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munkavedinfo.huWhen it comes to legal matters, it’s crucial to have access to the right information and resources. Whether it’s understanding how to pay for legal aid or seeking guidance on specific legal questions, staying informed is key. We hope that this article has provided some clarity on these important…hot topic, topic day, complex topic, topic wide, legal topiclegal, law, agreement, regulation, important19
mellearn.huwith the experiences of higher education institutions, the good practices of LLL and with the review of resources needed for development. The main topics of the workshops were: A. Inclusive and Intelligent Growth in the Spirit of Lifelong Learning, B. Digital Agenda in the Higher Education, C…main topic, topic workshop, topic regional, separate topic, topic mellearnlearn, education, lifelong, international, university14
hungarian4u.huWe will have personalized conversations, this way we will talk about topics suitable to your age group.way topic, topic suitable, topic interested, topic passionate, style topiclanguage, session, conversation, free, lesson10
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huLots of pupils believe that they will certainly not require physics in later life. For them, this is just one of the most despised topics, the study of which they do not pay due interest. Actually, this is not so, as well as the mentor of physics is not fruitless attended to by the institution…passion topic, topic youngster, despised topic, topic study, study topicgame, video, like, lot, certainly9
ora-akcio.huHope you found these legal topics as interesting as I did! Who knew the law could actually be kind of fascinating? Until next time, stay cool and stay legal, my friends. ????✌️ethical topic, topic super, hot topic, topic lot, practical topiclegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements9
womentime.huBrave Business Fashion Feature Food Lifestyle Link Music Politics Sports Tech Topic Trending Videohot topic, tech topic, topic trendjun, news, fashion, politics, lifestyle8
iaabudapest.hu…brands is quite unique as it opens up areas of self-reflection as a means to assess progress or the dialling up of efforts. We need more brands to commit authentically to the sustainability cause and this report from Brand Finance really helps us put the topic of sustainability into perspective.”finance topic, topic sustainability, esg topic, topic value, universe topicglobal, brand, industry, advertising8
szesim.huInvestigating driver behaviour and cognitive load using a driving simulator - students project, thesis topic, TDK.thesis topic, topic tdkdrive, simulator, driver, development, cognitive7
ddrs2021.hupreferred to have a conventional face-to-face conference at a later date. DDRS Conference as a culminating event of a series of conferences in the topic has its merits by having a highly international faculty and audience and the time to interact and network during the conference. It was also…conference topic, topic merit, product topic, topic bioequivalence, hot topicscientific, programme, conference, exhibition, organiser7
helsinki.huTopics covered: judiciary, anti-corruption framework, media pluralism, independent institutionsarticle, law, refugee, rule, committee7
ecpa2021.huThe last station, which has the topic of data processing, will take place in the castle park of Martonvásár, one of the important centre of Hungarian Agricultural Research.program topic, specific topic, topic progress, station topic, topic dataconference, abstract, submission, agriculture, precision6
azumba.huThese legal guidelines and regulations cover a wide range of topics, from rental agreements to international law. As we continue to grow and learn, it’s important to stay informed about the rules that shape our interactions with the world around us. By understanding these guidelines, we can…legal topic, topic interesting, range topic, topic rental, law topiclegal, law, agreement, contract, rule6
boldideas.hu2) Our tool offers a topic-based analysis as well. Examining border topics (like sustainability or smart homes) helps brands to understand how specific topics appear in the online space, which are the main channels of discussion, and which brands are mentioned within the discourse.overview topic, topic brand, discourse topic, online topic, lda topicbold, brand, idea, client, hello6
mosthungary.hu“Nóra presented relevant motivational models and ideas on how to stay motivated in this hybrid way of working and how to communicate more effectively as a team. We reviewed communication, motivation and digital body language techniques. Nóra was flexible, adapted the topics to our ideas, engaged…specially topic, topic task, flexible topic, topic ideatraining, sale, communication, language, body6
mikalt.huWelcome to the new site of Mika Group! We work at the Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering at the Faculty of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering , Budapest university of Technology and Economics (BME). Surf throughout our site to find information about recent research…research topic, topic openeng, research, group, open, position5
interpreter.huThe more the interpreters know about the topic, the audience, the speakers and the presentations, and the more chance they have to prepare in advance, the better they will perform. This means that it is crucial to provide the interpreters with as much information and material as possible before…interpreter topic, topic audienceinterpreter, interpret, event, meeting, training5
whiterabbit.hu…Prime Minister racist, what sparked mixed reactions from Hungarian people. As a brand that stands behind social issues and fights for social equality, Alma Vetlenyi's Fashion decided to raise awareness of the acute problem of racism by placing the topic onto a much broader, international level.soon topic, topic social, hot topic, topic campaign, focus topiccampaign, result, brand, brief, solution5
nemowork.huNEMO Work is the first innovative human resources registry enterprise in Hungary which, by means of its individual service portfolio, answers the topics of fluctuation. With its co-thinking philosophy the company confirms the employee’s engagement towards the customer.portfolio topic, topic fluctuationhuman, customer, enterprise, fluctuation, resource5
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.hu…If something is out of shape and non-functioning, perhaps adding in communication issues as well, it is worth exploring cause-and-effect through leadership coaching, mentoring and team coaching tools. Take a look around and see if you would like to explore a topic further – and then let’s talk.common topic, topic world, consulting topic, topic right, example topictraining, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur5
korombori.huMy name is Bori. I am a writer of content, a tour guide and a storyteller at heart. Your topic too has a story in it that would captivate its audience.heart topic, topic storytour, guide, writer, heart, story5
renhome.huYou can use these sections to highlight the features of heading. Use these paragraphs to focus on the topic you want. Make sure you keep it short, attractive.paragraph topic, topic sureshort, description, paragraph, head, feature5
minafoto.huI hope you will like this new homepage and its wider range of topics and pictures, and in the future it will be great fun to download the background photos.range topic, topic picturephoto, picture, homepage, great, range5
tokajmagic.huare all organic parts of Tokaj. But I do believe that after all what fullfills this wineregion with energy is the mission of the local ones. There must be someone who tells those stories. Well I don’t mind to be that person. I believe Tokaj is the topic I’d like to deal with till the end of my life.exclusive topic, topic rarity, special topic, topic tokaj, topic teambuildingwine, tasting, special, local, tour4
businessenglishonskype.huBusiness history itself emerged as a topic of study in the 1970s. Dr. Alfred Chandler progressed the study of business history from the purely descriptive to the analytical—his course at Harvard Business School stressed the importance of organizational capabilities, technological innovation, and…history topic, topic study, search topic, topic commercemanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy4
bte.hu…with the Authority. This panel discussion will be held for partner authorities and professional organizations, where information will be given about the authority tasks carried out by Disaster Management in 2017. Further topic of the discussion is to expose the plans and targets of DM for 2018.suggestion topic, topic kindly, management topic, topic discussion, question topicassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor4
seed-ecology.hupossibilities of grassland ecosystems using approaches of seed ecology and landscape ecology. In this homepage we introduce our favourite research topics , news related to our activities , the team members and our publications . Please visit our photo gallery and get an impression of our working…research topic, topic newsecology, seed, research, group, homepage4
sracd.huAs a new format, Panel discussions will be held to discuss hot topics with moderators, invited experts and session speakers. The symposium will also offer ample opportunities for the participants to interact with not only international speakers on different topics, but with the representatives of…biodistribution topic, topic bioequivalence, hot topic, topic moderator, different topicsymposium, international, exhibitors, scientific, poster4
prezilimpia.huOn the competition, a minimum 6 and a maximum 8-minute presentation is held in the topic of the contest either in Hungarian or in English.presentation topic, topic content, topic contest, nowadays topic, topic countlesspresentation, competition, talent, student, round4
kopintalapitvany.huDomestic SMEs give much more weight to local factors in their location choices than large companies. The study investigated whether the structure of the domestic SME space can be captured by a geographical distribution according to compass points. Hungarian studies on this topic mainly use a…study topic, topic mainly, country topic, topic widely, volume topiceconomic, international, literature, country, economy4
bugbag.huThese bags are premium organic cotton canvas totes with unique hand-drawn designs selected from different topics for your everyday use, like for the office, school, gym, beach, for yoga, shopping, workshop, travel, for a walk, ... Find the bags at our retail partners or be a partner of ours!different topic, topic everydaypremium, everyday, sustainable, quality, hand4
por.hu- The purpose is to give a state of the art (up-to-date) overview of a specific topic in pathology or oncology by an invited author. Nevertheless, non-invited manuscripts can also be accepted (in such case a preliminary contact with the Editorial Office is recommended, both to receive technical…aleksandra topic, topic mila, specific topic, topic policy, topic pathologyuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine4
ernart.huYou can use any technique, tool and material, you can draw, paint, use clay or create a montage, collage or an installation, it may contain only of a few lines or it can be a real masterpeace, but the only task is to make a creation in relation to the topic and upload its photo under the event…material topic, topic week, post topic, topic title, relation topicart, therapy, session, creation, group4
budapestlngsummit.hu…and financing related to complex and large-scale investment projects in national and European energy infrastructure, as well as on other topics related to the prospects for sustainable development and decarbonisation of the energy sector in Romania and Europe, energy diversification in…hot topic, infrastructure topic, topic prospectlng, summit, gas, energy, speaker4
doit.huThe main focus point of this year is information security. The topic of the first lead breakfast this year was the same (these are workshop-like meetings between our clients and the invited specialists of the given subject). Most likely the future topics will be determined by the precautions…security topic, topic lead, future topic, topic precautionsprice, administrator, customer, server, colleagues4
chatdeck.huA response does not require background knowledge, making the game suitable for any company. For school teams, some cards may pose a challenge due to the topics related to work.challenge topic, topic work, thought topic, topic coursegame, delivery, question, card, order3
teremtoonismeret.huOn an elevated vibration level, by using my Creative power, I can recognize and resolve the cause-and-effect relationships and spiritual-mental reasons of all the blocks that are related to any topic in sexuality.world topic, topic time, block topic, topic sexualityparent, power, father, mother, relationship3
sokszinusegikarta.huMay full of diversity organized by HBLF and its partners Women leaders, employment of people with disabilities, the mental health of employees and further topics covered by this year’s EU Diversity Month’s 56 programs in Hungary. The Diversity Month, organized in several countries joining the…employee topic, topic yeardiversity, month, european, award, country3
nanotechnology.huUnderstanding the causal links between the genotype of an organism, the environmental factors, and its phenotype is a hot topic in current biology. We investigated in detail, how an environmental factor (prolonged cooling of the pupae) influence the wing structure of the adult butterflies. This…research topic, hot topic, topic currentpublication, butterfly, image, detail3
iskolakavaltozasert.huThe project “Global Fairness” addresses this issue and initiates it in a place where people prepare for life – at schools. This is where our “Agents for Change” can also be found. “Global Fairness” is the successor project of “Awareness for Fairness“ – its innovative development. The main topics…mean topic, topic regular, main topic, topic global, package topicschool, change, agent, global, globally3
twinkl.huBusy Bags Treasure Baskets Schema Resources Sensory Play Theme and Topics Everyday Life Fantasy and Adventure Festivals and Cultural Celebrations Placestheme topic, topic everydayresource, teach, assessment, plan, math3
q2020.huOn this website, you will find important information on the conference’s topics, sessions and training courses. Key dates and guidelines for the submission of abstracts and papers as well as practical information for your stay are also included.conference topic, topic sessionconference, committee, statistical, date, training3
spiritsdigest.huAll the guests were introduced to the Czech beer culture, the plans on including the Czech beer tradition to the UNESCO cultural heritage and had a chance to taste Czech beer. The key topic of this year’s Forum was sustainability because beer supplier chains are actively seeking for ways that are…key topic, topic year, topic big, topic brandbrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour3
idosgyogyaszat.huIn Hungary there are 3 chairs of Geriatric Medicine (Semmelweis University, Budapest; Albert Szentgyörgyi University, Szeged; and Debrecen) and 1 chair of Gerontology (University of Pécs). 12 PhD trainees are at this time in geriatrical or gerontological topics.publication topic, topic haggage, university, effect, medical, health3
bav-art.huIn addition to the trainings organized by the BÁV Appraiser Academy, our goal is to launch a series of few parts of lectures for our former and future students, partners and those interested, which will explore a topic in more detail with its experts.interested topic, topic detailart, academy, training, painting, auction3
eletbiztositasicsucstalalkozo.huYOU WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO MEET THE BEST RENOWNED INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THE TOPICS LISTED, WHO DO NOT HOLD PRESENTATIONS AT EVENTS ORGANISED IN HUNGARY TO A SIMILAR AUDIENCE.representative topic, topic presentation, different topic, topic relevantinsurance, summit, culture, event, money3
proctologybpmeeting.hu…participants’ feedback, they were highly successful. Our meetings are unique in that we concentrate on everyday problems of proctology we face daily in our proctological units. However, we also offer topics related to complex perineology: pelvic floor surgery, dermatology, urology and gynaecology.unit topic, topic complex, basic topic, topic haemorrhoids, main topicmeeting, registration, welcome, note, surgery3
budapestguides.hu…is the Ceramic Collection of Margit Kovács, a world famous artist from Hungary. Her ceramic figures depict scenes on Hungarian Folklore traditions, on family life, biblical scenes and topics from mythology. You have to see her art, I'm sure you won't regret it, she was one of our greatest artists!reputation topic, topic family, religous topic, topic greek, history topictour, city, hour, guide, famous3
englishschool.huEnglish School of Budapest is not just an afternoon school. It’s so much more! Children will learn English in a fun way while also getting educated on a range of practical topics thanks to our unique approach and curriculum.practical topic, topic thank, english topic, topic greatschool, teacher, child, language3
malnalab.huMáté Gyimesi and Máté Pénzes traveled to Virginia for the Targeting Brain Barriers workshop from April 29 th to May 1 st . This topic is essential during our research in getting the inhibitor to the right area of the damaged brain. They took a poster as well which presented our results on the…information topic, topic progress, st. topic, topic essential, substantial topicresearch, article, september, june, molecular3
nexusfund.huNexusAI uses the most popular AI models such as GPT, Dall-E, Ada to create text, image, code and more within seconds. The process is simple. All you have to do is provide a topic or idea, and our AI-based generator will take care of the rest.matter topic, topic reservation, article topic, topic engagement, simple topicgenerator, image, text, custom, post3
transporteconomics.hu…This may be a sign that road tolls are too high. I am skeptical about cars having to pay road tolls in general. I do not know of research on the topic, but I think it would be very interesting to see how making all motorways free in Hungary (instead of the government arbitrarily introducing or…research topic, topic interesting, personal topic, topic bikingdata, transport, map, note, road3
borzaconsulting.huYou can get accesss to the hottest actuarial topics which will be highly demanded in the futureretirement topic, topic employee, actuarial topic, topic year, topic highlyconsulting, insurance, support, development, pension3
keresztuton.huIf you live in the greater Budapest area and looking for an English speaking Christian mental health professional, feel free to look around here to find further info about services and about various topics relevant to Christian counseling today.service topic, topic relevant, popular topiccounseling, christian, mental, corporate, therapy3
netzerocities.huEach week our editors add new content to our blog, you can find useful topics, exclusive for Essentials owners.useful topic, topic exclusiveitem, column, essential, article, text3
pepperpr.huJuly on the Petőfi Island. The aim of the programme series is to inform young people and people living in the countryside about various EU related topics and all the opportunities that EU-membership of Hungary offers to them. Two topics are in the centre of the Baja event: situation of the…primarily topic, topic young, eu topic, topic opportunity, hungary topicpepper, software, technology, market, office3
jurassic2022.hu…theme is the Toarcian, with its much studied anoxic event and other changes. Clearly, unravelling greenhouse warming-related events is the topic where Jurassic research becomes most relevant in today’s world of accelerating climate change, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, and…key topic, topic current, event topic, topic jurassic, exciting topiccongress, september, august, invitation, limestone3
goconcept.huSupervision-based business coaching is the training of the professional persona. Its aim is to make professional work more efficient. Topics may focus on individual leadership skills development, organizational changes, and conflict management.efficient topic, topic individual, comfortable topic, topic egotraining, lab, development, trainer, change3
managerhungary.huHe has been awarded a prize in pedagogy for establishing how to teach and develop thinking in practice by The Boston International Conference on the Methodology of Thinking in 1992. He has given lectures and mini-courses on topics that can be well-adapted in business such as learning methods…course topic, topic business, evaluation topic, topic thinkthink, manager, de, book, management2
baltictrans.huIn addition to excellent quality , reliability , an ideal match between topic and translator, as well as the use of state-of-the-art technology , we do our best to build good personal relationships both with our clients and our translators. Open, two-sided communication based on mutual respect can…text topic, topic number, match topic, topic translatorbaltic, language, translator, quote, expertise2
potenton.hu…by one of the most talented Hungarian contemporary poets Ágnes Judit Kiss. The goal behind creating this musical piece was to compose a modern Carmina Burana, which is cheerful and thoughtprovoking, and communicates about topics engaging everybody in a language used by today’s university students.thoughtprovoking topic, topic everybody, emphasis topic, topic musicconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music2
aacm.huThe last Replication Workshop held on May 18 , 2021, addressed a pivotal topic, namely the stakeholders’ engagement and the role of consumers in energy efficiency. The participants received inspiring ideas and best practices by various experts. During the first session, two examples were presented…pivotal topic, topic stakeholdereurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder2
sb-team.huDiscover our Artificial Intelligence package, focusing primarily on the development of unique chatbots. Our team provides solutions for the implementation of special requests in Artificial Intelligence topic after assessing their feasibility and acceptability.intelligence topic, topic feasibilitydevelopment, website, unique, application, mobile2
systemmonitoring.huThe Infrastructure As Code is one of necessary element so I started to deeper in this topic, too.favourite topic, topic ckanode, host, log, deployment, support2
