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282 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: perspective

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jennyz.huabout me art automattic family gratitude humor insight love music ning perspective quote quotes travel workgratitude perspective, perspective travel, ning perspective, perspective quoteday, february, week, photo, family8
inflexion.hu…goals for me. He always represented the interests of his team. There was no such thing as a failed deal for him, he strived for a long-term relationship with clients, be they existing or potential clients. It taught me that there is always another perspective to approach a business opportunity.external perspective, new perspective, perspective stick, client perspective, perspective businesssale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead7
hollanding.huYou'll get the chance to experience what the Netherlands is like with a different perspective. We will seek to find the answers for questions such as: "What is traditional Trappist beer like? How do 7 million blooming flowers in a single garden look like? Is the moon really made of cheese?" We…different perspective, perspective answer, perspective roaddutch, cheese, netherlands, flower, brewery7
kopintalapitvany.hu…to capture a new dimension of the domestic economic spatial structure that is not possible with other methods, thus opening new analytical perspectives. The results show that, starting from the centre of Hungary, the spatial structure of SMEs is dominated by a north-south counter-pole rather…analytical perspective, perspective result, legal perspective, perspective central, hungarian perspectiveeconomic, international, literature, country, economy6
por.huA new perspective on the proper timing of radiotherapy during CDK4/6 inhibitor therapy in patients with “bone-only” metastatic breast cancer 1611369new perspective, perspective proper, feature perspective, perspective differential, status perspectiveuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine6
silver-line.huExperience the magic of Budapest from a unique perspective with our Boat Trip Budapest: the Cocktail Cruise Downtown Budapest. This exceptional experience includes a ticket for an 85-minute cruise through the heart of Budapest, where you'll get to witness the breathtaking views of the city's…unique perspective, perspective sightseeing, riverside perspective, perspective ship, different perspectivecruise, dinner, danube, piano, river6
europatarsasag.huThe publication "The Future of Democracy and the Summit for Democracy from the Perspective of a Hungarian NGO" has been issued by the Hungarian Europe Society in December 2022.democracy perspective, perspective hungarian, relation perspective, perspective ngosociety, europe, open, space, democracy6
corvinak.huIn this episode of the DiploMaci Podcast, dr. Calum Nicholson, the Research manager at MCC's Climate Policy Institute, will be discussing the topic of his brand-new book titled ,,Climate Migration. Critical perspectives for Law, Policy and Research".critical perspective, perspective lawopinion, general, election, airport, vote6
ggis.huThe Christian principles of respect and inclusion are the foundation of the vibrant and caring international community at GGIS. Students from many countries and diverse faiths attend GGIS, bringing with them their unique cultures and perspectives.understand perspective, perspective intercultural, life perspective, perspective bible, perspective opportunityschool, international, great, question, grace5
meltanyossag.huWhy has the same party won elections in Hungary for more than 12 years? CFPA’s new book looks at this question from a comparative and a historical perspective.west perspective, perspective atlanticism, different perspective, perspective partyanalysis, election, opposition, primary, political5
hus-sziget.huIt has become justified from the perspective of sales strategy to build our own coldstore, which enables us to provide services to new customer segments who are unable to purchase and receive a whole truckload of goods at once on their own premises. Additionally, we plan to maintain a permanent…justify perspective, perspective salemeat, pork, chicken, customer, beef5
whiterabbit.huThe aim of our campaign was to raise awareness for this film, and make the Hungarian audience revisit this important era in the history of Hungary – and see those events from a different, unseen perspective.unusual perspective, perspective point, perspective badge, perspective attentioncampaign, result, brand, brief, solution4
nblegal.huCorporate legal services, Nagy-Baranyi Law Office is a dynamic Hungarian business law firm with an international outlook, local knowledge and a commercial perspective.legal, law, office, nagy, corporate4
tisztacserep.huThe perspective view is achieved by adding a perspective value to the slide list item and tilting a division that contains the two screenshots.slider perspective, perspective interesting, view perspective, perspective valueitem, animation, massa, et, support4
sepsieniko.hu…by the American McFarland Publisher’s book series (and journal) entitled Text & Presentation approaches this theatrical intersection from the perspective of rite research. I assumed pioneering roles in the following activities: presenting Yves Bonnefoy’s lifework to the Hungarian public and the…intersection perspective, perspective rite, vision perspective, perspective poetry, research perspectivestudy, university, theatre, research, french3
aktivzenetanulas.huThe teachers’ handbook presents the starting motivation and realization of the 1st Model of the Active Music Learning methodological research in the term of 2016-2020. It examines the reasons and possibilities of the development of creative singing games from different perspectives, including…different perspective, perspective application, diverse perspective, perspective sharemusic, learn, model, movement, active3
mta-tkk.hu…Sign Language and published fundamental books, such as Theory and methodology of sign language, About the Deaf, or The world through the Deaf perspective. With an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and understanding he continuously searched for the place, roles and tasks of his community. He…deaf perspective, perspective unquenchablelanguage, news, research, deaf, chance3
queen-king.huMeeting Samantha has definitely been a game changer for me. Her perspective on things is so clear and she's so knowledgable that she taught me and showed me a totally new way to view myself and my own capabilities, and now I'm reaching goals within weeks that I thought would take me years.changer perspective, perspective thingcareer, page, goal, post, personal3
komplexinstrukcio.huFor the successful implementation of KIP is teachers’ willingness to change their educational perspective. Working with KIP requires a change in pedagogues’ understanding of their role as teachers, as well as a different approach to the assessment of their pupils’ capacities and abilities…teach perspective, perspective appreciation, educational perspective, perspective kip, ability perspectiveschool, teacher, child, pupil, group3
inventionfact.huWhen I think of organization development, I believe that a leader with the right mindset is the starting point of any change. The change-confidence leadership training identified hidden drivers and provided a useful set of tools to change our perspective if needed. We learned how to look at a…change perspective, perspective leader, support perspective, perspective tool, tool perspectivedevelopment, change, invention, confidence, organization3
abtk.huA new special issue of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews edited by Adam Tamas Tuboly ( RCH Institute of Philosophy ) and Emil Toescu (University of Birmingham, School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine) has been released. The volume is about Critical Perspectives on Science aimed at early…critical perspective, perspective scienceresearch, humanity, centre, news, detail3
buzassandor.hucertainly knows what he’s talking about, he has been there, and done both! He has the ability to guide his mentoree with subtle questions and lead them to see new perspectives by providing new approaches to problems. He is attentive, patient and supportive. He and his work offers exceptional value!”think perspective, perspective clearly, new perspective, perspective topic, perspective newsession, strategy, performance, free, people3
scootertour.huExperience Budapest like never before with our exciting scooter tours! Get ready for a fun and easygoing adventure as you ride a scooter and explore Budapest’s iconic landmarks and breathtaking views with your expert guide while you also learn about local history and culture. Our tours offer a…unique perspective, perspective citytour, scooter, rental, guide, original2
skool.org.huFrom the professional perspective, we redefine the learning process and the role of teachers, we develop and provide learning content not available in the school system, we involve parents, and we include topics that are most relevant for our supporters.professional perspective, perspective learn, approach perspective, perspective femininelab, technology, eng, homepage2
creative11.huWe do not follow trends or fads. Our mission is to illuminate the genuine treasures hidden beneath the surface in a unique, captivating, and spectacular manner, presenting them from a perspective that has yet to be witnessed.countless perspective, perspective pridecreative, photography, corporate, skill, digital2
rigocon.huWe’ve collaborated with Dénes Doszpod of RiGoCon on several occasions in the subject areas of risk management and governance. Our experience is that he always fully assesses our needs from a client perspective, works smoothly with each stakeholder (both at operative and at top management levels)…client perspective, perspective smoothlyrisk, management, control, solution, financial2
parallelcollective.huIn the first project over the course of more than six months of work, the doctoral students examined the cultural and social differences between Hungarian and their own cultures from the critical perspective of ‘strangeness’ [Simmel]. The experience of their own strangeness and the question of…critical perspective, perspective strangeness, future perspective, perspective visioncollective, parallel, student, art, doctoral2
hagyomanyokhaza.huThis performance of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble presents the folk tradition of the Carpathian Basin from the perspective of...dance, folk, performance, scenic, repertoire2
azumba.huA very good book about board area issues is normally Inside the Boardroom: What Actually Happens in a Corporate Boardroom? This new guide from experienced journalist and author Vinod Kalia aims to prise open the dark box of boardroom habits, delivering a mix of practical guidance plus…plus perspective, perspective book, view perspective, perspective welllegal, law, agreement, contract, rule2
dronedesign.huFPV drones are not new, they are the foundation of the new user-friendly drone industry. They were mainly built by hand, for racing, but in recent years, they have become the new perspective in filming. We are taking this, to the next level, by mounting a cinema-grade RED camera on it, achieving…new perspective, perspective film, quality perspective, perspective thank, perspective gooddrone, solution, agriculture, enterprise, development2
russianstudies.huRussia From a Hungarian Perspective. Lajos Thallóczy's Study “Russia and Our Country” (pdf)hungarian perspective, perspective lajosrussian, study, history, russia, historical2
