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117 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: funding

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fundingproject.huFollowing a positive funding decision, we will help you negotiate the funding agreement in the most advantageous way with our legal colleagues who also have extensive project finance experience.idea funding, funding idea, positive funding, funding decision, decision fundingfinancial, financing, consulting, structure, idea19
kozossikereink.huEntrepreneurs would be the major beneficiaries of the period lasting till 2020, as they provide the economic foundation. Their success leads to the development of Hungarian economics, so the major purpose of the new cycle is the funding of prosperous investments. It is also of utmost importance…period funding, funding billion, support funding, funding programme, hungarian fundingresult, success, cycle, financial, small11
malnalab.huOur joint project with Printnet Ltd. and Semmelweis University was selected for funding by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office. The Competitiveness & Excellence Contract project will focus on the application of our recently developed Molecular Tattoo technology in drug…university funding, funding national, position funding, funding opportunityresearch, article, september, june, molecular8
liontaria.huSERVICES Funding: Identifying funding opportunities for projects including non-refundable and refundable assistance Assistance in receiving external funding Assistance in managing external funding Assistance in reporting about the use of external funds State aid analysiscapital funding, funding startup, service funding, funding opportunity, external fundingdevelopment, ltd, news, detail, programme7
singulab.huAt Singulab during the next two years we select up to 10-15 companies and provide funding up to EUR 200,000 per projects in the form of equity and start-up grants.company funding, funding euridea, start, mission, target, international6
yanac.huDOE announces $30 million funding for cybersecurity tools to protect clean energy infrastructuremillion funding, funding cybersecurityjanuary, security, news, editor, vulnerability6
bschenk.huAs a European research funding adviser I offer services for researchers, research support staff and top-level management based on my solid experience in writing and reviewing EU-grants, research management skills development and designing workflow, internal procedures and communication for…research funding, funding framework, funding advisor, eu funding, funding latesttraining, research, grant, communication, europe5
acrux.huSolar Collectors General informattions Solar Collector Flat Collector Evacuated Collector Compact Collector Solarpool SONNENKRAFT Solar Systems COMPACT COMFORT COMFORT PLUS COMFORT XL Prices, references System Prices Prices Funding Request for Proposal References Solar Cells Heat Pumps + -price funding, funding requestcollector, heat, price, pump, energy5
theorangefiles.huHungary received the highest amount of per-capita net European Union funding among all 28 EU member states in the years 2011–2016. During this six-year period, 17 member states of the European Union were net recipients of funding from the EU (see table below), while 11 member states were net…net funding, funding hungary, funding euro, union funding, funding eunational, file, orange, election, european4
actpartner.huWe will develop the grant strategy for your medium-term plans. We write your grants and manage the winning projects so that you can draw down the funding.grant, training, act, application, plan4
russianstudies.hulater 15 members, and a few additional employment positions, in cooperation with colleagues in Pécs. In these years, this research group provided funding for our extra-curricular activities, such as publishing books. The number of publications in the series Books on Russistics grew steadily in the…union funding, funding research, group funding, funding extrarussian, study, history, russia, historical3
corexpro.huWe used to think that getting funding for the tender is the hardest part. Of course, an experienced tender consultant may be of great assistance, but Corex’s staff also help us in meeting the commitments...preparation funding, funding agreementplan, financing, implementation, tender, documentation3
arrabonastudio.huWe've made numerous EU supported project and event films in Brussels and around Europe. We treat these projects with a lot of care as we know how important role they play in attracting funding, new members or customers to your company. We write the script, organize the shoots, while always…role funding, funding new, government fundingdocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy3
civiljogok.huhas been playing a significant role in the revision of nonprofit status rules, the expansion of public and community participation, the change of funding systems, the re-introduction of tangible incentives honoring the work of public benefit organizations as well as in the liquidation of legal…change funding, funding system, ngo funding, funding supportngo, public, legal, goal, regulation3
compchem.huThe Molecular Quantum Dynamics group has been established at ELTE with funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation through a PROMYS Grant.snf funding, elte funding, funding swissresearch, group, molecular, doctoral, congratulations3
