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1843 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: environment

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3delite.hu…that you put on a form, and have instantly a 3D audio FFT spectrum display for an audio stream. Fully customizable colors and fonts, option to hide the captions. Requirements: any programming developer environment that supports the use of DLLs with the stdcall calling convention like C++ or Delphi.dev environment, environment stdcall, environment use, developer environment, environment usagefile, component, library, software, use25
oxyhouse.huWe offer our occasional or seasonal deep cleaning service and environment disinfection: we eliminate hard dirt also from rusty and unoccupied homes, from newly bought ones or after renovation. On demand we offer fabric cleaning, carpet cleaning, cleaning of shutters or window-shades, and cleaning…deeply environment, environment protection, close environment, environment people, seasonally environmentclean, deep, ecological, house, holiday18
fluart.huEnvironment and health safety In our pursuit of developing life-saving vaccines, we are keenly aware of the impact our operations can have on the environment. Fluart is guided by a strong dedication to prioritize environmental sustainability and health safety in all its endeavors. This commitment…operation environment, environment fluart, work environment, environment conscioushealth, vaccine, safety, innovative, sustainability15
szombathely2030.huAn internationally unique development and test environment, ranging from households to senior homes and thermal baths to virtual hospital infrastructure. There is a particular emphasis on sports, stroke and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. It combines academic and applied research with user needs.test environment, environment digitization, environment household, enterprise environment, environment productionrehabilitation, development, international, city, key14
terrapark.huThe Terrapark of Budaörs provides a high quality office workplace and a quiet natural environment. Office for rent, offices, good prices! | budaörsideal environment, environment budaörs, natural environment, environment officeoffice, ideal, faq, building, conference14
pepperpr.hu…introduction to Zebra's broad line of industrial printers provides economical, dependable, high performance printing, and is built for continuous operation, with exactly the features needed for fast, reliable cost-effective printing in the manufacturing and transport and logistics environment.collaborative environment, environment isvs, intellectual environment, environment consequent, harsh environmentpepper, software, technology, market, office12
action2020.huWe are aware of our environmental responsibility and sustainability is at the heart of our policies and practices. Our products are manufactured and marketed in accordance with ecological guidelines, as this is the best solution for both business and the environment.work environment, environment worth, hungarocontrol environment, environment starkly, safe environmentceo, director, manage, environmental, development12
cdre.huThe Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences is pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Rural Environment . The Conference became an annual tradition to meet colleagues all over the world at Szarvas (Hungary). Our…rural environment, environment cdre, environment conferencedevelopment, rural, conference, committee, agriculture11
galamboslogistic.huIn order to fulfil these requirements, environmentally focused management systems are essential. As a result we create harmonization between the goals of the Business and environmental requirements. Therefore Galambos Logistic Ltd. introduces and operates Environment Management System according to…line environment, environment colleagues, tidy environment, environment obligation, logistic environmentlogistic, protection, value, clean, warehousing11
iceee.hu…Sydney, Kensington NSW 2052, Australia, 5 ELKH-PE Limnoecology Research Group, Veszprém, Hungary, 6 School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 7 Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon…clean environment, environment society, contamination environment, environment challenge, build environmentuniversity, science, environmental, engineering, faculty10
kopintalapitvany.huas a whole. Structurally, it is entirely based on net export growth, while inflation holding back consumption and the uncertain global economic environment restraining investments. Domestic inflation peaked in January 2023. In February, the year-on-year headline inflation was 25.4 percent, while…regulatory environment, environment investment, business environment, environment quantitative, favourable environmenteconomic, international, literature, country, economy10
ernart.huyou don’t need to have any special artistic talent or particular tools. We prepare creations from everything we have at home, anything can be good. You’ll see how refreshing it will be to look at your well-known environment from a new perspective when looking for materials to use for your creations!fear environment, environment distress, supportive environment, environment emotion, hour environmentart, therapy, session, creation, group10
bio-klima.huWith young children in the house, a safe and healthy environment is always a priority. Attila from Bio-Klima did a superb cleaning job, now the family can breathe easy again!unique environment, environment friendly, footprint environment, environment threat, healthy environmentclean, air, unit, healthy, premium9
helping-hand.huHowever, most if not all children with ADHD struggle academically, due to the demands of educational environments (e.g., sit still and pay attention for long periods). However, with the right kind of support, both at home and in school, children with ADHD can reach their potential and become…educational environment, environment attention, learn environment, environment inclusion, inclusive environmentchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten9
csaloganyorvosikozpont.huWith scientific experts in healing and aesthetic dermatology, We are waiting for you in an empathetic and understanding environment, in the heart of Budapest.empathetic environment, environment heart, premium environment, calm environment, environment easilydermatology, aesthetic, appointment, medicine, sexual9
nimfea.huThe Educational Center of Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association became a member of the international network of Wetland Link International, an official partner of the Ramsar Convention in education and awareness-raising in the field of wetland and nature conservation.nimfea environment, environment naturenature, association, conservation, center, environmental9
epds.huCompliance with various standards and legal environments, which are essential for the operation of companies, represents a major challenge for many organisations. The EPDS framework system helps keep a record of them, perform daily maintenance and inspection activities, and measure the…legal environment, environment essential, regulate environment, environment single, environment standardequipment, activity, operation, management, process9
sueba.huBy setting the highest standards for energy-efficient building, SÜBA generates sustainable added value for people, business and the environment.value, live, quality, exceptional, environmental9
cityplant.huHowever in order to do that, plants need to be healthy as well, and our qualified colleagues oversee their correct maintenance. If your co-workers’ and environment’s health is important to you, feel free to contact us and choose from a selection of plant rental schemes, plant care and green wall…well environment, environment quality, worker environment, environment health, homely environmentplant, office, green, air, wall9
eco-office.huA coworking office in a green space in the heart of the city centre. This is our Eco-Office Coworking office. Here you can charge yourself up with both the friendly community and green environment which allows you to work efficiently.calm environment, environment environmentally, green environment, environment efficiently, taste environmentoffice, space, community, meet, appointment9
katalizis.huBetween (Boundaries +) and (Harmony), there are two more basic motivation families: to seek information from the environment - like novelty seeking, curiosity, discovery etc. - called ( Perception +), and to change the environment - like control, power, success etc. - called ( Action + ). Between…succesfully environment, environment moment, information environment, environment like, perception environmentmotivational, theory, motive, motivation, model8
kontron.hu…level of service is always ensured through ITIL-based processes. Our management solutions can be integrated into your existing operating environment without any difficulty. Due to our extensive customer base, we are able to provide our services in a cost-effective way, taking advantage of…mobile environment, environment rapidly, operate environment, environment difficultysolution, network, management, customer, cloud8
socurity.huWe deliver a secure cyber environment and protect the virtual world in which you live and do business. Your business has already probably suffered cyber attacks. Regardless of how great your IT is, there is something lacking somewhere.cyber environment, environment virtual, stable environment, technological environment, environment highcybersecurity, division, solution, virtual, interested8
systemmonitoring.huI’ve created some playbooks which help you to deploy the awx multi node environment – more easily.awx environment, environment develop, node environment, environment round, necessary environmentnode, host, log, deployment, support8
okolakopark.hu“As young architects, we found the outlined concept, that we listened to as a script, very exciting. Owing to the inspiring environment, the atmosphere of the ecovillage has come to life for us right for the first time. The Customer was open to modern, fresh ideas, so we were able to develop the…thing environment, environment livable, comfortable environment, environment heating, electronic environmentmodel, house, plan, area, location8
fencon.huFENCON Ltd. is a family owned firm, which was established in 2009 to unite our knowledge and experiences first of all for the benefit of the conservation and sustainable use of forests, nature and environment.environment protection, conservation environment, keop environment, environment energynature, conservation, sustainable, benefit, forest8
saubermacher.huSaubermacher is your professional and reliable partner in all areas of waste management. We take responsibility for the environment and your company.oil environment, environment alarm, responsibility environment, environment company, contribution environmentwaste, hazardous, responsibility, management, reliable8
familiacampingbalaton.huThe well-equipped Família Campsite is situated in Balatonőszöd, 700 metres from the free beach Wonderful, tranquil environment Different types of relaxation Wonderful panorama Androsics Winery Modern bathrooms Children’s playground Recharge your batteries Cultured environment Relax in comfort by…tranquil environment, environment different, culture environment, environment comfort, quiet environmentcampsite, apartment, free, near, relaxation8
hungarikumhotel.huIt was a great pleasure for us that such a wonderful Hungarikum Island was created, where the traditions of the Hungarian people are preserved and can be passed on to future generations. We had the opportunity to spend 3 days in a wonderful environment, in a sophisticated and tasteful design, with…hectare environment, environment impressive, harmonious environment, environment architecture, aesthetic environmentroom, place, staff, kindness, wonderful8
volumetric.huWe are open and creative in our work, constantly improving our services and operations, paying high attention to corporate social responsibility and environmental awareness. Our company is committed to development based on respect for the built environment. We strive to use environmental friendly…development environment, environment respect, respect environment, environment environmental, unrivalled environmentdevelopment, developer, investment, value, renewable8
sugallat.huSugallat Ltd. - public procurement, European Union, preparation of applications, project management, architectural design, technical supervising, verification of contractors' claims, environment protectionclaim environment, environment protection, environment managementmanagement, public, procurement, architectural, plan7
businessenglishonskype.hu…experts—such as Michael Porter, Igor Ansoff, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Henry Mintzberg, and Peter Drucker— encouraged businesses to consider their environments, to consider the needs of people, and to remain adaptable to change. Maintaining the conditions for business growth, and the correct…economic environment, business environment, environment commerce, international environment, environment businessmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy7
futureoceans.hu`The curiosity and interest of these animals toward humans, as well as the results of the preliminary experiments on wild manta rays in the Maldives and Ecuador have inspired me to conduct more detailed experiments in a well-controlled environment. I have been in contact with the Atlantis…scientific environment, environment endanger, experiment environment, environment contact, ability environmentmanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future7
daalgroup.huWorking environment at optimum temperature and free of dust and pollutants are essential for highly efficient work and healthy, satisfied employees. Well-being at work is also great tool to fight high labour fluctuation!work environmentindustrial, engineering, group, air, hall7
gtssimulation.hu…who carries rifle or other firearm. Based on advanced VR technology and microelectronics, GTS has made it possible to create a personalized and holistic tactical simulation environment cost-effectively for any serviceman, while saving money and improving the organization's capabilities. SERVICESsimulation environment, environment cost, legal environment, environment modelling, environment casesimulation, training, skill, task, soldier7
bsce.huTesting is a misjudged pillar of the successful developments and product launches, although it is a well-known fact that correcting errors in ‘sharp’ environment are more expensive and they can lead to significant direct and indirect business losses. Testing by the supplier or developer is part of…client environment, environment need, sharp environment, environment expensive, scenario environmentdevelopment, management, solution, data, report7
mehke.hu…waste in Hungary and to serve as a professional forum for the development of the environmental management industry and the protection of the environment. We aim to enable the Hungarian investments and projects of foreign enterprises and private individuals with international experience that…protection environment, environment hungarian, management environment, environment hungary, environment cooperationwaste, association, industry, management, protection7
akollegium.huIn a modern building with affordable costs. Apartments, single and double rooms, spacious common areas. Calm and motivating learning environment.motivate environment, environment resident, calm environment, environment reception, semester environmentcollege, apartment, room, common, area7
sibarisclub.huSibaris was founded in 2021 and is a registered NGO in Hungary with the main field of activity of sports & environment.nature environment, child environment, environment favoractivity, nature, area, event, education7
aether.hu…physical matter: the surface of a computer projection is unfolded onto a translucent structure, becoming a spatial experience for the visitors. Layers of digital information, behavior and ambience are sharing projection territories, and creating a vision for a non-screen based computer environment.house environment, environment thousand, opportunity environment, environment bluespot, interactive environmentarchitecture, space, aether, house, camera6
f12.hu…(key or certificate based) – that’s why Windows Hello for Business (WHfB) has some infrastructure prerequisites in az on-premises or hybrid environment. Not every environment is prepared for WHfB, hence some organizations may have opted to enable convenience PIN for their users to make sign-in…hybrid environment, environment whfb, whfb environment, environment intune, demo environmenthello, access, application, user, sign6
gergenyi.huWe know that the energy sources of the Earth are finite, it is important for us to save energy. Therefore, our office is proud to join any initiatives that want to preserve the environment.legal, office, law, procedure, contract6
scrapart.huSINCE 1988 WE HAVE BEEN WORKING IN THE RECYCLING INDUSTRY. WE RESOLUTELY BELIEVE OUR EFFORTS WILL RESULT IN AN ECO-FRIENDLY APPROACH AND CLEANER ENVIRONMENT, AT THE SAME TIME bringing to life UNIQUE WORKS OF ART.clean environment, environment time, composition environment, environment importantscrap, price, recycling, art, environmental6
siex.huClean cities, orderly environment. Choose quality and efficiency so that your city is always clean!orderly environment, environment qualitycity, clean, quality, equipment, efficiency6
tangostudio.huTango lesson with English speaking teacher If you stay in Budapest for a longer or shorter time, but you want to practice tango with a professional tango teacher, and in the meanwhile, enjoy yourself in a nice environment, contact me! I have more than X years practice in teaching tango and have…nice environment, environment yeartango, studio, lesson, student, teacher6
quintus.hu…conduct, and establishes the expectations, obligations and responsibilities of our employees to abide by these business practices in all situations and circumstances, regardless of local culture or business climate and regardless of the competitive environment in which we may find ourselves.inclusive environment, environment future, responsibility environment, environment seriously, furniture environmentsustainability, sustainable, investment, construction, client6
por.hu- - Australian National University, ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, Research School of Biology, Division of Biomedical Science and Biochemistrybiology environment, environment research, eco environment, environment center, management environmentuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine6
smileterminal.huOur aesthetic dentistry located in the center of Budapest is equipped with state-of-the-art technical equipment and offers a pleasant environment where our dentists utilize painless technology to help you find solutions to various dental problems.pleasant environment, environment dentist, environment professionalism, result environment, environment doctordental, dentistry, treatment, smile, aesthetic6
mega-sol.huSPHERICAL PANORAMA and PROPERTY photography, unique VIRTUAL TOUR / TIMELAPSE VIDEO and CINEMAGRAPH creation - MEGA-SOL Visuals - Marketing Environment Goal Achievement Solution...marketing environment, environment goalcreation, photography, tour, panorama, video6
dooroffice.hu…place for startup entrepreneurs, developing small businesses, multinational companies looking for flexible workstations, workers from home, but mostly for You! You can establish professional relationships and find partners for your job. All this in a youthful, open and inspirational environment.supportive environment, environment communityoffice, community, day, room, meet6
firstclean.huThe reason for the big cleanup was that site was still under renovation. The client intended to ask for a large-scale professional cleaning once the renovation was over to ensure that work could resume in a hygienic environment...clean environment, environment importantclean, office, machine, detail, premise6
szigep.huIn artificial environment, where the surface is covered with high price pavement, it is worth to consider the technique of horizontal directional drilling because of its cost effectiveness, since with this technology the pavement is untouched, no reconstruction is needed.constructor environment, environment friendly, artificial environment, environment surfacedrilling, machine, reference, horizontal, process6
wecup.hu…of sustainability and functionality. This balance can be achieved in case many brands swift to recyclable paper cups thus acting globally is a need. It means using a recyclable paper cup is a sustainable and completely ecofriendly solution in consideration of both environment and economy.way environment, environment mission, waste environment, environment process, resource environmentcup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable6
hotel-mako.huThe Aranyhíd Guesthouse and Hotel Makó awaits visitors to Makó in a completely renovated, homely, child-friendly environment. We have 3 well-equipped rooms (TV, WIFI, air conditioning, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, dining set, towels, etc.) and 5 well-equipped spacious apartments with kitchen…friendly environment, environment room, comfortable environment, environment guestroom, guesthouse, apartment, rule, child6
thedoors.huThe Doors Boutique Apartment is located next to the Thermal Bath, in a idyllic riverside environment, with a private terrace and delightful garden area.riverside environment, environment private, environment nearapartment, terrace, garden, riverside, thermal6
zoldhazhotel.huIn addition to our newly designed apartments, our restaurant has also been renovated, so our guests can start the day in a completely renewed environment with the varied breakfast we are already accustomed to.completely environment, environment varied, natural environment, environment familyhot, varied, day, breakfast, guest6
repulokamera.huThe drone videos are very spectacular in the promotional video for events, but you need to pay attention to the proper drone usage rates. The height and unique perspective give a much more interesting sight, attracting the eye. It shows more of the environment and the moving crowd becomes more…industrial environment, environment typically, technology environment, environment problem, eye environmentdrone, video, industrial, condition, photography6
kettannyelvuiskola.huThe BGC English After School Program provides 6-14 year olds with an effective means for language acquisition in a native English environment.native environment, english environment, environment bgc, free environment, environment testschool, native, primary, grade, language6
abud.huSustainability at all scales - consultancy firm specialized in the built environment. ABUD - Advanced Building and Urban Design.firm environment, environment abud, urban environment, environment tailorbuild, urban, news, advanced, scale5
galeria-panzio.huIn our 10 comfortable and individual guest rooms and apparments with kitchen we provide pleasurable environment for 25 guests at one time. Our Pension is popular among business guests, tourists and travellers as well, because of our excellent hospitality.pleasurable environment, environment guestguest, room, individual, comfortable, kitchen5
bocskayapartman.huIn Balatonfüred, in the North Coast of lake Balaton, our apartment in a calm, quiet environment is open the whole year.quiet environment, environment open, environment closelake, north, coast, accomodation, apartment5
prezilimpia.huBe among the best! This is an opportunity which lets you experience what it’s like to prepare for a competition in a truly professional environment.impact environment, environment daily, harm environment, environment individualpresentation, competition, talent, student, round5
hungrana.huThis video demonstrates the work conditions and rules at the Hungrana Ltd site in Szabadegyháza, Hungary where work is done without endangering health, food safety or the environment.motivate environment, environment proudcorn, procurement, management, food, career5
ontvill-ker.huPadlock (uniform) for industrial enviroment. This padlock is perfect for industrial environments due to the robust design and special coatingindustrial environment, environment robustindustrial, uniform, special, robust, coating5
ekraft.huAlong with the experience provided by the electric powertrain you also take care of the environment so you can use your boat almost everywhere.care environment, environment boat, equipment environment, environment orderboat, electric, gallery, faq, open5
refactoring.huAdvisory services with implementation support in the field of business and technology in domestic and international environments. Precision. Expertise. Reliability.international environment, environment precisionexpertise, technology, advisory, field, reliability5
skanska.huWELL is the new well-being standard for office life. Through WELL we, at Skanska measure, certify and monitor how the work spaces that we develop are treating you. This way you get to work in a human centric environment. Perfectly fitted to your needs: clean air and water, healthy nourishment…work environment, centric environment, environment perfectly, pleasant environment, environment tenantgreen, career, job, development, office5
gyepszelpanziotokaj.huThe Gyepszél Pension (the name is "On the Edge") is located in a suburban area of Tokaj, close to nature. It is easily accessible from the main road, but the environment is quiet and suitable for relaxation and recreation.road environment, environment quietroom, pension, nature, suitable, road5
belcat.huOur passion for the “GREEN” inspired us to improve an absolutely natural product which is free of regular maintenance and having the opportunity to create a green area even where there are no environments conditions for real plants.area environment, environment conditiongreen, wall, flower, tree, decorative5
hoasenetterem.huOur customers come to our restaurant to relax, enjoy themselves and experience a great gastro journey to the far east. Hoa Sen is not just another Vietnamese restaurant in Budapest, but 'The Vietnamese Restaurant', serving authentic vietnamese cuisine in a warm, friendly environment second to none.friendly environment, environment secondsen, restaurant, vietnamese, friendly, warm5
initials.huHigh quality, precision haircuts and beard trims in a spacious environment, with time to spare. 1134 Budapest, Taksony u. 9. Book Now About us Traditional barber services meet precision haircuts. A place where we can find a solution to everyone’s ideas. High level of service, many years of…spacious environment, environment timeinitial, haircut, beard, quality, precision5
corvinahotel.huCorvinaHotel Book a room Book a table CorvinaHotel Book a room Book a table CorvinaHotel book a room book a table CorvinaHotel book a room book a table CorvinaHotel book a room book a table Welcome to our hotel Relax in a family-friendly environment in Mosonmagyaróvár, only 15 km from the Austrian…friendly environment, environment mosonmagyaróvárroom, table, family, book, restaurant5
nt.huNagy és Trócsányi is a dynamic, innovative, and collegial workplace. Integrity, ethical behaviour, and a focus on teamwork are essential to providing an excellent service and remaining competitive in a global business environment.law, nagy, legal, firm, client5
qstest.hu…will find the best solution for your needs. We can as well provide a complete solution or guidance if needed. We can support on-premises, cloud-based and hybrid environments. We know that the foundation of successful security is the “zero trust” principle and we work with this approach in mind.production environment, environment numerous, environment new, agile environment, environment wellmanagement, solution, automation, customer, process5
compassioninaction.huCompassion, as intention and intervention, is the core of the transformation needed in the emerging global environment of co-creative teams, allowing for the quantum leap from ‘me and you’ dynamics to ‘we’ dynamics.current environment, environment people, global environment, environment co, safe environmentaction, self, result, group, value5
realidaconsult.huWe have worked and operated in an international business environment, cooperating closely with German, Swiss, Austrian, English, Scandinavian and Japanese owners, mother companies during the years. Our aim is to bring and apply the essence of the most useful business practices. We speak English…experience environment, environment field, business environment, environment closely, approach environmentconsult, management, issue, situation, process5
bestwax-szortelenites.huIt is important to us that all our guests receive the best they are promised, so we only work with quality products that are skin and environment friendly. It’s no different with cleaning: Whenever possible, we use cleaning products that don’t add more harmful substances to our water system.environment like, hygienic environment, environment soft, skin environment, environment friendlyhair, skin, resin, appointment, intimate5
lasvegascasino.hu…of January 2015 under a new concession contract. In addition, 4 new casinos are opening and awaiting guests in Hungary’s captital city. Our aim is to offer our guests a high quality, dazzling atmosphere and thrilling casino environment while they can experience the incomparable feeling of winning.casino environment, environment incomparableslot, news, game, quality, aim5
perlit92.huThe applications of perlite are getting continuously more and more versatile. In countries paying special attention to the protection of environment the environmentally friendly perlite replaces artificial materials of similar properties in rapidly growing frequency.protection environment, environment environmentally, environment protectionplant, protection, industry, filter, water5
budapestlaw.huThe Partnership of Sátori and Lutter Law Firms has long been present in the Budapest business environment with its members having an extensive professional experience of more than a hundred years combined, providing its clients the highest quality legal services available. The Founding Partners…business environment, environment memberlaw, firm, expertise, extensive, area5
vacigreens.huVáci Greens is a large scale campus style development with over 130,000 sq m of exclusive “A+” class offices within an extensive green working environment.work environment, environment staffbuild, green, office, floor, building5
artifex.husimulation, training, computer assisted exercise, CAX, 3D tactical simulator, virtual tactical simulator, driving simulator, computer based training, battle management simulation, artillery fire control simulator, direct fire trainer, WEB based teaching and training environment, Applied GIS, Real…training environment, environment applysimulation, training, military, profile, software5
benyei.hu…harmonious life changes over time. We see how human life becomes more flexible in time and space, and through that understand that the building of the future must match these ever changing values with remotely controlled intelligent systems capable of adapting to both the environment and the human.construct environment, environment team, concoction environment, environment history, metres environmentinterior, space, build, architecture, energy5
finvisors.huIn our highly turbulent environment, companies face a myriad of complex management and financial challenges. With new situations that the organization has not yet faced and that require sophisticated skill and special expertise to deal with. In many cases organizations do not have the necessary…turbulent environment, environment companyorganization, expertise, management, complex, financial5
rvv.huInfo:+36 30 133 7200 Kapcsolat Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Youtube RVV STÚDIÓ KFT Ipari Takarítás Szakértő Cé our services contact us Our Proud 25 Years of Experience Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior building achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing…pleasing environment, environment forinpulvinar, sit, luctus, leo, nec5
konighaus.huOur guest house offering rooms and studio flats lies 2 minutes with car off the Medicinal Spa in a tranquil, peaceful environment. There are several restaurants, a shopping centre, sauna and solarium facilities, and a pizzeria in the close proximity. Opposite our house is Hotel Piroska where you…peaceful environment, environment restaurantclose, pool, shopping, open, house5
portadora.huThe fairy Balatonberény is situated in the south-western end of the beautiful Lake Balaton, just off the border of Somogy and Zala counties. The PORTADORA APARTMENTS are located in the coastal resort area. Pleasant - peaceful environment, green and bird-watching area, which will cater to the needs…peaceful environment, environment greenapartment, area, lake, western, south5
terramatra.huForest Cabin accommodation in Matraszentimre, Bagolyirtas in modern environment. Booking only with us. | Terra Mátramodern environment, environment booking, peaceful environment, environment peopleforest, house, cabin, matra, price5
reedhotel.huReed Luxury Hotel cares about you in a 5-star luxury environment thanks to the hard work and enthusiasm of our staff. Let yourself relax and feel your body and soul become one.luxury environment, environment thank, enlightening environment, environment dishluxury, room, price, suite, booking5
avicogroup.huUPTOWN 2: NEWLY BUILT APARTMENT BUILDING WITH RENEWABLE ENERGY! The newest residental project of the AVICO Group is located in the 13th district of Budapest. Relaxing environment near Rákospatak. UPTOWN is set in a truly green, sporty place where morning-evening running along the Rákos-patak…budapest environment, environment near, comfort environment, environment everyday, building environmentdistrict, group, fully, hand, flat5
oriondental.huExperienced professionals and state-of-the-art equipment in a welcoming environment. Our clinic is an expert in implantation and aesthetic dentistry, offering the perfect solution for dental problems for hundreds of patients each year.welcome environment, environment clinicdental, appointment, treatment, clinic, patient5
manzardpanzio.huWe are welcoming our guests in Manzard Panzio with comfortable air-conditioned rooms, breakfast, closed parking, and garden with a swimming pool and various fitness machines near downtown Budapest, in a quiet, relaxing environment.room, guest, pool, detail, breakfast5
bcr.huIn a quiet, demanding environment, in the middle of the bustling city-center, on the top floor of a monumental residential building, 12 renovated, two-storey apartments with balconies await our guests arriving for business or leisure purposes. The air-conditioned, modern apartments, accessible by…sophisticated environment, environment center, quiet environment, environment middle, clean environmentapartment, center, family, bedroom, city5
jokerapartman.huDear guests! You can find our Apartment 200 meters from the Thermal SPA, in a quiet and pleasant environment. Every representative room meet allpleasant environment, environment representativeapartment, welcome, guest, room, meter5
bibianaiskola.huwe place great importance on surrounding the kids with a unique environment as well as quality school supplies and toys made from natural materials, thereby promoting a life lived in harmony with nature.unique environment, environment qualityschool, elementary, foundation, child, autistic4
englishschool.huJoin our English School in Hungary and develop your language skills with experienced teachers. Improve your speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities in a supportive environment.school, teacher, child, language4
carbona.huThe NaturMed Hotel Carbona**** superior in Hévíz welcomes you to a Mediterranean-style environment with its magnificent activity pool, 1000 m² surface of water, air-conditioned rooms, thermal bath evoking the atmosphere of the Roman era and numerous therapeutic and wellness opportunities all year…style environment, environment magnificentoffer, medical, room, health, facial4
portobello.huPortobello Yacht and Wellness Hotel Located in the centre of Esztergom, in a quiet, peaceful environment on Prímás Island on the shore of the Little Danube. The hotel awaits its guests with quality services, with direct, closed corridor access to thepeaceful environment, environment prímásroom, booking, gallery, guest, little4
magnumsecurity.huTo carry out tasks which are linked with data bases, accountancy systems of plant-, soil-, agri-environment's protectionagri environment, environment protectionsecurity, protection, plant, build, private4
sagikazarmark.huI’m a huge fan of Developer Experience and I continuously chase The Perfect Development Environment every day. Not just for my sake, but to make the development process as painless as possible for my peers. But after pursuing the dream environment for years, I had to realize it’s a moving target:…development environment, environment day, dream environment, environment yearminute, post, certificate, pipeline, source4
health-wise-living.huestate, and on the fact that the finished space really fulfils the role for which it is intended. I believe it is important that the space, the environment we are in, in addition to comfort, raises our vibration and energises us. As a health conscious mother, I also weave the healing potential of…good environment, environment advance, space environment, environment additioninterior, health, space, live, wise4
cheaphotelsbudapest.huHotel Seni is a 3-star hotel in Budapest with elegant oriental style inside. The hotel is located between the airport and the city centre, in the 10th district of Budapest, in quiet environment. Hotel Seni offers comfortable rooms, apartments and a hotel restaurant. In the surrounding there are…natural environment, environment alfa, budapest environment, environment near, pleasant environmentcheap, reservation, city, discount, room4
baranyay.huAria partners with businesses to business growth and development ideas including environment analysis, plan execution and evaluation.environment analysis, environment competition, idea environmentgrowth, plan, current, solid, foundation4
blue.huBusiness environment is constantly changing , and workplaces need to keep up with these challenges. Based on Steelcase methodology Blue Business Interior offers comprehensive consultation and assessment so that your workplace can adapt to these changes. Our team links you with Steelcase’s…business environment, environment constantly, new environment, environment comfortable, work environmentspace, office, workplace, desk, furniture4
gaborhargitai.huIt is always good to know just how much TCP / UDP packets can we squeeze out from our network interfaces. Be it that we are building our very own router or just plain testing out our network environment. Usually there comes a time when the question pops up in [...]runtime environment, environment macos, network environment, environment usuallyfile, command, server, user, network4
aacm.hu…investments covers the following areas: circular economy, adaptation to climate change, mitigation of climate change, water and maritime environment protection, pollution reduction, ecosystem reservation. Mr. Kiss presented the existing financing products for climate investments like…sustainable environment, climate environment, environment ece, maritime environment, environment protectioneurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder4
psgroup.huOur services cover complex design of new IT systems, development and migration of existing IT environments, implementation of the plans. Among the services we provide checking / assessment of the current environment, consulting – software legality and licensing issues, development possibilities…migration environment, environment implementation, current environment, environment consultingsupport, group, maintenance, management, engineering4
lanclanc.hu…The atmosphere of the school is really pleasant, the teachers have their meals with the children. Everybody takes part in the cleaning of the environment. In the afternoons we go outside to play in the fresh air, after which there are afternoon lessons in one or two groups – part of which are thehomely environment, environment competent, peaceful environment, environment familiar, system environmentgroup, child, teacher, kindergarten, school4
klaravilla.huWe look forward to seeing you in the centre of Hévíz, in a quiet, peaceful and intimate environment, just 500 meters from the thermal lake. Well equipped kitchens are included in our double bed rooms with a bathroom and balcony and spare bed possibilities. Breakfast served upon requests. You can…intimate environment, environment metermeter, lake, introduction, studio, rate4
bekesstock.hugrass spring green background cloudy sky stank lake dike dam dyke rampart lake shore lakeside digue environment may view pool landscape wild sky loch reeds hungarian hungary bekes county biharugra cloud cane nature reed embankment perineum fishpond typical landscape field békésmegye magyarországdigue environment, environment poolcounty, travel, europe, tourism, vacation4
greenscorecard.huThis is the second time our Report undertaking to assess the state of the Green New Deal in Hungary is published. Three dimensions of the global crisis are presented, analysing data on the economy, the environment and society. Several hundred indicators are detailed, complemented with data tables…urban environment, economy environment, environment societygreen, deal, sustainability, society, economy4
bioego.huBioeGO is an environment-friendly soil inoculant developed in Hungary. It is designed for agricultural use, the product is a liquid, new generation, 100 % organic , crop yield increasing, soil conditioning, stem degradation increaser and plant protector.bioego environment, environment friendly, economic environment, environment productionproduction, ability, strain, plant, component4
blueride.huBlue Ride yacht programs are visited by celebrities, famous athletes and public figures. Our well-trained, polite staff welcomes and transport all VIP guests in a very exclusive environment.exclusive environment, environment crusing, path environment, environment totallywater, danube, booking, date, ride4
solarsafety.huto provide a wide range of services to our partners in the field of occupational health and safety, fire protection, environment protection and lifting machines. We have been working in different fields of building industry since 2000. We would like to change incorrect occupational safety…environment protection, protection environmentsafety, protection, occupational, fire, machine4
eniac.huOur customized software have been successfully tested and applied in several industries, both home and abroad, in a variety of business environment ranging from small and medium-sized businesses to huge corporations.business environment, environment smallmanagement, software, solution, detail, enterprise4
matuszimpex.huThe meat of Angus cattle raised on the Central Asian steppes is not only of unparalleled quality but also unique due to the local animal husbandry traditions. Raised in natural conditions, freely grazing in a stress-free environment, the meat of these animals is antibiotic-free and devoid of…free environment, environment meat, environment grassyquality, trout, meat, kazakh, fillet4
gokarthotel.huDue to the inspiring atmosphere, modern environment, high-quality conference technology and its refined gastronomic philosophy, Gokart Hotel Kecskemét is the center of business and sporting life. The 4-star Gokart Hotel is one of the most prestigious business and sports hotel. It is located only…special environment, modern environment, environment high, exclusive environment, environment deliciousroom, event, family, restaurant, weekend4
szintezis-net.huProject planning can make or break a product so we always put extra effort into this step. We will work hard to understand your market, your competitors, your users and the environment in which your product will be used. Brainstorming, planning, prototyping, and testing will be included in our…work environment, environment outdoor, user environment, environment productprocess, development, solution, user, patient4
csetesandor.huHi All, in this post i’m gonna show how to install Big Data environment suggested by edX. This course is available for FREE, only subscription is required to start. I use Windows 7 OS, this post will describe the setupspark environment, environment installation, data environment, environment coursedeveloper, tropical, data, big, angular4
opl.huBalázs joined OPL in 2019 in order to work on challenging commercial legal matters in an innovative professional environment. Balázs advises clients on real estate transactional and regulatory matters. Prior to joining OPL, he worked at two international law firms where advised on Hungarian and…legal environment, environment lewis, professional environment, environment balázs, story environmentlaw, university, legal, language, fluent4
glovita.huFOR OUR ENVIRONMENT: SUSTAINABLE HAND PROTECTION FROM RECYCLED PET BOTTLES In the fight against climate change, environmental an...glove, safety, risk, mechanical, quality4
rockdigital.huWhen you register you get access to the entire 3 days course which will enable you to understand your business environment, devise a realistic development strategy and how to effectively act on it. Of course we'll also teach you how to evaluate your actions and take the right decisions.business environment, environment realistic, environment wellcourse, training, day, strategy, sell4
airwin.huFriendly environment and fast training course for everyone, especially for hobby and recreational pilotsfriendly environment, environment fast, airwin environment, environment future, perfect environmenttraining, flight, instructor, aircraft, easa4
energocell.hu…research and development laboratory in Debrecen, with the objective to develop waste glass re-utilization by increasing its environmental value, which is known as upcycling. From a pollutant that otherwise negatively impacts the environment we produce a useful insulating and road backfill material.negatively environment, environment useful, issue environment, environment phenomenon, seriously environmentglass, foam, waste, research, thermal4
angolmesekert.huWe believe that by providing a clean, healthy and hygienic environment we will stimulate the physical, emotional and intellectual well-being of the children. This can be achieved through example and the encouragement of self-cleanliness.hygienic environment, environment physicalchild, preschool, introduction, education, development4
musichouse.huMusic House is the first music-based international private educational institution in Budapest, which was established with the aim of enabling children of kindergarten and nursery age to learn and master English in an entirely English-speaking environment.music, house, nursery, kindergarten, international4
ecolres.huHuman development has led to drastic quantitative and qualitative changes in the earth’s environment. These rapid ecological changes are not only threatening the survival of plant and animal communities that have lived in balance with nature for millions of years, but also affecting the chances of…earth environment, environment rapid, species environment, environment resourceresearch, garden, ecological, species, science4
fotaxi.huBudapest, 21st April 2021 – Főtaxi won Budapest Airport's "Landside Greenairport Partner of the Year 2020" award with which the airport operator appreciates companies that do a lot to protect the environment and operate sustainably. The largest domestic taxi company won the award mainly with the…lamp environment, environment főtaxi, lot environment, environment sustainably, environment seriouslytravel, application, passenger, order, calculator4
geohome.hu…to our community for whom the efficient production of the required energy besides the environmental resource management, the protection of the environment and sustainability are also key factors. It is a real challenge for us to have the opportunity to plan and use future’s technologies while…protection environment, environment sustainability, sustainable environment, environment friendly, economical environmentenergy, ground, efficient, source, family4
naturistland.huIf you would like to bathe, sauna or sunbathe in a naturist way, we look forward to welcoming you in Budapest, in a pleasant private place in a family environment.event, news, rule, house, area4
metalspray.huWe serve our clients the best where other, conventional anti-corrosive solutions fail. Be it highly corrosive environments, overscale sturctures unfit for hot-dip galvanization, niche industry segments or off-site production. Our technology and equipment enables the on-site, high-quality…corrosive environment, environment overscalemetal, technology, solution, thermal, quality4
banoka.huOur company, founded more than 15 years ago, has proved in recent years that there is a need in Hungary for a company that can provide a full range of services in the field of Safety, Health and Environment, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises or individuals, and to provide these…health environment, environment especiallylicense, membership, safety, health, quality4
payful.huWe make sure your web application and environment is up to the highest standards of OWASP online security.scenario environment, environment integration, application environment, environment highsolution, payment, client, development, edge4
hegyaljagyongyszeme.huThe Hegyalja Gyöngyszeme Pension is found at Rátka, a small ethnic german swabian village in the Tokaj Historical Wine Region Cultural Landscape, Hungary. The small village lying in a picturesque environment is the most important ethnic settlement of the wine region where the first swabian…picturesque environment, environment important, village environment, environment great, wonderful environmentpension, site, warm, welcome, wine4
necs.huThe NECS Environmental Consulting Ltd. provides useful solutions for Clients who want to do their activities that have an impact on the environment harmonised with the economic, technological and social needs.impact environment, environment economic, protection environment, environment compliance, integration environmentenvironmental, consulting, client, welcome, management4
phpguru.huDeveloped software development and fixed bugs in WordPress PHP environment (PHPStorm, Xdebug).php environment, environment phpstormdeveloper, development, control, software, website4
czurda.hu…and only those which are normally recognised to obtain the bio-certificate. By conviction, we produce our wine naturally and sustainably with the highest respect for both the environment and climate. We work manually as much as possible, to respect our natural product, and to be authentic.respect environment, environment climatewine, region, riesling, vineyard, shop4
levelekivendeghaz.huEgeres-Tanya opened in 2017 near Leveleki Lake. Isolated from the noise of the city, it offers a quiet and peaceful environment for guests every day of the year. The apartments are well equipped with kitchen, dining room and bathroom. Our guest house has three clean, comfortable apartments for 4…peaceful environment, environment guest, sophisticated environment, intimate environment, environment newphoto, apartment, bed, bathroom, people4
pandhplast.huServices | Plastic raw material sales | Plastic raw material acquisition | Plastic raw material transport | Environment | Availability |transport environment, environment availabilityplastic, material, raw, acquisition, sale4
tuskevariskola.huTherapical as we try to focus on characteristics of the age group, changes of life-periods when making timetables, annual planning and the rules. We build up the personal and physical environment which surrounds the children or define the process of treating their behavioral and socializing…tolerable environment, environment child, educational environment, environment characteristic, physical environmentteacher, school, training, learn, child4
baobabcoworking.huCompanies today don't necessarily need their own traditional private office any longer. Many businesses are perfectly capable of remote working. If you are attempting to cut office costs, or looking to create a more convenient working environment for yourself and for your coworkers, try one of…work environment, environment coworkers, printer environment, environment socialisingspace, room, meet, place, oasis4
greenstoneapartments.huBy booking an apartment at Green Stone Apartments, families, couples, or friends can stay in a friendly and cozy environment and get fast and easy to the HungaroSpa bath complex.pleasant environment, environment excellent, cozy environment, environment fast, environment electricapartment, green, stone, bath, accommodation4
extor.huIntroducing AEG PS GmbH's PROTECT RCS MIPe modular switch-mode rectifier for new generation industrial environments. The PROTECT RCS MIPe series provides high power density in a compact design. Utilizing the industrial expertise of AEG PS GmbH, it has developed a rectifier module that incorporates…environment manager, industrial environment, environment protectprotect, phase, power, module, output4
essrg.hu…ESSRG co-organised an interactive session with PLAN’EAT project partner Ewa Kopczynska from Jagiellonian University on participatory research processes in food environment research. The workshop was funded by the PLAN’EAT project and the Travelling Ambassador Programme of the University of Pécs.food environment, environment workshop, environment research, environment likescience, social, research, food, environmental4
petroleum.huAs an industry association of major oil companies operating in Hungary, we support the general requirement to live and work in safe and healthy environment.environment protectionpetroleum, association, oil, industry, code4
newagebc.huNew Age offers a human-centred working environment, well-being conscious service for tenants within its Human Innovation Program. Indoor and outdoor sport & recreational facilities, restaurant, café and free wifi on common areas.human environment, environment service, work environment, environment conscious, green environmentage, floor, build, area, location4
catalogdb.huThe Catalog R2 provides a real NoSQL solution for those who working on small or huge IT environment either. It can work based on serveral schemas, database structures - provided by you, the developer. You can work with The Catalog R2 like you do in a traditional SQL database. It is up to you if…huge environment, environment serveral, small environment, environment size, environment databasecatalog, database, small, developer, low4
mediatorpont.huOur office is special because we combine mediation with legal activities. The attorney and mediator services are backed up with extensive in-court experience . The sooner we start to work together on your case, the quicker you will reach an agreement. We strive to provide you a cultured…culture environment, environment case, foreign environment, environment people, humane environmentdivorce, attorney, mediator, court, agreement4
metalex2001.huSustainability and the protection of the environment has always had a leading role in the company’s philosophy therefore of premises and everyday operations were both developed based on them.protection environment, environment lead, rainwater environment, environment protection, employment environmentscrap, homepage, waste, metal, ferrous4
kismihok.huKobayashi, V., Mol, S. T., & Kismihók, G. (2014). Information-enriched technology supporting goal-setting to enhance person-job fit: Theoretical Input. EAWOP Small Group Meeting on Opening New Frontiers in Person – Environment Fit Research . EAWOP Small Group Meeting on Opening New Frontiers in…person environment, environment fit, learn environment, environment eclo, environment kaleidoscopelearn, t., conference, research, proceedings4
alkoholfuggoseg.hu…addiction as a bio-psycho-social life-threatening (biogenic) disease that also affects the state of the soul (psyche) and social relationships. In addition to the tragedy of the individual concerned, addiction, in whatever form, can poison the lives of the environment and family for generations.life environment, environment family, abstinent environment, shelter environment, environment halfaddiction, rehabilitation, group, day, form4
sensomedia.huStrategic goal We use our developments and results within the house, so that we can work with modern methods and in a modern environment.work environment, environment ordermedia, solution, software, development, customer4
hklegal.hu…in 2006 and managed it as its leading partner until the firm’s merger with Hubbes Law Firm in 2016. He specialized in capital investment and M&A, energy and environment matters, real property law, international business and commercial law, corporate and financial law. Fluent in Spanish and English.energy environment, environment ip, environment issue, environment matterlegal, law, attorney, energy, investment4
locked.huBe careful what you find in there! With it’s breathtaking environment and testing puzzles, it is recommended for more experienced players who have seen a couple of escape rooms before, as well as for experts.breathtaking environment, environment test, authentic environment, environment experienceroom, game, escape, lock, player4
mosodabudapest.huBecause we vote for Sustainable Environment protection, almost ALL of our machines has an A+ or better energy class, which won’t waste the water nor the electricity, compared to other self-service laundries in Budapest.responsibility environment, environment experience, sustainable environment, environment protectionlaundry, self, machine, washing, price3
diofa.huVery kind host, we had a great time the place is also nice. I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to relax in a calm environment.apartment, lake, yes, round, rental3
gtkb.huOur main profile is to produce railway safety appliances and railway signalling equipments. The company’s mission is to serve our customers fast and in high quality. As a responsible company our aim is to be successful with our environment-friendly and safe product range in the XXI. century – just…safe environment, environment friendly, successful environmentmarch, quality, career, condition, general3
cerlux.hu…expectations. Intentions would come true by running the integrated management system including quality management system and environmental management system, which guarantees the ongoing development of our operation and technology, and our contribution to maintainance of a bearable environment.damage environment, environment meanquality, technical, need, material, customer3
foorseg.huWe joyfully and cordially share this place with every tourist and Hungarian, who are curious about their traditions to let them live and share these historical experiences as their individual stories. This is done in an environment perfectly restored according to the original plans, as well as…story environment, environment perfectly, environment prefrectly, food environment, environment pasthall, ride, story, historical, event3
rollandtrailer.huContinuous innovations to optimize the design and the conception of our products. All of this, to be the best for your business and for our environment.france, family, vehicle, machine, innovation3
monika-vendeghaz.huThe Monika Guesthouse is waiting for its visitors close to the city center in silent and calm environment.peaceful environment, environment near, quiet environment, environment closeapartment, room, accommodation, guesthouse, guest3
balancehall.huBalance Hall offers a human-centred working environment, well-being conscious service for tenants within its Human Innovation Program. Indoor & Outdoor sport & recreational facilities, free wifi on common areas.human environment, environment service, work environment, environment conscious, green environmenthall, build, sqm, floor, conscious3
flow.huEconomist by education, Organization Development consultant by profession, one of the founding partners of Flow. I had my share of middle and top-level management exercise in multinational environment at the early years of my professional career. During the 35 years gained experience in the…international environment, environment course, multinational environment, environment early, passion environmentdevelopment, management, leadership, training, group3
imro.huOrganised on request of the Citizens of Kaposvár Association within the project “CIVIL NETWORK, cooperation for the local community” by IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd, the lecture series entitled “Our environment is changing” has been completed. During the four occasions, we dealt with topics related to…series environment, environment occasionenergy, climate, tovább, close, county3
highquality.huOur company is operating in the field of quality and logistic management within the automotive industry. Being a quality service provider in tier 1 and tier 2 environment requires a company to be very flexible and professional.tier environment, environment company, environment shortquality, action, customer, support, inspection3
nyitottkor.huThe TiE aims to give the viewer participants a chance to discover and find a deeper understanding about coming of age and the concept of a healthy adult personality, they also have the chance to reflect on themselves and their environment, to form their path with more courage, to develop their…safe environment, environment thing, content environment, environment study, chance environmentdrama, group, participant, european, education3
insub.huWe believe in using environment friendly products for a better, healthier hair structure. Always keeping up with the latest trends to satisfie your specific wants and needs because we know how important it is to feel your best .pleasent environment, environment time, sustainability environment, environment wellhair, homepage, gallery, salon, friendly3
violet-consulting.hu…your skills to help solve a broad and diverse set of problems, working collaboratively with a talented group of colleagues in a fast-paced environment. You will learn how to apply rigorous research methods to test hypotheses and design practical processes to efficiently solve problems. Key…agile environment, environment confident, fast environment, environment rigorous, comfortable environmentconsulting, engineer, position, candidate, manager3
binarit.huUsing the most up-to-date development tools, we work efficiently and with outstanding quality. As part of our quality control system, our build environment features continuous code integration, automated testing, code coverage measurements and static code reviews, so it is assured, that our…operate environment, environment complex, build environment, environment continuous, test environmentsoftware, development, integration, custom, operation3
global-service.huWe must continue to be responsible towards our own work, our teams and of that area of the organization we are responsible for towards the country, Community, customers, partners and environment.protection environment, sustainable environment, environment peopleglobal, touch, freight, value, need3
ferratavendeghaz.huThe Ferrata Guesthouse, which opened in 2021, is located in the hearth of Bakony Hills, one of the strongholds of Hungarian hiking, in the centre of Csesznek. In a wonderful mountainous environment, our guesthouse offers unparalleled experiences and inexhaustible opportunities for relaxation both…natural environment, environment active, mountainous environment, environment guesthouseoffer, booking, guesthouse, room, accommodation3
magadert.huThe objective of our Social programs is to organise common group programs in a drug free environment for all group members. Here they can experience drug free relaxation. The social programs include:clean environment, environment addict, free environment, environment groupgroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem3
significant.co.huAfter more than Fifteen years in Customer and process insight, significant has established itself as a pioneer in the realms of workplace and work environment optimization with data and ml solutions.enjoyable environment, environment satisfied, dynamic environment, environment meaningful, work environmentdata, strategy, significant, optimization, tool3
agilegettogether.hu…changes the way teams and managers’ work, the way the company is organized and operates, and the way products and services are designed. It is an engine of a permanent adaptation to a constantly changing environment where employees need to understand and embrace the change and adopt to a new norm.constantly environment, environment employeeagile, session, track, speaker, detail3
prime-magankollegium.huWe provide a tranquil environment for undisturbed studying and expect to observe this from our residentsquiet environment, tranquil environment, environment undisturbeduniversity, room, minute, price, location3
hotelsbudapesthungary.huHotel Seni is a 3-star hotel in Budapest with elegant oriental style inside. The hotel is located between the airport and the city centre, in the 10th district of Budapest, in quiet environment. Hotel Seni offers comfortable rooms, apartments and a hotel restaurant. In the surrounding there are…quiet environment, environment green, pleasant environment, environment buda, environment hotelreservation, city, centre, room, near3
tream.huFrom the very beginning we have been working in the AS400 environment where we’ve collected 25 years of experience in Cobol and RPG programming.beginning environment, environment yearcompetence, reference, board, programming, guarantee3
balanceloft.huBalance Loft offers a human-centred working environment, well-being conscious service for tenants within its Human Innovation Program. Indoor & Outdoor sport & recreational facilities, free wifi on common areas.human environment, environment service, work environment, environment consciousstyle, floor, sqm, location, build3
sarsan.huWhen it comes to design, jobs are always started with a clear survey of demands and requirements and exploring the environment. In case orders are submitted, we start our joint work during which you will be continuously informed about intermediate results. Finally, before project documentation is…manual environment, environment prototype, requirements environment, environment casemanufacture, technical, accounting, machinery, special3
aensys.huRelocation of existing systems to cloud storage environment, increasing stability, 24/7 IT network managementstorage environment, environment stability, runtime environment, virtual environment, environment availabledevelopment, technology, application, operation, field3
irkferenc.huNew Book: UNPUNISHABLE SINS II. / The metamorphosis of the exploitation of man and the environment.personal, book, background, academic, skill3
romaifogaszat.huOur dentistry has moved from 123 Bécsi út to a more elegant, comfortable office at 10 Csemete utca, a pedestrian street in Óbuda. We provide aesthetic procedures in a beautiful environment, at affordable prices, according to today’s expectations and the needs of our patients.nice environment, environment affordable, beautiful environmentdental, roman, treatment, price, appointment3
katalinmotel.huFrom the international road E60 easy accessable Katalin Motel provides leisure facibilites for the tired travellers in a silent environment.restaurant, guest, road, garden, people3
expertsys.hu, despite we all have unicode in our software languages tend to use plain ASCII in our code, variable names, comments, commit messages, etc. So during software development really rare that our coding environment’s components, like IDE, compiler, runtime, etc. meet characters which are aliens: ö…rare environment, environment componentvalue, method, message, code, result3
arc-budapest.huWe support the employees of our clients from the assessment of the immigration process to the destination services, thus promoting their integration into the new environment.business environment, environment tradeimmigration, destination, process, legal, employee3
trhome.huThere are times when we find a property in the perfect location, the size is exactly what we thought, but unfortunately its condition needs renovation. This is not a serious challenge in the domestic environment, as we can easily find a contractor who will carry out the renovation. Without…seaside environment, environment alanya, domestic environment, environment easily, orderly environmentproperty, real, estate, number, turkey3
velencesunset.huWe created a family and baby friendly environment in the apartment so that our tiny guests and their parents both can enjoy their stay with us. There is a baby bath, a baby high chair, a cot, a step stool, a bottle warmer, a baby toilet seat and a potty and several toys waiting for the little ones.friendly environment, environment apartment, amazing environment, environment countlessapartment, sunset, lake, child, room3
officeresearch.huThere is no question of what the company gains by rethinking the layout of office space based on current and real needs. The company may start a new chapter in a smaller area, but it can definitely work with a more comfortable environment, more efficient and more satisfied employees.comfortable environment, environment efficient, work environment, environment questionnaireoffice, workplace, research, organizational, analysis3
hotelkalma.huOur Hotel is located in the heart of Hévíz, in a peaceful environment, 2-minute walk away from the Thermal Lake. You can spend truly relaxing days in our comfortable, spacious apartments, which will satisfy all your needs. Our Restaurant is also waiting for you with an outstanding feast for the…peaceful environment, environment minute, guest environment, environment present, milieu environmenthomepage, rate, offer, guest, group3
britmagyariskola.huWe provide safe, happy, and supportive environment for our students, ensuring that they receive age-appropriate workloads while taking their individual abilities into consideration.school environment, environment student, supportive environmentschool, student, child, question, admission3
oko-rt.hu“ÖKO” – which is a root of a word in Greek – is the fore part of words ecology and economy. The relationship between the two words symbolises the necessary unity of the temporarily splitted sciences. Environment and Economy. ÖKO Co. Ltd., (former ÖKO Inc.) endeavours to harmonise the aspects of…science environment, environment economyenvironmental, management, protection, assessment, preparation3
uniqalis.huHis deep knowledge of the Hungarian and African economic and social environment and his valuable contacts in the African continent provide an excellent opportunity for our clients to discover the potential of African countries and to realize their international expansion on a sustainable basis.social environment, environment valuable, intercultural environment, environment clientschedule, appointment, african, international, main3
lightport.huappropriate technological environment monitoring through one system, the SLA Sentinel system;java environment, environment tesco, technological environment, environment monitoring, pollution environmentroad, pilgrimage, portal, application, development3
alap-epkft.huThe Széchenyi Plan for the Environment and Energy Operational Programme applied for energy renovation of our building, as well as machines to cut harmful emissions, trucks, continuous replacement, which decrease the burden on the environment you want to contribute.innovation environment, environment safety, plan environment, environment energyconstruction, road, build, machinery, utility3
hotelsatlakebalaton.huThe luxurious 5-star Hotel Azur Premium opened in 2011, pleasures its guests with a panoramic view on the Lake Balaton, in a 6 hectares area of beautiful natural environment. The wellness hotel Azur Premium is situated directly on the shore of Lake Balaton in Siofok, one of the most developing…natural environment, environment wellness, silent environmentlake, package, piece, reservation, siofok3
cesep2023.huAs in preceding meetings, the conference aims at bringing together the scientists, engineers and technologists and intends to provide a forum for discussion on fundamental and technological scientific aspects of carbon applications related to energy storage and environment protection. This…storage environment, environment protectiondetail, conference, storage, energy, protection3
falco7.huin all fields of our operations. In our activities and services, our major concern is protecting the health of our employees and protecting the environment, as well as continuous improvement. Making our social environment better, open communications, the optimum and efficient use of natural…harmonious environment, environment free, company environment, environment beautiful, employee environmentclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements3
mkne.huHSEE yearly meetings every autumn at different points of the country where we discuss HSEE matters, network, get acquainted with the venue and its environment, and share methods and experiencehungary environment, environment award, venue environment, environment methodenvironmental, education, member, society, training3
brumiovoda.huIt was in 1998 when the time came to follow my dream of founding a bilingual kindergarten in 16th district, realising the capacity problems kindergartens faced due to higher birth-rate. The bilingual program was implemented in small groups, utilising modern developmental tools and methods…bilingual environment, environment childkindergarten, group, child, age, range3
innovators.huThe recent changes in business environment (VUCA world) raise big challenges to HR functions. Organisations are facing the problems of labour market manifesting in permanently vacant positions, rising fluctuation and rising employment costs to name the most prevalent ones.business environment, environment vuca, strength environment, environment opportunityinnovator, development, people, challenge, management3
premiumvision.hua clinical past and present, actively participating in the scientific and educational fields. Ophthalmic diagnostics, treatment and care are supported by modern technical equipment. In our ophthalmology center, we welcome our patients in a renovated, pleasant environment based on prior registration.pleasant environment, environment prior, digital environment, environment glass, today environmentvision, premium, eye, optic, ophthalmology3
drlorinczrita.huVery nice, renovated environment with modern equipment. Precise, thorough, work. What is important to me is a kind, smiling, and thus reassuring welcome. Try to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy from competent hands. What your smile gives back. I strongly recommend the Doctor and her dental…sterile environment, environment equipment, pleasant environment, environment professional, nice environmenttreatment, doctor, dental, login, smile3
forego.huWe provide our clients with professional advisory and systems working efficiently, because our common and most basic interest is protecting our environment.collection, waste, cell, battery, selective3
mn6.huOur clients contact us for professional help according to the rented office environment. Insufficient temperature, controllability, noise level of mechanical equipment, operating and energy costs are subject to technical testing. They would like to avoid previous complaints and problems when they…work environment, environment introduction, office environment, environment insufficientenergy, certification, efficiency, technical, consultancy3