mentalizacio.huThe foundation of the associationwas necessary to share our good practice, to raise interest on the method, and on the mentalization perspective itself. Not every member carries out therapeutical activity. Others remain active in different fields of practice. The association makes it possible to…mentalization perspective, perspective member, perspective scientificallymental, introduction, association, treatment, contribution2
bibliatanitasok.huIn 1998, we decided to leave our church and the charismatic movement. Before this serious decision we read Arnold's teaching about the Toronto phenomenon, about the true face of the third wave movement. I also spent hours in New York bookstores reading systematic theologies, theologies from…charismatic perspective, perspective different, jewish perspective, perspective deepchurch, bible, book, jewish, christian2
hungarianbatteryday.huPerspectives for developing the battery recycling industry in Central and South-East Europebusiness perspective, perspective secondbattery, day, industry, director, objective2
yourcityquest.huDuring your missions you will encounter puzzles that will give you a completely new perspective on the city. Only at second glance will you see what has always been visible.new perspective, perspective citycity, gift, story, author, knowledge2
repulokamera.huThe drone videos are very spectacular in the promotional video for events, but you need to pay attention to the proper drone usage rates. The height and unique perspective give a much more interesting sight, attracting the eye. It shows more of the environment and the moving crowd becomes more…site perspective, perspective costly, unique perspective, perspective interestingdrone, video, industrial, condition, photography2
metropolis.org.huGelencsér Gábor: Lack of Perspectives Figures of Moral Decline in Hungarian Films between 1970 and 1992lack perspective, perspective figurecontemporary, representation, history, social, woman2
existentialcounselling.hu…thinking and trying to “cure” any “symptoms”. Rather, the focus is on the exploration of what the client’s relationship is like to the world around them, what kind of choices have led to their current life situation and whether there are any new perspectives that would be helpful to explore.new perspective, perspective important, perspective helpfulcounselling, expat, psychotherapy, book, issue2
mma-mmki.huMiklós Kocsis’s book titled Higher education autonomy in the system of cultural rights – a Hungarian perspective was presentedart, institute, publication, close, cultural2
lelkedert.huMeeting Samantha has definitely been a game changer for me. Her perspective on things is so clear and she's so knowledgable that she taught me and showed me a totally new way to view myself and my own capabilities, and now I'm reaching goals within weeks that I thought would take me years.changer perspective, perspective thingpage, detail, success, goal, event2
egyensulyintezet.hu“NATO after the Vilnius Summit: assessment from a Hungarian perspective” – the Equilibrium Institute organised a joint conference with NATO for the second timehungarian perspective, perspective equilibriuminstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think2
debrecenfogorvos.huNo one has been able to put the overriding aim of medical care more to the point than the father of medicine Hippocrates did. This is the basic principle of our work too: We consider it our duty to provide the best possible perspective for the patients who have confidence in us.level perspective, perspective consideration, possible perspective, perspective patientaim, surgery, patient, available, doctor2
aectutor.huParticipating in an online English course was truly enjoyable. The convenience of learning from the comfort of my home, coupled with the interactive and engaging content, made the experience outstanding. The diverse community of fellow learners from around the world added a unique cultural…cultural perspective, perspective discussioncourse, language, class, student, skill2
papprekakinga.huShe performs her stand-up special in downtown Budapest at Spinoza Theater. In her latest one woman show, Papp talks grief, tractors and dialects, all from the blended perspectives of a class shifter, a newcomer intellectual who tries to hold on to their rural roots and wits. Her first standup…dialect perspective, perspective classtalk, special, treatment, casual, ancient2
photohullanzsuzsa.huBlow ups Beauty of Decay People The World from Above All the World a Stage Perspective Nature Land of Magic Windows Solo exhibition Juried group exhibitionprofession perspective, perspective necessarily, stage perspective, perspective naturephoto, photography, exhibition, presence, important2
protontheatre.huThe Raft of the Medusa , an oratory by Hans Werner Henze, was inspired by Théodore Géricault's famous painting by the same name from 1819. Directed by Kornél Mundruczó, this installation of the Proton Theatre aims to tell its story – one that is universally valid and spans different eras – from a…theatre, proton, production, performance, premiere2
flow.huThe FlowTime podcast was created by an open-minded team of organisational development consultants. If you’re interested in the world of training, self-awareness and organisational development from a slightly different perspective, tune in!approach perspective, perspective mindfulnessdevelopment, management, leadership, training, group2
cathayassociates.huWe not only offer legal advice but a solution that is personalized, and reflects business thinking. Our team consists of 20 domestic experts. The entire Hungarian Cathay Associates team has a broad international perspective due to work experience gained abroad. In addition to Hungarian, the…international perspective, perspective worklaw, international, legal, corporate, media2
balinttarsasag.hu…a big focus, consequently the diagnostic and therapeutic questions are pushed relatively to the background. The modern bio-psycho-social perspective, on the other hand, requires an integrated practice, in which the connected factors, the psycho-social background, as well as concrete…social perspective, perspective hand, psychosomatic perspective, perspective health, adaptation perspectivegroup, saturday, society, fee, technique2
iaabudapest.hu…brands is quite unique as it opens up areas of self-reflection as a means to assess progress or the dialling up of efforts. We need more brands to commit authentically to the sustainability cause and this report from Brand Finance really helps us put the topic of sustainability into perspective.”different perspective, perspective marcomglobal, brand, industry, advertising2
eldujra.huExperience a perspective that you were not able to on this day and see your friends and family celebrate.video, wedding, eng, degree, day2
icqglobal.huThe purpose of Global DISC QUEST™ is to help you build more awareness, expand your comfort zone and see situations from different perspectives so you can make better decisions and you can choose to respond instead of just reacting.different perspective, perspective wellglobal, welcome, people, knowledge, trainer2
scrolldown.huBuilding on extensive knowledge and experience, I foster synergies between professions. Through collaborative efforts, I leverage diverse perspectives to innovate, refine strategies, and amplify the impact of my work. This collaborative spirit ensures comprehensive and effective solutions for the…holistic perspective, perspective online, diverse perspective, perspective strategydigital, website, user, story, presence2
ikte.huThe strategic partnership’s aim was to share best practices between sectors and methods connected to art expressions. The project idea came from the experience that helping professionals face burn out on a regular basis, no matter their education, country of work. During the project we looked for…way perspective, perspective colleagues, development perspective, perspective developmentgroup, method, therapy, training, art2
joybyhoney.huThis is why we took the best quality of acacia honey and twisted it a little bit. We paired it with such new tastes that harmonize perfectly with honey; thus, opening new perspectives in honey consumption. We consciously created a taste palette that would suit to every part of the day. Let it be a…new perspective, perspective honeyhoney, joy, coffee, flavour, taste2
psi-technology.huWe offer general contracting services with high standards, at affordable costs. We implement precise, full-scale work, with a long-term perspective. Our colleagues are highly qualified engineers and economists, who have many decades of professional experience as both investors and contractors…term perspective, perspective colleaguestechnology, construction, concrete, news, reference1
skinacademy.huCertain immunological diseases will be introduced from the perspective of translational medicine. I have asked the presenters to not only try to put everyday practical knowledge into our minds, but also to explain scientific background in detail so that our memory receives logical, structured…disease perspective, perspective translationalacademy, registration, skin, interactive, disease1
gazdagelet.huFrom the perspective of Virtual Reality – The Lemmony theme is very Virtual. So it was the main point why I chose it.block, website, fashion, idea, icon1
nacres.huAs Nacres, we focus on different perspectives in projects and work to ensure that the user captures the living space with the highest efficiency.different perspective, perspective projectarchitecture, concept, construction, office, idea1
francianyelvgyerekeknek.hukulturális séta közben az utcán, más környezetben you would like to practise and develop your French language skills during a cultural walk on the street, and meanwhile discover the town you live in with from a new perspective.french, child, camp, story, drama1
hintalovon.huSince 2015, we have been working to raise awareness of children's rights. We want to make sure that society has a voice in all aspects of life. children's interests and perspectives in all areas of life, so that we really listen to children. We want us all to understand the importance of a good…interest perspective, perspective areachild, participation, report, safeguard, advocacy1
websity.huOur perspective is to establish ourselves as a frontrunner in delivering the best services and solutions in the market. We are committed about assisting businesses word wide, leading them to the full potential of the digital age and making them achieve sustainable success in their industries.media, agency, digital, social, advertising1
colaw.huAfter this careful preparation of the case, we find the solutions reinforcing the position of the client, which – taking into account the facts and the respective laws from every perspective – may serve an answer to the reactions of the contractual partner or opponent.law perspective, perspective answerlaw, lawyer, employment, partnership, january1
drbalsai.huEsthetics and appearance are a major perspective for everyone in every aspect of our lives. But there is another reason to fill gaps in the dental arch, a well balanced mastication. In case of missing teeth, the food we consume will not be properly chewn and therefore digestion will be incomplete.major perspective, perspective aspectdental, tooth, smile, clinic, oral1
malnalab.huWe constructed a SAR analysis based on blebbistatin derivatives and discuss the pharmacological perspectives of blebbistatin development. We also synthetize literature data on its characteristics and compare potentially useful alternatives, like para-nitroblebbistatin or para-aminoblebbistatin…pharmacological perspective, perspective blebbistatinresearch, article, september, june, molecular1
