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241 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: act

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abtl.huArticle 12: (1) Within ninety days after the entry into force of the Act a Committee shall be established, a member of which shall be appointed each by the Government, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the President of the Hungarian Historical Association. The members of the…archive act, act constitutional, new act, act historical, operation actarchive, shall, public, record, document87
budapestcircusfestival.huThe Weiss Junior fliegende group was founded in 2005. They chose their grandfather's surname as the group's name, in gratitude for all the support they received from him and their parents. The group started their career with a combination of board and swing acts. The brothers had a shared dream of…perche act, act de, rope act, act sophisticated, diabolo actcircus, festival, international, artist, prize32
dhotel.huThe concept concept of of a a public public service service obligation obligation is is defined defined in in Section Section 52 52 (53) (53) of of Act Act C C of of 1990 1990 on on Local Local Taxes, Taxes, which which includes, includes, inter inter alia, alia, the the civil civil service…section act, act local, procurement act, act legal, employment actbath, guest, room, relationship, employment16
naih.hu…the processing of personal data relating to him infringes the GDPR, he can submit an application for commencing an administrative procedure for data protection. The application has to meet the substantive requirements prescribed by the Privacy Act and the rules laid down in the Administrative Code.provision act, act cxii, hereinafter act, naih act, act parliamentauthority, data, protection, president, report14
dramaworks.huWelcome to DramaWorks! For over 15 years we have been giving kids and adults a chance to shine on stage and on screen. We offer courses in Acting, Film and Music Theatre. We provide training for all ages, children, teens and adults. We work with native English speaking teachers who are passionate…adult act, act course, private act, act lesson, life actage, theatre, imagination, stage, performance11
actpartner.huACT Partner Stratégia is an expert of Hungarian and EU non-refundable grant application processesgrant, training, application, plan, strategy11
szegediszabadteri.huProductions of Sister Act, Fiddler on the Roof, Romeo and Juliet and Rigoletto will all premiere on Dóm Square in the coming season. The Hunchbank of Notre Dame will also be returning to Szeged’s stage under the stars.sister act, act fiddlerticket, night, thousand, stephen, story10
mindreset.huWe organise acting workshops for beginners, as well as for people with previous acting experience, enhancing cross-cultural communication and exchange. We held drama workshops for school children abroad, and will start with acting classes for children in Budapest this fall. We’re also performing…act workshop, reset act, act budapest, group act, act enthusiastplay, class, drama, theatre, child9
constructionpapers.huNew Act on Public Works Projects Takes Effect II. – Mandatory Terms and Elements of Construction Contractsnew act, act public, radically actconstruction, contract, law, paper, dispute9
mkvk.huThe Forensic Audit Committee was established in 1965, the Society of Hungarian Auditors in 1967. The Association of Hungarian Auditors was founded twenty-one years ago in 1987, and the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors was formed eleven years ago. With Act LV of 1997, the first period of the renewal…chamber act, act force, hungary act, act xviii, section actchamber, member, auditing, sector, place8
marmin.huKeep in in mind, mind, the the early early bird bird catches catches the the worm! worm! Act Act currently currently to to protect protect your your place place and and provide provide your your web web site site the the one-upmanship one-upmanship it it is is entitled entitled to.worm act, act currently, act model, act decaylead, site, visitor, free, website8
borsyugyveditarsulas.huFormed in accordance with Act LXXVIII of 2017 on Attorneys and other relevant professional regulations, the BORSY ASSOCIATION OF LAWYERS is registered by the Debrecen Bar Association. In the framework of the association, the three law firms founded by the participating attorneys provide legal…accordance act, act lxxviii, update act, act employmentattorney, association, accordance, regulation, rule7
mgi-bpo.hu…itself is a non-practising entity and does not provide professional services to clients. Services are provided by the member firms of MGI Worldwide. MGI Worldwide and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions.complaint act, act practice, practice act, act xxv, laundering actclient, news, tax, accounting, office6
szazadveg.huAccording to the Human Rights Watch, for better transparency, campaign spending on online political advertising should be included in campaign finance spending limits, for example. It says that Act XXXVI of 2013 on electoral procedure should be amended in order to ensure that any advertising…framework act, act xxxvi, violation act, act cxii, gdpr actdata, report, protection, political, human6
kliniktv.huKlinikTV is supporting the Hungarian alternative, underground and electronic scene by showcasing their music videos, broadcasting live acts and featuring podcasts.live act, act podcastlive, video, underground, alternative, electronic5
dataprivacy.huThe Hungarian Parliament adopted by 6 July 2015 an amendment ('the Amendment') of the Act No CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information ('the Information Act') that…information act, act amendment, amendment act, act cxiiguidance, data, post, category, privacy4
ora-akcio.huThinking about tying the knot someday? You might want to look into the legal aspects of premarital agreements. This resource breaks down the key provisions of the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. Who knew getting married could involve so much legal stuff? ????secret act, act inside, agreement act, act text, act gettinglegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements4
nemzetiregiszter.huPéter Szijjártó has said that the Language Act adopted by Ukrainian Parliament on Thursday is unacceptable. In a statement to public media, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that “the Act, which violates the rights of the Hungarian national community, is indicative of the mentality of…language act, act ukrainian, trade act, act righthungarians, minister, community, national, school4
boldideas.huPurpose creation and purpose-driven communication planning and execution. From B2C to B2B we develop integrated campaigns and brand acts.brand act, act formbold, brand, idea, client, hello4
eli-alps.huData processing in case of procurements below the value limit specified in the Act on Public Procurementslimit act, act publicprocurement, data, public, research, alp4
mlszsz.huThe Professional Association of Hungarian Speech and Language Therapists (Magyar Logopédusok Szakmai Szövetsége Egyesület) was established in accordance with Act CLVI of 1997 on Public Benefit Organisations and Act II. of 1989 on the Right of Association.accordance act, act clvi, organisation act, act ii, line actassociation, member, shall, presidency, president4
pipa.info.huThe legal definition of tax allowance concerning donations; „Tax allowance after donation (company): Pursuant to Act LXXXI Article 7 (1)z) on corporate taxing tax allowance may be used: in case of donation 20% of the donation, in case of donation provided in the framework of a donation agreement…pursuant act, act lxxxidonation, social, foundation, tax, case4
azeletedastilusod.huThere is a sharp edge between reality and imagination. Fate might seem like an illusion but magic can only come to life in the mind of its perceiver, making destiny the ultimate act of free will.ultimate act, act freelifestyle, event, self, luxury, dimension3
helpkft.huWe would like to inform you that Act XLIX of 1991 on Bankruptcy and Liquidation Proceedings Act LXX of 2021. amended by law, the Bankruptcy and Liquidation Proceedings Act Paragraphs 7a to 7c have been added to Section 46. The amount of the asset search and asset recovery costs to be paid in…proceedings act, act lxx, act paragraphliquidation, professionally, notice, bid, tender3
anh.huOur 12 experienced auditors are able to audit financial statements of companies from all industries, budgetary institutions and financial organizations made both according to the provisions of the Hungarian Act on Accounting, IFRS and US GAAP.hungarian act, act accounting, representation act, act taxationprofile, network, counselling, tax, foreign3
zoldaktiv.huThe Green-Activ Social Cooperative participate in another international project. The Peer-Act Erasmus+ KA2 project is a program with the...peer act, act international, act projectsocial, tourism, cooperative, barrier, day3
