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699 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: role

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por.huGPNMB-Positive Cells in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma —Their Roles in Cancer Stemness, Therapy Resistance, and Metastasis 1610450insight role, role adipokines, prognostic role, role pretreatment, predictive roleuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine96
papapedia.hu…ceasefire and the establishment of a UN Mission (UNOMIL) under the supervision of the UN. Colonel Forgács, who had a wealth of experience in previous ceasefire agreements and monitoring at UNIIMOG and UNAVEM Missions, played a crucial role in the drafting and acceptance of all the agreements.crucial role, role draft, nation role, role conflict, military rolemission, military, force, observer, peace23
importer.huWithin a separate scope of business activity, ROLE provides value added services to Chinese enterprises in identifying potential business partners in Europe. Vice versa we can promote products and services offered by European firms for the Chinese market.activity role, role value, role trading, role businesstrading, chinese, food, customer, quality11
medaqua.huThe roles of certain curative waters in the treatment of gastrointestinal complaints and illnesses.water, curative, treatment, illness, complaint10
mkvk.huMKVK - Place and role of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors in the Hungarian business sectorplace role, role chamberchamber, member, auditing, sector, place9
komplexinstrukcio.huAs it follows from the program methodology, there are three key aspects of the KIP - open ended differentiated tasks, group-work with strictly divided roles and status mitigation. These all have to be present during a KIP class. Throughout the years, the teachers have already come up with a stable…significant role, role learn, division role, role group, strictly roleschool, teacher, child, pupil, group8
carbyne.huProvides up-to-date medical information for HCPs in regards the company products. Typical roles: Medical Sales Representative, District Sales Manager, Territory Manager, Area Manager, Sales Force Effectiveness Manager, CRM Manager, Key Account Manager, National Sales Manager, Sales Director, etc.typical role, role cra, role medical, role regulatory, role drugmedical, manager, specialist, typical, candidate8
teremtoonismeret.hu…giddiness with power, self-righteousness, manipulative games, ulterior motives, emotional sado-masochism, virgin-whore mentality, poor-me roles, eagerness to comply with expectations, sense of guilt, self-pity, shame, pusillanimity, stupidness, laziness, money-grubbing, lust, fiery love…female role, role model, male role, personality role, role gameparent, power, father, mother, relationship8
betalab.huThe gray matter reaches its maximum thickness around puberty. In addition, the cortical network is reorganized as it reaches a relatively stable adult state. We will be able to capture these changes in our research and give a more detailed picture of the roles maturation and experience play.picture role, role maturationadolescent, lab, cognitive, development, biological8
kopintalapitvany.huAfter the regime change in 1989, Hungary has been involved in globalization whose one of the most important component are international capital flows. Within a rather short period of time, Hungary has become an attractive target for foreign direct investments (FDI). By now, the weight and role of…electromobility role, role state, study role, role chinese, second roleeconomic, international, literature, country, economy7
drszalay.hu…in the popular series, caused a traffic accident while intoxicated, resulting in personal injury. The unfortunate event will, of course, also have consequences on the series: based on the decision of the production team and the creators of the series, another actor will take over the role of Stohl.lead role, role popular, actor role, role stohl, police rolelaw, attorney, client, legal, office7
budapestlngsummit.hu…Energy Summit, the Budapest LNG Summit, the Budapest Hydrogen Summit and the Budapest Climate Summit. Out events are ideally placed to take a prominent role in connecting policymakers and the business ecosystem by providing a unique platform to discuss the driving trends of the energy industry.addition role, role ceo, leadership role, role business, november rolelng, summit, gas, energy, speaker7
workinhungary.hu…Whether you're a seasoned professional pursuing new challenges or an ambitious graduate starting your career, there are opportunities tailored to you. Explore a diverse range of job options within your field and tap into a vast industry network to discover roles that align with your career goals.network role, role career, position role, role responsibilityjob, view, quick, explore, expertise6
russianstudies.hu…at home. The second presenter, Leslie Waters (University of Texas El Paso) examined Andor Jaross' political career. The study explored his role in the border conflicts between Hungary and Czechoslovakia and anti-Jewish policies in Hungary. The third presenter, Adam Farkas reported on Gyula…crucial role, role festival, biography role, role generativity, significant rolerussian, study, history, russia, historical6
tejtermek.huAs a result of the liberalization of certain sectors the Member State and EU market regulation instruments have been reduced, however the Common Agricultural Policy provides a major role for the grassroots sectoral, interbranch self-regulation operating on the principle of open membership…important role, role market, major role, role grassrootsorganization, milk, board, sector, market6
metropolis.org.huVajdovich Györgyi: Good Wives, or Emancipated, Working Women? Female Roles and Female Mobility in Hungarian Films between 1931 and 1944festival role, role global, female role, role female, role contemporarycontemporary, representation, history, social, woman6
nanotechnology.hu…of thermal stress on the pigmentary colors of butterfly wings, such studies regarding structural colors are mostly lacking, despite the important role they play in sexual communication. To gain insight into the possible differences between the responses of the two kinds of coloration, we…important role, role sexual, dominant role, role electrical, butterfly rolepublication, butterfly, image, detail6
gulyasbence.huIn the 2017-2018 season, on behalf of the Hungarian Kodály Society, we held Kodály ballad evenings in the big cities of Hungary. At the request of the Hungarian State Opera, I sang one of the leading role in Paul Hindemith’s piece Hin Und Zurück. In spring 2018, we presented Stravinsky’s Renard…lead role, role paul, course role, role tony, presentation rolemusic, radio, student, academy, choir6
drrose.huFor healthy people, massage can be refreshing and promote wellbeing, but it can also play a role in maintaining health.wellbeing role, role healthscreening, surgery, card, package, child6
mellearn.huUniversity of Pannonia, Veszprém – 6th Hungarian National and International Lifelong Learning Conference: „The Role of the Hungarian Higher Education in Achieving the Knowledge Triangle (Education-Research-Innovation). The Europe 2020 and the Education-Training 2020 Strategies” In the cultural and…attention role, role high, workshop role, education role, role adultlearn, education, lifelong, international, university5
agrikusz.huThe company is developing on a permanent basis, it plays a significant role in the insurance market and leads the agricultural insurance sector . Our goal is to be among the 30 best broker companies in the community of approximately 400 insurance companies currently active in Hungary, with high…significant role, role insuranceinsurance, agricultural, market, broker, corporate5
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.hu…others, how to deal with your responsibilities as a leader, how to build self-confidence, collaborating with others, how to manage the multiple roles in life, building up a great team, how to handle and change being a perfectionist, or maintaining work-life balance. I also help individuals to…job role, role strength, multiple role, role life, role communicationtraining, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur5
pepperpr.hu(ISV) Partner Programme, designed to foster stronger and more innovative partnerships between Zebra and the ISV partner community. As an element of Zebra’s channel development strategy, the ISV programme highlights the importance Zebra places on the ISV’s role in developing new technology solutions.position role, role social, state role, role control, isv rolepepper, software, technology, market, office5
garenal.hu…bond with a higher than average strength. These are the free radicals which are able to harm any living cell; according to research they play a role in aging and in the development of cardiovascular diseases like arteriosclerosis and the development of some types of tumors as well. According to…important role, role way, body role, role energy, research rolepowder, drink, function, health, body5
metalforg.hu…service. We custom design and manufacture machines and produce high-precision machine components for various industries. Our manufacturing facility is located in Székesfehérvár, Hungary. The clientele of the company comprises of German machine manufacturing companies that play a key role in theirkey role, role respectivecustom, machine, component, facility, manufacture5
robinsonrestaurant.huRobinson now plays an iconic role in Városliget's everyday life. The restaurant –uniquely in Europe -was built on the Island of the Varosliget’s Lake, and opened its doors on July 16, 1989. It didn’t take much time and the Robinson has become the number one hangout spot of the citizens, the…iconic role, role városligetrestaurant, venue, number, fabulous, excellent5
metropolitanopera.huWhen mezzo-soprano Elīna Garanča and tenor Roberto Alagna joined forces for a new production of Carmen at the Met, the results were electrifying. Now this star duo reunites for another sensual French opera when they open the season in the title roles of Saint-Saëns’s biblical epic Samson et…title role, role saint, kaufmann role, role outlaw, season rolemain, broadcast, ticket, director, season5
budapestenergysummit.huHe joined MET Group in 2014 as Chief Operating Officer, also assuming the role of CEO of MET International AG during the same year. In 2017 he took over the current role of the Vice Chairman of the Executive Board. Prior to joining MET, Mr. Massmann gained extensive international experience in the…addition role, role ceo, jeroen role, role exxonmobil, officer roleenergy, gas, profile, view, thank4
hunyouth.huYouth Delegates also play a key role in promoting and introducing main principles adopted by the UN, such as sustainability, to the youth of the world. They often offer practical advice to young people seeking help in running or launching UN-related youth projects too. The delegates are also known…role duty, key role, role main, hungary role, role envoyyouth, delegate, student, nation, united4
angolmesekert.huDrama: By acting out roles they learn about themselves, their families, friends and society at large. This develops your child’s confidence and self-esteem.value role, role action, prominent role, role game, drama rolechild, preschool, introduction, education, development4
aacm.huThe last Replication Workshop held on May 18 , 2021, addressed a pivotal topic, namely the stakeholders’ engagement and the role of consumers in energy efficiency. The participants received inspiring ideas and best practices by various experts. During the first session, two examples were presented…plan role, role renewable, engagement role, role consumer, key roleeurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder4
agilegettogether.hulight talk, I plan to be interactive and touch on practical ideas, patterns and anti-patterns that can help the attendees apply them back in their roles whenever they interact with Enterprise Infrastructure. Business users are genuinely looking at Infrastructure as equal partners on this journey…difference role, role apart, talk role, role agile, process roleagile, session, track, speaker, detail4
dsa.huThe DSA’s role is to promote Direct Selling and uphold the highest standards of good practice by its Member Companies through its Codes of Practicedsa role, role directmember, practice, direct, sell, code4
mta-tkk.huThe Research Centre for Multilingualism has learnt with shock that Professor Franz Dotter (1948-2018) , who is the expert of sign language studies at the Alpen-Adria University in Klagenfurt, passed untimely away last Friday due to a tragic accident. Professor Dotter had an extraordinary role in…place role, role task, responsibility role, role regard, warrior rolelanguage, news, research, deaf, chance4
rigocon.huThe embedded concordance of the business lines, finance and the supporting functions is key to longer-term success for any firm; this however, should be based on the internal transparency of processes defining roles and responsibilities, decision making, data flows and systems, records and…process role, role responsibilityrisk, management, control, solution, financial4
mta.hu…2023. Should we allow the use of these substances in sustainable farming? Do they have anything to do with the loss of pollinators? Is there a role for this group of chemicals in Europe in the future? Here is a summary of the event which addressed all these questions, together with a link to…colleagues role, role seed, pollinators role, role group, importance rolescience, academy, research, member, forum4
kritikaifoldrajz.huThe Return of the Colonial: Understanding the Role of Eastern Europe in Global Colonisation Debates and Decolonial Strugglescolonial role, role easterngeography, global, critical, eastern, europe4
sensa.huTherefore, any development of personal effectiveness should be based on their specific role; if the employee understands this, not only can they become proactive, but innovative and forward thinking, resulting in a sense of dedication and accomplishment. The emphasis is on a shift in attitude, so…understand role, role expectations, employee role, role value, clear roledevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting4
noiegyutthato.huThe program is aimed at women who play a leading role in the civic life of their cities and are active shapers of local public life. We are looking for participants who are committed to local issues and want to contribute to the development of their locality by expanding their own knowledge and…woman role, role civic, key role, role selectionlocal, selection, training, community, application4
szuszekos.hu…(carved into) them should also have some similar cosmical, magical content, related to the bride’s fertility, as these dowry chests played a major role at wedding ceremonies. (For a long time, such a chest was the only – or main – furniture item that a woman took with her – an ornate chest…major role, role wedding, furnishing role, role home, flower rolechest, style, carpentry, item, geometric4
clearvision.huOver the past three decades of his professional career, he held expert positions at IT centres and business management positions at multinational companies and is linked for more than 10 years to Clearvision team. Beside the setup and management of the professional team, he also plays…methodology role, role process, prominent role, role retail, determinative rolesolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication3
myesabcareer.huESAB Group launched its first shared service center in 2009, in Budapest. The main scope of the Budapest SSC is dedicated to support the European subsidiaries across various supply chain and finance roles.description role, role responsible, main role, role purposecareer, global, job, presence, customer3
nadin.huAs a scholarship recipient of the MOL Foundation, I was featured in Fresh magazine's role model column.magazine role, role modelmusic, piano, competition, composition, drawing3
bhutan.info.hu8 March 2016: AWAKENING IN MY DREAM IN BHUTAN: Zoltan Valcsicsak gave a talk about roles, rights and position of women in Bhutan, Budapest.talk role, role position, role right, everyday role, role societybhutan, talk, zoltan, society, dream3
szamiroma.huNorwegian experts shared their insight on music and migration, identity and the role of music in non-majority communities. The opening panel saw Sigbjørn Nedland presenting the theoretical framework of ’Voices of Spirits’, highlighting the similarities between the Sami and Roma communities and the…identity role, role music, beneficial role, crucial role, role projectmusic, voice, norwegian, artist, norway3
stop-ferfieroszak.huOur aim is to inform those who are willing to listen, that there is something wrong with the male role and the behaviors resulting from it. This is the root of the inequality of the sexes. So, basically our task is to inform and raise consciousness. Our publications can be downloaded from our…gender role, male role, role behavior, role manviolence, group, publication, man, field3
hejokereszturiskola.hu…these years the electronic system of the school was changed and the old coal-firings was changed for the more modern gas heating as well. The end of the General Cultural Centre in 1993 played an important role in organizing the school work as the grades 1-4 were reestablished also in Szakáld again.important role, role efficiency, role school, key role, role lifeschool, class, student, pupil, education3
procurcon.hu…of the potentials, the exploring, structuring and implementing the ideas, and monitoring the applied changes and results. The Procurement function can play various roles in this initiative, and our Partners will identify the best tailored solution for the Clients, and their management team.active role, role year, positioning role, role relevant, function roleprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement3
ora-akcio.huFortunately, I haven’t had the need for vehicle legalization in Laredo. However, these agencies play a vital role in ensuring legal compliance for cross-border vehicle transactions.vital role, role legallegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements3
cefood2024.huE xplore the frontiers of science – Impact and role of food science and technology in addressing global challengesimpact role, role food, intelligence rolefood, welcome, october, committee, conference3
abtl.hu…former State Security documents both in Hungary and abroad. The above mentioned facts, which are far from being complete, show that our institute plays an important role in Hungarian scientific public life and we have regular business contacts with similar institutes in neighbouring countries.important role, role hungarianarchive, shall, public, record, document3
helping-hand.huThey also understood the role and importance of self-regulation and executive functions, and what methods one can use to help children develop these. There was a great emphasis on understanding and acquiring the practical interventions and strategies, by which one can support the everydays and…form role, role play, play role, role gamechild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten3
nemethgaborbuvesz.huIt evokes the atmosphere of shows in Las Vegas where the starring role is played by visual aspects and entertainment. Magnificent show with impressive stage sets and beautiful assistants. Sawing a woman in half, making her disappear and appear in burning flames. It is marvellous; moreover, there…main role, role refinement, vegas role, role visualticket, performance, trick, date, wedding3
redrecruitment.hu…a detailed job analysis, updating job descriptions, and aligning roles with the company's strategic objectives. This intervention led to enhanced role clarity, improved employee engagement, and better adaptation to industry changes, showcasing our ability to drive organizational success and…description role, role company, intervention role, role clarity, open rolerecruitment, europe, central, agency, eastern3
nokatud.hu…participants in the scientific life of the country and achieve outstanding results in their professional field. It is an important condition for the winners to feel at home in the promotion of science and technology careers among young girls, and to serve as role models for the next generations.female role, role model, girl role, family role, role opportunityscience, girl, woman, technology, field3
munkahely-stressz.huPeer support can play a crucial role in reducing stress at work, significantly reducing the development of anxiety, work stress and burnout.organisational role, role job, job role, role misunderstanding, crucial rolestress, occupational, workplace, health, physician3
kismihok.huKismihók, G., & Mol, S. T. (2019). Role of Learning Analytics in Individual, Goal Driven Person – Job Matching. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK19) , 717–718.v. role, role goal, t. role, role learn, m. rolelearn, t., conference, research, proceedings3
learnthenplay.hucontent for parents, raising awareness of their central role and opportunities in the learning process and in supporting children (PROPA).central role, role opportunitylearn, parent, conference, video, news3
astrolingva.huI help private individuals and owners, managers of small- and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) live a more fulfilling life by way of improving their communication skills; enriching the quality of their relationships with others; and thinking of their roles within the organization in a more…relationship role, role organization, client role, role system, perspective roleexecutive, session, way, private, communication3
pestbuda.hu…the Hungarian design language was at the centre, then from the second half of the 1920s, modern architecture. Virgil Borbíró took on a fighting role in the latter and fought determinedly for the new trend to gain ground. The engineer, who was born exactly one hundred and thirty years ago, left…important role, role event, borbíró role, role determinedly, historical roleago, square, public, build, century3
vajdaszilard.huThroughout my professional journey, I have held various roles including SEO project manager, digital project manager, COO of a department, and Product Owner of a software. Most recently, I served as the head of the Project Management Office at Mirum Agency Budapest. This diverse experience has…journey role, role seo, leadership role, role mirummanager, solution, management, people, onepage3
zelemo.huGabor is an experienced Sales Leader with a BSc focused in Marketing and Commerce from Eszterhazy Karoly University. Through his 20+ years career Gabor earned both sales professional and leadership experience in different industries, including 8 years at FedEx Express. In his role at the courier…key role, role prominent, development role, role magyar, express rolemanagement, value, unit, industrial, customer3
reedglobal.hu​​The challengeRolling Wireless, a global supplier of 4G and 5G modules for the automotive market, first chose Reed to help them fill a director role in 2021, which was swiftly done. The employer has offices around the world and was planning to open another in Hungary, led by their new Software…director role, role swiftly, expectations role, role detail, new rolerecruitment, salary, job, guide, career3
szarvasimuzeum.hu, educated the people, farmed the lands, and fought all kinds of superstitions, folk beliefs, and gossip. He was an exemplary man who is a potential role model for all of us. In the corner, you can see Sámuel Tessedik himself, whose oeuvre /ˈɜːvrə/ we pay tribute to here, and you can find a table…potential role, role modelexhibition, age, idol, room, people3
pattern.huOur team has over 40 years’ worth of combined experience in the digital space, with deep functional expertise in telecommunications, financial services and strategy consulting. With backgrounds in client side, consulting and agency roles spanning local, regional and international assignments we…ideal role, role sale, agency role, role localmanagement, digital, knowledge, consulting, pattern3
bte.huDuring an ADR inspection the competent authority -National Directorate General for Disaster Management (NDGDM)- indicated that they expect to see the ADR role of the participants (loader, filler, etc.) according to chapter 1.4 in the documentation of ADR 1.3 trainings instead of the position (e.g…adr role, role adr, role participantassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor3
mma-mmki.huThe role of the parent in art education has been researched since the autumn of 2021 by the art pedagogy […]art, institute, publication, close, cultural3
dulasegitseg.huAs a father, you play a vital role in pregnancy and birth. Since you are responsible for getting the baby in, you are also a major support for getting the baby out. Women need to feel comfortable when having a baby. Your presence, love and support help create the perfect birth. Many men do not…vital role, role pregnancy, natural role, role need, strength rolebirth, woman, process, pregnancy, russian3
cordelia.huThe Cordelia Foundation has created a manual titled The role of interpreters and intercultural mediators in the work with refugees during COVID-19. The publication analyzes the following … Read More... about The role of interpreters and intercultural mediators in the work with refugees during…manual role, role interpreter, publication rolefoundation, main, publication, pain, mediator3
kisbalaton.huKis-Balaton and Balaton were not distinguished until the end of the 18th century because this area used to be a bay of the lake. The bay played an important role in that Zala could deposit its sediments here. Kis-Balaton lost its filter function gradually by the middle of the 20th century due to…important role, role zalahistory, water, bay, lake, sediment3
morrohun.hunitially the MorroHun Team was created for the sole purpose to translate a role playing game which is among those that contain the most text in the world into Hungarian. This project meant translating far more than 5,000,000 characters - not counting the books present in the game. Such a great…innovative role, role game, universe role, role play, purpose roletranslation, original, pillar, game, demonstration3
klimapolitikaiintezet.huMCC is organizing an international conference with a special focus on the role of education in shaping national identity, the things we teach about rights,...activism role, role ngo, focus role, role educationclimate, event, green, institute, protection3
reach-i4.huIntelligent IoT gateways play an increasingly important role in IoT projects. But what are IoT Gateways? In our next techinal blog post we are going to tell you.important role, role iot, essential role, role localdata, reach, solution, big, real3
reformatus.huAccording to census data published last week, 943,982 people in Hungary declared themselves Reformed last year, which is 200,000 fewer than ten years ago. On this occasion, we spoke to Károly Fekete, Bishop of the Transtibiscan Church District about the reality of our congregations, the role of…prophetic role, role community, congregation role, role institutionchurch, ministry, refugee, community, event3
cogwheel.huA large proportion of managers got to their position without any prior preparation or education specifically designed to help them in this new role. Mostly, they attended the school of life where there is no summer holiday and every day is exam day.ownership role, role attitude, new role, role schooltraining, development, employee, manager, participant2
aensys.huWe know and use: GCM Push, Cloud support, Fragments, Google Maps, API, Youtube API, offline database, synchronising, user and role managementuser role, role managementdevelopment, technology, application, operation, field2
steaktrezor.huThe role of beef in our nutrition as a culinary delight and as a beneficial ingredient is beyond doubt, at least in our understanding. We aim all our efforts to have beef considered as an exceptional value in Hungary.beef, table, book, booking, food2
bozayattila.huHis dear student, Endre Olsvay, who graduated in his first composition class at the Liszt Academy, wrote: "Attila Bozay, like one of his role models, Bartók, passed away with his luggage full." The plan for another opera, ‘A boy from Pest’, about the martyrdom of Péter Mansfeld in 1956, and…great role, role model, like rolemusic, biography, composer, period, academy2
colas.huA world leader in the construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure, the Colas Group has been playing a central role in Hungarian construction investments since 1991.central role, role hungarianconstruction, road, bridge, section, investment2
