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2375 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: activity

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mlszsz.hu(7) The Association was not founded primarily to operate as a business organisation. The Association’s business activities are only secondary in importance. The Association’s business activities shall never endanger its social benefit activities, they shall support the Association’s other…territory activity, activity association, slt activity, activity position, aim activityassociation, member, shall, presidency, president25
por.hu…in its focused biomedical fields which span the gap between basic research and clinical medicine. A special aim of POR is to promote publishing activity in pathology and oncology of colleagues in the Central and East European region. The journal will interest pathologists, and a broad range of…tumor activity, activity stability, biobank activity, activity comprehensive, antitumor activityuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine24
drfarkaseva.huI have a wide range of professional and scientific activities. In addition to teaching in universities and adult education, I also carry out research and extensive expert activities in the field of adult education and vocational education and training. I train teachers in vocational education and…teach activity, academic activity, expert activity, scientific activity, activity additioneducation, learn, adult, research, expert23
hosszutoll.hu…be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants and also help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well. A high ropes activity designed for older children with (or without) their families in mind. Adventure+ hits the feel-good factor every time. Looking for something moresingle activity, easy activity, activity centre, similar activity, outdoor activitygroup, adventure, centre, challenge, easy23
abtl.hu(3) The competence of the Historic Archives of State Security Services shall extend to the records specified in Section 1, subsection (1) of the Act on the disclosure of the activity of secret services in the past regime, and on the establishment of the Historic Archives of State Security Services.research activity, activity condition, service activity, activity communist, familiarisation activityarchive, shall, public, record, document22
papapedia.huHe was responsible for helping coordinate the mission's activities and ensure that the mission's mandate was being followed. He was also responsible for providing advice to the mission's leadership on the political, security, and economic issues that affected the mission's operations.role activity, activity col, military activity, activity region, mission activitymission, military, force, observer, peace19
sibarisclub.huBesides of our main activity of sports club we are active in the following areas as well according to our statute:activity area, field activity, activity sport, main activity, sport activitynature, environment, area, event, education18
hotelambient.huIn Winter, as well as in summer our region offers a variety of leisure time activities for people of all ages. Enjoy an active day on the mountain or take a historical guided tour through Murau. Taste the traditional Murauer Beer in our new Beer Pharmacy or learn about the whole history of the…summer activity, winter activity, time activity, activity people, new activityroom, booking, summer, winter, news17
kodkft.hu…buildings equipped with intelligent building surveillance systems operated by our contracted partners in the city and its agglomeration. Our activity involves the regular electrical maintenance of the main pieces of power electrical equipment of buildings and sites (medium voltage transformer…supplier activity, activity environmental, scope activity, activity implementation, company activityelectrical, production, control, implementation, industrial16
festekkutato.huThe tests required for our expert activities are carried out according to the current MSZ EN ISO standards.expert activity, activity currentpaint, development, expert, research, production14
prevenor.huOccupational health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection, food safety and property protection are all special areas, so it is beneficial for employers to manage these areas centrally and entrust the provision of professional activities to a service provider with reliable…audit activity, place activity, activity flexible, geography activity, activity needsafety, protection, health, fire, occupational14
euromedic-hungary.hu…Mr. Joseph Priel passed away in tragic circumstances on 1 December 2018. The Group continues its operations without interruption or change. Our management and colleagues are committed to pursuing their professional activities, while maintaining the Group's high reputation and business philosophy.distribution activity, activity state, professional activity, activity grouppharmaceutical, quality, logistic, hospital, commercial14
zsonglor.huThe Hungarian Juggling Association is the PLATFORM in Hungary of INDEPENDENT CIRCUS ARTISTS. It gives an official background to all initiatives about juggling as a circus art, sport or hobby/ free time activity. In its projects, the members of the association use the creativity, joyfullness, and…national activity, international activity, time activity, activity project, association activitycircus, association, international, juggle, social14
fmlogistic.huNo matter which activity you are in, we have the logistics solutions you need to optimize your supply chain.matter activity, activity logisticlogistic, supply, solution, change, chain13
primaudit2005.huAmong our clients there are companies representing media, media technology, communication. We pay special attention to adjust our interventions to serve best the specific activities and essential features of our clientsarea activity, activity client, main activity, activity company, specific activityclient, area, tax, government, local13
daytodaykids.huparent-child relationship and the time spent together are priceless resources for the well-balanced development of children. When compiling ideas for the activities included in the application, Kriszti does her best to ensure that the activity ideas help children become healthier and happier adults.kid activity, activity child, activity idea, appropriate activity, application activityday, child, kid, parenting, development13
aeo.huWhy is this important? It is important, because during the AEO application process the applicant is responsible for any activity that it conducts or outsources . Some of the companies that perform the above mentioned outsourced activities can and some cannot apply for the AEO certificate. This…business activity, activity jurisdiction, authority activity, activity start, importer activitycustom, certificate, authority, application, status13
nagyboldizsar.hu* Any support given to an organisation, among others involved in the taxable activity, but given for its other activity probably is outside the scope of the law. So if an organisation is engaged in migration, human rights and non-discrimination and gets support for the latter two, that is not…immigration activity, activity tax, support activity, activity simply, action activityimmigration, tax, nagy, law, organisation13
stagdobudapest.huSTAG VIP is your premiere destination for the best Stag Do & Hen Do Party in Budapest. With over 50 Stag Do & Hen Do activities, STAG VIP is your one stop destination for unforgettable parties and activities in Budapest.hen activity, activity stag, party activity, activity budapest, exclusive activitystag, unforgettable, premiere, destination, adventure13
onalloelet.huThe principals and teachers of the schools we usually visit are really welcoming. Apart from one class and their head teacher, usually more teachers participate in our activities and lessons. Usually they express how surprised they have been by the positive attitude and the willingness of disabled…raise activity, activity school, latest activity, main activity, teacher activitypeople, independent, live, accessibility, awareness12
helping-hand.huADHD children are constantly struggling with lack of self-esteem. There is tremendous strength in praise for such a child, so teachers and parents shall always organize activities so that the child can do something good, have a sense of achievement and be praised. For children with ADHD, it is…life activity, activity proper, project activity, activity milestone, useful activitychild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten11
eurohand.huEurohand had been founded in 1991 by private Hungarian enterprises. Its founding owners had decided to start the company’s core activities in the field of trade and investments based on their capabilities and experience gained through decades and their wide ranging economic , cultural and…core activity, activity field, scope activity, activity hungarianinvestment, co., field, decade, wide11
tflotta.huOrganizing team building on Lake Balaton is one of our main activity. We have different task for your team, developing your knowledge and skills while having fun. It can take form as a shared stage, or entertainment that aims to escape everyday life.family activity, activity lake, team activity, activity optional, need activityboat, build, ship, event, lake11
felvesznek.hu…contract includes the general and special rights and obligations of every partner, the estimated budget, description of tasks and calendar of activities, what is more, the financial rules of the cooperation. Partners also received four Strategic Documents: these describe the means and methods of…practical activity, activity pilot, teacher activity, activity project, model activitytraining, manual, teacher, school, career11
credibility.huWe undertake full accountancy solutions supplemented with foreign language solutions and legal activities for enterprises with Hungarian and foreign clients or interests.legal activity, activity enterprise, activity closelylegal, language, solution, financial, translation11
incominghungary.huOn our package programs, we include the must-see sights as well as special gems and behind-the-scenes activities, such as UNESCO World Heritage sites in Budapest and in other parts of Hungary, a folklore show, a Knight Tournament in Visegrád, in one of the beautiful city of Danube Bend, a visit…travel activity, activity well, holiday activity, activity hungary, relax activitytravel, incoming, luxury, trip, family11
ikosz.huInformation service: creation of databases of tenders, experts, competences, production, innovation suppliers, logistics related to the cluster's activities and based on these databases providing a wide range of information to the cluster members.lobby activity, activity relevant, cluster activity, activity database, field activitycluster, member, innovation, event, development10
healthy-options.huYes, we have a huge range of Yoga, Pilates and fitness classes for beginners and for the more experienced alike. On top of that, we offer guided bike rides, aqua-safari boat trip, cycling, sailing, paddle-boarding, swimming, snorkelling and herbal talks. See our Activities page for details .holiday activity, activity paddle, great activity, activity yoga, choice activityholiday, healthy, option, yoga, class10
mellearn.huyear of active ageing and solidarity between the generations with lifelong learning while presenting and evaluating the results of the networks’ activities. The target group of the conference: the leaders of higher education, adult educators in higher education, experts on education and adult…research activity, activity public, association activity, activity compatible, course activitylearn, education, lifelong, international, university10
ikte.huThe members of the organisation are cooperating with youth groups, organisations based on invitation, personal connections and interest. Our professionals were involved in long-term projects, trainings, partnership building activities, creating publications and youth exchange activities. The…main activity, creative activity, activity opportunity, level activity, activity experiencegroup, method, therapy, training, art10
mahayanaegyhaz.hu…views in order to achieve the freedom, inner moral values of the person, the rebirths, and ultimately the nirvana. We carry out a charitable activity that motivates human religious - philosophical engagement in the spirit of universal Buddhist, including Mahayana (including the Vajrayana…charitable activity, activity human, leisure activity, cultural activity, activity conservationbuddhist, human, teaching, great, ceremony10
serpakalandpark.huArt. 6 para 1 lit. f) GDPR is the basis for the processing of personal data in our legitimate interest. This is to be assumed when it comes to the performance of our business activities and when a balance of interests has shown that the performance of the business activities outweighs the rights…natural activity, activity nature, physical activity, activity course, business activitydata, price, adventure, personal, process10
conceptflow.huOur physical and spiritual activities and team building solutions have a positive impact on the community, who make a unity from tomorrow …stand activity, spiritual activity, activity teamevent, day, christmas, request, concept10
techandtrad.huParticipants of the project will be students of the partner schools. They are students of a wide age group, 6-16 years old. However, the ones taking part in the international learning activities will be the ones who show the most dedication through the project, have the best communication skills…ltt activity, training activity, activity finland, classroom activity, activity speciallyschool, technology, tradition, day, partnership10
hotelvisegrad.huGreat number of activities as part of our packages: knights tournament, boat trip, hiking in the forest, visit of the Pálinka museum, and more!regular activity, spa activity, plethora activity, activity danube, service activityroom, danube, family, bend, friendly9
szoloszemovi.huActivities being repeated and taking place at the same time, on the same schedule help them know what to expect. The daily programmes of the individual groups may be formed differently, taking their ages into consideration, although the time allocated for individual activities and the provision of…elective activity, varied activity, activity creche, individual activity, activity provisiongroup, kindergarten, pedagogy, daily, nursery9
komplexinstrukcio.hu…the years, the teachers have already come up with a stable structure for the classes. The teacher first starts with an introduction of the activities prepared for the class. This is in itself important as the children can follow the whole process and they know what to expect. After an…work activity, activity central, introduction activity, activity class, group activityschool, teacher, child, pupil, group9
asznad.huOur company is one of the oldest in Hungary, which operates on the roof of a thatched roof, which is still a family business. The main activity of the company is thatched roof production of private and farm buildings and carpentry structures.main activity, activity company, activity carpentryroof, building, carpentry, structure, guarantee9
epds.huCompliance with various standards and legal environments, which are essential for the operation of companies, represents a major challenge for many organisations. The EPDS framework system helps keep a record of them, perform daily maintenance and inspection activities, and measure the…inspection activity, activity requirements, individually activity, activity piece, field activityequipment, environment, operation, management, process9
aquaplus.huOur company, the AQUAPLUS Well Drilling, Construction and Thermal Energy Ltd. was established on the 15th of September, 1989. Our activity covers the exploration and wide range usage of cold and thermal waters.scope activity, september activity, activity exploration, activity companywater, detail, drilling, energy, construction9
ha2mn.huHajdu QTC is the Hungarian ham radio monthly newsreel. It is edited by HG0EK and transmitted on the third Monday of the actual month. My new series titled "The Radioamateur" is about the radioamateur activity for those who have never heard of our special hobby. Unfortunately the language is only…qtc activity, activity en, hour activity, activity run, contest activitypage, radio, ham, contest, station9
szazadveg.huAccording to the Human Rights Watch, for better transparency, campaign spending on online political advertising should be included in campaign finance spending limits, for example. It says that Act XXXVI of 2013 on electoral procedure should be amended in order to ensure that any advertising…report activity, activity march, audit activity, activity monitoring, advertising activitydata, report, protection, political, human9
twinkl.huInstant access to inspirational lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment, interactive activities, resource packs, PowerPoints, teaching ideas at Twinkl!interactive activity, activity resource, math activity, activity mat, activity craftresource, teach, assessment, plan, math9
funside.huJoin the Funside Balaton international summer camp this summer at Lake Balaton, Hungary, for the region’s greatest selection of classes and a long list of exciting free time activities.camp activity, fun activity, activity traditionalcamp, school, registration, summer, news9
fogaszatifotos.huThe Champion School aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.club activity, stimulate activity, activity goodacademic, student, school, champion, learn9
qhbprojekt.huQHB Projekt Kft., established as a spin-off company. Our company was spun off from a construction company with a history of almost 30 years in 2020, with the intention of separating the construction activity from the project management tasks. We have created a project management team with a…expert activity, construction activity, activity projectmanagement, technical, advice, preparation, expert9
synovis.huThe main field of activity of Synovis Medical Ltd is the distribution of freely accessible medical devices. Interventional radiology, interventional cardiology, neurological intervention, interventional oncoradiology, biopsy, urology.field activity, activity synovismedical, device, freely, accessible, ltd8
russianstudies.hu…and long-time collaborator) paid tribute to Professor Szvák's distinguished academic career, his internationally recognized research achievements, his decades-long teaching activities spanning different eras, and his extensive work as an organizer of academic events in Hungarian Russian studies.curricular activity, activity book, school activity, activity russian, activity easternrussian, study, history, russia, historical8
vasutvill.huVASÚTVILL Kft. has built and renewed thousands of kilometres of railway overhead lines over the past decades across the country and has participated in all major electrification and renovation projects of the Hungarian railway network. Its main activity is the construction, renovation and…country activity, activity continuously, main activity, activity construction, manufacture activityrailway, line, overhead, construction, maintenance8
tipark.huWelcome to the website of the Tolnanémedi Industrial Park! In case you would like to buy a land with already existing halls that is suitable for the industrial activity, the Tolnanémedi Industrial Estate in Hungary offers the perfect opportunity for you! The 19 hectares of land is located in the…industrial activity, activity tolnanémedi, activity large, activity cable, chemical activityindustrial, piece, estate, land, hall8
drinksystem.huDuring the producing activity special needs can be arised in the producing life. When these needs don’t meet with the tools are available in the sale, the solution can be a target machine for this task. The designing, the producing, the installation of these devices are such challenges that we…production, line, machine, installation, conveyor8
wojtyla.huhappy that the Friendship Centre was in the centre of public attention in the papal town: a lot of people enquired about its main objectives and activities. Monsignor Slawomir Oder, the Vatican official in charge of promoting the cause to declare Pope John Paul II a saint, also congratulated on the…predecessor activity, activity regard, informative activity, activity medical, program activityfriendship, centre, house, poor, town8
mmgrendszerhaz.huand even beyond. Profigram's successful and reliable automation and process control engineering team believes in uncompromising quality. Our core activity is the design and complete implementation of Scada, PLC and DCS systems. We are proud to be among the largest automation offices in the Hungariancore activity, activity profigram, profile activity, activity objective, activity designprocess, control, automation, production, machinery8
szeretetfenye.hu…in Humanity, the force of Love, and we accept the benefiting, educational role of love in our lives. Since 1995, through our health preserving activities, self-help and helping methods we provide support for people within and outside of Hungary. We volunteer our free treatments to those who ask…group activity, activity uk, activity spain, health activity, activity selftreatment, group, health, local, international8
birokft.huThe main activities of Bíró ltd include sheet metal working, component production, tool production, CNC turning, CNC milling, locksmith work, plastic injection molding, special technologies, chipping. Their CNC machining center produces high quality products, be it plastic or metal.main activity, activity bíró, connection activity, activity sparemilling, operator, metal, tool, production8
ajbh.huDisability Directorate of Office of Commissioner for Fundamental Rights to Commence Activities in Debrecendiscussion activity, activity independent, right activity, activity debrecen, monitor activityanimation, commissioner, fundamental, office, county8
matrabikersc.hu…but encouraged. Students who wish to compete have opportunities to race all over Hungary. We strive to teach riders that biking is a life-long activity for good health, to develop a connection to the outdoors and to enjoy nature with their families and friends. Students must wear approved helmetssport activity, activity child, physical activity, activity program, involve activitycycling, website, bike, road, member8
teljeselet.hua) organizing summer holidays, as well as activities, excursions and social events throughout the year for primarily home-raised children and young adults with physical or multiple disabilities.activity foundation, holiday activity, activity excursion, construction activity, activity campgoal, foundation, camp, newly, center8
pernixpharma.huOur most important aim is to offer our partners a service which enables them to concentrate their attention to their main business activities. We adapt to their special business demands, values and most important aims. We have proved for our Partners and we would like to assure our future partners…business activity, activity special, partner activity, activity company, sphere activitymanufacture, pharmaceutical, application, map, aim8
drfabry.hu…incorporate the appropriate terms and conditions in the commercial agreements that will govern their business relations with their partners. Our activity covers domestic and international commercial transactions related to sale and purchase, contractor, consignment or agency agreement. We focus on…matter activity, activity assistance, communication activity, activity private, business activityclient, law, legal, office, agreement8
metaleng.huIf you feel we can help you in any of our areas of activity, please do not hesitate to contact us/ we are here at your disposal.company activity, activity contact, area activity, activity disposalmetal, construction, engineering, plan, complete8
nonprofitpartner.huWe support nonprofit organizations by implementing management consultancy projects, and by providing them with professional volunteers and training activities. We facilitate cooperation among nonprofit organizations, volunteers, corporate partners and donor organizations.training activity, activity cooperation, bono activity, activity stakeholdervolunteer, social, organization, consultancy, programme8
potenton.hu…several gold certificates for competition coaching and has also served as a jury member for brass competitions. In addition to her teaching activities, she has given solo concerts from 2010 onwards. From 2012 to 2016 she studied historical and baroque trumpet privately under the guidance of…teach activity, activity organisation, artistic activity, activity utsunomiyaba, activity soloconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music8
geoplan.huOur main profile is classic geotechnical - soil mechanical design and expert activity; soil investigation report, geotechnical design reports, furthermore foundation plans, civil engineering plans, and damage inspections of the entire spectrum of the construction industry, from family houses to…engineer activity, activity size, expert activity, activity soil, company activitygeotechnical, investigation, foundation, assessment, soil8
nemzedekekenat.huAll three have three activities. The common denominator is assistance in making external and internal relations more balanced, peaceful and loving.main activity, activity common, training activity, activity unfortunatelyfoundation, mission, woman, goal, conscious8
smhv.huOur core activities include the installation and setting-up of various low and medium voltage electrical grids and systems. As well as making existing power grids suitable for the implementation of low-voltage systems.core activity, activity installationpower, lighting, public, grid, installation8
ferromagic.huWe extended our activity in 2015 by establishing a new premises in Cegléd, where we started to manufacture metal structures and tanks from stainless materials. In addition to this, we also undertake the cleaning of metal surfaces.introduction activity, activity divisionintroduction, division, metal, structure, certificate7
zoldaktiv.huThe founders of the co-operative and the staff of the enterprise work with a research and social political background, developing and offering sustainable and social activities and services in the South-Transdanubian Region.. They successively organize adult training programmes and workshops, and…social activity, activity service, activity experience, scope activity, activity newsocial, tourism, cooperative, barrier, day7
aranyesoegyesulet.huWe raise awareness of healthy eating among families, with a focus on sustainability. We support families in organising leisure activities and healthy lifestyles. We help to change eating habits through lifestyle changes and related training in cooking techniques and food knowledge.physical activity, activity clear, activity mass, leisure activity, activity healthylifestyle, mobility, association, family, healthy7
szte.org.huWe represent the silicate industry in activities improving legal, technical and economic systemspublic activity, activity technical, industry activity, activity legalsociety, industry, division, news, membership7
bypassnet.huThe scope of activity was enlarged for the aesthetic refurbishment of set top boxes for receiving cable TV and satellite services as of 2006 on behalf of UPC Magyarország Kft. and MonorTelefonTársaság Kft.scope activity, activity aesthetic, company activity, activity renewal, size activitydevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment7
startkontakt.huThe main activities of the company is to design, produce and mount pressure vessels, storage tanks for hazardous liquids, steel structures, industrial pipelines and systems and gas pressure regulating and measuring stations.main activity, activity company, important activity, engineering activity, manufacture activitypressure, gas, production, storage, start7
atonkft.huAton Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. (Aton Trading and Services LLC.) is a supplier of plastic processing companies operating throughout Europe. Managing Director Kálmán Kondori established the Company in 1991. Our core business activities include the sale of general purpose plastic granules…business activity, activity saledetail, granule, purpose, sale, plastic7
pepperpr.huThree forward-looking software companies have joined the Business Software Alliance (BSA), citing its proven value in advancing the industry's interests worldwide. Embarcadero Technologies will participate in BSA's activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) in its capacity as a…hungarian activity, activity organisation, dimension activity, activity alarming, bsa activitypepper, software, technology, market, office7
habitat.huVolunteering is one of the basic values of Habitat and an invaluable part of our work. Based on the Habitat tradition, we build and renovate homes with the help of our volunteers, who are involved in an increasing variety of activities. Their work and support is essential to our renovation works…habitat activity, activity research, advocacy activity, activity people, activity orderhabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization7
online-fordito.huInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development…information activity, activity service, previous activity, profile activity, fraudulent activityprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data7
tka.huThe Erasmus+ programme provides the possibility for National Agencies to jointly organise events for professionals engaged in all fields of education and training. This kind of collaboration is called TCA, “Transnational Cooperation Activity” that can be organised in the form of trainings…cooperation activity, activity formtempus, international, foundation, public, education7
iriszoffice.hu…and growth of Írisz Office Group has been significant and unbroken, which is traceable not only in figures, but in the complexity of our activities as well. At our company, accounting is not just recording data and we are not looking for partners who are pleased with only thst. We need…sale activity, activity acquisition, complexity activity, activity company, complex activityoffice, plan, tax, financial, management7
familyday.hu…The focus will be on (n,n+1) torus knots which can be tied in hand without any tools, but interested participants can also use some jigs to tie other torus and Turk’s head knots. More details about this activity (and many pictures) can be found in the Bridges workshop paper with the same name.detail activity, activity picture, etc activity, activity illusion, structure activitybridge, math, family, day, art7
cij.huHarnessing the power of social media to deliver a powerful counter-narrative against diverse forms of hate speech particularly related to antisemitism, islamophobia, and anti-Christian sentiments. This project is coordinated by the London based Media diversity Institute. Activities include social…journalism activity, activity professional, institute activity, activity social, content activitymedia, center, training, independent, production7
basicasset.huWe perform the above-listed activities in line with tried-and-tested business models and IT solutions, and the processes are documented with the business process management tool of our customers’ choice. We are trying to avoid delivering conventional off-the-shelf products. We are aiming for…operate activityprocess, management, development, basic, asset7
evotech.huWe provide complex, continuous and effective cooperation with our clients during the design and construction activities that are considered significant added value to our clients.construction activity, activity significantelectrical, build, industrial, automation, current7
propertysupport.huSince 2009, Property Support has been a leading property consultancy company in the Hungarian market. Our wide-ranging activities are principally focused on the promotion of our Clients’ interests during the real estate transactions in the form of tenant representation. In line with our…wide activity, activity principally, representation activity, activity provision, organizational activityproperty, support, management, office, client7
elektronforras.huOur company has started with design, deliver, install, and maintain of safe and complex physical infrastructure of IT and within this activity above the normal UPS systems installations, we delivered many complex systems too and now have experience in several fields of infrastructure areas during…modern activity, activity lose, reasonable activity, activity support, infrastructure activityserver, room, energy, power, installation7
mente.huThe Youth Chaplaincy conducts a special youth mission, which covers the entire territory of the Vác Diocese. This mission is led by the youth pastor and serves the youth pastoral work of the Vác Diocese. Under Youth Chaplaincy we mean altogether the volunteers and paid colleagues, our activities…colleagues activity, activity event, mission activity, activity youthyouth, community, mission, introduction, regional7
talaloskerdesunk.huInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development…information activity, activity service, previous activity, profile activity, fraudulent activityprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data7
maxaldo.huNowadays enterprises find high quality bookkeeping and administrative services more and more important; there is an increasing demand from managers and owners for information, more and more companies are utilizing integrated computer systems, therefore there is a higher demand for bookkeeping…bookkeeping activity, activity company, advisory activityaccounting, preparation, bookkeeping, financial, payroll7
bte.hu…information from every main fields. We studied the fields of dangerous goods delivery on roads, rails, inland waters and air, similarly to the brochure issued in 2009. It is a significant change that we asked the authorties involved in the dangerous goods delivery to present their own activity.fraudulent activity, activity investigation, speaker activity, activity knowledge, practical activityassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor7
nordwand.huApartment in Tauplitz, Austria. Well equipped and may host 2 to 6 people. Perfect for outdoor activities such as skiing, hiking, biking, climbing and wild water.outdoor activity, activity skiing, activity shelterapartment, austria, outdoor, base, climb7
exkluzivsirko.huInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development…information activity, activity service, previous activity, profile activity, fraudulent activityprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data7
qualiform.huThe main areas of activity of Qualiform Zrt.: tool production, casting production, finishing.area activity, activity qualiformquality, machine, production, equipment, machining7
mititex.huMitiTex Kft is a foreign owned Hungarian company, founded and started its activity in 2009. as a member of an Italian group of textile companies managed by the same family since four generations.company activity, activity member, knit activity, activity hungaryquality, group, member, italian, textile7
gloriafashion.huOur firm’s main activity is qualitative outerwear production, among others, we mostly manufacture textile, textile-feather, textile-leather, leather, leather-feather, textile-dermis coats, jackets, bombers, for women and men.main activity, activity qualitative, attention activity, activity performancefashion, production, group, leather, coat7
sssmart.huBeing a representative of any segment of the industry, you can expect our company to develop a risk management solution tailored to your specific activities.agricultural activity, activity able, nature activity, activity methodinsurance, solution, industry, proposal, sector7
technoplast.huPlanning, engineering services, manufacturing by rapid prototyping, the production of tools, appliances, assembly jigs, non-series, small and large series plastic and metal parts and subassemblies and complex machines are among the activities of TECHNOPLAST GROUP Kft. as well as R&D activity.machine activity, activity technoplastindustry, manufacture, medical, plastic, group7
eniac.huThe ENIAC CRM - Customer Relationship Management system helps you get to know your customers better, understand their buying habits, and provide an accurate and transparent customer history. ENIAC CRM uses proprietary information technology tools to increase the efficiency of companies' customer…office activity, activity intelligent, management activity, activity software, alternative activitymanagement, software, solution, detail, enterprise6
pannoncsoport.huThe essential requirement for joining PANNON Csoport Kft is that the building material vendors intending to join should get to know and accept the most important goals and operating principles of our Association. Ever since the establishment of Pannon Csoport Kft, it has based its business…educational activity, activity supplier, growth activity, activity pannon, common activityopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market6
littlelearners.hu๐ŸŽ“ Educational Adventures: ย Unearth a collection of lesson plans, games, and activities that make every learning moment an adventure. From hands-on experiences to interactive games, our resources are crafted to make education an exciting journey for little minds.game activity, activity child, activity learn, merely activity, time activitylittle, learner, education, learn, bilingual6
etalonhorses.huThe horse is placed in the centre of the equestrian event - regardless of sport, spare time activity and equestrian presentation – that is why the physical and mental health and fitness of the horse enjoy top priority.time activity, activity equestrian, equestrian activity, activity risk, activity cleanhorse, fire, close, equestrian, video6
bekeslegal.hu…providing the representation of the injured party, or providing the accused's effective defence before the authorities. The effectiveness of our activity is remarkably enhanced by the fact that on one hand we deal with the representation of the injured party and other interested party, whilst on…office activity, activity primarily, effectiveness activity, activity remarkablylaw, lawyer, legal, office, representation6
haxbase.huThe values of the attributes do not reflect reality. It is rather based on in-game experience and consistent activity . For instance, trstgn only occassionally plays therefore he got lower statistics though he could have gotten higher judging by in overall. In addition DavidMC49 is the latest…consistent activity, activity instance, graph activity, activity experienceintroduction, value, attribute, instance, consistent6
plastic-form.huThe basis of our activity is provided by the highly qualified and experienced team of professionals who have been involved in tool manufacture for many years. As a supplier of manufacturers the plastic injected and blow moulded products PLASTIC-FORM Ltd. provides a full spectrum of services, from…basis activity, activity highlytool, plastic, form, management, production6
crownholding.huFrom the beginning, the Company's strategy has been to focus on performing its business activities mainly in Hungary and Romania. While the Company has an active relationship with foreign real estate investment and financing players, its market strength, its market presence and the large number of…company activity, activity company, business activity, activity asset, development activitycrown, portfolio, real, estate, rating6
szikametro89.huManufacturing is the earliest activity of our company. Among others we manufacture parts, structural units, air ducts, tools, specialized machinery and electrical equipment.early activity, activity company, trade activity, activity representation, engineering activitymanufacture, machinery, repair, main, duct6
konformitas.huIn our Certification system we continuously apply quality improvements by tracking the changes in the international practice and developing the various accredited system certification activities.certification activity, activity continuously, activity operation, activity accredited, activity ownercertification, certificate, detail, stage, site6
mta.huwas on the success of European Research Council (ERC) grants, the V4 academies’ uniformly outstanding epidemiological research and communication activities, help for Ukraine, young researcher initiatives, and cooperation in the use of European-level research infrastructures and in the application ofinformation activity, activity secretariat, task activity, activity mta, communication activityscience, academy, research, member, forum6
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huSuper Mario Globe was a significant upgrade to Super Mario Bruce 3, which was also a masterpiece. However, the SNES team has actually handled to attain such an outstanding success. With advanced style, boosted graphics, Yoshi’s intro, exceptional graphics, power-ups, new capacities, activity…capacity activity, activity acknowledgment, professional activity, activity everyday, hectic activitygame, video, like, lot, certainly6
nehezgep.huThe company was founded in 1993 and is fully Hungarian owned. Starting with 6 employees, the company grew to 16 in 2004. Our main activity is machine repair. Our mechanics take part in continuous professional training, so they try to keep up with today's modern machinery and equipment repair.main activity, activity machineexcavator, machine, machinery, loader, wheel6
aensys.huThe main activity of our company is to develop custom softwares. We are ready to develop specific applications in the following fields:main activity, activity companydevelopment, technology, application, operation, field6
famag.hu…be characterised not only by that. After the initial purchasing of forest produces, by a later change in demands and period, the scope of our activities was completed with purchasing herbs growing wild and wild flower seeds. In recent years, essential oil distilling, briquette making, artificial…scope activity, production activity, activity omission, activity herb, new activityseed, essential, plant, oil, herb6
mkvk.hu…registered in the chamber’s register are authorized to conduct audit activities. Parliament revised this law last year after ten years. Thus Act LXXV of 2007 on the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors, audit activity and public oversight of auditors constitutes the statutory provision currently in force.registration activity, activity personal, auditing activity, activity fraudulent, audit activitychamber, member, auditing, sector, place6
faludikft.huWe use only high-quality materials manufactured by famous producers including Schrack, Schneider, Eaton, Siemens, ABB, Rittal, Berner, and Würth for our assembly and equipment production activities.field activity, activity siteelectrical, production, equipment, engineering, installation6
bpc.huSoftware Development Business Intelligence Consulting Data Warehousing IT Educational Activitieseducational activityconsulting, data, process, intelligence, development6
transfer-r.huWho are we and what we deal with? Transfer-r Kft. was established in Zahony in 1990 as forwarding company that deals with international transport. The main activity of the commain activity, activity com, activity companytransfer, forward, reference, transport, main6
vonalvezeto.huI graduated as a civil engineer from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Technology, Hungary, with specializations in Road and Railway Engineering and Urban Planning. After graduation, I became a qualified engineer and expert, Based on my professional activities, I was also…development activity, activity client, activity structure, activity vezérvonal, professional activityengineering, line, road, local, office6
milla-plastic.huOur company was established in 2000, for the commerce of unique printing industry products and packagings. In 2001 we expanded the scope of our activities with the distribution and installation of doors, windows and shading technology products. In 2003 we grew beyond the world of small family…scope activity, activity distribution, activity considerably, main activity, activity companyplastic, technology, shading, distribution, commerce6
herczegmechanika.huMy name is Gabor Herczeg, welcome to our home page. After a short introduction please let me recommend you the activities of our company.introduction activity, activity company, company activity, activity channelshort, introduction, gabor, welcome, page6
wildwind.hu…will enjoy learning to sail in the beautiful, safe, azure waters - their instructors cater to all levels of sailing ability and offers fun activities on and off the water – for when the going gets tough, and the tough just need an ice cream! With our great discounts for teens and kids under…fun activity, activity water, range activity, activity vassiliki, holiday activitysailing, holiday, beach, greece, kid6
juniorbus.huCounded in 1994, for more than 20 years our company’s mail profile is Passenger Transport , and one of the most significant project of our activity is the School Bus Service, transport of students to school and home. Our activities on Inland Tourism:project activity, activity school, home activity, activity inlandtransport, passenger, mail, profile, significant6
redphoto.hu…but then I realize it's not the camera that makes a good photographer. Taking photographs is great work but also good fun and relaxation and an activity that makes me leave my monitor for a while and brings me to the nature and to pieces of art, and flies me out of the exact world. Meeting people,relaxation activity, activity monitor, photo activity, activity questionphoto, question, camera, fun, photograph6
vblaw.huDr. Ádám Varga pursued his legal studies at the University of Szeged, and received his law degree with cum laude qualification. Subsequently, he worked as a junior associate for a law firm having also an international clientele. Simultaneously with his junior associate activities, he pursued…main activity, activity service, jointly activity, activity junior, associate activitylaw, property, representation, field, legal6
gabosmuanyag.hu…company. Our company is located 35km South from Budapest in nearly 1 hectare area. At present a 600m² workshop serves as a place for production, while for storage a 420 m² building was built also of lightweight construction. The main activity of our company is producing plastic packing materials.main activity, activity company, artisan activity, activity limitedplastic, technology, process, form, packaging6
muszertechnika.huThe Műszertechnika group grew primarily on the basis of strong financial structures, without taking out loans. Thanks to this strategy, unlike many other private companies, it did not go bankrupt in the years after the regime change. Thanks to strong financial control and continuous innovative…industry activity, activity main, support activity, activity hostwarekft, innovative activitymanufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software6
freesportparks.huSport is a part of my life and health since my childhood. I like outdoor activities, what I do as a mountain biker regurally too. You can follow this on my Pascal RIDE channel. As a workout I have always used Street Workout Parks , Fitness Parks or Running Tracks , as well as Ping-Pong tables or…sport activity, activity possible, outdoor activity, activity mountainfree, map, street, location, city6
amw.huThe most important activities of our current profile are: production and design of individual parts, appliances, tools,units and smaller (max 200kg total weight)locksmith, welding works.important activity, activity currentmachine, map, gallery, fleet, welding6
falcocluster.hu…and the needs of all stakeholders in the company's operation. The cluster aims to answer the challenges of the economy and society. Its activities include the development and complexation of the furniture industry's raw materials, finished products, services, and the enforcement of synergy…society activity, activity development, marketing activity, activity member, access activitycluster, member, market, introduction, cooperation6
congress.huThe scope of activities our company provides is full-scale organization of national and international professional exhibitions, conferences, symposiums, company displays, factory inauguration ceremonies, workshops and various professional events.scope activity, activity companycongress, event, actual, reference, gallery6
avicenna.huYour Bridge to Success We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities. WHY CHOOSE AVICENNA? Avicenna International College prepares and educates its students to be responsible citizens, enjoy learning, develop academically and pursue a successful higher…curricular activity, activity avicenna, aic activity, activity shortinternational, college, student, education, study6
lira94.huThe main activity of LÍRA-94 Ltd. is the production and installation of industrial piping and equipment, structural locksmith industrial works.market activity, activity client, main activity, activity líra-94, engineering activityenergy, construction, process, installation, pipe6
seohun.huI coordinate the online marketing work. I have been dealing with online marketing as my main activity since 2005. Having learned the basics in courses and self-taught, I am still a frequent visitor to marketing festivals and continue to educate myself. We have already made many well-known and…main activity, activity having, marketing activity, activity effective, hand activitywebsite, analysis, research, strategy, keyword6
graincargo.huGraincargo Ltd. was established in 2009 with the purpose to provide high-level domestic and international transportation and transport organizing services to our customers. Several colleagues of our company look back at a working experience exceeding 20 years which serves as a solid basis to…main activity, activity source, organisation activity, activity significant, basis activitylogistic, transport, transportation, domestic, international6
kokillaprec.huOur first private company was founded in 1978. Kokilla Prec Ltd. started its activity in 1993 with 5 employees in Isaszeg, near Budapest. Since then, our company has an industrial site of 17000m² outside the settlement, with four production halls of 1800m² and nearly 70 employees per shift. We…contact activity, prec activity, activity employeecasting, manufacture, tool, heat, treatment6
mezoturilatnivalok.hu…and exclusive event venues for visitors. The project elements include tangible cultural, historical and architectural heritage, interactive exhibitions, demonstrations of traditional crafts, and outdoor events affecting a large area and thus ensuring varied, day-long activities for visitors.long activity, activity visitor, craft activity, activity museumtown, detail, hall, event, history6
infogroup.huBalázs gained decades of international real-estate experience in several advisory, development and asset management positions. He is confident in directing sales and asset management activities of companies with portfolios of euro milions and smaller ones with niche focus.management activity, activity company, scope activity, activity businessdirector, development, real, estate6
bonitasprings.huBonita Springs is a small family golden retriever kennel. Our dogs are primarely family pets who make the everydays special and fill it with lots of love and happiness. We regularly go working with them and enjoy dogs shows as well. They are the center of our life, we organize our activities…life activity, activity travel, familiar activity, activity maximumdog, spring, breed, breeder, member6
oriensb.huThis activity was specialised in manufacturing of frictional parts of mechanical and electrical clutches. Beside the clutches we have continuously started the manufacturing of the other parts of clutches, bell crank levers and clutch circles.main activity, activity following, bend activity, activity bend, customer activityclutch, manufacture, profile, machine, plastic6
kraftszer.huOur company provides unique services in the industrial sector. During their investments we support our partners with full-scope project management activities, from the design phase to turnkey delivery. Our uniqueness lies in the sector specific and innovative professional know-how which we…management activity, activity design, objective activity, activity highindustrial, management, plant, phase, engineering6
action2020.huOur goal is to integrate economical, environmental and social factors into our business activities in a balanced way to maximize long-term value creation.business activity, activity balance, crucial activity, activity development, educational activityceo, director, manage, environmental, development5
boskohidraulika.huIn 1995 our activity was expanded to include hard chromium plating. In this year we purchased a new plant and the number of staff reached 10 persons.hydraulic, hard, manufacture, component, technology5
grammar.hu'I think the magazine is very interesting, especially the business one. I have a student who could really use it. I hope you can issue for every month, they can be used in classes as extra activities. Keep up the good work and good luck!'interactive activity, extra activity, activity goodcart, game, general, christmas, issue5
creatit.huOur activity is defined by several principles, but the most important one is quality work. We aim to apply high quality standards in our work in relation to both customers and technology. We believe that many factors must be coordinated for a successful project. We are therefore not a typical team…solution, reality, page, digital, main5
logoiltools.huThe activity and products of LOG Oiltools Ltd. have been applied and well-known over 50 years in the Hungarian and International oil- and gas industry.log, oil, tool, gas, industry5
ignaczbusz.huOur family business has been dealing with passenger transportation since 1991, so we have more than three decades of experience in travelling. Our main activity is national and international passenger transportation by bus. Our vehicles are suitable for groups of all size, from 15 to 55 people…main activity, activity nationalbus, tour, introduction, transportation, group5
greentool.huWe would like to partially replace the activities of production technologists, process engineers, production support engineers, service engineers, service technicians and colleagues working in other positions, or to replace them with a kind of part-time work, thereby reducing the costs of our…field activity, main activity, activity site, additional activity, partially activityproduction, optimization, industrial, development, support5
pim-ltd.huThe scope of activity of PIM Ltd. includes distribution of industry measurement equipment, engineering and technical consulting (mainly for industry measurement, machine diagnostic and vibration analyse, thermography).scope activity, activity pimmeasurement, industry, distribution, consulting, reference5
hunicorn.huCompany profile | Main activities | Insurance, safety | Useful information | Contact | Map | Sponsormain activity, major activity, activity insuranceforward, international, ltd, insurance, container5
bekemetal.huOur company renders services along a wide range of activities, the core activity being wholesale of waste and scrap materials. In addition, we are engaged in collecting, treating, and recycling dangerous and non-dangerous waste as well as demolition.business activity, activity small, range activity, activity core, core activitycopper, radiator, metal, clean, waste5
gsound.huOur company has been dealing with event technology since 2014. In the beginning, through our headquarters in Győr, our main activities were primarily the organization of events in the city of Győr and the provision and operation of the technical background of larger sports facilities. Thanks to…main activity, activity primarilyevent, acoustic, sound, technology, visual5
estraco.huEstraco Llc. was founded in 1991 by 4 individuals mainly for import and distribution of foodstuff. In the early 90’s the Company two major activities, the import incl. distribution and the export, gave 100% of the T/O. The growing experience and number of partners brought the demand of…major activity, activity import, core activity, activity company, consultancy activitydistribution, quality, consultancy, rice, division5
kingbike.hu“Very good activity. Very friendly staff. Fantastic value for money. Lots of stops and beer. Unique and was very happy with the service.”stag activity, rainproof activity, good activity, activity friendly, friend activitytour, beer, bike, crazy5
debrecenbike.hu…of exploiting the city’s existing assets so that this means of transport can be of benefit to the local population. Its awareness-raising activities, special-interest events, and joint projects with local authorities all serve the single purpose of making Debrecen a more livable, friendly and,farming activity, activity majestic, academic activity, activity hajdú, research activitybike, street, church, build, city5
sepsieniko.hu…Text & Presentation approaches this theatrical intersection from the perspective of rite research. I assumed pioneering roles in the following activities: presenting Yves Bonnefoy’s lifework to the Hungarian public and the contextualisation of Valère Novarina’s lifework in theatre studies (with…extra activity, activity addition, follow activity, activity yves, publication activitystudy, university, theatre, research, french5
dalmandivadasztarsasag.huThe hunting area of ​​our association is located in the southwestern corner of Tolna county (Hungary), and provides hunting opportunities for our members on approximately 3,996 net hectares . The area is characterized by intensive agricultural activity, and thanks to the features, it has a small…agricultural activity, activity thankhunting, game, opportunity, visitor, dear5
menszt.hu…of the UNA-H is to promote the realization of the goals and ideals laid down in the UN Charter. Among others disseminates information about the activities of the entire UN-system. It is the only non-governmental organization in Hungary which encourages and supports the international cooperation in…information activity, activity entirehuman, publication, international, day, diplomacy5
tradiscoseeds.huDuring the autumn of 2017 Semences de France SA - member of Bioline by InVivo group - expanded into Hungary with the acquisition of Tradisco's production activity and created our company Tradisco Seeds Kft.production activity, activity company, activity production, commercial activity, activity saledata, subject, shall, personal, process5
mehke.hu…waste recovery industry, which in turn should lead to the creation of new sustainable jobs all over the country. With the newly created activities in treatment, production and manufacturing our environmental management industry can contribute significantly to the total output of the…newly activity, activity treatment, growth activity, activity waste, member activitywaste, association, industry, management, protection5
karotazs.huOn June 4 – 7, 2011, the 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition was organised in Copenhagen, where the KAROTÁZS Ltd. Participated as the member of the Cluster of Applied Earth Sciences (CAPES). On the introduced leaflets and poster we demonstrated our R&D activity. We presented our developments in the…field activity, activity mainly, technique activity, activity programme, product activitymeasurement, range, development, application, equipment5
homlokzrt.huThe company’s main activity is railway construction, more precisely track construction and renovation. A significant part of construction works is carried out using the company’s own resources, providing general construction from the design process to the handover.main activity, activity railway, engineering activity, activity hydraulicconstruction, railway, engineering, visitor, station5
dknv.huHighly competitive trading floors are profit driven battle zones which must comply with regulatory and risk management rules. Trading desks should be supported in a way that their dealing activities remain the fastest possible while fully transparent and compliant with internal and external rules…risk activity, activity continuously, trade activity, activity trading, deal activitysolution, consulting, management, trading, client5
kozepbekes.hu…the roll-up was completed. The planning of the brochure, the improvement of LP ’s and PP2’s website and the planning of the piers were the main activities. Two study trips have been organised – a canoe trip on the Maros River in Arad County, and a canoe-bicycle-dragon boat trip on the Kettős-Körös…impact activity, activity development, main activity, activity equipment, activity studytourism, brochure, active, tour, result5
englishschool.huIt was a pleasure to see how the kids got involved in all kinds of activities, how confident they are in presenting in English in various topics. They made great progress in terms of vocabulary and fluency compared to the beginning of the year. Teachers are always kind and well-prepared, good job…daddy activity, activity impossibly, curricular activity, activity child, kind activityschool, teacher, child, language5
jankovits.huThe basis of our trading activity is that we procure the best quality building blocks not only to machines manufactured by us but we ensure access to the same for our partners, too. We represent several multinational global firms engaged in manufacturing hydraulic machinery parts; our stores…main activity, trading activity, activity good, education activity, activity workbenchengineering, hydraulic, machine, manufacture, machinery5
cereskft.huwith the provisions of the law, based on a court appointment. Since its establishment in 1992, our company has completed approximately 2,000 liquidation procedures. Our company has a branch office in every Court's operational area, so its liquidation activities cover the entire territory of Hungary.consulting activity, activity zsolt, main activity, activity company, liquidation activityprocedure, liquidator, liquidation, court, proceedings5
agrobiomass.huWe founded our company in Szentkirály in 2012 after many years of practical and professional experience. Our main scope of activity is the trade of biomass raw material in the production of environmentally friendly green energy. Our main profile includes the purchase, transport, processing and…activity contact, scope activity, activity tradebiomass, wood, energy, green, material5
modultrend.huOur promotional tool production activities are conducted in our own modern metal and wood workshops.production activity, activity modernexhibition, construction, execution, museum, printing5
cackft.huFinancial cover for our capital-intensive activity comes from the company’s own equity and from well-established banking relationships.intensive activity, activity companyreference, number, individual, quality, client5
naih.huThe Act CXII of 2011 is comprehensive in scope, as it is applicable to all data processing operations undertaken in Hungary regardless of the public or private legal status of those performing such operations, including also law enforcement, national security and defence sectors, together with…sector activity, activity data, conduct activity, activity body, cxii activityauthority, data, act, protection, president5
bvi-romanugyved.huBot & Vilceanu law office - business law, commercial and administrative litigation, business disputes resolution, arbitration- mediation, representation and assistance in judicial reorganization and liquidation activities.entire activity, activity followlaw, office, lawyer, romania, judicial5
liontaria.huSERVICES Programme and policy level activities related to Cohesion Policy Design, preparation, management assistance, maintenance, analysis of open calls, calls for proposals Analysis and research to strategies, programmes Monitoring, quality assurance of major projects, priority projectslevel activity, activity cohesiondevelopment, ltd, news, detail, funding5
maks.huHGCC activities are aimed at creating an organizational, socio-economic, financial and cultural structure.hgcc activity, activity organizationalcooperative, crown, goal, legal, shareholder5
kopintalapitvany.huso far not reacted significantly to the economic slowdown and remains robust. Stable labour market developments are helping to re-launch economic activity. The current account balance reached its low in 2022, with the deficit rose to 8.1 percent of GDP. In line with the improvement in the external…economic activity, activity current, restriction activity, activity foreign, value activityeconomic, international, literature, country, economy5
kokaibalazsmusic.huIt is a great pleasure for me that you have visited my website. My name is Balázs Kókai and I work as a musician. Please take a look around my website where you can find more information about my musical activities and services. Listen and check out my music, and if you like it, feel free to…musical activity, activity servicemusic, musician, free, website, great5
absolutreorg.huproductive jobs and, ultimately, to sustaining the stability and increase of the entire economy. Our objective is, furthermore, to terminate the activities of companies the successful operation of which is no longer possible, in a transparent way and with the least possible losses, taking into…aim activity, activity actor, shareholder activity, activity company, range activityprocedure, liquidation, consulting, creditor, reorganization5
realsafety.huOur company provides work safety and fire safety services, including education, installation, maintenance and repairing devices. We cover every possible activities related to technical building, safety and facility management.possible activity, activity technical, enterprise activity, activity buildingsafety, fire, real, maintenance, technical5
tradeland.huin Shanghai, the economic hub of China and also a commercial representative office in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. In addition to his business activities, he has been steadfast in building international relations: since 2012, he acted as Chairman of the Hungarian-Vietnamese Business Council…expertise activity, activity commitment, shanghai activity, activity tradeland, trading activitywater, owner, group, director, manage5
probako.huWe have been working for many years on communications for various Hungarian and international food companies, services including press relations, liaising with industry trade associations, managing consumer communications campaigns, and planning and managing social media activities.promotional activity, activity campaign, communication activity, activity organisation, branding activitycommunication, media, award, campaign, social5
4m97.huIn our virtual world you can find information about our activities, products and a short history of our company. We are a 100% Hungarian family based company and proud of it. 20 colleagues in two facilities are responsible to make our daily activity fluent and efficient. We are focused on…information activity, activity product, daily activity, activity fluentproduction, trade, fruit, warehousing, process5
tothdeni.huHi, my name is Daniel. I’m a freelanceProduct Designerbased in Budapest. I’m a Product Designer with 6 years experience. In the last years my main activities were designing interfaces for different mobile applications and websites, but I’m interested in logo design and graphic design as well. This…main activity, activity interfaceportfolio, website, interface, logo, main5
landal.huLandal Residence Duna's distinctive setting is less than an hour's drive from Budapest (80 km). The countryside, wineries, Hungarian hospitality, and park facilities will ensure that you never forget this vacation. Landal Residence Duna is a wonderful resort for those who enjoy nature, culture…extra activity, activity advantage, water activity, activity lake, activity mountainouslake, map, swimming, outdoor, holiday5
csaladfakutatas.huOur company, the HungaRoots Kft. is a company registered in Hungary, the main field of activity of which is providing genealogic - that is family history research ‑ services.field activity, activity genealogicresearch, family, history, register, field5
namor-ep.huSince 2003, our company has been primarily involved in road construction and civil engineering. Our practical experience in civil engineering projects in the Eastern Hungarian region has enabled us to execute our construction activities at a high standard, even for large-scale civil engineering…construction activity, activity highconstruction, unit, road, machine, excavator5
fejszamol.huThe experts employed by the company are the guarantee that during our activity we can make the procedures within the legal framework in force and conduct reliable and cooperative liquidation activities with general business and liquidation ethics in mind.guarantee activity, activity procedure, liquidation activity, activity generalproceedings, settlement, liquidation, asset, creditor5
monera.huOur activity is focused on a special segment of the IT market, the card- and payment systems, with the priority of products and services connected to the self-service payment. Although the Hungarian market is still significantly behind the EU countries in this special area but feedbacks from…self, payment, priority, market, special5
microsec.huMicrosec deals with all activities related to electronic signatures: authentication service, time stamping, archiving, signing softwaremicrosec activity, activity electronic, consulting activity, activity pkisolution, trust, stamping, signature, software5
globe-shield.huThe Globe-Shield Kft. carries out its activities under full liability insurance, which covers the transportation of money and valuables, damages that may occur during the protection of objects, as well as damages resulting from failures in technical systems.result activity, activity strictly, courtyard activity, activity installation, kft activityglobe, shield, security, control, protection5
apolloconsulting.huIt’s our fundamental social goal to help people develop through our activities, thereby making the commercial and business world more human.people activity, activity commercial, activity leadershipconsulting, goal, method, people, fundamental5
szkokesfiakft.hu…with our partners’ expectations. Due to recent dynamic development, cleaning and lawn mowing now play a significant role in the company’s activities. Presently, the cleaning and lawn mowing services used by our partners are determining in the company’s income. The development is due to the…company activity, activity presentlyés, cart, order, long, list5
regea.hu…care, reduced time and frequency of the medical consultation, the patient is less likely (due to falls) in oncology care, stayig in hospital decreases. Working more effectively we can achieve our goals, we create a greater publicity of the activities that integrates into the public awarness.charitable activity, activity purpose, result activity, activity patient, relationship activitypatient, cancer, method, health, foundation5
ikarusiparipark.huThe company has a leading role in throughout Europe since 2008 in the area of metalworking technologies. Its activities extend to the production of autobus doors and spare parts, structural metal products, metal tanks, steel containers, tools and other metalwork products, as well as treatment of…area activity, activity business, technology activity, activity production, main activityindustrial, hall, warehouse, metal, office5
szilagyvari.huOur activity is turning by traditional technology, or rather CNC processing. We produce general mechanical components trouble-free in modern advanced state.technology, advanced, traditional, mechanical, component5
tracel.huTransport-Beton Kft., a Hungarian owned construction company which was established in 1991, built a new industrial hall in 2011, opposite its headquarters. We set up this division in order to manufacture stainless steel and carbon steel structures to compliment our own activities.main activity, activity weldingmanufacture, steel, sheet, structure, material5
hotelvadvirag.huPrograms | Attractions | Weddings | Events | For children | Activity Room | Guestbook | Approach | Partnersactivity room, beloved activity, activity guest, child activitydetail, restaurant, horse, wedding, forest5
trl.huTRL Hungary Ltd. also provides Maconomy support to a number of international organisations from Europe to Asia, including helpdesk activities, customisation, integration and development.helpdesk activity, activity customisation, consulting activity, activity professional, implementation activitydistributor, solution, regional, organisation, provider5
ternai.huTernai Ltd. - a three-generation family business - began its activity in September 2000 with a staff of less than 20 employees. The colleagues have previously been involved in field-horticultural activities (green houses), and are currently involved in commercial activity. Today, the number of…business activity, activity september, horticultural activity, activity green, commercial activityquality, agricultural, requirements, production, task5
moonwalk.huAssociazione Uniamoci Onlus works every day in order to realize social inclusion of young people with disabilities, and in order to obtain this main aim we try to organize both local and international activities involving together young people and young people with disabilities. We support young…toolkit activity, activity desciptions, international activity, activity youngdisability, people, research, young, youth5
uroclin.huThe Uro-Clin Health Care Service and Trading Ltd. was founded 1st August 1997, its main activity is specialist care in urology.main activity, activity specialist, operation activity, activity companycare, examination, removal, urine, specialist5
isze.hueconomical : as a non-profit organization – in accordance with the tax laws – we provide our services at a low price. We spend 88% of government subsidies on the fee of the course and the rent of the rooms, therefore this money gets back to the schools. The remaining 12% of the income covers the…scientific activity, activity research, teach activity, activity material, scholarly activityteach, training, course, teacher, material5
web8096.huWeb8096 Profi megoldás. Teljeskörű kivitelezés, tanácsadás read more Weboldal készítés Google Ads Hírdetés Facebook hírdetés Marketing tanácsadás Our Activity We Reveal Them There are many variations passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by…our activity, activity weadvertising, available, lorem, passage, variation5
odd.huODD Consulting was established in 2007. The company’s main activity is the wholesale of electricity meters.main activity, activity wholesaleconsulting, electricity, introduction, meter, wholesale5
fice.hu…camp, it has not changed. We were providing the children with learning of nature and environment, enriching with much recreation and spare time-activities. This year the main issue was the renewable energy sources and the children could obtain much knowledge in this topic through obstacle race and…activity programme, thank activity, activity specially, time activity, activity yearchild, event, day, theatre, camp5
nnx.huUse of games and other activities to provide a deeper understanding of what a good user story looks like and techniques for how to split large stories into smaller stories. Next, working with the coach to re-write user stories from a team’s backlog.agile activity, activity constructive, hand activity, activity scrum, activity kanbanintroduction, agile, story, transformation, change5
smepitesz.huSM Építész Ltd. is an architect agency located in Mosonmagyaróvár, Győr-Moson-Sopron county, in Hungary. Our main activities are planning, general contruction, technical leading, controllinga and measurements, making energetical certificates.main activity, activity planplan, construction, general, passive, west5
banyaiorsolya.huThe aim of this homepage is to share contents which help you to find and follow the voice of your spirit and to purify it if that’s what you need. Furthermore, it aims to provide visibility of my worldview, my activities, and to share those publications that I have written as legal expert to…worldview activity, activity publicationvoice, society, clear, event, flower5
metalproduct.huMartin Metal Product Co. started its activity in 2012 with the distribution of wide range of aluminum and non-ferrous semi-finished products becoming quickly one of the leading competitor on the domestic Hungarian market, with the support of its mother company Martin Metals which has more than 10…co. activity, activity distributionmetal, sheet, aluminum, strip, copper5
globalproject.huThe Company’s activities include international and domestic freighting and transport, which we have supplemented by warehousing.company activity, activity international, transport activity, activity complextransport, international, groupage, global, england5
mokihaz.huMoki’s House provides a homely and happy atmosphere for the children. We have many fun toys to help the children grow their skills and confidence, and we provide personalized activities as appropriate to each child. We have a large and secure garden to enable the children to have fun in the fresh…personalized activity, activity appropriate, activity day, playful activity, activity musicopen, child, price, hour, gallery5
skmc.hu…signs concerned could they be heard once again? To make those “Silent Key” call signs, as many as possible, resound we welcome you, even though you have a reissued sk call sign, to participate in the contest as well as your activity in propagating the SKM Contest and its rules to your ham friends.contest activity, activity skmcontest, key, silent, memorial, amateur5
gabosplasztik.huThe main activity of our company is producing plastic packing materials. Thermoforming, tool design and manufacture, product developmentmain activity, activity companytool, plastic, manufacture, development, environmentally4
korrtech.huThe construction activity KORRTECH LTD main business works, which companies mostly about technology and building, but construction, Professionalsconstruction activity, activity korrtechtechnology, main, build, industrial, pipe4
danubian.hu…this operating model has resulted that cooperation, project management and operation by the main contractor have leading role in the company's activities. Trade and logistics activities, project management and the main contractor also appeared as an independent service in the company's operations.aviation activity, activity decision, current activity, activity company, company activityaircraft, tradition, operation, market, domestic4
fevita.huFEVITA HUNGARY cPLC is one of the largest enterprises engaged in cold-storage activities in Hungary. The plant started operations as a factory unit of the National Frozen Foods Corporation [Hűtőipari Országos Vállalat] in 1967. Since 1995, our products are branded FEVITA in the domestic market.storage activity, activity hungaryvegetable, news, environment, qa, trade4
altavia.huMost successful brands rely on our print and digital media services in their campaigns, outdoor, in-store, and online activities.experience activity, activity touchpoints, latest activityproduction, development, retail, brand, store4
krafthd.huIn order to provide high-quality and reliable service to our customers, we are constantly expanding our range of activities, on the one hand by introducing any new product on the domestic market and on the other hand by providing maintenance and repair services related to previously delivered…range activity, activity handpage, introduction, main, quality, handle4
nordconsult.huCooperation in the innovation processes of SMEs and large companies from the project idea to the ex-post monitoring. Continous consultancy, news alert, projet generation, preparation of the proposal and the annexes, financial management and project management activities.policy activity, activity focus, aim activity, proactive activity, activity newconsult, introduction, management, news, client4
femiparikft.huOur primary activity is manufacturing steel pipe system elements (pipes, fittings, etc.), mounting structures and welded structures.production activity, activity iso, primary activity, activity steelsteel, structure, filter, website, field4
ernart.huin 2017 I started leading art therapy and art coaching groups and individual self development processes organized around thematical creations , where I support everbody in reaching their own goals. These goals can be either just having a meaningful and energizing spare time activity , raising self…time activity, activity self, art activity, activity diverse, activity mediationart, therapy, session, creation, group4
ag-media.huAG Media ltd. activities: temporary release of Pages, Book Publishing, Prepress, action shall Europe collection database, On-line edition, Exhibitions, Conferences Event management, education, marketing consulting services.ltd activity, activity temporarymedia, ltd, event, line, page4
rimconsulting.huThe RIM Consulting ltd. has recognized the opportunities inherent in the international mobility of higher education students. The main profile and primary activity goal is the search for and entry of foreign citizens (primarily from the Asian region) intending to continue their studies in…primary activity, activity goal, host activity, activity company, client activityconsulting, rim, protection, security, case4
oxor.huIn addition to the professional installation of existing machines and production lines in accordance with the manufacturer’s technology, our activities also include relocatingcomplete production lines within a factory, the transportation of full production units between sites, anddismantling…technology activity, activity productionline, production, machine, international, installation4
etoki.huto support the professional development of young professors and researchers and to broaden their possibilities through all possible activities of the Institution.possible activity, activity institutioneuropean, research, education, institution, understand4
i-qrs.huthrough a wireless connection to a local server. The real-time analysis of the data enables the trainer to give feedback already during the sport activity. The telemetric module may also be important for the head-coach of a national team, or head-coach of a club, by allowing distance real-time…sport activity, activity wireless, activity telemetric, activity computermodule, player, field, rehabilitation, animal4
kidma.huKidma activities started in 1999 as a part of Hasomer Hatzair activity for its senior age group. From the beginning, we were trying to create a community open to all Jewish young adults and the same goal continues today. We would like to interest those Jewish young adults over the age of 18 who…kidma activity, activity hasomer, hatzair activity, activity senior, time activityjewish, goal, cultural, movie, exhibition4
europeanvalues.hu"Despite all the efforts of the European Institutions, the European Union has never been so far from the people in Hungary as it is now." - Beatrix Benczur, president of EVA Our mission Events Activities Get in touchevent activity, activity touch, activity priorityeuropean, value, association, touch, president4
s6mernok.huOur main activities are the design of the electrical and control system and creating user’s softwares for the control systems designed for the plant. These activities are in connection mainly with these kind of plants:main activity, activity design, plant activity, activity connection, activity completeengineering, control, plant, power, software4
mbft.huThe milestones of the scientific activity were the national meetings. 26 of them were organized during the 50 years. Fortunately, the details of the activity of the Hungarin Biophysical Society has been published int the triennial „Bulletin of the Hungarian Biophysical Society" in 12 Volumes 1963…scientific activity, activity national, detail activity, activity hungarin, activity membersociety, national, section, member, scientific4
osas.hu…art. He held his first solo exhibition in the Austrian capital in 1964. In addition to his participation in solo and group shows, his artistic activities also entailed organising numerous international and national exhibitions. On top of actively participating in several art groups in Paris…osas activity, activity vasarely, artistic activity, activity numerous, child activityart, post, open, exhibition, structure4
polytermix.huOur company was founded in January 2006, our main activity is the collection, processing and recycling of plastic waste, and our other main profile is the performance of warehousing and logistics tasks in some of our warehouses. Initially, we employed 3-4 people, and thanks to our continuous…main activity, activity collectionprocess, waste, material, application, site4
domaker2011.huOur Company is serving its food industrial partners with fruit and vegetable processing machines and solutions. Our group started its activity more than a decade ago and since then became one of the market leaders in the fruit processing sector.necessary activity, activity way, group activity, activity decade, main activityfruit, process, machine, machinery, vegetable4
ysound.huY SOUND STUDIO Audio post-production studio We work for audio post-production for leading television companies in Hungary (TV2, RTL, ViaSat, MTVA, HBO). • TV Shows and series we mixed and mastered: Partyzánok, Hungary’s Got Talent, Kicsi Óriások, My Man Can, Extreme Activity, Body and Brain…extreme activity, activity bodystudio, sound, production, post, television4
sintegroup.huKnowledge of the installation of seed plant equipment requires special expertise, which was acquired by the specialists of Lak-Alarm Kft. During more than 20 years of construction activity.maintenance activity, activity feedconstruction, plant, capacity, group, extraction4
brumiovoda.huBesides joyful playing, several other activities are part of everyday life such as storytelling, singing, poetry, rhymes, developmental games, sport and activities involving movement. All our groups are bilingual therefore children are motivated to use English language and develop naturally. Our…afternoon activity, play activity, activity everyday, sport activity, activity movementkindergarten, group, child, age, range4
generisk.huIn our work philosophy we merge innovative thinking with conventional engineer’s approach. Our job is often connected to fulfilling local or European Union legal obliagtions, directives and requriments of environmental laws for industrial and agricultural companies’ production and activities. Our…philosophy activity, production activity, activity areasafety, analysis, environmental, industrial, assessment4
adatvedelmi-jog.huWhen it comes to data controllers, the GDPR tightens the rules of liability. Amongst other obligations, data controllers shall keep straight records of data processing, perform impact assessment regarding high-risk activities and should deliberately pursue, the application of general data…process activity, activity case, controller activity, activity high, risk activitydata, protection, law, process, subject4
eltesoft.huThe professional staff of the University has been participated in industrial and public research activities since decades; and also take part in development tasks claiming high level expertise and experience. Results of our finished projects are built in the marketable products of our industrial…research activity, activity decadeevent, news, research, training, ict4
microtest.huThis website offers publications and presentations connected to the area of our activity. They might be useful sources of specific information.area activity, activity usefulresearch, development, counselling, microbiology, quality4
elsner.huand production system based on state-of-the-art processes, has always enabled high quality service and production processes. Previously, our main activity was the design and manufacture of tools and the production of tool parts. We have made production tools for demanding industrial products for…main activity, activity design, innovation activity, activity elsner, scope activitydental, implant, solution, news, denture4
kozgep.huKÖZGÉP Company meets the requirements of the national and international quality standards regulating its activities.national, quality, railway, area, structure4
aktivforras.huThe planned company activities should be considered and determined, as well as their tax and book-keeping specialties shall be learnt. They can cause relevant volume of expenditures affecting the business success. It is not necessary to list too many activities…company activity, activity taxbook, consultation, tax, financial, item4
sastohotel.huAll in one place, in the heart of the Mátra! you can relax close to nature, active recreation, adventure park activities, Mátra gastronomic experiences, events, team building.park activity, activity mátraevent, build, adventure, booking, room4
cembeton.huBy placing the emphasis on wider technical aspects the Hungarian Cement Concrete and Lime Association expanded its activities related to the industry and advocacy, thus helping the survival and development of the field. Its representation covers the wide scope of domestic construction material…association activity, activity industryhomepage, association, member, industry, domestic4
schaff.huThe Schaff was founded in 1999, and since then it has operated in an unaltered form - as a small enterprise -, keeping up the best food industrial traditions of the region. The core activities of the company comprise food processing and marketing, including principally the production of pickled…core activity, activity companydetail, cabbage, pickle, person, vegetable4
i-coaching.huNLP Academy Ltd. and the data processor within the scope of its activities shall ensure data security in all cases. We will take all technical and organisational measures necessary to enforce data protection and confidentiality rules. We have taken appropriate measures to protect the data in…interested activity, activity nlp, address activity, habit activity, activity visitordata, process, academy, training, course4
orientme.hu…and active business partnerships in trade, especially in relation to business contacts between China and Hungary. Our company is a reliable partner in consulting, and we professionally exercise international relations, which helps companies to make their import-export activities more efficient.consulting activity, activity knowledge, import activity, activity service, export activityconsulting, source, translation, introduction, language4
aranylo-napraforgo.huIt's a quiet, family-friendly kindergarten, with small groups and special attention for everyone. Our children are cared for and taught by loving kindergarten teachers and nannies who organise fantastic activities and programmes (yoga, folk dancing, baking and cooking), which we parents are kept…fantastic activity, activity programme, programme activity, activity development, attention activitykindergarten, child, nursery, group, programme4
akhalstud.huThe stud has developed from subsequent and more and more populous mare families. The composition and quality of subsequent generations are always determined by the available breeding stock and the necessity to pursue equestrian activities for profit generation (equestrian camps, tours) that…trading activity, activity area, equestrian activity, activity profit, breed activityhorse, stud, equestrian, stallion, tour4
mizsepack.huThe vast majority of our customers are domestic companies, but our participation in the export market is also increasing, which is due to our continuous commercial activity and modern machinery…main activity, commercial activity, activity modernlabel, printing, detail, self, adhesive4
angoliskolabudapest.hu“Our daughter was a little shy when joining ESB, having had very basic English – but she liked the classes from the first moment. After 5 months she is making steady progress and starts to be able to express herself. ESB seems to create good motivation for them and the various activities built…school activity, digital activity, activity reading, motivation activity, activity themeschool, child, learn, language4
fortano.huThe company based in Paks (Hungary) deals with professional translations, interpretation and market development, sales activities. Fortano is quick and precise!sale activity, activity fortanotranslation, price, case, document, text4
hidasi.huWe are especially skilled in judicial and administrative proceedings. We are engaged in creating commercial and real estate law contracts in both German and English. We carry out representation and consulting activities for both state and local government agencies, as well as on behalf of domestic…consulting activity, activity statelawyer, law, firm, contract, german4
hrda.huDevelop and manage the professional activities in some focus areas (including but not limited to the national golden nugget topic).professional activity, activity focusdata, science, research, national, open4
stettin-hungaria.huIn the last thirty years, STETTIN-HUNGARIA Kft has developed into one of the leading, stable, general construction companies in the Hungarian construction industry. Its equity exceeds HUF 1.5 billion, its activities cover the full range of general construction services. Our references include the…billion activity, activity range, background activity, activity company, construction activitybuilding, renovation, public, industrial, reference4
police.huIn 2015, the Secretariat assessed the possibilities to improve the network and found that Kynopol needed financial sources to launch its activities and to make EU member states interested in cooperation and joint efforts.source activity, activity eu, possible activity, activity field, interested activitypolice, training, cooperation, dog, statement4
askm.huThanks to this professional background and the introduction of computer aided design and CNC technologies, the company was able to implement developments – in he area of the production activity as well - of such a technical level recently, which meet the requirements of even the most demanding…core activity, activity ask, production activity, activity technical, activity companyask, development, production, profile, faq4
palyazatokprojektek.huThe activities of AAI Tender Kft. include writing tenders, project management and execution and post control of financial accounts.tender, development, consulting, write, consultancy4
