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140 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: charity

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szentjanosbal.huTo encourage donations from individuals, we established this year the Saint John’s Charity Ball Supporters’ Circle. Your donations will give even more children with disabilities the opportunity to attend the International Maltese Summer Camp and will enable the launch of interactive and digital…john charity, charity ballsaint, donation, supporter, ticket, sponsor17
hankooknegyed.huYou made Christmas and the start of the year easier for around 160 organizations and 30 poor families with your year-end charity campaigns.big charity, charity ambassador, end charity, charity campaign, donation charityemployee, health, day, september, news12
ststephen.huThe meeting, which like those of other groups, are open only to members, is normally in two parts. First, there are normal administrative procedures such as minutes of the previous meeting, proposing and balloting for new members, accounts, news, charity work etc. Second, there are the ceremonies…area charity, charity child, aid charity, charity simple, relief charitylodge, stephen, member, mason, st.10
homokhatkennel.huGolden hearts is a creative and inherently flexible theme designed to make a solid and respectable online platform for a variety of projects relating to NGOs, charity events, campaigns. Spread the awareness for a cause in a professional way with this template and popularize your organizations today.ngo charity, charity event, profit charity, charity ngo, guidance charitypost, child, style, event, gallery9
kkbse.huUnlike other cycling events which can be limited by their focus on elite riders, a singular charity or family day out, ours is an ALL-inclusive platform.singular charity, charity familymember, opportunity, reason, event, special7
phbences.huMembers of both boards participate on a voluntary basis, at no cost to the foundation. Furthermore, the School of Pannonhalma covers the charity’s administrative expenses, therefore, 100% of any donation or inheritance will be used for the benefit of the students.pannonhalma charity, charity administrative, charity information, note charity, charity hungarystudent, school, foundation, financial, fund6
ivanyifilm.huGábor Iványi and the institutions he founded are still in a difficult situation, so we have decided to donate half of the funds we receive to the Oltalom Charity Society , so that we can continue to help them in their work.oltalom charity, charity societypastor, soul, portrait, documentary, director4
wojtyla.huThe Blessed Karol Wojtyla Friendship Centre is a charity organization based on Christian values as stated in the Gospels and the teachings of Saint Pope John Paul II.centre charity, charity organization, effectively charity, charity task, willingness charityfriendship, centre, house, poor, town4
docroom.huWe are proud that DocRoom, the Health Research Program of the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta ishungarian charity, charity serviceresearch, health, publication, social, people4
elmenykulonitmeny.hu…we have been encouraging severely ill children since 2011. In the meantime, we pursue our obsessions - do sports, cook, play music, celebrate, or juggle while standing on our heads. Together with our colleagues we can turn charity into an excellent team-building activity! Will you join in?charity hobby, colleagues charity, charity excellent, willingness charity, charity annualevent, campaign, fundraising, art, category4
jovomentes.huSaving the future is a future-conscious, global peace philosophy and transcendent spiritual movement that works against the forces and thinking that drive war. He is convinced that war cannot be defeated by war, it can only be brought to its knees by peace. It was conceived and brought to life by…light charity, charity peace, life charityfuture, peace, europe, european, today4
budapestuomo.huThe programme taking place on 27 June, in Budapest is a charity night , where the whole amount received from the ticket prices and donations will be offered to families raising children with Down-syndrome. The Italian models accompanied by Down’s syndrome youth on the stage will be presenting the…budapest charity, charity night, uomo charity, charity event, programme charityticket, fashion, tailor, main, programme4
hatvany.huSince 2011 she has been collecting donations (initially as of the work of the Society of Artists of Halásztelek, later continuing charity as a private individual) in the forms of clothes, books, toys and she also contributed to the logistics of delivering the donations to the people and villages…goodwill charity, charity work, charity recognition, later charity, charity privateart, portfolio, school, artist, book3
bakihaz.huOn January 24 to 25 2015. (Saturday and Sunday) the I. BAKI Charity Football Cup will be held. All proceeds from the cup will support the BAKI Association. The registration can be made until 18 January 2015 in the BAKI Youth Centre (4060 Balmazújváros, Batthyány str. 26) or at the following phone…baki charity, charity footballassociation, cup, activity, youth, day3