etoki.huis to contribute to the deep and comprehensive understanding of the contemporary, European political, social, and economic processes, and to play a role in the familiarization and distribution of the result of the European social science researches in Hungary. Furthermore, the Institution’s mission…process role, role familiarizationeuropean, research, education, institution, understand2
ferrotamin.huAlthough the method above can not be suggested for the iron supplementation, there is a physiological basis of the grandparents’ advise: iron plays a key role in building up erythroblasts.key role, role erythroblasts, iron role, role primarilyiron, woman, body, supplementation, complex2
punkt.hu…between photography and visual art, and has published his work in two albums (CodeX, 2007 and Csarnok, 2009). Among other things, we spoke with the artist about the problems and accomplishments of contemporary Hungarian photography, as well as the role of institutions in this country and abroad.photography role, role institution, face role, role fingerprintinterview, conversation, gallery, photographer, news2
napora.huLater on its role as decoration in parks, in castles, in gardens became just as important as its time-keeping function.later role, role decoration, deterministic role, role historyhorizontal, vertical, century, page, main2
inditsukbe.huOur dream is to live in a country which plays a leading role in the scientific sphere, decent livelihood is guaranteed to all citizens and public issues are not unnecessary burdens but part of the daily life. This vision however is only achievable through the continuous development of the…lead role, role scientificcountry, political, foundation, goal, data2
gridella.huWe not only build the distribution of the brands we represent, but we also take an active role in their marketing communication activities and brand building.business role, active role, role marketingbrand, previous, food, activity, quality2
qstest.hu"The role of Qualysoft: - Consulting - Validation of profiles (advertising consent & permission handling) - Consulting CRM processes - Offer management in CRM to SAP order management in the direction of CRM - Implementation - Interface to Evalanche - Customizing CRM - Documentation (process flow)…management, solution, automation, customer, process2
ybg.huThe Budapest Investment Club is the first student organization focusing on stock market investments in Hungary . Their aim is to bring the world of stock markets and investments, its operation, opportunities and risks, and its role in the economy to as many students as possible. In the long term…risk role, role economy, program role, role comfortablestudent, university, organization, follow, diplomacy2
novabazaar.huIn the dynamic world of beauty, nails play a pivotal role in expressing personal style. As we step into 2024,...beauty role, role mere, pivotal role, role personaloffice, vibe, tribe, lifestyle, routine2
manootesting.huIn the ever-evolving realm of software development, the role of a software testing expert stands out as a key factor in ensuring the success and reliability of digital products. These professionals bring a plethora of advantages to the table, significantly impacting the quality, efficiency, and…software role, role test, development role, role softwarefiction, software, expert, script, template2
hernyak.huIn addition to the recognised world-class grapes of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, we also attribute a significant role to another member of the pinot family, Pinot Blanc. Fermentation is instrumental in our sparkling wines, just like in our spirits. We do not disgorge them until they have matured for…key role, role life, significant role, role memberwine, estate, family, grape, organic2
renadesign.huAs the general contractor, we first create the highest level of trust and integrity with our clients. We value our role in the success of your project.client role, role successconstruction, detail, build, general, green2
sportnaplo.huWe are looking for experts who have in-depth knowledge of the peculiarities of sports, and who not only play a key role in system development but also contribute to the involvement of new participants through their network.prominent role, role footballer, key role, role systemathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance2
tedxbme.huÁrpád Szabó DLA is a distinguished professional in the fields of architecture and urban planning. As the head of the Department of Urban Planning and Design at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), he plays a pivotal role in shaping the education of future architects and urban…pivotal role, role education, professional role, role universityevent, idea, official, organizational, website2
amplify.huPreparation of a financial model and taking an active role in both the early and later stage (i.e. SPA) negotiations to support the stakeholders of a group of companies engaged in plasmapheresis services during the transaction process.observer role, role leakage, active role, role earlyfinancial, consulting, reference, organization2
hiaszt.hugroup had seen before. The performance was a paradigm shift, the first example of psychophysical theatre on the Hungarian stage. During the performance, the actors ran around with heavy stones in their hands, the physical exertion making it impossible to act the role, to imitate an imaginary figure.impossible role, role imaginarytheatre, stage, literary, amateur, studio2
thegcindex.huOur first step is to understand YOUR unique situation. Change starts with listening and understanding. Next step is elaborating a solution which is tailor made for the stage you are at. Our consultants then accompany you on the way. How do we work? We go beyond the classical role of a consultant…classical role, role consultant, telco role, role leadership, leadership rolechange, consulting, mindset, development, culture2
draaronstern.huDental bridges are used to bridge the gap left by missing tooth. Individual teeth play an important role in your ability to speak, chew and maintain proper alignment or nearby teeth. When you are missing a tooth all of these abilities can go awry.important role, role abilitytooth, treatment, dental, dentistry, crown2
hagabalazs.huIn the Southern Hemisphere adapted very quickly, started to work as a viticulturist in the Auckland area (Waiheke Island). Within a couple of years he became more familiar with winemaking, turned his career further into a winemaking role. Working for the wineries like Miro Vineyards, Passage Rock…major role, role career, winemaking role, role winerybalazs, wine, winemaking, management, quality2
debrecenjobs.huThe work happens in the office mainly and there are roles for work from home / teleworker jobs also (need to be and stay in Hungary). You can discuss your preference with our recruiter.mainly role, role home, multilingual role, role welljob, language, speaker, phone, office2
pszichojoga.huThe Role of Community, Family, Peer, and School Factors in Group Bullying: Implications for School-Based Interventionétudes, architectural, solution, imagination, fusion2
mrtt.huReport: On September 15-16, 2016 the 14th Annual Conference of the HRSA was held in Partium Christian University, Oradea (Romania) with the focus on The Role of Small and Medium Sized Cities in Regional Development. 135 participants attended the conference, among others 10 experts from abroad and…focus role, role smallregional, science, association, annual, conference2
karatsonarchivum.huThe Apartment Gallery and Memorial is the exhibition space for a small, thematic part of the legacy. We can see the documents of Gábor Karátson’s role in 1956, his participation in the Danube movements, the most important pieces of his fine art work, the inherited and the oriental works he…king role, role chinese, karátson role, role participationarchive, collection, research, book, database2
moonwalk.huAdvocacy groups play a major role in changing social systems; people living with disability were able through these movements to change their living conditions, to have the right to education, to have equal access to everything that gave the majority a decent quality of life, to earn an…major role, role social, empowerment role, role youthdisability, people, research, young, youth2
patinaspalinka.huOur work has finally borne fruit: we launched the sale of Patinás Pálinka in 2020. However, product development continues to play a central role in the life of the company. We are constantly working to make our products available in as many places as possible and to further develop our product…central role, role life, essential role, role cooktaste, fruit, process, story, basket2
kulcsarjuli.huJuli is a role model for recruitment. If you work with her, you will be in the best hands. Her humble disposition and attitude, as well as her expertise make her stand out in the HR world. Most importantly: she places your success and happiness before hers, which is very respectable.tech role, role hbo, juli role, role modeljob, career, people, interview, recruitment2
nagyboldizsar.huNew book-chapter on the role of environmental impact assessment, precaution and future generations in the Gabčikovo-Nagymaros Project case and on their afterlifechapter role, role environmentalimmigration, tax, nagy, activity, law2
munkavedinfo.huPerson 2: Last but not least, I wanted to highlight the importance of affordable legal aid in Nashville . Pro bono legal assistance plays a crucial role in ensuring access to justice for all.crucial role, role fair, role accesslegal, law, agreement, regulation, important2
pitagora.huWe do project audits. Our Colleagues work with Your Colleagues in the project for a predefined time and role. The outcome will be analyzed and You can order the service via Revival27 which brings Your project on track.time role, role outcome, manager role, role profilerevival, consulting, way, colleagues, management2
superweek.hu…analytics realm - gathering valuable insights from colleagues, conducting team retrospectives and feedback surveys, and analyzing broader trends related to employee retention and departures. The goal? Understanding why individuals leave their roles and how teams can better retain valuable talent.intelligence role, role risk, individual role, role teamdata, analytic, digital, day, analyst2
smhv.huOur company plays a significant role in the renovation of Hungary’s public lighting. Municipalities can save up to 30-40% by modernizing their public lighting.significant role, role renovation, important role, role countrypower, lighting, public, grid, installation2
estraco.huIn the Company portfolio there are canned vegetables and fruits, compotes, commodities and household chemical goods. The different type of rice import and distribution has always played an important role in the Company activity. The high quality and the attractive price were ensured by the…important role, role company, state role, role nondistribution, quality, consultancy, rice, division2
ebht.hu…of history: it was almost destroyed during the Tartar invasion but its stone fortress built in the 12 th century already played a very important role in the defence of the town during the Turkish battles. In 1552, the captain of the fort, Dobó István, and his 2,000-strong army, just a handful of…important role, role defence, central role, role churchwine, grape, cellar, region, century2
localcapital.huThe Administrative Assistant is responsible for defined work or projects with moderate complexity. In this role you will follow an individual work plan and meet day-to-day short-term objectives and resolve issues through immediate action or short-term planning.complexity role, role individual, role responsibilitylocal, capital, insurance, solution, strong2
szamoljademokraciaert.hu…our message on how you as active citizens can better protect the integrity of the elections. Based on our research and director Viktor Bodó, the videos highlight the impact of polling day corruption, the co-dependent system and the heroic role well-trained poll workers’ play in defending democracy.crucial role, role learn, heroic role, role pollmember, election, station, poll, worker2
sintegroup.huThe company has held the role of general contractor several times in recent years, typically in the construction of feed processing plants and plant halls.company role, role general, important role, role selectionconstruction, plant, capacity, group, extraction2
drgogl.huDiagnostics plays an important role in the management of shoulder pain. Choosing the right treatment and rehabilitation tools is key. Find out how we treat your shoulder pain, frozen shoulder!effectively role, role injectable, important role, role managementpain, treatment, center, diagnostic, appointment2
ganz-holding.huGanz Machinery Works Holding is one of the largest machinery works in Hungary, the products of which are related to the rail transport, power generation, water supply, management of water resources, urbanization and environmental protection therefore they play an important role in the formation of…significant role, role history, important role, role formationgroup, production, machinery, trade, gallery2
iaabudapest.hu…in the industry and in the approach of advertising goods and services. IAA is kicking off celebrations with initiatives which bring together our vast and multidisciplinary members, allowing IAA to tap on global best practice and play a strong role in supporting key industry issues and values.”vital role, role future, strong role, role keyglobal, brand, industry, advertising2
gkindustry.huTechnological pipe assembly is one of our main activity areas till today. Besides these activities the following play also significant role in ourindustry, construction, portfolio, european, technology2
inbuss.huIDM can support your access management with role management, or you can use different authentication levels to access different resources.management role, role map, role managementtechnology, management, ltd, solution, application2
skool.org.huFrom the professional perspective, we redefine the learning process and the role of teachers, we develop and provide learning content not available in the school system, we involve parents, and we include topics that are most relevant for our supporters.line role, role youngsters, process role, role teacherlab, technology, eng, homepage2
diamondresidence.huThe importance of apartment cleanliness plays a decisive role in the long-term ranking of accommodation. Our cleaning partner is responsible for the quality laundry, ironing, and on-site delivery of the textiles used by the guests staying in the apartments.decisive role, role longguest, accommodation, apartment, package, booking2
ila-hungary.huthe vice-president) of the Hungarian Branch was Nándor Baumgarten (1873-1935), professor of commercial law at the time, who played a very important role in the foundation of the Hungarian Branch. It is an interesting fact that among the members of the Hungarian Branch we can find not only public andimportant role, role foundation, role lifebranch, international, law, association, member2
tc2.huSAP systems play a key role in the everyday processes of many companies worldwide. They require special hardware and extremely high availability being business-critical systems. With the introduction of the SAP HANA database and the retirement of SAP support for alternative databases, it will be…key role, role everyday, role environmentcloud, solution, migration, case, study2
nnx.hu✔ Codify org-wide guidelines (policies, roles, qualifications and responsibilities, etc.).policy role, role qualificationintroduction, agile, story, transformation, activity2
pantav.huPanTáv Ltd has been founded by private investor professionals in 1999 for turnkey development of telecommunication networks. Ever since, the company plays a leading role in the South „Dunántúl” region.lead role, role south, primary role, role corenetwork, profile, cable, optical, build2
themagicbox.huThe smear campaign against Hagyó had significant role in the two-thirds victory. The new Fidesz-led government appointed Tünde Handó as the president of the National Office for the Judiciary, Péter Polt as the Chief Prosecutor of Hungary, Mária Szívós as signatory judge, furthermore they…significant role, role third, role progress, important role, role prosecutorcase, court, election, media, investigation2
ovst.huOur role: we act as a neutral third party that works with the parties (i) to build constructive cooperation, (ii) to help parties have their conflict resolved impartially, and (iii) to find mutually acceptable solutions to controversies.conscious role, role regiontrade, value, social, large, corporate2
halomapartman.huIt plays a prominent role in the SUMMERFEST and city programs held in the summer. Find their website for current programs.central role, role development, prominent role, role summerfestroom, bed, people, area, live2
oneminute.huOur well respected client – as a fast growing company – intended to motivate key employees to boost company development. Our role was setting up ESOP terms and conditions, supporting the work of their lawyer, negotiating the terms with the affected staff members and balancing interests between…key role, role investor, development role, role esopminute, table, cap, management, overall2
pribojszki.hu…compete with the best harmonica players of the blues planet. But the most interesting fact is probably that he is clearly on his way to a very personal and expressive style of his own that will help to redefine the role of his modest instrument in the close future. Thanks Matt, for your warm music.harmonica role, role music, style role, role modestfestival, jump, pig, video, official2
health-wise-living.hu…I focus on modern functionality in the utilization and design of real estate, and on the fact that the finished space really fulfils the role for which it is intended. I believe it is important that the space, the environment we are in, in addition to comfort, raises our vibration and…space role, role importantinterior, health, space, live, wise2
bankszovetseg.hu…as well as sustainability and stability criteria. In critical situations, an on-going dialogue is required between the Government and the banking community in order to allow the financial intermediary system to play an active role, along with a predictable and forward-looking regulatory env...polgár role, role banker, active role, role predictablebanking, association, detail, release, week2
drfarkaseva.huTalent management and the education of young professionals play an extremely important role in my life. My greatest success and pleasure is that many of my former university students are now recognized professionals in adult education or higher education.important role, role life, major role, role talentactivity, education, learn, adult, research2
seqomics.huRecent paper: The Role of MicroRNAs upon Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Inflammatory Bowel Diseasepaper role, role microrna, nagy rolefood, safety, animal, health, bioinformatics2
zalkacsenge.hu2017 . I receive my PhD in Culture Studies. My dissertation is on forum-based role-playing games as a form of digital storytelling. People call me Dr. Zalka. I am officially a supervillain.oh role, role game, forum rolestorytelling, lobby, fairy, international, performance2
meevet.huThe aim of the branch is to have high qualitiy and safe live-line working play a significant role during the every-day electrician work. For this reason it organises trainings and regularly provides the involved ones with information. The LLW Branch cooperates with the manufacturers, vendors and…opinion role, role industry, significant role, role daybranch, electric, energy, industry, resident2
zhe.huwe present a novel architecture of the role adaptation for human-robot physical collaboration. We propose a MDDPG algorithm to estimate the belief of each goal based on the dynamical systems.architecture role, role adaptationvideo, robotic, jia, pan, human2
nezopont.huThe uninterrupted summer holidays, the recovery of the economy and the impact of the child protection referendum have also played a role in that Fidesz has become the political winner of the summer season. In the intensifying political competition, the proportion of uncertain voters decreased, but tconception role, role president, referendum role, role fideszpolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature2
kortarsgaleriak.hu…interests of its member galleries through the principles of an internationally based Code of Ethics, the Association of Hungarian Contemporary Art Galleries undertakes an active role to enliven communication within the contemporary art scene while it also provides guidelines for collectors.active role, role communication, significant role, role hungariangallery, art, contemporary, management, dynamic2
danubian.hu…of business and markets of Danubian Aircraft Company jsc. have since been integrated. In the current activity of the company play a major role engineering, production and modernization of vehicles. To ensure the efficient use of resources, Danubian Aircraft Company strives to minimize its…major role, role engineering, contractor role, role companyaircraft, activity, tradition, operation, market2
pillefizioterapia.huway. Mastering sports rehabilitation, manual therapy and other complementary techniques have helped me to develop a holistic approach, which I believe brings the best possible results in my treatments. Besides the rehabilitation of pathologies, physiotherapy also has an important role in prevention.important role, role preventionpain, preparation, pelvic, physiotherapy, rehabilitation2
kikiformis.huTherefore, the position and functioning of the pelvis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland, ovary, and uterus play a central role during the treatment. Both members of the couple should be involved in the treatment. In addition, of course, you have to be mentally prepared for the…important role, role supply, central role, role treatmenttreatment, body, massage, pregnancy, session2
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huIn addition to the mapping competition, another sensation of the festival was the 20 stations of the Route of Light, where enchanting mappings and light installations awaited the visitors. Interactivity played a central role at many locations, such as light tennis and light graffiti, but the giant…central role, role location, dominant role, role spectacularlight, festival, art, map, visitor2
karkojanos.hutraining the local digital marketing team. With the coordination of digital investments through Omni-Channel, focused on products advertised on TV, I was keeping a healthy media-mix. My role also involved evaluating emerging technologies, and provided thought leadership and perspective for adoption.mix role, role technology, channel role, role endmanager, digital, certification, ecommerce, growth2
mcc.hu…of participants explored the proliferation of rights claims that distort the balanced idea of fundamental rights and responsibility, the essential role of sovereignty and subsidiarity in protecting rights, the dangers of the increasing secularization or the challenges of economic globalization.institution role, role impeachment, essential role, role sovereigntyinternational, student, public, center, academy2
weinberg.hu…and responsibility for the other, as well as respect and appreciation. Good relations with partners and personal trust are still have a central role in the life of the company. This will steel our business relationships and drive our business lines forward. As in everyday life, we look for…central role, role life, main role, role employeeconstruction, general, award, steel, structure2
musicalszilveszter.huÉvi Sári – There are excellent singers and actors and there are performers who have some additional plus. In case of Évi Sári, her personality and her charm is the plus making her a star singer in the leading roles of numerous musicals; Mamma Mia, We Will Rock You, Chess, Vampire Ball, Sister Act…singer role, role numerous, hard role, role leadeve, dinner, gala, news, drink2
studies.huLocal products and short supply chains play an important role in national economies, as well as in creating a sustainable economy and society. In our research, we examined Hungarian consumer attitudes using a model related to the consumption of local products. The model analyses the reasons for…important role, role nationalanalysis, result, economic, farming, ago2
twoba.huAfter the middle of the 20th century, Hindemith, R.V. Williams, and Penderecki wrote the backbone of the instrument’s solo repertoire. From the birth of the tuba it didn’t even arise for the instrument to be given a solo role.instrument, audience, player, way, position2
theagent.huYoung athletes also need guidance in everyday sports and learning. An important role is also played by a mentor who knows the world of sports, thus being able to authentically support and develop the athlete, while also setting an example for them through their own career. At the same time, it is…important role, role mentor, zsombor role, role teamagent, athlete, organization, agency, legal2
visualbits.huMediaTools was a short-lived, but successful Creative Agency. This design is not really a new one, but still interesting: the central role of hand drawings was used much before it became a trend in webdesign.central role, role hand, actor role, role holidaycategory, close, client, agency, graphic2
gepekberlese.huPaying attention to small details distinguishes professionals as far as they’re playing great role in business.great role, role businesspost, robust, construction, steady, foundation2
action2020.huSustainable development is the basis of our growth, and our employees play a prominent role in striving for it.large role, role mobilityceo, director, manage, environmental, development2
onlinejatek.huUndermaster – Off into the role-playing dungeon Welcome! You’re brave enough to ascend into the dungeon? Then enter a fantastic subterranean role-playing universe, in whichundermaster role, role dungeon, subterranean role, role universeanimal, free, game, horse, adventure2
hta.org.huMr. Min is the head of the company’s Budapest-based sales office. In his role he is providing strategic leadership for the premium tire maker’s sales and marketing operations in the Hungarian market.important role, role corporate, office role, role strategictire, association, member, tyre, director2
azumba.huLegal agreements and regulations play a crucial role in various aspects of our lives, from employment contracts to rental lease agreements. In this article, we will explore different legal updates and requirements, as well as some of the top law degrees in the world that can help you navigate the…legal role, role important, crucial role, role aspectlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule2
realschool.huListen to the REAL School founder tell the story of why the school has come to life, and what and how it intends to achieve. It's a story of climate change, bees and uncovering a new role for education.new role, role education, major role, role utmostschool, real, learn, international, british2
madagaszkar.hu- The activity, task and role of the honorary consul is ascertained in the Agreement signed on 24 April, 1963 in Vienna.task role, role honorarymadagascar, honorary, republic, task, country2
geze.huWhether for fire protection or accessibility – door closers play a key role in both of these areas. Here, you can find practical tips for professional installation and setting parameters correctly.key role, role areabuilding, solution, build, window, safety2
opl.huJess joined the OPL team in 2017, completing a year-long internship with the firm in Budapest as part of her undergraduate UK law degree. She has continued her role while completing her studies, working closely with OPL’s CEE lawyers and supporting their English-language drafting. While working at…major role, role new, degree role, role studylaw, university, legal, language, fluent2
f2pilates.huBreathing techniques play an important role. Pilates also improves body awareness and therefore also your postureimportant role, role pilateclass, studio, instructor, group, gallery1
mte.hu– Content Providers exert legitimate and professionally sound influence, based on mutual agreement, on the changing conditions of the market, the altering legal background, international processes affecting the Hungarian context, and the formation of roles assumed by the stateformation role, role stateassociation, provider, provide, rule, regulation1