komplexinstrukcio.huOn the basis of this training, participants who have been convinced and motivated start applying the KIP in their daily routines. Mentoring is provided by KIP trainers for a whole academic year. Freshly trained teachers can decide when and with what topic they want to use the method. When a lesson…interesting topic, topic aim, teacher topic, topic methodschool, teacher, child, pupil, group2
lukacsdenes.huThe personality-distorting effect of dictatures: International research project lead by the S. Freud Institute (in Frankfurt am Main, Germany); manager of the research in the Hungarian population topic “double identity”, together with Ms. Dóra Bölcsvölgyi, Ms. Anett Felházi and Ms. Krisztina…population topic, topic doubleconference, psychology, association, research, clinical2
oltigergo.huMy goal is to make this acquired knowledge base available to anyone interested in real estate as a topic. Most people buy real estate 3-4 times in their lives. It is important to be aware of what is happening and what laws and habits are in place both as a seller and as a buyer. In addition, I’ve…estate topic, topic peoplereal, estate, media, market, academy2
kurultaj.huIn the minds of the Hungarian people the memory of their Central Asian origins is still very much alive. Since the mid 19th century the genealogy of the Hungarian nation has been a topic of heated debates and discussions among different scientists. Over the past half-century, especially during the…interested topic, topic ancient, nation topic, topic heatnation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient2
corvinak.huIn this episode of the DiploMaci Podcast, dr. Calum Nicholson, the Research manager at MCC's Climate Policy Institute, will be discussing the topic of his brand-new book titled ,,Climate Migration. Critical perspectives for Law, Policy and Research".institute topic, topic brandopinion, general, election, airport, vote2
geofluids2021.hu…language. The Symposium's declared objective is to bring together scientists, professionals, and stakeholders to share and discuss all kinds of topics in geofluids and groundwater to understand better geothermal energy, hydrocarbon, geogenic contamination and hydrothermal mineral resources…kind topic, topic geofluids, main topic, topic sessionsymposium, deadline, international, abstract, registration2
dnieltattoo.huI regularly attend foreign and domestic tattoo events as a participant. I also do a lot of drawing in my spare time, including designing patterns, and I also attend drawing lessons. To relax, I read fantasy books and watch movies on a similar topic, sometimes the Xbox also gets turned on, and if I…similar topic, topic xbox, base topic, topic diversetattoo, testimonial, appointment, idea, artist2
exportreadiness.huTraining and mentoring on corporate and higher education platforms have been integral part of my life for 6 years. I have presentations mostly on topics like sustainable sales practice on business markets, preparation of entering external markets, techniques of expansion on foreign markets or the…presentation topic, topic likemarket, sale, foreign, international, development2
egynapavarosban.hu…fifty professionals from abroad, and ten Hungarian colleagues, too. There have been team building sessions based on gastronomy, and others focusing on the secret places of Budapest. There have been ones about history and others about culture. Or these topics altogether, involving each team member.culture topic, topic altogether, demand topic, topic innovationcity, detail, day, tour, egy2
pome.huProcessing the topic with the help of two high-end hungarian in uencers, with a reach
of 170 000 people in the age group of 14-15campaign, school, indoor, family, young2
digitalhistory.huPer bet, you should bet more than 5% of your bankroll (ideally more 3%). More information on this topic can be found in our articles Bankroll management for beginners and for advanced Bankroll management.information topic, topic articlebetting, history, digital, long, mistake2
iceee.huIt’s an amalgamation of classic and applied Sciences and humanitarian thoughts with Environmental Professionals from across the Globe sharing their knowledge and thoughts about the Fundamental topics related to Environmental care and Safety.fundamental topic, topic environmentaluniversity, science, environmental, engineering, faculty2
echosummeracademy.huAt the end of the Echo Summer Academy the students take part in a closing concert on 21 July, 8 PM, and a ceremony after, organised by the Károlyi Foundation. On the other days of the Academy different workshops and roundtable-discussions await the participants with topics about the musical world.different topic, topic musicology, participant topic, topic musicalacademy, summer, concert, music, main2
hojtsy.huPeople like to learn about brand new solutions and approaches, or practical information about well proven areas. Some high profile Drupal projects could get into the regular conference keynote, but it is also worth submitting sessions for your topic in hopes they get approved. Sessions are ideal…session topic, topic hope, people topic, topic drupalcontranslation, event, issue, core, symfony2
mta.huEric Hanushek, professor at Stanford University, is one of the best-known and most influential scholars in the field of economics of education, having worked on a wide range of topics such as teacher quality, the effects of class size reduction, school accountability, and more recently, the…range topic, topic teacher, discussion topic, topic unfortunatelyscience, academy, research, member, forum2
biosysfoodeng.huThe topics of the conference are the novelties and new scientific applications in food science and technology focusing on food engineering.conference topic, topic registrationeffect, conference, university, science, food2
zahorjanivett.huJournalism in cultural, social, and lifestyle topics, creating and editing press releases, PR articles, topic placements, branded content, building press lists, editing AI-generated texts.lifestyle topic, topic press, article topic, topic placementfashion, social, media, journalist, marketer2
aircraftnoise.huThe workshop will cover all aspects of electrically driven air vehicles: starting from the physics of noise generation, discussing the sound propagation and its prediction in urban areas, as well as its human effects, on noise annoyance, and covering other topics, such as legislation and noise…annoyance topic, topic legislation, workshop topicair, vehicle, committee, noise, aircraft2
olddominion.huYou choose the topics, and during the conversation we give you what you need: vocabulary, expressions, idioms, and corrections. Äll the important parts of the English language will appear in our conversations: grammar, special words, culture, hidden messages, etc. If you don't know where to begin…student, homepage, location, conversation, language2
kaczursandor.hu1993-2020: More than 2900 hours of training in information technology, programming, foreign languages, self-knowledge, pedagogy, methodology across topics, marketingsoftware topic, topic basic, methodology topic, topic marketingwebpage, university, mobility, staff, training2
sepsieniko.hu…(In which direction and how? Studies on János Pilinszky’s literary works), Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum, 1997, pp. 139-153). I also wrote about this topic in my doctoral dissertation (co-tutelle), which I defended in Paris in 2003 and in my books, which were published in French in 2014 and in a…pp topic, topic doctoral, conference topic, topic poetic, wilson topicstudy, university, theatre, research, french2
telos.huThe Light Forces have been busy fending off the new pandemic timeline, which has worked well so far. The Cabal is trying to bring up the topic again here and there, but so far unsuccessfully.cabal topic, topic far, plane topic, topic relevantupdate, situation, force, light, surface2
foreest.huThe Direct Fanzine, that was first published in 2006, can be regarded as a 'veteran' in the business. The Direkt first published completely free-themed illustrations, then in later numbers the publication obtained a more definite outline, the artists made illustrations of a common, given topic…common topic, topic latestclose, client, date, llc, graphic2
angelfilms.huClick here to read our COVID19 information page to get up to date in all production and safety related topics.commercial, location, feature, faq, quality2
indepth.huDramatic methodologies turn learning into an experience, deepen group processes, and ensure a more comprehensive understanding of certain topics. Involvement and emotional experience strengthens and intensifies the development process, which will have a much more long-lasting effect.understand topic, topic methodology, certain topic, topic involvementdepth, organization, group, development, learn2
existentialcounselling.huThe existential-phenomenological approach is based on the work of several philosophers, such as Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Sartre, among others. It deals with topics like human suffering, anxiety, free will, the search for meaning, guilt, despair and authenticity. In existential…sartre topic, topic likecounselling, expat, psychotherapy, book, issue2
oddwords.huOne of Stranger's Wrath's game- and narrative desginers shares his thoughts on the game, Soulstorm, Warcraft and other topics.game, thought, list, event, media2
orosznyelvtanar.hu…improve your conversational Hungarian which is something you need on a daily basis in Hungary. She begins her lesson with a conversation on daily topics and makes it easy to learn most necessary words and phrases by interweaving them into your regular routines. Finally, Vera is just an attentive…new topic, topic comprehensively, homework topic, topic theoretical, daily topiclesson, class, russian, student, language2
otthon-design.huThis year’s professional programs and the exhibition bouquet focused on the challenges of the construction industry of the future – energy efficiency, energy-saving homes and sustainability. Quality and arousing the interest of new generations in construction professions were also prominent…april topic, topic interior, prominent topic, topic greatexhibition, interior, exhibitors, application, map2
habitat.huEnergy poverty has been one of our organization’s priorities since 2016. We have been reporting on and researching energy poverty in Hungary and have a number of projects and campaigns that are closely related to the topic. These serve as a solid basis for further integrating energy efficiency and…related topic, topic solid, voice topic, topic energyhabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization2
nordegard.huIn these special history classes the children can study the historical clothes, weapons, religions and habits first hand. We provide historical classes in the folowing topics: St. Steven the first and vikings, The Norsemens, Migration-period Germanic tribes in the Carpathian basin. We can do…class topic, topic st, presentation topic, topic personalperiod, carpathian, basin, history, introduction2
batranmagyarul.huThrough videos and various online exercises, you can get to know Hungarian culture better alongside the language. We also search for videos on topics that interest you.hungarian topic, topic hobbylesson, language, student, month, people2
haxbase.huThis section includes various topics related to the stages of the hungarian national team from the very beginning.section topic, topic stageintroduction, activity, value, attribute, instance2
compassioninaction.huIn our Solution Focused group interventions we focus on ‘what works’ and ‘what might work better’ in your hot relationship topics and create an emotionally safe environment for personal exploration and change.relationship topic, topic emotionallyaction, self, result, group, value2
budapestbi.huThe conference is focused on 4 key topics each having a dedicated track: Tableau , Power BI , Data visualization and General BI & Data-driven business .key topic, topic dedicatedconference, data, track, day, sponsor2
corehost.huYou've followed a link to a topic that doesn't exist yet. If permissions allow, you may create it by clicking on “Create this page”.link topic, topic permissionrelease, available, upgrade, candidate2
artmagazin.huRepublic. He explores the theme of dissolving identity of an individual in the collective or in the altered states of consciousness, that includes topics such as autonomy, freetekno, football or the Hussite movement. In the past years he exhibited solo at Berlinskej model, 35m2 Gallery, Jelení…consciousness topic, topic autonomy, obscurity topic, topic contextart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary2
damnnatural.huIt is a clear idea of how to create an image. I will discuss this topic in detail in the next chapter. In remember how I my youth I viewed numerous photos of Reg Park, where he posed for competitions. supplements as good as steroids I the saw When Herculean, but very prominent physique – the…builder topic, topic detail, image topicnatural, muscle, steroid, training, method2
tamasmagusmedium.hu…many people because they should be afraid of me, because I can see into people’s lives, their past lives and their futures, and everyone has secrets that they are afraid of, but I don’t search for them and I don’t look at things about you that are not are related to the topic you are searching for.spiritual topic, topic eventcourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health2
drogriporter.huBrowse close to a thousand videos on drug policy, harm reduction and human rights! You can search by topic, country and series, and you find all the films on a world map as well!right topic, topic countrydrug, people, video, harm, reduction2
prekopcsak.huPreviously, I have been a data scientist at Secret Sauce Partners where we have created a patented technology for predicting customer behavior. Before that, I have been a data mining PhD student with the topic of pattern classification in time-series and collaborated with renowned scientists from…student topic, topic pattern, english topic, topic datadata, zoltan, big, scientist, publication2
napkiado.huThe author, dr. Gábor Hosszú, MSc in Electrical Engineering, MSc in Law, is currently a deputy head of the department and a habilitated associate professor at the Department of Electronic Devices of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. His topics: scriptinformatics, internet…economic topic, topic scriptinformaticsanthem, national, country, nation, book2
morrohun.hu…and now it contains not only the Morrowind. Oblivion or Skyrim specific entries but all Elder Scrolls related words, too. The first version of 'Topics' which was an Office document later migrated to the web and now every translator can modify the WebTopics — using the online form or Twelf. Besideversion topic, topic officetranslation, original, pillar, game, demonstration2
szaknyelvioktatas.huLessons are live, you can and are advised to participate in each lesson: communicate, argue, elaborate on topics and reflect on ideas - all from the comfort of your armchair.lesson topic, topic idealegal, course, student, class, international2
arserotica.huThe main goal of the training is to provide a basic introductory methodology and a set of self-reflection skills for teachers who might deal with sensitive, sex-related topics in schools and similar institutional environments. Our goal is to help participants to find ways to integrate these…issue topic, topic body, sex topic, topic schoolfoundation, teacher, school, training, sexual2
hrda.huNI4OS-Europe is organizing the EOSC Regional Event at Budapest this year! The Event will cover topics such as the European Open Science Cloud, Open Science, the policy aspect of it, as well as the researcher view on services and infrastructure.event topic, topic europeandata, science, research, national, open2
masterfield.huWe offer our students a wide range of live, online and classroom courses several days in length, in IT and project management topics!course, training, learn, catalogue, centre2
zsonglor.huBeside these main activities, we promote the national network of juggling clubs, run a collective focusing on the research of teaching methods, and run a social circus collective that performs research and shares ideas on this topic.professional topic, topic circuscircus, association, international, juggle, activity2
hbs-conference.hu…this August 25 th -27 th at the University of Pecs, Medical School. This meeting was scheduled to 2020 but was postponed until now because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lets use this opportunity to meet again in person and discuss current topics after two years of isolation and travel restrictions.current topic, topic yearmeet, annual, conference, society, abstract2
skinacademy.huThe “2nd Skin Academy and ISD Regional Conference” happening from 4-6 April 2019 which I am organizing is going to be a unique and novel initiative in Hungary. The topic will mainly be on tropical dermatology, but other topics within the framework of allergology, immunology and infectious diseases…hungary topic, topic mainly, dermatology topic, topic framework, new topicacademy, registration, skin, interactive, disease2
onlinepiackutato.huIndicative prices for online consumer market research 2020 (in case of average target group and average research topic):research topic, topic maximumresearch, market, sample, result, questionnaire2
evelingua.hu…always focus on my weaknesses, she always provides enough material, and even on my bad days, she always motivates me. Thanks to her, I’ve improved a lot, and I am now able to communicate with more confidence on various topics. I’m very grateful for our work together so far, and we are not stopping.confidence topic, topic gratefullanguage, ease, lesson, package, goal2
linkgroup.huThe team working on the topic "Can we create large-scale signaling networks?" originating from the LINK-Group at the Interdisciplinary Signaling Workshop 2014 has won the Best interdisciplinary signaling team award!team topic, topic large, szalay topic, topic ownergroup, network, member, signal, paper2
codehunters.huWhether you're looking to learn Java, DevOps, Cloud, System Design or other IT-related topics, our courses are tailored to your needs and will help you succeed in the fast-paced world of technology.training topic, design topic, topic coursecourse, solution, training, academy, cloud2
wojtyla.hu…key issue. We feel ourselves bound to organize environmental protection programmes for children. In the summer the Wojtyla Friendship Centre invited a lot of enthusiastic children to draw some pictures about this topic. The most beautiful ones are on exhibit in the hall of the Porta Association.important topic, topic nowadays, picture topic, topic beautifulfriendship, centre, house, poor, town2
magadert.huWhat are the main topics on the group sessions? Relationship with relatives, peer connections, problems of partner relations, experience of success and failure, problems with study and work and handling of conflicts.main topic, topic addict, topic groupgroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem2
budapestenergysummit.huDr. Veronika Czako has been working on clean energy transition related topics at the European Commission since 2011. She completed her PhD in Environmental Sciences and Policy at Central European University, including a visiting research and teaching period at the London School of Economics. In…transition topic, topic europeanenergy, gas, profile, view, thank2
laszlojudit.huTraining and mentoring on corporate and higher education platforms have been integral part of my life for 6 years. I have presentations mostly on topics like sustainable sales practice on business markets, preparation of entering external markets, techniques of expansion on foreign markets or the…presentation topic, topic likemarket, sale, foreign, international, development2
planetfanatics.huNow the blog is transforming to the intellectual playground of Planet Fanatics’ Network, where we talk about those topics which would us in our work.network topic, topic worksustainability, planet, network, corporate, introduction2
handwerkstudio.huSoon my works became known abroad as well, e.g. in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where they achieved a great success. Later I participated personally in several fairs and exhibitions about egg-shell finishing and got acquainted with its European trends. I also attended some exhibitions about…exhibition topic, topic canadaegg, studio, painting, card, ornament2
helping-hand.huThe Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education of ELTE, is launching a series of workshops (4 parts) for kindergarten teachers on the topic of ADHD, titled “Solution Key”.based on the handbooks prepared in the project.teacher topic, topic adhdchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten2
hiaszt.huwith theatre aesthetics and language. Although important publications have been made on several ensembles and creators, systematic research on the topic has not been carried out to date. The aim of the present research is to process the history of ‘amateur’ theatres in the period between two…research topic, topic date, topic surveytheatre, stage, literary, amateur, studio2
wffinbudapest.huThe event will feature stages around the central theme of Finance 3.0, digitalization and sustainability, decentralized finance, cybersecurity and central bank digital currencies. With some of the best experts and industry leaders on these topics we will be deeply discussing applications…leader topic, topic deeplydirector, central, digital, head, finance2
healing-darkness.hu…a while, because I felt others have written everything before of all the topics … First I only intended to make a few Facebook posts of this trip as well. But the book somehow wanted to come to daylight and I had to admit that most probably I am the first one to write a book on this special…think topic, topic facebookdarkness, sound, second, retreat, method2
visionfinder.hu…whole process . I also wish to create the emotional cozyness of a group, where you will not be confronted with newcomers dropping in half way through the process (covering for those who left), and you can feel safe to share your feelings about personal topics with people you have grown to trust .personal topic, topic peoplevision, finder, group, support, venue2
homescape.hu, each game comes with a set of rules, character cards, and several topic-specific web pages that make the escape more enjoyable.card topic, topic specific, task topic, topic casegame, escape, room, task, real2
