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70 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: genetic

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por.hu- St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Department of Pathology and Medical Genetics, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Children’s and Women’s Healthimportance genetic, genetic analysis, type genetic, genetic characteristic, expression geneticuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine169
hm2020.huDepartment of Forensic Genetics, Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Berlin, Germanymismatch genetic, genetic linguistic, forensic genetic, genetic field, genetic berlinforensic, conference, city, analysis, population17
geneticimmunity.huPlasmid DNA is a next-generation technological instrument in gene therapy and biologics-based vaccination that has opened up new horizons in medicine. The nanomedicine developed by Genetic Immunity, Inc. is a DNA-based biomimetic product that directs the attention of the patient's immune system to…genetic immunity, enterprise genetic, nanomedicine geneticproduct, vaccine, news, therapeutic, antigen16
vgxlab.huVascular Genetix Magyarország – Vascular Genetix is a world class genetic laboratory equipped with state of art NGS technology located in CEE. With strong focus on quality assurance, we will be an accurate and reliable business partner to help you achieve your goals. We aim to provide a…class genetic, genetic laboratory, partner genetic, genetic diagnostic, molecular genetictechnology, vascular, laboratory, clinical, quality10
kurultaj.huof the Hungarians has been aggressively imposed with complete disregard to the variety of arguments. However, archaeological, anthropological and genetic studies tell us a different story. Modern scholars, particularly archaeologists and anthropologists, are of the opinion that the anthropological…anthropological genetic, genetic study, identical genetic, genetic result, nation genetichungarian, nation, tribe, yurt, people4
enemeshazi.huConservation Genetics Research Group of the Institute for Biology University of Veterinary Medicine Budapestconservation genetic, population genetic, genetic researchresearch, institute, main, environmental, condition4
erti.hu…"forest laboratories", a country-wide sustainability network comprising hundreds of plots, at its experimental stations, and in the ecological and genetic laboratories operating at these stations. Besides, it has also an outstanding contribution to the maintenance of forest gene collections.genetic laboratory, ecological geneticforest, department, natural, change, climate3
prohair.hu…is men can be blamed on heredity testosterone and age. What male pattern hair loss sufferers are actually inheriting are hair follicles with a genetic sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Hair follicles that are sensitive to DHT begin to miniaturize, shortening the lifespan of each hair…follicle genetic, genetic sensitivity, entire genetic, genetic process, type genetichair, transplantation, pattern, doctor, loss3
inmategym.huThere are some of you who will never have a six pack. You have to understand that the abdominal muscles are just as the same as the other muscles in your body. Some have the genetics to have a muscly back, but their legs may remain skinny, even if they are trained equal amounts. Some are stronger…weight genetic, genetic problem, body genetic, genetic muscly, course genetictraining, body, session, muscle, food3
iplstudio.huTo achieve a long-lasting, smooth skin, 6 to 10 treatments are required, depending on genetics and the area to be treated. The IPL treatments are performed 3 to 6 weeks apart (to cover the entire hair growth cycle). If we take 8 treatments that are performed 4 weeks apart, it is a total of 8…treatment genetic, genetic areatreatment, skin, hair, light, area2
seqomics.huRecent paper: Clinical and genetic landscape of treatment naive cervical cancer: Alterations in PIK3CA and in epigenetic modulators associated with sub-optimal outcomeclinical genetic, genetic landscape, mobile genetic, genetic elementsafety, food, animal, health, lab2
smileexpert.huOnly a few people have the opportunity to have teeth that are impeccable in terms of location, colour and direction of growth. Genetic factors influence the condition of your dentition as much as lifestyle and dental care habits. There are periods of time, hormonal changes and health conditions…growth genetic, genetic factor, year genetic, genetic lifestyledental, smile, dentistry, tooth, expert2