nyitottkor.huWe consider our work a process of Game-Theater-Exploration, which guides the participants through an experiential activity, focusing on a particular social problem and a human story, in a safe zone. We enter into a game together that emerges to be a performative act about humanity, through which…performative act, act humanitydrama, group, participant, european, education3
hungarikum.huIn the beginning of the 21th century a movement was organized that aimed to systematize and sum up the Hungarian values. After a broad societal and professional collation, the Act number XXX of 2012 concerning Hungarian national values and Hungarikums was established and declared by the Hungarian…collation act, act number, april act, act purpose, committee actvalue, collection, committee, national, people3
azumba.huJust as the film portrays acts of kindness and compassion, legal professionals can help navigate the complexities of contracts and agreements. From providing a sales bonus agreement template to offering insights on California meal period rules , legal experts can bring clarity to complicated…film act, act kindness, law act, act joke, excerpt actlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule3
tradiscoseeds.huAct CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information;data, subject, shall, personal, process3
etalonhorses.hu…these times, the show features the Csikós (wranglers) performing stunts while riding a horse, such as the rider standing upright on, or jumping on and off a galloping horse. Other features include working with horses at liberty, horseback archery, fire riding, falcons, humorous acts and many more.ride act, act arabic, musical act, act lyrichorse, fire, close, equestrian, video3
himesudvar.hu…Aszú wine. These traditional measures (gönci cask, tub) are not in use nowadays, the number of tubs (puttonys) on wine labels is defined by the laboratory analysis of the sugar and other ingredients’ concentration. Two years ageing in wood then one year in bottles is stipulated by the act of wine.present act, act wine, bottle actwine, grape, region, taste, quality3
nessum.huWe help Contracting Authorities to decide whether a public procurement is needed or not. From the preparation phase to the contracting, we follow and support the whole procedure. We have experiences in embodying public procurement rules in a local legislative act. We offer support for the Public…legislative act, act support, procedural act, act technicalprocurement, public, training, reference, authority2
ap-x.huThe legal basis for this data processing is Act CVIII of 2001 on certain aspects of electronic commerce services and information society services. Act 13 / A. § (3).process act, act cviii, service act, act a.data, subject, process, personal, management2
filharmonikusok.huPUCCINI: MANON LESCAUT – semi-staged opera performance in four acts, with one intermissionperformance act, act intermissionconcert, national, music, education, general2
onalloelet.huTogether with the National Association of Disabled People’s Associations and other organizations, we cooperated in the drafting and adoption of the new Building Act and the Equal Opportunities Act. In 1998, on the occasion of the European Day of Equal Opportunities on 5 May, we personally visited…build act, act equal, opportunity act, act occasion, act forcepeople, activity, independent, live, accessibility2
diakhitel.huPursuant to Act I of 2007 on the Entry and Residence of Persons with the Right of Free Movement and Residence, EEA citizens who are staying in Hungary for longer than three months to perform earning activities, and the family members of such citizens who are entitled to stay in Hungary for longer…pursuant act, act entrystudy, loan, student, free, page2
drszalay.huIn the course of its works, the LAW OFFICE OF DR. TAMÁS SZALAY acts in compliance with the Act on Attorneys, as well as the code of ethics and norms applicable to attorneys-at-law. We hereby inform our clients of the substance and the most important rules of the above:compliance act, act attorneylaw, attorney, client, legal, office2
lqd.huAccording to the XLIX. Act of liquidation and bankruptcy proceeding of 1991 § 63/B. (1) if any creditors has any information about the property or other wealth of the indebted companies listed at the liquidation proceedings (including the claims and property rights) please inform the appointed…xlix act, act liquidation, proceed act, act bankruptcyproceedings, wealth, liquidation, settlement, bankruptcy2
metropolitanopera.hu…in 2014 for A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder , makes his Met debut directing a vivid, seductive staging, featuring a monumental setting for the last-act Temple of Dagon, where the hero crushes his Philistine enemies. Sir Mark Elder conducts the first new Met production of the work in 20 years.set act, act temple, famous act, act filialmain, broadcast, ticket, director, season2
russianstudies.huHigh-Ranking Catholic Priests and the Anti-Jewish Act of 1938: Memory Politics and the Reinterpretation of the Past in Today’s Hungarian Catholic Church (pdf)jewish act, act memoryrussian, study, history, russia, historical2
fklaw.huThere have been numerous court decisions dealing with the interpretation of Section 33/A § of the Hungarian Insolvency Act. A recent decision of the Metropolitan Court of Appeals underlines in terms of non-compliance with the obligation to publish the financial records that although the…insolvency act, act recentlaw, data, firm, legal, client2
gergenyi.huDuring our work we apply the Hungarian Legislation with EU regulations in the national and EU legal act.legal, office, law, procedure, contract2
lorik.huOnly a small portion of criminal law norms may be regarded simple. The interpretation of laws is, in many instances, of such complexity that, apart from defence counsel, even courts are of different opinions. It is disputed wether it is a criminal act to kiss an 11 year-old girl on the mouth…criminal act, act illegal, act yearcriminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, defence2
bvlkft.huOur bank account numbers and key details Please read carefully! Dear Creditors! Statement of Irrecoverability According to Section 46 of the Bankruptcy Act (6), the liquidator is…bankruptcy act, act liquidatornumber, account, procedure, document, news2
soundrisestudio.huRecording sound is a delicate balancing act where expertise and knowledge become the keys to excellence. Recording in the studio is not just a technical process, but also a work of art where every detail counts. The knowledge and experience of a sound engineer is essential to perfectly harmonise…balance act, act expertise, act soundstudio, sound, record, music, expertise2
husa.huThe formation of the Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Stockpiling Association, the legal predecessor of the Hungarian Hydrocarbon Stockpiling Association (the Association or HUSA) was set out by Act No. XLIX of 1993 on the strategic stockpiling of imported crude oil and petroleum products…husa act, act xlix, effect act, act xxiii, gas actassociation, hydrocarbon, strategic, stock, volume2
socialresearch.huAt 19 December 2018 in Hungary a committee has been established with the participation of 15 trade unions and some of the confederations (MASZSZ, SZEF, ÉSZT) to prepare a national wide demonstration and strike against the Overtime Act, called also ’Slave Act’ which modifies the overtime hours…overtime act, act slave, slave act, act overtime, strike actwage, social, union, trade, labour2
wineofthehungarianparliament.huDuring the 19th century, the Hungarian National Assembly passed two pieces of legislation that laid the legal foundation for traditional wine production. Act XXIII of 1893 was the first regulation by which the state protected the interests of Hungarian winemakers against wine doctoring. Then…production act, act xxiii, doctoring act, act xiiwine, parliament, national, welcome, category2
damnnatural.huthe same with a different method. He wants to use all the bodybuilder training methods. But getting to the know and Them for They Understanding how ACT will of the enable you to the include in the future training program the Individual elements: best That the meet your Individual difference betweenknow act, act future, control act, act proportionalitynatural, muscle, steroid, training, method2
nt.huComparison of Hungarian Arbitration Act and UML on International Commercial Arbitration - May 2020arbitration act, act umllaw, nagy, legal, firm, client2
nemzetisegijogok.huMessage from the Minority Ombudsman on the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Act on the Rights of National and Ethnic Minoritiesadoption act, act rightminority, message, commissioner, challenge, day2
lank.huA live session for Radiozora promoting my live act for OZORA Festival this year. Plenty of new originals and edits inside, hope you enjoy!live act, act ozora, open act, act bookamarch, october, june, september, april2
