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180 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: journal

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juso.huThe Journal of Universal Science Online (J. Unic. Sci. or JUSO) publishes original research and reviews in the widest range of fields. The journal uses double-blind review. This means that both the reviewer and author identities are invisible vice versa, throughout the review process. The Journal…open journal, journal system, journal help, journal content, home journaluniversal, science, author, sci, current23
anyanyelv-pedagogia.hu…activities in education at the institutions and in the family and research on these issues. The column Szemle [Reviews] introduces new books, journals, and professional websites in Hungary, also related to first language education. The column Kitekintő [Outlook] contains reviews and studies on…journal profile, content journal, journal accessible, pedagogy journal, journal hungaryeditor, language, pedagogy, article, editorial21
russianstudies.hu…study “Russian Concerto" as the next edition of Post-Soviet books. In addition to the books, Ádám Farkas presented the scientific journal of historical Russian studies, RussianStudiesHu, of which Professor Szvák is Editor-in-Chief. After the presentation of the publications, there…apolitical journal, journal strictly, online journal, journal russianstudieshu, juvenile journalrussian, study, history, russia, historical20
kopintalapitvany.hu…in capturing the bottleneck in the world economy caused by the shortrun loss of exports and imports (especially of energy commodities) that cannot be substituted, thereby raw materials needed for production turn out to be unavailable. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: C67, F40, F51.unavailable journal, journal economic, activity journal, source journal, hypothesis journaleconomic, international, literature, country, economy20
trainingandpractice.huOur journal of Educational Sciences Training and Practice provides a forum for the lectures of the Training and Practice Conference to appear in our issue 3-4 2017.scientific journal, journal training, international journal, journal quality, number journalpractice, training, conference, educational, photo18
americanaejournal.huAMERICANA - E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary | Site by DragonWeb | ISSN 1787-4637 | Top of the pageamericana journal, journal americanamerican, study, issue, volume, number14
urologiahungarica.huThe journal is published 3 monthly in print and online by the Promenade Publishing House The official language of the journal is Hungarian with a full English summary of the articles, but occasionally thanks to authors from abroad there are some manuscripts in English language.scientific journal, journal hungarian, journal information, language journalsociety, scientific, issue, editorial, board12
onkentesszemle.huThe online journal, Volunteering Review provides a forum for ideas and information, original theoretical and methodological articles, practical case studies and book reviews on the state and development of volunteering in Hungary. The journal welcomes contributions from variety of disciplines…online journal, journal volunteer, hungary journal, journal contribution, journal homeissue, volunteer, review, methodological, development10
infocommunications.huHTE and Infocommunications Journal follows the ethics and code of conduct described by IEEE for their Journals. HTE aims for the highest standards of integrity and endeavors to conduct business in all its tasks in a responsible and ethical way. It is important that those who act on behalf of HTE…infocommunication journal, journal scientific, scope journal, journal wide, journal ethicsissue, introduction, site, communication, volume9
gepujsag.huJournal of Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineering- MACHINE- seeks to be among the constant changes- in fact beeing ahed of them- the provider of opportunities for professionals, engineers, students to publish new results, discussions, and the use of them as widely as possible, so it can…annual, newspaper, informative, engineer, machine9
turisztikaitanulmanyok.huThe most important goal of the quarterly scientific journal Tourism and Rural Development Studies, founded in 2016, is to be – as one of the main forums for the scientific work of Hungarian tourism, hospitality and rural development researchers – an important domestic basis for the publication of…peer journal, journal gap, publication journal, journal novel, scientific journalstudy, tourism, page, rural, development8
lesp.huThe journal of legal and social sciences "Legal, economic sciences and practices" is intended to highlight the results for theoretical and empirical research on the statics of law, economics and social sciences. He studies theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed research in law and economics. It…new journal, journal releasescience, economic, legal, publication, law7
epitoanyag.org.huIt is my honour to welcome you on behalf of the Editorial Board at the online platform of Építőanyag – Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials , which is the international journal of the Hungarian Scientific Society of the Silicate Industry (SZTE). SZTE is the oldest Hungarian research…építőanyag journal, journal silicate, paper journal, international journal, journal hungarianissue, author, material, paper, composite7
devlart.huDev L'Art Publishing is an open access publisher and we are inviting you to submit your valuable research work in your desired journal. Dev L'Art Publishing's main aim is to publish e-books, full length research articles, review articles, case stories, short communications, thesis papers, and etc.american journal, journal research, work journal, journal dev, scientific journaldev, book, scientific, publish, research7
por.huPathology & Oncology Research (POR) is an interdisciplinary journal at the interface of pathology and oncology, including the preclinical and translational research, diagnostics and therapy. Furthermore, POR offers an international forum for the rapid communication of reviews, original research…interdisciplinary journal, journal interface, region journal, journal pathologists, content journaluniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine6
luxurybudapest.huLuxury Budapest | shopping, dining, sightseeing, nightlife | Budapest Business Journal Special Editionbusiness journal, journal specialluxury, sightseeing, nightlife, dining, special6
malnalab.huOur new paper “Drug Effect Prediction by Polypharmacology-Based Interaction Profiling” just appeared in the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (JCIM) was selected as cover story. The paper deals with our new Pattern-based Drug Design approach, and its apparition is an important milestone…motor journal, journal biological, profiling journal, journal chemical, highly journalresearch, article, september, june, molecular6
arabist.huA double-blind peer-reviewed journal in the field of Arabic and Islamic studies. Published by the Csoma de Kőrös Society Eötvös Loránd University Chair for Arabic Studies.peer journal, journal fieldstudy, arabic, volume, islamic, chair5
orbitmedia.huDiscover the perfect blend of style, sneakers, music, and culture in our captivating journal. Explore the latest trends, dive into exclusive interviews, and immerse yourself in the vibrant world where product focus and society converge.captivating journal, journal latestmusic, style, news, culture, release5
biomembrane.hu…regulation in pluripotent stem cells and in stem-cell derived differentiated tissues. He has published more than 280 papers in international scientific journals, with a citation number over 13,000 and a h-index of 60. He has several international patents already in commercial applications.scientific journal, journal citation, european journal, journal biology, word journaluniversity, research, science, academy, member5
litikum.huThe Litikum – Journal of the Lithic Research Roundtable , shortly, Litikum, is an open-access electronic journal of the Lithic Research Roundtable.litikum journal, journal lithic, electronic journalpage, publication, ethics, author, guideline4
kaszasgabor.huThe OJTI (On-the-Job Training Instructor) responsible for the training, is obliged to fill out the appropriate page of the on-the-job-training journal after every training period, in which the instructor details in writing the content of the oral assessment, together with the total number of hours.trainee journal, journal trainee, training journal, journal instructor, journal trainingtraining, contract, traffic, air, controller4
parlamentiszemle.huThe contents of the journal are determined by the independent editorial board, composed of professors and heads of departments from the fields of public law and political sciences and dealing with parliaments and parliamentary issues at Hungarian universities nationwide, former and current…information journal, journal english, academic journal, journal issue, journal forumuniversity, professor, parliamentary, constitutional, national4
metropolis.org.huEach year, the four thematic issues draw on various film-theory and film-history topics. One of the journal’s primary tasks is to publish research results in contemporary Hungarian as well as international film theory. We also place a great deal of emphasis on publishing film-studies literature…hungarian journal, journal film, topic journal, journal primary, book journalcontemporary, representation, history, social, woman4
betekinto.huBetekintő is the scientific journal of the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security, published four times a year. The journal publishes studies, source editions and reviews, as well as reports on events organised by the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security. The launch of…scientific journal, journal historical, year journal, journal study, launch journaleditor, security, issue, archive, scientific3
mjil.huthe Miskolc Journal of International Law is now closed and does not receive any new manuscript.miskolc journal, journal international, article journal, journal electronicinternational, university, editor, law, article3
mta.hu…of science and strengthen trust in the field. As a result of the committee’s work, a report entitled Proposals for the Handling of Articles for Journals that Engage in Objectionable Practices has been produced and is now published on the MTA website, has been sent to university rectors, heads of…article journal, journal objectionablescience, academy, research, member, forum3
ecst.huThe periodical publication of the European Family Science Society is the European Family Science Journal .family, society, science, european, marriage3
abtl.hu…the national, nationality and ethnic status, and with the religious and other ideological persuasion and the scientific researcher proves that his familiarization with these data is indispensably necessary for his research started earlier, supported by publications issued in professional journals.line journal, journal betekintő, aim journal, journal documentarchive, shall, public, record, document2
foldtan.huEuropean Geologist journal (EGJ) I would like to invite you to submit articles for the 43rd issue of the journal. The theme of this issue is geothermal energygeologist journal, journal egj, issue journal, journal themeregional, geological, branch, geology, society2
yemenembassy.huOpinion article in The Wall Street Journal by Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak: Biden’s commitments to Yemen.street journal, journal ahmedembassy, student, graduate, speech, statement2
kellerkonyvtar.huAbout Us Our library's denominator Rules Services, rates Program Local history e-Library Journalslibrary, history, local, book, rule2
aph-hsps.huActa Pharmaceutica Hungarica (APH) is a peer reviewed international open-access journal published on-line by the Hungarian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (HSPS).access journal, journal linepaper, guide, author, board, editorial2
idosgyogyaszat.huIn the last decade a great number of scientific and educational papers related to the gerontology and geriatrics has been published in Hungarian or international scientific journals mainly on the following topics:idősgyógyászat journal, journal event, scientific journal, journal mainlyage, university, effect, medical, health2
pedagogiatortenetiszemle.huJournal of the Sub-commission for history of education at the Scientific Committee on Pedagogy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencesjournal contentannouncement, issue, author, title, login2
orthopaedics.huI am an active reviewer of the Bone and Joint Journal formerly known as the British Edition of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, which is one of the most prestigious orthopaedic monthly publications. As a reviewer I am involved in the review of submitted manuscripts.joint journal, journal british, edition journal, journal boneorthopaedic, department, surgeon, consultant, professor2
novenytermeles.huThe journal publishes scientific papers, opinion papers, reviews and book reviews in the field of crop production, crop breeding, crop genetics, crop physiology and agrobotany written by Hungarian and international researchers with abstracts also in English and Russian.növénytermelés journal, journal code, guideline journal, journal editorcrop, production, l., yield, sweet2
menyhertanna.hu‘ …has shot himself in the heart. In a dark moment of his life, the eminent author, editor of a leading literary journal, turned a weapon on himself. He shot himself in the chest while abroad, in the spa town of Semmering, outside Vienna. The bullet did not kill him. Medical help was to hand, and…literary journal, journal weapon, touch journal, journal commission, writing journalwoman, long, literary, free, writing2
combinatorica.huCOMBINATORICA is an international journal of the Bolyai Mathematical Society, Hungary , published jointly bythe Bolyai Mathematical Society and Springer.international journal, journal bolyai, information journal, journal subscriptionpaper, issue, editor, mathematics, volume2
aktivzenetanulas.huThe head of the Active Music Learning Research Group is Dr. László Norbert Nemes. The group not only published annual summaries on the website of the National Academy of Sciences and in peer-reviewed journals, but on the website of the Kodály Institute of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music provided…peer journal, journal website, journal articlemusic, learn, model, movement, active2
koszegigabor.hu1xBet Mobile Vebsayt Və 1x Bet Mobil Uygulama Indir 2023 Journal of English Language and Literature – 982indir journal, journal englishdate, site, bride, woman, review2
femtolab.huResults are published in the leading journal “Optica”. For a more accessible version of the story, see the press release of the Wigner Centre both in English and Hungarian .result journal, journal opticafield, lab, opt, k., generation2
demografia.huKollányi, Zsófia – Bálint, Lajos – Susovits, Kitti – Csépe, Péter – Kovács, Katalin (2023): Inequalities in Diabetes Mortality Between Microregions in Hungary . International Journal of Public Health , 68.perspective journal, journal contemporary, international journal, journal publicresearch, demographic, institute, population, family2
mfab.huThe latest edition of Museum of Fine Arts' journal, Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts has arrived and is available in the museum's library.art journal, journal bulletinart, museum, exhibition, collection, open2
bayenergy.huActa Dermato-Venereologica Dermato-Venereologica is is a a journal journal for for clinical clinical and and experimental experimental research research in in ... ... Biotechnology Biotechnology Abstracts; Abstracts; Chemical Chemical Abstracts; Abstracts; CML CML DERMATOLOGY; DERMATOLOGY; CSA CSA…presentation journal, journal sport, venereologica journal, journal clinicalday, leigh, book, series, novel2
csaladtudomany.huLegally, the European Family Science Journal is a journal of the European Family Science Society, but this journal is also considered to be owned by the Family Science Alliance at some level.science journal, journal european, society journal, journal familyfamily, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter2
kurultaj.hu…The results of this research have been published in one of the most prestigious (anthropological) scientific journals in the world the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. This work has prompted considerable international interest and brought members of the research group world recognition.scientific journal, journal world, american journal, journal physicalnation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient2
civilszemle.huThe civil review is an academic journal: it is a periodical that introduces the civic sphere, NGOs and societal cooperation. Relying on the former results, it tries to fit into the international trends. The journal follows the development of the domestic civil sphere but it also intends to…academic journal, journal periodical, trend journal, journal developmentreview, board, criteria, periodical, order2
csatojozsef.hu1xBet Mobile Vebsayt Və 1x Bet Mobil Uygulama Indir 2023 Journal of English Language and Literature - 489indir journal, journal englishexhibition, jun, az, news, app2
nanotechnology.huThis award certifies that the article Grain boundaries in graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition by L. P. Biró and Ph. Lambin has been selected by the editors of New Journal of Physics for inclusion in the exclusive ‘Highlights of 2013’ collection. Papers are chosen on the basis of referee…result journal, journal interface, new journal, journal physicspublication, butterfly, image, detail2
bonaadventure.hu…As results of more than 1,000 nights spent in the field, 3,000 days spent in the field, and more than 12,000 analyzed biological samples many scientific publications have been published in Q1 and D1 journals, which is unprecedented in Hungarian agricultural research and academic institutions.publication journal, journal unprecedentedadventure, main, result, field, scientific1
euvitis.hu(Grape-Derived Polyphenolics Prevent Aß Oligomerization and Attenuate Cognitive Deterioration in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease; The Journal of Neuroscience, 18 June 2008, 28(25): 6388-6392)disease journal, journal neurosciencegrape, seed, source, family, wine1
mfe-hda.huRead the current issue of our internationally listed, open access dental scientific journal, Fogorvosi Szemle (available in Hungarian, with abstracts in English) for FREE!scientific journal, journal fogorvosiassociation, society, dental, dentistry, news1
raczt.huSchantz SP, Savage HE, Racz T, Taylor DL, Sacks PG. Natural killer cells and metastases from pharyngeal carcinoma. The American Journal of Surgery 1989; 158(4):361-6american journal, journal surgerysurgery, neck, head, curriculum, cancer1
krafty.huThank you. Chronic bacterial prostatitis and relapsing Enterococcus faecalis bacteraemia successfully treated with moxifloxacin Article in The Journal of infection 56 2 · March with 1, Reads. Chronic prostatitis is much more common than acute prostatitis.article journal, journal infectioninfection, prostate, doctor, az1
docroom.huOur third publication from this year was recently published in the International Journal for Equity in Health and it reportsinternational journal, journal equityresearch, health, publication, social, people1
csagyi.hu…parents and the wider public. The Association publishes books, training materials and for 20 years publishing the only Hungarian professional journal on family and child welfare, protection, since 2010 due to the lack of finances it has been suspended. Whilst the programs conducted by the…professional journal, journal familychild, family, association, youth, training1
raszta.huSo, you’re thinking about starting a business, and you’re wondering if you need to check out the best law journals in India? Or maybe you’re interested in a enterprise license agreement with Cisco? Or perhaps you’re just curious about a group of laws in general? Well, you’ve come to the right…law journal, journal indialegal, january, law, agreement, board1
hollanding.huThe atmosphere is and was wonderful and fairytale-like in medievil Netherlands. Let's take a journal together to the exciting fantasy land of fairytales! In the programme the world of the mystical medieval appears before our eyes, while in the second part of the tour, we explore the world of…netherlands journal, journal excitingdutch, cheese, netherlands, flower, perspective1
biztonsagosvaltozas.huI regularly train coaches in Focusing and I’m the sole Ambassador in Hungary in Focusing-Oriented Coaching (FOC), about which I have published in Magyar Coach Szemle (Hungarian Coaching Journal).organization, development, process, group, goal1
mellearn.huBesides the members other persons can take part in the activities organized by the Association, but only according to the conditions announced prior the given activity. The accessible programmes, activities and events are published on the Internet, in professional journals, in handouts and other…professional journal, journal handout, international journal, journal lifelonglearn, education, lifelong, international, university1
bbox.hu…started in 1992, which gained a good reputatation on the Hungarian, Romanian, Slovakian and Ukrainian fiscal markets. Based on the continous technical development the electronic journal has become a part of the fiscal modules in 2000. The first product with ARM processor has been published in 2006.electronic journal, journal fiscalfiscal, useful, development, production, printer1
zsolnaycafe.hu…to perfection. Back in the day, the famous novelist Ferenc Móra had a room here, and this was also when the Szondi pub was established, and it was in the hotel that the novelist Zsigmond Móricz founded his unique literary and political club that was centred on the literary journal ‘Nyugat’ (West).literary journal, journal nyugatdessert, coffee, tradition, famous, build1
drbalogharon.huIn addition to being a lawyer, I am a regular lecturer at the University of Debrecen, my PhD degree is currently in progress, I regularly publish in national and international journals, and I regularly present at conferences both in Hungarian and English. In 2016, as a Fellow of the Rézler…international journal, journal regularlyuniversity, attorney, association, lawyer, addition1
hdy.hu…of the creative industry, MOME intends to put an end to this anomaly by two new publications, the Hungarian Design Yearbook and the academic journal Disegno. The above publications and the book Made in MOME—published since 2007—can cover all levels of the Hungarian design scene. The journal…academic journal, journal disegno, scene journal, journal academicbook, editor, art, university, international1
admiralcount.huWe do not simply give promises but also invest in keeping our client’s book keeping and taxation faultless and up-to-date. To guarantee this, we have millions-worth liability insurance, a membership in the Tax Advisors’ Board, state-of-the-art book keeping programmes and numerous subscriptions to…subscription journal, journal booktax, taxation, count, accountancy, bookkeeping1
customerjourney.huAccording to an article from The Wall Street Journal, “90% of Americans make purchases based on other peoples’ opinions;” there is no question that socializing is now a huge part of the purchasing process. Buyers have started to rely on peer-to-peer reviews more than ever before.street journal, journal americanscustomer, journey, stack, stage, digital1
dietetikusod.hu…addition to conscious nutrition. I am currently working as an entrepreneurial dietitian on various projects and I am an editor of the scientific journal Health Improvement. I am interested in the promotion and recognition of my profession, both within and outside the health sector, among a wide…scientific journal, journal healthdiet, nutrition, university, health, disease1
hapa.hu• Publications: HAPA publishes news twice a year in its journal, “The Asphalt”, reporting the current position of the European asphalt industry;year journal, journal asphaltasphalt, member, association, road, european1
bmc.hu“One of the most exciting and original guitarists in jazz – or otherwise” (Steve Dollar, Wall Street Journal)music, center, news, open, complexity1
domonkosendre.huThe main target of my scientific activity is to apply a multidisciplinary approach (History, Politology and Economy). My essays were published in scientific journals like Európai Tükör, Külügyi Szemle, Valóság and Közgazdaság.scientific journal, journal liketeach, activity, university, european, history1
lukacsiprofecia.huThe following paper has been published in JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY in 2020paper journal, journal researchattempt, letter, intention, abstract, entity1
hungarianquants.hu…power plant scheduling, auctions. He was also a leader of a successful, one and half year long R&D project of energy trading. He has several papers in peer-reviewed journals as well as he is a regular speaker of Hungarian and international conferences of operations research and energy market.peer journal, journal regularsoftware, development, power, plant, energy1
hammer-nutrition.huIn the summer of 2020, a remarkable study was published in the journal Nutrients [1], and to this day it remains one of the most important studies I’ve seen in many years, especially given the...study journal, journal nutrientguide, success, nutrition, race, recovery1
biosysfoodeng.huSelected papers will be invited for publication in the Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences (Scopus indexed Q-ranked) scientific journal.effect, conference, university, science, food1
fdlaw.huWe are pleased to share the interview with our Co-managing Partner, Zoltán Forgó in the recent „Top Legal Executives” publication of the Budapest Business Journal.law, firm, lawyer, employment, corporate1
gergenyi.hu…from 2008 to 2011 at a famous Hungarian law firm. The next day following his graduation he went to a trial and since then he has had hundreds of separate procedures. He took part in Lawyer School I and II organized by the Budapest Bar Association. He publicated an article in the Solicitors Journal.legal, office, law, procedure, contract1
kanadistak.huPublications of Members in 2023: Nandori, Rita. “Inuit Nunangat and Cultural Identity: Borders that Unify and Define”, Eger Journal of American Studies 17, pp. 93-106. Publications of Members in 2022: ...eger journal, journal americancanada, canadian, study, conference, central1
gyuloletellen.huwith the Law Enforcement Sub-Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Hungarian Association of Police Science and the Faculty of Law Enforcement of the National University of Public Services. Members of the working group published several articles on the subject in professional journals .crime, group, offence, victim, criminal1
eli-alps.huA summary by Katalin Varjú, Péter Dombi, and Gábor Szabó on the background of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics has been published in the December 2023 issue of the journal ”Hungarian Science”.issue journal, journal hungarianprocurement, data, public, research, alp1
