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153 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: population

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por.hu- Medical University of Bialystok, Department of Population Medicine and Civilization Diseases Preventionkurdish population, population west, period population, population cancer, analysis populationuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine56
hm2020.huIs the marker-specific average mutation rate the appropriate parameter for computations in forensics and population genetics?tool population, population genetic, forensic population, mongolian population, population strforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis10
demografia.huThe Hungarian Demographic Research Institute (HDRI) is one of the longest established European demographic research institutes, conducting research in ageing and mortality, family and fertility, historical demography, migration and mobility, population structure and dynamics.mobility population, population structure, comparative population, population study, paper populationresearch, demographic, institute, family, mortality10
uniquetravel.huBudapest had a lively, vibrant and significantly big Jewish population before WW2. Even though the first Jewish settlers arrived at the territory of Hungary with the Romans 2000 years ago, the anti-Jewish laws and the blood bath of the Holocaust made them hunted aliens in their homeland.jewish population, population jewish, population eastern, hungarian population, geography populationunique, travel, art, tour, heritage10
szarvasimuzeum.huWelcome to the Fertility Idol Room. The artifacts exhibited in the room relay stories of an ancient era. These were times when the human race had just barely turned up around Szarvas. About 9000 years ago, there appeared a population who represented what we call the Körös Culture in this area…ago population, population körös, life population, population new, supply populationexhibition, age, idol, room, people9
ova.info.huAdvances in ecological science and increasing public environmental awareness have resulted in changes in the management of renewable natural resources. To achieve sustainable use of wildlife, managers need reliable, accessible and well designed data on populations, habitats, and the complexities…data population, population habitat, game population, population game, spring populationgame, management, database, data, national6
turbo-hiba.huLuxury travel is back. The pandemic-weary population is emerging from lockdowns with the goal of relaxing and reviving senses dulled by one zoom meeting too many. Whether it is finally …weary population, population lockdownhealthy, style, culture, fashion, live6
bozsodret.huBozsód-Rét Non-profit Ltd. was established in 2012 with the aim to play an active role in regional rural development. Its main mission is to rescue rural values as well as to preserve population levels in rural areas. Settlements in the Eastern-Hungarian region are fundamentally rural in nature…value population, population levelrural, area, value, main, mission5
futureoceans.huManta rays have very low reproductive rates, it is very slow or impossible for a targeted population to recover. Although they are legally protected in a few countries and the international trade of manta ray parts will be more strictly controlled from next year they are vulnerable to extinction…impossible population, population legally, mobula population, population heavily, unknown populationmanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future5
mighealth-unipecs.huProgram of the Health / occupational health conditions of migrant population living in rural regionsmigrant population, population ruralhealth, migrant, conference, education, europe4
etoki.hu…– thinking in terms of the unity of Europe – incorporates the representation of the bonding of Hungary and the territories with Hungarian population in the neighbouring countries, plus of the necessity of the Central European regional cooperation based on the idea of V4 partnership…hungarian population, population neighboureuropean, research, education, institution, understand4
nokvilaga.huKazakhstan is the 9th largest country in the world, a smaller part of it is in Europe, but most of it is located in Central Asia. It shares borders with Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It is almost 30 times larger than Hungary, but its population density is very low. It is a…hungary population, population density, territory population, population similarperformer, event, woman, country, fashion3
nanotechnology.huThis figure shows the generations and photos (male and female) of two different populations of the same butterfly species, Polyommatus dorylas (Turquoise blue). The lowland population (Dorylas, upper row) has two generations each year, but the mountainous population (Magna, lower row) has only one…mountainous population, population polyommatus, different population, population butterfly, lowland populationpublication, butterfly, image, detail3
shooteasy.huBudapest: the population of the capital of Hungary is 1.8 million. There are another 10 cities with a population in excess of 100,000, including: Debrecen (220,000 residents), Miskolc (180,000), Szeged (160,000), Pécs (160,000), Győr (130,000).budapest population, population capital, city population, population excessproduction, director, incentive, channel, location3
papapedia.huThe ECOMOG forces were able to restore a semblance of order in the region. They were able to maintain a ceasefire between the warring factions, provide security for the civilian population, and restore basic services such as electricity and water. Additionally, ECOMOG troops were able to disarm…civilian population, population basicmission, military, force, observer, peace3
cmf.huThe Health for Hungary – Hungary for Health (H4H) Program aims to evaluate the potential of infrared electric-field molecular fingerprinting as a cost-effective, minimally invasive cross-molecular diagnostic approach for population health monitoring. To detect major noncommunicable diseases in…future population, population health, approach populationhealth, publication, news, molecular, mission3
