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101 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: illness

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medaqua.huDoctors have been suggesting the use of curative waters, partly as a treatment for gastrointestinal complaints and illnesses, for over a hundred years. Patients have been using curative waters that belong to the group of sulfuric, bitter salty, glaubersalty, and sulphurous waters since then.certain illness, illness past, digestive illness, illness year, intestinal illnesswater, curative, treatment, complaint, mineral17
pajzsmirigypszichologia.huDiseases of the body can often cause psychological symptoms. While some illnesses may be accompanied by a more serious mental disorder, such as depression, others may be accompanied by mild irritability or mood swings. Both of these can and should be treated. ...thyroid illness, health illness, illness behaviour, symptom illness, illness mentalthyroid, psychology, disease, gluten, calcium9
ferrotamin.huIf iron supplementation still does not happen, and even the quantity of iron delivered in blood decreases, then we face the illness named IRON-DEFICIENT ANAEMIA. At this stage already the creation of erythroblasts has disorder (see manifested iron-deficiency on the graph).life illness, illness different, period illness, illness heavy, gut illnessiron, woman, body, supplementation, complex9
teremtoonismeret.hufixed ideas and games in my life e.g. escaping into fatigue, illness, work or other activities, feeling exceedingly tense when being hungry, feeling exceedingly worried before travelling, playing the role of ”I am little, I hear and see nothing”, escaping into hysteria, nail-biting, peeing without…escape illness, illness attention, incurable illness, illness difficulty, fatigue illnessparent, power, father, mother, relationship7
hospicehaz.hu…already out of active therapy, in Budapest for 30 years now. While we alleviate their pain and other symptoms and lessening their mental suffering, we focus above all on humane treatment and the protection of personal dignity. We also try to help relatives cope with the illness and the bereavement.relative illness, illness bereavement, difficulty illness, illness family, length illnesscare, patient, family, pain, donation5
energiaspiralcsapo.huto a huge number of harms we endure these days, the resistence of our body has decreased and we do not have enough energy for fighting different illnesses. The energy of the energy spiral starts to work where the lack of energy is the most acute: at our sick organ. Everybody must have heard about…mother illness, illness later, effect illness, illness feedback, different illnessspiral, energy, introduction, day, effect4
bekesstock.hudolphin coffee house duck pandemic monkey mask covid table 2020 reserved table bekes county chicken figures november jankay cafe closed jankay bekescsaba cafe bekes bar domino covid-19 covid19 virus coronavirus people donkey chess stuffed animal plush closed covid corona soft toys pig contagious…contagious illness, illness bear, illness softcounty, travel, europe, tourism, vacation4
pepperpr.hu…year, Dry Nights Foundation organized a Enuresis-camp for children who suffer from enuresis nocturna (bedwetting) in Miskolc. The one week summer camp took place on the first week of July. The camp was organized for those kids who never had a chance to participate in camps because of their illness.patient illnesspepper, software, technology, market, office3
lelek-harmonia.huPrivate therapy: it is recommended in case of problems related to your won self or to your relationship with your environment as well as in case of illnesses. During the first session we work out together the framework of cooperation. We select the method / methods that are the most suitable to…psychosomatic illness, case illness, illness sessionproblem, psychologist, counselling, disorder, technique3
infravizsgalat.hu…of the ovaries). On the other hand, it is possible that the cream should not be used at the usual dose for someone, as there may be other illnesses in the background that have not been known that may modify the cream’s dosage requirement. This can be correctly determined using two tests: a…person illness, illness medical, illness time, dose illness, illness backgroundinfrared, imaging, body, hormone, treatment3
tcmmedic.huBesides treating illnesses, our main goal at Chi-Huang TCM Center is to also educate people about preventive care methods. We hope to build on Eastern (TCM) and Western medical principles to create holistic treatment plans that help our patients achieve a healthier way of life.doctor illness, illness unique, prevention illness, illness timemedical, center, huang, chen, health3