boczgyula.huHe was part of a unique initiative: together with his fellow sculptors, they set up a creative colony in an abandoned quarry on Szársomlyó Hill in Baranya County. This has now become an act of historical significance, as it was the first place in Hungary where sculptors were given the opportunity…county act, act historical, special act, act creativesculpture, exhibition, sculptor, stone, public2
fulbright.hu…aptitude test that are intended to measure the quantitative, verbal and writing skills necessary for undergraduate study (SAT, SAT Subject or ACT). Graduate degree programs require applicants to submit scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE, GRE Subject) or the Graduate Management…subject act, act graduate, sit act, act grefulbright, center, ago, newsletter, event2
keletholding.huKelet-Holding Zrt. informs the creditors about the following, according to the Bankruptcy Act § 63/B. para 1: We inform you that in the list of the ongoing liquidation proceedings in the case of companies under liquidation that are marked the assets of the debtor are not enough to finance even the…bankruptcy act, act para, accounting act, act liquidation, act b.liquidator, useful, liquidation, number, advice2
sankoart.huHonestly? I am a child that tries to act like he’s an adult. I make a living while dreaming. This website is about these dreams that came true, about total freedom, about personal projects and about other theatrical works. Set, costume and visual design, acting, puppeteering, installations and…design act, act puppeteeringvisual, art, costume, freedom, sense2
solid.huAegon , Bok csarnok , electronica x vocals , Friends Club , Honvéd Férfi Kar , Honvéd Kórus , live act , Pátkai Rozina , visuallive act, act pátkaimusic, visual, solid, animation, image2
mta-tkk.hu…Europe and in the fight for the linguistic rights of Deaf children. He contributed to the government level approval of the Austrian Sign Language Act and the use of Austrian Sign Language in Deaf education in Austria. Our Research Centre had a long professional relationship with Professor Dotter…language act, act research, act uselanguage, news, research, deaf, chance2
ikte.huEU-ACT intends to accompany the realization of these products, through international experiences, promoted by a strategic partnership, made up of organizations with many experiences in the fields of theater, design and digital programming, methodologies of storytelling applied to cultural…eu act, act operator, act realizationgroup, method, therapy, training, art2
kistetenyitarsaskor.huWe perform our public benefit activity i n accordance with the provisions of the Act CLXXV, 2011 and the general educationprovision act, act clxxvorganisation, society, activity, association, programme1
competition.huA new rule to the Act on Commerce, prohibiting places of hospitality and large beer and soft drink producers from entering into exclusive contractsrule act, act commercecompetition, law, consumer, authority, advertisement1
papprekakinga.huPapp was the art director of the play Bánk Bán: ACT in 2016, an opera project for Radialsystem, Berlin.bán act, act operatalk, special, treatment, casual, ancient1
kh.huSection 164/B of the Banking Act provides an opportunity for some of the K&H Brand Group members to carry out joint data processing activities in order to strengthen their bank-insurance model. morebanking act, act opportunityaccount, card, loan, saving, investment1
ova.info.hu…of ecological interactions. The National Game Management Database (NGMD) was first mandated by the Hungarian Game Management and Hunting Law (the Act on Game Conservation, Management and Hunting (Act LV, 1996)) in 1996. Since then, the database has contributed significantly to several aspects of…law act, act game, hunting act, act lvgame, management, database, data, national1
budapest-ugyved.huI would like to draw your attention to the provisions of the new Civil Code (Act V of 2013), which concern companies. The change will affect companies already in operation differently from those to be set up.code act, act companylawyer, contract, sale, purchase, client1
formalin.huBoth the raw material and the final product of the formalin production are under the regulation of the SEVESO III directive. According to Act CXXVIII of 2011 on Disaster Management our company registered as an “Upper tier” dangerous establishment therefore we have to comply with the relevant legal…directive act, act cxxviiiproduction, plant, material, industrial, customer1
remember.hu2007. Band eventually petered out and got dismembered after a slow act of corporate bandicide by EMI executives Terry Foster Key (COO for Europe) and Frank Ferguson (Head of A&R UK). Last gig at the Barfly in Feb, supporting Die So Fluidslow act, act corporateuk, record, music, gig, europe1
bozzayviktor.huFor entry in the register, Act CXL of 2004 is the general rules of service of administrative authority procedure pursuant to Section 82 (2) and Section 86 (3) of the Act.register act, act cxluniversal, curriculum, developer, application, measurement1
ionart.huThe Motion Picture Act and Corporate Tax Act, in other words the Hungarian financial support system, is providing two unique methods for a movie’s financial support. ( contact us )picture act, act corporate, tax act, act wordanimation, cinematic, game, studio, commercial1
karaktercasting.huThroughout the years, we made it our priority to build a well-rounded database of actors and models, covering the entire country. In addition to this, our activity extends to mediating artists, media personalities and performers to events. Besides this, we employ acting school pupils, children…event act, act schoolregistration, face, actor, character, reference1
ngtt.huThe Parliament adopted the ACT XCIII of 2011 on the National Economic and Social Council in recognition of the role of economic and social dialogue, in order to discuss strategies of national economy and social policy and to promote a consensus among various interest groups of society.parliament act, act xciiinational, member, council, social, economic1
drtivadar.huFrom 1 January 2024, the Hungarian Consumer Protection Act's conciliation procedure has been amended in several respects – in our view, with mixed results.protection act, act conciliationlaw, protection, firm, data, office1
sniperfegyverbolt.hu…you need the information on this website for professional purposes! In addition, by clicking on “Enter” you are declaring that you are of legal age 18 years or older. Please note that by clicking on “Enter” you are officially requesting an offer from our company (Reference: Act XLVIII of 2008, 14).reference act, act xlviiigun, store, shop, cart, industry1
wellevent.huWe genuinely love what we do and pour our heart into every project. There’s no need to chase us; disappearing acts, half-measures, delays, or poorly executed requests are not in our repertoire. We know perfection lies in the details, which is why we devote tremendous attention to precision…disappear act, act halfevent, technology, quote, music, execution1
bencsikistvan.hu…I can intensify the sculptural statement only if I remove it from the whole and enlarge it. Every body part is a discovery. The sharp planes are there to cut the body so the audience can accept that it is not a fragment but an intentionally framed part. The act itself of framing is emphasized.”intentionally act, act framingartist, human, body, like, universe1
themagicbox.hu​The government of Fidesz passed the new press and media act. In the Media Council established under the new act there is no a single member who could be supposed to be in favour of the independent press. Although, it is the main responsibility of the MTI to provide the press with the latest and…media act, act media, new act, act singlecase, court, election, media, investigation1
zoldutak.huThe infamous Iron Curtain that hermetically divided the two antagonistic world orders was dismantled for the first time by the participants of the 1989 Pan-European Picnic of Fertőrákos, Hungary. This act permitted of fleeing hundreds – later thousands – of East German “tourists” in the area to…hungary act, act hundrediron, curtain, border, area, step1
kordastudio.huThe Hungarian financial support system (Motion Picture Act and Corprate Tax Act) has two pillars: indirect state support (tax incentives for films and related projects) and direct state support (for local films or co-productions).picture act, act corprate, tax act, act pillarstudio, production, art, tax, season1
acpartner.huI have more than 15 years of professional experience primarily in the audit of the stand-alone and consolidated financial statements of major Hungarian and multinational companies prepared in accordance with the Hungarian Accounting Act and IFRS and in auditing of mergers and acquisitions…accounting act, act ifrsaccounting, financial, advisory, auditing, client1
hotsmusic.huHOTS (Hungarian Oncoming Tunes) is the music export brand for supporting and educating Hungarian acts to expand their activities on an international scale. It is amplified by Hangfoglaló, a subdivision of National Cultural Fund in Hungary, coordinated by Petofi Media Group Nonprofit Kft.. HOTS…hungarian act, act activity, hot act, act open, act esnsmusic, hot, news, sound, festival1
