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260 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: disease

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por.hu- - Shandong Lung Cancer Institute, The First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Provincial Qianfoshan Hospital, Shandong Key Laboratory of Rheumatic Disease and Translational Medicine, Department of Oncologybowel disease, disease case, predictor disease, disease free, covid-19 diseaseuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine151
autobio.huthe tumor or by non-tumor cells as a response to the presence of a tumor. There are many different tumor markers, each indicative of a particular disease process, and they are used in oncology to help detect the presence of cancer. An elevated level of a tumor marker can indicate cancer; however…autoimmune disease, metabolic disease, disease hyperglycemia, infectious disease, disease peoplediagnostic, product, clinical, solution, news12
skinacademy.huThe “2nd Skin Academy and ISD Regional Conference” happening from 4-6 April 2019 which I am organizing is going to be a unique and novel initiative in Hungary. The topic will mainly be on tropical dermatology, but other topics within the framework of allergology, immunology and infectious diseases…infectious disease, disease positive, immunological disease, disease perspective, skin diseaseacademy, registration, skin, interactive, presentation12
medi-lab.huWholesale distribution of in vitro diagnostics, with a wide selection; clinical chemistry reagents, infectious-disease diagnostics, immunology & allergy, POCT devices.autoimmune disease, infectious disease, disease diagnosticproduct, colleague, laboratory, diagnostic, care9
dietetikusod.hu…to achieve the right weight, whether they need to reduce or increase it. By creating personalized diets, I support those who have developed a disease - for example, diabetes, insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, etc. - because of this, they need to change their lifestyle and eating habits. I…diet disease, disease example, obesity disease, cardiovascular disease, disease highdiet, nutrition, university, health, problem8
fogorvosszombathely.huWe specialise in parodontology (the healing of the diseases of the gum), but we offer full-scale dental care within the frames of our activity. Our services include: mouth hygienic treatment, dental X-ray, fillings, root canal treatment, aesthetic dentistry, teeth whitening, placing tooth…healing disease, disease gumtreatment, tooth, hygienic, dental, filling7
chiesi.huThe term rare applies to those diseases affecting a limited number of people with a prevalencerare disease, disease limitrare, care, pharmaceutical, respiratory, special7
perfectdental.huWe specialise in parodontology (the healing of the diseases of the gum), but we offer full-scale dental care within the frames of our activity. Our services include: mouth hygienic treatment, dental X-ray, fillings, root canal treatment, aesthetic dentistry, teeth whitening, placing tooth…healing disease, disease gumtreatment, tooth, hygienic, dental, filling7
elekieletmodkozpont.huShould you have any kind of disease, please contact us with confidence! In all cases, first we discuss over the phone whether we can help you with your specific problem and whether you should book an appointment for our program.disease advice, autoimmune disease, kind disease, disease confidence, health diseaselifestyle, guest, center, treatment, medical7
infravizsgalat.huFor those ladies who turn to us - either for screening or for the examination of a disease - we check the exact status of the hormone-dependent - thyroid gland, breast and small pelvic - organs by means of infrared imaging, we instrumentally measure the level of female hormones, we calculate the…cardiovascular disease, disease process, examination disease, disease exact, gynecological diseaseimaging, infrared, body, hormone, treatment7
hungaromedgroup.huThis, our recent and newest development - part of our system – is focused on rapid diagnostics of infectious diseases with the help of laboratory procedures. The reason of it is that diagnostics of infectious diseases in human and animal healthcare and also in food and catering indutries has…infectious disease, disease national, disease help, disease human, disease timesystem, healthcare, group, infectious, diagnostic7
hyd.huDepletion of body deuterium (D) can simply be achieved by consumption or prolonged administration of deuterium-depleted water (DDW) and nutrients deficient in D. It was therefore postulated that D-depletion would have therapeutic use in patients with cancer and other neoplastic diseases. In…metabolic disease, neoplastic disease, disease subsequent, tumorous disease, disease therapycancer, research, view, water, llc6
pajzsmirigypszichologia.huSeveral studies support a link between gluten sensitivity (also known as coeliac disease) and autoimmune thyroid disease (Sun et al., 2016) (Simply put, patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis are 3 times more likely to have...grave disease, coeliac disease, disease autoimmune, thyroid disease, disease sunthyroid, psychology, illness, gland, calcium6
borrak.huLab screening for all sexually transmitted diseases, (Chlamydia, HPV,...)- maximum discretioncosmetic disease, disease diagnosis, disease tick, sexually disease, disease chlamydiawrinkle, treatment, skin, hyaluronic, acid6
krafty.huHowever, among the 17 immunoblots in favor of E. It is safe or dangerous to use Sexually Transmitted Disease while suffering from Enterococcus Faecalis? In this case, we will present an immunocompetent patient who had chronic prostatitis due to candida infection and who did not benefit from…prostate disease, disease specific, transmit disease, disease enterococcusinfection, prostate, doctor, bacteria, chronic6
haemaplasma.huThe blood plasma from our donors is used to produce therapeutic products that, among other things, make life easier for people suffering from bleeding disorders and immunodeficiency diseases.rare disease, disease disorderdonation, life, blood, learn, book6
tamasibeladr.huI am a board certified infectious disease specialist and currently in-training for dermatology. I graduated at Semmelweis University, Budapest with highest honour in 2011. I’ve performed my specialist training at the National Centre for Hematology and Infectious Diseases and at the Department of…infectious disease, disease specialist, disease department, skin disease, disease anogenitaldermatology, clinic, appointment, fee, infection6
fulspecialista.huOur ears are the sensory organs for hearing and balance. Symptoms of diseases affecting the external ear, middle ear, and inner ear include hearing loss, reduced hearing, ear pain, ringing in the ears, buzzing in the ears, dizziness, and ear discharge. Hearing loss, ear ringing, tinnitus…symptom disease, disease external, ear disease, disease sinusitis, common diseaseear, nose, throat, inflammation, acute6
dentalvet.huDuring the conscious dental examination we can evaluate the general scale of the dental issues. There are a number of diseases which can be diagnosed without examination under general anaesthesia but some of the problems can only be properly assessed while the animal is asleep. After the conscious…dental disease, disease domestic, periodontal disease, disease dental, number diseasedental, animal, surgical, maxillofacial, small6
betaklinika.huAttention Please bear in mind that we've stopped attending patients with acne. We've started to shift the main focus of our clinic at sexually transmitted infections and genital skin diseases so we cannot receive any more patients with acne or any other facial skin disease. Thank you for your…skin disease, disease sexually, infectious disease, disease specialist, disease anogenitalclinic, dermatology, appointment, fee, infection6
ibioscience.huOur central laboratory in Pécs, is one of Europe’s best-equipped molecular diagnostic laboratories, which provides modern molecular testing based on next-generation sequencing platforms on a daily basis. The wide service portfolio includes targeted gene panels for numerous hereditary and cancer…rare disease, disease day, cancer disease, disease fetal, congenital diseaselaboratory, diagnostic, molecular, news, hungarian6
dentys.huHealth, expertise, modern technology, complex health care and humanist view. This is what we provide our patients in the Dentys dental office . Here you will find your long-term partner in the prevention of oral and dental diseases, as well as professional and painless treatments and the…dental disease, disease professional, cause disease, disease death, chronic diseasetreatment, provider, dental, patient, plan5
novumdental.huOur professionals have many years of experience in the field of dental surgery, teeth-sparing and aesthetic dentistry, the treatment of periodontal diseases, and in the fabrication of traditional and implanted dental restorations.periodontal disease, disease fabricationdental, treatment, appointment, oral, surgery5
prohair.hu…cysts, the taking of high androgen index birth control pills, pregnancy, and menopause. Just like in men the hormone DHT appears to be at least partially to blame for the miniaturization of hair follicles in women suffering with female pattern baldness. Heredity plays a major factor in the disease.hair disease, disease reaction, male disease, disease woman, devastating diseasehair, transplantation, pattern, doctor, loss5
examed.huOphthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the examination of the eye and the treatment of eye diseases. General ophthalmic screening is primarily concerned with the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of visual disturbances, during which the health of the eye is also examined…cardiovascular disease, treatment disease, disease prevention, chronic disease, disease earlymedical, general, center, ultrasound, health5
healthofchina.huThe main goal is to improve the ability of self-preservation and the treatment of diseases.system disease, disease complaint, joint disease, disease preventionhealth, china, chinese, medicine, clinic5
medaid.huFor us, medical trustworthiness is not only about professional competence, but also about empathy, respectful communication and a disease prevention approach.sexually disease, communication disease, disease preventiontreatment, lesion, removal, vascular, hair5