alkoholfuggoseg.huOur view is that recovering from addiction can be based on the concept of illness, following a change-oriented recovery model, and participating in self-help communities. We consider recovery as a lifelong process where abstinence is maintained by the ability to constructively live with the…concept illness, illness change, passion illness, illness addictaddiction, rehabilitation, group, day, form2
budapestyogawithcarmen.hu…can manifest as ailments, such as migraines, lower backache, digestive disorders, hypertension, psychosomatic disorders, etc.. If not attended to, elevated and prolonged stress levels can develop into chronic illnesses that ultimately require medical attention, prescription drugs or even surgery.psychosomatic illness, chronic illness, illness ultimatelyyoga, community, international, energy, body2
arec.huThe ionisation can enhance the effectiveness of the method. Thanks to this method, we can really be the best in the area of curing these illnesses. Several thousand children and adults who took part in an AREC therapy can prove the success and efficiency of this method. Another evidence can be the…people illness, illness day, area illness, illness thousandtherapy, respiratory, method, child, technology2
inmategym.hu…from the head of Synlab Microbiological Laboratory (Dr Agnes Juhasz) in which patients arrived with excessive processed protein intake caused illnesses and from the surgical team of the DOTE Urology department where young people arrive with different degree of kidney problems, some are awaiting…intake illness, illness surgical, unknown illness, illness conditiontraining, body, session, muscle, like2
oxyhouse.huFor sure also in your closest environment there are people with respiratory conditions, elder or younger. Respiratory illness is a common problem, especially allergy and asthma. We help to create a more liveable environment.respiratory illness, illness common, purpose illness, illness recoveryclean, environment, deep, ecological, house2
ensport.hu❌ you are not feeling well, or recovering from an illness. Wait until you are 100% healthy.illness healthy, chronic illness, illness strenuouswindow, plan, training, run, athlete2
tourdematra.huEvery racer participates in the Tour de Mátra Road Cycling Race under their own will and responsibility. Therefore, the Mátra Biker Sport Club cannot be made liable for any accident, fall or illness occurring during the entire duration of the race.fall illness, illness entirerace, entry, tour, road, cycling2
coris.huA not expected injury or illness is not easy to deal with even at home, and its more serious to consider when we are facing it abroad.unexpected illness, illness accident, injury illness, illness easyinsurance, pension, family, detail, protection2
wojtyla.huThe Karol Wojtyla Friendship Centre had special guests on 12th December: Mayor Dr Gábor Zombor and Dr Lajos Németh, specialist for internal diseases. Their visit was not a one-off, as they volunteered to give regular medical advice to socially disadvantaged people who are suffering from different…people illness, illness help, different illness, illness freefriendship, centre, house, poor, town2
hankooknegyed.huWe must remain committed to the prevention of contagious diseases, with special attention to the COVID-19 epidemic. In accordance with the current regulations, colleagues with symptoms suggesting upper respiratory tract illness are tested with rapid antigen tests.tract illness, illness rapid, mild illness, illness outbreakemployee, health, day, september, news2
vamosdental.huChronic illnesses having negative impact on the condition of teeth and denture (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, cancer, x-ray treatment and chemotherapy).chronic illness, illness negativedental, treatment, guarantee, denture, patient2
mahayanaegyhaz.huAt the same time, we proclaim a process of self-knowledge in which man, stepping out of himself and overcoming the self, ascends to inner peace in the world of Buddhist doctrines. In which world the person is no slave to time, necessity, illness, death, or the illusion of consciousness, where…necessity illness, illness deathbuddhist, activity, human, teaching, great2
tamasmagusmedium.hu…your destiny with that goal, for example a love affair, a black wedding and others… But it is also a harmful intention if you cure someone’s illness with magic or other spiritual techniques, which somehow you have to live and you will lose something instead. This is not a game!!!! I only…big illness, illness hand, intention illness, illness magiccourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health2
balinttarsasag.hu. Balint) is rather in the background. The integrated group procedure places the emphasis on the integrative approach of multiconditional content (illness, environment, diagnostics, patient behavior, healing practice, healing environment, healer cooperation and competency, sciences). The holistic…physical illness, illness classical, content illness, illness environmentgroup, saturday, society, fee, technique2