hotelhero.huCharity collaboration of hotels in Dunakeszi – the help brought 1 million forints The first joint action of the hotels took place on September 8, 2020, based on the call of the recently established collaboration between MSZÉSZ CSR section and HotelHero. With supporting the Veni Vidi Vici…charity marketplacehelp, news, hero, member, campaign3
spiritsdigest.huThe Distillers’ Charity and Sotheby’s have revealed the initial line-up of ‘ultra-rare’ whiskies that will go under the hammer at The Distillers One of One auction in October. The auction is set to be the largest charity auction of Scotch whisky to date, and will consist of ultra-rare and unique…distiller charity, charity sotheby, large charity, charity auction, charity principallybrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour3
seashepherdorigins.hu…on the islands of Madeira in 2009 and coordinated the Sea Shepherd protest at the IWC meeting on the island of Jersey in 2011. He was commended as ‘Sea Shepherd Coordinator of the year 2011’ and in November 2011 joined the Board of Trustees of the Sea Shepherd UK Charity becoming vice-chairman.uk charity, charity ssuk, charity vice, development charity, charity thdshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean3
ukrainehelp.huIf you would like to go for one of the options listed below, you'll find contact details in the table below. Support Ukraine! is doing their best to keep the information up-to-date by involving the charity services as well. Current accomodationsdate charity, charity service, hungarian charityhelp, ukraine, free, station, ukrainian2
skoll.huFrom time to time we have the opportunity to support the work of charities – we engage in these projects with great enthusiasm and ambition too.work charity, charity projectlearn, management, education, material, training2
matrabikersc.huCWA - Cycling Without Age is a non-profit, volunteer organization founded in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2012. The charity provides free rides on trikes: special trishaw ( Rikscha ) e-bikes. We would like to make people who are no longer able to ride for themselves feel welcome again in their…denmark charity, charity freecycling, website, bike, road, member2
medikuszenekar.hu1,5 million HUF collected for the Pediatric Clinic No. 1. at the Medic Orchestra’s charity concert guest: Atala Schöckorchestra charity, charity concertconcert, orchestra, schedule, member, tour2
nemzetiregiszter.huWeek in the Life of Hungarian Communities in the Carpathian Basin: Csángó Ball in Bucharest, Farsang, Charity and Dansefarsang charity, charity dansehungarians, minister, community, national, school2
karitativ.huFood distributing charities are under huge pressure from rising food prices, still, Food for Life programme will nonetheless hold its food distribution events during the festivities. The love feasts will have at least 5400 guests at several locations in the capital city and at country cities…food charity, charity huge, consciousness charity, charity armfood, distribution, love, help, crisis2
rentify.huProperty management services to a wide array of clients, including, individuals, property developers, charities, retailers, share-of-freeholders, institutional investors, and Budapest landed estates. WE MANAGE PROPERTIES LIKE WE LIVE THERE!developer charity, charity retailerproperty, management, reference, portfolio, problem1
opl.hu…and a spouse for over 25 years. A true globetrotter, she loves foreign cultures and relishes exploring the world. She regularly volunteers for charity organisations helping seriously ill or disabled children (Planting Love Korea, Children's Medical Research Institution in Canberra). In her spareregularly charity, charity organisationlaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
pemszti.hu“Artists for a smile” („Művészek egy mosolyért”) Charities offering for children with leukemiamosolyért charity, charity childchild, exhibition, book, tender, daughter1
fehova.huThe charity auction hosted for the first time at FeHoVa also proved to be highly successful. Béla Hidvégi auctioned off his personal belongings – all of which were sold at the exhibition. All proceeds from the auction support the wildlife protection and educational programmes of Vadásztrófea…exhibitors, visitor, ticket, exhibition, app1
mta.huIn view of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the goal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences’ 2023 charity fundraising campaign is to assist the social support programme of the Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College. In line with its fundraising efforts of 2022, the Academy would again like…science charity, charity fundraisingscience, academy, research, member, forum1
