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421 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: institute

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por.hu- - Kaohsiung Medical University, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Institute of Clinical Research, Department of Laboratory Medicinesingle institute, institute preliminary, institute retrospective, national institute, institute oncologyuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine849
nezopont.huAccording to a recent poll conducted by the Nézőpont Institute, among the world’s best-known leaders, Hungarians consider Pope Francis (92 percent) and Viktor Orbán (72 percent) to be the most peace-oriented. The majority of Hungarians think that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (53 percent),nézőpont institute, institute péter, institute occasion, institute leave, danube institutepolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature53
russianstudies.huMember of Russian Academy of Sciences Veniamin Alekseev – Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Вranch of the RAS (Ekaterinburg, Russia) • Professor Evgenii Anisimov – St. Petersburg Historical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) • Professor Dániel Bagi –…idea institute, institute russian, hungarian institute, fee institute, honest instituterussian, study, history, hungarian, russia40
kodalyinstitutefoundation.hufor the 2024-2025 Academic Year at the Kodály Institute The Foundation for the Kecskemét Kodály Institute is pleased to announce two scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year at the Kodály Institute: Sarolta Kodály Scholarship Éva Vendrei Memorial Scholarship >>> Application deadline: 15 April…kodály institute, institute foundation, institute order, institute kecskemét, institute lisztscholarship, foundation, academic, memorial, seminar34
iceee.hu1 Institute of Environmental Engineering and Natural Sciences, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary, 2 Szent István University, Gödöllő, 3 Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Gödöllő, Hungary, 4 Institute of Mathematics and Basic…director institute, institute environmental, engineering institute, ukraine institute, institute agroecologyuniversity, environmental, engineering, sciences, faculty26
kodaly.huKodály Institute in Kecskemét, Hungary teaches music teachers from all over the world so they can teach children with the Kodály Conceptkodály institute, institute liszt, institute kecskemét, officially institute, institute bacourse, music, study, student, academy23
1956osintezet.huHe was scholarly fellow in the 1956 Institute – Oral History Archive Department of the Széchényi National Library. He teaches history and he is senior research fellow at Wesley Research Institute.page institute, institute foundation, historian institute, institute selection, archívum institutefoundation, history, research, historian, study21
clioinstitute.huProject-based research institute investigating 20th century Hungarian history. Catalyzing critical conversation and writing accessibly for the wider public.clio institute, institute budapest, research institute, institute centuryhungarian, history, occupation, century, research20
geopolitika.huPallas Athene Geopolitical Research Institute was set up in the spring of 2015 with the aim of establishing the research bases of geopolitics as a discipline in Hungary. Since the beginning, our researchers have published nearly 600 articles and studies. We would like to believe that these…geopolitical institute, institute geopolitical, institute beginning, research institute, institute springfresh, china, road, century, silk20
egyensulyintezet.huThe Equilibrium Institute is Hungary’s independent think tank. In order to renew the political discourse in Hungary, we draft political, economic and cultural future visions and write detailed policy proposals and strategies based on these visions. We are engaged in an ongoing dialogue with the…equilibrium institute, institute egyensúly, institute hungary, institute policy, institute politicalequilibrium, proposal, independent, think, future19
demografia.huThe Hungarian Demographic Research Institute (HDRI) is one of the longest established European demographic research institutes, conducting research in ageing and mortality, family and fertility, historical demography, migration and mobility, population structure and dynamics.research institute, institute hdri, institute research, institute special, occasion instituteresearch, demographic, hungarian, population, family17
wojtyla.huThanks to God, and to our Father Karol Wojtyla who is living in heaven in his company , to our patrons and supporters the social Center, cultural institute, meeting place and friendship house named after Karol Wojtyla borned in Wadowice –after the foundation of the institute in 2005- could open…care institute, institute effort, cultural institute, institute meet, foundation institutefriendship, centre, house, poor16
cdinstitute.huThe Christian Democratic Institute in Hungary strives to be an inspiring and effective actor in promoting a more visible and prominent position for traditional Christian moral and cultural values in European and global politics.democratic institute, institute hungary, pucnik institute, institute historicchristian, democratic, event, value, news16
mri.huMetropolitan Research Institute (MRI) is an internationally and nationally recognized scientific think-tank, founded in 1989 and based in Budapest. Its work is dedicated to housing, social problems and urban development.research institute, institute metropolitan, institute budapest, institute mriresearch, housing, learn, social, city16
emberbarat.huThe Alcohol-Drug Rehabilitation Institute of the Philanthropist Foundation is a place of care where alcohol and drug-addicted persons as well as gamblers get a therapy within a complex, long-term and residential system. This institute is the largest of all places of care in the country where…rehabilitation institute, institute unique, training institute, institute philanthropist, system institutedrug, rehabilitation, foundation, alcohol, complex16
dgbc.huThe East-West Research Institute was founded by the Dharma Gate Buddhist Church and College to provide a framework and the conditions for scientific research into the possibilities of Buddhist education and the dissemination and application of Buddhist principles in our country.research institute, institute dharma, globalisation institute, institute majorbuddhist, research, west, east, education16
kemki.huThe Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) was established in 2021 as an affiliate of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. Our mission is to strengthen Hungary's academic discourse and represent Hungarian art and art history at a high standard globally by initiating and…european institute, institute art, research instituteart, research, history, central, european14
irisintezet.huThe IRIS Nursing Home and the IRIS Institute are located on the southern shore of Lake Balaton, in the Central Park of Balatonföldvár. We provide high-quality personalized care for people with chronic health conditions. At the Institute we provide care for 250 patients on a continuous basis.iris institute, institute provide, institute southern, condition institute, institute carepatient, care, treatment, health, advanced14
migraciokutato.huThe Migration Research Institute was established in September 2015 with the purpose deepening understandings of migration phenomena – particularly immigration in Europe – through synthesizing the scientific findings of various disciplines.research institute, institute septembermigration, research, event, analysis, summary14
kzst.huZOLTÁN RADNÓTI – Rabbi, Lecturer of the Hungarian Rabbinical Institute and Jewish Universityrabbinical institute, institute budapest, institute jewishjewish, christian, lecture, society, community14
geneconservation.huThe researchers of our institute, Dr. Eszter Várkonyi Patakiné, chief research fellow and Mariann Molnár PhD student, participated in the research team, which created successfully a hybrid fish from the American paddlefish and Russian sturgeon.researcher institute, institute dr.conservation, gene, protection, animal, international14
arbortalent.hu“I have been dealing with national and international projects, application writing, implementing educational and youth programs, institute development for 15 years. Learning international good practices and national demands founded Arbor Talent – I have been always dreaming on establishing such an…educational institute, institute non, institute development, program institute, organization institutetalent, development, organization, enterprise, educational13
wolbi.huDuring one or two years at Word of Life Bible Institute Hungary you will build a solid foundation for your faith through classes offered by our resident lecturers and some of the world’s best Bible teachers and Christian leaders visiting our campus every week to teach you.bible institute, institute hungary, institute range, institute dry, institute brotherlife, bible, student, admission, academic13
szfe.huGet to know the training portfolio of the University of Theatre and Film Arts Budapest, take a look at the work of the institutes and the Doctoral School.imre institute, institute theatre, vilmos institute, institute cinematic, antal instituteart, international, theatre, cinematic, drama13
hitedu.huHit institute appreciate your interest in attending our university. We are happy you are here, whether you are considering enrolling in one of our courses, are already a student at HIT, are considering applying for a job opening, are employed by HIT, or are simply interested in learning more about…hit institute, institute international, institute interest, institute hitspecialist, application, institution, society, responsibility12
rev.huThe 1956 Institute – Oral History Archive has been a department of the National Széchényi Library since 2012főoldal institute, institute oral, institute foundation, copyright institutearchive, history, oral, publication, book12
coordination.hu…clinical trial doctors who have more time for personal treatment of patients. The result of this fruitful collaboration between the National Institute of Oncology and CRC that the Institute played and play now a major role in the development of many new drugs, which have made more effective thenational institute, institute oncology, institute pulmonology, pécs institute, crc institutedepartment, clinical, university, hospital, coordination12
izotop.huInstitute of Isotopes Co. Ltd. is on the frontline of radioisotope technology collaborating with long-term partners and customers.home institute, institute isotopeisotope, product, term, technique, radiation12
mma-mmki.huThe electronic publications of the Institute of Art Theory and Methodology of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA MMKI) can […]research institute, institute art, mma institute, institute book, publication instituteart, publication, close, cultural, central12
gynki.huThe Research Institute for Medicinal Plants and Herbs Ltd. has a past of more than hundred years. The history of our Institute began in 1915 when the Ministryresearch institute, institute medicinal, history institute, institute ministryplant, medicinal, herb, research, botanical12
bridgeinstitute.huBridge Institute is a social enterprise of Bridge Budapest Association. Both of these organisations share a common goal: building a Hungary that is confident in its ability to produce results and provide knowledge. To achieve this goal, global success companies such as NNG, LogMeIn, Prezi and…bridge institute, institute social, institute rightcourse, bridge, cooperation, education, knowledge12
toepler.huDr. Károly Ágost Toepler biographical material written and complied by István Buczkó doctor, Toepler MRC-TRC institute Headtoepler institute, institute short, trc institute, institute headhungarian, sleep, testing, norm, medical11
carma.hu…FI) take part in a 5-day training in Sofia, BG. After this, trained teachers conduct career guidance pilot sessions in their respective institutes for altogether 100 students. The experiences of the pilot sessions - e. g. the practical use of Manual - will be presented and discussed on two…vet institute, institute fi, respective institute, institute altogether, vocational institutemanual, training, teacher, school, career11
felvesznek.hu…FI) take part in a 5-day training in Sofia, BG. After this, trained teachers conduct career guidance pilot sessions in their respective institutes for altogether 100 students. The experiences of the pilot sessions - e. g. the practical use of Manual - will be presented and discussed on two…vet institute, institute fi, respective institute, institute altogether, vocational institutemanual, training, teacher, school, career11
devai-intezet.huWelcome to Devai Institute of Assisted Reproduction and Gynaecology | Dévai Intézet: Lombikbébi és nőgyógyászati centrumdevai institute, institute assist, number institute, institute minuteassist, reproduction, treatment, examination, reproductive10
publicus.huPublicus Institute, on behalf of Népszava, December 12-15. Asked people's opinions about the Israeli- Palestinian conflict in a nationally representative public opinion poll conducted by interviewing 1,003 people.publicus institute, institute behalf, institute national, institute népszavamajority, sweden, membership, israel, poll10
phasefield.hu2 Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, P.O. Box 49, Budapest H-1525, Hungaryinstitute addressfield, phase, material, science, group9
iepd.huThe task of the Institute is to increase the professional training of teachers and researchers of foreign universities, improve their professional skills, deepen and expand industry knowledge, skills and abilities, gain experience in this regard by conducting trainings, seminars. Priority in the…iepd institute, institute educational, task institute, institute professionaleducational, development, internship, teach, method9
klimapolitikaiintezet.huDr Calum TM Nicholson is representing MCC and the Climate Policy Institute at a symposium on ‘migration and climate change’, at Clare Hall, University...policy institute, institute dr, institute symposium, institute professionalclimate, change, event, environmental, green9
premiermed.huPremier Med Healthcare, Training and Research Institute provides state-of-the-art, minimally invasive, innovative treatments for patients with benign thyroid nodules, benign breast tumour and varicose veins. Situated in an exclusive environment in Buda, the Institute boasts operating rooms fitted…available institute, institute uterus, disease institute, institute hormonal, research institutehealth, centre, patient, treatment, thyroid9
cantemus.org.huCantemus Choral Institute - Choral singing, choral concerts, kodaly method, conducting mastercourse, contemporary hungarian choral musicchoral institute, institute choralchoral, concert, choir, hungarian, music8
abtk.huZsombor Tóth , senior research fellow at the Institute for Literary Studies, HUN-REN RCH attended the conference entitled Between the Old and the New World: William Ames and the Shaping of Reformed Theology and Spirituality , hosted by Pelgrimvaderskerk, Rotterdam (NL) on February 27‒29.shekhter institute, institute musicology, rch institute, institute literary, fellow instituteren, news, category, research, humanity8
potenton.huin South Korea. From 2014 to 2017 he served as the director of the Béla Bartók Memorial House in Budapest. Since 2002 he has been the head of the Piano Department in the Institute of Music of the Musical and Visual Art Faculty at the University of Pécs., where he as professor teaches piano and organdepartment institute, institute music, concert institute, excellence institute, request instituteconcert, cultural, quarter, music, chamber8
nfi.huThe National Film Institute Hungary is presenting the recently restored silent film, banned in its day, within the European A Season of Classic Films project. SLAVE BIRD (RABMADÁR) sponsored this year by the Association of European Film Archives (ACE) was one of the last, and surprisingly modern…film institute, institute hungary, institute nfinews, hungarian, national, picture, protection8
sedilab.huLaboratory for Sediment and Soil Analysis (SEDILAB) HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geographical Institutegeographical institute, institute sedilablaboratory, analysis, ren, research, particle8
hm2020.huThe Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences located in Budapest, one of the most experienced in studies of haploid markers in Hungary, will be hosting the Conference.hungarian institute, institute forensic, genetic institute, institute legalforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis7