vascular.huVascular Group is a healthcare focused investor group. Through our companies amongst others, we are active in pharma R&D, medical device distribution and sales, lab diagnostics, operating a genetics lab and providing healthcare services.diagnostic genetic, genetic lab, advanced genetic, genetic laboratoryvascular, group, news, healthcare, investor2
ipasy.huHajnalka holds a PhD in environmental chemistry with a solid chemical background. As a postdoctoral fellow at the Technical University of Denmark, he delved into the field of recombinant DNA technology. She uses her more than 20 years of domestic and international research experience in the field…field genetic, genetic proteindiagnostic, technology, prostate, cancer, background2
borrak.hu…diminishes. All this leads to the formation of wrinkles on the skin. Although the primary determining factor of the structure of the skin is genetics, wrinkle formation is greatly stimulated by long periods of exposition to sunlight. Smoking also might have a negative effect on the quality of…skin genetic, genetic wrinkle, diagnosis genetic, genetic abnormalitieswrinkle, treatment, skin, hyaluronic, acid2
yardmanagement.huProven tools based on genetic algorithms provide the right technology for the L-mobile Yard Management software to support the planning by displaying and optimizing your logistics processes on the yard.tool genetic, genetic algorithmyard, solution, plan, mobile, communication2
jennyz.huinstead, i’m learning new words in chinese: cancer. tumor. pancreas. bile duct. scans. jaundice. surgery. staples. radiation. chemotherapy. genetic. infection. labs. transfusion. clinical trial. side effects.sure genetic, genetic testing, chemotherapy genetic, genetic infectionday, february, week, photo, family2
lendulet-innovacio.huIn our interdisciplinary project, we combine methods such as materials testing, genetics, isotopic analysis and network analysis with archaeology.testing genetic, genetic isotopicinnovation, research, group, network, social1
nordicbridge.huHow many years of life can be gained by thinking about positive visions? Will we envy the neighbour if he grows eight levers? How can a multilevel society in a dystopian world be prevented by the development of genetic engineering and the rise of social inequality - which has already been sung in…development genetic, genetic engineeringbridge, operation, finland, ambassador, future1
novenytermeles.huThe journal publishes scientific papers, opinion papers, reviews and book reviews in the field of crop production, crop breeding, crop genetics, crop physiology and agrobotany written by Hungarian and international researchers with abstracts also in English and Russian.crop genetic, genetic cropcrop, production, l., yield, sweet1
morgerton.huAll puppies for breeding purpose are subjected to genetic screening for the breed and we are taken into consideration when finding the perfect breeding pair. In addition to our goal of maintaining a healthy dogs, we are striving to develop a diverse and high quality bloodlines in the future.purpose genetic, genetic screenlitter, ginger, sweet, worth, honey1
biomagker.hu"Due to its high protein content, soy is a functional food - it also plays a prominent role in animal feed. Produced under ecological conditions, free of genetic modification, it is a high-quality raw material."free genetic, genetic modificationnews, soybean, variety, high, food1
markrottweilerklub-hungary.huPersonal data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“concerned”); a natural person may be identified, directly or indirectly, based on one or more factors relating to the physical, physiological, genetic, intellectual, economic, cultural or social identity of…physiological genetic, genetic intellectualdatum, personal, controller, protection, person1
kaposternero.huThe raw material suppliers are exclusively Hungarian producers. The climate and the mixed flora of Hungary is particularly suitable for the production of livestock. The natural methods of livestock farming and the innovative genetic background contribute to the opportunity for manufacturing…innovative genetic, genetic backgroundmarket, lamb, meat, quality, product1
dentalcenterkelemen.huLow cost implants at Dental Relax Budapest A person can lose a tooth for any number of reasons: for some, it is a result of genetics, while...dental, center, clinic, news, treatment1