onlinepiackutato.huwas difficult to argue with the reliability of the method. The year of change was 2008, when domestic Internet access increased to 55% among the population. Indeed, the domestic history of the online method can be calculated from this point, although it is true that besides such penetration there…target population, population hungarian, access population, population domestic, currently populationresearch, market, sample, result, questionnaire3
csemo.huThe village of Csemő was established in 1952 located on the boundary of two towns, Nagykőrös and Cegléd. Then judgement was delivered in the so-called "Csemő trial", which put an end to the struggle between the two towns for the possession of this land. Csemő, with a population of 4,460, lies in…total population, population remote, quarter population, population village, csemő populationvillage, flowery, area, official, website3
barcsibarangolo.hu…Park, Barcs is the southern gate to Somogy County and the capital of the Drava river. It is a dynamically developing small town on the Hungarian-Croatian state border, covering an area of 123 km2 and serving as the natural centre for the Barcs microregion, with a population in excess of 10,000.jewish population, population barcs, microregion population, population excesscentre, mobility, exhibition, interactive, tourism2
nemzetisegijogok.huInformation Notice on the issues affecting the Roma population in the context of the coronavirus pandemicroma population, population contextminority, message, commissioner, challenge, day2
historycruise.hu…for them. The cities agreed, thinking that no other bridge would be needed in the future. They had not for e seen the incredible growth in population in the following decades. They didn’t know that very soon Budapest would be come a city of a million people , not two hick countryside towns of…approximately population, population calvinism, growth population, population decadebridge, city, history, cruise, build2
fodorfarm.hu…since 1998. We own elite animal stock and future breeders from more different types of goose and duck hybrids. Apart from the outstanding condition of our breeding animals and livestock farming, the continuous and professional selection guarantee the quality and vitality of the population growth.vitality population, population growthgoose, breed, animal, duck, stock2
bibliatanitasok.huIn Hungary, two thirds of the population is said to belong one of the Christian churches. More than 50 per cent is Catholic and 20 per cent is Protestant (mostly Calvinist). There are a couple of small evangelical, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal churches and one mega charismatic church with its…jewish population, population hungary, third population, population christianchurch, bible, book, jewish, christian2
bsk.sport.hu…our goals, we also cooperate with the local governments, sports associations in Budapest, non-governmental organizations and actors of business sphere. We provide an opportunity to satisfy the needs of the population of Budapest for leisure sports, and we support the student and competitive sports.opportunity population, population budapest, need populationathletic, center, island, margaret, facility2
okotars.huThe aim of the project is at increasing the participation of already active social participants, mapping specific local problems, and making the participating organizations visible and addressing the local population through the planned events.local population, population program, population eventsociety, report, european, tree, rule2
geoinsight.huGEOInsight is a start-up business formed to commercially utilise a set of software and procedural solutions (the “GEOInsight Solution”), originally developed at the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, specifically to support the analysis of…analysis population, population distribution, structure population, population geographicdata, welcome, case, use, solution2
whiterabbit.huWWF Hungary and the importance of conversation became hot topic during the campaign. Due to the online auction and offline exhibition we had huge media coverage. 36% of total Hungarian population was reached; the traffic on the auction’s website went up by 63%, and 300k+ people were involved…hungarian population, population traffic, urban population, population awarenesscampaign, result, brand, brief, solution2
science-data.huDataset of the study "Propagating population activity patterns during spontaneous slow waves in the thalamus of rodents". The dataset contains raw high-density electrophysiological recordings obtained from the thalamus of anesthetized and freely moving rodents. Further details on...study population, population activityresearch, data, centre, physics, science2
spiritsdigest.huthe inspiration behind its story for over 140 years. However, in recent years, the bear has become the subject of highly publicized situations. Due to the diminishing quality of bear habitats and behavioural changes induced by anthropogenic factors, both bears and the local population are suffering.habitat population, population areabrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour2
ebht.huIn the 17 th century, red wine grape types were gaining more and more grounds at the expense of white wine grapes. In 1687, the castle was taken back from the Turks. During the course of the rapid population of the town and its surroundings, the grape mono-culture was established in two decades…invasion population, population king, rapid population, population townwine, grape, cellar, region, century2
velutina.huwasp predation has caused the death of nearly 50% of bee colonies. Losses of 30-80% have been reported in France ( Kennedy et al. 2018; Monceau et al. 2014; 2016 ).The first population of Velutina in Central Europe was detected in a Hungarian settlement, Kimle, in August 2023 ( Márta and Vas 2023 ).al population, population velutina, fever population, population effectnest, colony, beekeeper, species, asian2
compex-so.huResidential Our products intended for a population can be found on the shelves of the known commercial chains, nozzle, canned, lying- and in a standing sachets form. 01product population, population shelfsalt, homepage, free, additive, gallery2
rudabanya.huDue to the Turkish attacks that became continuous from 1564, the settlement impoverished and its population dwindled. By the 17th century it had lost its rank and become a feudal hamlet without any mining activity. Ore excavation started again in 1880 and at the same time the development of…settlement population, population centurytown, website, city, welcome, sightseeing2
