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332 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: execution

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modultrend.huDesign and all-inclusive execution of unique installations and exhibition booths. Production of illuminated displays, banners, street furniture, totem displays. Digital and 3D printing. Planning and execution of temporary exhibitions, restoration.construction execution, design execution, execution museum, execution temporary, inclusive executionexhibition, construction, museum, printing, production16
cityplant.huCityPlant Plant Décor provides the design, execution and maintenance of plant displays for offices, restaurants, hotels. Our company offers flexible plant rental schemes to its partners!design execution, execution maintenanceplant, office, green, air, wall7
whiterabbit.huWe created an eye-candy; a catchy and exciting visual execution that generates curiousity and makes the offer outstanding.visual execution, execution curiousitycampaign, result, brand, brief, solution7
absolvo.huOn the international markets, without a bespoke go-to-market strategy, you will not be successful, but strategy is worth nothing without execution.growth, market, transaction, investor, capital6
panograph.huExecution : Online promotion to increase the customer base of the Holland Casinos by presenting deatils of the destinations programmed in Flash with embedded 360 degree panoramic images of the New 7 Wonders taken by the best of class panoramic photographers of the world. It is created by the Dutch…panoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour6
ontarget.huIn a high number of situations we learn that even a leadership team is not clear or aligned on what and how they want to achieve. The result: functional or departmental silos, action plans that work against each other. We fix this with our Strategy Development-, Deployment- and Execution…strategy execution, execution methodology, execution leadershipresult, consulting, potential, strategy, development6
interactivebrokers.huLeading online trading solutions for traders, investors and advisors, with direct global access to stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds and funds. Transparent, low commissions and financing rates and support for best execution.order execution, execution research, good execution, execution priceaccount, broker, trading, interactive, fund6
meetingbudapest.huThe high level professional experiences and energy of the MEETING BUDAPEST team serves as guarantee for the successful planning and execution of any event. Our event organizing team is composed of experienced conference organizers and event consultants, providing for the smooth and perfect event…exhibition execution, organization execution, execution hungarian, plan execution, execution eventmeeting, event, conference, exhibition, organization6
gymempire.huGym Empire – Maximize your fitness business with our specialized marketing execution for trainers and gym owners.marketing execution, execution trainerempire, vele, specialize, trainer, owner6
hssengineering.huIn times like these, overburdening colleagues, involving new functional employees or hiring new staff from the labour market are not effective solutions. Instead of forcing the project manager into an HR role and making him or her work on human reasource problems rather than the execution of the…delegation execution, execution house, initiation execution, execution handover, project executionengineering, support, problem, client, value5
quanticon.huAll that is possible to know about a real estate, or anything that is necessary to provide safe execution of the project.design execution, execution complex, execution procedure, good execution, execution highoffice, build, development, building, engineering5
brunnen.huElaboration of geothermal public grid system project conception, execution study, feasibility study, preparation of the tender application – 2010. Available KEOP subsidy: HUF 79 million , the project is under preparation.conception execution, execution study, békéscsaba execution, preparation execution, execution plantender, subsidy, preparation, million, application5
bombavadasz.huSupporting the preparation of safe and statutory area preparation and the execution of EOD....preparation execution, execution eodarea, disposal, exploration, explosive, technical4
optimumcop.huWe offer our comprehensive planning and execution services in building service engineering for both residential and industrial buildings. Contact us for an offer which includes an onsite survey.professional execution, execution company, plan execution, execution servicebuild, technical, plan, energy, consulting4
galambostrans.huGalambos Trans Ltd. - Reliable partner in the field of emergency shipment of goods. Domestic and international transportation, organization and execution of groupage shipment and freight distribution, organization of freight and logistics servicesorganization execution, execution groupagetransportation, logistic, field, shipment, domestic4
palyazatokprojektek.huThe activities of AAI Tender Kft. include writing tenders, project management and execution and post control of financial accounts.management execution, execution posttender, development, consulting, write, consultancy4
drsk.huDrafting of Articles of Association and execution of any tasks related to the foundation and operation of companies.tender execution, execution public, association execution, execution tasklegal, public, procedure, representation, draft4
techno-security.huTECHNO SECURITY Zrt. deals with the planning, execution and maintenance of the following systems:policy execution, execution quality, plan execution, execution modern, execution maintenancesecurity, quality, task, location, equipment3
divisart.huWe embrace the cyclical nature of processes, approaching each project with comprehensive thinking. From concept creation to event execution, we navigate the entire process, learning valuable insights from our own projects to ensure success in every task.comprehensive execution, execution project, event execution, execution entirecultural, management, event, brand, publisher3
technosecurity.huTECHNO SECURITY Zrt. deals with the planning, execution and maintenance of the following systems:policy execution, execution quality, plan execution, execution modern, execution maintenancesecurity, quality, task, location, equipment3
nuvu.huNuvu Kft. is a key player of Hungarian pyrotechnics industry both in the field of service and trade. Its name is marked by the execution of August 20 fireworks in Budapest and the pyrotechnic support of the concerts of many famous performers.trade execution, execution august, legal execution, execution pyrotechnic, design executionpage, trade, letter, original, torch3
wellevent.huFrom intimate gatherings to large-scale events, from the music to the technical execution, with us, every last detail of your event will be perfected, ensuring that everything unfolds exactly as you envisioned, if not even better…technical execution, execution detail, organization executionevent, technology, quote, music, technical3
outturn.huIn any transaction, the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) represents the outcome of key commercial and pricing negotiations. Purchasers and Sellers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in seeking to exploit the potential value to be gained through the negotiation and execution of the SPA Each…transactional execution, execution service, negotiation execution, execution spa, value executionnegotiation, management, deal, support, market3
rigocon.huWe believe that the rigorous and on-going pursuit for quality is key to ensure competency and professionalism; already when understanding the specific needs, also during the professional approach and execution, in terms of the clearness and applicability of our deliverables and in applying…approach execution, execution term, set execution, execution complexrisk, management, control, solution, financial3
drbennandras.huMy Law Office offers complete legal counseling considering the full spectrum of the economy, above all in the fields of civil, commercial, company and labour law. I am specialized also on handling claims and demand assertion from initiating executions until finalizing execution processes. The…assertion execution, execution process, law execution, liquidation executionlaw, representation, office, legal, contract3
agilegettogether.huEvery new development in the world accelerates the need for organizations to respond quickly and be able to pivot, from strategy to structure and execution, without losing momentum. Adaptation and continuous improvement are a must in order to survive and thrive.strategy execution, execution agility, structure execution, execution momentumagile, session, track, speaker, detail3
proposeinbudapest.huIf you want to focus solely on the moment, our expert team is here to help brainstorm ideas and also assist with execution. Your only job is to get down on one knee and ask that life-changing question. This package is for you if:idea execution, execution jobproposal, engagement, package, idea, expert3
arvali.hu…as well with an added programmatic marketing building block coordinated from our Austrian office. We ran out of stock from several products promoted by this campaign that speaks for itself. The ArvaliCom team is consentious and versatile. Strong in strategy and execution as well. We were satisfied.strategy execution, execution online, execution satisfiedmedia, social, sensory, surprise, brand3
advertisingagency.huWe don't want to simply give you a service or a design, which provides temporary benefit. Ensuring your business’ long-term success is our chief objective. As such, our purpose is to maximize your benefits and add dynamic marketing materials to your business: be it strategy building, branding, or…strategy execution, execution sale, branding execution, execution passionadvertising, agency, free, solution, campaign2
procreditor.hu15. ) If the creditor initiates liquidation on the basis of an unsuccessful execution, can the petition be based on an unsuccessful immediate collection order?unsuccessful execution, execution petition, court execution, execution procedurecreditor, debtor, liquidation, proceedings, bankruptcy2
tofemcnc.huOur company produces products of small and medium series from the design to the execution.production, machine, client, detail, capacity2
neumannconsulting.huA Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is a software solution used in manufacturing industries to monitor, control, and optimize various aspects of the production process. MES serves as a bridge between the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and the shop floor, providing real-time…manufacture execution, execution systemconsulting, industry, expert, implementation, history2
stabilmernokiroda.huIn order to ensure the professional execution of projects, we emphasize the importance of general design »professional execution, execution projectconstruction, general, technical, introduction, reference2
ccx.huMoving to AWS from on-premise offers many benefits but also requires careful planning and execution for performance aspects.plan execution, execution security, execution performancecloud, consulting, client, aspect, premise2
veginnovation.huOne of the major milestones for VEG in the year 2023 is its "entry" into the drone show market. The fleet, which is considered significant even on a European scale, consists of 500 units. This enables the execution of world-class, spectacular, and self-deunit execution, execution worldinteractive, visual, innovation, video, identification2
drhodosi.huWe believe that in an increasingly complex world, the professionals will be the winners. Our office deals with contracts. This means that we follow the entire life of a contract relationship: from initial meetings, to drafting the contract, and then through the problems encountered during the…problem execution, execution unpaid, management execution, execution bankruptcycase, legal, contract, client, solution2
g2amarketing.huIf you entrust us with the realization of your dreams, you will receive planning and execution from a single source, so you will reach your desired goal in a shorter time - and more cheaplydesign execution, plan execution, execution singlesocial, development, media, website, customer2
gts-automation.huFrom concept to execution, we work with you to identify cost-effective automation solutions that match your specifications.concept execution, execution cost, solution executionsolution, automation, software, packaging, industry2