kutyaossejtkezeles.huYou can find the most important information about dog stem cell treatment here, but ask us if your dog’s disease has a good chance of being treated with bone marrow stem cell treatment.dog disease, disease goodcell, stem, treatment, therapy, long5
edeldental.huEDELDENTAL Dental surgery. Wide choice of dental treatments: Restorative Dental treatments, Fillings, inlays, Root canal treatments, Oral surgery – minor procedures, Prostheses, Implants, Crowns, bridges, combined prostheses, Gum disease treatment, Depuration, Cone Beam (CBCT) diagnostics, Cone…gum disease, disease treatmentsurgery, dental, treatment, prosthesis, oral5
mildent.hua complete picture of the patient’s oral health status and the causes of pathological lesions. Besides the check-up, a questionnaire is filled in mapping the patient's general state of health and other diseases which may also affect both the state of the teeth and the selection of treatment options.health disease, disease state, periodontal disease, disease gingival, disease badtooth, dental, crown, treatment, dentist5
magnexpress.huOsteoporosis is one of the most common diseases at an elder age. The reason behind osteoporosis can be related with the reduced amount of dairy products and also their porr quality. Paying attention and being careful is basic in this case but our body needs to be supported by extra magnesium. It…rootcause disease, disease tooth, common disease, disease eldermagnesium, normal, main, muscle, way4
badari-floris.huOver time, high blood sugar damages arteries and puts you at risk for heart disease. Your doctor should test your blood sugar if you are 45 or older, if you are pregnant, or if you're overweight and have other risk factors for diabetes.heart disease, disease doctorexample, gallery, like, heart, column4
akupunktura-drli.huTraditional Chinese medicine has been using acupuncture for over 3,000 years to cure a wide variety of diseases, circulatory disorders, internal medicine, gynecology, locomotor and neurological disorders, and is well suited to relieve pain and relieve stress.variety disease, disease circulatory, treateble diseasepain, medicine, chinese, acupuncture, complaint4
semmelweis.huregion. With its six faculties and doctoral school it covers all aspects of medical and health sciences. Semmelweis University is the largest provider of health care services in Hungary. The target of research at the university are early diagnostics and therapy, disease prevention and active ageing.therapy disease, disease preventionuniversity, health, faculty, sciences, medicine4
bio-klima.huIf you inhale air infected with Legionella and the bacteria reach your lungs, the initial influenza-like symptoms may – depending on your resistance – be followed by severe pneumonia, diseases of the digestive and nervous systems and ultimately even death .pneumonia disease, disease digestive, legionnaires disease, disease main, respiratory diseaseclean, air, unit, healthy, maintenance4
verummedical.huDermatology is a branch of medicine specializing in diagnosing and treating skin diseases and skin appendages (nails, hair). Currently, the direction is actively developing as patients of various ages encounter skin pathologies. Specialists use modern methods of diagnosing, treating, and…skin disease, disease skin, treatment disease, disease prevention, regularly diseasemedical, appointment, dermatology, therapy, price4
draaronstern.huWe begin by expertly cleaning your teeth and thoroughly checking for signs of tooth decay and gum disease. We may require an X-ray depending on your personal oral health. Then we’ll ask a few questions about your current methods of dental care and with all the information gathered we will…dental disease, disease disorder, gum disease, disease ray, disease toothtooth, dental, treatment, dentistry, crown4
marmin.hu…this toothbrush toothbrush is is sturdy. sturdy. The The soft soft design design is is safe safe for for your your dogs' dogs' gums gums and and helps helps to to clean clean their their teeth teeth and and protect protect them them from from oral oral diseases diseases and and dental dental decay.oral disease, disease dentallead, visitor, site, free, website4
ful-orr-gegesz-orvos.huNumerous patients were sent to our department to get surgical treatment for reasons of ear diseases resulting in intracranial complication from the Szent László Hospital of Budapest, for reasons of removal of penetrating intraorbital bodies, also for LASER laryngeal surgery from the Flór F…ear disease, disease intracranial, tumor disease, disease salivary, gland diseasesurgery, tumor, treatment, neck, medical4
pmed.huParliament Medical Center specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological and cardiological diseases. Our doctors, who have a track record of success in these two areas, treat and care for our patients with the utmost attention, because we know that caring is essential to recovery.cardiological disease, disease doctor, parkinson disease, disease confidence, disorder diseasesurgery, medical, center, parliament, heart4
masszazsharmonia.huTraditional medicine is rooted in the philosophy of the indigenous people of the Polynesian islands. According to this, the essence of the disease is that something is blocked or stuck in the body. As a result of the block, life-giving energy does not get everywhere, so a lack of energy develops…disease healing, prevention disease, essence disease, disease bodymassage, body, harmony, appointment, pressure3
gyermekborgyogyaszat.huWe understand that kids are not ”little adults”. Certain dermatologic conditions are unique to children, and diseases sometimes present differently in children than in adults. A child’s skin is subject to many developmental changes and hormonal fluctuations that don’t affect adult skin. Certain…child disease, disease differently, skin disease, disease lesion, disease largedermatology, pediatric, unique, child, care3
egeszsegbiztositas.huIn other words: preventive screening tests. The aim of preventive health checkups is to assess the insured person’s state of health and to rule out certain diseases or rule out the probability of certain diseases before symptoms and complaints appear.condition disease, disease significantly, sexually disease, disease stds, certain diseasehealth, insurance, care, plan, day3
medidia.huCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by 2019-nCoV, a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.coronavirus disease, disease covid-19, infectious disease, disease ncovquotation, antigen, order, product, download3
rheumatology.huRheumatology care at UDMHSC started in the 70's at the Third Department of Medicine chaired by Professor Gyula Szegedi. Professor Szegedi's main interest has been connective tissue diseases (CTD) and Debrecen became the largest autoimmunity center in Hungary. Drs László Tamási and then Péter…tissue disease, disease ctd, musculoskeletal disease, disease accordance, vascular diseasedepartment, medicine, research, education, colleague3
endomedix.huEndomedix is a private medical provider specialised in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases - more than a thousand patients a year a mirror examination we do.digestive disease, disease thousand, ulcer disease, disease helicobactergastroenterology, food, centre, examination, anaesthesia3
alkoholfuggoseg.huAccording to our understanding, addictions -both chemical and behavioral- are primary, chronic, progressive and fatal diseases. We consider addiction as a bio-psycho-social life-threatening (biogenic) disease that also affects the state of the soul (psyche) and social relationships. In addition to…fatal disease, disease addiction, biogenic disease, disease state, constructively diseaserehabilitation, group, day, life, form3
medaqua.huThe effective application of curative waters for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is more than a hundred years old. The so-called sulphate, bitter salty, glaubersalty, and sulfurous waters are included in these.gastrointestinal disease, disease yearwater, curative, treatment, illness, mineral3
sunlighten.huFull spectrum IR sauna therapy would be a multibillion dollar drug if it came in a pill. The ability to heal endothelium, improve symptoms and prognosis for congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease is remarkable. Sunlighten saunas are the only infrared saunas clinically shown to lower…autoimmune disease, artery disease, disease remarkablesauna, infrared, technology, quality, health3
healthandyouth.huOne of the most widely read magazines in the world, The Times, called inflammation the ” silent killer”, and reported the connection between chronic diseases of civilization and inflammation as a scientific sensation.denominator disease, disease civilization, chronic diseasehealth, youth, click, oil, recovery3
cbctbudapest.hu…toxins. Another large group is the foci of padontal origin. Examples include chronic gingivitis or focal infections developing from chronic gum disease. The third type is the purulent abscess developing around an impacted tooth, typically around the wisdom tooth. A very similar disease is an…focus disease, disease inflammation, gum disease, disease type, similar diseasedental, focus, tooth, organ, scan3
innodc.hu…is put on the teeth at either side. A gap can also mean your ‘bite’ is affected, because the teeth next to the space can lean into the gap and alter the way the upper and lower teeth bite together. This can then lead to food getting packed into the gap, which causes both decay and gum disease.gum disease, disease soreness, disease gingivitisdental, tooth, implant, study, price3
cbdkiraly.huEpilepsy, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, depression, anxiety, diabetes, obesity, chronic pain, inflammatory bowel disease, nausea and vomiting, arthritis, cancer, stroke / stroke, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosisparkinson disease, disease depression, bowel disease, disease nausea, cardiovascular diseaseoil, product, drop, sign, shipping2
pecspilates.huThe method of Pilates goes back more than a hundred years. The technique was developed by Joseph Hubertus Pilates. Primarily for the treatment of back and spine complaints, as well as joint diseases.body, method, exercise, muscle, joint2
granex-alisanos.huWe dedicate our lives to raising healthy, happy puppies, free of hereditary diseases. We love them from the moment they are born and genuinely care for them as members of the family. We expect the same from prospective owners. Our puppies are handed over to their new families with a contract, a…hereditary disease, disease momentsilence, dog, reference, family, health2