mcs.huAll processes start in the fields. “Bonafarm Agriculture” uses the most modern technology and crop types to ensure the production of top quality fodder for the animal populations of its own and of its partners.animal population, population partnerquality, meat, pig, strategic, production2
kszgysz.huSell, donate, dispose of or recycle: The Austrian waste management companies are calling on the population to clean out. A recent VOEB study shows that 80 percent of Austrians keep clothes, mobile… További részletekcompany population, population recent, function population, population growthwaste, plastic, european, international, water2
startouring.huAfter the Turks were driven out (in 1686), Hungary came under Habsburg rule. As a result, for several hundred years neither the royal court nor the central administration operated on Hungarian soil. Foreign settlers were moved into the country to swell the dwindling population and this meant that…country population, population previous, population millionwine, century, castle, country, house2
lipotitermalfalu.huIn the last centuries Lipót was known as its famous fishing village. Today’s village picture is largely determined by houses built after the 1954 flood. The life of the village was greatly influenced by the regulation of the Danube in 1885. A large part of the population was forced to change their…large population, population occupationarea, thermal, water, danube, village2
szabadsagszinpad.hu…to strike. Thus does the work subserviently reflect the populist and authoritarian ruling political party's new constitution, forced upon the population again without any consultation, suggesting that the state of Hungary bears no responsibility for the genocide following the German occupation…constitution population, population consultationmonument, history, civilian, government, personal2
nhmus.huThe lab serves as a research and training facility for the curatorial staff, postdoctoral associates, undergraduate and graduate students who conduct basic research in the field of molecular evolution, phylogeography, population biology and conservation biologyphylogeography population, population biologymuseum, history, natural, research, exhibition2
bmpvsz.huWithin the tasks of disaster management, through updating the tasks of population preparedness, the aim is to spread disaster management-related information as widely as possible, besides the prevention of disasters, strengthening the commitment to protection against disasters, and to improve…possession population, population case, information population, population education, task populationdisaster, organisation, protection, management, event2
imaginegreen.huThe Association is based in Hungary, Nyim, a village with a population of 300 people. One of the mission of the Association is to support the village on its journey in becoming a destination and demonstration site for active and eco tourism.village population, population peoplegreen, imagine, association, tourism, sustainable1
luminalearning.huI like the way that the Lumina Splash App has been introduced - it's very modern, it's dynamic, and it enables you to introduce Lumina Spark with different populations from large groups through to one-to-one sessions.different population, population largelumina, learn, solution, event, study1
i-coaching.hu…method, with controlled scientific studies demonstrating its extraordinary effectiveness. The US Department of Defense's Veterans Affairs Division has made it one of the most recommended methods for treating PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), recommending it for all traumatised populations.data, process, academy, training, course1
miskolckulturajaert.huWe want to be a kind of communication bridge between the city’s cultural leadership and the population. To this end, we ask for the opinion of the people of Miskolc about our city and its culture on our public channels. We also want to assist in the cooperation between the cultural and artistic…leadership population, population endcultural, city, public, culture, foundation1
vindornyalak.huThe village reached its highest ever number of inhabitants in 1857 with a population of 486; currently it is home to about 100 people. Nevertheless, proximity to the Balaton lake offers potential for village tourism. The village´s largest „treasure” consists of its „Hertelendy kúria ”, the manor…inhabitants population, population currentlyvillage, page, lake, website, baroque1
sugarsebeszet.huThis procedure is fundamentally different from radiation therapy, which is more widely known in the general population and is applied repeatedly over weeks. Radiotherapy is based on the differential sensitivity of tumor and healthy tissues, which throughout several repeated applications…general population, population repeatedlytreatment, nerve, tumor, illness, process1
semmelweis.huUp to a third of global population may experience pain and tension in the chewing muscles and at the jaw area.global population, population painuniversity, health, faculty, science, medicine1
telos.huPleiadians as a collective have now also accepted exact protocols for interaction with surface Lightworkers to avoid cultural misunderstandings that can occur between loving and sensual Pleiadian race and often distrustful and traumatized surface population:update, situation, force, light, surface1
jmjameselectric.hu“Electricity is not a toy!” surely in everyone’s ears rings the warning that you heard a lot as a child. However, it is this eternal truth that has motivated us to conscientiously perform electrical work in the homes of the population and in industrial environments for many years, thus keeping our…home population, population industrialinstallation, career, gallery, electrical, industrial1
beppe.huAbaliget is a small village in Hungary located in the county of Baranya, in the southern part of the country. It has a population of around 400 people and is known for its natural beauty, including the nearby Abaliget Cave and the surrounding forests. The cave is one of the largest in Hungary and…country population, population peopleguesthouse, house, calendar, cave, castle1