enoventum.hu…domains and realize the related business benefits. Without the necessary insight, transformation projects in these domains often lead to costly failures. We guide our customers towards the adoption of the right strategies and support the strategy execution with state-of-the-art software solutions.strategy execution, execution statecloud, consulting, software, training, security2
teker.huThere are many building material in our webshop. If you just want to buy products to a construction project and do the execution by yourself, we will look for the best price and arrange the delivery for you. No need to go through shops, you can save time and money by ordering from us.project execution, execution good, material execution, execution hightrading, build, site, hall, carrier2
bred.huDesign solutions for hotel and inn spaces (reception, lobby, rooms. . .) including planning, production, and executionplan executionspace, solution, office, function, spatial2
beingmore.hu…This results in better work experiences and improved business performance at the same time. We advance in cycles of 2-4 months with a focused execution methodology and an agile toolkit while tracking and measuring progress. We support our clients until the new skills and tools become their own…focus execution, execution methodologyclient, leadership, journey, performance, development2
molnar2010.huIn addition to general execution, due to the increased number of renewable energy investments, our company has expanded its scope to establish solar collectors and solar cells. In these areas we have deployed many of these systems, such as Lochstein, Nürtingen, Schlieben, The Hague-Oranienburg…general execution, execution number, impeccable execution, execution developmentstreet, build, reference, family, house2
boldideas.huPurpose creation and purpose-driven communication planning and execution. From B2C to B2B we develop integrated campaigns and brand acts.plan execution, execution campaignbold, brand, idea, client, hello2
globalbusinessgroup.huGlobal Business Group Kft is a privately owned Hungarian company based in Budapest. Our head office is located in Budapest which was founded in 2022 by a group of bright professionals with extensive knowledge of product marketing, buy and sell, procurement, and project execution in the Oil, Gas…project execution, execution oilgroup, global, view, petrochemical, oil2
tars95.huThe company was established to manufacture custom steel structures. In order to better meet market demands the scope of activities was extended by constructional execution works.constructional execution, execution workprevious, reference, machinery, structure, steel2
leanbox.huRedefining the very concept of a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and a Process Control System, LEANBOX is THE perfect solution for manufacturing companies of the Central Eastern European region to start or improve their digital transformation. Built from the ground up LEANBOX merges…manufacture execution, execution systemmanufacture, production, way, process, data2
baranyay.huAria partners with businesses to business growth and development ideas including environment analysis, plan execution and evaluation.execution evaluation, plan executiongrowth, plan, current, solid, foundation2
tervaz.huI got to know Térváz Kft. at the time of our third investment. Due to the negative experiences of our first two projects I wanted to find a professional team with full responsibility from planning to execution. I contacted the company based on recommendation and I was more than satisfied, having…plan execution, execution companyhall, construction, office, warehouse, general2
mipack.hu…label allowed us to create a unique and flexibly designable packaging. Mipack Kft fully supported us during the whole process from planning to execution, their input helped to overcome all the technological issues, and we also have received useful advices throughout the machine installation…plan execution, execution inputsolution, packaging, flexible, method, optimal2
avplay.huLeave the full range management of your event to us!In case you wish to involve more companies during the execution of the event, we will be your single point of contact, managing all technical and human resources in the project!company execution, execution eventsolution, play, event, quotation, technology2
conceptflow.huCreative concepts, authentic visual designs, breathtaking decorations: a real love for us. From the very first steps to the execution, we are there at every step and we have an up-to-date plan for every conceptstep execution, execution stepevent, day, christmas, request, concept2
born.huBORN Brandcoaching is a Budapest based network of restless business professionals. We are strategic partners of innovative multinationals, operative government companies and startup ecosystem participants. We facilitate research, strategy and action plan executions.bear, brand, manager, event, rule2
pepperpr.huBusiness Software Alliance urges strengthening of creative intellectual environment and consequent execution of the lawconsequent execution, execution lawpepper, software, technology, market, office2
aldomor.hu15. ) If the creditor initiates liquidation on the basis of an unsuccessful execution, can the petition be based on an unsuccessful immediate collection order?unsuccessful execution, execution petition, court execution, execution proceduredebtor, liquidation, creditor, bankruptcy, liquidator2
locked.huZodiac Killer is perfect for smaller groups and for those who haven’t experienced much the adrenaline rush and joy of escape games. Features padlocks and newer generation executions as well. Upgraded version of Serial Killer 3.generation execution, execution versionroom, game, escape, lock, player2
gtssimulation.huFrom Zero to Hero Concept Based on the locally collected digital information, we provide a student centric approach. All execution data for each user is recorded, stored, and analyzed throughout their career. You can see the underperforming candidates even during the basic training, the weaker…approach execution, execution data, task execution, execution logsimulation, training, skill, environment, task2
bta-group.huManual application testing is a very important point in all software development methods. Our employees have an international ISTQB certificate and extensive experience in carrying out all test phases. Choosing the right test strategies and test plans, test data generation, test case creation…test execution, execution ticket, execution analysisgroup, management, software, process, analysis2
drborbelyalbu.huPayment warrant procedure, management of overdue receivables, full representation in execution proceduresrepresentation execution, execution procedurelaw, fee, legal, attorney, representation2
rcube.huSpeedcubes are also available from Rubik’s, the renowned manufacturer of the original Rubik’s Cube. These blocks keep up with the exemplary look while consolidating present day systems for further developed execution.ideal execution, execution speedcubingshop, brand, tour, art, street2
eloszer.hugutter system, roofing, window boards, head, wall and chimney borders – design and executiondesign executionbuild, industrial, house, public, hall2
highlaneconsulting.hu…excellent business acumen, empathy and deep understanding of complex business problems they navigate the field well. The team believes in measurable results and smart execution; they do not only want to walk about the future of organization but actively shape it; and do not follow but drive change.smart execution, execution futureinnovation, consulting, process, organization, plan2
advitas.humore than 10 year experience on the grain and oilseed markets in fields of execution, trading and brokeragecontract execution, execution till, field execution, execution tradingmarket, agricultural, commodity, trading, buyer2
teamforce.huIn 2012 by our initiative the Fan-Tram, a moving fan club project started. In the execution of this project the Hungarian Olympic Committee was our partner. The Fan-Tram had a huge success, as passengers could use an inside-out fully decorated vehicle, while watching the Olympic Games on the…project execution, execution projectevent, communication, portfolio, organization, federation2
seohun.huSEO audit , website creation, maintenance, link building , article writing, video production and campaign planning, execution of paid advertisements...plan execution, execution advertisementwebsite, analysis, research, strategy, keyword2
szigep.hu- Continuously developed and maintained, high level, modern machine and equipment park for execution horizontal directional drillings.park execution, execution horizontal, expense execution, execution timedrilling, machine, reference, horizontal, process2
namor-ep.huEquipped with state-of-the-art technology featuring 3D machine control systems, our work machines enable precise execution of large-scale earthworks down to the centimeter. Our fleet of 4-axle and 5-axle tipper trucks ensures the transportation of earth and bulk materials even under challenging…precise execution, execution largeconstruction, unit, road, machine, excavator2
cleannet.huOur profile consists of providing full scope operating and cleaning tasks, all this with guaranteed exclusive execution using cutting edge technology, complete with a guarantee. Whether the task at hand is the cleaning of offices or complete buildings, we take special care during our work to…exclusive execution, execution professional, execution edgeclean, office, window, general, glass2
naftagaztech.huYour daily cases will be more simple. You can deal with your professional field. Instead of complex connections it is enough to keep contact with one company only. The execution process will be more transparent. So the accounting is more simple for you.company execution, execution process, licence execution, execution plandetail, plan, news, power, ami2
bigdatascientist.huBig Data Scientist Ltd. is not simply a company but rather the essence of our approach and philosophy towards the business. A consultancy based operational execution that provides you best in class service during the entire project cycle.operational execution, execution good, efficient execution, execution designbig, data, scientist, client, operational2
ebhinvest.huWe have already demonstrated our expertise and reliability in various projects. Each of our clients receives a service in which the execution is carried out easily, surprisingly carefree and promptly. A determining element of our constant growth and customer satisfaction is that we work with…execution expertise, service execution, execution easilyconstruction, reconstruction, monument, general, engineering2
petrolkft.huNow we perform all the work what could be in a technological system of a filling station, from the planning of a filling station on, through the fuel-technological execution, to the maintenance. We accept commissions for planning and building filling stations like main contractor, to relieve our…technological execution, execution maintenance, general execution, execution filldispenser, fuel, technology, technological, client2
ceosengineers.huAs a leader in structural design in Hungary, we are proud that our engineering services allow the safe and economic execution of various exceptional civil engineering works. This contributes to the quality of our built environment, while protecting the resources of the planet and our Customers.economic execution, execution exceptionalceo, quality, structural, structure, latest2
lab-comp.huThe service team of Lab-Comp Ltd, with several decades of experience behind them, places great emphasis on the accurate and precise execution of service activities. The effectiveness of our work is indicated by the fact that we provide ad hoc and contractual service activities in pharmaceutical…precise execution, execution service, service execution, execution iqlaboratory, chemistry, lab, support, sale2
elkakft.huThe main activity was house gas supply planning, execution. Than the focus focus has shifted from industrial orders constantly heating and cooling, water supply, sanitation, ventilation, air conditioning, automatic fire protection equipment (sprinkler) installation, design.plan execution, execution focusbuild, installation, gas, equipment, gallery1
intelligencemedia.huImplementing AI-driven automation to streamline your daily tasks and processes. By reducing manual and repetitive tasks, we aim for efficiency, exclude human error, and ensure consistent and quick task execution.intelligence, media, solution, development, process1
wellwed.huWe understand how nerve-wracking organizing a wedding can be, so we want to take a big load off your shoulders! We don't just take care of the music but also ensure flawless sound, mood lighting, and technical execution, all done impeccably!technical execution, execution impeccablywedding, music, award, meet, favorite1
