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878 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: foundation

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por.hu- - University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Department of Cellular Pathologyarányi foundation, foundation modern, cancer foundation, foundation detroit, lajos foundationuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine46
russianstudies.huthe opportunity to facilitate Russistics-related infrastructural developments. The Russian government contributed to the project through the Russkiy Mir Foundation. Thanks to their donation, the Research and Methodological Cabinet and Library for Russian Studies opened on the 25th of February 2009.”people foundation, foundation collection, centre foundation, foundation russian, mir foundationrussian, study, history, russia, historical26
csodalampa.huThe mission of Csodalámpa (Magic Lamp) Wish Granting Foundation is to grant 230 to 300 wishes a year: a wish to any, 3-18 years old child, who suffer from a life-threatening illness.grant foundation, foundation wish, wish foundation, foundation life, run foundationwish, report, lamp, annual, child25
szemredialapitvany.huGabriella és Zoltán Szemrédi approached Pannonhalma Archabbey with the idea of creating a foundation that would help talented and hardworking students living in difficult financial circumstances. After its establishment, the Szemrédi Charitable Foundation has already provided aid to many students…idea foundation, foundation talented, charitable foundation, foundation aid, support foundationcharitable, board, donation, founder, grant24
kodalyinstitutefoundation.huThe Foundation for the Kecskemét Kodály Institute is pleased to announce the following scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year at the Kodály Institute: Éva Vendrei Memorial Scholarship »»» application deadline: 15 April, 2023 Sarolta Kodály Scholarship »»» application deadline: 15 April, 2023…institute foundation, foundation kecskemétinstitute, scholarship, academic, memorial, seminar21
pepperpr.huThe joint programme series of the Prime Minister's Office and Pillar Foundation "EU: wider & wiser" information campaign won the Marketing Prize of the 74th National Agricultural and Food Industry Exhibition. The competition was announced by the Hungarian Marketing Association, the Agrarian and…bsa foundation, foundation protection, leader foundation, foundation nóra, pillar foundationpepper, software, technology, market, office21
ohav.huO ur Foundation’s aims are to familiarize every 5-10 years old child in Hungary from preschools and in primary education with foreign nations and culture by organising interactive courses, seminars.objective foundation, course foundation, support foundation, idea foundation, foundation factcourse, culture, child, nation, family21
lana.info.huThe goal of Lukács Archive International Foundation is the reopening of the Lukács Archive and to provide access to its materials for all.international foundation, foundation reopenarchive, international, news, support, goal21
dobranyifoundation.huThe foundation devoted to the memory of Ildiko Dobranyi and Ibolya Hegyi tapestry artists by supporting Hungarian tapestry art and it's international presence.hegyi foundation, foundation ildikoildiko, publication, archive, artist, tapestry20
futureoceans.hu…Atlantis Aquarium, Bahamas from 2005 in order to continue my experiments on the giant manta rays, which I started at the Lisbon Aquarium in 2004. I am very grateful for the Save Our Seas Foundation that made it possible to finally study the manta rays at the Atlantis Aquarium by providing funding.`ocean foundation, foundation research, foundation ocean, seas foundation, foundation studymanta, ray, ocean, future, fish18
rbif.huThe Robert Burns International Foundation’s mission is to help sick and underprivileged children in Hungary and Central Europe through financial aid contributions to medical facilities.international foundation, foundation child, foundation sterling, foundation mission, support foundationchild, burn, international, sick, sponsor18
foodscience.org.huThe Foundation of ERD in Food Science may accept the 1% of personal tax in Hungary, since 2017. In case you wish to support our activity, please write our tax number in the form during your annual tax report. You can find the list of eligible civil organizations, who can receive this type of…aim foundation, foundation financial, support foundation, foundation executive, status foundationfood, science, development, research, education18
fogdakezemalapitvany.huThe Hold My Hand Foundation was founded in 1991 on the initiative of parents and professionals with the aim of helping day-to-day caring for young people with intellectual disabilities, who have gotten out of the educational system due to become adult. In 1998, the Foundation’s Therapy and Work…hand foundation, foundation regime, association foundation, foundation type, foundation mentallypeople, disability, youngsters, young, hand17
geoplan.huSince its establishment in 1990, Geoplan Ltd. has been operating as an acknowledged geotechnical - soil mechanical design company and expert on the Hungarian engineering design market. The foundation of the company is based on the traditions of a multi-generational family of engineers. The…furthermore foundation, foundation plan, market foundation, foundation company, deep foundationgeotechnical, investigation, assessment, soil, report17
baranyay.huNeed a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needssolid foundation, foundation businessgrowth, plan, current, solid, sale16
mensch.huThe Mensch Foundation was founded by Steven Geiger in 2002, in his words, “to develop an educational curriculum to stamp-out stereotyping and anti-Semitic and racist thinking.” The Foundation’s goal is “to develop a tolerant social order of values which respects minority rights and freedom of…mensch foundation, foundation steven, think foundation, foundation goalinternational, media, director, board, gallery16
potenton.hu…at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pécs. Facebook-eventYouTube-video of the concert. The concert is jointly organised by the Potenton Foundation, the PTE MK ZMI and the Arts Working Committee of the Pécs Academic Committee. It is supported by the National Cultural Fund, the Hungarian…potenton foundation, foundation pte, scholarship foundation, foundation german, year foundationconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music15
teljeselet.huOur foundation strives to establish the financial background necessary for the construction. Without this, our activity would be halted. We have been organizing camps since 1983 each year, and our experience is that there is still a great demand for our services.history foundation, activity foundation, social foundation, foundation support, phase foundationgoal, camp, newly, center, main15
angkor.org.huThe Royal Angkor Foundation (RAF) was established following the Letter of Intent signed by then Prince of Cambodia, H.M. Norodom Sihanouk and President of Hungary H.E. Árpád Göncz on 7th January, 1992.angkor foundation, foundation rafphase, toilet, protection, general, environment14
emberbarat.huThe Alcohol-Drug Rehabilitation Institute of the Philanthropist Foundation is a place of care where alcohol and drug-addicted persons as well as gamblers get a therapy within a complex, long-term and residential system. This institute is the largest of all places of care in the country where…philanthropist foundation, foundation alcohol, foundation placedrug, institute, rehabilitation, alcohol, complex14
integralalapitvany.huThe founder, Bence Gánti is a clinical psychologist, promoter of the integral approach in Hungary and worldwide, founder and director of the Integral Academy an independent transformative adult education in Budapest and that of the Integral European Conferences (IEC) held in Hungary. The…world foundation, foundation integrál, mission foundation, foundation aim, hungary foundationintegral, approach, consultant, member, training14
menhely.huThe Shelter Foundation was the first organisation where professional Care Centres were established to manage and help homeless people. It was the first institution to establish a Day Centre where professional social workers provided assistance as well as organised cultural programs. The Shelter…shelter foundation, foundation core, goal foundation, foundation fundamental, foundation budapestmission, shelter, organisation, homeless, homelessness14
bothantal.huThe mission of our foundation is to cultivate the memory, spiritual and cultural legacy of Antal Both, to support scientific and cultural activities, with special regard to the ecumenical science and to the educational and scientific research work in the institutions of public education of the…mission foundation, seat foundation, foundation memorycultural, board, member, mission, trustee14
vese-alapitvany.huIn 1990 the silver plate “Award of the Hungarian Kidney Foundation” was introduced. It was designed by Miklos Melocco, the famous Hungarian artist and sculptor. The design shows a diuretic plant (Equisetum Arvense: Common Horsetail) held and grinded by two gentle, caring female hands (picture 1)…kidney foundation, foundation p., description foundation, foundation activity, foundation auspicesnephrology, school, kidney, university, plate13
noetklub.huThe Supporters’ Club of NOAH’s Ark Animal Shelter Foundation-Hungary was founded by a group of volunteers for the purpose of collecting and establishing a fixed amount of money each month, which the Shelter could count on permanently.shelter foundation, foundation hungarysupporter, shelter, animal, permanently, purpose13
benkoborialapitvany.huBori Benkő Foundation for Children started its operations this year, in September 2022. The reason why we have established the Foundation in connection with the very sad occurrence, that we lost our daughter in tragic circumstances last year.benkő foundation, foundation child, reason foundation, foundation connection, material foundationchild, school, reason, occurrence, connection13
budapestcollege.huBudapest International College. Read more about our college, our foundation programs and engineering, IT and business programs.college foundation, foundation program, service foundation, university foundation, student foundationcollege, university, engineering, international, june13
dropofhungary.huI've struggled with finding the right foundation for years, but Luchiana's foundation has been a game-changer for me.free foundation, foundation buildable, right foundation, foundation year, luchiana foundationcleanser, oil, drop, explore, free13
rogersalapitvany.hu© 2024 Rogers Foundation for Person-Centered Education. All rights reserved! | Privacy Policy (HU) | Cookie Settingsrogers foundation, foundation person, foundation perseneducation, person, centre, development, page13
kathleenedubsalapitvany.huWelcome to the homepage of the Kathleen Dubs Foundation! Our foundation was established to financially aid university and college students to facilitate a smooth path for developing talents.dub foundation, foundation financially, greatly foundation, foundation individualdub, university, grant, study, college13
magyarij.huThe Foundation decided to choose, award and support ceremoniously, in professional aspects, the creator of the most deserving Hungarian bow. In 20 August 2016 we founded an award, with which we would like to raise the horn bow fabrication handicraft to a worthy rank.bow foundation, foundation homepage, image foundation, foundation diplomabow, homepage, trademark, award, detail13
fpsc.huIn May 2012 our Foundation concluded a strategic partnership agreement with Barankovics István Foundation. The agreement provides that the two foundations will co-operate in order to issue publications related to Hungarian and European Christian democracy and, based on the social teaching of the…support foundation, istván foundation, foundation agreement, agreement foundation, foundation orderchristian, social, account, democracy, church12
tka.huTempus Public Foundation operates in the field of education and training, coordinates European and international mobility programmes and provides professional support. Tempus Public Foundation - Tempus Közalapítványpublic foundation, foundation tempus, foundation field, foundation hungariantempus, international, public, education, programme12
helpchildren.hu“Help to to Help!” FOUNDATION FOUNDATION This This flyer flyer can can be be downloaded downloaded from from here here in in PDF PDF format: format: Help Help Children Children See See the the world world program program Our Our Address: Address: H-1036 H-1036 Budapest, Budapest, Pacsirtamező u…certificate foundation, article foundation, foundation flyer, help foundation, foundation registerevent, child, help, children, donation12
eletbiztositasicsucstalalkozo.huhe Money Culture Foundation aims to improve life insurance culture in the Central and Eastern European region. Since 2014, it has participated in the organisation of the regular annual event series of the Budapest Life Insurance Summit, promoting co-operation and knowledge-sharing across the sector.culture foundation, foundation life, foundation year, standard foundation, foundation supportinsurance, summit, culture, event, money12
adfuturus.huSupport to fund Ad Futurus Foundation’s activities and programs. We would highlight that Ad Futurus Foundation is a not-for-profit organization.futurus foundation, foundation primary, foundation activity, foundation profit, foundation volunteermarket, relationship, presentation, country, tongue12
1956osintezet.huShe was research fellow in the 1956 Institute between 1998 and 2019. She was the head of the Oral History Archive since 2009. She is on the Board of Trustees of the 1956 Institute Foundation.institute foundationinstitute, history, research, historian, page11
phbences.huThe Szemrédi non-profit, Educational Charitable Foundation for the Students of Pannonhalma. The objectives of the Szemrédi Közhasznú Alapítvány a Pannonhalmi Diákokért is to help talented students attend this elite school by offering merit and need-based financial aid for students whose parents…charitable foundation, foundation student, profit foundation, director foundation, foundation additionalstudent, school, financial, fund, expense11
partnershungary.hu…it guides our work with vulnerable groups, with a special focus on disadvantaged Roma people and refugees from war . The Partners Hungary Foundation attaches great importance to mitigating the consequences of the humanitarian disaster caused by the war in Ukraine, especially to supporting thehungary foundation, foundation mediator, foundation greatconflict, mediator, training, management, mediation10
culturaldiversity.huOur Foundation is one of the organizations trying to share ideas and information on local initiatives and projects which aim at innovative co-existence and co-operation for sustainable future in a colorful world.ago foundation, foundation active, site foundation, foundation proposalcultural, diversity, place, happy, aim10
pipa.info.hu…book and on studies about the history of psychoanalysis at the International Ferenczi Conference in 2018. The founding members of the work group are as follows: Andrea Ritter, Maria Takacs, Peter Hars Gyorgy, Kristian Indries. The project will be implemented within the framework of PIPA Foundation.pipa foundation, foundation international, deed foundation, mediation foundation, foundation hungarydonation, social, tax, case, allowance10
proarte.huThe Pro Arte et Natura Foundation (PAN) is a non-governmental public benefit organisation dedicated to the Hungarian national cultural heritage and nature in the service of art and nature.natura foundation, foundation service, foundation pan, foundation rightmedia, et, art, nature, nation10
abtl.huThe foundation of the Archives was due to an Act of the Constitutional Court of Hungary. In 1994, the Constitutional Court was examining the constitutionality of the law that had ordered the lustration of people in important public positions. They stated that the Parliament acted against the…history foundation, public foundation, foundation public, foundation archive, foundation memberarchive, shall, public, record, document10
dzalapitvany.huThe managers of Tokaj Foundation believe that Tokaj Wine Region is one of the pillars of the world’s wine culture, where wines are produced to delight the entire humankind.tokaj foundation, foundation aim, foundation tokajwine, vineyard, map, generation, past10
szellkalmanalapitvany.huWelcome on our website. The Széll Kálmán Foundation was established in December 2003 with the aim of providing its members with an invitation-only intellectual platform where they can share information on social, economic, or even philosophical and very practical political issues on a regular…kálmán foundation, foundation december, tree foundation, foundation day, foundation localmedia, page, main, people, development10
myfarmalapitvany.huThe MyFarm Farmer Foundation developed from the MyFarm Harta startup, which was the first online community garden in the country. MyFarm has been taking steps for sustainability from the beginning, while the garden has started small with the delivery of chemical-free vegetable baskets, the…beginning foundation, foundation new, farmer foundation, foundation myfarm, basket foundationcooperation, people, activity, collaboration, need10
gepekberlese.huBuilding skyscrapers is like building the relationships. Steady construction requires solid and robust foundation as well as prosperous relations are built only on faith and mutual respect. We pay attention to all small details for best results.robust foundation, foundation prosperouspost, robust, construction, steady, solid9
hangkelto.huThe Hangkeltő Foundation is an organization supporting amateur choirs since 2015, aiding their day-to-day operation, and aiming to fulfill their training needs and requirements. In these past years, our tasks included the planning and management of concerts, festivals, summer camps, singing…hangkeltő foundation, foundation organization, choir foundation, foundation continually, lab foundationchoir, chamber, lab, creative, music9
salvavita.huSzeglet is much more than just a venue for events. Beside the services provided by the café and conference rooms a unique gastro kitchen suitable for cooking together, organizing team building events also available. The Community & Experience Space is operated and managed by Salva Vita Foundation…vita foundation, foundation birth, foundation main, foundation hungary, theotokos foundationpeople, employment, organization, job, disability9
rosaparks.huThe Rosa Parks Foundation was founded in 2016 and took over the Invisible Study Hall programme, which had been operating in Józsefváros since 2013. In 2017, we launched our legal aid service focusing on education issues, and in 2019 we expanded our range of services with the shared education…park foundation, foundation invisiblestudy, invisible, hall, education, aid9
habsburgottoalapitvany.huto be the first to receive information on our latest activities, news and events, and to learn more about the work of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation!habsburg foundation, foundation merrynews, collection, biography, programme, publication9
kultdesk.huKultDesk Cultural Foundation - Engaged in music, media, and art – implementation & managementcultural foundation, foundation engagemusic, management, art, implementation, media8
barankovics.huIn Hungary, similar to western democracies, the parties with parliamentary representation receive budget subsidies for their respective foundation. The task of these party foundations is mostly to build the political hinterland and rally supporters. Just as the operation, organisational structure…istván foundation, foundation kereszténydemokrata, respective foundation, foundation task, party foundationchristian, democracy, political, k., activity8
mindenallatert.hu…quo of human-animal relations, this is the only way of creating a better place for animals and humans to live – together. Care For Every Animal Foundation (Minden Állatért Alapítvány – MINDA) is wholeheartedly committed to its name and mission, and is thus focused on providing care to animals in…animal foundation, foundation mindenanimal, care, minden, way, logo8
blogbook.huArtificial Intelligence – Foundations of Computational Agents, Second Edition – David L. Poole, Alan K. Mackworthbook foundation, foundation free, language foundation, foundation agda, software foundationprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book8
inveris.huIn September, 2015 InVeris Foundation implemented a vocational training project in Burgundy, France, providing a 3 weeks vocational training opportunity to 6 hungarian students from Villány wine region....inveris foundation, foundation home, foundation vocationalnews, international, future, region, expertise8
niok.huNIOK Foundation provides an intense mentoring and consultancy support for CSOs via its internal and external subject matter experts mainly in the fields of communications and fundraising and in the format of personal consultancy, mentoring, training courses and networking opportunities. The…niok foundation, foundation program, foundation cso, foundation intense, compass foundationmission, build, society, organization, capacity8
drszilagyigergo.huI provide general legal advice for companies and other legal entities (association, alliance, trade union, foundation) in the framework of both permanent and one-time retainers. Company foundations and modifications are frequent part of my work.deed foundation, foundation condominium, idea foundation, foundation company, union foundationlaw, contract, agreement, representation, advice8
csanyialapitvany.hu“Gábor Marosi, one of the trustees of the Csányi Foundation and CEO of the Unity Asset Management Foundation, was the......csányi foundation, foundation official, foundation ceowebsite, official, news, dinner, guidance7
elektromoskocsi-betegagy.huThe products on our website show not only the products in the warehouse of the Rehab Partner Foundation, but also the stock of our partners.purpose foundation, institution foundation, foundation organization, president foundation, partner foundationhospital, care, bed, wheelchair, equipment7
duchenne.huThe Duchenne Hungary Foundation was established in November 2002, with the aim of coordinating the therapy of children suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), SMA and other muscular disorders. The Foundation is a non-profit organization having its own budget: it has been supported by…hungary foundation, foundation november, disorder foundation, foundation nonmuscular, organization, introduction, therapy, child7
humanexchange.hu…key factor behind our success is our experienced, well-trained team of experts, available through the research institutes associated with the foundation. Our representatives are university lecturers and researchers equipped with business experience, as well as corporate, civil and public…exchange foundation, foundation area, institute foundation, foundation representative, consultant foundationhuman, exchange, development, collection, innovation7
theorangefiles.huThe Central European Press and Media Foundation ( Közép-Európai Sajtó és Média Alapítvány , or KESMA) was founded on September 11, 2018, to serve as a non-profit organization under which pro– Orbán-government private media in Hungary could be consolidated.media foundation, foundation comment, foundation középnational, file, orange, election, european7
szeretetfenye.huOur story began in 1994, in Hungary. Tibor Putnoki had a life-changing near death experience and this made him turn towards Love, the people, and the mystery of human lives. He started our Foundation after this experience and the name “Light of Love” was inspired by his NDE (Near–Death…life foundation, foundation experience, love foundation, foundation head, thank foundationtreatment, group, health, local, international6
ligya.huPhD István Lelkes had run a foundation from 1990 until his death to help disadvantaged children in their studies. The foundation would like to continue the work of preserving his memory. Its primary purpose is to help talented disadvantaged children who are living in difficult financial…lelkes foundation, foundation death, study foundation, foundation work, chairman foundationfather, university, difficult, child, people6
tuskevaralapitvany.huWe spent several years rescuing animals as civilians using our own resources at the Tüskevár Veterinary Clinic. Our Foundation was registered in the autumn of 2018 and now can officially treat, rescue, and adopt wild and exotic small animals, as well as re-habituate wild animals into nature.animal foundation, foundation professional, waiver foundation, foundation exotic, protection foundationanimal, exotic, wild, sick, eye6
regea.huThe Simonton method scientifically developed efficient process underpinned by severel researches. (Carl Simonton: Guided imagery with inner healing against cancer, Health Source Foundation 2011.) The application of the method has a favorable inland experience.cancer foundation, care foundation, foundation psychosocial, source foundation, foundation applicationpatient, cancer, method, health, care6
lita.hu…understood more quickly for data management and planning. Metadata-driven automation can be used to deliver data pipelines faster. When used in tandem with Data Literacy, Data Catalog provides the technical data governance foundation organizations require to maximize data potential and limit risk.governance foundation, foundation organizationdata, management, governance, delivery, organization6
szegedikortarsbalett.huSince 2000 the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company is working as an autonomous company in a form of prominently public benefit foundation. Besides their national successes they have won the recognition of the audience and professionals while performing abroad on diverse occasions.benefit foundation, foundation national, choreography foundation, foundation companyproduction, repertoire, contemporary, dance, current6
hungarikumliget.huThere's a place in the heart of Hungary, in the wide Great Plain, along the Tisza, where the best of Hungarian achievements, Hungarikums, await visitors. The Népfőiskola Foundation was founded in 1991 by Sándor Lezsák and his wife, Sándorné Lezsák. The Foundation received the four-hectare plot…népfőiskola foundation, foundation sándor, lezsák foundation, foundation hectare, foundation laterevent, thermal, restaurant, hall, house6
merjed.hu…and for whom good production practice will not be an old-fashioned thought but an inherent part of their daily work. The members of the Foundation are all in close connection with the fermentation industry, with education and they are aware of the fact that they can make their world a…objective foundation, member foundation, foundation close, deed foundation, foundation publictraining, fermentation, industry, school, page6
bekesstock.hustate view travel statue water fountain may bekes memorial fountains holt-körös tradition szarvas landscape 2021 exterior cloudy landmark spring foundation outdoor vacation körös jubilee honour garden famous canal historical plant nation fountain cloud holy crown history monument green holt…anniversary foundation, foundation state, spring foundation, foundation outdoorcounty, travel, europe, tourism, vacation6
karitativ.huThe Hungarian Food for Life Foundation was founded by the Hungarian Society for Krishna-Consciousness as the charity arm of the religious community, although the food distribution had been going on continuously since the official acknowledgement of the Society in 1989. The purpose of the programme…foundation tax, life foundation, foundation small, foundation hungarianfood, distribution, love, help, crisis6
resoart.huAndrás Szabó, having made a name for himself in the business sector as a successful entrepreneur and founder and head of the Resonator group for the past over thirty years, founded the Resonator Cultural and Art Foundation in 2021. He created the foundation in order to show and conserve all the…art foundation, foundation zsolnay, resoart foundation, foundation order, foundation handlecollection, collector, art, private, public6
kdwebdesign.huGet a solid foundation for your self development efforts. Try Leno mobile app for any mobile platformgood foundation, solid foundation, foundation selfapp, mobile, template, page, input6
gyermekkoriautizmus.huChildhood Autism Foundation provides assistance-dog therapy for autistic children in Gennaro Verolino Elementary School. The sessions are held by Krisztina Nagy and Éva Tombor assistance dog trainers together with a special education teacher.autism foundation, foundation assistanceautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic6
wojtyla.huThanks to God, and to our Father Karol Wojtyla who is living in heaven in his company , to our patrons and supporters the social Center, cultural institute, meeting place and friendship house named after Karol Wojtyla borned in Wadowice –after the foundation of the institute in 2005- could open…supporter foundation, foundation social, deed foundation, foundation fully, wadowice foundationfriendship, centre, house, poor, town6
fazekasugyved.huOur law office has been successfully representing its clients in a variety of legal cases since its foundation in 1998. Our office in the 5th district is primarily responsible for the legal representation of individuals, companies, organizations in civil, commercial, commercial and real estate law…association foundation, foundation representation, preparation foundation, foundation document, document foundationlaw, legal, contract, representation, case5
szabadsagszinei.huOn the WEB site you are introduced to: the DOWN’S SYNDROME PHOTOTHERAPY FOUNDATION’S program conducted by Nora Bege photographer and art therapist, the STATION OF DREAMS art therapy group is conducted by Csills Kis-Kery textile artist utilising art therapy, IMMORTAL VALUES IN HOMELESSNESS art and…phototherapy foundation, foundation programfreedom, colour, people, therapy, real5
foodconf.hu…of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) , the Scientific Committee on Food Science, the Scientific Committee on Agricultural and Biological Engineering as well as the Scientific Committee on Horticulture and Food Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Foundation of Food Science.anniversary foundation, foundation food, science foundationfood, science, technology, conference, committee5
arvamisszio.huThe Mission for Orphans Christian Foundation was established as a branch organization of the Gipsy Mission Foundation in 2015. Our Mission is to help children who unfortunately fall victim to child abandonment in the gipsy communities, so that they come to Christian families. Within this, our…christian foundation, foundation branch, mission foundation, foundation mission, family foundationchild, family, adoption, mission, story5
ecovalley.huEvery single moment of the day is a matter of making the right choices for a better world. Eco Valley Foundation, a non-profit organization in Hungary, strives to be a channel of a model community, which makes efforts to become a working module of a self sustainable, ecological, organic and…valley foundation, foundation non, foundation merely, news foundation, foundation ökovalley, volunteer, model, education, sustainable5
edunet.huDeed of foundation Records: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018edunet foundation, deed foundation, foundation record, foundation righteducation, knowledge, news, download, willing5
tulipantunder.huSince its foundation, our Production Office has created dozens of mostly self-developed cultural attractions in the name of genre diversity. We believe in the power of storytelling, and in the stories that come to life on a wide variety of surfaces and spaces, be it a theater, a television…production, exhibition, space, dream, game5
atlaszmernokiroda.huWe provide a complete service, we can design everything from the foundation to the last screw. Not only do we make drawings, but we also think, coordinate, design, calculate, model, draw, make BoQ-s, plan the budget and supervise construction processes.service foundation, foundation screw, slab foundation, foundation reinforcementstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation5
csejteikft.hu…sector (education, real estate, auto parts…) Production sector (agriculture, industry) Society organizations, non-profits, associations, foundations We provide high-level services in the following areas: CPA (Hungary) HRA (Hungarian Registered Auditor) Lawyer, legal adviser Payroll and…association foundation, foundation highaccounting, office, industry, introduction, client5
leomosolyaert.huTo promote the foundation's main goal: improving the quality of life of myself and children with similar disabilities.story, condition, smile, symptom, development5
tudastars.huThe TudásTárs group, that consists of the KnowledgeSociety public benefit Foundation and the TudásTárs scientific PR, Communication and Research Ltd., does research connected to higher education and works in the field of science communication. The results we obtain with both our theoretical and…society foundation, foundation empirical, benefit foundation, foundation tudástársscience, communication, training, research, event5
cordelia.huThe Cordelia Foundation has created a manual titled The role of interpreters and intercultural mediators in the work with refugees during COVID-19. The publication analyzes the following … Read More... about The role of interpreters and intercultural mediators in the work with refugees during…cordelia foundation, foundation manual, foundation budapestmain, publication, pain, role, mediator5
atlasmernokiroda.huWe provide a complete service, we can design everything from the foundation to the last screw. Not only do we make drawings, but we also think, coordinate, design, calculate, model, draw, make BoQ-s, plan the budget and supervise construction processes.service foundation, foundation screw, slab foundation, foundation reinforcementstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation5
uccusetak.huOur walk is unique in that it is led by young Roma volunteers from the Foundation. They share their personal experiences of the area and talk about a predominantly Roma neighbourhood. During the walk, participants can ask any questions they like. The respondents’ Roma origin and their personal…volunteer foundation, foundation personal, uccu foundation, foundation field, foundation independentwalk, social, tour, culture, dialogue5