goldhorse.huA concentrated granulated mix for stud-mares and foals for a successful, healthy and long life. In order to fully take advantage of the genetic capabilities, it is important to provide the adequate in uterus feeding for the foals not yet born. The adulthood strength and agility relies on the…advantage genetic, genetic capabilityproduct, horse, suggestion, quality, demand1
aether.huA zooming user interface based navigation system which arranges an large knowledge about genetic research base into a playful and comprehendable structure and experience.knowledge genetic, genetic researcharchitecture, space, house, camera, mobile1
leomosolyaert.huIf you found this page, you've probably already heard of me: my name is Leó, and I was born with an extremely rare genetic condition in 2019 in Budapest. My condition has no name: it's categorized as genetic epilepsy and is currently untreatable. As of today, there are only 6 documented cases of…rare genetic, genetic condition, condition genetic, genetic epilepsyfoundation, story, condition, smile, development1
dajanaspearlkennel.huMy kennel broaden, I pay attention to my dogs’ health, all of them have examination. I give you 100% guarantee for lack of any genetic diseases. My dogs have DNA PRA and DNA MAC screening.lack genetic, genetic diseaselitter, miniature, dog, puppy, april1
kokolovastanya.huOur farm is located in Vörösberény in the area of Balatonalmádi on a peaceful hill that is far from the noise of the town. The riding school was established to give our guest qualitative training. Most of our horses are Gidran horses and Lipizzai breeds that are our own breeding with high genetic…high genetic, genetic valuehorse, animal, house, rule, breed1
etalonhorses.huThe expected performance of the horse – either in sport, spare time activity or equestrian performance - should be in line with physical capabilities as well as natural and genetic potential of the horse.natural genetic, genetic potentialhorse, fire, close, equestrian, gallery1
advopatent.huthe chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry, agriculture, mechanical engineering, construction industry, electronics, and we also deal with patenting biological materials (cell lines, micro-organisms, genetic and protein sequences), instruments, toys, that is any type of invention.organism genetic, genetic proteinattorney, office, trademark, property, intellectual1
drzsu.hu…of compensation, manipulation, resentment, and control, to keep the truth hidden inside. She kept significant control over her lifestyle, which was a constant fight against gaining weight. Since her family genetics carried obesity, she controlled her slim figure with strenuous workouts and diets.family genetic, genetic obesitylife, health, alive, change, unique1
mta.hu…for the Humanities and head of the MTA-BTK Lendület (Momentum) Base Research Group, and her colleagues are investigating these processes and the characteristics of the people who lived there. They are using state-of-the-art computer science, genetic and isotope-geochemical methods for this work.science genetic, genetic isotopeacademy, science, hungarian, research, sciences1
femtolab.hu[47] E. Balogh, B. Bódi, V. Tosa, E. Goulielmakis, K. Varju and P. Dombi, “ Genetic optimization of attosecond-pulse generation in light-field synthesizers ,” Phys. Rev. A 90, 023855 (2014). – Editor’s suggestiondombi genetic, genetic optimizationfield, g., opt, lab, generation1
bonitasprings.huAccording to our philoshopy, in hope of „better, more beautiful, healthier” offsprings, each combination have to serve the breed. Good temperament and character are two of the most important aspects of selection, primaly defined by genetics, the enviromental influence only comes second…primaly genetic, genetic enviromentaldog, spring, breed, breeder, learn1
bprc.huOur aim is to organise objective competitions where pigeons can show their competitive value under equal conditions when compared to their peers, while also highlighting the true genetic values of their breeders' flocks. As a result of our activities, we wish to find and financially reward the…true genetic, genetic valuecompetition, login, auction, website, activity1
pappsdiamond.huIn the contract we guarantee that the puppies will be transferred to their new owners without a genetic defect, as we constantly monitor that the parents are in excellent health.owner genetic, genetic defectpuppy, litter, dog, tab, bass1