isb.huWe believe that appropriate emotional, psychological and physical progress of a child is indispensable for their mental development. ISB is a truly friendly and caring school with a family-like atmosphere. We provide one of the healthiest and greenest environments for our students in Budapest…healthy environment, environment family, green environment, environment studentschool, student, academic, international, programme3
inbuss.huAn online service is not only a software, but also a complex solution. If your business depends on your software, then you need multiple environments (PROD / TEST / EDU / DEV) with a well defined release process.heterogeneous environment, environment different, multiple environment, environment prod, software environmenttechnology, management, ltd, solution, application3
cma.huA HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT: design of sustainable objects through the use of responsible materials, reduction of waste and seek opportunities for capture and generation of energy as principals we adhere to. Reduce, reuse, recycle and recover.healthy environment, environment design, accessibility environment, environment openarchitect, client, use, management, plan3
dknv.huAlignment of your business strategy and your IT strategy and organization will provide you with a competitive edge. A streamlined IT organization will respond quickly to rapidly changing business environment and will guarantee the stability your customers expect. Our complex approach implies…business environment, environment box, environment stabilitysolution, consulting, management, trading, client3
lubilodge.huOur mission is to please our guests who are looking for finding an intimate environment. The place where it is good to arrive and where one brightens up.intimate environment, environment placelodge, apartment, guest, soul, body3
asconsult.huAdvocate Strategic Consulting provides strategic and management consulting services for industry-leaders in the Banking, Insurance, Pharmaceuticals and Oil Industry - from helping companies identify organization bottlenecks and challenges of an ever-changing business environment to delivering…business environment, environment future, fast environment, environment project, operational environmentconsulting, transformation, strategic, management, technology3
echosummeracademy.hu…of chamber performance and concerts together with the teachers. Of course, the Summer Academy will try to make use of the possibilities of the environment not just for professional purposes – here is a teaser, one of the several programs: wine tasting night for the participants of the course, in…calm environment, environment certainly, love environment, environment way, possibility environmentacademy, summer, concert, music, main3
drbalsai.hu“I have been a patient of Doctor Balsai’s for twelve years. Things that were mistreated by others were corrected by him. I swore that even if I have to travel back from the Moon, I would only go to his office: it is very rare to meet someone so conscious and wise! On top of all the kind…calm environment, environment friendly, fantastic environment, environment professionalism, kind environmentdental, tooth, smile, clinic, oral3
escoplatform.huThe aim of the Platform is to identify barriers to the uptake of energy efficiency services and to develop proposals to address them. It also aims to provide expert support to decision-makers in the field of energy efficiency and to contribute to the development of an appropriate regulatory and…market environment, environment regulationenergy, efficiency, market, contract, green3
marepizzeria.huIf you get bored with the crowd, and you appreciate the wonderful forest environment, then the best choice is the Magyaregregy Forest Beach. Accessible by bike, by car or by public transport.forest environment, environment goodforest, beach, bus, gallery, route3
mab-pharma.huIt was in this environment that out Ethical Codex was born, to show the way during the everyday conducting of business; by means of this we endeavor to function as a good corporate citizen in society.market environment, environment dynamically, legal environment, environment responsibilitypharmaceutical, vision, market, client, mission3
applemax.huOrganic farming is also better for the environment and contributes to the healthy longevity of the local ecosystem. These are the reasons we are passionate about organic produce: our goal is to contribute to public and environmental health by producing and providing healthy, eco-friendly…system environment, environment animal, well environment, environment healthyorganic, food, produce, consumer, fruit3
britannicaschool.huFamilies choose Britannica for our welcoming, nurturing and personalised learning environment. At our core, we successfully blend the highest quality, rigorous British education, culminating in IGCSE and A Level qualifications, with a learning environment that is positive, constructive and a happy…learn environment, environment core, environment positiveschool, international, admission, student, british3
balatoni-nyar.huSzabo Guesthouse - Siofok Cheap accommodation in Siofok, nice house, quiet environment. The Cottage Garden City of Siofok (Széplak). Position: Ground floor - air-conditioned bedroom with balcony, bathroom, toilet, kitchen dining room, […]quiet environment, environment cottage, pleasant environment, environment closesiofok, apartment, view, today, accommodation3
geneconservation.huInternational Day for Biological Diversity has been celebrated on 22 May every year. The aim of the event is to draw the attention of the press and the public to the importance and protection of the diversity of the nature, the dangers that threaten it, and thus to educate people on the issues of…nature environment, environment protection, environment protecionconservation, gene, institute, protection, animal3
tothtanya.huThe Tóth Tanya located in the heart of the Hungarian Plain. In a quiet environment, offers the opportunity for rest and relaxation.quiet environment, environment heart, environment opportunity, wonderful environmentpicture, visitor, book, relaxation, gallery3
magyarbankholding.huAccording to the financial report by MKB Bank Nyrt., which has been published today, MKB Group met its strategic targets and successfully adapted to the changing economic environment last year. MKB Bank has completed the first phase of the integration process amidst macroeconomic uncertainties…economic environment, environment year, un environment, environment programme, bank environmentnews, group, organizational, structure, banking3
hvbattery.huOrganising a training day related to HV batteries in a safe environment is consideted an almost impossible task.safe environment, environment impossible, life environment, environment real, digital environmentbattery, simulator, training, learn, diagnostic3
tantragirlsmassage.huIntimate massage in Budapest is a special type of massage that aims to create deep relaxation and intimacy. Combining the tenderness of touch and personal attention, trained therapists create a safe and comfortable environment where clients can explore their sensuality and experience heightened…home environment, environment completely, carefully environment, environment gentle, comfortable environmentmassage, erotic, body, price, masseuse3
rollotop.huThe pool is one of the jewels of our little garden. The Rollotop cover’s light grey colour perfectly blends into the environment. And when we want to use the pool, the cover soundlessly disappears in its nest below the deck in a single minute, leaving the pool free for the children to play in.perfectly environment, environment poolpool, cover, colour, water, advantage3
cavok.huAt CAVOK, we fly more than 6000 hours a year due to Hungary’s fantastic flying weather. We accommodate in excess of 100 students per annum from all over Europe and beyond, all at different stages of training. This creates the perfect environment for student pilots to improve their flying and…student environment, perfect environment, environment student, pleasant environment, environment goodtraining, flight, aviation, airline, school3
randomblog.hu…Spotify as a standalone app, you can easily access the site without the need to open a new browser window or navigate to the site manually each time. You can just click on it's icon in your desktop environment's app section and you can even pin the app to your taskbar for convenient access.development environment, environment thing, desktop environment, environment app, environment newrandom, code, stuff, hardware, app3
lintimage.hu…The immediate and most frequent feedback from our female guests after waxing is how much lighter and better they feel. And indeed, just a simple waxing gives you a lot of confidence and femininity. If you want to use professional waxing in a warm, heartfelt environment, we are at your disposal!heartfelt environment, environment disposaltreatment, care, price, hair, massage3
inventionfact.huChange can be brought about by internal choices and external forces but always leads in several directions. Change is not always about transforming a bad situation for the better or just transforming it. Change is also what drives the growth of extraordinary situations. But leaving something…stable environment, environment rapid, factor environment, environment goal, unchanged environmentdevelopment, change, invention, confidence, organization3
hhcarpio.huWe believe that beside high quality fish production in extensive environment and we also create a perfect place for sport fishing tourism.aim environment, environment wild, extensive environment, environment perfectfishing, price, accommodation, room, event3
prosper.huAny IT environment or infrastructure can have a real business value only if it is continuously operational, its errors are always corrected. Our goal is to make sure that our Customers’ valuable work is not blocked by any IT issue. In order to achieve this Prosper does:technological environment, environment extraordinarysoftware, development, mobile, application, customer3
civiljogok.huWithin the scope of its program to develop the legal environment of non-governmental organizations, Ökotárs / Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (HEPF) has been playing a significant role in the revision of nonprofit status rules, the expansion of public and community participation…legal environment, environment non, environment future, environment suitablengo, public, legal, goal, regulation3
magyarendre.huBlockage removal with WOMA technology does not involve the use of toxic or harmful substances, therefore, there is no danger to human health or the environment. WOMA is a special blockage removal technique, during which no chemicals are used. The WOMA system uses the power of high-pressure water…health environment, environment woma, person environment, environment advisable, substance environmentremoval, channel, machine, camera, sewer3
superweek.huThe usage of GA4 and BigQuery real-time reports features can be quite challenging, especially in high-traffic volume websites and other demanding environments. For example, assuming that you find a viable solution for a specific project, it is crucial to determine in advance the projected BigQuery…demand environment, environment example, making environment, environment uncertaintydata, analytic, digital, day, analyst3
proacteam.huI began my career in a multinational environment at the world’s largest oil company, where I worked in accounting. I could easily put the theoretical knowledge of my degree gained in Great Britain into practice, my tasks included among others: accounting for supplier invoices, building processes…multinational environment, environment worldtax, accounting, accountant, relocation, chief3
mesevilagovi.huWe provide a homely environment for a small group of mixed-age, English-Hungarian speaking children. This small class size gives us the opportunity to focus individual care and attention on each child, allowing the teachers to interact with each child in accordance with their particular stage of…learn environment, environment need, homely environment, environment small, love environmentchild, kindergarten, introduction, language, fairytale3
bravolight.huYou might not think that the right lighting is an important driver of your business. Actually, it can be one of your most important marketing tools, as it makes you visible! Good lighting makes the environment more comfortable and the pleasant atmosphere created by decorative LED lighting can…lighting environment, environment comfortable, work environment, environment energy, environment customerlighting, light, plan, solution, source3
dezsenyi.hu…the relationship with the client, the less time is needed to be involved, as the lawyer does not need to be re-acquainted with the business environment and other circumstances. However, experience has shown that this is a cost-effective solution, as the cost of a long-term mandate is fixed and…multinational environment, environment fluently, corporate environment, environment client, business environmentlaw, legal, client, labour, attorney3
gyerekbirodalom.huOur kindergarten is situated in a beautiful environment that gives us a great number of options to do this. Our beautiful school has classrooms with age appropriate and developmental toys, cars, dolls, legos and everything your child will enjoy. We inquire the change of the seasons, make…wonderful environment, environment development, beautiful environment, environment greatchild, kindergarten, language, nursery, ami3
balancepointconsulting.hu…us, we founded Balance Point Consulting. In addition to traditional accounting services, our company provides complex financial, accounting, controlling and HR services to its Hungarian and international clients, which also serve the needs of companies operating in a multinational environment.business environment, environment development, environment electronicpoint, consulting, accounting, client, multinational3
envitek.huKNF is manufacturing high-end process gas diaphragm pumps since 1946. We can find standard and taylor-made pump solutions in their portfolio which can be even resistant to aggressive and corrosive environment.remote environment, environment halogas, process, solution, manufacturer, instrument3
varberg.hutheir working method the continuous benchmarking, the best practice and the new management processes, the forming of the most effective process-organising practices. In the development processes they aim to follow environment-friendly concepts as well as the efficient sustainability of the solution.process environment, environment friendlyltd, associate, management, solution, development3
talizmanpanzio.huThe Talisman Restaurant and Pension is situated in the beautiful environment of Diósgyőr Castle.beautiful environment, environment diósgyőr, pleasant environment, environment professionalcastle, pension, restaurant, beautiful, room3
metatox.huWe are confident that in our products range you find the most suitable products to help to you with reduce the environmental damage to the absolute minimum and in the long term can provide effective immediate surroundings home and business pest-free clean environment.hygienic environment, environment headwebsite, safety, data, sheet, quality3
blumprogram.hu…clear that HEALTH can only be achieved by leading a complex lifestyle and seeking a physical, mental and spiritual balance. Moving along this complexity, Blum has developed into a program which aims to let each children be themselves in their own environments, at home as well as in kindergarten.child environment, environment home, safe environment, environment developmentchild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher3
kornyezet-szimulacio.huATEX directives are valid throughout Europe to ensure the safe operation of industrial plants and test equipment, climate chamber in potentially explosive environments or under potentially explosive conditions.explosive environment, environment potentially, crimeevent environment, environment simulation, supply environmentchamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental3
kaposgarden.huWe ensure the harmonic base of the living environment when doing earth moving, creating garden borders and edges.live environment, environment earth, removal environment, environment friendly, effective environmentgarden, landscaping, maintenance, quality, soil3
countinghouse.huWe have more than 20 years of professional experience in the Hungarian accounting and taxation environment, which we gained in multinational, corporate and SME sector. We are now utilizing this accumulated knowledge and experience for the benefit of our Clients, thus relieving the burden of…taxation environment, environment multinational, tax environment, environment excellenttax, accounting, count, house, payroll3
kaptarbudapest.huThis makes working in our inspiring and colourful community a really special experience, which is motivates and supportive Plus, at KAPTÁR you are free to welcome guests into our meeting rooms and office facilities, giving you that all-important professional first impression and working environment.cosy environment, environment productivecommunity, office, room, space, meet3
adintrade.huWe have been cooperating with this firm for four years. We requested them to fulfil all our administrative obligations regarding the environment protection product fee. They are reliable and fair, and constantly provide good quality service. The advisers always accomplish their assignments before…declaration environment, environment protection, obligation environmentcustom, fee, firm, consultancy, administration3
rekk.huInnovative solutions in renewable energy auction designs and their implementation possibilities in the ENC contracting parties Study on the wind power potential in Hungary The New Electricity Market Design - How to design PPAs creating a healthy investment environment in the EU? Russian gas…investment environment, environment euenergy, market, research, analysis, economic3
nasoft.hu…conception and selection of hardware components, realization of the software modules, system integration and the final implementation. The main objectives of our mission are to make sure that the IT systems are operating efficiently and to elaborate the right environment and frame for them.right environment, environment frame, unique environment, environment applicationsolution, software, hardware, specialize, provider3
hegypasztor.hu…and organising community events. The Visitors can enjoy the charms of living in the countryside in the vineyard accommodations in traditional environments. The association has already organised basket-work, straw-spinning, fuller and thatching courses, furthermore herbal education and ginger breadtraditional environment, environment association, natural environment, environment aiminitiative, event, community, offer, accommodation3
gyuttmentfesztival.huIt’s fun to go to a gathering, but even more fun, if we do not damage the environment! Therefore we compost the food leftover, have compost-toilets, use renewable energy and give all the potential help to you for a responsible gathering, but we also need you to make it happen. For example: use the…social environment, environment practice, well environment, environment local, fun environmentgather, community, countryside, network, day3
eurocup.huPaper cups are very popular, because they are much more environment-friendly, than their predecessors – cups out of polystyrene and polypropylene.value environment, environment protection, popular environment, environment friendlycup, paper, individual, production, order2
kinderparadise.huthe kids’ unforgettable birthday party. As child loving parents, we are well aware that every parent wants to organize a memorable party for their child. We all want something that is unrepeatable and unforgettable for parents and children alike. Our intimate and familiar environment ensures that…familiar environment, environment smallparadise, child, kind, package, pool2
premiermed.huPremier Med Healthcare, Training and Research Institute provides state-of-the-art, minimally invasive, innovative treatments for patients with benign thyroid nodules, benign breast tumour and varicose veins. Situated in an exclusive environment in Buda, the Institute boasts operating rooms fitted…exclusive environment, environment buda, patient environment, environment patienthealth, centre, patient, treatment, thyroid2
pozi.huPozi utilizes all currently available identification and positioning technologies to perfectly match every production environment.outdoor environment, environment realtechnology, positioning, benefit, production, real2
hernyak.hu…For us, organic plant protection is just one pillar of this work. Composting, the continuous integration of renewable energies, conscious and sustainable energy management, greening and the chemical decontamination of our environment have become priorities in our whole life and way of thinking.decontamination environment, environment prioritywine, estate, family, grape, organic2
nitrogreen.hu…modern era. When the formulation is mixed into the soil, the phosphorus derived from animal bones gradually releases according to the growth pace of the plants. This approach, unlike artificial alternatives, not only nourishes our plants but also helps protect the water reserves in the environment.safe environment, environment factsupplement, nitrogen, plant, soil, phosphorus2
soulfacebody.hu“Their laser hair removal is fast and effective, and their cosmetic treatments are wonderful for improving the condition of my skin. And the body treatments relieve me from the stress of everyday life. Outstanding services, excellent environment!”treatment, body, face, soul, skin2
mellearn.hu…(university) cooperation of LLL, both in the development of learning contents, in methodology and in the expansion of new learning environments. The implementation and best practices of LLL in European higher education not only represent opportunities for wide-range dissemination and…learn environment, environment lll, environment implementationlearn, education, lifelong, international, university2
altekfa.huThe secret of the plants grown by Alsótekeres Tree Nursery derives from the high-quality soil and the unique climate that characterizes the Pannonian environment. Our sunlight-rich summers, the dry and otherwise harsh winters, and relatively low rainfall make our plants really hardy. Here, at…pannonian environment, environment sunlight, man environment, environment liveablenursery, wholesale, tree, quality, plant2
extralady.huBut the big players in e-books — specifically Amazon — do not operate in Russia and there is a paucity of legitimate titles available perhaps only 60, In such an environment, piracy becomes the convenient option, not the outlaw one.brain environment, environment percent, available environment, environment piracybook, big, russia, legitimate, british2
langnegyed.huGuaranteeing a healthy living and working environment by maximizing the use of natural resources.live environment, environment useoffice, residential, location, monument, unique2
arenabusinesscampus.huHigh quality office space also means eco-friendly office buildings, that not only provide the so called green offices in Budapest (which greatly reduce the toll taken on the environment), but also allows you to work in a reborn environment.toll environmentoffice, space, location, green, gallery2
stsgroup.huIf you are interested in environment-friendly solutions and technical advancements, then you are sure to find some useful tips and content here.interested environment, environment friendlygroup, plant, power, energy, construction2
foxxi.huwe are welcoming everyone wishing for the perfect smile at our Buda clinic, in a friendly environment, with great expertise and personalized solutions!friendly environment, environment great, exclusive environment, environment széllorthodontic, digital, consultation, pediatric, adult2
goodvibesphotostudio.huWith the opening of Good Vibes Photo Studio our main goal was to provide a space where anyone can find an environment that suits their style. In the spacious area of over 50 square meters, we welcome our guests with numerous accessories and decoration options.space environment, environment style, natural environment, environment numerousstudio, vibe, photo, photography, wedding2
gonefishing.huJust enjoy the environment even as wading through our favorite waters, kayak fishing in hidden spots or fishing from a stiff boat and take a sip of the best local wines, taste the smoked sausage with fresh bread.fishing, guide, water, local, fish2
itgen.huIn the life of a productive SAP environment incident requiring deep system and business knowledge may arise beside daily operation issues, which exceeds competency of local key users. We offer our SAP support services for these situations, which we can tailor to the needs of our Customers. This…permanently environment, environment business, sap environment, environment incidentsupport, security, implementation, solution, technology2
lavet.hu…with updated skills and attention to ensure the highest possible level of safety during the manufacturing process. We believe that our responsible behaviour, philosophy and future vision is to guarantee of long-term sustainable environment, the animal welfare and safe food consumption alike.health environment, sustainable environment, environment animalinnovation, development, animal, page, main2
ltcom.huWe are looking for a senior account manager to join the LT Communication Advertising Agency team! Do you like rush and exciting, spectacular projects? Is it important to you that your work be diverse? When problems need to be solved, are you the first person in your environment to find a solution…friendly environment, environment customer, person environment, environment solutioncommunication, creative, campaign, promotion, customer2
infopark.hu…innovative companies found a place for their head office. The seat of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) is found in the Infopark Building E. The office park has nearly 100,000 m 2 space to rent, offering high quality office and working environment for about 7,000 employees.work environment, environment employee, landscape environment, environment classbuild, office, development, accessibility, area2
redginseng.huAs the root of ginseng is delicate, it requires the proper growing environment to produce healthy components, specifically ginseng saponins. Korea is a country naturally blessed with the geographical latitude, four distinct seasons, and ideal soil conditions that constitute the perfect growing…grow environment, environment healthy, environment ginsengkorean, korea, main, page, root2
szesim.huSimulation of complex traffic situations with multiple real and virtual participants, controlled environments and measurement interfaces.participant environment, environment measurementdrive, simulator, driver, development, cognitive2
opplelighting.huFrom Floodlights and Streetlights to Post Tops and Bollards. OPPLE Lighting offers you a wide range of outdoor luminaires to suit your environment.luminaire, performer, lighting, waterproof, spot2
modiano.huWith three floors dedicated to convenient parking, an idyllic inner garden, and breathtaking top terraces, Modiano is a premium office complex that combines timeless elegance with state-of-the-art technical solutions and services, high-quality work environment and prime location. The renovation is…work environment, environment primeoffice, build, gallery, efficiency2
rozsacsarda.huHave a rest and relax at a protected and save environment in your own trailer, caravan. Though we may have less services than other camping sites, we hope that we can provide you a niceand comfortable surrounding. Car park for 20 caravans or vans, entry system with electrical gate, water and sewer…nice environment, environment breakfast, rest environment, environment trailerbooking, food, restaurant, room, caravan2
contractor58.huMAll of this is permeated by horizontal objectives, such as the prevention and moderation of the unfavorable effects of climate change, increasing the efficiency of resource utilization, the prevention and moderation of contaminations and impacts, as well as ensuring a healthy and sustainable…element environment, environment long, sustainable environment, environment protection, protection environmentcontractor, development, customer, change, protection2
tenyerlegal.huI completed the whole of the practical training required for a successful bar examination in law firms, working with professionals I highly respect and admire, in a working environment where I had the opportunity to learn the basics necessary to practice the profession, and to find areas I am…work environment, environment opportunitycontract, legal, law, agreement, procedure2
golyavar-porta.huThe Stove House beautifully fits in this natural environment. The guest houses are standing in a huge green garden , and throughout the whole year prepared to accomodate the lovers of bird-watching, groups of friends, families with children and those who enjoy the peace of rural tourism. Both…peaceful environment, environment apartman, natural environment, environment guestguest, image, stork, house, cottage2
vamositamas.huHe is interested in obtaining an IT manager, software development team leader or software designer - development position, in a challenging environment that focuses on the applications of technology to enterprise information management.challenge environment, environment applicationtamas, development, software, application, responsive2
prevenor.huThe protection of human life, property and community values, as well asthe protection of the environment is our common goal, and in order to achieve this, we perform our professional activities with short deadlines and maximally adapting to the needs of our partners. Our goal is to provide…value environment, environment soil, protection environment, environment commonsafety, protection, activity, health, fire2
singalongkidsbudapest.huand offer a program of high standards. You are welcome to join our classes at any time, without any previous music education and benefit from joining us. We provide a happy, stimulating and encouraging environment for children to play and develop through music, drama and movement, in a holistic way.encourage environment, environment childclass, kid, child, sing, music2
hungarovend.huThey strive to create not only the perfect taste, but also a sustainable environment and a better life for consumers. The journey to the cup begins in the tea gardens of the world, where tea is made from young leaves and unopened buds for the perfect smooth taste.sustainable environment, environment wellcoffee, cart, premium, list, wish2
argonsoft.huOur office is an inspiring, modern and fully equipped workplace that ensures the best possible working environment for our colleagues.work environment, environment colleaguessoftware, development, data, custom, effective2
zsolnayfenyfesztival.hu…of the experiences is a deep understanding of the connections of life, care for the planet and a renewed sense of responsibility for our environment. The work is 1.8 million times smaller than the real Earth, each centimetre of the installation illuminated from the inside depicts 18 km of…responsibility environment, environment work, natural environment, environment machinelight, festival, art, map, visitor2
szommerkonyvelo.huemployment in Hungary as a foreign national and, if yes, how much? Is a non-citizen managing director required to have a tax ID number in Hungary? These are just some of the many questions a start-up or operating business will face in a foreign country or in a different economic and tax environment.tax environment, environment taxtax, accountancy, payroll, reference, news2
szentmartonwaldorf.huan elementary school in the village, which would offer pedagogy based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, in the nurturing natural environment of the Pilis area. We believe that this village embraced by the Pilis natural reserve can provide an ideal and healthy ambient setting for…natural environment, environment pilis, child environment, environment matureassociation, history, intention, gallery, donation2
igis.huThe construction of the racing stable started in 2003 and was completed with 21th century technology which provides luxurious environment for the first rides and further training of quality sport horses as well as for organizing races. The circle treading paths are used for lunging of horses and…luxurious environment, environment ridehorse, stable, international, ride, quality2
debrecenisporthotel.hu…Thermal Bath, famous for its medicinal treatments. The Aquaticum Tropical Pleasure Baths are a special treat to all generations with joyful splashes and pampering recreation in a fun environment. Just opposite the hotel it is the city’s most up-to-date playground that attracts the youngest guests.fun environment, environment oppositeoffer, training, conference, special, camp2
iotnet.huThe technology utilized in a LoRaWAN network is designed to connect low-cost, battery-operated sensors over long distances in harsh environments that were previously too challenging or cost prohibitive to connect. With its unique penetration capability, a LoRaWAN gateway deployed on a building or…world environment, environment later, harsh environment, environment previouslynetwork, low, technology, software, solution2
borderlinealapitvany.huThe goal of the BORDERLINE TALENT FOUNDATION is to introduce people to Borderline personality disorder and the accompanying difficulties in life, and to introduce solutions to both the affected individual and their environment.immediate environment, environment closefounder, publication, page, main, talent2
hrcapital.huHR Capital Kft. is a 100% Hungarian-owned business organization. Company was established with the aim of providing human resources and cross-border services for the partners. We are constantly helping our partners in the rapidly changing market environment.ideal environment, environment timecapital, employee, job, agency, certified2
spiderpig.hu…used technologies ensures that smaller IFRS users can avoid the need to invest into a separate server, infrastructure, licenses, and facilitates the installation and maintenance of the tool. SpiderPig fits seamlessly into your current environment and enable you to easily meet IFRS 16 requirements.current environment, environment easily, computer environment, environment single, multinational environmentlease, tool, contract, accounting, functionality2
feedbacksolutions.huMost of Donau Dental’s patients arrive from Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. The clinic operates in an exclusive environment and at the highest possible professional standards. Donau’s focus on the individual is what sets the practice apart from the crowd and cultivates a close relationship with…exclusive environment, environment highdental, client, clinic, feedback, page2
jobcapital.huThat’s where Jobcapital’s team of professional headhunters and recruitment consultants comes in. Once priorities have been set, we compare them with the company’s values and the criteria for the job, as we know the work environment from years of experience. Why is this important? There are many…work environment, environment year, environment qualityjob, workplace, page, application, search2
mtaudulok.huStay in the picturesque “castle” village, where stunning scenery and three acres of adventure await you! Quiet environment, patinated baroque style, well-kept castle garden, garden pond, fountain. All perfect for a relaxing and restorative recharge. From the main page, you can go straight to the…quiet environment, environment baroque, undisturbed environment, environment cosyacademic, reservation, main, page, academy2
projecthr.huWorking in the corporate environment with C-level executives, managers, and specialists we find the exceptional leaders for your field with deep professional knowledge and the ability to build successful teams.corporate environment, environment level, supportive environment, environment clearhealth, market, research, human, resource2
eurasia.huWe become a leading logistics service provider that values safety, sustainability, environment, and innovation for customers and any other stakeholders in the society.sustainability environment, environment innovation, pandemic environment, environment dramaticallytransportation, logistic, truck, ltd, touch2
almabirtok.huWith regard to orchard cultivation, we also aim to promote the protection of the environment, to restore environmental balance and biodiversity, to disseminate information, explore and promote environmentally conscious consumer behaviours and habits, and to facilitate and support high-level school…natural environment, protection environment, environment environmentalassociation, main, experiential, news, grant2
margitpalace.huSpecial attention is paid to ensure that the building provides a safe environment following the global pandemic.safe environment, environment global, work environment, environment measuresqm, space, list, people, hide2
bsplastic.huOne of the materials easiest to recycle, even compared to many other plastics, and its load on the environment is much lower than that of similar products.regulatory environment, environment msz, load environment, environment lowplastic, packaging, custom, material, size2
wing.huWING believes in its role in creating a liveable and sustainable social and built environment for future generations. That is why the company is actively involved in initiatives that help to shape the future of younger generations.building environment, environment community, social environment, environment futureoffice, district, property, international, real2
mrazsystem.huBy the use of the technology the amount of uncombusted or imperfectly combusted hydrocarbons emitted to our environment can be dramatically reduced (by 30-50%).absolutely environment, environment friendly, hydrocarbon environment, environment dramaticallytechnology, main, page, equipment, pipe2
littleoakcity.huAt Little Oak City Nursery, we are dedicated to creating a nurturing, stimulating, supportive and welcoming environment where your child can thrive. Our early educational programs incorporate a variety of playful themes and pedagogical theories, while always keeping the child’s best interest in…welcome environment, environment child, positive environment, environment beginningoak, little, city, education, mission2
usmchun.huArmed with shiny new skis and with more robust packs on the way, infantry Marines may soon be making routine trips to Alaska to train in harsh cold weather conditions, a possibility that signals a major departure from the desert training environments of recent years.school environment, environment fall, training environment, environment recentmarine, corps, forum, meeting, rule2
seahorse-engineering.huOur Automotive IT division provides engineering expertise in HW and SW development for the automotive industry mainly embedded C, Mathlab and Labview environment.engineering, expert, tab, software, page2
portobelloresidence.huPorto Bello Residence, designed by Finta Studio , harmoniously blends cutting-edge architecture with Balatonföldvár’s resort environment.green environment, environment residentapartment, interior, garden, space, terrace2
markjector.hustill or moving image, for the visual highlighting and marking of traces, material residues and changes from a non-contact or even inaccessible environment, even with a homogeneous background, for the forensic numbering of traces in accordance with the rules and regulations of crime scene…inaccessible environment, environment homogeneous, bright environment, environment barrier, distance environmentlight, figure, length, distance, subject2
localcapital.huExcellent English and Hungarian language skills both written and verbal with the ability to influence all levels of the organization and multicultural/ international environmentsbusiness environment, environment constantlylocal, capital, insurance, solution, strong2
vilagkep.huI prefer taking pictures in a natural environment, however for perfect lighting conditions and clear pictures sometimes a studio is the best solution. Nowadays I take family photos and portraits. I have also special equipments like microscopes, macro lenses, solar filters to extend the world which…natural environment, environment perfect, administrative environmentgraphic, photography, website, jump, news2
lifestylehotelmatra.huCrystal-clear air, romantic and undiscovered environment, maximum comfort, devoted care and special dining experiences. Discover the hidden treasures of the fairytale Mátra Mountains, try the special taste of the reinvented Palóc dishes, immerse yourself in the pampering magic of our Wellness…undiscovered environment, environment maximum, environment mátralifestyle, tower, lookout, room, suite2
promenadegardens.hu…scale office development with the most complex technical content on Váci út, the main office corridor of Budapest. It meets the highest expectations when it comes to environmental consciousness, energy- and water efficiency, and providing a healthy, comfortable, employee-friendly work environment.business environment, environment excellentpromenade, build, office, sustainability, technical2
aisb.huWe offer a wide array of learning opportunities in a supportive, diverse and rigorous environment.school, international, student, american, learn2
gfk-racs.huThey are maintenance free and therefore they are ideal for the demands of the professionals in seaside resorts and private marinas. Different colors are available for a perfect integration to the environment and their wooden plank design, which reproduces the wood features, makes them…brackish environment, environment temperature, integration environment, environment woodenprofile, resin, grating, synthetic, fibre2
balatongolf.huThe first 18-hole golf course on Lake Balaton, with a Mediterranean atmosphere suitable for international competitions, awaits golf lovers in a wonderful environment.natural environment, environment peninsulatraining, rule, map, lesson, gallery2
reach-i4.huIn the Big Data world, we collect data from the environment, and we would like to find a way to process it. In the following blog post, we will discuss the two main processing aspects.safety environment, environment human, data environment, environment waydata, reach, solution, big, real2
doublerosenext.huApparel with 37.5® technology adapts to your needs to help control your temperature, expanding your comfort range even when your environment or activity level changes. Now the same clothing can keep you comfortable in a hot kitchen, on a sunny terrace, a cold OP-room, during a 24 hour hospital…range environment, environment activityprotection, technology, fabric, comfortable, healthcare2
greenin.huFrom small potplants to large trees, GREENIN plant decoration serves to create the pleasant, inviting atmosphere in which office staff works more efficiently, and customers gain impressions, and guests can spend their time in a pleasant environment.plant environment, environment farplant, green, office, customer, rental2
fice.huThis year we organised the camp at the usual location. We were enjoying the hospitality of a 3-star hotel, the beautiful-sited Hotel Salgó. Regarding the conception of the camp, it has not changed. We were providing the children with learning of nature and environment, enriching with much…foundation environment, environment camp, nature environment, environment recreationchild, event, day, theatre, camp2
in15.huThe stylish Main Building is the youngest and smartest member of the complex: designed by distinguished architect Zoboki Gábor and completed in 2007, it displays all the necessary features for a contemporary, competent working environment.floor, technical, location, visit, office2
hedemonaqua.hu…water culture, which brings life and beauty to the natural treasures of our home. Our mission is to preserve the purity of Hungarian waters through our purification and filtration systems. Our equipment can be used at any step of the water-using process, helping users to protect the environment.water, treatment, customer, equipment, elit2
cryptobank.huWe have been helping our clients in various specialised IT areas since 2005, and we started working in depth with cryptocurrency after 2014. As the Hungarian headquarters of an internationally operating company, we provide a stable environment for cooperation within a well-established framework.stable environment, environment cooperationcryptocurrency, process, transaction, detail, transparent2
charleshotel.huHotel Charles is the best option for you if want to relax if you like the green environment, the delicious foods, and convenient rooms. We warmly welcome our dear guests to our spacious 30 square meters air-conditioned rooms , all equipped with a kitchenette , by the foot of the Gellert Hill, so…green environment, environment deliciouscenter, studio, room, restaurant, website2
arthurmurraybudapest.huIt’s designed to develop timing and techniques in all Social Dances selected by the student. At this level, students can dance with any partner, to any music, in any dance environment.creative environment, environment imaginationdance, center, studio, dancer, student2
andrassypalota.huCafé houses and restaurants, cultural environment, laundry, fitness and yoga club, grocery stores, pharmacy, hotels are located near the building.cultural environment, environment laundrybuild, floor, building, opportunity, space2
petnehazy-clubhotel.huWe take care of our guests and also our own environment carefully. Day by day, not only in words, but also in our actions.guest environment, environment carefully, nature environment, environment wayevent, homepage, guest, group, nature2
belysium.huWe warmly welcome all visitors, not only on our website, but also in our pansion! As a family business we welcome our dear guests in family environment and atmosphere! Szilvi and Péterfamily environment, environment atmosphereroom, breakfast, website, double, bed2
innowall.huWalls covered by living plants influence our environment in a positive way; reducing the amount of carbon-dioxide and dust in the air, cooling the air with their natural evaporation, optimizing indoor conditions and offering a magnificent aesthetic experience, too.plant environment, environment positivewall, distributor, gallery, light, prestashop2
sipospack.huThanks to our innovations, our individual packaging can now be made in a sustainable way. By creating recyclable, homogeneous products, we support the recyclability of packaging materials. This also reduces the load on our environment and decreases our ecological footprint.load environment, environment ecologicalpackaging, recyclable, material, printing, solution2
comfort65.huThe Comfort 14 apartment has everything you need for a comfortable stay. Air conditioning, a fully equipped kitchen and free WiFi are available. Everyone will feel at home in our family-friendly environment!friendly environment, environment stayapartment, guest, booking, check, free2
dnui.hu…the preparation of commercial agreements (sales, leases, agency agreements for professional services, loan, supply, carriage, marketing and advertisement, production, co-operation, assignment agreements, etc.). The services cover the assistance in the complicated Hungarian regulatory environment.law, firm, practice, field, preparation2
stabilmernokiroda.huWe help our customers navigate the complex regulatory environment by taking care of all aspects related to construction »regulatory environment, environment careconstruction, general, technical, introduction, reference2
nyomozzvelunk.huAugmented reality is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality, which creates a totally artificial environment, augmented reality uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it. AR applications for smartphones…real environment, environment outdoor, user environment, environment real, artificial environmentgame, hunt, urban, mobile, build2
rtdm.huHotel, event- and conference venue close to Budapest19th century environment accompanied by 21st century comfort...century environment, environment centurymain, page, castle, select, camp2
bbox.huBBOX’s qualified team, the gained technological know-how, the professional knowledge of the local and international fiscal environment and the continous cooperation with the partners are the guaranties to have BBOX as a reliable partner for the future in the development, production and lifetime…business environment, environment bbox, fiscal environment, environment continousfiscal, useful, development, production, printer2
kaposplast.huKAPOSPLAST harmonizes its producing activity with the environment, which results in modern products answering to the recent needs of the market.market environment, environment client, activity environment, environment modernagricultural, news, industry, concrete, brush2
fuleiviola.hu…anyway! This attitude helped me through the difficulties I have faced when learning this ancient craft. Shaping, firing and decorating earth makes our environment and routine household chores more enjoyable. My products are useful utensils bringing a bit of tradition and playfulness into our home.earth environment, environment routine, change environment, environment widemain, page, pottery, introduction, gallery2
r-filter.huOur ozone technology devices, which were developed to break down fats and odors in kitchen exhaust air using photolysis and ozonolysis, oxidize organic, fatty and odor-bearing substances, they are "cold burned". The greasy load of the exhaust air duct system and the odor load of the environment…load environment, environment significantly, indoor environment, environment infectiousair, disinfection, odor, device, filter2
easy-debrecen.huEASY-Debrecen helps its partners to build and develop the right company communication so that the right messages can reach their environment.corporate environment, environment realeasy, relocation, integration, client, support2
thaimasszazsdebrecen.huOur Thai massage parlour can be found in a fondling, exclusive wellness environment on the 1st floor of the Aquaticum Mediterranean Experience-bath in the Great Forest, Debrecen. Our services aim to provide health maintenance, regeneration and recreation for our guests, and to relieve their…wellness environment, environment floormassage, homepage, masseur, item, parlour2
basilicon.huAt Basilicon, we believe in the transformative power of knowledge. We offer comprehensive Cross-Cultural Advisory and Language Services to equip our clients with the understanding they need to succeed in diverse environments. Our team of linguists and cultural advisors are seasoned in a range of…culture environment, environment meaningful, diverse environment, environment teamconsulting, international, knowledge, strategy, broad2
hotellajtapark.huThe design of our 11 rooms, 10 apartments and 3 suites was dreamed up by Zoltán Varró, the most renowned expert in hotel and restaurant design in Hungary, so that you can recharge in a really imposing environment with your family, friends or couple.exclusive environment, hungary environment, environment familyroom, event, center, family, active2
hamptons.huHamptons is specialized in precision machining of metal parts for extreme, high-pressure environmentsmetal, precision, machinery, tolerance, machining2
existentialcounselling.huI hold an MA in Existential Psychotherapy and Counselling and an MA in Coaching and Mentoring Practice , both from the UK. Both of my MA dissertations focused on issues that expatriates might face in an environment and culture different from their own.work environment, environment new, expatriate environment, environment culturecounselling, expat, psychotherapy, book, issue2
kolto35d.hu…Budapest. These are the three most sought after districts for expatriates and locals, seeking a top quality living space in a green city environment. Within these three districts we only deal with high quality premises with excellent facilities, offering luxury and premium homes and offices…natural environment, environment foot, city environment, environment districtfloor, room, property, luxury, garden2
majorhalo.huThe members of the Autism Farm Community Network strive to establish the highest possible degree of complex autism-specific services and prosthetic environment. Our main goal is to provide personalized lifestyle support, as a result of which the quality of life for those living with autism reaches…prosthetic environment, environment mainautism, community, network, people, opportunity2
nagyvillam.huThe services of the restaurant, just like its architecture, which fits into its natural environment, aim to match its unique setting among the splendours of nature and the timeless ambience of the neighbouring historic monuments. We serve our guests with the finest dishes, quality wines and we…natural environment, environment uniquewedding, restaurant, event, conference, dream2
nadordental.huNádor Dental is a private dental clinic in the centre of Budapest, where we offer complete, professional dental care and solutions for all areas of dentistry in a premium environment. Most of our dentists are recognized professionals with decades of international experience and clinical background.premium environment, environment dentistdental, treatment, tooth, dentistry, private2
barkert.huOur Bistro’s spacious interior and panoramic terrace overlooking to the river Danube provides stylish environment and atmosphere for various events. With the help of our skilled waiters and state-of-the-art technical equipment, we can easily host 10, 50 or 100 people; in case of a standing…stylish environment, environment atmosphere, exclusive environment, environment friendlyevent, castle, special, stylish, delicious2
shetland.huWhy choose Shetland? Because our language school provides a cozy environment, which makes learning more efficient and more pleasant at the same time.cozy environment, environment learnlanguage, abroad, power, knowledge, placement2
taker.hu…to travel to Israel and paint murals in the city of Ashkelon within a project subtitled "art over hate". Ashkelon lays only a couple of kilometers away from the Gaza Strip, and from there it recieves rocket attacks rather regularly. The project's goal was to beautify the environment of the locals.monumentality environment, environment people, goal environment, environment localwall, date, approx, location, close2
a54.huThe owner, who is an interior designer has set up a functional, liveable living environment, free of exaggerations. Thanks to the thoughtful design, the rooms, the passageways, the storage spaces are comfortable: it is not unnecessarily large and not too small, everything is accessible and…live environment, environment free, urban environment, environment aranyroom, panoramic, view, minimalist, description2
aranylo-napraforgo.huOn my first visit, I was convinced that this would be the place where I could have peace of mind that my children were in the right kindergarten for their day. And I have been ever since: I am extremely grateful to the excellent teachers and the management of the kindergarten for providing a…love environment, environment excellent, environment daykindergarten, child, nursery, group, programme2
citycentrehotelsbudapest.huOne of the most beatiful parliaments of Europe can be found in Budapest . It was built at the shore of River Danub e in a magnificient environment, it is located between the Margaret Bridge and the Chain Bridge. The Novotel Danube Hotel and Lanchid 19 Design Hotel are located ...magnificient environment, environment margaretcity, centre, reservation, center, castle2
efisz.huContinuous analysis of the strategic environment, actualities and trends of the electronic payments with the involvement of industry operators (government and financial stakeholders).strategic environment, environment analysis, environment actualitypayment, electronic, association, provider, member2
yogasutra.huOur cork comes from the Cork Oak tree in Portugal. Natural materials and is an excellent alternative to the replacement of plastics and chemical products. By using cork, we do not harm nature, and we even help make the world greener and cleaner environment.cork, yoga, premium, friendly, accessories2
bliano.hu6. Positive Impact: Choosing us means you’re making a difference. Your decision helps the environment by reducing waste and supports responsible business practices.deeply environment, environment advanced, decision environment, environment wasteinternational, waste, electronic, component, material2
therealworld.huMoney-making is a skill. Like every other skill it can be learned, and the speed at which it is learned depends on your coaches and the learning environment you are taught in.focus environment, environment missionreal, skill, money, learn, month2
hungarian4u.huSince I was born in Serbia, I speak Serbian well, because even though it’s not my mother tongue, it was considered to be the language of my environment.language, session, topic, conversation, free2
elbronco.huand facilities. Perfectly located in the Kiskunsági National Park, surrounded by tracks which are ideal for riders, the ranch offers a peaceful environment in which to train and improve riding skills, horse handling and stable management. The instructors are trained to a high level and have vast…peaceful environment, environment rideel, horse, ride, national, western2
balogarpad.huOur holistic approach is based on the principle that our estate is a single organic whole. It incorporates more than just our livestock and crops, encompassing the entirety of its natural environment: meadows, patches of woodland, pastures, rivers, canals, lakes, wildlife, right up to the stars…natural environment, environment meadow, livable environment, environment perfect, burden environmentwine, grape, natural, winery, vine2
bayerconstruct.huA 298-unit apartment building is under construction in the X. district of Budapest, in the neighborhood of Népliget. The Balance Garden residential complex, which is being developed by Bayer Property, will offer a quiet and peaceful environment for future owners and residents. The uniquely…peaceful environment, environment future, quality environment, environment liveabledetail, construction, property, group, development2
peterprog.huI ended up finding myself in some strange combination, as I graduated with a degree in Hardware Technology and then went on to graduate as an Electrical Engineering Technician. Since 2008 I have been working in an industrial environment, developing and operating PLCs, control cabinets, robots…industrial environment, environment plc, business environment, environment successfullynetwork, security, language, industrial, programming2
siokorhaz.huOur hospital is located on the southern shore of Lake in a pleasant landscaped environment.department, patient, hospital, job, news2
mixerhivo.huStimulate a creative environment and let your team have a feeling of continuous improvement. Motivation is built on real values that’s how growth progress becomes fun to follow and even much more beyond ..creative environment, environment team, work environment, environment understandmotivation, value, fun, engage, real2
aquaboy.huHealth, convenience, cost-effectiveness, and environment protection with the same delivery.effectiveness environment, environment protectionwater, delivery, hydration, boy, choice2
drogriporter.huThis documentary is about the communities of people living with HIV in Russia. It tells the story of how the members of the most vulnerable communities affected by the HIV epidemic, such as drug users, sex workers, and LGBTQ people, struggle for survival and dignity in a hostile cultural and…political environment, environment official, environment eyedrug, people, video, harm, reduction2
munkahely-stressz.huThe test is online, the employee can provide personal information, but can also complete the test anonymously. The test is not about the worker, but about the exposure to health risk factors in the work environment.atmosphereis environment, environment idealstress, occupational, workplace, health, physician2
vintagehaz.huWe take pride in our commitment to sustainability, and every aspect of our resort has been designed to minimize our impact on the environment. From our use of renewable materials to our eco-friendly practices, we strive to create a sustainable and responsible oasis for our guests.impact environment, environment useroom, photo, rate, nature, heart2
corvinsetany.huThe office building's interior design solutions are tailored to the individual needs of tenants, creating an inspirational environment for employees. The building has a unique view of the Corvin Promenade.inspirational environment, environment employee, peaceful environment, environment enormousoffice, promenade, build, apartment, view2
masszazsharmonia.huMy goal is to be able to help my guests maintain their health in a family environment at a high level.family environment, environment highmassage, body, harmony, appointment, pressure2
familyfarmvendeghaz.hu“The accommodation is in a beautiful, quiet environment. Clean, well equipped, sophisticated furnishings. The hosts are very kind, friendly and helpful. ”quiet environment, environment cleanfamily, room, guest, price, guesthouse2
semiramishotel.huThe hotel is surrounded by a beautiful, very calm and cultured environment. The city centre is just a few minutes on foot where you can arrange your business meetings. Also you can approach the breathtaking view of the river Tisza on foot, where you can relax after a long and exhausted day. Our…culture environment, environment cityroom, view, bed, shower, review2
onalloelet.huOn one hand, they intended to change society’s attitudes towards disabled people. This means removing obstacles within people’s minds and in their physical environment (creating a wheelchair accessible environment by removing stairs, narrow doors and establishing elevators, accessible public…physical environment, environment wheelchair, accessible environment, environment stair, environment marchpeople, activity, independent, live, accessibility2
bokretavendeghaz.hu„Bokréta” Guesthouse is situated at the and of the Main Street of Ganna in a quite place, on the hillside. Where there is a magnificant view of the neighbouring landscape. You can find Ganna 10 km from Pápa on the bank of a little creek called Bitva. The environment of the village is beautiful…bitva environment, environment village, upstairs environment, environment restapartment, guesthouse, hill, guest, accommodation2
control1.huWith over 20 years of experience as controller in multinational environment, we are working to ensure that your business gets the best possible results from its revenues.multinational environment, environment business, environment effectivelycontrol, management, controller, analysis, plan2
balaton-online.huIf you want something special and exclusive, Port DeLux is the place that will provide you with it. Our exclusive apartments are available to our wellness-loving guests all year round, in a unique environment on the shores of Lake Balaton, with their own beach and numerous adult- and…unique environment, environment shorerequest, apartment, beach, people, terrace2
struvefitness.hu. This approach helps reduce crowding, ensuring that our guests feel comfortable. Our goal is to provide our club members with a peaceful, sunny environment to exercise alongside highly trained professionals. Our machine park includes a range of professional conditioning and cardio equipment, as…sunny environment, environment alongsideuse, registration, pass, department, personal2
clearvision.huWe carry out application development and system integration activities, our staff members have many years of experience in project management, system engineering, software development and testing in a heterogeneous operating environment. In our first years, we have tried our team in several areas…operate environment, environment yearsolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication2
coloredborderskennel.huI do my best to get healthy, well-blooded, balanced, beautiful puppies for show and hobby purposes. The little ones start their lives in the first 8 weeks in a familiar environment, live together with us in the house and in the garden, get to know our cats, hedgehogs, bunnie, different noises…familiar environment, environment house, right environment, environment relationshipfamiliar, litter, small, site, heart2
itstudy.huThe rapid evolution of technology have significantly changed significant many practices in our lives today. The rapidly changing economic and social environment requires a correspondingly constant adaptation from the actors of the economy. This includes vocational education, who prepare many of…social environment, environment correspondinglyeducation, vocational, teacher, training, development2
szav.huWhen your character is targeted by a combat check while in an urban environment, you may spend one Story Point to use this talent before the dice pool is rolled. If you do so, your character's opponent removes all j added to the check, and instead adds an equal number of f to the results.type environment, environment useful, urban environment, environment storytier, activation, check, character, active2
expandaltlemez.huThe products with the trademark MARIANItech® offer innovative architectural solutions in case of shaping of the facades. The metal expanded sheets are used at the renewing of the existing buildings or at the construction of new ones, both in case of private or industrial environments. Thus they…industrial environment, environment new, burden environmentsheet, data, metal, suitable, type2
lipotitermalfalu.huCompletely developed residential property (road, water, gas, canal, electricity) in a beautiful natural environment in the immediate vicinity of the Lipót thermal bath (150 m) and near the protected landscape area Szigetköz.natural environment, environment immediatearea, thermal, water, danube, village2
hotelgoldenpark.huSunny rooms with two comfortable beds. Due to its calm environment, it is ideal for a business or study visit, for those who want to relax. This room has a work desk, safe and satellite TV. Rooms have been recently refurbished and have a private bathroom.calm environment, environment idealroom, faq, gallery, station, private2
bypassnet.huProduction renewed in 2011: we doubled the area of the assembly hall, set up an ESD protected service and testing environment, and the Microsoft Dynamics Navision enterprise resource planning system has been implemented. This year we have repaired over 10 thousand, assembled close to 70 thousand…test environment, environment microsoft, activity environment, environment exampledevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment2
ctxservices.huWe offer specialist consulting services to companies using PHP for their business-critical applications. Our experts can provide you with PHP consulting services including technical consultancy on the LAMP environment and PHP Migration Services.critical environment, environment high, lamp environment, environment phptechnology, expert, development, critical, application2
bellavistaeger.huBellavista Apartments are located on a hill, overlooking the castle and the historic city centre of Eger, surrounded with green environment and calm atmosphere.green environment, environment calm, wonderful environment, environment helpfulapartment, people, bedroom, city, ideal2
agriteach.hu…the pedagogical innovations of learner-centred methods such as the Creative Classroom (CC) and the Flipped Classroom (FC) model. The learning environment and teaching model applied by this LdV project is aligned with the pedagogical innovations of the ET 2020 framework, focusing for the…learn environment, environment software, environment teachagricultural, teacher, training, agriculture, digital2
optimumdetail.huTourism development of the environment of the church in Ják – II. phase – Abbey house, exhibition spacedevelopment environment, environment churchdetail, construction, eng, office, build2
daytimeparty.huEvery Sunday at #Daytime Party, above the city we’re waiting for you to join. The place where you can relax in a high standard, friendly environment. You don’t need a passport to feel the breeze of Miami, or Dubai, only one step, and you can reach this mood instantlyfriendly environment, environment passportdaytime, login, sign, event, table2
kapinfood.humethod to replace artisanal lab tests for screening applications. Its certified, ISO-grade analytics is fully automated, needing no highly qualified staff or lab environment. With pioneering software capability it integrates into any cutting-edge global food tracking and supply chain tracing system.lab environment, environment pioneer, operational environment, environment systemfood, safety, lab, innovative, address2
tiszapartimesehaz.huIf you want to get away from the stress of everyday life and relax in a luxurious environment, the Meseház (Fabulous Cottage) at River Tisza is the perfect choice. We look forward to welcoming you!immersive environment, environment enchant, luxurious environment, environment meseházfabulous, cottage, place, summer, bathroom2
tc2.hu…the retirement of SAP support for alternative databases, it will be essential for hundreds of companies to switch platforms in the next 5-10 years. However, this can be a risky project in a traditional environment because of the magnitude of hardware estimation, acquisition, and lifecycle tracking.traditional environment, environment magnitude, role environment, environment experiencecloud, solution, migration, case, study2
miaszabo.huI take protecting environment very seriously too – i have reduced all waste to bare minimum, and work with biodegradable items where absolutely possible.vegan environment, environment friendlyintelligent, skin, effective, specialist, solution2
academiaoffices.hu…building is officially approaching the end of its renovation. The building was awarded the 'Future Project of the Year' at the CRE Real Estate Awards event held in late 2022, seamlessly combining tradition with modern technologies, and ensuring a top-quality work environment from August onward.work environment, environment outstanding, environment augustbuild, available, academia, area, traditional2
soloron.huEntrust us with the IT operational tasks of your company and the operation of your business-critical IT environments. Our industry-certified professionals with many years of enterprise experience have a wide range of IT operations expertise that gives you peace of mind and security.critical environment, environment industrysolution, operation, quality, click, security2
luxnails.huOur goal was to estabilish a nail salon, one which multiple services can be used with new and modern equipment, with affordable prices in a stylish and elegant environment.stylish environment, environment goodnail, artificial, salon, hand, price2
innodev.hu· IBM Rational Rhapsody: To streamline the software development process, we rely on IBM Rational Rhapsody. This comprehensive development environment assists us in modeling, designing, and generating code for the sewing machine software. It helps us maintain efficiency and structure throughout the…development environment, environment codesoftware, communication, device, bus, multiple2
dianaclubhotel.huIn the tastefully decorated, friendly environment of our hotel, our professional and well-prepared staff take care of Your and Your Guests’ comfort. A very special feature of this hotel is the shooting range found on premises that caters to the needs of the enthusiasts of the sport.friendly environment, environment hotelroom, view, detail, gallery, news2
allhotelsbudapest.hu…Börzsöny and Cserhát Mountains, on the picturesque shore of Lake Bánk. Our hotel is a perfect place for those who look for a quiet and natural environment to relax near by Budapest. The hotel awaits its guests with 36 rooms, 3 conference rooms, gastronomic and wellness services. ✔️ Tó Wellness…cosy environment, environment reasonable, natural environment, environment nearenquiry, deal, package, price, lake2
bslaw-en.huBSLAW Budapest has built strong energy, real estate, property, public procurement, labour law, business, commercial and IT capabilities. We offer professional consultancy and uniquely tailor-made solutions, in a rapidly changing legal environment. Our team is well equipped to meet our clients’…legal environment, environment teamlaw, office, expertise, solution, legal2
ferrataapartmanok.huOur apartments, which are opened in 2022, are located in the heart of Bakony-Hills, one of the strongholds of Hungarian hiking. Our guesthouses in a wonderful mountainous environment offer unparalleled experiences and inexhaustible opportunities for relaxation both in winter and summer to nature…mountainous environment, environment unparalleledguesthouse, family, offer, quality, apartment2
budapestaccommodations.huThe Hotel Anna Budapest is located in a quite environment, near to the metro stop in the XI. district. waiting for its guests. The building has 37 double rooms with unique equipments, 11 exclusive single rooms and one apartment. Mimama Konyhája is a family restaurant next to the hotel, which makes…pleasant environment, environment buda, budapest environment, environment nearenquiry, price, room, booking, accommodation2
medicoverszuleszet.huIn our maternity unit, safety and personal space are guaranteed: new parents can enjoy their first unforgettable moments in an exclusive, intimate, and relaxed environment.care, maternity, obstetrics, pregnancy, package2
rendezveny-sator.huPlan the perfect event, prepared for any weather, with a stylish event tent! Whether it's a corporate event or a festival, our tents provide adequate protection and an elegant environment for your guests to have a memorable experience.magical environment, environment guest, elegant environmenttent, event, gallery, wedding, festival2
kszgysz.huA new report by UN Environment examines the state of plastic pollution in 2018. The report offers the first comprehensive global assessment of government action against plastic pollution. The… További részletekaward environment, environment ebae, un environment, environment statewaste, plastic, european, international, water2
belsoudvar.huBut additionally, we have been looking since more than 20 years the ways of design and of construction that can minimize the effect of houses on the natural environment. Due to this interest we are taking account both the construction-, operation-, and disposal life phases of houses. In addition…natural environment, environment architectural, environment interestresearch, build, office, expert, architect2
donautica.huEnchanting environment awaits for all with a year-round opening. The furnishings, quality and atmosphere of our restaurant provide an exclusive experience.elegant environment, environment excellent, enchant environment, environment yearview, room, offer, booking, gallery2
exva.huWe have worked with ExVA Kft. and their predecessor (BKI) since 1992. Over the past nearly 30 years, they have completed several dozen type-test certifications for us. They provide high-standard professional support for the design phase of the equipment our Company manufactures for use in…simulation environment, environment hazard, explosive environment, environment testcertification, expert, hazardous, safety, area2
in-ex.huOur team of 150 licensed professionals includes all design disciplines who collaborate in a closed-BIM environment, ensuring the highest quality outcomes.work environment, bim environment, environment highcareer, reference, studio, engineering, day2