ajbh.huAUSTRIA CELEBRATES TEN-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF OPCAT MANDATE AND FORTY-FIVE YEARS OF OMBUDSMAN INSTITUTEombudsman institute, institute hungary, institute webinar, institute visitanimation, commissioner, fundamental, visit7
w17.huThe Milestone Institute proudly found its new home in 2021 in the 7th district of Budapest, at 17 Wesselényi Street. The building was originally the headquarters of the Székesfővárosi Cipész Ipartestület (The Municipal Trade Syndicate of Cobblers), which was built in 1905 to the design of György…milestone institute, institute proudlyroom, meet, great, milestone, venue7
metaelmelet.huThe Institute for Strategic Research - Homepage of the Metatheory-Metaphilosophi Research Groupauspices institute, institute strategic, chairman institute, institute vojvodina, consultation instituteresearch, group, homepage, strategic, theory7
budapestlngsummit.huHe holds a Master in International Energy from the Paris Institute of Political Sciences and graduated in International Affairs from the Corvinus University of Budapest.oxford institute, institute energy, polytechnic institute, institute emilian, state institutegas, lng, energy, summit, profile7
nagyothallo.info.huDr. Béla Török Kindergarten, Elementary School, Vocational School, Skills Development School, Unified Special Education Methodology Institute and College - ENGLISH VERSIONmethodology institute, institute collegeschool, special, development, education, child7
iask.huAt the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK), we challenge conventional thinking and foster dialogue across disciplines. iASK’s unique approach encompasses a diverse range of fields, including environmental science, regional development, complexity studies, regional studies, and digital…iask institute, institute advancedresearch, event, house, study, heritage7
diamantdent.hu…the Austrian border , 80 km from Vienna, 75 km from Sopron, 120 km from Szombathely and 160 km from Budapest. This is also the location of the Diamant-Dent Dental Medical Institute, which has been providing patients with a full service since 1999, where customer satisfaction is the top priority.medical institute, institute patientdental, tooth, dentistry, dentist, treatment6
budapestenergysummit.huDr. Anita Orban joined Tellurian LNG as Vice President for International Affairs in 2017. Previously she worked as Chief Advisor for Cheniere Marketing Ltd. Between 2010 and 2015 she served as Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security of Hungary. Previously she was the Director of Constellation…electric institute, institute mr., energy institute, institute university, institute thinkenergy, profile, view, thank, gas6
biomembrane.hu…During the past 10 years I was heading the Membrane Research Group as professor at Semmelweis University, while also working at the National Institute of Haematology, performing both research and diagnostic activities. In 2005 I became member of the Academia Europeae, in 2007 served as…national institute, institute haematology, level institute, institute enzymologyuniversity, research, hungarian, academy, sciences6
aktivzenetanulas.huClosing documents of the research work carried out during the past four years, and the methodology guides are available on the website of the Kodály Institute , under the folder “Research and Innovation”. At this platform, one can find the chapters of the study volumes “Psychological and…kodály institute, institute liszt, institute hungarian, available institute, institute websitemusic, model, movement, research, active6
bioarch-momentum.huOn September 26, 2023, the official announcement of the results of the MTA's Momentum Grant ( MTA Lendület Pályázat ) took place, where the winning applicants briefly presented their research projects. Among them was Anna Szécsényi-Nagy, the director of our institute outlined the interdisciplinary…director institute, institute anna, institute interdisciplinary, group institute, institute archaeogenomicsresearch, group, staff, method, news6
festmenyvizsgalat.hu"Scientific analysis adds value to artworks" - Yann Walther, chief of Switzerland’s Fine Art Expert Institute (FAEI) Zsófia Végvári, head of the Complex Painting Examination Laboratory has been dealing with the scientific examination of paintings since 2005, with the aid of an instrument park…expert institute, institute faeiexamination, analysis, paint, laboratory, complex5
martanyilas.huUniversity of Pécs, Faculty of Music and Arts , Fine Arts Institute Professors Exhibition , Kazamat Gallery, Ošijek, (CRO)foundation institute, institute new, art institute, institute professor, hungarian instituteart, gallery, exhibition, artist, university5
theartofbeingme.huThe project is financially supported by EUNIC – European Union National Institutes for Culture –(the European network of organisations engaging in cultural relations from all EU member states) and organised by the Czech Center, the Goethe Institute and the Austrian Cultural Forum with the support…national institute, institute culture, goethe institute, institute austrianart, artist, programme, festival, identity5
erti.hu…changes of environmental conditions, such as climate change, require gradual exptension of basic, biological research. The Forest Research Institute carries on its observations and experiments in so-called "forest laboratories", a country-wide sustainability network comprising hundreds of…research institute, institute observationforest, department, natural, change, climate5
restoration-ecology.huWelcome to the homepage of the Restoration Ecology Research Group of the Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research.group institute, institute ecologyrestoration, ecology, publication, research, ecological5
malnalab.huIn recognition of its outstanding scientific work, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences awarded three lecturers (László Nyitrai, Mihály Kovács as well as András Málnási Csizmadia) at the ELTE TTK Biological Institute. The prizes were handed over by the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences…biological institute, institute prize, research institute, institute florida, phd instituteresearch, article, september, june, july5
gki.huOne of Hungary's best-known and longest-running economic research institutes. We have been at the service of science and the Hungarian economy for 30 years.research institute, institute serviceeconomic, population, article, newsletter, hungarian4
combinatorica.huMiklós Abért , Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest Noga Alon , Tel Aviv University & Princeton University József Balogh , University of Illinois Anders Björner , Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm Béla Bollobás , University of Cambridge & The University of Memphis Maria…rényi institute, institute mathematics, royal institute, institute technology, wigderson institutepaper, issue, editor, graph, algorithm4
mrtt.hu…On the first day two plenary sessions were organized: one in Hungarian and one in English, with international speakers: Manfred Kühn (Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space) and Nataša Pichler-Milanović (University of Ljubljana). The second day of the conference 12 parallel sessionslink institute, institute regional, leibniz institute, institute research, research instituteregional, science, hungarian, association, annual4
enemeshazi.huConservation Genetics Research Group of the Institute for Biology University of Veterinary Medicine Budapestlorenz institute, institute ethology, group institute, institute biology, protaction instituteresearch, genetic, main, environmental, condition4
foodconf.huThe 4 th FoodConf is organized in cooperation with the Institute of Food Science and Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) , the Scientific Committee on Food Science, the Scientific Committee on Agricultural and Biological Engineering as well as the Scientific…new institute, institute food, cooperation institute, director institutefood, science, technology, conference, faculty4
digitaljustice.huHomepage of the Digital Justice research group of Institute of Information Society, University of Public Servicegroup institute, institute information, sub institute, institute hungarianresearch, legal, justice, court, digital4
nokatud.huOur Job-Shadowing Program supports high school and college girls in their career choices. As part of the program, participants can spend an entire day at a host company or research institute, and can also follow a full-time employee working there as a shadow. Girls will have the opportunity for…research institute, institute door, institute timescience, girl, woman, technology, field3
gerson.huDisclaimer: The Gerson Institute Europe is not a medical institution. Information on the website is published for informational purposes only. Gerson Therapy is not a substitute for medical or other professional consultations. Results achieved with Gerson Therapy depend on many factors, mostly the…gerson institute, institute europetherapy, europe, center, holistic, colleague3
knowlesti.co.huKnowles Training Institute ™. Corporate Training Workshops. Corporate Training Courses in Hungary. Hungary’s best corporate training courses. Hungary training centre . Training Providers Hungary. Training Companies Hungary. Corporate Training Hungary. Learning & Development Companies. Training…training institute, institute corporate, institute good, institute hungarycourse, training, corporate, talk, lunch3
panograph.huSingapore Inernational School @ Trung Son, HCMC is the first educational institute that is interested in having virtual tour for their campuses.educational institute, institute interested, confucius institute, institute budapestpanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour3
gksoft.huGraduated as constructor engineer at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in 1988. Between 1988 and 1990 he worked as development engineer at Pentaterv Ltd, since 1991 he has been working as assistant professor at the Institute of Machine Design of BME.engineer institute, institute machine, professor institute, veiki institute, institute electricltd, engineering, analysis, vessel, pipe3
lightport.huInstitute for transport sciences non-profit Zrt. (KTI) – ELZA (electronic air and noise pollution databank) system support and developmentsystem, road, pilgrimage, portal, development3
pepperpr.huThe HR leaders are unreliable regarding the branch’s future. Hewitt Consulting Company commissioned the Gfk Hungária Market Research Institute to make a research among big enterprises. The aim of the survey was to reveal the tendencies and habits of the priority of interior HR politics, and the…education institute, institute moholy, research institute, institute gki, institute researchpepper, software, technology, hungarian, job3
ova.info.huHunting (Act LV, 1996)) in 1996. Since then, the database has contributed significantly to several aspects of game management; from plan development to wildlife ecological research and education. This work has been conducted through the Institute for Wildlife Conservation at Szent István University.work institute, institute wildlife, map institute, institute geodesy, hungary institutegame, database, datum, national, wildlife3
hunyouth.hu…of the Association for German-Hungarian Youth. In the summer of 2019, he attended the Purdue Eyetem at the Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Institute as a U.S. State Department fellow. Its cooperation with the American Embassy in Budapest is still strong, thanks to which Domokos has…research institute, institute american, enterprise institute, institute washington, transatlantic instituteyouth, student, hungarian, young, nation3
ellipsometry.huThe activities of the Ellipsometry Laboratory of the Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science in the Centre for Energy Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA EK MFA) span more than 30 years, dating back to the early ‘80s when Tivadar Lohner started optical…laboratory institute, institute technical, imel institute, institute microelectronics, vinca institutehungarian, optical, student, university, development3
gombaforum.huIt is known that the casing soil used to cover the compost in button mushroom cultivation contains peat. The Fraunhofer IKTS Institute for Materials Research […]ikts institute, institute materialmushroom, cultivation, economy, technology, product3
komplexinstrukcio.hu…the teachers of endangered schools. All teacher training centres (universities and colleges), the central Education Office and the Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development participate. The program is planned to run for five years from 2017, on a budget of 9,86 billion HUF…efficient institute, institute situation, hungarian institute, institute educational, training instituteschool, teacher, child, pupil, group3
debrecenbike.huEstablished in 1976, HAS Debrecen Committee (DAB) is one of the Academy’s five regional bodies. The Committee oversees the institute’s academic activities in Hajdú-Bihar, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, and Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Counties. The HQ building gives home to scholarly conferences, meetings…committee institute, institute academic, orphanage institute, institute departmentbike, hungarian, street, church, build3
edutus.huSimilarly, to the previous past Semesters, the International Section of the Scientific Student Conference (TDK) – organised by Dr. Zoltán Peredy, Head of the Edutus Engineering Institute – took place again in the 2023-2024 Autumn Semester.engineering institute, institute laser, institute placeinternational, student, university, week, conference3
kaczursandor.hu2000-2017: Dennis Gabor College, college senior lecturer 2007-2017 (teaching of programming) , Vice Director of the Institute of Information Technology 2010-2017, teaching advanced Java technologies in English in Computer Engineering programme 2014-2016 (Application Development Technology, Mobile…director institute, institute information, polytechnic institute, institute management, educational institutewebpage, university, thesis, hungarian, mobility3
mta-tkk.huThe colleagues of the Research Centre for Multilingualism of the Research Institute for Linguistics were greatly saddened and grieved by the news that Iván Vasák passed away at the age of 75. He was a former general secretary of the Hungarian Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, fighting…research institute, institute linguisticlanguage, news, research, colleague, sign3
karpitmuveszek.huOn 17 September, the Exhibition entitled „Light in Nature” was opened by the Association of Hungarian Tapestry Artists at the U Gallery of the Hungarian Cultural and Scientific Center of the Balassi Institute in Helsinki. The exhibition was opened by textile artist Päikki Priha, a professor at…balassi institute, institute helsinki, hungarian institute, institute sofialight, artist, tapestry, thread, nature3
onalloelet.huThe idea of independent living spread throughout Western Europe in the 1980s. Hungary joined the movement in the 1990s. In June 1995, 12 people established the Association for the Independent Living of People with Disabilities at the Marczibányi Square State Institute for the Disabled.state institute, institute disabledactivity, people, independent, accessibility, awareness3
ieas-szeged.huWelcome to the homepage of the Institute of English & American Studies (IEAS) of the University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts.homepage institute, institute english, department institute, gallery institute, institute imageuniversity, faculty, news, study, student3
gilyen.hu- Techniques for Hamiltonian Simulation and Beyond at the Quantum Algorithms workshop of the The Quantum Wave in Computing program at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computingrényi institute, institute mathematics, simon institute, institute theoryuniversity, computing, hungarian, exercise, theory2
doktor24.huThe institute, which has a quarter of a century of history, is the market leader in the region and Szeged’s best-known private healthcare centre, and from 2022 it has been a member of the Doktor24 Group. The 200 doctors and healthcare professionals working here provide services in 14 practices and…practice institute, institute homeview, health, centre, expertise, complex2
jankovits.hu…tendencies globally, they are prepared to commit themselves to that and to this end they build relationships with education and research institutes. Within the professional community (from members of the manufacturing, assembling and troubleshooting staff to engineers) it could be observed…research institute, institute professional, design institute, institute universityengineering, hydraulic, machine, manufacture, machinery2
