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60 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: radiation

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por.hu- - University Hospital for Tumors, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncologypolymorphism radiation, radiation sensitivity, analysis radiation, radiation dna, late radiationuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine70
izotop.huIndustrial sources (Co-60, Ir-192, Cs-137), Irradiators (multipurpose, research, calibration), Radiation protection systems, Transport and storage containers, Hot cellsradiation technique, irradiators radiation, calibration radiation, radiation protectionisotope, institute, technique, event, technology6
hsmti.huLaser technology setting, education, specialist hiring. Calculation, review and risk analysis of workers receiving optical radiation. Mechanical design. Prototype and small series production.optical radiation, radiation mechanicalmachine, image, process, technology, production4
sugarsebeszet.huThis procedure is fundamentally different from radiation therapy, which is more widely known in the general population and is applied repeatedly over weeks. Radiotherapy is based on the differential sensitivity of tumor and healthy tissues, which throughout several repeated applications…immediate radiation, radiation tissue, method radiation, radiation beam, different radiationtreatment, nerve, tumor, illness, process3
indicon.huThe SR-B radiant temperture sensor is a so-called "blackbulb sensor", specifically designed for radiant heating systems. Beside the indoor air temperature - thanks to the second sensor inside the black bulb - the heat provided by the infrared radiation is taken into account while measuring the…infrared radiation, radiation accountcontroller, zone, sensor, heating, input3
cbctbudapest.huDue to the fact that the X-rays are concentrated in a relatively small area and as a result of digital technology, the radiation emitted during dental CBCT imaging – even in case of a complete facial CT – is only one-tenth of the radiation dose of a CT scan used in conventional radiology. In…technology radiation, radiation dental, tenth radiation, radiation dose, apron radiationdental, focus, tooth, scan, organ3
szemvizsgalat.huLutein and zeaxanthin are the major constituents of macular pigment. These pigment accumulate in the retina of the eye and they absorb harmful ultraviolet radiation and blue light. Furthermore lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce the harmful effects of oxidative stress due to their antioxidant, free…uv radiation, radiation blue, ultraviolet radiationvision, eye, antioxidant, health, important3
premiumvision.huYou should shield your eyes from dangerous UV radiation and digital blue light as much as possible. Both your optical and your sunglasses lenses should provide 100 % UV protection for your eyes. Lack of protection can lead to major eye disorders and an accelerated aging process of the tissues…uv radiation, radiation digitalvision, premium, eye, optic, ophthalmology1
radioaktivszallitas.huLooking for radioactive equipment or radiation sources for medical or industrial use? We can give you anything you need from radiopharmaceuticals through medical equipment to a wide range of radiation sources. Get in touch with our colleagues for help.equipment radiation, radiation source, range radiationradioactive, transport, transportation, licensing, trading1
drkelen.huThe laboratory tested SUN sun care products with SPF 6 – 50+ in cream, spray or oil formula provide reliable protection for kids and adults, even for highly sensitive skin. It protects against the harmful effects of the UVA and UVB radiation of the sun, as well as against the free radical damage…uvb radiation, radiation sunsun, cream, shape, massage, body1
rollotop.huIf used duly, the slat- profiles resist chlorine and ultra-violet radiation much longer than cover foil; their expected useful life is 10-15 years.violet radiation, radiation longpool, cover, colour, water, advantage1
lingammassage.huIn tantra, we work with the subtle energies in the body and the universe to achieve spiritual growth and physical health. In our society, the many "pollutions" (electromagnetic radiation, chemicals, non-natural substances taken in with food, stress, ... and many other loads) affect us, which…electromagnetic radiation, radiation chemicalmassage, recommend, highly, price, energy1
thermokor.huWe recommend Swedish BESAM electric door openers for the operation of automatic hospital doors, these are top quality, reliable products. If required we can provide various levels of radiation protection in the doors, in the built-in inspection window and in the frame.level radiation, radiation protectionclean, cold, storage, hospital, food1
jkspaceelectronics.co.huWe officially represent manufacturers of electronic components, cooperate with the certified stocks for obsolete, allocated, alternative and hard find components. We involved in business development with the companies specialized in high reliability and radiation tolerant products.reliability radiation, radiation tolerantspace, electronic, component, ltd, supply1
dentys.hud) has a chronic disease which has a negative effect on the condition of the teeth and the dentures (such as diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, cancers, health condition after radiation therapy and chemotherapy)condition radiation, radiation therapyprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic1
cerntech.hu…and designing complex digital circuits with powerful FPGA-s. Our hardware products operate mainly in a Linux environment. We have also gained expertise in designing radiation tolerant electronics and are able to design and, with our partners, carry out radiation tolerance tests and measurements.expertise radiation, radiation tolerant, partner radiation, radiation tolerancereference, quote, faq, physics, data1
drbecskydent.huObviously, it is an advantage if the dental practice has an X-ray scanner locally. For less radiation and better picture quality, the best choice is a digital panoramic one. Implant surgery should take place in a separate surgical room, so it can stand apart in time and space from consultations…locally radiation, radiation wellimplant, tooth, replacement, dental, surgery1
acrux.huSeveral types of solar collectors exist according to the different methods collecting the solar energy from incident radiation. The most popular collector types are the flat plat collector and the evacuated-tube collector. The heart of the solar collector is the absorber area, which is generally…incident radiation, radiation popular, solar radiation, radiation absorber, radiation heatcollector, heat, price, pump, energy1
mbft.huThe programs and the scientific activities of the sections and groups are summarized separately, but one common feature has to be mentioned here: The great majority of the members of the sections belongs also to other national and international scientific communities being organized for a specific…like radiation, radiation biologysociety, national, section, member, scientific1
radchem.huOur knowledge and experience in radiation techniques and isotope applications allows us to maintain our longstanding reputation as a competent partner in solving diverse and difficult measurement problems and as a supplier of innovative and up-to-date instruments of the highest quality and…experience radiation, radiation techniqueapplication, isotope, solution, quality, history1
nanotechnology.huThis graph shows the Reflection, Transmission, and Absorption of a 30 um thick nanocarbon-PLA (poly lactic acid) composite as the function of nanocarbon content for 30 GHz microwave radiation. The electromagnetic shielding efficiency increases with increasing amount of nanocarbon in the layer. 3D…microwave radiation, radiation electromagneticpublication, butterfly, image, detail1
ecst.hu…of responsible, respectful, clean couple relationships and stable, harmonious, happy marriages and families. It does so in the same way as respected organizations in other disciplines make recommendations, for example, on environmental protection, radiation protection, or occupational safety.protection radiation, radiation protectionfamily, society, science, european, marriage1
mta.huExtreme laser pulses provide researchers with a general tool to produce high-energy radiation and particles, and to generate high field strength, high pressure, temperature and acceleration. They can help us to answer still unanswered questions in physics, such as the origin of cosmic rays with…energy radiation, radiation particlescience, academy, research, member, forum1
medinnov.huWith the increasing dose conformity achieved in modern radiation therapy techniques the requirements on the accuracy of patient positioning are becoming more and more critical. Robotic patient positioning tables consists of a dedicated robot with integrated patient table top and position feedback…modern radiation, radiation therapyresearch, image, treatment, plan, robotic1
computer-service-balaton.huNeed assistance with your network, internet, data, or system? I am here to provide not only repairs, problem-solving, and consultations, but also conduct radiation and electromagnetic fields measurements and offer guidance if you are sensitive to radiation. Additionally, I can assist you in…consultation radiation, radiation electromagnetic, sensitive radiation, radiation additionallycomputer, training, lake, security, mobile1
femtolab.hu[27] S. Varró, N. Kroó, G. Farkas and P. Dombi, “ Spontaneous emission of radiation by metallic electrons in the presence of electromagnetic fields of surface plasmon oscillations, ” J. Mod. Opt. 57, 80-90 (2010).emission radiation, radiation metallicfield, lab, opt, k., generation1
innogamma.huOur new VarioTurn product line will revolutionise hot cell work. Innogamma provides one basic equipment for different dosage forms. It can be easily customized by the control software and the applicable units. We provide optimised system for radiopharmaceutical production: inside of the hot cell…cell radiation, radiation proofproduction, capsule, cell, control, hot1
clearplex.huprotect the interior of the car and yourself from UV radiation providing 99% UV protectionuv radiation, radiation uvprotection, vehicle, invisible, complex, stone1
kotengerpanzio.huIt is said that the "Sea of Stones" has a special radiation that has a beneficial effect on the human body, its landmark is the "Swinging Stone." Every summer thousands of tourists try to jump on it to test it, but since we know it moved almost a foot during the years we advice our dear Guests to…special radiation, radiation beneficialstone, price, gallery, basin, dear1
szepkezlab.huThe condition of our hands and feet can tell a lot. A beautiful hand means neatness and self-confidence. Harmful and damaging effects have affects on our hands continuously such as UV radiation, diseases or chemicals. Because of these effects our skin dries out and we will have chapped nails. Our…uv radiation, radiation diseasenail, manicure, foot, pedicure, skin1
instrum.huParts for medical instruments, e.g. lens housings for surgical magnifying glasses. Isotope holder units for radiation equipment (gamma irradiators).unit radiation, radiation equipmentprecision, turn, machine, grind, assembly1
karotazs.huA product of our R&D activity is a well-logging system suitable for energy selective detection of gamma-radiation. The system is applicable for natural and neutron activated inquiries. With our product, it is possible to measure K, U, Th isotop concentrations and it is able be to used for…gamma radiation, radiation systemmeasurement, range, development, application, activity1
energiaklub.huInterview with Petteri Tiippana, Director General of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finlandgeneral radiation, radiation nuclearenergy, nuclear, climate, photo, article1
bsplastic.huEnvironmental factors (temperature, humidity, UV radiation) greatly influence decomposition.uv radiation, radiation greatlyplastic, packaging, custom, material, size1
jennyz.huinstead, i’m learning new words in chinese: cancer. tumor. pancreas. bile duct. scans. jaundice. surgery. staples. radiation. chemotherapy. genetic. infection. labs. transfusion. clinical trial. side effects.staple radiation, radiation chemotherapyday, february, week, photo, family1
crydet.huWe manufacture NaI(Tl) scintillation crystals with a wide range of customization options to meet the needs of your company, project or institution. NaI(Tl) (sodium-iodide doped with thallium) scintillators are a highly price-effective solution for radiation detection as they provide a great light…solution radiation, radiation detectiondetector, geophysical, electronic, type, expertise1
vargaanita.huUse of sunscreen (sunscreen) with a high factor number (also protects against UVA and UVB radiation) according to the skin typeuvb radiation, radiation skinskin, dermatologist, clinical, screening, cancer1
innotiv.huIt is almost impossible to differentiate between our modern, first-class artificial leathers and the used real leathers after they are installed. They are so durable that they may exceed the genuine ones. They are resistant to fire, UV radiations, salt and cleaning sprays which makes them reach…uv radiation, radiation saltleather, order, quantity, minimal, material1
malnalab.huOur new paper entitled ’ High-Field High-Repetition-Rate Sources for the Coherent THz Control of Matter’ has been published in the Scientific Reports. The paper presents a new class of sources to prepare various fascinating nonequilibrium states in matter, based on superradiant enhancement of…enhancement radiation, radiation relativisticresearch, article, september, june, molecular1
gabor-olah.huAbout Me… Contact Me… Envprog – Promotion 20193D Animation… Baumit – TV spot3D Animation, 3D Still…gamma radiation, radiation surgerygabor, animation, game, map, projection0
kimet.huNews About us Contact Cookie policy Privacy policy and processing of personal data GDPR Terms and conditionsindustrial, paint, digital, tester, temperature0
korhaztechnikaizrt.huOur products are made for hospitals, social institutions, private medical, dental and veterinary practices.board radiation, radiation protectionequipment, protection, website, reference, manufacture0
menoventi.hu…Meteor Showers… Aurora… Sunplot… UV Guide… UV Almanac… Solar Almanac… Live Webcam… Moon Info… Home…today, station, weather, real, temperature0
boreas.huBoreas Ltd. is a Hungarian high-tech company founded in 1994. The company is specialized in development, production and retail of automated meteorological and environmental weather stations.chemical radiation, radiation detectionenvironmental, meteorological, production, development, station0