metropolissecurity.huOur employees meet qualification requirements specified in Act CXXXIII of 2005 and by the Chamber of the Trade, and perform their duties in accordance with the laws and regulations. Our workers are engaged in all fields of property protection and therefore we undertake object safeguarding…requirements act, act cxxxiiiprotection, security, property, safeguard, clean1
weddingceremony.huYou can be baptized before the wedding service or even during. Being Christian is not just a religious act – it is a decision to live by Love.religious act, act decisionwedding, ceremony, christian, way, minister1
budatrioapartments.huThe Service Provider undertakes to provide the Services in a contractual way, while in some cases the Customer undertakes to pay a fee as set out in this GTC and the individual contract. The Customer undertakes to provide the Service with all acts of interest or provide any information necessary…service act, act interestcustomer, provider, use, order, apartment1
consumer.hu…August 2020, consumer protection authorities could only carry out inspections and related procedural actions in traditional and online shops if consumers directly purchased goods there. In a move that some might view as a bit drastic, a new provision was added to the Consumer Protection Act (CPA).protection act, act cpaconsumer, protection, inspection, rule, minute1
horwathhtl.huHorwath HTL is a member of Crowe Global, a Swiss verein. Each member firm of Crowe Global is a separate and independent legal entity. Horwath HTL and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for any acts or omissions of Crowe Global or any other member of Crowe Global. Crowe Global does not…liable act, act omissionoffice, america, login, navigation, africa1
bluebit.hucompilation of international (European Union) business proposals regarding the designing and implementation of investment projects furthermore compilation of business proposals for domestic projects in compliance with the Public Procurement Act, in case, upon request.procurement act, act caseprocurement, public, tender, procedure, counselling1
reicherzoltan.huBesides my job I work as a model and a freelance amateur actor. My acting debut came in 2001. I have been a lot of experience since then. I mainly play in commercials.actor act, act debutzoltan, model, freelance, amateur, actor1
soloron.huThe copyright of Soloron IT Zrt. is regulated by Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright and exercise it by this law. In disputes, the provisions of this Act and Act V of 2013 (Civil Code) shall apply.zrt act, act lxxvi, provision act, act civilsolution, operation, quality, click, security1
proacteam.huThere are different rules in the VAT Act for the provision of services and separately for the supply of goods. If you do business in Hungary, you should be aware of this. What are product sales? Product sales are when we acquire a tangible product, good, semi-finished...vat act, act provisiontax, accounting, accountant, relocation, chief1
digsolution.huYes, it is a bit old, but a lot of the points still remain - physically, the act of building a gaming PC hasn't changed at all in the last few years. Not wanting to blow our own trumpets but, parp, this is a great guide to getting started with a self-build, covering everything from how to install…physically act, act gamingsolution, digital, guide, navigation, community1
lplmusic.huMy activities include: live music and DJ "live act" productions, complete music management of eventslive act, act productionmusic, testimonial, management, manager, classical1
romakepmuhely.hu…new contents, thus follow (or on the contrary, advance) the maturity process inherent in the lab’s work. This website records, archives all these acts and events. But hopefully it is not just an archive but far more than that: it is a way of reflexive knowledge production, a source of inspiration…website act, act eventvisual, season, lab, image, book1
magyarmalmok.huMaybe it's because I'm getting older, I'm finding enjoyment in things that stop time. Just the simple act of tasting a glass of wine is its own event. You're not downing a glass of wine in the midst of doing something else. David Hyde Piercesimple act, act glasselit, sit, lorem, neque, dolor1
okthaimassage.huIf you choose to register as a new customer, you will only need to log in the next time you book an appointment. Once you have filled in the fields of the form, your data will be stored, treated confidentially in accordance with the Data Protection Act and will not be disclosed to third parties.protection act, act partymassage, foot, neck, head, traditional1
autoritassoft.huChanges on KATA 2021 Changes on KATA (Itemized Tax of Small Taxpayer Enterprises) 2021 Act CXLVII of 2012 on Itemized Tax of Small Taxpayer Enterprises (“KATA”) and Small Company Tax (“KIVA”) has major changes effective from January 1, 2021 regarding the tax rate and the rules of procedure for…enterprise act, act cxlviitax, industry, accounting, advisory, payroll1
karamellchoco.huAs the one who recently suffered from the FELA (Federal Employers’ Liability Act Claims) related issues, I’ve been desperate to find a firm who could have won my case… Then I found these guys! Finally, 3 months later the truth and the law prevailed, all thanks to this firm’s lawyers diligence!liability act, act claimstyle, law, lawyer, header, case1
nagyboldizsar.hu* Asylum seekers or refugees do not have the intention to finally settle in the country, so strictly speaking any activity related to asylum seekers and refugees is not subject to the act.immigration, tax, nagy, activity, law1
dogandpony.huHowever, some dog and pony shows still managed to evolved into huge circus acts, showing that even among the mundane and silly, there can be great opportunities. The same interesting duality applies to marketing: some ideas have more bark than bite, others lead to uncontested success. Which is…circus act, act mundaneagency, logo, dog, advertising, media1
nemethgaborbuvesz.hu“Amazing performance, loved the venue, the room, and the intimate relation with the audience. I thought I could shed light on everything sitting in row 2 or get a sneak peek behind the scenes but I failed; Gábor kept all his secrets. The magic acts are unique and special. The show is dynamic. The…magic act, act uniqueticket, performance, trick, date, wedding1
euphoriamassage.huTantra massage is also known as physical act of touch that intends to enlighten those interacting in it by harnessing sexual energy within the body, while you have an…physical act, act touchmassage, table, milk, swedish, masseuse1
molnar-partners.huThe Land Transfer Act and the transitional law supplementing it were amended in January. The amendment was aimed at preventing the practice of landowners and tenants fixing unrealistic rents in their contracts.transfer act, act transitionalpayroll, advisory, group, tax, accounting1
abece.huIn Hungary, Educational Acts list dyslexic students among persons with disabilities; for this reason, they become disabled for the public. This classification is the most difficult to deal with, because after the great number of failures and without valuable help, both the child and the parents…educational act, act dyslexicchild, problem, programme, task, treatment1
autcom.huOur bank account numbers and key details Please read carefully! Dear Creditors! Statement of Irrecoverability According to Section 46 of the Bankruptcy Act (6), the liquidator…bankruptcy act, act liquidatornumber, account, procedure, document, news1
ls-simon.huThe significance of this transaction, handled exclusively by him, is that the state-owned company was restructured into several limited liability and public companies limited by share under a holding company and subsequently privatized before the adoption of the Act on Transformation of…adoption act, act transformationlaw, transaction, firm, attorney, foreign1
hotelhalaszkert.huFrom 1. September 2021, all accommodation establishments, including our hotel, must comply with another data provision obligation in accordance with Government Act CLVI of 2016 on the State Tasks for the Development of Tourist Areas. (Guest Information Closed Database = VIZA).government act, act clviroom, offer, guest, gallery, restaurant1
risefm.huThe second hour of the NITERISE DJ Show brings you the best tunes and legendary beats of the most popular acts of the house scene, here on Rise FM's Classic channel.popular act, act houserise, channel, radio, hour, vibe1
budapestguides.huThe museum commemorates the victims of the terror as a memento reminding us of the dreadful acts of terrorist dictatorships. It is very informative and well organised! Finally we drive to see the newly erected memorial to the 50th anniversary of the 1956 uprising.dreadful act, act terroristtour, city, hour, guide, famous1
