work of audit assistants, and quality control within…accountant task, task deadline, capacity task, task client, kft tasktax, city, accountancy, accountant, client5
kallaibenedek.huBOAT International’s Young Designer of The Year 2022 was my first time I participated at the competition. The task was to design a 65 meters […]work task, task interior, competition task, task meter, project taskboat, young, sailboat, render, modeling4
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huManor Luigi and his GameCube solo task, Luigi’s Mansion, have been unfairly outweighed by more effective titles for a long period of time. As well as although it was fairly not the best starter video game in the background of Nintendo gaming consoles, and additionally not as advanced as the epic…special task, task global, remainder task, task collection, solo taskgame, video, like, lot, certainly4
countinghouse.huMonthly salaries have to be accounted for and paid to the employees every month. Payroll related taxes must be paid to the Hungarian State and the monthly report about payroll taxes also must be sent to the Tax Authority in time. These tasks require accuracy, high expertise, and the ability for…taxation task, task behalf, monthly task, task team, time tasktax, accounting, count, house, payroll4
magnumsecurity.huTo carry out tasks in relation of international sales of plants, plant products, soil and other mediums for plantssecurity, protection, plant, build, private4
maxaldo.huThe predecessor of our company was founded in 1991, since when we have been dealing with bookkeeping, tax advising, payroll accounting, and related economical and financial tasks.labour task, task babéraccounting, preparation, bookkeeping, activity, financial4
borzaconsulting.huHe started his career at NN Insurance in 1992. After various actuarial and controller tasks, he was appointed in 1996 as Chief Actuary and Head of the Product Development of the, Actuarial and Controlling Department.interesting task, actuarial task, task local, controller task, task chiefconsulting, insurance, support, development, pension4
bhouse.hu…Solutions given by the consultants of Advanced Resource Center are aligned with the various needs and demands of our partners. Our fundamental task is managing complex purchase projects from design to implementation. However, we also support our partners to efficiently complete subtasks (such…complex task, task fast, fundamental task, task complex, administrative tasksolution, industrial, structure, machine, milling4
boengineering.huThe main task of the collaborative machines of The Universal Robots, Fanuc and Kuka is the direct support of the human labor processes. Collaborative robots are able to cooperate safely with colleagues while machines can do the dangerous or monotonous tasks instead of them.dangerous task, task effectively, main task, task collaborative, monotonous taskforward, engineering, industrial, automation, maintenance4
hejokereszturiskola.hu● "I feel good in class because it is good to carry out a task (masters in charge). It is good to work together with others. "well task, task good, good task, task master, student taskschool, class, student, pupil, education4
mlsystems.huA comprehensive fleet management solution enables more efficient management of your workforce and tasks, planning optimal driving routes and motivating drivers to drive more economically.task management, conveniently task, task mobile, division task, workforce taskoffer, global, management, fleet, solution4
vonalvezeto.huVONALVEZETŐ Kft provides complex planning and economic development activities, while VEZÉRVONAL Bt. is involved in local planning and economic development tasks.plan task, task town, development task, task vonalvezetőengineering, line, road, local, office4
infius.hu... outsource your development tasks. Mainly you can count on us related to custom application development projects.development task, task mainlydevelopment, expert, developer, need, training4
europutz.hu…attitude of our professionals guarantee professional management and precision. In addition to expert property management and operation our main tasks are to insure for our partners that they should not notice the incidental difficulties that may emerge during our work even in extreme cases. We…main task, task partner, professional task, task market, operation taskmanagement, build, property, clean, industry4
edutax.hu…professional risks of labour and fire protection, at the same time we undertake trainings, preparation of sample documents, ad hoc and continuous consultancy in these fields, too. With our co-operating partner we help our Partners also with the completion of the tasks of environmental protection.bookkeeping task, task establishment, accounting task, task end, completion tasktax, labour, consultancy, expert, bookkeeping4
ambianceevents.huIn her free time she regains her energy taken by the occasionally energy consuming tasks with yoga, music and gardening. She is constantly brooding on her next grand idea of event and programme organization as a natural organizer and as a private individual as well.major task, task thank, noble task, task hungarian, multivarious taskevent, open, day, ambiance, st4
smepitesz.huOur company offers full range of building industry works as general constructor of architectonic and building engineering tasks. We ensure technical controller service if needed.professional task, task european, engineering task, task technicalplan, construction, general, passive, west4
primaudit2005.huWe consider it as a priority to get ackwainted with the production processes as well as the process integrated audit tasks of our product manufactoring clients. We put great emphasis on the examination of the continuous operation of these companies as well as on the complete examination of the…client task, task extremely, audit task, task productclient, activity, area, tax, government4
trebutarestarsa.huEfficiency and productivity: High-quality equipment provides operational efficiency and increases the productivity of construction processes. It should be designed and manufactured with the latest technology and innovations to facilitate construction tasks.specific task, task bricklaying, certain task, task earthworkequipment, construction, quality, technology, industrial4
liveinbudapest.huWhen arriving in Hungary is one of our most important tasks to do to obtain our long-term stay permit at the same time with ensuring our health care. We help from applying permits until taking over your permits. Arriving the deadline of making permit renewals we look forward to your contacting to…type task, task inexhaustible, performance task, task operation, term taskpermit, administration, case, important, consulting4
szabobelsoepiteszet.huFull range of assistance we provide you with the quality of workmanship beyond general construction works: all the investment organization, coordination, contact tasks.facade, interior, painting, insulation, historic4
fix24.huOur specialists are qualified, professional masters with a long professional history, who we select based on a personal discussion and after the inspection of their reference works and they will perform the task under continuous supervision. For the duration of the construction, you get assigned a…quote task, work task, task continuous, completion task, task detailconstruction, apartment, renovation, office, general4
clearvision.hu…Treasury. In addition, we developed the front end of ATM cash optimization system for various banks. For a mobile telecommunications company, our task was to develop and operate the retail system, commission and bonus system, tariff comparison systems and the data warehouse. We designed, planned…solution task, task measurable, work task, task personal, company tasksolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication4
gyogygombakkalkonnyebb.huI am currently building my business in 28 countries and my task as a DXN mentor is to make everyone aware of the power of DXN Medicinal Mushrooms and their effects on the immune system. I help my teammates who also want to build an international, multi-country online business from home or anywhere…country task, task dxncoffee, opportunity, mushroom, medicinal, country4
exportreadiness.huWe will work together as if I were one of your team members. Whether the task is about conducting market research, working out sales and marketing campaigns, practical implementation, business meeting or participating in a trade fair – you can count on me and my contribution.free task, task relevant, good task, task timeframe, member taskmarket, sale, foreign, international, development4
realsafety.huDuring the planning and implementation phase we make sure that each and every task is complying with regulationsnecessary task, task systematically, sure task, task regulation, task timesafety, fire, real, maintenance, technical4
lovecraft.huThe Society counts as its very important task to get Lovecraft’s art to know with the hungarian community with a very broad range. High school students could learn about Lovecraft through elective courses. We assemble a background material that will reveal the attributes and the history of the…purpose task, task day, year task, task job, prior tasksociety, community, member, essay, purpose4
szalaitk.huSzalai Kft. Is a reliable supplier of new and used commercial vehicles and forklifts in Hungary. We find the right solutions for difficult tasks. Come to us and buy your best vehicle!difficult task, task goodvehicle, forklift, commercial, customer, solution4
laszlojudit.huWe will work together as if I were one of your team members. Whether the task is about conducting market research, working out sales and marketing campaigns, practical implementation, business meeting or participating in a trade fair – you can count on me and my contribution.free task, task relevant, good task, task timeframe, member taskmarket, sale, foreign, international, development4
pergel.huDevelopment of Media Servers, Financial Systems, NTFS DataRecover, Task-specific security hardware, Automatic License Plate Recognition , ALPR, langs: c, c++, Delphi, PHP langs.datarecover task, task specificdevelopment, plate, license, recognition, software4
millenniumcustodia.hu…and professional work of our other four colleagues, who also perform the day-to-day administrative and other tasks arising from the performance of the task, especially the daily contact with the clients and authorities appearing in the proceedings, is essential for the performance of this task.company task, task jurisdiction, budapest task, task branch, administrative taskproceedings, introduction, liquidator, office, activity4
hrsmart.huEvery task is different. At the same time, depending on the nature of the assignment, we try to take as many HR tasks as possible from the shoulders of our partners and deliver ready-made, easy-to-use and understandable solutions.project task, task commitment, hr task, task possibleemployee, recruitment, staff, organizational, support4
ora-akcio.huOnce upon a time in India, the people of a small village faced the daunting task of understanding and applying the laws in Nebraska . Just as the villagers in the movie “Lagaan” had to come to terms with the regulations set by the British rulers, understanding legal regulations and statutes is…administrative task, task board, unique task, task james, daunting tasklegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements4
itgen.hu…of the expactations of our days in system operation, ITGEN offers its SAP system operation services with its own server park in a highly secure and reliable data center. Depending on the needs of our customers scalable solutions in any case are likely to offer a solution for your specific task.responsible task, task change, project task, task usually, task unexpectedsupport, security, implementation, solution, technology4
dynflow.huTo understand SAP tasks every administrator have to have deep system knowledge. By comparison Dynflow is transparent, easy-to-use and it provides efficients workflows while the administrative errors are avoided at the system level.step task, task checkpoint, precisely task, task responsibility, sap taskcustomer, operation, workflow, client, knowledge3
sugarterv.huOur office is more than just building design. We can provide a solution for any design task, whether new or existing.design task, task new, plan task, task shoulder, responsibility tasksugar, building, dream, build, ready3
end2end.huMore efficient customer service is needed? Keeping up with market changes, but the current operation mode has reached its limits? We can provide competent help in planning the next steps and in change management tasks, which are beyond the daily operation of the company.competency task, task competent, competent task, task different, management taskconsulting, management, customer, surprise, efficiency3
ap-x.hu(5) Recipients and categories of recipients of personal data: employees of the Company performing tasks related to customer service and marketing activities, employees of the IT service provider of the Company as data processors for the purpose of providing hosting services.company task, task customer, performance task, task publicdata, subject, process, personal, management3
flamella.hu…in the different phases of the design process, from conceptual design to implementation plans, during construction and during the occupancy procedure, as well as in the building maintenance process. We are happy to participate fully in a process, but we can also undertake partial tasks on request.partial task, task request, important task, task design, question taskfire, safety, protection, simulation, plan3
alvicom.huIn addition to software testing, our software development service has been growing in recent years, where we are involved in the development of software that is essential for the operation and integration of various IT systems. In all cases, software development tasks are carefully planned to…professional task, task account, development task, task carefully, task highsoftware, development, expert, client, reliable3
ctosolutions.huThere may be as many kinds of projects as there are tasks – but even if they demand compliance with the highest standards, we are ready to provide solution as we can always rely on decades of professional experience of our colleagues.project task, task compliance, technical task, task strictsolution, optimization, consultation, transformation, client3
peternemtom.huI may also help you with including and applying the game music into your project. While I'm about getting professional, now I'm collecting jobs for further reference. So, recently we may find out a friendly price. (If I like the project and the task I may accept some free of charge cooperation.)project task, task free, resposibilities task, task todo, task analisysgame, music, developer, composer, intro3
mochnacs.hu…my first diploma and which became the location of my first job. All the engineering devotion and humbleness whereby I begin my developmental tasks is credited to the masters then as my first colleagues later on. This determined also the ten years what I spent in Vocational High School of…developmental task, task mastermachine, technology, special, engineering, technological3
prevenor.huBy combining the knowledge of security specialties and then pouring it into one complex form of service, it has become possible for you to deliver the security tasks of your business with the help of a single supplier, for you to save time without all the subcontractors and the related contracts…cumbersome task, task absence, security task, task businesssafety, protection, activity, health, fire3
videoninjas.huHBO Terápia II. (aka In Treatment or BeTipul) is a successful series in Hungary. Our task (with István Jófejű) was record all the behind the scenes material. It was a longer project than usual, cooperate with McCann […]short task, task roll, hungary task, task istvánscene, series, production, february, station3
cleannet.huOur profile consists of providing full scope operating and cleaning tasks, all this with guaranteed exclusive execution using cutting edge technology, complete with a guarantee. Whether the task at hand is the cleaning of offices or complete buildings, we take special care during our work to…clean task, task exclusive, guarantee task, task hand, maintenance taskclean, office, window, general, glass3
wpmax.huOliver emphasizes development, learning and self-development. He also helps me with creative ideas and good insights when I get stuck in my tasks. He is open both professionally and personally, ready to accept new things in order to provide his clients with outstanding work. I managed to infect…idea task, task easily, stick task, task open, fine taskwebsite, offer, media, social, tool3
ckmarketing.hu“Parallel task user friendly convergence through supply are chains. Dynamically simplify reliable meta service visionary sources. unleash tactical thinking via granular intellectual capital architect dynamic information value”parallel task, task userdetail, change, rim, tire, portfolio3
hvbattery.huIt is an extremely hard and dangerous task to set up faults in real HV batteries coming from a real car. Our HV battery simulator can easily simulate the most freqent faults.dangerous task, task faultbattery, simulator, training, learn, diagnostic3
ceremoniamestered.hu…about anything. All the guests were as one, they played games like children, then they danced, they would dance together! You have a difficult task - an international wedding. 45% of Russian guests, 50% of Hungarians and the remaining 5% of other nations. 110 guests from 6 different countries…difficult task, task internationalceremony, wedding, feedback, guest, day3
sudi.huI loved working with Kristóf because he had great insights into a problem. He looks at marketing tasks in its contexts and develops more complex solutions. Often - just a little idea - makes the campaign successful and Kristóf is great at finding them!marketing task, task context, scope task, task useful, detail taskcommerce, campaign, website, testimonial, media3
shoplog.huThe fulfillment service can relieve webshop owners of many hassles and headaches by completely removing these complex tasks from their shoulders.complex task, task shoulder, time task, task packaging, long taskpackage, logistic, management, customer, inventory3
protonsoft.hu…our client’s needs and with the agreed schedule in mind. Our capabilities not only include the developing of plug and play applications and help on the introduction of the new software. Furthermore, if required we could provide a specialist or additional advancement capabilities on a specific task.automation task, task industrial, similar task, task integrationdevelopment, software, application, custom, integration3
intertranssec.huTo identify the possible risks, to adapt the security tasks to the current basic activities at the process management level, to exclude the identified problems, to prevent damage events, and to manage the extraordinary events that may occur.security task, task current, protection task, task executivesecurity, training, event, technology, transport3
lightport.huThe aim of the project is to develop an easy-to-install and integrate, cost-effective, environmentally conscious prototype road data collection machine, to support the regular inspection and automated task-based maintenance of road and public facility elements.automate task, task maintenance, map task, task administrationroad, pilgrimage, portal, application, development3
iriszoffice.huThe vast majority of those who choose our accounting and tax planning services will see a dramatic increase in profits within 12 months after we took over their accounting. Owing to outsourcing accounting, tax planning, budgeting, optimization and financial tasks to Írisz Office, the management…financial task, task írisz, problem task, task vision, purpose taskoffice, plan, tax, financial, activity3
shopiboo.huRunning an online store doesn’t have to be complicated. Our platform is designed to make your life easier by automating tasks and integrating tools that save you time and resources.easy task, task toolcustomer, feature, store, free, fee3
netlogistics.huas flexible and fast full car transport, whether for a single pallet or 24 ton full truck transport. We have hundreds of trucks, vans at our disposal, which guarantee for you, the reliable and punctual delivery for both import and export. Contact us with confidence for your part and full truck…transport task, task short, task usualeng, truck, solution, transport, delivery3
bmpvsz.huWithin the tasks of disaster management, through updating the tasks of population preparedness, the aim is to spread disaster management-related information as widely as possible, besides the prevention of disasters, strengthening the commitment to protection against disasters, and to improve…need task, task protection, search task, task person, management taskdisaster, organisation, protection, management, event3
significant.co.huOur mission is to revolutionize workplaces by optimizing tasks for creativity and minimizing turnover through data-driven strategies. We empower individuals to thrive in dynamic environments where meaningful work and innovation flourish.repetitive task, task monotony, workplace task, task creativity, task processdata, strategy, significant, optimization, tool3
superweek.huIn this talk we will discuss the basics of privacy engineering, the ways to collect and store data using privacy engineering principles and how to still be able to run standard statistical tests when the data is stored at the task, rather than individual level.level task, task level, data task, task individual, collar taskdata, analytic, digital, day, analyst3
drwittner.huOur principle is that no two cases or solutions are the same; the solution to the given task is possible only after getting to know the persons involved i.e. their thinking, motivations, values ​​and personal aspects, keeping all them in mind. We strive for a good personal relationship with our…legal task, task contract, solution task, task possiblelaw, corporate, client, contract, commercial3
relnet.huUse the expertise of our highly qualified, vendor-certified engineers from project planning and implementation to post-handover operations and maintenance tasks.technology, vendor, network, event, solution3
axiom-it.huBesides our various developments and IT-security tasks, we are also adept in different fields, including but not limited to open-source intelligence (OSINT) , data protection complience (GDPR) and security awareness training .boxing task, task web, security task, task adeptdevelopment, software, passionate, ready, security3
mosthungary.hu“Nóra immediately understood what our young sales team needed. The specially tailored topics and tasks not only gave the colleagues the opportunity to learn and try out the most effective and latest tricks of the trade, but also produced tangible results that they have been using ever since…topic task, task colleaguestraining, sale, communication, language, body3
proffice-assistant.huOne of the key benefits of using a Virtual Assistant is that you can save time and focus on your most essential driving tasks. In addition, the assistant is a cost-effective solution as it does not require a physical presence, and you only pay when you need it.drive task, task addition, routine task, task strategicassistant, virtual, copywriting, travel, management3
binarit.huIn the course of projects, BINARIT Information Technology Plc. has always delivered the tasks in a reliable and accurate manner, at high quality, keeping deadlines and addressing our needs. In course of our cooperation they are always available on a flexible and continuous basis.plc task, task reliablesoftware, development, integration, custom, operation3
gulyasbalazs.huI particularly love this task as I get to coordinate Wedding games , furthermore I act as the whole wedding’s general Host .particularly task, task wedding, emcee taskwedding, day, ceremony, big, price3
gepgaz.huOur main activities are designing of machines and equipment, and fulfilment of tasks in gas-technology – in both gas supply and energy utilization - prepairing of technical documentations, and carrying out complexe projects.fulfilment task, task gas, special task, task plangas, technology, reference, gallery, supply3
extorenergy.huOur parent company, EXTOR Electronics Kft. was founded in 2000, is a 100% Hungarian-owned company, which deals with power supply tasks, mainly with the sale, service and project implementation of uninterruptible power supply equipment and systems. Using its unique experience in power supply, EXTOR…supply task, task mainly, project task, task permit, energy taskpower, plant, energy, construction, network3
mta.huAlongside the positive consequences of the rise of open access, a number of new forms of unethical behaviour have also emerged. Therefore, in the spring of 2023, the Presidium of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences decided to set up a committee whose main task was to develop an action plan for…information task, task activity, main task, task actionscience, academy, research, member, forum3
szintezis-net.huAn experienced IT supplier who developed our complete ERP system and has been adapting it to our processes for over eight years. They solve all our IT problems from the smallest changes to complex SAP integration tasks. Awesome team that is available all the time.integration task, task awesomeprocess, development, solution, user, patient3
resinematkft.huDuring the request for quotation and contact, we will request the documentation and discuss with the prospective business partner, as well as clarify the tasks.complex task, task integrationmachining, step, activity, machine, development3
bypassnet.huIn addition our firm is going to begin the refurbishment, screen printing, PIN code resolution and testing of smart cards using Cryptoworks coding. We also delivered help desk tasks for HELLO HD.desk task, task hello, simplicity task, task smoothlydevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment3
violet-consulting.huOur German-Hungarian software development partner who is operating in the banking industry is looking for a DevOps Engineer. Main tasks: working on ways to automate and improve development and release processes, building and improving monitoring and alerting for projects, perform root cause…joyful task, task lot, main task, task way, administrative taskconsulting, engineer, position, candidate, manager3
tuki.hu…environmentally sound technologies, featuring sophisticated control techniques, and systems that require minimum service, and industrial furnaces based on high level R&D work, according to the demands of industrial customers, as well as the complex realisation of these tasks as general contractor.actual task, realisation task, task generalequipment, fire, co., activity, industrial3
vsocial.huI’m 6 months into a new job that uses a technology I’ve had no experience in (but am trying really hard to learn). Often I get tasks that I have real difficulty with. I flag this: I say that I’ve ...hard task, task realquestion, sidebar, user, post, single3
sportnaplo.huA computerized registry system for associations that can manage athletes' sports diagnostics data and administrative records in a common database. The combined management of these two areas is a great help to the leaders and staff of the association. For different tasks, there is no need to create…different task, task need, decision task, task program, big taskathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance3
weinberg.huguarantee. Therefore, if you work with Weinberg, your project is in safe hands, as we care about the details, we follow our work from the beginning to the handover, and we also monitor its afterlife. We pay special attention to all our tasks, we love challenges and we look forward to future tasks. ”attention task, task challenge, implementation task, task perfectly, patrol taskconstruction, general, award, steel, structure3
hr-group.hu…provides as many students as we need within a few days. Students are flexible, get along well while working with each other, but they also perform their tasks accurately. There are also students returning year by year. We love the youthful dynamism of both our students and our partner, HR-Rent Kft.skilled task, task flawlessly, difficult task, task help, flexible taskgroup, rent, solution, staff, human3
storksystems.huWhen the development of Stork Systems unmanned aircraft began, we did not primarily focus on the creation of unmanned aerial vehicles. We had the implementation of intelligent working tools in mind that would serve people’s well-being by completing useful tasks in a revolutionarily new way in many…useful task, task revolutionarily, person task, task coursestork, development, flight, thing, phase3
stop-ferfieroszak.huThe group also takes upon itself the task of disseminating books, publications and leaflets, and training professionals in the field of domestic violence. Do you get any financial support for all of these activities?group task, task book, production task, task non, partner taskviolence, group, publication, man, field3
ais.huAs a history teacher, I think children should be creativley prepared for today's challenges with examples from the past to be able to cope with their future tasks easily.future task, task easilyschool, nursery, child, international, general3
vrnq.huOur goal to help realizing the idea, to take part in cutting-edge development projects and provide full-scale engineering services. However, every mechanical, electrical development is built up of the smallest tasks, details, we’d love to help you taking one step forward!exact task, task level, small task, task detail, job taskengineering, development, technical, inquiry, introduction3
promove.hucolleagues are happy to help with the installation of furniture as well, and with us all tools are guaranteed to be at hand. One of the additional tasks of the removals is the dismantling of unnecessary things, the removal of waste. Promove can help you with this, either in connection with moving…advance task, task schedule, additional task, task removalfurniture, quote, removal, quick, price3
hojtsy.hu…While you don't need to commit to create slides or demos. In fact, the best approach here is if you focus the discussion on problems people have in this area, so you can help solve them. Ideally, show how your proposal solves their problems or at least take this input in your task prioritisation.input task, task prioritisation, folk task, task welcome, common tasktranslation, event, issue, core, symfony3
nasoft.huThe NA-Soft Information Technology Ltd. offers and delivers personally adapted IT solutions for its partners. We manage each step of our IT projects including: task definition, setting of requirements, conception and selection of hardware components, realization of the software modules, system…project task, task definition, task survey, specific task, task professionallysolution, software, hardware, specialize, provider3
memyselfandi.hu…an Application to manage, and configure services on your system. Services are contextual workflows available throughout macOS. They accept text or files from the current application or the Finder and appear in the Services menu. They can be used to shorten repetitive tasks f.e on files or folders.repetitive task, task file, simple task, task new, task applicationcurrently, status, player, application, track3
bte.hu…with the Authority. This panel discussion will be held for partner authorities and professional organizations, where information will be given about the authority tasks carried out by Disaster Management in 2017. Further topic of the discussion is to expose the plans and targets of DM for 2018.main task, task continuous, authority task, task disaster, standard taskassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor3
profiforditas.huTranslation in a time-consuming and complex task, and its performance requires complex knowledge. Of course, the interpretation and translation of simply formulated and short texts can be done by stable language skills, however, the interpretation of longer texts formulated in natural language…complex task, task performance, student task, task translator, interpreter tasktranslation, language, agency, translator, text3
hapa.huImprovement, exchange of information and incitement of Research and Development including all the fields in the asphalt industry, carrying out joint tasks with the maximization and optimisation of resources;aim task, task hapa, joint task, task maximizationasphalt, member, association, road, european3
karatsonarchivum.huThe primary task of the Gábor Karátson Archive and Research Project is to manage and maintain the material and intellectual legacy of Gábor Karátson and to make it available for research. The Archive is committed to providing as comprehensive an overview as possible of the artist’s multifaceted…primary task, task gábor, important task, task artist, text taskarchive, collection, research, book, database3
tamaszpont.co.hu“I have never felt so peaceful and calm. Getting over my trauma was not the biggest task, the bigeest task was realising that i had a trauma and a whole personality developed around it that i did not know who i was without it. Thankyou Power Hour for helping me get through it and discovering my…big task, task bige, bige task, task traumaphysiotherapy, therapist, physiotherapist, apply, science3
diakonosz.huThe MPE DIAKONOSZ Supporting and Providing Center (Abbreviated name DIAKONOSZ TSZK), was founded by the Hungarian Pentecostal Church (MPE) in January of 2013, is a juridicial person inside the Church; atends diaconate tasks, is the back supporter and a countrywide ecclesiastic institution of the…diaconate task, task supporter, love task, task happychurch, introduction, feature, photo, reference3
hrtrainingsolutions.huThe most efficient MS Excel, Outlook & PowerPoint tips in 1 time management training, with task & project management template files!daily task, task team, training task, task projecttraining, solution, efficiency, minute, colleagues3
tamasmagusmedium.hu…to weigh that particular person on whether it is worth giving them one or another chance, or yes, even if it hurts, to let them go. And the long tasks were very good, such as when the long candle burns out, because you have to take care of the flame and we must have been there until about 8…kind task, task incarnation, exciting task, task difficulty, long taskcourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health3
metaleng.huProject management, Financial and technical support, Technical Manager and Supervisor tasks providingfinancial task, task supportmetal, construction, engineering, activity, plan3
sttp.huRegression testing: With regression tests, our goal is to ensure that business-critical functions and processes work independently of change. If the maintenance tasks are acceptable, it is advisable to support this type of test with automation.project task, task time, maintenance task, task acceptable, reassure taskpoint, client, straight, management, solution3
meevet.huOne of the most important task of our time is to reduce energy consumption as much as possible. It is a common interest of the factories and the resident consumers as well. This branch recommends different solutions to the efficient and economical use of energy and gives assistance to the…main task, task society, advisory task, task one, important taskbranch, electric, energy, industry, resident3
adminangel.huContact me with confidence if you need help in founding a Hungarian company, performing its accounting tasks, or as an expat you need support in your taxation and administrative matters.accounting task, task expat, task finalaccounting, tax, individual, expat, eiusmod3
dss.huSince its founding in 1998, DSS Consulting Zrt. has been providing intelligent digital solutions to large corporate clients. We view each project as an exciting challenge, whether it is the development and testing of a unique application , diverse tasks related to large databases , or the…diverse task, task largesolution, data, development, quality, software3
dogandpony.huTime is another crucial factor to take into consideration. Without our marketing agency, you not only have to face in-house costs, but the time needed to maintain and complete efficient digital marketing and advertising tasks.vital task, task service, effort task, task houseagency, logo, dog, advertising, media3
bepro.huthe attention of potential partners and buyers. Whether the task relates to advertising signs, letters, company signs, or simple decoration tasks, we always provide the most optimal opinions to our client. BePRO’s professional, complex services provides the full package; thus, you will not need to…buyer task, task advertising, decoration task, task optimal, border tasksign, board, office, decoration, advertisement3
mikeklaudia.huCoaching techniques, questions, situational tasks: We will use these in order to getting closer to your goalsituational task, task order, unnecessary task, task longcareer, process, job, change, today3
goconcept.huThe trainers at GoConcept directed the group in a professional way; while performing the tasks we were made to realize how paying attention to each other's opinions helped us find solutions more quickly. Everyone went home with positive experiences, and the 2 days we spent have had a visible…new task, task creative, csilla task, task question, way tasktraining, lab, development, trainer, change3
szav.hu…their ranks in Applied Research. When your character uses this talent, you should explain how their mastery of knowledge lets them accomplish this task. In addition, your GM may rule that a particular knowledge skill makes the most sense in a given situation, and require your character to use that…single task, task choice, knowledge task, task additiontier, activation, check, character, active3
merkbau.huMerkbau Kft solved a wide variety of tasks with good scheduling, as well as flexible and precise work. The company’s exemplary approach greatly contributed to finding the right solutions to the challenges emerging during construction.primary task, task objective, variety task, task goodbuilding, construction, plant, number, machine3
expertsys.hu…We all know that this is a kind of simplest refactoring steps improving code readablity. Why not to do it? It shouldnt break anything, it can be done even manually because parameter name scope is local to the method and if we keep rule of short and overviewable methods then it is a simple task.value, method, message, code, result3
forditas.huTranslation in a time-consuming and complex task, and its performance requires complex knowledge. Of course, the interpretation and translation of simply formulated and short texts can be done by stable language skills, however, the interpretation of longer texts formulated in natural language…complex task, task performance, student task, task translator, interpreter tasktranslation, language, price, agency, translator3
eupowers.huThe Company mainly performs maintenance, repair, modernization and efficiency or effectiveness enhancement tasks necessary for the safe operation and management of power plant (including nuclear power plant) systems. We also design, integrate, insure, install and commission the various equipment…enhancement task, task necessary, support task, task professionalpower, management, european, operation, plant2
mometal.hu…and as an adult, I was enthusiastic and excited to work. The management of the company has become my profession, and development has become my task. The company has gone through a long way, we have made a huge advance, and maybe it is no exaggeration to say that we have become a kind of…development task, task company, client task, task resultmetal, cut, trading, llc, machining2
zsenaktrans.huOur main field of activity is international road haulage and freight forwarding in the European Union and European countries outside the Eu. We perform these professional tasks with high quality and state-of-the-art vehicles and reliable, well-trained drivers.client task, task successful, professional task, task highfleet, storage, homepage, destination, career2
pamet.huand apply the trends and developments related to our activities. Good laboratory practice and proved innovative solutions are taken into account when selecting test methods and devices. We are the first in Hungary to use FTIR spectroscopy for emission measurements and other field gas analysis tasks.assurance, quality, emission, measurement, source2
nonprofitpartner.huDuring skills-based volunteering programmes we connect corporate volunteers with nonprofit organizations and social enterprises struggling with business and management problems. IFUA Nonprofit Partner is responsible for recruitment and preparational tasks, and for the overall management and…preparational task, task overallvolunteer, social, organization, consultancy, programme2
movingservice.huMoving an office smoothly to a new location is a complex task. It is important that the relocation is carried out with as little downtime in the work processes as possible.complex task, task precise, task importantoffice, international, domestic, relocation, furniture2
signcoders.huKeep track of task status, user assistance such as reminders. Process automation and control quality control, performance measurementtrack task, task statusprocess, sign, language, impact, social2
teamforce.huIn spring of 2017, the Hungarian Skating Federation gained the right to organize the fall short track world cup series’ first stage. As part of the Organizing Committee Teamforce was responsible for the sponsoring tasks, for ticketing as well as for heading and executing the marketing communication.sponsor task, task ticketingevent, communication, portfolio, organization, federation2
lanaxis.huAt your service for more than 20 years. Thanks to our references, we can say that many of our partners took our company into their confidence. The main proof of our reliability are the returning customers who entrust us with new tasks.steel, structure, manufacture, equipment, pipe2
salvavita.huWe are building a world where everyone has a place, a role, a task, and everyone is valuable.role task, task valuable, task colleaguepeople, employment, organization, job, disability2
zsidojovoert.huBy uniting the strength of our communities, using it, our strength will multiply and we will also be able to perform tasks that we alone would otherwise be unable to do.able task, task unablecommunity, manual, jewish, application, member2
szeniortenisz.hu…competitions by providing more opportunities for Hungarian players to compete, as well as support for the older age group and transparent management. The Association has signed a contract with the Hungarian Tennis Federation to perform all tasks related to the Hungarian senior tennis sport.federation task, task hungariantennis, room, night, association, person2
nhgandpartners.huRelevant professional tasks for trainees, i.e. drafting and possibly in court and out of court representation.professional task, task traineelaw, office, expertise, lawyer, legal2
paintball.huthe enemy and to capture their flag. Advanced level: to move the flag into your own base. This is the basic type of game, the players’ all time favorite. There’s advanced team work and smart distribution of tasks required to work out the tactics of protecting your own flag and capturing the enemy’s!distribution task, task tactic, small task, task gamegame, field, price, equipment, course2
whiterabbit.huCYCLE is the world's first recycled cleaner; it contains 90% biologically recycled ingredients. Our task was to position this new brand, create awareness for CYCLE, and introduce the product first into the British, then into the Hungarian market.ingredients task, task newcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution2
lacom.huAward: 2014 – Hungarian PR Association’s Imre Sándor Award – main award (Goodwill management category) The Taskcategory task, task autistimedia, plan, creative, event, personal2
erdosmecske-vendeghaz.hu…our “almond-cow” und her calf as well as the rabbits can be fed by our guests and caressed. Our guests are welcome to take part in the daily tasks and helping out. Whether by feeding or watering the animals from the well as well as taking them to their sleeping place is especially for our…daily task, task animal, city task, task guesthouse, guest, welcome, village, kitchen2
applion.huOur digital worksheet management and task management solution provides an effective answer to the challenges related to on-site work organization. With its help, your colleagues can record data, photos and used materials on mobile devices, from which a signed worksheet and invoice can be created…management task, task management, professional taskdevelopment, mobile, solution, app, customer2
ngproject.huNG Project Ltd. deals with industrial process control, smart home solutions, as well as green and renewable energy utilization. We undertake complete project tasks according to your requirements, from planning to operation. In the construction of our systems, we use PLC, DCS, and SCADA solutions…project task, task requirements, specialize task, task gassolution, energy, industrial, automation, technology2
