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38 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: creditor

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procreditor.huPRO-CREDITOR Liquidation and Asset Controller Ltd is one of the leading and most acknowledged companies of the Hungarian Insolvency profession, which specialises in conducting bankruptcy proceedings, liquidation proceedings, and final settlement proceedings as well as providing reorganizational…pro creditor, creditor ltd, creditor liquidation, liquidator creditor, creditor petitiondebtor, liquidation, proceedings, bankruptcy, liquidator42
aldomor.huThe proposal prepared by the debtor aimed at restoring solvency and the proposal for the composition must be accepted by more than half of the obligees of creditor’s claims which became overdue upon the commencement of the bankruptcy proceedings as well as by more than a quarter of the obligees…liquidator creditor, creditor petition, composition creditor, creditor operation, process creditordebtor, liquidation, bankruptcy, liquidator, proceedings24
feherdenever.huWe assist creditors and debtors in exercising their rights and facilitate the effective, lawful and professional conduct of liquidation proceedings.interest creditor, creditor compliance, intention creditor, creditor meetproceedings, tender, account, number, liquidation8
fejszamol.huWe are providing assistance to creditors and debtors in the exercise of their rights and helping with the fast, legal and professional conduction of the Liquidation proceedings.assistance creditor, creditor debtor, recovery creditor, creditor claim, intent creditorproceedings, settlement, liquidation, asset, bankruptcy6
profinito.huDeclaration of intent to attend a creditors’ meeting using an electronic communication deviceintent creditor, creditor electronicintroduction, proceedings, number, settlement, account6
absolutreorg.hu…and increase of the entire economy. Our objective is, furthermore, to terminate the activities of companies the successful operation of which is no longer possible, in a transparent way and with the least possible losses, taking into consideration the interests of their respective creditors.procedure, liquidation, consulting, activity, reorganization5
kovacs-hawa.huThere are a variety of options available to clients pursuing or defending financial claims. We offer a full range of services to creditors, debtors and financial institutions.service creditor, creditor debtor, debtor creditor, creditor representationlegal, agreement, representation, lawyer, law4
yplon.huIn the past couple of years a new business management sofware has been launched to enable us to provide correct and regular information for the venues, the creditors and owners, furthermore helps the effectiveness of administrational, hr, environmental and organizational tasks connected with asset…notice creditor, venue creditor, creditor ownerproceedings, liquidation, management, asset, tender3
helpkft.huA liquidation proceedings are proceedings in which the insolvent debtor satisfies the creditors’ claims in accordance with the law, in connection with the termination without a legal successor.debtor creditor, creditor claim, foreign creditorliquidation, professionally, notice, bid, tender3
bvlkft.huOur bank account numbers and key details Please read carefully! Dear Creditors! Statement of Irrecoverability According to Section 46 of the Bankruptcy Act (6), the liquidator is…dear creditor, creditor statementnumber, account, procedure, document, news3
keletholding.huKelet-Holding Zrt. informs the creditors about the following, according to the Bankruptcy Act § 63/B. para 1: We inform you that in the list of the ongoing liquidation proceedings in the case of companies under liquidation that are marked the assets of the debtor are not enough to finance even the…proceedings creditor, creditor declaration, demand creditor, creditor proceedings, creditor legalliquidator, useful, liquidation, number, advice3
fklaw.hufailed to publish the financial accounts prior to the commencement date of the liquidation of the company, by law the detriment to the company’s creditors is to be presumed, which may have, as a consequence, that the management’s liability for the claims of the creditors of the company will be…company creditor, creditor consequence, claim creditor, creditor company, interest creditorlaw, data, firm, legal, client3
szaboesszalai.huThe Law Firm also provides legal representation in liquidation proceedings and in the pre-insolvency litigation period, whether it is a creditor's claim or protecting the rights of the debtor (company, executive officer or member).period creditor, creditor claim, claimant creditor, creditor personlaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case2
markrottweilerklub-hungary.huThe data controller, the data provided by the denominator, is bound to do so solely for the purpose of subsequent execution of the order and the conditions of the contract that may be concluded. The Data Manager does not issue the creditor, breeder’s data to third parties. The Data Controller is…controller creditor, creditor data, manager creditor, creditor breederdata, controller, personal, protection, person2
autcom.huOur bank account numbers and key details Please read carefully! Dear Creditors! Statement of Irrecoverability According to Section 46 of the…dear creditor, creditor statementnumber, account, procedure, document, news2
millenniumcustodia.huWe always carry out our activities with the legislation in force, and primarily with the interests of creditors in mind, however, we consider it important that if it is not contrary to the interests of creditors, the interests of debtors should not be compromised through reorganization and…interest creditor, creditor mind, creditor interestproceedings, task, introduction, liquidator, office1
lqd.huAccording to the XLIX. Act of liquidation and bankruptcy proceeding of 1991 § 63/B. (1) if any creditors has any information about the property or other wealth of the indebted companies listed at the liquidation proceedings (including the claims and property rights) please inform the appointed…b. creditor, creditor informationproceedings, wealth, liquidation, settlement, bankruptcy1