sensomedia.huCrucial necessity for a city in the 21st century. Efficient and real-time content providing modern solution for both the population and public authorities.solution population, population publicmedia, solution, software, development, customer1
kecskemetiarboretum.huKecskemét, the town with the greatest population in the Kiskunság region is surrounded by a well-planned green belt. In its north-eastern part can be found the young, developing Arboretum.great population, population kiskunságarboretum, belt, collection, hectare, place1
magan-szallas.huThe population of Püspökladány is about 16,000. The town is situated in the middle of the Hungarian Great Plain in the crossing of the three areas Sárrét- Nagykunság- Hortobágy.house, guest, street, accomodation, programme1
bestwax-szortelenites.huOur electrical equipment is also energy efficient, which we also consider to be a very important thing, as the human population is constantly growing, resulting in an increase in energy demand. We often hear that conventional energy sources are running out and are very harmful to the environment…human population, population constantlyhair, skin, resin, appointment, intimate1
action2020.huOur strategy is currently based on innovations, that enable farmers to feed a growing population and support them in facing new challenges such as limited available arable land, diseases, and climate change.farmer population, population newceo, director, manage, environmental, development1
aideko.huBy the 22nd century, the earth had become uninhabitable and the world's population had moved to cities built around weather generators.world population, population cityanimation, previous, texture, unity, model1
alfanyugdij.huThe society is aging, the population of pensioners is increasing, the number of active employees is decreasing.society population, population pensionerfund, pension, portfolio, voluntary, tax1
mehke.huAs a non-profit association it is our goal to raise awareness among our population and to provide information in order to increase the amount of valuable waste that is recycled in a controlled fashion in Hungary. It is our mission to enable our members to conduct their activities more economically…awareness population, population informationwaste, association, industry, management, protection1
arec.huNowadays many people have taken up curing respiratory diseases using various kinds of healing methods. The population concerned is huge, that’s why it is natural that both the traditional and the alternative medicine pay great attention to these areas. Lucky are the people who don’t know what it…method population, population hugetherapy, respiratory, method, child, technology1
imperialeagle.huBirds of preys have always been considered by game-keepers as pests which take a serious toll on the populations of their “precious” small game species. One would never think that certain raptors, notably Imperial Eagle and White-tailed Eagle in Hungary, being on the top of the food chain, are the…toll population, population precious, regulator population, population speciespoison, volunteer, nest, chick, fight1
fogcentrum-vac.huIn this small city with its medium population, we intend to keep our good reputation based on implantology and related surgery by high quality and professionally excellent work. Due to performing the treatments with great care and diligence, we are only able to provide our clients with…medium population, population goodclinic, dental, client, implantology, board1
radi-apartmanhaz-balaton.huBalatonföldvár is located about in the middle of the southern shore, 15 km west from Siófok, the largest town of the lake. Our little town (population 2300) is one of the most beautiful and ordered place of the southern shore. The city is flowery and covered by parcs – rewarded as “The most…town population, population beautifulapartment, accommodation, lake, summer, holiday1
inmategym.hu…to first visit a qualified chiropractor-osteopath to fix the incorrect joint positioning. Unfortunately, just about three quarters of the population suffer from these to a certain degree, and many who wish to learn how to squat find it hard to understand why they cannot go down and keep a…quarter population, population certaintraining, body, session, muscle, like1
pejretvt.huexcellent quality. Many trophies weighing more than 500 gr are placed every year. Red deer and fallow deer only occur as a bounty. The wild boar population is insignificant, but growing. The company breeds a hunting pheasant every year in the size of 10,000 pheasant. They are sold for pre-sale and…boar population, population insignificanthunting, area, land, game, gallery1
q-projekt.huHalkali Escort services are a popular service offered in one of the city centers of Istanbul, halkali escort an area where the population is increasing every day.area population, population daygirl, escort, agency, city, client1
viphunting.huThe ”crowned king” of the Hungarian forests is indigenous in Europe and in the Middle East. You can find red deer in the biggest number in Western Europe, but Eastern Europe (specially Hungary) gives habitat for the world’s finest quality red deer population.book, wild, boar, hunt, brown1
babamamatanoda.huWe care for the growing needs of our community. We build systems for providing health services for individuals, families, communities and populations in general.community population, population generallorem, ipsum, text, therapist, simply1
russianstudies.hu(Spontaneous Immigration or Government-Directed Settlement? The Question of the Russian Population in the Baltic Republics of the Soviet Union Between 1945 and 1991)russian population, population balticrussian, study, history, russia, historical1
lukacsdenes.huThe personality-distorting effect of dictatures: International research project lead by the S. Freud Institute (in Frankfurt am Main, Germany); manager of the research in the Hungarian population topic “double identity”, together with Ms. Dóra Bölcsvölgyi, Ms. Anett Felházi and Ms. Krisztina…hungarian population, population topicconference, psychology, association, research, clinical1
izinta.hu, expanding our product range to include medical devices and medical aids available to all. From 2020, we are reaching consumers directly with our retail products, available in pharmacies. As the first covid test distributor, we were the fastest to bring home self-testing to the Hungarian…human, diagnostic, therapy, science, need1