hotelhonti.huI have been going back with my family for almost ten years between Christmas and New Year's Eve. This year we brought it three weeks early, we wouldn't have missed it. Real family environment, undisturbed rest, delicious breakfasts. You are greeted by a delicate scent and discreet music. They…exclusive environment, environment deluxe, family environment, environment undisturbedapartment, house, family, booking, type2
zoldsegbirtok.huIn spring our vegetables are grown in a calm environment, away from wild animals and foreign hands. Our hard work, energy, dedication and love for nature bring the expected results and the taste of our fruits becomes unparalleled.calm environment, environment away, friendly environment, environment freshvegetable, land, nature, virtually, beneficiary2
jmjameselectric.hu“Electricity is not a toy!” surely in everyone’s ears rings the warning that you heard a lot as a child. However, it is this eternal truth that has motivated us to conscientiously perform electrical work in the homes of the population and in industrial environments for many years, thus keeping our…industrial environment, environment yearinstallation, career, gallery, electrical, industrial2
tourdematra.huEvery racer must follow all the rules for the protection of the environment given by the Organiser with utmost care, respecting the region and the population as well as keeping up the sporting spirit of the cycling race.protection environment, environment organiser, local environment, environment refreshmentrace, entry, tour, road, cycling2
calypsocafe.huIn the wonderful mediterranean environment, a family-friendly atmosphere await you and your family and friends for a pleasant breakfast, lunch and dinnermediterranean environment, environment familyrestaurant, lakeside, room, music, reservation2
bagdal-vino.huTeam-building or family events? At Bagdal-Vino you will find a cozy, comfortable accommodation in a beautiful environment, from where you are guaranteed to return home with good experiences! The host of Bagdal-Vino, László Bagdal and his son, keep their family tradition in this peaceful rural…beautiful environment, environment homewine, winery, hill, guest, gallery2
netlife.huWe are really passionate about the quality of work. We have always made it imperative that we work towards the satisfaction of our clients and channel partners. If you are facing any business challenge that is ruining the profits and the whole work environment in terms of customer satisfaction…work environment, environment termcustomer, development, welcome, application, quality2
doubledecker.huInforming and involving the public and the media is quintessential in the institutional sector, too. We offer active support to organisations operating in this highly regulated and sensitive environment.environment sustainabilitydouble, brand, agency, media, expertise2
tamasmagusmedium.huI am also human and meeting me should be imagined as a conversation, without scary objects, in a soothing, safe environment. You won’t see ghosts or angels flying around while we’re talking. Obviously, this question arises for many people because they should be afraid of me, because I can see into…lot environment, environment house, safe environment, environment willcourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health2
mirango.huWe offer comprehensive implementation of systems working in office, mobile or enterprise environmentssimulation environment, environment offshoresoftware, development, need, data, process2
rozika.huOur guesthouse is located in Sukoró, in the center of a charming holiday village with a population of 1,400 in a picturesque environment on the northern shore of Lake Velence, and at the southern foot of the Mountains of Velence.picturesque environment, environment northernroom, guesthouse, lake, house, homepage2
szaguldozz.hu…for protection by live attenuated vaccines, and immune correlates of protection are under investigation. The mucosa of our respiratory system is, therefore, in direct and continual contact with the environment and, as such, is highly exposed to microorganisms, some of which may be pathogenic.contact environment, environment highly, intracellular environment, environment viralrespiratory, virus, korean, cell, vaccine2
solesco.huWe design and implement projects that contribute to sustainable and cleaner environment for the current and future generations, with a positive return on investment. Under a long-term contract, we build a predominantly self-financed renewable energy generation system at the customer's site, which…clean environment, environment currentenergy, generation, renewable, electricity, long2
formalin.huThe Company’s formalin production facility is located at Kazincbarcika in the BorsodChem Industrial Park, which can be found on the premises of BorsodChem Zrt. Because of the location and owners of the plants the environment protection factors had already got an accentuated importance during the…plant environment, environment protection, safety environment, problem environment, environment complianceproduction, plant, material, industrial, customer2
boglyafesztival.huWe take care of the environment, so we organize the entire Boglya Fest with an eco-approach. We want to implement a festival where selective garbage collection and composting are the basis.village environment, environment time, care environment, environment entirefestival, break, event, city, people2
alientechnology.huThe industry’s most respected tag and label solutions. We provide Trusted Performance™ to a board-range of applications and provide tags proven to work in challenging environments.challenge environment, environment readertechnology, reader, enterprise, short, retail2
godrich.huDaimler's Microsoft Sharepoint 2013 farm and Microsoft SQL 2012 environment administration.sql environment, environment administration, ha environment, environment managementlorem, ipsum, consectetur, nisi, ut2
aggtelekivendeghaz.huAggtelek quiet, peaceful environment, clean air, plenty of opportunities for leisure, in the underground over the unique natural values of the Aggtelek National Park in the heart of a World Heritage site all year round, whether it is up to a quiet weekend relaxing at the family or a programs full…peaceful environment, environment clean, enrich environment, environment returnregion, class, trip, training, day2
moonwalk.hucan hardly say that we’ve reached the age when people with disabilities no longer have to struggle; it’s enough to think about the barrier-free environment, which has different form across Europe. In Hungary, changing the situation of people with disabilities is a slow process owing to the…project environment, environment research, free environment, environment different, teach environmentdisability, people, research, young, youth2
mokoskatalin.huMy expertise in organization and culture development is deeply rooted in more than 20 years’ experience gained in a multinational environment where I worked also as a leader for a long time. The sector I worked in was subject to continuous change for many years, so change management has become my…multinational environment, environment leaderfree, download, management, change, culture2
villeroy-boch.huTimeless elegance, innovative design and outstanding quality: that is what the brand Villeroy & Boch has stood for since 1748. Designers and product managers develop collections and concepts based on this tradition that shape living environments. Whether in the areas of Bathroom and Wellness…live environment, environment areabathroom, collection, kitchen, live, dealer2
budapesthotelsnet.huHotel Seni is a 3-star hotel in Budapest with elegant oriental style inside. The hotel is located between the airport and the city centre, in the 10th district of Budapest, in quiet environment. Hotel Seni offers comfortable rooms, apartments and a hotel restaurant. In the surrounding there are…pleasant environment, environment buda, quiet environment, environment hotelreservation, city, centre, room, discount2
lavx.huWith strong System Engineer and Network Administrator background, I have more than ten years of experience in managing Linux and Windows-based servers for various purposes and operating high availability IT infrastructures. Based on those skills I can design your IT infrastructure in a virtual…metal environment, environment hundred, virtual environment, environment cloudsolution, develop, consulting, manage, skill2
wewifi.huIn an industrial or business environment, entire processes can stop or even crash if the signal is lost or the Wi-Fi connection is interrupted.congested environment, environment bandwidth, business environment, environment entirenetwork, survey, wi, site, office2
smileexpert.hu…where our experienced dentists and oral surgeons are at your service with the utmost confidence. We have 4 dental chairs, in a sophisticated environment, with brand new state-of-the-art dental equipment. Our dental laboratory is equipped with the latest CAD-CAM technology to produce dental…sophisticated environment, environment brand, calm environment, environment perfectdental, smile, dentistry, tooth, expert2
angoloniskola.hu…met and problems solved. I have worked with companies to: bring their employee’s English to the necessary level, stop the spread of toxic work environments, define clear boundaries and roles for each department and individual, optimize customer service and generate more business through a sales…work environment, environment customer, environment clearteacher, student, training, language, native2
a-list.huThe mission of A-list Salon & Spa professionals is to provide you with exclusive, personalized services and a sophisticated, welcoming environment while spiritually recharging. With premium, internationally recognized brands and the continuous salon and international training of our experts, we…sophisticated environment, environment spiritually, elegant environment, environment footlist, salon, pedicure, manicure, quality2
pelsodekor.huWe offer a comprehensive range of painting and decorating services for your residential and high-end properties as well as penthouses. Our painters and decorators have over 25 years experience of working in such environments.business environment, environment officepainting, commercial, residential, painter, comprehensive2
biggeorgeproperty.hu…that satisfy user needs by observing the highest quality and sustainability aspects, whether a residential property, office building, business premises, industrial or logistics development. We believe that the built environment positively affects people’s quality of life and the environment.development environment, environment positivelyproperty, development, real, estate, view2
chatdeck.huEncourage open communication by breaking down communication barriers and creating a more inclusive team environment.office environmentgame, delivery, question, card, order2
ipvision.huIntelligence – demonstrated by machines, when a machine analyzes its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success. With tools as statistical methods, computational intelligence and traditional symbolic AI perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of…computer environment, environment basically, machine environment, environment action, ai environmenttechnology, machine, solution, intelligence, carrier2
trustbuilder.huIn an inspiring and playful educational environment, we anonymously measure and raise the level of trust in your company’s teams and in the whole organization.educational environment, environment anonymouslytrust, employee, tax, turnover, survey2
braininghub.hu…to AWS and how to use it both from the graphical interface and from the command-line. You will also learn how AWS supports the implementation of microservice architecture in a cloud-based environment, how to prepare your system for a rapidly changing load and how to automatically scale services.cloud environment, environment system, production environment, environment minutetraining, hour, corporate, technology, latest2
ahid.huAt A-HÍD we understand that the technologies used in our activities have an impact on the natural and developed environment. This is why we give environmental tasks associated with our work a great deal of attention. Great emphasis is placed on the prevention and gradual reduction of potential…develop environment, environment environmental, environment constructionenvironmental, protection, activity, responsibility, social2
barberwebshop.hu60's classic barber shop in the Grand Boulevard in Budapest. Retro style and good mood. Our barbers are excellent professionals who do the most trendy hairstyles and beard styles in an oldschool environment.care, beard, gift, hair, voucher2
bta-group.hu…analyze all requirements in depth. With this necessary support, not only the new software, but also other connected systems, the entire environment is learnt and also checked for the necessary adjustments. The business analyst and the client together making sure that the requirements are…software environment, environment good, entire environment, environment necessary, environment involvementgroup, management, software, process, analysis2
mnv.huThe Hungarian Government concluded a cooperation agreement with Turkey regarding the complex restoration project of Gul Baba Turbe and its immediate environment. The project investor is HNAM Inc...immediate environment, environment projectintroduction, website, asset, complete, purpose2
imolaplatan.hu…to the everyday and parental duties. On the journey to full relaxation we would like to accompany you with special, personalised attention; supporting help of our expert staff and by creating an undisturbed environment. We are convinced that You will share our novel vision and enjoy our efforts.undisturbed environment, environment noveladult, booking, offer, friendly, room2
wingsbeauty.huIn our salon you can become more beautiful in an exclusive environment – in the heart of the city centre – with premium active ingredients and high level expertise we make sure that you will always be satisfied and leave the salon in a wonderful mood.exclusive environment, environment hearthair, treatment, makeup, permanent, aid2
hevizhotelsbooking.huThe 4-star spa thermal hotel NaturMed Hotel Carbona**** is situated in Mediterranean environment in Heviz, offers open air fun bath with a water surface of 1000 m2, a thermal bath evoking the atmosphere of Roman times and numerous opportunities for therapeutic methods and wellness all year round!mediterranean environment, environment hevizthermal, lake, package, booking, piece2
terracorner.huYou dream of an office environment where you would like to spend your weekdays and we help you to realize it.office environment, environment weekdayoffice, floor, build, price, location2
expatserv.huWe understand how important it is for you to arrive in time, well informed about the new cultural environment, about the basic facilities and relaxed knowing that you can almost continue your life where you stopped it in your previous location.cultural environment, environment basicexpatriate, relocation, trust, card, expat2
myesabcareer.huAt ESAB Shared Service Center we employ more than 200 people who provides business support in customer service, supply chain, finance and IT field. ESAB offers complex and challenging jobs, a great work environment, competitive salary, opportunity to develop, implement promotion and training.work environment, environment competitivecareer, global, job, presence, customer2
borkuti-panzio-es-apartman.huThere is a fishing lake nearby with calm and beautiful environment, perfect relaxation for those who want fishing.beautiful environment, environment perfectapartment, pension, room, price, relaxation2
bionectar.hu• Raw honey from producers is carefully heated to a maximum of 40 degrees Celcius in a heating chamber in regulated and controlled environment.honey, quality, acacia, sunflower, pallet2
hzcleaning.huWe provide high-quality hotel and office cleaning services. Our goal is to create a clean, organized, and hygienic environment in both hotels and offices.hygienic environment, environment hotel, office environment, environment keyclean, office, hygienic, quote, organize2
lastminutehotels.hu…Börzsöny and Cserhát Mountains, on the picturesque shore of Lake Bánk. Our hotel is a perfect place for those who look for a quiet and natural environment to relax near by Budapest. The hotel awaits its guests with 36 rooms, 3 conference rooms, gastronomic and wellness services. ✔️ Tó Wellness…natural environment, environment near, budapest environmentenquiry, package, deal, booking, room2
csodalatosbaja.huSugovica free beach Located in a scenic environment, the renewed free beach on the banks of the Sugovica offers an ideal opportunity for recreation on hot summer days with its riverbank terraces andscenic environment, environment freeride, water, main, city, hiking2
higlernatural.huIf you’ve already committed to EcoNatural paper products and dispensers, print out the certificate and show your customers and guests what you’ve done together for the environment!environmental, paper, natural, environmentally, dispenser2
balatonivendeghaz.huOur guest house is located on the north shore of Balaton, at the top of the Badacsonyörs vineyards, with our own one-and-a-half-hectare vineyard surrounding us and the Folly Arboretum, with its hundreds-of-year old pine trees and deciduous trees below us, providing a unique environment for a…beautiful environment, environment look, unique environment, environment familyapartment, special, offer, view, family2
onedayhandyman.huI have had the pleasure of working with the One-day Handyman team on several occasions. They have always been very reliable, punctual, clean and create a pleasant environment. They handle even the smallest tasks with the utmost care. I would highly recommend them for home repairs, gardening and…aim environment, pleasant environment, environment smallhandyman, day, price, satisfaction, customer2
tokajmagic.hu…available anywhere or some old vintages as well. This is what makes this wineregion special: can be a big surprise either when if you taste it from barrel or if it is aged in bottle for decades. A little bit like a masterclass, a little bit like a workshop, but in a cool and friendly environment.adorable environment, environment budapestwine, tasting, special, local, topic2
highlaneconsulting.huIn an uncertain and rapidly changing environment, only the organizations that are adaptable and capable of innovation can succeed.rapidly environment, environment organizationinnovation, consulting, process, organization, plan2
bte.hu…during dangerous goods transportations. After the presentations the audience had the possibility to ask questions about the topics and other relevant issues from the speakers. We could discuss activities (based on knowledge, not on sentencing tariffs), that provide safe environment for shipments.safe environment, environment shipmentassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor2
holisys.hupay as you go: the amount of time spent depends on your environment. If IT needs less attention over time it means we did a good job.continuously environment, environment growth, time environment, environment attentionmanagement, digital, detail, sme, agile2
padmaresidence.huThe Padma Residence has been designed with a special attention to provide a pleasant and peaceful environment for its residents. From the street, a 60-metre-long access road leads to the 2 buildings, which in itself gives a huge privacy. The low number of units and the 2 flats / floor ratio will…peaceful environment, environment resident, harmonious environment, environment dayapartment, gallery, list, street2
benkoborialapitvany.huThe Tree of Life Waldorf School of Veresegyhaz opened its gates in 2011. Our goal was to follow Rudolf Steiner’s path to make our school a loving and caring environment for learning, where we put great emphasis on teaching children by using age-appropriate techniques. Our pupils are open-minded…care environment, environment learn, warm environment, environment formchild, foundation, school, reason, occurrence2
happykids.hu“When my husband and I were looking for a kindergarten for our children, we wanted their first experience to be in a loving, caring, and homely environment, where they receive professional care and feel safe. We found all these qualities at Happy Kids, where the English language environment was an…learn environment, environment excellence, homely environment, environment professional, language environmentkid, happy, child, kindergarten, international2
buda-plaza.huYou dream of an office environment where you would like to spend your weekdays and we help you to realize it.office environment, environment weekdayoffice, build, street, price, location2
emcotest.huyear is a serious loss because his extraordinary visionary spirit has shaped not only the development of the company but also its employees and environment. There is also a great lack of humanity, a sense of responsibility for the region and the environment. The numbers speak for themselves: 40…employee environment, environment great, region environment, environment numberautomatic, enquiry, semi, application, tester2
springboard.huSpringboard was set up so non-British children may also easily access a native English speaking environment and high quality, motivating teaching.english environment, environment day, environment highschool, application, boarding, british, child2
cryptic.hu…deployment and management of cloud-based infrastructure. We ensure that your cloud-based systems are secure, compliant, and reliable. From security assessments to secure cloud architecture design, our team of experienced professionals can help you develop and maintain a secure cloud environment.consulting, cloud, security, strategy, secure2
baseinvest.huFounded in 2010, the company now has 15 employees who are high-level civil engineers working in an impeccable working environment with the best IT tools currently available.work environment, environment goodstructure, base, building, tool, reference2
munkavedinfo.huIn today’s complex business environment, understanding legal terminology and business law is essential. From company rules and regulations to corporate law courses, there are numerous legal concepts that can impact your business. Let’s explore some key topics in a question-answer style.business environment, environment legallegal, law, agreement, regulation, important2
dartsmatek.huIn contrast with the traditional teaching methods, it provides an entertaining and interactive environment, which catches the children’s attention better.interactive environment, environment childmath, page, student, programme, device2
banyaiorsolya.huOnce upon a time I was born in a world, where my fearful and desperate voice was not heard by my environment. They were afraid of becoming controlled by it. Finally, I became silent, I gradually accepted that they have ears only for my “good voices”. I forgot deeply that I have fearful voices at…voice environment, environment afraid, environment warmth, attachment environment, environment attachmentvoice, society, activity, clear, event2
gombaforum.huBio-Fungi button mushroom cancer research Compost producing conference development Economy egészség environment protection European Union event events export Gasztronómia gazdaság Germany Great-Britain health health Hungary innovation Ireland medicinal mushrooms mushroom mushroom cultivation…egészség environment, environment protectionmushroom, cultivation, technology, research, economy2
parkinnsarvar.huAn ideal solution for couples and families with a small child. Cosy environment, high quality, and a lovely atmosphere—this is what you will find in every standard room.fairytale environment, environment dream, cosy environment, environment highroom, offer, event, family, detail2
hordoetterembuk.huWhen we enherited the old Aranyhordó restaurant, we tried to construct a building and an environment that’s worthy of the developing streets of our city, but at the same time feels welcoming for our guests. We hope that we accomplished our goal.build environment, environment worthyrestaurant, staff, guest, protect, drink2
panoramahazbukkszek.huHouse Rules Please adhere to the following rules during your stay to ensure a pleasant and safe environment for all our guests.safe environment, environment guest, baroque environment, environment finepanorama, house, guest, playground, reservation2
fotomuveszek.huAward launched by the Association of Hungarian Architects and the Hungarian Architecture magazine The main objective of this contest is to encourage and inspire thinking about our man-made environment via architecture-related photographs.man environment, environment architectureopen, photographer, association, venue, ceremony2
localcat.huWhat services does LocalCat provide? LocalCat is an in home pet service. The cat sitter feeds and takes care of your kitty in their own familiar environment when you travel and need someone to look after them. Our pet lover cat sitters go to your home so that your cat can stay in their comfort…familiar environment, environment petsitter, request, zone, feed, price2
forestfoods.huWith the knowledge of the cycles of the forest and our network of foragers, we have become a leading source of the most beautiful, wild harvested ingredients from the depths of Hungary’s forests. Having extensive experience and knowledge of sourcing wild ingredients in ways beneficial to the…beneficial environment, environment eater, natural environment, environment helpforest, food, mushroom, nature, straight2
novareg.huWe provide an effective tool, an efficient method to our partners to develop fast and simple strategic planning for their businesses that can be effectively adjusted to the changing environment.management, strategic, development, innovation, analysis2
answare.huCorporate Social Responsibility - for the staff of Answare Ltd. - is about the engagement, that we as a company and as individuals are doing for our social, professional and natural environment through our fundamental business activities, sponsoring and organizing community programs.natural environment, environment fundamentalsocial, news, solution, quality, responsibility2
thestage.huunique design in exclusive environment with the inimitable charm of Astoria's hustle and bustle,exclusive environment, environment inimitable, comfortable environment, environment cupstage, room, city, middle, dance2
intermetal.huOur goal is to strive towards efficiently re-utilizing scrap materials making contribution to the sustainability of natural resources. It is our obligation to prevent hazardous waste from spreading into the environment as the protection of nature and the interest of humanity requests.waste environment, environment protectionmetal, ferrous, waste, scrap, hazardous2
ajbh.huJoint Statement of Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and Deputy Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Ombudsman for Future Generations on World Environment Dayworld environment, environment dayanimation, commissioner, fundamental, office, county2
rigocon.hu…combat their specific challenges in a practical manner and with applicable tools . We put every single solution into context – with the organisation’s strategy, with its value chain and financial management, with its governance and culture, together with its business and regulatory environment.control environment, environment ethicalrisk, management, control, solution, financial2
towerconsulting.huHungary has the most favorable tax environment for corporations in Europe. As an EU member state, you will enjoy the benefits of access to European markets, while you can keep your running costs down. Optimize your payable taxes in Hungary with the professional advice of the experts of Tower…tax environment, environment corporationtower, accounting, tax, consulting, payroll2
pestmedvet.huWe wait for our patients with permanent proposals and reasonable prices in a very attractive environment in the mall opposite the Pesterzsébet Swimming Pool. We intended to form a friendly environment where the owners can feel comfortable and the animals may feel less stress as they arrived to the…attractive environment, environment mall, friendly environment, environment owner, environment beautifuloffice, veterinary, open, mediterranean, hour2
xperion.huQmatic’s solutions provide a stress-free environment that helps staff to keep structure in their work and guides customers upon entering the store. Now, customers can have a look around, without feeling the pressure of standing in line, or not knowing if a sales representative has seen them or not.free environment, environment staffmanagement, customer, digital, store, solution2
yachtcamping.huYacht Campsite offers you comfortable, well-equipped, comfortable bungalows. They are placed in a green environment with a spacious terrace, it is suitable for 4 people.green environment, environment spaciousbungalow, campsite, list, pitch, price2
para-mis.hu…protection have become very important for Para-Mis Ltd. in the recent years, with modern insulation, solar panels and green license plates. Our company has previously been awarded the Protected Workplace title because 80% of the working environment is made up of workers with disabilities.title environment, environment workerquote, type, manufacture, packaging, page2
balanceline.huIf you’d like to make strategic business decisions or launching a new firm in Hungary, you need an extensive overview of the local tax environment. Experts of Balance Line can provide all up- to-date information concerning the relevant Hungarian tax regulations. After a deep and thorough analysis…legal environment, environment hungary, tax environment, environment experttax, line, legal, finance, financial2
hiperszuper.huIn 1997, I became a tutor to talented young students at Utrecht University. As a university lecturer, I was teaching Applied Human Behaviour. Later, I was engaged in large social transformation and international human resource projects, and until 2012, as HR Business Partner at PWC, I worked in a…success environment, environment sensitive, corporate environment, environment fieldhomepage, individual, picture, solution, big2
sporthotelvelence.huThe rooms of the Sport Hotel Velence are ideal for guests to relax in comfort and recharge in a peaceful environment. The interiors are designed with simplicity and quality in mind in order to focus on the panoramic view of Lake Velence and the hotel’s park thick with mature trees. A total of 28…ideal environment, environment water, peaceful environment, environment interiorbook, active, room, relaxation, lake2
smartoservice.huand modern athmospere. Both long term & short term rentals are available even in hourly bases. Please feel free to drop in for a work meeting or checking our rooms and shared desks, it will be our pleasure to guide you and show you our yet small, but very warm working environment & social community.work environment, environment social, comfortable environmentoffice, room, access, interior, meet2
omnipack.huOmnipack First Hungarian Packaging Technology Cluster is a strategic alliance engaging itself in environment protection and sustainable development, the development of state-of-the-art packaging technology solutions and proactive international presence.advocate environment, environment friendly, alliance environment, environment protectionpackaging, cluster, material, technology, tool2
endo.huWhatever is the status of your Siebel based environment we can help you improve it with due-diligence, configuration analysis, business requirement gap analysis, upgrade or performance tuning.siebel environment, environment diligence, environment underwhelmingmile, application, investment, digital, long2
naftagaztech.huIn favour of warranty and guaranty we are present through the implementations and we provide supervision which is appropriate to the environment of the legal, standard-specifications. We represent you on the public proceedings and we participate in professional audits.effective environment, environment friendly, appropriate environment, environment legaldetail, plan, news, power, ami2
psychologistbudapest.huBy professional environment I mean: it is a supportive, accepting and confidential setting, where an effective, empathetic dialogue is the most important “tool” at hand.professional environment, environment supportive, new environment, environment newpsychologist, counseling, family, couple, deep2
icqglobal.huEither in our corporate or private environment creating a culture of equality, where people feel valued and a sense of belonging has never been more important. We believe that in an inclusive environment, diversity is transformed into synergy, thus the level of innovation, engagement and…private environment, environment culture, inclusive environment, environment diversityglobal, welcome, people, knowledge, trainer2
doctormotor.hu…motor that other companies would dispose of. With 13 years of expertise behind our back we are positive about our proficiency and efficiency. We save money for our customers, and while doing so we ALSO save the environment. Our service is a fast and efficient with 6 to 12 months of WARRANTY !customer environment, environment service, environment friendlyspare, machine, warranty, repair, electric2
appletree-kindergarten.huLove of nature and an awareness of our environment are emphasized and integral parts of the curriculum at Apple Tree Kindergarten and Nursery. Children are actively involved in maintaining our fruit trees, our vegetable patch and our flowerbeds. We teach children about recycling and composting. We…awareness environment, environment integralkindergarten, tree, nursery, child, teacher2
citycorner.huYou dream of an office environment where you would like to spend your weekdays and we help you to realize it.office environment, environment weekdayoffice, city, downtown, quarter, square2
gundel.hu... where you can work in a pleasant environment, organise business meetings, close to the city centre, but away from the noise, at the gateway to the City Park...pleasant environment, environment business, gundel environmentnational, event, wine, cake, restaurant2
bolcsode11kerulet.huCreche The environment in which children spend most of the day has a significant effect on their entire life in the future.creche environment, environment child, love environment, environment carechild, colleagues, introduction, gallery, care2
drfarkaseva.huMy research interest focuses on three topics: Structural, content, and methodological development of vocational education and training and adult learning, Validation of learning outcomes acquired in non-formal learning environments, and Learning outcomes-based curriculum design and learning…learn environment, environment learnactivity, education, learn, adult, research2
fogdakezemalapitvany.hunominated for a Sozial Marie award, where more people could learn about our professional program. The former campaign has now grown into a work environment, the ultimate goal of which is to open its own café in Pécs. It has grown to a national level since the beginning of the programme: already in…workshop environment, environment foundation, work environment, environment ultimatefoundation, people, disability, youngsters, young2
pecspilates.huPilates can help you feel better in your own skin not only physically, but also mentally. We firmly believe that with the different types of classes, we can make this wonderful form of exercise accessible and dear to everyone. We strive to build a supportive environment that is not just about…supportive environment, environment training, fine environment, environment relaxbody, method, exercise, class, muscle2
ovst.huWith OVST worldwide partnership network, our practice extends across the globe and provides a range of services that help address the challenges of today's ever-changing business and legal environment.trade, value, social, large, corporate2
madilancos.huFeeling like home at the office: an inspiring, fresh working environment in CPI's new officework environment, environment cpioffice, build, news, award, square2
jet-vill.huThe mission of JFA CITYSMART is to encourage the development of future smart cities where the most advanced network technology will ensure an attractive cityscape, a liveable environment and safe public spaces. Our vision is that by 2020 all kinds of equipment, whether for transporting electricity…liveable environment, environment safeunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power2
felicia-feder.hudown recycling is an excellent option for those who want to reduce waste, conserve resources, and support sustainable production practices. By choosing products made with recycled feathers and down, you can enjoy the benefits of these materials while also making a positive impact on the environment.benefit environment, environment consumerfeather, material, goose, quality, benefit2
kultplay.huAmazing mixed reality projection from begian art group, The Popcornmakers. "Disturb Me is an interactive installation between human and his environment. It is to make perceptible the reciprocal links and often forgotten contact, that we maintain with our environment.human environment, environment perceptible, color environment, environment formreader, art, social, installation, european2
budaors.huBudaörs is a small city situated in a picturesque environment, at the southern edge of the Buda Hills and offers a harmonic combination of widely recognised works of contemporary architecture, breath-taking natural surroundings and monuments of our historical past. The city's commercial district…picturesque environment, environment southern, calm environment, environment turmoilcity, affairs, office, settlement, transaction2
epicadventures.huAnyone who likes biking in a beautiful environment rich of natural and cultural sights, who likes tasting excellent local foods and wines, who likes nice beaches and astonishing panoramas and who likes meeting other people from around the world. We can recommend this journey also to families and…astounding environment, environment information, beautiful environment, environment richlake, day, wine, adventure, group2
dimboard.huAnother weakness in the manufacturing environment is data collection and data capture, or if data is still collected on machine run, shutdowns, and other manufacturing parameters, therefore these measured results are mostly unpublished. DIMBOARD can collect data from different devices, so…manufacture environment, environment datadata, production, collection, process, improvement2
swedishchamber.huSuccessful companies see sustainability from a holistic perspective on three levels: business environment, company and people.business environment, environment company, operation environment, environment usuallychamber, swedish, member, sustainability, commerce2
beingmore.huto create a work environment in which people feel safe and have uplifting experiences. Together we achieve this by developing team and goal cohesion, improving effectiveness and creating room for the individual to develop. These conditions will lead, simultaneously, to motivating work experiences…work environment, environment peopleclient, leadership, journey, performance, development2
flippermuzeum.huIt was more than 30 ago that legendary Data East marketed a pinball called the ‘Time Machine’. This name has got a symbolic meaning ever since. Today all pinballs have transformed into a time machine, remnants of an old age. Their natural environment, the arcade has been outdated since then…natural environment, environment arcadepinball, ticket, news, machine, media2
hzacademy.huProvide a comprehensive cultural introduction for foreign workers about Hungary, providing information about the country’s history, culture, customs and traditions, working practices, expectations, working hours, and working environment. Help workers integrate effectively in Hungary and understand…work environment, environment workercourse, country, worker, training, programme2
optimumfs.huIndustrial environments require specialised know-how. Our staff have that and receive appropriate training. The safety equipment and devices necessary for efficient work are available.industrial environment, environment specialise, work environment, environment rightquote, clean, privacy, facility, industrial2
okotechnik.huThe Ökotechnik Kft. primarily is distributing the machines of industrial, waste water treatment and environment. Earlier the company had to do the warranty, beyond warranty and maintenance services of the machines at a rented place. The moving of big size machines was impossible. The health…solution environment, environment clean, treatment environment, environment earlygrating, safety, floor, air, pump2
royalhotel.huWonderful little place. Lovely staff, nice, clean rooms and the wellness area are super. Breakfast and dinner are both plentiful. For those who want a quiet, peaceful, peaceful environment, this is a great choice. We may go with family.natural environment, environment fishing, peaceful environment, environment greatsale, room, price, gift, discount2
birizdokart.huFrom the moment you enter the go-kart center, you will be enchanted by the inspirational and modern environment and you will be fascinated with the sound and sight of the roaring engine. Come and feel at home at Birizdokart Complex, the sport center of Kecskemét!modern environment, environment soundtrack, stadium, price, complex, restaurant2
stagebar.huStage Bar – Buda’s new gem in a wonderful environment, next to the Városmajor Open Air Stage.wonderful environment, environment városmajorstage, event, bar, gallery, main2
taxworld.huThe hardships a business has to face due to changes in the legal and tax environment are well known. It is important to adapt to changing rules in due time. Instead of constantly reviewing legislation, you can concentrate on...legal environment, environment single, tax environment, environment importantlegal, tax, accounting, office, client2
banabox.hu…access. The stored lithium-ion and lithium-metal batteries are embedded in absorbent and flame retardant inner packaging, thus avoiding direct contact with the environment. Professional solution in maintenance area and even in office environment (BNBX3). Custom container orders are accepted.maintenance environment, environment pallet, contact environment, environment professional, office environmentcontainer, battery, storage, packaging, metal2
dentalia.hu…result that would have allowed me to smile confidently. I heard about this dentist and this wonderful opportunity two years ago, and I immediately decided to try it. Since then, I don't feel self-conscious at business meetings, I smile confidently, both in my personal life and work environment.tooth, treatment, clinic, dental, orthodontic2
renographic.huOur mission is to make our graphic projects contribute to the preservation of our environment and innovative developments. We believe that eco-conscious life has made our graphic design works to higher level of our graphic design works.preservation environment, environment innovativegraphic, brand, visual, logo, identity2
lopezdesign.huI have been working in a startup company, small and medium-sized businesses, multinational environments before; and I have also been working continuously as a freelance designer throughout the years. I am always open for new ideas and innovations because, in my point of view, design does serve…multinational environment, environment continuously, optimistic environment, environment customerbrochure, graphic, idea, lead, university2
autorola.huEcological vehicles, respect for the environment. (direct dealings between buyer and seller).respect environment, environment directvehicle, auction, buyer, seller, direct2
drtivadar.hu…in this article, it is possible that the article may not contain the most recent legal or other information due to any changes in the legal environment. The information provided here does not create a client-lawyer relationship between the website visitor / article reader and Tivadar Law Firm…legal environment, environment business, environment informationlaw, protection, firm, data, office2
info-creatorg.huWe offer comprehensive implementation of systems working in office, mobile or enterprise environmentssimulation environment, environment offshoresoftware, development, need, data, process2
kavezokft.huWe create a clean environment and ensure that your offices will be thoroughly cleaned to your satisfaction every time. We also provide all cleaning supplies (soap, toilet paper etc.), so you can rest easy knowing your offices are being cleaned by bonded and insured cleaners, who have the…clean environment, environment office, sanitized environment, environment dayclean, office, quote, free, need2
basicasset.hu…value. We offer help to the management by outlining the possible outcome of the implementation of an IT investment. We support companies in the creation of a flexible and cost-effective IT system which adjusts readily to the ever-changing environment, and gives them an upper hand over competitors.readily environment, environment upperprocess, management, development, basic, asset2
mlrtech.huOur specialists have extensive routine implementig and operating the above mentioned systems in “heavy” environments:qualification, reference, safety, management, development2
intertranscoop.huBy continuously renewing our equipment, constantly modernising our warehouses and complying with our environment policy, we contribute to the protection of our environment.protection environment, warehouse environment, environment policyeurope, warehouse, gallery, real, estate2
rogersalapitvany.huIn a rapidly changing environment, the most we can give children and adults is to help them adapt most successfully. This is why the development of these three competencies permeates everything we do.rapidly environment, environment child, natural environment, environment sustainabilityeducation, foundation, person, centre, development2
scavillapark.huFor detached homes with a net floor area of 108 m2, we aim to meet the standard passive house requirements. We also wanted the appearance, the use of materials and the paved surfaces to tie in with the environment.family environmentview, space, live, comfortable, stylish2
kaszasgabor.hu…marketing and recruitment, while the currently active air traffic controllers only managed to force them to settle the anomalies in their work environment and schedule with a cautionary strike. Typical to the conduct of the management, after the agreement they filed a lawsuit against the union whointerested environment, environment issue, work environment, environment scheduletraining, contract, traffic, air, controller2
ikte.hu…and to find the expressive and learning modalities most suitable to them. To facilitate this process we used free, expressive movement and dance, and the tools of multimodal expressive arts therapy, in the framework of a humanistic, accepting, holding environment and a process-oriented approach.safe environment, environment youth, accept environment, environment processgroup, method, therapy, training, art2
gemmini.huOur mission and objective is to research vacuum cooling technology solutions for low and high temperature environments, develop and design, manufacture and operate them in European quality, satisfying individual needs, with the most economical solutions for you.temperature environment, environment europeanmain, exhibition, reference, language, mission1
dcahungary.huThe unique design in the required customer environment is realized using the CATIA V5 software. Beyond design, we calculate the costs needed for production, and request the variety of materials. After careful analysis, we select the most effective solution, set up the inventory list and the…customer environment, environment catiaclient, reference, office, quality1
drtamasiajurveda.huOur Medical Ayurvedic Center has been established in Radhe Resort & Syama Meditation and Event Center in Somogyvamos. Our guests are welcome all year round in one of the most beautiful regions of Hungary, in the heart of the Somogy hills, in an environment with great historical background and full…hill environment, environment greatnatural, article, treatment, ayurvedic, medicine1
doctech.huDoctech Solutions can manage the delivery, installation and configuration of software builds to development, test, and production environments. We are responsible for ensuring that all releases are consistently high quality, do not introduce reliability issues and the changes are well-documented…production environment, environment responsiblesolution, technical, documentation, safety, software1
coware.huAs part of a traditional service , our colleagues will install, set up and inspect the environment of the defective part on site.colleagues environment, environment defectivequick, view, industrial, electronic, exchange1
sustain.huIn this decade, the natural, economic, technological and regulatory environment in which companies operate is changing at an increasing pace. Meanwhile, competitors’ tools and customers’ needs are changing rapidly. Even in the short term, the only way to maintain effective operations is for…regulatory environment, environment companysustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate1
seacon.huSeaFleet, the car fleet registration software is an ideal choice for both small and medium-sized business or large enterpise environments. No matter that you have thousands or just a few corporate cars, our fleet administration software manages your car fleet with the same efficiency. No more…enterpise environment, environment mattersoftware, europe, data, presentation, fleet1
tritoo.huDelivery of data acquisition and monitoring functions in cluster environment. Parallel data processing to achieve the real-time data analysis.cluster environment, environment paralleldata, solution, science, analysis, process1
fksoft.huThe Catalog R2 provides a real NoSQL solution for those who are working in small or huge IT environment either. It can work based on several schemas, database structures - provided by you, the developer. It is up to you if you use The Catalog as a relational, hierarchical or as a common NoSQL…huge environment, environment schemasolution, software, development, catalog, database1
cerc.huOur company is fresh and dynamic and we are constantly looking for similar people to join our team. We are a Hungarian owned research center and we offer excellent development potential, modern and innovative working environment and competitive salaries.work environment, environment competitivelab, research, powder, development, innovation1
trackgps.huFeature for temperature monitoring and strict control over cargo transportation environment.fleet, solution, vehicle, management, track1
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huRE4 is tough, make no mistake, yet its irritable environment as well as deep, cinematic action will certainly maintain you riveted even after the demoralizing gut-punch of watching hero Leon’s head sheared off by a chainsaw-wielding fanatic. If you don’t believe us, try playing it for 15 minutes…irritable environment, environment deepgame, video, like, lot, certainly1
akkoinvest.huAKKO Invest Plc invests its own assets, does not manage external assets, and its basic goal is to build a successful holding company, which, although operating with risk, can hopefully achieve value growth for its owners in most market economy environments, in parallel with rising share prices.economy environment, environment parallelnews, share, portfolio, publication, shareholder1
sziluett-almadi.huWe are waiting for our dear guests who want to beautify themselves in a pleasant environment with a professional team and expertise!pleasant environment, environment professionalsolarium, gallery, iron, hot, massage1
bilogic.huThe BI-Logic Business Intelligence Ltd. uses business intelligence tools to help you exploit the potential of your business through the analysis of your data. With the help of our company, you can get an overview of your company’s business processes, internal and external environment, the…external environment, environment functionintelligence, data, logic, decision, colleagues1
thegardenstudio.hu…drawing, through paper cuts, all the way to direct photoraphs. This way a humorous and striking balance was born between the authentic traditional style and the modern digital world, placing an old concept into a new environment, giving an idea about our parents’ childhood to the new generation.new environment, environment ideaprice, sale, regular, unit, scarf1
hojtsy.hu…we found that these gatherings are especially good to get on the same page even on contentious questions and could be very effective to involve new contributors, if you provide the appropriate environment. Here is a model that worked in my experience if you plan to involve people in your projects.appropriate environment, environment modeltranslation, event, issue, core, symfony1
dmlab.huAchieve data-driven business results with our custom-built solutions. By understanding your business problem, your organizational processes and your external business environment, we develop a personalized data product or tool that will help you achieve real and measurable business results.business environment, environment personalizeddata, scientist, solution, decision, custom1
elcomplex.huThe reliable and optimized software is important element of the embedded systems. We deal with Pic, Atmel, and ARM processors. We have many year experience with MPLAB developer environment. Our Windows softwares written C# language, in Visual Studio environment.developer environment, environment windowsdevelopment, process, production, software, electronic1
pellet.huPellets are 100% organic granules made from sawdust left over from the sawmill industry. Its excellent calorific value makes it a very common fuel. It has the advantage of being extremely cost-effective to use and helps you protect the environment.pallet, material, social, responsibility, news1
balker.hu…distributing Motip technical sprays, putty, chassis guards and lubricants since 2010. We offer a huge selection of these products to our partner, complementing our range with industrial tapes and safety products (hand, eye, respiratory protection) that are essential for a safe working environment.adhesive, application, range, construction, industry1
investincsongradcounty.hu…County is committed to promoting investment in the region and wishes to be your reliable business partner. Hereinafter we have collected the most crucial pieces of information about the Hungarian business environment, its investment opportunities, and the main incentives the government offers.business environment, environment investmentcounty, investment, investor, estate, real1
ipari-csarnok.huOur warehouse tents are a flexible solution to any storage problem. A warehouse tent provides a protected environment for various activities - construction and renovation work or manufacturing.tent environment, environment activitytent, hall, warehouse, lightweight, construction1
quadrotex.huTake care of the environment, take care of yourself! Our latest product line is your partner in cleaning by the strength and effectiveness of the nature. Cornfiber and hemp fiber are used for these premium products.care environment, environment caresponge, cloth, detail, quality, manufacturer1
komposztal-a-tep.huThe Association pays special attention to the providing of appropriate information in relation with the waste management system in order for the generalization of the environment conscious waste collection and the development as well as reinforcement of selective waste collection in practice. This…generalization environment, environment consciouswaste, management, collection, settlement, container1
sepia.huArt concept, Character Design, Environment Creation, Storyboarding, Stop motion, Whiteboard, FBF, AR, VR, Visual FX, CGI, 2D and 3D techniques, Renderingdesign environment, environment creationlifestyle, media, production, great, quality1
corporatesustainability.huOur goal is to spread corporate management according to ESG aspects, our mission is to provide easy-to-understand, practical consulting and creative strategy-making services to companies that recognize the importance of ESG and Carbon Footprinting in the difficult-to-transparent, constantly…sustainability, corporate, creative, strategy, consulting1
applepshostess.huWe are in contact with many domestic and foreign companies. Our hostesses / hosts also succeed in international environment, too. Due to changes in the labour market over the last few years we are placing emphasis on recruiting the most qualified staff.international environment, environment changeevent, host, staff, exhibition, agency1
uniopharma.huWe are medical doctors and pharmacists by profession with more than 10-year- experience gained at multinational environment. Our goal is to provide full service on commercial and marketing fields to our partners by using emedrep cost effective e-detailing program.multinational environment, environment goalprevious, sale, medical, representative, doctor1
dalova.huThe Dalova Ecotourism Centre in Dalmand opens in autumn 2020. We welcome our guests in a renovated castle building, with its close-to-nature environment offering many programs suitable for active leisure.nature environment, environment programintroduction, appointment, animal, visitor, wildlife1
vargasol.huToday, in 2021 the digital tranformation in companies is a key factor. This tranformation is usually about to migrate locally managed infrastructures into a cloud environment regardless of the provider. Today, most of digital technologies are based on any cloud solution and enterprises…cloud environment, environment regardlesssolution, cloud, infrastructure, enterprise, workplace1
kozossegikertek.hu…continent. The centre has worked out for the movement, which has become mostly self-organized by today, the methodology, legal background and models adaptable to the Hungarian environment. It also supported the development of the cause with education, consultancy and creation of a knowledge base.hungarian environment, environment developmentgarden, community, city, programme, centre1
villany-viz-eger.huWe undertake painting, glazing, decoration and protection of various basic surfaces (buildings, external and internal surfaces) against the effects of the environment. Our employees carry out our projects at the highest possible level, using manual painting technologies.effect environment, environment employeeconstruction, building, customer, water, network1
gpp.huOur social responsibility is to take care about environment and our products is helping to take a huge step forward.care environment, environment productfood, bowl, packaging, paper, green1
marktsoft.huSince the beginnings, our core profile is software development in international environment by making use of the cost-efficiency of outsourcing.international environment, environment usedevelopment, software, client, reference, solution1
felszeghyzoltan.hu…and brand awareness by creating and planning sales-driven marketing activities such as content creation, online and offline advertisements and improving business processes. I have more than 4 years of experience in start-up environments and overall more than 7 years of experience in marketing.experience environment, environment overallzoltan, digital, skill, journey, previous1
innomed.hu2008 Development of multifunctional user and environment friendly high frequency X-ray generator family using nanotechnology resultsuser environment, environment friendlymedical, development, ray, generator, ecg1
treehugger.huFiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!fiction environment, environment poetryconcert, date, uk, important, future1
siam.huEspecially regenerating, refreshing and relaxing massage from Far Eastern Thailand in authentic environment.massage, center, main, photo, shop1
protonsoft.huWe carry out wide range of measurement data collection and automation tasks in an industrial environment. From the data reading of the sensors, through the PLC programming that implements the logic, to the full parameterization of the SCADA system that implement the actual data collection. We…industrial environment, environment datadevelopment, software, application, custom, integration1
pestbuda.huInstead of pillars, flower boxes prevent irregular parking The anti-parking poles were replaced by flower boxes in on Margit boulevard in the district. The plants that have now been placed are well adapted to the urban environment and, as promised, they will be watered regularly.urban environment, environment regularlyago, square, public, build, century1
tojasmuzeum.huThe Art on Egg Museum has found its home in the picturesque environment of Zengővárkony at the foothills of the 682 m Zengő Mountain. The village is accessible through Route 6, by turning off 17 kilometers North of Pécs.picturesque environment, environment zengővárkonymuseum, art, egg, news, imprint1
ibcnet.huModular designed ERP system for supporting the operational processes in project-oriented companies operating even in multinational environments.development, application, mobile, case, study1
szepsegmanufaktura.huWe only chose the highest quality raw materials, to create a truly unique and special environment.salon, diagnostic, free, skin, raw1
laszlofoldi.hu…like to be able to share as many moments as possible with people about this wonder, but I would also like to draw attention to the importance of protecting our environment and our planet. I really like the macro, and the wide-angle themes both have a lot of challenges and a lot of beauty in one.importance environment, environment planetnature, category, laszlo, photographer, award1
3dpano.hu360-degree VR (360-degree virtual reality) is an audio-visual simulation of an altered environment that surrounds the user, allowing them to look around a previously captured 360-degree video or spherical panorama in all directions, just as they can in real life. replika väska prada väska kopia…alter environment, environment uservirtual, tour, panorama, visual, video1
crownacademy.hu…(creativity, social skills, communication, self-expression). We provide these through free but structured play; developing the mother tongue, foreign language skills and intellect, as well as with introducing digital culture in a loving, safe, family-like and engaging environment for children.engage environment, environment childgroup, academy, crown, location, small1
somogyiangelika.huMy passion is what I do. I deal with people and I want to help them to the best of my ability. My consulting style is light but decisive. I believe that people have the inner strength to change and are able to do the best in their lives when they are surrounded by an accepting, understanding and…problem, university, counselling, psychologist, therapy1
merkwood.huCLT technology is one of the key trends of our future. In many ways, it is preferable to traditional construction because it is less damaging to the environment and allows more space to be gained.damage environment, environment spacetechnology, house, homepage, construction, day1
mta.hu“The changes in the external environment and, thus, in the situation of the Academy have forced it to revitalise itself, but MTA has consistently been able to act as a proactive partner and is now more of a master of its own fate than it was two years ago”, said Tamás Freund in his President’s…external environment, environment situationscience, academy, research, member, forum1
markidental.huWe see our patients in the center of Pécs, in an exclusive environment. Our dental clinic has the latest and most advanced diagnostic equipments and technology. With decades of experience, we provide comprehensive dental care in a pleasant, elegant environment in excelent quality. We speak English…exclusive environment, environment dental, elegant environment, environment excelentdental, surgery, dentistry, oral, patient1
colibri90-trade.huToday’s hard work determines tomorrow’s results, in other words the high standards set to ourselves and environment around us will pay off on the long term.standard environment, environment longsale, manager, representative, warehouse, officer1
colormespray.hu100% alcohol cleaning spray - Which can be used not only in industrial environments but even in offices.industrial environment, environment officetechnical, manufacture, paint, industrial, unique1
creativepro.huHuman touch matters. We believe in power of people and healthy work environment with focus on respect and support for each other.work environment, environment focuscreative, communication, event, office, brand1
zoldker.hu…our family business with purpose according to the traditional values and sustainable development, and today we are working as a member of a modern company group. The key to our success is mutual respect, credibility, honest work, engagement of the employees and responsibility for our environment.news, wholesale, trade, fair, catalogue1
openminds.huWe explore your current environment and help disrupt current business and tech behavior for a better future. We help you run legacy applications and reengineer them to better fit your current needs.current environment, environment currentopen, technology, great, solution, smile1
bridgesolutions.huMediation is becoming a key method in shaping organizational culture . As the realm of work is becoming faster and faster, tasks and the environment in which change takes place tends to become more complex – this could result in conflicts, misunderstanding .task environment, environment changebridge, change, solution, mediation, true1
hgrv.huOur colleagues focus on this success factor while helping our customers to plan and implement a new or modified business process or IT application from corporate strategy, regulatory environment, and user needs.regulatory environment, environment userdevelopment, process, management, need, informatics1
arserotica.huThe main goal of the training is to provide a basic introductory methodology and a set of self-reflection skills for teachers who might deal with sensitive, sex-related topics in schools and similar institutional environments. Our goal is to help participants to find ways to integrate these…institutional environment, environment goalfoundation, teacher, school, training, sexual1
chadathaibudapest.huYou can relax and enjoy the massage in a caring and peaceful environment decorated with traditional Thai elements where your body, mind and spirit can rejuvenate. We offer you the most popular and one of the best traditional thai massages in Budapest after a long day to relieve your stressed and…peaceful environment, environment traditionalmassage, treatment, price, salon, therapist1
betonutepito.huLooking back into the past for a bit, the history of Betonútépítő Vállalat (National Concrete Road Construction Company) perfectly illustrates how a Central-Eastern-European company could successfully adjust itself into a constantly changing and often very hectic economic and political environment.way, group, destination, structure, organizational1
merlegprofi.huThe W series features a stainless steel platform, frame and IP67 load cell to withstand harsh industrial environments.clamp, stainless, steel, sample, speed1
halaszkertvendeglo.huTake a ride into the unique traditional cuisine and the pure natural environment of Hungary. It’s just your turn to enjoy it in the heart of Szigetköz!!natural environment, environment hungaryrestaurant, friendly, child, fish, course1
hullamvilla.hu…we have installed LED lights and ecological and sustainable water taps. We encourage our guests to reuse their towels to help us protect the environment. We favour seasonal, fresh ingredients sourced locally. We offer fair-trade organic coffees and teas. We make every effort to avoid food waste.towel environment, environment seasonalroom, attraction, nature, natural, gallery1
klimakamra.huATEX directives are valid throughout Europe to ensure the safe operation of industrial plants and test equipment, climate chamber in potentially explosive environments or under potentially explosive conditions. Moreexplosive environment, environment potentiallychamber, climate, temperature, environmental, simulation1
flownyelvstudio.huAt Flow we put high emphasis on providing the most delightful environment to develop your skills in several languages. Having mentioned that, we grant a wide range of courses that you can choose from. After finding your target language, we help you to find your dream teacher as well to achieve…delightful environment, environment skilllanguage, course, learn, skill, method1
jany.huCooperation with the German and Austrian partners permits, on the one hand, ongoing exchange of information concerning German, Austrian and Hungarian legal and economic environment, which enables our office to provide clients with up-to-date legal information at all times. On the other hand, our…economic environment, environment officelaw, office, real, estate, legal1
atlasmernokiroda.huThe built environment surrounds us. Our mission is to design and build a sustainable, safe and enjoyable environment. That is why we strive for continuous learning, self-improvement and creative design solutions in our everyday life.enjoyable environment, environment continuousstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation1
fertohajo.huThe company Fertő-Tavi Hajózási Kft. Operates tour lines on this beautiful lake. Because of the beauty of the environment and the conditions of the ship, it can be ideal for kindergarten and school trips, class trips, family and corporate events besides the pleasure cruise.beauty environment, environment conditionlake, line, ship, cruise, tour1
geoplan.huThe goal of our company is to prepare precise, professionally founded plans, reports, and expert opinions in the field of geotechnics and civil engineering planning and expertise in accordance with the Eurocode standard environment introduced in 2011.geotechnical, investigation, foundation, assessment, soil1
tarkoy.huA consultant is a universal observer who can look at a problem outside the environment in which the problem came to be, thereby creating a solution that was never possible before.outside environment, environment problemcondition, site, tunnel, geotechnical, consultant1
360fokbringa.huWe arrived to Islamabad and enjoyed a very nice environment (thanks to Nazim), we met plenty of super people in the city, we even participated in a radio show, and we looked forward the coming days whilst we were waiting for the Pakistan Visa extension and for the Indian Entry Visa. So far we…nice environment, environment thankday, people, road, asia, way1
graefl.hu…of our bees, we harvest honey as well. Our aim is that not only the taste of the food, but also our philosophy will remain in our guests’ memories for a long time, because eating and cooking with the greatest consideration for the environment and animal welfare is a wonderful and exceptional thing.consideration environment, environment animalmanor, restaurant, apartment, event, castle1
smartlegal.huRichard represented us in an international arbitration, in relation with our construction project in Hungary. From the very beginning, we could work as a team, and his clear answers, pragmatic advices together with a deep knowledge of the legal environment have led us to success. l hope to have…legal environment, environment successlegal, law, international, lawyer, solution1
stonebag.hu…use of toxic chemicals or GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Instead, it combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote a good quality of life for all involved. The amount of water needed for the production is minimized by 70% compared to regular…share environment, environment goodshop, collection, coat, sustainable, accessories1
lwp.huWe live in a time of challenges and opportunities: new working methods, renewed thinking, transformed responsibility and constant change. In this new environment, we help to find new narratives and new forms of communication.new environment, environment newreference, communication, brand, support, production1
innoconcept.huGerman) manufacturer of living room, dining room, and bedroom furniture in a special environment a few minutesspecial environment, environment minutesofa, furniture, rug, table, dining1
rusa.huHumanity has used fermentation for food preservation since the earliest of times. Through biological preservation methods food deterioration can be avoided by the conscious application of substances produced by microorganisms, which is the basic idea behind pickling. Furthermore, the sour, acidic…acidic environment, environment naturalpickle, cabbage, size, recipe, offer1
szokoe.huThis year, the conference (entitled “SUSTAINABLE DIGITALISATION? GAINS AND LOSSES TEACHING AND RESEARCHING LANGUAGES FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES IN CHANGING ENVIRONMENTS”) will be organised by the Institute of Business Communication and Professional Language Studies, Debrecen University , on 0 5…change environment, environment instituteconference, language, purpose, specific, publication1
exceltrening.hufor me to achieve maximum customer satisfaction the thematics of the course is tailor-made to the needs of the company. An example: we can work with the Excel files used in the daily work, so the attendees don’t have to get used to my ‘created’ excercises, they will work in a well known environment.training, site, thematic, useful, function1
dobmosoda.huCheck out the photos of our laundry - come and try our services in a pleasant environment!laundry, washing, self, machine, speed1
borvaros.huOur venue awaits the organisers of conferences, meetings, trainings, partner and Christmas parties. In a beautiful environment, equipped with professional audio and lighting techniques, with its unique furniture, our place will be the perfect venue for your business event.beautiful environment, environment professionalwine, cellar, event, venue, town1
abbazia-nemesnep.huBoth to our guests and environment are present day by day, not only in words, but also in our actions.guest environment, environment presentrate, offer, guest, homepage, dog1
finextfm.huSustainability plays a key role in everything we do. This includes protecting the environment, safeguarding people’s mental and physical health, and being socially responsible.role environment, environment peopleinvestment, fund, management, real, estate1
fashionstreet.hu“Fashion Street is a distinctive and inspiring shopping street concept in the heart of Budapest. A stylish environment with a broad variety of international brands.”stylish environment, environment broadstreet, fashion, heart, story, store1
kajarikft.huWicket bags for the use of our Customers with semi-automatic or automatic packaging machines to carry out automatized packaging in industrial environments. In bulk, with perforated design, with bottom folding if needed.industrial environment, environment bulkpackaging, material, technology, customer, machine1
vonalvezeto.huDelivering complex infrastructure projects, designing transport facilities and utilities, and carrying out economic development activities for our clients with a focus on protecting the environment and ensuring sustainability.focus environment, environment sustainabilityengineering, line, road, local, office1
testimesek.hu…combination of somatic methods, you can get even closer to getting to know yourself. In all cases, the programs are held with a small number of people – currently mainly for women and couples – in an exclusive environment, so those who subscribe to the newsletter have an advantage when applying.exclusive environment, environment newslettershare, method, energetic, release1
