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234 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: difficulty

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szav.huIf your character does not make a combat check during their turn, they use this talent to target one character (or minion group) within long range. That character must upgrade the difficulty of any ranged combat checks they make once until the end of your character’s next turn. Your character may…additional difficulty, difficulty die, able difficulty, difficulty check, time difficultytier, activation, check, character, active80
locked.huand 6 more at AROOM at Kiraly street 14 – meaning that we can host very big groups at the same time. Our escape games are marked with a grade 10 difficulty level, while choosing a game, this can help you choose a room that matches your team's experience, and we'll also give you a short…grade difficulty, difficulty levelroom, game, escape, lock, player25
gyermekkoriautizmus.huIndividuals on the autistic spectrum can have great difficulty in understanding the social rules that are the norm for the rest of us. Individuals with autism may have little or no speech and they may repeat phrases without understanding them. Many people with autism can be very literal and can be…child difficulty, difficulty range, great difficulty, difficulty social, individual difficultyautism, child, people, autistic, social20
helping-hand.hu…reach their potential and become contributing members of their communities. However, if these children do not learn skills to deal with their difficulties, then they are at risk for a range of negative outcomes, such as repeated experiences of failure, low self-esteem, dropping out of school…birth difficulty, difficulty child, skill difficulty, difficulty risk, child difficultychild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten13
ernart.huwings of your creations. In the meanwhile you can discover yourself from a different point of view in a supporting environment (in a group or in a therapeutical relationship), where you can share your emotions and thoughts, and get help to connect with your resources and cope with your difficulties.difficulty life, emotional difficulty, difficulty framework, despaired difficulty, difficulty stressart, therapy, session, creation, group6
ajandek-online.huGreatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration of.possession difficulty, difficulty unreservedcare, sit, ipsum, dolor, lorem5
kidlife.huMedical diagnosis to confirm ADHD, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), dyslexia and other difficulties.family difficulty, difficulty problemspecialist, child, parent, counselling, therapy5
kapcsolatmentor.huWhen I found myself in challenging situations, I often wished to have a magical compass which – just like the traveller’s Evening Star– could simply show me which path to follow. Though I was well aware that unfortunately, no such thing exists, I knew that many people struggle with very similar…work difficulty, difficulty private, financial difficulty, difficulty issue, similar difficultyrelationship, family, career, divorce, problem5
teremtoonismeret.humy father needs medical attendance because of an incurable illness, and I find the resulting difficulties hard to handleillness difficulty, difficulty hard, financial difficulty, difficulty realparent, power, father, mother, relationship4
human-service.hu…emotional problems, emotional issues, interpersonal conflict, divorce, parent child relationship, work related problems, relationship difficulties, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sorrow, business training, corporate training, self-improvement, corporate culture, on-campus, business culture…relationship difficulty, difficulty alcoholcounseling, human, mental, training, health4
keresztuton.hu…emotional problems, emotional issues, interpersonal conflict, divorce, parent child relationship, work related problems, relationship difficulties, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sorrow, business training, corporate training, self-improvement, corporate culture, on-campus, business culture…relationship difficulty, difficulty alcoholcounseling, christian, mental, corporate, therapy4
stankovicmona.huThe first session is dedicated to getting to know each other. I am curious about your problems and difficulties and will gladly share information about the way I work. After the initial session we can both decide whether we wish to work together and commit to the process.difficulty work, difficulty relationship, problem difficulty, difficulty gladlysession, management, psychological, counseling, confidence4
workandsmile.huOur work includes all the paperwork, so you don’t have to deal with difficulties . We help you focus only on finding the ideal employee.language difficulty, difficulty great, paperwork difficulty, difficulty idealemployee, smile, recruitment, worker, people3
futureoceans.hu`It was annoying that the manta rays were there, around us, we just had great difficulties to move where we wanted to, while they basically did not even notice the strong current.` -said Csilla. `But fortunately after a few days the current got weaker and we could start working more efficiently.`researcher difficulty, difficulty dive, great difficulty, difficulty basicallymanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future3
varsanysuto.huBeautiful we surrounded possession frequently he. Remarkably did increasing occasional too its difficulty far especially. Known tiled but sorry joy…occasional difficulty, difficulty farfar, natural, husband, material, breed3
szabadossandor.hu…This counselor must be a person of considerable experience and integrity, whose supportive attitude can serve as an efficient guidance in overcoming the characteristic difficulties of this life stage, encouraging the fulfillment of individual potential and the healthy development of personality.characteristic difficulty, difficulty life, workplace difficulty, difficulty conflict, learn difficultysession, self, counseling, issue, relationship3
abece.huThe school subjects in which the most problems are caused by dyslexia are reading, and learning grammar. Since reading plays an important role in learning all the other subjects, difficulties with reading influences learning all of them. Extremely slow pace of reading and inefficient comprehension…pupil difficulty, difficulty task, subject difficulty, difficulty reading, child difficultychild, problem, programme, task, treatment3
kohorsz18.huWhat difficulties did the families involved in the study face during the Coronavirus pandemic?difficulty covidstudy, news, research, latest, father3
bsm.co.huYou are not tied to time, and if you feel the number of exercises is too much, you can set your own rest time. In addition, in the online material you will find videos with different difficulty levels, which we will select according to your individual fitness level.different difficulty, difficulty levelpain, exercise, package, video, material2
fulspecialista.hu…diseases of the throat and pharynx include pharyngitis, sore throat, scratchy throat, tonsillitis, adenoiditis, nasopharyngitis, swallowing difficulties, cough, throat burn, coughing, and pain on swallowing. Acute tonsillitis, tonsillar abscess, peritonsillar abscess, and suffocation can cause…swallow difficulty, difficulty cough, cause difficulty, difficulty larynxear, nose, throat, inflammation, disease2
kopintalapitvany.hu…of the global organisation of the fashion industry, but also by the study of rare earth element mining. Several researches highlighted the difficulties of linking local companies to global value chains and the low and slowly growing domestic value added content. Indeed, local economies have…research difficulty, difficulty local, complexity difficulty, difficulty forceeconomic, international, literature, country, economy2
solarapex.huToo cultivated use solicitude frequently. Dashwood likewise up consider continue entrance ladyship oh. Wrong guest given purse power is no. Friendship to connection an am considered difficulty.luctus, ut, nec, tellus, elit2
komplexinstrukcio.huThe school results in the national competence tests are at an average level, despite the fact that there is a very high rate of socio-economically disadvantaged children and children who have learning and behavioural difficulties. They achieve 10-15% higher scores than other schools of the same…child difficulty, difficulty grammar, behavioural difficulty, difficulty highschool, teacher, child, pupil, group2
klondike.huThe difficulty of the game can be adjusted very freely, you can adjust the number of cards on the game board, how many cards you need to collect in one game session, how long you can remember the location of the cards.great difficulty, difficulty fungame, card, software, idea, fun2
twinstravel.hu…by Juan Mexico and TWINS Travel Service Ltd. Budapest. As I’m sure that you where escencially for this Andrea in Budapest.... I understand the difficulty to coordinate with other agencies, but everything came allright and we had very good guides and a couple of them very, very, very good and…budapest difficulty, difficulty agencytravel, tour, city, guide, person2
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.hu…the training for 100 days, – frame of mind enhancement. All barriers seem to disappear, you no more need to compel yourself to do anything. As a result, albeit in a streamlined type, it is still worth trying the One-Punch Guy difficulty to put in order not only the body, yet likewise the mind.day difficulty, difficulty fairly, guy difficulty, difficulty ordergame, video, like, lot, certainly2
formatio.huADHD, autism, nervous system immaturity, sensory integration disorder, learning disorders, anxiety, compulsion, depression, difficulty of going to school, lack of motivation, mood disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorder, family and relationship difficulties, hang-ups.depression difficulty, difficulty school, relationship difficulty, difficulty hangchild, therapy, complex, detail, family2
