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675 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: cultural

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potenton.huGál. In 2010 she was awarded a scholarship for a one-year teaching and artistic activity in Utsunomiyaba (Japan) within the framework of the JSBM cultural exchange programme in Vienna. From 2005 to 2016 she taught at the László Hermann Music Secondary School in Székesfehérvár, where she also held…zsolnay cultural, cultural quarter, concert cultural, cultural event, jsbm culturalconcert, hall, quarter, music, chamber84
kulturalisutvonalak.huBased on a Government Decision, Hungary joined the Cultural Routes of the European Council on 1 March 2013. Since than Hungarian associations and institutions can accede already existing routs or, with other European partners can apply for the Cultural Routes of the European Council’s certification.hungary cultural, cultural route, partner cultural, national cultural, cultural institutionroute, european, council, danube, iron34
abtl.hu…of the documents falling under the effect of this Act. The rules of procedure of the committee shall be approved by the Minister of the National Cultural Heritage in agreement with the Minister controlling the civil national security services. The members of the committee may inspect without…committee cultural, cultural committee, cultural press, national cultural, cultural heritagearchive, shall, public, record, document34
divisart.huOrganizing cultural events, offering administrative support and coordination services for seamless executiondivisart cultural, cultural project, campaign cultural, cultural initiative, moment culturalmanagement, event, brand, publisher, music10
miskolckulturajaert.huThe General Assembly of the City of Miskolc established the Public Foundation for the Culture of the City of Miskolc with the aim of contributing to the cultural life of the city. The Public Foundation was re-established in November 2020. We are constantly shaping the framework of our operation…opinion cultural, cultural strategy, city cultural, cultural artistic, aim culturalcity, public, culture, foundation, artistic10
pestextfestival.huThis is the fifth PesText International Literary and Cultural Festival, organized by MISZJE and the Petőfi Cultural Agency. We start the Festival on a high note: an exciting discussion with Rébecca Dautremer, world-famous French illustrator as well as the grand opening of the related exhibition on…literary cultural, cultural festival, petőfi cultural, cultural agency, hungarian culturalfestival, literary, author, writer, literature10
bothantal.huThe mission of our foundation is to cultivate the memory, spiritual and cultural legacy of Antal Both, to support scientific and cultural activities, with special regard to the ecumenical science and to the educational and scientific research work in the institutions of public education of the…theologicaland cultural, cultural foundation, theological cultural, spiritual cultural, cultural legacyfoundation, board, member, mission, trustee10
mma-mmki.huBased on the decision of Hungarian Academy of Arts, the writer, cultural anthropologist and lawyer László Koppány Csáji will assume […]ethnography cultural, cultural anthropology, system cultural, cultural right, writer culturalart, institute, publication, close, central10
russianstudies.hu…and Central European History and Historical Russistics also attended at the convention as a paper presenter. His paper was presented in the 'Cultural and political reinventions in 20th century Hungary: micro-historical approaches' panel. The panel's chair was Béla Bodó (University of Bonn) and…russian cultural, cultural season, art cultural, cultural history, government culturalrussian, study, history, russia, historical9
kultdesk.huKultDesk Cultural Foundation - Engaged in music, media, and art – implementation & managementkultdesk cultural, cultural foundationmusic, management, art, implementation, media8
szeretetfenye.hu…lives, having families and jobs, or challenges in their lives, who respect each other’s different language, nationality, ethnic, religious and cultural background, their view on the world, and their beliefs. The link that connects us is the belief in Humanity, the force of Love, and we accept thecultural event, international cultural, cultural gather, religious cultural, cultural backgroundtreatment, group, health, local, international8
alkotomuveszet.huto Romania. The founding tenants took over a corner of Pagony in 1927 and began the construction of artists’ studios. In 1972, the then-presiding Cultural Ministry decided to erect twelve studios which could be used during the summer months. This injected new life into the Artist Colony of…petőfi cultural, cultural agency, hungarian cultural, cultural institution, range culturalartist, creative, house, art, scholarship8
oriastablajatekok.huFor cultural events and festivals, openings grand or small, family and sports days, birthday parties, team-building training or corporate events, we offer you our wooden and glass logic games collected from all over the world.world cultural, cultural event, event culturalgame, event, board, giant, festival8
taxonomia.huThis website is designed to help you understand the Taxonomy and show you the benefits of using it in our cultural and personal lives.benefit cultural, cultural personalculture, language, economy, scene, theatrical8
heritagemanager.huThe heritage phenomena are connected to complex cultural-social-economical spaces. Those areas, where the consciousness toward heritage is low are disadvantageous in terms of development. Heritage is an origin of development carrying diversity. It is a resource against other development areas to…association cultural, cultural heritage, köme cultural, cultural natural, complex culturalheritage, manager, association, community, value7
mezoturilatnivalok.huThe project elements – the Town Hall, the Multifunctional Cultural Centre, the Handicrafts House and the Blacksmith’s Forge – together with the existing cultural history monuments are attractions at a national level which provide playful learning experiences for schoolchildren, the option of…related cultural, cultural attraction, nature cultural, cultural history, monument culturaltown, detail, hall, event, history7
metropolis.org.huVarga Balázs: Seismograph Art vs Popular Cinema and the Debates in the Hungarian Cultural Public Sphere in the Sixtieskosztolányi cultural, cultural foundation, transmediatic cultural, cultural phenomenon, márton culturalcontemporary, representation, history, social, woman7
thefifthprovince.huThe Fifth Province – an Irish blog is the realization of a long-standing idea. Irish studies has been present in Hungary for at least two decades, and has gradually integrated into Hungarian higher education and academic life. Irish cultural events, workshops, conferences, lectures, and other…irish cultural, cultural event, cultural programme, business cultural, communication culturalirish, fifth, book, event, culture7
szeged-english.hu17-FEB Anna Kérchy , University of Szeged: “The cultural history of freak shows: navigating between mythical, biomedical, and social constructionist understandings of disability — towards a healthier society”diverse cultural, cultural background, world cultural, cultural difference, hall culturaluniversity, february, study, student, department6
ait-budapest.hu"It's an eye-opening experience -- both in terms of cultural immersion and the breadth of computer science."rich cultural, cultural heritage, multi cultural, cultural community, term culturalcollege, student, application, abroad, staff6
martanyilas.huArtists from Pécs at Tuzla, Cultural Center Tuzla, Međunarodna Galerija Portreta, Tuzla, (BH)national cultural, cultural fund, tuzla cultural, cultural center, pécs culturalgallery, art, exhibition, artist, university6
mcc.huMCC’s Public Affairs Programs are recommended for those who wish to complement their knowledge obtained in higher education with skills and expertise that are essential to act as well-informed public leaders and decision-makers in political, economic or, cultural spheres.integral cultural, cultural heritage, migration cultural, cultural transfer, economic culturalinternational, student, public, center, academy6
expatserv.huWe understand how important it is for you to arrive in time, well informed about the new cultural environment, about the basic facilities and relaxed knowing that you can almost continue your life where you stopped it in your previous location.cross cultural, cultural training, new cultural, cultural environmentexpatriate, relocation, trust, card, expat6
tiszatavitemplomok.huThe churches of the Lake Tisza area have joined forces to create a special sacred trail for interested visitors. The aim of the cooperation is to make the built and intangible cultural heritage available and accessible to open-minded visitors. They offer a visitor-friendly and experience-rich…religious cultural, cultural site, intangible cultural, cultural heritagechurch, place, catholic, roman, lake6
budapestguides.huAbout an hour drive from Budapest is a scenic section between the rivers Danube and Tisza. We start the tour with a sightseeing walk in the cultural centre of this region - Kecskemét , 'the town of Museums' - as it is often referrred to, and the town of unique buildings of Art Nouveau. We take a…avenue cultural, cultural heart, new cultural, famous cultural, cultural historictour, city, hour, guide, famous6
agilegettogether.hu…130 years of history). Often associated with digital transformation, agile transformation is not just a technological transformation. It is a cultural transformation that profoundly changes the way teams and managers’ work, the way the company is organized and operates, and the way products and…power cultural, cultural diversity, transformation cultural, cultural transformationagile, session, track, speaker, detail6
debrecenbike.hu…renowned institution attracts hosts of international students to the “civic city” from every corner of the globe. Even laypeople are welcome to take a whiff of this lively campus atmosphere at the manifold events taking place at the Main Lobby, or the cultural center affectionately dubbed Lovarda.local cultural, cultural interest, fascinating cultural, cultural event, tradition culturalbike, street, church, build, city6
kozti.huENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY RENEWAL OF THE VESZPRÉM CULTURAL DISTRICT – CAFÉ BUILDING AND WALL TOP WALKWAYveszprém cultural, cultural districtoffice, build, reconstruction, centre, hospital6
eurohand.huEurohand had been founded in 1991 by private Hungarian enterprises. Its founding owners had decided to start the company’s core activities in the field of trade and investments based on their capabilities and experience gained through decades and their wide ranging economic , cultural and…economic cultural, cultural diplomaticactivity, investment, co., field, decade6
szabihid.huSzabihíd is a non-profit cultural event, an occasion for the pedestrian use of the Liberty Bridge. Its aim is to bring people closer to urban spaces, to their city and to the river that runs through it, and uncover the opportunities lying in our public spaces.profit cultural, cultural event, workshop cultural, cultural programbridge, space, event, public, city6
blueride.huWould you like to hike in the mountains? Would you like to discover Château fort, Castles or Cultural debris? Would you like to participate in horse-riding programs? How about bathing in the water? Do you want to travel with narrow-gauge railway? Visit a zoo or safari park? Would you like to visit…cultural program, budapest cultural, cultural value, information cultural, cultural sightwater, danube, booking, date, ride6
bhutan.info.huThe inaugural event of the Hungarian Bhutan Friendship Society took place at ELTE University, Faculty of Humanities in Budapest with around 200 people attended. Our honorable guest speaker was Dr Karma Phuntsho, cultural expert and Buddhist scholar from the University of Cambridge. Dr Karma talked…kmo cultural, cultural centre, pécs cultural, klebelsberg cultural, hungarian culturalbhutan, talk, zoltan, society, dream6
bfhotel.huOne of the more memorabel destinations includes the Memorial park of Kupa-Koppány, revered for it’s healing properties. Spend your holiday in Balatonföldvár, and enjoy it’s natural and cultural treasures here in our hotel located in Balatonföldvár .natural cultural, cultural treasureholiday, treasure, natural, sight, offer6
iask.huOur upcoming book entitled “Veszprémi történetek” (“Talking Houses – Stories of Veszprém”) will be presented in an unusual multi-location book launch during the Cultural Heritage Days on 16 September in Veszprém.launch cultural, cultural heritage, synagogue cultural, cultural musicalresearch, centre, digital, news, sustainable6
dunakarneval.huIt is our great pleasure that the international flurry of the Danube Carnival, with a history of more than a quarter of a century, can whirl the audience with its unique and colourful cavalcade this year again. The Carnival is a unique colour patch in the cultural life of Budapest that, while…international cultural, cultural festival, patch cultural, cultural lifeinternational, danube, festival, programme, carnival6
lisztunnep.huLaunched in 2021, on the 210th anniversary of Ferenc Liszt’s birth, the Liszt Fest International Cultural Festival offers large-scale concerts, classical and contemporary chamber music productions, organ recitals, pop and jazz concerts, dance shows, literary and visual art events, and…international cultural, cultural festivalevent, art, international, main, page5
ommik.hu„Goods belonging to our cultural heritage are irreplaceable resources of knowing our past and present, inseparable components of the entire national and general cultural heritage, the intellectual occupation of these goods is elemental right for every citizen. All-time society’s duty is to…protection cultural, cultural heritage, good cultural, general culturalmuseum, national, conference, digital, collection5
bar-show.huBar Show event: a modern and progressive bar-cultural gathering that pools the professional figures of the bar scene along with connoisseurs interested in the world of bars and their sophisticated drinking culture.bar cultural, cultural gatherbar, event, ticket, award, exhibitors5
kultturist.huKult-Turist offers tailor-made cultural and educational programs and conferences in Central Europe and the Balkans. Explore our unique sample tours in Budapest, Krakow, Vienna, Prague and more…tailor cultural, cultural educationaleurope, central, heritage, tour, croatia5
oroksegintezet.huThe Heritage Cultural Political Institution (Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet) founded in 2012 – unlike the majority of domestic public political institutes - has a definite profile of expertise: its main activity includes doing research and analysis, organizing conferences, handling projects and…heritage cultural, cultural political, culture cultural, cultural politics, independent culturalculture, research, event, political, publication5
nagy-banart.huSometime in 1982, in Karcag, the desire to draw and paint began in the small apartment on the second floor of an apartment building next to the Cultural Center. Mom cooked dinner, Dad sat at the table, drawing. The kitchen mixed with the smell of paprika potatoes, linseed oil and turpentine. My…build cultural, cultural centeroil, small, smell, desire, build5
hiaszt.huIn the 1960s the consolidation processes of the Kádár era offered a kind of cultural opening, and as a consequence a number of the so called amateur theatres could experience a relative freedom: institutionalized companies could stage dramas which had been formerly banned, and their amateur status…people cultural, cultural education, kind cultural, cultural opentheatre, stage, literary, amateur, studio5
tulipantunder.huSince its foundation, our Production Office has created dozens of mostly self-developed cultural attractions in the name of genre diversity. We believe in the power of storytelling, and in the stories that come to life on a wide variety of surfaces and spaces, be it a theater, a television…self cultural, cultural attractionproduction, exhibition, space, dream, game5
muza.huThe region's theater and cultural center. Theater, opera, dance theater, concerts, ticket office and information point.theater cultural, cultural center, theatre cultural, cultural centre, national culturalart, ticket, house, theater, office5
babelsound.huBabel Sound will not let the summer pass without world music. On the beach of Balatonboglár there will be an amazing, cultural mess between 17-23 July, 2017. There arrives the music, the art, the taste and sweet smell of the world: the Babel Sound Free interactive world music festival.week cultural, cultural madness, international cultural, cultural program, beautiful culturalsound, festival, music, night, concert5
nokvilaga.huThe aim of the Hungarian-Chinese Cultural Association is to promote further good relations between Hungarian and Chinese cultural partners: the Hungarian Presidential Palace, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Economy, the…chinese cultural, cultural association, diamond cultural, cultural media, cultural partnerperformer, event, woman, country, fashion5
ignaczbusz.hu…you anywhere comfortably and safely. We can offer transfer, sightseeing tours, trips, Europe tour, contractual bus services, transportation to cultural and sport events for companies, schools and for individuals. As a result of the continuous improvement our vehicles are now Mercedes, Man, Setra…transportation cultural, cultural sportbus, tour, introduction, transportation, group5
budapesthotelsnet.huThe 4-star hotel Hotel Nemzeti Budapest MGallery is situated in the business and shopping centre of Budapest, with easy access to cultural and tourist attractions. The hotel offers 3 meeting rooms and an old-fashioned restaurant too.business cultural, cultural centre, access cultural, cultural tourist, cultural commercialreservation, city, centre, room, discount5
korusokejszakaja.huThe Winter Night of Choirs has been part of the cultural life of Budapest for 7 years now. The festival brings together several choirs from Hungary and abroad for the joy of singing. You can enjoy a wide variety of concerts parallelly at 5 venues in House of Music Hungary. One of the highlights of…choir cultural, cultural lifechoir, night, music, house, winter5
mahasti.huConditions of the competition Dear Belly Dancers, Instructors, Belly Dance Fanatics! Mahasti Belly Dance Studio organizes again in 2019 the 13th International ’Daughters of the Moonlight’ Belly Dance Competition for Duets and Groups! Location: CSILI Cultural Centre 4-6. Nagy-Győri István str…csili cultural, cultural centregroup, dance, competition, category, belly5
relichunter.huSelling, buying and searching for collector's editions of video games, pop-cultural art treasures and film relics.pop cultural, cultural artorder, pre, stock, relic, figure5
hegypasztor.huHegypásztor Kör was established in 1985 by a group of enthusiastic local adolescents is order to properly document and possibly preserve the old vineyard press house of monument importance in the outskirt of the settlement and to organise cultural events enlivening the life of the village. Lately…settlement cultural, cultural event, protection cultural, cultural value, association culturalinitiative, event, community, offer, accommodation5
applepshostess.hu„The cultural jewel box of the capital, the Castle Garden Bazaar has continuously expanded the number of its audience with a various range of programs in recent years. We get a lot of help from the always impeccable-looking hosts and hostesses of the Apple PS Hostess Agency for the high-quality…service cultural, cultural institutionevent, host, staff, exhibition, agency5
quentas-residence.huThe 4 stars air-conditioned accommodation of the Quentas Residences suites on the banks of the Danube is located in one of the country's most popular artistic and cultural cities, Szentendre, right on the edge of the old town, a 5-minute walk from the Danube embankment or the downtown main square.artistic cultural, cultural citycountry, artistic, downtown, minute, suite5
mariannmarczi.hu''Sonja's dream'', kids and family concert, Hegyvidék Cultural Salon, 15h30, 12 September 2020national cultural, cultural fund, concert cultural, cultural house, móra culturalpiano, minor, sonata, concert5
raga.huThe Indian Classical Music is claimed to be the oldest and uniquely unbroken musical tradition of our cultural heritage. The first subsisting description of this musical tradition, The Natyashastra by Bharata is appraised to be at least 1800 years old! In this book there is a chapter which is…tradition cultural, cultural heritagekhan, music, classical, indian, interview5
czinkapanna.huThe Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association is a national, interest representation, interest protection and cultural social organization. The main objectives of the organization include promoting Roma culture in Hungary, assisting disadvantaged Roma people, finding and supporting Roma talents…roma cultural, cultural association, protection cultural, cultural social, cultural eventassociation, event, talent, interest, people5
aupairkft.huInterAuPair is Hungary's largest Au Pair / Babysitting agency since 1994. Our goal to provide the highest quality services to our partners, our families, and all our au pairs. Within a cultural exchange program, the candidates can travel to many countries around the world (Europe, USA).pair cultural, cultural exchangepair, family, country, agency, application5
sudy.co.huSűdy & Co. has been supporting the development of business & cultural relationships between Japan, Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe since 1999.business cultural, cultural relationshipjapan, support, market, europe, japanese5
pelsobay.hu…quick access to the southern shore with the Benedictine abbey towering over all else. The list of events includes the summer flurry of the cultural scene, wine festivals, the Anna Ball of Balatonfüred, the Valley of Arts events or the Paloznak Jazz Picnic. Golf clubs and the sailing…party cultural, cultural event, entertainment cultural, cultural opportunity, flurry culturalapartment, lake, build, building, shore4
efergefer.huFerenc Szabó, efergefer, Graphic design for cultural clients. Brand and events appearance.design cultural, cultural clientgraphic, client, event, brand, appearance4
newedge.huHeritage of centuries - 150 years of cultural heritage protection in Hungary - temporary exhibitionmuseum cultural, cultural exhibition, year cultural, cultural heritageexhibition, edge, museum, innovation, temporary4
protontheatre.hu…will be on the program of ARTE from middle of August till middle of November. Critics considered this production by Kornél Mundruczó to be the best of Ruhrtriennale in 2019. Moreover, some of the critics claimed it was the best production ever in the history of the biggest German cultural festival.german cultural, cultural festivaltheatre, proton, production, performance, premiere4
hubnerudvar.huThe Hübner Udvar is also a real curiosity in exclusive real estate. This impressive building with a long history, rich in historical and cultural heritage, is refurbished thanks to state-of-the-art innovative technologies and outstanding engineering expertise. As a real jewel in the area, it…historical cultural, cultural artistic, cultural tradition, cultural heritage, diverse culturalroom, kitchen, apartment, interior, build4
cdinstitute.huTogether with the Christian Democratic Institute the Center for Fundamental Rights hosted a book launch on November 29th for the book “The Sao Paulo Forum’s Cultural Warfare” published by the Christian Democratic Institute. The…moral cultural, cultural value, forum cultural, cultural warfareinstitute, christian, democratic, book, curse4
csepregikultura.huPetőfi Sándor Community -, Sports Centre and Library website for the cultural life of Csepreg.website cultural, cultural lifelibrary, centre, community, photo, introduction4
esztersipos.huEszter Sipos is a Budapest-based artist. Her artworks takes critical view of social, political and cultural issues. She often reflects on recent history of Eastern Europe.political cultural, cultural issueartist, factory, political, issue, europe4
komplexinstrukcio.huThe message that we are trying to give is counter normative for schools where everything is so narrow, it is counter normative for teachers and it is counter cultural in many ways. The teachers always aim to find the best person in everything. In case of the KIP, it is more about looking at the…social cultural, cultural capital, counter cultural, cultural way, different culturalschool, teacher, child, pupil, group4
ikte.huEU-ACT intends to accompany the realization of these products, through international experiences, promoted by a strategic partnership, made up of organizations with many experiences in the fields of theater, design and digital programming, methodologies of storytelling applied to cultural…teller cultural, cultural mediation, field cultural, new cultural, cultural tourismgroup, method, therapy, training, art4
summa-artium.huBy support we mean all forms of support to and investment into the arts from private sources, and business partnership with the arts, including sponsorship and support given in return for services and communications and sales promotion aims, cultural events organized for business partners and…aim cultural, cultural event, fund cultural, cultural mobility, portfolio culturalart, partnership, aim, private, support4
parallelcollective.hu…was significant for a number of reasons. On the one hand, the goal was to establish a community and learning framework that would facilitate the cultural integration of the students, provide a regular meeting point, and utilize the internal and supportive resources of the members, focusing on theirframework cultural, cultural integration, impressive cultural, cultural diversity, diverse culturalcollective, parallel, student, art, doctoral4
epicadventures.huIf you haven’t been yet, Balaton is the largest lake in Central Europe and is immensely rich in cultural sights and natural beauties. On the slopes of the hills surrounding lake Balaton the viticulture dates back to Roman times. Its water is shallow and clean, warms up easily and is perfect for…event cultural, cultural experience, beach cultural, cultural sight, rich culturallake, day, wine, adventure, group4
tudasalapitvany.huthe growth of cultural values by supporting new works of art (such as: statues, paintings, books, theatre performances, literature, music etc.)scientific cultural, cultural conference, natural cultural, cultural value, growth culturalbook, main, publication, detail, play4
enrich.huThank you for stopping by our project website. We all have a curious mind, always inquiring about the world that surrounds us in the cities we live in. We are eager to reveal our European cultural heritage, to find out what it means to us and how it connects us on this continent. Take a look…youropean cultural, cultural heritage, european cultural, year culturalevent, survey, download, gallery, heritage4
bekesstock.huhungary csabaprog koros europe copper folyo water szarvastown tourism szarvas town cultural crown bekes county bekesstock millenium column bekes megye national attraction tree emlékmű river state view travel statue water fountain may bekes memorial fountains holt-körös tradition szarvas landscape…town cultural, cultural crowncounty, travel, europe, tourism, vacation4