turisztikaitanulmanyok.huThe purpose of our peer-reviewed journal is to create a gap-filling opportunity for those interested in the topic of tourism and rural development to publish their research results and satisfy their professional curiosity.interested topic, topic tourism, research topic, topic widelystudy, tourism, page, rural, development2
nonprofitpartner.huimplementation, organizational restructuring, process management, operations and efficiency enhancement, controlling, fundraising, business planning and development, establishment and operations of social enterprises, project management, volunteer management, social impact measurement and IT topics.business topic, topic methodologyvolunteer, social, organization, consultancy, programme2
ideafortis.huOur pricing is based on quantity, the topic, language direction and the required technical support. If data or translation is available in the public domain, it is unnecessary to do the translation again. This saves you time and money! The quality of our work is our top priority. We do not only…different topic, topic translator, quantity topic, topic languagetranslation, interpret, reason, idea, technical2
coachingteam.huConscious Leaders Academy (former Young Leaders Academy) is the first development program for the leaders who are in a young age or who are new in their position. It’s been operating in Hungarian with continuously growing participant number since 2012 and deals with development topics which are…development topic, topic relevant, implementation topic, topic leadershipdevelopment, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious2
nordicbridge.huPéter Magyari, journalist and Nordic Bridge member interviewed HE Niclas Trouvé, Swedish Ambassador to Hungary about immigration politics and other topics.session topic, topic basicbridge, operation, finland, ambassador, future2
dutcham.huCompanies can not only participate in many network events but can also learn from our dedicated workshops on CSR, HR, Tax, Real estate and many other topics.theme topicevent, member, news, netherlands, chamber2
borkovics.huMy topic is the interpretation of the concept of time. I build the character of the story on the infinity of the circle, which I redefine through my own experimented technique. Time is, in the ordinary sense, the scene of our lives, yet we can’t define it scientifically. A constant contradiction…topic timeglass, exhibition, art, international, gallery2
yata.huI do not really remember, when was the last the time, I did not have valuable knowledge of an international topic and started a bookinternational topic, topic bookyouth, association, treaty, summit, publication1
taker.huMarina and the Diamonds' music is pop, full stop. However, alongside the catchy music, her lyrics are smart and go into some serious topics, which mixture makes an easily consumable, yet more valuable musical experience than your average pop. Marina Diamandis, who's the subject of this portrait…smart topic, topic mixturewall, date, approx, location, close1
januscountry.hu…(ID, Passport, Driving License) per person, so 1 after each guest, belonging to that guest. If you fail to comply with the law, and not able to show the required photo ID, you will not be able to check in, and won’t be able to receive a refund! You can learn more information about this topic, here.country, site, guest, offer, website1
egyuttazautistakert.hu…this spectrum disorder because we do not know how to help, or with what. This is why I felt that the Together for Autistic People Foundation approached the topic best, expressing it perfectly with the slogan: To understand, to accept and to help. I knew right away that I had a place in this team.foundation topic, topic goodpeople, autism, spectrum, goal, disorder1
dharmacentrum.huRegular programs and topics of our meetings: a trip to the river bank to be grounded and not fly away! Lectures and talks on wisdom of self and world from Vedic tradition to esoteric Christian trends to modern American and Russian masters, as well as topics of Hungarian organic cultural heritage…program topic, topic meeting, master topic, topic hungariantradition, spiritual, yoga, community, russian1
jzo.huThis topic talks about EF5 Many-To-One relations where the relations described with attributes. I will declare the mapping schema with code first approach.map, composite, relationship, identifier, code1
metropolis.org.huEach year, the four thematic issues draw on various film-theory and film-history topics. One of the journal’s primary tasks is to publish research results in contemporary Hungarian as well as international film theory. We also place a great deal of emphasis on publishing film-studies literature…history topic, topic journalcontemporary, representation, history, social, woman1
boroczkycsaladok.huXIX. century. His son Böröczky Kornél (1929-1995) became also an expert of game management and hunting with international reputation. He was appointed director of the game reserve of Gemenc and published several professional books on this topic. His relatives live now in Counties Veszprém and Tolna.book topic, topic relativefamily, branch, county, descendant, origin1
peterpetiphoto.huThe Fotofalu community spends a wonderful week together every year in the summer. For me, this is the most important week of a year when only photography is the topic. I made this series about my friends. about everyone in their own technical approach with great love.photography topic, topic seriesphotography, photo, portrait, page, past1
swisscham.huThe incidence of cybercrime continues to grow worldwide. Crimes are increasingly committed in the digital space rather than in the real world. The Nevis professional article provides useful information on the following topics: - Fraud prevention and fraud detection: a brief comparison - Fraud…follow topic, topic fraudmember, event, chamber, news, swiss1
science-data.huThe existence of quark matter inside the heaviest neutron stars has been the topic of numerous recent studies, many of them suggesting that a phase transition to strongly interacting conformal matter inside neutron stars is feasible. Here we examine this hybrid star scenario usin...star topic, topic numerousresearch, data, centre, physics, science1
braccoitaliano.hu…with the most of the Bonfini- customers abroad and in Hungary and appreciate all feedback on the dogs, their awards or any other Bracco-related topic. I bought my first Bracco, Norma, with my wife in Holland. We met her breeder Karel J. Labberté in the 1996 Budapest World Dog Show, with whom we…bracco topic, topic braccodog, puppy, hunting, great, kind1
ihossport.hu…was a football player. Since then, players from many sports have been working with me to get the games out of their hands and get what they can. That’s why I became a sports psychologist to be an expert in this obvious but not so simple topic, and that I could help those who want to move forward.simple topic, topic forwardage, position, current, management, representation1
domonkosendre.huOn 22 February 2017, I habilitated successfully at the University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities Interdisciplinary Doctoral School. The topic of my habilitation thesis was The economic history of East Central Europe during the inter-war period.school topic, topic habilitationteach, activity, university, european, history1
trappdominika.hureflective examination of international intellectual trends in the local context are equally key elements of her working method. Her works address topics such as the relationship between tradition and contemporary culture, women’s fate in Hungarian peasant communities, the historical context of…work topic, topic relationshipart, exhibition, painting, artist, peasant1
arc-budapest.hu…legal requirements and practical rules are in force, and even continuously changing, regarding foreign employees arriving in the country. Are you aware of how many things you must take care of, if you are a foreign assignee? In our blog we have collected useful information on that topic – read on!immigration, destination, process, legal, employee1
smartlegal.huRichard and his team represented us in litigations in multiple disputes in front of Hungarian courts. They are capable to support with compliance topics as well. Everybody in the law firm is very professional and speaks fluent English which is important for us as we operate globally. Additionally…compliance topic, topic everybodylegal, law, international, lawyer, solution1
sznbk1988.huIn Hungary, the Monastery of St Maurice of Bakonybél has published several volumes in its "Lectio divina" series, in collaboration with the publishing house L'Harmattan. Our lecturers are invited to present this important topic through the concrete work of an author.important topic, topic concreteconference, st., text, biblical, th1
kissnoemi.huNoémi Kiss was born near Budapest, and belongs to the top-level literary voices of her generation. In her work, she is uncompromisingly addressing the topics that are still rarely talked about in public, for example the social construction of gender, unpleasant sides of motherhood, etc. She is…uncompromisingly topic, topic rarelygerman, writer, literature, serbian, bulgarian1
rajtmar.huI selected some videos for the topics mentioned above, take a look if you are interested in any of them.video topic, topic lookvideo, ethical, cycling, interest, hacking1
rewart.hu"We've had several joint projects with the agency and have been working on a number of topics together. We have always been fully satisfied with both their ideas and their day-to-day work routine. Today we can safely say that we have had many great success together, and we are counting on Rewart's…number topic, topic fullybrand, curious, enthusiastic, heart, talented1
angolmesekert.huBooks are also valuable in helping your child to absorb new information about topics and events. By looking at books your child will develop pre-reading skills; for example: left to right progression, turning pages and also concepts of print and pictures being related to words spoken.information topic, topic eventchild, preschool, introduction, education, development1
biokutatas.huIn addition, I always get a quick and up-to-date answer on any professional topic, and I know that working with ÖMKi on a variety of projects is a simple way to connect with other organic producers. These connections and the continuous exchange of our experiences also leads us towards better…professional topic, topic ömkiorganic, research, agriculture, food, variety1
georgiu.huAchilles is for sure a great story teller as he transfers his messages via entertaining stories. He considers delivering a keynote speech a big responsibility – it is more difficult to concisely talk for 15-20 minutes about a subject than spend 2 hours on the topic.speaker, lecture, teacher, event, media1
biztonsagosvaltozas.huBesides these professional areas, I have had the privilege to coach individual clients in a wide variety of coaching topics. I find it exciting, energizing and joyful to be a part of the change that results from our joint efforts.coaching topic, topic excitingorganization, development, process, group, goal1
juso.huThis means that both the reviewer and author identities are invisible vice versa, throughout the review process. The Journal seeks to unify all branches of life and other scientific inquiry by publishing the highest quality, peer-reviewed research in a very broad range of topics of current interest.range topic, topic currentjournal, universal, science, author, sci1
hungarocom.huTwo basic topics are in focus: intelligent documentation processing and its independently usable part: Natural Language Processing.basic topic, topic focustelecommunication, artificial, intelligence, special, thing1
firkaegyesulet.huBUT! Our project coordinators and youth workers have experiences in a lot of projects, in the following topics:youth, exchange, people, ngo, young1
inmategym.huIt as an overmystified topic in between sportsmen. By nowadays, it has been extremely overcomplicated by the food industries, especially by those companies which produce “healthy” foods and supplements. If we wanted to advise you with the simplest words, we should eat what people ate hundreds of…overmystified topic, topic sportsmantraining, body, session, muscle, like1
itgen.huOne of the key challenge of the digital age, and one of the hottest topic is the IT Security.hot topic, topic securitysupport, security, implementation, solution, technology1
reflife.huParticipants are exposed to a wide range of topics related to officiating, including rule interpretation, positioning, communication, and game management, all of which are essential for effective and efficient performance on the ice.range topic, topic officiatingice, camp, hockey, summer, combine1
hunyouth.huShe wrote her master's thesis on the topic of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) with regards to the current Human Rights Treaties and the work of the UN.thesis topic, topic femaleyouth, delegate, student, nation, united1
canata.huThe main topic of my work is the woman, both her body and her soul. Trying to describe the feminine lines from different side to help understanding that the body can not exist alone but together with our inner world. Confidence, openness and cooperation are very important for me. I would like to…main topic, topic workphotography, story, able, photo, short1
petrovoice.huAfter all, in order to arouse and maintain interest, a good topic is not enough, I also need a sympathetic voice.good topic, topic sympatheticvoice, sample, ready, material, short1
themagicbox.hu…as before parliamentary elections. In fall – just like previously in spring before the parliamentary elections - the Nokia-box became a campaign topic again. Beginning a new wave of their attacks they used the BKV-severance pays as weapons. Later more socialist politicians were charged. The then…campaign topic, topic newcase, court, election, media, investigation1
forgonyanna.huWe will touch on different areas such as Guardian Angels, Soulmates, Manifestation, Brainwaves and many other interesting topics.seminar, practitioner, free, instructor, day1
angolintezet.huWhat you want, when you want it. Focus on the topics that interest you based on your needs.topic needteacher, course, language, native, communication1
yourdance.huDance teaching is not an easy thing. Our teaching materials will be introduced by our professional dancers. Thanks to our easy and clear educational films and topics you'll be able to learn to dance soon. The most important: learn, practise and feel well! Believe, your work will be successful…film topic, topic abledance, school, music, course, history1
sherlockrehab.huA much-debated topic, without a clear recommendation. We called on science to help us and looked at the research available on the subject.manual, therapy, therapist, treatment, pain1
tulipantunder.huWe have realized permanent and temporary exhibitions on various topics - The Champion, Avatar, Gooo !, The Art of Banksy - Without Limits, Gateway to Space, Living Dinosaurs – some of which are our own, some are internationally recognised. These have already attracted hundreds of thousands of…exhibition topic, topic championproduction, exhibition, space, dream, game1
teremtotarot.huIn addition to FACEBOOK and private correspondence, I also welcome questions and comments that are of public interest. If you can’t find the topic you’re working on in the list of questions you’ve asked before, submit a new one.interest topic, topic listcreation, conscious, set, focus, model1
pillefizioterapia.hu…not understand what she is doing, but she is doing something extraordinary that is for sure. Having such an impact of and knowledge of a certain topic is outstanding for me, and can recommend her to all the other skeptical folks, like myself. In my personal life I always separated mental and…certain topic, topic outstandingpain, preparation, pelvic, physiotherapy, rehabilitation1
szolgaltataskultura.huThe best nails all day and night. Nails everywhere where you look….make a choice and pick one of the most popular topics, and it’s for sure you will be dragged in no time. Day and night you will meet nails, nails and nails…..every day is there a new nail design, nail video, nail picture. You can…popular topic, topic sureportal, culture, nail, video, day1
tudastars.huThe trainings and courses focus on a range of scientific topics such as: biodiversity, magnetism, the wonders of milk, astronomy, dog ethology.scientific topic, topic biodiversityscience, communication, training, research, event1
itbt.huScientific research, advice, self-improvement, checking out a paper before publication. Consulting on a wide range of topics.hello, advice, music, software, app1
huistro.huorganizing¸/preparation workshops and or meetings approximately once per year (or once in 1,5 year), with chosen topics / themes,year topic, topic thememember, event, branch, group, soil1
iliosart.hu* Görgess lejjebb a magyar verzióhoz * Dear Reader, this time I would like to post a video about a very important topic. This topic is exactly our culture...important topic, topic exactlyisland, nature, culture, greek, eng1
mighealth-unipecs.huThe International Association of Rural Health and Medicine (IARM) in cooperation with the WHO Collaborating Centre for Migration Health Training and Research (WCC) at University of Pécs (UoP), has decided to organize and host a scientific conference addressing this highly needed topic. The main…highly topic, topic mainhealth, migrant, conference, education, europe1
revelator.huWe do not want to limit Revelator's consultancy activities to five specific topics: the activities outlined above are intended to outline potential areas of cooperation with us.specific topic, topic activityoption, solution, consulting, logistic, management1
aktivzenetanulas.huthe theoretical and intellectual understanding of the integrated Kokas-pedagogy. The book “ Teachers methodological guide for the Dynamic music learning to the first four years of elementary school” helps the preliminary or further studying of the topic through its chapters and 11 pedagogical video.study topic, topic chaptermusic, learn, model, movement, active1
stressmentor.huTopics: the Stressmentor® Structure is built around – stress control, nutrition, exercise, getting o know the inner self and supporting each other. We apply the elements of the Stressmentor® Program in the management of the stress- spectrum problems (ranging from discomfort to burnout).stress, management, workplace, training, group1
csaladtudomany.huDeveloping on a scientific and cultural basis, the fundamental value of education for a culture of partnership and family life, which must be legitimized and widely accepted. The topic should be widely taught and researched.widely topic, topic widelyfamily, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter1
pozsonyi16.huWe work with organizations in training and development, leadership development, and organizational development processes, combining our economist and psychologist perspectives and experiences. Our main topics are leadership support, support for becoming a leader, development of cooperation…main topic, topic leadershipgallery, logo, individual, edit, group1
red-dot.hu…of design. This purpose is to be pursued by actions including but not limited to exhibitions in Germany and abroad, presentations and consulting services on topics and questions relevant to design, and the organisation of international academic congresses on the theory and history of design."service topic, topic questionshop, award, association, germany, eng1
creativedu.huThus, in our work, we focus on the topics of global (citizenship) education, finding new and creative education methods, increasing the sensitiveness to global challenges, and finding ways for political integration.work topic, topic globalcreative, education, method, global, educational1
marthakicsiny.huMartha Kicsiny (*1995) is a British-Hungarian visual artist based in Budapest, Hungary. “Representing the Collective Psyché with Immersive Media” is her topic of artistic research on the Multimedia Artist DLA course at the doctorate school of the Moholy-Nagy Arts University (MOME, Budapest…media topic, topic artisticexhibition, group, art, artist, visual1
esvcp2024.huThe scientific program of the congress has a vast variety of topics with the immune markers in the center. However other topics will include red blood cell pathology, inflammatory biomarkers and clinical pathology in preclinical toxicology studies. Several species will be discussed ranging from…variety topic, topic immune, center topic, topic redaugust, registration, congress, abstract, veterinary1
egszb.huThe European Economic and Social Committee is an EU advisory body whose members represent employer and employee organizations and other interest groups. The EESC develops opinions on various EU topics for the European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament…eu topic, topic europeanorganization, social, european, committee, economic1
lanclanc.hu…Our students also use digital tools, like laptops, for learning. We organize theme weeks, theme days and outings regularly, which make the days of the students more colourful. These are great opportunities to deepen their knowledge in different topics, and learn more through concrete experiences.different topic, topic concretegroup, child, teacher, kindergarten, school1
fice.hu…and spare time-activities. This year the main issue was the renewable energy sources and the children could obtain much knowledge in this topic through obstacle race and playful tasks. The environmental factors affected the children in a positive way. We can say that the…knowledge topic, topic obstaclechild, event, day, theatre, camp1
whitepaperconsulting.huOur event series offer unparalleled insight for energy industry professionals on various topics regarding the changing energy landscape of the Central Eastern European region. We achieve this through a tailormade and individual approach to event organisations that facilitate effective B2B…professional topic, topic energypaper, consulting, white, event, energy1
theartofbeingme.huIdentity questions are key to every society. Identity involves many topics like ethnicity, language, age, gender, economic situation, labour, traditions, living surroundings and many more. Currently, many artists, theatre makers, authors, researchers, and many more reflect on identity in their…identity topic, topic likeart, artist, programme, festival, identity1