mkvk.hu; the curriculum and methods of auditor training and further training have been revised; the standards of the form and content of the professional journal and news bulletin of auditors has improved; a new, user friendly web site has been introduced; the electronic IT system underwent modernization…professional journal, journal newschamber, member, auditing, sector, place1
ceoptics.huYou can get a line on our published articles and papers, both independently and through leading journals.ceo, optic, mep, publication, event1
nt.hu2017. november 3., Budapest - What is the future of commercial real estate market in Budapest? (Budapest Business Journal, Vol. 25. Number 20)business journal, journal vollaw, nagy, legal, firm, client1
dienesnagy.huDeep inner calm – It’s no big secret that meditation can reduce stress and anxiety. Scientific research on the method (Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45 (1989): 957-974) has shown that TM’s stress and anxiety-reducing effects are twice as powerful as other techniques.method journal, journal clinicalteacher, nagy, technique, meditation, session1
cmff.huThe last event, CMFF’18, in 2018, incorporated approximately 100 selected presentations with authors from more than 20 countries. The high standard of the papers presented at the previous CMFF conferences has enabled us to organize special issues in prestigious international journals. Preliminary…international journal, journal preliminaryconference, september, august, committee, event1
biotechszovetseg.huPéter Ferdinandy, MD, PhD, MBA, Founder & CEO of Pharmahungary Group noticed as ‘Highly Cited Researcher’ for the 5th time and elected as Editor-in-Chief of British Journal of Pharmacology.british journal, journal pharmacologybiotechnology, association, researcher, introduction, board1
lutheranimation.hu…for children. He taught at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University between 1996 and 2013. In 1999 he became the editor of the world literature journal Nagyvilág and between 2000 and 2005 he edited Dokk, an online literary website. In 2012 he published a satirical volume of essays on the identityliterature journal, journal nagyviláganimation, church, series, contribution, news1
spiderpig.huJournals are created in the system during the regular month-end closing process and are separated for intercompany and 3rd party leases. SpiderPig contains features that allows you to treat intercompany deals as „operating” leases and account for them accordingly facilitating the consolidation…lease, tool, contract, accounting, functionality1
budapestenergysummit.huHis new book The Map: Energy, Climate and the Clash of Nations has been described by reviewers as “a page-turner” and “another winner from the master.” The Wall Street Journal says “Daniel Yergin has turned his considerable talents to explaining how the world continues to be shaped by oil.”street journal, journal danielenergy, gas, profile, view, thank1
birdbudapest.huFeatured in journals and magazines for decades, Bird was by now something of a household name. In 1890, she became the first woman to be awarded the Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. She was also elected to membership of the Royal Photographic Society.event, boat, wedding, place, people1
linkgroup.hucells has been published in Trends in Biochemical Sciences (accessible here and as a pdf file here ) and became the 2020 April cover story of the journal. In the paper we summarize the molecular mechanisms of cellular learning, including conformational memory of intrinsically disordered proteins…story journal, journal papergroup, network, member, signal, paper1
opusjazzclub.hu“One of the most exciting and original guitarists in jazz – or otherwise” (Steve Dollar, Wall Street Journal)concert, thursday, pm, wednesday, saturday1
sepsieniko.hu…in French in 2014 and in a modified version in Hungarian in 2015. My study published by the American McFarland Publisher’s book series (and journal) entitled Text & Presentation approaches this theatrical intersection from the perspective of rite research. I assumed pioneering roles in the…series journal, journal textstudy, university, theatre, research, french1
gombaforum.huJapanese researchers have recently announced in the scientific journal DNA Research that they have successfully completed the complete mapping of the genetic material of the […]scientific journal, journal dnamushroom, cultivation, technology, research, economy1
jennyz.huI’m also possibly going to unleash a lot of messy, raw, half-formed ramblings onto my blog because after 21 months of swallowing them, sitting with them, I might burst. I have countless disorganized journal entries — written in moments of insomnia, grief, anxiety, rage, guilt, or stress — and…disorganized journal, journal entryday, february, week, photo, family1
symmetry.huHe was one of the first editors of the journal Symmetry: Culture and Science . We have lost Gyuri, as his friends called him, as our greatest friend and most respected scientist. We shall keep in our memory his modest, helpful and friendly manner, providing a perfect example for a scholar of an…journal symmetry, editor journalsymmetry, festival, event, international, science1
cgeopol.hu…members are prof. István Klinghammer, academian, prof. Károly Kocsis, doctor of the MTA (HAS) and prof. Ferenc Gazdag. The Council's scientific journal entitled 'GeoFocus' is published in English and French languages. Under the name of 'Workshop Studies' not only the researchers of the Council…scientific journal, journal geofocuscouncil, member, board, research, foundation1
manc.huSearch our secondary and primary resources. Browse subjects, authors, journals, websites...author journal, journal websitetext, resource, account, reader, subject1
esct.hu…aims to encourage the communication, promotion and support of theological education, research, and services. ESCT publishes a bi-annual journal in which the diverse problems that challenge contemporary theological debate in Europe are explored and discussed. Every two years, the society…annual journal, journal diversepresident, theology, congress, catholic, society1
prosysmod.huSensitivity analysis of reliability of Systems with Complex Interconnections JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES 32 pp. 436-442. , 7 p. (2014)interconnection journal, journal lossvirtual, lab, process, modeling, publication1
feith.huThe aim of the editors of the journal Aspecto is to boost Hungarian philosophical life, bring philosophy out of academic isolation, and create the fertile environment that is vital for thinking. I believe that every Hungarian thinker, regardless of their education, needs this, and must have it.editor journal, journal aspectodance, zoltan, theatre, performance, music1