hungarolen.huAt the same time flax spinning, as a traditional acitivity ends in Hungary, since 1904 it played a decisive and town-shaping role in the life of the city Komárom.town role, role lifelen, linen, thread, yarn, mill1
les-hungary.huThe Association takes an active role in the work of the international mother organisation Licensing Executives Society International delegating members to its slate of officers and committees.active role, role worklicensing, international, field, membership, member1
kettannyelvuiskola.huDeveloping a wide range of creative techniques to improve motor and manual skills. Role and drama games to learn expression skills.skill role, role dramaschool, native, primary, grade, language1
anteus.huOur development team plays an important role in maintaining the high standards of our products and systems.important role, role highaccess, control, management, solution, ticket1
nemzedekekenat.huSupporting and training women especially with regard to consciousness in everyday roles, physical, mental and spiritual health.everyday role, role physicalfoundation, activity, mission, woman, goal1
collagenius.huIt is also an excellent choice for older people, as in addition to improving degenerative musculoskeletal complaints (wear and tear and pain from overuse of tendons), collagen peptides such as Collagenius, used in therapeutic doses, also play an important role in combating osteoporosis (based on…important role, role osteoporosisquality, doctor, open, question, effect1
ceid.huCEID is co-hosting an event about the Hungarian foreign policy decisions in cooperation with Political Capital and the CEU Democracy Institute. Since 2010 the Hungarian government has taken a more active international role, including in the Western Balkan. What economic interests shape Hungarian…international role, role westernagreement, event, foreign, previous, partnership1
ontarget.huYour corporate culture is reflected in how your leaders are role modelling winning behaviour and is a distinctive factor for your team’s performance and a reason why the best people work with you.leader role, role behaviourresult, consulting, potential, strategy, development1
dragakulfold.huThe integration of web fonts has always been one of the largest contributing factors to diversity in the overall look and feel of websites today vs. yesterday. Fonts, just like images, play an important role in helping a website’s overall design stand out from the competition.important role, role websitetemplate, website, page, responsive, parallax1
helpersfinance.huThe Helpers Finance team has played a crucial role in keeping our business in compliance with regulations and hence in good standing with regulatory agencies. Some of the areas of our cooperation are monthly accounting, payroll, invoicing, petty-cash management guidelines, time sheets, taxation of…crucial role, role businesshelper, finance, tax, payroll, accountancy1
finextfm.huSustainability plays a key role in everything we do. This includes protecting the environment, safeguarding people’s mental and physical health, and being socially responsible.key role, role environmentinvestment, fund, management, real, estate1
blacksheeptechnologies.huThe willingness to accept your weaknesses is actually a vital strength. It plays a central role in personal and professional success as well.central role, role personalsheep, technology, motivation, skill, development1
dezsenyi.huIn practice, complex legal representation means that the lawyer is in continuous contact with the company's management, at the company's headquarters or premises if necessary, and provides a consultative role when decisions are taken (e.g. concluding supplier contracts, claiming damages…consultative role, role decisionlaw, legal, client, labour, attorney1
aeo.hu…(as in the above example), then we have to answer the questions relating to freight forwarders also. Based on this a petitioner can fill the roles of all seven categories and for this reason has to answer questions relating to all of the categories. During the AEO application process it is…petitioner role, role sevencustom, certificate, authority, application, status1
erti.hu…growth, that is, the internal laws of the forest in order to determine the proper ways of disturbance. The permanent expansion of the many-sided role of the forest, the degradation of forest health condition observed in recent decades, changes of environmental conditions, such as climate change…sided role, role forestforest, department, natural, management, change1
epitoipariklaszter.huThe outstanding qualification of the companies participating in the Cluster, their active role in professional replenishment and professional innovation is exemplary. The combined sales revenue of the members exceeds HUF 26.5 billion and their specialist team has more than 850 members. The further…active role, role professionalcluster, construction, technology, member, reference1
tmtanitas.hu…disease, sleep disorders, memory problems, compulsive acts, addictions etc. Medicines that regulate serotonin levels can temporarily ease the symptoms of these illnesses, but can not solve the real cause of the problem. Stress plays a major role in the reduced serotonin production in the brains.major role, role serotoninmeditation, stress, deep, benefit, health1
megaglobal.huFrom 2018, industrial software development will also play a significant role, and the latest development will be completed, which will already be used at the enterprise level in the non-European part of the EMEA region.significant role, role latestcustomer, structure, slide, manufacturer, technology1
r-filter.huAir-Filter Kft. as manufacturer undertakes on request the complete service of its devices, especially in relation to its grease and odor eleminators, which play a key role in kitchen ventilation.key role, role kitchenair, disinfection, odor, device, filter1
magna-balance.huThe magnetic biostimulation is scientifically proven to play an important role in health promotion. The bioelectrical activity of the living cells can be measured (ECG, EEG). Due to the Earth’s declining magnetic properties, the cell metabolism of the living cells may slow down. By replenishing…important role, role healthmagna, device, family, massage, magnetic1
szegedfish.huBesides the part it plays in the national fish production, our fish farm has an important role in connecting environmental protection and intensive agricultural activity. Some of our ponds lies an area which is under the effect of Ramsar Contract, where we both successfully preserve the protected…important role, role environmentalfish, production, sidebar, primary, activity1
ajvk.huThe respect of traditions and the claim of modernity have always played an important role in the culture of this area. The history of the town which goes back to 1395, the self- consciousness, the way of Cumanian thinking and the fostering of progressive cultural traditions becomes part of the…important role, role culturesmall, management, commercial, site, simple1
bacchusnectar.huA cool iced drink divine can not even imagine on a hot summer day. before the Bacchus nectar is discarded, the glass is ice, which cools drinks to our pleasant temperatures and last but not least, beautiful scenery to delight us ice cubes sitting bubbles. In addition to the spectacle of ice big…big role, role correctnectar, drink, wine, flavor, bottle1
expanzio.huOur Appetiser program serves the career orientation of those students who arrive without goals and motivation. Our peer-to-peer mentoring program creates a network of student mentors, assuming a number of the roles and responsibilities of adults and public authorities.number role, role responsibilityconsulting, human, learn, educational, development1
interpreter.hua crucial role. That is why you need to make sure you hire the best professionals to get your message across.crucial role, role sureinterpreter, interpret, event, meeting, training1
appwise.huTo meet our clients expectations we are always hiring and growing. Explore our career portal and take up an active role in our success!active role, role successdevelopment, software, custom, expert, ready1
biztonsagosvaltozas.huMy most important experience with Kriszta was that she has the ability to create an open and humane atmosphere almost instantly. In such an atmosphere it was easy to talk about the characteristics that hindered our organization’s operation and resulted in role conflicts. I have experienced Kriszta…operation role, role conflictorganization, development, process, group, goal1
buzassandor.hu“Frankly, Sándor is a role model for me, for his professionalism and also for his dedication. I was fortunate enough to personally attend Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Academy event with him and now I see that Sándor not only presents the essence of the original training, but also adapts the…sándor role, role modelsession, strategy, performance, free, people1
debrecenisportcentrum.huDebreceni Sportcentrum Szolgáltató Közhasznú Társaság (Debrecen Sports Center Providing Public Benefit Company), founded in 2000 as an organization owned by the city of Debrecen, was created in order to play a more active role in the regional and national sports world through the complex…active role, role regionalfacility, offer, complex, center, national1
nges.huOur federation has members with outstanding knowledge both domestically and internationally and partners, who are playing important roles in the market-together, they help to provide the highest possible level of professional and legal support for domestic esports players and teams.important role, role marketchampionship, cup, federation, able, competition1
temptprincess.huarchives, which had been closed to outsiders. In recognition of my work, Archduke Michael von Habsburg-Lothringen, great-great-grandson of Queen Elisabeth, wrote a recommendation for my book , emphasising that I present authentically the life of Queen Elisabeth and her role in the Hungarian history.elisabeth role, role hungarianbook, video, article, memory, reference1
hclu.hu…result of our new strategy, which is more complex than the previous one: we decided to develop new types of activities as well as strengthen the role of strategic planning for greater impact. In addition, we have been able to continuously expand our team over the past years. In a challenging…activity role, role strategiclaw, freedom, union, rule, news1
civiljogok.huWithin the scope of its program to develop the legal environment of non-governmental organizations, Ökotárs / Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (HEPF) has been playing a significant role in the revision of nonprofit status rules, the expansion of public and community participation…significant role, role revisionngo, public, legal, goal, regulation1
szabadossandor.hu…mapping the underlying reasons and recurring patterns that may make it impossible to find an efficient solution to the situation. Next, we shall agree about what and how we propose to achieve, and what my role will be in this process. Pinning down the objectives of our sessions takes both of us.shall role, role processsession, self, counseling, issue, relationship1
solyomvar.huNature walks improve the short-term memory and it also plays an important role in the regulation of hyperactivity and concentration.important role, role regulationroom, sauna, balcony, floor, restaurant1
hssengineering.huIn times like these, overburdening colleagues, involving new functional employees or hiring new staff from the labour market are not effective solutions. Instead of forcing the project manager into an HR role and making him or her work on human reasource problems rather than the execution of the…hr role, role humanengineering, support, problem, client, value1
englishschool.huAs a father of 5 children my main parental role has been the family taxi driver. Barely appreciated by my 5 loyal clients and not even a hint of a tip!parental role, role familyschool, teacher, child, language1
natodrot.huNowadays we encounter an increase in the number of burglaries, attacks, terror actions, illegal border crossings so the protection of the premises and of persons has an important role. Using razor wire such secure protection may be reached which helps reduce to a minimum the number of such…important role, role razorwire, obstacle, quotation, stock, impossible1
fluart.huWe play in Hungary a prominent role in the development and production of influenza vaccines, and we intend to expand our activities into CDMO services. Discover how we contribute to health protection both in Hungary and internationally, and how we support our partners in the pharmaceutical industry.prominent role, role developmenthealth, vaccine, environment, safety, innovative1
absolvo.huBLOG - The private equity market demonstrated remarkable activity in 2021 and 2022. Record-breaking transaction values and volumes, driven by ample dry powder available to firms, highlight the industry's strength and potential and project a promising future. PE play a crucial role in funding and…crucial role, role growthgrowth, market, transaction, investor, capital1
hungarotrain.huOur cooperation with the Hungarian State Railways (MÁV) looks back on a long history, we have had a role in the repair services of commissioned vehicles both in and beyond the guarantee periods. We have important relations and contacts with the vehicle repair service entities of MÁV, and as…history role, role repairvehicle, commission, railway, repair, subcontractor1
uniquetravel.huThe monastery of the Benedictine Order at Pannonhalma, founded in 996 and gently dominating the Pannonian landscape in western Hungary, had a major role in the diffusion of Christianity in medieval Central Europe. The Archabbey of Pannonhalma and its environment was inscribed as a World Heritage…major role, role diffusionunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
magicom.huWe have been an Investors in People accredited organization for 16 years. With this, we can play as a role model for the operators of the Hungarian economy, as a company that is not satisfied with following of the trends, but also “does” them.year role, role modelinfrastructure, hardware, operation, consultancy, security1
probako.huIn the age of social media, traditional media relations continue to play a key role in the communication of companies, organisations and institutions. Our firm has nearly two decades of experience and a strong network of journalistic contacts in a wide range of industries and market segments.key role, role communicationcommunication, media, award, campaign, social1
jewish.huHungary has the largest Jewish community in the area. According to archaeological remains Jews have been living in historical Hungary from the second century. In the middle age some of the Hungarian kings allowed the Jews to live in towns and had important role in economic life. In the Turkish Era…important role, role economicjewish, tour, heritage, private, history1
eurocup.huWe mostly see paper cups in cafés, fast food restaurants and cinemas, when we order hot or cold beverages. But it also has an increasing role as packaging in the food industry, since it’s practical, light and easy to print on. You can already see examples of ice cream, yoghurt and other dairy…beverage role, role packagingcup, paper, individual, production, order1
dentist-debrecen.humore important in social success, and a winning smile and healthy teeth are both part of this. There's no point wearing beautiful clothes and going regularly to the hairdresser, manicurist or solarium, if your teeth are uncared for. It can have a decisive role in our social relationships and career.decisive role, role socialdental, tooth, dentist, surgery, treatment1
bozsodret.huBozsód-Rét Non-profit Ltd. was established in 2012 with the aim to play an active role in regional rural development. Its main mission is to rescue rural values as well as to preserve population levels in rural areas. Settlements in the Eastern-Hungarian region are fundamentally rural in nature…active role, role regionalrural, area, value, main, mission1
horizont-trening.huRole-plays, situational games, individual-, small-and big group-work, short theoretical or summarizing presentations, didactic films, individual and team feedback, videoed debriefing.development, adventure, training, organizational, organization1
gyerekrehangolva.huMy goal is for each parent to find harmony in their own parenting role so they can also feel good in their own skin.parenting role, role goodparenting, parent, early, support, child1
zane.hu…circuit board and electronic design. Creating a design office capable of designing world-class electronic products played a very important role in founding the company. Our mission is to show that Hungarian electronics professionals can stand their ground not only in electronics contract…important role, role companycircuit, development, quotation, software, prototype1
smartians.huCareer counselling has an important role in our organisation. We consider it a primary task to help young people make decisions that later could influence their whole life. However, we are not only working with young people, but also adults who feel a bit “insecure” in their chosen field, and they…important role, role organisationtraining, education, career, news, management1
mortoff.huThe excellent experience I had with Mortoff in my previous position made them the first choice when assuming my new role. They always provide highly skilled teams in a nearshore model no matter if it is app development, backend architectures, or end-to-end testing.new role, role highlysolution, development, enterprise, software, medium1
szekrestaurant.hu, original ingredients and seasonings, but served in the most modern ways. Our drinks range of Hungarian and Transylvanian products plays a dominant role in our beverage offer. We are waiting for all of you who would like to have a Transylvanian taste trip and taste in Budapest our ‘Miccs’…dominant role, role beveragerestaurant, cabbage, cheese, pepper, weekly1
sapiens.huChanging organizational culture is a complex journey. Executive leaders can create a permissive environment, where people can innovate, and as a result the organization becomes more resilient. Scientific research proves that the state of flow plays a significant role in our ability to amplify…significant role, role abilityhuman, machine, evolution, training, solution1
csaladtudomany.huConfronting obstacles to the development and survival of good families This must beclearly brought to the attention of society and given a strong and prominent role in the media.prominent role, role mediafamily, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter1
transpersonal.huIn order to know what is our role in existence we have to get in touch with our soul and our Higher Self. Connection itself is not enough, because we have to clearly understand the information received through this channel.order role, role existencetool, privacy, condition, catalog, usage1
hollanding.huAmongst the dunes we discover an art-deco relay station dating from the early 20th century. It was inevitable that the Netherlands keeps a tight tie with its colonies such as Indonesia, therefore this sole station played a key role. Then let's visit the summer palace of Dutch monarchs! The…key role, role summerdutch, cheese, netherlands, flower, perspective1
soundweaving.hu…embroidery is translated into laser cut patterns. At the same time, the visual world is presented in audio, or rather the graphic aspect of music gets a role in developing the tunes. Bálint Tárkány-Kovács, folk musician and composer was instrumental in the audio mapping and developing the tunes.music role, role tunepattern, origin, artist, county, introduction1
gudszent.huA jogosultásog téma mindig egy mumus… nincs ez másképp az Azure-ban sem. A jogosultságok kezelésére az Azure-ban az RBAC (Role Based Access Control) szolgál. Az RBAC-ban a felhasználókhoz különböző...rbac role, role basedvideo, script, powershell, network, kubernetes1
famesco.hu…the Akita’s dense fur would protect him from sharp claws. The pup’s inherent loyalty to his playmate would provide desired companionship and protection for the bewildered, orphaned cub. The Akita served in the role successfully and “retired” from the job when the tiger reached near-adulthood.akita role, role successfullydog, american, litter, detail, puppy1
romel.huMe personally root it back to weaknesses in applying the method, and the fact, that most often the actually experienced employees are not "guided". Call me, and in frames of one (or more) FMEA workshops I will play the role of the FMEA moderator. The main goal is certainly to have a Product…workshop role, role fmeaquality, management, supplier, automotive, unique1
lollipop.hu…pressed lollipops and striped lollipops. Striped lollipops are eye catching products in which the different natural colours play the dominant roles. In case of pressed lollipops the shape is achieved by pressing them into different forms, moulds and finally the desired graphic is painted…dominant role, role casehand, natural, quality, traditional, individual1
starkcapital.huAn economist and banking expert with thirty-five years of professional experience in the financial industry, Mr. Erős played a pivotal role in the modernization of the Hungarian commercial banking sector. Having spent over a decade as CEO of major Hungarian banks (K&H Bank, ÁÉB) and eight years as…pivotal role, role modernizationcapital, advisory, acquisition, management, merger1
krajcarpack.hu…coex film structures are also used, thanks to this, we can produce aroma, vacuum or gas closing packaging. The production of pouches plays a key role in our activity. According to our customer requirements, we can produce plastic or paper pouches with different sizes, with a zipper, bottom or cap.key role, role activityindustry, printing, main, page, carrier1
rowanhillglobal.huand exploiting intellectual property plays a key role in our operations, working with our partners to identify, document and value IP for successful market exploitation. We develop an innovation strategy for our own operations and for the benefit of our partners to bring innovative products to…key role, role operationglobal, strategy, mission, valuation, value1
balatongitar.hu…In the course of three years, they were awarded with ten international prizes and they have been acknowledged in Hungary and abroad as well, and as a result thereof the Trio has gained an active role on Hungarian and international classical music stages. Their major achievements so far:active role, role hungarianguitar, international, music, prize, concert1
tilos.huTilos Radio is everyone's favorite and the most popular Hungarian public radio station . Its structure, operation, programming, non-profit model, basic principles and values are one of a kind in Hungary and the radio played a key role at the time of Hungary's EU accession in promoting and…key role, role timeradio, station, commercial, public, community1
technicalinterpreters.huIt is very important to know that in the case of technical interpretation, knowledge of terminology plays a key role.technical, interpret, interpretation, important, interpreter1
due.huDUE’s main object is to facilitate the work of young journalists, radio, tv and video makers, and vloggers, and it has a major role in the development of media in small societies, and thus democracy.major role, role developmentradio, member, journalist, student, media1
wellwed.hu…what the appetizer was like. However, they will talk about even 20 years later how they danced until dawn at your wedding, surrounded by magical lights and their favorite songs! Music plays a central role, and the success of the entire evening depends on it, so entrust this task to professionals!central role, role successwedding, music, award, meet, favorite1
kerteszmate.huDr. Mate Kertesz worked in my team as a Transition-Transformation Executive. In this role he was responsible for whole transformation planning and execution in time, in scope and in budget. Mate manged furthermore the customer requirement and expectation. All of these duties has been reached and…executive role, role responsibleconsultation, management, training, pmo, reference1
peoplegroup.huThe role of PR has completely changed. Nowadays, it is no longer about the organization of press conferences and the creation of paid articles, but about the production of content related to the communication mix. These can take the form of printed or digital interfaces, or some kind of community…group, people, strategy, career, digital1
timeoff.huOnce we grow up, many of us tend to forget how to play, explore or embark on grand adventures in the back yard. As responsibilities show up in our lives, it’s easy to get stuck in the role of the serious adult. This drawing was inspired by those elderly people, […]easy role, role adultidea, adventure, draw, february, category1
drlorinczrita.huCaring for our teeth and maintaining their health throughout our lives is essential, as our teeth play a key role in chewing, digestion, speech formation, and our aesthetic appearance as well. E preserving our health , the prevention of related diseases is therefore an extremely important task in…key role, role chewtreatment, doctor, dental, login, smile1
hmmmaster.huAlthough soup is not a Hungarian innovation, pottage is definitely our invention! From the 16 th century we have been making this vegetable-based dense food, and from the 19 th century these dishes already played a big role in both the bourgeois and peasant households. It is peculiar, because it’s…big role, role bourgeoissoup, fruit, delicious, healthy, dish1
matisrita.huI am a recurring character of my paintings; sometimes I am present multiply, other times together with others. The creating “ego” plays a central role in organizing dramaturgy or as the stereotype main character of the stories. Its behaviour is absolutely personal behaviour, which relates to its…central role, role dramaturgypainting, painter, interview, colour, exhibition1
huminilowicz.hu2017 - 2018 - "At home in the body" human anatomic system and its role in movement led by Ferenc Kálmán based on the method of The School for the Body-Mind Centeringsystem role, role movementbody, previous, visual, module, institute1
kaposhotel.hu…The history of our hotel began in the 1800s, under the name Korona Nagyszálló (Crown Grand Hotel), and its building has always played a central role in the life of Kaposvár ever since — serving as a resting place for businessmen, artists, salesmen, as well as travellers passing by. It’s a place,central role, role lifeevent, offer, room, gastronomy, restaurant1
exactsolutions.huBesides the recruitment for executive roles we have developed ourselves in filling specialist positions that require unique skills.executive role, role specialistjob, exact, recruitment, solution, offer1
biomembrane.hu…Europeae. His research has been focusing on membrane proteins, including the investigation of ABC membrane transporters, which play a major role in the multidrug resistance of cancer, in general pharmacology, and in stem cell function. His recent work is related to transporter regulation in…major role, role multidruguniversity, research, science, academy, member1
dogandpony.huEvery successful business relies on some form of marketing and advertising. The importance of good marketing is just as relevant as ever, if not more: the methods employ may have changed, but its role in helping your business reach the next step hasn’t.employ role, role businessagency, logo, dog, advertising, media1
bakaja.huArt is play. Let's think about it what expressions we use in connection with the process of the creation. Actors play, and you call both tragedies and comedies play. Musicians play their instruments too. The artist has a special mask shown by his role or a point of view with the help of which he…mask role, role pointsuite, choir, video, zoltan1
info-creatorg.huMultiple decades of experience accumulated in developer, architect and project management roles. Our team includes engineers, researchers, and mathematicians: we are not scared of tasks that require a solid scientific, statistical or data processing background. We seek for challenges, indeed!management role, role teamsoftware, development, need, data, process1
sziffer.huArts have always played a very crucial role in my life. I took my first photograph in 2010 and it was love at first sight. My enthusiasm is unbroken since then. I became more conscious during my journey and tried to create my own style. I got to know heaps of new people and my personality has…crucial role, role lifemobile, application, site, personal, photography1
