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80 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: disability

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moonwalk.hu…to develop a toolkit and framework based on non-formal learning methods structuring and improving the empowerment of young people living with disabilities, who are often heavily disadvantaged (also NEET). This methodology would be designed based on empirical research conducted in the project and…people disability, disability local, disability efficiently, disability heavily, disability youngpeople, research, young, youth, methodology15
lepjunkhogylephessenek.huOur organization is the only one in Hungary today that advocates for centrally paralyzed children (cerebral palsy – CP) and their families. It was founded in 2011 by parents raising children with CP. Nowadays, we have grown into a national organization focusing on issues that affect all people…child disability, disability typically, disability assistive, people disability, disability familychild, care, association, family, step13
ajbh.huDisability Directorate of Office of Commissioner for Fundamental Rights to Commence Activities in Debrecenmeet disability, disability advisory, person disability, disability crpd, disability mentalanimation, commissioner, fundamental, office, county9
salvavita.huProability: The aim of the project was to increase the employment opportunities of people with disabilities in the open labour market. As envisioned by the project partners, this could be achieved through awareness raising programs regarding the employment of disabled people, designed for present…people disability, disability life, disability small, adult disability, disability modularpeople, employment, organization, job, foundation9
fogdakezemalapitvany.hu…the beginning of the programme: already in Orosháza (2015), Gyula (2017) and Békéscsaba (2018), guests can meet people living with intellectual disability serving. In this way, guests can experience the presence of participating these people during conversation and service, not because of their…intellectual disability, disability support, fact disability, disability human, people disabilityfoundation, people, youngsters, young, hand9
gurulo.hu…This means the individual setup of the best suitable assistive equipment that requires the least energy from its user. We believe that through the use of suitable assistive tools the chances of employment of people with disabilities and their capacity to keep their workplace increase considerably.people disability, disability capacity, disability supply, disability complex, disability disseminationpeople, rehabilitation, employment, tool, expert9
teljeselet.huThe state has been slow to recognise its duties towards people with disabilities, therefore our charity work, which involved arranging events, excursions, trips and integrated summer holidays for home-raised children and young adults with special needs was an unequalled and exemplary enterprise…child disability, disability child, people disability, disability calling, multiple disabilitygoal, foundation, camp, newly, center8
aholnapiskolaja.huThe inclusive school tackles the gaps in the education of children with multiple (and severe-multiple) disabilities. However, due to our focus on developing talent, the knowledge, skills and strengths of typically developing children also greatly improve. We are creating a type of institution that…multiple disability, disability peer, disability focus, disability activeschool, tomorrow, child, multiple, severe7
tuskevariskola.huFor six years our training has given help for more than 120 colleagues mainly because our trainers, lecturers are well-known child-psychiatrists, psychologists, special needs teachers, teachers of learning disabilities with great experience. The training is child- and practice-centred. We intend…learn disability, disability drama, disability teacher, disability hour, disability integrationteacher, school, training, learn, child7
pepperpr.hu…market as well as the fast expansion of mobile and digital technologies in recruitment and employer brand building alike. Also, we anticipated a growing number of people with disabilities appearing on the job market. During the year, most of our expectations have become true." - sums up Dobár.people disability, disability jobpepper, software, technology, market, office5
onalloelet.huThe members of our association regularly visit various schools to share their stories and raise awareness of teachers and students about life situations and problems that people with disabilities face every day. The most important goal is to promote tolerance, respect and openness towards disabled…people disability, disability marczibányi, awareness disability, disability society, disability daypeople, activity, independent, live, accessibility5
gyermekkoriautizmus.huAutism is “invisible” to people in the sense that many affected with autism look normal like anybody else. Despite autism being one of the most common developmental disabilities, there is not enough information about it.developmental disability, disability information, consequence disability, disability result, people disabilityautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic5