skc.huThe skc project office's service range covers the full spectrum of needs of companies thinking of raising applications or other forms of funding: project generation, application writing, project management and consulting. After assessing individual needs, our experts will determine the best…access funding, funding project, form fundingconstruction, office, food, management, application3
csodalampa.huYou can help us in person, to run the foundation or become involved in the wish-granting process. Yes, it is a real process in many steps: talk to the "child's" treating doctor, the family, organizing funding, travel, tickets, hotel, and finally record the "critical" moment, when the wish is no…necessarily funding, family funding, funding travelwish, report, foundation, lamp, annual2
mta.huAfter three years, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has returned to the influential scientific advocacy organisation as a research funding institution.research funding, funding institution, science funding, funding academicscience, academy, research, member, forum2
niu.hu…talent-nurturing programs, promoting innovation, providing training and mentorship. Through valuation, mentoring, and incubation support, we aid growing businesses. Furthermore, by fostering international relationships and preparing for European funding, we encourage advancement to a higher level.european funding, funding advancementinnovation, international, validation, agency, support2
munkavedinfo.huFor those looking to start a business, understanding the requirements for a small business loan from the government is crucial. Knowing the legal intricacies of this process can make all the difference in your ability to secure funding for your venture.ability funding, funding venture, legal funding, funding waylegal, law, agreement, regulation, important2
colabs.huMembers of Colabs Angels are experienced, successful entrepreneurs and executives who are interested in investing their time and money into new, cutting edge startups. Next to the funding members also provide value by mentoring and coaching the entrepreneurs in whom they invest, serving on their…stage funding, funding scene, startup funding, funding memberinvestor, member, investment, event, app2
derossi.hu…tool when considering strategic movements such as a merger, acquisition, or sale, offering an accurate understanding of your enterprise's worth for effective negotiations. Beyond these transactions, business valuation is also a cornerstone when you're looking to attract investors or secure funding.valuation, auditing, de, financial, data2
lepjunkhogylephessenek.huA report from the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights: government funding should be provided to ensure the necessary conditions for education including communication development with eye-tracking devices.government funding, funding necessary, state funding, funding assistivechild, disability, care, association, family2
diakhitel.huAs a state-owned, non-profit organisation, Diákhitel Központ Zrt. has been providing supplementary funding to those wishing to pursue studies for over 20 years.supplementary funding, funding study, target funding, funding favourablestudy, loan, student, free, page2
solesco.huOur main mission is to identify , design , build , operate (physically and commercially), and optimise renewable energy production and storage options integrated into the consumption. Completed with identifying the potential and available funding sources for the implementation of the projects.available funding, funding sourceenergy, generation, renewable, electricity, long2
benczurconsulting.huWe are a boutique consulting with an extensive network, decades of experience, and with a sharp focus on EU policy implementation, tailored policy design, and funding opportunities.design funding, funding opportunity, eu funding, funding opportunitesconsulting, communication, client, international, page2
fjit.huCurrently school healthcare has to deal with several challenges : the standard of provision is heterogeneous, current practice does not meet requirements especially considering information systems, inadequate funding of the services, insufficient methodology support.inadequate funding, funding serviceschool, healthcare, member, health, mission1
hrda.huHungary, a country of high standing in scientific research, has a major interest in collecting, handling and repositing research data according to international standards. However, as of today, the concept of Research Data Management (RDM) not subject to institutional policies in Hungary whilst…whilst funding, funding availabledata, science, research, national, open1
innolabor.huOur motto, also painted on one of our walls: the amateur researcher needs idea, the professional needs funding.laboratory, innovation, introduction, development, activity1
kraftszer.huAlmost a year ago, we reported on a major environmental and urban development contract awarded to us, which was implemented with funding from BKM Budapesti Közművek Nonprofit Zrt. FŐTÁV District Heating Division and from the KEHOP operational programme. We are proud to have been part of a…contract funding, funding bkmindustrial, management, plant, phase, engineering1