digitaljustice.huWhat new systems are there in the world that help to find and find legal sources? What is the role of general Internet search engines in this process? What about free internet resources?source role, role generalresearch, legal, justice, court, digital1
efisz.huDigitization has a key role to play in this process, and developing non-cash, electronic payment services is a part of that. As electronic payment is gradually becoming more widespread, the interoperability of payment channels is becoming more and more important.key role, role processpayment, electronic, association, provider, member1
whitepaperconsulting.huOur events are ideally placed to take a prominent role in connecting policymakers and the business ecosystem by providing a unique platform to discuss the driving trends of the energy industry.prominent role, role policymakerspaper, consulting, white, event, energy1
orlai.huThe Orlai Productions have yearly more than 600 performances in Hungary, approx 50% countryside. 35 performances are on continuously. The plays of contemporary Hungarian writers (Parti Nagy Lajos, Grecsó Krisztián, Péterfy Novák Éve, Gerlóczy Márton, Tarr Béla) play also an important role in the…important role, role supplyproduction, theater, important, theatre, critic1
obic-bbs.hu…Central European region as well - by the application of its cutting-edge knowledge and efficient operation. As such, OBIC also plays a major role in the implementation of the international strategy of BBS. In its work OBIC concentrates on the following target countries: India, Indonesia…major role, role implementationconference, orient, dialogue, language, book1
filmesgyakornok.huIf you would like to find out more about how the film industry works, how film crews are set up, and learn more about the fields and roles in film production, browse through the Film Profession Search site without a registration. You will find up to date information on the current work…field role, role filmproduction, registration, position, able, available1
picturestart.huTo pay tribute to his memory, we introduce the career of Béla Lugosi. The intertwining of the person and "the big" role is mystified by many even today; we also toy with this idea in certain scenes in the film in an ironic way, applying the scenery and music typical of the era - from silent film…big role, role todaypicture, start, festival, production, animation1
icell.hu…continuous development of vehicle tracking system. The fleet management has become an effective tool for controlling, in addition to its important role in remote fleet control, in driver monitoring and in performing rapid analysis of data coming from vehicles ( fuel consumption, cargo bay…important role, role remotevehicle, fleet, track, solution, management1
i-go.huLet us handle the intricacies of lease negotiations and documentation, allowing your employees to focus on their roles while we ensure a hassle-free and transparent rental contract process. ​employee role, role hassleemployee, support, assistance, housing, solution1
salvavita.huWe are building a world where everyone has a place, a role, a task, and everyone is valuable.place role, role taskpeople, employment, organization, job, disability1
coachakademia.huAll of our trainers are experienced, internationally accredited practicing coaches who now work in ICF’s domestic and international organizations, hold leadership roles, are up-to-date and credible.leadership role, role datetraining, international, reference, graduate, trainer1
greenhouse.co.huHungary is the second largest producer of cherries in the European Union after Poland; Hungary grows the best cherries of the continent, the centuries-old role of cherries in the life of the Hungarians is indicated by several of our place names (eg Meggyes, Nyírmeggyes, Meggyaszó, etc.). A…old role, role cherry, hungary role, role eugreen, greenhouse, production, house, market1
elektronforras.huWe would be your background partner in design, installation, and operation roles in our special fields in order to help ...operation role, role specialserver, room, energy, power, installation1
ertekado.huand chestnuts are some of the icons with the highest value. The icons with low value include hearts, diamonds, and pretzels. The symbols with high value, like other slot machines will play a crucial role in the game. Wild symbols can increase your chances of winning, and will also shake up the game.crucial role, role gameslot, free, machine, bonus, game1
bdpstgroup.hu…It is our duty and responsibility to preserve this exquisite heritage for our children, as well. This is why we created BDPST Group, which is in charge of real estate development, sale, consultancy and hotel operation and plays a key role on the real estate market of Hungarian tourism, in 2015.key role, role realgroup, investment, real, estate, value1
ikarusiparipark.huThe company has a leading role in throughout Europe since 2008 in the area of metalworking technologies. Its activities extend to the production of autobus doors and spare parts, structural metal products, metal tanks, steel containers, tools and other metalwork products, as well as treatment of…company role, role europeindustrial, hall, warehouse, metal, office1
flamella.huComputer modelling is one of the best tools available for modern fire safety design. We have played a significant role in making this possibility available in the field of fire protection in Hungary. Contact us with any questions or tasks regarding evacuation simulations with Pathfinder!significant role, role possibilityfire, safety, protection, simulation, plan1
magnewill.huMagnesium plays a vital role in the proper function of the muscles, nerves, heart and contribute also in the cell division and cell functioning.vital role, role propermagnesium, supplementation, muscle, main, page1
katango.hu…KATango music is mainly construed of improvisation and is greatly influenced by the environment, the ambience, so the participants have no small role in the evolution of the music of the night. I am looking forward to seeing your tango community with much enthusiasm and wondering what we’ll…small role, role evolutionimprovisation, event, music, tango, video1
gepujsag.huAfter Second World War both the technical development and- not independent from the war- globalisation has let to the companies worldwide increase and to the change of the engineers role in the company. Nowadays the engineer, inventor dissolves in the company and the new result innovation becomes…engineer role, role companyannual, newspaper, journal, informative, engineer1
egynapavarosban.huWe also offer an excellent tour in a rural town. We have an adventurous 19th-century role-playing game for those who want to leave the metropolitan environment behind for a while.century role, role playcity, detail, day, tour, egy1
betonoptik.huA microcement , thanks to its specific characteristics, plays a prominent role in a wide range of applications. The material extremely wear-resistant , which indicates its durability, especially in high traffic areas. This durability is made possible by the special properties of the material - has…prominent role, role wideconcrete, wall, application, interior, sample1
foliapont.huFast, Affordable Tablet, Laptop, Game Console and Cell Phone Repair. Your gadgets play a major role in your professional, personal and school life. When your phone, tablet, or laptop breaks you want an expert to handle the repair. That’s where we come in. With over a decade of experience in the…major role, role professionalrepair, location, layout, device, phone1
imgaleria.huIn our gallery, we make it a priority to choose artists who inspire and convey a valuable message, so that they can deliver an experience that enriches everyday life. Art is an integral part of our lives, so it has an important role to play in filling the world with beauty and love.important role, role worldgallery, image, search, leave, art1
kinderparadise.hu…that is unrepeatable and unforgettable for parents and children alike. Our intimate and familiar environment ensures that only the celebrated and the small guests play the leading role. If you want to have an extra program beside the kids, we can offer you an animator to realize your ideas.lead role, role extraparadise, child, kind, package, pool1
folkfeszt.huThe main ambition of the Federation is to underline the immense role of folklore festivals in the cultural life of Hungary, to represent the values of our traditional cultural heritage worldwide and to foster international cooperation.immense role, role folklorefolklore, festival, folk, federation, international1
droidx.huWe can play a significant role in this by planning to supplement our production with another Unisign Uniport 6000-HV 5-axis carousel machine, which is not the largest in the region.significant role, role productionmachine, quality, machining, plant, management1
rabraby.huThe restaurant was founded by János Németh and his family in 1982, during the time of the Iron Curtain. Its name comes from the main character of Mór Jókai's novel 'Rab Ráby,' who lived in Szentendre and played a major role in the fight against corruption during the reign of Joseph II. The…major role, role fightrestaurant, price, close, group, food1
hpmc.huShe did different financial roles in Unilever between 1993 and 2000, followed by the Commercial Manager and Business Unit Director positions in the Algida Division of Unilever from 2000 to 2007, covering Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia.financial role, role unileverconsulting, financial, general, profile, reference1
levteam.huof solar farms. The greatest thing about building solar power stations is the fact that they do not produce carbon dioxide – unlike other technologies – thus they play an important role in reducing greenhouse effects and in stopping and reversing the environment pollution trends of the 21st century.important role, role greenhousepower, energy, station, goal, technology1
summitdvkft.hu…our company with a service recognition award. With us you will find a balance between your work and private life, ensuring you succeed in all the roles of your life. Enjoy our company’s support even up until you retire. Many of our employees worked for us until their retirement, and we all happilylife role, role lifesummit, career, corporate, employee, support1
akhalstud.hu…to create a special equestrian show. Our core mission is to present this breed of horse to the public with the aim to raise awareness of the fact that we, Hungarians, have strong bonds with the history of this noble breed, and that this breed played an important role in the history of our countryimportant role, role historyhorse, stud, equestrian, stallion, tour1
consultancyhouse.huWe view our role in the accounting and tax planning, just as in financial reporting process as an opportunity to provide constructive solutions for maximizing your company's profitability and efficiency.plan, financial, organization, thing, success1
ffz.huNOTE: For security reasons, using the manager webapp is restricted to users with role "manager-gui". The host-manager webapp is restricted to users with role "admin-gui". Users are defined inuser role, role manager, role admintomcat, apache, package, application, page1
flexoroll.huThe know-how, that was passed down to us from our Finnish predecessor as an heirloom, has long been playing an important role in our becoming as good as other big Finnish paper companies.important role, role goodpaper, logistic, warehousing, cost, material1
orgona-koncertek.huWe organise high standard but at the same time "audience-friendly" organ concerts in the beautiful churches of cities situated next to Lake Balaton. At our concerts it is the organ that plays the main role, however, other instruments as well as "Vox Humana" − or human voice − make most of our…main role, role instrumentconcert, prize, artist, church, musician1
historycruise.huThe statue of Saint Gellért is holding a cross in his hand showing us that he played an important role in baptising pagan Hungarians. This switch to Christianity was led by our holy king, Saint Stephen, and was a very important political decision. Hungarians arrived at the Carpathian Basin in 896…important role, role paganbridge, city, history, cruise, build1
eagleburgmann.huThe development of sealing technology is closely related to industrial progress. Then-Today-Tomorrow: Nearly all machines and systems need to be sealed reliably and securely - either dynamically or statically. Seals are consequently relevant to function and safety and assume the role of a key…safety role, role keysolution, technology, industry, mechanical, customer1
niniko.hu…& wounds. It contains hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, elastin, anti-microbials, copper peptides & proteins. These elements reduce & brighten dark spots, blemishes & acne-scars. They also have anti-aging properties; they relax muscle fibers that play a big role in wrinkle production. read morebig role, role wrinkleskin, care, korean, cleanser, makeup1
firkaegyesulet.hu…fun and created unforgettable moments and of course as well the days were filled with workshops, team work activities, discussions, presentations, role plays, energizers. We did so many things in those 2 stages and it’s so hard for me to name a few but my favorite activities from which I learned…presentation role, role playyouth, exchange, people, ngo, young1
significant.co.huOptimization applications play a crucial role in enhancing efficiency, productivity, and overall organizational success.crucial role, role efficiencydata, strategy, significant, optimization, tool1
metalex2001.huSustainability and the protection of the environment has always had a leading role in the company’s philosophy therefore of premises and everyday operations were both developed based on them.lead role, role companyscrap, homepage, waste, metal, ferrous1
ommik.huThe Hungarian National Museum is the appointed museum aggregator in the Public Collection Digitisation Strategy ( Közgyűjteményi Digitalizálási Stratégia) . OMMIK’s role is providing expertise, managing digitisation processes, data enrichment and connecting museums’ collections to the Europeana…ommik role, role expertisemuseum, national, conference, digital, collection1
penzforgalom.hudraw the attention to the meaning and strategic role of Interbank Payment System and the function of GIRO;strategic role, role interbankpayment, day, clear, commercial, money1
cskozosseg.huPlay the world's number 1 online action game. Engage in an incredibly realistic brand of terrorist warfare in this wildly popular team-based game. Ally with teammates to complete strategic missions. Take out enemy sites. Rescue hostages. Your role affects your team's success. Your team's success…hostage role, role teamcommunity, counter, strike, download, server1
szeretetfenye.hu…on the world, and their beliefs. The link that connects us is the belief in Humanity, the force of Love, and we accept the benefiting, educational role of love in our lives. Since 1995, through our health preserving activities, self-help and helping methods we provide support for people within and…educational role, role lovetreatment, group, health, local, international1
enet.huLeveraging 22 years of experience, eNET masterminds bespoke problem-solving, massive transformations, strategic initiatives, and comprehensive implementations. Our role extends beyond that of mere consultants; we seamlessly meld with our clients, embodying their collective spirit.implementation role, role meredigitalization, process, management, consulting, technology1
ishs.huThe purpose of the International Society for Hermeneutics and Science is to develop an understanding of the role of hermeneutics in natural sciences through, among other activities, organizing meetings, editing a newsletter, disseminate information, and facilitate discussions by an international…understand role, role hermeneuticsscience, society, international, vienna, university1
bcc.huCuisine… whatever the nature of your event, food and beverages are playing an important role. Let...event, meet, room, congress, center1
group-lift.huDue to the recession that has affected the construction sector in recent years, maintenance, repair, and renovation have played an increasing role in our activities, and together they have become one of the pillars of our work. We consider it an expression of confidence in our company that we have…renovation role, role activitygroup, maintenance, repair, escalator, implementation1
innopharmkft.huVitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12 play an essential role in the energy-yielding metabolism of the immune system, contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system (vitamin B2, B3, B12) and contribute to the maintenance of the normal skin (vitamin B2, B3). Vitamin B2, B3, B6 and B12…essential role, role energydetail, food, supplement, normal, mineral1
ezustkameleon.huExperience in different areas of specialization and knowledge are of great use when designing our future work. In our work, it plays an important role in the recycling, multiple-use. We think in pre-module building systems.important role, role recyclingevent, homepage, custom, reference, rent1
biomagker.hu"Due to its high protein content, soy is a functional food - it also plays a prominent role in animal feed. Produced under ecological conditions, free of genetic modification, it is a high-quality raw material."prominent role, role animalnews, seed, soybean, variety, food1
gyuricsarda.huSümeg Castle was a present from Saint Stephen to the bishopric of Veszprém. During the decades of Turkish expansion, Sümeg Castle played an important role in defending Hungary and Western Europe in the second line. The city had been in Turkish hands several times, but they could not take the…important role, role hungaryplace, wonderful, panorama, cozy, restaurant1
oroksegintezet.huWe dedicate high regard to the societal role of culture and to those social scientific approaches, which have cultural aspects or – in a broader sense – have a cultural political significance.societal role, role culturecultural, culture, research, event, political1
abstractman.hu…interconnected funnel frames. Here the concave generatrices will be simultaneously part of two funnels, while the convex ones, beside their main role inside the structure will also represent the boundaries of other funnels. Actually every tierce will be part of two different funnels (overlapping).main role, role insidesurface, solid, shape, edge, case1
bestlocalgov.huThe Best Practices Program in Hungary has got a short name in Hungarian: LÖGY. In domesticating the LÖGY program in Hungary dr. Katalin Pallai in representation of Council of Europe and Katalin Sabján the Secretary of International Affairs of TÖOSZ took an important role. The competition of best…important role, role competitiongovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
nimfea.huThis bird also has a special role in Hungarian culture and traditions, therefore it is especially important to preserve their feeding and resting sites where they can gather strength during their migration.special role, role hungariannature, association, conservation, center, environmental1
transolut.huWith more than 20 years of experience and a constantly evolving team of highly professional experts, we now play a key role in international and domestic freight forwarding.key role, role internationaldelivery, navigation, quality, need, operation1
pharmateka.huSince Hungary's EU accession we have increased our R&D and production activities on an ongoing basis. Our company plays a major role in development and trade of medicine-free preventive substances.major role, role developmentpass, award, preventive, element, article1
barankovics.hu…hinterland and rally supporters. Just as the operation, organisational structure, style and objectives of Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt deviate as a single ideological party from its political rivals, the Barankovics Foundation plays an entirely different role than the other party foundations.different role, role partyfoundation, christian, democracy, political, k.1
elte.hu…Study, Princeton, USA. This prize is often referred to as the Nobel Prize for mathematicians. They received the prize for their foundational contributions to theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics, and their leading role in shaping them into central fields of modern mathematics.mathematics role, role centraluniversity, student, faculty, mobility, summer1
winetasting.huThe manufacture of PALINKA from Hungarian origin fruit spirit is not only the merging of old and protected traditions with modern techniques, it is a process of creation, in which the role of the local artisans is no less important than it was centuries ago.creation role, role localwine, gap, local, hill, main1
starkor.huDuring product development, StarkŐr Ltd. pays special attention to high quality standards. Our project methodology is based on our international experience. We created a development process that precisely defines the necessary methods, tools and roles to successfully implement our projects. The…tool role, role successfullydeveloper, solution, customer, software, branch1
goldenbridgehome.hu....here, romance and intimate moments are always the main role - any day of the year, live the moment with your partner!main role, role daybridge, coffee, favorite, autumn, spice1
geotechnikaiegyesulet.huThe Hungarian Geotechnical Society was founded in 2012 as the official Hungarian member organisation of ISSMGE (International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering). Previously, this role was performed by the Hungarian National Committee of ISSMGE within the Hungarian Academy of…previously role, role hungariansociety, geotechnical, award, memorial, homepage1
aktivzenetanulas.huSzirányi, B. (2018): Role of movements in lower elementary level to teach any new rhythm and melodic element or formal unit . Workshop conducted at the Kodály National Conference in Perth (New Horizons Diverse perspectives Shared Journey). Perth, Australia, 1 October, 2018.b. role, role movementmusic, learn, model, movement, active1
esztergom.hu…areas used to be the regional center of industry, today Esztergom has become a clear economic center of the area. Investments in greenfields and in the industrial park, in particular the establishment of the Suzuki plant and the development of its supplier network, played a major role in this.city, history, municipal, economy, government1
markjector.hu…which has not been possible before. The (self-adhesive) markers and signs currently used in the dynamic phase of the inspection no longer play a role in the procedure and they no longer act as means of proof either. Thus, the method is also excellent to replace the previously mentioned markers…long role, role procedure, necessarily role, role visuallight, figure, length, distance, subject1
oneminutechallenge.huIn case of cancellation, you can also try to sell your ticket to someone else with the same role (leader or follower). If you find somebody who wants to buy your pass / ticket, please let us know. If you have to cancel and you have not found anybody to sell your pass / ticket to, please let us…ticket role, role leadercompetition, minute, challenge, event, showcase1
kinoalfa.hu…filmmakers on films in various stages of development. Those projects all reflect on socially and psychologically pressing issues of universal relevance specific to the Central-Eastern European region, such as women’s role conflicts, taboos surrounding motherhood, or questions of gender identity.woman role, role conflicttheatre, culture, production, documentary, feature1
rheumatology.huCertainly the major role of the university department is the coordination of education . We are collaborating with the Kenézy Hospital rheumatology unit. Our 4-week rheumatology program includes 12 one-hour oral lectures and 8 hours of practice, plus additional summer practice of one week. We…major role, role universitydepartment, medicine, education, research, address1
szaguldozz.huThe matrix, or M protein, lines the inner surface of the viral envelope and may play a role in budding Henderson et al. In addition, the HN protein of HPIV is also involved in budding and in clearing sialic acid residues from the plasma membrane Karron and Collins, To complete the replication…envelope role, role hendersonrespiratory, virus, korean, cell, vaccine1
ganzkk.huWith its over 100 years of history, GANZ Kapcsoló- és Készülékgyártó Kft. has a significant role in companies manufacturing low current equipment both in Hungary and internationally.significant role, role companyreference, download, catalogue, list, price1
lowytrayler.huOur principles are reliability, accuracy and security. Dedication to permanent progress, fulfilling demands of our customers and achieving trust and satisfaction as a consequence play the main roles in our business policy.main role, role businesstransport, oversize, equipment, heavy, vehicle1
katonalab.hu…and adaptation to environmental stimuli. Although classical neurotransmitters (such as glutamate and GABA) have well characterized principal roles in mediating basal neurotransmission, emerging evidence has revealed that synapses exploit a plethora of additional messenger molecules integratedprincipal role, role basal, physiological role, role ultimatelylaboratory, molecular, news, people, publication1
eltearabszak.huMáté Szalai (Budapest): The Role of Smallness and Responsibility in the Strategic Narratives of British Elites Regarding the Withdrawal from the Gulf Region (1968-1971)budapest role, role smallnesspost, reply, volume, september, october1
anettehilbertcoaching.huWe often identify ourselves with our habits, “This is who I am”, when we could ask: what is really important to me? What do I want? Who do I want to be with? Who are those around me and what is their role in my life?important role, role lifepeople, easy, appointment, thing, booking1
thisismorzsa.huthanks lili, you can also pre-order our family cakes. check instagram for details our wednesday brunch and breakfast is based on the symbiotic collab of kitchen and bakery, starring levain and its derivatives, but bread plays an important role also during dinnersimportant role, role dinnereng, bakery, event, kitchen, table1
yamatorestaurant.huIn our Yamato restaurant besides fusion cuisine, we offer our guests beverage specialities from the Far East and exclusive environment in the heart of Budapest. Besides our master chefs you can also get a role in preparing your special dinner.chef role, role specialrestaurant, far, east, speciality, reservation1
dunahajok.huOur company entered into a partnership with the Hungarian Suzuki Marine business in 2022. As a result of the cooperation, we opened a joint boat and boat engine showroom in Győr. Our company fulfills a gap-filling role in the region as an official dealership and service.gap role, role regionboat, cabin, marine, tradition, additional1
andrasderi.huThe creation found its form in an interactive performance, where the audience participates in a ritualistic, communal event, with the possibility to initiate them into the “mystery”. András Déri rethinks the conventions of the genre and role categories (musician-dancer, viewer-performer) and of…genre role, role categoryelement, audience, production, creation, biography1
layermark.huApplications are now an integral part of our daily micro-moments. According to Nielsen, users spend an average of 30 hours per month. The applications play a fundamental role in the “want to learn”, “want to go”, “want to buy”, “want to do” applications.fundamental role, role wantdigital, user, advertising, application, solution1
rusa.hu…with quickly fermenting, sour and vinegary red wines and a multitude of spices. In later centuries, fermented dairy products played a significant role among the dishes of shepherding people. Many of the past ages’ fermented foods are commonly appreciated to this day, like the Bulgarian csorba-soup,significant role, role dishpickle, cabbage, size, recipe, offer1
eltex.huÉLTEX has played an important role in the Hungarian waste market since it was first established and has since expanded operations into many other European countries. Our main activities include theimportant role, role hungarianwaste, value, hazardous, management, electronic1
dalova.huWe provide classes for kindergartens and schools with animal demonstrations. We present the care and feeding tasks essential for animal husbandry. At the same time, our visitors can view an introduction of native wildlife, fauna and flora as part of a film screening. Children can be informed about…child role, role situationintroduction, appointment, animal, visitor, wildlife1
