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50 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: defect

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nanotechnology.huIf graphene is a promising material in many respects, its remarkable properties may be impaired by unavoidable defects. We have undertaken electron wave-packet dynamics calculations in a multigrain self-supported graphene layer. Our results show that a grain boundary may act as a reflector at some…structural defect, defect scatter, unavoidable defect, defect electron, role defectpublication, butterfly, image, detail13
porcpotlas.huHome - Cartilage, cartilage defect, torn cartilage, cartilage degeneration, sports injury, orthopedics, arthroscopy, cartilage cell implantation, chonrocyte implantationcartilage defect, defect cartilage, focal defectcell, implantation, injury, orthopedic, focal8
akuna.huThe provisions of Article 7.2 of the Terms and Conditions do not apply to goods sold at a lower price for a defect for which a lower price has been agreed, for the wear and tear of the goods caused by its normal use, in the case of second-hand goods for a defect the corresponds to the degree of…event defect, defect immediately, free defect, defect takeover, price defectbuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case5
boroczffy.huInsufficient insulation, nowhere a vertical angle, and even the light switches are tilted? These are all such construction defects what are avoidable with adequate technical inspection and technical leading!construction defect, defect avoidableconstruction, engineering, office, technical, industry5
por.hu- West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, West China Institute of Women and Children’s Health, Key Laboratory of Obstetric & Gynecologic and Pediatric Diseases and Birth Defects of Ministry of Education, Laboratory of Molecular Translational Medicineorganizational defect, defect fibroblast, birth defect, defect related, defect ministryuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine3
homeinspection.huHidden defects can result in expensive measures. An engineer can protect you from such nasty surprises. A poorly chosen property can ruin your life's work, your health and even your relationship. Additionally, it is much more difficult to resell a defective home. A home inspection supports you on…build defect, defect diverse, past defect, defect present, present defectproperty, inspection, decision, house, price3
ismerosok.huWe do our best to provide the best possible products and clear guidelines for users. However, our products are provided "as is" and, where permitted by law, we do not guarantee that they will always be safe, reliable or free from defects or that they will operate without interruption, delay or…free defect, defect interruption, delay defect, defect extentdata, condition, account, purpose, law2
controllabor.huA method used to detect continuity defects on the surface of a material, most commonly used to detect cracks, overlaps, lack of fusion and porosity.volumetric defect, defect volumetric, continuity defect, defect surfacematerial, control, solution, procedure, quality2
smartcad.huThis type of sophisticated design ensures optimum outcome with controlled integration and re-contouring the defectbig defect, defect skullview, digital, approach, treatment, reconstruction2
jet-vill.huJET-VILL ensures the continuous serviceability of critical units, tackles defects in a quick and flexible manner and troubleshoots special technical problems. Our colleagues are available 24 hours a day, anywhere, anytime “just-in-time”. And this is not all: we provide full-scale service that…technology defect, defect electrical, unit defect, defect quickunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power2
autorium.huDid your catalytic converter break down? Did your diesel particulate filter (DPF) light turn on? Are De-Nox and SCR system defects a regular occurrence in your trucking business, resulting in increased fuel consumption? Perhaps a previous soot particle filter repair did not deliver the desired…system defect, defect regularreliable, converter, catalytic, particle, de2
datapowerlab.huFind weakness or defects in your algorithms or code that would allow sensitive data to be compromised. We offer an analysis method based on the combination of international standards and both in-depth experimental research and extensive practical experience.weakness defect, defect algorithm, defect sensitivesecurity, analysis, code, secure, source2
hazinspektor.huA property inspection could be useful for anyone who is interested in buying an apartment or a house in Hungary. When viewing a property, unless you have the necessary knowledge and experience, you may miss important defects and mistakes which at later stage can be expensive to repair.important defect, defect mistake, fault defect, defect quickproperty, inspection, real, estate, detail2
silex.hu, airport automation. The first CAN systems developed by Silex go back to the mid 90-ies, when this technology has just emerged. Utilising the experience gathered in different projects, Silex CAN systems have reached high reliability, a near to zero defect rate even in harsh environmental…zero defect, defect ratevehicle, control, electronic, electric, confidence2