alumninetworkhungary.hu…contributions to the community. The network recognized the great effort of volunteers who organized events, provided mentorship, and promoted Hungarian culture, and praised the efforts of alumni chapters that created opportunities for networking, professional development, and cultural exchange.development cultural, cultural exchange, european cultural, cultural foundationvolunteer, international, network, event, news4
famapr.hufama PR is a communication advisory firm provides service in PR, communication for corporates and institutional clients. We work on organizational develpoment, due dilligence, corporate advisory, trainings, coaching. Under our Uniquebudapest project we organize thematical, cultural walking tours…thematical cultural, cultural walkcorporate, advisory, communication, organizational, tour4
integralalapitvany.huFacilitating contacts, information flows and dialogue between communities, peoples and cultural groups with different ideas and attitudes,international cultural, cultural scientific, raise cultural, cultural activity, social culturalintegral, foundation, approach, consultant, member4
idancehungary.huHungarian community life in Buenos Aires has once again restarted! Even though some Hungarian cultural events have been held in smaller groups and outdoors,...hungarian cultural, cultural center, cultural event, hungary culturalnews, dance, folk, festival, house4
startouring.huThroughout Hungary you´ll find these two things in abundance. Budapest offers cultural treasures literally at every turn. Although vineyards may no longer be found in the capital, you can get acquainted with the full range of homegrown wines at the House of Hungarian Wines, located in the historic…budapest cultural, cultural treasure, wealth cultural, religious cultural, cultural centerwine, century, castle, country, house4
theartofbeingme.huThe project is financially supported by EUNIC – European Union National Institutes for Culture –(the European network of organisations engaging in cultural relations from all EU member states) and organised by the Czech Center, the Goethe Institute and the Austrian Cultural Forum with the support…organisation cultural, cultural relation, austrian cultural, cultural forumart, artist, programme, festival, identity4
kzst.huMIHÁLY LAKATOS - Director of the Department of Ethnic Minorities in the Ministry of Cultural Heritageministry cultural, cultural heritagejewish, christian, lecture, society, community4
szamiroma.humay play the lives of minority cultures. The next day Arne Berg of NRK moderated the Minorities, Identity, Music panel where presenters looked at cultural and political aspects, the relationship of music and language in the culture of non-majority communities as well as the representational…heritage cultural, cultural forte, cross cultural, cultural communication, cultural cooperationmusic, voice, norwegian, artist, norway4
akvariumklub.huThe Akvárium Klub is a community space and cultural-artistic meeting place located in the heart of Budapest, at Erzsébet Square. There are 3 large rooms in the area, with a capacity of several thousand people. It is suitable for standing receptions, seated events, concerts, and corporate parties.space cultural, cultural artisticsaturday, event, venue, concert, area4
napkiado.hu…of time, and this meant for some nations a very modest tradition of a sovereign state. On the other hand: the political, economic, social, and cultural conditions in this region were different from the ones in the Western part of the continent. In this area different languages, cultures, and…book cultural, cultural history, transport cultural, cultural point, social culturalanthem, national, country, nation, book4
karpatklub.huWe offer nature trips, hikes and cultural circuits in the Carpathian Region: Transylvania, Romania. The Transylvanian Carpathians are one of the most diverse walking destinations of Europe. Beautiful and untouched landscapes, virgin forests, traditional little villages awaiting you for the hike of…hike cultural, cultural circuit, region cultural, cultural elementwalk, hike, beautiful, view, white4
folkfeszt.huThe main ambition of the Federation is to underline the immense role of folklore festivals in the cultural life of Hungary, to represent the values of our traditional cultural heritage worldwide and to foster international cooperation.festival cultural, cultural life, traditional cultural, cultural heritage, regional culturalfolklore, festival, folk, federation, international4
shooteasy.hu- Films must contain European content or cultural values and additional points are granted if EU nationals are either making or financing the movie (point system)cultural test, incentive cultural, content cultural, cultural valueproduction, director, incentive, channel, location4
encounter.huForty years ago I attended a three-year training In PCA and it had a great effect on my life. I left my job at the Technical University of Budapest and concentrated my efforts to humanize teacher training in Szeged. In 1984 and in 1986, I invited Carl Rogers and his coworkers to the first…cross cultural, cultural communicationregistration, group, fee, meal, encounter3
humanreport.huand effective Local Action Plan. We collect what is learned by the projects and develop integrated responses that encompass the economic, social, cultural, and environmental dimensions of urban development. We mobilise the expertise of practitioners from the partner cities, Experts working on each…political cultural, cultural life, social cultural, cultural environmentalhuman, report, book, communication, social3
andrasderi.huIn this production, made with the support of the Zoltán Imre Program of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary in 2018, Déri has been continuing his research that he begun in 2015 during his creation of “Elements” with experimental musician György Szatmáry, in the framework of the Movement 100+…national cultural, cultural fund, cultural findelement, audience, production, creation, biography3
bunyevacintezet.huThe aim of Bunjevac Cultural Institution is to introduce, explore and search the special value of Bunjevac culture. Our aim is to preserve the heritage of an ethnic group which can be the treasure of everyone this way. Without attendance and care this heritage would be less from day to day and…bunjevac cultural, cultural institution, cultural heritageinstitution, activity, attendance, heritage, aim3
kettoronyegylet.huFor more than two decades of its existence Two Towers has been serving residents of this village by cultural and community building projects.village cultural, cultural community, active cultural, cultural spherevillage, tower, settlement, gallery, small3
premiumbudapest.huEurope’s first underground tram (M1 metro) takes you within minutes to Heroes’ Square and the Városliget (City Park), often marked by Vajdahunyad Castle. Városliget is one of the popular relaxing places and cultural centers of the people of Budapest, where the exhibitions of museums offer a…sport cultural, cultural opportunity, venue cultural, cultural event, place culturalroom, apartment, premium, kitchen, live3
kurultaj.hu…village that contains many yurts. A large number of horses also participate in this event. To this date, Kurultaj is the largest celebration of ancient traditions in Hungary that gladly welcomes guests, especially from Hun-Turkic nations with whom Hungarians have many historical and cultural ties.nation cultural, cultural performance, historical cultural, cultural tie, society culturalnation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient3
eventimeagency.huWe are pleased to invite you to our 10th annual Cultural Evening held in conjunction with the University of Szeged. The evening will commence with a variety of performances put…international cultural, cultural evening, annual culturalevent, upcoming, agency, day, cart3
nobilitas.huAs time passed more musical, historical, cultural, and cultural-history related programs were organized.historical cultural, cultural history, public cultural, cultural programassociation, historical, family, noble, youth3
shmentor.huOne of our network's aim is to organize several cultural and touristic programs for its members as well to make the students' stay in Hungary pleasant and to make sure they get familiar with as many of the country’s values as possible. Each event organised by the Network is free for students.aim cultural, cultural touristic, team cultural, cultural diversityuniversity, network, stipendium, student, registration3
karpitmuveszek.huThe exhibitions organized by the Association of Hungarian Tapestry Artists open under the title Intertwined Threads at three galleries including the Textile Department of the Bulgarian Artists Association with textile artists of the Bulgarian Cultural Forum and Hungarian tapestry artists.hungarian cultural, cultural scientific, bulgarian cultural, cultural forum, strengthen culturalartist, light, thread, tapestry, nature3
erzsebetvilla.hu…like to spend time with your family, this 3-bedroom apartment is an excellent choice. The apartment has its own garden area and 1 parking space. The city center is a few minutes' walk away. Keszthely awaits its visitors with many cultural experiences and sports events both in summer and autumn.keszthely cultural, cultural experience, visitor culturalcancellation, rule, house, gtc, approach3
hankooknegyed.huHundreds of happy colleagues took part in the fantastic Hankook Family and Sports Day on 9 September, which – true to our company’s standards – was organized with a foam party, cultural and sports activities, culinary delights and dozens of other exciting programs.world cultural, cultural heritage, party cultural, cultural sport, korean culturalemployee, health, day, september, news3
balazsorsolya.huThe revitalized Art Gallery is set to redefine the cultural landscape of Toronto, serving as a nexus of artistic expression, community engagement, and architectural marvel. The expansion and renovation project pay homage to the Art Gallery’s rich history while embracing the future, ensuring that…gallery cultural, cultural landscapearchitect, architectural, études, future, comprehensive3
hejokereszturiskola.hu…these years the electronic system of the school was changed and the old coal-firings was changed for the more modern gas heating as well. The end of the General Cultural Centre in 1993 played an important role in organizing the school work as the grades 1-4 were reestablished also in Szakáld again.general cultural, cultural centre, grade cultural, cultural programmeschool, class, student, pupil, education3
citycentrehotelsbudapest.huThe newly built 3-star Star Inn Hotel Budapest Centrum is located right in the heart of Budapest, in the commercial, shopping and cultural centre of the city, so it is an ideal place for both tourists and businessmen. 125 soundproof rooms, 5 non smoking floors and a deep garage are available for…business cultural, cultural centre, access cultural, cultural commercial, shopping culturalcity, centre, reservation, center, castle3
bodenvinkft.huWe are a family-owned winery located in the heart of Hungary, founded by János Bogáromi in 1996. Our journey began with a passion for winemaking, a love for our country's rich cultural heritage, and a desire to share our unique wines with the world.rich cultural, cultural heritagewine, winery, technology, vineyard, area3
inventio.huCultural thematic route development in the rural region of Veszprém-Ajka (Heritour project)thematic cultural, cultural routedevelopment, tourism, consultancy, proposal, funding3
lovelanka.hu…geography, history, archaeology, culture, nature, wildlife and Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Guides had been professionally trained and authorized by Sri Lanka Tourism Board. SunRide Tours is ready to provide its guests National Tour Guide to explore the profound cultural and natural wonders of Sri Lanka.cultural heritage, rich cultural, cultural diversity, profound cultural, cultural naturaldriver, tour, holiday, guest, rental3
nyirvervetel.huThe revitalized Art Gallery is set to redefine the cultural landscape of Toronto, serving as a nexus of artistic expression, community engagement, and architectural marvel. The expansion and renovation project pay homage to the Art Gallery’s rich history while embracing the future, ensuring that…gallery cultural, cultural landscapearchitect, architectural, études, future, comprehensive3
hotelsbudapesthungary.huThe 4-star hotel Hotel Nemzeti Budapest MGallery is situated in the business and shopping centre of Budapest, with easy access to cultural and tourist attractions. The hotel offers 3 meeting rooms and an old-fashioned restaurant too.business cultural, cultural centre, access cultural, cultural commercial, cultural touristreservation, city, centre, room, near3
budai-tancklub.huCultural event with the intention to establish tradition: professional forum, workshop, amateur dance educator gathering and fine art exhibition in the honour of the World Day of Dance.institute cultural, cultural public, téri cultural, cultural centredance, teacher, award, gymnastics, excellence3
egerhotelsbooking.huOne of the most famous historic cities of Hungary is Eger . Numerous world-famous monuments and museums are found here, e.g. the Castle of Eger, the Basilica, the Szepasszony Alley, the Ersekkert (large park), the Gardonyi Geza Museum (named after a famous Hungarian writer); Eger is also an…educational cultural, cultural centrebooking, city, reservation, apartment, package3
svada.huA big city like Budapest is constantly changing, offering new attractions and a different atmosphere. Guided sight-seeing tours will always give a closer insight to the cultural history of a town. Over the years we have developed and refined our various city-tours, taking into account the…day cultural, cultural heritage, insight cultural, cultural historytour, danube, gallery, office, attraction3
bdpstgroup.hu…of our world-famous architects all the time. Our ancestors did not only leave us properties made of brick and mortar, but also real, tangible cultural values. It is our duty and responsibility to preserve this exquisite heritage for our children, as well. This is why we created BDPST Group…moral cultural, cultural heritage, country cultural, cultural treasure, tangible culturalgroup, investment, real, estate, value3
aether.huFor the convergence of new media and actual spaces, we do interactive architecture systems and dynamic graphical interfaces, projects where spatial design and technology meet to create cultural experiences. Presented at art, technology and design exhibitions.technology cultural, cultural experience, cloud cultural, cultural content, hungarian culturalarchitecture, space, aether, house, camera3
smartia.huSmartia offers smart solutions that effectively promote organizational development within companies by placing people at the center. We provide solutions for various cultural diversities and offer a mentorship program that prevents company turnover, increases efficiency, and develops individuals…solution cultural, cultural diversity, transformative cultural, cultural space, specific culturaljoy, video, appointment, turnover, effective3
spiritsdigest.huAll the guests were introduced to the Czech beer culture, the plans on including the Czech beer tradition to the UNESCO cultural heritage and had a chance to taste Czech beer. The key topic of this year’s Forum was sustainability because beer supplier chains are actively seeking for ways that are…beer cultural, cultural heritage, unesco culturalbrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour3
color-home.hu…here. Some examples of the restaurants: Fricska Bár Sörkert Bistro, Don Vito Olasz Étterem Pizzeria, Erdei Vendéglő and Panzió. And if you want cultural experiences, you can take part in the programs of the Food Truck Show Veszprém, the Balaton Wine & Gourmet Festival or Night of the Cafés. The…performance cultural, cultural event, panzió cultural, cultural experiencecastle, city, restaurant, capital, concert3
kidma.hu…adults and the same goal continues today. We would like to interest those Jewish young adults over the age of 18 who are interested in attending cultural events, such as exhibitions, movies, and meeting well-known and interesting personalities. Up until now, Kidma has organized more than 100…interested cultural, cultural event, cross cultural, cultural crossjewish, goal, activity, movie, exhibition3
lepjunkhogylephessenek.huOrganizing cultural and free time activities for families raising children with disabilitiesprofessional cultural, cultural family, opportunity cultural, cultural freechild, disability, care, association, family3
machupicc.hu…anywhere and the most significant tangible legacy of the Inca civilization. According to UNESCO WHS , Machu Picchu is recognized for outstanding cultural and natural values, the mixed World Heritage property covers 32,592 hectares of mountain slopes, peaks and valleys surrounding its heart. The…natural cultural, cultural conservation, outstanding cultural, cultural natural, natual culturaleye, story, gallery, site, image2
hungarianstudies.huThe Szeged Hungarian Studies Center offers courses in Hungarian and English on Hungarian history, literature, film, cultural history, art history, cultural geography, folklore and music as well as five levels of Hungarian language courses.film cultural, cultural history, history cultural, cultural geography, cultural fieldstudy, student, language, semester, center2
kubinyimuzeum.huIn the small picturesque town in north-eastern Hungary is one of the most beautiful Baroque palaces that works as a museum. On our website you will find information about our cultural and scientific activities, as well as about the history of the castle and museum.information cultural, cultural scientific, year cultural, cultural eventexhibition, museum, castle, collection, current2
resoart.huAndrás Szabó, having made a name for himself in the business sector as a successful entrepreneur and founder and head of the Resonator group for the past over thirty years, founded the Resonator Cultural and Art Foundation in 2021. He created the foundation in order to show and conserve all the…resonator cultural, cultural artcollection, collector, art, private, foundation2
hangveto.huHangvető has been a hub for world music in Central Eastern Europe since 2003. We organise world and folk music festivals, produce films, publish and distribute records. Hangvető builds cultural strategies and consults with cities, having worked with several ECoC title holders and candidates.hangvető cultural, cultural strategyfestival, music, international, consulting, documentary2
symmetry.huHe has been invited professor and lecturer in many cities worldwide with impact on introducing symmetry studies. His main monographs are: Symmetry. Cultural-Historical and Ontological Aspects of Science-Arts Relations (2007) and Hypersymmetry. Physics of the Isotopic Field-Charge Spin Conservation…symmetry cultural, cultural historical, scientific cultural, cultural communitysymmetry, festival, event, international, science2
hzacademy.huProvide a comprehensive cultural introduction for foreign workers about Hungary, providing information about the country’s history, culture, customs and traditions, working practices, expectations, working hours, and working environment. Help workers integrate effectively in Hungary and understand…comprehensive cultural, cultural introduction, hungary cultural, cultural differencecourse, country, worker, training, programme2
commonsensesociety.huCommon Sense Society was founded as a debating forum in 2009 by a group of American and European university students. They aimed to explore the ideas that have shaped our history and will greatly influence our future. In doing so, CSS became a celebration of the moral, social, political, and…session cultural, cultural enrichment, political cultural, cultural inheritancecommon, society, sense, event, news2
mta.huprogramme to help members of the public body of the Academy, scientists as well as staff members of Transcarpathian scientific, higher education, cultural and artistic institutions and organisations who flee from Ukraine to Hungary as a result of the war. In this document we describe in detail the…education cultural, cultural artistic, scientific cultural, cultural heritagescience, academy, research, member, forum2
cheaphotelsbudapest.huThe newly built 3-star Star Inn Hotel Budapest Centrum is located right in the heart of Budapest, in the commercial, shopping and cultural centre of the city, so it is an ideal place for both tourists and businessmen. 125 soundproof rooms, 5 non smoking floors and a deep garage are available for…business cultural, cultural centre, shopping culturalcheap, reservation, city, discount, room2
budapestinfo.huThe Hungarian Bride exhibition is a portal into the heart of Hungarian heritage. It offers a rare glimpse into the intimate side of Hungarian customs, making it a must-visit for anyone interested in understanding the historical and cultural fabric of Hungary. Keep in mind: If you have a Budapest…historical cultural, cultural fabric, present cultural, cultural journeycard, city, free, sightseeing, special2
pestbuda.hu…Borbíró took on a fighting role in the latter and fought determinedly for the new trend to gain ground. The engineer, who was born exactly one hundred and thirty years ago, left his mark on Hungarian cultural history not only with his buildings but also with his writings and organisational work.hungarian cultural, cultural history, build cultural, cultural sightago, square, public, build, century2
tilos.hu…non-profit model, basic principles and values are one of a kind in Hungary and the radio played a key role at the time of Hungary's EU accession in promoting and popularizing the philosophy of an open cultural and civil society as well as in its everyday implementation of these fundamental values.tilos cultural, cultural non, open cultural, cultural civilradio, station, commercial, public, community2
tyrusz.huProvide guidance on the most effective approaches to penetrate the Arab markets while considering cultural nuances and local business practices.market cultural, cultural nuancemarket, study, honey, communication, success2
kerka.huThe Kerka Ensemble is from a small town, Lenti , which is situated in west of Hungary near the Austrian, Slovenien, Croatian borders. The Kerka Folkdancegroup was formed in September, 1973. It was supported by the local Cultural House.local cultural, cultural house, kerka cultural, cultural associationensemble, gallery, introduction, video, association2
budaventuratravel.huThis tour leads You through the most beautiful regions and towns of Central Europe focusing on cultural, musical traditions and delights of the local special meals and drinks.europe cultural, cultural musical, natural cultural, cultural heritagetour, travel, central, europe, heritage2
obudaizsinagoga.hu…was repossessed and rededicated to it original function through the efforts of the Jewish community. Such an achievement is unique in Hungary and perhaps in all of Europe, since its rededication, the synagogue serves not only as a house of worship, but as a community and a cultural center as well.community cultural, cultural center, family cultural, cultural programobuda, synagogue, community, jewish, build2
romakepmuhely.hu…as a community film club, based on student involvement, active participation. In the tradition of engaged scholarship it has become a place of cultural resistance, moving the lessons into unique cultural spaces open for public. It pays critical attention to the media and other visual…place cultural, cultural resistance, unique cultural, cultural space, issue culturalvisual, season, lab, image, book2
noiegyutthato.huI have 10 years of experience in implementing cultural and urban development projects that rely on the participation of local communities.experience cultural, cultural urban, budapest cultural, cultural policylocal, selection, training, community, application2
coachingteam.huOnly organizations and individuals who have a good understanding and excellent management of the required skill, cultural, technological and working method variations will be competitive.skill cultural, cultural technological, strategy cultural, cultural elementdevelopment, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious2
lelato.huThe TOP–STAND ® foldable bleacher is suitable for events in closed spaces (sport halls, gyms, multifunctional halls, gymnasiums, community houses, cultural homes, lecture halls, auditoriums), and offers an intelligent solution for the operation of these.house cultural, cultural homemobile, stage, sale, rent, event2
trappdominika.huhand, a sensitive painterly approach that allows for intuition and introspection; on the other, an outward-directed sensitivity that facilitates dialogues between communities in the service of collective self-knowledge while maneuvering through various emotional, cultural, and political differences.emotional cultural, cultural political, atmosphere cultural, cultural fieldart, exhibition, painting, artist, peasant2
wojtyla.huThanks to God, and to our Father Karol Wojtyla who is living in heaven in his company , to our patrons and supporters the social Center, cultural institute, meeting place and friendship house named after Karol Wojtyla borned in Wadowice –after the foundation of the institute in 2005- could open…public cultural, cultural leisure, center cultural, cultural institutefriendship, centre, house, poor, town2
basilicon.huAt Basilicon, we believe in the transformative power of knowledge. We offer comprehensive Cross-Cultural Advisory and Language Services to equip our clients with the understanding they need to succeed in diverse environments. Our team of linguists and cultural advisors are seasoned in a range of…cross cultural, cultural advisory, linguist cultural, cultural advisor, service culturalconsulting, international, knowledge, strategy, broad2
ferrataapartmanok.huThe area around our apartment houses offers thousands of experiences, be it active pastimes or cultural attractions. Our guide will help you choose a program that suits your needs.pastime cultural, cultural attraction, historical culturalguesthouse, family, offer, quality, apartment2
boglyafesztival.hu“With the Boglya Fest event, we dreamed of a festival in the region of Lake Tisza, where young people may have a break away from the bustle of big cities, and where you could also come with your families. We believe that cultural, musical, gastronomic and ecological themes fit together well, since…family cultural, cultural musical, performer cultural, cultural adventurefestival, break, event, city, people2
ajvk.huThe public library keeps live contact with cultural and educational institutions and non-profit organisations in preserving the historical past and satisfying educational and cultural needs. According to the modern information society we would like to offer a modern quality service in compliance…progressive cultural, cultural tradition, contact cultural, cultural educational, educational culturalsmall, management, commercial, site, simple2
mindreset.huWe organise acting workshops for beginners, as well as for people with previous acting experience, enhancing cross-cultural communication and exchange. We held drama workshops for school children abroad, and will start with acting classes for children in Budapest this fall. We’re also performing…cross cultural, cultural communication, english cultural, cultural centreact, play, class, drama, theatre2
europeandanubeforum.huThis means both access to the most important works representing the highest level of European culture (in particular, the address of its freely accessible website) and news of major cultural events.cultural sphere, major cultural, cultural eventeuropean, danube, forum, media, alternative2