drzsu.huBuilding reference experience is one unique part of the program. The program allows the person to take the first steps in a supportive environment and then continue taking steps later on their own. The ultimate goal is to become self-managing in all parts of life, beginning with managing emotions.supportive environment, environment stephealth, alive, change, integrate, unique1
pot4.huThe bricks are made from shredded recycled tires to benefit our environment, with the addition of polyurethane binders and industrial dyes, in mould press with heat treatment.tire environment, environment additionquote, surface, slip, tile, endurance1
realschool.huOur physical environment plays a major role in how we feel, behave and develop, and hence it is of utmost importance at the REAL School. The environment needs to support our social-emotional wellbeing, our pedagogical philosophy, and our approach to sustainability.physical environment, environment major, school environment, environment socialschool, real, learn, international, british1
szojaoltopor.huBeyond increasing the farmers’ productivity – which is both beneficial for producers and consumers – we consider protecting and preserving our environment as well. By this approach we could create balance between human being and flora-fauna.consumer environment, environment approachseed, soybean, privacy, imprint, powder1
esztervendeghaz.huWelcome! My name is Eszter. My parents named this wonderful house after me. Our guesthouse is in Tiszafüred, which is the capital of Lake Tisza. Our guesthouse is situated in a peaceful and quite environment. It is just one kilometre away from the Lake. Five-five guest can relax in the…peaceful environment, environment kilometreguesthouse, accommodation, apartment, gallery, price1
furedi-annamaria.huTake a look at one of the Sherlock Holmes series, there we see a realistic image of how England might have looked like. The characters are fictional but there is no rosy make-up on the setup, and the era and the environment is pretty credible.era environment, environment prettycanada, woman, people, thing, category1
flansch-tech.huAt our sales location, our customers can choose the most suitable hot-rolled bar steel in a pleasant environment.steel, forge, quotation, request, trade1
panzioviktoria.huPension environment: The surroundings of the Pension Viktória are symbols of duality. The property is located in a closed courtyard surrounded by a forest, but in the vicinity of the industrial character of the city. The pension is located as […]pension environment, environment surroundingroom, page, main, family, sight1
spiritsdigest.hu…with the Foundation, URSUS started the CSR campaign, “Listen to the bear in you and do good”, to draw attention to the need to build an environment where both bears and people can live harmoniously, giving consumers the opportunity to get involved by buying the product with dedicated…need environment, environment bearbrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
mspire.huAs true believers in the principle of constant learning , we find essential to work in an environment that allows people to come up with ideas , pursue their interests and grow to fulfil their potential. We offer a vibrant and energetic working environment, with a start-up vibe, in which you can…essential environment, environment people, work environment, environment vibestrategy, regulatory, consulting, industry, connectivity1
vaci1.hu…leasable area: elegant, welcoming spaces with great urban views, in a splendid historic setting. Arrive through the century-old vestibule rich in marble, mosaic and stained glass detail, take the glass elevator to your office, and kick-start your day in the chicest business environment of Budapest.business environment, environment budapestbuild, office, view, floor, retail1
premiumhajbeultetes.huThe main goal of Dr. Greg Pataki plastic surgeon, chief physician of Premium Hair Clinic is not only to provide the highest level of care available to patients during their personalized hair therapy, but also to ensure a comforting, ideal premium environment. Hair transplantation offers…premium environment, environment hairhair, transplant, premium, clinic, fat1
centrumpanzioszentendre.huWe welcome our guests in a new environment at the heart of the Danube intern in our hometown Szentendre.new environment, environment heartcheck, detail, room, person, danube1
bkk.huMOL Bubi is a fast and competitive transport mode in an urban setting. Users help reduce traffic congestion and at the same time they protect their own health as well as the environment.transport, public, ticket, timetable, news1
transunisol.huIn our fast paced world, constant and dynamic technical development is inevitable, and at our company this goes hand in hand with a peaceful, humane environment and the expansion of our services.humane environment, environment expansionoffer, transportation, pool, address, homepage1
elmatec.huWorldwide leader in the design and production of solutions for clean rooms and controlled-contamination environments. Operate in different sectors such as pharmaceuticals, chemical, medical, electronics, food, cosmetics, and architecture.contamination environment, environment differentgroup, solution, pharmaceutical, machine, vision1
artmagazin.huHollow embodies the shared hallucinations of choreographer Viktor Szeri, game designer Tamás Páll, and curator Gyula Muskovics. They have been working collectively since 2018, combining their visible and immaterial forces with sound and game mechanics to create immersive environments and…immersive environment, environment crossart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary1
eco-soil.hu…of Our Planet depends on everyone of us. In order to reach a brighter future, we need to take care both of the Planet and Ourselves. The first step is to take care of the soil so it an provide us healthy food, than we need to make the production chain safe for the humanity and the environment.soil, logic, description, page, mission1
villaaruba.huquality recreation in a quiet, calm, green environment, at the north-western tip of Lake Balaton, at the foot of the Keszhely Mountains….green environment, environment northroom, booking, gallery, faq, type1
rubinapartman.huUnique natural environment, the Small- Balaton and the Upper Balaton National Park are all guarantees for an unmatched adventure and relaxation for the visiting guest. In 1997 the settlement was promoted to city, where the fresh air is supplied by the surrounding woods, vineyards and green belts…natural environment, environment balatonthermal, airport, house, bath, gallery1
biomembrane.hu, but sometimes they were called simply outlaws) and they made a significant impact on their fields at the international level. Importantly, the environment provided a safe place for discussions on any scientific and non-scientific topics in spite of the pretty different views on religious…importantly environment, environment safeuniversity, research, science, academy, member1
atlaszmernokiroda.huThe built environment surrounds us. Our mission is to design and build a sustainable, safe and enjoyable environment. That is why we strive for continuous learning, self-improvement and creative design solutions in our everyday life.enjoyable environment, environment continuousstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation1
lotuskomarom.huOur LOTUS Thai massage salon provides a relaxing atmosphere that allows you to step out of the cycle of stress and everyday hustle and bustle. Here you will find real spaces for relaxation and refreshment. Our massage salon provides a calm and relaxing environment that allows you to enjoy your…relax environment, environment massagemassage, body, stress, traditional, salon1
enviszolg.huBy repairing parts that can be deformed during using or shipping, our partners can lower costs and protect the environment as well.paint, strip, clean, remove, thermal1
playame.huQuality swim- and sportswear, that is not only about comfort but also for protecting our environment. Our clothes are characterized by simple and clean style, comfort, femininity and contemporary fashion.comfort environment, environment clothesview, quick, option, warm, select1
szalajka-volgy.huPossibly a whole lifetime would not be enough to explore all the beauties of Szalajka Valley and its environment, managed by the Egererdő Forestry Company. However, on our website we have sought to collect every information about one of the most picturesque natural areas of Bükk Mountain. Whether…valley environment, environment egererdővalley, nature, sight, active, leisure1
matrabikersc.huWe engage local schools to become active supporters of cycling. The MBSC youth team is a mountain biking team comprised of primary school students in grades (classes) 5-10 from Hungary. This is a unique primary school team environment. We provide any student-athlete the opportunity and access to…team environment, environment student, encourage environment, environment mountaincycling, website, bike, road, member1
hologramhungary.huHologram labels have an environmentally friendly version , the hologram paper label , so your label does not have to be plastic. If our customers have green policies , we can satisfy their needs too, because the environment is very important to our company too .need environment, environment importantlabel, security, customer, printing, material1
zsenaktrans.huIf you are looking for fast and affordable services, if you do not want to linger in the impersonal world of call centers, and if a transparent, almost family like working environment is important, you are in the right place!work environment, environment importantfleet, storage, homepage, destination, career1
csellengocsemete.huDaily care for children in familiar circumstances in a warm, loving, receptive environment.care, child, activity, family, development1
azeletedastilusod.huIn this empire, the essence of the world comes alive, whispering ageless wisdom. Immerse yourself in the luxurious environment of this elemental ballet, and reveal the timeless tales of our universe.luxurious environment, environment elementallifestyle, event, self, luxury, dimension1
szentistvanpanziomako.huWe are looking forward to seeing our guests with comfortable rooms and home made breakfast in a familiar environment.guesthouse, saint, room, guest, booking1
mgr-informatika.huOn the trace of our work the expected IT services in the desired quality, in suitable safety environment, and they come true beside the possible lowest cost level and they work.safety environment, environment truesolution, supplier, consultation, reference, server1
iptker.huEnd effectors, also known as End-of-Arm Tooling (EOAT), are devices that are attached to end of a robotic arm. They are designed and used to act as robot wrists that interact with the environment. DESTACO has been providing end effector tooling in nearly every global market segment for over 30…wrist environment, environment destacoprofile, solution, pneumatic, automation, machine1
coachakademia.huReal opportunities for practice during a supported coaching internship in large corporate environment.training, international, reference, graduate, trainer1
auravendeghaz-hajduszoboszlo.huThe AURA Guesthouse is to be found in Hajdúszoboszló on the high street. It waits for its guests who desire to rest in a clear environment.offer, guest, room, big, presentation1
amazonfoci.huAt Amazon Foci SE, our mission is to provide football (futsal) training and match opportunities for women of all ages and skill level in a friendly and supportive environment.training, player, session, group, football1
dunapearl.huUnique location, unique architectural solutions, unique environment – for real individuals. The new jewel of the Danube, the Danube Pearl, is now waiting for you.unique environment, environment reallocation, list, unique, detail, plan1
budapestcitycenterapartments.huPlease save the environment by turning off the lights when not at the apartment. This also helps us keep the price low.city, apartment, center, booking, district1
mobilemassage.hueven in the comfort of your own home. There is no need to travel and you can enjoy our sensual tantric massages in your own private environment.massage, body, pleasure, guest, masseuse1
oregpresetterem.huBesides the unique environment and the cozy countryside atmosphere, our splendid cuisine and our Chef’s local specialities make us the perfect wedding place for those who are looking for something special.unique environment, environment cozyrestaurant, event, wedding, wine, culinary1
womenscareer.huThe participants, representing 460 different NGOs, shared best practices, displayed their efforts in an exhibition hall, and forged documents that will be integrated into next year's Rio+20, the UN Conference on Environment and Development. ( More information )conference environment, environment developmentwoman, career, development, association, release1
idapanzio.huThe family run Ida Guest-house is situated on the south-eastern side slopes of Buda hills with picturesque view over the capital. The tranquality of the Guest-house is assured by the nearby Sas-Hill Preserve. You can reach the city center in 15 minutes by bus. The quiet calm environment, easy…calm environment, environment easybed, breakfast, house, guest, pension1
muszertechnika.hu…vision of our business strategy through strategic workforce planning. We are working to build a positive employer brand inside – and outside – the company. To achieve this, we make our business decisions collaboratively, with a rapid response time and by embracing the changing market environment.manufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software1
predictaro.huCheck for irregularities in your outcomes, like performance of partners or agents, or changes in the market environment.data, prediction, outcome, documentation, series1
rescube.huassisting emergency responders to save people and perform hazardous tasks with highly mobile, dexterous and semi-autonomous robots capable of mapping and negotiating complex environments;robotic, young, open, community, engineer1
dzalapitvany.huTokaj Foundation was established by me with the aim to help people living and working here, in the extent of its opportunities, to realize and understand the message of our environment sent from the past and to support them in conceiving and fulfilling their dreams.message environment, environment pastfoundation, wine, vineyard, map, generation1
bbis.huWe are very proud of our school here at BBIS and aim to ensure that our school is a happy, caring and inclusive environment, where everyone is valued and respected. We work hard to ensure all children, of all nationalities, are nurtured and given every opportunity to achieve their very best.inclusive environment, environment hardschool, student, primary, secondary, admission1
markcon.huCool website for cool people! The website, its target audience is young motorsport fans, presents the services of a motocross ring, which can be found near Pécs in a green environment, with spectacular graphic elements and modern technical solutions. The website features a weather forecast, as well.green environment, environment spectacularcampaign, game, website, development, application1
petnehazy-nora.huMy fields of research include improving teaching methods and senior programs, volunteering in any age, environment protection and motivation.age environment, environment protectionvolunteer, research, goal, care, personal1
csapviztisztitas.huDoulton® is committed to providing you and your family with the finest, natural drinking water. Our products find their way into millions of family homes and outdoor environments across the globe every year.outdoor environment, environment globewater, filter, drink, taste, counter1
herbalabor.huWe’ll help you out with ideas and encourage you to get to know new plants, tastes, smells, make things gifts, creative wrappings, your own ingredients, or just let these things be available for others in your environment.herb, mushroom, l., story, gift1
kisfecske.huIn this undisturbed environment, you can pay maximum attention to yourself, and we don't know a better place for yoga, meditation, or retreat.undisturbed environment, environment maximumaccomodation, gallery, previous, neighbor, house1
elitedriverservice.huOperating an airport in today’s environment is like running a small city. Understanding the impact of decisions on service levels and the bottom line are critical.today environment, environment likedriver, airport, flight, venice, sight1
krq.huAluminium drink cans can be recycled forever. The Every Can Counts initiative aims to recycle as much cans as possible to protect the environment. We are proud to help people understand what we can do to save the planet.possible environment, environment proudcommunication, client, brand, page, video1
falcocluster.hu…between educational institutions, research facilities and members of the cluster. The network-based organization serves the needs of the members and offers possible answers to the challenges of the economy. By generating the framework of the project, we create an innovation impulsive environment.cluster, member, market, activity, introduction1
leaflet.huI came here for lunch on the Fourth of July. Not to forgot the place to visit, Good Environment with soft area.good environment, environment softleaflet, news, sauce, list, city1
ipkovich-emoke.huI often hear people talking about their conviction to make some changes in their personal lives or in their environment, but realisation doesn’t come easy and can sometimes seem to be impossible to accomplish. Nevertheless, the inner motive and pressure are so strong that the first steps must be…life environment, environment realisationpsychologist, client, issue, relationship, personal1
bonus.co.huPaying attention to our environment and our health is not a gentleman’s passion, but an essential thing!attention environment, environment healthbonus, goose, recipe, meat, piece1
benefit.huDuring our operation we emphasize that our methodology, infrastructure and through continuous training of our staff provide regular and reliable basis for the adoption of our clients' business decisions and facilitate the everyday operation of changing economic and regulatory environment.benefit, consulting, accounting, tax, advisory1
ltlo.huOur professional perspective lies on two principles: stability and plasticity – because in our dynamically evolving environment, only those ideas have a long-term impact that can adapt to our ever-changing world.dynamically environment, environment ideaexpertise, expert, law, legal, representation1
rablautosiskola.huOur driving theory and health courses are organized in a high-standard environment with experienced instructors, where all students can acquire the basic knowledge that is required before starting the driving practice. Dates and further information:standard environment, environment experienceinstructor, course, category, price, gallery1
stressmentor.huWe offer ways of renewal and energizing in an exclusive environment with high professional standards and unique methods.exclusive environment, environment highstress, management, workplace, training, group1
feketerigovendeghaz.huDear Guests, The Fekete Rigó Guesthouse has been waiting for guests longing to relax since 2017. The accommodation can be found in the centre of the village sorrounded by a quiet, wooded in a real rural environment. There is a restaurant and a pizza place near and a bike trail which connects…rural environment, environment restaurantapartment, guesthouse, accomodation, accommodation, booking1
ledtechnika.hu…to some survays we receive 80% of the information we get across our eyes. Series of experiments have proved connection existing between ligthing and our general state of health, our physical and intellectual output. Besides, ligthing is an architectural element which is forming our environment.main, lighting, fundamental, conception, history1
chenlong.huCovering various subjects about advanced scenarios when dealing with Azure Iternal Load Balancer App Service Environment v2personal, website, privacy, post, release1
kodkft.hu…barcodes for identification, and finally, packaging them according to customer specifications. Printed circuit boards (PCB) are produced in an environment secured by ESD protection. We use a proprietary visualization system for production, which gives on-line feedback to our workers on the resultspcb environment, environment esdelectrical, production, control, implementation, activity1
selfstore.hu…when you are renovating your house or moving, upon an inheritance, when you work or study abroad or during the summer holiday. Our storage facilities are easily accessible and are equipped with car parks and transportation equipment to be used free of charge, in a clean and decent environment.storage, self, location, store, unit1
gsound.huOur team has been providing bands with quality sound,lighting and visual technology for several years. Thanks to our mobile installations, we can creatively implement a custom designed visual environment that meets the needs of the bands.visual environment, environment needevent, acoustic, sound, technology, visual1
pelsobay.huPelso Bay addresses those customers who need complexity and have a breakthrough on the full range of recreational holidays. Be relaxing in a luxurious, quiet environment, on the water and on the waterfront, but entertainment and sparkling cultural life can also be reached in proximity.quiet environment, environment waterapartment, lake, build, building, shore1
naturexpert.huHospitality and courtesy of the staff, accommodation in the hunting lodge, natural environment, logistics and competence of the huntsmen, abundance and quality of the game: also this year for me, as usual, everything was ok in every detail according to my expectations. Thanks to her brilliant…natural environment, environment logistichunting, hunt, page, main, game1
teomse.huWe, at Champion School offer supportive and inspirational environments for young enquiring minds to learn and grow with us. Our passion for learning means we achieve more than outstanding results. We strive to build confident and creative thinkers and aim at delivering an education that is truly…inspirational environment, environment youngstudent, learn, champion, school, activity1
graphit.huNX software help you design, simulate and manufacture better products faster by enabling smarter decisions in an integrated product development environment.solution, site, software, fast, manufacture1
spirithotel.huIt is not the 5 stars that make Spirit Hotel a luxury resort. Luxury comes in the service provided by our exceptional, enthusiastic and devoted staff members. In this environment, you can surrender yourself entirely to pleasure. The award-winning Spirit Hotel makes a dream come true: it…member environment, environment entirelyoffer, reservation, general, room, thermal1
balinttarsasag.hu…rather in the background. The integrated group procedure places the emphasis on the integrative approach of multiconditional content (illness, environment, diagnostics, patient behavior, healing practice, healing environment, healer cooperation and competency, sciences). The holistic approach is aillness environment, environment diagnostic, healing environment, environment healergroup, saturday, society, fee, technique1
biopol.hu…in this competition, but high product quality is also expected. Even in such circumstances, our products, which are also approved for organic farming, can provide economical and effective assistance. These products not only improve economic performance, but also protect our environment and health.performance environment, environment healthorganic, soil, farming, quality, nutrient1
remedio.huOur team brings a wealth of industry knowledge, fostering an environment where creativity, innovation, and continuous growth are celebrated. Join us to learn, grow, and contribute to creating user-centric experiences in the ever-evolving world of design.knowledge environment, environment creativitybook, mastery, summary, login, course1
mititex.huA steady professional, methodological training of our staff that may lead to its involvement in all professional areas, and we mean organization, technical areas, product, security and environment.quality, activity, group, member, italian1
vps-hosting.huOne of the top pick for web servers. Ideal for for every online project or users that want a flexible and stable environment.hosting, server, plan, memory, guarantee1
vargahaz.hu"We were completely satisfied, quiet environment, clean room, good price, and at other times we will definitely choose this place. Thank You!"quiet environment, environment cleanhouse, room, gate, affordable, comfortable1
siomedical.huFor the patients contacting us we provide the knowledge to keep healthy, to prevent illnesses and to recover, the nice atmosphere of being understood and distinctly cared for and the environment being aesthetic and hygienic.distinctly environment, environment aestheticappointment, doctor, examination, surgery, health1
fjit.huSchool healthcare is in a unique and privileged situation in the field of prevention by being present and operating in the natural educational environment of children, and delivering services by professionals with medical knowledge. We are convinced that taking advantage of multi-disciplinary…educational environment, environment childschool, healthcare, member, health, mission1
cafe57.huThe CAFE 57 Restaurant is the perfect venue for class reunions, banquets and friendly gatherings! We are looking forward to hosting our guests in an exclusive and elegant environment and friendly atmosphere.elegant environment, environment friendlyrestaurant, reservation, christmas, lunch, gallery1
drcsontosborbala.huDuring her procedures, Dr. Csontos strives to provide painless, high-quality care to her patients in a relaxed environment. Her interventions are characterised by precision and reliability and she is a strong believer in discussing the various treatment options available before beginning a…relaxed environment, environment interventioncanal, dentistry, root, treatment, crown1
icoach.hu…leaders and organizatons for nearly two decades. A large part of my experiences come from serving as corporate HR leader in multinational environments. Strategically supporting and consulting managers and executives, promoting cooperation within and across working groups and facilitating…multinational environment, environment strategicallyconsulting, development, organization, connection, value1
recodesk.huin mind the current and future needs of our customers. Our portfolio mainly covers the design, repair, and maintenance of injection molding tools and sheet forming tools, and our current machine park was designed accordingly. We carry out our design processes in the most modern software environment.tool, molding, injection, form, maintenance1
linkgroup.huprotein-protein interaction networks investigating the development of tumors and drug resistance. The LINK-Group develops novel algorithms to analyze network topology and dynamics and uses them to characterize the adaptation of complex systems to novel environments, and to identify new drug targets.novel environment, environment newgroup, network, member, signal, paper1
cerntech.huOur solutions are based on technologies like the physical layers of Fibre Channel, Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet standards; PCI-X, and PCI Express, and designing complex digital circuits with powerful FPGA-s. Our hardware products operate mainly in a Linux environment. We have also…linux environment, environment expertisereference, quote, faq, physics, data1
saghegyvendeghaz.hu"We had a very friendly hostel, a demanding, well-equipped house in a beautiful environment. We felt very good."beautiful environment, environment goodhouse, room, guest, text, people1
otthon-design.huHOMEDesign lays great emphasis on showcasing interior design trends and Hungary’s design culture. The Association of Hungarian Interior Designers helps us to present the latest interior design solutions, colours and styles to visitors in a highly impressive, home interior-like environment every…like environment, environment yearexhibition, interior, exhibitors, application, map1
adsolution.huprocess? Some soft skills are missing to deal with difficult situations whitin your team? Let us guide you. Any organization can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions.rapidly environment, environment boldsolution, development, consulting, skill, talent1
mze.huSignificant advances in technology take place last decade in the enamelling industry. The aim of the advances is wide-ranging: quality improvement; cost reduction; environment protection; development new products etc. Association inform fluently about these to whom admit a necessity andreduction environment, environment protectionassociation, member, main, conference, publication1
famesco.hu…allows to sell and transport puppies and dogs domestically and also to abroad. The registration declares that the dogs are kept in a suitable environment and matches to the principals of animal protection. The aim of the registration is to support the breeders who care of the animal welfare.suitable environment, environment principaldog, american, litter, detail, puppy1
pitagora.hu‍ Blendraw is a unique skill development game helping children learn how to explore, create, and comprehend abstract images. Abstract thinking is the foundation of our daily existence. It is how we make decisions, react to our environment, and experience a situation.decision environment, environment situationrevival, consulting, way, colleagues, role1
katandogpark.hu, close to nature, it covers an area of 20 000sqm, with 8 000sqm of encircled, built-in and partially landscaped regions. We have rooms staffed with heater and air-conditioner, there are outdoor and indoor runways, huge green areas, shingly zones, a beautiful, demanding environment awaits our…demand environment, environment guestdog, centre, gallery, price, boarding1
dronedesign.huOur team is composed of Hungary’s most experienced drone specialists. Our goal is to provide best-in-class drone solutions, including high-quality filming, special FPV flying, and enterprise solutions, in any possible environment.drone, solution, agriculture, enterprise, development1
g-das.huNevertheless, we know how difficult it may be to make your choice from the broad range of products and services offered by manufacturers and vendors; to implement and operate the most suitable and mission-critical solutions which will indeed create value in your corporate environment.solution, mission, suitable, method, success1
thestationrestaurant.huWhatever the occasion, The Station is a place where the environment, the service, the flavours and the aromas all fulfil the purpose that our guests only have to pay attention to the most important thing: EACH OTHER. Thanks to our facilities, we welcome even larger groups of family or friends…place environment, environment servicestation, restaurant, bar, list, reservation1
halacs.huUsually in corporate environment, or e.g in case of bigger schools., network administrators use application level proxies. A proxy can make internet access much faster as well as safer, however, these effects are getting more insignificant while secure connections are emerging. On the other hand…corporate environment, environment case, software environment, environment raresite, network, meter, agent, utility1
hopi.huWe provide logistics, storage and other services to business partners throughout Hungary. Through active logistics, we respond to market demands and pay close attention to protecting the environment. Our sister companies also operate in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania.attention environment, environment sistertransport, storage, logistic, warehouse, packaging1
nuvu.hu…of colours in the most varied and powerful manner) have led to breakthroughs in terms of the chemicals used, with the aim of protecting the environment and reducing smoke. The revolutionary change in dramaturgical scenery has exploded in the last decade with the proliferation of digital controlaim environment, environment smokepage, trade, letter, original, torch1
nessum.huAlthough the legislative environment of the public procurement is straight forward about the language of the procurement processes in Hungary, putting the foreign Tenderers in a discriminated position, our Company is one of the few service providers offering bilingual documents during the process…legislative environment, environment publicprocurement, public, training, reference, authority1
bilingual.huWe are committed to cultivating a challenging and stimulating bilingual learning environment, fostering in our students a passion for learning and creative thinking, and ultimately forging a multitude of future opportunities for our children.learn environment, environment studentbilingual, student, education, unique, school1
drtulkangyorgy.huYou would like to have a good dental rehabilitation, but the dental insurance you need is too expensive in your country? I have a solution for you! For one third of the usual price, fast and while staying in a beautiful environment! I have been working as dentist in the town Kiskunfélegyháza since…beautiful environment, environment dentisttreatment, map, sight, review, dentist1
golyahiralapitvany.huWe form a community with thousands of members where the adoptive parents can participate in such an environment where they can share their problems, ask their questions and have a conversation with similar families. It is important that they understand that they are not alone, and they can turn to…parent environment, environment problemchild, family, parent, community, shop1
danagroup.huWe have also identified market for providing construction to clients and operation & maintenance services for existing photovoltaic parks. The experience – gained by being an O&M service provider in a complex IT environment – and knowledge being a regional developer and investor of PV projects…complex environment, environment knowledgephotovoltaic, bulgaria, romania, multiple, proud1
vaskft.hu…our customers. It is important to keep pollution in mind, so our production waste gets recycled. We are also registered with Environmentally Friendly Products Co. We are able to use an additive in our films, as a result of their use, our products degrade without causing damage to the environment.agricultural, sack, industrial, garbage, pouch1
zelemo.huRichárd is a senior project manager with robust experience from telco and engineering industries. Very strong in delivery, successfully managing complex, large projects, working in both Waterfall and Agile environments with business, network infrastructure and IT scope. He spent 10+ years in…agile environment, environment businessmanagement, value, unit, industrial, customer1
hotelcziraky.huIn a calm, quiet and historical environment only 50 meters from the pedestrian precinct and 200 meters from the thermal bath the Count Cziráky Pension awaits you.historical environment, environment meterslovak, price, historical, pedestrian, calm1
bajorpanzio.huThe Medicinal spa and golf course can be reached within 3 minutes by car or by bus and in a small local train called DOTTO. The stop is about 100 metres from us. The BAVARIAN GUEST HOUSE, APARTHOTEL and RESTAURANT with family atmosphere can be found in the centre of Bük in an environment with a…bük environment, environment quietdetail, guest, house, room, offer1
argeomentum.huRecreation, cultural values tied to the environment, habitats that provide essential nutrients and opportunities for food production – that is, those environmental streams that provide us with ‘ecosystem services’ – underpin human well-being and our qualities of life. Our research engages with the…value environment, environment habitatresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation1
cafecsoport.huIndustry, technology, market environment, client requirements have all been changing during these two decades – just as Café has been developing along the trends.market environment, environment clientgroup, communication, agency, integrate, media1
hunyouth.huJason has attended medical exchange practices in Greece, Japan, Thailand and Spain. In Egypt, he participated at the 2018 IFMSA General Assembly in March with the Standing Committee on Medical Education, as a representative of Hungary. The multicultural environment during the exchange practices…multicultural environment, environment exchangeyouth, delegate, student, nation, united1
ora-akcio.huConcerned about the environment and how it’s affected by development projects? Understanding the legal framework of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) can help you make a difference. It’s pretty cool to know your legal rights when it comes to protecting the planet. ????legal, agreement, law, contract, requirements1
englishgarden.huThe English Garden is spread throughout three large adjacent houses with beautiful gardens connecting them at the rear. Our facilities are designed to provide the children with a safe and secure, child-friendly environment. The English Garden is surrounded by trees and is neighbours with one of…friendly environment, environment englishgarden, school, nursery, child, pre1
primvol.huIf you want to go fishing or with your family If you want to relax in a calm and quiet environment, we look forward to welcoming you Füzes fishing pond in Hajdúszovát .quiet environment, environment forwardtrade, representation, brake, spring, air1
siofokbella.huApartman Bella Hotel is located in the capital town of Lake Balaton, in Siófok, in the perfect environment to relax and recreate. Our hotel is located 150 metres from the Lake, the harbour and the town centre, the Water Tower and Mall Sió, Petőfi promenade and the biggest beach in Siófok. You can…perfect environment, environment hotelapartment, offer, room, siofok, lake1
skalar.huWe are a privately owned company engaged in civil engineering design activities, working exclusively in BIM environment. Read more..structure, future, construction, engineering, reference1
oko-melli.huIn today's modern world, a clean environment is a shortage of chemical-free products. Even beekeeping products believed to be natural may contain more or less chemical residues. Why? The chemicalization of agriculture, industrial production, and the growth of the vehicle fleet are primarily…clean environment, environment shortagehoney, bee, organic, natural, quality1
planetfanatics.huPlanet Fanatics’ Network is an enterprise consisting of people with close to twenty years of professional experience in the area of sustainability gained in Hungarian, international, corporate and NGO environments.sustainability, planet, network, corporate, introduction1
sind.hu…Studio Code can greatly enhance your development workflow by allowing you to easily transfer files between your local machine and remote servers. In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up the SFTP plugin in VS Code to work with two different SFTP servers, all from a Windows environment.duck, server, remote, sheet, script1
hungamosz.huA mountain bike is considered as being a bicycle that is designed specifically for mountain biking, either on dirt trails or on other unpaved environments. Mountain bikes are different from regular bikes in a number of ways. For one they have wide and knobby tires for extra traction and shock…unpaved environment, environment mountainbike, repair, maintenance, tip, bicycle1
gyekenyes-szallasajanlo.hu4 of them are situated ont he north-western shore (water depth 5-8 m), the other 4 are at the eastern end of the lake (calm, quiet environment, 6-21 m).house, area, main, offer, fishing1
tailored.huWe’re constantly innovating our web-based SaaS development services to deliver the most sophisticated solutions and product development to your business so that you can focus on what matters most—helping the environment.tailor, development, application, conscious, sophisticated1
vblaw.huOur office is located in Downtown Budapest, in quiet environment. The office is easily reachable ( it takes a 5-minute walk from the Nyugati Railway Station to get there ).quiet environment, environment officelaw, property, representation, field, legal1
hupakbc.huOur main goal is to provide a platform for Hungarian and Pakistani business people to get to know each other, learn more about each other’s countries and business environment, as well as offer them assistance in finding the right business, trade and investment opportunities and partners.business environment, environment assistancerelation, event, pakistan, news, water1
csodama.huOur main focus issues are environment, poverty, urban development and helping our fellow old people.issue environment, environment povertyevent, activity, cause, goal, foundation1
kinnaree-thaimassage.huDiscover the wonders of Thai massage at Kinnaree Thai Massage in Albertirsa. Our tranquil environment, skilled therapists, and authentic techniques will transport you to a state of blissful relaxation and rejuvenation.tranquil environment, environment skilledmassage, treatment, price, technique, therapist1
babilonkids.hu…and teens. We know that children learn best when they are interested and engaged. We use songs, games and movements so your children can play towards fluency. Our friendly international instructors take pride in creating an encouraging and stimulating environment for children to learn English.stimulate environment, environment childkid, school, kindergarten, faq, free1
szarvaskoo.huSzérűskert Vendégház is located in the romantic environment of the old homesteads of Szarvaskő, in the area bordered by the Bükk National Park. We recommend our panoramic, well-furnished guest house to families who like rural tourism, groups of friends, nature lovers, people with respiratory…romantic environment, environment oldroom, national, blanket, table, wardrobe1
depron.huThe Depron internal insulation can be used in any places and can be installed at low cost. The huge benefit of Depron thermal insulation is that because it is installed onto the wall from inside, the wall will not be unnecessarily heated, thus the application is energy efficient and environment…efficient environment, environment friendlyinsulation, thermal, efficient, energy, internal1
pridesign.huWith our modern-looking, high-quality, ergonomically designed office furniture, we guarantee the maximum quality and comfort of the working environment.office, axis, equipment, factory, build1
pulsoholding.huTechnology is the first major breakthrough in stopping valve leaks, a historically significant problem in the oil and gas industry. Protects workers from injury, prevents harmful leaks to the environment, and prevents the loss of valuable products for oil companies.leak environment, environment lossdevelopment, oil, health, real, estate1
okobank.huIt is important to create such local financial cycles that would help strengthen sustainable, local initiatives from local money, thus creating local employment opportunities and targeting local consumers. This would not only be more transparent to everyone but would also decrease the burden on…burden environment, environment healthyinitiative, sustainable, introduction, event, news1
ptapartman.huWe opened the Pizza Tábor Apartment at May 2017, so we expand our services. Our goal that we provide homely and calm environment for our guests in centre of Miskolc.calm environment, environment guestapartment, booking, free, sauna, room1
gesztenyesapartman.hu…district. The Cave Bath is easily accessible, but the picturesque Lillafüred can be reached in a short time. It got its name from the beautiful big chestnut trees that green on the street. Our accommodation is located on the ground floor of a ten-storey condominium, in a calm, quiet environment.apartment, balcony, people, private, booking1
alvicom.huA carefully designed virtualised system environment provides the optimal environment for the systems needed to run effective business. Our staff will design and support a software environment that reliably and flexibly supports business operations, even over the long term.system environment, environment optimal, optimal environment, environment system, software environmentsoftware, development, expert, client, reliable1
medicover.huAt Medicover Obstetrics we focus on the needs of the mother and baby. In our maternity clinic, safety and personal space are guaranteed: new parents can enjoy their first unforgettable moments in an exclusive, intimate and relaxed environment. Newborn babies are cared for by our qualified and…relaxed environment, environment newbornsurgery, clinic, point, lab, dental1
szelfutta.huAlways a good idea to have a metal tray, or and a plastic table cloth to protect your working environment.plastic, clean, video, process, model1
komodor.huWe are in a small space, but we worked hard to bring the best materials to soundproof the environment as much as possible. From the floor with a special carpet, to the ceiling with acoustic padsmaterial environment, environment possibleprice, community, office, competitive, desk1
hirvitransport.huWe are your connection between Hungary and Northern Europe. We are yours to command for international and internal transportation with our experienced colleagues and environment-friendly vehicles.colleagues environment, environment friendlytransport, transportation, fleet, international, domestic1
szerdalawfirm.hu…Our clients receive this assistance and support throughout the entire lifetime of their projects. They also take advantage of our extensive legal expertise in and knowledge of the local and regional business environment, which our legal team has developed over nearly two decades of legal practice.business environment, environment legallaw, firm, expertise, area, legal1
senbistro.huThe safety and healthy of our staffs and customers are paramount to us, therefore we have asked all our staffs to raise the level of hygiene by washing their hands, cleaning around environment by sanitiser regularly and adapting the “no contact” principle throughout in preparing, processing and…hand environment, environment sanitisercart, order, salad, sen, rice1
aplusrenovation.huCertainly, some of the renovation tasks cannot be ignored. Leaks from the roof, electrical problems, or cracks in an undesired place can lead to undesirable problems. Therefore, these safety jobs are of high importance because the family must be living in as safe as possible environment and also…possible environment, environment propertyrenovation, property, remodel, quote, free1
broadbit.huWe have outstanding experience in TTCN testing – either in our own developed TTCN compiler and test environment – and in IT related protocols.test environment, environment protocoldocument, management, development, implementation, software1
redrecruitment.huWe provide HR consulting in the region since more than 10 years. Our consultants come from the Fortune 100 environment.recruitment, europe, central, agency, eastern1
jeansday.hu…a complex urban marketing strategy for the Local Municipality of Baja, in relation to its CLLD tender activities. Within the frame of the project, we have revealed a quite heterogeneous environment regarding its marketing communication, via in-depth interviews and secondary research of documents.heterogeneous environment, environment marketingbrand, analysis, city, corporate, insight1
mediatormiskolc.hu…I am familiar with the operation, challenges, vertical and horizontal organizational connections of companies in both multinational and SME environments not only as an external consultant, but also as an internal employee. I consider my mission to introduce and disseminate the possibility of…sme environment, environment externalmediation, mediator, relationship, divorce, view1
magnesfal.huThe Magnetic Wall currently available in market is the result of 6 years of continuous development. We have tested it on several thousand square meters of surfaces, also have made laboratory tests for shelf life, in various environments, packaging sizes and temperatures.life environment, environment packagingmagnetic, wall, surface, plaster, frame1
nmd-budapest2019.huThe event will take place in Budapest (Hungary), at the Basic Medical Science Centre – Semmelweis University. It offers a fabulous environment for high quality, professional meetings. Furthermore the Summer Course is an ideal base for willing explorers of the beautiful capital of Hungary.fabulous environment, environment highsummer, course, sponsor, programme, sponsorship1
barkacsoldal.husigns of illness or that does not meet Kennel vaccine requirements. Despite these precautions, Owner acknowledges that Owners pet will be in an environment with other pets during boarding, and understands that any pet may harbor and spread a communicable disease. Owner releases Kennel from, and…pet environment, environment petmarch, april, order, court, contract1
plantor.huOur company was founded as a domestic private engineer office in 1994. The company started as a company office and transformed to a liability limited company in 1997. Our activities are planning, managing and consulting for projects of civil engineering, environment protection, water management…engineering environment, environment protectionactivity, water, reference, engineer, planner1
malatahomes.huMaláta Homes is situated in a quiet and urban area near the heart of Budapest . Close to the real life of the capital in a quiet but easily accessible place, therefore our guests can relax in a calm environment, while still providing easy access to the city’s main attractions and points of…calm environment, environment easyapartment, private, room, reservation, area1
fehervarplastic.huFehérvár Plastic & Cleaning Ltd. was established in 2013 by Hungarian owners who invested their own professional experience of several years. Our company emphasizes the protection of the environment and follows environmentally conscious operative principles. The choice and development of our…protection environment, environment environmentallyplastic, clean, waste, material, stock1
sparesidenceheviz.huThe Spa Residence Carbona Apartment House is being build in the most beautiful area of downtown Hévíz, in a green environment, where prospective owners can enjoy in a unique way the comfort of the apartments...green environment, environment prospectiveapartment, membership, reference, selection, gallery1
1618.hu…We know the need to work with an international project team in compliance with the company’s internal regulations and applicable industry standards. This valuable experience also allows us, as an outsider, to bring flexibility to your developments that a large corporate environment does not allow.machine, custom, engineering, component, mechanical1
cefusion.hu…of Centre for Energy Research (Budapest, Hungary), aiming at solving high level complexity fusion research related problems. The company is also offering support in the field of systems engineering and component engineering in harsh environment from ground basics up to technical readiness level.harsh environment, environment groundread, field, vacuum, fusion, research1
mariannmarczi.hu…such as the flawless recitation is much more than faultless articulation. All sounds of longer or shorter movements are alive – their life notwithstanding their simplicity is more than vegetation, since they are part of processes and we can only be glad to meet them in their natural environment.piano, minor, sonata, concert1
printologic.hu…that often occur during printing with conventional solutions, PRINTOLOGIC contributes to a more relaxed, and thereby a more productive work environment. To meet the above objectives, in the framework of the project a print management solution was developed that allows users to select printing…work environment, environment objectivetechnology, printing, gallery, solution, organisation1
rustler.huOptimizing the workplace environment has become a necessity in modern facility management. High quality tenants require an optimized workplace experience to satisfy their staff’s wants and needs. This optimized tenant experience leads to higher tenant quality and therefore higher revenue.workplace environment, environment necessitymanagement, facility, property, statement, mission1
nautilusstudio.huWe develop broadcast CG applications based on real time 3D graphics. Our products are designed to produce high quality broadcast graphics in a live broadcast environment and for post production. They can be easily adapted for practically any kind of special broadcast graphics task (news, quiz…broadcast environment, environment postrequirements, hardware, news, broadcast, graphic1
ignis.hu…Optitherm not only provides a higher level of comfort, but also reduces energy consumption, which is cost-effective and the good for environment as well. We offer the algorithm with integration drivers and professional support to those smart thermostat manufacturers, heating control…good environment, environment algorithmcomputer, development, lock, great, big1
partipanzio.huOur family pension is located close to the Old Lake in Tata, in a cozy, quiet environment. Our rooms and well-equipped apartments are available to our guests all year round. There are 8 nicely furnished rooms in our main building for the convenience of our guests.quiet environment, environment roompicture, family, pension, guest, room1
smaragdpark.huThus we shall all contribute to sustainable living, we will preserve this beautiful planet for the generations to come, and enjoy ourselves in a natural pure environment, with lots of activities at reach.pure environment, environment lotresidential, style, lifestyle, live, general1
jerring.huAt the shooting ground everything is made of natural materials, with plenty of wood. The clays decompose, they do not harm the environment.shoot, ground, basket, voucher, option1
kertvellesy.huWhether it is your home or your workplace, it is important to say what it has to say winrar chip . In the kitchen, in the morning, the sun should shine on top of the cocoa, we could wave to daddy through the window, who is washing the car. Your work environment suggests what it wants to suggest to…work environment, environment clientagreement, contract, office, reference, data1
hhkk.huWe await visitors in a black pine-studded environment in the area of the Pilis Park Forestry Ltd, only 15 minutes from the heart of the city. No smoke, no noise. Spend a lovely day or even a night here, take a little break from city life and escape to nature.pine environment, environment areaevent, guesthouse, hill, school, forest1
isaac.huAny iSaac Factory / main system. When we want to specify and algorithmize the security system center, we must have typed, controlled, aggregated measurement data from the system units, from the real environment, so we can diversify the operation in a corporate level in the most effective way.real environment, environment operationsecurity, communication, safety, site, corporate1
f4ster.huPreparation and management of national and international R&D projects, focusing on strengthening the European research and innovation environment and on supporting disruptive innovation.innovation environment, environment disruptivefuture, transport, energy, research, preparation1
iskolakavaltozasert.hugeneration to better understand how globalisation affects their lives, what kind of interactions are in place on one hand amongst politics, the environment, the society, the culture, the dimensions of economy and on the other hand the different social groups and global regions. Global education is…politics environment, environment societyschool, change, agent, global, globally1
cowo.huYou can work with us independently, but with friends, who help you, when and if you need. In an environment, which inspires while being comfortable. Our Co-Working space lets you to achieve your goals, in harmony with yourself and your environment. You’ll have plenty of private space and support :…friend environment, environment comfortable, harmony environment, environment plentygallery, price, harmony, support, space1
a47.hu…of the city to create Budapest, the construction of Sugár út, now named after Count Gyula Andrássy Sr, began, which provided a metropolitan environment for traffic heading towards Városliget. Sugár út was built in 1876 and 1877, and most of the building plots were also sold between 1876 and…metropolitan environment, environment trafficbuild, area, history, description, location1
thegoatherder.huConscious of the impact that take away cups and food packaging is having on our environment, we've selected a company that provides eco friendly items. All of our packaging is made from either bioplastics (made from plants, in this case cornstarch - these plastics are biodegradable and…packaging environment, environment companygoat, bar, coffee, friendly, delicious1
simmoag.huBudaPart has a harmonious and inspiring environment, where sustainable state-of-the-art technology, diligent design and eco-friendliness come together in great unity. Being appreciative of nature and the urban environment surrounding the location of BudaPart, we convert the synergy created by the…inspire environment, environment sustainable, urban environment, environment locationnews, office, portfolio, estate, main1
luxuryproject.huwith an excellent customer focus ethos and always willing to go that extra mile. She is highly experienced working with international clients and businesses, thrives in a fast paced environment and understands the importance of how to deliver as well as what is delivered. Attentive, open and honest.pace environment, environment importanceevent, luxury, wedding, hospitality, private1
mutogroup.hu…is expanding. This theory, rather than closing off the community to outside impulses and influences, and risking self-destruction, opens its borders too, or even integrates, these stimuli. The resulting community is, then, an open system that constantly changes, changing, in turn, its environment.group, exhibition, community, art, collaboration1
hotellukacs.huHotel Lukács*** Superior is owned by Lukács family, which guaranteed a friendly and calm environment. We can offer our hotel to business men, families or adventurers.calm environment, environment hotelroom, bathroom, double, person, common1
cserneczkybalint.huof rows, and presenting the same through visually appealing charts or in-house KPIs. The software that we develop is utilized on a daily basis by individuals in the production environment, resulting in significant time savings, ultimately leading to increased revenue generation for the organization.production environment, environment significantsoftware, developer, code, solution, performance1
kpli.hu…experience and the business aspects. Our primary objective is to provide our clients with day-to-day legal support in the ever-changing legal environment so that they can meet the challenges of business and respond appropriately during contracting, regulatory investigations and audit procedures…legal environment, environment challengelaw, firm, labour, pharmaceutical, client1
foreignstudents.huThose educational tourists are also more environment friendly, then the usual leisure time tourists.tourist environment, environment friendlyforeign, student, association, tourism, educational1
hotelvadvirag.huThe ones who like the environment can take long walks in the forest, which air is uncreadible clear as you breath in. It is a renewal for heart and soul!one environment, environment longdetail, restaurant, horse, wedding, forest1
hajduugyvediiroda.huOur law firm is located in Szeged, in the heart of downtown, in a few hundred meters distance from the Regional Court of Szeged. Our two air-conditioned, spacious meeting rooms and secretariat provide a perfect environment for business transactions. Our clients are given the possibility to sign…perfect environment, environment businessarea, practice, law, legal, client1
erotic-massage-budapest.huWe can get the best massage from head to toe. If you spend money on it, you can get an erotic massage in an especially elegant environment. It is definitely available in Budapest , so more expensive salons offer a proportionately higher quality service than cheaper market players.elegant environment, environment definitelyerotic, massage, masseuse, energy, man1
keresztenymotorosok.hu- We also organize rides for charitable purposes, during which we visit institutions where we can bring joy to the residents with our presence and offer help with our donations. - In our environment and in motorcyclist circles we advocate the importance of safe, civilized and responsible…donation environment, environment motorcyclistgod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important1
ibs-b.hu“The main reason why I chose IBS was its practice-based teaching that makes the learning environment as realistic as possible.”learn environment, environment realisticprogramme, management, strategic, student, international1
pamet.huWe believe that by applying advanced solutions, we can contribute to a more livable, safer environment.assurance, quality, emission, measurement, source1
colabs.hu"Our mission is to improve the Hungarian early-stage funding scene and create a more accessible and flexible capital environment in which the region’s best and brightest entrepreneurs can prosper."capital environment, environment regioninvestor, member, investment, event, app1
art-galeria.huThese photo prints affect their environment with the appearance of beauty and simplicity. The photo prints on canvas are available in a wide range of colors, sizes and motifs. Motifs include plants, landscapes, exotic animals, mood photos, spa and kitchen themes.print environment, environment appearanceart, picture, hand, decoration, painting1
hotel-yacht.huOur hotel offers the best view on the Balaton lakeshore and is located in the yacht marina of Siófok, directly at the water, in a quiet environment, only a 10-minute walk from the city centre.quiet environment, environment minuteroom, double, friendly, family, dental1
foliapont.huEvery SmartFix technician goes through an intensive training process, and we maintain an environment of constant learning, so no device is too new, no technology too complicated.process environment, environment constantrepair, location, layout, device, phone1
autisticart.huOr goal is simple: we want to help people with autism every minute of every day. We would like them to be able to live in an environment most suited for them as well as working on making living with autism in Hungary easier through development programs, research and communication.able environment, environment liveart, autistic, autism, people, foundation1
blaudio.huControl everything on your and other Blasters in the network. The volume, the gain levels, the equalizer or the LED visualisation. When permission is granted, you can control all the speakers in the network individually, to fill your environment with crystal clear and delayless sound.individually environment, environment crystalapp, speaker, music, feature, connectivity1
kirapanzio.huWe are waiting for our guests only a few minutes by car from Lake Balaton, in the center of Lengyeltóti, in a renovated, old civic building located in a pleasant, calm environment. You can enjoy the atmosphere of old times and all the comforts of the 21st century at the same time. There are 6…calm environment, environment atmosphereroom, double, bed, bathroom, single1
interproject.huCreating own reliable electricity generating industry on turnkey basis - creating plenty of local jobs – using local materials, not depending on any foreign supplier - high tech development to the local environment, providing reliable electricity to the community and better life for people with…local environment, environment reliableenergy, sun, power, development, free1
lazarlovaspark.huWe provide a marvellous environment for all kinds of events – family trips, company team-building programs or a romantic wedding day. We are also a popular location for organizing birthday parties and other family events in a friendly environment.marvellous environment, environment kindevent, wedding, equestrian, gallery, restriction1
ertekterv.hu…Budapest and cycling networks for tourism purposes in rural areas. On this basis, we wanted to share our good practices with colleagues from all around the world to show how strategic planning and development plans can improve cycling environment considerably even without significant expenditures.cycling environment, environment considerablyplan, cycling, network, development, conference1
arnyaspark.huÁrnyas Park Pension (Shady Park Pension) is about 600m away from Lake Balaton in wonderful green environment. The Pension consists of 3 family rooms with comfortable accommodation for 2+2 persons and 4 double rooms either for 1 or two persons. Four timber houses for 6 persons each are waiting for…green environment, environment pensionseason, reservation, gallery, photo, guest1
guidevision.huOur strategic business consulting team is focused on providing creative and informed advice, based on a thorough understanding of each client’s goals, present environments, and requirements.present environment, environment requirementsmanagement, customer, insight, value, study1
levendulagyor.huSpend your free time with us or just rest for a night during your trip. The building was built in 2015 and was completely renovated in 2021. For the rooms, we strove for a simple, clean style and to create a friendly environment. Our guest house is located 4 km from the city center and is easily…friendly environment, environment guesteng, booking, room, bed, person1
paintball.huInitiation shot: are you a first-time player? Are you afraid of being shot? You can try what it feels like. You can be shot in the back in a controlled environment so that you won’t worry what the first shot is going to feel like (this is not obligatory, of course)control environment, environment willgame, field, price, equipment, course1
magna-balance.hu…declining magnetic properties, the cell metabolism of the living cells may slow down. By replenishing the missing magnetism, the cellular energy level can be increased (ATP), the self-regulating system of the body can be supported, therefore its adaptability to the environment can be improved.magna, device, family, massage, magnetic1
emcglobal.hu…and pharmaceutical distributor licenses. We have also set up a separate division for the procurement of products that are in short supply in our ever-changing commercial environment. Thus, the procurement and distribution of goods like timber and containers, were added to our commercial portfolio.commercial environment, environment procurementglobal, website, machinery, trade, card1
hamiltoncollege.huIt has been a great experience for me to study at Hamilton college. With an outstanding academic environment Hamilton was so effective in improving my knowledge in my field of study.academic environment, environment hamiltoncollege, pre, application, american, student1
csabaaron.hu…atmosphere. Fast learner, motivated team playerm interpersonal, troubleshooting skills. Developing source code utilizing the open source environment and always seeking for new technologies. Urging DevOps agile relationship between Development and IT Operations my goal is to improve the…source environment, environment newportfolio, creative, perfect, template, bootstrap1
extremefilm.huOur production services are coordinated only with the best available crew, equipment and facilities you can find in Hungary. We are proud to say that Budapest offers a predictable, secure filming environment. For the productions, our company can serve extraordinary wealth and variety of locations…film environment, environment productionproduction, commercial, director, equipment, price1
e-repair.huWe at Schweizer Elektronik are adamant that quality and customer service are key to our success. Our quality control policy is centered around providing outstanding quality products, constant quality control, and optimizing and finetuning processes. We aim for continuous growth and seek to protect…growth environment, environment highwarehouse, reference, gallery, repair, customer1
p2k.huAny organization can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold steps and making insightful decisions. Let us guide you.rapidly environment, environment boldcooperation, builder, website, digital, competitive1
scarabeus.huA project that was brought to life by the challenges of today, as well as the finding that ancient people had the philosophy of how to live harmoniously with the environment.recycling, research, ancient, today, challenge1
aiesec.huJoin the world’s largest youth run organization and experience leadership development in a diverse environment.youth, leadership, global, goal, internship1
mhlaw.huOur aim is to serve our clients at the highest professional standard. Our office provides a pleasant environment and our colleagues are at your disposal with their wide legal skills and using state-of-the-art technology.pleasant environment, environment colleagueslaw, commercial, economic, criminal, labour1
horvathfolia.huwe strive for sustainable development as a member of professional organizations in order to harm the environment as little as possible.order environment, environment littlefoil, packaging, printing, material, flat1
herczegudvarhaz.huBirds are croaking, the owl pines on the pine tree, you can breathe oxygen-rich air in the shade of the primeval trees and if the environment natural tunes. Lampions hang over our heads in different styles with warm colors. When you arrive at the castle, you will slow down!tree environment, environment naturalroom, moment, tree, restaurant, family1
layermark.huE-commerce marketing has emerged through the era of digital shopping, which has led to a complete change in the present shopping system. Nowadays, users prefer digital exchange more than the complexity of physical environments. The Internet has become the largest shopping center and the e-commerce…physical environment, environment internetdigital, user, advertising, application, solution1
mariannaapartman.huIn Zalakaros near the spa and also in Nagykanizsa in the town centre we give our patients prothesis and dental treatments in our well-equipped offices, in stress free environment, using high standard technology and the most modern material; our laboratory has ISO qualification.free environment, environment highapartment, house, dental, surgery, flat1
tetoalatt.hu''The construction was a great experience for us. We knew what to expect as it was not our first project with TCT ltd. TCT work to a new construction standard not frequently found in Hungary, but more commonly found in Western European countries. They worked in an orderly manner, in a clean and…intelligent environment, environment projectconstruction, free, dream, quotation, goal1
primustrust.huThe system makes the difference. In contrast to offshore jurisdictions, Hungary’s legal environment, as a result of the complexity of the legal system and domestic, EU and international regulations, guarantees that our clients can trust the system. This legal environment guarantees that no one can…legal environment, environment result, environment position, environment ruletrust, protection, asset, tax, family1
soffie.huOffer office life related digital services that will drive the employee experience to the next level. Smart offices inspire and besides making office time more fun, they also enable more efficient working environment. Integrate employee services like HR, facility, IT for an optimized user-centric…work environment, environment employeeoffice, management, employee, feature, highlight1
hungaroringkartcenter.huLocated right in the middle of the Formula 1 race track in the exclusive environment of the Hungaroring Motorsport Centre is the completely renovated and embellished Hungaroring Kart Center.exclusive environment, environment hungaroringcenter, track, race, karting, media1
napkiado.hu…treasures of archives and museums in his album. The Christian belief, the religion, interlaces the life of our mediaeval kings and their environment in a decisive way. The typical marks and symbols of Christian art can be found on every work of art, from the coronation robe through…king environment, environment decisiveanthem, national, country, nation, book1
phasefield.hu…results support the hypothesis that the control over mineral morphogenesis in mineralized tissues happens via regulating the physico-chemical environment, in which biomineralization occurs: the organic content manipulates the geometric and thermodynamic boundary conditions, which in turn…chemical environment, environment biomineralizationphase, field, science, material, group1
almasibalazs.huThe opportunity to shape space and young minds is a gift and a challenge at the same time for a landscape architect and as academic tutor, as I am. I truly believe that art plays a role in this process, but also that the designed space has to fit the environment, perfectly in an ecological…space environment, environment perfectlybalazs, art, landscape, architect, elegance1
ofbeautyzitan.huWelcome to the site of Of Beauty Zitan kennel. My name is Antal Ágoston. My wife and I have been breeding Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in small numbers in a family environment for almost 10 years. We operate in Nagyszénás, in the south-eastern part of Hungary, in Békés county. We pay special…family environment, environment year, right environment, environment breederbreed, dog, color, female, characteristic1
kisviragvendeghaz.huKisvirág guesthouse Located 100 m from the center of Mezőberény. Great recreation for families in an intimate, quiet environment. Detached family house with a yard of 2000 m2, a cozy terrace and a lit yard awaits guests. There are 2.5 rooms in the building, a kitchen (fully equipped), and a…quiet environment, environment detachedguesthouse, room, house, reservation, guest1
dogmopolite.huDog sitting in the owner’s home, in the dog’s natural environment, for both long and short termnatural environment, environment longdog, care, day, boarding, training1
seashepherdorigins.huLamya Essemlali was born in France in 1979. After completing an associate degree in advertising and marketing in Paris, she realized the only way she could ever be happy was to work in her field of passion, defending the environment and the animals. She decided to start over and went back to…passion environment, environment animalshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean1
grantis.huIn case the financial & insurance environment of Hungary looks new, overly complicated, or simply you want to save time, then join our foreign clients! We have already helped several thousand people in improving their financial status. Our partners range from local investment firms through…insurance environment, environment hungaryinsurance, financial, consulting, investment, loan1
luxusvillamalom.huI highly recommend this place to those who would like to spend even just a couple of hours in a beautiful place. The Villa radiates from, and reflects the giving and dedicated nature of our host Bea, who made sure that we receive the best service with outstanding culinary experiences in a lovely…lovely environment, environment definitelyroom, luxury, space, rent, community1
darvasjudit.hu…notice and stay with such ways of being, and can also experiment with alternative approaches. Flexibility, freedom, and an ability to respond to the actual situation (response-ability) can allow the person to form a more congruent relationship with him or herself, as well as with the environment.student, study, approach, therapy, freedom1