csodalampa.huThe mission of Csodalámpa (Magic Lamp) Wish Granting Foundation is to grant 230 to 300 wishes a year: a wish to any, 3-18 years old child, who suffer from a life-threatening illness.wish, report, foundation, lamp, annual2
szaguldozz.hu…quantities to ensure adequate packaging of the newly synthesized genomes and maximizing the production of progeny virions, which are released by cell lysis Berk, Clinical Features and Epidemiology Respiratory viruses can infect various parts of the respiratory tract and cause a range of illness.acute illness, illness mortalityrespiratory, virus, korean, cell, vaccine2
muskatliapartman.huis rich rich in in thermal thermal water, water, and and different different bath, bath, which which are are open open also also in in winter. winter. The The spa spa of of Bogács helps helps recovering recovering rheumatism, rheumatism, joint- joint- and and gynaecological gynaecological illnesses.cave, place, region, bath, museum2
arwenmasszazs.huOffice massage is a massage applied with the client keeping their clothes on. The massage relaxes the muscles used during office work (back, neck, head, arm) with special grips. Its regular application can reduce lost working hours due to illness. The duration of the massage is 20-30 minutes…hour illness, illness durationmassage, body, main, office, client1
nadordental.huA dental focus develops from chronic inflammation of the teeth and, like any other foci, can cause other illnesses. It’s important to have your teeth regularly checked and treated by a dental proffesionalfocus illness, illness importantdental, treatment, tooth, dentistry, private1
drcesko.huAt the homeopathic consultation, after completing a questionnaire consisting of 252 questions, an hour-and-a-half-hour pathography is taken, during which current complaints, previous illnesses, lifestyle and behavioral habits are questioned. This is followed by a personalized homeopathic medicine…previous illness, illness lifestylepractice, private, vaccination, patient, consultation1
akupunktura-drli.huCombined with traditional acupuncture and modern medical theory, it is an ideal cure for pain-related illnesses. Combined with traditional acupuncture and modern medical theory, it is an ideal cure for pain -related illnesses.pain illness, illness traditionalli, cup, pain, medicine1
abece.hu…course of the first session, the pupil gets acquainted with the tasks, and has an opportunity to find out that his problem is not more than an illness with which he does not even need to go to hospital. Moreover, there is absolutely no need to change schools, or to be angry with the teacher, andproblem illness, illness hospitalchild, problem, programme, task, treatment1
hovawart.huThe hovawart is a healthy breed, it does not catch any kind of illness easily. Their nature is really pleasant – calm but watchful at the same time, even-tempered, reliable, kind and devoted to their family. Hovawarts are friendly, tolerant towards children while playing with them. They are very…kind illness, illness easilydog, school, kind, puppy, news1
chichaya.huThai foot massage prevents and cures many illnesses. Contrary to the name, it has beneficial effect not only for the foot, but also for the whole body and all organs. The sole of the foot is the map of the body, the meridian points of all organs and parts of our body can be found on it. The status…massage illness, illness contrarymassage, body, traditional, type, effect1
mrtt.huWe are saddened to announce that Attila Varga, professor of the University of Pécs, vice-president of the Hungarian Regional Science Association, passed away at the age of 66 on 23 October 2023 after a long illness.regional, science, association, annual, conference1
tc2.hu…a 24/7 on-call support according to ITIL regulations requires at least 5 qualified support professionals due to the 3 shifts, vacations, and illnesses. And the majority of customers rarely have this number of employees, especially in the field of cloud-based computing, which is still new today…vacation illness, illness majoritycloud, solution, migration, case, study1
bankszovetseg.huLászlóné Béke, President and CEO of Polgári Bank, departed this life on 27 October 2023, following a long illness. She was a renowned financial leader in the town of Polgár, who contributed to and, in her role as a banker, ensured the economic development of the entire region over a period of five…long illness, illness renownedbanking, association, detail, release, week1
kapcsolatmentor.huWell-established relationships make you feel over the moon, but this idyllic balance is volatile and can be easily disturbed. While this latter situation is undoubtedly a threat to your psychological integrity, it often concerns your physical wellbeing (stress, illness) and can cause financial…stress illness, illness financialrelationship, family, career, divorce, problem1