nyitottkor.huWe consider our work a process of Game-Theater-Exploration, which guides the participants through an experiential activity, focusing on a particular social problem and a human story, in a safe zone. We enter into a game together that emerges to be a performative act about humanity, through which…process activity, experiential activity, activity particular, main activity, everyday activitydrama, group, participant, european, education4
senex.huSENEX Ltd. provides high-quality expert services in all fields of environmental protection. Our employees have decades of professional experience and knowledge. Our activities mainly include environmental assessment and coordination of permitting procedures, risk assessment, environmental surveys…field activity, knowledge activity, activity mainlytreatment, wastewater, assessment, environmental, field4
domonkosendre.huBehind my scientific background I fulfill wide-range teaching activity, which embraces the institutional and decision-making structure of the European Union as well as the common policies of the EU.teach activity, scientific activity, activity multidisciplinary, activity institutionalteach, university, european, history, union4
napelem-uzemeltetes.hu“Turnkey” operation of solar park. We only deal with O&M, our focus is not shared by other activities.focus activityreference, offer, request, maintenance, troubleshoot4
pentamedia.huMainly influencer-focused events are important parts of our activity, since we aren’t only organizing them, but we also make them popular.activity service, free activity, activity attention, partner activity, activity custommedia, production, group, event, creative4
nimfea.huThe "Nimfea" works in the Great Hungarian Plain as a non-governmental organisation, solving tasks related to the environment- and nature protection. National or tasks touching the Carpathian basin are ventured on by our organisation, lately, so the field of our activity is continuously growing.field activity, activity continuously, conservation activity, activity hungarynature, association, conservation, center, environmental4
gistechnologies.huOur company was established on September 7, 2012. Our successful operations and economic growth, in harmony with the set objectives, that we have achieved since then are the result of several decades’ experience in the field of industry and trading, excellent and innovative team work, the…professional activity, activity engineering, system activity, activity regularmanufacture, trading, tactical, technology, main4
exportreadiness.huAn essential element of export sales strategy is market research including the mapping of competitors and their activities, actively finding potential customers as well as maintaining existing contacts. Representing the company at various international fairs, exhibitions or procurement tenders is…competitor activity, activity actively, company activity, activity foreignmarket, sale, foreign, international, development4
talling.huThe company took part in other activities in the real estate market since its operation such as real estate brokerage; financial consulting for bank financing and regular business consulting specialized for real estate companies who are active in the local real estate market.year activity, activity hungarian, takeover activity, activity project, day activitymanagement, real, estate, consulting, market4
sibaris.huThe main profile of the company is the production of individual and small or medium series of machined parts. Main activities: turning, milling, drilling, CNC machining, tool sharpening, heat and surface treatment. Technical drawings, CAD modelling, jig, tool, machine design.main activity, activity turndetail, surface, heat, drawing, technical4
retroplast.huWe founded Retroplast Service Ltd in 2018, based on 10 years of professional experience spent in plastics industry. Our profile is waste management, our main activity is plastic recycling.main activity, activity plasticwaste, plastic, introduction, management, industry4
szalakotaegyesulet.huFor a sustainable future all the activities of our organisation intend to: contribute to the preservation of biological diversity and the quality of of human lifuture activity, activity organisationorganisation, preservation, quality, human, diversity4
bunyevacintezet.hu…value of Bunjevac culture. Our aim is to preserve the heritage of an ethnic group which can be the treasure of everyone this way. Without attendance and care this heritage would be less from day to day and finally could have even be forgotten. We would like to avoid this loss with our activity.research activity, kind activity, activity matterinstitution, cultural, attendance, heritage, aim4
betalab.huWithin the framework of the BETA project, I am looking at the relationship between sleeping brain activity and performance in testsbrain activity, activity awake, result activity, activity pattern, changees activityadolescent, lab, cognitive, development, biological4
cnchungaria.huOur colleagues have 20 years of professional experience in the sale of CNC-controlled and conventional machines, and our company has an extensive network of contacts. In addition to our current activity – the distribution of metalworking machines – we also extend our profile to the production of…current activity, activity distribution, commercial activity, activity production, area activitymachine, tool, production, hydraulic, grind4
okotechnik.huÖkotechnik Kft. has founded in 1998 by austrian and hungarian individuals. The main scope of activities are the environmental, wastewater treatment, distribution, dealership and service of industrial machines.main activity, scope activity, activity environmental, activity companygrating, safety, floor, air, pump4
ritkabetegsegakademia.huafter termination of the conference (conract) we preserve all data for five more years to have evidence for proving of business activity towards the participant in case of legal dispute or towards the tax office in case of control;core activity, activity decade, business activity, activity participant, main activitydata, congress, case, legal, conference4
led-panel.huKeramix Hungary Kft was established in 2004, during the first period import-export and wholesaling were the company’s primary activities. In 2007, we became the suppliers of several international department store chains (Kika, Bauhaus, Bricostore). In 2011, because of the effect of increasingly…primary activity, activity supplierlighting, light, source, manufacture, supplier4
magyarasztrofotosok.hu"Hungarian astrophotography is a unique, diverse and extremely high quality activity in the world, which represents a national value according to a sophisticated and accepted system of values. It was created and developed not by one person, but by a long, dedicated and complex pioneering work of…quality activity, activity world, creative activity, activity support, goal activityassociation, month, community, member, organization4
toetterem.huImagine a place where you can get away from it all, recharge your batteries and gather unforgettable memories with your children or partner. Less than half an hour drive from Budapest, our Leisure Centre awaits you, offering new activities and delicious flavours.new activity, activity delicious, leisure activity, activity expectations, exciting activitydetail, leisure, restaurant, centre, tourist4
europaiertekrend.hu"Despite all the efforts of the European Institutions, the European Union has never been so far from the people in Hungary as it is now." - Beatrix Benczur, president of EVA Our mission Events Activities Get in touchevent activity, activity touch, activity priorityeuropean, value, association, touch, president4
munkavedinfo.huWhen starting a business in a foreign country, such as the Czech Republic, it’s essential to be aware of the legal guidelines that apply to foreigners. This includes understanding the requirements for ALS , or the legal obligations related to specific business activities.legal, law, agreement, regulation, important4
matpal.huThe main activity of our company is doing process piping and steel structural works, our technical preparedness and human resources make our company suitable for performing top-quality work.main activity, activity company, january activity, activity profilehomepage, quality, manufacture, steel, piping4
lyukoszen.huUsing our experiences from deep working coal mining and tunneling activities we build tunnels, perform underground construction, rock drilling, injection into rock and constructions, anchoring and shot concrete works. We build public utilities, sewers and sewage treatment plants, underground…tunnel activity, activity tunnel, business activity, activity cover, collateral activityconstruction, group, tunnel, structure, mining4
carbona.huThe NaturMed Hotel Carbona**** superior in Hévíz welcomes you to a Mediterranean-style environment with its magnificent activity pool, 1000 m² surface of water, air-conditioned rooms, thermal bath evoking the atmosphere of the Roman era and numerous therapeutic and wellness opportunities all year…magnificent activity, activity pooloffer, medical, room, health, facial4
kistetenyitarsaskor.huWe would like to thank all our generous supporters who have helped the activity of our association with 1 % ofbenefit activity, activity accordance, supporter activity, activity associationorganisation, society, association, programme, government4
jphtrading.huEver since our foundation, the distribution of the masculan® condom family has been of paramount importance in our business activities; we sell masculan products not only in Hungary, but also in the surrounding countries such as the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Ukraine and Slovakia.complementary activity, activity sand, area activity, activity continuously, business activitymanager, digitalization, wedge, coating, slot4
keramix.huKeraMix Ltd. main activity is importing and distributing floor and wall tiles and bathroom products and representing Chinese factories in the Central-European region. We supply our products to the Multinational chains, to whole traders, direct to the building cunstructionmain activity, activity floorfloor, tile, bathroom, international, ltd4
inmategym.huIn most western countries, it is a requirement by law for all personal trainers to complete a health check questionnaire with every client before any form of training would take place. It is because, physical activity or certain types of training may have negative effects on you if you have any…physical activity, activity right, activity certain, activity tired, course activitytraining, body, session, muscle, like4
laszlojudit.huAn essential element of export sales strategy is market research including the mapping of competitors and their activities, actively finding potential customers as well as maintaining existing contacts. Representing the company at various international fairs, exhibitions or procurement tenders is…competitor activity, activity actively, company activity, activity foreignmarket, sale, foreign, international, development4
stsgroup.huAs a result of the project, we were able to expand our activities as contractors and operators (installation of low voltage distribution equipment, preparation for the installation of grounding networks, landscaping), thus achieving more cost-effective operations, faster and more flexible work…able activity, activity contractor, centre activity, activity opportunitygroup, plant, power, energy, construction4
bluebit.huBlueBit Engineering Office is a Hungarian enterprise specialised in counselling business and engineering, being a dynamically developing protagonist of the national market. By developing our counselling activity we strive to infuse this dynamism into the process of improving the efficiency of our…counselling activity, activity dynamism, business activity, activity availableprocurement, public, tender, procedure, counselling4
hegypasztor.hu…in the outskirt of the settlement and to organise cultural events enlivening the life of the village. Lately, the organisation’s range of activities has already widened significantly. The strategy of the Association has been built on event management and rural development, boosting local…range activity, activity significantly, activity communityinitiative, event, community, offer, accommodation4
budapestenergysummit.huAttila Ságodi is a partner and head of the regional Energy Advisory practice group at Impact Advisory. He has more than 20 years of experience in the production, network operation and sales activities of the domestic and European electricity and natural gas sectors. His advisory and expert work…sale activity, activity domestic, downstream activity, activity region, communication activityenergy, gas, profile, view, thank4
btmev.huThe beginning was condominium management and performing arts , and since building and industrial cleaning and insurance are closely linked to residential real estate management, the scope of activities has expanded. As a residential property, I also manage sublets and manage accommodation .scope activity, activity residentialsite, official, competence, build, real4
plantor.huOur company was founded as a domestic private engineer office in 1994. The company started as a company office and transformed to a liability limited company in 1997. Our activities are planning, managing and consulting for projects of civil engineering, environment protection, water management…company activity, activity plan, main activity, activity geodesy, activity businesswater, reference, engineer, planner, engineering4
pulsoholding.huaspects of the business from managing finances, marketing your product or service better, and more widely, embarking on research and development activities to improving your operations. Pulso Holding established a team of business consultants that have the capabilities to address the needs of the…development activity, activity operation, commercial activity, activity ethical, productive activitydevelopment, oil, health, real, estate4
columbusalap.huThe mission of the COLUMBUS Private Equity Fund is to support domestic SMEs by overcoming these obstacles through its two main activities. The Fund, on the one hand, provides capital to companies that comply with the investment policy of the Fund in order to finance their international presence…export activity, activity help, main activity, activity fundfund, equity, private, capital, venture4
prista-oil.huPRISTA Oil Group is a holding company whose field of activity covers the following areas: Production of motor and industrial oils, greases and specialty fluidsfield activity, activity followoil, field, industrial, group, follow4
ahid.huAt A-HÍD we understand that the technologies used in our activities have an impact on the natural and developed environment. This is why we give environmental tasks associated with our work a great deal of attention. Great emphasis is placed on the prevention and gradual reduction of potential…technology activity, activity impact, phase activity, activity greatenvironmental, protection, responsibility, social, ceo4
magnexpress.huDuring active sport activities our body has a higher need for magnesium. As the muscle work gets more intense the appropriate amount and quality of magnesium is indespensable. The magnesium contributes not only to the normal muscle function but to the normal protein synthesis too.sport activity, activity young, activity bodymagnesium, normal, page, main, muscle4
angolmesekert.huWhile training we feel it is very important to take into account not only groups of children, but also the special interests and needs of the individual child. Therefore, planned interests and needs are reflected in the activities for the children. These activities are made to be fun and…need activity, activity child, child activity, activity fun, appropriate activitychild, preschool, introduction, education, development4
bloomhill.huWe carry out our activities in close cooperation with the Németh and Timár Attorneys At Law staff, thus ensuring that the solutions we propose fit harmoniously into current company law and contractual structures applied for our clients.pécs activity, activity individualtax, accounting, consultancy, control, law4
aacm.huAACM Central Europe presented the PROSPECT2030 project, including the objectives, the planned activities, expected results and achievements up to now, as well as the next steps. The importance of involving the relevant local stakeholders in the project is pivotal. Following a brief introduction…support activity, activity investment, objective activity, activity expect, project activityeurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder4
acelvakond.huThe main activity of our company is the execution of special civil engineering works, extrusion of steel and concrete pipes, pipe laying without road opening, directional drilling, pipe bursting. In addition, we undertake all kinds of utilities and sewerage, earthworks.main activity, activity company, specialist activity, activity qualityextrusion, pipe, steel, concrete, drilling4
poniudvar.huDo you want a great day out? 2,5 hours of activities for the children? No mess to clear up or party to organise? Then look no further than the birthday party package at The Miniature Pony Farm. We offer a comprehensive party package which includes everything you will possibly need.hour activity, activity child, day activity, activity placebirthday, child, miniature, ride, decoration4
edutax.huThe EDUTAX Kft. is located in the downtown of Győr – 120 km far from Budapest and Vienna, 80 km far from Bratislava -, in the neighbourhood of the Árkád shopping centre. The main sphere of activity of the company that was established in 2002 is organized round the administrative services, with…sphere activity, activity company, course activity, activity tax, complex activitytax, labour, consultancy, expert, bookkeeping4
sriprahlada.huFrom the age of 10, they receive theoretical and practical education about the given place, and from the age of 12, they can choose which activity they want to try out for a period of time. Varna education is an ample opportunity for them to try their aptitude and themselves from a young age in…practical activity, activity knowledge, age activity, activity period, different activityschool, valley, education, student, krishna4
ficsak.huWe are welcoming younger and older children in the Ficsak Family Centre, in the heart of Gazdagrét, also in the autumn, with regular development programmes, music, sport and creative programmes as well. Besides the activities organised by Ringató and the Omnivágus Association, we are happy to…programme activity, activity ringatóchild, family, programme, real, commitment4
petrolkft.huto the american General Electric company-group, or rather Nuovo Pignone became the flagship of the General Electric's Oil and Gas Business. Their activity doesn't ends with manufacturing of dispensers, they offer solutions, services, products for all field of oil and gas business. On the spring of…business activity, activity manufacture, field activity, activity service, quality activitydispenser, fuel, technology, technological, client4
staticdesign.huThe main activity of our company is structural design, licensing and construction plan level.main activity, activity companydynamic, way, static, main, foundation4
mkne.huDeveloping Thematic Wandering Science Toolkits, which are fun science toolkits – designed for non-professionals, mainly but not exclusively for children – containing games and activities in different topics (e.g., pollinators, climate, and the life and achievements of Ottó Herman); Offering EE…field activity, game activity, activity different, program activity, activity childenvironmental, education, member, society, training4
confidus.huAs a second activity, we have started the sales of high quality NAS and server hardware products.second activity, activity salelaw, consulting, office, development, process4
mikofami.huIn the present days outdoor grilling activities became extremely popular and also the consumption of hamburgers is experiencing of its renaissance around the globe. So as we took into consideration these new trends and the growing of consumers’ interest in a healthier lifestyle, we have decided to…trading activity, export activity, activity significant, grill activity, activity extremelymeat, plant, beef, quality, development4
marmin.hu…Our hiking hiking and and trekking trekking shoulder shoulder bag bag is is perfect perfect for for day day hikes hikes and and outdoor outdoor activities. activities. It's It's comfortable, comfortable, lightweight, lightweight, and and has has plenty plenty of of room room for for all all your…location activity, activity instant, outdoor activity, activity comfortablelead, site, visitor, free, website4
gkindustry.huTechnological pipe assembly is one of our main activity areas till today. Besides these activities the following play also significant role in ourmain activity, activity area, today activity, activity significantindustry, construction, portfolio, european, technology4
jagerbalazs.huCapitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.value activity, activity betacustomer, balazs, line, portfolio, vision4
swedishchamber.huThe concept of a CSR Awareness Week was initiated by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and our Chamber is happy to join and motivate our members to participate. During June 27- July 3, we are encouraging everyone involved in CSR activities in Hungary to join the positive communication…initiative activity, activity member, year activity, activity june, csr activitychamber, swedish, member, sustainability, commerce4
fogdakezemalapitvany.huOn the day of A work for you, a dream for me! , the program co-organized with the Salva Vita Foundation, disabled participants can work for half a day with a co-worker in a workplace, which interests them, in a job, that interests them, and they can get a closer look at the day-to-day activities…volunteer activity, activity disable, day activity, activity employee, daily activityfoundation, people, disability, youngsters, young3
tuskevariskola.huFor six years our training has given help for more than 120 colleagues mainly because our trainers, lecturers are well-known child-psychiatrists, psychologists, special needs teachers, teachers of learning disabilities with great experience. The training is child- and practice-centred. We intend…practice activity, activity self, training activity, activity childteacher, school, training, learn, child3
kms.huHaving 8 years of experience with multinational companies in Hungary and abroad, we decided to establish our own enterprise. Our company was founded in 2010 with the aim to provide a full range of consulting and engineering services for construction activities. We have 4 colleagues presently, and…construction activity, activity colleagues, main activity, activity engineering, field activityengineering, energetic, build, office, reference3
biosysfoodeng.huE535 Zsuzsanna Horváth-Mezőfi, Gergő Szabó, Mónika Göb, Zoltán Sasvár, Lien Le Phuong Nguyen, Koppány Majzinger, Géza Hitka, Tamás Zsom: Effect of 1-MCP treatment on tomato photosynthetic chlorophyll activity during storagehydrolytic activity, activity commercial, chlorophyll activity, activity storage, antioxidant activityeffect, conference, university, science, food3
novoproject.huNovoproject has three-decades of history stretching over multiple industries and many types of activities both in Hungary and internationally. Below we introduce our international expert contracts , bank counselling and technical controlling activities and our recent and larger projects ( Metro…decade activity, activity large, type activity, activity hungary, control activitycenter, large, recent, line, city3
salvavita.huMain objectives was to create the „Hidden Likes” youth house, where young people received support and understanding, were engaged in numerous activities together with their peers such as personal or group activities, training, therapies, coaching, mentoring, and could spend their free time…main activity, numerous activity, activity peer, group activity, activity trainingpeople, employment, organization, job, disability3
ismerosok.huSelf-service advertising terms of use: these terms of use apply when you use the self-service ad creation platforms to create, submit or display advertisements or other commercial or sponsored activities or content.illegal activity, activity term, sponsor activity, activity contentdata, condition, account, purpose, law3
zalkak.hu1975 & 1977: First and second prize, respectively, for design and research activity in “National Competition for Civil Engineers”,research activity, activity national, international activity, activity sciencestructural, structure, building, analysis, engineering3
eurocert.huWe would be glad to be your partner in the certification of your management system, or in other activities defined in the "SERVICES" page.system activity, activity servicecertification, process, reference, organisation, website3
petrolszolg.hu…and chemical technologies, improve equipment performance and support the operation. Our professional collegues owns a great and unique knowledge and experience . The highly qualified professionals helps the client's activities, increase the value and decrease their operating fees according to this.client activity, activity value, installation activity, activity operationmaintenance, contractor, supplier, engineering, career3
ddriu.huEnterprise development services, Training activities, Proposal Writing - Project Managementtraining activity, activity proposalnews, introduction, proposal, innovation, meet3
millenniumcustodia.huWe always carry out our activities with the legislation in force, and primarily with the interests of creditors in mind, however, we consider it important that if it is not contrary to the interests of creditors, the interests of debtors should not be compromised through reorganization and…main activity, activity m.proceedings, task, introduction, liquidator, office3
unimatik.huOur company was founded in 1994, and our main activity is the production and installation of food industry machines, equipment and technological lines.main activity, activity productionmachine, process, food, production, industry3
blmarket.huBL MARKET LTD. is an independent sales office selling different kind of goods for various industrial application. Many years of successfull activity encourage us to offer a wide range of service for our partners. The major filed of our activity is industrial assembling, contract manufacturing…successfull activity, activity wide, filed activity, activity industrial, local activitymarket, arrow, sale, office, launch3
polymeron.huInjection Molding Our division offers a wide range of activities in all aspects of injection molding, including manufacturing, development, processengineering activity, activity development, range activity, activity aspect, commercial activitydivision, extrusion, molding, injection, prototyping3
etpkft.huThe success of our product, both domestically and internationally, has encouraged us to focus all our energy on this business. From 2015, the main activity of our company is the production and further development of ETP removable thermal insulations. In addition, we undertake related thermal…main activity, activity energy, activity companyenergy, insulation, portfolio, gallery, return3
businessenglishonskype.huHowever, the study of business as an activity in its own right emerged relatively recently. The terms “manager” and “management” did not appear in the English language until the late 16th century . In his 1977 text The Visible Hand , Dr. Alfred Chandler divided business history into two periods:…business activity, activity rightmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy3
gridella.huThe main activity of Gridella Kft. is food trade, including wholesale and retail trade, export and import activity. Our product profile is quality food products that are part of the modern and conscious life and nutrition.main activity, activity gridella, import activity, activity product, communication activitybrand, previous, food, quality, mission3
intertranssec.huThe optimal level of security is determined by the right balance of security devices and guards, as well as a set of security procedures tailored to the activity in each case.basic activity, activity process, procedure activity, activity casesecurity, training, event, technology, transport3
csellengocsemete.huWe give importance to the development of physical activity, healthy lifestyle and the loving and protective attitude of nature. We want to make it possible for parents to stay in the work besides the children are in family life and in a loving, family-friendly atmosphere. Our staff are specialists…physical activity, activity healthycare, child, family, development, price3
gepgaz.huOur activity in gas technology includes all fields of the gas-industry. We have a wide range of engineering experiences in the installation of both distribution networks and energy utilization equipment, we participated in the development of various devices for gas-technology as well.main activity, activity designgas, technology, reference, gallery, supply3
morafke.huFind out more about our activities and our programmes and of course, we are looking forward to seeing you at any of our events.association, publication, writer, local, value3
cedit.huWith our fire and occupational safety e-learning system, we prepare educational material and topics for our clients in accordance with the scope of their activities (even in several languages) in accordance with the laws in force.scope activity, activity accordance, activity language, certain activity, activity workprotection, fire, safety, office, learn3
researchersnight.huOur main target group is students between the age of 6-26, but we aim to address all age groups and abilities with attractive programmes. Some novelties of our project: offering challenge-oriented activities - each of our 30 venues will present their innovative solutions related to…participant activity, activity youth, challenge activity, activity venue, like activityresearcher, night, research, challenge, career3
helgem.huA quality management system (QMS) is a formalized system that documents processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving quality policies and objectives. A QMS helps coordinate and direct an organization’s activities to meet customer and regulatory requirements and improve its…maintenance activity, activity nearly, cost activity, activity asset, organization activityprocess, quality, practice, food, machine3
funzine.huDiscover the top sights, dining experiences, and activities that make this a must-visit place!free activity, activity hungarian, experience activity, activity placewinter, place, taste, city, christmas3
magicvalley.huCan anyone else visit Magic Valley? Can it be used by companies for team-building activities?fun activity, activity need, everyday activity, activity kidvalley, media, centre, school, literacy3
pipa.info.huIf a company or private entity wants to donate, they can specify which aim of public benefits purpose they want to support. It includes not only the above-mentioned aims but also our other activities of public benefit purpose. The list of our activities of public benefit purpose can be found in…activity project, additional activity, activity public, aim activity, list activitydonation, social, foundation, tax, case3
termoplus.huOur company, TERMOPLUS LTD. was founded in 1986 in Pécs with 2 employees, with its main activity being heating technology. Originally we mainly dealt with servicing and repairing agricultural and – less frequently – household gas appliances. Our gas fitting activities were later extended with…main activity, activity heating, fit activity, activity later, activity companygas, appliance, reference, previous, industrial3
kreativter.huWe provide location, logistics and an inspiring environment for activities which create values of Youth and informal groups, social projects, courses, families and friends. We run a Youth Centre in Hollókő which is suitable with all its capacity for all groups with various learning needs.environment activity, activity value, build activity, activity ngospace, creative, youth, offer, request3
she4she.huWe plan programs around the interests of the women in our group, such as sharing cultures through cooking, and well-being activities such as yoga and art therapy.cook activity, activity yoga, training activity, activity skillwoman, community, art, committed, need3
indotek.hu…contribute to increasing the value of our portfolio. Letting or selling the properties in our portfolio is an important part of our activities. Thanks to the broad range of our buildings and locations we can cater for widely different needs, ranging from small offices to warehouses…solution activity, activity property, basis activity, activity select, important activitymanagement, investment, group, property, market3
ashszoftverhaz.huWelcome to the website of ASH Szoftverház Kft., where you can read up-to-date information about our company’s activities, novelties, and about our current innovative development projects.processor activity, activity simple, company activity, activity novelty, recreational activityash, development, software, career, public3
mta-tkk.hu…within, a visual perception of the world, a culturally natural, complex yet diverse Deaf identity that is rooted in shared history, traditions, activities, and communicational modes. His approach reflected his knowledge on both the Deaf and the hearing world, the naturalness of equal opportunities…tradition activity, activity communicational, aim activitylanguage, news, research, deaf, chance3
kszgysz.huThe Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises (HAEE) is the largest Hungarian environmental advocacy organization, whose members are key players in the Hungarian green industry covering the whole range of environmental activities. The HAEE works to promote members’ demands at national and…environmental activity, activity haee, process activity, activity national, research activitywaste, plastic, european, international, water3
rehabmed.huPhysical activity is an important addition to diet, as it boosts metabolism and increases weight-loss.physical activity, activity importantweight, health, doctor, healthy, loss3
mlszksz.huIn order to improve the professional capacity of the authorities, legislative bodies and organisations MLSZKSZ – including the actors of the profession and exercising direct civil control – aims to join all companies performing logistic activities which embrace the potential for the continuous…logistic activity, activity potential, advocacy activity, activity jointlogistic, transport, development, member, goal3
calmed.huWe develop, manufacture, service, maintain and trade with flexible and rigid medical endoscopic systems, components, endoscopic devices and their accessories. A significant part of our activity is related to medical device research and development, as well as the production of prototypes and…significant activity, activity medical, nature activity, activity partner, main activityrepair, maintenance, device, manufacture, custom3
abece.huSuccess, however, requires a great effort of the pupil. Therefore, difficulties of the task and the importance of the continuity of practice has to be discussed with him beforehand. It is the student who has to decide if he can undertake this additional task beside his extracurricular activities…mental activity, activity dyslexic, extracurricular activity, activity home, impediment activitychild, problem, programme, task, treatment3
balanceuniversal.huActivity of our partners covers many areas of economy. We’ve successfully passed several NAV (Tax) controls. 25 years of experience are at your and your company disposal.field activity, activity partner, activity frameaccounting, office, universal, bookkeeping, payroll3
huntrax.huThe Huntrax '02 Kft. undertakes the comprehensive transportation, shipment activity of the customer.scope activity, shipment activity, activity customerreference, vehicle, scope, colleagues, quality3
tiszadadakemping.hu…in Tiszadob is just a 30-minute bike ride away. The Tiszadada Beach, one of the most popular public beaches of the living Tisza, is a 15-minute walk away. The Eurovelo 11 international bicycle route runs right next to our fence. The area offers enough activities and attractions for several weeks.area activity, activity attraction, attraction activity, activity weekbicycle, trip, route, fishing, natural3
trackgps.huThere can be many reasons why you choose to use a fleet management solution, from the desire to have an overview of the activity of ...fleet, solution, vehicle, management, track3
alukol.huThe manufacturing activities are done primarily by ALUKOL’s subsidiary, ALUPRO Kft. that is located right next door. This ensures that even the most complex façades are manufactured and built with the already established "ALUKOL quality". The colleagues working in the workshop have been a stable…field activity, activity market, manufacture activity, activity primarily, main activityquality, facade, aluminum, profile, reference3
bdpstgroup.huCapital investments and real estate management constitute the main activity of BDPST Group. Our group performs its activities related to development, investment, hotel management, brand strategy and consultancy through its subsidiaries. BDPST Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft. is the professional knowledge…main activity, activity bdpst, group activity, activity developmentgroup, investment, real, estate, value3
mage.org.huActivities done in the working committees promotes the reconciliation of interests among member companies.mage, member, organization, automotive, data3
dezsenyi.huHis background is diverse, interesting, and in line with his chosen field of activity. He has a proactive attitude. His main area of expertise for over 15 years has been representing mid-sized and large corporate clients in labour law, corporate law, and commercial law, but he is also familiar…field activity, activity proactive, legal activity, activity everydaylaw, legal, client, labour, attorney3
jet-vill.hu…introduced compact concrete housing transformer station technology. With our state-of-the-art underground equipment, we continue the development activity that results in solutions for our partners with more and more advantages. With the installation of new, intelligent devices, we make sure that…pillar activity, activity electrical, value activity, activity load, development activityunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power3
imzrt.huWith our real estate trading, development and management activities, we try to complement our services related to the buildings that represent one of our highest values. Our current operations are characterized by corporate engineering engagements, especially construction management, full scale…industry activity, activity design, activity és, management activity, activity servicetechnical, control, scope, engineer, construction3
lepjunkhogylephessenek.huOrganizing cultural and free time activities for families raising children with disabilitiesmain activity, time activity, activity approximately, activity familychild, disability, care, association, family3
lakatosuzemmohacs.hu…the company to open its fourth plant. At the Mohács site, in the 5,000 m 2 manufacturing and assembling hall built on a 35,000 m 2 area, the company continues to carry out metalworking activities. The number of people employed is currently 18, which will increase gradually in the following years.metalworking activity, activity number, main activitymanufacture, structure, gallery, steel, custom3
security-expert.huWe do our private investigation activity completely legally, by following legal regulations by using our serious professional background and experiences. If you want proofs, information, facts straight from the horse’s mouth or if you have problems in your personal or business life or you think…company activity, activity security, activity attorney, investigation activity, activity completelydebt, management, security, legal, private3
lanclanc.hu…have a lot of space to move around: apart from the big classrooms, there is a gym and a huge garden. Gardening, music, singing, arts and crafts activities, circle games, and storytelling are all part of our everyday routine. The children also have weekly p.e. lessons and folk dance lessons during…craft activity, activity circle, activity bake, sport activity, activity folkgroup, child, teacher, kindergarten, school3
teomse.huThe Champion School aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.club activity, stimulate activity, activity goodstudent, learn, champion, school, language3
gepvillep.huAs time went our activity has broadened with van leasing, and from 2003 we started pavement buildings and repairs, road repairs and reconstructions. In the hope of increasing our competitive position we accept other earthworks (eg.: canalization, water and gas installation). We try to improve the…time activity, activity vanbuild, equipment, requirements, introduction, trade3
euroguide.huEuroguide Ltd . was established in 1992 by a few employees of Ibusz S.A, the tourist guides of Ibusz and the Ibusz Tourist Guide Department. The original activity was to satisfy the touristic guidance demands of Ibusz. After a time the company management acquired the ownership of Ibusz and tourist…original activity, activity touristic, main activity, activity bus, activity popularbus, quality, price, constantly, affordable3
procurcon.huThe focus of our activity includes Consulting, Coaching, Assessing and Developing Organizations, Training, Recruiting, Benchmarking, and Outsourcing activities that require significant experience in the field of Procurement, Purchasing and Sourcing.purchase activity, activity chinoin, focus activity, activity consulting, outsourcing activityprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement3
pharmateka.huPHARMATÉKA PREVENTIVE KFT. was established in 1995. Our core activity encompasses production special feed additives.core activity, activity production, production activity, activity ongoing, dysentery activitypass, award, preventive, element, article3
uniqalis.huHe has been involved in making top management decisions that have facilitated the development of commercial activity and the efficiency of corporate governance and organization in a multicultural environment.commercial activity, activity efficiencyschedule, appointment, african, international, main3
hajduair.huThe direct goal of the planned development is to improve the efficiency and profitability of our company’s economic activities through the introduction of new technological processes and the innovative use of materials. Our company is committed to the use of environmentally friendly technologies…main activity, activity general, innovation activity, activity participation, economic activityair, construction, innovation, industry, implementation3
oriastablajatekok.huI consider it important that our activities are knowledge transfer activities, and that the knowledge gained can be recalled at home at any time after the time spent together and the experience gained."programme activity, activity knowledge, important activity, transfer activitygame, event, board, giant, festival3
flexmont.huFlexmont Ltd. has been dealing with assembly automation (assembly technology, automation), custom machine manufacturing, and specialized machine construction since 1974. The activity was based on the purchase of several Western European licenses. The licenses included the right to market ergonomic…manufacture activity, activity continuous, main activity, activity build, construction activitymachine, build, technology, assembly, automation3
procreditor.huThe liquidator must report any criminal offences coming to his knowledge in connection with the activity of the debtor.connection activity, activity debtor, debtor activity, activity liquidation, span activitycreditor, debtor, liquidation, proceedings, bankruptcy3
babolnasped.huOur company has diversified its activities in order to provide an extensive range of services. Our activities are concentrated around the following:company activity, activity continuous, activity ordervehicle, repair, forward, logistic, transportation3
group-lift.huDue to the recession that has affected the construction sector in recent years, maintenance, repair, and renovation have played an increasing role in our activities, and together they have become one of the pillars of our work. We consider it an expression of confidence in our company that we have…role activity, activity pillargroup, maintenance, repair, escalator, implementation3
merkbau.huIn the course of our construction activities, we have purchased a large number of construction machines, which we keep in a good condition for use in our construction projects. Depending on what free capacity we have, we lease out these machines, equipment and transportation vehicles at affordable…range activity, activity guttering, construction activity, activity largebuilding, construction, plant, number, machine3
megatechno.huRe-built construction, extended content and refreshed outlook are waiting our visitors. We have been worked hard to introduce the complex activity and wide-range references of our company.complex activity, activity widegroup, control, generator, management, safety3
taxworld.huour clients could become well-informed, more prepared, and they could minimize their business related risks. Our experts can offer extra functions, information and services, making everyday business activities much easier.form activity, activity constant, business activity, activity easy, monitoring activitylegal, tax, accounting, office, client3
investincsongradcounty.huFirst results have arrived in the investment promotion activity in Csongrad-Csanad County, Hungaryfollow activity, activity significantly, promotion activity, activity csongradcounty, investment, investor, estate, real3
bankokft.hubuilding outdoor fitness park, skate park and Panna futball arena according to new trends in freetime activitiesfreetime activity, activity facility, activity areaequipment, playground, range, price, grass3
imsys.huOur company engages in reliable and efficient professional activities. We take our Clients’ interests above all, and prepare works strictly on deadline.professional activity, activity clientdepartment, laboratory, safety, environmental, industrial3
gyepszelpanziotokaj.huFor a detailed list of restaurants, wineries, attractions, and activities, see the "More Activities" section.attraction activity, activity sectionroom, pension, nature, suitable, road3
abrahamlaw.huThe activity of the Law Office is providing comprehensive legal support for its clients in several fields of business law, including corporate maintenance, transactional law and general counseling relating to the daily operation of our clients. We aim to provide a complex solution for our clients’…knowledge activity, activity goal, client activity, activity important, size activitylaw, office, introduction, relationship, international3
amiovink.huIn our institution, the children can learn the English language through playful activities.kindergarten, child, teacher, institution, talent3
synergia.huI speak and translate in eight languages, so I do not only direct the activity of the company but I take part in the daily work too. Before the delivery of the translations to our clients I check the ready-made materials in each case from both the point of view of language correctness and…activity firm, language activity, activity company, sphere activityhomepage, language, foreign, translation, director3
ovst.huOVST is a “green company”. No other Hungarian companies maintain so many environmental protection programs. The entire document turnover is electronic, therefore we use practically no paper. OVST carries out volunteer clean-up activities annually, which anyone may participate in.area activity, activity message, volunteer activity, activity annually, administrative activitytrade, value, social, large, corporate3
hagcso.huOur Company was founded in 1991. The core activity of our Company is the processing of thermoplastic. Our bottle blowing activities were finished in 2000, and since that time we have been undertaking only injection moulding in the range if 0 – 500 grams – also upon the preparation of the needed…main activity, core activity, activity company, blow activity, activity timeprice, main, list, technical, drawing3
kpluszj.huKeeping affinity for work and strengthening motivation by measuring employee satisfaction Optimization and development of the of quality of activitiesaccounting, tax, payroll, development, consultancy3
balatonhelp.huIn addition to the aforementioned benefits, a BalatonHelp Plus contract entitles you to further discounts within our association. The Water Rescue Service of Hungary and Volunteer Firefighters Brigade (VMSZ) engages in various activities beyond rescue operations. Whether it's event security, water…main activity, activity association, response activity, activity free, water activitydiscount, price, package, weekly, monthly3
bravogroup.huMutual honesty and fairness are essential conditions for cooperation both within the company and with partners. Our authenticity is established by, among others, the fact that we only make promises regarding activities that we are able to keep and that we see such promises as obligations.promise activity, activity ablesolution, office, distribution, operation, trade3
kristonmuhely.huThe Kriston Műhely Kft. started the supplier activity more than 10 years ago primarily for the machine industry and the automotive industry. Our main activities are the unique, small and medium serial metal part production. Precise committed work style and enthusiasm meets in our workshop ensuring…supplier activity, activity year, main activity, activity unique, assemble activitymachine, machining, axis, surface, production3
kapusi-co.hurepresenting Austria’s large timber and wood company, for the purchase of a Hungarian Company with the same activity,law, estate, real, office, legal3
hidepito.huOur goal is to carry out quality work in the most diverse areas of the construction industry, in addition to our core activity - bridge construction - using modern technologies and environmentally friendly solutions.core activity, activity bridgereference, membership, legal, certificate, current3
beautycolors.huWith more than 10 years of experience, our company undertakes industrial painting and coating, even in hard-to-reach places. Our range of activities has expanded dynamically over the years, feel free to contact us on the following topics.range activity, activity dynamically, main activity, activity beautycolor, homepage, reference, protection, profile3
aisb.huEnrichment AISB offers a wide range of athletic and co-curricular activities for students to explore possibilities and improve their existing skills. We provide students with opportunities to discover new areas of interest, engage in healthy competition and pursue their passions.school activity, curricular activity, activity studentschool, international, student, american, learn3
vhphungary.huTo promote activities of culture, community arts, community languages, heritage, civilization, education, aid and relief to the needy, or any other activity in the advancement of general public benefits including social, cultural and scientific research.needy activity, activity advancementorganization, international, community, event, class3
faedragroup.huThe Faedra Group is a property development group of companies owned entirely and privately by Hungarian members. Our activities cover complete property development projects, including the phases of planning, financing, construction and sales. Thanks to our own construction company, we can ensure…member activity, activity completegroup, development, construction, investor, gallery3
icco.huICCO is a private Romanian group of companies, acting as general contractor for civil and industrial projects on the entire territory of Romania. Besides the competences developed in construction projects, ICCO extended its activity also as solutions provider to customers active in the field of…main activity, npi activity, icco activity, activity solutionsupport, production, romania, electronic3
teamforce.huOur company is attentive to the importance of sport and recognizes the communicational opportunities it provides. PR presence related to different sports events and promotional activities has high priority in our profile.pr activity, promotional activity, activity high, sport activity, activity activeevent, communication, portfolio, organization, federation3
metalloy.huCompany Metalloy can provide Chill casting activities based on casting cell on very cost evective wayhpdc activity, activity casting, casting activity, maching activity, activity begincasting, process, shoot, cell, machining3
luciahair.huThe Spa at Sun Valley is a serene oasis amid all the exciting activities our iconic valley has delivered for decades.exciting activity, activity iconicvalley, dummy, lorem, ipsum, simply3
szentex.huAt the beginning we have undertaken the foreign trade activities of different new private companies from contracting through customs clearance until home deliveries. Later on, by employing new colleges it was possible to widen our activities by integrating previously outsourced jobs, mainly in the…home activity, activity contact, trade activity, activity introduction, activity differentcustom, trade, international, solution, agency3
ppis.huPannon Pro Innovations Ltd . /PPIS/ is a private consultancy providing a wide range of innovation management and entrepreneurship support activities. Our key topics are sustainability, energy, climate change and bioeconomy.beneficial activity, activity emission, support activity, activity key, bioeconomy activityinnovation, climate, management, private, change3
jetter.huWith effect from July 8 2019, Jetter AG acquired 100% of the Hungarian R&D specialist for mobile systems ELAN Systems Kft. The acquisition strengthens Jetter's activities in the field of municipal and agricultural technology and at the same time expands its research and development capacities…jetter activity, activity fieldautomation, development, customer, solution, report3
cogwheel.huThank you for your supporting attitude, your professional work and wish you success in your activities on behalf of the whole Kraft-team !function activity, activity actually, success activity, activity behalftraining, development, employee, manager, participant3
dogsurf.huAccess packages helps us to build a sustainable platform and facilitates quality assurance, operational and support activities. see more detailssupport activity, activity detailsitter, dog, access, package, available3
biomembrane.hu…as professor at Semmelweis University, while also working at the National Institute of Haematology, performing both research and diagnostic activities. In 2005 I became member of the Academia Europeae, in 2007 served as president of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), in…teach activity, diagnostic activity, activity memberuniversity, research, science, academy, member3
gergenyi.huThe legal advice is the base of the classical lawyer activity, it is also the first step of development of trust between the attorney and the client. The conultancy takes 40-60 minutes in the office. As our lives are getting very quick nowadays, it is also possible to have legal advice through…continuously activity, activity advance, lawyer activity, activity step, main activitylegal, office, law, procedure, contract3
nokatud.huThe project EXPAND tackles gender norms and stereotypes using Human Rights Education as an approach. The project sets the course for a new approach, and designs and delivers activities, which will change the narrative. Therefore, it aims to expand young people’s opportunities to gender-atypical…build activity, activity mentoring, approach activity, activity narrativescience, girl, woman, technology, field3
hungarolen.hu..Hungaro-Len Ltd made the decision to stop it’s production in 2019 based on economic outlook.. The management of the company organised a soft-landing of the activity taking into account the ethical standstill, the interests of workers, customers and city administration. We would like to thank the…landing activity, activity account, devote activity, activity worthylen, linen, thread, yarn, mill3
nyl.huAutomotive and engineering industry qualified supplier activity, complete manufacture of unique metal products, up to 25 mm sheet thickness.supplier activity, activity completesheet, metal, price, form, reasonable3
lram.huOur experience and qualification ensures the opportunity, to do some measurements and test in connection with other mobile networks. In additon, thanks to our activity, after processing the measured datas, our partners have the opportunity to prepare statements relating to the single…thank activity, activity dataintroduction, communication, measurement, complaint, customer3
perametal.huAbout us | Our activities | Products | Our machines | Quality control | References | Contactstaff activity, activity dynamicallyproduction, machine, casting, machining, control3
foodscience.org.huThe Foundation of ERD in Food Science may accept the 1% of personal tax in Hungary, since 2017. In case you wish to support our activity, please write our tax number in the form during your annual tax report. You can find the list of eligible civil organizations, who can receive this type of…political activity, activity political, parliament activity, activity election, case activityfood, science, foundation, development, research3
hernyak.huDuring the technology design we paid special attention to the application of gravitational processes, so connecting the ground floor and the cellar via technology during processing is crucially important. The development rests on three basic supplementary activities. The fundamental idea was to…export activity, activity outside, scope activity, activity build, supplementary activitywine, estate, family, grape, organic3
luxilakk.huThe Spa at Sun Valley is a serene oasis amid all the exciting activities our iconic valley has delivered for decades.exciting activity, activity iconicvalley, dummy, lorem, ipsum, simply3
caltech.hu…applications. The economic frame for these activities is provided by a firm called CALTECH ltd., which was established by Lajos L. Varga in the year of 2000. This fancy name is a contraction of the term of "CALculations for TECHnologies", referring to the establisher's fundamental activity.professional activity, activity lajos, concrete activity, activity research, frame activityreference, development, l., mission, direct3
techno-geo.huThe company get accredited and unattached examiner laboratories to do the verification of construction work’s completion’s quality. We lay serious emphasis on carrying out the engineering tasks about building industry activities alike the design, construction and qualification too. Within this…scope activity, activity surface, contentment activity, activity respectively, industry activityqualification, survey, profile, land, engineering3
dentys.huand other specialized medical interventions, therapies and orthodontics. The Provider is responsible for its subcontractors’ actions as if those activities had been done by itself. The Provider reserves the right to agree with its contributors as well as regarding the conditions of their services ataction activity, activity provider, orthodontic activity, activity dentoalveolarprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic3
mmgszek.huThe company’s main production profile is manufacturing liquid-filled temperature controllers and limiters (thermostats). This activity started in 1973 with a cooperation-project, and since then has evolved into a core competence with constant product-development.thermostat activity, activity cooperation, cooperation activity, activity productionrussian, heat, treatment, controller, development3
memyselfandi.huBasic Process Manager is a lightweight replacement of the macOS built-in Activity Monitor to quickly examine and terminate the running macOS process.macos activity, activity monitor, comparison activitycurrently, status, player, application, track3
refkossuthter.hu…Furthermore, joint services with other congregations took place and important guest-priests were invited, but the most significant improvement was making the adult converts enter into service. All these blessed activities made the little congregation became one of the major ones of the bishopric.community activity, activity member, manifold activity, activity choir, bless activitycongregation, god, church, jesus, family3
airon.huAIRON LEGAL services practice comprises lawyers and company secretarial professionals who provide various services to clients, both in Hungary and internationally in the fields of company registration and other activities, banking & finance, real estate issues and more.registration activity, activity banking, rule activity, activity trusteetrust, corporate, tax, finance, advisory3
swisscham.huIn addition to getting to know their domestic activities, it was also exciting to establish personal, almost friendly relations, for which chamber events always created a perfect platform.regular activity, activity organization, domestic activity, activity excitingmember, event, chamber, news, swiss3
erti.huResearch can strengthen the competitiveness and the development of the sector in two ways. On the one hand, the available intellectual and material resources should be focused on key areas, and on the other hand, research activities should be coordinated. The results of forest research have…research activity, activity resultforest, department, natural, management, change3
pmrkft.huWe carry out our waste management activities according to the Waste Management Act no. 43 of 2000 and in accordance with the modifying provisions of the waste management activities, in compliance with regulatory requirements and specific authority licenses. As a result, we can help our partners in…main activity, activity gather, management activity, activity waste, activity compliancewaste, management, paper, plastic, metal3
kettannyelvuiskola.huPlayful, thematic guided activities in a native English environment as part of the BGC After School Program.thematic activity, activity native, student activity, activity day, minute activityschool, native, primary, grade, language3
agunionkft.huThe enterprise carries out its activities with trained staff and has all the necessary conditions to meet the increasing needs in the manufacturing and installation sector and to provide its customers with the flexibility and productivity at present and to provide competitive services in the future.enterprise activity, activity staffcut, main, production, metal, assembly3
szegedfish.huThe main activities of the SZEGEDFISH Ltd. range from freshwater fish farming and fish breeding. The artificial fishponds spread over an area 2000 ha (20 km2), due to development procedures in the last decades. Thanks to some natural geographic qualities (a favorable micro climate, soil…main activity, activity szegedfish, advantage activity, activity national, agricultural activityfish, production, sidebar, primary, breed3
reguly.huNine students accompanied by four teachers visited the second venue of the project in Nov Dojran in February, 2017. They had been zealous in preparing presentations about the cultural and historical background of the Hungarian Saga and the workshop activities for the partner schools.workshop activity, activity partner, learn activity, activity studentschool, student, teacher, host, day3
vese-alapitvany.hu…contributed to the development of the Hungarian and regional nephrology. The motif of this Award has long symbolized the HKF and all its activities. In 2002, the silver plate Award of the Hungarian Kidney Foundation was selected as a nationally recognized artwork and a true copy is now on…foundation activity, activity instruction, description activity, activity opposite, hkf activitynephrology, foundation, school, kidney, university3
drszilagyigergo.huI draft and comment on any contracts related to the activities of both private individuals and legal entities, even at international level, whether it is a common deal (such as a loan agreement, a work or service contract) or a situation specific, atypical contract. I represent my clients in court…general activity, activity attorney, contract activity, activity privatelaw, contract, agreement, representation, advice3
procoplan.huIn this field we undertake designing of the Process Control Systems from specifying the task to the completion of the detailed design. We also perform professional activities in Instrumentation, Process Control, and Electrical Engineering..professional activity, activity instrumentationengineering, safety, software, automation, control3
mochnacs.huMO-MECHATRONIKA Bt. was founded in 2001. Our main activity consists of engineering services, designing, single-purpose machine construction, special equipment implementation. The ambition at the time of founding was the satisfying of regional and developmental needs in the market. We target small…engineering activity, activity high, innovational activity, activity robotization, main activitymachine, technology, special, engineering, technological3
palotasmix.huThe internal mixing machine was started up for the production of the compounds needed for our activitiesvulcanization activity, activity far, day activity, activity breakmixture, value, compound, rubber, vehicle3
answare.huAs the innovative expert at complex IT solutions and services, our company focuses its activities on IT infrastructure integration, and provide full services for our clients in the fields of IT infrastructure design, development, and operation within the framework of independent system integration.company activity, activity infrastructure, business activity, activity communitysocial, news, solution, quality, responsibility3
tamasmagusmedium.hu…of an energy working inside me. This is how I developed my own methods, which I teach now. In India, life brought me together with a master who imparted knowledge only to me. I have two Egyptian God-quality helpers by my side, I can always count on them, be it magic or my medial activities.time activity, activity backgroundcourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health3
ferrykerturbo.huAt the beginning Ferryker Bt. was dealing with automobile spare parts and starting from 1995 it began its activity in the turbo charger sales and repair field. During the past years it has become one of the biggest companies dealing with turbochargers, turbocharger spare parts and professional…part activity, activity turbo, license activity, activity license, able activityfactory, repair, representative, number, official3
pipistrel-hungary.hu…and in the defense field with the development of a military drone and of a helicopter-mounted sensor container. The company has extensive R&D activity that opened for space programs from this year. Genevation is certified and operates according to ISO 9001; AS9100D, ISO 3834-2, NATO AQAP qualitydiverse activity, activity basic, club activity, activity aerial, extensive activityaircraft, cooperation, manufacture, virus, production3
ecovalley.huActing as the current head of the Eco Valley project, he continues taking part in the educational and research projects, and is generally in charge of all the activities related to the Eco Valley Foundation.charge activity, activity eco, research activity, activity continuously, valley activityvalley, volunteer, model, education, sustainable3
rhedey.huConsulting activity in own company primarily for multinational companies, Hungarian real estate funds and developers. Development and project management of office-, industrial- and retail projects.consultant activity, activity field, consulting activity, activity company, activity foreignestate, real, consultant, architect, management3
reformatus.huThe Refugee Ministry is a division of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid (HRCA), assisting refugees with integration through various programs and services. Different divisions of the Refugee Ministry summarized their recent activities and accomplishments in these brief snapshots.ministry activity, activity gingerbread, recent activity, activity accomplishmentchurch, ministry, refugee, community, event3
aldomor.huThe liquidator must report any criminal offences coming to his knowledge in connection with the activity of the debtor.connection activity, activity debtor, debtor activity, activity liquidation, span activitydebtor, liquidation, creditor, bankruptcy, liquidator3
farmmix.huOne of or main activity is packaging pesticides, fertilizers and seeds. We provide 12 lines in our packaging plant at Szamosszeg. Liquid and powder based products are packed here, according to the following line capacities: 1 ml- 20 l, 1 g- 25 kg. Besides packing our own products we can offer…new activity, activity home, main activity, activity pesticideplant, site, packaging, customer, fertilizer3
alkoholfuggoseg.huTo change your personality in a positive direction, to achieve and prepare for a life free from drugs and supplementary activities. Radical change in thinking and behavior – correcting cognitive distortions – thinking, speaking and acting differently. A dedicated and trained team can effectively…sport activity, activity excursion, supplementary activity, activity radicaladdiction, rehabilitation, group, day, form3
radvanyi.huRadványi & Partners Law Firm has wide range of experience and expertise in several fields of the industrial, agricultural, commercial and manufacturing sector. Our main activities cover all aspects of corporate, commercial and business law, bank transactions, energy law, energy industry…main activity, activity aspect, major activity, activity representation, legal activitylaw, real, estate, corporate, foreign3
goldencrm.huBehind every sales and marketing activity can be countless IT systems, among which we help you navigate and choose the most suitable one for you.main activity, activity article, marketing activity, activity countless, opinion activitysale, communication, detail, website, consulting3
whiterabbit.huIncreased activity and engagement on the social media channels – that resulted in increased brand awareness.page activity, activity dramatically, facebook activity, activity highcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution3
acelhidak.huACÉLHIDAK is a Hungarian company with manufacturing and construction of steel structures – mainly bridges and cranes – in the focus of its activity. We are happy to provide our clients with the related engineering services as well. Every single custom-made steel structure we produce is…focus activity, activity happystructure, steel, manufacture, engineering, installation3
tánci.huhigh-current equipment) from traditional family houses to lightweight construction technology to industrial halls in any part of the country. Our fields of activity are constantly being enriched in line with the needs of the market. Among other things, we now also provide renewable energy solutions.range activity, activity year, field activity, activity constantly, course activityconstruction, inspection, technical, portfolio, electronic3
ivanyifilm.hu…public life, speaking out whenever he can for the values he holds dear. As a result, he is under constant attack from the current government, and his activities are gradually becoming impossible. The film follows his struggles over the past two years, while showing the man who cannot been broken.government activity, activity gradually, charitable activity, activity hungarianpastor, soul, portrait, documentary, director3
fpsc.hu2013 September-December Online Democracy Activity, interactive team contest on social studies for secondary school teams (link)democracy activity, activity interactivefoundation, christian, social, account, democracy3
csovarilegal.huSoftware, created or further developed by companies, patents and utility models entitle them to significant tax savings in corporate income tax, local business tax, as well as in innovation contribution under the Hungarian IP box regime. R&D activities are also entitled to tax incentives not only…business activity, activity investment, regime activity, activity taxlaw, tax, legal, university, expertise3
metalspray.huNext to its main activities , our company is invested in research and development exploring the bonding characteristics and extreme anti-corrosive efficiency of Hot Spray Polyurea coatings on surfaces treated with the Thermal Spray Aluminium solution under different circumstances. To achieve this…main activity, activity companymetal, technology, solution, thermal, quality3
vizgepeszet.huOur business policy places high priority on maintaining and continuously improving the quality of our construction activities, which will continue to ensure the quality of our customers’ service and retain our place in business life.main activity, welding activity, activity fundamental, construction activity, activity qualitywater, quality, treatment, fabrication, equipment3
systemmonitoring.huReason: We really need to control the human activities -regarding usage of docker commandscolleagues activity, activity docker, human activity, activity usagenode, host, log, deployment, support3
myinvest.huThanks for its complementary activities and services which are built on one and another the Alpha – Pannon Agency can offer solution for the existence of your company in Hungary, for yours and your family member’s, employees’ legal residence. We let you know about profitable, primarily Hungarian…complementary activity, activity servicepermit, agency, worker, general, real3
meevet.huBeing a scientific and professional organisation, promoting the tradition and improving the practical and theoretical science of the power industry have priority during our activities. In the interest of the above mentioned goals we elaborate recommendations to improve the professional and legal…priority activity, activity interest, technical activity, activity researcher, electrician activitybranch, electric, energy, industry, resident3
ferrotamin.huDuring sports our circulation increases, as our muscles need more oxygen because of the increased physical activity. To deliver more oxygen, more erythoblasts are needed, and for the formation of more erythoblasts even more iron is needed. This on its own can cause problems, but the case is even…daily activity, activity period, physical activity, activity oxygeniron, woman, body, supplementation, complex3
idancehungary.huPreparing for the Hong Kong V4 Evening – Hungarian Dance Activities in Hong Kong in the 2nd Quarter of 2021dance activity, activity hongnews, dance, folk, festival, house3
szasznemesacel.huSince 2009 our activity has been supplemented by the production of metal components and coverings for catering equipment.scope activityenterprise, private, production, machine, scope3
jootour.huUtilizing 27 years of experience, we accomplish orders in passenger transport – which has remained the most important activity of the enterprise – with our motor vehicles of different sizes, equipment and quality, from cars to buses, on-demand, from 1 person up to 72 , from the employees to VIPs…mail activity, activity boy, important activity, activity enterprisetour, bus, transport, passenger, employee3
mab-pharma.huThe branches of our enterprise are extensive foreign trade activities with original, generic and other products, distribution and registration of our own profile of licensed products – in cooperation with the world’s most innovative pharmacies in the area of the European Union, as well as…trade activity, activity original, activity europeanpharmaceutical, vision, market, client, mission2
bred.huWe analyze the work processes and activities performed in the space, in order to have the best functioning furniture and spatial design.process activity, activity space, user activity, activity clientspace, solution, office, function, spatial2
aldeacom.huWith our skilled and permanent hostess team we undertake hostess activities in Budapest and all over the country.hostess activity, activity budapest, unusual activity, activity specialpromotion, decoration, event, delivery, food2
levendulaingatlankozvetito.huMy activity mainly, but not exclusively, covers Nagyatád and the sale and purchase of real estate in the surrounding small settlements. Thanks to my qualifications as a real estate appraiser, I provide assistance to my clients in determining the realistic market offer price, if required. My…real, estate, sale, property, bed2
hhkk.huOur forest school awaits young adventurers who want to discover the forest throughout the year, with fun and seducational activities. We provide a full-service event management of weddings and other big events in our Event Hangar, while the Hangar Bistro awaits guests with homely meals and…programme activity, activity kindergarten, seducational activity, activity serviceevent, guesthouse, hill, school, forest2
novareg.hudevelop continuously, but sometimes they are not aware that some of their developments involve innovation for which they can apply for support. We strive to manage development in a systematic way, with an innovation project approach. In this field, we provide the following activities to our clients:device activity, activity ict, follow activity, activity clientmanagement, strategic, development, innovation, analysis2
stop-ferfieroszak.huThe group also takes upon itself the task of disseminating books, publications and leaflets, and training professionals in the field of domestic violence. Do you get any financial support for all of these activities?violence, group, publication, man, field2
novomatic.huOur colleagues are awaiting for your enquiries under their following activity-related availabilities. Our partners are very important for us, therefore we always strive to deliver the highest quality services and products to them. We set high standards for ourselves in order to completely fulfil…enquiry activity, activity availabilitygame, production, career, active, mall2
psi.huThe core of our services and training programs is built around raising awareness and conveying the message that issues of corporate security are part of the strategic activities of top management.strategic activity, activity management, responsibility activity, activity preventivesecurity, need, customer, demand, protection2
foodstyle.huFoodStyle Ltd. was established to manage and coordinate the activities of the company's interests in the hospitality industry.foodstyle activity, activity company, style activitybath, wedding, mail, colleague, option2
vbenz.huCertain activities – such can be e.g. industrial, thermal and waste water storage – may require higher corrosion protection, in these cases we recommend more durable powder coating or glass coated tanks. The surface protection of these solutions provide higher – up to 500g/m² per side –…main activity, activity company, certain activity, activity industrialsolution, maintenance, liquid, protection, installation2
zafer.huOur main activity is the production and export of canned vegetables. The various canning industry products are produced in different factories. Our products are well known in Russia, in Baltic countries, Belorussia, Kazahstan under the ZAFER abd ZAFER EXTRA brand names.briefly activity, activity company, main activity, activity productioncucumber, brand, customer, hot, corn2
seahorse-engineering.huThe Seahorse Engineering Kft. is on the Hungarian market for more than 15 years. In the early years machine maintenance and parts manufacturing were the main activities. Nowadays ITC (IT and Consulting) services and Automotive IT are the major directionsmain activity, activity nowadays, time activity, activity teamengineering, expert, tab, software, page2
smaragdpark.huLots of indoor activities like gym, sauna, swimming pools, Jacuzzi, ball room, cafés, will keep you busy and will get you many new friends.lot activity, activity reach, indoor activity, activity likeresidential, style, lifestyle, live, general2
benczurconsulting.huWe support our clients in project generation and partner search related to the promotion of international cultural activitiesconsulting, communication, client, international, page2
budapestinfo.huWe know that it is challenging to endure the freezing winter weather for too long outdoors, so we picked 10+1 fun indoor activities for couples that will warm you up completely in just a few hours. What’s more, with a Budapest Card you and your partner can participate in these activities for free…indoor activity, activity couple, partner activity, activity freecard, city, free, sightseeing, special2
visitvac.huChristmas Fair and programmes in the main square, Pannonia House and Elephant House from the end of November, the main square of Vác will be dressed up for Christmas. A giant Christmas tree, an Advent train, concerts, children's activities and, of course, mulled wine [...]child activity, activity course, data activity, activity operationevent, day, lover, orchestra, concert2
hunyouth.huYouth Delegates primarily represent their respective country's youth at relevant sessions of the United Nations as "spokespersons", however the scope of their activities extend far beyond that. They raise awareness on youth-related issues, offer counsel to governments and work on establishing…scope activity, activity far, change activity, activity internationalyouth, delegate, student, nation, united2
kanadistak.huThere are eight Canadian Studies Centres in the country whose activities are manifold focusing on teaching and reasearch in various areas within Canadian studies. The centres have welcomed many writers and scholars from Canada whose contribution to our work is of great significance. We have…field activity, activity member, country activity, activity manifoldcanada, canadian, study, conference, central2
babelsound.huThe Babel Sound in 2017 was probably the only free festival where the public could enjoy not only the daytime activities and concerts, but also free tastings and dinners. Everyone.concert activity, activity festival, daytime activity, activity concertsound, festival, music, night, concert2
intertranscoop.hu| Cross-docking | Győr | Intertranscoop Kft. | Goods management | Goods manipulation | Rental | Family business | Transportation | ISO certification | Order picking | Logistics services | Logistics activity | Warehouse | Transport | Bonded warehouse | Customs clearancelogistic activity, activity warehouseeurope, warehouse, gallery, real, estate2
firkaegyesulet.hu…hanging out and having a lot of fun and created unforgettable moments and of course as well the days were filled with workshops, team work activities, discussions, presentations, role plays, energizers. We did so many things in those 2 stages and it’s so hard for me to name a few but my…relevant activity, activity organization, work activity, activity discussion, favorite activityyouth, exchange, people, ngo, young2
agrikusz.huThe employees of our company are extremely knowledgeable in the insurance market, having previously been important players in the chain of business activities at other large insurance companies, and especially in the field of agricultural insurance. The services shown on our website are…business activity, activity largeinsurance, agricultural, market, broker, corporate2
refactoring.huOur company has started its activity in 2011 in the field of business advisory and from the very beginning it was our main goal to offer services which create value.company activity, activity field, core activity, activity businessexpertise, technology, advisory, field, reliability2
kaptarbudapest.huAttractive, light and airy rooms with professional equipment for all kinds of activities and events.kind activity, activity eventcommunity, office, room, space, meet2
tilea.hu…areas of international tax advisory are triangular- and chain transactions, tax warehouses and customs warehouses, customer inventories, electronic services, export transactions of webshops, IT services, car leasing, freight services, construction activities and conference organizer activities.characteristic activity, activity asset, construction activity, activity conferencetax, international, advisory, accounting, plan2
mgr-informatika.huNow we provide one day free IT system engineer service, which in accordance with the requirements may include the following activities:engineer activity, activity appropriatesolution, supplier, consultation, reference, server2
lzform.huWe soon expanded our activities with plastic injection molding and then started manufacturing medical devices as well in 2004..soon activity, activity plasticform, plastic, injection, medical, device2
inspirationtravel.huOur professional team handles all kinds of business trips : from small seminars to large scale conferences, memorable events, high-level incentive travels, and efficient team building activities.travel, inspiration, cruise, tour, medical2
multisteelhungary.huThe company’s main activity comprises of the installation technology of carbon steel, P91 heat resistant steel, stainless steel and plastic piping systems and the manufacturing and installation of industrial steel structures and equipment.main activity, activity installation, economy activity, activity partnermanufacture, ltd, technology, construction, installation2
evirt.huWith over 65 years of activity, EVI is deeply involved in Custom Manufacturing and process industrialisation of sophisticated chemical entities in the field of pharma intermediates with the full range of equipment from lab scale, pilot plant and multipurpose industrial possibilities.main activity, activity research, year activity, activity evitender, equipment, manufacture, custom, news2
all.huService-oriented approach. According to this approach ALL’s activity includes service-oriented architecture (SOA) technology which is a software design and software architecture design pattern based on distinct pieces of software providing application functionality as services to other applications.approach activity, activity serviceapply, logic, laboratory, technology, cognitive2
kontener.huOur two decades of activities in sea logistics and trade provides us with a deep knowledge of the wide variety of the shipping containers.core activity, activity shipping, decade activity, activity seacontainer, rent, sale, shipping, storage2
hullamvilla.huConcierge – come and see us for information on local attractions and activities. We are happy to help with rentals and reservations.attraction activity, activity happyroom, attraction, nature, natural, gallery2
advopatent.hu…Treaty in Geneva. Between 1969 and 1974 he worked for Danubia Patent Office as a patent attorney. In 1974 he joined ADVOPATENT Office of Patent and Trademark Attorneys. In 2002 he was awarded the Ányos Jedlik Prize in recognition of his outstanding activity in intellectual property rights.outstanding activity, activity intellectualattorney, office, trademark, property, intellectual2
kippatrans.huIn the field of our activities we strive to provide our clients services at the highest standards. Thank you for visiting our website and we hope that we can welcome you as our client soon.field activity, activity clientforward, custom, freight, storage, clearance2
miskolckulturajaert.hu…institutions. A goal is to help artists create the conditions for creative work. We seek collaboration with creative communities and NGOs. Funding for our activities will be provided by the Founder, and we would like to create it through tenders and with the involvement of patrons and supporters.funding activity, activity foundercultural, city, public, culture, foundation2
somplast.huThe company’s activities include injection moulding of thermoplastics and assembly of technical products with its own technical and human resources. To support this activity, we have created a stand-alone tool manufacturing, maintenance and repair station, keeping in mind the designing expertise…company activity, activity injection, resource activity, activity toolcareer, gallery, news, plastic, mould2
topart-hotel.huOur cozy hotel, on the shore of Lake Balaton has 18 fully equipped rooms offering a wiev, a wellness unit, a private shoreline with huge trees, a playground and it is ideal for many sports activities.room, offer, lake, family, gastronomy2
mindy.huAdd a nice little detail to your Christmas cards or gifts by making a fun looking clothespin reindeer craft. Handmade gifts are the best and we do like to top them with sweet little details such as these clothespin reindeer . These DIY clothespin reindeer are a fun C hristmas crafty activity both…coloring activity, activity book, crafty activity, activity kidcraft, tutorial, pattern, detail, step2
csemo.huThe environmental enhancement activity is continuous, Csemő won the special award of the most flowery settlement of the century and a special prize for civilized environment , the Golden Rose award, prime ministerial and ministerial awards.flower activity, activity result, enhancement activity, activity continuousvillage, flowery, area, official, website2
hevesgep.hu…integration. In 1993, during the privatization process, Hevesgép Kft. was established as the company’s legal successor. The company with its 120 co-workers is one of the largest employers in the city of Heves. Main activity is connected to production, development and sale of agricultural machinery.main activity, activity production, innovation activity, activity fieldmachine, homepage, technology, reference, grain2
szemvizsgalat.huVitamin E Antioxidant, enhances the antioxidant activity of lutein, protects the retina. 11,12 Vitamin C Antioxidant, enhances the antioxidant activity of lutein, protects the retina. 9,10 Lutein & Zeaxanthin They are accumulated in the macula, via their antioxidant and photoprotective activities…antioxidant activity, activity lutein, photoprotective activity, activity maculavision, eye, antioxidant, health, important2
eupowers.hu…(from fuel supply systems to flue gas treatment and disposal) and the associated tools, spare parts, fittings or consumables required throughout the life cycle of the power plants. In addition, we undertake decommissioning and professional dismantling, conversion or disassembling activities.value activity, activity attractivepower, management, european, operation, plant2
ihitech.huBesides general construction we also undertake master building and industry-professional works. We provide constructing services for our partners in constant, high quality, hiring the best professionals. Our activities include interior decoration services, building renovation, building…professional activity, activity interior, main activityquality, build, estate, real, construction2
socialstudies.hu…social justice and the development of communities through the education and training services we provide, and the research and development activities we conduct at local, regional, national and international levels. We are committed to a deep understanding of social issues and to improving thedevelopment activity, activity local, research activity, activity valuesocial, research, department, science, apply2
drszilagyikatalin.huA significant part of the Office’s services covers traditional law, focusing on corporate and commercial law, non-profit law, real estate law, European Union law, intellectual property law and civil litigation. More recently, our activities have been expanded to include a full range of legal…recently activity, activity range, business activity, activity hungarylaw, office, small, individual, medium2
kornyezet-szimulacio.huAvoid malfunctioning development and minimize claims within warranty period. By performing our tests, we provide support to the R&D activities of our customers in the following fields.support activity, activity customerchamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental2
learninginnovation.huDuring the online closing meeting, Partners resumed the main results and activities of the project, discussing on the final actions to be completed. Dissemination results were showcased as well as the general level of satisfaction from the partners concerning the implementation of the project and…result activity, activity project, adult activity, activity trekkingtraining, innovation, course, education, adult2
rekk.huOur training activities cover the whole world: since 2004, more than 2000 energy experts from nearly 100 countries attended to our courses.innovation activity, activity regulatory, training activity, activity worldenergy, market, research, analysis, economic2
lastminutehotels.hu…of Hungary. This title was won due to the vicinity of Lake Balaton and the Volcano Valley of Badacsony Mountain, as this region offers numerous opportunities to excursions, tours, wine cellar visits and special programs in the terms of wine and activity. Bonvino Hotel Balaton**** Badacsony, Hungarywine activity, activity bonvino, time activity, activity culturalenquiry, package, deal, booking, room2
arbolus.huThe company intends to carry out other complementary activities in addition to liquidation, winding-up and bankruptcy proceedings. We wish to make the most of the professional experience of our colleagues in the fields of business advisory services, early liquidity management, liquidation and…complementary activity, activity addition, reorganisation activity, activity crisisllc, bankruptcy, mission, proceedings, knowledge2
boditrans.huBÓDITRANS has been engaged in international and domestic freight road transport and transportation since 2007. The company’s main profile consists of forwarding activities. Our freight business covers all European Union countries, as well as England and Switzerland. We are dealing with parcel…forward activity, activity freightfreight, transport, statistics, international, domestic2
fotomuveszek.huThis year László Haris, György Tóth and Sándor Zsila were honored with the Ouvre Prize of Associaton of Hungarian Photographers for their outstanding artistic activity. Heartily congratulation to the artists!artistic activity, activity heartilyopen, photographer, association, venue, ceremony2
zobak.huFor me it is self-explanatory, anyway, let me mention, that I treat all information I get during my activity as confidential. I do not ever forward it to any third parties.information activity, activity confidentialquality, management, automotive, supplier, consulting2
avmkft.huThe founding members of AVM Ltd., established in 1993, during their previous activity have acquired a wide range of national and international experience in the designing and managing of the mechanical and electrical technological equipment used in water treatment and sewage treatment. Therefore…principle activity, activity satisfaction, previous activity, activity widetype, conveyor, pump, structure, history2
