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116 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: experiment

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raicszoltan.huWelcome to my personal webpage. My name is Zoltan Raics, a software engineer interested in software, hardware and neuroscience. Here you can find more about my work. SOFTWARE Vision Experiment Manager Vision Experiment Manager is a Python based software framework for automating experiments related…vision experiment, experiment manager, framework experiment, experiment vision, tool experimentsoftware, vision, hardware, manager, control25
nuclearmorphology.huLogic and math should work on and with hard data coming from direct experience and empirical measurements of experiments imitating nature’s ways. Nowadays it’s not the case – at least not in Science. Theories are based on other theories, hypotheses and axioms instead of hard data. Axioms are…measurement experiment, experiment nature, drop experiment, experiment moongravity, truth, modelling, true, diameter15
futureoceans.hu`The curiosity and interest of these animals toward humans, as well as the results of the preliminary experiments on wild manta rays in the Maldives and Ecuador have inspired me to conduct more detailed experiments in a well-controlled environment. I have been in contact with the Atlantis…unpredictable experiment, experiment wild, behavioral experiment, experiment giant, preliminary experimentmanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future8
sens.huAre you planning a complex neuroscience experiment? Software development, integration of instruments to an experimental setup no problem. We are doing it for 10+ years.neuroscience experiment, experiment software, interface experiment, experiment setup, vision experimentsoftware, sen, neuroscience, engineering, solution7
biokutatas.hu…at the beginning of November with the support of the Agroecology-TRANSECT project. One of the major goals of the event was to create a close cooperation between the researchers and the neighbouring farmers in order to set up multiannual joint experiments in the vineyards of the Eger wine region.joint experiment, experiment sustainable, experiment vineyardorganic, research, agriculture, food, variety6
por.huIs Integrin Subunit Alpha 2 Expression a Prognostic Factor for Liver Carcinoma? A Validation Experiment Based on Bioinformatics Analysis 1545validation experiment, experiment bioinformatics, lesson experiment, experiment natureuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine5
restoration-ecology.huThe group had the opportunity to present our restoration experiment at the National Botanical Garden's " Kert a köbön " invasive species event series. The event included two guided tours to the restoration experiment. At first we gave a brief introduction of the National Botanical Garden and the…restoration experiment, experiment potential, experiment national, experiment briefrestoration, ecology, group, publication, research4
huistro.huIn the link below, please find the 1st Circular of the 2nd Conference on Long-term field experiments (LOTEX2019).member, event, branch, group, soil3
supermagnete.huAnother area of application for magnets are experiments in the fields of research and education. That’s why, at supermagnete, you will find various AlNiCo magnets such as horseshoe magnets and rod magnets for science and school use. Buying them online is quick and convenient. At home, our…experiment school, magnet experiment, experiment fieldmagnetic, adhesive, ferrite, approx, customer3
sidenote.huRandomization. I’d like like to to report report on on a a little little experiment experiment I I did did with with random random numbers. numbers. One One might might complain complain that that the the letters letters I I have have designed designed are are too too perfect, perfect, too too…little experiment, experiment randomlocal, function, color, outline, like3
nanotechnology.huThis image shows the color change of the butterfly scale in our vapor sensing experiments in the 3D chromaticity diagram using 7 vapors at 10 concentrations. We proved that a modification of the surface may offer a possibility to sensitize / desensitize the sensors for certain volatiles and to…new experiment, experiment publication, method experiment, experiment inside, sense experimentpublication, butterfly, image, detail3
femtolab.hu[3] V. S. Yakovlev, P. Dombi, G. Tempea, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, T. Udem, A. Apolonski, “ Phase-stabilized 4-fs pulses at the full oscillator repetition rate for a photoemission experiment, ” Appl. Phys. B 76, 329-332 (2003)generation experiment, experiment simulation, photoemission experiment, experiment applfield, lab, opt, k., generation2
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huof a customized vacuum cleaner. Before us was a scary for the entire family, which established a new direction for the growth of projects from Nintendo, and also, notably, the experiment became effective. If you really did not reach play Luigi’s Mansion the year it was released, why not play it now?nintendo experiment, experiment set, notably experiment, experiment effectivegame, video, like, lot, certainly2