drhorvathdavid.hu-serology, viral diseases (for example distemper, parvovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus, feline leucosis (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), calicivirus, herpesvirus, etc.), bacterial diseases (for example Lyme disease, Brucella, Leptospira, etc.), blood…viral disease, disease example, bacterial disease, lyme disease, disease brucellaexamination, veterinary, animal, food, central2
predaistvan.huBorderline areas of cardiololgy and metabolic disorders (hyperlipidaemias, diabetes mellitus, gout, cardiovascular manifestations of systemic diseases).cardiovascular disease, disease hypertensionprofile, area, main, cardiology, scientific2
paloscsilla.huThe majority of muscle skeletal pain is the results of bad posture, stress and adverse lifestyle, not diseases. Approximately 70% of headaches can be traced to muscle stiffness in the neck. The accumulating muscle tension shortens the spine, restricts movement and the joints lose some of their…lifestyle disease, disease approximately, spinal disease, disease inappropriatetechnique, session, review, gallery, investigation2
sugarsebeszet.hu…dose. In certain cases, radiosurgery can replace conventional open cranial surgery under general anesthesia. The cases depend on the type of the disease, whether it is defined as a first-line treatment, whether it can be used as an alternative to classical surgery, or potentially as a supplementalcertain disease, disease inside, type disease, disease linetreatment, nerve, tumor, illness, process2
nadordental.huTartar and plaque removal is one of the most important dental treatments for preserving healthy teeth. Teeth with tartar are not only aesthetically bothersome, but can also lead to tooth decay and serious periodontal disease.periodontal disease, disease gingivaldental, treatment, dentistry, tooth, private2
szaguldozz.huProtective immunity against respiratory virus infection is a complex interplay between systemic and mucosal responses. However, immune responses generated during a natural infection may not provide complete protection from reinfection and may actually contribute to the pathogenesis of disease…pathogenesis disease, disease section, cardiopulmonary disease, disease immunosuppressionanti, respiratory, virus, korean, cell2
arec.huNowadays many people have taken up curing respiratory diseases using various kinds of healing methods. The population concerned is huge, that’s why it is natural that both the traditional and the alternative medicine pay great attention to these areas. Lucky are the people who don’t know what it…respiratory disease, disease kind, therapy diseasetherapy, respiratory, method, child, technology2
gyogytorna.info.huIn the case of Scheuermann's disease and postural defects, it is an important part of the treatment that the patient learns how the correct posture feels like and is taught how to achieve the correct posture, as well as to develop the necessary muscle corset. During the treatments we teach you…scheuermann disease, disease posturaltreatment, physiotherapy, method, pain, physiotherapist2
himesudvar.hu…sugar content becomes more concentrated than the acidic elements in the grapes. At the same time Botrytis Cinerea creates a fantastic aromatic potential. Although for most of the winegrowing areas of the world fungus Botrytis Cinerea causes a disease, here in Tokajhegyalja has a beneficial effect.resistant disease, disease average, cinerea disease, disease tokajhegyaljawine, high, grape, region, variety2
vamosdental.huSystemic, infectious diseases and cancer affecting the organs responsible for chewing, as well their treatment. Accidents and the effects of the emergency care.infectious disease, disease cancerdental, treatment, guarantee, denture, patient2
fogtogon.huIt is advisable go to the dentist once or twice a year for checkups and cleaning because cavities and gum disease are preventable. Some can get away with fewer visits. Others may need more frequent visits, you should schedule an appointment when you notice changes to your dental health…gum disease, disease preventable, periodontal disease, disease bacteria, stage diseasedentist, surgery, tooth, dental, gum2
drlorinczrita.huCaring for our teeth and maintaining their health throughout our lives is essential, as our teeth play a key role in chewing, digestion, speech formation, and our aesthetic appearance as well. E preserving our health , the prevention of related diseases is therefore an extremely important task in…prevention disease, disease extremelydental, treatment, doctor, login, smile2
kiralyklinika.huColonoscopy is primary designed to rule out the organ diseases of the colon. During this process, tumors and premalignant conditions are found: polyps, inflammation, circulatory disorders. Current techniques of high-resolution endoscopes, narrow-band imaging (NBI), zooming, and the use of…organ disease, disease colonclinic, treatment, medicine, hospital, procedure2
orthopaedics.huOut of the last 22 years, I have spent 7 years in the United Kingdom and Australia, dealing with the full spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions, treating acute and chronic diseases.specifically disease, disease kneeorthopaedic, department, surgeon, consultant, professor2
inspirationtravel.huRelaxing and getting cured in one of the famous Hungarian thermal spa resorts, in the meantime experiencing the local sights and services . Medical and wellness hotels, massages, natural cures for Rheumatism and other locomotor and circulatory diseases, and women’s health problems – some examples…circulatory disease, disease womantravel, inspiration, cruise, tour, high2
garenal.hu…free radicals which are able to harm any living cell; according to research they play a role in aging and in the development of cardiovascular diseases like arteriosclerosis and the development of some types of tumors as well. According to experts we can discover the effects of the free radicals…cardiovascular disease, disease likepowder, drink, function, health, body2
carlsbad.huCarlsbad Research is a rapidly expanding biotechnology company, due to its excellent reputation and continuous international project engagements to provide specialized contract research services focusing on infectious diseases. The services include laboratory microbiology, immunology assays and…infectious disease, disease service, disease microbiologyresearch, study, clinical, animal, contract2
dentist-debrecen.huDr. Zsolt Horai, dental surgeon, is the leader of the Debrecen Divinus Dental Surgery. He has 17 years of professional experience and achieved excellent results in his Dental and Oral Diseases exam, and then in 2001-2002 qualified in implantology, acquiring the necessary professional knowledge for…oral disease, disease exam, root diseasedental, tooth, dentist, surgery, treatment2
veterinaryclinic.huIn case of a confirmed infectious disease (such as parvo or distemper), we charge an additional 50,000 HUF for disinfection.infectious disease, disease parvoveterinary, clinic, wide, country, case2
pepperpr.huIn spite of the fact that cervical cancer diagnosed in time can be cured, around six hundred women die in Hungary of this disease each year. As a result of the HUF 2.5 million donated under the corporate social responsibility program "Matáv Gives Back", Schöpf-Mérei Ágost Hospital received a…cure disease, disease enuresis, hungary disease, disease yearpepper, software, technology, hungarian, job2
ametiszthotel.hu…by Harkany were the first to feel the curative effect of the water. The city and the spa of Harkany is deserved to call the „Mecca of the people suffering from rheumatic diseases” The century-long past of Harkany is the testimony that its sulfuric water has an almost exclusive curative effect.rheumatic disease, disease century, dermatologic disease, disease favorablenight, room, gallery, near, friendly2
cbdboutique.huCBD (full name cannabidiol) is a useful ingredient in hemp. CBD oil is a common cannabidiol-containing dietary supplement made from cultivated hemp. Positive effects of CBD oil: It can have a positive effect on the symptoms of many diseases, the nervous system and the immune system. It can help…symptom disease, disease nervous, symptomsof diseaseproduct, oil, hungarian, capsule, effect2
hankooknegyed.huIt was a foregone conclusion that we would join Hungary’s comprehensive health screening program again this year, providing a free opportunity to assess the health of our employees. Screenings can help prevent or detect diseases early enough to save lives, which is why they are so imp…contagious disease, disease special, screening disease, disease earlyemployee, day, health, charity, july2
smokevitamin.huSmoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causes many diseases and reduces the health of smokers in general. Smoking can cause lung disease, cancer almost everywhere in the body.body disease, disease health, lung disease, disease cancerbuy, ingredient, publication, smoker, general2
noeallatotthon.huTobzoska 💔 came to the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation with the help of the Füzesabony Animal Protection Foundation, with a brutal skin disease. He lived in poor conditions in a segregated area in Mezőszemere.skin disease, disease poor, disease helpanimal, shelter, life, dog, story2
kurkodent.huI graduate at the University of Odontology in Kolozsvár (Cluj, Romania) in 1975 and I have worked as a dentist since then. I took a specialised examination on diseases of the teeth and the mouth at Orzságos Stomatológia Intézet (National Institute of Stomatology) in Budapest in 1990. In our…examination disease, disease tooth, inflammatory disease, disease uterussurgery, dental, oral, implant, main2
cmf.huThe Health for Hungary – Hungary for Health (H4H) Program aims to evaluate the potential of infrared electric-field molecular fingerprinting as a cost-effective, minimally invasive cross-molecular diagnostic approach for population health monitoring. To detect major noncommunicable diseases in…noncommunicable disease, disease earlyhealth, publication, news, molecular, mission2
cityplant.huThe plants we use humidify the air and help optimize it to avoid different respiratory diseases caused by air conditioning in a closed space. Thanks to their stress relieving effects they create a comfortable office atmosphere.respiratory disease, disease airplant, green, office, air, wall2