sarimetal.hu…material and cost-efficient production of the construction. The processing of our orders happening to a short deadline because of our intelligent perspectives providing stock and works in shifts makes it possible. Therefore we can be excellent partners for small and large enterprise claims equally.intelligent perspective, perspective stockmachine, welding, metal, bend, cut1
pozsonyi16.huWe work with organizations in training and development, leadership development, and organizational development processes, combining our economist and psychologist perspectives and experiences. Our main topics are leadership support, support for becoming a leader, development of cooperation…psychologist perspective, perspective experiencegallery, logo, individual, edit, group1
ltlo.huOur professional perspective lies on two principles: stability and plasticity – because in our dynamically evolving environment, only those ideas have a long-term impact that can adapt to our ever-changing world.professional perspective, perspective principleexpertise, expert, law, legal, representation1
biztonsagosvaltozas.hu…facilitated the kind of dialogue where I could find my own answers to my dilemmas. It was very useful for me that Kriszta had a different perspective on my situation. She asked questions I would probably never have asked myself, and always made me think. The tools and methods she applied…different perspective, perspective situationorganization, development, process, group, goal1
momenthotel.hu…standing alone for years. We revived this building in the hopes that we can create a little jewel box where visitors can stay in quality apartments. Moment Apartman Hotel awaits guests with modern décor and a charming athmosphere, letting visitors see the city of Szolnok from a unique perspective.moment, apartment, river, build, sight1
mfe-hda.huRegistration for Perspectives in Perio-Implantology and Comprehensive Dentistry is now open! See you in Szeged 25-27 April.registration perspective, perspective perioassociation, society, dental, dentistry, news1
iosec.huIOSEC ® brings you professionalism, perspective and proven ability to uphold developed security measures before the authorities. In case of choosing us, you will gain this added ability, which is priceless in critical situations.professionalism perspective, perspective abilitydata, security, protection, personal, risk1
nt.huNagy és Trócsányi Ügyvédi Iroda’s ‘extremely practical’ team ‘always tries to grasp the business perspective of an issue’. Tax litigation, structuring and planning are key areas of expertise, and the team also advises on the tax aspects of transactions. Orsolya Kovács, who stands out for her…business perspective, perspective issuelaw, nagy, legal, firm, client1
twcs.hu…Congress is to pass on knowledge to professionals that is up-to-date, useful, and easy to put into practice from an international and holistic perspective. University of Tokaj would like to strengthen its international position by inviting lectures by top scientists, researchers and practicing…holistic perspective, perspective universitycongress, wine, venue, session, registration1
innovators.huThe challenges of today are rooted in the complexity of the internal and external dynamics of business. The Innovators Partnership brings lasting changes and measurable results in our customer’s life, through interdisciplinarity and systems perspective. We believe in lateral and divergent…system perspective, perspective lateralinnovator, development, people, challenge, management1
eltearabszak.huLászló Csicsmann & Erzsébet N. Rózsa (Budapest): An Ancient Regional Security Complex on the Rise: The Nile Water Controversy from the Perspective of Egyptcontroversy perspective, perspective egyptpost, reply, volume, september, october1
intelligencemedia.huOur global perspective, combined with a tailored approach to each project, sets us apart. We don't just offer solutions; we build partnerships, ensuring that our clients achieve sustainable growth and success.global perspective, perspective approachintelligence, media, solution, development, process1
kevintalas.huCollaboration is key to success. I appreciate diversity and teamwork, welcoming different perspectives and working together to achieve common goals.different perspective, perspective commonuniversity, opportunity, challenge, science, computer1
cma.huMichael has practiced architecture for 30 years and through a rich portfolio of renovation and new constructions over 4 continents offers clients a unique perspective. Michael is responsible for overall direction of the firm, and for design quality.unique perspective, perspective michaelarchitect, client, use, management, plan1
oipeducation.huOur vision is to be the catalyst for global opportunities in education. We envision a world where every student has access to transformative international experiences that shape their future, broaden their perspectives, and foster a global community of lifelong learners.future perspective, perspective globaleducation, student, university, process, future1
karkojanos.hutraining the local digital marketing team. With the coordination of digital investments through Omni-Channel, focused on products advertised on TV, I was keeping a healthy media-mix. My role also involved evaluating emerging technologies, and provided thought leadership and perspective for adoption.leadership perspective, perspective adoptionmanager, digital, certification, ecommerce, growth1
raszta.huA aboard meeting may be a regular gathering of owners to discuss the company strategy, financials and governance issues of any organization. People share their ideas and perspectives around the company’s direction and desired goals although making decisions to move frontward. The first step to…idea perspective, perspective companylegal, january, law, agreement, board1
boldogsagtervezes.huDo you have an area in your life where you just feel stuck? Do you want to avoid making the same mistakes over and over in your personal and worklife? In our individual sessions we dig deep to find the origins of your problems, we look for your typical lifetraps that you need to avoid and we find…new perspective, perspective pathrelationship, consultation, date, session, self1
niotech.huWe are committed to the widest possible use of Industry 4.0 technologies such as RFID to help simplifying industrial processes and opening new perspectives in the field of manufacturing automation.new perspective, perspective fieldpage, main, manufacture, operation, process1
sherlockrehab.huIt has also opened up a whole new perspective on the treatment of musculoskeletal problems.new perspective, perspective treatmentmanual, therapy, therapist, treatment, pain1
soundbridge.huIn order to change something, first we need to recognise what it really is. With the right perspective, we have a chance to accept the situation and then transform it. Once having received this acceptance, you can also more easily come to the decision of change.right perspective, perspective chancesound, group, day, session, retreat1
trappdominika.huAlthough she tends to draw inspiration from deeply personal experiences, the parallel presence of historical-artistic research, multiple critical perspectives, as well as the reflective examination of international intellectual trends in the local context are equally key elements of her working…critical perspective, perspective reflectiveart, exhibition, painting, artist, peasant1
budapestconsulting.huOur goal is for you to only concentrate on your own business. We will not be holding your hand but will want to give you a new way of a 360 degree perspective. If people ever said that you are exaggerating with your dreams, than with us, those dreams, can be reality, and those exaggerations our…degree perspective, perspective peopleconsulting, tax, accounting, eng, financial1
groovepressure.huwe already represent but still doing what we love. Our mission is to produce outstanding Deep House compositions and spin it from a disc jockey perspective in front of a very interested audience, giving the audience a real melodic and fun atmosphere at events. Our recent growing fanbase is…jockey perspective, perspective interestedpressure, event, deep, artist, style1
thevibe.hu, strategic communication and sustainable marketing. Our team of experts works tirelessly to create unique and effective PR campaigns that will elevate your brand and connect you with your target audience. We believe in the power of perspective, synergy, and impression to deliver results that…power perspective, perspective synergyvibe, communication, agency, client, enthusiastic1
ddrs2021.hu…of biological and non-biological complex drugs (NBCDs) and the challenges for their correct use. Keynote addresses will provide different perspectives on where we came from, where we are and where we are heading to. The conference will also discuss advances in bioanalytical methodologies to…different perspective, perspective conferencescientific, programme, conference, exhibition, organiser1
nyitottkor.huThe different perspectives raised during theatrical scenes will be discussed during a moderated debate.different perspective, perspective theatricaldrama, group, participant, european, education1
casinolove.huOf course, the goal of casinos is to make a healthy profit and keep players satisfied. The bonus comes into play from a casino's perspective by allowing the player to play longer with their deposit, and to experience more excitement through higher stakes.casino perspective, perspective playerbonus, deposit, spin, free, code1
translangedu.huPaulsrud, BethAnne – Rosén, Jenny – Straszer, Boglárka – Wedin, Åsa 2017. New Perspectives on Translanguaging and Education. Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 108. Multilingual Matters, Bristol.new perspective, perspective translanguagingeducation, matter, multilingual, communication, research1
drsuta.huThe methodical revision of the children's teeth is already determinate from the age of 2-3 from the perspective of dentist-patient contact. The occasion of the enquiries (at least 2 times a year) the kid will not have a negative experience and acclimates to it.age perspective, perspective dentistdental, surgery, tooth, oral, istvan1
jucohome.huThis blog reflects my opinion, I would like to show you a perspective, give you ideas, a few tips to decorate your home.opinion perspective, perspective ideapillow, unique, canvas, login, room1
lathatatlan.huIn this exhibition blind and vision-impaired guides accompany you in an adventure that will alter your perspective permanently.adventure perspective, perspective permanentlyinvisible, exhibition, dinner, taste, foreign1
bluetechnology.huThe National Health Promotion Ltd. was established with the purpose of influencing positively the processes and means of health maintenance at the level of public health. Analysing from client perspectives the different massage technologies present and available on the market, we found that new…client perspective, perspective differenttechnology, massage, substance, health, client1
martonfilm.huWe show you and your customers a special perspective, which was never seen before. Photography, videography, advertisements and commercials are part of our services. With our partners we undertake complete projects from photography to printing.special perspective, perspective photographyvideo, photo, gallery, drone, solution1