smartlynx.huThe UN predicts that 70% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. That means an average ofworld population, population cityparking, traffic, district, sensor, city1
bariatria.huMore than half of Europe’s adult population is overweight or obese. Among all European countries, Hungary is the leading one in terms of overweight percentage.adult population, population overweightsurgery, weight, gastric, loss, calculator1
studies.hu…a direct link between the economic factors of the countries, food security, nutrition, and its derivatives. High-income countries are the best place for their populations to access a nutritious and quality food supply to meet the dietary energy needs needed for an active life. In contrast, low-...place population, population nutritiousanalysis, result, economic, farming, ago1
thisistheday.huThe equivalent of the population of a small city will arrive at the venue all on the same day; so you should be prepared for that. The surrounding area will be closed off to car traffic. We suggest that those coming by car should park further away and then go to the Arena either along the Metro…equivalent population, population smallday, ticket, donation, event, main1
beshodrom.huSign up to our newsletter! This will ensure that our messages definitely reach you, instead of clogging up social media in the form of advertisement. Signing up with your email address will make things a lot simpler than the algorithms, asking us to think of you as ‘target population’, were able…target population, population ableday, website, mainly, important, update1
dandelionhouse.hu. The XVII. In the 17th century, the inhabitants of the village moved to the area of ​​the village, and in 1777 the church was built. Some of the population lived in the cultivation of vineyards on St. George’s Hill, but this is just an income supplement. You can see a well-kept village picture…church population, population cultivationhouse, guest, hill, reservation, st1
esztergom.huEsztergom with a permanent population of 28,000 is 39th in the ranking of Hungarian cities by inhabitants. The district of Esztergom includes a total of 24 settlements with more than 91 thousand people, making it Komárom-Esztergom County’s most populous district, and there are only 18 more…permanent population, population rankcity, history, municipal, economy, government1
delinapfeny-hacs.hu…multiplier effect on local development and disusses several issues concernig the cooperation among public, private and civil sectors. This may result in development of living standards of the population due helping people and organizations get into the mainstream of the economic and social life.standard population, population peopledevelopment, rural, local, regional, public1
tudastars.huOur research group (Knowledge Society Foundation) has launched an empirical research project about the attitude of the Hungarian population towards science in 2004. The longitudinal research (which is comparable with the...hungarian population, population sciencescience, communication, training, research, event1
schaltech.huWe also serve the needs of the population. We will get to the bottom of how heat escapes from your home.need population, population heatfacade, reference, technology, structure, construction1
investincsongradcounty.huHungary is divided into 19 counties. Csongrád-Csanád County, in the neighbourhood of Serbia and Romania, has a favourable location in the southern part of the country. The administrative centre is Szeged, which is the third most populous city in Hungary (population: approx. 162 000 inhabitants)…hungary population, population approxcounty, investment, investor, estate, real1
laboan.huHungary is one the most wellorganized countries in Europe. Controlled by the authorities Hungary exercise a very selective game policy, which secures the highest quality of trophees and game population.hunting, hunt, lodge, browser, video1
360fokbringa.huAnyway, Vietnam, as you can see on the photos is a country full of wonders, and we there must be a lot of nice people in Vietnam too, probably much more then in Laos, maybe because the population is 80 million here, compare to Laos, where they are 6,5 million. At the end we finally found a very…maybe population, population millionday, people, road, asia, way1
theorangefiles.huHungary’s average population was 9.9 million in the years 2011–2016 ( source in English). Hungary thus received per-capita net funding of 2,681 euros over this six-year period.average population, population millionnational, file, orange, election, european1
marcaliszallas.huMarcali is a stirring small town with a population of 13 000 people, with 13 km south of Balatonkeresztúr. From the west the town is bordered by the 300 m tall Marcali-hill with its woody hills. From the other sides it is surrounded by flat plains dotted with lakes and forest parklands.town population, population peopleapartment, private, quality, accommodation, bath1
racerbeans.huPeru has all the conditions necessary to produce world-class coffee: Concentrated volumes of coffee growing at and above 1700 eters; a prominence of Typica, Bourbon, and Caturra; and a movement among the producing population away from subsidence-farming and toward quality coffee production.movement population, population awaycoffee, small, process, dry, quality1
balloon.hu…March 1950 to replace the International Meteorological Organization. It began operations in 1951 to coordinate member nation in the fields of meteorology, operational hydrology, and Earth sciences for the security of their population. The first World Meteorological Day was held on 23th March 1961.security population, population worldballoon, september, national, report, flight1
idosgyogyaszat.huKovács G, Kaló Z, Jahnz-Rozyk K, Kyncl J, Csohan A, Pistol A, Leleka M, Kipshakbaev R, Durand L, Macabeo B. Medical and economic burden of influenza in the elderly population in central and eastern European countries. Hum Vaccin Immunother . 2013 Oct 28;10(2). [Epub ahead of print]elderly population, population centralage, university, effect, medical, health1
mega-park.huBékéscsaba is the cultural and economic centre of Békés County with a population of 400,000 people within a 50 km radius. The region boasts a strong vocational training system that makes the recruitment of a locally sourced and fully trained workforce possible. Please, find out more about the…county population, population peoplearea, main, page, industrial, location1