impactworks.huIn May 2015, András and his colleagues at Impact Works held a one-day training to prepare the partners and senior researchers of our small think-tank (the Budapest Institute) for media appearances. The training was highly professional, well thought out and even enjoyable, we recommend them to…budapest institute, institute mediumimpact, communication, training, main, development2
budapesttimes.huA new drug with the active ingredient favipiravir manufactured by Hungarian pharmaceutical company Egis has been licenced for treatment of Covid-19 by the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYEI), the institute said on Saturday.national institute, institute pharmacy, ogyei institute, institute saturdayseptember, economy, hungarian, october, newspaper2
americanaejournal.huAMERICANA – E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary , supported and maintained by the Department of American Studies at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged, has been launched to provide a forum for students and scholars who are actively engaged in studying the…study institute, institute englishjournal, american, study, review, main2
bioego.huOur main product is named Bioego and it is a microbiological increaser of crop yield. It was developed with the internationally acclaimed scientists of the University of Szeged’s Department of Microbiology and the production is aided by a scientific institute, Bay Bio Institute .scientific institute, institute bayproduct, production, ability, strain, plant2
biosysfoodeng.huThe Department of Food Measurement and Process Control and Department of Food Process Engineering of Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Food Science and Technology in collaboration with Agro- and Biosystems Engineering Research Committee of the Hungarian Academy of…sciences institute, institute food, leibniz institute, institute agriculturalconference, effect, university, food, engineering2
btmunkacsoport.huThe working group was established in 2013 by faculty members of the Clinical and Health Psychology Department in the Institute of Behavioural Sciences at the University of Debrecen , with Ildikó Kuritárné Szabó, associate professor as a leading figure in the organisation. Our activities, are based…department institute, institute behaviouralgroup, disorder, personality, treatment, network2
compchem.huAlberto Martin Santa Daria wins the Publication Prize of the Institute of Chemistry for his recent work on computational rovibrational spectroscopy! Congratulations!prize institute, institute chemistryresearch, group, molecular, doctoral, congratulation2
theartaroundus.huDrechsler Palace on Andrássy Avenue has served in many roles during its rich history of 135 years. Being home to the former Ballet Institute is still one of the most iconic cultural functions we all remember. In collaboration with the Hungarian Dance University, DVM group – the general contractor…ballet institute, institute photo, institute iconicphoto, art, ballet, exhibition, image2
mathspectral.huThe very first Zoom conference on Harmonic and Spectral Analysis (HSA 2020) took place from 8 to 10 June, 2020, hosted by Debrecen University (Debrecen, Hungary) and Alfréd Rényi Mathematical Research Institute (Budapest, Hungary).research institute, institute budapestspectral, analysis, conference, problem, point2
advopatent.huHe graduated from the Budapest University of Technology as an electrical engineer. First he worked at the Hungarian Research Institute of Electronic Industries. After that he worked for Ganz Electric Measuring Instruments, for Danubia Patent Office and for the Research Institute of Mining. In 1978…epi institute, institute professional, research institute, institute electronic, institute miningattorney, office, trademark, property, intellectual2
brumiovoda.huOur goal is to create a safe, family-centric atmosphere in our institute, where along rational, reasonable rules the personality of the children can develop freely, develop their talent and creativity and their problem-solving skill and autonomy. The aim is that due to their useful and joyful…atmosphere institute, institute rational, care institute, institute germankindergarten, group, child, age, range2
kfib.huThis website contains all our publications, available for download free of charge. You will also find documents on budgetary issues as well as on our institute’s goals.responsibility institute, institute budapest, issue institute, institute goalanalysis, budget, fiscal, projection, impact2
iseo2024.huWrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland | Institute of Cosmetology, Wrocław College of Physiotherapynational institute, institute technology, poland institute, institute cosmetologyoil, essential, university, symposium, international2
rapszodia.huVisit to the secession style Town Hall and the Garish Palace. The latter one is decorated with Zsolnay ceramics. Entrance to the Kodály Institute.departure, trip, tour, day, lunch2
gabortorok.huTEACHING. Teaches at the Corvinus University of Budapest since 1997. Currently, head of the Center for Political Analysis at the universities Institute of Political Science. Associate Professor since 2012. Awarded a certificate of merit by the rector of the university in 2005 in appreciation of…university institute, institute political, expert institute, institute alliancepolitical, university, analysis, teach, academic2
safetycenter.hu…dynamic load testing using an ultra-modern drop tower which we believe to be the only one of its kind. Our quality concept is augmented by regular examinations carried out by independent test institutes, such as DEKRA Testing and Certification GmbH and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).test institute, institute dekra, karlsruhe institute, institute technologysystem, safety, fall, rail, product2
hevizhotelsbooking.hudiscount Panorama Hotel in Heviz connected to St. Andreas Health and Spa Institute with half boardspa institute, institute half, institute discountthermal, lake, package, apartment, piece2
egely.hu…is not driven by heat, convection, or electromagnetic energy. The inventor and designer, Dr. George Egely, is a trained scientist who was employed for many years by the Atomic Energy Researc Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is an expert in the field of energy transport processes.research institute, institute physics, researc institute, institute hungarianwheel, glass, mysterious, book, news2
magyarfilmakademia.huCsaba Káel, a new Hungarian Film Commissioner responsible for the development of the Hungarian motion picture industry, the National Film Institute will be established on the basis of the Hungarian National Film Fund, changing its name from 1 January 2020.film institute, institute basishungarian, body, soul, movie, award2
agriteach.huThe iTStudy Hungary Educational and Research Centre for Information and Technology Ltd. has been working for more than twenty years in vocational and adult education in Hungary as an Accredited Hungarian Adult Educational Institute and accredited ECDL Exam Centre.educational institute, institute ecdl, research institute, institute focusagricultural, teacher, training, agriculture, digital2
xraylab.huscience including: biology, chemistry, physics, materials science, geosciences and industrial applications. The program is formed such that PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and also senior scientists could benefit from it. A site visit at the ELI ALPS Research Institute is included in the program.bullet institute, institute solid, research institute, institute programlaboratory, study, structural, advanced, research2
molnarkozmetika.huI graduated from the Erzsébet Királyné Technical School, with excellent marks. I got a diploma at the University of West Hungary, Benedek Elek Pedagogical Department, Practical Trainer Program in 2013, and in the same year a Beauty Therapist Diploma in the PanaromAroma and Beauty Therapy Institute.treatment, cosmetic, beautician, training, electro2
civilszemle.huProf. Dr. Bögre Zsuzsanna , University professor, Pázmány Péter University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Sociologysciences institute, institute sociology, boris institute, institute europeanuniversity, publication, review, professor, foundation2
lugosi.info.huEarlier for five years, I worked as an associate research fellow at the Institute of Nuclear Research (ATOMKI) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) in Debrecen, where I dealt with accelerator based atomic physics. During this time I had opportunity to join the research work of the Surface…fellow institute, institute nuclear, nara institute, institute science, research institutewebsite, welcome, personal, development, software2
cerntech.huCerntech Engineering is a spin-off company founded in 1997 by engineers working on the development of reliable, high performance data transmission links for data acquisition systems for CERN (European Organization of Nuclear Research) and other HEP institutes (High Energy Physics).hep institute, institute high, research institute, institute universityproduct, high, system, reference, quote2
katalizis.huI wrote my thesis at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Szeged, in 2017 in Hungarian language. Using the above motivational theory, I created a 120 item self-administred scale, and measured its content validity with the help of psychologists and psychiatrists. Analysing their…thesis institute, institute psychologytheory, motive, model, motivation, action2
humanreport.huHe carried out his research project at the Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Semmelweis University under the supervision of Mária Kopp, and his findings were used in Hungarostudy 2004. He was invited by professor Árpád Skrabski to teach at Apor Vilmos Catholic College and Károli Gáspár University…project institute, institute behavioural, hungarostudy institutehuman, report, book, communication, social2
aitk.hu…goal: disseminating new discoveries of international research is as important as studying the tradition of Hungarian scholarship. We have always endeavored to represent Hungarian scholarship abroad, hence the fruitful collaboration with several international researchers and research institutes.association, literature, study, general, member2
bhutan.info.hu24 May 2017: AWAKENING IN MY DREAM IN BHUTAN. Zoltan Valcsicsak’s talk about Bhutan at the Óbuda Social Services Institute, Budapest, Hungary.service institute, institute budapest, cultural institute, institute brusselstalk, zoltan, society, hungarian, dream2
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.huDr. Ildikó Horváth (Deputy Director, Medical Director - Korányi National Institute of Tuberculosis and Pulmonary)national institute, institute tuberculosis, medical institute, institute pafhealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion2
hordoetterembuk.huAfter the opening weeks it was clear for us, that many companies and institutes based in our hometown of Bük were looking for a place for their events. We didn’t want only to stand out with a friendly and welcoming staff, but with a professional dedicated location as well.company institute, institute hometownrestaurant, staff, guest, gallery, event2
kszgysz.huMembers of the Associations are environmental service-providing companies, R&D institutes, manufacturers & distributors, universities and green NGOs. They promote protecting biodiversity, achieving the goals of climate policy, conserving natural resources, implementing circular economy, and also…company institute, institute manufacturer, research institute, institute organicwaste, plastic, international, european, water2
colegal.hu2004 - 2005 Institute of Legal Theory, Károli Gáspár University of the Hungarian Reformed Church, Faculty of Law, Budapesteducation institute, institute semesterlaw, legal, university, preparation, counselling2
nyelvinfo.huOur institute has gained the title of Accredited Institute for quality and all our language programs have been accredited and recognized by the appropriate state institutions.accredited institute, institute qualityexamination, language, course, school, field2
husserl.hu© 2022, Peter Andras Varga ( Research Centre for the Humanities [Budapest, Hungary], Institute of Philosophy , Hungarian Archives of Philosophy)hungary institute, institute philosophysearch, browse, news, manuscript, archive2
hyd.huHYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development offers the sterile distilled water with 25 ppm deuterium content to universities and research institutes. HYD LLC wishes to promote research in this field in Hungary and abroad, and provides DDW 25, its product for research purposes, at a moderate…karolinska institute, institute stockholm, research institute, institute hydcancer, research, view, water, llc2
budai-tancklub.huOur institute is operated by the Cultural Public Utility Non-profit Ltd. of the 2nd district and also gives place for the Berczik Sári Néni Foundation.dance, teacher, award, gymnastic, classical2
hotelsatlakebalaton.hudiscount Panorama Hotel in Heviz connected to St. Andreas Health and Spa Institute with half boardspa institute, institute half, institute discountlake, package, piece, reservation, siofok2
mmpp.huThe data originate from the records of the Ministry of Economic Development (previously Ministry of Finance, Ministry for National Economy and its predecessors) and GVI forecast. On the basis of these data GVI staff also prepare labour market analyses accessible at the Institute's website .development institute, institute economic, accessible institute, institute websitehungarian, forecast, survey, labour, force2
cfpharma.huCF Pharma is regularly inspected by the National Institute of Pharmacy and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)national institute, institute pharmacymanufacture, ceo, site, product, certificate2
innowear.huPeople and employees are at the centre of our developments. Our primary concern is to ensure the protection of the individual and increase their sense of comfort during work, leisure activities and everyday life. To achieve these, we cooperate with renowned national and European research institutes.textile, development, product, research, material1
puzsar.huInternational Development Development Institute's Institute's Expertise Expertise of of Networking Networking Communicationsdevelopment institute, institute expertisepic, free, electronic, code, software1
pestextfestival.huMinistry of Human Resources, Petőfi Cultural Agency, National Cultural Fund of Hungary, Visegrad Fund, Polish Institute Budapest, Petőfi Literary Museum, Slovak Institute, Embassy of Sweden, Wacław Felczak Foundation, Camões Institute – Portuguese Language Center Budapestpolish institute, institute budapest, slovak institute, institute embassy, camões institutefestival, literary, author, writer, hungarian1
meliora.huOur company’s lead translator (and general manager by the way – we are a small firm) regularly takes part in the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition’s expert training on the translation of product information. These trainings are invaluable in obtaining first-hand insight to the…national institute, institute pharmacytranslation, pharmaceutical, quality, agency, hungarian1
idosgyogyaszat.hu…Association of Gerontology (HAG) was established. From the late sixties the scientific activity on the medical, clinical and sociological fields of gerontology gradually increased. The team of the contemporary Hungarian Research Institute on Gerontology played important role in this development.research institute, institute gerontologyage, hungarian, university, effect, medical1
mzzt.huInstitute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Scienceshungarian, music, exhibition, site, society1
hclu.hu…prepared the draft law “justified” the proposal with a single sentence. However, according to Amnesty International Hungary, the Eötvös Károly Institute, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the regulatory framework of the state of danger should be transformedkároly institute, institute hungarianfreedom, hungarian, law, union, datum1
nanotechnology.huPages 22-24 and 46-58 of the 2013 Yearbook of the Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science gives a good overview of the work of our Nanostructures Laboratory, but the whole Yearbook is worth to read, as well as the previous ones !yearbook institute, institute technicalpublication, butterfly, image, photonic1
ebht.hu…of Gál Tibor put the wine region as well into the limelight more and more. Szőlészeti és Borászati Kutatóintézet (the Grape and Wine Research Institute), operating in Eger, has achieved great results in the areas of the purification of resistant grapes by breeding as well as in the research on…research institute, institute egerwine, grape, cellar, region, century1