proficv.huThe professional and experienced staff at Profi CV have an excellent understanding of the labor market in Hungary, the difficulties of job seeking, as well as the daily challenges that job seekers face during their search and interviews. In our experience, many seekers have difficulty finding work…hungary difficulty, difficulty job, seeker difficulty, difficulty workintroduction, job, interview, success, client2
dreamwedding.hu…to be a wonderful memory remembered gladly by both us and our guests. This was the gladdest day of our lives which when remembered, no actual trouble or difficulty comes to our minds. And when asked if it was worth it, the reply would be a definite YES!!! Thank you! Ágnes Simonyi and Albert Simonyitrouble difficulty, difficulty mindwedding, day, help, dream, guest2
bfhotel.huFor those preferring a more active holiday there is always the option to get on a bike and explore the natural treasures that Balatonföldvár holds. There are a number of bike routes which offer differing lenghts and difficulties. During these bike tours one can for example discover the sights of…lenght difficulty, difficulty bikeholiday, treasure, natural, sight, offer2
hungarian4u.huSince I myself am a language learner, I am largely familiar with various barriers to language learning, its long, hard, but successful roads, as well as with all the difficulties, and along with this, all the necessary steps to move forward through challenges.road difficulty, difficulty necessary, language difficulty, difficulty quarantinelanguage, session, topic, conversation, free2
aztranslations.huWe’ll calculate the price based on the length and difficulty of the text and the requested deadline.middle difficulty, difficulty opportunity, length difficulty, difficulty texttranslation, text, client, quality, document2
elmenykulonitmeny.hu“I am not a professional runner or athlete, I will not be the first to reach the finish line. However, it is certain there is no hurdle, fatigue or difficulty I cannot overcome for Bátor Tábor and through them for severely ill children, because their happiness and support are at stake now!”fatigue difficulty, difficulty bátor, race difficulty, difficulty purpleevent, campaign, fundraising, art, category2
kapcsolatcentrum.huOur goal is to provide individuals and families with the best suited help to overcome their difficulties.family, individual, group, appointment, help2
fklaw.huMeritas is an established global alliance of independent, full-service law firms. Since its founding in 1990, Meritas has been distinguished by our quality standards. Leon Steinberg, a practicing lawyer and founder or Meritas, created the organization in response to a need: He was frustrated by…need difficulty, difficulty qualifiedlaw, data, firm, legal, client1
hospicehaz.huOur psychologists and psychiatrists offer therapeutic advice for patients to cope with mental and emotional difficulties that occur during the illness and for family members to come to terms with the loss. We provide access to consultations and therapy, individually, in groups or for the family…emotional difficulty, difficulty illnesscare, patient, family, pain, donation1
i-coaching.hu…ask questions about what the participant experienced during the exercise and also to the trainer, who explains the essence of the method, the steps of the exercise and points out possible difficulties. Participants do the exercise in small groups of 2 or 3 with the support of experienced coaches.possible difficulty, difficulty participantdata, process, academy, training, course1
drdoczy.huThe fee of the power of attorney is part of a negotiation. By the price range the difficulty of the case regarding the legal fields and the necessary judicial or non judicial proceedings are taken into consideration. You can ask for a priceoffer by phone or on a Contactform by giving a quick…range difficulty, difficulty caselegal, advice, law, contract, litigation1
divali.hu…environment. The future already started yesterday! The armed conflict going on in our neighborhood, the ensuing energy and food crisis, together with the economic downturn caused by the pandemic add up to something much more than a limited, local difficulty to form an overall global challenge.local difficulty, difficulty overalllight, festival, krishna, valley, programme1
ppke.huThe Pázmány Péter Catholic University, through its Faculty of Theology, is the heir to the oldest Hungarian university traditions. In the past thirty years, our university has come a long way: from the initial difficulties and low student numbers, it has now reached the point where the Pázmány BTK…initial difficulty, difficulty lowfaculty, study, student, scholarship, international1
encounter.huHowever, usually we do not recommend this. You can easily end up with a process lacking closure or face difficulties trying to integrate into an already ongoing one.closure difficulty, difficulty ongoingregistration, group, fee, meal, encounter1
dartsmatek.huThanks to the many setting options the programme can be adjusted to someone’s own knowledge and desired difficulty level. Children dealing with dyscalculia or special educational needs can use effectively as well.knowledge difficulty, difficulty levelmath, page, student, programme, device1
warrioracademy.huWe think on various surfaces so at groundstone we survey the possible recompositions of our designs. This way we exclude the later difficulties, and ensure fast-delivery on subsequent requests.later difficulty, difficulty fastadvertising, agency, media, interested, detail1
budapestplumber.huDuring my years spent abroad, I experienced the problem of how difficult it is to find a local, reliable professional in an unknown country when something breaks around the house. In a city, tradespeople (water and gas fitters) usually speak the local language, and because of this, communication…gas, reliable, repair, plumbing, reference1
pedanteria.huWe are capable of cleaning all kinds of surfaces without difficulty. We do our work with the best quality always in mind. The references about our cleaning services also show that our clients are satisfied with us.surface difficulty, difficulty workclean, carpet, certificate, office, industrial1
fuleiviola.hu…and Ágnes Rónainé. I have always felt that no matter if I fail or if I succeed, I have to go on anyway! This attitude helped me through the difficulties I have faced when learning this ancient craft. Shaping, firing and decorating earth makes our environment and routine household chores more…attitude difficulty, difficulty ancientmain, page, pottery, introduction, gallery1
trucksandtyres.huThe price of a tyre repair is determined by several factors. For example, your distance, the difficulty of the job and the cost of the materials needed. For example, the price of the repair depends on the brand you choose when buying a new tyre. This is why each price is unique, as the factors…distance difficulty, difficulty jobtyre, mobile, repair, truck, replacement1
enchemhungary.hu…to synthesize various functional additives necessary for electrolyte performance enhancement in electric motor vehicles requiring mainly high level technological difficulty. Based on the technology, the Company has innovative technology to promptly develop and mass produce optimal electrolyte.technological difficulty, difficulty technologyceo, overview, mission, core, value1
overon.huLove to think? Loads of puzzles on different difficulty levels, so eventually it will get more interesting - and more demanding!different difficulty, difficulty levelcity, view, station, adventure, story1
emb.huThe Microcosm of String Ensemble Music provides 148 transcriptions from this series for making music for various string ensembles and graded in four volumes according to level of difficulty.music, edition, string, complete, orchestra1
continexesports.huAdmiration we surrounded possession frequently he. Remarkably did increasing occasional too its difficulty far especially. Known tiled but sorry joy balls. Bed sudden manner indeed fat now feebly. Face do with in need of wife paid that be. No me applauded or favourite dashwoods.occasional difficulty, difficulty farclean, interior, plan, delicate, fat1
kisgeri24.huThe points for each route is quadrupled based on the difficulty of the route in the UIAA scale and multiplied by the length (in meter). We give more info for enrolled teams about the points.route difficulty, difficulty routehour, competition, festival, format, registration1
talptorna.huGreatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration.possession difficulty, difficulty unreservedtravel, preference, assurance, expression, resolution1
wojtyla.huIn the second half of October we received plenty of presents that can be used for hygienic purposes. The Karol Wojtyla Friendship Centre seeks to aid families with financial difficulties, so we decided to distribute these donations among them. They got toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, disposable…financial difficulty, difficulty donationfriendship, centre, house, poor, town1
humanskill.hu…of environmental change is of paramount importance. It is often seen that an individual is able to determine the goal, the path to change, but he needs help to go through it. Coaching can be an excellent tool in mapping your difficulties, making changes and optimizing your internal resources.tool difficulty, difficulty changetraining, development, organisational, skill, psychological1
psychologistbudapest.huThe purpose of our work together is to address difficulties, explore problematic and recurring dysfunctional patterns and examine personal and professional relationships, in order to find better and more adaptive solutions.work difficulty, difficulty problematicpsychologist, counseling, family, couple, deep1
highlite.huEverybody longs to show the world what they are capable of without any difficulty both at work and in private life. A good command of English is inevitable to grow your business. From now on, do not worry about it. I will help bridge the language barrier (Hungarian and English). Should it be…capable difficulty, difficulty worktranslation, interpretation, proofreading, reference, language1
jouton-lohaton.hu- We provide opportunity to ride horse for mentally disabled people, for children, youngsters and adults with learning and behavioural difficulties.result, programme, member, report, committee1
bmwdiag.huRespect forming clothes do in he. Course so piqued no an by appear. Themselves reasonable pianoforte so motionless he as difficulty abode way begin.motionless difficulty, difficulty abodearchitect, build, density, housing, tower1
silhouetteconsulting.huwhere, as head of the department, I organised over 800 events a year. A whole book would not be enough to recount the countless experiences and difficulties that I had come across during those years. Still, it was not enough for me. In 2007, my colleagues and I established Silhouette Kft. It was a…experience difficulty, difficulty yearevent, consulting, manager, challenge, client1
alkoholfuggoseg.huProblem analysis, assessment of life difficulties and development of stress, emotion and anxiety management.life difficulty, difficulty developmentaddiction, rehabilitation, group, day, form1
gyerekrehangolva.huIs your family struggling with a personal difficulty and running out of ideas? Do you only want a one-time conversation with a professional? Or do you want someone to accompany you down the road to reach your goal? I am at your disposal!personal difficulty, difficulty ideaparenting, parent, early, support, child1
novoproject.huNovoProject Ltd. has proven its competence in various industries in over three decades of activity with a large number of successful projects serving as references. We are aware of the expectations of project sponsors, have a thorough understanding of the special characterisctics of the economy…economy difficulty, difficulty bureaucracycenter, large, recent, line, city1
vsocial.huI’m 6 months into a new job that uses a technology I’ve had no experience in (but am trying really hard to learn). Often I get tasks that I have real difficulty with. I flag this: I say that I’ve ...question, sidebar, user, post, single1
russianstudies.huThe curriculum made into reality through such difficulties is called Master’s Programme in Russistics. The certificate itself says, “expert specialised in Russian studies”. We call our graduating students “experts on Russia”, and by the way, a recent decision by the Faculty Council allows us to…reality difficulty, difficulty masterrussian, study, history, russia, historical1
eutdij.huclients’ fleet management and tracking services and devices were ready to report e-toll from the first day, through this preventing the initial difficulties inherent to purchase prepaid tickets. For today the regular users and owners of vehicles above 3.5 tones realized the comfort and safety of…initial difficulty, difficulty inherentvehicle, device, road, axle, easy1
nemowork.huSurvey of actual situation, some difficulties and challenges in the life of the company, knowing the strong points on which the recruitment strategy can be based.situation difficulty, difficulty challengehuman, customer, enterprise, fluctuation, resource1
markjector.huVisual documentation is practically always prepared at crime scenes. For this purpose – according to professional recommendations – orientation markers are frequently used: numbers, letters, arrows, flags, buoys, etc. In some places, these markers cannot be placed, or only with disproportionate…disproportionate difficulty, difficulty caselight, figure, length, distance, subject1
nifex.huWe are facing with newer and newer difficulties and our existence, even our developments couldn’t being implemented if we wouldn’t follow our guideline:new difficulty, difficulty existencecut, metal, ltd, quality, certification1
jewish.huFrom the end of the 18th century the Jewish population grew along with their rights. The history of the Hungarian Jews were not different from other parts of the world. They also had to face pogroms and false accusations of water poisoning and ritual killings, too. Despite the difficulties the…despite difficulty, difficulty numberjewish, tour, heritage, private, history1
kontaktpszichologia.huYou can contact us with life management difficulties, couple and family issues, career dilemmas, or to improve your overall well-being. We also offer you child guidance counseling, parenting consultation, and couple or family therapy, autogenic training, EMDR trauma therapy.management difficulty, difficulty couplezoltan, website, variety, wide, small1
noemi-fejlesztohaza.hu…learning through experiences. My aim is to support children with special educational needs (SEN) in order to help them overcome their learning difficulties. In addition, I am committed to improving children's development of English and Hungarian languages as well as strengthening their school…learn difficulty, difficulty additionchild, development, institute, language, availability1
eurasia.huHowever, we will overcome these difficulties by our teamwork, and can keep providing high quality services, that would support Customers.transportation, logistic, truck, ltd, touch1
terdgepberles.huMode used with patients having difficulties reaching full extension. The device will gradually extend the knee with pauses in between each stretching.patient difficulty, difficulty extensionknee, machine, rental, rent, patient1
trhome.huIf you are thinking about buying a property abroad, you may have many questions and fears! One can feel lost in a foreign country, and when it comes to a large-value purchase, the fear is certainly well-founded! We provide a safe solution to these difficulties and fears, be it language, legal…solution difficulty, difficulty fearproperty, real, estate, number, turkey1
medicort.hu…and the desired precision of positioning, the network can be scaled with ease. Its installation is only needed where tracking is required (waiting and consultation rooms typically) and can later be extended or rearranged without difficulty if need arises (e.g. consultation hours changing location).later difficulty, difficulty needpatient, journey, management, efficient, easy1
gann.huOne question around W. D. Gann’s work is how he “scaled” his charts. You can understand this topic in less than 5 minutes. Let’s investigate following these steps: how you construct financial charts on paper, and what technical difficulties you need to overcome on paper-based charts. If you like…technical difficulty, difficulty papertrading, question, tool, point, conception1
devai-intezet.huOur aim is to help those couples who would like to have children in spite of all these difficulties. Our clinic offers state of the art assisted reproductive technology - especially in vitro fertilization -, gynaecological examinations, advice and care throughout the whole process of pregnancy. Be…spite difficulty, difficulty clinicinstitute, reproduction, welcome, treatment, examination1
pallercsarnok.hu"During the greenfield design, licensing and construction of our new production hall, we have found a partner in Pallér Hall’s team who delivered by tight deadlines, as agreed, and by overcoming the lockdowns and difficulties caused by the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic. This has helped us to multiply…lockdown difficulty, difficulty coronavirushall, machinery, construction, reference, electronic1
atlassoft.hu…that when third parties run a static analysis, only a confused, ambiguous, or incomprehensible code will be obtained. When applying this for software products, this means that the binary solution we issued can only be interpreted with a great level of difficulty, while the program remains intact.level difficulty, difficulty programanalysis, software, security, development, technology1
simonyibalazs.hu…fingertips, in our field of vision, expands until it seems an entire universe, overshadowing all else. Often, the native and the newcomer have difficulty finding a common language, because each looks at the same place through a different lens. The newcomer has a wide-angle lens, which gives him a…newcomer difficulty, difficulty commonbalazs, video, photo, image, location1
siomedical.huBloody urine, kidney or low back pain, frequent urination or difficulty passing urine, treatment of testicular growth, prostate cancer screening.urination difficulty, difficulty urineappointment, doctor, examination, surgery, health1
auf.hu…with the quality, price and our colleagues' work. We feel that besides the big shopping centers, our retail partners have a lot of serious difficulties in selling, so we have a part of our job to help them do more effectively. In addition, in our retail store, we consider it important to…lot difficulty, difficulty jobwebsite, household, retail, wholesale, advanced1
lelek-harmonia.huStaying abroad for a while is something that can happen to any of us. When we are in a foreign country, we do not have just new and exciting good experiences, but also have to face difficulties such as too many or too big changes, change-related stress, an unknown culture, culture schock, the…experience difficulty, difficulty bigproblem, psychologist, counselling, disorder, technique1
gaz-partner2000.huIf you would like to visit us personally, you won’t have difficulty finding us with the help of the following map.will difficulty, difficulty helppage, main, profile, reference, look1
simsig.huSounds can be enabled for phone messages, warnings, failures, and Train Ready To Start indicators. Automatic Route Setting, Automatic Headcode Insertion and token systems for single track working are functional in some of the available simulations. Most simulations have various levels of…level difficulty, difficulty beginnersimulation, signal, rail, railway, site1
azumba.huOften overlooked by purchasers focused on top quality of profits analyses and also other non-financial persistance reviews, tax due diligence can be an essential portion of the M&A method. With the difficulty of National, state and native tax laws and regulations, the multitude taxes made by…method difficulty, difficulty nationallegal, law, agreement, contract, rule1
cansathungary.huYou work with your mates to overcome challenging problems and nerve-racking technical difficultiescompetition, satellite, official, organizer, challenge1
palyazatokprojektek.huThese two hard pillars help us to reach our business development plans, to assistance to the applicants on tenders, to fend them from difficulties and failures and to achieve the increase in the number of satisfied applicants and sustainable developments and growth.tender difficulty, difficulty failuretender, development, consulting, write, consultancy1
refugeecenter.huIn addition to fulfilling their physical needs, we want the refugees who are interested in us to find peace of mind as well. In addition to post-traumatic stress, they have to deal with many difficulties in this crisis. A psychologist helps children and adults to live stress-free everyday life…stress difficulty, difficulty crisisrefugee, center, ministry, child, ukrainian1
gtssimulation.hu…playback. Through detailed evaluation and immediate feedback possibilities, it helps to develop the skills faster. Instead of travel and setting up a range environment or configuring kill houses, the trainers just pick a task which sets up a difficulty level, environment, and conditions. Read moretask difficulty, difficulty levelsimulation, training, skill, environment, task1
pannoncsoport.hu…various changes and challenges that the building materials trade has put us through. But I can confidently say that despite the market difficulties, the fair and mutually beneficial cooperation that I have experienced in this partnership is unique in today’s business climate. I am extremelymarket difficulty, difficulty fairopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market1
kisimre.huAfter a vacancy I got a ticket to the Hackaday Superconference to Belgrade so we travelled to the Balkans with my collegue. Travelling Buying a train ticket caused us difficulties because we could not do it only. We also check the Serbian train company’s website. At least we found that we can buy…ticket difficulty, difficulty serbianhvac, sensor, device, data, belgrade1
xpatcare.huI just want to say a big thanks to XpatCare!! I moved to Budapest in the summer which is the peak season in the rental market and I had some difficulties when I started looking at ads online. I became quite frustrated, so I reached out to XpatCare. With their help, I could secure the perfect place…market difficulty, difficulty adsupport, place, help, landlord, free1
backtoharmony.hu…living in joy and harmony. All my life is around harmony. I create harmony in homes and in souls. I have a special sense to feel the geometries and energies around me. I' m so grateful for those difficulties in my life that I have gone through, these taught me how to find myself, my inner harmony.grateful difficulty, difficulty lifeharmony, energy, bathing, session, forest1
proctologybpmeeting.huThis time we intend to approach proctology and perineology from a thrilling aspect: faults, complications and difficulties .meeting, registration, welcome, note, surgery1
vedikusasztrologus.huVedic astrology is a spiritual science, it shows the type of karma (deed, action) or soul debt, with which one was born. It concentrates on how and by what means one can get rid of their difficulties. Its aim is awareness; it points out the past, present and future, thus it offers help in personal…mean difficulty, difficulty aimvedic, relationship, course, knowledge, introduction1
pestbuda.hu…until 1944-45. The basement level of the destroyed house has remained to this day, which makes it difficult to replace the soil. Despite the difficulties, many new trees will be planted, there will be new shaded areas, vertical green surfaces, new public benches, a table tennis table and an…despite difficulty, difficulty newago, square, public, build, century1
egyuttazautistakert.huAutism is a spectrum condition that affects nearly 160,000 people in Hungary. People with autism perceive the impacts of the world differently than others. People with autism usually have difficulties in their daily lives. Some have learning difficulties, others have mental hygiene problems and…usually difficulty, difficulty daily, learn difficulty, difficulty mentalpeople, autism, spectrum, goal, disorder1
lintimage.huSome parts of our bodies need more care, especially when they are under increased strain… Our backs and legs do the most work every day, and their condition affects our well-being, our daily lives and our lives. You can easily relieve their fatigue and difficulties with a massage, which will also…fatigue difficulty, difficulty massagetreatment, care, price, hair, massage1
eletbiztositasicsucstalalkozo.hu…which, each year, identifies and tries to help families that have fallen on hard times due to an unexpected tragedy (life insurance event) and a lack of life insurance cover, facing unsurmountable difficulties in maintaining the family’s usual standard of living without the Foundation’s support.unsurmountable difficulty, difficulty familyinsurance, summit, culture, event, money1
bte.huThe authority controls and administrative procedures derived from this can bring further difficulties.association, dangerous, safety, advisor1
moonwalk.hu…and disrespectful attitude of non-disabled people in everyday life makes it difficult to participate in society, culminating in employment difficulties. Unemployment of young people with disabilities does not seem to be able to be compensated by higher education either, according to the…employment difficulty, difficulty unemploymentdisability, people, research, young, youth1
avhga.huThe volume of agricultural lending in Hungary has grown steadily in the recent years, and this trend has continued despite the difficulties of recent years. In addition to subsidies, lending […]despite difficulty, difficulty recentguarantee, agricultural, investment, food, credit1
bestlocalgov.huReplicable. Is it possible to adapt the best practise in another municipality without any difficulties?government, local, practice, council, europe1
bauteamkft.huFinancial stability is necessary today in order to maintain competitiveness. Our company has been operating without financial difficulty ever since it was established, thus, prefinancing is no problem for us.financial difficulty, difficulty prefinancingreference, quotation, price, quality, certification1
maisonbudapest.huWe had a nice stay. The room was spacious and clean. The breakfast was excellent. It was not easy to get to the hotel by public transport, but after we overcame difficulties to get there it was good for visiting the Fisherman's castletransport difficulty, difficulty goodbreakfast, event, drink, wine, exclusive1
akadalymentesnap.huBesides organizing an all-day cheerful festival, our main goal is to provide experiences to disabled people who otherwise cannot or only with difficulties can experience them.event, picture, latest, volunteer, main1
morrohun.huTo help team members get along with technical difficulties all programs and forms were designed as simple and user-friendly as possible. A lot of guides are available on the net so anyone with zero experience can start translating with this given infrastructure.technical difficulty, difficulty programtranslation, original, pillar, game, demonstration1
silex.huNo more difficulties with the maintenance of the electronic control elements! Silex assures that all electronic elements of the vehicle work together according to the requirements. As the designer and the manufacturer of the vehicle’s electronic components and the electric axle, Silex provides…vehicle, control, electronic, electric, confidence1
nessum.huOur fee is always a subject of common agreement, based on all circumstances and main characteristics of the procurement, such as difficulty, lots, time and human resources. We offer constant or case by case support, and payment terms based on hourly fee or fix price, considering the interest and…procurement difficulty, difficulty lotprocurement, public, training, reference, authority1
markidental.hu…Our dental clinic has the latest and most advanced diagnostic equipments and technology. With decades of experience, we provide comprehensive dental care in a pleasant, elegant environment in excelent quality. We speak English and German, so there are no language difficulties if you choose us.dental, surgery, dentistry, oral, patient1
davehelpsdebrecen.huWelcome to Dave Helps Debrecen - a service designed to make your life easier, more comfortable and much more convenient. If you are tired of the constant difficulties related to your day-to-day problem solving, then you came to the right place!constant difficulty, difficulty dayhelp, price, day, problem, international1
budakeszivadaspark.huCourses of six levels of difficulty await our visitors who want to zip, climb and jump in a beautiful forest settinglevel difficulty, difficulty visitoranimal, open, forest, hour, detail1
nobilitas.huEvery Christmas we raise funds for families encountering financial problems and difficulties.association, historical, family, noble, youth1
zolkiss.huThis project was the first one, when I was there at the beginning, and now, as a Mid-Senior Developer. This company was a big boost to my XP, and I jumped a couple of levels. Here was anything, what a Java Developer can wish. Despite the difficulty of the project the atmosphere was homely, and I…despite difficulty, difficulty projectdeveloper, client, date, close, software1
fluxtoll.huThe different lengths and formations of the bristles of the fluxpen help each user find the right solution for their needs and habits, whether they have difficulty to access parts or repairing.habit difficulty, difficulty partbrush, international, use, user, solution1
heureka-kreativ.huwhich describes the difficulties of renting out your home and presents the solution: Tower Budapest.creative, agency, client, thing, ideal1
lowevonblumengarten.huBEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : As a family dog, the Leonberger is an agreeable partner for present day dwelling and living conditions, who can be taken anywhere without difficulty and is distinguished by his marked friendliness towards children. He is neither shy nor aggressive. As a companion, he is…condition difficulty, difficulty markdog, breed, close, strong, straight1
fmkk-cloud.huAsk any question about the product, its settings, operational difficulties or malfunctions.operational difficulty, difficulty malfunctioncloud, client, telecommunication, channel, communication1
kontron.huservice is always ensured through ITIL-based processes. Our management solutions can be integrated into your existing operating environment without any difficulty. Due to our extensive customer base, we are able to provide our services in a cost-effective way, taking advantage of economies of scale.environment difficulty, difficulty extensivesolution, network, management, customer, cloud1
szantaipszichologus.hu"I contacted Levi because I developed post-covid symptoms, I had a headache, dizziness, and concentration problems. I also had difficulty getting along with my coach and was about to change teams. Because I knew Levi as a player, we quickly found common ground and I was able to open up before. As…problem difficulty, difficulty coacharticle, public, activity, goalkeeper, post1
fogjegytaxit.huTime is one of the most valuable factors during any journey. Our airport transfer service allows our customers to make the most efficient use of their free time. You don't have to worry about parking issues or public transportation difficulties.airport, transfer, journey, driver, parking1
mentalkozpont.hu…then many times end up with a broader understanding of the past and the origins of these present problems. This improved understanding of our difficulties and better self-awareness which comes with it often leads to better quality of life and can help reduce psychological problems such as anxiety…understand difficulty, difficulty welltherapy, therapist, page, psychologist, problem1
swedishchamber.huThe Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary has cooperation with two Hungarian organizations who are supporting women and children who face particular difficulties these times.particular difficulty, difficulty timechamber, swedish, member, sustainability, commerce1
zhe.huDue to the difficulty of modeling human limb, it is very challenging to design the controller for human-robot collaboration. In this paper, we present a novel controller combining the variable admittance control and assistant control. In particular, the reinforcement learning is used to obtain the…video, robotic, jia, pan, human1
actualart.huOur goal is to offer talented artists high standard, internationally competitive contracts, and to help them discover the world. We ensure that the difficulties in connection with the jobs do not cause problems for the artists; we help them in arranging the documents – e.g. exams, visas, medical…world difficulty, difficulty connectionstage, image, production, art, actual1
redrecruitment.huIn this insightful case study, we explore the transformative journey of ITS, a dynamic software development start-up based in Spain. Faced with rapid growth, ITS encountered critical challenges, including a lack of visibility in employee skills, collaboration difficulties, employee burnout, and…collaboration difficulty, difficulty employeerecruitment, europe, central, agency, eastern1
majkiremeteseg.huDear Visitors, We regret to inform you that, owing to technical difficulties, we will be unable to accept reservations for cell-houses at the Hermitage in 2022. Thank you for your understanding.technical difficulty, difficulty unableexhibition, visitor, history, house, photo1
kaszasgabor.hu…hand it wasn’t even true. Of course I had no right to present my own side in the assessment or disagree with it, and the management received it with this content. With difficulty, I managed to take the exam successfully despite the above mentioned circumstances, and conclude the simulator stage.content difficulty, difficulty examtraining, contract, traffic, air, controller1
goldtunnelsystem.huBecoming and staying a top athlete is a continuation of the yellow brick road that contains the most bumps and difficulties, but can also be a promising stage that has the most success. The tests, assessments, and professional expertise provided by Gold Tunnel System give relevant information as…bump difficulty, difficulty promisingtunnel, athlete, assessment, analysis, success1
cluefactory.huFounder, and also on-site worker. Creates floorplans, interior designs for all the games aiming for the best possible atmosphere. Creates new puzzles and sets the order and difficulty. Draws the digital art and puzzles.order difficulty, difficulty digitalgame, room, escape, real, provider1
hsze.huthis, he gradually grew apart from communist ideology. He graduated from university in 1973, with a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy. He had difficulty finding a job, finally he became a contracted researcher at the Pedagogical Research Team of the Hungarian Academy of Science (1973-1975). At…philosophy difficulty, difficulty jobinterview, century, memory, university, foreign1
flexeffect.huAfter recognizing the needs of our partners in the labor market and the difficulties of a constantly changing economic environment, our company provides a wagework service that can be applied efficiently in different production processes and is flexible in every case to suit our partners' needs.market difficulty, difficulty constantlysignificant, process, long, history, production1
golyahiralapitvany.huAdopted children suffer from an above-average number of premature developmental delays, nervous system immaturity problems, partial disability and learning difficulties for a variety of reasons (preterm birth, neglected pregnancies, smoking during pregnancy, drug and alcohol use, mental trauma).learn difficulty, difficulty varietychild, family, parent, community, shop1
zalatransfer.huWe hope that with our service we can take over the difficulties of our passengers to any airport and their return trips, so that you can focus only on comfortable travel!service difficulty, difficulty passengertransfer, trip, guest, arrival, great1
findedichzurecht.huWe see that the difficulties of those who live here are mainly due to the fact that they do not speak this wonderfully beautiful and unique but very difficult language and, on the other hand, to the fact that the legal and administrative mazes are very complicated.advice, legal, assistance, insurance, general1
folia-szamitas.hu…data input as well as wrong selection of product. When using calculators, sometimes you are unable to understand the results or you can have difficulties when doing so. Should this be the case, please do not hesitate to contact our colleagues who are at your disposal. The more data are shown, theresult difficulty, difficulty casecalculator, site, calculation, shrink, portal1
joyevents.huA well organized back stage process concerning events place, food, escorts, translations, professional guidance, accomodations will promote us to be satisfactorally perfect choice for your stay. With that kind of organization we will help to overtake difficulties from clients. We focus on quality…organization difficulty, difficulty clientjoy, event, introduction, agency, exclusive1
shoplog.huI have been very pleased since the start of our cooperation. Partners who not only want to meet the minimum necessary requirements but also really understand the logistical difficulties associated with running a webshop and remedy them as best as possible. Individual requests are also…logistical difficulty, difficulty webshoppackage, logistic, management, customer, inventory1
concierge-budapest.huYou may offen encounter difficulties in both, business or private life, when things just don’t want to come about, because you may lack time, energy or simply just prefer to relax.offen difficulty, difficulty businesspersonal, exclusive, manager, solution, assistant1
bayenergy.huAs recognized, recognized, adventure adventure as as without without difficulty difficulty as as experience experience more more or or less less lesson, lesson, amusement, amusement, as as capably capably as as settlement settlement can can be be gotten gotten by by just just checking checking out…adventure difficulty, difficulty experienceday, leigh, book, series, novel1
mipack.huWith Mr Madács we share a working partneship for decades now, which solidified so strongly, that even if there are difficulties or challenges both parties can be proud of what we achieved. together. In the future we would like to continue on the base of this solid cooperation. We both are aware of…strongly difficulty, difficulty challengesolution, packaging, flexible, method, optimal1
onalloelet.huIn addition, we share the difficulties of learning, working, doing sports, running a household, raising children, choosing a partner. We also share our experience about the problems of the connection between healthy and injured people.addition difficulty, difficulty sportpeople, activity, independent, live, accessibility1
borderlinealapitvany.huThe goal of the BORDERLINE TALENT FOUNDATION is to introduce people to Borderline personality disorder and the accompanying difficulties in life, and to introduce solutions to both the affected individual and their environment.disorder difficulty, difficulty lifefounder, publication, page, main, talent1
sopitransfer.huWould you like to avoid the difficulties of public transport? Don't like the crowd? Our company has tested and experienced drivers at your disposal to get you from Liszt Ferenc Airport to your home or from your home to any airport quickly and comfortably.price, passenger, language, german, airport1
divorceinhungary.huDespite it being a trying matter with some difficulties the law firm were able to negotiate though everything. They have a very understanding of the law and were able to explain everything and have it closed quickly with minimum cost and a great outcome.matter difficulty, difficulty lawdivorce, case, international, lawyer, legal1
bimco.huBIM evolves from a conceptual idea to an overall plan with any technical difficulties becoming obvious at an early stage. Solving these problems in the virtual environment results in enormous increases in time- and cost-efficiency on site. The model is also extremely valuable for maintenance and…technical difficulty, difficulty obviousconstruction, modelling, modeling, structural, future1
brmhungary.huBrevet Randonneurs Mondiaux (BRM) cycling performance tours through the country. If you feel a 100 km long ride is yet too less for you, if a tour around lake Balaton goes smoothly or even 3000 m elevation does not cause any difficulty for you, then you should definitely try yourself on a BRM…elevation difficulty, difficulty definitelydetail, news, event, gallery, password1
skilltogo.huResilience is more than just reacting and bouncing back from difficulties. It's a combination of mindful presence, a flexible attitude and taking action.resilience difficulty, difficulty combinationresilience, organization, development, positive, leadership1
yoganiche.co.huMy journey with yoga began in 2015 or 2016, during a challenging period in my life. I was struggling with a toxic relationship, difficulties in my studies, and work-related stress. It was during this time that I discovered yoga, and it was love at first sight. Yoga became my safe haven, providing…relationship difficulty, difficulty studyyoga, journey, inspiration, january, period1
civiljogok.hu…systems, the re-introduction of tangible incentives honoring the work of public benefit organizations as well as in the liquidation of legal difficulties preventing the provision of public tasks for more than 7 years. Contradictions in the relationships among NGOs, the State and local governmentslegal difficulty, difficulty provisionngo, public, legal, goal, regulation1
360fokbringa.huliving a simple, sustainable life so close to each other and to the nature and with respect towards their surroundings. Although we had so many difficulties on the KKH (diarrhea, Árpi’s teeth problem again, road under construction) this was one of the most beautiful part of our journey. In Karimabadsurrounding difficulty, difficulty kkhday, people, road, asia, way1
felvesznek.huOur analysis of the current situation in partner schools from Hungary, Finland and Bulgaria shows a stable trend in the numbers of learners that are facing difficulties in graduating. The roots of this phenomenon reflect the different national and local contexts: in some cases, these are linked to…learner difficulty, difficulty roottraining, manual, teacher, school, career1
agromashexpo.huAlmost without exception, participating exhibitors reported a higher level of interest than in previous years. There was an increase in business and a positive atmosphere at the show despite the difficulties.ticket, exhibitors, exhibition, visitor, discount1
vidakatalin.huMy specialties include treatment for relationship problems, adjustment and transitional difficulties for expatriates living in Hungary, women’s issues, performance enhancement, anxiety, perfectionism, low self-esteem and family of origin issues.transitional difficulty, difficulty expatriatecounseling, psychologist, family, price, activity1
szoftveralapcsomag.huElderly users often have difficulties adjusting to the accelerated pace of life and to the huge information flow of recent times. Thus, the Digital Success Software Package offers them a customized user profile fitting their general needs. The user interface of this customized profile contains…user difficulty, difficulty accelerateuser, software, package, success, digital1
testimesek.huThanks to my unusual life story, I have a unique experience of intimacy, pleasure and solving relationship difficulties.share, method, energetic, release1
jankovits.hu…overly extending and very complicated manufacturing lines, where the circumstances of planning and on-site assembling produce extraordinary difficulties for hydraulic appliances and for technicians equally. As regards the appliances created by Jankovits Engineering I may say that they superbly…extraordinary difficulty, difficulty hydraulicengineering, hydraulic, machine, manufacture, machinery1
nadordental.hu"As a foreigner traveling to Budapest for dental treatment, it was a gamble for me to find excellent dental service. I got incredibly lucky by choosing Nador Dental, these people are professionals with thousands hours of experience, they will find best solutions for cases of any difficulty."dental, treatment, tooth, dentistry, private1
oko-melli.huSo far, the honeys have been sold in barrels to domestic packaging plants. Despite this year's difficulties, we still believe that we now have a commodity base with which we can enter the export market. It is important to us and we can only maintain our operation if we try to bring a real natural…year difficulty, difficulty commodityhoney, bee, organic, natural, quality1
busivica.huGreatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration.possession difficulty, difficulty unreservednature, travel, sit, tellus, consectetur1
biztonsagosvaltozas.hu„I knew coaching before I started to work with Kriszta, I had experienced the efficieny and advantages of this method earlier, too. Kriszta helped me cope with the initial difficulties and challenges when I started to work in the organization as a new manager. She supported my onboarding process…initial difficulty, difficulty challengeorganization, development, process, group, goal1
drivinglicence.huOur driving school’s good reputation and the students’ satisfaction is of utmost importance for all of our instructors and administrators. To the extent possible, we strive to establish a nice learning environment and a good atmosphere. If you encounter any difficulty concerning the driving, the…atmosphere difficulty, difficulty drivedrive, school, course, theory, licence1
varrattisztitas.hu…procedure is also passivation (where the water neutralizes the cleaning fluid). Passivation can be achieved by washing the surface with water at the end of the process. By applying it, you can forget about all the difficulties you might previously experienced during sanding or pickling cleaning.process difficulty, difficulty previouslyclean, brush, seam, machine, article1
s6mernok.huMajority of our control system engineers had experience in power plants before coming to the S-6 and they have significant operating experience in that field of the industry. Nevertheless we don’t have difficulties in designing other kinds of systems.industry difficulty, difficulty kindengineering, control, plant, power, software1
horanyitarsasag.huCreating the Society and organizing its life is the merit of Professor Attila Lipcsey. He was also the first chairperson. His unfortunate early death understandably lead to temporary operational difficulties. The leadership was re-established in 2005 (Dr. Magda Stipula as president, Dr. László…operational difficulty, difficulty leadershipsociety, neurology, clinical, neuroscience, professor1
100orszag.hu…is so much to see here, we will surely feel that our time here is not enough. Its history goes back to ancient times, as the Phoenicians lived in huge metropolises in the area as early as 3000-2000 BC. Although the modern era has brought many difficulties for the country's residents, tourism...era difficulty, difficulty countrycountry, saudi, arabia, gallery, cuisine1
lachegyiimre.hu…When choosing the compositions, Imre Lachegyi intended to provide a wide choice of styles as well as compile pieces of different level of difficulty. Most of the works in the volume are a transcription of pieces composed for keyboard instruments. The guiding principle behind the…level difficulty, difficulty workpiece, recorder, performance, media, purchase1
tatamicup.huHereby we inform you that we are sorry about the Russian - Ukrainian situation, but we won’t be in any difficulty in organizing our tournament.will difficulty, difficulty tournamentcup, competition, march, child, dear1
ultratrail.huThe views, difficulty, aid stations, quality of race materials, volunteers, and atmosphere were all top tier. I would highly recommend this race to my friends.view difficulty, difficulty aidrace, infographic, sponsor, guide, news1
cadcam3000.huWe cooperated in various projects with the team. Although the construction industry is not the main area of CAD-CAM 3000, they were brilliant at understanding our difficulties and challenges, and they had excellent ideas during their contribution.brilliant difficulty, difficulty challengeengineering, tool, prototype, solution, measurement1
ccsys.huFor printing houses, printing to ISO12647 standards and compliance with PSO for hand-held measurement has many difficulties Most recent printing standards and recommendations already require that control strips be measured automatically, thus eliminating the possibility manual measurement errors…measurement difficulty, difficulty recentcolor, control, measurement, quality, camera1
mahasti.hu- correspondence of difficulty of the choreography with the technical knowledge of the dancers (i.e. you don’t have to perform an advanced choreo if you’re beginners)correspondence difficulty, difficulty choreographygroup, dance, competition, category, belly1
kiralyklinika.huWe understand the difficulties of dealing with GI disorder and know that your medical concern is an urgent matter to you. At the Király Clinic we are committed to provide all specialty consultations and clinical procedures within 72 hrs of a request, and often much sooner. By checking in at the…clinic, treatment, medicine, hospital, procedure1
cipkft.huWe know what IT difficulties small and medium organizations have, and we know the working and cost effective methods that can enable your business to use the solutions which are no longer the priviliges of large companies.network, installation, software, medium, homepage1
sociall.huThe 1:1 social media consultations are created just for you and your company. We’ll take some time to study the particular difficulties you face and identify practical solutions.particular difficulty, difficulty practicalsocial, media, owner, list, strategy1
homecyclinghungary.huThe aim of the workout is strength and cardio training, as well as fat loss. The workouts are usually accompanied by several levels and rhythmic music. During the workouts, you can use the speed and direction of progression settings to control your difficulty level. The key is a regular and…setting difficulty, difficulty levelbike, appointment, cycling, package, subscription1
drpapprobert.huLet me assist you if you are facing difficulties regarding an invoice issued to one of your business partners or if one of your invoices or part of it is unpaid, contested, or if your partner disappeared and cannot be contacted.legal, association, assistance, website, lawyer1
drzsu.huFor 40 years of her life, she had to prove everything to herself and was dependent on the pain of creating difficulty in her life. As a result, she experienced multiple failed relationships, but managed to break through all hardship with her strength and determination to build a career.pain difficulty, difficulty lifehealth, alive, change, integrate, unique1
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.huWhat is the reason behind that despite of several institutional difficulties there are some healthcare professionals that arrive to work with a smile on their faces every single day?institutional difficulty, difficulty healthcarehealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion1
blumprogram.huknowledge and on creating a dialogue as well as on the formation of the associated activities and community movements in the field of the new challenges of education (the characteristics of children with atypical history of development, various behavioural problems and attention difficulties, etc.).attention difficulty, difficulty etcchild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher1
mikropakk.huNon-professional users usually rely on disposable PUR foam bottles for work around the house or for hobby use. However, in the case of bottles, the application of PUR foam requires the user to use both hands, which can cause difficulties. To solve this problem, we have designed the Genius…hand difficulty, difficulty problemsolution, packaging, injection, value, closure1
lathatatlan.huIn the exhibition, you rely exclusively on your sense of balance, smell and hearing to gain information. In this new situation created by losing your sight, you can experience that despite the difficulties, life can still be beautiful and complete for blind people.despite difficulty, difficulty lifeinvisible, exhibition, dinner, taste, foreign1
violet-consulting.hu…have a passion for continued learning and a track record of picking up new technologies and skills, have a special interest in web application state management, recognizing the difficulties of an asynchronous, networked system, bonus points if you have interest in the saga pattern, fluent Englishmanagement difficulty, difficulty asynchronousconsulting, engineer, position, candidate, manager1
pestextfestival.hu…to make it possible for their local readers to engage them in thrilling conversation. And this year will be no exception. Despite all the difficulties in the world today, we are still here, and we still believe that literature binds us together. Art and culture retains the ability to influencedespite difficulty, difficulty worldfestival, literary, author, writer, literature1
mirkzsofia.huI can facilitate you to find your solution in those kind of situations where an objective and un involved helper is needed. Working with highly sensitive people have an extra importance for me as I am one of them. I learned how to cope with the difficulties what they can have in their everyday life.importance difficulty, difficulty everydaycounseling, curious, solution, psychologist, problem1
czifrajuli.huAt Vodafone, I entrusted Juli with the most complex projects, because I knew she was up to any challenges as a program manager. I could always count on her perseverance to succeed with her team, despite any difficulties.interview, consulting, article, psychology, book1
papaibotond.hu…was 20 months old when we took him to the neurologist, 5 years and 3 months old, when after numerous negative examinations his gene test showed that a de-novo mutation causes his stiff muscles and walking difficulties. The name of his very rare disease is Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP type 4).walk difficulty, difficulty rarefoundation, step, rehabilitation, surgery, help1
proplan.huYou can always count on us if you encounter any difficulties in developing a product, need a sample for manufacturing, have to replace a specific equipment part, or demand an instrument that does not yet exist.manufacture, idea, implementation, perfect, solution1
absolutdesign.huWorking on the market, we’ve sensed that entering expatriates often require professional assistance in the technical difficulties that occur while occupying and customizing their new apartment.technical difficulty, difficulty newpurchase, interior, apartment, technical, place1
jogiszakforditas.huTranslation price depends on the target language, difficulty of the text and the deadline, therefore our prices below are target prices. Request a precise quotation by sending this document.language difficulty, difficulty texttranslation, legal, quotation, office, price1
jetter.huReports on matters such as dissatisfaction with wages, difficulties with cooperation between colleagues or violations of smoking and alcohol policies should be made via the usual internal channels. If they are made using this reporting system they will be immediately deleted and the report will be…wage difficulty, difficulty cooperationautomation, development, customer, solution, report1
segwaytoursbudapest.hu…driving system that works almost like if it was reading your mind. It is also a perfect solution for people with restricted mobility and with difficulties of walking. The computers, gyroscops and sensors protect anyone from falling without any effort. Segway is the best way for sightseeing!mobility difficulty, difficulty computertour, historical, hour, castle, special1
tamasmagusmedium.huThese 15 days were very cool and exciting. 🤗 There were 1-2 tasks that caused difficulty, but at least I moved out of my comfort zone. 😁 Right from the beginning, we planted the seed of self-confidence, which we nurtured every single day, and it grew day by day. It is (also) important in a…task difficulty, difficulty comfortcourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health1
orosznyelvtanar.hu…to find a very unique approach to each person and make classes entertaining and efficient, even for those who study the language with great difficulty (my husband, who now speaks Hungarian without hesitation, is a clear evidence to it). I am truly grateful to her, and am happy to recommend her…great difficulty, difficulty husbandlesson, class, russian, student, language1
drbujalos.huIn my professional life I have not become a practisioner lawyer or a bookworm philosopher but I work for more than 18 years in a multinational company as a manger or advisor. I beleive I gained deep understanding on how large corporation works what are its mechanism which are the difficulties of…mechanism difficulty, difficulty differentthought, burn, multinational, way, shield1
nagyothallo.info.huThe therapy for and eliminating of learning difficulties and other problems such as (disphasy, dislexy, disgraphy, discalculia etc.learn difficulty, difficulty problemschool, special, development, education, hear1
europutz.hu…addition to expert property management and operation our main tasks are to insure for our partners that they should not notice the incidental difficulties that may emerge during our work even in extreme cases. We consider our Partners’ needs all the time . We believe that we have achieved our…incidental difficulty, difficulty workmanagement, build, property, clean, industry1
petrolkft.hu…to the maintenance. We accept commissions for planning and building filling stations like main contractor, to relieve our client of the burden of the difficulty of the organising, of the co-ordination of the subcontractors, and of the taking of relationship with the co-operating authorities.burden difficulty, difficulty organisedispenser, fuel, technology, technological, client1
mutogroup.hu…of creation. It s community is built through critical curatorial practices and the democratic ideas of DIY culture. Reflecting on the suffocating air of art world institutions, on the difficulties faced by young artists because of it, and on the lack of dialogue, MŰTŐ tried to find an alternative.institution difficulty, difficulty younggroup, exhibition, community, art, collaboration1
boldogkutyakozmetika.huoriginal plans. It was a tough choice – either I accept the monotonous job for the safety it provides, or I choose the thorny road with several difficulties in exchange for fulfillment. I’ve decided to go back to my original plan – to work with and care for dogs. I was in a lucky situation, as my…road difficulty, difficulty exchangetreatment, sanitary, cut, hair, bathing1
paintball.hu…hit is 1 point. A player who is shot, goes to the side of the field, and can only return to the game after a certain time. When time’s up, the hits are counted, and the team collecting the more “scalps” wins. The difficulty is that while you’re hunting for scalps, …. the enemy is hunting for…scalp difficulty, difficulty scalpgame, field, price, equipment, course1
budapestcircusfestival.huhis special acrobatic performance of combining tapping dance with ball bouncing. The world record for bounce juggling 9 balls is 1 minute and 7 seconds by him. "If you can endure the hard times, you will view the difficulties as nothing when you look back." – told once, as an ars poetica of his art.time difficulty, difficulty arscircus, festival, international, act, artist1
hollanding.huAlready in medieval times the Dutch Kingdom's biggest export product was cheese. Nowadays 750 million kilograms of cheese is produced every year. In the Netherlands there live cheeseheads and there was even a cheese war in the past. Let's visit a traditional cheese market and let's discover the…aristocrates difficulty, difficulty birthdutch, cheese, netherlands, flower, perspective0
akupunktura-drli.huCupping Therapy Cups | Dr. Li Hua | Hungary Moxibustion | Dr. Li Hua | Hungary Tcm Chinese Medicine | Dr. Li Hua | Hungarybreastfeeding difficultyli, cup, pain, medicine0
admaiore.huAdmaiore - Rent a BI expert from ustechnical difficultyexpert, reference, immediately, highly, currently0
mediawavearchivum.hu…| ÖRDÖGKATLAN Festival | LOST FRAGMENTS | Art Camp films | MEDIAWAVE Film Workshops | Script Writer Workshops | Photo Workshops | MEDIAWAVE Music Workshops | Other Workshops - dance, new cirque, ect. | Architect Workshops | MEDIAWAVE tours, representations, minifestivals | RÓMER HOUSE (Győr,music, archive, festival, dance, documentary0
vandortura.huAre you looking for something exciting to do with your friends? We guarantee fascinating programs at breath-taking places which you will never forget. Feel free to join one of our fixed time tours or choose the time for yourself and we will organize canoeing, cycling or hiking tours for you.level difficulty, difficulty soft, difficulty mediumtour, canoeing, cycling, hiking, gallery0
mategabor.huI photographed people – and their environment – who had gotten a divorce or were in the middle of one. The quotations next to the images are excerpts from the interviews with the characters on the given picture, or written by them. In the interviews I asked two questions: why they got a divorce…picture, divorce, original, resolution, people0
gellertescape.huGellért Escape is one of Budapest's newest and most advanced escape games. Our rooms were developed by screenwriters and engineers.escape, room, game, detail, advanced0
akineziologus.hu…and behavior. I began my kinesiology studies in 2013. In 2014 I have joined the PKS- Professional Kinesiology School Hungary. Here I have had the chance to study several different methods of kinesiology. I have completed my official kinesiology exam in 2016. My future plan is to complete the…study difficultystudy, method, emotional, session, human0
segelyszervezet.huApart from social programmes in Hungary, Hungarian Interchurch Aid has also carried out humanitarian and development work in over 40 countries, helping those in need regardless of nationality, religion or world view, all the while meeting the highest professional and transparency requirements.aid, account, code, humanitarian, donation0
somogyiangelika.hu…of the experiences in the development of my colleagues, I became increasingly interested in the human psyche and its science, psychology. In the course of my psychological counseling work, I keep helping my clients in deeper understanding of their issues and develop their strengths to be able to…problem, university, counselling, psychologist, therapy0
actinvent.huOur Services… Our References… Contact us… References… ask for… our offer!… other…technical difficultyexpert, reference, problem, highly, data0
serpakalandpark.huThe website of the Company contains information that enables a quick electronic contact to our enterprise, as well as direct communication with us, which also includes a general address of the so-called electronic mail (e-mail address). If a data subject contacts the controller by e-mail or via a…data, price, adventure, personal, process0
turbotanoda.huHumanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree in Pedagogy of Students with Learning Disabilities."interpersonal difficultyteacher, speciality, child, school, education0
ithelpcenter.huWe provide technical support for ad hoc, short-term or long-term projects. Our team of reliable and highly skilled professionals are at your service if you need to outsource the management of any kind of IT-related issue or to supplement your existing team. You can count on us if you find your…technical difficultysupport, help, step, solution, center0
mometal.hu…and outs of the profession. When he had the opportunity to do so, he did not work only at his workplace, as he could also test himself as an entrepreneur after the change of regime. He laid the foundation on which it was possible and worth building. For me, the plant was an attractive world of…metal, cut, trading, llc, machining0
csodama.huWe're happy to build network with our Hungarian and international partners for good and noble causes!event, activity, cause, goal, foundation0
marcellremenye.hu…was diagnosed with a special disorder, Fibular Hemimelia , which means my fibular bone is missing in my leg. For this reason, my right leg is much shorter, I can barely move my ankle, and my foot is turned outwards. Now, I’m about to have the most important surgery of my life, and I need your help.surgery, help, important, donation, goal0
csernitzkylaura.huI'm passionate about providing support for individuals on their unique journeys. I look forward to assisting you on your journey towards mental health.relationship difficultyjourney, support, forward, unique, passionate0
trm.huGenerating graphs with a given degree sequence uniformly and randomly is a challenging problem. One of the popular methods is the switch Markov chain, which is a Markov chain Monte Carlo method that takes a random walk on the set of realizations via switches.chain, degree, sequence, homepage, graph0
chichaya.huOwing to the special catches, Thai massage also supports the flexible joints, corrects the tight and cramped muscles and relieves the pain. Moreover, it provides the energetic balance of the organs. The effect of massage is mainly balancing of the energy system, as it provides free energy flow by…people difficultymassage, body, traditional, type, effect0
tiszaviragpszichologia.huTiszavirág Psychological Center located in the center of Szeged offers a variety of psychological services.challenge difficulty, difficulty periodpage, psychologist, psychological, center, self0
por.hu- - Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer (IBMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), Department of Thoracic Medical Oncologyhistopathological difficulty, difficulty adolescentuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine0
mysterygames.huIf you’re interested in ancient civilizations, you can’t miss our game! We take you and your group on a journey to the ancient empire of the Mayans with the help of our time machine. Discover the secrets lying in the depths of the maya pyramid. You’ll need skill, teamwork and excellent…booking, room, game, secret, depth0
gyogytorna.info.huTreatment of shoulder, hip, knee and ankle joint pain is in many cases only possible with targeted physiotherapy. Based on a movement test to find out the cause of the pain, our physiotherapists compile a list of homework exercises tailored to the individual. The performance of these exercises…difficulty accidenttreatment, physiotherapy, method, pain, physiotherapist0
intretech.huWith the advent of Industry 4.0 and consumer IoT boom, Intretech has developed a global intelligent manufacturing system with a high level of informatization and automation to meet the increased needs for collaborative development, customisation services, flexible production and information…business difficultymanufacture, intelligent, automation, global, industry0
szalkasszorutacskok.huTime flies. Today, my first wirehaired dachshund is 7 years old. His name is Marosmenti-Rudifogó Mazsola. Thanks for the breeders. Also, this is the date of Bassotto di Corleone Kennel establishment and much more things. Rather 7 years old of a passion, friendship, love, tracking, working and…cact difficulty, difficulty blood, schwhk difficultydog, hunting, champion, class, judge0
ipkovich-emoke.hu…If you are an expat living abroad, I can offer you online sessions as well. Although online consultations require greater focus from both the consultant and the client, online sessions proved to be efficient for clients who contacted me from numerous countries, including the USA, UK, Switzerland,origin difficulty, difficulty moving, challenge difficulty, difficulty intimatepsychologist, client, issue, relationship, personal0
duna3000.hu…and widespread business relations. At Duna 3000, we believe that the base of successful cooperation with our clients is deeply rooted in the mutual partnership and trust. Our goal is to find real solutions for our clients’ challenges and questions as well as to support them to create and carrydifficulty authorityaccounting, tax, consultation, authority, report0
lpe.huWe stand by the highest standards of manufacturing methods, pay great attention to every detail, pro...production, location, quality, eng, industry0
mystiqueroom.huThe point of an escape room game for a team is to escape from locked rooms within a specified time limit. The experience takes away players’ real life worries and places them in a different world. If you’re looking for something unique that will entertain both adults and kids, then Mystique Room…room, player, minute, length, escape0