enisvagyok.huThe MNL Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Letter, TISZApART Cinema and Association invites you to a photo exhibition of MONFODI's works. Pictures of people with disabilities can be viewed at the exhibition.disability association, people disability, disability exhibitionén, association, day, website, croatia4
nowtech.huHelping people with disabilities to live an independent life, by developing smart solutions, including: wheelchair head control, smart controllers and more!people disability, disability independentcontroller, wheelchair, head, future, technology4
adnijoga.huOur team of socially responsible yoga instructors lead free yoga classes on a weekly basis for children and adults who could not otherwise experience calmness through yoga. We offer classes for young people with disabilities, women in difficult life situations, refugees, and children in state care…people disability, disability refugee, disability womanyoga, class, socially, instructor, group3
sokszinusegikarta.huMay full of diversity organized by HBLF and its partners Women leaders, employment of people with disabilities, the mental health of employees and further topics covered by this year’s EU Diversity Month’s 56 programs in Hungary. The Diversity Month, organized in several countries joining the…people disability, disability mentaldiversity, month, european, award, country3
suhanjfitness.huSUHANJ! organizes sport programmes for people living with physical and mental disabilities; weekly trainings in several sports, awareness-raising projects and so on. Our handicapped athletes also participate in competitions with the help of our volunteers.mental disability, disability weeklytraining, education, physical, class, people3
torekveskosar.huThe association of he Törekvés SE continues in it’s commitment to providing opportunities for athletes with a disability to participate in a fully integrated sport program. It also promotes growth at the initiation, developmental, competitive and elite levels in numerous sport programs for youth…athlete disability, disability fully, disability ablebasketball, introduction, opportunity, girl, association2
edukid.hu…as this is essential if we are to secure the future of children. Our specialty is that we are the only one in Hungary dealing with the rehabilitation and development of children with multiple disabilities, taking into account the individual needs of the child, all at a high professional level.multiple disability, disability account, child disabilityhear, child, rehabilitation, infant, need2
gocsejimuzeum.huGöcseji Museum meets the accessibility standards. We recommend that you approach the main entrance from Batthyány street. A disabled parking space for people with physical disabilities is found in front of the museum. Lifts go to all floors of the museum. Accessible toilet is on the first floor.physical disability, disability museummuseum, collection, guest, street, area2
ukrainehelp.huThe National Federation of Organizations of People with a Physical Disability (MEOSZ) provides assistance to persons with physical disability fleeing Ukraine. Contactphysical disability, disability meosz, disability ukrainehelp, ukraine, free, station, ukrainian2
mta-tkk.hu…especially the current EFOP project titled Development of an accessible infocommunication service platform for persons with hearing and visual disabilities (2018–2019), and the Languag-E-Chance Educational Research Group’s project (2016–2020) – and the previous TÁMOP SIGNificant Chance Project…minority disability, disability aspect, visual disability, disability languaglanguage, news, research, deaf, chance2
turbotanoda.huHumanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree in Pedagogy of Students with Learning Disabilities."learn disability, disability adhdteacher, speciality, child, school, education2
gyuloletellen.hu…real or perceived connection , attachment, affiliation, support, or membership with a group based upon a characteristic common to its members , such as race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or other similar factor.physical disability, disability sexual, identity disability, disability lawcrime, group, offence, victim, criminal2
azumba.huHow to Get Disability Tax Credit Canada – Navigating disability tax credits can be complex, but with expert guidance and tips, you can access the support you need.canada disability, disability taxlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule2
retextil.hu-an innovation from Pécs, Hungary -a technique which can help process common household textile waste -a therapeutic, rehabilitational workspace for people with disabilities or changed working capabilitiespeople disability, disability workshop, main, art, therapeutic, textile1
argeomentum.huEnvironmental access and time spent in ‘nature’ is the foundation to healthy lives and minds. Amongst Scandinavian countries, the concept of ‘care farms’ has come to cater to the needs of a broad range of people, in particular those with special needs and disabilities. We have undertaken research…need disability, disability researchresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation1
eurokulcs.hu…Only those persons who have a valid official decision to prove that they are physically disabled can receive this unit key. Such a decision is eg a decision of the Hungarian State Treasury establishing a disability allowance or a decision issued by the National Institute of Medical Experts.treasury disability, disability allowancekey, invitation, road, study, basic1
szeged-english.hu17-FEB Anna Kérchy , University of Szeged: “The cultural history of freak shows: navigating between mythical, biomedical, and social constructionist understandings of disability — towards a healthier society”understanding disability, disability healthyuniversity, february, study, student, department1
habitat.huBesides its all-year-round programs, the organization often joins social initiatives such as building a workshop to employ people living with disabilities, renovating the roof of an elderly home, or giving construction advice to children’s homes.people disability, disability roofhabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization1
1stline.huSocial sensitization and the employment of people with disabilities sound extremely good in the open labor market. However, implementing them in everyday life is far from being such an easy task.people disability, disability extremelyline, consulting, page, main, training1
para-mis.hu…protection have become very important for Para-Mis Ltd. in the recent years, with modern insulation, solar panels and green license plates. Our company has previously been awarded the Protected Workplace title because 80% of the working environment is made up of workers with disabilities.quote, type, manufacture, packaging, page1
avaslift.huOur goal is to make our customers’ lives easier with providing quality service and to help people with disabilities getting around in order to improve their quality of life.people disability, disability orderelevator, passenger, escalator, freight, communication1
codetogive.huJoin us for a one-week, hybrid hackathon as we partner with Salva Vita to develop a digitized assessment platform supporting people with disabilities in their job search.people disability, disability jobcode, charity, gift, voucher, solution1
golyahiralapitvany.huAdopted children suffer from an above-average number of premature developmental delays, nervous system immaturity problems, partial disability and learning difficulties for a variety of reasons (preterm birth, neglected pregnancies, smoking during pregnancy, drug and alcohol use, mental trauma).partial disability, disability learnchild, family, parent, community, shop1
zoldaktiv.huThe first multiplication workshop of the international project that focuses on accessible tourism has been recently held for people living with disabilities in Pécs. The Hungarian partner in the project is Zöld-Aktív Szociális Szövetkezet, based in Pecs.people disability, disability pécssocial, tourism, cooperative, barrier, day1
arserotica.huWe offer in-service trainings and case discussion sessions for professionals such as teachers, trainers and youth educators, counsellors, integration workers, health workers, social workers, job consultants, sexual supervisors and disability consultants. On these occasions professionals can get ()…supervisor disability, disability consultantfoundation, teacher, school, training, sexual1
carpediemalapitvany.hu“Let this be your day!” – Community building of people with intellectual disabilities and their relativesintellectual disability, disability relativefoundation, current, anxiety, mission, report1
hejokereszturiskola.huThe end of teaching on shifts in 1984 played an important role in enhancing efficiency of education and tuition and the school became a General Cultural Centre covering the education in kindergarten, primary school (grades 1-8.) and cultural programmes. The special classes for children with…child disability, disability periodschool, class, student, pupil, education1
parasportszer.huGoalfix Sports is a specialist supplier of disability sports equipment and high quality aluminium goals.supplier disability, disability sportfootball, shop, goal, blind, head1
ovst.huOVST is a socially responsible company and employs people with disabilities. On average, our employees are paid 10% more than their colleagues in other companies. Furthermore, OVST offers a full social-benefits package, a paid annual vacation of 24 calendar days, a concession-lending system…people disability, disability averagetrade, value, social, large, corporate1
dentys.huThe guarantee covers the repair or possibly the re-preparation of the delivered denture and the dental work. The guarantee neither applies to the expenses of traveling, accommodation, habitation or other financial loss (e.g., temporary occupational disability) nor the reimbursement of any other…occupational disability, disability reimbursementprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic1
tantusz.huOur company has been employing people with disabilities for more than 20 years, and since 2015 we have a protected job status.people disability, disability yearprinting, label, cut, gift, machine1