serpakalandpark.hu…directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.physiological genetic, genetic mentaldatum, price, adventure, personal, website1
dnsbank.huIn order to guarantee the security of donors' genetic data scientific biobanks are always anonymous, i.e. the specimens and related clinical data are registered using appropriate code number (not personal identification number) and used by researchers who are allowed to use these data in favour of…donor genetic, genetic datumaim, specimen, scientific, login, welcome1
alpaca.hu“With selective breeding we try to create and maintain an alpaca herd that is free of genetic changes and capable of producing permanent and high quality wool that rivals mohair and cashmere. “(Eric Hoffman)free genetic, genetic changequick, view, select, option1
premiumapartmanok.hu…directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.physiological genetic, genetic mentalapartment, datum, personal, website, thermal1
egeszsegbiztositas.huimmunology tests, hormone tests, screening for tumors, HIV tests and screening for other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), genetic tests, intoxication tests, etc.stds genetic, genetic testhealth, insurance, care, plan, day1
amplikon.huElement Biosciences (USA) is a multi-disciplinary startup focused on innovating genetic analysis tools for the research and diagnostic markets.startup genetic, genetic analysiselement, healthcare, molecular, diagnostic, distributor1
hundoghunterkennel.huWe consider it important that our dog is healthy and in best physical condition. Of course she was also screened for Canine Hip Dysplasia. We also take great care in selecting the male for mating, so that the little puppies will certainly inherit good genetic characteristics.good genetic, genetic characteristichunt, website, dog, puppy, small1
wookiee-gang.huExcellent breed breed description description | | Colour Colour genetics genetics | | All All about about beardies beardies | | Education Education | | Origins Origins | | Working Working test test | | Health Health articles articles | | So So you you think think you you want want a a puppy?colour genetic, genetic beardiegang, colour, brown, white, exam1
helping-hand.huRecent research suggests that ADHD is a genetic, inherited disorder. However, the use of behavioural therapy and proper parental techniques, proper communication and consistency from the early stages of the child's life can actually significantly reduce the severity of ADHD symptoms and thus their…adhd genetic, genetic disorderchild, parent, teacher, behaviour, kindergarten1
sangreal.huOur pourpose is to breed boxers concentrated for type, genetic health, temperament , character.type genetic, genetic healthlitter, female, story, news, promise1
esri.org.huThe purpose of the European Society for Reproductive Immunology (ESRI) is to advance the study of the immunological, biological and genetic aspects of the reproductive process, to facilitate contact among people interested in this and allied fields and to disseminate new information and knowledge…biological genetic, genetic aspectreproductive, society, immunology, european1
john.huIt is nice to have a talk at PyCon 2017 Taiwan. If you are around there, please come to join us. The talk held by John Hu is “OpenCLGA - Run Your GA on Top of PyOpenCL”. It is about a new Genetic Algorithm implementation based on OpenCL. With OpenCL, OpenCLGA can run on top of all devices you…new genetic, genetic algorithmsquare, late, item, arctic, code1
premiumhajbeultetes.huTransplantation of hair follicles to replace deficient eyebrows because of the reasons of excessive plucking, accident or genetics with the FUE method.accident genetic, genetic fuehair, transplant, clinic, fat, transplantation1
gombaforum.huJapanese researchers have recently announced in the scientific journal DNA Research that they have successfully completed the complete mapping of the genetic material of the […]mapping genetic, genetic materialmushroom, cultivation, economy, technology, product1
lauryfarm.husignificant results and individual genetic background. It is the quality and the determination that is important. Our mini pony foals are beautiful, pure-bred and unique in Hungary. If you are ready to have your lovely pony at your home, don't hesitate to contact us.individual genetic, genetic backgroundbreed, sale, gallery, important, individual1
bestwax-szortelenites.huYou just think so! Although obviously genetics and hormones also affect hair growth, don’t think that only you have hair growing on your toes or buttocks. We reassure you: You are not alone with this, but if you bother, we will get rid of it. 😉obviously genetic, genetic hormonehair, treatment, skin, resin, book1