civilszemle.huAll of the information about Civil Review and Civil Review Foundation is available at our website, and our readers can download the former issues of the periodical.review foundation, foundation availablereview, board, criteria, periodical, order5
technocar.huSince the foundation of our predecessor, Technocar Kft, in 1991, the company has built up strong capabilities in all kinds of metal processing and unique know-how to provide with high quality, comprehensive and flexible services to our customers.metal, painting, machine, process, capability5
mvj.hu…wagons repairs. Starting from the 1980 the Bz-Bzx Czechoslovak-made engine and side car big repair was made in the plant, which provided a good foundation for the type vehicle modernization, with a higher comfort level development. Starting from the 8th of February 2016 the Mozdony és Vasúti…good foundation, foundation typevehicle, railway, big, repair, site5
huonker.huMetalworking and plastic injection moulding are the foundation of our knowledge base, and one of our key strengths is the innovative combination of these two materials, the production of hybrid plastic and metal components.mould foundation, foundation knowledge, schwenningen foundation, foundation stoneplastic, mould, injection, production, technical5
onyxrestaurant.huThis is FOUNDATION. A unique series of events where you will be able to try and rate our dishes, beverages and serveware, while sitting at the same table where the Creative Community works.drink, welcome, restaurant, course, main4
suhanjfitness.huSUHANJ! was founded in 2010 as a non-profit organization with the aim to share the joy of sports with handicapped people. An integrative sport club, where healthy and disabled people can exercise together. A movement of committed volunteers and amateur athletes. A foundation that provides…athlete foundation, foundation opportunity, suhanj foundation, foundation goaltraining, education, physical, class, people4
balticm.huBaltic Management and Solutions began its activity in 2015 in the capital of one of the Baltic countries - Riga. By the time of registration of the company in 2015 in Latvia, our founders had already worked for a long time with future customers. That is why, at the time of foundation, Baltic…private foundation, foundation private, time foundation, foundation baltic, trust foundationbaltic, management, solution, registration, development4
kozosalapon.huThe Community Foundation Support Programme is designed and implemented by the Roots & Wings Foundation. (The Foundation’s own website is under development.)community foundation, foundation support, wing foundation, foundation website, foundation electionprogramme, supporter, highlight, community, advisory4
magadert.hu…abstinence, honesty, openness, consistency and respect for others. Our services can be used by all persons who accept the rules of the foundation. The two main conditions of participations is volunteering which means the client asks for assistance from his own will and his need for change…magadért foundation, foundation magadért, foundation hungarian, rule foundation, foundation maingroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem4
drborbelyalbu.huDrawing up and amendment of the deed of foundation and the legal documentation required for the operation of condominiums, legal representation of condominiums and housing associationsdeed foundation, foundation legal, establishment foundation, foundation associationlaw, fee, legal, attorney, representation4
cgeopol.hu…in English and French languages. Under the name of 'Workshop Studies' not only the researchers of the Council publish articles, but also representatives of other related disciplines. The Council of Geopolitics is a foundation member of the Twentieth Century French-Hungarian Joint Commission.vital foundation, foundation council, form foundation, foundation time, geopolitics foundationcouncil, member, board, research, space4
maxaldo.huWe can arrange company foundations with legal background, transformations of companies, and we can help founding companies in Liechtenstein and provide the related advisory services.company foundation, foundation legal, foundation lichtensteinaccounting, preparation, bookkeeping, activity, financial4
endometriozismagyarorszag.huWould you like to test yourself in the civil society? Are you following our activities and would like to take part in the foundation’s work? We are looking forward to your application.activity foundation, foundation worksymptom, treatment, tax, donation, awareness4
nickx.hu37th Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, presented paper Traced Monoidal Categories as Algebraic Structures in P r o f .mathematical foundation, foundation programming, school foundation, foundation computingnick, category, theory, conference, structure4
bbart.huThe foundation has a board of 5 members: 2 artists (Zsigmond Karolyi and Ildiko Varnagy) of Munkacsy prize and 3 art historians (Maria Molnar, chief editor of the Central European art review Praesens, Orsolya Merhan , editor of the review Műemlékvédelem – Historic monuments’ protection – and the…time foundation, foundation project, art foundation, foundation financialart, century, university, early, house4
kozelafrikahoz.hu'It is an honour for me to know and work with the Close to Africa Foundation because I personally know what it is like to live in Africa and I know what it is like to not have access to proper school supplies or even have no access to education at all. Education is the most important thing one can…africa foundation, foundation african, foundation team, foundation personally, deed foundationchild, africa, school, sponsor, education4
zalkacsenge.hu2007 . I start doing official storytelling performances; my first paid gig is the Inca Exhibition at the National Museum of Fine Arts. I receive the scholarship of the Kellner Foundation to go to the USA and learn more about storytelling.kellner foundation, foundation usa, holnemvolt foundation, foundation international, foundation feststorytelling, lobby, fairy, international, performance4
gloriavictis.huIn name of the 100 million victims of the four-continent-wide destruction of communism, our foundation reminds that there are no second class deads, and we fight against the still existing double standard. Learn more.communism foundation, foundation secondmemorial, photo, support, connection, history4
fiersmechanika.huAs in previous years, this year we also supported health foundations and the Don Bosco Schoolhouse. This is the fourth year that we provided financial support to the foundation of the Department of Surgery and the Skill- lab, which helps train young doctors. After discussing it with the leaders of…health foundation, foundation don, support foundation, foundation departmentevent, news, machine, previous, tender4
borderlinealapitvany.huThe goal of the BORDERLINE TALENT FOUNDATION is to introduce people to Borderline personality disorder and the accompanying difficulties in life, and to introduce solutions to both the affected individual and their environment.talent foundation, foundation peoplefounder, publication, page, main, talent4
mkvk.hu…In accordance with the provisions of the Act, the Minister of Finance appointed a preparatory committee, including 21 members, to prepare the foundation of the Chamber. The committee was active from September 5, 1997 till December 17, 1997, the day of the constituent meeting. The committee…member foundation, foundation chamber, rieb foundation, foundation language, auditor foundationchamber, member, auditing, sector, place4
biomedikalis.huPlease help funding the treatment of the children and the mission of our foundation. Every bit of help matters!mission foundation, foundation bit, kid foundation, foundation rightfamily, story, supporter, biomedical, therapy4
gergenyi.huOur office can give legal advice and can assist in the foundation or modification of the deed of foundation of any non-prőfit organizations, such as:advice foundation, foundation modification, deed foundation, foundation non, foundation costantlegal, office, law, procedure, contract4
horvathrudolf.huHorváth Rudolf and his wife Horváthné Pók Erika as private persons they started a foundation and its main goal is to support the people and employees who are in need or fight with disadvantages. Learn more about the foundation and join our supporters.person foundation, foundation main, disadvantage foundation, foundation supporterlogistic, freight, passenger, transport, message4
cdinstitute.huIn the spirit of the Christmas, seeking peace - Advent Dialogue CDI Hungary was honoured to organise jointly with the Dialogue Foundation, the Advent Dialogue in Leányfalu. The welcome speech by Gergely Gaál, founder of the Dialogue…dialogue foundation, foundation advent, jointly foundation, foundation civicinstitute, christian, democratic, book, curse4
siofokiallatvedo.huOne of the projects that Animal Rescue Siófok would like to realize is the establishment of a puppy section where we would be able to provide the little ones with better conditions. The concrete foundation is ready, the fence is under way, however the wooden house located in the area is in need of…concrete foundation, foundation readyanimal, rescue, dog, shelter, donation4
egyuttazautistakert.hu…lives with this spectrum disorder because we do not know how to help, or with what. This is why I felt that the Together for Autistic People Foundation approached the topic best, expressing it perfectly with the slogan: To understand, to accept and to help. I knew right away that I had a place…people foundation, foundation world, foundation topicpeople, autism, spectrum, goal, disorder3
helping-hand.huWe are preparing for the project kick-off meeting, which will take place in Budapest on 29-30 January 2018, with the participation of the project partners: the Hungarian Raabe Klett Kft., The ADHD Hungary Foundation, the ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty for Sepcial Education, Conventry University…adhd foundation, foundation raabe, hungary foundation, foundation eltechild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten3
tudasalapitvany.huthe improvement of the competitiveness of lecturers and researchers working in the field of economy or agriculture and that of the college or university students taking part in education related to these fields and also the farmers concerned; the foundation wishes to achieve this through imparting…alapítvány foundation, foundation knowledge, objective foundation, foundation special, farmer foundationbook, main, publication, detail, play3
golyahiralapitvany.huWe, the Gólyahír Foundation, also help identify and solve the problem through a long-term child development program starting in 2020. Our goal is for all adopted children to have access to the developmental opportunities that ensure their even, smooth development.gólyahír foundation, foundation community, foundation problemchild, family, parent, community, shop3
ajbh.huCommissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary greets winners of Odaadó (Devoted) award of Civilút Foundationanimation, commissioner, fundamental, office, county3
egyensulyintezet.huThe policy proposals of the Equilibrium Institute on the foundations of a more sustainable energy…institute foundation, foundation sustainable, welfare foundation, foundation economicinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think3
spiritsdigest.huURSUS has decided to support the efforts of the Conservation Carpathia Foundation, launching a CSR campaign dedicated to the protection of bear habitats and communities in the Făgăraș Mountains. Together with the Foundation, URSUS started the CSR campaign, “Listen to the bear in you and do good”…carpathia foundation, foundation csr, mountain foundation, foundation ursus, foundation conservationbrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour3
journeytoawareness.hu…yourself: What drew me to this person to begin with? What qualities did they possess that I found valuable? What made them so amazing? And are they still? Reevaluating the reasons you came together reminds you of the reasons to stay together, and this strengthens your already-existing foundation.therapy, family, column, question, relationship3
ais.huAvalon International School (AIS) is operated by AVALON International School Foundation. It is the first independent private school in Miskolc that teaches according to Cambridge Assessment International Education programme. Our school opened its doors in September 2019 which created and provides…school foundation, foundation independent, year foundation, foundation stage, education foundationschool, nursery, child, international, general3
mlszsz.hu(2) After a decision on dissolution has been reached, the GA shall make known the name of the other organizations or foundations that shall inherit the remaining assets of the organization after all its debts have been paid. In case of dissolution the Presidency shall act as the liquidator.activity foundation, foundation corporation, state foundation, foundation local, organization foundationassociation, member, shall, presidency, president3
yurusuaikido.huAIKIDO (合気道, Aikido in the West, Aikidó in Hungary ) is a modern Japanese martial art based on traditional foundations. It was founded by Uesiba Morihei , better known as O-sensei, meaning "Grandmaster" or "Great Teacher". The practical techniques of aikido are based on refined movement, sensing…traditional foundation, foundation uesiba, aikikai foundation, foundation maintraining, art, martial, official, organization3
nagyboldizsar.hu* Any party (domestic of foreign, in parliament or outside of it) and any party-foundation can freely support. So all the great German party foundations (Friedrich-Ebert, Konrad Adenauer, Heinrich Böll) are exempt - neither they, nor the supported organisations have to pay. Any small Hungarian…party foundation, foundation party, foundation freely, foundation friedrich, newly foundationimmigration, tax, nagy, activity, law3
hospicehaz.huThe Hungarian Hospice Foundation has been providing hospice care for incurable cancer patients, who are already out of active therapy, in Budapest for 30 years now. While we alleviate their pain and other symptoms and lessening their mental suffering, we focus above all on humane treatment and the…hospice foundation, foundation hospicecare, patient, family, pain, donation3
szeniortenisz.huAt that time, we had only one international competition, the Keszthely International Championship, which was welcomed by foreigners. And 2002 came when the Kispeter Foundation ran out of money, one of the sponsors of Senior Tennis, Dr. Csaba Asszonyi, CEO of Montavid Rt. retired and Nóra Pákhné…kispéteri foundation, foundation active, kispeter foundation, foundation money, tennis foundationtennis, room, night, association, person3
pestextfestival.huPesText is a Budapest based international literary and cultural festival that was founded in 2019 by MISZJE (Hungarian Literary Authors’ Collecting Society). The festival places world literature in the spotlight. Since the foundation of the festival, Petőfi Cultural Agency – the most important…sponsor foundation, foundation hungarian, spotlight foundation, foundation festival, felczak foundationfestival, literary, author, writer, literature3
mentalizacio.huIn 2017 we could enter MBT Practitional Level Training. In September 2017, we reached our goal to start an MBT outpatient service, which offers MBT for so-called dual-diagnosed clients who are living with borderline personality disorder and addiction. This service is delivered through the INDIT…indit foundation, foundation therapistmental, introduction, association, treatment, contribution3
netbsd.huDonations to The NetBSD Foundation allow the project to purchase build hardware and fund development.netbsd foundation, foundation project, foundation rightavailable, release, developer, list, security3
soltimenhely.huThe history of the Ágica Animal Shelter Foundation dates back to 2015. Ágnes Zacharias (Ágica) - the founder of the shelter - has already sheltered countless animals in her own home. In 2015, she started building her shelter, first in her home, and then on a property outside Solt, using her…shelter foundation, foundation ágnes, operation foundation, foundation fundamentally, public foundationshelter, animal, help, sick, chance3
szivritmus.huThe Foundation’s mission is to advance the medical treatment of patients living with heart rhythm disorders through supporting medical education, research and acquisition of equipment in the field of cardiac electrophysiology.page, document, person, found, statement3
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.huPAF foundation is committed to raising awareness and further development of the healing power of human relationships – focusing on organisations acting within the healthcare system. This is the third conference organised by the foundation for a more humane public health system in 2017.paf foundation, foundation committed, conference foundation, foundation humanehealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion3
eszterlanc.huThe rapidly declining Hungarians of the Transylvanian Heath are still considered an original foundation for those living in an urban environment with their traditional and harmonious way of living. And as a Budapest based band playing traditional folk music they are also an incentive worth…original foundation, foundation urbanmusic, folk, village, traditional, musician3
bhkka.huThe Center for Security and Defense Studies Foundation was established with the support and sponsorship of the ERASMUS Foundation for Democracy and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Center for Peace and Conflict Studies. The Center for Security and Defense Studies has been fully operational…study foundation, foundation support, erasmus foundation, foundation democracysecurity, study, main, booklet, international3
cij.huThe Budapest Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ) was established by the New York based Independent Journalism Foundation in 1995. Since then CIJ has sought to support public interest journalism and aimed at contributing to a media environment where freedom of expression and freedom of the…journalism foundation, foundation cij, ground foundation, foundation support, foundation ijfmedia, center, training, independent, production3
rolandtoth.huWebsite rewrite for Smiling Hospital Foundation from scratch from WordPress to ProcessWire.hospital foundation, foundation scratchsite, toth, developer, portfolio, previous3
drzsu.huHer devotion to healing herself enabled her to stand up for herself. As a result, she removed all toxic personal and business relationships, to establish a new life based on an entirely new foundation. After 24 years she stopped running away and finally removed her fears about moving back home to…fear foundation, foundation life, family foundation, foundation generational, new foundationhealth, alive, change, integrate, unique3
hervay.huDamages Recovery of claims Insurance Company law, corporate law Real estates Enforcement proceedings Inheritance Marriage property law Drafting and commenting contracts and agreementsk Labour law Foundations, associations Administrative and regulatory proceedings Condominium lawlaw foundation, foundation associationlaw, office, labour, legal, proceedings3
miskolckulturajaert.huThe General Assembly of the City of Miskolc established the Public Foundation for the Culture of the City of Miskolc with the aim of contributing to the cultural life of the city. The Public Foundation was re-established in November 2020. We are constantly shaping the framework of our operation…public foundation, foundation culture, foundation november, foundation additioncultural, city, public, culture, artistic3
bhutan.info.huWe organised the world’s first Bhutanese Film Festival outside of Bhutan with 20 movies being screened in three cinema halls for a total of 350 people. Held in collaboration with Motion Picture Association of Bhutan, Loden Foundation, Agra Cultural Travel Agency, Cafe de Paris and Budapest Film.loden foundation, foundation agrabhutan, talk, zoltan, society, dream3
autonomia.huAutonomia Foundation was established in 1990 to promote civil society development. It supports civil initiatives in which people mobilize the available local resources to reach their goals. We partner with Roma and non-Roma civil organizations in our development and grant giving activities among…autonomia foundation, foundation civilchange, youth, programme, integration, people3
seashepherdorigins.huCo-founder of the Greenpeace Foundation in 1972. Founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in 1977. Founder of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation in 2022. Star of the Whale Wars and Ocean Warrior series on Animal Planet and featured in the Academy award winning film The Cove and in the…greenpeace foundation, foundation founder, watson foundation, foundation star, foundation poachingshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean3
mta.huThe Hungarian Academy of Scinces announces an open call for research proposals to finance research projects for 4 years (between 1 September 2022 – 31 August 2026), which aim to lay the foundations for the development of education and training by providing new scientific findings and to carry out…new foundation, foundation video, august foundation, foundation developmentscience, academy, research, member, forum3
ststephen.huThe Grand Lodge has advocated the education of members since its foundation years. Its ceremonies provide instruction to all members, supplemented by various other activities such as seminars, lectures, workshops, reading and use of audiovisual materials and the Internet. Because Freemasonry is an…charitable foundation, foundation welfare, member foundation, foundation year, neighbor foundationlodge, stephen, member, mason, st.3
kovacs-hawa.huLegal representation of foundations, non-governmental organizations, nonprofit companies in legal proceduresadministration foundation, foundation non, representation foundationlegal, agreement, representation, lawyer, law3
szazadveg.hu…elections and making unfounded criticisms in several places. In terms of finances, the organization linked to the network of Open Society Foundations funded by George Soros stated in the document that the legal and official protection of personal data in Hungary is inadequately ensured…society foundation, foundation george, party foundation, foundation fund, századvég foundationdata, report, protection, political, human3
esn.huOn Friday, the 15th of October 2021, the GiLE Foundation hosted an official pre-event for the Changemakers Youth Forum that would take place the following day.gile foundation, foundation officialnational, assembly, youth, student, forum3
barathegyisegitokutya.huTired from the big game, Zina’s 8-week-old puppies snuggled up next to each other to rest. We invited Nóra Varga, who received her guide dog from our foundation and takes our mission to heart.dog foundation, foundation missiondog, guide, change, page, school3
leitnerleitner.huMeaningful partnership is the best foundation for all questions – in private life, in business or when considering a new vision. That is why together with our clients, we share tax, economic and legal challenges of everyday life and in complex situations.foundation trust, good foundation, foundation questiontax, accounting, law, real, estate3
inditsukbe.huThe main aim of the Indítsuk Be Magyarországot Foundation, founded by Momentum Movement, is to actively contribute to the creation of a modern, innovative democracy, which is able to use the solutions of the 21 st century and where we all proactively work together for a successful Hungary.deed foundation, magyarországot foundation, foundation momentumcountry, political, goal, data, security3
drdoczy.husale contracts, endowments, lease, legal advice on real estate taxes, landtaxes, land sale, land lease agreement on the use of joint property, multi-family house cases, alteration on the deed of foundation, notarial supervision, appeal against bord decision, clearing the ownership of propertiesdeed foundation, foundation notarial, company foundation, foundation associationlegal, advice, law, contract, litigation3
budai-tancklub.huSZOLLÁS, Erzsébet – teacher of artistic gymnastics and modern dance, president of the Berczik Sári Néni Foundation; her awards include: State Award, Award for Excellence, Sára Berczik Awardnéni foundation, foundation awarddance, teacher, award, gymnastics, excellence3
civiljogok.huWithin the scope of its program to develop the legal environment of non-governmental organizations, Ökotárs / Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (HEPF) has been playing a significant role in the revision of nonprofit status rules, the expansion of public and community participation…codex foundation, foundation legal, partnership foundation, foundation hepfngo, public, legal, goal, regulation3
okotars.huThe 2021 edition of the CSO Sustainability Index of Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia was published by the United States International Development Office, USAID. The report is prepared in cooperation with local experts and organizations each year. In compiling the chapter on Hungary the…partnership foundation, foundation development, ökotárs foundation, foundation european, foundation partnersociety, report, european, tree, rule3
drogriporter.hu…Conferences (40) Just Say Know (4) Lessons for Drug Policy Series (6) Long documentaries (17) Room for change campaign (8) Short documentaries (62) TAKING BACK WHAT’S OURS! Documentary Series (11) The Andrey Rylkov Foundation (12) UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) (41) Written interviews (29)reporter foundation, foundation afew, rylkov foundation, foundation undrug, people, video, harm, reduction3
twinkl.huKS5 English - Full Collection Maths KS3 Maths - Full Collection KS3 Number KS3 Algebra KS3 Ratio and Proportion KS3 Geometry KS3 Probability KS3 Statistics KS4 Maths - Full Collection GCSE Foundationdesign foundation, foundation plan, plan foundation, foundation assessmentresource, teach, assessment, plan, math3
qstest.hu…will find the best solution for your needs. We can as well provide a complete solution or guidance if needed. We can support on-premises, cloud-based and hybrid environments. We know that the foundation of successful security is the “zero trust” principle and we work with this approach in mind.environment foundation, foundation successful, cloud foundation, foundation microsoftmanagement, solution, automation, customer, process2
bparchiv.hu…City Hall were perished during the siege. Along with others the copies of the state registers, the collection of bylaws, and the archives of foundations were destroyed by flames. Furthermore, the records series (created in the interwar period) of several municipal departments were damaged badly…archive foundation, foundation flame, budapest foundation, foundation stonecity, archive, history, hall, document2
formalin.huThe foundation goal of the company in the year 1997 was to establish and operate a formalin plant with 40,000 ton capacity (calculated for 37% formaldehyde) in order to satisfy the formalin (solution of formaldehyde in water) demand of the owners.year foundationproduction, plant, material, industrial, customer2
nt.huAs a community, we at N&T firmly believe in every person’s right to dignity, self-affirmation, freedom of expression and conscience, and freedom in their personal and family lives. As lawyers, we at N&T firmly believe in equality before the law - the foundation of human rights. Maintaining an…law foundation, foundation humanlaw, nagy, legal, firm, client2
alumninetworkhungary.huThe concept of the Book of Your Life aiming to support the integration of international students arriving at ELTE has been selected as one of the best by the jury of the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) The Amsterdam-based foundation and its partners are supporting the project of the ELTE…cultural foundation, foundation ecf, amsterdam foundation, foundation partnervolunteer, international, network, event, news2
hallatlan.huThe Unheard Foundation’s mission is to develop innovative technological solutions in order to promote barrier-free access to information for the hearing impaired and their social inclusion by promoting the widespread use of sign-language.hallatlan foundation, unheard foundation, foundation missionmain, language, sign, animal, family2
komplexinstrukcio.huIn 2015 to use ICT, each KIP school has been granted tablets by the Vodafone Hungary Foundation to promote successful learning. 1400 tablets are available for the 42 KIP schools.hungary foundation, foundation successful, foundation tabletschool, teacher, child, pupil, group2
pantav.huSince the foundation of PanTáv supports customer participation and connection, turnkey large investments and network troubleshooting tasks. Network faults are localized by measurements with instrumentations and the earthworks involved with the repairs are done to restore original conditions. Also…network, profile, cable, optical, build2
pannoncsoport.huThis is an ideal but rare situation today, providing the foundation for truly strong and common interests in day-to-day business, on which any success can be built. No smarminess or falsehoods, only harmonious, pure community of interests.today foundation, foundation trulyopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market2
mta-tkk.hu…as equal partners in mutual learning, and in cooperative, socially responsible research. Two decades ago they imagined and developed the foundations of bilingual education of Deaf children together (the word “bilingvális” was kept as the official term to honour him). It is an efficient modelreflexive foundation, foundation critical, ago foundation, foundation bilinguallanguage, news, research, deaf, chance2
makog.huThe Hungarian Cognitive Science Foundation has been operational since 1993. It has been instrumental in bringing together and running the Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science, and has recently participated in several EC-funded and Hungarian national level research projects in the fields of…hungarian foundation, foundation cognitive, science foundation, foundation operationalcognitive, science, archive, semester, related2
humandialog.huEffies awarded. With the National Ambulance Foundation in the fall of 2013 we got a bronze Effie acknowledging efficiency on the long run of the donor campaigns made in 2008-2013, then in 2014 we won with this client another bronze for the previous years income tax 1% campaign. Also in 2014 the…ambulance foundation, foundation fall, foundation continuation, foundation nonhuman, dialog, fundraising, communication, client2
zoldutak.hu…action of the European Commission. As Hungarian partners of the eleven member trans-national consortium Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (Ökotárs) and Cycling Hungary Alliance (KMSZ) play important roles in the project. The works last from January to December of 2011, while we andpartnership foundation, foundation ökotársiron, curtain, border, area, step2
jobbadni.huOne of the most well-known and popular programs of our Foundation is the Rescue Bear Program, which launched in 2018...program foundation, foundation rescue, team foundation, foundation continuouslydonation, social, mission, development, office2
bravogroup.hu…(Iker Invest Kft.) as CEO, and Árpád Kucska, Csaba Potoczky and Tamás Berke as division leaders, they have been with the company since its foundation, and who collectively hold more than 80% of shares. The intention of the founders is to achieve growth while involving members of the emerging…company foundation, foundation collectivelysolution, office, distribution, operation, trade2
it-shape.huEuropean Certification of Informatics Professionals - is a professional certification and competency development scheme, aimed at informatics professionals and practitioners developed by CEPIS and ECDL Foundation.solid foundation, foundation typeshape, certification, european, informatics, core2
btop.huYes, starting up companies should get in touch with us before finalising the Articles of Association or the Deed of Foundation. We can also provide lawyers assistance. If you become our client our advises have no extra costs. If you cannot find a seat for your company, we are happy to offer seat…deed foundation, foundation lawyer, foundation personaltax, accounting, advisory, return, client2
lovesziskola.huPatience, accuracy, gradualness. Don`t rush the outcome, because you can only build on solid foundations and that doesn`t just require time and practice, but proper guidance as well.solid foundation, foundation timeshoot, training, school, tactical, competition2
startouring.huMore than 1,500 castles, palaces and manor houses have been built in Hungary over the centuries. It was after the Tatar invasion of the 1200´s that King Béla IV erected castles and strong fortresses throughout the country. The foundation of nearly all castles still standing or rebuilt today…country foundation, foundation nearly, medieval foundation, foundation bridgewine, century, castle, country, house2
madagaszkar.hu(2) other matters (Madagascar nationality, family reunification issues, marriage certificate transcription issues,issues related to expired national passports, social areas (such as foundation, school building, etc.), issuing of Attestation or Certificate for offcial purposes ect ....area foundation, foundation school, creation foundation, foundation possibilitymadagascar, honorary, republic, task, country2
profiforditas.huOur translation agency has an extensive network of translators, in order to be able to keep our promises! We believe that professional expertise and profound language skills are the foundation stones of impeccable translation.skill foundation, foundation stonetranslation, language, agency, translator, text2
cziffrafesztival.hu…the “black bread” and “forced silence”, he really felt the need for talent fostering, and this might have been the motivating force behind his foundation and scholarship. This is why he had the early Gothic Chapelle Royal St Frambourg in Senlis restored, which was by no means a simple undertaking.force foundation, foundation scholarshipfestival, event, performer, art, calendar2
demnet.huDemNet Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights is an independent Hungarian NGO that was established in 1996.demnet foundation, foundation developmentdevelopment, solidarity, democracy, assembly, global2