mestersegekunnepe.huThis year marks the 20th anniversary of Hungary’s accession to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention. The Crafts Celebrations will highlight communities representing crafts that are inscribed on the UNESCO National and Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.intangible cultural, cultural heritagefolk, festival, art, craft, guest2
halomapartman.huThe Friendship Cultural Center has been playing a central role in the development of cultural life in Százhalombatta for decades. It hosts a variety of programmes, like concerts, theater performances, exhibitions.friendship cultural, cultural centre, cultural center, development cultural, cultural liferoom, bed, people, area, live2
swedishchamber.huThe mission of Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary to contribute to the facilitation and development of trade and economic relations between Hungary and Sweden, as well as business and cultural initiatives and activities, and support the members’ interests.business cultural, cultural initiative, swedish cultural, cultural originchamber, swedish, member, sustainability, commerce2
okotura.huThe guesthouse and camping is located in village of Hortobágy in the heart of the Great Hungarian Steppe Hortobágy (Puszta), 1500 m from different World Cultural Heritage sites, 2000 m from railway station and close to Highway 33. It is next to the newly built cycleway and to the trunk line bus…world cultural, cultural heritagebooking, site, price, guesthouse, room2
drogriporter.huThis documentary is about the communities of people living with HIV in Russia. It tells the story of how the members of the most vulnerable communities affected by the HIV epidemic, such as drug users, sex workers, and LGBTQ people, struggle for survival and dignity in a hostile cultural and…hostile cultural, cultural politicaldrug, people, video, harm, reduction2
homesweethome.huAVAILABLE NOW, this exquisite apartment in the cultural heart of Budapest, District 6. located right in Dal... Moreapartment cultural, cultural heartapartment, bedroom, rental, rent, district2
etalonhorses.huETALON defines herself as a cultural bridge among nations who share the same values in terms of falcons and horses. We acknowledge and appreciate the equestrian culture all over the world with distinguished respect in Arabia and Asia.etalon cultural, cultural bridge, equestrian cultural, cultural heritagehorse, fire, close, equestrian, video2
szlovakia-utazas.huThe aim of this webpage is to provide well-arranged and actual information about Slovakia for tourists from foreign countries, especially from Hungary. On our tourism information portal the visitor can find information about the beauties of the Slovak regions, cultural-folklore events and sport…historical cultural, cultural sight, region cultural, cultural folkloreaccommodation, tourist, cottage, slovakia, center2
egyensulyintezet.huThe Equilibrium Institute is Hungary’s independent think tank. In order to renew the political discourse in Hungary, we draft political, economic and cultural future visions and write detailed policy proposals and strategies based on these visions. We are engaged in an ongoing dialogue with the…economic cultural, cultural future, cultural decisioninstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think2
historycruise.huThe Royal Palace dominates this section of the riverbanks. Hungary is a republic, so no king lives there now . The building is used as a cultural centre; housing the National Gallery with artworks by Hungarian artists, the Budapest Museum, and the biggest library in the country.commercial cultural, cultural entertainment, build cultural, cultural centrebridge, city, history, cruise, build2
balassagyarmatizsidosag.huThe rendering of religious, cultural and historical heritage into public property, the development of a Jewish collection and exhibition hallreligious cultural, cultural historicaljewish, history, community, collection, render2
sibarisclub.huLearning about the traditions, values, and heritages of their own and other cultural groupsheritage cultural, cultural groupactivity, nature, environment, area, event2
comfort65.huThis allows our guests to enjoy cosy restaurants, cafés, shops and cultural events in the city centre. The proximity allows you to easily explore the sights and experiences of the city while returning to the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere of our apartments. This gives our guests the…shop cultural, cultural event, foot cultural, cultural attractionapartment, guest, booking, check, free2
armenian.huOn December 9, with the support of the Armenian Cultural Fund of Hungary, the Armenian Cultural Center hosted a New Year’s event for children, featuring a...armenian cultural, cultural fund, cultural centerago, month, minister, foreign, day2
ferratavendeghaz.huThe Castle of Csesznek is only a few minutes' walk away, and other historical and cultural attractions, programs and Lake Balaton can be reached by car in no more than an hour.pastime cultural, cultural attraction, historical culturaloffer, booking, guesthouse, room, accommodation2
nvc.huThe Turbina Cultural Centre, which is linked to our 18 years active NVC team is opening its doors again - now also open at night! A varied programme of music and cultural events is planned for the opening weekend!turbina cultural, cultural centre, music cultural, cultural eventevent, electronic, news, select, programme2
microcosmos.huAt the same time, we offer state-of-the-art hotels, magnificent cafés, vast shopping malls, and a diverse range of cultural programmes and festivals. What is more, Budapest does not stop bustling in the evening: our famous ruin pubs, bars nightclubs and a multitude of alternative venues are open…range cultural, cultural programme, cultural wealthgallery, destination, event, management, great2
budapesttravel.huGyőr is a diverse, beautiful city where architectural, cultural and natural values are combined with each other. It is the third richest town in Hungary with their monuments; the outstanding Baroque downtown won the protection of historical buildings Europe award. After sightseeing and visiting…architectural cultural, cultural natural, interested cultural, cultural lifeday, bus, city, lunch, sightseeing2
zeneszalon.huTretji Program: The 3rd program (Program ARS) of Radio Slovenia transmits cultural details, artistic, instructional and science material. In Slovenia’s media area, it is some kind of cultural institution. Classical music fills 3/4 of the program, with spring and fall concert and opera seasons and…slovenia cultural, cultural detail, kind cultural, cultural institution, camp culturalmusic, classical, concert, event, radio2
in-ex.huOur engineers participated at BME’s Cultural and Professional day, which was organized by BME's Faculty of Civil Engineering.bme cultural, cultural professionalcareer, reference, studio, engineering, day2
guideme.huEvery 3rd weekend of September we celebrate Cultural Heritage Days in Hungary, which is part of a European Union initiative […]september cultural, cultural heritagehistory, tour, city, day, art2
kozossegikertek.huOur gardens provide gardening opportunities for almost 800 city residents, and in addition, they serve other functions as well: the garden works as a meeting point, a cultural-communal space, and an innovative platform to test and distribute different liveable and sustainable urban equipments…point cultural, cultural communal, informative cultural, cultural communitygarden, community, city, programme, centre2
ahproduction.huAntenna Hungária covers over 1700 sports and cultural events annually. Exclusive broadcast production partner of the home matches of the National Teams and the clubs tournaments in Champions League and Europa League along with National Championships and League competitions in football, handball…sport cultural, cultural eventchampionship, production, broadcast, european, woman2
incominghungary.huAre You looking for a rich cultural experience with medical, health or wellness treatments? Hungary is the place that suits you best.rich cultural, cultural experience, land cultural, festival cultural, cultural festivaltravel, incoming, luxury, trip, family2
proarte.huThe Pro Arte et Natura Foundation (PAN) is a non-governmental public benefit organisation dedicated to the Hungarian national cultural heritage and nature in the service of art and nature.national cultural, cultural heritage, value cultural, cultural traditionmedia, foundation, et, art, nature2
hotellajtapark.huHotel Lajta Park is only 10 km away from the Austrian and Slovakian borders , only an hour drive from Vienna. Impressive, well-equipped hotel within easy reach of the cultural, entertainment and active programs of the area. Would you like to have experiences? Would you go shopping? We offer our…reach cultural, cultural entertainment, vienna cultural, cultural heritageroom, event, center, family, active2
nnx.huNeoNetworX is a consulting company specialized in leading and supporting organizational cultural transformations . These journeys require intense changes in mindset, operation, leadership, communication, and values. Changing all these takes a significant amount of dedication and time, both from us…seed cultural, cultural transformation, organizational culturalintroduction, agile, story, transformation, activity2
kaalifa.huI graduated as a teacher of drawing and visual arts and cultural manager in 2000 at the Janus Pannonius University in Pécs, Hungary.art cultural, cultural manager, egyesület cultural, cultural centrecreation, page, furniture, art, ancient2
interregioforum.huOur main focus areas are related to the efficient use of mobile devices and the social networks in education and the preservation of cultural heritage, and also the development of cultural tourism. Our working principle is to use the comparative advantages offered by the cross-border and regional…preservation cultural, cultural heritage, development cultural, cultural tourism, product culturalforum, border, cooperation, practice, region2
findedichzurecht.huOur team of lawyers, attorneys, teachers, advertising specialists, economists and cultural organizers have set themselves the goal of giving you the home game advantage in these situations in Hungary by passing on our local and professional knowledge to you.skill cultural, cultural embed, economist cultural, cultural organizeradvice, legal, assistance, insurance, general2
vhphungary.huJoin us in celebrating and serving Hindu dharma. Come together for a day filled with cultural immersion, community engagement, and a shared spirit of unity.day cultural, cultural immersion, social cultural, cultural scientificorganization, international, community, event, class2
hdy.huThis is primarily a cultural issue. For if you explore the concept of design, you get the pattern. The beginning of the pattern shows that opera used to be avant-garde, and now design is.code cultural, cultural economic, primarily cultural, cultural issuebook, editor, art, university, international2
budapestsightseeingcruise.huDuring this 90-minutedanube boat trip, visitors get to familiarise themselves with the historical and cultural background of Budapest. The boat sails past monuments like the House of Parliament, the Castle District and the Citadella. Audio guide is available in 11 languages and those who cannot do…historical cultural, cultural background, significant cultural, cultural historicalcruise, river, sightseeing, dinner, sight2
pepperpr.hu…of democracy. These are the bodies setting direct link between the citizens and the institutions of the EU. Within the next few weeks 7 events are organised in 7 cities of Hungary, to facilitate citizens and members of parliaments exchange opinion on relevant economic, social and cultural issues.education cultural, cultural shift, social cultural, cultural issuepepper, software, technology, market, office2
helkasor.hu…craft beer up to that point, to be exact, I had been taste-testing Alex’s beers since his jam-maker era, but I never thought I would one day work with him as well. My experience working in the cultural-event planning sphere prepared me very well for working with the guys in this very colorful job.experience cultural, cultural eventbeer, brewery, garden, event, detail2
silhouetteconsulting.huShortly afterwards, I completed a cultural event organisation course and then immediately plunged into the mysteries of event organisation. I spent almost two years at an event organising company in Budapest where I could utilise my acquired skills in practice and I had the opportunity to…shortly cultural, cultural event, outing cultural, cultural websiteevent, consulting, manager, challenge, client2
dravahotel.huThis area, along the Drava River in Baranya County, Southern Hungary is rich in historical and cultural assets, ethnographic traditions and natural beauty. The Villány wine region mentioned in the legend of Harka, the first Wine Route, the city of Pécs that was the European Cultural Capital in…historical cultural, cultural asset, european cultural, cultural capitalroom, conference, price, rate, package2
corvinahotel.huVienna is expecting you with a rich art and cultural offer. St. Stephen’s Cathedral (Stephansdom), Belvedere, the Hofburg Palace, and the Ringstraße, which is a 4.5 Km long circular road, where gorgeous old buildings can be found, among others the Vienna State Opera (Staatsoper) and the Austrian…art cultural, cultural offerroom, table, family, book, restaurant2
szoksz.huThe cohesion policy of the EU should pay special attention to regions with national, ethnic, cultural, religious or linguistic characteristics that are different from those of the surrounding regions.ethnic cultural, cultural religious, development cultural, cultural diversitynational, region, million, signature, statement2
hungarikumhotel.huOur hotel opened in 2022 in Lakitelek, in the Hungarikum Liget. In a beautifully landscaped athmosphere, it offers quality hospitality, relaxing spa, various cultural experiences and a wide range of sport activities.spa cultural, cultural experience, care cultural, cultural programroom, place, staff, kindness, wonderful2
etoki.huthe investigation and critical interpretation of the theoretical and empirical knowledge gathered in the European history, cultural history, politics, economy, law and sociologyhistory cultural, cultural historyeuropean, research, education, institution, understand2
morafke.huSince our association, called Kiskunfélegyházi Móra Ferenc Cultural Association, was founded in 1988, its goal is to maintain the local culture and traditions, and pay tribute to the most notable Hungarian artists by organizing several commemorations, wreathings, conferences, memorial day and…writer cultural, cultural heritage, ferenc cultural, cultural associationassociation, activity, publication, writer, local2
galeriafaur.huOn one hand, Faur Zsófi Gallery intends to adress the widest possible appreciative audience, as artworks show their true colours in a living, crowded silence full of people; on the other hand, it aspires to be an ever-bustling, spiritual and aesthetic medium, a 'cultural space', where people…medium cultural, cultural spacegallery, fair, exhibition, artist, prospect2
graphicpecs.huLocated in southern Hungary, a few kilometers from Budapest, Pécs is a city renowned for its cultural heritage. It was named European Capital of Culture in 2010. For almost a century, the city’s artistic scene has been remarkable. Indeed, many internationally renowned artists are associated with…renowned cultural, cultural heritage, zsolnay cultural, cultural quartergraphic, exhibition, festival, edition, international2
szépszerével.hu…(Two instruments – it was the original way of playing music here.) The “csángó” people are an ethnic minority in recent Rumania, but their folklore is also a special cultural dialect of the Hungarians. (It's among the big five: Trans Danube, Highlands, Great Plains, Transylvania and Csángó Land.)special cultural, cultural dialect, deep cultural, cultural heritagegroup, music, dance, people, poland2
mlalapitvany.huBy establishing a platform for museums, administrations and training institutions, MUSLI strives to overcome the barriers of cultural literacy through museum activities. These activities encourage participation from the potential publics…site cultural, cultural institution, barrier cultural, cultural literacymuseum, foundation, visitor, community, adult2
budapestjewishwalk.huThe Jewish Cultural Festival in Budapest between 04-11 September is a multicultural event full of amazing programsjewish cultural, cultural festival, cross cultural, cultural springview, jewish, tour, child, city2
klebelsbergkastelybudapest.huThe renovated Klebelsberg Castle opened its doors in the summer of 2017, which, in addition to showcasing our cultural heritage, provides hotel services to the general public.addition cultural, cultural heritagecastle, room, price, event, newsletter2
stoppanzio.hu…visit the so-called Tímárház (Tanner’s House). In 2001, the main street of Debrecen was completely renewed: the whole area became a pedestrian zone. The parade, whose beauty is accented by a fountain, is a place for various art, classical and pop music events and cultural and leisure programmes.hungary cultural, cultural scientific, event cultural, cultural leisureoffer, room, event, house, guest2
mkne.huDeveloping Thematic Wandering Science Toolkits, which are fun science toolkits – designed for non-professionals, mainly but not exclusively for children – containing games and activities in different topics (e.g., pollinators, climate, and the life and achievements of Ottó Herman); Offering EE…program cultural, cultural festival, yearly culturalenvironmental, education, member, society, training2
plf.huThe Book World Prague (Svet Knihy Praha) is the largest book fair in the Czech Republic, and as the Czech Republic is traditionally one of the most important regional markets for Hungarian literature, the Petőfi Cultural Agency (PLF), together with the Liszt Institute in Prague, organized a stand…petőfi cultural, cultural agencyliterary, book, page, author, publish2
szbike.hu…proceedings and in addition, the program contributed to the promotion of the goals of the association by cultivating and strengthening the cultural traditions of the Carpathian Basin wine, and by opening up International Relations, the possibilities of cooperation were discussed and strategicrelation cultural, cultural tradition, association culturalwine, order, association, innovation, carpathian2
reguly.huNine students accompanied by four teachers visited the second venue of the project in Nov Dojran in February, 2017. They had been zealous in preparing presentations about the cultural and historical background of the Hungarian Saga and the workshop activities for the partner schools.presentation cultural, cultural historical, ppt culturalschool, student, teacher, host, day2
twinstravel.huBudapest is one of the most beautiful city in Europe. It is situated on both sides of the Danube. Historical districts, cultural sights, vibrant night lif... Read more...district cultural, cultural sighttravel, tour, city, guide, person2
folklife.huThe Smithsonian Folklife Festival is an exposition of living cultural heritage annually produced outdoors on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., by the Smithsonian’s Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. Hungarian Heritage: Roots to Revival highlights the vitality of Hungary’s unique…exposition cultural, cultural heritage, folklife culturaljune, revival, heritage, july, photo2
ab-dental.huWe have two dentistry and oral surgery consulting rooms, one is in the capital of Baranya county, Pécs, a university town known for its mediterranean climate, historical monuments, museums and cultural programs; the other is in the world-famous spa town Harkány, near the Siklós-Villány…museum cultural, cultural programdental, surgery, oral, dentistry, patient1
dimu.huThe digital museum – in short, dimu – encompasses the applications of digital technologies to expand the museum visit, both in terms of the way of acquiring knowledge and its place and time. As a digital curator, I can help cultural heritage institutions to:curator cultural, cultural heritagedigital, application, strategy, museum, education1
sopronbianco.huThere are numerous sports facilities, hiking trails and cultural programmes nearby. We would like to highlight the many cycling routes, the proximity of Lake Fertő and Austria, the Alpine region.trail cultural, cultural programmeroom, bed, house, detail, guest1
due.huThere are many occasional programs each month, such as: media weekends in the country, camps, factory visits, cultural programs, field trips, parties, foreign exchange programs. These programs can be found on our website.visit cultural, cultural programradio, member, journalist, student, media1
fogaszatifotos.huThe Champion School aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.social cultural, cultural lifeactivity, academic, student, school, champion1
munkavedinfo.huThat’s fascinating! Language and cultural nuances are so intriguing. It’s important to understand and appreciate the intricacies of different languages and writing systems.language cultural, cultural nuancelegal, law, agreement, regulation, important1
marcaliszallas.huWith a town status since 1977, Marcali is a commercial, medical and cultural centre of its surroundings. The Roman Catholic Church lying in the town centre was built in the 15th century. After its reconstruction it characterizes baroque and classical elements. The Széchenyi Castle was built in…medical cultural, cultural centreapartment, private, quality, accommodation, bath1
mphostelbudapest.huIn the center of university, cultural and entertainment life, MP Hostel Budapest awaits its residents with comfortable rooms, a cleaning service and a brand new community kitchen.university cultural, cultural entertainmentroom, hostel, dormitory, bed, offer1
a47.hu‘It has been a unique development opportunity in the historic city centre of Budapest. The block of freehold flats with a floor area of about 4,700 m2 was renovated with the preservation of the cultural heritage of the building and the creation of high-quality flats and commercial units at an…preservation cultural, cultural heritagebuild, area, history, description, location1
zsoryfurdo.huMezőkövesd with its 17,000 inhabitants is situated at the borderline of Bükk Mountains and the Great Plain and it was given the rank of a market-town by King Matthias in 1464. The agricultural, developed industrial and cultural-touristic...industrial cultural, cultural touristicprice, package, discount, friend, restaurant1
fourpoint.huFour-Point Kft. has been expanding its social responsibility every year. Supporting deprived people is particularly important to our company. We support the “Hope for Ill Children, Those in Need and Patients Foundation” and the “Helping Hands Foundation.” In the cultural sector, we allocated 5,200…foundation cultural, cultural sectorpoint, application, grant, management, plan1
hupakbc.huWe are honoured to serve as a bridge between Hungary and Pakistan, promoting not just business, but mutual understanding and cultural dialogue.understand cultural, cultural dialoguerelation, event, pakistan, news, water1
nemethgaborbuvesz.hu“Interesting and creative story, astonishing tricks. That's how I could briefly describe this not at all ordinary magic show. It is actually a ‘multi-cultural’ social critique spiced with humour, in the framework of an exciting and magical show that gave something more than just entertainment...”multi cultural, cultural socialticket, performance, trick, date, wedding1
csajosnyaralas.huA desert safari in Dubai promises an unforgettable experience full of adventure, cultural immersion and stunning landscapes. Here's an outline of...adventure cultural, cultural immersionactivity, news, social, destination, page1
solaradio.hu„Dear Editorial! Very good podcast, like your radio! I am a local reporter, and inquiring whether there is a possibility to work as a presenter in connection with local religious and cultural news?”religious cultural, cultural newsradio, media, god, fountain, church1
gsound.huReliability and accuracy, based on decades of professional experience, provide the security that every company desires when operating systems. Our team knows the special, permanent needs of event halls, cultural and sports facilities, and media institutions very well - we are at home in the high…hall cultural, cultural sportevent, acoustic, sound, technology, visual1
operaresidence.huOpera Residence is located in the heart of Budapest behind the Opera House in a quiet street , but still in the lively and cultural centre of the town. In the neighbouring pedestrian street there are plenty of cafés and pubs with sit-out terraces which makes a lively ambiance. You favourite…lively cultural, cultural centreapartment, night, house, rate, great1
geotan.huTechnological development must focus on the human and humanist values, and both Europe and the United States have the necessary political and cultural preconditions for this.political cultural, cultural preconditionmain, council, financial, quality, activity1
nikolettmagyar.hu2020 – Group exhibition: Eötvös 10 Community and Cultural Stage 2020 – Group exhibition: Dürer Gardencommunity cultural, cultural stageart, exhibition, group, artwork, color1
panograph.huAs a dokumentary of cultural heritage VR Photography is an excellent media which within a much smaller download than videos can give you a full view of a church or an ancient temple.dokumentary cultural, cultural heritagepanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour1
zalakarosiszallas.hu…in a 4-hectare park under huge shady trees, walk on the water promenade in the Eco Park, and enjoy the cozy restaurants and cafés. The NEW KAROS Promenade and Rendezvény (Event) square are the venues for festivals, cultural, musical and craft programs. Parking is free in Zalakaros all year round.festival cultural, cultural musicalapartment, house, guest, square, source1
balnaterasz.huBudapest is known for its glorious past, varied architecture, unique gastro venues, fizzy cultural and nightlife, and we should offer you an awesome place for spending afterworks and free evenings as well. It’s called Bálna Terasz, near the wonderful Market Hall, Liberty Bridge and the whole…fizzy cultural, cultural nightlifeterrace, panorama, bar, site, restaurant1
luxuryhotelsbudapest.huThe four-star hotel Novotel Budapest Centrum, opened in August 2002, can be found in the downtown of Budapest, with easy access from the cultural and commercial parts of the capital. Indoor garage, 5 air-conditioned meeting rooms, both for businessmen and tourists.access cultural, cultural commercialreservation, package, piece, luxury, thermal1
bharatanatyam.info.huMeenakshi Dora has performed in Hungary and abroad at various cultural events and festivals,abroad cultural, cultural eventdora, dance, class, indian, classical1
kultplay.huSince the post was written in german, we sent a message to Johannes on Facebook if he could help us understand the extraordinary installation. Johannes kindly replied our message and explained the project. It turned out that the giant joint is a cultural abstraction of course. A symbol of the…joint cultural, cultural abstractionreader, art, social, installation, european1
esn.huErasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.opportunity cultural, cultural understandnational, assembly, youth, student, forum1
striker.huOn March 30, 2017 I was given the opportunity to give a talk at The School of Community and Public Affairs of Concordia University, Montreal under the title "Transition into the Past - Pre-Modern Soci-Cultural Methods and Patterns Re-Introduced in Contemporary Hungary" .soci cultural, cultural methodopen, letter, president, festival, human1