intertranssec.huSurvey, bidding, implementation, integration, innovation, process control, work organization, execution, inspection, monitoring, reporting, updating, consulting, and targeting.organization execution, execution inspectionsecurity, training, event, technology, transport1
blb-soft.huWe have experience in solutions used in industry, let it be data collection, equipment control, MES (Manufacturing Execution System) and equipment interconnection through various protocols.manufacture execution, execution systemtechnology, solution, software, main, privacy1
in-cup.huOur extensive range of services enables us to meet the individual needs of our partners, whether it be packaging, delivery, logistics, planning, execution, administrative issues or environmentally friendly solutions.plan execution, execution administrativecup, packaging, main, page, coffee1
classicboat.huWelcome on homepage of Classicboat. Your visit is honouring for us. In our third-generation shipbuilding firm, established by Lake Balaton we work with classical wooden yachts, sailboats, motoryachts-and boats, with the renovation, restoration, building, maintenance, complete execution of them. In…complete execution, execution referencegallery, open, water, dream, introduction1
ionart.huOur team of talented artists possess a wealth of experience and expertise in the industry. From concept development to final execution, every project we undertake is approached with meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to perfection.final execution, execution projectanimation, cinematic, game, studio, commercial1
nyirlift.huWe prepare the planning application plans and execution drawings of lifts and provide engineering service.plan execution, execution drawingelevator, escalator, device, accessibility, engineering1
cnccenter.hu…main customer groups: (i) hydraulic bolt tensioning companies, and (ii) pump manufacturers. Both industries require high precision and perfect execution in machining due to the extreme hydraulic pressure where these parts need to operate (600-800 bar). The testing of prototype parts is often…perfect execution, execution machiningcenter, finish, machining, cut, career1
intertelgroup.huGood and clear communication with our partners just as effective execution in shortest possible time is our permanent tasks. Thus we are able to achieve and develop long-term cooperation with our customers and suppliers.effective execution, execution shortgroup, wholesale, electronic, consumer, trade1
novumarch.huFrom the scratch until the realization we think at it’s best for your success! From concept to execution, we can provide you with an experienced, professional team in Europe. Implementing our know how of trade shows, we provide our customers with memorable exhibitions, conferences and road shows…concept execution, execution experiencegallery, reference, exhibition, interior, event1
ventosus.huProject Management: We provide end-to-end support for the entire lifecycle of each project, from initial conception to the final Closeout Phase. Our dedicated project management ensures seamless coordination and execution of all phases of your project.coordination execution, execution phasebuild, heating, energy, engineering, heat1
improversgroup.huA revolutionary way to get to know our world-class content Achievement at master Level: the 4 disciplines of execution A lifelong life-style revelation based on Stephen R. Covey's workdiscipline execution, execution lifelongdevelopment, group, culture, organization, school1
cafecsoport.hu…campaigns for almost two decades, providing a wide range of support for our clients, from strategy development to media planning and campaign execution. Our team is inspired by innovation and change. We are here to assist you in leading edge projects such as branded content, influencer marketing,campaign execution, execution teamgroup, communication, agency, integrate, media1
digitalhero.hu…needs, both online and offline. From branding and image creation to daily tasks, we’ve got you covered for every step of starting and growing a successful business. Each member of our team is a specialist in their respective field, ensuring a professional and timely execution of all projects.timely execution, execution projectwebsite, digital, video, media, photography1
franchisehungary.huMarketing services (SEO, Website optimization, AdWords, Marketing campaigns planning and execution)application, need, range, option, opportunity1
komikft.hu…in projects as project managers or Independet Engineers financed by Hungary or the EU. We provided services and expertise related to motorway, main roads, local roads, bridges and railway line construction projects with the highest quality standards for the precise execution of the projects.precise execution, execution projectmanagement, reference, road, supervision, consultancy1
topdog.huThe ability of realization is rare. Even a good director fails if the execution is bad. Still, while imagination has no limits, timing and budget do. We optimize these three factors for a perfect outcome.director execution, execution baddog, award, tvc, production, direct1
hadacs.huWith my expertise, I can help you with all of your social media needs, from strategy to execution and everything in between.social, media, mission, power, goal1
mazuri.huPlanning and execution of online media campaigns and community building. (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Influencer marketing. Adwords Campaign management)plan execution, execution onlinewebsite, campaign, logo, graphic, goal1
csmugyved.hudrafting and countersigning legal documents and contracts; legal representation in disputes relating to civil law matters; actions for damages; warranty; consumer protection; legal representation in execution procedurerepresentation execution, execution procedurelaw, introduction, speciality, legal, international1
felujitasportal.huThe implementation of varied tasks that require a high level of expertise can all be achieved in one place. Professional general execution for family houses, flats.general execution, execution familyrenovation, roof, house, complete, premise1
altitudebau.huAltitude Bau is a construction company based in Budapest, Hungary with 30 years of experience in offering high-quality construction services. Our professionals are committed to delivering excellent quality work and provide a wide range of construction services to our clients, including the…comprehensive execution, execution implementation, site execution, execution generalaltitude, facade, solution, view, premium1
markcon.huUniform elements that capture the essence of a company's image and the coherent and harmonized use of its marketing tools are the keys to the business communication. Our extensive analysis and precise execution serve all occurring demands throughout the entire work process, whether the project…precise execution, execution demandcampaign, game, website, development, application1
kiskepzo.huIn addition to traditional techniques and creative methods, they are also confronted with the expectations of today and contemporary technical solutions. The basics of design and execution are part of the curriculum, and the students learn to outline plans to find independent solutions to current…design execution, execution curriculumart, school, student, participant, artistic1
machstudio.huOur main qualities are open-mindedness, aspiration to the best solution and precision in execution.solution, carpentry, introduction, precision, quality1
nanoseci.huPreparation and execution of IT and other technical research and development projects. Identifying real problems and defining system concepts.preparation execution, execution technicalinformatics, research, development, software, industrial1
kiskunmeridian.huOur products are made in explosion-proof and intrinsically safe execution which serves mainly the correspondence of electrical fittings, instruments, displays and electric engines based on ATEX regulations.safe execution, execution mainlyequipment, pressure, litre, container, value1
whitepaperconsulting.huWhite Paper Consulting offers integrated event management, including conceptualisation, web design, coordination, marketing and sales, execution and postevent evaluation. We have vast experience in providing event services of all scales and forms. Whether it’s an inperson,sale execution, execution posteventpaper, consulting, white, event, energy1
emiratusadozas.huUAE-Solutions is the leading B2B service provider in company setup, bank account opening, tax residency and economic substance services within the UAE. We are the execution arm of several, handpicked European law firms, consultancy firms, chartered accountants and company incorporation agencies…uae execution, execution armuae, solution, account, free, permanent1
ragazzart.huFor many years now we have worked with RagazzART only when it comes to our events. I can always rest assured that the event is in the best of hands, from the brainstorming to the very end of the event. We work together towards a shared goal like colleagues, and I’m always positive that the…positive execution, execution projectevent, creative, solution, post, studio1
bancard.hu…(financial institutions, energetics, commerce and state administration). Our colleagues have often participated in the preparation of strategic plans, implementation studies, have devised business models from planning through supporting the introduction to participation in operative execution.reference, management, light, introduction, consulting1
cma.huCMA Architects are focused on design quality, quality execution and believe strongly in sustainable design having delivered LEED Gold certified offices buildings and educational buildings in both Europe and North America.quality execution, execution stronglyarchitect, client, use, management, plan1
isze.huParticipating in the composition of the principles and system of teacher in-service training, and in its execution;teach, training, course, activity, teacher1
greenstarbau.huWe pay attention not only to the execution, but also to aesthetics and functionality. We don't just talk, we show. On our company's website, you can view our previous works, which include family houses, office buildings, business premises, schools and other public buildings.attention execution, execution aestheticgreen, reference, interior, furnishing, apartment1
fejszamol.huUnder bankruptcy proceeding with our expert colleagues we can contribute effectively the elaboration of the debtors reorganization program and its execution.proceedings, settlement, liquidation, asset, creditor1
mullermonika.huNot only did she create the interior design plans, but she accompanied the implementation process, from execution to completion - requiring high-quality work.process execution, execution completioninterior, process, main, page, apartment1
kucseralilla.huher offer – something I had unfortunately encountered before. She put together a personalized offer specifically customized for our company. The execution of the campaigns was smooth, Lilla really did her best and had amazing results. Every project we did together was extremely successful and…company execution, execution campaignreference, campaign, successful, brand, privacy1
hoszivattyu-pest.huOur company prepares cost estimates for mechanical works related to specific projects. Following the order, we carry out the mechanical execution based on detailed plans prepared by an experienced mechanical engineer specializing in building services design, who also holds chamber certifications…mechanical execution, execution detail, certification execution, execution planair, heat, heating, pump, solution1
andrassypalota.huFast and professional execution of maintenance, cleaning and caretaking jobs in the offices.professional execution, execution maintenancebuild, floor, building, opportunity, space1
essenza.huWe can work together with 8 domestic and 2 foreign universities on EU project preparation or executionconsulting, firm, task, development, management1
acsgep.huOur Mobile Crane Division has dealt with different lifting tasks and mobile crane rental for local and international customers for 13 years. We ensure on-site inspection and fully trained staff to to select the right crane for the task and ensure the proper preparation and execution of lifting.preparation execution, execution liftingcrane, quote, request, mobile, detail1
pallashealth.hu…optimising collaborative perspectives and finding system-based solutions to integrative healthcare services. We encourage business decisions that promote quality performance and growth through sharing our expertise and guidance on strategy, operations and organization from planning to execution.eng, healthcare, health, eye, consulting1