bluedanubefilmfestival.huAssociate professor Gábor Gelencsér is associate professor at the Film Studies Department of the Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, ELTE BTK. He was born in 1961. He received his degree as a teacher of Hungarian Language & Literature and History in 1986, and in Aesthetics in 1990. He…department institute, institute artfestival, danube, manager, jury, director1
taker.huPainted with the funding of the Liszt Hungarian Institute Sofia and with the logistical help of Sofia Graffiti Tour, this mural is on the side of a school.hungarian institute, institute sofiawall, date, approx, location, close1
oroksegintezet.huThe Heritage Cultural Political Institution (Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet) founded in 2012 – unlike the majority of domestic public political institutes - has a definite profile of expertise: its main activity includes doing research and analysis, organizing conferences, handling projects and…political institute, institute definitecultural, culture, event, political, publication1
mbft.hu…biophysical research laboratory of the country was created in the frame of Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences headed by A. Garay in 1971. The National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene was also a significant research unit with biophysical orientation.research institute, institute radiobiologysociety, hungarian, national, section, member1
rugocenter.huWith the support of the Institute of Spring Technology, we provide professional assistance in spring development.support institute, institute springspring, product, manufacture, tension, compression1
cij.huHarnessing the power of social media to deliver a powerful counter-narrative against diverse forms of hate speech particularly related to antisemitism, islamophobia, and anti-Christian sentiments. This project is coordinated by the London based Media diversity Institute. Activities include social…diversity institute, institute activitymedium, center, independent, training, production1
turisztikaitanulmanyok.huThe Tourism and Rural Development Studies is published with the professional collaboration of the Institute of Marketing and Tourism of the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Pécs.collaboration institute, institute marketing, economic institute, institute geographytourism, study, rural, development, journal1
biofil.huBased on this collection, the effectiveness of each new combination of bacteria has been studied for 6-8 years in order to provide farmers with the most effective products. All major Hungarian universities and research institutes are involved in the research. The number of researchers and…research institute, institute researchproduct, soil, tender, bacteria, microbial1
davrt.hu…if our clients are satisfied and our collegues are motivated as well. In the interest of the satisfaction of our clients, we revised our work procedures and our views on quality control. This the reason why operate based on the qualtiy control system certified by the Det Norske Veritas Institute.steel, construction, quality, introduction, goal1
humanexchange.hu…and scientific standards. The key factor behind our success is our experienced, well-trained team of experts, available through the research institutes associated with the foundation. Our representatives are university lecturers and researchers equipped with business experience, as well as…research institute, institute foundationhuman, exchange, foundation, development, collection1
mta.huIn the Bronze Age in the Carpathian Basin, huge social changes took place in the population living in the territory of present-day Hungary. Viktória Kiss, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Archaeology of the HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities and head of the MTA-BTK Lendület…fellow institute, institute archaeologyacademy, science, hungarian, research, sciences1
neuronsolutions.hu“The implementation and effectiveness of the project demonstrated very well that the application of AI is no longer just the prerogative of high-budget research institutes: in a short time, using reasonable resources, engineering tools can be created to speed up and facilitate engineering work in…research institute, institute shortsolution, learn, consultant, training, academy1
kovacscimbalom.huAs my predecessors I made cimbalom to several countries of the world, to music schools, to bigger music institutes. I am trying to comply the expectation what my master said, when I got my master degree: „Preserve the reputation of the Hungarian cimbalom”music institute, institute expectationsystem, damper, smooth, mold, round1
kerteszmate.huIn 2018, the Project Management Excellence Board recognized my work with the “Project Manager of the Year Award”. I am former Vice President at Project Management Institute.consultation, training, pmo, reference, manager1
tamarahagen.huIf you would like your company, organization or institute to be known, respected, valued and admired by your customers, audience, partners, employees and the community you operate in contact us to receive expert advice and execution.organization institute, institute respectcommunication, relation, public, corporate, strategic1
aether.huSound Cell Mussels magnetizing the main gate, Penguin Walkie Talkies singing modulated radio noise, kinetic skeletons of stuffed animals in a forest of LED tentacles, all at the Hungarian Institute in Parishungarian institute, institute parisarchitecture, space, house, camera, mobile1
cgeopol.huIn accordance with the classic research institutes, the Council has set up the Scientific Board, whose chairman was prof. Rémy Leveau till his death in 2005, who was also the researcher of the French IFRI and professor of numerous European universities. Among its members are prof. István…research institute, institute councilcouncil, hungarian, member, board, research1
raczt.hu1984-92 Associate Professor of the Dept. of Head and Neck Surgery of the National Cancer Institute Hungarycancer institute, institute hungarysurgery, head, neck, curriculum, vitae1
sgf.huSGF Technology Associated Co. Ltd. (SGF Co. Ltd.; in Hungarian SGF Technologia Fejlesztő Kft.; or in short form SGF Kft.) was established in 1996 as a spin-off company of the MTA KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (KFKI RMKI), presently its name is Wigner Research Centre for…research institute, institute particlemission, space, system, ground, site1
drhorvathdavid.hu…World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA), Poultry Health Organisation of the Hungarian Veterinary Society, Veterinary Medical Research Institute (VMRI) of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), Budapest, Hungary, Gastroenterology, World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Eastern…research institute, institute vmri, food institute, institute veterinaryexamination, veterinary, animal, food, central1
fejotherm.huAccording to Ferrcert Certification Institute our company's quality management system complies with MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard requirements.certification institute, institute companyhot, cold, certification, process, plumbing1
solservices.hu…including a complex biodiversity survey in cooperation with several nature conservation institutions. In addition, we are participating in the launch of technological developments and research to improve the efficiency of solar parks by involving Hungarian universities and research institutes.energy, sustainability, renewable, source, implementation1
conferences.huThe first professional team in Hungary for organising international scientific conferences was set up in 1970 at the Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI).research institute, institute hungarian, international institute, institute sociologyconference, participant, international, event, reference1
partnershungary.huAndrea Jenei Director of the Józsefváros Unified Methodological Institute and Primary Schoolmethodological institute, institute primaryconflict, mediator, training, mediation, school1
papprekakinga.huPapp was a Milena Jesenksá Fellow at the Viennese Institute for Human Sciences in 2017 where she researched the Hungarian sex market and sex workers’ social circumstances. She published an elaborate series by the title Pussy Politics on the social history of obstetrics and the free birth movement…viennese institute, institute human, hungarian institute, institute politicaltalk, episode, editor, hungarian, day1
binibeno.huAn open-source website I coded for the Milestone Arts and Creative Writing Club. It's a platform for young writers and artist to publish and showcase their works. Currently in use by creative minds at Milestone Institute.detail, site, development, creation, recent1
mvosz.huOur members have joined together to changed the status quo and modernize companies. We have an extensive membership, from education institutes to entrepreuers association. The network of MVOSZ covers the whole country and the association has members in all 19 counties. MVOSZ has reached more than…education institute, institute entrepreuershungarian, association, enterprise, efficiency, event1
hepenix.huHEPENIX is continuously involved in research and developments projects in strong cooperation with academic research institutes and universities. Know-hows and developments are integrated into products and services therefore our clients benefit from these most current and unique technologies.research institute, institute universityengineering, machinery, automation, solution, custom1
whiterabbit.huFor 20 years, Pantone Color Institute has been selecting the color of the year and drawing attention to our colorful world. Pantone’s Color of the Year has influenced product development and purchasing decisions in different industries, including fashion, interior and industrial design, as well as…color institute, institute colorcampaign, result, brand, solution, people1
amiovink.huOur institute starting in 2002 was the first in Hungary to combine the Montessori education with bilingual education (Hungarian-English).kindergarten, talent, language, child, nursery1
orsokft.huIt all started in 1995. In a tiny place of the Textile Industry Institute which had seen better days, the first ribbon weaving machine started to set off as the foundation of Orsó ’95 Kft. In this ruined building, hundreds of people researched, treated, abraded different textiles, since 1950, so…industry institute, institute wellproduct, ribbon, rope, elastic, electric1
lanclanc.huThe Montessori Method has been used worldwide for more than 100 years. In some parts of the world – like in the Netherlands or in the USA – several educational institutes work with this method, and they also have well-developed teacher training system. A dynamic system which can be altered…educational institute, institute methodgroup, child, toddler, teacher, hungarian1
kepeskronikak.huWith our highly experiences creative and marketing team, we organize art-themed events and exhibitions. Past years we assisted local governments, museums, comics book association in the organization of their events, like International Historical Comics Festival, Art exhibitions in the Hungarian…cultural institute, institute londonbook, event, creative, exhibition, art1
manc.huIT and content development depends on institute funding, as well as the joint efforts made by peer researchers and learners.development institute, institute fundingtext, resource, log, account, reader1
berta.huTogether with Levente Buttyán ( Crysys Lab ) and István Lám ( Tresorit ) we run a course called Applied Cryptography at Aquincum Institute of Technology . AIT is a faculty of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), offering a study abroad program for North American students.aquincum institute, institute technologyhungarian, book, mean, course, presentation1
hsze.huHe grew up in a Communist family of cadres. His step-father, Endre Kálmán, fulfilled various tasks of high leadership within the Hungarian Communist Party, on the intellectual, ideological branch (he was the president of the Institute of Party History, and the vice-editor of the Társadalmi Szemle…president institute, institute party, establishment institute, institute art, instructor instituteinterview, century, memory, hungarian, university1
kurkodent.huI graduate at the University of Odontology in Kolozsvár (Cluj, Romania) in 1975 and I have worked as a dentist since then. I took a specialised examination on diseases of the teeth and the mouth at Orzságos Stomatológia Intézet (National Institute of Stomatology) in Budapest in 1990. In our…national institute, institute stomatologysurgery, dental, oral, implant, main1
trustair.huOrgan transplantation is now considered a daily procedure. In this case, time is a particularly critical factor. The transport of organs and transplant teams requires smooth coordination between the donor hospital, organ coordination institutes and the receiving institution.coordination institute, institute institutionmedical, transport, aviation, trust, flight1
forditoth.huI currently work at the Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Debrecen, teaching translation and helping BA students develop their reading and writing skills.currently institute, institute englishtranslation, quote, rate, request, translator1
fercomsystems.huFercom Systems operates according the standards developed by the Stadardization Institute of NATO (STANAG)stadardization institute, institute natosystem, optical, radio, solution, communication1
elte.huThe Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2021 to László Lovász of Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary and Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics (ELKH, MTA Institute of Excellence), and Avi Wigderson of the Institute for Advanced Study…rényi institute, institute mathematics, mta institute, institute excellence, wigderson instituteuniversity, student, faculty, support, mobility1
sociosummit.huThe Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (FTI-iASK) and the Centre for Social Care Excellence at Semmelweis University are organising the 2nd International Socio-Kraft Conference: The Space is Yours – Culture and Cooperation. The two-day event will take place on 23-24 November 2023 in Veszprém…socio, summit, committee, conference, travel1
izinta.huThe discovery of radioactivity also aroused great interest in Hungary. An experimental (2 MW) nuclear reactor was started up in March 1959 at the Central Institute of Physics in Csillebérc, and the possibility of artificially producing radioactive isotopes in Hungary was opened up.central institute, institute physicshuman, therapy, product, science, life1
experiplant.huresearch institutes and companies to improve their plant and soil biology measurement capabilities,research institute, institute companylorem, ipsum, soil, plant, biology1
zoldaktiv.huOur featured partner is the University of Pécs Faculty of Economy where we work together with professors and researchers of the Marketing and Tourism Institute.social, tourism, cooperative, barrier, day1
drderm.hu…companies. Guest speaker at Hungarian and international dermatology events. External consultant in effective agent intake research projects of the Pharmacotechnology Institute of the University of Szeged. Executive in charge of the development of Dr Derm Equipment cosmetic and medical devices.pharmacotechnology institute, institute universitytreatment, dermatology, skin, consultation, surgery1
paytrim.huPaytrim Sweden AB is the official affiliate partner of Paytrim AB, which is a Payment Institute and is under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. Read morepayment institute, institute supervisionpayment, solution, future, terminal, transaction1
nyafferomu.huKP-Tech Kft. is a technology firm specializing in the use of high speed programming languages and databases in engineering, science and business. Our customers include banks and research institutes as well.product, welcome, term, navigation, open1
falcocluster.huThe mission of FALCO Szombathely Furniture Cluster is to cooperate as a network between wood and furniture manufacturing companies, research institutes, professional organizations and trade organizations, to support the innovation capability of the wood industry and furniture industry and to…research institute, institute professionalcluster, member, market, activity, introduction1
servicemania.huEducation 2000-2001 ELTE Institute for Postgraduate Legal Studies – postgraduate studies in corporate law 1997. – Professional exam with distinction 1992. Juris Doctor with “Summa cum Laude” (law degree) September – December 1992. – International Institute of Sociology of Law – (Onati, Spain)…elte institute, institute postgraduate, international institute, institute sociologyaccounting, payroll, staff, quote, advice1