ab-dental.hu…Oral Surgery of the University of Pécs as a clinical doctor. After learning more about the different specialties of dentistry and gaining practical experience, in 1999 I passed the specialist exam for Dentists and Oral Diseases. After that, I continued my medical activity, focusing on orthodontics.oral disease, disease addition, disease medicaldental, surgery, oral, dentistry, patient2
posthorax.huSternal Dehiscence In Patients With Moderate and Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Undergoing Cardiac Surgerypulmonary disease, disease cardiacsurgery, product, post, heart, patient2
barkacsoldal.hu…that Owners pet will be in an environment with other pets during boarding, and understands that any pet may harbor and spread a communicable disease. Owner releases Kennel from, and waives all claims and liability against Kennel for, all losses, damages, costs and expenses arising out of or incommunicable disease, disease prior, disease ownerowner, march, april, court, order2
aipderm.huWithin moments, AIP Derm will ask you personalised questions about the disease, with possible symptoms - whether you have a fever, how long you've had it, whether you itch, and so on.question disease, disease possiblediagnosis, treatment, day, dermatology, intelligence1
dajanaspearlkennel.huMy kennel broaden, I pay attention to my dogs’ health, all of them have examination. I give you 100% guarantee for lack of any genetic diseases. My dogs have DNA PRA and DNA MAC screening.genetic disease, disease doglitter, miniature, dog, puppy, april1
olympus.huAt Olympus we believe everyone should have the opportunity to make the most of life. Every day we are advancing medical technology solutions to elevate the standard of care, to see and treat diseases, but most of all to help people everywhere fulfil their desires, their curiosity, their dreams…care disease, disease peoplelife, medical, solution, equipment, passionate1
elmolight.hu…in agriculture. Through the procedure, such high-quality compost marketable without any restriction as a product can be manufactured which in addition to the soil regeneration will offer a solution for the diseases resulting from lack of micro elements so will be quite valuable for the agriculturesolution disease, disease lacksludge, utilisation, compost, treatment, biological1
budapestdentalnetwork.huMaintaining dental and oral health is vital for overall well-being. Neglecting oral hygiene can result in dental decay, gum disease, and is associated with serious conditions like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.gum disease, disease condition, heart disease, disease cancerdental, clinic, network, dentist, need1
dsmile.huOver the years there has been much research proving that chronic diseases have multiple roots. We could call this a multifactorial medical problem. Medical practitioners believe that a multifactorial medical problem cannot be treated in a single therapy.chronic disease, disease multipletraining, method, body, client, adult1
bayenergy.huFRONTIERS IN IN PSYCHO PSYCHO CUTANEOUS CUTANEOUS DISEASES DISEASES - - Medical Medical ...cutaneous disease, disease medicalday, book, series, breed1
ipasy.huBeyond mere disease detection, our diagnostic kit furnishes nuanced insights into the risk and aggressiveness of prostate cancer, making clinical decision-making easier.mere disease, disease detectiondiagnostic, technology, prostate, cancer, background1
glulu.huOur company’s mission and objective is to provide convenience food solutions for customers with multiple food allergies and diets . Our productions main focus is on gluten free products for people with coeliac disease, diabetes and those on vegan diet. We recommend our snacks and cookies to all…coeliac disease, disease diabeteproduct, free, taste, deep, bakery1
szivsn.huIn Hungary, patients with infarction, hypertension, arrhythmia, heart disease, pacemaker and ICD volunteer to join the association.heart disease, disease pacemakernews, newsletter, september, supporter, association1
lavet.huOur goal is to develop excellent, effective and safe medication against life-threatening diseases for pets and livestock.life disease, disease petproduct, innovation, development, animal, main1
mikrolabspf.huOur objective is, besides the diagnostics on poultry and livestock and zoonotic diseases , is the environmental monitoring of animal keeping and breeding facilities to reduce the microbiological risk to the forthcoming production cycles.zoonotic disease, disease environmentalanimal, microbiology, manager, lab, technician1
dentalnetwork.huIn general, oral surgery deals with the healing of lesions and diseases of the teeth, jaws and soft parts (salivary glands, gums, lips), but today there is a lot of overlap with other sectors of dentistry. Thus, oral surgery performs a number of interventions, such as the removal of teeth and root…lesion disease, disease toothdental, network, implant, appointment, book1
egerhotelsbooking.hu. Two types of thermal water burst out of the springs: the sulphurous thermal water and the radonic thermal water. The thermal water of Eger is used for the treatment of several illnesses as a bath cure, e.g. arthritic diseases, spinal disorders, neurological diseases. The Thermal Bath of Eger…arthritic disease, disease spinal, neurological disease, disease thermalbook, apartment, city, reservation, package1
rozsafurdo.huThe following treatments can be used to relieve and eliminate various musculoskeletal, inflammatory and rheumatic diseases:treatment, ticket, swimming, month, pool1
newcontour.huHow a consultation takes place What do you have to do until an operation? About making an appointment From the appointment to the operation Timing of operations The patient’s cooperation Previous diseases Risks and complications Corrections of prior aesthetic surgeries About the guarantee…previous disease, disease riskbreast, correction, surgery, plastic, implant1
bonus.co.huDid you know that the goose’s meat is sweet, moderate in nature, and best when it is baked? Increases fitness. Folk medicine does not recommend it to elderly people and sufferers of Wind-type diseases. Its meat has a pain-relieving, diuretic effect. Anyone who is unable to digest meat in general…type disease, disease meatbonus, goose, recipe, meat, piece1
inmategym.huProcessed sugar is the greatest causing problem of people being overweight and suffering from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. When processed sugar is consumed, it gets immediately into the blood stream, thereby causing a rapid huge rise in the blood sugar level, then a drop very soon. Excess…cardiovascular disease, disease diabetetraining, body, session, muscle, food1
marikapanzio.huand hikes. The water of the 15 km far, European famous Zalakaros spa bath (open all year) is effective to cure the problems of arthritis, women's diseases, disorders of the nervous system and gum's inflammation. The 2-3 week long bath cure is excelent for regaining your energies in case of tireness…woman disease, disease disorderprice, map, gallery, long, possibility1
picimfalum.huThe salt mine has been long known to be beneficial for respiratory diseases. The mine also has a church, a playground and other facilities including recreational activities at a depth of 120 meters.respiratory disease, disease churchdistance, approx, house, guest, church1
dekorhaz.hu…and muscles. It is also the most efficient way of restoring male central nervous system. Normal sex life prevents the development of such severe diseases as stroke, heart attack, buy viagra online high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, cancer, neurosis, depression, dementia etc. Now you knowsevere disease, disease strokecharacter, viagra, pill, drug, site1
cmlgist.hu…(2016-18) created personal and public opportunity for patients and doctors to discuss current issues, questions and other subjects about the diseases countrywide (Debrecen, Gyula, Győr, Szeged, Veszprém). By the years of experience the association has recognized the necessity of a printed…subject disease, disease countrywidegist, patient, association, member, doctor1
hotelambient.huOur thermal water is an alkaline, lithium-containing thermal spring water, which is excellent for post-flu symptoms, joint problems, skin diseases and gynaecological disorders.skin disease, disease gynaecologicalbooking, cocktail, room, beverage, bar1
bbmri.huTo increase the availability of human disease and healthy aged control related biospecimenshuman disease, disease healthyhungarian, node, available, research, quality1
royalhotel.huThe completely renovated facility can effectively cure chronic musculoskeletal and rheumatic diseases, as well as gynecological problems. For the convenience of those wishing to recover, the on-site rheumatology clinic, dermatology clinic, physiotherapy and other balneotherapy treatments are…rheumatic disease, disease gynecologicalsale, room, price, gift, discount1
shivaayurveda.huAyurveda considers the whole person, including the body, mind, and spirit, in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.ayurvedic, massage, health, treatment, appointment1
action2020.huOur strategy is currently based on innovations, that enable farmers to feed a growing population and support them in facing new challenges such as limited available arable land, diseases, and climate change.land disease, disease climateceo, manage, director, environmental, development1
magna-balance.huWith Pacemaker, insulin pump or any other electronic device implanted in the body, with epilepsy or malignant disease strictly refrain from using the MBF devices.malignant disease, disease strictlymagna, device, family, massage, magnetic1
nauticat.hu…water of Füred can be tasted at the Berzsenyi Well of Kossuth Spring, Szekér Ernő Spring and Schneider Well. Many people suffering from cardiac disease regained their health in the Hospital for Cardiology including Rabindranath Tagore, the famous Hindi poet (in 1926), of whom a promenade was…cardiac disease, disease healthlake, unique, ground, boat, gallery1
telemed4d.huDementia is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is great enough to affect a person’s daily functioning. Other common symptoms include emotional problems, problems with language, and a decrease in motivation…brain disease, disease longfeature, october, monday, research, technology1
amplikon.huStandard Biotools -formerly- Fluidigm (USA) provides multi-omic solutions to study cancer, inflammatory diseases and immunotherapies with harnessing the power of proprietary CyTOF® and microfluidic technologies.inflammatory disease, disease immunotherapyelement, healthcare, molecular, diagnostic, distributor1