poligratkft.huthe hazards posed by the materials used, in order to achieve safe and satisfactory results. It is also important that all residual pickling material, pickling residue and dirt be completely removed from the surface of the steel material to achieve a truly corrosion-resistant and defect-free surface.uniform defect, defect free, resistant defectsurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless2
klimakamra.huDuring the ESS test – each product requires a specially adapted ESS technique – the products are subject to precisely defined stress so that defects in components and PCBs can be detected before leaving the manufacturer’s plant. Morestress defect, defect componentchamber, climate, temperature, environmental, simulation1
trimetrik.huAccording to our philosophy, product quality must be designed into the tool in order to guarantee defect-free serial production. We fulfill our customers’ expectations and deadlines with innovative tool design and manufacturing, and applying modern technologies.order defect, defect freemanufacture, injection, metal, mold, molding1
lintimage.huIPL is not only an excellent solution for hair removal, but it is also excellent for the treatment and removal of skin defects that arise on our face. It is also used for wrinkle removal, pigment spot removal, scars, inflammation, large pores, mustache and chin hair removal. It starts the…skin defect, defect facetreatment, care, price, hair, massage1
ellipsometry.huOTKA T033072 (2000-2003, Hungarian project): Ion implantation-induced defects and their interactions during annealing. Projektvezető: Fried Miklósimplantation defect, defect interactionoptical, student, university, development, fry1
dcahungary.huwe select the most effective solution, set up the inventory list and the production documentation. Therefore, we oversee the entire process, from design development, through production documentation, to production. Thus, the process can be implemented from concept to end product without any defects.client, reference, office, quality1
exva.huOur products can be used to screen out any potential defects as early as in the design phasepotential defect, defect earlycertification, expert, hazardous, safety, area1
businessenglishonskype.hu…early 1960s hype about the product became more important than quality, and customers grew dissatisfied with empty claims. This, and competition from Japanese manufacturers, had Western companies embracing a new form of business thinking: Total Quality Management (TQM) and Zero Defects management.zero defect, defect managementmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy1
motorvedolemez.hu- Protects the engine and gearbox from mechanical damage (bank, ice ridge, road defects, etc.)road defect, defect etcplate, metal, skid, advanced, search1
drmikoczi.huPediatric plastic surgeons treat children with diseases resulting from e.g. congenital defects, giant naevi, skin lesions, developmental issues, trauma, scars, infection, or tissue deficiencies after certain surgeries. Although the procedures are usually reconstructive not literally cosmetic, this…congenital defect, defect giantpediatric, surgeon, surgery, plastic, consultation1
pappsdiamond.huIn the contract we guarantee that the puppies will be transferred to their new owners without a genetic defect, as we constantly monitor that the parents are in excellent health.genetic defect, defect constantlypuppy, dog, litter, tab, news1
4theclients.huOur son, Ádám, was born with a heart defect, so it is always crucially important for me to support children born with health problems. This is why I support a number of charity programmes.heart defect, defect cruciallyinsurance, client, health, pandemic, family1
certa.huOur goal is to produce products with zero defect by the continuous improvement of our quality management system.zero defect, defect continuousquality, activity, firm, career, casting1
jarmumechanika.huIn our workshop we also undertake rubber assembly with short deadlines, whether it is a seasonal tire replacement, a defect repair or a centrifuge.replacement defect, defect repairclutch, mechanic, vehicle, repair, brake1
tlw.huTraditional methods and means of diagnostics (ultrasonic inspection, magnetic particle inspection, X-ray) are oriented to detecting the already developed defects and by their designation can not prevent sudden fatigue damages of equipment, which are the main reasons of failures and sources of…ray defect, defect designationmachine, diagnostic, method, main, survey1
aqvila.huWe work with clients to assess potential risks or defects that may affect the value, feasibility or performance of the property or the project. Site Technical Due Diligence helps owners make informed decisions and mitigate risks before they become costly or problematic.risk defect, defect valueengineering, consultancy, consult, build, value1
gyogytorna.info.huIn the case of Scheuermann's disease and postural defects, it is an important part of the treatment that the patient learns how the correct posture feels like and is taught how to achieve the correct posture, as well as to develop the necessary muscle corset. During the treatments we teach you…postural defect, defect importanttreatment, physiotherapy, method, pain, physiotherapist1
vasutimerleg.huThe system is very competent at wheel defect detection, additionally its deep learning neural network is constantly improving the capacity.wheel defect, defect detectionrailway, wheel, network, durability, installation1