4smile-dental.huWe consider the highest standard dental care of our patients our primary duty that we achieve with up-to-date Western European materials and technical methods. Excellent doctors, operative dentistimplantologists are available for our patients.low radiation, radiation dosedental, dentistry, smile, material, removal0
bnc.huBetween 25 - 29 Sept, 2023 the Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) and the Institute of Nuclear Techniques of the Budapest University for Technology and Economics (BME) organized a hands-on training school on nuclear data measurement at Research Reactors in Budapest. The event was supported by the H2020…application radiation, radiation technologyneutron, research, user, application, centre0
jet-vill.hu…areas comprise self-developed product ranges. We introduced compact concrete housing transformer station technology. With our state-of-the-art underground equipment, we continue the development activity that results in solutions for our partners with more and more advantages. With the installationemc radiation, radiation protectionunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power0
paleo.huThe central theme of our Research Group is the history of biosphere. This topic has been increasingly in the focus of international paleontological research in the last few decades. Using the Earth system approach, the changes of biodiversity through time and the key events in evolution are…publication, mission, research, history, group0
gallaszauna.huWe hope that soon we can meet personally and greet You among our customers also. Please - before decision - inquire thoroughly since your sauna and infrared sauna you buy not only for one year but for a "lifetime". Do not let yourself to be abused by the popular price! Choose the balanced brand…infrared radiationsauna, infrared, basic, shape, therapy0
siomedical.huThe examinations are conducted by appointment without having to wait for weeks or months so as to regain your health.harmful radiation, painless radiation, radiation freeappointment, doctor, examination, surgery, health0
graniteworld.huOur company is engaged not only in the sale of natural stone products, but can offer its customers a full range of natural stone products: granite curbs, granite paving stones and much more.uv radiation, radiation colourgranite, tile, natural, grey, block0
fotomax.huWhen working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked.technology, politics, travel, news, small0
mobitel.huWhat is Mobile Network Repeater? It is a device between a mobile phone and the Base Station. It is very helpful when for example there is no clear mobile signal in a building. Theradiation circuitpage, mobile, amplifier, signal, network0
enrightpartners.huEnright Partners Ltd is a reliable distributor of high quality medical equipments and related services.radiation oncologyhealthcare, serve, expertise, equipment, technology0
rockrose.huI'm attached to Rock Rose because here I receive care I last experienced in my childhood. The treatment comforts not only my teeth but also my soul. The staff is exceptionally committed to painless work.assistant radiation, radiation assitantdental, treatment, dentistry, oral, surgery0
as-services.hu…Services , through its experts, was involved to the implementation of several projects including those under the egis of the EURATOM and the International Atomic Energy Agency. These projects aimed to assist nuclear regulators and operators in capacity building, research and development, and riskradiation protectionnuclear, main, development, support, engineering0
silkesztetika.huThe laser can only treat hairs that are in the growing phase or visible on the skin surface, as a result multiple treatments are required to treat all hair in the skin. With the high power and skin cooling of Elysion most people only require 6-8 sessions.treatment, silk, hair, skin, diode0
kiralyklinika.huKirály Clinic was opened in July 2014, when the building underwent an important modernisation offering the most advanced technology and treatments. The Király Clinic is dedicated to gastrointestinal diagnostic and treatment services and proctology. Three outpatient hospitals are operated by…clinic, treatment, medicine, hospital, procedure0
sonido.huThe Sonido manufactures unique products completely in Hungary . Our goal is not less than supplying the highest musical reproduction needs. About us...gallery, driver, article, photo, small0
validum.huConstruction Safety Experts provides a comprehensive audit of your health and safety programs, training, record keeping, and accountability systems–perfect for identifying deficiencies before actual inspection. Our goal is to provide construction sites with qualified staffing and certified…nuclear radiation, radiation safetysafety, fire, management, training, environmental0