czurda.huIn 2015, he returned to school and obtained his training for winegrowers covering topics such as viticulture and plant physiology at the Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften in Wädenswil. The school also runs its own vineyard on the Au peninsula in Wädenswil. In the same year, he…winegrowers topic, topic viticulturewine, region, riesling, vineyard, shop1
healthandyouth.huThere are interesting topics and useful information in our blog posts. Click to learn more about healthy living!interesting topic, topic usefulhealth, youth, frequently, question, oil1
imro.huOrganised on request of the Citizens of Kaposvár Association within the project “CIVIL NETWORK, cooperation for the local community” by IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd, the lecture series entitled “Our environment is changing” has been completed. During the four occasions, we dealt with topics related to…occasion topic, topic climateenergy, climate, tovább, close, county1
machupicc.huLearn more from the ideators of the project themselves! Lorenzo Cantoni, Adine Gavazzi and Anna Picco-Schwendener sit down and have an open talk about the very beginning, development and launching of this initiative, while touching on the topics of sustainable tourism and World Heritageinitiative topic, topic sustainableeye, story, gallery, site, image1
ezham2024.huEZHAM 2024 will specifically focus on zebrafish facility management, husbandry and fish holding related topics. We are going to discuss the latest scientific achievements in aquarium maintenance, zebrafish husbandry, with special emphasis on health and welfare issues.holding topic, topic latestassociation, european, scientific, committee, speaker1
bestlocalgov.hu…of Europe – 43 and the Ministry responsible for Local Governments. The Steering Committee has different kinds of members depending on the actual topic of the call. A project manager nominated by TÖOSZ supports the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee decides with simple majority in all…actual topic, topic project, manager topic, topic applicationgovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
nokatud.huHow about an unusual parent – teacher conference where the topic is not the behaviour of the class or the unpaid class money, but the improvement of the children? This is an event about how you can help your child succeed in the technological and scientific fields among many others.conference topic, topic behaviourscience, girl, woman, technology, field1
villeroy-boch.huWould you like more information on current offers, new products and exciting topics? Stay up-to-date with our newsletter.exciting topic, topic datebathroom, collection, kitchen, live, dealer1
hirtalalo.huAccording to Igor Zhovkva, the head of Ukraine's presidential office, the one-on-one meeting will cover several other topics as well.office, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
kultplay.hu…located in Copenhagen, Denmark. This meet up is a gathering for "programmers, designers, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, bloggers, and activists". The program here isn't set up by curators. Anyone can suggest topics and workshops, the community will vote for the best ideas to discuss.curator topic, topic workshopreader, art, social, installation, european1
gyuloletellen.huThe ineffective response is largely due to the fact that law enforcement agencies lack the required knowledge and competences ; the topic of hate crimes does not receive proper attention in legal and police training, and there are no guidelines for police officers on how to respond to such…competence topic, topic hatecrime, group, offence, victim, criminal1
cerc.huIn this topic the objective of the CERC Compu Lab is to satisfy the demand of different and unique hardware and software development. With our services we have primarily addressed the communications sector, the telecommunications sector, remote-monitoring sector and the machinery sector. We base…lab, research, powder, development, innovation1
dttrecruitment.hu"I got to know Tímea as a rare professional recruiter who is focusing on the essence of topics, tell you frankly what she knows and what pieces of information she has to collect first. She is partner in the type of negotiation like asking meaningful concise questions and receiving straightforward…essence topic, topic franklyrecruitment, hire, career, job, seeker1
ymaa-bp.huSeminar topics: Shaolin (8 hours), Taijiquan (8 hours), Takedowns (4 hours), Chin Na (4 hours)seminar topic, topic shaolinbranch, yang, seminar, place, training1
mediatorpont.huInterviews, newspaper articles, and television appearances on topics related to divorce and mediation.appearance topic, topic divorcedivorce, attorney, mediator, court, agreement1
mcpmuzeum.hu, its style and its technical expedients, as well as through the artist’s personal articles and the family remembrance. The permanently changing MCP exhibition displays a cross-section of the rich artistic legacy, with an exhibition material varying in pursuance of different topics from time to…different topic, topic timemuseum, studio, exhibition, family, artist1
russianstudies.huand they praised in particular the attempt to develop a new historiographical direction. The author self-ironically reflected on the choice of his topic by discussing the problem of naming and he read the unpublished letter of Iván Darvas about how he had become an “Iván”. Amongst the audience…choice topic, topic problemrussian, study, history, russia, historical1
stamlerdesign.huLet’s get the most out of your marketing communication. You bring the topic; we add our expertise, experience and creative ideas.communication topic, topic expertiseagency, additive, college, school, customer1
batizandras.hu…in both the virtual space and at offline events. For your specific needs, you can choose from three training packages that cover a broad range of topics: classic e-learning course, interactive program with homework exercises, or development package with virtual (follow-up) consultation.range topic, topic classicpresentation, custom, offer, webpage, impact1
nextgenworld.huOn the topic of alignment , it should be noted that users can choose from the options of None , Left , Right, and Center . In addition, they also get the options of Thumbnail , Medium , Large & Fullsize .science, national, academy, engineering, square1
ovitas.huOvitas has built a dynamic knowledge base management system based on international standards and recommendations of the W3C (XML, Topic Maps, RDF, OWL). It stores information units in a properly designed relational database and can handle the change over time and context.xml topic, topic mapmanagement, knowledge, solution, document, access1
pechakucha.hu2013’s first event with loads of specials is organised for you in a collaboration with our friends from New Tech Meetup, who are celebrating their Birthday. Above the hip quick talks covering the inspiring topic of failed projects – partly from the designer, partly from the new technology scene –…inspire topic, topic projectnight, date, pm, event, contemporary1
learninginnovation.huThe lecture of Zsolt Köteles raised very interesting topics, and finally we have found answers to our questions. Moreover, he shared useful meal preparation tips with us. /Mrs. Anna Hetzman Begala Nursery Principal, and Mrs. Anikó Varga Szakál, Nursery Deputy Principal/interesting topic, topic finallytraining, innovation, course, education, adult1
crysys.huThe CrySyS Student Core is an invite-only group of talented students who expressed strong interest in the field of IT security. Core members meet once a week to expand their knowledge by discussing specific topics in system and network security, to prepare for CTF competitions, to socialize, and…specific topic, topic systemlab, security, professor, assistant, research1
wishywashy.huFrom time to time we add new content to our blog, where you can find useful topics, what are essential for people, who do their own laundry.useful topic, topic essentialclean, washing, package, shoe, clothes1
lelek-harmonia.huSmall group sessions: sessions for 5 - 10 persons on particular topics (e.g. autogenic training , developing stress management skills, integration problems for foreigners, developing conflict management skills, developing self-knowledge, etc.). Groups start every half-year depending on the number…particular topic, topic autogenicproblem, psychologist, counselling, disorder, technique1
semmelweis.huThe growing demand for the topic is indicated by the fact that 3 times more candidates applied for the available places.demand topic, topic factuniversity, health, faculty, science, medicine1
tub-collection.huWe are working on different microbiological and fermentation topics (including submerged and solid state fermentation):fermentation topic, topic submergedcollection, tub, soil, publication, species1
palotasmix.huOur owner, Mr. Reinhard Hübner considers Hübner Values to be an important topic, as the 8 values concerned reflect who we are, and what we stand for. They correspond to all the values that our company has represented in recent years, and form the basis of good cooperation. These are the values…important topic, topic valuemixture, value, compound, activity, rubber1
gabortorok.huRESEARCH. Specializes in the analysis of the political system following the regime change, as well as in political and strategic analysis; wrote his doctoral dissertation on the topic of political agendas. Writer, co-writer or editor of eight books, of which two are widely used university…dissertation topic, topic politicalpolitical, university, analysis, science, academic1
ltcom.huPR. They can PRioritise anything. They can convert any topic to word-of-mouth and highlight the best characteristics of your company. They engage in a proactive communication to enhance brand reputation, increasing the loyalty of all customers.pr topic, topic wordcommunication, creative, campaign, promotion, customer1
intellexi.huIntellexi Ltd. is a private Hungarian SME providing a wide range of innovation management, business development, entrepreneurship and internationalisation support activities. Our key topics are according to our experience and as follows: business development, innovation, agro-ICT, bioeconomy…key topic, topic experienceinnovation, development, entrepreneurship, management, support1
szemzopeter.huChoose your topic and ready for open speech , so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail distinguish pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are…course, detail, desire, trouble, pain1
diveino.huOne year ago I wrote a blog post about the required DiveIno parts and its expected cost. Now I think it is the time to revisit this topic anpost, island, week, version, development1
pannonuveghaz.huUse these paragraphs to focus on the topic in the headline. Make sure you keep it short and attractive.paragraph topic, topic headlineline, user, attractive, head, answer1
abtl.huIn October, 2008, we organised an international conference in Pécs with lecturers representing our fellow institutes abroad. The topic of the conference was: “Those Who Watch and Those Who Are Being Watched – How useful secret agents documents are from the point of view of social history”, and the…abroad topic, topic conferencearchive, shall, public, record, document1
sterling.huOur senior experts with unquestionable professional background supported many players of key sectors covering the range of corporate hot topics.success, key, consulting, client, result1
greenbrother.huAccording to the EIT Jumpstarter Workbook ont he first training the main topics will be the LEAN startup, Business Model Canvas and the Market.main topic, topic leangreen, detail, open, training, mobility1
cedit.huWith our fire and occupational safety e-learning system, we prepare educational material and topics for our clients in accordance with the scope of their activities (even in several languages) in accordance with the laws in force.material topic, topic clientprotection, fire, safety, office, learn1
independenttheater.hualready abandoned by society active citizens. We want that the young people in the future can find authentic pieces of art about today’s society. It’s important for us to show how colourful the Roma theatre is, how many different topics are covered and what a wide range of genres are combined in it.different topic, topic widetheater, independent, festival, mission, people1
drzsu.huDr. Zsu’s specialty is to make a difficult and very fearful topic understandable and digestible. She designed the steps to get out under the grip of fear, reach inner emotional freedom, achieve inner happiness and health. She helps the person to connect within her or himself to reach their inner…fearful topic, topic understandablehealth, alive, change, integrate, unique1
karmun.huThe issues discussed during the conference are closely connected to the burning questions the theme raises. Delegates will have the opportunity to engage in crucial discussions on topics and expand their views as they combat several emerging problems.discussion topic, topic viewconference, nation, registration, united, model1
bschenk.huFind the right call | Understand the topic | Know the policy background | Find a consortium | Build a consortium | Negotiate effectively | Address the EC requirements | Turn idea to innovation | Write a clear and convincing proposalright topic, topic policytraining, research, grant, communication, europe1
cegprezentacio.huOne of the richest nail video collection sites you will ever meet. You can learn the secret nail techniques and crafts step by step from us. We have collected the most wanted topics like, acrylic nails, gel nails, famous nail designs, the proper usage of the supplies, perfect manicure & hand care…step topic, topic likepresentation, skill, nail, portal, artist1
skool.org.huFrom the professional perspective, we redefine the learning process and the role of teachers, we develop and provide learning content not available in the school system, we involve parents, and we include topics that are most relevant for our supporters.parent topic, topic relevantlab, technology, eng, homepage1
mgi-bpo.huWe will cover the topics below at our MGI-BPO Tax Conference on 9 December 2022, after which we will send the tax law changes in writing to our Clients. Inclient, news, tax, accounting, office1
hapa.huAccumulating important basic data related to the statutes and decrees of the industry, taking the industry’s standpoint of the different topics into account;different topic, topic accountasphalt, member, association, road, european1
americanaejournal.huWe are proud to release our VOLUME XVIII , ISSUE NUMBER 1, 2022. The issue features a great variety of topics in American studies, ranging from history and literature to film and politics. It is once again our pleasure to provide platform to bring such a colorful variety to our readers all around…variety topic, topic americanjournal, american, study, issue, volume1
greenformatics.hu…check if they are acceptable in the context of the project. Another aspect of cross platform mobile technologies that makes them an interesting topic is the question of the developer human resource. Some cross platform technologies are based on web technologies, so they can help to avoid native…interesting topic, topic questionsolution, data, digital, operation, case1
relnet.huOur experienced professionals develop the courses based on the vendors’ standard topics, which can help your colleagues to prepare even for official exams.standard topic, topic colleaguestechnology, vendor, network, event, solution1
savageworks.huBy mixing different styles, the company is constantly looking for new opportunities and challenges. Unique use of music, versatile artists, exciting topics, different dance styles and aerial arts elements - just to mention a few things that make us unique.exciting topic, topic differentelement, dance, variety, performance, circus1
en-hu-interpreter.hu- Knowledge of a wide range of professional topics (e.g. legal, financial, engineering, medical etc. technical terms)professional topic, topic legalinterpreter, private, tutor, reference, photo1
mimicry.huThere is no company in the corporate sector which could not increase its sales with powerful animated concent. That was the main topic of thje presentation Tamás Kőszegi, managing director of Mimicry Motions held at Forbes’ “Hello Biznisz” sales conference .main topic, topic thjeanimation, video, commercial, festival, selection1
globecenter.huWe have great experience in organising tailor-made programs and travel solutions around a special topic.agency, travel, festival, center, globe1
bauer-reisen.huCOVID-19 has changed our lives forever, but how will it change our travel habits? We have gathered a few facts all about this topic, have a look, if you are interested and let us know, what do you think about!fact topic, topic looktour, travel, city, trip, danube1
holisys.huAccording to the 2017 SME performance review of the European Comission hungarian small and medium enterprises mentioned following topics as[…]management, digital, detail, sme, agile1
szakolczai.huThe galleries are sorted by location and by topics, I hope you find the photos you enjoy most.location topic, topic photolandscape, sky, night, drone, transylvania1
doctor360.huOne of the most interesting topic how to gather, combine and use your data assets and make your customer service more personalised and agile.interesting topic, topic datasolution, technology, portfolio, client, nearshore1
intellimed.huMicrosites are used in editorial or commercial web design to add a specialized group of information with content optimized for target groups. Microsites used for editorial purposes may include a page or group of pages that contain information about a certain topic, an event or similar item giving…certain topic, topic eventpage, technological, mobile, responsive, app1
flow.hu…really motivates me in my work is the impact I can have on those around me by supporting them on their path to achieving their goals. Among the topics that find me as a consultant, leadership and talent development (self-knowledge, skills development, etc.) stand out, but I am also very attractedgoal topic, topic consultantdevelopment, management, leadership, training, group1
weigel.hu…than 10+ years experience on creation of webpages, especially on responsive designs in recent years. I continuously develop myself on UX related topics. I manage my time and my responsibilities when working alone and I like to be a useful member of a team. I can set the priorities between…ux topic, topic timedevelopment, detail, website, user, css1
abcde.co.huFollowing this, I worked in Germany at TUI Blockchain Research Lab , where I researched technologies that can provide blockchain a higher transaction per second rate. As part of my work, I developed an application, which can do just that. My articles about the topic can be found below.development, application, advanced, theory, technology1
ecovalley.huEverything there is to know about ecological, organic and environmental topics can be found here.valley, volunteer, model, education, sustainable1
finchdesign.hu…so I welcome the help of anyone who is competent in this subject. I do not insist on names, anyone can write a message even without a name, the site will deliver it to me. I hope to pass on the experience and knowledge that I have gathered on this topic, because they selflessly handed it to me.knowledge topic, topic selflesslywebsite, detail, pattern, weave, shuttle1
noierdek.huAre you an expert on online violence against women with at least 3 years of experience in the field? Do you have experience in researching? Do you have the knowledge of the International and EU policy framework on the topic? Do you share EWL feminist values? If yes, this opportunity is for you…framework topic, topic ewlwoman, organisation, national, lobby, member1
e-lab.huWe are known for branding. We write about it, lecture about it, and frequently get calls from the media to provide expert commentary on the topic. We’ve created new company names and logos and built brands from scratch into household names. We’ve also helped established brands significantly grow…commentary topic, topic newlab, result, agency, client, campaign1
entrepreneurship.huProvide creative space for thematic workshops around actual topics of the enterpreneural communityactual topic, topic enterpreneuralentrepreneurship, profitable, innovative, responsible, positive1
f12.huI’m really into this Windows Hello for Business topic… Recently, I was going through the “RDP with WHfB” guide from MS Learn ( link ) which gave me an idea: can this method be used to protect user VPN certificates? The short answer is: yes, but no 🙂business topic, topic recentlyhello, access, application, user, sign1
kerimpex.huWhen it comes to a topic of attics and light structure architect solution our paints,EPS and XPS product,interior doors,fibrous installation are well usable.build, interior, material, architect, retail1
qstest.hu"With Qualysoft, we were able to successfully begin our journey towards improving the test strategy and gaining initial experience in test automation. With a very competent contact person, we were able to focus on the right topics and received very good advice and support. The cooperation was…right topic, topic goodmanagement, solution, automation, customer, process1
czinkapanna.huThe Association considers the promotion of disadvantaged talents as its priority, and in its projects and events, it always strives to fulfill this task. When implementing domestic and EU projects with children, regardless of the topic, professional implementers incorporate talent-management…regardless topic, topic professionalassociation, cultural, event, talent, interest1
merjed.huManufacturing beer is only one of the many fields of fermentation industry, and only one of the several theoretical topics to be covered during the vocational training. This way the students have to learn about these from textbooks, charts and pictures, thus only facing the real challenge of the…theoretical topic, topic vocationaltraining, fermentation, industry, school, page1
biomembrane.hu…their fields at the international level. Importantly, the environment provided a safe place for discussions on any scientific and non-scientific topics in spite of the pretty different views on religious, philosophic, political, and scientific issues. They also put emphasis on training scientists…scientific topic, topic spiteuniversity, research, science, academy, member1
