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39 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: solidarity

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demnet.huWe are committed to reducing inequality, strengthening global solidarity and partnership, promoting gender equality, joint responsibility, active citizenship, a strong civil sphere and transparency.solidarity economy, global solidarity, solidarity partnership, practice solidaritydevelopment, democracy, assembly, global, economy14
nyitottkor.huWe also implement interactive performances about the concept of the fear of the unknown in a Solidarity Project during the spring of 2020. (Félni vagy)european solidarity, solidarity corps, solidarity project, unknown solidaritydrama, group, participant, european, education6
ahang.huaHang joined the strike of the Trade Union of Hungarian Civil Servants and Public Employees with an extraordinary solidarity action.ahang solidarity, solidarity march, extraordinary solidarity, solidarity actioncampaign, family, public, national, care6
szakiszovetseg.huCommunities based on economic solidarity need access to spaces that will enable them to expand. The Alliance therefore puts a priority on the acquisition of appropriate real estate, an area that has unavoidable political aspects. It seeks buildings that can provide affordable housing, community…principle solidarity, solidarity democracy, management solidarity, solidarity economy, economic solidaritycommunity, acre, mission, build, real4
mta.hu2023 charity fundraising campaign is to assist the social support programme of the Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College. In line with its fundraising efforts of 2022, the Academy would again like to express its solidarity with those most directly affected by the Russian-Ukrainian war.academy solidarity, solidarity directly, sympathy solidarity, solidarity presidentscience, academy, research, member, forum3
freeszfe.huOur task is to place our creative energies in service of social solidarity and thus use the toolset of art to help causes which are not related to Freeszfe but point towards a future in which all of us may find our dignified place.social solidarity, solidarity toolsetevent, support, donation, cost, month2
ukrainehelp.huWith the free solidarity ticket, you can start your journey at any train station, change your destination at the time of ticket exchange and prove your Ukrainian citizenship with an identity card or passport. Solidarity tickets that enable free travel within Hungary can be obtained at the railway…passport solidarity, solidarity ticket, free solidarityhelp, ukraine, free, station, ukrainian2
rewart.huAll cooperation is based on the human relationship; we build and expect partnership. Our goal is to create mutual solidarity, commitment, and respect with client & co-agencies & suppliers.mutual solidarity, solidarity commitmentbrand, curious, enthusiastic, heart, talented2
hotelhero.huOn this website we would like to share our actions and good deeds so far, be it symbolic solidarity or tangible contribution. Numerous selfless gesture and help have already taken place across the country and our goal is to make them permanent in everyday life. From time to time, we want HotelHero…symbolic solidarity, solidarity tangiblehelp, news, hero, member, campaign1
egyensulyintezet.huA nation that is community-centred, stands in mutual solidarity and is future-oriented. Strengthening cooperation, democratic values, and cohesion in society. The place of Hungarian in Europe and the world.mutual solidarity, solidarity futureinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think1
mellearn.hu…8th MELLearN Conference marked the 10th year anniversary of the network and aimed to link the topic of the European year of active ageing and solidarity between the generations with lifelong learning while presenting and evaluating the results of the networks’ activities. The target group of the…age solidarity, solidarity generationlearn, education, lifelong, international, university1
szabadterek.huOur coalition works for a more open and more democratic society where people are not just free to be themselves, but they help each other, and are active citizens who build a solidarity-based, socially inclusive and sustainable society.citizen solidarity, solidarity sociallyspace, network, member, society, open1
hclu.huThe Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) is appealing to the Constitutional Court to challenge the decision of the Supreme Court of Hungary, which upheld the police's decision to ban solidarity demonstrations in support of the victims of the Gaza conflict. The Curia deemed the police's decision…decision solidarity, solidarity demonstrationlaw, freedom, union, rule, news1
policyagenda.huWe truly believe in solidarity and the power of community. In the realm of labour this power is represented by communities devoted to protecting employees’ interests i.e. trade unions all over the world. Employees’ rights may get reinforced if the organisational and social prestige of trade unions…truly solidarity, solidarity poweragenda, homepage, analysis, political, fact1
nimfea.huThe project "Strengthening public participation in the tourism development of the Lake Tisza region" implemented with the support of the PHARE Access programme and the Swiss Foundation for Solidarity Tourism was closed in October.foundation solidarity, solidarity tourismnature, association, conservation, center, environmental1
dnv.huIt goes without saying that we, both as individuals and as representatives of DNV, condemn racism and unequal treatment wherever we see it. Within our DNV community, we work in solidarity with all of our colleagues. Some of us spend as much time with our DNV colleagues as we do with our families…community solidarity, solidarity colleaguesdiversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group1
civilosszefogas.huThe neoliberal elite in Brussels has strayed from the path designated by the citizens of the European Union. What they’re doing is the opposite of Mother Theresa, the symbolic representative of Christian solidarity and love. She ignored all political interests to mediate divine mercy and bring…christian solidarity, solidarity lovegallery, letter, open, statement, history1
eletbiztositasicsucstalalkozo.hu…times due to a lack of life insurance (and who could have avoided such dire consequences with proper life insurance cover). This way, the Foundation contributes to the development of life insurance culture and the elevation of the industry’s reputation by emphasising the importance of solidarity.insurance, summit, culture, event, money1