panograph.huAccording to the PEW Internet & American Life Project, more than 90% of college-bound students now begin their college search online , and the Wall Street Journal notes that virtual tours come second only to actual campus visits in luring students. See the PDF of the report >>>street journal, journal virtualpanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour1
prekopcsak.huJune 2012 - We have a new journal paper accepted with Daniel Lemire on time series classification, and a conference paper with Andor Kovács at RCOMM 2012 .new journal, journal paperdata, zoltan, big, scientist, publication1
hungariancontemporary.huHungarian Contemporary is a journal of contemporary Hungarian art in English language, and it is aimed to enable the international audience to engage with art in Hungary. It often happens that language barriers prevent proper engagement with certain local context, therefore the purpose of this…contemporary journal, journal contemporarycontemporary, art, editor, individual, treat1
enicom.huCopyright © 2024 The Arcane Sanctuary . All Rights Reserved. Photo Journal by Catch Themesphoto journal, journal catchrecent, primary, photo1
zalkak.hu…framed structures, steel and reinforced concrete industrial and agricultural warehouse units, steel form-work systems, an education centre, an observatory, nursery schools, hotels, industrial halls, multi-storey panel system dwellings in seismic zones, a space-frame roof system and timber…international journal, journal solid, asce journal, journal structuralstructural, structure, building, analysis, engineering0
inkedsoul.huThe INKED SOUL represents the freedom of speech and uniqueness where art and culture meets. For us, quality is priority and we strive to make everyday aesthetic and beautiful work for our costumers greatest satisfaction. We have experience in wide range of different styles, and we do our best to…body journal, journal tattoosoul, tattoo, artist, studio, great0
mrtt.hu…among others 14 experts from abroad and 50 PhD students. The keynote speaker was Prof. Jouke van Dijk, President of the European Regional Science Association. On the first day two plenary sessions were organized: one in Hungarian and one in English, with international speakers: Prof…scientific journalregional, science, association, annual, conference0
jamborszilvi.huHome… My Art… About me… Shop… Go to the shop… Friendship with cats Spiral Notebook… Friendship with…art, friendship, paint, main, page0
amondo.huAMONDO ON – logo, barnd, design, typefacedesign, fonts web design, corporate fontscorporate, logo, brand, recent, image0
alpsadria.hu…May 2020) will be postponed and will be held from 25th – 30th April 2021 (Sunday – Friday) as the part of the 20th jubilee event. 2. Registration fee offer & cancellation: Because of the postponement we can offer you two options if you registered and already payed your registration fee:1. Your…alp, scientific, announcement, abstract, cancellation0
homeanddeco.hu…Matrix… Meadow… Moorland… Navajo… Nordic… Plains & Textures 10… Plains & Textures 11… Plains &…country journalplain, texture, art, garden, dream0
hotelkikelet.huHotel Kikelet… Book your stay… Book a…stay, guest, view, room, rule0
blackbelt.huBlackBelt is, in our opinion, one of the best development forges in Hungary. It goes without saying that speed to market, agile development and an engaged team are essential. We find all of these qualities within any given BlackBelt team.development, software, client, technology0
gacserlab.hu…responses induced by this species. These include the investigation of the molecular background of pathogenicity, examining the role of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in the immunological recognition of C. parapsilosis , studying inflammasome activation and the role of fungal secreted…lab, paper, grant, news, presentation0
kfki.huThe Csillebérc campus is home to two leading research centers and several organizations and enterprises.page, research, enterprise, organization, history0
idegennyelvumedia.hu…the sense that as a member of the European Union and NATO, Hungary is a significant factor for foreigners who do not speak Hungarian. Political, economic, or even business news may have a serious impact on other countries or companies, so Hungarian political or economic news interest experts…hungary journalmedia, news, language, foreign, supporter0
karaktercasting.hu…thebest and freshest talents. Currently, our clients can choose from 30,000 faces and our database is growing daily. We provide photo casting straight from our database and tipresent archive videos immediately. We manage actor buyouts based on specifications. We collect talent materials for…registration, face, actor, character, reference0
opuseteducatio.huSturcz Zoltán: Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences – Budapest University of Technology and Economicsuniversity, education, faculty, economic, technology0
ornis.huOrnis Hungarica - ISSN 2061-9588 (Online) ISSN 1215-1610 (Print)scientific journal, journal birdlife, scope journalscope, editorial, board, instruction, author0
amazingbudapest.hu© Copyright 2012 - 2019 | Avada Website Builder by ThemeFusion | All Rights Reserved | Powered by WordPressfoodie journalrecipe, food, restaurant, favourite, healthy0
archivportal.hu…both those involved in the cooperation and those which will join later. In order to the increase the efficiency of the research, a unified database has been created, and the content is continually being expanded. By using this unified database, interested researchers can obtain useful…journal archivearchive, portal, database, review, award0
immunoinfo.huOfficial Website of the Systems Immunology Research Group in Szeged. We use computational and empirical methods to understand adaptive immune recognition.immune, recognition, research, group, adaptive0
adamerdelyi.huI am currently employed in the field of video analytics by Genetec Austria GmbH as Delivery Lead, also serving as security champion in our product group. I completed a PhD program at NES - AAU focusing on objective evaluation and protection of privacy in visual data.journal paperprivacy, network, video, university, sensor0
kismihok.huKismihók, G., & Mol, S. T. (2019). Role of Learning Analytics in Individual, Goal Driven Person – Job Matching. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK19) , 717–718.learn, t., conference, research, proceedings0
farkasfoto-video.huAlbum scattered… Variant B… Variant C… Variant D… Slideshow… Autoplay slideshow… Manhattan… Beautiful…slideshow, color, beautiful, shot, palette0
ggergely.huWe offer financial analysis and planning services to businesses, which helps them gain a clear picture of their financial health and set goals for the company.control journal, journal entryfinancial, gabor, analysis, resume, analyst0
hollositerv.huArchitecture is a wonderful and responsible work to me, during which we not only create living spaces, but lasting values in our world. It is crucial for me that our houses not only functionally serve the residents, but give them great experiences with their appearance. Since we are all different…foreign journal, journal publicationhouse, building, solution, language, build0