detaep.huconstruction and construction activity, control of construction and assembly work professionalism,construction activity, activity compliance, activity controlconstruction, build, maintenance, fast, control2
dekorozmar.huOur studio was established in 2004; we are aiming to complete the orders of our customers from design to construction with good quality, short deadlines, professional machinery, trained colleagues and sub-contractors. Our activities spread from small series orders to mass production.range activity, activity possible, contractor activity, activity smallmobile, image, packaging, style, advertisement2
symmetry.huHis life and scientific activity were devoted to all aspects of symmetry studies, as well as to organizing of the Symmetry Festivals and many other symmetry linked scientific and art events. György Darvas, PhD, physicist and philosopher with an encyclopedic approach to symmetry was a senior…scientific activity, activity aspect, publication activity, activity fieldsymmetry, festival, event, international, science2
garten.huGARTEN KFT was founded in 1991 with many years of experience of the owners in the industry. Initially the company was purely engaged in commercial activities, that is, they purchased on the basis of their personal connections in Hungary and exported to foreign countries. The purchase of their…commercial activity, activity basis, organizational activity, activity hundredfruit, vegetable, country, fresh, european2
e-lawyer.huOur activities in connection with properties include the complete services of legal screening required at the acquisition of the property and upon request the preparation of the sale-purchase, designing, construction-implementation, leasing or operation contracts.law, lawyer, firm, legal, client2
diakhitel.huPursuant to Act I of 2007 on the Entry and Residence of Persons with the Right of Free Movement and Residence, EEA citizens who are staying in Hungary for longer than three months to perform earning activities, and the family members of such citizens who are entitled to stay in Hungary for longer…earn activity, activity family, activity hungarystudy, loan, student, free, page2
tenyerlegal.huComprehensive legal support for the production of television series, from commissioning to the end of the - Film Office procedure Development of a template package of basic contracts for film production activities Legal support for the production of commissioned or self-produced films Review and…production activity, activity legalcontract, legal, law, agreement, procedure2
skalar.huWe are a privately owned company engaged in civil engineering design activities, working exclusively in BIM environment. Read more..design activity, activity exclusively, activity customerstructure, future, construction, engineering, reference2
kontron.huInfor corporate governance solutions are particularly capable of supporting the economic activities of businesseseconomic activity, activity businesssolution, network, management, customer, cloud2
csagyi.hu…in different areas, like foster care, abuse prevention, child rights. Our involvement in numerous international research and training programs, organization of prestigious national and international conferences, distribution of information and awareness raising is also part of the activities.element activity, activity provisionchild, family, association, youth, training2
horwatingatlan.huIn Ócsa Felsőbabád a multi-plot development area is for sale. GKSZ 1 is available for general commercial service activities, warehousing and other service buildings.service activity, activity warehousingdevelopment, area, economic, course, plot2
nextentservices.hu“Thanks to the IT solution provided by Nextent, we can send personalized offers and even (customer satisfaction) questionnaires (SMS, emails, etc.) following purchases in the webshop. The offers change in real time according to the customer’s purchase activity (click-through event), so each…purchase activity, activity event, project activity, activity refinerydata, solution, application, development, decision2
drriedl.huAn intelligent product that is effective in itself but in collaboration with a regular eye care product is able to multiply its efficiency. The concentrate containing vegetable origin, liposome structured Swiss apple stem cells and acerola vitamin C is proven to increase skin cell activity and…cell activity, activity vitalityskin, oil, age, wrinkle, active2
logicloud.huIt is possible to integrate the entire production and sales activity, from the raw material suppliers to the users.sale activity, activity rawprogramming, application, website, solution, technology2
britmagyariskola.huOf course, the sooner the better, since children learn most by playing on an activity-based basis, their brains absorb information at multiple times the speed of an adult. At an early age, children do not learn a language but rather acquire it but developing intuitively through activities that…child activity, activity basis, intuitively activity, activity masteryschool, student, child, question, admission2
kadar-komjathy.huAll our activities are guided by the observance of the ethical rules of lawyers and the representation of the interests of our clients.legal activity, activity representationlegal, lawyer, client, news, fee2
menhely.huThe success of the foundation relies on the cooperation of businesses, individuals and organisations that also strive to help the homeless. The foundation continues to assume a significant role in coordinating activities with other homeless organisations and other partner organisations. (These…foundation activity, activity homeless, role activityfoundation, mission, shelter, organisation, homeless2
grandest.huGrandEst Ltd was established by a private entity as a real-estate sales and investment consulting company that performs more than 15 years its activities with experience and a database based on wide domestic and international relations.year activity, activity experiencereal, estate, building, office, sale2
magicmice.huCorporate events, Conferences, Association meetings at unique venues or at traditional conference centers. Efficient organisation, energizing conference breaks, original team bulding activities, memorable social programs, entertaining gala dinners, ceremonies.bulding activity, activity memorable, build activity, activity specialitymouse, agency, conference, trip, motivation2
hörcsög.huNew posts New media New articles New media comments New article comments New resources New profile posts Latest activitythread, message, forum, post, article2
nanotechnology.huThe chemical inertness of the defect-free basal plane confers environmental stability to MoS 2 single layers, but it also limits their chemical versatility and catalytic activity. The stability of pristine MoS 2 basal plane against oxidation under ambient conditions is a widely accepted assumption…catalytic activity, activity mos, activity stability, activity entirepublication, butterfly, image, detail2
proform.huOur main activities include the construction, development, marketing and operation of office buildings, hotel projects, residential and commercial real estate.main activity, activity constructionoffice, real, estate, operation, sale2
wecup.hu…(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in order to offer a custom solution for the less amount and the most eco-friendly packaging materials according to the activity of an enterprise. Today – due to the significantly increased amount of waste by packaging materials in the FMCG sector- it is an extremely…process activity, activity waste, material activity, activity enterprisecup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable2
r-bag.huR-BAG Austria GmbH started active operation in January 2015 as a Branch of R-BAG Group. R-BAG Austria is owned by its Hungarian parent company which is based in Budapest (Hungary). The aim of R-BAG Austria is to provide the best Service in our Industry to our valuable customers in all fields of…order activity, activity interestingwebsite, group, phone, austria, slovenia2
mottokft.huSince 1987 they left their full time works and focused on developing the MOZAIK Ltd, which were transformed into MOTTÓ Construction Ltd in 1992. In the beginning of 1990 MOTTÓ Construction Ltd limited its activities into special underground works, which was niche in the Hungarian construction scene.ltd activity, activity special, main activityconstruction, relationship, underground, shaft, station2
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huDr. Tamás Molnár is entitled to prepare certified translations from documents generated in cases falling within the scope of notarial activities, in the same language, or may attest the correctness of the translation. The translation shall be written on or annexed to the original document. The…notary activity, activity public, notarial activity, activity languagenotary, notarial, document, public, register2
imaginegreen.huThe goal of our activities is to have a positive impact on the environment, as well as on local communities and economies.goal activity, activity positivegreen, imagine, association, tourism, sustainable2
rftbk.huThe Fan Club was established as a forum for the increasing number of fans and supporters of the Drum Band of the Regélő Fehér Táltos Association for Traditions Preservation to contact each other and to exchange their views with the Drum Band, furthermore to support the Drum Band's activity with…band activity, activity background, program activity, activity honestpage, border, fan, gallery, moment2
likedrive-autosiskola.huThe Prospectus material scope is expand of the training activities provided by the training organization (road drivers training courses).training activity, activity trainingexam, drive, hour, fee, school2
pihenokert.huBefore the constructive period there are some activities: weed control, tree cutout. After that the building period starts: earthworks, building of absorbing wells and retaining walls, setting borders and flooring (walkways, pavements, terraces), planting, laying mulch and pebbles covering, the…period activity, activity weed, relax activity, activity preciousgarden, plan, irrigation, dream, homepage2
mab.huThe MAB performs quality certification services by assessing whether an institution or programme meets the quality criteria specified and published by the MAB in advance. If the institution or programme meets these criteria, it is then accredited. The core activity of the MAB is therefore the…artistic activity, activity high, core activity, activity mabaccreditation, education, procedure, forum, decision2
krgroup.hua local taxpayer number to the company by mail. The tax rate varies by municipality, but the maximum rate stipulated by law is 2%. For temporary business activities the tax rate is a maximum of HUF 5,000 per calendar day. In Budapest the tax rate is 2% and is payable twice a year in two instalments.corporate activity, activity expansion, business activity, activity taxtax, group, accounting, vat, rate2
eurofair.huEurofair has nearly 30 years of experience. We always perform our duties with confidence and high quality. Our activities are, including but not limited to, the following:structure, production, construction, metal, site2
aktivzenetanulas.hu…For example, while in lower elementary grades children would desire continuous moving, playful learning forms, and experience-centered activities by their age specifities, today’s music lessons’ – like the practice of any other subjects – quantitative approach is focusing on the…experience activity, activity age, movement activity, activity musicmusic, learn, model, movement, active2
corexpro.huConduct complete tender monitoring and information-flow activities related to EU and other development fundsadministrative activity, activity tendering, flow activity, activity euplan, financing, implementation, tender, documentation2
sportnaplo.huThe training module supports coaches in recording all aspects of training sessions, developing training plans, and tracking athletes' training activities. This feature is key for continuous monitoring of athletes' progress and enables coaches to create personalized training programs.online activity, activity account, training activity, activity featureathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance2
skool.org.huSkool has become a synonym for innovative and inspirational technology training for young girls over the past five years. Embracing the potentials of the digital economy that changes the relationship between humans and technology, we are now extending our activities beyond coding: we reinterpret…technology activity, activity codinglab, technology, eng, homepage2
gyongykristaly.huSince its establishment, our company has been engaged in premium quality facility management. Our state-of-the-art facility management system is based on carefully planned business processes and promotes the long-term preservation of the condition and value of buildings, machines, and equipment…main activity, activity buildgroup, manual, clean, equipment, reference2
bkb-solutions.huThe main activity of our company is supporting the business processes of materials- and supply chain management.main activity, activity company, project activity, activity usersolution, management, development, knowledge, performance2
kalocsaikinga.huSupporting the company’s M&A activities with communication strategy, planning and developing the communications activities of mergers and acquisitions.positioning activity, activity swot, company activity, activity communication, communication activitystrategy, communication, growth, brand, process2
szinorg.hu…major the construction companies of Eastern Hungary, and its subsidiaries have reached by this time a level where the board of directors considered the creation of a holding structure a justified step. In the new organisational structure, Szinorg Universal Zrt. performs asset management activities.development activity, activity additionuniversal, group, property, news, development2
ststephen.huThe Grand Lodge has advocated the education of members since its foundation years. Its ceremonies provide instruction to all members, supplemented by various other activities such as seminars, lectures, workshops, reading and use of audiovisual materials and the Internet. Because Freemasonry is an…masonic activity, activity freemasons, member activity, activity seminarlodge, stephen, member, mason, st.2
leavers.huAt the Milestone Leavers' Camp, our primary aim is to foster community, explore identity, and promote self-discovery among participants. Throughout the program, attendees can expect a variety of engaging activities including games, workshops, the official Milestone graduation ceremony (!) and…engage activity, activity game, group activity, activity newcamp, milestone, community, official, website2
privateinvestigation.huThe investigation seems to be a very mysterious activity, though the private investigators themselves are really human-like, and not all methods are as exciting as in movies.investigative activity, activity border, mysterious activity, activity privateprivate, investigation, case, agency, family2
geoflame.huThe company’s activities are conducted by the use of the latest technologies. The general surveying and mine surveying tasks are carried out by several Leica Viva GNSS-GPS-RTK devices and total stations which provide us with the most up-to-date measurement technology. Recently, we started using…industrial activity, activity colleagues, company activity, activity usequestion, reference, mining, survey, technology2
balazstakacs.huWhom can I help? Those who wish to recharge their batteries during their everyday life to continue on with renewed energy . If you sport life is disturbed by soft tissue injuries or knots of muscles, I help to undo them so that you can enjoy your favourite activity without pain . During…favourite activity, activity painmassage, gift, voucher, pain, minute2
s-consulting.huS-Consulting Ltd. was founded in 2006 by Hungarian professionals for IT management consulting, software development activities and IT business services purpose. During the last 11 years of market presence we participated in many projects and developed new softwares, platforms and systems. All…development activity, activity business, consultancy activity, activity separateconsulting, solution, software, future, development2
deseda.hu14. The person performing fish-catching activity shall be obliged to keep the documents entitling for fish-catching at hand and to show and hand them over to the representative of the fish management authority, lake-watcher, field-watcher, nature protection guard, social lake-watcher and police…fish activity, activity shall, catch activity, activity hand, decree activityfishing, fish, shall, permission, place2
bankszovetseg.huOne prerequisite to the thriving of the Hungarian economy is that the banking sector needs to keep up its lending activity, taking into account the conditions and risk factors prevailing on financial markets, as well as sustainability and stability criteria. In critical situations, an on-going…association activity, lend activity, activity accountbanking, association, detail, release, week2
bilk.huOur tenants are represented in all areas of logistics, logistics-related activities, as well as transportation and forwarding.logistic activity, activity transportationlogistic, warehouse, centre, corporate, governance2
mediway.huactivity, furthermore the regulation on the commercial practices of the consumers in relation to thecompany activity, activity lineforce, sale, medical, pharmacy, centre2
aidarg.hu…are mastering rhythmic gymnastics equipment, ballet elements and basic coordination exercises. The sport teaches the children respect and how to be persistent. The group activities filled with fun games provide joy and physical activity. Our course offers 50 minute classes for 3-7 year old girls.group activity, activity fun, physical activity, activity coursegymnastics, trainer, girl, schedule, young2
trafficom.huOur activities focus on long-term customer satisfaction. We believe that our long-term business success can only be based on a wide and satisfied client base.quality, process, condition, general, management2
orsokft.huDue to our production our product range is extremely colorful and wide. In addition to our rope production and braiding activities, our weaving industry activity deserves no less attention.braid activity, activity weave, industry activity, activity attentioncord, ribbon, rope, elastic, electric2
vackolo.hu…VOSZ) chose our organisation as the winner of the ’Kiemelkedő Társadalmi Szerepvállalásért Díj’ (and award given for outstanding social activities). In 2021, the city Assembly of the County Town of Veszprém awarded our team the ‘Pro Civitate’ award in recognition of our outstanding active…region activity, activity dog, social activity, activity cityanimal, dog, shelter, owner, association2
panoramaklinika.huSince 2022, Panoráma Polyclinic has been offering complex ADHD diagnostics for adults. A psychiatrist, a somatic specialist and a psychologist take part in the assessment, and the team performs its activity according to professional protocols and international standards. In addition to the…speciality activity, activity joint, team activity, activity professionalpediatric, adult, psychiatry, consultation, practice2
newbornconstruction.huOur goal is to create value for all of our stakeholders, catch our position among the leading corporations in the sector domestically and internationally and carry on our activities in continual improvement.internationally activity, activity continualconstruction, newborn, bear, vision, mission2
hotelsatlakebalaton.huJune 2011, is the first active and wine hotel of Hungary. This title was won due to the vicinity of Lake Balaton and the Volcano Valley of Badacsony Mountain, as this region offers numerous opportunities to excursions, tours, wine cellar visits and special programs in the terms of wine and activity.lake, package, piece, reservation, siofok2
margaretacsarda.huABOUT US GUESTHOUSE ENQUIRY & BOOKING INN MENU SERVICES GALLERY CONTACT ROOM RATES ACTIVITIES NEAR USrate activity, activity nearroom, detail, double, guesthouse, rate2
microcosmos.huOriginally an architect, who changed her mind and joined the company in January 1990. Dori also owns part of the company since 2002. As member of the management team she is responsible for Business Development and takes an active role in the marketing and sales activities of the company too. Dori…activity tour, sale activity, activity companygallery, destination, event, management, great2
okoko.huOur company has been present in food-industry of Hungary for more than 20 years. We have preserved the initial family atmosphere – in addition, thanks to the innovations in the recent decades, nowadays we are part of the global meat-industry. Our main business activities are raising broiler…business activity, activity broiler, economic activity, activity connectionchicken, quality, trade, fodder, gallery2
tourdematra.huThe comments will not be used to solicit or promote business or custom or present commercial activities or unlawful activity.commercial activity, activity unlawfulrace, entry, tour, road, cycling2
fotpayment.huWorking with FOT to support our organic and paid social media activity has extended the marketing activities we are able to achieve platform has made collaboration easy.media activity, activity marketing, marketing activity, activity ablepayment, solution, app, graphic, technology2
ab-dental.hu…Oral Surgery of the University of Pécs as a clinical doctor. After learning more about the different specialties of dentistry and gaining practical experience, in 1999 I passed the specialist exam for Dentists and Oral Diseases. After that, I continued my medical activity, focusing on orthodontics.care activity, activity high, medical activity, activity orthodonticdental, surgery, oral, dentistry, patient2
skc.huThe success of our activities is based on the search for viable project ideas, the right resource raising and our experience as a project manager. We have gained business experience in a number of industries and service areas over the years, so we can give a serious insight into the business…success activity, activity search, commercial activity, activity skcconstruction, office, food, management, application2
ellipsometry.huThe activities of the Ellipsometry Laboratory of the Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science in the Centre for Energy Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA EK MFA) span more than 30 years, dating back to the early ‘80s when Tivadar Lohner started optical…integrate activity, activity excellence, bioellipsometry activity, activity developmentoptical, student, university, development, fry2
tuvkti.huWe are very pleased that you are interested in our Company. We look forward to finding a service that meets your needs in our activities. The aim of our company is to adapt as much as possible to the needs of our clients by improving our procedures, helping them to develop their activities and to…need activity, activity aim, procedure activity, activity product, test activityvehicle, special, type, component, machinery2
kultdesk.huYouth at Work: Awareness raising for youth unemployment (Erasmus+ Youth participation activities)music, management, art, implementation, media2
negrokft.huOur main activity is the servicing of plate heat exchangers. Our service centre is unique in Hungary, we work with the most modern European technologies.main activity, activity service, safety activity, activity placeplate, heat, exchanger, gasket, maintenance2
hgrv.huOur current main activity is to satisfy the specific needs of the electricity industry. Our business scope includes support for power management, measurement data acquisition, and trading systems, the development of new modules and functions, and the implementation of support functions for…main activity, activity technical, activity specificdevelopment, process, management, need, informatics2
medianets.hu…European and national research projects, together with R&D projects carried out with our partners from the ICT industry. MEDIANETS’ teaching activity spans over the whole BSc-MSc-PhD structure. Along with courses in computer networks and V2X communications (in Hungarian and English), it is…development activity, activity machine, teach activity, activity bscresearch, laboratory, intelligent, student, staff2
falco7.hu…skills that are crucial for providing high-quality services, as well as on continuous innovation in all fields of our operations. In our activities and services, our major concern is protecting the health of our employees and protecting the environment, as well as continuous improvement…economic activity, activity service, operation activityclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements2
randomfilm.huThe website does not encourage any illegal activity (purchase weapons, use weapons, hunting animals etc.) and we condemn all illegal activities.illegal activity, activity weaponanimal, community, hunting, weapon, season2
iqc.huIQ ConsultinG was founded in 1994. The main areas of our activity are Change Management (Business Process Re-engineering, Organizational Development) and Knowledge Management (Management Academies and IT-based solutions, like e-learning).area activity, activity change, main activity, activity firmconsulting, market, organizational, development, management2
acelkft.huThe outdoor fitness parks for people to form good communities. A similar interests bringing them together, learn together, train each other. These types of exercises that teach everyone that our patience, humility and discipline. We started this activity soon realize that self-improvement is a way…discipline activity, activity soonbench, outdoor, furniture, lighting, lock2
qstest.huOur service covers everything from the above. Our experienced team can help you support your infrastructure; keep it secure, safe and reliable. We are up-to-date with the tech world and can prepare your company against the latest malicious activities, and keep your IT infrastructure current. No…malicious activity, activity infrastructuremanagement, solution, automation, customer, process2
unlocked.hu…non-formal creative programs and methods in order to facilitate personality development, motivation and learning need incitement in target group. It also focuses on mitigating their knowledge, information and competence deficit through tasks and activities during and after the project period.task activity, activity project, project activity, activity impactsummary, presentation, photo, programme, meet2
truckroadshow.huOur agency full spectrum of services enables us to offer the widest possible range of mobile event activities: creativity, design, preparation, coordination, evaluation etc. It is an attractive, unique and effective way to address your target audience! We make mobile campaigns for our clients to…sale activity, activity promotion, event activity, activity creativity, mobile activitytruck, event, purpose, reference, main2
mome.huThe institutional unit responsible for research and development at MOME. It is an incubator of impact-driven design solutions that are useful for society, and it also conducts long-term research and market collaborations. MOME students and faculty can participate in its activities.core activity, activity educationuniversity, art, innovation, international, study2
korall.huSince 1992 we have been building and servicing switchboards, telephones and faxes. First we started this activity with PANASONIC only nowadays we also deal with the products of SIEMENS, ERICSSON, CANON, BOSCH, TENOVIS, AVAYA, and ALCATEL. The telephone systems built by us are complete ones with a…fax activity, activity panasonic, field activitytechnological, hardware, computer, offer, telephone2
mortoff.huWe have been assisting our clients for over 19 years so that they can be present in their respective business markets with high-quality, innovative products and services. Our activity covers various fields from consulting through development and testing, to complete project management . Our…service activity, activity fieldsolution, development, enterprise, software, medium2
origameo.huKeep your people engaged and productive by giving them the choice of working in the office or from home. We help you balance the split. The offices we design make completing all kinds of work tasks more enjoyable and support interactive activities including learning.interactive activity, activity learnoffice, workplace, way, article, employee2
fut-ker.huOur company's field of activity is the distribution of safety valves and other safety fittings, as well as other industrial fittings in connection with the safety technology of pressure vessels. We provide a complete service: sizing, valve selection, warranty, spare parts supply, aftercare!product activity, field activity, activity distributionvalve, safety, technology, heating, vacuum2
bmpvsz.hu…which ensure the survival and rescue of humans and the protection of own material possessions. The preparation of the population is a complex activity, which, on one hand, includes preparing the population for emergencies, and involves the rules of action and conduct to be followed, the…course activity, activity county, complex activity, activity handdisaster, organisation, protection, management, event2
husa.huaforementioned two acts as well as providing for the necessary conditions. Apart from stockholding, HUSA conducts an especially limited range of activities, the possible proceeds thereof must be fully utilised to finance its duties. The Association performs its core activity and non-core activities…range activity, activity possible, core activity, activity non, activity organisationassociation, hydrocarbon, strategic, stock, volume2
kaalifa.huAs part of artistic activities, I draw on paper and wood. Since I believe the heritage and the values of both the Hungarian and the ancient cultures are important, I use the motifs in my creations which I want to preserve and pass on for the future, such as shapes and forms in nature and ancient…priestly activity, activity teach, ritual activity, activity ceremony, artistic activitycreation, page, furniture, art, ancient2
kaveautomata.huWe had our company, Italautomata Ltd., founded in 1992 with my wife, specializing in refurbishment of vending machines. At first, we started by completing orders for our german partners. With the opening of the Hungarian market, our scope of activity has also expanded.automation activity, activity rawmachine, office, automation, operation, refurbishment2
prosper.huA management consulting project is often indirectly related to software development as the first work phase. Prosper’s main activity, software development requires the assessing, interpreting and in case rationalising the Customer’s work processes so that a future software can lean on it…warehousing activity, activity accurate, main activity, activity softwaresoftware, development, mobile, application, customer2
polarkiss.huThe main activity of our company is the design, construction and maintenance of strong and low current systems. We also have our own properties, which we rent and operate.main activity, activity company, premise activityreference, construction, electrical, maintenance, arrest2
archivportal.huThe Hungarian archives portal was originally created by cooperation between local governmental archives, but other institutions such as the Hungarian National Archives later joined the initiative. The institutions involved felt the need to provide the public enquiring into the activities of the…public activity, activity archive, work activityarchive, portal, database, review, award2
diaklabor.huStudent laboratories are facilities which provide lessons for students and student groups in mathematics, information technology, nature sciences and technology mainly based on self-learning activities and self-experimentation. They provide every year more than 100 lessons for external students…self activity, activity self, goal activitystudent, lab, operation, education, laboratory2
zsolnayfenyfesztival.hu…event, which is considered the largest event of the marketing profession, and the Light Festival received it due to the fact that it performed successful urban-marketing activities meeting the evaluation criteria and according to the professional jury, the work they carried out was of high quality.marketing activity, activity evaluation, activity festivallight, festival, art, map, visitor2
vestron.huVESTRON is an independent international trader with branches in Europe. Our geography of activity is Hungary, the other countries of the European Union, Asia and the CIS, Ukraine.geography activity, activity hungarydistribution, logistic, international, oil, independent2
sgconn.huAs an electronics component dealer (COMPEX, 1990-2000 and FARMELCO (my own company), 2000-2021) using my rich engineering experience I helped developers, designers, and procurement managers in the selection and procurement of the components to be used. My activities as an electronics component…component activity, activity electronic, trading activity, activity fctelectronic, connector, component, engineering, background2
motam.huMOTAM has managed drivers in the WSK, Champions of the Future, CIK-FIA Karting Championships, MINI Challenge (a support series of BTCC), TCR championships, EnduroGP World Championship and FIM Superenduro World Championship, among others. In addition to sports management, MOTAM’s activities also…motam activity, activity developmentdriver, talent, italy, season, young2
springboard.hu…time to get fully involved in school life, develop friendships and new social skills. They will be encouraged to participate in the many activities the school offers, some of which will be new and exciting experiences which will stay with them once they return to their home school. Starting…school activity, activity sport, skill activity, activity schoolschool, application, boarding, british, child2
alkotomuveszet.huMANK, Petőfi Cultural Agency Ltd. is one of the most diverse and versatile organisations within the network of Hungarian cultural institutions. The organisation’s activities and patronage system facilitates a high-standard of contemporary artistic production, while promoting and representing the…organisation activity, activity patronage, educational activity, activity workshopartist, creative, house, art, scholarship2
trenalux.huThe generation of waste is a result of human activity and as such, solving and managing the resulting problem can be achieved only by human activity. This is our duty, our task, which means that this problem must be solved in a way that will not cause further environmental damage. Our story…human activity, activity problem, activity dutylook, technology, download, waste, secret2
szaknyelvioktatas.huWhile I give plenty of extra materials, example sentences and E-books both for writing (letters, memo, report) and speaking activities, I do expect my students to use these materials creatively, think independently and always within the given context.online activity, speak activity, activity studentlegal, course, student, class, international2
cerc.huThe target of our communication services is to help our partners’ successful realizing of their projects with our current competences beyond the strictly interpreted research activities. The specialty of our services offered on this subject is that they have been developed especially for the…hungarian activity, activity research, research activity, activity specialtylab, research, powder, development, innovation2
csaba-metal.huOur activity is: developing and manufacturing of buses. Manufacturing trailers. Design, production and repair of vehicles and welded structure parts. Manufacturing complete trailers and their components. Production of special transport vhicles and their chassis. Manufacturing and painting of…industrial activity, activity specialist, collector activity, activity companytechnology, quality, control, production, manufacture2
acs-holding.huThe company was founded in 2002 and its main profile is metal machining, in fact it carries out medium and large series machining with CNC cutting machines. Besides the machining activity, we also carry out assembly and packaging operations. Our customers include domestic and foreign automotive…machining activity, activity assembly, production activity, activity fullyassembly, cut, technology, quality, metal2
szinvonalbau.huNowadays it is useful to be multi-faceted because meeting the growing demands also requires it. What does this mean for construction companies? Not only do they carry out construction tasks, but their activities are increasingly beyond this.professional activity, task activity, activity increasinglyconstruction, customer, coating, employee, insulation2
bestlocalgov.hu…colleagues. These consultations provide possibility for receiving new ideas by the owner of the best practise for further development of their activities. Besides getting awarded for Local Government Best Practise the local governments receive official acknowledgement of their which is regarded asdevelopment activity, activity getting, promotional activity, activity programmegovernment, local, practice, council, europe2
darkcube.huAdvise of strategic activities relating to the space sector and the telecommunications industry, as well as preparation and advise of applications for national and international eventsway activity, activity participant, strategic activity, activity spacedark, space, consulting, telecommunication, sector2
quatro-trend.huThe main activity is the special transportation that means forwarding of overweighted and oversized freight (for example: machines and containers) which we do international and domestic relations. The members of the economic life – in all industrial fields – have a steady demand to transport such…corporation activity, activity international, main activity, activity specialreference, truck, oversize, page, picture2
key-telecom.huForming of Key Telecom means our activities have been continuously extending and adapting flexibly to the clients’ demands.telecom activity, activity continuouslykey, plan, implementation, contract, reference2
compex-so.huWagework Hand,- machine packing, sacking, wage storage, picking, logistic activities and other lease work. 04logistic activity, activity leasesalt, homepage, free, additive, gallery2
romel.huFor me it is self-explanatory, anyway, let me mention, that I treat all information I get during my activity confidential. I do not ever forward it to any third parties.information activity, activity confidentialquality, management, supplier, automotive, unique2
apambeajulna.hu18 февр. 2004 2004 г. ... ... V. V. Plan Plan Administration. Administration. A. A. Administrative Administrative Activities. Activities. The The final final rule rule for for the the 50 50 nm nm closed closed areas areas around around American American Samoa Samoa was was published published in…administrative activity, activity finalny, ray, york, movie, book2
adatmentesfelhobe.huABC Childcare offers a wide range of activities, including Physical Education, Music and Language classes and are built into the children's day, plus we offer extracurricular activities to further enhance our own programme.educational activity, range activity, activity physical, extracurricular activity, activity programmechildcare, centre, learn, child, absolute2
kertaiautojavito.huI started my small-scale activities 25 years ago on 9th February in 1982, 25 years ago as a panel beater, in Balatonalmádi. First it ran as a one-man business then through the good quality repairs I expanded my garage to have 3 repair pits. At this time my profile was still bodywork correction.scale activity, activity year, repair activity, activity carpolish, repair, introduction, form, faq2
faradtvandor.huAbout - Contact - Accommodation - Services - Restaurant - Lesure activities - Album - Guest Booklesure activity, activity albumguest, restaurant, book, accommodation, road2
bihartax.huThe liquidation proceedings, which are its main activity, are carried out by the company in accordance with the several times amended Act XLIX of 1991 on bankruptcy proceedings and liquidation proceedings. in accordance with the provisions of the law, based on a court appointment.main activity, activity company, comprehensive activity, activity countrytax, liquidation, proceedings, liquidator, colleagues2
neuromems.huMultimodal polymer based microimplants to characterize the effect of focal brain cooling on epileptic activity in rat subjects.unit activity, activity local, epileptic activity, activity ratresearch, publication, education, note, lecture2
graphco.huOur web studio has completed hundreds of successful projects since it first began its activities in 1993. The wide range of references proves we manage to keep pace with the dynamic development of today's most popular medium.project activity, activity wide, multimedia activity, activity corporatedevelopment, consulting, wide, successful, range2
cathayassociates.huWe pay special attention to the legal challenges related to the operation of foreign companies in Hungary, the major part of our activity is the performance of economic and civil law-related assignments of foreign-owned companies.major activity, activity performance, consulting activity, activity significantlaw, international, legal, corporate, media2
bornemisszavendeghazak.huSince 1998, we have been a family-run business in the field of rural accommodation. Today we have developed our activity to include group accommodation. We strive to assist all our guests and groups in finding the right activities and meeting their needs.today activity, activity group, right activity, activity needlake, water, area, beach, apartment2
dronemeres.huCapitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs line.value activity, activity betadrone, quality, photography, celebration, video2
mentalizacio.huThe foundation of the associationwas necessary to share our good practice, to raise interest on the method, and on the mentalization perspective itself. Not every member carries out therapeutical activity. Others remain active in different fields of practice. The association makes it possible to…therapeutical activity, activity activemental, introduction, association, treatment, contribution2
atransministro.huOur company was established in 1990 as a private undertaking. Our main activity was inland road transport in Hungary. During these years our activity was used not only other companies but a lots of private persons also.main activity, activity inland, year activity, activity company, international activityfleet, available, property, equipment, area2
molnar78.huAttorney-at-law Dr. Csaba Molnár-Asbóth earned his degree at the Eötvös Loránd University’s Faculty of Law in 2011. Subsequently, he participated in the office’s activities as a trainee lawyer, and – after passing the bar exam in 2015 – an attorney. In 2014, he completed a course in legal English…case activity, activity time, office activity, activity traineeattorney, law, office, client, representation2
impactacademy.huIn practice, impact measurement is about planning what change you want to achieve through the activities of your organization in the lives of your target group members; gathering the right information to find out if you are actually achieving your goals; assessing what your impact is; and…measurement activity, activity data, change activity, activity organizationimpact, academy, month, measurement, community2
cerlux.huThe integrated management system contains all the parts of the company’s activity on its scope, and determines both the managers’ and the employees’ action. The standard quality of our products matching the users’ needs and reduction of damage caused by our environment are achieved by the means of…company activity, activity scope, result activity, activity reinforcementquality, technical, need, material, customer2
f99irodahaz.huOur main activities include the construction, development, marketing and operation of office buildings, hotel projects, residential and commercial properties.main activity, activity constructionoffice, build, floor, text, rental2
hungarofarm.huHUNGARO-FARM Ltd was established in 1991 by three Hungarian private individuals; the main activity of our company is producing, processing and trading with different seeds and other cores of high quality needs.main activity, activity companyseed, quality, german, core, main2
aram-foldgaz.huIn addition to this, on demand, we performed a continuous monitoring activity to ensure that the energy traders are at all times meeting all the terms and conditions of the contract, without injuring our clients’ interests. In order to achieve our jointly appointed aims, we have formed a platform…scope activity, activity organization, monitoring activity, activity energyelectricity, price, low, order, energy2
szellkalmanalapitvany.hu…sensible approach. The people who have been awarded so far have done a lot to familiarise the highest number of international decision-makers and opinion shapers with Hungary, and presented Hungary’s business and political activity in the spirit of liberty, honest prosperity and the rule of law.award activity, activity renowned, political activity, activity spiritfoundation, media, page, main, people2
elkakft.huThe main activity was house gas supply planning, execution. Than the focus focus has shifted from industrial orders constantly heating and cooling, water supply, sanitation, ventilation, air conditioning, automatic fire protection equipment (sprinkler) installation, design.main activity, activity founder, activity housebuild, installation, gas, equipment, gallery2
hori.huOur main range of activity is the injection moulding of thermoplastics with computer operated machines at a closing force of 35-210 t, up to a weight limit of 350 g.main activity, range activity, activity injectiondevelopment, mould, injection, main, enterprise2
i2k.huThe Information Management Innovation Cluster is active in most EU, US markets through the activities of their member companies. We are active in these markets through our work in business development, digital and corporate marketing and B2B sales consulting services with an average active project…market activity, activity membercluster, member, international, market, development2
tli.huThe main activities are on-site and laboratory tests in the field of the civil engineering. The test are performed as process controls, or on behalf of independent specialists. The most frequent tests and measurements are:main activity, activity tli, activity siteconcrete, laboratory, engineering, technology, site2
translog.huWe arrange the air cargo transport in Hungary as an agent of the Airlines, so we can provide You the best prices. Our Company is directly related with almost every shipping company, so we can arrange shipments of LCL and FCL container, and the administrations of these. We arrange our Road…haulage activity, activity professionally, transport activitytransport, freight, road, air, custom2
tejtermek.huThe creation and operation of the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Board and the sectoral self-regulatory activity implemented through it could facilitate the domestic sectoral interest conciliation and significantly contribute to the professional and legislative activities of the…regulatory activity, activity domestic, legislative activity, activity governmentorganization, milk, board, sector, market2
sensa.hu– Role, task, activity, preparedness – understanding the role to implement the personal development planvital activity, activity company, task activity, activity preparednessdevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting2
elbronco.hu…riding center with not only focus on horse and rider, but also attention for non-riders (there is a swimming pool and a very nice wellness area plus a number of non-riding activities). I definitely recommend El Bronco to all people who would like to encounter a unique western perception in Europe.favorite activity, activity price, ride activity, activity definitelyel, horse, ride, national, western2
emiratusadozas.hu100% foreign ownership. Can conduct business only outside of UAE, unlimited activities under one license. Information exchange free banking. The most cost effective solution. Cannot support UAE resident visas.unlimited activity, activity licenseuae, solution, account, free, permanent2
adfuturus.huSupport to fund Ad Futurus Foundation’s activities and programs. We would highlight that Ad Futurus Foundation is a not-for-profit organization.foundation activity, activity programfoundation, market, relationship, presentation, country2
doublerosenext.huApparel with 37.5® technology adapts to your needs to help control your temperature, expanding your comfort range even when your environment or activity level changes. Now the same clothing can keep you comfortable in a hot kitchen, on a sunny terrace, a cold OP-room, during a 24 hour hospital…environment activity, activity levelprotection, technology, fabric, comfortable, healthcare2
francianyelvgyerekeknek.hufun learning, enjoy learning French, French drama for children, playing in French, fun activities in Frenchregular activity, activity place, fun activity, activity frenchfrench, child, camp, story, drama2
szalaibusz.huThe legal predecessor of the Company was established in 1989, while Szalai-Busz Kft. was established in 1996. It’s main activities are domestic and international passenger and worker transportation. Currently we have over 70 autobuses, with capacities ranging from 9 up to 62 people.main activity, activity domesticbus, transportation, cruise, order, worker2
dkh.huSince 1997 the core business activities of the Dunakeszi Cold Storage Plant have included the storage of fast-frozen food, deep-freezing and all related logistical activities, mainly for companies involved in the Hungarian food production and distribution industry.business activity, activity dunakeszi, logistical activity, activity mainly, main activitystorage, plant, food, gallery, cold2
realved.huOur activities primarily include the guarding and protection of financial institutions, office complexes, companies engaged in production activity and high priority facilities.production activity, activity highpage, main, offer, security, certification2
baseinvest.huWe have a partnership with the University of Pécs, we participate in both teaching activities and dual training.teach activity, activity dualstructure, base, building, tool, reference2
clarksonhydeglobal.hu…areas of international tax advisory are triangular- and chain transactions, tax warehouses and customs warehouses, customer inventories, electronic services, export transactions of webshops, IT services, car leasing, freight services, construction activities and conference organizer activities.characteristic activity, activity asset, construction activity, activity conferenceglobal, tax, international, preparation, advisory2
budaiorigami.huWelcome! The aim of this website is to present the most of my paperfolding activity. For instance, you can have a look into the contents of my books , while in the gallery section you will find photos of a number of models folded by me (including some of my own and some of other people's designs)…paperfolding activity, activity instance, fold activity, activity lowbook, model, paper, basic, free2
rogersalapitvany.huDrama and acting are ancient activities. It also appears in free play for children, but is also used in personality development and general competence development. We have several purposefully dramatic projects and use its tools in our educational work.ancient activity, activity freeeducation, foundation, person, centre, development2
cutpro.huIn 2009 we broadened our scope of activity with Blue Ray production. Having produced hundreds of DVDs and a number of Blue Rays, as soon as the decline in the DVD market was to be anticipated, we founded a film distributing company – Ristretto Distribution Kft. – with 50 % ownership.scope activity, activity blue, energy activity, activity decisiondcp, production, cut, digital, offer2
strapa-pack.huOur main scope of activity is to carry out maritime, air and road packaging and securing in containers, even with short notice. Our activities include the production, design and construction of wood and paper packaging material. We can also be of assistance if we have to design and carry out the…scope activity, activity maritime, notice activity, activity productionpackaging, material, detail, solution, transport2
tabellio.huNotaries are only subject to the law and may not be ordered, they shall act independently and impartially. Although there are some exceptions, notaries may not engage in gainful activities other than their public office. Notaries may not advise parties on legal matters apart from their procedures…gainful activity, activity publicnotary, law, colleagues, data, protection2
countinghouse.hu…preparation of sales and purchase agreements, and special local authority permits related to real estate investments with the help of our contract law offices. We will run the entire process so that you can start your activity in Hungary on the most efficient and easiest way. Ask for a quote today!client activity, activity accounting, month activity, activity high, process activitytax, accounting, count, house, payroll2
dewinter.huOur company was set up in 1991 as Winter & Konjin Hungary, initially working with a Dutch partner as a joint venture, until our separation in 2003. We focus on the combination of production, sales and marketing. Our main activity is to monitor and control the production of several medium-scale…main activity, activity productionwinter, international, retail, raw, material2
ordogkatlan.huLiterature, arts and crafts activities, quizzes throughout the day, related to the theme of the day. Concerts, talks, jam sessions, movement classes, open mic, pub quiz, theatre performances - just the way the youth of the University of Pécs like it and organise it.craft activity, activity quiz, activity crafttheatre, performance, festival, concert, music2
budaker.hu…signaling and communications equipment). Telecommunications equipment , control technology equipment and parts Our company engaged in import activities in the above areas. Relations extend to European and overseas countries. We aim to fully serve our clients providing professional background to…field activity, import activity, activity areanumber, previous, reference, transport, career2
kabatgyartas.huOur firm’s main activity is qualitative outerwear production, among others, we mostly manufacture textile, textile-feather, textile-leather, leather, leather-feather, textile-dermis coats, jackets, bombers, for women and men.main activity, activity qualitative, attention activity, activity performanceproduction, group, fashion, reference, sportswear2
patentkftedenyfenekgyartas.huTherefore, in 2020, in addition to the production of tank-type equipment, we decided to expand the scope of activities of the Company with the production of stainless steel dished end and related additional services.scope activity, activity company, range activity, activity highproduction, german, quality, assurance, russian2
agriteach.huThe aim of this Outcome is to ensure sustainability of the project in every partner country, not just the two target countries. In the first activity the project will produce a digital textbook for all agricultural teachers, and based on the content developed during the project.country activity, activity projectagricultural, teacher, training, agriculture, digital2
dunaintertoll.huEffectively manage the diverse activities necessary for the operation and maintenance of PPP concession motorwaysally activity, activity specialist, diverse activity, activity necessaryoperator, maintenance, infrastructure, provider, office2
realidaconsult.huWe have 20+ years experience in Sales, Marketing, Change Management and General Management. Acquired experience in B2B but also B2C environment, and also with the field of service activities.plan activity, activity targetconsult, management, issue, situation, process2
ferrokov.huAt the time of establishment the main activities of the company included hot-dip galvanizing of steel structures on order. Since then the company has gone through dynamic development, thus we have been able to carry out significant improvements.main activity, activity company, scope activity, activity productionproduction, hot, steel, machine, introduction2
budapestrivercruise.huEveryone needs a little pampering, romance and an out-of-the-ordinary activity every now and then! We take care of those days and evenings! Don't hesitate to invite your partner to a nice Danube Boat trip, where you can really relax, enjoy a glass of wine or a glass of champagne, while you toast…ordinary activity, activity care, programme activity, activity daycruise, river, dinner, boat, romantic2
kt-sec.huThe services we provide demand trust to such a great extent that go beyond the usual customer-service provider concept. Today, our activity covers complex services (e.g.: representation before court and other authorities), that – by utilising our effective and concerted action – disburden the…today activity, activity complex, group activity, activity regulationmarket, dominant, owner, property, operator2
colibri90-trade.huWe opened new opportunities with international activities to our company group in and outside of the European Union.export activity, international activity, activity companysale, manager, representative, warehouse, officer2
skanska.huNordic Light Trio is the final building of the existing office complex. The building offers various green and wellbeing solutions as landscaped multi-activity courtyard, green terraces, bike storage areas with lockers and showers. Sustainable solutions were given high priority as well. The…multi activity, activity courtyard, inspire activity, activity environmentgreen, career, job, development, office2
produkteam.huBy outsourcing your payroll activities, you can save costs, your company does not need to maintain payroll apparatus, buy software products, and spend on its continuous updating. In addition, the costs will be more predictable, as payroll fees are calculated per person. We guarantee payroll…scope activity, activity produkteam, payroll activity, activity costlabour, recruitment, solution, payroll, employee2
sepy.huDon't miss any data anymore and get all reports you need when and where you want. Analyze them easily with our friendly interface and grow your activity.data, piece, unique, news, tool2
mlrtech.huOur firm awarded several TETRA terminal contract at local Public Safety organizations to be supplied handportable and mobile terminals and its accessories. TETRA technology also used in developments of our main activity area, MLR Tech is application development partner for both Airbus Defense and…main activity, activity areaqualification, reference, safety, management, development2
challenge4survivors.huWe are going to have daily live videos and share our experience on Social Media pages as well as on this web-site. You can also follow our Strava activity to see where we are.new activitychallenge, people, jewish, story, memory2
feolindustrial.huFeol Indrustrial Automation Kft. has a broad range of profiles in industrial automation. Our company deals with the following activities:robotic activity, activity serviceindustrial, automation, machine, special, custom2
mtdtanacsado.humtd Consulting Group is actually comprised of two organisations. The first is mtd Consulting Group Ltd, a social enterprise. Our activities include organisational development, HR consulting and training aimed at promoting equal opportunities and diversity in the workplace. Our trainings are…enterprise activity, activity organisational, marketing activity, activity ableslide, introduction, consulting, training, group2
allhotelsbudapest.hu…of Hungary. This title was won due to the vicinity of Lake Balaton and the Volcano Valley of Badacsony Mountain, as this region offers numerous opportunities to excursions, tours, wine cellar visits and special programs in the terms of wine and activity. Bonvino Hotel Balaton**** Badacsony, Hungarywine activity, activity bonvino, time activity, activity culturalenquiry, deal, package, price, lake2
idosgyogyaszat.hu…became a member of IAG and one decade later the Hungarian Association of Gerontology (HAG) was established. From the late sixties the scientific activity on the medical, clinical and sociological fields of gerontology gradually increased. The team of the contemporary Hungarian Research Institute onscientific activity, activity medical, international activity, activity hungarianage, university, effect, medical, health2
i-deal.huWe have been assisting our clients for over 19 years so that they can be present in their respective business markets with high-quality, innovative products and services. Our activity covers various fields from consulting through development and testing, to complete project management . Our…service activity, activity fieldsolution, medium, enterprise, large, colleagues2
agagro.huAbout us A & G-Agro Kft., Headquarters in Budapest, was established in 2012 to provide agricultural activities.main activity, activity wagestorage, poultry, vegetable, forestry, consulting2
hankooknegyed.huHundreds of happy colleagues took part in the fantastic Hankook Family and Sports Day on 9 September, which – true to our company’s standards – was organized with a foam party, cultural and sports activities, culinary delights and dozens of other exciting programs.sport activity, activity culinaryemployee, health, day, september, news2
secon.huWe are present in several fields of search marketing. We optimized our first webpage in 2007, and today, we can proudly claim that our activities have spread out to every type and field of search optimization and search marketing, both in the domestic (Hungarian) and international scene.proudly activity, activity type, scope activity, activity stronglysearch, consulting, effectiveness, strategy, training2
dokkozpont.hu…our collections and organize tours of our plan repository, thereby supporting the practical aspects of their training and scientific research activities. In our client reception rooms, professionals and individuals interested in our field of collection can visit thematic exhibitions of selected…research activity, activity client, objective activity, activity collectioncollection, document, documentation, construction, plan2
drilleszsolt.huMy main activities include the resolution of legal problems related to condominiums, the preparation of real estate sale and purchase agreements and lease contracts and rules of organization and operation, legal consultation related to condominium matters and meetings. Also, I undertake labor law…main activity, activity resolutionreal, estate, sale, condominium, law2
miellmetal.huOur sheet metal processing activities include all the processes. From laser cutting to professional packing.main activity, activity sheet, process activity, activity processmetal, process, cut, coating, powder2
danubecapital.huDanube Capital R&A’s Zrt.’s deputy CEO, Ákos Kuti is a regular participant at our autumn conference; his thoughts on the national and international economic activities are valuable for our clients and partners as well.economic activity, activity valuablecapital, danube, analysis, market, economic2
polypack.huOur future is characterised by a special focus on product development and quality assurance. As all industrial operators, we too have a responsibility to ensure environmental awareness and sustainability throughout our activities. We pay particular attention to the efficient use of energy in our…sustainability activity, activity particular, footprint activity, activity machinetray, material, raw, component, food2
fuleiviola.huI am Viola Fülei, a potter living in Vác. I grew up in Kecskemét and began to work with clay at the age of 8 in the Youth Centre of Kecskemét in a summer camp led by Dorottya Gömöri. I felt it was the activity in my life that keeps me restless and enchanted ceaselessly. Thus, parallel to my…gömöri activity, activity life, instead activity, activity finessemain, page, pottery, introduction, gallery2
magna-balance.huThe magnetic biostimulation is scientifically proven to play an important role in health promotion. The bioelectrical activity of the living cells can be measured (ECG, EEG). Due to the Earth’s declining magnetic properties, the cell metabolism of the living cells may slow down. By replenishing…main activity, activity foot, bioelectrical activity, activity cellmagna, device, family, massage, magnetic2
prototools.huOur activity is certified according to the MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System requirements.tool, manufacture, automation, machining, machine2
fatechnikakanizsa.huBased on the activity of the recent years, it has been awarded the prestigious Reliable Company certificate.timber, raw, material, quality, oak2
multiterra.huStarting with 2007, our scope of activities was extended to include the manufacturing and installation of mining and earthwork machines and lawn maintenance machine parts.scope activity, activity manufacture, additionally activity, activity repairpage, main, metal, machine, manufacture2
kooperativ.huOur main activities are built on and help each other. Research findings are used in in-service trainings, our help to choose schools offers feedback about everyday school work, which can be used in in-service trainings and later in research. As we work together with schools, we have sufficient…main activity, activity researchschool, training, teacher, parent, tool2
sz-tars.huIn 1991 on a plant with a 860m 2 craned workshop and 70 employees we started the foreign supplier activity with a Swiss multinational company. Activity: industrial services, hydrographical works, water-gate manufacturing, installation with complex implementation, hydraulic press and tool…proprietorship activity, activity machining, supplier activity, activity swiss, company activitysite, page, machining, industrial, iron2
keresztenymotorosok.huOur fellowship came to be known during the years passed since we were first founded. We have decided to give our ministry an organizational frame, so we conducted our activities as members of the Hungarian Evangelical Alliance between 2012 and 2019. For the sake of undisturbed operation of the…community activity, activity important, frame activity, activity membergod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important2
interface.huThe Faktori software family consists of two systems, the Faktori Core Program, which covers the administrative and operational activities of international and domestic factoring, as well as the Faktori Internet program, which allows the electronic submission and scanning of supplier accounts and…operational activity, activity internationalinterface, software, administration, maintenance, management2
importer.huWithin a separate scope of business activity, ROLE provides value added services to Chinese enterprises in identifying potential business partners in Europe. Vice versa we can promote products and services offered by European firms for the Chinese market.business activity, activity rolerole, trading, chinese, food, customer2
datalistshop.huWe sell company data lists in many countries. You can filter your best potential customers by location, address, income, business activity classification, number of employees, etc. With these filters in place, you can easily acquire your dream customer list delivered in an organized Excel sheet.business activity, activity classificationlist, data, customer, country, owner2
newlogicconsulting.huNew Logic Consulting Kft. Offers a full range of logistics services to its clients. Its main activity is international and domestic shipping. The manager and staff of our company have many years of professional experience in this field. We track the path of the cargo 24 hours a day, and we keep…main activity, activity international, service activity, activity europeanlogic, consulting, domestic, international, solution2
lidoapartman.huPlease contact us with your enquiries regarding bookings or local activities. We are only here to make your stay at Balatonfüred to treasure memories for life.local activity, activity stayli, guesthouse, apartment, picture, price2
eurovid.huThe activities of our company includes retail and wholesale of steel and stainless steel raw materials; production of steel structures, tanks and single-purpose machines; supply of special spare parts; production management and technical consulting. Our aim is to provide quick, professional and…range activity, activity gistproduction, management, quality, material, reference2
irum.huI chose IRUM TAG because it is a Romanian tractor, a brand that is also famous in Europe. I bought it to use for plowing, mowing, to transport sand, manure with the front loader, for various activities.agricultural activity, activity newagricultural, tractor, forestry, dealer, customer2
vorosmartyclassicxmas.huEvery day from 17th of November 2023, great activities and a real Christmas atmosphere await you!great activity, activity real, craft activity, activity charityexhibitors, open, hour, rule, christmas2
techmontage.huTechmontage Ltd. started its current profile in 2019 after some changes. The company has two main activities: the manufacture of structural steel elements and the hiring out of labour, the latter currently exclusively on the German market.main activity, activity manufacturemanufacture, steel, labour, structure, loan2
phbences.hu…Pannonhalma Benedictine Archabbey, and it is one of the most distinguished secondary schools in Hungary. It is widely recognized for academic excellence and diverse extracurricular activities. This boarding school for boys houses about 360 students who study for either four or six years.extracurricular activity, activity boarding, financial activity, activity boardstudent, school, foundation, financial, fund2
fonium.huWe founded our company in 2000 as a partner of a mobile communication company. In a short time, we started the engineering activities and the organization of projects which grew into our main activity. Our projects are different, but we have gained much experience in the industry, mass production…engineering activity, activity organization, main activity, activity projectengineering, mobile, field, search, building2
axbo.huThis is where aXbo comes in. The physical activity that characterises the various sleep phases is monitored, so that aXbo is able to calculate the optimal point at which to wake you.physical activity, activity sleep, activity transmissionsleep, alarm, phase, clock, wristband2
ols.huOLS Ltd. is a commercial agency involved in the distribution of products made by modern sheet metal processing, the core field of activity of OLS Ltd. The outstanding professional qualifications and skills of our staff guarantee customer satisfaction in all projects. This website has been created…field activity, activity ols, commercial activitysheet, metal, process, technology, quality2
edubot.hulearning AI solution will be created along with digital STEM Content Pools of interactive and multimedia elements in local languages and English. Intensive networking and dissemination activities targeting teachers, institutions and policymakers will be conducted to assure impact and sustainability.dissemination activity, activity teacherlearn, methodology, competence, student, technology2
genaudit.huOur Company provides high quality services, always in accordance with the quickly changing regulations, to enterprises performing productive, servicing and retail activity. We help also private persons in answering their tax-related questions.today activity, activity addition, retail activity, activity privatetax, page, main, news, accounting2
rewart.hu…provides full service management. They are not only brilliant in classic promotions but they also have a wealth of knowledge and a strong legal background in the digital promotional world as well. I can highly recommend them to any companies that carry out promotional activities promotional field."tactic activity, activity long, promotional activity, activity promotionalbrand, curious, enthusiastic, heart, talented2
humanskill.huOur scope of activity also includes the improvement your organisational procedures. Using a diverse range of psycholgical methods we are able to integrate your future employee into your organisation with an optimal motivational and satisfactional level. We believe that the development of…scope activity, activity improvementtraining, development, organisational, skill, psychological2
kiskunmeridian.huThe scope of our manufacturing activities includes the production of pressure equipments (e.g. autoclaves, fermenters) from stainless steel or acid-proof steel in different design. Our unique and custom equipments comply with the PED (Pressure Equipment Directive), therefore our devices represent…manufacture activity, activity productionequipment, pressure, litre, container, value2
formalin.huThe number of employees is 20 . 3 persons are responsible for ensuring the licensing and compliance requirements of the company's activities, which include data registration, administration, organisation and operation, quality assurance, environmental protection, health and safety, fire…company activity, activity data, activity technologyproduction, plant, material, industrial, customer2
noierdek.hu…other non-governmental organisations’ and institutions’ work, to monitor national legal and policy changes, and to raise professional and public awareness on gender equality at national and international level. The specific fields of activities and objectives of the organisation are the following:field activity, activity objectivewoman, organisation, national, lobby, member2
ibsc.huWe continuously perform marketing and advertising activities for domestic companies. Our other assignments include team coordination, event organization, PR and software development.advertising activity, activity domesticevent, advertising, quality, premium, customer2
plastinvest.huOur company’s main activity involves the production of PE film, liners, bags, tubes and bags in different sizes for use in pharmaceutical industry.main activity, activity productionquality, drive, production, main, tube2
izotop.huFrom small to high activities we deliver our flexible radio technique solutions to your needshigh activity, activity flexibleisotope, institute, radiation, technique, event2
tofemcnc.huOur main activity: production of elaborated, different spare parts on CNC cutting machines. We are manufacturing specially unique products, and products of small and medium series.main activity, activity production, park activity, activity companyproduction, machine, client, detail, capacity2
shopassistant.huShop-Assistant Kft. joined the Homlok group in 2021 as a 100% subsidiary, which has continued its activities with the construction, maintenance and supervising of industrial railway networks since the early 2000s. The decades of professional and managerial experience of the Company's management…subsidiary activity, activity constructionassistant, shop, construction, reference, certificate2
villa-maria.huLake Balaton the largest and one of the most stunning lakes of Central Europe, offers you each summer a relaxing, refreshing holiday. There are a lot of tourist routs and pass time activity opportunities around the lake. We offer you a comfortable accommodation in the most elegant area of SiA3fok…time activity, activity opportunity, beach activity, activity spadetail, person, lake, studio, upstairs2
malnalab.huOur new paper “A novel actin binding site of myosin required for effective muscle contraction” just appeared in NSMB. The paper deals with the conserved actin-binding region of myosin named the ‘activation loop’. It interacts with actin, accelerateing the movement of the relay, stimulating…atpase activity, activity interactionresearch, article, september, june, molecular2
betonutepito.huHowever, Betonútépítő Group is present in every part of the country not only with its activity and its success but also with its organization. Due to the increasing number of the main infrastructure development projects launched 2012 to 2013 in Hungary, the firm has been reorganized into a…range activity, activity company, country activity, activity successway, group, destination, structure, organizational2
economical.hu…if necessary, we can increase the number of employees with partners whom we have been working together for years. We are trying to give you a picture of our activities but it is by no means exhaustive. We hope to meet all your requirements, and are looking forward to receiving your valued orders.picture activity, activity meaneconomical, build, house, semi, homepage2
evista.huOur main activity is sole-diagnostics and that requires a custom-made software. We needed a software solution for internal use where we can manage our diagnostic devices, the data recorded at our several hundreds of diagnostic points and the received orders. We started our cooperation with Evista…main activity, activity soledevelopment, detail, task, main, client2
fklaw.hu3. Employ and train suitable individuals to oversee the company’s data processing activities and GDPR compliance obligations.process activity, activity gdprlaw, data, firm, legal, client2
drszalay.huThe law office currently operates with one attorney-at-law, three articled clerks and one intern. In the interest of performing our activities at the highest possible standard, we are also supported in our work by forensic technical and medical experts.interest activity, activity highlaw, attorney, client, legal, office2
eletbiztositasicsucstalalkozo.huIn addition to the professional aspects, the Conference also offers a platform for the charitable activities of the Money Culture Foundation, which, each year, identifies and tries to help families that have fallen on hard times due to an unexpected tragedy (life insurance event) and a lack of…charitable activity, activity moneyinsurance, summit, culture, event, money2
momentin.huwas established to provide a precise and effective solution for making inventory . Over the years, we have supported our partners in numerous other inventory management-related activities, such as stocking and picking . Our goal is to support our partners by thinking together with them. That is…inventory activity, management activity, activity stockinventory, efficient, management, stock, asset2
kocsisszabougyved.huKocsis and Szabo Law Office started its legal activities in 2004 in Budapest and has given its responsible legal advise to its clients and partners since that time. Our approach is practical and client-oriented this is why we pay a lot of attention to you and your claims. Our Law Office is…legal activity, activity budapest, company activity, activity widelaw, legal, office, representation, lawyer2
ecolres.hu…and enriching our guests with experiences: talks by scientists and artists, great concerts, ecological garden cinema and book launches, natural art exhibitions, science tours and interactive ecological activities. This year also, we will focus on a three-dimensional science communication.ecological activity, activity yearresearch, garden, ecological, species, science2
lowytrayler.huThe Lőwy Trayler Kft., which is the successor of the Tayler Transport Kft., started in 2000 as a family business. Our main activities are oversized and overweight transport, public road transport and providing oversized loads with escort vehicles.main activity, activity oversizetransport, oversize, equipment, heavy, vehicle2
firexprotect.huireXprotect Engineering Services and Commercial LLC’s business objective is to provide a full range industrial fire and explosion protection solutions supported by engineering services covering design, modelling, project implementation, provision for expert activities and, also, distribution of…expert activity, activity distributionimplementation, fire, protection, explosion, equipment2
gksoft.huGKSoft Engineering Services Company was established in 1990 by professors and researchers of the Budapest Technical University in order to make the most of their educational, designing and researching experiences obtained at the University more efficiently. Our company's principal activities…principal activity, activity design, information activity, activity serviceltd, engineering, analysis, vessel, co.2
matro.huOur main activity is the manufacture of machine parts, machine tool-heads for and machine tools by cutting.main activity, activity manufacture, activity productiontool, production, quality, machine, career2
dola.huHigh-powered LED based headlamps, batteries and rechargers. Step by step precise description of how to create a high-powered LED lamp at home for caving and outdoor activities (e.g. bicycle lamp)...outdoor activity, activity bicycletool, device, power, cave, current2
baracsi-paletta.huThe basic activity of Baracsi-Paletta 97. Kft. is the production of pallets. The company also manufactures other wooden packaging materials to order, on request of the customer.manufacture activity, activity craftsman, basic activity, activity baracsiproduction, wooden, packaging, material, pallet2
korte.huWe started remediation activities at the beginning of the 1990s. We installed and operated systems using a wide range of remediation technologies at former Soviet military barracks, airfields and production facilities leaving heavy soil and groundwater contamination.core activity, activity beginning, remediation activitywastewater, treatment, technology, chemical, water2
maround.hu…2012, and her network had involved the school into several international project implementation. Anikó is the head of the project management activities and the organizational development processes of the company. Through local, national and international project implementation she has a strong…management activity, activity organizationaleducational, training, background, school, development2
gyermekkoriautizmus.huIn this school year we are able to carry out development activities with the support of the MVM Group.development activity, activity supportautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic2
cosignum.huOur activity is based on wide range networking in the public, business and non-governmental sectors. Companys experts gained experience in elaboration and implementation of several successful projects in the fields of environmental and water industry, ICT, infrastructure as well as real estate…innovation activity, activity organizationsector, development, chinese, social, region2
eleses.huSport or sports are all forms of usually competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skillsphysical activity, activity gamestyle, travel, technology, news, fun2
techbridge.huOur company was founded in 2017 as an engineering company. We provides solutions to Clients in area of design, implementation and operation-maintenance activities. Our mission is to explore the efficient use of energy and energy resources (sun, wind, water, electricity, gas, geothermal, biomass)…maintenance activity, activity missionmaintenance, engineering, operation, energy, construction2
szemredialapitvany.hu…have regularly provided support to the foundation from their own assets. With their very significant donation in 2021, the organization's activities have been placed on a foundation that, even in the thousand twenty-six-year history of Pannonhalma, can ensure in the long run that the…organization activity, activity foundation, financial activity, activity boardfoundation, charitable, board, donation, founder2
szojaoltopor.huThe Blue Seed Kft. is wholly owned by Hungarian company, which has operated since 2001 with the basic activity of plant cultivation. For 20 years our main activities have involved the cultivation and the contract cultivation of cereals, leguminous plants, and oil-seeds for sowing seed purposes as…basic activity, activity plant, main activity, activity cultivationseed, soybean, privacy, imprint, powder2
oko-melli.hu…we carry out an agricultural activity based on bees, one of the important participants in the insect world. In the course of our beekeeping activities, we visit various bee pastures with our bees, plant cultures and we would like to offer you the producer honey made from the nectar glands of…agricultural activity, activity bee, beekeeping activityhoney, bee, organic, natural, quality2
marosholding.huWe have started our activity in Hungary in 1991. Our prior activities: liquidation, crisis management, investment advice, developing business plans, -tenders.prior activity, activity liquidationmanagement, investment, prior, crisis, advice2
primaveravendeghaz.huEger has to offer heaps of events and activities all year round. The Castle of Eger, the baroque city center, a number of monuments and museums, the Valley of the Beautiful Woman and the Thermal Spa and Aqua Park all promise you a meaningful pastime.event activity, activity yearguesthouse, free, accommodation, family, room2
peoplefirst.huEven with its name we’d like to encourage people to come inside for a coffee, tea, to chat, take part in activities where we could get to know each other as people with disabilities and the non-disabled.button activity, activity support, tea activity, activity peoplepeople, association, page, member, public2
preludium.huActivities Awesome Bears Beautiful Black & White Breaking News Car City Color Creative DNA Draft Drawing Fashion Fun Gene History Illustration Leopard Mammoth Maths Nature Nice Opinion People Phisics Photography Polar Bears Politics President Recipes Running Science Sport Trump USA Window…people, arm, middle, gallery, window2
hydra2002.huThe Hydra 2002 Ltd. (and its legal predecessor) has been active since 1996. Its management consists of highly trained chemical engineers experienced in training, research development and production. The activities of the Company aim at developing environment friendly products, waste free…production activity, activity company, main activitywebsite, development, research, measurement, pollution2
molnar2010.huOur company operated as a small business with 6-8 employees between 1984 and 2002 with a general scope of activities. At first, we built smaller constructions and family houses, with the development of continuous workforce and work equipment, we gained bigger projects, so we realized condominiums…scope activity, activity smallstreet, build, reference, family, house2
petroleum.huThe activities of firms producing processing and marketing crude oil and petroleum products stand in the focus of attention of business circles as well as of the general public. This requires increased care and responsibility taking of them, and demands absolute observance of both the written…certain activity, activity casepetroleum, association, oil, industry, environment2
diapraxis.huWhat is diapraxis? – Diapraxis is co-operation of groups of different religions, world-views and ways of thinking. Co-operation does not mean convincing each other or sharing their views. But participation in activities and solving problems together creates shared experiences that destroy…participation activity, activity problem, activity associationtalk, muslim, view, religion, intercultural2
drtacstimea.huIn my day-to-day work, you can contact me for other health services in addition to family medicine. You can find out more about these activities on the following websites.page activity, activity different, medicine activity, activity websitemedical, portfolio, health, family, occupational2
jankovich-birtok.huFarming, regenerating the ecosystem and supporting the local community are at the core of our activities.farming, regenerative, ecosystem, community, practice2
szarvaspanzio.hu…the the grape grape and and wine wine prestigious prestigious past past and and present present of of the the awakening, awakening, where where the the stone-mason stone-mason trade trade and and cooper cooper the the ancient ancient past past of of tradition tradition goldens goldens activity.guest, introduction, reader, player, guesthouse2
eventimeagency.huthree elements park, but you’ll be part of many other outdoor activities like rope pulling, „numberoutdoor activity, activity like, activity comfortableevent, upcoming, agency, day, cart2
raczt.huRacz T, Sacks PG, Van NT, Taylor DL, Young G, Bugis S, Savage HE, Schantz SP. The analysis of natural killer cell activity by flow cytometry. Archives Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 1990 116(4):440-446.cell activity, activity proc, activity flowsurgery, neck, head, curriculum, cancer2
science-data.huDataset of the study "Propagating population activity patterns during spontaneous slow waves in the thalamus of rodents". The dataset contains raw high-density electrophysiological recordings obtained from the thalamus of anesthetized and freely moving rodents. Further details on...population activity, activity patternresearch, data, centre, physics, science2
humanexchange.huThe objectives and activities of our projects include regional, territorial or settlement development, as well as sectoral, service, organization and human resource development. During their implementation, we are committed to achieve the highest professional quality and scientific standards. The…objective activity, activity project, goal activity, activity increasehuman, exchange, foundation, development, collection2
nhgandpartners.hu…renowned for effectively providing legal aid services to several relevant actors and investors in capital markets as well as for its advocacy activity at arbitration courts, but it also has solid experience in other traditional economic areas, and it always pursues its activity to the highest…advocacy activity, activity client, activity arbitration, area activity, activity highlaw, office, expertise, lawyer, legal2
alfa-english.huI am waiting for preschool children for English sessions in my private, adorable and colourful classroom. In these sessions we learn english during fun activities. I captured some pictures so you can see by yourself..children activity, fun activity, activity pictureprivate, course, session, child, language2
muszakiperek.huThe main scope of my activities is international companies’ commercial, distributional and trading contracts, GDPR regulations and evaluations, corporate law representations and labor law consultations. I also offer my quick, reliable legal advisory and representative services at an affordable…legal activity, activity corporation, scope activity, activity internationallegal, attorney, law, nagy, economical2
vps-hosting.huVPSs can be used for any task apart from a few exceptions. Certain activities are not allowed due to legal concerns or other risks. Not permitted activities:certain activity, activity legal, general activity, activity breachhosting, server, plan, memory, guarantee2
weddinginhungary.huYou must not use our Website in any way that causes, or may cause damage to our Website or impairment of the availability or accessibility of our Website; or in any way which is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or…purpose activity, activity website, collection activity, activity limitationwedding, planner, day, agency, venue2
mthardy.huDuring the past two years designing and preparatory activities related to solar power plants were also carried out.mainly activity, activity construction, preparatory activity, activity solarequipment, energy, t., maintenance, cost2
danagroup.huStarting with the year 2009 Dana Bulgaria refocused its activities on the photovoltaic energy sector. At the time the Bulgarian market was first in the region about to open for photovoltaic energy. Dana Bulgaria was amongst the first companies, which started developing PV plants in Bulgaria. The…company activity, activity printing, bulgaria activity, activity photovoltaicphotovoltaic, bulgaria, romania, multiple, proud2
intellimed.hu…a page or group of pages that contain information about a certain topic, an event or similar item giving more detailed information than a site's general content area may provide. A community organization may create a separate, temporary microsite to inform members of a particular activity or event.particular activity, activity event, easily activity, activity doctorpage, technological, mobile, responsive, app2
endometriozismagyarorszag.huWould you like to test yourself in the civil society? Are you following our activities and would like to take part in the foundation’s work? We are looking forward to your application.society activity, activity foundationsymptom, treatment, tax, donation, awareness2
ensport.huThe training plan is more accurate if it is devised based on your actual fitness level. The sports performance lab test will help you to understand how your body works during physical activity, what are your strengths and weaknesses and several other factors that might influence your performance…physical activity, activity strengthwindow, plan, training, run, athlete2
kapcsolatcentrum.huOur main activities: Individual Therapy and Counseling, Family & Couples Therapy and Counseling, Parental Counseling, Divorce Mediation, Mutual-help Groups, Group Training. The sessions are held in Hungarian, English and Spanish.main activity, activity individualfamily, individual, group, appointment, help2
quanticon.huWe provide the following services to support your real estate development: PROJECT MANAGEMENT, construction TECHNICAL SUPERVISION, complete BUILDING DESIGN and project preparation or operation related TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY. These activities are intorduced in details on our Services page.consultancy activity, activity detailoffice, build, development, execution, building2
budatrioapartments.huUsers who are not registered or have not used the service but who do not use the service are governed by the provisions of this GTC, the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy to the extent that any activity during the use of the website this Agreement, the Terms of Use, or the Privacy Policy.extent activity, activity use, registration activity, activity websitecustomer, provider, use, order, apartment2
kisgeri24.huIn the 24 hour format, you can participate in a team of 2. It’s up to you how much you climb and how much you rest or participate in various activities.hour, competition, festival, format, registration2