gopink.huNearly 8,500 people a year are diagnosed with breast cancer in Hungary, and one in every eight or nine women are affected by the disease. Around 10% of new patients are under the age of 45, meaning they are not yet targeted by organised public…woman disease, disease newcancer, breast, mushroom, fight, campaign1
apartmancentrum.huOur beautiful four star apartman is located in the heart of Gyula, which is a historical spa city. The town is famous for its medicinal water, which is useful for rheumatic diseases.town, price, gallery, bathroom, person1
avidinlab.hu…and private lives, and is having a huge impact on many sectors, from education to transport and tourism. The most we can do at the moment to prevent further spread of the virus and disease is to help stopping further social and economic damage. For this, regular testing is the most effective help.virus disease, disease socialsample, testing, laboratory, logistic, method1
drbalsai.huAmong many reasons there can be improper oral hygiene, tooth decay, periodontal problems, bacterial infections of the mouth, naso-pharyngeal problems, gastrointestinal diseases, certain medications, psychological conditions and pathologies of the lungs, kidneys or even diabetes. If you notice any…gastrointestinal disease, disease certaindental, tooth, smile, clinic, oral1
doktor24.hu…specialty practices. The institute is home to the OPTOKID ophthalmology clinic and the renowned specialists of the Svábhegyi Children’s Clinic, who offer half a century of experience and leading expertise in the fields of respiratory, pulmonary, vision, neurological and immunological diseases.view, health, centre, expertise, complex1
cserkeszolofurdo.huThanks to the high alkaline chloride and bi-carbonate concentration of the medicinal water, it has a very powerful positive effect on many health problems. The beneficial effects of the water can help to heal chronic motor and rheumatic diseases, as well as gynecological complaints very…rheumatic disease, disease gynecologicalbath, forward, therapy, main, guest1
gyermek-ortopedia.huIn our specialist practice, we mainly deal with acquired and congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system, hip problems, foot deformities and spinal diseases, as well as their screening and treatment.congenital disease, disease musculoskeletal, spinal disease, disease screenclinic, private, orthopaedic, paediatric, introduction1
fitprogramokregivel.huThese statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.lifestyle, body, flavor, plant, easy1
chichaya.huThai Massage is a massage therapy with pressure technique that based on thousand years of tradition. The primary purpose of this massage is the free flow of energy in the human body. This energy flow is the key condition of preserving health and protecting the body from diseases.massage, body, traditional, type, effect1
geneticimmunity.huPlasmid DNA is a next-generation technological instrument in gene therapy and biologics-based vaccination that has opened up new horizons in medicine. The nanomedicine developed by Genetic Immunity, Inc. is a DNA-based biomimetic product that directs the attention of the patient's immune system to…system disease, disease antigengenetic, product, vaccine, news, therapeutic1
pharmaunion.huWe are highly aware of the significance of preventing and curing diseases, therefore we are extremely conscious about the provision of our vaccines. One of our main objectives is to rapidly satisfy the needs of our partners…significance disease, disease extremelyproduct, vision, purpose, conduct, code1
drmikoczi.huPediatric plastic surgeons treat children with diseases resulting from e.g. congenital defects, giant naevi, skin lesions, developmental issues, trauma, scars, infection, or tissue deficiencies after certain surgeries. Although the procedures are usually reconstructive not literally cosmetic, this…child disease, disease congenitalsurgeon, pediatric, plastic, surgery, general1
gerincfix.huRegular, preventative and expert massage helps a lot in degenerative diseases of the spine and reduces the friction on the cartilage surfaces caused by compression by stretching the muscles in the knee and hip joints. Our goal is to create dynamic, sufficiently flexible musclesdegenerative disease, disease spinespine, massage, treatment, therapy, magnetic1
költségosztó.hu…ends. However, exposure to some biocontaminants (fungi, bacteria and viruses) resulting from moisture problems, poor maintenance or inadequate ventilation have been known to cause serious, sometimes life threatening respiratory diseases which themselves can lead to chronic respiratory conditions.respiratory disease, disease chronicair, quality, building, solution, indoor1
apiinvertix.hu…Due to its high glucose content, it does not crystallize even at low temperatures such as when stored in honeycombs. As the product is made in laboratory conditions, it has maximal sterility, it does not contain spores, bacteria, viruses or toxins, thus, the risk of bee diseases are lower.bee disease, disease lowsugar, syrup, product, natural, powder1
kinai-medicina.hu…creates a vacuum, the cup is quickly placed on the skin. The vacuum attaches the cups to the skin. Usually cupping takes 10-15 minutes. Placing these cups onto the proper points it can be used for various muscle and joint pains, back problems, respiratory diseases and dermatological conditions.respiratory disease, disease dermatologicalacupuncture, pain, chinese, problem, relief1
budapesteroticmassage.huChinese massage is an ancient cure against stress and diseases. Traditionally it is said that the energy must flow continuously in the body to avoid blockages.stress disease, disease traditionallymassage, erotic, salon, type, masseuse1
szarvaskoo.huSzérűskert Vendégház is located in the romantic environment of the old homesteads of Szarvaskő, in the area bordered by the Bükk National Park. We recommend our panoramic, well-furnished guest house to families who like rural tourism, groups of friends, nature lovers, people with respiratory…respiratory disease, disease childroom, national, day, mosquito, bed1
biomembrane.huOnce upon a time, neither in the Wild West nor in North Carolina, but around a corner of the Karolina street in Budapest, when the high-speed internet was 64Kbit/s, ordinary people formed a fellowship to make fun and to investigate phenomena associated to various diseases. Their fight with…phenomenon disease, disease fightuniversity, research, hungarian, academy, sciences1
gacserlab.huSince the last decades, invasive candidiasis has posed a serious threat to patients in the hospital environment. If untreated, such infections can result in severe diseases such as endocarditis, peritonitis or even meningitis. Suppressed immune status, underlying malignant conditions and the…severe disease, disease endocarditis, majority disease, disease incidencelab, paper, grant, news, student1
agroszemek.hu…Our new development is the “Pop sorghum” and “Sorghum ball”, both of which are gluten-free, making it safe to consume for people with coeliac disease as well. Our grain sorghum hybrids have got high-protein content and they are absolutely tannin-free, this way there are no restrictions…coeliac disease, disease graingrain, human, nutrition, gallery, grass1
siomedical.huDiagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system (esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, bile duct).treatment disease, disease digestivebook, appointment, doctor, examination, surgery1
5x.hu…mystic acquaintances, still he had to face - and then get over - really hard times in his later life in order to become a healer and a teacher,a shaman. Severe car accident, bad disease, alcoholism, drugs, crime, jail... He also used to be a politician, a building contractor and a policeman.bad disease, disease alcoholismlife, ceremony, course, path, reservation1
katonaborhaz.huThe so-called Akane substance dissolved in PI water is able to change the water retention capacity of the soil, once it is irrigated. Thus, vine plants get nourished more efficiently, which fosters their growth and fruit yield as well. Since this treatment increases the resistance against pests…pest disease, disease plantwine, winery, grape, cellar, technology1
investmedical.huThe aging society and the growing number of people with chronic diseases are playing a great role in the increasing demand for the best solutions. With a strong emphasis on providing medical aids at home, we contribute to the improvement of the quality of life through of millions with our balanced…chronic disease, disease greatmedical, product, care, factory, patient1
ecofact.huEmployers have to establish safe and healthy conditions of work and determine the manner in which work must be performed in order to avoid the risk of workplace accidents and occupational diseases.safety, fire, payroll, regulation, accounting1
parkhotelharkany.huThe Harkány Bath is considered one of the best-known spas in Hungary. Its particularly sunny, southern microclimate complements the beneficial effect of the sulfur medicinal water that springs up here, which primarily provides tangible results in the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal and…room, price, book, gallery, newsletter1
superresolution.huSince the unfortunate death of István Ábrahám in 2021, we commemorate him every year around his birthday by holding a memorial symposium. Since István was very interested in Alzheimer's disease research, we plan to dedicate this year's symposium to this topic. Moreover, his main life work was the…alzheimer disease, disease researchmemorial, resolution, university, medical, school1
likedrive-autosiskola.hu…exam, new exam only if you pay for a repeat exam, unless the candidate declares his / her absence in person or in writing to the Inspectorate at the latest on the 6th day prior to the exam day or confirms with medical certificate within 8 days of cessation of the disease to the Inspectorate.cessation disease, disease inspectorateexam, drive, hour, fee, school1
apatit.huThe ambition of our homepage is you to know our dental office , treatments , prices , contact . Very important for us patients to keep ther oral health, we have got lots of informations about teeths, dental diseases, oral care. We have got tips for your acut dental problem, but only dentist can…dental disease, disease oraldentistry, patient, price, dental, office1
eko-pharma.huWe offer natural solutions for drug free livestock farming, animal keeping to save health and prevent diseases.animal, solution, natural, health, ltd1