drszenassy.huWe are committed to corporate social responsibility both as a firm and as individuals and are happy to take on certain cases that, although not falling into any of the above categories, we consider to be of great social importance. Equally, we support non-profit organisations and charity schemes…organisation charity, charity schemelaw, firm, corporate, labour, real1
tamarahagen.huIf you need support to manage your organization’s relationship with stakeholders like politicians, civil servants, customers and local communities, clients, shareholders, trade associations, think tanks, business groups, charities, unions and the media and looking for someone who has experience in…group charity, charity unioncommunication, touch, public, relation, corporate1
silhouetteconsulting.hu…and internal programmes of a dance school, and later I became the art manager of a youth festival and organised street music festivals and charity events. I have been a member of the Silhouette team since 2015 and think back on the successes, testing challenges and the grateful smiles of…festival charity, charity eventevent, consulting, manager, challenge, client1
mvconsulting.huIn addition to healthy employees, we also employ people with reduced capacity to work , which contributes to promoting equal opportunities. We also attach great importance to the funding of charities to help the disadvantaged.funding charity, charity disadvantagedconsulting, certificate, employee, main, page1
4theclients.huOur son, Ádám, was born with a heart defect, so it is always crucially important for me to support children born with health problems. This is why I support a number of charity programmes.number charity, charity programmeinsurance, client, health, pandemic, family1
trifectawines.huTrifecta Wines and Cellars has been a producer of cult Napa Valley wines since 1997. The wines popularity is based on premium quality, limited availability (4.5 year wait list), and the charitable mission of the winery – all profits go to charity.wine, premium, cellar, quality, valley1
blacksheeptechnologies.huBusiness and Company management (for Banks in the UK and France, UK travel company, Restaurants, Charity)sheep, technology, motivation, skill, development1
existentialcounselling.hu…and anxiety among others, within the following settings in London: National Health Service (Clapham GP Surgery), Mind (the largest mental health charity in the UK), Blenheim, CASA Alcohol Service (a substance misuse charity) and in Budapest: Kék Pont (a substance misuse charity) and Budapest XVIII.health charity, charity uk, misuse charity, charity budapestcounselling, expat, psychotherapy, book, issue1
budapestenergysummit.huHer documentaries have been presented in several film festivals and one of them at Cambridge University. She received the following awards: Press Award from National Association of Hungarian Spokespersons, Charity Award of Foundation for Africa, Charity Award of African Hungarian Union.spokespersons charity, charity award, africa charityenergy, gas, profile, view, thank1
striker.huOn the 25th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing there was one of the first charity festivals in the Shea Stadium, Queens, N.Y. on August 6, 1970.bomb charity, charity festivalopen, letter, president, festival, human1
shellshop.huIt’s been a long time since the limited production Enzo – just 400 were produced – came to an end, and seven years since it was first announced. The final car, Enzo 400, was produced in 2005 and auctioned for charity. But with the way car technology moving on, the ‘standard’ (if there is such a…enzo charity, charity waydetail, light, oil, helix, engine1
tedxbme.huAliz Ertler has almost 30 years of global experience in both business and charity, in different areas like books, performances, schools, people, and animals. She's lived in many places, including her home country, Hungary. She's also done volunteer work in Amsterdam, Swaziland, and China.business charity, charity differentevent, idea, official, organizational, website1
vackolo.huOur association regularly gets the opportunity to appear at nearby events (footraces, family days, festivals), we provide lectures on animal protection for children, and we have several charity points (at pet equipment shops, Fressnapf store, and veterinary clinic in Veszprém). Our sources of…child charity, charity pointanimal, dog, shelter, owner, association1
pepperpr.huThanks for the Change for the Small campaign organized by PeppeR for UNICEF, toy assortments of nearly 500 disadvantaged nurseries is being renewed, these weeks. As the result one of the most successful Hungarian charity-campaigns, with the introduction of Euro, 15 tons of changes were collected…hungarian charity, charity campaignpepper, software, technology, market, office1
mpex.huWe supported the charity campaign organized for the Bátor Tábor Foundation with HUF 300,000.production, expert, metal, line, industrial1
singlish.huSteve works as General Secretary of the Robert Burns International Foundation which raises money for Childrens’ Hospitals and similar charities.ship, model, tuesday, wednesday, construction1