bprc.huOur aim is to organise objective competitions where pigeons can show their competitive value under equal conditions when compared to their peers, while also highlighting the true genetic values of their breeders' flocks. As a result of our activities, we wish to find and financially reward the…result activity, activity financiallycompetition, pigeon, login, cart, auction2
bereslegal.huThe main activity of our law firm is counselling Hungarian clients regarding foreign trade and commercial cases and representing foreign companies in Hungary.main activity, activity lawlaw, legal, firm, client, partnership2
ajkaelektron.huOur aim is to further develop our core activities, to exploit the specialities within our technology and to provide automated, complex solutions for our partners’ component and assembly manufacturing needs!core activity, activity speciality, scope activity, activity followtechnology, career, assembly, component, gallery2
biblecamps.huThrough drama, activities, verse of the day, and other methods, children will hear the good news of Jesus over the course of the week.drama activity, activity verse, outside activity, activity importantcamp, bible, faq, week, travel2
rudabanya.huDue to the Turkish attacks that became continuous from 1564, the settlement impoverished and its population dwindled. By the 17th century it had lost its rank and become a feudal hamlet without any mining activity. Ore excavation started again in 1880 and at the same time the development of…mining activity, activity ore, research activitytown, website, city, welcome, sightseeing2
itsecarea.huFor us data security monitoring does not only involve the IT area, but the physical and personal security too. If someone has already dealt with cyber activities, he might know, how diversified and complex this area is. From social engineering through forensic to vulnerability monitoring, we apply…cyber activity, activity knowledge, activity diversifiedarea, security, everyday, data, private2
belsoudvar.hu…Furthermore we try to understand and solve problems coming from practice with the participation of our own and external researchers. Due to our research activities we utilize can the results of our research directly in practice and share our experiences in the form of publications and courses.research activity, activity resultresearch, build, office, expert, architect2
mn6.huYou can request an EU taxonomy conformity assessment for your property or company's activities.energy, certification, efficiency, technical, consultancy2
realschool.hu“ Real-life learning ” involves students in real-world activities to find their passions, develop their skills and to learn about our world and themselves.world activity, activity passionschool, real, learn, international, british2
horcsikcad.huThis localization task raised the necessity of software development activities very soon. So development of AutoCAD-related - and later Revit-related - applications became the main business of Hörcsik CAD.development activity, activity soon, developer activity, activity hörcsikltd, development, homepage, build, consulting2
szilagyinorifizio.hu. In these cases, it is recommended to start an early rehabilitation in order to regain and maintain your previous healthy condition, and to continue or set off your favourite sports and other beloved activities soon. Physiotherapy is a perfect tool not only for prevention but for rehabilitation…beloved activity, activity soonspine, university, physiotherapist, private, injury1
trescomas.huWe can support all on-site verification activities with our engineering team in whole Hungary or Middle-Europe.verification activity, activity engineeringlimited, repair, ltd, sit, amet1
vigam.huBasic principles of a responsible and sustainable investment activity, applied by the Fund Manager to operate its asset managementinvestment activity, activity fundseries, fund, investment, market, return1
holonics.huIn the field of high and underground engineering our activities include primarily the construction of reinforced cement structures – bridges, buildings, special structures, water building structures, sluices, and in the field of public utilities we focus on gravitational rain gutter, sewer as well…engineering activity, activity primarilyreference, news, bridge, desktop, international1
pumijatek.hu…loudly if it has an opinion to be voiced. The Pumi is quick to learn, is very lithe, and ideal for any of the dog-based sports. It just loves to be the center of attention, to play games; families leading a life full of activities and surprising events should prefer the Pumi. (From: Wikipaedia)life activity, activity surprisingplayhouse, material, climb, bridge, bench1
chichaya.hubody part. By pressing and massaging these points, toes and calves, the circulation of the given body part will improve. Stimulation and boosting activity of the internal organs balance the blood and lymph circulation, improve stamina and condition. Foot massage is done in a comfortable armchair…stimulation activity, activity internalmassage, body, traditional, type, effect1
kozteherbringa.huHosting a cargobike in your community space can help increase traffic of patrons, while you can also use the bike personally for new services related to your activities or business.service activity, activity businessshare, bike, location, space, community1
granitplusz.huGránit Plusz's main activity is trading of brown and black coal from Krasnoyarsk and Kuznyeck basins, Russia.main activity, activity tradingcoal, organisation, history, client, enquiry1
drtoka.huIn accordance with the provisions of LXXIII. Act (Lawyers’ Act) of 2017, we are authorised to engage in a variety of legal activities including, but not limited to representing clients in and out of court, providing legal advice, and producing contracts, documents and petitions.legal activity, activity clientlaw, lawyer, german, office, legal1
dcf.huOur M&A activity concentrates on the SME sector where we represent both the buy and the sell sides. We aid companies in optimizing their exit strategy, dispose of their minority holdings or grow through a series of acquisitions to become the industry leader in their respective field. We help our…advisory, financial, strategy, client, sector1
neurophysio-rehab.huAdvanced activity based neurorehabilitation to improve neuroplasticity and functions for people with spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, stroke and cerebral palsyadvanced activity, activity neurorehabilitationrehabilitation, therapist, physiotherapist, map, gallery1
technosecurity.huTECHNO SECURITY Zrt. has permission from the police to pursue its activity. Furthermore, we have obtained the necessary general service liability and property insurance in correlation with the executable tasks. We are also members of the Professional Chamber of Personal and Property Protection and…police activity, activity furthermoresecurity, quality, task, location, equipment1
mindenallatert.huI'm Ács Enikő, the personal servant of two rescue cats. I've been doing feline rescue for five years now, and I think the best part is the TNR program (Trap, Neuter, Return). Although it's the least favored one amongst all rescue activities in Hungary, but this one is the most effective way to…rescue activity, activity hungaryanimal, care, minden, foundation, way1
hubnerudvar.hu…banks and quality services in the neighborhood and nearby shopping malls provide the comfort of daily life and the carelessness of practical activities. Bistros, restaurants and confectioneries await you with unforgettable gastronomic experiences, cinemas and community centers provide diverse…practical activity, activity bistroroom, kitchen, apartment, interior, build1
codeversum.huYou don’t need to worry about the sub activities, We prepare the software specification and design, do the implementation and testing and we deliver the software with full documentation and test reports for each milestone for you.sub activity, activity softwaredevelopment, software, training, safety, quality1
karaktercasting.huThroughout the years, we made it our priority to build a well-rounded database of actors and models, covering the entire country. In addition to this, our activity extends to mediating artists, media personalities and performers to events. Besides this, we employ acting school pupils, children…addition activity, activity artistregistration, face, actor, character, reference1
labpharm.huThe LabPharm Co. Ltd. has been established at 2011. Our activities include the manufacture of the medicinal product; retail trade services of pharmaceutical goods; PR, communications; business and other management consultancy; technical testing and analysis; biotechnology research and development…co. activity, activity manufacturesequencing, laboratory, science, regulation, country1
revomatic.huIndustry 4.0 can be summarized as follows: Industry 4.0. integrates the company’s value-adding activities and the entire value chain through digitization. The explosive development of the Internet and technology create a continuous network of people, machines and businesses, and through the…value activity, activity entiremachine, cell, construction, special, purpose1
greenconsulting.huTest management is a continuous process, the observation and documentation of related processes, activities, and summarizing and forwarding the results to the project management.process activity, activity resultmain, page, client, website, solution1
dm-innovation.huFor Investors, two of the many aspects and parameters are the most important. Expected return and the riskiness of the investment. The success of investing in a technology project depends mainly on business development and sales activities.innovation, development, technology, sale, process1
nconnect.huNOWadays the biggest risks in IT Security are coming from data leakage - data stealing and from the vulnerable IT infrastructure. It is now a daily example in the media to hear about unauthorized data accesses, hijacked computers and complete IT systems, or similar technological abuses. These…criminal activity, activity damagesecurity, solution, intelligence, hardware, hacking1
necs.huThe NECS Environmental Consulting Ltd. provides useful solutions for Clients who want to do their activities that have an impact on the environment harmonised with the economic, technological and social needs.client activity, activity impactenvironmental, consulting, client, welcome, management1
bit-soft.hu“ I can say with confidence say that Breeze marking system, it is not just a POS. He is like a loyal employee, who helps me to have control at any time and from anywhere, over the entire activity in the location. The results have been visible after the first month of implementation! Operational…entire activity, activity locationsoftware, solution, bit, hospitality, restaurant1
pmcar.huPM Car Logistic Company’s management deals with domestic and international vehicle transport for 25 years. The main activity is transportation used and new cars.main activity, activity transportationpm, gallery, document, vehicle, logistic1
botiteamkft.huOur activity are situated in Mezőlak, where is our car park beside the mainroad 83. our system: handling, subsistence the cost are directly normated.transportation, organize, forward, flexible, gallery1
kenved.huOur activities include organic (e-coat, powder paint, wet paint, sintering) and inorganic coatings (zinc-phosphating, zinc-plating, zinc-nickel-plating, nanoceramic treatment), as well as combinations of them as duplex coatings.finish, surface, painting, coating, powder1
businessportrait.huAdvertising images displaying you, your job, your company or your team. Presenting you at work or indulging in your favorite activity. This is the new trend, beyond strict portrait formats. Moments of your life – spontaneous and real, through elaborately styled images. And d on’t worry, we assist…favorite activity, activity newportrait, corporate, photography, photo, website1
hutokamra.huOur company was established in 1989 and our primary activity was producing and installing cool chambers. Thanks to our relevant experiences in this field, we gained rapidly reputation in these branches. As our intention has been always to meet the needs of every present and possible customer…primary activity, activity cool, year activity, activity airair, condition, plan, chamber, produce1
inthera.huOur scope of activities cover almost all fields of RA, from product registration to assembling dossiers.scope activity, activity fieldhealthcare, regulatory, distribution, pharmaceutical, affairs1
droidx.huIn 2017, we built an additional hall on our own, in which our newly acquired flame cutting machine, our locksmith's plant, and our sandblasting and electrostatic powder coating plant were housed as a result of the expansion of our activities.machine, quality, machining, plant, management1
atevteszt.huWe warrant to serve our clients reliably and primely with our procucts and commercial activity.number, current, document, order, environmental1
drsuta.huThe office has modern precise electronic devices and instruments according to today's rushing or running world, which could fully satisfy our patient's comfort and it can help us in the accomplished work activity also. Learn more about us..dental, surgery, tooth, oral, istvan1
alapjogokert.huScientific activity is an integral part of our daily life, with various books and articles published on a regular basis. Furthermore, fostering the development of individual talent is a core aspect of our work.scientific activity, activity integralhomepage, research, political, center, review1
sovit.huWe have extensive experience in preparing and compiling documents required for starting and operating business activities. Our services include, but are not limited to:business activity, activity servicepermit, environmental, waste, transportation, german1
littlemind.huthe care of the nannies from Little Minds and Bea, personally. They looked forward to spending time with them - as each day was planned out with activities pertaining to literacy, mathematics and even just pure fun. We will miss Bea and her joyous presence in our life and wish that Little Minds willday activity, activity literacynanny, little, family, application, page1
ufe.huOur company is not collecting data, not using cookies, not performing online selling activity, not sending email campaigns from this homepage.sell activity, activity emailquality, aim, development, reference, card1
besbim.huOur consulting activities include supporting BIM implementation and workflows, as well as BIM audit.consulting activity, activity bimmodel, detail, coordination, consulting, plan1
protoride.huProto Ride Kft. was established in 2016, with the main activities of laser cutting and laser marking. We then began manufacturing custom mechanical and electronic machines that ensure the development of our customers, helping them to achieve higher quality goals, and increase their manufacturing…main activity, activity laserride, machine, custom, development, reference1
greensolar.huGreensolar Ltd. was established in Hungary by Beijing Sevenstar Science and Technology Co. Ltd. In the beginning our company’s main activities included R&D, thin-film productions and thin-film tehcnology development.main activity, activity thinenergy, production, capacity, location, land1
transemex.huOur Customs team supports the efficient delivery of goods through customs services and customs broker activities:freight, road, logistic, quotation, fleet1
creativelab.huCreative Laboratory Ltd., a privately held company founded in 1993. Located in Szeged, Hungary, in a high-level scientific area. We are a member of the Hungarian Biotechnology Association. We follow the “hybrid” business modell activity, so we arecreative, research, development, line, cell1
jobconcept.huThe main business activity of JobConcept Kft. is labour lending, but we are also available for labor exchange, head hunting, hired recruitment, HR Outsourcing, payroll, accounting and financial consulting.business activity, activity jobconceptemployee, labour, accounting, detail, presentation1
e2hungary.huWe make our utmost to assist with our activity the everyday business operations of our Partners, remove their burdens in the processes of purchasing energy necessary to their business. Our objective is to offer simple and transparent processes to our partners for purchasing energy, so that they…utmost activity, activity everydaypage, energy, trading, request, proposal1
poluspanzio.huThe Polus Pension is a 15-minute walk from the historic Old Town of Sopron. If you are looking for an active pastime besides cultural activities, the town and its surroundings offer many opportunities.cultural activity, activity townbed, room, guest, house, apartment1
softone.huSoftOne has been active since 2009. We focus our activity to the distribution of unique and special softwares but we cooperate and related to major international IT companies as well.active activity, activity distributiondistribution, unique, active, software, international1
szamiroma.huT his year organized for the 23rd time, OWMF will host Hungarian professionals brought to the event by Hangvető. Roma music, networking and the meeting of cultures through music will be in the focus of their activities.music, voice, norwegian, artist, norway1
pragaipersonaltraining.huNutrition guidance and meal planning are essential tools to help individuals achieve their fitness goals by providing the necessary nutrients and energy to support physical activity and optimize performance.physical activity, activity performanceplan, goal, individual, meal, need1
bencevarga.huAs for other activities, I am always on a journey of self-improvement, including learning new things, whether it's related to programming or a different discipline. I aspire to be a better person than I was yesterday.website, developer, software, personal, university1
arpadhidingatlan.huArpad Bridge Real Estate Ltd leases its own apartments to the public and companies, and operates its own accommodations with the support of its own PMS software, which is capable of communicating with the National Tourist Information Center, and engages in other engineering and software…apartment, street, sale, floor, flat1
gaudiumcapital.huThe Gaudium Capital Ltd. welcomes you to its website. Our company is registered in the roll of liquidators. We keep our comprehensive activities rolling expanded onto the whole of the country on a high professional level, backed up by our branches located in each regions, with the expertise of our…comprehensive activity, activity countrycapital, procedure, announcement, insolvency, proceedings1
tothjulia.huAfter 13 years spent as an in-house legal counsel in the insurance sector, I continue my professional activity focusing on civil law as an independent lawyer.professional activity, activity civillaw, insurance, market, capital, legal1
eszakferr.huÉszak-FERR Kft. in Miskolc, Hungary was established in 2010. Main activity of our company is production and distribution of hoisting and fastening accessories. Although the company is young, our employees have decades of professional experience and market presence.main activity, activity companywire, steel, rope, aluminum, cable1
carbyne.huSums up the investigative activities of life science businesses conducted to improve existing products and treatments or to lead to the development of new ones. Typical roles: Analytical Chemist, Medicinal Chemist, Research Scientist, Biomedical Scientist, Microbiologist, etc.investigative activity, activity lifemedical, role, manager, specialist, typical1
redrecruitment.huOur daily activities in the region let us have a good full picture and a benchmark of your conditions and efforts to search, select and retain top talents.daily activity, activity regionrecruitment, europe, central, agency, eastern1
dunahajok.huDuna interior design Kft., which emerged from a business established in 1991, is a manufactory system carpentry company specializing in high-quality, unique and well-designed carpentry interior design, shipbuilding, and ship renovation. Our company carries out its activities in Győr in its own…company activity, activity győrboat, cabin, marine, tradition, additional1
mze.huActivity of the association is a single source of the local enamellers training, since there is neither secondary school nor university education in Hungary. But nor the companies engaged in training skilled workers.association, member, main, conference, publication1
littleminds.huthe care of the nannies from Little Minds and Bea, personally. They looked forward to spending time with them - as each day was planned out with activities pertaining to literacy, mathematics and even just pure fun. We will miss Bea and her joyous presence in our lives and wish that Little Minds…day activity, activity literacylittle, family, nanny, page, child1
macher.huImportant pillars of our core activity are the high complexity technologies and manufacturing processes, that require significant manual processing. The strong background of high value-added harness manufacturing is provided by the extensive manufacturing experience and by a specially trained…core activity, activity highproduction, quality, cable, customer, technology1
rexfilm.huRexfilm Kft. represents an extremely high standard in the Hungarian world of broadcasting. Their experts are highly qualified, flexible and helpful. Be it support, acquisition or system integration, all of their activities can be described as highly professional. During my nearly 20 years of…integration activity, activity highlybroadcast, integration, support, reference, customer1
naturbiokal.huIn 2020 there was an important change in the life of the company. The sales and marketing activity was taken over by the M-AQUA Ltd which headquarter is in Mórahalom.marketing activity, activity aquainternational, family, plant, natural, result1
etnofon.hu…musical arrangements and archiving and releasing collections of traditional folk music. Over the years, we have also been involved in many activities and projects to preserve the folklore of the ethnic groups that live in the Carpathian Basin. ETNOFON has been dedicated to making the authenticyear activity, activity projectconcert, sound, studio, article, catalogue1
revelator.huWe do not want to limit Revelator's consultancy activities to five specific topics: the activities outlined above are intended to outline potential areas of cooperation with us.consultancy activity, activity specific, topic activity, activity potentialoption, solution, consulting, logistic, management1
memoriesofhungary.huIn the Compass 2016 contest for the best tourist communication activities - in which more than 60 companies competed - the jury awarded the Silver Prize for the Memories of Hungary for the best customer-focused point-of-sales solutions.communication activity, activity companymemory, shop, airport, tourist, network1
astero.huThe company was founded in 1994 , with the original intention of mainly targeting Russian export partners. After we built out the structure of export and improved the volume of deliveries, we have expanded our activities first to Eastern-European countries, later to Germany and other…delivery activity, activity easternvegetable, fruit, fresh, cherry, sour1
fronius24.huWe actively establish strategic partnerships with our suppliers through joint development activities.perfect, charge, welding, energy, overview1
clubdobogomajor.hu„Its an excellent property with so much land and facilities, indoor and outdoor pools, plenty of space to walk around, plenty of free parking etc... Its really amazing to stay here for a longer period as there is as much activities as possible.”period activity, activity possibleguest, rate, offer, homepage, cozy1
comelux.huOur main activity is selling and distribution of industrial ironing equipment and providing all maintenance, service repairing and customer service. If you are interested in our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us. In our office you can check and try many types of machines…main activity, activity distributionsite, trade, machine, kind, garment1
huntingvideo.huI kindly ask that you honour my recognition of the fact that you buy the legitimate copies of my hunter films through the web shop and help me; this is the continuation of my activities by supporting the film.continuation activity, activity filmvideo, hunting, movie, picture, introduction1
mbgroup.huMcMillan & Baneth Kft. was established in 1989, as an Irish-Hungarian joint venture, inspired by the World Bank. It has now become entirely independent, a 100% Hungarian-owned consulting company. Our company operates in the premium (niche) market and the owner actively participates in the…actively activity, activity companycourse, additional, group, training, management1
rossibiofuel.huThe core activity of Rossi Biofuel Zrt. is biodiesel production from fresh vegetable oil and used cooking oil. This activity is carried out on the basis of IPPC Permit.core activity, activity rossi, oil activity, activity basislarge, production, site, oil, map1
kendoszalon.huCertain Consumer Stores may also have policies related to fraud and suspected fraudulent activities and you agree that it is your responsibility to investigate such policies, if any, and such policies shall be binding upon you hereunder.fraudulent activity, activity responsibilitycondition, music, store, az, distribution1
hajduugyvediiroda.huOne of our practice areas is civil law, covering all activities such as legal counselling, editing deeds, and representation in civil litigation, based on ad hoc or permanent contract of mandate.law activity, activity legalarea, practice, law, legal, client1
tigrics.hu…exchange, which is constrained by coordinated criminal organizations, which can’t be as yet contained by the specialists. During an under cover activity examination in July and August this year, EIA (Environmental Investigating Agency ) was offered 4 full tiger skins, 12 panther skins, 11 snow…cover activity, activity examinationnear, wild, privacy, condition, worldwide1
digitalhistory.huIt is a good bet that wagering on sports predates historical records. As long as there have been contests with winners and losers, there has been betting. However, when it comes to the promotion of sports betting as a popular social activity, much of the credit goes to Greece, home of the Olympic…social activity, activity creditbetting, history, digital, long, mistake1
eco-office.huYou can hold discussions, workshops, training, education and other group activities and presentations in our meeting room. Thanks to our hourly system, you can book an appointment for one or more hoursgroup activity, activity presentationoffice, space, community, meet, appointment1
batizandras.huAndrás had produced and directed TV shows with audiences in the millions magnitude for more than ten years. As a government spokesman, he was a key player and shaper of top-level politics communication activities. As a trainer and consultant, he has been leading courses in 20 countries and…communication activity, activity trainerpresentation, custom, offer, webpage, impact1
gmtlegal.huWe provide practical solutions in corporate law, corporate transactions and commercial matters. We help our clients to find the company form that best suits their planned economic activity. After choosing the corporate form, we prepare the documents...economic activity, activity corporatelegal, law, market, guide, capital1
clean-drop.huOur company would like to fulfil those customers' wishes who emphasize not only favourable prices but also high quality services of cleaning are important. Cleaning has a confidential activity meaning, we work only with people possessing certificates of good conduct and their lifestyles fit to the…confidential activity, activity meanclean, drop, reference, order, wish1
mccfeszt.hu…one-of-a-kind festival will bring together distinguished international and Hungarian experts, influential thought leaders, captivating family activities, interactive programs, and, naturally, the cream of Hungarian pop music. All of this will unfold against the enchanting backdrop of Esztergom…family activity, activity interactivenews, festival, talent, pass, gallery1
nagyvadhunting.huWelcome to the website of Nagyvad Hunting Ltd., the hunting-event organiser and travel agent for Hungary! I'd like to introduce myself, my agency and our activities a little bit closer:agency activity, activity littlehunting, proposal, ground, introduction, cost1
valkuz.huOutsourcing IT services for small businesses offers several benefits. It allows access to specialized expertise, cost savings compared to maintaining an in-house IT team, scalability to adapt to business needs, and increased focus on core business activities. It also ensures access to the latest…business activity, activity accesswebsite, management, security, server, solution1
foldmeresma.huIn the event of a change of branch of activity, the owner of the property is always obliged to submit an application for transfer to the land register.branch activity, activity ownerland, build, plot, today, measurement1
mszjf.hu…with professional and non-professional circles; supporting the work of the Copyright Experts Body and, as regards their copyright related activities the Hungarian Patent Office and other governmental bodies; participating in the work of ALAI, the Association Litteraire et Artistique…copyright activity, activity hungariancongress, protection, international, award, national1
mazuri.huYou will feel more secure from the start with us because our PR activities, our marketing campaigns and our communication strategies will create the basis to attract your ideal clients.pr activity, activity marketingwebsite, campaign, logo, graphic, goal1
e-chain.huOur company, E-chain Kft supports the electronical, electro-mechanical and automotive industrial segments by offering production equipment for our existing and potential customers. Beside of our sales activity, we provide service and engineering support to our customers. By choosing our well-known…sale activity, activity servicechain, application, soldering, oven, automatic1
cityinn.huBesides the standard sightseeing programs you are encouraged to explore several exciting activities. Both the magnificent National Museum and another four major museums are in walking distance from the hotel, along with all three Budapest pedestrian quarters (Corvin sétány, Váci utca, Ráday utca).exciting activity, activity magnificentcity, conference, accommodation, guest, gallery1
okthaimassage.huIt stimulates the activity of the internal organs, enhances the functioning of the whole body, balances blood and lymph circulation.massage, foot, neck, head, traditional1
teatrom.hu. The performances of adolescents and teenagers, as community services, do break the overall passivity of the Roma minority and lead to intrinsic activities. Theatre is an ideal field to train competences, personal human skills such as intra-group co-operation, moderate competition, conflict…intrinsic activity, activity theatrecommunity, performance, group, art, festival1
oet.huThe Ormai & Partner Law Office performs its legal activity with a high level theoretical knowledge and years of practical experience with outstanding precision, cooperating with its partner-office and highly qualified expert team.legal activity, activity highlaw, office, area, practice, administrative1
solservices.huIn Hungary, it is necessary to continuously improve the level of general knowledge and public awareness about renewable energy sources. The backbone of our educational and public awareness activities consists of developing and mentoring local and national social programs that demonstrate the…awareness activity, activity localenergy, renewable, implementation, sustainability, generation1
anyanyelv-pedagogia.huThe column Tanulmányok [Studies] presents studies mainly in applied linguistics and first language pedagogy and—in a smaller number—in pedagogy. In the column Műhely [Workshop], there are studies and articles about the practical activities in education at the institutions and in the family and…practical activity, activity educationjournal, editor, language, pedagogy, article1
feketehollok.huOur main activities are to seek out the written and verbal sources of traditions. Analizing and tending to the gathered information, while spreading it ina s wide range as possible. Our fighting displays are performed with authentic weaponry and armour based on the traditional forms of fighting.main activity, activity writeintroduction, event, package, recruitment, friend1
bingham.huWe do not take our added services lightly and even little help can remove major complications. We will help you with a wide range of things outside our main business. We will provide design activities, development of direction through our partners and much more.design activity, activity developmentserver, software, user, additional, solution1
sztedok.huWelcome to our website! On the webpage of the Doctoral Student Association (DÖK) of the University of Szeged, you may find information about the board, the operation, and the activities…student, doctoral, association, board, dear1
concentusconsort.huThe activity of the group is shared in concert programmes on Hungarian and European (A, CZ D, F, I, PL, RO RUS) concert stages, radio and television recitals, and recordings. On summer time renaissance courses are led at Martonvasar, near Budapest.music, photo, ensemble, programme, european1
magisoft.huInnovative research and development activities (embedded systems, GPS data processing ect.)development activity, activity systemsolution, engineering, development, portfolio, automation1
prolaser.huWe design and implement laser shows for a wide range of national and international clients in the entertainment industry. Our main wide scope of activities involves the preparation of festivals, parties, weddings, receptions, product displays, exhibitions, concerts, fashion-shows and extra…scope activity, activity preparationproduction, gallery, concert, element, event1
steigervaldtanya.huThe programme includes facilities for other relaxing activities for both parent and child.facility activity, activity parentprogramme, picture, approach, museum, internationally1
drogriporter.huWe were very glad to welcome the Correlation European Harm Reduction Network’s Expert Meeting in Budapest, on the 4-6 of December 2023. We produced a short summary video of the network’s 2023 activities, and live streamed several sessions, that you can watch now!network activity, activity livedrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
immowest.huImmowest Hungary, registered in Budapest, is a company with a broad range of activities in the field of real estate, business consultancy and international trade.range activity, activity fieldreal, estate, consultancy, international, trade1
turrisbabel.huOur dynamically developing company was set up in order to help local and foreign companies and individuals with their business activities in today's linguistically diverse world. Multinational business needs communication in foreign languages, often in the mother tongue of the business partner. We…business activity, activity todaytranslation, language, interpret, reference, quality1
energyprojects.huwith our EPC partners, even in the planning, construction, implementation, commissioning, in any of these activities or in all of them as a turn-key project;commission activity, activity turnattorney, issue, step, power, plant1
btmunkacsoport.huThe working group was established in 2013 by faculty members of the Clinical and Health Psychology Department in the Institute of Behavioural Sciences at the University of Debrecen , with Ildikó Kuritárné Szabó, associate professor as a leading figure in the organisation. Our activities, are based…organisation activity, activity longgroup, disorder, personality, treatment, pool1
balatonhausfrei.huThe house is situated in a quiet area with many nearby services. The house includes a large garden, perfect for outdoor family activities, such as outdoor cooking, BBQ, etc.family activity, activity outdoorhouse, rent, floor, free, main1
greenstarbau.huIf you are bothered by the noise coming from the street or would you like your activities not to be heard over there? There is a solution.street activity, activity solutiongreen, reference, interior, furnishing, apartment1
gastroadventures.hu5. Cancellations less than 24 hours before the start of the activity or in the event of a no-show are non-refundable. A full refund is applicable in case of cancellations up to 24 hours before the start of the activity. The refund is due as soon as possible, but within seven bank working days, the…start activity, activity event, activity refundtour, detail, adventure, food, bath1
drandirko.huThe possibility of countersigning remotely has previously been created by the Hungarian Act LXXVIII of 2017 on the professional activities of attorneys-at-law; however, its applicationprofessional activity, activity attorneylaw, office, homepage, labour, inheritance1
blackoakservices.huOur offer is a complete integrated solution, supply chain management, warehousing and all 3pl and 4pl related activities, Our business...warehousing activity, activity businessoak, freight, news, forwarder, destination1
zsenaktrans.huOur main field of activity is international road haulage and freight forwarding in the European Union and European countries outside the Eu. We perform these professional tasks with high quality and state-of-the-art vehicles and reliable, well-trained drivers.field activity, activity internationalfleet, storage, homepage, destination, career1
cerntech.huOur main activities include the design and production of high-speed data links that move high data volumes using up-to-date serial, optical transmission; and interface cards for the data source (front-end electronics, imaging sensors, digital cameras, etc.) and the data destination (server…main activity, activity designreference, quote, faq, physics, data1
aquadit.hu…quality of our products and services underlies our customers’ satisfaction. Quality is our utmost objective which essentially defines the visual identity and the activity of our company. Our manufacturing partners, with their decade-long experience, guarantee the European quality of our services.identity activity, activity companydescription, accessories, stadium, change, swimming1
3dprogramozas.huOur company has been operating as a sole proprietorship since 2011, Fémipari Méréstechnikai Kft. Was established as a potential supplier to the automotive industry in 2019. We continue our activities as a requirement of the ISO 9001 standard and Our air-conditioned measuring rooms have two…industry activity, activity requirementmeasurement, programming, industry, solution, metal1
emeraldpr.hu…goals; but more to that Emerald has the eye to see the far future and keep the balance between the development parties. Their participation in our issue management, PR and marketing activities has become vital for us, their contribution to the development team is always a great joy and experience."marketing activity, activity vitalemerald, zsofia, communication, member, association1
futureoceans.hu`I am very grateful for the support I got from Anne-Marie and Matt during diving activities as well as during the whole trip!`diving activity, activity tripmanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future1
stratlog.huFor a project to be a success , it needs to have an impact or a result. Start by defining specific objectives – soft as well as hard – and establish a measurement system that allows you to measure your progress . If you’re not making progress, you have to adjust your efforts and activities to make…effort activity, activity suresuccess, key, impact, approach, principle1
dynflow.huThe corporate ecosytem improved in several ways. We can react faster to the changes and emerging expectations, meanwhile the number of the contradictory answers have decreased significally. Last but not least we could expand our scope of activities owing to the time we saved with DynFlow.scope activity, activity timecustomer, operation, workflow, client, knowledge1
lowchen.huLowchen Activity: Enjoys long walks but easily adaptable. Should have a yard to play if unable to take on daily walks.lowchen activity, activity longdog, breeder, female, breed, family1
ap-x.hu(5) Recipients and categories of recipients of personal data: employees of the Company performing tasks related to customer service and marketing activities, employees of the IT service provider of the Company as data processors for the purpose of providing hosting services.marketing activity, activity employeedata, subject, process, personal, management1
nagy-lezer.huNagy-Lézer Kft. is a Hungarian company established in 2015, starting its businesses with laser engraving and laser welding based on 15 years of professional experience. According to the changes of market demand its activities are expanded towards mould repair. By increasing its machinery besides…demand activity, activity mouldnagy, mould, repair, welding, engraving1
idomsoft.hu…IT and public administration management consultancy, IT system design and implementation, hardware and software selection, operation of IT systems and providing related service activity. Our company had a significant role in major IT development projects of relevance to Hungarian citizens.service activity, activity companyhistory, personal, data, operation, unique1
goldenwell.huHajdúszoboszló is one of both Hungary’s and Europe’s largest and finest bathing resorts. The beautiful city and the wonderful spa are world-famous. The water's purity and quality are guaranteed by the decades-old prohibition of any industrial activities in Hajdúszoboszló and the surrounding areas…industrial activity, activity hajdúszoboszlówater, mineral, bottle, quality, litre1
tardosi.huMore than 30 years past in freight transport, and through live partnerships, we are actively involved in our carrier's activities in Hungary and Europe. We provide our reference works to our partners at their request.carrier activity, activity hungaryfreight, international, europe, transportation, gallery1
bayerconstruct.huOur activities represent the highest professional standards as witnessed by the performance of numerous ‘giant’ developments.detail, construction, property, group, development1
hrcapital.huOur colleagues will help you get to work as soon as possible and achieve your goals in the work. Our main activity is to connect the right employers with our employees. Our experts and reliable employers are providing job opportunities all over the country, all you have to do is find the most…main activity, activity rightcapital, employee, job, agency, certified1
bellapuszta.huOur goal is to provide a great opportunity for animal- and nature lovers prominent spare time activities.animal, bus, ride, shuttle, horse1
globalcoop.huMachining and fabrication activities are carried out on our fully equipped, renovated, 1500 m2/ 16 000 ft2 work floor.fabrication activity, activity fullyfabrication, global, finish, custom, cart1
ova.info.huspecies), and other hunted species (mainly predators). This data includes the bags, live-catches, available non-hunting mortality, game feeding, and costs of game management activities and incomes from hunting during the hunting season. Game management reports from the GMUs are available since 1986.management activity, activity incomegame, management, database, data, national1
rbholiday.huThe most popular activities in Novi Vinodolski are swimming and hiking. Brand new, fully renovated apartment with a wonderful view of the Kvarner Bay.popular activity, activity noviapartment, holiday, premium, beach, detail1
fermenta.huOur company – established in 1993 – is a fully Hungarian-owned family enterprise. Our main activity is the trade in aromas and additives for the food processing industry. Besides, we also develop food and beverage products. The latter activity has been gaining more and more significance lately. We…main activity, activity trade, product activity, activity significanceapplication, food, drink, concentrate, fruit1
onlinepiackutato.hu…bombes its members with advertisements, so it can be used for research purposes, but it is less suitable! However, only the market research is conducted in the controlled research panel, neither advertising nor any other sales activity is allowed, so it can be considered more reliable and credible.sale activity, activity reliableresearch, market, sample, result, questionnaire1
benyocs.hu…in civil law-related legal matters. We also provide full-scale legal assistance in real estate law, start-up law, dispute resolution and general corporate law-related legal matters. Our services include the continuous legal support of the business activities of companies, even on a daily basis.business activity, activity companylaw, office, legal, matter, dispute1
drgyolcsjudit.huJudit began her professional career as an in-house corporate counsel for a market leader Hungarian motor vehicle company. Following the bar exam in 2000, she has been practicing as an attorney-at-law. She gained wide-ranging egal and leadership experience as a corporate lawyer, dealing with all…sort activity, activity holdinglaw, firm, legal, mediator, mediation1
habsburgottoalapitvany.huto be the first to receive information on our latest activities, news and events, and to learn more about the work of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation!latest activity, activity newsfoundation, news, collection, biography, programme1
sutura.huAmong its main activities SUTURA Representation and Trading Limited Liability Company provides the professional and commercial representation of several internationally well-known companies in Hungary, as well as the distribution of a wide range of their products.main activity, activity suturadevice, medical, representation, healthcare, support1
nanoworx.huoneMES provides full-scale support in the following areas: logistics with mobile handhelds; barcode technology (reading and printing); PLC integration; shop-floor activities; employee communication, metering data collection and visualization; laboratory activities; raw material and…floor activity, activity employee, laboratory activity, activity rawprocess, software, developer, order, solution1
sugogabona.huOur crop trading activities are not limited to Hungary, we have important international partners, who as buyers, represent a significant part of our market. As a result of our geographical location, our main transportation method is shipping on the Danube river, and our stock bases are located at…trading activity, activity hungarycrop, office, introduction, trade, industrial1
hajnalkft.huThe main field of activity of the studio is the integrated planning of residential, office, public, industrial and commercial buildings.field activity, activity studiobuild, railway, residential, station, reconstruction1
pffkft.huOur main activity is the primary processing of fatty geese and ducks, which we do in the department of Békés, a southern region of the country where force-feeding has long traditions. Our processing plant in Orosháza is one of the elders in our country, and was founded in 1896 by the…main activity, activity primaryquality, food, tradition, certificate, fatty1
agroit.huThe Cluster organization can provide an ever-expanding knowledge base, which can be based on user-friendly research and development activity, which stimulates innovation. The Cluster is able to contribute to the development of competitive agricultural integrated IT solutions needed by domestic and…development activity, activity innovationsolution, complex, cluster, member, event1
justisec.huThey are flexible, have a proactive way of problem-solving, so that we can go on with our main activity-that is sales.main activity, activity salesecurity, protection, justice, eng, management1
broadbit.huIn addition to custom software design and development, our activities include digital document management ( Alfresco ECM and other systems built on it), e-business support and related process management, consultation and education. For our customers, we provide a complex service for designing…development activity, activity digitaldocument, management, development, implementation, software1
prosperit.huProsperit Kft. as reliable partner of Microsoft Hungary helps customers to build and improve such fundamental infrastructural elements that will provide a stable base for business systems. These strong IT infrastructures enable our customers to forget about backends and focus on their own business…page, reference, job, offer, news1
thermofoam.hu…initial products, which were based on the CEO’s own patents, gave a solid base for continuous development through decades. Innovation and R&D activities have always been in the focus of the management, leading to our broad scope of business, which enables us to satisfy virtually any packaging…innovation activity, activity focuspackaging, material, construction, solution, need1
urbs.huURBS Group conducts its real estate development and investment activities primarily through the company Kapocs Plc, a member of the Group.investment activity, activity primarilyreal, estate, group, management, development1
taxcontor.huWe help our clients’ activities and their continuous development with advice and regular information.client activity, activity continuoustax, accounting, consulting, reference, newsletter1
secoser.huDuring the past years, our company has gradually become one of the leading players of the market of meat- and food industry machinery. We also put a lot of emphasis on servicing activities. Excellent technicians in our specialized workshop undertake reparation and renovation of different machinery…service activity, activity excellenttool, machine, supplier, reference, equipment1
tiszato-vendeghaz.huThe spacious house and garden is an ideal nest for rests between Lake-Tisza activities (canoeing, fishing, biking).tisza activity, activity canoeinglake, holiday, reservation, garden, gallery1
kocziankft.huThe Kóczián + Kóczián Ltd. main activity is building the massive demolition and excavation carried out, which works for carrying out all the instruments and machines of our company.main activity, activity massivebuild, page, reference, removal, road1
ovsz.huThe Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service (HNBTS) serves as the national centralized provider of blood component products to the hospital sector in Hungary and is responsible for strategic planning, management, training and advisory activities in health policy decision making for the field…advisory activity, activity healthdonation, blood, office, stem, cell1
appwise.huBased in Budapest, we are a Hungarian owned software development company. Our field of activities include supporting business processes and development of large enterprise systems. We provide innovative solutions for real business needs.field activity, activity businessdevelopment, software, custom, expert, ready1
halbomce.huOur group of companies have been actively participating in the construction of industrial engineering projects since 1992. The range of our activities extends from project management to the installation of piping systems and engineering equipment and following the testing phase of plants the…range activity, activity projectindustrial, pipe, piping, assemble, installation1
radiancedigitalsolutions.huThe outsourcing of support and services is a flexible model that helps companies in their effort for business continuity or reopening of their activity as an effect of the coronavirus crisis.reopen activity, activity effectdigital, solution, client, free, touch1
budapestbusiness.hu…the auditor is not depending from the venture so that an impartial opinion can be formed. In Hungary and in the European Union auditing and the activity of auditors are strictly regulated by laws, EU community rules and directives. The work of auditors and the procedures are defined by and must beauditing activity, activity auditortaxation, financial, consulting, tax, statement1
datapowerlab.huFind Your Weaknesses Before They Do. The test process is the culmination of several different activities involving the same tools, tricks, and techniques that hackers use, but with one major difference - its legal, and ultimately provides your organization with a clear view of exploitable threats…different activity, activity toolsecurity, analysis, code, secure, source1
kiskozossegek.hu…University, Budapest. About two dozens of people, experts at various fields work on the programme, nearly all of them voluntarily. Our main activities are: field work, support of communities, knowledge sharing, book writing, organizing summer camps for children and adults and providing human…main activity, activity fieldcommunity, small, programme, local, ecological1
mentalisallokepesseg.huGoal Orientation – Making promises: Individuals scoring highly on this scale are orientated towards setting goals and targets for activities. They are likely to be effective at prioritising, planning and organising.target activity, activity likelymental, individual, scale, highly, dimension1
abt.huOur group started its business activity as Andreas Baumann & Co. in Zurich in 1980. Our Hungarian office was opened in Budapest in 1993, and today over 50 highly-qualified employees provide the services.business activity, activity andreastax, payroll, accounting, data, financial1
drbennandras.huI established the dr. Benn András Law Office in April, 2007. While working I constantly intend to find a solution for my partners, which yields within the current legal frames the most optimal results. During my activities I always focus on evaluative thinking and I try to assert the best…result activity, activity evaluativelaw, representation, office, legal, contract1
borrak.huThe injected botox temporarily inhibits the activity of the muscles at the location of the treatment. The surface treatment of the skin is not sufficient to the removal of wrinkles because these are caused by the activity of the facial muscles; this is why these muscles need to be treated.temporarily activity, activity muscle, wrinkle activity, activity facialwrinkle, treatment, skin, lip, hyaluronic1
leopardkutya.huWe have tried a lot of sports with our dogs and we experienced that the catahoula is suitable for any dog sport. Easy to move, agile, athletic, persistent and immeasurably enthusiastic about all kinds of activities. There’s almost no task that it wouldn’t be happy to do with a little motivation…kind activity, activity taskdog, diversity, litter, breed, american1
igfhungary.hu…organizations, government officials, academics and young talents. This year, the program will seek to include multilayered panel discussions, a fantastic round-up of keynotes and interesting side-activities, focusing on getting the youth and innovators more involved in matters of Internet.interesting activity, activity youthgeneration, forum, committee, steering, principle1
horizont-trening.huWe help companies to create strategy, develop the organization and succeed in cultural change. Our activity includes development-enhancement of fundamentally well-operating companies as well as overall changes -requiring completely new attitude.change activity, activity developmentdevelopment, adventure, training, organizational, organization1
piroskaapartman.huSports fans will not stay dry, either. 🙂 The surrounding facilities await them with activities like swimming, sailing, beach volleyball, fishing, hiking, horse riding, cycling, skeet shooting, and several other active recreation programmes.facility activity, activity likeapartment, family, beach, previous, popular1
aqualorenzo.huOn Earth, every process that sustains life on the planet is based on a cycle. The activities we humans carry out are no exception.cycle activity, activity humanrange, energy, drink, water, contract1
laptoplifestyle.huSuccess-oriented activities are loyalty, ethical, flexible, legitimate teamwork, and helping others is characterized by absolute.success activity, activity loyaltyopportunity, income, excellent, combine, generation1
matisrita.huthrough the idyllic or theatrical, dramatic situations filled with strong gestures set in the studio or landscape which I present going back to “selected traditions”: paintings by Cagnacci, Velázquez, Renoir, Vallotton, Bonnard, Ferenczy, Csernus, Konkoly all portray basic human activities, which…human activity, activity variationpainting, painter, interview, colour, exhibition1
premiumapartmanok.huArt. 6 para 1 lit. f) GDPR is the basis for the processing of personal data in our legitimate interest. This is to be assumed when it comes to the performance of our business activities and when a balance of interests has shown that the performance of the business activities outweighs the rights…business activity, activity balance, activity rightapartment, data, personal, premium, process1
aronerdelyi.huAlkePro, developed by Áron, is an activity management and portfolio management software developed for a brokerage firm with a high number of clients in the insurance market, which offers a wide range of assistance to business participants in administrative processes. Users of the program are…áron activity, activity managementsoftware, developer, microservice, development, engineering1
golipark.hu…and transparent areas of the renovated site offer lots of natural light for our tenants of lofts, offices, studios and multifunctional areas. In a multifunctional area private space, focus work and social activities can easily be harmonized to provide a friendly atmosphere for different purposes.social activity, activity easilyoffice, multifunctional, space, interior, vast1
stieberbt.huThe gas analyser service of Stieber air quality protection LP performed more than 20,000 gas analyser instrument repairs, and with its annual number of 1,200 instrument repair projects, it ranked first among companies of similar activities.quality, air, protection, calibration, gas1
golyahiralapitvany.huAdoption is still a subject to misconceptions and prejudices. The aim of our social awareness activities is to let people know and see the bigger picture about the steps of the adoption process. This way, we hope to get rid of prejudices that could have become obstacles for the adoptive families…awareness activity, activity peoplechild, family, parent, community, shop1
tengerpartiingatlan.huOur skilled staff engaged mainly in Budapest has been a successful year of sales activity.sale, property, island, de, apartment1
circumstances.huAFRE is a local NGO operating in the Aparhant-Kisvejke region, one of the poorest areas in Hungary, focusing on providing after-school activities for (mostly) Roma children from the surrounding villages.school activity, activity romacircumstances, view, co., creative, client1
jagellobusinesshotel.hu…stone throw away from each other. We offer a conference room, fast and free WIFI, a Desktop PC with a printer, and lots of International TV channels on our modern LED-TV sets. The 24/7 reception is happy to help you in booking tours, transfers or other activities for your pleasant stay in Budapest!transfer activity, activity pleasantcenter, congress, bus, room, close1
tighthold.huAt last, I have compressed the expertise accumulated during my decade long sport activity and the huge amount of personal experience into a self-developed training method under the name Tight Hold Bodyweight Workout, and our team is awaiting our hobby and competitor level followers in the world of…sport activity, activity hugetraining, street, event, method, beginner1
findedichzurecht.huOur services are carried out in German. We will help you with professional assistance so that you will be represented in front of various service providers and authorities in all administrative activities.advice, legal, assistance, insurance, general1
campany.huCampany Holding Kft. Was founded in 2015 for the purpose of performing various business-like activities. Our company's profile consists of three main parts: event organization, marketing and software development. In the course of our work, we always pay attention to the needs of our customers…like activity, activity companyevent, software, customer, solution, reference1
kolonicsvizitelep.huWe, at the Kolonics György Watersport Centre, can proudly state that due to its ideal location, its imminence to both the city center and the airport, its unique water quality in Budapest, as well as its top-of-the-line facilities, it is the most ideal choice for sporting activities, either…sporting activity, activity professionalevent, center, facility, restaurant, storage1
rs-sailing.hu…water level of Balaton: Belsõ-tó, which is popular with anglers, and Külsõ-tó, a paradise for aquatic birds. As a result of volcanic follow-up activity, thermal springs created more than one hundred geyser hills in the peninsula. The most beautiful one is called Aranyház (Golden House) after the…volcanic activity, activity thermalsailing, place, friendly, registration1
argeomentum.hu…values and positions of local stakeholders about the role, impacts and resilience of ecosystem services. We explore stakeholders’ preferences, we investigate interlinkages between ecosystem services and human activities, and we develop policy and planning insights building on these understandings.human activity, activity policyresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation1
mezoturiiparipark.huIn addition to the operation of the Mezőtúr Industrial Park, the company's activities include the project management tasks of applications from European Union sources. More on the Services menu. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at any of the contacts listed below.company activity, activity projectgallery, industrial, brochure, video, photo1
zalay-sped.huCompany Zalay-Sped Kft (Ltd), engaged in domestic and international freight forwarding, was incorporated in 2010 with its offices in Zalaegerszeg. Our activities have been extended to the whole of the European continent.zalaegerszeg activity, activity europeanclient, colleagues, carrier, consultation, safety1
absolvo.huBLOG - The private equity market demonstrated remarkable activity in 2021 and 2022. Record-breaking transaction values and volumes, driven by ample dry powder available to firms, highlight the industry's strength and potential and project a promising future. PE play a crucial role in funding and…remarkable activity, activity recordgrowth, market, transaction, investor, capital1
internkft.huOur most important activity. For industrial and commercial facilities, during construction, demolition or renovation - we work with extensive experience, mastery material knowledge and the application of the latest welding technology solutions, either on the building or on technological equipment.important activity, activity industrialintern, homepage, training, technology, material1
hr-group.huAs a member of HR-Group , HR-Rent Kft . has more than 15 years of experience in the fields of permanent employment agent activities and staff leasing .agent activity, activity staffgroup, rent, solution, staff, human1
laurius.huWe are ready to provide our partners with the whole business cycle. Milestones of this procedure are understanding and interpreting our clients' business strategy in relation to human resources, identifying exact business needs, defining the scope of activities, market analysis, searching for…scope activity, activity marketclient, market, operation, expert, technology1
kissthetrainer.huThanks to the other sport activities I have found a comprehensive picture from the different needs. Meanwhile I met with the bodybuilding and the other sports were slowly neglected. Now I have been doing this sport for more than 15 years. I made an exam to be a judge and a personal trainer int he…sport activity, activity comprehensivetestimonial, smith, biography, recommendation, letter1
hanyuhenrietta.huReacting to this need I have decided to support conflict resolution at workplaces as a mediator while continuing my activity as employment lawyer. I see my task to play an active role in the implementation of workplace mediation in Hungary.mediator activity, activity employmentemployment, law, mediation, workplace, legal1
epti.huThe ÉPTI Ltd. was established in 1990. Our main activity is the complex design and engineering consultancy for architectural and civil engineering facilities.main activity, activity complexfacility, reference, news, colleagues, technical1
sttp.huHandover testing: By this we mean checking the different Entry and Exit criteria to decide if a particular development can move on to the next phase. Where possible, it may be worth automating this activity to help decision makers.worth activity, activity decisionpoint, client, straight, management, solution1
telcohalozatok.huTelco Hálózatok Ltd. is a 100% privately owned Hungarian enterprise. Our main activity is the retail and wholesale trade of communication network components, and it covers the full spectrum of optical and copper-base communication network items.main activity, activity retailtelco, network, installation, leasing, optical1
lake-tisza.huIt’s a romantic area even if the water level is high when fewer stumps are uncovered. In addition the constant activities of the natural forces such as storms and waves make these stumps less visible.constant activity, activity naturallake, tour, canoe, island, touristic1
ametiszthotel.hu…recreation for visitors. The atmosphere of the castle in Siklos and the church in Mariagyud pervades the area. The rich habitats of the Danube-Drava National Park call to discover the nature lovers. The mediterranean streets and squares, many museums and monuments of Pécs gives an all-day activity.night, room, gallery, near, offer1
relnet.huSales activities are carried out by our almost 200-member nationwide reseller network – consisting of system integrators mostly -, providing a complete geographical coverage in Hungary for the technologies and services distributed by us.sale activity, activity membertechnology, vendor, network, event, solution1
szonyegsalem.huAs is mentioned in the chapter on our shop our main line of activity is selling Iranian hand-made woolen carpets. There is hardly any location in this vast country without carpet weaving. All the cities, villages and nomadic tribes have their own carpets that are unique and characteristic of their…line activity, activity iranianshop, carpet, offer, hand, quality1
lita.huThe key aspect that underpins and multiplies the success of all data-related activity in an organization. It addresses the changes in people, processes, organizational and technology required to treat and optimize Data as an asset. Our data governance proposition includes strategic advice…data activity, activity organizationdata, management, governance, delivery, organization1
hm2020.huThe HIFS is the only institution established for forensic expert activities in Hungary, covering the entire country and under the control of the Ministry of the Interior.expert activity, activity hungaryforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis1
urizanyi.huThe scope of our business activities also includes translation and proofreading services in English-Hungarian and Hungarian-English language pairs. See details under section Fordítás / Translation services.business activity, activity translationgas, air, conditioning, appliance, translation1
embroidery-service.huWe aspire to fullfill your request and needs. Please shoose from the activities listed on the website, and do not hesitate to contact us.need activity, activity websiteembroidery, software, hand, machine, second1
vatregistration.huAs a consequence of the uniform system, a wide range of activities can be performed under a VAT registration, without being obliged to be established in Hungary, which is an extremely cost-efficient solution concerning the administration. However, the determination of the fixed establishment or…range activity, activity vatvat, registration, taxation, news, law1
meshining.huThe company is dedicated as a supplier partner to support engineering activities in developement of vehicles mostly in designing of passenger cars.engineering activity, activity developementengineering, icon, news, vehicle, bike1
adminangel.huIn the course of my work, there was a growing need for them to intervene in their other administrative matters, so I decided to supplement my activities with administrative services.matter activity, activity administrativeaccounting, tax, individual, expat, eiusmod1
jobbadni.huIn the spirit of the universal Hungarian responsibility across national boundaries, the organization considers the Carpathian Basin as its primary area of activity...donation, social, mission, development, office1
kozelafrikahoz.hu„While the outstandingly important activity of the Close to Africa Foundation, through which they help African children – whose parents were unable to cover study-related expenses and tuition – receive proper education, is already worthy of great appreciation in itself, but given their exceptional…important activity, activity close, love activity, activity specialchild, africa, school, sponsor, education1
mcc.huStarted in 2015, Mathias Corvinus Collegium's Youth Talent Program (FIT), serves the youngest age group involved in the Collegium's education activities. Currently, training programs are available in 23 locations across the Carpathian Basin. As of 2023, FIT involves 70 staff members, 9…education activity, activity currentlyinternational, student, public, center, academy1
sommelier.huRevival of the sommelier activity in the countryside with trainings, courses and retrainings.sommelier activity, activity countrysidemember, championship, association, training, wine1
kunszov.huWe open our website with the trade sign of KUNSZÖV which is a hallmark of more than 7 decades of the activity of the company, and essential development while preserving traditionsdecade activity, activity companynumber, clothing, textile, short, tax1
teutonhungary.huAs result, our company continues with its original services, while activities of selling and leasing of containers will be carried out by a legally separate company. In case you feel we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us:service activity, activity sellcontainer, market, customer, active, forward1
zoldmami.huAt Zöld Mami we provide sustainable, healthy, organic and eco-friendly solutions as a green one-stop shop. We offer “green solutions” in all aspects of household activities, be it cosmetics, personal hygiene, oral health care, household cleaning, laundry or even gardening… and this is why you will…household activity, activity cosmeticoffer, cart, wish, list, view1
palyazatiro.huOur company’s main activity is to support the micro-, small- and medium-sized organizations. Since Hungary joined the European Union, the number of calls for proposals for the competitive sector has been increasing. More and more economic organization realize the financial opportunities in calls…main activity, activity mediumfinancial, economic, union, organization, proposal1
nuvu.huOn the more than 32-hectare plot, we are building warehouses, production buildings and coordination areas, where we can support the warehousing activities of other pyrotechnics companies in addition to our own needs.warehousing activity, activity pyrotechnicpage, trade, letter, original, torch1
youday.huWe are going to have our 7 th YoUDay in 2023 with amazing activities and magical moments to come, but for now let’s go back in time and check out the after-movies of past semester opening shows!amazing activity, activity magicalopen, ceremony, stadium, semester, magical1
doctech.hu…of software builds to development, test, and production environments. We are responsible for ensuring that all releases are consistently high quality, do not introduce reliability issues and the changes are well-documented and traceable to requirements. Examples of key activities include:solution, technical, documentation, safety, software1
kszs-law.huSince its establishment, Kántor, Szilasi, Sárközy and Partners (KSzS) has exerted significant charity, pro bono activities of in the spirit of social responsibilitybono activity, activity spiritlaw, lawyer, social, publication, engagement1
indexon.huThe INDEXON Bt was founded in 2005 in Szeged , Hungary . The purpose of the company is to provide services in technical innovation and education. The main fields of the company activities are cathodic protection and teaching of languages.company activity, activity cathodicprotection, field, purpose, main, innovation1
insurance-partner.huThe activity of the Partnership is also helped by, Ms. Nóra Veres, Mr. Bence Nagy LL.M. and Mr. Benedek D. Varga as candidate attorneys, furthermore by Ms. Ágnes Gullner and Ms. Judit Jenei working in administration.law, insurance, partnership, office, ms.1
trafo-gyori.huOur company, previously called Szitaprint GMK, was founded in 1985 as a family business, its main profile was sieve printing, and from 1988 welding machine production entered into the range of activities. We’ve started to produce transformers in 1992.range activity, activity transformertransformer, welding, construction, repair, equipment1
argonsoft.huIn addition to our everyday business activities, we regularly organize fun and relaxing family and social events. Feel free to browse through pictures of these events on ourbusiness activity, activity regularlysoftware, development, data, custom, effective1
dietetikusod.hu"There was a weight-loss plateau (although I kept to my agreed goals, but for some reason I didn't lose a gram for a week and a half.) Now it's back on track and so far I've lost about 5 Kgs in 6 weeks. I have also tried to increase my physical activity. About an hour of speed walking a day and…physical activity, activity hourdiet, nutrition, university, health, disease1
europlastik.huWe operate a modern, well equipped company with wide scope of activity in a cultured surrounding with high theoretical and practical knowledge.scope activity, activity culturelorem, ipsum, aenean, packet, machine1
kaposbrezon.huHis main activity is tool making but besides we work in metalworking and plastic products.main activity, activity toolmachine, picture, competition, certification, tool1
enisvagyok.huWe started the self-help group activity. This group contains several parents they are raising disabled children.group activity, activity groupén, association, day, website, croatia1
kovikonyvtar.huengaging in in any any data data mining, mining, data data harvesting, harvesting, data data extracting extracting or or any any other other similar similar activity activity in in relation relation to to this this Website;similar activity, activity relationwebsite, buckle, detail, llc, condition1
ahproduction.hu…tournaments in Champions League and Europa League along with National Championships and League competitions in football, handball, basketball, water polo, ice hockey and volleyball not to mentioned the widely recognized Host Broadcaster activity of many outstanding European and World Championships.broadcaster activity, activity outstandingchampionship, production, broadcast, european, woman1
hekotec.huOur mission is, to be in all your activities (either large or small) not only a supplier, but also a trusting partner.mission activity, activity largereference, broad, field, industry, solution1
humantelex.huWe create consumer-centred nationwide promotions, corporate events, online activities centred on the product and target group.online activity, activity productevent, creative, human, client, campaign1
krisartraku.hu“Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind born out of a struggle between wisdom and madness, between dream and reality in our mind.” – Magdalena Abakanowiczastonishing activity, activity mankinddraw, art, pottery, collection, ceramic1
chain.huThe history of our roller and link chain shop goes back to several decades. Our company is engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of roller, PIV, agricultural, link and other special chains. Since 2010, our range of activities has been complemented by the sales and confectioning of wire…range activity, activity salechain, rope, wire, sling, plastic1
horvathvilla.huThe high-season package is more tailored towards water activities and beach time! For availability plzz call us.water activity, activity beachhorvath, lake, package, main, gallery1
stellax.huThe history of the company goes back to 1992. Our family run company started its activity with the production of PE booklet covers.company activity, activity productioncover, office, till, foil, booklet1
fourpoint.huOur company represents a progressive and goal-oriented approach in the market with its dynamically developing and complex service system. Our main strength is strategic thinking which, along with professional planning and management, also includes the controlling of current project activities.point, application, grant, management, plan1
businesspublishing.huBeyond classical publishing activities, we have dealt with content production for decades, thanks to which we have elevated our operations to the highest professional levels. Chiefly we operate as a firm offering business media solutions, while we also design, produce and deliver other media…publish activity, activity contentpublish, media, news, brand, firm1
lacitanit.huThis expansive tracking capability can be combined with funnels and session recordings for a more comprehensive view of your user journey. From measuring activities across various URLs and pages to pinpointing crucial actions for conversion and retention, no interaction goes unnoticed.journey activity, activity urluser, website, conversion, visitor, session1
firexol.huIn the course of our contract manufacturing activities, we consider the precise masterwork, outstanding quality to be our primary goal, all these at an affordable price.manufacture activity, activity precisetool, distribution, leather, introduction, contract1
bartokudvar.huBalázs Czifra joins Infogroup in September 2020. He will oversee the sales, asset management, and business development activities of the company. “Balázs brings extensive experience to Infogroup,” says Ádám Székely, Infogroup’s managing director. “I believe he will contribute greatly to the…development activity, activity companycourt, office, award, location1
dataqua.huAll of our activities have been closely interrelated to the environment, hydrography, and water management measurements. As the founders of the latter DATAQUA Electronics Ltd., in 1992 we started to develop a fully electronized microprocessor controlled water level recorder without any moving…recorder, electronic, digital, analogue, ltd1
professional-welding.huYou can read about our activities above. If you need other procedures to becoming complete products we are ready to searching solvings.welding, steel, ltd, produce, reference1
mafeosz.huMAFEOSZ is a national organization to represent the specific professional interests of undertakings carrying out paint production activities in Hungary.production activity, activity hungarynews, april, saturday, february, organization1
techno-security.huTECHNO SECURITY Zrt. has permission from the police to pursue its activity. Furthermore, we have obtained the necessary general service liability and property insurance in correlation with the executable tasks. We are also members of the Professional Chamber of Personal and Property Protection and…police activity, activity furthermoresecurity, quality, task, location, equipment1
liverland.hu…live material. Our domestic market share - especially in respect of some specific kind of geese – is very significant and greater than 20%. Our activities are very diverse, from the foster of parent couples with great genetic endowments live on our own farms, through a number of productions of the…great activity, activity diverseland, goose, live, production, market1
plasticor.huIn recognition of our high level of professional activities, we received the Entrepreneur of the Year Award, established by the Veszprém County Chamber of Commerce and Industry and [...]professional activity, activity entrepreneurinjection, molding, plastic, production, tool1
sparks.huThe managing directors of SPARKS Ltd., Béla Romwalter „Richy” and Judit Romwalter consider it important to further promote and continuously develop the Hungarian film production activity, and also the active participation of their company in it. Their aim is, while staying true to the professional…production activity, activity activeequipment, camera, lighting, production, extension1
cargoport.huThe activities of Cargoport Transport & Logistics are based on three main pillars: expertise, reliability and economy.logistic, transport, forward, domestic, international1
kisberenyimenedek.huThe proximity of Lake Balaton (Fonyód 17 km, Balatonboglár 19 km) offers unlimited leisure activities for every age group.leisure activity, activity agehouse, guest, village, visitor, dear1
quickconnectors.huThe major part of the connectors have the unique WEH® jaw locking mechanism developed by WEH®. Our main activity: representaition, commerce, advising, service and maintenance.main activity, activity representaitionconnector, solution, valve, special, place1
ila-hungary.huOn behalf of the newly elected Branch Officers of the Hungarian Branch we kindly ask you to visit our website and follow our programs and scientific activity regularly.scientific activity, activity regularlybranch, international, law, association, member1
vigdavid.huAs part of my responsibilities, I managed IT product development for the Health Security National Laboratory project in the Department of Software Engineering. This involved organizing and overseeing various project activities.manager, advisory, management, skill, development1
siofokiallatvedo.hu…find permanent homes as soon as possible. We are also entrusted with the collection of all animals dead or killed in our district, for these activities we receive remuneration from the local Municipality. We also have such agreements with other smaller organizations in our vicinity and in lieu…district activity, activity remunerationanimal, rescue, dog, shelter, donation1
equilibriumcapital.huThe fund manager is a fund manager with the so called AIF legal status and its business activities are only limited to private, closed-end funds and to the creation and operation of venture capital and private equity funds.business activity, activity privatecapital, equilibrium, fund, manager, client1
mercatrade.huMerca-Trade LLC was founded in 1999. Our main activity is the promotion of Hungarian and European products and services in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States as well as promoting the quality products from the CIS in the European Union. Furthermore, we represent companies in…main activity, activity promotiontrade, introduction, harness, unique, gallery1
schallerkft.huWe set up the Schaller Corporation in October 1993. The history of the company was started in 1988, when I started my part-time activity us a contractor. In my main profession I worked in the chipping industry, so I had the necessary work experience and know how. After a structural change and…time activity, activity contractor, main activity, activity companycorporation, finish, introduction, machine, news1
shl.huHe has worked for years at SHL London's R&D department. Currently his main activity is designing and operating customized testing platforms.main activity, activity testquestionnaire, selection, development, exercise, manager1
hamvasintezet.huCulture and power One of those is “Culture and power”, which seeks to answer how the mechanisms of pressure, influencing, and manipulation characterized the interaction between society and regime. We are especially focused on the activity of the communist state security. ...especially activity, activity communistsecurity, news, communist, research, history1
budapestacappella.huThis year’s festival awaits young guests with fun activites on Saturday: make an instrument from recycled materials, learn about a cappella, find out more about the Castle district. Activities are designed to involve age groups form very young to adult, and are lead by experienced facilitators.district activity, activity agefestival, family, june, castle, guest1
notus.huThe mission of our agency is to maximize the efficiency of our Hungarian and foreign clients’ marketing activity from the least possible budget and provide international quality services at Hungarian price level. A too small or too large project does not exist for us, the only thing which matters…marketing activity, activity possiblemedia, campaign, strength, success, client1
cbrnhungary.huOur main activity is to complete research, representation and marketing tasks for our partner companies, Gamma Technical Co. and Respirator Company, - two leading Hungarian manufacturers in the field of CBRN detection and defence - on their export markets, also providing consultation services…main activity, activity researchwebsite, technical, corporation, market, task1
magyarbankholding.hu…center in the countryside, Békéscsaba, creating 800 workplaces in the region. Responsible thinking applies at all levels of the bank's activities and its corporate social responsibility strategy, with an emphasis on financial literacy, commitment to community values, volunteering, equal…bank activity, activity corporatenews, group, organizational, structure, banking1
apostille.org.huOur service included all activities required to fulfill the legalization of the document. (document collection, legalization, translation, delivery)service activity, activity legalizationdocument, legalization, delivery, international, certificate1
arttrend.huTihany offers a wide range of activities for visitors all year round, so whatever the season, there is something for everyone.range activity, activity visitorart, luxury, house, programme, price1
visionfinder.hu…conversation group in that it builds on learnings from your past life experience, and the sharing of insights within the group. And above all, it is a workshop in that we use all the outputs of the training activities and discussions to build future plans that inspire you and fit your present life.training activity, activity discussionvision, finder, group, support, venue1
instantselfie.huIf you want to collect marketing leads on your event, we can set the photobox to collect newsletter subscriptions before printing the photos. With this feature, you will not only provide a fun activity with branded photos but get valuable leads from engaged customers.fun activity, activity photophoto, event, rental, wedding, corporate1
e-repair.huThe primary focus of Schweizer Elektronik Ltd. is to provide quality service for our customers in terms of the electrical assembly of household appliances and servicing coffee machines. Our business activities also include marketing and selling electrical products of top qualitybusiness activity, activity electricalwarehouse, reference, gallery, repair, customer1
monochromeclack.huThe Monochrome Clack group is a result of the joined creative activities of two hungarian artists, Éva Köves painter and Andrea Sztojánovits digital artist.creative activity, activity hungariancollection, research, proposal, color, biennale1
egerszegtaxi.huIf you have any comments or complaints about our activity, please email us at or contact our colleagues at +3692333333.complaint activity, activity colleaguesaccommodation, complaint, city, night, day1
finessa.huOur company was established in 1993. In June 2000 a new management took over the direction of the firm transforming its main activity into the international and domestic freight traffic.main activity, activity internationalhistory, vehicle, inquiry, freight, domestic1
kbtraining.huPlease note that the Controller will use the services of data processors for data processing as follows. The data processor shall follow the Controller’s instructions. The Controller shall be responsible for the activities of the data processor, as if it performed them itself.responsible activity, activity datadata, training, participant, controller, process1
craftagency.huEvery job is unique and exciting for us. Therefore, our working territory consist of a wide range of tasks, we like to design, organize and develop even for online, offline advertising activities that require plenty of creative attention. Do not hesitate to contact us, we might have a key to the…advertising activity, activity plentycraft, agency, advertising, factory, strategy1
grepton.huWe consider progress and continuous improvement to be important, so we always strive to be able to create something new and forward-looking. This approach allows us to be technologically at the forefront. We apply this innovative approach, trained in our R&D activities, to the delivery of custom…approach activity, activity deliverysolution, industry, detail, tender, career1
4smile-dental.huAlthough our main activities are aesthetic dentistry and implantology, we do other treatments from the wide spectrum of dental activities.main activity, activity aestheticdental, dentistry, smile, material, removal1
boroapartman.hu…and its surroundings, the caterings on the bank of Tisza, to enjoy the numerous culinary experiences provided. Countless forms of leisurement activities and sporting facilities can be found in Tiszafüred and around Lake Tisza, providing a good experience for young and old, couples, families and…leisurement activity, activity sportingguest, rate, apartment, protect, discount1
mascher.huI create in several fields of the fine arts, so it’s hard to define my activity, to name my homepage. It was obviously to choose aviation art, because all pieces of my art are connected to aviation. Since 1997 I have been (as only Hungarian) an Artist Member of the American Society of Aviation…hard activity, activity homepageart, aviation, picture, painting, sculpture1
rocham.hu…partnership, the engine for development and welfare and a real tool in the benefit of the business community and entrepreneurship. This is an initiative of a business group of companies and private persons with interests in developing their economic activities both in Romania and in Hungary.economic activity, activity romaniaassociation, romanian, circle, member, site1
crownacademy.huWe place a great emphasis on the wide range of activities and the conscious use of play to develop the competences that are fundamental for a smooth transition between different life stages.range activity, activity consciousgroup, academy, crown, location, small1
csullogestarsakft.huThe company was established in 1995, at which time we specialized in painting and decorating. Over the last 20 years development of the company has been undiminished. In 1999 we expanded our scope of activities to include masonry and bricklaying. To satisfy clients’ demands, the company then…scope activity, activity masonryclient, customer, painting, development, introduction1
taxicab.huCAB has been active for more than 10 years, with providing activities ranging from private transfer services for smaller events and business travel for business people to the organized trips for tourists on holiday in Central-Eastern Europe. We offer long-distance private transfers in Hungary or…year activity, activity privatetransfer, day, trip, bus, vienna1
drtamasiajurveda.hu…types of apartments in Radhe Resort, all with an equipped kitchen, air-condition, private bathroom and a Mediterranean patio. The “4 sunflower” rated accommodation, sauna, Jacuzzi, heated outdoor pool, ahimsa vegetarian restaurant and organized activities make the time spent here a real experience.organize activity, activity timenatural, article, treatment, ayurvedic, medicine1
budapestuomo.hu"The Dress Me and You Quality Tailoring’s activity represents values that are ought to be an example to follow among Hungarian small entrepreneurs. It’s a pleasure and an honor to me to be able to support a good cause."tailor activity, activity valueticket, fashion, tailor, main, programme1
fiumeiresidence.huFiumei Residence is situated in the great location with easy access to all the area’s activities. Modern housing surrounded by historical heritage. Whether you want to travel, shop or enjoy culture, you have all these options at your disposal.area activity, activity modernapartment, build, investment, flat, floor1
metatox.huOur website renovation we special care has been taken to provide a more professional and get to know in more detail the activities of Metatox Ltd., its products and its business policies.detail activity, activity metatoxwebsite, safety, data, sheet, quality1
benceremoniamestered.hu…the preparations, and he provided us with many helpful tips. We didn't follow the old, traditional line of thinking when it came to games and activities, and Bence understood this perfectly, leading the celebration accordingly. Based on the feedback, our guests had a great time. It was the most…game activity, activity bencewedding, day, sure, guest, detail1
sinkovitsphoto.huIn addition to my main activities, I have had the opportunity to work with several agencies and publishers over the years, while getting to know the models in Budapest and Pécs.main activity, activity opportunitywedding, family, model, event, graduation1
speedfitness-13.hu…activated and trained on an individually dosed, targeted basis – even the hard-to-reach muscles on the waist and hips! Metabolic and enzyme activity is increased, and energy consumption rises. The musculature is built up, excessive fat is converted into energy and successfully reduced – an…enzyme activity, activity energytrainer, training, muscle, pass, personal1
zmg.huIf you want to look into our pedagogical activity, you can find the most important information about the life of our school.pedagogical activity, activity importantschool, gallery, photo, teacher, document1
500lx.huOur activities reached regular (residential lighting, office lighting, industrial lighting) and special lighting - ornament and sport lighting, light-building, exclusive lighting, etc. Our works are speaking for themselves: Gödör at Elisabeth square (Budapest), Hero's square at Miskolc, Aqua C ity…lighting, luminaire, measurement, custom, introduction1
karro.huAs our present activities and portfolio demonstrates, we are open to business propositions for innovative venture possibilities but also for well established conventional ideas.present activity, activity portfolioinvestment, property, commercial, industrial, management1
f-kontakt.huHere you can find a selection of our references to showcase the quality and wide spectrum of our professional activitymachine, manufacture, tool, machining, improvement1