clean-drop.huClean-Drop offers cleaning of industrial parks, institutes, companies, blocks, park maintaining with our modern cleaning machines and their help of our experienced colleagues. Works are always done according to orders' wishes. Preparing a personalized cleaning plan, we try to ease your company…park institute, institute companyclean, drop, reference, wish, order1
pontifex.huBritish Diplomatic Service and the Institute of Linguists in London. As the Director of Studies sheservice institute, institute linguistschool, language, pls, hungarian, course1
ceid.huCEID had the honour of participating in the Women in Foreign Policy project, co-organised by the Czech AMO Institute and the Polish Casimir Pulaski Foundation. The networking workshops in Prague and Warsaw highlighted the common challenges faced by women in foreign policy research in the region and…amo institute, institute polishagreement, event, ongoing, think, partnership1
drgyolcsjudit.huJudit graduated with an MA in Law and Political Sciences from the Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary in 1997. The Budapest Bar Association admitted her as an attorney-at-law in 2000. Judit holds an LL.M. in Family Law from the Institute of Law of the Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary. She…law institute, institute law, kochba institute, institute mediationlaw, firm, legal, mediator, mediation1
rakbela.hu…he earned his Master’s degree (Magister Artium) in performance. He has completed further studies for a PhD at both the University of Music’s Institute for the Research of Folk Music and Ethnomusicology and the University of Vienna’s Institute of European Ethnology. Currently, he is writing his…music institute, institute research, vienna institute, institute europeancareer, guitar, music, college, performer1
kp-tech.huKP-Tech Kft. is a technology firm specializing in the use of high speed programming languages and databases in engineering, science and business. Our customers include banks and research institutes as well.product, welcome, term, navigation, open1
francianyelvgyerekeknek.huyou would like to listen to stories in French in a French and children friendly atmosphere like that of the library of the French Institute or Pozsonyi Pagony bookshop among others.french institute, institute pozsonyifrench, child, camp, story, drama1
pvsz.huCoordinated by the Institute of Advanced Studies, the members of the Pannon Cities Alliance set out shared objectives along the KRAFT concept to achieve this success in the near future. Dynamic cooperation opportunities and hitherto untapped potentials can be exploited within this scheme and this…town, heritage, walk, vicinity, hill1
cyclolab.huWe are honored to announce that CycloLab has been awarded the esteemed designation of 'Research Site Recognized as Excellent' by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), following the recommendation of the Research Institute Evaluation Council.research institute, institute evaluationdevelopment, research, product, news, pharmaceutical1
wenczel.huadvising other stakeholders of the professional sport - financing institutes, sponsors and supplierssport institute, institute sponsorlaw, office, firm, term, news1
ststephen.huWhilst there are Masonic charities that cater specifically, but not exclusively, for Masons or their dependents, others make significant grants to non-Masonic organisations. Our main charity donations go towards a home for mentally disabled children, and an institute undertaking research into…child institute, institute undertakelodge, member, st., membership, charity1
syscontrol.huPurchase, installation and maintenance of sensors, measuring instruments, measuring systems for producers, manufacturers, road operators, educational institutions, research institutescontrol, solution, system, instrument, webpage1
mrazagoston.huHaving been the founder of Nézőpont Intézet, I am currently Head of Research and CEO of the institute. I am also the CEO of CEPER Central European Perspectives Plc., a market research and media monitoring company for the CEE region. Since 2006, I have regular public appearances as a political…ceo institute, institute ceobiography, political, university, ceo, european1
danubio.huWe are very proud that DANUBIO is the first Hungarian residential property in Hungary to meet the stringent sustainability requirements set by the independent British Building Research Institute's environmentally conscious building certification system. With this achievment we've joined a platform…research institute, institute environmentallyfloor, residential, view, location, build1
busoxy.huThanks to our services and activities we deliver oxygen to hospitals, to health institutes and directly to the homes of the sufferers of asthma, heart, lung and cancer conditions.health institute, institute directlybus, quality, guarantee, introduction, homepage1
budaiorigami.hu…how nice it would be if we could repeat this once at the Hungarian Museum of Natural History . A few years later, while camping in Retezat Mountains I accidentally met with István Főzy (chief museologist at the institute), whom I kept contact with and later on, also mentioned our paper skeleton...museologist institute, institute contactbook, model, paper, basic, free1
rekk.huREKK and the Austrian Institute for Technology calculated a technical potential of almost 100 GW and an economic potential of 16 GW for wind power in Hungary. This exceeds by far the set wind energy targets for 2030.austrian institute, institute technologyenergy, market, research, analysis, economic1
nckobs.huNagycenk Geophysical Observatory was founded in 1956-57 and it has been operated since then by the Geodetic and Geophysical Institute of the Earth Science Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.geophysical institute, institute earthobservatory, geophysical, ren, description, observation1
meevet.huThe aim of the branch is to have high qualitiy and safe live-line working play a significant role during the every-day electrician work. For this reason it organises trainings and regularly provides the involved ones with information. The LLW Branch cooperates with the manufacturers, vendors and…training institute, institute ablebranch, electric, energy, resident, industry1
carneades.huOur clients are IT and media companies, government agencies, education institutes and NGOs.education institute, institute ngoconsulting, people, client, law, education1
sky-soft.huSky-Soft Ltd. was established on the 1 st of March, 1993. The founders are by profession physicists and are members of the KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (RMKI) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.research institute, institute particleresearch, development, software, vendor, qualification1
dpc.huProviding architectural consultancy and training to FÖMI (Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing)fömi institute, institute geodesyconsulting, training, fusion, system, software1
drogriporter.huIn this interview, filmed at the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, we discussed current developments of cannabis policy reform in Europe with Tom Blickman from the Transnational Institute.drug, reduction, people, series, international1
igazgatas.huThe Hungarian Public Administration and Organization Development Research Institute (HUNADI) was established in 2005 with the aim of being a patriotical committed, practice-oriented, tradition-based – that is conservative – and open to innovation thinktank of public administration-development, in…research institute, institute hunadipublic, organizational, development, administration, structure1
kapinfood.huKAP-IN- FOOD Ltd was founded as a spin-off company of InDeRe Institute for Food System Research and Innovations Nonprofit Ltd . Owners of the two companies are the same persons. The KAP-IN- FOOD Ltd was founded for making business based on the scientific results of InDeRe Nonprofit Ltd.indere institute, institute foodfood, safety, system, lab, innovative1
primefund.hucriminal law, international financial legal qualification, Institute for Postgraduate Legal Studies, EötvösLoránd Universityqualification institute, institute postgraduatelaw, fund, investment, university, manager1
cesep2023.huThe conference will be jointly organized by the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Eötvös Loránd Research Network .economic institute, institute materialconference, view, detail, protection, storage1
kornyezet-szimulacio.huThe newly designed growing climate chambers are available in three sizes and are optimally adapted to everyday project requirements in laboratories and institutes.system, chamber, vibration, climate, testing1
evolecol.huWe are a team of evolutionary biologists and behavioral ecologists at the Plant Protection Institute of the Centre for Agricultural Research within the Hungarian Research Network in Hungary. We started as the “Lendület Evolutionary Ecology Research Group” thanks to the funding by the Lendület…protection institute, institute centrepeople, publication, ecology, group, agricultural1
genealogia.huThis forum contains information about the old Hungarian educational institutes, boarding schools, grammar schools, universities , etc. This FORUM is thought to act as a lexicon, only the experts can contribute information to these schools. If you had any relevant information to a specific theme…educational institute, institute boardinggenealogy, forum, hungarian, archive, history1
szokoe.huThis year, the conference (entitled “SUSTAINABLE DIGITALISATION? GAINS AND LOSSES TEACHING AND RESEARCHING LANGUAGES FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES IN CHANGING ENVIRONMENTS”) will be organised by the Institute of Business Communication and Professional Language Studies, Debrecen University , on 0 5…environment institute, institute businessconference, language, specific, publication, news1
bbart.hu…of the review Műemlékvédelem – Historic monuments’ protection – and the president of the board, dr Katalin Keseru, prof. at the Art History Institute of Eotvos Lorand University). At present we are working on its reshaping with new members: Eva Csenkey, Julia Katona , Zsuzsanna Galamb and…history institute, institute eotvosart, foundation, century, university, central1
improversgroup.huThe Arbinger Institute's 30-year psychological research has opened up completely new ways of organizational culture development.arbinger institute, institute yeardevelopment, group, culture, organization, school1
clearvision.huHe worked for a number of state institutes, ministries and major Hungarian companies. He is currently the developer and supporter of several IT systems. In 2008, he joined Clearvision team for an exceptional professional challenge as a system designer. Currently he is managing several projects at…state institute, institute ministrysystem, solution, development, customer, financial1
innovatox.huPreviously, we gained more than 8 years of consulting experience in the field of chemical safety consulting. Our professional leader, Éva Juhász, worked for 13 years as a chemical safety supervisor and head of the public health department at the Veszprém County Institute of ÁNTSZ, so she is well…county institute, institute ántsz, national institute, institute chemicalsafety, product, substance, notification, chemical1
elenastudio.huCertificate in Interpreting, State Examination Committee, Institute of Interpreters, Budapest, Hungarycommittee institute, institute interpreterimage, certificate, interpreter, russian, literature1
karinaplant.huThe Fleischmann Rudolf Research Institute in Kompolt gained international recognition thanks to its breeding work that continues to this day.research institute, institute kompolthemp, learn, plant, flower, use1
sepsieniko.huIn 2012, I founded the Institute of Arts Studies and General Humanities, and within it, two new departments and several new related training programmes. In 2015, I initiated the foundation of Benda Kálmán College of Excellence in Humanities and Social Sciences, and after the completion of the…study, hungarian, university, theatre, french1
dola.huIt is not surprising that I became a "precision instrument manufacturer and maintenance technician". I first dealt with computers in clean room of Central Research Institute (KFKI) rented by KÜRT Co. I had to repair the mechanics of hard disk drives. For that is had to be innovative and develop…research institute, institute kfkidevice, lamp, game, weather, cave1
hungarofarm.huWe pay great attention to the quality of our goods; we continuously control their quality in our laboratories in Budapest and in Seregélyes. Our documentary system assures the retrieval of our products. Professionals who have been trained by the National Agricultural Qualifying Institute work in…qualify institute, institute workproduct, process, quality, hungarian, german1
ukrainehelp.huDedicated specialists help children cope with the stress of leaving their home, loss or grief at Heim Pál National Childcare Institute's Psychology Crisis Ambulance Children's Psychology Crisis Ambulance: +36 30 44 34 751childcare institute, institute psychologyhelp, ukraine, free, station, hungarian1
meltanyossag.huAndras Jenei spoke about the risks and opportunities in the Western Balkans at the 2024 Budapest Balkans Forum organized by the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs.hungarian institute, institute internationalanalysis, election, hungarian, opposition, political1
imzrt.huIn a public procurement procedure we had been awarded to the full-scope technical control for the energy modernisation of the National Institute for Sport Health-Care (Országos Sportegészségügyi Intézet, Sport Clinic). The project, which completion is scheduled to End of 2015, includes thermal…national institute, institute sporttechnical, control, scope, high, engineer1
helping-hand.huThe advantage of behavioural therapy is that it can provide a framework for the behaviour of a child with ADHD-like symptoms, it can help to become a more competent parent, and commit teachers to supporting the child to success in the educational institutes - without any side effects.educational institute, institute effectchild, parent, teacher, behaviour, kindergarten1
coldwar.huDear Friends, Guests, and Participants, We are informing you that the video recording of the 11th Annual Cold War History Research Center International Student Conference held in collaboration with the European Institute, Columbia University, New York on June 1-2, 2021 is available now.research institute, institute wilson, cwar institute, institute dr., european institutewar, cold, history, center, research1
sakura-kai.hu…the Kyoksul techniques from Korean instructors. From 1997 to 1999 he studied at Godollo University of Agricultural Sciences Teacher Training Institute and graduated as a Mechanical Engineering teacher. In 2011 he got a degree in safety engineering at Zrinyi Miklos National Defence University.training institute, institute mechanicalinternational, instructor, military, navigation, primary1
gyogytorna.info.huOur practice is the Only Reference Center of the McKenzie Institute in Hungary. Our qualified experts are awaiting you in our well equipped private Physiotherapy and Spine Gymnastics practice.mckenzie institute, institute hungarytreatment, physiotherapy, method, pain, physiotherapist1
drtanacs.huBoth as the founder of the Dr. Tanács Law Firm and as a lecturer at the Institute of Business Law of the University of Szeged, Dr. Tanács considers the logical, structured, and transparent regulation of legal relations to be a fundamental value of the legal profession, during which he regards the…lecturer institute, institute businesslaw, legal, contract, protection, representation1
editio.huI work at Óbuda University Sándor Rejtő Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Protection Engineering, Institute of Product Design. I take courses in fields related with fashion managing and product development.engineering institute, institute productfashion, university, brand, portfolio, lecturer1
abigelrendezveny.huA classicist sculptor Lőrinc Dunaiszky's statue called the Korsós woman is located in the inner courtyard. In the film version of Magda Szabó's legendary novel Abigél ,the protagonist was transformed into this miraculous image in the courtyard of the Matula Girls' Education Institute. Wishes are…education institute, institute wishevent, private, gallery, salon, venue1
barke.huAside from being the CEO of BARKE Iris Kft., a company for sustainable projects and management, she is also an instructor and examiner at the Goethe-Institute in Budapest for German language and culture and works as a translator and interpreter in English, German and Hungarian.goethe institute, institute budapestsustainable, communication, language, education, tour1
raicszoltan.huVision Experiment Manager is being developed in Botond Roska’s research group in Friedrich Miescher Institute. The foundations of the framework were designed with Daniel Hillier.miescher institute, institute foundationexperiment, software, vision, hardware, manager1