mariannmarczi.huCharity recital on St Georg's Day, ''Feast of English Music'', Liz Ballroom in Hotel Marriott Budapest, 18h00, 22 April 2023piano, minor, sonata, concert1
suzuki.huMagyar Suzuki's employees and dealerships once again joined Hungary's largest Christmas charity program, the 20th “Shoebox” Campaign of the Hungarian Baptist Aid.christmas charity, charity programcorporation, website, christmas, employee, corporate1
magyarklasszikuszenenapja.huZoltán Kocsis, one of the defining figures of Hungarian music life over the past five decades, established a tradition by giving a charity concert each year on his birthday, having invited his friends and fellow musicians to play chamber together. This noble tradition was revived by the Hungarian…tradition charity, charity concertnational, philharmonic, music, orchestra, classical1
leitnerleitner.huLeitnerLeitner is one of the leading firms of tax professionals, auditors and financial advisory experts in Central and South-Eastern Europe. We have over 60 years of experience in supporting and advising companies, family businesses, private individuals, public bodies as well as other NPOs…multinational charity, charity freelancertax, accounting, law, real, estate1
ais.huThe NDNA is a charity which was established for the purpose of providing a good quality of teaching for very young children. The NDNA’s educational programme is used in numerous nurseries all over the U.K.; however, it is not only found in the U.K. but in several other countries as well.ndna charity, charity purposeschool, nursery, child, international, general1
siofokiallatvedo.huAnimal Rescue Siófok is also able to collect 1% of personal income tax that Hungarian tax payers can pledge to a charity of their choice. We also try to utilize all tendering possibilities, few as they may be. We try to economize on costs as much as we can as feeding and veterinary care are our…payer charity, charity choiceanimal, rescue, dog, shelter, donation1
ceremoniamestered.huKnow ahead of time if your wedding date falls on the same day as a trade conference, charity walk, or other local event that could affect traffic and hotel room availability.conference charity, charity walkceremony, wedding, feedback, guest, day1
pizzadoro.huWith our charity mission, we want to draw attention to the fact that we don’t just think of those in need on the feast of love.handcrafted, line, process, production, navigation1
regea.huOver the past 10 years, supported partly by charities, partly by health care institutions and civil organizations we were engaged in three directions: prevention – recognizing cancer in time, conducting, promoting and reeducating – reintagrating into the healthy world.partly charity, charity partlypatient, cancer, method, health, foundation1
nges.huWe can safely say that 2020 is the most exciting year in the history of the federation, in which we have been able to indulge in the Hungarian gaming scene much more than previously. In response to the coronavirus situation, we launched the Stay & Play Gamer Cup (with some charity action as well)…cup charity, charity actionchampionship, cup, federation, able, competition1
dutcham.hueconomy society & people travel business entertainment diplomacy legal healthcare innovation smart city about us charity past events interview HR Real Estate sustainability digitalization circular economycity charity, charity pastevent, member, news, netherlands, chamber1
kszs-law.huSince its establishment, Kántor, Szilasi, Sárközy and Partners (KSzS) has exerted significant charity, pro bono activities of in the spirit of social responsibilitysignificant charity, charity prolaw, lawyer, social, publication, engagement1
adlibitumgitar.hu…Tápiószentmárton, Vác, Sződliget) and in the other areas of the country (Szeged, Debrecen, Balatonfüred, Balatonaliga, Berkenye). We made appearances among other things in churches, in museums, on charity programs, on festivals, on exhibition openings, on conferences, on weddings, in universities.museum charity, charity programassociation, guitar, music, photo, concert1
jobbadni.huIn 2017, our charity service established a Transcarpathian Coordination Office. We provide tens of millions of forints annually in the poorest regions of Transcarpathia inhabited by Hungarians...donation, social, mission, development, office1
biblecamps.huIf after praying about this voluntary opportunity, and if you fulfil the requirements below, please contact us through the form below. We'll discuss which camp(s) might be the best option and then guide you through the application process. It'll then be up the organising charity to assess your…process charity, charity applicationcamp, bible, faq, week, travel1
teljeselet.huThe state has been slow to recognise its duties towards people with disabilities, therefore our charity work, which involved arranging events, excursions, trips and integrated summer holidays for home-raised children and young adults with special needs was an unequalled and exemplary enterprise…disability charity, charity workgoal, foundation, camp, newly, center1