elsato.huOur enterprise has developed, manufactured and sold electronic products (both hardware & software) for the B2B security industrysince 1995. Our activity focuses to meet the requirements arisen first of all in the local market, but due to this experience, we are increasing export and import…industrysince activity, activity requirementssecurity, industry, random, control, electronic1
charleshotel.huFor guests preferring public transport, the bus stop is just a few meters from the Hotel, providing access to the city center in 10 minutes . Our multi-lingual receptionists and bell-boys are always there to help you, answering your questions, giving you directions, and providing a wide range of…range activity, activity hotelcenter, studio, room, restaurant, website1
360fokbringa.hu…the ceremony was unforgettable. After this we had a party until early morning, then next day there was an afterparty with a lot of outdoor activities. It was a great idea because this way we could spend more time with our family and friends coming for the wedding. Two special friends were…outdoor activity, activity greatday, people, road, asia, way1
bethlenter.huIn 2010 he was awarded with the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary Commander’s Cross. “To Chief Rabbi Róbert Deutsch, director of the Budapest Rabbinate, head of the Rabbinical Body for the recognition of his activity and work in respecting and nurturing the ancient traditions, bringing the…recognition activity, activity workjewish, synagogue, community, religious, congregation1
trendent.hu…dental services by dental mechanics since 1993. Our work prepared for patients from European countries (e.g.: Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany) have called our attention to the fact that there is demand for high quality, aesthetical dental and dental mechanical activities at reasonable prices.mechanical activity, activity reasonableimplant, dental, tooth, denture, clinic1
hm-management.huHungary has a consolidated export and import activity, and can be considered a market in some aspects almost domestic, with good prospects for development in the medium and long term.import activity, activity marketmanagement, assistance, country, transparency, investment1
in15.huIN GROUP is one of the leading companies in the field of project development, real estate investment and construction. Since it was founded in 2004 and to date, its main activities have been focused in Hungary, and it has set itself the objective of business expansion in other European countries.main activity, activity hungaryfloor, technical, location, visit, office1
itstudy.huThere are plenty of free digital educational resources and web-based online interfaces for teachers on the Internet nowdays. Discover our collection, where you can find a description of digital devices that support learning and teaching activity, a short user guide, and even search and filter…teach activity, activity shorteducation, vocational, teacher, training, development1
meditervill.huThese pages provide an insight into the activities of our company, as well as help you in choosing the appropriate equipment, services.insight activity, activity companyequipment, main, page, technology, news1
equinox.huOur technical inspectors thoroughly review the entire process of construction activities, tailored to our clients' needs and in compliance with professional requirements and regulations.construction activity, activity clientdevelopment, preparation, management, consulting, reference1
kovgafam.huOur activities include the production of prototypes in the field of research and development (R+D).production, quality, eng, machine, precision1
ishs.huThe purpose of the International Society for Hermeneutics and Science is to develop an understanding of the role of hermeneutics in natural sciences through, among other activities, organizing meetings, editing a newsletter, disseminate information, and facilitate discussions by an international…science activity, activity meetingscience, society, international, vienna, university1
unicranes.huDo not worry about spare parts. We provide continuous maintenance and support activities regarding spare parts as well as for already existing equipment at your site.support activity, activity sparecrane, overview, maintenance, equipment, gallery1
tmerp.huThe main mission of T&M ERP Rendszerház Ltd. is to develop the operation of domestic companies. In order to achieve a more effective activity, we deal with the organization and analysis of organizational diagnostics and the implementation of organizational development plans based on them. Our…effective activity, activity organizationimplementation, solution, process, management, operation1
rowanhillglobal.huIn our investments and activities, we strive to create the greatest value possible. We are a pioneering company in the fields of fintech, blockchain, insurtech and AI-based robotics technology. Our solutions are born for global markets and target a large number of users.investment activity, activity greatglobal, strategy, mission, valuation, value1
bettery-digital.huBTL activities are more interactive and give the opportunity to brands and consumers to connect on a personal level.btl activity, activity interactivecampaign, creative, media, management, view1
god.hu…with its smaller lines flows in the Felsőgöd part. The Széchenyi and 72 greater-and-smaller other springs origin at the Danube bank in Alsógöd as well as two artificial lakes: the Horgásztó (Fishing Lake) and the Feneketlen-tó (Bottomless Lake). Intensive aquatic sport activities go on the Danube.sport activity, activity danubelocal, place, line, introduction, location1
simmoag.huThe Company focuses on long-term profitable real estate investments, and its activities include real estate development, the purchase and lease of commercial real estate and active asset and portfolio management.investment activity, activity realnews, office, portfolio, estate, main1
konigunits.huIts activities include such as distribution of raw materials for ice cream production, pastry and bakery, furthermore professional assistance and guidance in the mentioned branches.unit, news, quality, distribution, national1
synergyfox.huMaximize your recruitment efficiency and find the perfect new colleagues! The cornerstone of a digital recruitment strategy is a company-specific career portal, which serves HR and employer branding objectives completely separate from sales and marketing activities. Don't miss out on the most…marketing activity, activity valuablesynergy, management, corporate, manager, premium1
d-paprika.huThe core activity of the company includes drying of fruits and vegetables. The drying capacity is provided by two belt dryers on 400 m2-s. Raw materials are supplied by 100 contracted primary agricultural producers and their families, most of them located in the vicinity of the plant.core activity, activity companytender, family, sidebar, certification, energetic1
mayexusa.huMayex USA is a corporation registered in the State of Nevada, USA. The main activities of our company are related to a proprietary container cover and dispensing device, designed priamrily for beverage bottles.main activity, activity companydrink, utilization, mineral, water, development1
mhvcosinus.huwhose main activities cover engineering, management, consulting, technical inspection and expert advisory tasks primarily relating to rail-bound railway infrastructure and the associated infrastructure asset system.main activity, activity engineeringpreparation, investment, consulting, text, introduction1
fixpmo.huConsulting firms are typically contracted for a task or project. We know that maintaining Jira is an ongoing activity - so it can really benefit you in your management. That's why we'll be here for you in the long run to support you when needed.ongoing activity, activity managementjira, management, administrator, administration, portfolio1
sarimetal.huOur customers can count on us in laser cutting , CNC flame cutting and our scope of activity also includes bending , thread forming , fastening of fasteners , welding processes , spot welding , stud welding and sheet rolling . With these technologies we are able to manufacture complete sheet metal…scope activity, activity bendmachine, welding, metal, bend, cut1
eventit.huProviding staff for support activities (entry, call center, accreditation), project managementsupport activity, activity entryevent, telecommunication, network, management, accreditation1
carion.huWith a view to expanding Carion Holding's international investments, The Carion Group established its first companies in the United States of America in 2008. Business activities in the USA have included commercial real estate development, property management, investment found management, direct…business activity, activity usa, lend activity, activity venturegroup, estate, investment, capital, management1
omegaautocenter.huOur main activities are purchasing of semi trailers and lorry trailers, fulfilling of individual export-import orders, used tracks counting in and second hand selling. Satisfied costumers are using their vehicles as a result of our outstanding work in the past.main activity, activity purchasecenter, sell, costumer, map, gallery1
triad.huCarrying on the previous activities we also provide software lifecycle support services and consultancy. As part of the local R & D community, we jointly work with Universities on technology issues and take our part in the social life of the community.previous activity, activity softwarecustomer, document, consulting, credit, model1
primemetal.huPrime Metal offers a comprehensive and global service to companies that need metal waste for their production, as well as to companies that need to manage the waste they produce from their activity.metal, waste, sale, management, international1
pamet.huWe constantly follow and apply the trends and developments related to our activities. Good laboratory practice and proved innovative solutions are taken into account when selecting test methods and devices. We are the first in Hungary to use FTIR spectroscopy for emission measurements and other…development activity, activity goodassurance, quality, emission, measurement, source1
astellasaszakdolgozokert.huSome people say that planning makes betting boring activity, but the truth is that proper planning is a very important component to achieve long-term success.bore activity, activity truthbetting, successful, football, discipline, money1
emcglobal.huAt the beginning of 2020, we expanded our profile and are now present not only in Europe, but also as a Hungarian and regional representative of companies in the Far East. In line with the challenges of 2020, we got involved in one of the most effective coronavirus containment activities…containment activity, activity qualityglobal, website, machinery, trade, card1
mtgholding.huIn bankruptcy, liquidation, winding-up and liquidation proceedings, the advisory activities are effectively carried out by liquidation commissioners, assisted by lawyers, accountants, economists and other professionals employed under a contractual relationship.advisory activity, activity effectivelyproceedings, liquidation, bankruptcy, wind, introduction1
grand-development.huThe activity of the GRAND real estate development company is focused on the implementation of high-quality and effective solutions in the field of residential real estate.development, river, news, real, estate1
balance.huLater, with our clients interest considered, the services were extended to other activities related to finance.service activity, activity financeaccounting, sheet, payroll, consultancy, book1
harmatingatlan.huThe Veszprém Zoo is more than just a showplace. It is constantly expanding its services with interactive activities and adventure services such as the African Savannah playground, where you can adventure on rope courses, climbing frames, bouncers and even climb on a real zebra striped safari…interactive activity, activity adventurehouse, room, century, square, programme1
ntk-kft.huThe excellence of our activity is proven by the successful audits of multinational customers at our company, the supplier’s appraisals, which show consistently high performance, and the awards earned for our cooperative approach.excellence activity, activity successfulindustrial, electronic, process, quality, plan1
sacibt.huMy company the Saci Könyvelő Bt. founded on the 16th of april in 2004 and our main activity is accounting service.main activity, activity accountingaccounting, individual, family, client, introduction1
meatland65.huMajority and largest part of our market are Central and Eastern Europe, and some particular countries of the Far East. Our priority, besides our export and import activity, is providing our Clients with accurate service and high quality raw materials. The quality of our distributed products is…import activity, activity clientmeat, land, mobile, sale, market1
ferencgazdasaga.hu…it in our online reservation system. You can also rate your coach and the court to help us make our services even better. You can do this all for free! Feel free to also invite your friends so that they can join in on the fun. Sign up on the BooGoSport website and enjoy the recreational activities!appointment, trainer, booking, court, sign1
eastwestunion.huAnother field of our activity is just simply getting information to solve some ad hoc problems, like translation services during an accident in Hungary, some official processes like getting different kinds certificates, informations on weight restrictions, etc.field activity, activity simplywest, union, east, useful, portfolio1
katonalab.hu…plasticity. We aspire to delineate the molecular architecture of these novel pathways and to elucidate their physiological roles. Ultimately, this activity is envisaged to help gain a better understanding of synaptic function and reveal new aspects of impaired synaptic activity in brain disorders.ultimately activity, activity well, synaptic activity, activity brainlaboratory, molecular, news, people, publication1
szfe.huThe University of Theatre and Film Arts is committed to the spirit of our country's Fundamental Law and the original intentions of the Founding Fathers of the European Union along with its activities based on academic research, teaching and the freedom of studying. Together, as citizens of the…union activity, activity academicinternational, institute, art, student, institution1
bollamotor.huiPhone, iPad, Android Apps – We offer our clients an additional resource to drive their online activities, target new audiences and increase market penetration.online activity, activity newdetail, alignment, app, responsive, image1
fibulahotel.huOur 70-person conference hall and cellar room offer an ideal setting for company meetings, team-building activities, smaller conferences, or weddings.team activity, activity smallapartment, page, room, offer, package1
beautybalance.huI have just had my 3rd Diode Laser treatment and it is very effective! Almost enough sessions to get the full result. Weeks go by without the activity that used to be part of my daily routine.week activity, activity dailydistrict, treatment, beautiful, studio, skin1
dogandpony.huThere are many benefits to outsourcing your digital marketing activities to an outside agency, which is why many other businesses already do it! Since you will gain almost immediate access to the expertise of experienced advertising specialists, you won’t need to spend time on research, learning…marketing activity, activity outsideagency, logo, dog, advertising, media1
marketool.huOur main activity is to provide to our Customers cutting tools that meets today’s requirements. If necessary together with the tools we provide the technology too.main activity, activity customertool, market, technology, production, news1
london2000.huFuel delivery In addition to retailing activities, our association tries to satisfy wholesaler demands as well. We offer our members a solution with which they can enjoy significantly lower prices than market rates, thus making considerable savings on an annual basis.retail activity, activity associationstation, news, fuel, operation, charge1
metaweb.hu…Association’s mission is to develop the discipline of health economics and health economic theories and to support health economic research activities in collaboration with other national and international associations. The Association aims at improving the image of Hungarian health economic…research activity, activity collaborationassociation, economic, health, international, research1
fortunaexpressz.huOur goal is to provide our partners with the most modern and highly equipped fleet. The technical reliability of our vehicles is ensured by the regular maintenance activity performed by our own repair shop located at our business premises.maintenance activity, activity repairdelivery, vehicle, logistic, track, fleet1
goconcept.huFrom the preparation to the finalization of the training, everything went very smoothly with the GoConcept team. They both came up with creative activities and properly managed their execution. Our colleagues especially appreciated that the trainers were very helpful and easy to communicate with…creative activity, activity properly, framework activity, activity chancetraining, lab, development, trainer, change1
energiaklub.huIn March, 2021, when the deadline to determine which economic activities could be deemed “green” approached, the leaders of the Czech Republic, France, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary...economic activity, activity greenenergy, nuclear, climate, photo, article1
environtec.huThe focus of the exhibition is one of the most important questions of the 21st century: how can we keep our environment at a livable level by transforming our society, economy, and industrial activities, with adaptation practices and serve economic actors interested and active in mitigation and…industrial activity, activity adaptationexhibition, application, topic, environmental, water1
karoscamping.huZalakaros is a unique spa town. In addition to its unparalleled thermal baths, it offers a range of eco-tourism attractions, exotic wildlife, hiking trails and a wide range of leisure activities. The camping site itself allows guests to immerse themselves in nature.leisure activity, activity campingthermal, site, holiday, nature, ideal1
correct-csoport.huThe CORRECT Research, Organisation and Trade Ltd. has been in operation for more than 30 years, meeting the highest quality requirements of the owners and our clients. Our company has been expanding its range of activities ever since its foundation in 1991.range activity, activity foundationcorrect, office, exhibition, quality, real1
izinta.huThe loss of local isotope production was compensated by imports and the launch of new activities. At the same time, the marketing of radiopharmaceuticals began.new activity, activity timehuman, diagnostic, therapy, science, need1
baumeister.huHe managed the water-heating-and metal work system as a mechanical engineer. I was responsible for the construction, and building things nuder ground. Our main activity is building things nuder ground, bat we often take building enginering, and reconstruction work upon ourselves. When we started…main activity, activity thingintroduction, beginning, build, heating, owner1
amadeus.huBudapest Apartments Tourist information: Guests in our Budapest apartments have all of the knowledge of our local staff at their disposal. Once all of the formalities are out of the way, we are free and happy to answer any questions concerning life in Budapest, leisure activities, monuments…leisure activity, activity monumentapartment, price, centre, room, accommodation1
hologram.huThe biggest harm to the economy and to value producing companies is caused by forgers. If forgers take advantage of the defective protection, products can easily become their prey. It is not only the economy that suffers the forgers' activity, but it becomes more difficult to collect taxes, and…forger activity, activity difficultsticker, reference, protection, foil, safety1
friendly.huFriendly brings a truly regional dimension, we are already present in 6 countries in CEE region with our communication solutions. Along our HQ in Budapest, we are present activities in Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Italy and Germany. Offering a unique look at design, technology, and…present activity, activity sloveniafriendly, digital, media, technology, development1
syndicatestudio.huOur team was created by six Hungarian film experts who gained experience in various fields of visual media in the last 10 years. Our main activities are film and video production, photography and 3D animations. We work tirelessly to bring synergies to life and present exceptional content to those…main activity, activity filmstudio, video, production, photo, photography1
budcb.hu…sales promotion, and continuous analysis of market trends, BUDCB endeavors to attract a greater number of international conferences, congresses, and other business events to Hungary. This comprehensive approach positions Hungary as an appealing destination for a wide range of MICE activities.meet, guideline, destination, bureau, convention1
gimm.huManufacturing of operational parts for the food industry (smaller functional parts of conveyors and distributors, welding and assembly) had been an essential part of our activities since the foundation of the company. Most of the products are exported to Sidel Blowing & Machines, one of the…essential activity, activity foundationmachine, technical, manufacture, industry, history1
geonauta.huJoin us and help to collect the garbage- or support our activities to stop the destruction of our environment. With our activities we are planning to solve this planetary problem in the long run.environment activity, activity planetaryway, el, journey, gallery, garbage1
gedikft.huWith the reliable, trained labour background our aim is to hold on the innovative investment activities and to use the modern technologies in the interest of the entire satisfaction of the customer claims.investment activity, activity modernfacility, concrete, reference, establishment, agricultural1
drgasparlevente.huHis professional activity covers the full range of Orthopaedic Surgery such as diagnostics, conservative and operative treatment of loco-motor system.professional activity, activity rangepage, orthopaedic, university, department, surgery1
kisallathamvasztassopron.huI have started the activity – in Sopron and its neighborhood – to reduce the bodies of little pets into ashes in order to help the owners relieving their pain.little, farewell, owner, versatile, easy1
prezilimpia.huBut what about consumers? Are they aware of the impact they have on themselves and their environment with their daily activities and habits? Do they know, for example, how much is the adequate daily fluid intake or what effect the lack of sleep has on the human body? Are they aware that it is…daily activity, activity habitpresentation, competition, talent, student, round1
lab-comp.huThe service team of Lab-Comp Ltd, with several decades of experience behind them, places great emphasis on the accurate and precise execution of service activities. The effectiveness of our work is indicated by the fact that we provide ad hoc and contractual service activities in pharmaceutical…service activity, activity effectiveness, activity pharmaceuticallaboratory, chemistry, lab, support, sale1
noerapartman.huWe also have activities for younger children and bikes and table tennis tables for older children.apartment, airport, road, near, development1
meerrettich.huThe plant of life force is horseradish, and this resource is close to our cold store and it greatly determines our activity.vegetable, fruit, peach, cherry, fresh1
blumprogram.huWe are working on the social dissemination of scientific knowledge and on creating a dialogue as well as on the formation of the associated activities and community movements in the field of the new challenges of education (the characteristics of children with atypical history of development…formation activity, activity communitychild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher1
hegyaljagyongyszeme.huAt the pension you have opportunities for home-made wine-tasting, barbecueing and pig-killing. The nearby facilities provide good sport and free-time activities, such as biking, outings, horse riding and fishing.time activity, activity bikingpension, site, warm, welcome, wine1
kodalyinstitutefoundation.huThe Foundation for the Kecskemét Kodály Institute was established in 1995 in order to help secure the financial background of the study programmes and activities of the Kodály Institute.programme activity, activity kodályinstitute, scholarship, foundation, academic, memorial1
loland.huOur new website summarizes the activities and solutions of our team. Do you have Questions? Drop a line […]website activity, activity solutionenergy, electrician, hire, industry, build1
facilityservice.huFacility management includes those service activities which require professional skills. As long as you need an independent expert, our team will be more than happy to offer our competences in the following fields:service activity, activity professionalfacility, consulting, management, support, reference1
zsidokivalosagok.huKálmán Balogh is one of the best known dulcimer players not only in Hungary but also internationally. Two important areas of his activity are...gallery, exhibition, group, history, homepage1
magorganic.huMagOrganic Ltd. is located next to the Tisza lake near the edge of the town of Tiszafüred, and the villages of Tiszaigar, Tiszaörs and Tiszaszentimre. The company’s main activity is organic crop production and livestock farming.main activity, activity organicorganic, article, buyer, consultancy, introduction1
oroksegintezet.huThe Heritage Cultural Political Institution (Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet) founded in 2012 – unlike the majority of domestic public political institutes - has a definite profile of expertise: its main activity includes doing research and analysis, organizing conferences, handling projects and…main activity, activity researchcultural, culture, research, event, political1
mueller-dental-heviz.huIf you you decide decide to to combine combine your your dental dental treatment treatment period period with with leisure leisure activities activities we we recommend recommend you you the the following following freetime freetime activities activities in in and and around around Hévíz..leisure activity, activity recommend, freetime activity, activity hévízdental, treatment, dentist, crown, private1
aktivponttihany.huIt is only up to you where we go, what we do, how long we stay, these are all arranged in a flexible way before leaving port. We are happy to answer any questions about Tihany, Balaton, Hungary, or life on the shores of the lake. Are you interested in the amazing activity of sailing? After…amazing activity, activity sailingsailing, lake, pleasure, sailboat, small1
szombathelyiugyved.huThis website is designed to help You choose Your legal representative with a general presentation of my activities. In all cases, I can take care of Your case after prior consultation and appointment , so please contact me at one of the contact details on the website!presentation activity, activity caselaw, page, legal, real, estate1
hotel-budapest.huThe capital's iconic hotel in Buda provides an ideal venue for small and large meetings, senior management meetings, seminars, trainings, team building and creative activities .room, price, available, booking, event1
bbis.hu…The younger students would usually go for 2 or 3 nights to a destination in Hungary. Students have many opportunities to participate in fun activities that are always interesting and help inspire teamwork and encourage us to face new challenges. All students make lovely new memories that they…fun activity, activity interestingschool, student, primary, secondary, admission1
hotelpresident.huThe hotel has introduced new standards of cleanliness and safety , including regularly intensive cleaning of all public areas and disinfection of rooms by using professional cleaning products with high antimicrobial activity, safe food management and compliance with preventive measures by all…antimicrobial activity, activity safepresident, room, city, center, offer1
madagaszkar.hu- The activity, task and role of the honorary consul is ascertained in the Agreement signed on 24 April, 1963 in Vienna.madagascar, honorary, republic, task, country1
iepd.huof teaching, expansion and improvement of skills, expansion of general and professional knowledge, educational, publishing, publishing and media activities related to the professional sphere. Target audience Research and teaching staff of higher educational institutions, researchers, doctoral…media activity, activity professionalinstitute, educational, development, internship, method1
torekivendeghaz.huIn the Guesthouse and in the shared garden and area, please refrain from any behavior or activity that disturbs the peace of others, regardless of the time of day.behavior activity, activity peaceguesthouse, guest, room, house, gallery1
perkor.huIn addition to the warehousing, retail and wholesale activities we are able to level sheets and sheet metal parts of our clients, made of stainless steel and constructional steel. By our powerful machine we can reduce the internal stresses so that the material can meet the tolerance on flatness.wholesale activity, activity ablesteel, cart, stainless, resistant, sheet1
pmi.huHave you ever tried riding a sledge in winter? Amazing pastime activity isn’t it, especially if you like to feel that breeze on your skin? Going all the way down the slope, moving faster every second of the ride, looking around. Oh, look out!...pastime activity, activity especiallycertification, pm, award, overview, member1
spiritsdigest.huThe foundation of Hendrick’s Odd Party includes exquisite cocktails created by some of the finest bartenders in Bulgaria, fun games and activities led by unique characters inhabiting the world of Hendrick’s, a live DJ set, cocktail prizes and lots of entertainment.game activity, activity uniquebrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
utilapu.huOpen Doors, our working group has been organizing CultiRider for 2 years now in which our international volunteers visit the Hungarian countryside and engage with the local communities and youth in joyful activities, bringing intercultural experiences to rural areas.joyful activity, activity interculturalcommunity, transparency, intercultural, people, opportunity1
ambrox.huThe main activities of our Engineering Office are mechanization and automation in various fields including designing and manufacturing special machines and tools. We are controlling the whole process throughout each development phase right from concept making to instalment. Besides, we perform…main activity, activity engineeringmachine, analysis, element, manufacture, introduction1
kereszthivatkozas.huIf your experience is focused on a single marketing channel or a single type of activity, yes! Learning how the rest of your marketing ecosystem works can yield great results and optimization opportunities.type activity, activity yescourse, digital, optimization, channel, day1
autonomia.huAutonomia Foundation was established in 1990 to promote civil society development. It supports civil initiatives in which people mobilize the available local resources to reach their goals. We partner with Roma and non-Roma civil organizations in our development and grant giving activities among…giving activity, activity marginalizedchange, youth, programme, integration, foundation1
varberg.huIn our opinion it is of utter importance to use research activities before development activities in order to achieve more efficient and successful goals of development.research activity, activity development, development activity, activity orderltd, associate, management, solution, development1
graphit.huTecnomatix Planning and Management solutions provide a single source of product design and manufacturing planning information. With these solutions, you can significantly improve collaboration between product and process development activities. You are able to bring products to market faster while…development activity, activity ablesolution, site, software, fast, manufacture1
fridomasszazs.huThat’s true, every profession, every activity can be greatly honoured, if you do it with heart and soul and your expertise is highly developed.profession activity, activity greatlymassage, price, guest, discount, swedish1
pharmaroad.huProviding expertise within different realms (GDP, GMP and GCP) of international pharmaceutical wholesaling activities of human medicine and medical deviceswholesale activity, activity humansupply, international, division, management, pharmacy1
besthostel.huWelcome to Budapest, a city that allows you to discover and indulge in some of the craziest and most offbeat activities out there. Tired of the same old sightseeing tours and traditional tourist attractions? Then you’ve come to the right…offbeat activity, activity oldbudget, travel, hostel, affordable, city1
sprintcamion.huThe SPRINTCAMION Zrt. our group of companies has been actively present on domestic and international freight forwarding market since 1990. Our logistic activity includes a wide range of goods handling at its best.logistic activity, activity widelogistic, furniture, warehousing, transport, delivery1
szerelek-javitok.huMost builders focus on building new homes, so renovating is typically a part-time activity for such tradespeople.time activity, activity tradespeoplerenovation, maintenance, testimonial, example, faq1
newdoor.huBackground The main activity of KAVOSZ Zrt. is the provision of loans and cash loans to small business customers, primarily to micro-enterprises. The ultimate goal of the company is to…main activity, activity kavoszstory, communication, digital, value, competency1
primustrust.huA Family Office provides customized planning and management of all aspects of family wealth, that goes beyond asset management and may include tax planning, purchasing and managing real estate or collectibles and tasks related to philanthropic activities.trust, protection, asset, tax, family1
cruisingbudapest.huEveryone longs for a little pampering, romance, an unconventional activity every now and then! We take care of these days and evenings! Don't hesitate to invite your partner to a nice Danube Cruise, where you can really relax, enjoy a glass of wine or a glass of champagne, while toasting together…unconventional activity, activity carecruise, dinner, night, sightseeing, romantic1
metal99.huOur activities mainly cover the production of doors and windows for rail-guided railway vehicles and buses, but we also deal with the production of parts for public transport vehicles, and the production, repair or even renovation of stairs and handhold structures.metal, production, homepage, repair, electrical1
smartians.huWhat is our professional motto? Developing skills, knowledge and attitudes for the youth by involving them in our various activities...training, education, career, news, management1
kekkutcottage.huThe Blue Hiking Trail is nearby, and there are many activities and tourist attractions within half an hour (Szilvasvárad 5 km, Eger 35 km).nearby activity, activity touristcottage, house, booking, active, garden1
mgtsa.huIn addition to commercial activities, the company is also involved in real estate development.commercial activity, activity companyindustrial, document, material, supplier, expectations1
arrabonavill.huOur activities range from control distributors to the production of 3200A Prisma Plus standardized power distribution equipment.electrical, construction, low, equipment, store1
miller-tech.huOrganizing of rework and sorting activities for mass-production partners, providing the required resourcessort activity, activity massdetail, custom, production, tool, sheet1
dansol.huDANSOL is your trustworthy partner in Hungary for all business requirements ranging from purchasing, engineering support, and handling of commercial and logistics matters with top manufacturers and suppliers in the Middle East and Asia markets. We will handle and manage your business activities…business activity, activity selectionsolution, equipment, industry, supplier, purchase1
bozayattila.huBetween 1990 and 1993, he was the director of the Hungarian National Philharmonic, an activity requiring much time and energy. Subsequently, he looked back at this work, which had taken him away from composition, with some remorse. However, not to mislead the reader, here, as always, he undertook…philharmonic activity, activity timemusic, biography, composer, period, academy1
aktivtours.huWe are glad that you are interested in our company. On our website you can get an insight into our activity and have an overview about our services and offers.insight activity, activity overviewgroup, leisure, incentive, eye, tour1
panmedia.huOur experts handle classic display campaigns, PPC activities (Google, Facebook, Etarget, Bing, etc.) and programmatic campaigns with confidence. Our agency has created successful image and conversion campaigns alike.ppc activity, activity googlemedia, agency, history, campaign, market1
rtg.huOur comprehensive CSR consultancy undertakings and broad experience ensure our clients activities appropriate to the expectations of their company and stakeholders. We are proud that our professional calling and interest has remained undiminished since the firm’s inception. We find it important to…client activity, activity appropriatesustainability, reference, strategy, responsibility, corporate1
blueride.huMany people don't know the ideal part & the clear water of the Danube although it is provides awesome opportinities for water sport activities.water, danube, booking, date, ride1
dorlin.huThis fact motivated the owners of our company to add many other activities to the range of services beside distributing lubricants.company activity, activity rangeprotection, industrial, lubricant, plant, complex1
prosysmod.huThe activities of the Virtual Lab are to investigate stochastic- (for instance maintenance), deterministic (e.g. mechanical etc.) systems and processes modeling - basically in the engineering and technical management - to work out mathematical models that help decision making of engineers and…virtual, lab, process, modeling, publication1
airportsecurity.huOur company main task of the safety of international civil aviation ensure the protection of airports and provision of groud handling and airport services activities (cleaning, building maintenance, car park), but in addition for orders of undertaking other objects, guarding, cleaning, operation…service activity, activity cleansecurity, airport, job, reference, handle1
minicards.huAgora Science Experience Centre Debrecen-Science can be exciting, fascinating and fun! Agora combines fun and games with learning; children and adults can discover special instruments and curiosities, participate in spectacular experiments and interesting educational activities.tourist, discount, card, location, advertiser1
elmenykulonitmeny.hu…we have been encouraging severely ill children since 2011. In the meantime, we pursue our obsessions - do sports, cook, play music, celebrate, or juggle while standing on our heads. Together with our colleagues we can turn charity into an excellent team-building activity! Will you join in?event, campaign, fundraising, art, category1
besel-schwaeller.huManufacturing electronic control and power distribution apparatus is the main activity of the company.main activity, activity companycable, printing, control, tester, electronic1
kikiformis.huStrenuous activity is not recommended in the 24 hours after treatment, because the treatment has a continuous effect for 24 hours.strenuous activity, activity hourtreatment, body, massage, pregnancy, session1
pemszti.huWhen I was in preschool my grandmother taught me the knack of crocheting, knitting and sewing. My mother encourages me till today, she is my main critic, her opinion is very important for me. As a child I was always engaged with DIY activities and repairing with my father and grandfather. If I did…diy activity, activity repairchild, exhibition, book, tender, daughter1
angolaembassy.huVisitors can also closely follow the activities of our Diplomatic Mission in its wide range based on the political and diplomatic relations, friendship and cooperation between the Republic of Angola and Hungary.closely activity, activity diplomaticangola, embassy, event, diplomatic, sector1
bakator.humake the life to manufacturers, traders, and not least end users simpler and more convenient. In addition, we also perform several supplementary activities for our customers. Relying on our own machine pool, we are also looking forward to orders of adhesive labels, bags with string and ribbon…supplementary activity, activity customer, continuously activity, activity demandbuild, packaging, house, construction, quote1
bschenk.huWinning an EU research grant does not only mean new avenues for research activities, employment possibilities or the upscaling of the infrastructure, but also substantially contributes to the branding and prestige of any research organization. In the Horizon Europe framework program almost 100…research activity, activity employmenttraining, research, grant, communication, europe1
swgroup.huOver the years, I have experienced and learned from my own hands and the tasks that arise in enterprises, which are related to non-primary activities, but are just as important, the problems that arise during the operation of the facility, and the solution needs of entrepreneurs and managers. We…primary activity, activity importantgroup, clean, garden, solution, security1
selyemviragok.huOur company’s main activity is the realization of artificial flowers, artificial plants, Christmas decorations, Christmas-tree ornaments, artifical pines, Easter decorations, decorative packing materials, souvenirs and other accessoires for flower arrangement and decoration .main activity, activity realizationdecoration, artificial, plant, flower, holder1
interreg-project.huMy name is Roland Molnár. I have been part of cross-border and transnational partnerships for over a decade. My professional activity is mainly concentrated in the West-Transdanubian region, - in the border areas of Austria-Hungary and Slovenia-Hungary -. I provide comprehensive services from…professional activity, activity mainlydevelopment, border, transnational, management, implementation1
itlgroup.huPassion, Professionalism, and Ethics are our guiding Principles when assisting companies operating in Hungary. So far, so good: in the last 25 years, we’ve helped more than 500 companies with their daily requirements, supporting the development of their activities and advising them about their…development activity, activity localtax, law, real, estate1
clearvision.huWe carry out application development and system integration activities, our staff members have many years of experience in project management, system engineering, software development and testing in a heterogeneous operating environment. In our first years, we have tried our team in several areas…integration activity, activity staffsolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication1
rivtrans.huOur company has many years of experience in the above activities, as part of which we perform assignments for European and Asian groups across Europe (eg. on routes Paris-Rome, London-Amsterdam, Frankfurt-Wien, etc. with among others European, Asian- Chinese, Malaysian, Indian, American groups too).experience activity, activity assignmentchinese, travel, europe, reliable, vehicle1
achilles.huFamily day and training in picturesque ACHILLES PARK!! Achilles Park is an excellent choice for family days and company team-building activities.sale, news, gallery, programme, offer1
personaltrainerbudapest.huAt school I participated in and enjoyed all sports activities but particularly excelled at football and athletics. A lot of things changed when I moved to Brussels, it has made a big difference to my life. I couldn't continue football, and since I've always been interested in fitness, bodybuilding…sport activity, activity particularlynutrition, body, training, trainer, plan1
nakedman.hu* The participation fee of 999 EUR / person includes all activities, a sweet single room, 2 meals a day, snacks, and hot beveragesperson activity, activity sweetman, title, site, facilitator, kingdom1
metamatik.huOur company maintains a full (material and environmental) liability insurance, which covers all and any incidents arising during the carrying out of its activities.…build, engineering, management, facility, electrical1
iptker.huOur company was founded in 2008 , our main activity is the trade of parts used in automation of machine building and the design and manufacture of individual machines. We have created a commercial company in Hungary that not only sells to the industry, but also supports its customers from a…main activity, activity tradeprofile, solution, pneumatic, automation, machine1
erdorezervatum.huForest reserves are protected forested areas (consist of strictly protected core area and buffer zone) where all human activities are ultimately stopped so that the natural processes of the forest can prevail and thus become easier to recognise and study. In the last few decades such areas were…human activity, activity ultimatelyforest, reserve, programme, homepage, main1
fekete-sereg.huOur mission is giving possibilities to the youth of the village to spend their free time by doing useful activities, to support bottom-up initiatives of the young living in the village.useful activity, activity initiativevolunteer, news, opportunity, youth, publication1
szujomoto.huOur main activity is building custom exhausts for 2T bikes and engines and other things related to that area, but we can also help you with 4T bikes or any kind of metalworking if needed.main activity, activity customhomepage, exhaust, order, picture, custom1
jatszohazgyula.huWant a really fun activity for the kids? Visit our playhouse, where there's lots of creative and fun games for kids and adults alike! Our huge play area is fun for the whole family.fun activity, activity kidroom, inside, adventure, target, outside1
komfen.huThe legal predecessor of our firm was formed as a family business with 2 employees in 1989. For several years we have been working with 25-30 employees. Our main activity is the production and distribution of funeral products . In order to meet demand as much as possible, we constantly improve and…main activity, activity productiondistribution, production, funeral, introduction, order1
wolbi.huSo whether you’re spending meals together, going out on weekends, playing intramural sports or on-campus activities you’ll be doing it alongside your best friends in the world. A group of people studying God’s Word together, helping each other grow and doing ministry together.campus activity, activity alongsideinstitute, bible, admission, student, academic1
ccch.huWe work to inspire, support and promote our members by providing value-added services and activities. These include business interaction, conferences, business forums and business and social networking.service activity, activity businesscanadian, event, chamber, commerce, membership1
xl-lemeztechnika.huOur company was founded in 2011. Then even with commercial activities. In 2017-2018 we built a 1000 square meter hall, which we designed to be suitable for metalworking in all respects. We paid great attention to construction so that the costs outside production were very small.commercial activity, activity squaremachine, cut, tube, bend, welding1
furedi-annamaria.huIn the Chinese philosophical system, femininity is passive and masculinity is active. In the Hungarian dualism, which our fathers preserved from the ideas of the Northern Eurasian-American Ice Age to the present day, both femininity and masculinity contain activity and passivity. Their features…masculinity activity, activity passivitycanada, woman, people, thing, category1
plasticgate.huIt lies in our power to extend our above mentioned activity with administrative services which makes comprehensible the process of collecting WASTE and conduces to the compulsory data providing for the Environmental Protection Agency and the WASTE acknowledgement.power activity, activity administrativegate, plastic, waste, foil, cardboard1
magnitude.huTo help organizations to take under control their activities and related performances, we have developed Kiboard™ , a tactical dashboard for Apple iPad.control activity, activity relatedconsulting, technology, management, organization, italy1
humandialog.huBy our activities we aim to help more and more non-profit organizations in Hungary to do their fundraising and communications activities in a professional and ethical way, with independent and solid finances assured by the donations of tens of thousands of individuals.communication activity, activity professionalhuman, dialog, fundraising, communication, client1
je-zo.huManufacturing oil industrial hose couplings and valve parts made for deep-sea oil drillings is a part of our activities. These products undergo a high level of quality control in order to fully eliminate manufacturing errors.drilling activity, activity productquality, news, cut, lathe, gallery1
ernstgaleria.huErnst René Wastl was awarded the Cross of Merit by the V. District Municipality of Belváros-Lipotváros Budapest Capital City for his outstanding activities in the promotion of Hungarian art and culture.outstanding activity, activity promotiongallery, art, painting, poster, antique1
h-p-s.huThe main activity of Hörmann Pannon Software Ltd. is the design and implementation of custom-built software systems, from the initial steps to installation and even beyond. Our main profile is the production of logistics, process control and production support systems.main activity, activity hörmannknow, solution, reference, job, opportunity1
thomasker.huOur main activities are trading laboratory fine chemicals and pharmaceutical raw materials.main activity, activity laboratoryable, customer, requirements, chemical, special1
erufoodtrading.huERU Food Trading Ltd's main activity is the distribution of high-quality food products. We pay special attention to the well-known, traditional Camping processed cheese. In addition we offer several innovations, specilaties, like: gourmet jams, beverages, condiments, sauces, and other delicacies…main activity, activity distributionfood, trading, sausage, brand, main1
tertiomillennio.hu…Millennio is to establish an educational training centre in the heart of Budapest. In doing so, we seek to create an outstanding environment for students and families alike to engage in academic studies, social, cultural and religious activities, all within a friendly and Christian atmosphere.religious activity, activity friendlysocial, centre, impact, training, page1
ceremoniamestered.hu…for us. He was really helpful in putting together a customized agenda for our special day. During the day his presence, his speeches, his activities truly elevated the event. Meanwhile he was also very well organized and he was a real puppet master behind the scenes who made sure everything…speech activity, activity trulyceremony, wedding, feedback, guest, day1
dmm.hu…to more advanced, multifunctional tools for lawns and for maintaining other crops. Striving to stand on several feet, we have expanded our activities to other industrial areas through the development of our machine park: power machines, automotive components, gears, production of devices for…foot activity, activity industrialseed, pumpkin, technology, machine, main1
ipari-csarnok.huOur warehouse tents are a flexible solution to any storage problem. A warehouse tent provides a protected environment for various activities - construction and renovation work or manufacturing.environment activity, activity constructiontent, hall, warehouse, lightweight, construction1
balticm.huBaltic Management and Solutions began its activity in 2015 in the capital of one of the Baltic countries - Riga. By the time of registration of the company in 2015 in Latvia, our founders had already worked for a long time with future customers. That is why, at the time of foundation, Baltic…solution activity, activity capitalbaltic, management, solution, registration, foundation1
pecsimosogepszerviz.huOur company, as it is today, was formed in 1999 as a family business. Our main activities revolve mainly around maintenance and repairs on household appliances, especially refrigerators, washing machines, ovens, stoves, dryers, heat containment devices and dish machines in Pécs and the surrounding…main activity, activity mainlyrepair, appliance, order, brand, household1
penzjegynyomda.huWelcome to our company’s new website, where you can find information about the 100-old-year history of the Hungarian Banknote Printing Company and the wide range of its current business activities. Our company having been founded in 1925, is in the ranks of the oldest Hungarian companies.business activity, activity companybanknote, security, stamp, document, printing1
x-ventures.huX-Ventures is Hungary’s leading venture fund management company that coordinates the activity of X-Ventures Alpha Zrt. (the fund management company) and 3 funds (Alpha, Beta, Gamma).company activity, activity venturefund, portfolio, capital, news, venture1
avico97.huWe are introducing the activities of Avico ’97 Ltd. e.g. system survey, design, trading, implementation of Public Address and Voice Alarm Systems that can support buildings or other types of sites. Furthermore you can find a summary of the brands (and product groups) we are representing on the…alarm, voice, sound, knowledge, base1
musicteacher.huResearch has indicated repeatedly that the study and daily practice of music has a dramatic impact on many areas of learning and growth, not to mention the intrinsic joy that it brings to one’s life. Musical instrument lessons are a great activity for children. They encourage creative thinking…great activity, activity childmusic, teacher, bass, piano, private1
tars95.huThe company was established to manufacture custom steel structures. In order to better meet market demands the scope of activities was extended by constructional execution works.scope activity, activity constructionalprevious, reference, machinery, structure, steel1
leadgenerator.huYou can and should keep track of our activity in your own account, because it's important that you can respond to enquirers, commenters, etc.track activity, activity accountprice, profile, order, account, lead1
iplstudio.hu…the therapy. The thermoelectric cooling system of the machine also ensures a painless and comfortable procedure. The duration of a treatment is 5-10 minutes at the end of which all you have to do is wipe the cooling gel off the treated area and you can return to your daily activities right away.daily activity, activity righttreatment, skin, hair, light, area1
smart-hr.huProviding a full range of HR services, we completely cover all personnel management issues, allowing our clients to focus on their key business activities.solution, recruitment, staffing, staff, worker1
settlers.hu"Settlers have supported us for various activities related to helping our employees settle in Budapest and getting the necessary documentation done per due process. Settlers team is always very professional and have deep knowledge that really helps. We greatly value their services."settlers activity, activity employeeimmigration, relocation, authority, matter, destination1
feic.hu…possible lowest price. In several cases the preparedness and professional knowledge of the security service providers are not in balance with the real needs of clients and the complete absence of an onsite security expert makes the coordination of security activities unmanageable (and unreliable).security activity, activity unmanageablesecurity, independent, expert, consulting, consultant1
oroshazaglas.huSince the establishment of our company in 1995, we have been dealing with flat glass processing. Our activity is divided into three sectors: construction, vehicle and other industrial applications. All three areas of application are significant.process activity, activity sectorglass, homepage, application, industry, vehicle1
babgyaloglo.huthat gives all the answers, was born to be a healing for so many souls in this difficult world. We have created a world where children and adults alike can retreat from the outside noise and listen to themselves. We help them do this through our trail hikes, story nights, and snuggle day activities.event, village, art, book, theatre1
ibcnet.huAndroid based smartphone business application with several modules for supporting the day to day activities of colleagues.day activity, activity colleaguesdevelopment, application, mobile, case, study1
deszan-cutters.huOur company was established in 2000, its main activity is the production of cutting dies, tools and parts for shoe, car and packaging industry. Deszán Kft. employs nearly 70 people now.main activity, activity productionproduction, quality, cut, page, manufacture1
persoft.huThe effective process-oriented operation and the continuous development of the activities is crucial for the companies working in the private sector in order to retain their competitiveness. The poor knowledge of the processes and the improper management causes mainly the problems of the…development activity, activity crucialdevelopment, consulting, process, management, perfect1
kiutprogram.huWe integrate our clients into market-based cucumber production systems, and in the given circumstances this activity is the one that makes it possible to become independent of public work or aid.circumstances activity, activity possibleway, main, support, poverty, employment1
iceee.huICEEE is the International Council of Environmental Engineering Education which is defined as the international non-profit independent organization of non-governmental (civil) cooperation for environmental engineering education and scientific research for the future, joint efforts of the world…university, science, environmental, engineering, faculty1
brandway.huBrand Way & Compass® Advisory, Trademark Protection, Marketing and Servicing Ltd. was established for providing professional representation of domestic and foreign clients in the field of IP. Our activity covers the treatment of the industrial property and copyrights, in particular representation…ip activity, activity treatmentbrand, way, youngsters, privacy, trademark1
aether.huOur system made searching in the NDA archives a social-experience by visualizing other visitors’ search and browsing activity, and developing this ‘cloud’ of cultural content alongside the active visitors choices and interest.browse activity, activity cloudarchitecture, space, aether, house, camera1
karatsonarchivum.hu…as possible of the artist’s multifaceted work, presenting his philosophy of life, and disseminating knowledge drawing on the results of comprehensive research activities. Our goal is to preserve a personal remembrance of Gábor Karátson and to pass it on to future generations in all its complexity.research activity, activity goalarchive, collection, research, book, database1
interaquaflora.huWe started our activity as a hobby, but it has been developed to a professional company since then.introduction, aquarium, plant, website, water1
sziklakorhaz.huPlease support the work of our Foundation with your donation. We use your help to maintain the museum, to donate class trips for disadvantaged children, and provide our scientific, research, and educational activities.museum, ticket, hospital, nuclear, donation1
fertilia.huBesides the moisture content, temperature and biological activity of the soil, the forms of nitrogen constituting the fertilizers also highly influence in how many percents the active agents of the applied artificial manure becomes available nutrient for the subject plant. erotik shop erotik shop…biological activity, activity soilfertilizer, guide, solution, liquid, calendar1
gts-automation.huWe conduct ourselves as your true partner in success. Our company aim to be your valuable business partner by offering solutions and services that will improve the production processes and, thus, the entire activity.solution, automation, software, packaging, industry1
realmanagement.huOn the following pages, we give you an insight into the activities of our company, share brief information about the properties managed by us, and indicate our contact data. Should you have any questions regarding our services and current offers, please contact our central office which will…insight activity, activity companyreal, management, reference, career, responsibility1
silatti.huBaths and spas, adventure swimming, hiking in the area, playgrounds and children’s activities can also be a great experience for families with small children.child activity, activity greatapartment, room, guest, house, accommodation1
zolkiss.huMostly I'm working on Java based Backend software, but in my free time I like to learn new technologies related to Frontend... or Javascript based backend... or anything interesting I found on Google. This page serve the purpose to cover my activity to reach the world domination. So, have fun :)purpose activity, activity worlddeveloper, client, date, close, software1
franchisehungary.huIt may be the "master" of a country or region, that is, the only person or entity responsible for a particular area within a person. A person who purchases an activity for the management of a country or territory purchases a franchise right in that area.person activity, activity managementapplication, need, range, option, opportunity1
balatonpetanquefestival.huCome and be part of a series of tournaments in historic locations with surprise activities for you!festival, calendar, reference, tournament, international1
költségosztó.huBuildings exist to protect people from the elements and to support human activities Buildings should not make people sick, cause them discomfort, or otherwise inhibit their ability to perform...human activity, activity buildingair, quality, solution, building, indoor1
1000ff.huOur firm was established in 2016, and its primary activities are centred on printed and online layout design. Since then we have collected enough experience not just to solve problems, but also to be constructive, and with our attitude of querying rigid rules we have expanded the limits of…primary activity, activity onlinegraphic, animation, brochure, catalogue, poster1
komuveszet.huSeveral listed buildings, new office blocks, renovated city centers and restored statues bear testimony to our successful operations, covering the following activities:office, block, masonry, center, reconstruction1
multisoft.huImprove the customer experience, streamline the work of your merchant team, and track your marketing activities in one place!marketing activity, activity placeinvoice, application, development, solution, power1
starfol.huWe also strive to set and achieve goals that go beyond the world of work: we support activities, programmes and events that bring value to the people around us. According to our approach, this is the key to the future and guarantees progress.work activity, activity programmepackaging, industry, hygiene, material, logistic1
globalbusinessgroup.hu…relying on a combination of physical assets, logistical presence, and professional expertise, with the company continuing to expand its products trading activities with new traders and commodity desks being added regularly coupled with expanded support from middle and back office functions.trading activity, activity newgroup, global, view, petrochemical, oil1
mavrec.huExpanding the activities, our company opened a collection centre for recyclable waste at Budapest, Madridi street ...homepage, news, latest, success, common1
actpartner.huOur main fields of activity are full-range strategic grant consulting and the preparation of expert studies, business plans and budgets related to the applications.field activity, activity rangegrant, training, act, application, plan1
bridgeinstitute.huWe believe that knowledge transfer is the first key pillar in any cooperation that is used to encompass any range of activities, tools or network to support mutually beneficial collaborations.range activity, activity toolcourse, cooperation, education, knowledge, engagement1
shefitness.hu…did. This will result in positive thinking and will push you to compete against yourself. There are many online logs that you can keep, as well as devices that you can use to automatically track your workouts. This way you can see your fitness activity efficiency and formulate your own challenges.fitness activity, activity efficiencytrainer, personal, woman, studio, district1
ecofact.huEcoFact Kft. will help you shape your HACCP system to best fit the size and activities of your company!size activity, activity companysafety, fire, payroll, regulation, accounting1
lezermuvek.huLézerművek Kft. is a Hungarian company established in 2015, starting its businesses with laser engraving and laser welding based on 15 years of professional experience. According to the changes of market demand its activities are expanded towards mould repair. By increasing its machinery besides…demand activity, activity mouldmould, repair, welding, engraving, cut1
oaktree.huInternet marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing activities on the Internet, including desktops, smart phones, tablets, display advertising and any other digital media ...marketing activity, activity internetwebsite, development, application, tree, oak1
modeloffice.huThe ModelOffice Ltd. was established in 2002. The company's main activity is connected to the actuarial and IT services. You can obtain more detailed information by clicking on the appropriate menu point.main activity, activity actuarialconsulting, application, development, valuation, portfolio1
niptex.huWe strive to provide our partners with innovative solutions in the field of hand protection. Our designing, manufacturing and selling activities are in accordance with the stated requirements and expectations of our customers. Our commitments are clear, accurate and measurable.sell activity, activity accordanceprotection, glove, family, safety, quality1
goldenbridgehome.huIf the weather is not favorable for outdoor activities, there is no need to despair, because the house has a terrace, as if we were outside and inside at the same time. That way, if it rains, you can sit down here to grill, play board games, and chatoutdoor activity, activity needbridge, coffee, favorite, autumn, spice1
drpapprobert.huI Take care of any amendment of the articles of association of your existing company following a change in the scope of activities, the registered seat, or plants or managers of the company.scope activity, activity seatlegal, association, assistance, website, lawyer1
szabadterek.huWe also have activities that we regularly do every year together with our members, in order to raise awareness about our work and the causes important to us. Therefore, each yearspace, network, member, society, open1
qualitytours.huQualified by the Hungarian Convention Bureau we provide local destination knowledge and act as an extension of your company. Be it a weekend trip to Budapest, a thematical wine tour on the countryside, an incentive with teambuilding activities and gala dinner, or a roundtrip in Central-Europe, we…teambuilding activity, activity galaquality, tour, tailor, group, event1
kh.huSection 164/B of the Banking Act provides an opportunity for some of the K&H Brand Group members to carry out joint data processing activities in order to strengthen their bank-insurance model. moreprocess activity, activity orderaccount, card, loan, saving, investment1
flow.huI studied international public administration that I completed with a master’s degree in economics. During my undergraduate years I worked at AIESEC in an international student organisation, and I was responsible for the organisation development activities in Hungary. Since this experience I…development activity, activity hungarydevelopment, management, leadership, training, group1
elitebrand.huSuccessful digital marketing is a key element of any marketing activity. Let’us find the best digital marketing platform for your services, products or brand.marketing activity, activity goodbrand, use, news, digital, media1
bidicon.huMeasurement and online monitoring of sport activity & performance during workouts and games…sport activity, activity performanceindustry, solution, vision, gear, connection1
equery.huThe whole-body EMS technology delivers electrical stimulation directly to the muscles causing them to contract and relax just as they do during physical activities or workouts. EMS technology has a long history of research and development carried out to reach perfection. There are several distinct…physical activity, activity workouttechnology, muscle, horse, wireless, stimulation1
hadacs.huAnswering the what, who, why, when, where, and how for all your activities on social media channels, ensuring a well thought-out strategy for your business.social, media, mission, power, goal1
frame-online.huThe editors of the website wish You useful reading and flawless system development activities.frame, history, architecture, website, intelligent1
bagodihutohaz.huThis is a new activity at our company. Now we have one reefer truck and can transport our products, and also do contract transportation.new activity, activity companyfruit, certification, history, food, quick1
sadam.huAs a researcher and developer, I prefer to dedicate myself to signal analysis & synthesis, however, I have participated in several different projects related to data processing, score rendering and other tasks. Currently my biggest activity is the development of the analysis-synthesis package of…big activity, activity developmentmusic, software, publication, support, website1
rbif.huThe RBIF keenly supports organisations who work hard to promote such activities, acting as an added-value partner in their CSR activities. The RBIF sets a leading example of good practice by being fully committed to open financial management, accounting and auditing.hard activity, activity value, csr activity, activity rbifchild, burn, foundation, international, sick1
directsafety.huCorporate management systems can consist of several components that are capable of covering an entire company and assisting operational activities.safety, direct, health, occupational, environmental1
foundry.huYou can have access to the most important data of the Hungarian foundry industry and the association members, as well as to the links connected to foundry activities.foundry, free, capacity, metal, job1
devyou.huWe are open for partnership requests in many initiatives. Our main profile includes: Erasmus+ KA1 & KA2, Internships. We have a broad network of active young people to participate in activities.people, youth, initiative, soon, partnership1
hangszergyujtemeny.huWe cater for all ages with individual and group guided tours, musical activities and special instrumental programmesmusical activity, activity specialgroup, school, event, instrument, camp1
compat.huOur present activity focuses on the sales and installation of passive components for copper and fiber-optic cable access networks manufactured by 3M Company (St. Paul, Minnesota, USA). We act as distributor for 3M Hungaria Kft. (1138 Budapest, Váci út 140.) and are a qualified vendor of Hungarian…present activity, activity salemain, network, component, summary, cable1
baritoncom.huOver tow decades of supplying the best in sound system and acoustic design, conference system, interpretation system has contributed to our experience. We have extensive experience in sound, conference systems and studio operation. Range of activities: sound system and acoustic design, conference…range activity, activity soundsound, range, interpretation, conference, acoustic1
slowfood-kecskemet.huGardening is one of the best past-time activities and fun for all ages. Working together in the garden with children...time activity, activity funfood, news, market, child, cheese1
lastminutewellnesshotels.hu…of Hungary. This title was won due to the vicinity of Lake Balaton and the Volcano Valley of Badacsony Mountain, as this region offers numerous opportunities to excursions, tours, wine cellar visits and special programs in the terms of wine and activity. Bonvino Hotel Balaton**** Badacsony, Hungarywine activity, activity bonvinodeal, package, enquiry, price, piece1
avicogroup.hu…projects called GAMA Residence in the 9th district at the corner of Gát and Márton street, the Greenside and Uptown lakópark in the 13th district. The company is also in the process of expanding localy and internationally and seeks to expand and broaden the depth of its international activity.district, group, fully, hand, flat1
falcontechnika.huFalcon Technika Company was founded in 2002. The company specialized for producing and distributing of small-scale beverage equipment’s. Our main activity is the production of filling machines, carbonated machines and auxiliary machinery such as bottle washer, rinse, labeling, and crown sealing…main activity, activity productionbottle, machine, water, production, main1
cgeopol.hu…transatlantic connections, and, as a policy, does not lobby in the interests of any one of its individual members nor does it seek out or accept government subsidies. This independent and neutral position is a vital foundation for the Council's lobbying activities within the European Parliament.lobby activity, activity europeancouncil, member, board, research, foundation1
naturavit.huThe main activity of our company is the manufacturing and distribution of nutritional supplement products.main activity, activity companyextract, cinnamon, manufacture, packaging, presentation1
beppe.hu…is also known for its historic buildings, including the 13th-century St. George Chapel and the 19th-century Schossberger Castle. The village is a peaceful and charming place to visit, with a relaxed atmosphere and plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and fishing.outdoor activity, activity hikingguesthouse, house, calendar, cave, castle1
naturteto.huThe main scope of activities of our firm is reed and straw roof thatching, including the manufacture of shades and fences made of reed and straw or the production of any structures covered by similar materials. This form of roofing has had long traditions in Hungary. Thatching is considered one of…scope activity, activity firmroof, straw, woodwork, umbrella, beach1
serbiz.hu„To establish the service sales activities in Daikin Central Europe we reached out to SerBiz to help us to Develop the service sales force and to professionalize the market approach.sale activity, activity daikintraining, sale, development, market, consultancy1
picimfalum.huThe salt mine has been long known to be beneficial for respiratory diseases. The mine also has a church, a playground and other facilities including recreational activities at a depth of 120 meters.recreational activity, activity depthdistance, approx, house, guest, church1
righttohealth.huI made the right decision. If I had stayed within the official setting, perhaps I never would have come across the information that forms the foundation of my activities today.foundation activity, activity todayseries, medical, coronavirus, health, list1
marathonsport.huOur products are made according to the disciplines of the industry, the Hungarian sports equipment standards and the rules prescribed by sports federations. The customers will get the products we manufacture and distribute after our strict quality control. Our transportation and assembly…assembly activity, activity vehicletool, quality, page, main, equipment1
capoeirabudapest.huCapoeira is not just a physical movement or a training routine. Besides of it We always do lots of other activities together.class, training, requirements, event, music1
zane.huZANE systems LLC was founded in 2012 by electrical engineer Zoltán Erdei. The company was established to meet the needs of foreign and domestic circuit design, accordingly, the main activity of the company from the very beginning is the production of electronic circuit board and electronic design…main activity, activity companycircuit, development, quotation, software, prototype1
maratonmernok.huApplying advanced techniques, like soft sensors and multivariable control is an everyday activity of us in this field, whihc results in better qualty control and increase of throughput.everyday activity, activity fieldcontrol, unit, advanced, industry, process1
ggdent.huIn addition to oral surgery, we provide services covering all areas of dentistry, from traditional conservative dental procedures to aesthetic dental solutions. With the help of our premium category equipment and tools, the more difficult-to-recognize tooth and bone changes may be treated as well…change activity, activity accuratedental, implantation, tooth, implant, oral1
komposztal-a-tep.hu…as well as reinforcement of selective waste collection in practice. This will include a free telephone line, in person and email availability for public consultancy service. Awareness raising and educational activities are taking place at the schools of the settlements and for the adult residents.educational activity, activity placewaste, management, collection, settlement, container1
progresszivnyomda.huwas founded in the capital of printing, Békéscsaba, in May 2004. We started our activity in a two floor, 600 m 2 building. In 2016 we moved to the neighbouring lot - Erkel street 8. - where our own new 2000 m 2 park is located. In the last couple of years we focused on achieving high quality…békéscsaba activity, activity floorpage, printing, prepress, download, reference1
atlas.huATLASZ Office is located in Budapest's western gate in Budaörs at the junction point of the busiest expressways of the country - M1 and M7. Owing to the city's high commercial and business activities, central logistic location, excellent infrastructure, and pleasant green environment, many…business activity, activity centraloffice, virtual, room, meet, day1
albamez.huHoney production and honey consumption have historically long-running roots. Bee-hunting was an ancient activity that was first seen on a 8,000-year-old cave drawing in Spain (Valencia). Bee-keeping activity has been inherited from generation to generation, and this valuable activity has been…ancient activity, activity year, keeping activity, activity generation, valuable activityhoney, flower, acacia, bee, effect1
ultrasmart.huWe have a significant portfolio of consulting and we also undertake expert assignments, including forensic expert activities.lab, development, production, research, innovation1
galamboslogistic.huwe regulate the working processes of our activities influencing the performance of our Environment Protection Policy, impacting significantly the environment - surface cleaning, handling, warehousing - we keep the regulations concerning state of emergency up-to-date,process activity, activity performancelogistic, environment, protection, value, clean1
mvosz.hu…of MVOSZ covers the whole country and the association has members in all 19 counties. MVOSZ has reached more than 50,000 businesses, and our members provide 100 education programs and events annually. All of these ensure that we can professionally carry out our activities, fully and effectively.professionally activity, activity fullyassociation, enterprise, efficiency, event, page1
technoorg.huTechnoorg Linda is operating in several fields of nanotechnology. The main activity of the company is developing and manufacturing of ion technology based instruments for extended use in specimen preparation and depth profiling connected to transmission and scanning electron microscopy. These…main activity, activity companyscientific, preparation, user, magazine, news1
hahn-law.hu…identified. In judicial and extrajudicial proceedings, in drawing up contracts, we offer comprehensive legal advice in our two law offices in Budapest and in Vienna in Hungarian, German and English. You can find a detailed presentation of the profile of our law firm under the menu item Activities.law, office, vienna, firm, field1
gena-kft.huConfidence of the clients and the continuous expansion of our activity are based on our quality policy, business philosophy and flexible solutions.expansion activity, activity qualitytrade, maintenance, quality, industrial, solution1
officialemsculpt.huThe muscle temperature raises by several degrees, similar to what a warm-up activity does before any workoutsimilar activity, activity workoutofficial, clinic, treatment, doctor, surgeon1
inciner.huOur team of professionals will help you in choosing the right incinerator for your activity. We design, manufacture, commission and provide maintenance for our entire range of incinerators.incinerator activity, activity maintenancewaste, disposal, technical, warranty, optional1
5x.huAll rights reserved for this DVD. Only home play is authorized. It’s prohobited copying any parts of the visual or audio materials of this DVD. Strictly prohibited showing this DVD at any public places. The above activities or the their toleration would be fined.place activity, activity tolerationceremony, course, reservation, shaman, path1
kishorgony.huDepending on the season and weather there is an opportunity for sailing , or ice sailing, ice skating . Apart from these activities you can fish from our sailing boat even from afternoon till late night if requested.apart activity, activity sailingguesthouse, introduction, sailing, garden, recreation1
neweld.hu2018 brought the next step in our company’s development. The two awarded GINOP tenders allowed us to start our production in accordance with the owners’ wishes. Our commercial activities are complemented by pressing and turning as per the automotive industry expectations.commercial activity, activity automotivewelding, production, consumables, material, machinery1
dss.huWith our proven methodology, we cost-effectively support the data migration activities of organizations during system implementations and core builds.migration activity, activity organizationsolution, data, development, quality, software1
pestextfestival.huIn general our aim is to show how literary pieces of different languages and cultures are able to become part of the reading list of another country and its people. Therefore, PesText is focusing on the significance of literary translation, as one of the most important creative activities. This is…creative activity, activity sloganfestival, literary, author, writer, literature1
cmlgist.huAfter its previous activities, the CML AND GIST PATIENTS ASSOCIATION decided to renew in 2012. Since then the TOGETHER DAY, a free conference in Budapest with lectures, patient-doctor meetings and other community programmes is organized every year. Between 2013 and 2017 the association edited…previous activity, activity cmlgist, patient, association, member, handbook1
aidevelopment.huOur advanced algorithms can draft, send, and respond to emails, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic activities. Experience increased productivity and improved customer engagement.strategic activity, activity experiencedevelopment, productivity, feature, translation, operational1
highquality.huFrom our warehouse located in Eger we take orders for long term warehousing and distribution activity. The purpose of the service is to combine warehousing, quality inspection, distribution and resident engineering services and to provide high quality and logistic solution for our partners…distribution activity, activity purposequality, action, customer, support, inspection1
okolakopark.huIn our ecovillage, we are building a world in which we can live our lives safely, away from industrial activity, in a healthy environment, independently from any major system. Our own wells, closed water system, renewable energy system based on solar and geothermal energy, professionally organized…industrial activity, activity healthymodel, house, plan, area, location1
theorangefiles.huOn September 12, 2018, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) of the European Union adopted a resolution asking the Council of the European Union to determine if the government of Hungary has initiated measures and engaged in activity that present “a clear risk of a serious breach” of the…measure activity, activity clearnational, file, orange, election, european1
kon-trade.huOur company continued its activity initially at a leased site at the Mechanical Works Industrial Park and then at the ISG site in Budaörs. In 2002 in the area of ISG, as well as later on BITEP’s site we started building our wholly-owned establishment. The construction of the new site was completed…company activity, activity initiallytrade, news, login, production, customer1
pestbuda.huThe downfall of the first Hungarian railway Technical problems, and price competition caused by rivals caused the loss of the first Hungarian railway line. The company, which started with high hopes, suspended its activities 195 years ago. This was the Pest-Kőbánya suspension railway.hope activity, activity yearago, square, public, build, century1
palcso.huThrough our manufacturing activity, our stringent quality control and food safety control system, our experience and expertise, as well as our continuous pursuit of quality ensure that our products are not only good, but also meet customer-to-consumer demands at the highest level.manufacture activity, activity stringentpig, quality, technology, consumer, cream1
vandortura.huOur domestic and foreign hiking tours provide excellent leisure activities for those interested in touring. We organize tours at various levels for both shorter and longer distances.leisure activity, activity interestedtour, canoeing, cycling, hiking, gallery1
olforg.huWe carefully plan and execute all of our work processes to provide our clients with high-quality and environmentally conscious services. The activities conducted in our workshop are carried out with expertise and dedication, aiming to meet our clients’ expectations and promote innovation and…service activity, activity workshopmilling, turn, client, reference, quality1
lemanit.huInitially Lemanit Ltd. started its activity with 15 machines, at present our machinery counts 150, which allows us flexible production as a specialist in fineribtubular body-width fabrics in women and man sizes.lemanit activity, activity machinefabric, body, range, machine, size1
etiquette.huIn the international politics, protocol is the etiquette of diplomacy and affairs of state. It describes how an activity should be performed, especially in the field of diplomacy.state activity, activity especiallyevent, management, course, corporate, protocol1
pedalbar.huTransportation of Budapest Shooting Range Fun for All Mud Wrestling Fun in Budapest Our Favourite Drinking Games The Perfect Stag Present: Mud Wrestling 8 Activities that Beer Seriously Improves Beer Mugs: Shapes, Sizes and their Importance A Brief History of Biking Fall Concerts and Festivals…wrestling activity, activity beerbike, beer, tour, draft1
rapabon.huHe is responsible for sales activities, cooperation with business partners and organizing the logistics.sale activity, activity cooperationsolution, director, wide, knowledge, sale1
volumetric.huVolumetric Hungary started its activities in 2009 and became an active player in the residential property development market in Budapest and Nyíregyháza. Having successfully delivered its emblematic investment in Budapest, it has recently focused its activities on its developments in Nyíregyháza…hungary activity, activity active, recently activity, activity developmentdevelopment, developer, environment, investment, value1
deltafitness.huThe delta is a friendly GYM, everyone can feel comfortable, everyone can find the most appropriate activity for themselves. Next to the weights and machines, there are kettlebells, TRX, fit-balls, boxing room in the GYM.appropriate activity, activity weightmonth, price, rule, bodybuilding, machine1
nezopont.huDr. Gabriella Vukovich, former President of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), will continue her professional work as Director of Economic Research at the Nézőpont Institute. At the same time, the Institute will expand its public opinion research and political analysis activities with epolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature1
partium.huPARTIUM ’70 Co Ltd. has been producing and trading polyethylene and polypropylene products for nearly 50 years. The company’s centre can be found in Debrecen, the production activity is based on Tiszaújváros Plant. The company was a member of TSZKER Agricultural Cooperatives Trading Network till…production activity, activity tiszaújvárosproduction, co., sheet, wide, corrugated1
q-projekt.huMecidiyekoy Escort is a neighborhood located on the Anatolian Side of Istanbul, where various activities and nightlife are busy. One service that takes part in this eventful life is the escort service. mecidiyekoy escort services are provided by many women who live in this neighborhood and offer…istanbul activity, activity nightlifegirl, escort, agency, city, client1
a-kontir.huin case of its accounting activities it selects the appropriate accounting management methods and the correct procedures for the economic eventaccounting activity, activity appropriateaccounting, digital, tax, accountant, office1
bth.huShould you find our pieces of work or our activity appealing, please feel free to contact us in any of the following availabilities.work activity, activity appealreference, main, page, development, restaurant1
hotsmusic.huHOTS (Hungarian Oncoming Tunes) is the music export brand for supporting and educating Hungarian acts to expand their activities on an international scale. It is amplified by Hangfoglaló, a subdivision of National Cultural Fund in Hungary, coordinated by Petofi Media Group Nonprofit Kft.. HOTS…act activity, activity international, pr activity, activity marketmusic, hot, news, sound, festival1
vikstore.huI was among the top 5 NFT creators on Binance in the “Innovative Creators Activity” awards in 2022.creator activity, activity awardimage, exhibition, digital, winner, collection1
bora94.huBased on its profile and experiences, BAZ CDA can be a reliable partner within any partnership, providing a strategic scope and offering effective action planning methods as well as coordinating networking and facilitating communication and dissemination activities among public and private actors.dissemination activity, activity publicdevelopment, llc, agency, county, international1
kontakthutom.huDon't miss any data anymore and get all reports you need when and where you want. Analyze them easily with our friendly interface and grow your activity.tool, data, like, reader, journey1
szav.huWhen first acquired, choose a general skill. When making a check with that skill, reduce the time required by 25%. The GM may determine that this talent may not be used with certain skills or activities.tier, activation, check, character, active1
igis.huThe activities of the company are controlled by Tamás Varga, who also does horse jumping on amateur level. He is a civil engineer / economist and in his own enterprise he manages an engineering office that controls large scale investments as engineering consultant. He spends his afternoons in the…horse, stable, international, ride, quality1
mbe.huMBE Service Centers facilitate the activities of entrepreneurs, businesses and private consumers through a platform of digital-ready shipping, fulfillment, marketing, e-commerce and print solutions delivered with a distinguished and unique level of customer service.center activity, activity entrepreneurlogistic, shipping, printing, ship, commerce1
weinberg.huOur family-friendly approach is also reflected in the organization of the summer camp. In the building and playground of our company, the children of our colleagues can take part in creative, playful and developmental activities all day long, close to their parents, under supervision.developmental activity, activity dayconstruction, general, award, steel, structure1
krajcarpack.hu…coex film structures are also used, thanks to this, we can produce aroma, vacuum or gas closing packaging. The production of pouches plays a key role in our activity. According to our customer requirements, we can produce plastic or paper pouches with different sizes, with a zipper, bottom or cap.role activity, activity customerindustry, printing, main, page, carrier1
nikolettadanian.huBuilding a brand that best captures the activities and the spirit of a company is extremely important. As your logo will be with you during the whole lifecycle of your company, it is worth to think it through and give enough time for the decisions and the creatiive process. I’ll present at least…good activity, activity spiritillustration, graphic, cover, identity, brand1
easymovingbudapest.huWe started our activity in 2023, with two enthusiastic friends joining forces. The fundamental goal of our business is to provide high-quality moving, mechanical, and cleaning services to our clients. To achieve this, we firmly believe in the power of flexibility, innovation, and unique approach.price, removal, clean, delivery, furniture1
fonixhotelbuk.huIn the Sauna World one may get rid of toxins and sludge obtained from daily activities, while the numerous services provided by the spa makes the recreation a special treat, both for kids and adults.daily activity, activity numerousroom, price, package, offer, gallery1
confindustria.huThe association’s activities are also aimed at developing bilateral industrial partnerships and relationships with the local business community interested in Italy.association activity, activity bilateralpresident, association, presence, membership, private1
atisziget.huBeyond ensuring the operation of the ÁTI-SZIGET and the current partners, our available infrastructural capacities enable the introduction of many activities, for example manufacturing technologies which need electrical energy, natural gas, drinking water, industrial water of significant volumes…introduction activity, activity examplenetwork, road, building, property, public1
lplmusic.huMy activities include: live music and DJ "live act" productions, complete music management of eventsmusic, testimonial, management, manager, classical1
banabox.huThe 1A GROUP was born out of a long-established range of activities. It was created by merging the core activities of our companies, which have been operating since 1996, and our new tasks. The hosting and web (1A Hosting) business, which supports the service of our own ideas, supplemented with…range activity, activity core, core activity, activity companycontainer, battery, storage, packaging, metal1