aacm.huMr. Gábor Kiss, Senior Loan Officer at the European Investment Bank provided an overview on EIB’ financial products for climate investments. The presentation title mirrored the main theme of the presentation: “Where will funding for green projects come from?” The EIB is committed to become the…presentation funding, funding greeneurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
innowaste.huThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 711540.project funding, funding europeanwaste, sludge, cost, innovative, management1
satyananda.hu…supporting structure are already complete. The next phase, the masonry and concrete slab, which cost nearly € 45,000 – will require additional funding. Therefore, we ask all those who have the will and means to contribute to the development of the ashram to support the construction with a…additional funding, funding meanyoga, february, retreat, author, awareness1
drogriporter.huSerbia stopped being eligible for funding from the Global Fund, which resulted in the closure of harm reduction programs around the country. Our movie gives you a glimpse of the desperate situation faced by injecting drug users in Serbia, and also explores the consequences of the closure of needle…eligible funding, funding globaldrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
sundance.hu…Auchan, Coca Cola, Masterfoods, Pantel, Peugeot, Warner Brothers and Zeiss and the completed building was sold in 2004 to a French insurance giant. Project financing was achieved in partnership with Apollo Real Estate Advisors (AREA) of NYC, with 70% debt funding from HVB, now part of UniCredit.debt funding, funding hvbdevelopment, property, view, office, croatia1
niok.huThe portal enables non-profits to accept credit card donations and payments online, start match-funding campaigns or use text- or call-to-donate systems.match funding, funding campaignmission, build, foundation, society, organization1
benyocs.hu…the full range of legal services for companies that are just kicking off or already on their way to become a booming venture. Contact us if you need legal assistance in starting a corporation or entering into business contracts (renting premises, acquiring funding, labor law-related matters, etc.).premise funding, funding laborlaw, office, legal, matter, dispute1
komplexinstrukcio.huKIP can be applied at any school without major changes in its organizational structure, funding or even teaching curricula.structure funding, funding teachschool, teacher, child, pupil, group1
teljeselet.huOur foundation was established in 1993 to provide an organizational and financial framework for achieving our goals. Our work is aided by funding proposals, donations coming from companies and private individuals, as well as 1% designations (voluntary submission of 1% of personal income tax).work funding, funding proposalgoal, foundation, camp, newly, center1
atbridges.huWe influence not only the funding of a new company, but also its behavior. Although part of the creation process, we know very well that the leading role is not ours in a start-up.solution, bridge, investment, generation, focus1
businessenglishonskype.hu…limits; leverage joined marketing and strategy as part of the management lexicon. In the late 1990s this expanded to venture capital: the funding of small companies by profit-seeking investors. The risk of starting and running a business remains, but the opportunities afforded by technologycapital funding, funding smallmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy1
natiandaaronwedding.huWe’re fortunate that we have everything we already need, however should you wish to give us a gift, we have created a Go Get Funding account and any sum bestowed will be used as a contribution towards the purchase of an original, vintage Hungarian poster from our friends at the Budapest Poster…gift funding, funding accountwedding, day, weekend, special, planner1
innonet.huSmall enterprises (including Spin-offs) ready to participate in supplier chains (becoming partners of TIER I-II companies etc.) or act as project partners in research cooperations. (Supported by additional advice regarding available funding, application procedures and project management)available funding, funding applicationinnovation, technology, homepage, centre, enterprise1
mobicity.huThe European Union has also been providing substantial funding for decades to support the development of town-twinning so that these ties can be as strong as possible and not torn apart by day-to-day political battles. Our aim is to use our modest means to support the strengthening of…substantial funding, funding decadecity, town, agreement, tour, programme1
chifufund.huChi Fu Hungarian Economic Opportunity Fund is a private equity fund with funding from Chi Fu Investment Group and MFB Invest . The initial size of the fund is €200 million, with a focus of investing in Hungarian companies.fund funding, funding chifund, investment, management, opportunity, economic1
i4f.huThis project has received funding from the European Unions's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 711160.project funding, funding europeanforest, foam, fire, solution, comparison1
szabadterek.huOur network’s operated by Marom Klub Egyesület, which is an association based in Budapest. Our main donor is currently the CIVITATES Foundation. We are also continuously looking for opportunities to expand our funding streams.opportunity funding, funding streamspace, network, member, society, open1