goldtunnelsystem.hu…expertise provided by Gold Tunnel System give relevant information as to: how the athletes can achieve top performances, how they can perform well in competitions, to what extent they can rely on their psychological strength, and what kind of role they need to fill in a team or community.kind role, role teamtunnel, athlete, assessment, analysis, success1
agroszemek.hu…sold to the market participants. Our sorghum fodder produced with exceptional nutritional values by our partners has a big demand both among inland and abroad partners. By its consultations and suggestions, Agroszemek Ltd. plays a determining role in the form of cultivation of plants in the region.agroszemek role, role formgrain, seed, nutrition, human, gallery1
sopronbianco.huFrom the Fidelity Fountain, passing through the Front Gate, you enter the Main Square, whose layout and the location of its buildings have remained unchanged since the 13th century. The names of the Main Square reflect the passage of time and its role in the life of the town.time role, role liferoom, bed, house, detail, guest1
pernixpharma.huThe management is committed to the fulfilment of the above and ensures the necessary human, material and financial resources. Our aim is to strengthen our role with the products manufactured in contractual work with the strictest professional intensity on the domestic and international…aim role, role productmanufacture, pharmaceutical, activity, application, map1
appletree-kindergarten.huArts & crafts, stories, poems & drama, role play, singing & music, mathematics & science, outdoor play, celebrationsdrama role, role playkindergarten, tree, nursery, child, teacher1
budai-tancklub.huModern and contemporary dance genres gain increasing role in today's dance scene. Our Dance Club keeps up with the trends and we have included these genres in our teaching repertoire since 2010. Students may choose among modern and contemporary dance forms.genre role, role todaydance, teacher, award, gymnastics, excellence1
avico97.huKnowledge Base content is collected to support those who are newcomer in the area of electro-acoustics, presenting some of the most important theoretical and practical knowledge - without being comprehensive - that are playing a key role during the design and implementation of Voice Alarm Systems.key role, role designalarm, voice, sound, knowledge, base1
kooperativ.hustudies on education in Budapest's first district and among specific alternative schools (to be published as Czike, Bernadett: A pedagógusszerep változása ( Changing Teachers' Roles ), PhD dissertation, 2004);teacher role, role phdschool, training, teacher, parent, tool1
computherm.co.huAs a result of the 25-year cooperation with our partners, COMPUTHERM ® products play a reading role on the market of digital room thermostats.reading role, role marketprevious, model, thermostat, wi, mechanical1
szappanospince.huThe Tolna wine region belongs to the wine regions since 1998, however wine-cultivation has been present for a longer period, it dates back to the Roman times. The Hungarian viniculture can be thankful for the German settled in this region, who played a significant role in the revival of…significant role, role revivalwine, winery, region, tourism, gallery1
chemcryst.hu…chemistry, like pharmaceuticals, catalysis and material science, including organic, inorganic, bio-organic and bio-inorganic compounds and play role in chemistry at interfaces, transport phenomena, polymer sciences, molecular sensors, molecular switches, etc. Molecular self-assembly also allows…compound role, role chemistryresearch, publication, chemical, science, laboratory1
marketingarchitect.huWho contributes to marketing in your company, in what roles? What are the resources, competencies and support systems available in-house? What tasks are outsourced?company role, role resourcearchitect, communication, architecture, minute, effective1
almasibalazs.huThe opportunity to shape space and young minds is a gift and a challenge at the same time for a landscape architect and as academic tutor, as I am. I truly believe that art plays a role in this process, but also that the designed space has to fit the environment, perfectly in an ecological…art role, role processbalazs, art, landscape, architect, elegance1
debrecenilovarda.huOne of the key figures who played a key role of making these "dreams" come true were Dr. Novobáczky Ivan, the former President of HAGE Co., a passionate horse rider and horseman.key role, role dreamacademy, history, horse, ride, news1
ls-simon.huOur partner has played a major role in outstanding transactions involving restructuring of series of Hungarian companies, sale of their assets and various corporate mergers. Furthermore, he assisted several foreign venture capital firms in acquisition of a controlling participation in numerous…major role, role outstandinglaw, transaction, firm, attorney, foreign1
whiterabbit.huOur target group is over 50, who play a very important role in the lives of their children, grandchildren – and we built our concept on this insight. Our message: the modern Prevenar 13 vaccine prevents pneumonia, so you can preserve both your health and the moments that really matter to you.important role, role lifecampaign, result, brand, brief, solution1
kidlife.hu"My children love to learn, think critically and have an amazing knowledge base. Both my children now speak with confidence in public and have great memories with wonderful role models."wonderful role, role modelspecialist, child, parent, counselling, therapy1
kisimre.hu…much sums up that I used the parallel port of my computer as I did not have any knowledge about microcontrollers. By adding couple resistors to the display the interfacing to the LTP port was done. The role of the cable management unit was taken by an old mobile… Read more : LCD on parallel portport role, role cablehvac, sensor, device, data, belgrade1
alairt.huAccess to the Alairt service is restricted to authorised personnel with explicit roles. After filling a brief form, the operator submits the alarm with one click, which is then immediately received by all affected organisations, without the risk of any delays or misinformation.explicit role, role briefsecond, feature, user, operation, organisation1
sensomedia.hu…We produce and provide people with lasting values to reach industrial breakthroughs. If we do this professionally and persistently, our businesses will yield more and more profit. We also aim to play a significant role on the international IT market. Nothing is out of reach with Senso Media."significant role, role internationalmedia, solution, software, development, customer1
greenformatics.huWe, at Greenformatics, are continuously searching for methods that enable us to create the most fitting solutions to our clients needs. Quality is especially important, but price-value ratio also plays an important role. The classic native mobile development’s costs are often higher than a…important role, role classicsolution, data, digital, operation, case1
aatdevelopment.huBe it HR strategical or HR operational role, I can deliver the results you want to see with full loyalty even though not being employed.operational role, role resultmanager, introduction, development, solution, main1
investmedical.huThe aging society and the growing number of people with chronic diseases are playing a great role in the increasing demand for the best solutions. With a strong emphasis on providing medical aids at home, we contribute to the improvement of the quality of life through of millions with our balanced…great role, role demandmedical, care, factory, patient, quality1
clubtihany.huAn exercise that mobilises the joints of the spine and then strengthens the muscles that play a role in spinal stability, perfect for relieving and eliminating the pain of our seated lifestyle.muscle role, role spinaloffer, price, room, suite, lake1
echosummeracademy.hu…from the new knowledge collectively, as chamber music – something close to the heart of all the three professors - is going to have an important role besides the four classes with individual instruments at the Summer Academy. The hierarchical bounderies - so common during the year - won’t be…important role, role classacademy, summer, concert, music, main1
cityrama.huEveryone likes to think back to the beautiful days with lots of experiences and new impressions. The perfect service from Cityrama played a major role in the success of the tripmajor role, role successtruly, expert, local, tour, sightseeing1
mkne.huThe Role of Schools in Protecting Local Sustainability – conference and publication (2002)environmental, education, member, society, training1
eco-log-ing.huAmong our solutions the continuous seek for the cutting-edge possibilities plays a major role. However every development is based on practical needs and experience.major role, role developmentlogistic, plan, log, main, page1
leadgenerator.huB2B (business-to-business) lead generation plays an important role in the lives of companies. To operate and grow successfully, a company needs new partners, customers and suppliers. However, building the right business relationships is not always an easy task and requires effective and targeted…important role, role lifeprice, profile, order, account, lead1
ngtt.huThe Parliament adopted the ACT XCIII of 2011 on the National Economic and Social Council in recognition of the role of economic and social dialogue, in order to discuss strategies of national economy and social policy and to promote a consensus among various interest groups of society.recognition role, role economicnational, member, council, social, economic1
sacinf.huSophisticated authorization management that provides differentiated roles to be used for data management: data access, registering, reporting, approval, alert management.differentiate role, role datatechnology, banking, office, development, application1
idosgyogyaszat.hu…Association of Gerontology (HAG) was established. From the late sixties the scientific activity on the medical, clinical and sociological fields of gerontology gradually increased. The team of the contemporary Hungarian Research Institute on Gerontology played important role in this development.important role, role developmentage, university, effect, medical, health1
dreamwedding.huDepending on the style of the wedding, the Groomsman or the Master of Ceremonies are the ones who I recommend to accomplish, with full knowledge of the program, the role of being the host of the event, managing and co-ordinating the guests. While the wedding organizer would stay in the background…program role, role hostwedding, day, help, dream, guest1
abece.huThe school subjects in which the most problems are caused by dyslexia are reading, and learning grammar. Since reading plays an important role in learning all the other subjects, difficulties with reading influences learning all of them. Extremely slow pace of reading and inefficient comprehension…important role, role subjectchild, problem, programme, task, treatment1
laszlojudit.hu…of a major national mineral water and soft drinks producer for 2 years, with a global customer portfolio generating a sales revenue of HUF 3 billion. After that, I assisted the world market sales of a Hungarian technological invention in the role of business development and marketing director.invention role, role businessmarket, sale, foreign, international, development1
yardmanagement.huThe role of the control system in optimising the on-site movements is essential. The planning of the loading process is based on real, limited capacities. The success of the optimisation is enhanced by the simulations. The automated, real-time communication with truck drivers ensures harmony…yard, management, solution, mobile, plan1
coordination.hu…The result of this fruitful collaboration between the National Institute of Oncology and CRC that the Institute played and play now a major role in the development of many new drugs, which have made more effective the treatment of certain tumors, thereby contributing to the healing of large…major role, role developmentdepartment, clinical, university, hospital, coordination1
kapcsolatmentor.huBusiness mediation could play a key role in resolving conflicts in a faster and smoother way. Besides saving time for the parties involved, mediation is usually a lot more cost-effective than prolonged legal proceedings.key role, role conflictrelationship, family, career, divorce, problem1
nt.huNagy & Trócsányi is an independent law firm active in banking and M&A, with mainly corporate advisory roles. During the research period in banking and finance the firm had mainly regulatory roles and advised multiple banks including Raiffeisen Bank and Sberbank. It also advised on debt…advisory role, role research, regulatory role, role multiplelaw, nagy, legal, firm, client1
encounter.huWho translates then? Those who volunteer to do so. You and me. If you feel like jumping in and taking on the role of the translator from time to time, please do so. Your reward will mostly be the experience itself: you have contributed to us understanding each other better! (The small gifts we can…like role, role translatorregistration, group, fee, meal, encounter1
scrollinhand.huThe ancient Roman tombstones were not only grave-markers. Their main purpose was to keep memory of the deceased alive. To achieve this they indicated everything which—in accordance with their values—recalled the person passed away, signed his standing in the social structure, his profession, his…profession role, role narrowscroll, roman, representation, hand, monument1
karate2020budapest.huHungary has old and traditional experiences in organizing events, in hospitality, the people and the society are opened, friendly and hospitable. Sportlife has an impressive and rich tradition in our country. Sport has a significant role in Hungary, we have hosted several tournaments of great…significant role, role hungarypage, main, location, accommodation, download1
nokvilaga.huIn response to the rapid implementation of China’s “One Belt One Road, OBOR” initiative and the implementation of the Hungarian “eastern opening policy”, the Hungarian-Chinese Cultural Association actively promotes the role of Hungary as a bridge between Europe and China, using the media as a…actively role, role hungaryperformer, event, woman, country, fashion1
hungaroautocentrum.huHungaro Autócentrum Kft. has been playing a key role on the used commercial vehicles market in Hungary and Eastern Europe since 2014.key role, role commercialwarranty, ago, insurance, financing, administration1
coachingteam.huThe aim of the development program is to enable participants to adapt to different new situations due to changed working conditions from their specific leadership role.development, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious1
bta-group.huThe TM represents its test teams in project management. His role is as important as the role of a football team coach. Even if the team consists of high-class members, if the team is not managed properly, the team can fail. Success is not a given in IT projects, somebody is always needed to train…management role, role important, important role, role footballgroup, management, software, process, analysis1
eyewitness.huToday’s information society has recognized the demand from the generation of digital natives that disseminating information through moving pictures should play a more significant role in education. In the present project, our research team argues that, where it is possible and where it is…significant role, role educationresearch, education, subject, material, host1
me-innovations.humeasures, tools, systems, approaches used in mobility are highly relevant and applicable in the energy sector as well. Also, because their various roles in the past they provide exceptional scientific communication for their clients, they are using innovative techniques to deliver the main…sector role, role pastinnovation, energy, mobility, staff, research1
ceremoniamestered.huFood may or may not play a significant role in your wedding. However, you do have multiple options. A buffet is more cost-effective than a full course meal for each guest. Furthermore, you could skip having a full bar and simply serve signature cocktails as well as several non-alcoholic beverages…significant role, role weddingceremony, wedding, feedback, guest, day1
hanyuhenrietta.huReacting to this need I have decided to support conflict resolution at workplaces as a mediator while continuing my activity as employment lawyer. I see my task to play an active role in the implementation of workplace mediation in Hungary.active role, role implementationemployment, law, mediation, workplace, legal1
primustrust.huIn this complex process, fiduciary asset management plays a crucial role. This is the area of business where fiduciary asset management offers flexibility and multifunctionality to best experience the institution’s versatility and other advantages.crucial role, role areatrust, protection, asset, tax, family1
zoldker.huThree decades ago we dreamt something, which now has a crucial role in the whole sector in Eastern Hungary. We are proud of building our family business with purpose according to the traditional values and sustainable development, and today we are working as a member of a modern company group. The…crucial role, role sectornews, wholesale, trade, fair, catalogue1
amberhomes.hu…more exciting from the light patterns filtered through the unique tile weave. The atmosphere of the apartments is magical, yet the the panoramic roof terrace with a picturesque view of the magnificent buildings of downtown Pest and the majestic dome of St. Stephen's Basilica takes the lead role.attic, gallery, apartment, build, terrace1
akademiaitalia.huTraditions play a key-role in Akademia Italia. The chefs use original Italian receipts to cook the best ones of the Italian grandmothers which guarantees that the flavors take you straight to the sunny Italy.key role, role akademiaevent, school, cook, quality, tradition1
kecskemetiarboretum.hu…interesting place for experiments of adaptation, meteorological observations, bird watching as well as education and teaching. As it lies in the major wind direction (NW), this 62-hectare forest and garden area plays an important role in sheltering the town and conditioning the air arriving here.important role, role townarboretum, belt, collection, hectare, place1
megoldaseskuvore.huWhile I play an important role in your wedding, I'm by no means the main focus. Let the bride take that spotlight (okay... and the groom too!)important role, role weddingwedding, day, big, guest, joy1
betonracspadlo.huExperience tells us that concrete grating is a technological element not just a building material, so our role is really important!material role, role importantfloor, concrete, grid, quality, flooring1
aegisgeneral.huThe structural condition of your buildings also plays an important role in their safety, and at Aegis we are committed to complex solutions. This is why we also provide property management, full technical management, exterior and interior cleaning, landscaping and concierge services, as well as…important role, role safetygeneral, protection, operation, personal, complex1
dbx.huWhat experiences have business professional gathered when they found themselves in a customer role? Is customer service truly the in center of the insurance practice? Are the boundaires of digital and personal meetings really clear? What is the scope of competence of artifical intelligence? Is…customer role, role customersoftware, insurance, communication, engineering, technology1
budapestyogawithcarmen.huThe body speaks through impulses and sensations. With yoga therapy, we learn to directly respond to the body’s needs rather than access the mind. By allowing the body to take the lead role, spontaneous healing occurs and normal energy level flow is restored.lead role, role spontaneousyoga, community, international, energy, body1
orangyal-1890.huSince its founding in 1890, the Őrangyal Pharmacy in Hajdúszovát has been committed to supplying medicinal products and pharmaceuticals. Over the last decade, it has played an active role in the research development and marketing of medicinal products.active role, role researchstudy, case, request, access, active1
cserneczkybalint.hu…Bosch Elektronika Kft. in the group BPS-i4.0 I initially joined the organization as an intern in 2020 and subsequently participated in a specialized intern program, which I successfully completed. As a result of my exceptional performance, I was offered a full-time role as a software developer.time role, role softwaresoftware, developer, code, solution, performance1
tokemping.hu…Benkó Zoltán Leisure Centre. Zoltán Benkó, the director of the North-Bács-Kiskun County Water Works Company, conceived the idea and played a vital role in managing and organizing its construction. The Domb is nestled in a protected natural area of local significance and offers a trail for visitors…vital role, role constructionheart, bath, pricing, metres, facility1
sporthotelvelence.huVelence being a multisport centre played a vital role in the University of Sports Science’s decision to open its newest campus in the town, renovating a long-neglected building and turning the centre of Lake Velence into a university town. A major factor in the development was the university’s…vital role, role universitybook, active, room, relaxation, lake1
szoloszemovi.hu…ages into consideration, although the time allocated for individual activities and the provision of continuity between them is indispensable in the life of each group. The role of play is of utmost significance, in this way, the time for free, undisturbed play is provided every day for long hours.group role, role playgroup, kindergarten, pedagogy, activity, daily1
orbitmedia.huFollowing the premiere, there emerged the customary surge of first impressions from individuals who had the privilege of experiencing the eagerly awaited drama, featuring Cillian Murphy in the role of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer.murphy role, role physicistmusic, style, news, culture, release1
evosoft.huThrough social events and knowledge sharing, we build a community where both corporate and individual development play a key role. We create a workplace where colleagues help each other, where it’s good to go to work, and where colleagues are happy to spend time together outside of the day-to-day…key role, role workplacesolution, development, value, career, open1
lab-comp.hu…research and development by our suppliers, we bring the latest technology. Manufacturers from Germany, Japan, and the USA, who also play a leading role in laboratory technology, guarantee optimized consumables requirements and continuous support in addition to high quality. We deliver our…usa role, role laboratorylaboratory, chemistry, lab, support, sale1
rapszodia.huVisit to the Castle, playing a very important role during the Turkish conquest. Afterwards walking tour around the baroque city centre.important role, role turkishdeparture, trip, tour, day, lunch1
mikofami.huFrom the very beginning, export activity played a significant role in the life of Mikofami Kft.significant role, role lifemeat, plant, beef, quality, development1
rossibiofuel.huRossi Biofuel Zrt. is part of the Envien Group that plays an important role in production of biodiesel in the region.important role, role productionlarge, production, site, oil, map1
startouring.hu…and social changes which resulted in the establishment of the firm democratic Hungary of today. Further, Hungary regained its active leadership role in the Central Eastern European region. In 1999 Hungary became a member of NATO. Hungary successfully concluded its accession negotiations with theleadership role, role centralwine, century, castle, country, house1
cathayassociates.huOur office is the founder of the international legal platform Cathay Associates and serves as the European headquarters of the organization. Playing a central role allows us to serve the needs of our clients in the entire Central and Eastern European region directly from Hungary. Cathay Associates…central role, role needlaw, international, legal, corporate, media1
locked.huLocked Room (and AROOM) Budapest has been designed to provide 2-6 people with the ideal gaming experience, which means that in larger groups a person will be less able to play a player role. Smaller teams can work more effectively in the games. All games can still be played with 6 people, but with…player role, role smallroom, game, escape, lock, player1
smartpro.hu“Hi Tibi! I was very glad you were the engine of this surprise show at the wedding, you did a great job! It was good to see you in this role doing it very well. Csaba” (Wedding, 2003)good role, role csabaevent, music, ltd, summary, venue1
bukkicsillagda.huThis year, the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Observatory and Science Experience Center in Eger, as well as the newest visitor center of the Bükki National Park Administration (BNPI), the Bükki Star, hosted the XI. The Role of Planetariums and Demonstration Astronomers in Education Workshop.xi role, role planetariumnews, event, observatory, ticket, visitor1
fice.hu…social interaction and cooperation within theatre groups for children offer a creative form of social and personal development and of acquiring a role in the society. We believe that it is our task to present this form of talent management to a larger audience, and therefore encourage…development role, role societychild, event, day, theatre, camp1
wineofthehungarianparliament.huIn recent years, Wine of the House has found and maintained its role in the series of high quality events promoting wine culture with its traditional roots, as both the number of entries and volume of both national and international feedback confirms.house role, role serieswine, parliament, national, welcome, category1
artmagazin.huand cross-reality experiences. They merge the methodologies of choreography and contemporary dance with poetics, augmented reality, and live action role-playing to build world prototypes where the dominant systems of consensual reality can be questioned and modified. Hollow has provided access in…action role, role playart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary1
paleo.hu. The dynamics of the biosphere are interconnected with processes in the lithosphere, hydrosphere and the atmosphere. The biota also plays an active role in regulating the environmental parameters. Some of the major mass extinctions may have been triggered by extraterrestrial causes, but most of…active role, role environmentalpublication, mission, research, history, group1
perforaltlemezek.hu• EXTERNAL AND INTERAL ARCHITECTURE – formation of dividing walls, shop equipment, street furniture, radiator coverings, elements with lighting and aesthetic role,dimension, material, sheet, hole, steel1
amcham.huWe will take a deeper look into the crucial role of diverse workplaces with special focus on generational diversity.crucial role, role diversemember, event, news, large, law1
transporteconomics.hu…pairs had at least one trip per day on average and displayed this daily average as edge weights. The map clearly shows some patterns (after cluster detection): biking in Hyde park (notice the loops), the role of large railway stations as origins or destinations of trips, or intra-City trips.loop role, role largedata, transport, map, note, road1
idancehungary.huOn October 24, Gedeon ’Gida’ Piller, has been awarded the Hungarian Silver Crest of Merit for his active role in popularizing and teaching Hungarian...active role, role hungariannews, dance, folk, festival, house1
doku7.hu…herself apart from what she sees as western LGBTQ and drag culture. A proud father to her nine-year-old daughter, Zsófi emphasizes her traditional role and responsibilities as a father, but admits to having a female soul. How does one reconcile ruling conservative gender narratives of her culture…traditional role, role responsibilitylove, main, close, identity, family1
igazsagosatmenet.huHaving been in operation since 1969, Mátra Power Plant is the only significant electricity generating power plant based on domestic primary energy source (lignite) in Hungary. With its total installed capacity of 950 MW it is the second largest electricity producer in our country and plays an…important role, role systemcoal, footprint, calculator, news, power1