i-coaching.huData processing lasts until the order is fulfilled. Accounting records must be kept for eight years pursuant to Article 169 (2) of Act C of 2000 on Accounting. At the request of the customer, the customer's data may be included in the NLP Academy database for the purpose of sending a newsletter.article act, act accountingdata, process, academy, training, course1
countinghouse.huWe provide full scale of accounting services for our customers, which is not limited to keep records of invoices, we also provide management reporting services based on the demand of our Clients , which are beyond the balance sheet and profit & loss statement according to the Hungarian Act. If you…hungarian act, act specialtax, accounting, count, house, payroll1
cereskft.huThe liquidation proceedings, which are its main activity, are carried out by the company in accordance with the several times amended Act XLIX of 1991 on bankruptcy proceedings and liquidation proceedings. in accordance with the provisions of the law, based on a court appointment. Since its…time act, act xlixprocedure, activity, liquidator, liquidation, court1
deszinhaz.huDESZ-Vígkarma would like to invite everyone to a night of theater in English. In the play “The Universal,” we are presenting four of the six one-act comedy plays from “All In The Timing” by David Ives. The scenes are connected … Continueduniversal act, act comedylanguage, theatrical, performance, theater, university1
whiterabbit.huCooking is a complex sensory-spiritual experience. Working with various ingredients, being exposed to smells, and tastes, taking part in the act of creation – it puts everyone into a different state of mind.taste act, act creationcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution1
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huNotarial deeds are prepared by the notary in conformity with the formalities set forth in the Notarial Act (Act XLI of 1991 on civil law notaries). They are directly enforceable if it contains the commitment relating to a service and its consideration or a unilateral commitment, the name of the…notarial act, act xlinotary, notarial, document, public, register1
backtotheroots.huThe Oscar-nominated, two-time Golden Globe-winning Hungarian-Jewish Hollywood acting legend, who appeared in 130 works, as a producer, and writer, was born as Bernard Schwartz in New York on June 3, 1925. His father, Schwartz Manó (Emanuel Schwartz), came from Mátészalka, while his mother, Klein…hollywood act, act legendfestival, root, international, application, location1
chillapartman.huWe will hold you responsible for any damage or loss caused to Our property by your acts or omissions, default or neglect.property act, act omissionapartment, shall, friend, vacation, family1
szaboesszalai.huCall us immediately if the subject matter of the case or the procedural act cannot be postponed, whether it is a prospective detention, an arrest warrant, a search, an interrogation of a suspect, a major offence of economic nature, corruption, a crime against life, physical integrity, health…procedural act, act prospectivelaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case1
csovarilegal.huHungary is at the cusp of a significant change in its startup financing landscape. Beginning September 1, 2023, new regulations of the SME Act will simplify the process of raising investment capital for startups through removing the regulatory barriers from… More informationsme act, act processlaw, tax, legal, university, expertise1
helping-hand.huIt is not the point that we shall not let the child know if he is doing something unacceptable. But we should not to identify the act with the child, and should discover the strengths, abilities and possibilities of the child.unacceptable act, act childchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten1
kisebbsegiombudsman.huFramework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities Act LXXVII of 1993 on the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities European Handbook on Equality Dataminority act, act lxxviiminority, ethnic, national, commissioner, parliamentary1
koltaimgabor.hufor the stage with Nóra Sediánszky, works as a professional translator of literature (such as collections of theory and fiction by JRR Tolkien), and wrote lyrics for Hungarian alternative band Duende. He is also the Hungarian translator of Declan Donnellan's book on acting, The Actor and the Target.book act, act actortheatre, studio, head, contemporary, festival1
musicalszilveszter.huÉvi Sári – There are excellent singers and actors and there are performers who have some additional plus. In case of Évi Sári, her personality and her charm is the plus making her a star singer in the leading roles of numerous musicals; Mamma Mia, We Will Rock You, Chess, Vampire Ball, Sister Act…sister act, act etceve, dinner, gala, news, drink1
hojtsy.huYou can also find me passionate about singing, music and amateur acting, especially when these are all combined, however I have little time for that alongside my two adorable kids.amateur act, act especiallytranslation, event, issue, core, symfony1
cafefilm.huHungary has became a major player on the international shooting landscape following the introduction of the Motion Picture Act in 2004, which allows domestic and foreign film productions to receive a 25% tax rebate on their spend in the country.picture act, act domesticcommercial, production, feature, short, tvc1
bihartax.huThe liquidation proceedings, which are its main activity, are carried out by the company in accordance with the several times amended Act XLIX of 1991 on bankruptcy proceedings and liquidation proceedings. in accordance with the provisions of the law, based on a court appointment.time act, act xlixtax, liquidation, proceedings, liquidator, colleagues1
travellinggalaxy.huThe exhibition’s team made every effort to create the second act in a way that would be worthy of the unparalleled world of Star Wars in every aspect, thus creating a unique atmosphere in the heart of Budapest even on a European scale. The furnishings of the rooms are all custom-made, their…second act, act wayexhibition, travel, ticket, card, interactive1
djtruck.huPlanning a festival? Make your event stand out in the bustling festival calendar by adding a DJ Truck to your line-up and give your lesser-known acts a stage that puts the spotlight firmly on them. Whatever your goal may be, DJ Truck is the perfect way to make your festival that much more…lesser act, act stagetruck, event, description, technical, private1
rogersalapitvany.huDrama and acting are ancient activities. It also appears in free play for children, but is also used in personality development and general competence development. We have several purposefully dramatic projects and use its tools in our educational work.drama act, act ancienteducation, foundation, person, centre, development1
freegereb.huI am deeply grateful to all those who have stood by me, who with their actions and encouragement have helped me through this period of trial and hardship - said the 66 year old health professional. This act of clemency is about more than me. It is an acknowledgement of liberty in giving birth. It…professional act, act clemencyletter, president, international, birth, janos1
helpers.huThe Hungarian Citizenship Act of 2010 remains intact, so anyone with Hungarian ancestors can apply for citizenship and easily get an EU passport.citizenship act, act intactimmigration, helper, solution, permit, investment1
metegyhaz.huThe Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship (HEF) is a member of the Universal Mother Church of Jesus Christ. Our legacy extends back in time to the story of the Church of the Book of Acts, i.e., the Word of God. Looking back over the past centuries, it is very difficult to keep track of which branch of…book act, act wordchurch, congregation, detail, temporary, christ1
actualart.huWe organise casting sessions for our partners. Whether it be for artists or genres already present in the entertainment industry – singers, dancers, acrobats, musicians, bands, special acts.stage, image, production, art, actual1
icell.huYou can report any alleged or presumed illegal act or omission, as well as any other abuse, to the following email address:illegal act, act omissionvehicle, fleet, track, solution, management1
szommerkonyvelo.hu11. 2020. The National Assembly authorized the Government (by Act CIX of 2020) to lay down specific provisions due to the emergency situation starting from 11. 11. 2020. No interim... ...government act, act cixtax, accountancy, payroll, reference, news1
honettcatering.huWe know you’re in a balancing act between budget and great expectations. Who better to tell you about Honett Szerviz than our customers? What our clients say is extremely important to us. Without client satisfaction, we would not have a business. That is why Honett Szerviz is so invested in making…balance act, act budgetfood, location, people, air, airport1