colornyomda.huOur partnership provides all printing services for all its customers. Our main task is to implement your ideas and put them on paper. Our slogan: "Quality printing within a short period of time."main task, task ideaprinting, color, digital, paper, corrugated2
quietpc.huIf you desire complete silence during less demanding tasks but need a high-performance PC, consider our range of Semi-Fanless PCs. These systems are meticulously crafted to maintain absolute silence during lighter workloads, with the fans activating only when tasks and temperatures intensify.specific task, task addition, demand task, task high, fan taskquiet, serenity, silent, small, office2
wojtyla.huWe believe that our professional skills, quality improvements efforts and optimal use of resources, help us do our life and soul saving tasks in the most efficient way.charity task, task low, soul task, task efficientfriendship, centre, house, poor, town2
thesymptoms.huThis year, Réka Szabó was nominated by an overwhelming majority of past winners, so the Board of Trustees had no difficult task.volunteer tasksymptom, award, performance, privacy, statement2
greentool.huOur vision is that full-time employment will be replaced by part-time job or project work. We provide support in case of in-time appeared tasks. Problem solving at the time and place of its occurrence (online-hotline).time task, task problemproduction, activity, optimization, industrial, development2
mottokft.huThere is seldom a task within the underground construction, which we are not prepared to solve. Although our main profile is constructing and renovating shafts and pump stations - in which we are market leader in the region - we are prepared to take over tasks, where others failed to perform. We…seldom task, task underground, prepare task, task prepareconstruction, relationship, underground, shaft, station2
danubian.hu…resources, Danubian Aircraft Company strives to minimize its own human and physical resources and to implement individual production and service tasks (projects) with external resources. The strengthening of this operating model has resulted that cooperation, project management and operation by…service task, task projectaircraft, activity, tradition, operation, market2
smilestone.huIn-house assignment of tasks related to preparing incoming cases can also be managed from the system. You can divide the preparation of prosthetics into work phases and you can delegate work to different employees.assignment task, task incomingdental, case, software, lab, laboratory2
proacteam.huI began my career in a multinational environment at the world’s largest oil company, where I worked in accounting. I could easily put the theoretical knowledge of my degree gained in Great Britain into practice, my tasks included among others: accounting for supplier invoices, building processes…practice task, task accountingtax, accounting, accountant, relocation, chief2
dm-innovation.huWe will work together to create the conditions for effective cooperation. Whatever the task is, we believe in long-term commitment and cooperation.cooperation task, task longinnovation, development, technology, sale, process2
bombavadasz.huWe implemented EOD related tasks and activities, we have provided advice on already existing or pre-construction facilities, roadways and special areas as well.eod task, task activity, task decadearea, disposal, exploration, explosive, technical2
kvonal.huI hope you will find useful and inspiring information on our site. Useful because you can find a solution for any of your problems in a cost-efficient, rapid and secure manner, inspiring because there are ample areas for which we can convert our technology and skills into a precise solution of any…solution task, task commonlanguage, introduction, reference, gallery, leisure2
amplify.huPerforming interim controlling tasks for a Hungarian fashion company with global market access. Our engagement mainly focused on the development, improvement and maintenance of Power BI reports based on the Company's financial data.interim task, task aeron, control task, task hungarianfinancial, consulting, reference, organization2
gozsdumission.huWe will take you 100 years back in time to the room of a mining engineer who worked on a gold-making machine. Your task is to complete and test the forgotten alchemist method.machine task, task alchemistroom, book, escape, mission, booking2
bookfut-konyvelo.huIn addition to the full range of accounting tasks we also provide tax advice to our clients. We assist businesses in the development of economy, we try to optimize the taxing, in addition to comply with laws and regulations.accounting task, task taxoffer, accounting, tax, site, accountant2
eutdij.hu…compared to the pre-purchased prepaid route ticket, it is convenient, it is simple from the point of view, and if there are changes in the route task it involves much less administrative tasks. If your vehicles often use the e-toll road sections in the territory of Hungary, and you cannot plan…route task, task administrative, administrative task, task vehicle, task advancevehicle, device, road, axle, easy2
pharmaiq.huExperience the future with our feature-rich platform. Our smart app simplifies your tasks, and our beautifully designed user interface ensures a delightful experience on all your devices. With easy configuration, support for various payment methods, and robust cloud support, we’ve got you covered…app task, task beautifully, task experiencefeature, strategy, app, easy, innovation2
sepia.huA true media professional company, 100% trustworthy. Did an amazing job in a very short notice. Whatever the task is -- they can do it!! SEPIA is becoming our go-to media company having already 9 projects done together. - IMM, Israelnotice task, task sepia, understand task, task highlylifestyle, media, production, great, quality2
balanceline.huSetting up a new business is a very challenging and time consuming task itself. You must be familiar with all legal aspects, taxation rules and the local requirements of different registration platforms. Why bother with these yourself? Starting a business in Hungary is easy with Balance Line. We…time task, task familiartax, line, legal, finance, financial2
babel-budapest.hu“He was born for hospitality, that’s his profession, literally his life. Not only does he dream and create, but he is actively involved in the day-to-day tasks, and it is a pleasure to see this as a guest.day task, task pleasurerestaurant, wine, great, day, reservation2
mystiqueroom.huTwo missions and a load of tasks. Belonging to the latest generation of its genre, our HighTech submarine provides a much greater creative entertainment than most of the escape rooms in Budapest.accident task, task time, load task, task latestroom, player, minute, difficulty, length2
soloron.huEntrust us with the IT operational tasks of your company and the operation of your business-critical IT environments. Our industry-certified professionals with many years of enterprise experience have a wide range of IT operations expertise that gives you peace of mind and security.operational task, task companysolution, operation, quality, click, security2
szvogep.huWith our own-developed machine we undertake long hole drilling tasks in 16 – 75 mm diameter range with short deadlines.drilling task, task mm, finish task, task renovationmachine, specification, hole, screw, plastic2
ccsys.huCamControl is a camera-equipped print monitoring system capable of performing quality control tasks in offset, flexo and digital label printing. The system can be built from a fixed, “general” monitoring unit responsible for regular (approx. every second) display at full print size and can be…control task, task offset, printing task, task entirecolor, control, measurement, quality, camera2
randomblog.hu…as network-accessible storage or an automated backup system or can even set them up as emulators to play vintage arcade games. The really amazing thing is that you can automate some tasks that you didn't even know wanted to be automated. In this article, we will explore one such automated workflow.basic task, task precisely, thing task, task articlerandom, code, stuff, hardware, app2
drborbelyalbu.huThe case fee is an ideal fee option for cases where you use a legal service which can be well defined in advance. In this case the Client pays out a lump sum for a specific, well-defined task – irrespectively of the number of attorney’s working hours spent with the assignment. In this case the…specific task, task irrespectively, complex task, task clientlaw, fee, legal, attorney, representation2
napelem-uzemeltetes.hu“Our solar park was completed in 2020. We contacted them before commissioning of the park. The park was monitored constantly until the fault was solved. Now we constructing a park and because of our successful cooperation we will do the tasks of O&M with them. Good luck Proaktív Plusz Kft.!”cooperation task, task good, partner task, task yearreference, offer, request, maintenance, troubleshoot2
administer.huThe adMinister Hungary Kft. is a provider of complex financial and accounting services for small and medium-sized enterprises, and a company committed to long-term, trusted partnership. Our team of experts offers to its partners personalized, complete services, be it traditional accounting tasks…accounting task, task special, current task, task mindtraditional, expertise, specific, area, financial2
congress.huWe carry out all the essential tasks in compliance with the wishes and desires of our clients.essential task, task compliance, supplementary task, task eventcongress, activity, event, actual, reference2
rgbstudio.huWe have a solution suggestion for each problem. Our tasks are prepared on time and in accordance with discussions, while striving for maximum customer satisfaction. Considering professional trends, we develop our knowledge. Because each task is based on a variety of professionals who are most…problem task, task time, knowledge task, task varietyanimation, studio, graphic, motion, video2
acsgep.huOur Mobile Crane Division has dealt with different lifting tasks and mobile crane rental for local and international customers for 13 years. We ensure on-site inspection and fully trained staff to to select the right crane for the task and ensure the proper preparation and execution of lifting.lifting task, task mobile, crane task, task propercrane, quote, request, mobile, detail2
sensa.hu– Role, task, activity, preparedness – understanding the role to implement the personal development plansupport task, task dedicated, role task, task activitydevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting2
szalkasszorutacskok.hu…together. (Or discipline, appreciate the beauty, to see the good) For me is always a learning period like hunting a life-long passion, learning, task solving. Dachshunds have big hearts – lion hearts and toughness on hunting. Perhaps, that’s why I decided beside this wonderful breed 7 years…learn task, task solvedog, hunting, champion, class, judge2
meltrade.huMeltrade Automatika Ltd. was founded in 2002 specifically for the distribution of Mitsubishi Electric’s industrial automation products in Hungary. Our first task was to introduce the Mitsubishi Electric brand and product range to the Hungarian market. Of course, Mitsubishi products were previously…hungary task, task mitsubishi, common task, task designelectric, distributor, certificate, number, address2
cetlie.huNew hires may not be able to immediately recognize when an assigned task fails due to an issue outside of their control. Cetlie helps remedy this situation by monitoring their progress and notifying their manager or assigned buddies.immediately task, task issue, track task, task longhire, manager, faq, employee, like2
dbx.huWe believe that business processes can work together and human beings are not born for boring manual tasks. Our products are providing the toolkit. We have enterprise flagship solutions in integrated communication and automated insurance services and many more.manual task, task product, service task, task newsoftware, insurance, communication, engineering, technology2
peterprog.hu, I would describe it as challenging), we covered all the stages from simple console visualisation, through Python's built-in turtle module, to websites. I can say it's a completely immersive feeling when you get a text message or an email from the program you wrote and ran after a task, for…program task, task example, complex task, task differentnetwork, security, language, industrial, programming2
partnerhub.huInvoice HUB offers banks and enterprises the highest-level, bespoke invoice management system on the market that can be seamlessly integrated into the existing business management frameworks, and truly make invoicing nothing more than an elementary task.invoice, enterprise, management, homepage, invoicing2
wishywashy.huFor most cleaning tasks, we have our methods, procedures and the right tools to do the perfect job.clean task, task methodclean, washing, package, shoe, clothes2
pmssolutions.huWould you like to sell more without having to recruit new staff? Are you looking for trained sales personnel for temporary tasks but you don’t want to hire new employees? We know the solution: PMS outsourcingtemporary task, task newsale, material, promotion, promotional, production2
jeansday.huOur tasks included the creation of the individual brand profile of the 20 touristic regions determined by the agency, their positioning, definition of key messages and differentiating experience promises, establishment of touristic values, organization of workshops in the topic of branding for the…brand, analysis, city, corporate, insight2
balinttarsasag.hu…Balint. For this end the association practices on a theoretical and a practical level, including leadership trainings, education, and research tasks. The association provides certificates for those in training, publishes texts, organizes professional meetings, takes a stance on questions withinibf task, task force, research task, task associationgroup, saturday, society, fee, technique2
fice.hu…groups for children offer a creative form of social and personal development and of acquiring a role in the society. We believe that it is our task to present this form of talent management to a larger audience, and therefore encourage professionals working in child protection to start up more…society task, task form, playful task, task environmentalchild, event, day, theatre, camp2
csaladtudomany.huOne of the main tasks of the Alliance is to formulate, on the basis of scientific results, the fundamental values, standards of behavior, and lifestyle models of the individual, couple relationship, marriage, and family that promote stable, healthy, harmonious, happy marriages and the formation…main task, task alliancefamily, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter2
davehelpsdebrecen.huOutside of my coaching duties, I found myself helping out international students with their major and minor problems on a regular basis. Since they needed someone to turn to for assistance with communication and language barriers, I was the perfect candidate. Over time, solving these tasks became…time task, task far, administrative task, task servicehelp, price, day, problem, international2
eltesoft.huIn the forthcoming years the main task of the info-communication industry will be to ensure higher and higher levels of means and solutions for invigorating the flow of knowledge on particular scientific and innovation areas. And also, to dismantle the time and space barriers in the public ICT…main task, task info, development task, task highevent, news, research, training, ict2
levendulaingatlankozvetito.huThe task of the broker is to present the property to the viewers in full, you don't have to worry about that.spend task, task helpreal, estate, sale, property, bed2
digitalis-konyveles.huFocus on your business, your passion, and do everything to make that successful, and let me do all the background work for you. I will guarantee that everything will always be fine. Should it be bookkeeping, payroll, fuel accounting vehicle admin, VAT reports or any other tasks, I will always…accounting task, task special, report task, task accordancedigital, accounting, tax, bookkeeping, international2
arondn.hu…managers (VIMs), network controllers and upper-level orchestrators are in charge of managing these distributed resources. A key and challenging task of these orchestrators is to find the proper placement for software components of the services. We propose two architecture options together with…data task, task schedule, challenge task, task orchestratorscloud, network, application, edge, resource2
fejszamol.huIn the procedures designated by the General Court we consider our primary job the effective, fast and regular completion of the tasks required by the law. During our work we prioritize the recovery of the creditors ’claim as much and as soon as possible.completion task, task law, goal task, task professionalismproceedings, settlement, liquidation, asset, creditor2
tuskevariskola.huThe aim of the course is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge of relaxation and its methodology. We believe that everybody is his own trainer therefore our lecturers’, trainers’, instructors’ task is to teach the background of relaxation theory and practice. Since self-experience is in…program task, task parent, instructor task, task backgroundteacher, school, training, learn, child2
anh.huComprises fulfilment of Hungarian taxation-related jobs of foreign legal entities and private persons including all tasks of fiscal representation defined in Act on Taxation.person task, task fiscal, expertise taskprofile, network, counselling, tax, foreign2
sovit.hu…environmental legislation. We have long-term partnerships with environmental laboratories and other companies for specialized and auxiliary tasks like land-surveying, drilling works, industrial waste-water-treatment or attorney services. To further accommodate our clients needs, we provide…measurement task, task air, auxiliary task, task likepermit, environmental, waste, transportation, german2
memail.huMeMail has all the features to help you stay organized and on schedule—inbox, calendars, contact manager, task manager and more!manager task, task manageraddress, favorite, cart, inbox, account2
markrottweilerklub-hungary.huData Processing: Perform technical tasks related to data management operations, regardless of the method and device used to perform operations, and the location of the application, provided that the technical task is performed on the data. ,technical task, task datadata, controller, personal, protection, person2
reguly.hu…the Italians. After lunch, the children had a free afternoon with their host families. The teachers had a meeting where they discussed the tasks and duties for the final meeting in Istanbul. In the evening we were lucky to take part in a special school sports event. During this sport gala…meet task, task duty, detail taskschool, student, teacher, host, day2
vinylmaster.huThe vinyl floor has a four-layer structure: the task of the base layer is to stabilize the vinyl floor, on it is located the photo layer that gives the pattern of the vinyl floor (it can have any pattern). There is a PVC protective layer on the photo layer, and a surface protective layer on top…structure task, task base, complicated task, task advisablefloor, flooring, cover, type, room2
laxford.huOur experienced developemnt team quickly and accurately implements the required tasks. From the first phase of the development, we extensively test all system components to ensure complete and effecient operation of the programs. In addition, we provide continuous testing oppurtinities for our…accurately task, task phasedevelopment, director, successfully, electronic, component2
bakeline.huInstalling a new device, we ensure to inform the Customer on the highest level regarding the daily cleaning and other maintenance tasks.machine, detail, bakery, dough, bake2
pantav.huSince the foundation of PanTáv supports customer participation and connection, turnkey large investments and network troubleshooting tasks. Network faults are localized by measurements with instrumentations and the earthworks involved with the repairs are done to restore original conditions. Also…geodesy task, task implementation, troubleshoot task, task networknetwork, profile, cable, optical, build2
origameo.huKeep your people engaged and productive by giving them the choice of working in the office or from home. We help you balance the split. The offices we design make completing all kinds of work tasks more enjoyable and support interactive activities including learning.work task, task enjoyableoffice, workplace, way, article, employee2
devlabor.huProfessionals from Hungary will be employed by us, but will belong to your team. They get their tasks directly from you, we do not even get involved into the professional parts. You decide if you would like to reward them, You decide how long you would like to work with them or whether youd’d like…team task, task directly, law task, task hungarydescription, shop, long, payment, candidate2
techno-geo.huThe company get accredited and unattached examiner laboratories to do the verification of construction work’s completion’s quality. We lay serious emphasis on carrying out the engineering tasks about building industry activities alike the design, construction and qualification too. Within this…qualification task, task customer, customer task, task demand, engineering taskqualification, survey, profile, land, engineering2
transunisol.huMeeting the requirements of both domestic and international transportation at a high level is considered the most important task of our company.transportation task, task box, important task, task companyoffer, transportation, pool, address, homepage2
mfe-hda.hu…transferring the national and international scientific results in order to promote the development of dentistry, and maintaining a high level of professional standard. Interdisciplinarity is considered to be the Association's important task, which determines the place of dentistry within medicine.important task, task place, additional task, task scientificassociation, society, dental, dentistry, news2
mailengine.huEmail marketing tasks made easier: simple campaign management, administration and reporting in secondsmarketing task, task easydetail, campaign, management, easy, mail2
lyukoszen.huAnother example of our tasks that require specific preparation is strengthening or demolition of bridge structures from a swimming surface.complex task, task innovative, implementation task, task fulfillment, example taskconstruction, group, tunnel, structure, mining2
poligratkft.hu…rouge) when manufacturing their products. Therefore, the stainless steel system of water, steam or product lines must be corrosion-free. Thorough cleaning and passivation of equipment and systems is required after maintenance or installation tasks have been carried out, but before commissioning.installation task, task questionsurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless2
lubeck.huLubeck offers a diverse array of construction equipment, perfect for any home improvement task. From compact tools ideal for small-scale DIY projects to more robust machinery for extensive renovations, we have you covered.improvement task, task compactmachinery, construction, quality, pm, solution2
jankovits.huJankovits Engineering is based on creativity, quality and sustainability. Since the manufacture of unique machines embedding engineering knowledge has become decisive, we provide our partners with comprehensive services from the creation of a concept to its realisation. We deem the tasks to be…realisation task, task challenge, engineer task, task highengineering, hydraulic, machine, manufacture, machinery2
japankinai.huIn addition, with extensice local experience I help oveseas businesses manage their local operation in China and Japan. This can be case-by-case, individual tasks and long-term, continuous business representation as well.individual task, task longtranslation, interpretation, china, japanese, chinese2
efficiency.huWe are not waiting you with a conveyor belt-like service, we want to serve your individual needs in the best way possible. We do not know the impossible, there is no unsolvable task for us. Our client can count on us for occasional, short-term or long-term orders.goal task, task partner, unsolvable task, task clientefficiency, employee, recruitment, problem, long2
arteries.hu…and unique mobile application, the implementation of which could not be left to just anyone. Arteries has created exactly the application we dreamed of for ourselves and our listeners. They are a professional development company with the professional knowledge and expertise to complete any task.exciting task, task especiallydevelopment, mobile, quote, application, detail2
kollermuterem.huThe task was the placement and the planning of the High Court of Justice, the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office and the Town Court in the heart of Debrecen, the civic city with 1000-year history. The planning was preceded by a national tender which fit the build-in of the entire Révész-square block to…view task, task multicourt, publication, reference, award, city2
munkavedinfo.huStarting with the legal requirements for a rent agreement in Gurgaon, the monsters in our legal department have been busy ensuring everything is in order for the monster tenants. It’s no easy task, but our legal team is always up for a challenge.dedicated task, task manager, easy task, task legallegal, law, agreement, regulation, important2
jmjameselectric.huTasks involving electricity installation: power expansion, relocation of electricity meters, construction of controlled current, installation of new measuring sitesinstallation task, task simpleinstallation, career, gallery, electrical, industrial2
telc.huPreparatory tasks, a sample test with downloadable audio. It can be used for group and individual learning.specific task, task telc, preparatory task, task sampleexam, fee, examination, language, german2
ecpecs2015.huThank you! We have bad news for you: EUROPA CANTAT XIX has ended. Many people worked with us to make this extraordinary festival successful, so our main task now is to thank everyone.festival, gallery, concert, ticket, programme2
simplyadd.huTWe can say No! Tasks that can’t be completed by us are indicated before the work starts and we can provide the right partners for the right job if needed but we are willing to cooperate with any party who is dedicated for the success of the project. We also highlight risks if there is any.sponsor task, task ground, twe task, task workdevelopment, management, cooperation, simply, responsibility2
zalay-sped.huWhile we perform the freight task, we offer high-quality services and our clients have the benefit to enjoy our colleagues’ many years of professional experience during both single and regular orders.freight task, task highclient, colleagues, carrier, consultation, safety2
webandmore.huWe are at ease in the world of web development, online marketing and public relations (PR), and we regularly manage project management tasks for IT developments.service task, task efficiency, management task, task developmentdevelopment, technology, job, field, management2
magyarugyvediiroda.huFor our non-Hungarian speaking clients, we provide legal advice and we also undertake document editing tasks in English and German. We provide our services to our Chinese and Russian speaking clients with the help of an interpreter and translator.edit task, task englishlaw, client, legal, office, representation2
vps-hosting.huVPSs can be used for any task apart from a few exceptions. Certain activities are not allowed due to legal concerns or other risks. Not permitted activities:vps task, task apart, appropriate task, task answerhosting, server, plan, memory, guarantee2
feolindustrial.hu…area. One of our great achievements is that our company has gained an official supplier number both at Volkswagen Group (including AUDI Hungaria Zrt.) and at NEMAK Kft. In recognition of our professional work these companies increasingly entrust us with wide ranging tasks year after year.wide task, task yearindustrial, automation, machine, special, custom2
pinceveszely.huOver the past 35 years, more than 370 settlements in our country have struggled with the cellars and caverns of old times, which were once an integral part of daily life, but today they cause many damage and emergencies. These objects give property owners, municipalities and municipalities many…municipality task, task unexpected, cellar task, task greatcellar, danger, prevention, dangerous, cavity2
cogwheel.hu„Since we’ve introduced those simple methods that Gábor suggested, I feel that my daily work has become more calculable and plannable and, therefore, more calm. I’m much more capable of scheduling my own time, and delegating the daily operational tasks to my project managers, and I don’t have to…partner task, task seriously, operational task, task projecttraining, development, employee, manager, participant2
myweddingplanner.hu…our couples, understand their needs and expectations, to create a tailor-made event that reflects the couple’s style and personalities in every detail. Our task is to turn your vision into reality as you relax and enjoy every moment of the exciting and joyful time that leads up to your wedding day.detail task, task visionwedding, planner, day, ildiko, big2
aegisgeneral.huIf you are looking for the right staff for your event , our trained hostesses are at your service! For us, only the best quality is acceptable, so our staff has years of experience and all the necessary professional knowledge to perform their tasks to a high standard.knowledge task, task highgeneral, protection, operation, personal, complex2
systemtrade.huSystem Trade Kft. has decades of experience in the production, management, buying and sales of pallets in Hungary as well as other Central European countries. It is our top priority to provide comprehensive service to our partners, managing every administrative, logistical and storage task…storage task, task palletpallet, trade, management, production, central2
dev-nelli.huWe have been working together with Mech Works Ltd. in production tasks for several years. Covering a wide range, they are available flexibly, and support our work with good communication and responsibility. We gladly recommend Mech Works Ltd. in connection with any task where production quality…production task, task year, connection task, task productionmachine, cut, production, page, engineering2
korall.huThe employees of our company are experts in computer technology. Our company offers a wide range of services, besides traditional merchandising. We provide our services, preventive maintenance and different tasks of individual hardware development for standing and call-out charges.different task, task individual, year task, task estimatetechnological, hardware, computer, offer, telephone2
swgroup.huOver the years, I have experienced and learned from my own hands and the tasks that arise in enterprises, which are related to non-primary activities, but are just as important, the problems that arise during the operation of the facility, and the solution needs of entrepreneurs and managers. We…operation task, task company, hand task, task enterprisegroup, clean, garden, solution, security2
humanskill.huCoaching is a method that can improve personal efficiency by raising awareness of the steps leading to the defined goals and enhancing the focus on tasks. Besides this it has a good impact on the personality as it provides full view of the strength and weakness which results in a more balanced…problem task, task proactive, focus task, task goodtraining, development, organisational, skill, psychological2
szabodani.huMy first Project through the 4 years of my Dual education job at the Joyson Safety Systems Hungary Ltd. was to renew the company's own outdated capacity planning excel macro program at system level, with user friendly and meaningful graphic solutions. It was a challenging and interesting task…interesting task, task opportunity, bootstrap task, task properlyportfolio, website, university, job, study2
dentrip.huCheckup examinations are needed on a regular basis to maintain good oral hygiene. In practice, this means that patients need to receive dental hygiene treatment annually, or even bi-annually. This task is carried out by our experienced dental hygienists.annually task, task experience, product task, task independentlydental, prosthetic, tooth, treatment, dentistry2
lab-comp.hu…to a new device, test measurement before purchase to ensure that the selected instrument meets expectations. Whether it is HPLC, GC, Elemental Analyzer, or other analytical and preparative tasks related to Chromatography, our analytical and service engineer colleagues are at your disposal.preparative task, task chromatographylaboratory, chemistry, lab, support, sale2
genealogia.huThis is the FORUM where you can enter your family-history tasks , your questions , and the results concerning a given family . Always enter the family name as a new theme, clicking UJ TÉMA ikon. Every family name needs a new UJ TÉMA entry. How to use the FAMILY-History FORUMresearch task, task question, history taskgenealogy, forum, archive, history, research2
jmphotels.huWe assist you in finding and negotiating with the right operator and tenants as well as in the communication between the owner, operator and contractor. In addition to fully managing the investment project, we also undertake to perform the pre-opening tasks. We draw up the hotel’s sales and…open task, task hotelroom, operation, free, motorway, centre2
jobgroup.huWe provide flexible, cost-effective HR solutions, fast and simple processes tailored to the unique needs of Hungarian SMEs. Support is available from taking over partial tasks to the entire HR function.labour task, task cost, partial task, task entiredetail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour2
nagyfatalkonyhaja.huFind the best place to taste real local food in Budapest is not an easy task. But we have the solution!easy task, task solutionkitchen, restaurant, food, real, heart2
drsk.huDrafting of Articles of Association and execution of any tasks related to the foundation and operation of companies.execution task, task foundationlegal, public, procedure, representation, draft2
metripondplus.huFor the tasks of weighing containers, conveyor belts and batch weighing we deliver unique scales and solutions planned to the site of mounting.scale, belt, industrial, machine, sewing2
fortuneinvest.huFortune Investment fully assumes the task to help open new markets for Client’s business in Europe. We take care for creating of official representative office of Client’s brand or establishing a totally new business based on Client’s needs and ideas.fully task, task new, care task, task companyfortune, investment, europe, real, european2
lollipop.huAs production manager, my task is to cordinate the whole production process. Thanks to many years of experience in food production and the proficience of my colleagues, we can guarantee the excellent quality of our, own hand-made products.important task, task customer, manager task, task productionhand, natural, quality, traditional, individual2
csovarilegal.huWe are lawyers and tax experts. We understand where law, taxes and accounting intersect with business. The more complex the task is in terms of these three aspects, the more we feel it matches our expertise.complex task, task term, legal task, task projectlaw, tax, legal, university, expertise2
lugosi.info.hucreate an intelligent optical plate metal part recognition equipment for industrial quality assurance. In connection with the software development tasks of this plate metal tester, I made an ethernet communication based multi-camera control module, as well as I established and implemented a…development task, task plate, programming task, task differentwebsite, personal, development, software, curriculum2
ovst.huWe do our best to ensure our employees’ professional and career development. We welcome both young and experienced professionals who want to grow and be part of the nation-scale company. OVST engages talented employees who are team players, can complete their tasks responsibly, are…player task, task responsibly, dimension task, task forcetrade, value, social, large, corporate2
nyelvinfo.huWriting skill can be developed on many ways. Writing essays is an essential part of the TOEFL iBT ® test. It can be an integrated task when focusing on one kind of skill the candidate also uses other basic skills to do the task.test task, task kindexamination, language, course, school, skill2
intertranscoop.huEvery one of our quotes is preceded by consultations with our partner, so that we can perform the exact task at the most favourable service fee.exact task, task favourableeurope, warehouse, gallery, real, estate2
onlinejatek.huMy Free Farm 2 – Cute Animals, Exciting Tasks Welcome to the countryside! Ever dreamed of taking care of cute animals on a farm, bringingexciting task, task countryside, empire task, task customeranimal, free, game, horse, adventure2
certum.huAcquiring business partners is not a simple task, so Certum has developed a comprehensive end-to-end service which focuses not only to quest the potential target customers, but also helps to lead the sales team until the deal is concluded.easy task, task service, simple task, task certumconsulting, cloud, development, sale, solution2
mobita.huOur work is managed by professionals with many years of experience. Tasks that require a unique, special vision are performed by our industrial design colleague. The production capacity required for the construction is provided by a member of our group of companies with the most up-to-date…experience task, task unique, technical task, task maximumcustomer, interior, furniture, space, special2
innovatox.huWe guarantee that all completed documents and all official letters written are checked and reviewed by at least two professionals before proceeding to the next task: whether it is the authorisation process for a biocidal product or the preparation of a dossier.official task, task shoulder, professional task, task authorisationsafety, substance, notification, registration, guarantee2
gsound.hu…up to 20-30 thousand people. Achieving and maintaining competitiveness is impossible without the development of the company. The company's primary task is to provide extensive technical and expert service to customers. The former lay the foundation and contribute to enriching people's everyday…primary task, task extensive, architecture task, task reserveevent, acoustic, sound, technology, visual2
procoplan.huIn this field we undertake designing of the Process Control Systems from specifying the task to the completion of the detailed design. We also perform professional activities in Instrumentation, Process Control, and Electrical Engineering..comprehensive task, task automation, system task, task completionengineering, safety, software, automation, control2
naih.huFrom an organisational perspective, the NAIH is an autonomous state administration organ ; it may not be instructed in its functions and shall operate independently of other organs and of undue influence. The tasks of the NAIH may only be determined by an Act of Parliament.influence task, task naih, framework task, task powerauthority, data, act, protection, president2
teremtoonismeret.huWe all seek peace of the soul and real joy in order to freely soar at a high level of consciousness and awareness, to deploy our creativity, fulfil our promise and task that we undertook in the Divine Plan. A sense of joy, peace, happiness and that of unity, which is inherent in us. It was sealed…mean task, task astrological, promise task, task divineparent, power, father, mother, relationship2
pabrointernational.huAt Pabro International Ltd., our definite goal is to provide quality services throughout Europe for those customers who entrust us with the task of delivering their goods to their destination with confidence.customer task, task goodinternational, fleet, career, driver, quality2
haszado.huDelegate tasks to the 7 members of the design team and provide counsel on all aspects of the project.project task, task timedetail, graphic, app, card, való2
genaudit.huAccounting tasks related to reorganization (change of the legal form of the company, merger, demerger, separation), preparation and audit of statements of assets and liabilitiesaccounting task, task reorganization, task furthermoretax, page, main, news, accounting2
stadiumkiado.huIts main Task: to create and save artistic values in fine arts and literature, in az enduring form, and continuing for the future’s artists to help the hungarian spiritual values to find place inand be a part of the European spiritual heritage.builder task, task universal, main task, task artisticart, artist, publisher, century, artistic2
intelligencemedia.huImplementing AI-driven automation to streamline your daily tasks and processes. By reducing manual and repetitive tasks, we aim for efficiency, exclude human error, and ensure consistent and quick task execution.daily task, task process, repetitive task, task efficiency, quick taskintelligence, media, solution, development, process2
magadert.huTheatre and movement training group: This year we are running the third time this group. It consists of 10 sessions characterized by nonverbal communication and focusing on body and voice. The group members can get to know themselves by using different tasks and techniques.member task, task room, different task, task techniquegroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem2
printologic.huThe technology allows organisations to reduce the labour requirement for printing-related tasks by months on a yearly basis. Through saving time and eliminating the annoying errors and problems that often occur during printing with conventional solutions, PRINTOLOGIC contributes to a more relaxed…printing task, task key, task month, task networktechnology, printing, gallery, solution, organisation2
dimboard.huEmployees responsible for the repetitive technical tasks and the operation of the machines usually do not sit in front of a computer all the time, so continuous information supply and contact may be limited.technical task, task operation, recovery task, task daily, daily taskdata, production, collection, process, improvement2
takepszolg.hu…They always put the needs of the client first, adjusting the schedule of our employees to our schedule and time. They also perform additional tasks such as insect and rodent control; we no longer have to rely on a separate company for these, so we are more comfortable. In short, they are…clean task, task smooth, additional task, task insectclean, employee, office, cleanliness, review2
szamoljademokraciaert.huYou can most effectively prepare by completing the e-learning training developed by Unhack Democracy, which prepares you for polling station work through practical examples, sample tasks, and visualizations.administrative task, task application, sample task, task visualizationmember, election, station, poll, worker2
benceremoniamestered.huA fantastic Master of Ceremonies is like the ultimate wedding sidekick—organized, friendly, and great at keeping everyone in the loop. I love hanging out at meetings with the soon-to-be newlyweds, suppliers, and venue owners, making sure I catch all the cool details. One of my favorite tasks is…favorite task, task super, easy task, task visionwedding, day, sure, guest, detail2
gkindustry.huFirst of all technological piping and structural steel construction tasks entrusted by our customers.construction task, task customerindustry, construction, portfolio, european, technology2
omnipack.huIt is a complex technical, technological and marketing task which satisfies a product packaging’s need of logistical, commercial and consumer requirements in an economical and environmental way. Specific technical background for the cost-efficient packaging of a product and all the related methods.marketing task, task productpackaging, cluster, material, technology, tool2
bravogroup.huAs a continuously growing corporate group, we consider providing a proper space for our developing, talented colleagues a primary objective. Our task is long-term profit management that properly controls risk factors. The key to our advancement lies in successful agreements and cooperation, which…objective task, task long, ready task, task situationsolution, office, distribution, operation, trade2
aronerdelyi.huI was the VP of our Student Union at PPCU ITK for 2 years. My responsibilities included the governance of the Union, and many administrative tasks, like keeping in touch with the Dean’s office.administrative task, task likesoftware, developer, microservice, development, engineering2
credibility.huThe members of our team are not just experts of one area but they hold an outstanding and thorough knowledge and expertise in the areas of services we offer. On one hand, it makes us possible to perform large-scale tasks with a relatively short deadline, and on the other hand, it ensures premium…scale task, task relatively, administrative task, task languagelegal, language, solution, financial, translation2