vasutimerleg.huCalibration Certificate (for OIML R 106) at Research Institutes of Sweden (Notified Body approved in over 100 countries) verify that the sensors’ accuracy is better than 0.1% in the weight range of 3 – 30 metric tons per axle, in the ambient temperature range of -25°C – +40°C.research institute, institute swedensystem, railway, wheel, network, durability1
eurokulcs.hu…Only those persons who have a valid official decision to prove that they are physically disabled can receive this unit key. Such a decision is eg a decision of the Hungarian State Treasury establishing a disability allowance or a decision issued by the National Institute of Medical Experts.national institute, institute medicalkey, invitation, road, system, basic1
terezsulyok.huDepartment of Fine Arts, Department of Art Programs, Hungarian Institute of Culture and Lectorate of Fine Artshungarian institute, institute cultureexhibition, nature, landscape, village, illustration1
medvecorner.hu…started with this first new building along with the demolition of the neighbouring ruined buildings. The building was named after the R&D Institute of VBKM, the so called ERFI (Electronic Research and Development Company), that moved to the building. In 2005-2006 on the neighbouring plot thebuild institute, institute vbkmsqm, floor, build, th, office1
markjector.huDávid Petrétei, teaching assistant University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Criminal Sciencesenforcement institute, institute criminallight, figure, subject, distance, length1
paksbusz.huWe are honoured to have the opportunity to rethink the local public transport system in the city of Paks. The new transport routes were defined with the approval of the working group appointed by the Local Government, after some reworking, during the planning period, a study from Institute for…study institute, institute transporttravel, news, bus, public, point1
orangyal-1890.huWe have established a close relationship with the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen, the Institute of Biology and Ecology and the Department of Botany. The aim of our work is to develop and study products containing plant-based active ingredientsdebrecen institute, institute biologystudy, case, request, active, plant1
grainconference.huDr. Norbert Potori – Director of Research, Scientific Advisor, Institute of Agricultural Economicsadvisor institute, institute agriculturalgrain, partnership, meet, conference, registration1
preventa.huPreventa deuterium-depleted drinking waters, protected by international trademarks, are premium bottled waters, their reliable quality is controlled and certified by accredited institutes and pharmaceutical-grade laboratories.quality institute, institute pharmaceuticalwater, drink, homepage, quality, expert1
g-online.huThe " Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology " directed by well-known Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan performed clinical and functional tests for the care prevention of cutaneous aging phenomena on impressing of cases. These were the foundation of Romanian cosmetologists that have developed a personalized…stock, care, treatment, add, salon1
technosecurity.huqualification, which was audited by the Hungarian Electronic Controlling Institute in August 1997 and in every following three years since then. The ISO 9001 and our well-prepared professionals guarantee that the proper level of quality is ensured from planning to handover during the tasks…control institute, institute augustsecurity, system, quality, task, level1
varganoemi.huWingwave is a new protected method of stress relief, developed by the Besser-Siegmund-Institute, certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001.siegmund institute, institute dinsession, method, mother, wife, problem1
bigeholding.huOriginal green field investment was established in 1951. under the name Tiszamenti Vegyiművek. In duration the socialist area the plant construction was determined by the communist State and had been financed and coordinated by governmental institutes. Basicly it was a soviet type industrial zone…governmental institute, institute basiclyproduct, introduction, plant, fertilizer, main1
bora94.hu…The Agency is an umbrella organization that has established strategic partnerships with public and private actors, such as municipalities, public authorities, professional organizations, associations, NGOs, research institutes, enterprises, etc. on local, national and international levels.research institute, institute enterprisedevelopment, llc, agency, county, strategic1
earth-power.huOur company started in 2004. Some of our previous projects include maintenance work in universities, hospitals, research institutes, multinational shopping centers, mobile service providers as well as other economical companies.research institute, institute multinationalpower, earth, main, reference, generator1
ordogkatlan.huIn 2012 FÜGE Productions renovated an empty school building at 1-3 Jurányi street with the support of the 2nd District of Budapest, Open Society Institute and Mastercard, and opened a 6500 square meter incubator house.society institute, institute mastercardperformance, theatre, music, festival, concert1
budapestcircusfestival.huThe Imre Baross Artist Training Institute, which looks back on a seventy-year history, provides a uniquely high-quality training for artists, actors and background professionals. In order to continue to create a new supply of Hungarian circus art, a new school building is needed to satisfy all…training institute, institute seventycircus, festival, international, act, artist1
mkvk.huChartered Accountants. (The companies act of 1862 in Great Britain stipulated the institution of independent auditors for joint stock companies, and the Institute of Chartered Accountants was established in 1880. A similar organization has been in place in Germany since 1896 and Austria since 1904.)company institute, institute charterchamber, hungarian, member, auditing, sector1
infopark.hu…Hungarian Telekom, IT-Services Hungary as well as young innovative companies found a place for their head office. The seat of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) is found in the Infopark Building E. The office park has nearly 100,000 m 2 space to rent, offering high…european institute, institute innovationdevelopment, build, office, accessibility, area1
born.huWe would like to underline, after all that you have seen, that we never understood the institute of “contact forms” and we actually have this one here running only out of unstoppable non conformism and as a subtile experiment. Please just call us if anything is up – yes, business wise as well…brand, manager, event, bear, rule1
mobilitasplatform.huThe Platform has been initiated by the Government of Hungary and operated by the Institute for Transport Sciences (KTI) for the sake of establishing professional cooperation.hungary institute, institute transportmission, basic, document, group, useful1
hydroinfo.huHungarian Hydrological Forecasting Service was founded on 1 March 1892. Starting from 1929 it operated within the Institute of Hydrology. In 1952 the Research Institute for Water Resources Development (VITUKI) was established, HHFS operated within VITUKI until its closing in 2012. From 1 August…march institute, institute hydrology, research institute, institute waterforecast, meteorological, datum, hungarian, process1
szabofranciska.hu…which is the archive of the Secondary School of Visual Arts (established 1778). I focus on the methodology of teaching how to depict the human figure. My interest also extend to the present practise. I carry out my research at the Doctoral Institute of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts.doctoral institute, institute hungarianeducation, art, anatomy, event, way1
hungariancontemporary.huThe Hungarian Contemporary magazine was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology.research institute, institute artcontemporary, hungarian, art, editor, individual1
massagetime.huOrszágos Reumatológiai és Fizioterápiás Intézet / National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotheraphynational institute, institute rheumatologymassage, solely, actual, dummy, reader1
fermentia.huBalázs Erdélyi holds a PhD degree in Biotechnology from Corvinus University of Budapest. He worked for Institute for Drug Research Ltd., Budapest (Hungary) since 1998.budapest institute, institute drugfermentation, production, development, product, process1
pancreas.huWe are expecting institutes to join our multicenter observational clinical studies. Please note that the protocols of these studies:study, hungarian, group, protocol, visitor1
seismology.huWelcome to the official home page of the Kövesligethy Radó Seismological Observatory, Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science.observatory institute, institute earthmanual, romania, earthquake, croatia, recent1
premiumbudapest.huStepping out of the front gate and turning left, you can find next to the brand new gym on the corner, one of the most beautiful squares of Budapest, Liszt Ferenc Square with the Ballet Institute as well. The space is filled with a multitude of elegant restaurants and cafés, which is a unique…ballet institute, institute spaceroom, apartment, kitchen, live, dining1
kathleenedubsalapitvany.huFaculty at the Institute of English and American Studies, Pázmány Péter Catholic Universityfaculty institute, institute englishfoundation, university, grant, study, college1
foldtan.huAs part of the Geologic regional map series issued by the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary, the Budapest Geoguide presents natural beauties of our capital not only as cliffs or outcrops but as organic parts of public buildings, underground stations or even shopping malls. The book…geophysical institute, institute hungaryhungarian, regional, geological, branch, geology1
imsoft.huwell as the high level of user-friendly software design, because they know that a good tool is essential for proper diagnosis. The company has good relations with the most prestigious technical university in Hungary and works with many medical institutes in order to create the best possible product.medical institute, institute ordermedical, level, solution, system, software1
mome.huIt is the main pillar of the University's core activities, that unites education, including all institutes and departments, while also serving the primary repository and development center for the University's intellectual heritage.education institute, institute departmentinnovation, international, study, university, art1
opl.huMaciej joined OPL in 2016 in order to contribute his Polish commercial law and IT technical expertise to broadening OPL’s legal service capabilities across CEE. As general counsel at the Polish Institute of International Affairs since 2015, Maciej manages and conducts all aspects of the…polish institute, institute international, aspect institute, institute external, employment institutelaw, hungarian, university, legal, fluent1
bisceerobot.huMogiRobi is currently enjoying its leave at the Informatics Institute of the University of Miskolc, where it will help in education and further research.informatics institute, institute universityapril, research, friend, adventure, researcher1
anker-auditor.huDivers of the company’s auditors are teachers of Budapest Business School, College of Finance and Accountancy (Institutes of Accountancy and Controlling).accountancy institute, institute accountancyreference, member, accountancy, profile, curriculum1
dietetikusod.huIn 2013-2015 I was involved in professional consulting on nutrition of elite athletes, sample menu design at the National Institute of Sports Health, Performance Diagnostics Research Department;national institute, institute sportdiet, nutrition, university, health, disease1
digidental.huWe have 15 years of experience gained at the Central Stomatological Institute, We are also co-developers of the widely used Digident Electrometric Measuring Device, which is applied to achieve correct and precise root fillings. Our theoretical knowledge is applied extensively using materials and…stomatological institute, institute cosurgery, dental, treatment, implant, discount1
q2020.hu…quality of statistical products, to promote dialogues on quality frameworks, and to discuss the governance of statistical systems in relation to quality issues. The conference will also examine the new challenges that national statistical institutes face in a society increasingly dependent on data.statistical institute, institute faceconference, committee, statistical, date, course1
nyitottkor.huNyitott Kör is running a new group since the autumn of 2019 for young people with migrant background to facilitate language learning through drama methods called “Drama Deutsch” and in collaboration with the Austrian Institute of Budapest.austrian institute, institute budapestdrama, group, european, school, participant1
brigetio.huThe information on display in the exhibition is complemented by a QR code multi-platform multimedia guide developed by the Institute for Computer Technology and Automation Research, and a virtual reality game by Leopoly Ltd. that takes us on a tour of a Roman city.guide institute, institute computervisitor, exhibition, museum, heritage, center1
plf.huThe Book World Prague (Svet Knihy Praha) is the largest book fair in the Czech Republic, and as the Czech Republic is traditionally one of the most important regional markets for Hungarian literature, the Petőfi Cultural Agency (PLF), together with the Liszt Institute in Prague, organized a stand…liszt institute, institute praguehungarian, literary, book, literature, contemporary1
seed-ecology.huOur group is based at the Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany in Vácrátót, Hungary. We are keen on studying the conservation and restoration possibilities of grassland ecosystems using approaches of seed ecology and landscape ecology. In this homepage we introduce our…research institute, institute ecologyecology, research, group, homepage, welcome1
ila-hungary.huAfter the re-establishment of the Hungarian Branch in 1960, the most important event organized by the Hungarian Branch was the first regional conference of the ILA in 1993 (the co-organizer of the conference was the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies). The opening speech of…sciences institute, institute legalbranch, hungarian, international, law, association1
nordegard.huWe would like to thank the Aquincum Museum, the War History Institute and Museum, the “Sticker” Museum and Archeological Park as well as the students and teachers of ELTE University and Pázmány Péter University for their support.history institute, institute museumlife, period, basin, carpathian, history1
bitandpixel.huTrafó, the internationally respected Contemporary arts institute has been working with Bit and Pixel since 2011. We proudly support them because Trafó represents the same in art as we represent in software development.art institute, institute bitdevelopment, software, plan, system, consultancy1
aacm.hu…Ekubirojs. The second example addressed the RenoHUb project’s market research were delivered by Dr. Fanni Sáfián, Hungarian Energy Efficiency Institute (MEHI). Her presentation was largely focused on the homeowners' the challenges, motivations, drivers and obstacles to energy renovations were…efficiency institute, institute mehieurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
lukacsdenes.huThe personality-distorting effect of dictatures: International research project lead by the S. Freud Institute (in Frankfurt am Main, Germany); manager of the research in the Hungarian population topic „double identity”, together with Ms. Dóra Bölcsvölgyi, Ms. Anett Felházi and Ms. Krisztina…freud institute, institute frankfurtconference, psychology, hungarian, association, clinical1
blancargo.huWe would like to inform all our clients and partners about the change in our bank details. We have joined ERSTE Group, a Vienna-based financial Institute, who offers market-leading solutions in the Central Europe Area. The change, effective from February 1, 2021, is going to serve us with faster…financial institute, institute marketnews, freight, document, solution, network1
code4.huWe help projects which helps people and make the world a better place. We work with NGOs, individuals, open to work with municipalities, schools, other institutes.code, mail, send, hungarian, social1
tulipantunder.huTogether with the Godot Institute of Contemporary Art, we brought to Hungary the international traveling exhibition presenting the work of the mysterious, world-famous graffiti artist Banksy.godot institute, institute contemporaryproduction, exhibition, space, dream, game1