sanipex.huSanipex is a well-known and distributed water- and heating system in Hungary since 1990. It features a unique patented flanged clamp which includes a number of technological advantages raising during execution. The wide range of products, supplemented with the SANIPEX MT multi-layered pipe system…advantage execution, execution widereference, bathroom, heating, cottage, institution1
prime-time.hu"We have an excellent longterm working relationship with the agency. As an event partner they provide a perfectly reliable backdrop for us with a full spectrum execution of the events, including the invitation management and follow-up communication as well. It is especially important for us that…spectrum execution, execution eventcommunication, event, connectivity, trust, expertise1
elber.huWe have been working with Élber Ltd for more than 20 years. We chose the company because of the quality of the work they produce and it continues to this day. In addition to the quality of their products, their work is characterised by purposeful planning and precise execution. Their tanks have…precise execution, execution tankindustry, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, industrial1
ltlo.huPurchase and sale of industrial, commercial, office and residential real estate, rental constructions, planning, providing legal background for construction planning, construction execution and real estate development, legal due diligence, settlement planning, full legal representation in…construction execution, execution realexpertise, expert, law, legal, representation1
katalizis.hupower, execution, effectiveness, control, ownership, consistency, performance, alteration, etc...power execution, execution effectivenessmotivational, theory, motive, motivation, model1
harzo.huThe latest trends and inspirations right into your email account. Get to know our experts' ideas for painting and decorating rooms and get inspired to renovate your own flat. In the newsletter you can catch clever execution tricks and be among the first to see the latest products.clever execution, execution tricktile, page, special, renovation, wood1
pptrading.huWe are PP Trading kft., which specializes in trade, industrial production and assembly. We provide our own or coordinate the execution of the order with supplier partners, the entire order from the beginning to the final completion and delivery of the order.assembly execution, execution ordertrading, order, entire, quality, production1
goconcept.huFrom the preparation to the finalization of the training, everything went very smoothly with the GoConcept team. They both came up with creative activities and properly managed their execution. Our colleagues especially appreciated that the trainers were very helpful and easy to communicate with…properly execution, execution colleaguestraining, lab, development, trainer, change1
innopan.hu…Our duty is to provide as many people as possible with the thermal insulation system of the future, ensuring the best quality and fastest execution. In this spirit, our colleagues are available to provide professional advice, as well as slope calculation. We continuously monitor market needs,fast execution, execution spiritinsulation, download, thermal, ventilation, pipe1
bc209.huFast and professional execution of maintenance, cleaning and caretaking jobs in the offices.professional execution, execution maintenanceoffice, center, area, build, floor1
cryptobank.huIn other words, we do not set a maximum limit on the execution of transactions that offer a reasonable option.limit execution, execution transactioncryptocurrency, process, transaction, detail, transparent1
potenton.hu…first part of the concert, Mr. Kelemen will play on an original (reset) Gagliano 1771 violin. An artist of “innate musicality” with a technical execution that belongs “only to the greatest" -The Guardian He has captured the interest of the music world with premiers of works by Kurtág, Ligeti…technical execution, execution greatconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music1
belegal.hu…services for a considerable number of multinational and domestic enterprises, in the course of which we have gained extensive and profound experience in effective management of legal supports, its planned execution, in professional methodology and the relevant procedural and formal requirements.plan execution, execution professionallaw, attorney, legal, solution, reliable1
perkor.huWe fulfill the cutting needs of customers (made to customer's specifications, serial and bundle cuts) via our sawing machines of high performance providing a short delivery time, accurate execution and competitive prices.accurate execution, execution competitivesteel, cart, stainless, resistant, sheet1
karatsonarchivum.huAs a painter and graphic artist, Gábor Karátson left a serious oeuvre, and his artistic writings are also significant. His pictures and illustrations were characterized by a unique vision, careful execution, and last but not least, experimentation with various materials. According to our plans…careful execution, execution experimentationarchive, collection, research, book, database1
festekkutato.huThe aim of the paint industry experts' work is to ensure high quality surface-protection job for the customers. The preconditions of the successful execution of painting and surface-protection process are the elaboration of the technology most suitable for on-site needs, the correct choice of the…successful execution, execution paintingpaint, development, expert, research, production1
constructionmanagement.hu"I specialize in project management for construction endeavors, overseeing the execution of both greenfield and brownfield projects in the automotive and various industrial sectors.endeavor execution, execution greenfieldmanagement, construction, industrial, investment, representation1
inflexion.huYou have a great solution, we help you sell it. After all, nobody needs a business track record to have a great business idea, but you do need an effective strategy to ensure proficient execution. Here’s where our sales strategy support comes in. Within the fields of our expertise, we can save you…proficient execution, execution salesale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead1
bauer-epitesz.huI deal with the preparation of survey plans, simple notification plans, licensing plans, execution plans, and visual plans. As a technical draftsman and designer, my priorities are the pursuit of precision, accuracy and maintaining flexibility.plan execution, execution planreference, continuous, technical, flexibility, main1
gatewaybc.huFast and professional execution of maintenance, cleaning and caretaking jobs in the offices.professional execution, execution maintenancegateway, office, floor, sqm, build1
kanagawa.huOne of the key factors of the international success is the professional design and execution of physical appearances of a company, a field where Kanagawa Advisory also supports their clients. Our goal is that the international representation of our partners should exceed the level of the…design execution, execution physical, execution creativemarket, international, entrepreneur, advisory, foreign1
kottairas.huI am also able to help with the preparation and execution of folk song collections or music school publications. I can also create music scores for full choirs or individual sections.preparation execution, execution folkintroduction, music, price, quote, choir1
innodev.huIntroducing MB-Tester , the Multi-Bus Tester, a powerful Test Execution Engine developed with Python scripting. MB-Tester is designed to support automated or manual device and system testing, offering seamless integration with multiple communication buses.test execution, execution enginesoftware, communication, device, bus, multiple1
qstest.huUse Ranorex to create coded API tests, combine them with your UI test runs and take advantage of execution capabilities and detailed reporting. Build absolute cross-platform tests from a single test suite without the need for complicated context switching.advantage execution, execution capabilitymanagement, solution, automation, customer, process1
mymentor.hu…to help you reach your goals. Instead of spending your time figuring out what to do, we'll take care of the planning, allowing you to focus on execution and experiencing personal growth. This step saves you a significant amount of time. 24/0 support: You can ask our AI mentors questions anytime…plan execution, execution personalgoal, , expert, success, community1
pecolab.huWe are a team of two from Budapest, Hungary: Eva and Ferenc. Eva is a master of sales, strategy, and execution, while Ferenc is a designer who envisions and builds. The common thread we share is a commitment to building quality, useful, and creative things that people love, beneficial for human…strategy execution, execution ferencsustainable, touch, planet, future, quality1
bencsikroland.huThe advantages of C and Java programming languages are combined to be able to work on any project with the highest execution efficiency while keeping the code readable, understandable and managable.high execution, execution efficiencysoftware, code, developer, source, page1
advana.huWe ensure the quality of the project itself, from planning through execution and closure, by focusing on processes, documentation, and overall project management.plan execution, execution closureconsulting, quality, professionalism, consultancy, unparalleled1
telcotrend.huWe design a complete testing strategy according to the client's needs, develop detailed test cases and analyze the results after manual or automated execution.solution, custom, software, view, need1
webed.huThe situation creates demands and challenges that must be met. All of this just goes to show that a great idea requires great execution.power, code, unlimited, talk, success1
zenheads.huPost-Seed Pre-Series? We help you get there Looking for your bad-ass CTO? we have a full stack product team to jumpstart your business Tired of postponing Launches? With us you will have guaranteed execution - just ask our clientslaunch execution, execution clientmobile, app, head, development, live1
pfeifferszilard.huThere is a seemingly trivial solution to any remote code execution attacks, namely: not to let the inbound traffic match the pattern that triggers the vulner...code execution, execution attacktrust, personal, page, security, feed1
drdoczy.huout of court negotiation, negotiation agreements, invocation, notarial payment summon prozess, execution, approval process of foreign decisions, execution of foreign decisions insolvency and bankruptcy processesprozess execution, execution approval, decision execution, execution foreignlegal, advice, law, contract, litigation1
betonracspadlo.huOur company generates more than 95% of its annual turnover from project execution and manufacture. Twenty years of experience has shown that profit is strongly influenced by the standardisation of and adherence to optimised internal processes. As a mechanical engineer, I really enjoy successfully…project execution, execution manufacturefloor, concrete, grid, quality, flooring1
econtest.huWe provide to our customers not only a stable system, but also continuous technical support, from the design to execution throughout the contest.design execution, execution contestcontest, easy, management, detail, data1
tetoalatt.huReal Estate development, design, planning, project execution (general construction), professional, technical and financial controlproject execution, execution generalconstruction, free, dream, quotation, goal1
ekraft.hu“From the design phase of our Phantom boat, I have experienced a professional attitude and expertise from you. And the execution and performance - that is, the result of our joint work - is simply impressive.”expertise execution, execution performanceboat, electric, gallery, faq, open1
kerteszmate.huDr. Mate Kertesz worked in my team as a Transition-Transformation Executive. In this role he was responsible for whole transformation planning and execution in time, in scope and in budget. Mate manged furthermore the customer requirement and expectation. All of these duties has been reached and…plan execution, execution timeconsultation, management, training, pmo, reference1
yourgroup.huOur Event division offers event solutions, from organization to execution, we undertake the complete management of smaller and bigger events, from finding the location through building the entire set to providing catering.organization execution, execution completeevent, group, placement, brand, management1
lubservice.huFrom 2017, the execution of complex construction, electrical (strong, low current and IT systems), mechanical and pipe installation tasks are also part of our services. We can also undertake the engineering parts of the projects.task, machine, installation, clean, industrial1