help4you.huOur initial mission – help our customers to get qualified services in immigration, business and private tasks.immigration, permit, help, social, search2
kappenabzeichen.huThe air force of the Monarchy developed continuously during the Great War. At first, the most important task was reconnaissance, above all target spotting for the artillery. This could even [ … ]important task, task reconnaissancejanuary, postcard, october, corps, arm2
stressmentor.huIn cases of accumulation and if there is a lack of PM skills of the management, we recommend to use personal coaching. If stress is caused by the characteristics of the task we recommend a group level training for stress management. In case no accumulation was found but there are some workers are…characteristic task, task groupstress, management, workplace, training, group2
mysterygames.huIf you like stories filled with mystery, magic and the mystical medieval age, prepare yourself, because Budapest’ finest room is waiting for you with modern scenery and thrilling puzzles. Your goal is to obtain the secret treasure of the Wizard by solving given tasks using logic and your…wizard task, task logic, brave task, task museumbooking, room, game, secret, depth2
masterconsulting.hutrends together with our clients. How do these affect your company? Let’s point your company in the right direction and set it on the path to development! We have the tools you need. Our decades of experience and our quick reactions to trends mean your administrative tasks are in safe hands with us.administrative task, task safeconsulting, payroll, data, development, plan2
estrato.huAlgoNet is a visual algorithmic image processing software. It consists of modules and connections between them. Modules typically perform simple tasks, such as cropping of an image, or multiplying twosimple task, task imagedetector, cloud, manual, reference, software2
szommerkonyvelo.huWe will take control of your company’s accounting while complying with Hungarian law and regulations, so you can focus on growing your business! As well as completing core accounting tasks, we will prepare regular financial reports and keep track of your tax and reporting obligations.accounting task, task regular, related task, task paperworktax, accountancy, payroll, reference, news2
qstest.hu"Support and guidance by Qualysoft in this nearshore project allows us savings in development costs and increasing our flexibility in resource planning. Nearshoring is a complex task. This is where the choice of the right partner and location can make or break the success of an implementation. Due…tedious task, task employee, complex task, task choicemanagement, solution, automation, customer, process2
piksys.huGain visibility and control across your entire security ecosystem with central, cross-product management platform that connects global threat intelligence, enterprise risk, and system security posture in real time. When using monitoring and auditing systems, you will have time for other important…security, knowledge, strength, solution, threat2
cerealport.huThe team of Cerealport Kft. thinks it is fundamental to meet the principals of our quality policy by executing accurately the administrative tasks . The other priority that the managers have set besides the quality requirements is the fast and flexible response : the ability to suit the always…level task, task fast, administrative task, task priorityagricultural, forwarder, international, domestic, expert2
centraldent.huOur dentists are experienced specialists who take part continuously on trainings. The implant and tooth replacement is a routine task at us. They are highly qualified also in counselling..routine task, task highlytooth, central, dental, preview, denture1
anker-auditor.huThe members of ANKER-AUDITOR Ltd. have particularly deep knowledge beyond the general auditing tasks in the fields of transformation, consolidation, firm-valuation, due diligence and economic law.auditing task, task fieldreference, member, accountancy, profile, curriculum1
pulsoholding.huThe activities of our company include international consulting, real estate development projects, intermediation in the sale and distribution of companies, and the performance of distribution tasks.development, oil, health, real, estate1
tflotta.huOrganizing team building on Lake Balaton is one of our main activity. We have different task for your team, developing your knowledge and skills while having fun. It can take form as a shared stage, or entertainment that aims to escape everyday life.different task, task teamboat, build, ship, event, lake1
graincargo.hu…a continuous real-time tracking of the loading which enables an exact planning and a stronger process control. We are equipped for quick loading tasks, and our site in Szeghalom is also suitable for storing. Should you need high-level transportation services, please do not hesitate to contact us.load task, task sitelogistic, transport, transportation, domestic, international1
mszmgepgyarto.huOur company is a service provider specializing in the production of industrial production equipment. We deal with mechanical, electronic, hydraulic and also pneumatic tasks. We will accompany our partners from the theoretical demand to the series production of the finished product. With our moving…pneumatic task, task partnermachine, manufacture, repair, maintenance, equipment1
piperayipari.huConstruction or renovation, it is always a challenge. Buying the necessary assortment of building materials, high-quality and at an affordable price, delivering them to their destination is a task that requires time, certain knowledge and effort. Therefore, a good building material supply partner…destination task, task timequality, construction, material, equipment, manufacture1
siex.huThe fundamental task of SIex is that high quality of its manufactured and distributed products and continuous and rapid spare parts supply of equipment already in service . . .fundamental task, task siexcity, clean, quality, equipment, efficiency1
shmentor.huThe network’s aim is to assist the higher educational integration of freshman students that are coming to Hungary with the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship by providing mentor pairs to them. The mentors' responsibility is to assist their mentees in administrative and educational tasks and to help…educational task, task hungarianuniversity, network, stipendium, student, registration1
negrokft.huIn our 25 years of experience, we have found that it is worth outsourcing this task, which requires special expertise and equipmentworth task, task specialplate, heat, exchanger, gasket, maintenance1
djj.huAs WWII loomed, the factory gained even more significance. During the war, manufacturing gradually shifted to war production, the repair of carriages had become a secondary task. Remediation began as soon as the frontline passed, then transformation and repair works also started. In the 1950’s…secondary task, task remediationrailway, manufacture, news, repair, history1
koszegisor.hu"Specialist say bonbon making is the cream of confectionary. It is a great task for every master to create the harmony of sweet and bitter. It needs creativity, imagination, knowledge about raw materials and arranging a proper technology order - then precisely following it. Experts say, that each…great task, task masterbeer, legend, brewery, taste, delivery1
automatavadeteto.huChoose our automatic feeder to simplify your feeding tasks and make them more economical! Order now and enjoy convenient and efficient game feeding! Tried and tested product with 21 years of reference. Prices do not include VAT.feed task, task economicalautomatic, feed, easy, battery, week1
bddesign.huFor an existing building, the design task can be completed at a min. For existing buildings we can undertake an extension of at least 100 m2.design task, task minhouse, family, build, office, plan1
sreter.huIt provides core change management, task management and a trouble ticketing solution along with a dedicated process library.management task, task managementsolution, management, document, process, like1
korhazirezsicsokkentes.huIncontinence affects more than 100,000 persons (prevalence over 5%) and the absorbent devices constitute the largest item in the Medical Device budget of the National Health Insurance Fund. Thus, management of the lack of continence is among the most important tasks of the rehabilitation and…important task, task rehabilitationdevice, cost, news, rate, patient1
merjed.huOur goal is to set a highly developed, European standard for vocational education in the field of fermentation industry. In order to obtain this objective we set the following tasks:training, fermentation, industry, school, page1
sundayit.hu“The mountain of paperwork on my desk makes me envy the trees that died to produce it.” - Does that sound familiar? This is the 21st century. We should not use paper as it introduces unnecessary human tasks for our workflows and harms the planet we live on. With Sunday Render Service, you can…human task, task workflowsunday, solution, intelligence, process, software1
marketool.huTask: roller designing for easier unwinding of an existing simple rod spool. Since it is an indoor application, we chose PLA material for the task, which provides sufficient strength below 50°C.material task, task sufficienttool, market, technology, production, news1
digitalconto.huOur goal is to keep up with these trends and provide convenient solutions for entrepreneurs. Through our online accounting services, we offer a sustainable and comfortable option for our clients to handle their accounting tasks.accounting, entrepreneur, sole, taxation, rate1
weigel.hu…on responsive designs in recent years. I continuously develop myself on UX related topics. I manage my time and my responsibilities when working alone and I like to be a useful member of a team. I can set the priorities between requirements, decide what the most important task in the queue is.important task, task queuedevelopment, detail, website, user, css1
controllabor.huYou are looking for a partner with expertise certified by an independent organisation to issue an accredited protocol for the above procedures for your specific tasksmaterial, control, solution, procedure, quality1
s-consulting.hu…team to be fully focused on software development projects, we moved our consultancy activities to a separate business unit. From 2017 S-Consulting Ltd. has been set up fully dedicated to the development tasks. We provide end to end solution from customer needs to software tests and documentation.development task, task endconsulting, solution, software, future, development1
medicort.huHow many patients have been waiting for how long, and where? Which doctor or consultation are they waiting for? Which patient is treated in which room? Medicort provides data to help with patient journey management and medical administrative tasks , reducing waiting times and overall time spent by…administrative task, task waitpatient, journey, management, efficient, easy1
villeroy-boch.huceramic sinks, kitchen taps & fittings and accessories. You will find individual solutions for any style, regardless of whether it’s for a modern or a country house kitchen. The easy-care surfaces and easy-to-use elements take the strain out of everyday tasks, leaving more time for what’s important.everyday task, task timebathroom, collection, kitchen, live, dealer1
helpers.huOutsource administrative and specialized tasks to the experts, and focus on what you are best at to grow your business. Let us give you a hand in authenticating your company documents, registering your trademark, or finding the best location and best partners for your Hungarian company. Whatever…specialize task, task expertimmigration, helper, solution, permit, investment1
olforg.huOur team consists of excellent professionals who carry out tasks with precision and attention to detail. Establishing a partnership with our clients is important to us, and we approach each project with a unique perspective. Our team is always ready to provide efficient and reliable solutions for…professional task, task precisionmilling, turn, client, reference, quality1
költségosztó.huPerformance Effects: Significant measurable changes in people's ability to concentrate or perform mental or physical tasks have been shown to result from modest changes in temperature and relative humidity. In addition, recent studies suggest that the similar effects are associated with indoor…physical task, task modestair, quality, solution, building, indoor1
sadam.huAs a researcher and developer, I prefer to dedicate myself to signal analysis & synthesis, however, I have participated in several different projects related to data processing, score rendering and other tasks. Currently my biggest activity is the development of the analysis-synthesis package of…render task, task currentlymusic, software, publication, support, website1
cadcam3000.huIt was easy to get in touch with them, in order to discuss and check up on their suggestions, and we also managed to complete the task in time. They travelled personally to Italy, in order to discuss the most challenging items and to assemble the prototype. We were satisfied with their assistance…suggestion task, task timeengineering, tool, prototype, solution, measurement1
imro.huAt the request of the Budapest Business School, our company participated in the elaboration of the competition task of a team competition for undergraduate or postgraduate students in foreign languages. The competition for teams of international students was developed in the context of sustainable…competition task, task teamenergy, climate, tovább, close, county1
sirlancelot.huAnd your cook be out, the solution is simple; Thy task then is only to travel, And the magic of Sir Lancelot’s empire unravel. Ornaments on the walls, On tables candles glow, The mood of times bygone Are remembered so. And in order to keep your mouth full, we’ll serve you a roast dove, not just a…thy task, task magicrestaurant, feast, onion, table, gallery1
zenheads.huOur task was to design and build a crossplatform mobile app based on the Vertis brand guides. The focus of the apps is to provide timely pricing data, analysis and forecasts for carbon traders.mobile, app, head, development, live1
budapestconsulting.huIn addition to basic accounting tasks, - including outgoing, incoming, POS, bank, mixed-item recording, fixed asset accounting, payroll posting, and end-of-year reporting, - plus features are available for your business. We can help for businesses where laws necessitate the preparation of various…accounting task, task outgoingconsulting, tax, accounting, eng, financial1
lightphaser.hu…station while some unknown alien spaceships attacked the Solar System. A secret alien communication was intercepted revealing some dark secrets and you have been authorized to intercept the incoming threat. Your task is to investigate and defend the world again! Free download at Google Play Store.threat task, task worldmusic, official, website, software, production1
egmo2022.huIf you liked the hiking game called exiquiz (either you played in Szalajka Valley or online), where you got different tasks with your phones while...different task, task phonegirl, problem, european, mathematical, location1
ludman.huI am working in a prestigious University as a computer system administrator. My tasks is the supervision of more than one hundred computers, so you can be sure you get a professional, high quality service and support, if you choose my service.administrator task, task supervisionintroduction, computer, operate, update, engine1
inventionfact.huOccasional innovations can suffice in stable environments, but the rapid pace of our current world demands continuous improvement. Change management is no longer a periodic task for a selected group of employees. Constant change affects all levels of every organization and requires flexibility…periodic task, task groupdevelopment, change, invention, confidence, organization1
soffie.huOur main mission with creating Soffie was to help companies reach their potential by providing a system that can automate, integrate and compress the menial tasks of office life and management. This way employees can really focus on the job.menial task, task officeoffice, management, employee, feature, highlight1
sacinformatics.huWindows form based registry system for Hospitals. Among others, the system is able to filing and archiving incoming and outgoing documents, watching tasks and deadlines and automates administration of documents.document task, task deadlinetechnology, banking, office, development, application1
afck.huFor be a professional footballer needs to have supply "the best" from coaches, scouters, parents,managers, club and fans. This is a complex task whcih we are handle each case as a unique.complex task, task whcihplayer, football, key, individual, pillar1
aholnapiskolaja.hu…with greater need for support can join the given exercise as well. With the help of computer programs and ICT tools they can get to know a kind of “extended reality” while completing their tasks. With this method we ensure an effective motivation for learning as well as individualized environment.reality task, task methodschool, tomorrow, child, multiple, severe1
polytermix.huOur company was founded in January 2006, our main activity is the collection, processing and recycling of plastic waste, and our other main profile is the performance of warehousing and logistics tasks in some of our warehouses. Initially, we employed 3-4 people, and thanks to our continuous…logistic task, task warehouseprocess, waste, material, application, site1
4theclients.hu“Besides having accurate knowledge of the client’s needs, a high-quality service relies on three key factors: care, patience and personalisation. You don’t only need to have a feel for these skills, they are also very hard to learn: they make the difference, they inject colour into everyday tasks…everyday task, task administrationinsurance, client, health, pandemic, family1
falkland.huFalkland specializes in Swap Body transportation, express delivery and standardized, partial or full load shipments. Whatever the task, we have just the right vehicle!shipment task, task rightswap, delivery, body, vehicle, transport1
haverla.huWith the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation and the risk of high fines, data protection has become one of the most pressing tasks for companies.press task, task companyarea, law, practice, contract, data1
technicalinterpreters.huDuring the project, we performed translation and interpreting tasks from and into English and German.interpret task, task englishtechnical, interpret, interpretation, important, interpreter1
mabisz.huIn addition, our Association considers among its tasks the coordination and management of activities within our members’ common interest such as prevention of damage, education, protection against insurance fraud.association task, task coordinationinsurance, homepage, risk, news, fee1
intertelgroup.huGood and clear communication with our partners just as effective execution in shortest possible time is our permanent tasks. Thus we are able to achieve and develop long-term cooperation with our customers and suppliers.permanent task, task ablegroup, wholesale, electronic, consumer, trade1
eurocert.huWe draw your kind attention, that EUROCERT auditors having great experience carry out their task with flexibility, meeting with the professional requirements.experience task, task flexibilityactivity, certification, process, reference, organisation1
drsuta.huWorking as a dental assistant since the late 80's. My main task besides trust is that the patients can participate without fear and they can leave pleased with as much as information what they should know.main task, task trustdental, surgery, tooth, oral, istvan1
greenformatics.hu…B2C selling. We create not only webshops, but help our customers to utilize the possibilities of the digital world to reach out to their customers and to keep in touch with them. Our solutions also provide easily manageable interfaces that render the day-to-day tasks of our partners more efficient.day task, task partnersolution, data, digital, operation, case1
alefordito.huIf your text has been already translated yb someone, but you need a revision of the text, I can undertake the proofreading of it. You will get a unique quote for this task.translation, text, document, proofreading, technical1
nyakas.huMy fate as a winemaker already started to be sealed in the secondary vocational school (Soós). This paved the way to the university and, later, to the PhD degree. I joined Nyakas Cellar in 2000. Here, my main tasks include the management of winemaking, quality assurance, and the operation of the…main task, task managementwine, cellar, picture, news, data1
gyongykristaly.huOur customers’ requests are always of the greatest importance to us, so we strive to adapt to their needs. We often complete our tasks to meet short deadlines, but without ever sacrificing excellence.need task, task shortgroup, manual, clean, equipment, reference1
alfagas.huMechanical and thermal sizing according to the governing standards and client requirements: PED, EN, AD 2000 Mbl, VDI, MSZ, ASME, TEMA, API, AISC, BS etc. Special engineering tasks, ,flexibility and stress analysis, heat and flow design and simulation, FFS / FFP / RLA assesments and other…engineering task, task flexibilitygas, heat, reference, gallery, engineering1
mfpartners.huWe are ready to serve our clients anywhere in Hungary and abroad and, depending on the nature of the assignment, on video call conference platforms by supporting business meetings, concluding contracts, providing representation in court proceedings, consultations with authorities and performing…authority task, task differentlaw, attorney, expertise, client, firm1
molnarbeton.hu…our environmental values. Beyond business, our goal is to help our children and grandchildren get to know the beauty of Hungarian landscapes. Therefore, in addition to complying with mandatory conservation standards and regulations in the industry, we also perform a number of voluntary tasks.transport, concrete, customer, environmental, construction1
nagyut21.huThe continuity of trade requires a logistics background that, in addition to shipping and material handling, also includes tasks related to storage. However, in the absence of their own warehouse, traders do not always have the opportunity for the latter, since buying or building a warehouse…handle task, task storagenagy, trade, handle, main, page1
drszilagyigergo.huBesides traditional tasks of attorneys (e.g. transactions related to real estates or representation in court), areas of law connected to modern issues, such as copyright (software, IT services, music, video, fashion), e-commerce (general terms), start-ups, media and data protection, play an…traditional task, task attorneylaw, contract, agreement, representation, advice1
elcomplex.huFrom ideas, worded task or from accurate specifications, we develop electronics solutions, parts, units, modules, accessories or a complete product.word task, task accuratedevelopment, process, production, software, electronic1
shepart.huWithin every man and woman a secret is hidden, and as a photographer it is my task to reveal it if I can. Yousuf Karshphotographer task, task yousufphoto, pass, moment, sample, page1
athomedesign.huCreating an interior on your own which reflects your personal demands and where you will feel good – we know what a difficult task it is.package, homepage, space, interior, unique1
panograph.hu"Strive for the better" - Open to the world with Baltika 7 (the new beer brand). Recognise 7 cities of the world to win the superprize and branded t-shirts. 7 megapolices will appear on the screen in front of you. Your task is to quickly recognise the city.screen task, task quicklypanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour1
hidepito.huOur experience, professional knowledge, quality certificates and legal memberships ensure that we perform our tasks in accordance with the regulations and the customer's expectations every time.membership task, task accordanceactivity, reference, membership, legal, certificate1
psi.huWe emphasize the idea that business continuity is tied to corporate security, making it a high-priority, strategic task of management. Our social responsibility is demonstrated by our activities. We offer preventive consulting, provide professional advice and resolve critical situations, as a…strategic task, task managementsecurity, need, customer, demand, protection1
locked.huAll games can be played in English, moreover the main language at Locked Room is English. Although the vast majority of tasks do not require any language skills, it may be necessary to know English at basic level. Instructions and hints from the game master are provided in the requested language…majority task, task languageroom, game, escape, lock, player1
legjobbakciok.huLand is the basis of the Questland. All tasks and quests in the game are based on the land owned by the players.questland task, task questland, chest, solarium, player, login1
targoncaportal.huWe prepare our customers’ lifting machines for the inspection. We are doing all the necessary inspections and maintenance tasks that are needed, and also we are issuing all the required certificates.maintenance task, task certificatemachine, forklift, inspection, need, personal1
aiplibusz.huWe have been operating labour shuttle-services of large companies in Budapest and in the country for years. We settled the passenger transport tasks of many mass programmes with success.transport task, task massimage, transport, passenger, government, success1
lenergy.huWe believe that protecting our natural values and contributing to Hungarian nature conservation efforts are crucial tasks ahead of us.crucial task, task aheadtrade, energetic, energy, air, group1
capitalbus.huOur company, Capitalbus Ltd. especially focuses on its main task of organising and deliverying daily schoolbus services for students attending the international schools or kindergardens here in or around Budapest. Our goal is to run our door-to-door school bus service at the possible highest level…main task, task dailyschool, passenger, bus, introduction, trip1
craftagency.huEvery job is unique and exciting for us. Therefore, our working territory consist of a wide range of tasks, we like to design, organize and develop even for online, offline advertising activities that require plenty of creative attention. Do not hesitate to contact us, we might have a key to the…range task, task onlinecraft, agency, advertising, factory, strategy1
investmentor.huWe provide comprehensive legal support and legal representation from starting a company to tiny, daily legal tasks, in cooperation with the management of your company.legal task, task cooperationagency, real, estate, support, legal1
sme-europe.huFor you we take managing and transport tasks concerning the transit of goods, and we deliver all consignments to the destination cost-effectively, safely and in a timely manner.transport task, task transittransport, detail, road, domestic, proposal1
bozzayviktor.huIn my thesis, I examined the effectiveness of organizational communication at my alma mater using sociometric questionnaires and applying advanced statistical methods such as factor analysis, clustering, and more. It was a highly engaging task for me, and the results of my research proved to be…engage task, task resultuniversal, curriculum, developer, application, measurement1
betonutepito.huThe company was founded for post-war reconstruction. Starting from its original task of constructing roads, railways and airports, the present-day work of Betonútépítő Plc. covers almost every area of building industry.original task, task roadway, group, destination, structure, organizational1
szabadsagszinei.huIn the course of carrying out social work, qualified social workers come in contact mostly with people whose lives have “disintegrated”. Our first task therefore–if not not the only one–is to show these broken people an achievable path nad show opportunities, with the aid of which they can once…life task, task breakfreedom, colour, people, therapy, real1
klasszgitar.huChapters of musical theory follow the traditions of an earlier age when musical theory was part of the lessons where playing the instruments was taught. Similar to this, we learn about the basics of musical theory when and where it is necessary whose adaptation is helped by various written tasks…adaptation task, task musicalguitar, classical, school, way, volume1
netvisor.huDevelopment of a platform supporting the telecommunications tasks of infrastructure developmenttelecommunication task, task infrastructureict, operation, support, development, network1
swisscham.huI hope that through my previous companies I will be able to perform consulting tasks in the fields of energy, transport, information technology and innovation in Hungary and Switzerland.consulting task, task fieldmember, event, chamber, news, swiss1
info-creatorg.huMultiple decades of experience accumulated in developer, architect and project management roles. Our team includes engineers, researchers, and mathematicians: we are not scared of tasks that require a solid scientific, statistical or data processing background. We seek for challenges, indeed!scared task, task solidsoftware, development, need, data, process1
lareesa.huLareesa is bright, patient, and very astute. She has a unique skill in being able to look at a brand and see how it can be visually represented to capture the qualities and authenticity behind it. She is creative and energetic, and makes a daunting task so much easier with her humor and…daunting task, task easycreativity, science, brand, happy, serial1
ptsh.huThe Municipality of Paks City as the project owner is responsible for the supervision of the implementation of the project development tasks, while the Protheus Holding plc and its subsidiaries are responsible for the operative management related to the tasks to be performed.development task, task protheustransport, municipality, implementation, development, city1
villaflora.huLooking for a perfect spot ,where one could blow off some steam and literally feel like at home is a demanding task that involves a great deal of tiresome decision making. With help comes our "virtual tour" guide. Search what you like and see for yourself whether you are pleased with available…demand task, task greatapartment, house, offer, rent, website1
crownholding.huThe Company is determined to maintain a high level of professionalism and ethics internally and towards its external representation. To this end, it entrusts its management tasks to the most outstanding and competent players in the Romanian and domestic real estate market, who bring to the Company…management task, task outstandingcrown, portfolio, real, estate, rating1
naf.huWe are looking for those job seekers who really intend to work, so for whom we can provide job opportunities. For this reason, correct business partners who have tasks requiring manual labor, and PEOPLE are the main value for them too, are essential.partner task, task manualboard, limited, seeker, job, main1
sustain.hu…waste. You must demonstrate sustainable performance to financial institutions and your customers by setting ESGs and indicators. It’s not a simple task, but with the support of the Sustainability Management Programme, you can make great strides in reducing your carbon footprint and meeting…simple task, task supportsustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate1
banabox.huThe 1A GROUP was born out of a long-established range of activities. It was created by merging the core activities of our companies, which have been operating since 1996, and our new tasks. The hosting and web (1A Hosting) business, which supports the service of our own ideas, supplemented with…new task, task hostingcontainer, battery, storage, packaging, metal1
prime-time.huAmong our colleagues there are marketing and PR professionals, an economist, a language teacher, event planners, artists and financial experts. Each of us has a different field of expertise so we can make sure that a task is always approached from multiple perspectives. This results in various…sure task, task multiplecommunication, event, connectivity, trust, expertise1
gostech.hu…experience and continuous market research, we are aware of various up-to-date solutions for a range of issues. Whether it’s visual inspections or industrial software development, we can help you quickly make well-informed decisions on which devices you wish to use in order to carry out your tasks.visual, development, inspection, page, software1
icteuropa.huOur highly qualified employees, regulated and monitored work processes and client orientation ensure that the allocated tasks are completed by the deadline.orientation task, task deadlineaccounting, ict, tax, auditing, finance1
atexkft.hu…expertise in the cable-manufacturing and plastic processing industry. The experience and the preparedness of our experts and suppliers, along with our customized machine production program, equips us with strong capabilities when it comes to customers’ complex and problematic questions and tasks.control, technology, green, machine, production1
entersoft.huComplex solutions like software support and maintenance tasks, inspection of operating architectures, Oracle tuning and upgrade tasks.maintenance task, task inspectiontechnology, recent, career, tool, developer1
resetsignal.huWe undertake the PLC and HMI programming of single purpose machines, robot cells, from the commissioning of devices to production support. We have experience in programming Siemens, Allen-Bradley, Omron, Beckhoff PLCs and HMIs. We also undertake sub-tasks such as IO check or machine installation.sub task, task iosignal, quote, machine, industry, programming1
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.huSuccessful organisations and leaders recognise that in order to have satisfied employees, people need to be given tasks and job roles where they can exploit their own strengths. When such motivation is present on an individual level (and people can add value to the company from their strengths)…people task, task jobtraining, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur1
iqc.huOrganization model of IQ ConsultinG: IQ ConsultinG is a special combinations of a traditional consulting firm and a network based organization. The majority of professional tasks are managed by a full-time employed consultant staff. If the resources are limited for a given job, or highly…professional task, task timeconsulting, market, organizational, development, management1
spiritnailspa.huOur manicure services satisfy all needs, from nail polish replacement to long-lasting rejuvenation rituals. During the manicure services, it is important for us that our guests enjoy real relaxation. Let go of haste and urgent tasks! Every minute spent with us is exclusively about you!urgent task, task minutenail, pedicure, manicure, booking, minute1
szinvonalbau.huNowadays it is useful to be multi-faceted because meeting the growing demands also requires it. What does this mean for construction companies? Not only do they carry out construction tasks, but their activities are increasingly beyond this.construction task, task activityconstruction, customer, coating, employee, insulation1
advopatent.huBetween the Office and the client there is a contractual relationship, which is certified by the contract signed by the client. In this contract the client states the task it assigns the Office and the patent attorney it appoints to proceed in its case.client task, task officeattorney, office, trademark, property, intellectual1
amadea.huEach automation task is always a new challenge for the designers and machine builders. The ready to build in subassemblies can speed up the design and implementation enormously. The quality and precision of our products can increase the reliability of the machines. We are offering our robotic…automation task, task newtechnology, dry, machine, main, webpage1
blascoding.hu"Our goal is to empower businesses by making technology work for them in the most efficient way possible," added Peter Blasko CEO. "Whether it's through automating routine tasks, harnessing data for better decision-making, or creating entirely new digital experiences for their customers, we're…routine task, task datasoftware, solution, hardware, digital, development1
cnsystem.huCooperation and knowledge sharing is key in a rapadly developing technology. Our experts are selected based on customer feedbacks and the teamworking capabilities. All RF related tasks are handled with the specielists who ara the most experienced on the specific field.rf task, task specielistsplan, network, strategy, optimization, consultancy1
egyeditrade.huWe take great pride in our ability to provide exemplary technical services. Our team of experts is skilled at handling specialized tasks, offering planning assistance, and facilitating communication with suppliers. Our technical knowledge is second to none, and we are committed to delivering…specialize task, task plantechnical, helpful, gtc, supplier, expert1
joulekft.huOur company as a building engineering general contractor performs the clients’ demands and tasks required by customers, taking the applicable technical solutions into account, within the shortest possible time limits.demand task, task customerbuild, reference, engineering, complete, demand1
pharmapool.huPharmaPool Ltd. Is a Hungarian based pharmaceutical wholesaler enterprise. We are primarily engaged in international pharmaceutical trade. Our extensive, long-standing business network allow us to successfully complete complex tasks that require unique solutions.complex task, task uniqueactivity, useful, pharmaceutical, network, wholesaler1
wewifi.huThe bigger and more complex the network, the more congested environment it operates in, the more bandwidth it needs to provide for ever more people, the more challenging the task becomes.network, survey, wi, site, office1
greenergy.huOn the one hand, it ensures the full-range operation and maintenance tasks for small power plants owned by Greenergy and for its ancillary equipment, and on the other hand, it also provides maintenance, repair, refurbishment and other power plant services for small gas-fired power plants.maintenance task, task smallenergy, plant, power, trading, main1
onedayhandyman.huI have had the pleasure of working with the One-day Handyman team on several occasions. They have always been very reliable, punctual, clean and create a pleasant environment. They handle even the smallest tasks with the utmost care. I would highly recommend them for home repairs, gardening and…small task, task utmosthandyman, day, price, satisfaction, customer1
pannonrex.huOur focus on your business goals, relentless commitment to excellence and customer care distinguish us from the competition. Understanding your business processes, priorities and constraints we work together in dedicated partnership to reach your objectives. We deem it our task to prepare our…objective task, task partnersolution, vision, execution, software, showcase1
egeszsegipar.hu…between business ventures, researchers and designers could result in higher effectiveness if the management of the technical and financial tasks are assigned to a separate coordinative organisation. Thus, all projects of the cluster are managed by the cluster management, as a central hub.financial task, task separatecluster, industry, health, innovation, homepage1
toepler.hutherapeutic treatment after diagnosis are a separate group and we plan to follow them up. The tests have a similar structure but include different tasks to avoid the learning effect. The planned duration of the study is 3 years, after 12 months we collect information annually in the form of a…different task, task learnsleep, norm, medical, institute, research1
biointelligence.huWith biointelligence we mean the intersection of machine learning with biology and medicine. We focuse on developing and adapting machine learning approaches for biomedical and biometric data. This includes classification of time series (ECG, EEG, other biometric signals), recognition tasks…recognition task, task imagingsite, lecture, video, publication, community1
dola.huIn Vass Imre cave near Jósvafő we continued the scientific research of our parents and we developed new methods, e.g. how to measure air pressure in caves. In the teamwork my task was to manage the technical challenges. Since we frequently spent several days underground we got to know each other…teamwork task, task technicaltool, device, power, cave, current1
radioaktivszallitas.huThe transportation of hazardous materials is a compl ex task and it is often regulated by international hazardous cargo transport protocols, which are applied often as laws in UN member states. This especially applies to radioactive materials, the transport of which can be further tightened by…ex task, task internationalradioactive, transport, transportation, licensing, trading1
furedyacht.huThe condition of obtaining the sailing license, and to pass the exam is to learn the theoretical and practical exam tasks. Thanks to the sailing school’s syllabus and the profound, professional education, 90% of our students passes the exam for the first try, therefore you can see that is possible…exam task, task thanksailing, course, boat, examination, license1
herczegmechanika.huIf you feel that we could help you and your company with our activities please contact us on one of our channels and share your tasks with us that need to be resolved.activity, short, introduction, gabor, welcome1
domelia.huDo you know how to help with cleaning, babysitting, senior caregiving or tutoring in common households? Do you know how to fix tasks as a handyman or to help others with your health and beauty skills? Well then, do not waste your time, sign up and get your knowledge, skills and experience paid.household task, task handymanjob, profile, helper, membership, household1
medtechconsult.huWe have made it our task to combine the consistently high requirements of medical facilities and institutions in Hungary with the experience and standards applicable in Germany.medical, consulting, technical, repair, sale1
flexmont.huThe basic elements of individual machine building are these units, which can be transformed into special assembly technology and automation elements by technology and adaptation to the task.machine, build, technology, assembly, automation1
szapporta.huDuring the implementation of the projects we provide a complex solution which includes organizing tasks, providing appropriate physical devices and adapting hardware devices to SAP.solution task, task appropriatesolution, application, fast, implementation, mobile1
tenyerlegal.huFees may be charged on an hourly or flat-rate basis (or a combination of both), depending on the task to be performed. Once a quotation has been accepted, a legal service contract is to be concluded before the work commences (with the exception of a one-time consultancy).combination task, task quotationcontract, legal, law, agreement, procedure1
laszloerno.huAs application manager i had the usual tasks and responsibilities like blueprinting, creating solution proposals, planning team resources or coordination rollouts and releases.usual task, task responsibilitydevelopement, manager, developer, consultant, like1
varrattisztitas.hu…easy portability that can be attractive for companies offering work on field. Furthermore, phosphoric acid and citric acid based electrolytic fluids, basic and professional weld cleaning brushes can be added that gives a good and reliable solution for the most different cleaning and marking tasks.clean, brush, seam, machine, article1
digitalagenz.huRemember those hours spent shuffling paperwork, updating records, and playing email tag? Let's bid farewell to those tedious tasks!digital, clinic, plastic, surgery, automation1
web-fejlesztes.huOur task is to create a unified image and a common online system for the company and its subsidiaries.development, strategy, mobile, main, page1
banoczi.huFor me, photography is the best way to get to know the world and express myself. I deny that any objectivity should be sought in the images. It is not the task of the creator to capture the so-called "reality". My pictures are the projection of my inner world, opinion formation, value judgment. My…image task, task creatorexhibition, laszlo, people, association, building1
felujitasportal.huThe implementation of varied tasks that require a high level of expertise can all be achieved in one place. Professional general execution for family houses, flats.varied task, task highrenovation, roof, house, complete, premise1
belsoudvar.hu…operation-, and disposal life phases of houses. In addition to design work, colleagues also undertake research, dissemination and education tasks. Furthermore we try to understand and solve problems coming from practice with the participation of our own and external researchers. Due to our…education task, task furthermoreresearch, build, office, expert, architect1
