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72 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: auditing

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derossi.huAuditing shines a light on your business's financial health, while business valuation captures its potential. Both crucial in crafting the roadmap to your business success.valuation, de, financial, data, potential18
mkvk.huin 1987, and the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors was formed eleven years ago. With Act LV of 1997, the first period of the renewal of the Hungarian auditing profession was concluded. Parliament reinstated the institution of the audit, recognizing the public body of auditors as entitled to…national auditing, auditing standard, xxii auditing, auditing activity, relevance auditingchamber, member, sector, place, organisation15
auditeco.huThe Audit-Eco Auditing, Bookkeeping and Consulting Ltd. is 100% Hungarian, our registry number: 001156. The majority owner, managing director and registered auditor of the company is Bálint Kálmán Bulcsúné dr. Auditor certificate number: 002917 She started her carrier in accountancy in 1978 with…eco auditing, auditing bookkeeping, kft auditing, bookkeeping auditing, auditing taxationbookkeeping, consulting, consultancy, taxation, reference14
icteuropa.huICT Europa Finance Inc. is not just an enterprise, it is a Hungarian-owned administration service group where we have set up an excellent quality service portfolio in related fields: tax consulting, accounting, auditing, legal services and IT system operation. Our human resources, our expert…accounting auditing, auditing tender, auditing legalaccounting, ict, tax, finance, legal14
ballaaudit.huBalla Audit Auditing Ltd. (Hungary), Occasional and continuous auditing; Assessment, Capital valuations; Taxation consultation; Finance and accounting audit of softwareaudit auditing, auditing hungary, continuous auditing, auditing assessment, outstanding auditingcontinuous, accounting, consultation, software, capital10
frik.huFRIK - Webpage, Website, Webshop, Web Development, Online Website Auditing, Project Management, Web Design, google adwords, IT Support - Budaörswebsite auditing, auditing projectwebsite, development, management, application, engine10
mscity.huDo you want peace of mind and security regarding the finances of your company? You should never again be worried about tax audits or making wrong decisions due to incorrect data! Bookkeeping, accountancy, tax advising and auditing, and more: ten different services in one place, in addition to what…report auditing, auditing practice, advise auditing, auditing different, consultancy auditingtax, city, accountancy, accountant, client9
acpartner.huI have more than 15 years of professional experience primarily in the audit of the stand-alone and consolidated financial statements of major Hungarian and multinational companies prepared in accordance with the Hungarian Accounting Act and IFRS and in auditing of mergers and acquisitions…nowadays auditing, auditing certification, ifrs auditing, auditing mergeraccounting, financial, advisory, client, field8
skunion.huOur company was founded in 1992 with the aim of providing accounting, payroll, taxation, financial consulting and auditing to the Hungarian companies and also to foreign partners. Today our company has become a consulting agency with a network of international connections providing also…aim auditing, auditing taxation, consulting auditing, auditing hungarian, international auditingunion, legal, accounting, aim, foreign7
cpa.hu…After having been working for one year in Sweden, Mr. Dénes decided to continue his career in his home country but not as an employee of a big auditing company but establishing his own company with the aim of offering services for the medium- and small-size foreign investors. Since that time the…big auditing, auditing companycollege, owner, continuous, advise, foreign6
drtoka.huFounded by Dr. Tamás Tóka in 1998, our law office provides a full array of legal services for domestic and international clientsas in both Hungarian and German. We also offer auditing and real estate-related services through our partners and associates.service auditing, auditing real, german auditinglaw, lawyer, german, office, legal5
piko.huOur company offers services since 1998 mostly for small and medium enterprises and for private individuals located in the Transdanubian region or in Budapest and area. Our services include regular bookkeeping (accounting, payroll calculation, taxation), auditing (law based obligatory regular audit…taxation auditing, auditing lawaccounting, tender, application, price, useful5
anh.huI have been Managing Director of my own company engaged in the field of bookkeeping, auditing and business consulting for 30 years. I am Head of Department of Accountancy at the Corvinus University of Budapest.accounting auditing, auditing personalized, bookkeeping auditing, auditing tax, auditing businessprofile, network, counselling, tax, foreign4
ajkaaudit.huWe provide continuous personal contact with our clients not only in the auditing period but also throughout the calendar year.corporation auditing, auditing accounting, client auditing, auditing period, regulation auditingpage, current, client, expand, tax4
tpa-group.huTPA Hungary is one of the leading tax advisory and audit firms in Central and South Eastern Europe. Our services include tax advisory , auditing , accounting , advisory and payroll services.advisory auditing, auditing accounting, auditing serviceaccounting, advisory, order, tax, group3
servicemania.huWe provide back-office support for small and medium-sized enterprises. Our services include accounting, auditing, tax advice, payroll, registered office services and receivables management as well as legal advice and representation on request.accounting auditing, auditing taxaccounting, payroll, staff, management, quote3