fise.huThe exhibition is a convincing demonstration of the two creator’s extensive and multifaceted experiences, however along the similarities also makes visible the differences as well. The textiles are presented in painted, printed, folded, tailored, sewn executions, in different functions and…tailor execution, execution differentexhibition, artist, art, glass, textile1
sommelierhungary.huthe organization and execution of the annual National Sommelier Championship (which has been taking part since 1992) in 2 rounds,organization execution, execution annualgeneral, member, association, food, training1
betiko.huThe planning process begins with an assessment of needs and an understanding of the property’s features. Our comprehensive vision aligns every detail of our plans with our client’s idea. Our designs shorten the project execution process and facilitate interdisciplinary cooperation.project execution, execution processreference, workflow, detail, residential, element1
karkojanos.huI was responsible for achieving online sales targets in multiple countries. One of my main task was to plan and coordinate the execution of B2C seasonal campaigns in both internal and external channels. My role also involved designing the front-end wireframes and managing the web development…task execution, execution seasonalmanager, digital, certification, ecommerce, growth1
payful.huAs a bank independent advisory firm, MetaPay develops complex payment solutions for merchants, supports them with IT and financial consultancy and tender execution.solution, payment, client, development, edge1
lapidarium.huLapidárium Engineering Ltd is specialized in the design of load bearing structures, from concept design to the preparation execution drawings according to Eurocode. Based on our 20 years long design field experience with reinforced concrete, steel, timber and glass structures, we continuously…preparation execution, execution drawingstructural, structure, engineering, engineer, house1
bankokft.huall-round execution, (playequipment, park furniture, surfaces, landscaping, fences, drinking-fountains, lighting etc.)round execution, execution playequipmentequipment, playground, range, price, grass1
wpmax.huFast, precise and constructive work execution, there are no objections during the implementation and completion of the work. Since I had all the plans and ideas, he completed the task easily and quickly. He willingly solves everything. He made two websites for me.work execution, execution objectionwebsite, offer, media, social, tool1
eurovid.hu…means of complex company’s IT development to acess the objectives of Industry 4.0 has been introduced the SAP system and related production monitoring system, materials management, logistics execution and Quality Management. Our organisation has reached the 50 employees and the incom 1 billion Ft.logistic execution, execution qualityproduction, management, quality, material, reference1
e-steel.huE-STEEL Engineering Ltd. was founded in 2017. The engineering activity of our company covers the structural design of buildings, in all planning phases, from study-tender plans to detailed execution designs. Our main field of activity is the design of industrial steel structures, nevertheless we…detail execution, execution designsteel, structural, engineer, structure, technology1
dcf.huOur corporate finance advisory can assist you with the planning and execution of corporate finance transactions to support either your company's growth or your exit. Our services include capital raising, M&A advisory - sell and buy-side, acquisition strategy and company valuations.plan execution, execution corporateadvisory, financial, strategy, client, sector1
sensa.huWith the use of streamlined processes, the execution of international projects is in line with local conditions, fit to a global scale.process execution, execution internationaldevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting1
seedless.huThat's why we focus on international partnership, especially between Asia and Europe. Asian market potential and precise execution together with European openness and creativity are a deadly combination for success.precise execution, execution europeansolution, partnership, market, long, creativity1
ambianceevents.huFor her, Ambiance is a way of life. It is important to make sure that the execution of qualitative and stylish events provide joyful moments for the complex process of organization and at the same time, for the event itself. Beside her corporate partners, her own colleagues also appreciate this…sure execution, execution qualitativeevent, open, day, ambiance, st1
perfecthousing.huDuring the construction works, he checks the work processes and ensures the appropriate quality and safe execution.perfect, housing, construction, inspection, technical1
buchlerwagner.huIn addition, our company plays a pivotal role in the online sales of flight tickets and accommodations. With our flexible and integrated solutions, we assist our clients in comprehensive planning and execution of their aviation experiences.plan execution, execution aviationsolution, industry, aviation, travel, field1
clearvision.hu…team in several areas of software and hardware development and since 2008 we undertake project development and migration tasks on a project basis. Our guiding principle is the engineering approach, accurate, detailed design, disciplined execution, and helping and teaching each other as a good team.discipline execution, execution goodsolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication1
budapestboats.huthe possibilities are almost endless. Be it business events, family reunions or gastronomic tours, we are here to make your ideas come true. Leave the planning and execution to us, so that you and your guests are completely satisfied. Explore the Danube with us and enjoy the magic of cruise tourism!plan execution, execution guestcruise, bath, boat, danube, tour1
euroflyhva.huOur airline would like to build a team of aviation enthusiasts into one fleet who strive for perfect execution of flights, like a real airline pilots.perfect execution, execution flightfleet, virtual, airline, staff, rank1
detaep.huDuring the execution of certain facilities and customers' continued technical supervision they require. Our company of any professional working properly trained professionals can provide. The responsibilities of the audit work, includes:construction, build, maintenance, fast, control1
elmolight.huElimination of soil contaminated with hydrocarbon, environmental remediation, compilation and execution of damage prevention plan;compilation execution, execution damagesludge, compost, treatment, soil, waste1
acelvakond.huThe main activity of our company is the execution of special civil engineering works, extrusion of steel and concrete pipes, pipe laying without road opening, directional drilling, pipe bursting. In addition, we undertake all kinds of utilities and sewerage, earthworks.company execution, execution specialextrusion, pipe, steel, concrete, drilling1
tamarahagen.huIf you would like your company, organization or institute to be known, respected, valued and admired by your customers, audience, partners, employees and the community you operate in contact us to receive expert advice and execution.communication, touch, public, relation, corporate1
harmativizszereles.huOur work is characterized by precise execution, which is why we provide a guarantee for every repair, replacement, and modernization we carry out.precise execution, execution guaranteeplumbing, price, tool, entire, quality1
firstchoice.huWhether you are seeking an aesthetic revamp or competitive advantage, we transform potential to perfection by your definition. Impeccable service, flawless execution, from vision to reality .flawless execution, execution visionchoice, llc, property, management, interior1
aquaplus.huDesign, execution and operation of water supply systems for companies or enterprises built on their own water sourcedesign execution, execution operationwater, detail, activity, drilling, energy1
oxyhouse.huWe grant you reliable service, quality and team. After our field checking you will get a detailed checklist about the ordered services, the date and the lenght of execution and the price. There cannot be surprises: you will get what you ordered.lenght execution, execution priceclean, environment, deep, ecological, house1
muszertechnika.huIK-MetálKft. Székesfehérvár is engaged in the design and manufacture of production equipment for the execution of individual tasks, special and road vehicle bodies, welded metal structures and the manufacture of individual, heavy-duty containers. In our certified welding plant, qualified welders…equipment execution, execution individualmanufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software1
lita.huWe make a real, measurable impact on your operational issues and help you from strategy through to operations with effective transformation and execution. Our people have consulting and industry leader experience as well as a pragmatic, no-nonsense approach to implementing change. We create…transformation execution, execution peopledata, management, governance, delivery, organization1
tahitiresort.huWhen creating our accommodation, starting from the planning phase, we made every single stroke, idea and execution in the spirit of maximum relaxation and an unforgettable, experiential vacation. Our goal was that during your vacation, our accommodation will also contribute to your relaxation in…idea execution, execution spiritapartment, offer, voucher, relaxation, accommodation1
itlgroup.huOur clients choose us for several reasons. First and most importantly, their goals are often very complex, which means our clients need expertise and timely execution of that advice.timely execution, execution advicetax, law, real, estate1
feedbacksolutions.huWhat’s the secret of our success? A spectacular team. Bold ideas and fresh perspectives. Sharp execution.dental, client, clinic, feedback, page1
drlevai-budapest.huI represent my clients at a high professional level, according to their individual needs. But the successful execution of the mandate requires that the client always fully reveals the problem to me. Together with the client, we determine the goals to be achieved, gather the relevant information…successful execution, execution mandatelaw, lawyer, legal, attorney, real1
friendly.hu…measurable results. Whether companies need to reorganize talent, resources and infrastructure or build them from the ground up, our team provides pragmatic digital and operational support throughout the strategy’s implementation and execution. We combine technology, creativity and resourcefulness.implementation execution, execution technologyfriendly, digital, media, technology, development1
probako.huA well-built personal brand of leaders is also crucial for the image of the company. Our firm has extensive experience in both the planning and execution of CEO personal brands.plan execution, execution ceocommunication, media, award, campaign, social1
szeniortenisz.hu…the Romai Cup at the beginning of November and the closed Hungarian Championship were awarded ITF certification. Thanks to the successful executions, all our competitions have moved up in the ITF certification ladder over the years until they reach their current highest level. With our…successful execution, execution competitiontennis, room, night, association, person1
consul-thing.huOur end-to-end project management covers PLANNING, ORGANIZING, SUPERVISING, and EXECUTION.thing, reference, electrical, installation, industrial1
markrottweilerklub-hungary.huThe data controller, the data provided by the denominator, is bound to do so solely for the purpose of subsequent execution of the order and the conditions of the contract that may be concluded. The Data Manager does not issue the creditor, breeder’s data to third parties. The Data Controller is…subsequent execution, execution orderdata, controller, personal, protection, person1
pulsoholding.hu…precise requirements and manage expectations. Through real-life case studies, we can identify appropriate best practices related to governance, execution strategies, requirements management, procurement, asset and risk management, and organizational design and development for the successful…governance execution, execution strategydevelopment, oil, health, real, estate1
digithink.huDo you want to embrace the beautiful journey of the Digital transformation? Want to have a customer centric approach? We can help to build your strategy, your plans and support you in executionproblem, complex, easy, solution, digital1
