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8 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: photonic

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nanotechnology.hu…kinds of coloration, we investigated the effects of prolonged cold stress (cooling at 5 C for up to 62 days) on the pupae of Polyommatus icarus butterflies. The wing surfaces colored by photonic crystal-type nanoarchitectures (dorsal) and by pigments (ventral) showed markedly different behaviors.biological photonic, photonic nanostructure, color photonic, photonic nanoarchitecture, surface photonicpublication, butterfly, image, layer27
photonics.huThe research targets of the Photonics Department at the Centre of Energy Research are the preparation as well as the non-destructive and real time characterization of thin films on large surfaces, in photonic and complex structures; development of optical and magnetic measurement methods for the…photonic laboratory, target photonic, photonic department, surface photonic, photonic complexresearch, preparation, laboratory, magnetic, destructive12
femtolab.hu[4] V. L. Kalashnikov, P. Dombi, T. Fuji, W. J. Wadsworth, J. C. Knight, P. S. J. Russell, R. S. Windeler, A. Apolonski, “ Maximization of supercontinua in photonic crystal fibers by using double pulses and polarization effects, ” Appl. Phys. B 77, 319-324 (2003)nature photonic, photonic vol, nonlinear photonic, photonic crystal, supercontinua photonicfield, g., opt, lab, generation4
ellipsometry.huEU STREP, P3SENS (2010-2012, FP7 project): Polymer photonic multiparametric biochemical sensor for point of care diagnostics. Project leader: Róbert Horváthphotonic structure, active photonic, photonic material, polymer photonic, photonic multiparametrichungarian, optical, student, university, development4
por.hu- Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Preeminent Medical Photonics Education and Research Centerinstitute photonic, photonic nanoapplications, medical photonic, photonic educationuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine2
envitek.huHALO Photonics develops and manufactures coherent wind LiDAR systems that are extremely robust, reliable, energy efficient and low maintenance. They are built for continuous use in harsh and remote environments. HALO-Photonics has a LiDAR portfolio from 50-200 m, small measuring range up to 15+ km…halo photonic, photonic coherent, photonic lidargas, solution, system, instrument, high2
asszisztencia.huICOOPMA 2010 - Fourth International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applicationsoptoelectronic photonic, photonic materialcongress, hungarian, society, annual, conference1
rktech.huAbout us… Products… Partners… Application developments… Contact / Documents… A new partner is added to…webpage, analysis, scientific, product, application0