miskolckulturajaert.hu…institutions. A goal is to help artists create the conditions for creative work. We seek collaboration with creative communities and NGOs. Funding for our activities will be provided by the Founder, and we would like to create it through tenders and with the involvement of patrons and…ngo funding, funding activitycultural, city, public, culture, foundation1
bonitasktk.huWe primarily seek to add to our portfolio those companies to which, through its partner companies, in addition to funding, we can provide valuable technical and strategic support. We wish to work with owners and management who are committed to achieving mutual success.addition funding, funding valuableinvestment, management, fund, group, domestic1
pepperpr.huFocus not on money but what it is spent on. The 6th event of the roadshow of parliaments continued in Debrecen, with focus on development of transport and environmental policies. Participants agreed that the available funding for these projects, 4000 billion forints, is enormous. The real question…available funding, funding projectpepper, software, technology, market, office1
wojtyla.hu…in Kecel, as the president of the supporting seniors, and Ferenc Molnár building manager, owner of Molnár Woodworks, ensuring the guaranteed funding. By the finishing of the reconstruction the Famous town –to whom the government of Kecskemét offered the once very nice but at the handover…woodwork funding, funding finishfriendship, centre, house, poor, town1
absolvo.huBLOG - In the fast-paced world of startups, the engines seem to be losing steam as VC Funds tighten their grip on the accelerator. The funding landscape is experiencing a notable shift with a reduction in the number of completed deals, VC firms are becoming increasingly discerning, carefully…accelerator funding, funding landscapegrowth, market, transaction, investor, capital1
interreg-project.hu…involved in international cooperations in the Western Transdanubia region (and Austria). In my experience, cross-border and transnational funding programmes require special expertise and system knowledge of project beneficiaries. Even applicants and project beneficiaries who are experiencedtransnational funding, funding programme, experience fundingdevelopment, border, transnational, management, implementation1
mvconsulting.huIn addition to healthy employees, we also employ people with reduced capacity to work , which contributes to promoting equal opportunities. We also attach great importance to the funding of charities to help the disadvantaged.importance funding, funding charityconsulting, certificate, employee, main, page1
szazadveg.huAccording to the Human Rights Watch report, it is also necessary to ensure that political parties and candidates for political office – regardless of political ideology – are provided with adequate and equal conditions, in particular as regards to funding, access to resources, and the exercise of…regard funding, funding accessdata, report, protection, political, human1
families.huThe “Integrating Families” Momentum Project has received funding from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and operatesproject funding, funding hungarianfamily, research, people, database, event1
tipark.huPart of our group is a construction company, whose experts provide help in acquiring project funding, conducting licensing procedures, doing accounting and bookkeeping as well as recruiting labor force .project funding, funding licensingindustrial, piece, activity, estate, land1
szta.huIf you have a really thoughtful plan for success , but still lack funding, you have come to the right place . Let's talk about it.success funding, funding rightinvestment, news, fund, step, success1
rbif.huRBIF will use its networking skills to facilitate the funding of projects relevant to its mission. The Curatorium will review applicant bodies, decide upon projects worthy of support and through the foundation’s networks, focus upon fundraising facilitation for those projects.skill funding, funding projectchild, burn, foundation, international, sick1
futureoceans.hu…Atlantis Aquarium, Bahamas from 2005 in order to continue my experiments on the giant manta rays, which I started at the Lisbon Aquarium in 2004. I am very grateful for the Save Our Seas Foundation that made it possible to finally study the manta rays at the Atlantis Aquarium by providing funding.`manta, ray, foundation, ocean, future1
ceesen.huThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 696173. Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this material lies with the authors. It does not necessarily represent the views of the European Union…project funding, funding europeanevent, municipality, sustainable, conference, energy1
eurogate-rail.huThe livelihoods of more than 10,000 railway families will be jeopardized as companies will not be able to reimburse even the January traction energy bill, so we urge immediate state intervention and ask you to consider the solutions proposed by MÁV and HUNGRAIL, and provide funding at least until…hungrail funding, funding junerail, railway, price, road1
intellexi.huMónika Alíz MÉSZÁROS holds years of experience in various European and international funding programmes, including the European Research Framework Programme, H2020, COSME and CIP among others.international funding, funding programmeinnovation, development, entrepreneurship, management, support1