soundbridge.hu…to "build" us. For days after the soundbaths, the girls were calmer and more cooperative, and I might even mention that their symptoms of illnesses were alleviated just by talking to Andrea on the phone. For me, Andrea has provided a mirror in addition to the voices, so that I can get to…symptom illness, illness andreasound, group, day, session, retreat1
deruslelek.hu– on the one hand, it seeks to provide assistance to children and their families with serious illnesses and, in connection with this, to support hospitals and institutions where Hungarian children are cared for from here and beyond our borders through fundraising;family illness, illness connectionfoundation, help, tax, child, card1
tarkakutyabolt.hu…the house clean, but they help older, incontinent dogs,or any dog while travelling. The CBD Oil has provided cure for many dogs for different illnesses as an additional extra. Before use you must always discuss it with your vet! But we do not forget about the pet owners, either! You can find in…different illness, illness additionaldog, harness, bow, birthday, accessories1
partitestverek.hu2004. We learned saying goodbye and the last was saying goodbye to Justus. The real loss was in 2006 when we lost “Huszár” in a short but a rapid illness. With the brothers we said goodbye in Padua with a solemn commemoration. Before his death he established the “Table of Budapest”. A lot of his…rapid illness, illness brothertable, national, news, flag, international1
bbexport.huThe special property of acacia honey is that it soothes coughs thanks to its antiseptic effect. It is an excellent tonic for the elderly, children, pregnant women, and those recovering from illness or surgery. At the same time, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system , helping to overcome…woman illness, illness surgeryacacia, honey, natural, quote, market1
helping-hand.huDifferences in mental functioning require treatment similarly to other, more obvious, chronic physical illnesses, such as hypertension or myopia. These are simply more accepted by the general public then the differences in the nervous system, although those involved also need treatment, help…physical illness, illness hypertensionchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten1
firstmed.huGet your children’s general illnesses diagnosed and treated with our highly skilled, English-speaking pediatricians . Rest easy with their reassuring advice and preventive care options for their health.general illness, illness highlyclinic, care, health, medical, doctor1
relaxspa.huDuring the condition assessment we measure the body’s several electric parameters, such as resistance, impedance, current intensity, tension, capacity, induction, frequency. Thanks to the speed of the computer, the results are ready within a few minutes, and thus help discovering and healing…minute illness, illness examination, possible illness, illness probabletreatment, massage, cost, minute, weight1
költségosztó.hu…to reduce costs have fostered indoor air quality problems in many buildings. Occupant complaints of odors, stale and stuffy air and symptoms of illness or discomfort breed undesirable conflicts between occupants or tenants and building managers. Lawsuits sometimes follow... — The Environmental…symptom illness, illness discomfortair, quality, solution, building, indoor1
aipderm.huThe doctor makes the final diagnosis and treatment with the help of our AI system, who can prescribe a prescription, or in the case of a serious illness, refer you to a hospital for treatment. The prescription can be dispensed at any pharmacy via EESZT.case illness, illness hospitaldermatology, diagnosis, treatment, social, artificial1
drrose.huAcute arthritis or other inflammations, severe varicose veins, acute febrile illnesses, infectious diseases, and certain skin diseases are contraindicated.febrile illness, illness infectiousscreening, surgery, card, package, child1
debrecensun.huMiklós Benedek, Actor of the Nation, Kossuth and Jászai Mari Prize winner, theater director, died on Tuesday morning at the age of 78 after an illness he bore with dignity, the family informed MTI.age illness, illness dignityjanuary, price, zone, sun, economy1
egerhotelsbooking.hu. Two types of thermal water burst out of the springs: the sulphurous thermal water and the radonic thermal water. The thermal water of Eger is used for the treatment of several illnesses as a bath cure, e.g. arthritic diseases, spinal disorders, neurological diseases. The Thermal Bath of Eger…treatment illness, illness bathbooking, city, reservation, apartment, package1
ec-legyonmagad.hu…the stuck emotions can result in depression, anxiety, and other unwanted feelings that we are unable to get rid of. They can interfere with the proper functioning of our body's organs and tissues, wreak havoc on our physical condition, and produce pain, fatigue, and illness. "Dr. Bradley Nelsonfatigue illness, illness dr.emotion, emotional, burden, session, heart1