drvandoreva.huI am Éva Vándor Dr. Med. Dent. I graduated on the Faculty of Dentistry at the Medical University of Pécs in 1983. I acquired my specialization in dental- and mouth diseases in Budapest in 1985. I work in my private surgery in Komló since 1986.mouth disease, disease budapestdental, tooth, screen, ray, diagnosis1
trehab.huPhysiotherapy is a conservative form of treatment that aims to prevent and treat neurological and internal medicine diseases in addition to musculoskeletal diseases.medicine disease, disease additiontherapy, consultation, measurement, exercise, learn1
szaunahaz.huMassage is one of the oldest and most pleasant methods of a natural sort, suitable for preventing and curing diseases, as well as for maintaining healthsuitable disease, disease healthsauna, steam, bath, column, massage1
immedex.huOur particular product focus lies on rare disease therapies, where the access to high quality therapies requires complex sourcing solutions. We have extensive experience and specialization in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market.rare disease, disease therapypharmaceutical, quality, health, wholesale, procedure1
erotikusmasszazs.huChinese massage is an ancient cure against stress and diseases. Traditionally it is said that the energy must flow continuously in the body to avoid blockages.stress disease, disease traditionallymassage, erotic, salon, type, masseuse1
vackolo.huWe provide the following healthcare to our residents: ID chips, vaccination against rabies and two combined vaccinations, deworming and anti-parasite treatment. We manage the spaying and neutering of adult dogs. We also have them tested for heartworm disease by Knott’s tests. We only place puppies…heartworm disease, disease knottanimal, dog, shelter, owner, association1
euroviptours.huWe pay a special attention to Health tourism, because we have realised, that more and more people wordlwide are becoming aware of the role of healthy living in preventing diseases and promoting an overall sense of well being. Fortunately Hungary is blessed with an abundant supply of thermal and…live disease, disease overalltour, wine, city, festival, pilgrimage1
aranyesoegyesulet.huOur aim is to motivate all sections of society to be physically active. We want to reduce the development of civilisation diseases caused by sedentary lifestyles. By developing a culture of physical activity, our clear aim is to encourage family members to become more active in their daily…civilisation disease, disease sedentarylifestyle, mobility, association, activity, family1
drzsuborilaszlo.huThis is a tricky disease as it may not cause any trouble for a long time (see details under ‘Treatments’). A cyst may cause a strong toothache, inflammation or even hair loss.tricky disease, disease troubledental, tooth, oral, implant, treatment1
seqomics.huRecent paper: The Role of MicroRNAs upon Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Inflammatory Bowel Diseasesafety, food, animal, health, lab1
horvathapartman.huDue to its high contents of calcium, magnesium, fluoride, and hydrogen carbon the spa water is suitable to treat rheumatic and orthopaedic diseases, scierosis, gynaecological problems, osteoporosis, osteochondrolysis, lumbago and gout.orthopaedic disease, disease scierosisgallery, suite, water, homepage, photo1
evolecol.huOur most prominent research areas are animal ecology and evolution, and the effects of environmental change from a conservationist point of view. For example, how do amphibians cope with agricultural pollutants and diseases such as chytridiomycosis, and how can we help to protect them from these…pollutant disease, disease chytridiomycosispeople, publication, ecology, group, agricultural1
hagabalazs.hu• general vinegrowing consultancy • vineyard estabilation and planing • fertilization & nutrition management • plant health & protection management • disease control • canopy work timing and planing • sustainable and organic managementmanagement disease, disease controlbalazs, wine, winemaking, quality, technology1
solioetolaj.hu…and to maintain health. Although ingesting much more fat and vegetable oil than needed can lead to obesity, metabolic, cardiac, circulation diseases and tumour problems or joint complains. Therefore we suggest the consumption of quality vegetable oils in a reduced amount, preferably maximum…circulation disease, disease tumouroil, cook, effect, vegetable, product1
mabisz.huWhether it’s about an unexpected disease or sudden surgery, customized solutions provide financial and medical assistance in times of needunexpected disease, disease suddeninsurance, homepage, news, risk, fee1
nyitottkor.huTheme, content, description: The clumsy attempts of two stumbling children give the participants a chance to gather their knowledge about the emergencies that may occur around them. When should we be frightened of a disease? How can we strengthen our immune system? How should we inform the…frightened disease, disease immunedrama, group, european, school, participant1
rehabmed.huModifying behaviors that contributed to developing obesity is one way to treat the disease of obesity.way disease, disease obesityweight, loss, health, healthy, medical1
fiziodia.huPhysiotherapists help to maintain good health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.pain, therapy, eng, manual, body1
breakyourhabits.huI have been in my highly uncomfortable hamster wheel of life for 26 years, when I received an incurable disease on top of all.bracelet, habit, day, break, goal1
ferrotamin.huThe more frequently diagnosed celiac disease and different inflammatory gut illnesses (Crohn syndrome, Colitis ulcerosa) often lead to iron-deficient anaemia because of the deterioration of absorption and the inflammation of the gut system.celiac disease, disease differentiron, woman, body, supplementation, food1
marcaliszallas.huRheumatic, neurological and gynecological diseases can be successfully treated by thermal water.gynecological disease, disease successfullyapartment, private, accommodation, quality, people1
potenciaklinika.hu- we perform urological examinations and treat urological and STD diseases / prostate , urethritis etc./std disease, disease prostateimplant, clinic, private, treatment, surgery1
elektromoskocsi-betegagy.hu…for bedridden patients, make movement safer, and make it easier to move. Rehabilitation tools help make recovery easier! This not only improves the quality of life, but also reduces the awareness of the disease, as they increase the patient’s independence and will be less in need of external help.awareness disease, disease patientproduct, patient, wheelchair, foundation, hospital1
mta.huThe coronavirus pandemic demonstrated that vaccines based on radically new techniques could be more effective than previous ones. They can be developed faster and protect against those infectious diseases where previously there were no vaccines. However, it is not only mRNA that could be the basis…infectious disease, disease previouslyacademy, science, hungarian, research, sciences1
linkgroup.huA summary paper and an accompanying slide show of our work appeared in the May 2011 issue of Science Signaling. Slides were updated from the opening presentation at the International Conference on Systems Biology of Human Disease (SBHD) in Boston, Massachusetts, 16 to 18 June 2010. The paper…human disease, disease sbhdgroup, network, member, paper, turbine1
kerigeorgina.huSupportive therapy of a diagnosed psychiatric disease – maybe as a complementary to psychopharmacological treatmentpsychiatric disease, disease maybeproblem, anxiety, psychologist, clinical, psychological1
aideko.huBut the political landscape of the world changed and the Geminins disappeared from Earth due to a deadly disease.animation, texture, unity, model, game1
hardsoulkennel.huIt has been recognized as a separate breed since the 18th century. He loves his owner to the point of admiration, always wants to be near him. They are characterized by stubbornness, which is why determination and consistency are very important in their upbringing. Extremely intelligent…energetic disease, disease freehard, soul, breeder, news, know1
tmtanitas.huSerotonin, on the other hand, regulates many of our brain functions. A low level of serotonin is now brought into connection with a series of problems, including depression, anxiety, migraine, anger, Alzheimer’s disease, sleep disorders, memory problems, compulsive acts, addictions etc. Medicines…alzheimer disease, disease sleepmeditation, stress, book, health, technique1
mecsekifarkasvar.hucarbonic acid in the thermal water of 62 degrees Celsius is mainly suitable for the treatment of rheumatic, joint, circulatory and nervous system diseases and for the relief of pain. In addition to the thermal bath, a holiday village almost identical to the size of the village was established on thesystem disease, disease reliefapartment, night, price, child, guest1
albamez.huIn the field of dermatology, it is also efficient in treating skin problems, injuries and burns. Consumption of various types of honey (honeycomb) helps to strengthen the immune system, so that it is coping with infections much easier, for example, respiratory diseases and infections. The purpose…respiratory disease, disease infectionhoney, linden, acacia, product, hungarian1
drogriporter.huThe lives of people who use drugs mean death, prison, disease, stigma and discrimination, lack of access to treatment and employment, destroyed families, and children taken away. This is the story of human rights activists and RuNPUD (Russian Speaking Network of People Who Use Drugs) from the…prison disease, disease stigmadrug, reduction, people, series, international1
fonixhotelbuk.hu…treasure of nature, which makes this town well known, and raises its bath among the best ones in Europe. The thermal water coming from deep within the earth is the real elixir of arthritis, inflammation, sclerosis and several other disease, while it also has a beneficial impact on nervous system.sclerosis disease, disease beneficialprice, package, photo, leisure, guest1
premiermed.huIf you are diagnosed or suspected to have a hormonal disease, at our institute we can reset the hormonal balance in your body and can help you organize further treatment.hormonal disease, disease institutehealth, centre, patient, treatment, thyroid1
imsoft.huWe also participate in the development of a chest CAD (computer aided detection) system that is integrated into the PACS system. This system will be able to detect in an early stage different kind of chest diseases.medical, level, solution, system, software1