kopintalapitvany.huThe state has an important role to play in financing start-ups at each stage of their development. The vast majority of start-up funding is provided by non-reimbursable state aid and soft loans, the latter backed by state guarantees. The role of venture capital is much smaller. However, it can be…majority funding, funding noneconomic, international, literature, country, economy1
evolecol.huWe are a team of evolutionary biologists and behavioral ecologists at the Plant Protection Institute of the Centre for Agricultural Research within the Hungarian Research Network in Hungary. We started as the “Lendület Evolutionary Ecology Research Group” thanks to the funding by the Lendület…thank funding, funding lendületpeople, publication, agricultural, ecology, group1
marthakicsiny.huXR-Encounters: Workshop n°2: What markets and funding opportunities can creators of XR projects expect? – Jacek Naglowski, Circus Digitalis, producer and director and Elie Levasseur, Head of NewImages XR Marketmarket funding, funding opportunityexhibition, group, art, artist, visual1
mrtt.husupports regional scientists to publish and popularise their research findings by means of offering research funding, scholarships and other initiatives,research funding, funding scholarshipregional, science, association, annual, conference1
szikracska.huThe establishment and development of the business was supported by OFA Nonprofit Ltd. under the "Entrepreneur Start" programme. The funding was provided by the National Employment Fund.programme funding, funding nationalnight, light, lamp, electric, holder1
barben.hu…Ltd. invested in an approximately 15,000 square meter piece of land in Tiszakeszi, with roughly 5000 square meter of it containing buildings. With some help from EU funding, the majority of the buildings were entirely renewed by May 2010, reflecting high European standards for their employees.eu funding, funding majoritymanagement, shoe, factory, quality, employee1
direkt36.huSzilárd Benkő worked for many years alongside Péter Szijjártó and also yachted with him on the Adriatic Sea. The man with a background as an instrument maker entered the construction industry a few years ago and, according to Direkt36's research, has received state funding from the foreign…state funding, funding foreignhospital, infection, secret, document, russian1
bmszki.huIn the area of professional development, support of minorities, defending the rights of excluded people, training of professionals the social sector could stand on significant EU-funding so far. We’re deeply concerned the European Community will effectively answer into our needs emerged during the…eu funding, funding farsocial, street, accommodation, european, center1
szalaitk.hu…whether they are special superstructures, vehicles with extra heavy operating conditions, and a solid financing structure. As a result of a good relationship with funding partners, the buyer can choose from more than one financing offer within half an hour, and experts can help with their advice.relationship funding, funding partnervehicle, forklift, commercial, customer, solution1
siofokiallatvedo.husupport we accommodate the strays from their area. We finance the bulk of the labour costs of our carers as well as transportation costs from the funding received in our official capacity as Dog Pound. We have very good relations with the Siofok Municipality, they have assisted us in a number of…cost funding, funding officialanimal, rescue, dog, shelter, donation1
manc.huIT and content development depends on institute funding, as well as the joint efforts made by peer researchers and learners.institute funding, funding jointtext, resource, account, reader, subject1
kerezsi.hu…cost-effective solutions for real estate developers, architects, interior designers, producers and dealers. Our products in your hands facilitate permissions and funding, reduce construction costs, ease choosing between variants on color, form and material and enable presales before construction!permission funding, funding constructionvision, graphic, garden, airport, emerald1
calmed.hu…have built our own research and development center and implemented not only custom made but also small-scale series production. Building on our abilities and skills, the development, the modification, the addition and the individualization of existing medical devices and systems now represent a…repair, maintenance, device, manufacture, custom0
inventio.huWe believe that good co-operation, creativity and flexibility are the firm basis of an effective project development.eu funding, funding possibility, direct funding, funding brusselsdevelopment, tourism, consultancy, proposal, castle0
fleetconcept.hu…highly value the fact that our customers can take advantage of FleetConcept’s comprehensive leasing services with a minimum of time and effort. When it comes to fleet management, our financing arrangements take into account at all times the specific needs and operating conditions of any enterprise.secure funding, funding arrangementfleet, financing, management, rate, corporate0
studyinhungary.huStudy programmes of Hungarian universities, scholarships, living costs, current issues, events and fresh local news about higher education.fee funding, funding optionstudy, scholarship, university, programme, education0