aholnapiskolaja.huIn September 2018 we started an inclusive study group . During the first school term we created the methods that allow children with different educational needs to learn together . From the second term we promote our school by organizing community programs and cultural events. We would also like…program cultural, cultural eventschool, tomorrow, child, multiple, severe1
fulopvilla.hua number of shopping, eating and entertainment facilities in Révfülöp (port, restaurants, confectionery, cosmetician, hairdresser, discotheque, boutiques, etc.) The area is ideal for hiking, biking, wine tasting, horseback riding, fishing and offers diverse gastronomic locations and cultural events.location cultural, cultural eventapartment, detail, garden, pool, floor1
alicehotel.huThe hotel’s location on Andrássy street is ideal for travelers who want to explore Budapest’s rich history and cultural heritage. The street is lined with elegant buildings and landmarks, including the Hungarian State Opera House and the Franz Liszt Academy of Music. The city’s famous thermal…history cultural, cultural heritageroom, accommodation, suite, terrace, event1
hunyouth.huat the International Geography Olympiad in 2013 and 2014. Dedicated to building strong communities, she worked as an Events Officer of the Cambridge University Hungarian Society strengthening the Hungarian student community and promoting cultural understanding between Hungarians and various nations.community cultural, cultural understandyouth, delegate, student, nation, united1
levelekivendeghaz.huLevelek is a village of about 3000 inhabitants in the eastern part of Hungary. It is located 22 km from Nyíregyháza in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. It is easily accessible by rail and road, and its central location makes it an ideal starting point for exploring the area called Nyírség. Levelek…levelek cultural, cultural architecturalphoto, apartment, bed, bathroom, people1
iccecip.hu…around the World, experienced and young researchers, and PhD students to share their latest results and the public. The common historical and cultural past of the region, as well as the common development path of the last centuries also, continuous cooperation connects our countries and lay the…historical cultural, cultural pastconference, university, infrastructure, international, protection1
losonczy.huWithin the IInd Edition of the Hungarian Cultural Festival, the Losonczy István Hagyományőrző és Sportegyesület Association welcomed to Timișoara special guests such as the historical reenactment groups: Tata várának Seymenjei, Gyulaffy Bandérium, Egri Vitézlő Oskola, Hollóének Hungarica and…hungarian cultural, cultural festivalevent, association, calendar, fight, revolution1
mentok.huMission Statement: to save, preserve and exhibit the historical relics of the Hungarian Ambulance System; to acquaint our visitors with the scientific, intellectual and cultural heritage of the National Ambulance Service – and its predecessors.intellectual cultural, cultural heritageambulance, national, page, emergency, main1
benyei.huEvery house is a delicate fusion of its social, cultural and constructed environment. Our team ambitiously researches each project’s location for how this careful concoction can be brought together through both the environment and its history, from both an aesthetic point of view but also…social cultural, cultural constructinterior, space, build, architecture, energy1
euroemlekpenz.huBanknotes were invented by Richard Faille. The main aim was to financially support tourist attractions. In addition, they are excellent propagation tools that pay a lot of attention to European cultural heritage.european cultural, cultural heritagebanknote, map, shop, introduction, castle1
teeth.huWe also all love going out to eat in a new city, trying out cultural cuisine. However, going out to restaurants and eating unfamiliar foods can sometimes have unexpected effects on our teeth. In the case that you perhaps bite down on something unexpectedly hard, causing sudden tooth pain, you…city cultural, cultural cuisinetooth, dental, smile, office, dentist1
menhely.huThe Shelter Foundation was the first organisation where professional Care Centres were established to manage and help homeless people. It was the first institution to establish a Day Centre where professional social workers provided assistance as well as organised cultural programs. The Shelter…assistance cultural, cultural programfoundation, mission, shelter, organisation, homeless1
szepasszonyvolgy.info.huEger is rich in famous historical spectacles and cultural programmes, there is something for everyone that tickles their fancy. After a day spent pleasantly, visiting Szépasszony-völgy is the perfect closure involving the opportunity for wine tastings being held in the wineries for individuals and…spectacle cultural, cultural programmewine, valley, beautiful, woman, taste1
isc2022.huBudapest, the capital of Hungary, is an economic, financial and cultural centre with two million inhabitants. The city, which is beautifully situated on both sides of the Danube river, has a history dating back over 2000 years. The venue – Budapest Congress Center – is equipped with a complete…financial cultural, cultural centreabstract, programme, poster, welcome, vendor1
aragda.huWe try to express the cultural diversity of our own taste in our apartments. Most of our apartments have been designed, decorated and furnished by ourselves.apartment, detail, house, website, homepage1
tertiomillennio.hu…Millennio is to establish an educational training centre in the heart of Budapest. In doing so, we seek to create an outstanding environment for students and families alike to engage in academic studies, social, cultural and religious activities, all within a friendly and Christian atmosphere.social cultural, cultural religioussocial, centre, impact, training, page1
marmin.hu������ Cultural Cultural exchange exchange deluxe: deluxe: Engage Engage in in delightful delightful cultural cultural exchanges, exchanges, broadening broadening your your horizons horizons while while having having a a blast.cultural exchange, delightful culturallead, site, visitor, free, website1
cicaskacus.huI’m sure that those arriving here will be interested in learning about this countryside populated by the Paloc people and to experience their generous and heartfelt hospitality. There are many of cultural treasures to find in this area.hospitality cultural, cultural treasureroom, area, booking, holiday, day1
varkertbazar.huThe Várkert Bazár is Budapest's unique jewelery box where art and nature complement each other. It is a distinctive work of architecture capable of offering an experience of history, culture and nature all at the same time, which makes it the perfect venue for entertainment, leisure and cultural…leisure cultural, cultural eventcastle, bus, sq, garden, map1
bstk.huThis initiative and its popularity caught the eye of an official cultural programme organiser and led to our finding a stable home in the Virányos Community Centre. In recent years, the club has moved to Dagály Community Centre where live music is provided by Dagda, a Scottish band at the club's…official cultural, cultural programmedance, weekend, scottish, course, country1
ddrs2021.huThe Co-Chairs and the Organising Committee cordially invite you to the DDRS 2021 Conference to Budapest, Hungary. Do not miss the chance to visit our stunning city and attend one of the most advanced scientific meetings on Pharmaceutical Research and Regulatory Sciences and the cultural programme…science cultural, cultural programmescientific, programme, conference, exhibition, organiser1
vendeghazfulop.huOur family guest house is located in Nyárliget near to the Hungarian and Austrian border. This is the western gate of Hungary. Nearby, is situated the fifth largest lake in Europe, the Lake Fertő. The Lake is owned by the two countries. (1/3 of Hungary 2/3 of Austria) The town, Nyárliget became…nyárliget cultural, cultural landscapeintroduction, approach, map, gallery, price1
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huThis year, the festival goes beyond the city centre: the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter awaits visitors with light attractions at daytime.zsolnay cultural, cultural quarterlight, festival, art, map, visitor1
bypath.huThis year, the Autumn program of the Villány wine region was enriched: the Tenkes Wine + Tour was organized for the first time, which provided an easy hiking trail from the gastronomic and cultural experiences [...]gastronomic cultural, cultural experiencepath, bicycle, castle, fortress, city1
cantatenobis.huOver the past 10 years, since Vocal Ensemble Cantate Nobis was established with the leadership of Mária Husznay-Thormann in 2011, the choir of has become a significant and prominent figure of the cultural life in Jászberény, our hometown. Our current membership of 26 singers mainly consists of…figure cultural, cultural lifeensemble, choir, vocal, leadership, hometown1
floraveres.huThe creation of this website was supported by the Zoltan Imre Program of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.national cultural, cultural funddance, performance, upcoming, event, choreographer1
choralisconstantinus.hu…music for the entire liturgical year. The composer was commissioned by the Bishop of Konstanz to compose this collection—unique in music and cultural history—in 1508, who devoted the end of his career to it. The Flemish-born Isaac first appeared in the service for the Medici family in Florence,music cultural, cultural historyintroduction, course, volume, date, venue1
firemagic.huDóra Rappaport, professional assistant director Corvin Cultural Centre - Erzsébetliget Theatrecorvin cultural, cultural centrefire, light, juggle, production, stage1
talallak.huSzeged is a fascinating city famous for its beautiful architectural wonders, rich cultural heritage, and friendly people. Our accommodation is an ideal starting point for exploring the city and discovering the attractions in the area.rich cultural, cultural heritagegallery, city, river, fisherman, surrounding1
sommelierhungary.huIt aims to make a significant contribution to promoting food and drink culture by raising awareness on it as part of the cultural heritage as well as involving different actors of the sector and fostering dialogue among them. The MASOSZ inspires also to enhance the propagation of awareness and…awareness cultural, cultural heritagegeneral, member, association, food, training1
academiaoffices.huLocated in the capital’s business, tourist and cultural district, the downtown office building also provides outstanding digital connections, smart solutions, accessibility and social functions in the spirit of ESG.tourist cultural, cultural districtbuild, available, academia, area, traditional1
darklight.co.huI am strongly convinced that supremely talented dance artists with their natural born gifts represent a high cultural value that demands attention, live on the stage of the Hungarian National Opera House as well as on photos depicting dramatically lighted abstract moments.high cultural, cultural valuedance, body, science, photo, ensemble1
boczgyula.hu…primarily with wood. He trained and taught himself, but he was also taught by the artist Ferenc Lantos at the art workshop of the Doktor Sándor Cultural Centre in Pécs. From the early 1960s he began creating organic-nonfigurative sculptures using stone and sometimes metal. The Sea (1964), Flower…sándor cultural, cultural centresculpture, exhibition, sculptor, stone, public1
zanat.huThe Cultural and Sport Association of Zanat organises several culture preservation and sport events regularly.family, austrian, approximately, district, house1
mszjf.huthe head of the US Copyright Office - from 24 countries attended the official program of the Congress which was accompanied also with outstanding cultural programs, such as the concert of the National Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Zoltán Kocsis. Thanks to participants, contributors and…outstanding cultural, cultural programcongress, protection, international, award, national1
bibliatanitasok.huToday, most of the Jewish population in Hungary is secular. After the collapse of communism in 1989, and the taboo of Jewish identity, a revival occurred among the Jews. Young Jews began to seek their roots. Numerous religious, cultural, and Zionist organizations were set up or revived.religious cultural, cultural zionistchurch, bible, book, jewish, christian1
reggelipecs.huReggeli is a communal area with a gastronomic and cultural experience. Our goal is to promote sustainability and social sensitization. Let's live in harmony with nature again!gastronomic cultural, cultural experiencedrink, coffee, food, gallery, nature1
idegennyelvumedia.huForeign-language Hungarian press has an important mission, as Budapest and Hungary are significant tourist and cultural hubs in Europe, but we can honestly say that the whole world knows and loves our country and the symbolic buildings of the capital. The opinions foreigners form of the country…tourist cultural, cultural hubmedia, news, language, foreign, supporter1
mnv.huAs a result of the complete restoration of Várkert Bazár designed by Miklós Ybl - which was developed by HNAM Inc. - in addition to the reconstruction of the group of buildings that is protected as a world heritage site, a complex providing cultural and tourist services according to the highest…complex cultural, cultural tourist, project cultural, cultural paletteintroduction, website, asset, complete, purpose1
tengereszmuzeum.hu…decades, spending his early childhood in the Far East and being a guide to a collection that is unique in the world. Nautical, nautical relics, cultural objects of exotic peoples, viewing of scientific finds make the experience unforgettable. It is not only a museum but also an "experience store".relic cultural, cultural objectnavigation, museum, main, search, gallery1
radaymuzeum.huWe recommend our exhibition to those who are interested in cultural, ecclesiastical and art history and for all who admire beautiful objects.interested cultural, cultural ecclesiasticalchurch, main, exhibition, museum, ecclesiastical1
karate2020budapest.huHungary is located in the heart of Europe, and can be easily accessed not only geographically, but from sportpolitical and cultural point of view. Sportlife has an impressive and rich tradition in our country.sportpolitical cultural, cultural pointpage, main, location, accommodation, download1
zuibudapest.huThe name „Zui” reflects rich Eastern cultural influences, meaning „drunk.” In this context, it can be interpreted as our guests becoming deeply intoxicated by the delicious breakfast, coffee, or tea they enjoy with us, feeling extremely satisfied and happy. Every bite and sip with us is a little…eastern cultural, cultural influenceasian, bar, page, flavor, food1
premiumapartmanok.hu…directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.economic cultural, cultural socialapartment, data, personal, premium, process1
kinaiforditas.huTransJet Translation Agency was founded at the beginning of 2010 by experts with more than 15 years of translation and interpretation as well as business and cultural experience, with the aim of bringing internationally recognised experts who are among the best in Hungary together into one…business cultural, cultural experiencetranslation, agency, language, chinese, associate1
firkaegyesulet.huWe intend to provide them recreational, cultural and sports programs that promote equal opportunities and help them to develop their personality, healthy lifestyle. We also would like to give the chance to young people with fewer opportunities to participate in youth exchanges.recreational cultural, cultural sportyouth, exchange, people, ngo, young1
almosvendeghaz.hu…and cafés await our guests in the city centre. The Forum shopping mall, with a multitude of shops and a cinema, is merely 300 metres away. Cultural amenities in the vicinity include the Csokonai theatre and the library of the Reformed Church School. Parking at the inner city apartment is…away cultural, cultural amenitiesguest, house, price, room, introduction1
easy-debrecen.huEASY-Debrecen Relocation and Integration Services directs and manages the process of relocating a company, family or student to Hungary with a range of services which ease the transition, reduces stress and interruption may caused by cultural differences and language barriers. For this reason we…interruption cultural, cultural differenceeasy, relocation, integration, client, support1
h2h.huPassionate focus on quality service and project delivery, bridging cultural and business gaps, optimizing and integrating people, process and technology, while building and leading technology and project teams, with excellent business process and strategy development skills.delivery cultural, cultural businessproin, urna, augue, risus, et1
rutafakorus.huThe Children’s and Youth Choir of Pécel was formed at Christmas 2003, inspired by the launch of a new project in the town’s cultural life, namely the annual Christmas concerts. It was on this occasion that conductor Zsuzsanna Szilágyiné Szalai recruited a group of 20-25 talented children. In a few…town cultural, cultural lifechoir, gallery, child, youth, video1
laurelbudapest.huNestled along the banks of the Danube River, Budapest, the enchanting capital of Hungary, has emerged as a hidden gem on the international culinary stage. Combining a rich cultural heritage with a vibrant food scene, the city offers an array of fine dining experiences that cater to the discerning…rich cultural, cultural heritagerestaurant, dining, culinary, taste, wine1
corvinpalace.huAfter the modernization, Corvin Palace will serve retail functions on three floors, and offices on five different floors, totaling over 16500 square meters. On the rooftop, a panorama rooftop bar will provide gastronomic and cultural experiences.gastronomic cultural, cultural experiencearea, floor, office, elevator, terrace1
knowledgeport.huPort, made up of Milestone alumni, members of the Hungarian diaspora, and representatives of national and international scientific, economic, and cultural life. Our goal is to facilitate alumni and members of the Hungarian diaspora return home from abroad, and use their knowledge and experience to…economic cultural, cultural lifeevent, community, future, knowledge, previous1
balatonszemeshullam.hu…waters of the lake, the historical sights, the traditional Hungarian gastronomy offered by the local restaurants, the excellent beverages of the Southern Transdanubian wineries and diverse cultural programs all make up an unforgettable trip for the visitors planning to come here for the holidays.diverse cultural, cultural programchange, default, wide, introduction, beach1
nezopont.huThe Nézőpont Institute has conducted its seventh Hungarian-German barometer. The survey has examined the image that Germans have of Hungary and Hungarians have of Germany. The economic, cultural, social and political relations between the two countries are traditionally close. Although the ideologiceconomic cultural, cultural socialpolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature1
realschool.huThe founding team has spent years at Green School Bali , got completely heartwashed, and is now bringing this educational approach to Budapest, adapted to an urban and European cultural setting.european cultural, cultural setschool, real, learn, international, british1
lannerkvartett.huWe believe that everyone appreciates great music, although classical performances can be reformed in order for them to be more alluring to the public. Therefore, our quartet, which is a cultural start-up venture, was brought to life in the summer of 2012 with a special aim. We resolved to appear…quartet cultural, cultural venture, aim cultural, cultural lifeperformance, music, audience, unique, approach1
lastminutehotels.huHotel Annabella - located 50 meters from the shore of Lake Balaton - has 388 rooms, indoor and outdoor swimming pools and private beach. Free time activities and cultural programmes are available for the recreation of the guests. Hungary, 3-star hotels At Lake Balaton, online booking, Danubius…activity cultural, cultural programmeenquiry, package, deal, booking, room1
parksideoffices.hu…property features 20,000 sqm leasable office and retail space, 260 underground parking spaces, as well as 35% greenery on site. The tranquil residential neighborhood is an ideal setting with sports facilities and a wide service range, as well as transportation links, dining, and cultural options.dining cultural, cultural optionoffice, community, flexibility, build, development1
ioi2023.huThe International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is an annual international informatics competition for high school students from various invited countries, accompanied by social and cultural programmes. It is one of the five international science Olympiads and is one of the most prestigious…social cultural, cultural programmeinternational, informatics, contest, schedule, task1
akhalstud.huWe desire that the Akhal-Teke horse becomes an organic part of equestrian life in Hungary in the best sense instead of being regarded as a pet, or a cultural object.pet cultural, cultural objecthorse, stud, equestrian, stallion, tour1
digitalislapok.huNavigate the realms of industry trends, cultural dialogues, and environmental initiatives through our e-paper collection, Digitalislapok Strategic Perspectives. Unlock valuable insights for informed decision-making and international collaboration opportunities.trend cultural, cultural dialoguepaper, gateway, cart, checkout, book1
jmgprojects.hu…multi-lingual, cross-curricular workbook designed to promote healthy living. Our plan is to expand the influence of this workbook by adding a supplemental digital library of related websites, and to encourage students to experience the benefits of healthy living through cross-cultural practices...cross cultural, cultural practicestudent, media, health, school, opportunity1
mega-park.huBékéscsaba is the cultural and economic centre of Békés County with a population of 400,000 people within a 50 km radius. The region boasts a strong vocational training system that makes the recruitment of a locally sourced and fully trained workforce possible. Please, find out more about the…békéscsaba cultural, cultural economicarea, main, page, industrial, location1
okolakopark.hu…for the houses to stand out from their surroundings and to be sunny due to their southern orientation, following typically the historical and cultural traditions, overlooking the lake system and community space. The boundaries of the plots are marked only by loose-structured bushes and shrubs…historical cultural, cultural traditionmodel, house, plan, area, location1
sporthotelvelence.huEven though Lake Velence has recently become the center of sports of all nature, the area still shows the strong and unique cultural and historical ties. Guests can take their taste buds on a tour by trying our local wine, visit the Fisherman Castle’s permanent exhibitions, or see the area where…unique cultural, cultural historicalbook, active, room, relaxation, lake1
biopipacstanya.hu…all of your cares. It is worthwhile to take a stroll through the charming streets of Csongrád's Old Castle district, or take in the sights of cultural Szeged, with it's interesting miasma of architectural forms and abundant street-side café's... or simply stay right here on the Tanya and enjoy…sight cultural, cultural szegedorganic, activity, picture, forest, street1
codeandsoda.huGuided by a sensitive approach and with in-depth expertise of software development, hardware, and 3D computer graphics we create films, virtual, augmented and mixed reality experiences and installations for cultural institutions, agencies, enterprises, and selected brands.installation cultural, cultural institutionsolution, software, code, soda, custom1
kockamuhely.huBalazs has been commissioned by cultural institutions and major companies in Hungary, and featured on national television and in international news media. Balazs has also been working with LEGO Hungary and LEGO Store Budapest as their main creative partner in LEGO related campaigns and projects.balazs cultural, cultural institutionbalazs, model, brick, landmark, photo1
bannercraft.huA sports event (triathlon) organised at the upper course of the river Tisza for both amateurs and professionals, enriched with cultural and culinary experiences.professional cultural, cultural culinarycampaign, reference, development, image, client1
bozsodret.hu…these are natural conditions, landscape, nature reserves and indigenous breeds etc. or such social characteristics, tradition and safeguarding cultural values. The globalised world transmits cosmopolitan culture to all corners of the world and rural development resists this tendency to the extenttradition cultural, cultural valuerural, area, value, main, mission1
ezerevparkja.huThe contents of our temporary and permanent exhibitions represent the diversity of Hungarian cultural heritage.hungarian cultural, cultural heritagenews, build, event, family, culture1
helpers.huEnjoy Hungary’s thermal baths, vibrant cultural life, excellent public safety and mild climatevibrant cultural, cultural lifeimmigration, helper, solution, permit, investment1
palyazatokprojektek.hu…time if we start a development project, we’ll win, in the latest period from 2009 we are writing the tenders without blemish, was neither rejected nor a contributor role failed projects, in the fields of Economic Development, Energy, or Urban Development, as well as Cultural or Tourism project.development cultural, cultural tourismtender, development, consulting, write, consultancy1
privateguide-budapest.huin providing bespoke guiding for any trip in Budapest- Hungary, or in other worldwide destinations, to offer a more in depth experience. Whether the trip is a historical, architectural and cultural tour, I have the experience and passion necessary to give you a trip of a lifetime in three languages.architectural cultural, cultural tourguide, private, worldwide, travel, tour1
zahorjanivett.huJournalism in cultural, social, and lifestyle topics, creating and editing press releases, PR articles, topic placements, branded content, building press lists, editing AI-generated texts.journalism cultural, cultural socialfashion, social, media, journalist, marketer1
egyjomasszazs.huWe hope you like our country and that you enjoy the time you spend here. You can choose from a wide range of cultural and recreational programs. We offer the following options for you: a refreshing stay, where you can give your tired body a chance to recuperate along your travels; or if you have…range cultural, cultural recreationalmassage, treatment, muscle, guest, body1
nemessis.huMy Budapest Collection for the MNG Shop have been nominated in the "Product of the Year" category. We would like to thank the Association for Cultural Enterprises jury for selecting our publication and collection for the next stage in the competition! # ACEBestProductsassociation cultural, cultural enterpriseillustration, book, graphic, artwork, fresh1
sepsieniko.hu…of my paper: Poems and dramatic texts inspired by Deafman Glance and the related theatrical experience) using theories of rituals well-known in cultural anthropology and I also extended my investigations by including the research perspective afforded by the new and original concept of poetic…ritual cultural, cultural anthropologystudy, university, theatre, research, french1
kaposhotel.hu…malls are all only a walk away from our hotel. Our university town, which won the title ‘Town of the Year’ in 2008 awaits you with its quality cultural, artistic and sporting events all through the year. The history of our hotel began in the 1800s, under the name Korona Nagyszálló (Crown Grand…quality cultural, cultural artisticevent, offer, room, gastronomy, restaurant1