szentandrasi-szabo.huSince there are no two similar people, there are no similar illnesses and treatments. For personalized treatment plan and quotation, please do not hesitate to contact our doctors. The fee for the first examination is credited from further treatments, so it is free of charge.similar illness, illness treatmentdentistry, family, dental, patient, tooth1
solioetolaj.huThe human health is depending on the certain lifestyle is lived and the nourishment. Many illnesses can be prevented, reversed by the boost and upkeep of our body by consistently supplying necessary and even missing nutrition. Extruded vegetable oils or even more the inherent unsaturated fatty…nourishment illness, illness boostoil, salad, cook, seed, effect1
morenocentrum.huZerka came to my home for dinner that night and I had my young children around too. Zerka suddenly addressed them: „I saw you kids realized that there is someting wrong about my arm. Yes, I lost my right arm to an illness but it never stopped me from becoming the right hand for Moreno !”.arm illness, illness rightdrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
barkacsoldal.hu_____19. Kennel specifically requires all pets be vaccinated against communicable diseases prior to boarding. Kennel reserves the right to refuse admittance to any pet that shows signs of illness or that does not meet Kennel vaccine requirements. Despite these precautions, Owner acknowledges that…sign illness, illness kennelmarch, april, order, court, contract1
new-buddha.huIllnesses: Prevention is the best cure; however, if one is already sick, particular emphasis must be put on professional care.religion, issue, music, exception, answer1
silkesztetika.huDo not listen to anything or change information about your previous medical treatments and surgeries, especially those related to illness or personal risks of allergies.especially illness, illness personaltreatment, silk, hair, skin, diode1
transporteconomics.huIt is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Professor Piet Rietveld, Head of the Department of Spatial Economics. Piet passed away, after a short period of illness, on November 1, 2013.period illness, illness novemberdata, transport, map, note, road1
alpokaljaalapitvany.huconsultation and supervision. In addition to the individual treatments detailed below, we provide in-depth and accessible nutritional and medical lectures to help people learn about their body's processes that facilitate healing and prevent illness, and personal advice from our dietitian and doctor.healing illness, illness personalhealth, start, treatment, session, exercise1
robotmunkaero.huAbsences, illnesses, and resignations are regular occurrences among the existing staff in many companies.absence illness, illness resignationinstallation, production, worker, predictable, problem1
solhotel.huWe can help You with easing and relieving your complaints. However, You are not only welcome here if you wish to recover from an illness. Visit us, if You simply want to relax, feel refreshed or recharge yourself. You can regain your physical and mental harmony in Bükwelcome illness, illness simplyapartment, house, lorem, molestie, look1
fiziodia.huPhysiotherapists help those affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice.injury illness, illness disabilitytherapy, pain, eng, manual, body1
dietetikusod.huwho already have the problem, have a diagnosed illness, or have undergone surgery, and with appropriate nutrition their recovery and improvement can be influenced to a large extent (tertiary - prevention)problem illness, illness surgerydiet, nutrition, university, health, disease1
dentalstudio.hu…relations. Our team is ready to provide you with these; we have experience, proficiency (which is constantly refined), up-to-date technical background and a well-organized team. We offer longer warranty than usual for any technical failure. Unfortunately, we cannot offer the same for illnesses.patient, equipment, staff, warranty, prevention1
auditinfo.huWe would like to inform our Dear Customers that in order to prevent the consequences of a human epidemic causing a mass illness that endangers the safety of life and property…mass illness, illness safetyannouncement, management, proceedings, colleagues, privacy1
gyorsun.huMiklós Benedek, Actor of the Nation, Kossuth and Jászai Mari Prize winner, theater director, died on Tuesday morning at the age of 78 after an illness he bore with dignity, the family informed MTI.age illness, illness dignityjanuary, price, zone, economy, sun1
gerson.hu…purposes only. Gerson Therapy is not a substitute for medical or other professional consultations. Results achieved with Gerson Therapy depend on many factors, mostly the individual’s current state of health, the stage of illness, treatment methods, and last but not least, psychological factorsstage illness, illness treatmenttherapy, europe, center, holistic, colleagues1