nokvilaga.huMinistry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Economy, the Hungarian Police and the Association of Journalists. The Association has gathered a lot of cultural, artistic and personal resources to create a solid foundation for developing various activities in China and Hungary.foundation activity, activity chinaperformer, event, woman, country, fashion1
siotabor.huWe also offer the possibility to various outdoor activities such as: 31m x 18m sand covered sports field for wolleyball or football lovers, nearly 70m2 barbecue place , a covered terrace for a maximum of 24 persons group events, 2 basketball hoops or tabletennis and so on…. In our hostel you can…outdoor activity, activity sandhostel, room, lake, bed, sound1
royalsiam.huThe Thai foot massage stimulates and triggers the activity of the internal organs. It creates a balance of the undisturbed functioning of blood and lymph circulation, improving physical condition and stamina. It promotes and perfects the body's immunity, detoxifying and facilitating long life.massage activity, activity internalmassage, masseuse, appointment, price, gallery1
towerconsulting.huTower Consulting, Budapest has been helping my company with bookkeeping, payroll, and accounting activities. Guido Pinter handles our account and I have found him to be responsive, knowledgeable, and helpful. Tower Consulting has made running a business in Budapest easy for me. I would highly…accounting activity, activity guidotower, accounting, tax, consulting, payroll1
any.hu…regions. ANY Security Printing Company’s strategy is focused on secure person and product identification and payment-related products. The Company’s activities are characterised by references such as the production of Hungarian electronic ID documents and the personalisation of biometric passports.company activity, activity referencesecurity, printing, document, solution, paper1
atlantikhair.hu– activities at the professional approach which can achieve good success – to create in the mind of the consumer a positive image of the promoted product or service, to fix the image, and thanks to the positive associative series push the consumer to buy.leaflet, distribution, advertising, type, people1
bodrogpartvendeghaz.huWe dreamed of a place that can provide all the best that Tokaj can offer. At our place, you can enjoy year around inside and outside activities in an intimate setting. Ideal for couples, a family of four that are looking for privacy, yet close to the city center.outside activity, activity intimateguesthouse, riverside, river, family, navigation1
vatafaka.huSo what is then Vatafaka? The performers just play together, almost always in different configurations. In those performances they are rather like mentally sick folks (this is even a declared criterion to join the team :)). They are coming from very different daily activities of ordinary human…daily activity, activity ordinaryevent, performance, action, people, jaw1
oneeleven.huIn 2009, Attila was the only Hungarian to reach the final of the World Barista Championship (WBC). His unique international experience makes him a leading Hungarian coffee expert. Today, his professional activity is diverse: roaster, cafe owner, professional consultant, educator and domestic…professional activity, activity diversecoffee, water, school, educational, treatment1
jeneigaleria.huIn the Jenei Gallery’s activities the glass is present for almost every service, the processing of the glass.gallery activity, activity glasspicture, mirror, detail, form, field1
thedognerd.huYou didn’t have great expectations with regards to your dog, but even everyday activities are hard with them?everyday activity, activity harddog, training, behavior, class, walk1
szeged-english.huActivity: Intercultural Communication: UNESCO and Sustainable Development Goals: Sri Chinmoy – A Life Dedicated to Global Peaceuniversity, february, study, student, department1
szalkasszorutacskok.hu…and there is a Veteran World Winner too. I have been delegated three times to FCI Europa Pokal VGP and twice to WUT-SchwPoR. The Polish Kennel Club appreciated my conscious breeding work with a bronze medal in 2022 & 2023 recognized my cynological activities with an 85th (ZKwP) anniversary medal.cynological activity, activity zkwpdog, hunting, champion, class, judge1
leda-angel.huAfter their appearance in New York, since the end of April 2023, AG has been conducting suspicious activities in Europe near Ukraine.suspicious activity, activity europesoul, love, autumn, light, dream1
chatdeck.huHello everyone! Our team consists of two party game enthusiasts who happen to be office nerds. We got tired of every team-building activity revolving around drinking. Now, don’t get us wrong, we love hitting the pubs, but we started thinking about how to spice up these events. After many years and…build activity, activity drinkgame, delivery, question, card, order1
helvid.huHelvid Ltd. company was founded in 2010. The main activity of our company is the production of plastic packaging products by extrusion, vacuum forming and other special-purpose technologies.main activity, activity companypackaging, tool, vacuum, development, quotation1
liveflames.husteel parts for premium automotive vehicles, which also performs design and mold manufacturing. The owner, Zsolt Koppány, took over in 1986 his small business activity founded by his father in 1954, which was transformed into Koppány Kft. In 1997 and since then he has guaranteed the highest quality.business activity, activity fatherorder, consumption, silk, detail, live1
meatcapital.huMajority and largest part of our market are Central and Eastern Europe, South Africa, and some particular countries of the Far East. Our priority, besides our export and import activity, is providing our Clients with accurate service and high quality raw materials. The quality of our distributed…import activity, activity clientmeat, capital, market, player, dominant1
sargarez.huAlthough our main activity is the distribution of brass rods, we deal with copper and bronze alloys as well.main activity, activity distributionbrass, main, bronze, bar, ferrous1
inflexion.huKeeping an eye on your goals, our team members will take your daily tasks off your hands, from administrative to reporting duties. However, we will not take over customer-facing activities—we believe that you should be the face of your business.customer activity, activity facesale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead1
eger-burgvendeghaz.huThe house is surrounded with a beautifully laid out garden which is suitable for outside activities (fire place is available) and relaxation. Separate terraces offer the possibility for our guests to enjoy the silence without disturbance.outside activity, activity fireguest, minute, house, price, gallery1
sustain.hucustomers and legislation. Corporate performance is measured and presented using 67 GRI indicators. Depending on the size of the company and its activities, it is recommended that 10-20 indicators are selected and developed over an annual period to demonstrate the change in the company’s performancecompany activity, activity indicatorsustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate1
tothanikodora.huI love skateboarding and playing drums. Plus writing is like air for me. At my work place (McCann Budapest) I brainstorm and write for 8 hours. Then I come home and continue doing these activities.story, book, love, sex, sample1
imc-soft.huOur company in 2013 as a small business founded in Zirc, which later after the name change as the work done by the IMC-Soft Ltd’s. Our activities mainly in the PLC or...ltd activity, activity mainlystaff, reference, programmer, engineer, electrical1
paleskozma.huOur law firm and its legal predecessor have carried out advisory activity on the area of labour law and labour affairs since …advisory activity, activity areastaff, introduction, reference, labour, law1
tomsichtrans.huThe company’s main activity is international transportation. The past 25 years guarantee our work!main activity, activity internationaltransport, quotation, reference, fleet, vehicle1
duhoffice.huLaw Office was founded in 2002 and is a boutique law firm that has been advising and representing foreign corporate enterprises and private investors in their varied activities from start to finish through professional and personalized premium legal services in Hungary since 2002.varied activity, activity startoffice, law, legal, introduction, gallery1
somapak.huThe company’s profile and fields of activities are expanding year after year according to market demands.field activity, activity yeartechnology, packaging, machine, manufacture, cut1
guideme.huWe offer online promotional activity on our website and use our social media channels to shout out what is unmissable. To be part of the pack, contact us for custom made and unique solutions! Get more info >>promotional activity, activity websitehistory, tour, city, day, art1
tervaz.hu"In the year 2014 we had Térváz Ltd. construct or renovate three halls. They won tenders to get these projects. Their prices are reasonable, their technical activities, organization and construction management is well above average. I can recommend them for any potential clients. We are certain to…technical activity, activity organizationhall, construction, office, warehouse, general1
sgf.hu…Nuclear Physics (KFKI RMKI), presently its name is Wigner Research Centre for Physics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Wigner RCP RMI). Its activity covers mainly software development and circuit design for space related embedded systems. The activity of the company is specifically focused on…rmi activity, activity mainly, system activity, activity companypage, mission, space, ground, site1
first-tech.huWe started our business as a self employed in 2005. The Company is named to First Tech at 2007 and it is continously grows and develops, beside the original metalworking we continously expand our range of activities we are trying to expand our market relationship.range activity, activity marketmachine, reference, metalworking, edge, tender1
karman-mechanics.huOur company's guiding principle is that a project is only considered to be successful when we have found technically and economically feasible solutions to our customer’s problems. Our activities often involve liaising related to the technical aspects with the partner's suppliers and customers or…problem activity, activity relatedmechanic, reference, customer, structural, engineering1
pannongreenpower.huSustainability is a business for us and a value to our company. Our company’s scope of activities covers most of the solar power sector from development to services.scope activity, activity solarplant, power, energy, consumer, development1
kaposgarden.huThe main activity of our company is landscaping, garden design and construction. With our personalized gardening services, we design and develop your garden according to your needs and dreams.main activity, activity companygarden, landscaping, maintenance, quality, soil1
projectbuilder.huThe activities of Projekt Builder are diverse. It covers the construction of new buildings, the renovation and maintenance of old buildings, the carrying out of demolition work, general construction and the performance of special construction tasks.construction, builder, site, general, page1
vadkacsaetterem.hu…guests who wish to regenerate and relax, but also to organize various events , such as meeting with friends , special family events (weddings, birthday parties), intimate holidays , or team buildings , corporate gatherings , and for those who wish to relax actively, for various sports activities.guesthouse, event, beach, restaurant, drink1
egynapavarosban.huActivities advertised on this website are carried out by Blogváros Kft. Tours are conceived and organised by the authors of A day in the city blog.city, detail, day, tour, egy1
budsecurity.huThe aim of the activities performed by our experienced colleagues is to comply with the European and international regulations. Read more on our trainings, advisory and audit services.aim activity, activity experiencesecurity, airport, training, advisory, video1
atlantisbiliard.huWe offer lot of leisure activities: 7 pool tables, 3 darts, 2 table football and projector for watching sport events.leisure activity, activity poolevent, gallery, table, offer, drink1
mathspectral.huOne of our first activity was to organize the zoom conference on Harmonic and Spectral Analysis (HSA 2020) from 8 to 10 June, 2020. This conference was intended to be the first one in a series of online conferences on the subject.spectral, analysis, conference, point, problem1
adlibitumgitar.huWe established an association for the support of our Guitar Orchestra’s activity in 2003. The association’s and the ensemble’s aim the broadcasting of the classical musical culture, the classic and modern guitar music and at what with a wider circle happening acquainting. We organize musical camps…orchestra activity, activity associationassociation, guitar, music, photo, concert1
dcgc.huspace – Timur, the cat, and Fruzsi, the bull terrier came with us too – you might recognise them from our logo. The crew was complete with our other dog, Aliz, who we found in Dány after we moved here. They are involved in all the activities, and they actively monitor the completion of our products.dány activity, activity activelycrew, city, shop, decor, space1
smartgrant.huVolunteers are at the heart of the Association’s activities. The key operational activities including project organisation, communications, fundraising and all other development activities are managed by a team of 30 volunteer workers. Our team is constantly growing and new applicants with…association activity, activity key, operational activity, activity project, development activitygrant, volunteer, help, individual, organisation1
plazs41.huThe house has recently been completely renovated and is fully furnished. There is FREE secured WiFi, air conditioning, a garden, a barbecue and other facilities. In addition to free private parking, the apartments are located in a region where guests can engage in activities such as hiking…guest activity, activity hikingapartment, view, away, national, croatia1
technoliving.huOur life change day-by-day, technology has driven us further and further. Our main priorities – family, friends, hobbies – could be drifted away easily. Everyday activities could change our perspective.everyday activity, activity perspectivebrand, solution, store, headphone, television1
laternastudio.huOur third activity is the valuation of real estate: we also have a significant 10 years of experience and internationally recognized certification and privileges.main, office, management, architect, privacy1
flowspaces.huFlow Spaces is a premium quality accommodation in the downtown of Budapest. Our concept is to synthesise high quality living spaces with social life and activities. The place opened in October of 2016, with brand new facilities, and extra services for our guests. If you would like to taste the…life activity, activity placespace, room, booking, premium, discount1
fluart.huWe play in Hungary a prominent role in the development and production of influenza vaccines, and we intend to expand our activities into CDMO services. Discover how we contribute to health protection both in Hungary and internationally, and how we support our partners in the pharmaceutical industry.vaccine activity, activity cdmohealth, vaccine, environment, safety, innovative1
haba.org.huThe Board and Members of HABA are more than grateful to Elemér Gidófalvy for the distinguished role he played as the President of HABA between August 2016 and August 2023. Under his strong leadership, HABA’s community has been revived via the expansion of new activities and members, and HABA’s…new activity, activity memberbritish, association, event, board, university1
cobracontrol.huCobra Control has been delivering test systems, measurement and automation solutions to its partners since 1993. Our most important market is the automotive industry, followed by the electronics and mechatronics industries. The focus of our activity is Hungary and the neighbouring regions…focus activity, activity hungarycontrol, engineering, important, tester, electronic1
sbtrans.hu…all types of grain, including durum wheat, triticale, rye, oats, soybean, sorghum and others. We manage annual sales of more than 200,000 tons in connection with our company’s activities. We deal with grain trade, storage, and renting in addition to domestic and international bulk freight transit.company activity, activity graingrain, site, application, win, equipment1
pandv.huThe following points highlight a few references from our clients which best demonstrate P & V's characteristics and scope of activity.international, ministry, tender, translation, client1
hungrana.huOur activities are characterized by transparent operation, high professional standards and a commitment to sustainable development.corn, procurement, management, food, career1
bonitasktk.huBonitás Investment Fund Management Zrt. is engaged in private equity and venture capital investments and real estate fund management. Bonitás Investment Fund Management Zrt. has been active in the domestic equity investment market since 2013. Our venture capital investment activities were expanded…investment activity, activity realinvestment, management, fund, group, domestic1
morenocentrum.hu…or without her charismatic personality. Tens of thousands of people from all continents saw her working with psychodrama during her 70 years of activity and thousands of her disceples were lucky to have her as their trainer. Her way of working was tough but coherent and also, immensely responsive…year activity, activity thousanddrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
stancpack.huStancPack is primarily engaged in the production of standard and tailor-made industrial packaging materials. Our core business activities cover processing of corrugated paper, processing of corrugated plastic, reparation and distribution of solid polymer packaging products, undertaking of various…business activity, activity processpackaging, corrugated, creativity, process, solution1
esztergom.huStrigonium Ltd. - as a company owned 100% by the Municipality of Esztergom - is one of the key players in the economic life of the city. The activities of the Company and its member companies are wide-ranging, the aim of which is to perform high-quality urban management tasks and to develop the…city activity, activity companycity, history, municipal, economy, government1
bodrogikuria.huThe hotel park is home to a wide range of outdoor activities, most of which are free of charge.outdoor activity, activity freeroom, offer, request, restaurant, wedding1
erdelyihazicsoki.huVitéz Kürtős are bringing their best products from their past 20 years to the Budapest Zoo between 10 and 15th October for the 10th Chimney Cake Festival. 30 different flavours and forms of chimney cake, 2 stages and a tangle of events and activities await everyone in the fall’sevent activity, activity fallevent, festival, cake, spring, chimney1
biztonsagosvaltozas.hu…moments and humor. Besides coaching, I also work with Focusing and body-conscious methods. I am a qualified practicioner in a number of psychometrics including ARPe©, GPOP™, DISC, BM (Business Motivators) and Hogan Personality Suite and I can integrate these in my training and coaching activities.organization, development, process, group, goal1
oko-rt.hu, obtaining the skill and knowledge to provide experience and proficiency. Our aim is to be an active, independent, authentic consulting firm. The activity of the firm covers just all of the environmental concerns, such as environmental damage assessment, environmental impact assessment, water…firm activity, activity firmenvironmental, management, protection, assessment, preparation1
sporthotelvelence.huSince the opening of the hotel, we have worked every day with a fresh and dynamically developing team of experts to provide our guests with a friendly and welcoming milieu that encourages activity during their stay. Simplicity and practicality were focused on in the building’s 28 rooms and three…milieu activity, activity staybook, active, room, relaxation, lake1
robinson.huAs tour guides we have visited more than 66 countries of the world, now our main activity is organizing tours and programs for foreign tourists visiting Hungary.main activity, activity tourtravel, tour, image, sightseeing, river1
semmelweis.huThe rector gave a report on his activities and the amendment of the Asset Management Plan was also approved.report activity, activity amendmentuniversity, health, faculty, science, medicine1
szentferenc.huIts founder, Ms Henriett Merza, when asked about her activity in the 1980s and 1990s, always fervently protested against being called a shelter. For her, and probably for the average Hungarian person as well, the notion of a dog shelter conjures up images of distressed dogs locked up in small…merza activity, activity ferventlyshelter, adoption, animal, foundation, support1
officialmiradry.huMost patients describe the procedure as painless with little to no downtime. Local anesthesia is administered to the underarms prior to the treatment for patient comfort. Most patients return to regular activity (like returning to work) immediately. Exercise is typically resumed within several…regular activity, activity likeclinic, treatment, official, provider, sweat1
fogorvosmiskolc.huThe history of my firm the MEDORIM Ltd. began in 2000. The dental office was opened and my private dental activity was started that year. This is a family-firm. At the beginning – according to the current possibilities – other medical enterprises and health education were also taken up. Nowadays…dental activity, activity year, odontology activity, activity helpdental, dentistry, office, price, list1
knowledgepyramid.huKeyStone programme – integration of new entrants to Service Centres, support of onboarding activities and processesonboarding activity, activity processknowledge, pyramid, expert, change, introduction1
interdata.huDue to the expertise of our trained, experienced colleagues, our offices support the business activities of our clients with responsible work and up-to-date information Our people regularly participate in courses and further trainings to keep up with the always changing economic environment. In…business activity, activity clientreference, list, newsletter, accounting, client1
agrosellye.huThe Agrokémia Sellye is a company that develops, supports, and manufacture high quality crop protection and chemical products. The Company currently presented in more than 15 countries, and has long-term partner relations ships in Europe, CIS and MENA regions. Among its activities, the Agrokémia…region activity, activity agrokémiaecology, production, protection, crop, chemical1
vizgaz-gyorsszerviz.huManagement Plumbing includes a broad range of activities, and the many firms and their members often define these practices.range activity, activity firmplumbing, line, typesetting, text, dummy1
alteon.huAlteon Ltd. was established in 2002, the colleagues, however, are working together for a long time and represent a consistent team. The main activities of the firm are the design and construction of industrial, communal and residential buildings.main activity, activity firmconstruction, investment, homepage, firm, communal1
drvaradijanos.huBeing an attorney registered by the Bar Association Pécs, I handle the legal representation of my Clients based on my office situated in Pécs. Further information on the legal representation and legal activities can be found on the present website.legal activity, activity presentattorney, law, telephone, introduction, area1
swision.huAnother unique solution we offer is a configurable process management application that has been introduced in the field of HR, controlling and document management irrespective of the scope of activity. The objective of Swision is to achieve the digitalization of its partners.scope activity, activity objectivesolution, application, sale, management, document1
headhuntingconsulting.huWe are seeking a determined and enthusiastic Sourcing Specialist who has all strengths and capabilities to implement sourcing plans and tactics to effectively manage the sourcing activities related to their assigned portfolio to maximize supplier performance (cost, quality, lead time), support the…source activity, activity portfolioconsulting, position, vacancy, search, executive1
myleaseplan.huMyLeasePlan is a user friendly online portal, that we created for you in order to give you full support maintain your fleet. Our goal is that our drivers and fleet managers can follow up all activities regarding their cars on our portal.manager activity, activity carportal, login, error, reload, user1
foodconf.huThe idea of the conference is to bring together scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities and from the Food Industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the Industry. This conference provides…research activity, activity researchfood, science, technology, conference, committee1
megaglobal.hu…plans and expected results. Due to the constraints arising from the economic situation, the range of services expanded significantly: web development, marketing activities, software services, sales of special hardware, and barcode technology became the basic elements of the corporate portfolio.marketing activity, activity softwarecustomer, structure, slide, manufacturer, technology1
biokarma.huXY Condom® with Mag® Derm™ technology are increases the blood flow and cells activity where it’s needed. The evolution is that XY Condom doesn’t manipulate the human body with dangerous side effects.cell activity, activity evolutiontechnology, limited, founder, energy, support1
hungaryvisit.huIf you are looking for team-building activities, elegant venues for Gala Dinners or just for a memorable vacation and fun please contact us.team activity, activity eleganttravel, tour, general, tailor, agency1
hotelcollect.hu…witch I emidiatly took into use. The balkong was amazing – with room for two to enjoy breakfast or just to sit and watch the zimmering activity in the treet below and near by restaurant. My room was on the second floor. After guiding me through my room the reseptionist delivered my…breakfast activity, activity treetcollect, room, courtyard, view, guest1
jdlaw.huOur philosophy is that the ongoing representation of a business enterprise requires a unique approach, reflected by the special know-how of legal services expected, by becoming acquainted with the legal knowledge related to the client’s activity, and the specific structures of the enterprise.client activity, activity specificlaw, legal, client, firm, expertise1
morello-fruit.huThe black cherry produced by the company is hoarded by the national and international (through Botész) companies for juice and compote. The sour cherry, cherry and apricot for fresh consumption come to the market through Botész and other traders. We plan to build a processing plant to expand our…fruit, research, innovation, irrigation, water1
arvel.huYou can also keep in touch with the world via internet by using our complimentary Wi-Fi. Tour Complex is about 100-150 meter from the beach, but you have great area within the estate. It is good for the kids as well as for grill party our any out-side activities you wish to play.recreation, active, beach, lake, inquiry1
gyerekbirodalom.huWe keep your children fit and trained in our gym, garden and at a nearby playground. Besides this we provide extra activities such as horseriding, swimming, skiing, chess and yoga.extra activity, activity horseridingchild, kindergarten, language, nursery, ami1
csucs-forma.huOur company working in the field of the corrosion control and steel construction like main activity from the founding of the company in 1987.main activity, activity foundcoating, construction, steel, corrosion, reference1
nordegard.hu…weapons, armor, clothing and tools they used in their everyday lives. On request, we also present through a tour the various everyday life activity of a contemporary camp and introduce the different characters the members of our reenactment team impersonate. The show can be complemented by a…life activity, activity contemporaryperiod, carpathian, basin, history, introduction1
birnerauto.hu…father’s company in 1959. With his leadership began in Austria the territorial expansion, which was attended by his wife Margarete Birner. The activity started in Hungary in 1992. The company has been operating under the name Margarete Autó Kft. since 2011 and Birner Autó Kft. since November 2020,birner activity, activity hungarybrake, map, shop, belt, oil1
hungarocom.hu…and IT networks and the devices that make them up. This made it possible to create innovative products with a high intellectual content. Its activities today have been complemented by the development of robots and tools based on artificial intelligence. All the company's products are the result…content activity, activity todaytelecommunication, artificial, intelligence, special, thing1
claviaton.hulaviaton's principal activity is making and repairing historic keyboard instruments and restoring period pieces. We make and repair clavichords , spinets , virginals , single and double manual harpsichords and fortepianos . Our workshop focuses on making exact copies of originals, and - drawing on…principal activity, activity historicmanual, instrument, single, double, keyboard1
deerforest.huOur hunting lodge as well as the surrounding area has an abundance of recreational activities for those who do not come with the aim of hunting. Here everyone can find active pastime.recreational activity, activity aimhunting, forest, lodge, game, food1
poligratkft.huFor almost 60 years POLIGRAT has specialized in the development and application of industrial electropolishing processes. The aim of our development activities is to supply suitable modern processes for surface processing in line with latest developments in materials technology and industry. Now…development activity, activity suitablesurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless1
tarkakutyabolt.huNowadays more and more pets are kept in apartments. As a dog owner our task is to make sure that we give them enough mental and physical activity, let it rain or let it shine.dog, harness, bow, birthday, accessories1
panagro.huAs trading organization of Panagro 2000 Ltd. we'd like to introduce the company and its activity. The company was founded in 1999 and became the legal successor of the earlier "Felszabadulás" Cooperative.company activity, activity companytemplate, development, framework, brochure, cooperative1
binarit.huIn our projects we take advantage of the project management and control opportunities provided by Team Foundation Server, which are useful for the high quality cost efficient performance of development activities.software, development, integration, custom, operation1
cosmos.huCosmos offers you creative incentive ideas and tailor-made programs, ranging from team building activities to entertainment with WOW-factors. We are ready to realize any unusual requests.build activity, activity entertainmentevent, city, note, great, incentive1
hungaria-karnis.huActivity of the company: 4649’08 Wholesale of other household and consumer goods – main activityinjection, mould, curtain, extrusion, packaging1
monersaber.huOur activity is intended for industrial classification feather, and sales in the domestic and foreign market.feather, wine, premium, cellar, restaurant1
shoplog.huAn example of an average webshop is warehousing, parcel handling and shipping, return handling, packaging materials, and customer service (if needed). If other administrative activities occur, they are determined on an hourly basis.administrative activity, activity hourlypackage, logistic, management, customer, inventory1
aera.huThat’s why our company considers destination branding as a complex activity, where the product-service mix (that is the destination) and its communication need to be supported simultaneously. At AERA, the former is carried out by the concept division while the latter is due to the communication…complex activity, activity productcommunication, concept, consulting, destination, people1
mvgyosz.huThe Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted has been representing the interests of the visually impaired in Hungary for more than 100 years. With our advocacy activities and with our various services we want to achieve an easier and more liveable world for the blind and partially…advocacy activity, activity servicefederation, blind, sight, partially, useful1
orsogroup.huJanuary of this year, we are the distributor . Planning to improve both our existing import and export activities, we emphasize the importance of being a trustable and flexible partner.export activity, activity importancegroup, material, feel, loop, fastener1
bombavadasz.huWe implemented EOD related tasks and activities, we have provided advice on already existing or pre-construction facilities, roadways and special areas as well.task activity, activity advicearea, disposal, exploration, explosive, technical1
bpkeramia.huBudapest Kerámia Kft. was founded in 1994. Our main activities include the distribution and retail of ceramics raw materials, auxiliary materials, instruments and equipment.main activity, activity distributionnews, homepage, shipment, open, hour1
maryyacht.huOur company’s primary activity is the rental and operation of the delightful Yacht Mary. Our yacht is equipped with all the extra equipment which will ensure that our guests can enjoy the comfort and the unique experience of the yacht from a few hours to a whole day.primary activity, activity rentalquestion, package, frequently, gallery, price1
sermones.huOsvaldus de Lasko and Pelbartus Temesvári were the most outstanding personalities of the Franciscan sermon literature in medieval Hungary. Beside this Laskai was also a key leader of the observant Franciscan vicariate whose activity essentially contributed to the later formation of the observant…vicariate activity, activity essentiallyedition, de, research, digital, oeuvre1
trillafesztival.hu…heritage, play and learn about the world around us through sound. Handpicked workshops ensure a rich experience for all ages, in the picturesque setting of Martonvásár complete with a castle. The castle park as well as the main square offer musical and folksy activities from am until late night.folksy activity, activity latefestival, folk, song, conference, heritage1
erdovarazspanzio.huThere are many facilities for interesting activities in the area. We can climb nearby, walk and cycle in the mountains, go wild forests, climb cliffs, discover the special formations of the underground world, boat, go fishing. You can discover the wonderful surroundings by the forest railway or…interesting activity, activity arearoom, forest, cave, beautiful, apartment1
kri-sa.huKRI-SA Kft. is a company founded in 1998. The main activity of the comapany is production of steel structures and metal structures. At present, production takes place at the company's current location on 6000 m 2 , employing nearly 40 people. 90% of our products are exported all over the world.main activity, activity comapanyreference, metal, structure, steel, production1
sipeuropa.huWe use Cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on Our Service and store certain information. Tracking technologies used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze Our Service. The technologies We use may include:technology activity, activity servicedata, personal, privacy, purpose, website1
alps.huAt ALPS, we make sure to support your activities reliably and cost-effectively, from simple deliveries to complex logistics projects.sure activity, activity reliablyalp, transport, delivery, truck, logistic1
ecotourism.huWe offer you a wide range of outdoor activities at a moderate price but professional level and we operate with small groups and door to door service for your maximum comfort and experience.outdoor activity, activity moderateclimb, gallery, boat, tour, cycling1
prd-hungary.huWe offer our distributor activities to those who plan to be present on the Hungarian pharmaceutical market with medical devices and food supplements.distributor activity, activity presentdistribution, fact, country, pharmacy, aim1
perfectenterprises.huA healthy sex life is good for your overall health, and there's no better way than making love with your partner every day. In addition to being a reproductive advantage, healthy sex improves your physical, mental, emotional and social life. Sexual activity has more to do with a healthy mindset…sexual activity, activity healthyenhancer, description, cart, man, perfect1
coaching-nlp.hu…to step out of our own mind games and thought processes aboutproblems, and see them from a different point of view. Later on in the session the activities helped me to express some thoughts and ideas that had been buried deepinside me for some time but were now, gathering in strength . In one word…session activity, activity thoughttraining, mediation, course, toth, conflict1
hiaszt.hu…we don’t see them as epochal thresholds. The history of the Orfeo group and the Kassák House Studio starting in 1969 (because the core of their activity was in the seventies, and even elementary research has yet to be carried out regarding the the sixties) form part of a planned research for the…core activity, activity seventytheatre, stage, literary, amateur, studio1
epdeal.hu…above, we possess reliable, high-performing professional sta and high-quality machinery. Our staff can be mobilized, so that we can expand our activities in several dierent locations in Hungary. The basis of our company’s values lies in the high-quality work, keeping of agreed deadlines, fair coststaff activity, activity dierentdeal, main, footer, navigation, primary1
startouring.huOn the sand of the Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld) lighter wines ripen faster. These white and rosé wines are for everyday consumption but provide a gastronomical delight for feasts. Grapes and wine have always formed an integral part of life in the Balaton Region, intertwined with a variety of…variety activity, activity workwine, century, castle, country, house1
betekinto.hu…Hungarian State Security. The launch of the journal in 2007 was made possible and necessary by the expansion and enrichment of the scientific activities of the institution. Initially, Betekintő was published online, from the autumn of 2020, however, it has also been available in print. The title…scientific activity, activity institutioneditor, security, issue, archive, scientific1
thaimasszazsdebrecen.huintensifies circulation, improves the tonicity of the skin and the removal of excreta, reduces anxiety and muscular tension, helps to lead a successful weight-losing life and strengthens life activity.massage, homepage, masseur, item, parlour1
banina.huOur main activity is the import of fruits and vegetables to Hungary and the selling of Hungarian products in the foreign markets. Our main buyers are among the major food retail chains, our products can be bought in several supermarkets in Hungary and abroad.main activity, activity importmarket, vegetable, fruit, consumer, quality1
drtivadar.hu…posed by the economic and legal environment while keeping their business goals in mind. Our aim is to understand our clients’ needs and the peculiarities of their business activities, as well as their relevant industry. We seek to enable our clients to concentrate on their business activities.business activity, activity relevantlaw, protection, firm, data, office1
hwm.huInitially, our main activity was finite element simulation modeling, which we have extended to various simulation areas. With our experience in the field of structural analysis, we help our customers realize their ideas in various projects, utilizing the benefits of today’s modern simulation…main activity, activity finiteengineering, simulation, guarantee, main, element1
bothantal.huThe mission of our foundation is to cultivate the memory, spiritual and cultural legacy of Antal Both, to support scientific and cultural activities, with special regard to the ecumenical science and to the educational and scientific research work in the institutions of public education of the…cultural activity, activity specialfoundation, cultural, board, member, mission1
trebutarestarsa.huThe construction and industrial equipment trade refers to the sale of various tools, machinery and devices that are used in the construction industry to carry out various construction activities. This includes a wide range of goods such as construction machinery, cranes, scaffolding and ladders…construction activity, activity wideequipment, construction, quality, technology, industrial1
elegantdesign.huElegant Design Ltd. is a Budapest-based garment production and prototype manufacturing company. It’s main goal is to create value under the sign of design and beauty. Design and eco-conscious leadership is key for our owners and managers, they are an integral part of our everyday activities.elegant, factory, clothing, fashion, principle1
swoosh.hu…Netherlands, but we created Swoosh Capital to capture Central and Eastern European growth opportunities. Hungary is perfectly positioned to host these activities. We already have established all activities, partners and inventors, and the local management team in cooperation with our Dutch company.perfectly activity, activity partnercapital, website, asia, opportunity, management1
antalmetaltrade.huOur core activity is the manufacturing of special stainless steel and aluminium vehicle bodies, parts for these (like roller and tilting containers) and single- and multi-axle trailers. High-quality production is achieved through the utilisation of our expertise and machine pool that comprises new…core activity, activity manufacturemanufacture, vehicle, metal, machine, structure1
somogytrans.huSomogy Trans Ltd was founded in 2007, our main activity is inland and international shipping. We ship cargo all around Europe and Hungary.main activity, activity inlandtransport, international, vehicle, colleagues, subcontractor1
artifex.huWe have been developing an operating technology for our Marcus CAX simulation system by customizing and improving international experiences. The Simulation Centre of the Hungarian Defence Forces has been using it for more than 10 years. Our development team and military experts support their…simulation, training, military, profile, software1
famesco.huThey ador the company of people and activity so walking is really important for them. The classic play with a ball may be boring for them so don’t be disappointed if they do not pring beck the ball. They like to play with any object that can be taken in their mouth, can be chewed and can be…people activity, activity walkdog, american, litter, detail, puppy1
foreignstudents.huIn this activities HETA is running homepages and help collecting information of foreign students, and this association is providing relevant information to enterprises, public authorities, and NGOs.foreign, student, association, tourism, educational1
borealisengineering.huWe do offer trainings, workshops about how to benefit form state of the art industrial development methodologies and how to apply these sucessfully on your day to day business activities. Best practices, pitfalls and hands on experience using real life examples.business activity, activity goodengineering, solution, development, vision, mission1
szilvasvaradcamping.hu…this charming campsite is the perfect relaxing getaway for everyone. The continuous development of our village, the equestrian programmes and local food specialities of our restaurants will please all visitors. Well located for popular outdoor activities such as running, cycling and hiking.outdoor activity, activity runview, offer, gallery, price, picture1
magicshepherd.huWe didn't show much activity in 2019. We had worked on evolving a smaller farm so we had a lot to do. We hope this way we will have more facilities to train our dogs in the furure and they can help us in our daily work.shepherd, border, news, joy, memory1
m-prospect.huWe have been a language examination venue since the inception of our activities. We have always tried to market exams where the sense of achievement is not overshadowed by the performance. For almost twenty years, therefore, we have been offering ETS professional business tests and English for…inception activity, activity examlanguage, quotation, translation, prospect, skill1
pharmafitsport.huWe offer our distributor activities to those who plan to be present on the Hungarian pharmaceutical market with medical devices, cosmetics and food supplements.distributor activity, activity presentmarket, strong, central, pharmacy, international1
lant.hu…the chitarrone. Currently a lute teacher at the University of Pécs in Hungary. Lute teacher and artistic director of several early music courses in Hungary. His activities as a solist, accompanist and chamber musician have taken him all over Europe. He has 2 solo CD’s, and published 3 Lute Books.hungary activity, activity solistbiography, lute, chamber, actual, short1
littlebird.huWe discover the world together, with a lot of games, tales, songs, music and a variety of activities. The familiar atmosphere makes the children’s adaptation to community and the evolution of their sense of security easier and smoother.variety activity, activity familiarlittle, main, user, account, navigation1
engineed.huThe Engineed team brings together versatile professionals with in-depth knowledge in various fields: computer science, electronics and engineering. Our wide range of business activities includes electronics design, to custom manufacturing, automation, robotics, software development. In addition…business activity, activity electronicengineer, customer, electronic, development, research1
pentatrade.huOur major activities involve planning, repairing tasks, site architect support and maintenance.major activity, activity plansolution, management, homepage, support, corporate1
jeansday.huSituation analysis, integrated city marketing plan and preparation of pilot concepts for the town of Baja. At the end of 2018, our professional team was asked to elaborate a complex urban marketing strategy for the Local Municipality of Baja, in relation to its CLLD tender activities. Within the…tender activity, activity framebrand, analysis, city, corporate, insight1
gonefishing.huI fell in love with fishing when I was a little boy and learnt a lot about nature, waters and fish from my Father. I’ve always liked the unique outdoor activities: bowhunting, fly-fishing and kayak fishing are my ways to connect with mother nature. Sharing the experience of exploring new waters…outdoor activity, activity bowhuntingfishing, guide, water, local, fish1
budapestvibes.huI work as a tour guide in Budapest for many years. My tours are fun and informative. As a local, besides guiding I can give you advice on what to see, where to go, which are the best activities in Budapest and so on.good activity, activity budapesttour, guide, walk, city, story1
componentcnc.huResponding to market demand and expanding our existing broad range of activities, Component Kft (a member of the Component Company Group) with a secure financial background, established its dynamically developing and innovative CNC metal milling factory in Martonvásár, as a result in 2011 the…range activity, activity componentmachine, component, technology, machining, history1
avander.huMagyar Posta Zrt. has a responsibility to distribute and deliver leaflets and free advertising material to its customers throughout the country. The software supports the preparation, implementation and accounting of this activity.application, angular, client, process, solution1
akvamarinlakopark.huThe public beach is in the immediate vicinity of the residence, but the vibrant center of the capital of Lake Balaton is also just a few-minute walk away. Siófok is the cultural, commercial and tourist center of the lake, where even in the low season countless adventure-oriented leisure activities…leisure activity, activity ageapartment, finder, gallery, sale, area1
bakonyiavocats.huWe inform you that the contents of this homepage do not qualify as advice, proposal or a request for proposals. The homepage exclusively serves the purpose of introducing our Law Office and our activities to our visitors, the presented information may assist You in selecting Your legal…office activity, activity visitorlaw, field, office, international, colleagues1
kyuhnfaat.huThe activities, physical or otherwise, described in this material may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people, and the reader(s) should consult a physician before engaging in them.association, website, martial, art, book1
mmg.huIn the world thousands of companies use the products produced by the MMG and we hope that owing to our activity their number will not decrease but increases.mmg activity, activity numberdetail, measurement, pressure, instrument, element1
mlsystems.huOur tachograph services give you a thorough overview of the driver’s activities and location via a web application. The available visible in the system make it possible to maximize working hours and monitor drivers’ compliance with working and rest time.driver activity, activity locationoffer, global, management, fleet, solution1
hotelhero.huWe have launched the HotelHero initiative with the aim of providing opportunity for the good deeds of countless hotel workers and decision-makers, which were born in the midst of the adversities of the recent period, and encouraged us to coordinate our activities for the greater good.period activity, activity greathelp, news, hero, member, campaign1
adexgo.huThe company has been carrying out intensive scientific research and commercial activity in the field of production and marketing of health promoting functional foods, supplementary feeds, and feed additives since 2007.commercial activity, activity fieldpharmaceutical, dietary, development, supplement, background1
szbike.hu…knowledge of the university students and the wider audience, preserve traditions and innovate competitiveness. Pál Kozma’s innovation activity is an example at both scientific and educational and professional levels, the knowledge of which provides a basis for commitment to similar…innovation activity, activity examplewine, order, association, innovation, carpathian1
intellexi.huIntellexi Ltd. is a private Hungarian SME providing a wide range of innovation management, business development, entrepreneurship and internationalisation support activities. Our key topics are according to our experience and as follows: business development, innovation, agro-ICT, bioeconomy…support activity, activity keyinnovation, development, entrepreneurship, management, support1
sotajm.huCooking is not simply the procedure of making food. Cooking means much more: if you cook for somebody you support life, cooking is caring; cooking is the base of healthy life. Cooking is sometimes a meditative lonely activity; other times it is socialising. And it is always creative.lonely activity, activity timevoucher, gift, school, course, event1
puraset.hu…water without the need for local chemical and additive treatment. Our development work has led to the addition of the PuraWell end-point water arsenic purifier, and to the creation of the PurAID® modular pallet-sized water purifier, based on the experience and needs of our activities in the field.need activity, activity fieldwater, detail, solution, drink, treatment1
gosztonyivilla.huThe activities in Siófok do not stop along the coast. Enjoy fresh coffee in our beverage lounge. Beautiful gardens frame the courtyard where you can compete with other guests through games and activities.room, view, amenities, coffee, garden1
kappenabzeichen.huAgain, I am presenting a postcard with the Kappenabzeichen of an infantry regiment as a decorative motif. I have already mentioned the activities of the 306th Honvéd Infantry Regiment several [ … ]motif activity, activity honvédjanuary, postcard, october, corps, arm1
meetingbudapest.huThe scope of our activity includes the comprehensive planning, organization and execution of Hungarian and international conferences, congresses, corporate events, professional exhibitions, banquets and balls.scope activity, activity comprehensivemeeting, event, conference, exhibition, execution1
lorik.huDr. Lőrik József Balázs criminal lawyer provides legal services predominantly in the area of criminal law in Budapest, Hungary. Our office combines a modern and professional approach with the classical activities of a lawyer.classical activity, activity lawyercriminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, defence1
applepshostess.hu"We have worked with ApplePS hostesses at several successful events in recent years who have always been kind, helpful and competent. Events included an outdoor multi-day activity, an influencer and press meeting, and a gala dinner for 100 people."day activity, activity influencerevent, host, staff, exhibition, agency1
nesz.huThe Masters of Folk Arts are creative artists highly acknowledged within their own communities. They have the vast knowledge of long-established folk activities and they have the power to influence those they interact with. The masters are examples to all because they preserve the values and…folk activity, activity powerfolk, association, art, artist, festival1
mezopiktura.huLet us explain you about our activity and what we do. We have a wide range of assortment. Design cant be prejudicial to duty! Next to the continous esthetic and functional developments the long-stood designs can be found in our stock/ in our market/ selection.brush, distribution, manufacture, normal, wooden1
kettoronyegylet.huWith School of Village Skills we run educational and awareness raising activities. We provide courses for adults, those visitors of the settlement that would like to learn and experience natural lifestyles.awareness activity, activity coursevillage, tower, settlement, cultural, gallery1
granadahotel.hu"The hotel is very nice, the food was delicious. The wellness was super. I liked the variety of activities to be found: bowling, billiards, darts. Thank you!"variety activity, activity bowlingevent, room, restaurant, wedding, guest1
szakiszovetseg.huACRED is an unprecedented initiative in Hungary: a non-profit, democratically managed real estate developer. Our aim is to enable resource-poor communities and individuals to gain access to real estate and set up a form of non-profit operation that is sustainable in the long term. Although our…term activity, activity marketcommunity, acre, mission, build, real1
carpitos.huOur workshop has nearly 20 years of experience in preciseleather upholstery of new car seats, which was our main activity until 2006.reference, restoration, customer, upholstery, collector1
drsimonyi.huLet me introduce You the Office in English. We are sure that our firm is able to support Your Hungarian business activities succesfully. The DR. SIMONYI Legal Office represents civilians, domestic and foreign companies either in different cases or permanently. It is an office which deals with…business activity, activity succesfullylaw, firm, legal, representation, message1
feith.hu…tradition. The experience-centeredness of phenomenology provided a way to create an intimate relationship between philosophising, scientific activity and everyday life. The goal of the Hungarian Phenomenological Association is to promote the education and research of phenomenology in Hungarian,scientific activity, activity everydaydance, zoltan, theatre, performance, music1
cserkeszek.hukids’ gatherings , birthday parties : with a spacious “frantic-room” or a garden for outdoor activities, depending on the weatheroutdoor activity, activity weatherroom, possibility, small, court, sqm1
balsailaw.huPlease see further information on our activities performed in the given fields of expertise by clicking on the relevant menu items.information activity, activity fieldlaw, firm, attorney, representation, litigation1
surf.huSUP is a great leisure and sport activity for all age groups. Moreover, it this sport can be pursued in natural and beautiful environment and in the fresh air. It is great fun not only for grown-ups but for children too (according to our experience, smaller children like jumping into the water…sport activity, activity agewater, board, people, ago, key1
greenplayer.huIn cooperation with our Brussels based strategical partner, BSH Consulting SPRL we are highly involved in the capacity-building and policy making activities of the European Institutions, with having our main focus in counselling and conducting in the field of EU law, economic development and the…making activity, activity europeangreen, player, main, management, economy1
kulfoldikoncert.huCar hire Activity Finder Tour List Flight finder Cruise Ticket Holiday Rental Travel Agentshire activity, activity findersun, mon, pm, sit, united1
altitudebau.hu…clients, including the comprehensive execution and implementation of facades and roofs, from design to on-site execution. Our general scope of activities extends throughout Europe and worldwide. We also offer consultative services in the domestic and international markets. Altitude Bau has been…scope activity, activity europealtitude, facade, solution, view, premium1
silver-line.huWe offer a vast variety of programmes ranging from purse friendly activities to upscale dinner and river cruise tours which are all accompanied by live music and dance performances.friendly activity, activity upscalecruise, dinner, danube, piano, river1
kornyezetvedelmi-engedely.huMy field of activity covers the entire territory of Hungary and in special cases all over Europe (e. g Italian waste transportation license: so called ALBO license ).field activity, activity entirelicense, environmental, waste, documentation, detail1
missu.huSecond step is to search for your soulmate. Finding the perfect one is hard but maintaining constant activity and having conversation with people you like is the key.constant activity, activity conversationdate, member, love, story, perfect1
innowear.huPeople and employees are at the centre of our developments. Our primary concern is to ensure the protection of the individual and increase their sense of comfort during work, leisure activities and everyday life. To achieve these, we cooperate with renowned national and European research institutes.leisure activity, activity everydaytextile, development, research, production, material1
yunik.huOur scouting activity aims to assess the Hungarian field and select the most promising players.scouting activity, activity hungarianplayer, management, unique, career, goal1
finextfm.huFind out more about official disclosed concerning FINEXT Investment Fund Management Ltd’s activities.investment, fund, management, real, estate1
csaladtudomany.huThe political and economic power to dismantle the family recognized correctly that the family can best be weakened and ruined by influencing people’s sexual behavior. Due to their successful activities, couple relationships in Hungary have become rough and the institution of marriage and family…successful activity, activity couplefamily, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter1
zalavarpark.huThis is the place where Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius carried out their missionary activity who, together with Saint Benedict, were declared the patron saints of Europe by the Pope John Paul II. This is the place where St. Benedict’s sons erected churches and an abbey to the glory of God in the…missionary activity, activity saintcounty, memorial, visitor, gallery, history1
oltigergo.huIn 2016, I decided to put the two activities under one business. Thus Penates Invest Zrt., a family owned real estate company and real estate agency, was established. The office had its highs and lows, sometimes with 22 salesmen working in our office overlooking Móricz Zsigmond Square. But the…real, estate, media, market, academy1
orbicobeauty.huWe have been present on the beauty and cosmetics market since 1996, carrying out sales, marketing, distributing and retail activities thanks to which Orbico Beauty has now become the sector's leading distributor in 19 European countries,retail activity, activity thankbrand, supplier, country, homepage, human1
gotoveszprem.huThe main activities of the association to explore the current tourist offer of Veszprém and its region, to take stock of the attractions, to map the hospitality, to maintain regular and institutional coordination between the tourism operators, to create and maintain a forum for the flow and…main activity, activity associationtourism, association, member, több, main1
kockamuhely.huBalazs is also the founder of Kockamuhely ("Brick Workshop" in English), a studio focussing exclusively on the use of LEGO bricks in art projects, kids programmes, and a variety of activities.balazs, model, brick, landmark, photo1
salgglas.hu…plant and offers a wide range of products to its customers. (Gravity, Roll and Press Bending, Heat Treatment and Chemical Hardening) Our main activity is the production of tempered and laminated safety glass parts and also the production of “Glass in Glass” construction for the automotive…main activity, activity productionglass, video, innovation, industry, customer1
izraelikultura.huSign up for our newsletter! Don’t miss out our programs and be always up-to-date about the activities of our organization and our partners.date activity, activity organizationevent, center, language, cultural, lecturer1
medialinestudio.huOver the years, we have been involved in a number of film production and dubbing activities, which further strengthens our commitment to this profession. Our equipment meets all the requirements for a professional job, from individual requests to media channel releases, but we also offer the…dubbing activity, activity commitmentmedia, line, studio, homepage, equipment1
mareklab.huThe main activity of the Marek Lab comprises veterinary diagnostics of commercial livestock. We offer our clients a comprehensive and continuously expanding range of diagnostic services for poultry, pigs and cattle. Our modern laboratory facility brings together all the relevant diagnostic…main activity, activity mareksample, lab, molecular, laboratory, biology1
mindreset.huThis fall, we’re starting with new drama classes for children in Budapest. By engaging school children in fun activities, we’ll enable them to develop their acting, public speaking, and social skills through play. We’ll create a safe space where each child can develop these skills at their own…fun activity, activity actact, play, class, drama, theatre1
sterling.huFor a project to be a success , it needs to have an impact or a result. Start by defining specific objectives – soft as well as hard – and establish a measurement system that allows you to measure your progress . If you’re not making progress, you have to adjust your efforts and activities to make…effort activity, activity suresuccess, key, consulting, client, result1
1618.huOn the basis of perpetual activity of investigation, understanding, improving and verification we are builders of custom machines. The whole process is supervised by a project manager who is responsible for the targets set by you. We have gained experience in many areas of the industry, learning…perpetual activity, activity investigationmachine, custom, engineering, component, mechanical1
bfuzfoplebania.huIn 1942, she was initiated into the congregation. After this event, she became even more devout to children at her care within the framework of the Heart Guard Service. She successfully completed her studies at the higher elementary school organized for adults at Fűzfőgyártelep. Besides other…charitable activity, activity utmost, apostolic activity, activity easygirl, jesus, religious, christ, church1
nextconsulting.huWe believe that managers are capable of much more in terms of recruitment than what is usually expected today. We know improving an individual’s skills related to this activity is possible.skill activity, activity possibleconsulting, manager, introduction, consultant, reference1
fieldsolution.huWe believe that all valuable brands need an executive field partner who delivers all customer and store related activities at the highest standards.store activity, activity highbrand, management, solution, field, sale1
atlasworld.huWe all share the same world. Being accountable for the impact of our companies’ activities is the key to instigating positive change for the leaders of tomorrow and for securing a sustainable future .company activity, activity keyevent, award, hero, action1
bgm-industry.huBGM Industry was established in 2019 with our knowledge to strengthen both the domestic and foreign mechatronics market. The main activity of our company is the construction and repair of control systems, measurement and data collection systems, CNC machining centers, single and multi-function and…main activity, activity companyindustry, certificate, previous, article, login1
menekultugyved.huA well-founded fear of being persecuted or a real risk of suffering serious harm may be based on events which have taken place since the alien left the country of origin, or based on activities which have been engaged in by the alien since he left the country of origin.origin activity, activity alienasylum, citizenship, immigration, attorney, procedure1
metalex2001.huThe main activities of METALEX 2001 Ltd. are receiving; preparing for further processing and transporting to processing factory of non- ferrous scraps, industrial secondary raw materials and different content metallurgical raw materials.main activity, activity metalexscrap, homepage, waste, metal, ferrous1
sgdesign.huOur company group has diversified activities in trade, healthcare and utility supply and management. We operate mainly in Middle-East and Africa from our headquarter in Hungary.group activity, activity tradeofficial, website, image, trade, middle1
mlalapitvany.huBy establishing a platform for museums, administrations and training institutions, MUSLI strives to overcome the barriers of cultural literacy through museum activities. These activities encourage participation from the potential publics…museum activity, activity participationmuseum, foundation, visitor, community, adult1
ajkaaudit.huOur Corporation has been performing auditing, accounting and tax advisory activities for over 15 years. Throughout these years we have collected a wide scope of professional experience in almost all walks of the economy.advisory activity, activity yearpage, current, auditing, client, expand1
wpmax.huThe goal of conversion optimization is that not one visitor out of a hundred buys from you, but as many as possible. With better conversion rates on your website, the effectiveness of all your other marketing activities will automatically increase. If your website can generate 20% more purchases…marketing activity, activity automaticallywebsite, offer, media, social, tool1
magyarugyvediiroda.huAccording to the LXXVIII. Law of 2017 on the Activity of Attorneys, an attorney is bound by the attorney-client privilege with regard to all facts, data and information of which he or she became aware in the course of his or her profession. Within the scope of his or...law activity, activity attorneylaw, client, legal, office, representation1
fogorvosszombathely.huWe specialise in parodontology (the healing of the diseases of the gum), but we offer full-scale dental care within the frames of our activity. Our services include: mouth hygienic treatment, dental X-ray, fillings, root canal treatment, aesthetic dentistry, teeth whitening, placing tooth…frame activity, activity servicetreatment, tooth, hygienic, dental, implantation1
keletagrologistic.huOur main activity is the transportation of bulk agricultural commodities, especially oilseeds, grain, but we also play an important role in rail freight and wagon loading.main activity, activity transportationlogistic, management, forward, freight, transport1
drbiroagnesui.huOur law office was founded in April 2009. In the center of its activities are civil and business law consultancy, deed editing, and representation in judicial and extrajudicial processes. The line of our clients consists of individuals, small and medium business companies, condominiums and housing…center activity, activity civiloffice, law, expertise, legal, client1
drzsu.huThe program involves “emotional detoxification” to reach lifestyle changes inside and out. The inner changes bring about lifestyle changes. The mindset change will create a change in the activity level and diet. The inner love brings change to the relationship of the person and therefore others.change activity, activity levelhealth, alive, change, integrate, unique1
hoppshoptoys.huFun, educational activities for every occasion with premium toys and snacks. Learn more about our finest services!educational activity, activity occasionshop, fun, kid, excellent, helpful1
jonapack.huThe company started its activity in Hajdúdorog with 15 coworkers in a 1500m2 large factory hall. In order to serve customer requirements at the highest possible level, the company operates among others a SIMON INLINE 470 automated casemaker manufacturing machine line. The objective of our company…company activity, activity hajdúdorogintroduction, packaging, corrugated, size, catalogue1
borostyankert.huWe would like to make this sport more popular; which is an excellent free time activity for friends. If you have already tried this sport, you might know it is a good fitness training, as well...time activity, activity friendrestaurant, room, reservation, alley, guesthouse1
druzsoki.hu…and regional legal team of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc for several years, when he was in charge of the legal support provided for the activities of MOL Plc and companies of the MOL Group in Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine. He contributed to the organisational restructuring…support activity, activity mol, level activitylaw, area, practice, main, corporate1
360bar.huIt is prohibited to do any commercial activities in the Bar without the owner’s permission.commercial activity, activity barbar, rooftop, reservation, table, private1
granaxisconsult.huAt the present, we are excluisevly engaged in liquadition, custody and asset management activities.proceed, financial, consulting, management, asset1
petnehazy-nora.hu…we practice situational tasks with them in order to understand the material effectively. This way they enjoy the class and through the on-class activities and home assignments they learn the material without sitting over a book and mugging. On my classes I try to create a safe place to my students…class activity, activity homevolunteer, research, goal, care, personal1
hirtalalo.huIn France, migrants are continuing their criminal activities into the New Year, picking up where they left off in 2023.criminal activity, activity newoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
labtech.huLabtech Ltd. is an innovating, Hungarian and Japanese owned company established in 1990, dealing with developing and manufacturing PC-based ECG Systems. Our products are used for monitoring and analysing the heart's activity and its electronic signals, these are mainly ambulatory (Holter) ECGs and…heart activity, activity electronicecg, detail, news, stress, simulator1
inducon.huIn the beginning our company was established to solve industrial automatic problems in 1989. Our main activity was to make machine tools’s driving controls with computer. In that time the additional automatic was well-tried technology .... MOREmain activity, activity machinemachine, spare, additional, heat, refurbishment1
eurogate-rail.huHungary is playing an increasingly important role in East-West trade. Goods trade Importing and exporting activity between the two regions has significantly expanded in the last few years, and EWG is further developing the attractiveness of routing via Hungary.trade activity, activity regionrail, railway, price, road1
sikerexport.huWe offer tailor-made expansion solutions to your customers, including local market entry support and training courses for export advisors and clients engaged in export activities.solution, client, provider, group, market1
eltex.huÉLTEX has played an important role in the Hungarian waste market since it was first established and has since expanded operations into many other European countries. Our main activities include thewaste, value, hazardous, management, electronic1
sparrowband.huThe FCI’s breed standards are written to serve as a guideline for the development of dog breeds, while keeping in mind the importance of the health and wellbeing of the dogs belonging to these breeds. The FCI also organizes several dog shows, field trials, and other activities in order to evaluate…trial activity, activity orderbreed, dog, health, vaccination, guarantee1
dert.huOur main area of activity at Dunamenti Erőmű (Dunamenti Erőmű Power Plant) is the production of electricity, however, we also hold a licence to trade electricity and gas. It is the largest gas-fired power plant in the Hungarian electricity system with a total output of 794 MW. With units which can…area activity, activity dunamentiplant, power, statement, management, history1
eutdij.hu…out unauthorized road users is almost completely possible. National Toll Payment Services PLC (NÚSZ Zrt.) performs the audit and support activities, collects and processes data required for verification, but penalty payments, fining and official procedures are carried out by the National…support activity, activity datavehicle, device, road, axle, easy1
mtcsocsoklub.huour best efforts, you notice any distractions that you are not happy with, please do not hesitate to contact us. In order to maintain the cleanliness of the foosball club premises and the condition of the fixtures and fittings, please refrain from any activity that you would not do in your own home.fitting activity, activity homeaddress, operator, guest, rule, table1
pubcrawl.huOn occasion, even the most exhausted individuals are able to find the strength to partake in activities such as winding down after a long day at work by unwinding with a few shots of whiskey or a frosty pint of beer while sitting outside on the patio of a pub during the warm months.strength activity, activity longcrawl, night, guide, tour, crazy1
g-pack.huOur main activity is to produce machines for special use including developing and producing of packing machines first of all.main activity, activity machineportfolio, image, video, machine, navigation1
premiermed.huAll our treatments are performed without cuts, but the results are equivalent to those of traditional open surgery. Therefore the risk of complications is minimized and the recovery period is significantly shorter, so our patients can resume their everyday activities much sooner.everyday activity, activity soonhealth, centre, patient, treatment, thyroid1
kolto35d.huActivities of WhiteSkiff Properties cover the purchase, construction, lease and sale of residential and office real estate. We primarily deal with high-end properties of premium quality in districts 1, 2 and 12 of the Hungarian capital, Budapest. These are the three most sought after districts for…floor, room, property, luxury, garden1
doppio.huGreenpeace is one of the best-known and most recognized civil organizations in the world. In recent years the organization has engaged in a varied social media marketing and communication activities. Targeting the potential supporters has become more and more a part of it.communication activity, activity potentialagency, creative, market, research, management1
tooltechnik.huOur main activities are the food processing and custom machinery production as well as the precision manufacturing of pressed sheet metal parts.main activity, activity foodmanufacture, machine, fruit, machinery, process1
cs-process.huWe deliver our activities from the design to the implementation and operation of the systemsnews, charger, latest, device, mobility1
tofer.huTofer Kft. started its egg disinfection activities in 1997 with a Hungarian ownership background.disinfection activity, activity hungarianegg, disinfection, fresh, quality, customer1
multistahl.huOur core activity is to provide steel materials and semi-finished products for our partners. Whether it's a standard or special material you are looking for, we'll find it and get the best price for you!core activity, activity steelmaterial, steel, need, raw, size1
magyartavakfesztivalja.huIf you combine the soul warming properties of music with the love of outdoor activities, it creates such a musical therapy which brings real restoration for the body and soul. It is a noble and simple thought and yet it includes everything that is the real medicine for the passive, yet stressful…outdoor activity, activity musicalfestival, nature, accommodation, material, release1
pressair.huIn accordance with the developed market needs, we have General Liability Insurance covering liability for activities, service providers, products, and environmental pollution. Our economy is balanced. We are a qualified taxpayer of the Hungarian Tax Authority earning the title “Debt Free Company”.liability activity, activity serviceair, quality, customer, solution, need1
clbpackaging.huOur company has two main activities, these are the box manufacturing and cardboard distribution.main activity, activity boxpackaging, cardboard, distribution, manufacture, field1
rezgés.huWe undertake to design and install off-line and on-line vibration diagnostic systems, as well as vibration measurements and fault analyses of rotary machines for clients, who wish to solve the problem of predictive maintenance within their own scope of activity.vibration, diagnostic, alert, tool, measure1
toth-transport.huOur main activity is international transportation. From the very begining, Mihály Tóth has been the Executive Director with over 99% of the ownership.main activity, activity internationalconnection, gallery, semi, title, description1
mabisz.huIn addition, our Association considers among its tasks the coordination and management of activities within our members’ common interest such as prevention of damage, education, protection against insurance fraud.management activity, activity memberinsurance, homepage, risk, news, fee1
urbantours.huIn case of extreme weather conditions or unforeseen events, we reserve the right to cancel or reschedule the activity until next availability. If we cancel for such reasons, you will receive a full refund.right activity, activity availabilitytour, scooter, hour, city, electric1
primech.huThe main activity of Primech CNC Kft is machining unique precision parts and machine units in lease work. Our orders are thoroughly carried out tailored for the needs of the costumers regarding quality and deadline. In order to offer our best services, we are constantly developing our equipment…main activity, activity primechmachining, production, machine, centre, table1
e-steel.huE-STEEL Engineering Ltd. was founded in 2017. The engineering activity of our company covers the structural design of buildings, in all planning phases, from study-tender plans to detailed execution designs. Our main field of activity is the design of industrial steel structures, nevertheless we…engineering activity, activity company, field activity, activity designsteel, structural, engineer, structure, technology1
competition.huThe decision on 28th April 2020 of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) fits well in the clearly visible EU trends, focusing more and more on the consumer protection activities.competition, law, consumer, authority, advertisement1
nardon.huOur activities: The complete construction of shops and offices and the assembly of cleanroom constructions.homepage, construction, history, reference, technology1
laxford.huFrom the mid- 2000s, we specialize in gaming related electronic products and equipment. In this context, our activities have expanded to planning, developing and testing of slot machine and electronic roulette programs that are successfully operating in the domestic and international markets. In…context activity, activity plandevelopment, director, successfully, electronic, component1
egeszsegbiztositas.hucytology and histology tests, isolation of allergens from blood, endoscopic-reflective tests, MRI, CT, PET CT, tests for electrical activity of muscles, nerves and the brain (EEG, EMG, ENG), cardiovascular tests and angiography, enterography, radioisotopic tests, articular pinprick tests…electrical activity, activity musclehealth, insurance, plan, care, day1
select.huOur integrated IT program developed for consultant activities provides a quick and professional qualitywork.consultant activity, activity quickselect, job, advise, training, management1
bestchem.huOur company - also using a network of similar activity companies in other countries - has got a wide knowledge about the users of chemicals in various industries and we can give value to your surplus or obsolete stocks. Our company takes into a consignment or - in case of special conditions…similar activity, activity companychemical, colour, card, stock, solution1
stack-systems.huThe company Stack-Systems is a trademark with more than 10 years of experience, the short one combines young, ambitious, dynamically developing companies. The activities of which are aimed at providing a full range of Business Services around the world!company activity, activity rangestack, video, application, development, surveillance1
emin.huThe tender is implemented with the financial and professional cooperation of the announcers. The announcers of the Value and Quality Award Tender also strive to develop and implement concepts with their own activities promoting the business success of economic organizations producing excellent…concept activity, activity businessquality, award, tender, value, consumer1
bendeconsulting.huWe are committed to continuous improvement that enhances people's lives and work. Through our own development, we become empowered to support the development of others. Through our activities, we help our client's people and organisations to become more effective and thus more successful.development activity, activity clientconsulting, development, solution, management, case1
supplymanagement.hu2B Supply Management Ltd . wants to be one of the best sales and supply management service provider in its range of activity in the Central and Eastern European region.range activity, activity centralmanagement, supply, document, sale, europe1
mediatorpont.huOur office is special because we combine mediation with legal activities. The attorney and mediator services are backed up with extensive in-court experience . The sooner we start to work together on your case, the quicker you will reach an agreement. We strive to provide you a cultured…legal activity, activity attorneydivorce, attorney, mediator, court, agreement1
galiugyvediiroda.huIn his well-equipped office in the centre of Sopron he provides his clients legal counseling, writing of agreements and documents as well as a wide range of activities including litigious and non-litigious procedures.range activity, activity litigiouslaw, economic, advocacy, classical, family1
drhodosi.hu…people, it spreads very quickly and becomes known. This may easily lead to abuse. Dr. Miklós Hodosi has been working as a Data Protection Officer for many years, participated in the development of data protection systems for companies, but also helped the activities of individual entrepreneurs.company activity, activity individualcase, legal, contract, client, solution1
silkem.huIn order to expand our product range, we are engaged in continuous development activities to develop further new product manufacturing technology.development activity, activity newground, dry, range, wide, trade1
kulturalisutvonalak.huThe experiences and activities of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Directorate of the Hungarian Open Air Museum would ensure the effective support of the Hungarian and European communities and networks.experience activity, activity intangibleroute, european, cultural, council, danube1
alginit.hu7. Alginit improves the soil structure and plant growth due to an increased generation of clay humus aggregates and activates microbial activity.soil, water, user, application, mineral1
kubinyimuzeum.huIn the small picturesque town in north-eastern Hungary is one of the most beautiful Baroque palaces that works as a museum. On our website you will find information about our cultural and scientific activities, as well as about the history of the castle and museum.scientific activity, activity historyexhibition, museum, castle, collection, current1
rszalo.hu2009 We began our commercial refrigeration activities at Tesco stores of various sizes (e.g., supermarket, express)refrigeration activity, activity tescoimplementation, technology, england, centre, logistic1
buzassandor.hu“Fascinating methodology and tailor-made coaching activities! Meetings are highly focused and finish by getting new perspectives that expands on the topics previously discussed. There were personalized homework activities that triggered immediate changes in my life and around me. The coaching…coaching activity, activity meeting, homework activity, activity immediatesession, strategy, performance, free, people1
imro.huThe “EnerTy” project launched on 1st December 2023, with the participation of IMRO, in Slovenian-Hungarian collaboration, in the framework of which – among many other activities – energy-poor households in the counties of Zala and Vas will be mapped, energy certificates will be prepared for 50…framework activity, activity energyenergy, climate, tovább, close, county1
secureaccess.huTime recording is the base of billing and reporting. Having a simple, but effective way to record activities is essential. There are multiple ways TimeMind can assist in metering time spent on document editing, phone calls or other activities.way activity, activity essentialaccess, report, document, management, billing1
independads.huWe implement robust measures to combat ad fraud, employing sophisticated algorithms and monitoring systems to detect and mitigate fraudulent activities, ensuring clients’ budgets are spent on genuine impressions.fraudulent activity, activity clientcampaign, data, user, performance, client1
marcalikiss.huJozsef Marcali Kiss's two daughters, Melitta and Rita Kiss inherited both abilities. For them singing remained only a pastime activity, altough Melitta owes her first watercolour series of gothic and renaissance Italy inspiration to the choir tours.pastime activity, activity altoughjozsef, gallery, artist, painter, family1
piko.huBecause of the companies international activity and/ or ownership we offer our services also in English and German, of course based on the Hungarian legislation.international activity, activity ownershipaccounting, tender, application, auditing, price1
soffie.huLeverage technology to make your buildings be more energy efficient, reduce waste and optimize maintenance activities. These smart offices offer higher levels of security and help the overall business sustainability.maintenance activity, activity smartoffice, management, employee, feature, highlight1
transhungaria.huTrans Hungária Kft. offers its customers comprehensive services, from receiving the goods to delivery to the addressee, while assuming liability for both the logistics activities and the inherent risk.logistic activity, activity inherentmain, page, vehicle, privacy, technical1
seed-ecology.hu…using approaches of seed ecology and landscape ecology. In this homepage we introduce our favourite research topics , news related to our activities , the team members and our publications . Please visit our photo gallery and get an impression of our working athmosphere and join us for a…related activity, activity teamecology, seed, research, group, homepage1
hungaromarket.hu…foreign companies, we also have our own production capacity working with the materials and equipment of the companies we represent. Our main activity is thermal spraying (with Oerlikon Metco equipment), which is a great solution for corrosion protection and renew worn metalparts. Furthermore wemain activity, activity thermalcoating, thermal, rubber, application, lubricant1
oxit.huIn our developments, we focus on Innovating AI & Spatial Tech Solutions and Autonomous Robotics for a safer future. We have Military production license, Military technical activity license, Facility Security Clearance Certificate and are proud co-founders of the Hungarian XR Coalition.technical activity, activity licensetender, reality, robotic, technology, repair1
coolteam.huOur company started its activity in 2005 with the distribution of woven labels. After three years, we have expanded our product range with a printed product line. Thanks to the hard work during the years since then, we have managed to develop into one of the most significant distributors of…company activity, activity distributionlabel, weave, emblem, printing, digital1
amper99.huProduction of high current switching equipment. Manufacturing of automatic and PLC cabinets. Own construction engineering activities.electrical, implementation, manufacture, equipment, maintenance1
szomszedbisztro.huQuality without compromise . This is the guiding principle behind our daily activities, and we believe that this is what helps us achieve full satisfaction of our guests. We only use ingredients of verified freshness and quality, we only work with colleagues whom we share our passion for catering…daily activity, activity satisfactionspace, community, wine, drink, food1
icomos.hu…the foundation of ICOMOS in 1965, ICOMOS Hungary has been involved in the elaboration of several international documents concerning restoration activities, related to the historic buildings, ensembles and sites, as well as to promote the recognition, application and the continuous development of…restoration activity, activity historiccommittee, event, sub, aim, news1
froccs.huJoin us for our most popular activity, during which we paddle down the emerald Soca river in 4-10 seat rafts! It’s a perfect family adventure, because the kids enjoy every minute of it.popular activity, activity emeraldslovenia, tour, kayak, package, river1
szlovakia-utazas.huThe aim of this webpage is to provide well-arranged and actual information about Slovakia for tourists from foreign countries, especially from Hungary. On our tourism information portal the visitor can find information about the beauties of the Slovak regions, cultural-folklore events and sport…sport activity, activity visitoraccommodation, tourist, cottage, slovakia, center1
smartrailwaysolution.huOne of our main activities is the organization of training, education and exams of staff working in railway traffic safety. The company’s other important area is railway engineering service and consulting. Our engineers (mechanical, traffic, track) are able to deal with any problem arising in…main activity, activity organizationrailway, solution, field, training, centre1
mavex-rekord.huThe main activities of MAVEX-REKORD Ltd are manufacturing, repairing and selling rail-guided vehicles and its components; renting railway wehicles; selling railway construcion materials; dealing and leasing real estate; project coordinating; technical and engineering consultancy.main activity, activity mavexreal, estate, railway, component, manufacturer1
mipa-coatings.huThe team of MIPA Coatings Kft. provides high quality assistance in colormatching activities related to the growing market demand of car paints of MIPA SE world wide.colormatching activity, activity marketcoating, phone, market, paint, wide1
busoxy.huThanks to our services and activities we deliver oxygen to hospitals, to health institutes and directly to the homes of the sufferers of asthma, heart, lung and cancer conditions.service activity, activity oxygenbus, quality, guarantee, introduction, homepage1
innonet.huCompanies (mainly Start Ups) with a strong technology focus, specialized know-how and high growth potential (Supported by basic office and IT services to aid their management to focus on core business activity)innovation, technology, homepage, centre, enterprise1
berkykuria.hu…was being with friends (4 families). We were able to spend time together in the large spacious common areas and around the house, yet everyone had the opportunity to be alone. The high standard of the mansion meant that everyone (young, old, adults) could find the fun and activities they liked.”finally, family, cottage, gathering, house1
next9.huWell-defined social purpose or CSR activities are the most important differentiating aspects among companies.csr activity, activity importantcommunication, media, award, corporate, storytelling1
extorenergy.hu…implementation of uninterruptible power supply equipment and systems. Using its unique experience in power supply, EXTOR Kft. has extended its activities to the utilization of solar energy, the complete design and construction of solar power plants, the supply, installation and operation of…kft activity, activity utilizationpower, plant, energy, construction, network1
gépvédelem.hu…appear. It is beneficial from the aspect of maintenance and productions to use machine protection system at expensive machines which are important in the production. The early recognition of failures and hereby the prediction of life expectancy helps to plan maintenance activities much efficient.maintenance activity, activity efficientmachine, protection, tool, dealer, vibration1
puremedion.huBeside promoting its own brand and products, PureMedion intends to act as a supplier and engineering hub in the CEE region to assist all those customers who require effective integration of technologies to simplify their workflow and boost efficiency. This activity is supported by all those…efficiency activity, activity puremedionindustry, water, air, filtration, virus1
kultturist.hu“Eva and her team planned a flawless meeting for our group of volunteers. The balance of activities and free time along with selected meals and excursions could not have been better. I highly recommend this gem of an organization. Kudos to Eva and her team!balance activity, activity freeeurope, central, heritage, tour, croatia1
kaposplast.huKAPOSPLAST harmonizes its producing activity with the environment, which results in modern products answering to the recent needs of the market.produce activity, activity environmentagricultural, news, industry, concrete, brush1