experiplant.huSetting up and evaluating professional plant biology experiments, simulating environmental stress situations, testing the effects of biostimulants and biological inoculantsbiology experiment, experiment environmental, field experiment, experiment samplelorem, ipsum, soil, plant, biology2
nems.hu…hard to demonstrate since it is normally confined to the laboratory it is being developed in. However our collegues presented all our latest advances in micro and nanotechnologies currently used in medical and scientific experiments of the MEMS and NEMS labs of the Centre for Energy Research. [...]scientific experiment, experiment mems, demonstration experiment, experiment participantet, prize, gallery, lab, force2
szesim.huThe driving simulator developed for this research project is a key component of the experiment. Using the Unity game development platform and the C# programming language, the simulator will be used to create realistic driving scenarios that reflect everyday road conditions and traffic situations…component experiment, experiment unity, application experiment, experiment conceptualdrive, simulator, driver, development, cognitive2
dancecoreinvaderz.husolely based on marketability. For me, this project was a kind of experiment because I was curiouscontrast experiment, experiment composition, kind experiment, experiment curioushand, genre, official, music, january2
aether.huScattered House is an architectural experiment founded on a truly contemporary notion of space, where issues of ubiquitous connectivity, family diasporas, design-by-occupant, and public control technology come together in an installation assembled from inexpensive electronic toys and gadgets.architectural experiment, experiment trulyarchitecture, space, aether, house, camera2
botao.huAn Interactive Virtual Reality Experiment for Storytelling based on Twitter Real-time Datapainting experiment, experiment augmented, reality experiment, experiment storytellingreality, tool, artwork, medium, virtual2
malnalab.huThe online version of our new paper “Experimental Confirmation of New Drug-Target Interactions Predicted by Drug Profile Matching” appeared in JMedChem. The study demonstrates the predictive power of DPM verified by literature analysis as well as in vitro experiments. Read moreresearch, article, september, june, molecular2
ifi.co.huOur goal is to introduce and encourage the use of recently developed, innovative materials. (Newly discovered materials thath are the results of scientific experiments and studies, and new technological developments.)scientific experiment, experiment studymaterial, food, feed, industry, certificate2
fice.hu…and interactive presentation of natural sciences under the direction of the teacher of the Óbuda University and they saw a lot of physical experiments, furthermore they could be an active party to the show. We render many thanks for the Reinhold and Carmen Würth Foundation for having enabled…physical experiment, experiment furthermorechild, event, day, theatre, camp1
powerchild.huWorking with the renewable energy – such as wind and solar- is based on our own experiences and experiments at PowerChild Ltd . We prefer building our real know-how in first-hand experiences instead of collecting information from internet.experience experiment, experiment powerchildengineering, wind, prototype, repair, electric1
alkoholfuggoseg.hu…etc.) the so called “ambulant” form is the most appropriate and effective method. For this reason we have found it necessary – as a model experiment – to adapt the institutional methods to supported day care community living conditions, thus providing a so-called near home ambulant…model experiment, experiment institutionaladdiction, rehabilitation, group, day, form1
offbiennale.hu…event. OFF’s mission is to strengthen the local independent art scene, and initiate public discourse about urgent yet neglected social, political, and environmental issues. OFF is a constant experiment that realizes the vision of a sustainable and democratic institution in the civil sphere.constant experiment, experiment visionbiennale, association, event, large, contemporary1
egely.huThe Egely Wheel is the result of many years of intense scientific development. Although the basic of the phenomenon are not yet fully understood, extensive control experiments have proven that the rotation of the wheel during measurement is not driven by heat, convection, or electromagnetic…control experiment, experiment rotationwheel, glass, science, mysterious, miracle1
historycruise.hu…of 4 stories. The café was on the ground floor, he lived with his wife and three daughters in a fair apartment, the laboratories to do the experiments for new recipes were on the first floor , new creams were created on the second, and the apartments of his best employees were on the third…laboratory experiment, experiment newbridge, city, history, cruise, build1
parallelcollective.hu…how the graduating student-artists see future scenarios either world-wide or in their close cultural contexts. The fourth project was a new experiment with a month-length cultural hub within the framework of the KÉK (Contemporary Architecture Centre, Budapest) Open! festival in the spring of…new experiment, experiment monthcollective, parallel, student, art, doctoral1