bordstudio.huRenewing a protected building and turning it into a modern office block in one of the most prestigious areas of Budapest is not only a complex task but also a fascinating challenge. The neat, modern interior decorations of Krausz Palace highlight the details which were rebuilt to their original…complex task, task fascinatingstudio, original, architectural, news, winery1
bpdigital.huThey are a highly professional team with a positive can-do attitude toward both the client and the tasks at hand. They completely understand their customers’ needs, and they work promptly and professionally. Even after a short period of time, the result was stunning.client task, task handdigital, organic, traffic, engine, search1
extremefilm.hu…casting services, english speaking professional crew, equipments, accomodation services, low prices. The founding producer actively participate in the production from the start. With direct connections to the clients from the beginning each production task is managed down to its smallest detail.production task, task smallproduction, commercial, director, equipment, price1
transolut.huAs a subsidiary of Illés Holding Zrt., we carry out our transportation tasks based on the synergies of our international relations.transportation task, task synergydelivery, navigation, quality, need, operation1
breakyourhabits.huBased on this theory, Brian Tracy (America’s top leading motivator, coach) developed a new system, desiged especially for breaking & rebuilding new habits. According to it if you practice a task of medium complexity, consecutive 21 days, it becomes a routine, therefore a new habit develops. The…habit task, task mediumbracelet, habit, day, ankle, goal1
megaglobal.huFutárGo system is a self-developed system that helps the suppliers of small or medium-sized logistics systems by using industrial hardware elements, and analyzes of the performed tasks can be made in terms of optimization and cost analysis...analyze task, task termcustomer, structure, slide, manufacturer, technology1
primefund.hu…sphere, where, as a business branch manager, he was responsible for the strategic management of corporate claims and financing transactions. The task of the organisational unit managed by him included the assessment of overdue receivables from non-performing loans (NPL), and the establishment of…transaction task, task organisationallaw, fund, investment, management, expert1
veszpremnews.huBefore starting the game, please read the terms and conditions of the game. In the guide, you will find information about the conditions of participation in our game, the tasks related to the completion of the game, the process of using the coupon code available at the end of the game.game task, task completionshort, news, application, free, category1
gamma-am.hu…and dynamic company, which tailors its services and solutions to their clients’ diverse requirements. Our team consists of young, but experienced professionals, who don’t believe in over bureaucratic administration that hinders effectiveness, but quickly and accurately cope with their tasks.property, office, leasing, management, excellent1
leopardkutya.huWe have tried a lot of sports with our dogs and we experienced that the catahoula is suitable for any dog sport. Easy to move, agile, athletic, persistent and immeasurably enthusiastic about all kinds of activities. There’s almost no task that it wouldn’t be happy to do with a little motivation…activity task, task happydog, diversity, litter, breed, american1
lawlang.huWe employ our subcontractors and colleagues within the framework of the strictest confidentiality agreements. In priority cases, we undertake a special confidentiality obligation – related to the assignment in question – as well as tasks related to unique confidentiality.question task, task uniquetranslation, law, discount, package, legal1
synetron.hu„We are small but grew up to tasks so we are hopefully Reliable, Exact, Precise and Cheap for our customers and can fulfill both sides requirements”small task, task hopefullycustomer, quality, provision, instrument, requirements1
hrtsped.huThe mission of HRT Spedition Ltd. is to respect every client while doing our best with the requested tasks.offer, news, price, certificate, client1
igazgatas.huFollowing the launch of HUNADI in 2005, he took an active part in the professional work of Civil Governance 2006, which resulted in the Magyary Report (cadaster of public administration organizations and tasks). Until 2010 the HUNADI organized the events of the Magyary Regular-table.organization task, task hunadipublic, organizational, administration, development, structure1
dtdexpress.huIf you don’t want to deal with transportation tasks, if you lack the time for organizing and planning, entrust your goods to our company’s employees. We hope that our company has sparked your interest and that we can assist you with solving transportation tasks as soon as possible. Our work is the…transportation task, task time, task soonfreight, transport, shipment, air, road1
fifikaponthu.huAs Microsoft Gold Certified Partner we are ready to take on any task whether it’s a simple consultancy or a global implementation project for Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Project Server.ready task, task simplemanagement, development, digital, solution, technology1
bridgesolutions.huMediation is becoming a key method in shaping organizational culture . As the realm of work is becoming faster and faster, tasks and the environment in which change takes place tends to become more complex – this could result in conflicts, misunderstanding .fast task, task environmentbridge, change, solution, mediation, true1
moveartishandy.huTell us what we can help you with. No matter what sort of tasks you have for us around your home, MoveArtis has you covered.sort task, task homehouse, garden, previous, happy, expert1
oiltech.huOILTECH’s 25 years of experience in the industry, its complex task and project management and the process and quality management procedures applied by it ensure efficiency and transparency in the implementation of projects.complex task, task projectintroduction, manufacture, engineering, construction, operation1
geoses.hu…innovative ways in order to improve our understanding of land deformation (landslides) on Tyzsa River and its effect on the environment. The main task of the Self-government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county is the elaboration of climate strategy of the target cross-border area (Carpathian Region).main task, task selfgallery, border, county, self, romania1
gerbeaud.huErwin Müller, a German businessman, buys the 4-storey Gerbeaud building. Gerbeaud Gasztronómia Ltd. takes over the management of the Gerbeaud House in the spirit of tradition and innovation. We believe it is our task to introduce new flavours and textures to those who are enthusiastic about…innovation task, task newpage, legend, chocolate, ago, tradition1
laserbrothers.huTamás handles the company's marketing and business development tasks with 15 years of professional experience behind him.development task, task yearcut, offer, production, idea, request1
mazuri.huWe offer the best services for every task. The goal is to be successfull and not just perform the task. And for this you don’t need to have a separate infrastructure and an administrator. .service task, task goal, successfull task, task separatewebsite, campaign, logo, graphic, goal1
batranmagyarul.huWe practice the most common everyday situations, such as shopping, emailing, handling tasks, and commenting. Through exercises, we develop multiple skills simultaneously, including listening, writing, speaking, and reading comprehension.email task, task exerciselesson, language, student, month, people1
frik.huOur business management system frees up many of the hours that had to be spent on administration and other important, operation related company tasks. All of these capacities can now be freely used to scale your business and find new customers.company task, task capacitywebsite, development, management, application, engine1
partnershungary.hu…because of my personal experience and expertise. It is also good that they know the field in which the stakeholders work. To do the job, therefore, we need an external actor to keep us on track, to highlight, summarise, prevent or resolve conflicts, to help us 'keep on target' and 'stay on task'."conflict, mediator, training, management, mediation1
infra-voice.huWe believe in doing it right the first time. The more we understand the requirements of the task ahead of us, the better equipped we will be to work out all of the custom-designed details in the final needs. While many companies will list for you the different platforms and vendors they develop…requirements task, task aheadsupport, voice, multiple, article, client1
medinnov.huThe Treatment Planning System (TPS) is a computer based software system provides the tools necessary to perform a complete range of treatment planning tasks, from image registration, target and critical structure delineation, through dose optimization, calculation and plan review. The TPS uses…plan task, task imageresearch, image, treatment, plan, robotic1
balanceuniversal.huThe Universal Balance Kft. can do all bookkeeping and payroll tasks allowing you to focus on the business or spend more time with your family.payroll task, task businessaccounting, office, universal, bookkeeping, payroll1
rvprojects.huWe are back with part 2 of our Book of Boba Fett remote viewing series. As a memory refresher, the tasking cue was to “Describe the most secret plot event to be revealed in The Book of Boba Fett television miniseries story.” This time we explore what Jemma and Henni had in their respective…refresher task, task cuesession, remote, book, practice, target1
trendoptik.huWe believe that glasses are fashion items and although choosing the right frame is not an easy task, we are happy to help.easy task, task happyglass, eye, exam, hour, sunglasses1
interrescue.hu…calculating their technical systems and their determination to ensure the operability, control. There is a very important element of the research tasks with dogs branch into that form the basis of a special rescue operations. The intervention of other branch into (diver, mountaineering, health…research task, task dogrescue, international, association, special, earthquake1
arrabonastudio.huI sort of "accidently" ended up in the film business. Being a producer on our films is not a simple task but it is extremely rewarding. I am in touch with the distributors, come up with the budget, liaise the DVD production, but I also actively contribute on our hours-long brain-storming sessions…simple task, task extremelydocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy1
ipariparkszolnok.huIn the development of County Rank town of Szolnok plays significant role an up-to-date Industrial Park, which gives an excellent opportunity for the settlement of competitive industrial and commercial companies. The tasks of realisation is performed by Szolnok Industrial Park Ltd. established in…company task, task realisationindustrial, centre, logistic, location, announcement1
mezoturiiparipark.huIn addition to the operation of the Mezőtúr Industrial Park, the company's activities include the project management tasks of applications from European Union sources. More on the Services menu. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at any of the contacts listed below.management task, task applicationgallery, industrial, brochure, video, photo1
erti.hu…impacts, provide more and better quality timber, moreover, they are more suitable for performing welfare and recreational functions. The key task of forest research is the investigation of the ecological relations, evolution and growth, that is, the internal laws of the forest in order to…key task, task forestforest, department, natural, management, change1
bobalymuvek.huOur maintenance team has extensive experience in TPM and TMK maintenance in manufacturing plants. If you're struggling with staffing issues or need a team for specialized maintenance tasks, whether it be work inside the machine or in industrial alpine conditions, please contact us! We not only…maintenance task, task workmanufacture, structure, industrial, reference, area1
compuworx.huWhat happens when the card touches the terminal? It is our duty! We plan tailor made solution for certain task. The most common demand from our partners is that they want to use card paying services in their offices and businesses. The range of opportunities can start from bank cards, SZÉP card to…certain task, task commonsolution, card, terminal, knowledge, news1
szegediujremeny.huWe aim to make everyone feel that they are needed and important in the ministry, and that they can become suitable for their own mission. We feel it is our task to teach, help and also inspire converted, reborn Christians to go into service.mission task, task christiansjesus, god, mission, christ, university1
primustrust.huA Family Office provides customized planning and management of all aspects of family wealth, that goes beyond asset management and may include tax planning, purchasing and managing real estate or collectibles and tasks related to philanthropic activities.collectible task, task philanthropictrust, protection, asset, tax, family1
bestlocalgov.huby the Steering Committee. The Selection Panel is supported in administration by the Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities. It is the task of the Selection Panel to evaluate the submitted application and make recommendation to the Steering Committee on the short list. The experts in…authority task, task selectiongovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
mahayanaegyhaz.huThe H.E JIGTHUB RINPOCHE MAHAYANA BUDDHISTA CHURCH Association considers its main task to deepen, practice, educate, distribute the Buddhist view of the world, and assist those in need. To this end, he builds his organization, organizes the practice of the elements of faith, its education, and…main task, task buddhistbuddhist, activity, human, teaching, great1
smart-hr.huWe aim to make our cooperation with the clients as comfortable as possible and offer an individual approach. We analyze your business specifics and offer the most suiting solution to your tasks, taking into account our experience and market realities.solution task, task accountsolution, recruitment, staffing, staff, worker1
kolozar.huAdvanced Welding Whatever specific task you will be ordering, be sure that thanks to our professional employees and equipment we will be able to weld it allspecific task, task suresteel, post, layout, style, construction1
grantis.huThere are a lot of administrative tasks connected to financial products such as loans & insurance. We will make it much easier for you by doing most of the legwork - you will only spend a minimal amount of time on administration!administrative task, task financialinsurance, financial, consulting, investment, loan1
mthardy.huBesides performing the above tasks we also arranged for obtaining EU funds to support our projects.equipment, energy, t., maintenance, cost1
projecthr.huDeveloping and communicating corporate values and engaging talents are complex strategic tasks. Where employer branding is the everyday experience of employees, and the commitment to values comes to life in leadership actions, thriving teams can work with creativity and productivity for common…strategic task, task employerhealth, market, research, human, resource1
abstractman.hu…a sense this would be the opposite of the saddle surfaces, as there is a “crossing” between the plain convex (outer dome) and plain concave (inner dome) structures. This “ambivalent funnel” would be our solid’s base motif . Let the details of this task for later and move farther with the big lines.detail task, task latersurface, solid, shape, edge, case1
consumer.hu…set of rules that are enacted in a smorgasbord of legislation both in Hungary and in the EU. So getting a grasp on it as a whole can be a daunting task, especially given that EU regulations are directly applicable in many areas of consumer protection and most of the relevant Hungarian rules serve…daunting task, task especiallyconsumer, protection, inspection, rule, minute1
kopiascsaba.huCsaba was fast and efficient, delivered on ffmpeg solution and even improved more than the task [required]. Well documentation on each command, would hire again.solution task, task documentationdevelopment, portfolio, testimonial, social, software1
coaching-nlp.huI received help in these areas from Marta, who was like a close girlfriend, guiding me with clever tasks to clearly see what my world is and Iam really like. I can only recommend coaching to anyone brave enough to get to know themselves!clever task, task clearlytraining, mediation, course, toth, conflict1
dsmile.hu"My trainer not only asked how do I feel and what were my experiences along the way, but also precscribed special taskstraining, method, body, client, adult1
i-coaching.huYour unconscious limiting beliefs control every step of your life - once you’ve dealt with them, you know it’s a real “never-ending story”. However, if you can gain your unconscious support to do the task, you can enjoy unlimited freedom.support task, task unlimiteddata, process, academy, training, course1
tamarahagen.huIf you ever felt overwhelmed by tasks needed to be done, the field was unfamiliar to you, or just want to have your resources coordinated professionally and effectively with an optimized result to achieve the desired objective, hire us. No matter if it is about asserting your interests in a…communication, touch, public, relation, corporate1
clflora.huIn our hall we have the possibility to compile a large amount of high-quality bouquets. We take over the tasks from you from designing to putting together and delivering the bouquets. You will only have to collect rewarding remarks from your customers.bouquet task, task bouquetbouquet, wreath, spring, day, summer1
deszan-cutters.huOur company’s main ambition is to match the quality of our cutting dies, tools and parts with the most demanding market requirements. Our company’s most important task is to provide full service to our customers, focusing on satisfying our clients. Our trained team of professionals provide a…important task, task serviceproduction, quality, cut, page, manufacture1
hungarikumhotel.huThank you for the beautiful accommodation and the clean, tidy environment, the staff in the spa was not really prepared for the task, the dinner was plentiful and extremely delicious.spa task, task dinnerroom, place, staff, kindness, wonderful1
secureaccess.huTimeMind is a convenient practice management system. It has been developed and designed particularly for law firms. Customer-friendly and accessible, this is the ultimate choice for legal professionals to organize their daily tasks, billing and documentation, all in one system. Always hands-on…daily task, task billingaccess, report, document, management, billing1
wellwed.hu…what the appetizer was like. However, they will talk about even 20 years later how they danced until dawn at your wedding, surrounded by magical lights and their favorite songs! Music plays a central role, and the success of the entire evening depends on it, so entrust this task to professionals!evening task, task professionalwedding, music, award, meet, favorite1
amper99.huMaintenance and operational tasks for a number of industrial companies, at its own sites and with professionals working on location.operational task, task numberelectrical, implementation, manufacture, equipment, maintenance1
vasutvill.huAs of the second half of 2018, our field of activity has expanded with track maintenance and regulatory tasks and the necessary special machines, which makes the company suitable for complex reconstruction and renovation works as well.regulatory task, task necessaryrailway, line, overhead, construction, activity1
telcotrend.hu…of our work and the large number of athletes we have made it essential to introduce a uniform IT system. Telcotrend's experts learned our professional language, our rules, our philosophy, our objectives and understood our needs, there was no task they could not solve. It was easy to work with them.need task, task easysolution, custom, software, view, need1
firewin.huEconomical solutions are wanted, as are easy prоcessing and cooperative support with complex tasks. FireWin combines tried-and-tested Knauf advantages and strict requirements for passive fire protection. So that you can feel secure in your planning and processing and so that building owners and…complex task, task firewinfire, safe, reference, free, catalog1
fogdakezemalapitvany.huHold My Hand Foundation has been established in 1991, just around the regime and system change in Hungary. The NGO’s got more and more tasks from the government, and they became very strong social service providers already in few years. Now we have a culture of associations, foundations and other…ngo task, task governmentfoundation, people, disability, youngsters, young1
benyei.huWhile the preferences of style differ from person to person, the essential task of any successful interior design is to ensure a smooth purpose. Function should not be at odds with its form, rather in harmony with it. We think beyond the limits of the room: we often rethink the floor plans…essential task, task successfulinterior, space, build, architecture, energy1
okotechnik.huOur business strategy that we have to corresponds at all times to our customers’ needs. It is our task that our staff has to accept and understand the requirements of the management system, and we have to develop our company’s operation with them. The representation of the increasing number of…need task, task staffgrating, safety, floor, air, pump1
grid.huOur primary goal and task is to improve and support the strategy implementation skills of our clients, achieved through the establishment of cooperation among efficient ERP tools as well as the support of the development of a learning organization.goal task, task strategygrid, main, cee, solution, consultancy1
seafleet.huIf you have a fleet provider, but not warn you all of the tasks, e.g. mandantory services.provider task, task mandantoryfleet, management, software, overview, function1
realidaconsult.huWe can support you in the following tasks, so that your cooperation with foreign partners will be successful;consult, management, issue, situation, process1
kajarikft.huWith the technology of product manufacturing constantly improving, our partners purchase more and more modern packaging machines, so we provide professional help concerning all packaging-related issues focusing on new challenges and tasks. We often examine the machines on site.challenge task, task machinepackaging, material, technology, customer, machine1
homeinspection.huCoordinating appointments with the seller and the real estate agent is your task and responsibility. Please inform the person concerned about the date of the inspection and its conditions (cancellation policy) and that you are bringing an expert this time. This is important information for them…agent task, task responsibilityproperty, inspection, decision, house, price1
hsze.huHe grew up in a Communist family of cadres. His step-father, Endre Kálmán, fulfilled various tasks of high leadership within the Hungarian Communist Party, on the intellectual, ideological branch (he was the president of the Institute of Party History, and the vice-editor of the Társadalmi Szemle…kálmán task, task highinterview, century, memory, university, foreign1
famax.huWith our proactive maintenance services we can eliminate the usual worries and enabling you and your staff to perform your business tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible.business task, task quicklyintelligent, solution, support, low, small1
xpl.huExplico's policy advisory tasks are centred on aiding clients in understanding both their industry and the political landscape. Through a systematic method, we pinpoint, track, and evaluate long-term changes and trends. Our service offers insights into how these shifts might influence…advisory task, task clientclient, political, public, risk, government1
visualbits.huTrough many years working for the Theater and Dance Stage of the festival, one of the custom tasks of every year was to design the season's T-shirt of the cast & crew of the stage.custom task, task yearcategory, close, client, agency, graphic1
faircomp.huSeveral small and medium sized enterprises in different sectors of the economy use our customized and optimized systems throughout the country. Thanks to our complex IT tasks we’re always keeping our knowledge up-to-date. Our company offers cost-effective solutions for IT administrator tasks since…complex task, task knowledge, administrator task, task serviceavailability, reliability, problem, announcement, price1
verummedical.huFinding a professional, attentive and delicate female gynaecologist is not an easy task. Still, if you contact a private clinic where the primary focus is on timely diagnosis, selection of competent treatment and disease prevention, the mission will be accomplished. It is necessary to visit a…easy task, task privatemedical, appointment, dermatology, therapy, price1
k9sport.huSniffer dogs are used for many tasks around the world. Our passion is to spend time with our dogs , theirs is hunting, that's how we found this wonderful sport. Our team focuses on the dog's independent, instinctive work in person tracking.dog task, task worldtraining, dog, track, interested, current1
vitatech.hu…machine manufacturers in Western Europe. Thus ensuring that our clients choose the most appropriate technology supplier for their processing tasks. Depending on the size of the transactions, we act as resellers for some machines and as consultants / intermediaries for complete technologies.process task, task sizeprocess, data, key, recycling, technology1
cedit.huAs a sign of trust and respect, we have had a unique liability insurance since 2004, which guarantees a high level of protection for our customers. Our professionals undertake tasks required by law under a flat-rate contract and have extensive experience in various industries.professional task, task lawprotection, fire, safety, office, learn1
revelator.huScreening of existing systems, designing new ones and performing project expert tasks: You can count on us if you want secure, up-to-date IT solutions.expert task, task secureoption, solution, consulting, logistic, management1
centera.huWe provide support primarily in strategic planning, innovation management, process management, system design and installation, and integration tasks.management, innovation, plan, strategic, risk1
beerbase.huBeer was produced about 7,000 years ago in what is today Iran, and was one of the first-known biological engineering tasks where the biological process of fermentation is used.engineering task, task biologicalbeer, importer, brewery, organization, news1
redrecruitment.hu…HR & Recruitment Internship program for International universities'students with an Erasmus scholarship. RED. Recruitment is ready to welcome more than 15 students and fresh graduates in its business operations to cover Talent Sourcing, Headhunting, Employer branding and Market Research tasks.recruitment, europe, central, agency, eastern1
boolean.huWe undertake the PLC and HMI programming of single purpose machines, robot cells, from the commissioning of devices to production support. We have experience in programming Siemens, Allen-Bradley, Omron, Beckhoff PLCs and HMIs. We also undertake sub-tasks such as IO check or machine installation.sub task, task ioquote, industry, programming, production, machine1
scx.huWe know that finding high-quality and professional stock photos can be a daunting task. That is why we have a vast collection of photographs from the world's most skilled photographers and artists.daunting task, task vaststock, photo, detail, free, image1
pentatrade.huOur major activities involve planning, repairing tasks, site architect support and maintenance.plan task, task sitesolution, management, homepage, support, corporate1
smartians.huCareer counselling has an important role in our organisation. We consider it a primary task to help young people make decisions that later could influence their whole life. However, we are not only working with young people, but also adults who feel a bit “insecure” in their chosen field, and they…primary task, task youngtraining, education, career, news, management1
immowest.huWe are an independent company and cooperate with selected and experienced partners only. We interpret our task as fair and faithful cooperation with you and your employees.partner task, task fairreal, estate, consultancy, international, trade1
trhome.huIf required, we manage the properties in full. We pay the bills and costs, represent the owner at housing meetings, and take care of the tasks related to the property. Every time the owner is in Alanya, we provide an account and a detailed statement.care task, task propertyproperty, real, estate, number, turkey1
szegedikortarsbalett.huHe considers the continuous training of the dancers and the enrichment of the repertoire to be his most important task. The ability of reception and individualization of the contemporary and modern technics, the high quality of the artistic expression based on the technical safety makes the…important task, task abilityproduction, repertoire, contemporary, dance, current1
banyai-office.huOur long existing relationship with foreign consulting offices, enables us to solve international projects and cross-border tax and accounting tasks.consulting, accounting, tax, office, payroll1
gip.co.huGlobal Investment Partner (GIP) has a long experience in managing projects. As we are strongly focused on the management of change, we can help you achieve your objectives. We will manage large and complicated projects, and just as well take responsibility for the less advanced tasks. You can…advanced task, task committeeinvestment, global, real, estate, management1
sgf.hu…operating systems (Linux, Windows). The companies benefits are based on their human resources and their expertise have been obtained from tasks for payload and system design and development of the different deep space missions ( Vega , Phobos , Mars-96 , SXG , Cassini , Rosetta…expertise task, task payloadpage, mission, space, ground, site1
partitestverek.hu…They expected the Brotherhood of the Coast to do things for them but they did nothing for the Brotherhood. To keep it up it is work and lots of tasks. It is true for those brothers who spent being a quasi-aspirant. The aim is to keep up the number of the people and the operability. This is…lot task, task true, brother task, task gladtable, national, news, flag, international1
inprivato.huInPrivato takes over all your real estate-related tasks so that you can only deal with the really important things.estate task, task importantinheritance, management, real, estate, sale1
meditations.huOutsourcing some of your R&D tasks can be an efficient choice but it is even more efficient when the solution integrates seamlessly into your existing IT environment.fast, custom, problem, algorithm, computation1
thermofoam.huIn case we have free capacities, we take on outsourced processing tasks, such as lamination, die cutting, and kitting.process task, task laminationpackaging, material, construction, solution, need1
mirango.huMultiple decades of experience accumulated in developer, architect and project management roles. Our team includes engineers, researchers, and mathematicians: we are not scared of tasks that require a solid scientific, statistical or data processing background. We seek for challenges, indeed!scared task, task solidsoftware, development, need, data, process1
group-lift.huOur objectives continue to be fast and fair service for our clients, the distribution of high quality products, and a high level of maintenance. It is important for us to sustain the high opinion of our precision and reliability that has developed over the years. The performance of these tasks is…performance task, task professionalgroup, maintenance, repair, escalator, implementation1
tukros.hu"the music played in villages is, in every sense, perfect. You can not add to it or improve it, the task is to learn to play it as authentically as possible.” - Péter Árendásperfect task, task authenticallymusic, ensemble, house, folk, dance1
netdesign.huThe dimension of the task doesn’t matter, whether it is branding: logos, business cards, or it is a creation of a complex website, with unique, userfriendly mobile phone optimized solution…We don’t differentiate, for us, every customer is important, and we serve everyone with the proper precision…dimension task, task brandingwebsite, graphic, infographic, responsive, optimization1
sintegroup.huAn industrial computer that performs the task of plant control is just a tool that is commercially available, but it is worth nothing without a professionally and carefully written program that is impossible without professional experience and expertise.computer task, task plantconstruction, plant, capacity, group, extraction1
kopintalapitvany.hu…and especially the focus on the provision of environmental public goods, would justify the return of agricultural policy planning and financing tasks to a certain extent to the level of the member states. Due to the more efficient achievement and financing of the objectives, the possibility of…financing task, task certaineconomic, international, literature, country, economy1
numericzone.huDid You imagine that You just assign this task to someone and it is just finished in good quality and in time?zone, tax, feed, question, manager1
oxicar.huwe provide a complex logistics service to perform the complete supply chain tasks of your productschain task, task productmain, page, transport, career, vehicle1
newconcept.huOur cooperation with Szabolcs was smooth. He understood what our company is about, what our values are, what we want to communicate and what our target audience is; and he completed the task by the deadline without any compromises.audience task, task deadlineexpert, portfolio, faq, website, solution1
borvaros.huWe offer team building programs, especially for larger groups up to 120 people. On every station the participants taste one of the famous Hungarian wines, followed by a special task they have to complete. Our venue provides a chance to organize treasure hunting programs with real excitement…special task, task venuewine, cellar, event, venue, town1
academiaoffices.huOn September 28, the renovated ACADEMIA office building officially opened its doors. In the opening speech, Csaba Zeley, the CEO of ConvergenCE, expressed his gratitude to the existing tenants for their patience and cooperation during the renovation works, as they continued to carry out their…daily task, task buildbuild, available, academia, area, traditional1
zane.huIt’s clear that for the task of printed circuit board design, you need the best experts. You’re in the right place with us!clear task, task circuitcircuit, development, quotation, software, prototype1
onismerit.huIt’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it, and we are happy to handle the task! We make all the hard-to-clean tiled areas throughout your home sparkle!happy task, task hardclean, carpet, rug, area, upholstery1
myapartmenthelper.huNowadays, time is the most valuable factor in a person's life, and that's where we want to help you. With our service, you can outsource the tedious and time-consuming tasks that come with your flat. Let us take care of your property, so that we can take care of the problems of empty properties…time task, task flat, tourist task, task expertapartment, short, long, lease, sale1
smartoservice.huIt is hard to implement the knowledge learnt in school into practice. It is a challenging task to start an own interior designer business for a beginner. Acquiring customers, preparing quotations, calculating prices and maintaining profitability are all skills can not be picked up in school, but…challenge task, task interioroffice, room, access, interior, meet1
ideafortis.hu…time and money! The quality of our work is our top priority. We do not only translate, we manage the entire translation project, we delegate the task to the most adept experts, we look up the terminology and in the meanwhile we are continuously at our Client’s disposal to handle unexpected…project task, task adepttranslation, interpret, reason, idea, technical1
tetraplan.hu…facilities. From 2005 this profile was expanded with the technical inspection, then from 2008 the support structure also performs expert tasks. In the 2010s, we succeeded in reforming our main profile with our structural expertise and design related to the renovation, rehabilitation and…expert task, task mainplan, introduction, reference, structure, structural1
g2amarketing.huWe believe that the deadline is sacred and inviolable, so we monitor everything so that we complete all tasks on time.inviolable task, task timesocial, development, media, website, customer1
ertekespecs.hu…going to be restored. Ensuring accessibility, restoration of the church garden and adaptation of inner spaces to fit exhibitions are all related tasks. Development of the church of the Reformed Congregations of Pécs-Kertváros (12, Tildy Zoltán street, Pécs) is also part of the reformed…related task, task developmentvaluable, gallery, church, synagogue, medieval1
mta-tkk.hu…world through the Deaf perspective. With an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and understanding he continuously searched for the place, roles and tasks of his community. He learned continuously, received a degree, redefined his and the association’s responsibility and role with regard to Deaf…role task, task communitylanguage, news, research, deaf, chance1
aplusrenovation.huCertainly, some of the renovation tasks cannot be ignored. Leaks from the roof, electrical problems, or cracks in an undesired place can lead to undesirable problems. Therefore, these safety jobs are of high importance because the family must be living in as safe as possible environment and also…renovation task, task leakrenovation, property, remodel, quote, free1
beleptetes.hu…hours, time off etc. All these systems require various information to be recorded, collated, analyzed and checked. This is a tedious and thankless task, which is prone to mistake that can upset the employees. Unitime software is designed to solve these problems efficiently, transparently and…thankless task, task proneaccess, control, management, visitor, parking1
sopronifuvoszenekar.huThe time proved that the society of Sopron wind instrument musicians has not only a past but a future too. Taking care of it will certainly be the task of those young people who are making their first steps in the world of music now.certainly task, task youngmusic, wind, conductor, musician, instrument1
hanyuhenrietta.huReacting to this need I have decided to support conflict resolution at workplaces as a mediator while continuing my activity as employment lawyer. I see my task to play an active role in the implementation of workplace mediation in Hungary.lawyer task, task activeemployment, law, mediation, workplace, legal1
granoperis.hu…the years, our staff have gained considerable practical experience in the caring organisation of temporary and agency workforces of varying numbers (from a few dozen to nearly a thousand), in basic and ancillary tasks (recruitment, testing, selection, training, induction, transport, accommodation).ancillary task, task recruitmentcurrent, hire, employee, recruitment, previous1
sarsan.huIn these cases the designed element will be connected to the existing machinery both mechanically and electrically. These tasks include the detection of bottleneck in production capacity and offering new solutions. Read more >> »electrically task, task detectionmanufacture, technical, accounting, machinery, special1
excel1.huI am convinced that instead of using manual force, we should outsource more and more tasks to the computers, letting the machine do the heavy lifting for us. The more steps we delegate, the more we can use our intellect and perform higher value-added tasks during our work.force task, task computer, value task, task workautomation, development, application, process, programming1
tuvkti.hu…of our company is to adapt as much as possible to the needs of our clients by improving our procedures, helping them to develop their activities and to approve their products. In addition to our standard testing activity, we are open to new tasks, looking for the possibility of wider cooperation.new task, task possibilityvehicle, special, type, component, machinery1
adfuturus.hu► Localization tasks, administration, relationship building and creation, marketing & market research on a mother tongue level not only in Hungary but it many other European countries, in South America and in the Far East.localization task, task administrationfoundation, market, relationship, presentation, country1
czinkapanna.huThe Association considers the promotion of disadvantaged talents as its priority, and in its projects and events, it always strives to fulfill this task. When implementing domestic and EU projects with children, regardless of the topic, professional implementers incorporate talent-management…event task, task domesticassociation, cultural, event, talent, interest1
familyday.huPentram, created by Emil Simeonov, is an 8-piece dissection puzzle forming a regular pentagon. Besides the initial task to fill in the pentagon, another form of play is to replicate a shape given only by its silhouette or just to create shapes of different objects, animals, plants etc. by…initial task, task pentagonbridge, math, family, day, art1
majorhalo.hu…our aim is to promote the integrity of the family, and to support parents in achieving their status appropriate to their individual and social tasks. By establishing care homes we acknowledge the rights of adults with autism to live completely or partly independently according to their…social task, task careautism, community, network, people, opportunity1
taxworld.huOur accounting services include more than keeping accurate records of accounting according to legal regulations and accounting standards or preparing tax declarations on an expert level. Apart from completing such routine tasks on a daily basis, we aspire to actively participate in processes of…routine task, task dailylegal, tax, accounting, office, client1
transhungaria.huAlmost 80% of our shipping tasks are carried out with the use of our own equipment. All of our vehicles are equipped with GPS trackers, allowing us to provide immediate information on the whereabouts of goods when requested by our clients.shipping task, task usemain, page, vehicle, privacy, technical1
nitrogen.huNitrogénművek Zrt. considers satisfying the long-term fertiliser needs of Hungarian agriculture as its main task. The defining element in its profile is fertiliser production, and more precisely the production and sale of products with nitrogen as theirmain task, task elementnitrogen, investor, industrial, news, acid1
orientriver.hu…services for specific project needs. Whether it's skilled IT professionals or truck drivers, we have a network of qualified personnel from Kenya who can be deployed to Hungary. We handle all visa arrangements and administrative tasks, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience for our clients.administrative task, task seamlessriver, orient, solution, management, expertise1
elroncivilsystems.huElron Civil Systems fully meets the high standards of the industry and will cope with any tasks at sea, under water, in the air and on land. Autonomous Unmanned Surface Vessel (AUSV), Unmanned Underwater Vessel (UUV) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) developed by Elron Civil Systems uses the…industry task, task seaproduction, vehicle, technology, vessel, autonomous1
moravcsikart.hu…also library rooms, complete housing furnitures, with delicate workmanship acquired by many-years of experience. Our goal is to make the challenging task of producing unique furnitures as desired by the customers – in any style, size, material or color. We also restore and renew antique furniture.challenge task, task uniqueart, furniture, gallery, introduction, style1
drimal.huIs it expensive to assign a lawyer for such tasks? It depends. In general it is significantly cheaper to have a lawyer plan and execute solutions in cooperation with executives, bookkeepers and payroll specialists than to pay fines imposed by the relevant authorities. The expense of the legal…lawyer task, task generallaw, office, contract, official, website1
brbfinance.huIf you are lack of resources or expertise in the field of financial modelling, we can support you during the entire process including technical support. In cooperation with your team we are ready to prepare complex business plan as well as assist in specific (e.g. sales planning, HR planning) tasks.financial, expertise, market, finance, advisory1
orhamuvek.huThey performed their work expertly and accurately. The tasks were finished before the deadline . Flaws were rectified in time based on the warranty claims. We see nothing that would stand in the way of future cooperation .accurately task, task deadlinestructure, satisfied, quality, manufacture, additional1