primaudit2005.huThe main activities of our Company include auditing, tax advisory services, determination of real market value, apport value – just to mention our principal activities.company auditing, auditing taxclient, activity, area, tax, government3
mn6.hu…companies with competitive energy related consultancy since 2011. Our team offers sustainability services in a holistic way as part of the energy related consultancy. The MN6 Energy Agency is an accredited energy auditing company by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority.energy auditing, auditing company, auditing process, auditor auditing, auditing organisationenergy, certification, efficiency, technical, consultancy3
absolutreorg.huOur company was established in 2012 in order to pursue accounting, tax consulting, auditing, management and other business consultancy operations. The aim of these activities is to help the actors of the business world to design a successful operational system, as also the elimination of problems…consulting auditing, auditing managementprocedure, liquidation, consulting, creditor, activity3
psgroup.huAuditing helps creating an overview about security and reliability of an IT system, provides information if the operations and data handling is in compliance with the company’s (or its owner’s) organizational rules, local and international regulations. Providing auditing services as a 3rd party…regulation auditing, auditing servicesupport, group, maintenance, management, engineering2
anker-auditor.huThe members of ANKER-AUDITOR Ltd. have particularly deep knowledge beyond the general auditing tasks in the fields of transformation, consolidation, firm-valuation, due diligence and economic law.enterprise auditing, auditing kjk, general auditing, auditing taskreference, member, accountancy, profile, curriculum2
banyai-office.huAccounting, payroll, auditing, tax consulting in 3 different languages in the middle of Budapest!payroll auditing, auditing tax, auditing serviceconsulting, accounting, tax, office, payroll2
validum.huAuditing of existing properties and providing upgrade plans, specification what you need for adequate protectionsafety, fire, management, training, environmental2
cedit.huOur company proudly offers Fire and Occupational Safety auditing services in Hungary and in many other countries around the world. Our experienced experts and auditors will help you ensure that your business complies with the strict regulations, no matter where it operates.safety auditing, auditing serviceprotection, fire, safety, office, learn2
budapestbusiness.huAuditing means the examination of authenticity of corporate accounts prepared for certain companies. Its aim is to help the owners, the management, lenders and potential investors to bring the right business decisions based on realistic and reliable information and to be able to manage the…union auditing, auditing activity, compliance auditing, auditing standard, hungarian auditingtaxation, financial, consulting, tax, statement2
famax.huWith our In-depth SEO Auditing, On-Page Optimization and Link Building strategies we can make your website perform better. You’re planning to build a new site? We can help you to focus on SEO from the first steps.seo auditing, auditing pageintelligent, solution, support, low, small1
auditassistance.huAudit Assistance Könyvvizsgáló és Tanácsadó Kft has been a member of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors since 2002. Our firm has gained significant experience in auditing services over the last decade.experience auditing, auditing serviceassistance, advisory, forensic, diligence, tax1
piksys.huGain visibility and control across your entire security ecosystem with central, cross-product management platform that connects global threat intelligence, enterprise risk, and system security posture in real time. When using monitoring and auditing systems, you will have time for other important…monitoring auditing, auditing systemsecurity, knowledge, strength, solution, threat1
bypassnet.huTraining courses provided by Metator team and Idesol: coaching, time management, sales, communication, quality, auditing, labor, work safety, legal issues.quality auditing, auditing labordevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment1
nnx.huWe offer a wide variety of services, supporting every step from initial brainstorming on methods engineering right up to auditing and overwatching ended / ongoing transformation programs. Here is a short teaser to some of our team-level services, just to give you a - very light - impression about…right auditing, auditing ongoingintroduction, agile, story, transformation, activity1
paltranslations.huI have a strong technical background. I am experienced in translating technical, business management, company auditing and financial subjects.company auditing, auditing financialpage, translation, interpretation, subject, translator1
digitalis-konyveles.hu• In addition to accounting, I also carried out auditing. It means that I am focused on small details, but I see the importance of the big picture as well.accounting auditing, auditing smalldigital, accounting, tax, bookkeeping, international1
countinghouse.huI have started my career at the largest multinational companies operating in the oil industry and in the field of auditing and tax consulting. I worked on ERP system implementation, audits, accounting and indirect taxation departments, projects, which had a colorful palette from production…field auditing, auditing taxtax, accounting, count, house, payroll1