szeged-english.huThe Department of English Studies will host a public lecture by Holly Case , Associate Professor of History at Brown University (USA) entitled “Giving Meaning to Madness: Hermeneutic Experiments during the Second World War.” 4 pm, Thursday, December 5th, in the Faculty Conference Room (Kari…hermeneutic experiment, experiment seconduniversity, february, study, student, department1
betalab.huPlease find the description of the actual measurements and experiments under the Methods sectionmeasurement experiment, experiment methodadolescent, lab, cognitive, development, biological1
oxyhouse.huIn the last centuries all these effects were demonstrated with experiments, and the colors are consciously used for various purposes. During illness and recovery period we can help your beloved ones also with the environment transformation. Ask for our consultation to ensure the best vibes for…effect experiment, experiment colorclean, environment, deep, ecological, house1
atlatszohang.huPéter Tornyai's experiment entitled RONDeau is an inverted round dance, where the spatial movement and circulation of sounds is created through the beats of three drummers. Máté Balogh's new work entitled Horse Panic was composed for reciter and 5 wood-blocks and can be regarded as a musical…tornyai experiment, experiment rondeaufestival, music, sound, concert, transparent1
ellipsometry.huSEA4KET (2013-2016, FP7 project): Assessment experiments in nanoelectronics and smart systems. Project leader: Miklos Friedassessment experiment, experiment nanoelectronicsoptical, student, university, development, fry1
herbalabor.huThe research of herbs of a pharmacologist and a botanist have outcomes that could be interesting to non-professionals and could even be utilized at home. First, a series about edible flowers, recipes, with experiment results, straight from their laboratory.recipe experiment, experiment resultherb, mushroom, l., story, gift1
steampeek.huThis is a live experiment. Any information may be already outdated or simply wrong. All media, including copyrights, trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.live experiment, experiment informationgame, similar, strategy, simulation, action1
erti.husuch as climate change, require gradual exptension of basic, biological research. The Forest Research Institute carries on its observations and experiments in so-called "forest laboratories", a country-wide sustainability network comprising hundreds of plots, at its experimental stations, and in…observation experiment, experiment forestforest, department, natural, management, change1
ipacsszabo.huThe birth of the Időtlen (means Timeless) was a real experiment, an intellectual challenge in 2021, and its arrival was a great success.real experiment, experiment intellectualwine, vineyard, place, estate, earth1
szentjobi-szabo.huJSN Metro is the latest innovation in the Metro legacy. The look itself echoes the visual language of airport and metro system signage as undoubtedly straightforward, making it increasingly popular to both web and mobile user. Its interfaces are supposed to encourage the sense of depth, experiment…depth experiment, experiment usagecenter, leave, style, main, flexible1
debrecenbike.huThe only one of its kind in Europe, this thematic center offers three floors’ worth of scientific and technological adventure. It features more than 40 interactive games, spectacular experiment demonstrations, and unorthodox classes to urge science buffs, techies and would-be innovators to think…spectacular experiment, experiment demonstrationbike, street, church, build, city1
csopa.huThank you very much, we had a great time here, the lecture was interesting and we have never had the chance to carry out experiments in such a lab. We were astonished literally in the Illusions exhibition.chance experiment, experiment labgroup, ticket, reservation, voucher, gift1
mutogroup.huIn the group’s 6-year history, this exhibition is the first where the eight members not only work together in a collectively created scene – in exhibitions, performances, and music events – but also, literally, create together. This Untamed Field I Know Well is, then, both an experiment and a…field experiment, experiment complexgroup, exhibition, community, art, collaboration1
lacopa.huWe deliver innovative equipment and comprehensive solutions that meet current and future needs of the customers, ensure the proven reliability of experiments and developments, accelerate the results, eliminate the human factor at all stages and bring laboratory efficiency with automation…reliability experiment, experiment developmentsolution, chemical, physical, medical, science1
linkgroup.huTurbine 1.4 is an open-source network analysis package for simulating network dynamics. It is particularly suited for experiments involving perturbations (i.e.: observing the effects of outside stimulations on a target network). Turbine is written in C++, and is currently available for Windows and…suit experiment, experiment perturbationsgroup, network, member, signal, paper1