edutus.huBesides its full and part-time BSC or MSC programs, the Edutus University can also offer for the Academic Staff Members, Lecturers, Industrial Experts, Learners online short courses in English as well, related to relevant, highlighted topics.international, student, conference, university, page1
procurcon.huAlthough there has been a noticeable improvement in the field of business ethics in the private sector of the CEE region during the past decades, we encourage a continuous discussion and training about the topic - within the companies and among industry players - to support the continuous…training topic, topic companyprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement1
drajmund.huMy research topic is: UTILIZATION OF CYBERPHISICAL SYSTEMS IN SMART GRIDS TO ACHIEVE HIGHER EFFICIENCYresearch topic, topic utilizationresearch, publication, grid, utilization, consumer1
ommik.huFollow us on Twitter to learn more about what’s happening in the sector and to hear about speakers, events, topics from MuseumDigit conference.event topic, topic museumdigitmuseum, national, conference, digital, collection1
toepler.huThe speakers and topics of the medical lectures of the MOTT Sopron Wandering Assembly were as follows *5:speaker topic, topic medicalsleep, norm, medical, institute, research1
levteam.huUsing solar energy is not only a trending topic nowadays but it is also a very effective and environmentally friendly technology. Levteam Ltd. was founded in 2009 by a Hungarian owner in order to extend his business profile. The owner has always looked for innovative solutions, so exploiting the…energy topic, topic nowadayspower, energy, station, goal, technology1
anyanyelv-pedagogia.huThe high number of references and independent citations support the recognition of the journal, too. The editorial board organizes round table discussions, conference lectures, and presentations about the research topics. In addition, there are reviews published about the journal in other academic…research topic, topic additionjournal, editor, language, pedagogy, article1
bibliatanitasok.huArnold's book also became very important to Rita as she wrote her doctoral dissertation on the topic of the roots and the history of Christian antisemitism, entitled Theology and Antisemitism: The Influence of Amillennialism on the Parliamentary Discourses of the Hungarian Church Representatives…dissertation topic, topic rootchurch, bible, book, jewish, christian1
kisimre.huI was interested in the smart home topic for a while and finally the first actuator is operation in my flat. I’ve already had sensors and I processed the data coming from them using a Raspberry PI and RRDTool which was spectacular. During a heat wave in the summer the need arose for controlling…home topic, topic finallyhvac, sensor, device, data, belgrade1
paleo.huThe central theme of our Research Group is the history of biosphere. This topic has been increasingly in the focus of international paleontological research in the last few decades. Using the Earth system approach, the changes of biodiversity through time and the key events in evolution are…biosphere topic, topic increasinglypublication, mission, research, history, group1
abece.huThey need to practice dictation. Apart from dictation, they have to learn composition, writing outlines, writing sentences which can help them talk more about a particular topic.child, problem, programme, task, treatment1
inforness.huIn addition to our own IT specialists, we have an extensive network of subcontracting partners. In many areas, we also involve the students of the ELTE IK laboratory in the performance. This is based on the fact that InforNess, as an industrial partner of ELTE, provides the Labor with real…industrial topic, topic researchtraining, university, development, algorithm, hana1
jeansday.huOur tasks included the creation of the individual brand profile of the 20 touristic regions determined by the agency, their positioning, definition of key messages and differentiating experience promises, establishment of touristic values, organization of workshops in the topic of branding for the…workshop topic, topic brandingbrand, analysis, city, corporate, insight1
eyewitness.hu…unspoken, unprocessed events of today’s Hungarian society. However, due to modern technology, the sources of oral history regarding these three topics can be built into educational contents in an effective and methodologically justified way. During the realization of the program, the research…history topic, topic educational, material topic, topic effectivelyresearch, education, subject, material, host1
jack-wolfskin.huAlways be the first to hear about our offers, latest arrivals, outdoor trends and many more exciting topics in our newsletterexciting topic, topic newsletterjacket, shoes, trousers, footwear, hiking1
liveinbudapest.huTransport is a huge topic, it can include everything from annual “free of charge” street parking (connecting to your official address) to buying a car, of course, getting or exchanging a license, buying tickets for public transport, special passes.huge topic, topic annualpermit, administration, case, important, consulting1
budapest18.huInnoK supports the implementation of the concept as a research, development worskhop, as well as an innovation and knowledge management center. Among different topics, the concept of the main road will be presented at the economic and real estate development conference, that will be held on the…different topic, topic conceptcenter, innovation, district, road, urban1
fklaw.hu…working). We shared the feedbacks on how our latest publication, the European Guide to International Mobility has been received so far. We furthermore agreed on the topic of our next guide and Dr. Kovács was elected to the committee responsible for outlining the contents of our upcoming brochure.furthermore topic, topic guidelaw, data, firm, legal, client1
fjit.huTo aid continuing education we hold regular conferences organised to cover relevant topics; the participants of these half-yearly conferences can listen to presentations by knowledgable speakers, discuss practical questions, share ideas and also gain credits. The lectures are archived and are…relevant topic, topic participantschool, healthcare, member, health, mission1
v-assist.huDo you need someone to collect data for you? Do you want to know more information about your competitions? Are you looking for professional articles and summaries on a specific topic? Let’s discuss the details and I’ll gather all the information for you!specific topic, topic detailvirtual, assist, assistance, assistant, need1
taichiflow.huOne of his core research and teaching topics is a fusion of tai chi and contact improvisation. He is fascinated about this field between internal martial arts and contact based dances, and working on how can these concepts, approaches and movement forms, qualities meet and support each other.teach topic, topic fusionbody, movement, self, martial, art1
wanderlustbook.huThe book is about countries that are not on the radar of most travellers because they are perceived dangerous, dirty, expensive, uninteresting or just have poor infrastructure. My stories are about everyday or not so everyday topics, through which I show how different things are in, say, Colombia…everyday topic, topic differentbook, zone, trip, outside, review1
tmfu.hu…sectors in the international community. Our main goal is to transfer knowledge, good practices from and to European partners in order to develop the local community in several key topics, such as environment, energy efficiency, alternative energy, smart grids food industry, local products, etc.key topic, topic environmentevent, news, practice, main, page1
equital.huAre you looking for the ideal location for a seminar, training or demonstration on equestrian topics, where you can share your knowledge in an authentic setting? We can provide a venue for equestrian training courses, presentations, conferences in any equestrian discipline, with accommodation and…equestrian topic, topic knowledgehorse, ride, equestrian, therapeutic, horseback1
families.huFour members of the research group give lectures during the night! Topics: the stepfamilies of the 17th century Transylvanian princely family, the...night topic, topic stepfamiliesfamily, research, people, database, event1
cogwheel.huIn my experience, the trainer quickly found the common ground and language with the participants, and they became more and more interested as the training went along. Probably, it was because the topics we covered were personally designed for them and about them, and thus, they reflected our…probably topic, topic personallytraining, development, employee, manager, participant1
ontarget.huMany of our clients are unclear about what motivates their people and in many cases they fall back to the “easiest”, yet most difficult to manage motivator: money. This can become a trap where there’s no other topic with people, only their compensation. We show you a way out from there, where your…trap topic, topic peopleresult, consulting, potential, strategy, development1
kapinfood.huThe KAP-IN- FOOD Ltd is a recently created SME, founded in November 2014. The two founder members are András Bittsánszky PhD and András J Tóth, both of whom are committed devotees and investigators of food safety & nutrition topics, devising innovative systems for food safety and compliance…nutrition topic, topic innovativefood, safety, lab, innovative, address1
cij.huAdditionally, over fifty American International Knight Fellows held training courses and on-site consultations for media professionals and journalism students. Topics included investigative journalism, election coverage, business and social issues reporting, newsroom management, television and…student topic, topic investigativemedia, center, training, independent, production1
tothkrisztina.huKrisztina Tóth has published almost 40 books of prose, poetry, drama and children’s stories. Her children’s books treat topics that are considered unusual, even taboo, for example, “Mum had an operation” (a story about cancer) and “Pig and Goose” a successful series of children’s tales.book topic, topic unusualczech, finnish, french, german, polish1
lab-comp.huOur company considers it important to present the novelties of analytics to its customers. In the framework of the thematic lectures held at regular intervals, domestic and foreign specialists present the outstanding novelties of the given topic during theoretical and practical lectures.novelty topic, topic theoreticallaboratory, chemistry, lab, support, sale1
nyitottkor.huThe company always likes to experiment with new ways of interactions, different drama and theater forms, as well as other art tools, applying innovations of the digital age, offering children and young people programs about problems related to their age group. The topics of our performances come…group topic, topic performancedrama, group, participant, european, education1
drfarkaseva.huMy research interest focuses on three topics: Structural, content, and methodological development of vocational education and training and adult learning, Validation of learning outcomes acquired in non-formal learning environments, and Learning outcomes-based curriculum design and learning…interest topic, topic structuralactivity, education, learn, adult, research1
ppis.huPannon Pro Innovations Ltd . /PPIS/ is a private consultancy providing a wide range of innovation management and entrepreneurship support activities. Our key topics are sustainability, energy, climate change and bioeconomy.key topic, topic sustainabilityinnovation, climate, management, private, change1
prospero.huFirst time visitor? Register to "Your personal alert of favourite topics" newsletter! You can choose the categories to be included in the weekly newsletter here.favourite topic, topic newsletterscience, book, newsletter, personal, registration1
inflexion.huOur beloved podcast talks about professional and personal life dilemmas through honest conversations with several guests, who share their own experiences around success and failure. We also hear their opinions on relevant topics, mental health, gender equality, etc.relevant topic, topic mentalsale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead1
mokoskatalin.huYou have invested great amount of effort in culture development but were not able to reach lasting and impressive results. Would you like to drill down through certain topics and make your colleagues get involved? You are convinced that a lot of expertise has been piled up in your company ready to…certain topic, topic colleaguesfree, download, management, change, culture1
mxcsoftware.huWe have created multiple software systems which received various awards. We are also extremely proud of the publications of our members and their individual success in research and development during their career about Artificial Intelligence and .NET topics.software, solution, calculator, development, app1
berta.huPreviously I blogged about a lecture series in cryptography called Cryptonite , this is an initiative of Hackerspace Budapest . Last week I gave a presentation at Cryptonite, I spoke about following two topics:course, presentation, book, entry, file1
kszgysz.huFrom 12-14 June 2019, NICOLE's spring Workshop will be held in Lyon, France. The topic of the workshop will be Smart Land Management Solutions (case studies). További részletekfrance topic, topic workshopwaste, plastic, european, international, water1
haden.huI am a researcher. My main topics are auditory neuroscience, human electrophysiology and auditory development.main topic, topic auditorypublication, human, neuroscience, main, researcher1
drhodosi.huWe live in the age of telecommunication, when data from the Internet and electronic forums become known very quickly. This is advantageous on one side, because we can get information on the topics that interest us very quickly. On the other side, when our personal information gets out of the…information topic, topic quicklycase, legal, contract, client, solution1
transemex.huTransemex Kft. is a stable, capital-intensive company, with an excellent short- and midterm strategy. Current focus topics are the development of IT and HR, as well as the corporate image. Subsequently, we plan to expand our fleet and our routes.focus topic, topic developmentfreight, road, logistic, quotation, fleet1
ikte.huThe major topic of our workshop was to promote the participants in becoming a more successful parent by following the children’s development from the perspective of the development of playing.major topic, topic workshopgroup, method, therapy, training, art1
szabadterek.huprovide an independent platform for important topics that affect society and make it possible for people to express critical views or stand up for social justice,important topic, topic societyspace, network, member, society, open1
viplimuzin.huTo avoid the misuse of words and misunderstandings, the prefix “stretch” is often added before the word “limousine.” However, anyone familiar with the topic will immediately associate the terms “limousine” and “limo” with the stretched versions.familiar topic, topic immediatelylimousine, rental, airport, transfer, city1
bouchal.huOur firm offers free up-to-date information on all recently published books in Hungary on selected topics that may be of interest to libraries (Hungarica materials on history, politics, sociology, linguistics, law, reference books, etc., and also fiction ): and we compile lists to send to our…hungary topic, topic interestbook, order, plan, approval, library1
derossi.huOur experts distill complex topics into digestible articles, providing you with up-to-date industry knowledge and practical tips to help your business navigate the financial landscape with confidence.complex topic, topic digestiblevaluation, auditing, de, financial, data1
kathleenedubsalapitvany.hu…would never hesitate to give her characteristically ironic view of anything, least of all of academic life and American politics, her favourite topics. All those who knew her have fond memories of her and greatly miss her. In 2012 a foundation bearing her name was established by individuals who…favourite topic, topic fonddub, foundation, university, grant, study1
iriszoffice.huOur media partners include Hungary’s leading tax portals, where we frequently publish on professional topics.office, plan, tax, financial, activity1
mixerhivo.huOur intelligent algorithms search the latest news and topics from different authentic sources. We run fine-tuned processes that relentlessly analyze the employee motivation subject and help our clients to understand their own situation better. AI clears up the context you are in, highlights the…news topic, topic differentmotivation, value, fun, engage, real1
iparnapjai.huThe 10th INDUSTRY DAYS and the concurrently held 11th AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY exhibitions finished in HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center. This year, the key topics of Hungary’s largest business and professional meeting were green energy, alternative propulsion systems, new forms of energy…key topic, topic hungaryindustry, exhibition, day, exhibitors, visitor1
intelligencemedia.huDive into our frequently asked topics to gain insights and clarity about our services and processes.frequently topic, topic insightintelligence, media, solution, development, process1
littlelovebox.huThe Little Love Box is a card package for couples, which contains questions classified into different categories. You will be able to decide which category to draw from with the help of the dice. During the game, you can get closer to each other, you can even talk about topics you have never dealt…close topic, topic selflittle, card, love, game, question1
drszalay.huDr. Lajos Zsíros, the chief physician of the department commented on the condition of the middle-aged woman, who had suffered injuries on her skull and facial bones, as well as her lower limbs. It is expected to take at least four months before she can recover. Discussing the topic in the studio…month topic, topic studiolaw, attorney, client, legal, office1
gasztrologus.huContinuously it is very important for us to improve the content and topics of our menus and the flavor of authentic food, to present new alternatives, and continuously control the quality of used materials.content topic, topic menuevent, family, flavor, food, gallery1
kozossegikertek.huWe would like to share our knowledge we gathered during the past years, public information and the useful experience of others. We wish to provide a platform where community gardens and their gardeners and people curious about the topic could find each other and become participants of a bigger…curious topic, topic participantgarden, community, city, programme, centre1
kamillaeva.huToday I’m writing about a slightly more serious topic. I wanted to write about self-confidence and self-love for a long time because it determines our lives so it’s important. In my opinion there’s no human being in this planet who haven’t feel bad in their own body at least once. Self-confidence…slightly topic, topic selfrecipe, fashion, photography, photoshoot, wedding1
hungaryinstant.hu…like “is X bad for my child” will usually get you a complicated, uncertain answer - in most cases, it really just depends. Not understanding complex topics makes people afraid - it makes it hard to trust that they’re being given the right information, and that they’re making the right choices.complex topic, topic peoplepeople, theory, thing, like, fact1
beautycolors.huWith more than 10 years of experience, our company undertakes industrial painting and coating, even in hard-to-reach places. Our range of activities has expanded dynamically over the years, feel free to contact us on the following topics.color, homepage, reference, protection, profile1
columbiapartners.huTamás graduated from Corvinus University in Budapest and Columbia University in New York. He has worked as a consultant for McKinsey & Company mainly in the telecommunications and insurance sectors for the last 8 years. As a consultant, he has led projects in nearly 20 countries on a wide range of…range topic, topic strategyoffer, investment, mainly, contract, open1
jetc2017.huIn Mini-Symposia various specific thermodynamic related topics are introduced by experts and discussed by the audience. The presentations of the participants are organized in Sessions, according to their topics. The interaction is enhanced also by poster sessions along the coffee breaks.thermodynamic topic, topic expert, session topic, topic interactionconference, registration, abstract, submission, exhibition1
hrsmart.huWe have a team where each field has an expert with an unquestionable professional background (meaning results) and knowledge in the given topic.employee, recruitment, staff, organizational, support1
design-jegygyuru.huThis was the time when I decided to returnto my original topic that I can keep under control andwhich I can coordinate myself – assuming also the responsibility alone.original topic, topic controlwedding, view, quick, engagement, jewelry1
epppc.huThe European PPP Center (EPPPC) is dedicated to serve as a know-how center for public sector bodies, private entrepreneurs, investors and other industry players on the growing international marketplace of Public Private Partnerships (PPP). We aim to fully embrace PPP topics and develop the skills…ppp topic, topic skillissue, consulting, center, european, training1
furedi-annamaria.huI am working on a series of articles about discrimination. I do it a year ago and I am still not done, I am generally too busy. I need time to elaborate the topic, the research works take a lot of time.time topic, topic researchcanada, woman, people, thing, category1
szav.huContains information about a specific Knowledge skill topic. Loading this into a skilljack will increase the rating of that Knowledge skill by 1, up to a maximum of 5.skill topic, topic skilljacktier, activation, check, character, active1
smepitesz.huWe have much pleasure in informing that we were invited by Hír TV's programme called Green Belt, arm-in-arm with Imre Felföldi. We camed round the topic of passive houses.round topic, topic passiveplan, construction, general, passive, west1
superweek.huJoin Simo & friends at the fireside to discuss topics ranging from analytics to data engineering, from career advice to data-related life hacks, and anything and everything you can think of. Audience participation is (almost) mandatory.fireside topic, topic analyticdata, analytic, digital, day, analyst1
goneforatakoyaki.huA short description introducing visitors to the topic of your blog and what to expect in it.visitor topic, topic blogpost, title, line, automatically, text1