almabirtok.huOur association was established in 2003 for the purpose of making our experiential centre a gastro and experiential tourist attraction that is well-known around the country and plays a major role in the region. The centre has been developed by the Tradition Preservation Association of Garden…major role, role regionassociation, main, experiential, news, grant1
general-consulting.huProudly announcing that Ramasoft played a significant role at the largest professional event insignificant role, role largereport, management, solution, risk, software1
ernart.hu…crises or business disputes), or in developing their life, workplace and business skills. However, a creative approach and attitute is present also here, because I help all my clients in approaching their problems and their role in it from new points of view that leads to moving forward.problem role, role newart, therapy, session, creation, group1
matrabikersc.huThe program has the intention that participating people become role models for their community and remain involved and connected to activities for the long-term.people role, role modelcycling, website, bike, road, member1
mlszsz.hud) Providing opportunities for SLTs to take on professional and scientific roles and to expand their knowledge;scientific role, role knowledgeassociation, member, shall, presidency, president1
argeomentum.hu…human well-being and our qualities of life. Our research engages with the perceptions, values and positions of local stakeholders about the role, impacts and resilience of ecosystem services. We explore stakeholders’ preferences, we investigate interlinkages between ecosystem services and…stakeholder role, role impactresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation1
prosper.huThus it is obvious to utilize the process assessment’s results to reveal hidden blocks and make the processes more efficient, and on the other hand make use for software development. Of course measuring inner and outer customer feedbacks plays also a crucial role at tuning the organisation to the…crucial role, role organisationsoftware, development, mobile, application, customer1
kohorsz18.huWhat do fathers think about fatherhood and gender roles? Preliminary results from the paternal study.gender role, role preliminarystudy, news, research, latest, father1
drbecskydent.huA dental implant is a special screw-shaped artificial dental root usually made of titanium. It is capable of replacing missing teeth after located inside the jawbone. Implants are also used to fix removable dentures. Furthermore, it can have a very important role in orthodontics.important role, role orthodonticimplant, tooth, replacement, dental, surgery1
morenocentrum.hu…talking about psyichodrama. I was truly taken aback how she managed to recall all the details of that meeting and she was even ale to inverse the roles. Her drama workshops in Budapest were a great success and will always be dearly remembered by those who attended. I remember one time when she hadmeet role, role dramadrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
czifrajuli.huMy name is Julianna Czifra, and I’m a work and organizational psychologist and coach as well as a licensed workplace mediator based in Hungary. In each of my professional roles, I am dedicated to bringing out the best in my clients, whether they be individuals, teams, or organizations…professional role, role dedicatedinterview, consulting, article, psychology, book1
sedulitas-pro.huOur company was established for the aim that playing significant role amongst engineering offices in Hungary practicing in field of reformatted vehicle industry.significant role, role engineeringvehicle, electric, main, page, battery1
drbujalos.huNevertheless this is a difficult goal for a person in modern life’s hassle. We want to meet several role’s expectation in parallel, and meanwhile we have no force and no time to create the moments of celebration and serenity for ourselves.hassle role, role expectationthought, burn, multinational, way, shield1
gastromood.hu…for their own winery. Budakalász is characterised by a very close-knit Swabian community and maintaining the traditions plays an important role in the life of the restaurant. We arrived on a rainy, leaf-covered day of October, so my main wish was a soul-warming, autumnal lunch with an…important role, role lifecuisine, post, view, restaurant, gastronomy1
metropolissecurity.huThe venture with its several decades of past and skills, specialised in property protection and building operation was founded by private persons at the beginning of the 1990ies. Currently, we have a key role in safeguarding and protection in the region.key role, role safeguardprotection, security, property, safeguard, clean1
scrolldown.huMy brief for the ecommerce store design focuses on compelling imagery, seamless integrations, user-friendly navigation, transparency, and emphasizes the crucial role of SEO and engaging content to effectively engage audiences, as well as integrations to facilitate quick decision and payment options.crucial role, role seodigital, website, user, story, presence1
massagehouse.huLike the one masseuse counterpart, this program is also a great gift for your relationship with your partner, the only difference being that both of you are getting a passive role , and don’t have to do any work other than enjoying the experience. 4 of you are present in a massage room, you, your…passive role, role workmassage, review, weight, height, erotic1
szendeffy.hu…me to apply this knowledge in innovative and meaningful ways. I've had the privilege of working on projects that bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds, and I firmly believe that Mixed Reality will play an instrumental role in shaping the future of how we interact with technology.instrumental role, role futurereality, development, unity, viewer, technology1
eszterga.hu“The role of colleagues - officially: human resources - is unfathomable, provides a distinguishable competitive advantage. You may have developed technology, cutting edge machines, but the impressions of a customer will mostly be determined by the staff: their commitment, approach and…machine, news, brand, center, machining1
liskaklinika.huThe first cervical vertebra, known as the “Atlas,” plays a surprisingly fundamental role in the operation of your motion system. If the Atlas vertebra moves out from its correct anatomic position, it can produce a “domino effect” on your entire musculoskeletal, circulatory and nervous systems…fundamental role, role operationpage, main, problem, method, health1
napkiado.hu…What was the musician’s attitude to his public, and how did the public treat him? When and how did Gypsy musicians appear and gain a growing role? How did they learn what they were supposed to play? What did they learn by watching others and how did some of them train themselves through…musician role, role regularanthem, national, country, nation, book1
balogarpad.hu…the plants. By strictly limiting yields to no more than 0.5 to 1.5 kg of grapes per vine, and by avoiding herbicides altogether, we make sure that our grapes are healthy and chemical-free. We manage the inter-vine area by manual and mechanical means, but our animals also play a role in the work.animal role, role workwine, grape, natural, winery, vine1
altavia.huIn total coherence with our values and ethics, it structures our business and plays an integral role in all our services.integral role, role serviceproduction, development, retail, brand, store1
flightmode.huAir ticket booking (very competitive prices, quantitative discounts, owing to our significant market role)travel, leisure, need, trip, special1
juliamalom.huThe traditional phrase of millers is an eternal truth with an even more significant role in the increased food safety requirements of the modern age.significant role, role foodwheat, flour, technology, mill, quality1
bbj.huFortitude and Servant Leadership - Sister Laura Discusses Human Dignity and the Roles of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas in Business Leadershipdignity role, role aristotleenergy, real, estate, executive, expat1
magadert.huWe consider addiction as a family problem, therefore we try to involve in the treatment as many players of “the drug game” as possible, because the family plays an important role in the development of addiction, in the maintenance of drug use and in the recovery process as well.important role, role developmentgroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem1
menszt.huWomen in Diplomacy: Their Role in Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding and Fighting Stereotypes…diplomacy role, role conflictactivity, human, publication, international, day1
idegennyelvumedia.huabout Hungary. If their interest runs deeper, they will look for news on the internet, in which foreign-language Hungarian press also has a crucial role. In a way, such press materials contribute to building the image of the country, so that news, events, videos, and photo galleries published in…crucial role, role waymedia, news, language, foreign, supporter1
euenglish.huMeryl Streep is amazing as always in her new role! In Ricki and the Flash she portrays a rocker who abandoned her kids to make … Read More »new role, role rickiquiz, lesson, news, movie, free1
foreignstudents.huHungarian Educational Tourism Association (HETA) was created in 2017, Budapest, by academic experts, professors and private entrepreneurs, interested in increasing arrival of foreign students to Hungary. According to previous researches, foreign students play important role in development of…important role, role developmentforeign, student, association, tourism, educational1
hsdental.hu…among the best in Europe at implants and crowns, they believe in an honest relationship between the doctor and the patient, in which sharing detailed information plays a crucial role. They are experienced dentists and competent personnel, taking care of patients responsibly and compassionately.crucial role, role experiencedental, center, description, centre, doctor1
dckarting.huIn the second semester, the main role will be the development of the skills necessary for competition.main role, role developmentkarting, track, competition, race1
szegedikortarsbalett.huTamás Juronics had an outstanding role in forming their especially unique artistic identity.outstanding role, role especiallyproduction, repertoire, contemporary, dance, current1
economical.huAt the same time, the we play a significant role in the construction industry of the EU Member States. We provide services in compliance with the policies of the Member States.significant role, role constructioneconomical, build, house, semi, homepage1
crysys.hu…to prepare for CTF competitions, to socialize, and to have fun by spending time with other geeks of similar interest. The CrySyS Student Core also plays a key role in the talent management program of the CrySyS Lab, including the creation of challenges for the annual CrySyS Security Challenge.key role, role talentlab, security, professor, assistant, research1
astrodent.huTrust plays the most important role in the relationship between patients and their dentists, because the result of the treatments is not only the change of a very important part of the patient’s appearance – the smile, but also we are doing medical interventions.important role, role relationshipdental, dentistry, treatment, clinic, care1
fmbenchmarking.hu…data collection and processing for the FM Benchmarking publication. The processing of the questionnaires was supported by 6 experts and external companies. The anonymity of the publication is assured by an external data controller, and the data providers themselves played an important role in this.property, operation, publication, facility, data1
theartaroundus.huDrechsler Palace on Andrássy Avenue has served in many roles during its rich history of 135 years. Being home to the former Ballet Institute is still one of the most iconic cultural functions we all remember. In collaboration with the Hungarian Dance University, DVM group – the general contractor…avenue role, role richphoto, art, page, exhibition, ballet1
axiom-it.huOur role was to audit the security of the core IT systems of the operator. While working on this project, we operated with multiple Linux, Windows, and even high- end enterprise systems, IBM storage, and tape systems.development, software, passionate, ready, security1
businessenglishonskype.hu…formulated by Frederick Taylor , suggested that there was “one best way” to perform a task. Businesses were organized by precise routines, and the role of the worker was simply to supervise and “feed” machinery, as though they were part of it. With the advent of production lines in the early 1900s,routine role, role workermanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy1
gerialkot.hu…fit the client's needs and expectations. Producing quality video content presents numerous challenges, and camera movement plays a critical role in conveying emotions and storytelling. The camera's position, movement, and speed are crucial in achieving the desired effect, and I carefully…critical role, role emotionelectronic, asset, filmmaking, tool, creative1
promesa.huPromesa means promise or vow. As a full-service marketing agency, this is what defines our everyday life and plays a role in the selection of our staff, partners and the work we do for our clients. We keep our promises.life role, role selectionpromise, agency, privacy, power, imprint1
tulipantunder.huThe sports history exhibition and sports events of the iconic park of Budapest commemorated Hungary's 177 Olympic victories. In addition to the gold medals, we could also see memorabilia from the winners at the exhibition. Our team played a key role in promoting the exhibition.key role, role exhibitionproduction, exhibition, space, dream, game1
f12.huTo add an attribute set you need to be assigned the Attribute Definition Administrator role (Global Admins do not have this permission by default, but they can assign it to themselves). Unfortunately Integer or Boolean attributes can’t be used for filtering*:administrator role, role globalhello, access, application, user, sign1
zerocarbonhub.huThe Centre was born out of the recognition that business and technological innovations will play a key role in the "green transition", which will not only offer opportunities for the research and innovation sector but can also become important tools for economic development by strengthening the…key role, role greengreen, centre, development, economy, knowledge1
rudolfibolya.huThis kind of toothpaste is the agent of many different kinds of problems that concern the skin. It is said that it has got an important role in dental cavity. Let's consider the facts: NaF: is a toxic compound I examined its availability and in which domains it is exactly used: ratpoison roa...important role, role dentaltoothpaste, tooth, body, skin, jaw1
tokajivamiroda.huDuring my work with the acquirement of more and more and always changing laws, and methods, learning plays a key role in my work. Acquiring qualifications for the different fields of my work is also important to me.key role, role workcustom, administration, representation, fee, license1
magyarfilmakademia.huAs Europa Cinemas celebrates its 25th anniversary, the pan-European network continues to play a vital role in helping exhibitors to play European films. Screen explores the achievements so far - and future challenges BY GEOFFREY MACNABvital role, role exhibitorsbody, soul, movie, award, language1
mipolan.huWe can produce accessories in a great quality, like edge protection profile, a various trims, or material for rattan furniture. If you need original color or shape, we can be a partner in that too. Plastic floor – or rug trims are playing a role in our portfolio.trim role, role portfolioplastic, industry, quality, competence, process1
apartmanom.huFrom the historic to the modern, a number of crossings can be found across the Danube providing essential connections between the two halves of the city: Buda and Pest. Some are well known landmarks while others take on a more practical role. Each one forms a crucial part of the city’s landscape.practical role, role crucialapartment, city, piano, short, rental1
yourgroup.huLastly, our Studio division represents our creative side; the main role belongs to imaginative work here. We provide a wide range of services in the fields of graphic work, branding and brand design.main role, role imaginativeevent, group, placement, brand, management1
getmarried.huMy wedding short films are clear-out and made in a modern format, where delicate moments full of emotions play an important role as well as the music which coordinates perfectly with the ambiance.important role, role musicwedding, video, short, minute, moment1
sparks.huSPARKS Camera and Lighting Ltd. was established in 1992, by Vilmos Zsigmond, the Oscar-winning cinematographer, and has since played a major role in the world of international and domestic filmmaking. The company is constantly working on fulfilling as most completely as possible the needs of film…major role, role worldequipment, camera, lighting, production, extension1
thevoid.huThe Void was formed in 2006 in Szeged, Hungary. In the beginning, the main genre of our music was melodic death metal but later on we started to turn towards a more industrial aspect of metal music. Synths and samplers got a more important role in our songwriting. Our previous album ‘Unraveling’…important role, role songwritingvoid, industrial, metal, sci, video1
bilingua.huSince joining the European Union, many Hungarian companies feel that they could be active role players in the markets of the neighboring countries, however, the language barrier may sometimes prevent them from taking the right steps.active role, role playertranslation, agency, language, price, free1
lita.huTechnology plays a fundamental role within services – it is the biggest driver of change. With our craftsmanship and drive, we design, build and manage innovative and high-quality solutions, which contribute to the operational performance of our clients.fundamental role, role servicedata, management, governance, delivery, organization1
drszilagyigergo.huBesides traditional tasks of attorneys (e.g. transactions related to real estates or representation in court), areas of law connected to modern issues, such as copyright (software, IT services, music, video, fashion), e-commerce (general terms), start-ups, media and data protection, play an…essential role, role practicelaw, contract, agreement, representation, advice1
rsdgroup.hu…the loss of his guardians. He worked various jobs, from a taxi driver to a railway ticket broker, while coping with educational and financial setbacks. His turning point came with a scholarship to Hungary, leading to a successful career in various corporate roles and fulfilling his parents' dreams.corporate role, role parentgroup, legacy, need, agency, education1
seashepherdorigins.hu“I have very little historical experience at Sea Shepherd. However, I feel honored and proud to work side by side with Paul Watson and others who built what Sea Shepherd truly is about. I can see my role as a representation of the new blood which reinforces the mission and values of Sea Shepherd…truly role, role representationshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean1
hyd.huThe 4th International Congress on Deuterium Depletion took place between 17-18 October 2019, in Budapest. The two-day conference aimed at presenting the newest research outcomes and clinical applications of deuterium depletion, and determining the present and future role of the process in…future role, role processcancer, research, view, llc1
physiotherapy.hu…a treatment plan. It is important to start the healing process as soon as possible, so your first session will also include some kind of treatment. Home exercises play a huge role in the therapy, so they are part of every session and should be done regularly. A session will last about 50 minutes .huge role, role therapyphysiotherapy, pain, therapy, problem, patient1
derossi.huMarcel earned both his BA in Business Administration and Management and his MA in Finance from Corvinus University of Budapest. With over five years in finance, he’s a data-driven valuation expert committed to excellence and results. His diverse financial roles have shaped him into a…financial role, role solutionvaluation, auditing, de, financial, data1
keletagrologistic.huOur main activity is the transportation of bulk agricultural commodities, especially oilseeds, grain, but we also play an important role in rail freight and wagon loading.important role, role raillogistic, management, forward, freight, transport1
lichen.huIn this way we hope to contribute to the understanding of the role and importance of lichens and lichenological research in nature, in human life and society.understand role, role importanceresearch, knowledge, homepage, science, detail1
melea.huIn making Melea become reality, we were guided by our most important mission: to play a prominent educational role in the field of prevention and health promotion in Hungary and the region, paving the way for science-based holistic lifestyle enhancement.educational role, role fieldroom, guest, premium, suite, bathroom1
salisbury.huOne of the city members of the Hanseatic League, Groningen had played an important role in providing food to the Netherlands. One of the city members of the Hanseatic League, Groningen had played an...important role, role foodsurvey, excavation, archaeological, geophysical, technology1
mirango.huMultiple decades of experience accumulated in developer, architect and project management roles. Our team includes engineers, researchers, and mathematicians: we are not scared of tasks that require a solid scientific, statistical or data processing background. We seek for challenges, indeed!management role, role teamsoftware, development, need, data, process1
fulspecialista.huThe pharynx and the throat perform respiratory and nutritional functions. Digestion of food begins in the pharynx, while the tonsils in the throat play a role in defense. Common diseases of the throat and pharynx include pharyngitis, sore throat, scratchy throat, tonsillitis, adenoiditis…throat role, role defenseear, nose, throat, inflammation, disease1
stylersgroup.huTroubleshoot Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)aaa role, role accessdata, series, group, center1
ihossport.huDr. Péter László, lawyer, married and father of two sons. From early childhood to sports, football plays a decisive role in his life. Following a primary school in sport, he spent his high school years in a sports school in Vaci Madách Imre Gymnasium, as well as the members of the company, and…decisive role, role lifeage, position, current, management, representation1
buchlerwagner.huIn addition, our company plays a pivotal role in the online sales of flight tickets and accommodations. With our flexible and integrated solutions, we assist our clients in comprehensive planning and execution of their aviation experiences.pivotal role, role onlinesolution, industry, aviation, travel, field1
potenton.hu…Although in 2015 she decided to leave the Kelemen Quartet for a while to concentrate on her solo career, chamber music has played a major role in her life ever since. As a chamber musician, she has played and plays regularly with partners such as Joshua Bell, Pekka Kuusisto, Nicholas…major role, role lifeconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music1
balinttarsasag.huOur technique derived from integrated medicine (integrated medicina), which consciously attempts to integrate biological, psychological, and societal factors. The technique is a further developed variation of the Balint group, in which modern healing techniques receive a bigger role. The…big role, role participantgroup, saturday, society, fee, technique1
ordogkatlan.huIt is our mission to promote music so that it would play a defining role in the lives of every family, child and young adult. We hope to achieve this through the nurturing and experience-based presentation of the values of Hungarian folk music, classical music, popular music and other genres of…music role, role lifetheatre, performance, festival, concert, music1
proper-m.huA development and sales professional, who have led the Hungarian and Romanian offices of Prologis through multiple real estate cycles from 2006 to 2019 and have gained consultancy experience at CBRE before. László had multiple responsibilities in these roles in multiple markets including property…responsibility role, role multipleproper, transaction, real, estate, management1
gacserlab.hu…and the host immune responses induced by this species. These include the investigation of the molecular background of pathogenicity, examining the role of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in the immunological recognition of C. parapsilosis , studying inflammasome activation and the role of…pathogenicity role, role pattern, activation role, role fungallab, paper, grant, news, presentation1
kultplay.huThis combination creates a nice contrast between vulnerability and roughness. For the observer, these photographs are disturbing and interesting at the same time. Still we want to emphasise the role of the skater here. Imagine how hard could it be to land those tricks perfectly without a single…time role, role skaterreader, art, social, installation, european1
qprt.hu…provide services to leading vehicle and machine industry players in the series manufacturing of custom-designed and manufactured equipment and engine components. The owner-CEO plays an important role in the civic life of the city and the region, and his corporate social responsibility is exemplary.important role, role civicmanufacture, series, customize, career, component1
infogroup.huThe company’s donation strategy is based on our sense of responsibility towards social challenges, which is part of our usual conduct of business. We also put sustainable, green solutions and the energy-consumption of our buildings in our focus. The sustainable operation of buildings plays…significant role, role globaldirector, development, real, estate1
esct.huThe Soul of Theology: on the Role of Holy Scripture in Theology (September 17th–20th, 2015) Vice-president: Pierre Van Hecketheology role, role holypresident, theology, congress, catholic, society1
mindreset.huWe focus on improvisation exercises, and character development. Through role plays, we encourage participants to understand negative behaviours, and to practice new ways of reacting and of being.development role, role playact, play, class, drama, theatre1
szabadkigyosikastely.huThe exhibition focuses on true local tales and anecdotes told by local heroes in their own words. Visitors plunge into a world of magic where interactivity plays a central role.history, visitor, family, gift, shop1
atbridges.huWe influence not only the funding of a new company, but also its behavior. Although part of the creation process, we know very well that the leading role is not ours in a start-up.process role, role startsolution, bridge, investment, generation, focus1
lintimage.huWe have a lot of beautiful colours for gel polish lovers… Colours play an important role in every day, the forest is green, relaxing, healing. The sea is blue, cleansing, and the colour red is responsible for passion. Everyone needs and likes something different, so we have a wide range of choices…important role, role daytreatment, care, price, hair, massage1
taxicab.hu…confidentiality in all circumstances. We pay attention to the needs of our customers, especially to children and people with disabilities. Our company upon request will provide special escort service with blue lights. We take an active role in working directly with governments and delegations.active role, role directlytransfer, day, trip, bus, vienna1
szunyogmonitor.hu…are inspected and validated by expert entomologists, then the resulting data can be used to generate informative figures that are represented here. By further processing of data, researchers can receive information on the ecology of invasive species as well as their role in the spread of pathogens.species role, role spreadmosquito, distribution, asian, spatial, report1
debrecenbike.huThe compound includes the Gábor Oláh Street Stadium, the Debrecen Indoor Swimming Pool, and the Imre Hódos Arena. They play a significant role in the nation’s sporting life of their own right as well as parts of a multifunctional recreation complex. Having organized an impressive roster of…significant role, role nationbike, street, church, build, city1