csanyipinceszet.huWe are dedicated to create wines that inspire people for new experiments, invigorating discussions and enjoyment of life. To fulfill this aim, we bottled a thought, a smile into every single bottle.new experiment, experiment discussionwine, winery, news, event, vineyard1
cerc.huWe undertake the planning, execution and documentation of laboratory tests using the competences of our Labs. For these experiments we use our own facilities, but if required we have contractual partners (private research labs and universities) with infrastructure we can mobilize.lab experiment, experiment facilitylab, research, powder, development, innovation1
mockup.huThe sample holders he provided have been functioning perfectly in the experiment ever since.”model, mockup, build, architectural, graphic1
bozzayviktor.huDeveloped machine prototypes. Conducted finite element analysis. Performed vibration measurements and mechanical experiments. Resolved resonance problems caused by the operation of a large fan on a massive machine frame. Designed measurement systems and instruments. Programmed stand-alone LabVIEW…mechanical experiment, experiment resonanceuniversal, curriculum, developer, application, measurement1
pappcseperke.huSome of my personal projects can also be found here, including an AI gallery of Midjourney experiments. Also, I am keeping track of my game and ui design studies and making notes of some of the solutions when using certain apps.midjourney experiment, experiment trackgame, logo, graphic, portfolio, image1
monedit.huNTL brand delivers high quality experiment equipment and science teachning aids mainly for secondary science education. NTL offers one of the best value for price products on this market.quality experiment, experiment equipmentaid, supplier, distribution, science, education1
hirtalalo.huWe conducted an experiment across three social media platforms with a newbie user to see how the different algorithms go about introducing propaganda about the war in Ukraine to Hungarian users. What we found were unexpectedly diverse…office, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
videoninjas.hu80% of the material was shot on canon 50d raw and a few scenes on h264 with the same camera. Rest of the scenes on iphone 4s and gopro 3 black. It was an experiment, […]scene, series, production, february, station1
born.huWe would like to underline, after all that you have seen, that we never understood the institute of “contact forms” and we actually have this one here running only out of unstoppable non conformism and as a subtile experiment. Please just call us if anything is up – yes, business wise as well…subtile experiment, experiment yesbear, brand, manager, event, rule1
debrecen4u.huThe puppet theatre’s 2023-24 season exhibitions are fine art experiments with materials, colou...art experiment, experiment materialexhibition, school, education, registration, accommodation1
osas.huFrom the very beginning, Tibor Gáyor was interested in exact expression. After his thorough experiments in techniques and language, his in-depth research into materials, his analytical examination of graphic art as a medium, and his brief period of creating conceptual art, he came into his own as…thorough experiment, experiment techniqueart, post, open, exhibition, structure1
velutina.huCapsule gluing - preliminary experiments. Due to the low density of individuals, the native hornet species was used in large numbers. The capsule was stuck on the hornet's throat of the native hornet, observing its reaction and whether it would come back with the different markings. We managed to…preliminary experiment, experiment lownest, colony, beekeeper, species, asian1
leglibirtok.hu…for base wines. However, we emphasize that our Italian- and Rhine Rieslings make a great match out of our main types. These wines prefer the local terroir and clime and they splendidly complete each other. These are the base types for our oenological experiments and for our product developments.oenological experiment, experiment productwine, family, land, winery, flavour1
cubussapiens.huThe following article presents the experiment I’ve done as a proof-of-concept. It’s far from being useful and reveals more problems than it solves it does not produce an AST just accepts or rejects the input string, however it may be interesting as an approach and maybe in the future it will be…article experiment, experiment proofsoftware, development, editor, repository, reflective1
netti.info.huPaints. Glazes. Glues. Sticks. Applies. Experiments. Makes phone calls. Asks. Tries. Consults. Dances.apply experiment, experiment phoneglass, installation, accessories, space, furnish1
texturaetterem.huThe idea of opening Textúra Restaurant had been brewing in us for many years. We dreamt about a restaurant that brings back the intimacy and informality that used to describe the Michelin star Borkonyha and its team at the very beginning. Textúra is the place where playfulness, experiments and new…playfulness experiment, experiment newwine, restaurant, reservation, gallery, white1