etiquette.huRespect, kindness, and consideration form the basis of good manners and good citizen-ship. Etiquette becomes the language of manners, and its rules cover behavior in talking, acting, living, and moving; in other words, every type of interaction and every situation..talk act, act liveevent, management, course, corporate, protocol1
eutdij.huThe e-toll can be paid in three ways - fleet management service providers or with OBU devices which are comply with the European Union requirements and the directives of the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) (Act LXVII of 2013 on distance-based toll payable for the use of motorways, highways…eets act, act lxviivehicle, device, road, axle, easy1
bonitasprings.huI would not pass judgement on anybody asking extortionate prices for a puppy, or on someone prepared to sell an adult dog – but I consider it a criminal act when a breeder does not check out rigorously the future owners, or is prepared to offload the rest of the litter or any of the older dogs to…criminal act, act breederdog, spring, breed, breeder, member1
creditforte.huWhile managing claims our Company shall always observe the acts and statutory provisions in forceshall act, act statutorycollection, homepage, shall, debt, data1
kanokft.huNAV "Information about the reverse taxation of concrete steel sales" (download), and "Additional Information for the VAT Act. 6B Annex” (download)vat act, act annexgate, slide, purchase, process, shop1
menszt.hu…it has been functioning practically without interruption. Its statutes have been reviewed and reformed in 1989 and according to the new Hungarian Act on the Right of Associations it has been incorporated as an “Association Serving Public Interests”. The sole purpose of the UNA-H is to promote thehungarian act, act rightactivity, human, publication, international, day1
arbolus.huInvitations pursuant to Section 63/B (1) of the Bankruptcy Act | Forms, complaints, links | Knowledge basebankruptcy act, act formllc, bankruptcy, mission, proceedings, knowledge1
dentys.huDuring the provision of services, the Provider handles personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Act CXII. of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and Freedom of Information. In addition, the Provider manages this data solely for the purpose of performing the services, in…provision act, act cxiiprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic1
teljeselet.huIn summer, we welcome participants for 8 weeks with an array of programs, including DIY activities, sports programs, acting, performances by invited artists, swimming, cruising, and bus tours. The camping services are free of charge for participants and helpers alike.program act, act performancegoal, foundation, camp, newly, center1
tabellio.hu…equivalent legal effect to the judicial procedures. Notaries are obliged to proceed upon the Request (and not upon the commission) submitted to them, nevertheless there are cases where they shall refuse to act with an order that is not subject to appeal according to the Act on Civil Law Notaries.appeal act, act civilnotary, law, colleagues, data, protection1
tilos.huIn line with the Frequency Act that later came into force, Tilos Radio suspended its broadcast in the summer of 1993 and applied to the authorities for permission to establish a studio. This permission was granted to Tilos in the spring of 1995.frequency act, act laterradio, station, commercial, public, community1
tmtanitas.huSerotonin, on the other hand, regulates many of our brain functions. A low level of serotonin is now brought into connection with a series of problems, including depression, anxiety, migraine, anger, Alzheimer’s disease, sleep disorders, memory problems, compulsive acts, addictions etc. Medicines…compulsive act, act addictionmeditation, stress, deep, benefit, health1
kooperativ.huIn compliance with the new Further Education Act, we offer professional services to all institutions working in the field of teacher training or in-service training.education act, act professionalschool, training, teacher, parent, tool1
angoloniskola.huChris is a native English ESL teacher from New York. His background is in performing arts. He started in his early teens working as a professional dancer and actor, teaching dance and acting, and then moved to working in the fields of HR and sales. He has been working in Hungary for the past five…dance act, act fieldteacher, student, training, language, native1
bankszovetseg.hu…Blood Donors Week. This year, the Hungarian National Bank has also joined the GOOD DEED Bank program, in which hundreds of central bank employees, along with sector-wide support, will provide thousands of blood products together with bankers to draw attention to acts of goodwill that heal a...attention act, act goodwillbanking, association, detail, release, week1
budapestenergysummit.huSince May 2015 Mahdjouba Belaifa has been the Head of Gas Market Analysis Department of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF). From August 2014 to May 2015 she was Acting Head of Energy and Gas Market Analysis Department. Before, she has been Energy Economics Analyst at GECF.august act, act headenergy, gas, profile, view, thank1
drtoka.huIn accordance with the provisions of LXXIII. Act (Lawyers’ Act) of 2017, we are authorised to engage in a variety of legal activities including, but not limited to representing clients in and out of court, providing legal advice, and producing contracts, documents and petitions.lxxiii act, act lawyer, lawyer act, act varietylaw, lawyer, german, office, legal1
pmrkft.huWe carry out our waste management activities according to the Waste Management Act no. 43 of 2000 and in accordance with the modifying provisions of the waste management activities, in compliance with regulatory requirements and specific authority licenses. As a result, we can help our partners in…management act, act accordancewaste, management, paper, plastic, metal1
bharatanatyam.info.huIn 2008, the first Hungarian Bharatanatyam dance film was produced and released, starring Meenakshi Dora Bittner. In 2015 'Over The Moon' associates the art of South Indian sacred dance with the plot of the film, alternating archaic and realistic acting. One of the creators of the film, the…realistic act, act creatordora, dance, class, indian, classical1
euraxess.huUnder the regulation, which enters into force from 24 February 2022 immediately, refugees from Ukraine are granted temporary protection under one section of the Asylum Act.researcher, funding, job, search, development1
hsze.hu…’70-es. In the autumn of 1979, together with his wife, Gabriella Salamon economic journalist, signed the Charta Petition, which was the first open act of cooperation of the illegal Hungarian democratic opposition. In the ’80-es, he was passive and kept a distance from politics. Apart from teachingopen act, act cooperationinterview, century, memory, university, foreign1
cedit.huThe transitional rules related to the termination of the emergency situation are amended in relation to the Occupational Safety and Health Act as follows: (2) The medical validity of operator licenses that expired during the emergency situation and are necessary for the performance of certain…health act, act medicalprotection, fire, safety, office, learn1
peminfo.hu…that it is God’s plan to see more and more people giving praise to Him, for his glory. We believe the importance of an everyday collaboration with God’s Spirit, the Holy Ghost being aware of His will, how He wants our lives to help and save others who are giving praise Him for all our acts.god, homepage, construction, people, holy1
fbc.huDom Pérignon commitment to vintages is absolute. Each Dom Pérignon is a true act of creation, made from only the best grapes.true act, act creationbrand, wine, spritz, chandon, premium1
asconsult.huAgile transformation is an act of transforming an organization’s form or nature gradually to one that is able to embrace and thrive in a flexible, collaborative, self-organizing, fast changing environment. Our project managers can help your organization on the transformation journey, from the…transformation act, act organizationconsulting, transformation, strategic, management, technology1
papapedia.huMonitor the implementation of the Agreement on a Temporary Ceasefire and the Cessation of Other Hostile Acts on the Tajik-Afghan Border and within the Country for the Duration of the Talkshostile act, act tajikmission, military, force, observer, peace1
nvc.hu…NVC event organisation collective and Centrum Production. The aim of the event, created by the Hungarian underground music and visual scene, is to create Hungary's largest event featuring not only groundbreaking music acts, but also light installations, mapping and other contemporary visual art.music act, act lightevent, electronic, news, select, programme1
energo-consult.huo control emissions from fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases), including hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the European Union has adopted two legislative acts: the F-gas Regulation and the MAC Directive.legislative act, act gasconsult, engineering, hvac, news, welcome1