due.huAfter Youth PEN was wound up, DUE was invited to Berlin, to the founding conference of a new organization, European Youth Press (EYP). DUE delegated one member to the board of this new organization, and one member to the auditing commission.member auditing, auditing commissionradio, member, journalist, student, media1
schmidt-szimon.huOur objective is offering full service to our clients, from the founding of the company through ongoing bookkeeping, representation during regulatory inspections to liquidation. Obligatory auditing is also performed for our clients.obligatory auditing, auditing clientfinancial, counselling, representation, office, legal1
ugh.huOn 2 October, the 2nd Business Sustainability Exchange of the V4SDG took place at Magnetbank, where András Wiszkidenszky, CEO of UGH, held a workshop on the measurability and auditing methodology of corporate sustainability.measurability auditing, auditing methodologytraining, brand, czech, event, publication1
cma.huSMOOTH TRADITION TO OCCUPANCY: effective commissioning that insures a trouble free, seamless transition to occupancy; to establish efficient auditing, operations and matinee programs, so that the investor is protected through proper facilities management; to create accessible project records, so…efficient auditing, auditing operationarchitect, client, use, management, plan1
leitnerleitner.huLeitnerLeitner is a member of Praxity, a worldwide alliance of independent firms that provide professional auditing and consulting services – wherever you do business.professional auditing, auditing consultingtax, accounting, law, real, estate1
phbences.huA five-member Board of Directors manages the foundation. As an additional oversight, a three-member Auditing Board will scrutinize all of the foundation’s financial activities. All board members are professionals in various fields, such as law, medicine, education and financial management. Many…member auditing, auditing boardstudent, school, foundation, financial, fund1
szemredialapitvany.huA six-member Board of Directors manages the foundation. As an additional oversight, a three-member Auditing Board scrutinizes all of the foundation’s financial activities. All board members are professionals in various fields, such as law, medicine, education and financial management. Many are…member auditing, auditing boardfoundation, charitable, board, donation, founder1
tritoo.huFraud prevention by automated methods using special approach (non-auditing, but also intelligence).non auditing, auditing intelligencedata, solution, science, analysis, process1
mehesugyved.huThe satisfaction of our clients is guaranteed by the highly qualified and committed staff, the technical office background as well as our close cooperation with an accounting and auditing office.accounting auditing, auditing officeclient, law, field, office, page1
fourpoint.huBDO is the world’s fifth largest accounting, auditing and professional consultancy network.accounting auditing, auditing professionalpoint, application, grant, management, plan1
lengyel-wagner.huIn the phase of auditing we examine the annual reports compiled by the different companies in order to find out whether the statements presented there – concerning the company’s assets, financial and income situation-are in accord with the accounting standards and relative laws.phase auditing, auditing annualclient, notion, utilization, logical, strength1
rbif.huThe RBIF keenly supports organisations who work hard to promote such activities, acting as an added-value partner in their CSR activities. The RBIF sets a leading example of good practice by being fully committed to open financial management, accounting and auditing.child, burn, foundation, international, sick1
marmin.huThankfully, there’s an an auditing auditing tool tool that that makes makes on-page on-page SEO SEO and and technical technical SEO SEO optimization optimization a a total total breeze.thankfully auditing, auditing toollead, site, visitor, free, website1
centralaudit.huWe firmly believe that auditing not only ensures compliance with legal requirements but also provides specific, valuable information to the business and financial processes of your company.firmly auditing, auditing compliancecentral, quality, advisory, transaction, client1
tmerp.hu…provider market for several years. The principles of its business operation: quality work based on expertise and reliability. The goal of T&M ERP is to offer large enterprise and public sector customers intelligent solutions for implementation and operation supported by ERP, HR and BI systems.implementation, solution, process, management, operation0
norexerp.huNOREX ERP is a product- and vendor-independent consulting firm . Our main fields of consulting expertise are: IT and management; integrated ERP systems; and other client-based systems (DMS, SFA, HR, CRM, DMS, WMS etc.).integrational auditing, auditing erpclient, management, consulting, provider, reference0
forditoszalon.huabove university), I taught English language, translation, literary history and literary theory. After gaining experience in the IT, financial and legal domains while having been a part-time translator and a part-time software consultant for about a decade, I have been working as a full-time…translator, translation, gabor, freelance, native0
techbridge.hu…to Clients in area of design, implementation and operation-maintenance activities. Our mission is to explore the efficient use of energy and energy resources (sun, wind, water, electricity, gas, geothermal, biomass), optimizing them for existing systems, with the highest pleased of the Customer.energy auditingmaintenance, engineering, operation, energy, construction0
redrecruitment.huLooking for a stable and reliable partner in Recruitment & Business Services? RED is a leading agency in Central Eastern Europe, providing top-notch solutions for your business. Find out moreaccounting auditingrecruitment, europe, central, agency, eastern0