fklaw.huMay 31 is an important milestone in the life of Hungarian companies: corporations are required to publish their annual accounts by this date each year. Compliance with this statutory obligation is important also from the perspective of the company management: pursuant to Hungarian insolvency…important perspective, perspective companylaw, data, firm, legal, client1
dynflow.hu"I believe in simplicity and simplification – the well-being of the leaders and workers are based on the precisely defined tasks and responsibilities. My working method is participatory and solution focused, I like to see things from different viewpoints. Overall I can review the operation from a…operation perspective, perspective ahacustomer, operation, workflow, client, knowledge1
mta.hu…(between 1 September 2022 – 31 August 2026), which aim to lay the foundations for the development of education and training by providing new scientific findings and to carry out research on how to renew the pedagogical perspectives and methods for knowledge transfer and the transmission of values.pedagogical perspective, perspective methodscience, academy, research, member, forum1
ginkgo.huThe youthful Ginkgo staff offers a fresh and well-informed insider perspective on what to do in Budapest. They await you with a “Best of Budapest” to-do list of ruin pubs, bars, clubs, restaurants and thermal baths, all within 10 minutes walking distance from Gingko Hostel.insider perspective, perspective budapesthostel, homepage, facility, booking, gallery1
paramotor.huOr else you have further alternatives to see this country’s attractions from an utterly different perspective .lake, adventure, view, river, place1
pkovacspeter.huI grew up by the Lake Balaton, which has a great impact on my work, the experiences I have gained here are often appear in my art. I have learnt a lot from local artists, who mainly have influenced my perspective. For 15 years I am attending several symposiums every year, where the time spent…mainly perspective, perspective yeargallery, art, material, search, iron1
melea.hurooms and suites with balconies on 3 floors for guests looking for physical and spiritual rejuvenation. The spacious and bright interiors, with their clean colour-scheme and shapes, create the perfect atmosphere for anyone who wants to explore a new dimension of “me time” from a special perspective.room, guest, premium, suite, bathroom1
ressol.hu1. Ressol knowledge: Preparing since 2017, the professional team of our company studied the problem and evaluated solutions from a variety of perspectives (e.g. legal framework, technical background, deep tech line, customer behaviour, psychological influencing factors).variety perspective, perspective legalsolution, customer, component, refill, idea1
dimensionsalbum.hu…he allowed himself to think about a complete concept album based on a story. The development of the songs at the demo level began in 2020, and in terms of what to say, it tells about many experiences that surround us and affect us from another perspective, as we used to say from another dimension.experience perspective, perspective dimensionsong, dimension, news, original, video1
rekkova.huSelf and Scope is comin’ to town, and it’s a great thing, especially because I had the opportunity to create the written content on it. The webshop by Line and Round granted me lots of inspiring moments and a whole new level of perspective. More details in the Web Copies section: Copies for Self…level perspective, perspective detailcopy, article, publication, management, art1
actionfranchise.huActionCOACH is recognized as the creator and most successful practitioner of business and executive coaching methodology that offers owners and managers a new perspective on their businesses and companies.new perspective, perspective businessreason, owner, step, story1
nanotechnology.hu…samples were investigated by STM and STS. The most important consequence of the induced disorder is the reduction in the Fermi velocity, as illustrated in this figure. Hence we can tune the Fermi velocity of graphene by ion irradiation, which could open up new perspectives for graphene electronics.new perspective, perspective graphenepublication, butterfly, image, detail1
astrolingva.hu…quickly with my system-approach, and enable them to reach their goals on this common journey. Our motivation, relationships, leader-follower perspective and roles in society and within the family are all determined by the place(s) we take up in the system. Based on this ‘place’, we sometimes getfollower perspective, perspective roleexecutive, role, session, way, private1
mega-park.huWe offer an area that will provide your enterprise with significant additional value and future oriented business perspectives.area, main, page, industrial, location1
revelator.huInstead of ad-hoc firefighting we offer system-wide recognition and a new perspective so you can reach the full potential of your business.new perspective, perspective potentialoption, solution, consulting, logistic, management1
hm2020.huApplications of massively parallel sequencing for unidentified and missing persons casework: An Australian perspectiveforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis1
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.huNice to hear someone else’s perspective on my situation and feeling. It really clarified it for me and helps me understand where it comes from. Also good how action points are asked from you before suggesting it for you.nice perspective, perspective situationtraining, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur1
palladion.huA Berlin Perspective from Budapest. Continue reading Antikensammlung and Classical Archaeologyberlin perspective, perspective budapestopen, textile, museum, post, description1
realschool.hu“ For a new REALity ” stands for our ambition of helping our learners build a healthy future for themselves, their communities and the planet. Read more about our perspective on sustainability.planet perspective, perspective sustainabilityschool, real, learn, international, british1
solevision.huRecording and editing of advertisements, musical videos, event videos, online marketing videos and show reels with a unique perspective, breaking up with the ordinary, custom videos with the help of a continuously expanding list of professional equipments.unique perspective, perspective ordinaryvision, sole, video, creative, solution1
gtssimulation.huThe Commander’s Perspective Using GTS can save you a lot of money. You can train continuously, use any amount of ammunition for free, not to mention saving the cost and time of transporting the trainees and securing, configuring the shooting ranges. On the training management side, we enable the…commander perspective, perspective gtssimulation, training, skill, environment, task1
marketing21.huMarketing21 is an innovative digital marketing agency. We provide high-quality, 21st-century digital marketing services. We combine the analytical perspective necessary for successful PPC advertising and campaign management with all the capabilities of creative agencies.analytical perspective, perspective necessaryagency, solution, digital, advertising, innovative1
airscan.huWe use professional drones to produce high-quality orthophotos . These orthophotos are made from hundreds of high-resolution aerial photographs based on photogrammetry. The orthophotos created this way are images without perspective , so they are suitable for taking measurements. The details of…image perspective, perspective suitabletour, point, virtual, cloud, model1
swedishchamber.huSuccessful companies see sustainability from a holistic perspective on three levels: business environment, company and people.holistic perspective, perspective levelchamber, swedish, member, sustainability, commerce1
dataset.hu…all have experience from different fields which allows us to provide BI solutions for everyone regardless the industrial sector. Our team of carefully chosen experts have years of experience in a variety of fields. Our unique perspective allows us to provide BI solutions for every industial sector.unique perspective, perspective bisolution, report, sale, data, customer1
madhouse.huMadhouse has been in the business of managing digital campaigns since 2010. We are a company involved in platform-based digital advertising, challenging the industry by staying true to what we do best. We listen to marketers’ perspectives, bringing back bold digital strategies that address the…marketer perspective, perspective boldadvertising, media, pay, campaign, open1
pallashealth.huDo you want to run your business more effectively and efficiently? We help you provide high value care by resolving healthcare delivery challenges, optimising collaborative perspectives and finding system-based solutions to integrative healthcare services. We encourage business decisions that…collaborative perspective, perspective systemeng, healthcare, health, eye, consulting1
morenocentrum.hu…car, telling me about her life, offering me to sit in Moreno ’s favourite armchair or feeding us dinner. And it was so overwhelming for me to be able to chat with her about Moreno , about mankind and about other subjects of cosmical perspective while she was just going around her business as usual.cosmical perspective, perspective businessdrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
pvsz.hu…future. Dynamic cooperation opportunities and hitherto untapped potentials can be exploited within this scheme and this portal will visit a great number of local values to fulfil two tasks: to offer a new perspective for tourists on the one hand, and to strengthen local identity on the other hand.new perspective, perspective touristtown, heritage, walk, vicinity, hill1
boxago.huI have worked for a Hungarian-owned SME, a multinational company, a startup, a professional international consulting company and this helps me to look at the big picture from several perspectives. I worked in customer service, developed for 2 decades, led projects, and sold when I needed to.picture perspective, perspective customerstep, packaging, size, process, demand1
petnehazy-nora.huI aim to explore new teaching methods and presenter techniques what I can build into my courses and give my student a better perspective and understanding of the curriculum.well perspective, perspective understandvolunteer, research, goal, care, personal1
activeinternational.co.huContemporary perspectives, insights, and solutions from industry experts. Learn how others are achieving more through our commercial innovation.contemporary perspective, perspective insightactive, international, solution, media, trade1
humanreport.hu…hand it is influenced by the theoretical reflexion on social capital concepts. The greatest virtue of the book is the combination of these two perspectives – until now no attempts have been made in the literature on social theory in Hungary to do this. Unfortunately, Luhmann’s approach in Hungariancombination perspective, perspective attempthuman, report, book, communication, social1
agilegettogether.huGabe works as Head Agile Coach and ScrumInc Trainer and will bring John Deere perspective on the transformation, known as Agile Operating Model (AOM), and what it looks like from the inside.deere perspective, perspective transformationagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
thegardenofdelight.huColourful fields of tulips, greenhouses, flower markets, flower bulbs, flower growing, flower shows, the world’s largest flower auction - in short, flowers are one of the main symbols of the Netherlands. From a global perspective, the country is the home of flowers, culturally, economically and…global perspective, perspective countrydelight, garden, flower, page, studio1