hernyak.hu…the Szepsy family from Mád. We use special barrels, which ensure a complex taste and aroma. Besides the oak barrels most commonly employed in the world, we also use mulberry, ash, chestnut and used Tokaji Aszú barrels. Our youngest brandy is bottled after 3 years. Our five-barrel spirit ( Öthordósfunding huf, rate fundingwine, estate, family, grape, organic0
nextgenworld.huOn her way she met a copy. The copy warned the Little Blind Text, that where it came from it would have been rewritten a thousand times and everything that was left from its origin would be the word „and” and the Little Blind Text should turn around and return to its own, safe country.A wonderful…science, national, academy, engineering, square0
irum.huWe use the IRUM TAG tractor to transport manure, for agricultural work such as plowing and mowing, and even if it is a mountainous area we do our job with it and it is very welcome on our farm. I analyzed the price of the markets and I chose a Romanian company, an affordable price, a serious…maximum funding, funding periodagricultural, tractor, forestry, dealer, customer0
nezopont.huAccording to a recent poll conducted by the Nézőpont Institute, among the world’s best-known leaders, Hungarians consider Pope Francis (92 percent) and Viktor Orbán (72 percent) to be the most peace-oriented. The majority of Hungarians think that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (53 percent),eu funding, funding ukrainepolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature0
euraxess.huComing to Hungary as a researcher? The EURAXESS Hungary Team is pleased to assist foreign researchers and their families coming to work or study in Hungary. Our personalized assistance services are free of charge for researchers. You can also browse our databases for job opportunities or…job funding, funding opportunity, funding database, search fundingresearcher, job, search, development, assistance0
mo.co.huMi van akkor, ha már nemhogy mellékszereplők, de statiszták sem lehetünk az életünk filmjében?january, june, october, april, september0
cserepbeszed.hutold in… Clay… BACK IN THE DAYS OF YORE… Pots and texts… Get the idea…day, text, idea, quiz, clay0
bbj.huSupport BBJ | Book of Lists | Fine Restaurants | INVENTED IN HUNGARY | INVESTING IN HUNGARY | LUXURY BUDAPEST | REAL ESTATE REVIEW | TOP EXPAT CEOS | TOP 50 AUTOMOTIVE EXECUTIVES | TOP 50 Business Services EXECUTIVES | TOP 50 INFLUENTIAL ENERGY EXECUTIVES | TOP 50 HR BUSINESS EXECUTIVES | TOP 50…repowereu funding, funding hungaryenergy, real, estate, executive, expat0
demnet.huWe are committed to reducing inequality, strengthening global solidarity and partnership, promoting gender equality, joint responsibility, active citizenship, a strong civil sphere and transparency.co funding, funding europeandevelopment, solidarity, democracy, assembly, global0
championcar.huI got the idea for the development of Champion Car from my friends and customers in the financial industry. By talking to them, it became apparent there are many people who need support selecting and importing cars. Since then, I have been able to build a network of trustworthy contacts enabling…activation fundingchampion, price, gallery, kind, able0
bentadex.hu…according to your requirements, even after a preliminary on-site survey. If you wish, we can not only carry out the project, we can even help you with the design. We offer a long-term guarantee on all our work and can also offer to review and maintain your existing racking system if required.funding tenderwarehouse, mezzanine, technology, wardrobe, shelf0
qprt.huThe title ‘BUSINESS MANAGER OF THE YEAR’ was awarded to Ferenc Bogisich, CEO of QP Zrt. The two divisions of this internationally-recognized company provide services to leading vehicle and machine industry players in the series manufacturing of custom-designed and manufactured equipment and engine…certificate fundingmanufacture, series, customize, career, component0
agroit.huSupport the key objectives of the Cluster members of the international market entry process, professional representation in international events, building relationships in the international trade representatives, preparation of the cooperation, assistance and knowledge of the international market.project fundingsolution, complex, cluster, member, event0
leptek.huThe main focus of the Leptek-Terv Landscape Architecture firm is open space planning but the office engages in architectural projects concerning all areas of landscape architecture.architecture, landscape, firm, office, space0
amcham.huAmCham Hungary is one of the largest American Chambers of Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe, representing both American, international and local business interests in Hungary. Not only is it a gateway to the growth of your business in the European Region but it also provides you with vital…eu funding, funding fullymember, event, news, large, law0
xmm.huOur masseuses and colleagues put emphasis on professionalism every day. We do our best to ensure that the massage or chair massage, office chair massage provided in hotels, in an office or at an event is relaxing, stimulating and, above all, effective.card funding, funding voluntarymassage, yoga, health, workplace, manager0
arvaconsulting.huOur staff’s expertise, experience and network have extensive transaction experience obtained with Big4 and large consulting firms, ensures our clients maximize shareholder value - be it either selling their business or screening for new targets to acquire or changing strategies, raising capital or…eu fundingconsulting, site, firm, international, capital0