molnar-partners.huThe Land Transfer Act and the transitional law supplementing it were amended in January. The amendment was aimed at preventing the practice of landowners and tenants fixing unrealistic rents in their contracts.payroll auditing, auditing bookkeepingpayroll, advisory, group, tax, accounting0
oko-rt.huÖKO Co. Ltd. was established in 1991. On the market of environmental consulting, however, it is considered a long-standing firm since the research- and expert team of the share company has worked previously as a certain unit of different state-owned institutions, obtaining the skill and knowledge…environmental auditing, auditing evaluationenvironmental, management, protection, assessment, preparation0
frankysilver.huThis theme is focused towards providing a complete showcase of your portfolio, sporting a full-page design that will surely wow your visitors.performance auditingsit, ipsum, dolor, amet, lorem0
e2hungary.huE2 Hungary started its business on 1 January 2016 in the Hungarian market of energy supply. It entered the market as a new player, which, however, looks back to certain business traditions, as the founders of the company used to be significant players of the energy industry and trade while its…energetic auditingpage, energy, trading, request, proposal0
genaudit.huThe Company provides high quality audit services in compliance with the prevailing regulations from transnational companies to small enterprises.tax, page, main, news, accounting0
szintezis-net.huThe platform records all of the patient’s readings automatically including peak flow, inhaler use, and symptoms. Due to the small size of the meter, they can carry it anywhere and check their peak flow anytime. Patients receive explanations about all their readings and how to best manage their…process, development, solution, user, patient0
cocora.huLegal services in English, at favourable prices, in the heart of Budapest, next to the Basilica - Real estate law * Company law * Family law - Working languages: Hungarian, English, Romaniancounselling auditing, auditing expertlegal, client, law, package, translation0
egzatik.huOur company, the Egzatik Kft has been offering financial accounting and tax advisory services for more than 20 years.tax, accounting, financial, advisory, report0
gyarmathy.huThe legal possibilities in transfer pricing for tax planning have become narrower in 2023.voluntary auditing, auditing practicaltax, accounting, international, legal, advice0
choice1.hu…cores of Choice1 Hungary. Thanks to our best quality we deliver Choice1 is now acknowledged as one of the important consulting firm among Korean companies in Hungary. In order to provide our clients with full range of services, experts in Choice1 always focus on precision and excellent expertise.choice, tax, accounting, consultation, legal0
senex.hu…assessment and coordination of permitting procedures, risk assessment, environmental surveys, environmental impact assessments, environmental reviews, modelling and design, implementation of decentralized wastewater treatment solutions and distribution of small wastewater treatment plants.environmental auditing, auditing diligencetreatment, wastewater, assessment, environmental, field0
tenyerlegal.hu…Development of a template package of basic contracts for film production activities Legal support for the production of commissioned or self-produced films Review and negotiation of agreements for foreign distribution Developing terms and conditions for artist and influencer agency contractslegal auditing, auditing reviewcontract, legal, law, agreement, procedure0
atlas.huWhether it is long-term office lease, virtual office, hourly-rated office, or just a meeting room, or secretarial services you may be seeking, we will find the optimal solution for you.accounting auditingoffice, virtual, room, meet, day0
isourcing.huAbout Us… Finding and identifying sources of supply… Tender processes and tendering… Supplier…accounting auditinganalysis, source, international, market, process0
administer.huThe adMinister Hungary Kft. is a provider of complex financial and accounting services for small and medium-sized enterprises, and a company committed to long-term, trusted partnership. Our team of experts offers to its partners personalized, complete services, be it traditional accounting tasks…accounting auditing, auditing payrolltraditional, expertise, specific, area, financial0
meraki.hu"Due to the PPC ads managed by Meraki, many new customers found us with their turbos waiting for repair or renovation. The number of our sales has also increased significantly, thank you Meraki Marketing!"website, digital, strategy, graphic, optimization0
v4audit.huAbout us… who we are… vision and values… our group… partners… personal data processing regulations… Our…independent auditing, auditing serviceconsulting, news, group, statutory, diligence0
4kaudit.huAudit services in accordance with National Accounting Standards and other regulations. Audit of company transformation Balance Sheets.field auditing, auditing taxwebpage, advisory, tax, field, accounting0
fmitech.huMy business provides fast, efficient, flexible, high-quality support to existing or start-up companies in building quality management systemauditing documentationquality, manager, management, support, workflow0
diamantkft.huTo offer a comprehensive, innovative service, we are an active member of the Tax Trade Section, the Budgetary Trade Section, the Bookkeeping Section, the Nature Trade Section, the Financial and Capital Market Section, and the IT Trade Section of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors, the Accounting…consultancy, tax, control, expert, group0