naturbiokal.huIn the continuously changing agricultural production the organic farming gets an increasing role, which is also helped by the reduction of the plant protection products. The trends foresees that Natur Biokal product family will spread in wide range. We started a serious product development as…farming role, role reductioninternational, family, plant, natural, result1
mionarix.huwe create with them. And in this respect we are at the forefront! We're working with tools that are revolutionising the online world and helping to create immersive user experiences. To make our websites magical, we use technologies that have played a prominent role in the evolution of the internet.prominent role, role evolutiondevelopment, website, client, reference, site1
resilux.huWe understand the vital role packaging plays in helping you meet your business objectives. Whether for carbonated beverages, still drinks or non-food products we are ready to find the best solution for you. Producing PET (polyethylene terephthalate) preforms and bottles has been our core business…vital role, role packagingrecycling, bottle, sustainable, solution, planet1
humanfield.huThe recruitment process of HumanField is unique and greatly differs from the service of its competitors. We imply with great success our executive search methodology during filling positions of specialists in non-management roles too.search, executive, market, candidate, firm1
belcat.huNowadays the role and the influence of “GREEN” is getting more and more important because it represents a sort of physical and mental well-being in our stress filled urban life.nowadays role, role influencegreen, wall, flower, tree, decorative1
budapestcircusfestival.huBalance plays an important role in our lives, both physically and mentally. Vladimir Erofeev developed keeping and maintaining balance to an artistic level in his breathtaking Rola-Bola act.important role, role lifecircus, festival, international, act, artist1
palyazatokprojektek.hu…time if we start a development project, we’ll win, in the latest period from 2009 we are writing the tenders without blemish, was neither rejected nor a contributor role failed projects, in the fields of Economic Development, Energy, or Urban Development, as well as Cultural or Tourism project.contributor role, role projecttender, development, consulting, write, consultancy1
luminalearning.huThe Accelerate Programme with Lumina Leader has created a profound and long-lasting impact on GMG Radio's people and culture. Participants have already started to move up through the business into more senior roles.lumina, learn, solution, event, study1
femtolab.hu[66] P. Rácz, V. Ayadi, P. Dombi, “ On the role of rescattering and mirror charge in in ultrafast nanooptical field probing with electrons ,” J. Opt. 20, 015501 (2018)dombi role, role rescatteringfield, lab, opt, k., generation1
eurogate-rail.huHungary is playing an increasingly important role in East-West trade. Goods trade Importing and exporting activity between the two regions has significantly expanded in the last few years, and EWG is further developing the attractiveness of routing via Hungary.important role, role eastrail, railway, price, road1
singalongkidsbudapest.huChildren learn a range of fun songs and rhymes through music, role play, movement, actions, games and by using different props. Parents often share with Cleo videos of their child performing a song or chanting a rhyme, while showing all the actions they learned during the classes. Such videos are…music role, role playclass, kid, child, sing, music1
operettissima.hu…world-famous Budapest Operetta Theatre stage and in 2003 he won a scholarship of the Hungarian State Opera were he obtaind his first lyric tenor roles. Later than, he acted in more heroic (lirico spinto) roles. He has taken the stages in major concert halls and theatres in 22 countries of the…tenor role, role later, spinto role, role stageoperetta, concert, theatre, ticket, news1
idomsoft.huIdomSoft Ltd., as a member of NISZ group, is a 100 % indirect state-owned company, playing a leading role in the development, integration, installation and operation of IT systems of national importance. We have unique experience in developing high-security governmental IT systems, as well as IT…company role, role development, significant role, role majorhistory, personal, activity, data, operation1
nuvu.huThe opening was a significant domestic and international success, contributing greatly to the recognition of Hungary and Budapest. Dr. Julio C. Maglione President rightly called the Budapest WC the most successful World Championship of all time. Your devotional work played a huge role in this…huge role, role successpage, trade, letter, original, torch1
wing.huWING believes in its role in creating a liveable and sustainable social and built environment for future generations. That is why the company is actively involved in initiatives that help to shape the future of younger generations.wing role, role liveableoffice, district, property, international, real1
teljeselet.huIn spring, we provide helper skills training to prepare our helpers for their role in the camps.helper role, role campgoal, foundation, camp, newly, center1
nyitottkor.hu…of it in similar situations. The TiE program has a preventive goal trying to influence the children’s behavior at a point where certain roles and group dynamics have not yet been set, and at an age where characteristically a major abuse within a group has not yet taken place. The programcertain role, role groupdrama, group, participant, european, education1
meta-inf.huThanks to thorough planning and dedicated work, the migration project proceeded smoothly from start to finish, and our new system launched on time and operates flawlessly. The expertise and experience of the team played a significant role in this, greatly assisting us in our collaborative efforts…significant role, role greatlyjira, training, app, issue, user1
remat.hu…25 years, is a period full of challenges; the separate collection and treatment of plastic waste, the introduction of plastic waste as a value into the public consciousness is a huge result of the legal predecessors of Zrt., TVK-ReMat Kft. and the later ReMat Kft., as it played a pioneering role.technology, waste, material, quality, continuous1
metalleg.huFesto has a leading role in automation technology and technical education. Their goal is to maximize the efficiency of our customers and to give them competitive advantages. At present, Festo has developed into a global group of companies, and its products and services are present in 176 countries.festo role, role automationpneumatic, solution, metal, technology, brand1
gregorius.huI would like to break the ice with the announcement of a new title, Óperencia: The Stolen Sun . Zen Studios is attempting to bring this role-playing game featuring the legends of Eastern and Central Europe to the table still in March. Good luck to the guys on this!studio role, role gamevideo, website, music, news, date1
blpartners.hu• Gap-management and support of executives • Financial reporting, planning • Strategy and management roleshomepage, financial, industry, advisory, management1
gotyourback.hu…or back pain. Our body was not “invented” to spend 10-12 hours in a chair, but to be constantly in motion, as our posture plays a very important role in protecting our spine. Due to the lack of exercise lifestyle, our torso-stabilizing muscles are weakened, back and lumbar pains appear, which…important role, role spinetraining, personal, free, check, health1
filmart.hu…man is preparring for a murder. The victim is the Turk Selim Hikmet, who runs a restaurant and night club well-kown for drogs. In order to misguide the police, the man selects a false killer as well. The pretty, 20 year old, Kurdish Petra, addicted in the past seems to be perfect for the role.television, police, story, documentary, series1
sa-fa.huIl Bacio di Stile – Kiss of Style. Shop furniture and the arrangement of it have a more prominent role than we think. In 2013 – 14, our parent company SA-FA Design manufactured the furniture for the complete women’s department and the perfume shop of the luxury store Il Bacio di Stile, unique in…prominent role, role parentfurniture, unique, quality, interior, shop1
papprekakinga.huAlthough it makes for a great dramatic effect, the theories of the sudden death of democracy disregard the gradual erosion and capture of institutions, and the role of the populace – argues...institution role, role populacetalk, special, treatment, casual, ancient1
bdl.huThe BDL Ltd. plays leading role, both in the public and municipal-owned water utilities asset-evaluation in the last decade.bdl role, role publicplan, water, asset, evaluation, utility1
mome.huIn the spirit of modernism, László Moholy-Nagy advocated the role of art in shaping society and intertwining with technological innovations.nagy role, role artuniversity, art, innovation, international, study1
kurultaj.huBefore Islam and Christianity, nomads of the great steppes had their own pagan beliefs and ancient religion. That is why showcasing the ancient religion of Hungarian and other nomadic people played an important role at the Kurultaj. One of the most advanced variations of shamanism is Tengriism…important role, role kurultaj, role lifenation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient1
ipariparkszolnok.huIn the development of County Rank town of Szolnok plays significant role an up-to-date Industrial Park, which gives an excellent opportunity for the settlement of competitive industrial and commercial companies. The tasks of realisation is performed by Szolnok Industrial Park Ltd. established in…significant role, role dateindustrial, centre, logistic, location, announcement1
i-deal.huThe excellent experience I had with Mortoff in my previous position made them the first choice when assuming my new role. They always provide highly skilled teams in a nearshore model no matter if it is app development, backend architectures, or end-to-end testing.new role, role highlysolution, medium, enterprise, large, colleagues1
healthcaremed.huWe wish to play a decisive role in the market of special therapeutic fields that we represent.decisive role, role markethealthcare, homepage, oncology, therapeutic, area1
exportreadiness.hu…of a major national mineral water and soft drinks producer for 2 years, with a global customer portfolio generating a sales revenue of HUF 3 billion. After that, I assisted the world market sales of a Hungarian technological invention in the role of business development and marketing director.invention role, role businessmarket, sale, foreign, international, development1
magyarkertorokseg.huThe Hungarian Garden Heritage Foundation, as a professional non-governmental umbrella organisation takes part in the exploration, protection and promotion of historic gardens and other gardens of historical importance via the active role it takes with regards initiatives concerning the exploration…active role, role initiativegarden, news, art, heritage, conference1
mszjf.huALAI was established in 1078 to protect and promote the rights of creators. Its first president was Victor Hugo, the world famous writer. ALAI played a key role in initiating the process which finally led to the adoption of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in…key role, role processcongress, protection, international, award, national1
inforness.hu…Faculty of Informatics of Eötvös Loránd University for almost 5 years. Thanks to which, in addition to traditional IT projects, it has a prominent role in practical education within the framework of regular university training, database technologies, SAP HANA and artificial intelligence – often as…prominent role, role practicaltraining, university, development, algorithm, hana1
balazstakacs.huDuring the 4-hand massage, I experienced what it feels like when a man and a woman are in harmony while they take care of the ‘smaller’ one – all of this at the same time. The experience had it all, including what the ideal "parent" relationship is like, with maintaining the roles. The man is in…like role, role manmassage, gift, voucher, pain, minute1
gergelyszalay.hutake part in daily management administration (i.e. active role in agile meetings, prioritization)active role, role agiledeveloper, window, close, development, school1
gyuttmentfesztival.huI play several roles in our eco-community, I am currently a volunteer coordinator, contact person and organizer. In addition, I make ecological and community-themed graphics, experiment with ethical art, and participate in network initiatives that connect communities and connect and support…gather, community, countryside, network, day1
angoloniskola.hu…with companies to: bring their employee’s English to the necessary level, stop the spread of toxic work environments, define clear boundaries and roles for each department and individual, optimize customer service and generate more business through a sales team that builds trust with clients and aboundary role, role departmentteacher, student, training, language, native1
biofairtrade.huThe main goal of our continously growing Nett Food Free From product family is to support healty lifetyle. Reform eating has a great role in maintaining a healthy life, therefore more and more people choose to follow reform diet. Not only those who have food intolerance, but everyone who believes…great role, role healthytrade, fair, free, certification, gluten1
jobgroup.huWe understand the HR needs, specific job roles and required competencies of the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. Our pharma consulting team has decades of experience and contacts in the field.job role, role competencydetail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour1
arrabonastudio.huWe've made numerous EU supported project and event films in Brussels and around Europe. We treat these projects with a lot of care as we know how important role they play in attracting funding, new members or customers to your company. We write the script, organize the shoots, while always…important role, role fundingdocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy1
treningkerekasztal.huIt intends to take a role with the training, this special and specific development form, in the field of the ethical market practice, making tangible the quality of the services and the information of the users of the training services.training, roundtable, consulting, ethical, quality1
nonprofitpartner.huDue to the labour shortage and fluctuation companies try to retain their employees. Corporate volunteering programs can play a significant role in achieving this goal.significant role, role goalvolunteer, social, organization, consultancy, programme1
olforg.huEnvironmental consciousness plays an important role in our company. Therefore, we strive to reduce our environmental footprint and operate in a sustainable manner. A significant portion of our power consumption is covered through the use of solar energy. We generate our own electricity using solar…important role, role companymilling, turn, client, reference, quality1
linkgroup.hutwo-cell dynamic network model of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and discovered a potential drug target inhibiting this transition playing a key role in metastasis formation. Erik was working with Nina Kunsic and other members of the group. Erik also won the best medical project prize of the 2021key role, role metastasisgroup, network, member, signal, paper1
ngproject.huThe founders of the Blockchain Coalition belong to the forward-thinkers who have recognized that blockchain technology has matured and become accepted, thus it can play a significant role in global economic competition, and its application could be a strategic goal for the world’s leading economies.significant role, role globalsolution, energy, industrial, automation, technology1
perident.huA proper oral hygiene and professional cleaning by the hygenists play an important role in the maintenance of dental implants.important role, role maintenancedental, dentist, implant, clinic, treatment1
foodbase.huAs a flavour producer, we create flavours that give consumers a sense of value, that plays a significant role in the consumption and acceptance of food, therefore it is very important to choose a supplier that produces high-quality flavour. We produce flavours in liquid and powder form.significant role, role consumptionflavour, food, vinegar, base, powder1
artitechmedia.huCreativity plays a pivotal role in our approach to web development at ArtiTechMedia. We believe that creativity is the driving force behind every successful website we create.pivotal role, role approachwebsite, goal, development, main, quality1
bbexport.huAs an intermediary, BB EXPORT represents locals selling premium quality acacia honey. Our role is to do market research, build connections, mediate in trading negotiations and help our clients close trading contracts with buyers from new markets.honey role, role marketacacia, honey, natural, quote, market1
onergy.huThe primary objective of the energy management is to optimize and reduce the consumption. There are number of possibilities to achieve this goal, but the energetic measuring tools and measuring systems play a crucial role in the the exploration of energetic „weak” links, and the evaluation of the…crucial role, role explorationenergy, building, technology, methodology, automation1
ppkg.huWe are happy to share our experience and opinion on the role of software, smart tools, IoT and automation in agricultural development.opinion role, role softwarefarming, organic, innovation, agriculture, sustainable1
szkokesfiakft.hu…its prices in accordance with our partners’ expectations. Due to recent dynamic development, cleaning and lawn mowing now play a significant role in the company’s activities. Presently, the cleaning and lawn mowing services used by our partners are determining in the company’s income. The…significant role, role companyés, activity, cart, order, long1
zoldutak.hu…member trans-national consortium Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (Ökotárs) and Cycling Hungary Alliance (KMSZ) play important roles in the project. The works last from January to December of 2011, while we and our western neighbours are forming the route that meanders around…important role, role projectiron, curtain, border, area, step1
osas.huShe leaves behind an oeuvre of outstanding quantity and quality. Vera deviated from the main thrust of the concrete art of the time as her thinking was essentially algorithmic. Mathematics, structure, and chance played an important role in her work. Working together with her late husband, François…important role, role workart, post, open, exhibition, structure1
nyirerdo.huThe robinia tree, also called the “gold of the region”, definitely plays an important role in the life of the forestry company. The forest and wood processing products made from robinia trees form the basis of the company’s success. NYÍRERDŐ Zrt. pays special attention to the native tree species…important role, role lifehunting, forestry, acacia, important, forest1
microcosmos.huOriginally an architect, who changed her mind and joined the company in January 1990. Dori also owns part of the company since 2002. As member of the management team she is responsible for Business Development and takes an active role in the marketing and sales activities of the company too. Dori…active role, role marketinggallery, destination, event, management, great1
pearlgallery-bielek.hu…Tuamotu and Gambier Archipelagos located northeast of Tahiti. As for the pearls, their colour range from white through the variations of green, purple, gray, blue to black. They can be round, baroque, circled. How they are created, their role in pearl jewelry, this website will help you understand.circle role, role pearlhistory, value, treatment, natural, factor1
masped.huSuccessful investments of MASPED Group play an important role in forwarding, property management trade and tourism.important role, role forwardgroup, logistic, reliability, tradition, social1
startupokejszakaja.hu…Hungarian capital. Our mission is to contribute to the development and expansion of viable, new and existing entrepreneurs based on the market needs, thus we play an important role in the creation and preservation of workplaces in Budapest and the facilitation of the economic growth of the Capital.important role, role creationenterprise, city, ecosystem, programme, international1
ransommentes.huThanks to the unique experiences we have gained at Data Recovery and in this critical role, and due to the special knowledge we have built we have a real and extensive insight into the process and mechanism of a ransomware attack. Having this wide experience enables us to assess the risks of a…critical role, role specialattack, assessment, day, detail, eng1
varakeskastelyok.huMeet the most important noble families of Hungary, past and present, and learn about the history of their family residences, castles and palaces. With the help of quality video content and image galleries on our site, you can immerse yourself in the past and learn about the history-shaping role of…history role, role noblecastle, map, family, noble, famous1
studentjob.huThe role of the intern is to help the Customer Support Representatives by managing simple customer requestsjob, student, provider, goal, joint1
emin.huTrademarks are an important means of informing consumers. They provide direct information about the product or service. Trademarks create a link between different products and their producers, different services and service providers, they have a quality indicating role, they contribute to the…quality role, role developmentquality, award, tender, value, consumer1
eniac.hucustomers. In the fierce market competition of our times, it is not enough to provide high-quality services at a reasonable price. For long-term business success, it is essential to meet customer demands on a high standard and constantly maintain customer satisfaction, which puts up the role of CRM.satisfaction role, role crmmanagement, software, solution, detail, enterprise1
euroviptours.huWe pay a special attention to Health tourism, because we have realised, that more and more people wordlwide are becoming aware of the role of healthy living in preventing diseases and promoting an overall sense of well being. Fortunately Hungary is blessed with an abundant supply of thermal and…aware role, role healthytour, wine, city, festival, pilgrimage1
sacinformatics.huSophisticated authorization management that provides differentiated roles to be used for data management: data access, registering, reporting, approval, alert management.differentiate role, role datatechnology, banking, office, development, application1
menhely.huThe success of the foundation relies on the cooperation of businesses, individuals and organisations that also strive to help the homeless. The foundation continues to assume a significant role in coordinating activities with other homeless organisations and other partner organisations. (These…significant role, role activityfoundation, mission, shelter, organisation, homeless1
batizandras.huStories have power – a power that is rarely used in business today yet, even though shared stories have played a significant role in the evolutionary development of Homo Sapiens. Stories have always connected larger communities as a platform for sharing collective knowledge.significant role, role evolutionarypresentation, custom, offer, webpage, impact1
zobak.huMe personally root it back to weaknesses in applying the method, and the fact, that most often the actually experienced employees are not "guided". Call me, and in frames of one (or more) FMEA workshops I will play the role of the FMEA moderator. The main goal is certainly to have a Product…workshop role, role fmeaquality, management, automotive, supplier, consulting1
borrak.huHyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the human tissues, it can be found in the skin in great quantity as it is a major component of the connective tissue of the skin and it plays an important role in the hydration of the skin. The amount of hyaluronic acid decreases by age, so, as a consequence…important role, role hydrationwrinkle, treatment, skin, lip, hyaluronic1
peternemtom.hu…school, I was pretty good. After that I was composing some songs, first covered with piano, later with synths. I had 100+ uncompleted songs, themes, or arrangement. Now I can find my role even as a developer, or music composer. (But surely I'm not gfx guy: no shaders, no 3D modelling fits to me.)arrangement role, role developergame, music, developer, composer, intro1
szaboesszalai.huHe has been involved in the country's most important and most significant criminal cases, including economic, property, fiscal and transport cases, and has taken an active role as a defender and as legal representative on the side of the defendant or the victim.active role, role defenderlaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case1
barkert.huThis place has a long history, and it had always played an active role in the life of Budapest during the last 130 years. In the beginning it gave home to traders, artists and exhibitors, then it became the center of youth events. Keeping the spirit of its tradition, we are always giving the best…active role, role lifeevent, castle, special, stylish, delicious1
veszpa.huWith nearly two decades of hands-on experience in digital strategy, from engineering to top leadership roles, I thrive on turning chaos into opportunity. My journey as a founder, architect, CTO, CEO, tech innovator and digital management consultant has taught me that the digital landscape is where…leadership role, role chaosdigital, passion, executive, balazs, innovation1
vonalvezeto.huWe always sought to find our role in engineering areas whether it was when cycling infrastructure started to develop, when the focus shifted to the renewal of municipal public spaces, or when pavement renewal programmes started.engineering, line, road, local, office1
pulsoholding.huPulso Holding is a Hungarian company that believes in our country's increasingly important role not only in the European economy but also in the global one. We wish to go on making our mark with new projects and taking advantage of the enormous opportunities that we see on the horizon. I am very…important role, role europeandevelopment, oil, health, real, estate1
eljharmoniaban.huAs the world is rushing today, the restoration of harmony is taking an important role int he life of the people. Yoga, meditation and ayurveda are our great help in this attempt. Yoga is a great answer from the ancient times for the problems of the modern life, where this several hundred years old…important role, role intyoga, class, private, meditation, course1
fjit.huTo achieve our targets we provide strategic recommendations for the State Secretariat for Healthcare, and initiate consultations with relevant professional organisations. We have analysed the situation and characteristics of school healthcare, made recommendations about the role of school…recommendation role, role schoolschool, healthcare, member, health, mission1
kozossikereink.hu…economics, so the major purpose of the new cycle is the funding of prosperous investments. It is also of utmost importance that beside large enterprises small and medium-sized enterprises could also take part in this development. The new funding system would have an outstanding role in this.result, success, funding, cycle, financial1
danit.huAs a Junior Java developer, I intend to deepen my programming skills and learn new programming languages. I believe continuous learning is essential in this profession. Due to the increasingly important role of information technology and mobile devices today, I see my future as a mobile…important role, role informationdeveloper, programming, intro, exam, school1
kiralysport.huThe KIRÁLY Sports Complex is a facility, located on the west side of Szombathely, on 45,000 square meters of land. Football plays the major role in our sports facility. Next to a UEFA standard centre field, a trainings ground, three grassy fields, an asphalt and two cinder-covered football pitches…major role, role sportgoalkeeper, school, training, kiraly, complex1
balatonoszodstrand.huBalatonőszöd is part of the Balatonboglár wine region, so the winery plays an important rolechange, default, village, wide, beach1
cma.huKrisz has performed a crucial role in the major projects delivered by CMA over the years including the design coordination of the Gresham Four Seasons Hotel in Budapest, the National Instruments campus and the majority of CMA’s logistics and manufacturing portfolio. Krisz acts as managing director…crucial role, role majorarchitect, client, use, management, plan1