szellkalmanalapitvany.hu…Bank and the Szombathelyi Erdészeti Zrt. organised a commemorative ceremony in the Széll Kálmán manor house on 6 October 2011 on the occasion of the 162nd anniversary of the execution of the 13 Martyrs of Arad and the 160th anniversary of the establishment of the Hungarian Forestry Association.anniversary execution, execution martyrfoundation, media, page, main, people1
tpconstruct.hu„In the field of building engineering, our company undertakes constuction, modernization and proper building engineering works. Our company, from the designing phase to execution, helps to choose the appropriate and efficient solutions, for which we take guarantee and provide a trustworthy…phase execution, execution appropriateheating, build, ventilation, privacy, technology1
rockabi.hu…a chance to think over what you need and what you don’t, and you can change what was not possible in your old house, but you need to take care everything not to break things and make sure you can set yourself up quickly in your new home. All this requires proper planning and seamless execution. ”data, dashboard, report, process, training1
ovst.huWe offer consulting, planning, preparation and execution capabilities all in one personal service, from inception to completion, whether the components originate from one country or from across the globe.preparation execution, execution capabilitytrade, value, social, large, corporate1
arena-corner.huFast and professional execution of maintenance, cleaning and caretaking jobs in the offices.professional execution, execution maintenancefloor, build, sqm, office, operation1
adampm.huExecution works on Duna Terasz Vista project began in July, 2023. Ádám Mérnökiroda has been involved in the planning and preparation works of the project since 2020. We...technical, supervisor, construction, estate, real1
laserbrothers.huWith us, you will not only get a super execution team by your side, but also creative specialists who will help you take your idea to a higher level with concept drawings and the production of prototypes.super execution, execution teamcut, offer, production, idea, request1
davrt.huDAV Steel Construction Company Zrt. wishes to reach its goals on the field of steel and ferroconcrete construction, with the consistent execution of these ideas.consistent execution, execution ideasteel, construction, quality, introduction, goal1
hgrltd.huAt HGR Ltd., we are your one-stop solution for top-grade tram and metro line components, as well as turnkey project execution. Our portfolio is meticulously curated to meet the dynamic needs of urban transit systems, ensuring reliability and performance at every turn.project execution, execution portfoliosolution, railway, need, turnkey, stock1
kalocsaikinga.huIf requested, we can also provide support in the execution with own experienced resources and ecosystem.support execution, execution experiencestrategy, communication, growth, brand, process1
zelebots.huDue to the complexity of industrial electrical systems, specialized expertise and knowledge are essential for their design and execution. Competitive results require understanding the latest technological solutions along with relevant safety regulations and specific requirements of industrial…design execution, execution competitiveltd, page, industrial, collaborative, reference1
sungdoeng.huBased on the experience from numerous successful domestic and overseas Turn-Key Project executions, we can exceed customer expectations and perform design and construction within a set budget and timeline. In Hungary, the localization of all facilities makes maintenance much easier.project execution, execution customereng, construction, customer, factory, process1
luminalearning.huHavas has worked with Lumina Learning to enhance their global talent development programmes in both programme design and execution.lumina, learn, solution, event, study1
birdiewedding.huThe guests were impressed, the organization, on-site management and execution were first class, everything was beautiful and divinely delicious. Special thanks to the staff who were present, a team of super polite, helpful people who made all our wishes came true."management execution, execution classwedding, event, testimonial, ceremony, vendor1
reach-i4.huMachine learning and analytics: algorithms for advanced calculations and executions, with built-in modules to combine SQL and streaming data processing.calculation execution, execution moduledata, reach, solution, big, real1
mionarix.huExecution of the website based on the plan, creation of the API endpoint and generation of the status image.development, website, client, reference, site1
profihajlitas.huWith 25 years of professional experience and a high level of expertise, our company, specialized in the advanced production of technological standards, provides a complete service from design to complete execution for our domestic and international clients. Our state-of-the-art CNC machines…complete execution, execution domesticbend, pipe, machine, precise, gallery1
atidesign.huWith more than 25 years of experience in the advertising industry, I am available to my existing and future clients with the services of website creation, maintenance, webmaster and virtual assistant, as well as the execution of advertising graphics work.assistant execution, execution advertisingwebsite, woocommerce, management, creative, maintenance1
mthardy.huDuring its operation of the company was mainly dealing with activities related to the construction industry, for example execution, technical consultancy and designing.example execution, execution technicalequipment, energy, t., maintenance, cost1
psi.huOur core team has taken part in the planning and execution of high-profile security operations in the private sector since 1992. Understanding the security demands and requirements of the Hungarian and international clientele, we judged it to be of crucial importance to establish a company based…plan execution, execution highsecurity, need, customer, demand, protection1
ookpress.huCreating a calendar with professional printing, from design to execution. Wall, table, poster and card calendars, even in large batches, quickly and cheaply.design execution, execution wallprinting, book, price, family, production1
akuna.hue) on repair or maintenance carried out at a place designated by the consumer at his request; this does not apply in case of subsequent execution of non-requested repairs or delivery of spare parts other than those requested,subsequent execution, execution nonbuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case1
applepshostess.hu„The cultural jewel box of the capital, the Castle Garden Bazaar has continuously expanded the number of its audience with a various range of programs in recent years. We get a lot of help from the always impeccable-looking hosts and hostesses of the Apple PS Hostess Agency for the high-quality…quality execution, execution eventevent, host, staff, exhibition, agency1
promotermarketing.huFrom campaign ideation to execution and beyond, our team is committed to providing unparalleled support and guidance every step of the way.ideation execution, execution teampromoter, brand, campaign, objective, strategy1
balancebuilding.huFast and professional execution of maintenance, cleaning and caretaking jobs in the offices.professional execution, execution maintenancebuild, floor, sqm, building, office1
glob.hu– Conseil Internationale du Batiment (CIB) – Commission CIB W 23 A : Calculation and Execution of Masonry – Wall Structures.calculation execution, execution masonrycommission, scientific, publication, list, activity1
mostmarketing.huLooking for an agency who do in-house animations and photo-shootings supporting your communication? We also manage television commercial pre-production, production and post-production processes, radio advertising production, print and digital materials' execution and more.campaign, client, brand, director, head1
biharybalassa.huOur Firm places particular emphasis on creative, helpful and business-oriented thinking during the legal support of real estate transactions. We handle all aspects of property law transactions: due diligence, structuring, real estate management, development and execution, rental contracts and…development execution, execution rentallaw, legal, firm, attorney, comprehensive1
honifo.huWe don’t just give advice and create strategy: we actively assist in the accomplishement and execution.tourism, consulting, sale, management, previous1
digitalisfelmeres.huIn other cases, realizing that something will not fit during execution or the situation where you have to modify any incorrectly manufactured part on site can be really irksome.case execution, execution situationdigital, measurement, engineer, day, computer1
smallthings.huWe know that SEO can make or break a site’s success, so SEO strategy is strongly present in every stage of our website development process. Smallthings provides SEO planning, execution, and reporting, as well as constant monitoring and refinement once your site is live. Whether you’re focusing on…plan execution, execution reportsit, consectetur, velit, amet, duis1
marketingarchitect.huFinds the right marketing solution among all possible to solve your business problems. Builds up your marketing operation, so it best supports your goals. Acts as a facilitator with your marketing partners if needed, during execution. A senior marketing contractor for the critical stages of your…partner execution, execution seniorarchitect, communication, architecture, minute, effective1
postacom.huOur company can provide full IT and telecommunication systems installation to our partners, from design to execution.network, telecommunication, construction, operation, optical1
meta-tex.huThe best knitwear combines exceptional, striking design with perfect execution. Miss out on one of these, and you’ll be left with a subpar product. At Meta-Tex International, we make sure that your designs reach their fullest potential by ensuring high quality knitwear products. We combine…perfect execution, execution subparknit, pattern, original, portfolio, uniform1
bannercraft.huCarrying out the complete procedure of small and big advertising campaigns from the creative planning to the execution, on general and alternative platforms (for example BB, CLP, TV spot, radio, social media and other platforms according to the wishes of the client).plan execution, execution generalcampaign, reference, development, image, client1
byd.huWe made the first solar system of a TESCO supermarket, and we also participated in the execution all of the TESCO’s solar systems. With one exception each of them produce KYOCERA solar cell.supermarket execution, execution tescocell, electricity, quality, price, list1
bestformaruha.huWith the help of our fashion designer and stylist, we make our models from quality materials, in our own sewing series or individually, tailored to size if required. From conception to final execution, from design to sizing, from material selection to sourcing, from manufacturing and logoing to…final execution, execution designuniform, clothes, catalogue, reference, material1
zelemo.huOur mission is to be your partner from the initial planning stages to the seamless execution and long-term maintenance of your new manufacturing machinery hardware and software. With over 30 years of engineering experience, our innovative tech team stands ready to transform your vision into reality.seamless execution, execution longmanagement, value, unit, industrial, customer1
fairtech.huOur company delivers complex services for the execution of the full range of building construction works of projects.service execution, execution rangebuilding, facility, build, residential, office1
fix24.huWithin 24 hours after the survey, we send you a detailed offer for the work, including an expected schedule so you can accurately plan both costs and deadlines. Before starting the work, we sign a contract, which contains all the details related to the execution. Therefore the job will definitely…detail execution, execution jobconstruction, apartment, renovation, office, general1
cerc.huWe undertake the planning, execution and documentation of laboratory tests using the competences of our Labs. For these experiments we use our own facilities, but if required we have contractual partners (private research labs and universities) with infrastructure we can mobilize.plan execution, execution documentationlab, research, powder, development, innovation1
genaqua.huThe preparation of a proper building services plan is the very first and essential step of accurate and professional complete execution. By creating the right plan, you can save yourself a lot of time and extra costs in the later phases.complete execution, execution rightbuild, general, construction, industrial, engineering1