taxicab.hu…ensuring maximum confidentiality in all circumstances. We pay attention to the needs of our customers, especially to children and people with disabilities. Our company upon request will provide special escort service with blue lights. We take an active role in working directly with governments andpeople disability, disability companytransfer, day, trip, bus, vienna1
bmszki.hu…which the social sector workers can present their needs towards the EU decision makers. The campaign was launched by the European Social Network, the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities and by FEANTSA – a European umbrella organisation aiming to end homelessness.person disability, disability feantsasocial, street, accommodation, european, center1
abece.huIn Hungary, Educational Acts list dyslexic students among persons with disabilities; for this reason, they become disabled for the public. This classification is the most difficult to deal with, because after the great number of failures and without valuable help, both the child and the parents…person disability, disability reasonchild, problem, programme, task, treatment1
bypassnet.huWe are continuously supporting schools, accociations, foundations; providing jobs and developing applications for people with disabilities.device, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment1
okotars.huIn this project we present the everyday life of people with hearing, sensory and physical disabilities for healthy children and adults by involving our members’ assistance dogs. The presence of dogs assures a more friendly atmosphere to talk without prejudices about disabilities. Beyond...physical disability, disability healthysociety, report, european, tree, rule1
szentjanosbal.huTo encourage donations from individuals, we established this year the Saint John’s Charity Ball Supporters’ Circle. Your donations will give even more children with disabilities the opportunity to attend the International Maltese Summer Camp and will enable the launch of interactive and digital…child disability, disability opportunitysaint, charity, donation, supporter, ticket1
helping-hand.huThe three classic symptoms of hyperactivity, considered today as "disability," as the main symptoms, meant the survival for humanity some time ago - but in some social contexts it is still beneficial.today disability, disability mainchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten1
kerekesszabadsag.huThis is a residental home where people with different disabilities live their everyday life as a big family besides 24-hour nursing care supervision.different disability, disability everydaycharity, family, developer, employment, gallery1
nyitottkor.hu…students from private schools, children from religious schools and we also meet pupils from the least developed regions. Sometimes we work with classes that count with students with special needs (eg. physical disability, visually impaired, hearing impaired, at risk of early school leaving, etc.).physical disability, disability visuallydrama, group, participant, european, education1
h55.huOur hotel is accessible to welcome our guests with disabilities as well. The Acces4You Qualification of the accommodation is in progress.guest disability, disability qualificationapartment, accommodation, luxury, guesthouse, facility1
peoplefirst.huEven with its name we’d like to encourage people to come inside for a coffee, tea, to chat, take part in activities where we could get to know each other as people with disabilities and the non-disabled.people disability, disability nonpeople, association, page, member, public1
mozaikhub.huWorking as an advocate for social inclusion of persons with disabilities, I had to realize two things: I can't do everything by myself, and I need a well-planned strategy to be able to grow. After returning from a US fellowship program, I found the Mozaik Hub as a perfect partner to help me…person disability, disability thingcommunity, member, jewish, support, financial1
leomosolyaert.huTo promote the foundation's main goal: improving the quality of life of myself and children with similar disabilities.foundation, story, condition, smile, symptom1
physiotherapy.huPhysiotherapy has many profiles and can help in a wide variety of disabilities and musculoskeletal problems. Physiotherapists in Hungary have to attend a 4 year long training program, so that we can treat our patients with a deep understanding of human anatomy and physiology . Starting with a full…variety disability, disability musculoskeletalphysiotherapy, pain, therapy, problem, patient1
refkossuthter.huThese years Balazs could also experience the grace of God’s provision, in disability. Because of chronic kidney failure, he had to undergo dialysis three times a week. After three years and several dangerous operations, he is living now by the grace of our God with a kidney of his sister Boglarka…provision disability, disability chroniccongregation, god, church, jesus, family1