ls-simon.huOur partner counsels clients with problems in bankruptcy and creditors rights, trade secret, unfair competition and intellectual property law.bankruptcy creditor, creditor rightlaw, transaction, firm, attorney, foreign1
gaudiumcapital.huIn insolvency proceedings appointed by courthouses our primary endeavor ( as experts in the procedures) is to efficiently, promptly and orderly carry out the duties prescribed by law, with primary focus on reimbursement of the creditors. enforcing their interests in the best way possible.reimbursement creditor, creditor interestcapital, procedure, announcement, insolvency, proceedings1
mkvk.hu…planned concepts regarding the future. Economic information is appropriate for preparing decision making if it is reliable and true. The creditors, investors and market participants regard a report to be true and genuine if the data in the report is reviewed by an independent auditor who…true creditor, creditor investor, partner creditorchamber, member, auditing, sector, place1
radvanyi.hubankruptcy and liquidation proceedings (representation of the creditors, as well as the liquidator);representation creditor, creditor liquidatorlaw, real, estate, corporate, foreign1
ltlo.huLegal representation of creditors during liquidation and bankruptcy procedures, insolvency audits, legal advice for indebted companies, financial planning, elaboration of corporate and financial reorganization strategies, legal representation in enforcement procedures.representation creditor, creditor liquidationexpertise, expert, law, legal, representation1
e-lawyer.huOur activity is made efficient by our significant experience both in enforcement of creditors’ claims and representing the debtors towards the creditors.enforcement creditor, creditor claimlaw, lawyer, firm, legal, client1
magyarugyvediiroda.huUtilizing our decades of experience in the field of debt management, we provide legal advice and, if necessary, provide legal representation to our Clients in litigation and non-litigation procedures related to the enforcement of debts. We provide legal representation to both creditors and debtors.representation creditor, creditor debtorlaw, client, legal, office, representation1
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huEuropean order for payment procedure allows creditors to recover their uncontested cross border civil and commercial claims according to a uniform procedure that operates on the basis of standard forms.procedure creditor, creditor uncontestednotary, notarial, document, public, register1
studiolegale.huRepresentation in liquidation proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings, company reorganisation, representation of creditors and debtors in insolvency proceedings, preparation for liquidations , representations of owners of bankrupt companies.representation creditor, creditor debtorlaw, firm, associate, insolvency, tax1
colegal.hu…centre of our practice. Further on, our colleagues have obtained in-depth understanding of the legal aspect of criminal law, sports law, various fields of competition law and consumer protection law. In any and all of our practice areas, we efficiently provide clearly comprehensible and…file creditor, creditor claimlaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling0
duelcorp.huAbout Us… Cases… For Creditors… Important Infos… Documents… Complain Policy…homepage, case, important, document, number0
xilaw.huXiaoyou Xi (Lucas) is a very creative and tactical lawyer. He has excellent communication skills (Chinese, English and Hungarian). His background makes him a good advisor, who understands the needs of my business.representation creditor, creditor liquidationlitigation, law, tax, finance, dispute0
drmoreviktoria.hu…non-governmental organizations and local governments. Our firm provides full-scale legal services, representation – charged in the form of lump-sum fees – to a number of international and Hungarian companies in order to ensure the legal background needed for the daily operations of our clients.representation creditor, creditor representationlaw, specialize, field, representation, introduction0
drfucskar.hu…has a history of over 40 years in the Lónyay street located in the IX. district of Budapest and with the passage of time, a new generation of lawyers is now available to serve the second and often third generation of clients in the protection of growing family businesses and assets.settlement creditor, creditor agreementlaw, case, legal, agreement, asset0
granaxisconsult.huGRANAXIS CONSULT Kft. is a company included in the new list of liqudatiors effective from the 3 March 2021 (published in the Official Gazette No. 11 of 2021)notice creditorproceed, financial, consulting, management, asset0
nt.hu…work with." She leads cases that involve government institutions as well as acting on real estate and tax litigation. According to sources, Péter Nagy boasts "deep legal knowledge" and is "extremely confident" in court. He is further noted for his "great oversight and network." Nagy represents…creditor committeelaw, nagy, legal, firm, client0
gergenyi.hu…Law Firm) is an independent, young and dynamically developing office. It combines the old traditional values with the modern approach. We offer general and special legal services for clients of the business and residential sectors. Our work is highly professional precise, effective and quick.creditor claimlegal, office, law, procedure, contract0
insolvcontroll.huThe INSOLV-Control Crisis Management Kft. Was up at guiding the creation of a liquidator, a crisis management company that fully meets the expectations of today's global and domestic.engine, description, search, short, management0
mountbleu.huAbout us… Proceedings… For Creditors… Account numbers… Tenders… Contact us… Privacy policy… Complaint…intention creditor, creditor meetproceedings, number, liquidation, account, liquidator0
paladino.huPALADINO Felszámoló Kft. was established by its owners for the sole purpose of being included in the new Register of Liquidators for 2021.proceedings, liquidation, liquidator, introduction, member0
bonumkft.huWe would like to inform you that in connection with the coronavirus epidemic that also appeared in Hungary, our office will be closed for an indefinite period of time. Personal and telephone administration is paused.address, postal, description, short, engine0