fk-raszter.huMain Page - FK-RASZTER Építő Zrt.building, public, construction, hall, industrial0
digitalnatives.huWe transform your idea into a viable digital product, using our decade-long experience and the latest technology in digital product development.digital, native, development, idea, innovation0
hellofeszt.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar erat at libero accumsan sodales. Mauris ac augue non arcu feugiat ornare vel facilisis lorem.lorem, elit, sit, amet, ipsum0
bisystems.huAreas of Expertise… Competitive Edge… Learn…manufacture execution, execution systemsolution, software, industrial, feature, expertise0
eupowers.huof power plant (including nuclear power plant) systems. We also design, integrate, insure, install and commission the various equipment (from fuel supply systems to flue gas treatment and disposal) and the associated tools, spare parts, fittings or consumables required throughout the life cycle of…power, management, european, operation, plant0
bereghidegburkolas.huAnyway, you still use Lorem Ipsum and rightly so, as it will always have a place in the web workers toolbox, as things happen, not always.execution workview, large, shop, advantage, ipsum0
penznavigatorinformatika.humbstring extension makes use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.max execution, execution timersupport, value, version, directive, local0
e-lawyer.huWe are continuously rendering legal consultancy for our clients concerning the most different labour law matters, so preparing and modifying general and management job contracts as well as during the termination of employment. We provide for efficient cooperation in establishing of employment…judicial execution, execution liquidationlaw, lawyer, firm, legal, client0
ipari-csarnok.huThe modular design of the mobile halls allows for a variety of uses - whether it is a riding hall, a storage tent, any covering solution, a warehouse or a production hall!fast execution, execution sizetent, hall, warehouse, lightweight, construction0
next9.huNext9 Communications - A Next9 kommunikációs, PR, content és branding ügynökség, egy think-tank. Egy alkotó, kreatív műhely, ahol olyan ötletek születnek, amelyek a XXI. század kihívásait figyelembe véve változtatják meg a fogyasztók, partnerek, munkáltatók és munkavállalók szokásait.idea executioncommunication, media, award, corporate, storytelling0
sepy.huYou will always find the ideal choice adapted to your needs. From the basic website based on our attractive templates to the tailor-made website reflecting your company's values.data, piece, unique, news, tool0
concordia-zipper.hu…zippers were produced and ready-made. Since 1990 its highly developing, and the company moved to its factory planned and built for zipper manufacturing near Budaörs in 1991. During very short period also the whole machinery for producing metal, plastic and polyester spiral zippers was developed.execution zippermetal, elastic, cord, color, needle0
metalfor.huWe buy all types of scrap metal: cast iron, aluminum, copper, zinc, nickel, tin, chromium-nickel alloys, electronic scrap, etc.. Acceptance of the waste material can take place at the site of the production company and at our business depot in Székesfehérvár respectively.execution demolition, scrap executionmetal, waste, scrap, price, disposal0
oriastablajatekok.huAfrica’s ancient board game is also said to be the oldest strategy board game in the world. It is known by many names and played in dozens of variants. Played with holes and pebbles, the game has a worldwide following.organization execution, execution craftgame, event, board, giant, festival0
projectbuilder.huThe activities of Projekt Builder are diverse. It covers the construction of new buildings, the renovation and maintenance of old buildings, the carrying out of demolition work, general construction and the performance of special construction tasks.professional execution, execution externalconstruction, builder, site, general, page0
solarmatrix21.huQuality cars deserve quality chargers. The details are significant. Our experts will help you select and install the most suitable charger. We are also familiar with solar panel systems and carports with PV-panels. Using solar energy can drastically reduce the costs of vehicle charging at home…plan execution, execution projectpage, energy, quality, solution, charger0
pecspilates.huwelcome in pecs pilates! The body develops where the soul feels good! Pécs Pilates Studio With the help of the method of Pilates we create balance in both your body and your soul. Pilates can help you feel better in your own skin not only physically, but also mentally. We firmly believe that with…body, method, exercise, class, muscle0
sugarterv.huWe are proud of our unique and aesthetic buildings that meet modern challenges. Our experienced team is ready to design your dream building.sugar, building, dream, build, ready0
dogandpony.huWe are managing several online and offline campaigns for our clients as a Hungarian marketing agency. Our main services include: marketing consulting, social media marketing, Google Ads management, search engine optimization, web development, content marketing, influencer marketing, PR…plan executionagency, logo, dog, advertising, media0
icftech.huICF Technology Inc. is looking for our next great CUSTOMER SERVICE Team Member!!Do you LOVE providing exquisite customer service, do you strive to continue to i...technology, great, office, career, engineering0
suana.huThe outdoor saunas offered by SUANA meet the highest quality standards and are made of excellent materials to ensure you a long life and comfortable use. The unique egg-shaped design and the use of high quality wood materials guarantee that your outdoor sauna will blend in harmoniously with your…precise executionsauna, organic, line, model, faq0
katapultfilm.hu© katapultfilm kft. | design Szilvia Kóbor | web developer Zsolt Patakiproduction, short, documentary, feature, great0
emgmetall.huWe offer sheet metal working and parts fabrication in small- to medium-sized lots using CNC laser cutting machines, machining centres, and press brakes. Our metal working projects are backed up by our decades of experience and modern machine park.design execution, professional executionmetal, sheet, technology, cut, custom0
nasoft.hu…setting of requirements, conception and selection of hardware components, realization of the software modules, system integration and the final implementation. The main objectives of our mission are to make sure that the IT systems are operating efficiently and to elaborate the right…implementation execution, execution operationalsolution, software, hardware, specialize, provider0
ak-epito.huWe have been engaged in design and general constructions in relation to large-scale building investments for nearly two decades. In the most wide-ranging building segment, we have successfully received recognition reflected mostly by our customers and the projects assigned to us as well as their…equipment execution, execution plan, technological executionconstruction, general, hall, build, customer0
akozjegyzo.huIntroduction… Services… Description of Hungarian notarial profession… Attestations… European payment…order executionprocedure, notarial, payment, document, registration0
dekorozmar.huOur studio was established in 2004; we are aiming to complete the orders of our customers from design to construction with good quality, short deadlines, professional machinery, trained colleagues and sub-contractors. Our activities spread from small series orders to mass production.typographic executionmobile, image, packaging, style, advertisement0
designcode.huWe are professional WordPress website developers. For our work, we follow an up-to-date developing approach and use innovative solutions.website, development, premium, solution, data0
eljharmoniaban.huPrivate yoga, Hatha yoga, yoga, meditation coures and classes, yoga philosohpie, in Budapest, private class, yogayoga, class, private, meditation, course0
taxi-siofok-olcso.huSiofok Taxi, reliable, category "A" car with passengers waiting for your call, cheap tariffs.person, step, passenger, downtown, destination0
yanac.huWe, the funders of YANAC felt that within our country there is no aggregator service available what focuses only IT, IT Security and Technology. Day by day we are struggling to find the timely, reliable source of information what we can use for our daily work. This idea brought YANAC live. Hope…january, security, news, editor, vulnerability0
gergelyszalay.huAs a junior developer I've had the chance to work with many technologies and used them to solve a variety of problems successfully. My main interest is IOT, embedded systems and electronics, where I hope to expand my knowledge in the future. I aim to continue expanding my knowledge and one day to…async execution, execution microservicedeveloper, window, close, development, school0
hotelmanagementservices.huDuring 2012 an additional 4 hotels - 3 four-star and a five-star luxury (the already very much spoken of “Buddha-Bar Hotel Budapest Klotild Palace”)- will be opened expanding the company’s portfolio. As a result of its ambitious and successful strategies, Mellow Mood Group is also expanding…management, portfolio, group, mood, consulting0
fiskinternational.huFisk Industries is a leading innovator, manufacturer and distributor of high-performing personal care and beauty products. Fisk has built its business of over 40 years by developing long-standing relationships with retailers, distributors and consumers with brands that deliver products that are…care, international, brand, skin, europe0
prv.huClients…client, development, presentation, strategy, digital0
inprivato.huInPrivato undertakes full property management, from inheritance or sale to renovation, maintenance and utilization.inheritance, management, real, estate, sale0
pattern.hu…that, management consulting at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants followed a very online-focused time at Vodafone Hungary with stints as head of customer experience and online selfcare team lead. Earlier adventures stretch back to working on online financial trading platforms and products in…management, digital, knowledge, consulting, pattern0
proform.huProform Real Estate Investment Ltd. has become a major player in the Hungarian real estate market with more than 400,000 m2 of built-up real estate since its establishment in 1989, as evidenced by its diverse and substantial real estate portfolio and its reputable, discerning tenant mixwork execution, execution turnkeyoffice, real, estate, operation, sale0
bsce.huinternal communication, intranet etc.) Isolation of these systems (information silos), leads to problems which impair the efficiency of business processes (multisite data storage,process management in several systems). One of the greatest challenges of EAI is to integrate systems that are based…development, management, solution, data, report0
kreativkivitelezok.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.main, page, doe, sit, tellus0
multicommerce.huProviding offers for products at the most favourable prices and conditions for our partnersexecution businessprivacy, foreign, offer, document, trade0
webdevelop.huMore than a decade experience in building custom tailored websites. This is what I'm good at, this is what I love to do. I'm providing cost effective solution for your custom web development needs.development, website, hosting, speed, touch0
brbfinance.huWith our expertise, we support your expansion in Hungary. Based on the need of the project and cooperating partners, we can provide you with industry specific market analysis, benchmarking services or full feasibility study on your projects. We tailor our services to your needs from specific…plant execution, execution financialfinancial, expertise, market, finance, advisory0
almasytestverek.huthe last three years, among other things, strongly linked to Siemens VAI (Voest-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau) operates. The VAI, a subsidiary of Siemens AG, is one of the leading planners in the world that deals with the problems of industry, energy and environment, to ask questions and answered them.order execution, execution documentationfirm, engineering, draw, plan, structural0
metida.huOur experience extends beyond simple real estate knowledge. The kind of service we consistently give, through the power of our team, is what sets us apart from all the others and it is virtually impossible for individual agents to match. Please call us for assistance with any of your real estate…investment, property, news, client, research0
villany-viz-eger.huAdapting to needs and ideas of our customers, we carry out complete or partial construction and renovation of buildings. Our company also provides electrician services, water and sewage works. With cooperation our very reliable subcontractors, we implement gas, central heating and pipe network…construction, building, customer, water, network0
