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66 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: defence

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defence.hu“The Hungarian defence sphere and the Ministry of Defence achieved several significant results in 2023, but we cannot chill out in this year either”, said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at a reception held in honor of the members of the Budapest Military Attaché Corps (BMAC) in the…ministry defence, hungarian defence, defence force, defence news, defence sphereforce, general, news, command, military39
lorik.huOur criminal law office in Budapest, Hungary provides full defence services. We help to anyone involved in criminal proceedings due to one reason or another, whether (s)he is an aggrieved person, a criminal defendant (suspect or accused) or another participant in the proceedings. It is important…hungary defence, defence service, professional defence, defence early, possible defencecriminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, counsel12
abtl.hu…archival materials produced during the operation of the legal predecessors of these -a) in case of the Military History Archives the Ministry of Defence and the Military General Staff, as well as the military organizations under the direct supervision or guidance of the former – with the exceptionministry defence, defence military, defence office, implementation defence, defence policyarchive, shall, public, record, document7
wagnerlaw.huWe believe in the law that states everyone is innocent until proven guilty. We provide immediate legal counsel and representation at every stage of the criminal process, from police to court proceedings. We are your last line of defence. If you find yourself in trouble, don’t hesitate to call us.criminal defence, line defence, defence troublelaw, citizenship, firm, international, injury6
bpne.huWe create safe spaces. We provide Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems. At the heart of our mission is the delivery of premier military and civilian defence detection and mitigation technology. This commitment extends to comprehensive system integration, expert training, and operational support. BPNE…civilian defence, defence detection, air defence, defence countercounter, safe, drone, expert, technology6
bekeslegal.hu…of the assignment preparing denunciation and afterwards providing the representation of the injured party, or providing the accused's effective defence before the authorities. The effectiveness of our activity is remarkably enhanced by the fact that on one hand we deal with the representation of…law defence, defence counsel, effective defence, defence authority, defence deeplaw, lawyer, legal, office, representation6
kotetlenmunka.huClive Lawrence, Criminal Defence Lawyer is based in lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.criminal defence, defence lawyer, defence lawut, minim, enim, quis, nostrud5
drsutogyorgy.hu„defense lawyer Hungary” „defence lawyer Kecskemét” „defence lawyer Hungary” „defence lawyer Kecskemét” „criminal lawyer Hungary” „criminal lawyer Kecskemét” „hungarian defense lawyer” „hungarian defence lawyer”hungary defence, defence lawyer, kecskemét defence, hungarian defence, contract defencelawyer, criminal, attorney, defense, law5
ceid.huCEID is a Budapest-based think tank analysing and creating venue for discussions on security and defence policy, as well as foreign relations of Hungary.security defence, defence policyagreement, event, foreign, previous, partnership4
papapedia.huAs a result of previous positive experiences, the Hungarian Defence Forces were able to delegate a military consultant who served as a PA (personal advisor) to the political leaders of the mission. The consultant, Colonel László Forgács, was part of every military decision made. His…space defence, defence military, acvc defence, defence ministry, hungarian defencemission, military, force, observer, peace3
hclu.hu…called “defense of sovereignty” but are in fact designed to protect the arbitrary exercise of power. The bill is part of the government’s attempt to silence critical voices. This is nothing new, but the government’s means of doing so are increasingly crude. This law is in fact a regime defence law.regime defence, defence lawlaw, freedom, union, rule, news3
yurusuaikido.huAikido thus has its roots in traditional Japanese martial arts, spiritual philosophy and Ueshiba's personal experiences and faith. This rich blend makes Aikido a unique martial art that focuses not only on self-defence, but also on the personal development, spiritual growth and the promotion of…self defence, defence peaceful, defence personal, defence basictraining, art, martial, official, organization3
szaboesszalai.huWe provide effective and high quality defence and legal representation for aggrieved parties – including the definition of the defence strategy, advice and consultation prior to the possible initiation of criminal proceedings – for both natural persons and business entities, from the beginning of…quality defence, defence victim, legal defence, defence assistance, defence legallaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case3
tradiscoseeds.huWhere the data subject objects to the processing, the Company shall no longer process the personal data unless the Company demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the data subject’s interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of…exercise defence, defence legaldata, subject, shall, personal, process3