projectarmstrong.hu…orchestrate the performance of the technology that's transforming our lives — from smartphones to supercomputers, from medical instruments to agricultural sensors, and from base stations to servers. As world’s leading semiconductor IP company Arm technologies reach 70% of the global population.prize, competition, member, gift, challenge1
sipikontener.huBiatorbágy is a town in Pest county, directly in Budaörs’s area. Population has benn growing since the change of regime, which now accounts forarea population, population benncontainer, carriage, garbage, scrap, rent1
agilegettogether.huMorgan Stanley’s scaled Agile adoption has been underway for almost 4 years now. As we have reached a point where most of the target population – over 20K cross-functional members – are now “in the water,” we are shifting our focus to becoming better swimmers.target population, population crossagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
krq.huA hamlet with a population of 55 attracts 70,000 visitors a year because no one wants to go home, not just the kids but the parents too.hamlet population, population visitorcommunication, client, brand, page, video1
viragzabo.huIn my PhD research, I investigate the protective factors (psychological immune competences) that are responsible for the maintainance of positive mental health on adult population.health, mental, consultation, psychological, psychologist1
armenian.hu3 years ago on this day, Azerbaijan unleashed large-scale military operation against the indigenous people of Nagorno-Karabakh, living in their homeland, targeting the civilian population and...ago, month, minister, foreign, day1
kopintalapitvany.hu…to a significant slowdown in global growth in 2022 and add to inflation. Fuel and food prices have increased rapidly, hitting vulnerable populations in low-income countries hardest. Global growth is projected to slow from an estimated 6.1 percent in 2021 to 3.6 percent in 2022 and 2023. Thisvulnerable population, population loweconomic, international, literature, country, economy1
gyermekborgyogyaszat.huAtopic dermatitis is a common, often persistent skin disease that affects a large percentage of the world's population...dermatology, pediatric, unique, child, care1
kiskunemlekhely.hu…of the Mongols, from which the Cumans sought refuge, they found a new home here. Over the centuries they assimilated into the wider Hungarian population, whilst maintaining certain elements of their own culture. Numerous placenames, words, objects and traditions, which are now integral parts of…hungarian population, population whilsthomepage, gallery, century, main, site1
freegereb.hu…as: Brazilian Ministry of Health, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), among others. We are connected to innumerous Governmental Agencies in…nation population, population fundletter, president, international, birth, janos1
nemzetiregiszter.huIn Budapest on Saturday Prime Ministerial Commissioner Katalin Szili said that the Székely National Council initiative to create a European minority development region is to be supported, as 60 million people – 10 per cent of the population of the EU – lives in minority.cent population, population euhungarians, minister, community, national, school1
rozika.huOur guesthouse is located in Sukoró, in the center of a charming holiday village with a population of 1,400 in a picturesque environment on the northern shore of Lake Velence, and at the southern foot of the Mountains of Velence.village population, population picturesqueroom, guesthouse, lake, house, homepage1
mta.huIn the near future, agriculture will have to face increasingly severe droughts, so we need to increase productivity in the face of growing stress to provide food for an ever-increasing human population. Zsuzsanna Kolbert Ördögné, Associate Professor at the Department of Plant Biology, University…human population, population zsuzsannascience, academy, research, member, forum1
integralalapitvany.huThe Integral World Foundation was established with the aim to support the dissemination and implementation of the integral approach in Hungary and thereby to improve the spiritual well-being and the way of thinking of the population.integral, foundation, approach, consultant, member1
fercomsystems.huThe system offers protection for the population living and working around these dangerous factories.protection population, population dangerousradio, optical, communication, solution, situation1
mondocon.huWith over 50% of the population vaccinated, the government has eased the restrictions and we can finally meet again (in person) at a convention!convention, competition, event, rule, visitor1
hunor-almamellek.huThe red deer herd is also excellent in terms of numbers and quality, but the roe deer and wild boar population is also remarkable. Thanks to the high quality and the excellent hunting conditions, our hunting guests have been coming back to us regularly for many years. If you have already visited…boar population, population remarkablehunting, area, list, price, photo1
napkiado.huThese are special encyclopaedias, which contain the description of several hundred villages of Transsylvania in an alphabetic order. The reader can get acquainted with the population, the number of inhabitants, the division of the ethnic groups and the religions. It reports even about the number…reader population, population numberanthem, national, country, nation, book1
tourdematra.huEvery racer must follow all the rules for the protection of the environment given by the Organiser with utmost care, respecting the region and the population as well as keeping up the sporting spirit of the cycling race.region population, population sportingrace, entry, tour, road, cycling1
ptsh.huIn the upcoming years local urban e-mobility and the operation of smart grid system is fully evolving. Local public transport is going to change completely. With the help of this population of Paks can get closer to the adaptable smart methods.help population, population pakstransport, municipality, implementation, development, city1