serbiz.hu„This program was probably the first to cover such a wide range of topics, with a core focus on Service.range topic, topic coretraining, sale, development, market, consultancy1
oditsolutions.huThe aim of the DIG-IT podcast is to bring those who are not satisfied with superficial articles and catchy slogans closer to today's defining topics in digitalization and information technology. Here, we dig deep into things.today topic, topic digitalizationcybersecurity, academy, leadership, publication, change1
pestbuda.hu…of the 21st century, to our everyday lives: the importance of home, the importance of friends or the sacrifice made for our loved ones are all topics that we can easily identify with. Artefacts, special scenery and multimedia tools also help us to get familiar with the work of the poet. Topics…one topic, topic easily, poet topic, topic relevantago, square, public, build, century1
etf.huIn these stressful days, it is not so easy to keep track of your own financial situation . In addition, the inflation and interest rates mean that almost everyone has to rethink his retirement planning . We must admit that there are certainly more exciting topics. That's why a lot of people still…exciting topic, topic lotguide, calculator, plan, saving, news1
hamvasintezet.huMy work will not and cannot provide a full account of the topic, much less intend to state some all-encompassing ...account topic, topic encompasssecurity, news, communist, research, history1
csprogression.hu- joint process of focal topics (digital competence development, the relationship between IT and arts, art – one of the possibilities for social integration)focal topic, topic digitalsummary, meet, programme, photo, training1
gann.huOne question around W. D. Gann’s work is how he “scaled” his charts. You can understand this topic in less than 5 minutes. Let’s investigate following these steps: how you construct financial charts on paper, and what technical difficulties you need to overcome on paper-based charts. If you like…chart topic, topic minutetrading, question, tool, point, conception1
hazareten.huFind an overview about diabetes, the different types, risk factors, and the impact it has on public health. To receive updates about diabetes topics, enter your email address: Előnézet University of Bristol Clinical Staff - Rates and Allowances. From 1 April Rate from 1 April.diabetes topic, topic emailexperimental, clinical, school, journal, physics1
policyagenda.huWe organise several conferences all year round. Topics discussed at such conferences range from basic income to the pension system. Our major principle is to let way to communication and discourse not merely among the presenters but also involving the audience. Our target is that true issues shall…round topic, topic conferenceagenda, homepage, analysis, political, fact1
porcpotlas.huCartilage research is one of the hot topics in the recent years and as a result of a grant founded by the EU and the Hungarian Ministry of Economyfrom the year of 2005 major research commenced in Pecs, Hungary, to introduce novel technologies of cartilage repair (e.g., cartilage cell implantation)…hot topic, topic recentcell, implantation, defect, injury, orthopedic1
kispeterportfolio.huI learned about climate, nature conservation, agriculture, forestry, water management, game and fish management, as well as fundamental concepts of environmental protection. This included studying the main data and relationships related to these topics, understanding the relevant stakeholders…relationship topic, topic relevantportfolio, skill, developer, education, website1
borosferenc.huI also teach the theory and practice of Photography. From beginner to master leves, including digital afterwork. Here are some of the most important topics: Color theory, posing guide,important topic, topic colorphotography, object, food, picture, school1
henigaleria.huFavourite, and sleeping in one my topic painting the clown s mimicry. The clown, may be disappearing so is fooling around, the world follows a prank his reality. In fact, heals the heart, the souls, believes the laugh balm for the tired soul. Forward to where we came from: into the nature of our…favourite topic, topic paintingpainting, painter, national, soul, sale1
sensa.hu“I really liked the cultural approach to leadership, discussing related topics, and practical solutions. It was dense but incredibly valuable and progressive.”related topic, topic practicaldevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting1
buzassandor.hu“Fascinating methodology and tailor-made coaching activities! Meetings are highly focused and finish by getting new perspectives that expands on the topics previously discussed. There were personalized homework activities that triggered immediate changes in my life and around me. The coaching…perspective topic, topic previouslysession, strategy, performance, free, people1
ismerosok.hucollect, use, share, retain and transfer information. We also explain the rights you have. Each section of the policy uses useful examples and simple language to make our practices clearer. We also provide links to resources that can give you more information on the privacy topics that interest you.data, condition, account, purpose, law1
media-print.huThe presentations on the following pages will give you a thorough understanding of the advertising and marketing communication development skills at Media & Print. If you have a topic of specific interest, please get in touch with us. We will provide you access to the appropriate presentations.print topic, topic specificmedia, solution, introduction, specification, need1
bipoco2016.hu…We achieved a reasonable success with BiPoCo 2014 having more than 200 participants thus we decided to organize the 3rd BiPoCo conference. The topics in general are similar to those of the previous meetings, but they are slightly adjusted according to changes of scientific interest in the…conference topic, topic generalseptember, august, conference, photo, goal1
coachery.huI have two teenage, almost grown-up kids, who teach me on a daily basis. They keep me up-to-date with new trends and help me to be a cool mom. They don’t hesitate to criticise me and challenge me in any topics.mission, statement, close, answer, question1
kooperativ.huWe offer case based discussions and other forms of psychological groups to parents and everyone interested. We also offer lectures on topics related to education in the family, kindergartens, and schools.lecture topic, topic educationschool, training, teacher, parent, tool1
commonsensesociety.hu…North America and Europe, we educate 21st-century generations and inform public discourse. Members of the Common Sense Society discuss current topics in public life through regular meetings, discussions, panel discussions, lectures, workshops, film screenings, and book launches. We do not want…current topic, topic publiccommon, society, sense, event, news1
stratlog.huOur senior experts with unquestionable professional background supported many players of key sectors covering the range of corporate hot topics.success, key, impact, approach, principle1
bta-group.huWhen a new software development project is undertaken, it is always desired that all requirements are met in the new application and that the new software in the environment is best adapted. However, if the topic is not analyzed correctly or not in an acceptable timeframe, and if the necessary…good topic, topic correctlygroup, management, software, process, analysis1
mattor.hu…production focusing on 4.0 technologies. 👨‍💼 Product developments, collaborative or traditional robots, self driven forklifts, special machinery, manipulators, industry 4.0 factories and similar exciting topics have been discussed. 😉 During coffee breaks we had opportunitiy for busniess…exciting topic, topic coffeeline, production, news, day, engine1
wisdom.huAptly entitled "Rise Of The Wise", the quintet‘s fourth studio album fully lives up to its name in each and every one of the eleven brand new songs: Thematically growing around various topics such as the multifarious facets of human existence as well as around the band mascot “Wiseman“ in a couple…thematically topic, topic multifariouswisdom, tour, alive, october, september1
afromag.huOn the 2nd February we organized the last AfroMag club event at Kubik Coworking office. Our first topic was ‘Successful communication in the world of employment’. On the workshop held by Tímea Sófalvi the participants could get acquainted with the elevator-pitch...office topic, topic successfuljob, event, search, legislation, curriculum1
ceid.huKey experts of the CEID have been quite active recently. Our covered topics include the Russian agression in Ukraine and the connection between the Hungarian and Russian governments, the energy dependencies, V4 connectiona, European Union politics, including the deep analysis of the State of the...recently topic, topic russianagreement, event, foreign, previous, partnership1
hungarotherm.huThis year’s professional programs and the exhibition bouquet focused on the challenges of the construction industry of the future – energy efficiency, energy-saving homes and sustainability. Quality and arousing the interest of new generations in construction professions were also prominent…prominent topic, topic greatexhibition, exhibitors, gallery, energy, visitor1
evolecol.huStudents interested in these topics are welcome to join our team. For further details and contact info, see the personal pages of our senior researchers.interested topic, topic welcomepeople, publication, agricultural, ecology, group1
mkne.huDeveloping Thematic Wandering Science Toolkits, which are fun science toolkits – designed for non-professionals, mainly but not exclusively for children – containing games and activities in different topics (e.g., pollinators, climate, and the life and achievements of Ottó Herman); Offering EE…different topic, topic pollinatorsenvironmental, education, member, society, training1
kettannyelvuiskola.huDuring the sessions the students tackle each topic through a range of projects, where teamwork and creativity are encouraged. We motivate our students by providing positive reinforcemnt in a stress-free environment with no tests or grading. As a result, our program differs significantly from…student topic, topic rangeschool, native, primary, grade, language1
balancemedacademy.huEach topic has been compiled based on the latest scientific knowledge. Our instructors have acquired their knowledge in international training centers, they have many years of teaching and healing experience.training, course, physiotherapist, website, quality1
infocommunications.huThe scope of our journal spans a wide range of technical areas, covering the large variety of topics of interest of our Society, in „classical" telecommunications, networks and services, information technology, media technologies and media communications, thus representing the process of…variety topic, topic interestissue, introduction, journal, site, communication1
vedikusasztrologus.huYou can ask for a chart analysis concerning any topic regarding your life, spouse, or family.analysis topic, topic lifevedic, relationship, course, knowledge, introduction1
endometriozismagyarorszag.huThe members can have endometriosis themselves or can be relatives, experts in endometriosis or others interested in the topic. You must have a real name and profile.interested topic, topic realsymptom, treatment, tax, donation, awareness1
jegrendeles.hu…overseas. During these months we were both still university students finishing our studies. Adam, the oldest one of us has even chose this as a topic for his final thesis project. He studied closely the Hungarian ice market and its products making a research if there was any place for a new…old topic, topic final, interested topic, topic businessice, great, quality, drink, moment1
bipoco2018.huconference initiated the organization of BiPoCo 2014 in Visegrád and the BiPoCo 2016 meeting in Szeged. The scope of the conference was extended with topics on smart, nano-structured systems for controlled molecular release and particular attention was paid to the biomedical application of polymers.conference topic, topic smartseptember, scope, goal, conference, speaker1
kappenabzeichen.huThe main topic of this post is an interesting field correspondence card. With this capital letter, the addressee is notified that the postal control number of the unit of the [ … ]main topic, topic postjanuary, postcard, october, corps, arm1
polyglot.huIndividual lessons with personalized topics, flexible timetable, experienced teachers. Guaranteed efficiency, competitive prices.personalized topic, topic flexibletranslation, language, interpret, agency, proofreading1
dpc.huWorking for various clients, many in financial and telecom domains as architects, consultants. Hot topics include implementing Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture, Java performance tuning, scalable systems, and identity management.hot topic, topic webmanagement, consulting, training, software, solution1
skilltogo.hu…very knowledgeable she is always prepared, and she constantly takes time to further train herself. She is open minded and ready to deal with any topic you bring. She can advise you in a creative way. She helps you consider problems and challenges from different aspects to help you find the right…ready topic, topic creativeresilience, organization, development, positive, leadership1
techandtrad.huSeeing these two big challenges that are characteristic for each school, we decided to find a common solution to handle them: we are working on the topic of special days in our lives using the tools of modern information technology. In this way, we are making a relationship between old traditions…solution topic, topic specialschool, technology, tradition, activity, day1
reach-i4.huWhere the Real Work Happens. Gemba walk is an opportunity to capture topics and concerns related to how effectively your team is performing.opportunity topic, topic concerndata, reach, solution, big, real1
pattern.hu…level of consistency of information across contact channels. Omnichannel knowledge management and marketing automation are specific areas which we have seen significantly improve these aspects. Because of this, we place a special focus on these topics to complement our strategy consulting services.focus topic, topic strategymanagement, digital, knowledge, consulting, pattern1
smartrain.huAs many people as many ideas. SmarTRAIN® coffee tables provide the opportunity to embrace your creativity if you would like to see the fruit of your own labor. Our evolving, ready-made types depict different topics, themes and provide an immediate solution for those, who just would like to enjoy…different topic, topic themecolour, table, price, lighting, specification1
kbtraining.huto as the Policy), which aims to provide a concise notification to the Subject on the key data protection rules for the Controller. All issues and topics not covered by this Notice shall be governed by, and this Notice shall be interpreted in conjunction with, the Policy and the provisions of…issue topic, topic noticedata, training, participant, controller, process1
bardos.huOur law office has been dealing since its foundation with topics connected with civil law, commercial law and other related fields. The special themes as expert thereof we became well known and admitted on the market of legal services are:foundation topic, topic civiloffice, law, legal, image, page1
kismihok.huKobayashi, V., Mol, S. T., & Kismihók, G. (2014). Discovering emerging research topics and trends in Work and Organizational psychology by text mining scientific articles. Annual Meeting of the Association of Researchers in the Field of Work and Organizational Psychology (WAOP) . Annual meeting of…research topic, topic trendlearn, t., conference, research, proceedings1
matheannapszichologus.huMy name is Anna Máthé, a certified health psychologist and PhD student. Currently I am in the process of earning my PhD at the Doctoral School of Neuroscience, Faculty of General Medicine; University of Debrecen. The core of my research topic is inflammatory biomarkers and their connection to…research topic, topic inflammatorysession, introduction, pricing, form, help1
nagyvadhunting.huHave I attracted your interest in some of my topics? If I have, so don't hesitate to contact me! I would be happy to talk about it with you personally.interest topic, topic happyhunting, proposal, ground, introduction, cost1
adesso.co.huThere is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.goal topic, topic forwardprovider, training, software, job, industry1
csmugyved.huNorbert Tribl graduated in 2016 at the University of Szeged. After having the law degree he is a trainee lawyer in the Császár Law Firm. Since autumn of 2016 he has been PhD student at the University of Szeged. His research topic is the constitutional identity of member states in the european…research topic, topic constitutionallaw, introduction, speciality, legal, international1
seashepherdorigins.hu…Paul Watson in 2012 “Interview with a Pirate” in which she compiled several years of discussions she had with the Founder of Sea Shepherd on many topics including, politics, animal welfare, media, philosophy. An updated version of the book has been released in 2017 for the 40 th anniversary of Sea…shepherd topic, topic politicsshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean1
hauff-technik.huSustainability is an important issue for us. Topics such as environmental impacts or social issues along the …issue topic, topic environmentalentry, build, cable, plan, tool1
talentumprogram.hu…Тела и Сознания может быть настолько эффективной. Я занимаюсь этим искусством в течение трех десятилетий, но я еще ни разу не получал такого полного практического представления о взаимосвязи между KARATE и KI. (Внутренняя сила, умственная энергия, жизненная энергия), как на занятиях у Мастераold topicevent, september, far, reply, calendar0
jumo.huThe four new temperature probes in the JUMO plastoSENS T series combine the JUMO plastoSENS plastic technology with JUMO's tried and tested manufacturing expertise in temperature tower measurement technology. This has resulted in four highly innovative plastic temperature probes.current topictechnology, sensor, automation, temperature, water0
ronikbutor.hu…Image Box… Testimonials… Pricing Table… Product Banner… Product Tabs… Product Grid… Product…image, button, furniture, cart, simple0
woweer.nlWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.weather, limited, climate, group, water0
drpapprobert.huThe barristers of the Dr Papp ’ s Office provide legal assistance if you require legal representation, legal advice or any sort of legal intermediation in any court or out of court proceeding.like topic, topic robertlegal, association, assistance, website, lawyer0
weatheronline.inWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.weather, forecast, climate, current, graph0
zepterbioptronlampa.huThe light therapy zepter bioptron lamp is now more and more widely recognized. On this page you will find a lot of information on the subject of bioptron lamp and color therapy, for example: how to use the medical lamp – effect, prices, treatment, trial, rental and repair and service.information topic, topic pagelamp, therapy, light, color, available0
kemenyinfo.hu…about Janos Kemeny… Marosvécs and its region… The castle and the park… The János Kemény memorial…family, website, janos, publication, region0
neuromems.huOur multidisciplinary team, composed of electrical, chemical, bionic engineers and biologists devotes its research to introduce novel materials in neural applications and to construct multimodal microdevices facilitating simultaneous use of various functionalities like electrical recording, local…phd topicresearch, publication, education, note, lecture0
perfectenterprises.huRecently, more and more products have been investigated and withdrawn from the market of potency enhancers. So there is great uncertainty among men about which of the existing products to choose. After all, the pill must meet many criteria. Men's expectations of a potency-enhancing pill Start…useful topic, topic articleenhancer, description, cart, man, perfect0
kegyeletipark.huThe Ethnographic Funerary Theme Park offers in and outdoor exhibitions. In the inner exhibition and display area burial traditions are introduced, while in the open air exhibitions, in the historical Hungary’s reduced sized area the characteristic grave signs of the country’s regions are shown.attraction topic, topic accuratelyopen, gallery, hour, price, tradition0
mindstep.huI think the methodology of coaching is really useful when you are in search of a better quality of life, looking for more fulfillment and a better balance. Coaching can help you to better understand what you want and the steps needed to achieve this.career, university, psychology, navigation, field0
spirimed.hu…features of 2020… 1 year telt el… Theme fails to load to WordPress… 3 years, 6 months telt el…forum topic, topic detail, read topic, latest topicmonth, el, community, grid, forum0
istvs2017.huInternational conferences of ISTVS are organized every third year and each event hosts participants from all of the world. Between the international events, the Society holds regional conferences every year. In 2017 the conference will be joint, international and regional as well.main topic, topic conference, topic istvsconference, september, international, vehicle, committee0
viktoriapekseg.hu…Service Plus… Digital… Essential Free Resources for Graphic Designers in 2022… 12Comments… Options…recent topicdigital, single, job, like, event0
globeowl.huTo join the project you must be an undergraduate, postgraduate or 2019 graduate. All skills and backgrounds are welcome – you might be an English student, a geographer, an economist or a sociologist or a history student (this list could go on…) – everyone has something to contribute and we’d…old topicstudent, training, owl, globe, skill0
iprofi.huAnimals… Nature… People… Urban… Behind The Scenes… Gear… iProfi… All… Vermilion Lakes Sunrise…popular topicphoto, day, urban, people, devil0
novoschool.huInterviewing in English? We can help you! Come join our preparatory course: 1) learn to write your CV and cover letters in English 2) practice interviewing So you can nail that job!interview, letter, cover, course, skill0
afvdetails.huIn total there is 1 user online :: 0 registered, 0 hidden and 1 guest (based on users active over the past 5 minutes)total topic, topic totalpage, board, forum, login, faq0