baltazarszinhaz.huThe Baltazar Theatre, founded in 1998, is the only professional theatre company in Hungary whose members are mentally disabled actors. The company became a significant part of Hungarian theatrical life. The Baltazar Theatre breaks new ground by putting actors’ disabilities in the background and…actor disability, disability backgroundtheatre, disable, member, mentally, actor1
fiziodia.huPhysiotherapists help those affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice.illness disability, disability movementtherapy, pain, eng, manual, body1
magna-balance.huChildren, people placed under guardianship or with disabilities can use the devices only under adult supervision.guardianship disability, disability devicemagna, device, family, massage, magnetic1
paratrans.huWe offer a variety of transportation services for our customers. Whether you are attending an event, going to a medical appointment, running personal errands, or just want to tour the city, we will get you there. Our drivers specialize in providing an outstanding experience for those with special…transportation, people, wheelchair, vehicle, customer0
aquincum.huUncovered! …or there is still new under the ground. Temporary exhibition at the Aquincum Museum from 2 June 2023 to 31 December 2024people disabilitymuseum, collection, school, event, tour0
arc-budapest.huFor two 2 years, we have been working with ARC in the field of immigration and registration services of our foreign employees relocated to Hungary. We had to handle a number of different and complicated cases and the services of ARC have always been excellent. Their professionalism, availability…mental disability, disability advocacyimmigration, destination, process, legal, employee0
fecc.huThe Hospital of future today. We are the best Medical in the family & Health More Service The Hospital of future today. We are the best Medical in the family & Health More Service Request Appoinment Booking Now Find The Best Doctors Booking Now Medical And General Practice Care! Providing Medical…brain disabilitymedical, surgery, doctor, ipsum, video0
normafapark.hu…Chairlift… St. Anna’s Chapel… Lóvasút Cultural and Event Centre… Nature walks… The blue circuit…people disabilityskiing, quarry, forest, cultural, centre0
kissasian.huAsian Drama, Watch drama asian Online for free releases in Korean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong,Thailand and Chinese with English subtitles, Download drama with english subbeddrama, asian, free, reality, kong0
yellowpages.co.huFind high quality products. Connect directly to suppliers. Yellow Pages Hungary the gateway to Worldwide Tradesupplier, manufacturer, wholesaler, equipment, repair0
siketvak.huwe provide parents raising deafblind children, other organizations and their professionals with counselling;personal, introduction, activity, job, association0
bibianaiskola.hufor a family raising an autistic child, one of the key issues is to help the child become as independent in self-care as possible. Our number one goal is to provide them all the help we can in order to reach that goal.school, elementary, foundation, child, autistic0
btm.hu…Competition… Home home… Previous… Next… More… More news »… More events »… Privacy policy…people disabilitymuseum, history, visit, event, research0
airfrance.hu* The displayed prices are applicable for one adult. All amounts are in HUF. Taxes and surcharges are included. No booking fee is applicable. Prices shown may vary depending on fare availability.passenger disabilityfrance, air, flight, booking, ticket0
memundo.huThanks to the experience of our colleagues, our company is able to provide manual packaging of individual products in high quality and at a competitive price.people disability, disability perfectpackaging, paper, people, care, perfect0
journeytoawareness.huPlease, explore the most common questions and answers about my individual and family therapy.therapy, family, column, question, relationship0
hclu.hu…proposal with a single sentence. However, according to Amnesty International Hungary, the Eötvös Károly Institute, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the regulatory framework of the state of danger should be transformed and the Government’s unjustified…disability rightlaw, freedom, union, rule, news0
freekey.huWe are members of the Freekey team.personal, disable, person, assistant, assistance0
lareszegyesulet.huMagyarul… Conference… Homepage… About Us… Past and present… Our mission… Board members… General…person disability, disability nonassociation, homepage, database, support, conference0
fidesz-eu.huRight-wing coalition in the European Parliament: we said no to left-wing ideological madness on tax policyeuropean disability, disability cardnews, european, parliament, brussels, mep0
krq.huWe understand our clients – we see the point. We know how to turn information into news, into a story. We are partners throughout, from devising a strategy to sales promotion, and in carrying out efficient marketing communication in between. Our edge is that our team includes former journalists…communication, client, brand, page, video0
mnm.huThe Hungarian National Museum collects, preserves and presents the historical relics of the Carpathian Basin and Hungary since 1802.museum, national, virtual, tour, highlight0