bsm.co.huLike everyone else, I suffered from body pain (psychosomatic symptoms) caused by posture defects, stress, and difficult life situations. Looking back it would have been a great help to me to have a person, or a website. That is why I dreamed up one to help you, your family, and your friends.posture defect, defect stresspain, exercise, package, video, material1
semlab.huOur Zeiss Sigma 300 FESEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope) is suitable for detecting various manufacturing or usage-induced defects, analyzing the structure of steel or other metals, testing polymers, mineral samples and coatings up to a resolution of 1 nanometer.usage defect, defect structuresem, laboratory, rule, study, case1
helgem.huWe seek to remove the so-called ’Seven Wastes (or seven mudas) of Lean Manufacturing’, i.e. transport, inventory, motion, waiting, over-processing, over-production, and defects, from all processes by eliminating the causes of mura (unevenness) and muri (overburden), while tackling muda (non…production defect, defect processprocess, quality, practice, food, machine1
vinylmaster.huThe adhesive vinyl floor is laid using a special vinyl floor adhesive. Vinyl floor tiles are thinner, so defects in both the vinyl floor and the soil penetrate more easily - if you plan to lay such a vinyl floor, use a subfloor leveler beforehand. Before actually gluing, lay down a few sheets to…thin defect, defect vinylfloor, flooring, cover, type, room1
metamatik.huOur company performs thermal camera examinations in order to analyse energy efficiency and defects of the building itself, the plumbing and electrical systems and equipment. Thermal diagnostics enables…efficiency defect, defect buildbuild, engineering, management, facility, electrical1
prizmadental.huRestorative dentistry concerns defects of the teeth and their corrective treatment including fillings and root canal treatments.dentistry defect, defect toothdental, oral, dentistry, surgery, treatment1
bereljegyautot.huRepair and service charges for improper use (e.g. accident, damage, defects, etc.), replacement car charges, company car tax, casco or assistance charges (as offered).damage defect, defect etcrental, step, available, rent, price1
enviszolg.huEnviszolg Kft. is a hungarian owned company, offering paint stripping services since 2008. Efficient and cost-friendly paint removing.paint, strip, clean, remove, thermal0
indupro.huThe INDUPRO Ltd. is Hungary’s first three-dimensional laser metal processing center where, through a unique machine park we can satisfy the most sophisticated laser custom work demands, whether laser cutting to laser welding, laser drilling or metal components for series production.cut, machining, solution, advanced, technological0
newcontour.huConcealed plastic surgery Documentation of interventions Nursing, hospital stay Examinations Legal relations Questions, Answers (FAQ) Why is plastic surgery expensive? About price lists Discounts Smoking and plastic surgery What interventions do we NOT perform?contour defect, defect patientbreast, correction, surgery, enlargement, implant0
3dguide.huBased on previously published case report: the 3D printed exoskeleton as a surgical guide during LVAD implantationcongenital defectguide, model, excellent, proper, outcome0
bpid.huOur project management service package can be customised according to your specific needs and ideas. From the selection of the property to the handover of the keys, we can provide our clients with complete management and the entire project management.management, plan, investment, quality, build0
racerbeans.hu…others) was privatized, stripping control from the government except when necessary for research or price stabilization and intervention. Coffee farming had left a bad taste, however, and fell out of favor; quality declined, and coffee plants were torn up or abandoned. After the civil war–torn…coffee, small, process, dry, quality0
smileterminal.huGeneral and aesthetic dentistry in Budapest: dental prosthesis, oral surgery, root canal treatment, orthodontics, implantation, tartar removal, teeth whiteningtooth defect, defect toothdental, dentistry, treatment, smile, aesthetic0
itware.huWhen businesses are looking to innovate, grow, and leap ahead of their competition, they call on ITware to create them a great solution. We not just coding we provide a result-driven software solutions. Check out our work from different industries and talk about your ideas!inspection defect, defect detectiondevelopment, software, custom, application, nearshore0
r-filter.huOur devices with ozone technology, which are located outside the kitchen extract air duct, inject ozone from outside to break down grease and odors. As the devices are located outside the treated air flow, the UV-C ozone lamps do not become contaminated.product defect, defect reportair, disinfection, odor, device, filter0
liskaklinika.hu…the Atlas vertebra moves out from its correct anatomic position, it can produce a “domino effect” on your entire musculoskeletal, circulatory and nervous systems, creating imbalances and several kind of problems in various parts of your body. The negative effects may manifest throughout your body.postural defect, defect functionalpage, main, problem, method, health0
levendulakozmetika.huEnglish… Beauty Defect Repair… Permanent makeup… Microdermabrasion… Intense Pulsed Light… Home page…beauty defect, defect repairrepair, makeup, permanent, intense, light0