euvitis.hu…Reduce your risk by purchasing only from reliable sources. (Please be aware: our product has got the obligatory notification from the National Institute for Food and Nutrition Science, and the official analytical results with the composition and concentrations of the main components are disclosednational institute, institute foodgrape, product, source, wine, family1
parazitak.huIn the 1960’s, parasitologists formed national societies throughout Europe. In 1963 the Hungarian Academy of Sciences promoted to establish the Hungarian Society of Parasitologists (HSP) with academician Sándor Kotlán as its first president. The goals of the Society are to supportsociety, hungarian, history, news, presidency0
vmri.huHUN-REN Veterinary Medical Research Institute | VMRIresearch institute, institute vmriren, research, veterinary, medical, publication0
woespana.esEl tema… Busca… Situación actual… Radar… Tormenta tropical… Buscador de clima… Tour de Francia… Esquí…dma institutelimit, group, medium, actual, mobile0
pogacsas.huThis is Photoshop's version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor. This is Photoshop's version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor.geophysical institute, institute hungarytitle, custom, lorem, ipsum, version0
ifjusagkutatointezet.huYOUTH AND GENERATION STUDIES JOURNAL RELEASE! Scholars around the globe invited to contributeresearch institute, institute teamyouth, research, news, event, publication0
itec.huDevelopment is ongoing and steadily increasing. Our latest results are incorporated into the products developed and produced by our company and thus benefit our clients.national institute, institute oncologyproduct, certificate, support, homepage, instrument0
szarvasimuzeum.huWelcome to the room of the triangle-headed idol. You can see the 7,000-year-old statue which has become the emblem of our museum. In this room, you can learn a lot of interesting things about this figure and the people who made it. In this period, farming techniques continued to develop so that…exhibition, age, welcome, people, room0
balldavid.hu…Shani… 19 December – Piano Trio concert… 26 November – 30 November – Masterclass in Tallinn Music…french institute, institute messiaenpianist, march, house, memorial, january0
esct.hu…on ‘faith seeking understanding’, Catholic theology engages in interdisciplinary research and education which is loyal and yet constructively critical vis-à-vis the Church, while at the same time meeting the highest academic standards of the academy. The Society offers itself as a service both…loyola institute, institute trinitypresident, theology, catholic, regional, congress0
gyuloletellen.huWhat is a hate crime? Simply put, hate crimes are criminal offences committed with a bias motive. According to the OSCE, hate crimes are criminal offences, including offences against persons or property, where the victim, premises, or target of the offence are selected because of their real or…tk institute, institute legalcrime, group, offence, victim, criminal0
bte.huBeside the leaders mentioned above, Nagy Zsolt, chairman of our association – International Professional Association of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors – presented the important changes of ADR of next year. The leader of dangerous shipment section of NDGDM (National Directorate General for…association, dangerous, safety, advisor, presidency0
iscw.huThe conference was aligned this year with the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (UN) . The annual conference is a multidisciplinary and hybrid platform for the international scientific debate on water in all aspects. The event contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and good…conference, scientific, water, international, poster0
ppke.hu…way: from the initial difficulties and low student numbers, it has now reached the point where the Pázmány BTK is the most popular faculty of humanities in the country, archaeology fills a very important gap, and the international professional community also pays attention to the research and…law institute, institute kjpicurrent, faculty, study, scholarship, university0
doszkocs-zsuzsa.hupainting gallery. This amateur painter, who turns creative drawings into beautiful paintings, touches the heart with his ability to create stunning new pictures that testify to the power of human life and art. The online painting gallery is filled with his emotionally infused pictures that leave a…drawing, painting, gallery, picture, painter0
tomlantosinstitute.huLearn, educate, change. Rights and justice for national or ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities.minority, learn, justice, change, linguistic0
woweer.nlWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.dma instituteweather, limit, climate, group, water0
kofah.huTitle: Advanced Functional Materials for Autonomous Sensor Networks (KoFAH)material, functional, advanced, sensor, network0
fmla.huSince September, 2008 the Fehér Miklós Secondary Grammar School and Dormitory has been teaching and educating the students of the football school, paying particular attention to the development of our competitively sporting students’ personalities.football, academy, school, introduction, grammar0
haszado.huMagnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.rochester institute, institute technologycommodi, suscipit, quidem, velit, fugiat0
gvi.huProportion of companies providing certain types of fringe benefits Proportion of companies providing certain types of fringe benefitseconomic, research, monthly, enterprise, hungarian0
superresolution.huSecond Symposium on Super-resolution and Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy and István Ábrahám Memorial Workshopmemorial, resolution, university, medical, school0
atomki.hu…library… Tenders… Vacancies… Research topics… Map of competencies… Scientific projects… Awards… Articletopic, research, physics, library, medium0
ssscc.huWELCOME TO THE SSSCC 2023 EUROPEAN SMART SUSTAINABLE AND SAFE CITIES CONFERENCE | Smart, Sustainable and Safe Cities Conferenceresearch institute, institute hungarycity, system, sustainable, conference, safe0
oszk.hu…prayer culture was launched in Brussels with the participation of the HNMPCC NSZL… Professional…library, collection, document, catalogue, room0
eltearabszak.huSeveral earlier volumes of THE ARABIST: BUDAPEST STUDIES IN ARABIC have become available onlineschmidtke institute, institute advancedreply, september, october, study, arabic0
fise.huThe basic goal of FISE is to promote applied art and design, and to present our works throughout the country, outside the walls of our gallery. In recent years, FISE has hosted exhibitions in Eger, Győr, Pannonhalma, Szombathely, and Hévíz. After the exhibition in Pécs last October, we are now…apf institute, institute humanity, pető institute, institute foundationexhibition, art, craft, gallery, member0
families.huMomentum “Integrating Families” Research Group is supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The project entitled Integrating Families: Children and the Stepfamily in the Kingdom of Hungary (16–19th Centuries) runs for five years. The project aims to study the history of the pre-modern family…family, research, people, database, event0
eli-alps.huData processing in case of procurements below the value limit specified in the Act on Public Procurementsresearch institute, institute sharpprocurement, datum, public, research, division0
hiia.huAs of 2024, HIIA has entered a new period of strategic research, with researchers continuing their work in five new research groups.publication, news, event, connectivity, strong0
femtolab.hu[65] G. P. Djotyan, J. S. Bakos, M. Kedves, B Ráczkevi, D. Dzsotjan, K. Varga-Umbrich, Z. Sörlei, J. Szigeti, P. Ignácz, P. Lévai, A. Czitrovszky, A. Nagy, P. Dombi, P. Rácz, “ Real-time interferometric diagnostics of rubidium plasma ,” Nucl. Inst. Meth. PR A 884, 25-30 (2018).planck institute, institute quantumfield, g., opt, lab, generation0
szombathely2030.huAn internationally unique development and test environment, ranging from households to senior homes and thermal baths to virtual hospital infrastructure. There is a particular emphasis on sports, stroke and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. It combines academic and applied research with user needs.research institute, institute corehabilitation, environment, city, development, international0
helikonfolyoirat.huHelikon 2019… Helikon 2018… Helikon 2017… Helikon…study, literary, issue, cultural, review0
noemi-fejlesztohaza.hu…in England where I spent a few years learning through experiences. My aim is to support children with special educational needs (SEN) in order to help them overcome their learning difficulties. In addition, I am committed to improving children's development of English and Hungarian…child, development, mobile, availability, day0
budapestdata.huThe Budapest Data Forum is an international data architecture and data engineering conference in its 14th year, now in hybrid format .datum, conference, forum, data, day0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)islam institute, institute shariadocumentary, history, america, article, american0
dsmile.hu…we might have a solution for you. Dsmile Body Balance Training is an effective training program, which combines postural exercises, breathing exercises, orofacial myotherapy, speech and language (voice) training.chek institutetraining, method, body, client, adult0
weatheronline.co.ukWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.dma instituteweather, forecast, uk, climate, europe0
prosper.huA management consulting project is often indirectly related to software development as the first work phase. Prosper’s main activity, software development requires the assessing, interpreting and in case rationalising the Customer’s work processes so that a future software can lean on it…software, development, mobile, system, application0
minerofil.hu…mineralogy, to diffuse knowledge related to minerals and geology, to give scientific lectures for the general public in these areas, to realize the most possible mineralogical survey of Hungary, to keep and protect the morals of mineral collection, to safeguard the interests of mineral collectors.mineral, specie, publication, organizational, structure0
akademiaklub.hu"We were very pleased with the way the Academy Club handled the organisation of the gala dinner and the way the event was run. Our guests enjoyed themselves and we would like to express our thanks to the Academy Club staff for the successful organisation of the gala dinner."national institute, institute foreignacademy, request, quote, event, dinner0
studies.huAbout… Submit an article… Browse… Challenges and opportunities for the development of Ukrainian…publisher institute, institute agriculturalmonth, ago, result, browse, article0
salvavita.huProability: The aim of the project was to increase the employment opportunities of people with disabilities in the open labour market. As envisioned by the project partners, this could be achieved through awareness raising programs regarding the employment of disabled people, designed for present…budapest institute, institute hungary, research institutepeople, employment, organization, job, disability0
tanulaskutatointezet.hu…The Real Colonialism - Fashionable Trends of Higher Education… Read more… 2024 ZGC Forum…learn institutenews, research, learn, activity, event0
oriandras.hu…osztjuk osztjuk meg, meg, ők tárolják ezeket ezeket az az adatokat, adatokat, és hozzá is is férnek az az adatokhoz. adatokhoz. Továbbá előfordulhat az az is, is, hogy hogy a a szóban forgó adatokat adatokat kifejezetten kifejezetten ez ez a a webhely webhely vagy vagy alkalmazás használja majd.dma institutelaunch, limit, ltd, llc, group0
mehi.huWhen it comes to energy efficiency, one of the biggest potential savings in Hungary is in residential buildings. A deep energy renovation wave of 100-130 thousand residential buildings per year would be needed to renew the Hungarian building stock.energy, efficiency, hungarian, activity, residential0
hklegal.hu…firms in Hungary and worked as an economist both in Hungary and Latin America. He graduated „summa cum laude” in 2001 at the political science faculty and in 2002 at the law faculty of ELTE University, Budapest. He spent his academic practice at the Dornbach and Hegyvári Attorneys at Lawlegal, law, attorney, energy, investment0
biographis.huSculptor Masters in Epreskert II exhibition timeline design Graphic design / Exhibition designsgodot institute, institute contemporarygraphic, logo, book, label, art0
sustain.hu…Assessment and the plan based on it will demonstrate performance in meeting the requirements of international organisations, governments, customers and legislation. Corporate performance is measured and presented using 67 GRI indicators. Depending on the size of the company and its…climate institute, institute universitysustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate0
photobooth.huKick your party up a gear with a photo booth from Party Booth. Top-notch service, a huge range of quality props and fantastic fun pictures will make your party a night to remember.booth, photo, rental, wall, event0
budapestbi.huThe conference is focused on 4 key topics each having a dedicated track: Tableau , Power BI , Data visualization and General BI & Data-driven business .conference, track, day, tutorial, sponsor0
adamerdelyi.huI am currently employed in the field of video analytics by Genetec Austria GmbH as Delivery Lead, also serving as security champion in our product group. I completed a PhD program at NES - AAU focusing on objective evaluation and protection of privacy in visual data.group institute, institute network, informatics institute, institute informaticsnetwork, speak, university, sensor, visual0
furedi-annamaria.hu“In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, women made inroads into various professions, including teaching, journalism, social work, and public health. Nursing was well-established. [37] These advances included the establishment of a Women’s Medical College in Toronto (and in Kingston…dental institute, institute arkovycanada, canadian, woman, people, category0
ikosz.huThe National Association of Innovative Clusters (IKOSZ) is an independent non-profit organisation that brings together Hungarian cluster initiatives based on the pooling of knowledge, experience and expertise to strengthen Hungarian competitiveness. Established in 2012 as a result of the…cluster, member, activity, development, news0
suliszeizmo.hu©2022 suliszeizmo | Designed by Hurricane Mediawar, approach, history, organization, international0
naputasok.huHÓDOSI HELGA… TÁMOGATÁS / SUPPORT… GOETHEANUM – JUNI / AUGUST 2019… PRAGUE FEBRUAR 2019… BASEL NOVEMBER…training institute, institute waldorfart, international, academy, position, teacher0
vese-alapitvany.hu…Active scientists and clinical nephrologists were invited to develop the “Nephrology Research and Training Center” at the Semmelweis University Budapest, under the leadership of Dr. Rosivall. A remarkable number of young nephrologists were trained in Hungary, the USA, Canada and Germany at the…address institute, institute italic, institute pathophysiologyhungarian, foundation, school, kidney, university0
nyariegyetem.huYou are not satisfied with your Hungarian yet? Then choose one of our Hungarian language courses. If you have reached a good level of Hungarian proficiency but still want to improve your skills, browse through the list of thematic courses either in Hungarian or in English. But if you are…sejong institute, institute debrecenlanguage, hungarian, material, foreign, course0
hrda.hu…attempt made towards standardisation. The National Research, Development and Innovation Office set up an advisory board for developing an Open Science strategy, and the board has prepared its recommendations. Should those recommendations be acted upon, information and guidance from RDA will be…kovács institute, institute computerhungarian, datum, research, national, open0
zalkak.hu…form-work systems, an education centre, an observatory, nursery schools, hotels, industrial halls, multi-storey panel system dwellings in seismic zones, a space-frame roof system and timber scaffolding. Consultancy work, mainly on the global structural analysis of multi-storey building structures.structural, structure, building, engineering, analysis0
hamvasintezet.huOur decision to wear the name of Béla Hamvas stemmed from the author’s invaluable and highly versatile body of work paired with a life story of symbolic significance. Béla Hamvas is one of the towering minds of twentieth-century Hungary, whose humanism ...institute choicesecurity, click, news, communist, research0
gobudamedical.hu…Signs, Symptoms, Institute… Cell perturbation and lasers illuminate the genetics… Do’s and Don’ts ormedical, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday0