flexeffect.huAfter recognizing the needs of our partners in the labor market and the difficulties of a constantly changing economic environment, our company provides a wagework service that can be applied efficiently in different production processes and is flexible in every case to suit our partners' needs.economic environment, environment companysignificant, process, long, history, production1
bigfish.huWe strive to deliver great solutions, which utilise the mobile devices and meets our Partners’ business goels, in an extremely turbulent tech environment. We focus on m-commerce and indoor navigation.tech environment, environment commercebig, fish, career, commerce, great1
help4you.huStart your own business in Hungary. Get a European Union tax number, low corporate tax, low operating costs and a stable business environment. You and your family can settle and get a residence permit in Hungary.business environment, environment familyimmigration, permit, help, social, search1
bombavadasz.huTechnologies implemented in Germany and their optimized implementation in the Hungarian legal and economic environment.area, disposal, exploration, explosive, technical1
cserbusz.hu…sit back and enjoy the trip. We are an eco-friendly coach company, so you can enjoy travelling in style while knowing that your choice to utilise our professional fleet is working to protect the environment as much as possible. We have minivans, minibuses and midi coaches from seven to 20 people.fleet environment, environment possibleminibus, driver, chauffeur, hire, class1
papapedia.hu…and water. Additionally, ECOMOG troops were able to disarm and demobilize combatants from both sides of the conflict, as well as to train and equip a new unified national army. These efforts helped to create a more stable political environment and paved the way for a lasting peace in the region.political environment, environment waymission, military, force, observer, peace1
weinberg.huOffice head buildings that allow you to work efficiently in an aesthetic environment, even meeting the latest technological requirements.aesthetic environment, environment latestconstruction, general, award, steel, structure1
dishwasherrepairbudapest.hu…customer-friendly prices! You don't have to worry about cleanliness either, because after the repair, we leave behind the same clean environment that welcomed us before the repair. Unfortunately, there are also examples where the warranty repair of the new dishwasher requires the…clean environment, environment repairdishwasher, repair, mechanic, appointment, price1
okotars.huAims to develop non-profit leglislation to create a friendly and predictable environment where non-governmental organizations can work safely and easily. In cooperation with civil experts we do reserach, analyses and studies.predictable environment, environment nonsociety, report, european, tree, rule1
bimbidesign.huIndividual decoration of furniture, glass, interior can make your environment very special.interior environment, environment specialpainting, portrait, animal, custom, child1
hpmc.hu…to contribute to the success of different enterprises with its support, which is based on broad financial, business, general management experience. This broad experience is based on best practices used by multinational companies and Hungarian and Central European business environment understanding.business environment, environment understandconsulting, financial, general, profile, reference1
liviaapartmanok.huSzömörce Gesthaus is located in a beautiful environment with a wonderful view of Lake Balaton. This makes up for having to go to the beach by car. A very good choice for several families and groups of friends, a spacious, sophisticatedly equipped house that exceeds expectations! It is also…beautiful environment, environment wonderfulapartment, lake, beach, accommodation, wine1
gpfishing.hu…resources to perform. The more visitors a web portal accommodates concurrently, the more system resources will be demanded to manage all the requests from the users' web browsers and to process them. This is the reason why a dedicated server would be the optimum hosting environment for such pages.hosting environment, environment pagehosting, dedicated, server, semi, website1
freeszfe.hu…which has nuanced ideas and thinks freely about the world. We do not intend to guide the students towards a specific aesthetic trend but we do value reacting responsibly to social issues because we believe that artistic work and thought is not independent of the environment in which it is born.event, support, donation, cost, month1
sparksoft.huOur agile team aims to continuously deliver new value to our customers, while maintaining the flexibility that our client’s changing market environment demands.development, cloud, software, ltd, native1
wasmet.huGold is a natural treasure, so care is taken to protect and conserve the environment during the processing. During the melting of the gold and the production of the gold bars, the emissions are reduced to zero thanks to the advanced technology used, resulting in clean air and water at the end of…care environment, environment processinvestment, jewelry, process, bar, coin1
hotelbestseller.huour offer ranges from single rooms to family apartments. A Finnish sauna, two pools with whirlpools, a sun terrace, massages, and a cafe are available for guests to relax. Our guests can enjoy our coffee specialties and homemade cakes on the terraces in a fabulous environment befitting a park hotel.fabulous environment, environment parkroom, bed, double, single, guest1
gustocafe.huMy regular haunt in Budapest. Good feeling in a friendly environment. Tempting and tastyfoods, and the Belgian brown Leffe.friendly environment, environment temptingfood, gallery, friendly, coffee, wine1
derossi.huWe cultivate success across borders. While we work in the Hungarian regulatory environment, we understand the expectations of businesses from around the globe.regulatory environment, environment expectationsvaluation, auditing, de, financial, data1
blackbelt.huIt’s been a pleasure working with BlackBelt and their expert services to make significant improvements to our IT solutions. Their IT professionals are experienced, highly skilled, and flexible individuals who quickly adapted to our agile environment.development, software, client, technology1
bayenergy.hu13 авг. 2021 2021 г. ... ... In In indoor indoor environments, environments, infectious infectious virus virus persisted persisted on on cloth cloth for for up up to to 1 1 day, day, on on steel steel and and concrete concrete for for up up to to 3 3 days, days, and and on on nitrile, nitrile…indoor environment, environment infectiousday, leigh, book, series, novel1
fiumeiresidence.huModern and smart features with the correct application of advanced materials and application methods, that offer better living conditions and ultimately a fine quality of life. The result combines the simple convenience of urban living with a family-friendly environment.apartment, build, investment, flat, floor1
luxuryhotelsbudapest.huSaliris Resort **** Spa and Conference Hotel is situated in a 17.5 hectare superb natural environment ringed by pine forests in Egerszalok. The four-star spa hotel is connected by a glass corridor to the exclusive thermal spa, built near the only salt hill of Europe. The Thermal Spa of Egerszalok…natural environment, environment pinereservation, package, piece, luxury, thermal1
budabestboat.huDuring the boat tour, you can admire the most beautiful parts of Budapest. From the Parliament building to the Buda Castle; you can get amazed by St. Gellert Hill and the Citadel with a glass of drink in your hands, in a pleasant environment. The panorama is crowned by several breathtaking…pleasant environment, environment panoramaunlimited, boat, tour, cruise, sightseeing1
regea.huPatients with tumors start with disadvantage, there is no equal chance compared to other patients in healing, finding new work places, and rehabilitation. The healthy people use different way to communicate with them, they bear the stigma: the terminally ill. There is the danger to isolate…patient, cancer, method, health, foundation1
evotech.huNowadays, the environment-friendly and cost-efficient buildings are unimaginable without building automation system (BMS) and building management. Our solutions, based on intelligent devices allow the implementation of integrated building management systems that cover the most modern access…nowadays environment, environment friendly, reliable environmentelectrical, build, activity, industrial, automation1
dm-innovation.huDuring a rapidly changing technological environment, it is important to know current and future value chains.technological environment, environment importantinnovation, development, technology, sale, process1
branaldi.huBranaldi Hungary achieves economic growth with environmental protection in mind. Reducing adverse environmental impact in production is important to us. In our development processes we keen recycling and unwasteful material using. With our recycled raw materials we protect the environment, and…material environment, environment productslide, production, process, material, quality1
debrecenbike.huLocated near the junction of Diószegi Road and Panoráma Roads, Erdőspuszta Club Hotel**** and its scenic woodland environment provide the ideal setting for relaxation. Arbo Ranch, an additional unit of the hotel compound, features an animal park as well as facilities for horse-riding and…woodland environment, environment idealbike, street, church, build, city1
poligratkft.huIn corrosive environments POLINOX FL Passiv can significantly increase the service life of stainless steel surfaces if applied regularly during maintenance works without the need of a pickling treatment that would cause metal ablation. POLINOX FL Passiv is fully water-soluble. It’s chlorine…corrosive environment, environment polinoxsurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless1
dataqua.huAll of our activities have been closely interrelated to the environment, hydrography, and water management measurements. As the founders of the latter DATAQUA Electronics Ltd., in 1992 we started to develop a fully electronized microprocessor controlled water level recorder without any moving…closely environment, environment hydrographyrecorder, electronic, digital, analogue, ltd1
amavat.huamavat ® invests significantly in technology. The aim is to eliminate the complexity involved in managing VAT and to create an environment that allows you to manage your VAT compliance simply, while being user-friendly.vat environment, environment vatvat, tax, registration, country, seller1
golfpannonia.hu…positioning of flags on the undulating hills of the greens also add a challenge. The six different tees offer both beginner and advanced players the chance to accurately assess their golfing skills. The spectacular natural environment and carefully-groomed course are ideal to inspire perfect shots.natural environment, environment carefullycountry, course, event, restaurant, detail1
sunnyhomebud.huA sunny, two-bedroom, air-conditioned flat is awaiting you at a new district of Vecsés. The apartment is the island of tranquility itself, in a friendly and well-maintained environment. It’s an ideal choice for couples, families or friends. Enjoy the sunset from the spacious balcony, take your…friendly environment, environment idealsunny, parking, free, near, ac1
szabofogaskerek.huWe find it important to achieve success with satisfied workforce in a motivating environment. Thanks to our Enterprise Resource Planning System we stand ready for the latest challenges of Industry 4.0.motivate environment, environment thankgear, quality, production, industry, treatment1
e112.huAre you dreaming of a quiet and green environment, not far from the city center? You are at the right place, because our energy-saving apartment building is being built at 112 Egressy út, in the heart of Zugló. Zugló is the greenest district of Budapest.green environment, environment farfloor, million, price, apartment, gallery1
itkholding.huThrough its subsidiaries, ITK Holding Zrt. is present in a number of sectors. As a transport integrator in the field of mobility, from the automotive industry to energy, infocommunication, education development, real estate management, environment, urban development, transport and human relations…management environment, environment urbanmobility, sustainable, education, number, management1
zenevaros.hu…music. With short descriptions, pictures, and practical links, we help with orientations however we can. We also like to show how many things you can find and learn about, try, buy or get fixed in our store. All this, in an intimate environment, with highly skilled professionals, and a warranty.intimate environment, environment highlymusic, instrument, store, accessories, sheet1
laurius.hu…analysis, searching for potential candidates, the selection procedure itself – checking the necessary references, carrying out test projects and conducting personality tests, fully representing our client in the procedure – and shaping up the legal environment for and the conditions of employment.legal environment, environment conditionclient, market, operation, expert, technology1
plazs41.huOur focus is on our guests and providing them with a friendly, clean and fully-equipped environment for the best possible holiday experience. It means the world to us!fully environment, environment goodapartment, view, away, national, croatia1
tmfu.hu…sectors in the international community. Our main goal is to transfer knowledge, good practices from and to European partners in order to develop the local community in several key topics, such as environment, energy efficiency, alternative energy, smart grids food industry, local products, etc.topic environment, environment energyevent, news, practice, main, page1
crystaldental.huWe are happy to welcome you to Crystal Dental, Budapest's brand new dental clinic. Our clinic is located in downtown Budapest in a modern and friendly environment. Our team offers you the very best in personalized and comprehensive dental care.friendly environment, environment teamdental, clinic, introduction, dentistry, homepage1
naturavit.huvial filling, bottling in closed system with automatic filling equipment, manual presentation of powder and tablet with precision measuring instruments in sterile environment.extract, cinnamon, manufacture, packaging, presentation1
admiraloptika.huAs a member of the Trend Optik Group the Admiral Optics has served the domestic and foreign customers for over 20 years. In two stores in Héviz, we expect our customers with outstanding expertise, the latest technology in an exclusive environment. Thanks to highly skilled professionals and high…exclusive environment, environment thankoptic, quality, vision, correction, optical1
sapiens.huChanging organizational culture is a complex journey. Executive leaders can create a permissive environment, where people can innovate, and as a result the organization becomes more resilient. Scientific research proves that the state of flow plays a significant role in our ability to amplify…permissive environment, environment peoplehuman, machine, evolution, training, solution1
parksideoffices.huArchitecturally conceptualized around the values of greenery, community and flexibility, ParkSide Offices is Horizon Development’s new office development that offers an inclusive, healthy, and enjoyable work environment for companies searching for an ESG-compliant, certified sustainable office…work environment, environment companyoffice, community, flexibility, build, development1
cubussapiens.huParsing textual notation has a long history in computer science. This long time has produced many great and efficient parsing algorithms, which were optimized to the extreme by compilers for different programming languages. However in the recent years the development of integrated development…development environment, environment servicesoftware, development, editor, repository, reflective1
hta.org.huThe aim is to create a positive understanding of the tire industry and its products amongst the general public, communities, to advise participants of economic and political life, to achieve an appropriate and globally competitive legislative and regulatory environment.tire, association, member, tyre, director1
amadeushotel.huH otel Amadeus built in 1992 is located in one of the most beautiful districts of Budapest, at the part of the Zuglo's garden suburb, a few kms far from Budapest Fair Center, in a pleasant comfortable environment.room, restaurant, wedding, event, price1
szodahazapartman.huThe Szoda House apartments are located in the heart of Nyíregyháza-Sóstófürdő, in a quiet environment.image, apartment, room, house, street1
e-steel.huOur goal is to create an internationally competitive organization where high quality meets efficiency. Where all members of the company and partners are satisfied with the operation of our organisation and its environment.steel, structural, engineer, structure, technology1
sbapartman.huIf you want to relax in an elegant, yet intimate family environment, this is the best place to go.family environment, environment goodapartment, beach, floor, person, view1
angolintezet.huOur professional and friendly English teachers teach you “real English” so that you can succeed in a multinational work environment.teacher, course, language, native, communication1
maxaldo.huOur clients are from the following fields: industry, construction industry, domestic and external trade, retail- and wholesale trade and from several fields of the service sector (health care, law, finance, real estate distribution and utilization, software development, event organizing…organize environment, environment protectionaccounting, preparation, bookkeeping, activity, financial1
medicinaklinika.huWe have opened the therapeutic clinic in Heviz to provide our patients with high quality health care treatments. The therapies are carried out in a peaceful, soothing environment. Heviz and its thermal lake provide a setting for regeneration, tranquillity, and even active relaxation.soothing environment, environment hevizhour, consulting, specialist, phone, consultation1
mwr.huMoneywheel Research Zrt. is a privately held Hungarian proprietary quantitative trading firm founded in 2011 by financial experts. Our company focuses on the microstructure of price behaviors. We develop algorithmic models to trade in the environment of shorter time period. We combine our…model environment, environment shortresearch, corporate, detail, technology, algorithmic1
ip-board.hu…activities; from watching TV to remote monitoring. Connecting technologies and operating them in one unit is a noble challenge, which provides every users with unique, personalized experiences. We believe that this approach aren’t only serves to satisfy our customers, but also our environment too.software, room, gallery, goal, camera1
bee.co.huExtreme heat waves, heavier rainfall, deteriorating air quality - just a few of the challenges cities and people who live in urban environments are facing due to climate change. Nature-based solutions are various actions weurban environment, environment climatebee, nature, change, urban, story1
gaboros.huAs developers, we often have to generate sample data for numerous reasons: feeding integration tests, realistic staging environments or developing an application locally. This process can be time-consuming, especially when we need datastaging environment, environment applicationtutorial, data, series, ago, database1
rehabmuhely.hu"Meeting the challenges of an ever-changing healthcare environment." - "Dr. Jonathan Gobi"healthcare environment, environment dr.ipsum, doctor, adipiscing, eros, consectetur1
bestchem.huFor sure you wish to purchase good quality chemicals below the market price ! In our offer you can find a large selection of chemicals including specialty ones for almost all industry segments. You do not only save money but also protect our environment. It is worth-while to browse through! More…money environment, environment worthchemical, colour, card, stock, solution1
m37apartman.hu…meet each other. Unrivaled thermal water services are of interest to those seeking relaxation. For nature lovers in the city, the unique environment of the meeting of the Hortobágy and the Tisza in Nagyerdő and the vicinity of the town, the easily accessible North-Hungarian wine region is ofunique environment, environment meetapartment, downtown, accomodation, mood, person1
fadcafe.huI built my own mini analysis lab to practice and learn something new. An environment that I can use remotely with any device (with RealVNC) and of course an install ...new environment, environment remotelycurriculum, reference, website, technology, page1
furedvet.huOur aim is to provide a large scale of veterinary services for the little beloved pets coming into our office in order to make as exact diagnoses as possible and to create a comfortable environment for the owners.comfortable environment, environment owneroffice, veterinary, food, store, animal1
ozorafest.hu…quality. You can also part take in free classes during the day, teaching how you can incorporate this way of living in your everyday life. At OzoraFest, we are all about sustainability and protecting the environment through direct action. So if you have similar values, you'll fit perfectly here.sustainability environment, environment directfestival, place, kind, live, tip1
hpandpartners.huOur Law Firm is located on Hajós Street, which connects Andrássy Avenue and Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Boulevard, in a beautiful historic building (the warehouse of Tlach and Keil copper-wares), which provides the perfect environment for our legal services that satisfy all needs.perfect environment, environment legallaw, firm, legal, client, solution1
matro.huMATRO is a unique workplace. It combines the exceptionally high working conditions and development opportunities with the modern multinational workplace environment, yet as a family-owned enterprise, it is a human-oriented, direct and lively company.workplace environment, environment familytool, production, quality, machine, career1
alpako.huALPAKO’s mission is to become a leader in the electronics industry by managing our business with passion, establishing partnerships based on trust and growing our team by creating confident, experienced and professional environment. We aim to be the number one clients’ choice in electronics. Our…professional environment, environment numbersupplier, mission, electronic, mobile, phone1
veganactivists.hu…living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment."vegan, association, animal, ethical, gallery1
sadam.hu…related to data processing, score rendering and other tasks. Currently my biggest activity is the development of the analysis-synthesis package of KlangPilot, an extended score environment developed by Johannes Kretz in the ZiMT. I am taking part in many other smaller projects as well. more...score environment, environment johannesmusic, software, publication, support, website1
puppies.hu…strangers. Once they befriend someone they are friends for life. The Havanese is a highly devoted breed. They are at their best in the family environment and do not like to be left alone for extended periods of time. They get along very well with children and other pets. The Havanese are neither…family environment, environment extenddog, breeder, puppy, breed, family1
deluxeinteriors.huRoberto Cavalli’s fashion style has long since applied within the interiors of his own homes, his yachts, boutiques and clubs. Fantasy, memories of a journey, a dream, a passion for beauty-each a source of inspiration for the creation of unique objects and environments. In keeping with the…object environment, environment philosophycart, brand, collection, heritage, vat1
quietpc.huWe provide affordable and quiet custom built PCs for all purposes and environments. Whether you’re looking to buy a PC or build one from scratch, we can assist at every point along the way - from giving you the best advice available on the products that suit your needs, through to lifetime…purpose environment, environment pcquiet, serenity, silent, small, office1
fogaszatifotos.huWe, at Champion School offer supportive and inspirational environments for young enquiring minds to learn and grow with us. Our passion for learning means we achieve more than outstanding results. We strive to build confident and creative thinkers and aim at delivering an education that is truly…inspirational environment, environment youngactivity, academic, student, school, champion1
helgem.hu…the importance of theoretical knowledge, we are seeking to find ways of utilizing it in business management creatively, with an ultimate goal to ensure that customers are offered high-quality products manufactured in an industrial environment reflecting high standards of technology and engineering.industrial environment, environment highprocess, quality, practice, food, machine1
indepth.huThe goal of our agile team is to ensure that the agile method creates value for the organization and the people working there. We believe that this way of thinking and operation can create a more human, efficient, and modern working environment.depth, organization, group, development, learn1
jonathermal.huOur Spa is a three-generation Spa, which operates constantly throughout the year, where all members of the family can find their recreation in the landscaped, sporting facilities included environment, in the indoor and outdoor Spa, with slides, wave and adventure pools.facility environment, environment indoormassage, bath, event, pool, wooden1
bansabai.huAll treatments are carried out by experienced and certifies masseuses, in an authentic Thai environment. To ensure the most relaxing and pleasant massage environment, our parlor ensures a relaxed atmosphere, friendly staff, soothing music, candles and incense. At the end of the session, you are…thai environment, environment relax, massage environment, environment parlormassage, price, offer, gallery, parlor1
okobukkosd.hu…and native Hungarian animals. Visitors can see various aquatic and land birds as well as large wild species occurring in Hungary in their own natural environment. Walking and hiking trails have been set up in the game park, where the animals of the park can be seen in their natural environment.natural environment, environment walkguest, event, house, accommodation, restaurant1
henigaleria.hu…the device of the self expression. I believe that my paintings live independent life and their life positive influence is practised for their environment for an edge and with their existence. My aim that let me convey to the people with a realistic depiction one with us parallel mythical world s…influence environment, environment edgepainting, painter, national, soul, sale1
shedohairsalon.huWe avoid the use of any ingredients that harm or have a harmful effect on living beings and the environment.hair, salon, introduction, price, result1
szentorban.huThe open air beach of our hotel includes a 25 m long, waveless heated swimming and children’s pool, a cocktail bar and wonderful view so it is ideal for chilling out in the summer. We offer complex indoor and outdoor services in genuine forest environment, which is a perfect location for diverse…forest environment, environment perfectforest, heart, log, middle, unique1
quanticon.huA special residential environment means home to anyone, only in case buildings are properly executed.residential environment, environment homeoffice, build, development, execution, building1
dentalroyal.huWe would like to welcome you in our modern and well-equipped dental clinic opened in the spring of 2015 where we are at your disposal in a pleasant, aesthetic and comfortable environment.dental, treatment, tooth, price, implant1
esgclub.huThe company’s responsibilities and opportunities to preserve the natural environment and biodiversity challenged by global warming.natural environment, environment biodiversitycorporate, event, membership, news, sustainable1
drandirko.hu. Antall József street, H-4025 – where all the up-to-date technical equipment necessary for attorneys are available and where we can greet our existing and future clients in a pleasant, modern environment. There are parking places directly in front of the office with a large number of parking…modern environment, environment parkinglaw, office, homepage, labour, inheritance1
sunsetresort.huTropical atmosphere, harmonious environment and exciting moments! Our objective is that all “sunset-viewer” guests have a genuine and memorable recreation experience!harmonious environment, environment excitingview, lake, apartment, half, sunset1
bornemisszavendeghazak.hu“Nice, friendly hosts, pleasant, quiet environment. We also received a programme from the hosts, with a catalogue of things to do and see in the area. Children also had a great time, playing freely in the garden (ping-pong, foosball, badminton, etc.). We had a great time. Thank you! We recommend…quiet environment, environment programmelake, water, area, beach, apartment1
mymentor.hu…ask our AI mentors questions anytime, day or night. Community: Join a community where you can meet like-minded individuals. It's a supportive environment that helps you on your path to success. Build connections, friendships, share experiences, seek and give advice, get inspired by others'…supportive environment, environment pathgoal, , expert, success, community1
ltd-future-pharma.huWe work in a family business environment to help our customers meet their needs to a high standard in a seamless and cost effective way.business environment, environment customerltd, future, primary, sidebar, limited1
vidraapartman.huThe Missy and Szoda House apartments are located in the heart of Nyíregyháza-Sóstófürdő, in a quiet environment.image, bathroom, street, room, air1
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.hu…communication style impacts others; how you’re pigeonholed in your workplace; how you cope with stress to be resilient, yet sets you up for success; or clarifying your personal and professional goals – among many other things. As a coach and team coach, I provide a safe and trusting environment.training, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur1
bestlocalgov.hu…with TÖOSZ. In the last five years for shorter or longer period Dexia Kommunalkredit Hungary Kft., Open Society Foundation, Ministry of Environment Protection and Water Issues, Ministry of Social and Labour Issues, Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, Ministry of Rural Development,ministry environment, environment protection, club environmentgovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
auroragaleria.huand technique of all artwork, as well as all the aspects of shopping (such as export license, shipping, professional wrapping). We are open every day and our highly educated, Hungarian, English and Russian speaking competent colleagues are here to provide excellent service in a pleasant environment.art, map, location, site, buy1
petitemaisonbudapest.huWith its unique design and atmosphere, the Maison Bistro & Hotel bows with respect to the historical location and its gastronomic past. A cozy Bistro, a magical event cellar, a pleasant street terrace, 25 individually designed rooms and the inner courtyard garden await its guests in an environment…guest environment, environment dynamicallystreet, away, main, build, reception1
powerpak.huPowerpak Ltd. is a member of Sedex, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange. Sedex provides member companies with a secure web-based platform for storing and sharing information on four key pillars: Health and Safety, Labour Standards, Business Ethics and The environmentfill, packaging, bottle, tube, liquid1
bistorant.huWe are offering a youthful-looking and casual environment for everybody. It is an excellentcasual environment, environment everybodyrestaurant, gallery, drink, dish, event1
matisrita.huartistic solutions in my paintings. Today I am most preoccupied with the thought how I could find the best technical solution to render my figures three-dimensional and statue-like by building on clean colours, to separate them from their background, to make them stand out against their environment.painting, painter, interview, colour, exhibition1
designland.huIn our work. we place great emphasis on understanding and interpreting our constantly changing environment and the needs of our users.constantly environment, environment needinteractive, page, application, exhibition, production1
kastelyfurdo.hu…can experience the healing effect of the medicinal watwr called " Sárrét Gyöngye" (Pearl of Sárrét) in sitting pools which offer relief to those suffering from locomotor and gynaecological disorders. at the open-air bath, a hostel and a boarding- house offer accomodation in a civilized environment.town, accommodation, news, price, gallery1
triad2000.huWe know about your hectic schedule. We also know the only way you truly understand a subject is by practicing it in a real environment. This is why we’ve set a playground area that’s full of hours of exercises, questions and challenges. It even has a gaming section.real environment, environment playgroundcourse, computer, able, science, way1
bravogroup.hu…lies in successful agreements and cooperation, which provide the profits necessary for the implementation of innovations. We do all this while providing attractive work environments for our colleagues. Seeing their vital importance, we put financial independence and stability before growth.work environment, environment colleaguessolution, office, distribution, operation, trade1
ihitech.huSelf-financed real estate development is also one of our Company's main profile. We look for the most optimal estates according to market demands. After the purchase, we initiate the planning, and afterwards the construction of the block of flats or family houses which fit to the particular…particular environment, environment energyquality, build, estate, real, construction1
pappnadazo.huThe angle of inclination should be 45, or higher. It should be made of proper quality material by a professional. The hemming of the ridge must be renewed in every 7 - 10 year. The compression of the roof must be done every 10-15 year. It can be effected by the environment where the roof is…year environment, environment roofzoltan, roof, enterprise, picture, summer1
oxigenhotel.huOur forest wellness hotel, developed from the mansion of the Galassy family, is located on a 4-hectare area of ancient trees, at the southern gate of the Bükk National Park. Its interior harmonizes with the wonderful view of the outside environment. Through the French windows of our Zen Spa family…outside environment, environment frenchprice, family, room, available, booking1
granadahotel.huKecskemét’s exclusive, family friendly hotel, the Granada Conference Wellness and Sport Hotel is located in the suburbs of the city, at 2km distance to the M5 motorway “Kecskemét-West” exit. In the vicinity of a wooded area our hotel waits its guest in quiet and calm environment.event, room, restaurant, wedding, guest1
esztergal.huWe sell green and roasted coffee beans that are sourced directly from independent farmers and farm cooperatives. We’re proud to offer a variety of coffee beans grown with great care for the environment and local communities. Check our post or contact us directly for current availability.care environment, environment localcoffee, great, homepage, value, bean1
komikft.huThe continuous innovation ensured us to offer international standard solutions in the field of consultancy, for the implementation of road and railway infrastructure investments, in projects related to environment and natural resources and in structural projects financed by various asset types…project environment, environment naturalmanagement, reference, road, supervision, consultancy1
improvenglish.huImprov is short for Improvisation, because instead of learning a set material like you do in classes. Our trained team will teach you the basics quickly and then the students will speak using their own words “Improvise” all in a fun environment. Students will forget they are learning they will…fun environment, environment studentway, language, public, confidence, student1
budapestbusiness.hu…and taxation. By offering audit, tax and business consulting services, I have two important aims. First of all, I wish to help the work of all my clients to exploit their market potential, secondly I help to analyse and influence the economic environment based on the shareholders' requirements.economic environment, environment shareholdertaxation, financial, consulting, tax, statement1
investmedical.huIn our factory we design our service processes environment friendly, taking sustainability into a key requirement.process environment, environment friendlymedical, care, factory, patient, quality1
bubblehotel.huThe newest three-star hotel in Zalaegerszeg, the BUBBLE HOTEL AND EVENT CENTER***, awaits its guests in the busy center of the city, surrounded by shopping centers, in a modern, elegant, clean environment.event, coffee, hall, room, gallery1
atoz.huOur Centre believes that a young child's life should be full of fun, happiness, and enjoyable interactions with peers and caring adults. Our goal is to provide a complete and integrated environment of care that meets each child’s individual needs in all areas of development. It is our hope and…integrate environment, environment carechild, centre, international, kindergarten, introduction1
szabadossandor.huEnvironment – Thoughts – Physical reactions – Mood - Behavior. The cognitive behavioral approach proposes an entire set of practical psychological tips for everyday use, offering efficient solutions for dealing with stress, anxiety and frustration. While our environment is a given fact, our…frustration environment, environment fact, component environment, environment thoughtsession, self, counseling, issue, relationship1
ventosus.hu…highest standards of energy efficiency and employee comfort. Modern Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) devices were installed for the office environment and comfort, providing nearly 700 kW of heating and 500 kW of cooling power. The air handling systems are equipped with the most efficient…office environment, environment comfortbuild, heating, energy, engineering, heat1
instack.huBased on our many years of experience, we know that every business has a different software and hardware environment. That is why we provide a wide range of IT services to fit your needs.hardware environment, environment widesoftware, consulting, development, technology, legal1
kms.huthe heating and cooling energy of our office is provided by a heat pump. To maintain a high level of comfort with a minimum energy consumption we use ventilation system with a heat recovery unit. Visit us in our high end office to have a talk about building energetics in a low energetic environment.engineering, energetic, build, office, reference1
resinematkft.huWe are proud that the company has maintained its family environment for the past 25 years, while serving the unique needs of its current and future customers with serious expertise and engineering precision.family environment, environment pastmachining, step, activity, machine, development1
angiimmo.huIn a beautiful natural environment, in a great location, on the vineyard of Dióskál, wine cellar for sale!natural environment, environment greatdetail, sale, house, family, real1
egynapavarosban.huWe also offer an excellent tour in a rural town. We have an adventurous 19th-century role-playing game for those who want to leave the metropolitan environment behind for a while.city, detail, day, tour, egy1
rewaresoft.huIf you need your own environment to run anything you like and can’t do it on a shared hosting try out our VPS servers.solution, server, application, network, custom1
patakft.huemployees working in a friendly environment, and by making profit that helps to maintain dynamic development.friendly environment, environment profitprofile, founder, gallery, page, technology1
hsmti.hu…rendering of 3D models (STL, STEP, VDA, FBX, IGED, Parasolid, OBJ, WRML, SVG, X3D) into catalogs, presentations, advertisements, websites. E.g.: photorealistic view of an stand alone product; realistic placement of consumer products in kitchens, living rooms, offices, industrial environments…industrial environment, environment etcmachine, image, process, technology, production1
dola.huEnvironment and the outdoors . Solar eclipse and many interesting celestial phenomena. Renewable energy at home e.g. solar energy...tool, device, power, cave, current1
suana.huWith SUANA's easy-to-assemble sauna, you can create a relaxing wellness environment in the comfort of your home, where it's just you and uninterrupted relaxation!wellness environment, environment comfortsauna, organic, line, model, faq1
marinabay2.huThe area features a yacht club of friendly atmosphere and good cuisine, playgrounds, sport facilities, a quiet, green environment, good air quality, and a unique vista.green environment, environment goodbay, apartment, news, developer, location1
nyomdmegteis.huPuli Space Technologies Ltd. is developing a low cost and lightweight, planetary rover platform with high mobility and other payload instruments, which can survive in the harsh lunar environment to explore lunar resources and support their in-situ utilisation on the Moon. We also focus on…lunar environment, environment lunarsmall, step, membership, mission, space1
szigmaszerviz.hu…only a software but also a business soution. With the help of Szigma IntegRisk® the decision-makers of the companies can get an effective support in order to make a right business decision. This can provide a competitive advantage for our Customers in the continuously changing economic environment.risk, management, assessment, software, methodology1
m-clean.huWe provide best solutions for a clean environment. If you need any help in cleaning or maintenance.clean environment, environment helpclean, page, feature, cloud, website1
privatecarservice.huHigh-quality passenger transport with Mercedes Benz Limousines all around the country: hire a car with drivers appropriately dressed to the business environment, punctuality, reliability, confidentiality. Put us to the test!business environment, environment punctualityprivate, quote, passenger, transport, sightseeing1
harmonyheadspa.huOur aim is to provide an environment from which you can leave feeling spiritually and physically recharged.aim environment, environment spirituallyhead, harmony, reservation, massage, treatment1
katonaborhaz.huSince this treatment increases the resistance against pests and diseases of a plant, less chemical is needed to protect the plant, thus sparing the environment too. More vital plants bear healthier fruit that is richer in juice, and our winery is proud of making wines of such excellent raw material.plant environment, environment vitalwine, winery, grape, cellar, taste1
zalazonepark.huThe ZalaZONE Park is the dynamically improving industrial district directly next to the Automotive Proving Grounds, which provides a quite frequented location to those interested in the automotive industry and industrial business. The focal point of the park is to provide a competitive environment…competitive environment, environment provescience, map, industrial, prove, development1
georgiu.huAs an Opinion Leader his personal objective is to burn pictures in people’s mind via metaphors and visual stories in order to transform them into future e-Leaders, who understand technology evolution and the adaptation to everyday business environment with main emphasis on the human aspect and the…business environment, environment mainspeaker, lecture, teacher, event, media1
greenskulltattoo.huWe do: Unique / Custom Tattoos, Piercings, Microdermal, Bodymodification , Genital Piercings, in a hygenic, clean environment with experienced and professional staff.clean environment, environment experiencetattoo, skull, green, artist, studio1
industree.huOur services are tailored to the needs of our clients. Scalable and upgradable, custom fit to eclectic production environments.production, process, data, touch, client1
sopitransfer.huOur drivers have been vaccinated against Covid-19 and are cleaning and disinfecting our cars according to current regulations so that you can use the services of our company in the safest environment!price, passenger, language, german, airport1
hoteladalbert.huHotel Adalbert - Szent György house is a cosy 3-Star hotel located in a peacful, relaxing environment. The property features 38 classic rooms, whereof 26 double rooms, 6 single rooms, 1 apartment (for 4 guests) and a 3 bedroom family suite. For those who wish an absolute refreshful vacation two…relax environment, environment propertyroom, page, offer, main, breakfast1
kozelafrikahoz.hu…afford tuition, which is why many children drop out or never go to school. The very point of the program is not to give money, but to provide learning opportunities to children in need, giving them a chance to emerge from their disadvantaged environment. We are currently working in Mali and Rwanda.disadvantaged environment, environment currentlychild, africa, school, sponsor, education1
designapartments.huDesign Apartments Budapest 1 offers its „Diamond”, „Romantic”, „Art Deco” and „Pop-Art” style apartments located in a very nice environment, right in front of the Museum of Applied Arts, in the city centre.nice environment, environment rightapartment, exclusive, comfortable, release, location1
magicom.huWe provide you multinational work with small business flexibility. You can do your job in an outstanding professional environment and expect a competitive income. We are waiting for you in our team, if you work for our international clients, in addition to IT, you can also join our central team in…professional environment, environment competitiveinfrastructure, hardware, operation, consultancy, security1
kozossikereink.huIt has been recognized that to do for nature protection, to preserve our environmental values by planning, developing and innovation is very important. The purpose of the Operative Programme for Environment Protections and Energy Efficiency (Környezeti és Energiahatékonysági Operatív Program…programme environment, environment protectionresult, success, funding, cycle, financial1
viesa.huThe VIESA Kompressor III offers drivers a fresh and quiet environment in which to rest. Low power absorption allows for greater self-sufficiency with the vehicle parked, while the use of innovative materials ensures limited weight requirements and reduced vibrations, providing superior acoustic…quiet environment, environment lowdriver, air, conditioner, technical, battery1
hankooknegyed.huHe has been working for Hankook for almost 10 years, the last three of which he has been a technician in the EU Development Support Team. Besides his work, the young man from Dunaföldvár also loves the environment, so much so that he is a keen activist, picking up litter, educating children…dunaföldvár environment, environment keenemployee, health, day, september, news1
winexperience.huA comprehensive overview of Hungarian wines in a relaxed environment, however, don’t be intimidated, our events are designed to be easy and understandable for the beginner level as well.relaxed environment, environment eventwine, event, taste, booking, sample1
rimconsulting.huIn case of the authorization of the foreign citizen and the exclusive assignment concluded with our Company, we do not leave the student alone in an unfamiliar environment, if required, they can join our 24-hour call center, where they can ask for information, we help, solve their problems in…unfamiliar environment, environment hourconsulting, rim, protection, security, case1
uniquetravel.huThe monastery of the Benedictine Order at Pannonhalma, founded in 996 and gently dominating the Pannonian landscape in western Hungary, had a major role in the diffusion of Christianity in medieval Central Europe. The Archabbey of Pannonhalma and its environment was inscribed as a World Heritage…pannonhalma environment, environment worldunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
healthcaremed.huWe are constantly striving to expand our portfolio by applying professional generic and innovative products and prospective technologies appearing in the market and to include new therapeutic areas while flexibly adapting to changes and requirements of the market environment.healthcare, homepage, oncology, therapeutic, area1
sh-media.huWe have a two-phase testing process before the project completion: first in a developer, secondly in the live server environment.media, vision, technology, latest, method1
vadrozsapanzio.huThe Vadrózsa Pension is to be found in a beautiful panoramic environment, on the southern slope of Pismány hill, in Szentendre. The guesthouse is looking onto Szentendre and the Danube, and it is surrounded by a big park-like garden, which is a perfect place to rest and relax in harmony with nature.panoramic environment, environment southernroom, pension, bathroom, bed, television1
stericlean.huSteriClean Soil microbiological conditioner is perfectly suitable to eliminate the living conditions of underground pests while being non-hazardous to the environment. We recommend it for soil treatment of crops, vegetables, fruits and grape. SteriClean Soil enhances overall the conditions of plant.hazardous environment, environment soilplant, disinfectant, detail, family, industry1
taichiflow.hu“I m deeply interested about how do these methods become a self discovering and revealing practice in a spiritual approach. How can we attain effortless Flow through practice on the Body and bring it to life, deliver it to other people, transform human relationships around us and lift up our…body, movement, self, martial, art1
pilispark.huThe Park is located in an exceptionally good infrastructural environment: the capital’s agglomeration, next to the main road Nr. 10, between Budapest (20 km) and Esztergom (15 km), in the middle of infrastructural development.infrastructural environment, environment capitalindustrial, build, location, energy, excellent1
kutyatarpanzio.huWelcome, dear visitor! I am Adrienne Nagy, licensed Mirror Method trainer and the founder of Your Pet Resort. I specialize in home owned dogs and their environment. Your Pet Resort and the corresponding Dog Boutique Hotel and day care is a recreational park.dog environment, environment petdog, trainer, mirror, nagy, visitor1
ggdent.huOur dental, implantology and oral surgery centers are committed to painless and creative healing. Our trained dentists and specialists use the most modern dental and dental implant procedures with the most modern background technology. We serve our patients in a calm, discreet environment in our…discreet environment, environment dentaldental, implantation, tooth, implant, oral1
navke.huthe photo, and only with due respect for personal rights. The source must also be cited. On our homepage, people are pictured nude in a natural environment and with no adult content. There is no need to show that "the king is naked" -- it goes without saying. If you are looking for erotic content…natural environment, environment adulthomepage, welcome, photo, virtual, association1
ikaruspark.hu…smart tools, smart home appliances, smart vehicles, environmentally friendly technologies to be used and spread, incubate micro companies, developing wholesale and manufacturing bases in harmony with the environment. More enterprises, more workplaces, more taxes to be paid – that is the promise!harmony environment, environment enterprisemission, news, tool, navigation, dream1
farmtojas.hu…and nests – they use the latter to lay their eggs in the morning. They are free to drink, eat, run or scratch on the ground any time. In addition, they can sit on the perches installed all over the place. As a result of their comfortable environment, all hens are happy, healthy and good producers.comfortable environment, environment henegg, free, deep, litter, range1
avspring.huBehind our spectacular, easy-to-use solutions, mostly there are elaborate systems consisting of many devices. We believe it is essential to learn, test, experiment to create successful projects. Therefore, we created the AVS LAB as part of our office, it’s an interesting testing environment for…test environment, environment clientspring, room, meet, visual, hall1
nminnovacio.huNM Innovation is the innovation workshop of National Mobile Payment Plc., contributing to the efficient functioning of economic and social processes and the development of optimal mindsets for the changed environment by creating digital transformation, corporate and societal digital value chains…mindset environment, environment digitalinnovation, value, news, future, solution1
doctor360.huFlexibility, transparent operation, integrity, learning faster than our competitors, inspiring working environment, commitment to performance and quality, excellent teamwork are the values we follow during our daily operation.work environment, environment commitmentsolution, technology, portfolio, client, nearshore1
almasytestverek.huthe last three years, among other things, strongly linked to Siemens VAI (Voest-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau) operates. The VAI, a subsidiary of Siemens AG, is one of the leading planners in the world that deals with the problems of industry, energy and environment, to ask questions and answered them.energy environment, environment questionfirm, engineering, draw, plan, structural1
riso.huWe consider our mission as, getting our customers consuming excellent quality food, good wine, in a peerless mediterranean environment, with the highest quality and very friendly service. We would like to create a cozy and friendly restaurant, where not only the foreign tourists, but our local…mediterranean environment, environment highwine, terrace, course, reservation, soup1
rivaboutiquehotel.huOur accommodation is an environment friendly building, with quality equipment, spacious spaces and a pleasant atmosphere.accommodation environment, environment friendlyroom, accommodation, reservation, brand, criteria1
edubot.huUsing chatbot technology to create a more interactive digital learning environment leading to a better mapping of the students’ competence gaps, providing the teachers with more accurate data about where to intervene;learn environment, environment welllearn, methodology, competence, student, technology1
oktogonhaz.huOktogon Ház is an office building offering a modern office work environment of approx. 7,280 m 2 to let in downtown Budapest, in the immediate vicinity of Oktogon, at No. 8-10 Aradi utca. The office building is easily accessible both by car and public transport, and it is only a 10-minute walk…work environment, environment approxoffice, house, parking, area, gallery1
teljeselet.huOur mission is to assist families raising children with disabilities. We wish to enable these children to come closer to living a complete life. The young people coming to our summer camps can experience friendship, social bonding and the feeling of belonging in a new environment.goal, foundation, camp, newly, center1
kozteherbringa.huCargobike deliveries help reduce air pollution while supporting a cleaner, quieter and more pedestrian friendly urban environment.share, bike, location, space, community1
biokutatas.huAs a food production system organic agriculture prefers local resources and natural processes rather than external additives and artificial substances, which are harmful to the human body. Foodstuffs produced this way are diverse and nutritious, and producing them does not pollute our environment.organic, research, agriculture, food, variety1
transporteconomics.hufields, on a wide variety of themes including transport and regional development, valuation, transport pricing, public transport, transport and environment, land-use modeling, and policy assessment. But above all, Piet was dearly beloved by everyone who has had the privilege to work with him, for…transport environment, environment landdata, transport, map, note, road1
grand58apartman.hu…terrace, two stylish bedrooms, a cosy living room and a fully equipped kitchen. Our family-friendly apartment offers a safe and attractive environment for all ages. Step outdoors and enjoy our beautifully landscaped gardens, a peaceful retreat for barbecues, chats until dawn or games. Thanks…attractive environment, environment age, smoke environment, environment carefreeapartment, region, booking, place, event1
tradeland.huThe total trade and project turnover generated over the last 10 years has amounted to more than $150 million. In addition to trading value-added, innovative products, our core competencies and core business are water, environment and energy.water environment, environment energywater, owner, group, director, manage1
hclu.hu…as well as strengthen the role of strategic planning for greater impact. In addition, we have been able to continuously expand our team over the past years. In a challenging environment, it is of paramount importance to ensure that we have sufficient capacity for internal processes as well.challenge environment, environment paramountlaw, freedom, union, rule, news1
fonixhotelbuk.hu…by fire, who immerse into the flames and always emerges as reborn. We would like our guests to experience the rejuvenation caused by the calm environment, familiar atmosphere, comfort, thermal water, bathing and the saunas, in order to return to the busy days of life as a new person after the…calm environment, environment familiarroom, price, package, offer, gallery1
avicenna.hu…you the subject but also show you the way you can use it in your everyday life. I firmly recommend this school if you desire to gain the required knowledge to get into the best universities and if you like to be in an international environment where you can meet friends from all across the world.international environment, environment friendinternational, college, student, education, study1
agnesrajacic.huTradition and seclusion, or freedom and exclusion? The modern social environment poses difficult choices for young Muslims in Europe. Youngsocial environment, environment difficultpublication, revolution, march, post, woman1
energoplan.huOur technical and planning team support the clients to build up schemes in energy from wind, solar, geothermal, waste and bio-fuel sources and in energy efficiency. Our renewable energy specialists help clients to find better ways to achieve their goals in protecting the environment…goal environment, environment sustainabilityenergy, solution, green, wind, geothermal1
drt.huIf you were advised of a medical intervention or treatment that causes you to worry and makes you anxious and you would like to have a second opinion from someone with an American background in training and practice yet familiarity of the Hungarian medical environment then you are most welcome in…medical environment, environment welcomemedical, background, main, page, reference1
fmla.huOn 15th January, 2007, the Miklós Fehér Student Hostel opened its doorsto the first dwellers; we provide well-equippedaccommodation in a modern environment that satisfies all needs for those football players whose family live faraway from Győr.modern environment, environment needfootball, academy, school, introduction, grammar1
absolutevision.huControl all your displaying devices from one control panel, by simply using the Absolute Wizard, from Windows PC environment to web browser or any kinds of device.pc environment, environment webabsolute, vision, device, touch, type1
birdiewedding.huContinental Citygolf Club is located in the heart of Buda and with its magnificent atmosphere it is considered to be one of the most spectacular wedding locations in the city. Our venue is waiting for couples to pronounce their „happily ever after” in this unique 23 hectare environment that has no…hectare environment, environment matchwedding, event, testimonial, ceremony, vendor1
apartmankovacs.huThe spa in Zalaszentgrót awaits you in a fantastic environment to relax and recharge your [...]apartment, adventure, nature, fun, lake1
confindustria.huConfindustria Ungheria supports initiatives for cooperation and information sharing regarding the business and economic environment.president, association, presence, membership, private1
andreaapartmanheviz.huWe look forward to seeing you in the centre of Hévíz , in a quiet, peaceful and intimate environment, just 1000 meters from the thermal lake.intimate environment, environment meterapartment, bedroom, floor, ground, special1
limetree.huThe new roof was designed to be green, planted with grass to bring fresh freshness to downtown. Our goal is for the current and future residents of the condominium to forget about the everyday life full of work when they return home in a renewed environment.apartment, architecture, location, list, price1
carbonfox.huHere I learned Software engineering using various development environments and languages: C, C++, Java, C#, Javascript, robotic technologies, circuit design, FPGA programming, Verilog, Assembly.development environment, environment languageportfolio, engineer, touch, robotic, source1
in-cup.huProtecting our environment is of the utmost importance to our company, and we are committed to continuous improvement, advanced technology and degradable packaging for a sustainable future.cup, packaging, main, page, coffee1
wincom.huImplementing- We work according to the highest standards. The implementing of the project is achieved in a close cooperation with our partners and clients. The finished material is tested in various environments before handing over, and regularly monitored with long term professional technical and…material environment, environment handsolution, creative, photography, cinematography, demand1
techandtrad.huThe project idea was born seeing the common needs of the participating schools. Present-day teaching and learning environment struggles with the undermotivation of students not only in the lessons but also in out-of-classroom activities, specially designed for them. Attendance in these activities…learn environment, environment undermotivationschool, technology, tradition, activity, day1
soundrisestudio.huWhether it's vocals, rap, vocal or narration, we take exceptional care of every sound in our studio. We also record small acoustic instruments, all in a controlled environment to ensure your ideas are perfect.control environment, environment ideastudio, sound, record, music, expertise1
itlgroup.huIn Hungary, the tax environment is constantly changing. We are here to help you navigate the Hungarian and international taxation legislation and systems.tax environment, environment constantlytax, law, real, estate1
mitor.hu…subsidiary, EURINGS Zrt, which was followed seven years later by the founding of MITOR.A past accident and centuries of experience both contributed to the fact that our company manufactures bearing rings in a high-quality, modern working environment at the strategically important site in Debrecen.work environment, environment strategicallypage, group, integrate, efficiency, outstanding1
imolavendeghaz.huOur accommodation is located in a picturesque environment, in the heart of Balatonfured. An enormous park, outdoor rest areas, and a barbecue await those who would like to relax. Our rooms are simple but well-equipped for all basic needs. The Tagore Promenade is a 5-minute walk, and the city…picturesque environment, environment heartgarden, guesthouse, room, inquiry, guest1
whiterabbit.huThis kind of nature inspired choice represents a lot more than a color. A color like Living Coral reminds us that every flavor, color, scenery and impression, everything that matters for us, depends on our environment and the natural values. But the world has lost about 50% of coral reefs and they…impression environment, environment naturalcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution1
borimami.huWe are waiting for our guests in a renewed environment, with a special design, in Gyöngyös, in the heart of the town centre.renew environment, environment specialreservation, restaurant, gallery, award, public1
rtg.hu“We first met RTG as a likeable and customer friendly firm for whom, in addition to thorough professional work, it was important to get to know our company, to make a comprehensive analysis of our business environment and to understand it. Thus were born an audit and a strategy which is excellent…business environment, environment auditsustainability, reference, strategy, responsibility, corporate1
bukfurdoapartman.hu…We offer various toys, high chairs and cots for the comfort of the family. We provide bikes free of charge for our guests to discover the sights of the area. We are happy to see anyone who likes the comfort of a hotel but also stick to their privacy and a homely environment on their vacation.homely environment, environment vacationdetail, apartment, free, guest, real1
hsdental.huHS Dental Center has been established by two professional dentists. Each of them has got an experience of more than a decade, which they gained by working with foreign patients from all over the world. The clinic itself is located in a green and peaceful environment, only a 5-minute walk from the…peaceful environment, environment minutedental, center, description, centre, doctor1
bellemu.huWe are located in Viss, east part of Hungary, close to Tokaj and Sarospatak. We keep our birds in a fully natural way and environment.gastronomy, fact, mail, login, shopping1
tipark.huThe Tolnanémedi Industrial Park , owned by our real estate development company – Tipark Ltd. – is perfectly suitable for developing it into a complex industrial park that is organically integrated into the current economic environment and can provide job opportunities for people living in the…economic environment, environment jobindustrial, piece, activity, estate, land1
dulobisztro.huWe love devoting our attention to what we do but also to each other, to other people, to our environment, to our wines, to nature and to our guests.people environment, environment winewine, open, winery, taste, offer1
raicszoltan.huControls mouse behavioral experiment and visualizes experiment results. The behavioral protocol is run by a microcontroller based real-time environment.experiment, software, vision, hardware, manager1
fancsali.huOur goal is to provide for our client real support and advice in the cases that we are entrusted with. We work rapidly and effectively in a quality environment. Besides Hungarian, we are at our clients’ service in English and German language. Our law office provides legal services in English…quality environment, environment hungarianattorney, area, practice, client, support1
mategabor.huI photographed people – and their environment – who had gotten a divorce or were in the middle of one. The quotations next to the images are excerpts from the interviews with the characters on the given picture, or written by them. In the interviews I asked two questions: why they got a divorce…people environment, environment divorcepicture, divorce, original, resolution, difficulty1
nconnect.huStill the most stable OS in use in Industrial Environments: OS/2. Running OS/2 on modern hardware for your appliance OR provide a complete turnkey replacement with your application preinstalled. So you can ride with OS/2 for another decade.industrial environment, environment modernsecurity, solution, intelligence, hardware, hacking1
cardioexpert.hu"For me, Spinning® is more than a workout: lifestyle, community, experience, therapy. An hour spent in the saddle releases amazing energies! I'm grateful and proud to be able to learn and work in such an inspiring environment."instructor, training, bike, event, expert1
offihaz.huThe OFFI HOUSE is located in the heart of Eger, in the Kis Dobó Square, in a beautiful late Baroque building from the 18th century. The excellent location of our comfortable accommodation allows easy walking access to the city’s most important attractions, while the building itself is situated in…event, offer, room, booking, venue1
reflife.huOur rink and on-site coaching provide the perfect environment for improving your ice hockey skills, while the conference rooms offer a convenient space for team meetings and strategy sessions.perfect environment, environment iceice, camp, hockey, summer, combine1
istenhegyi14.huPremium quality apartments in the green in modern ambience. The perfect combination of nature and modern architecture in an enchanting environment, few minutes away from the city life.enchant environment, environment minutefloor, available, apartment, gallery, plan1
fbworkpower.huWe will find the most suitable cooks for Hotels or Individual Events . If you need detailed oriented manpower in a fast paced environment without the hassle , please fill up the form bellow and indicate your specific needs:fast environment, environment hasslejob, reference, event, cook, login1
rbc2022.huLet’s discover the beautiful environment and historic old town of Pécs on the 25th and 26th of August in a running style. The estimated distance is 5 km, each participant is rewarded.beautiful environment, environment historicbiophysics, conference, regional, deadline, registration1
bimco.huBIM evolves from a conceptual idea to an overall plan with any technical difficulties becoming obvious at an early stage. Solving these problems in the virtual environment results in enormous increases in time- and cost-efficiency on site. The model is also extremely valuable for maintenance and…virtual environment, environment enormousconstruction, modelling, modeling, structural, future1
vdberk.huHow can we work together to benefit more from greenery in a rapidly changing world? Which tree species seem climate-proof? Can we select better cultivars? How can we cultivate them sustainably and efficiently? How can we plant more trees in urban environments? And how can we ensure that those…urban environment, environment treetree, login, range, nursery, uk1
fakalandmanufaktura.huA real dream has come true, thank you for supporting not only the sustainability of our environment, but also a family run small business with your purchase. These hand-designed and made Fakaland figurines are shaped in a family small workshop.sustainability environment, environment familyanimal, figure, set, forest, condition1
vajdaszilard.huIn my current position at BORN, I have the opportunity to contribute to a multinational environment, collaborating with esteemed clients such as Hanes and Cartiermultinational environment, environment esteemmanager, solution, management, people, onepage1
benei.huThe quality policy objectives and production targets can only work a demanding environment, a highly educated leaders and conscientious workers can be implemented.target environment, environment highlyfirm, market, development, production, employee1
kisbalatoniokoporta.huRespect for the environment is a defining element in our hospitality. For the breakfast provided to our guests’ vegetables, fruits and eggs come from our own organic production. Other inputs such as dairy we also strive to source locally and directly from environmentally farming producers. Our…respect environment, environment elementroom, house, garden, guest, surrounding1
pataktulipan.huTulipán Vendégház is located in Sárospatak, in a quiet, calm garden city environment, in the immediate vicinity of the Végardó Bath, waiting for those who want to relax, unwind and go on excursions. The guest house is suitable for families and small groups of friends. There are two apartments with…city environment, environment immediateguesthouse, apartment, offer, gallery, night1
levteam.huof solar farms. The greatest thing about building solar power stations is the fact that they do not produce carbon dioxide – unlike other technologies – thus they play an important role in reducing greenhouse effects and in stopping and reversing the environment pollution trends of the 21st century.effect environment, environment pollutionpower, energy, station, goal, technology1
rafacz.huA number of mounting accessories helps you to give your pedals the best working environment to give the maximum. All parts are designed to withstand the forces a frightened driver can create.good environment, environment maximumpedal, simulator, spring, setup, real1
jobconcept.huOur accountants are professionals with more than 10 years experience, who are in full knowledge of the most recent legal regulatory environmentemployee, labour, accounting, detail, presentation1
panoramahotelnoszvaj.huSurrounded by pine woods and vineyards, the hotel is especially recommended for those who are planning longer or shorter excursions on the southern slopes of the Bükk, who like to mingle in the village’s gastronomic events, or the ones who simply want to relax in a quiet and friendly environment.panorama, room, family, event, venue1
equilibriumcapital.huTherefore, we have launched our joint investment fund manager, which adapts a method known and liked in the Anglo-Saxon world that provides several unique benefits to the needs of our clients and to the legal environment of the European Union – as well as to the civilized norms of the 21 st century.legal environment, environment europeancapital, equilibrium, fund, manager, client1
bellapuszta.huOur animal park is only 5 km from the centre of Siófok, we are waiting for our dear guests in a beautiful environment every day, so on weekends and feast-days. Taking a walk at our Zoo Park along with the colorful programs we offer, is a perfect pastime for any generation. The information on our…beautiful environment, environment dayanimal, bus, ride, shuttle, horse1
netfog.hua personalized treatment plan that offered solutions to all my problems. Friendly, direct, and painless treatments awaited me in a modern and tasteful environment. The treatment plan was implemented at a high standard and in a short period of time. Thanks for letting me smile again!” Mónika Borgulyatasteful environment, environment treatmentdental, clinic, treatment, tooth, orthodontic1
technoliving.huThat’s why we create Technoliving. Our brand was founded to be your partner to build a sustainable future with us, human in the middle. Our proudly presented brands are bold, innovative and founded for one reaseon: create a comfortable, safe and sound environment in a long way.sound environment, environment longbrand, solution, store, headphone, television1
gyerekbarateskuvo.hu…reserving and decorating the place. The KID-FRIENDLY OFFICE FAMILY DAY service offers a professional childcare team, services and a proper environment where kids can play, enjoy their time while the employees and their spouses enjoy theirs at the team building. Our KID-FRIENDLY SANTA CLAUS…proper environment, environment kidreference, package, event, kid, wedding1
perfectenterprises.huAccording to surveys, every second man over the age of forty in the world today struggles with erectile problems, which means that this problem affects hundreds of millions. There can be countless reasons for this, for example: a lifestyle lacking exercise, poor nutrition, smoking and an overly…work environment, environment causeenhancer, description, cart, man, perfect1
ugyvedjeszenka.huI attach the utmost importance to providing my clients with the highest possible professional standards of prompt, accurate and thorough support, creative, dynamic and conscientious administration and legal advice, which is essential in the ever-changing legal – business environment.law, legal, contract, economic, representation1
bubbles.huWashing takes only 30 and drying 37 minutes. Meanwhile you can relax or get up to date with your tasks in a pleasant environment.laundry, shop, network, self, machine1