mikropakk.huBuilding on over 30 years of experience, Mikropakk has been serving the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, medical, construction and electronics industries as a leading turnkey manufacturer of custom injection moulded packaging solutions in CEE region.eu funding, funding tendersolution, packaging, injection, value, closure0
stardustfilms.huPeter Seres… Robert V. Bodnar… TAX REBATE… HUNGARIAN TAX REBATE SYSTEM… NFI – FUNDING… NEWS… CONTACT…nfi fundingtax, news0
lawyerbudapest.huViktor has graduatated from ELTE Budapest law school. He has aquired Master of Laws “LL.M.” postgraduate degree in Business and Transactions and another one in Employment Law. He has gained notable experience in corporate law and labor law. His primary focus is on corporate transactions and…law, formation, lawyer, tax, vat0
befektetesszolnok.huIf you would like to be informed about the news about the Szolnok Employment Pact, please subscribe to our newsletter!government funding, funding yearjanuary, management, news, video, document0
danubecapital.hu…the MKB Financial Group, so that international-level macroeconomic, capital market, sectoral and market research competence has become available to the outside world. Through this, unique analysis, company evaluation, market research services; that is, we have a complex range of analytics services.case funding, funding issuecapital, danube, analysis, market, economic0
bsoft.huPage not found | BSoftoep funding, funding patientpage, control, eng, patient, module0
elte.huEötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is the oldest and largest university in Hungary and it is the most popular higher education institution among applicants each year. As the leading research university in Hungary, the name of ELTE means knowledge, opportunities, competition, openness and community…university, student, faculty, mobility, summer0
stsgroup.huWe are pleased to announce that members of our company group, STS ECO Kft and STS Service Kft, have both won the opportunity from EDP Renewables for the construction of a complete solar power plant and the associated high-voltage connection to the grid near Vasmegyer in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg…eu funding, funding programmegroup, plant, power, energy, construction0
allurebudapest.hu…The investment of three building blocks is realized in six steps. You can choose from the 37–90 sqm. apartments of the first phase of the housing estate to be completed in the first quarter of 2018. The underground garage, the new shops and the spacious community spaces all serve your comfort.homey, apartment, office, news, tour0
geoses.hu…innovative ways in order to improve our understanding of land deformation (landslides) on Tyzsa River and its effect on the environment. The main task of the Self-government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county is the elaboration of climate strategy of the target cross-border area (Carpathian Region).eu funding, funding totalgallery, border, county, self, romania0
monivendeglo.huLegal Age of Driving in Australia: Requirements & Regulations… Colorado Legal Sportsbooks: Navigate the…legal funding, funding solutionlegal, law, expert, definition, key0
valitum.hu© 2009 - 2019 Valitumeu funding, funding széchenyistrategic, consulting, tab, item, development0
i-s.huIdeas & Solutions is a boutique health policy and market access advisory group focused on Europe as well as developing health care systems across the Middle East, Asia and Africa . We advise pharmaceutical and medical device companies and policymakers on pricing, reimbursement, health technology…pricing funding, funding policygeography, solution, idea, culture, reference0
lupapictures.huLupa Pictures is a Budapest based production company with a focus on feature films with innovative themes and creative realisation.funding francepicture, premiere, origin, production, international0
itcardigan.huSchedule Consultation… Home… About… About Us… Team… Clients… History… Testimonials… Contact… Services…tactic funding, funding drainsonview, column, client, testimonial, price0
invendor.huWe help our Clients to select ERP and CRM systems which are most suitable to manage their processes and support the business objectives among others. Business requirements’ definition, Request for Quotation process management, system implementation and integration supportownership funding, funding marketmanagement, supply, chain, implementation, change0
por.hu- - Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer (IBMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), Department of Thoracic Medical Oncologyfunding informationuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine0
voteswithoutborders.huVotes without borders is an investigative reporting project about electoral manipulations, irregularities and questionable postal voting practices during the 2022’s general elections in Hungary. The project focuses on the native Hungarian communities living outside Hungary, and covers four…crossborder funding, funding budapestukraine, slovakia, vote, mail, tap0
crealine.huWith many types of mortgages and interest rates on the market, it can be confusing to know which one is right for you, so we’ve outlined some of the basic below. Your goals are individual.tactic funding, funding drainsomview, development, solution, explore, today0