weatheronline.inWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.dma instituteweather, forecast, climate, current, graph0
weatheronline.plMembership info… strona główna… ogólnie w Europie… Polska… woda… radar… z satelity… burze… webcams…dma institutelimit, group, medium, sporty, mobile0
wffinbudapest.huWorld FinTech Festival in Budapest is an official satellite event of the Singapore FinTech Festival, the biggest FinTech festival in the world. The Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the central bank of Hungary is proud to announce that this year it will be hosting World FinTech Festival in Budapest for the…budapest institute, institute bankingdirector, central, digital, head, finance0
weatheronline.co.nzWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.dma instituteweather, forecast, climate, current, satellite0
sophia-institute.huAbout us… in Service… Readings…sophia institute, institute rightpath, wisdom, welcome, connection, th0
oxyma.hu…implementing water and air treatment projects in the name of sustainability and energy efficiency for 10 years - for multinational companies and SMEs alike. Draw ideas for you own goals through our case studies demonstrating real-world applications of innovative technologies and turnkey solutionssolution, promotion, study, reference, industry0
sulierted.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also…india institute, institute medicalipsum, lorem, dummy, text, simply0
mcc.huYouth Talent Program High School Program University Program PhD Program Postdoctoral Publishing Program Public Affairs Programs Roma Talent Program Debate Academy Parent Academyresearch institute, learn institutecenter, talent, news, school, university0
wofrance.frmétéo France wofrance… Membership info… Bulletin… Europe… UK prévisions… France… Index UV… Eau… Cartes…dma instituteeurope, france, limit, satellite, group0
gestaltintezet.huGestalt Therapy… Gestalt Therapy Training… Details of the training… Application… Events… Contact…therapy, training, detail, application, event0
weatheronline.grΠρόγνωση καιρού για την Ελλάδα, και όλο το κόσμο. Ιστιοπολοϊα, χάρτες, προγνώσεις, επικύνδυνα καιρικά φαινόμενα, Marine Weather, δορυφόροι, δορυφόρος, δορυφορική, radar, κλίμα, ιστορικά δεδομένα, μετεωρολογία, αναφορές, τι καιρό κάνει τώρα.dma institutelimit, weather, forecast, europe, crop0
cdre.huThe Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences is pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Rural Environment . The Conference became an annual tradition to meet colleagues all over the world at Szarvas (Hungary). Our…rural, development, environment, conference, agriculture0
implant.hu…at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California, he was appointed assistant professor the following year. Dr. Urban teaches implant dentistry in the graduate program at Loma Linda University. He is licensed in the state of California (USA) and has a private practice in Budapest, Hungary.day, course, implant, urban, bone0
asszisztencia.huJoint Annual Congress of the Hungarian Society for Orthopaedics and Hungarian Trauma Societynational institute, institute sportcongress, hungarian, society, annual, conference0
kritikaifoldrajz.huThis blog is about introducing critical geography to Hungarians. Why is critical geography important in Hungary? Why wasn’t it around before? How to interpret it at home and use it in practice?milestone institutegeography, global, critical, eastern, europe0
lichen.huIn this way we hope to contribute to the understanding of the role and importance of lichens and lichenological research in nature, in human life and society.hungarian, research, knowledge, homepage, detail0
circumstances.huAFRE is a local NGO operating in the Aparhant-Kisvejke region, one of the poorest areas in Hungary, focusing on providing after-school activities for (mostly) Roma children from the surrounding villages.circumstance, view, co., creative, client0
wigner.huResearchers from the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics are contributing to the investigation of one of the potential sites for the Einstein Telescope: the Sos Enattos mine in Sardinia, where they have installed a state-of-the-art muon detector developed by the Innovative Gaseous Detector…institute newsphysics, news, research, centre, ren0
drhe.hu© 2021 DRHE - All rights reserved. • Website made by Digitall Sapiens Kft.institute theologystudent, doctoral, office, programme, university0
hermuz.huThe exhibition spaces of the Herman Ottó Museum and the Miskolc Gallery will be open to the public again from May 20, according to the following opening hours:member institute, institute exhibitionaward, museum, exhibition, visitor, public0
marthakicsiny.huMagyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország // Hungarian University of Fine Art, Budapest, Hungaryfilm institute, institute french, french institute, institute budapestexhibition, group, art, artist, cover0
4dpartners.hu4D Partners is a consulting company founded by several experienced professionals in 2005. Beside the core team of consultants we work together with other professionals, researchers, lawyers, engineers and other specialists in order to fully understand your business problem and provide the best…consultant, core, performance, improvement, complex0
anikozecz.huDuring our first session – free from any obligations – we get to know each other. If you sign up for a free consultation I’ll send you a Health History form which focuses on your health, your problems and your goals. It helps me to see your current position, …iin institute, institute integrativehealth, nutrition, integrative, step, place0
hiaszt.hu…companies could stage dramas which had been formerly banned, and their amateur status offered them a chance for experimenting with theatre aesthetics and language. Although important publications have been made on several ensembles and creators, systematic research on the topic has…theatre, stage, literary, amateur, festival0
solidnmr.huThe laboratory is offering scientific services on the field of NMR spectroscopy (both in liquid and solid state) to any interested client in the world. It initiates and carries out research projects in basic research and is ready to take part in other's project as a cooperating partner.pannonia institute, institute materiallaboratory, solid, university, research, operator0
kilatofejlesztohaz.huUsage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and power.accessory, child, universe, eye, computer0
japanszotar.huGoing through the pages hopefully helps you to see, whether this dictionary will be a helpful tool for you, even you are not a health professional, nor a professional translater. Of course, for professionals this dictionary is a must have one case.premiere institute, institute foreigndictionary, medical, hungarian, japanese, sample0
online-fordito.huData collected and processed: Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Privacy choices, Probabilistic identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, IP addresses, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Non-precise location datadma institutelaunch, duration, storage, datum, detail0
mellearn.hu…mobility, to possess the knowledge about the criteria of sustainable growth and the requirements of inclusive and smart growth. In the last few years significant training experiences and contents have accumulated in Hungarian and European higher education institutions. The Europe 2020 strategy…unesco institute, institute lifelonglearn, education, lifelong, high, hungarian0
pogodaonline.ruEurope Forecast… Topics… Oil spill… Press Release… Agriculture… Daily crop forecast… Hourly crop…dma institutelimit, crop, group, medium, forecast0
weinberg.hu…the other, as well as respect and appreciation. Good relations with partners and personal trust are still have a central role in the life of the company. This will steel our business relationships and drive our business lines forward. As in everyday life, we look for stability also in business…construction, general, award, steel, manufacture0
irkferenc.huNEW BOOK: UNPUNISHABLE SINS II. - The metamorphosis of the exploitation of man and the environmentnational institute, institute criminologypersonal, book, background, academic, skill0
emineo.huEMINEO Private Hospital in Budatest - EMINEO private hospitalsurgery, clinic, outpatient, private, hospital0
ikte.huprojects and activities were aimed at youth groups, and youth workers (youth sector), adults, parents, educators of adults, helping professionals (adult sector) and 50+ senior unengaged citizens (senior sector). On these occasions we used our method as a non-formal educational and development tool…development institute, institute associationgroup, method, training, therapy, art0
hungarianstudies.huThe Szeged Hungarian Studies Center offers a complex and intensive two-semester preparatory program in Hungarian as a foreign language for international students who wish to study at a Hungarian university.art institute, institute englishhungarian, study, student, language, semester0
dennikn.skMinisterstvo tento týždeň spustí registráciu na vakcíny proti omikronu. Budú aj pre mladšíchdma institutepre, limit, group, medium0
woitalia.itprotection… Spray window… Irrigation… Satelliti… America del Nord… America Centrale… America Meridionale…dma institutelimit, crop, america, group, medium0
simtec.huHome - SIMTEC | ANSYS Simulation Software & Servicesresearch institute, sciences institute, institute chemicalsimulation, software, customer, consulting, list0
mrk.huIntroduction… Plenary Session… Committees… Presidency… Supervisory board… Statutes… Partners… News…news, hungarian, introduction, session, presidency0
birot.huSubsequently, I was employed by the Typological Database System Project (TDS) of the University of Amsterdam.early institute, institute phonetictamas, software, university, publication, amsterdam0
neume.huNAVIGATION… SOURCES… SEARCH for NEUMES… OVERVIEW…humanity institute, institute musicologyhungarian, catalogue, navigation, source, search0
ptf.huBecome a more conscious, efficient and effective leader with our training! In addition to teaching management science knowledge, we create a forum for you to meet other leaders with similar values, and to learn from each other by discussing practical and life-like issues. The purpose of the…research institutechristian, timetable, training, theology, consultant0
embersari.huFaulheit (Lazyness), Bipolar project, Wolfsburg Kunstverein, Germany; Ponton Gallery, Budapesthungarian institute, institute warsaw, institute paris, institute helsinki, art institutegallery, art, photography, são, group0
habp.huBody Psychotherapy… Hungarian Institute… Hungarian…hungarian institutehungarian, psychotherapy, body, association0
artofprojects.huPMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter reserves the right to make changes to the AOP 2023 Conference program. If necessary, changes may be made to its content, method and organization before or during the event, insofar as these changes do not substantially diminish the described benefits of the event…management institute, institute usaconference, art, participant, class, speaker0
worldfintechfestival.huWorld FinTech Festival in Budapest is an official satellite event of the Singapore FinTech Festival, the biggest FinTech festival in the world. The Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the central bank of Hungary is proud to announce that this year it will be hosting World FinTech Festival in Budapest for the…budapest institute, institute bankingdirector, central, festival, digital, head0
weatheronline.deTopics… UV Index… Radar… Webcams… Sport… Tour de France… Golf… Weather Facts… Weather Brains… Philip…dma instituteweather, limit, group, medium, france0
martonkissdr.hu…consulting, as well as designing, monitoring, conducting, and evaluating clinical trials - particularly pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence studies, but with an experience spanning from Phase I to IV. He has collaborated with various pharmaceutical regulatory authorities, such as the NNGYK…national institute, institute pharmacyclinical, builder, highly, customizable, academic0
talaloskerdesunk.hu…Zöldségek… Gyümölcsök… Tárgyak… Foglalkozások… Hogy hívják a ...? (viccek)… Hogy hívják a kínai…dma institutelaunch, duration, storage, datum, detail0
nativeenglishteacher.huBetween 1992 and 1994 I held teacher workshops for American English teachers from the organization Educational Services International, who were teaching English as a foreign language here in Hungary.teacher, native, course, school, foreign0
huminilowicz.hu2017 - 2018 - "At home in the body" human anatomic system and its role in movement led by Ferenc Kálmán based on the method of The School for the Body-Mind Centeringuri institute, institute ma, institute emotionalbody, visual, module, communication, membership0
pmi.huSeptember 20 was the start of the fourth year of the International Project Manager postgraduate education program at Corvinus University in partnership with the Hungarian Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI) Budapest. This year, the...educational institute, institute consultingcertification, award, pm, overview, member0
linkgroup.huon signaling and protein-protein interaction networks investigating the development of tumors and drug resistance. The LINK-Group develops novel algorithms to analyze network topology and dynamics and uses them to characterize the adaptation of complex systems to novel environments, and to identify…group, network, member, paper, turbine0
biokutatas.huOrganicAdviceNetwork project kick-off marks the beginning of the first European network of organic advisorsresearch institute, institute organicnews, organic, category, research, network0
ishs.huThe purpose of the International Society for Hermeneutics and Science is to develop an understanding of the role of hermeneutics in natural sciences through, among other activities, organizing meetings, editing a newsletter, disseminate information, and facilitate discussions by an international…science, society, international, vienna, university0
girep2019.huGIREP 2019 conference gives us a great opportunity to celebrate the International Eötvös Year gathering of educators, PhD students, researchers, policy makers.conference, event, july, programme, scientific0
ncaim.huNCAIM | National Collection of Agricultural and Industrial Microorganismscollection, national, agricultural, industrial, strain0
biomagker.huBiomagker is a reliable producer and supplier of GMO free seeds and grains. We are the breeder of the Borbála soybean variety, which was created for human food productions. Our breeding program is commited to provide high quality products while promoting environmentally sound and sustainable…research institute, institute hungarynews, soybean, variety, high, food0
webtls.hu"The program also allowed for a lot of independence while abroad. Instead of feeling like a student going to school in Budapest, I felt like an adult who lived in Budapest and sometimes went to school. I cannot emphasize enough how thankful I am to have done this program."college, student, abroad, staff, application0
nemzedekekenat.huTo do something good. To create value, to build the future. To be useful and, to the best of our ability, to guide others on this path, especially children. To set an example, not to leave a mark, but to follow many paths of goodness, truth, beauty, and respect. With love: the president and members.foundation, generation, mission, life, woman0
nevex.huZonal or interzonal assessment establishing the authorization of new plant protection productsnevex institute, institute kftauthorization, product, plant, protection, evaluation0
heartandsexuality.hu…members of our professional team participated in several trainings in Western Europe in 2019, and we all participated in a special course called Heart & Sexuality Professional Training organized by the Dutch BodyMind Opleidingen, as we were able to deepen the studies and practices of the previoushealth institute, institute hungarysexuality, training, heart, life, body0
nekemawebshop.huMembers of of the the Afghan Afghan special special forces forces were were denied denied help help under under a a UK UK scheme scheme to to settle settle those those in in danger.dma institutelaunch, post, limit, ltd, medium0
borkovics.hu2020 ‘Az anyag és a lélek határán’ – ‘On the border of material and soul ‘ Kiskép Galéria, Budapest, Hungaryexhibition institute, institute hongroise, hungarian institute, institute moscowglass, exhibition, art, international, gallery0
drtemesi.huOur firm focuses its practice on common law and corporate law which can cover the general corporate advising also. We are preparing different agreements, take part in legal representation in trials or other procedures in front of court and administrative procedures; furthermore we assume the…law, legal, representation, trial, office0