guestpost.huHungarian Guest Posts to support your search engine optimization campaign on high DA / DR sites in Hungary. Although worth even more!post, guest, article, build, search0
corrosion.huAbout Conference… Scope… Topics… Committees… Deadlines… History… Announcements… 3rd Announcement…corrosion, programme, conference, announcement, hall0
boschmediaservice.huDigitalization campaign: Bosch invests further billions in areas of future digital growth. Bosch partners with IBM on quantum computingrelease, media, technology, mobility, future0
ende2022.hu…in an invaluable way by bringing together colleagues from academic institutions and industry. These yearly conferences are strongly contributing to keep research and development lively and fruitful, and to foster international cooperation in the field of electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation.paper, deadline, submission, invitation, conference0
tuzokep.huBudapest is fascinating. I've been living here for two decades and it still surprises me all the time. I collect experiences and fit them piece by piece into my Budapest jigsaw.travel, alternative, gallery, piece, place0
euenglish.huWhat are phrasal verbs? Phrasal verbs are VERB+PREPOSITION combinations and English has a LOT of them! They are also tough to learn if English is … Read More »eu topicquiz, lesson, news, movie, free0
hajdolgok.huTwitter… Pinterest… Uncategorized… Hello world!… Read…hot topichello, post, entertainment, hot, query0
rekkova.huSelf and Scope is comin’ to town, and it’s a great thing, especially because I had the opportunity to create the written content on it. The webshop by Line and Round granted me lots of inspiring moments and a whole new level of perspective. More details in the Web Copies section: Copies for Self…copy, article, publication, management, art0
weatheronline.co.ukWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.weather, forecast, uk, climate, europe0
marmin.huNeil used used this this platform platform to to generate generate 11,000+ 11,000+ hits hits - - for for FREE FREE - - to to one one of of his his websites. websites. He He doesn't doesn't know know SEO, SEO, he he doesn't doesn't have have time time to to market market this. this. And And he he…lead, site, visitor, free, website0
interkulturalis-coaching.huThe intercultural coaching is a more creative approach to the traditional coaching, with a deeper…exciting topic, topic challengeintercultural, culture, prior, consent, website0
ceesen.huIs your municipality ready to take part in the global fight against the climate crisis and rising energy prices?total topicevent, municipality, sustainable, conference, energy0
drsolyomeleonora.huDrSolyomEleonora…ipsum, dolor, article, amet, sapien0
reedglobal.hu…colleagues. He concluded: “I won't be looking for a new position anytime soon, and I highly recommend anyone looking for a new job to try Reed.” Looking to hire a talented professional or take the next step in your career? Contact your local office and speak to one of our specialist recruiters.recruitment, salary, job, guide, career0
kutdiak.huExtended deadline: June 20. – XIII. Hungarian Research Student Association Scientific Poster Competitionstudent, research, association, competition, scientific0
pogodaonline.ruEurope Forecast… Topics… Oil spill… Press Release… Agriculture… Daily crop forecast… Hourly crop…limited, crop, group, media, europe0
admiralcount.hu…meaning of the word. Administrating and “keeping” something is not enough any more, it is development that drives a successful business. Taxation as such is in constant change, tax laws are modified several times a year, which requires of our professionals to follow the latest laws and…tax, taxation, count, accountancy, bookkeeping0
polora.huEnglish… Privacy…screen, printing, main, newsletter, vote0
trm.huGenerating graphs with a given degree sequence uniformly and randomly is a challenging problem. One of the popular methods is the switch Markov chain, which is a Markov chain Monte Carlo method that takes a random walk on the set of realizations via switches.popular topicchain, degree, sequence, homepage, graph0
trainingandpractice.huOur journal of Educational Sciences Training and Practice provides a forum for the lectures of the Training and Practice Conference to appear in our issue 3-4 2017.practice, training, conference, journal, educational0
epitoanyag.org.hu…silicate materials science and technology, providing scientists, engineers and manufacturers with original research for already 70 years. First issue of the journal was published in 1949 in Hungarian and became soon the most important and mostly referred Hungarian journal in the field of…detail topic, topic interestissue, journal, author, material, paper0
microsec.huMicrosec customers can create credible, legally binding electronic documents and deliver encrypted files via secure channels. We help and support the spread and development of user-friendly electronic administration with our innovative solutions. While using Microsec solutions, partners can gain…solution, trust, stamping, signature, software0
fitpuli.huSign up for our newsletter and never miss another update on digital health care, employee wellness programmes and all things health! Powered by Fitpuli’s health experts.quit topic, topic mindhealth, employee, programme, data, user0
dckarting.hudrivingcamp karting is one of the most exciting program facility only 24 km from Budapest, next to the highway M1. Gergő Borsi, the face of drivingcamp karting, is known to the audience as an expert and professional go-kart racer and the host of the Autogram car show. He is obsessed with racing…range topic, topic occasion, information topic, topic contackkarting, track, competition, race0
pmi.huPMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter, builds a voluntary project management professional community for the development of the individual, as part of the PMI global organization with a half-century history, based on a proven knowledge base and qualification system. Our goal is to be the most significant…certification, pm, award, overview, member0
hungarian-teacher.huWhat? Hungarian Who? Hungarian teacher How much? Hungarian language course Online Hungarian tuition Reference Hungarian in Budapest Contact Learn Hungarianstudy topic, topic conversationcourse, exercise, teacher, grammar, language0
lepesrollepesre.hu…American Women Travel Solo?… The 22 Best Things to See and Do in Bangkok… Logo… Home… Home default…hot topicview, august, travel, tip, lifestyle0
ujratervezespszichologia.huI work with athletes, coaches, corporate professionals and individuals to achieve optimal performance, personal efficiency and to increase mental health. I graduated as a psychologist in 2004, and in 2017 I got my degree in sports psychology. In 2020, I graduated from the online Barca University…follow topicpsychologist, trainer, counseling, psychological, performance0
patinamuterem.huSituated in the verdant environs of Lake Balaton, far from the bustle of city life, you can try your hand at the craft in a fully equipped goldsmith workshop located in a 150 year old stone house. The workshop and studio are in close proximity to the barn and garden, which serve as serene and…tematika topic, highlight topic, topic couplejewelry, gallery, studio, space, metal0
cefood2024.huInternational Advisory Committee Local Organising Committee Honorary Committee Conference Secretariat Congress Historyfood, welcome, october, committee, conference0
inventionfact.hu…merely improving our personal approach to change and reducing stress is a meaningful change in itself. Change-confidence is unavoidable, and the Organoco Mindset brings new opportunities to help it flourish. Building on gestalt and existentialist foundations, the method utilizes the most recent…development, change, invention, confidence, organization0
photohullanzsuzsa.huPhotography as a form of self-expression has been a constant presence in my life. It has become increasingly important to me.photo topicphoto, photography, exhibition, presence, important0
encounter.huThe registration fee gives you the right to participate in the programs (according to rules and guidelines) but it DOES NOT INCLUDE the accommodation and meals! At the registration form we collect information about your meals and accommodation requirements. This cost you will have to pay at the…schedule topic, topic group, group topicregistration, group, fee, meal, encounter0
energiaklub.huEnergiaklub’s opinion on the nuclear elements of the Hungarian National Energy and Climate Planenergy, nuclear, climate, photo, article0
emlekezesdramaja.huHolocaust (meaning the operation of social remembrance and the possibilities of re-creating the frames of social remembrance) among the 16-year-old high school students of Budapest. The research process is school ethnography, where institutional questionnaires, teacher and art teacher background…space topic, topic transmissionschool, remembrance, drama, art, social0
rc-kamionszerviz.huEnglish… 1%' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL#… 1%' UNION ALL SELECT…null, union, change, language, forum0
biologiclabs.huBio-Logic Labs is a Hungarian-owned private research and development company that combines more than four decades of professional engineering and university experience thanks to its founding experience…logic, lab, development, production, research0
infobarkacs.huSign up… Forum… login… register… Forgot your password?… Members… Stats… Users…total topic, recent topicforum, member, main, user, guest0
theclerky.huHome… All Courses… About…course, amet, development, tellus, adipiscing0
budnews.huGuns N' Roses has announced the locations of their 2023 tour, they will also play a concert in Budapest's Puskás Arena in July!popular topicnews, culture, gastronomy, event, lifestyle0
academica.huCopyright © 2024 Academica - Minden jog fenntartva. Designed by Devprigame, student, bit, advanced, piece0
iugb35.huOn September 21, 2021, the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) opened its 35th IUGB Congress with a welcome speech from Congress President, Prof. Dr. Sandor Csányi.congress topiccongress, guideline, registration, nature, venue0
sibarisclub.huSibaris' and our goal is to raise awareness in sports and nature, to help the youth and community. We believe that even the smallest impact in childhood can be life changing later in life, therefore we aim to involve children from a very young age how to live a healthy lifesytle in terms of sports…activity, nature, environment, area, event0
transparency.huHungary is the most corrupt Member State of the European Union according to Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Indexhot topiccorruption, transparency, report, international, public0
szabadnyelvklub.huYou can practice your English or German knowledge here, in the Libre Language Club, by joining our weekly conversations, without restrictions.language, conversation, german, restriction, weekly0
none.huMost recent messages… thread… author… date… subject… attachment… 22 Nov 2014 to 30 Nov 2014… by…new topicdate, attachment, author, subject, apr0
jobcapital.huThat’s where Jobcapital’s team of professional headhunters and recruitment consultants comes in. Once priorities have been set, we compare them with the company’s values and the criteria for the job, as we know the work environment from years of experience. Why is this important? There are many…well topic, topic worldjob, workplace, page, application, search0
pav.huPAV Hungary is a privately owned company bringing latest and high added value cybersecurity, data protection and business management solutions and services to small and medium sized businesses in Hungary.value, solution, small, medium, vision0
autobio.huAutobio took part in Medica 2022 with fruitful achievements in immunoassay, microbiology and molecular fields, which attracted a great quantity of visitors to enquire. The European sales team from Autobio international trade center attends the events to give expert advice on product-related issues…health topicdiagnostic, solution, news, infection, microbiology0
ordogkatlan.huBeremend. At the same time, it is great to read the mission statement of the House of Music, because we immodestly believe that in the decade and a half of the Ördögkatlan Festival we have represented the same values: 'We regard it as our task to build community, to create communal experiences, and…exhibition topic, topic mentaltheatre, performance, festival, concert, music0
hugames.huForums - HUGAMES - GAME OF EMPIREnew topic, total topicpost, forum, activity, map, game0
szepsegklinikak.huPages & Articles… Shop… Salads… Make Asian-Style Recipe ( Video and Gallery )… Adminn… Pizza… Healthy…recipe, view, dessert, gallery, healthy0
weatheronline.co.nzWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.weather, forecast, climate, current, satellite0
kozeletiforum.huIn total there is 1 user online :: 0 registered, 0 hidden and 1 guest (based on users active over the past 5 minutes)unanswered topic, active topic, total topic, topic totalpost, forum, search, board, active0
egyensulyintezet.huThe Equilibrium Institute is Hungary’s independent think tank. In order to renew the political discourse in Hungary, we draft political, economic and cultural future visions and write detailed policy proposals and strategies based on these visions. We are engaged in an ongoing dialogue with the…research topicinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think0
gytt.huAs the responsible organizers of the 6th Tribology and Efficiency Conference we decided that the event will be postponed.conference, efficiency, event, main, action0
nvhh.huand Harshness) organized by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the University of Győr, and the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers in close cooperation with industrial partners. The goal of the conference is to provide an international forum for acoustic, vibration, and NVH engineers…conference topicacoustic, objective, october, conference, vibration0
admaiore.huAdmaiore - Rent a BI expert from ushappy topicexpert, reference, immediately, highly, currently0
budapestdesignweek.huHungarian Design Award… Design Management Award… About… News… Budapest Design Map… Contact… This year…main topicweek, award, open, studio, management0
plcforum.huIn total there are 2 users online :: 0 registered, 0 hidden and 2 guests (based on users active over the past 5 minutes)unanswered topic, active topic, total topic, topic totalpost, forum, latest, search, ami0
absl.huStarted in 2005 as Hungarian Service and Outsourcing Association (HOA) and known as ABSL Hungary from 2022, our goal has always been to act as a bridge between the Shared Services Sector and Hungary, supporting the growth of both.hot topic, topic hotevent, member, calendar, news, report0
technicalinterpreters.huAs a company with many years of experience, we know that accuracy and speed are significantly important to our customers. We provide technical interpretation throughout the country in the language you need. In case of personal contact, the BeneDictum translation agency is also available in…pair topic, topic timetechnical, interpret, interpretation, important, interpreter0
ujuloenergiak.huAbout… Contact…useful topictext, insurance, plan, dummy, industry0
kalandklub.hu…articles sorted by hits… Single ArticleExample of the single article… List All CategoriesList of the allnews topicnews, president, force, base, air0
intretech.huWith the advent of Industry 4.0 and consumer IoT boom, Intretech has developed a global intelligent manufacturing system with a high level of informatization and automation to meet the increased needs for collaborative development, customisation services, flexible production and information…manufacture, intelligent, automation, global, industry0
hm2020.huHM2023 will be taking place in Budapest, one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. The previous conferences have taken place in the magnificent cities of Berlin, Porto, Innsbruck, Ancona, Brussels, and Bydgoszcz. In the history of Budapest, the year 1872 stands out as a milestone, for it was…forensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis0
pszichopraxis.huEmotionally unstable condition and the most effective ways to deal with such using therapysingle topiccolumn, style, event, grid, masonry0
kereszthivatkozas.huA team of digital marketing specialists and experts have composed this course based on current day tactics and their real-world professional experience.course, digital, optimization, channel, day0
utodaink-jovoje.huCélunk, feladatunk… Példaképünk… Bevezetés… A Csoport tagjai… Dalaink… Hirdetések… Impresszum…future, digital, economy, technology, orient0
rbc2022.huIt is with pleasure that we invite you to participate in the Regional Biophysics Conference (RBC) to be held August 22-26, 2022, Pécs, Hungary .scientific topicbiophysics, conference, regional, deadline, registration0
creativepro.huDrive social media content through live events, leveraging the power of real-time experiences to create shareable and memorable moments.authentic topic, topic unconventionalcreative, communication, event, office, brand0
weakmolinter.hu2nd International Conference on Intermolecular Interactions - March 5-6, 2015 - Tokyo, Japanscope topicsymposium, interaction, molecular, japan, abstract0
oriondental.huExperienced professionals and state-of-the-art equipment in a welcoming environment. Our clinic is an expert in implantation and aesthetic dentistry, offering the perfect solution for dental problems for hundreds of patients each year.popular topicdental, appointment, treatment, clinic, patient0
weblaptrend.huWeblapTrend social network. Meet new friends here today!forum topicsite, friend, forum, today, network0
csemete-kert.huChristmas trees with pine wood species: spruce / Picea abies / szerbluc spruce / Picea Omorika / szürkeluc spruce / Picea glauca / silver blue spruce / Picea pungens glauca /, concolor fir / Abies concolor / duglasia / Pseudotsuga mensiesii / Norman pine / Abies nordmanniana .material, christmas, pine, forest, tree0
erotic-massage-budapest.huThe Massage House erotic massage budapest salon also belongs into this category. According to many, it is the best erotic salon in Budapest. The girls are kind and professional, paying attention to the needs of the guests.erotic, massage, masseuse, energy, man0
zalakomarese.huFőoldal… Twitter… Facebook…popular topicmain, minimal, creative, popular, travel0
opl.hu…claimants at the national competition on labour law advocacy, third place at the Scientific Student Conference, and she recently attended the international Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition. Ildikó is an adjunct lecturer in labour law at Károli Gáspár University Faculty of Law, an editor at…hungary topic, topic mediationlaw, university, legal, language, fluent0
cdre.huThe Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences is pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Rural Environment . The Conference became an annual tradition to meet colleagues all over the world at Szarvas (Hungary). Our…development, rural, environment, conference, committee0
papprekakinga.huan elaborate series by the title Pussy Politics on the social history of obstetrics and the free birth movement in Hungary; also wrote on the matter for Eurozine. Papp researched West German students’ movements and leftist terrorism as a junior fellow at the Hungarian Institute of Political History.talk, special, treatment, casual, ancient0
szerzodj.huRental contract based on the valid Hungarian legal system with our lawyer's recommendationinteresting topiccontract, rental, package, price, lawyer0
zerocarbonhub.hu…sector but can also become important tools for economic development by strengthening the domestic background industry. However, achieving the simultaneous goals of decarbonisation and economic development requires close cooperation between the technical and social sciences. ZKK will provide a…main topicgreen, centre, development, economy, knowledge0
homezone.huIt's a pleasure to recommend HomeZone as a very reliable and professional partner. Following my relocation to Budapest, HomeZone provided residential real estate support in my search for a long term apartment for rent. They quickly developed an understanding of my requirements and made creative…property topicrent, sale, premium, property, evaluation0
civiljogok.hu…playing a significant role in the revision of nonprofit status rules, the expansion of public and community participation, the change of funding systems, the re-introduction of tangible incentives honoring the work of public benefit organizations as well as in the liquidation of legal difficultiesngo, public, legal, goal, regulation0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)tex topic, topic texnicianprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
munkagomb.huJó, hát valahogy el kellett nevezni! A munkakörből indultam ki, amit mindenki ismer. Amikor keresel valakit egy bizonyos munkakör ellátására, akkor jó esetben végiggondolod és összegyűjtöd egy dokumentumba, hogy pontosan milyen feladatok rendszeres elvégzését várod tőle.course, award, depth, analysis, sit0
worldnews.huabout After Back Best Bond Brexit British Britons Could Deal Euro First from Holiday holidays Huge Into James Live more movie news Next Over pension pound queen rate Release revealed Reveals Review Says Shock star State This Time travel Trump Update Warning Wars Watch Worldnews, travel, movie, daily, queen0
ful-orr-gegesz-orvos.hu…FESS, vestibularis examinations in France, salivary gland endoscopy in Switzerland), treatment of vertigo in Germany. In Austria I followed a training course on ear surgery. Formerly I participated in courses on bronchology, on facial nerve diagnosis and surgery, and on new tendencies in endoscopy.surgery, tumor, treatment, neck, medical0
pafhungary.hu© PAFhungary - 2019 All rights reservedconference, care, hospital, health, spring0
balinttarsasag.huThe Weekend Programme offers: Balint groups, a fishbowl large group, the IBF Council meeting, a commemoration at the memorial tablet of Michael Balint in the Castle District, where Michael and Alice Balint had been living and working in the Psychoanalytic Clinic founded by Sandor Ferenczi , before…group, saturday, society, fee, technique0
y-soft.huThe employees of the firm work out products and strategies meeting the requirements of both hungarian and international standards and demands regarding up-to-date informations on computertechnology, IT and telecommunication.homepage, official, firm, computer, consulting0