pipistrel-hungary.huPreceding this agreement was the Governmental MoU, signed by, Dr. Gáspár Maróth, Hungarian Government Commissioner responsible for Defence Development and Zdravko Počivalšek, Slovene Minister of Economic Development and Technology. The Governments have therein affirmed that Hungary is willing to…responsible defence, defence development, growth defence, defence industry, military defenceaircraft, cooperation, manufacture, virus, production3
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.huDr. Flóra Dezső - Hungarian Defence Forces Military Hospital, Central Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Departmenthungarian defence, defence forcehealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion2
securesoft.hu…sensitive business or personal information. Guarding the most precious the most valuable has to be done with high level of confidence and experience. In this business the room for error is generally very low. The right defence is usually not cheap but worth it to protect the past and the future.right defence, defence usuallysecure, security, software, white, view2
napkiado.huA number of studies in defence of the cronics of Simon Kézai. The first edition from 1975 is followed by supplementary studies and papers including the newest results of his research.sebestyén defence, defence simon, study defence, defence cronicsanthem, national, country, nation, book2
artifex.huArtifex Simulation and Training Systems Ltd is an independent organization offering a multidisciplinary engineering and scientific staff with a history of long term support to the military training industry. Headquartered in Budapest, Hungary, Artifex is a well established Hungarian MoD defence…mod defence, defence contractor, hungarian defence, defence forcesimulation, training, military, profile, software2
iccecip.huWe are honoured to invite you to participate in the 5 th International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection organised by Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering in Budapest in cooperation with Hungarian Defence Forces Cyber Operation…hungarian defence, defence force, university defence, defence brnoconference, university, infrastructure, international, protection2
pandv.huDevelopment (MARD) and its affiliated organisations as well as to the Ministry of Education. As well as this , P & V has among its regular clients various government agencies and diplomatic bodies, such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the SAPARD Office of the MARD, the Ministry of Defence etc.)ministry defence, defence etcinternational, ministry, tender, translation, client2
bmpvsz.hu…disasters, and to improve abilities for self-rescue. Every Hungarian citizen has the right to become familiar with and acquire the relevant defence rules which ensure the survival and rescue of humans and the protection of own material possessions. The preparation of the population is a…relevant defence, defence rule, self defence, defence skilldisaster, organisation, protection, management, event2
drtemesi.huOur firm focuses its practice on common law and corporate law which can cover the general corporate advising also. We are preparing different agreements, take part in legal representation in trials or other procedures in front of court and administrative procedures; furthermore we assume the…furthermore defence, defence criminallaw, legal, representation, trial, office2
russianstudies.huÁdám Farkas, a doctoral student of the Department of Eastern and Central European History and Historical Russistics at Eötvös Loránd University, successfully defended his dissertation in the preliminary scientific assessment (first stage of the dissertation defence process) on 19 March 2021. This…house defence, defence russian, dissertation defence, defence process, defence newrussian, study, history, russia, historical2
publicholidays.hu…in honour of Hungary’s first King and the official day of the foundation of Hungary; Memorial Day for the Victims of the Holocaust; National Defence Day; Day of National Unity and Day of the Independent Hungary. Multiple spring and summer festivals are also held nationwide, usually on weekends.national defence, defence daypublic, holiday, day, saint, christmas1
osz.huThe National Defence Service (NVSZ) has launched a media campaign to eliminate gratuity payments from Hungarian health care, the services’ officials said on Friday.national defence, defence servicemedical, healthcare, association, manufacturer, device1
sakura-kai.hu…the Kyoksul techniques from Korean instructors. From 1997 to 1999 he studied at Godollo University of Agricultural Sciences Teacher Training Institute and graduated as a Mechanical Engineering teacher. In 2011 he got a degree in safety engineering at Zrinyi Miklos National Defence University.national defence, defence universityinternational, instructor, navigation, primary, main1
balsailaw.huIt is my purpose to ensure high quality, precise but at the same time clear and comprehensible legal solutions, full and efficient legal representation and defence to my clients in the continuously changing legal environment.representation defence, defence clientlaw, firm, attorney, representation, litigation1
ebht.hu…it was almost destroyed during the Tartar invasion but its stone fortress built in the 12 th century already played a very important role in the defence of the town during the Turkish battles. In 1552, the captain of the fort, Dobó István, and his 2,000-strong army, just a handful of soldiers -…role defence, defence townwine, grape, cellar, region, century1
szuszekos.huThe “decorative” patterns on the chests symbolize the laws of the world, the cosmos and people’s lives. This is why the medieval táltos shamans may be depicted on the legs of the chests, as a defence– be it either a king, a knight, or an antlered shaman leading a cer-emony. The protrusions of…chest defence, defence kingchest, style, carpentry, item, geometric1
kenosident.huI was a chief oral surgeon for two years in one of Budapest’s district (XIII). Later I also worked at Hungarian Defence Forces Medical Centre. Besides being committed to oral surgery I also worked from the beginning as a dentist in Hungary and also abroad (United Kingdom, Netherlands). I commuted…hungarian defence, defence forcetreatment, surgery, tooth, root, crown1
naih.huThe Act CXII of 2011 is comprehensive in scope, as it is applicable to all data processing operations undertaken in Hungary regardless of the public or private legal status of those performing such operations, including also law enforcement, national security and defence sectors, together with…security defence, defence sectorauthority, data, act, protection, president1
por.huDown Regulation of Endothelial Adhesion Molecules in Node Positive Breast Cancer: Possible Failure of Host Defence Mechanism 125host defence, defence mechanismuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine1
sniperfegyverbolt.huAfter 2004 many of its traditional export markets were put under embargo and this caused the company to stop its activity connected to the defence industry. At the end of 2010, FÉG almost went bankrupt when HUF 1.7 billion of funds disappeared from the company. MPF Industry Group made an important…activity defence, defence industrygun, store, shop, cart, industry1
zalazonepark.hu…in Europe. Its products mark the global standard of excellence in the most different fields of science: from vehicles and force protection through weapon systems and the equipment of pedestrians and air defence, to network supported warfare capabilities, electro-optics and simulation technologies.air defence, defence networkscience, map, industrial, prove, development1
perametal.huPerametal Metal working LTD was founded in January 2004 when it took over parts of the premises, partners and highly qualified skillfull staff of a former state - owned manufacturer of defence - related products, FMV Rt. Our staff has many years of experience in machine components manufacturing.manufacturer defence, defence productproduction, machine, casting, machining, activity1
wingtsuncsorna.huAll together it can be said that Wing Tsun Kung Fu can give something to everybody, depending on one's goal and temperament. It can be comprehended as a martial art style, as a sport or something that you can spend your free time with, a very efficient self-defence system, besides all these as a…self defence, defence systemman, art, martial, technique, special1
intertranssec.huThe state of security is always subjective, but the sense of security and effective defence are fundamentally determined by the organization’s responses to specific needs and challenges.effective defence, defence fundamentallysecurity, training, event, technology, transport1
civilosszefogas.huAfter the massive success of the Civil Academy and the Intellectual Home Defence Symposium series, the Civil Union has started a new series of presentations, with the inaugural event held on 29 September 2016 at Saint Margaret High School.home defence, defence symposiumgallery, letter, open, statement, history1
themagicbox.hu…with the Nokia-box and the metro line 4, furthermore the charge of being involved in criminal organization was also dropped. Since the ex Deputy Lord Mayor is still pleading his innocence the responsible defence lawyers have appealed the decision and the case goes to the court of second instance.responsible defence, defence lawyercase, court, election, media, investigation1
intellexi.huIntellexi Ltd. is a private Hungarian SME providing a wide range of innovation management, business development, entrepreneurship and internationalisation support activities. Our key topics are according to our experience and as follows: business development, innovation, agro-ICT, bioeconomy…security defence, defence womaninnovation, development, entrepreneurship, management, support1
csakgergely.huSTRESS RELIEF, PAIN THERAPY, SELF-DEFENCE: I’VE GOT SOME PROVEN WORKING METHODS TO HELP YOU GET BETTER.self defence, defence i’veyoga, massage, stress, people, healthy1
drszalay.huAttorneys represent their clients, provide the defence in criminal cases, provide legal counselclient defence, defence criminallaw, attorney, client, legal, office1
bfuzfoplebania.hu…Get away my Mother from here since I am going to die”. In the meanwhile, the angry soldier with a bloody face – visible traces of Magdi’s self-defence – appeared at the back entrance of the shelter. As soon as he caught sight of Magdi, he started shooting at once. About six shots hit the back ofself defence, defence entrancegirl, jesus, religious, christ, church1
ransommentes.huand this process doesn’t stop. This is also one of the main questions of 2023. Those companies that invest in ransomware defence have indisputable advantages as they can focus on growth indeed.ransomware defence, defence indisputableattack, assessment, day, detail, eng1
hm2020.hufirst, including the large island that once stood where Pest City Centre stands today. The Tatar invasion in the 13th century quickly proved that defence is strategically difficult on a plain. King Béla IV therefore ordered the construction of reinforced stone walls around the towns and set his ownquickly defence, defence strategicallyforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis1
cdinstitute.hu“Defence of the Faith and assistance to the poor.“ In a common initiative of the Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Christian Democratic Institute in Hungary an official visit has been organized to the Elderly…institute, christian, democratic, book, curse1
cbrnhungary.huOur main activity is to complete research, representation and marketing tasks for our partner companies, Gamma Technical Co. and Respirator Company, - two leading Hungarian manufacturers in the field of CBRN detection and defence - on their export markets, also providing consultation services…detection defence, defence export, cbrn defence, defence hand, defence productwebsite, technical, corporation, market, task1
galkinga.hu…must stop using civilians as human shields… There is no place for double standards in the Union’s…european defence, defence industrynews, european, parliament, introduction, brussels0
bte.huBeside the leaders mentioned above, Nagy Zsolt, chairman of our association – International Professional Association of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors – presented the important changes of ADR of next year. The leader of dangerous shipment section of NDGDM (National Directorate General for…civil defence, defence petronellaassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor0
seashepherdorigins.huIn 2005, she meets the captain Paul Watson in Paris and she co-founds Sea Shepherd France in 2006 after her first campaign in Antarctica. She has been President of Sea Shepherd France since 2008 and has lead several international and national campaigns. The campaign she lead in 2010 for the Blue…seal defence, defence campaignshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean0
energytour.huThe most significant development of the project in Hungary was the partial renovation and modernisation of the shelter in Lovaszi. Once completed, it will function as a modern tourist attraction, open to the public at any time during opening hours.energy, tour, development, detail, ready0
malnalab.hu…here ). The first conference of the subproject will take place in Walden Hotel , Dobogókő, with plenary and section lectures from the 17 research groups involved. Our research group will present the news in the MIF project, and we are also organizers of this event since András is the…doctoral defenceresearch, article, september, june, molecular0
eusecacivil.huA központi képzések, az ESA hivatalos oldalán elérhető kurzusok összessége. Tematika, csoportok szerint rendezve, nincs olyan katonai, civil, medic, vagy akár cover security képzés, amelyet ne találnánk meg itt.defence marksmantactical, instructor, development, security, care0
terravallum.huWe offer professional structural engineering services. We design optimized solutions to meet all client requests. Our engineering quality rests upon our devotion to cutting edge technologies and the application of science and research.energy defence, defence industryengineering, geotechnical, pile, structural, page0
salontotal.hu…Wow… Colour Undo… Complice… Cosmos… Creed… Creme of Nature… Dadi'Oil… Dapper Dan… Darphin… Dashing…color defencehair, salon, scrub, color, lotion0
bansaghipancel.hu…Contact… Products… Helmets… Antiquity… 9th-10th century… 11th 12th century… 13th century… 14th century…century, armour, pricing, news, method0
drsimapeter.huI can help you in all type of crimes such as tax crimes, fraud, theft, public nuisance, drug and traffic offences, embezzlement, vandalism, plundering, extortion, cyber crime, burglary, robbery, violent crimes, money laundering, forgery, counterfeiting, crimes against intellectual property…criminal defence, defence attorneycriminal, crime, attorney, prosecutor, client0
metagames.huMetagame kártyajáték és társasjáték bolt! Tekintse meg kínálatunk és látogasson el üzleteinkbe, vagy rendeljen online!game, card, battle, space, set0
kontron.hu…governance and software provision solutions, industrial product lifecycle management systems and IT security solutions to IP networking solutions for telecommunications and the full range of IT infrastructures (active networks, server and storage systems, virtualization, backup, archiving, etc.).aeronautics defence, defence industrysolution, network, management, customer, cloud0
or-zse.hu…the world training non-orthodox rabbis and cantors. It has gradually broadened its profile since the 1990s, and it was awarded a university status in 2000. Now, it offers rabbinical and cantor training programmes, Jewish studies, social work, community building, and it also hosts a doctoral school.dissertation defence, defence procedurejewish, university, study, theological, doctoral0
helsinki.huWe are a non-governmental watchdog organisation that protects human dignity and the rule of law through legal intervention and public advocacy. We provide assistance to refugees, detainees and victims of violence committed by law enforcement agencies.regime defence, defence lawarticle, law, refugee, rule, committee0
vitaminviz.huFuel your day and get the most out of your mornings with Vitamin Complex, Calcium, Magnesium and Seleniumflavour, zone, faq, performance, hydration0
davidzsofia.hu…Nationally Established. Internationally Recognized Free Consultation Criminal planCriminal Law"> Our Independence Makes the Difference Nationally Established. Internationally Recognized Free Consultation Business law planBusiness Law"> Our Independence Makes the Difference Nationally Established.legal defencelaw, injury, criminal, personal, family0
e-lawyer.huWe are continuously rendering legal consultancy for our clients concerning the most different labour law matters, so preparing and modifying general and management job contracts as well as during the termination of employment. We provide for efficient cooperation in establishing of employment…specialist defence, defence tasklaw, lawyer, firm, legal, client0