jewish.huFrom the end of the 18th century the Jewish population grew along with their rights. The history of the Hungarian Jews were not different from other parts of the world. They also had to face pogroms and false accusations of water poisoning and ritual killings, too. Despite the difficulties the…jewish population, population rightjewish, tour, heritage, private, history1
kinaiforditas.hu…is not artificially created, but rather it is based on Northern, primarily Beijing dialects. The fact that close to 70 percent of the country’s population already speaks one of the Northern dialects that differs only slightly from Putonghua played an important part in making this particular…country population, population northerntranslation, agency, language, chinese, associate1
debrecenbike.hu…in various projects with the objective of exploiting the city’s existing assets so that this means of transport can be of benefit to the local population. Its awareness-raising activities, special-interest events, and joint projects with local authorities all serve the single purpose of making…local population, population awarenessbike, street, church, build, city1
mindenallatert.huservant of two rescue cats. I've been doing feline rescue for five years now, and I think the best part is the TNR program (Trap, Neuter, Return). Although it's the least favored one amongst all rescue activities in Hungary, but this one is the most effective way to control the feral cat population.animal, care, minden, foundation, way1
reguly.huVasto is a charming, lovely, ancient seaside town with the population of 35000 people; however at this time of the year the streets were quite deserted. We had to accept the fact that Italians really do have siesta every afternoon: the shops and restaurants open at 5pm or even 7pm, on the other…town population, population peopleschool, student, teacher, host, day1
ybg.hu…and investments, its operation, opportunities and risks, and its role in the economy to as many students as possible. In the long term, they will deepen the investment culture of the Hungarian population and thus offer a wider audience the opportunity to manage their investments in an informed way.hungarian population, population widestudent, university, organization, follow, diplomacy1
csakgergely.huPeople are also searching for happiness and looking for ways to improve their lives. With the world’s population aging, the growing demands of modern life require an overall improvement to health.world population, population demandyoga, massage, stress, people, healthy1
klimapolitikaiintezet.huCities are home to more than 50% of the world's population and this proportion is growing. As a result, urban sustainability is of paramount importance...world population, population proportionclimate, event, green, institute, protection1
dietetikusod.hu…nutrition. I am currently working as an entrepreneurial dietitian on various projects and I am an editor of the scientific journal Health Improvement. I am interested in the promotion and recognition of my profession, both within and outside the health sector, among a wide range of the population.diet, nutrition, university, health, disease1
kellerkonyvtar.huDue to the developments you can attach to the national information system, access is provided to the databases and services available in the county, mediated them to the population of the town.county population, population townlibrary, history, local, book, journal1
boroczkycsaladok.hu…Gyimóti, Kapotsy, Kiss, Merétei, Péter, Somogyi. According to that book they are all of nobel origin, and are to be found within the current population of the village. According to the encyclopaedia of local history, from the XIV. century the part of village Tevel where the nobels lived, was…current population, population villagefamily, branch, county, descendant, origin1
socialstudies.huOur research interests at the department cover a wide spectrum of research directions related to community formation, population mobility, social values, justice and integration, family and youth life, social media, civic competencies, human resources, reducing social vulnerabilities and risks…formation population, population mobilitysocial, research, department, science, apply1
englishschool.huAbsolutely! Research shows that it’s possible to acquire all language skills while learning multiple languages at the same time. 60% of the world’s population grow up speaking 2 or more languages.world population, population languageschool, teacher, child, language1
babolnatakarmany.huHorses are prey animals (like most herbivores) which determines the anatomical and psychological evolution of the species and also drives selection in the population. Since horses needed to defend themselvesselection population, population horsepig, feed, cattle, supplement, sale1
ohav.huT he Idea of creating the Foundation was born because of the fact, that most of the Hungarian children don’t have the opportunity to meet or live together people from foreign cultures, since there are only a few foreign populations living in Hungary especially in the country. Tourists from…foreign population, population hungaryfoundation, course, culture, child, nation1
bezeye.huWhile 99 percent of the population is going to work every day, trading their time for money...percent population, population dayidea, small, advice, trading, successful1
greenbrother.huAccording to the United Nations, two-thirds of the population will live in urban areas by 2050. Those who migrate to major cities generally have a more comfortathird population, population urbangreen, detail, open, training, mobility1
divali.hu…appeared in the Sun dynasty and He himself was just like the Sun: effulgent, powerful, just and equitable: he gave shelter to the whole population. When his father intended to abdicate according to Vedic custom and wanted to return to the forest, he wanted to pass the kingdom to Rāma, his…shelter population, population fatherlight, festival, krishna, valley, programme1
centrehotelsbudapest.hu…its medical department and its 36-degree water, not to mention the hotel's cuisine, which is very popular with both Hungarian and German. lip population. There is already a region of Hungary where English and German tourists arrive by plane, which is very favorable for hotels PL: Hajdúszoboszló .lip population, population regioncentre, enquiry, city, price, booking1