hm2020.hu…and flourishing city received new public offices, avenues, channels, public lighting, horse carriageways, a subway, green parks and bridges. By the turn of the century it was a genuine rival to Vienna. Dynamic Pest grew into the country's administrative, political, economic, trade and cultural hub.trade cultural, cultural hubforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis1
tabulatura.huOur ensemble was founded in 2000. Our objective is to present and make known in concerts, shows and other cultural events medieval, renaissance and early baroque music and other genres of music in connection with Hungarians, ever played in the territory of the historical Hungary. In our concerts…show cultural, cultural eventmusic, ensemble, instrument, baroque, renaissance1
silver-line.huYou have the chance to see the lights of the monumental Hungarian Parliament shining on the river, floating across the Danube and enjoying fantastic lights even having a romantic atmosphere. This kind of Budapest dinner cruise with dinner is excellent entertainment and cultural program at the same…entertainment cultural, cultural programcruise, dinner, danube, piano, river1
birdbudapest.huBird event boat redefines the concept of Budapest event venues. With its cultural offer and high quality programs Bird is not only one of the event venues anchored on the Danube, but it is also a cultural center. We implement our projects in collaboration with galleries, contemporary festivals and…venue cultural, cultural offer, danube cultural, cultural center, festival culturalevent, boat, wedding, place, people1
luminalearning.huLumina Spark consistently gets us great results! We are a consultancy with many clients operating in a multi-cultural context. Spark speaks to everyone. It’s a highly intelligent tool for both introspection and innovation.multi cultural, cultural contextlumina, learn, solution, event, study1
granoperis.huProviding workers with accommodation in a restful, cultural environment and housing support for those who need itrestful cultural, cultural environmentcurrent, hire, employee, recruitment, previous1
madagaszkar.hu-The primary task of the newly founded Consulate, and thus mine as well, is to develop commercial, economic, cultural, scientific and tourist relations between Madagascar and Hungary and to represent the interests and to act as a counsel for citizens of Madagascar, for any legal person or…economic cultural, cultural scientificmadagascar, honorary, republic, task, country1
ruta.huRUTA is your full-service travel concierge specialized in creating cultural and special interest tours, events and programs in Hungary for the individual traveler, tour groups and the expatriates living in Hungary.concierge cultural, cultural specialtour, event, individual, interest, expatriate1
sztrokaylawoffice.hu…clients in the best possible manner, to limit the misunderstandings and uncertainties arising from the different language, traditional and cultural background they face in Hungary. (since joining the EU and Schengen region, the residency and immigration procedures have undergone rigorous and…traditional cultural, cultural backgroundoffice, law, small, lawyer, template1
peoplefirst.huIn our Accessible Pécs database you will find the accessible locations in Pécs revealed by the expert members of our association, with thorough descriptions and photos. Our members – disabled and able bodied – visit hotels, restaurants, cafés, tourist sights, cultural and sport attractions, shops…sight cultural, cultural sportpeople, association, page, member, public1
egynapavarosban.huIt's entirely up to you: We can start at the CsoPa, a science centre for adults, or at the emerging cultural centre of the city, where we can pass galleries and exhibitions and even go into one or two. Your task in teams will be to find the hidden hints and messages and thereby understand the…adult cultural, cultural centrecity, detail, day, tour, egy1
expanzio.huOur analysis reveals the demographic, educational, financial and socio-cultural risks of educational institutions or districts. Our model connects the various risk factors and gives guidence to local risk managers.socio cultural, cultural riskconsulting, human, learn, educational, development1
kanadistak.huPublications of Members in 2023: Nandori, Rita. “Inuit Nunangat and Cultural Identity: Borders that Unify and Define”, Eger Journal of American Studies 17, pp. 93-106. Publications of Members in 2022: ...nunangat cultural, cultural identitycanada, canadian, study, conference, central1
nagymadar.hu…communities. Our actions seek not only to mitigate climate impacts but also to preserve the fragile yet vital mountain ecosystems that are critical for biodiversity, water resources, and cultural heritage. Explore our site to learn more about how you can get involved in this crucial endeavorresource cultural, cultural heritageclimate, pasture, action, change, visegrad1
cosmos.huWhether it is a 5-person business meeting or a couple of hundred delegates conference, Cosmos is your right partner in organization. We always prefer quality rather than quantity. With its unmistakable beauty, rich cultural life, wide selection of first-class hotels and exceptional venues, and…rich cultural, cultural lifeevent, city, note, great, incentive1
oktogonhaz.huNagymező Street, also called the Broadway of Pest and known for its teeming cultural life, where several theatres and galleries (inter alia: the Budapest Operetta and Musical Theatre , the Radnóti Theatre , the Thália Theatre , the Moulin Rouge , the Mai Manó House, and the Ernst Museum ) are…teeming cultural, cultural lifeoffice, house, parking, area, gallery1
muladharayoga.huUnofficially – passionate wanderer, in love with analyzing human diversity in multiple cultural contexts. I enjoy exploring various social structures of people as much as (re)discovering individual needs, leading to personal contentment.multiple cultural, cultural contextyoga, practice, hour, class, event1
hallercamping.huIn the territory of the camping there is the Cultural Centre of Ferencváros. Varied programs wait for the visitors: theatre productions, minority programs, exhibitons, musical programs, dance school and dance club.camping cultural, cultural centreguest, heart, campsite, dear, quality1
metaelmelet.hu15-18-11-2006 under the auspices of the Institute for Strategic Research, the Hungarian Cultural Foundation and the Third Millennium Foundation an international scientific conference will be held with the title: Unified Theories.hungarian cultural, cultural foundationresearch, homepage, group, institute, strategic1
ohav.hu…from foreign cultures, since there are only a few foreign populations living in Hungary especially in the country. Tourists from different countries visit only a few cities besides Budapest, therefore our children could learn about cultural diversity only in school, or from documentary films on TV.child cultural, cultural diversityfoundation, course, culture, child, nation1
rs-sailing.hu…of not only the Balaton but also Hungary. Since the nineteen sixties masses of tourists, both Hungarians and foreigners, have been visiting the place. Its main assets are the historical and cultural relics related to the monasetry, the unique landscape and the recreational possibilities of Balaton.historical cultural, cultural relicsailing, place, friendly, registration1
szarvaspanzio.hu…admiration - - a a quick quick hit hit with with pure pure mountain mountain levegőnkkel include include the the historical, historical, cultural cultural values, values, the the grape grape and and wine wine prestigious prestigious past past and and present present of of the the awakening,historical cultural, cultural valueguest, introduction, reader, player, guesthouse1
nyitottkor.huDebate-theater about gender expectations. What is allowed as a boy and what is allowed as a girl? What do we expect from each other? What are our gender expectations towards ourselves? Is there anything amongst these imperative in today’s Hungary? How do cultural effects influence sexual…hungary cultural, cultural effectdrama, group, participant, european, education1
edueras.huCraftsmanship professions are covering sectors such as interior design, fashion, cultural heritage preservation, traditional building, and tourism. And the project’s goal is to demonstrate how craftsmanship can contribute to more sustainability and responsible consumption.fashion cultural, cultural heritagetouch, learn, idea, innovative, course1
qvp.huThe independent labels’s exhibition will wait for the audience at the PONTOON cultural and community space near the Chain Bridge on the board of the Hunyadi ship.pontoon cultural, cultural communityquality, release, news, special, record1
hungarianlearn.huQuestions and interesting facts regarding cultural and mentality differences are discussed during or after the lessons, making studying even more interesting !fact cultural, cultural mentalitylanguage, lesson, private, teacher, university1
nexthostel.huThe rooftops, buildings, churches in Buda and Pest with the Danube in betweenThe Hungarian capital’s charm lies in the many cultural influences that affected the city during its long history.charm cultural, cultural influencehostel, apartment, room, book, contract1
kopintalapitvany.hu…attempt to describe them as accurately as possible using the tools of institutional economics. The analysis suggests that it is not only local cultural norms that can foster the emergence of capitalisms imbued with interpersonal relations, but also technological development and subsequent…local cultural, cultural normeconomic, international, literature, country, economy1
lidar-wmt.hu• monitoring and surveying of areas with protected cultural or natural heritage, including the mapping of unwarrantable interferencearea cultural, cultural naturalsurvey, solution, process, landscape, preliminary1
kottairas.huProfessional music notation for bands, choirs, cultural institutes, schools and private persons at an affordable price.choir cultural, cultural instituteintroduction, music, price, quote, choir1
luxuryvillakeszthely.huThe Villa is an ideal choice all year round, as Lake Balaton and its surroundings show a different face in every season. Summer is about going to the beach, autumn is about hiking, winter is about bathing in Hévíz, and spring is about cultural programmes. Here you’ll find something to do in all…spring cultural, cultural programmeluxury, booking, region, place, event1
wip2023.huOur mission is to achieve that the construction and restoration works should not keep the visitors away, but to bring them closer to the buildings and artefacts, and to present the cultural heritage they carry through the stages of their preservation in a unique way.artefacts cultural, cultural heritagemain, page, cart, ticket, visit1
nauticat.huThe city provides the guests seeking relaxation and entertainment with varied cultural programs from April to November.varied cultural, cultural programlake, unique, ground, marine, boat1
skorean.huSpiro-Human Ltd. was established in 2011 with the purpose of supporting and encouraging cultural and business relations between South Korea and Europe.purpose cultural, cultural businesskorean, estate, interpretation, translation, consulting1
independenttheater.huWe aim at creating pieces of art that reflect on social challenges. We educate and support underprivileged young people so that they can become successful professionals and active citizens. Besides, we initiate cultural, educational and economic integration. To realise our mission, we are working…citizen cultural, cultural educational, european cultural, cultural foundation, romanian culturaltheater, independent, festival, mission, people1
god.hu…of the 19th century). In the end of the 19th century it functioned as a racehorse stable. It has got its name from the world most successful horse, Kincsem. The building is ruinous, empty and it’s under local protection. In the longer view of the municipal it would be used for cultural purpose.municipal cultural, cultural purposelocal, place, line, introduction, location1
csaladtudomany.huDeveloping on a scientific and cultural basis, the fundamental value of education for a culture of partnership and family life, which must be legitimized and widely accepted. The topic should be widely taught and researched.scientific cultural, cultural basisfamily, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter1
francianyelvgyerekeknek.hukulturális séta közben az utcán, más környezetben you would like to practise and develop your French language skills during a cultural walk on the street, and meanwhile discover the town you live in with from a new perspective.skill cultural, cultural walkfrench, child, camp, story, drama1
uniqalis.huAs an International Relations Expert, she has worked in business support and development in various intercultural environments. She can advise clients in cultural behavior, especially on protocollary issues. As a certified translator and interpreter, she knows well the power of words in…client cultural, cultural behaviorschedule, appointment, african, international, main1
artishotel.huThe elegant hotel lies in the heart of Szombathely, only a few steps away from the city centre. The historical landmarks, restaurants and cultural locations of the city are only a short walk away as well. The hotel awaits guests with 27 comfortable rooms and a suite.restaurant cultural, cultural locationroom, reservation, price, double, offer1
ionart.huBudapest is one of the most beautiful capital cities in the world. It is home to historical heritage sites, numerous congresses, international events, sport and cultural facilities. An increasing number of tourists visit the city year after year. It has an elegant view, competitive shopping…sport cultural, cultural facilityanimation, cinematic, game, studio, commercial1
allhotelsbudapest.huHotel Annabella - located 50 meters from the shore of Lake Balaton - has 388 rooms, indoor and outdoor swimming pools and private beach. Free time activities and cultural programmes are available for the recreation of the guests. Hungary, 3-star hotels At Lake Balaton, online booking, Danubius…activity cultural, cultural programmeenquiry, deal, package, price, lake1
sznbk1988.huWe offer both board and lodging for our lecturers for the time of the conference as well as participation in the cultural programmes free of charge. Persons accompanying our lecturers are not automatically catered for free of charge. Please, inform us as soon as possible and before 1st June 2024…participation cultural, cultural programmeconference, st., text, biblical, th1
pextent.hu- Interior and Architectural conceptional planning - Permit plans - I-III parts of constructional planning - 3D BIM Cad design - VR and AR presentations - Hospitality, Office, Medical, Cultural projects - Private housing plansmedical cultural, cultural projectextent, thing, architectural, interior, plan1
zsuzsannasimon.hutaboo of discourse and representation around female hair by revisiting the extreme story of Wilgefortis: the fanzine for the exhibition addresses the representational, cultural, physiological and psychological aspects of hirsutism, the phenomenon of increased female body hair growth." Flóra Barkóczirepresentational cultural, cultural physiologicalsingle, picture, beard, sculpture, legend1
mobicity.hu…The first connections were established by German, Swiss and Austrian municipalities in the first decades of the 20th century. The similar cultural background between these towns formed the basis. But already in 1921, the first (or second after 836) agreement linking culturally distant towns…similar cultural, cultural backgroundcity, town, agreement, tour, programme1
naniko.hu…field the company Naniko, which offers the lowest rates. The elegant and cosmopolitan capital of Hungary is full of beautiful architectural and cultural attractions, and exactly for this was named the Paris of the East. Naniko provides its services at key points in the city and you can get the…architectural cultural, cultural attractionrental, availability, airport, price, additional1
apartmanrevesz.huMediterranean downhills, valleys, sinuous rivers, woods, lakes and vineyards make the land amazing. There are lots of natural sights, national monuments, art and cultural programmes and sights.art cultural, cultural programmesight, offer, programme, welcome, discount1
winesoftokaj.huIn 2002 UNESCO inscribed the Tokaj Wine Region Historic Cultural Landscape into the list of World Heritage with the aim of protecting its historic architectural and natural environments.historic cultural, cultural landscapewine, region, event, grape, homepage1
ergofem.huAs a provincialist, the company management supports the anual cultural and sport events in Újkígyós.anual cultural, cultural sportltd, cut, welding, blast, coating1
tiszapartinyaralas.huThe cultural life consist of a school and local history exibition and library,the Retirement Club formed in 2005 which operates very actively.village, like, local, offer, picture1
icomos.huICOMOS Hungary runs its homepage already since many years but with time – due in part to the relative depletion caused by the technical advances in the meantime – this homepage became less and less user-friendly. This renewed homepage – thanks to the support received for this purpose from NKA…national cultural, cultural fundcommittee, event, sub, aim, news1
capacenter.huBy examining borders and demarcations, the exhibition Crossing Lines reveals historical, cultural, and media-related systems of reference. The subject is explored through photographs, especially in terms of distribution and circulation as well as the underlying mechanisms. A special focus is on…historical cultural, cultural mediacenter, photography, exhibition, contemporary, event1
szfe.hu, teaching and the freedom of studying. Together, as citizens of the University, we seek contemporary theatrical and cinematic expressions of this cultural ideal. We believe that in our colourful world, our existence becomes truly visible when we add our own colours and shades to the overall…expression cultural, cultural idealinternational, institute, art, student, institution1
silatti.huThe charming small town of West Balaton , more than 750 years old , is full of sights, museums, cultural events and cozy restaurants.museum cultural, cultural eventapartment, room, guest, house, accommodation1
istvs2017.huThe 19th International Conference of the ISTVS will be hosted in Budapest. This city is the Pearl of Danube, the largest and most exciting metropolis in Central-Eastern Europe, the city of cultural diversity, rich history, beautiful architecture, friendly people, thermal waters and wonderful…city cultural, cultural diversityconference, september, international, vehicle, committee1
fiumeiresidence.huIn the heart of the city center, where you can find within walking distance famous restaurants, bars and shopping centers as well as cultural experience in historical Erkel Theatre.center cultural, cultural experienceapartment, build, investment, flat, floor1
eitansguesthouse.hu…couple of days in Budapest. The location is perfect –it is so central as possible,just a walking distance from most important touristic sites,cultural places and places to have fun. Enjoyment is guaranteed when staying with us and use our multilingual staff for tips about what to visit,where andsite cultural, cultural placeguesthouse, room, reservation, location, price1
theartaroundus.huDrechsler Palace on Andrássy Avenue has served in many roles during its rich history of 135 years. Being home to the former Ballet Institute is still one of the most iconic cultural functions we all remember. In collaboration with the Hungarian Dance University, DVM group – the general contractor…iconic cultural, cultural function, artistic cultural, cultural heritagephoto, art, page, exhibition, ballet1
nakedman.huYou are welcome regardless of your beliefs, age, shape, style or cultural background. Through fire-lit men’s circles, physical embodiment exercises, ritual combat, personal and group processes we will create a bond of acceptance and mutual support rarely felt. As a group we will enjoy great food…style cultural, cultural backgroundman, title, site, facilitator, kingdom1
hoteladalbert.hu• Our beautiful Hotels are located within a short walking distance from the Basilica and other great variety of Esztergom’s cultural heritageesztergom cultural, cultural heritageroom, page, offer, main, breakfast1
1956osintezet.huShe worked for the 1956 Institute where she was the editor of several content developments and oral history interviews. Recently she is librarian of the local cultural center in Szigetmonostor.local cultural, cultural centerinstitute, foundation, history, research, historian1
operettissima.hu…spinto) roles. He has taken the stages in major concert halls and theatres in 22 countries of the world. Meanwhile, he managed to develop stable and long term business relationships with number of cultural organizations, theaters, concert halls and television companies in Europe, Asia and the US.number cultural, cultural organizationoperetta, concert, theatre, ticket, news1
aacm.huThe first stakeholder meeting was organized by AACM Central Europe on November 28, 2019. The event involved the key representatives of the City of Hódmezővásárhely. Hódmezővásárhely is the second largest city in Csongrád County and nowadays it is a major economic, cultural and artistic centre of…economic cultural, cultural artisticeurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
csernitzkylaura.huMy focus then expanded to the captivating realm of childbirth, prompting me to train as a doula in both Hungary and the Netherlands. This journey allowed me to immerse myself in various customs and cultural differences surrounding childbirth. Now, as a parent of a five-year-old, I intimately…custom cultural, cultural differencejourney, support, forward, unique, passionate1
tradeland.hu…and a polymath who is well versed in local customs and superstitions. As Managing Director and Co-owner of Tradeland Group, Balázs bases his cultural knowledge on his MA in Sinology and Oriental Studies, his communication skills are backed up by a native command of 4 languages, and his economicbalázs cultural, cultural knowledgewater, owner, group, director, manage1
portadora.huare located in the coastal resort area. Pleasant - peaceful environment, green and bird-watching area, which will cater to the needs of those who want to relax, but you can easily reach more vibrant cultural and leisure sites:vibrant cultural, cultural leisureapartment, area, lake, western, south1
tomajor.huThere are many internationally and nationally renowned cultural and natural sights in the area which can enrich your vacation.nationally cultural, cultural naturalguest, house, guesthouse, room, area1
gokarthotel.huExplore the „hirös” (meaning famous) city and take a rest in one of our modern rooms! Besides the cultural sights, an excellent recreation is also guaranteed.room cultural, cultural sightroom, event, family, restaurant, weekend1
xpl.huMany countries' foreign affairs ministries, especially outside Europe, lack the resources and local knowledge to maintain an effective presence in every EU Member States. We help our foreign government clients to enhance their diplomatic, political, economic, and cultural engagement by…economic cultural, cultural engagementclient, political, public, risk, government1
urbanverbunk.huThe Hauser X Urban Verbunk country image building video was created in the spirit of Hungarian-Croatien cultural diplomacy, in which our wonderful capital, Budapest, and Hungarian culture are presented.croatien cultural, cultural diplomacyurban, dance, folk, video, water1
dharmacentrum.huRegular programs and topics of our meetings: a trip to the river bank to be grounded and not fly away! Lectures and talks on wisdom of self and world from Vedic tradition to esoteric Christian trends to modern American and Russian masters, as well as topics of Hungarian organic cultural heritage…organic cultural, cultural heritagetradition, spiritual, yoga, community, russian1
primaudit2005.huAmong our other partners there are associations carrying out media and other cultural activitiesmedia cultural, cultural activityclient, activity, area, tax, government1
akvamarinlakopark.huThe public beach is in the immediate vicinity of the residence, but the vibrant center of the capital of Lake Balaton is also just a few-minute walk away. Siófok is the cultural, commercial and tourist center of the lake, where even in the low season countless adventure-oriented leisure activities…siófok cultural, cultural commercialapartment, finder, gallery, sale, area1
goldhotel.huYou can easily and quickly reach most Budapest attractions, business, cultural and entertainment districts.business cultural, cultural entertainmentroom, apartment, conference, accommodation, single1
mobiltribun.huBe it a sport related or a cultural event, we are ready to work you out a construction which fully complies with your requirements.sport cultural, cultural eventstage, bench, stadium, gallery, roofing1
budapestaccommodations.huThe four-star hotel Novotel Budapest Centrum, opened in August 2002, can be found in the downtown of Budapest, with easy access from the cultural and commercial parts of the capital. Indoor garage, 5 air-conditioned meeting rooms, both for businessmen and tourists. ✔️ Hotel Novotel Budapest Centrumaccess cultural, cultural commercialenquiry, price, room, booking, accommodation1
hotsmusic.huHOTS (Hungarian Oncoming Tunes) is the music export brand for supporting and educating Hungarian acts to expand their activities on an international scale. It is amplified by Hangfoglaló, a subdivision of National Cultural Fund in Hungary, coordinated by Petofi Media Group Nonprofit Kft.. HOTS…national cultural, cultural fundmusic, hot, news, sound, festival1
horvathconsulting.huAnalyzing and balancing detected inconsistencies between the cultural possibilities and personal objectives and preferences allows the organization to operate as of its values and objectives.inconsistency cultural, cultural possibilitysale, horvath, consulting, management, development1
sarmany-parsons-ilona.huThe framework for the different studies is the text of my farewell lecture given at the CEU in the autumn of 2015 (Art History in Transition) . In spite of all the changes which my profession has undergone during the last five decades, the chronological and cultural-historical approach seems to me…chronological cultural, cultural historicalhomepage, art, age, generation, text1
oszk.huThe joint temporary exhibition of the NSZL and the Saint Stephen Association offers an insight into the history of one of the most important cultural institutions of Hungarian Catholicism.important cultural, cultural institutionlibrary, collection, document, database, national1
apartmanpallosi.huSárvár is situated in the western part of Hungary. This small town is very rich in cultural, and historical sights. One of Sárvár’s characteristic features is the Nádasdy-castle dating back to the Middle Ages. Its white spire, arching bridge and perpendicular internal court are all unique features…rich cultural, cultural historicalhouse, picture, bed, room, apartment1
teomse.huThe Champion School aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.social cultural, cultural lifestudent, learn, champion, school, activity1
siofok-taxi.huExclusive sightseeing tour in Budapest for groups and families. Exclusive, exceptional 4 - 8 hours tour in Budapest, offering fascinating historical and cultural information of past and authentic aspects of present life in Budapest. - Budapest sightseeing suggested route by taxi or minivan with 6…historical cultural, cultural informationtransfer, lake, airport, driver, vienna1