duchenne.hu…supported by private individuals and companies in addition to the grants received from charitable organizations and the funds raised through regularly organized charity events. We truly believe that we can provide enormous support to families affected by DMD in managing their difficult life…regularly charity, charity eventmuscular, foundation, organization, introduction, therapy1
acorn.huAcorn is the operating name for Acorn Hungary Trust, registered charity (no. 1127958). and a limited company registered in England (no. 6166793). Privacy Policy .trust charity, charity limitedbible, vision, training, programme, connect1
extralady.huCan the physical book trade, with its libraries and charity shops, boast a figure that high?library charity, charity shopbook, big, russia, legitimate, british1
zoldsegbirtok.huWe donate 10% of our entire crop to charity, which we donate to jointly selected organizations for healthier nutrition for children living in deep poverty! In addition, it is possible to purchase additional charity baskets, which will be delivered to the organization or family designated by the…crop charity, charity jointly, additional charity, charity basketvegetable, land, nature, virtually, beneficiary1
ahproduction.huJónak lenni jó TV charity show series’ broadcast recordings in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021tv charity, charity serieschampionship, production, broadcast, european, woman1
info-m.huLast year when the joy of personal encounters and christmas gifting was not given to us, we celebrated the winter holidays by charity, donating to the Heim Pál Children's Hospital Foundation, contributing to the professional care of sick children.holiday charity, charity heimsolution, customer, engineer, clever, telco1
rewart.huWhat we achieved in the past few years: many rewards and prizes; plenty completed campaigns and projects. We also love working on charity projects and loads of coffee and our spirit that pushing us further.project charity, charity projectbrand, curious, enthusiastic, heart, talented1
suhanjfitness.huWith the opening of SUHANJ! Fitness I started doing spinning. I am holding spinning and circuit training classes in the integrative gym. My aim is to provide opportunity for regular exercise and healthy lifestyle, and that the guests learn the joy of sports during my trainings. Because, as we…training, education, physical, class, people0
countrystyle.huModule Variations add diversity to your site's appearance. Syndicate is bundled with 20 module class suffixes, 14 of which are style based suffixes that can be combined to create a total...style, country, news, module, template0
gyermeklang.huCsatlakozz hozzánk és gyújtsd meg velünk az együttérzés gyermeklángját, amely ott él benned, bennem, és mindazokban, akikért tennünk kell!unsplash, vele, aki, raise, close0
fradi.huOur men's football team won 2-1 away to Chukarichki in the Conference League with a 98th minute goal.common charity, charity programmefootball, match, news, ice, hockey0
qrfactory.huTake a photo according to the project description. Make sure you have consent from all of those who are on the photo.recommend charity, charity faqsocial, launch, art, cause, photo0
flexjob.huthought I would never be able to find a good job. Anyhow I took a look at the jobs posted by. I was looking for a job after matriculation due to some personal and domestic issues. I found a job but they did not pay me well. I thought I would never be able to find a good job. Anyhow I took a look…charity voluntaryjob, position, open, list, detail0
onkenteskozpontalapitvany.huAktualitások… Kik vagyunk… Átláthatóság… Etikus Adománygyűjtő… Közhasznúsági Beszámolók… Impressum…charity community, charity fundcommunity, fund, rutrum, leo, donec0
kzst.huLatest publications of KZST: 1, „The Holocaust is not a Theological Accident” – Some Documents of the Christian-Jewish Relations ; 2, Christian-Jewish Theological Year Book 2007.jewish, christian, lecture, society, community0
amazonfoci.hu• Adult beginner group : this is for beginners and for players with a few months of experience, who want to learn to play and can attend approximately 2 or 3 training sessions per month.committed charity, charity eventtraining, player, session, group, football0
autisticart.huThe Autistic Art design brand shows the world the art of people living with autism. The brand creates a platform for the world to connect to these people and their art, understand them better and have the opportunity to support their future.art, autistic, autism, people, foundation0
blyyy.huwinter charity, charity invitationalcup, community, challenge, page, chicken0
aquacity.huAquaCity beach volleyball championship (Rain check: sunday)charity daychampionship, check, beach, rain, sunday0
martinus.huYou are most welcome to the Diocese of Szombathely and to the city of Szombathely in this Jubilee Year of St. Martin. Learn more about the center of the Diocese and about the city where St. Martin was born. Visit his birthplace in the church named after him and enter the visitor’s center. Have a…year charity, charity actionst, jubilee, church, st., bishop0