iceee.huReview on the impact of climate change on approach to epidemiology of livestock diseases controluniversity, environmental, engineering, sciences, faculty1
drtacstimea.huThe selection of vaccines for travel and pre-travel counselling are the main objectives to keep travellers alive and healthy, and to reduce the impact of diseases and accidents.impact disease, disease accidentmedical, portfolio, health, family, occupational1
karinaplant.hu…the oil from its seeds to fuel tractors. Pharmacies were full of various hemp preparations, which were mainly used to treat neuro-degenerative diseases, inflammatory conditions, loss of appetite; the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America and early dollar bills were also…degenerative disease, disease inflammatoryhemp, learn, plant, flower, use1
dnsbank.huScientific biobanks are indispensable for scientific investigation and study of certain disorders and biologic phenomenon. Tissue specimens and investigation of extracted DNA, RNA or proteins lead to databases which provide an opportunity to understand the pathomechanism of disease, drug…pathomechanism disease, disease drugaim, specimen, scientific, login, welcome1
mahayanaegyhaz.huHealth care, disease prevention, healing, health rehabilitation, social activities, family support, care for the elderlycare disease, disease preventionbuddhist, activity, welcome, human, teaching1
refkossuthter.huat a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatsoever disease he had. And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been in that…whatsoever disease, disease certaincongregation, church, god, life, family1
hevizhotelsbooking.hu…which allows widespread use from prevention to curing. The complex balneotherapy is based on the medicinal mud and the thermal water . The cure is suitable to the treatment of locomotor, neurological and gynaecological diseases. It's not a coincidence, that in this unique natural environment ...gynaecological disease, disease coincidencethermal, lake, package, apartment, piece1
natureland.huGood health is every person's greatest asset. NATURLAND strives to improve the quality of people's lives by focusing on preventative health care products that promote well being and inhibit disease, as well as safe, natural alternatives for the treatment of common illnesses and ailments that are…product disease, disease safeproduct, herbal, quality, natural, view1
wojtyla.huThe Karol Wojtyla Friendship Centre had special guests on 12th December: Mayor Dr Gábor Zombor and Dr Lajos Németh, specialist for internal diseases. Their visit was not a one-off, as they volunteered to give regular medical advice to socially disadvantaged people who are suffering from different…internal disease, disease visit, disease drfriendship, centre, house, poor1
kertgondozaslenti.huOnce plants are in the garden, one of the biggest challenges is keeping weeds, pests, and diseases out the garden.pest disease, disease gardengardening, garden, plant, maintenance, fence1
midentcare.huWe have tried the brushes in the office and I can confirm that they are surprisingly gentle and effective in cleaning. I recommend the brushes to patients with sensitive teeth and periodontal disease.stock, product, free, currently, tooth1
flexumthermal.huOur water is sodium hydro-carbonate, fluoride containing thermal water, which emerges from a depth of 2000 m with a temperature of 74 degrees. It is excellent for the treatment of degenerative arthritic and spinal diseases, chronic arthritis, rheumatic complaints and locomotive complications…spinal disease, disease chronicthermal, water, bath, medical, sauna1
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.huIn major causes of death like heart disease, the difference in death rates between pessimists and optimists is about as big as the difference between smokers and non-smokers.heart disease, disease differencehealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion1
arvamisszio.huThe children we find, often come from disadvantaged backgrounds, or are given birth by mothers with hepatitis B infection. The onset of liver disease in adulthood as a complication of this infection can be prevented by injecting newborns with HEPATECT CP immunoglobulin. We need to purchase this…liver disease, disease adulthoodchild, family, adoption, story, collect1
jokaidental.huOur practice can provide assistance in the following areas: Consultation, diagnostics (panoramic X-ray), aesthetic dentistry, preparation of dental prostheses, root canal treatment, oral surgery, dental implantation, treatment of periodontal diseases, teeth whitening, orthodontics, pediatric…periodontal disease, disease toothdental, dentist, tooth, appointment, guarantee1
apartmanrevesz.huIts water is good for not just rheumatic, but for digestive system, gynacological, cutaneous for example psoriasis diseases.sight, welcome, discount, webpage, apartement1
balazstakacs.huI have been enjoying the massages of Balázs for years. He keeps on broadening his professional horizon with new techniques all the time. I think that he has managed to accumulate so much knowledge that he can assuage the pain of most locomotor diseases immediately. You can take relaxation and rest…locomotor disease, disease immediatelymassage, gift, pain, treatment, body1
oko-melli.hu…and consistent use of acaricides has become necessary for survival. In addition, beekeepers also use chemicals and antibiotics for other diseases in order to protect bees with reduced resistance and to make production more efficient. As a result, beekeeping products, which are now thought…antibiotic disease, disease orderhoney, organic, product, natural, quality1
bonitasprings.huAccording to our philoshopy, in hope of „better, more beautiful, healthier” offsprings, each combination have to serve the breed. Good temperament and character are two of the most important aspects of selection, primaly defined by genetics, the enviromental influence only comes second…inheritable disease, disease unwanteddog, spring, breed, breeder, learn1
bestwax-szortelenites.huExperience and research show that waxing has no effect on either the baby or the mother. Pregnancy is not a disease, so you can wax it with a calm heart. 🙂pregnancy disease, disease calmhair, treatment, skin, resin, book1
euvitis.hu(Grape-Derived Polyphenolics Prevent Aß Oligomerization and Attenuate Cognitive Deterioration in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease; The Journal of Neuroscience, 18 June 2008, 28(25): 6388-6392)alzheimer disease, disease journalgrape, product, source, wine, family1
erti.huImprovement of varieties suitable for planting high-yield energy crops, for safe cultivation among home site conditions, and resistant to disease.forest, department, natural, change, climate1
healingwithhomeopathy.huI have been a healer since 1990, working as a dentist for the first 15 years and then, as I was more interested in understanding the deep-level causes of diseases, I turned my attention to holistic medicine. For 17 years now, I have been intensively engaged in learning and practising homeopathic…cause disease, disease attentiontreatment, fee, mode, depression, chronic1
fjit.huWe are open to individuals from any related disciplines , and we welcome all college graduates dedicated to disease prevention, who support the work of school healthcare and accept our charter. Our members are mainly school doctors and school “health visitors” working in school healthcare, but…graduate disease, disease preventionschool, healthcare, member, health, mission1
idosgyogyaszat.huSzekanecz Z, Szekanecz E, Bakó G, Shoenfeld Y. Malignancies in autoimmune rheumatic diseases - a mini-review. Gerontology . 2011;57(1):3-10.rheumatic disease, disease miniage, hungarian, university, effect, medical1
bukfurdoapartman.huFor our guests suffering from asthma or other respiratory diseases, we recommend our salt room in the attic of our Ti...respiratory disease, disease saltapartment, free, guest, real, relaxation1
flexummedicalcenter.huAccording to its qualification by the National Public Health Centre, the thermal water of Flexum Thermal & Spa is a recognised mineral water suitable for the treatment of plenty of diseases.medical, center, treatment, cure, water1
woitalia.itprotection… Spray window… Irrigation… Satelliti… America del Nord… America Centrale… America Meridionale…crop diseaselimit, crop, america, group, medium0
proctomed.huAt ProctoMed Center, we strive to provide our patients with fast, accurate and discreet care. Our clinic employs 7 highly qualified proctologists with many years of professional experience, which is unique in Hungary and even in Europe.sexually disease, dermatological diseasebooking, surgery, physical, therapy, gastroenterology0
iloveeye.huThe price of each treatment depends on a the type of treatment required and on the place of surgery (private or public).eye disease, disease screeneye, love, surgery, price, ophthalmology0
platinumkiro.huPlatinum Chiropractic is a Structural Chiropractic health center located in Budapest, Hungary. Our purpose is to provide a complete comprehensive solution to resolve problems related to structural abnormalities of the spine and nervous system, allowing your body to function at its best.structural, condition, complimentary, secondary, health0
porcpotlas.huHome - Cartilage, cartilage defect, torn cartilage, cartilage degeneration, sports injury, orthopedics, arthroscopy, cartilage cell implantation, chonrocyte implantationcartilage diseasecell, implantation, defect, injury, orthopedic0
diamantdent.huThe main goal of the Diamant-Dent team is to realize a high-quality teamwork between the patients and the dentists. The well-educated administration of the Diamant-Dent dental clinic take care of the smooth organizing of the course of treatment - beginning with the arrival, right until the journey…mouth disease, disease budapestdental, tooth, dentistry, dentist, treatment0
okthaimassage.huWe offer a wide range of massage types in our salon to meet all your needs. You can choose from classic massage, oil Thai massage, head, neck, back massage, foot massage and other types of massage.tumour disease, skin disease, disease openmassage, foot, price, masseur, neck0
neurosurgery.info.huNeurosurgery info | Neurosurgery Debrecen - Spinal hernia, brain tumor and other surgeriesneurosurgical diseasetumor, surgery, spinal, introduction, curriculum0
homevetrendelo.huappointment, clean, ear, nail, book0