jurassic2022.hu…that the conference will happen as planned. Beyond the science, we wish that you enjoy your stay in Budapest, a city with a rich architectural heritage and cultural scene - and with a cityscape that may be best enjoyed from the Danube, just as during our river cruise during the conference dinner.heritage cultural, cultural scenecongress, september, august, invitation, limestone1
cacao.huWe offer selected corporate gifts tailor-made to meet any of your company's particular needs - check the links . Chocolate tastings, chocolate dinners and all types of creative, social and cultural events about chocolate are also organised by us.social cultural, cultural eventchocolate, quality, culture, goal, exclusive1
serpakalandpark.hu…directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.economic cultural, cultural socialdata, price, adventure, personal, process1
szentgellertfesztival.huThe tradition-building St. Gellért Festival promises an uplifting artistic, cultural and unique musical experience, and fits naturally into the efforts to make Szeged a festival city.artistic cultural, cultural uniquegallery, archive, september, management, media1
aszu-vendeghaz.huThere are lots of possibilities for sporting and having fun here cycling, playing tennis, horse riding, fishing, hunting, playing golf (in one of the most beautiful golf-courses in Europe) taking part therewith in various cultural events in the summer time or visiting the countryside (Sopron, the…therewith cultural, cultural eventguesthouse, tour, wine, bicycle, action1
design-jegygyuru.hu…Barabás villa, private flats), I designed give-aways for firms (Fornax Ltd.) and awards (Credit Swiss: „The man of the year”). Ihave been workingfor NKÖM (Ministry of National Cultural Heritage) for several years . I designed and made representation boards, magazine holders,inscriptions for them.national cultural, cultural heritagewedding, view, quick, engagement, jewelry1
nimfea.hu…is a cooperating partner of a three-year GEF-funded project aiming to promote the revival of traditional floodplain farming practices in the Tisza watershed – actually the Hungarian Great Plain. The project puts a special emphasis of community needs and local natural and cultural conditions.natural cultural, cultural conditionnature, association, conservation, center, environmental1
mta-tkk.hu“I consistently fought for the recognition of Sign Language as a real and independent language. In my work, I emphasised the cultural importance of Deafness, highlighting our belonging to a language minority, rather than the disability aspects pertaining to deafness. It was a struggle, but I…work cultural, cultural importancelanguage, news, research, deaf, chance1
baka.huPOEMS by István Baka. Translated by Peter Zollman. = Europian Cultural Review - Bookshelf.european cultural, cultural review, europian culturalimage, prize, poem, istvan, hometown1
rozsacsarda.huVienna is expecting you with a rich art and cultural offer. St. Stephen’s Cathedral (Stephansdom), Belvedere, the Hofburg Palace, and the Ringstraße, which is a 4.5 Km long circular road, where gorgeous old buildings can be found, among others the Vienna State Opera (Staatsoper) and the Austrian…art cultural, cultural offerbooking, food, restaurant, room, caravan1
telos.huPleiadians as a collective have now also accepted exact protocols for interaction with surface Lightworkers to avoid cultural misunderstandings that can occur between loving and sensual Pleiadian race and often distrustful and traumatized surface population:lightworkers cultural, cultural misunderstandingupdate, situation, force, light, surface1
refkossuthter.hu…a peculiar form characterized by seclusion, partly compelled by external factors. While in the 30’s and 40’s the congregation was a noteworthy cultural factor in town, with plenty of local, regional and countrywide events of importance held in the church’s basement (equipped with a stage and withnoteworthy cultural, cultural factorcongregation, god, church, jesus, family1
visitvac.huEnjoy the city's vibrant cultural life, special museums, theatrical performances and musical offerings.vibrant cultural, cultural lifeevent, day, lover, orchestra, concert1
concerteurope.huTalvin Singh was born in London in the early 1970s; as a young boy he was inspired to play Tabla on his grandmothers knees upon hearing the great Masters on the TV or early recordings. His dual oeuvre, a vibrant and multi cultural city and the sacred heritage of Indian classical & folk music…multi cultural, cultural citydetail, concert, europe, performer, dub1
benczurconsulting.huWe support our clients in project generation and partner search related to the promotion of international cultural activitiesinternational cultural, cultural activityconsulting, communication, client, international, page1
realidaconsult.huCultural differences, diverse working styles and business priorities may make maintaining contact and doing business with foreign partners a challenge on a daily basis.consult, management, issue, situation, process1
bayerconstruct.huA building belonging to the world cultural heritage will be born again in the popular boulevard of Budapest, Andrássy út, specifically in the immediate vicinity of Oktogon developed and constructed by the Group. 10 new premium-quality flats will be developed in the frame of this value conserving…world cultural, cultural heritagedetail, construction, property, group, development1
minibud.hu…and a chimney cake from Molnár’s, all free of charge. In addition, you can see over 100 discount attractions, landmarks, baths and pieces of cultural heritage, as well as experience eventful programs and Hungarian cuisine. Lots of other new discounts are available now, only for holders of the…piece cultural, cultural heritageairport, shuttle, transfer, card, hour1
wanderlustbook.huI studied in Aarhus, Denmark on a scholarship and has lived in Amsterdam, Budapest, Moscow and Dubai. In the Netherlands I worked for Excerpta Medica Medical Communications and for cultural organisations such as the Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University and the Moving Academy for Performing Arts.communication cultural, cultural organisationbook, zone, trip, outside, review1
dunaparton.huIn a quiet village of Leanyfalu near to the historic town of Szentendre and at the foot of the national park 'Pilis' newly renovated apartments are available for rent on the bank of the Danube. It is a perfect location either for a quiet or for an active holiday. Szentendre offers plenty of…plenty cultural, cultural programmegallery, apartment, house, accessible, bicycle1
biztonsagosvaltozas.hu…companies as well as SMEs and non-profit organizations, from a headcount of 3 to 1800. I have seen and worked with the most typical challenges of managers, leaders, project managers and experts. I have also supported structural and cultural changes of teams, organizational units and organizations.structural cultural, cultural changeorganization, development, process, group, goal1
bitandpixel.huThe venue’s professional programme of events, presented in a post-industrial space, is based on a unified, yet diverse approach. Experimental and audience-friendly at the same time, and inspired by new innovations as well as cultural heritage, it provides a space for the presentation of work by…innovation cultural, cultural heritagebit, development, software, management, consultancy1
argeomentum.huRecreation, cultural values tied to the environment, habitats that provide essential nutrients and opportunities for food production – that is, those environmental streams that provide us with ‘ecosystem services’ – underpin human well-being and our qualities of life. Our research engages with the…recreation cultural, cultural valueresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation1
startturist.hucultural programs (museums, exhibitions, opera, theatres etc.), visiting festivals, sport eventsstart, tour, water, bend, danube1
echosummeracademy.huThe Károlyi kastély in Fehérvárcsurgó, which is a place for several different kind of cultural events is also where we organise the Echo Summer Academy - with the artisitic guidance of Balázs Fülei - between the 14 th and 21 th of July, 2024 . You can relax here after a stressful year; there are…kind cultural, cultural eventacademy, summer, concert, music, main1
hologramhungary.huThere are hologram security labels which are so called „general pattern” labels, which have some standard text on the label, like „Original”, „Authentication”, „Valid” or „Genuine”. These labels can be ordered from our site directly here. They are usually used on single occasion events like local…local cultural, cultural sportlabel, security, customer, printing, material1
afshin.hu…that everything that she thought she knew about herself was a lie. Her average American life with its loving supportive parents, her Irish cultural roots, her ambitions as a journalist all begin to come into question. Grace begins to suspect that there is more to her story and her parents…irish cultural, cultural rootsurgeon, plastic, heart, introduction, order1
davrt.huThrough our subsidiary companies we work in numerous European countries, and have much experience when it comes to handling cultural differences and suiting the environmental needs.experience cultural, cultural differencesteel, construction, quality, introduction, goal1
apt4you.huSziget is not just about music, as it offers several other cultural programs, like theatre, circus, or exhibitions. This is the only big festival where you will find a Roma tent and even a gay-lesbian venue. And we shouldn’t forget about the fact that the festival is in the middle of Budapest, a…music cultural, cultural program, lively cultural, cultural sceneairport, festival, transfer, image, close1
gyulaipiheno.huThe famous Gyula Castle and Gyula Thermal Bath, offering numerous recreational, swimming, and cultural opportunities, are just a 6-minute walk from our apartment.swimming cultural, cultural opportunityapartment, offer, room, castle, close1
capoeiraafroritmo.hu…In that stage, your necessities and your responsibilities as a capoeirista are enhanced and multiplied. You cannot forget your obligation as a cultural educator, that is one of the fundamental issues that can never be left behind. From here on, you seek for something much greater. You always try…obligation cultural, cultural educatorstage, belt, group, student, white1
kophaza.huFor the mayor of the village, Ferenc Grubits, are the cultural development and the tourism very important. The environmental protection is very significant. The sister town of the village is a small country town, Kiseljak. Kiseljak is in Bosnia-Hercegovina. A lot of people speak there the language…grubits cultural, cultural developmentvillage, country, important, chapel, welcome1
balatonoszodstrand.huAlthough cultural programs are mainly aimed at the local community, there are also a numberchange, default, village, wide, beach1
leannet.huDevOps is a set of practices intended to reduce the time between committing a change to a software and the change being placed into the production system, while ensuring high quality. On the other hand, DevOps is more a cultural and professional shift rather than technological tooling. Current…devops cultural, cultural professionalcloud, native, application, microservice, guide1
cultroute.huHotel Castello’s conference room hosted the opening event of the program called Cultural thematic route formation (CULTROUTE) which is being realized by Beremend and Petlovac Townships.program cultural, cultural thematicnews, detail, border, open, route1
sarosianita.huAnita Sarosi has also garnered acclaim through prestigious exhibitions and collections. Her notable solo exhibitions, such as in the Studio Gallery, the C3 Gallery at the Cultural and Communication Center , and the Trafo Gallery, House of Contemporary Arts presented her artistic expressions in…gallery cultural, cultural communicationart, light, artist, visual, media1
immowest.huIn all these areas we consider ourselves as a partner at your side, and offer individual services with remarkable attention and reliability. We strive to integrate the high quality and standard that we offer into the strategic objectives and cultural background of our client.objective cultural, cultural backgroundreal, estate, consultancy, international, trade1
thestoryscope.huThe ultimate goal is to give another context to our world heritage and cultural values besides simple guided tours and guidebooks.heritage cultural, cultural valuedevice, history, event, eng, repair1
markrottweilerklub-hungary.huPersonal data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“concerned”); a natural person may be identified, directly or indirectly, based on one or more factors relating to the physical, physiological, genetic, intellectual, economic, cultural or social identity of…economic cultural, cultural socialdata, controller, personal, protection, person1
guideinfo.huHave you visited the newest sights of Pécs: Kodály Centre, Zsolnay Cultural Quarter with the Gyugyi exhibition, the new squares of Pécs?zsolnay cultural, cultural quartertour, guide, page, main, cellar1
balatongitar.hu…Aschaffenburg Guitar Competition. In their own repertoire the Trio pays especial attention to the involvement of Hungarian classical music, as well as the safeguarding of cultural traditions. At the concert they will play the works of Hungarian composers from the Renaissance to contemporary pieces.safeguard cultural, cultural traditionguitar, international, music, prize, concert1
pretinter.huhelps you discover the architectural and cultural richness, hidden treasures and urban legends of Budapest;architectural cultural, cultural richnessinterpretation, translation, language, tour, french1
nyiregyhaza.info.huAccommodations downtown If you stay downtown, you’ll be within reaching distance from museums, our cultural heritage and our renovated main square. Looking for accommodation downtown?museum cultural, cultural heritageaccommodation, website, official, tourist, bath1
twinkl.huBusy Bags Treasure Baskets Schema Resources Sensory Play Theme and Topics Everyday Life Fantasy and Adventure Festivals and Cultural Celebrations Placesfestival cultural, cultural celebrationresource, teach, assessment, plan, math1
diamondresidence.huWhen booking on the accommodation portals, it is also important – for our prospective guests – that all the necessary information on the profile should be indicated, which gives an accurate picture of the accommodation, dining possibilities, entertainment, and cultural facilities in the area.entertainment cultural, cultural facilityguest, accommodation, apartment, package, booking1
gyuttmentfesztival.huWe support the initiatives for locals’ well-being and involve the local communities into the preparations of the gathering, so that they can make some extra income. In formulating the program, we also aim that you meet the locals, local traditions, culture and cultural heritage.culture cultural, cultural heritagegather, community, countryside, network, day1
viplimuzin.huThis settlement is the cultural and historical city of France. This is the place where chauffeur-driven vehicles became widespread in the 1700s.settlement cultural, cultural historicallimousine, rental, airport, transfer, city1
aectutor.huParticipating in an online English course was truly enjoyable. The convenience of learning from the comfort of my home, coupled with the interactive and engaging content, made the experience outstanding. The diverse community of fellow learners from around the world added a unique cultural…unique cultural, cultural perspectivecourse, language, class, student, skill1
twcs.hu…teachers, marketing and tourism professionals and university and college students to discuss the future of wine production, conservation of the cultural heritage of wine, wine tourism, and all levels of wine education. The Congress will be arranged in the World Heritage Wine Region of Tokaj at theconservation cultural, cultural heritagecongress, wine, venue, session, registration1
centrehotelsbudapest.huThe 3-star Hotel Ibis budapest Centrum*** can be found on the Pest side of Budapest, just 5 minutes walk from the business and cultural centre of the city, with in-house garage. Excellent for businessmen and tourists. ✔️ Hotel Ibis Budapest Centrumbusiness cultural, cultural centrecentre, enquiry, city, price, booking1
stipendiumhungaricum.huYou can live and study in a country steeped in history, with a booming economy and vibrant cultural life, where innovation meets tradition.vibrant cultural, cultural lifestipendium, study, programme, scholarship, finder1
villaprestige.huHévíz has as unique attractions as wellness services, therapies based on hundred years of tradition and experience, many of significant sights, wonderful hiking routes, cultural programs and events.route cultural, cultural programapartment, person, amenities, bathroom, television1
magyarlatnivalok.huDiscover the cultural, historical and travel offers of Hungary. You can call the institution directly from our app or plan your trip using its features. You can search for specific keywords or towns and select the categories you are interested in. The app can display every sight around your…sight, feature, app, search, map1
hegyaljagyongyszeme.huThe Hegyalja Gyöngyszeme Pension is found at Rátka, a small ethnic german swabian village in the Tokaj Historical Wine Region Cultural Landscape, Hungary. The small village lying in a picturesque environment is the most important ethnic settlement of the wine region where the first swabian…region cultural, cultural landscapepension, site, warm, welcome, wine1
hunyady.huSomogy County has a rich cultural heritage. A large number of museums and galleries can be found here. Many of these were the homes of famous Hungarian painters such as Rippl Rónai, Vaszary, Zichy and Kúnffy, or poets such as Berzsenyi.rich cultural, cultural heritagebarn, bathroom, house, bedroom, wine1
kepeskronikak.huWith our highly experiences creative and marketing team, we organize art-themed events and exhibitions. Past years we assisted local governments, museums, comics book association in the organization of their events, like International Historical Comics Festival, Art exhibitions in the Hungarian…hungarian cultural, cultural institutebook, event, creative, exhibition, art1
kisgabipszichologus.hu…Therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy. She is offering professional, trained and confidential consulting services, counseling and psychotherapy both in English and in Hungarian for issues involving relationships, marriage, family, work, carrier, stress related problems, cross cultural situations.cross cultural, cultural situationcounseling, psychotherapy, therapy, relationship, group1
natiandaaronwedding.huNot only do we have family and friends living here, but it is also a beautiful country of lakes and hills, with a fascinating history, rich cultural heritage and stunning architecture, set amid majestic cities like Budapest. Furthermore, it is also a nation well known for its culinary delights…rich cultural, cultural heritagewedding, day, weekend, special, planner1
zalkacsenge.hu2013 . I begin my PhD studies in the American Culture Studies program at Bowling Green State University, OH. I am researching role-playing games, digital narratives, and storytelling. I teach Cultural Pluralism in the USA.storytelling cultural, cultural pluralismstorytelling, lobby, fairy, international, performance1
cinemafilm.huThe profile of CINEMA-FILM Ltd. is preparing, organising and making films, television films, live broadcasts, short films (documentary, popular-scientific, educational) and cultural events.educational cultural, cultural eventdocumentary, television, short, feature, line1
cziffrafesztival.hu…but concerts will also be held in New York, London, Vienna, Prague, Stuttgart and Oradea. A series of Hungarian and international partner organisations are behind the Cziffra Festival, and numerous cultural institutions have taken their share in the noble mission representing Cziffra’s legacy.numerous cultural, cultural institutionfestival, event, performer, art, calendar1
zsonglor.hu…all initiatives about juggling as a circus art, sport or hobby/ free time activity. In its projects, the members of the association use the creativity, joyfullness, and challenge of juggling combined with a strong educational approach, in this way completing cultural, educative and civil missions.way cultural, cultural educativecircus, association, international, juggle, activity1
apartmancenter.huThis accommodation is the most appropriate for each guest as you can find everything around you what you need on a holiday, like shopping, wellness and entertainment and cultural spectaculars.entertainment cultural, cultural spectacularcenter, website, apartment, page, main1
maround.hu…has partners from different sectors and training areas. M-Around is also dedicated to supporting local communities to create an integrated and supportive social, cultural and business environment, to keep the values of rural areas, and be a motivating, inspiring and predictable place to live.social cultural, cultural businesseducational, training, background, school, development1
hatvany.huHer first appearance in Paris took place in La Carrousel du Louvre­ where she participated in ‘Art Shopping’, a large group exhibition and art fair in 2016. This event received massive coverage in mainstream Hungarian media resulting in Viktória starring in several television talk shows, cultural…show cultural, cultural radioart, portfolio, school, artist, book1
apartmandiofa.huKeszthely, the capital city of Balaton, provides a large range of entertainment, cultural and sports possibilities. For example: operetta evenings, classical concerts and theater performances, etc… at the Festetics castleentertainment cultural, cultural sportapartment, house, kitchen, room, air1
kozepbekes.hu…5-5000 issues. These brochures are available in Tourinform and Infotour Offices in Békés and Arad counties, in accommodation, tourism providers, cultural centres and in the Körös Valley Visitor Centre. On the website of the Association, in menu ’Publications’ the routes can be downloaded even in…provider cultural, cultural centretourism, brochure, active, tour, result1
zomboryonline.hu…a variety of ways. Our services include massages, guided yoga practice, guided tours, bike hire, dolphin and whale watching, sea kayaking, deep sea fishing, boat trips around the island, motorbike tours, skydiving, SUP tours, surf lessons, cultural and historical tours and even wedding ceremonies.lesson cultural, cultural historicalluxury, activity, island, gastronomy, gallery1
ostertrade.huDedicated to promoting sustainable development, Ostertrade will thus actively contribute to sustainable pastoralism and preservation of bio-cultural community.bio cultural, cultural communitynews, expert, leave, profile, engineering1
elgrecocafe.huWe can host various cultural or fun events, meetings, birthday parties in our exhibition hall and café.el, guesthouse, accomodation, room, apartment1
teatrom.hularger national scope by including urban audiences in rural ambient, and providing high-end cultural performances to Roma audiences,end cultural, cultural performancecommunity, performance, group, art, festival1
froccsterasz.huFröccsterasz is a lovely wine bar and dance bar. Among the outdoor places, we have the largest selection of „fröccs” (spritzer) and street food dishes. For an unforgettable dance night, for warm up drinks or everyday relaxation, a friendly cultural outdoor place, the Fröccsterasz awaits you in the…friendly cultural, cultural outdoorbar, drink, complex, dance, wine1
gloriadent.huOur clinic can be found in Keszthely, in one of the main tourist destinations of Hungary. Keszthely is also called the ‘capital of Lake Balaton’. Its popularity lies not only in its favourable geographical location but in its rich cultural offers as well. Come to us and enjoy the possibilities our…rich cultural, cultural offerdental, surgery, tooth, dentistry, oral1
husse-esse.huFormed in 1993, the Hungarian Society for the Study of English (HUSSE) is the most significant scholarly society in Hungary devoted to the promotion and cultivation of English studies, in its versatile interdisciplinarity, ranging from literature through history to linguistics, from film studies…study cultural, cultural studysociety, study, october, april, february1
opl.hu…and providing business, translation, and interpreting services to Japanese clients in Hungary, Viktória is able to bridge legal, linguistic, and cultural divides to ensure our Japanese clients receive a seamless service to support their Hungarian ventures. Prior to joining OPL, Viktória worked at…linguistic cultural, cultural dividelaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
parkatrium.huLiget Budapest - acknowledged as Europe's Best Futura Mega Project - defines the immediate surroundings of Park Atrium. This overarching park rehabilitation initiative means renewed infrastructure, new cultural institutions, restaurants and cafés, and recreational services within City Park with a…new cultural, cultural institutionatrium, art, office, build, functionality1
bridgesolutions.huI am truly committed to improve the quality of cooperations among people and to facilitate the right changes , as well in your business and in your private life. My heartfelt mission is to support cross-cultural business relationships .cross cultural, cultural businessbridge, change, solution, mediation, true1
diasporascholarship.huThe Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship was established by the Hungarian Government for those who live in a Hungarian diaspora outside of Europe and wish to study at a Hungarian higher education institution to develop their personal, professional and cultural relations to Hungary.professional cultural, cultural relationscholarship, diaspora, application, education, holder1
felvesznek.huThe pilot of the manual, based on the research of the general educational framework, will aim to try the specific pedagogical method, and collect and feedback experiences gained in specific socio-cultural contexts.socio cultural, cultural contexttraining, manual, teacher, school, career1
esnelte.huErasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.opportunity cultural, cultural understandevent, housing, international, map, office1
harmatingatlan.hu…sandwiches and cakes. The family ice cream parlour is a cosy community space with ice cream, coffee and cake specialities, where tourists coming to Veszprém are welcome, because it is important for them to make their stay here memorable for the unique gastronomic and cultural offer of Veszprém.gastronomic cultural, cultural offerhouse, room, century, square, programme1
nagyothallo.info.hu…the nursery and primary school living in either in the capital city or in the country so that they can feel it their second home, and feel safe. We also provide them with an education of proper emotional background, the possibility of afternoon learning, and that of cultural-life and doing sports.learn cultural, cultural lifeschool, special, development, education, hear1
kinoalfa.huKINO ALFA is a Budapest based film production company created in 2019 by film producer and cultural manager Genovéva Petrovits.producer cultural, cultural managertheatre, culture, production, documentary, feature1
mariagyud.huWith previous registration and with the help of our partners, we are happy to assure at any time guided tours in several languages, meditative walks, meals, accomodation, wine tasting or several day long cultural programmes.long cultural, cultural programmestatue, church, pilgrimage, century, chapel1