autobio.huPatients with SARS-CoV-2 infection can experience a range of clinical manifestations, from no symptoms to critical illness. Covid-19 patients face a high risk of death for the severe complication such as hypoxemic respiratory failurecritical illness, illness covid-19diagnostic, solution, news, infection, microbiology1
menyhertanna.hu…around town like an enraged lion. He would block my every avenue, even in the editorial bureaux. But I knew better than anyone that he was ill, nervous, tormented by demons. I could have guessed that he couldn’t face his illness in humility. That he’d be too proud. That he’d rather face suicide.’demon illness, illness humilitywoman, long, literary, free, writing1
kellegywebsite.huWhether you or your loved one is encountering the natural decrease in mobility that occurs with the passing of time, or deals with an illness-related lack of physical agility, a stair lift can be the ideal way to put you in charge of your home again. Regardless of the shape or make of your living…time illness, illness lackdeveloper, ceo, portfolio, science, way1
mtgholding.huWe would like to inform our honorable customers that in order to prevent the consequences of a human epidemic causing a mass illness that endangers the safety of life and property, in order to protect the health of ourselves and others, personal customer reception at MTG-HOLDING Ltd. is limited…mass illness, illness safetyproceedings, liquidation, bankruptcy, wind, introduction1
papaibotond.huWe investigated all possible treatments and learned that the only way to help Botond maintain his condition and ability for walk is the Selective Dorsal Rhysotomy (SDR) surgery, which is a neurosurgical operation conducted in the spine. Since Botond’s illness is very rare, it took a long time to…botond illness, illness rarefoundation, step, rehabilitation, surgery, help1
onalloelet.huin a wheelchair. These questions are really important, because we can express that happiness does not depend on two legs or four wheels, but it’s carried within by everyone. We always intend to make children understand that despite injuries, accidents or illnesses, life should always have a purpose.accident illness, illness lifepeople, activity, independent, live, accessibility1
biomedikalis.huWhen it turns out that a baby or a toddler in the family has a chronic illness, parents face an enormous burden first and foremost emotionally but also financially....chronic illness, illness parentfamily, story, foundation, supporter, biomedical1
madeinthailand.huIt activates the circulation of the blood and lymph and the self-curing of mechamism of the organizm. Thus, it is perfectly right for the prevention of illnesses, as well. The massage does not use any tools and its results can be experienced immediately.prevention illness, illness massagethailand, massage, body, price, gallery1
natureland.huGood health is every person's greatest asset. NATURLAND strives to improve the quality of people's lives by focusing on preventative health care products that promote well being and inhibit disease, as well as safe, natural alternatives for the treatment of common illnesses and ailments that are…common illness, illness ailmentsherbal, quality, natural, production, supplement1
lorik.huIf you are going to be interrogated as a witness or a suspect in a criminal proceeding, use by all means the help you can get from a defence counsel well versed in criminal law. Just like when having even a slight illness, we turn to a medical doctor for efficient help, we should never be too…slight illness, illness medicalcriminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, defence1
csomagszallitasmalta.hu* For a quote for pet transport please provide the following details of your pet: species, breed, age, weight, house-trained or not, any illnesses.parcel, delivery, malta, packaging, transport1
siomedical.huFor the patients contacting us we provide the knowledge to keep healthy, to prevent illnesses and to recover, the nice atmosphere of being understood and distinctly cared for and the environment being aesthetic and hygienic.healthy illness, illness niceappointment, doctor, examination, surgery, health1
rimconsulting.huIn case of the authorization of the foreign citizen and the exclusive assignment concluded with our Company, during staying in Hungary, we arrange the health care in case of illness, the complete administration (doctor search, hospital treatment, outpatient care, provision of accompanying hostess…case illness, illness completeconsulting, rim, protection, security, case1
tmtanitas.hu…disease, sleep disorders, memory problems, compulsive acts, addictions etc. Medicines that regulate serotonin levels can temporarily ease the symptoms of these illnesses, but can not solve the real cause of the problem. Stress plays a major role in the reduced serotonin production in the brains.symptom illness, illness realmeditation, stress, deep, benefit, health1