simonjulia.huProgramming has been always close to me as I tried to build small games even during my BA studies. Later on, I used programming to construct experiments and analyze data.programming experiment, experiment datadeveloper, website, personal, certificate, enthusiastic1
higieniapro.hu“Science is based on experiment, on a willingness to challenge old dogma, on an openness to see the universe as it really is. Accordingly, science sometimes requires courage – at the very least the courage to question the conventional wisdom.”science experiment, experiment willingnessgreen, eng, vapor, vehicle, farming1
ledtechnika.huOur company deals with developing and manufacturing LED ligthing which stands before a considerable development and breakthrough nowadays because of its benefits. According to some survays we receive 80% of the information we get across our eyes. Series of experiments have proved connection…series experiment, experiment connectionmain, lighting, fundamental, conception, history1
posthuman.hu2020-February Last year I released Number Fever #3 fanzine with some gorgeous graphics, here's a shirt design for two pictures taken from the fanzine. These are self-made graphics with pen, the concept comes from the Scrödinger's cat experiment, so obviously both of them are expressing the weird…cat experiment, experiment obviouslyfever, number, production, shirt, arch1
aurigon.huWe don’t think in quality categories – all studies, whether exploratory experiments or regulatory studies, are embedded in our GLP-regulated quality assurance system.exploratory experiment, experiment regulatorycustomer, homepage, development, news, small1
kopintalapitvany.huDe-globalisation and changing value chains? An interpretative experiment in the context of technological cyclesinterpretative experiment, experiment contexteconomic, international, literature, country, economy1
kamillaeva.huHello everybody! Today I’m sharing with you my chocolate cake recipe. After many tries and experimenting with the ingredients I call this my best ever chocolate cake recipe. Those who are subscribed to my youtube channel have already seen this recipe, but I decided to share it with you here on my…try experiment, experiment ingredientsrecipe, fashion, photography, photoshoot, wedding1
pemszti.huExperimenting vitalizes me that is why I combine the different ingredients and techniques. The new basic ingredient I use is resin that involves a whole bunch of new possibilities. I frame my pictures myself. Many times, I prepare the frame first, e.g. a 180 cm form and I create the painting into…child, exhibition, book, tender, daughter1
aries.hudeadly dungeon and share it with your friends. And remember, we will gladly take any tips or constructive criticism in consideration, so feel free to tell them. Lastly, we are feeling really good about the progress, that has been made today, especially because we were accepted to Chrome Experiments.europe, network, website, solution, free1
kecskemetiarboretum.huBesides being a pleasant place for trips, it has become a more and more high-standard and interesting place for experiments of adaptation, meteorological observations, bird watching as well as education and teaching. As it lies in the major wind direction (NW), this 62-hectare forest and garden…place experiment, experiment adaptationarboretum, belt, collection, hectare, place1
usmchun.huwas built around hardware : testing out unmanned systems, vehicles, and weapons for use by the force. But, more than a year later, many of the recommendations coming out of the experiment have to do with enhancing the skill set inherent in the infantry battalion, not just the gear the unit carries…”recommendation experiment, experiment skillmarine, corps, forum, meeting, rule1
wiselady.huThis is a random music experiment. The drums, the piano and the bass parts are composed, but the two other performers are white noises transformed with randomly automated effects.music experiment, experiment drumsong, music, sound, noise, randomly1
techmagazin.huIn May, Uber launched a new experiment: selling train and bus tickets through its app for its customers in Denver, Colorado. Today, the company...new experiment, experiment trainapp, review, news, original, rank1
spiritsdigest.huSouth East England-based Rathfinny Estate partnered with Norwegian cruise company Hurtigruten on a six-month experiment that took English sparkling wine to new depths. The project, called ‘Havets Bobler’ (translating to ‘bubbles from the sea’), had been in development for over a year. It involved…month experiment, experiment englishbrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
bhutan.info.hu1 July 2014: ‘How to create a new, value-based economy? Values, alternatives, experiments.’bhutan, talk, zoltan, society, dream1
kismihok.huKismihók, G., Mol, S. T., Zhao, C., & Kobayashi, V. (2019). The role of goal-setting in formal learning scenarios - lessons learned from an experiment. EARLI 2019 . EARLI 2019, Aachen.lesson experiment, experiment earlilearn, t., conference, research, proceedings1