akhalstud.huAs regards stallions, we were always in a very favourable situation. We started our breeding activities with excellent genetic foundations. Our first stallion, Musztafa, proved to be a stallion with outstanding pre-potency. This was continued by Karador, who strengthened the fenotypical features…excellent genetic, genetic foundationhorse, stud, equestrian, tour, camp1
veridian.huHere at Veridian Dynamics, we care about you. That's why, by visiting this site, you agree to suspend all of your rights. Because we care .genetic matchmakingsite, food, diversity, family, social0
ibioscience.huOur central laboratory in Pécs, is one of Europe’s best-equipped molecular diagnostic laboratories, which provides modern molecular testing based on next-generation sequencing platforms on a daily basis. The wide service portfolio includes targeted gene panels for numerous hereditary and cancer…human genetic, genetic genomiclaboratory, diagnostic, molecular, news, hungarian0
medicover.huAt Medicover Obstetrics we focus on the needs of the mother and baby. In our maternity clinic, safety and personal space are guaranteed: new parents can enjoy their first unforgettable moments in an exclusive, intimate and relaxed environment. Newborn babies are cared for by our qualified and…genetic counselling, genetic testsurgery, clinic, point, cervical, lab0
medicarebiztosito.huModern imaging for diagnostic examinations: CT, MRI, ultrasound scans, breast tomosynthesisgenetic counselling, genetic testsurgery, cervical, ultrasound, spine, laboratory0
drhorvathdavid.hu…the USA. We tried to develop our conditions to reach a high professional standard, which has the greatest importance for us in our work. Four veterinarians, two assistants and three qualified animal cosmeticians do their work for the earliest recovery of your pets. We hope, that you and your pets…examination, veterinary, animal, food, central0
paleo.hu…level using radioisotopic dating. One researcher is specialized in Cretaceous vertebrates (Reptilia), whereas another colleague is an expert of Quaternary palynology and paleoclimate studies. This background, together with the stratigraphy and fossil record of Hungary, justifies that our planned…morphology genetic, genetic analysispublication, statement, mission, research, colleague0
cefood2024.hu20-24 reasons to become a food scientist, food technologist, food engineer, nutritionist, food chemist, food microbiologist, food economistnutrition genetic, genetic genomicfood, conference, october, science, technology0
barberwebshop.huUse at home what our professional barbers use: shampoo, hairset-lotion, shaving and beard products. Salon quality care products every day. The best brands in the day-to-day practice for your perfect look.care, beard, product, gift, hair0
kiralyklinika.huKirály Clinic was opened in July 2014, when the building underwent an important modernisation offering the most advanced technology and treatments. The Király Clinic is dedicated to gastrointestinal diagnostic and treatment services and proctology. Three outpatient hospitals are operated by…genetic testclinic, treatment, medicine, hospital, procedure0
realpearl.huCountess Of Mystic Realms At Real Pearl ( Cricket x Smiley)“Aelynn” 1st place excellent JCAC and best junior of breed!!!normal genetic, genetic testreal, dog, champion, past, border0
komondorpuppy.huIntroduction… News… Puppies… Puppies available… Next litter… Our puppies… Our results… Gallery…pedigree genetic, genetic testpuppy, interested, news, dog, breeder0
biologiclabs.huBio-Logic Labs is a Hungarian-owned private research and development company that combines more than four decades of professional engineering and university experience thanks to its founding experience…genetic imaglabs, development, logic, production, research0
granex-alisanos.huWe have dogs in many countries in Europe. We are certified FCI and MEOE members. Our kennel name is Granex Alisanos Bullbox Kennel.guarantee genetic, genetic diseasesilence, dog, reference, family, health0
gobudamedical.hu…Signs, Symptoms, Institute… Cell perturbation and lasers illuminate the genetics… Do’s and Don’ts ormedical, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday0
kunranch.huHome… About Us… Angus Genetics… Breeding… On Sale… Regenerative agriculture… Contact Us… Our Story…breed, story, main, mission0