hajomakett.hu…Articles… Basics… Construction… Tools… Moderm ships… Other models… Sailing ship models… Intermittent…general topicship, history, model, news, translation0
autosen.huOur constantly growing product portfolio includes more than 400 products from the areas of position sensors, process sensors, Motion Control, IO-Link sensors, software, masters, etc. and our IIoT gateway io-key. The range is completed with a selection of suitable connection technology, sensor…topic industrysensor, accessories, class, key, temperature0
eljharmoniaban.huPrivate yoga, Hatha yoga, yoga, meditation coures and classes, yoga philosohpie, in Budapest, private class, yogayoga, class, private, meditation, course0
recomm.huNewspaper WordPress Theme is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the entertainment industry.hot topicvideo, happy, birthday, birth, media0
mozaikhub.huA program of JDC, the Mozaik Jewish Community Hub is a professional platform that provides infrastructure, co-working space, customized professional support, learning opportunities and financial support for Jewish community NGOs and initiatives in Hungary.community, member, jewish, support, financial0
samtex.huTájékoztatjuk Önöket, hogy a termékeink nem minden esetben elérhetőek raktárról, amennyiben nincs az adott termék készleten, abban az esetben kb 1 hét a szállítás, de erről természetesen külön értesítjük e-mailben.fresh topicwoman, clothes, clothing, option, man0
budapestdata.huThe Budapest Data Forum is an international data architecture and data engineering conference in its 14th year, now in hybrid format .key topicdata, conference, forum, tutorial, sponsor0
iscw.huThe conference was aligned this year with the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (UN) . The annual conference is a multidisciplinary and hybrid platform for the international scientific debate on water in all aspects. The event contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and good…conference, scientific, water, international, committee0
munka-vedelmi.huWe are passionate about improving safety standards. Our mission is to deliver the best safety solutions for our International Customers in Hungary.quote, construction, safety, health, consultant0
atomki.huContinuous collaboration between RIKEN and ATOMKIresearch topicresearch, library, young, staff, physics0
zoldker.huFor our partners we ensure dedicated customer service and regional representative who assist the optimal operation with customized offers via regular communication and in case of the visits. We do...news, wholesale, trade, fair, catalogue0
maximum7.huÁtláthatósági jelentés…visit0
edudora.huClose… Toggle search input… English ‎(en)‎… Log in… Portálfórum Forum… Skip portálhírek… Skip…discussion topic, topic foruminput, search, course, navigation, main0
astrolingva.huI help private individuals and owners, managers of small- and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) live a more fulfilling life by way of improving their communication skills; enriching the quality of their relationships with others; and thinking of their roles within the organization in a more…executive, role, session, way, private0
helpersmagazine.huAccountancy , Accounting and Finance , Checklist , Dividend , Employment Contract , Fringe Benefits , HR , Labor Law , Lifestyle , Minimum Wage , Payroll Taxes , Personal Income Tax , SZÉP card , Taxeskey topicimmigration, helper, tax, permit, accountancy0
ilant.huIlant technology offers innovative engineering solutions, business consulting, production and manufacturing planning. Startup supporting.hot topic, topic agricultureengineering, production, technology, manufacture, plan0
we-do.hu…Image Box… Testimonials… Pricing Table… Product Banner… Product Tabs… Product Grid… Product…image, cart, column, grid, button0
iepd.hu…tools of teaching, expansion and improvement of skills, expansion of general and professional knowledge, educational, publishing, publishing and media activities related to the professional sphere. Target audience Research and teaching staff of higher educational institutions, researchers…institute, educational, development, internship, method0
culturaldiversity.huOur Foundation is one of the organizations trying to share ideas and information on local initiatives and projects which aim at innovative co-existence and co-operation for sustainable future in a colorful world.cultural, diversity, foundation, place, happy0
drdemeterjudit.hu…of the general medical practices and that we have an oversight of the complete process should we be talking about providing food source for microbiome donors or finetuning treatment protocols. Professional cooperation with colleagues carrying out treatment is our top priority. To make it short, wetopic relatedpatient, treatment, transfer, page0
ijat.huThis December, the traditional Technical and Materials Science Conference (MASZK) was held at the John von Neumann University. This December, the traditional Technical and Materials Science Conference (MASZK) was held at the John von Neumann University.thesis topicdepartment, news, university, research, conference0
vulcano-research-group.hu…are known (e.g. Dorozsma marble, Baksa marble). Our knowledges of them, however, are rather restricted; some studies on general textural features and classification of index minerals have been reported previously. The so called Dorozsma High, a characteristic elevated block of the basement, [...]research topicgroup, research, field, property, marble0
beauty-kiallitas.hu80 exhibitors and 65 presentations, the 30th edition of Beauty Forum Budapest was a really special event. It was a touching and uplifting feeling to toast to this important milestone with our exhibitors, old and new alike, and to be able to share the newest products and techniques with Hungary’s […]main topicexhibitors, makeup, permanent, forum, visitor0
kocsisszabougyved.hu…to you and your claims. Our Law Office is committed to providing efficient, effective and top-quality legal services by giving you fast and reliable information and with keeping the deadlines punctually. We maintain close communication with our clients in order to inform them about everything…law, legal, office, representation, lawyer0
codebreakers.co.huCodeBreakers takes behavioural economics further and turns the use of cognitive tools, codes and biases into behavioural business applications.specific topic, topic newbehavioural, tool, conscious, cognitive, decision0
countrystyle.huModule Variations add diversity to your site's appearance. Syndicate is bundled with 20 module class suffixes, 14 of which are style based suffixes that can be combined to create a total...news topicstyle, country, news, module, template0
hr-trener.huHR services of Horváth Réka, Human Resouce expert Horváth Réka, Horváth Réka's trainer experties, Training and Coachingknowledge topic, topic trainertrainer, training, consultant, expert, human0
avobmat.hu…began in 2017 with the objective of creating a tool that is capable of performing critical and interactive analysis of bibliographic metadata AND texts with data-driven and NLP (Natural Language Processing) methods supported by AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques in a number of languages.text, metadata, digital, toolkit, research0
mlszsz.hu…call is adequate only if all of the members of the Presidency are informed about the session and the items on the agenda ten days before the session. The sessions of the Presidency are opened events. The honorary presidents shall also participate at the session and advisory right is given to them.association, member, shall, presidency, president0
geze.huIntelligent building automation and networked safety technology pave the way to use buildings in a sustainable, safe, and comfortable way. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for architects. GEZE delivers energy-saving and sustainable networking solutions for the smart buildings of the…building, solution, build, window, safety0
kraftwerkfaq.huA list of the latest changes to this FAQ is available for the benefit of regular visitors.main topicquestion, faq, frequently, german, member0
sustain.hu…governments, customers and legislation. Corporate performance is measured and presented using 67 GRI indicators. Depending on the size of the company and its activities, it is recommended that 10-20 indicators are selected and developed over an annual period to demonstrate the change in the…sustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate0
avicenna.huYour Bridge to Success We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities. WHY CHOOSE AVICENNA? Avicenna International College prepares and educates its students to be responsible citizens, enjoy learning, develop academically and pursue a successful higher…international, college, student, education, study0
ha2mn.huHajdu QTC is the Hungarian ham radio monthly newsreel. It is edited by HG0EK and transmitted on the third Monday of the actual month. My new series titled "The Radioamateur" is about the radioamateur activity for those who have never heard of our special hobby. Unfortunately the language is only…ham topic, topic qsl, topic enpage, radio, ham, activity, contest0
honeylab.huEmpowering Cybersecurity Through Cutting-Edge Research! At HoneyLab, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of cybersecurity through innovative research and development. Our team of experts is passionate about creating robust solutions to protect organizations from evolving cyber threats. With…event, cybersecurity, issue, sponsor, latest0
veteranlink.hu* Search engine optimization * We give links from articles from 12-16 years old sites. UNIQUE site analysis if not enough the 70% optimization for you...accordance topic, topic messageday, veteran, site, website, engine0
phasefield.hu…homogeneous nucleation and heterogeneous nucleation. In the first nucleation benchmark problem, we focus on homogeneous nucleation for both single seed under different initial conditions and multiple seeds. The second nucleation benchmark problem focuses on athermal heterogeneous nucleation…phase, field, science, material, group0
imaginegreen.huImagine Green Association is focused on promoting environmentally sustainable practices and supporting rural development through initiatives such as eco-tourism, education and awareness-raising efforts, and efforts to enhance biodiversity.key topicgreen, imagine, association, tourism, sustainable0
drhe.hu© 2021 DRHE - All rights reserved. • Website made by Digitall Sapiens Kft.research topic, topic doctoralstudent, doctoral, office, programme, university0
bookfairy.huBook and Jigsaw… Baby's very first black and white books… Very first words… Flap books… Touchy Feely…girl topic, favourite topicbook, story, activity, sticker, fairy0
hubadurwedding.huBudapest, due to Hungarians’ hospitality, is a perfect city for your wedding, no matter the number of the guests.wedding, ceremony, real, like, panorama0
klimapolitikaiintezet.huWe deal with issues of environmental protection, climate change and the protection of national values: education, attitude formation, policy, events.climate, event, green, institute, protection0
muzso.huI started using Nautilus Actions approximately 9 years ago and loved the level of (file manager) customization that it allowed without compiling anything, merely by writing shell scripts. Meanwhile the project morphed into Gnome's FileManager-Actions and supports other file managers as well.ago, week, socks, app, movie0
orbitmedia.hu. We're of course talking about Mark Zuckerberg Moving On From Fight Against Elon Musk , Twitter's current overlord. In terms of style, Levi's Brand New Selvedge Denim Collection is certanly something to look out for, as well as the Release Of The Nike Kobe 8 Protro "Halo" , dedicated to the late…music, style, news, culture, release0
hungarianbatteryday.hu…battery industry in Hungary and in the wider region. The conference established itself as an important yearly meeting point for high-level representatives of the battery industry and launched a new government action plan to develop the Hungarian battery value chain in the context of…hot topicbattery, day, industry, director, objective0
javorbenedek.huenergy energy policy European Commission European Parliament European Union Greens Hungary investigative journalism paks Paks2 press freedom transparency whistleblower directive whistleblower protection whistleblowersmedia, european, mep, letter, story0
forditoth.hu…I compiled several teaching materials for Pharmacy and Physiotherapy undergraduates, as well as for Medical students interested in Prescription Writing. Besides teaching Hungarian and international students, I also gave healthcare English language courses for practising pharmacists and future…field topic, topic experiencetranslation, quote, rate, translator, material0
simplyadd.huSandor started his career in 2002 at Westel – the market leader national mobile operator – that established his work culture and approach to business problems. He experienced how a successful Hungarian enterprise builds up from scratch and even more, when rebranded to T-Mobile as an international…right topicdevelopment, management, cooperation, simply, responsibility0
iec2020.huHome | Eucharistic Congress - IEC2020congress, video, mission, event, condition0
mirkzsofia.hu…I can facilitate you to find your solution in those kind of situations where an objective and un involved helper is needed. Working with highly sensitive people have an extra importance for me as I am one of them. I learned how to cope with the difficulties what they can have in their…counseling, curious, solution, psychologist, problem0
obic-bbs.huOBIC's overall goal is to improve the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy by contributing to a better understanding of the East Asian region. To achieve its objective, OBIC aspires to become a leading institution in oriental business studies - not only in Hungary, but in the broader Central…conference, orient, dialogue, language, book0
weatheronline.deTopics… UV Index… Radar… Webcams… Sport… Tour de France… Golf… Weather Facts… Weather Brains… Philip…weather, limited, group, media, france0
helikonfolyoirat.huHelikon 2019… Helikon 2018… Helikon 2017… Helikon…list topic, topic syntheticliterary, study, issue, review, cultural0
thecave.huA collection of samples out on the table and above it that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in...website, collection, table, sample, recently0
gombaforum.huTags: button mushroom, how to grow mushrooms, mushroom cultivation, button mushroom farming, button mushroom farming at home, button mushroom cultivation, button mushroom cultivation at home, how to grow button mushrooms, how to grow button mushrooms at home, how to grow button mushrooms in your…mushroom, cultivation, technology, research, economy0
ertekterv.hu…Budapest and cycling networks for tourism purposes in rural areas. On this basis, we wanted to share our good practices with colleagues from all around the world to show how strategic planning and development plans can improve cycling environment considerably even without significant expenditures.plan, cycling, network, development, conference0
fordcapri.huIn total there are 7 users online :: 2 registered, 0 hidden and 5 guests (based on users active over the past 5 minutes)unanswered topic, active topic, töröl topic, topic hátha, total topicpost, latest, forum, page, search0
tanchaz.huTanchaz Talk is the world’s only English-language program focusing primarily...topic festivaltable, dance, folk, festival, music0
cogmob.huHuman Interfaces: bio, cognitive, digital and wearable interfaces – augmented reality in transportopen topic, topic proposalcognitive, university, mobility, technology, conference0
homeinspection.hu…Therefore, if you use more than one of my services, I'll give you a discount: 10% off the second service and 15% off the third. If we inspect two nearby properties at the same time, I will give you a 20% discount on the price of the second inspection. The discount does not apply to travel costs.property, inspection, decision, house, price0
sisilkzurre.huAs a huge dragon fan I was immediately interested when I’ve learned that we got a new amazing guild hall decoration with Dragon Bash: Dragon Hologram Generator [wiki page] Sadly this item is pretty expensive, so it took some time for me to farm the required ite... [elolvasom]blog topicgame, hall, article, theory, place0
sens.huAt SENS Software LLC we are developing Python based measurement automation solutions for neurobiology research. Do you want to contribute to pioneering science and clinical research? Do you have the engineer’s mindset and interested in how software can drive real-world devices? This opportunity is…experience topic, topic plussoftware, sen, neuroscience, engineering, experiment0
techxpo.huBudapest is perfectly geopolitically situated and highly secure location for the event. TECHXPO Budapest will be held in the Papp Laszlo Budapest Sports Arena from 7-10 November 2024, with an exhibition space of around 6,500 nm2 and 180+ exhibitors.hall, soon, ticket, exhibitors, event0
godclan.hu…Achievements… Songs… History… Ideas… Unban requests… Complaints… Bugs… Clan… Join requests…total topicnews, darkness, god, server, clan0
exceltrening.hu…in English if required. Can be useful for expat managers working in Hungary, or for multilingual staffs. The basic thematics is the same as for the Hungarian audience, and certainly can be customized also to meet special needs. I hold the training on the location of the company anywhere in Hungary.information topic, topic titletraining, site, thematic, useful, function0
hrglobalservice.huHome… About… Services… Contact… 2023…global, self, seminar, main, resilience0
environtec.huThe aim of the ENVIROTEC powered by ÖKOINDUSTRIA exhibition is for professional visitors interested in the latest sector and industry trends, EU regulations (taxonomy, ESG, ESRS, CSRD) and environmental technologies to learn about the innovations and effective solutions of the domestic and…exhibition, application, environmental, water, general0
kozjogazdasaga.huSkip to footer… Extranet… Community… Community News… E-Learning… Knowledge Base… Activity… Messages…recent topiccollection, like, single, job, event0
tea4you.huTea for You - Tea Business… Products… Register… Cart… Advanced search… Profile… Information… Terms of…advanced, cart, profile, search, privacy0
vxh.huFounded in 1997, Vision X Lighting is a multinational company specializing in the field of industrial lighting and heavy duty. We provide engineering, manufacturing and consulting on site to offer specific services for the desired fields, including all rolling and static material but also…topic keywordvision, lighting, light, industrial, europe0
ultrasmart.huUltraSmart is a Hungarian-owned private research and development company that combines more than four decades of professional engineering and university experience thanks to its founding experience…lab, development, production, research, innovation0
theworks.hu…and experienced. We believe learning is most effective when classes are enjoyable and engaging. Alongside structured course materials our teachers use creative teaching methods, including drama, to activate language learning. We create tailor made courses that put the needs of the student first!daily topic, topic artschool, language, class, lesson, kindergarten0
ebs-consulting.huEffects-Based Solutions offer a series of lectures ranging from the tactical to the strategic level to senior leaders in the corporate world. Knowledge and expertise of lecturers come from a thorough understanding of major aspects of military science, practical experience as commander both at home…consulting, research, military, lesson, practice0
banyaiorsolya.hu…our reality. If the reality which is arranged around us causes suffering to us, that means that our voice belongs to us but it is not crystal clear. If we would like to overcome pain, we need to speak with the clear voice of the spirit. In order to be able to do that we need to listen to thosevoice, society, activity, clear, event0
budapestnosql.huThe Budapest NOSQL Forum is a conference about using NOSQL technologies taking place in Budapest, Hungary on the 23rd March 2016.technology, talk, conference, ticket, early0
insightlab.huComplex services, professional toolkit, quality assurance, reliability and short timings just like the “big ones”, combined with the specific expertise, creativity, attention and flexibility of small market research workshopshot topicinsight, research, market, quality, resource0
oslenytan.huContact… Login… Home… Staff… Ph.D. Studenst… History of the Department… Education… Course of…thesis topic, topic diplomlogin, department, staff, history, education0
woeurope.euWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports.weather, forecast, europe, climate, satellite0
csernitzkylaura.huI'm passionate about providing support for individuals on their unique journeys. I look forward to assisting you on your journey towards mental health.journey, support, forward, unique, passionate0
girep2019.huGIREP 2019 conference gives us a great opportunity to celebrate the International Eötvös Year gathering of educators, PhD students, researchers, policy makers.conference, event, july, gallery, scientific0
hopajzskft.huSign up for our newsletter to be the first to receive news about our innovations and new products. To see what others, who already use our products, say about them we suggest to visit our Facebook page , and also check out the forum here.document, gallery, technology, forum, important0
locked.hu…at Székely Mihály street, 6 of our games can be played in one place and 6 more at AROOM at Kiraly street 14 – meaning that we can host very big groups at the same time. Our escape games are marked with a grade 10 difficulty level, while choosing a game, this can help you choose a room that…room, game, escape, lock, player0
rrpge.hu…to realize game construction tools on the system. Then some basic utilities will be prepared on this ground to show off more of the capabilities. A later, but not too distant plan is to create a web based emulator so the system and probable games may be tried out without downloading anything.game, engine, revolution, technology, component0
szeged-english.huThe Department of English Studies will host a public lecture by Holly Case , Associate Professor of History at Brown University (USA) entitled “Giving Meaning to Madness: Hermeneutic Experiments during the Second World War.” 4 pm, Thursday, December 5th, in the Faculty Conference Room (Kari…main topicuniversity, february, study, student, department0