klimapolitikaiintezet.huWhat does President Biden’s landmark Inflation Reduction Act mean in terms of climate change?reduction act, act termclimate, event, green, institute, protection1
drbennandras.huThe Act LXXVIII 2017 section 30 § (1) prescribes that the commission fee depends only on the parties’ agreement.law, representation, office, legal, contract1
opendata.hu"1% of personal income tax Since the 1996 tax year, the 1% law (Act CXXVI of 1996) has let private individuals...law act, act cxxvinatural, gas, group, description, organization1
meditations.huWe have great experience in building document retrieval systems for managing millions of documents. We designed search engine components of legal research systems developed for lawyers and legal experts. These databases contain millions of records (rules, acts, court decisions) where documents can…rule act, act courtfast, custom, problem, algorithm, computation1
drandirko.huThe possibility of countersigning remotely has previously been created by the Hungarian Act LXXVIII of 2017 on the professional activities of attorneys-at-law; however, its applicationhungarian act, act lxxviiilaw, office, homepage, labour, inheritance1
bravolight.huDid you know? From 2017, according to the Corporation Tax Act you can receive a subsidy for investments including lighting modernization projects to the extent of 30-50 percent, depending on business size, within 5 fiscal years after the investment.tax act, act subsidylighting, light, plan, solution, source1
wisdom.huThe swedes played only once in Hungary so far, as a support act of Hammerfall back in 2007, where they only had the chance to perform 6 songs. This time round they are coming with a full show, where they will perform all their hit songs as well as songs from their new album called Tour De Force.support act, act hammerfallwisdom, tour, alive, october, september1
buveszmusor.huMy act is packed with laughter, the miracles happen interactively involving your guests. It can be performed in english or hungarian. Weather the occation is a wedding, birthsday party, tradeshow, corporate or private event: the magic show is always costumsized to your event.magician, kid, child, interactive, event1
hungarianbatteryday.huThe developing European regulatory framework for the battery industry (Net Zero Industry Act, Critical Raw Materials ACT, Battery Regulation, new Electricity Market Design regulation)industry act, act critical, material act, act batterybattery, day, industry, director, objective1
cerlux.huQuality of products of CERLUX Ltd. as well as technical ceramics, insulators, lamp parts and thread guides is basically determined by customers’ needs so the high- level management aims with all its acts as a result of the operation to provide personal and objective conditions to be at a level…management act, act resultquality, technical, need, material, customer1
ohkult.huWe are very proud that the famous The Face magazine featured our store twice in 2002. Happily we'been a favourite for the Hungarian since our opening - thanks! We also did 20 radio shows with various guests in 2002. Bence Gyulai became our very own art blogger and trend watcher, who publishes his…radio, shop, download, newsletter, contemporary0
exkluzivsirko.huAzért vagyunk itt, hogy szolgálhassunk és nyugalmat nyújtsunk. Elkötelezettek vagyunk annak érdekében, hogy folyamatos kommunikációt folytassunk ügyfeleinkkel, és hogy az általunk nyújtott szolgáltatás a legmagasabb színvonalú legyen.commander actprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data0
mma-mmki.huThe electronic publications of the Institute of Art Theory and Methodology of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA MMKI) can […]csáji act, act directorart, institute, publication, close, cultural0
game-zone.huThe Game-Zone group of companies is is able to assess the rapidly changing market needs, to develop and manufacture competitive products in both domestic and international market. Our team possess extensive knowledge in various technological fields are able to react quickly to the constantly…game, zone, cabinet, need, group0
oriandras.hu…osztjuk osztjuk meg, meg, ők tárolják ezeket ezeket az az adatokat, adatokat, és hozzá is is férnek az az adatokhoz. adatokhoz. Továbbá előfordulhat az az is, is, hogy hogy a a szóban forgó adatokat adatokat kifejezetten kifejezetten ez ez a a webhely webhely vagy vagy alkalmazás használja majd.commander actlaunch, limited, ltd, media, llc0
kutdiak.huExtended deadline: June 20. – XIII. Hungarian Research Student Association Scientific Poster Competitionact presidentstudent, research, association, competition, scientific0
nekemawebshop.hu"Orbán left left the the room room when when we we voted": voted": EU EU official official explains explains how how decision decision to to open open accession accession talks talks with with Ukraine Ukraine was was madecommander actlaunch, post, limited, media, ltd0
trademagazin.huCompany and Personal News Auchan will raise wages between 12.5 and 21.3 percent from Januaryesg act, act domesticnews, january, chain, article, price0
cadaveres.huCADAVERES DE DE TORTUGAS TORTUGAS 30 30 pólóact decayheaven, soul, intro, breed, blood0
online-fordito.huData collected and processed: Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Privacy choices, Probabilistic identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, IP addresses, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Non-precise location datacommander actprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data0
weatheronline.deTopics… UV Index… Radar… Webcams… Sport… Tour de France… Golf… Weather Facts… Weather Brains… Philip…commander actweather, limited, group, media, france0
ixtys.huSo we are just waiting and waiting when a sin gets ripen in expiation that it doesn’t need the shining cover of lying and we can be the help of it."god, soul, easter, truth, holy0
enterpriseingatlan.huEnterpriseingatlan… 1954 Act Notice Agreement for Lease… Your Calling Definition… Xkcd Chess Legal…legal, law, legally, free, enterprise0
anker-auditor.huANKER-AUDITOR Ltd. was established in 1991 by eight private owners. Currently all the owners of the company are active members of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors.accounting act, act hvgreference, member, accountancy, profile, curriculum0
cskwiki.huWelcome to Hungary’s unique, freely editable wiki site of communities and community development!act community, homepage actcommunity, volunteer, article, category, institution0
antalemese.hu…to start paying attention to the eating habits of the future parents during the preconception phase. It is also important to start teaching children a health conscious lifestyle during the early childhood development stage. This creates a strong foundation which allows them the opportunity to…excellence act, act habitconference, habit, future, health, healthy0
weatheronline.plMembership info… strona główna… ogólnie w Europie… Polska… woda… radar… z satelity… burze… webcams…commander actlimited, group, media, sporty, mobile0
woespana.esEl tema… Busca… Situación actual… Radar… Tormenta tropical… Buscador de clima… Tour de Francia… Esquí…commander actlimited, group, media, premium, actual0
weatheronline.inWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.commander actweather, forecast, climate, current, graph0
budapestiejszaka.hu…party4… rusty4… soneec4… terminalcity4… up! the club4… wearerockstars4… új lemez4… Fedde Le…live actlake, sound, festival, electronic, live0
wofrance.frMembership info… Bulletin… Europe… UK prévisions… France… Index UV… Eau… Cartes… Observation… Radar…commander actfrance, europe, limited, satellite, group0
talaloskerdesunk.hu…Zöldségek… Gyümölcsök… Tárgyak… Foglalkozások… Hogy hívják a ...? (viccek)… Hogy hívják a kínai…commander actprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data0
woeurope.euWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports.commander actweather, forecast, europe, climate, satellite0
segelyszervezet.huApart from social programmes in Hungary, Hungarian Interchurch Aid has also carried out humanitarian and development work in over 40 countries, helping those in need regardless of nationality, religion or world view, all the while meeting the highest professional and transparency requirements.fellow act, act memberaid, account, code, humanitarian, donation0
review.hu…and private tutoring in many locations worldwide and also in Hungary, both in-person (Budapest) and online. Furthermore we offer admissions consulting for top business schools, graduate programs and colleges. Here is how we are different from other test prep and admissions consulting companies:act preparationpreparation, review, sit, prep, channel0
selmeczi.huUpcoming Events | List of works | Conductor | Opera director | Opera films | Discography | Biography | Calendar | Gallery | Contactopera actvenue, composer, website, official, concert0