poluspanzio.huThe Polus Pension is a 15-minute walk from the historic Old Town of Sopron. If you are looking for an active pastime besides cultural activities, the town and its surroundings offer many opportunities.pastime cultural, cultural activitybed, room, guest, house, apartment1
andrassypalota.huCafé houses and restaurants, cultural environment, laundry, fitness and yoga club, grocery stores, pharmacy, hotels are located near the building.restaurant cultural, cultural environmentbuild, floor, building, opportunity, space1
ernstgaleria.huIn 2008 Ernst René Wastl was honored with the Cross of Merit of the Republic of Austria, Gold Class (Goldenes Verdienstzeichen der Republik Österreich) by the Federal President of Austria Dr. Heinz Fischer. The honor was given for his work in strengthening cultural relations between the Republics…work cultural, cultural relationgallery, art, painting, poster, antique1
robinson.huWe provide a large choice of tourist services: sightseeing tours, walking tours, river cruises, cultural events, car rental, flight tickets.cruise cultural, cultural eventtravel, tour, image, sightseeing, river1
etnoshop.huIn our webshop you can find a wide selection of books on ethnography and cultural anthropology. It can be an ideal gift for lovers of cultural themes.ethnography cultural, cultural anthropology, lover cultural, cultural themepublication, data, storage, entertainment, fashion1
konradhaz.huWhile the House Konrad attempts to create the atmosphere of a long forgotten world showcasing the architectural and cultural heritage of the ethnic Germans in Baranya county, the house is also a living entity as the rooms, the equipment are all operational. Strolling along the several living…architectural cultural, cultural heritagehouse, museum, welcome, introduction, open1
kalmardavid.huI offer simultaneous, consecutive, and “whisper” interpretation between English and Hungarian at business, cultural, scientific, and other events, training courses, and expos. I offer English, Italian, and Hungarian interpretation in industrial environments, e.g. between experts who install or…business cultural, cultural scientifictranslator, interpreter, interpret, translation, italian1
gyorhotelsbooking.huGyor city is residence of Gyor-Moson-Sopron county, the region's trading and cultural centre, which is located by motorway M1 between Budapest and Vienna. The region's natural landscapes, historical monuments and the wide range of colourful programs attract lots of visitors. Another tourist spot…trading cultural, cultural centregyor, price, enquiry, booking, reservation1
modiano.huThe restoration of its historic facades is a tribute to its cultural legacy, while the newly constructed sections embody the quintessential Art Deco style, infused with subtle contemporary elements.tribute cultural, cultural legacyoffice, build, gallery, efficiency1
charitybridge.huBesides our mission is evangelization. Formulation and regeneration of cultural values based on real needs and not manipulated by the media.regeneration cultural, cultural valuechild, donation, bridge, progress, edit1
arenabusinesscampus.hu…to enjoy the advantages of modern offices in a neighborhood which is more sustainable and more fun to work and live in. Our aim is to generate a cultural, economic and social upgrade, and deliver appropriate answers to the complex, ever changing needs of urban professionals looking for offices in aaim cultural, cultural economicoffice, space, location, green, gallery1
campingbudapest.huYour Budapest holidays will be a rich cultural experience - just don't forget to relax as well!rich cultural, cultural experiencecenter, station, near, city, minute1
papprekakinga.huWell-intentioned appeals from the collective West to encourage cultural dialogue between victim and aggressor reflect existing power structures. Reconciliation cannot be imposed from outside,...west cultural, cultural dialoguetalk, special, treatment, casual, ancient1
pemszti.huI was born in Szeged, in the summer of 1974. I have been living here since then with my two daughters. I graduated from high school in graphic specialty in the Vocational School of Arts in Szeged then, in 1998 I graduated as a drawing and cultural management teacher.draw cultural, cultural managementchild, exhibition, book, tender, daughter1
gardenworks.huOur plans and designs are tailored to the needs of our clients and provide timeless and long lasting solutions. During environmental planning we seek to serve the needs of our users and clients first of all and we strive to use the latest technology and engineering expertise in creating aesthetic…aesthetic cultural, cultural valuegarden, page, landscape, studio, stadium1
fantasyexpo.huInformation for those who visit us the first time: The easiest way to find us is, if you go to Nagyvárad Tér and take the tram 24 to Balázs Béla street, where the Ferencvárosi Művelődési Központ (Ferencváros’s Cultural Central) is located.ferencváros cultural, cultural centralticket, stage, performance, category, application1
menedek.huWe believe that the adopted bill does not effectively define the basic framework of migration (the entry and stay of foreigners), regarding the economic and cultural interests of Hungary and Hungarian citizens.economic cultural, cultural interestsocial, volunteer, child, school, community1
she4she.huWe help women learn about their rights and stand for equality. We cooperate with other women’s organizations to support the cultural and social integration of migrant women across the European Union.organization cultural, cultural socialwoman, community, art, committed, need1
budapest-apartment.huMake your resetvation at Budapest Bercsenyi Aparment and discover the cultural lifestyle of Bartok Boulevard, next to the Gellert Thermal Bath and the Danube!aparment cultural, cultural lifestyleapartment, upload, person, download, booking1
koppanyvendeghaz.huThanks to the varied cultural and gastronomic programmes in the area, you will certainly not get bored!varied cultural, cultural gastronomicguest, house, lake, street, gallery1
avenuehostel.huWe will help you to plan your time in Budapest. We give you free maps, share our insider knowledge of the city and offer you the best cultural and party programs.good cultural, cultural partyroom, hostel, avenue, common, area1
arttrend.huThe villa is located 100 metres from Tihany Abbey as the crow flies, yet it is in a quiet and natural location. The surrounding area is beautiful and the best of Tihany’s cultural attractions are within walking distance. Walk to the Abbey and the Old Village…tihany cultural, cultural attractionart, luxury, house, programme, price1
musik-land.huThe goal of our travel agency is to show our guests the beauty of our country and what it has to offer through music, but also to enjoy cultural experiences, perform, sing, dance, and so on. Most importantly for our guests, however, is that we organize their trip from beginning to end while they…music cultural, cultural experiencereference, programme, video, offer, photo1
horizont-trening.huWe help companies to create strategy, develop the organization and succeed in cultural change. Our activity includes development-enhancement of fundamentally well-operating companies as well as overall changes -requiring completely new attitude.organization cultural, cultural changedevelopment, adventure, training, organizational, organization1
goldhaus.co.huBalatonfüred is one of the most beautiful and prestigious resorts on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, offering a variety of attractions, cultural and gastronomic experiences, as well as a diverse programme of events throughout the year. Its most famous natural asset is the acidulous mineral…attraction cultural, cultural gastronomicroom, conference, gallery, price, offer1
nemzetiregiszter.huThe Cultural Association of Hungarians in Transcarpathia (KMKSZ) and the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Ukraine (UMDSZ) issued a joint statement, declaring that the new Ukrainian language law is discriminative.hungarians, minister, community, national, school1
oregpres.huOur banquet-halls named "Wekerle" and "Kiskakas" (Little Rooster) ensure the necessary technical background for organising events, conferences, meetings , lectures, performances and other family and cultural occasions and programmes .family cultural, cultural occasionrestaurant, family, offer, event, conference1
littlelearners.hu๐ŸŒ Bilingual Brilliance: Dive into a world where bilingual education is not just a goal but a vibrant reality. Explore resources, games, and activities tailored for children aged 3-7, designed to enhance language skills and cultural understanding.skill cultural, cultural understandlittle, learner, education, learn, bilingual1
kiraly24.huThe area is busy and full of life. Popular cultural opportunities for locals and tourists alike, as well as many historical monuments are within easy reach. The constantly bubbling and evolving VI. district is currently one of the most popular parts of the capital among those seeking favorable…popular cultural, cultural opportunityapartment, detail, city, location, terrace1
bbart.hu…by the ministry of culture, later on the Hungarian Academy of Arts . By our foundation and by the financial assistance of the HAA and the National Cultural Fund, Budapest became an associate member of the RANN ( Réseau Art Nouveau Network, Brussels ) , and we participated, lectured in its meetings.national cultural, cultural fundart, foundation, century, university, early1
makoldiszobor.hu2008 – Sculpture “Kereszt-úr” (“The Cross Lord”) in the Cultural Centre of Bodrogkeresztúrlord cultural, cultural centrebronze, sculpture, award, relief, school1
mellearn.huUniversity of Pannonia, Veszprém – 6th Hungarian National and International Lifelong Learning Conference: „The Role of the Hungarian Higher Education in Achieving the Knowledge Triangle (Education-Research-Innovation). The Europe 2020 and the Education-Training 2020 Strategies” In the cultural and…strategy cultural, cultural economiclearn, education, lifelong, international, university1
hotelgerardus.huIn the South Great Hungarian Plain, a unique, modern, 21st-century cultural, leisure, and sports center serves as a worthy venue for hosting various events.century cultural, cultural leisureroom, gastronomy, rental, offer, event1
boroczkycsaladok.huEven at the present time still quite a few Böröczky families live in the old nest in Tevel and Pápa, and in other cities of the Carpathian Basin, or even further away in Western Europe, and overseas in America and Australia. Most of them consciously maintain their roots of origin, their cultural…origin cultural, cultural heritagefamily, branch, county, descendant, origin1
bmc.huBMC is an ideal venue for cultural and business events with flexible spaces, state-of-the-art technical services, and hot and cold catering.venue cultural, cultural businessmusic, center, news, open, complexity1
bluedanubefilmfestival.huThe Official Selection will be screened in art cinemas and cultural centers. The films will be screened with English subtitles.cinema cultural, cultural centerfestival, short, danube, official, selection1
reflife.huThe ibis Styles Budapest City is a stylish and modern hotel located in the heart of Budapest. The hotel's central location makes it easy to explore the city's many attractions, including historic landmarks and cultural hotspots.landmark cultural, cultural hotspotice, camp, hockey, summer, combine1
superresolution.huPécs is a picturesque and lively university city on the southern slopes of the Mecsek mountains in southern Hungary offering rich cultural heritage, great gastronomy, and a region well worth discovering.rich cultural, cultural heritageresolution, symposium, memorial, advanced, microscopy1
divorceinhungary.huOur clients want to divorce in a smart and cultural way , without starting a never-ending court battle and spending a fortune on lawyers.smart cultural, cultural waydivorce, case, international, lawyer, legal1
guidebudapest.huYou have found your guide here if You are especially interested in Hungarian art, architecture, history or politics!If You need a suggestion for accomodation, restaurant, cultural program, concert or general information about the country, I stay at your proposal!restaurant cultural, cultural programguide, tour, sightseeing, city, classical1
harp.huIntercultural training is growing in demand among HaRp’s services, because in today’s globalized business world, it has become essential that employees and managers work with wide cultural perspective as well as utilize multicultural communication skills, and cultural sensitivity at both domestic…wide cultural, cultural perspective, skill cultural, cultural sensitivityharp, training, employee, news, customer1
iks.huThe International Kodály Society is active in 34 countries and has Affiliated National Organizations in 16 countries. The IKS was founded in 1975 in Kecskemét, Hungary to promote the musical, educational and cultural concepts associated with Zoltán Kodály for the benefit of music generally and in…educational cultural, cultural conceptscholarship, music, membership, newsletter, publication1
sundance.huStroligi is a small village / settlement of six houses: one attractive limestone house is still standing and five are ruins, presenting an opportunity to refurbish the one good house and to develop five new buildings; nearby is the picturesque village of Groznjan, a well known cultural centre with…groznjan cultural, cultural centredevelopment, property, view, office, croatia1
biondobike.huOur mission is to make Italian bicycles, and to introduce and nurture Italian culture in Hungary in a broader sense. At Biondo Bike, in addition to speaking Italian well, we are well acquainted with the Italian bicycle manufacturing and cultural traditions, and it is our real mission to make them…manufacture cultural, cultural traditionbike, second, hand, shop, bicycle1
maks.huHGCC activities are aimed at creating an organizational, socio-economic, financial and cultural structure.financial cultural, cultural structurecooperative, crown, goal, activity, legal1
englishschool.huEvery single teacher in our school is a native English speaker. This helps children getting familiar with the perfect pronunciation but teachers also bring in their own unique cultural elements to the classroom.unique cultural, cultural elementschool, teacher, child, language1
gesztenyesapartman.huSome of them: Diósgyőr Castle, Pannonian Sea Museum, Miskolc Animal and Cultural Park, Lillafüred, Miskolc-Tapolca, Bükk National Park.animal cultural, cultural parkapartment, balcony, people, private, booking1
csanyipinceszet.huA multi-cultural event in four small villages in the county of Baranya, Villany Wine region.multi cultural, cultural eventwine, winery, news, event, vineyard1
nextapartments.huThe rooftops, buildings, churches in Buda and Pest with the Danube in betweenThe Hungarian capital’s charm lies in the many cultural influences that affected the city during its long history.charm cultural, cultural influenceapartment, room, margaret, island, brochure1
zsidosagterkepek.huThe fate of Jews and non-Jews in the Carpathian Basin have inextricably entwined through the centuries. Hungarians, Germans, Romanians, Slovaks and other ethnic minorities, Jews and non-Jews, created a multicolored cultural tapestry that was irreversibly torn asunder by the tragedy of the…multicolored cultural, cultural tapestryjew, image, space, face, introduction1
primalingua.huFurthermore, in the framework of our website translation services, we are happy to translate and localize your website in consideration of the given linguistic and cultural specificities.linguistic cultural, cultural specificitytranslation, proofreading, interpret, quality, agency1
mbgroup.huSupport of innovative cultural infrastructure developments for Agora-pole and partner pole citiesinnovative cultural, cultural infrastructurecourse, additional, group, training, management1
rozsa-szallas.huThank you for your interest in our service. We offer accomodations in Balatonfüred since 1991. Feel free to browse our rooms. Online reservation is possible. Explore the most beautiful city near lake Balaton. Besides the spectacular scenery, there are plenty of cultural, historical and…plenty cultural, cultural historicalpage, main, room, sight, reservation1
jennyz.huThe generational gap. The cultural (and sometimes lingual) disconnect. The disparate quality of life and lifestyle. The technological rift. The sacrifice. The heartbreak and unrelenting love.gap cultural, cultural lingualday, february, week, photo, family1
tech-trend.huThe author of these texts, during his journeys, leading a cultural inner dialogue with many greats from the past, whose works celebrated the preceding period, while their previous residence left to take on the spiritual map of the regions or cities. Copyright Zoran Slavić 4 Before you start to…journey cultural, cultural innenterprise, city, age, today, destination1
forumanepmuveszetert.huCentral European Music Square is a regional platform for international music cooperations and events. It was set up to respond to the prevailing situation in the region after the regime change: the infrastructure for cultural connections collapsed, whatever emerged from the ex-Soviet bloc to the…infrastructure cultural, cultural connectionmusic, forum, course, pitch, european1
sensa.hu“I really liked the cultural approach to leadership, discussing related topics, and practical solutions. It was dense but incredibly valuable and progressive.”development, sale, management, training, consulting1
abigelrendezveny.huThe Abigél Event Salon is the perfect choice for organizing corporate and other events, whether it is a business event, conference, educational, cultural, PR or other level occasion.educational cultural, cultural prevent, private, hall, gallery, salon1
danielvaczi.hu…piano is used. The Reticular album is on the boundary of XX. century’s classical and jazz music. The members of the band play extremely free improvisations on top of the foundation which is composed with very strict compositional rules in mind. They are also experimenting with live controlled…hungarian cultural, cultural centremusic, instrumental, concert, playlist, improvisation0
fekete-sereg.huA short summary of the project "MY EARTH", our latest intercontinental cooperation with 6 countriesvázsonykő cultural, cultural dialoguevolunteer, news, opportunity, youth, publication0
bred.hu…In our model, the core element is to get to know the users and their expectations from the space they would use, so that we could optimize the interaction between user and space. Function, ergonomics, and design are the 3 pillars of our method which we examine in our “inside-out” design model.theater cultural, cultural centerspace, solution, office, function, spatial0
whiterabbit.huIn the last few years, Hungary has seen a rise on xenophobic and racist movements. It has reached such high scales in the Hungarian government that the UN Human Rights Chief called the country’s Prime Minister racist, what sparked mixed reactions from Hungarian people. As a brand that stands…solution cultural, cultural contextcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution0
htes.huHT Engineering Services Ltd. is an engineering firm providing full spectrum of complex engineering services within the framework of construction industry.chinese cultural, cultural centerengineering, factory, street, battery, family0
dentsanata.huDental office is located 50 km from Vienna in Sopron (Hungary). Equipped with the most modern equipment. Newest materials producted in Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Japan and the U.S. All kinds of dental services. High quality of work. 5-year guaranty. Affordable prices. Different kinds of…hotel cultural, cultural programpage, main, registration, dental, kind0
cottage.co.huOur ’cottage’ houses, reminiscent of old cellar buildings, are available to our guests with a complete wellness service, surrounded by resistant grape varieties of our organic farm and Granny’s Garden.cottage, house, estate, reservation, gallery0
dussmann.huDussmann Service is a global facility management specialist providing cleaning services, catering, security and technical services in Hungary and in many countries across the world.clean, security, technical, management, industry0
mahayanaegyhaz.huThubten Dhongag Rinpoche was a master, of the Nyingthig Lineage, whose lineage blessings, instructions and accomplishments descended from the great Dzogchen master Paltul Rinpoche of the nineteenth century. His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche, His Holiness Yangthang Rinpoche, and His Holiness Tsetrul…buddhist cultural, cultural activity, cultural heritagebuddhist, activity, human, teaching, great0
regio10.hu…Depolarizations 2023… Register… Details… Organising conferences… Organising virtual and online…cultural eventevent, conference, account, international, detail0
andorkapeter.huSix excerpts will be performed from my Opera, Witch-heritage (Boszorkányvér) in the Klebelsberg Culture Mansion on 17th November evening. The work was nominated as the best Hungarian opera in the final of the Opera-composing Competition announced by the Bartók Plusz Opera Festival in 2017-18. In…klebelsberg cultural, cultural mansionwebsite, music, choir, score, programme0
names.huDomains, domain name registration, servers, web hosting for a low price. Trusted VPS servers, SSL certificates, Plesk licenses.regional culturalprice, china, poland, south, island0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)economic cultural, cultural commentaryprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
expatcenter.huWe provide complete relocation services. Our goal is to make the relocation of foreign colleagues to Hungary simpler, faster, and more affordable.cultural trainingpermit, relocation, card, international, immigration0
dixiejam.huJam session, an exclusive, occasional gathering of jazz musicians, where they play jazz music just for their own fun and enjoyment. It is a typical, traditional way of playing jazz. 'Örömzene' in Hungarian jargon means exactly the same. The short form of the phrase 'jam session' is jam i.e…local cultural, cultural pagesession, official, site, website, century0
sexybuddha.huWe offer specialized development of native media applications with more than 20 years of experience. Our knowledge and deep understanding of the media industry set us apart in designing efficient, high-performance systems tailored to media-centric needs and harnessing our expertise in…local cultural, cultural charactersexy, application, native, software, solution0
zemplenimuzeum.huThe Zemplén Museum has several famous collections. The collection of postcards of nearly 1 million pieces and the ex libris collection of 35,000 pieces are also have international interest.hungariana cultural, cultural heritagemuseum, collection, postcard, exhibition, pedagogy0
datalap.huAbout us… Organisation… References… Art management… Films… Other projects… Contact… Supporters and…promotion cultural, cultural hero, concert cultural, cultural eventfoundation, digital, archive, reference, art0
salisbury.huWe are the first private company in Hungary specialised in archaeological and conservation works. By applying state of the art technologies, we provide services for all phases of archaeological and conservation works all over Europe through our subsidiaries in France, the Netherlands, Germany and…survey, excavation, archaeological, geophysical, technology0
ibs-b.hu“At the end of secondary school, I had no idea what I wanted to become. With the common first year at IBS, I gained some time to think and check out the wide variety of Bachelor’s programmes. Studying at IBS requires constant preparation but it pays off; knowledge is ingrained gradually and exams…european cultural, cultural weekprogramme, management, strategic, student, international0
cziczanoemi.huWelcome to Green Valley International School. We strive to provide highest quality education, bridging your child's success with infrastructure of knowledge and creativity.student cultural, cultural councilrhoncus, laoreet, sit, feugiat, lorem0
helikonfolyoirat.huHelikon 2019… Helikon 2018… Helikon 2017… Helikon…literary cultural, cultural studyliterary, study, issue, review, journal0
rbif.huThe Robert Burns International Foundation’s mission is to help sick and underprivileged children in Hungary and Central Europe through financial aid contributions to medical facilities.cultural exchangechild, burn, foundation, international, sick0
budapestboats.huDrinking sightseeing boat Cruise in the heart of Budapest and enjoy the panoramic view of the World Heritage Site. The programme is a delightful travel experience that starts with a refreshing welcome drink on board. Champagne and soft drinks will be offered for you to choose from. During the…cultural programmecruise, bath, boat, danube, tour0
nyitottakvagyunk.huThe year 2023 marked a pivotal moment in the history of WeAreOpen, as the organization celebrated its 10th anniversary. This milestone not only symbolizes a decade of tireless advocacy but also signifies a transformative shift from a purely activist organization to a comprehensive diversity and…backstage cultural, cultural eventopen, diversity, resource, inclusion, practice0
bajko.hu…2014 August / Esztergom… 2014 September / Budapest… 2015 April / Sárospatak… 2016 October /…russian cultural, cultural centeraugust, september, portfolio, october, april0
streamplan.huStream Plan Engineering Ltd is an engineering SME focusing on the fire protection sector. To satisfy the countinously growing demand Stream Plan was founded in 2020. However the company is operating in the present form since 2020, we have more than 15 years experience in this field. In Hungary…cultural institutionplan, engineering, institution, field, sector0
hiondesign.huHion design was founded in 2014 - aiming mainly at architecture, interior design and visualization. During the last years our services extended, so we deliver solutions from the birth to the realization of the project.industrial cultural, cultural commercialinterior, architecture, engineering, visualization, architectural0
vhstudio.hubuilt… plans… BORDERS… studio… Contact… ERDERLY HOUSE 2023… GRANDMA'S LAND, GRANDFATHER'S THREAD 2022…cultural centrestudio, reconstruction, centre, family, house0
parizstitkai.huWhen in Paris, do as the Parisians do: that is my advice, if you want to get to know the city best. So, let’s hit the park and try out petanque, probably the most French of all sports. Get the ball rolling!cultural columnselect, option, tour, person, hour0
gyoparpanzio.huTags: Accommodation Rimetea Romania|places for tent in Rimetea|Bungalow in Rimetea Alba|Camping Rimetea|Campsite Rimetea| book accommodation Rimeteaprize cultural, cultural heritageaccommodation, campsite, bungalow, price, highlight0
circumstances.huAFRE is a local NGO operating in the Aparhant-Kisvejke region, one of the poorest areas in Hungary, focusing on providing after-school activities for (mostly) Roma children from the surrounding villages.california cultural, cultural institutecircumstances, view, co., creative, client0
culturaldiversity.huOur Foundation is one of the organizations trying to share ideas and information on local initiatives and projects which aim at innovative co-existence and co-operation for sustainable future in a colorful world.foundation cultural, cultural diversitydiversity, foundation, place, happy, aim0
sport-events.huCreating master plans (ground plans, accreditation plans, emergency plans or signage plans for the visitors, etc.),sport cultural, cultural leisureevent, plan, facility, visual, phase0