compchem.huThe Molecular Quantum Dynamics group has been established at ELTE with funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation through a PROMYS Grant.science foundation, foundation congratulations, foundation promysresearch, group, molecular, doctoral, congratulations2
binarit.huIn our projects we take advantage of the project management and control opportunities provided by Team Foundation Server, which are useful for the high quality cost efficient performance of development activities.team foundation, foundation serversoftware, development, integration, custom, operation2
businesslawyer.hubusiness lawyer Hungary, corporate lawyer Hungary, business association establishment Hungary, company formation Hungary, Kft formation Hungary, company foundation Hungary, attorney at law Hungary, Hungarian lawyer, law firm Hungary, attorney at law gyorformation foundation, foundation establishment, company foundation, foundation hungarylaw, formation, attorney, lawyer, association2
echosummeracademy.huAt the end of the Echo Summer Academy the students take part in a closing concert on 21 July, 8 PM, and a ceremony after, organised by the Károlyi Foundation. On the other days of the Academy different workshops and roundtable-discussions await the participants with topics about the musical world.károlyi foundation, foundation responsible, foundation dayacademy, summer, concert, music, main2
honsa.hu1999: Foundation and production site HONSA in Pecs (Hungary). First automotive supplier with PU-GF-honeycomb sandwich production.homepage, history, technology, certificate, career2
springboard.huOur network of experts can advise on the best Foundation courses aswell as the process to apply to European,UK, US, Canadian or Australian universities.good foundation, foundation courseschool, application, boarding, british, child2
akhalstud.huAs regards stallions, we were always in a very favourable situation. We started our breeding activities with excellent genetic foundations. Our first stallion, Musztafa, proved to be a stallion with outstanding pre-potency. This was continued by Karador, who strengthened the fenotypical features…genetic foundation, foundation stallion, stallion foundation, foundation generalhorse, stud, equestrian, stallion, tour2
wordpressdev.huKickstart with GitHub! Either fork the AstroWind template or simply click 'Use this template'. Your canvas awaits, ready for your digital masterpiece. In just a few clicks, you've already set the foundation.modern foundationwebsite, css, template, page, free2
felvesznek.huIn 2012, three years after its foundation Selfinvest was awarded best practice in the Bulgarian National competition for innovative practices in career guidance in the field of secondary education, organized by the National Euroguidance Centre. The award is for the development of simulation…purpose foundation, foundation primarily, year foundation, foundation selfinvesttraining, manual, teacher, school, career2
drbennandras.huDrafting deed of association foundation and by-laws of block of freehold flats, constant legal representation for condominiums, debt collection processes, credit workout including mortgage incorporation using other legal instruments.association foundation, foundation lawlaw, representation, office, legal, contract2
synergia.huOur firm was founded in the year 1991. At the beginning we dealt with foreign trade and translation. Since that time we participated in the foundation of more internationally-owned companies and perform the representation of more domestic enterprises and private persons.time foundation, foundation internationally, company foundation, foundation consultinghomepage, language, foreign, translation, director2
sopronifuvoszenekar.huWe have operated as a foundation since 1992. Our goal is to satisfy the needs of our audience in Sopron and its surrounding and to spread the wind music in our country and abroad.member foundation, foundation partnermusic, wind, conductor, musician, instrument2
mome.huAs of 1 August 2024, Pál Koós, designer, university professor, General Vice Rector of MOME and Head of the Educational Development Workshop will take up the position of Rector of MOME, according to the decision of the Foundation for the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design.goal foundation, foundation moholy, decision foundationuniversity, art, innovation, international, study2
megertesz.huThe foundation of MEGÉR-TÉSZ led to the birth of a producers’ association on firm foundations – a community whose members are capable of high quality production, sharing with each other the information and knowledge that they posses. As regards production technology and production process, the…firm foundation, foundation community, cooperative foundation, foundation permanentcooperative, member, sale, agricultural, privacy2
kozossegikertek.huThe KÉK has been engaged in the naturalization and distribution of community gardens in Hungary since 2010 and it has facilitated the initiative to become a self-organizing movement by creating sample gardens. Our foundation has taken part in the creation of several community and school gardens in…garden foundation, foundation creation, interest foundation, foundation supportergarden, community, city, programme, centre2
magisoft.huPrior to the foundation of the company we had worked in the industrial automation area from 1999 as a part-time private enterprise in Budapest. After 2010 we worked on our different projects throughout the country, as a full-time private enterprise. Our company called Magisoft Stúdió Kft was…prior foundation, foundation companysolution, engineering, development, portfolio, automation2
tervaz.hu…in Óbuda continues. The construction of the new refrigerated warehouse and office building of Békás Kft. involves the construction of the prefabricated reinforced concrete structure. Until now, the demolition of the debris in the area, landscaping and piling foundation works have been completed.pile foundation, foundation workhall, construction, office, warehouse, general2
kistetenyitarsaskor.huour foundation in January each year . and organise Heroes’ Sunday in St Stephen Church in Budatétény in May.organisation, society, activity, association, programme2
evangelikustemplom.huWith your financial support by a donation to the bank account of „Building the First Lutheran Church Foundation”church, lutheran, congregation, effort, build2
protontheatre.huLili Monori has starred in over 60 films. In addition to her film oeuvre, she has been active in the theatre ever since the beginning of her career. She joined the Proton Theatre upon its foundation in 2009.theatre, proton, production, performance, premiere2
etalonhorses.huHe is the most multi-talented person of the team as he studied economy both in Budapest, Hungary and Oxford, England to develop excellent interpersonal communication skills and solid foundation of marketing. Luckily, he was born with a natural sense of art and music that is exhibited in his work…order foundation, foundation animal, solid foundation, foundation marketinghorse, fire, close, equestrian, video2
zsuzsivasut.huHistory of Zsuzsi Historical route The world of locomotives Monument protection Memorial places Circle of Friends Foundationforest, theatre, air, open, path2
kooperativ.huThe Foundation For Free Schools runs the Alternative Teachers' Workshop, which has accomplished the following since 1990:school, training, teacher, parent, tool2
highlaneconsulting.huAfterwards he was active in innovation management working in multiple segments (FMCG, financial services, manufacturing industry and defense industry) with his own consulting company, then moved to MKB Fintechlab from 2020 as Innovation Director. Now he is the Growth & Innovation Lead of…lead foundation, foundation communityinnovation, consulting, process, organization, plan2
twcs.huProf. Dr. István Stumpf, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for University of Tokajtrustee foundation, foundation university, foundation hungariancongress, wine, venue, session, registration2
balazstakacs.hu…of techniques to meet the needs of my clients. My massages provide you with a deeper sense of comfort , which floods through your body and as a result, lays the foundations for a life more fulfilled . I help you experience a sense of tranquillity which you did not even know that existed before.result foundation, foundation lifemassage, gift, voucher, pain, minute2
museumcomplex.huStarted off as a state owned company in 2010, Museum Complex was acquired in 2014 by Tibor POLGÁR, chief executive since the foundation. The private company form enabled us to execute large-scale investments and developments, which resulted in a constant growth of business and capacity.executive foundation, foundation privatemuseum, complex, art, market, member2
drsk.huDrafting of Articles of Association and execution of any tasks related to the foundation and operation of companies.task foundation, foundation operationlegal, public, procedure, representation, draft2
digify.huWe create uncluttered and smooth websites for our clients to lay the foundation for their online presence. Our goal is to give new life to existing sites or bring whole new ideas to life.client foundation, foundation onlineclient, strategy, goal, media, social2
hotelhero.huCharity collaboration of hotels in Dunakeszi – the help brought 1 million forints The first joint action of the hotels took place on September 8, 2020, based on the call of the recently established collaboration between MSZÉSZ CSR section and HotelHero. With supporting the Veni Vidi Vici…cause foundation, foundation organization, vici foundation, foundation cleanhelp, news, hero, member, campaign2
jobcapital.hu2021 wasn’t an easy year for anyone, but thanks to solid foundations and dedicated professionalism, we won the Responsible Employer Award.solid foundation, foundation professionalismjob, workplace, page, application, search2
aronerdelyi.huI came to university and started studying C++, Java and Python at an advanced level. These are the ones that laid the foundation for my programming thinking today. Today, I have learned to work effectively with frameworks. One of my favorite framework is Laravel because I really like eloquent. In…one foundation, foundation programmingsoftware, developer, microservice, development, engineering2
normanova.huOur company undertakes the structural engineering work of apartment houses from the foundation to the handover of partition walls together with the roof construction if required.house foundation, foundation handover, implementation foundation, foundation constructionconstruction, engineering, structural, page, build2
sardy.huLegal assistance with the operative functions of associations and foundations (preparation of the documentation of meetings of their organs, drafting and reviewing of contracts required for the operation, drafting of documents required by changes to be implemented).association foundation, foundation implementation, foundation preparationlaw, office, representation, counselling, proceedings2
debrecenbike.huEstablished on the prestigious scholarly foundations of the Reformed College of Debrecen, the University of Debrecen has become a city within the city with its bustling student life. The internationally renowned institution attracts hosts of international students to the “civic city” from every…original foundation, foundation ancient, scholarly foundation, foundation reformbike, street, church, build, city2
horanyitarsasag.humain areas of scientific interest are immunological changes during acute stroke, stroke epidemiology and medical enteral nutrition of stroke patients. She is the teacher of Semmelweis University. Katalin Anna Béres-Molnár is the Secretary of Board of Trustees of Csanda Endre Neurological Foundation.society, neurology, clinical, neuroscience, professor2
szentimrey.hu…and legal representation either out of court or by legal proceeding. Data protection in the healthcare law. Contribution to establish private healthcare institution and Contribution to obtain the medicine for the private healthcare institution. Foundation of Pharmacy, Data protection of Pharmacy.contribution foundation, foundation private, institution foundation, foundation pharmacylaw, legal, health, data, office2
szav.huOnce per game session, your character may identify one bunker, weapon emplacement, or other fixed combat structure (subject to the GM’s approval) and then take a Weak Foundation action; make a Hard ( k k k ) Knowledge check. If successful, until the end of the encounter, your character and all…weak foundation, foundation actiontier, activation, check, character, active2
duhoffice.huIdea Foundation’s team of experts help students develop critical thinking partnered with media awareness to utilize principals of fact checking.film foundation, foundation charge, idea foundation, foundation teamoffice, law, legal, introduction, gallery2
colegal.hucompany foundations in Austria and restructuring taking into account tax law related aspectscompany foundation, foundation austrialaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling2
magyarkertorokseg.huThe Hungarian Garden Heritage Foundation, as a professional non-governmental umbrella organisation takes part in the exploration, protection and promotion of historic gardens and other gardens of historical importance via the active role it takes with regards initiatives concerning the exploration…heritage foundation, foundation professionalgarden, news, art, heritage, conference2
caravancamping.hut tells us everything that our regular guests have been returning with great satisfaction since our foundation to us. We look forward to welcoming you as well!satisfaction foundation, foundation forwardcaravan, campsite, price, guest, booking2
a54.huThe house which stood on the site formerly was built 90 years before on rugged foundations carved into in the Budafok rock, with 50 cm thick walls, and was statically flawless even before the reconstruction. During construction the stable foundation was insulated, flexi drain pipes were built…rugged foundation, foundation budafok, stable foundation, foundation flexiroom, panoramic, view, minimalist, description2
budapestenergysummit.huMr. Ferencz is the member of the Management Board of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG). He is the Chair of the National Committee of the World Petroleum Council, Member of the Advisory Board of the Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research Foundation. He is…research foundation, foundation partner, award foundation, foundation africaenergy, gas, profile, view, thank2
europeuncensored.huThe Foundation for a Civic Hungary has launched a debate series about the future of Europe in general and the post-COVID restart of Europe in particular. We need an open and honest discussion about our core values. We should not shy away from issues, which are unpopular in the leftist dominated…offline foundation, foundation civiceurope, future, strong, identity, nation2
thefifthprovince.huWe gladly accept donations that help support the maintainance and the upkeep of the blog and the services of the foundation.irish, fifth, book, event, culture2
bestwax-szortelenites.huAnd so the Hello ZiZi Foundation was created, which connects people who want to become dogs, animals who want to be farmed, and then helps people raise dogs. We believe that “he who loves animals cannot be a bad person,” but we try to make people aware that they support something with all their…zizi foundation, foundation story, foundation peoplehair, skin, resin, appointment, intimate2
veszpremnews.huThe free application can be submitted by any organization, company, association, foundation, institution, municipality, individual entrepreneur, church and private individualassociation foundation, foundation non, foundation institutionshort, news, application, free, category2
indepth.huA modern way of thinking, suitable technical, technological, and process foundations enable us to keep up with the trends and not to be outdated or obsolete.process foundation, foundation trend, new foundation, foundation cooperationdepth, organization, group, development, learn2
orientriver.hu…your goals. Whether you're looking to expand into new markets or establish a presence in unfamiliar territories, we can assist you in company foundations, providing insights into local regulations, taxation, and obtaining necessary licenses or permits. We understand the challenges and risks…company foundation, foundation taxation, foundation insightriver, orient, solution, management, expertise2
fice.huFollowing the traditions, Dr. Horváth Sándor: President of the Würth Foundation, Hámori Ágnes: Madam President of FICE and Vera Hazai presidency member, representative of Würth company and teachers from the Óbuda University, paid a visit together to the camper children this year as well. After the…würth foundation, foundation environment, foundation hámori, foundation havingchild, event, day, theatre, camp2
aktivforras.hu“Aktiv Forras Ltd. has been providing tax consultation for me and book-keeping for my companies since its foundation. Their work supports the smooth operation and the success of our company. They are working in a professional way, providing an accurate work, keeping the deadlines and monitoring…usually foundation, foundation company, company foundation, foundation workbook, consultation, tax, financial, item2
hoszivattyu-pest.huCentral Heating Systems and Temperature Controllers: The Foundations of Efficient Building Services Systemscontroller foundation, foundation efficientair, heat, heating, pump, solution2
zelemo.hu…monitoring markets. Over the years, he held key roles in prominent companies, contributing significantly to their growth and success. His expertise spans business management, communications, sales, and marketing, complemented by a strong educational foundation in business management and economics.trust foundation, foundation successful, educational foundation, foundation businessmanagement, value, unit, industrial, customer2
pome.huwith the help of Közösség Szíve foundation, CBA and P&G wanted to attract families as customersszíve foundation, foundation cbacampaign, school, indoor, family, young2
cegpalyazat.huThe free application can be submitted by any organization, company, association, foundation, institution, municipality, individual entrepreneur, church and private individualassociation foundation, foundation non, foundation institutionapplication, free, game, condition, individual2
nges.huOur other big goal is to be the first in Hungary to create the legal system that will enable the creation of professional and amateur esports competitions with the help of the appropriate regulations. As a first step, even before our establishment, we paid special attention to laying the…attention foundation, foundation operation, solid foundation, foundation diversifiedchampionship, cup, federation, able, competition2
alukol.huDuring the years since its foundation, the company has become one of the most important aluminum-facade manufacturers in Hungary and has been the one of the biggest among them for years. The name of ALUKOL now stands for reliable, high quality and fair work.year foundation, foundation companyquality, facade, aluminum, profile, reference2
mellearn.huEvery year the General Assembly of the Association elects 3 members for Presidency from the official legal representatives, the rectors of member institutions or more exactly – following an initial tradition – of the 12 foundation members, for a 3-year term, based on the official, alphabetical…foundation mellearn, tradition foundation, foundation memberlearn, education, lifelong, international, university2
geofluids2021.huThe ENeRAG H2020 project organizes the symposium, together with the Eötvös Loránd University, the József and Erzsébet Tóth Endowed Hydrogeology Chair Foundation, the Regional Groundwater Flow, the Managed Aquifer Recharge Commissions and the Hungarian National Chapter of the International…chair foundation, foundation regionalsymposium, deadline, international, abstract, registration2
yata.hu"When Hungary decided to join NATO, it did so because it identified with the values, the foundations of democracy, which defines the structure of NATO member states and which are also important elements of this cooperation.”value foundation, foundation democracyyouth, association, treaty, summit, publication2
iranytuafenntarthatosaghoz.huThe Compass for Sustainability Foundation aims to be a driver of socio-economic transformation necessary for sustainable development in Hungary.sustainability foundation, foundation driversustainability, sustainable, climate, circular, social2
mottokft.hu…proximity of sensitive structures, etc. We have experience in shaft sinking, precast and on-site reinforced concrete works, tunnel works, foundation excavation, soring of excavation pits, trenching, waterway excavation, steel and metal works, installation of machinery and demolition works…work foundation, foundation excavationconstruction, relationship, underground, shaft, station2
litocar.huOur software development and data engineering services provide the foundation for a data-driven business strategy.service foundation, foundation datadevelopment, software, data, career, engineering2
bfz.huA better life through music Interview with Gabrielle Solti, Director of The Solti Foundationconcert, orchestra, festival, interview, community2
ovarvill.huOur main task is to fulfil quality work meeting our Customers’ requirements and strictly keeping the deadline. We are proud of the fact that since the foundation we have kept continuous relationship with several partners, and they have been our returning customers.profit foundation, foundation company, fact foundation, foundation continuoustender, introduction, reference, activity, photo2
wineofthehungarianparliament.huDuring the 19th century, the Hungarian National Assembly passed two pieces of legislation that laid the legal foundation for traditional wine production. Act XXIII of 1893 was the first regulation by which the state protected the interests of Hungarian winemakers against wine doctoring. Then…solid foundation, foundation country, legal foundation, foundation traditionalwine, parliament, national, welcome, category2
psi.huOur core team has taken part in the planning and execution of high-profile security operations in the private sector since 1992. Understanding the security demands and requirements of the Hungarian and international clientele, we judged it to be of crucial importance to establish a company based…company foundation, foundation resiliencesecurity, need, customer, demand, protection2
akademiaklub.hu"On behalf of my Foundation and the contributors, I would like to thank you for the excellent dinner and kind and attentive service on Friday. Everyone had a great time, loved and appreciated the place."behalf foundation, foundation contributoracademy, quote, hall, event, rule2
satyananda.huWe invite you to a special summer yoga retreat at the Hungarian Yoga Associaton, conducted by 5 experienced international yoga teachers of the Satyananda Yoga-Bihar Yoga tradition. The foundation of the program will be the systematic practice of different branches of yoga. At this retreat you will…lifestyle foundation, foundation structure, tradition foundation, foundation programyoga, february, retreat, author, awareness2
inflexion.huDávid saw the potential in the attempts of a recent graduate. He passed on a lot of experience, laying the foundation for being called a salesperson today.experience foundation, foundation salespersonsale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead2
womenscareer.hu…to speak at their CSW59 side event to be organized at Fordham University. Thanks to the travel grant received from the Hungarian Initiative Foundation Andrea Ferenczi could accept the invitation and participated in the International Symposium organized by Fordham University Institute for Women…initiative foundation, foundation andreawoman, career, development, association, release2
drfabry.huIn addition to standard company forms, we assist in the establishment and representation of foundations, associations and Hungarian branch offices for foreign enterprises. At our Clients’ request we are also prepared to assist our Clients in foundation of off-shore companies.representation foundation, foundation association, client foundation, foundation shoreclient, law, legal, office, agreement2
ferencter.huThe project of the Ferenc Tér Club and the Social Innovation Center Foundation successfully applied for support. The playfully depicted local history picture book for children was a featured project on the evening of the Ferencváros Community Foundation’s where the donation process was broadcasted .center foundation, foundation successfully, community foundation, foundation donation, foundation lovableevent, easter, fundraising, square, benefit2
basilicon.huCommitted to making a difference, Basilicon Foundation is our non-profit arm focusing on talent support, climate initiatives, and awareness campaigns. We invest in the potential of individuals, promote sustainable practices, and foster informed communities, driven by our dedication to social…basilicon foundation, foundation nonconsulting, international, knowledge, strategy, broad2
afdental.huI began my journey in the field of dentistry at Baku, where I graduated from Azerbaijani Medical University. After working for 5 years, I moved to Hungary. In 2012, I successfully recognized my diploma at Semmelweis Medical University, solidifying my foundation in the field of dentistry.university foundation, foundation fielddental, bracket, arch, highly, kind2
kocsisszabougyved.huSince its foundation in 2004, more than 3000 clients and partners honored the Kocsis and Szabo Law Office with their trust. Our clients are private persons and companies, in the range from small venture companies to large multinational companies, with activities in a very wide range from the…law, legal, office, representation, lawyer2
sportovi.huThe Presidency of “Sports for Healthy Children” Foundation aims to create an institution where sports and the love of the English language are incorporated into the framework of our Pedagogical Programme as an integral part. Continue>>child foundation, foundation institutionprogramme, child, education, kindergarten, language2
andrasderi.hu…his creation of “Elements” with experimental musician György Szatmáry, in the framework of the Movement 100+ residency program of Orkesztika Foundation. Moving to the next level, he invited saxophonist Zsolt Varga as well, leading to even more complex improvisation research, where various forms…orkesztika foundation, foundation level, workshop foundationelement, audience, production, creation, biography2
forditas.huOur translation agency has an extensive network of translators, in order to be able to keep our promises! We believe that professional expertise and profound language skills are the foundation stones of impeccable translation.skill foundation, foundation stonetranslation, language, price, agency, translator2
pestbuda.huKároli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church turns 30 years old Thirty years ago, the Synod of the Reformed Church, at its meeting on 24 February 1993, decided to found the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church on the foundations of the Pest Reformed Theological Academy. The choice of…church foundation, foundation pest, anniversary foundation, foundation congregationago, square, public, build, century2
grandis21.huThe project ended successfully and owing to its results and quality was awarded as Best Quality Project by the Hungarian National Agency Tempus Public Foundation. The awarding ceremony took place on13th October 2020 during the conference Borderless Effect held by the Foundation online. Here stands…public foundation, foundation award, effect foundation, foundation onlinemeet, event, award, course, result2
tubolytech.hu…anywhere else in Central-Eastern Europe, such as digital balancing of V6 or V8 rotating assemblies using equpment imported from the USA. Our precision machine work service is also worth mentioning, wich we provides the foundation of any project, and is used by many of the country's top racers.wich foundation, foundation projecttransmission, gallery, engine, order, automatic1
borbaslegal.huBorbás Law Firm has been working on the field of civil law from the start, its main profile being corporate and business law, company representation, foundation of companies and modification of the deeds of foundation, transformation, dissolution and also managing by assignment a full range of…representation foundation, foundation company, deed foundation, foundation transformationlegal, office, law, field, lawyer1
arpishow.huIn the years of its existence, the Arpishow has had several significant and successful concerts. In the year of its foundation, it was one of the participants of the Palace of Arts’ 20 August event series, it is a regular performer at international swing dance events, where it has gained great…year foundation, foundation participantconcert, video, gallery, event, music1
lengyel-wagner.huWithin the framework of consulting prior to company foundation and knowing the desired owner structure and future planned operation, the important, quantifiable elements of the founding documents are configured, so these can be permanently in accord with the operation peculiarities of the company…company foundation, foundation ownerclient, notion, utilization, logical, strength1
wolbi.huDuring one or two years at Word of Life Bible Institute Hungary you will build a solid foundation for your faith through classes offered by our resident lecturers and some of the world’s best Bible teachers and Christian leaders visiting our campus every week to teach you.solid foundation, foundation faithinstitute, bible, admission, student, academic1
ila-hungary.hu…of the Hungarian Branch was Nándor Baumgarten (1873-1935), professor of commercial law at the time, who played a very important role in the foundation of the Hungarian Branch. It is an interesting fact that among the members of the Hungarian Branch we can find not only public and private…role foundation, foundation hungarianbranch, international, law, association, member1
lawyerbudapest.huA true partnership is a two-way street — ideas and information flow openly and regularly, based on a foundation of mutual trust and respect for one another’s expertise — and our clients embrace this philosophy.regularly foundation, foundation mutuallaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat1
managerhungary.hu…all partners involved. According to Dr de Bono , provocation does not induce positive results, as it corners partners. Thus, he laid down the foundations of constructive thinking and has developed methods to apply it in practice. The international success of his techniques stems from the…partner foundation, foundation constructivethink, manager, de, book, management1
adatmentesfelhobe.huABC Childcare has loving, trained and supportive caregivers who recognise your child's individual personality and are committed to providing a strong foundation through effective programmes that focus on physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development of your child.strong foundation, foundation effectivechildcare, centre, learn, child, absolute1
angolmesekert.huwhere the proprietor foundation has the possibility not only to ensure the minimal requirements provided by laws, but also those created by demands, and necessitated by quality improvement. It also creates the opportunity for the financial and moral acknowledgement of its professionals;proprietor foundation, foundation possibilitychild, preschool, introduction, education, development1
gyuttmentfesztival.huWe, the new-starters in the countryside, the ones who choose the eco-friendly life and values, who fit in to the landscape meet in festival milieu to share and exchange our knowledge and experience. Along the 100 presentations and programs, associations, foundations and communities present…association foundation, foundation communitygather, community, countryside, network, day1
hrinkubator.huÁgi’s professional expertise is based on her business degree and over 10+ years of HR – combined with training and coaching – experience. Her extremely nice personality, combined with her openness and human focus provides great foundation for her work, along with her focus on results…great foundation, foundation worksolution, expert, career, recruitment, employee1
gsound.huthe development of the company. The company's primary task is to provide extensive technical and expert service to customers. The former lay the foundation and contribute to enriching people's everyday lives, to their well-being and well-being; for quality leisure time (concerts, festivals, leisure…customer foundation, foundation peopleevent, acoustic, sound, technology, visual1
villany-viz-eger.huWe undertake earth extraction, transportation, leveling, compaction, trenches, canals, strip foundation preparation (foundation pits), etc.strip foundation, foundation preparation, preparation foundation, foundation pitconstruction, building, customer, water, network1
synergyfox.huBuilding on the foundations of Synergy Fox, you can implement any digital product idea you have and use the existing modules as you wish. Here are some examples of the applications we have developed so far:synergy, management, corporate, manager, premium1
littlelearners.huAt “Little Learners,” we understand that the early years are the foundation for a lifetime of learning. We are committed to providing you with the tools, support, and inspiration needed to create a rich and stimulating environment for the little ones in your care.year foundation, foundation lifetimelittle, learner, education, learn, bilingual1
arbortalent.huSince our foundation, we have been proving that our commitment has no limit: we assisted the enterprises, organizations and other institutes contacting us to achieve 5.2 million EUR support in total. With the background of more than 50 successfully completed national and international projects, we…development, institute, talent, educational, organization1
meatfactory.huOur company has a history of more than 25 years and is a family-owned Hungarian company. Since its foundation, it has gradually moved up, step by step, and today it has reached the optimal size with which it has taken its rightful place in the domestic environment, and now also in the foreign…company foundation, foundation graduallyprice, list, meat, request, factory1
nobilitas.huDuring this time period MTCSE and Castellum Foundation in Transylvania formed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement and enjoy good relations.castellum foundation, foundation transylvaniaassociation, historical, family, noble, youth1