kultur-press.hu…published by Hungarian publishers both in Hungary and in neighboring countries. By clicking on the on-line catalogue or search program you will be able find virtually any Hungarian publication. If you already know which publication you would like to order, all you have to do is contact our…book, periodical, publication, dear, visitor0
mlszsz.hu…call is adequate only if all of the members of the Presidency are informed about the session and the items on the agenda ten days before the session. The sessions of the Presidency are opened events. The honorary presidents shall also participate at the session and advisory right is given to them.association, member, shall, presidency, president0
cembeton.huBy placing the emphasis on wider technical aspects the Hungarian Cement Concrete and Lime Association expanded its activities related to the industry and advocacy, thus helping the survival and development of the field. Its representation covers the wide scope of domestic construction material…beton journal, journal updatehomepage, association, member, industry, domestic0
szendroi-marketing.hu“If you want to relax, watch the clouds pass by if you’re laying on the grass, or sit in front of the creek; just doing nothing and having those still moments is what really rejuvenates the body…”aliquam, velit, nec, vestibulum, fusce0
hankooknegyed.huEven in the life of the factory in Rácalmás, the ten years of “THANKS, Hankook!”, the Employee Volunteer Program, is a long timespan. And, what a 10 years it has been! On the occasion of the anniversary, we made a short film at the location of this year’s biggest project, the Arboretum, on Baracsi…company journal, journal hankookemployee, health, day, september, news0
mezogazdasagivizkezeles.hu…us II… Portfolios… Portfolio Boxed… Boxed 2 Column… Boxed 3 Column… Boxed 4 Column… Wide Boxed 2…column, gallery, card, wide, portfolio0
hyd.huHYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development offers the sterile distilled water with 25 ppm deuterium content to universities and research institutes. HYD LLC wishes to promote research in this field in Hungary and abroad, and provides DDW 25, its product for research purposes, at a moderate…publication journal, journal ploscancer, research, view, llc0
sundaysmile.hu…The first encounter |2018|… Esztergom 360 Aerial VR / 3D walkthrough… Pilis 360 Aerial VR…motion, oasis, green, encounter, short0
imperialmusic.huEz az Imperial… Hello world!… november 23, 2023… 2023. november… Uncategorized… Scroll…music journal, journal catchmusic, hello, post, scroll, primary0
eston.huESTON International provides full-scale commercial property advisory services on the Hungarian real estate market since 1993.business journal, journal interviewinternational, property, management, office, real0
montanpress.huProgramme organizing… Book Publishing… Journal Publishing… Company Brochures… Calendars… Consulting…journal publishpublish, organize, programme, detail, book0
szeretetfenye.hu…in Humanity, the force of Love, and we accept the benefiting, educational role of love in our lives. Since 1995, through our health preserving activities, self-help and helping methods we provide support for people within and outside of Hungary. We volunteer our free treatments to those who ask…international journaltreatment, group, health, local, international0
hazareten.huFind an overview about diabetes, the different types, risk factors, and the impact it has on public health. To receive updates about diabetes topics, enter your email address: Előnézet University of Bristol Clinical Staff - Rates and Allowances. From 1 April Rate from 1 April.experimental, clinical, school, physics, l.0
skyborn.huYou can use their coupon code for save at Write My Essay. Copy and paste your referral link to share with acquaintances. Your referrals get a discount of 10% on the first purchase. It is possible to recommend your best essay writing service review reddit friends to anyone you like to receive your…law journal, journal expertlegal, advice, template, expert, law0
amcham.huAmCham Hungary is one of the largest American Chambers of Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe, representing both American, international and local business interests in Hungary. Not only is it a gateway to the growth of your business in the European Region but it also provides you with vital…member, event, news, large, law0
telekep.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquet bibendum ultricies. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris nulla justo, mollis id maximus sed, pellentesque sit amet ex. Nulla vel viverra purus. Etiam euismod nunc ipsum, sed elementum lectus varius…ipsum, lorem, dolor, praesent, bibendum0
abud.huSustainability at all scales - consultancy firm specialized in the built environment. ABUD - Advanced Building and Urban Design.build, urban, news, advanced, scale0
ipari-vizkezeles.hu…us II… Portfolios… Portfolio Boxed… Boxed 2 Column… Boxed 3 Column… Boxed 4 Column… Wide Boxed 2…column, gallery, card, wide, portfolio0
adyvgrafika.huThe single most important thing is our customer’s satisfaction, constant and high quality.machine, quality, printing, customer, search0
forditoth.hu…I compiled several teaching materials for Pharmacy and Physiotherapy undergraduates, as well as for Medical students interested in Prescription Writing. Besides teaching Hungarian and international students, I also gave healthcare English language courses for practising pharmacists and future…translation, quote, rate, translator, material0
ful-orr-gegesz-orvos.hu…FESS, vestibularis examinations in France, salivary gland endoscopy in Switzerland), treatment of vertigo in Germany. In Austria I followed a training course on ear surgery. Formerly I participated in courses on bronchology, on facial nerve diagnosis and surgery, and on new tendencies in endoscopy.surgery, tumor, treatment, neck, medical0
bolley.huServing a line either by trolleybus with batteries or pure electric bus. Considered aspects are: battery capacity, autonomous range of trolleybuses, existing catenary network, charging power, timetable charging deployment and vehicle purchase cost.scientific journal, journal paper, paper journal, journal transportbus, network, electric, charge, transport0
ezoterikuswebaruhaz.hu© Copyright 2012 - 2024 | Avada Theme by ThemeFusion | All Rights Reserved | Powered by WordPressview, recipe, guide, cart, quick0
isze.huWe have been organizing courses since 1997. From 1997 to 2008 our courses were attended by 58 000 teachers at 1700 different venues throughout the country. More than 300 teachers are qualified in informatics teaching specialists.teach, training, course, activity, teacher0