wip2023.hu, with the support of the Hungarian Government, is in the process of restoring 18 historical monuments of the Castle District between 2020 and 2025. The WIP'23 exhibition takes you behind the scenes and offers you the opportunity to observe the buildings and artefacts at various stages of…main, page, cart, ticket, visit0
mesh360.huRegardless of how great your product or service is, without proper marketing and advertising, you will have to say goodbye to potential customers and clients, which in the long run will result in the loss of revenue.reference, graphic, logo, strategy, development0
barnoczki.huMy name is Dávid Dr. Barnóczki, I graduated at Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. I have experience mainly in the field of civil law, labour law, commercial and economical law, criminal law, administrative law, constitutional law and immigration law (working…execution lawlaw, procedure, practice, economical, legal0
codeburn.huComplete website / webshop, Windows and Android application design, development and integration with external systems.operation, reference, solution, main, close0
mlszsz.hu…call is adequate only if all of the members of the Presidency are informed about the session and the items on the agenda ten days before the session. The sessions of the Presidency are opened events. The honorary presidents shall also participate at the session and advisory right is given to them.association, member, shall, presidency, president0
safetyshield.huWe have decades of experience in Health and Safety of multinational companies. Our main specialisations are Health and Safety, Fire Safety, Electrical Safety. In the framework of our Smart Solution approach we make the job of Health and Safety experts easier and more effective.safety, health, fire, solution, electrical0
hunzel.huOur company deals with professional pipework, welding, metal structures and acidtanks in the chemical industry for 25 years in Hungary and Germany.professional execution, execution highwelding, construction, machine, industry, chemical0
bkb-solutions.huEstablished in 2012, BKB Solutions Kft. provides SAP-related consulting services to its clients in Hungary and the DACH region, primarily in the areas of SAP logistics, project management, and project administration.logistic execution, project execution, execution lifetimesolution, management, development, knowledge, performance0
kelerapa.huDelayed data… Historical data… Technical information… Login… Export… Privacy…venue executionfalse, true, gbp, data, delay0
luxglam.huWe work closely with you to understand your goals and then develop your entire business plan.soon, maintenance, search, result, social0
itdot.huInfopix® is a leading manufacturer of complete, integrated Passenger Information Systems. We offer a one-stop shop for visual systems, voice announcement systems, control software and services: staging, planning, design, installation and wiring.passenger, software, control, solution, installation0
globalmetalwelding.huOur company can ensure quality and fast, precise work with the most modern machine park and professionals with many years of work experience.welding, metal, global, main, quote0
industrialconcretefloor.huEVERY YEAR, WE PRODUCE NEARLY 300-400,000 M2 OF INDUSTRIAL FLOORING WITH OUR OWN CONTRACTORS AND MACHINES.plan execution, execution assistanceconcrete, floor, industrial, photo, video0
resinematkft.hu- In case you are contacted about the design of a product, we will define the exact goal and then make our offer based on it. When ordering, we are in close contact with our customers during design and production. In this case, the process ends with the delivery of the finished documentation and…production executionmachining, step, activity, machine, development0
oditsolutions.huWe provide clients with distinct, innovative, sustainable services to help fuel future growth, optimize current digital competencies. The Cyber strategy.cybersecurity, academy, leadership, publication, change0
evacon.huOur service is based on attention to details, with flexibility and innovation on cost effective ways. We take care of the timeline and budget of the planned organized programme. Evacon Ltd. knows the successful importance of the project security and goals with the maximum satisfaction of sponsors…flawless execution, execution strategicconcept, management, programme, activity, reference0
mccann.huWe offer integrated marketing communication services from data generation to strategy planning and creative conceptual development to actual in-house holistic production for multiple markets in CEE and beyond, under one roof.meaningful executionmeaningful, brand, career, role, people0
bioskin.huWe will be happy to take on the implementation of a project of any complexity. We guarantee the quality of our work and have many years of experience in the field of repair.execution workrepair, view, portfolio, large, phone0
easymovingbudapest.huRemovals, furniture removal, debris, bulk trash and other mechanical and cleaning services.price, removal, clean, delivery, furniture0
pannonrex.huWe create solutions that work: through careful analysis, proactive risk management, creative design, thoughtful implementation, throughout testing, attention to detail, and continual project control we deliver applications that do what our clients need within budget, on time.experience execution, execution solutionsolution, vision, software, showcase, management0
drizoroonline.husupplying speciality products and systems designed for waterproofing, concrete repair, flooringexecution timeinsulation, technical, field, reference, injection0
pihenokert.huAfter setlling a date flexibly We survey the garden and your individual needs – free of charge -, make a plan of your garden and the irrigation system . Afterwards the plans are fine-tuned and accepted We send you our offer for the implementation . Based on Our agreement We schedule the starting…plan execution, execution poorgarden, plan, irrigation, dream, homepage0
laurus2000.hudict, file, ftp, ftps, gopher, gophers, http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, ldaps, mqtt, pop3, pop3s, rtmp, rtmpe, rtmps, rtmpt, rtmpte, rtmpts, rtsp, scp, sftp, smb, smbs, smtp, smtps, telnet, tftpmax execution, execution timersupport, value, version, yes, directive0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)server execution, execution planprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
drbuzasivendel.huMenu… HOME… Introduction… Services… Legal representation in civil proceedings and in out-of-court…legal, proceedings, representation, procedure, court0
bitrial.huBiTrial Clinical Research is a privately owned mid-sized Clinical Research Organization (CRO), based in Central and Eastern Europe with a headquarter in Budapest, Hungary.agreement execution, execution siteclinical, site, study, management, trial0
newdoor.hu“ We have been working with Newdoor Communications Kft for years. Together we’ve developed the online communications of our company. Our team is characterized by strategic collaboration, analysis, flexibility, creativity and precision.story, communication, digital, value, competency0
sardi.hu…and appreciating the interests of the other - come to an agreement which provides advantages on both sides. Therefore I endeavor to avoid unnecessary procedures, to prevent legal and non-legal controversies, and to settle already existing disputes reasonably and righteously and thus lasting…lawyer, contract, data, process, legal0
freedomland.huWith skilled business and IT resources we offer assessment, requirement analysis, process optimisation, change development, plan and design services.project execution, execution serviceresource, activity, plan, customer, skilled0
cosmos.huWhether it is a 5-person business meeting or a couple of hundred delegates conference, Cosmos is your right partner in organization. We always prefer quality rather than quantity. With its unmistakable beauty, rich cultural life, wide selection of first-class hotels and exceptional venues, and…event, city, note, great, incentive0
niu.hu…introducing new talent-nurturing programs, promoting innovation, providing training and mentorship. Through valuation, mentoring, and incubation support, we aid growing businesses. Furthermore, by fostering international relationships and preparing for European funding, we encourage advancement toinnovation, international, validation, agency, support0
sjlaw.huFounding member of the Law Office. In addition to her degree in Eötvös Loránd University, she has a degree in industrial property law, passed the Bar Exams with excellent result and obtained a special legal qualification in Commercial Law. Member of the Budapest Bar Association. Her main areas of…litigation execution, execution liquidationlaw, data, contract, client, office0
bloommarketing.huWe are proud of our flexibility to operate either as a classic creative agency or an on-site marketing team.solution, production, management, plan, reference0
mikropakk.huBuilding on over 30 years of experience, Mikropakk has been serving the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, medical, construction and electronics industries as a leading turnkey manufacturer of custom injection moulded packaging solutions in CEE region.excellence executionsolution, packaging, injection, value, closure0
academiaoffices.huOn September 28, the renovated ACADEMIA office building officially opened its doors. In the opening speech, Csaba Zeley, the CEO of ConvergenCE, expressed his gratitude to the existing tenants for their patience and cooperation during the renovation works, as they continued to carry out their…build, available, academia, area, traditional0
ilant.huIlant technology offers innovative engineering solutions, business consulting, production and manufacturing planning. Startup supporting.engineering, production, technology, manufacture, plan0
noproblemo.huThings have a tendancy to go wrong. Time to time it is necessary to invest some energy into things in order to maintain their functionality or keep the desired shape of them, The law of thermodynamics interprets “order” differently than us, and Murphy’s law too states it similarly :precise executionwrite, touch, fee, wrong, handyman0
astracuccok.huAkar cseremotorra van szukseged, akar egy ulesre, esetleg csak egy cooler csore a J Astrahoz, fordulj hozzank!portfolio, nisl, morbi, interior, gallery0
phoenixcollection.huBeing digital is about using data to make better and faster decisions, devolving decision making to smaller teams, and developing much more.strategic execution, execution growthdigital, bee, communication, sample, article0
womentime.huThis may be the latest case of post aggression emigration in Ukraine. But it is unlikely to be the final stage for millions of people to leave the country. These people do not wantjun, news, fashion, politics, lifestyle0
forego.huAs a market leader, our company has been ensuring the collection and recycling of cells and batteries for more than 12 years.collection, waste, cell, battery, selective0
ledtechnika.huWe hope you will find the ideal LED light source for you in our product range, but if you don't, please consult us, our specialists and product development engineers will develop the ideal and economical light source for you.main, lighting, fundamental, conception, history0
mito.huOur focus was to develop a measurement system from scratch that is able to report on different page speed KPIs so we can better understand what additional analyses are needed to increase the pages’ performance. We did not only focus on a page level measurement, but also grouped pages to page types…study, case, performance, page, campaign0
jmjameselectric.hu“Electricity is not a toy!” surely in everyone’s ears rings the warning that you heard a lot as a child. However, it is this eternal truth that has motivated us to conscientiously perform electrical work in the homes of the population and in industrial environments for many years, thus keeping our…complex execution, execution handinstallation, career, gallery, electrical, industrial0
therealworld.huWe are constantly adding new skills and wealth creation methods that we couldn’t previously disclose. Join The Real World and level up now.real, skill, money, learn, month0
kontron.hu…governance and software provision solutions, industrial product lifecycle management systems and IT security solutions to IP networking solutions for telecommunications and the full range of IT infrastructures (active networks, server and storage systems, virtualization, backup, archiving, etc.).schedule execution, execution systemsolution, network, management, customer, cloud0