yumeiho-terapia-heviz.huHowever, though massage has a wide spectrum of benefits, it is not meant to cure acute or chronic illnesses. We therefore do not cure illnesses but help to prevent it without any damaging side-effects, and help make you feel good.chronic illness, illness effectmassage, health, therapy, page, spiritual1
okthaimassage.huWe offer a wide range of massage types in our salon to meet all your needs. You can choose from classic massage, oil Thai massage, head, neck, back massage, foot massage and other types of massage.psychosomatic illness, illness chronicmassage, foot, neck, head, traditional0
kurkodent.huAt Kurkodent we perform our dental work with maximum responsibility and use only reliable sources of quality dental materials that meet the strictest quality standards.interference illness, illness complaintsurgery, video, dental, oral, page0
pulimix.huComplete solution in the food supplement CANIPREM is a complete vitamin and mineral-supplement made for dogs which also contains joint protection components as well as active substances of dog's hair conditioner.dog, supplement, joint, complete, food0
sugarsebeszet.hu…sensitivity of tumor and healthy tissues, which throughout several repeated applications, preferentially affect tumor cells. In contrast, radiosurgery induces tissue necrosis in the affected areas by a high dose of radiation delivered in a single dose. In certain cases, radiosurgery can…treatable illnesstreatment, nerve, tumor, process, vascular0
barbizon.huThe hotel shall only be liable for damages to other items brought in by the guest if the damage occurred in a place usually used by the guest or open to the guest, for example: the hotel room, corridor, lobby, garden, car park. The hotel is obliged to pay for such damage up to fifty times the…guest, reception, room, damage, case0
fitpuli.huSign up for our newsletter and never miss another update on digital health care, employee wellness programmes and all things health! Powered by Fitpuli’s health experts.health, employee, programme, data, user0
cbctbudapest.hu…toxins. Another large group is the foci of padontal origin. Examples include chronic gingivitis or focal infections developing from chronic gum disease. The third type is the purulent abscess developing around an impacted tooth, typically around the wisdom tooth. A very similar disease is an…long illness, illness dentaldental, focus, tooth, scan, organ0
lsd.hu​Market Trading Guide: BHEL, Apollo Hospitals among 4 stock recommendations for Thursday​ – Stock Ideasdisease illness, illness breaststock, january, health, news, finance0
gastroenterology.huGastrointestinal cancers represent an important public health problem. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth commonest form of cancer and the second most common cause of cancer mortality. The incidence of colorectal cancer increases with increasing age. Screening can reduce the incidence of…gastrointestinal, gastroenterology, symptom, disease, bowel0
kidlife.huThe complex screening is carried out by a child psychologist, an occupational therapist and a movement development specialist.specialist, child, parent, counselling, therapy0
journeytoawareness.huPlease, explore the most common questions and answers about my individual and family therapy.disability illness, illness enduretherapy, family, column, question, relationship0
ipkovich-emoke.hu…If you are an expat living abroad, I can offer you online sessions as well. Although online consultations require greater focus from both the consultant and the client, online sessions proved to be efficient for clients who contacted me from numerous countries, including the USA, UK, Switzerland,stress illnesspsychologist, client, issue, relationship, personal0
speedfitness-13.huThe Speedfitness device is a bridge between rehabilitation, beauty & well-being and the world of fitness. During the training you will actively use 90% of your muscles. Speedfitness is the fastest way to fitness. With the training, based on the new generation of electric stimulation, you can…feverish illnesstrainer, training, muscle, pass, personal0
kittibalakinapmu.huDay 7-15: your make up tattoo will fade and become lighter, so be patient and wait for a healed resultprice, permanent, gallery, faq, review0
pszichopraxis.huEmotionally unstable condition and the most effective ways to deal with such using therapychronic illness, illness socialcolumn, style, event, grid, masonry0
somogyiangelika.hu…of the experiences in the development of my colleagues, I became increasingly interested in the human psyche and its science, psychology. In the course of my psychological counseling work, I keep helping my clients in deeper understanding of their issues and develop their strengths to be able to…loss illness, illness divorceproblem, university, counselling, psychologist, therapy0
atlantiszkiado.huNew books Atlantisz books All books in shop Our recommendation Customers favorite Discount Booksbook, cart, island, search, discount0