baka.huSelected Poems by the late Hungarian Poet Istvan Baka. = Abbey Press Kiadó, Észak-Írországliterary journal, journal kincskeresőimage, prize, poem, istvan, hometown0
tudasalapitvany.huthe growth of cultural values by supporting new works of art (such as: statues, paintings, books, theatre performances, literature, music etc.)book journal, journal publishbook, main, publication, detail, play0
helikonfolyoirat.huHelikon 2019… Helikon 2018… Helikon 2017… Helikon…year journal, journal irodalmi, helikon journal, journal regularlyliterary, study, issue, review, cultural0
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.hu…inspires the audience through his own experience and stories. He (also as a WHO advisor) facilitates hospital development projects, workshops and motivating lectures around the world, from the UK to the USA. Robin Youngson comes to Central Europe for the first time thanks to an invitation from PAF.board journal, journal compassionatehealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion0
igrafik.huInteractive… Portfolio… Consultency (default)… About… About 2… Services… Service Details… Masonry…portfolio, page, interactive, digital, default0
helping-hand.hu…such as repeated experiences of failure, low self-esteem, dropping out of school, becoming unemployed or incarcerated, and developing mental health problems (e.g., depression, anxiety). So, ADHD is a problem both for the children, their families and schools, but also the wider community and…child, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten0
sparklemonde.hu…Boots… All Shoes… Leather & Vegan Leather Bags… Canvas Bags… Straw Bags… Sunglasses… Hats…journal stationeryjewellery, book, cart, brand, accessories0
cinevision.huCinematography - Photography - Lighting - Rental About Us Cinevision Productionphoto journal, journal catchdream, production, rental, page, lighting0
mage.org.huActivities done in the working committees promotes the reconciliation of interests among member companies.mage, member, organization, automotive, data0
kemenyinfo.hu…about Janos Kemeny… Marosvécs and its region… The castle and the park… The János Kemény memorial…family, website, janos, publication, region0
solinfo.huSolinfo Group provides professional lighting, interior design and decoration consultancy services, along with the design, production, management and distribution of high-end design brands and products. Solinfo Group contributes to more than 300 projects a year, whether as a supplier of lights…solinfo journalstore, lighting, magazine, flagship, embassy0
arondn.hu…orchestrators are in charge of managing these distributed resources. A key and challenging task of these orchestrators is to find the proper placement for software components of the services. We propose two architecture options together with proof-of-concept prototypes and corresponding…cloud, network, application, edge, resource0
studies.huadoption (5) Africa (3) agricultural exports (3) agriculture (12) AKIS (3) Central and Eastern Europe (3) climate change (5) Common Agricultural Policy (3) competitiveness (5) consumer behaviour (3) consumer preferences (4) Covid-19 (5) dairy farms (3) Data Envelopment Analysis (3) digitalisation…journal metric, wos journal, journal impact, cost journal, journal hungariananalysis, result, economic, farming, ago0
apambeajulna.hu25 февр. 2015 2015 г. ... ... Bradshaw. Bradshaw. Jamesville. Jamesville. NY. NY. Stephanie. Stephanie. Carter. Carter. WA. WA. Marilyn. Marilyn. Coronado Coronado ... ... Marilyn. Marilyn. Snyder. Snyder. Las Las Vegas. Vegas. NV. NV. DAVID. DAVID. DAVIS. DAVIS. New New York. York. NY NY…balkan journal, journal clinicalny, ray, york, movie, book0
welkerlab.huAlways write benefits over features. Mention all the benefits or services with some real examples. Focus on how you can help and benefit your user. Use simple words so that you don’t confuse people. Say as much in as few words as possible.article journal, journal articlelab, publication, research, member, article0
ssscc.huWELCOME TO THE SSSCC 2023 EUROPEAN SMART SUSTAINABLE AND SAFE CITIES CONFERENCE | Smart, Sustainable and Safe Cities Conferencescientific journal, journal indexcity, safe, conference, sustainable, submission0
humanexchange.hu…the research institutes associated with the foundation. Our representatives are university lecturers and researchers equipped with business experience, as well as corporate, civil and public administration specialists representing various fields. They can collaborate effectively on projects…human, exchange, foundation, development, collection0
leadvertise.huCras blandit ipsum ipsum ipsum ipsum ipsum ac odio consectetur, at sollicitudin odio tempor.street journal, journal wireipsum, sale, cras, odio, blandit0
metagames.huMetagame kártyajáték és társasjáték bolt! Tekintse meg kínálatunk és látogasson el üzleteinkbe, vagy rendeljen online!arcane journal, journal kingdomgame, card, battle, space, set0
ikte.hu…On these occasions we used our method as a non-formal educational and development tool for people with different levels of abilities. From educated and practising helping professionals to mentally and physically challenged youth we covered a broad spectrum. This is possible as our method is…professional journalgroup, method, therapy, training, art0
nhmus.huAfrican exhibition of the Hungarian Natural History Museum presented many of these reptiles in the early 1950s, but only one of them survived the vicissitude of history.museum, history, natural, research, exhibition0
mediclean.huJournal… About us… Contact… Mediclean… SHOP… COLLECTIONS… Outlet… New Arrivals… GoGrip… SHOP…shop, collection, return, summer, homepage0
neuromems.huOur multidisciplinary team, composed of electrical, chemical, bionic engineers and biologists devotes its research to introduce novel materials in neural applications and to construct multimodal microdevices facilitating simultaneous use of various functionalities like electrical recording, local…journal paperresearch, publication, education, note, lecture0
phasefield.hu…homogeneous nucleation and heterogeneous nucleation. In the first nucleation benchmark problem, we focus on homogeneous nucleation for both single seed under different initial conditions and multiple seeds. The second nucleation benchmark problem focuses on athermal heterogeneous nucleation…phase, field, science, material, group0
szte.org.huThe mission of the Scientific Society of the Silicate Industry is to promote the technical, scientific andjsbcm journal, journal silicate, építőanyag journalsociety, industry, division, activity, news0
libelulastudios.huGALLERY… JOURNAL…journal secondstudio, gallery, page, second, logo0
hungarianreview.huSzilárd Biernaczky : László Magyar – Untold Stories of a Hungarian Explorer Born Two Hundred Years Ago – Part Imonthly journal, journal magyarreview, author, poem, editor, nation0