horvathbutorstudio.huWe have more than 20 years of experience, a creative and innovative perspective, expertise that meets the latest trends and demands, and flexible customer orientation. Would you like to know more?innovative perspective, perspective expertisesite, furniture, quote, construction, survey1
artcomm.hu…skills in the Hungarian & Central Eastern European, automotive, energy and aviation sectors. I focus on long-term, sustainable customer perspective with strategic, down to earth, but challenger-mindset. I’m passionately interested in consumer automotive and aviation industries as well as…customer perspective, perspective strategicpresentation, communication, skill, strategic, leadership1
szellkalmanalapitvany.hu…and very practical political issues on a regular basis. This is a circle of people who think in terms of nation, development and future perspectives, most of them being economics professionals. We want to give a genuine opportunity to creative people who share the conviction that the purposefuture perspective, perspective economicfoundation, media, page, main, people1
kultturist.hu“We began working with Kult-Turist in 1987. We have been delighted by our shared dedication to providing learning opportunities that broaden horizons, deepen perspectives, and generate understanding among people from different parts of the world.horizon perspective, perspective understandeurope, central, heritage, tour, croatia1
sudi.hu…and efficient choice for your e-commerce and PPC needs. As a Hungarian freelancer, I am well-versed in the local market and can bring a unique perspective to your project. If you are looking to take your online presence to the next level, I would love the opportunity to work with you. Please don'tunique perspective, perspective projectcommerce, campaign, website, testimonial, media1
bepro.huWe are aware of the fact that there are many smaller and large similar companies on the market. Nonetheless, we are convinced that we have a place here, because we can be better than them. Our main goal is to bring new perspectives to our profession by designing and implementing unique things. We…new perspective, perspective professionsign, board, office, decoration, advertisement1
doblo.huIf the handles and the doors would be asked, they could tell stories in a 100 years perspective.wine, bar, drink, booking, atmosphere1
alicehotel.huThere is nothing like locking the door at the end of a wonderful day and occupying the origin of our adventures in Budapest, where we can discover the hidden treasures of our room from a special perspective fascinating us with the tale of the past.special perspective, perspective taleroom, accommodation, suite, terrace, event1
bipros.huWe are accountants, tax professionals and payroll specialists, who gained a proven track record working at Big 4 professional firm, providing comprehensive and industry-focused perspectives to resolve our clients’ most complex local compliance issues.industry perspective, perspective clientoffice, liquidation, management, director, resident1
esct.huEager Longing of Creation: Interdisciplinary Theological Perspectives on Ecology and Economy Vice-president: Eamonn Conwaytheological perspective, perspective ecologypresident, theology, congress, catholic, society1
solservices.hu…on the latest innovations, as well as its environmentally friendly deployment and operational solutions, provide realistic, competitive alternatives – from both economic and environmental perspectives – to energy generation methods of conventional large power facilities emitting carbon dioxide.environmental perspective, perspective energyenergy, renewable, implementation, sustainability, generation1
steampeek.hu"FPV Drone Kamikaze" is a fast-paced action game where players control a combat drone from a first-person perspective. The objective is to destroy enemy equipment in war using maneuvers and explosive devices. Speed and strategy will be the keys to victory.person perspective, perspective objectivegame, similar, strategy, simulation, action1
reble.hu…quality, but also sustainability and a circular economy-based system. We are collaborating with other construction companies that provide us with side-products of their premium marble and stone materials. This way we can make fine objects and acquire a more sustainable perspective at the same time.sustainable perspective, perspective timeobject, sustainable, marble, stone, way1
inkommunikacio.huWomen face unique challenges in the workplace but they also add unique value and perspective.…style, format, header, footer, layout1
abece.huIn Hungary, the treatment of dyslexia is usually approached from the perspective of logopedia. As a practising teacher -with a degree in logopedia- I believe that the problem can best be approached through reading. Connecting words, fluent reading and the comprehension of texts is closer to…usually perspective, perspective logopediachild, problem, programme, task, treatment1
doctech.huAll of our writers have solid experience in documentation, both from a technical and from a language perspective .solution, technical, documentation, safety, software1
seedless.huWe can look at you with your customer's eyes. Our out of the box approach and structured evaluation gives you the opportunity to see yourself from a different perspective.solution, partnership, market, long, creativity1
kittibalakinapmu.huI regularly attend courses and seminars in order to broaden my horizons and my perspectives in my career, and to give you the perfect experience and result.horizon perspective, perspective careerprice, permanent, gallery, faq, review1
tmtanitas.hu“Meditation lead to openness, to freedom, where a kind of intuition just comes through. You could step back and put things in perspective. It doesn’t lessen your emotions. The emotions are the same, but you can step back and say, “I’m not going to be controlled by that emotion,” and I think it…thing perspective, perspective emotionmeditation, stress, deep, benefit, health1
mrazagoston.huHaving been the founder of Nézőpont Intézet, I am currently Head of Research and CEO of the institute. I am also the CEO of CEPER Central European Perspectives Plc., a market research and media monitoring company for the CEE region. Since 2006, I have regular public appearances as a political…european perspective, perspective plcbiography, political, university, european, research1
demografia.huKovács, Katalin (2023): Social and economic factors shaping between-country inequalities in excess mortality during the consecutive waves of COVID-19: A European perspective . Demográfia English Edition, 65(5).historical perspective, perspective journal, european perspective, perspective demográfiaresearch, demographic, institute, population, family1
foodstylist.huThe world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light and color, which opens up our minds and expresses passion. My photos are inspired by light, color, creative perspective, techniques & personalities.creative perspective, perspective techniqueportrait, hello, completely, photography, fashion1
redbridge.huOur goal is to provide high-quality, perspective-changing services using an innovative approach. By providing tangible, measurable solutions; the results of our work become a part of everyday operation and continue to function in practice without us.quality perspective, perspective servicemanagement, founder, page, consultancy, excellence1
karpitmuveszek.hu…picturesque. In the third, larger thematic block I’ve listed those works that directly or indirectly connects the human experience or to the perspective of the female narrative. The soul-feather symbolism by Judit Pázmány oe Borjána Maevszka Koncz’s creations are clear representatives of this…experience perspective, perspective femaleartist, light, thread, tapestry, nature1
captain.huTo understand the employees’ competency structure from different perspectives for more efficient development and performance evaluation.different perspective, perspective efficientcaptain, development, competency, analysis, selection1
luxuryproject.huKatalin has very strong relationship management skills and understands the importance of “listening and understanding” the consumer as opposed to doing what she believes they want from a service perspective. During a number of interactions at large and complex business events and dinners which she…service perspective, perspective numberevent, luxury, wedding, hospitality, private1
artofprojects.huThis event offers a fresh perspective on the field and encourages participants to embrace innovation and creativity in their workfresh perspective, perspective fieldconference, art, participant, class, speaker1
pps.huWith a background in economics and a focus on property investments, I offer a unique perspective on real estate. My academic training allows me to analyze market trends and provide valuable insights to clients. My goal is to simplify the complexities of property investments, making them more…unique perspective, perspective realproperty, sale, save, estate, real1
cyberus.huCyberus Ⓡ technology may open a wide and up to now unknown perspective in QC IT systems and QC SAPs.unknown perspective, perspective qcinterface, channel, specification, reference, image1
onalloelet.huBased on our experience, children between the age of 4 and 10 are the most open to people who might be a little different from them. It’s crucial that these children have personal positive experiences with disabled people in order for them to widen their perspective.people, activity, independent, live, accessibility1
quicksystem.hu…IT services to our clients. The key to the dynamic growth of our services is the trained, youthful team of professionals and a partner-oriented perspective. In October of 2004 we were joined by yet another company, thus software development and IT will move forward as separate corporate groups.partner perspective, perspective octoberoperation, software, development, network, client1
csaladicoaching.huI as a life coach don't t act as a therapist, do not give 'expert' advice, and do not tell you what to do. Instead,I strive to be great listeners and communicators, and use motivation and inspiration to help you see a fresh perspective regarding certain situations, to motivate you and together we…fresh perspective, perspective certaingerman, problem, session, long, change1
reach-i4.hu…controlled by AI, which can handle simultaneously the past’s heritage, the present’s urgency and the future’s uncertainty for the agile mass customization on the whole value chain. From an IT perspective this needs an IoT platform for the integration and the fast and smart processing. That’s whatchain perspective, perspective iotdata, reach, solution, big, real1
stelladesign.huFor us, design is not just about form and function, but about curiosity, mindset and community. I believe that design carries the shaping force that can exert a beneficial effect in everyday life and provides a new perspective on how things work, which also carries the potential for a happier and…new perspective, perspective thingknowledge, thing, tailor, sewing, portfolio1
nyitottakvagyunk.huPrezi coded diversity in from the beginning, as being inclusive is not just the morally right thing to do but it has a lot of benefits. You think more creatively, you see things from varied perspectives. Companies with higher levels of diversity achieve better financial returns than the industry…varied perspective, perspective companyopen, diversity, resource, inclusion, practice1
olforg.huOur team consists of excellent professionals who carry out tasks with precision and attention to detail. Establishing a partnership with our clients is important to us, and we approach each project with a unique perspective. Our team is always ready to provide efficient and reliable solutions for…unique perspective, perspective teammilling, turn, client, reference, quality1
rakosyuveg.huOur dedication and expertise know no bounds, as long as the subject pertains to glass and its associated structures. Continuous development is our passion; we are present in the vanguard of architectural glass industry by the expansion of our manufacturing capacity and the broadening of our…broaden perspective, perspective traditionglass, heating, technology, highlight, sound1
bta-group.huIn the analysis, we are reflecting on both the “big picture” and the details at the same time. Our aim is to contemplate both the development and the user perspective. The analysis ensures that the test process and test results comply with the industry standard and local company rules and…user perspective, perspective analysisgroup, management, software, process, analysis1
mariannmarczi.hunotices, in addition to the message of the music, the details of “playing the piano” (becomes more receptive?) - tilting, playing modes, articulation details. Perhaps because it feels that the beautiful narrative here could be more poetic, more "perspective", and endure stronger visual associations?poetic perspective, perspective strongpiano, minor, sonata, concert1
sonrisa.huWe believe that a great team is a group of people with unique character and different perspective to the world. It helps to achieve our goals.different perspective, perspective worldtechnology, great, solution, smile, today1
artmagazin.hu…intended to spread this turn in broader circles are worth mentioning, for instance the Secondary Archive, which is the most recent history of art written by women. The Archive offers a detailed overview from distinctive perspectives of the oeuvres of women artists from Central and Eastern Europe.distinctive perspective, perspective oeuvreart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary1
technoliving.huOur life change day-by-day, technology has driven us further and further. Our main priorities – family, friends, hobbies – could be drifted away easily. Everyday activities could change our perspective.brand, solution, store, headphone, television1
openminds.huWe believe that a great team is a group of people with unique character and different perspective to the world. It helps to achieve our goals.different perspective, perspective worldopen, technology, great, solution, smile1
pavideo.huI seek constant renewal by keeping my tools up-to-date and by learning more and more new perspectives in order to provide YOU with the highest possible quality year by year.new perspective, perspective ordervideo, wedding, drone, portfolio, event1
digitalislapok.huNavigate the realms of industry trends, cultural dialogues, and environmental initiatives through our e-paper collection, Digitalislapok Strategic Perspectives. Unlock valuable insights for informed decision-making and international collaboration opportunities.strategic perspective, perspective valuablepaper, gateway, cart, checkout, book1
iptker.huin automation of machine building and the design and manufacture of individual machines. We have created a commercial company in Hungary that not only sells to the industry, but also supports its customers from a technical point of view, from the machine design, maintenance and end-user perspective.profile, solution, pneumatic, automation, machine1
tarot-dr-gal.huTranslating the above into everyday life, TAROT helps you see things from a different perspective, either it is a simple everyday problem or questions that affect our destiny and the meaning of life.different perspective, perspective simplecard, path, knowledge, origin, page1
kovasztunde.hu“From the perspective of Virtual Reality – Lemmony theme is very Virtual. The main point why I chose it. ”client, block, user, website, useful1
homeinspection.huTogether we look at the selected home from a technical, legal and architectural perspective. You will get the full picture before making one of the biggest decisions of your life.architectural perspective, perspective pictureproperty, inspection, decision, house, price1
belle-aire.huour emotions, sense of aesthetic and mental health. According to the theory, the strong connection to the natural world has been an advantage in evolution, adaptability and sustainability both from the perspective of the individual and the species. We believe Wilson, witness the Theory of Biophilia.sustainability perspective, perspective individualnature, room, picture, theory, great1
wildwind.huA big thank you to all of the guys and girls at the centre, they epitomise friendly professionalism. Of particular note, from my perspective and in no particular order: Alistair for his enthusiasm and knowledge of all things fast Cat, Joe for all the help and support, Laurissa for stepping in and…note perspective, perspective particularsailing, holiday, beach, greece, kid1
itlgroup.huAccounting assistance means managing the company accounts from a 360° perspective. You can count on us!tax, law, real, estate1
vajdaszilard.huproject manager, COO of a department, and Product Owner of a software. Most recently, I served as the head of the Project Management Office at Mirum Agency Budapest. This diverse experience has provided me with a unique perspective, allowing me to see the bigger picture and make strategic decisions.unique perspective, perspective bigmanager, solution, management, people, onepage1
quantaconsulting.huOur mission is to attain radical progress in the performance of our clients by knowledge transfer. We implement state-of-the art methods and best practices to reshape the traditional industry standards, outdated corporate operations and bring a unique perspective. Our innovative data-driven…unique perspective, perspective innovativeconsulting, knowledge, modeling, advisory, quantitative1
segwaypowersports.huSegway Powersports is an innovative company in the field of Powersports design and manufacturing, included but not limited to: ATVs, UTVs, SSVs & On-road vehicles. Approaching the international market from a long-term perspective, Segway Powersports has numerous self-developed patented designs…term perspective, perspective segwaylimited, dealer, gallery, vehicle, privacy1
edinapasti.huindustrial field, I decided to pursue a new, creative profession, so I learned how to code and create websites. Every website I create is modern and designed with a strong marketing perspective, and my industrial experience provides a solid professional background for industrial website development.marketing perspective, perspective industrialwebsite, industrial, custom, solution, focus1
budapestboats.huDinner boat Explore Budapest from a whole new perspective and sail with us on the Danube, from where you can admire the city's beautifully lit buildings and sights. Enjoy a special experience as you pass the Parliament, the Fisherman's Bastion and the Buda Castle while enjoying Hungarian…new perspective, perspective danubecruise, bath, boat, danube, tour1
klikkmania.huCollaboration in our perspective means we are working together as a team member with our clients, instead of an agency with its silos. To achieve and embrace this, we constantly develop ourselves and we are giving our clients full attention. We point out improvement opportunities and we…collaboration perspective, perspective teamagency, media, premium, performance, complex1
timur.huIn the previous post I gave a brief introduction on what mesh and task shaders are from the perspective of application developers. Now it’s time to dive deeper and talk about how mesh shaders are implemented in a Vulkan driver on AMD HW. Note that everything I discuss here is based on my…shader perspective, perspective applicationsource, stuff, developer, open, stack1
doszkocs-zsuzsa.huIn her paintings, she blends the various perspectives of post-Impressionism (flatness, decorative elements, etc.) with the imagery of naïve art.painting perspective, perspective postpainting, gallery, drawing, picture, painter1
mikeklaudia.huCareer coaching is a solution oriented methodology which helps customers to find their best solutions, new perspectives. Besides these, coaching supports the self-knowledge process as well.new perspective, perspective coachingcareer, process, job, change, today1
elektriker-kapu.huYour company can benefit greatly from our decades of manufacturing experienc and you can look at these processes from a completely new perspective you have never seen before. We are constantly striving to be better than other manufacturers, because that is the only way we can serve your business…new perspective, perspective constantlyresume, responsive, joomla, framework, layout1
hunscapes.huGet close to the big river ♦ Take a great escape from the urban jungle ♦ Discover a hidden part of Budapest ♦ Land on a deserted island ♦ See the city from a different perspective ♦ Enjoy a great river recreation!different perspective, perspective greatguide, booking, forest, nature, great1
pistar.huI was very pleased from my perspective with your services. You showed clearly what the steps were in the process and made sure that these were achieved and properly dealt with.pleased perspective, perspective servicelaw, cee, alliance, office, legal1
superweek.huThe tracking landscape has changed a lot over the last years and will be facing new challenges with the deprecation of third party cookies also in Google Chrome. This presentation will set the scene from a legal and business perspective. Solutions will be shown how to react and act and what impact…business perspective, perspective solutiondata, analytic, digital, day, analyst1
drogfokuszpont.huAccompanying the report will be Perspectives on Drugs(PODs) , online interactive analyses providing insights into six topical issues (including cannabis markets in Europe and Internet-based drug treatment). The information package will be completed by a European Drug Data web area and Country…report perspective, perspective onlinedrug, report, problem, european, national1
cafecan.huAs a member of an independent agency hub, weCAN we possess a unique insight on local markets – the CEE is where we live, where we work, and based on decades of experience our solutions are reinforced by the native perspective.country, agency, communication, media, group1
botao.hu…can teleport yourself from AT&T park to Golden Gate Bridge. Get down your hands and knees on Market St. Walk alongside Coit Tower like a giant. Touch Transamerica Pyramid. Watch sunrise over Bay Bridge and Ferry Building. You'll experience San Francisco from perspectives you've never seen before.reality, tool, artwork, medium, virtual1
naih.huFrom an organisational perspective, the NAIH is an autonomous state administration organ ; it may not be instructed in its functions and shall operate independently of other organs and of undue influence. The tasks of the NAIH may only be determined by an Act of Parliament.organisational perspective, perspective naihauthority, data, act, protection, president1
adaptax.huThe fashion industry has been the subject textile discussions from many perspectives during its history. Discussions range from people who disagree with the principles of fashion use of textile in its entirety, to those who disagree with particular outcomes of fashion.discussion perspective, perspective historyaccounting, tax, consulting, employment, wage1
infra-voice.hu…formula for success and longevity is simple: Discover the need. Create the product. Apply it. And evolve. For every project, with every client, we are challenged to see things differently, through a renewed perspective, ensuring that our body of work is always original, inspired, and exceptional.renew perspective, perspective bodysupport, voice, multiple, article, client1
ernart.huyou don’t need to have any special artistic talent or particular tools. We prepare creations from everything we have at home, anything can be good. You’ll see how refreshing it will be to look at your well-known environment from a new perspective when looking for materials to use for your creations!new perspective, perspective materialart, therapy, session, creation, group1
kisebbsegiombudsman.huParadigm change proposals in the area of ethnic data management Inquiry of certain local governmental decrees tightening social supplies from the perspective of minority rights(the ‘Monok Model’) Conclusions of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities in the…supply perspective, perspective minorityminority, ethnic, national, commissioner, parliamentary1
mcdaniel.huThe real value of the international student body is that you can see different viewpoints and ideologies. You learn to evaluate the world from different perspectives. For example, you can get first-hand information of the internet scamming in Ghana.different perspective, perspective examplestudent, application, fee, expense, american1
harp.huIntercultural training is growing in demand among HaRp’s services, because in today’s globalized business world, it has become essential that employees and managers work with wide cultural perspective as well as utilize multicultural communication skills, and cultural sensitivity at both domestic…cultural perspective, perspective multiculturalharp, training, employee, news, customer1
miniatour.huThemodel layout is interactive, offering a completely new perspective to the exhibition, redefining the concept of model railroading.new perspective, perspective exhibitionconstruction, visitor, eastern, result, fantastic1
sgo.huWhether that leads to rebranding or streamlining your business, we're here to offer fresh perspective and actionable advice.fresh perspective, perspective actionablegrowth, development, consultancy, integrate, creative1
i-ching.huThe three-dimensional arrangement puts the hexagrams in a new perspective. In this form new light is thrown on the whole I Ching , and its true meaning will be illuminated. Thus, all the readers of the I Ching - the adherents of Taoism in the first place - can get new, specific information from…new perspective, perspective formyi, globe, arrangement, group, jing1
bozsodret.hu…rural in nature, while border settlements are considered to be disadvantaged, peripheral areas. Accession to the European Union opened new perspectives for improving agricultural competitiveness, managing sustainable natural resources and implementing a sustainable climate policy along with…new perspective, perspective agriculturalrural, area, value, main, mission1
mantracomm.huChallenges mean new perspectives to us. You can count on us, we always deliver the result we‘ ve agreed upon. Our know-how, connections and energy become Your strength and advantage.new perspective, perspective resultoffice, communication, solution, brand, creative1
goconcept.hu“I believe the strongest link between two humans is dialogue. The success of our collaboration depends on many variables; how much they know what they want, how much they feel the other side has a part in this, how much they can show their own side as well as get to know the other’s perspective…variable perspective, perspective finallytraining, lab, development, trainer, change1
hiperszuper.huhyperactivity, attention deficit, Asperger syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, high-functioning autism, which are exclusionary stamps using the perspective of the majority, are not included outside of this paragraph. We believe that this condition is a natural, healthy endowment of populous masses…stamp perspective, perspective majorityhomepage, individual, picture, solution, big1
hagabalazs.huJust as the prestigious and widely known wines – which built professional recognition - his career has also determined and driven by the origins (traditions & terroir), the innovative winemaking techniques and open minded perspectives to sustainable development.minded perspective, perspective sustainablebalazs, wine, winemaking, management, quality1
aacm.huExperts shared their hands-on experience of energy efficiency investments from different perspectives at the first online webinar which replaced the regional event at the Southern Great Plain region on October 21st, 2020.different perspective, perspective onlineeurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
quantic.huComplete project development from the concept phase through technical project controlling over the course of the project in consideration with long term cost of ownership perspectives, full transparency in terms of the deadlines and cost-related project events are just some of our focused fields.ownership perspective, perspective transparencydevelopment, industrial, management, process, land1
prime-time.huAmong our colleagues there are marketing and PR professionals, an economist, a language teacher, event planners, artists and financial experts. Each of us has a different field of expertise so we can make sure that a task is always approached from multiple perspectives. This results in various…multiple perspective, perspective ideacommunication, event, connectivity, trust, expertise1
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huThis is the seventh time The Zsolnay Light Festival has been awaiting the audience thirsting for world-class light experiences in Pécs, between July 6-9. Visitors will be able to observe our planet from the perspective of astronauts, the fairy-tale world of the forests of Mecsek comes alive…planet perspective, perspective astronautlight, festival, art, map, visitor1
aircruise.huIntroducing the newest way to explore the Hungarian capital - AirCruise events bring a completely new level of sightseeing into perspective. Get in touch with the city during a trip through the sky and see sights like never before! You will be surprised, how easy it is to get around after seeing…sightseeing perspective, perspective touchtour, cloud, gallery, navigation, capital1
privateguide.huAnything you read and see on this page reflects my own perspective, taste and judgement. I take responsibility for the information and the services behind them personally, for I can’t recommend anything with pleasure that I’m not convinced about.page perspective, perspective tasteimage, city, woman, love, taste1
majorhalo.huWe believe that we can achieve the social acceptance of autism by providing useful, value-creating work. In Hungary, a wide range of employment choices of the autism farm communities offer realistic perspective and a positive vision for people with autism.realistic perspective, perspective positiveautism, community, network, people, opportunity1
catapult.huThe knowledge of the deeper understanding comes from the different point of perspectives where the studying our failures creates new opportunities for developing - our design thinking comes from our experience of stepping out of our comfort zone and asking new questions from a different context.point perspective, perspective failurecommunication, research, strategy, graphic, method1
families.hu…Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The project entitled Integrating Families: Children and the Stepfamily in the Kingdom of Hungary (16–19th Centuries) runs for five years. The project aims to study the history of the pre-modern family in Hungary, Europe and the world from a genuinely new perspective.family, research, people, database, event1
archbook.huWhen you touch this book, it becomes your faithful companion, holding your hand and guiding you through the most beautiful natural wonders of the region of North America once known as the Wild West, exploring the scenery from a whole new perspective. Wide-ranging memories come to life and make you…new perspective, perspective widebook, national, memory, wonder, arch1
wine-tours.hu…that has been cultivated here for many centuries. And if you would like to experience Central Europe’s largest freshwater lake from the best perspective, we offer a wine & sailing tour that perfectly combines the highlights of the wine tasting tour with a private sailing experience on Lake…good perspective, perspective winetour, wine, lake, day, private1
prismavisual.huThe video was outstanding, more than perfect from our perspective! You are incredibly creative, seriously.perfect perspective, perspective incrediblyvisual, video, animation, studio, customer1
coachery.huMy name is Erika Nagy and I’m here to assist you to gain a new perspective on your situation. In coaching we don’t talk about problems, because there are no problems. There are only situations where you have opportunity to grow. There are only questions and answers. I would like to support you to…new perspective, perspective situationmission, statement, close, answer, question1
feedbacksolutions.huWhat’s the secret of our success? A spectacular team. Bold ideas and fresh perspectives. Sharp execution.fresh perspective, perspective sharpdental, client, clinic, feedback, page1
noierdek.huHWL was the national partner in the 2010 “Global Media Monitoring Project”, monitoring the news media from a gender equality perspective.woman, organisation, national, lobby, member1
coldwar.huThrough its social media initiative, the Cold War History Research Center aims to connect people in a relatable, accessible way to the Cold War past. Its Facebook page reaches out with a wide variety of projects and approaches to learning about the Cold War, and is compiled through many…war perspective, perspective cold, people perspective, perspective centercold, history, research, center, soviet1
health-wise-living.hu…the environment we are in, in addition to comfort, raises our vibration and energises us. As a health conscious mother, I also weave the healing potential of nature and harmony into my children’s lives and this has inspired me to incorporate the healing potential of spaces into interior design.decision perspectiveinterior, health, space, live, wise0
borzaconsulting.huFrom 2016 he is the country representative and senior consultant of Tools4F. Major consulting projects: general IFRS consulting, life insurance planning and performance measurement project support. PRIIPs calculations, ALM training, market products analysis.consulting, insurance, support, development, pension0
adesso.co.huAs an independent IT service provider adesso ensures the success of your projects, the future security of your applications by consulting and software development.provider, training, software, job, industry0
4haz.huAbout us… Winery… 4H Winery… Vineyards… Contact… 4 House… Privacy protection… Our…winery, wine, vineyard, house, privacy0
gyarmathy.huThe legal possibilities in transfer pricing for tax planning have become narrower in 2023.tax, accounting, international, legal, advice0
kisgabipszichologus.huis a licenced Hungarian Psychotherapist (Therapist) and Clinical Psychologist, providing counselling and psychotherapy in her private practice in Budapest. She graduated from Eötvös Lóránt University Budapest with a Masters Degree in Health and Clinical Psychology and received post-graduate trainingnew perspective, perspective dilemmacounseling, psychotherapy, therapy, relationship, group0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)ops perspective, perspective devopsprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
accountantz.huThe AccountantZ team is comprised of highly qualified professionals with several years of experience in accounting, financial and payroll processes, whose ultimate goal is to provide high quality, tailored services to our Clients. Our employee selection process, the constant trainings and the…fresh perspective, perspective qualitypersonal, fee, career, process, financial0
nematech.huNematech Kft. - German – Hungarian Industrial Technological Products Manufacturing Company – which estabilished in 1993. In older times started working with 14 person, today growed to more than sixty employees. Those technological sections, which ones we are not in possession, several well…page, quality, management, possibility, reference0
jolvanazugy.huWe manufacture and design custom Black Locust Lumber products for sustainable architectural projects. Decking, urban green spaces, ProFlow™ Permeable Pavers, site furnishings, and more.green, site, architectural, space, urban0
ihr.huProducting of thematic films from the idea to the premiere. From short product commercial films to long nature documentary films we have solutions for everything. Professional team and equipment, quick and effective precise work what we offer to our customers.fantastic perspectiveview, video, promotional, main, page0
szelfutta.huIn the past 3 month i’ve been working on two Juwel modell 3 (The Wednesday) typewriter , one with a plastic keytops and one with a glass keytops, and also making restorations on a Juwel modell 4 typewriter.plastic, clean, video, process, model0
regea.huEasier and quicker return to the world of „healthy” people moves targets in a positive direction. Their results can benefit for the cancer patients’ hospital wards and cancer specialists, psychiatric institutes, and family doctors as well. Fewer patients are in need of psychiatric care, reduced…future perspectivepatient, cancer, method, health, foundation0
bakonyaqua.huLorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs.layout perspective, perspective gutenbergpattern, gallery, layout, dummy, text0
kuglernet.hu"We provide high quality and efficient legal services in a professional and cost-effective manner."firm, law, local, global, area0
fmlogistic.huWelcome to FM Logistic Hungary Website, designed for Logistics solutions and services in the Worldlogistic, supply, solution, change, chain0
hazhozmegyek.huDonec pede justo, ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient… Read More » Ultimate Guide to Best Business Practicespractice, amet, eget, aenean, consectetuer0
budapestjewishwalk.huBudapest through the eyes of an insider. Highlights and hidden treasures melted into a private guided tour. Jewish, classic, child-friendly in a unique way.different perspective, perspective travellerview, jewish, tour, child, city0
implant.hu…at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California, he was appointed assistant professor the following year. Dr. Urban teaches implant dentistry in the graduate program at Loma Linda University. He is licensed in the state of California (USA) and has a private practice in Budapest, Hungary.day, course, implant, urban, tissue0
drfucskar.hu…has a history of over 40 years in the Lónyay street located in the IX. district of Budapest and with the passage of time, a new generation of lawyers is now available to serve the second and often third generation of clients in the protection of growing family businesses and assets.law, case, legal, agreement, asset0
nokatud.hu…help with. The world is full of captivating stories of women, and it is our job to share these stories with the next generation. The careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are unbelievably beautiful and exciting, and we would like to show young girls all the possibilities…employer perspective, perspective youngscience, girl, woman, technology, field0
kisbalatoniokoporta.huIn the guest house all three rooms are equipped with en-suite bathrooms with shower, and they share a breakfast room. The guest house has a cosy garden with outdoor furniture. This is the ideal holiday location for friends and larger family travelling together!room, house, garden, guest, surrounding0
geopolitika.hu…future future trends geography geopolitics geostrategy hungary India industrial revolution infrastructure innovation Japán new world order OBOR One Belt One Road pageo pageo klub paigeo Pakistan Parag Khanna Poland Russia Silk Road smart city technology trade urbanization US USA vision Xi Jinpingroad perspective, perspective europeanfresh, china, road, city, century0
vizerdavid.huI specialize in creating intuitive interfaces that bridge the gap between aesthetics and functionality.diverse perspectiveportfolio, creativity, handmade, attention, collaboration0
budapestdron.huDrone photography is still an incredibly new and emerging art form. Just a few short years ago it would have been nigh on impossible to capture some of the images that we now see on a regular basis. It’s easy to become jaded by the onslaught of drone photographs out there but a number of artists…different perspectivedrone, studio, photo, video, panorama0
spirithomeshop.hu…Modern armchairs… Bar cabinets… Benches… Coffee tables… Glass / Mirror coffee tables… Plastic coffee…new perspective, perspective moderntable, chair, accessories, bed, outdoor0
iskiconsulting.huWe offer unique and efficient solutions in strategic, regulatory, business development, professional communication, project management and market research issues of the sectorbroad perspective, perspective yearconsulting, activity, reference, efficient, solution0
murati.huEstablished a cross-regional Product Architecture team for the Accounting and Global Services product portfolio. Shaped Xero's future architecture vision to enable us to become the business platform of the future for small businesses, their partners and advisors in the cloud.critical perspective, perspective managementcloud, engineer, technology, architect, infrastructure0
imm.huArt Nouveau stained glass on archive photographs from the collection of the Museum of Applied... permanent exhibitionmuseum, art, apply, collection, exhibition0
holokausztmuzeum.huIn partnership with internationally acclaimed historians and world-famous experts of exhibition design and development, we are creating one of Europe's most extraordinary museums of the Holocaust and Jewish historyjewish perspectiveexhibition, history, house, fate, voice0
teamway.huClick to…0
bodyatwork.huAfter having been invited by the Budapest History Museum, our team facilitated two workshops in their amazing building last autumn. Extraordinary spaces and an extraordinary mission: visitors of the museum could take away calmness and trust after our stress-releasing sessions.body, page, awareness, stress, advanced0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)documentary, islam, history, america, article0
angolcsajoknak.hu…Video… Shortcodes… Google Glass: What You Need to Know… iOS7 – the Mobile OS from a Whole New…sidebar, news, leave, narrow0
genetica.hu20. 03. 2023 - Illumina launches its first product enabling long- and short-read sequencing on one instrumentngs, support, sequencing, real, analyzer0
menedek.huEstablished in 1995 as a civil initiative. The association operates as a non-profit organisation, independent from politics. It provides complex system of services to support immigrants and third country nationals in finding a new home in Hungary... Moresocial, volunteer, child, school, community0
capacenter.huThe unique exhibition presents about 138 photographs from the series, including many that have become iconic, and explores the major stages of the photographer’s life, arranged according to the themes defined by the oeuvre. Robert Capa’s work is important because of the profound impact his images…center, photography, exhibition, contemporary, event0
photosbygergelyfiel.huWelcome! I proudly introduce my new photography brand with the slogan "Just imagine..." Red is the color of emotions, passion, and creativity, reflecting the feelings and moods present in my photos.passionately perspectivephoto, vision, page, portfolio, people0
magyaradozas.huOur company is at the forefront of Hungarian tax advisory services. With personalized international strategies and profound knowledge of international markets, we assist our clients in maximizing the potential of their work and business.new perspective, perspective taxtax, international, taxation, appointment, strategy0
fdlaw.huForgó, Damjanovic & Partners Law Firm | Forgó, Damjanovic és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda Hungary. Corporate and M&A. Labour & Employment, Dispute Resolution Hungarian law, Hungarian lawyers.hungarian perspective, perspective covid-19law, firm, lawyer, employment, corporate0
rexfilm.huRexfilm Kft. represents an extremely high standard in the Hungarian world of broadcasting. Their experts are highly qualified, flexible and helpful. Be it support, acquisition or system integration, all of their activities can be described as highly professional. During my nearly 20 years of…broadcast, integration, support, reference, customer0
exindex.huexindex – Contemporary Art Magazineart, gallery, focus, contemporary, magazine0
dogandpony.huWe are managing several online and offline campaigns for our clients as a Hungarian marketing agency. Our main services include: marketing consulting, social media marketing, Google Ads management, search engine optimization, web development, content marketing, influencer marketing, PR…new perspective, perspective businessagency, logo, dog, advertising, media0
pitagora.huWe do project audits. Our Colleagues work with Your Colleagues in the project for a predefined time and role. The outcome will be analyzed and You can order the service via Revival27 which brings Your project on track.different perspectiverevival, consulting, way, colleagues, role0
futureoceans.hu…their survival because they don`t have other choice.`- says Csilla Ari, who established the Manta Memories Project. `The idea of the Manta Memories Project was born when I was observing manta rays at the Atlantis Resort and tourists wanted to buy manta ray photos from me to take home as souvenirs.`manta, ray, foundation, ocean, future0
bottcher.huThe Böttcher Group which has its Headquarters at Cologne, Germany is present in more than 42 countries on five continents with a manufacturing plant or a sales office. Global market leader for rollers, sleeves, printing chemicals and printing blankets.problem perspective, perspective satisfiedprinting, industry, sleeve, digital, compound0
fixpmo.hu…admin. That's why we provide our Daily Jira Administrator service. We use our project management skills to do this. The other necessary thing is that the Jira settings must also constantly follow the needs. This is what our Jira Administration Support service provide, based on our Jira expertise..different perspective, perspective welljira, management, administrator, administration, portfolio0
adecco.huHey, you deserve a chance to find a good job. To work on your terms. To better your situation. To be appreciated. To be a provider. Now, maybe you’ve tried staffing agencies before. But this is different. We have thousands of jobs across the country. And you just need one good one. So, what are…job, privacy, seeker, branch, offer0
katalizis.hu…information - like intuition, rest, fantasy etc. - called ( Perception - ), and to change the individual itself - like thinking, reflexion, development etc. - called ( Action - ). These basic motives are related to the four cognitive functions of Jung: sensation, feeling, intuition, and…seriousness perspective, perspective takingmotivational, theory, motive, motivation, model0