cetin.huOur role at CETIN Hungary is to protect your data, systems and networks from invisible attackers by delivering end to end security services from architecture design and solution integration, through operation and maintenance, monitoring and other SOC capabilities.infrastructure, sustainable, technology, solution, class1
personar.huPersonaR is a strategic communication consulting firm, expressly dedicated to help enterprises and organizations, so that their communication strategies aimed to meet their business targets fulfil their role seamlessly.target role, role seamlesslycommunication, strategic, strategy, consultancy, method1
smartrain.huI have been dealing with designing and building model railway systems since 2001. Among others, I had a leading role in planning, constructing and operating Hungary’s two biggest, permanent railway model exhibitions. Thus over the years I have talked to thousands of visitors, who – though had the…system role, role hungarycolour, table, price, lighting, specification1
hegypasztor.huThe voluntarism plays an important role in the association’s life. Hegypásztor Kör operates the Volunteer Center of Vas County.important role, role associationinitiative, event, community, offer, accommodation1
haba.org.huThe Board and Members of HABA are more than grateful to Elemér Gidófalvy for the distinguished role he played as the President of HABA between August 2016 and August 2023. Under his strong leadership, HABA’s community has been revived via the expansion of new activities and members, and HABA’s…distinguish role, role presidentbritish, association, event, board, university1
mke.hufrescoes of Károly Lotz are once again in their original splendour, and our old exhibition spaces, the Barcsay Hall and the Aula, play an important role not only in representing the university, but also in the teaching and research work of the university through thematic and group student…important role, role universityart, university, department, head, education1
grandiohungary.hu…be tolerated, but in return remains a rich soil life and living community, which, in our view, might be able to protect itself in the long term. In this system, the role of the nearby forests is also very important, because the organisms living there can also affect the health of the plantations.system role, role nearbywalnut, organic, quality, buy, free1
demijohn.huCome and rent Riedel’s glasses when you are lacking them at home and the friends are coming or you are organizing a corporate event for your colleagues, when you’re having family events or just getting married, and all cases the wine is in the leading role.wine, cart, cellar, view, quick1
sepsieniko.hu…(and journal) entitled Text & Presentation approaches this theatrical intersection from the perspective of rite research. I assumed pioneering roles in the following activities: presenting Yves Bonnefoy’s lifework to the Hungarian public and the contextualisation of Valère Novarina’s lifework…pioneer role, role followstudy, university, theatre, research, french1
endomedix.huModern diagnostic techniques are playing an increasingly important role in healing and health maintenance. Timely and accurate diagnosis of digestive problems can lead to successful treatment, and timely testing and treatment can prevent many - even fatal - diseases.important role, role healingcentre, food, anaesthesia, gastroenterology, examination1
meetsafe.huAs a mixed form, we separately deal with hybrid events that perfectly combine elements of both live and virtual events, and ensure online connection between participants of two or more live events.event, introduction, tool, creative, enhancement0
dpc.huDPC Consulting designed and successfully delivered the first installment of GE Healthcare Java Academy, an 8-week learning and coding bootcamp aimed at junior Java developers. The program combines traditional classroom training, hands-on exercises and team projects, uses high quality bespoke…key role, role responsibilitymanagement, consulting, training, software, solution0
mke.info.huThe Association of Hungarian Librarians takes pride in the traditions of Hungarian librarianship, and looks with respect upon the great librarian predecessors: József Szinnyei, Zoltán Ferenczi, József Fitz, Ervin Szabó, Béla Kőhalmi, Pál Gulyás, Béla Varjas, Ákos Domanovszky, Máté Kovács, Csaba…library, branch, association, county, conference0
somogyicivilszovetseg.huPulvinar lectus augue, parturient vel placerat porttitor est, odio. Auctor ut tristique nisi...big, globe, education, japan, population0
mikrolabspf.huThe laboratory of Mikrolab does microbiology and feedstuff analysis from as early as 1983. In 1990, the company Mikrolab Ltd. was established.animal, microbiology, lab, manager, technician0
avicenna.huYour Bridge to Success We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities. WHY CHOOSE AVICENNA? Avicenna International College prepares and educates its students to be responsible citizens, enjoy learning, develop academically and pursue a successful higher…international, college, student, education, study0
mnbi.huOur students and their masters will go to Berlin today, where they will participate in the TANZOLYMP XX. International Dance Festival.debut role, role odetteballet, dance, programme, media, center0
luxglam.huWe work closely with you to understand your goals and then develop your entire business plan.soon, maintenance, search, result, social0
historyorherstory.huIn the one and a half centuries since Peter , we have been occupied with nothing else but the challenging task of engaging with all human civilizations, understanding their history, and adopting their ideals as our own.economic role, role christianhistory, market, trade, icon, age0
borzaconsulting.huFrom 2016 he is the country representative and senior consultant of Tools4F. Major consulting projects: general IFRS consulting, life insurance planning and performance measurement project support. PRIIPs calculations, ALM training, market products analysis.substantial role, role supplierconsulting, insurance, support, development, pension0
jennyz.hu…of what an absolutely pitiful pair we make: the 73 year old woman who doesn’t speak any English, accompanied by her very-pregnant daughter. Whatever the reason, I’m grateful. I’d hate for my mom to be alone as she gets poked and prodded, and receives this strange cocktail of medication for 6 hours.tag role, role playday, february, week, photo, family0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)monogame role, role playprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
felvesznek.hu…and foster the development of career management skills among VET students in order to prevent early school leaving, increase motivation and attainment levels as well as employability. To reach this, a 5-member international consortium, which represents 3 countries (Hungary, Finland and…training, manual, teacher, school, career0
keresztenymotorosok.hu…Christ to be our personal Saviour. We have accepted Him in our hearts as the Lord and Governor of our lives. The value system formulated by the Bible is the basis of our value system, too. It is present in our everyday lives and determines our way of thinking and our decisions. This is quite…important role, role followgod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important0
lushclub.hu…and special cocktails. Come and spend a few unforgettable hours and enjoy the show to your heart's content. Whether it's a private suit dance, pole dancing or a wide selection of drinks. Here you will find everything you need for an amazing night. The Lush team always makes sure to give its…main role, role daylush, drink, girl, gallery, reservation0
dragonshop.hu© 2024 DragonShop Designed by Themehunkcritical role, role crown, role monsterview, quick, game, dungeon, guide0
indepth.huPurpose – a higher goal or mission – is inner inspiration which charges us with energy and carries us towards something. What’s in the depth of what we are doing? Who are we? What is an organization, why are we together and what drives us? There was, is, and always will be a purpose, although it…identity roledepth, organization, group, development, learn0
szombathely2030.huAn internationally unique development and test environment, ranging from households to senior homes and thermal baths to virtual hospital infrastructure. There is a particular emphasis on sports, stroke and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. It combines academic and applied research with user needs.environment, rehabilitation, development, international, city0
kzst.huLatest publications of KZST: 1, „The Holocaust is not a Theological Accident” – Some Documents of the Christian-Jewish Relations ; 2, Christian-Jewish Theological Year Book 2007.jewish, christian, lecture, society, community0
kertvellesy.hu…is important. You have to feel and create harmony with either minimal, classic or mediterranean feeling. I enjoy my job, I love architecture. It gives me a creative, entertaining and even sufficiently comprehensive world. I’m happy to show you too… /design with passion – architecture with passion/agreement, contract, office, reference, data0
cbctbudapest.hu…toxins. Another large group is the foci of padontal origin. Examples include chronic gingivitis or focal infections developing from chronic gum disease. The third type is the purulent abscess developing around an impacted tooth, typically around the wisdom tooth. A very similar disease is an…dental, focus, tooth, scan, organ0
habsburgottoalapitvany.huto be the first to receive information on our latest activities, news and events, and to learn more about the work of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation!foundation, news, collection, biography, programme0
bkk.huPublic transport Practical guide to Budapest public transport Public transport service changes Airport Express Front-door boarding Night transport Boat services Funicular Chairlift Heritage transport services Accessibility Dogs on public transport Cycling, scooters and walking Trip planning…transport, public, ticket, timetable, news0
magote.huContinue reading “Mushroom’s moment: Is the trendy item set to become a grocery cart staple?” …inportant role, role fungalmushroom, fungus, food, brand, cardboard0
falcongt.huinclude high-end premium software, hardware and custom hardware solutions. Related services include planning and developing data security systems, commissioning and customisation of software, maintenance of information security systems and customised operation.process role, role responsibilityconsulting, security, risk, data, threat0
creado.huThis is the website of Pronon, Creado, and Goda Gyula.development, tool, website, expert, consultant0
businesscoach.huI had the opportunity to work with Laura and Business Coach Kft. during my years as Managing Director at Körber Hungaria. She and her team helped me a lot to transform the leadership culture at the company to a truly openminded and innovative culture where helping each other became a key asset and…training, privacy, data, management, self0
sparrowband.huThe FCI’s breed standards are written to serve as a guideline for the development of dog breeds, while keeping in mind the importance of the health and wellbeing of the dogs belonging to these breeds. The FCI also organizes several dog shows, field trials, and other activities in order to evaluate…breed, dog, health, vaccination, guarantee0
inventory.huWe mainly focus on quality code and elegant design with incredible support. Our WordPress themes and plugins empower you to create an elegant, professional and easy to maintain website in no time at all.book, episode, gameplay, day, launch0
heartandsexuality.hu…of our professional team participated in several trainings in Western Europe in 2019, and we all participated in a special course called Heart & Sexuality Professional Training organized by the Dutch BodyMind Opleidingen, as we were able to deepen the studies and practices of the previous years.male role, role responsibilitysexuality, training, heart, body, basic0
akvarellkep.hu…these pictures, this is why we enjoy looking at them. It is worthwhile to be submerged in the world of these pictures again and again, as the colour effects of the painting change with the daily and seasonal changes of the Sun’s path, it changes with the changes of the quality of light. It…gratitude role, role modelcolour, soul, picture, unique, love0
indigoag.huLOG IN… Soil Carbon Science… Indigo Ag Logo… Hungary / Magyarország… Про Indigo Agriculture…biological, resource, story, agriculture, farming0
turatipp.huPulvinar lectus augue, parturient vel placerat porttitor est, odio. Auctor ut tristique nisi...big, globe, education, japan, population0
nemzetiregiszter.huOn Monday, Prime Minister and President of Fidesz Viktor Orbán welcomed the presidents of Hungarian member organizations of the European People's Party. The meeting was attended by: Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) Zsolt Semjén, President of the…hungarians role, role equalhungarians, minister, community, national, school0
hungarianreview.huSzilárd Biernaczky : László Magyar – Untold Stories of a Hungarian Explorer Born Two Hundred Years Ago – Part Ireview, author, poem, editor, nation0
igazifogyas.hu“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”company role, role successvisitor, description, short, benefit, client0
transpot.hu…and technology, and using our companies entire infrastructure, with the outmost efficiency, we provide a precise and cost effective service to our business partners. Because of our common logistics goals, and with our large variety of vehicles, we always provide the most cost effective solution.group, industry, solution, efficiency, scale0
womenscareer.huAndrea Ferenczi, president of the Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary, board member of Older Women’s Network Europe has been invited by INPEA (International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse) and Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service to speak at their CSW59…change role, role attitudewoman, career, development, association, release0
andreakeresztes.huI am an actress and stunt performer from Hungary, my native language is Hungarian, I speak fluent English and a little German. My hobbies are cave exploring and rope access works.main role, role episode, role girlseries, actor, builder, website, main0
diplomaticmagazine.huOn the occasion of 104th Independence Day, annually observed on May 28, the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Hungary hosted a grand reception at Aranybástya Restaurant, attended by the Political Director of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, high officials of government agencies, heads…country role, role modelmagazine, diplomatic, interview, public, colour0
ajbh.huJoint Statement of Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and Deputy Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Ombudsman for Future Generations on World Environment Dayanimation, commissioner, fundamental, office, county0
metagames.huMetagame kártyajáték és társasjáték bolt! Tekintse meg kínálatunk és látogasson el üzleteinkbe, vagy rendeljen online!silent role, role playgame, card, battle, space, set0
varszegituzvedelem.hu“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”company role, role successvisitor, description, short, client, post0
fjordin.hu…joint venture company. We are distributing frozen fish and seafood mostly to our professional partners such as restaurants, cafés, hotels and wholesalers. Embassies, multinational companies and a lot of private individuals settled in Hungary prefer to buy directly from the importer.key role, role popularfish, seafood, range, price, quality0
designmost.huOur pages are designed by professional designers who use their keen eye for detail to create beautiful designs that convert.role permissionsupport, page, agency, tool, market0
leda-angel.huAngel Wings: Naughty lights ❤️ Mischievous lights run outside,With the bright, happy star of Venus,Like sparkling blue soul gems,They float like emeralds by the sea,While embracing the sun with kisses. ❤️ Leda Angel © Jun 23, 2023Share, and copy,with only the author's...time rolesoul, love, autumn, light, dream0
headhuntingconsulting.hu…our expertise and trusted partners. In our thorough selection process, we look for the qualifications, personality and motivation that make a candidate the best fit for your vacancy. We are passionate about helping you complement your company with the right personnel. Feel free to contact us at…consulting, position, vacancy, search, executive0
iceee.hu…Sydney, Kensington NSW 2052, Australia, 5 ELKH-PE Limnoecology Research Group, Veszprém, Hungary, 6 School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 7 Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon…university, science, environmental, engineering, faculty0
kör-ház.huThe Lake Invest 2001 Kft. Several years of professional experience, many cities (Veszprém, Tatabanya, Várpalota, Sopron) offers small and medium enterprises in the surrounding office rental demand. Our company considers it important to our service recipient companies keep the highest possible…office, gallery, build, condition, rental0
senanszkypetra.huPetra Senánszky: 2x World Games Winner 11x World Champion 6x European Champion 2x Junior World Champion 2x Junior European Champion World record holder: 50, 100, 200 BiFin 4x swimming national championswimming, champion, achievement, surface, underwater0
polarbear.huMore than 15 years of experience in filmmaking from TV Commercials to Blockbusters, I worked as a technician, director, director of photography, editor, post-production coordinator, VFX artist, 3D animator, production manager, colorist, motion control specialist.motion, operator, control, commercial, engineer0
partnershungary.huIn general, the word "conflict" has a somewhat pejorative connotation, it is seen as a bad thing to be avoided. We think differently. Every society, community, organisation, human relationship goes through conflicts from time to time in the course of everyday interaction. If we have the means…mediator roleconflict, mediator, training, management, mediation0
lyranails.huOur pages are designed by professional designers who use their keen eye for detail to create beautiful designs that convert.role permissionsupport, agency, tool, market, plan0
szolnokim.huSession… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment…fcgi rolearray, request, object, log, true0
shl.huBorsodChem Zrt. has been in business relation with SHL Hungary Ltd. as a service provider since 2008. In 2008, three of our employees attended SHL Hungary Ltd’s “Tests in the World of Work” training. Following this course we bought some of their tests, having used with good results since then, and…questionnaire, selection, development, exercise, manager0
visionfinder.huVision Finder is a training in that it uses “games” or situations constructed to provide you with experiences to learn from. It is also a peer-coaching and conversation group in that it builds on learnings from your past life experience, and the sharing of insights within the group. And above all…team rolevision, finder, group, support, venue0
silverhost.huUnlimited Web Hosting SEO Hosting Hosting Packages Wallet-friendly Hosting Packages Business Hosting Packages Professional Hosting Packages Wordpress Hosting Joomla Hosting OpenCart Hostingroad role, role playdefault, unlimited, server, cart, backup0
kalandklub.hu…articles sorted by hits… Single ArticleExample of the single article… List All CategoriesList of the allstatus role, role womannews, president, force, base, air0
vargaae.hu> Cloud Application Platform: deployed on Render both Back End, Front End applications and the SQL Database entirely in the cloud.operation role, role productapplication, andras, portfolio, developer, skill0
bkb-solutions.huEstablished in 2012, BKB Solutions Kft. provides SAP-related consulting services to its clients in Hungary and the DACH region, primarily in the areas of SAP logistics, project management, and project administration.solution, management, development, knowledge, performance0
tehetszmehtobbet.huA multitude of celebrities and experts are drawing attention to the global consequences of the decline of pollinators and the importance of their protection.bee, campaign, exhibition, event, ambassador0
prolude.huTo start with, my studies and my sphere of interest have both moved me to the direction of electronics. As a result PROLUDE AMPLIFICATION was born at the beginning of the new millennium. My goal is to provide bass players with the best possible sound quality.shape role, role musicsound, bass, head, cabinet, media0
szaknyelvioktatas.huThese live online vocabulary building courses are designed to give lawyers and legal professionals all possible assistance to thrive in the international legal landscape. The online courses will provide a practical and up-to-date legal English language skills training to legal professionals.regular role, role playlegal, course, student, class, international0
autosen.huOur constantly growing product portfolio includes more than 400 products from the areas of position sensors, process sensors, Motion Control, IO-Link sensors, software, masters, etc. and our IIoT gateway io-key. The range is completed with a selection of suitable connection technology, sensor…sensor, accessories, class, key, temperature0
bdml.huExplore the sustainable materials of the future Budapest Design Material Library Co-founded by the Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency and Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, the material library is a collection of the most innovative materials currently available worldwide. If you need…pivotal role, role materialmaterial, library, sustainable, collection, innovative0
wedding-shop.huThe floristry business has a significant market in the corporate and social event world, as flowers play a large part in the decor of special events and meetingswedding, event, flower, gallery, decor0
polyglot.huPolyglot Translation Agency: ✔️ Translation ✔️Interpreting ✔️Proofreading for business clients. Please contact us for further information!translation, language, interpret, agency, proofreading0
gigup.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.sit, amet, ipsum, lorem, dolor0
trademagazin.huCompany and Personal News Auchan will raise wages between 12.5 and 21.3 percent from Januarynews, january, chain, article, price0
synergyfox.huSynergy Fox Business is hrenko.'s proprietary content management system, built on more than 15 years of experience as an agency. You can manage all your websites from one admin interface, with any number of language versions for each page. In addition to the E-commerce module, we can also create a…synergy, management, corporate, manager, premium0
goconcept.hu“In my trainer development work, the encounter, the challenge, as well as the novelty of the experience inspires me – each and every time. In the course of training we learn from each other, with each person investing themselves into the “here and now”. What I can provide in every case is my…training, lab, development, trainer, change0
byline.huFliers, brochures, newspapers, magazines, books, business and office products, décors, stamps. All in a place.public rolepublic, offer, idea, carrier, customer0
hellopension.huWe guide you through the implementation of a corporate pension program from the initial plans to the daily operationsimportant role, role workforcepension, corporate, individual, fund, client0
gekkoweb.hu“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”company role, role successvisitor, description, short, benefit, client0
truefitness.hu…Tudjon meg még többet.… History… Session… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment… Includefcgi rolearray, controller, action, true, request0
actinvent.huOur Services… Our References… Contact us… References… ask for… our offer!… other…expert, reference, problem, highly, data0
fogszabalyzas.hu…lingual braces. In addition to traditional metal braces, you may even choose brightly coloured braces which many teenagers wear as jewellery. Orthodontic appliances – besides functioning as a fashionable “accessory” – ,contribute to perfect teeth and also for the birth of a beautiful smile.orthodontic, treatment, child, surgery, homepage0
dockbau.huMár készülőben van a ház, de a kivitelezővel gonjaink vannak. Át tudják venni a folyamatokat?fcgi rolearray, controller, action, request, component0
iteam.huIdentity Management and Access Management system customization and support including Internet Bank and Mobile Bank access managementidentity role, role managementsoftware, support, management, customization, development0
gaben.huStark is a small Design Agency based in Prague. We love to find simple solutions to complex challenges .open rolepage, color, joomla, template, free0
ceesen.huIs your municipality ready to take part in the global fight against the climate crisis and rising energy prices?solution role, role housingevent, municipality, sustainable, conference, energy0
szazadveg.hu…of office research, interviews with experts and individuals affected by abuse, and technical analysis”, and court and data protection authority decisions, reports by human rights organizations and legal aid providers, materials of election observers, and scientific articles and media…adequately role, role independentdata, report, protection, political, human0
felszeghyzoltan.huMy name is Zoltan Felszeghy and I work in digital marketing and sales to help small, mid-size and large companies to raise their revenue and brand awareness by creating and planning sales-driven marketing activities such as content creation, online and offline advertisements and improving business…communication role, role internshipzoltan, digital, skill, journey, previous0
intersearch.huIn a prior InterSearch news article, you may have encountered a discussion on the primary value that head hunters bring to organizations commented by the Board of Directors of InterSearch Worldwide.dual role, role executiveexecutive, diversity, network, worldwide, inclusion0
seohun.huSEO Hungary offers a wide range of marketing services, including marketing strategy development, digital marketing, SEO (search engine optimization), and social media marketing. These services help companies increase their online visibility, reach their target markets and increase their sales.website, analysis, research, strategy, keyword0
ksmart.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry standard dummy text ever.presentation role, role marketdummy, lorem, simply, typesetting, industry0
leavers.hu“For me, the name Leavers' Camp feels like a misnomer in retrospect. Before then, I was never really involved in student life, and whilst the camp was an amazing final chapter to my Milestone experience, the social aspect of it all is only dawning on me now. I am now more involved in student life…camp, milestone, community, official, website0
acsbacsi.hu“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”company role, role successvisitor, description, short, benefit, client0
dizajnorak.huAMŐBA… 'DARABOK'… 'ERDŐ'… Facebook… History… Session… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment…fcgi rolearray, controller, action, component, request0
mab.hu…and published by the MAB in advance. If the institution or programme meets these criteria, it is then accredited. The core activity of the MAB is therefore the accreditation of institutions, faculties and programmes, as well as the evaluation of applications for university professor positions.mab role, role enqaaccreditation, education, procedure, forum, decision0
alphavision.huPioneers in tailored consulting and cutting-edge development solutions. Translating your vision into reality with unparalleled expertise.user role, role multivision, consulting, application, reality, development0
beregimuzeum.huPictures taken in the museum if used for non-personal reason (commercial, scientific) has to be permitted by the Beregi Museum.tiszahát role, role linenmuseum, close, open, visitor, castle0
mccann.huWe offer integrated marketing communication services from data generation to strategy planning and creative conceptual development to actual in-house holistic production for multiple markets in CEE and beyond, under one roof.meaningful role, role peoplemeaningful, brand, career, people, nose0
agardi.huAGÁRDI DISTILLERY. Agardi palinkas and Spirits. Manufacturing ’pálinka’, the Hungarian protected origin fruit spiritis more than...creation role, role humanpalinka, distillery, fruit, premium, glass0