codebreakers.co.huCodeBreakers takes behavioural economics further and turns the use of cognitive tools, codes and biases into behavioural business applications.cultural awarenessbehavioural, tool, conscious, cognitive, decision0
budapestcollege.huBudapest International College. Read more about our college, our foundation programs and engineering, IT and business programs.hungarian cultural, cultural immersioncollege, university, engineering, foundation, international0
etshungary.huETS Hungary is a privately owned, forward thinking DMC existing from 2003. Through our years of experience, we have become one of the specialists for group and individual tourism. The company provides wide choice of offers all over Hungary whether it is an incentive trip, a team building program…cultural programidea, travel, incentive, build, leisure0
naputasok.huHÓDOSI HELGA… TÁMOGATÁS / SUPPORT… GOETHEANUM – JUNI / AUGUST 2019… PRAGUE FEBRUAR 2019… BASEL NOVEMBER…mom cultural, cultural centerart, international, academy, position, teacher0
aquiloapartmanok.huHave you ever wanted to live on the shore of a lake, look out of your window and watch the sunrise over the water, or rest your eyes on the distant sailboats? You can do all these and more in our lakeside apartments! Lake Balaton has a lot to offer in every season, so book now and make your…sight cultural, cultural highlightapartment, person, lake, meter, shore0
tmtanitas.huTranscendental Meditation in Budapest for expats. Are you living in Budapest and interested about Transcendental Meditation? Book for the next English introductory lecture or make a private appointment without obligation, where you can get more information about it.educational cultural, cultural religiousmeditation, stress, deep, benefit, health0
kistetenyitarsaskor.huour foundation in January each year . and organise Heroes’ Sunday in St Stephen Church in Budatétény in May.historical cultural, cultural value, informative cultural, cultural sportorganisation, society, activity, association, programme0
szigetkozportal.huConnection… Dunakiliti… Mecsér… Activities and nature… Leisure activities… Nature… Family programs…cultural programmeaccomodation, event, programme, nature, activity0
toscaneria.hufor interior designers… Home fragrances… Magazine… Add to cart… Jan 13… Read More… Sep 4… Jun 25… Englishexclusive, cart, gift, decor, magazine0
hajdufolk.huof 207,000 people, lies in the heart of Europe. This is the seat of Hajdú-Bihar county andartistic cultural, cultural valuefolk, ensemble, dance, city, national0
pentolt.huPentolt Ltd. is a specialist company in the field of fire protection and electronic processingfire, institution, centre, vehicle, detection0
gotoveszprem.huThe main activities of the association to explore the current tourist offer of Veszprém and its region, to take stock of the attractions, to map the hospitality, to maintain regular and institutional coordination between the tourism operators, to create and maintain a forum for the flow and…veszprém cultural, cultural centretourism, association, member, több, main0
marthakicsiny.huMartha Kicsiny (*1995) is a British-Hungarian visual artist based in Budapest, Hungary. “Representing the Collective Psyché with Immersive Media” is her topic of artistic research on the Multimedia Artist DLA course at the doctorate school of the Moholy-Nagy Arts University (MOME, Budapest…exhibition, group, art, artist, visual0
borkovics.hu2020 ‘Az anyag és a lélek határán’ – ‘On the border of material and soul ‘ Kiskép Galéria, Budapest, Hungaryhungarian cultural, cultural scienceglass, exhibition, art, international, gallery0
xpatcare.huMoving to Budapest last year was not straightforward, but finding my accommodation turned out to be the easiest part of the process. XpatCare knew exactly what they were doing, from selecting the right place based on my brief to negotiating with landlords on contracts. In my situation, I was…cultural trainingsupport, place, help, landlord, free0
kellerkonyvtar.huAbout Us Our library's denominator Rules Services, rates Program Local history e-Library Journalscultural centrelibrary, history, local, book, journal0
innovators.huThe Innovators Partnership brings together a number of accomplished professionals, who are enthusiastic about innovative solutions to organizational human challenges. We like these challenges and have a proven experience in overcoming them. Thus we have decided to combine our expertise and…innovator, development, people, challenge, management0
properhospitality.huWe are happy to help you in organizing "tailor-made" programs in our majestic capital Budapest and in the beautiful countryside of Hungary or diverse destinations for incentives abroad.cultural visitproper, hospitality, incentive, visit, happy0
stankovicmona.huThe first session is dedicated to getting to know each other. I am curious about your problems and difficulties and will gladly share information about the way I work. After the initial session we can both decide whether we wish to work together and commit to the process.cultural adjustmentdifficulty, session, management, psychological, counseling0
majkiremeteseg.hu…is also the peculiar reverence that the centuries-old walls emanate and impact each visitor. Through the introduction of period interiors, interactive display elements, and the digital exhibition guide (Visual Guide), visitors can gain insight into the monks’ sequestered world, spent in silence.pleasant cultural, cultural experienceexhibition, visitor, history, house, photo0
koktel4u.huDuring the years we worked with various event managers . We are proud to win their appreciation, as we have been nominated for the Best Wedding Band category in 2013 , 2016 and 2022 as part of the Hungarian Wedding Awards .jános cultural, cultural centergallery, wedding, cocktail, mood, music0
photography.huDaniel Horvath advertising photography portfolio and photography technology blog. Reklámfotó portfólió és fotótechnikai blog. In English and in Hungarian.photography, horvath, industrial, portfolio, liquid0
zsolnay.huZsolnay creates handpainted porcelain since 1853. Our luxurious and exclusive porcelain is made in Pécs, Hungary. Discover the unique world of Zsolnay now.zsolnay cultural, cultural quarterporcelain, figure, history, hand, exclusive0
mateshoes.huÜdvözlet a WordPress-ben! Ez az első bejegyzés, amelyet lehet akár… Read more : Helló Világ!title, store, text, industry, dummy0
betekinto.hu…of the institution. Initially, Betekintő was published online, from the autumn of 2020, however, it has also been available in print. The title of the journal expresses its “ars poetica”: it aims to afford a glimpse into the state security files and the workings of the political police…national cultural, cultural fundeditor, security, issue, archive, scientific0
eger2023.huEger aims to secure the title of European Capital of Culture 2023 by showcasing the area from many different aspects as well as the art of filmmaking and light painting.hungarian cultural, cultural capitalculture, capital, news, tender, mail0
pps.hu…in Budapest, it’s my privilege to offer assistance with all your real estate needs. Whether you’re planning to buy, rent, sell, or require management services, I’m here to provide expert guidance and support at every step in this dynamic city. My commitment is to ensure your real estate…budapest cultural, cultural gemproperty, sale, save, estate, real0
cskwiki.huWelcome to Hungary’s unique, freely editable wiki site of communities and community development!operation cultural, cultural institutioncommunity, volunteer, article, category, institution0
kyuhnfaat.huWebsite of the Kyuhn Faat Martial Arts Association. Kung-fu trainings, self defense and Qigong seminars, Kung-fu books and magazinesart cultural, cultural associationassociation, website, martial, art, book0
vindornyalak.hu…and with a lot of touristic attraction around it, like medieval fortresses, castles, thermal bathes, baroque churches and many more. This page describes shortly the history of Vindornyalak and explains the website map, translating page by page. The describtion is for our English speaker visitors.and cultural, cultural eventvillage, page, lake, website, baroque0
lemszi.hu„Életünk rohanás. Gyönyörű helyen élünk, de észre sem vesszük! Kell egy cél, amivel emlékeink tárházát gyarapítjuk, amire vissza tudunk majd emlékezni!cultural celebrationcity, march, ami, event, music0
alkoholfuggoseg.hu…and effective method. For this reason we have found it necessary – as a model experiment – to adapt the institutional methods to supported day care community living conditions, thus providing a so-called near home ambulant rehabilitation system where their recovery program is compatible…leisure cultural, cultural sportaddiction, rehabilitation, group, day, form0
izraelikultura.huThe Hebrew Language Center in Budapest is the only language program in Hungary that is qualified by the world’s first Hebrew University in Jerusalem.israeli cultural, cultural centerevent, center, language, lecturer, sponsor0
varazslatosutazasok.huSpain Grand Spain Madrid 9 Days $3000… Austria, Switzerland Swiss Alps Trip 13 Days $4000… Italy Grand…impression cultural, cultural twistpost, day, italy, meter, snow0
sukoro.huMunicipality… Shared municipal offices of Sukoró… Healthcare… Parishes… Public education… Community…public cultural, cultural institutionassociation, public, office, tradition, football0
ar-game.huIntegrated into the recruitment process, the selection can also be gamified, with a digital competence-measuring game that can be prepared in Hungarian or even in English, which has already been successfully used in Hungary by some pioneering companies. Namely, in such a way that the online…game, application, reality, solution, mobile0
segwaytoursbudapest.hu…driving system that works almost like if it was reading your mind. It is also a perfect solution for people with restricted mobility and with difficulties of walking. The computers, gyroscops and sensors protect anyone from falling without any effort. Segway is the best way for sightseeing!historical cultural, cultural insighttour, historical, hour, castle, special0
barcsibarangolo.huBearing town rank since 1979 and located within the area of Duna-Drava National Park, Barcs is the southern gate to Somogy County and the capital of the Drava river. It is a dynamically developing small town on the Hungarian-Croatian state border, covering an area of 123 km2 and serving as the…cultural sight, zsigmond cultural, cultural centrecentre, mobility, exhibition, interactive, tourism0
kfki.huThe Csillebérc campus is home to two leading research centers and several organizations and enterprises.cultural pagepage, research, enterprise, organization, history0
bankutiandras.hu…as a photo reporter and picture editor. He was Director of Photography between 1995–2015 for an economic weekly, HVG and is currently Editor-in- chief of Digitális Fotó Magazin. His photographs have been published beyond the Hungarian press, in The New York Times, The Guardian and Business Week.national cultural, cultural fundphoto, ballet, people, value, market0
redcrab.huFilm and video production, post-production, animation, online stream, live broadcast, TV show production, graphic design, website and webshop.program cultural, cultural entertainmentproduction, video, animation, movie, graphic0
holokausztmuzeum.huIn partnership with internationally acclaimed historians and world-famous experts of exhibition design and development, we are creating one of Europe's most extraordinary museums of the Holocaust and Jewish historyeducational cultural, cultural centerexhibition, history, house, fate, voice0
preziosa.huDay 1 Budapest-Pécs, afternoon the Zsolnay district. Day 2 Center with dsami and undercroft of ancient Christians, then at afternoon and evening wine tasting and typical dinner in a family wine cellar in Villány. Day 3 return to Budapest.pécs cultural, cultural capitalcity, guide, day, minibus, entrance0
ieas-szeged.huWelcome to the homepage of the Institute of English & American Studies (IEAS) of the University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts.kobb cultural, cultural attachéuniversity, faculty, news, post, study0
bnc.huBetween 25 - 29 Sept, 2023 the Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) and the Institute of Nuclear Techniques of the Budapest University for Technology and Economics (BME) organized a hands-on training school on nuclear data measurement at Research Reactors in Budapest. The event was supported by the H2020…cultural heritageneutron, research, user, application, centre0
bfz.huBFO – Budapest Festival Orchestra – an orchestra under Iván Fischer's direction among the top ten symphonic ensembles of the worlditalian cultural, cultural encounterconcert, orchestra, festival, interview, community0
hunscapes.huGet close to the big river ♦ Take a great escape from the urban jungle ♦ Discover a hidden part of Budapest ♦ Land on a deserted island ♦ See the city from a different perspective ♦ Enjoy a great river recreation!cultural heritageguide, booking, forest, nature, great0
mybudapesttours.huWe offer our local expertise in exclusive, high quality tours and excursions in Budapest and our beautiful countryside.cultural performancetour, day, local, half, quality0
budaventura.huBudaventura is an incoming travel agency and Destination Management Company (DMC) with good reputation and extensive experience in organizing tailor-made group tours and events to Hungary and Central Europe.cultural triptrip, tour, travel, wine, central0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)decline cultural, cultural marxismdocumentary, islam, history, america, article0
ecotours.huWelcome to the original & only registered Ecotours in Hungary &naturalist cultural, cultural guideamerica, booking, tour, photography, wildlife0
csabaovari.hu© This website is Proudly Powered and developed by CsabaOvaribrand cultural, cultural insightdevelopment, software, digital, mobile, solution0
globecenter.hucreate a competitive Hungary-product and are constantly improving it to stay competitive. We are organising hotel accommodations and programs for leisure groups, individual tourists, FIT’s, as well as incentive groups. Together with our domestic partners –hotels,restaurants,transportation companiescultural festivalagency, travel, festival, center, globe0
budapestbynight.huBonusz Electric Music Festival, Budapest 11 November 2016. Venue: Hungexpo Budapest Lineup: Maceo Plex Dave […]jewish cultural, cultural festivalnight, festival, concert, sale, music0
goconcept.hu“In my trainer development work, the encounter, the challenge, as well as the novelty of the experience inspires me – each and every time. In the course of training we learn from each other, with each person investing themselves into the “here and now”. What I can provide in every case is my…training, lab, development, trainer, change0
akademiaklub.hu"We were very pleased with the way the Academy Club handled the organisation of the gala dinner and the way the event was run. Our guests enjoyed themselves and we would like to express our thanks to the Academy Club staff for the successful organisation of the gala dinner."european cultural, cultural foundationacademy, quote, hall, event, rule0
laluz.hu…civil and state events; exhibition opening; in plays, as part of a television production, at an awards ceremony, at a festival, in a museum, and at several international art meetings. The projection creates a new dimension, with light we can create a dazzling fantasy world with shapes and colors.painting cultural, cultural corporate, cultural eventlight, painting, map, projection, visual0
inveris.huIn September, 2015 InVeris Foundation implemented a vocational training project in Burgundy, France, providing a 3 weeks vocational training opportunity to 6 hungarian students from Villány wine region....event cultural, cultural appearancefoundation, news, international, future, region0
mediawavefestival.huWe launched the organization and implementation of Mediawave on a community basis in 2011, more than 10 years ago. Which process has not been implemented in the same rhythm in all our genres. In the musical and other artistic, as well as environmentally conscious attitude, we managed to develop…festival, gather, archive, community, gallery0
hermuz.huThe exhibition spaces of the Herman Ottó Museum and the Miskolc Gallery will be open to the public again from May 20, according to the following opening hours:archaeological cultural, cultural publicaward, museum, exhibition, visitor, public0
incorso.huTechnical management… Design… Project list… About… Contact… MEDICAL REHABILITATION CENTER… MOSDÓS…cultural centerschool, center, centre, architecture, technical0
cserepbeszed.hutold in… Clay… BACK IN THE DAYS OF YORE… Pots and texts… Get the idea…national cultural, cultural fundday, text, idea, quiz, clay0
concentusconsort.huThe CONCENTUS CONSORT name signifies our program: the realization of harmony in music and trough music in people.year cultural, cultural heritagemusic, photo, ensemble, programme, european0
catapult.huDesign thinking brings you fully realized solutions with the help of complex creative scientific methods tailored for your very needs. Our researchers, strategists and creatives use human-centered designs to approach any challenge you face weather it is connected to a product, some service, a…cultural anthropologistcommunication, research, strategy, graphic, method0
firstbus.huTheir appearance, behavior, courtesy, helpfulness were exemplary throughout the journey. We could sit a clean bus every morning and the “forehead” of the bus was cleaned by the drivers every time we left. I have travelled abroad several times, but we have not met such suitable bus drivers yet…bus, order, trip, event, day0
kiskozossegek.hu…– both in rural and urban areas. These small communities can contribute to achieve an environmentally friendly way of living, building strong relationships among people living in the same place, and strengthening the local economy. We believe that we can solve the ecological crisis only if…community, small, programme, local, ecological0
herendheviz.hu…to Tableware… Figurines… Proceed to Figurines… New Coffeecup with saucer 00706000RO-EV-1 HUF 141 500…figure, animal, figurine, porcelain, set0
iec2020.huHome | Eucharistic Congress - IEC2020christianity culturalcongress, video, mission, event, condition0
szederhaz.huIt was a perfect place to relax not only for us, but also for our two dogs. A real home waited for us here in Szederház.cultural programmeslide, guesthouse, house, garden, rate0
intersearch.huIn a prior InterSearch news article, you may have encountered a discussion on the primary value that head hunters bring to organizations commented by the Board of Directors of InterSearch Worldwide.cultural shapeexecutive, diversity, network, worldwide, inclusion0
digithink.huDo you need a business booster? Do you need a partner supporting you with an external point of view? Want to focus on a specific business area? We are supporting Leaders to reach their next level!cultural transformationproblem, complex, easy, solution, digital0
ihbtc.huOur team is professional with a decade of experience between Iran and Hungary Executive Director of the company has done many successful projects between two countries and he has organised many delegations in all fields during the last 10 years.iran, news, gallery, language, academic0
leptek.huThe main focus of the Leptek-Terv Landscape Architecture firm is open space planning but the office engages in architectural projects concerning all areas of landscape architecture.gyárkert cultural, cultural parkarchitecture, landscape, firm, office, space0
barlangmuhely.huWe believe that continuous attention is the key to the demanding nature of a job. We are always present, from the procurement of materials through the workshop to the final on-site smoothing. This guarantees quality.máté cultural, cultural centerquality, present, job, attention, material0
elte.huEötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is the oldest and largest university in Hungary and it is the most popular higher education institution among applicants each year. As the leading research university in Hungary, the name of ELTE means knowledge, opportunities, competition, openness and community…university, student, faculty, mobility, summer0
creativepro.huDrive social media content through live events, leveraging the power of real-time experiences to create shareable and memorable moments.cultural fusioncreative, communication, event, office, brand0
inspirationtravel.huand best out of Hungary . Let it be a city break or a round trip around the countryside, we help you organizing the most exciting programs for your groups. Our offers include not only traditional programs, but also ideas off the beaten track , from a single hotel booking to complex package services.ticket cultural, cultural eventtravel, inspiration, cruise, tour, medical0
aitk.hu…Debrecen, many of them at the beginning of their academic careers at the time. The founding members shared an interest in contemporary, mainly post-structuralist literary theory. At first, the association held meetings at regular intervals where one or two papers written by members were discussed.literature cultural, cultural studyassociation, study, literature, general, member0
romani.huMidi dress from duchesse fabric, without sleeves and round neckline. The unique patterns of the dress are from the Paradise on Earth, Church and Emancipation prints of the “Körforgásban- in circulation: Romani Design exhibition”, with archive photos of the designers’ family members.cultural missionparadise, select, option, dress, exhibition0
geohome.hu…energy production by using GSHP systems. Under average circumstances, we need 3 parts of ground heat and 1 part of electricity to produce 4 parts of heating energy. Currently, this is the most efficient solution among the energy sources that are not subject to licensing and are free to use.educational cultural, cultural institutionenergy, ground, efficient, source, family0
ewald.hu…and Attila Peresztegi. They are also acknowledged as soloists and awarded to prizes at numerous national competitions. In 1998 at their first participation in international competition, the highest-ranked VII. International Brass Competition in Narbonne (France), they were awarded the first prize…hungarian cultural, cultural festival, magic culturalbrass, ensemble, prize, music, record0
mnm.huThe Hungarian National Museum collects, preserves and presents the historical relics of the Carpathian Basin and Hungary since 1802.conference cultural, cultural property, national cultural, cultural fundmuseum, national, virtual, tour, highlight0
tanchaz.huTanchaz Talk is the world’s only English-language program focusing primarily...table, dance, folk, festival, music0
akosbaranya.comAccenture image films 2022… Video Portraits for European Cultural Capitol 2023 2022… AMBEO 360 PROJECT…european cultural, cultural capitolvideo, image, portrait, european, series0
ihbc.huWe are a contact point for Irish businesses interested in setting up in Hungary and for Hungarian businesses wishing to set up in Ireland.event, irish, member, news, circle0
bphm.huThe Budapest Holocaust Museum and Education Center (BHMEC) was founded by private citizens in 2001. BHMEC’s most important goal is to present the history of the Holocaust in Hungary and Europe in an accessible way, to commemorate the victims and to preserve and introduce Hungarian Jewish heritage…cultural portalholocaust, center, education, museum, close0
goldvisanow.huAre you yearning for the freedom and opportunities that Europe offers? Look no further than the Hungarian Gold Visa Program, and let Residence Relocation’s Gold Visa experts be your trusted guide throughout the entire journey.cultural orientation, educational cultural, cultural institutionrelocation, immigration, european, requirements, dream0
bertollnok.hu…content that is in their own mother tongue. We can help you delivering your message of your website, app and other digital content to them by localizing it. Good news: Hungarians are really keen social media users so if your message is delivered in Hungarian then you’re already half-way to succeed.campaign, social, media, post, creative0
melodika.huThree musicians - many instruments - different musical genres mixed together. The trio plays it's own arrangements of well known classical themes, hungarian folk songs and film music crossing limits between different styles with unique instrumentation.marczibányi cultural, cultural center, csili culturalmusic, concert, classical, fusion, instrument0
normafapark.hu…Chairlift… St. Anna’s Chapel… Lóvasút Cultural and Event Centre… Nature walks… The blue circuit…lóvasút cultural, cultural and, cultural eventskiing, quarry, forest, centre, event0
palmus.huThanks to my son , Dr. Lizák Péter for launching my website , spiritual support and practical help , and to Tóth Gábor star hunter for hosting this website .art, website, main, painting, enamel0
konyvlap.hu0,00 € / 0 items 0 Cart… Add to cart… Chess Lyrics by A. F. Mackenzie. 1887-1905. Edited by Alain C…political cultural, cultural magazinecart, book, music, manuscript, rare0
aiesec.huAIESEC is a global platform for young people to develop their leadership potential through international internships and volunteer opportunities. Founded in 1948, AIESEC is a non-governmental, and not-for-profit organization entirely run by youth for youth.cross cultural, cultural understandyouth, leadership, global, goal, internship0
flow.hu…impact I can have on those around me by supporting them on their path to achieving their goals. Among the topics that find me as a consultant, leadership and talent development (self-knowledge, skills development, etc.) stand out, but I am also very attracted by organisation-wide development…development, management, leadership, training, group0
itfr2020.huWe guarantee 5 matches for weekly players and 4 matches for weekend players per category. Format of play will be announced after entry deadline depending on number of players per category.day cultural, cultural excursionchampionship, main, tournament, deadline, navigation0
toursinbudapest.huWine lovers and future wine lovers pay attention! Many many places offer excellent programmes…kid cultural, cultural programmetour, programme, roman, danube, art0
goldenvisa.huFind out how to easily acquire EU residency for 10 years through a comprehensive investment program. The guest investor visa is coming up in 2024!educational cultural, cultural institutionreal, estate, news, investment, immigration0
embersari.huFaulheit (Lazyness), Bipolar project, Wolfsburg Kunstverein, Germany; Ponton Gallery, Budapestzsolnay cultural, cultural quartergallery, art, photography, group, são0
drfazakas.huLawyers are always free to form voluntary associations of their own, apart from any licensing or mandatory membership that may be required by the laws of their jurisdiction.law, lawyer, area, practice, criminal0
furedi-annamaria.hu“In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, women made inroads into various professions, including teaching, journalism, social work, and public health. Nursing was well-established. [37] These advances included the establishment of a Women’s Medical College in Toronto (and in Kingston…nation cultural, cultural tolerancecanada, woman, people, thing, category0
congress.huThe scope of activities our company provides is full-scale organization of national and international professional exhibitions, conferences, symposiums, company displays, factory inauguration ceremonies, workshops and various professional events.cultural programcongress, activity, event, actual, reference0
inconcert.huWe are a concert and event company based in Budapest. We cover all aspects of concert management from promotion to all-round local production.mom cultural, cultural centreevent, concert, hall, ensemble, management0