maisonbudapest.huWith its unique design and atmosphere, the Maison Bistro & Hotel bows with respect to the historical location and its gastronomic past. A cozy Bistro, a magical event cellar, a pleasant street terrace, 25 individually designed rooms and the inner courtyard garden await its guests in an environment…guest environment, environment dynamicallybreakfast, event, drink, wine, exclusive1
ceosengineers.huAs a leader in structural design in Hungary, we are proud that our engineering services allow the safe and economic execution of various exceptional civil engineering works. This contributes to the quality of our built environment, while protecting the resources of the planet and our Customers.quality environment, environment resourceceo, quality, execution, structural, structure1
robotdobot.huLidar stands for "Light Detection and Ranging". Sometimes also referenced as "laser scanning" or "3D scanning". This technology uses lasers safe for the human eye to create a model of the monitored environment, based on which it is then possible to find obstacles and avoid them. In industrial…model environment, environment possiblemagician, light, vision, industrial, conveyor1
mendlerpince.huHis white and rosé wines are produced in an oxygen-free environment, using a reductive method, i.e. chill-controlled fermentation. He produces his red wines using the old traditional method of continuous maceration in open vats with pomace caps, using the " muddling " method and aging in wooden…free environment, environment reductivewine, quality, cellar, dry, taste1
dalmasialmaskert.huAs a teacher I would like to share this with my wider environment. The “Handicraft products of the Almáskert” is a first step in a process to evolve village tourism, but at the same time it is a marketplace in the traditional sense.wide environment, environment handicrafttraditional, course, previous, language, family1
radpuszta.huOur pension with rooms for 2-4 people provides a pleasant, calm environment for relaxation all year round. Breakfast or half board is included.calm environment, environment relaxationevent, horse, wine, cellar, ride1
sacinf.huOur works include complex desktop software created for different business sectors, many internet banking front-end systems and other web applications, using different frameworks and environments. Majority of our projects were implemented in Java, Microsoft .NET and android platforms. You can read…framework environment, environment majoritytechnology, banking, office, development, application1
beautybalance.huThe salon is like a little jewellery box, where quality services in a relaxed environment will get you in bombshell shape!relaxed environment, environment bombshelldistrict, treatment, beautiful, studio, skin1
mionarix.huIn addition, our servers are constantly maintained and are DDoS protected, so you can be sure that your site will run in a secure environment. Our prices are competitive, we strive to offer low prices. If you run your site with us, you won't have to worry about visitors coming across an…secure environment, environment pricedevelopment, website, client, reference, site1
habitat.hu…aim at creating a fairer and more transparent private rental housing market. In the meantime, we kept in mind that the proposed changes need to be easily integrated into the current institutional-legal environment and would not impose a disproportionate financial burden on the state treasury.legal environment, environment disproportionatehabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization1
granoperis.huProviding workers with accommodation in a restful, cultural environment and housing support for those who need itcultural environment, environment housingcurrent, hire, employee, recruitment, previous1
piksys.huThe dangers surrounding the world are unknown, while security risks increase with the more and more complex IT environments. With our expertise, we help you identify and head off cyber threats.complex environment, environment expertisesecurity, knowledge, strength, solution, threat1
biofive.hu…sludge has many pathogens that live and grow. Composting is not a disposal, although it is the supreme recommendation of the Sewage Sludge Strategy adopted, as it is uncontrolled, 1/3 is airborne (eg ammonia, methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide), eventually contaminating the environment.sludge, sewage, treatment, metal, russian1
gyermekvasut.huWe recommend notifying us if you would like to travel with a group of over 30 people. Private trains and carriages can be rented at individual prices. Furthermore our salon-carriages provide a special environment for family events, birthdays and meetings. Carriages can be fitted with dining tables…special environment, environment familyrailway, child, train, sight, christmas1
relaxthaimassage.huOur salon is characterized by its family athmopshere, reasonable prices, highly qualified workers and friendly environment.minute, massage, treatment, hour, oil1
beflex.huWe constantly strive to help clients navigate and suceed in modern POC environments by helping them to create stronger connections with consumers leading to an increase in purchase.poc environment, environment strongdecoration, solution, rebranding, study, case1
europrotokoll.huWe as business owners – based on our decade-long experience in governmental and corporate environment – felt the need to develop such intense and complex training programmes that can provide practical skills for both job seekers and active professionals.corporate environment, environment needprotocol, training, corporate, event, organisation1
122.huWe sell green and roasted coffee beans that are sourced directly from independent farmers and farm cooperatives. We’re proud to offer a variety of coffee beans grown with great care for the environment and local communities. Check our post or contact us directly for current availability.care environment, environment localcoffee, example, form, bean, great1
zsolnaycafe.hu…do. Zsolnay Café is a highly inspirative surrounding, the ideal place for phantasy as you can feel all the tradition of a 100 years old café but the everchanging environment pushes you towards a very cool gastronomy line. Lets the culture of 100 years return but let me give a little flick to it…”café environment, environment cooldessert, coffee, tradition, famous, build1
csocsek.huIf you wish to have a dip, you can do so right next to the festival’s site. We ask you to enjoy the location responsibly, do not litter or harm the natural environment, and be mindful of your personal safety.natural environment, environment mindfulfestival, payment, sponsor, century, local1
machupicc.hu…and valleys surrounding its heart. The massive yet refined architecture of Machu Picchu blends exceptionally well with the stunning natural environment, with which it is intricately linked and making this site one of the 38 sites that are recognised by UNESCO as a mixed site (Natual and…natural environment, environment intricatelyeye, story, gallery, site, image1
holyprojects.hu…in out-of-date communication channels. Instead, it transmits message intended by new instruments which can play even on the facilities of the environment. Holy Projects does not base on the principles of the conventional advertising. It believes that the supereminent idea is omnipotent. Because…facility environment, environment holyholy, interior, balazs, graphic, set1
költségosztó.huWe have presented the solutions for monitoring air quality in outdoor and indoor environmentsair, quality, solution, building, indoor1
smartrain.huThe product can be used only in a dry, enclosed indoor space. It must not stand in a wet environment otherwise there is a great likelihood of a life-threatening electric shock!wet environment, environment greatcolour, table, price, lighting, specification1
lugosi.info.hugear selection strategy. In addition I participated in the development of a multiplatfrom online desktop updater tool and its automated testing environment which synchronizes routes, maps and softwares between cloud providers and bicycle navigation devices. I have designed and constructed a…test environment, environment routewebsite, personal, development, software, curriculum1
nyakas.hu…the Nyakas Cellar. We primarily engage in the making of fresh, reductive white wines, rich in fragrant essences and flavours. Our wines reach the maximum of their sensory characteristics and bouquet in bottles, in a reduced environment. Discover our wines and winery, be a member of the Nyakas Club!reduce environment, environment winewine, cellar, picture, news, data1
jeckeldental.huIn our state-of-the-art, fully equipped clinic, which is located in a pleasant environment, our well-trained staff will do their most to bring a happy and healthy smile on your face.pleasant environment, environment staffdental, clinic, treatment, tooth, dentistry1
chiropractic.huThe mission of Budapest Chiropractic Center is to provide high quality and professional care in a familiar and friendly environment for all those that seek a natural, drug free way of healing and maintaining their health.friendly environment, environment naturalcenter, patient, monday, tuesday, thursday1
angolulhenivel.huAt Angolul Henivel, we are committed to empowering individuals to achieve fluency and confidence in English. Our personalized approach focuses on tailoring each lesson to the studentʼs unique needs, ensuring rapid progress and lasting results. We believe in creating a supportive and encouraging…learn environment, environment growthpersonalized, lesson, learn, class, potential1
blascoding.huThe company's new services will include AI and machine learning development, digital transformation consulting, automation, and process optimization, among others. These services are designed to help businesses of all sizes to adapt to the changing technological environment, streamline their…technological environment, environment operationsoftware, solution, hardware, digital, development1
vxh.huThe Right Amount Of Light It's easy to bolt a light onto machinery and call it good, but only Vision X will work with you to create the ideal solution for your budget or project. Tested In The Harshest Environment Each Vision X light is put through countless tests to ensure it'll be able to get…harsh environment, environment visionvision, lighting, light, industrial, europe1
aram-foldgaz.huDue to the changed market environment, in 2013 the management decided to trigger the electricity trading license in order to not offer electrical power advice to partners, but to sell light at a low price.market environment, environment managementelectricity, price, low, order, energy1
paintballakademia.huProfessional environment, sportsurface: The most important thing for us is safety. Therefore we made safe sportsurface, which guarantee your safety. There is no sharp obstacle, which can cause you injury. This field is also used by trainings of our Sportclub.professional environment, environment sportsurfacefield, book, real, easy, cheap1
ajkaelektron.hu…have combined these with the experience of the present, adding value to the decades of accumulated expertise. We are proud of the fact that our company, as a 100% Hungarian-owned company, is still able to stand its ground in the mostly multinational environment built around the automotive industry.multinational environment, environment automotivetechnology, career, assembly, component, gallery1
mt-gasconsulting.huWe are proud of being able to provide financial value for our customers. The professionals of our company maneuver the ways of energy supply, system use, and the model like and practical question of energy market swiftly and wisely. Our information is always up to date, we know both the legal and…business environment, environment factconsulting, gas, customer, welcome, energy1
s2consulting.huApplication development in web ( php ), Windows , Microsoft Integration Services environments based on the customers requirements with users trainings. These applications are fully tested and documented.service environment, environment customerconsulting, development, application, consultancy, website1
kabelkonfekcio.huDuring conversations with our Clients we have time and again heard them mention the problem that the turnover speed of their business far exceeds the reaction time of production, resulting in serious economic risk and exposure for them. What can be done in such a rapidly changing environment in…rapidly environment, environment ordercable, assembly, signal, power, industry1
dominikvaradi.huDream Roleplay makes it possible for hundreds of players to play together real-time. The project allows the simulation of real-life scenarios within a dynamic, virtual 3D environment. This project represents a comprehensive full-stack development process, seamlessly integrating various technologies.virtual environment, environment projectstack, developer, portfolio, personal, website1
gyongykristaly.huIf you choose our services, you will have a clean, neat, well-maintained, and impressive property or work environment that, in addition to enhancing your comfort, will significantly contribute to the prestige of your company or living area.work environment, environment additiongroup, manual, clean, equipment, reference1
hradvise.huDevelopment : to learn how to provide the most useful information. Thus the HR awareness can grow in our environment the same way as HR Advise Kft.awareness environment, environment wayadvise, introduction, recruitment, consulting, labour1
pergel.huIf you have an existing software environment but those programs are unable to function as standalone systems, it is possible to convert these individual programs into one or more separate programs. This process can occur in two ways:software environment, environment programdevelopment, plate, license, recognition, software1
borsyugyveditarsulas.huThinking together with our clients is the basis of our joint effort, since our strength is undoubtedly inherent in our knowledge with which we build upon and mutually supplement each other. This is what we aim to turn to the benefit of our clients amidst the constantly changing business…business environment, environment wayattorney, act, association, accordance, regulation1
crystalproperty.huOur vision is to surpass positions in the property management industry through maintaining a professional environment , which consists of integrity, commitment, responsibility, mutual respect & excellence. Our staff is committed to demonstrating these qualities when dealing with current and future…professional environment, environment integrityproperty, management, art, condominium, current1
znz.huThe ZNZ product portfolio pays special attention to the ever-changing security environment and global trends, so the equipment and devices marketed represent the state-of-the-art in respect of technology , reliability and quality , as well as technological evolution.security environment, environment globalscreening, ray, inspection, metal, equipment1
cocomo.huCocomo awaits You with a refreshing breakfast that empowers You for the whole day, or a late night cocktail, all in a welcoming, modern environment.event, cocktail, drink, bar, latest1
novumdental.huBesides professional competence, it is a priority for us to provide the highest quality treatment for our patients , delivered by our friendly colleagues in a relaxed environment.dental, treatment, appointment, oral, surgery1
yata.huWritten by Zsanett Gréta Papp Montreal Climate Security Summit, an annual global gathering bridging the realms of security and the environment, took place on Novembersecurity environment, environment placeyouth, association, treaty, summit, publication1
silex.huBudapest Transport Company operates nearly 1000+ buses in Budapest, carrying daily 2+ million passengers by buses. Silex bus control systems have been used both in new vehicles of different manufacturers, and in refurbished buses, operating in an even harsher environment. Silex bus controls work…harsh environment, environment silexvehicle, control, electronic, electric, confidence1
spielmann.hu…to businesses ranging from proprietary-type businesses to larger-scale corporations. We provide all necessary information about the legal environment when setting up and operating privately held companies in Hungary. All of our staff speaks fluent English. We are servicing our clients also inlegal environment, environment privatelylaw, firm, property, inheritance, question1
h55.huLook no further for premium style accomodation! Visit H55 Balatonlelle , and enjoy your stay at our lavish environment at our brand new facility!lavish environment, environment brandapartment, accommodation, luxury, guesthouse, facility1
allinwine.huWith us, you can finally provide a new and guaranteed lasting experience for the entire company in an authentic, pleasant environment.wine, build, benefit, competition, culinary1
greenhouse.co.hu• In its life, Global Green Europe Kft. Pays special attention to sustainability, ensuring environmentally conscious, economical and efficient operation. During the production of our products, we take care not to burden our environment, this is achieved by minimizing the use of plastic and using…care environment, environment usegreen, greenhouse, production, house, market1
quantic.huInterior design is the art and science of enhancing the interiors, sometimes including the exterior, of a space or building, to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment.development, industrial, management, process, land1
baranyaigolf.huEvery Thursday and Saturday 5 PM – 6 PM. Parents, children, friends together having valuable time in a beautiful environment. Free of charge.beautiful environment, environment freegallery, child, individual, lesson, analysis1
egervaritrans.huWe use their offered capacities as external warehouses. We can keep our parts safe in a guarded and temperature-controlled environment. We have extremely flexible access to our stocks, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.temperature environment, environment extremelytransport, warehouse, category, logistic, equipment1
2060.huIt is not necessary to buy expensive physical servers, there is an easier solution - cloud. The whole world is gradually shifting to the virtual environment. Today, you can just buy a virtual server and any time adjust parameters precisely according to your wishes. Cloud eliminates the high price…virtual environment, environment todaysolution, price, customer, certificate, free1
kulcsarjuli.huYou would like to consider the options of your career path with the guidance of an objective and experienced consultant in a confidential and friendly environment,job, career, people, interview, recruitment1
hoszivattyu-pest.hu…phases. This way, we can ensure that the system you choose, be it a heat pump, air conditioner, or underfloor heating, perfectly matches the environment of your home or business and meets your expectations. With our surveying service, you're taking the first step towards a comfortable and…perfectly environment, environment homeair, heat, heating, pump, solution1
ai-agency.huWe pride ourselves on being a creative force in the industry, fostering an environment where ideas can flourish and groundbreaking concepts can become reality.industry environment, environment ideaagency, way, data, innovative, customer1
eiffelpalace.huEiffel Palace features innovative green technologies and renewable energies, and provides a human-centric, sustainable work environment. After being closely examined by two independent international environmental rating systems, the building was awarded with both the LEED Gold and the BREEAM Very…work environment, environment closelybuild, office, location, award, gallery1
digiterm.huOur mission is to improve the quality of medical therapy by providing more comfortable treatment environment for patients and caregivers .treatment environment, environment patientchair, therapy, medical, article, option1
fundingproject.huWith 17 years of banking experience, mainly in the field of project financing, not only in the domestic but also in the international environment, we have learned that your business can be medium or large, but the implementation of a development / investment project requires coordinated teamwork…international environment, environment businessfunding, financial, financing, consulting, structure1
tomajor.huTómajor guesthouse is 10km far from Tokaj downtown where we offer a friendly, comfortable,quiet lakeside environment, rural accommodation for all you need for yourselfor couples or 3-8 group of friends and family.lakeside environment, environment ruralguest, house, guesthouse, room, area1
maniv-bp.huIncreasing economy, friendly environment and endless opportunities makes Hungary very attractive for Real Estate investment destination.friendly environment, environment endlessproperty, real, estate, apartment, management1
omegaoffice.huWe build our products with eco-friendly material, thereby minimizing their effects on the environment. All commercial spaces and pieces of furniture are designed to be economical and to use resources prudently.effect environment, environment commercialoffice, furniture, premium, desk, chair1
egeszsegbiztositas.huHundreds of in-network private clinics nationwide, with an attractive and friendly environment, and maximum attentionfriendly environment, environment maximumhealth, insurance, plan, care, day1
massageservice.huWe welcome our guests in high quality environment, with good prices! Address: Mercure Budapest City Center 1052 Budapest, Vaci utca 20.quality environment, environment goodmassage, event, office, individual, guest1
ggis.hu"The excellence of her academic experience - which, with your emphasis on fundamentals, was truly superb - was exceeded only by the caring nature of the environment in which it was delivered. The school embodies Christian values in everything it does."nature environment, environment schoolschool, international, great, question, grace1
galtanya.huEnjoy your holiday in a quiet, peaceful environment, surrounded by the undisturbed nature.peaceful environment, environment undisturbedpage, main, organic, national, farming1
connaction.huBy leveraging cutting-edge IoT technology and industrial communications solutions, MICROSENS helps enterprises unlock new opportunities and optimize costs in a rapidly changing environment.enterprise, network, manager, engineer, sale1
group-lift.hu…for us to sustain the high opinion of our precision and reliability that has developed over the years. The performance of these tasks is ensured by a professional workforce with decades of experience and expertise, high-quality equipment and vehicles, and a highly satisfying working environment.group, maintenance, repair, escalator, implementation1
astoriaszallo.hu…The building of the hotel was originally a holiday home built by the Dőry family in romantic style back in 1868. The elegant and intimate appearance of the building provides a perfect environment for weddings, family and other events, minor conferences, meetings and team building trainings.perfect environment, environment weddingwedding, conference, room, restaurant, gallery1
francianyelvgyerekeknek.huyou are already learning French, but would like to hear the melody of the language from a mothertongue teacher, and complete your knowledge of French language in another environment.french, child, camp, story, drama1
arthur-hunt.huWe also insist that only highest quality is good enough to support our clients in building skilled, efficient and up-to-date organizations, in both the national and international environment.talent, consultant, executive, search, transformation1
jolvanazugy.hu“Driving innovation by creating sustainable Black Locust products that capture and store carbon with a positive impact on the built environment.”green, site, architectural, space, urban1
hoope.hu…mind. Thanks to the quality work our company is constantly evolving, expanding. Our success is due to our staff's expertise, resilience and versatility and to our corporate philosophy through which we realize high-quality, human-centered tasks which are organically integrated into the environment.construction, quality, website, family, industrial1
szarvasimuzeum.huWe have renewed! We are waiting for you with a modern environment and an interactive exhibition hall!modern environment, environment interactiveexhibition, age, idol, room, people1
sisconsulting.huThe purpose of establishing the firm was to create a platform for the general manger to be able to pass over his experiences he gathered in multinational environment in fields of commerce, leadership, capability and organization development.multinational environment, environment fieldconsulting, development, capability, management, commercial1
mullermonika.huWe have known Mónika for 15 years and ask her help in creating our living environment. She quickly figured out our taste and tuned in perfectly.live environment, environment quicklyinterior, process, main, page, apartment1
egyensulyintezet.huCleaner natural and built environments. A tidier and cleaner country. Cleaner public life. Sustainability, combatting climate change and adapting to the changing climate.natural environment, environment tidyinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think1
medianets.huThe mission of the Laboratory of Multimedia Networks and Services (MEDIANETS) is to combine traditional strengths in networking with new competences in articifial intelligence, applying it to smart city environment. Research and development activities include machine learning and data analytics…city environment, environment researchresearch, laboratory, intelligent, student, staff1
multisteelhungary.huThanks to the company's steady growth, we were able to create and maintain a state of the art infrastructure, work environment, economic stability, and good working conditions, all of which continue to ensure the company's operation and further development.work environment, environment economicmanufacture, ltd, technology, construction, installation1
sovit.huWe have experienced, certified experts in all relevant fields of environment protection (water, air, soil, waste, noise and ecology) and practical knowledge of Hungarian environmental legislation. We have long-term partnerships with environmental laboratories and other companies for specialized…field environment, environment protectionpermit, environmental, waste, transportation, german1
tulipantunder.huWith a new interactive exhibition based on the worldwide blockbuster film, we showcased the breathtaking environment, inspiring culture and unique creatures of the Na'vi wonderland.breathtaking environment, environment cultureproduction, exhibition, space, dream, game1
tomtom.huA comfortable programming suite is available in a cosy environment with nice communal room and balcony. The suite has Logic Audio, Pro Tools, a range of sample- and MIDI instruments, multiple synths and a Command 8 controller.cosy environment, environment nicestudio, room, live, source, analogue1
cij.huThe Budapest Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ) was established by the New York based Independent Journalism Foundation in 1995. Since then CIJ has sought to support public interest journalism and aimed at contributing to a media environment where freedom of expression and freedom of the…media environment, environment freedommedia, center, training, independent, production1
farmelco.huOur partners value our speed and flexibility, which is why we are primarily approached by small and medium-sized companies. And our multinational customers entrust us with the procurement of products that are difficult to achieve in a large company environment. Our primary goal is to support…company environment, environment primaryconnector, main, page, technical, component1
acsg.hu…and module assembling. We primarily produce high complexity products in small and medium scale in a precise, supervised and 100% computerized environment. Besides, we provide support to our customers in the development and optimization of their products concerning both technology and raw…computerized environment, environment supportcable, wire, custom, harness, assembly1
amecod.huEfficient extraction: comfortable working environment and no food odour in the guest areas.work environment, environment foodcontrol, easy, stainless, steel, hob1
peachtree.hu…amplifiers with DACs, headphone amps, power amps, speakers, and USB DACs for computer audio. A Peachtree stereo system complements any environment, whether it’s used for desktop audio or as the HiFi in your living room. The unique look and sound of a Peachtree is as easy on the eyes as it…system environment, environment desktopamplifier, device, digital, computer, recipe1
datapowerlab.huEthical hacking is a simulation of a real hacking attack. Hidden vulnerabilities can not be found by automated tools. This security testing is designed to provide a deep technical analysis of a target environment’s vulnerability to exploitation and attack. Penetration testing is an integral part…target environment, environment vulnerabilitysecurity, analysis, code, secure, source1
erti.huAssessment of the unfavorable impacts of climate change on the environment and on the forest management, elaboration of silvicultural alternatives for their mitigation (improving growing technologies, preparation for their change etc).change environment, environment forestforest, department, natural, management, change1
freegereb.huThe aim of the facts and figures is to be provide exact numbers to allow people to see the whole picture and understand the current environment in which the debate on home birth is taking place.current environment, environment debateletter, president, international, birth, janos1
espressiq.huEspressIQ is more than a coffee destination. It is a vibrant community that unites coffee enthusiasts from all walks of life. Within our space, engaging conversations, infectious laughter, and the forging of new friendships are part of our daily rhythm. We strive to cultivate an environment where…rhythm environment, environment peoplecoffee, flavor, taste, captivating, heart1
fsztm.hu…our help with problems and business needs that can hardly be solved using existing retail softwares. Custom software development can deliver tailored solutions for unique business processes, special technical or business requirements, and extra demands due to differences in legislative environment.solution, competency, reference, enterprise, satisfaction1
kantornedda.huBesides my qualifications in psychology, I hold an MBA degree too. I have worked in business, partly in multinational environment, for eight years. Therefore I have an insider understanding of its structure and operations and arising psychological challenges.multinational environment, environment yearpsychologist, family, adoption, relationship, therapist1
nappalipecs.huWe have a positive view of the world around us. It is important for us to protect our natural environment, we operate sustainably, producing minimal waste. Most of our raw materials are sourced from local producers, we do not use any disposable plastic.natural environment, environment sustainablydrink, gallery, heart, city, room1
safeandgo.huThe COVID-19 pandemic has shown how important disinfection truly is, especially in social environments visited by many people. The SAFEANDGO no-touch product family offers an excellent solution in shops, at petrol stations, in hotels, at conference centres and many other places.social environment, environment peopledispenser, safe, sanitizer, hand, touch1
1618plan.huFrom Autumn of 2005 - foundation of 1618 Plan Studio - We have been managed a talented, experienced designer team to fulfill our design projects. Our architectural approach is based on creativity, flexibility and keeping an open mind. Our claim is to reach harmony of functionality with natural and…artificial environment, environment complexitylarge, view, plan, house, reconstruction1
hotelpetra.huPetra Hotel is located at Szarvas utca 95, a few minutes from downtown Nyíregyháza. In a quiet environment, closed parking with security camera, barrier-free entrance. We are waiting for our guests with all the air-conditioned rooms with separate bathrooms. Our Jordanian-style rooms do not have…quiet environment, environment closeroom, navigation, booking, style, terrace1
koronayacht.huThere is no longer any need to compromise in performance to protect the environment, as the electric and hybrid engines and systems we sell compete with traditional gasoline and diesel engines in power and durability.performance environment, environment electricelectric, engine, ship, amsterdam, market1
csillamolnar.huI have obtained more than 20 years of buisness experteise in multinational environment, including 17 years of senior managemet experience in the field of Human Resource Management, as well as several years spent as an expatriot in leadership positions abroad in multicultural environment. Besides I…multinational environment, environment year, multicultural environment, environment psychologypsychologist, psychology, relaxation, leadership, counselling1
mozizug.hu1. Through Études, we aspire to redefine architectural boundaries and usher in a new era of design excellence that leaves an indelible mark on the built environment.études, architectural, solution, comprehensive, management1
i-go.hu…mind and seamless transitions. We are driven by a commitment to empower both companies and their employees, ensuring they thrive in their new environment. By offering tailored solutions in housing, legal compliance, healthcare, and more, we aspire to be the trusted partner that turns relocation…new environment, environment solutionemployee, support, assistance, housing, solution1
nevex.huPreviously approved and used molecules and the plant production products derived from these are continued to be rejected and excluded by the strict EU legislation due to their harmful effects to the environment, so it is exceedingly important to replace them with new and safe products as fast as…effect environment, environment exceedinglyauthorization, plant, evaluation, process, institute1
hungaryvfr.huIt also includes many dynamic objects, which alter in response to the environment and other factors in addition to static items.response environment, environment factorscenery, airport, library, media, recommendation1
baloghorsolya.huThe best doctors in the country provide full examinations and care immediately, without waiting, in a friendly, clean and fully equipped environment. Professional service, professional team.fully environment, environment professionalstrategy, financial, revenue, private, insurance1
budapest18.huThe residents in our district should live and work in a more livable environment, and visitors should get a modern and attractive picture of the Pestszentlőrinc–Pestszentimre area.livable environment, environment visitorcenter, innovation, district, road, urban1
altavia.huComprehensive competence in all retail environments : popup, public spaces, shop in shop, product displays, roadshows, etc…retail environment, environment popupproduction, development, retail, brand, store1
mahasti.huMore and more foreign groups attend the competition so contestants here in Hungary also have the possibility to compete in an international environment.group, dance, competition, category, belly1
sundayit.huNowadays businesses should minimalize the amount of paper they use, to improve the efficiency of their workflows, and to help preserve our environment.sunday, solution, intelligence, process, software1
matyofoldipuli.huThe little ones grow up in a family environment. They receive lots of care and love so they can fit in to their new family easily.family environment, environment lotbreed, available, puppy, favorite, dog1
epgepszerviz.huWe consider it important that the production of equipment be the least burdensome for our environment.concrete, plant, manufacture, news, highway1
tertiomillennio.huThe aim of the “Diószegi 46” (Diószegi Sámuel street 46.) project implemented by the Fundatio Tertio Millennio is to establish an educational training centre in the heart of Budapest. In doing so, we seek to create an outstanding environment for students and families alike to engage in academic…outstanding environment, environment studentsocial, centre, impact, training, page1
budapestguides.huWe drive about 30 miles northeast of Budapest to a very scenic quite area in the countryside, near Gödöllö (see below). We visit the Equestrian Park of the Lázár brothers, who have won several worldchampionships in two in a hand and four in a hand carriage riding. The Park is in a picturesque…picturesque environment, environment hectaretour, city, hour, guide, famous1
horvathapartman.huThe quarters are situated in the area of the township of Bük, in the nearest part of the pleasure resort, in a quiet and peaceful environment, still in the centre - close to restaurants, a department store and a bus stop.peaceful environment, environment centregallery, suite, water, homepage, room1
interdata.huDue to the expertise of our trained, experienced colleagues, our offices support the business activities of our clients with responsible work and up-to-date information Our people regularly participate in courses and further trainings to keep up with the always changing economic environment. In…economic environment, environment additionreference, list, newsletter, accounting, client1
roseville.huATENOR, an urban real estate development company with European expertise listed on the continuous market of Euronext Brussels, invests in largescale real estate projects that meet strict criteria in terms of location, urban planning, economic effectiveness and respect for the environment.office, build, development, developer, manager1
geonauta.huJoin us and help to collect the garbage- or support our activities to stop the destruction of our environment. With our activities we are planning to solve this planetary problem in the long run.destruction environment, environment activityway, el, journey, gallery, garbage1
meditations.huOutsourcing some of your R&D tasks can be an efficient choice but it is even more efficient when the solution integrates seamlessly into your existing IT environment.fast, custom, problem, algorithm, computation1
houseforsale.huEither you are seeking for a choosy house in a green environment for a numerous family or you would like to find a suitable and attractive place for a sparkling social life, you found it in this villa.green environment, environment numeroushouse, garden, amazing, sale, luxury1
eszterlanc.huThe rapidly declining Hungarians of the Transylvanian Heath are still considered an original foundation for those living in an urban environment with their traditional and harmonious way of living. And as a Budapest based band playing traditional folk music they are also an incentive worth…urban environment, environment traditionalmusic, folk, village, traditional, musician1
interlanguage.huAt our school you can study in a multicultural environment! The instruction of our international courses are either in the target language or a language spoken by all participants, such as English or German.multicultural environment, environment instructionlanguage, course, school, swedish, norwegian1
pinceveszely.hu1. Dangerous Cellars - Cellar Danger Prevention 2. Classification of near-surface cavities 3. The formation of cellars 4. About the rocky environment of dangerous cellars and caverns 5. Cellar ruin 6. Cellar collapse, cellar damage on the surface 7. Perform Cellar Danger Prevention 8. Municipal…rocky environment, environment dangerouscellar, danger, prevention, dangerous, cavity1
botao.huI invented a tool to automate aerial cinematography via a pre-visualization interface in virtual reality. Instead of manually navigating the complex 3D paths of drones in the real world, Skywand allowed the film director to immerse themself and navigate in a replicated photogrammetry 3D…photogrammetry environment, environment realreality, tool, artwork, medium, virtual1
cserkeszek.huEQUIPMENT FOR GARDEN PROGRAMMES ARE PROVIDED (we give a stand, too, for the outdoor stew-pot), IN A PROTECTED, ENCLOSED, NATURAL ENVIRONMENTroom, possibility, small, court, sqm1
europutz.huCleanness, good perfume are the guaranty of nice environment. The environment is worth caring should it be an office, point of sale, garage or side-rooms.nice environment, environment worthmanagement, build, property, clean, industry1
rszalo.huThese days, it is common expectation in all areas of life to take care of our environment. This is why we apply solutions that have a lower impact on the environment and that use environmental energy more efficiently.care environment, environment solution, impact environment, environment environmentalimplementation, technology, england, centre, logistic1
onismerit.huIf stubborn pet odors are ruining your enjoyment of your home, call us today. Let us help you restore the sweet-smelling environment for you and your family.sweet environment, environment familyclean, carpet, rug, area, upholstery1
aktivzenetanulas.huSuccessful implementation of the new music learning models in school environment can be realized through teacher training programs. The currently available teacher training programs of the Kodály Institute which were started in 2018 and attract many professionals partly contain the demonstration…school environment, environment teachermusic, learn, model, movement, active1
innowear.huWe are committed to sustainable development. Our goal is to leave a clean and healthy environment for future generations.healthy environment, environment futuretextile, development, research, production, material1
angoliskolabudapest.hu…ESB’s approach will be child centred learning, focussing on the students learning skills and needs, raher than the traditional frontal method. Our priority will be to provide a safe and caring environment so that students feel confident to learn, explore, take risks, make and learn from mistakes.care environment, environment studentschool, child, learn, language1
feith.huThe aim of the editors of the journal Aspecto is to boost Hungarian philosophical life, bring philosophy out of academic isolation, and create the fertile environment that is vital for thinking. I believe that every Hungarian thinker, regardless of their education, needs this, and must have it.fertile environment, environment vitaldance, zoltan, theatre, performance, music1
hubnerudvar.hu…to its history and special features, is unrepeatable, and each aspect serves a greater purpose more important than its individual piece: the environment in which it is built and the person who will live in it. In addition to aesthetics and outstanding quality, functionality was the focus of the…piece environment, environment personroom, kitchen, apartment, interior, build1
envizont.huLaboratory and on site testing, engineering expert reports and technological instructions for water, biomass, bioenergetical, biotechnological, climate-environment-health protection processes, reaserch and monitoring parameters.climate environment, environment healthcrisis, laboratory, circular, llc, expert1
hotelnagykanizsa.huRelaxation, sauna experience, rich breakfast, magical environment. 3 days / 2 nights with breakfast, use of wellness. We are waiting for you with a 20% discount on the price of the accommodation. The offer is for 2 people in a standard double room from Friday to Sunday, except for public holidaysmagical environment, environment dayoasis, room, detail, package, homepage1
agrosellye.huThe Agrokémia Sellye places substantial effort on a core approach of developing a greener, more environment friendly and healthier materials.green environment, environment friendlyecology, production, protection, crop, chemical1
house-thermkft.huOur company considers environmental protection extremely important. In all phases of implementation, we prefer using the most environment-friendly technologies and tools, bearing the preservation of the environment in mind.implementation environment, environment friendly, preservation environment, environment mindhouse, heating, maintenance, gallery, installation1
pappsdiamond.huof the breed, are strong and are in good health are taken into in breeding. We strive to create the best we can, so our future goal is to breed and raise successful show and breeding dogs. We try to find an ideal owner for each puppy, who can be well socialized and grow up in a familiar environment.puppy, dog, litter, tab, news1
triadhomes.huTriad Homes is located in a quiet residential area in the lively Kispest area, southeast of downtown Budapest. The design of the building combines the needs of modern design worlds and those who live here by combining aesthetic value with the surrounding services, thus making the living…live environment, environment trulydetail, garden, form, request, apartment1
acpartner.huThe basis of our work are the coordination and clarification of your requirements, we support you with reliable information so that you can make well-founded decisions. Nowadays, continuous and rapid development is the most important characteristic of the economic environment.accounting, financial, advisory, auditing, client1
vsocial.huHow is their personal life, family life, friends, work environment and everything that you can think that a programmer does throughout the day?work environment, environment programmerquestion, sidebar, user, post, single1
anteus.huOur company’s services mean high-quality to our clients and we have the same level of expectations on our work environment. The online cabinet locker system meets the standards of our newly renowned office: It is reliable, safe, and high-quality.work environment, environment onlineaccess, control, management, solution, ticket1
rozsa-szallas.huOur accommodations specialized mostly on couples and those who desire a calm environment. Being situated in residential areas of the city, please kindly do not disturb other guests and residents. We do our best to serve the needs of our guests and provide a way to relax. Thank you for your…calm environment, environment residentialpage, main, room, sight, reservation1
officexpress.huWe are flexible and responsive to our clients’ needs. We are honest, reliable, discrete and open to business opportunities. We respect our environment, our clients, our suppliers and our colleagues. We work dynamically and passionately! We are doing our best to keep pace with technical…opportunity environment, environment clientoffice, customer, vision, mission, value1
sacinformatics.huOur works include complex desktop software created for different business sectors, many internet banking front-end systems and other web applications, using different frameworks and environments. Majority of our projects were implemented in Java, Microsoft .NET and android platforms. You can read…framework environment, environment majoritytechnology, banking, office, development, application1
agrobiomass.huThe use of renewable energy sources is important for both environmental and economic aspects. Fossil and nuclear energy production causes a significant amount of environment pollution. Mankind vastly contributes to the deterioration of Earth’s condition by consuming such a giant amount of energy…significant environment, environment pollution, burden environment, environment traditional, source environmentbiomass, wood, energy, activity, green1
cityhotelmiskolc.huIn one of the most attractive four-star downtown hotels of Borsod county seat, we await our guests with local flavours and specialities in 36 rooms, with 75 comfortable beds, in a pleasant environment. The hotel is easily accessible by public transport and car. The location of the hotel guarantees…pleasant environment, environment hoteltraveller, city, event, leisure, family1
jmphotels.huYou can, of course, also count on our professional assistance even if you just consider it is the right time to expand your business or want to run your business more efficiently. After examining the current situation of the hotel, analysing the closer economic and social environment and the…social environment, environment competitorroom, operation, free, motorway, centre1
takepszolg.huWe work with modern and environmentally friendly machines, detergents and technologies, and we recommend innovative solutions to our customers for the sake of cleanliness, everyday hygiene, their environment, health and also their wallets.hygiene environment, environment healthclean, employee, office, cleanliness, review1
atlas.huATLASZ Office is located in Budapest's western gate in Budaörs at the junction point of the busiest expressways of the country - M1 and M7. Owing to the city's high commercial and business activities, central logistic location, excellent infrastructure, and pleasant green environment, many…green environment, environment hungarianoffice, virtual, room, meet, day1
tomlin.huTomlin is one of the leading project and cost management consultancies in CEE providing high quality and comprehensive services for the built environment.management, cost, consultancy, cee, energy1
kassaiform.huOur main profile is the production of blow molds for bottles, for different production environments.tool, plan, manufacture, form, machine1
ais.hu…It is the first independent private school in Miskolc that teaches according to Cambridge Assessment International Education programme. Our school opened its doors in September 2019 which created and provides a new, inspirational and modern learning environment for children in about 5000 m2.learn environment, environment childschool, nursery, child, international, general1
sonrisa.huWe explore your current environment and help disrupt current business and tech behavior for a better future. We help you run legacy applications and reengineer them to better fit your current needs.current environment, environment currenttechnology, great, solution, smile, today1
kobufe.huThe atmosphere is absolutely balanced with the historical environment (Viharbükk): old black-white photos, prints and postcards on the walls are telling the story of the restaurant and the Children’s Railway. Do You rather choose to be up to date in sport? This is your place. Visit us with Your…historical environment, environment viharbükkdrink, food, sight, restaurant, railway1
szkiroda.huIn addition to the various legal areas, it is especially important for us to specialise our colleagues in the sectors of our clients as well. Therefore, our lawyers obtain continuously expanding and deepening knowledge concerning the special legal environments relevant to our partners and the…legal environment, environment relevantoffice, law, area, colleagues, page1
albertbahn.huThis website was created by myself. Its purpose is not only to represent the railway lines and vehicles, but to create a kind of a touristic guide by illustrating the natural and built environment along the rails as well. The pages of this site are sorted by countries. They display the photos by…natural environment, environment railrailway, train, photo, line, locomotive1
epti.huWe consider important the efficient operation of the facilities during the design works supported by the advanced computer technical equipment. We contribute to the improvement of the quality of built environment, the saving of natural environment with the design of energy- and water-saving…quality environment, environment save, natural environment, environment designfacility, reference, news, colleagues, technical1
villamillennium.huVilla Millennium is the perfect place to relax. Patinated environment, cheerful elegance, panorama of Lake Balaton, top-comfort. Ideal for family vacations, romantic roaming and team building training. We look forward to seeing you with love, attention and care!patinated environment, environment cheerfulroom, lake, double, protect, story1
budapestpartyservice.hu… you find the best solution: a perfect venue, appropriate environment at a reasonable price.appropriate environment, environment reasonablewedding, event, detail, venue, worth1
mobilhgvtire.huIn an industry where fuel costs can quickly eat into profits, mastering the art of fuel efficiency is a game-changer for heavy goods vehicle (HGV) drivers. By implementing practical tips and strategies, drivers can significantly reduce fuel consumption, saving both money and the environment.tire, view, detail, road, pricing1
smepitesz.hu- Vocated architect planning agency of energy efficient and environment-conscious construction located in Mosonmagyaróvár, West Hungaryefficient environment, environment consciousplan, construction, general, passive, west1
homokhatkennel.huPoverty, violence, racism and other social ills rob children of the nurturing environment they need to grow into their fullest selves.child environment, environment fullpost, child, style, event, gallery1
szigepszerkpalyazat.huThe treatment of communal sewage results in large quantities of sewage sludge, a by-product that has imposed a considerable load on the environment in the recent decades. As a result, the elaboration of environmental-friendly procedures has become a priority worldwide. The main trend of…load environment, environment recentsewage, sludge, technology, treatment, experiment1
galambostrans.huAll employees of Galambos Trans Ltd. are aware that the living conditions of the future generations are formed by the previous generations, and the most important living condition is the clean, properly cared environment. This way we are committing ourselproperly environment, environment waytransportation, logistic, field, shipment, domestic1
dnieltattoo.huIt is extremely important to me that my guests receive their tattoos in the most comfortable conditions possible, which requires a serious foundation of trust. I do my best to ensure that the hygienic conditions are met, by which I mean a clean workstation, a nice and comfortable environment, the…comfortable environment, environment usetattoo, testimonial, appointment, idea, artist1
littlelearners.huAt “Little Learners,” we understand that the early years are the foundation for a lifetime of learning. We are committed to providing you with the tools, support, and inspiration needed to create a rich and stimulating environment for the little ones in your care.stimulate environment, environment littlelittle, learner, education, learn, bilingual1
smartlynx.huOur Smart City services support innovative mobility and communication solutions to make urban traffic and, at the same time, the urban environment more livable and healthy. If you want to know more about Smart Cities, about us and our solutions, download our brochure!urban environment, environment livableparking, traffic, district, sensor, city1
drszalay.huTHE LAW OFFICE OF DR. TAMÁS SZALAY is located in the heart of Budapest, in the 5 th District, in close proximity to the Parliament, the Central District Court of Pest, the Metropolitan Court of Budapest, and the Supreme Court, where we receive our clients in an environment worthy to the legal…client environment, environment worthylaw, attorney, client, legal, office1
zoldsef.huTo create a tourist- and business-friendly environment by sustainably managing the town’s resources and heritage while promoting peace, health and prosperity.friendly environment, environment sustainablymunicipality, event, slide, accessibility, resident1
kapri.huOur guesthouse can be found at the foothill of Badacsony, in the center of Badacsony city. The Lake Balaton, the beach, and the wine path are all in 100 meters distance. Relax and enjoy the wonderful environment of this place.wonderful environment, environment placeroom, person, photo, guesthouse, private1
hubite.huTourists just need to download a lightweight application to receive the HUBITE bluetooth beacons signals in their close environment.user, tourism, tourist, app, solution1
visionfinder.huI have paused wandering in the past years to start my children off in this world in a safe and cosy environment. My heart is theirs and their Father’s and I will stay put as long as they need me to do so. They are 8 (Anna) and 4 (Adam), and we now live in the picturesque town of Budakeszi.cosy environment, environment heartvision, finder, group, support, venue1
ritkabetegsegakademia.huIn the application zone the Apache server accepts real data and commands only from local terminals (from HAProxy), and after having built the secure data connection and having been convinced that the queries are real, will only serve towards the Internet. The software written in Apache PHP5.2…apache environment, environment directlydata, congress, case, legal, conference1
energypro.huMiniature circuit breakers, Molded Case Circuit Breakers, Residual Current Circuit Breakers, for the safe and reliable energy distribution in home and industrial environment.energy, power, storage, solution, battery1
navavrajadhama.hu…of simple living and high thinking. Simple living is achieved in Krishna Valley by cultivating the land and protecting the cows in a rural environment. The higher thinking provides a place of pilgrimage where people can come to learn and get support to achieve love for God…rural environment, environment highkrishna, donation, society, god, member1
boroapartman.huIn our closed backyard, a summer house gives a friendly environment for a calm, relaxing time underneath the shade of the surrounding trees, right next to the fountain. Barbecue, cooking corner, bean bags and garden seating facilites guarantee comfort in our yard. We treat ou guests with different…friendly environment, environment calmguest, rate, apartment, protect, discount1
corvin-hotel.huIn the country’s enchanting jewelry box, Gyula, our adult-friendly hotel is open to all those lovebirds who long for some romantic getaway, in a discrete environment.love, offer, focus, day, erotic1
mentalizacio.huThanks to your donations we will be able to provide not only primary care but extra working hours, an undisturbed environment, and team supervision.undisturbed environment, environment teammental, introduction, association, treatment, contribution1
hejokereszturiskola.huNow we can teach in twelve class-rooms, two IT rooms, a Language lab, a room for small groups and in the library. Since 2010 the pupils can have their meals in the dining-room in a clean and nice environment.school, class, student, pupil, education1
kissanikomesterkozmetikus.huWe offer professional cosmetic therapies in an elegant environment at affordable prices. Our services are based on 40 years of professional experience and customized to the clients’ expectations. Our innovative therapies provide cellular regeneration, rejuvenation, firming and vitalizing effect…elegant environment, environment affordableskin, treatment, minute, duration, cell1
kalocsaikinga.huI believe the current, rather volatile economic and social context is leading many businesses to understand and appreciate today´s omnichannel environment, in which branding and content become the main tool to generate trust and set up predictable revenue. This is why, I am committed to help CEOs…omnichannel environment, environment brandingstrategy, communication, growth, brand, process1
aholnapiskolaja.hu…with greater need for support can join the given exercise as well. With the help of computer programs and ICT tools they can get to know a kind of “extended reality” while completing their tasks. With this method we ensure an effective motivation for learning as well as individualized environment.school, tomorrow, child, multiple, severe1
nordicbridge.huThe island of Samso is probably known to most people who are more deeply preoccupied with green energy. The Danish island won a tender from the Danish Ministry of the Environment in 1997, which meant it had to be transformed into a model renewable energy island. In ten years, Samso is now 100…ministry environment, environment modelbridge, operation, finland, ambassador, future1
sailnjoy.huLake Balaton is one of the most beautiful natural wonders of Hungary. Whether it’s spring, summer or autumn, the scenery is fabulous and the environment is charming . The closer you are to the water, the stronger your attraction becomes; and sailing on the lake takes you really close. We take you…fabulous environment, environment charmingjoy, sailing, lake, day, boat1
startupokejszakaja.huBudapest has a huge potential due to its geographical location in the heart of Central Europe and its natural environment making the city stand out among the competitors. City executives strive to provide enterprises with the most attractive business climate and support startups and other young…natural environment, environment cityenterprise, city, ecosystem, programme, international1
laurelbudapest.hu…for its wine lover guests rental opportunities in their wine vaults. Inside Laurel’s wine cellar, there are 104 vaults where the wine is kept under perfect conditions. Guidance, acquisition, storage, and registering are offered along with serving in a unique environment for the passion of wine.unique environment, environment passionrestaurant, dining, culinary, taste, wine1
villaprestige.huThe three-storied building is situated in tranquil environment 400 metres away from the downtown and 800 metres away from the Thermal Lake .tranquil environment, environment metresapartment, person, amenities, bathroom, television1
gtec-power.huPower supply of critical loads inside industrial sites even in the presence of hostile environments for the presence of critical powders and temperatures and power devices with high current consumption .hostile environment, environment presencepower, supply, modular, industrial, europe1
yamatorestaurant.huIn our Yamato restaurant besides fusion cuisine, we offer our guests beverage specialities from the Far East and exclusive environment in the heart of Budapest. Besides our master chefs you can also get a role in preparing your special dinner.exclusive environment, environment heartrestaurant, far, east, speciality, reservation1
fibulahotel.huThe Fibula Residence Hotel & Wellness was built in 2020 on an approximately 4,000 m2 site with five buildings in a quiet and exclusive environment in downtown Pécs. This unique hotel complex is situated in an area where the Roman Emperor Diocletian once marched through with his army. The event has…exclusive environment, environment downtownapartment, page, room, offer, package1
openaccess.huSearch our dynamically growing database of rich metadata and full-text publications in a user-friendly, easy-to-navigate, informative interface. After registering for free, you can access additional features, e.g. personalised reading environment, personal bookshelf, personal volumes made from…reading environment, environment personalaccess, open, academic, publication, publish1
diasporascholarship.huYou can choose from a wide range of programmes taught in Hungarian that cover all higher education fields at all degree levels. The Diaspora Scholarship is also an excellent opportunity to build your professional network and discover everything about the country in a supporting and welcoming…scholarship, diaspora, application, education, holder1
hajosprogramok.huLeave your tense weekdays and your stressful work environment behind, and spend a day on one of our exclusive Balaton sailboats. Our boat programmes and our premium service (catering, staff, background music) offer unforgettable experiences for your colleagues, your juniors and business partners…work environment, environment dayprice, boat, rental, sailboat, people1
up2vr.huSome prefer brains, some prefer beauty. We ask: why not both? Working side-by-side with our 3D environment artists, the in-house development team can make your 3D and VR application ideas a reality with custom software developments tailored to your business needs.beauty environment, environment artistreality, vision, virtual, visualization, software1
parkinnzalakaros.huMagnificent natural environments, a stylish venue and guaranteed catering quality. We can offer you everything you need for a beautiful, carefree, unforgettable wedding.natural environment, environment stylishroom, offer, detail, event, bar1
csopakdent.huOur mission is to provide patient-first dentistry to improve oral health, facial aesthetics and general well-being using the best quality, in a luxury environment.dental, smile, treatment, implant, dentistry1
elekieletmodkozpont.huElek is a place where modern medicine meets nature’s remedies and lifestyle change. Here one can benefit from scientific evidence-based alternative treatments in a peaceful, caring, and accepting environment.lifestyle, guest, center, disease, medical1
raday-panzio.hu. Each room is provided with a magnetic card and a remote control for the television upon arrival. Double and single rooms are available. Free WiFi is available in the whole area of the pension. Breakfast and dinner can be enjoyed in the dining room located in the basement, in a pleasant…room, gallery, photo, reception, bus1
csemo.huThe environmental enhancement activity is continuous, Csemő won the special award of the most flowery settlement of the century and a special prize for civilized environment , the Golden Rose award, prime ministerial and ministerial awards.civilized environment, environment goldenvillage, flowery, area, official, website1
hotelthelena.huENVIRONMENT - Our hotel has been in business since 1997 in Tolna, a small town located in southern-Transdanubia, only a few kilometers from the widely renowned historical wine region of Szekszard and from Fadd-Dombori the beloved holiday resort. The hotel, embraced by centennial horse chestnut…room, bed, event, size, double1
myinvest.huThe preservation of competitiveness, in order to accommodate to the changing business environment, the partners of market will need a professional background, which can carry complex services, the Alpha – Pannon Agency can offer them widely.business environment, environment partnerpermit, agency, worker, general, real1
skippertm.huSkipper is the unique way to cordon off any area, creating safer environments with high visibility retractable 9m tape. Skipper simply clicks on top of most traffic cones or its own unique Post & Base System. Skipper saves you time, storage space and money, paying for itself in months over throw…safe environment, environment highsafety, unit, post, base, simply1
expanzio.huBeyond the SWOT age, we develop strategies by using the methods of the 21th century. We help leaders who work in the environment of constant and unpredictable change. Once we know the procedures and the essential data, we help develop the business intuition of leaders.leader environment, environment constantconsulting, human, learn, educational, development1
dimensionsalbum.huIn the first quarter there have been several exciting developments regarding the album. 🙂 In the first quarter, we managed to turn three songs into full-length demo songs. Previously, only shorter 1-2 minute demos of these were available. We were able to rehearse these songs in a band rehearsal…rehearsal environment, environment additionsong, dimension, news, original, video1
cruisinclean.huWe bring our own equipment and water to the site. During our work, we use only environmentally friendly chemicals that fully decompose, ensuring effective cleaning while also protecting the environment.clean, wash, vehicle, wheel, interior1
danubecapital.huThe key element of the implementation of the corporate strategy is a business and financial plan, which cannot be prepared without the knowledge of the current and future domestic and international macroeconomic environment.capital, danube, analysis, market, economic1
borealisengineering.huOur highly qualified test engineers are aware of state of the art testing environments (dSPACE, Simutec, LabCar, VectorCast) and methodologies (Waterfall, Agile, V-modell). They are able to deliver reliable solutions with 100% test coverage.test environment, environment dspaceengineering, solution, development, vision, mission1
oipeducation.huWe Provide Customized and Comprehensive 1:1 approach with 24/7 student support, dedicated mentors, student workshops and industry mentoring, OIP puts you in the best environments to reach your goals.good environment, environment goaleducation, student, university, process, future1
balsailaw.huIt is my purpose to ensure high quality, precise but at the same time clear and comprehensible legal solutions, full and efficient legal representation and defence to my clients in the continuously changing legal environment.law, firm, attorney, representation, litigation1
skool.org.huI think it is extremely important for online spaces to be as diverse as the real environment of everyday life. In this respect, I also consider it particularly important that for example the approaches and perspectives represented by the “feminine” strengths and competences meet the logic of…real environment, environment everydaylab, technology, eng, homepage1
divali.hu…security and the supply systems have to change together with consumption habits, which have a deep impact on our immediate and wider natural environment. The future already started yesterday! The armed conflict going on in our neighborhood, the ensuing energy and food crisis, together with the…natural environment, environment futurelight, festival, krishna, valley, programme1
hydra2002.huThe Hydra 2002 Ltd. (and its legal predecessor) has been active since 1996. Its management consists of highly trained chemical engineers experienced in training, research development and production. The activities of the Company aim at developing environment friendly products, waste free…company environment, environment friendlywebsite, development, research, measurement, pollution1
startups.huWith your help, we aim to update and extend our database of Hungarian startups. Help us improve the legal and administrative environment by participating in our survey, it only takes 5 minutes. Click the button below to proceed.administrative environment, environment surveyreport, ecosystem, investment, survey, database1
fise.huWhat kind of glasses do you see the world through? How do we perceive the environment around us? What do we focus on? What filters do we use? What do we exclude, and what do we let through? The current series of photographs by Lili Sziráki is a new, experimental work, in which she plays with…world environment, environment filterexhibition, artist, art, glass, textile1
dentalcenterkelemen.huBased in the Centre of Budapest, Dental Relax offers the perfect environment in which to enjoy your dental treatment whilst taking in the breath taking sights and scenes that Budapest has to offer.perfect environment, environment dentaldental, center, clinic, news, treatment1
reticolo.huThe last year has brought us many challenges, changes and developments. We moved to our new office in october 2020. We started working in Naphegy, a modern, youthfully renovated environment.development, castle, engineering, monument, construction1
kalmardavid.huI offer simultaneous, consecutive, and “whisper” interpretation between English and Hungarian at business, cultural, scientific, and other events, training courses, and expos. I offer English, Italian, and Hungarian interpretation in industrial environments, e.g. between experts who install or…industrial environment, environment experttranslator, interpreter, interpret, translation, italian1
7dtender.huThe BIM methodology can be applied very effectively in all phases of the project. By creating contract documents and using communication in an integrated, common data environment, we monitor the processes throughout the whole lifecycle of the project and connect the participants in the process to…data environment, environment processtender, build, model, plan, survey1
undertherainbow.huAll the locations belonging to our UTR family are situated in the 2nd district of Budapest, on the Buda side. Being surrounded by the Buda Hills, the children can spend lots of valuable time out in the nature: in our gardens, in the nearby parks, or in the woods. Thanks to the beautiful…beautiful environment, environment forestchild, international, bilingual, location, staff1
isc2022.hu. It is situated in a pleasant and peaceful chestnut park and directly connected to Novotel Budapest City. This is a place where meetings can be organised in a dynamic and modern environment. The centre is fully equipped with the latest audio-visual, stage-, light-, and air-conditioning…modern environment, environment centreabstract, programme, poster, welcome, vendor1
schaltech.huWe attach great importance to protecting the environment. All large companies have a high responsibility, no matter what energy and materials they use in large quantities. We strive to leave an ecological footprint as small as possible.importance environment, environment largefacade, reference, technology, structure, construction1
dropofhungary.huOur formulas are made with natural, organic, and cruelty-free ingredients that are gentle, effective, and good for you and the environment.cleanser, oil, drop, explore, foundation1
steampeek.huDream Team Basketball combines traditional CCG gameplay with innovative mechanics inspired from the game of basketball. Explore over 300 player cards and 400 traits and skills to create your team and engage in a competitive environment.game, similar, strategy, simulation, action1
szakiszovetseg.huWe are also working on innovative legal and financial arrangements that make these models feasible within the existing regulatory environment, such as community financing and patient equity investments.regulatory environment, environment communitycommunity, acre, mission, build, real1
bitandpixel.huDuring the implementation phase we use a "Test Driven Development" methodology to avoid costly hidden bugs, and to ensure we produce the highest quality software code. The continuous integration methodology and technology creates an environment where every software update has to go through an…technology environment, environment software, phase environment, environment updatebit, development, software, management, consultancy1
doktor24.huWith more than 950 excellent professionals in 50 specialties, 9 locations and 100 practices, we offer primary, outpatient and inpatient care: prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for children, adults and corporate clients, in a friendly environment and organised to ensure the…friendly environment, environment shortview, health, centre, expertise, area1
thomashotel.huSunny rooms with three comfortable beds. Due to its calm environment, it is ideal for a business or study visit, for those who want to relax. This room has a work desk, safe and satellite TV. Rooms have been recently refurbished and have a private bathroom.calm environment, environment idealroom, faq, gallery, restaurant, option1
econordesign.huThe advent of modular lounge furniture has revolutionised office design and furnishing. In this blog article, we explore why this furniture has become increasingly popular in office environments and how it promotes efficient working and creative thinking.office environment, environment efficientfurniture, material, foam, recycle, accessories1
environtec.huThe focus of the exhibition is one of the most important questions of the 21st century: how can we keep our environment at a livable level by transforming our society, economy, and industrial activities, with adaptation practices and serve economic actors interested and active in mitigation and…century environment, environment livableexhibition, application, topic, environmental, water1
cstamas.huIn our case shibboleth attribute eduPersonPrincipalName is the same as the email address in Zimbra. The identity provider releases this attribute to the service provider. There a Perl CGI script accesses this as an environment variable. After a valid shibboleth session is established with the SP…script environment, environment variablenetwork, puppet, entry, user, idea1
bridgeinstitute.huWe create an environment that stimulates telling stories, sharing experiences and failures in order to reach mutual engagement, move participants to action and enhance growth mindset.course, cooperation, education, knowledge, engagement1