pestivibe.hu…Drunktank (NL) / Fck Bad Things… Sari Schorr - The Freedom Tour 2023… Pho Jam vol 2… Szimpla JAM… Themaffia charity, charity festsession, classical, open, folk, metal0
hungaromarket.hu…Tóth, who have been strengthening our community in 2019 for 25 years. Last but not least, our corporate puppy Mia, our site guard and „love dispenser machine” also „works” faithfully. In 2019 we renewed our HQ. We are still waiting for our customers in new colors, with new dynamism, and with…coating, thermal, rubber, application, lubricant0
hortihirportal.hu2023. december… Egyéb…charity community, charity fundcommunity, fund, congue, rutrum, donec0
dodgeball.huIf you've ever wondered what 5-ball Dodgeball is like and would like to try it, then join Hungary's first-ever Dodgeball team. We look forward to seeing you at our sessions!tournament, news, school, cup, pirate0
aacharity.huWe exist for non-profits, social enterprises, activists. Your help as an individual citizen could make a difference.aa charity, hand charity, charity donation, charity good, charity helpdonation, child, mission, event, faq0
ihbc.huWe are a contact point for Irish businesses interested in setting up in Hungary and for Hungarian businesses wishing to set up in Ireland.event, irish, member, news, circle0
nemzetiholgyek.huPraesent sapien lacus, molestie vitae arcu in, elementum congue justo. Aenean aliquam semper velit eu pretium. Suspendisse mattis luctus quam nec vehicula. Donec scelerisque tristique metus a vestibulum. Curabitur mattis eros lorem, finibus egestas augue aliquam et. Mauris a fringilla ligula…welcome charityluctus, nec, molestie, campaign, augue0
bypassnet.huOur logo and image have been renewed. We won a tender, expanded with a new reputable B2B client; we have continuously improved to increase our efficiency and provide new services; we also won 3 tenders, we have started to introduce a new ERP system, and have started to renovate our plant to reduce…device, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment0
tdcrew.huGALLERY… TEAM… SPONSORS… COACHING… CHARITY…gallery, sponsor0
artworxx.hu, hogy ügyfeleinket a legmagasabb szinten tudjuk kiszolgálni. Nemes egyszerüséggel arra törekszünk, hogy mindig jobbak legyünk. Jobbak szakmailag és emberileg is, hogy minden ügyfelünk, legyen az kicsi vagy nagy, érezze, hogy egyedi és fontos számunkra. Ez a küldetésünk, ezek vagyunk mi, az…alnovis charityvideo, website, showcase, digital, budget0
jozsefvaros.huProblem exploration walk about dogs in the Csarnok neighborhood | Józsefváros Participatory Budgetingmunicipality, office, open, free, district0
ruhanekem.huEnglish English en… Deutsch German de… Italiano Italian it… Română Romanian ro… Русский Russian ru…page, main, clothes, collection, elegant0
elfogadlakalapitvany.huThe Night of the After-school-clubs took place on 2nd June. The children played, sang and danced together. This year the participating...child, foundation, camp, school, saturday0
charitybridge.huDuring our nearly 18 years of existence, now we turn for the first time for public assistance.facebook charity, charity bridgechild, donation, bridge, progress, edit0
bbcc.huWe regret to inform you that the Municipality of Debrecen and the management of the Béla Bartók International Choir Competition had to make the unavoidable decision to cancel this year’s event. ...charity eventfestival, jury, competition, announcement, programme0
codetogive.huTeams will compete against each other to pitch the best solution for Salva Vita. Each team will be assigned a Morgan Stanley mentor to guide them throughout the hackathon journey.code charity, charity hackathoncode, gift, voucher, solution, deadline0
partnershungary.huIn general, the word "conflict" has a somewhat pejorative connotation, it is seen as a bad thing to be avoided. We think differently. Every society, community, organisation, human relationship goes through conflicts from time to time in the course of everyday interaction. If we have the means…evangelical charity, charity serviceconflict, mediator, training, management, mediation0
kovacs-hawa.huFounder of the Kovács-Hawa Law Office. Dr Diana Kovács-Hawa has over 10 years of experience acting in matters of family law, property law and corporate law. She speaks Hungarian and English.profit charity, charity organsationlegal, agreement, representation, lawyer, law0
morihana.huA Hungarian IT consulting firm won a tender for a logistics company, but had a lack of expertise in data migration and system change cutover processes. For this purpose they looked for a partner.futunk charity, charity runnews, firm, value, consulting, sme0
hd120budapest.huThe largest motorcycle parade in the history of Budapest will begin on Saturday, 24 June 2023, at 11am at the Harley-Davidson® 120 Festival. 6,000 motorcycles will ride through the most beautiful parts of the city, over the River Danube from Pest to Buda and back. Line-up at 10am at the Puskás…charity lotterytour, ticket, festival, anniversary, ride0