futuristic.huwe help you validate your market and find your core value which provides a solid foundation for your product idea.solid foundation, foundation productmarket, idea, holistic, development, approach1
coordination.hu“Clinical trials are essential for up-to-date oncology care, as patients can be provided with state-of-the-art treatment. And clinical trials are difficult to imagine without highly qualified coordination. That is what I found in CRC. We have been working together since the foundation of the…crc foundation, foundation companydepartment, clinical, university, hospital, coordination1
virtlanglab.huOur mission is to help you achieve breakthrough performance in the business arena, easily. When we communicate in your name, our utmost goal is to create meaning. Culture, language, and empathy serve as the foundation of what we live and work by.language, virtual, assistance, value, power1
erda.huBasically, we use one of the most popular Bentley software engine (same name as luxury car) as a rock-solid foundation for the final solution, which is developed according to the client's requirements. The software engine provides safety, and the tailored software ensures a cost-conscious final…solid foundation, foundation finalcemetery, map, public, requirements, individual1
fabimez.huThe traditional family recipe is the trademark and foundation of all Fabi jams. We believe in the taste of the finest fruits, therefore, no artificial flavours or colours are added. The high fruit content and sugar also make any artificial preservative unnecessary.trademark foundation, foundation fabihoney, sauce, premium, individual, industry1
agroit.huDownload the application form Download foundation document Download Organizational and operational rules document Download Code of Ethicsform foundation, foundation documentsolution, complex, cluster, member, event1
biggeorgeproperty.huThe protection and the expressed increase of our developed and purchased buildings’ value is an important objective for us. We are building long-lasting relationships with our renters and partners on the foundations of mutual satisfaction and value-creating power.partner foundation, foundation mutualproperty, development, real, estate, view1
nezopont.huIn early autumn 2022, the Nézőpont Institute, in cooperation with the Hanns Seidel Foundation, once again carried out its now-traditional survey on economic whitening, the figures of which are furthermore validated by opinion polls. The added value of this year's survey is that the Central Europeanseidel foundation, foundation traditionalpolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature1
szabofogaskerek.hu…and tools. We remain vigilant and committed to continuous development. Through reliable, time tested and flexible processes and quality management system, we are able to plan and maximize our production capacity optimally and form a solid foundation that meets the demand of our global market.solid foundation, foundation demandgear, quality, production, industry, treatment1
thermofoam.huThermofoam has had a long journey since its foundation in 1994. The company evolved from a garage business into a modern production firm of the latest European standards. The initial products, which were based on the CEO’s own patents, gave a solid base for continuous development through decades…journey foundation, foundation companypackaging, material, construction, solution, need1
fuleiviola.hu…Thus, parallel to my studies at the Special Education College I have obtained professional qualification as a potter at the Dr. Kresz Maria Foundation; my masters were Zsuzsa Angyal Csuporné and Ágnes Rónainé. I have always felt that no matter if I fail or if I succeed, I have to go on anyway…maria foundation, foundation mastermain, page, pottery, introduction, gallery1
robotmunkaero.huIt is difficult to take on more serious work on uncertain foundations, which hinders the company’s growth.uncertain foundation, foundation companyinstallation, production, worker, predictable, problem1
film-m.huShort documentary about a complete event, primarily for internal archive, social media or company website. Foundation stone laying, factory opening, celebrations, etc. HD quality, carryingwebsite foundation, foundation stonevideo, event, live, production, site1
nyelvinfo.hu…Consequently our courses mainly focus on these fields but also focus on the grammatical knowledge. Our cooperating partner is the Fulbright Foundation. If interested in our courses, please call 3179644, 06209722744 local phone number or send a letter to Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni…fulbright foundation, foundation interestedexamination, language, course, school, skill1
mea-metal.hu, agricultural, logistics constructions, as well as with specialized trade and we have taken over their requirements and wishes. This unique practical knowledge is a solid foundation on which we develop products and system solutions. So that you can work easier, faster, safer – and more…solid foundation, foundation productmetal, mea, basket, application, grating1
brandoper.huAll of our projects are equally close to our hearts, because we think there’s no other way to reach success together. We believe that personal relationship is the foundation of a good cooperation.relationship foundation, foundation goodanalysis, visual, event, creative, client1
raconteur.huWe believe that mindful strategic planning is the crucial foundation of building and maintaining a successful brand in today’s competitive world.crucial foundation, foundation successfulcampaign, reference, career, post, art1
mometal.hu…to do so, he did not work only at his workplace, as he could also test himself as an entrepreneur after the change of regime. He laid the foundation on which it was possible and worth building. For me, the plant was an attractive world of play as a child, and as an adult, I was enthusiastic…regime foundation, foundation possiblemetal, cut, trading, llc, machining1
jphtrading.huEver since our foundation, the distribution of the masculan® condom family has been of paramount importance in our business activities; we sell masculan products not only in Hungary, but also in the surrounding countries such as the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Ukraine and Slovakia.manager, digitalization, wedge, coating, slot1
makoldiszobor.hu…at the Eötvös József Vocational Secondary School. In 2001, I became a member of the Sculptors’ Chapter of the Association of Hungarian Artists and Designers. I continued teaching sculpture and drawing at the Abigél Foundation Vocational Secondary School of Fine Arts in Nyíregyháza until 2012.abigél foundation, foundation vocationalbronze, sculpture, award, relief, school1
foldmeresma.huIt is a good idea to lay the foundations of the building before construction starts, in order to avoid potential disputes, to comply with local building regulations or to calculate the cost of materials. This can be done with a wooden stake or any other marking device. These markings will…idea foundation, foundation buildland, build, plot, today, measurement1
mgr-informatika.huWe can help enterprise customers improve data security and compliance of industrial standards. As an independent expert team can support decisions which impact most comprehensive and professional foundation for the field of information technology, ranging from the investment of the operation…professional foundation, foundation fieldsolution, supplier, consultation, reference, server1
sangjin.huSince its foundation in 1970, SANGJIN MICRON has gained reputation for its technologies for manufacturing precision metal stamping dies and processing precision parts.story, precision, technology, privacy, phone1
1618plan.huFrom Autumn of 2005 - foundation of 1618 Plan Studio - We have been managed a talented, experienced designer team to fulfill our design projects. Our architectural approach is based on creativity, flexibility and keeping an open mind. Our claim is to reach harmony of functionality with natural and…autumn foundation, foundation planlarge, view, plan, house, reconstruction1
bolcsode11kerulet.huSport Physical education establishes every form of exercise; it is the foundation of everything. Márta Bathó master trainer teaches physical education to the children. We take exercise, physical education and sport seriously.exercise foundation, foundation mártachild, colleagues, introduction, gallery, care1
vikstore.huThis NFT is a singular gem within the “Feelings on the Canvas” collection, an ensemble of 40 distinct masterpieces. This creation has been bestowed with a prestigious accolade from Binance, marking its creator among the top five maestros in the NFT domain. The foundation of these NFTs is etched in…domain foundation, foundation nftimage, exhibition, digital, winner, collection1
kozossikereink.huEntrepreneurs would be the major beneficiaries of the period lasting till 2020, as they provide the economic foundation. Their success leads to the development of Hungarian economics, so the major purpose of the new cycle is the funding of prosperous investments. It is also of utmost importance…economic foundation, foundation successresult, success, funding, cycle, financial1
loftdent.huOur mission is the perfect smile, as the foundation of self-confidence lies in our sincere smile. Whether we carry out bleaching, orthodontic treatment, insertion of implants to replace missing teeth, or just a scaling, we consider our work to be successful when the well-known happy, cloudless…smile foundation, foundation selfdental, patient, treatment, price, media1
dunakarneval.huDanube Art Society International Multicultural Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. | We reserve the right to change programs and actors!multicultural foundation, foundation rightinternational, cultural, danube, festival, programme1
bharatanatyam.info.huShe has been trained in this traditional dance form by Jayanthi Subramaniam, founder of Kala Darsana Foundation of Art.darsana foundation, foundation artdora, dance, class, indian, classical1
eltesoft.huOur teammates and co-workers with university degree in informatics have knowledge and expertise in analyzing and understanding of the difficult socio-economic processes, since their foundation for training was theoretical and applied mathematics.process foundation, foundation trainingevent, news, research, training, ict1
diamantkft.huIdentifying with the business interests of our clients is one of the indispensable foundations of our success. We at the Diamant Group give our best knowledge to clients to seize opportunities and not only to sustain their business, but to grow dynamically.indispensable foundation, foundation successconsultancy, tax, control, expert, group1
karpitmuveszek.huThe artworks of this exhibition represent the artistic and stylistic diversity of the tapestry artists. Although 1970 marked an attempt at modernization in the history of Hungarian tapestry, by the mid-1990s, at the time of the association’s foundation, most of the artists have turned back to the…association foundation, foundation artistartist, light, thread, tapestry, nature1
hankooknegyed.huYou have supported another noble cause, as a result of which we managed to collect a carload of donations for the Dunaújváros Foundation for Responsible Pet Ownership in just a few days. This exemplary teamwork showed that selflessness on your part does not stop even when the call for help comes…dunaújváros foundation, foundation responsibleemployee, health, day, september, news1
hairdressercsemo.huA well-crafted haircut is the foundation of a beautiful hairstyle. Sometimes this is precise, but more often the contours remain soft to maintain a feminine look. I can create any imaginable hairstyle that suits your hair, even the most daring! By the way, cutting hair with a natural wave or curls…haircut foundation, foundation beautifulhairdresser, cut, wash, hair, salon1
prompt.huOur project Grandis XXI. that prepares caregivers for the effective use of smart devices in elderly care was honoured with the award of the Tempus Public Foundation.security, technology, solution, complete, maintenance1
correct-csoport.huThe CORRECT Research, Organisation and Trade Ltd. has been in operation for more than 30 years, meeting the highest quality requirements of the owners and our clients. Our company has been expanding its range of activities ever since its foundation in 1991.correct, office, exhibition, quality, real1
feith.huWhen it came to realising this concept, I was ably assisted by the Liszt Academy, which hosted the course, and the Japanese Foundation, which supported my idea from the beginning.japanese foundation, foundation ideadance, zoltan, theatre, performance, music1
premiumbudapest.huWater, sewer, gas, electricity and low-voltage pipelines will be replaced, and the inner courtyard will be re-paved, the atmosphere of which will be enhanced by a functioning wall well too. The foundation walls of the house have been reinforced with modern steel pile technology, ensuring its…wall foundation, foundation wallroom, apartment, premium, kitchen, live1
thinkprojects.huTHINK is proud to be One of the 42 Smile Ambassadors . With this initiative we support the work of Smile Foundation .think, consultancy, technical, client, management1
jobgroup.huWe build on the foundations of diversity, inclusion, as well as knowledge-driven operations. We perform our work conscientiously, based on the values of equality and transparency, and with the highest customer focus and empathy. We provide our staff with equal but personalised opportunities for…detail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour1
csemo.hu…as a whole. The statue of the seven chieftains of the Hungarians and the open-air stage were completed in honour of the mille-centenary of the foundation of the Hungarian state (1996) in Templom Square. Also in the 1990-s the construction of the Catholic and Protestant churches was commenced. The…centenary foundation, foundation hungarianvillage, flowery, area, official, website1
drschadt.huThe Dr. Schadt Kata Law Firm provides its services to its clients (companies and private people) since 2015, the year of its foundation. The law firm focuses on rendering legal services primarily to national or international companies, medium- and large-sized corporations based on permanent or…year foundation, foundation lawlegal, law, international, expertise, labour1
stube.huThe foundation of our homemade burgers are the Charolais beef meat patties, prepared in our kitchen by our unique recipe. We know that for a perfect hamburger the bun also has to be really good, so we bake them ourselves. We serve our burgers with potato chips or steak potatoes from “Hópehely” bio…restaurant, food, quality, drink, oven1
anchorfence.huDuring the installation of the system, we do not excavate land or pour a concrete foundation. Dismantling can be carried out without environmental and material damage. The area is thus completely free of contamination.concrete foundation, foundation dismantlefence, column, main, page, reference1
ggis.huThe Christian principles of respect and inclusion are the foundation of the vibrant and caring international community at GGIS. Students from many countries and diverse faiths attend GGIS, bringing with them their unique cultures and perspectives.inclusion foundation, foundation vibrantschool, international, great, question, grace1
publicholidays.huan employment contract. National observances include Saint Stephen’s Day, observed in honour of Hungary’s first King and the official day of the foundation of Hungary; Memorial Day for the Victims of the Holocaust; National Defence Day; Day of National Unity and Day of the Independent Hungary…day foundation, foundation hungarypublic, holiday, day, saint, christmas1
tilos.huThe Tilos Cultural (non-profit) Foundation, and Tilos Radio itself started operation on August 21, 1991 in Budapest.profit foundation, foundation tilosradio, station, commercial, public, community1
nimfea.huThe project "Strengthening public participation in the tourism development of the Lake Tisza region" implemented with the support of the PHARE Access programme and the Swiss Foundation for Solidarity Tourism was closed in October.swiss foundation, foundation solidaritynature, association, conservation, center, environmental1
klasszgitar.huSponsors: Foundation for Culture of Debrecen • Derecske City Hall • My parents • Cornett Music Kft. • Szent Anna Hangszersponsor foundation, foundation cultureguitar, classical, school, way, volume1
investmedical.huSince its foundation in 2006, Invest Medical provides dynamically evolving services and medical care products for patients receiving care at home or in hospitals and other healthcare institutions primarily in Eastern Hungary.medical, care, factory, patient, quality1
remedio.huOur meticulously curated courses equip you with a robust foundation in UX principles and techniques.robust foundation, foundation uxbook, mastery, summary, login, course1
szabadterek.huOur network’s operated by Marom Klub Egyesület, which is an association based in Budapest. Our main donor is currently the CIVITATES Foundation. We are also continuously looking for opportunities to expand our funding streams.civitates foundation, foundation continuouslyspace, network, member, society, open1
icomos.huThe aim of the Hungarian National Committee of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) is to promote and assist in all possible ways the preservation, presentation as well the worthy – sustainable and sustaining – use of monuments and sites. Since the foundation of ICOMOS in 1965…site foundation, foundation icomoscommittee, event, sub, aim, news1
agrooko.huDIALOGUE #5 MAPPING AGROECOLOGICAL TERRITORIES with Lili Balogh from Agro-Perma-Lab Foundation on Vimeo .lab foundation, foundation vimeonetwork, knowledge, practice, eng, process1
hclu.huThe Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.ngo foundation, foundation everybodylaw, freedom, union, rule, news1
quatro-trend.huComplete works of extracting building materials, making road foundations, mine works, building bed-plates and road widening.road foundation, foundation workreference, truck, oversize, page, picture1
biokarma.hu…Technology & Support; angel investor, CEO and product architect of AkkuFresh, AkkuFresh Next Generation, AkkuFresh ECO.; founder and R&D Advisor of Organtra and ionXtra Cosmetics.; founder of ionXtra Textile; and Vision ionXtra Intelligent Water, and president of the philanthropic Mag Foundation.technology, limited, founder, energy, support1
concerteurope.huStevie Salas left the small town of Oceanside California in 1985 moving to Hollywood dreaming of a career in music. He is currently working with The Dreamcatcher Charitable foundation. He is still producing music for bands and playing concerts around the world.charitable foundation, foundation musicdetail, concert, europe, performer, dub1
mpex.huWe supported the charity campaign organized for the Bátor Tábor Foundation with HUF 300,000.tábor foundation, foundation hufproduction, expert, metal, line, industrial1
helpers.huFrom a simple feasibility study to a detailed market analysis, we can help you reduce risk and start your business on the most solid foundation possible.solid foundation, foundation possibleimmigration, helper, solution, permit, investment1
sjlaw.huPurchase agreement, lease contract, donation agreement, foundation of mortgages, loan contract, foundation of usufruct.agreement foundation, foundation mortgage, contract foundation, foundation usufructlaw, data, contract, client, office1
iskolakavaltozasert.huThe contents of this website are the sole responsibility of Artemisszió Foundation and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.artemisszió foundation, foundation circumstancesschool, change, agent, global, globally1
grullo.hujoined our herd last fall as our future stallion prospect, coming from Germany, out of USA bred, born and raised parents. He has the mind - high foundation bred, lots of Jaz Ranch bred ancestors, Little Steel Dust, Poco Bueno, Blackburn - , the body - as all true foundation bred Quarter horses, theyhigh foundation, foundation lot, true foundation, foundation quarterhorse, stallion, quarter, sale, news1
elekieletmodkozpont.huOur body is governed by laws, therefore our mental and physical state and well-being is determined by how we comply with them. With the right knowledge and a commitment to doing good, we can build a foundation for a balanced, fulfilling life.good foundation, foundation balancelifestyle, guest, center, disease, medical1
foldtan.huThe Hungarian Geological Society is one of the oldest scientific organizations in Hungary, it has been functioning permanently since its foundation in 1848, at present as a public benefit organization. Its mission is to bring experts engaged in geosciences (in a wider range) together, preserve…permanently foundation, foundation presentregional, geological, branch, geology, society1
goldenshape.huBB Glow is a semi-permanent sterile foundation that is embedded in the lower layers of the skin. During the treatment, a sterile foundation and a sterile serum selected for the given skin type is delivered under the surface of the skin, thus getting instant results. The goal is to achieve…sterile foundation, foundation low, foundation steriletreatment, key, skin, shape, result1
vintagehaz.hu…Thailand (ปาย) that our Seed Webs company is located. We create this block theme (Full Site Editing WordPress theme) for resort & homestay businesses. This theme is free and open source, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.room, photo, rate, nature, heart1
nagyhegyesitakarmany.huSince the foundation of our company, the livestock division produces forage for backyard and intense management, using mainly own recipes. Quality is controlled by ISO 22000 Food Safety Standard.food, fish, career, safety, process1
kentaurgraphics.huWe pay attention to you and your needs. Not only do we listen, we also ask questions. Two-way communication lays the foundation for a common direction.communication foundation, foundation commonunique, way, identity, inquiry, direction1
der-schweighofer.huFor more than 45 years Modellsport Schweighofer stands as a guarantor for quality and unbeatable prices in the field of RC products and model sports. Since our foundation in 1978, we have continuously developed and expanded our range to offer our customers the best products and the best service.sport foundation, foundation continuouslybattery, brand, model, accessories, remote1
quicksystem.huSince its foundation, the firm continuously endeavored to aid its clients in achieving their strategic objectives. Contemporaneously with the growth of client requirements, we develop our specialty skills, broaden our offerings, so that we can provide the indispensable IT background which is…operation, software, development, network, client1
forumanepmuveszetert.huThe Forum for Folk Arts Foundation is a partner nonprofit organization of Hangvető, organizing international training programs on the field of folk music and folk art, involving regions from the Balkans to Visegrad countries, and beyond.art foundation, foundation partnermusic, forum, course, pitch, european1
nordconsult.huSince its foundation, the company has managed several local, regional, national and international level projects in strong cooperation with the members of the innovation chain. Our experience ranges from small-scale cooperative research projects to the generation and management of large-scale…consult, introduction, management, news, client1
iaabudapest.hu…Olukanni , Future Award winner, TV host, radio host and seasoned Compère, who will join us this year as one of our hosts. An accomplished filmmaker and a decade of experience in broadcasting, Bolanle has been an ally to vulnerable women with her NGO "God's Wives" and her Olukanni Legacy Foundation.global, brand, industry, advertising1
canadianschool.hu"My time at CIS was truly transformative. The dedicated educators, diverse student body, and engaging extracurricular activities laid the foundation for my personal and professional growth. The rigorous academic curriculum prepared me well for college, and the friendships I forged remain strong to…activity foundation, foundation personalschool, learn, admission, career, student1
finchamber.huI have been active at the Hungarian-Finnish Chamber of Commerce since its foundation in 1992.finnish, chamber, event, commerce, member1
playame.huOf the 5% of the total amount of all PLAYAME X BPFIGHT products purchased, we support the Paks Orphans (Váczikai Cerberus Foundation). We personally deliver the purchased food and canned food to Paks every 3 months.cerberus foundation, foundation personallyview, quick, option, warm, select1
partikerteszet.huThe roots can be traced back to a past of 100 years, the grandfather was a gardener of the count István Ambróz-Migazzi and took part in establishing and setting the arboretum at Jeli. The father was a founding member of the Gardeners’ Producing Community and laid the foundations of the family…community foundation, foundation familyfamily, nagy, gallery, brook, area1
procura.co.huBudget organisations, ministries, municipalities, foundations, private firms, institutions involved in EU fund management.municipality foundation, foundation privatepublic, procurement, consulting, expert, international1
yogasutra.huThe cork provides a soft, pleasant foundation for your yoga practices. Can be used for practices with heavy perspiration Extremely lightweight. Can be used by beginner or advanced yoga practitioners alike.pleasant foundation, foundation yogacork, yoga, premium, friendly, accessories1
cafefilm.huBack in 1999 when Nimród Antal teamed up with Tamás Hutlassa to produce a feature called Kontroll , they laid the first foundation stone for one of Hungary’s most successful production companies.kontroll foundation, foundation stonecommercial, production, feature, short, tvc1
sutura.huOur company is constantly developing since its foundation which manifests in the broadening of the represented manufacturers and the scope of products distributed by them and also in the infrastructural development of the company itself.constantly foundation, foundation broadendevice, medical, representation, healthcare, support1
sarosianita.huSarosi's artistic contributions have also been collected and preserved in esteemed institutions, including the Center for Art and Media Technology (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, Germany, the C3 Video Archive and Media Art Collection in Budapest, Hungary, as well as the FKSE Studio Foundation (FKSA)…studio foundation, foundation fksaart, light, artist, visual, media1
metaelmelet.hu15-18-11-2006 under the auspices of the Institute for Strategic Research, the Hungarian Cultural Foundation and the Third Millennium Foundation an international scientific conference will be held with the title: Unified Theories.cultural foundation, foundation millennium, millennium foundation, foundation internationalresearch, homepage, group, institute, strategic1
smartians.huIn addition to the Erasmus + program, there are many opportunities for schools, young people, informal communities and associations to turn an idea into a local or international initiative. These can be funded by a national level or funded privately (announced by foundations, CSR of private…privately foundation, foundation csrtraining, education, career, news, management1
swision.huSince its foundation in 2008, Swision has been a key supplier of solutions for midsize and large companies in Hungary. The Swision project methodology assures that every step in projects we manage is designed and documented from the initial demand definition to the project closure.solution, application, sale, management, document1
drpatakieva.huI was lucky enough to spend two years in England (2013-15) working for Tees, Esk, Wear and Valleys Foundation Trust, providing psychiatric service in the community.valley foundation, foundation trustdisorder, anxiety, depression, psychiatrist, crisis1
esztergom.huThe foundations of the current operation of the Municipality of Esztergom were laid after the free municipal elections held on 30 September and 14 October 1990.city, history, municipal, economy, government1
lexunit.huOur foundation is built on engineering excellence. We dive into complex challenges and emerge with solutions that perfectly align with your business objectives. Our blend of robust, scalable solutions with swift, adaptable processes ensures optimal operational efficiency. Driven by a crew of elite…solution, data, software, case, development1
krafty.hu…2 different species of Enterococcus but were not. Faecalis is gram- positive, while the other 2 are gram- negative this has to do with how. Org is hosted by the non- profit Prostatitis Foundation. Faecalis, the problem with amoxicillin is the low prostatic penetration. Given that the strainof E.prostatitis foundation, foundation faecalisinfection, prostate, doctor, az1
info-m.huLast year when the joy of personal encounters and christmas gifting was not given to us, we celebrated the winter holidays by charity, donating to the Heim Pál Children's Hospital Foundation, contributing to the professional care of sick children.hospital foundation, foundation professionalsolution, customer, engineer, clever, telco1
norexerp.huWe are proudest when clients tell us that we represent their interests as if their company were ours. This level of commitment provides a foundation for long-term confidence and mutual respect.commitment foundation, foundation longclient, management, consulting, provider, reference1
hajozasert.huThe purpose of the Foundation is, to sort the current status of the "Szőke Tisza" steambooat (originally named as: "Charles the IV"), which was built in 1916–1917 (shovel-wheeled, with double chimney), including the rescue of protected technical memories of the ship, Safe storage of the ship’s…purpose foundation, foundation currentnews, navigation, public, interest, ship1
bbmri.hu…are harmonizing their quality standards and establishing federated data sharing within the network, aiming to implement FAIR principles as the foundation of the process. Our sites adhere to the highest ethical standards when acquiring specimens for their collections, and protection of donor…principle foundation, foundation processnode, available, research, quality, governance1
keripharma.huSince its foundation in 1991, Kéri Pharma has been serving its partners and customers to the highest standards drawing on its expertise and decades of experience in the areas of registration, marketing and sale of pharmaceuticals.adverse, drug, reaction, market, pharmaceutical1
ehrenfeld.huScaling a business is hard enough by itself. Don’t make it harder for yourself by building on the wrong foundations. Make sure your financials and unit economics are healthy, so that you can focus on building a world-class product.wrong foundation, foundation sureadvisor, career, financial, open, healthy1
noeallatotthon.huWe would like to thank zooplus for the amazing generous donation made by World Animal Day to support the work of the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation and its shelter animals! 🥰💚shelter foundation, foundation sheltershelter, animal, news, story, day1
bancard.huOur company started its operations in the Central European consulting market in 2008. Ever since the foundation, we have successfully managed numerous projects. Our team possess years of experience in consulting and leadership in various fields (financial institutions, energetics, commerce and…market foundation, foundation successfullyreference, management, light, introduction, consulting1
gaborsgang.hu"GABOR" Gabor F. Gabriel lead singer and drummer drives his gang with steady hands to success. With professional London, Hollywood and Vegas performing background he knows what the audience accepts and gives them just that. He provides a solid foundation delivering his steady driving in rock…solid foundation, foundation steadygabor, gang, repertoire, lead, vocal1
b1music.huHourly rehearsals equipped with premium foundations (Mesa Boogie, Peavey, Warwick, Pearl, Kurzweil, ... more ), air-conditioned, isolated, sound-proofed, in acoustically good rooms, as well as for studio recordings and test recordings.premium foundation, foundation mesahall, official, website, studio, image1
fehova.hu…first time at FeHoVa also proved to be highly successful. Béla Hidvégi auctioned off his personal belongings – all of which were sold at the exhibition. All proceeds from the auction support the wildlife protection and educational programmes of Vadásztrófea Alapítvány (Hunting Trophy Foundation).exhibitors, visitor, ticket, exhibition, app1
mediway.huSince the foundation of the company, we have developed strategic and valuable partnerships with multi-national companies and medium-sized companies. These are some of the valuable partnerships we have developed with companies:force, sale, medical, pharmacy, centre1
nadin.huAs a scholarship recipient of the MOL Foundation, I was featured in Fresh magazine's role model column.mol foundation, foundation freshmusic, piano, competition, composition, drawing1
wpmax.hu…good insights when I get stuck in my tasks. He is open both professionally and personally, ready to accept new things in order to provide his clients with outstanding work. I managed to infect him a little with search engine optimization, so the website he created must be based on good foundations.website, offer, media, social, tool1
danielvaczi.hu…album is on the boundary of XX. century’s classical and jazz music. The members of the band play extremely free improvisations on top of the foundation which is composed with very strict compositional rules in mind. They are also experimenting with live controlled robot-instruments. Multet’s…improvisation foundation, foundation strictmusic, instrumental, concert, playlist, improvisation1
studiolegale.huFoundation, transformation, modification, capital increase, capital decrease, winding up, company law litigation.law, firm, associate, insolvency, tax1
defence.huOn 11 January, the foundation stone of the new C-17 Aircrew Training System (Simulator) building of the Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC) was laid at the Hungarian Defense Forces’ 47th Air Base in Pápa (western Hungary). This part of the building will house the offices and workshops for the…january foundation, foundation stonedefence, force, general, news, command1
docroom.huThe latest joint report by FEANTSA and the Abbé Pierre Foundation puts the number of people experiencing homelessness living inpierre foundation, foundation numberresearch, health, publication, social, people1