surf.huSUP is a great leisure and sport activity for all age groups. Moreover, it this sport can be pursued in natural and beautiful environment and in the fresh air. It is great fun not only for grown-ups but for children too (according to our experience, smaller children like jumping into the water…beautiful environment, environment freshwater, board, people, ago, key1
ohav.huT hose children who grow up in a multicultural environment will be much more tolerant, sensible and receptive to new ideas. They will learn languages, art, and habits, traditions of different nations more willingly and will try different traditional cuisines more easily.multicultural environment, environment tolerantfoundation, course, culture, child, nation1
meatfactory.huOur company has a history of more than 25 years and is a family-owned Hungarian company. Since its foundation, it has gradually moved up, step by step, and today it has reached the optimal size with which it has taken its rightful place in the domestic environment, and now also in the foreign…domestic environment, environment foreignprice, list, meat, request, factory1
i-coaching.huJust like the seed contains the whole plant, we have all the knowledge we need, we just need to let it grow! NLP turns learning back into play, laughter and experimentation, where we can unleash our inner potential in a safe environment.data, process, academy, training, course1
geoses.hu…coordinated and innovative ways in order to improve our understanding of land deformation (landslides) on Tyzsa River and its effect on the environment. The main task of the Self-government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county is the elaboration of climate strategy of the target cross-border area…effect environment, environment maingallery, border, county, self, romania1
frenak.hu"Pál Frenák always enthralls his audience, who are transported into a special, fascinating environment, richly saturated with feelings, surrounded by dancers who are wonderful in every sense of the word.”fascinating environment, environment richlycontemporary, dance, award, tour, choreographer1
gacserlab.huSince the last decades, invasive candidiasis has posed a serious threat to patients in the hospital environment. If untreated, such infections can result in severe diseases such as endocarditis, peritonitis or even meningitis. Suppressed immune status, underlying malignant conditions and the…hospital environment, environment untreated, nosocomial environment, environment especiallylab, paper, grant, news, presentation1
biggeorgeholding.huClose to the 12th district city centre, on a 1.6 hectare plots, this development offers amazing accessibility and a uniquely green living environment for the future occupants of its properties. Currently in the planning phase, the residential park will consist of 41 apartments.live environment, environment futuredirector, manage, management, property, city1
luminaxis.huFirst and foremost, we are four good friends, with a lot of experience in different fields. The goal of our enterprise is to help other people find great investment opportunities in the dynamic real estate environment of Budapest. And, of course, make a good buck along the way.estate environment, environment budapestreal, estate, month, property, investment1
itoperation.hu…utilize its potentials for the sake of benefits for the shareholders, customers and the entire society. This has to be realized in keeping in mind various factors – but one of the most important is sustainability (a better business model than existing ones but also being environment conscientious).one environment, environment conscientiousoperation, enhancement, performance, advisory, management1
classys.huThe possibilities and the risk must be seen in the continuously changing environment. Classys has been helping the companies to achieve their goals in a cost effective, efficient and measurable way.continuously environment, environment classyclassy, solution, simple, job, management1
ngproject.huDesigned for different environments, our industrial automation solutions can make your industrial, power plant, or other manufacturing operations safer, more efficient, and more controlled. Get to know NG Project’s proprietary solutions and start production!different environment, environment industrialsolution, energy, industrial, automation, technology1
helpdental.huWe welcome you in a friendly environment, and we strive to bring a healthy smile to everyone with the help of our experienced specialists.friendly environment, environment healthydental, help, clinic, horvath, quality1
hotelvillapax.huImagine a pure Mediterranean-feel Hotel in a wonderful environment! A place where beside good atmosphere a familiar hospitality fulfills Your reaction. Feel the personal care and attention! Give yourself to the comfort and enjoy our services.wonderful environment, environment placeconference, event, room, island, mediterranean1
ovitas.huOur company follows the constantly developing technologies and implements them in solutions. The delivered solutions based on software products which have maintenance, version control and support, so the solution can also follow the rapidly changing IT environment.management, knowledge, solution, document, access1
boathousebudapest.huBoathouse Budapest is the port of flavors, the aim of which is to provide an outstanding gastronomic experience in a friendly environment at an affordable price. In our restaurant we use the highest quality domestic ingredients during cooking. Among our dishes, everyone can find their favorite:…friendly environment, environment affordabledrink, gallery, table, dessert, recommend1
banyai-office.huHungary is an open economy and capital-importing country. We are striving to serve an active clientele in the international environment. Our staff"‘s strength is providing services in foreign languages such as English and German.international environment, environment strengthconsulting, accounting, tax, office, payroll1
mvconsulting.huOur company pays special attention to the issue of social responsibility, equal treatment and the preservation of the natural environment. We regularly organize health-preserving, recreational programs (eg sports day, excursions, team building) for the employees of M-V Consulting Kft.natural environment, environment regularlyconsulting, certificate, employee, main, page1
szeleapartman.huLocated in the suburban part of Sárvár, in a quiet, peaceful environment, our apartments can be found next to each other, making them ideal for larger parties and several families as well. Each apartment features a well-equipped kitchen, free Wifi access and parking is possible in the enclosed…peaceful environment, environment apartmentapartment, price, gallery, family, free1
bluedanubefilmfestival.huWe screen all the selected films in Vienna and Budapest, as well as some of entry categories in Bratislava and Esztergom. You can watch movies in a pleasant, friendly environment.festival, short, danube, official, selection1
fourpoint.huWe are also concerned about the environment; we operate our own solar power plant to be able to contribute to the reduction of harmful CO2 emissions and greenhouse effects with the use of renewable energy. Our employees pay special attention to separate waste collection.concern environment, environment solarpoint, application, grant, management, plan1
mirchmasala.huWe are located in an excellent location in the center of the city, near Nyugati railway station on Terez krt 52, A quiet place in the middle of the hustle and bustle. Enjoy your meal and drinks in a comfortable environment. We can’t wait to serve you at our restaurant.comfortable environment, environment restaurantrestaurant, indian, bar, drink, reservation1
e6integrations.huWhatever is the status of your MuleSoft based environment we can help you improve it with due-diligence, configuration analysis, business requirement gap analysis, upgrade, or performance tuning. Every consultant in e6 has business analysis and development experience in one hand. This can…mulesoft environment, environment diligencesolution, integration, architecture, architect, flexible1
gereby.huArriving at a hotel where hospitality is evident and peculiarity is completely ordinary. Where time stands still since the hotel is hidden by the arms of a park, far away from the noises of the hectic world. Spend time on yourself, relax and rest! Let the environment and smile of the staff charm…time environment, environment smilemansion, room, ride, gastronomy, horse1
synetron.hu…on the highest level the customers need and they try to do their best in a controllable, definitive way. We are engaged in protecting the environment in order that we use the least harmful technologies and technics also regularly renew the conditions of using these. Our suppliers has the ISO…way environment, environment ordercustomer, quality, provision, instrument, requirements1
adlingatlan.huWe await our future and old customers in an elegant environment with our high-quality real estate services!elegant environment, environment highproperty, close, real, estate, office1
jetter.huDevelopment of sub-measures for different platforms (Windows, Linux, Android), development of test environments and procedurestest environment, environment procedureautomation, development, customer, solution, report1
jui.huOur law firm has a great deal of expertise in the provision of services in relation to commercial law matters. We create a contractual environment for our clients...contractual environment, environment clientlaw, firm, practice, client, area1
drfucskar.huImportant for our law firm to provide a professional and empathetic environment for our clients while providing thorough and conscientious work.empathetic environment, environment clientlaw, case, legal, agreement, asset1
melea.hu…revitalising. This is Melea, the five-star jewel box of Sárvár. In Melea’s therapeutic programmes, a team of outstanding professionals provide support in a luxurious environment in achieving the essential condition for a healthy, self-confident and long life: the attainment of body & mind balance.luxurious environment, environment essentialroom, guest, premium, suite, bathroom1
katango.huWhile playing at milongas I insert my own KATango music blocs between traditional and alternative tandas, so all those who love traditional or experimental tango musics find pieces corresponding to their taste. Since KATango music is mainly construed of improvisation and is greatly influenced by…greatly environment, environment ambienceimprovisation, event, music, tango, video1
martinus.huThe exterior and interior renovation of the St. Martin Church took several months. Thanks to these works a new environment receives the pilgrims coming to the chief town of Vas county.new environment, environment pilgrimst, jubilee, church, st., bishop1
sunshinethai.huIn our parlour developed in Nagy Lajos kiraly utca, Hatvan, highly qualified original Thai masseuses with many years’ experience ensure complete relaxation and filling up in an authentic environment providing a real Asian atmosphere.​authentic environment, environment realmassage, sunshine, masseuse, booking, traditional1
inteco-trade.huWe are pleased to share all our knowledge with you and provide experienced guidance in developing LPG market. We believe that this energy solution helps to avoid environment pollution, deforestation and still lets everyone enjoy all the achievements of modern civilization.solution environment, environment pollutiontrade, fuel, energy, industrial, railway1
polluxled.huIn the busy world today it is of higher importance to take care of our environment and ourselves. This is the only way to preserve the sustainability of our Earth.care environment, environment waylighting, street, reference, technology, international1
deri.huOur law firm was founded in 1991. Since then we have been advising foreign investors doing business in Hungary. Our clients come from many industries. We look to help our clients with valuable and business driven legal solutions. In a frequently changing regulatory environment it is important to…regulatory environment, environment importantlaw, tax, firm, co., structure1
renadesign.huWe are very familiar with the challenges of creating high-quality, cost-effective health care environments.construction, detail, build, general, green1
regosvendeglo.huDear guests ! We offer a lunch menu, from Monday to Friday, from 12 noon to 3 p.m. The menu is closed between December 27 and January 2 and on public holidays. The rooms are air-conditioned, so you can use our services in a pleasant environment. We look forward to seeing you!pleasant environment, environment forwardsoup, chicken, style, cheese, dumpling1
filmpartners.huBudapest offers a high value for money film production in an easy-to access Central European location and a predictable, secure filming environment. International filmmakers also capitalize on the wealth of local set building know-how, highly trained Hungarian film specialists, and most…film environment, environment internationalproduction, director, agency, music, distributor1
zomboryonline.huThe air-conditioned luxury domes are equipped with everything you can think of. Comfortable quality mattresses, fully equipped kitchens and sophisticated bathrooms await guests looking for a quality rest in a natural environment.luxury, activity, island, gastronomy, gallery1
brunnen.huOur company and its staff and professional partners contributed to the below projects in the framework of the ‘New Hungary’ (Új Magyarország) and New Széchenyi Plan Environment and Energy Operational Programs (Új Széchenyi Terv Környezet és Energia Operatív Programok):plan environment, environment energytender, subsidy, preparation, million, application1
winesoftokaj.huIn 2002 UNESCO inscribed the Tokaj Wine Region Historic Cultural Landscape into the list of World Heritage with the aim of protecting its historic architectural and natural environments.wine, region, event, grape, homepage1
healthofchina.huIt reflects the classical oriental worldview according to which the life and the actions of individuals are in close connection with the environment at all levels.connection environment, environment levelhealth, china, chinese, medicine, clinic1
bodrogikuria.hu“Quiet, nice maintained environment! The staff is nice, smiling, helpful! The food is very tasty and plentiful. Rooms are comfortable, air conditioned! The wellness is great.., FANTASTIC!!!!!!!nice environment, environment staffroom, offer, request, restaurant, wedding1
rexfilm.huMulti-camera tracking system that works in an AR environment 2018 MTVA Multi-camera tracking system that works in an AR environment 2018ar environment, environment mtvabroadcast, integration, support, reference, customer1
casablancatiszato.huFantastic environment, amazing scenery and amazing food. Eat your meal on our terrace, we will not disappoint. We serve a buffet breakfast every morning by the pool to get the day off to a good start.fantastic environment, environment amazinggallery, main, price, quote, room1
froccsterasz.humany possibilities and tastes you can discover in gins, which is why many of us are so passionate about it. The Gin Corner bar in the middle of Budapest opens a new dimension to the world of gins, where you can enjoy the magical experience of quality drinks in a comfortable and stunning environment.bar, drink, complex, dance, wine1
canadianschool.huCIS years were fond ones filled with love in a supportive, challenging learning environment. In addition to a strong academic focus, high moral standards, coupled with a supportive creative arts environment, made for a well-rounded early years experience.learn environment, environment addition, art environment, environment earlyschool, learn, admission, career, student1
citadelconsulting.huThe two pillars of our service portfolio form a perfect combination, offering unique and customized solutions to our clients’ complex business challenges. In our collaborations, we quickly and effectively gain in-depth knowledge about our clients and their market environment, as well as we strive…market environment, environment closeadvisory, consulting, management, merger, sell1
akademiaitalia.huWe follow the Italian traditions and habits, which has been adopted to a modern environment. In this way we bring a piece of Italy into the heart of Budapest.modern environment, environment wayevent, school, cook, quality, tradition1
poligran.huLet Poligran become a driving force in packaging technology and reusability, protecting our environment.packaging, technology, production, material, specific1
cyberground.huI worked as a Systems and Network Engineer in Hungarian hosting companies, where I gathered at least 20 years of experience with everything in hosting environment. It means all service administration like web, mail, sql all platforms like windows, linux, hypervisors, and a lot of devices. This…hosting environment, environment servicestatic, category, page, engine, opinion1
madlobaevents.huWe all know how fast the world changes nowadays. And Madloba is here to help their clients to navigate in this rapidly changing environment. We provide companies with effective solutions for scaling up through establishing media relations and effective communication strategies.rapidly environment, environment companydrone, event, organization, strategy, conference1
moodlefix.huI can easily accommodate in working environment and usually I’ve good contacts with my colleagues. My acquaintances know me an open, cheerful, emphatic, sincere, funny, hard-working, assiduous, ambitious man. I try to keep good work contact with my colleagues and my superiors.work environment, environment usuallydevelopment, upgrade, installation, plugin, version1
interhotel.huDebrecen is always a good choice for travelling, if you are on a business trip or just want to spend a pleasure weekend somewhere. Inter Hotel is very close to the city center, however, we can provide the silent and calm environment, what you need to be relaxed. Let us introduce our city, our…calm environment, environment relaxedroom, restaurant, self, stay, perfect1
berk.huSecurity and comfort await you in the Berk apartment. We strive to create and maintain a safe environment for you. This work will start before you arrive and we will provide constant attention throughout your stay. We pay special attention to communication, maintaining the environment…safe environment, environment work, communication environment, environment administrationapartment, room, floor, bed, special1
realsafety.huAnalyzing the flammable and explosive substances at the workplace to create guidelines for the employers to establish a safe environmentsafety, fire, real, maintenance, technical1
psychotech.huOur mission is building partnerships with biotech and pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders in drug development, who wish to test their innovative products in a safe and expert environment. As part of our mission, we provide expertise and a creative and experimental background for our…expert environment, environment missionprivacy, mail, research, trial, clinical1
ovifon.huMy daughter is very shy, so we were very happy that in spite of having to start preschool without a settling in period, we were able to constantly keep track of her progress through pictures, and were able to see on video, how great she is doing in her new environment.”preschool, parent, organization, child, detail1
accountantz.hu…financial and payroll processes, whose ultimate goal is to provide high quality, tailored services to our Clients. Our employee selection process, the constant trainings and the excellent working environment are all dedicated to our goal for providing unique quality services to our Clients.work environment, environment goalpersonal, fee, career, process, financial1
drivinglicence.huOur driving school’s good reputation and the students’ satisfaction is of utmost importance for all of our instructors and administrators. To the extent possible, we strive to establish a nice learning environment and a good atmosphere. If you encounter any difficulty concerning the driving, the…learn environment, environment gooddrive, school, course, theory, licence1
druzsoki.huAs managing partner László Uzsoki has more than 20 years of experience in several areas of economic law. He also worked in multinational corporate environment during his attorney career. As legal director he managed the Hungarian and regional legal team of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc for several…corporate environment, environment attorneylaw, area, practice, main, corporate1
akvarellkep.huMy paintings are prepared at natural light, without heat treatment, on 100% cold-pressed cotton paper, with soft water and high quality paint, in a calm natural environment.colour, soul, picture, unique, love1
esh.huOur embedded systems company has been providing reliable and professional embedded systems services for respected customers in the financial, medical, transportation, military, oil and environment industries for years.oil environment, environment industryembedded, software, manufacture, prototyping, electronic1
hkszolgaltato.huWe feel good about cleaning with our self-formulated natural products that are better for the environmentclean, residential, office, build, view1
goldenshape.hu…regions will experience a feeling of cold. One of our bodies’ basic functions is to maintain the thermal equilibrium to ensure a hospitable environment for our organs to work. In this case, the internal feeling of cold will prompt the body to burn non-essential stored nutrients in order to…hospitable environment, environment organtreatment, key, skin, shape, result1
checkitlean.huWe work with you in agile process development teams, we constantly deliver our suggestions for improvement, as we have to react quickly to frequent changes in our environment.ecosystem, check, development, expertise, thought1
vigmolnarcsarda.hu“ This inn is located in a wonderful environment, a truly authentic place. A large indoor and outdoor space and private parking await visitors.wonderful environment, environment trulyrestaurant, dish, flavor, place, quality1
pecolab.huWe conceptualize, prototype, test, and bring to market sustainable goods. Our responsibility is to offer mindful choices to individuals who value quality, creativity, and the environment.sustainable, touch, planet, future, quality1
fatechnikakanizsa.huOur objective continues to be maintaining the natural balance of our environment, keeping the existing and finding new downstream processing partners.balance environment, environment newtimber, raw, material, quality, oak1
kreativter.huWe provide location, logistics and an inspiring environment for activities which create values of Youth and informal groups, social projects, courses, families and friends. We run a Youth Centre in Hollókő which is suitable with all its capacity for all groups with various learning needs.inspire environment, environment activityspace, creative, youth, offer, request1
innorail2021.huAs increasing the utilization of railways entails additional tasks for rail professionals throughout Europe, further competitive development efforts are needed in our industry, an industry that is environment friendly, decreases the burden on public roads and offers the backbone of community…industry environment, environment friendlyconference, summary, sponsor, development, railway1
ahang.huThe Municipality of the 12th District of Budapest argued in favour of the new parking lot, saying it would reduce the number of cars parked illegally, on the edge of sidewalks, and in nature reserves – but at what cost? More than 15 thousand have claimed firmly: a healthy environment and clean air…healthy environment, environment cleancampaign, family, public, national, care1
geneziskft.huSo, we provide an online environment where deals between the seller and their customers can work in a save and clear way.online environment, environment dealelectronic, commercial, solution, commerce, continent1
clubdobogomajor.huboth to our guests and environment are present day by day, not only in words, but also in our actions.guest environment, environment presentguest, rate, offer, homepage, cozy1
clima360.huContact us with confidence! Discover the benefits of the Clima360 air conditioner and enjoy a comfortable working environment and cool air in your machine.work environment, environment coolair, installation, machine, conditioning, unit1
evida.huOur company pays special attention to the environment, and so to protect it we work exclusively with vehicles which meet the EURO5 and EEV environmental norms. All of our trailers are equipped with canvas, portal doors, as well as having a pallet rack and being crane-loadable. All of our trailers…attention environment, environment exclusivelyvehicle, reliable, shipment, transport, international1
hegyi-panzio-heviz.huOur newly built guest house located 500 meters from the city center, is situated in a quiet, peaceful environment, 900 meters from the Spa, where we can offer discounted entrance tickets.peaceful environment, environment meterguest, offer, charge, real, holiday1
onyxstreetfood.huWe are inspired by the dream of giving customers a nice atmosphere and special, flavourful food. Our Streetfood restaurant and café has a relaxed and welcoming environment where you can spend a nice time with your friends or even organise a special event.welcome environment, environment niceice, sauce, food, drink, event1
xpl.hu, our mission is to help them understand, analyse and mitigate political risks by providing valuable information and in-depth analyses of the evolving political environment. We apply a fact-based approach and operate strictly transparently, in full compliance with the prevailing anti-corruption…political environment, environment factclient, political, public, risk, government1
aesthetic.huOur modern clinic in Buda in the III. district in a quiet yet accessible location. Spacious rooms, state-of-the-art medical and surgical equipment, allow for smaller and larger interventions. On-site consultation so you can find out what environment you will be in before the surgery.consultation environment, environment surgerysurgery, breast, aesthetic, nose, ear1
dentist-debrecen.huThe Divinus Dental Surgery is situated in an elegant, friendly environment – in Debrecen’s Divinus Hotel. The surgery is equipped to world standard, and has every piece of dental equipment which is necessary for the highest level of dental treatment including panorama x-rays.friendly environment, environment debrecendental, tooth, dentist, surgery, treatment1
kirana.huElements, objects around us reflect to our unconscious messages, desires, and our current status. They are like mantras, their color and shape affects us and our environment. I believe that the manifestation of the world and our inner reality interact with each other. That's why it's important…shape environment, environment manifestation, emotionally environment, environment interactionelement, eng, profession, creation, harmony1
agilecontracting.huAgile Contracting (AC) is the aid to the decade long conflicts between IT project management and legal departments. It is a flexible alternative to the rigidness of classical contracting in software development, but most importantly, it is an answer to our clients in need of a stress-free IT work…work environment, environment accontract, agile, ac, webinar, template1
haus-boros.huOur guest house is located in Siófok, in a nature reserve, in the Töreki district. The location of our house is very ideal, as from the calm, quiet environment, Lake Balaton and the summer whirlwind can be easily reached by car in 5 minutes. (The house is located 10 km from the centre of Siófok…quiet environment, environment lakehouse, air, nice, holiday, pool1
f99irodahaz.hususpended ceiling and suspended floor – sound and heat insulating, reflective glazing, double glazed windows – 4-tube fan-coil system – fire safety system – fire and smoke detection – landscaped environment – LED lighting – individual energy meters – 5 OTIS lifts with the capacity of 13 persons eachlandscape environment, environment ledoffice, build, floor, text, rental1
pmed.hu…training, research and career development of our doctors. We are committed to the health of our patients, and thus we believe that the most important thing, besides the appropriate, modern environment and technical background, is the attitude, expertise and kindness of the doctors who treat them.modern environment, environment technicalsurgery, medical, heart, center, parliament1
macher.hu„Our everydays are determined by the processes, rules and instructions created to achieve the goal. We tailor processes to meet the challenges of our environment. ”production, quality, cable, customer, technology1
palcso.huAs a prominent brand like Palcsó on Hungary, we are responsible for our customers for whom we produce our products, our environment and the community in which we operate.product environment, environment communitypig, quality, technology, consumer, cream1
arttrend.huAnother serious issue is the environment and protecting our world for our children. Therefore:issue environment, environment worldart, luxury, house, programme, price1
m-prospect.huOur training branch offers quick and effective help to workers in the business environment.language, quotation, translation, prospect, skill1
szabofranciska.huIn my works I emphasise the dynamics of lights and shadows, as the geometry cut by the built and the natural environment of the humans. Combine these two - the steady structure and the volatile natural phenomenon - I build up my paintings. Beside this I experiment with the different materials…natural environment, environment humaneducation, art, anatomy, painting, event1
pcokft.hu…information available. Our company lays great stress on making sure that only such pesticides and technologies should be used for pest control that would not pose any hazard to the environment and the livestock of our customers while being the best available choice for biological effectivenesshazard environment, environment livestockcontrol, storage, facility, grain, crop1
blpartners.huWe provide our audit and advisory services since 2004 and have been successful in becoming true business partners for our clients. The reasons for our long-standing business relationships cited by most of our clients and success in what we do is purely owed to our expertise gained in multinational…multinational environment, environment effectivehomepage, financial, industry, advisory, management1
carboncomp.huOur company is located in the heart of the Balaton National Park, in Central Europe, therefore we are committed to a sustainable, environment friendly production. On a total industrial zone of 35. 000 square meters the production facility covers 3,200 square meters. Our state of the art production…sustainable environment, environment friendly, groom environment, environment gallowaycomposite, production, technology, ltd, website1
foodstyle.huThe Széchenyi Bath is one of Europe’s largest bathing complex, the first spa of Pest. The unique establishment, in the City Park, is a wonderful location with its special environment and art relic building for weddings, balls, parties. Please inquire about the options from our colleague in e-mail.special environment, environment artbath, wedding, mail, colleague, option1
thairelax.huLet us pamper you in the luxurious environment of our newly built salon. Let us give you a first-class massage designed to leave you refreshed, completely rejuvenated, and energized for the following days.luxurious environment, environment newlymassage, list, price, promo, card1
subly.huComplete system design, development. Both in the corporate environment and in the small business sector.corporate environment, environment smalldevelopment, complex, need, mainly, foreign1
bekaspusztavadaszhaz.huOur hunting lodge in Békáspuszta, located in a pleasant park guarded by old trees, in a quiet environment, promises excellent relaxation not only for hunters, but also for guests and families looking for peace and recreation.quiet environment, environment excellenthunting, stag, boar, wild, accommodation1
starfol.hu…They are designed with the highest quality in mind, while striving for economical solutions; as well as aesthetically pleasing and clean designs. YAMA, our own brand offering an exclusive range of products, aims to contribute towards preserving the environment and shaping consumer behaviour.product environment, environment consumerpackaging, industry, hygiene, material, logistic1
vanaround.huThe small group of 4 to 8 passengers provides a friendly and family-like environment during our one-day tripslike environment, environment daytour, region, trip, beautiful, place1
lelek-harmonia.huPrivate therapy: it is recommended in case of problems related to your won self or to your relationship with your environment as well as in case of illnesses. During the first session we work out together the framework of cooperation. We select the method / methods that are the most suitable to…relationship environment, environment caseproblem, psychologist, counselling, disorder, technique1
primapolir.huWe feel good about cleaning with our self-formulated natural products that are better for the environmentclean, office, residential, build, view1
testware.huTesting and development of railway safety and control systems (CENELEC, ERTMS) Automation of manual testing environmentscontrol, development, integration, automation, interface1
architectdesign.huModule and top level verifications using directed / randomized test cases in systemverilog test environmentarchitect, development, application, solution, relatively1
fogak.huThe Dentistry of Tranquility: A pleasant and clean environment, a peaceful air-conditioned waiting room, quiet music, coffee, mineral water - small amenities, with the help of which we wish to ease the tension of waiting. Everyone arrives at our dentistry located in an easily accessible part of…clean environment, environment peacefuldentistry, dental, treatment, tooth, implantation1
nematech.hu…near than 200 person. We think that, our products’ and services’ most important part is the quality of that. To make this guaranteed, our company developed quality- and environment management system according to ISO 9001, IATF 16949, ISO14001 and audited with an international certifying company..company environment, environment managementpage, quality, management, possibility, reference1
peppy.hu…and heavy-duty staff are able to work continuously also for Hungarian and international markets as well. The Peppy-Trade Ltd. highlights the environment conscious producement. Our raw material contain components from renewing and quality recycled sources supporting the maintenance of the long-…trade environment, environment conscioustrade, paper, history, soul, market1
imaginegreen.huThe goal of our activities is to have a positive impact on the environment, as well as on local communities and economies.impact environment, environment localgreen, imagine, association, tourism, sustainable1
euroxdrive.huThe track can be easily modified to continuously change the driving experience according to the needs of the drivers, with fast-paced corners, turnarounds, longer and shorter braking distances providing a unique driving experience. The professional race and test track also offers a pleasant…pleasant environment, environment buffetdrive, track, package, collection, near1
saunahome.huThe steam room sauna is a comfortable and relaxing alternative, with high humidity and mild temperatures. Perfect for those who prefer lower temperatures and a humid environment. Available in various materials and styles, it effortlessly fits into any interior.humid environment, environment availablesauna, collection, perfect, easily, household1
morihana.huOur mission is to fulfill our clients' wishes for sustainable developments and growth for both their business and their environment, and be the most attractive firm for highly skilled, creative and emotionally balanced experts.business environment, environment attractivenews, firm, value, consulting, sme1
szentbernadett.huIn a quiet, peaceful environment, we provide the 140 m² function room with flip chart, projector and projection screen, speakerphone. The hall can be heated and cooled at the same time.peaceful environment, environment functionapartment, family, event, gallery, lake1
shuttlers.huWe have designed our services to deliver outstanding quality even in a corporate environment. Our monthly billing system ensures transparent and straightforward cost management, complemented by customized and competitive pricing tailored to your company’s needs. Additionally, our services offer…corporate environment, environment monthlydriver, booking, fleet, price, travel1
vicontex.huOur corner-fittings meet the requirements of the ISO 1161: 2016 standards. The manufacturing process works according to the following standards: MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2015 Management System, MSZ EN ISO 14001: 2015 Environment Protection System and MSZ EN ISO 3834 Welding System.iso environment, environment protectiontechnology, container, damage, process, quality1
qhbepito.huBy the Stoking Trade Ltd., we have always been working for building a successful enterprise in the last 25 years to which – in our opinion – the way leads through the continuous accommodation to the market environment and through satisfied customers.market environment, environment satisfiedhall, construction, build, management, general1
adworks.huResponsive ergonomic websites. Client and user friendly solutions. Minisites. HTML5 banner campaigns. Presentations. Website design and build. Real-time adaption to the fast changing internet environment.small, client, fast, big, firm1
felszigetseta.huUnder the towers of the abbey church, which has stood out majestically for centuries, above the Inner-Lake, in the embrace of the surrounding hills, the Tihany Outdoor Games are held in the summer in a wonderful environment.benedictine, location, abbey, house, hill1
egerhotelsbooking.huSpecial offers and online hotel reservation in Eger. Hotels with wellness and thermal services at affordable price. Discount booking in Eger, in the historic town of Hungary - nice environment, pleasant atmosphere, advanced service. The famous historic city, Eger has a lot to offer: the monuments…nice environment, environment pleasantbooking, city, reservation, apartment, package1
wojtyla.huFamilies are the basis of a healthy society, so we lay special emphasis upon supporting them. They are having more and more problems in a constantly changing social environment. The parents who often do overtime have hardly any time for their children. It is also very difficult for the parents to…social environment, environment parentfriendship, centre, house, poor, town1
rexcellence.huThe basic rules of our breeding system are the natural feeding (our rex rabbits get only first class stover from guaranteed supply system) and the natural environment. Our cages are made from wood and complete every EU standards, and are ideal for extensive breeding of the rex rabbit. Our breeders…natural environment, environment cagefur, rabbit, quality, premium, breed1
starbucks.huTaking care of the environment is imperative to the future of coffee and coffee farmers, and to the world we live in.care environment, environment imperativecoffee, responsibility, homepage, reward, store1
4kaudit.huMost effective best practice solutions based on determined requirements according to the legal and accounting environmentwebpage, advisory, tax, field, auditing1
wrd.huShapr3D is a professional CAD software for iPad, designed for use with the Apple Pencil. We created a mobile backend and administration tool, deployed on top of a highly available clustered Kubernetes environment.developer, app, mobile, lead, development1
drlevai-budapest.huI have worked as a lawyer in public administration and local government, as well. I had the opportunity to expand my knowledge through internships in Washington D.C. (USA) and Brussels (Belgium). I am familiar with the corporate environment, currently provide legal services to individuals as well…corporate environment, environment currentlylaw, lawyer, legal, attorney, real1
abigelrendezveny.huOur event venue is located in the V. district, in the unique environment of the Zichy Palace, right next to the Basilica. The Abigél Event Salon guarantees a high quality of events held here, with its elegance, intimacy and technical professionalism.unique environment, environment zichyevent, private, hall, gallery, salon1
mthardy.huAs a result, the durability and safety of the previously operated equipment increases in addition to the reduction of the maintenance costs and the reduction of heat released into the environment. On the basis of special individual requests we can also undertake to reuse the heat released, by…heat environment, environment basisequipment, energy, t., maintenance, cost1
matheannapszichologus.huI find it extremely important for my clients to be able to open up in an environment they feel safe in, giving them empathy and unconditional acceptance. Every human being has a deeply treasured soul, that during our lives can run into set backs from time to time. These can be completely natural…able environment, environment safesession, introduction, pricing, form, help1
centrehotelsbudapest.huIn the heart of Budapest, only few minutes from Vaci street can be found the freshly renovated and renewed 4-star Danubius Hotel Astoria City Center. The hotel awaits its guests in traditional environment, with classical style and turn of the century atmosphere but with high quality standards…traditional environment, environment classicalcentre, enquiry, city, price, booking1
officialfilms.huWe provide competent crew and all facilities for Stills, Movies and for Commercials. We aim to provide a comfortable and efficient working environment without forgetting the creative aspect.work environment, environment creativedirector, production, winter, official, documentary1
ringatokiskore.huOur guests can have a snack at the cosy terrace and the covered area in a casual and chilling atmosphere enjoying the sunshine in the unique natural environment.apartment, beach, lake, room, night1
cheapapartmentsbudapest.huIf you wish to be accommodated in a nice and homely environment, our apartment hotels in Budapest and the countryside are suitable alternatives. Accommodations on our HotelTelNet website are selected places, fitted with all convenience functions, delivering high quality services. Our Budapest…homely environment, environment apartmentapartment, enquiry, city, centre, cheap1
rotera.huWe are a group of friendly and good-tempered young people who could help you achieving your goals by using their knowledge and experince in creating moving pictures. We are easy to work with and we can handle an ever-changing environment with agility and patience. We are observers, thinkers and…easy environment, environment agilityvideo, event, promo, corporate, photo1
kallay-ev.huAt Energify Solar Energy, we are dedicated to providing sustainable and renewable energy solutions to empower individuals, businesses, and communities. With a passion for harnessing the power of the sun, we strive to make a positive impact on the environment while helping our clients reduce their…impact environment, environment clientenergy, solution, sustainable, client, sun1
garenal.huIn case of a normal healthy body the nutrients with antioxidant effects that we eat neutralize the free radicals. But it can happen that our diet does not contain enough nutrients which have antioxidant effects – for example if we consume less colorful vegetables and fruits than recommended. Our…fruit environment, environment needpowder, drink, function, health, body1
aislamiento.huWe have created a truly special, adult-friendly, luxury wooden cabin for those of you who need a retreat that can’t find elsewhere. This pet and child free zone is where you can simply relax in a different environment.booking, cabin, bike, luxury, story1
dalmandivadasztarsasag.hu…a small game character . On the varied surface, there are several vascular systems of fish ponds, with about 25 lakes, which intersperse the environment with reed beds and waterside habitats. In addition to agricultural crops and our lakes, rows of trees, shrubs, and woody associations…lake environment, environment reedhunting, game, opportunity, visitor, dear1
goconcept.huOur dream has been to create a special location which is specifically designed for trainings ; spacious community spaces, cosy nooks for deep conversations, easy access to the forest, and an enticing environment to recharge with all the tools needed for effective indoor & outdoor trainings with up…enticing environment, environment tooltraining, lab, development, trainer, change1
wisdom.huWe recorded our new music video, Heaven And Hell yesterday. This time we worked with Pixel Film's crew. The video takes place in a very beautiful environment; we know a very joyful but hard day's work behind us. We expect to be done with the studio work in a few weeks.beautiful environment, environment joyfulwisdom, tour, alive, october, september1
silvestris.huOur mission is to demonstrate in the field of botanical processing that it is possible to produce high quality products in an economically sound way without exploiting and polluting the environment, thereby inspiring the world’s transition to a circular economy.way environment, environment worldoil, process, botanical, essential, technology1
solhotel.hu…sight of the well-kept settlement, the surroundings rich in sights, the accommodation facilities of a very good quality ranging from the private houses to the hotels, as well as the services of a high standard provide for a pleasant and peaceful environment where our guests can relax and recover.peaceful environment, environment guestapartment, house, lorem, molestie, look1
microlicht.hu, the professional history of our specialists dates back to 1987. Our headquarters are based in Kecskemet (Hungary), where we operate a manufacturing plant and a retail store. We mainly produce and distribute exclusive, unique products, and aim to present them in the proper environment. More about…luminaire, store, custom, reference, look1
ok-world.huOK-WORLD TRAVEL , operating in this inspiring environment, offers a wide range of inbound travel services to its partners and clients.inspire environment, environment widetravel, history, hospitality, music, tradition1
bluetechnology.huDue to this technology in the course of our treatments we can exempt the human body (both that of the guest and the masseur) from certain harmful and health-deteriorating effects of the built, physical environment.technology, massage, substance, health, client1
harkany-szallas.huThe spa and open-air bath of Harkány has around 180 year-old history. We have written documents on the health-improving medicinal wather of Harkány since 1823. The excellent natural environment, the health-providing quality of the water and the superb surroundings made Harkány a well-known spa.natural environment, environment healthapartment, house, history, bath, open1
funside.huOur Funside Budapest day camp has been known for its friendly environment and an English-speaking staff for over 10 years now, offering a selection of 6 different classes for 5 to 11 year-old kids, all through the summer break.friendly environment, environment englishcamp, school, registration, summer, news1
skilltogo.huTo be positive means that we think and act in a different way in everyday situations. To build positive organization means to keep balance in a continuously changing environment. The RH+ program provides an excellent structure on how to build a resilient organization and provides tools you can…continuously environment, environment programresilience, organization, development, positive, leadership1
cofa.hu…processes, biodiversity, and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved..."science environment, environment fairorganic, association, member, farming, certified1
blissandbody.huWe compile your tailor-made training plan according to your physical talent and abilities. Our professional personal trainers work together with you to achieve your desired aim as soon as possible. You can choose our private room as your workout place, where we provide a private environment for you.body, training, personal, yoga, class1
neting.hu…Management System solutions. Delivering learning resources and progress tracking are the most commonly used functions of LMS software, and along with other features (forums, questionnaires, video conferencing, etc.) they can help your company create an online learning environment full of life!learn environment, environment lifelearn, solution, client, development, video1
olcsoszallaskecskemet.hufamilies, friends, firms (eg. kind of trade mission, local staff members staying in work locally). We higly reccommend our house to rent primarily to simple accommodation seekers who do require moderate prices, together with a clean and tastefully designed, trimmed and structured, quiet environment.view, accommodation, quality, cheap, price1
pannoncsoport.huSo, what is the recipe? Create a supportive, open, and innovative franchise headquarters for the supplier partners. Have members who act knowingly in the current economic environment and are loyal to HQ. And, of course, you will need a supplier who can contribute to the business success of the…economic environment, environment loyalopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market1
computer-service-balaton.hu…secure and anonymous internet browsing, antivirus, and VPN. Whether you have fallen victim to malware, need to protect or recover sensitive data, or simply want to enjoy secure internet browsing, I am here for you. Together, we will make your IT environment secure and give you peace of mind.browse environment, environment securecomputer, training, lake, security, mobile1
experiplant.huAgriculture has reached a crossroads. Past practices, which have destroyed the environment and gradually destroyed the basis of our food production, the healthy soil, cannot be sustained. The climate crisis is also transforming our opportunities at an unprecedented rate. However, the new paths are…practice environment, environment graduallylorem, ipsum, soil, plant, biology1
palyazatokprojektek.huWhat, whereof and how? These are the fundamental aspects of development. A successful project requires careful goal setting, right choice of the financing scheme and the thorough knowledge of the implementation environment. The employee of the AAI Tender Ltd. are working quick, efficient and with…implementation environment, environment employeetender, development, consulting, write, consultancy1
brakehose.huOur goal is to be able to meet the needs of the company and the environment without negative impact on future generations.company environment, environment negativehose, brake, catalogue, hydraulic, production1
boldogkutyakozmetika.hu…the world of dog grooming. After getting my qualifications and practicing at a salon, the goal was within arm’s reach. Since protecting the environment and caring for not just ours’ but our dogs’ health, we decided that we will only work with bio grooming materials. This is how Boldog Bio…reach environment, environment dogtreatment, sanitary, cut, hair, bathing1
oaziswellness.huAt the border of Budapest, only 5 minutes from the M0 highway near the Szigetszentmiklósi Városi Sportcsarnok we await our guests with a relaxing, calm environment. Are you after the joy of active sport or relaxation? At our indoor Wellness World hot tubs, indoor sauna, log sauna, steamchamber…calm environment, environment joyevent, room, beach, training, swimming1
enet.huClimate change has transcended local or regional issues, posing a significant global threat to both the environment and human society. The consequences of climate change highlight how traditional economic models can harm our planet and underscore the necessity of balancingthreat environment, environment humandigitalization, process, management, consulting, technology1
successplatform.huOur certified experts never spend a day without learning something new. All of them are coming with major project background to start working in your environment.cloud, customer, sale, solution, success1
balazstakacs.huIt's easy to relax if everything assist you in this, that is, the environment, the music, but especially the personality and energy of the massage therapist. You can feel that Balázs is at peace with himself, and he is able to transmit this inner peace and calmness to his visitors with competence…easy environment, environment musicmassage, gift, voucher, pain, minute1
dodovill.huThey did a very efficient and fast job and gave a lot of useful tips on what else to look out for and what to improve in order to make our environment as safe as possible in terms of touch protection.order environment, environment safeconstruction, camera, protection, installation, power1
tapasfino.huOur restaurant blends an easy-going, although elegant and refined atmosphere with a unique interior design. While the modern elements meet the classic Spanish vibes, creating a perfect environment for family events and business meetings. We welcome children and four-legged family members as well.perfect environment, environment familygallery, detail, direction, reservation, restaurant1
pekasolar.huOur company is proud to present a wide range of solar energy solutions, which help you to be a part of sustainable and clean energy sources. Solar systems give you the opportunity to protect the environment and contribute to a sustainable future.opportunity environment, environment sustainableinterested, quality, energy, solution, wholesale1
csudijo.hucreate of complex view (person – nature – artificial environment) organization of programs, competitions related to environment protection forming a view around garbage prevention and economy, enviroment-conscious train of thoughtartificial environment, environment organization, competition environment, environment protectionchild, organization, community, everybody, love1
etalonhorses.huAll the beautiful horses on show were born and bred in Hungary from traditional Hungarian bloodlines, however, the fire riding act includes an Arabic-Shagya crossbred. ETALON horses kept close to their natural environment as well as training provided by due professional care. Team members learnt…natural environment, environment traininghorse, fire, close, equestrian, video1
citikert.huShe is the leader of the design team and the founder of the company. Her gardens always follow the style of the customer and the environment, and reflect a pure engineering approach. Her portfolio includes gardens of detached family houses and also residential parks.customer environment, environment puregarden, construction, plant, child, harmonious1
sriprahlada.huWe cannot offer residency in Krishna-valley guesthouses, and we do not recommend such a place as a living environment for more than two weeks. It is best to pre-arrange a rental, or purchase a home.live environment, environment weekschool, valley, education, student, krishna1
hediapartman.huHédi Apartmaent, located in Szeged-Újszeged is in the immediate vicinity of Erzsébet Liget in a quiet, peaceful environment. You can walk comfortably (5-8 minutes) through the Downtown Bridge (Belvársoi híd) to the town main square, Széchenyi Square. The Dóm Square, which is the outdoor place of…peaceful environment, environment comfortablyapartment, city, air, walk, square1
alnico.huIn today’s competitive environment organisations need top talent and best in class leaders in order to grow. We are committed to find the right fit for your team.competitive environment, environment organisationsearch, executive, main, market, today1
vendeghazfulop.huThe magnificent landscape, the environment, the festivals offer a quality recreational facilities for those seeking a peaceful recharge and natural beauty for active explorers.landscape environment, environment festivalintroduction, approach, map, gallery, price1
moon42.huWe live in a rapidly changing business environment where working with the right quality and eligible amount of information is essential. We blend our experience and knowledge to create a great product, alongside with our client.business environment, environment rightdevelopment, complex, software, solution, innovation1
clearcode.huIndochina camping, jungle warfare training, ambushes and quick retreats in urban environment.offer, clear, code, video, art1
zhe.huIn this letter, we present a robotic navigation algorithm with natural language interfaces that enables a robot to safely walk through a changing environment with moving persons by following human instructions such as “go to the restaurant and keep away from people.”safely environment, environment personvideo, robotic, jia, pan, human1
classicahotel.huStylish wedding, elegant solutions: personalized menu offers, exclusive environment, perfect wedding venue in the hotel's elegant private room.exclusive environment, environment perfectroom, restaurant, offer, event, accommodation1
pr-evolution.huLove on earth and in heaven... The value that the wordof the heart carries and that a couple feels for each other is a defining factor in everyday life. The pursuit and the joy of happiness is important for all people. This time, Mihály Vörösmarty’s classic play comes tolife in a new language in…today environment, environment loverdance, evolution, performance, mother, goose1
hirtalalo.huThe three leaders described family as the best environment for raising children, who mark the path on which nations walk and shape the future of the Earth.good environment, environment childoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
arkad-dental.huThe Árkád Dentistry is waiting for you in a pleasant environment! We guarantee the quality of care! Our clinic is professionally trained and dedicated, demanding and enthusiastic professionals are waiting for you. We will do our best to meet your specific needs. Dentistry is safe and reliable…pleasant environment, environment qualitydental, dentist, price, gallery, guarantee1
hotelrosecity.huHotel Rose City is located in one of the most beautiful districts of downtown Budapest, in a green and peaceful environment on Rózsadomb (Rose Hill). In this part of the capital city, hundred years ago there used to be only rose plantations, which is why it still has the name Rose Hill. The…peaceful environment, environment rózsadombroom, city, reservation, free, clean1
etpkft.hu…equipment. We have built polygeneration small power plants with 1-3 MW of power that have a much higher overall efficiency in the industrial environment than their conventional high-power counterparts. We have created a biomass-fired boiler plant to supply an industrial plant and an urban…industrial environment, environment conventionalenergy, insulation, portfolio, gallery, return1
klimavedelembuk.huOur association is committed to protecting the environment and taking action to mitigate climate change and thereby preserve biodiversity at a global level.association environment, environment actionclimate, change, common, association, german1
nowffice.huNowoffice was created in 2021 to make life easier for freelancers, small businesses and home office workers. We know that a home environment is not always enough, sometimes you need an office. Now you’ve found it.home environment, environment officeoffice, room, day, space, week1
goldenwell.huWe care deeply about the environment, which is why we sell our water primarily in refillable bottles. The accumulating PET bottle waste is a threat to wildlife that is getting worse every year. By purchasing from us, you are also contributing to the protection of our environment.deeply environment, environment waterwater, mineral, bottle, quality, litre1
borzospuli.huCurrently I own four black Pulis in my breeding, three bitches and a gorgeous stud. All of them are considered family members, handled with love and trust. Those puli puppies, which are born in my kennel are raised in a homely environment, which prepares them to be happy, balanced, and well…homely environment, environment happylitter, dog, look, lover, behavior1
budapesttimes.huThe opposition Socialist Party has pledged to create a Hungary of close-knit communities able to handle issues such as housing, education, health, security, the environment, the elderly, families, local councils as part of the European Union.security environment, environment elderlyjanuary, mep, minister, newspaper, european1
csicsericsarda.huThe Csicseri inn is located 4 km from Zalaszentgrót towards the Zalabér, opposite the junction to Tüskeszentpéter. The huge restaurant awaits its guests in a beautiful, green and peaceful environment and it is within reach from the Szent Gróth Termálfürdő (Szent Gróth Thermal spa).peaceful environment, environment reachwelcome, food, history, courier, guest1
maround.hu…has partners from different sectors and training areas. M-Around is also dedicated to supporting local communities to create an integrated and supportive social, cultural and business environment, to keep the values of rural areas, and be a motivating, inspiring and predictable place to live.business environment, environment valueeducational, training, background, school, development1
dca.huWe first joined DCA when our daughter was 4. She has just turned 12 and every week she continues to enjoy dance and drama with DCA. Sandra, Susie and all the teachers provide an amazingly supportive, safe and fun environment for kids to learn and develop their skills, staying active and building…fun environment, environment kiddance, drama, class, school1
aragda.huThe ARAGDA Apartment is located in Batthyány utca – one of the most beautiful streets of Siófok- among a rich and stunning crowd of plane trees. It’s close to the bustling promenade, to downtown and to the shore of Lake Balaton, yet still in a quiet and peaceful environment. We made our apartments…peaceful environment, environment apartmentapartment, detail, house, website, homepage1
primemetal.huWe hope to save our environment by developing the recycling industry. Improve the efficiency of resource recovery by building a recycling plant. At the same time, the garbage recycling plant can also generate huge profits for investors. Overall, it can bring the best benefits to everyone!metal, waste, sale, management, international1
retroplast.huThe waste arriving at our site is treated, separated, and, as needed, ground, and is returned to the circulation for industrial use as secondary raw material. Thus, we will protect our environment, and our country will save raw materials and energy.material environment, environment countrywaste, plastic, introduction, activity, management1
cest.hu…processing operations all over the world including Europe, India, China, Vietnam and the Middle East. We live up to our responsibility to the environment by bringing back to life discarded metal and redirecting waste materials going to landfill. Metal recycling allows for energy savings and…responsibility environment, environment lifescrap, trading, central, european, ltd1
ecm-kft.hu…of Motim Rt which had been responsible since 1960 for the chemical processing of aluminium oxide and in particular the production of aluminium sulphate. Between 1973 and 1978 a new plant was built in order to ensure the continuous production of 60,000 tons of solid Aluminium sulphate per year.production, quality, salt, capacity, customer0
respectthenature.huIn this webpage you can find information about the ERASMUS + project, called Respect the Nature.roboting environment, environment music, mathematics environmentnature, art, venue, age, student0
tuugo.huFree company and business search engine, business pages in Hungary | Tuugo local businesses and services The authentic Tuugo info page for Hungary is this website. Don't get confused with : Tu go, Two go, tugo, wwtugo, wwwtugo, wtuugo, wwtuugo, wwwtuugo twogo, togo, 2go, 2 go, twogo in Hungary.page, free, engine, search, local0
logiqrooms.huYour master, Nicolas Flamel gave you the mission to find the Philosopher’s stone, what he had hidden in his workshop before his escape.energy, game, mission, minute, air0
femker-97.hu…finished components. We place heavy emphasis on the expectations and requirements of our clients, and as such, the most important aspect of our company is complying with high quality work and punctual deadlines. The last 30 years have proven to us that reaching exceptional results and trust in…workplace environment, environment westerncomponent, machine, milling, job, page0
marvanyhegy.huEnglish…márványhegy environment, environment protectionco., engineering, protection, introduction, construction0
panfa.huArchitecture Innovation Camp… Angel Design Kanizsa Ltd.… Lumbertech… Keletfa Wooden and Funeral…news, cluster, wood, innovation, activity0
egyetemipatika.huPrimavet University Animal Pharmacy - formerly known as Zsóka-Pharma Animal Pharmacy - underwent a major renovation in 2019. This is how became this Pharmacy one of the most exclusive and modern animal pharmacy in Budapest. We are waiting for all our dear Customers with professional help and…veterinary, equipment, medicine, food, view0
volgygarden.huA modern, sustainable lifestyle in a contemporary and comfortable home in one of the capital's most popular green areas. Choose from our selection of apartments with garden connection in the 2nd district that meet your expectations in terms of innovative technologies and the feeling of a family…garden, apartment, district, area, property0
debrecenihoszolgaltato.huHome… E-bill information… Service fees for district heating supply… Bill information… Information on…convenience environmentform, heating, fee, district, supply0
szeged-english.huThe Department of English Studies will host a public lecture by Holly Case , Associate Professor of History at Brown University (USA) entitled “Giving Meaning to Madness: Hermeneutic Experiments during the Second World War.” 4 pm, Thursday, December 5th, in the Faculty Conference Room (Kari…safe environmentuniversity, february, study, student, department0
skc.hu…capability in our own projects, which result in our own manufacturing and construction capacity in the field of food and construction, but we have also helped many of our clients achieve their business goals within the framework of our advisory, project management and application writing services.energy environmentconstruction, office, food, management, application0
ferienhaus-luxus.huIn the garden there is a 6x4m pool for the guests. Next to the pool, there are garden furniture, deck chairs for the perfect relaxation.peaceful environment, environment siófok, environment siofokpool, house, room, perfect, guest0
maxwell-digital.huSmart multimeter with temperature, frequency measuring function. The device communicates with your smartphone using the free mobile application.environment meterdigital, diode, continuity, data, light0
pls.huOur product range includes digital dimmers, power distributors, rack units, DMX network equipment and other special products.harsh environmentpls, digital, power, network, unit0
academica.huCopyright © 2024 Academica - Minden jog fenntartva. Designed by Devprigame, student, bit, advanced, piece0
kozmetikazalaegerszeg.huAre you looking for a cosmetician? You can find my cosmetics salon in the centre of Zalaegerszeg, called "Gabi Kozmetikája" Established 2003salon, homepage, treatment, centre, facial0
marketfox.huFiókom… Kosár… Pénztár… Üzlet… Egyéb… 2023. november…divi, gift, offer, kitchen, everyday0
humantelex.huIf you've been organizing birthday parties since kindergarten and you're always the one who comes up with the most creative theme nights, then join the Human Telex creative team as event creative!welcome environment, environment dogevent, creative, human, client, campaign0
newbudabeauty.huIn 1972, GUINOT first offered Hydradermie, the first exclusive beauty treatment method for the skin. For the first time, an ionisation process had improved the penetration of skincare products, providing exceptional results and satisfying clients’ beauty objectives. In 2016, GUINOT launched…pleasant environment, environment favoritetreatment, skin, body, massage, machine0
pauker.huIn the past 13 years, the fine quality of the albums representing our gallery has been the result of the outstanding printing work performed by Pauker Printing House. We feel secure, because Pauker keeps all deadlines, even if theyseem impossible.certification, award, customer, printing, több0
saga.huThe Sága brand is a 9X Hungarian Brands winner and 10x Superbrands winner. “Füstli” brand received the Hungarian Brands award in 2017, in 2018 in 2019, in 2020 and in 2021, in Excellent Consumer Brand category.environment protectionbrand, news, retailer, quality, proud0
monersaber.huThe company has a wine cellar of Hungary’s famous wine regions offer a wide range of excellent wines.sophisticated environment, environment guestfeather, wine, premium, cellar, restaurant0
istvs2017.huInternational conferences of ISTVS are organized every third year and each event hosts participants from all of the world. Between the international events, the Society holds regional conferences every year. In 2017 the conference will be joint, international and regional as well.conference, september, international, vehicle, committee0
eastendgun.huYour content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.draft, gun, east, divi, offer0
tetohutes.huAlthough the technology uses industrial water, the total water footprint of the technology is still 25-90% lower than the energy required for the cooling power generated by Roof Cooling (depending on the type of power plant).labour environment, environment protectiontechnology, roof, protection, energy, summer0
digitalisgondoskodas.huThis study aims to analyze the correlation clinical features taken from the history, physical examination, investigation of blood laboratory. Read doctor-produced health and medical information written for you to make informed decisions about your health concerns. he informed investigation of…health, decision, inform, concern, medical0
fmlogistic.huWelcome to FM Logistic Hungary Website, designed for Logistics solutions and services in the Worldretail environment, environment retaillogistic, supply, solution, change, chain0
amsmart.huOur team can build complex telemedicine, smart city and smart security softwares on crossplatform solutions. You need custom hardware? We can make it!technology, software, solution, need, protect0
trutax.huTruTax is an independent boutique tax advisory firm established with the objective of providing personalized, pragmatic and high-quality tax advisory services for private business owners and businesses of all sizes.advisory, tax, documentation, pricing, transfer0
nybkdesign.huPressville is a high quality WordPress theme specifically crafted for small to medium municipalities. It is packed with lots of advanced features such as events, directory listings, galleries, documents and people directory.page, feature, community, public, event0
adesso.co.huAs an independent IT service provider adesso ensures the success of your projects, the future security of your applications by consulting and software development.work environmentprovider, training, software, job, industry0
eusecacivil.huA központi képzések, az ESA hivatalos oldalán elérhető kurzusok összessége. Tematika, csoportok szerint rendezve, nincs olyan katonai, civil, medic, vagy akár cover security képzés, amelyet ne találnánk meg itt.hostile environment, environment emergencytactical, instructor, development, security, care0
dockbau.huMár készülőben van a ház, de a kivitelezővel gonjaink vannak. Át tudják venni a folyamatokat?environment variablearray, controller, action, request, component0
bukkoshotel.huSauna and soothing massage: you will enjoy it twice as much with the most important person in your life! Our adult-friendly hotel provides undisturbed, intimate relaxation.quiet environment, environment comfortrelaxation, offer, room, guest, adult0
beachblu.huUt elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Donec Sodales Sagittis Magna. Sed Consequat, Leo Eget Bibendum Sodales, Augue Velit Cursus Nunc, Quis Gravida Magna Mi A Libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.description, short, amenities, space, place0
erdovarazspanzio.huThe comfort double rooms are located on the first floor. These rooms are equipped with double bed or with two single beds. The rooms have a bathroom equipped with shower or bathtub. In the rooms television, kettle, small fridge, safe and wifi ensure the comfort of our guests.room, forest, cave, beautiful, apartment0
ditlin.huThe dreamers of the rooms and apartments are a couple of sisters, Judit and Katalin, the name of the accommodation was born from the last syllables of their names: Ditlin.wooded environment, environment ditlinroom, apartment, breakfast, review, attraction0
kektoimenes.huThe main goal of the event was to draw attention to the values of the traditional Hungarian breeds. Another target of the initiative was to have the breeding soundness exam for Hungarian bred horses on a permanently high level, organised around a central event. More than 200 Hungarian horses…natural environmenthorse, breed, stud, news, day0
fleetconcept.hu…highly value the fact that our customers can take advantage of FleetConcept’s comprehensive leasing services with a minimum of time and effort. When it comes to fleet management, our financing arrangements take into account at all times the specific needs and operating conditions of any enterprise.fleet, financing, management, rate, corporate0
lqd.huAccording to the XLIX. Act of liquidation and bankruptcy proceeding of 1991 § 63/B. (1) if any creditors has any information about the property or other wealth of the indebted companies listed at the liquidation proceedings (including the claims and property rights) please inform the appointed…declaration environment, environment protectionproceedings, wealth, liquidation, settlement, bankruptcy0
mahayanaegyhaz.huThubten Dhongag Rinpoche was a master, of the Nyingthig Lineage, whose lineage blessings, instructions and accomplishments descended from the great Dzogchen master Paltul Rinpoche of the nineteenth century. His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche, His Holiness Yangthang Rinpoche, and His Holiness Tsetrul…environment protectionbuddhist, activity, human, teaching, great0
ant.huAdvanced Network Technologies Limited was established as a Swedish-Hungarian joint venture in 1990. Over the years the Hungarian management bought out the foreign owners. By now the company is wholly owned by Hungarian private persons.test environmentsoftware, detail, event, security, management0
dunateraszgrande.huDuna Terasz Grande that is one of the most original and grandiose housing projects in Budapest is built in a popular and exclusive residential quarter located on the riverside of the Danube in District 13.environment transportresidential, area, gallery, danube, minute0
taktimed.huThe high-quality, comfortable protective clothings and equipments of Medical Index provides the most effective protection for staff and patients against X-rays.equipment, hospital, quote, care, medical0
isourcing.huAbout Us… Finding and identifying sources of supply… Tender processes and tendering… Supplier…market environment, environment analysisanalysis, source, international, market, process0