hclu.hu…The change is primarily the result of our new strategy, which is more complex than the previous one: we decided to develop new types of activities as well as strengthen the role of strategic planning for greater impact. In addition, we have been able to continuously expand our team over thetype activity, activity rolelaw, freedom, union, rule, news1
extralady.huPiracy is a side effect of the internet. The answer may surprise you. Anyone interested in piracy should read it in some detail. The most recent survey covers March to May and it suggests that book piracy, as opposed to movie or music piracy, is a marginal activity that barely registers in the data.marginal activity, activity barelybook, big, russia, legitimate, british1
focusfox.huWe offer complete, high-quality services for our partners be it commercial, animation, short, documentary or feature film. Beside our picture and sound post production activities we make our own complete film productions on our own investment with the collaboration help of Hungarian Filmfund.production activity, activity completewebsite, production, post, commercial, studio1
hus-sziget.huOur main activity is the export and import, wholesale and retail of frozen meat and finished meat products.main activity, activity exportmeat, pork, chicken, customer, beef1
szakitrans.huConsecutive fleet developments and expansion of our circle of activities towards ADR and tyre transport.circle activity, activity adrtransport, fleet, eng, international, oversize1
okotars.huWe analyzing, evaluating and supporting the activities of CSOs and community groups (e.g. voter mobilization, election monitoring) around the local and national elections.society, report, european, tree, rule1
ecm-kft.huFrom the beginning of its business activities EcoloChem Magyaróvár was fully committed to prevent environmental pollution beyond the common statutory regulations. While the majority of the company’s products are applied directly in the treatment of waste water and drinking water, the company…business activity, activity ecolochemproduction, quality, salt, capacity, customer1
teremtoonismeret.hufixed ideas and games in my life e.g. escaping into fatigue, illness, work or other activities, feeling exceedingly tense when being hungry, feeling exceedingly worried before travelling, playing the role of ”I am little, I hear and see nothing”, escaping into hysteria, nail-biting, peeing without…work activity, activity exceedinglyparent, power, father, mother, relationship1
hervay.huOur goal is to provide customers with the highest quality possible legal service to large emphasis on effective representation of their interests , constructive assistance in solving legal problems . Their activities throughout the Pest County and the surrounding area will also provide . Customer…problem activity, activity pestlaw, office, labour, legal, proceedings1
hungarikumhotel.huOur hotel opened in 2022 in Lakitelek, in the Hungarikum Liget. In a beautifully landscaped athmosphere, it offers quality hospitality, relaxing spa, various cultural experiences and a wide range of sport activities.room, place, staff, kindness, wonderful1
cardsys.huThe service contains the using of the whole package with the full functionality during the competitions and all the activities of competition (including the Jumping Test and the Technical Meeting as well) connected to our Modern Pentathlon Information System (MP INFOSYS) program package, such as…competition activity, activity competitionresult, software, competition, package, download1
m-plast.huWe started our activity in 1982, and since than we manufacture wide variety of polyurethane products. Nowadays we have 3 low and 3 high pressured polyurethane mixer machines on an approximately 1000 m2 (10763 ft2) wide area.frame, ornament, furniture, webpage, official1
pics2023.huThe establishment of a unique organisation dealing with dissolution science and educational activities will be presented. Current trends in pharma industry research including newer drug delivery systems to increase patient awareness, compliance, and adherence will be presented along with the new…educational activity, activity currentsymposium, industry, international, scenario, university1
biologiclabs.huWe have a significant portfolio of consulting and we also undertake expert assignments, including forensic expert activities.logic, lab, development, production, research1
envitek.hu…as engine and vehicle manufacturers in the U.S., Europe and Asia, for the measurement of CO, CO 2 , NO, NO 2 , THC, NMHC, CH 4 , NH 3 , O 2 , N 2 O, SF 6 , Particulate Mass, and Particle Number. Sensors is also the manufacturer of the HI-FLOW 2 sampler and analyzer which is ideal for LDAR activity.gas, process, solution, manufacturer, instrument1
felszeghyzoltan.huMy name is Zoltan Felszeghy and I work in digital marketing and sales to help small, mid-size and large companies to raise their revenue and brand awareness by creating and planning sales-driven marketing activities such as content creation, online and offline advertisements and improving business…marketing activity, activity contentzoltan, digital, skill, journey, previous1
awdkft.huThe main activity of the company is the services in the field of information technology. We develop system solutions as well as monitoring and control software.main activity, activity companyart, water, scheme, management, control1
dca.huI love that there are so many styles of dance and activities that Éva never gets bored. There is something for every age group . DCA is growing up with my daughter. She is growing and DCA is growing with her. Éva can be herself and she has gained so much confidence; her way of speaking, talking to…dance activity, activity évadance, drama, class, school1
sxm.huThe company has been founded by migrating a previous private company in 2021. The activity is existing for several years.company activity, activity yearexperimental, commercial, navigation, main, profile1
kaszo-life.huProject activities started on 1st September 2013 and – as per schedule – will be finished in 5 years. The so-called concrete conservation actions are to be performed in the winter of 2014-2015 –considering the characteristics of the vegetation periods of the flora and fauna of the project area…project activity, activity septemberaction, official, welcome, result, progress1
appmegoldasok.huProducing applications which help the building of communities, through organizing collective activities, from the simpliest things to whatever you can imagine.collective activity, activity simpliestapp, community, developer, user, idea1
lacom.huIs it important to see what was published in the media about your company? Does effective communication matter to you? Would you like to be aware of the communication activities of your competitors?communication activity, activity competitormedia, plan, creative, event, personal1
drsutogyorgy.huThe content of the website is for information purposes only and is intended to provide information on the activities of the lawyer and how to contact him!information activity, activity lawyerlawyer, criminal, attorney, defense, law1
vl2004.hu…of our undertaking in 2004. From the very beginning VL2004 Ltd has alway been dynamically growing, since we have always been engaged with enthusiasm and engagement to our profession. We are proud to contribute to the maintenance of a sustainable world by our metal scrap recycling activity.scrap, equipment, licence, confidence, metal1
trustair.huOur medical transport activity by a SPECIAL AMBULANCE AIRCRAFT or by a COMMERCIAL FLIGHT covers the following cases.transport activity, activity specialmedical, transport, aviation, trust, flight1
aegisgeneral.huOur guarding services are based on the main areas of activity, which include asset protection and property protection. In addition to our expertise, we also guarantee discretion, which has made us a reliable partner in the asset protection sector for many years.area activity, activity assetgeneral, protection, operation, personal, complex1
ebt-roll.huThe aim of the business activity is the fully provision of the customer s demaind. Our firm keeps the quality as well as our customers satisfaction in view.business activity, activity fullybelt, bear, customer, inquiry, accessories1
preselo.huAll together is a great set-up whilecompleting the viticulture activities, cellar and wine-testing events.viticulture activity, activity cellarwine, house, hospitality, vine, vineyard1
vodamobil.huBalaton- Nautik Ltd. is a franchise partner of one of the most outstanding telecommunication companies. Our first store was founded in 2007 in Budapest, our main activity is to sale services, mobile phones and their accessories Our professional colleagues are waiting for you every day of the…main activity, activity servicestore, phone, mobile, accessories, mean1
canadianschool.hu"My time at CIS was truly transformative. The dedicated educators, diverse student body, and engaging extracurricular activities laid the foundation for my personal and professional growth. The rigorous academic curriculum prepared me well for college, and the friendships I forged remain strong to…extracurricular activity, activity foundationschool, learn, admission, career, student1
rollandtrailer.huThe ambition to always produce a better way by increasing the mahcines durability, reducing the painting solvents and by obtentaining the Eco-Spreading certification … Rolland drives permanent innovations oriented on our conception. Our spirit : Better towed machines, for your activity and for…machine activity, activity earthfrance, family, vehicle, machine, innovation1
sniperfegyverbolt.huAfter 2004 many of its traditional export markets were put under embargo and this caused the company to stop its activity connected to the defence industry. At the end of 2010, FÉG almost went bankrupt when HUF 1.7 billion of funds disappeared from the company. MPF Industry Group made an important…company activity, activity defencegun, store, shop, cart, industry1
mfpartners.huWe have considerable experience of providing legal services for businesses. We assist our clients in preparing their business decisions, regulating their economic processes, and resolving their legal issues. In our activities we adapt flexibly to clients’ needs and expectations.issue activity, activity flexiblylaw, attorney, expertise, client, firm1
emsculptneo.huThe muscle temperature raises by several degrees, similar to what a warm-up activity does before any workout.similar activity, activity workoutclinic, andrassy, treatment, official, street1
ecsy.huDealing with confectioner, baker and gastronomic goods for more then 25 Years! We buy directly our professional products from German, Italian and French partner companies, but also we have some Hungarian suppliers. We have retail trade and also wholesale trade activity, as well; and also serve…trade activity, activity privatetool, cake, form, cutter, bowl1
okopannon.huIn that period ÖKO-Pannon fulfilled and overfulfilled every year the targets set by the law. Besides the fulfilled target the activity of ÖKO-Pannon generated an agregated savings of 300 billion HUF for industry.target activity, activity ökotrademark, packaging, charge, green, licence1
bobskitchenbudapest.huDuring Bob's Kitchen Budapest's short-term activity in the Hungarian market, several prominent companies with British connections have been delighted to avail themselves of our catering services. Whether it's a team building event, Christmas fair, or company celebration, esteemed organizations…term activity, activity hungariankitchen, restaurant, taste, british, breakfast1
hermuz.huSupporting the achievement of new, scientific and museological results, which are of outstanding international attention, within the scope of museum activities, as well as the recognition of outstanding oeuvres of individuals operating in the northern part of Central and Eastern Europe.museum activity, activity recognitionaward, museum, exhibition, visitor, public1
mbve.huThe association does not pursue direct political activities. It is independent from political parties.political activity, activity independentmember, security, association, market, manager1
holyprojects.huLodiarchitects, Lődi János , owner, architect - interior designer Studies: Hungarian university of arts and design. (MOME) – Architect. Professional activity: Working autonomously (self-employed) and owns a private company since 2010. Private office: Lődi Építésziroda (Lodiarchitects) Kft. -…professional activity, activity autonomouslyholy, interior, balazs, graphic, set1
ip-board.huThe goal of our establishment is the integration of existing intelligent systems into everyday activities; from watching TV to remote monitoring. Connecting technologies and operating them in one unit is a noble challenge, which provides every users with unique, personalized experiences. We…everyday activity, activity tvsoftware, room, gallery, goal, camera1
bsce.huThe focus of BSCE’s activities is to deliver solutions and applications that are easy to use for our customers. To do this, we cover the entire business analysis and development process, from consultancy to architecture and development. The implementation and management of projects is carried out…bsce activity, activity solutiondevelopment, management, solution, data, report1
singalongkidsbudapest.huWeek by week we explore different themes such as animals, body parts, colours, food, numbers, seasons and holidays, through musical, drama and movement activities that develop children accordingly. Carefully selected songs and rhymes, the use of finger play, actions, games,puppets, parachute…movement activity, activity childclass, kid, child, sing, music1
parkhotel-taltos.huIn our Hotel the guests can use a lot of recreating activities, plunge pool, sauna, children's play room, billiards, darts, barbecue-served areas.lot activity, activity plungegallery, photo, cottage, camp, forest1
ideona.huWhere others see problems, we do see opportunities. Our broad spectrum of activities create powerful synergies. This enables us to see the world in its complexity and deliver out of the box solutions.spectrum activity, activity powerfuldivision, director, ceo, board, kovacs1
urpro.huOur main activity is trading and logistics of chemical raw materials. We are offering materials and services for various industries, where necessary chemical materials.main activity, activity tradingindustry, chemical, plastic, paper, textile1
dads.huSince 1997, we have been dealing with computer graphic design of publications, electronic documents and other materials. During the past years, we have carried out the following categories of activities:art, digital, publication, studio, photo1
wellevent.huThe founder of WELLEVENT, after achieving success in Hungarian events, relocated his activities to the United Kingdom where he furthered his education. He delved deeper into the industry, even working on mega-projects. Upon his return, he decided to elevate the standard of domestic events to a new…event activity, activity unitedevent, technology, quote, music, execution1
finchdesign.huMy daily activities include, drawing a portret, laser engraving, carpenter works, computer and internet management, handling creative softwares like Coreldraw, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office (Word and Excell), MULLER MUCAD computer system, responsive website editing, HTML, CSS, bootstrap…daily activity, activity portretwebsite, detail, pattern, weave, shuttle1
limesmodel.huAs an innovative enterprise, research and development is part of our lives, and we capitalize the results of our projects in our activities.model, bridge, development, house, castle1
acsgep.huThe road transportation division’s main activity is to serve crane rental divisions in connection with tower crane erections and mobile crane installations. In addition, we manage other oversized, overweight and normal transport for our customers. Our company with its wide range of partners is…main activity, activity cranecrane, quote, request, mobile, detail1
postacom.huNowadays our field of activity has extended to the whole territory of Hungary and crossing it, we have carried out network construction tasks for several of our partners abroad.field activity, activity territorynetwork, telecommunication, construction, operation, optical1
gydu.huBesides the school swimming program , children have an opportunity during the afternoon to take part in activities such as swimming lessons and water polo.afternoon activity, activity swimmingpool, swimming, water, school, hour1
balanceline.huBalanceline Kft’s professional team has wide range of experience in financial services and business management. Our aim is to contribute to the success of our clients’ business activities with reliable and precise services. We give you a helping hand and guidance in the challengingbusiness activity, activity reliabletax, line, legal, finance, financial1
atlassoft.huThe key to our success is that our staff members, whom are all on top of their industry on a global scale, not only build on known technologies, but pursue constant on-going in-house R&D activities, which enables us to add new functions, not yet documented, to our products, creating significant…house activity, activity newanalysis, software, security, development, technology1
mometal.huOur main activity is cutting and trading of medium and large series parts. Our company was founded by my father, Sándor Mozsonics in 1992. He was a qualified cutting technician and worked in this field of metalworking all his life, so it is no exaggeration to say that he knew all the ins and outs…main activity, activity cutmetal, cut, trading, llc, machining1
btop.huYou can focus on your core business activity and accordingly you do not have to worry about the administrative matters (and may be penalties) arising from interactions with the tax office and other state agencies. You will be able to monitor the financial situation of your company by our IT based…business activity, activity accordinglytax, accounting, advisory, return, client1
adventum.huThe Company does not depend on the influence of external interest groups, and its ownership structure guarantees both activities based on professional considerations and economic rationalities, focusing exclusively on customer interest.structure activity, activity professionalfund, investment, management, private, group1
toepler.huIn addition, our goal is to compile a psychometric test package measuring neurocognitive functions that may be suitable for OSA patients, to prepare an opinion on the suitability to perform activities with a high risk of accidents, and to determine the minimum conditions for neuropsychological…suitability activity, activity highsleep, norm, medical, institute, research1
tritoo.huDevOps activities as building, deploying and debugging for complex multi-tenant systems, scaling systems to thousands of concurrent users and transactions.devops activity, activity complexdata, solution, science, analysis, process1
artmagazin.huI lost useful hours to this meme page laying on my sofa scrolling through all the witty memes about the contemporary art market and art theory. Besides being a big fan I wanted to figure out the motivation and drive behind the two-year-long activity that created 1340 posts so far—all of them…long activity, activity postart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary1
maxolutions.huOur company has more than 5 years experience as a reliable partner of international companies Our main activity is software development, application management and maintenancemain activity, activity softwaredevelopment, software, benefit, application, source1
tiszapartinyaralas.huAlso people can choose from different sporting activities such as football,basket ball,table tennis ans chess.sporting activity, activity footballvillage, like, local, offer, picture1
ninelife.huMederma PM Intensive Overnight Scar Cream - 1.0 oz (28g) Advanced Scar Treatment that Works with Skin's Nighttime Regenerative Activityhealth, food, grocery, view, cart1
meatfactory.huWe have been devotingly serving both our large customers and individuals for many years with our products, our wholesale and retail activities, and our high-quality freight fleet.retail activity, activity highprice, list, meat, request, factory1
bepro.hu…We do our utmost to be market leaders in Hungary, but from the very beginning it is an important strategic goal for us not to limit our activities within the country’s borders. The task is difficult but not impossible. We know and acknowledge our competitors and we are of the view that we…goal activity, activity countrysign, board, office, decoration, advertisement1
harmatcseppapartmanhaz.hu…Bed linen covers are available in every room. Parking area and grill/ barbecue facilities are provided in the garden. Wifi is available everywhere. In the basement area you can play billiards as a nice free time activity. All rooms can be locked separately. Bicycles are provided for our guests.time activity, activity roomarea, room, apartment, photo, lake1
rc-budapest-city.huWe bring you a roundup of all the exciting activities, events, and achievements that have kept our club buzzing with energy throughout the past months.exciting activity, activity eventcity, member, international, fellow, change1
carlsbad.huresults are key functions in the conduct of Clinical Studies. The assurance of quality is a fundamental component of the Clinical Studies. Our Quality Assurance Department is to ensure that all activities and services conducted on behalf of our clients are performed to the highest quality standards.department activity, activity serviceresearch, study, clinical, animal, privacy1
kollagi.hu…guarantee success. Besides pre-choreographed programs casual programs are also available. We can help you out with corporate team building activities; we teach choreography, we take care of the costumes, sound, light and other stagecraft issues. We can help you with choosing the best venue…team activity, activity choreographydance, event, great, artistic, atmosphere1
adamerdelyi.huManagement of the video analytics delivery team. Responsible for software licensing and subscription management as well as product management (KiwiVision Video Analytics product line) including product support, customer services, pre-sales activities, and training.sale activity, activity trainingprivacy, network, video, university, sensor1
fencon.huWe attempted to gather all useful information about our company and activities on this website, but should you still have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to respond to any of your enquiries either by email or personally. Enjoy browsing!company activity, activity websitenature, conservation, environment, sustainable, benefit1
ppke.huOur mission is to carry out our educational and research activities in the light of faith, with the in-depth and high-level cultivation of Catholic theology.research activity, activity lightfaculty, study, student, scholarship, international1
bluegold.huThe wells presented on this website have been established following scientific geological and hydrogeological research as a result of purposeful real estate development activities.water, mineral, quantity, property, size1
seemis.huThanks to its many years of persistent work, experience and continuous development, SEEMiS Ltd. now performs its wholesale activities in the market of electrical equipment and devices, lighting products and energy distribution equipment.wholesale activity, activity marketlighting, regional, representative, customer, warehouse1
sotiva.huOur other determining activity is sunflower production and processing, and we are also active market participants in the commerce of other agricultural commodities such as walnut, pumpkin seed, popcorn, maize.feed, seed, quality, entry, europe1
beachklub.huThe Holiday Beach Budapest Hotel’s park features an outdoor swimming pool, a fun pool and a paddling pool for summer activities (from beginning of June until the end of August).summer activity, activity beginningbeach, price, sauna, pool, massage1
poliext.hu…progress, car painting, and repairing. Generation after generation continued to develop and improve the family tradition and business activity, which changed to the plastic industry in 1980. At beginning of the ’90s, in Ex-Yugoslavia national conflict has started. To avoid that chaos, MR.business activity, activity plasticirrigation, water, supply, landscape, garden1
iamthebest.huMight be a suggestion: Our talent mentoring programmes provide assistance to young people who are already in the business or are new in the field. Our activities are based on the development of self-awareness a useful tool for creating the basis for a successful career.field activity, activity developmentlearn, self, awareness, training, youth1
rakosmiklos.humember of the viola section in the Budapest (MÁV) Symphony Orchestra, and the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra. Later on – going on with his music activity – he began to teach violin and viola, and was involved in musicology, too. He published studies and books about the history of the hungarian…music activity, activity violinhomepage, study, publication, music, book1
smsolutions.huThe constant monitoring of the water utility network increases the security of supply, and it is easier to prepare for maintenance activities.solution, technology, water, ltd, device1
beleptetes.huTicketControl® is a ticketing access control system designed for sport centers, recreational areas, leisure activities, public baths, etc. Wherever services are provided for payment or need to sell tickets, and where the staff’s movements must be controlled, TicketControl® is the solution. The…leisure activity, activity publicaccess, control, management, visitor, parking1
new-buddha.hu…various sources, e.g. from books, films, music, science, religion, arts, the Internet, etc. You already know everything about life – my apologies to the exceptions. This knowledge is sufficient for self-realisation. There are, however, some sensitive issues; the answers I give to these are worthleisure activity, activity forcereligion, issue, music, exception, answer0
pharmapool.huPharmaPool Ltd. Is a Hungarian based pharmaceutical wholesaler enterprise. We are primarily engaged in international pharmaceutical trade. Our extensive, long-standing business network allow us to successfully complete complex tasks that require unique solutions.useful, pharmaceutical, network, wholesaler, unique0
mhid.huThe objective of M-Híd Műszaki Szolgáltató Zrt. is to further enrich the knowledge and experience inherited from former generations of bridge constructors, and to provide high quality technical support for the implementation of projects.pride, membership, certificate, co., bridge0
kanarikalandok.huApartments… Real Estate in Gran Canaria… About us… Our other offers… Pictures… Contact…creative activity, activity cardetail, apartment, adventure, private, real0
indekft.huWater Cutting - MAXIEM 1515 JetMachining Center – abrasive waterjet machine – continuous cutting of almost all materials, double axle; 1500×1500×100 mmarea activity, activity referencemachine, area, assembly, table, performance0
mpex.huAfter filling in our request form, the best MPEX expert will contact you as soon as possible. Please describe briefly exactly what you need and be sure to provide your contact information. We hold the privacy of your personal information in the highest regard, as described in our privacy statement.group activity, activity area, additional activityproduction, expert, metal, line, industrial0
publicus.huPublicus Institute conducted a national representative poll of 1014 people between 04-07 June, asking people about the Russian-Ukrainian war. (Ezen kutatás magyar nyelven itt olvasható.)majority, people, israel, research, strike0
mmpp.huThis is the online surface of the Hungarian Labor Market Forecast (HLMF, from Hungarian MMPP) research. The HLMF aims to provide useful information to employees, job-seekers, employers and educational organizations on the expected tendencies of the Hungarian labor market. Our intention is to…development activity, activity mkikforecast, labour, force, survey, analysis0
derbygroup.huThe mission of the Derby Group is to provide the highest quality service in international forwarding and logistics for our clients.activity numbergroup, employee, history, number, result0
kiskoreturizmus.huKisköre tourism… Lake Tisza… Our town… Activities… Interesting facts… Sights… Useful information…town, fact, interesting, sight, useful0
s-metal.huWaste management Waste management, environmental protection, wholesale and retail of waste materialswaste, iron, steel, sheet, copper0
talenthunt.huenterprise and local economy development, manpower search and development, project management.activity areadevelopment, consulting, local, selection, search0
einsteintelescope.huHírek… Cikkek… Előadások… Mátra… Műszerek… Média… Elérhetőségek… Publications…recent activitydetector, initiative, generation, publication, lecture0
hungarotrain.hu…our associates have been active in the commissioning of the RS2 metro in New Delhi, as well as the preparation of the local personnel for the operation of the metro for three years now. In Hungary, we render repair services to the components of Talent trains for Bombardier MÁV Kft. In 2010…vehicle, commission, railway, repair, subcontractor0
igazsagosatmenet.huThe Coal Commission was established on 11th March 2021 as the first consultation platform of Hungary focusing on the questions of coal transition. The mission of the Coal Commission is to provide a platform for continuous multi stakeholder consultation in order to support the sustainable and just…priority activitycoal, footprint, calculator, news, power0
szanalasialap.huResolution… What is resolution?… Resolution objectives… Conditions for Resolution… Resolution tools…resolution, fund, institution, member, relation0
gradex.huGeotechnical solutions, resell of geosynthetics | Gradexreinforcement, geotechnical, solution, asphalt, wall0
investigator.hu…choice and industry leader, our focus is on the needs of our clients. We achieve this by providing superior professional investigations and customer service, keeping our client’s interests and confidentiality in mind every step of the way. We present Vinko Robert proffesional private investigator..private, client, need, security, mission0
imm.huArt Nouveau stained glass on archive photographs from the collection of the Museum of Applied... permanent exhibitionorganisation activity, activity hungarian, research activitymuseum, art, apply, collection, exhibition0
solymarimuszakivizsga.hutrailers up to 12 t at our technical station in Solymár and over 12 t at our technical station in Piliscsabastation, technical, examination, appointment, exam0
bocz-n.huBocz-N Ltd. has more than 20 years of experience based on CNC milling, CNC turning and metalworking.main activitymilling, turn, machining, metalworking, quality0
ligetkucko.hu…mi. Aenean sagittis turpis orci, a iaculis est tristique non. Quisque volutpat diam ac blandit volutpat. Aliquam porta, neque at ultricies gravida, ipsum leo consequat urna, a scelerisque lectus risus eget libero. Nullam pretium eget urna ac viverra. Mauris eget metus sit amet velit porta…water activity, activity yearaliquam, lorem, fringilla, sit, adipiscing0
zoldmivesalapitvany.huThere are many varieations of passages Lorem Ipsum available majority have only alteration some form, have onlyipsum, lorem, passage, majority, available0
tuki.huAnswering the challenge of air-quality protection, mainly in the steel, aluminium, hydrocarbon and ceramic industries, introducing energy-saving and environmentally sound technologies, featuring sophisticated control techniques, and systems that require minimum service, and industrial furnaces…representation activityequipment, fire, co., industrial, furnace0
2ge.huIts references including contribution in large projects (Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Hungarian State Railways) show the reliability and high technical level of the company.engineering, technical, development, consulting, reference0
hsmti.hu…material conveying paths on the input and output side or even with robots. Design and integration of automated buffer storage into an existing production line. Risk and resource evaluation of production lines, making of proposals for capacity expansion. Expansion of an existing production lines…machine, image, process, technology, production0
greenguru.hu…City Counsils… Government City Counsils 2… Home 10… Home 2… Home 3… Home 4… Home 6… Home 7… Home…social activityview, government, regulation, tax, local0
brandmakers.huAt Brandmakers we provide integrated services to our costumers, including strategic and creative planning and complete coordination of online marketing and communication.activity plansocial, event, studio, communication, plan0
hunmech.huMy experience is that HunMecH Ltd. puts big emphasis on searching for the best engineers in the job market, and then they also continue to develop their employees into a very high level in order to provide extremely efficient solutions for the costumers.engineering, costumer, application, production, machine0
primefund.hu. Our experts maintain partner relationship based on full discretion with both our clients and the companies managed. Thanks to our relationship of trust, we provide our investors with personalized and complex solutions while adapting to their expectations flexibly and quickly. Through our…law, fund, investment, management, expert0
4kaudit.huAudit services in accordance with National Accounting Standards and other regulations. Audit of company transformation Balance Sheets.range activity, activity fieldwebpage, advisory, tax, field, auditing0
britannicaschool.huAs Hungary's longest established British international school, Britannica International School Budapest is fully accredited to deliver high-quality British education for students aged 5-18. British-owned, our educational programme is based on the English National Curriculum, enhanced to meet the…school, international, admission, student, british0
itec.huDevelopment is ongoing and steadily increasing. Our latest results are incorporated into the products developed and produced by our company and thus benefit our clients.certificate, support, homepage, device, instrument0
jlc.co.huTo serve our customers the best, our aim from the very first time is to adjust our equipment and infrastructure to the increased volume and changing market circumstances .transportation, material, headquarter, warehouse, value0
camion-group2000.huThe Camion Group 2000 Limited Partnership receives commissions for doing transport duties and the organisation of the routes are made on the basis of these information. The trucks check in previously determined time according to their duties so the consignee could...group, history, truck, document, gallery0
coldwar.hureaches out with a wide variety of projects and approaches to learning about the Cold War, and is compiled through many perspectives of Cold War histories. "On this day" posts remind us of the recent past, bringing it back to the present. They provide a brief, informative narrative of one…cold, history, research, center, soviet0
due.hu220 schools are members of the Student Radio Network. Every month, they receive programs with information, a program, and music on it. Professionals are editing this selection. Radio makers can use it in their work; occasionally there are also special programs for holiday seasons.radio, member, journalist, student, media0
niok.huNIOK Foundation provides an intense mentoring and consultancy support for CSOs via its internal and external subject matter experts mainly in the fields of communications and fundraising and in the format of personal consultancy, mentoring, training courses and networking opportunities. The…current activity, activity servicemission, build, foundation, society, organization0
miszje.huMISZJE is a joint right managing organization, whose primary aim is to collect royalty and to perform the distribution of the funds according to its effective Distribution Rules.royalty activitypage, main, distribution, rule, joint0
trt.huTRT Europe Kft. 2019 Copyrighteurope, number, privacy, page, profession0
hangkelto.hu…to the work of the Vox Insana Chamber Choir and the MediCantare Mixed Choir, participating in 8-10 concerts and on average 2 international projects, with the help of 15-20 volunteers. The ImPulzus Creative Music Lab is the Foundation’s newest initiative, with the goal of revealing the methodschoir, foundation, chamber, lab, creative0
mtgfemonto.huIn Hungary, we have unique production capacity (casting machines, melting cauldrons, furnaces, drawing and pressing machines) and know-how in the field of soldering, lead wires and tin-lead alloys.lead, metal, wire, production, casting0
huistro.huAt the beginning, I would like to tell thank you for your interest as a member of Working Group (WG) Conservation Soil Tillage (CST).member, event, branch, group, soil0
medicopus.hu© 2018 MEDICOPUS Healthcare Provide and Public Nonprofit LTDprivacy, data, interactive, public, production0
reformatusgyongyszem.huOur main priority is to provide excellent service so that parents can be 100% sure their kids are safe and taken care of!column, child, order, page, style0
partnershungary.huIn general, the word "conflict" has a somewhat pejorative connotation, it is seen as a bad thing to be avoided. We think differently. Every society, community, organisation, human relationship goes through conflicts from time to time in the course of everyday interaction. If we have the means…conflict, mediator, training, management, mediation0
majorhalo.hucare, trainings, professional guidance and self-help groups, camps, etc.) we help to prepare people with autism and their families to realize the highest possible level of independent living. Our long-term goal is to take part in the development of different forms of subsidized housing, once the…employment activityautism, community, network, people, opportunity0
eddzavalogatottal.huCoins have long been a stable and valuable investment. Discover investment-grade coins that not only enrich your collection but also offer potential financial growth.activity logcoin, bid, ancient, auction, historical0
bayzoltan.huBay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. – as the coordinator of the Hungarian EURAXESS network – provides free of charge assistance for the outgoing and incoming researchers.material, development, laboratory, bay, technology0
elektrapower.huLine Interactive, Online Single Phase and Online 3 Phase UPS systems from 650VA to 1000kVA , 1 Phase & 3 Phase Diesel Generators, Servo and Static Voltage Stabilisers, Rectifiers, Inverters, Frequency Converters, DC Power Systems, Distribution Panels, Isolation Transformers, AGM & VRLA Batteries…news activitypower, phase, model, series, solution0
gyuloletellen.hu…with a bias motive. According to the OSCE, hate crimes are criminal offences, including offences against persons or property, where the victim, premises, or target of the offence are selected because of their real or perceived connection, attachment, affiliation, support, or membership with a groupcrime, group, offence, victim, criminal0
kozmakft.huWe provide a full range of services in the field of building services systems and system components, for both our existing and new partners in design, construction and product sales.installation, build, reference, heating, air0
ant.huAdvanced Network Technologies Limited was established as a Swedish-Hungarian joint venture in 1990. Over the years the Hungarian management bought out the foreign owners. By now the company is wholly owned by Hungarian private persons.software, detail, event, security, management0
fixpaletta.huSelling-purchasing and repairing used pallets for 16 years. With many years of experience and many types of pallets.pallet, type, purchase, main, fast0
nemzetisegijogok.huMessage from the Minority Ombudsman on the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Act on the Rights of National and Ethnic Minoritiesactivity hungary, international activityminority, message, commissioner, challenge, day0
greenergy.huAs an power trading licensee and power exchange member (HUPX), Greenergy’s sales division sells power generated by our small power plants (as well as small power plants of our partners) and power plant capacity in the power and capacity markets or directly to power consumers.energy, plant, power, trading, main0
prime-time.hu"We have worked together with Prime Time on many occasions, trusting them with the media communication of a professional initiative within the translation and interpretation segment. Prime Time has delivered to the maximum based on our expectations. We strongly recommend them to companies who need…communication activity, activity europecommunication, event, connectivity, trust, expertise0
gki.huOne of Hungary's best-known and longest-running economic research institutes. We have been at the service of science and the Hungarian economy for 30 years.economic, research, article, month, newsletter0
kittibalakinapmu.huDay 7-15: your make up tattoo will fade and become lighter, so be patient and wait for a healed resultprice, permanent, gallery, faq, review0
ayu.huServices… About… Contact… Shop… Cart… Checkout… My account… Welcome… Contact Us… Previous… Next… Visit…tour, day, england, price, travel0
ait-budapest.hu"The program also allowed for a lot of independence while abroad. Instead of feeling like a student going to school in Budapest, I felt like an adult who lived in Budapest and sometimes went to school. I cannot emphasize enough how thankful I am to have done this program."extracurricular activitycollege, student, application, abroad, staff0
abeta.huTechnical supervision of construction implementation works in all branches (structural engineering, mechanical building service, electrical works, public utilities, roads)technical, supervision, thermal, management, imaging0
szigetkozportal.huConnection… Dunakiliti… Mecsér… Activities and nature… Leisure activities… Nature… Family programs…activity nature, leisure activityaccomodation, event, programme, nature, culinary0
szantaipszichologus.hu…with a former coach also affects my attitude towards mistakes. We reworked this well and we also talked a lot about communication that suits the players individually. I improved a lot last season as a person and as a coach. I handle situations more relaxed, I am more open to the children and I canprofessional activity, collective activityarticle, public, goalkeeper, post, news0
puppies.huThe Havanese is a small breed that is happy and affectionate. They are true companions who love to be part of the family. They are extremely social and will lavish attention on those who lavish attention on them. Since this breed is odorless and low shedding they are popular choices for allergy…havanese activity, activity breeddog, breeder, puppy, breed, family0
gyulai-apartman.huWe invite you and your family in the spa town Gyula area of Bath, Castle only a few minutes walk from the cozy, family atmosphere in our apartment.activity sightprice, day, room, picture, normal0
instrumix.huOwing to the close relationship developed with our partners and to the regular trainings, one of our strong points is the high quality professional support.basic, data, quote, distribution, close0
anton.huAQ Anton is a leading European manufacturer on the advanced level multicomponent tooling and plastic part production market. We provide full service to our customers from the part design consultancy trough tooling to the serial production. Our tooling and plastic division supplying the industrial…tooling, machining, client, mould, quality0
meghirdetem.huEnglish (US)… Login… Register for a free account… partners… Contact… Publish your ad for free… For…community activity, friendship activity, activity partnerlisting, free, login, account, sale0
jack-wolfskin.huJACK WOLFSKIN - Buy waterproof clothing, shoes, tents, equipment and more available online - JACK WOLFSKIN Outdoor Shop.jacket, shoes, trousers, footwear, hiking0
fensthermcroatia.hu…activities… Sport & entertainment… Gastronomy… Boat Trips… Boat trips to Privic-Kaprije… Boat trips…leisure activitytrip, tour, croatia, boat, north0
gvi.huImage Career tracking of secondary vocational school graduates Image Career tracking of secondary vocational school graduateseconomic, research, monthly, enterprise, institute0
archeometallurgia.hu…members founded an interdisciplinary research group in response to the growing numbers of archeometallurgical examination and research demands in recent years. The group is continuously working on project by project basis. They have a well-equipped research infrastructure and professional…objective activityuniversity, research, group, faculty, objective0
plastform.co.huand this long experience has proven the quality of our products. We have taken part in several vehicle reconstructions and new productions in the mass-transportation vehicle industry, and we have got really positive feedbacks. Some of our partners were so satisfied with our composite-systems, that…interior, exterior, railway, transportation, mass0
brothersbuild.huHome… Information on data management… About us… Contact… Industrial sector… Our references… Public…main activityconstruction, build, industrial, sector, public0
industrialeb.huISO… Activities… Human resources… References… Contacts…industrial, measurement, electric, installation, operation0
bbvedelem.hu…experience and expertise in the field of asset protection. Our company has the necessary police authority license and professional liability insurance for the performance of asset protection tasks. From the beginning of our operation, we strive to establish a close and flexible relationship…customer, quality, security, committed, friendly0
summa-artium.hu…for business partners and colleagues, establishing art collections, and maecenature (donation) without compensation as well as the help of experts who spend their time and expertise on culture. The main aim is to help culture and the arts by the creation of mutually beneficial arts and…main activity, activity areaart, partnership, cultural, aim, private0
dianaclubhotel.huIn the tastefully decorated, friendly environment of our hotel, our professional and well-prepared staff take care of Your and Your Guests’ comfort. A very special feature of this hotel is the shooting range found on premises that caters to the needs of the enthusiasts of the sport.room, view, detail, gallery, news0
bbqterkep.huEfficiently unleash cross-media information without cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas.value activity, activity betauser, story, benefit, strategy, map0
met.huCountrywide forecast Location forecast Probability forecast Weather anomaly in Europe Model forecasts Upper levels forecasthistory activity, activity qualityweather, warning, forecast, climate, observation0
cpa.hu…After having been working for one year in Sweden, Mr. Dénes decided to continue his career in his home country but not as an employee of a big auditing company but establishing his own company with the aim of offering services for the medium- and small-size foreign investors. Since that time the…appraisal activityauditing, college, owner, continuous, advise0
nagyember.huI spent two years there, and in November 1991, I moved to Budapest's oldest university club, and spent 10 (!) wonderful years there. In 1995, I was hired by Juventus Radio, the market leader commercial station back then, and I was the host of the Friday Night Mix, until 2006. 11 unforgettable…media activity, activity blogsummary, fact, radio, cassette, record0
sunbelt.huIt is often an external observer who can identify and handle these tiny, but very annoying problems. We at Sunbelt believe that by relieving procurement specialists of unnecessary burdens, we allow them to have more time and energy to concentrate on the tasks that really matter. In the long run…procurement activityreference, procurement, quote, industrial, solution0
hardsonic.huUltrasonic plastic welding, ultrasonic spot welding, ultrasonic riveting, ultrasonic insert implantation, ultrasonic line welding, ultrasonic sewing, ultrasonic cutting, packaging technology.main activity, activity ultrasonicultrasonic, welding, machine, clean, technology0
largus.huex massa, lacinia sed neque et, sodales imperdiet lacus. Curabitur dolor quam, elementum sit amet erat a, feugiat suscipit ante. Nullam et felis ut enim elementum vulputate et fringilla urna. Nulla eu aliquet quam. Mauris pretium, velit vel interdum tincidunt, lectus lacus imperdiet justo, sit amet…professional activityengineering, ipsum, mauris, lacinia, massa0
fulopvilla.hu…square metres total is suitable for 13-16 guests. Eeach unit is fully equipped and uniquely furnished to meet all your needs. The apartments are placed on a 1500 square metre landscaped garden with a heated pool, outdoor cooking facilities, a gazebo, a wine cellar, darts, table tennis, wifi, etc.outdoor activityapartment, detail, garden, pool, floor0
starkor.hu…the project workflow ensure the high quality of our products. Quality assurance does not end with the delivery of the project; it continues with customer support during the warranty period to ensure our customers obtain the highest level of services. It is indeed important for us that our customersbusiness activity, activity monitoringdeveloper, solution, customer, software, branch0
kozjogazdasaga.huSkip to footer… Extranet… Community… Community News… E-Learning… Knowledge Base… Activity… Messages…collection, like, single, job, event0
geohome.hu…energy production by using GSHP systems. Under average circumstances, we need 3 parts of ground heat and 1 part of electricity to produce 4 parts of heating energy. Currently, this is the most efficient solution among the energy sources that are not subject to licensing and are free to use.energy, ground, efficient, source, family0
cocora.huLegal services in English, at favourable prices, in the heart of Budapest, next to the Basilica - Real estate law * Company law * Family law - Working languages: Hungarian, English, Romanianlegal, client, law, package, translation0
szoft-egyesulet.hu…enter a long term cooperation with a language professional, you can search our database with SZOFT members’ profiles. You just need to input the type of service and the languages, possibly with the subject matter of your project and a list of names will pop up with our members who match your needs.member, language, interpreter, translator, board0
szintezis-net.huAs ISTQB Gold Partners, we provide a comprehensive range of testing services, including automated, functional, non-functional, and formal approaches to assure optimal product performance for a smooth market launch.support, software, today, page, development0
nitrogen.huNitrogénművek Zrt. in Pétfürdő, a member of the Bige Holding Group, is the only Hungarian nitrogen fertiliser producing company today with ammonia and fertiliser production capabilities. It was founded in 1931.nitrogen, investor, industrial, news, acid0
gifter.huHomepage of Gifter Bt. / A Gifter Bt honlapja.homepage, manufacture0
gph.huAn overview of Ipoly Forest Ltd.'s small railway developments in recent years from 2003 to the presentengineering, representation, railway, development, archive0
europutz.hu…and the attitude of our professionals guarantee professional management and precision. In addition to expert property management and operation our main tasks are to insure for our partners that they should not notice the incidental difficulties that may emerge during our work even in extreme cases.activity contactmanagement, build, property, clean, industry0
produktumgeneral.huWe fulfill our construction orders mainly in general construction. We also undertake the construction of schools, kindergartens, nurseries, sports facilities, halls, family houses, as well as the renovation of existing buildings!general, industry, coating, powder, locksmith0
agrosped.huSince 2016 we have had our own wash hall with modern washing technology with high and low pressure and disinfection. After each animal transport, the trucks with their livestock transport trailers are cleaned, washed and disinfected.company activity, activity qualityvehicle, transport, animal, livestock, fleet0
cafecsoport.hu…marketing communication campaigns for almost two decades, providing a wide range of support for our clients, from strategy development to media planning and campaign execution. Our team is inspired by innovation and change. We are here to assist you in leading edge projects such as brandedgroup, communication, agency, integrate, media0
arabikum.huWe also distribute floor scrubbing pads for machine cleaning of various surfaces. Several material, color, hardness and abrasion resistance options are available.main activity, activity manufacturefloor, main, rubber, page, strip0
viktoriapekseg.hu…Service Plus… Digital… Essential Free Resources for Graphic Designers in 2022… 12Comments… Options…digital, single, job, like, event0
alpava.huOur company started in 2014 for become a part of the Hungarian market with our own developed devices.main activitysite, software, mobile, device, market0
digicont.huOur company is dedicated to the distribution of parts for household appliances. Our main focus areas include many kind of thermostats like stem, capillary and room thermostats, rotary switches, calibration devices, cables, and much more. We are working closely with manufacturers and wholesalers in…business activity, activity easternthermostat, circuit, regulation, official, website0
jolyn.huWe make unique one-piece & two-piece swimsuits, as well as activewear, for girls and women. Competitive swimwear and durable training costumes for your swimming sessions. Choose from more than 35 color combinations and 40 styles of swimwear. We ship within all Europe. Free shipping available for…swim, europe, coverage, training, costume0
compliancetarsasag.huThe Hungarian Corporate Compliance Society is Hungary’s professional organization promoting and sharing compliance knowledge. Our goal is to bring the compliance community together to help compliance professionals to further advance their expertise and careers, to network and to stay up-to-date…goal activitysociety, corporate, goal, community, career0
almasi-s.huWe do our utmost to make sure that you get outstanding quality products with a short deadline at a competitive price.quality, machining, milling, turn, thread0
leadevents.huOur country, the land of our ancestors, our culture, our traditions, our wealth, that we invite you to discover, to share to preserve.

Devise and implement programs, trips for our customers in Hungary, it is the basis of our concept.

To live Hungarian moments, to visit the…
lead, culture, country, land, wealth0
jozsefvaros.huProblem exploration walk about dogs in the Csarnok neighborhood | Józsefváros Participatory Budgetingmunicipality, office, open, free, district0
drc.huWe will be honored to be your partner in providing clinical trials or welcome you in our out-patient clinic.trial activity, activity patienttrial, clinical, patient, clinic, drug0
egesfold.huGuesthouse… Wine bar… Sauna… Reservation… Gallery… Contact… Get closer… Details… have a look… Check it…wine, reservation, bar, sauna, close0
goldenlake.huHotel Golden Lake Resort Balatonfüred - ****superior wellness and conference hotel on the northern shore of Lake Balatondetail, lake, offer, conference, room0
sch-haccp.huCopyright © 2024 SCH-HACCP. Powered by SCH-HACCP.daily activityday, teacher, care, child, learn0
simonicspeter.huHomepage… About Us… Team… Our Team… Single Team Member… Prices… Portfolio… Our Portfolio… Portfolio…lorem, ipsum, portfolio, single, photography0
fiskinternational.huFisk Industries is a leading innovator, manufacturer and distributor of high-performing personal care and beauty products. Fisk has built its business of over 40 years by developing long-standing relationships with retailers, distributors and consumers with brands that deliver products that are…key activitycare, international, brand, skin, europe0
tanulaskutatointezet.huContact us… News… Research… Press activities… Events… About us… Our team… All…press activityresearch, learn, institute, news, event0
norbware.huSoftware Development: Web Applications, Google App Engine, Vaadin, Application development for the cloud, GAE, Roboticssoftware, development, application, app, robotic0
ertekterkep.huReferences… Publications… Competitions… Exhibitions… Contact… Balaton… Urbanism… Buda Castle…scope activityvalue, map, reference, publication, competition0
szabobelsoepiteszet.huWe offer you special and unique solutions. Decorative, impressive works on external facade as well as on interior walls.facade, interior, painting, insulation, historic0
bestofbudapest.hu…tracks… Sports centres… Education… Nurseries and Kindergartens… Primary and Middle schools…activity child, current activitytransportation, shopping, movie, accommodation, rent0
mesevilagovi.huWe provide a homely environment for a small group of mixed-age, English-Hungarian speaking children. This small class size gives us the opportunity to focus individual care and attention on each child, allowing the teachers to interact with each child in accordance with their particular stage of…extracurricular activity, activity folkchild, kindergarten, environment, introduction, language0
alfoldsped.huAlfold Sped Kft… Introduction… About us… Our services… Fleet… Contact… Scroll down to content…system activity, activity hungarianintroduction, fleet, transport, insurance, website0
service247.huService247 offerings are AaaS (Application as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) services based on the above mentioned data centre infrastructure for customers whom the above mentioned features have great importance but they cannot afford, because:market activitysoftware, customer, infrastructure, data, available0
agrogenius.huIn order to be able to provide best quality popcorn we cover the whole chain from popcorn seed import from US until though supporting and supervising farmers, til end users.main activity, activity wholesaleseed, quality, grain, research, innovation0
francziadaniel.huI am a musician with percussion instruments from the Middle East. Even though I started my carrier as a teacher and an actor, transforming myself into a professional musician became my main focus in life. As the techniques of my favourite percussion instruments are not widely taught in Hungary, it…main activityinstrument, programme, tuition, event, sponsor0
csikisorozo-mechwart.huIn addition to the usual and popular beers and potato crisps which can be found on the menu of the Tiltott Csíki Söröző & Étterem of Mechwart liget, there are also unique dishes with special flavours. Our guests can learn more about the science of brewing. With the help of Csíki Sör Manufactory, a…activity onereservation, brewing, beer, newsletter, room0
magadert.hugroup two group leaders coordinate the discussion. Among the group leaders, there are social workers and also addicts, who have not been using drugs or alcohol for over 8 to 12 years. In addition to our professional knowledge, in our work we also use our own life experience and talk about ourselves.history activity, activity foundation, activity servicegroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem0
globecenter.hucreate a competitive Hungary-product and are constantly improving it to stay competitive. We are organising hotel accommodations and programs for leisure groups, individual tourists, FIT’s, as well as incentive groups. Together with our domestic partners –hotels,restaurants,transportation companiesoutdoor activityagency, travel, festival, center, globe0
kedrion.huKedrion’s plasma-derived therapies help people suffering from rare and debilitating conditions like Coagulation and Neurological Disorders, and Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiencies. We are privileged to provide this service and do so with a profound sense of responsibility.safety, quality, news, corporate, report0
aranyhidhotel.huThe hotel has 14 rooms with triple beds. All the rooms has own bathrooms. All the rooms are equipped with fride and TV.room, triple, use, offer, night0
provaris.huZsombor Orbán, former Deloitte Legal Partner joins the firm’s intellectual property, data protection, and technology practice.law, practice, event, area, colleagues0
okosteuer.huDo you need some support because of frequent changes of law or finding your way about business here in Hungary?range activityaccounting, office, consulting, tax, introduction0
hungafoods.huHungafood’s Ltd has been established in 1991 as a company for foreign and domestic trade and also as an export agency.food, customer, trade, domestic, agency0
renatajakab.huWorks… About… Architectural illustrations Illustration… Geometric patterns Illustration, Pattern…illustration, pattern, infographic, identity, graphic0
abavitis.huYou will find white wine grape grafts, red wine grape grafts, table grape grafts and Resistant PIWI grape varieties.main activity, activity cultivationgrape, wine, cultivation, choice, technology0
bsm.co.huWith the SMR roller exercises, your constant pains can be easily eliminated if you know where to look for the problem. During the consultation and posture analysis, we will shed light on which muscle group requires the use of the foam roller to improve your situation. The exercises with the tool…pain, exercise, package, video, material0
momal.huSince 1957, MOMÁL Ltd has accumulated vast experience in the field of acid-proof stainless steel processing and the production of rubber parts, which the company has been applying to many industries with great creativity and success in accordance with all the expectations of the modern age…rubber, steel, proof, acid, industry0
bankbee.huBankBee makes electronic payments and financial services affordable to anyone and anywhere by building an innovative digital alternative to traditional bank servicesmain, personal, banking, simple, easy0
embed.hu…off the Gauntlet Hellfire. Besides modelling new wheel arches and skirts, I have also modeled a new rear diffusor and front splitter, aswell as completly redesigning the taillights. Smaller changes include DRL amber headlights, indicators in the front bumper, primary color mirrors, primary color…add, lod, download, file, user0
rokalogistics.huWe provide services for anyone looking to buy or rent containers, also we provide logistics services to move goods in containers worldwide. We have been in business for over 10 years providing our services mainly in Asia and Europe.logistic, container, transportation, hello, sale0
envizont.huWar damage crisis and POSTCOVID impacts mitigation by challenge actualized integrated engineering, best available technologies and facilities development.crisis, laboratory, circular, llc, expert0
freedomland.huWith skilled business and IT resources we offer assessment, requirement analysis, process optimisation, change development, plan and design services.resource, plan, customer, skilled, execution0
nivo-teq.huOur company started the year of 2018 with the mechanical design of the technological pipeline systems of a a wheat drying plant, After that, we carried out the general detailed design of four separate project. Within the framework of general design covering all fields of our company profile, we…company activity, activity teamreference, plant, piping, engineering, protection0
globeowl.huTo join the project you must be an undergraduate, postgraduate or 2019 graduate. All skills and backgrounds are welcome – you might be an English student, a geographer, an economist or a sociologist or a history student (this list could go on…) – everyone has something to contribute and we’d…voluntairy activity, activity conservationistsstudent, training, owl, globe, skill0
gobirita.huArtists… Partners… Supported by… Current… Archive… dance productions… dance for children… dance movies…movement activity, activity dancedance, choreographer, dancer, island, performance0
stcontrol.huExplore the endless possibilities for your business by building a Quality Management System (QMS). Implementing ISO standards is not just a simple requirement, it provides key benefits for your business. A QMS optimises processes, reduces errors and increases efficiency. This results not only in…control, management, quality, st., engineering0
cetinelconsultancy.hu…offer creative, result-oriented and high-quality legal solutions. Our client-orientation dictates that every client issue receives all due attention and care whether it is part of a continuing client relationship or a single transaction. We work in concert with each client to develop…area activityconsultancy, turkey, area, tier, construction0
efficiency.huWith the help of our temporary workforce service, we can provide a workforce of 10-250 people for multi-shift employment, which you can use in a short time. Depending on the current state of the production process, the number of employees can be adjustedprinting activityefficiency, employee, recruitment, problem, long0
azerimpex.huHome… About us… Principles… Experience… Audit and Planning… Monitoring and Information supply… Area of…area activityarea, principle, search0
tiszaett.huInitiator and moderator of the meeting: Tisza EGTC, Lead Beneficiary. AGENDA: agree on the content of the final leaflets (what should be included, what images, what content); status of the Concept Note document, closing the project,final conference. It was agreed: the bulletin for the REVITAL I…news, document, gallery, event, conference0
cest.hu…protection. Central European Scrap Trading Ltd buys and processes a wide-range of non-ferrous grades including copper, brass, aluminum, zinc and lead. We are experts in the domestic and international trade. Our company ensures fast payment, regulatory compliance, and a fully responsive…scrap, trading, central, european, ltd0
aurin-choir.huDo you want to support our choirs? It is possible to send a one-time support through our website:aim activitychoir, concert, photo, festival, recording0
sommelierhungary.hu…by enthusiastic professionals who reflected upon the current issues of the local food and beverage sector and believed in innovative aproaches to adequate and continued training and education of the fellow members with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. (Total membership as of 2018: 120.)regular activity, activity masoszgeneral, member, association, food, training0
startlapjatekok.hu…igazán kemény lövöldözéssel. Te készen állsz? Super Villainy 2.1 3K Mentsd meg a földet a pusztulástól! Sniper Champion 3D 0.0 4K Válj te a mesterlövészek királyává! Zombie Shooter 3D 3.5 7K Egyszerű a feladatod: lődd le a zombikat. Vigyázz hihetetlen sokan vannak! Time Shooter 2 2.7 4K Lassítsd…kindergarten activityeaster, christmas, battle, soccer, treasure0
bishungary.humaintenance of large industrial facilities, plants, and factories, including all technical andindustrial, maintenance, assembly, plant, reference0
defango.huOur company was established for providing of import, export, production and development of high-technology supplieshelicopter, fighter, aircraft, gun, provide0
smaragd.huSMARAGD-GSH Ltd. was established in 1994. SMARAGD means emerald, GSH is an acronym that comes from the initials of the name of the three founder members. Recently there are two owners.human activity, main activitywater, firm, management, environmental, certification0
rosinante.huThe Rosinante Country Inn*** has been awarded as the best training hotel***view, offer, eat, drink, wedding0
forest-vill.huConstruction and reconstruction of high-voltage electrical substations, from design to handover.construction, forest, line, transmission, news0
imsoft.huwell as the high level of user-friendly software design, because they know that a good tool is essential for proper diagnosis. The company has good relations with the most prestigious technical university in Hungary and works with many medical institutes in order to create the best possible product.field activitymedical, solution, software, publication, site0
kezmu.huThe sewing plant manufactures clothing items from working clothes via uniforms to premium off-the-peg clothesmanual activityhousehold, contrast, clothing, item, manufacture0
oltalom.huYour one-time donation will help the work of our organization. If you want to make a regular donation , please choose „regular donation”donation, association, charity, temporary, tax0
susa.huQuality of our food is the most important for us, therefore you can find in our shop only food made of the best ingredients. The wide product range makes it possible that we fulfill the most special demands.low activity, activity need, average activity, high activityfood, puppy, close, salmon, dog0
architectbenyo.huThis private company is fully owned by László Benyó, a registered architect with over 50 years experience in Hungary. As a leading architect in Hungary he has acquired all the professional licenses that certify his expertise in town planning, communal and residential design, monument protection…architect, complex, plan, town, reference0
resinematkft.hu- In case you are contacted about the design of a product, we will define the exact goal and then make our offer based on it. When ordering, we are in close contact with our customers during design and production. In this case, the process ends with the delivery of the finished documentation and…machining, step, machine, development, electrical0
instrum.hu…steel, aluminium, red brass and brass. Our main profile is the machining of three-metre lengths of fibre material from 3mm to 22mm (CNC longitudinal turning). In case of CNC turning, we manufacture from fibre material up to 20mm-43mm, from chopped material – even from prefabricated material…main activityprecision, turn, machine, grind, assembly0
bobalymuvek.hua railing, a custom storage unit, if you want a professionally executed, durable, and aesthetically pleasing solution, contact us! Our team has outstanding experience in AWI, CO, aluminum, and inverter welding! In addition to structural steel and stainless steel, first-class machining of special…area activitymanufacture, structure, industrial, reference, area0
yourgroup.huEvent conceptualization, planning and implementation of design elements, from the invitations through the design elements of corporate events to the assembly of welcome and farewell giftsmanagement activity, activity leafletevent, group, placement, brand, management0
eston.huESTON International provides full-scale commercial property advisory services on the Hungarian real estate market since 1993.professional activity, activity membershipinternational, property, management, office, real0
gyorskerdes.huAll Activity… Questions… Unanswered… Tags… Categories… Users… Ask a Question… Recent questions and…question, category, recent, answer, user0
gatewaybc.huThe Group´s portfolio is highly diversified, comprising of office properties (46%, primarily Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest), followed by retail assets (24%, primarily dominant, regional shopping centres and retail parks in the Czech Republic, as well as Poland and Hungary). CPIPG also owns…sport activity, activity housegateway, office, floor, sqm, build0
appevo.huBeyond our consultancy services we are here to do the “hard work” too; from apps to business software.core activitycore, consultancy, software, development, goal0
feherdenever.huWe assist creditors and debtors in exercising their rights and facilitate the effective, lawful and professional conduct of liquidation proceedings.range activitycreditor, proceedings, tender, account, number0
alpoktech.huAlpok-Tech Kft is a dynamically operating mechanical engineering company in Szombathely. We are present in several areas of the industry and welcome applications from creative individuals and companies.production, machine, individual, purpose, special0
ininote.huIniNote saves your notes in a convenient, easy - to - read format. Review your notes on the go on any device and stay on top of your learning.touch activity, activity beautifullynote, intro, pricing, viewer, learn0
elasticokft.hu…These extraordinary properties provide a cost effective alternative for many industrial applications by reducing the down time in process operations. Tooling costs are also a major factor. Since polyurethanes are a cast material, tooling has more competitive price compared to the massive…main activity, activity companypolyurethane, foam, technology, homepage, tender0
nemesminta.huHungarian…dear, visitor, manufacture, pattern, date0
szokimondoka.huSzóKiMondóka is a methodology that promotes literacy from an early age in a fun and interactive way which also creates opportunities for parents to play with their children using words, songs and rhymes. In today’s picture oriented world we bring the world of words closer to children in a playful…thematic activity, activity booklet, club activity, activity module, activity sheetchild, parent, book, methodology, language0
geotan.huIndependent think-thank, round table of geopolitical experts. It aims to protect security, democracy and human rights. Member of the United Nations Economic andmain, council, financial, quality, study0
targetmarketing.huMedical device distributor, pharmaceutical wholesaler, marketing and regulatory services in Hungary, Target Marketing Kftwholesaler activity, activity brokeragetarget, pharmaceutical, medical, regulatory, device0
rotarydrilling.huRotary Drilling Co. Ltd.… About Us… Company Statement… Management… History… Corporate Governance… HSE…drilling, co., corporate, governance, procurement0
bustrip.huWe transport groups from our site in Budapest in modern air conditioned buses that can take 55+2 passengers and are equipped with cooler and DVD player. Our likeable drivers speak foreign languages and do their best to meet our customers’ every need.bus, trip, group, customer, need0
sugallat.huSugallat Ltd. - public procurement, European Union, preparation of applications, project management, architectural design, technical supervising, verification of contractors' claims, environment protectionfield activitymanagement, public, procurement, architectural, environment0
bitrial.huBiTrial Clinical Research is a privately owned mid-sized Clinical Research Organization (CRO), based in Central and Eastern Europe with a headquarter in Budapest, Hungary.pharmacovigilance activity, additional activityclinical, site, study, management, trial0
supergym.huHaving various Fitness and Cardio equipment at a sport center renovated in retro style, convinces you that SuperGym is the place to be! Click to view gallery.center, trainer, usage, day, price0
lanaxis.huWe are professionally engaged in the manufacturing, installation and maintenance of steel structures, machinery and process equipment, as well as other metal works.customer activitysteel, structure, manufacture, equipment, pipe0
british.huFounded in 1990, by HE Amb. Tibor Antalpéter & the Rt Hon. Lord Rees QC, the British-Hungarian Society fosters positive bilateral relations between the Magyar nation and the United Kingdom in the fields of art, science, academia, diplomacy and commerce.british, society, event, nation, science0
molnarkozmetika.huI continually studying. (makeup tattoos, 3D, 4D eyelashes, massage courses, eyelash lifting,hair removal with sugar, electro cosmetic trainings, various treatment methods to learn), and I listened many specialist’s presentation in conferences.treatment, makeup, beautician, training, eyelash0
daalgroup.huIs your hall full of dust? You need a solution to overcome cooling or heating problem? Do you want to make your industrial technology more efficient? Nothing is impossible for our specialists in mechanical and electrical engineering, and automation.industrial, engineering, group, air, hall0
btd.huWe cover all areas of distribution starting from local market access strategy development, through importation, warehousing and management of distribution channels to handling local marketing and sales promotion campaigns.market, distribution, europe, central, sale0
apartmankovacs.huEnchanting almond blossoms and the twittering of birds delight the soul, and many other wonders lure you into the awakening nature of spring. But there are also thermal baths, theme parks, castles and visitor centres to discover. We’ll show you what you can experience on a spring break with us.apartment, adventure, nature, fun, lake0
consultger.huThe clients of "Consulting Germany" are Hungarian and German small and medium-sized companies that want to appear abroad with their products and services and subsidiaries, thus expanding their markets and businesses:efficiency activity, activity tangibleconsulting, germany, german, expansion, market0
bevip.hu…Philadelphia… Cat Budapest… Delaware… Boat Tour of San Francisco Bay Fort Lauderdale… Downtown…detail activitytour, review, day, hour, angeles0
apartmanrozsaalsoors.hu1.5 roomed apartment: room whit kitchencorner, tv, shower toilet, air-conditioning, rooms that open out of one another.room, apartment, rent, pension, toilet0
nemowork.huNEMO Work is the first innovative human resources registry enterprise in Hungary which, by means of its individual service portfolio, answers the topics of fluctuation. With its co-thinking philosophy the company confirms the employee’s engagement towards the customer.human, customer, enterprise, fluctuation, resource0
educomat.huState-of-the-art platforms based on your sequencing needs from short to long-read sequencing.sequencing, analysis, data, flexible, participation0
planidea.huThe PlanIdea Knowledge Center was established with the aim to promote the cooperation amongst the representatives of the economy, the higher education and the society and to integrate the emerged knowledge into the Hungarian and European research and economic space.introduction activity, activity researchresearch, knowledge, field, job, introduction0
mozduljunkki.huis a Non Profit Organisation to provide professional assistance for people with motor disorders at live concerts and at Sziget Festival since 2016.festival, people, wheelchair, assistance, live0
sportmaxpro.huOur agency was founded by active and ex- atheletes, professionals, buisnessmans and counsels. Thanks to several years of domestic and international experience, we can provide the best guidance, according to our elite international relations the athlete can be placed at best organization depending…main activity, activity fieldrehabilitation, personal, management, player, news0
glob.hu– Coordinator of the national commission : « Cracks in masonry » (representants of the industry, universities, SECO – control office …)business activity, activity publication, scientific activitycommission, scientific, publication, list, national0
veszpremnews.huBefore starting the game, please read the terms and conditions of the game. In the guide, you will find information about the conditions of participation in our game, the tasks related to the completion of the game, the process of using the coupon code available at the end of the game.nonprofit activityshort, news, application, free, category0
sutoattila.hu…sector and in public education. As a qualified teacher and doctoral student, I am interested in teacher research and teacher education. I have expert and measurement-evaluation responsibilities in vocational education and mentoring in national talent development programmes and adult education.professional activitytraining, award, result, study, useful0
tseniki.huDashboard… Login… Register… Forgot Password… 404 Page… Blank Page… Charts… Tables…setting activity, activity logyork, ny, dashboard, engineer, developer0
nyirilaw.huEvery year, foreign companies win public procurements of significant value in Hungary, which are usually high-value construction projects. With regard to these construction investments, it can be said that the win rate of foreign companies can exceed 50 %, which [...]legal activitypublic, tax, procurement, law, rate0
culturaldiversity.huOur Foundation is one of the organizations trying to share ideas and information on local initiatives and projects which aim at innovative co-existence and co-operation for sustainable future in a colorful world.cultural, diversity, foundation, place, happy0
harmonium.huCMS ohne Datenbank - CMSimple ist ein Content Management System, das keine Datenbank braucht.welcome, page, management, communication, broadcast0
colegal.hu…centre of our practice. Further on, our colleagues have obtained in-depth understanding of the legal aspect of criminal law, sports law, various fields of competition law and consumer protection law. In any and all of our practice areas, we efficiently provide clearly comprehensible and…professional activity, activity conferencelaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling0
online-filmek-magyarul.huAMERICAN SCHOOL – UNITED STATES… AUSTRALIAN SCHOOL… Automobile Dealership… BANK AUSTRALIA… BANK CANADA…school, united, england, card, story0
geovil.huHome… Our services… -- Design activity… -- Geotechnical monitoring system… -- Geothermal energy…design activitydrilling, tool, geotechnical, portal, geothermal0
inbuss.hu…to new, as yet unknown technologies. We always try to choose the right and up-to-date technology to solve your problem. We are able to meet your needs ranging from stand-alone solutions to high-availability (or site-redundant) and scalable, load-critical systems planning, design and implementation.technology, management, ltd, solution, application0
kgyv.huKGYV KAPTON Kft. - ...construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of refractory linings and furnaces...main activityfurnace, lining, construction, refractory, reconstruction0
rigokft.huThe Lamibind 420 PUR-Melt semi automatic bookbinding machine is one of the world’s most cost effective professional semi-automatic PUR binding machines. This machine is equipped with a unique “high pressure” closed PUR application system, which has made RIGO binders the envy of all other digital…machine, production, cut, semi, automatic0
drnagyrajmund.huIntroduction… Activities… Frequently Asked Questions… Regulatory services… Medicine Authorization in…nagy, page, introduction, frequently, question0
cabtor.huCABTOR Ltd. is a company owned by Hungarian private individuals. The company's main profile is assembling, testing and putting into operation of mechanical and electromechanical semi-finished and finished assemblies, distribution, control and switching equipment.technical activityassembly, reference, electrical, mechanical, main0
hungaryincoming.huof time on searching for the most suitable accommodation, tour, guide, venue or any additional service, and need a local partner / travel professional (DMC = Destination Management Company) for arranging the accommodation, tours and programmes for the most competitive price, DO NOT LOOK ANY FURTHER!program activitytour, operator, europe, incoming, central0
lathatatlan.huThe Invisible Exhibition is a special, interactive journey into an invisible world wherein pitch-black you can try to find your way exclusively through touching, hearing and smelling.invisible, exhibition, dinner, taste, foreign0
cherubits.huThis site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. By clicking "accept", you agree to its use of cookies. Cookie Policyscope activitycourse, training, beginner, technology, administrator0
policell.huDesigns: bubble bag, bubble film, printed glued paper adhesive tape, manual stretch film, machine stretch film, individual products printed with 8 coloursproduction activity, activity policelltube, shrink, flat, foil, open0
goldpenkonyveloiroda.hu…the comfort of your office, business trip or home. You don’t have to spend time visiting the accountant, hassle finding a parking space. This saves you energy and money, which you can then spend on matters that are important to your business – implementing your plans and developing your company.report activityaccounting, protect, tax, payroll, firm0
lepcsoszonyeg.huStair carpeting… Installations… Carpet hemming… Carpet cleaning… Stair rods… Tools and accessories…carpet, stair, tool, wind, yarn0
dometal.huManufacturing of stamped sheet component parts, construction industry machine engineering.manufacture activity, basic activitymanufacture, machine, component, industry, construction0
folklife.huThe Smithsonian Folklife Festival is an exposition of living cultural heritage annually produced outdoors on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., by the Smithsonian’s Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. Hungarian Heritage: Roots to Revival highlights the vitality of Hungary’s unique…family activityjune, revival, heritage, july, photo0
erdosy.huEnglish… Introduction… Activity… Map…introduction, map, primary, page, like0
fmmanager.huan independent professional opinion for the preparation of the decision with exercising external control powersmanager, contract, external, benefit, independent0
gomibo.huWith more than 15 years of experience in the Netherlands, we now offer our user-friendly platform in Hungary. Easily find your perfect phone, gadgets, and accessories. Anyone can do it, at Gomibo!activity trackercustomer, smartphone, phone, shipping, accessories0
innolabor.huOur motto, also painted on one of our walls: the amateur researcher needs idea, the professional needs funding.introduction activity, activity developmentlaboratory, innovation, introduction, development, connection0
energy-hungary.hu© 2024 Energy Hungary Zrt.. 2021 © Energy Hungary Energetikai Zrt. | website development by Attila Bacsóenergy, electricity, saving, reference, power0
grecopetrol.huKarcher produces reliable and high performance equipment for cleaning containers. As the leader in professional cleaning industry, Karcher provides customized solutions for containers of all sizes, answers all questions regarding container interior cleaning.activity insureclean, container, facility, gallery, interior0
fabafem.huMain line of our production is consists of 30 pieces CNC swiss-type lathe (Citizen, Miyano, Hanwha), complete with many other machine tools. The 3 production shifts going on. Number of employees 63 people.main, page, swiss, lathe, type0
fannifejleszt.huSed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus. Auctor urna nunc id cursus metus aliquam eleifend mi in. Odio morbi quis commodo odio aenean. Neque aliquam vestibulum morbi blandit. Mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin. Viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum. Aenean vel…elit, pulvinar, aenean, nec, congue0
budapestsights.huBudapest Sights… Hungarian Parliament Building… Heroes’ Square… Buda Castle… Chain Bridge… Ferris Wheel…outdoor activitywebsite, setting, square, hero, bridge0
transparency.huHungary is the most corrupt Member State of the European Union according to Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Indexcorruption, transparency, report, international, public0
gokarthotel.hu…gastronomic philosophy, Gokart Hotel Kecskemét is the center of business and sporting life. The 4-star Gokart Hotel is one of the most prestigious business and sports hotel. It is located only 2 km from the sparkling downtown of Kecskemét and takes merely 60 minutes to get here from Budapest.work activity, activity funroom, event, family, restaurant, weekend0
hungarianquants.hu…has years of experience in development of energy market expert systems. He dealt with portfolio management, procurement optimisation, power plant scheduling, auctions. He was also a leader of a successful, one and half year long R&D project of energy trading. He has several papers in…software, development, power, plant, energy0
dtdexpress.huBy clicking on the ‘Request for proposal’ tab, you can choose the type of transportation method (road freight, air freight, sea freight, railway freight) you wish to use.custom activityfreight, transport, shipment, air, road0
vendegvaroapartmanok.huQuiet peaceful relaxation on Orfű, at the most beautiful part of Mecsek on southside of Hungary. Orfű is in a bautiful valley with lakes.apartment, gallery, homepage, lake, page0
kisviragvendeghaz.huKisvirág guesthouse Located 100 m from the center of Mezőberény. Great recreation for families in an intimate, quiet environment. Detached family house with a yard of 2000 m2, a cozy terrace and a lit yard awaits guests. There are 2.5 rooms in the building, a kitchen (fully equipped), and a…guesthouse, room, house, reservation, guest0
nckobs.huNagycenk Geophysical Observatory was founded in 1956-57 and it has been operated since then by the Geodetic and Geophysical Institute of the Earth Science Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.observatory, geophysical, description, data, observation0
megyeikereso.huRestaurants… Cinemas… Art and History… Home… Explore… Explore (2 columns)… Explore (3 columns)… Explore…restaurant activity, activity london, activity people, outdoor activityexplore, restaurant, list, listing, place0
bhidvegi.huHe was born in 1936 in a small Hungarian town called Nagyszénás. His parents were landowners and, after the war, they lost all their properties and had to flee from the mob to the other part of the country. Continued his studies in Keszthely Agricultural University and in 1956 continued the…pillar activityconservation, small, parent, property, town0
bordagep.huBorda Gépipari Kft. has a long history beginning in 1992. It started as a private enterprise and by 1997 it grew to a personal LLC.main activitymetalworking, long, history, enterprise, private0
bauteamkft.huThe company leadership always insists on the perfect implementation of plans. Our team of professionals, who have been dedicated roleplayers in quality implementation for the past 27 years, continue to provide excellent service. Our references and satisfied clients provide the proof of our…construction activityreference, quotation, price, quality, certification0
fejlesztek.husize_t is at least 32 bit on 32 bit systems and at least 64 bit on 64 bit machines (because it’s the type of the size parameter of malloc). So you can hold a maximum of 64^2 bits in this structure on a 64 bit system.terminal activity, activity terminaldata, bit, image, file0
myfarmalapitvany.huThe MyFarm Farmer Foundation developed from the MyFarm Harta startup, which was the first online community garden in the country. MyFarm has been taking steps for sustainability from the beginning, while the garden has started small with the delivery of chemical-free vegetable baskets, the…information activityfoundation, cooperation, people, collaboration, need0
mavkfv.huRegular and occasional examination of existing bridges (railway, road, pedestrian, signalling and protective bridges), hall structures and crane tracks (trouble shooting, qualification, determination of the repairing methods by giving the technical details), load testsscope activity, activity centraldiagnostic, qualification, track, rail, measurement0
advision.huInformáció és tartalom megosztása – a weboldal lehetővé teszi a vállalkozás számára, hogy részletes információkat, termék- vagy szolgáltatásleírásokat, cikkeket, blogbejegyzéseket és egyéb tartalmat osszon meg.recent activityvision, book, chief, corporation, step0
campdenbri.huCampden BRI Hungary Nonprofit Ltd. is one of the most significant independent European service providers in the food and drink industry (including agriculture and related sectors). Campden BRI Hungary with a 100 years of industry and R&D experience supports its PARTNERS and offers CLIENT SPECIFIC…overview activity, activity campdenfood, news, overview, training, event0
bdl.huThe engineering and business knowledge and broad experience of our staff and partners, covers the full technical fields related to design (technology, civil engineering, control engineering and automation), and the complex financial and economic knowledge associated with water utility services…plan, water, asset, evaluation, utility0
charitybridge.huDuring our nearly 18 years of existence, now we turn for the first time for public assistance.visitor activity, activity donationchild, donation, bridge, progress, edit0
termeszetem.huStrategic Assessments supporting the long term conservation of natural values of community interest as well as the national implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020green, action, colorful, nature, species0
barnoczki.huMy name is Dávid Dr. Barnóczki, I graduated at Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. I have experience mainly in the field of civil law, labour law, commercial and economical law, criminal law, administrative law, constitutional law and immigration law (working…law, procedure, practice, economical, legal0
nyirinvest.huFurthermore, our task is to support the enterprises present in Nyíregyháza, and to properly manage their needs and problems in order for these companies to plan their operation and developments here in a long run. We contribute to the day-to-day operation of businesses already operating in our…main activityindustrial, development, local, city, area0
holidayclubheviz.huThe Hotel awaits its guests with 37 apartments: studio apartments for two and apartments for four with 1 bedroom. Some of the apartments have a terrace.golf activityholiday, apartment, type, price, offer0
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.hu…a-ha’s, new awareness, and solutions that felt aligned and exciting. Each session I’d come in with my “thing I’m trying to figure out”, and his skill of deeply listening and exploring what is most relevant and important to me is what always served me to create a powerful outcome of our session…training, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur0
helyszinrendezvenyhez.huKishantos is a tiny little place with a charming mansion in the middle of it (the so called “Kishantos Mansion”), surrounded with a beautiful park and small bio gardens. It is in the middle of Hungary and just an hour from Budapest to the south – between Dunaújváros and Székesfehérvár cities. A…art activitymansion, room, house, event, guest0
doit.huReferences: our clients are Hungarian and international companies. We operate and support more than 800 servers + network devices, thousands of user computers, more than 170 companies and organizations. If you need, we can provide a detailed list of our customers (of course, only those who gave…price, administrator, customer, server, colleagues0
kizara.hu, we bring our experience in global markets to our customers, supported by extensive contacts with mills in Europe and solid product knowledge. Our supply chain models include mill-to-customer, mill-to-warehouse-to customer. We offer customized financing and logistics services to both our customers…complex, supply, iron, mission, quality0