hungarytoday.hu30 years ago, the Hungarian minority in Slovakia formulated the principles of self-determination and expressed their demand for self-government.orbán act, act headeuropean, minister, flight, latest, government0
tangram.huTangram was a supporting band for Tangerine Dream , Ulrich Schnauss and Loom at their Budapest concerts. He was nominated for Schallwelle Awards (2011, 2012 - best international album, best international artist).date, track, length, release, electronic0
transparency.huHungary is the most corrupt Member State of the European Union according to Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Indexact corruptioncorruption, transparency, report, international, public0
kszs-law.huBudapest Bar: Kántor, Szilasi, Sárközy and Partners (KSzS) has been a registered member of the Budapest Bar Association since the 1 st of January 1992. Our lawyers and associate lawyers are also members of the Budapest Bar Associationcompany act, act transformationlaw, lawyer, social, publication, engagement0
hudex.huIf a non HUDEX Member third party intends to incorporate the 'HUDEX Hungarian Financial Futures Index in any manner into its products or services traded on an energy exchange or equivalent facility, it shall conclude a contract with HUDEX Energy Exchange Ltd. on the use of the above data (this…capital act, act publicationdata, report, overview, member0
worldway.huIf you have any question about World Way Logistic & Trade or how we can support your business, please contact us directly.way, freight, trade, news, logistic0
firemagic.hu…Firemagic has created a new performing art trend in fire juggling: acrobatic fire dance, which fuses acrobalance elements with fire juggling and stage dance. The team has envisaged to make this new trend popular, reach the highest possible level in performance; and entertain the spectators with…aerial act, act jugglefire, light, juggle, production, stage0
pogodaonline.ruEurope Forecast… Topics… Oil spill… Press Release… Agriculture… Daily crop forecast… Hourly crop…commander actlimited, crop, group, media, europe0
sepy.huYou will always find the ideal choice adapted to your needs. From the basic website based on our attractive templates to the tailor-made website reflecting your company's values.data, piece, unique, news, tool0
iprofi.huAnimals… Nature… People… Urban… Behind The Scenes… Gear… iProfi… All… Vermilion Lakes Sunrise…balance actphoto, day, urban, people, devil0
icecat.huIcecat: product catalog with more than 13820593 product data-sheets of 14000+ brands in 71 different languages.data, sheet, similar, open, ecommerce0
lackfi-janos.huTranslated… Bulgarian… Croatian… Czech… Dutch… English… English prose… English short stories… Finnish…act idealike, day, little, hand, french0
powl.huBe my guest, make yourself at home and take a look around. Find out more about me or read about my books.act sceneowl, book, publication, mum, scene0
weatheronline.czMembership info… Předpověď počasí… Česko… V celém světě… UV index… Grafická předpověď… Radar… Blesky…commander actweather, limited, crop, group, climate0
tesztelok.hu550 HP BMW E36 drift | 400 HP Audi S3 + Tesla Model 3 | ENYAQ IV80 | Fiat 500 | Toyota C-HRblank, line, style, model, edition0
weatheronline.ptMembership info… homepage… Boletins… Portugal… UV Index… Radar… Webcam… Ciclone tropical… Localizador…commander actweather, forecast, limited, crop, group0
bmbah.huInformation for non-Ukrainian nationals fleeing from Ukraine and for Ukrainian nationals who arrived to Hungary before the outbreak of the armed conflict in Ukraineclient act, act generalnational, permit, permanent, client, fund0
caboverdeconsul.huhours) and North America (7-8 hours), Cape Verde is a potential platform for trade betweenopportunity act, act agoarepublic, investment, cape, country, general0
appevo.huBeyond our consultancy services we are here to do the “hard work” too; from apps to business software.core, consultancy, software, development, goal0
woweer.nlWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.commander actweather, limited, climate, group, water0
menedek.huEstablished in 1995 as a civil initiative. The association operates as a non-profit organisation, independent from politics. It provides complex system of services to support immigrants and third country nationals in finding a new home in Hungary... Moresocial, volunteer, child, school, community0
motorix.huAprilia Area 51… Aprilia Atlantic… Aprilia Egyéb… Aprilia Gulliver… Aprilia Habana… Aprilia Leonardo…generic, gas, storm, lead, movie0
webhotel.huYou are welcome – and we are prepared to solve your request in Hungary. We offer you comfortable solutions for business needs and your personal demands.right act, act contractagreement, description, contract, law, solution0
protontheatre.huIn 2009, Kornél Mundruczó, film and theatre director, and Dóra Büki, theatre producer, founded PROTON THEATRE, a virtual artistic company organised around the director’s independent productions. Besides preserving maximum artistic freedom, their goal is ensure a professional structure for their…theatre, proton, production, performance, premiere0
compactbolt.huCompactBolt – Minden ami számítástechnika…mobile, power, arctic, office, fan0
dennikn.skMinisterstvo tento týždeň spustí registráciu na vakcíny proti omikronu. Budú aj pre mladšíchcommander actpre, limited, group, media, transparency0
weatheronline.co.ukWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.commander actweather, forecast, uk, climate, europe0
weatheronline.grΠρόγνωση καιρού για την Ελλάδα, και όλο το κόσμο. Ιστιοπολοϊα, χάρτες, προγνώσεις, επικύνδυνα καιρικά φαινόμενα, Marine Weather, δορυφόροι, δορυφόρος, δορυφορική, radar, κλίμα, ιστορικά δεδομένα, μετεωρολογία, αναφορές, τι καιρό κάνει τώρα.commander actlimited, weather, europe, forecast, crop0
mediway.huMediway is an independent, private Hungarian company founded in 2009, with great expertise in the introduction and distribution of pharmaceutical products, food supplements and medical devices for the Hungarian market.source act, act xcviiiforce, sale, medical, pharmacy, centre0
zoohacker.huZOOHACKER… PRODUCERI MUNKÁK… LIVE ACT… Club dj… Zoohacker… The Lushlife Project… Eskimo trip… Zoohacker…live actorchestra, live, trip0
lbmcoach.hu…and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life. Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part rent-a-friend, coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and just plain folks, helping them define and achieve their goals — career, personal, or most often, both.column, grid, post, portfolio, latest0
woitalia.itprotection… Spray window… Irrigation… Satelliti… America del Nord… America Centrale… America Meridionale…commander actlimited, crop, america, group, media0
weatheronline.co.nzWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.commander actweather, forecast, climate, current, satellite0
ommik.huOMMIK’s mission is to make information, knowledge and know-how accessible to the Hungarian GLAM sector through our services (available in Hungarian only): MuseuMap – national collection of digital images, MuzeumStat – national database of Hungarian museum and public collection statistics…cxl act, act museummuseum, national, conference, digital, collection0
news4business.huPwC Hungary is proud to announce the appointment of its new director. Gábor Luczó will lead the transfer pricing team in his new position from 1 Septe...balance act, act guidenews, drum, research, global, festival0
andorkapeter.huSix excerpts will be performed from my Opera, Witch-heritage (Boszorkányvér) in the Klebelsberg Culture Mansion on 17th November evening. The work was nominated as the best Hungarian opera in the final of the Opera-composing Competition announced by the Bartók Plusz Opera Festival in 2017-18. In…website, music, choir, score, programme0
derbinyiregyhaza.huKeeway RKW truck deluxe… Új robogók… Theme New… Layout…layout, truck, color, style, software0
kpli.huIn 2015, she founded her own law firm, KPLI Law Kelemen Kinga Law Office. For the past 15 years, she has mainly represented clients in the fields of pharmaceutical law, advertising law and copyright, and has also been involved in the development of industry guidelines and ethical rules in the…modification act, act xcviiilaw, firm, labour, pharmaceutical, client0
flow.hu…impact I can have on those around me by supporting them on their path to achieving their goals. Among the topics that find me as a consultant, leadership and talent development (self-knowledge, skills development, etc.) stand out, but I am also very attracted by organisation-wide development…development, management, leadership, training, group0
aeo.huThe owner of the “Customs Simplification” certificate will not be examined by customs authorities for the same criteria that were required for receiving the AEO certificate. For those applicants who already have the certificate all the conditions are considered as given, and their application is…custom, certificate, authority, application, status0
partnertech.huCopyright PartnerTech Kft. - Minden jog fenntartva! - Design by GuruStudiopsd, tvc, advanced, advisor, manager0