neumannconsulting.huThe name "miniMAX" is a tribute to the work of János Neumann, who laid the foundations of the science known as "game theory" and mathematically proved the MINIMAX principle, which is essential for optimal decisions.neumann foundation, foundation scienceconsulting, industry, expert, implementation, history1
decision3.huData driven, AI, RPA, robots, machine learning – leading buzzwords today. But how to step forward? How to convert data asset into business value? How to build our business on data foundation?management, mining, introduction, construction, page1
fklaw.hufull-range legal assistance in the establishment of business in Hungary, in any company form; amendment of the deed of foundation of companies; mergers & acquisitions; drafting of by-laws, shareholder’s agreements etc.;deed foundation, foundation companylaw, data, firm, legal, client1
summa-artium.hu3) Within the frames of our Fundus Program we operate private funded donor advised or designated funds and foundations. By the end of 2021 12 funds operate actively, for example the Krisztina Polgár Memorial Fund that supports theatre innovation and arts related equal chances projects, the Musical…fund foundation, foundation endart, partnership, cultural, aim, private1
arc-budapest.huSince its foundation in 1990, ARC Ltd. has been continuously and dynamically growing. Each and every case we have been handling added to our knowledge base and developed our working methods, teaching us too to manage our assignments with the greatest attention, care and proficiency.immigration, destination, process, legal, employee1
bestlocalgov.hu…partners and work together with TÖOSZ. In the last five years for shorter or longer period Dexia Kommunalkredit Hungary Kft., Open Society Foundation, Ministry of Environment Protection and Water Issues, Ministry of Social and Labour Issues, Ministry of Public Administration and Justice…society foundation, foundation ministry, public foundation, foundation national, protection foundationgovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
bridgesolutions.hu…true change can start and cooperations renew . I believe in partnership , in common work and in the transformative power of unbiased listening as a coach and mediator. The foundations of my consulting besides professionalism is to empower my clients with new, tailored, well-applicable solutions .mediator foundation, foundation consultingbridge, change, solution, mediation, true1
deltasource.huPAF –We develop in the health care sphere within the frame of the Foundation for a humanist, people focused health care.frame foundation, foundation humanistdevelopment, organization, executive, sale, search1
singlish.huThe New ESU of Hungary runs several events of its own but also co-operates with other organisation such as the Oxford University Press , the Scottish Mission on Vörösmarty utca and the Robert Burns International Foundation to put on traditional quality events.international foundation, foundation traditional, foundation moneyship, model, tuesday, wednesday, construction1
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huSpecimen of signature: identity card (or passport) and address card, company registration number or company tax number, in case of other organizations, foundations, associations the registration number;organization foundation, foundation associationnotary, notarial, document, public, register1
afrikasztorik.huCheck out our videos featuring interviews and interesting conversations about fantastic volunteers, and leaders of associations and foundations.association, wildlife, africa, interview, video1
orsokft.huIt all started in 1995. In a tiny place of the Textile Industry Institute which had seen better days, the first ribbon weaving machine started to set off as the foundation of Orsó ’95 Kft. In this ruined building, hundreds of people researched, treated, abraded different textiles, since 1950, so…machine foundation, foundation orsócord, ribbon, rope, elastic, electric1
tyrusz.huEthical Business Practices: Trust is built on a foundation of integrity. We adhere to the highest ethical standards in all our interactions. Transparency, honesty, and accountability are the cornerstones of our business practices, fostering a relationship built on trust.trust foundation, foundation integritymarket, study, honey, communication, success1
smtplus.huAt the time of foundation, we only made orders for our partners with manual soldering technology. Over the years, we have gained a lot of experience and gained the trust of our customers with our flexibility and high quality work .time foundation, foundation orderquality, customer, family, news, environmental1
platinumkiro.huStructural Correction is a unique approach in chiropractic that provides you with the strongest foundation possible. Platinum Chiropractic has served people of all ages and diverse health conditions.strong foundation, foundation possiblecondition, complimentary, structural, page, secondary1
immovest.huOur German management, being fluent in Hungarian, has a firm foundation in working experience at international firms, architecture (local and international qualifications), project management and development experience with renowned German construction, development and asset management companies…firm foundation, foundation experiencebuild, real, estate, management, office1
intalion.huPut your corporate IT services on new foundations with our middleware software integration solutions: transparent processes, more efficient operation on multiple fronts.new foundation, foundation middlewaresolution, software, process, interested, digital1
finvisors.huWe believe in the strength of a coordinated team of specialists. Building on the foundations we achieve the desired goal in a practice-oriented way by learning the logic of the organization.specialist foundation, foundation goalorganization, expertise, management, complex, financial1
panograph.huOur image appears on the front page header of the site designed for the Geothermical Foundation, Hungary.geothermical foundation, foundation hungarypanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour1
szaszlilla.huShe has taught children with mental and physical challenges (at “Smile Foundation”), and children of drug user parents (at “Sober Babies”), on a voluntary basis. She has visited numerous workshops, with, among others, Sylvia Plachy, and Steidl and Aperture Publishing Houses. She was guest lecturer…smile foundation, foundation childyork, art, photo, award, book1
certisbelchim.huWe have strong foundations and an established footprint throughout Europe, dynamic and growing platforms in North America and expanding opportunities with partners in Africa, South America and Asia.strong foundation, foundation footprintprotection, crop, development, growth, expertise1
galgepszer.huWith the maintenance experience of more than 12 years we think that working perfect is better, than working a lot. This could be the foundation of a long lasting partnership.lot foundation, foundation longmaintenance, implementation, equipment, page, quality1
dorlin.huDorlin’s foundation was based on the products and services of almost 15 years old distributor of lubricants – Partner Kenőanyag Kft.dorlin foundation, foundation productprotection, industrial, lubricant, plant, complex1
skoll.huA foundation for developing the digital competencies of disadvantaged elementary school students, with which we have already taken part in several team-building quizzes with Quiznight.learn, management, education, material, training1
warrioracademy.huWe’re a small company in Budapest, Hungary with the pros like: personal tone, full of skills, expert in applied graphic design. These advantages serve as the foundation of a successful ad campaign we can help you with.advantage foundation, foundation successfuladvertising, agency, media, interested, detail1
almasi-s.huThe foundation for excellent technical performance is precision and exactness. Our main objective is to ensure that our company’s performance is coupled with the highest customer satisfaction.quality, machining, milling, turn, thread1
horvathfogorvos.huBridges are always built on firm foundation, it will be the same in the case of your teeth. We use the technology of dental bridges to replace your missing teeth as a permanent solution.firm foundation, foundation casedental, tooth, treatment, replacement, aesthetic1
sepsieniko.huIn 2012, I founded the Institute of Arts Studies and General Humanities, and within it, two new departments and several new related training programmes. In 2015, I initiated the foundation of Benda Kálmán College of Excellence in Humanities and Social Sciences, and after the completion of the…programme foundation, foundation bendastudy, university, theatre, research, french1
studentjob.huOur WHC Student cooperative has teamed up with the Tempus Public Foundation with the goal of providing international students studying in Hungary the opportunity to complete their internships in Hungary.public foundation, foundation goaljob, student, provider, goal, joint1
mcc.hu…Cambridge University, the alma mater of Roger Scruton, in the prestigious Peterhouse College, the university's oldest building complex. Students explored the depths of aesthetics with renowned professors and international academics at the event, organized by the Sir Roger Scruton Legacy Foundation.international, student, public, center, academy1
brumiovoda.huEvery child is an individual, they are different, unique just as we adults are. Differentiated development matching the child’s own pace of development, respect, and acceptance provide us the solid foundation we have built over the past 25 years on.solid foundation, foundation pastkindergarten, group, child, age, range1
egervaritrans.huEgervári Trans Ltd. is a dynamically developing successful company. Our performance has been steadily upward since our foundation in 1996. In the last 3 years, we have been able to expand our fleet of vehicles and achieve an outstanding number of transports and warehouse turnover.upward foundation, foundation yeartransport, warehouse, category, logistic, equipment1
proform.huPROFORM Real Estate Investment Ltd. has become a major player in the Hungarian real estate market with more than 400,000 m2 of built-up real estate since its foundation in 1989, which is also reflected in its diverse and substantial real estate portfolio and its well-established, demanding tenant…estate foundation, foundation diverseoffice, real, estate, operation, sale1
munkavedinfo.huA: The pillars of international law are the key principles and foundations that govern relations between states and other international actors. Understanding these principles is crucial for businesses engaged in international trade .principle foundation, foundation relationlegal, law, agreement, regulation, important1
colorbeachsiofok.huOur Apartment is available since its foundation in 2002 as one of the Apartments in the town of Siófok.available foundation, foundation apartmentapartment, color, beach, green, queen1
exv.huCo-ordination of negotiations about the foundation of joint ventures, and related management consulting.negotiation foundation, foundation jointmanagement, investment, consulting, client, financial1
ferromagic.huWe have been focusing on high quality since our foundation, on quality that is successful even on the European markets.quality foundation, foundation qualityintroduction, activity, division, metal, structure1
tihanyiugyved.huOur Law Firm routinely counsels clients regarding entity formation and governance and acts as outside general counsel for many companies. We work with you to develop sound corporate foundations, as well as procedures and protocols that will lead to a successful venture. In addition, we handle a…corporate foundation, foundation procedurelaw, client, family, firm, attorney1
betatrans.hu“At Maersk Line, we strive to cooperate with subcontractors and business partners who are responsible and legitimate with our high quality service in line with Maersk Line's core values. This is the foundation of our many decades of relationship with Beta Trans, we are happy to be able to count on…value foundation, foundation decadecustom, quality, website, customer, track1
gardrobkozossegivasar.huThe unsold items which you don’t want to take home will be collected at the closing of the market and delivered to those in need with the help of the Vészhelyzet 2000 Foundation.table, clothes, market, second, hand1
debrecendixieland.hu…is still proud of having taken part with success in the European Broadcasting Union’s Tonder Festival (Denmark) in 1987, two years after its foundation and successfully represented Hungary as early as 1989 at the biggest feast of European Oldtimers music in Dresden. In the past decades…year foundation, foundation successfullymember, vocal, guest, festival, radio1
faedragroup.huOur Faedra Park development’s building has received its trapezoidal sheet metal roofing, marking the handover of the work area for thermal and waterproofing insulation. Meanwhile, sandwich wall panels are being installed in their designated positions, and the ‘box’ is closing. Specialized…specialize foundation, foundation installationgroup, development, construction, investor, gallery1
qcihungary.huThe project aims to lay the foundations of a national quantum communication infrastructure in Hungary, with the eventual goal to participate in the creation of a larger pan-European quantum network. We plan to connect the capital, Budapest, with three cities in three different directions (Győr…project foundation, foundation nationalcommunication, training, news, satellite, presentation1
bud360.huGain a competitive edge with BUD360's comprehensive sourcing solutions. We provide unparalleled access to premium building materials and appliances at competitive prices, ensuring your project's success from the foundation to the finishing touches.success foundation, foundation finishinvestment, appointment, property, real, estate1
primalingua.hu…proofreading. The personal friendship and shared work ethic of our colleagues have already stood the test of time, and they constitute the firm foundation upon which we wish to build our company. While working in our former, separate businesses, we have already gained the appreciation of many…firm foundation, foundation companytranslation, proofreading, interpret, quality, agency1
feherfonixsoter.hu…how your restless mind comes to a halt, depression shifts towards optimism, turbulent emotions are replaced by inner peace providing a solid foundation for physical regeneration. Salt brings the tranquillity of the mountains in our hectic life. With colourful light effects and carefully chosen…solid foundation, foundation physicalyoga, salt, pm, space, effect1
szendeffy.huMy academic foundation has equipped me with a strong understanding of the fundamentals of technology, while my practical experience has allowed me to apply this knowledge in innovative and meaningful ways. I've had the privilege of working on projects that bridge the gap between the physical and…academic foundation, foundation strongreality, development, unity, viewer, technology1
acelcsarnok.huWe are proud of the first generation founders who have established a pivotal and solid foundation for the Company. Today, the momentum of corporate governance is being carried forward by the courageous and hard as steel second generation of the family.solid foundation, foundation companysteel, structure, family, founder, knowledge1
mmgrendszerhaz.huBeing socially responsible is essential for us, therefore, we support a foundation called ’Nem Adom Fel Ház’ (freely translated as Never Give Up Home) in Pánd, a small countryside village. This foundation ensures after-school activities for children who are otherwise not given this. We visit them…essential foundation, foundation nem, village foundation, foundation schoolprocess, control, automation, production, machinery1
buddha-tar.huOur church respects Alexander Kőrösi Csoma as an enlightened being, and follows the way that he opened. Our important responsibility is to maintain and practice his spiritual inheritage. In his honor, through the Foundation of Clear Light, we maintain a Memorial Park in our Meditation Center in…honor foundation, foundation cleartradition, meditation, history, spiritual, buddhist1
drsoos.hu…several areas of economic life. Our office is awarded the Middle Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic. Volunteering is highly important for us. In voluntary work, we represent the Munka-Kör Foundation for the Hearing Impaired and the GTTSz NGOs in litigation and out-of-court cases.kör foundation, foundation hearlaw, firm, study, education, case1
martanyilas.huSoros Foundation , The Institute for New Dramaturgy and The Felix Meritis Foundation scholarship , Theater and Stage design , Professors: Ping Chong and Rob List, Piatra-Neamţ, (RO)soros foundation, foundation institute, meritis foundation, foundation scholarshipgallery, art, exhibition, artist, university1
berns.huIn addition to our premium quality products, we help lay the foundations for the business success of our partners by accurately prepared sales concepts.product foundation, foundation businessjewelry, quality, gift, premium, harmony1
icqglobal.huTo me, Intercultural Intelligence (ICQ) is the foundation of leadership and a life philosophy. It is about empowering people to get along with themselves and others so they can unlock their potential within and in their team. ICQ is the competitive advantage on all levels:icq foundation, foundation leadershipglobal, welcome, people, knowledge, trainer1
rekaoberfrank.hu…in many ways with different creators on the field. She is a member of Willany Leó Improvisational Dance Theater since 2021. Her own pieces are visible mostly in MU Theatre, Budapest. She has been teaching at Workshop Foundation since 2018, as well as having regular classes with children.workshop foundation, foundation regularcreator, dancer, teacher, freelance, creation1
envitek.huSince its foundation in 1985, M&C TechGroup has grown into a world-leading manufacturer in the field of gas preparation, sample conditioning and transportation.gas, process, solution, manufacturer, instrument1
onalloelet.huAs a first step, we contacted the municipalities and offered partnership. With support from the Soros Foundation, we installed a mobile ramp at 7 important public buildings, such as Matthias Church, a bank, a stationery shop, etc.soros foundation, foundation mobilepeople, activity, independent, live, accessibility1
rszalo.huThe foundation of our expertise has been the implementation of our projects in various cities of Hungary, including Budapest, Debrecen, Szigetszentmiklós, Baja, Diósgyőr and Szerencs.implementation, technology, england, centre, logistic1
zahorjanivett.huI primarly collaborate with SMEs, personal and designer brands, foundations, and magazines. I advocate for value-driven, personalized storytelling with a sales focus.brand foundation, foundation magazinefashion, social, media, journalist, marketer1
biomembrane.huHead of Grant Committee, Functional Genomics Programme, European Science Foundation, 2003-2007university, research, science, academy, member1
wigner.huResearchers from the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics (HUN-REN Wigner RCP), the ELI-ALPS Laser Research Institute in Szeged, and the University of Pécs have developed a completely new principle-based, long-wavelength, light-controlled electron source that could lay the foundation for…source foundation, foundation fastresearch, physics, news, centre, institute1
g-online.huThe " Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology " directed by well-known Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan performed clinical and functional tests for the care prevention of cutaneous aging phenomena on impressing of cases. These were the foundation of Romanian cosmetologists that have developed a personalized…case foundation, foundation romaniancart, stock, care, treatment, skin1
botpanel.huAt the heart of a successful website lies meticulous design, a focal point where we channel our utmost effort. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit – we believe in creating an aesthetic foundation that not only catches the eye but also ensures a seamless and engaging user experience.aesthetic foundation, foundation eyeocean, feature, command, free, provider1
folkfeszt.hu…and presenting the rich and multi-faceted traditional cultures of the world leads to a genuine understanding and cooperation between the various peoples, and communities of humanity. It is not only an effective tool in strengthening cultural identity, but is the foundation for a living culture.identity foundation, foundation livefolklore, festival, folk, federation, international1
drgerei.huI can manage the whole process of company registration from foundation to management of changes in the case of reorganisation or liquidation. Next>>registration foundation, foundation managementlegal, law, representation, procedure, case1
icoach.huCoaching is always an awesome journey for me, the solid foundation of which is created by mutual trust and connection between me and my partner: a thought-provoking and creative process in which we are inspired to experiment with new ideas and practices to reach your goal.solid foundation, foundation mutualconsulting, development, organization, connection, value1
bozzayviktor.huIn my thesis, I laid the foundations of the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) system for the cigarette manufacturing lines at the British American Tobacco Hungary Pécs factory.thesis foundation, foundation reliabilityuniversal, curriculum, developer, application, measurement1
righttohealth.huI made the right decision. If I had stayed within the official setting, perhaps I never would have come across the information that forms the foundation of my activities today.information foundation, foundation activityseries, medical, coronavirus, health, list1
compex-so.huSince the foundation of our company in 1997, Compex-Só Kft. has become the country's biggest company which is dedicated to packing and trading with salt in gross in the residential salt market. Within our products, dietary, industrial and defroster products can be found in wide selection.salt, homepage, free, additive, gallery1
jui.huSince the foundation of our law firm, we have successfully implemented our professional goal in practice to build long-term relationships with our clients, based on trust between attorney and client. The success of this philosophy is confirmed by the fact that we are mandated on a permanent basis…law, firm, practice, client, area1
euriv.huThe founders of our company have more than 30 years of manufacturing experience, which provides a solid foundation for expert work. Our target area is primarily the design and production of products related to chair production. Series production of various press-fit plywood chair parts, mainly…solid foundation, foundation expertproduction, template, wood, quality, joomla1
oet.huThe Ormai & Partner Law Office has been performing legal practice and its clients’ legal representation covering the entire field of Civil Law - especially Business and Commercial. Law - and Administrative Law since its foundation.law, office, area, practice, administrative1
kolyokzsinor.huThanks to the Kölyökzsinór Puppet Group of the Palánta Foundation in Debrecen, today the children of the Konyári Kindergarten and the local elementary school were able to see a high-quality interactive puppet show with music and dance in connection with the upcoming Easter festival. We would also…palánta foundation, foundation debrecenchild, easter, tour, puppet, competition1
geosan.huGeosan Ltd. is a 100% hungarian owned private company. At the time of its foundation in 1996 the company operated based on the work of the Engineering Office, which was followed by the launch of the biotechnological branch-establishment.time foundation, foundation companyengineering, office, environmental, focus, solution1
totho.huMy commitment to build beautiful web experience that easy to use, simple and clear - one that allows you to tell your story or business in the most compelling way possible. User experience is not just nice to have, it's the foundation of a successful website.nice foundation, foundation successfulgraphic, logo, website, client, user1
akollegium.huAs a new institution, we do not have any traditions, so You can be the one who laid the foundations for this!college, apartment, room, common, area1
bbox.huBBOX takes part in the fiscal development and production in the region since 1991. After the foundation in 1991 a new product line, the “POCOK” has been started in 1992, which gained a good reputatation on the Hungarian, Romanian, Slovakian and Ukrainian fiscal markets. Based on the continous…region foundation, foundation newfiscal, useful, development, production, printer1
balanceuniversal.huIt is important the accounting office and the company (whether a Sole proprietor, LTD., Limited partnership, Foundation or Condominium) to be in a stable relationship based on good communication flow.partnership foundation, foundation condominiumaccounting, office, universal, bookkeeping, payroll1
drtanacs.hupreparation and legal opinion on contracts for the sale, donation, lease, usufruct, pre-emption, purchase, lien, preparation of Organizational and operational rules and the Deed of foundation for condominiums, protection of propertydeed foundation, foundation condominiumlaw, legal, contract, protection, representation1
intretech.huIntretech has been at the forefront of Industry 4.0 since its foundation. With its self developed United Management System + Automation capabilities, Intretech has been able to consistently provide excellent products and services for its customers.industry foundation, foundation selfmanufacture, intelligent, automation, global, industry1
ekoelit.huIn one sentence: If you have your foundations ready, you can have a structure ready house built in 2 days which becomes weather safe as soon as the breathable roof membrane gets fitted to the trusses.sentence foundation, foundation readyhouse, build, extension, refurbishment, quality1
consultger.huOur mission focuses on the growth of your business , the foundation and sustainable consolidation of sustainable corporate economic results.business foundation, foundation sustainableconsulting, germany, german, expansion, market1
iceee.hu1 Rejtő Sándor Foundation, Budapest, Hungary, 2 Institute of Environmental Engineering and Natural Sciences, Rejtő Sándor Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering, Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungarysándor foundation, foundation budapestuniversity, science, environmental, engineering, faculty1
ectb.huDuring the past years we have built an international reputation in the above fields. Knowledge and experience form the foundation for the success of different programs organized for our selective clientele.experience foundation, foundation successevent, travel, congress, coordination, idea1
pitagora.hu‍ Blendraw is a unique skill development game helping children learn how to explore, create, and comprehend abstract images. Abstract thinking is the foundation of our daily existence. It is how we make decisions, react to our environment, and experience a situation.think foundation, foundation dailyrevival, consulting, way, colleagues, role1
diplomaticmagazine.huDóra Kiss-Henézi's exhibition Everyday Tales has opened in the small jewel case of Falk Miksa Street, the VármegyE-Galéria of the Foundation for Transylvanian Art. The lively colouring and theme of the images suggest that the artist is a mother who believes in the beneficial power of colours.galéria foundation, foundation transylvanianmagazine, diplomatic, interview, public, colour1
localcapital.huThis motto was the guideline for our founders when they laid the foundation of Local Capital Ltd.founder foundation, foundation locallocal, capital, insurance, solution, strong1
mamat.huThe MAMAT has been a member of UNITAS MALACOLOGICA world organization since its foundation.society, member, picture, news, species1
argeomentum.huEnvironmental access and time spent in ‘nature’ is the foundation to healthy lives and minds. Amongst Scandinavian countries, the concept of ‘care farms’ has come to cater to the needs of a broad range of people, in particular those with special needs and disabilities. We have undertaken research…nature foundation, foundation healthyresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation1
valtozofold.huGNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation, including the additional permission set forth in the source code header.software foundation, foundation additionaltrademark, warranty, source, license, general1
fise.huThe exhibition will be opened by negotiator Sára Török, president of the Fénybánya Huta-ivégé Foundationexhibition, artist, art, glass, textile1
mandalahaz.huTravelling is only worthwhile when you are going to a place that is better than home - or at least as good! When we planned the Mandala House, we were thinking along these lines. The walls that are a perfect fit for the atmosphere of Boldogkőváralja were built on this foundation. The mortar that…boldogkőváralja foundation, foundation mortarroom, sun, peach, delicacy, guesthouse1
alfacon.huSince foundation in 1997 we have carried out more than 600 ISO based management system implementation as well as more than 200 successful tender elaboration projects financed either domestic or by the EU. Our references are presented nationwide. We have clients also in Austria and in Germany. We…management, tender, training, social, webpage1
gombaforum.huPiet Lempens, Chairman of the Mushroom Days Foundation, announced on the event’s website that the 36th Dutch Mushroom Days, scheduled to take place from 1-8 […]day foundation, foundation eventmushroom, cultivation, technology, research, economy1
teamforce.huWe cooperate with sports organizations, sport-related foundations and federations on the request of our partners.sport foundation, foundation federationevent, communication, portfolio, organization, federation1
marketingarchitect.huOnce foundations of your marketing framework are properly laid, even a smaller team with limited experience can manage your marketing. A one-off or partial involvement of Marketing Architect can considerably reduce expenses in the long run.architect, communication, architecture, minute, effective1
fortano.huErika Kerékgyártó has represented multinational and large-scale companies as a senior manager in twenty countries since 1 May 1996, the foundation of Fortano Deposit Company and has also worked as an interpreter for many years. She has gained her managerial and sales experience in various areas of…country foundation, foundation fortanotranslation, price, case, document, text1
annamagyar.huI create designs that are conceptually grounded and have a soul—a backstory that one can relate to. I often follow my intuition and delve deeply into research to find that true core. Combined with careful strategic planning, the end result is a harmonious design with a solid foundation.brand, graphic, identity, freelance, personality1
magyarbankholding.hu…value to its customers through its predictable partnerships. The bank is set on a dynamic development path; it has a well-developed digital foundation and strategy. It also has a traditionally strong corporate and private banking clientele, as well as strong consulting and analytical skills…digital foundation, foundation strategynews, group, organizational, structure, banking1
amplify.huAmplify was founded in 2017 with the goal of providing expert advice and support to organizations engaged in an M&A process to achieve their strategic goals. Since our foundation, we are consistently at the forefront of the Hungarian M&A industry, participating in numerous large-profile deals in…goal foundation, foundation consistentlyfinancial, consulting, reference, organization1
dronedesign.huFPV drones are not new, they are the foundation of the new user-friendly drone industry. They were mainly built by hand, for racing, but in recent years, they have become the new perspective in filming. We are taking this, to the next level, by mounting a cinema-grade RED camera on it, achieving…new foundation, foundation newdrone, solution, agriculture, enterprise, development1
infopark.huAt the time of commencing the development of Infopark IVG donated DEM 1 million to establish the InfoPark Foundation. The purpose of the Foundation is to support, with due consideration of the implementation objectives of Infopark, applied research and development (including its utilization)…infopark foundation, foundation purpose, purpose foundation, foundation considerationbuild, office, development, accessibility, area1
lake-tisza.hu…have not changed since our foundation in 2007: to lead people back to their roots, and to show what it feels like being one with nature. Since the very beginning thousands of enthusiastic nature-lovers have taken part in our tours. Similarly to the previous years, we organize our tours with the…lake, tour, canoe, island, touristic1
hutkai.huSince the foundation of the company we have been engaged in the design and production of bicycle parts. Our factory is specialized in the production of bicycle racks and fenders, thanks to which we have managed to achieve outstanding quality over the years.bicycle, steel, carrier, wire, chain1
implant.huDr. Urban is a board member of the Osteology Foundation and has published scientific articles and text book chapers on bone regeneration and soft tissue reconstructive surgery around dental implants. Recently, Dr. Urban has become an adjunct clinical associate professor at the Department of…osteology foundation, foundation scientificday, course, implant, urban, tissue1
enet.huAs creative and competent thinkers at the forefront of our country, we believe in digital solutions and the foundation that underpins them: expert consulting. Our commitment lies in generating value and opening doors for our clients, offering astute and adaptable solutions that span the gamut of…solution foundation, foundation expertdigitalization, process, management, consulting, technology1
mecsektravel.hutravel safely, comfortably and free from problems. This social an individual demand was the motivation for the foundation of MECSEK Travel Ltd., specialised on high quality airport shuttle service.motivation foundation, foundation mecsektravel, tariff, condition, request, private1
azumba.huInterested in legal theory and jurisprudence? Check out our analysis of Ronald Dworkin’s theory of law . Understand the key principles and concepts that form the foundation of his legal philosophy.concept foundation, foundation legallegal, law, agreement, contract, rule1