mandir.huMandir denotes a Hindu temple, a religious community and spiritual school. The temple is the place where we pray, where we turn inward and hear the voice of God in the depths of our being. In the Mandir we place divine symbols and forms that remind us of the omnipresence of God. During our…life activity, activity programdeep, tax, temple, event, place0
herczkuagnes.hu…& Spas… Makeup… Health & Fitness… Outdoor Activities… Air Activities… Sea Activities… Desert…outdoor activity, air activity, sea activity, desert activitydeal, digital, llc, base, city0
iflex.huDesign competence power supplies that meets special requirements. Digital power supply design for the aviation industry.supply, power, development, electronic, equipment0
perfektmotor.huOur company following the family traditionsbecame one of the largest motor regeneration companies in our country.ago activity, activity rapidlylarge, family, country, regeneration, brand0
hapa.huThe Hungarian Asphalt Pavement Association (HAPA), registered at the court of registration, is such a professional union, which includes the work of asphalt manufacturers and asphalt road builders as members, and people, who participate more extensively in asphalt road building as associated…hapa activity, activity commissionasphalt, member, association, road, european0
magyartoyoseat.huMain company… History… Philosophy… Activities… News / Currencies… Jobs… Contact… back to…main, history, news, currency, job0
obic-bbs.huOBIC's overall goal is to improve the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy by contributing to a better understanding of the East Asian region. To achieve its objective, OBIC aspires to become a leading institution in oriental business studies - not only in Hungary, but in the broader Central…international activityconference, orient, dialogue, language, book0
r40.huThe guest house consists of a manor house and an annex building, which we have converted and now can accommodate up to 14 guests. We offer our guests wishing to relax a choice between our double guest room or one of our three apartments.guest, room, house, price, gallery0
altan.huWe completely designed, obtained the building permits and have built in several phases the 41,000 m 2 area logistics centre & headquarters of the CATONE Kft.detail, logistic, main, construction, list0
skunion.huOur company was founded in 1992 with the aim of providing accounting, payroll, taxation, financial consulting and auditing to the Hungarian companies and also to foreign partners. Today our company has become a consulting agency with a network of international connections providing also…union, auditing, legal, accounting, aim0
fagosz.huFAGOSZ the Federation for Forestry and Wood industries as a business federation provides promotion of interest for enterpreneures and enterprises in theis professional field and as for emloyers. Founded was by reason of the law for associations (i.e. under civil law). Membership is voluntary.field activity, activity forestwood, industry, forestry, federation, page0
bhouse.hu…Solutions given by the consultants of Advanced Resource Center are aligned with the various needs and demands of our partners. Our fundamental task is managing complex purchase projects from design to implementation. However, we also support our partners to efficiently complete subtasks (such…solution, industrial, structure, machine, milling0
agyagozas.huIn the workshop I will provide clay, paint, brushes, and every kind of basic materials and tools needed.picture, price, present, gift, material0
adintrade.huAD Intrade and its predecessor firms have been providing customs administration assignments as the customs-house agent of Praktiker Kft. since 1997. Our firm provides door-to-door service, which means that we fulfil and clear entrusted transactions in their processes and throughout their…custom, fee, firm, consultancy, administration0
fk-raszter.huMain Page - FK-RASZTER Építő Zrt.industrial activitybuilding, public, construction, hall, industrial0
nyirlift.huSimple and easy-to-use accessibility devices in various designs, both for indoor and outdoor useelevator, escalator, device, accessibility, engineering0
beresbela.huThis gallery was made with just some CSS simply tricks. There are three classes for large, medium and small images. Each class uses different effect settings for rotation and box-shadow, both in regular and hover state. The z-index value moves the image up on hover. A specific design was applied…forest, image, location, gallery, small0
tigret.huOur actual main goal is the complex construction of railways and the performance of all additional works related to the railway construction.main activityfleet, vacancy, construction, railway, main0
dynamictours.huWe are an enthusiastic, full service Hungarian DMC in Budapest. We are at your service for Meetings & Events, Leisure groups and FITs.attraction activity, activity laketour, dynamic, event, leisure, meeting0
cuadrado.huCuadrado - Every square is a rectangle, but not all rectangles are squares. Cuadrado Building Industry Ltd.square, build, industry, construction, main0
login.huWe developed our access control system solutions and our HR digitalization software package based on our decades of experience in the security technology, HR, and production logistics industry.unproductive activity, activity registration, competency activity, activity shiftsoftware, access, solution, login, competency0
szijak-okosorakhoz.hu…Maya… Garett Women Naomi… Garett Women Paula… Garmin… Approach sorozat… Garmin Approach S2… Garmin…sport activity, activity gtseries, approach, active, charge, woman0
karitativ.huFood distributing charities are under huge pressure from rising food prices, still, Food for Life programme will nonetheless hold its food distribution events during the festivities. The love feasts will have at least 5400 guests at several locations in the capital city and at country cities…food, distribution, love, help, crisis0
hunatip.huPage not found – Hunatipnews activitypage, news, gallery, homepage, sorry0
inveris.huIn September, 2015 InVeris Foundation implemented a vocational training project in Burgundy, France, providing a 3 weeks vocational training opportunity to 6 hungarian students from Villány wine region....foundation, news, international, future, region0
technorg.huConsulting company offering expert services in product development, (production) management, marketing and information technology.pattern, engineering, footwear, production, consulting0
born.huBORN Brandcoaching is a Budapest based network of restless business professionals. We are strategic partners of innovative multinationals, operative government companies and startup ecosystem participants. We facilitate research, strategy and action plan executions.bear, brand, manager, event, rule0
certa.huOur goal is to produce products with zero defect by the continuous improvement of our quality management system.quality, firm, career, casting, manufacture0
ilonamajor.hu…memory of Countess Ilona Széchenyi. The name Széchenyi stands for a well-known aristocratic Hungarian Family. Ilona was the youngest daughter of Count Lőrinc Széchenyi and she was the first member of the family, who lived and settled down here in Nagycenk. This estate was a gift from the former…time activity, activity sightseeingdressage, horvath, gallery, horse, endless0
nonstopinfo.hu…With Cookie Bar (EU law)… Popup Advertising… All tours list… All tours grid… All tours Sort…activity accommodationtour, single, transfer, footer, city0
mvconsulting.huOur company pays special attention to the issue of social responsibility, equal treatment and the preservation of the natural environment. We regularly organize health-preserving, recreational programs (eg sports day, excursions, team building) for the employees of M-V Consulting Kft.activity firmconsulting, certificate, employee, main, page0
blue.hueople and values are key for us. We strongly believe that space is more than a physical space calculable in square meters. Essential like home as a physical space for everyone to return to, creating the right office interior is getting more and more important for companies.space, office, workplace, desk, furniture0
szigepszerk.hufitted with bar codes and drawings onto the processed rebar armatures bundled by positions.process activity, activity yearbar, process, janos, reference, career0
pegazushomestaging.huHome staging. Increase the value of your property for sale or rent with a home staging service! Home staging increases the value of real estate for sale!property, sale, real, value, estate0
siketvak.huwe provide parents raising deafblind children, other organizations and their professionals with counselling;time activity, activity summerpersonal, introduction, job, association, member0
vsagreenzone.huThe project aims at expanding cross-border, international contacts on the theme of sustainable development, where social reintegration and "reinvesting" (social inclusiveness) are also symbolically represented. The final target beneficiaries are prisoners and released persons. The aim is to…meet, summary, programme, photo, serbia0
yachtcamping.huYacht Campsite offers you unique new, comfortable, well-equipped, comfortable holiday homes. This is a mobile home with a spacious terrace in a beautiful lake-side setting, suitable for 6 people.​program activitybungalow, campsite, list, pitch, price0
kutfurok.huWe have undertaken water well drilling routinely - mainly in counties of Nógrád, Pest and Heves, but we have already done it almost the whole territory of Hungary and in Slovakia as well.drilling, water, drill, warranty, safe0
appletree-kindergarten.huLove of nature and an awareness of our environment are emphasized and integral parts of the curriculum at Apple Tree Kindergarten and Nursery. Children are actively involved in maintaining our fruit trees, our vegetable patch and our flowerbeds. We teach children about recycling and composting. We…extra activitykindergarten, tree, nursery, child, teacher0
budapestsightseeingcruise.huJoin us for a boat trip that is one of a kind in Hungary. The upgraded version of our sightseeing cruise comes with a wide range of optional, high quality street food and unlimited beer and soft drinks. We recommend this boat trip for couples and groups alike. Whether it is fun sightseeing or a…cruise, river, sightseeing, dinner, sight0
csprogression.huObjectives: The aim is to appear on the international stage, to establish joint work and cooperation with the Turkish partner, i.e. to prepare a large-scale project, cooperation, to "practice" it, to introduce it into the professional work and organizational culture of the organizations. The aim…implementation activitysummary, meet, programme, photo, training0
syniq.huSynIQ Ltd. focuses on the automation of laboratory processes, especially in radiopharmaceutical production.privacy, process, production, solution, automation0
geoiq.hu…information, (aerial imagery or satellite imagery) makes for better decisions and have created GeoIQ ltd. for this purpose. Our reputation is built on contributing our technical knowledge, special people, valuable experience to the collection, analysis, and communication of geospatial imaging.summary activity, activity geoiqimaging, planet, summary, space, geospatial0
ganz-holding.huGanz Machinery Works Holding is one of the largest machinery works in Hungary, the products of which are related to the rail transport, power generation, water supply, management of water resources, urbanization and environmental protection therefore they play an important role in the formation of…sphere activitygroup, production, machinery, trade, gallery0
officeresearch.hu…questionnaires to map employee needs and individual office usage. Using cross-questions our team brings unseen problems to the surface. We strive to understand the individual and team level thinking of every leader, department and employee. These are summarized and formulated as a majority need.work activity, activity workoffice, workplace, research, organizational, analysis0
hollerung.huIntroduction… Budafok Dohnanyi Orchestra… Budapest Academic Choral Society… Zemplén Festival… Dohnanyi…festival, music, introduction, orchestra, academic0
mullerkft.huIn the past 30 years we got expanded knowledge about gravity casting and high pressure aluminiumcasting, pressure, gravity, main, machining0
aranypartcamping.huAt the camping site and along the beach there are several restaurants and snack bars. Find the nearest place or the one with the most delicious foods and best drinks on offer.campsite, offer, booking, pitch, accommodation0
imckft.huThe company has worked and continuously work in different sectors like industrial , servicing and consulting.consulting, industrial, llc, mechanical, liability0
brandoper.huWe support our clients wherever they need us, whether it’s creating a whole new brand from the basics or organizing a company Christmas party. We breath together with our clients’ company, cause we believe this is the only way to have a truly effective relationship together.pr activityanalysis, visual, event, creative, client0
bankar.huMANAGEMENT… INVESTMENTS… FOUNDATIONS… ABOUT US… xhtml…investment, management, foundation, xhtml, ltd0
matka.huCoupe… Design… Development… VIRÁG, DEKORÁCIÓ No listings… The Activity People Edwardian picture house…activity peoplelisting, house, picture, open, wine0
chefgomba.huAs a member of the Bio-Fungi Group , and as a leading mushroom company in Central and Eastern Europe, we deal with fresh mushroom growing and sales.csr activitymushroom, previous, basic, recipe, dish0
karrieresstilus.huMelinda has great experience in the field of business management, change management and management training. She is an expert in ’Supply Chain’ management, on which field she has a wide scope of international and national experience through the practices of Unilever.career, style, training, search, consultant0
pemu.hu…and in processing special technical plastics, applied in the following areas: teflon, silicone, PVC, and casted polyurethane processing. To support its production, the company has been engaged in tool manufacturing and maintenance for decades and operates a certification laboratory too.industry, process, tool, technology, production0
supermagnete.huAt the online shop of supermagnete, a large and varied assortment of different magnets and magnetic products awaits. It all started in 2003 with strong neodymium magnets , and they still rank among the most popular magnets at the supermagnete shop today. These magnets have an impressive adhesive…magnetic, adhesive, ferrite, approx, customer0
siex.huClean cities, orderly environment. Choose quality and efficiency so that your city is always clean!main activity, activity siexcity, clean, quality, equipment, efficiency0
mehi.huWhen it comes to energy efficiency, one of the biggest potential savings in Hungary is in residential buildings. A deep energy renovation wave of 100-130 thousand residential buildings per year would be needed to renew the Hungarian building stock.activity hungary, international activityenergy, efficiency, institute, update, renovation0
idegennyelvumedia.hu…the sense that as a member of the European Union and NATO, Hungary is a significant factor for foreigners who do not speak Hungarian. Political, economic, or even business news may have a serious impact on other countries or companies, so Hungarian political or economic news interest experts…media, news, language, foreign, supporter0
flexeffect.huFlexeffect Ltd. has a 15 year long professional history and demonstrates significant experiences in providing wagework services.significant, process, long, history, production0
ctosolutions.huWe help implementing projects: we stand by our Clients from the exploration of IT challenges up to the long-term optimization of implemented solutions.solution, optimization, consultation, transformation, client0
bodyatwork.huAfter having been invited by the Budapest History Museum, our team facilitated two workshops in their amazing building last autumn. Extraordinary spaces and an extraordinary mission: visitors of the museum could take away calmness and trust after our stress-releasing sessions.physical activity, activity stressbody, page, awareness, stress, advanced0
ohb.huOnline hotel reservation Budapest, Hungary. You can easily find cheap or luxury hotel, apartment, pension accommodation in Budapest with us.activity sightapartment, reservation, city, guide, rental0
klebelsbergkastelybudapest.huThe Klebelsberg Memorial House has excellent facilities for a wide variety of events . Several sections can be set up in the Castle, which is also suitable for several programs at the same time!castle, room, price, event, newsletter0
hands-on.huOur clients have ranged from multinational companies seeking to securely mobilize their workforce , to boutique consulting firms aiming to improve their knowledge management processes , to NGOs and EU Grant recipients needing IT infrastructure and communications management support.field activityhand, consulting, management, support, provider0
stompmetal.huOur company has made a reputation for Stomp Metal Ltd. due to its high-quality production. We guarantee high quality, expertness, meeting deadlines and competitve prices.main activitymetal, main, page, quality, production0
redonyautomata.hu…increased, thus, PHILIPS and in the following IKEA stand for most of the manufacture of fluorescent lights, picture frames, wall rails and other profiles, being in harmony in addition to the manufacture of other blind profiles. We has functioned as a limited company (“Kft.”) since 1989 in a…main activityfactory, manufacture, buyer, small, phase0
levendula-vendeghaz.huWe were very-very satisfied with everything. The owners were extremely kind. A real family friendly atmosphere. I recommend it to everyone with small children. We spent 4 nights at the Levendula guesthouse in Lovas and found everything superb. It’s a very nice place, perfect to relax and recharge…guesthouse, room, booking, region, festival0
vizszerelo024.huHome… About Us… Features… Contact Us… Get Help…water, help, solution, repair, pipe0
zomboryonline.huWelcome to our luxurious glamping, an idyllic retreat located in the heart of Gran Canaria’s breathtaking mountain scenery. Our story begins with a deep respect for nature and a desire to create a haven where adventure, relaxation and sustainable luxury meet. Our glamping in the stunning Canary…view activityluxury, island, gastronomy, gallery, view0
lombardinvest.huAs owners of Lombard-Invest Kft. (Ltd.) we have been present in the financial and capital market in Hungary since 1990, and we have provided our expertise, experience and conviction for the outset of more than 30 companies.real, estate, broker, insurance, dealership0
budajuniors.huBuda Juniors is an English-language, multi-national football club in Budapest, Hungary for children aged 4 to 16 years old. Run by Janos Banfi, a former Hungarian national team captain with 14 years experience of playing professional football and qualified with the UEFA coaching license, we play…training, news, aid, happy, football0
ll-c.huStrengthen your credibility, security, quality and international competitiveness certifications from an international certification authority.worldwide activitycertification, international, verification, certificate, demand0
apartmanszanyi.huOur apartments are situated in the green belt of one of Europe’s most famous spa, in a calm yet central area. We offer comfortable and familiar accommodation all year round.leisure activity, activity galleryapartment, offer, detail, stay, leisure0
humusz.hu…environmental NGOs celebrate today the 8th edition of the International Plastic Bag Free Day. In this important year where plastic pollution of ocean is considered a priority global concern, the compliance and ambition levels of EU Member States to reduce plastic bags fall short of expectations.waste, plastic, international, economy, circular0
hatvaniszakkoli.huEnglish… Hatvani István College for Advanced Studies… Home… About us… About the College… About István…academic activitycollege, study, advanced, application, competition0
szecsodi-office.huThe Szecsődi Law Firm was founded in 2003. Its founder Dr. Zsolt Szecsődi, attorney at law has more than 20 years of professional experience, which is a guarantee for the high quality services of our Office. Our goal is to provide up-to-date legal solutions bearing in mind the challenges of the…law, firm, office, legal, site0
resilux.huWe understand the vital role packaging plays in helping you meet your business objectives. Whether for carbonated beverages, still drinks or non-food products we are ready to find the best solution for you. Producing PET (polyethylene terephthalate) preforms and bottles has been our core business…core activityrecycling, bottle, sustainable, solution, planet0
orthopaedics.huFor more than 3 years I have worked at the Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon level at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital (the place of my previous knee and hip fellowships). This large district general hospital performs 13000 orthopaedic and trauma operations each year (including 2500 lower limb joint…professional activityorthopaedic, department, surgeon, consultant, professor0
bakihaz.huOn January 24 to 25 2015. (Saturday and Sunday) the I. BAKI Charity Football Cup will be held. All proceeds from the cup will support the BAKI Association. The registration can be made until 18 January 2015 in the BAKI Youth Centre (4060 Balmazújváros, Batthyány str. 26) or at the following phone…association, cup, youth, day, house0
morinel.huprogramming microcontroller, embedded software development, developing intelligent tools and devicesdevice, development, intelligent, application, software0
zsidojovoert.huBy uniting the strength of our communities, using it, our strength will multiply and we will also be able to perform tasks that we alone would otherwise be unable to do.community, manual, jewish, application, member0
debrecendixieland.hu…is still proud of having taken part with success in the European Broadcasting Union’s Tonder Festival (Denmark) in 1987, two years after its foundation and successfully represented Hungary as early as 1989 at the biggest feast of European Oldtimers music in Dresden. In the past decades…activity bandmember, vocal, guest, festival, radio0
kulturaktiv.huOur team of creative architects and educators helps local communities, especially children, to make their homes more lovable by implementing playful and innovative collaborations, methods and programs.neighborhood, people, post, eng, future0
cncprofil.huActivities… Past Works… Our Factory… Certificates… Contact…past, factory, certificate, introduction, technology0
arvamisszio.huThe Mission for Orphans Christian Foundation was established as a branch organization of the Gipsy Mission Foundation in 2015. Our Mission is to help children who unfortunately fall victim to child abandonment in the gipsy communities, so that they come to Christian families. Within this, our…child, family, adoption, mission, story0
europamozgalom.huThe European Movement Hungary is a member of the European Movement International network. We share the European values and promote the opportunities and rights provided by the EU.event activityeuropean, movement, network, budget, member0
rokaberc.huHaving a private jacuzzi, wellness, restaurant, winery, and a private fishing lake in the middle of a forest?outdoor activityroom, family, restaurant, gallery, wine0
railexim.hu…Other Components… Assurance of Quality… Company Particulars… Send a Message… Submit an Inquiry…supply, component, history, wooden, assurance0
hauff-technik.huHauff-Technik - Cable entries, press seals, conduits, wastewater entries, multiple-service building entry systems or single building entries. - Hauff-Technikentry, build, cable, plan, tool0
viceroy.huThe official webpage of the Viceroy Kft are not available at the moment for the reason of structural reorganization.machine, complete, repair, electric, maintenance0
eurotranssped.hu…and are able to delegate over 150-180 tipper trucks. We hold valid GMP+ B3 and B4 certificates. With the help of our self-propelled loaders, we offer loading services into wagons, including the related underlying full-scale work processes. We have a valid specialist insurance policy…business activity, activity primarilypage, transportation, client, related, freight0
clearcode.huLogo design - corporate identity - branding - package design - creative printing - annual report.offer, clear, code, video, art0
keletholding.huKelet-Holding Zrt. informs the creditors about the following, according to the Bankruptcy Act § 63/B. para 1: We inform you that in the list of the ongoing liquidation proceedings in the case of companies under liquidation that are marked the assets of the debtor are not enough to finance even the…liquidator, useful, liquidation, number, advice0
nyhwpe.huYour content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.lorem, eiusmod, consectetur, tempor, ipsum0
memundo.huThanks to the experience of our colleagues, our company is able to provide manual packaging of individual products in high quality and at a competitive price.packaging, paper, people, disability, care0
tajolo.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.extracurricular activityinline, module, setting, css, custom0
momcoach.huFőoldal… Rólam… Kapcsolat… Hello world!… [email…hello, trainer, protect, archive, post0
palackfelujitas.huCertification… Contact… Activities… Photos… Partners… english…ltd, gas, medical, cylinder, industrial0
eco-soil.huEach and every day we work to make the world a better place for the current and the next generation. The sustainability of Our Planet depends on everyone of us. In order to reach a brighter future, we need to take care both of the Planet and Ourselves. The first step is to take care of the soil so…soil, logic, description, page, mission0
inoxtherm.huThe scope of the business primarily includes general contracting in structural-, civil-, electrical- and building services engineering. Moreover, we also deal with tools and parts manufacturing through the application of state-of-the-art machining equipment.easy activity, activity material, main activitydivision, general, construction, plan, contract0
erdeszvendeghaz.huOur Guesthouse is located at the village limits right by the entrance of the Uppony Valley in very quiet and peaceful surroundings. It is an ideal accommodation for families and friends hiking or just looking for some peace together. There are two double rooms on the ground floor and we have two…room, guesthouse, garden, attic, double0
maxcargo.huHungary, 2220 Vecsés, Lőrinci u. 154., Airport City Logistics Park, Building “D”, 3rd floorfreight, logistic, air, ocean, road0
whitepaperconsulting.huWhite Paper Consulting has been the organiser of the leading energy summits in Central and Eastern Europe with well-established brands like the Budapest Energy Summit, the Budapest LNG Summit, the Budapest Hydrogen Summit and the Budapest Climate Summit.paper, consulting, white, event, energy0
omnipack.huOmnipack First Hungarian Packaging Technology Cluster is a strategic alliance engaging itself in environment protection and sustainable development, the development of state-of-the-art packaging technology solutions and proactive international presence.activity figurepackaging, cluster, material, technology, tool0
solarsafety.hu…and lifting machines. We have been working in different fields of building industry since 2000. We would like to change incorrect occupational safety approaches in the building industry with improving work culture, with appropriate communication, with set, clear aims and thinking in a system.safety, protection, occupational, fire, machine0
mke.info.huThe Association of Hungarian Librarians takes pride in the traditions of Hungarian librarianship, and looks with respect upon the great librarian predecessors: József Szinnyei, Zoltán Ferenczi, József Fitz, Ervin Szabó, Béla Kőhalmi, Pál Gulyás, Béla Varjas, Ákos Domanovszky, Máté Kovács, Csaba…main activitylibrary, branch, association, county, conference0
nagykun.huWith the union of the agricultural co-operative farms the “Nagykun” Agricultural Co-operative Farms was formed in 1974.main activitycultivation, farming, agricultural, crop, management0
hungaroflotta.huDistributed Brands… Our Own Brand… Manufacturing… Logistics… International Business… Reseller Webshop…page, brand, customer, manufacture, logistic0
aramlat.huÁramlat Foundation was founded in February 2020 with the intention of helping citizen orientation and educated information provision in order to develop the quality of public discourse and to serve the public good. We strive for the prevalence of information freedom by engaging citizens in public…public, career, event, document, library0
akadalymentesnap.huThis event contributes to let everyone have fun the same as a disabled or an able bodied person, as a child or an adult, while exploring that disabled people are the same people like us and we are able to help each other, and helping others is wonderful.idea activityevent, picture, latest, volunteer, main0
thermoplex.huBuilding engineering and technology systems (heating, cooling, water, drain, gas, air-condition, ventillation, heat-pump, solar system, spinkler system, automatics, cleanroom and labs, planning, installation and maintenance, general constructiondetail, build, engineering, construction, general0
hungarobot.huAvailability… Tevékenység…availability0
backpackbudapest.hu…but this hostel has sooo much more!! There is a huge garden which is the best place to relax with a yurt and hammocks, theres an awesome common room which seems to always be alive with new people! I’ve also never stayed at a place where guests and staff make such great food and encourage…room, yes, detail, hostel, check0
egmo2022.huBased on the decision of the Jury at EGMO 2022, the next EGMO will be organized in Portorož, Slovenia (2023), and Georgia will organize EGMO...leasure activitygirl, problem, european, mathematical, location0
elmolight.huELMOLIGHT Bt was founded in 1998. In addition to the manufacturing of humus moulds, composts and vegetable moulds, our company is engaged in researches and services contributing to soil protection, micro-biological decomposition of organic contaminants that is waste management and waste…research activity, activity microbiologicalsludge, compost, treatment, soil, waste0
vipberill.huAs a Hungarian-owned agency we have been on the market for more than 20 years, and this is in itself a great achievement.sale, start, gallery, agency, printing0
bsk.sport.huto achieve our goals, we also cooperate with the local governments, sports associations in Budapest, non-governmental organizations and actors of business sphere. We provide an opportunity to satisfy the needs of the population of Budapest for leisure sports, and we support the student and…athletic, center, island, margaret, facility0
seeyouapartment.huThe apartment is equipped and recently renovated, we make sure that every guest experiences the harmony that the SeeYou Apartment and the atmosphere of the city provide, and feels rested and recharged after a few days spent here. The city has a lot of programs from night to night, no one can get…shopping activity, activity priceapartment, booking, message, price, night0
vemsoft.huSoftware development built on modern IT technologies and development tools. New possibilities for researches. Continuous implementation of modern technologies.development, consultancy, software, concept, application0
hugames.huForums - HUGAMES - GAME OF EMPIREpost, forum, map, game, user0
castlegate.huOur Beliefs at Castlegate are more than words on a page- they are the core values that guide our actions and shape our relationships with our clients. We understand it is our responsibility to protect not only your properties, information, but also your reputation and we strive to provide you a…page, gate, castle, member, plan0
jedlikanyosklaszter.huAbout us… Mission… Activities… Organisation… EventS… Photo…mission, organisation, event, gallery, photo0
avendi.huin English Founders We, the two founders have come from such agency and client side that ensures both our viewpoints in the work for our clients. We have gained many - English - A. Vendi - rendezvényszervezés, eseményszervezés, marketingin English Founders We, the two founders have come from such…marketing activityclient, founder, agency, event, campaign0
romakepmuhely.hu…film club, based on student involvement, active participation. In the tradition of engaged scholarship it has become a place of cultural resistance, moving the lessons into unique cultural spaces open for public. It pays critical attention to the media and other visual representation of the…political activity, activity regimevisual, season, lab, image, book0
giaform.huYou can rely on us in every phase of industrial projects. We work with the best professional colleagues, in the field of design, part design, mould design, mould production, plastic injection moulding or CNC cutting. GIA Form ensures professionalism from the idea to its fulfilment. Cutting-edge…mould, form, manual, cut, plastic0
remekoldal.huSorry, no geolocation data could be recovered for your device. Please fill the form fields below to force the detection of your current geolocation.stay activity, activity nearbymuseum, city, york, review, nightlife0
hzacademy.huProvide a comprehensive cultural introduction for foreign workers about Hungary, providing information about the country’s history, culture, customs and traditions, working practices, expectations, working hours, and working environment. Help workers integrate effectively in Hungary and understand…course, country, worker, training, programme0
escaped.huUnleash a World of Shopping Delights: Explore Endless Possibilities at Our Exquisite E-commerce Emporium!escape, website, exquisite, refund, image0
zoard.hu"In the person of Zoárd, we had the opportunity to work with a marketing expert who delivered an outstanding performance. The marketing strategy he developed was not only effective, but even exceeded our expectations. Zoárd is extremely committed and professionally prepared, he was always ready to…digital, agency, website, page, build0
farmtojas.huThis was our guiding principle back in 2000 when we decided to start the marketing of Deep Litter Farm Eggs produced by free-range hens. These hens are not confined to batteries with small living space but allowed to move around freely within the deep-litter building. This is where hens can found…egg, free, deep, litter, range0
metagames.huMetagame kártyajáték és társasjáték bolt! Tekintse meg kínálatunk és látogasson el üzleteinkbe, vagy rendeljen online!game, card, battle, space, set0
mechroll.huCNC and traditional turning grinding milling, drilling bearing, bearing parts, bearing accessoriesmachine activity, activity serviceturn, drilling, milling, accessories, grind0
vadaszajandekbolt.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ipsum eget a, commodo aliquam lorem vitae, magna lacinia turpis ut, nullam id non odio pellentesque turpis et, sit dolor massa aliquet. Sed risus id donec, at erat ullamcorper ut mauris cursus, quis elit et pellentesque turpis hymenaeos aliquam, eu eu lobortis.lorem, magna, ut, aliquam, eget0
rendernet.huThis animation presents some animals and plants that lived between the Devonian and Permian Periods (358-299 million years ago).volcanic activityimage, interactive, animation, imagine, history0
aquiloapartmanok.huHave you ever wanted to live on the shore of a lake, look out of your window and watch the sunrise over the water, or rest your eyes on the distant sailboats? You can do all these and more in our lakeside apartments! Lake Balaton has a lot to offer in every season, so book now and make your…leasure activity, activity cyclingapartment, person, lake, meter, shore0
glover.hu…Our operations also include the marketing of LED lights for industrial application such as public lighting and dust-proof fluorescent lamps. In order further to enhance the quality of our service we have opened an office in China. We have excellent relations with Chinese production companies andestate activity, activity hungarylight, lighting, lamp, public, date0
diakonosz.huThe MPE DIAKONOSZ Supporting and Providing Center (Abbreviated name DIAKONOSZ TSZK), was founded by the Hungarian Pentecostal Church (MPE) in January of 2013, is a juridicial person inside the Church; atends diaconate tasks, is the back supporter and a countrywide ecclesiastic institution of the…church, introduction, task, feature, photo0
evacon.huOur service is based on attention to details, with flexibility and innovation on cost effective ways. We take care of the timeline and budget of the planned organized programme. Evacon Ltd. knows the successful importance of the project security and goals with the maximum satisfaction of sponsors…concept, management, programme, reference, conference0
infografik.huThe considerable planning is important. Be immediately recognizable your unique logo as your trademark, and the dominant visual element of your business's image. The perfect logo symbolizes the organization, providing an eye-catching, powerful and world-class overall picture about your product and…logo, identity, corporate, style, gift0
cegpalyazat.huBefore starting the game, please read the terms and conditions of the game. In the guide, you will find information about the conditions of participation in our game, the tasks related to the completion of the game, the process of using the coupon code available at the end of the game.nonprofit activityapplication, free, game, condition, individual0
szakalfem.hu…its products and services in industry, agriculture, transportation, engine construction and their repair fields. Szakálfém LTD 's machine and railway vehicle parts manufacturing factory, which has been in the business of railway vehicle parts manufacturing since 1974, is a member of the group.activity service, factory activity, activity todaymanufacture, machine, tool, repair, llc0
budapest-erotic-massage.huSensual massage is usually performed with some delicately scented oil. The masseuse smears the oil on the entire body of his guest so that he can easily perform various techniques on it. Lubricating the whole body can be a non-tap erotic experience if done by the masseuse properly. But it is also…massage, masseuse, important, body, effect0
djbartazsolt.huIt’s a great responsibility to organize and to manage a cocktail party, a kids’ party, an informal business dinner, a students’ party, a birthday party, or a party after a sports competition. It can be a challenge to have everyone have a good time regardless of age, nationality or music preferences.wedding, sound, event, piano, song0
tubakurzus.huIn the 1990s, Barcs was the meeting place of the brass community. In the village of south-eastern Hungary, hungarian and foreign “vibrators” destroyed the Iron Curtain during the camp, and a euphoric tone emerged that brought joy, peace, unity and dream to the hearts of the participants. After the…outdoor activity, activity case, leisure activitycamp, teacher, music, meal, application0
cadproduction.huConstruction of robotised production cells, with equipment and special service units Accurate, precise and manageable production processproduction, development, application, gallery, special0
skechers.huLifestyle and athletic footwear and apparel for men, women, and kids filled with innovative comfort technologies.shop activityshop, slip, sale, free, kid0
kka.huInformation on the 'Building Civil Society in Europe through Community Development' - International Conference - Budapest, 2004activity internetcommunity, development, page, europe, foundation0
vcci.huDiadalmas Christian Church International, is a gathering of christians in the body of Jesus Christ. We believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we are committed to proclaim the joyful message of salvation to the world, and to build up Spirit filled disciples for Jesus. The good news is simple:…church activitychurch, international, christian, homepage, jesus0
neurosurgery.info.huNeurosurgery info | Neurosurgery Debrecen - Spinal hernia, brain tumor and other surgeriesscientific activitytumor, surgery, spinal, introduction, curriculum0
perlit92.huHungary's first perlite quarry is located in Pálháza. The quarry has been in operation since 1959. The milling, drying and sieving of perlite effects in the preparation plant near to the quarry, according to the demand of the customers. Perlit-92 Ltd. has opened its second mine in 2006, which…plant, protection, industry, filter, environment0
iivkft.huWELCOME TO OUR SITE!… ENGINEERING SERVICE… PRODUCTION… Fabricator works… WELDING… MACHINING…engineering activityengineering, welding, tool, production, post0
irtamikulas.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.ticket, sit, amet, ipsum, dolor0
arrabonastudio.hu…I have worked as a sound designer on such major feature films such major films s recent Berlinale winner ‘On Body and Soul’, Hungarian blockbuster ’Strangled’ or Karlovy Vary Chrystal Globe winner ‘It’s not the time of my life’. He have also worked on Hollywood big budget films like Open Grave.physical activity, activity tomorrowdocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy0
globalmaterial.huThis is the homepage of GLOBAL MATERIAL Kft. We are a new production support company in Hungary. Our company offers its multinational manufacturing partners a business opportunity to help with both design and manufacturing.engineering activitymaterial, global, production, knife, manufacture0
csangallo.hu…Thailand… Discover Costa Rica Just Beautiful… Explore and Sailing Explore the Beauty… Explore Niagara…special activitylist, tour, destination, showcase, sidebar0
galileoprogetti.huAbout us… Our Mission… Our Activities… Arca (co-founder)… Networks… Partners… Projects… Adult…mission, education, glad, founder, network0
piheapartman.huIn seasons A and B the apartments can be booked for a minimum of 2 nights, in season C for a minimum of 3 nights and in season D for a minimum of 4 nights.activity nearbyseason, price, apartment, night, gallery0
pikler.hu*Please note that this fee is for the course instruction only; we cannot provide for participant’s accommodation, meals and airfare.play activity, activity yearcourse, worldwide, day, training, event0
mipack.huMipack Kft was founded in 2006, to enable companies dealing with flexible films packaging in Hungary and in the neighbouring countries in order to provide optimal solutions in packaging methods, selecting the right film types and sourcing the best machinery available. As part of it’s services…solution, packaging, flexible, method, optimal0
sudalu.huOur other main business focus is the manufacturing of steel structures of different sizes. In our 1,200sq meter hall equipped with a crane we can produce entire building structures, lighting structures, billboard structures, mobile towers and other structures with the assistance of our certified…machine, structure, welding, steel, worker0
providers-nest.huPROVIDER’S NEST KFT is a leading Provider of economic services proposed by the finance industry and encompasses a broad spectrum of Financial Instruments as a “Third-Party Logistics Provider” .provider, nest, economic, finance, industry0
zazoovet.huDemesne far hearted suppose venture excited see had has. Dependent on so extremely delivered by. Yet no jokes worse her why. Bed one supposing breakfast day fulfilled.fun activityventure, far, extremely, dependent, bad0
osz.huThe Hungarian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation (Országos Mozgásszervi Intézet) only receives medication when payment is made in cash. In another Budapest hospital, surgeries faced delays due to equipment not arriving on time. The root cause? The sky-high debt of Hungarian hospitals.medical, healthcare, association, manufacturer, device0
civisgo.huWe believe that there are huge and beautiful destinations all over the world. Every city perhaps will become closer to you. Just simply search and compare the best hotels and flights price with our travel finder.tour activityprice, tour, low, shop, follow0
jouton-lohaton.huProgrammes… General programmes… Gruntvig PAT… About Gruntvig PAT… Gruntvig PAT Results… MOL - Those…result, programme, member, report, committee0
cakeup.huOur projections are customized to our customer’s needs. The top tiers of the composition are made of real cake; the number of tiers depend on the number of guests to be served. The bottom tiers are dummy ones; they are not edible. CakeUp projections uses a square-based, six-tiered cake covered…welcome activity, activity interactivecake, map, projection, wedding, venue0
budapest-shooting.huCeleritas Shooting Club on Facebook Celeritas Shooting Club on Instagram Celeritas Shooting Club on Youtubeexciting activity, activity budapestshoot, instructor, package, booking, police0
kullmanntamas.humedical activity… teaching… scientific publications… biography… media references…medical activitymedical, publication, scientific, biography, media0
gyermeksegito.huOur NGO Borhy Gardening is making our headquarters a home from home with donations of seedlings, soil and cattle manure. Thank you to Borhy Gardening for their help!ngo, need, christmas, family, ukrainian0
csudijo.hu…and we knew, we felt it must have gone on. We confided our most important, inmost feelings, thoughts to each other. We connected. We created ideas. And a few years later, the thing you’re standing in front of was born: a community of small and tall ones, good and not-so-good ones, accepted…creative activitychild, organization, community, everybody, love0
bookfairy.huBook and Jigsaw… Baby's very first black and white books… Very first words… Flap books… Touchy Feely…activity book, travel activity, easter activity, activity pad, christmas activitybook, story, sticker, fairy, christmas0
profinito.huDeclaration of intent to attend a creditors’ meeting using an electronic communication deviceintroduction, proceedings, creditor, number, settlement0
barankovics.hu…hinterland and rally supporters. Just as the operation, organisational structure, style and objectives of Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt deviate as a single ideological party from its political rivals, the Barankovics Foundation plays an entirely different role than the other party foundations.mission activityfoundation, christian, democracy, political, k.0
trimetrik.huPrecision plastic injection, mold manufacturing and metal machining for every industrial segment, from conceptual design to mass production.manufacture, injection, metal, mold, molding0
keletatlasz.huThe Kelet-Atlasz Kompresszor Kft. has been founded in March 2001 by 100 % Hungarian individuals.main activitydistribution, compressor, air, main, maintenance0
dealcom.huDealCom Commercial and Service Ltd.sale, trade, representative, house, consultancy0
biopipacstanya.hu…for complete relaxation, to soak away all of your cares. It is worthwhile to take a stroll through the charming streets of Csongrád's Old Castle district, or take in the sights of cultural Szeged, with it's interesting miasma of architectural forms and abundant street-side café's... or simply stay…organic, picture, forest, street, large0
csodama.huWe're happy to build network with our Hungarian and international partners for good and noble causes!event, cause, goal, foundation, wonderful0
meter.huDistribution of measuring instruments and automation elements, technical advisory, service, vocational training, calibration of measuring equipments.main activitymeter, calibration, measurement, cable, industrial0
klausland.huBook Now… Home… Home 1… Home 2… Home 3… Home 4… Services… Broading… Training… Veterinary Care… Dog…shop, list, detail, faq, search0
orangyal-1890.huThe primary services provided by Őrangyal 1890 Gyógyszerészeti Kft. are drug retail and wholesale of medical aids, the introduction of medical devices and medicinal products for pharmacy retail, and full marketing of these products, as well as research and development of medicines with plant-based…study, case, request, access, active0
brigetio.hu…floor, designed and built by Narmer Architecture Studio, which presents in a spectacular and interactive form the most beautiful finds and the results of the scientific work carried out in Brigetio since 1992 in cooperation between Eötvös Loránd University and the Klapka György Museum of Komárom.visitor, exhibition, museum, heritage, center0
mvaat.huThe Hungarian Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (MVÁÁT) was founded in 2004 by 22 members actively working in the field at that time. The aim of the organization is to represent the field of zoo and wildlife medicine in the country, to outline clinical and research-based information…goal activitywildlife, association, section, european, conference0
babamami.huI STRONGLY recommend KIDZ Baby Store to EVERYONE interested in running a successful online business! It’s incredible. Best. Product. Ever! KIDZ Baby Store was worth a fortune to my companybath, hot, accessories, tub, infant0
alpoktrans.huDomestic and international transportation - ALPOK-TRANS KFT. Transportation of full loads, Transportation of partial loads, Collective transportationmain activity, activity companytransportation, domestic, international, partial, collective0
kinderparadise.hu…a restaurant and you don’t want to sacrifice the peace of your own home on the altar of the kid’s party, yet you are looking for something quite unique, then Kinder Paradise is the best place. We provide a cloudless and enjoyable birthday party for all ages. Kinder Paradise provides an idyllic…creative activity, activity child, child activity, activity separateparadise, child, kind, package, pool0
montanpress.huProgramme organizing… Book Publishing… Journal Publishing… Company Brochures… Calendars… Consulting…publish, organize, programme, detail, book0
dekut.huIntroduction… References… Contact Us… IT Cluster… Regional strategies… Nature, environment and…physical activity, activity patientregional, development, cluster, strategy, research0
b-air.huB-AIR Ltd is a private company founded in 1996. We are experienced entrepreneurs in various fields of transportation with a focus on air transport industry. Aircraft engineers, aviation experts, economists and IT people can be found in our staff as well as senior airline crew.air, page, engineering, simulation, consultancy0
bgv.huUsing my years of leadership experience I established Baranyai Invest General Building Zrt. I've worked and still work to this day in several industrtial and service sectors. Over the past times I have found the most suitable people for managing my various segments.construction activitygeneral, build, management, wealth, germany0
piengineering.hu…are responsive to our clients’ needs in an innovative, cost effective, professional, quality service manner. We will accomplish this by utilizing our common values: Quality, speed and reliability. This will result in higher availability and reliability so thus higher profits of your power plant.engineering, plant, power, pie, solution0
romaversitas.huIf you are committed to social justice and believe that providing access to quality education helps balancing systemic inequalities, donate to Romaversitas. Your contribution empowers Roma communities by making sure that Roma youths have a chance to acquire academic degrees.programme, university, community, student, education0
rjchem.huChoose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.main activity, activity recyclingquality, bootstrap, main, material, waste0
cordelia.huThe Cordelia Foundation has created a manual titled The role of interpreters and intercultural mediators in the work with refugees during COVID-19. The publication analyzes the following … Read More... about The role of interpreters and intercultural mediators in the work with refugees during…foundation, main, publication, pain, role0
silverland.huD&D Miniatures - Icons of the Realms - GARGANTUAN WHITE DRAGON: ARVEIATURACE Premium Figureactivity kompakbritish, realm, plastic, game, miniature0
egzatik.huOur company, the Egzatik Kft has been offering financial accounting and tax advisory services for more than 20 years.scope activitytax, accounting, financial, advisory, report0
stukko.huHome… English… Introduction… References… wainscoting… paintwork… Activities…introduction, navigation, reference, basketball, shoe0
mphostelbudapest.huMP Hostel Budapest offer double rooms with private bathroom, 4-bedded and 12-bedded dormitories. The capital's attractions and popular entertainment venues are only a few meters away, whether by local public transport or by taxi.room, hostel, dormitory, bed, offer0
marsfeld.hu…Ltd., at the time of its establishment in October 2023, set the goal of combining professionalism, self-confidence and the power of experience to become a valuable and valued construction company that not only fulfills, not only builds but also means peace, accuracy and security for its Customers.build, construction, main, engineering, industry0
flashcars.huOur main profile is the escort of overweight and oversized cargo transportation and the acquisition of the required route licence.activity numberroute, escort, oversize, assessment, removal0
rozsahegyizrt.hufine cutting, milling, sifting, seed cleaning, hand selection are made in our plants undergrow activity, activity acreherb, plant, spice, quality, production0
abadacapoeira.huSummer and capoeira together promises great fun to all participants. Among the capoeira trainings you can take the time to rest and have fun.training, summer, day, camp, dance0
eloszer.huELŐ-SZER Ltd. - onstruction work, building engineering, steel structure, locksmith, industrial hall, family house, public and listed building, agricultural building, livestock buildingmain activity, activity farbuild, industrial, house, public, hall0
innomedio.hu…provides architectural software programming and planning, project management, process modelling and case management for our partners but we can also carry out program development tasks for our clients, owing to our qualified developer team. We specialized in self-developed, internet-based software.software, management, process, client, modelling0
metalvision.huWe believe that Metalvision Kft will become a long-term, stable and reliable business partner due to our consistent customer centered business policy as well as our cost optimized effective solutions. Our current customers are linked with mechanical engineering and the automotive industry and…quote, production, career, machine, support0
eurotrekking.huNews about our rafting trips | Eurotrekkingtrip, tubing, weekend, news, water0
rlch.huOur tests comply with the European Union standard and we prepare our final analyzes following the standards of international test reports.technology, laboratory, analysis, equipment, water0
panfa.huArchitecture Innovation Camp… Angel Design Kanizsa Ltd.… Lumbertech… Keletfa Wooden and Funeral…news, cluster, wood, innovation, newsletter0
tizian.huAll rights reserved! © 2001-2014 | Tizian Ltd.furnace, manufacture, porcelain, ceramic, treatment0
mastert.hua 30 year-old designer from Budapest, Hungary. My main projects are 3D modelling (also low poly and high poly too), textures making and enviroment designing. In 3D technology created many low poly models for games with nextGen technologies (baking maps from high poly). For my models i am painting…game, asset, artist, low, model0
szerdalawfirm.hu…sale. Our clients receive this assistance and support throughout the entire lifetime of their projects. They also take advantage of our extensive legal expertise in and knowledge of the local and regional business environment, which our legal team has developed over nearly two decades of…field activitylaw, firm, expertise, area, legal0
partnerhub.huInvoice HUB offers banks and enterprises the highest-level, bespoke invoice management system on the market that can be seamlessly integrated into the existing business management frameworks, and truly make invoicing nothing more than an elementary task.invoice, enterprise, management, homepage, invoicing0
hidrokomplex.huCopyright © 2019 by Hidrokomplex Kft.treatment, reference, water, plant, wastewater0
animavisualphoto.huAvada Hotel & Resort Enjoy Your Stay To The Fullest Extent Book Now WELCOME TO AVADA HOTEL Relaxing Pleasure Pellentesque nulla magna, accumsan sed ante quis, gravida feugiat turpis. Vivamus et fringilla ligula. Etiam sapien tellus, imperdiet eget posuere nec, cursus vel arcu. Ut molestie atactivity propertyavada, photo, room, stay, view0
knagyemese.huResearch… Education… Professional Experience… Current Activities… Publications… Conferences…current activitynagy, research, education, current, publication0
barokkhotel.huHotel Barokk… Hotel… Services… Price… Gallery… Contact… Booking… Leisure…leisure activityprice, gallery, booking, leisure, website0
danburit.huFor information, a price list can be opened at the link below. In any case, the jewelry is scanned, the necessary repair work begins in advance, after you have approved the amount of the repair.repair, jewelry, expert, judicial, sale0
elmak.huAbout… Contact… Contact Us… © 2023 ÉLMÁK…tour, day, england, travel, room0
musichouse.huMusic House is the first music-based international private educational institution in Budapest, which was established with the aim of enabling children of kindergarten and nursery age to learn and master English in an entirely English-speaking environment.music, house, nursery, kindergarten, international0
crysys.hu…to prepare for CTF competitions, to socialize, and to have fun by spending time with other geeks of similar interest. The CrySyS Student Core also plays a key role in the talent management program of the CrySyS Lab, including the creation of challenges for the annual CrySyS Security Challenge.current activitylab, security, professor, assistant, research0
mihelyunk.huIf you think about Balaton, the first thing that comes to your mind is the southern shore, because you enjoy the solwly deepening water, the beautiful sight of the north shore and here is, where most of your beloved places and towns of Balaton are located, including theorganise activityshore, relaxation, southern, pleasant, lake0
datalogging.huThe consumption measuring always contains important and useful information for factory operators.consumption, background, introduction, default, important0
mrtt.hu…among others 14 experts from abroad and 50 PhD students. The keynote speaker was Prof. Jouke van Dijk, President of the European Regional Science Association. On the first day two plenary sessions were organized: one in Hungarian and one in English, with international speakers: Prof…summary activity, activity hungarianregional, science, association, annual, conference0
beepro.huYou Ask. We Solve. Be Automotive. We provide efficient, value-added, people-centered engineering solutions in the automotive world.area activitybee, automotive, network, engineering, efficient0
klimapolitikaiintezet.huWe deal with issues of environmental protection, climate change and the protection of national values: education, attitude formation, policy, events.climate, event, green, institute, protection0
ubersteel.huquality is accompanied by a high level of flexibility. Therefore, we are always looking for new ways and new partner relationships! We manufacture highly diversified metal products for our local and international customers at our own production site. We take all opportunities to create new client…steel, quality, reference, homepage, management0
hellofeszt.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar erat at libero accumsan sodales. Mauris ac augue non arcu feugiat ornare vel facilisis lorem.entertainment activitylorem, elit, sit, amet, ipsum0
cma.huKrisz has performed a crucial role in the major projects delivered by CMA over the years including the design coordination of the Gresham Four Seasons Hotel in Budapest, the National Instruments campus and the majority of CMA’s logistics and manufacturing portfolio. Krisz acts as managing director…requirements activity, activity occupantarchitect, client, use, management, plan0
balatonimuzeum.huBalaton Museum Who is the most successful fisherman of Lake Balaton? Come to the museum and discover the wildlife of Lake Balaton!museum, lake, exhibition, permanent, visitor0
pafhungary.hu© PAFhungary - 2019 All rights reservedconference, care, hospital, health, spring0
crownkindergarten.huCome and have a look around! Bring your parents along and find out together how we can contribute to your future success.crown, kindergarten, group, vele, programme0
wigner.huAs part of the HUN-REN Welcome Home and Foreign Researcher Recruitment Programme announced for the first time this year by the HUN-REN Secretariat, six Hungarian and one foreign researcher from the international elite will come to Hungary to form research groups at HUN-REN research site to…outreach activityresearch, physics, news, centre, institute0
dev-nelli.hu…and large series production. We try to find a solution to every problem, so we don't know the word impossible. What does this mean? If you have an idea, we will design and manufacture the finished product, which we will tailor to your needs with the utmost expertise. Whether it's a simple or…mechanical activity, activity complexmachine, cut, production, page, engineering0
beperken.hu…of the whole farm because we have specialists with engineering degrees and electrical engineering degrees and suitable experience who have the right to deal with high voltage equipment as well. The company is in charge 24 hours a day in order to start solving the accidental failures of turbinesintroduction activity, activity referenceintroduction, ltd, director, reference, wind0
mezeivill.huOur company… Products… Street lighting… Park lighting… Accent lighting… Sport lighting and reflectors…lighting, street, luminaire, electric, network0
ltd-future-pharma.hu…in 2005 at the University of Pécs, Hungary, and a degree in 2008 in economics and healthcare management at NyME. I have had extensive experience in both hospital, retailer and wholesaler pharmacies, and I had successfully managed some of these businesses before I founded LTD Future Pharma Limited.portfolio activity, activity primarilyltd, future, primary, sidebar, limited0
primavetprodukt.huIn November 2012, our manufacturing plant moved to our location on Gumigyár Street in Budapest. The idea of setting up our own production site arose in the then owners in order to include the products in contract manufacturing under their own production. After obtaining all the necessary permits…career, factory, group, united, kingdom0
enagro.huAndrás Váczi, general manager of Enagro presented the reed as an environmentally-friendly heating solution. The children could also see and touch the Miscanthus plant, as well as the pellets and briquettes made of it.news, plant, energy, picture, gallery0
geneziskft.huLearn about the history and current projects of Genezis Electronics! Continuous developments, sustainable projects, e-commerce solutions.business activity, activity commerce, sale activity, activity countryelectronic, commercial, solution, commerce, continent0
creativedu.hu…established with the aim to support the attempts of the European Union in the field of global (citizenship) education by using creative and innovative educational methods. The aim of the global (citizenship) education aims to create global approach and to promote global and local responsibility.creative, education, method, global, educational0
xilaw.huXiaoyou Xi (Lucas) is a very creative and tactical lawyer. He has excellent communication skills (Chinese, English and Hungarian). His background makes him a good advisor, who understands the needs of my business.litigation, law, tax, finance, dispute0
biggeorgeproperty.huWe have unique experience and expertise in the fields of real estate development, construction, leasing, and investment. As Hungary’s market-leading real estate development company, we aim to provide an outstanding, complex service for private clients seeking homes and businesses looking for real…property, development, real, estate, view0
icontest.huWe provide business consulting services in several business domains and areas. Our experts can help you in telecommunications, energy and financial domains.area activity, activity categorytechnology, energy, expert, area, solution0
mamiflow.huRestaurants… Cinemas… Art and History… Home… Explore… Explore (2 columns)… Explore (3 columns)… Explore…restaurant activity, activity london, outdoor activityexplore, place, list, column, event0
homecyclinghungary.huChoose the package that suits you best and start training in the comfort of your own home.recreational activity, activity physicalbike, appointment, cycling, package, subscription0
researchdata.huHUN-REN ARP is a digital infrastructure that enables the long-term preservation, delivery, and controlled and reliable sharing of research data.data, research, repository, event, infrastructure0
tippado.huWe founded our office in 2000 with the purpose of offering a complete service of accountancy to our customers. Our high quality performance is guaranteed by the qualification of our colleagues (among them we have chartered accountants, payroll clerk and labour administrator), their perennial…accounting, medical, offer, complete, office0
dfg.huGear manufacturing, toothing… CNC and special machining… Manufacture and renewal of drive gears…engineering activitymanufacture, gear, renewal, machine, special0
absolutelycosmopolitanbostons.huPuppies are available for purchase upon a preliminary purchase request. Upon birth of the puppies I shall inform all prospective buyers in the order of the waiting list, attaching pictures of the puppies. You may specify in the purchase request the gender and desired qualities of the dogs…course activity, activity lifestylelitter, puppy, absolutely, dog, page0
wmoc2021.huThank you very much for coming and choosing WMOC 2021! It was our pleasure hosting all of you, coming from all around the world. Hope you have had great experiences during the long week and are going home with unforgettable memories. (more…)event, championship, map, programme, result0
hydroinfo.huHungarian Hydrological Forecasting Service was founded on 1 March 1892. Starting from 1929 it operated within the Institute of Hydrology. In 1952 the Research Institute for Water Resources Development (VITUKI) was established, HHFS operated within VITUKI until its closing in 2012. From 1 August…main activity, activity hhfsforecast, meteorological, data, delivery, process0
iskiconsulting.huWe offer unique and efficient solutions in strategic, regulatory, business development, professional communication, project management and market research issues of the sectorconsulting, reference, efficient, solution, market0
playmobil.hu©2023 Playmobil. Minden jog fenntartva.colour activityflag, horse, waterfall, country, action0
ilant.huIlant technology offers innovative engineering solutions, business consulting, production and manufacturing planning. Startup supporting.activity service, main activity, activity steelengineering, production, technology, manufacture, plan0
szigmaszerviz.huSzigmaSzervíz Business Risk Management Ltd. is the first Hungarian company engaged in integrated risk management. Szigma IntegRisk® risk management system and software – which is unique in the local and in the international market as well – provide:risk, management, assessment, software, methodology0
fodor-rafting.huSaturday or Sunday 1 times 4-5 hours very intensive rafting program with lots of experiences. For minimum 6 person.time activity, activity raftinglanguage, hour, intensive, water, saturday0
aquaworldresort.huRegarding its services, the hotel is unique in Budapest: offering 309 rooms, standard rooms in the hotel’s main building, junior suites, family rooms and suites. Free, unlimited internet access (Wi-Fi) in the entire premises of the hotel, as well as free outdoor car park for over 1000 cars await…room, treatment, day, family, pool0
csajosnyaralas.huA desert safari in Dubai promises an unforgettable experience full of adventure, cultural immersion and stunning landscapes. Here's an outline of...news, social, destination, page, forum0
vidakatalin.huIn addition to providing regular talk therapy, I also provide EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), which is a form of psychotherapy that was developed by psychologist, Francine Shapiro, in the 1980s. EMDR was originally developed to treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)…scientific activitycounseling, psychologist, family, price, scientific0
szigetinapkft.huThe goal is to bulid a solar park with the capacity of 499 kW at the location of Vaskút 0540 parcel number. The Ltd. already has all the necessaryview, number, investment, parcel, capacity0
plaextended.huIn 2015, we started to deal with the development of the PLA biologically degradable plastic in respect of heat tolerance, flow properties, flame resistance, fiber reinforcement, impact resistance, foamability glazing, dyeability and sunlight resistance.technology, tender, video, plastic, quality0
babilonkids.hu…and teens. We know that children learn best when they are interested and engaged. We use songs, games and movements so your children can play towards fluency. Our friendly international instructors take pride in creating an encouraging and stimulating environment for children to learn English.kid, school, kindergarten, faq, free0
glgroup.huNowadays in our fast world and difficult economic situation, our company is still focusing on its principles.range activity, activity goal, main activitybus, parking, gallery, price, goal0
budapestagency.huIf you are from a country outside the European Union and you would like to run a business in Hungary you need a residence permit and set up a business company .gainful activity, activity businesspermit, immigration, investment, student, card0
simoncar.huRecently we have built street and racing cars mainly from Lada cars manufactured in the Eastern block. We have also built cars from other European car models. We aim to build roll cages and racing cars in the best possible quality. For this reason we are constantly developing our technological…escort, type, body, build, th0
fenixintrio.huCreating comfortable, enduring, and functional spaces for businesses is our focus. We provide stress-free solutions for furnishing, lighting, acoustics, and electronics. Let us help you achieve your unique vision.business activitysolution, unique, vision, lighting, stress0
kajarikft.huShould there be a quality issue – without any misuse of the product – with the packaging materials bought from us due to a technology problem, we will compensate you by either re-manufacturing the product, or giving your money back, according to your choice.distribute activitypackaging, material, technology, customer, machine0
radius.huThe COVID-19 pandemic prompted us to manufacture a new line of products. There was a need to respond quickly to the rising demand for solutions in prevention and protection. That is why we have developed our MEDI PUMP, non-contact hand sanitizer columns, hygienic face shields and breath protection…radius, manufacture, search, website, solution0
metubudapest.huThe International Coordination Office organized the second "International Staff Training Week" program at METU between 11-15 December to which we mainly invited colleagues dealing with Erasmus-related duties and international affairs from various partner countries...student activitystudent, art, university, international, office0
babyborze.huKosaram… Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse…training activityshop, molestie, mauris, nec, nibh0
fvv.huFVV Fém- és Villamosipari Kft. - Complete Metal Pressing and Stamping services for pressings,stampings,assemblies,presswork,pressed metal components,bracketsstamping, solution, és, metal, assembly0
braingineering.hu© 2022 Braingineering Solutions Kft.vehicle activity, activity benchmarkingsolution, clever, expertise, case, development0
ingroup.huIN GROUP is one of the leading companies in the field of project development, real estate investment and construction.group, management, estate, real, development0
bugbag.huThese bags are premium organic cotton canvas totes with unique hand-drawn designs selected from different topics for your everyday use, like for the office, school, gym, beach, for yoga, shopping, workshop, travel, for a walk, ... Find the bags at our retail partners or be a partner of ours!premium, everyday, sustainable, quality, hand0
eurama.huEurama Sightseeing City Tour Travel Agency offers several sightseeing and city tours, private tours in Budapest and Hungary. Take a look on our site to discover Budapest City and the Hungarian landmarks. The tours departing daily from our Eurama Office (at the Hotel Intecontinental by the Chain…tour, city, sightseeing, bus, book0
gepteko.huWe can prepare onsite surveys with manual measuring tools and with FARO 3D laser scanner. We make point cloud processing with modern design softwares.engineering, software, liability, insurance, process0
mukovacs.huWelcome to the homepage of POZSÁR DESIGN Wrought Iron Ltd! Our firm produces unique ironwork using traditional technology. We meet individual claims with our wrought iron products. the special line of the firmiron, firm, traditional, technology, line0
bim.huIn addition to the products on our site, we take the individual needs of other metal products.range activityintroduction, history, machine, management, quality0
oddwords.huOddwords is a quasi-journalistic site founded in 2018, created to document and discuss the various games and events related to the Oddworld series, its community, and its developers. While most of the content on the site deals with Soulstorm, especially its pre-release material, you can also find…fandom activity, activity reportgame, thought, list, event, media0
innomed.huThe Cardiology segment working on our diagnostic devices with data management software for PCs. The main products of the group are the own developed and manufactured semi- automatic defibrillator (AED) , clinical defibrillators, the variety of ECG devices and we are also distributing a whole range…medical, development, ray, generator, ecg0
otthonabeteg.huHOME… ABOUT US… OUR CENTER… QUESTIONS & ANSWERS… CONTACT… ARE YOU READY TO MOVE IN?… Free rooms…site, question, appointment, center, answer0
parasportszer.huWe are committed to providing safe, easy-to-use and long-lasting equipment and accessories for football, futsal and blind participation sports including goalball, torball and blind football.football, shop, goal, blind, head0
ajandek-online.huThe first option the tool allows you to adjust is the number of random words to be generated. You can choose as many or as few as you'd like. You also have the option of.journey activity, activity seniorcare, sit, ipsum, dolor, lorem0
hemerox.huOur portfolio ranges from small works for private individuals to complex general contracting for large companiesconstruction, renovation, general, maintenance, contract0
menedek.huEstablished in 1995 as a civil initiative. The association operates as a non-profit organisation, independent from politics. It provides complex system of services to support immigrants and third country nationals in finding a new home in Hungary... Moresocial, volunteer, child, school, community0
pmikft.hu…as well as chemical industry complex project (technology, engineering, electricity, process instrumentation, process control, architectural design, property protection and fire alarm) and connected to ones like pressurized vessels, tanks and pressurized system design as well as expert tasks.industry, engineering, scope, data, reference0
baloghteszta.huOn our portfolio you can find pasta without eggs, pasta made of aestivum wheat with different number of eggs added and pasta of durum wheat.main activity, activity excellentdetail, wheat, report, egg, quality0
baloghorsolya.huMy partners include managers of companies and enterprises, as well as private individuals, with whom I enjoy successful collaboration thanks to my tailored solutions.company activity, activity staffstrategy, financial, revenue, private, insurance0
ovarvill.huThe continuous improvement of our tool and machine fleet also contributes to the performance of high-quality work. We pay special attention to the rational utilisation of the electric energy with reasonable solutions of energy-saving systems.tender, introduction, reference, photo, detail0
bartech-d.hubartech-d… Services… About us…main activity, activity metalworkingwidget, limited, liability, location, office0
somatech.huOur services include the production of special purpose machines, electrical control cabinets and pneumatic controls, and also industrial automation.main activityproduction, industrial, plan, shop, equipment0
geselem.hu…After the given period of time elapsed the model is no more editable, however the calculation results are available, assuming that the calculation succesfully finished before the time period elapsed, or at least the calculation can be succesfully executed at the moment when the period elapse.application, element, page, help, available0
freedroid.hua Comment at Mall… World… Hello world!… Easy Boho Style: Without Looking Like a Coachella Victim… 15…style, general, important, travel, game0
happykids.hu“When my husband and I were looking for a kindergarten for our children, we wanted their first experience to be in a loving, caring, and homely environment, where they receive professional care and feel safe. We found all these qualities at Happy Kids, where the English language environment was an…afternoon activitykid, happy, child, kindergarten, international0
letsgotrans.huWe supply food products and chemical products, we also have equipment for the transport of dangerous goods.interest, gallery, transport, detail, confidence0
farmsolution.huAbout Us… Education… Consultancy… Staff Trainings and Recruitment… Livestock Transportation and…education, consultancy, training, recruitment, staff0
ishatala.huAddress… procuration – Contact… Professional CV… Activities… Available products…ltd, address, available, italian, german0
plf.huThe Book World Prague (Svet Knihy Praha) is the largest book fair in the Czech Republic, and as the Czech Republic is traditionally one of the most important regional markets for Hungarian literature, the Petőfi Cultural Agency (PLF), together with the Liszt Institute in Prague, organized a stand…literary, book, page, author, publish0
turbotanoda.huHumanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree in Pedagogy of Students with Learning Disabilities."teacher, speciality, child, school, education0
szerszamlap.huTares family since 1932, working in various fields of engineering Balatonlellén. The ancestors dealt Engineering-metal cultivation and instrument making more than 300 years.introduction, reference, picture, gallery, individual0
toureasttour.huOur tours are built around an interest, that might attract a group of people. We offer tours and events focusing on culture, wine & gastronomy, world heritage sites, pilgrimage, wellness & medical, bike & hiking and a lot more. Themed tours can be led by experts.activity programtour, european, gastronomy, danube, friendly0
bfnp.huVisitor centres and sites… Guided tours… Tours… Walking tours… E-bike tours… Water tours…activity datadetail, view, visitor, centre, tour0
validum.huConstruction Safety Experts provides a comprehensive audit of your health and safety programs, training, record keeping, and accountability systems–perfect for identifying deficiencies before actual inspection. Our goal is to provide construction sites with qualified staffing and certified…risk activity, activity likesafety, fire, management, training, environmental0
psychotech.hu…stakeholders in drug development, who wish to test their innovative products in a safe and expert environment. As part of our mission, we provide expertise and a creative and experimental background for our partners in Clinical Trials or in Research and Development in the field of Neuroscience.privacy, mail, research, trial, clinical0
orthoservices.hu…Reflections… Sensation… Attachments… Bonding supplies… Bracket systems… Burs and discs… Elastomeric…site activity, activity reportbracket, supply, orthodontic, photography, reflection0
edueras.hu…cater to the varied learning needs of diverse learners. Our custom e-learning services helps organizations to identify their online learning needs, create strategy, identify solutions, create storyboards, develop content with the help of subject-matter experts and develop the online courses.touch, learn, idea, innovative, course0
pikopet.huCommon characteristics of our product families which belonging to the Super Premium, Hypoallergenic Super Premium, Premium and Basic categories are higher content components as usual, as well as the fact that they do not contain soy, genetically modified cereals, artificial flavor enhancers…manufacture activityfood, brand, nature, land, daily0
helpers.huGetting long-term residency in Hungary – whether through business, investment or other means – allows you and your family to live, work, do business and travel freely in Hungary and in Europe. We have helped hundreds of clients from all over the world to acquire a resident permit, work permit, or…gainful activity, activity eurimmigration, helper, solution, permit, investment0
elmezkft.huÉlmez Kft. has been manufacturing food and agricultural machinery since 1991. Our main profile is custom machinery manufacturing which covers many fields of food industry and agriculture.commercial activitymachinery, agricultural, food, main, manufacture0
motivaciomuhely.huOn the 17th of April, 2015, our Extracurricural facility in Szeged joined the new program called Night of the Extracurricural facilities. During the event, children and their parents had the opportunity to play board games, cook dinner together, or justfacility, night, news, board, game0
controltrade.huHome… History… Activity… References… Contact… Read…machine, trade, control, special, history0
housemagnolia.huHouse Magnolia is located in a quiet area yet very close to the beach, bars, restaurants and shops so no need to use the car for a swim, have a beer or buy.house, booking, price, gallery, quiet0
aselec.huThe history of Aselec Villamosgép Javító Ltd. in Szeged dates back all the way to 1936. The enterprise has grown by now into a recognised business for repairing electric equipment and providing related services, and has become a permanent partner for many domestic and foreign companies.repair, main, page, equipment, electrical0
mobitel.huWhat is Mobile Network Repeater? It is a device between a mobile phone and the Base Station. It is very helpful when for example there is no clear mobile signal in a building. Themain activity, activity corepage, mobile, amplifier, signal, network0
etk-rt.huETK Service provider Co. | ETK Service provider Co. official website. Information for auditors, internal audit experts, internal audit programmes and internal audit services.compliance activityinternal, co., event, provider, expert0
antarktiszklima.hubus air air conditioning, conditioning, car car air air conditioning, conditioning, van van and and truck truck air air conditioning, conditioning, standing standing heaters, heaters, supplementary supplementary heaters, heaters, air air condition condition spare spare parts.main activity, bus activityimage, main, bus, truck, air0
controllabor.hu"Our company produces parts for the automotive industry using a forging technology. In this business, it is of paramount importance to select subcontractors with the right certification and experience. Control Labor Ltd. has been performing non-destructive material testing for us for many years…material, control, solution, procedure, quality0
nyestekft.co.huWelcome to the homepage of Nyeste and Nyesténé Building Back-plate Set Producing Commercial and Servicing Ltd.plate, handle, production, catalogue, set0
mp-i.hu…has always attracted by its safe data management and client-oriented systems. Reason for this is the characteristic feature of MP Informatika which not only makes our company suitable for the design and implementation of security systems but is, at the same time, our main slogan: system approach.color, code, light, main, issue0
cityrama.huThank you again for the wonderful time in Budapest. So happy to meet you personally. Thank you for all the arrangements and advise to make our trip memorable.I was able to see Visegrád and Lake Balaton, I enjoyed Budapest and surely. Take care and truly enjoyed your warm welcome and arranging our…special activitytruly, expert, local, tour, sightseeing0
aiplibusz.huWe have been operating labour shuttle-services of large companies in Budapest and in the country for years. We settled the passenger transport tasks of many mass programmes with success.transport activity, activity volánimage, transport, passenger, government, success0
jonathermal.huOur Spa is a three-generation Spa, which operates constantly throughout the year, where all members of the family can find their recreation in the landscaped, sporting facilities included environment, in the indoor and outdoor Spa, with slides, wave and adventure pools.sporting activitymassage, bath, event, pool, wooden0
thehive.huIn the courtyard, there is a great club where you can see live gigs and can dance until the sun comes up, but we also have a private rooftop bar only for our guests! If you would like to go out and make the most out of your trip, we can arrange tons of experiences: pub crawls, sightseeing tours…program activityhostel, group, bar, food, facility0
budapest-ugyved.huI provide the following legal services to my clients: Set up company, Tax Planning, Business and employment contracts, Draft and countersign of sale and purchasearea activitylawyer, contract, sale, purchase, client0
translangedu.hu…on the relationship between translanguaging and linguistic practices in schools (García-Kleyn 2016, García et al 2017, Paulsrud et al 2017), our project explores the possibilities of integrating children’s Romani-language resources in a Hungarian-monolingual primary school setting and curriculum…education, matter, multilingual, communication, research0
schoondermark.huInteger vehicula tristique effici Phase suscipit porttitor fringilla. Vivamus eplacerat. Quisque sem exdictum lectus ssodales pharetra felis. Pellentesque quis est fermentum.voluntary activityinnovation, page, dentistry, sample, eros0
folkfeszt.huThe Federation of Hungarian Folklore Festivals was established in 1991 as a separate legal entity, an NGO interest group for folk arts across the country with a current membership of 33 national and international folklore festivals and folklore associations. The main ambition of the Federation is…folklore, festival, folk, federation, international0
lampyon.huPlanning and coordinating the communications efforts of a leading Canadian pharmaceutical consultancy service.event activity, activity onlinecommunication, event, science, brand, career0
coomportix.huOur mission is to give support in audit and consulting framework for those companies that want to effectively protect their information assets.fraudulent activity, compliance activity, employee activitysecurity, advisory, training, employee, general0
aquincum.huUncovered! …or there is still new under the ground. Temporary exhibition at the Aquincum Museum from 2 June 2023 to 31 December 2024museum, collection, school, event, tour0
epitomesterbt.huCsorvási Építőmester Bt is a 100% Hungarian-owned construction and wood processing company that has been operating and developing continuously since 1993.page, main, gallery, tender, construction0
nikolettmagyar.huonly in my visual world, but also in the field of the diverse application of color harmonies, color depths and tones. A wide range of feelings, experiences, impressions, and impulses can be found in my pictures, and there are often randomly created forms, shapes, or gestural moments with secondary…exploratory activity, activity creativityart, exhibition, group, artwork, color0
horanyitarsasag.huCreating the Society and organizing its life is the merit of Professor Attila Lipcsey. He was also the first chairperson. His unfortunate early death understandably lead to temporary operational difficulties. The leadership was re-established in 2005 (Dr. Magda Stipula as president, Dr. László…purpose activity, activity futuresociety, neurology, clinical, neuroscience, professor0
promees.huWith nearly 10 years professional EHS organization supporting experience, the PRO-MEES team was specifically established to provide new ways and innovative solutions in Hungary by unique tools, methods and approach, creating a comprehensive professional basis for its partners.safety, training, fire, protection, software0
heviziapartman.huWELCOME TO "ERIKA" APARTMENTS LEARN MORE… SPECIAL OFFERS LEARN MORE… BOOKING ONLINE MORE… Apartment…apartment, house, booking, garden, history0
aszfaltgarancialisan.huSzolgáltatásaink… Galéria… Kapcsolat… Ajánlatkérés… Referenciák… Adatkezelési Tájékoztató… Cookie…value activity, activity betaplan, monthly, competency, objectively, community0
pecs-somogyiovoda.huBabio is a place where you can keep your baby with peace in your mind when you are working in your office for the better future of your child. We promise to take care of your child’s social, emotional, intellectual and physical needs with sensitive care and we also ensure you their security with…indoor activitychild, kid, teacher, care, school0
silafertilizer.huSILA Work & Business Kft. established new relationships, expanded with known products, nurtured new supplier and customer relationships, and further strengthened all aspects of the fertilizer supply chain, which contributed to continuous general trade.fertilizer, supply, continuous, calcium, nitrogen0
integralalapitvany.huThe founder, Bence Gánti is a clinical psychologist, promoter of the integral approach in Hungary and worldwide, founder and director of the Integral Academy an independent transformative adult education in Budapest and that of the Integral European Conferences (IEC) held in Hungary. The…scientific activity, activity researchintegral, foundation, approach, consultant, member0
avisonyoung.huAvison Young, a commercial real estate firm, creates real economic, social, and environmental value as a global real estate advisor, powered by people.investment activity, activity ceeyoung, real, commercial, estate, advisor0
mcity.huOur main aim is that our clients get reliability, expertise, and quality materials only in our services. If you have any suggestions or wishes that could make your work easier, contact our owner-managers. amoment activity, activity followcity, director, client, software, owner0
lscountyrp.huStaff… All Activity… Unread… Sign In…sorry, staff, county, page0
datalap.huAbout us… Organisation… References… Art management… Films… Other projects… Contact… Supporters and…foundation, digital, archive, reference, art0
mirabellacamping.huAt the camping site and along the beach there are several restaurants and snack bars. Find the nearest place or the one with the most delicious foods and best drinks on offer.campsite, accomodation, place, booking, tent0
gaborhargitai.huWhen installing Google Drive File Stream for macOS for the first time, you should see Loading your files within the app – along with the sudden realization that your fans spin up and something is running one core of your CPU at 100% load. Aside from Google constantly fixing bugs [...]disk activity, activity macosfile, command, server, user, network0
luzsiadam.huOther : WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, Full-stack, PSD to HTML, PSD to PHP, PSD to WordPress, Ajax, API Connectors, Gravity Forms, Avada , APIs , WordPress Design, RESTful APIs , Web Consulting, Website Conversion, Web Host Manager ( WHM ), UX , AWS, Elementor , Cloudflaregithub activity, activity chartstack, plugin, developer, website, portfolio0
arbortalent.hu…development for 15 years. Learning international good practices and national demands founded Arbor Talent – I have been always dreaming on establishing such an enterprise, which provides real support with its competent and committed team to organizations and private persons willing to evolve.main activitydevelopment, institute, talent, educational, organization0
auras.hu…Auras Ltd. in Hungary, and in 2015 Samott Ltd. joined our group, who have been experts in industrial construction for more than 20 years. In this way, AURAS HOLDING provides both existing and new partners with a specific, more personalised and professional service, as well as complete…area activitygeneral, energy, performance, refractory, contract0
balancekecskemet.huWebshop…gear activitywear, bath, woman, foot, traditional0
nordictrade.huServices… About… Contact… Nordic Trade… Contact Us… © 2023 Nordic Trade…trade, day, tour, england, travel0
tetraplan.hu…and change of function of listed industrial, residential and public buildings, keeping the current trend. Then, even in this period, we were able to serve the customer’s needs with the expansion of our software and machine park, and with special software, finally with steel structure design.scope activity, activity companyplan, introduction, reference, structure, structural0
gyermek-ortopedia.huOur private paediatric orthopaedic clinics are performed by Dr. Fazekas Katalin, who has more than 40 years of professional experience, and her daughter, Dr. Szeverényi Csenge, who is well versed in modern treatment methods.clinic, private, orthopaedic, paediatric, introduction0
panoramahotel.huHotel Panorama… Hotel… Services… Prices… Video… Gallery… Contact… Booking… Thermal-Adventure-Shopping…leisure activitypanorama, price, video, gallery, booking0
harombetyar.huOur guesthouse is located in Balatonszőlős, 9 km from Lake Balaton, in the historical wine region. Guests visiting here “simply” refer to the area as Hungarian Tuscany, which has plenty of hiking trails, wine bars, wine cellars and a great deal of tranquility. Our house was built in 2021 to meet…activity sightguest, house, today, wine, hiking0
spedpack.huWe are proud that our packaging can be found all over the world. From Russia to South Africa, Mexico to Japan, in more than 30 countries products have been safely shipped protected by our packaging.packaging, industry, detail, automotive, transport0
panoramicart.hu…unique by contemporary paintings and sculptures. The other side of the terrace is south-facing, wind-protected and has a jacuzzi and an outdoor shower. There is a large living-dining room, a well-equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, providing comfortable accommodation for 5 people…art, panoramic, apartment, homepage, attraction0
eastfruct.huInitially, East-Fruct Kft. traded in fruits and vegetables. In 2005 the company invested in the construction of a 1100 m2 warehouse and cold storage facility.east, profile, limited, liability, april0