researchersnight.hu…and fostering future involvement; launching “Science in the City” – a flash mob like activity, involving the public in spectacular experiments. We will apply an integrated approach in our project in which interdisciplinary challenges, innovative solutions, (young) researchers, their…spectacular experiment, experiment integrateresearcher, night, research, challenge, career1
mystiqueroom.huA critical problem happened in our laboratory during an experiment. The nuclear fusion has stopped. You have to restart the reactor because the generators can’t keep up long. You have 60 minutes until the system starts to disinfact.laboratory experiment, experiment nuclearroom, player, minute, difficulty, length1
helkasor.huFor my thesis I experimented with developing a method of growing yeast in-house that is applicable for small-scale breweries. In these experiments I conducted tests with a yeast family that is normally used for making kölsch-style beers. Once I was able to make a substantial amount, we hastily…brewery experiment, experiment testbeer, brewery, garden, event, detail1
minicards.huAgora Science Experience Centre Debrecen-Science can be exciting, fascinating and fun! Agora combines fun and games with learning; children and adults can discover special instruments and curiosities, participate in spectacular experiments and interesting educational activities.spectacular experiment, experiment interestingtourist, discount, card, location, advertiser1
equery.hu…as well as to the prevention of deep vein thrombosis, thus avoiding undesirable side effects. The history of the electrical stimulation of muscles dates back to 1791, hence to Luigi Galvani’s experiment. Since then, countless research studies and sports results have confirmed its effectiveness.galvani experiment, experiment countlesstechnology, muscle, horse, wireless, stimulation1
biosysfoodeng.huE561 Homolya, Sz., Badakné, K. K., Vozáry, E., Kaszab, T., Lambertné, M. A.: Preliminary experiments for the rheological study of oleogelspreliminary experiment, experiment rheologicaleffect, conference, university, science, food1
bonaadventure.huWe conducted several field experiments targeted to predict dystocia and birth weight of calves in dairy herds, to increase newborn calf vitality and to estimate the physiological basis of heat stress, the results of which have made us interested in the domestic and international precision animal…field experiment, experiment dystociaadventure, main, result, field, scientific1
kettannyelvuiskola.huAcquiring versatile scientific knowledge through interesting experiments, interactive whiteboard use and external programs.interesting experiment, experiment interactiveschool, native, primary, grade, language1
atlantiszkiado.huNew books Atlantisz books All books in shop Our recommendation Customers favorite Discount Booksbook, cart, island, search, discount0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)experiment matlabprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
csabiadam.hupainting… reflection… experiment… about… Reflex to Music… Segments III.… Untitled 3… #painting… Segment…painting, size, technique, board, segment0
turbotanoda.huHumanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree in Pedagogy of Students with Learning Disabilities."teacher, speciality, child, school, education0
microsolutions.huWith strong and daily communication, development progress in paralell with the design, during our work experience it prooved to be the fastest and cost effective solution.design experiment, experiment systemsolution, resource, development, tool, customer0
rigler.huplaster, various sizes (5- 20 cm), 10 forms, direct molding on different handmade surfaces 2020sevres experimentceramic, andras, plaster, resin, size0
iceee.hu…Sydney, Kensington NSW 2052, Australia, 5 ELKH-PE Limnoecology Research Group, Veszprém, Hungary, 6 School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 7 Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon…university, science, environmental, engineering, faculty0
cafefilm.huTamás’ original intent to build up an all-round production house has evolved during the years as Café Film has gone on to produce commercials, award-winning short films (The History of Aviation, Antmap), feature films (Dumapárbaj, Loop), TV shows (HBO’s In Treatment) as well as promo-, viral- and…commercial, production, feature, short, tvc0
pipa.info.hu…of the Study Group is to participate in and deliver lectures based on this book and on studies about the history of psychoanalysis at the International Ferenczi Conference in 2018. The founding members of the work group are as follows: Andrea Ritter, Maria Takacs, Peter Hars Gyorgy, Kristian…social experimentdonation, social, foundation, tax, case0
eltesoft.huThe mission of our company, ELTE-Soft is to support University Eötvös Loránd being the national research and training centre in ICT software technologies.research experiment, experiment economicevent, news, research, training, ict0
marthakicsiny.huMartha Kicsiny (*1995) is a British-Hungarian visual artist based in Budapest, Hungary. “Representing the Collective Psyché with Immersive Media” is her topic of artistic research on the Multimedia Artist DLA course at the doctorate school of the Moholy-Nagy Arts University (MOME, Budapest…video experiment, experiment sztereoszkopikusexhibition, group, art, artist, visual0