czmb.huIn the 2015 foundation of CZMB Technical Development and Art Limited Partnership we concentrate our profession to two main fields: online or offline software development and traditional or computer assisted graphics. In the beginning we compensated our modest capacity with the pursuit of maximum…development, application, management, ornament, gallery1
digitalpinkunicorns.huWe’re cool, and we know it. DPU concepts always lay down the foundations for unique and efficient products.concept foundation, foundation uniquedigital, agency, creative, site, vision1
bypassnet.huWe are continuously supporting schools, accociations, foundations; providing jobs and developing applications for people with disabilities.accociations foundation, foundation jobdevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment1
itstudy.huThe main project foundations is to develop and implement a specifically designed curriculum for ICTs for agricultural purposes and the knowledge and skills for delivering this curriculum through VET.project foundation, foundation specificallyeducation, vocational, teacher, training, development1
silvestris.huOttó Kovács (Mayor of Szarvasgede), Annamária Bartók (MD) and Csaba Fodor (owner & CEO), set the foundation stone for the new Silvestris extraction facility at Szarvasgede, Hungary, launching the second production site.ceo foundation, foundation stoneoil, process, botanical, essential, technology1
pr-evolution.huContinuing the principles laid down at the foundation of the company: such as new quality, high technical standards, and continual cooperation with foreign dancers and choreographers to gain experience in order to solidify the knowledge obtained at international practices (workshops and training)…principle foundation, foundation companydance, evolution, performance, mother, goose1
doktor24.hu…and limb surgery procedures and make them available to Hungarian athletes and patients. The quality of our surgeons and the expertise accumulated here is second to none. This is the foundation of the quality and patient-centred medicine of our Budapest orthopaedic and musculoskeletal specialties.second foundation, foundation qualityview, health, centre, expertise, area1
yplon.huthe Szép Jelen Foundation Non-Profit Organization in the the establisment of the botanical garden of Fecskepalotajelen foundation, foundation nonproceedings, liquidation, management, asset, creditor1
okonett.huThe Öko-Nett-Solution Company has been on the consultancy field since its foundation in 1997. During the first couple of years its operation focused on assisting with the environmental licensing of industrial sites in Győr-Moson-Sopron County, which later developed into more complex environmental…field foundation, foundation couplereference, german, solution, today, decade1
digitalhistory.huBankroll managment is the foundation of success. More information on this topic can be found in Articles Bankroll managment for beginners and for advanced Bankroll managment. The most common mistake bettors are betting larger amounts than they can afford.managment foundation, foundation successbetting, history, digital, long, mistake1
lgms.huOver the years, LGMS Horvath & Partners has built a strong domestic and international network, which serves as the solid foundation of representing our clients’ special interests as a true powerhouse. Identifying with their visions, values, and objectives, it is our clear mission to view obstacles…solid foundation, foundation clienthorvath, domestic, international, client, management1
bardos.huOur law office has been dealing since its foundation with topics connected with civil law, commercial law and other related fields. The special themes as expert thereof we became well known and admitted on the market of legal services are:office foundation, foundation topicoffice, law, legal, image, page1
evelingua.hufew words. With me, you'll start conversing from the first lesson, and with each subsequent session, your proficiency will grow. If you've already mastered the language with a solid foundation but lack confidence or aspire to advance, reach out to me, and I'll guide you in attaining your objectives!solid foundation, foundation confidencelanguage, ease, lesson, package, goal1
lesclefsdor.huA very warm welcome to the homepage of Les Clefs d’Or Hungary. Since the foundation of our organization in 1983 a lot has changed. As we say, a lot of water has gone in the Danube since then. Times are changing, technology is changing and our guests are changing as well. There is one thing that is…hungary foundation, foundation organizationassociation, member, event, news, technology1
bibliatanitasok.hu…of antisemitism in the church was published in English in Ariel Magazine. You may download here) . As you can see, Israelology was one of the foundations of our thinking. In fact, in 2011 her book based on her PhD dissertation was published. Its cover is a picture from Beth She'arim, which was…israelology foundation, foundation thinkchurch, bible, book, jewish, christian1
hazinspektor.huVisual inspection of foundations, footings and walls to make sure that the building structure is sound and long lasting.inspection foundation, foundation footingproperty, inspection, real, estate, detail1
marthakicsiny.huFKSE, Budapest, Magyarország // FKSE – Young Artists’ Association Foundation, Budapest, Hungaryassociation foundation, foundation budapestexhibition, group, art, artist, visual1
iccecip.hu…of the region, as well as the common development path of the last centuries also, continuous cooperation connects our countries and lay the foundations for future common goals. The ICCECIP 2023 also serves to foster communication among researchers and engineers working in a wide variety of…country foundation, foundation futureconference, university, infrastructure, international, protection1
smartia.huRetention Engineer :Presenting a unique harmony between human and technology, we introduce the concept of the "Retention Engineer." An innovative fusion of HR and engineering disciplines, armed with Smartia's scientific-technological foundation, mentorship, and predictive analytics, it is capable…technological foundation, foundation mentorshipjoy, cultural, video, appointment, turnover1
alpokaljaalapitvany.huThe Alpokalja Életmódközpont Alapítvány (Lifestylecenter Foundation) in collaboration with Eleki Életmódközpont (Elek Health Centre) is organising an experimental session next year, 11–18. February 2024.lifestylecenter foundation, foundation inhealth, start, treatment, session, exercise1
panagro.huPanagro 2000 Ltd. is situated in a tipical agricultural area where traditionally (besides sour cherry and apple) different varieties of paprika, cabbage and wheat are grown. The cooperative all the time had a limited production of canned items utilizing their fruits and vegetables. Since the…vegetable foundation, foundation panagrotemplate, development, framework, brochure, cooperative1
blumprogram.huFor Márta Bácskai, founder of the Go Healthy! Foundation, it has always been important to build on the trans-generational legacy passed down from her family, which she has been carrying on instinctively yet resolutely. The primary source of her inspiration was her grandfather, drama teacher Mihály…healthy foundation, foundation importantchild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher1
apertura.hu…States), forty-fifty years later the economic-political transition that began in 1989 (or a little later in the Baltic States), building the foundations of democracy and a market economy, then joining the European integration process, and finally the accession to the European Union in the first…state foundation, foundation democracydocumentary, winter, fall, spring, summer1
szalaitk.huSzalai KFT was founded in May 1999, and since then it has evolved and become one of the most well-known commercial vehicles, forklifts and excavators traders in Hungary. Szalai KFT is a typical family business that has been under the guidance of the Szalai Brothers (Béla and Attila) since its…attila foundation, foundation fastvehicle, forklift, commercial, customer, solution1
mkne.huPresidents of HSEE since its foundation: Tamás Vásárhelyi, András Victor, Ibolya Németh, Ágnes Schróth, Ferenc Kecskés, and Erika Salyhsee foundation, foundation tamásenvironmental, education, member, society, training1
drtivadar.huOur office has experience in all legal fields concerning commercial companies and can assist our clients through their companies’ entire lifecycle – from the foundation, through the daily operation to dissolution.lifecycle foundation, foundation dailylaw, protection, firm, data, office1
jeansday.huAfter its foundation, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) determined new regions as destinations. Before the launch of marketing communication campaigns, our experts had been requested to conduct a comprehensive research project, within the frame of which and based on the various touristic regions…brand, analysis, city, corporate, insight1
hirtalalo.huThe Hungarian left has lost all its moral foundations, the director of the conservative think-tank Center for Fundamental Rights has said.moral foundation, foundation directoroffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
medimetal.huBesides our core business in human medicine, we have also been manufacturing veterinary implants since 2003. Products are developed in close cooperation with Hungarian, US and British veterinary partners; while manufacturing relies on solid human medicine foundations with regards to technology…medicine foundation, foundation regardevent, news, plate, nail, orthopedic1
vbenz.huThanks to our hydraulic jack installation technology our tanks can be erected quickly and safely from the ground level minimising high elevation work safety risks. Due to our simple assembly technology, our tanks can be disassembled, transported and reinstalled at any other location with…solution, maintenance, liquid, protection, installation1
ganz-holding.huThe legal predecessors of Ganz Machinery Works Holding group can be traced back to the beginning of the Hungarian industrialization in the middle of the 19th century, to the foundation of Ganz in 1844 and of MÁVAG in 1867. The legal predecessors played a significant role in the history of…century foundation, foundation ganzgroup, production, machinery, trade, gallery1
afck.hu1. The base of a player is the technique , you get that at the age between 7 and 14 . If you do not have technical skills at the age of 14 it will be very difficult to be a great football player. This corresponds to the foundation of a house.player foundation, foundation houseplayer, football, key, individual, pillar1
quintus.huOur commitment to excellence is the foundation of our success, and we continuously experiment, innovate, and develop to perfect our project delivery method.excellence foundation, foundation successsustainability, sustainable, environment, investment, construction1
trhome.hu…the summer, and the unparalleled hospitality with which the Turkish people welcome and serve tourists. I think these are the ones that lay the foundation for a person to really feel relaxed and pleasant in a seaside environment. Get to know Alanya with us, one of the most beautiful gems of the…one foundation, foundation personproperty, real, estate, number, turkey1
rc-budapest-city.huThe Rotary Club Budapest-City is a 100% Paul Harris Fellow club. This honours the generous and ongoing support our members commit to the Rotary Foundation and confirms the desire of our club to give substantially and change lives in our community and around the world.rotary foundation, foundation desirecity, member, international, fellow, change1
oipeducation.huThis mission is more than words; it’s the foundation of a culture that values the educational aspirations of each individual, making OIP Education a trusted partner in realizing global opportunitiesword foundation, foundation cultureeducation, student, university, process, future1
aramlat.huÁramlat Foundation was founded in February 2020 with the intention of helping citizen orientation and educated information provision in order to develop the quality of public discourse and to serve the public good. We strive for the prevalence of information freedom by engaging citizens in public…áramlat foundation, foundation februarypublic, career, event, document, library1
tailored.huWe collaborated with employees and contractors to build a web based application aimed at manufacturers. The project already had a successful prototype which was used as a conceptual foundation for the new application.conceptual foundation, foundation newtailor, development, application, conscious, sophisticated1
galambszabosag.huThese are the two foundations of our philosophy. We are devoted to classical gentlemen’s elegance yet welcome color and unconventionality. We are happy to meet you in our exclusive downtown salon to help you select the color, find the materials and envision the suit that harmonizes with your style…tailor, bespoke, perfection, passionate, thread1
partitestverek.hu…of a sailing society and many of these people wants me among them. Laci told me about the short story of Brotherhood of the Coast, the Chilean foundation, the active “tables” all around the world, he also mentioned he was designated from Padua the bring the conception of the brotherhood to Hungary.chilean foundation, foundation activetable, national, news, flag, international1
biblecamps.huMy name's James Wheeler-Mezei. I'm from the UK but live and work in Hungary. I have experience volunteering at both Scripture Union Hungary and Way of Hope Foundation camps. They're a great way of spending a week, having fun, teaching, and sharing the gospel.hope foundation, foundation campcamp, bible, faq, week, travel1
new-buddha.huFamily: It is a foundation stone of the social system, which, to my mind, is disintegrating. In my opinion, we should avoid commitments.family foundation, foundation stonereligion, issue, music, exception, answer1
deltatherm.huBosa is clean, responsive, multipurpose, Gutenberg and Elementor ready WordPress theme. It is flexible to use as a foundation to build versatile sites. Compatibility for WordPress Classic editor, WooCommerce and Gutenburg makes easier handling of the site.flexible foundation, foundation versatilesit, consectetur, ut, tellus, amet1
intertar.huOur company has also assessed the importance of corporate social responsibility as there are a great many people in need. By supporting foundations, we also make efforts to contribute to creating a future that is more viable for everyone.need foundation, foundation effortconstruction, development, download, gallery, office1
szabomikloshajduboszormeny.hu”These photos document the age and personal history at the same time: creations of artistic value, conserving and authenticating past and present, serving as the foundation of the future.”present foundation, foundation futurecollection, photographic, town, biography, history1
gimm.huManufacturing of operational parts for the food industry (smaller functional parts of conveyors and distributors, welding and assembly) had been an essential part of our activities since the foundation of the company. Most of the products are exported to Sidel Blowing & Machines, one of the…activity foundation, foundation companymachine, technical, manufacture, industry, history1
hunyady.huThe owner, József Hunyady is very active in nature conservation in the Somogy region, he is president of the Green Corridor Foundation, which works closely with the Somogy Nature Protection Association, and has personal contacts with the Park’s staff.corridor foundation, foundation closelybarn, bathroom, house, bedroom, wine1
osas.huBy developing the principle of a machine imaginaire , Vera laid the foundations for an algorithmic artwork of aesthetic imaging. With that she defined a machine that operates according to a program of rules and generates artworks in a way that is identical to the principles of digital computers…vera foundation, foundation algorithmicart, post, open, exhibition, structure1
civilosszefogas.huThe CET is comprised of the communities of Hungarian regions outside the country’s borders and the supporters of the CÖF. The Cooperation Council proceeds in the interest of Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin obligation the basis of its Deed of Foundation and Organizational and Operational…deed foundation, foundation organizationalgallery, letter, open, statement, history1
doszkocs-zsuzsa.huPeter Fertőszögi, an art historian and Chairman of the KOGART Foundation, on my artwork, August 1, 2018.kogart foundation, foundation artworkpainting, gallery, drawing, picture, painter1
tuskevariskola.huNot only during summer camps but throughout the whole year we regularly go hiking, canoeing, caving, visiting museums and theatres with our students in order to make the process of learning a life-like experience. Since the school is maintained by foundation, it requires more attention of families…school foundation, foundation attentionteacher, school, training, learn, child1
action2020.huSustainable development is not only the foundation of our company’s growth, but also a priority for our society.development foundation, foundation companyceo, director, manage, environmental, development1
skool.org.huWe love dreaming. The only thing we love more is when our dreams come true. As a foundation, we fund our operations largely from external sources. So, with our supportive partners, we dream and work together. In addition to financial support, we cooperate with our partners on a professional level…true foundation, foundation operationlab, technology, eng, homepage1
sziklakorhaz.huPlease support the work of our Foundation with your donation. We use your help to maintain the museum, to donate class trips for disadvantaged children, and provide our scientific, research, and educational activities.work foundation, foundation donationmuseum, ticket, hospital, nuclear, donation1
mbft.huThe formal organization of the Hungarian Biophysical Society started in May, 1960 and was completed on March 3, 1961 with 111 founding members. Prof. E. Ernst was elected President and Prof. J. Tigyi became Secretary. The foundation of the Society gave a remarkable impulse to the development of…secretary foundation, foundation societysociety, national, section, member, scientific1
tetraplan.huIn the more than two decades since its foundation, our company has gained a great routine in the structural design of private and condominium buildings, office and parking buildings, listed industrial, residential and public buildings, as well as various industrial facilities. Our work is…decade foundation, foundation companyplan, introduction, reference, structure, structural1
habitat.huSince its foundation in 1996, Habitat for Humanity Hungary has built more than 150 houses, renovated nearly 800 homes, provided technical counselling to improve the housing of 700 families, carried out household management and other training programs with the participation of 1100 people, and…habitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization1
backlinerental.huTarja Turunen & Mike Terrana; Scorpions; Metallica tour; Volbeat tour; Korn; Prodigy; Slipknot; Sepultura; Cradle of Filth; Pink!; Katy Perry; The 69 Eyes; Ektomorf; The Rasmus; Antrax; Apocalyptica; Clawfinger; Behemoth; Twisted Sister; Lostprophets; Nazareth; Therion; Jethro Tull; Epica; Asian…dub foundation, foundation blackrental, romania, slovenia, slovakia, festival1
businessenglishonskype.huJust as television and mass media had done before, the growth of the Internet in the 1990s and early 2000s heralded a new era for business. While early hype led to the failure of many online start-ups in the dot-com bubble of 1997 to 2000, the successful e-commerce pioneers laid the foundations…pioneer foundation, foundation businessmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy1
mscity.huHer subsequent professional career has created a further solid foundation for her complex consultancy services. Between 2002 and 2006, she worked for the audit and tax advisory firm Moore Stephens Kft. as an auditor assistant and audit manager . In 2006, she became partner at Moore Stephens, where…solid foundation, foundation complextax, city, accountancy, accountant, client1
szesim.huResearch can have a significant impact on road safety , driver training and the development of effective intervention strategies. It will also lay the foundations for future studies and research into the habits of professional drivers during monotonous shifts.strategy foundation, foundation futuredrive, simulator, driver, development, cognitive1
freeszfe.huIn the first year after it’s foundation, the Freeszfe independent creative workshop was operating on the initial donations and favours and relied on teachers, colleagues and students working day and night without a salary. However, this is not sustainable in the long run: in order to maintain…year foundation, foundation freeszfeevent, support, donation, cost, month1
inventionfact.huChange-confidence is unavoidable, and the Organoco Mindset brings new opportunities to help it flourish. Building on gestalt and existentialist foundations, the method utilizes the most recent results of brain research, economic psychology, and network physics to describe how individuals and groupsexistentialist foundation, foundation methoddevelopment, change, invention, confidence, organization1
poliext.huOur history begins in 1919, with the foundation of the Skala family's first private business. The founder of the company was MR. MIHALY SKALA. The first vocation of the family was painting carriages for the Royal Courts and, following technological progress, car painting, and repairing. Generation…history foundation, foundation skalairrigation, water, supply, landscape, garden1
nokvilaga.huMinistry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Economy, the Hungarian Police and the Association of Journalists. The Association has gathered a lot of cultural, artistic and personal resources to create a solid foundation for developing various activities in China and Hungary.solid foundation, foundation activityperformer, event, woman, country, fashion1
dnieltattoo.huIt is extremely important to me that my guests receive their tattoos in the most comfortable conditions possible, which requires a serious foundation of trust. I do my best to ensure that the hygienic conditions are met, by which I mean a clean workstation, a nice and comfortable environment, the…possible foundation, foundation trusttattoo, testimonial, appointment, idea, artist1
nextconsulting.hufeeling. This is our main focus and what each and every one of our days at Next-Consulting are all about. Identifying and reinforcing an organization’s values along with understanding corporate culture and goals: this is the foundation that allows us to drive true change and foster real development.goal foundation, foundation trueconsulting, manager, introduction, consultant, reference1
inotal.huInotal Zrt. is acting on a site established in 1952 by using its Aluminium industry experiences acquired during the long decades from its foundation, by implementing the modern company management systems and by working with continuously developed machinery.decade foundation, foundation modernmanager, sale, wire, history, certificate1
logoiltools.hu1938 Foundation of Hungarian-American Oil Co. (MAORT) with the participation of the Hungarian state and EUROGASCO (Standard Oil Co.)log, oil, tool, gas, industry1
britmagyariskola.huWe believe that the foundation of successful adulthood is a loving and supportive childhood.school, student, child, question, admission1
hungaria-karnis.huWe are proud that as a rather young company with 100% Hungarian foundation and ownership we have managed to get among the most important participants of the Hungarian market.hungarian foundation, foundation ownershipinjection, mould, curtain, extrusion, packaging1
magnitude.huBesides the competence in the information technology field, we have formal training and certifications in Business administration, Project Management (Prince 2 foundation and practitioner), Program management (foundation and practitioner) and Lean Six Sigma.prince foundation, foundation practitioner, management foundationconsulting, technology, management, organization, italy1
socialstudies.huThe courses and subjects offered at our department follow an interdisciplinary approach combining the theoretical foundations of sociology and political sciences, and the research findings providing the knowledge base for social planning, community development, family and youth affairs, social…theoretical foundation, foundation sociologysocial, research, department, science, apply1
wanderlustbook.huIn Hungary, I spent several years with the International Red Cross, the Red Nose Clown Doctors Foundation and the Youth Service of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. I worked for the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation for over ten years, much of it from a…doctor foundation, foundation youthbook, zone, trip, outside, review1
agriteach.huFoundation Agro-Centre for education is a non-profit organisation, founded 2006. General aim of FACE is development of agriculture in Macedonia and the region by strengthening the human capacities based on formal and non-formal education.agricultural, teacher, training, agriculture, digital1
prismavisual.huWhether it’s a small or large business, a different organization, a foundation, or a multinational company , we can find a common voice with anyone, and we always manage to create an end result that everyone can be happy with.organization foundation, foundation multinationalvisual, video, animation, studio, customer1
ovst.huOVST is a socially responsible company. We support various charitable foundations that regularly provide assistance to orphanages and boarding schools, helping children with cancer, as well as people affected by natural disasters or terrorist attacks.charitable foundation, foundation regularlytrade, value, social, large, corporate1
kaszasgabor.huThe events organized by the Szövetség a Nemzetért Alapítvány (Association for the Nation Foundation) to promote air traffic controlling, and their attendancenation foundation, foundation airtraining, contract, traffic, air, controller1
hivo.huWhat Are We Saved by: the Predetermined Decree of God, the Baptism of the Church or other Deeds, or Faith in Christ? - A Comparison of Wesleyan-Arminian and Calvinistic Theology with Especial Regard to the Doctrine of Predestination. This article is a summary of "Foundations of Wesleyan-Arminian…summary foundation, foundation wesleyanrevival, christian, theology, faith, article1
ellipsometry.huVolkswagen Project (1997-1999, German-Hungarian Project supported by the Volkswagen-foundation): Development of optical models for polysilicon layers at high temperature for in situ spectro-ellipsometric measurements during chemical vapor deposition. Project leader: Péter Petrikvolkswagen foundation, foundation developmentoptical, student, university, development, fry1
reflife.huBuilding on the foundation of our first camp, our esteemed education structure and expert coaching team are ready to elevate your skills even further. Set against the enchanting backdrop of Budapest, you'll enjoy a remarkable experience both on and off the ice. Don't let this chance slip by -…ice, camp, hockey, summer, combine1
raicszoltan.huVision Experiment Manager is being developed in Botond Roska’s research group in Friedrich Miescher Institute. The foundations of the framework were designed with Daniel Hillier.institute foundation, foundation frameworkexperiment, software, vision, hardware, manager1
clearvision.huClearvision Informatics and Service Ltd. was founded in 2005, and its owners are Hungarian individuals. Our goal was to build on the foundation of the international enterprise structure and culture to provide our clients the flexibility and creativity of medium-sized companies. The core cell of…goal foundation, foundation internationalsolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication1
muzso.huBy bringing us unique footage from over fifty countries, all seen from the air, by sharing with us his wonder and his concern, with this film Yann Arthus-Bertrand lays a foundation stone for the edifice that, together, we must rebuild."bertrand foundation, foundation stoneago, week, socks, app, movie1
niniko.huThe coverage is so perfect, it hides my blemishes and it doesnt cake or make me look white or full of foundation. – Laurawhite foundation, foundation lauraskin, care, korean, cleanser, makeup1
utilino.huWelcome to Utilino, a dynamic platform built on the foundation of connecting skilled individuals with those in need of reliable services. At Utilino, we believe in the power of people—harnessing their expertise, passion, and dedication to deliver top-tier services across a spectrum of needs.platform foundation, foundation skilledlogin, account, member, password, ultimate1
astellasaszakdolgozokert.huWith the advent of online betting can be found on the internet a tremendous variety of information about development teams, matches etc. Of course, sometimes you take into consideration your intuition, but still no punter reached long-term profit by betting purely by their intuition. Careful…analysis foundation, foundation successbetting, successful, football, discipline, money1
puderpotty.huI would go to cosmetics counters and buy two or three foundations and powders, and then go home and mix them before I came up with something suitable for my undertones.counter foundation, foundation powdercolumn, wide, gallery, sidebar, shade1
lukacsdenes.huEötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Department of Personality and Clinical Psychology (until 1995), then private practice until today. In addition, teaching in Budapest, Szeged, and under the auspices of the Szondi Foundation: researching of the Szondi Test; management of accredited courses (female…szondi foundation, foundation researchconference, psychology, association, research, clinical1
fourpoint.huFour-Point Kft. has been expanding its social responsibility every year. Supporting deprived people is particularly important to our company. We support the “Hope for Ill Children, Those in Need and Patients Foundation” and the “Helping Hands Foundation.” In the cultural sector, we allocated 5,200…patient foundation, foundation help, hand foundation, foundation culturalpoint, application, grant, management, plan1
lih.hu…requirements. Our consultants quickly identify management and investment issues that can keep companies from achieving their business objectives. We partner with our clients to implement effective financial solutions, giving them a strong accounting foundation on which to grow their business.accounting foundation, foundation businessinvestment, overview, management, solution, financial1
magyarasztrofotosok.huWe thank the 14 founding members for their persistent work in laying down the foundation of this official and recognized collaboration. Their person is the guarantee that the diverse and nationwide movement of astrophotography will be represented in the organization as completely as possible.work foundation, foundation officialassociation, month, community, activity, member1
fromhelldaleranchkennel.huI started breeding with Airedale terriers, my foundation bitch is Ideal Dale Enigma (born in 2014, bred by Goran Karanovic). She has produced wonderful puppies, my first litter was born in summer 2017. Enigma retired this year after her 3rd and last litter and is now neutered and will hopefully be…terrier foundation, foundation bitchdog, irish, breed, ideal, love1
servicemania.huWe not only understand our profession, we love it! We think accounting is exciting and beautiful. It is an essential foundation stone of any business, so it is important that it is reliable, transparent, legal and stable every year, and every day of the year.essential foundation, foundation stoneaccounting, payroll, staff, management, quote1
drbalogharon.huIn addition to being a lawyer, I am a regular lecturer at the University of Debrecen, my PhD degree is currently in progress, I regularly publish in national and international journals, and I regularly present at conferences both in Hungarian and English. In 2016, as a Fellow of the Rézler…rézler foundation, foundation universityuniversity, attorney, association, lawyer, addition1
eco-log-ing.huOur relationship with the clients is based on trust that is the foundation of long term mutual beneficial cooperation.trust foundation, foundation longlogistic, plan, log, main, page1
mousa.huDealing with general legal cases of individuals and firms, such as contracts, compensation and inheritance cases, neighbor-rights, setting up and representing of associations and foundations.lawyer, law, case, fee, legal1
tradeland.hu…effectively in Asian markets. Meanwhile, we provide effective European market penetration opportunities, with a particular focus on creating and securing a sustainable future for our partners from the Far-East. Our track record and decades of experience are the foundation of our service portfolio.experience foundation, foundation servicewater, owner, group, director, manage1
gordonkaiskola.hu​”The syllabus developed by Gabor Gardian is an outstanding work and provides an excellent foundation in the early years of cello learning.”excellent foundation, foundation earlycello, tutorial, news, student, gallery1
omnit.huFrom the foundation, Omnit Solutions Ltd. is dedicated to supply its customers with IT solutions to assist them in the implementation of their business plans. The company provides – among others – process-related high level IT and business consulting, services in application development in order…solution, data, process, page, development1
kecskemetiarboretum.huWorks were started in autumn 1986 by the forestries of KEFAG Ltd. First the protecting belt, then the collection section were planted. The Arboretum has been continually developed since its foundation and it is maintained now by the North-Kiskunság Forestry of KEFAG Zrt.continually foundation, foundation northarboretum, belt, collection, hectare, place1
kerekesszabadsag.huThe Foundation’s long-term aim is to help families raising seriously disabled children aquiring appropriate lifts and special wheelchairs.charity, family, developer, employment, gallery1
meltanyossag.huCenter for Fair Political Analysis participated in the project of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation entitled “ Energy security and effective strategic communication of civil and governmental actors: V4+Ukraine ”, which was carried to as part of their “Economy and Energy” program.pulaski foundation, foundation energyanalysis, election, opposition, primary, political1