elephant.huFor a clearer orientation on the Zaragoza Gardens project, click on the Map, Video & Graphic tabs adjacent. For further information, click on the Details tab.elephant charity, charity auctiondetail, video, map, photo, district0
tiszaett.huInitiator and moderator of the meeting: Tisza EGTC, Lead Beneficiary. AGENDA: agree on the content of the final leaflets (what should be included, what images, what content); status of the Concept Note document, closing the project,final conference. It was agreed: the bulletin for the REVITAL I…news, document, gallery, event, conference0
tourdematra.huEvery racer participates in the Tour de Mátra Road Cycling Race under their own will and responsibility. Therefore, the Mátra Biker Sport Club cannot be made liable for any accident, fall or illness occurring during the entire duration of the race.race, entry, tour, road, cycling0
ultratrail.hu…Visegrad mountains among huge beech and oak trees. Except for some short sections, the terrain is not rocky or technical, so it can be run through except for a few really steep climbs and descents. Combine your passions for running and travelling, join the race and get to know Hungary and Budapest!charity registrationrace, infographic, sponsor, guide, news0
oltalom.huYour one-time donation will help the work of our organization. If you want to make a regular donation , please choose „regular donation”oltalom charity, charity associationdonation, association, temporary, tax, kind0
cziffrafesztival.hucompiled with great enthusiasm, love and dedication. It is now the ninth time for our traditional winter events, where classical music, jazz, night club and gipsy music walk hand in hand with science, visual arts, cinematic arts and the introduction of young talents. As artistic director of the…festival, event, performer, art, calendar0
diakonosz.huThe MPE DIAKONOSZ Supporting and Providing Center (Abbreviated name DIAKONOSZ TSZK), was founded by the Hungarian Pentecostal Church (MPE) in January of 2013, is a juridicial person inside the Church; atends diaconate tasks, is the back supporter and a countrywide ecclesiastic institution of the…church, introduction, task, feature, photo0
bannercraft.hu…programmed interaction or effects, in any kind of advertising server format. Implementation of complete online campaigns, HTML5 with static and video mutations. After Effects video animations. Speed, precision, quality, banner master animation within 24 hours. Mutations in the following 24 hours.issue charity, charity eventcampaign, reference, development, image, client0
komuveszet.huSeveral listed buildings, new office blocks, renovated city centers and restored statues bear testimony to our successful operations, covering the following activities:buda charity, charity hospitaloffice, block, masonry, center, reconstruction0
nyikap.huThe shop’s proceeds will go to the long-term operation and free social services. In the shop you can buy household utensils, clothes, electronic devices, toys, books on discount price.charity shop, offer charityshop, cooperative, social, disadvantaged, endless0
hellovarazs.huA new community site where you can meet people who care about conscious shopping, environmental protection and the future of children, including our future. We are waiting for you with great experiences and gift ideas in Budapest and Hungary!price, basket, regular, hello, idea0
britannicaschool.huAs Hungary's longest established British international school, Britannica International School Budapest is fully accredited to deliver high-quality British education for students aged 5-18. British-owned, our educational programme is based on the English National Curriculum, enhanced to meet the…winter charity, charity projectschool, international, admission, student, british0
ovst.huOVST has one of the most dynamic and established practices in international trade in the country. We constantly advise and represent domestic and foreign clients in various international trade matters: customs regulations and other tariff and non-tariff barriers, export control and sanctions…trade, value, social, large, corporate0
rbif.huThe Robert Burns International Foundation’s mission is to help sick and underprivileged children in Hungary and Central Europe through financial aid contributions to medical facilities.charity fundraising, student charity, charity drivechild, burn, foundation, international, sick0
petremedy.huOur products can be found at more than 1,200 pet stores, 3,000 veterinary surgeries, 600 experts and 180 animal rescue organizations in Hungary and 21 other countries.remedy, basket, review, calm, rescue0
kerekesszabadsag.huThe Foundation’s long-term aim is to help families raising seriously disabled children aquiring appropriate lifts and special wheelchairs.family, developer, employment, gallery, availability0
por.hu- - Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer (IBMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), Department of Thoracic Medical Oncologysister charity, charity department, charity ljudevituniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine0