bubbles.huWashing takes only 30 and drying 37 minutes. Meanwhile you can relax or get up to date with your tasks in a pleasant environment.date task, task pleasantlaundry, shop, network, self, machine1
trenalux.huThe generation of waste is a result of human activity and as such, solving and managing the resulting problem can be achieved only by human activity. This is our duty, our task, which means that this problem must be solved in a way that will not cause further environmental damage. Our story…duty task, task problemlook, technology, download, waste, activity1
biharybalassa.huOur Firm provides efficient legal services – from legal due diligence tasks until the successful closing of the transaction – to mainly professional foreign investment companies in establishing, merging, acquisition and restructuring of companies and joint ventures.diligence task, task successfullaw, legal, firm, attorney, comprehensive1
dckarting.huDuring the trainings, you get practical tasks, afterwords these will be analised and you get the correction, advice - immidately to achive your goals, and find the way how to correct it and develop your technique for the perfect level.practical task, task afterwordskarting, track, competition, race1
portumlines.hu…it starts Although our company, Portum Lines Llc. is primarily engaged with pleasure boating, boating and boat operation services our 2 years of operation forced us to accept other tasks as well. Thus during the operation of our webpage, we got engaged in development of WordPress and Woocommerce…operation task, task operationline, woocommerce, plugin, payment, update1
kt-sec.huIn the course of company management, we consider it to be our most important task to carry out professional work on a surpassingly high level, and to perfectly satisfy customer demands.important task, task professionalmarket, dominant, owner, property, operator1
tndtech.huWe take care of all the quality assurance tasks through a full product life cycle of either complex systems, web or mobile applications.assurance task, task productdevelopment, application, software, desktop, publish1
officeit.huAt OfficeIT, we provide unrivalled IT Support, delivering a reliable and comprehensive service throughout the city of Budapest and beyond. With over 15 years’ experience and a team dedicated to ensuring your system’s stability, you can have the confidence to concentrate on the important tasks…important task, task qualifiedsupport, development, solution, infrastructure, outsource1
kisimre.huWe participated in the three consecutive years in the BUTE organized RobonAUT contest. Our team’s name was “Runner-up” and we finished as the runner-up on the first two occasion and we shouldn’t talk about the third one. 2015 We started the development with huge delay because of our study tasks…study task, task deadlinehvac, sensor, device, data, belgrade1
somapak.huAssessing the various ideas and needs of our partners and getting to know the tasks to be solvedtechnology, packaging, machine, manufacture, cut1
nextconsulting.huFinding the right person for the right position is one of the most important tasks in a corporation’s life. But what should we base our decisions on?important task, task corporationconsulting, manager, introduction, consultant, reference1
muladharayoga.hu…in Hungary. The question: ‘How often do you get back home?’ has been accompanying me for quite a while, though the answer is pretty simple: ‘Each and every day’. We’re carrying our homes within ourselves, there is only one task left – find the right key(s) to open the door. To me IT is Yoga.home task, task rightyoga, practice, hour, class, event1
mentalisallokepesseg.huMeasures the extent to which we have the self-belief to see through to a conclusion difficult task which can be beset with setbacks. This scale has two component subscales:difficult task, task setbackmental, individual, scale, highly, dimension1
formalin.huThe management of the Company regarding the quick solution of generally occurring problems in the environment, the compliance of the emerging challenges as well as the complete satisfaction of quality requirements specified by the customers as a great importance of its task. Therefore the Company…importance task, task companyproduction, plant, material, industrial, customer1
direkt36.huAt the beginning of the year, the head of the nuclear power plant was unexpectedly dismissed because his position was needed for a politically well-established person, according to Direkt36. While Paks is about to take on a major task, the new head has no nuclear energy experience.major task, task newhospital, infection, secret, document, russian1
proplan.hu…and experience go hand in hand with high quality and reliability. Thanks to our tight-knit team and wide experience, we can create value for our customers in a wide array of fields. We always strive to provide right, workable and cost-effective solutions, whether it’s a simple or a difficult task.manufacture, idea, implementation, perfect, solution1
digitalhero.huOur team offers comprehensive services and packages for all your creative and digital needs, both online and offline. From branding and image creation to daily tasks, we’ve got you covered for every step of starting and growing a successful business. Each member of our team is a specialist in…daily task, task stepwebsite, digital, video, media, photography1
yourgroup.huYou will always be able to reach us, no matter how busy we are, there is no customer or project that we would put on ice. We love challenges, so when there is only a short time available to complete a project or great number of tasks to handle, we will still solve it. You can always count on us…number task, task sureevent, group, placement, brand, management1
gdhs.hu…systems, manufacture and erect steel structures necessary for the boilers and pressurized equipment. We are in hold of all resources needed to accomplish these tasks. As human resource: qualified welders, iron workers. And machinery: welding machines, drilling, milling, grinding machines etc.resource task, task humanplant, power, resource, equipment, field1
mazzagalbert.huIn 1995 two new machines – an automatic line feed turning machine and a band saw machine- were purchased. From year 2002 on father and mechanical engineer son are doing all daily managing and quality-controlling tasks together as a 100 % family-owned company.quality task, task familydrilling, turn, machine, reference, milling1
pallercsarnok.hu"It was important for us to optimise the use of space in the design and construction of the building and we received excellent suggestions from Pallér Hall in this regard. They made our lives easier by performing the tasks related to planning and general construction, because by letting Pallér do…easy task, task planhall, machinery, construction, reference, electronic1
geosan.huThe duties of the Engineering Office include environmental services, engineering-expertising tasks, and for the last few years also takes on assignments for experimental- and development-work from the areas of waste-disposal and hazardous-waste handling.engineering task, task yearengineering, office, environmental, focus, solution1
consultger.huWith extensive experience, a cross-disciplinary network and state-of-the-art technical solutions, we ensure that we meet the challenges of any task.consulting, germany, german, expansion, market1
archbook.huThe work is the first in a 3-part series of sites within a line drawn around the meeting points of the Grand Circle states. Dozens of parks are presented, with photographs and maps by the author providing a practical guide to the impossible task of taking in the beauty of the region, glimpsing the…impossible task, task beautybook, national, memory, wonder, arch1
bio-garancia.huBio Garancia Kft. enhances the sustainable growth of organic farmers through its fast and professional certification services. Our company has 20 years experience and an international background, thanks to which the number of our clients is constantly growing. Our main task is to investigate…main task, task organiccertification, organic, inspection, regulation, control1
coachingteam.huIn general, during a crisis, an organization is forced to face conditions that threaten its balance, and resolving them becomes the most important task, however the situation cannot be solved nor avoided with standard problem-solving tools.important task, task situationdevelopment, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious1
pkontode.huCommission us to execute your tasks and we are delighted to work out the best perfect accomplishment together with you!casting, webpage, glad, shape, foundry1
darjeelingteahaz.huManaging a provider involves a large number of moving parts, one of which can be the table of company directors (BOD). It is an advisory body system that aims to protect the interests of investors and stakeholders. Typically, the board’s tasks include strategic planning, considering overall…board task, task strategicfree, paper, write, game, math1
helpersfinance.huPAYROLL, SOCIAL SECURITY AND HR SERVICE OVERVIEW Hiring an employee does not stop at setting them tasks and paying their work: makeemployee task, task workhelper, finance, tax, payroll, accountancy1
contractor58.huA CONTRACTOR 58 Technical and Engineering Service Limited Partnership (LP) is committed to the performance of its professional tasks and the satisfaction of its Customers. Achieving Customer satisfaction is a precondition for our company to maintain and strengthen its professional position, as…professional task, task satisfactioncontractor, development, customer, change, protection1
elitebrand.huWe all want better recognition to our brands. It is a time and resource consuming task. We have our ways to do it, so you don’t have to worry about it.resource task, task waybrand, use, news, digital, media1
ace-consulting.huBroad range of experties in design, implementation and operation services. We can provide solutions for all SAP modules. Our consultants are also experienced in SAP implementation and operational tasks. In the near future, the transition to the S/4 HANA solution will be due everywhere, in which we…operational task, task nearconsulting, customer, solution, position, open1
inforness.huWithin the framework of laboratory education, simpler developments, compilation of pilot systems, model creation and provision of testing tasks with the involvement of university students.test task, task involvementtraining, university, development, algorithm, hana1
akhalstud.huin our breeding endeavours: we make efforts to develop a smaller number of individual animals with a higher degree of Akhal purity as well as pure-bred Akhal horses, while most individuals in our stud, as a result of targeted mating for practical purposes, will perform various service-related tasks.horse, stud, equestrian, stallion, tour1
niu.huThe primary mission of the Hungarian Innovation Agency is to assist businesses in creating and marketing innovative business models, products, and services. Our team of experts with extensive experience engages in every task from ideation to implementation. This enables Hungarian entrepreneurs to…experience task, task ideationinnovation, international, validation, agency, support1
plantor.huAs the first element of our ars-poetica, we beleive that the first task of a planner is to plan which reflects the clients’ requirements and is financially reasonable, acceptable and technically best for clients’ benefits. Through the activities, the company has paid special attention to good…poetica task, task planneractivity, water, reference, engineer, planner1
hunyaditerv.huTechnical direction, structural engineer, expert His task is to coordinate design projects, whould it be bridge, building or industrial structure. His technical experience is welcomeexpert task, task designbridge, introduction, engineering, diagnosis, expertise1
hegesztokeszulek.huWe have been involved in the production of welded structures, project management, and professional support for more than 30 years. Our built-up software base and processing machine park are combined with professional knowledge and experience, so after learning about the tasks, we immediately…experience task, task immediatelyprice, day, receipt, step, offer1
muszertechnika.huIK-MetálKft. Székesfehérvár is engaged in the design and manufacture of production equipment for the execution of individual tasks, special and road vehicle bodies, welded metal structures and the manufacture of individual, heavy-duty containers. In our certified welding plant, qualified welders…individual task, task specialmanufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software1
nimfea.huThe "Nimfea" works in the Great Hungarian Plain as a non-governmental organisation, solving tasks related to the environment- and nature protection. National or tasks touching the Carpathian basin are ventured on by our organisation, lately, so the field of our activity is continuously growing.organisation task, task nature, national task, task carpathiannature, association, conservation, center, environmental1
kezmu.huWe carry out work processes that cannot or that are hard to mechanise, tasks that require manual work.hard task, task manualhousehold, contrast, clothing, item, manufacture1
pepark.huPlanting of sub-tasks and aftercare within the framework of the Poroszló – Tiszafüred cycle path projectsub task, task aftercaremotorway, plant, section, aftercare, protection1
firstclean.huCleaning underground garages is a challenging and complex task, which the FirstClean team can handle with the right tools and machinery. The joint representative of an 85-apartment apartment building approached our team with...complex task, task firstcleanclean, office, machine, detail, premise1
neointeractive.huSo, we have a new task these days: to preserve the values we have achieved! To maintain the good, the quality, not to allow negative side effects, and to ensure sustainability, long-term operation, and the background conditions for actionable knowledge. Both on a corporate and an industry level…new task, task dayinteractive, media, digital, brand, campaign1
bbvedelem.huBB-Védelem company has been performing complex asset protection tasks throughout Budapest and Hungary, since 2012. The management of the company has several decades of asset protection experience and expertise in the field of asset protection. Our company has the necessary police authority license…protection task, task budapest, task beginningcustomer, quality, security, committed, friendly1
tiszapartimesehaz.huWe have dreamed up a place for you that will take your mind off your everyday worries. An exclusive four-star guesthouse where there are no problems or tasks to solve, because we have made sure that everything serves your comfort and relaxation. For all this, the unspoilt nature and the magical…problem task, task surefabulous, cottage, place, summer, bathroom1
erdosmuanyag.hu…that the most important task is to adapt to the continuously changing expectations. Things like raising the manufacturing capacity, making the deadlines, speeding up the shipping chain, are core parts of our work. We work hard every day to improve both the quantity and the quality of our current…important task, task continuouslymanufacture, key, glass, flexible, connector1
puremedion.huPureMedion Ltd. – company founded in 2014 – comes on the market committed to respond to the demands of all customers who are looking for special innovative solutions for their enviroment protection, water processing, filtration and separation tasks.industry, water, air, filtration, virus1
megertesz.hu…of their purchases and the increase of the level of processing of the products. Beyond the organisation of the production process, an important task is the matching of the product range to demand – especially as regards quality and quantity – and the concentration of the supply side, the…important task, task matchcooperative, member, sale, agricultural, privacy1
nyirerdo.huNYÍRERDŐ Nyírségi Erdészeti Zrt. (Forestry Company) manages nearly 60,000 hectares of state-owned forest land in the area of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County and Hajdú-Bihar County, in the north-eastern part of Hungary. The company’s most important task is traditional forestry: afforestation and…important task, task traditionalhunting, forestry, acacia, important, forest1
loupefilms.huIn cases of any post tasks, we collaborate with the most creative minds and professionals in the post-production field in Hungary.post task, task creativeproduction, big, field, motion, screen1
atevteszt.huSocial responsibility and environmental awareness are highly important tasks for our company in which tasks we are to be involved voluntarily and exemplary.important task, task company, company task, task voluntarilynumber, current, document, order, environmental1
fullm.huOur company, Full-M Kft. has been operating as a 100% hungarian-owned company since 1999. Our purpose is to address those clients for whom it is important that the service provider performing cleaning and park maintenance tasks is accurate and precise, always adapt to the client’s needs and work…maintenance task, task accuratereference, client, clean, removal, maintenance1
zhe.huThis paper presents a computational framework for automatic optimal robot hand design based on reinforcement learning (RL), which considers desired grasping tasks, grasp control strategies, and performance quality measures altogether.grasp task, task graspvideo, robotic, jia, pan, human1
fjit.hu…“health visitors” working in school healthcare, but there are also teachers, lecturers, psychologists and public healthcare specialists among us. To cite the words of József Fodor: Health protection is not only a medical task, but also a duty of education; by educating more we need to treat less.medical task, task dutyschool, healthcare, member, health, mission1
photel.huIncrease your efficiency with the help of an optimal staff to perform your tasks use Photel's staff as needed.staff task, task photelcenter, outsource, efficiency, customer, small1
robotmunkaero.huWe help our customers to ensure that production and manufacturing processes operate in a predictable, cost-effective and sustainable manner. Choosing and implementing the right technology is not an easy task.installation, production, worker, predictable, problem1
duna3000.huOur colleagues and consultants have widespread experience from various industries in the everyday practices of taxation. One of the most difficult tasks in developing a successful business is tracking and observing the continuously changing tax laws. It is becoming more and more inevitable to work…difficult task, task successfulaccounting, tax, consultation, authority, report1
festekkutato.huOur R&D Department elaborates paint formulations for industrial use. Primary task is to realize FKI's own product development targets. Technical Service lab is part of the R&D department, which adjusts the paint parameters to customers' requirements and renders direct technical assistance.primary task, task fkipaint, development, expert, research, production1
jobcapital.huWe know from our profession that the success of Jobcapital starts with our own people. As an HR consultancy, we’ll develop you personally and professionally through a mentoring programme tailored to you, and then gradually give you new and increasingly challenging tasks. We pay conscious attention…challenge task, task consciousjob, workplace, page, application, search1
prosper.huThe applications we develope are based on the Customer’s processes ; as a result potential future traps and inconveniences can be avoided which might just arise – from an even well meant – task specification.inconvenience task, task specificationsoftware, development, mobile, application, customer1
rapidszerviz.huOur partners’ satisfaction is very important for us. Therefore we consult with the tasks to be carried out and the parts to be built in advance and the price range on each order.important task, task partrepair, truck, tractor, member, group1
tahimeter.huThe quality of our services is guaranteed by the most modern Leica instruments. Our slogan is „Survey on ground, water and air” and our work is always precise and expidite. Challenges means tasks for us: river surveys, plotting of ruined areas, taking photos from a glider. Exploit our home and…challenge task, task riversurvey, industrial, geographical, news, note1
cnchungaria.huWe strive to develop a strategic partner status that provides maximum flexibility in all respects. We perform all tasks by optimizing, with maximum integration of quality conditions, so we can do it quickly and efficientlyrespect task, task maximummachine, tool, production, activity, hydraulic1
evotech.huThe electrical power supply of industrial, commercial and office buildings is a complex task and its design and construction requires perpetual cooperation between the customer, the engineer, the equipment manufacturer and the electrical contractor.complex task, task designelectrical, build, activity, industrial, automation1
mostmarketing.huWe have been working with most! for more than a decade now. This fact demonstrates the best how satisfied I am with the service they provide. They are very flexible, but big enough to do complex tasks for us - planning, building and running our offline and online campaigns. It is particularly…complex task, task offlinecampaign, client, brand, director, head1
lorix.huLorix textile products have a wide range of applications from EMI shielding to military tasks. In order to ensure the consistent high quality of our products, our textiles are monitored throughout the whole production process.military task, task ordershield, fabric, homepage, textile, application1
airportsecurity.huOur company main task of the safety of international civil aviation ensure the protection of airports and provision of groud handling and airport services activities (cleaning, building maintenance, car park), but in addition for orders of undertaking other objects, guarding, cleaning, operation…main task, task safetysecurity, airport, job, reference, handle1
fmsolutions.huAssessing the condition of facilities and production equipment, planning and carrying out maintenance tasks. Development of TPM systems.maintenance task, task developmentsolution, maintenance, equipment, installation, mission1
byline.huThe management of By Line truly believes that taking social responsibility is not merely the international companies’ task.role, public, offer, idea, carrier1
rewerob.huContact us for the most suitable solution of your welding task or technical problem or question. It can be any resistance welding task, spotwelding, projection welding (e.g., nut welding, mesh welding), seam welding, butt welding (e.g. steel bar jointing), we are at your service with our many…welding task, task technical, task spotweldingresistance, welding, page, main, solution1
learnthenplay.hua mobile-optimised maths and reading comprehension curriculum , with content developed for the needs of 8th grade students, based on the PISA test tasks and with a focus on competence development and differentiation (DIMAP)test task, task focuslearn, parent, conference, video, news1
businesscoachdebrecen.huThere were a lot of ideas and thoughts swirling around in my head about the realization of my self-employment. She helped to organize these things and shake them into pants, to keep the focus on the given tasks. Like a pilot, she'll help me get to my destination. I am still at the beginning of the…focus task, task likeleadership, job, consultation, search, hello1
businessenglishonskype.huof operating . The theories of Scientific Management, chiefly formulated by Frederick Taylor , suggested that there was “one best way” to perform a task. Businesses were organized by precise routines, and the role of the worker was simply to supervise and “feed” machinery, as though they were part…way task, task businessmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy1
interoot.huWe provide unique solutions to all IT problems and tasks using our own and our partner’s resources and software.problem task, task partnernetwork, software, data, operation, server1
aktivzenetanulas.hu…Academy of Sciences and in peer-reviewed journals, but on the website of the Kodály Institute of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music provided information continuously about the purposes, research questions, working groups, specific tasks, partial results of the related analysis and publications.specific task, task partialmusic, learn, model, movement, active1
ibsc.huOur company deals with comprehensive online marketing. We prepare almost any task according to the client's request.marketing task, task clientevent, advertising, quality, premium, activity1
kilen.huEasy To Earn Money – There are many ways to earn money in our site such as faucet, shortlinks, ptc, tasks, offerwalls,Level up your account and climb the leaderboard to earn more money and unlock new features. We pay you instantly or daily to your wallet or microwallet addresses.ptc task, task offerwallsdata, asset, payment, fresh, exchange1
lbmcoach.huResponding immediately is attractive because it’s very rare even though it seems so obvious. It’s so rare because most people procrastinate. In fact, you may need to upgrade systems, streamline, automate and change your whole manner of responding to people and tasks in order to provide an…people task, task ordercolumn, grid, post, portfolio, latest1
petroleum.huIn harmony with the maintainable rate of growth the oil industry undertakes an important task by the exploration, production and processing of petroleum and by the marketing of oil products contributing this way to the development of the economy…important task, task explorationpetroleum, association, oil, industry, environment1
metropolis.org.huEach year, the four thematic issues draw on various film-theory and film-history topics. One of the journal’s primary tasks is to publish research results in contemporary Hungarian as well as international film theory. We also place a great deal of emphasis on publishing film-studies literature…primary task, task researchcontemporary, representation, history, social, woman1
trainingcontrol.huThe main task of the test system is to determine the optimal performance markers before training, to process, analyze and evaluate the measured data in a process model and to provide feedback in training planning.main task, task testtraining, process, diagnostic, performance, adaptation1
prevotex.huThe most suitable tool holders for different turning tasks, which allow for vibration-free clamping of the tool, efficient and precise cutting.turn task, task vibrationtool, machine, lathe, bar, solution1
mesh360.huIf you need help in writing, we highly recommend MESH360. They are flexible and will complete the task assigned to them.reference, graphic, logo, strategy, development1
sapiens.hu…to amplify motivation, improve employee engagement, increase creativity and skyrocket performance. In group flow people are more focused on the task at hand, action and awareness merge, the team becomes primary to the self. We provide solution to emphasize personal and group flow, creativity andfocus task, task handhuman, machine, evolution, training, solution1
kaszasgabor.hu…I mentioned the rudeness of the tone, and the fact that the simulator training was much more difficult from the beginning, and we got harder tasks than indicated in the curriculum, but it was not mentioned on our report cards. As a reply, the only answer I got from the instructor responsible…hard task, task curriculum, easy task, task poorlytraining, contract, traffic, air, controller1
yurusuaikido.huThe aim of our trainings is to improve posture, develop movement coordination, develop a willingness to cooperate, with tasks that require attention and focus, in a friendly, good community, in small groups, without injuries.willingness task, task attentiontraining, art, martial, official, organization1
promir.huWe can prepare the technology and its automation tasks from the survey on demand, and prepare plans that take into account the needs of our customers. Includes design work for power supply and automation distributors.automation task, task surveyintroduction, control, plan, manufacture, programming1
elber.huOur cooperation with ÉLBER GmbH goes back almost 10 years. When it comes to manufacturing chemical storage and mixing tanks of various sizes, we can always count on their expertise, thoroughness and quality work. A reliable and well-prepared partner for our construction tasks to the satisfaction…construction task, task satisfactionindustry, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, industrial1
taomed.hu"Life flows like a stream, constantly moving forward while realizes that stones are no obstacles but the tasks along the way through which it flows easily." /Zita Pataki/obstacle task, task waymassage, soul, aromatherapy, cellulite, boost1
disol.huOur company strives not just to complete its entrusted tasks but to complete them the best possible way. For this reason, we believe that we should think together collectively with our customers, analyze the tasks to be carried out from different aspects and if there is better, more efficient way…company task, task good, customer task, task differentprotection, insulation, corrosion, fire, proof1
broadbit.huThanks to our extensive network of partners and our industry-leading staff, we have undertaken and executed tasks in several international projects, from the design and implementation of embedded systems through project management to test product testing. In development projects our colleagues…staff task, task internationaldocument, management, development, implementation, software1
munkahely-stressz.huYes, it is, it is not the task of the occupational safety and health professional to assess exposure.yes task, task occupationalstress, occupational, workplace, health, physician1
ovarvill.huOur main task is to fulfil quality work meeting our Customers’ requirements and strictly keeping the deadline. We are proud of the fact that since the foundation we have kept continuous relationship with several partners, and they have been our returning customers.main task, task qualitytender, introduction, reference, activity, photo1
alphadev.huWhy do you want to waste time on hiring staff, then following up on tasks all day long to settle for a less than satisfactory job due to the time pressure?staff task, task daywebsite, inquiry, pricing, software, introduction1
ihr.huFor us the work starts where others already gave up! To provide full time service and support to our customers is our real task. We not just like challenges, we seek for those!real task, task challengeview, video, promotional, main, page1
freeszfe.huOur task is to place our creative energies in service of social solidarity and thus use the toolset of art to help causes which are not related to Freeszfe but point towards a future in which all of us may find our dignified place.event, support, donation, cost, month1
hklegal.hu…of Commerce and Transport. After graduation she started to earn professional experiences as trainee at Kristófik Law Firm where she dedicated to tasks related to corporate and financial law. She joined Dr. Kovács Tamás Law Firm in 2007 and worked there as a trainee lawyer until 2009 when she…firm task, task corporatelegal, law, attorney, energy, investment1
personar.huAs a strategic consultant, one of our main tasks is to guarantee that the meticulously planned communication strategy is executed by the most suitable agencies. If necessary, we also provide help with the selection of the right agencies, assist their work and also review the processes while…main task, task meticulouslycommunication, strategic, strategy, consultancy, method1
roadtoll.hu…constantly updated in terms of coverage and available countries. With our practical on-board-unit, which offers the EETS service, you can easily manage administrative tasks and then simplify the payment of tolls without additional tools. No need to worry about receiving a fine or depositing money!administrative task, task paymentcustomer, device, detail, country, offer1
marketingarchitect.huWho contributes to marketing in your company, in what roles? What are the resources, competencies and support systems available in-house? What tasks are outsourced?architect, communication, architecture, minute, effective1
szallasmanagement.huSimple and versatile handling of daily reception and operational tasks from anywhere, any device at any timeoperational task, task devicemanagement, channel, software, booking, mobile1
unlocked.hu…non-formal creative programs and methods in order to facilitate personality development, motivation and learning need incitement in target group. It also focuses on mitigating their knowledge, information and competence deficit through tasks and activities during and after the project period.deficit task, task activitysummary, presentation, photo, programme, meet1
eleses.huA smartwatch is a computerized wristwatch with functionality that goes beyond timekeeping. While early models can perform basic tasks, such as calculations, translations, and game-playing, 2010s smartwatches are effectively wearable computers.basic task, task calculationstyle, travel, technology, news, fun1
mito.huAfter the key adjustments and process harmonization, we have moved forward and started to work on the website and landing pages’ efficiency, including several conversion rate optimization tasks such as heatmap analysis and A/B testing.optimization task, task heatmapstudy, case, performance, page, campaign1
equinox.huOur professional team takes care of all project management tasks throughout the entire lifecycle of our clients' projects, tailoring them to the specific project objectives and client needs.management task, task entiredevelopment, preparation, management, consulting, reference1
skc.huOur construction business has a wide range of production and service capacities and capabilities. In addition to the general generate construction and design tasks, we also undertake construction work in our own construction. In particular, our specialty, heat block SYSTEM passive house…design task, task constructionconstruction, office, food, management, application1
spellcom.huIt is easier for everyone if everything is centralised in one place. Whatever the adver-tising or web development task – the development of a long-term online and offline strategy, creative concepts and campaigns, static and dynamic homepages, profes-sional webshops and portals, web and mobile…development task, task development, delight task, task problemwebsite, client, communication, agency, development1
dandie.huyour soul. Now, finding the right resource is equally difficult, if not more difficult. To stay motivated whilst on the road by yourself is no easy task, therefore, having the right people to guide you on that journey is crucial. Here's some of the stuff and some of the people that motivate me…easy task, task rightstuff, css, great, playground, website1
nautilus.huTo best fit your needs, we offer software demonstrations via Viber. If you would like to learn more about how NAUTILUS can help your station(s) meet the daily tasks better, please contact us today. Please fill out the form below and our sales representative will contact you.daily task, task wellradio, automation, broadcast, schedule, software1
silverhost.huFTP, MySQL, Email, Domain, Subdomain, Cronjob accounts, users, tasks unlimited. Enjoy the true freedom of unlimited.user task, task unlimiteddefault, unlimited, server, cart, backup1
pandv.huThrough the work process, adequate computer applications and state-of-the-art IT background enable our qualified professionals to complete tasks in a fast and precise manner, to clients' total satisfaction.professional task, task fastinternational, ministry, tender, translation, client1
relichunter.hu…– which is likely because we don’t maintain tens of thousands of items – don’t be discouraged as we have the investigative capabilities that disgrace Mystery Co. or even Batman, and even bring your desired object from the underground. The harder the task, the bigger the challenge, the better.hard task, task bigorder, pre, stock, relic, figure1
bsk.sport.huOur central task is the operation, maintenance and public utilization of priority sports properties and youth hostels owned by the Municipality of Budapest. In order to achieve our goals, we also cooperate with the local governments, sports associations in Budapest, non-governmental organizations…central task, task operationathletic, center, island, margaret, facility1
hajnalmt.huTLDR: Here is my new CV written in latex: English CV Hungarian CV The source code link on Overleaf: Hajnal Mate CV. Intro Today I stumbled upon the task to refresh my CV and I decided tha...today task, task cvkubernetes, sail, welcome, page, setup1
kaposatlas.hu…other cutting (scissors, plasma, flame cutting), welding (Cloos welding robot or qualified welding workers), cutting (NC, CNC machining center) tasks, as well as in our recently established painting plant according to the customer’s needs. painting as well. We undertake small and large series ascenter task, task recentlytechnology, introduction, gallery, news, career1
paladianakos.huI will help you throughout the process according to your needs and demonstrate how to manage the website with practical examples. I will also provide you with ongoing support throughout the day to day tasks to make sure you are managing the site.day task, task surewebsite, reference, feature, technology, developer1
homesolution.huTo find a trustworthy tenant from whom one can collect the rent on schedule is the most important desire and expectation of any owner related to the renting out of the apartment Not only do we calculate the exact amount to be paid, but we also regularly check the monthly balance and perform all…balance task, task overheadproperty, solution, rent, sale, apartment1
ibcnet.huIBCnet is an IT solutions provider able to fulfil entrusted tasks, offering competitive advantage on the market thanks to affordable, efficient, high quality and suitable services. Indeed, our company offers services to enable you to complete your aims effectively and without delay. We can cover…able task, task competitivedevelopment, application, mobile, case, study1
gofri.co.huWe feel that our task is to serve properly the customers whose interested in the best quality products as well as the customers whose interested in the products at the lowest prices. On our mind the fair trade and the relability takes the priority in the business life.day, happy, season, group, sweet1
icons.huexecute their tasks more successfully by working in a more conscious way and applying wider range of techniques.network, analysis, icon, training, development1
nagyrendezveny.huOrganizing a wedding is a difficult and exhausting task, with many hidden pitfalls that only a few think of. Many wish for a kind Fairy, who holds the thread of their fairy tale in her hands, who helps in the decision-making, plans the events of the Big Day step by step, and manages everything…exhaust task, task pitfallswedding, introduction, event, day, big1
unimatik.huThe task of the steam tunnel is to cook various meat products with steam. The frame structure of the steam tunnel is a stainless steel closed section, on which the lower tub and the upper lid, which can be moved by a motor, are placed. The steam nozzles are located in the lower tub and the upper…machine, process, food, production, industry1
wecup.hu…Today – due to the significantly increased amount of waste by packaging materials in the FMCG sector- it is an extremely important global task to develop the packaging truly sustainable and thus environmentally-friendly. These changing in technologies have just started and the best…global task, task packagingcup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable1
sutura.huOur product range includes consumables used to perform nursing and hygienic tasks, as well as specific products used in the field of interventional cardiology, radiology, anaesthesia, surgery, urology and gynaecology.hygienic task, task specificdevice, medical, representation, healthcare, support1
1stline.huSocial sensitization and the employment of people with disabilities sound extremely good in the open labor market. However, implementing them in everyday life is far from being such an easy task.line, consulting, page, main, training1
euenglish.huA delicious recipe with a quick vocabulary building task! What’s not to like? Prep and cook time: 20 minutes Serves 4 4 cups water … Read More »build task, task prepquiz, lesson, news, movie, free1
megoldaseskuvore.huI will be the host who orchestrates your wedding. My task at the wedding is to communicate and coordinate with the guests, ensure a great atmosphere, and collaborate with wedding planners and other service providers to ensure that things go perfectly.wedding task, task weddingwedding, day, big, guest, joy1
qhbprojekt.huQHB Projekt Kft., established as a spin-off company. Our company was spun off from a construction company with a history of almost 30 years in 2020, with the intention of separating the construction activity from the project management tasks. We have created a project management team with a…management task, task projectmanagement, technical, activity, advice, preparation1
akuna.huc) The right to limit processing is the obligation of the Administrator in the cases under Article 18 GDPR to restrict the processing of the customer's personal data. Against processing that is based on legitimate interests of the Administrator or is necessary for the performance of a task carried…performance task, task publicbuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case1
pestbuda.huBrainstorming can start about Népliget - the capital has launched a design competition The Metropolitan council has issued a tender for the renewal of Népliget, design teams of which at least one member is a landscape architect can apply for the task. Based on the strategic plan adopted last year…architect task, task strategicago, square, public, build, century1
polarkiss.huPOLARKISS Kft. Is the exclusive Hungarian representative of ZODIAC ARRESTING SYSTEMS AMERICA, accordingly it performs the installation, service and maintenance tasks of ZASA's arresting systems in Hungary.maintenance task, task zasareference, construction, electrical, maintenance, arrest1
batizandras.huHow can we inspire others merely by showing interest in them? How can organisations benefit from a more empathetic and people-centred leadership style? What ‘soft skills’ do we need most in our age where machines do almost every task for us? András shows through personal stories and other exciting…machine task, task andráspresentation, custom, offer, webpage, impact1
meliora.huOur clients are pharmaceutical industry stakeholders who strive for more than the barely acceptable. They appreciate if their language expert is a person who takes regular training, who knows and understands drug authorisation procedures. They want their linguistic tasks completed by a pharmacist…linguistic task, task pharmacisttranslation, pharmaceutical, quality, agency, client1
gyermekkoriautizmus.huRoutines are very important. Many people with autism use lists to prompt them about what comes next and the need for the list continues even when those around them think the individual knows the task well. It is common for people with autism to have a keen interest in numbers, timetables or weather.individual task, task commonautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic1
arbolus.hu…in a situation where the owner would like to pass the baton but there is no one else or the person chosen is not yet capable of carrying out the tasks at a high level. We can offer advice and detailed guidance to companies facing a generational change on how to make the transition smoothly.capable task, task highllc, bankruptcy, mission, proceedings, knowledge1
cereskft.huCERES Kft. was appointed by the competent county courts several times to conduct property settlement procedures, and we fully fulfilled these tasks.procedure, activity, liquidator, liquidation, court1
nessum.huWe offer support in the use of the Electronic Public Procurement System for both Contracting Authorities and Tenderers. As a company responsible for the procurement, we provide full service, including all tasks related to EKR; our Tenderer clients can request support right from the registration up…service task, task ekrprocurement, public, training, reference, authority1
debalu.hubut the challenge for us is no longer to produce high-quality doors, windows and façade glass walls but to meet the market expectations that the customers expect from our partners, building contractors and distributors. Our task is to make our partners successful through our skills and products…distributor task, task partnerwindow, solution, build, quality, plastic1
skalar.huWe perform complex design tasks in Hungary and internationally with our experienced professionals. Read more..design task, task hungarystructure, future, construction, engineering, reference1
herbalabor.huPapa is the grandfather of many. Other than the blood relative grandchildren, several more kids had the opportunity to participate in the summer camp he organized. On these trips they explored the countryside, while doing clever and tricky tasks. His knowledge in...tricky task, task knowledgeherb, mushroom, l., story, gift1