skilltogo.huWe take positive psychology as the foundation of our work , as it discovers and describes what it takes to become resilient.psychology foundation, foundation workresilience, organization, development, positive, leadership1
elmenykulonitmeny.huThe team of Élménykülönítmény supported Bátor Tábor Foundation with 335 146 717 FT in total since 2011.tábor foundation, foundation withevent, campaign, fundraising, art, category1
procreditor.huPRO-CREDITOR Ltd has been a member of the Hungarian Association of Insolvency Practitioners and Asset Controllers since its foundation.creditor, debtor, liquidation, proceedings, bankruptcy1
antalemese.hu…eating habits of the future parents during the preconception phase. It is also important to start teaching children a health conscious lifestyle during the early childhood development stage. This creates a strong foundation which allows them the opportunity to make healthier choices into adulthood.strong foundation, foundation opportunityconference, habit, future, health, healthy1
bory-var.huBory-castle is now in possession of Jenő Bory’s descendants who manage and look after it with daily hard work with the help of the foundation they have established.castle, art, page, garden, room1
ceoptics.huAt CE Optics, research and development has been the cornerstone of innovation since the foundation. Today, CE Optics has a team working to solve problems of CEP, material and angular dispersion measurement area.innovation foundation, foundation todayceo, optic, mep, publication, event1
imitation.huWe’ll be doing two appearances together with Iga Szczepańska, plus 3 other concerts as a duo – thanks to the support of Foundation Wacław Felczak.support foundation, foundation wacławmusic, video, artificial, nature, premiere1
geotechnikaiegyesulet.hu…which are much more informal in atmosphere, are a great way to make contacts. Applications for conference participation can be made to the ISSMGE Foundation on a regular basis, but the Association is also happy to provide support to those who can actively participate in the work of a TC.issmge foundation, foundation regularsociety, geotechnical, award, memorial, homepage1
ddrs2021.huAs one of Europe’s most prestigious drug research conferences, the International Conference on Advances in Pharmaceutical Drug Development, Quality Control and Regulatory Sciences (DDRS 2021) will be organised on Margaret Island, Budapest, 15-17 November, 2021 on the occasion of the 250 th…anniversary foundation, foundation semmelweisscientific, programme, conference, exhibition, organiser1
nagykun.huWith the union of the agricultural co-operative farms the “Nagykun” Agricultural Co-operative Farms was formed in 1974.cultivation, farming, agricultural, crop, management0
centera.huWe provide support primarily in strategic planning, innovation management, process management, system design and installation, and integration tasks.management, innovation, plan, strategic, risk0
terravallum.huWe offer professional structural engineering services. We design optimized solutions to meet all client requests. Our engineering quality rests upon our devotion to cutting edge technologies and the application of science and research.engineering, geotechnical, pile, structural, page0
sukoro.huMunicipality… Shared municipal offices of Sukoró… Healthcare… Parishes… Public education… Community…association, public, office, tradition, football0
almasytestverek.huthe last three years, among other things, strongly linked to Siemens VAI (Voest-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau) operates. The VAI, a subsidiary of Siemens AG, is one of the leading planners in the world that deals with the problems of industry, energy and environment, to ask questions and answered them.foundation rooffirm, engineering, draw, plan, structural0
impactacademy.huImpact Academy is a 6-month complex program that consists interactive workshops, community events, and the creation of multi-media resources.igazgyöngy foundationimpact, academy, month, measurement, community0
romaversitas.huIf you are committed to social justice and believe that providing access to quality education helps balancing systemic inequalities, donate to Romaversitas. Your contribution empowers Roma communities by making sure that Roma youths have a chance to acquire academic degrees.programme, university, community, student, education0
stylersgroup.huThe Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCIT) v7.0 course shows you how to troubleshoot LAN, SAN, Cisco® Data Center Unified Fabric, Cisco Unified Computing System™ (Cisco UCS®), and Cisco Application-Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI®).You will learn methodologies and tools to…data, series, group, center0
testimesek.huTwo words come to mind about our work together with Lívia: trust and professionalism. I have worked with many people in helping professions in recent years, and based on my experience so far, I feel that I received real help from Lívia. Trust and professionalism - finding a specialist to resolve…scientific foundationshare, method, energetic, release0
arthitech.huPrima Primissima Award… KSW Latte… Szentesi J&J Sparklings… Bonafarm… Csányi Winery, Villány… Csányi…csányi foundation, foundation childaward, winery, child, cactus, capital0
palocbabak.huOur collection has functioned as a permanent exhibition here in Mátrafüred since 1983. At the begining our showrooms took places at different addresses until we found the permanent place 10 years ago. Nowadays the collection can be seen at the building of the old primary school (Pálosvörösmarti…doll, exhibition, main, collection, historic0
pannonia76.huPannónia ’76 Foundation… The memorial statue… Balloon Museum… English… Info… Write to…museum, balloon, statue, memorial, website0
mullermonika.huMónika Müller is not a simple interior designer, she is also a perfect connoisseur of art trends who creates special, unique design in apartments and houses.valuable foundationinterior, process, main, page, apartment0
eurohand.huEurohand had been founded in 1991 by private Hungarian enterprises. Its founding owners had decided to start the company’s core activities in the field of trade and investments based on their capabilities and experience gained through decades and their wide ranging economic , cultural and…activity, investment, co., field, decade0
noierdek.hu…the rights and equal opportunities of women. The Hungarian Women’s Lobby (HWL) is the Hungarian member organisation of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest gender equality-oriented umbrella organisation in the EU with more than 2500 member organisations. As such, the Hungarian Women’s…woman, organisation, national, lobby, member0
coolsculpting.huCoolsculpting Clinic ® OFFICIAL - Cool Sculpting Budapest on Andrássy út - Coolsculpting - the world's best non-invasive fat reduction technology.turtletrust foundationclinic, safety, fat, official, technology0
erdody.huAdditional advantage of the membership is the possibility of ordering discounted tickets to our concerts.concert, main, news, orchestra, ticket0
mke.info.huThe Association of Hungarian Librarians takes pride in the traditions of Hungarian librarianship, and looks with respect upon the great librarian predecessors: József Szinnyei, Zoltán Ferenczi, József Fitz, Ervin Szabó, Béla Kőhalmi, Pál Gulyás, Béla Varjas, Ákos Domanovszky, Máté Kovács, Csaba…year foundationlibrary, branch, association, county, conference0
atlantiszkiado.huNew books Atlantisz books All books in shop Our recommendation Customers favorite Discount Bookspublisher foundationbook, cart, island, search, discount0
izinta.hu…company, has a history of more than a quarter of a century. IZINTA has been steadily increasing the value of the company in response to the market needs of its customers. We are expanding our product range accordingly and providing quality service to ensure a growing and satisfied customer base.foundation izintahuman, diagnostic, therapy, science, need0
mixer-beton.huBeton Profi Ltd as an independent subsidiary of Új Ház Centrum Etyeki Tüzép Ltd is part of a large company specializing in ready mixed concrete supply along with Doka formwork rental in Hungary across the Budapest and Székesfehérvár regions.concrete, hire, consultation, free, pump0
dewinter.huOur mission is the local and international sales and distribution of canned food products produced in Hungary and the surrounding countries. We are dedicated to proving that WinterTrade Plc stands for Reliability, and our brands and represent Quality.winter, international, retail, raw, material0
wrap.huMy logo became the third best according to the jury’s decision in the open logo design competition of the Katona József Theatre. There were almost 2,000 logos submitted by 380 contestants.vodafone foundation, foundation report, foundation achievementidentity, portfolio, corporate, logo, graphic0
decode-foundation.huIn order to highlight the importance of the creative process DECODE Prize is awarded to those valuable artifacts and architectural projects that are inspired by exciting stories, ideas and thoughts.page, news, entry, open, exhibition0
cryptic.huCryptic Consulting is cloud security consulting company specializing in the secure deployment and management of cloud-based infrastructure. We ensure that your cloud-based systems are secure, compliant, and reliable. From security assessments to secure cloud architecture design, our team of…methodology foundation, foundation researchconsulting, cloud, security, strategy, secure0
autisticart.huThe Autistic Art design brand shows the world the art of people living with autism. The brand creates a platform for the world to connect to these people and their art, understand them better and have the opportunity to support their future.art, autistic, autism, people, help0
magyar-eletter.huGreetings… The Foundation… Topicalities… Map… Links… Magyarul… Up one level… E-mail sending to the…space foundation, foundation topicalitiesspace, live, homepage, map, page0
metropolis.org.hu…film theory. We also place a great deal of emphasis on publishing film-studies literature previously unavailable in Hungarian, particularly articles from internationally renowned experts who have had little or no work of theirs published in Hungary (for example, Jacques Aumont, Pascal Bonitzer,cultural foundation, foundation kdkkacontemporary, representation, history, social, woman0
catalysis.huand national research institutions in the field of catalysis. Thepaál foundation, foundation catalysissociety, research, member, european, federation0
naf.huThese companies represent a similar approach to ours. A sustainable, long-term, predictable, ethical partnership is just as important to them."board, limited, seeker, job, main0
armonia.hu…extract, rich in allantoin, collagen, elastin, glycolic acid and vitamins, combined with liquorice extract. The perfect complement to enhance the effects of Helix Active regenerating cream. Made without the use of parabens, this formula is absorbed quickly to provide all the comfort the skin needs.moisturizing foundationcare, skin, active, hair, treatment0
mediso.huThe equipment of Mediso AnyScan® Family deliver the current and future promise of nuclear medicine by maximizing molecular information in combination with precise anatomical detail.foundation medisoexplore, event, view, clinical, news0
pafhungary.hu© PAFhungary - 2019 All rights reservedconference, care, hospital, health, spring0
kassakmuzeum.hu…Getting here… The building… Guided tours… Museum pedagogy… Research service… Reprography… Events…kat foundationexhibition, museum, admission, pedagogy, research0
dotekoraszulott.huDonaters...… About us…nonprofit foundation, foundation prematurechild, news0
chiesi.huChiesi Farmaceutici is fully committed to the care and improvement of the quality of life of people...chiesi foundation, foundation onlusrare, disease, care, pharmaceutical, respiratory0
budapestiejszaka.hu…party4… rusty4… soneec4… terminalcity4… up! the club4… wearerockstars4… új lemez4… Fedde Le…lake, sound, festival, electronic, live0
studyinhungary.huStudy programmes of Hungarian universities, scholarships, living costs, current issues, events and fresh local news about higher education.study, scholarship, university, programme, education0
kisfecske.hu…undisturbed. What could be better than not having to worry about the neighbor knocking on the door due to disturbing the peace or making so much noise that it interferes with rest while you are relaxing or having fun? The entire area of the Tanya is closed, the nearest property is kilometers away.gyermekekért foundation, foundation meteraccomodation, gallery, previous, neighbor, house0
amiovink.huOur institute starting in 2002 was the first in Hungary to combine the Montessori education with bilingual education (Hungarian-English).institution foundationkindergarten, child, teacher, institution, talent0
csaladpartialapitvany.huSkip to footer… Home… About us… Recent Events… Stipendium Peregrinum… Gallery…foundation detailrecent, event, gallery, family, footer0
budapestbynight.huBonusz Electric Music Festival, Budapest 11 November 2016. Venue: Hungexpo Budapest Lineup: Maceo Plex Dave […]blue foundation, foundation dknight, festival, concert, sale, music0
fmlogistic.huWelcome to FM Logistic Hungary Website, designed for Logistics solutions and services in the Worldfm foundation, foundation sociallylogistic, supply, solution, change, chain0
jeva.huMain title title and and broadcast broadcast design design refresh refresh for for AMC AMC Hungary’s Sport1 Sport1 channel.doctor foundation, foundation commercialtitle, detail, post, commercial, campaign0
globeowl.huTo join the project you must be an undergraduate, postgraduate or 2019 graduate. All skills and backgrounds are welcome – you might be an English student, a geographer, an economist or a sociologist or a history student (this list could go on…) – everyone has something to contribute and we’d…owl foundation, foundation hungarystudent, training, owl, globe, skill0
hangszergyujtemeny.huThe Leskowsky Instrument Collection has over 1800 instruments in its collection. In addition to our significant collection of Hungarian folk instruments, we have folk, experimental, classical and historical instruments from all over the world.group, school, event, instrument, camp0
orosznyelvtanar.huI have been studying Hungarian with Veronika for almost a year, and every time I sincerely look forward to the next class! Lessons with Veronika are a perfect mixture of learning, mastering theory, vocabulary and live interesting communication with a native speaker. Not a single lesson has been in…adult foundationlesson, class, russian, student, language0
a-kontir.huÁ-Kontír Digital Accounting Company The Á-kontír digital accounting office is owned by Te tailored to your needs! Bookkeeping, tax consulting and headquarters services in one place. Changing accountants is child's play with us!accounting, digital, tax, accountant, office0
callsheet.huWe at Passion Backline, constantly strive to meet the requirements of our customers, and to provide the best possible equipment at reasonable prices. Therefore we carry gear from all the major brands, which are suitable for a wide variety of genres.passion, detail, reference, gallery, customer0
kka.huInformation on the 'Building Civil Society in Europe through Community Development' - International Conference - Budapest, 2004intercommunity foundation, soros foundationcommunity, development, page, europe, society0
birot.huSubsequently, I was employed by the Typological Database System Project (TDS) of the University of Amsterdam.rothschild foundation, foundation granttamas, university, software, page, publication0
geopolitika.hu…future future trends geography geopolitics geostrategy hungary India industrial revolution infrastructure innovation Japán new world order OBOR One Belt One Road pageo pageo klub paigeo Pakistan Parag Khanna Poland Russia Silk Road smart city technology trade urbanization US USA vision Xi Jinpingfresh, china, road, city, century0
computherm.co.huOur company, Quantrax Ltd., is the owner of the COMPUTHERM ® brand and the manufacturer of COMPUTHERM ® products.foundation associationprevious, model, thermostat, wi, mechanical0
levendulaingatlankozvetito.huMy activity mainly, but not exclusively, covers Nagyatád and the sale and purchase of real estate in the surrounding small settlements. Thanks to my qualifications as a real estate appraiser, I provide assistance to my clients in determining the realistic market offer price, if required. My…year foundationreal, estate, sale, property, bed0
folkmagazin.hu• Changes in the Hungarian town of Mezőkövesd and Matyó folk costume from the 19th century to the present (Part 3.) – by Murányi Márta Annafolk, result, search, christmas, book0
atlas.huWhether it is long-term office lease, virtual office, hourly-rated office, or just a meeting room, or secretarial services you may be seeking, we will find the optimal solution for you.company foundation, foundation registrationoffice, virtual, room, meet, day0
kutdiak.huExtended deadline: June 20. – XIII. Hungarian Research Student Association Scientific Poster Competitionstudent, research, association, competition, scientific0
arserotica.hu…social workers, job consultants, sexual supervisors and disability consultants. On these occasions professionals can get () sex and gender related information, ( )gain a better understanding of sexuality in their professional life and () encourage their self-development and communication skills.teacher, school, training, sexual, self0
concentusconsort.huThe CONCENTUS CONSORT name signifies our program: the realization of harmony in music and trough music in people.music, photo, ensemble, programme, european0
jouton-lohaton.huProgrammes… General programmes… Gruntvig PAT… About Gruntvig PAT… Gruntvig PAT Results… MOL - Those…horseback foundation, foundation liferesult, programme, member, report, committee0
geotan.huIndependent think-thank, round table of geopolitical experts. It aims to protect security, democracy and human rights. Member of the United Nations Economic andmain, council, financial, quality, activity0
magyargyerekekert.hu“There is no miserable spiritual or physical condition for a man to find someone who is in a much worse situation than him. And it gives you enormous strength if you can still help someone.”donation, supporter, page, tax, gallery0
caboverdeconsul.huhours) and North America (7-8 hours), Cape Verde is a potential platform for trade betweenheritage foundation, foundation caperepublic, investment, cape, country, general0
fittenszep.huHome… Home 2 – Beauty Store… Home 3 – Skin Care… Home 4 – Organic Shop… Home 5 – Grid Collections… Home…liquid foundationshop, primary, image, sidebar, facial0
hitedu.huHit institute appreciate your interest in attending our university. We are happy you are here, whether you are considering enrolling in one of our courses, are already a student at HIT, are considering applying for a job opening, are employed by HIT, or are simply interested in learning more about…business foundation, foundation courseinstitute, specialist, application, institution, responsibility0
opusjazzclub.huOpus Jazz Club - Jazz concerts from every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9pm!concert, thursday, pm, wednesday, saturday0
corollis.huRed Hat | Corollis Red Hat JBoss Openstack Cloud | Magyarországdata foundation, foundation rhodfcore, enterprise, node, premium, container0
vitezpetra.huHello, I’m Petra Vitéz, a Hungarian graphic designer, animal lover, humanist, environmentalist, herbivore.animal foundation, foundation websitegraphic, logo, portfolio, website, illustration0
gradex.huGeotechnical solutions, resell of geosynthetics | Gradexembankment foundationreinforcement, geotechnical, solution, asphalt, wall0
deak17galeria.hu…Contact… Press… English… Skip to content… <19 SHAPE YOUR WORLD!… Exhibition… VISION IN MOTION… THE…exhibition, competition, event, publication, calendar0
pattern.hu…that, management consulting at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants followed a very online-focused time at Vodafone Hungary with stints as head of customer experience and online selfcare team lead. Earlier adventures stretch back to working on online financial trading platforms and products in…solid foundation, foundation digitalmanagement, digital, knowledge, consulting, pattern0
bmc.huSince its day of opening on 24 May 1996, the main aim of the Budapest Music Center has been to present values of Hungarian music in its complexity and entirety.music, center, news, open, complexity0
hermuz.huThe exhibition spaces of the Herman Ottó Museum and the Miskolc Gallery will be open to the public again from May 20, according to the following opening hours:purpose foundation, homepage foundationaward, museum, exhibition, visitor, public0
beautika.huVel mauris, sem enim sodales tristique felis, vitae nibh. Risus purus est risus quis eleifend vestibulum. Mi laoreet donec.face, sodales, body, cleanser, lip0
bunyevacintezet.hu…value of Bunjevac culture. Our aim is to preserve the heritage of an ethnic group which can be the treasure of everyone this way. Without attendance and care this heritage would be less from day to day and finally could have even be forgotten. We would like to avoid this loss with our activity.institution, activity, cultural, attendance, heritage0
bhidvegi.huHe was born in 1936 in a small Hungarian town called Nagyszénás. His parents were landowners and, after the war, they lost all their properties and had to flee from the mob to the other part of the country. Continued his studies in Keszthely Agricultural University and in 1956 continued the…conservation, small, parent, property, town0
bns-hungary.huHeld at Semmelweis University with a highly distinguished international faculty, the Budapest Nephrology School is one of the most well-known refresher courses in the field of nephrology.kidney foundation, foundation rightnephrology, school, kidney, international, faculty0
kopintalapitvany.hu…headline inflation was 25.4 percent, while core inflation was 25.2 percent. Inflation slowed down by 0.3 percentage points compared to the previous month, the price dynamics of processed food, alongside with fuel prices contributed the most to the disinflation. From the second quarter onwards,economic, international, literature, country, economy0
hintalovon.huSince 2015, we have been working to raise awareness of children's rights. We want to make sure that society has a voice in all aspects of life. children's interests and perspectives in all areas of life, so that we really listen to children. We want us all to understand the importance of a good…right foundation, foundation rightchild, participation, report, safeguard, advocacy0
mixvill.hu…Street lamps… Emergency lights… Fluorescent… LED… LED lamps… LED lightsources… LED E14… LED E27…cabinet foundationcable, enclosure, accessories, series, meter0
tigret.huOur actual main goal is the complex construction of railways and the performance of all additional works related to the railway construction.cable foundation, foundation workfleet, vacancy, construction, railway, main0
leitnerlaw.huOur competencies… Corporate and contract law… Corporate law I Group law… Data protection… Foundations…law, competency, corporate, office, contract0
officialmiradry.humiraDry Budapest | Official miraDry® Clinic Hungary - The Highest Rated Provider in Hungary (Diamond Status)turtletrust foundationclinic, treatment, official, provider, sweat0
nemzedekekenat.huTo do something good. To create value, to build the future. To be useful and, to the best of our ability, to guide others on this path, especially children. To set an example, not to leave a mark, but to follow many paths of goodness, truth, beauty, and respect. With love: the president and members.foundation generationactivity, mission, woman, goal, conscious0
spielmann.hu…from proprietary-type businesses to larger-scale corporations. We provide all necessary information about the legal environment when setting up and operating privately held companies in Hungary. All of our staff speaks fluent English. We are servicing our clients also in Italian and in Spanish.company foundation, foundation necessarylaw, firm, property, inheritance, question0
leonettadesign.huHandmade Bible puppets for religious education and church use. Bible stories and lives of saints. Created by Julia, teacher and handcraft from Hungary.basket, puppet, bible, saint, teacher0
aurin-choir.huDo you want to support our choirs? It is possible to send a one-time support through our website:choir, concert, photo, festival, recording0
artofagile.huHow can your organisation become more agile even in your industry and despite the given constrictions?agile, art, organisational, developer, trainer0
emsculptneo.huEMSCULPT NEO is the world's first and only technology that uses Radiofrequency and HIFEM+ (high intensity electromagnetic field) to eliminate fat and build muscles non-invasivelyturtletrust foundationclinic, andrassy, treatment, official, street0
toptextil.huoutstanding technical service and professional advice to support our wide range of products.range, quality, wide, manufacturer, ltd0
symmetry.hu…organizing of the Symmetry Festivals and many other symmetry linked scientific and art events. György Darvas, PhD, physicist and philosopher with an encyclopedic approach to symmetry was a senior scientist from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary.symmetry, festival, event, international, science0
szamurajkardvivas.huOur home page is about the culture of the samurai, and their sword technique against ambush in various situations. as it was preserved to our age. Shigetsu Ho Nan Kai is an umbrella organization of dojos where you can study this tradition, and get familiar to an aspect of this seemingly simple…seminar, industry, login, gallery, planner0
hubay.hu| biography | compositions | publishers | discography | hungarian violin school | photos | events |jeno foundation, foundation main, foundation budapestmain, page, laszlo, violin, school0
pixiebug.hu2D animation , Animated Explainer Video / Animated Infographic , Artworks , Character Animation , Character design , Compositing , Creative , Directing , Layout , Motion Graphic , Post-production , Short film , Visual Conceptdoctor foundation, foundation commercialanimation, visual, concept, character, commercial0
sommelier.huIt was a great recognition of the sommelier profession and the work of the Sommelier Club Budapest when it gained admission to the Hungarian National Gastronomy Association in 1997. This is how the Sommelier Division of the Hungarian National Gastronomy Association was born.member, championship, association, training, wine0
csivavamentes.hu…hereditary problems are taken out of the hands of profit-oriented breeders who spend minimal energy and money on caring for dogs. As a Chihuahua host, we are dedicated to this wonderful breed, so we decided to establish our Chihuahua Breeding Association, specializing in chihuahua, and start our…association, rescue, dog, breed, species0
holdkoalapitvany.huTo this end, we hold sessions for children in school settings and individually, and organise camps during the holidays. We organise thematic clubs, workshops, trainings for adults, conduct professional trainings and develop curricula. We cooperate with our Hungarian and foreign partners.moonstone foundationdepartment, child, adult, value, connect0
bbcc.huWe regret to inform you that the Municipality of Debrecen and the management of the Béla Bartók International Choir Competition had to make the unavoidable decision to cancel this year’s event. ...government foundationfestival, jury, competition, announcement, programme0
eurasia.huSince its establishment in 1992 Eurasia Logistics Ltd. has been providing reliable, efficient and high quality complex logistics services, primarily for Japanese companies operating in Hungary, as well as companies in Central and Eastern Europe.transportation, logistic, truck, ltd, touch0
mavzenekar.huThis year, our orchestra offers three gift cards of different amounts for those who wish to gift a musical experience this holiday season. Our gift cards of different amounts are the following: Pine – Christmas Gift Card, HUF 10,000 Spruce – Christmas Gift Card HUF 15,000 Fir – Christmas Gift Card…pm, sit, sun, mon, concert0
iks.huThe International Kodály Society is active in 34 countries and has Affiliated National Organizations in 16 countries. The IKS was founded in 1975 in Kecskemét, Hungary to promote the musical, educational and cultural concepts associated with Zoltán Kodály for the benefit of music generally and in…iks foundationscholarship, music, membership, newsletter, publication0
mlalapitvany.huThe project MAP for ID aims to support museums wanting to develop intercultural projects by: Creating a research group made up by the museums involved in the project to identify…visitor foundation, foundation museum, deed foundation, foundation detailmuseum, visitor, community, adult, history0
hrexecutives.huIn our lifetime, we spend more time at work and build our career than we spend at home. We consider it our mission to provide you with a positive experience in defining your career, with a thematic structure to help you determine your next career steps, and to help you see your competencies and…foundation successcareer, homepage, consultancy, strategy, solution0
officialemsculpt.huEMsculpt Infinity ® Experience was developed by our Lead Surgeon for Advanced Results for EMsculpt NEOturtletrust foundationofficial, clinic, treatment, doctor, surgeon0
doortechsystem.hu…Faq… Our Clients… Progress Bar… Privacy Policy… Blog Left Sidebar… Blog Right Sidebar… Blog Left…individual, page, sidebar, architecture, ipsum0
deruslelek.hu– on the one hand, it seeks to provide assistance to children and their families with serious illnesses and, in connection with this, to support hospitals and institutions where Hungarian children are cared for from here and beyond our borders through fundraising;soul foundation, foundation hungarianhelp, tax, child, card, donation0
eduvital.hu…Courses and trainings… Links… Contacts… Search… Home… About us… contact us… Imprint… Legal Disclaimerevent, staff, board, scientific, organization0
rev.huThe 1956 Institute – Oral History Archive has been a department of the National Széchényi Library since 2012institute foundationarchive, history, oral, institute, publication0
alkoholfuggoseg.hu…and effective method. For this reason we have found it necessary – as a model experiment – to adapt the institutional methods to supported day care community living conditions, thus providing a so-called near home ambulant rehabilitation system where their recovery program is compatible…addiction, rehabilitation, group, day, form0
i-ching.hu…the make-up, and the operation of the universe sometime before the first millennium BC. This latent (perhaps secret or purposely hidden, or simply lost or forgotten) cosmic order is fully revealed and reconstructed in this study. The whole work is based on the words of the I Ching , and can…belief foundation, foundation chineseyi, globe, arrangement, group, jing0
bibianaiskola.hufor a family raising an autistic child, one of the key issues is to help the child become as independent in self-care as possible. Our number one goal is to provide them all the help we can in order to reach that goal.bibiána foundation, foundation elementaryschool, elementary, child, autistic, family0
bankar.huMANAGEMENT… INVESTMENTS… FOUNDATIONS… ABOUT US… xhtml…investment, management, xhtml, ltd, statement0
fer3331.hu© 2021 - Fer3331. Kft. - All rights reserved.foundation workconstruction, reference, gallery, utility, public0
frenak.huEverything to know about the multiple award-winning contemporary dance choreographer Pal Frenak and his company | Repertoire | Tour Dates | Stories | Workshopscontemporary, dance, award, tour, choreographer0
ferrlas.huExplore our wide range of sheet metal products, including steel, stainless steel, and aluminum sheets, as well as custom fence panels. Our high-quality materials and precision cutting techniques ensure that every piece we produce meets the highest standards. Our quality products are ideal for both…sheet, metal, cut, quality, solution0
papaibotond.hu…is a neurosurgical operation conducted in the spine. Since Botond’s illness is very rare, it took a long time to find the doctor, T.S. Park MD (St. Louis Children’s Hospital), who admitted that not only saw he such patients, he also successfully operated them. Dr. Park accepted Botond for SDR…step, rehabilitation, surgery, help, document0
bbis.hu“There are a lot of popular clubs here at BBIS that are successful, attract a lot of students, and are a whole lot of fun. Students enjoy the clubs as they are unique compared to the regular timetabled lessons. Our school hosts clubs that allow students to compete with other schools such as Drama…year foundation, foundation stageschool, student, primary, secondary, admission0
atlantico.huA Blazor egy szójátékként Browser + Razor = Blazor jött létre, és a bejegyzés alapján a következőket ígéri:bootstrap, browser, core, desk, joomla0
ipari-csarnok.huThe modular design of the mobile halls allows for a variety of uses - whether it is a riding hall, a storage tent, any covering solution, a warehouse or a production hall!tent, hall, warehouse, lightweight, construction0
fog-ma.huInnovations of IHDE Dental implants protected by multiple international patents decrease the treatment period of implantation from years to a few days. Even those patients can be supplied with dental implants and with fixed replacements who would be rejected by dentists and dental surgeons working…implant, dental, treatment, advantage, patient0
epuletgepeszetitervek.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam lectus erat consectetur eu sapien eget, rhoncus consectetur sem.sit, dolor, elit, consectetur, lorem0
fradi.huOur men's football team won 2-1 away to Chukarichki in the Conference League with a 98th minute goal.football, match, news, ice, hockey0
innomed.huThe Cardiology segment working on our diagnostic devices with data management software for PCs. The main products of the group are the own developed and manufactured semi- automatic defibrillator (AED) , clinical defibrillators, the variety of ECG devices and we are also distributing a whole range…anniversary foundation, foundation innomedmedical, development, ray, generator, ecg0
panamajack.huAll the quality and comfort of Panama Jack boots, shoes and sandals. Made in Spain since 1989.sale, spain, sandal, shipping, return0
leniasoft82.huAlthough the plugin is not included as part of the theme (other than the Layerslider Plugin, which is) the theme will show an extra template builder element for the Slider Revolution Plugin for easier integration with our layouts. No Matter with Layer Based Slider you prefer, we got you covered!plugin, great, layout, form, slider0
c3.huC3 - Center for Culture & Communication Foundationculture, communication, center, event, collection0
corpora.huToday is the opening event for the (in) posición dinámica exhibition at the Laboratoria Arte Alameda in Mexico City – part of the Festival de México and Ars Electronica México event.baseline foundationdiary, development, slideshow, exhibition, september0
gyerekfilmakademia.huCinemira International Children’s Film Festival is dedicated to children of age 4 to 14 and their families. We screen quality children's film from around the world, present film making workshops for families and industry forums for film professionals.child, academy, regular, camp, summer0
doit.huReferences: our clients are Hungarian and international companies. We operate and support more than 800 servers + network devices, thousands of user computers, more than 170 companies and organizations. If you need, we can provide a detailed list of our customers (of course, only those who gave…linux foundation, foundation certified, year foundationprice, administrator, customer, server, colleagues0
orsiferenc.huFerenc Őrsi's first book guides us through two wonderful universes, the world of design and the underwater world.adventure, book, diving, bus, pencil0
lanclanc.hu…of interest. The rooms are spacious, bright, and fully adapted to the needs of the children. The toys are placed on low shelves, and arranged tastefully. The children have a lot of space to move around: apart from the big classrooms, there is a gym and a huge garden. Gardening, music, singing…montesz foundation, foundation partnergroup, child, teacher, kindergarten, school0
kemenyferenc.huHome… Introduction… Contact… English… More… Follow on…objective foundationintroduction, international, legacy, objective, exhibition0
zmg.huIf you want to look into our pedagogical activity, you can find the most important information about the life of our school.school, gallery, photo, teacher, document0
szentferenc.hu…Ms Merza’s “home”, located in the forest of Ócsa presented quite a different picture: a large, fenced-in area with a rustic farm house, with a great many kennels scattered around the place, and lots of waggly tailed dogs – big and small, male and female –all in the same place, together. read…shelter, adoption, animal, support, questionnaire0
idpmc.huManagement… Managing Directors… Company profile… Shopping malls… Office buildings… Industry…investor foundation, construction foundation, foundation headquarterrepresentation, investor, consultant, management, development0
classboxmester.huClassBox is the online version of the real class community. The community of form-master, teachers, students and parents in online version. This is the basis of ClassBox.school, class, student, parent, child0
elfogadlakalapitvany.huThe Night of the After-school-clubs took place on 2nd June. The children played, sang and danced together. This year the participating...elfogad foundation, foundation elfogadchild, camp, school, saturday, initiative0
artypical.huARTYPICAL NUDE BY NUBU 2022creator foundation, foundation shopcollection, retail, creator, store, account0
fehervaribirtok.huThe Nagy-Somló wine region is like a small jewellery box on the table of Hungarian wine culture. It is beautiful in appearance, carefully crafted, yet its true beauty and uniqueness lies in its contents and details. The aroma and taste of the wines made here are unique in the Hungarian wine market.wine, basket, reserve, white, region0
dragakulfold.huResponsive and Raw One-Page HTML5 Template. Build whatever you like with this Template, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.plan foundation, foundation successfultemplate, website, page, responsive, parallax0
ccch.huThe Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hungary is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 1992. Based in Hungary, we provide a platform for developing commercial relationships between Canadian and Hungarian companies.year foundation, deed foundationcanadian, event, chamber, commerce, membership0
biographis.huSculptor Masters in Epreskert II exhibition timeline design Graphic design / Exhibition designstot foundation, foundation businessgraphic, logo, book, card, label0
sardi.hu…and appreciating the interests of the other - come to an agreement which provides advantages on both sides. Therefore I endeavor to avoid unnecessary procedures, to prevent legal and non-legal controversies, and to settle already existing disputes reasonably and righteously and thus lasting…deed foundationlawyer, contract, data, process, legal0
festekkutato.huOur R&D Department elaborates paint formulations for industrial use. Primary task is to realize FKI's own product development targets. Technical Service lab is part of the R&D department, which adjusts the paint parameters to customers' requirements and renders direct technical assistance.year foundationpaint, development, expert, research, production0
consort.hu© MMXXIII Consort Music Foundation | Imprintmusic foundation, foundation home, foundation facebook, foundation imprintmusic, news, concert, edition, record0
balatonimuzeum.huBalaton Museum Who is the most successful fisherman of Lake Balaton? Come to the museum and discover the wildlife of Lake Balaton!museum, lake, exhibition, permanent, visitor0
semmelweis.hu…European region. With its six faculties and doctoral school it covers all aspects of medical and health sciences. Semmelweis University is the largest provider of health care services in Hungary. The target of research at the university are early diagnostics and therapy, disease prevention and…foundation companyuniversity, health, faculty, science, medicine0
mvconsulting.huOur company pays special attention to the issue of social responsibility, equal treatment and the preservation of the natural environment. We regularly organize health-preserving, recreational programs (eg sports day, excursions, team building) for the employees of M-V Consulting Kft.year foundationconsulting, certificate, employee, main, page0
nagyothallo.info.huDr. Béla Török Kindergarten, Elementary School, Vocational School, Skills Development School, Unified Special Education Methodology Institute and College - ENGLISH VERSIONfoundation childschool, special, development, education, hear0
oszk.huFrom 21 to 24 October 2023, Dávid Rózsa, Director General, and Zoltán Lewalt-Jezierski, Head of Cabinet, represented Hungary at the 3rd China – CEEC Curators' Forum of Libraries Union in Nanjing Library, China.library, collection, document, database, national0
ugyvedjeszenka.huI graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University with a degree in economic law, and I am currently studying for a post-grad degree in sports law.law, legal, contract, economic, representation0
fidelissima.huFIDELISSIMA MIXED CHOIR | SOPRON, HUNGARYchoir, gallery, history, conductor, member0
musicpix.hu…Tabán… Barba Negra Music Club… Beatsteaks… The Ting Tings… The Haunted… Ivan & The Parazol… F. O.day, music, festival, lie, white0
technologia.huTechnológia Mérnöki Iroda Kft. was established in 1990. in purpuse of designing and manufacturing of heat exchangers and pressure vessels.company foundation, foundation profitabletube, heat, exchanger, steel, manufacture0
asszisztencia.huJoint Annual Congress of the Hungarian Society for Orthopaedics and Hungarian Trauma Societyacademy foundation, foundation coursecongress, society, annual, conference, september0
segítőkutya.huContact us… Hírek… Rólunk… Tudástár… Jelentkezés… GYIK… Elérhetőségek… Támogatás…dog, assistant, therapy, versatile, mobility0
mente.hu…Vác Diocese. This mission is led by the youth pastor and serves the youth pastoral work of the Vác Diocese. Under Youth Chaplaincy we mean altogether the volunteers and paid colleagues, our activities, events, the material and intellectual contents, communities (for example regional communities).vifi foundationyouth, community, mission, introduction, activity0
hejokereszturiskola.hu…these years the electronic system of the school was changed and the old coal-firings was changed for the more modern gas heating as well. The end of the General Cultural Centre in 1993 played an important role in organizing the school work as the grades 1-4 were reestablished also in Szakáld again.year foundationschool, class, student, pupil, education0
retextil.hucomplete therapeutic method -community space and free Open Workshop -a product that is 100% handmade without chemical intervention, every piece is unique and a result of a personal creative process -it is a way of thinking that clearly reflects and reacts to the social and ecological problems of theshop, main, art, therapeutic, textile0
drolahugyved.huMy current Law Firm is in the heart of Debrecen, located just 50 m from the intersection of Liszt Ferenc and Csapó streets, on the first floor of a condominium. The three rooms and the waiting room provides a proper atmosphere for a peaceful and thorough job.association foundation, foundation supplylaw, firm, specialization, lawyer, introduction0
zsidojovoert.huBy uniting the strength of our communities, using it, our strength will multiply and we will also be able to perform tasks that we alone would otherwise be unable to do.community, manual, jewish, application, member0
tlw.huTLW Ltd has beyond its base staff a strong technical expert team available with specialists commanding very high qualification and language skill. Involvement of this expert team in individual projects depends on the type of work and on the size of task to be done. Besides the expert team, a very…machine, diagnostic, method, main, survey0
vilagkep.huIn Brussels I created a little photo studio , and I finished my graphic design studies. I also give private lessons in photography. In addition when I have the time I experiment in new photography fields with new techniques, or visit museums to get inspired.graphic, photography, website, jump, news0
mokushozen.huIt is founded and lead by monk Myoken, the Dharma-heir of Mokusho Zeisler in the Deshimaru lineage.house, event, story, teaching, week0
arrabonastudio.hu…I have worked as a sound designer on such major feature films such major films s recent Berlinale winner ‘On Body and Soul’, Hungarian blockbuster ’Strangled’ or Karlovy Vary Chrystal Globe winner ‘It’s not the time of my life’. He have also worked on Hollywood big budget films like Open Grave.hungarian foundation, foundation tibetandocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy0
ceh.huOne of the leading Hungarian engineering bureaus in building- and bridge design with more than 30 years of experience. A full-service company offering design and engineering services, project management and consultation. A creative community built on a unique company philosophy, called Value-System.news foundation, foundation sustainabilitymanagement, career, news, engineering, build0
naputasok.huHÓDOSI HELGA… TÁMOGATÁS / SUPPORT… GOETHEANUM – JUNI / AUGUST 2019… PRAGUE FEBRUAR 2019… BASEL NOVEMBER…art, international, academy, position, teacher0
striker.huSándor Striker's employment case against the Eötvös Loránd University was terminated by an appeal court decision.open, letter, president, festival, human0
primefund.hu. Our experts maintain partner relationship based on full discretion with both our clients and the companies managed. Thanks to our relationship of trust, we provide our investors with personalized and complex solutions while adapting to their expectations flexibly and quickly. Through our…date foundationlaw, fund, investment, management, expert0
pardesz.huPárdesz Foundation… About the project… Who are we?… Frequently Asked Questions… Endorsements… Donate…párdesz foundationfrequently, question, page, jewish, housing0
psziverseny.huAdatkezelési tájékoztató… ÁSZF… Cookie…year foundationsit, consectetur, amet, ipsum, elit0
cma.huKrisz has performed a crucial role in the major projects delivered by CMA over the years including the design coordination of the Gresham Four Seasons Hotel in Budapest, the National Instruments campus and the majority of CMA’s logistics and manufacturing portfolio. Krisz acts as managing director…elder foundation, foundation ukarchitect, client, use, management, plan0
totpalszilvia.huStartpage… About me… Repertoire… Teaching of singing, singing course… Photos… Videos, media… Career…career foundationlibrary, media, repertoire, course, teach0
ibs-b.hu“At the end of secondary school, I had no idea what I wanted to become. With the common first year at IBS, I gained some time to think and check out the wide variety of Bachelor’s programmes. Studying at IBS requires constant preparation but it pays off; knowledge is ingrained gradually and exams…programme, management, strategic, student, international0
hamiltoncollege.huI Have finished my pre-master program at Hamilton College in Budapest in 2022 and I was totally satisfied with the supportive faculty and academic atmosphere of this great college. The campus is lively, the staff is friendly, and you can meet many international students from all over the world. It…general foundationcollege, pre, application, american, student0
staticdesign.huThe main activity of our company is structural design, licensing and construction plan level.dynamic, way, static, activity, main0
fermentia.huFermentation services, Scale-up, Pichia fermentation, E. coli fermentaion, Lactobacillus, contract fermentation Our pilot plant and the team’s expertise is ideally suited to support bacterial and fungal fermentation up to 1000 l scale, as well as carrying out various process development and up-scalianniversary foundation, foundation eltefermentation, production, development, process, scale0
names.huDomains, domain name registration, servers, web hosting for a low price. Trusted VPS servers, SSL certificates, Plesk licenses.price, china, poland, south, island0
balinttarsasag.huThe Weekend Programme offers: Balint groups, a fishbowl large group, the IBF Council meeting, a commemoration at the memorial tablet of Michael Balint in the Castle District, where Michael and Alice Balint had been living and working in the Psychoanalytic Clinic founded by Sandor Ferenczi , before…psychoanalytic foundation, foundation rootgroup, saturday, society, fee, technique0
fk-raszter.huMain Page - FK-RASZTER Építő Zrt.project foundation, foundation workbuilding, public, construction, hall, industrial0
clockgo.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the…dashboard, page, main, industry, section0
karts.hu…Creative workshops… Events… Contact… Partners… Privacy policy… Cookie policy… Imprint… Back to topart foundation, foundation készcollection, creative, art, statue, factory0
stadiumkiado.hu…Rátkay) They carried out their aims with the synthesis of the universal heritage of the past and literatural, artistic effects of the XXth century’s classical avantgarde. In this way they expressed their credo in the continuity of arts. Their art can be observed in the publisher’s beautiful albums.art, artist, publisher, century, artistic0
elementologia.huIn Search of the Perfect Synchrotron | … for Multi-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Measurementsray, absorption, edge, perfect, search0
elmenyakademia.huchildren and youth with disadvantaged backgrounds (Roma, those living in deep poverty or growing up in foster homes), andyouth, archive, group, essence, heart0
mgosiphazak.huOur houses are built from environmentally friendly building components. Thanks to its magnesium oxide shell, the Graphite SIP panels are better than their predecessors. Get to know our innovative building block.space foundation, foundation passivehouse, build, component, technology, reference0
bloomsday.huNews… june 16 2022… Info… Partners… Impressum… Timeline… Coverage… Map… LB. Gallery… LB. Award… James…lb foundationjune, news, timeline, coverage, map0
mcpmuzeum.hupainter’s revival comes about through the extraordinarily versatile oeuvre concerning its subjects, its style and its technical expedients, as well as through the artist’s personal articles and the family remembrance. The permanent MCP exhibition displays a cross-section of the rich artistic legacy.pál foundationmuseum, studio, exhibition, family, artist0
flow.hu…impact I can have on those around me by supporting them on their path to achieving their goals. Among the topics that find me as a consultant, leadership and talent development (self-knowledge, skills development, etc.) stand out, but I am also very attracted by organisation-wide development…flow foundationdevelopment, management, leadership, training, group0
bibliaszol.huIt’s me, God… Resignation & The Work of God Proceeds… God’s Impossible Solution & You And Your…god, number, church, christian, location0
faber-castell.huData Protection Declaration of the Faber-Castell Groupartist, pencil, child, colour, responsibility0
szuperfitt.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis.sit, lorem, dolor, consectetur, ipsum0
etnofon.hu…collections of traditional folk music. Over the years, we have also been involved in many activities and projects to preserve the folklore of the ethnic groups that live in the Carpathian Basin. ETNOFON has been dedicated to making the authentic folk culture of our region available to the general…concert, sound, studio, article, catalogue0
airon.huAt AIRON TRUST, we have been advising private trustees, providing trust compliance, administration and structuring services as well as professional trustee service, since our company the AIRON TRUST is one of the few licensed professional trust companies in Hungary.private foundationtrust, corporate, tax, finance, advisory0
cubussapiens.huCategories Software Development Tags eclipse , reflective editor , release , Xtext 20 Comments on Xtext Reflective Editor updated for Keplerproject foundation, foundation serversoftware, development, editor, repository, reflective0
bartimeus.huThat disabled and disadvantaged people would hear the good news of Jesus Christ and become fruitful followers and workers for God’s Kingdom.bartimeus foundationblind, camp, people, video, news0
onkentesszemle.huThe online journal, Volunteering Review provides a forum for ideas and information, original theoretical and methodological articles, practical case studies and book reviews on the state and development of volunteering in Hungary. The journal welcomes contributions from variety of disciplines…issue, volunteer, review, journal, methodological0
amchamfoundation.hu…Supported organisations… Offer 1 %… Videos… Gallery 2017… Gallery 2016… Gallery 2015… Gallery 2014…foundation managementgallery, mission, management, public, report0
idegennyelvumedia.hu…the sense that as a member of the European Union and NATO, Hungary is a significant factor for foreigners who do not speak Hungarian. Political, economic, or even business news may have a serious impact on other countries or companies, so Hungarian political or economic news interest experts…media, news, language, foreign, supporter0
datalap.huAbout us… Organisation… References… Art management… Films… Other projects… Contact… Supporters and…digital, archive, reference, art, supporter0
gepteko.huWe can prepare onsite surveys with manual measuring tools and with FARO 3D laser scanner. We make point cloud processing with modern design softwares.machine foundation, foundation designengineering, software, liability, insurance, activity0
matexkft.huWe also manage on the basis of ready-made plans, we also work well from the material we bring.production, reference, application, quality, idea0
extralady.huStill, as British Prime Minister Tony Blair reminded us, in his speech on October 1, the biggest drug hoard in the world is in Afghanistan; 90 percent of the heroin on British streets originates in Afghanistan. But the big players in e-books — specifically Amazon — do not operate in Russia and…book, big, russia, legitimate, british0
englishschool.huand culture, Dan first came to the English School of Budapest in 2017. It was a rewarding experience to be a part of the team at ESB and make a positive contribution to improving Hungarian children’s language skills in an engaging, student-centered approach to teaching during his two years with ESB.resource foundation, foundation successschool, teacher, child, language0
indea.huINDEA creates mobile games, websites, graphic assets and other digital stuff.website, insolvency, logo, digital, experiment0
toppanto.hu…multi-layered already in primary school, in addition to folk dance, I also learned to play the piano. Later, to substantiate the conjecture of my family regarding the animated, zealous, restless personality living in me, I studied drama pedagogy in high school, then graduated in folk dance studies.foundation presidentcamp, child, instructor, game, culture0
masterfield.huWe offer our students a wide range of live, online and classroom courses several days in length, in IT and project management topics!analyst foundation, foundation trainingcourse, training, learn, catalogue, centre0
szatmarregio.hu…a region with a long tradition of vegetable and fruit production. Cooperative collection centers are situated next to vast producing areas, where our experts follow the development of the crops and supervise the harvest. We support the cooperative members with cultivation technology and expertise.production, harvest, cooperative, fruit, vegetable0
klimapolitikaiintezet.huWe deal with issues of environmental protection, climate change and the protection of national values: education, attitude formation, policy, events.climate, event, green, institute, protection0
kettannyelvuiskola.huThe BGC English After School Program provides 6-14 year olds with an effective means for language acquisition in a native English environment.school, native, primary, grade, language0
magyarlovak.hu…studs. This basically mixed-breed but carefully selected herd has been covered for several generations with excellent English Thoroughbred stallions, which have resulted in a saddle-horse type that is close to the English Thoroughbred, but even more massive, calmer, well-trained and fair-looking.horse, stud, news, sale, championship0
franchisehungary.hu…royalties from the franchisee in order for the franchisee to use his brand and knowledge. This is possible when the franchisor shares his knowledge (in the form of franchise manual), and the marketing strategy, meaning the franchisor gives his or her partner all the help in business development.application, need, range, option, opportunity0
federer.huCONTACT… PRESS RELEASE OF TND HUNGARY… ND press release 2012 04… Continue reading PRESS RELEASE OF TND…foundation rrsrelease, march, acquisition, original, establishment0
carpediemalapitvany.huThe Golden Compass program is a one-year mental health rehabilitation and preparation program for students who are emotionally or mentally impaired and have lost their motivation to learn.current, anxiety, mission, report, search0
mozaikhub.huA program of JDC, the Mozaik Jewish Community Hub is a professional platform that provides infrastructure, co-working space, customized professional support, learning opportunities and financial support for Jewish community NGOs and initiatives in Hungary.community, member, jewish, support, financial0
kultturist.huKult-Turist offers tailor-made cultural and educational programs and conferences in Central Europe and the Balkans. Explore our unique sample tours in Budapest, Krakow, Vienna, Prague and more…europe, central, heritage, tour, croatia0
stabilpenzugyek.huHome Default… Home 2… Home 3… Home 4… Home 5… Home 6… Home 7… Home 8… Home 9… Home Landing Page… About…law, practice, study, case, area0
edmon.hu…We treat your datas confidently, before the administration we provied you free advise about what will happen in the process. In association with the LIVE and WORK in HUNGARY Fundation for private individuals we provide free advise and administration for residental permit and permit of residence.permit, step, live, administration, job0
hdy.hu…proofed professional literature and informative books (e.g. Metamorphosis of iron, The loft, Design in the 21st century, Design manual, Furniture World Styles) and organised large-scale design exhibitions and events. Director of the Ponton Gallery, the official exhibition site of Moholy-Nagy…book, editor, art, university, international0
offalapitvany.huPUBLIC INFORMATIONS… Staff… Projects… CONTACT US… SUPPORT…public, staff0
szerzodj.huRental contract based on the valid Hungarian legal system with our lawyer's recommendationcontract, rental, package, price, lawyer0
iconrem.huProperty management Retail services Facility management Financial Services Cleaning & Hygiene Services Security Servicesmanagement, icon, property, estate, real0
szivk.huCatalogue… Databases on the Internet… Contact us… Opening hours… Staff… Our Services… Our library…history, local, library, department, document0
nyitottiskolakert.huFoundation for Inclusive Schools… ABOUT US… WHAT WE DO… PROJECTS… DONATE… CONTACT US… We Believe… Our…school, development, positive, discipline, eng0
beingmore.hu…and improved business performance at the same time. We advance in cycles of 2-4 months with a focused execution methodology and an agile toolkit while tracking and measuring progress. We support our clients until the new skills and tools become their own, a part of their day-to-day routine.organizational foundation, foundation businessclient, leadership, journey, performance, development0
bmcrecords.huFounded in 1998, the catalogue of BMC Records has now surpassed 250 releases. It publishes Hungarian and international artists of the contemporary, classical and jazz field.cart, record, error, official, website0
culturelle.huFoundation… News… Sponsors and partners… Links… Contact… Create new account / regisztráció… Forgotten…culturelle foundationnews, sponsor0
torleypezsgo.huTörley Sparkling Wine Cellar Ltd.… Sparkling Wine… Base Wine… Good Advices… The Company… The origin of…wine, sparkle, history, yes, base0
namor-ep.huSince 2003, our company has been primarily involved in road construction and civil engineering. Our practical experience in civil engineering projects in the Eastern Hungarian region has enabled us to execute our construction activities at a high standard, even for large-scale civil engineering…deep foundation, foundation roadconstruction, unit, road, machine, excavator0
inlernet.hu© Copyright 2022 Inlernet Worldwide. All rights reserved!inlernet foundationvalue, purchase, advantage, current, search0
aquincum.huUncovered! …or there is still new under the ground. Temporary exhibition at the Aquincum Museum from 2 June 2023 to 31 December 2024museum, collection, school, event, tour0
szentgellertfesztival.huI welcome you warmly to the St. Gellert Festival 2023. We have some exciting news! The festival established a new ensemble with original period instruments St. Gellert Baroque Players (leader Mónika Tóth) which will give its very first performance in Bakonybél where St. Gellert made his legendary…arrival foundation, foundation concertgallery, archive, september, management, media0
studystream.hustudy stream, studystream, education, training, learing, virtual reality, skill management, lectures, tests, human resource, 3D video, 180°, 360°, student, tutor, system, learning curve, didactics, learning system, e-rearningfoundation conceptlearn, human, curve, tutor, training0
albasolder.huWe believe, that we can achieve our goal with our values: we want to be the market leader in brush-pen based solutions in Hungary.partner foundation, foundation successbrush, international, use, market, solution0
gammaorg.huDiscretion toward the customer, privacy protection, reliability and high quality are in focus of the policy of Gammaorg.tester foundation, foundation levelethical, hacking, education, development, security0
sky-soft.huSky-Soft Ltd. was established on the 1 st of March, 1993. The founders are by profession physicists and are members of the KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (RMKI) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.sky, research, development, software, qualification0
startupokejszakaja.huFocus on the startup ecosystem in Budapest – Exciting startups from Budapest and the programmes supporting them.enterprise, city, ecosystem, programme, international0
conway.huResponsible for the operation of our AZURE cloud services, and coordinate the implementation of ServiceNow into the tool landscape.gabor, operation, manager, resume, management0
sttp.huRegression testing: With regression tests, our goal is to ensure that business-critical functions and processes work independently of change. If the maintenance tasks are acceptable, it is advisable to support this type of test with automation.point, client, straight, management, solution0
illessandor.huWOULD THE SPINE CRACK, IF THE MOST SAFEGUARDED TREASURES OF OUR SURVIVAL ALREADY ATROPHY AT THE ROOTS, BECAUSE EVERYTHING DEPRECIATESpage foundation, foundation civicpicture, language, childhood, parent, youth0
life-division.hu…securities on the stock exchange, you need to have considerable assets. Nevertheless, with Innovative Securities' products, you can invest small amounts. You can obtain detailed information related to the profitability of each product and each strategy during a meeting with a Life Division partner.division, account, question, assistance, security0
barankovicsarchiv.huExcept where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons license.news, update, page, k., christian0
nagyimreemlekhaz.hu”What I betrayed was not the ideal, but the system which betrayed the ideal. […] I was never a traitor, and I am not one this time, either…”nagy, house, memorial, main, page0
lachegyiimre.hu…for keyboard instruments. The guiding principle behind the accompaniments (arranged by the excellent harpsichord player, Aino Oláh ) was simplicity so that even the teachers of the solo musical instrument can accompany their students. At the end of the volume you can find some popular piecesfoundation website, foundation facebookpiece, recorder, performance, media, purchase0
agroworld.huAGRO WORLD Group processes a significant portion of the Group's crops. In Nádudvar and Tiszavasvári fodder plants are operated where the sheep and cattle forage is produced. The produced forage is used for feeding own animals and the excess amount is sold to domestic market and to Romanian partners.agriculture foundation, foundation civilizationproduction, breed, crop, sheep, cattle0
avhga.huInvestment Plan for Europe: EFSI deal in Hungary to provide HUF 50 billion / EUR 160 million for up to 2,000 agricultural SMEsguarantee foundation, foundation rightguarantee, agricultural, investment, food, credit0
borlaitraining.huThese meals are rich in healthy fats to provide a stable source of energy and lower in carbohydrates, with a good portion of protein to aid recovery.mobility foundation, foundation movementtraining, healthy, body, athletic, city0
klimaalap.huemissions, improvement of sustainable quality of life, production of renewable energy, increase of energy storage, transportation and efficiency, solution of global global water problems. Innovative ideas and developments in the fields of green energy, climate-friendly agriculture and food use, the…date foundation, foundation juneinvestment, capital, fund, venture, planet0
eltecon.huThe BA program in Applied Economics (ELTECON-BA) operated at Eötvös Loránd University from 2008 to 2022.student, faculty, news, economic, international0
blancargo.huSave time and costs with our rail solutions across the Trans-Siberian route between Asia and Europe . Rail transport became more popular and reliable in the last years. If you need a solution which is faster than sea cargo and cheaper than air cargo, please contact our team.news, freight, document, solution, network0
csodama.huWe're happy to build network with our Hungarian and international partners for good and noble causes!hungary foundation, foundation whfevent, activity, cause, goal, wonderful0
ashanticosmetics.huI really enjoyed using this mask. Its super calming and my skin has never looked better before especially when i used it with the 15 shades of pink. definitely give Ashanti cosmetics a go. really amazing products.face, skin, body, shop, shade0
mnbi.huOur students and their masters will go to Berlin today, where they will participate in the TANZOLYMP XX. International Dance Festival.ballet, dance, programme, media, center0
jpa.huIn his speech given at the 78th PEN International Congress held in South Korea in 2012, President of the Hungarian PEN Club Géza Szőcs announced the creation of a major international poetry prize in these words:pannonius foundation, foundation publicationprize, poetry, description, sponsor, news0
serpakalandpark.huThe website of the Company contains information that enables a quick electronic contact to our enterprise, as well as direct communication with us, which also includes a general address of the so-called electronic mail (e-mail address). If a data subject contacts the controller by e-mail or via a…empire foundation, foundation győrdata, price, adventure, personal, process0
murati.huEstablished a cross-regional Product Architecture team for the Accounting and Global Services product portfolio. Shaped Xero's future architecture vision to enable us to become the business platform of the future for small businesses, their partners and advisors in the cloud.itil foundation, foundation exincloud, engineer, technology, architect, infrastructure0
barnoczki.huMy name is Dávid Dr. Barnóczki, I graduated at Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. I have experience mainly in the field of civil law, labour law, commercial and economical law, criminal law, administrative law, constitutional law and immigration law (working…club foundation, foundation associationlaw, procedure, practice, economical, legal0
stig.huSimple Tab 2… Simple Tab…foundation documentation, foundation githubtab, simple, button, column, small0
petranyijozsef.huDomestic and International Shipping Bulk transport, palletised goods, silo transportation, warehousing and logistics services. Contact us.international, shipping, domestic, transport, bulk0
sgo.huThe STRATEGO team is made up of passionate and creative minds spanning across web development, design, marketing, live events and beyond.firm foundationgrowth, development, consultancy, integrate, creative0
brevissimus.huIn Tomcat 9.0 access to the manager application is split between different users. Read more...software foundation, foundation righttomcat, manager, documentation, configuration, application0