kaczursandor.hu2000-2017: Dennis Gabor College, college senior lecturer 2007-2017 (teaching of programming) , Vice Director of the Institute of Information Technology 2010-2017, teaching advanced Java technologies in English in Computer Engineering programme 2014-2016 (Application Development Technology, Mobile…social environment, environment methodologicalwebpage, university, mobility, staff, training0
plum.huDating back to 1860, Plum A/S is a Danish company and member of the Swedish CCS AB Group. For more than 50 years, we have been providing efficient and user-friendly hand hygiene solutions to corporate clients – and over 20 years with first-aid solutions that make your workplace safer. Today, we…wipe, cleanse, hand, cleanser, safe0
gozsdumission.huBest escape rooms in the heart of Budapest. It is a challenging adventure, and a huge fun!autentic environment, environment challengeroom, book, escape, mission, booking0
crownkindergarten.huCome and have a look around! Bring your parents along and find out together how we can contribute to your future success.crown, kindergarten, group, vele, programme0
villabotaniq.huThe 4 apartments on 2 levels of the house surrounded by the magical garden combine all the features of an elegant high-class life with the smallest expectations of modern comfort.apartment, emerald, person, exclusive, dining0
inforness.hu…developments, scientific research, university education and corporate management. Our company has been an industrial partner of the Faculty of Informatics of Eötvös Loránd University for almost 5 years. Thanks to which, in addition to traditional IT projects, it has a prominent role in practical…training, university, development, algorithm, hana0
lidar-wmt.hu…can select among available services and pick the relevant categories. Beside the airborne survey, the service contract by default includes the preliminary field survey of the selected area, and the 3D visualized mapping of surface phenomena acquired from the LIDAR data, including the relevant…survey, solution, process, landscape, preliminary0
schoondermark.huInteger vehicula tristique effici Phase suscipit porttitor fringilla. Vivamus eplacerat. Quisque sem exdictum lectus ssodales pharetra felis. Pellentesque quis est fermentum.environment technology, safe environmentinnovation, page, dentistry, sample, eros0
zalavaridesign.hupaintings… studies… exhibitions… products… environment… corporate… design ecology… form studies…study, sculpture, painting, exhibition, corporate0
vandortura.huAre you looking for something exciting to do with your friends? We guarantee fascinating programs at breath-taking places which you will never forget. Feel free to join one of our fixed time tours or choose the time for yourself and we will organize canoeing, cycling or hiking tours for you.tour, canoeing, cycling, hiking, gallery0
yardmanagement.huProven tools based on genetic algorithms provide the right technology for the L-mobile Yard Management software to support the planning by displaying and optimizing your logistics processes on the yard.site environment, environment differentyard, management, solution, mobile, plan0
barberbudapest.huPrecise hair and beard cutting, hot towel shaving,head massage, quality material usage. Our barbers have outstanding knowledge and many years of professional experience.haircut, beard, appointment, cut, price0
marinabay.huThe Phusion Passenger application server tried to start the web application. But the application itself (and not Passenger) encountered an internal error.environment variableapplication, passenger, error, support, problem0
internetworking.hu…what DevOps and NetDevOps means for network designers. Designers developing solutions, and driving discussions with customers They not writing code normally, and not interacting with APIs. However network services will be more and more software driven, and this also changes how we design networks.environment variable, specific environmentgabor, network, automation, code, journey0
mabisz.huIn addition, our Association considers among its tasks the coordination and management of activities within our members’ common interest such as prevention of damage, education, protection against insurance fraud.home environment, environment valuableinsurance, homepage, risk, news, fee0
hardening.huThe goal of hardening is to find the potential risk areas in order to maximize system security – with joint effort and according to your needs. Thereby we send a message to cybercriminals: "We work hard on protecting the system." It is important: we don’t aim to criticize the existing system…harden, security, vulnerability, reference, penetration0
technofill.huTechnofill Kft. has been producing and distributing Liquwell, a lignosulfonate-based surface finishing material developed for finishing corrugated cardboard products, since 1992. Liquwell has been used with excellent results in paper production both in Hungary and abroad. Liquwell, manufactured by…german, de, reference, previous, paper0
steiguszcleaning.hu“We’ve been working with Starian Consulting since the founding of our company. Their services have been instrumental in helping us get started and reach the point we are at today. From helping us strategize and prepare our business plan, to managing successful sales & marketing campaigns, we could…clean, research, sale, strategy, analysis0
eltex.huhandling of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, transportation, waste sorting and finding markets for recycled materials.waste, value, hazardous, management, electronic0
castrumhotel.huThe Castrum Hotel**** Székesfehérvár is located on the edge of the historic city centre, 300 metres from the baroque main street, where the main sights of the city are within walking distance.event, room, booking, gallery, price0
edwards-vakuumszivattyu.huWe’re AXIS, distributers for Edwards vacuum pumps and abatement technology based in Budapest, Hungary. The engineering company was founded by George Fábry, PhD in 1991. Along with his son Greg, they have authored numerous scientific and industrial publications about vacuum- and abatement technology.year environment, environment innovationpump, dry, axis, industrial, technology0
angoltanarlilla.hu2006 - General Astrology2004 - 2008 Etherikos Professional Certification Training Programme – psychologynature environment, environment psychologycourse, language, translation, teach, general0
playgroundstudios.huThe products I have produced with their help have been accounted outstanding, both in terms of music and graphics. I recommend Voicer unreservedly and unqualifiedly.playground, studio, engineer, session, record0
hullampack.huHullám-Pack Ltd is a company producing corrugated products. The stabile custom of the company represents the whole scale of end users of packaging materials. Our company is a well-known packaging company with good references in professional circles, and supplies also a wide range of services, not…firm, corrugated, production, office, head0
drtatar.huWe can manage legal representation also, when in procedures before Hungarian courts it will be necessary to initiate the preliminary ruling of the Court of the European Communities (Luxembourg) to interpret the law of the European Union. We also manage to write applications to the European Court…law, court, language, legal, establishment0
gvi.huImage Career tracking of secondary vocational school graduates Image Career tracking of secondary vocational school graduatesinstitutional environmenteconomic, research, monthly, enterprise, institute0
ipariparkinfogroup.huInfogroup, industrial park, bts, bts hall, bts warehouse, warehouse for rent, warehouse for lease, industrial plot, industrial plots for sale, industrial estate, logistical plot, logistical hallhall, industrial, plot, logistic0
build-log.huThe Build-Log Solution Kft. performs complex logistics solutions, contributing with innovative solutions to the business success of our partners, thus ensuring the long-term development of itself and our clients.log, build, solution, homepage, career0
verbatim.huExperience lightning-fast speed and uncompromising reliability with the Verbatim Vi3000 M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD. Engineered with cutting-edge technology, the Vi3000 delivers outstanding performance with read speeds of up to 3,100 MB/s and write speeds of up to 2,200 MB/s, making it up to six times…christmas, data, support, storage, europe0
nyiresvt.huLorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever…lorem, ipsum, text, page, dummy0
devyou.huWe aim to teach youth about skills related to this field, through workshops and Erasmus+ projects.people, youth, initiative, soon, partnership0
lims.huWe are launching a system for our contracted customers that meets the new requirements. - Information and support WEB page through the customer portal - Training materials with new technology - LIMS legal system changes - Risk mitigation of data channels - Customer gateway custom solutions -…laboratory environment, environment newcustomer, development, solution, laboratory, news0
panarella.huWe have created Panarella Energetika Kft for the sake of your best and most favourable tariff and service. We provide our clients the most favourable electricity supply in the given segment with our complete and top quality services.legal environmentlanguage, news, privacy, legal, global0
grande-maison.hu…Basilica, Café Gerbeaud, Heroes Square and of course the world-famous thermal bathes: Gellért, Széchenyi, Rudas, Lukács and all the magnificent museums, charming little art-galleries, and antiquity-shops with their treasures to be discovered. After an eventful day full of experiences, you can…calm environmentapartment, away, garden, terrace, mediterranean0
balanceuniversal.hu…preparation of accounting reports, tax return and other official declarations, social security administration, payroll administration, labour administration. We prepare accounting and other policies, declaration of corporate and personal income tax return including internet based declarations.accounting, office, universal, bookkeeping, payroll0
acelkft.huFirst of all street furniture, benches, trash cans, fountains, lampposts, benches, outdoor fitness and sports equipment and outdoor furniture and other coin-operated locker locks production and distribution of dealing. Choose one of the above categories!bench, outdoor, furniture, lighting, lock0
greenhills.huGreenhills residential park project involves 5 new build apartment-houses, with 31 individual homes available on nearly 1500 square meters, developed by Z&Z Investment Group Ltd.build, apartment, gallery, sale, residential0
ldani.huI am a web developer with more than 7 years of experience. During this time I've participated in the UX design and development of more than 500 mostly WordPress based websites (and in some cases web applications) ranging from very simple product landing sites to complex event booking systems.development environment, environment teamdevelopment, client, developer, place, website0
balancebuilding.huAccording to the office development and rental market, Balance Building offers its customers an exclusive welfare service package.green environment, human environment, environment servicebuild, floor, sqm, building, office0
butikhotelvisegrad.hu…buffet breakfast with a variety of hotel-quality hot and cold food and beverages. For events and conferences, we offer two lunch options: menu-style lunch in the restaurant of Butikhotel or buffet-style lunch in one of our partner hotels. For dinner we recommend the restaurants of our company…room, bed, event, conference, free0
pafrany9.huExperience the epitome of luxurious living at our exclusive apartment house situated in the heart of Pasarét, where unparalleled opulence and serene tranquility come together in perfect harmony.great environmentapartment, gallery, luxurious, live, close0
tengerpartiingatlan.huI ❤️ Tenerife A beautiful duplex apartment with a panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean❤️ in the popular Adeje, on the largest island of the Canary Islands, Tenerife SOLD! ❤️🦜🌴 It is located in Adeje, in a sophisticated complex, in one of the most popular tourist centers of the island, 200 meters…sale, property, island, de, apartment0
luxuryproperty.huYour Real Estate Partner in Hungary with more than 20 years experience in Real estate related finance, evaluation, salesproperty, luxury, sale, real, estate0
ceesen.huIs your municipality ready to take part in the global fight against the climate crisis and rising energy prices?event, municipality, sustainable, conference, energy0
biketiszadob.huOur bikes are mostly mountain bikes with front suspension and tyres suitable for all terrain. Each bike hire comes with the following so you can make the most of your time safely, safety helmet, reflective jacket, printed & online maps, pump & puncture repair kit, bike lock, lights & reflectors.bike, hour, area, availability, aliquam0
sustainovation.huWe are the top author of Themeforest, Power Elite Author. There are not much authors who hit power eilite level and with 5 years of expereinces. We know what exactly you want. We promise to deliver the best products with great after sales support and we won’t let you down.innovation, power, author, sustainability, energy0
balogmetal.huBalog-Metál Kft. was established in 2003 as a 100% privately owned family business, with the owners now having more than 50 years of experience in the industry.quality environmentquality, support, machine, certificate, environmental0
hungarytoday.hu30 years ago, the Hungarian minority in Slovakia formulated the principles of self-determination and expressed their demand for self-government.european, minister, flight, latest, government0
icteuropa.huICT Europa Finance Inc. is not just an enterprise, it is a Hungarian-owned administration service group where we have set up an excellent quality service portfolio in related fields: tax consulting, accounting, auditing, legal services and IT system operation. Our human resources, our expert…accounting, ict, tax, auditing, finance0
dssystem.huIn case of moving your offices, we solve the professional inventory, transfer and reinstallation of your furniture.furniture, office, chair, lobby, restaurant0
frequest.huquantitative research projects and the visualisation of your data by state-of-the-art software solutions offering ease of use and most up-to-date results. Backed up by experiences of over 10,000 surveys of more than 100 clients , we can say confidently that freQuest is the best choice for you in…business environmentresearch, market, data, solution, software0
dorlin.huDorlin - Cleaning plants and offices, industrial automotive lubricants, industrial gases, complex solutions, tools, labor protection.modern environment, environment friendlyprotection, industrial, lubricant, plant, complex0
bee-at-work.huWe have had our office in Anker köz for more than 1,5 years, and we love to be here. We looked at several serviced offices, and it was the atmosphere of this office building that caught my eye at the beginning. Since then the flexibility and kindness of the staff only confirmed that we made the…youthful environmentoffice, rental, meet, room, register0
gyuloletellen.hu…with a bias motive. According to the OSCE, hate crimes are criminal offences, including offences against persons or property, where the victim, premises, or target of the offence are selected because of their real or perceived connection, attachment, affiliation, support, or membership with a groupsocial environment, environment hatecrime, group, offence, victim, criminal0
siz.huMy idea was that as the SD2IEC firmware already supports different hardware variants and bus implementations (Commodore serial, DophinDOS parallel, IEEE-488) we could easily add support for TCBM too and use all the other (like SD-card handling, filesystem, disk image and file handling, firmware…development environment, environment windowsdate, release, description, development, attachment0
btas.hu…szabva… Tudjon meg még többet.… History… Session… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment… Includeenvironment variableaction, controller, array, maybe, component0
tndtech.hu…and desktop publishing. We started working on these areas more than 20 years ago: with a localization and technology support team, we got involved at the very beginning of the formation of this industry, and since then we keep on collecting and applying our experience of development and testing.language environment, publish environmentdevelopment, application, software, desktop, publish0
hamiltonlab.huNetwork of accredited testing laboratories J.S. Hamilton offer a wide spectrum of microbiological and chemical analyses for manufacturers of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food contact materials and many other industries. J.S. Hamilton provides also independent inspection services in…branch, inspection, food, control, offer0
yanac.huWe, the funders of YANAC felt that within our country there is no aggregator service available what focuses only IT, IT Security and Technology. Day by day we are struggling to find the timely, reliable source of information what we can use for our daily work. This idea brought YANAC live. Hope…network environment, environment snapjanuary, security, news, editor, vulnerability0
artofprojects.huPMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter reserves the right to make changes to the AOP 2023 Conference program. If necessary, changes may be made to its content, method and organization before or during the event, insofar as these changes do not substantially diminish the described benefits of the event…conference, art, participant, class, speaker0
corexpro.huWe are reliable partners throughout the entire process of project management, including project planning, selecting the appropriate form of tender, project implementation and financing as well as post-project works. Our extensive professional experience guarantees that each project is implemented…plan, financing, implementation, tender, documentation0
open-air.huI was impresed by the facdori services, lorem ipsum is simply free text used by copytyping refreshing. Neque porro est qui dolorem ipsum quia.energy environmentelement, ipsum, air, open, portfolio0
elox.huOur company has grown for decades to become one of the best in aluminum surface treatment. We are waiting for the parts to be anodized at Vecses.surface, aluminum, treatment, decade, protection0
ibsa.huIBSA (Institut Biochimique SA) is a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company, founded in 1945 in Lugano. Today, our products are present in over 90 Countries on 5 continents, with 18 subsidiaries in Europe, China and the United States.description, human, sustainability, country, subsidiary0
studioat.hupublic… interior… object… workshops… about… services… contact… at…well environmentstudio, creative, public, interior, object0
casualstyle.huThe company Casual Style Kft is your partner in Hungary. We provide logistics services, assist you to transact deals with Hungarian companies. We provide accounting and legal services in Hungary.competitive environment, environment steadilyaccounting, logistic, financial, matter, assistance0
ganteline.huSince 2011, Ganteline is the member of the Worldwide Euro Protection (WEP) being a decisive participant of the global labor safety business.cold environment, warm environmentprotection, protective, clothing, glove, welding0
danielscare.huOther textiles by appointment! The fees do not include the cost of disembarkation! Prices depend on size and amount of dirt! I do my best for nice, clean, spot-free surfaces, but in case of heavy dirt I can't do a "miracle" either! I reserve the right to change prices! Prices are for complete…hygienic environment, environment shortclean, care, sofa, faq, upholstery0
lellepatrician.hu…patisseries await visitors, serving unforgettable gastronomical memories with a lovely view. A refreshing morning swim, or a tasty lunch in the enchanting harbour could very well be a part of your everyday routine at Lelle Partician. Enjoy the quiet, the nature, the company, and rediscover all of…green environment, environment balatonlellegallery, green, luxury, location, street0
justisec.huEver since our partnership, the inventory results have greatly improved. Due to the JUSTICE SECURITY system our guarding expenses have decreased.environment consciousnesssecurity, protection, justice, eng, management0
diveino.huAs I wrote in the Preparation for a test week on Krk island blog post, I took four DiveIno versions with me to Krk island in Croatia for somdevelopment environment, environment setuppost, island, week, version, development0
biokarma.huHere we have combined Mag® Pure™ and Mag® Soil™ technology. These technologies are constantly self-generating negative ions, long wave infrared waves, bioresonance and scalar energy that have good effects on plants.technology, limited, founder, energy, support0
metna.huFull-scale CNC machining - compliance with our customers' high quality requirements, using state-of the-art turning-lathes, CNC lathe and machining centres, as well as our own know-how.training, lathe, quality, machining, tool0
fecc.huThe Hospital of future today. We are the best Medical in the family & Health More Service The Hospital of future today. We are the best Medical in the family & Health More Service Request Appoinment Booking Now Find The Best Doctors Booking Now Medical And General Practice Care! Providing Medical…healthy environmentmedical, surgery, doctor, ipsum, video0
tapsz.huTAPSZ is the epitome of convenient, fast, quantitative and cost-effective washing and drying.laundry, house, open, price, practice0
termeszetforrasa.hu…Könyvek… Média szereplések… Rólam… Kapcsolat… Adatkezelési tájékoztató… Cookie tájékoztató… Impresszumhome environmentgarden, plant, trouble, morning, dream0
korte.huTightening environmental regulations, internal energy efficiency targets, inefficient operating conditions, obsolete and unreliable industrial wastewater treatment processes are just a few reasons you may plan to intensify, retrofit or modernise your old wastewater treatment plant.wastewater, treatment, technology, chemical, water0
airvent.huAirvent's MultiPlex central air handling units were selected to provide fresh, clean and temperature controlled air to the newly built Galeria Wiślanka shopping center, located in Żory, Poland. Learn more →hygienic environmentair, unit, overview, handle, automation0
katipvendeghaz.huThe Balaton waterfront and the sandy beach are only 150 meters away from the Kati P Guesthouse. In our garden, you can enjoy your long-awaited holiday by our lovely garden pond rippling away.friendly environment, environment péterroom, studio, garden, floor, balcony0
fenixintrio.huCreating comfortable, enduring, and functional spaces for businesses is our focus. We provide stress-free solutions for furnishing, lighting, acoustics, and electronics. Let us help you achieve your unique vision.functional environmentsolution, unique, vision, lighting, stress0
human-service.hu…social responsibility, mental health training, business training, therapist, guidance counseling, teenage counseling, behavioral problems, origanizational development, OD, work organization, mobbing, demographical management, anxiety, school counseling, college mental health counseling services,counseling, human, mental, training, health0
birdbudapest.huBird event boat redefines the concept of Budapest event venues. With its cultural offer and high quality programs Bird is not only one of the event venues anchored on the Danube, but it is also a cultural center. We implement our projects in collaboration with galleries, contemporary festivals and…unique environment, environment downtownevent, boat, wedding, place, people0
win-pres.huWIN-PRES Kft. is a privately owned company with 60 employees. Typically, we manufacture a wide range of stamped and assembled components for the automotive industry.quality environmentwin, technology, quality, stamping, certificate0
it-europe.huWe undertake the acquisition and rental of products that are no longer supported by the manufacturers (EOL), which are ideal for satisfying support contracts and meeting customer demand.support, option, warranty, price, equipment0
biorganik.huSubscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about our new products, "stock sale" and other promotions!environment protectionalternative, sale, basis, food, ready0
kristoftamas.huExperienced Product owner with extensive experience in automotive software engineering, looking to level up his career through a management position. Able to effectively build and lead high performing development teams focusing on technical and personal excellence. An enthusiastic team player with…automation environment, environment developmentdevelopment, software, skill, engineering, learn0
cserszeg8.huThe place has an exceptional microclimate, where you can find the desired tranquility in the SILENCE of nature and the pulsating feeling of LIFE at your fingertips. Create a home on the site of the touching and mystical historical ages and the birthplace of the unique Cserszegi f┼▒szeres (wine).house, lake, newly, near, live0
ferrokov.huFerrokov Steel and Metal Industry Ltd. is a medium-sized company established in 1991. The head-office and production site of the company is in Segesd in Somogy County.production, hot, steel, machine, introduction0
coordination.hu“With our daily clinical routine, it would be impracticable for us to conduct clinical trials without the help of coordinators. Based on my many years of experience, I can confirm that involving coordination into the clinical trials was a right choice. CRC works with well-trained colleagues and we…department, clinical, university, hospital, coordination0
adlerpansio.huAdler Pension… Menu… Home… Pension… Restaurant… Grill terrace… Reservation… Contact… English… Menu…pleasant environment, environment deliciouspension, restaurant, terrace, reservation, imprint0
parittyahaz.huThe Parittyaház "Sling House" in english, is a real, authentic porterhouse in the village Alsómégy. It is the most beautiful face of the Southern Great Plain, the pearl of Bács-Kiskun county, the hidden spot of Kalocsai Sárköz, which is worth discovering.natural environmentbooking, house, village, guest, gallery0
jagellobusinesshotel.huattention. At the spacious and cozy garden, which almost gives you the feeling of being in the countryside, guests can chill out after an intense Budapest day. The hotel is perfectly located at the Western gateway to the city center. By public bus or taxi you can reach the city center easily within…center, congress, bus, room, close0
betatrans.hu…great advantage is speed, precision and flexibility, constant tracking of merchandise and continuous information to customers. Expanding its own truck fleet with brand new trucks is unprecedented in the field of domestic container carrying trucks, which gives even more confidence to the customers.”responsible environmentcustom, quality, website, customer, track0
park22.hu…located in Budapest’s South Buda District 22. White Star Real Estate’s and Europa Capital’s joint venture development will be completed in several phases comprising six buildings offering a total rentable area of 60,800 sq m including 45,600 sq m of warehouse space and 15,200 sq m of office space.estate, management, real, building, office0
ballaispa.huBallaiSpa’s highly trained specialists make up-to-date cosmetics and modern electro-cosmetic treatments to rejuvenate your face and body to make the best of your skin.treatment, facial, detail, face, skin0
nbsolution.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eu porta magna. Phasellus facilisis nibh sit amet ipsum viverra gravida.energy environmentsit, consectetur, amet, ipsum, elit0
sopronbalfpanzio.huAll our rooms have a private bathroom, toilet, TV and refrigerator. Extra beds are available in our rooms at an additional cost.room, person, price, accommodation, booking0
karimagyartas.hu…encouraged us to focus on individual sizes and special material qualities in addition to standard-sized flanges. Over the years, it has also been proven that, in addition to accurate, high-quality work, the market share can be increased if we offer our partners a shorter than usual delivery time.flange, gallery, cut, pipe, manufacture0
magyarregio.huStruggling to sell one multi-million dollar home currently on the market won’t stop actress and singer Jennifer Lopez from expanding her property collection. Lopez hasfavorite, lifestyle, market, million, currently0
kissasian.huAsian Drama, Watch drama asian Online for free releases in Korean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong,Thailand and Chinese with English subtitles, Download drama with english subbeddrama, asian, free, reality, kong0
zsonglor.hu…all initiatives about juggling as a circus art, sport or hobby/ free time activity. In its projects, the members of the association use the creativity, joyfullness, and challenge of juggling combined with a strong educational approach, in this way completing cultural, educative and civil missions.circus, association, international, juggle, activity0
cbctbudapest.hu…toxins. Another large group is the foci of padontal origin. Examples include chronic gingivitis or focal infections developing from chronic gum disease. The third type is the purulent abscess developing around an impacted tooth, typically around the wisdom tooth. A very similar disease is an…exclusive environment, environment heartdental, focus, tooth, scan, organ0
apstudio.huSample text. Click to select the text box. Click again or double click to start editing the text. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.studio, strategy, text, sample, double0
bayzoltan.huBay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. – as the coordinator of the Hungarian EURAXESS network – provides free of charge assistance for the outgoing and incoming researchers.work environment, environment virtualizationmaterial, development, laboratory, bay, technology0
dizajnorak.huAMŐBA… 'DARABOK'… 'ERDŐ'… Facebook… History… Session… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment…environment variablearray, controller, action, component, request0
szolnokim.huSession… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment…environment variablearray, request, object, log, true0
bkb-solutions.huEstablished in 2012, BKB Solutions Kft. provides SAP-related consulting services to its clients in Hungary and the DACH region, primarily in the areas of SAP logistics, project management, and project administration.solution, management, development, knowledge, performance0
darkit.huFrom the ashes of DevOps: the rise of developer platforms. DARkit helps you to manage your cloud servicesenvironment monitoringinfrastructure, cloud, consulting, portfolio, management0
innopan.huproducing two standard sizes and facings, however the production of custom sizes is also possible. We set our goal to make an innovative and high-quality insulation material available to everyone. PIR panel thermal insulation boards offer a solution to the increasingly stricter energy consumption…sustainable environment, environment environmentalinsulation, download, thermal, ventilation, pipe0
2xs.huOur propuse to offer the most appropriate solution as from the simplest control unit to the complex automation’s unit.technology environment, environment conservationpage, conductivity, gallery, potential, pressure0
balatonregion.huAbout Us… LAKE BALATON DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL… COUNCIL MEETINGS… LAKE BALATON DEVELOPMENT COORDINATION…development, lake, region, international, proposal0
sens.huAt SENS Software LLC we are developing Python based measurement automation solutions for neurobiology research. Do you want to contribute to pioneering science and clinical research? Do you have the engineer’s mindset and interested in how software can drive real-world devices? This opportunity is…software, sen, neuroscience, engineering, experiment0
szapporta.huWe have unique experience in SAP mobile application: Teklogix, TEKConsole, SAP Console, SAP WEB Console, SAP ITS Mobile.solution, application, fast, implementation, mobile0
dunakanyarvarlak.huNisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus.amet, sit, room, lorem, dolor0
adamerdelyi.huI am currently employed in the field of video analytics by Genetec Austria GmbH as Delivery Lead, also serving as security champion in our product group. I completed a PhD program at NES - AAU focusing on objective evaluation and protection of privacy in visual data.privacy, network, video, university, sensor0
kiskutpanzio.huOur guest house is located in the suburb of Győr, in a quiet and peaceful area, only 2 km from the city center. Relax at the rink, the zoo, the Audi Arena, and the ETO Stadium! Visit the beautiful Baroque downtown, splash in the well-known Győr healing water for decades In Rába Quelle, take a bike…familiar environmentroom, look, apartment, town, bed0
indalp.huThe Construction Manager is not required to provide an estimate or contract cost breakdown and does not typically participate in pre-construction.work environment, environment centralconstruction, award, safety, ethics, day0
flowhotel.huOur brand new hotel portrays a distinct style and vibe which resemble the characteristics of other units from our company, however, the usage of modern design elements make the unit unique.unique environment, environment businessevent, room, restaurant, conference, corporate0
makramate.huStone Rage is a prehistoric, open-world multiplayer survival game. Players begin the game with close to nothing and their goal is to gather materials that they can use to craft weapons, buildings and food all while surviving against other players and prehistoric wildlife.technology, game, engine, portfolio, development0
mobiltarca.huSustainability… Career… Data protection… General terms and conditions… Wholesale… Investor News…society environmentinvestor, wholesale, detail, career, sustainability0
bedandbreakfast.huAt Anabelle Bed and Breakfast, the location, very close to Parliament, and the Danube, was excellent. The room was very comfy, not cramped and the air conditioner was quiet and efficient. The breakfast choices were fine and fresh, not a cooked brekky.breakfast, bed, room, location, attraction0
aztmedia.hu© 2022 aztmedia All Rights Reserved.merry, round, eng, twice, boy0
memis.huHome… Services… ESD control… Contact… Knowledge…secure environment, environment esdcontrol, area, knowledge, base, solution0
truefitness.hu…Tudjon meg még többet.… History… Session… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment… Includeenvironment variablearray, controller, action, true, request0
barbizon.huThe hotel shall only be liable for damages to other items brought in by the guest if the damage occurred in a place usually used by the guest or open to the guest, for example: the hotel room, corridor, lobby, garden, car park. The hotel is obliged to pay for such damage up to fifty times the…harmful environment, environment healthguest, reception, room, damage, case0
aquariusspa.huNyíregyháza has a centuries-old bathing culture and 5 spas, which offer half a million guests a year experiences and help to maintain their health. If you are a fan of indoor baths or even of natural bathing places, you will surely find the bath of your heart in Nyíregyháza!bath, price, promotion, massage, gallery0
aircraftnoise.huWith the increasing number of electrically driven air vehicles, new noise issues are emerging. The Aeroacoustics Specialists Committee of CEAS has decided to address this issue and organise its next workshop on the aeroacoustics of electrically driven air vehicles.air, vehicle, committee, noise, aircraft0
bfp.huThere is a bathroom in each room. There is no kitchen in the Kék Balaton, Koloska, Vitorlás and Sirály rooms, but we provide a mini fridge, kettle and coffee machine in each room.calm environmentview, room, detail, booking, outdoor0
leopoly.huSolutions LeoShape – 3D design solutions LeoTrainer – XR training solutions Shapelab – VR design software zSpace solutions Industries Healthcare Automotive & Aerospace Education & Training Art & Design Defense Technology LeoEngine – for 3D Design LeoXR – Framework About About us Contact Team…training, solution, software, healthcare, automotive0
spxb.hu…Details… Update… Shutdown… Application Update History… Platform Update History… Accounts… Directories…introduction, history, download, change, log0
origodigitalfilm.huthe best premier independent film studios in the United States. Through this strategic decision, the Origo Film Group was born. Today, the Group is comprised of five integral components that come together in a state-of-the-art, full-service film complex unlike any other studio—in Europe or otherwisedigital, post, production, complex, daily0
bastionresidence.hu…quality were the main considerations while in designing the residences and detached homes. We would like the tenants of the Bastion Residence to feel at home here, the residences offered for rent are fully furnished. If you would like to rent a residence unfurnished, please request a custom offer.bastion, minute, historic, homepage, luxury0
markodental.hu…dentists have international experience and are well known for professionalism and high standard of care. We work with prominent traders and suppliers of dental products and materials such as Straumann, Alpha-Bio, Dio Implants and also with the highest quality dental equipment such as Stern Weber.dental, clinic, treatment, dentistry, surgery0
plasticgate.huWaste management, separate waste collection, corrugated cardboard and foil waste recycling | Plastic Gate Ltd.gate, plastic, waste, foil, cardboard0
sovenyshop.huWe have many experience in garden services and landscape design, We offer professional services from planting, maintenance and design of your garden. We also provide regular garden maintenance, decoration and landscaping, stone hardscaping, design and planting, garden clearance, watering plants or…shop, garden, landscape, maintenance, lawn0
enchemhungary.hu…company sales has been achieved from export. To further reinforce export, the company is pursuing overseas plant expansion in Poland, China, US, etc. The company has continued its investment to make production and supply through Enchem’s electrolyte plants expanded near global major cell companies.ceo, overview, mission, core, value0
techmind.hu…respond to various challenges with our solutions. We like challenges. What we like even more is succesfully dealing with those challenges. More recently we have been looking at the development of community VR experiences, 3D navigation, environmental monitoring and real time tracking systems…interior environment, environment monitoringsolution, virtual, reality, modeling, feedback0
greencourtoffice.hu…and retail functions, set around a beautiful shared courtyard. The “A+” category office complex offers large and efficient floor plates, each with access to private terraces overlooking the spacious green yard. This nearly-zero-energy building (NZEB) will moreover be certified BREEAM Excellent.green, court, office, author, news0
ertekterkep.huReferences… Publications… Competitions… Exhibitions… Contact… Balaton… Urbanism… Buda Castle…value, map, reference, publication, competition0
expathelphungary.huExpathelphungary is helping foreigners to settle in Hungary. Assist with their daily life. Finding a new home, property management, a car and help with paperwork.foreign environment, environment challengeinternational, management, property, challenge, daily0
globeowl.huTo join the project you must be an undergraduate, postgraduate or 2019 graduate. All skills and backgrounds are welcome – you might be an English student, a geographer, an economist or a sociologist or a history student (this list could go on…) – everyone has something to contribute and we’d…learn environment, environment growthstudent, training, owl, globe, skill0
marcaliszallas.huOur air-conditioned, modern, well-furnished apartment provides a pleasant stay for 5 people all year round. Free parking, close to the Marcali Bathpleasant environment, environment marcaliapartment, private, quality, accommodation, bath0
ferienhaus-heinz.huThe house located in Siófok, Kiliti area, which is a holiday zone, from where the downtown is available within 5 minutes by car.peaceful environment, environment siófok, environment siofokhouse, pool, accessibility, gallery, price0
mozaikelmeny.huWe would like to present our first cauldron product, which we named Totem within the MOZAIK family. We are convinced that cooking will become simpler, more economical and more mobile. We recommend Totem to those who like to cook good outdoors, love delicious food, and their bellies.combustion environment, environment adequaterent, easy, cook, accessories, opportunity0
budapest-permanentmakeup.huShe is the dreamer and the owner of our Salon. Bettina is a permanent makeup lover for more than 12 years. She is an award-winning makeup artist and instructor. Convince yourself of her talent!exclusive environment, environment premiummakeup, tattoo, permanent, salon, lip0
xilaw.huXiaoyou Xi (Lucas) is a very creative and tactical lawyer. He has excellent communication skills (Chinese, English and Hungarian). His background makes him a good advisor, who understands the needs of my business.litigation, law, tax, finance, dispute0
startkontakt.huThe main activities of the company is to design, produce and mount pressure vessels, storage tanks for hazardous liquids, steel structures, industrial pipelines and systems and gas pressure regulating and measuring stations.cmi environment, environment hungarypressure, gas, production, storage, start0
kör-ház.huThe Lake Invest 2001 Kft. Several years of professional experience, many cities (Veszprém, Tatabanya, Várpalota, Sopron) offers small and medium enterprises in the surrounding office rental demand. Our company considers it important to our service recipient companies keep the highest possible…modern environment, environment condition, environment elegantoffice, gallery, build, condition, rental0
lacasaristorante.huThis is what our inner room is served with a cosy, modern atmosphere, and our external terrace, which awaits our guests with a romantic italian atmosphere.event, drink, italian, external, terrace0
kidlife.huThe complex screening is carried out by a child psychologist, an occupational therapist and a movement development specialist.specialist, child, parent, counselling, therapy0
pandv.hu…and formal preparation of interstate agreements, international documents as well as technical texts. Besides this, the company has organised conferences and provided interpreters for delegations, at negotiations and professional conferences. (P & V International Ltd is the contracted translationministry environment, environment regionalinternational, ministry, tender, translation, client0
drivingcamp.hu…training, the adaptive systems of the vehicle in use can be experienced through a series of exercises based on and running in parallel with the theoretical training. Participants will learn the basic driving techniques and solution schemes that are essential for dealing with emergency situations.training, drive, price, voucher0
zsokanerdelyi.huCostume Design… Costume Illustrations… Sewing Projects… Production Design… Creature Design… Environment…environment designcostume, illustration, sewing, production, creature0
hotelhalaszkert.hu…high chair and baby bath on request. At our Wellness area, guests can make use of the jacuzzi and swimming pool; their use is included in the room rate. We also have an infrared sauna and a standing solarium. 24 hour reception. Our guests can park their cars in a guarded, closed, free car…room, offer, guest, gallery, restaurant0
erdosmecske-vendeghaz.hu…ramshackle sheep and their lambs, our “almond-cow” und her calf as well as the rabbits can be fed by our guests and caressed. Our guests are welcome to take part in the daily tasks and helping out. Whether by feeding or watering the animals from the well as well as taking them to their…house, guest, welcome, village, kitchen0
ekho94.huThe International Conference on Many Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and Surfacesradiocarbon environment, environment conferencecongress, conference, language, preview, center0
examed.huIt is recommended to visit a gynecological clinic not only in case of a complaint, but also for the purpose of screening for all women who are 18 years of age or have a regular sexual life at least once a year. Regular gynecological screening is of paramount importance for the preservation of…detail, medical, general, center, health0
pirostanya.huOur Kisbér Half Breed horses originate from the Ördöngősi stud farm owned by Dr. Lajos Szabó. This stud farm is situated in Derekegyház and its purpose is to breed well-built, nice-looking, tame, docile horses that are capable of being used both in riding and carriage sports. In the breeding…horse, ride, breed, price, photo0
balatonivikendhaz.huWooden house for rent in Balatonaliga with a pool, in a quiet, shady street, yet close to the beach.diverse environmentbeach, holiday, house, search, date0
forgonyanna.hu…to learn from her. There is some natural positivity and strong faith in her that makes her an example for anyone to follow. I took the Basic DNA seminar quite a few years ago, and even the Advanced, but since I didn’t use the technique, I wanted to refresh my knowledge, so I took Anna’s online…calm environmentseminar, practitioner, free, instructor, day0
terkitolto.huAttention! The compressibility of the Greenfill should not be examined individually, but should be examined in a packaged configuration. If you fill the box with it, it is perfectly suited for safe shipping of almost any product.biodegradable, green, fill, packaging, environmentally0
xds.huThe XDS team has 15 years of experience, covering the full lifetime of the software development.performance environment, environment qnx, virtual environment, environment dockerprocess, development, software, engineering, automotive0
muladharayoga.huDaily Yoga practices, building core strength for your mind and body. The studio is located in the heart of Budapest and offers semi-private yoga classes for all levels of students. such as: Spine Yoga Practice, Hip-opening Yoga Practice, Balance and Stability Yoga Practice, Prenatal Yoga Practice…welcome environment, environment practiceyoga, practice, hour, class, event0
budapest-erotic-massage.huSensual massage is usually performed with some delicately scented oil. The masseuse smears the oil on the entire body of his guest so that he can easily perform various techniques on it. Lubricating the whole body can be a non-tap erotic experience if done by the masseuse properly. But it is also…calm environment, environment relaxationmassage, masseuse, important, body, effect0
turbo-hiba.hu…Meghan Markle’s Royal Style: A Detailed Guide to…… Looking For Fresh Style Inspiration? Go to…healthy, style, culture, fashion, live0
guideme.huHotel Rum Budapest created an urban guide to help their guests in exploring the hidden treasures of Budapest! Let’s have […]history, tour, city, day, art0
tusculanumvendeglo.huWe take care that our guests can find local, regional, truly Hungarian and popular “world cuisine” flavors on our menu!restaurant, spring, flavor, wine, card0
naturcleaning.huThe GREEN BRANDS trademark is one of the most important and most valuable recognition of the highly rated brands. This demonstrates compliance with the certification, showing - end consumers and business partners - the proven ecological sustainability of the company and the product.quality environment, environment guidelinecart, story, bottle, exchange, feedback0
aranyterv.huApproval of plans for operators and service providers, owners and tenants, trustees and other stakeholders.plan, gallery, construction, build, login0
qbparty.huIt is really easy. We are 35 minutes away from Budapest Eastern Train station (Keleti Pályaudvar), about the same time by bus too. For more information, please read the Location section.entry, yes, place, travel, minute0
csullogestarsakft.hu…to include masonry and bricklaying. To satisfy clients’ demands, the company then broadened its range of business to cover all aspects of general construction work, increasing the choice of services that could be offered to prospective clients. Completed work is recognized for meeting high…protection environmentclient, customer, painting, development, introduction0
create26.huWe offer up to 11 meeting rooms for different occasions. Booths for private calls, comfortable lounge area for less formal meetings as well as formal meeting rooms.friendly environmenttour, space, office, room, meet0
ssscc.huWELCOME TO THE SSSCC 2023 EUROPEAN SMART SUSTAINABLE AND SAFE CITIES CONFERENCE | Smart, Sustainable and Safe Cities Conferencecity environment, environment monitoringcity, safe, conference, sustainable, submission0
sportovi.huOur Kindergarten follows the principles of Cambridge Budapest Language School, Methodology and Exam Centre for Young Learners, our educational material is based on the CAMBRIDGE English Language Education System. In addition to the Hungarian academic programme, children are involved in the…programme, child, education, kindergarten, language0
lacushaus.huOne bedroom for 2-3 persons with a double bed and 1 person bed possibility sofa /guest bed, cable TV. air-conditioned roomperson, introduction, bedroom, bed, floor0
mokihaz.hu…help the children grow their skills and confidence, and we provide personalized activities as appropriate to each child. We have a large and secure garden to enable the children to have fun in the fresh air and nice and tranquil area. We make sure we celebrate birthdays together with the children.activity, open, child, price, hour0
blacksheeptechnologies.huEvery family has a black sheep. We gathered a flock of black sheep, who never settled with the “this is how it is” type of answers. Innovate and never stop exploring, making things better and better.multinational environment, environment remotesheep, technology, motivation, skill, development0
cserkeszempanzio.hu…last year, it is located in Cserkeszőlő, Jász-Nagykun Szolnok County, 180 meters from the wellknown thermal bath. The pension awaits its guests on the ground floor with 4 double rooms and on the first floor with 6 double and extra beds with terrace. Free private parking is available on site.room, pension, double, floor, offer0
officefinder.huVáci Greens office park is the latest office and commercial real estate development in Budapest with unique gr...indoor environment, environment occupantoffice, build, green, building, center0
holepito.huThe Construction Manager is not required to provide an estimate or contract cost breakdown and does not typically participate in pre-construction.work environment, environment centralconstruction, safety, build, pre, contract0
complexdental.huOur clinic is easily accessible by public transportation and by car, with good parking facilitiesfriendly environmentdental, feed, page, main, heart0
skriba.huYou're seeing this page because you haven't configured any homepage URL and debug mode is enabled.environment devsymfony, status, memory, homepage, mode0
easystudyhungarian.huI am a native Hungarian qualified as a Hungarian as foreign language teacher. Learning Hungarian does not have to be difficult. In fact, it’s interesting and easy.study, free, easy, language, minute0
thecsanya.huHere you go with the two best race directors (and a coffe lover). Two people who shown me so much gu...dark environment, environment swiftrace, lifestyle, director, picture, inspiration0
healthanalysis.huassisted, but basically still „naked eye” visual analysis of the EEG signals to an automatic big data solution.scaleable environmentanalysis, technology, pattern, signal, data0
premiumbudapest.hu…the home where we will create your final design with you, whether from moving or reconstruction walls to placing in the last comfortable kitchen chair! In addition to state-of-the-art mechanical solutions, smart home preparation and the use of premium quality interior design materials, we will…room, apartment, premium, kitchen, live0
kerteszetshop.huGardener provide the design and installation of many landscape construction projects including walkways, steps, retaining walls, patios, veneer stone, planting, trans-planting, drainage systems, lawn renovation and installation, paver driveways, cobblestone edging, and excavation.outdoor environment, environment essentiallyaward, gardener, landscape, consumer, shop0
hapa.huThe Hungarian Asphalt Pavement Association (HAPA), registered at the court of registration, is such a professional union, which includes the work of asphalt manufacturers and asphalt road builders as members, and people, who participate more extensively in asphalt road building as associated…asphalt, member, association, road, european0
halaspack.huWe at Halaspack are the experts for paper cores and edge protectors. The optimal quality of our products proves this. Our company provides you with the best service. Our goal: Your satisfaction.quality environmentpaper, core, quality, edge, news0
nagyesnagytranszport.huWe offer highly qualified services in international transportation and transport organisation.logistic environmentshipment, logistic, fleet, transport, privacy0
duna-drava.huDDC’s Vác Plant implemented an environmental investment that contributes to the growth of operational safety, helps sustainable cement productionharmony environmentoverview, social, aggregate, plant, media0
sopronbianco.huOur 4-bed room is equipped with a comfortable double bed and a bunk bed, private bathroom (with hairdryer), air conditioning, TV…room, bed, house, detail, guest0
egeszsegespenzugyek.huDorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elised doingyt eiusmod teididunt ut labore et dolore eiusmod tempor.sit, dolor, ipsum, amet, adipisicing0
promees.huWith nearly 10 years professional EHS organization supporting experience, the PRO-MEES team was specifically established to provide new ways and innovative solutions in Hungary by unique tools, methods and approach, creating a comprehensive professional basis for its partners.environment protectionsafety, training, activity, fire, protection0
kiralydent.hu…on a much affordable price in Budapest. Our prices are designed to provide the cheapest for the highest available quality and standard with providing maximum guaranties. All our general dentists and implantologists are professionals and highly trained for an many years before started practicing.friendly environment, environment highdental, clinic, implant, appointment, staff0
vizerdavid.huI specialize in creating intuitive interfaces that bridge the gap between aesthetics and functionality.dynamic environmentportfolio, creativity, handmade, attention, collaboration0
kojimori.hu…industry processes. Whether talking about measurement data for temperature, light, sound, oxygen content, or humidity, this solution makes them available on the local network and transmits them to a server, giving access to a wide range of statistics with a single click after their processing…harsh environmentdata, sensor, japan, cloud, solution0
atisziget.huOur company, ÁTI-Sziget Ipari Szolgáltató Központ Kft. (ÁTI-SZIGET) - operating since March 2002 - bought land of 80 hectares including buildings on the territory of the former Csepel Automotive Works Ltd. This property can be found on the Csepel-Island, 12 km south of Budapest, between…environment protectionnetwork, road, building, property, public0
vandl.huIn recent years, we have provided outsourcing services for both electronic and assembly manufacturing to a wide range of companies through subcontracted work. Our references include market-leading economic operators, small and medium-sized companies and startups.assembly, electronic, reference, manufacture, contract0
goldpearl.huBy manufacturing our products, we strive to provide our customers with affordable household cleaning products whose quality rivals that of already well-known brands.liquid, quality, washing, cleaner, premium0
boxago.huOn demand packaging is a method that is best for highly varying shipping companies. Instead of ordering premade boxes, Box On Demand solution is deployed in your operation, giving you the capability to make always on size boxes for every order line (both single and multiple item orders).step, packaging, size, process, demand0
fenekpusztacastrum.huThe Balaton Museum invites the public for a time travel into the Roman fortress of Fenékpuszta. On Saturday, the Castrum Virtuale exhibition will open. The exhibition will be accompanied by a scientific conference where archaeologists and architects will discuss the possibilities of developing an…environment historyhistory, exhibition, excavation, fortress, archaeological0
szokepnyomda.huStaff with up-to-date skills and qualifications and committed to their profession, a precise work organisation and a machine pool up to the demands of the age and continuously renewing - all these together are the guarantors of the quality and service level of Szó-Kép Printing, attested also by…quality environmentprinting, material, quality, paper, tender0
rendernet.huThis animation presents some animals and plants that lived between the Devonian and Permian Periods (358-299 million years ago).environment artistimage, interactive, animation, imagine, history0
allatpatikak.huTolnagro Veterinary Shop is one of the most exclusive, modern and largest veterinary shops in Szekszárd and the whole Tolna county. We are waiting for all our dear Customers with professional help and serious stock!veterinary, shop, equipment, food, wide0
ccsaircargo.huOur offer to Forwarders… Integrated forwarder system… How to order and contract?… eFreight, eCustoms at…label, handle, forwarder, agent, gateway0
kovgafam.huAbout us Our services Gallery Measuring Quality policy Our machine park Our references Contuct usproduction, quality, eng, machine, precision0
homecyclinghungary.huChoose the package that suits you best and start training in the comfort of your own home.comfortable environment, environment homebike, appointment, cycling, package, subscription0
learninghungarian.huHungarian is part of the Finnougrian language family and uses no genders (phew!). However it adjusts affixes and in divides definite and indefinite conjugation. So you can state that Hungarian differs in its grammar from most languages. All these possibly unfamiliar elements in Hungarian structure…beautiful environment, environment hillteacher, lesson, private, learn, language0
deltafitness.huThe Delta Fitness Club was born in 2000, in the city center of Debrecen. The equipments of the GYM have expanded recently, with HOIST, TechnoGym and Impulse machines.month, price, rule, bodybuilding, machine0
metal.co.huMETAL – Structure and Machine Design Ltd.metal, structure, machine, previous, software0
eurokulcs.hu…Only those persons who have a valid official decision to prove that they are physically disabled can receive this unit key. Such a decision is eg a decision of the Hungarian State Treasury establishing a disability allowance or a decision issued by the National Institute of Medical Experts.key, invitation, road, study, basic0
interoot.huAfter an on-site survey and acknowledging the situation, we sketch a proposal to build your entire company IT network with active elements and a server on demand.network, software, data, operation, server0
parkhotel-taltos.huFelsõtárkány located at Heves county nearby at baroque Eger. The village is Turkish - Bulgarian origin, means to "viceroy" or nobleman. Our hotel Park Hotel Táltos,located near the beautiful baroque city of Eger, and the well known wine r egion of Eger too.condition environment, environment activegallery, photo, cottage, camp, forest0
yogee.huLorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and type setting industry. Lorem ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.welcome environment, environment knowledgeablelorem, ipsum, yoga, industry, dummy0
drkerekesfanni.hu…standard information like where( Budapest) and when ( 2007) I finished my studies, what sort of specialisation I obtained ( orthodontics and restorative dentistry, prosthodontics) and I’m secretly hoping to gain some insight into your oral cavity. Some other reasons why I thought it would be…pleasant environmentorthodontic, dentistry, patient, tooth, appliance0
debrecen4u.huFive technical schools in Debrecen were included among the hundred best vocational schools in the countrybusiness environmentexhibition, school, education, registration, accommodation0
sarlospuszta.huSarlóspuszta Club Hotel is situated in one of the most beautiful parts of the country, at the gateway of Kiskunság National Park, in the southern part of Pest county, 50 kms from Budapest. It provides ideal surroundings by its natural gifts and special hotel services for the participants of both…room, event, guest, price, quotation0
urbantours.huZip through the streets on an electric scooter and take in the best things to do in Budapest. Our guided city tours combine the thrill of riding an e-scooter with the knowledge of a local expert, ensuring an unmatched adventure for tourists and locals alike. Whether you’re interested in history…friendly environment, environment highlytour, scooter, hour, city, electric0
batizandras.huIn this myth-busting presentation, András shares his very personal experiences. Through insights into a challenging period of his life, he invites the audience to a collective reflection on the causes of the decline in our mental health and possible solutions. His starting point is that although…presentation, custom, offer, webpage, impact0
dunapartvilla.hu…on the waterfront. Protected by nature, the area's fish stocks are big, ducks and swans swim in the resort, a great experience for children as adults. The resort has a direct panoramic view of the Danube from all its rooms. Beach option is closest to Szigetszentmiklós 5 km and Ráckeve 10 km away.downtown environmenthouse, room, apartment, away, danube0
danubio.huWe are very proud that DANUBIO is the first Hungarian residential property in Hungary to meet the stringent sustainability requirements set by the independent British Building Research Institute's environmentally conscious building certification system. With this achievment we've joined a platform…floor, residential, view, location, build0
eisdev.huOur company specializes in large scale data warehousing projects using Oracle technologies for telecommunications and financial companies. We have experience in developing several multi – TB data warehouses, working on multinational, global projects.test environment, environment designdata, intelligence, management, job, opportunity0
jumo.huThe four new temperature probes in the JUMO plastoSENS T series combine the JUMO plastoSENS plastic technology with JUMO's tried and tested manufacturing expertise in temperature tower measurement technology. This has resulted in four highly innovative plastic temperature probes.environment safetytechnology, sensor, automation, temperature, water0
penznavigatorinformatika.humbstring extension makes use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.support, value, version, directive, local0
infinitewind.huGeneration starting at a wind speed of 0.5 m/s, and continuing even at storm-force winds of 50 m/s.wind, infinite, power, generation, energy0
meissa.huMeissa Life Sciences will provide the correct solution unique to your requirements; whether your facility manufactures electronics or pharmaceuticals products or provides healthcare directly to patients.center, opt, privacy, solution, contamination0
kraftszer.huOur company provides unique services in the industrial sector. During their investments we support our partners with full-scope project management activities, from the design phase to turnkey delivery. Our uniqueness lies in the sector specific and innovative professional know-how which we…quality environment, environment protectionindustrial, management, plant, phase, engineering0
realestate-budapest.huYour Real Estate Partner in Hungary with more than 20 years experience in Real estate related finance, evaluation, salesreal, estate, property, reason, management0
eutek.huIn project management we deal with the organisation and management of the resources with the aim of successfully achieving the project objectives by keeping the set time schedule and budget.detail, technical, mep, contractor, main0
kittipanzio.huThis triple room features a cable TV, air conditioning and sofa. The room has 1 single bed and 1 large double bed.quiet environment, environment guestroom, double, free, shower, apartment0
onlineprojects.huOnline Projects becomes a strategic partner with T-Mobile and Telenor, developing early mobile applications, including games and knowledge-base software.development, software, history, mobile, solution0
jlc.co.huTo serve our customers the best, our aim from the very first time is to adjust our equipment and infrastructure to the increased volume and changing market circumstances .environment sustainabilitytransportation, material, headquarter, warehouse, value0
rewart.hu"Why do I enjoy to work with Rewart? Because they have a very dedicated, conscientious and professional team, who I can always count on and enjoy working with. One of the best agencies that provides full service management. They are not only brilliant in classic promotions but they also have a…brand, curious, enthusiastic, heart, talented0
weldicon.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also…type, review, electric, holiday, incredible0
tajolo.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.inline, module, setting, css, custom0
drveresmaria.huWith more than 25 years of experience as a basic occupational health care provider in Székesfehérvár, we offer services specifically to institutions, small, medium and large companies, keeping in mind the individual needs of our clients.occupational, health, category, reference, care0
browmeup.huBrow Me Up has founded by Szandi Kunstár and still operating under her control. It is a small salon in the center of Budapest, next to Corvin District. We have More than 200 returning clients.cozy environmentmakeup, price, close, news, portfolio0
edenkertcsarda.huÉdenkert Inn and Resthouse welcomes guests next to road 21 in Zagyvaszántó, close to Hatvan and motorway 3. Excellent meals, apartments and luxury suite for hotel guests.hygienic environmentgallery, suite, luxury, event, apartment0
golipark.hu…and transparent areas of the renovated site offer lots of natural light for our tenants of lofts, offices, studios and multifunctional areas. In a multifunctional area private space, focus work and social activities can easily be harmonized to provide a friendly atmosphere for different purposes.unique environment, environment smalloffice, multifunctional, space, interior, vast0
gmat.huHome Curriculum Who and Why Contact Our Teacher Registration Fees FAQ Location Privacy Policy Refund Policy Course Cancellationprofessional environmentcourse, registration, curriculum, teacher, fee0
apt4you.hu…the world to be a part of that uplifting and apocalyptic feeling of the total eclipse of the sun, celebrating it with goa music energies. Since then nine festivals had taken place, each one strengthening that one-of-a-kind togetherness and spiritual reformation that keeps it throbbing with life.airport environment, environment eventairport, festival, transfer, image, close0
hexa-alpin.huAbout Us… Training Center… Competition Results… Partners… Trainings… Self-rescue from Crane…training, rope, course, inspection, safety0
premium-bistro.huSelf-service buffet lunch menu. You can usually choose between two types of soup and two types of main course. Dessert is not included in the price...premium, main, lunch, breakfast, soup0
muzso.huI started using Nautilus Actions approximately 9 years ago and loved the level of (file manager) customization that it allowed without compiling anything, merely by writing shell scripts. Meanwhile the project morphed into Gnome's FileManager-Actions and supports other file managers as well.ago, week, socks, app, movie0
fevita.huFEVITA HUNGARY cPLC is one of the largest enterprises engaged in cold-storage activities in Hungary. The plant started operations as a factory unit of the National Frozen Foods Corporation [Hűtőipari Országos Vállalat] in 1967. Since 1995, our products are branded FEVITA in the domestic market.qa environment, environment traceabilityvegetable, activity, news, qa, trade0
portsidebalaton.huOur apartments are only a few minutes walk from the port and the best beaches of Balatonboglár. In the close vicinity there are excellent restaurants and food stalls. The apartment house is in a quiet street and there are 3 separate apartments in the house each with its own terrace. For each…apartment, house, booking, minute, captain0
rowanhillglobal.huZedna Robotics, a private limited company, is a member of the RowanHill group of companies that develops robotics technology, and its HARBEE harvesting drone has IP protection in 168 countries. The unique development automates the harvesting of agricultural fruit crops using robotic technology in…esg environment, environment socialglobal, strategy, mission, valuation, value0
dulo.huAll conditions are given for the perfect and special family or corporate events, for which the Dűlő provides a perfect setting.familiar environmentrestaurant, family, drink, booking, event0
rwtesthun2310.hushare…application environmentruby, aboard, rail, duration, start0
mke.info.huThe Association of Hungarian Librarians takes pride in the traditions of Hungarian librarianship, and looks with respect upon the great librarian predecessors: József Szinnyei, Zoltán Ferenczi, József Fitz, Ervin Szabó, Béla Kőhalmi, Pál Gulyás, Béla Varjas, Ákos Domanovszky, Máté Kovács, Csaba…library, branch, association, county, conference0
laurus2000.hudict, file, ftp, ftps, gopher, gophers, http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, ldaps, mqtt, pop3, pop3s, rtmp, rtmpe, rtmps, rtmpt, rtmpte, rtmpts, rtsp, scp, sftp, smb, smbs, smtp, smtps, telnet, tftpapache environmentsupport, value, version, yes, directive0
enbook.hu…items… Law… Computing & information technology… The arts… Lifestyle, sport & leisure… Medicine…geography environment, environment planscience, book, technology, personal, lifestyle0
cottage.co.huOur ’cottage’ houses, reminiscent of old cellar buildings, are available to our guests with a complete wellness service, surrounded by resistant grape varieties of our organic farm and Granny’s Garden.cottage, house, estate, reservation, gallery0
lellemarine.huAvailable from 30m2; in an exclusive, child-friendly residential park with spectacular viewsquality environment, environment friendlyflat, friendly, floor, virtual, finder0
innovokft.huAbout Us… Useful Informations… Partners… Privacy Policy… Laboratory animals… Diagnostic Services…laboratory, animal, diagnostic, identification, accessories0
smsolutions.huFirstly, we recommend our smart water metering solution for clients with large water consumption in order to be able to implement smart metering efficiently without changing the water metersindustrial environmentsolution, technology, water, ltd, device0
mariaapartman.huSTANDARD apartment for 2 people, Nr. 1 STANDARD apartment for 2 people, Nr. 2 STANDARD apartments for 4 people STANDARD apartments for 6 people STANDARD apartments for 8 people MINI LUX apartment for 2 people VIP apartment for 2 people LUX apartment for 2 peoplenice environment, environment niceapartment, people, accommodation, green, area0
researchinfrastructures.huExcellent and Emerging Research Infrastructures in Hungary | Research Infrastructures websiteresearch, infrastructure, data, september, innovation0
katun.co.huKatun provides high-quality compatible toners, drums & parts for a wide range of imaging equipment, including printers, copiers and MFPs, at very competitive prices.drum, equipment, imaging, quality, printer0
colas.huBeyond transport facilities, public utilities, flood-control investments and aggregate production, the holding company – which has been managed by Hungarian executives right from the beginning – is also a key player when it comes to building construction. In addition to its fleet of equipment and…construction, road, bridge, section, investment0
florand.huFlorand Sopron Vendégház is family-friendly, the equipment of some rooms is also suitable for families with small children.friendly environment, environment hospitalityroom, detail, wine, capacity, adult0
laundry.hu…and Csontváry Kosztka Tivadar street 21 you can find us also in the suburbs, Csontváry street 21. Join our wi-fi network and browse for the next things to see in the city on our comfortable sofas while your laundry is being washed or dried. Bring only the laundry; the detergents and the fabric…environment protectionlaundry, machine, washing, self, clothes0
grp-plasticorr.hu30 years of experience and innovation. Our award-winning PLASTIMOL® product family offers unique solution to corrosion problems.industry, harmony, unique, offer, privacy0
cocora.huLegal services in English, at favourable prices, in the heart of Budapest, next to the Basilica - Real estate law * Company law * Family law - Working languages: Hungarian, English, Romanianinternational environmentlegal, client, law, package, translation0
javipa.huEstablished in 1990 as a startup, JAVIPA Printing Ltd. has evolved into one of Hungary’s largest printing houses, distinguishing itself by being exclusively owned by Hungarian private individuals. Our comprehensive services cover the entire spectrum of printed packaging production, including…quality, printing, assurance, career, management0
estateandmore.huThe team behind Estate & More provides a wide range of real estate services to its clients, whether it is facilitation, consulting or any other additional services.assistance, estate, real, seller, sale0
angkor.org.huThe Royal Angkor Foundation (RAF) was established following the Letter of Intent signed by then Prince of Cambodia, H.M. Norodom Sihanouk and President of Hungary H.E. Árpád Göncz on 7th January, 1992.general environment, environment protectionfoundation, phase, toilet, protection, general0
mystaging.huCompany is made up of a group of highly skilled gardening landscaping professionals and who pays a lot of attention the small details. In the years of experience our staff keep your looking and functioning beautifully.fresh environmentgarden, maintenance, landscaping, landscape, plan0
ioi2023.huThe International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is an annual international informatics competition for high school students from various invited countries, accompanied by social and cultural programmes. It is one of the five international science Olympiads and is one of the most prestigious…contest environmentinternational, informatics, contest, schedule, task0
citypearl.huA new city is rising within the city. Meet a new life at City Pearl with its colorful shopping streets, unique historical texture, green common areas, beautiful cafes, spacious apartments, large balconies and terraces. Everything one expects from a modern life and more come together at the city’s…city, list, ready, tour, gallery0
dekut.huIntroduction… References… Contact Us… IT Cluster… Regional strategies… Nature, environment and…nature environment, environment ecotourismregional, development, cluster, strategy, research0
profession.huRate and review your current or former employer. Write an anonymous review and help jobseekers find their next job! It only takes a couple of minutes.environment agriculturejob, profession, calculator, offer, search0
kedrion.huKedrion’s plasma-derived therapies help people suffering from rare and debilitating conditions like Coagulation and Neurological Disorders, and Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiencies. We are privileged to provide this service and do so with a profound sense of responsibility.safety, quality, news, corporate, report0