mobicity.hu…in 1921, the first (or second after 836) agreement linking culturally distant towns was reached when the British town of Keighley, with a population of 50,000, adopted the small French village of Poix-du-Nord. The small and totally insignificant French village had a terrible time at the end…keighley population, population smallcity, town, agreement, tour, programme1
wecup.huSince the plastic film on a traditional paper cup is almost invisible most of the population believe that it can be loose in a used paper collector but at the end the paper waste handling facilities will select paper cups out before shipping the paper waste to be recycled in a paper mill due to…invisible population, population loosecup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable1
nezopont.huThe mayor has been campaigning for the prime ministerial candidacy for almost three months, but his popularity has not increased neither among the general population nor among government critics. This Sunday, 55 percent of Hungarians would choose Orban and 15 percent Karácsony as prime minister.general population, population governmentpolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature1
pannonbiotech.huPannonian Plant Biotechnology Conference for Ph.D Students in Plant Biology (28 - 29 April, 2014, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary)biotechnology, plant, association, research, seminar0
multkutatas.hu…were they living? What was their origin? What does their family name mean? Are they coming from a simple peasant family or do they pride with noble ancestors? In our current running world unfortunately we have a very few time to deal with making our family tree as it is a very time-consuming…population researchfamily, tree, research, detail, transylvania0
freemeteo.huKelenfold… Kobanya… Matyasfold… Obuda… Pest… 235 Hotels… Balvany… 230 Hotels… 233 Hotels… 179 Hotels…day, today, tomorrow, weekend, island0
healthanalysis.huassisted, but basically still „naked eye” visual analysis of the EEG signals to an automatic big data solution.human population, population epilepsyanalysis, technology, pattern, signal, data0
anyworld.huMinőségpolitika… Termékek… Kapcsolat… Letölthető dokumentumok… Videók… White Papers… Blog… kattintson…data, suspension, industrial, use, strip0
drogfokuszpont.huCentral to the package is the European Drug Report 2014: Trends and Developments (in print and online in 23 languages), summarising the latest trends across the 28 EU Member States, Turkey and Norway. This top-level analysis explores: drug supply; drug use and drug-related problems; health and…general population, population surveydrug, report, problem, european, national0
szarvastap.huCervids like red deer and fallow deer are adaptive types when it comes to nutrition. They are grazing, eating broad-leaved plants and herbs, but also eating buds and cust from trees and bushes. They can adapt to different environmental conditions. Cervids graze 4-6 times daily without regard to…game population, population optimalfeed, nutrition, detail, reference, environmental0
bcc.huOfficial website of Budapest Congress Center , a meeting room and an hotel in Budapest. Book your hotel in Budapest at the best pricebudapest population, population millionevent, meet, room, congress, center0
enemeshazi.huConservation Genetics Research Group of the Institute for Biology University of Veterinary Medicine Budapestpopulation geneticresearch, institute, genetic, main, environmental0
caboverdeconsul.huhours) and North America (7-8 hours), Cape Verde is a potential platform for trade betweenpopulation inhabitantsrepublic, investment, cape, country, general0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)denmark population, population realdocumentary, islam, history, america, article0
aram-foldgaz.huDue to the changed market environment, in 2013 the management decided to trigger the electricity trading license in order to not offer electrical power advice to partners, but to sell light at a low price.electricity, price, low, order, energy0
iceee.hu…Sydney, Kensington NSW 2052, Australia, 5 ELKH-PE Limnoecology Research Group, Veszprém, Hungary, 6 School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 7 Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon…trichoderma population, population toxicuniversity, science, environmental, engineering, faculty0
blue.hueople and values are key for us. We strongly believe that space is more than a physical space calculable in square meters. Essential like home as a physical space for everyone to return to, creating the right office interior is getting more and more important for companies.workstation population, population veszprémspace, office, workplace, desk, furniture0
turatipp.huPulvinar lectus augue, parturient vel placerat porttitor est, odio. Auctor ut tristique nisi...japan populationbig, globe, education, japan, hello0
gki.huOne of Hungary's best-known and longest-running economic research institutes. We have been at the service of science and the Hungarian economy for 30 years.economic, research, article, month, newsletter0
tigra.huThe TIGRA IT Group was founded in 1996. We work as software developers and IT infrastructure operators for the financial and government sectors. Our 600 full-time employees and annual turnover 40 million EUR make us one of Hungary’s leading IT companies.software, infrastructure, development, operation, licence0
lemszi.hu„Életünk rohanás. Gyönyörű helyen élünk, de észre sem vesszük! Kell egy cél, amivel emlékeink tárházát gyarapítjuk, amire vissza tudunk majd emlékezni!city, march, ami, event, music0
hajdufolk.huof 207,000 people, lies in the heart of Europe. This is the seat of Hajdú-Bihar county andfolk, ensemble, dance, city, national0
somogyicivilszovetseg.huPulvinar lectus augue, parturient vel placerat porttitor est, odio. Auctor ut tristique nisi...japan populationbig, globe, education, japan, look0
ttj.huThe below songs are linked to Google Translate (or YouTube, when the lyrics are still missing).multithreaded population, population fakelyric, list, shopping, battery, interested0
lawyerbudapest.huViktor has graduatated from ELTE Budapest law school. He has aquired Master of Laws “LL.M.” postgraduate degree in Business and Transactions and another one in Employment Law. He has gained notable experience in corporate law and labor law. His primary focus is on corporate transactions and…million population, population gdplaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat0