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24 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: opposition

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meltanyossag.huThe fact that the Hungarian opposition was not able to win elections for the past twelve years makes it unique within East-Central Europe. But why is the opposition so weak, and what are its possibilities for the future? Ervin Csizmadia’s analysis.hungarian opposition, opposition able, europe opposition, opposition weak, challenge oppositionanalysis, election, primary, political, european17
nezopont.huAccording to a recent survey of the Nézőpont Institute, seven out of ten (70 percent) active voters believe that Fidesz-KDNP will win again in the April elections. It is remarkable that just over a third of opposition voters (37 percent) are confident of a change of government, and the same number odrop opposition, opposition minor, institute opposition, opposition voters, october oppositionpolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature10
theorangefiles.huFive opposition parties won 64 seats in the National Assembly: the nationalist party Jobbik won 26 seats; the Hungarian Socialist Party-Dialogue for Hungary alliance won 20 seats; the social-liberal party Democratic Coalition won 9 seats; the green-liberal party Politics Can Be Different won 8…scene opposition, opposition demonstration, majority opposition, hungary opposition, opposition orbánnational, file, orange, election, european9
direkt36.huA businessman known for yachting with Hungarian minister Péter Szijjártó was a member of a group of Fidesz activists destroying opposition’s postersopposition maneuver, activist opposition, opposition posterhospital, infection, secret, document, russian8
budapesttimes.huThe opposition Socialist Party has pledged to create a Hungary of close-knit communities able to handle issues such as housing, education, health, security, the environment, the elderly, families, local councils as part of the European Union.leftist opposition, opposition proposaljanuary, mep, minister, newspaper, european3
drkocsis.huThe law firm is specialized in intellectual property protection, especially in the area of industrial property , with special regard to trade marks and European Union Trade Marks . As far as trade marks are concerned, we provide general legal advice on the absolute and relative grounds of refusal…opposition proceedings, refusal opposition, opposition procedurelaw, firm, trade, property, member3
historycruise.hu…the fall of communism , the Hungarian people had great hopes that the country would flourish again. So they wanted to show themselves to the world by organising an Expo. But the whole project was led by the government before the elections and the opposition that came to power cancelled the plans.election opposition, opposition power, wing opposition, opposition idea, construction oppositionbridge, city, history, cruise, build2
papapedia.huhave been working together in Tajikistan since 1993. Both forces have been supporting the implementation of the General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Accord in Tajikistan, as well as monitoring the ceasefire between the Government of Tajikistan and the United Tajik Opposition.mission, military, force, observer, peace2
russianstudies.huBrenda Barna: Conflicts Between the Soviet and Contemporary Russian Literary Opposition and State Power. Regime Criticism in Dystopian Novels of the 20th and 21st centuryliterary opposition, opposition staterussian, study, history, russia, historical2
szazadveg.huIn Hungary, contrary to the claims and suggestions of the report, diverse and objective information is adequately provided in the media as a whole – even if a balanced approach is not necessarily provided by individual media outlets in all cases. Furthermore, opposition opinions may appear in the…furthermore opposition, opposition opiniondata, report, protection, political, human1
eleses.huA team can score a field goal by shooting the ball through the basket being defended by the opposition team during regular play. A field goal scores three points for the shooting team if the player shoots from behind the three-point linebasket opposition, opposition teamstyle, travel, technology, news, fun1
hsze.hu, until 2000. Due to his family, peers and fellow teachers at the university he developed a wide social network and got involved with the liberal-opposition circles of the ’70-es. In the autumn of 1979, together with his wife, Gabriella Salamon economic journalist, signed the Charta Petition, which…liberal opposition, opposition circle, democratic opposition, opposition einterview, century, memory, university, foreign1
uniquetravel.huBased on the agreements concluded by the representatives of the Hungarian government and of the parties of the opposition, general elections were held in April, 1990. The newly elected parliament revised the Constitution and elected the president of the Hungarian Republic.party opposition, opposition generalunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
hirtalalo.huThe new Polish government may have instructed PAP, the Polish state news agency, not to publish the opposition's statement.agency opposition, opposition statementoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
gerotamas.hu“By executing his professional obligations, the lawyer – by legal means and mode - contributes to the enforcement of his Client’s rights and the fulfillment of his Client’s obligations. The lawyer takes part in settling the mutual consent of the litigations of the Parties in opposition” -…party opposition, opposition lawlaw, criminal, real, estate, corporate1
szav.huOnce per game session, when a combat encounter against one or more sentient beings is about to begin, the character make a Daunting ( k k k k ) Charm check. If successful, the combat encounter instead becomes a social encounter, with the PCs attempting to convince their opposition to back down…pc opposition, opposition viewpointtier, activation, check, character, active1
opl.hu…gained significant experience in strategic planning of IP portfolios, enforcement of IP rights in more than 50+ countries, regularly handles oppositions and invalidity procedure (both related to trademarks and designs) before the EUIPO and the Hungarian IP Office. He has experience advising on aregularly opposition, opposition invaliditylaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
corvinak.huLeading EU and member state politicians and political commentators closely observed the election campaign in Poland in recent months. Indeed, the stake of the October election was high and centred around the question whether Law and Justice (PiS) would stay in power, or the opposition would…power opposition, opposition finallyopinion, general, election, airport, vote1
humanreport.hugeneral elections is between the national-christian and the leftist-liberalist political formations in Hungary. The public and political spheres have becom one since the 1990s, with mutually beneficial connections and a continuing opposition between certain newspapers, mediums and political figures.connection opposition, opposition certainhuman, report, book, communication, social1
ivanyifilm.huGábor Iványi has been a symbolic figure in Hungary ever since the regime change 30 years ago. He used to be a member of the Hungarian Parliament for 8 years, both terms in opposition. His church, of which he is also one of the founders, is not only committed to religion, but also to outstanding…term opposition, opposition churchpastor, soul, portrait, documentary, director1
habsburgottoalapitvany.huto be the first to receive information on our latest activities, news and events, and to learn more about the work of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation!camaraderie opposition, opposition memoryfoundation, news, collection, biography, programme0
voteswithoutborders.huVotes without borders is an investigative reporting project about electoral manipulations, irregularities and questionable postal voting practices during the 2022’s general elections in Hungary. The project focuses on the native Hungarian communities living outside Hungary, and covers four…ukraine, slovakia, vote, mail, tap0
hungarytoday.hu30 years ago, the Hungarian minority in Slovakia formulated the principles of self-determination and expressed their demand for self-government.european, minister, flight, latest, government0
civilosszefogas.huAfter the massive success of the Civil Academy and the Intellectual Home Defence Symposium series, the Civil Union has started a new series of presentations, with the inaugural event held on 29 September 2016 at Saint Margaret High School.wrangling oppositiongallery, letter, open, statement, history0