iplstudio.huTo achieve a long-lasting, smooth skin, 6 to 10 treatments are required, depending on genetics and the area to be treated. The IPL treatments are performed 3 to 6 weeks apart (to cover the entire hair growth cycle). If we take 8 treatments that are performed 4 weeks apart, it is a total of 8…skin disease, disease cancertreatment, skin, hair, light, area0
corvinahotel.hu…a room Book a table CorvinaHotel Book a room Book a table CorvinaHotel book a room book a table CorvinaHotel book a room book a table CorvinaHotel book a room book a table Welcome to our hotel Relax in a family-friendly environment in Mosonmagyaróvár, only 15 km from the Austrian and Slovak bordervascular disease, disease vasoconstriction, dermatological diseasebook, room, table, family, restaurant0
pogodaonline.ruEurope Forecast… Topics… Oil spill… Press Release… Agriculture… Daily crop forecast… Hourly crop…crop diseaselimit, crop, group, medium, forecast0
speedfitness-13.huThe Speedfitness device is a bridge between rehabilitation, beauty & well-being and the world of fitness. During the training you will actively use 90% of your muscles. Speedfitness is the fastest way to fitness. With the training, based on the new generation of electric stimulation, you can…tumor diseasetrainer, training, muscle, speak, personal0
gastroenterology.huGastrointestinal cancers represent an important public health problem. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth commonest form of cancer and the second most common cause of cancer mortality. The incidence of colorectal cancer increases with increasing age. Screening can reduce the incidence of…reflux disease, disease gerd, celiac diseasegastroenterology, symptom, cancer, disorder, relate0
rosentaldental.huRosental Dental… About Us… Services… Doctors… Prices… Accommodation…periodontal diseasedental, replacement, tooth, implantation, denture0
complexdental.huOur clinic is easily accessible by public transportation and by car, with good parking facilitiesdental, main, dentistry, heart, mall0
sagerpharma.hu…Headache… Hormone-free contraception… Muscle and joint pain… Osteoporosis… Rheumatoid arthritis…strategy, history, future, fact, basic0
jozsefvaros.huProblem exploration walk about dogs in the Csarnok neighborhood | Józsefváros Participatory Budgetingnew disease, disease controlmunicipality, open, free, office, district0
chadathaibudapest.huThe body balance massage is one of our most popular treatments, which starts with a pressure point massage over the whole body. This is followed by the application of various essential oils for a deep tissue and relaxation massage. The foot massage is an important part of the treatment, using…massage, treatment, price, body, traditional0
drkissildiko.huI participated in the basic theoretical and practical course of Bränemark implant system in 2004. I have been actively using implants since then.surgery, dental, implant, university, dentistry0
garuda.huDiscover a variety of sought-after products! Whether it's veterinary or human medicine, wound care or hair care, we have it all!medicine, human, health, product, herbal0
gombaforum.huShiitake, meaning “oak mushrooms” in Japanese, is the second most produced mushroom in the world, following the common button mushroom. On the authentic Japanese growing methods on natural oak logs, ... where the mushrooms feed on the minerals and complex sugars in the oak itself, increasing…pest diseasemushroom, cultivation, economy, technology, product0
chiropractic.hu…are new to chiropractic care, or have lived here for years and are now in need of care, at Budapest Chiropractic Center we ensure you will feel at home and at ease with everything we do. We strive to provide our patients with quality family oriented evidence based chiropractic care at all times.battle diseasecenter, patient, care, health, monday0
lsd.huPelé’s final hurrah at New York Cosmos helped spark ‘sporting revolution’ across North America | CNNoctober, health, news, finance, politics0
proctologybpmeeting.huHoping that this meeting will once again provide diagnostic insight and therapeutic assistance in a wide range of complex proctology and perineology issues, we kindly invite you to the 4th Budapest Proctology Meeting!registration, welcome, surgery, topic, meet0
balatonhelp.huPackage prices vary depending on the boat's size and the duration of the contract. Each package can be contracted for the entire season, spanning from April 1st to October 31st. However, certain packages also allow for monthly or weekly contractual arrangements.lifesaving disease, disease sicknessprice, package, discount, charge, free0
meliora.huPharmaceutical translations from English to Hungarian. Our agency is specialized in pharmaceutical translations to deliver exceptional quality.material disease, disease awarenesstranslation, pharmaceutical, quality, agency, hungarian0
weatheronline.grΠρόγνωση καιρού για την Ελλάδα, και όλο το κόσμο. Ιστιοπολοϊα, χάρτες, προγνώσεις, επικύνδυνα καιρικά φαινόμενα, Marine Weather, δορυφόροι, δορυφόρος, δορυφορική, radar, κλίμα, ιστορικά δεδομένα, μετεωρολογία, αναφορές, τι καιρό κάνει τώρα.crop diseaselimit, weather, forecast, europe, crop0
varosunktatabanya.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standardoral disease, disease healthhealth, fashion, lifestyle, news, text0
ibiodiagnostics.hu© 2024 iBioDiagnostics. All rights reserved.rare disease, disease dayhomepage, gene, image, cardiology, metabolism0
kedrion.huKedrion’s plasma-derived therapies help people suffering from rare and debilitating conditions like Coagulation and Neurological Disorders, and Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiencies. We are privileged to provide this service and do so with a profound sense of responsibility.rare disease, disease daysafety, life, quality, news, corporate0
ggdent.huOur dental, implantology and oral surgery centers are committed to painless and creative healing. Our trained dentists and specialists use the most modern dental and dental implant procedures with the most modern background technology. We serve our patients in a calm, discreet environment in our…periodontal diseasedental, implantation, tooth, implant, oral0
drogfokuszpont.huCentral to the package is the European Drug Report 2014: Trends and Developments (in print and online in 23 languages), summarising the latest trends across the 28 EU Member States, Turkey and Norway. This top-level analysis explores: drug supply; drug use and drug-related problems; health and…drug, report, problem, european, national0
immed.huVaccination center accredited for yellow fever vaccination and issuing international vaccination certificatestraveler diseasevaccination, center, travel, main, medicine0
randt.hu…Log in… Order… Home… About… Products… Recipes… View recipe… View Article - Throat bitter… View Recipebitter, recipe, view, food, base0
kuppi.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standardoral disease, disease healthhealth, lifestyle, fashion, news, text0
hszfteszt.huSmile of an Angel Kennel – … WELCOME TO THE HOME OF THE EVER MOST SUCCESFUL MINIATURE PINSCHERS IN HUNGARY! …eye diseasesmile, miniature, navigation, main, news0
biomagker.huBiomagker is a reliable producer and supplier of GMO free seeds and grains. We are the breeder of the Borbála soybean variety, which was created for human food productions. Our breeding program is commited to provide high quality products while promoting environmentally sound and sustainable…flower disease, disease tolerancenews, soybean, variety, high, food0
netfog.hu„We have just finished with my dental treatment here at the Netfog Dental Clinic. It’s been a longer and more complex procedure, that has been done in many steps. First I got braces for my upper dental arch, then I received my lower invisible orthodontic appliance. In the end Dr. Zsolt Luib has…dental, clinic, treatment, tooth, orthodontic0
szentvincentbudapest.huSkip to footer… Treated Diseases… Services… Prices… Clinics… Our team… Grants… Contact… English…treat diseasetherapy, main, treat, price, clinic0
naturalhealing.huThe word Equilibrium means balance in Latin. In terms of health, this refers to body-mind-soul balance. At the Equilibrium Center, we help our patients to create calmness, internal balance and increase their quality of life. With natural remedies, coaching and psychological counseling, we provide…natural, equilibrium, process, book, appointment0
pixiebug.hu2D animation , Animated Explainer Video / Animated Infographic , Artworks , Character Animation , Character design , Compositing , Creative , Directing , Layout , Motion Graphic , Post-production , Short film , Visual Conceptanimation, visual, concept, character, creative0
iqrs.hu…the collective and individual monitoring of players leads to more efficient training for each player, the whole team and the trainer. The telemetric module transfers data during sports activities through a wireless connection to a local server. The real-time analysis of the data enables the…module, player, field, rehabilitation, animal0
weatheronline.co.ukWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.crop diseaseweather, forecast, uk, climate, europe0
weatheronline.inWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.crop diseaseweather, forecast, climate, current, graph0
belvarosiorvosicentrum.huWe recommend the Franklin Parking House in the nearby Reáltanoda Street, where there is a discounted price for our patients. The 1st hour is free , and the cost of any further period is 648 FT/ hour.skin disease, disease pregnancytreatment, skin, infection, examination, medical0
alima.hu…Exome and Genome… Tumor Diagnostics… BRCA Panel… TP53 Panel… Myeloid and Lymphoid Neoplasia…rare disease, disease dayhomepage, gene, image, joomla, cardiology0
weatheronline.co.nzWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.crop diseaseweather, forecast, climate, current, satellite0
3tdental.huDr. Med. Dent. Tóth András graduated top of his class with summa cum laude at the Dental Faculty of the Medical University of Pécs. He worked for one and half year at the local Dental Clinic, then he moved to 3T Dental private practice. He earned his Conservative Dentistry and Prosthodontics…dental, price, office, practice, treatment0
hbs-conference.hu…this August 25 th -27 th at the University of Pecs, Medical School. This meeting was scheduled to 2020 but was postponed until now because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lets use this opportunity to meet again in person and discuss current topics after two years of isolation and travel restrictions.basis disease, disease therapymeet, annual, conference, hungarian, society0