seacon.huAdministration of a company’s car fleet is not a simple task over a certain car number. If our Excel sheet (which used as a target program) is becoming too difficult to do with our management processes, we need a more efficient solution.simple task, task certainsoftware, europe, data, presentation, fleet1
horcsikcad.huThis localization task raised the necessity of software development activities very soon. So development of AutoCAD-related - and later Revit-related - applications became the main business of Hörcsik CAD.localization task, task necessityltd, development, homepage, build, consulting1
docsoft.huDocSoft sells all the European models from all major document scanner manufacturers and provides professional service background via its partners. Small, medium and high volume devices from Fujitsu, Panasonic, Kodak and Canon - optimized for the specific task - deliver the hardware backbone of our…specific task, task hardwareinvoice, automation, document, workflow, capture1
mighealth-unipecs.huMigration related health/ public health challenges and needed responses – defining conditions for establishing a European level migration health database – a consensus conference . As a first follow up of the event a Task Force had been established.event task, task forcehealth, migrant, conference, education, europe1
artoftour.huNext to our youthful and dynamic team members, our owners participate in our daily operative tasks actively, whether in meetings, on-site inspection of specific event venues, or incoming and outgoing groups. Their personal presence, precise work, expertise, and owner's point of view continuously…operative task, task activelynumber, event, tour, client, fact1
pvsz.hu…future. Dynamic cooperation opportunities and hitherto untapped potentials can be exploited within this scheme and this portal will visit a great number of local values to fulfil two tasks: to offer a new perspective for tourists on the one hand, and to strengthen local identity on the other hand.value task, task newtown, heritage, walk, vicinity, hill1
elefantteher.huMajority of our co-workers have 10-20 years of moving experiences so we proudly afirm that there is no such moving or transportation task which we didn't meet before - like a moving with full packing up and unpacking or transporting special objects, highly valuable artifacts. Our 17 years of…transportation task, task likeinternational, page, free, office, delivery1
syniq.huWe aim to develop user-friendly, convenient and safe instruments that are helping the user to perform their everyday tasks efficiently and simplify the development of pioneering innovations.everyday task, task efficientlyprivacy, process, production, solution, automation1
innorail2021.huAs increasing the utilization of railways entails additional tasks for rail professionals throughout Europe, further competitive development efforts are needed in our industry, an industry that is environment friendly, decreases the burden on public roads and offers the backbone of community…additional task, task railconference, summary, sponsor, development, railway1
garenal.hu…are only natural ingredients all of which help protect our health. However in the Garenal Plus Drink Powder they can be found in a special and unique proportion, so it is an ideal choice for those who would like to deal with their health more which is in our age a more relevant task than ever.powder, drink, function, health, body1
aliscainvest.huSpecial concret-cutting, -drilling, -crushing. Alpinsta solutions already mentioned are for special tasks, roofs or chimneys. Granaries and factory chimneys, high-rise buildings with special solutions, blasting if necessary.special task, task roofdemolition, building, reference, construction, city1
solarsafety.huIn addition to the services related to occupational-, fire and environmental protection, we undertake the tasks of lifting and working machines in the classical sense and the tasks of occupational safety, health and safety coordinators.protection task, task machine, sense task, task occupationalsafety, protection, occupational, fire, machine1
abahazy-forditoiroda.huOur main policy is to make our customers satisfied with our services over a long time. For us, even the smallest request is important and we find solutions to even the most difficult tasks.translation, interpretation, quote, quotation, customer1
bpc.huWith the help of the tools and applications we offer, human tasks and working procedures can be well planned, designed and combined. The data obtained through data mining allow for the greatest possible degree of optimization of working procedures in order to make the company’s operations more…human task, task workconsulting, data, process, intelligence, development1
budapestenergysummit.hu…for nine years; Advisor of Financial and Capital Markets at The Association of German Public Banks and Association of Public Banks (VÖB / EAPB); Competition lawyer at Haarmann Hemmelrath; A Parliamentary Assistant to Austrian MEP and experience in the DG Competition Merger Control Task Force.control task, task forceenergy, gas, profile, view, thank1
ferrotamin.huIron is present in our body in three forms: “storage iron” in the iron stores, “transport iron” in our blood circulating bound to delivery molecules and “functional iron” with certain tasks.iron, woman, body, supplementation, complex1
galambostrans.huWe are performing our daily tasks in a way that our Partners would choose us in the hope of a reliable long term profitable relationship.daily task, task waytransportation, logistic, field, shipment, domestic1
komposztal-a-tep.hu…collection of the communal waste. The effective utilization of the green waste and the system of the prevention of waste is also included. Further task is the design and construction of the system of the containers, transport and handling process: by creating waste yards and selective collection…waste task, task designwaste, management, collection, settlement, container1
hfta.huThe association set as task to represent the fur trade and to protect its interests at national and international level. HFTA creates opportunity to their members to meet and exchange their experiences, to develop their technological knowledge.association task, task furfur, association, trade, creation, member1
nseaudit.huOur enterprise, the NSE-Audit Ltd. employ 8 people and it’s specialised in bookkeeping services, payroll, financial and tax advisory services as well as complete administrative tasks. Our professional calling, suitability, precise work establishes that our partners, besides of our growing…administrative task, task professionalquotation, employee, tax, payroll, complete1
historyorherstory.huIn the one and a half centuries since Peter , we have been occupied with nothing else but the challenging task of engaging with all human civilizations, understanding their history, and adopting their ideals as our own.peter task, task humanhistory, market, trade, icon, age1
kulturalisutvonalak.huBetween 2013 and 2019 the National Cultural Institution Ltd. coordinated the program, from 2019 the Minister responsible for culture delegated this task to the directorate of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Hungarian Open Air Museum.culture task, task directorateroute, european, cultural, council, danube1
indekft.huWe always use the optimum technical standard when designing tasks. In implementation, our aspects include operational reliability, energy-efficient operation, maximum performance, cost-effective design.standard task, task implementationmachine, area, assembly, table, performance1
oneminute.huAs business development is important for companies, cap-table planning and management should be likewise an important task. Most companies in Hungary are not aware of this and see their ownership structure as a static. They do not know and see what enterprise value increasing solutions are kept…important task, task companyminute, table, cap, management, overall1
postacom.huNowadays our field of activity has extended to the whole territory of Hungary and crossing it, we have carried out network construction tasks for several of our partners abroad.construction task, task partnernetwork, telecommunication, construction, operation, optical1
ipfone.huAfter reverse engineering the more complicate Cixi Yidong protocol , the CAME remote was an easy task, especially that CAME remote protocol is pretty simple.easy task, task especiallyprotocol, remote, configuration, server1
startouring.huPrince Géza began the great task of linking his country with the development of Europe, and his son, King Stephen (1000-1038) sealed the process by having his people convert to Christianity. King Stephen married a German princess, and he received the crown used at the coronation (which is featured…great task, task countrywine, century, castle, country, house1
mellearn.huTopic: What are the main tasks for the higher educational institutions in the new millennium and what kind of opportunities are offered in achieving these goals by the government’s Hungarian Lifelong Learning Strategy and the 2nd National Development Plan?main task, task highlearn, education, lifelong, international, university1
affianced.huPicking the wedding ring is a very exciting task, which- according to our experience- can help couples to get to know each others’ tastes and improve their ability to compromise. Engagement rings bear a symbolic meaning, that not only stand for the unity of men and women and their endless love but…exciting task, task couplewedding, engagement, jewelry, unique, color1
hoope.hu…mind. Thanks to the quality work our company is constantly evolving, expanding. Our success is due to our staff's expertise, resilience and versatility and to our corporate philosophy through which we realize high-quality, human-centered tasks which are organically integrated into the environment.human task, task organicallyconstruction, quality, website, family, industrial1
prezilimpia.hu…and how they have done to meet the community’s expectations in these areas. They report on their achievements, plans, and goals. Assigned these tasks, working groups aim to provide possible solutions to urgent societal challenges that affect multiple areas from the point of view of a company…goal task, task grouppresentation, competition, talent, student, round1
cerc.huproject management and coordination of privately funded projects as well as those projects funded by the European Commission or by other means. In case of projects involving a consortium, we take responsibility for the partner search as well as the coordination and management of the resulting tasks.lab, research, powder, development, innovation1
clean-drop.huWe try to get as many orders as we could from the benchmarking market players of Debrecen. Many of our tasks come by recommendations and successful negotiations then, which are the results of our work made carefully and properly. Due to this we work for a number of public sector, national and…debrecen task, task recommendationclean, drop, reference, order, wish1
pappsdiamond.huMany people think bassets are stupid and incomprehensible. This is not true, in their case only stubbornness coupled with incredible perseverance. If, on the other hand, we can motivate them, from that moment on, there is nothing else for them but the task to be performed – be it “cat hunting” or…moment task, task catpuppy, dog, litter, tab, news1
suttner.hu…the latestand most appropriate technology for the production of the wanted illuminated advertising. Another strength of our company is the project management in the Southeast European region; We gladly take on for you the survey, the permits and the installation and maintenance tasks in the region.maintenance task, task regionletter, face, solution, homepage, digital1
nokatud.huWhere women have the opportunity to complete challenging and interesting tasks. to achieve professional fulfilment and work-life balance.interesting task, task professionalscience, girl, woman, technology, field1
orhaautomotive.huThey performed their work expertly and accurately. The tasks were finished before the deadline . Flaws were rectified in time based on the warranty claims. We see nothing that would stand in the way of future cooperation .accurately task, task deadlinemanufacture, steel, quality, satisfied, automotive1
goldenrootfilm.huWe work with a wide range of experts , managing to find the best professional for each task.root, format, original, creative, documentary1
hrinkubator.huWe often encounter the same problem in Start-Ups and Scale-Ups, where HR related tasks do not require a full-time person, but as a result, the area is unorganized, and management needs to involve several outside resources for headhunting, trainings, administration, etc. This approach cannot ensure…hr task, task timesolution, expert, career, recruitment, employee1
szkokesfiakft.hu„SZKÓK ÉS FIA” Kft. in its present form has been operating since 2007, however, it started its cleaning business in 1998. Our company always determines the required tasks and creates its prices in accordance with our partners’ expectations. Due to recent dynamic development, cleaning and lawn…company task, task priceés, activity, cart, order, long1
sacinf.huWindows form based registry system for Hospitals. Among others, the system is able to filing and archiving incoming and outgoing documents, watching tasks and deadlines and automates administration of documents.document task, task deadlinetechnology, banking, office, development, application1
finchamber.huI started as a member of the Board and treasurer at the Hungarian-Finnish Chamber of Commerce in 2013 and since then I have been doing also the financial issues and accounting-taxation tasks for our chamber.taxation task, task chamberfinnish, chamber, event, commerce, member1
tradeland.huEconomist, a specialist in business management, joined the company in 2003 and is responsible for the company's accounting, financial procedures and controls in addition to human resources management. This includes a wide range of visioning tasks and back office management. As finance manager and…visioning task, task officewater, owner, group, director, manage1
kosditrade.huLocal governments come up against several tasks on public areas day by day. The price of our new machinery with a great number of optional accessories suitable for both urban and rural works can be quickly refunded. Just follow tenders and let your local government thrive with our new machinery.government task, task publicloader, machine, category, accessories, machinery1
regioexpo.huOrganizing a virtual conference is a lot like organizing a live one. It is a very multi-faceted task that requires precise planning and management. RegioExpo helps you with this, as the platform can be completely customized and the functions can be changed according to our customers’ needs.faceted task, task preciseconference, virtual, lecture, main, hall1
synergyfox.huCreating an effective website is not just a programming task. It's more important that your site fits into your sales and communication processes, represents your image and is an effective part of your online marketing strategy. Our services are designed to help you do all of this, thinking with…programming task, task importantsynergy, management, corporate, manager, premium1
ipari-csarnok.huWe take the burden off your shoulders in all tasks related to static plans if you use our service.shoulder task, task statictent, hall, warehouse, lightweight, construction1
mke.huThe whole range of artistic expressions and creative methods can be found in the institution today, from the classical genres of painting, graphics and sculpture to inter-media. In addition to drawing, art-anatomy, pattern-making and painting practices based on mimetic tasks, a medial…mimetic task, task medialart, university, department, head, education1
babolnasped.huWe own 71 semi-trailer trucks to fulfill international transportation tasks using conventional trailers.transportation task, task conventionalvehicle, repair, forward, logistic, transportation1
daruline.huThe partnership with DARULINE Ltd. enables the Operator to run his business smoothly while the DARULINE Ltd. solves his partners' tasks including crane applications.partner task, task craneintroduction, crane, spare, assembly, assemble1
htvmaros.huIn our cca. 700 m2 heat treatmet workshop We undertake heat treatment task based on IPSEN multipurpose protective gas atmospherefurnaces, mainly for the south Hungarian region and some Romanian and Serbian industrial firms.treatment task, task ipsenconstruction, thickness, measurement, layer, message1
brunnen.huElaboration of the geothermal public grid system project in Komárom, carrying out preparation tasks (hydraulic water ways, etc.), obtaining licences and preparation of execution plans, compilation of tender feasibility study - 2013. Available KEOP subsidy: HUF 465 million , tender decision is…preparation task, task hydraulictender, subsidy, preparation, million, application1
wpsr.hu“The guys from Computera did a great job setting up our office network and completing other tasks we needed. They were very fast and pleasant to work with. Everything is now running smoothly thanks to them.”network task, task fastcomputer, repair, support, need, solution1
pzmedia.huWe are a dedicated media team standing of young people, for each task we have a professional member, be the task about video, visual effects, graphic design, website developing, or anything similar.people task, task professional, member task, task videovideo, motion, visual, graphic, student1
resoart.hu…arts that he had created and collected throughout the previous decades as a private collector thanks to his success as an entrepreneur. The main task of the Resoart Foundation is the handling of the Zsolnay and visual arts collection, the organisation of professional exhibitions and events and…main task, task resoartcollection, collector, art, private, foundation1
consact.huThe complexity of our services, our advisory work style inspire such value-creating and trustful relationship with our clients, in which they can count on us as cooperating partners in solving various tasks and in maintaining a continuous relationship tailored to their needs.partner task, task continuousdevelopment, solution, virtual, area, consulting1
alpinfaapolas.hucase, they were asked to remove a huge poplar in a narrow street, surrounded by houses and right next to electrical cables - which is a challenge. They however managed to do this task in an absolutely safe and professional way. Big thanks to them! We do recommend them from the bottom of our hearts."challenge task, task absolutelytree, protection, rope, technique, building1
barben.hu…who works in our units permanently who is responsible for enforcing the rules. The application of new technologies and the modernization of our production processes are the tasks of our employees with appropriate professional qualifications, who provide a workforce ready for challenges.process task, task employeemanagement, shoe, factory, quality, employee1
barankovics.huIn Hungary, similar to western democracies, the parties with parliamentary representation receive budget subsidies for their respective foundation. The task of these party foundations is mostly to build the political hinterland and rally supporters. Just as the operation, organisational structure…foundation task, task partyfoundation, christian, democracy, political, k.1
pextent.huOur company works on the field of architectural and interior design planning. Finished several succesful project in wide variety of exterior and interior design tasks.extent, thing, architectural, interior, plan1
strapa-pack.huLet someone else do the packaging…Someone who is specialized in packaging and has all the professional tools and workforce needed for the task, has the sufficient background and insurance.workforce task, task sufficientpackaging, material, detail, solution, transport1
sport-events.huProviding a team for creative tasks as well as for operating AV technology (director, commentator, DJ, operators, etc.).creative task, task avevent, plan, facility, visual, phase1
colorfront.huStreaming Server Mini is a software-only solution, requiring no external hardware, which can be easily installed and run on the same workstations that creative artists use to perform editorial, compositing and color-grading tasks. Using Streaming Server Mini, work-in-progress content can be easily…grading task, task streamingserver, video, software, daily, grading1
talpraallok.huMaking a profile includes recording and outlinging the matters or issues that we want to work on solving by means of identifying tasks and setting goals towards achieving content. Together we will explore the options by means of observing personality traits and personal values, existing abilities…mean task, task goalway, solution, help, success, like1
cubussapiens.hu…since multiple releases. When learning the usage of a new piece of software, questions always pop up about the most common sheet music engraving tasks. When Packt Publishing asked me to review Instant MuseScore , I was eager to see whether this e-book fulfills its promise of being a pragmatic…engraving task, task packtsoftware, development, editor, repository, reflective1
hradvise.huEfficiency : We satisfy our partners by completing the agreed tasks. We undertake tasks for which we have time, competency and resources.partner task, task timeadvise, introduction, recruitment, consulting, labour1
saubermacher.huExciting tasks, large goals, and family values. Where people like going to work and where they like working. Where family and work can be reconciled, with the company’s support. Welcome to Saubermacher! We offer our motivated employees fairness, security, and true opportunities. There is only one…exciting task, task largewaste, hazardous, environment, responsibility, management1
fazekasugyved.huSolve the legal tasks of associations, sports associations, foundations from foundation to representation before authorities and drafting of documents.legal task, task associationlaw, legal, contract, representation, case1
kapcsolatmentor.huIt often happens that solving a problem requires including further professionals, but finding the proper person could be a daunting task. At RelationShip, we have already collected the best experts for you who are fluent in English.daunting task, task relationshiprelationship, family, career, divorce, problem1
benefit.huOur company was founded in 2002 on the basis of small and medium-sized enterprises in Budapest and rural high-quality customer service needs of accounting, payroll, financial advisory, tax and consulting in the field performing complete administrative tasks.benefit, consulting, accounting, tax, advisory1
microcosmos.huThis sounds boring at first sight, but it not necessarily is. Have a look at all the different vehicles that we can offer. In case you are looking for a normal minivan or motor coach, that is of course also available! We like to be challenged by complex transportation logistic tasks. The pictures…logistic task, task picturegallery, destination, event, management, great1
memex.huMany web design companies do not have the time required to develop their client's sites. Memex can undertake a wide range of subcontracts for these companies, including website design and web programming projects, the installation of MySQL databases , shopping carts , photo galleries , graphic…site, graphic, template, free, client1
autisticart.huThis is easy to say, hard to do, and without your help, nearly an impossible task. Learn more about how you can help here.art, autistic, autism, people, foundation1
bws.huThe black and white studio is a more than 20-year-old professional company. During our existence we met a lot of different design tasks: the interior of shops, offices and apartments and the creation of exhibitions and stalls, from design to manufacturing, through the construction. For us, the…design task, task interiorcreation, solution, manufacture, apartment, construction1
backstreetvoice.hu…director on our team – also an actor and a renowned Hungarian voiceover artist coach with twenty years of experience- undertook this enormous task, not only for children but for adults as well (in limited numbers). Thanks to ample training, his students are later able to find their way in the…enormous task, task childvoice, studio, director, artist, sound1
navaykornel.huOur most important task is to protect wildlife and its reasonable extension and nurturing. Hunting is primarily for the regulation of the number of games We try to protect wildlife from all risks, whether it is caused by the game, by diseases or by poaching.important task, task wildlifehunting, game, number, nature, area1
budaors.huOur body of representatives considers it one of their major tasks to ensure that Budaörs is an agreeable place to live for its citizens whose number will soon exceed 30 thousand, and - at the same time - to offer an increasing number of sights and experiences to visitors.major task, task budaörscity, affairs, office, settlement, transaction1
itstudy.huDuring the OpenQAsS project, we developed a solution to help VET institutions carry out their quality assurance tasks, in line with the current European Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET).During the OpenQAsS project, we developed a solution to help VET…assurance task, task lineeducation, vocational, teacher, training, development1
tarkakutyabolt.huNowadays more and more pets are kept in apartments. As a dog owner our task is to make sure that we give them enough mental and physical activity, let it rain or let it shine.owner task, task suredog, harness, bow, birthday, accessories1
rolandtoth.hu…was an important feature as the majority of the guests are foreigners. Currently the site has six languages and most of the content is localized thanks for the enormous work of the content editors. As a developer my task was to provide tools for them but fortunately it was easy with ProcessWire.developer task, task toolsite, toth, developer, portfolio, previous1
cansathungary.huThe task for the teams is to communicate in real-time with their CanSats, do measurements (measuring temperature and pressure is obligatory) with the satellite, then land with it under safe conditions. During the competition the teams also have to present the results of their measurements.competition, satellite, official, organizer, challenge1
andraskiss.huWhether we are trying to make our everyday life easier or just looking for relaxation, the development of an intellectual product is always a special task in which science, art and creativity can be combined. This is what I see in everyday life in the software development.special task, task sciencedevelopment, photography, andras, amateur, software1
triad.huBuilding a complex system is not easy on its own, but communicating between complex systems, like a large scale supply chain, government information systems of different tasks with multiple players, each operating their own systems, trying to force their partners to adapt to their processes can be…different task, task multiplecustomer, document, consulting, credit, model1
dalova.huWe provide classes for kindergartens and schools with animal demonstrations. We present the care and feeding tasks essential for animal husbandry. At the same time, our visitors can view an introduction of native wildlife, fauna and flora as part of a film screening. Children can be informed about…feed task, task essentialintroduction, appointment, animal, visitor, wildlife1
rabomatik.huDesigning specific machines and equipment, special-purpose machines, assembly lines, solving individual automation tasks from designing to commissioning in the field of engineering, car industry, electronics industry, construction materials production, and any other segments of industry.automation task, task commissionautomation, industrial, machine, branch, element1
flumen.huThis approach is unacceptable for enterprises, where vehicle availibility is the first priority. Those cars need to be charged first, which have the most important tasks, and each car should get as much power as necessary for its next route.important task, task carcharge, enterprise, electric, fleet, approach1
magyarasztrofotosok.huThe Association has set a number of tasks on its flag, among them the efforts to create a community, to present the works of astrophotographers, to raise the Hungarian astrophotography to international status, and last but not least to define the genre framework and ethical principles of…number task, task flagassociation, month, community, activity, member1
hotelhalaszkert.huFrom 1. September 2021, all accommodation establishments, including our hotel, must comply with another data provision obligation in accordance with Government Act CLVI of 2016 on the State Tasks for the Development of Tourist Areas. (Guest Information Closed Database = VIZA).state task, task developmentroom, offer, guest, gallery, restaurant1
barkert.huin case of a standing reception, we can host 200 people. And we can do all this while taking care of your special needs, if there is any. Your only task is to tell us the exact date of your special event, and leave the rest to us. Charming ambiance, delicious flavors, friendly atmosphere and smooth…need task, task exactevent, castle, special, stylish, delicious1
brg-group.huWe know exactly how hard it is for chief executives to find the right accountant, given this is a confidential task. Keyword is trust and this can only be gained after a successful mutual work. This is what we apply for as we will have an insight to your financial workflow.confidential task, task keywordaccounting, liquidation, group, finance, outsource1
stscope.huWe adjust our working hours to the task! Our agency operates 7 days a week for 24 hours a day.hour task, task agencycommunication, scope, st, client, agency1
produkteam.huThe process and administration of payroll is very complex and surprisingly challenging, but month by month it is one of the most important task for companies and employees as well. Our payroll specialist colleagues have professional experience in the KulcsSoft payroll system, which provides a…important task, task companylabour, recruitment, solution, payroll, employee1
budapestbusiness.hu…of the holders of the venture. Tax rules are mostly in the interest of the State. It happens that the State wants the money sooner than it would be disposable by the venture. Tax has to be paid, but it matters how much. How is it worth for us to pay taxes? My task is to find the answer for this.taxis task, task answertaxation, financial, consulting, tax, statement1
doctech.huThis guides us, technical writers, in order to make audience’s task easier and to provide them a major comprehension.audience task, task easysolution, technical, documentation, safety, software1
nautilusstudio.huWe develop broadcast CG applications based on real time 3D graphics. Our products are designed to produce high quality broadcast graphics in a live broadcast environment and for post production. They can be easily adapted for practically any kind of special broadcast graphics task (news, quiz…graphic task, task newsrequirements, hardware, news, broadcast, graphic1
kispeterportfolio.huMy responsibilities included sales tasks such as writing proposals, managing invoices, as well as creating and delivering presentations to clients about the products offered by the company.sale task, task proposalportfolio, skill, developer, education, website1
reach-i4.huPredictive Maintenance (PdM) techniques are designed to help determine the condition of in-service equipment in order to predict when maintenance should be performed. This approach promises cost savings over routine or time-based preventive maintenance, because tasks are performed only when…data, reach, solution, big, real1
tachografkiertekeles.huOur service can significantly reduce manual tasks and errors, improving operational efficiency.manual task, task erroranalysis, data, file, card, driver1
agenos.huSeveral people from our team have developed applications for the electronic toll system operating in Hungary to perform all tasks prescribed for a toll declaration operator. These software were introduced to determine the distance-based toll payment for HGVs.hungary task, task tollsolution, software, desktop, mobile, app1
acelvakond.huWe are particularly proud of the successful completion of tasks that are challenging in the professional world, where previously recognized, competing businesses have been forced to retreat.completion task, task challengeextrusion, pipe, steel, concrete, drilling1
karkojanos.huI was responsible for achieving online sales targets in multiple countries. One of my main task was to plan and coordinate the execution of B2C seasonal campaigns in both internal and external channels. My role also involved designing the front-end wireframes and managing the web development…main task, task executionmanager, digital, certification, ecommerce, growth1
boroczffy.huA construction – let it be a family house or a complete governmental investment – is a multivarious and complex task. A well thought-out layout still not enough, the lion’s share of the work only starts henceforward.complex task, task layoutconstruction, engineering, office, technical, industry1
mastergood.hu…worked as the manager of hatcheries in several places of Eastern Hungary in the 1950s. In 1958, he was placed at Derecske, where his task was to strengthen animal husbandry in Eastern Hungary and, at the same time, build the then largest hatchery of Hungary. He led this hatchery untilderecske task, task animalchicken, free, fodder, family, process1
ordogkatlan.hu…because we immodestly believe that in the decade and a half of the Ördögkatlan Festival we have represented the same values: 'We regard it as our task to build community, to create communal experiences, and while cherishing tradition, to be an institution characterised by a progressive approach…value task, task communitytheatre, performance, festival, concert, music1
all.huIn contrast to today's NLP systems, ALL offers deep semantic access to the content of free text documents by its innovative cognitive semantics and ontology-based representation technology, which is capable of supporting all major NLP tasks (information retrieval and extraction etc.).nlp task, task informationapply, logic, laboratory, technology, cognitive1
markcon.huThe one year professional traineeship is divided in four quarters, with different objectives defined for the players in each quarter. They must attend trainings, join a community, negotiate with clients, and solve numerous exciting tasks.campaign, game, website, development, application1
techandtrad.hu…best communication skills in English, as this language is our working language, and have the digital skills needed for the implementation of the tasks of the activities. All through the project they will study and produce various documents of their own special events (state and religious holidaysimplementation task, task activityschool, technology, tradition, activity, day1
cegpalyazat.huBefore starting the game, please read the terms and conditions of the game. In the guide, you will find information about the conditions of participation in our game, the tasks related to the completion of the game, the process of using the coupon code available at the end of the game.game task, task completionapplication, free, game, condition, individual1
spiritpartner.huThe human resources are usually limited at the enterprises, so the employees are more involved in the project tasks ...consulting, accounting, touch, management, enterprise1
lescale.huOnce installed in Hungary, foreigners may need help to complete any task they find challenging in Hungary.help task, task challengesearch, permit, foreigner, immigration, relocation1
epti.huOur company is a proper organization for NATO supply, since we have NATO Facility Security Clearance Certificate. Our staff has Security Clearance Cerfiticate. Engagement in the technical completion of domestic and foreign security facilities and their design are the priority among our tasks.facility, reference, news, colleagues, technical1
multisoft.huIf you have a special need, which an out-of-the-box solution cannot fulfill, our custom development team can create your own application. Whether it’s an ERP system tailored to individual business processes, a mobile application, or any other development task, our developers are at your disposal.development task, task developerinvoice, application, development, solution, power1
prodsp.huCustom hardware and software development tasks mark the 15-year history of ProDSP all the way.development task, task yeardevelopment, production, cable, hardware, tester1
szemvizsgalat.huMacula lutea is a small yellowish, pigmented area of the retina of the human eye. The macula provides the central, high-resolution, color vision. This part of the retina is responsible for sharp vision, which is essential for tasks such as reading, driving, and recognizing faces. If the macula is…essential task, task facevision, eye, antioxidant, health, important1
vizgepeszet.huOne of the main tasks of our company is quality control during production, which is monitored and regulated by our internal system. Our qualification regarding this field is the MHTE-certified VT2 and PT2 non-destructive certification.main task, task companywater, quality, treatment, fabrication, equipment1
cbrnhungary.huOur main activity is to complete research, representation and marketing tasks for our partner companies, Gamma Technical Co. and Respirator Company, - two leading Hungarian manufacturers in the field of CBRN detection and defence - on their export markets, also providing consultation services…marketing task, task partnerwebsite, technical, corporation, market, hand1
bakator.huPaper bags are typically primary packaging materials, which means that they come into direct contact with the products. This is why our customers frequently order both the direct and external packaging from us. In addition, there are some powders for which we take care of the complete packaging…packaging task, task productbuild, packaging, house, construction, quote1
benei.huThat was the place where the companyís current managers and owners Ė Mr Laszlo Benei and his wife – started to work. Their task was to make the vital element of a confectionery shop: the waffer. This became such an important thing both in their and the companies life that in 1983 the firm became a…wife task, task vitalfirm, market, development, production, employee1
szfe.huThe management and maintenance of our important international academic relationships, coordination of festivals and events, administration of the Erasmus+ program, and facilitation of international student and faculty mobility are some of the tasks carried out by the International Directorate.mobility task, task internationalinternational, institute, art, student, institution1
jurtak.hu…owner to learn how to take care of it at installation, we are happy to share all information and knowledge with our customers. Those who can’t look after their yurt are not ready for the world of yurts. Those who can do it, who grow up to the task will have the whole universe in their…yurt task, task universeyurt, base, place, gallery, ground1
blackbelt.huDue to the nature of the task, we could not really be flexible, and therefore it was BlackBelt who had to be resilient, and they really were! We would choose them again, and we would do it all in this way again. BlackBelt created a complex IT system for us in a short lead time. It was good to work…nature task, task flexibledevelopment, software, client, technology1
meatfactory.huOur modern meat factory, developed in three stages, has a production area of ​​more than 7,000 m2. Thanks to continuous improvements, we can flexibly undertake the most modern production and packaging tasks:price, list, meat, request, factory1
smartia.huReducing HR Tasks :Automating employee suitability examinations and screenings. Addressing employee turnover.hr task, task employeejoy, cultural, video, appointment, turnover1
sunbelt.huIt is often an external observer who can identify and handle these tiny, but very annoying problems. We at Sunbelt believe that by relieving procurement specialists of unnecessary burdens, we allow them to have more time and energy to concentrate on the tasks that really matter. In the long run…energy task, task longreference, procurement, quote, industrial, solution1
hangkelto.huThe Hangkeltő Foundation is an organization supporting amateur choirs since 2015, aiding their day-to-day operation, and aiming to fulfill their training needs and requirements. In these past years, our tasks included the planning and management of concerts, festivals, summer camps, singing…year task, task planchoir, foundation, chamber, lab, creative1
ipacsszabo.hu…it is the start of a new road. When I visited here for the first time in 2009 I clearly had the feeling that my place was here. I was asked to help with the selling of this land vineyard, which ended up to be a very easy task since the land touched me, didn’t let me go, so I ended up buying it.easy task, task landwine, vineyard, place, estate, earth1
tlw.huTLW Ltd has beyond its base staff a strong technical expert team available with specialists commanding very high qualification and language skill. Involvement of this expert team in individual projects depends on the type of work and on the size of task to be done. Besides the expert team, a very…size task, task expertmachine, diagnostic, method, main, survey1
argeomentum.huThe EU’s Common Agricultural Policy’s First and Second Pillars depend on remote sensing mapping and surveillance (CwRS, Control with Remote Sensing) to ensure that farmers undertake the work required in exchange for subsidies. Argeomentum has managed leading tasks (from project management, mapping…lead task, task projectresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation1
pmikft.hu…as well as chemical industry complex project (technology, engineering, electricity, process instrumentation, process control, architectural design, property protection and fire alarm) and connected to ones like pressurized vessels, tanks and pressurized system design as well as expert tasks.industry, engineering, activity, scope, data1
geoflame.huThe company’s activities are conducted by the use of the latest technologies. The general surveying and mine surveying tasks are carried out by several Leica Viva GNSS-GPS-RTK devices and total stations which provide us with the most up-to-date measurement technology. Recently, we started using…survey task, task leicaquestion, reference, mining, survey, technology1
everestjobs.huThey are reliable, precise, punctual and hardworking workforce. In simpler tasks such as trained factory worker, kitchen assistant, hotel cleaner, they have an extraordinary monotony tolerance. In higher positions, their knowledge rivals with anyone and, of course, they have the relevant degree.simple task, task factoryworkforce, job, reliable, asia, construction1
feic.huWe help implementing the proper security strategy according to the tasks and values of your company and that supports the daily operation instead of interrupting it.strategy task, task valuesecurity, independent, expert, consulting, consultant1
kodkft.huEnvironmental protection appears as a high priority task in all fields and individual processes of Kód KFT's activity. Minimizing environmental load, using alternative energy resources and processing the raw materials we use in the most environmentally friendly way – these guidelines all make up…priority task, task fieldelectrical, production, control, implementation, activity1
orangesoil.huOur mission is to unite the notion of a fast and simple trip to the gas station with shopping, therefore completing your usual tasks in one practical step.usual task, task practicalprice, oil, orange, fuel, quality1
projectbuilder.huThe activities of Projekt Builder are diverse. It covers the construction of new buildings, the renovation and maintenance of old buildings, the carrying out of demolition work, general construction and the performance of special construction tasks.construction, builder, site, general, page1
gabsys.huOur partnership with T-Systems began in 2010 with the main objective to provide solutions to Budapest Bank. Our main tasks include operation support, development of new features and integration of the contact center with the backend systems of the bank.main task, task operationltd, solution, record, support, custom1
yplon.huIn the past couple of years a new business management sofware has been launched to enable us to provide correct and regular information for the venues, the creditors and owners, furthermore helps the effectiveness of administrational, hr, environmental and organizational tasks connected with asset…organizational task, task assetproceedings, liquidation, management, asset, creditor1
nhkv.huWe established the website of NHKV [National Coordination of Waste Management and Asset Management Plc (NHKV Plc)] with the purpose of implementing the state tasks of waste management public service within the most efficient frameworks possible.state task, task wastepublic, data, introduction, organisation, recommendation1
mymentor.hu…motivating and inspiring content, such as videos, articles, and podcasts, featuring success stories from participants in the app. Challenges and tasks: Engage in regular challenges and tasks where you can compete for various rewards. Goal setting and progress tracking: Set your goals and track…challenge task, task regular, task rewardgoal, , expert, success, community1
teker.hu"One of the most reliable builders in the area of Kalocsa, they are flexible to solve all tasks, keeping the customer's needs and economic? possibilities in the highest regard…. Paying maximum attention to the customer’s needs and financial possibilities? In case of warranty works, they are…flexible task, task customertrading, build, site, hall, carrier1
logiclab.huThe Internet version of the software currently only exists in this version (7 tasks) can be tested on our site.version task, task sitepneumatic, element, workplace, simple, learn1
salessolutions.huWe manage the majority of the administrative tasks, so you can concentrate on other aspects of the event.administrative task, task aspectvenue, sale, solution, find, event1
hzcleaning.huOur clients trust us because we carry out every cleaning task with precision, reliability, and discretion, ensuring uninterrupted operations.clean task, task precisionclean, office, hygienic, quote, environment1
ahid.huAt A-HÍD we understand that the technologies used in our activities have an impact on the natural and developed environment. This is why we give environmental tasks associated with our work a great deal of attention. Great emphasis is placed on the prevention and gradual reduction of potential…environmental task, task workenvironmental, protection, activity, responsibility, social1
bauteamkft.huThe company owners are, if necessary, able to make quick decisions regarding any complex task within hours in the interest of meeting the deadline.complex task, task hourreference, quotation, price, quality, certification1
angkor.org.hu„A Vision without a Task is but a Dream, a Task without a Vision is a Drudgery, a Vision with a Task is the Hope of the World.”vision task, task dream, dream task, task vision, task hopefoundation, phase, toilet, protection, general1
grandpark-dental.huAdult Dentistry, Child Care! Our dentists are regular and emergency dentist specialists. In addition to the dental care of adult patients, we attach great importance to child care tasks.dental, dentist, price, guarantee, number1
airmatic.huThe mechanical parts of our products are designed with the aid of PTC Creo CAD software to ensure the fast designing process and quality even before manufacturing. To manufacture the designed parts is the task for our own machining competence and our trusted suppliers.part task, task machiningassembly, line, machine, software, need1
doubledecker.huB2B and B2C often call for very different approaches to achieve the required results. With 25 years of experience, we navigate these diverse communicational landscapes with ease. Whether our task involves women consumers’ shopping habits, or industrial developments of multinational corporations…ease task, task womandouble, brand, agency, media, expertise1
opl.huSzilvia has been the heart of OPL since its establishment in 2012. She not only performs all of the office’s vital management tasks but supports each and every member of the OPL team too. Before joining OPL, Szilvia worked in Germany and other Budapest-based law firms. Szilvia holds a Master’s…management task, task memberlaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
debrecenbike.hu…and terraces on Piac Street? The square and the adjacent pedestrian zone are chock-full of little gems, finding all of which might be a worthy task for even avid downtown treasure hunters. Try to locate the old “mud bridge” (marking the original street level), or take your selfie with (the…worthy task, task avidbike, street, church, build, city1
mt-gasconsulting.hu…energy market. Since that moment Hungarian customers can freely choose their natural gas and electricity suppliers. However, leaving the comfortable area of public utility is not only an opportunity, it's also a duty. The ever-changing content of services often means new tasks for the customers.new task, task customerconsulting, gas, customer, welcome, energy1
hutogepklinika.hu"I’ve had them repair things several times, always on time and solving my problem immediately. I have never experienced a craftsman doing the task so quickly and accurately."craftsman task, task quicklyquestion, brand, problem, order, frequently1
lapidarium.hu…This delicate connection can be reflected in structurally open architectural design. At Lapidarium we consider the structural design not just a task to be completed in time and quality, but also a chance for a serious intellectual play. Community play that provides the joy of creation on the…design task, task timestructural, structure, engineering, engineer, house1
davrt.hu…lies in having the staff adopt and co-operate in the philosophy of „Best at once”, the ambition to continously improve. These are also the basic ideas of our quality control system. We do this, in the interest of these foundational principles becoming the part and value of our everyday tasks.steel, construction, quality, introduction, goal1
nandkft.huA major transformation, launching a new production line is a big task. We help you with this with our project management service.big task, task projectautomation, production, machine, industrial, construction1
prompt.huFrom domain reservation to website upload, monitoring and regular updates, we take full care of all IT tasks, so you don't have to deal with any technical details.care task, task technicalsecurity, technology, solution, complete, maintenance1
oralstudio.hu…the country that refer various cases of ambulatory oral surgery to us. Upon the completion of the treatment, we send patients, along with their case assessment, report and further treatment proposal, back to the referring dentist. Post-treatment and relating tasks are performed by OralStudio.treatment task, task oralstudiostudio, surgery, treatment, patient, oral1
folia-szamitas.huHow much of the specific shrink film or stretch film am I going to need for the given task?calculator, site, calculation, shrink, portal1
eco-office.huImagine the end of a working day when you get up from your seat happy and satisfied. You’ve ticked off every task on your to do list and the efficient work day didn’t drain you but energised you. Sounds good, right? But we know that a freelancer’s life is not always so ideal, a lot can stand in…satisfied task, task listoffice, space, community, meet, appointment1
halbomce.hu…and engineering equipment and following the testing phase of plants the creation of complete operational documentation and handover to our clients. The process is complemented by undertaking and carrying out regular maintenance tasks, upgrades and modifications according to client expectation.maintenance task, task upgradeindustrial, pipe, piping, assemble, installation1
dropevent.huOur team has had more than 10 years of professional experience in the field of event management. Drop Event is specialising in comprehensive event planning from small trainings to festival appearances with several thousands of participants. We love challenges and tasks that seem to be unsolvable…challenge task, task unsolvableevent, drop, plan, comprehensive, festival1
dutrade.hu…of the favourable properties of steel if the required products are available in appropriate quality, volume and size at the right time. This task is fulfilled by the dealers who have storage facilities worldwide. They offer not only high quality products but also provide high level…time task, task dealerprofile, steel, document, sheet, cold1
lifthold.hu…which were ordered by the customers. More than once, construction was halted for several days because we were waiting for spare parts after the machines broke down. Our processes have been accelerated by solving this task within the Group by our own professional machines and work organization.”process task, task groupmachinery, machine, history, crane, operation1
doppio.huAnnagora Aquapark is located behind the “Greek village” in Balatonfüred. It was an unsuccessful tourist attraction within the city for many years. After taking over Annagora’s marketing tasks, we redirected the communication, that was mainly targeting young people at the time, with a family focus…marketing task, task communicationagency, creative, market, research, management1
vicazsolttrans.huWe have been dealing with parcel delivery and moving since 2016. Before that, we also carried out personal transport and smaller moves within Norway. We can still help you with such tasks today. Most of our trips from Hungary take us to Oslo and its surroundings. There are also detours such as to…norway task, task today, case task, task custompackage, international, regular, domestic, price1
adatvedo.huWe perform the tasks required by the Data Protection Regulation for the DPO (Data Protection Officer) independently.data, protection, security, privacy, reference1
petnehazy-nora.huI have started teaching in 2019 at the university and I am trying to enrich my classes with new teaching methods with a great impact on practice with interactive, interesting tasks and assignments. Every class of mine lasts 90minutes as it required by the faculty. I use approximately 45 minutes to…interesting task, task assignment, situational task, task ordervolunteer, research, goal, care, personal1
saunahome.huBuilding a suana isn't an easy task specially if you're new to this world. That's where our consultation service comes in. Our team with full of experts, here to guide you through every step of the process.easy task, task speciallysauna, collection, perfect, easily, household1
dunativ.huThe work of our large team and sub-contractors is being supported by project engineers, project preparators, construction managers, supply managers along the project lifecycle, not leaving any doubts or tasks behind while making the dreams of renters, customers, developers come true.doubt task, task dreamgeneral, implementation, ready, wish, range1
drdoczy.hu…proceedings. Therefore I provide complete legal service. I'm experienced in both the general legal works regarding real estate and company law tasks, damage claims, and also in administration law, especially in pharmaceutical law and labour law cases. Regarding the above mentioned I have…law task, task damagelegal, advice, law, contract, litigation1
innomed.huInnomed Medical Inc. participated in a professionally organized team building workshop in Esztergom. We are proud of our colleagues who easily completed the programme points and tasks assigned by the Anthemon group. We are always enthusiastic about such events as we...point task, task anthemonmedical, development, ray, generator, ecg1
bit-soft.hu…and more - clear terms of collaboration, 24/7 support with fast resolving, software that adapts to the workflow in locations and automates manual tasks and last but not least, mobility. I am talking about mobility because, in the restaurant business, it was essential to improve the customer…manual task, task mobilitysoftware, solution, bit, hospitality, restaurant1
motorepites.huIf you vote for me on the basis of the descriptions and you will not be disappointed. With 20 years of experience, a well-equipped workshop, and a wide-ranging relationship system, I can assure you, is not an irresolvable task for me.ready, widget, motorcycle, restoration, gearbox1
korrepkristof.huAlthough we are not 007 agents, but we can solve seemingly impossible tasks smoothly and safety with perfect results.impossible task, task smoothlyexam, education, language, guarantee, essay1
foltinandfoltin.huOur company operates a food safety system, so we consider it a daily task to achieve these goals.daily task, task goalquality, customer, profile, market, food1
indotek.huThe staff of the Property Management Department coordinate and carry out the work involved in operating, letting and selling the diverse range of properties comprising our portfolio. Our principal operational tasks are to liaise with existing tenants, to coordinate any maintenance- and…operational task, task tenantmanagement, investment, group, property, market1
harzo.huUsing HARZO products saves you both time and money by eliminating the need to remove tiles, wallpaper, old worn parquet floors and other time-consuming and tedious tasks.tile, page, special, renovation, wood1
interface.huFor our clients, we can not only help to realize their ideas, but we also working and planing together with a highly qualified colleagues. Our advice is provided in the following areas: IT areas: hardware and basic software, Oracle database management, optimization, integration tasks, interfaces…integration task, task interfaceinterface, software, administration, maintenance, management1
predaistvan.huSecondary cardiac care (special tasks): 5th, 6th, 7th, 13th and 17th districts of Budapest and parts of Pest, Heves, and Nógrád counties.special task, task districtprofile, area, main, geographical, cardiology1
envirosense.huDatabase of classified buildings and superstructures is an effective supporter of municipal tasks. Using these products gives the opportunity to check existing records, identify actual property boundaries, track changes, and support other urban planning tasks. From our products 3D building models…municipal task, task product, plan taskdata, area, map, page, airborne1
ithelpcenter.huOur company offers a broad selection of IT services at an affordable price whether you are looking for intermittent workforce or would like to outsource entire system management tasks. Contact us today, we are eager to see what we can do for you.management task, task todaysupport, help, step, solution, center1
greenconsulting.huIt means work related to the analysis, development, and definition of business (economic) IT systems. The main task of the business analyst is to provide a precise, systematic documenting of the expectations of the software for the client.main task, task businessmain, page, client, website, solution1
manootesting.huWhizbang magically automates repetitive tasks, turning manual processes into time-saving enchantments.repetitive task, task manualfiction, software, expert, script, template1
projectarmstrong.huGet prepared for the moon landing with our minigame! Before you can start your journey to Europa, you need to assemble and program your spacecraft’s guidance computer. Can you solve the tasks? Test your logical and programming skills with our game and have a chance to win a VR Park gift coupon.computer task, task logicalprize, competition, member, gift, challenge1
rescube.huassisting emergency responders to save people and perform hazardous tasks with highly mobile, dexterous and semi-autonomous robots capable of mapping and negotiating complex environments;hazardous task, task highlyrobotic, young, open, community, engineer1
drlorinczrita.huCaring for our teeth and maintaining their health throughout our lives is essential, as our teeth play a key role in chewing, digestion, speech formation, and our aesthetic appearance as well. E preserving our health , the prevention of related diseases is therefore an extremely important task in…important task, task lifetreatment, doctor, dental, login, smile1
aram-foldgaz.huWith this step the state has forced the industry, trade and service operators, for-profit business associations almost entirely into a competitive situation. Thus the procurement, trade of natural resources becomes the task of economic organizations even if electricity and natural gas trade does…resource task, task economicelectricity, price, low, order, energy1
balancepointconsulting.hulegal requirements (e.g. electronic returns, data management) provide an opportunity to even perform the complete service process — from material collection to submission of returns, daily contacts — in electronic form. All these accelerate the processes and reduce the tasks imposed on the clients..process task, task clientpoint, consulting, accounting, client, multinational1
harispark.huThere are few more exciting events in any couple’s life than their wedding. Your most important yet stressful task is to make sure everything is perfect on the Big Day. Let our professional team at Haris Park take the worry out of organizing this important event and help you make your dreams come…stressful task, task sureevent, wedding, gallery, newsletter, restaurant1
flow.huAs a supporter of a great team, my job is to provide a secure background for my colleagues, handling my various tasks with a solution-focused approach.colleagues task, task solutiondevelopment, management, leadership, training, group1
nanoworx.huThe main task of reFactory is to provide product traceability, control production (e.g. printers, machines, barcode readers) and poka-yoke.main task, task refactoryprocess, software, developer, order, solution1
kiskunmeridian.huDustless transportation and dosing of powders and granules means complex tasks for our customers. With the help of our products the controlled dust-free delivery and dosing of materials is feasible as well as the closed charging of reactors at specially designed versions.complex task, task customerequipment, pressure, litre, container, value1
kiskepzo.huOur school has manifold tasks. On one hand, we provide education for young professionals, well informed in artistic fields and who will receive an intermediate degree upon graduation, to prepare them for their lives in the field of fine and applied arts. We also give them a chance to make a living…manifold task, task handart, school, student, participant, artistic1
biondobike.hu…and Wilier, the Biondo Bike bike shop has been the exclusive distributor from the beginning. Of course, having so much time to market two such crown diamonds is not just a glory, it is just as much a responsibility. We have tried and will continue to do our utmost to be worthy of this unusual task.bike, second, hand, shop, bicycle1
coris.huDealing with an emergency caused by an unexpected illness or accident is not an easy task here either,insurance, pension, family, detail, protection1
orienteventive.huWe carefully listen to our clients, assess the tasks, understand the objectives and set milestones.client task, task objectiveorient, event, build, conference, ready1
oliszerver.huOptical, copper cable and wireless network infrastructure building, also for high bandwidth networks. We have modern tools for every task.network, sensor, open, main, development1
metwork.huIf you decide you want to work with us, the first step is accurate task support. Based on a jointly agreed and accepted offer, our engineers plan the task using our 3D modeling software. When the concept is ready, we will consult you about the plan.accurate task, task support, engineer task, task modelingmachine, quote, offer, deadline, solution1
hagcso.hu…0 – 500 grams – also upon the preparation of the needed tools. We contract for the performance of hired work on machines with clamping force 5 – 150 tons up to the tool size of 410 * 410 (tool thickness, with ejection opening 510 mm) – at a cheap price, accepting also orders for problematic tasks.price, main, activity, list, technical1
jovomentes.hu…fundamental question of survival for Europeans, elevating the matter of preserving European peace to the level of community action. The current governments of Europe, in the midst of feverish preparations for war, unfortunately do not have time to deal with the small tasks of peacekeeping. We do.small task, task peacekeepingfuture, peace, europe, european, today1
drborsai.huWith regular clients, we ensure to the greatest extent possible that their affairs are dealt with by the same person or, if the task so requires, by the same persons.person task, task personoffice, lawyer, law, area, practice1
karotazs.huOur NPCLOG equipment is a universal PC-based surface recording unit, which (contrary to earlier practice) was constructed using exclusively own developments like task oriented motherboard, boards for measuring, data acquisition. The measuring and processing software is also self-created.like task, task motherboardmeasurement, range, development, application, activity1
experiplant.huRestoring the biological basis of agriculture is our fundamental task, and we now have access to a wide range of products and services to achieve this. Among these, the use of biostimulants and bio-based inoculants holds great promise, but also risks, as it is difficult to choose the most…fundamental task, task accesslorem, ipsum, soil, plant, biology1
counterguard.huMonitoring of the actual number of visitors in the facility – you will know exactly which entrance and by how many customers was used on a given day. Conversion measurement. By taking into account the utilization of the building, the maintenance tasks and costs can be identified.maintenance task, task costevent, real, shopping, mall, establishment1
biztonsagosvaltozas.hu„I had been President of the Hungarian Somato-Psychoterapeutic Association for a year when I started to work with Kriszta. She worked with us as a coach and organization development specialist. She helped me in fulfilling my leadership tasks, finding common ground with my colleagues, and also…leadership task, task commonorganization, development, process, group, goal1
expanzio.huWe prepare schools to perform better in national or supranational testing. The focus of our method is the individual development plan for both teachers and students and the constant mentoring help. The change agents of the organisation are aided with special tasks and support.special task, task supportconsulting, human, learn, educational, development1
itlgroup.huToday more than ever, our worst enemy is fear. A fear generated by the unknown. Fear kills the mind and freezes our actions. Our task, we feel, is to influence people to reposition their focus away from fear and train it upon a more positive emotion. In that spirit, this website is an invitation…action task, task peopletax, law, real, estate1
planidea.huWe, at the Knowledge Center, believe, that the knowledge belongs to the national assets, thus its support at any ways in the widest range is our primary task.research, knowledge, activity, field, job1
bitteam.huOur firm, Bit Team Ltd. helps to develop enterprise applications and systems. Our main profile is the design and development of software by special requirements of the customer, project management and support. We can offer specialists for these tasks. We have many experiences in international…specialist task, task experiencebit, main, software, page, reference1
prooptimum.hu…to solve an acute problem. Most of the cases cannot be solved by a one-off intervention, it is necessary to find the fundamental problems and tasks to be solved. Whether it’s a tax audit, back taxes, liquidation, compulsory liquidation or criminal proceedings, our objective is to find the…problem task, task taxtax, cancellation, consultancy, consultant, advice1
pappnadazo.huThe main task of the enterprise is everything concerning thatch: covering summer houses, bungallows, cellars etc. with reed, servicing and repairing them.main task, task enterprisezoltan, roof, enterprise, picture, summer1
civiljogok.hu…honoring the work of public benefit organizations as well as in the liquidation of legal difficulties preventing the provision of public tasks for more than 7 years. Contradictions in the relationships among NGOs, the State and local governments have already been detected by earlier…public task, task yearngo, public, legal, goal, regulation1
myrmidon.hu…comprehensive staffing solutions for both intellectual and manual positions. We handle recruitment, selection, organization, and labor management tasks to ensure maximum productivity and flexibility. Our services are competitively priced, and we ensure continuous availability, problem management…management task, task maximumworkforce, solution, management, organization, efficient1
smart-office.huDecades of experience, hundreds of satisfied clients. Creating an office space is not just a sales task, it is a creative work for us. It is the result of careful planning and thinking together with the client.sale task, task creativeoffice, workplace, furniture, client, casual1
drolasz.huIt is not a factory, where everybody is required to be an expert only in a single task, and where people standing at one end of the assembly line don’t know neither those standing at the other one, nor what they do. This office is a cozy, and friendly kind of place, like a handicraft winery: in…single task, task peoplespecialization, document, single, colleagues, kind1
eston.huWith our property management services, we guarantee that your property’s value is kept and elevated. All technical, financial, administrative, and marketing tasks are managed in one hand.marketing task, task handinternational, property, management, office, real1
imckft.huOver the past long years , we have found the most suitable people to manage our various segments . We have currently approx. 150 employees at home and abroad in our workplaces , and we also perform several construction and inspection tasks in our service provider-consulting segments.inspection task, task serviceconsulting, industrial, llc, mechanical, liability1
reedglobal.hu…Other than that, the search was straightforward, according to Anna: “I told prospective candidates the expectations of each role in detail, the tasks, and made sure they had similar experience to what was required.” Lajos added: “We have now been working with Reed continuously since last autumn,detail task, task surerecruitment, salary, job, guide, career1
epds.huIt provides full lifetime tracking, so it not only registers objects, but also provides information about their maintenance, timing and related tasks.equipment, environment, activity, operation, management1
vostokinterlog.huThere is no obstacle for us to deliver shipments to their destinations within deadline by land, water or air. Our aim is to solve Partners' logistic tasks on the highest standard.logistic task, task highfreight, forward, international, quote1
korte.huWe use a range of mechanical, chemical and biological technologies both in our standard systems and discrete solutions customised for individual tasks.wastewater, treatment, technology, chemical, water1
tamasiszallas.huOur office was established in Tamási in 1989. Nowadays our main task is to find local suitable accomodation for all. We also provide sales of different transport tickets (flight tickets, bus tickets), foreign guidance and program offering.main task, task localstreet, apartment, guesthouse, general, accomodation1
drinksystem.huDuring the producing activity special needs can be arised in the producing life. When these needs don’t meet with the tools are available in the sale, the solution can be a target machine for this task. The designing, the producing, the installation of these devices are such challenges that we…machine task, task designproduction, line, machine, installation, conveyor1
iconrem.huWe become an integral part of our customer’s organization either for specific tasks or for the entire financial operation.specific task, task entiremanagement, icon, property, estate, real1
betatrans.huThe situation is constantly changing, but this is just another task to be solved, which does not hinder proper performance.constantly task, task propercustom, quality, website, customer, track1
mullermonika.huThe first common task was to renovate our house. We were already on the same wavelength at our first meeting. Mónika is creative, professional, works with great technical bases and applies unique, special solutions.common task, task houseinterior, process, main, page, apartment1
yourvoice.huDatabase Maintenance: Continuous database maintenance tasks, like index optimization, data purging, and database server performance tuning.maintenance task, task likevoice, report, fee, maintenance, employee1
nuvu.huShould you have any questions, requests or recommendations about our shared tasks, please share your thoughts with me. Thank you so much for your cooperation.recommendation task, task thoughtpage, trade, letter, original, torch1
museo.huWe wanted to compose music in the similar style like our favorite bands. Those days there were only a few groups featuring that kind of music. Our desire was to touch the heart of the music-lover young people. Coming from the eastern regions of Hungary is not the simplest task to get into the…simple task, task musicsong, favorite, pic, forum, music1
agilegettogether.hu…inclusive collaboration, transparent power dynamics, collaborative learning, and embracing conflict. After applying these strategies, learning leaders will help their teams and themselves become more resilient and better equipped to handle any unexpected and challenging tasks that comes their way.challenge task, task wayagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
modernceremoniamester.hu…detail of your wedding day. A good wedding MC is a combination of a personal manager, professional orator and most importantly – your friend. All in one. Bearing all the responsibility on the most special day of your life. There’s just one single task left for you – to enjoy it! Simple as that.single task, task simplewedding, video, gallery, day, friend1
rigocon.huHis professional credo is to provide value added services to his clients through addressing the tasks in context and in full considerations of the given partner’s business, strategic and financial specifics, while ensuring that the solutions delivered are always pragmatic, practical and rational.client task, task contextrisk, management, control, solution, financial1
soundrisestudio.huMixing creates harmony and dynamics. This process is not only a challenge, but also a delicate balancing act, because the sound engineer must have a thorough knowledge of the frequencies, dynamics and effects, since the coordination of individual bands and spatial placement is a complex task…complex task, task mixstudio, sound, record, music, expertise1
syswind.huThe task was to create a much more transparent network structure. Our client’s goal was to achieve easier management options, so there was a lengthy but thorough survey and testing before planning. Our customer's employees didn't noticed anything about it, because most of the work was not done on…infrastructure, network, solution, large, cost1
epitoipariklaszter.huThe members of the Cluster also perform general-level tasks individually as well, but combined together, under a joint contract, they can work on bigger projects. The Cluster’s services ranges from project preparation, through design, to full-scale general construction.level task, task individuallycluster, construction, technology, member, reference1
globecenter.huWe are absolutely sure, that together we will offer your clients an unforgetable journey with lasting memories and therefore we are very much looking forward to this task.agency, travel, festival, center, globe1
innovators.huUsually a senior leadership team consist of strong leaders. By nature, they tend to have strong personality, explicit opinion, … so working together as a team is not the easiest task for them.innovator, development, people, challenge, management1
startkontakt.huBenefits for our customers are the accurate work, quick reaction, reliable quality and the expertise of the management and employees. The complicated tasks for us mean not an issue, but inspiration.complicated task, task issuepressure, gas, production, storage, start1
connectcx.huWe undertake strategic and operational consulting services, project management tasks, create the proper customer journey plan for the best customer experience, whether it is a product, a service or online business.management task, task propercustomer, connect, specialist, advisory, management1
followmeangol.huEnglish for specific purposes, business and corporate language classes, individual lessons, personalised methods and task-oriented solutions.method task, task solutionfollow, learn, method, effective, language1
cathayassociates.huRepresentation of employers in court and out of court, performance of labor law tasks of organizational reorganization, implementation of group redundancies, performance of tasks related to the employment of foreign employees and participation of foreign employers, development and enforcement of…law task, task organizational, performance task, task employmentlaw, international, legal, corporate, media1
egynapavarosban.huIt's entirely up to you: We can start at the CsoPa, a science centre for adults, or at the emerging cultural centre of the city, where we can pass galleries and exhibitions and even go into one or two. Your task in teams will be to find the hidden hints and messages and thereby understand the…exhibition task, task teamcity, detail, day, tour, egy1
bayerconstruct.huOur mission and task is to create permanent values of excellent quality in the built environment – liveable and useful, modern and sustainable, fulfilling the highest standards. With our developments and products, our aim is to serve the ordinary needs of our customers and users of the…mission task, task permanentdetail, construction, property, group, development1
employerbranding-hungary.huThe training heavily focused on finding the hidden motivations and goals as well as defining the factors that truly motivate our business partner. Additionally, the general attitude of the sales team to daily tasks and client management has changed and, as a result, we now experience more…daily task, task clienttalent, brand, attraction, development, retention1
cityplant.huIf you would like to enjoy the benefits of being surrounded by plants and are looking for a customer oriented business with the right expertise to accomplish related tasks, do not hesitate to contact us. Below is a summary of the services we can help you with.related task, task summaryplant, office, green, air, wall1
iepd.huThe task of the Institute is to increase the professional training of teachers and researchers of foreign universities, improve their professional skills, deepen and expand industry knowledge, skills and abilities, gain experience in this regard by conducting trainings, seminars. Priority in the…institute, educational, development, internship, method1
muza.huThe national final of the Carnival Improvisational Festival was organized in Gödöllő on 18th March 2017. Thirteen teams competed in the final from 10 am until 5 pm and they had to complete 6 tasks which were evaluated by a jury of three.pm task, task juryart, ticket, house, theater, office1
taktimed.huEconomical combination of devices for almost all tasks in UV light therapy and sweating therapy.device task, task uvequipment, hospital, quote, care, medical1
tc2.huAlthough operation and support go hand in hand, ensuring the proper and efficient functioning of the system does not require 24/7 service, in contrast to support, whose failure-related tasks - troubleshooting, fault escalation, problem management, disaster prevention - require high availability…failure task, task troubleshootcloud, solution, migration, case, study1
mmgrendszerhaz.huWe are proud to be a prominent system integrator of several well-known and renowned manufacturers. As a result, our engineers have the opportunity to offer more alternative solutions for a specific task considering the entire and unique requirements of each customer.specific task, task entireprocess, control, automation, production, machinery1
agilecontracting.huAC was created to make complex product development projects be contract-compatible in a flexible but safe way in an agile manner with strategy, transparency, balance, and properly timed tasks to do.contract, agile, ac, webinar, template1
famesco.huWhat is never debated is the Akita’s historical and famous combination of fearlessness and loyalty. These traits were once put to the test at the London Zoo, when a Sumatran tiger cub was orphaned. The zookeepers needed special help in raising the cub, and they chose an Akita puppy for this…important task, task akitadog, american, litter, detail, puppy1
kulcsarjuli.hu…to a bigger and bigger challenge each year. Juli is a true professional matchmaker. During the selection processes she has put herself to the task with great enthusiasm and expertise, which contributed to hiring and retention of experts and thus to the further success of CRANE. We thank her…process task, task greatjob, career, people, interview, recruitment1
hk-ceram.huIn the course of the history of our Company we have developed several areas related to production. By now, our marketing and communication tasks haveproduction, ceramic, furniture, quality, optimisation1
renadesign.huA forklift used at one construction site might not be the best for another. Specific construction tasks vary, as do weight and ...construction task, task weightconstruction, detail, build, general, green1
f2pilates.huYou will not be bored! The lessons are never monotonous, the tasks are varied and we use many additional functional toolsmonotonous task, task variedclass, studio, instructor, group, gallery1
positivo.huWe sell leatherette and textile leather from European manufacturers of outstanding quality. They are suitable for a wide variety of interior design and furniture design tasks.leather, curtain, exotic, hair, cattle1
corexpro.huConduct administrative and content-related tasks in connection with project planning and project developmentcontent task, task connectionplan, financing, implementation, tender, documentation1
mhvcosinus.huwhose main activities cover engineering, management, consulting, technical inspection and expert advisory tasks primarily relating to rail-bound railway infrastructure and the associated infrastructure asset system.advisory task, task primarilypreparation, investment, consulting, text, introduction1
dealagency.hu…in a sad but probable case of an injury and after that in the phase of rehabilitation. We ensure that he or she could maintain the focus on the task while we are providing the necessary financial background. The long-term business plan also contains the creation and maintenance of the personal…focus task, task necessarydeal, agency, athlete, talent, career1
esztergom.huStrigonium Ltd. - as a company owned 100% by the Municipality of Esztergom - is one of the key players in the economic life of the city. The activities of the Company and its member companies are wide-ranging, the aim of which is to perform high-quality urban management tasks and to develop the…management task, task citycity, history, municipal, economy, government1
infocommunications.huHTE and Infocommunications Journal follows the ethics and code of conduct described by IEEE for their Journals. HTE aims for the highest standards of integrity and endeavors to conduct business in all its tasks in a responsible and ethical way. It is important that those who act on behalf of HTE…business task, task responsibleissue, introduction, journal, site, communication1
leadgenerator.huB2B (business-to-business) lead generation plays an important role in the lives of companies. To operate and grow successfully, a company needs new partners, customers and suppliers. However, building the right business relationships is not always an easy task and requires effective and targeted…easy task, task effectiveprice, profile, order, account, lead1
actinvent.huWe help you in other tasks as well with pleasure - please learn more about our other services!expert, reference, problem, highly, data1
sind.huGoogle Apps Script is a powerful tool that allows you to automate tasks and build web applications that integrate with various Google services. In this tutorial, we will create a simple web application that fetches data from a Google Sheet as JSON and displays it in a dropdown menu on a webpage.tool task, task webduck, server, remote, sheet, script1
divisart.huWe embrace the cyclical nature of processes, approaching each project with comprehensive thinking. From concept creation to event execution, we navigate the entire process, learning valuable insights from our own projects to ensure success in every task.cultural, management, event, brand, publisher1
pontismedia.hu…With our team of 50+ employees with valuable technical expertise we gained more than 10 years of experience in providing broadcast and media services. Our mission is to build bridge between our customers and their viewers via providing solutions for any technical challenges or tasks in between.media, viewer, bridge, broadcast, video1
bagdal-vino.huthe 21 th century, people will understand slowly that we need real experiences where our soul can find a real peace. Why? In order to do our daily tasks accordingly in this busy world and to succeed both in our private and as well as in our professional lives. We also want to share this kind of…daily task, task accordinglywine, winery, hill, guest, gallery1
agriteach.huIn this activity the experienced educational developments partners (CAPDM and ITS) will collaborate to produce a detailed description of the ICT competences exhibited through tasks involving workers in the agricultural companies.competence task, task workeragricultural, teacher, training, agriculture, digital1
innomedio.hu…provides architectural software programming and planning, project management, process modelling and case management for our partners but we can also carry out program development tasks for our clients, owing to our qualified developer team. We specialized in self-developed, internet-based software.development task, task clientsoftware, management, process, client, modelling1
actualart.huMy task is to find talented domestic and foreign artists, the preparation and creative realisation of stage productions. This is a very complex challenge, and in most cases it is my many years of stage experience that helps me to make a decision or implement an idea.stage, image, production, art, actual1
balneum.huIt is not a simple task to organize a family holiday, specially with childs. The hotel offers a variety of child friendly services to provide home comforts. MóKaland Our Playhouse is the favorite place for the little ones, while the older ones have table football, billiards, darts, giant jenga and…simple task, task familysuite, room, double, lake, family1
arc-budapest.huRelocation from any country into Hungary is a rather complex task, as beside the hardship of a household move, the procurement of many documents and permits are needed. We can support assignees all through the relocation process and make them feel safe and knowledgeable about the whole process.complex task, task hardshipimmigration, destination, process, legal, employee1
continentalgroup.huRéka represents creativity in the company. She is responsible for design, branding and all the “little things” that define the image of the company. Creating the style and the cozy atmosphere of our hotels and restaurants are also one of her main tasks.group, travel, owner, portfolio, restaurant1
gyuttmentfesztival.huIn our Nyim Eco community, at my network-weaving tasks and in other collaborations I have also experienced that community and joint work can be an endless resource for self-knowledge, self-healing, and development if we find our own part in shared responsibility. I try to convey this experience in…network task, task collaborationgather, community, countryside, network, day1
isze.huOrganizing IT competitions for students, elaborating and evaluating the task sheets to be used;student task, task sheetteach, training, course, activity, teacher1
bunyevacintezet.huOur institution does its job disinterestedly – without a statement referring to national, political stand. This job includes the following tasks:institution, activity, cultural, attendance, heritage1
qplan.hu…able to serve our partners continuously and safely. Our competitiveness depends a lot on the use of the most efficient equipment and technologies by performing of cooling tasks. We got the best service therein in the history of our company through QPLAN Cooling Technical Design & Services Co. Ltd.cool task, task goodmanufacture, equipment, general, plan, development1
euroadvance.huWe prepare the tender, feasibility study, business plan, energy calculations, and fully involve, if necessary, our subcontracting team of more than 20 companies alongside my experienced colleagues. Our task is to fill in the gaps, clarify issues, prepare the grant agreement, prepare the accounts…colleagues task, task gapmanagement, development, line, consultancy, education1
verper.huI’ve been working on architectural designs for over seven years. I take my pictures using Archicad, 3ds max, and Photoshop. I started my career at Inexfi Design Studio, where in addition to supporting the construction, the 3D display of television sets was also one of my tasks. After that, I was…set task, task whiteboxportfolio, visualization, interior, visual, architectural1
webtuning.huOriginally, as many as not conduct any work all at once. Compared to the rise in the number of tasks, always cover the area you need. In this case, the others are resting (non-typical), or just doing nothing (on holiday).number task, task areacustom, responsive, website, portfolio, testimonial1
workprime.huWe search for potential employees. We will also cover the costs of the advertisements required for recruitment. The ordering company is not burdened with administrative tasks.page, ltd, employee, administration, employment1
brandandmore.hu…also includes website and graphic / image design. Awareness logos, modern websites and of course continuous content production are difficult tasks, so it is advisable to entrust them to professionals. In our constantly evolving world, everyone is familiar with the world of the Internet, so wedifficult task, task advisablebrand, website, strategy, event, great1
framework.huIt is advantageous for any business to make use of online training possibilities gain ground all over the world as this is an effective, profitable and cost-effective way of performing educational tasks that are necessary in the life of an organisation. We help you with reducing the time you have…educational task, task necessary, time task, task colleaguesframework, publication, reference, energy, development1
santosproductions.huOur end-to-end service is available as a complete service, but we are also happy to help you with sub-tasks. Our profile includes strategy development, branding, content production, press communications, photography, videography, social media, event organisation and management.sub task, task profileproduction, reference, tiny, social, media1
eventik.huNot only create your website, moreover maintenance it. Be it hosting, domain, web server or database tasks, etc.database task, task etcmusic, website, nagy, programming, developer1
nyirinvest.huFurthermore, our task is to support the enterprises present in Nyíregyháza, and to properly manage their needs and problems in order for these companies to plan their operation and developments here in a long run. We contribute to the day-to-day operation of businesses already operating in our…furthermore task, task enterpriseindustrial, development, local, city, area1
ardinsys.huBesides software development, we offer consultations in connection with arising professional issues in the targeted industries, as well as individual trainings and perform project management tasks.solution, structure, history, organizational, management1
keripharma.huA comprehensive wholesale distribution and logistics service based on our wholesale distribution authorisation, including all organisational and management tasks related to imports, storage at our warehouse in Csongrád, flexible inventory management, quality assurance and transportation management.management task, task importadverse, drug, reaction, market, pharmaceutical1
diakdezso.huMaintenance tasks for company maintained sites (1200+ sites), visual performance testing and problem solvingmaintenance task, task companysite, developer, development, resume, university1
enet.huRobotic Process Automation (RPA) is a revolutionary technology that fundamentally transforms office processes: it automates and optimizes various business tasks using software robots, minimizing the need for human intervention. Let’s take a closer look at the details, understand the basicsbusiness task, task softwaredigitalization, process, management, consulting, technology1
patriaconsult.huOur business policy tailored to the economy and our clients demand offers complex task expert solutions.complex task, task expertconsult, procurement, valuation, certificate, asset1
therealworld.huYou’ll learn how to get paid a premium price to complete simple tasks , And the most effective methods to build a list of loyal clientssimple task, task effectivereal, skill, money, learn, month1
imsys.huEnvironmental tasks? Remediation, industrial safety, occupational safety? Or unique, professional software that helps you out in your work? Laboratory tests? We help you with our carefully structured, complementary services, whether it is law compliance or enlargement of your results and economic…environmental task, task remediationdepartment, laboratory, safety, environmental, industrial1
szinestinta.huWe've a dedicated team of Qualified Professionals with deep industry experience and technical expertise to manage a multitude of tasks ranging in complexity and size.multitude task, task complexityminimal, dolor, ipsum, lorem, support1
aidevelopment.huAt AI Development, we are on a mission to revolutionize the way businesses operate by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI). Our journey began with a vision to empower organizations to streamline their operational tasks, boost productivity, and unlock their full potential.operational task, task productivitydevelopment, productivity, feature, translation, operational1
illeslegal.huOur Lawfirm was established in 2003 in Mosonmagyaróvár, and works with three lawyers, which is unique in the region, as is guarantees our clients a full, precise and immediate service. We have been effectively providing complex services, focusing on fast, rational and cost-effective resolution of…legal, attorney, field, practice, manage1
rszalo.huOur primary task is the implementation of cold stores, refrigeration technology and refrigeration industry facilities operating with ammonia, carbon dioxide, and glycol. We conduct the process from consultation through planning to implementation, and even to follow-up.primary task, task implementationimplementation, technology, england, centre, logistic1
tiancheng.hu…Re , Daniel Vegh , Dennis Atzenhofer , Brenda Curtis , Ali Hürriyetoğlu (2021). Discovering Black Lives Matter Events in the United States: Shared Task 3, CASE 2021 . Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE…state task, task caselanguage, social, computation, bias, student1
devwing.huBecause we help you with planning! In every case, before starting the given project, we choose the most suitable and most modern technology – instead of forcing the given task on the technology.instead task, task technologydevelopment, operation, software, successful, brand1
egeszsegespenzugyek.huDorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elised doingyt eiusmod teididunt ut labore et dolore eiusmod tempor.sit, dolor, ipsum, amet, adipisicing0
mattor.hu…employees to celebrate Santa Claus Day. According to the hungarian tradition on the Eve of December 5 children leave their newly polished shoes on the windowsill so Mikulas can fill them with sweets, chocolate and small gifts. Among the group’s employees valuable gift packages were…line, production, news, day, engine0
vikstore.huThis NFT is one of the 40 pieces in the “Feelings on the Canvas” collection. The creation of this NFT has been awarded a special prize by Binance, honoring the creator as one of the top 5 NFT creators. The NFT is based on a real topographic image and represents an existing place, which has been…image, exhibition, digital, winner, collection0
lawyerbudapest.huViktor has graduatated from ELTE Budapest law school. He has aquired Master of Laws “LL.M.” postgraduate degree in Business and Transactions and another one in Employment Law. He has gained notable experience in corporate law and labor law. His primary focus is on corporate transactions and…report task, task authoritylaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat0
gutmanjobs.huOur firm, Gutman International has specialized in management consulting for big, multinational companies doing business in Hungary. Our clients are mainly manufacturing companies' Hungarian sites where the local management needs service provided by local firms.job, consulting, management, recruitment0
clinicalexamination.huClinical examination… Home… Dual-task performances in post-stroke state… Participant information sheet…dual task, task performanceexamination, clinical, post, performance, sheet0
magorganic.huMagOrganic Ltd. is located next to the Tisza lake near the edge of the town of Tiszafüred, and the villages of Tiszaigar, Tiszaörs and Tiszaszentimre. The company’s main activity is organic crop production and livestock farming.current task, task spreadorganic, article, buyer, consultancy, introduction0
drlevai-budapest.huEnglish-speaking Hungarian lawyer in Budapest and Debrecen area. Drawing up contracts for individuals and businesses; legal representation in lawsuits and at authorities. Practices: real estate law, family law and corporate law.law, lawyer, legal, attorney, real0
hirtalalo.huThe figures quoted by Secretary of State for Health, Péter Takács when attacking the Democratic Coalition have absolutely nothing to do with the official data of the Hungarian Statistical Office on the abortion situation in Hungary.head task, task officeoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians0
bitbounty.huRegister… LECUA… LECUA is meant to be a lightweight code editor that gives limited assistance for…app task, task everydaylimited, code, assistance, editor, lightweight0
absolvo.huBLOG - The private equity market demonstrated remarkable activity in 2021 and 2022. Record-breaking transaction values and volumes, driven by ample dry powder available to firms, highlight the industry's strength and potential and project a promising future. PE play a crucial role in funding and…sale task, task forcegrowth, market, transaction, investor, capital0
humilitas.huHumilitas Group takes full responsibility to offer their partners the appropriate workforce, do the complete recruitment and selection process and employ the appropriate peoplehr taskemployee, student, recruitment, placement, applicant0
translog.huadministrations of these. We arrange our Road Transport activities professionally, accurately and at competitive prices. We can make the Customs Clearance of the import and export arriving and departing in Hungary. We carry out your customs quickly, accurately and in accordance with current…transport, freight, road, air, custom0
ransommentes.huThose who know us know how many special people work in our team. We put our heads together and decided to celebrate this occasion in a special way. We are sick and tired of the tension caused by ransomware attacks in IT and other sectors. Therefore, we developed a method so that our name…attack, assessment, day, detail, eng0
renikutyakozmetika.huI am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.sit, amet, ipsum, lorem, dolor0
edueras.hu…cater to the varied learning needs of diverse learners. Our custom e-learning services helps organizations to identify their online learning needs, create strategy, identify solutions, create storyboards, develop content with the help of subject-matter experts and develop the online courses.project task, task activitytouch, learn, idea, innovative, course0
sprego.huHome… Concept… Tools… Sprego functions… Multilevel formulas… Array formulas… Debugging… Authentic…programming, country, tall, building, tour0
astacuskft.huABOUT US… SERVICES… REFERENCES… CONTACT… TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING tests… Traffic, traffic…calculation, noise, reference, air, pollution0
sitzone.huHome… Products… Task Chairs… Visitor Chairs… Soft Seating… Tables… Fabrics… Projects… About… Contact…task chairchair, visitor, table, fabric, main0
taxi-siofok-olcso.huSiofok Taxi, reliable, category "A" car with passengers waiting for your call, cheap tariffs.person, step, passenger, downtown, destination0
trackateam.huTrackateam works for all sports. Basketball and wrestling clubs use calendars in the same way and record attendances alike. Nevertheless, in case of results administration, the system adapts to the specificalities of team and individual sports.operative task, task sportfeature, pricing, organization, solution, calendar0
pentamedia.huFull webshop service for influencers and companies alike. Product palette design, graphic works, product production, logistics and warehousing, service, customer management.media, production, group, event, creative0
petrolszolg.huThe Petrolszolg Maintenance & Service Ltd. was founded in 1994 as a 100% legitimate member of the MOL Group . It has reached the actual organization with mergeing some other maintenance companies till 2004. We are operating with more then 800 employees at 19 plants over Hungary. Petrolszolg is one…preventive task, task pickmaintenance, contractor, supplier, engineering, career0
geoiq.hu…information, (aerial imagery or satellite imagery) makes for better decisions and have created GeoIQ ltd. for this purpose. Our reputation is built on contributing our technical knowledge, special people, valuable experience to the collection, analysis, and communication of geospatial imaging.planet taskimaging, planet, summary, space, activity0
continentalinvest.huWe offer the best solution to stay within the limits of your company's resources and plans. Our goal is to offer our programming expertise on the most competitive prices, with best quality of service, under the possible shortest time. Our staff consists of the best software experts: we believe…current taskcomputer, page, software, development, news0
kalorbau.huDesign of mechanical engineering systems, thermal energy technical planning, design of power plant systems, boiler houses, heat centers, energy centers, building systems, study plans, software development energy rationalization, wind energy utilizationplan, engineering, boiler, plant, center0
norbware.huSoftware Development: Web Applications, Google App Engine, Vaadin, Application development for the cloud, GAE, Roboticspossible task, task complexsoftware, development, application, app, robotic0
ctit.huOur company provides high quality service in SAP CRM, SAP IS-U and SAP C4C projects for the implementation, development and operation of complex SAP services, as well as custom-developed solutions.support, solution, application, consulting, implementation0
omnimind.huAPI… PHP programming… MsSQL database… May 9, 2022October 11, 2022… Freelancer Projects… May 7…algorithm task, task scheduleprogramming, application, desktop, march, freelancer0
freekey.huWe are members of the Freekey team.personal, disable, person, assistant, assistance0
ioi2023.huThe International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is an annual international informatics competition for high school students from various invited countries, accompanied by social and cultural programmes. It is one of the five international science Olympiads and is one of the most prestigious…international, informatics, contest, schedule, open0
mke.info.huThe Association of Hungarian Librarians takes pride in the traditions of Hungarian librarianship, and looks with respect upon the great librarian predecessors: József Szinnyei, Zoltán Ferenczi, József Fitz, Ervin Szabó, Béla Kőhalmi, Pál Gulyás, Béla Varjas, Ákos Domanovszky, Máté Kovács, Csaba…objective tasklibrary, branch, association, county, conference0
1st1.hu…Reconstruction… Integrity management… Holo login-relogin… Personal intelligent exposure…enter taskarrow, leave, correction, casting, login0
exceltrening.hu…in English if required. Can be useful for expat managers working in Hungary, or for multilingual staffs. The basic thematics is the same as for the Hungarian audience, and certainly can be customized also to meet special needs. I hold the training on the location of the company anywhere in Hungary.minute task, task multitraining, site, thematic, useful, function0
alliedsoft.huAllied Software Systems offers professional services to their customers since 2003. Main areas: software development, IT network management, digital cartography.project task, task teamsoftware, value, management, automotive, reference0
hemerox.huOur portfolio ranges from small works for private individuals to complex general contracting for large companiesconstruction, renovation, general, maintenance, contract0
livingstone.huThe communication is not else than endless series of introductions, during we „show” our ideas, through ourselfs.order taskintroduction, production, advertising, order, colourful0
eupatrol.huComputer users and programmers have become so accustomed to using Windows, even for the changing capabilities and the appearances of the graphical.total taskproblem, addiction, gambling, security, technology0
idegenvezetes.huIf you need a qualified and ambitious tour guide, we can offer you the services of our 180 members, providing guided tours and translation in 30 languages . Many of us drive their cars, some even have a van. All tour guides of MISZ are licensed and work according to legal professional regulations.guide, tour, tourist, member, gallery0
szombathely2030.huAn internationally unique development and test environment, ranging from households to senior homes and thermal baths to virtual hospital infrastructure. There is a particular emphasis on sports, stroke and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. It combines academic and applied research with user needs.operational task, task forceenvironment, rehabilitation, development, international, city0
bfnp.huVisitor centres and sites… Guided tours… Tours… Walking tours… E-bike tours… Water tours…task directoratedetail, view, visitor, centre, tour0
bravolight.huguests. It is crucial to be able to create either coziness or an intense lighting atmosphere for your guests. In this you might really benefit from LED lights with adjustable brightness and colors. In addition, with LEDs you can easily highlight and illuminate foods, drinks, and cakes that require…lighting, light, plan, solution, source0
microworks.huAbout Us… EMAIL…technology, latest, small, step, big0
nemestamaslaszlo.hu…University in Győr. Graduated as the first to get his Computer Science and Engineering degree in a dual training form, my partner firm was AUDI HUNGARIA. In my free time I try to expand my knowledge in a wide range of fields, fields I am passionate and curious about. Anything IT-related in general,curriculum, owner, education, hello, field0
matevojts.hu/mate | A software engineer’s blog © 2019 - 2023 Máté Vojts - Powered by Jekyll using the Minima theme.share task, task managementengineer, software, mouse, file, studio0
h1systems.huServer room… Modular and unique server rooms… Power supply and Uninterruptedness… Precision HVAC… Data…complex task, task simpleroom, server, management, supply, power0
kontron.hu…governance and software provision solutions, industrial product lifecycle management systems and IT security solutions to IP networking solutions for telecommunications and the full range of IT infrastructures (active networks, server and storage systems, virtualization, backup, archiving, etc.).construction task, task cablingsolution, network, management, customer, cloud0
wise.huWISE International and its offices cultivate the WISE membership in areas around the world, providing a range of benefits, publications and services to guide members in their use of L. Ron Hubbard management technology. WISE offices license all use of L. Ron Hubbard management technology in the…important task, task wisewise, membership, management, member, free0
karali.huBoxes… Color… Content… Galery (RGD)… Logo… Marketing… My Comp.… Prnt… Product… Project… Task… Top Fix…webpage, gallery, page, color, logo0
szinorg.huThe Group is very well positioned for property development activities, since in addition to the high level of capitalization, bank financing is also ensured. The investment risk is significantly reduced by the fact that several members of the group are well-operating construction companies.key taskuniversal, group, property, news, development0
forego.huAs a market leader, our company has been ensuring the collection and recycling of cells and batteries for more than 12 years.common taskcollection, waste, cell, battery, selective0
redcrab.huFilm and video production, post-production, animation, online stream, live broadcast, TV show production, graphic design, website and webshop.production, video, animation, movie, graphic0
stsgroup.huWe are pleased to announce that members of our company group, STS ECO Kft and STS Service Kft, have both won the opportunity from EDP Renewables for the construction of a complete solar power plant and the associated high-voltage connection to the grid near Vasmegyer in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg…energy task, task companygroup, plant, power, energy, construction0
maxcargo.huHungary, 2220 Vecsés, Lőrinci u. 154., Airport City Logistics Park, Building “D”, 3rd floorfreight, logistic, air, ocean, road0
szanalasialap.huResolution… What is resolution?… Resolution objectives… Conditions for Resolution… Resolution tools…resolution, fund, institution, member, relation0
aigenerator.huSign up… Sign up for free…assistant task, task questionfree, image, customer, tool, help0
bta-group.hu…or carries out a risk assessment and test monitoring for the project. The TM reports regularly to the project management about the status of the project to the client and to the business side. He / she is responsible for the continuous exchange of information inside and outside the project.group, management, software, process, analysis0
szaknyelvioktatas.huThese live online vocabulary building courses are designed to give lawyers and legal professionals all possible assistance to thrive in the international legal landscape. The online courses will provide a practical and up-to-date legal English language skills training to legal professionals.legal, course, student, class, international0
einhell.huDiscover our free warranty services for your Einhell products or batteries.tool, lawn, garden, battery, pump0
relaccount.huKeep up with the development, advertise on a dynamic LED interface, without limits. Get a boost and get to know our unique LED truck service in Hungary.task complexglobal, truck, gallery, solution, customer0
tseniki.huDashboard… Login… Register… Forgot Password… 404 Page… Blank Page… Charts… Tables…new taskyork, ny, dashboard, engineer, developer0
workant.huWorkant Kft. also helps its partners in planning and carrying out any operating processes that require live labor and are not part of the company's core business. Our company has experience in the planning, recruitment and employment of the workforce necessary for the efficient supply of…administrative task, warehouse task, task packagingrecruitment, cycle, candidate, management, worker0
archeometallurgia.hu…members founded an interdisciplinary research group in response to the growing numbers of archeometallurgical examination and research demands in recent years. The group is continuously working on project by project basis. They have a well-equipped research infrastructure and professional…university, research, group, faculty, objective0
gaudiumcapital.hu…We keep our comprehensive activities rolling expanded onto the whole of the country on a high professional level, backed up by our branches located in each regions, with the expertise of our local colleagues, and a carefully established infrastructure providing services in the following areas:capital, procedure, announcement, insolvency, proceedings0
codeburn.huComplete website / webshop, Windows and Android application design, development and integration with external systems.operation, reference, solution, main, close0
fatechnikakanizsa.huFatechnika Kanizsa Kft. - Quality raw material, modern technology! Timber trade, contract drying, oak, beech, acacia and pine raw material trade and firewood production and sales.timber, raw, material, quality, oak0
lemanit.huInitially Lemanit Ltd. started its activity with 15 machines, at present our machinery counts 150, which allows us flexible production as a specialist in fineribtubular body-width fabrics in women and man sizes.main task, task excellentfabric, body, range, machine, size0
service247.huService247 offerings are AaaS (Application as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) services based on the above mentioned data centre infrastructure for customers whom the above mentioned features have great importance but they cannot afford, because:software, customer, infrastructure, data, available0
magicom.huOur experienced professionals help you implement your company's IT infrastructure from design, through construction to operation. MagiCom: People for technology - Technology for peopleinfrastructure, hardware, operation, consultancy, security0
e-lawyer.huWe are continuously rendering legal consultancy for our clients concerning the most different labour law matters, so preparing and modifying general and management job contracts as well as during the termination of employment. We provide for efficient cooperation in establishing of employment…defence task, task economicallaw, lawyer, firm, legal, client0
localcapital.huLocal Capital is committed to provide tailored advice and insurance solutions that meet your needs. Exceeding client expectations is what our teams strive for.able task, task grouplocal, capital, insurance, solution, strong0
f12.huWindows Hello for Business and Windows Hello may sound siblings, but they are actually two different families in authentication world ( link )*. Hello is basicly using password caching while Hello for Business uses asymmetric authentication (key or certificate based) – that’s why Windows Hello for…cert task, task exporthello, access, application, user, sign0
ambiental.huFor us it was a great decision to start to use Ambiental, we are saving our time, and have live information about all our actions. All of our employees are very happy to use this easy method to report EHS issues, and immediately see the dashboard about all EHS actions. Reported near misses numbers…task managementfeature, pricing, testimonial, report, finding0
envizont.huWar damage crisis and POSTCOVID impacts mitigation by challenge actualized integrated engineering, best available technologies and facilities development.crisis, laboratory, circular, llc, expert0
lampasziget.huServices… Quote… Contact… Our partners…basic task, task shopquote, open, quality, eng, offer0
payful.huKORTA helps businesses in Iceland by offering secure payment services and economical card settlements, with merchant focused customer service.solution, payment, client, development, edge0
stack-systems.huStack-Systems company - comprehensive services for installing video surveillance systems, development, and implementation of mobile applications for business, turnkey office. Call ☎ +36 20 807 9600stack, video, application, development, surveillance0
fieldsolution.huWe ensure accurate reporting, precise guidance of brand representatives, clear and transparent warehouse services (remote control provided for representatives, entry registration, online stock management), motivational system for employees to make them DELIVER HIGHER AND HIGHER RESULTS.daily task, task wellbrand, management, solution, field, sale0
expertvengriya.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.adminsitration task, task permissionipsum, lorem, sit, tellus, consectetur0
faporteka.huHome… Handicraft unique Faportéka for all ages… English… Nameplates… Implements for kindergarden… Group…task tableage, unique, table, news, navigation0
ec-invest.huIn the field of general cleaning we provide services for office buildings, industrial facilities, educational institutions, business premises etc. on regular daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual bases, yearly cleaning, window cleaning, carpet, carpet floor cleaning, occasional major cleaning.special taskarea, clean, price, capital, european0
boglarimuvhaz.huPowerful customer relationship management (CRM) tool that enables you to manage customer data and track interactionsintuitive task, task managementfeature, management, powerful, software, manager0
hrcapital.huHR Capital Kft. is a 100% Hungarian-owned business organization. Company was established with the aim of providing human resources and cross-border services for the partners. We are constantly helping our partners in the rapidly changing market environment.administrative taskcapital, employee, job, agency, certified0
holokausztmuzeum.huIn partnership with internationally acclaimed historians and world-famous experts of exhibition design and development, we are creating one of Europe's most extraordinary museums of the Holocaust and Jewish historyexhibition, history, house, fate, voice0
ternai.huTernai Ltd. - a three-generation family business - began its activity in September 2000 with a staff of less than 20 employees. The colleagues have previously been involved in field-horticultural activities (green houses), and are currently involved in commercial activity. Today, the number of…expose task, task continuousquality, agricultural, activity, requirements, production0
helio.huHelio took over the full support of Premium Health Fund’s online presence in 2014. Since then one of the biggest fund services of Hungary is one of our most important clients as well.development, client, fund, website, user0
fonium.hu…in 2000 as a partner of a mobile communication company. In a short time, we started the engineering activities and the organization of projects which grew into our main activity. Our projects are different, but we have gained much experience in the industry, mass production and machine buildings.engineering, mobile, activity, field, search0
budbed.hu…to the use of professional help. Using an apartment as accomodation requires full care and although it offers high yield, it doesn’t neccessarily worth to give up your lifestyle. BudBed offers a solution for that! We have a wide range of statistics going back for years thanks to our 60 managed…apartment task, task maintenanceapartment, management, rent, short, real0
gergelyszalay.huAs a junior developer I've had the chance to work with many technologies and used them to solve a variety of problems successfully. My main interest is IOT, embedded systems and electronics, where I hope to expand my knowledge in the future. I aim to continue expanding my knowledge and one day to…task responsibilitydeveloper, window, close, development, school0
productflow.huPRODUCTFLOW is a relatively easy-to-understand product and process management toolkit. Its elements are compatible with Agile and Lean frameworks. It’s basically a big bunch of math that allows you to push back intuition driven decision making just a little further.problem taskdecision, webinar, page, process, need0
brigetio.hu…floor, designed and built by Narmer Architecture Studio, which presents in a spectacular and interactive form the most beautiful finds and the results of the scientific work carried out in Brigetio since 1992 in cooperation between Eötvös Loránd University and the Klapka György Museum of Komárom.visitor, exhibition, museum, heritage, center0
inkalevents.huBased on the tradition in our new company with international experience and a reliable legal, technical and practical knowledge, we guarantee that our service meets the international standards.special task, task logisticön, reference, mission, social, gallery0
tavan.huWe have a modern vehicle fleet. We have vehicles in a variety of sizes to suit your needs.shop, repair, maintenance, reference, installation0
budapest18.huInnoK supports the implementation of the concept as a research, development worskhop, as well as an innovation and knowledge management center. Among different topics, the concept of the main road will be presented at the economic and real estate development conference, that will be held on the…center, innovation, district, road, urban0
planex.huCopyright 2013 Planex 2002 Kft All rights reserved.certification, assurance, quality, contractor, general0
pipa.info.hu…of the Study Group is to participate in and deliver lectures based on this book and on studies about the history of psychoanalysis at the International Ferenczi Conference in 2018. The founding members of the work group are as follows: Andrea Ritter, Maria Takacs, Peter Hars Gyorgy, Kristian…donation, social, foundation, tax, case0
ll-c.huStrengthen your credibility, security, quality and international competitiveness certifications from an international certification authority.time task, task stepcertification, international, verification, certificate, demand0
newbornconstruction.huNewborn Construction was established in order to provide engineering and construction services in Hungary in 2018. Before 2018 that many different projects were completed in other countries by our teams.construction, newborn, bear, vision, mission0
leopoly.huSolutions LeoShape – 3D design solutions LeoTrainer – XR training solutions Shapelab – VR design software zSpace solutions Industries Healthcare Automotive & Aerospace Education & Training Art & Design Defense Technology LeoEngine – for 3D Design LeoXR – Framework About About us Contact Team…training, solution, software, healthcare, automotive0
deresanita.huAt our company, we specialize in developing powerful software that help business of all sizes streamline their operations, increase productivity, and boost revenueintuitive task, task managementfeature, app, management, powerful, software0
gbdev.huHi! I'm a developer living in Hungary. Finished university in 2022 and currently working as a Full Stack Software Developer in Budapest.agile task, task managementdeveloper, software, application, technology, manual0
kristoftamas.huExperienced Product owner with extensive experience in automotive software engineering, looking to level up his career through a management position. Able to effectively build and lead high performing development teams focusing on technical and personal excellence. An enthusiastic team player with…development, software, skill, engineering, learn0
specialconsult.huReference… Project… Developer… Service… Task… Discipline… Case… Phase… Company… Philosophy…consult, special, reference, developer, discipline0
viplimuzin.huLimousine service won’t disappoint you; an elegant limousine can enhance the mood, whether it’s a bachelorette party or a Saturday night sightseeing tour. VIP Limuzin offers a unique “limousine Budapest” experience that provides an opportunity to strengthen your relationships, whether they are…limousine, rental, airport, transfer, city0
life-division.hu…securities on the stock exchange, you need to have considerable assets. Nevertheless, with Innovative Securities' products, you can invest small amounts. You can obtain detailed information related to the profitability of each product and each strategy during a meeting with a Life Division partner.division, account, question, assistance, security0
rendernet.huThis animation presents some animals and plants that lived between the Devonian and Permian Periods (358-299 million years ago).multi task, task balanceimage, interactive, animation, imagine, history0
promesa.huPromesa means promise, vow. As a full-service marketing agency, we believe in the power of words and keep our promises.promise, agency, privacy, power, imprint0
momert.huAlready the third baby grows up on Momert’s baby products. 🙂 From baby scales, baby bottle sterilizers to thermometers, we use Momert products. There is no question that we made the right decision to choose them. It is also important for us to buy the product of a Hungarian manufacturer.scale, detail, care, analogue, digital0
royalehost.huWe are RoyaleHost. Our goal is to create an affordable and cheap hosting service at a price of 1€/GB RAM. We actively support our users in both English and Hungarian.monthly, backup, support, month, storage0
bsm.co.huWith the SMR roller exercises, your constant pains can be easily eliminated if you know where to look for the problem. During the consultation and posture analysis, we will shed light on which muscle group requires the use of the foam roller to improve your situation. The exercises with the tool…hard task, task workpain, exercise, package, video, material0
quini.huQuini Ltd. was founded in 1996 to perform various R&D and expert tasks.technology, circuit, signal, process, digital0
reigdev.huInnovative and deadline-driven Graphic Designer & Backend Developer with 5+ years of experience designing channel arts, 3+ years of experience in Core PHP web development & 2+ years of experience in Java Spigot development.complex task, task detailtoth, art, protect, developer, graphic0
awdkft.hu…as well. The company offers the System of Monitoring and Unified Control over the Water Resources, that is built on the IBM POWER8 server with high performance, reliability and increased security. The system is integrated with GIS maps of water objects, has a configurable modular structure.task resolutionart, water, scheme, management, control0
avplay.huAV Play Ltd. provides a full range of technical services for your event. Our state-of-the art technology and seasoned English-speaking technicians with a proven track record are guarantees for the best results.solution, play, event, quotation, technology0
kpluszj.huCollects, records, organizes and presents data on the assets and profitability of a business entity (business organization, cooperative, association, public institution, etc.). Aim of data collection: providing appropriate information for interested decision makers (managers, owners, lenders…accounting task, task businessaccounting, tax, payroll, development, consultancy0
basicasset.hu…and purchases are easy to make (if that is what the application is designed for). UX planning is usually the first step of application development, which amounts to 10-20 percent of the development costs (or more, in the case of complex systems). The result of this phase, simply put, is…process, management, development, basic, asset0
akarhol.hu{{'Tags' | translate}}… {{'Users' | translate}}… {{'Groups' | translate}}… {{'Main Admin' |…task inputmodule, title, event, contract, invoice0
workpermit.huGet assistance with work permit application when bringing foreign employees to Hungary - from single application to full project planning. Get in touch nowhr task, task staffpermit, employee, plan, foreign, procedure0
bkb-solutions.huEstablished in 2012, BKB Solutions Kft. provides SAP-related consulting services to its clients in Hungary and the DACH region, primarily in the areas of SAP logistics, project management, and project administration.solution, management, development, knowledge, performance0
autosen.huOur constantly growing product portfolio includes more than 400 products from the areas of position sensors, process sensors, Motion Control, IO-Link sensors, software, masters, etc. and our IIoT gateway io-key. The range is completed with a selection of suitable connection technology, sensor…sensor, accessories, class, key, temperature0
pentolt.huPentolt Ltd. is a specialist company in the field of fire protection and electronic processingassembly task, task dedicated, commission task, task service, inspection taskfire, institution, centre, vehicle, detection0
gastro-kid.huWe would like to draw your attention to our General Pediatric and Pediatric Gastroenterology Services!pediatric, general, gastroenterology, kid, medical0
meetsafe.huAs a mixed form, we separately deal with hybrid events that perfectly combine elements of both live and virtual events, and ensure online connection between participants of two or more live events.different task, task teamevent, introduction, tool, creative, enhancement0
onlinet.huThe vision behind everything ONLINET does is that we believe business advantages are only possible for our clients if we think with the mind of their customers. This drives the relentless drive for development in every process optimization solution we make, so they can handle more clients and…online task, task managementsolution, development, process, client, quote0
top-solar.huWe provide transport and moving services to any distance. Removal to Hungary from Germany, Austria, France, Netherlands and from all over Europe.removal, quote, transport, international, germany0
action2020.huBased on the experiences of the past 30 year and contributing to the development of hundreds of thousands of companies, we can say that K & H understands the needs of domestic businesses, so using this knowledge we can provide professional background and assistance to startups, which can make the…ceo, director, manage, environmental, development0
mvwconsulting.huIt is no coincidence that in the last two years about three times as many guest workers have arrived in Hungary from abroad. In the case of trained or auxiliary work, even the language barrier is not a particular obstacle. Administration and recruitment do not require time and energy investment on…work task, task seriouslyconsulting, permit, employment, real, estate0
festivalvolunteer.huWe, at the Festival Volunteer Center, organize volunteer programs for the biggest festivals in Hungary.event task, task interestedfestival, volunteer, center, event, faq0
alairt.huIn 2019 Alairt Aviation Services Kft. was founded with the goal of providing integrated, fast and effective, disinformation-free solutions for aerodrome operators to meet increasing demands and regulatory requirements. ALAIRT specialises in aerodrome operation services with specific emphasis on…specific task, task notificationsecond, feature, user, operation, organisation0
dustlessblasting.hu©2018 MMLJ, Inc. All rights reserved. DB150®, DB225®, DB500®, DB500® Mobile S™, DB500® Mobile XL™, DB800®, DB800® Mobile™, Dual DB800® Mobile™, DB1500®, DB1500® Offshore™, DB1500® Mobile™, DB3000®, DB3000® Mobile™, DUSTLESS BLASTING®, the Dustless Blasting® logo, and “The Future of Surface…hard task, task easyblast, surface, equipment, video, restoration0
volunteer.huVolunteer – a project sitetask managervolunteer, site, channel, ready, file0
sutoattila.hu…sector and in public education. As a qualified teacher and doctoral student, I am interested in teacher research and teacher education. I have expert and measurement-evaluation responsibilities in vocational education and mentoring in national talent development programmes and adult education.expert tasktraining, activity, award, result, study0
azonnalifutar.huOur mission is to develop into the best known, largest and best courier service. We provide reliable, profitable service to our customers with motivated employees and partners who share our values.delivery, price, solution, immediate, courier0
mbgroup.huMcMillan & Baneth Kft. was established in 1989, as an Irish-Hungarian joint venture, inspired by the World Bank. It has now become entirely independent, a 100% Hungarian-owned consulting company. Our company operates in the premium (niche) market and the owner actively participates in the…course, additional, group, training, management0
lorik.hutherefore, practical to take care of professional defence as early as possible. The defence strategy may be worked out right after the start of the proceeding. It needs the help of a criminal lawyer. The counsel of our office act on behalf of our clients with utmost care and professional experience.criminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, defence0
humantelex.huIf you've been organizing birthday parties since kindergarten and you're always the one who comes up with the most creative theme nights, then join the Human Telex creative team as event creative!creative task, task eventevent, creative, human, client, campaign0
oktatasiweblap.huSearch engine optimisation (SEO) is used to increase traffic to a website through Google optimisation, in order to bring in as many free visitors as possible.website, interested, previous, institution, day0
industrialeb.huISO… Activities… Human resources… References… Contacts…industrial, measurement, electric, installation, operation0
first-tech.huWe started our business as a self employed in 2005. The Company is named to First Tech at 2007 and it is continously grows and develops, beside the original metalworking we continously expand our range of activities we are trying to expand our market relationship.multi task, task machinemachine, reference, metalworking, edge, tender0
abeta.huTechnical supervision of construction implementation works in all branches (structural engineering, mechanical building service, electrical works, public utilities, roads)hand task, task guaranteetechnical, supervision, thermal, management, imaging0
getcon.huWith 15 years of experience, our staff at GetCon Hungary Ltd. has the capabilities and expertise to take your IT networks and security infrastructure to the next level. At GetCon Hungary Ltd. we combine our solutions and skills to deliver IT network and security systems, which are totally aligned…solution, network, expertise, capability, staff0
hajdurichard.huCSS , HTML , JavaScript , Python , Django , PostgreSQL , Docker , Github , Google Cloud , Redis , Sentryplan task, task statisticsclose, network, university, developer, css0
bpid.huOur project management service package can be customised according to your specific needs and ideas. From the selection of the property to the handover of the keys, we can provide our clients with complete management and the entire project management.management task, task salemanagement, plan, investment, quality, build0
muranyi-halado1.huNo matter which product you choose, you can count on our team of experts to provide top-notch support and help you get the most out of our softwareintuitive task, task managementfeature, management, powerful, software, manager0
losermann.huOur young company, together with our highly experienced partners, aims to provide a service culture to our clients that will satisfy our customers.implementation, shutter, open, garden, maintenance0
hr-trener.huHR services of Horváth Réka, Human Resouce expert Horváth Réka, Horváth Réka's trainer experties, Training and Coachingtrainer, training, consultant, expert, human0