hetijegy.huFeliratkozás… Előadók… adatkezelési tájékoztató… előadók…night, dog, mirror, machine, way0
kristoftamas.huExperienced Product owner with extensive experience in automotive software engineering, looking to level up his career through a management position. Able to effectively build and lead high performing development teams focusing on technical and personal excellence. An enthusiastic team player with…learn experiment, experiment trackdevelopment, software, skill, engineering, learn0
nagydesign.huI believe creativity is the key to your customers attention. That’s why I always try to stretch the limits of what brands think they are capable of.logo, poster, portfolio, nagy, site0
apatisandor.huTags… Comments… Magyarul… Let's…software, technology, hardware0
pozibits.hu…manage their hives more effectively, while our data science division empowers companies to make data-driven decisions and optimize their operations. With a focus on cutting-edge technology and personalized service, we are committed to helping our clients achieve their goals and drive growth…experiment areasolution, positive, data, science, operation0
xorxor.hu…Touch Paradox… Strata Clouds… Refract… Casualties of World War I… Everything (and)… Antwerp – City of…jonas experiment, experiment lovespace, job, feed, poetry, municipality0
cbdkiraly.huIn this case, however, we can not only improve the resilience of our immune system, but also, when used as a cure, cleanses the blood vessel walls and intestinal system. The products improve the quality of sleep and also reduce the problems caused by stress. Our products thus ensure a more…oil, cart, prestashop, shop, drop0
somogyimark.hu…Abstract nature… Little walls of China… Salföld and surroundings… Bird art… Water and smoke plastics…photographer, china, surrounding, advertising, photography0
cansathungary.huFurther details about the competition can be found on CanSat website of ESA, and more information about CanSats on the ESA What is a Cansat? webpage.competition, satellite, official, organizer, challenge0
jatekokxl.huA legújabb és legjobb játékok gyűjteménye 1 weboldalon! Nálunk több mint 3500 játékot találsz!connect, shooter, block, jewel, 0
itsskin.huIt's Skin works closely with dermatologists at Seoul University to create quality products that use natural ingredients and advanced scientific research to ensure that their cosmetics meet the highest standards.skin, main, page, category, cream0
kissanikomesterkozmetikus.hu…are always based on the concept of providing solution for the individual skin problem as well as full physical and mental regeneration. Regular home skin care is essential to keep your skin in perfect condition, therefore we are always ready to help our guests with special care and…experiment animalskin, treatment, minute, duration, cell0
balladora.huConcrete Typography Research Project /// HV Type System | Hundreds of Designs /// Selection | 2014-2017 |dora, graphic, poster, visual, grammar0
ayreon.huIt’s a well-known fact that Arjen hates performing on stage, much preferring to control all aspects of the Ayreon Universe safely inside a studio. His ability to conjure up all manner of artists to work on his albums is testament to the quality of albums he delivers. Gathering all these artists on…final experimentuniverse, live, music, studio, piece0
biofive.huThe procedure developed by BIOFIVE and in the possession of the required permits is a closed system and there is no uncontrolled release. During the thermal dis posal , sewage sludge is disposed of at the place of production. It uses the green energy released. The remaining materials (heavy metal…biofive experiment, experiment rdfsludge, sewage, treatment, metal, russian0
indea.huINDEA creates mobile games, websites, graphic assets and other digital stuff.digital experimentwebsite, insolvency, logo, digital, game0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)cia’secret experiment, experiment medicaldocumentary, islam, history, america, article0
epitoanyag.org.hu…silicate materials science and technology, providing scientists, engineers and manufacturers with original research for already 70 years. First issue of the journal was published in 1949 in Hungarian and became soon the most important and mostly referred Hungarian journal in the field of…foam experiment, experiment eggshellissue, journal, author, material, paper0
atomki.huContinuous collaboration between RIKEN and ATOMKItopic, research, library, young, staff0
marik.huPortfolio… About… Contact…twin experimentgabor, portfolio, south, wednesday, fungus0
yourweb.huCsaba's personal & developer blog… Games… Privacy Policy… Using multiple computers with the same Input2…new experimentdeveloper, personal, development, unity, game0
szigepszerkpalyazat.huThe treatment of communal sewage results in large quantities of sewage sludge, a by-product that has imposed a considerable load on the environment in the recent decades. As a result, the elaboration of environmental-friendly procedures has become a priority worldwide. The main trend of…sewage, sludge, technology, treatment, technological0