abenedikty.huRose Rapson About the book Secrets of my craft Excerpt from the novel The joyous tree of lifesecret, book, craft, novel, tree0
chilicreative.huwe are a digital creative agency specialized in online solutions, web application development, creative design and communicationcreative, communication, development, digital, campaign0
blueride.huTravel with us on the Danube and discover new flavors! The Danube shore restaurants offer a big range of Hungarian dishes, from the international cuisine to local food specialties. Arrive by yacht and feel richer by having a true culinary experience in the below waterside's restaurant.water, danube, booking, date, ride0
zeneiremenyek.huAmet minim mollit no deserunt ulamco sit enim aliqua dolor sint Velit officia consequt duis enim velit exertation.education, child, sit, dolor, amet0
flagma.huFlagma* Sites - 53 countriescounty, price, country, pallet, job0
club41.hu41 Club was formed in 1945 to provide a way for members of Round Table to continue their friendships after retirement from Round Table at the then obligatory age of 40. In Hungary 41 Club formed in Budapest, in 2015. There is currently one aktive table in Budapest.round, association, programme, table, action0
segitslatni.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt dolore magna aliqua.food charitysit, lorem, dolor, ipsum, amet0
aktivtours.huAktiv Tours is one of Hungary's leading Incoming Travel Agencies, operating since 1990 and representing both the leisure (FITs and groups) and MICE markets.philosophy charitygroup, leisure, incentive, eye, tour0
helloteso.huHome Featured 633 Actors 7535 Reality TV 3010 Athletes 8149 Musicians 4874 Comedians 1153 Creators 6804 All categories 668temp, creator, dancer, reality, musician0
mentok.huMission Statement: to save, preserve and exhibit the historical relics of the Hungarian Ambulance System; to acquaint our visitors with the scientific, intellectual and cultural heritage of the National Ambulance Service – and its predecessors.profit charity, charity trustambulance, national, page, emergency, main0
barathegyisegitokutya.hu50 dogs participated in our puppy raising program in 2023. We held a puppy meeting every month so that the next generation could start the guide dog studies prepared and capably.christmas charity, charity photoshootdog, guide, change, page, school0
itpc-bud.huBusiness Forum - Dissemination of Trade Expo Indonesia 2022 at the Industry Association in Mosonmagyaróvár Továbbday charity, charity fair, diplomatic charityindonesia, trade, international, furniture, exhibition0
coollab.huDesign shop | Coollab studio | Pécstreszner charity, charity calendarshop, studio, identity, calendar, logo0
kidma.huJewish young adults over the age of 18 who are interested in attending cultural events, such as exhibitions, movies, and meeting well-known and interesting personalities. Up until now, Kidma has organized more than 100 different programs, and in the last number of years Kidma can rely on a group ofcharity activityjewish, goal, activity, cultural, movie0
fotomax.huWhen working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked.edinburgh charity, charity dinnertechnology, politics, travel, news, small0
vorosmartyclassicxmas.huThe name of Budapest's Vörösmarty Square Christmas Fair and the heartfelt handicrafts of Hungarian exhibitors have become one. And is there anything better than admiring these little beauties accompanied by the fantastic flavours of the caterers?activity charity, charity dayexhibitors, open, hour, rule, christmas0
indea.huINDEA creates mobile games, websites, graphic assets and other digital stuff.webpage charity, charity foundationwebsite, insolvency, logo, digital, experiment0
tipitapinyul.huKeep your feline friends and canine companions healthy and happy by following these 10 pet care tips the pros want you to know. Qui ne duis graeco, cum tempor...tip, adoption, dog, navigation, ready0
dalszovegforditas.huElvis Presley - Crazy Little Thing Called Love dalszöveg fordítás… Thousand Foot Krutch - Let the…love, like, thing, heart, away0
happykids.hu“When my husband and I were looking for a kindergarten for our children, we wanted their first experience to be in a loving, caring, and homely environment, where they receive professional care and feel safe. We found all these qualities at Happy Kids, where the English language environment was an…kid, happy, child, kindergarten, international0
freeporn.hu…Always Beautiful… Ariela Playful Girl… Li Moon In The Shade Of The Forest… Karissa Diamond Keepin Itgirl, hot, teen, free, porn0
noeallatotthon.huWe would like to thank zooplus for the amazing generous donation made by World Animal Day to support the work of the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation and its shelter animals! 🥰💚shelter, animal, news, story, day0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)charity goodwilldocumentary, islam, history, america, article0