bestlocalgov.huThe mottos of TÖOSZ are solidarity and professionalism. A more popular and exciting manifestation form of solidarity is that successful local governments and local government leaders pass on their knowledge, experiences to those mayors, notaries, self-governing organs that are ready and willing to…töosz solidarity, solidarity professionalism, form solidarity, solidarity successfulgovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
sociosummit.huWhat can be the mission of art beyond pleasure? How can culture become a vital tool for social integration, community development and solidarity? How can culture connect us all? Distinguished speakers, exciting workshops and fresh ideas await you at an open-minded conference. Bring your answers…development solidarity, solidarity culturesocio, summit, committee, registration, conference1
moonwalk.huThe Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Coimbra - APCC was established in 1975 as a private institution of social solidarity and a nonprofit organization for people with special needs to promote the social inclusion of people at a disadvantage, with a focus on people with disabilities and to…social solidarity, solidarity nonprofitdisability, people, research, young, youth1
drsipka.huWe support organisations with values that are important to us, furthermore, we also show solidarity with the less fortunate members of our society by voluntarily (pro bono) performing certain mandatesfurthermore solidarity, solidarity fortunatelawyer, association, society, organisation, individual1
nobilitas.huThe main purpose of the Association is to cultivate the traditions and spiritual legacies of Hungarian historical families helping to protect their contemporary interests, preserving Christian and other noble values for future generations to come while encouraging solidarity for Hungarians living…generation solidarity, solidarity hungariansassociation, historical, family, noble, youth1
wallonia.huSolidarity between Belgium and Hungary has been a long tradition. In fact, after the First World War, millions of...sub, login, investment, tool, library1
papprekakinga.hu…Commando Rebel Clown Army , appeared at a number of far-right events. As an activist of Our Treasure Is The Market group she performed chanson parodies to protest the local government; the mayor sued her for defamation, yet the case was later dropped after a solidarity protest in her defense.later solidarity, solidarity protesttalk, special, treatment, casual, ancient1
kettoronyegylet.huFor more than two decades of its existence Two Towers has been serving residents of this village by cultural and community building projects.european solidarity, solidarity corpsvillage, tower, settlement, cultural, gallery0
fogdakezemalapitvany.hu…with intellectual disability serving. In this way, guests can experience the presence of participating these people during conversation and service, not because of their disability, but because of their human values. Currently every Friday at Breakfast bar (7621 Pécs, Király Street 23-25.)…european solidarity, solidarity corpsfoundation, people, disability, youngsters, young0
osas.hu…participating in several art groups in Paris, Austria, Slovenia and the Netherlands, he was also an avid promoter of Hungarian constructive, concrete and conceptual art on the international scene. As soon as he was able to return to his home country, together with this wife Dóra Maurer, he…art, post, open, exhibition, structure0
fmlogistic.huWelcome to FM Logistic Hungary Website, designed for Logistics solutions and services in the Worldlogistic, supply, solution, change, chain0
europatarsasag.huThe Hungarian Europe Society, as a non-partisan and non-governmental organisation, is committed to the ideal of a unifying Europe and wishes to promote Hungary’s ever-deeper integration into Europe. We believe that the founding of the European Union and the subsequent accession of the…solidarity pastorsociety, europe, open, space, democracy0
segelyszervezet.huApart from social programmes in Hungary, Hungarian Interchurch Aid has also carried out humanitarian and development work in over 40 countries, helping those in need regardless of nationality, religion or world view, all the while meeting the highest professional and transparency requirements.aid, account, code, humanitarian, donation0
miscota.huFood and accessories for your pet. Find dry food, accessories and other products for dogs, cats, rodents, birds, fish and reptiles at Miscota with best pricesmiscota solidaritydog, cart, food, order, wet0
ila-hungary.hu…Hungarian Branch had to be suspended during and after World War II for 20 years). The first president of the Hungarian Branch was Professor Ferenc Nagy (1852-1928, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), the vice-president was Ármin Fodor (1862-1944, judge at the Kúria (Supreme Court) of…declaration solidarity, solidarity ukrainebranch, international, law, association, member0
magadert.hugroup two group leaders coordinate the discussion. Among the group leaders, there are social workers and also addicts, who have not been using drugs or alcohol for over 8 to 12 years. In addition to our professional knowledge, in our work we also use our own life experience and talk about ourselves.group, drug, addict, addiction, problem0
ceesen.huIs your municipality ready to take part in the global fight against the climate crisis and rising energy prices?event, municipality, sustainable, conference, energy0
offbiennale.huOFF-Biennale Budapest is the largest contemporary art event in Hungary. It started in 2014 as a grassroots initiative, a “garage” biennale set up by a small group of art professionals in order to create a platform for exchange between art practitioners and other members of society. Since 2014, OFF…biennale, association, event, large, contemporary0
metegyhaz.huThe Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship (HEF) is a member of the Universal Mother Church of Jesus Christ. Our legacy extends back in time to the story of the Church of the Book of Acts, i.e., the Word of God. Looking back over the past centuries, it is very difficult to keep track of which branch of…noár solidarity, solidarity eventchurch, congregation, detail, temporary, christ0
hankooknegyed.huEven in the life of the factory in Rácalmás, the ten years of “THANKS, Hankook!”, the Employee Volunteer Program, is a long timespan. And, what a 10 years it has been! On the occasion of the anniversary, we made a short film at the location of this year’s biggest project, the Arboretum, on Baracsi…celebration solidarity, solidarity hankookemployee, health, day, september, news0
mab.hu…and published by the MAB in advance. If the institution or programme meets these criteria, it is then accredited. The core activity of the MAB is therefore the accreditation of institutions, faculties and programmes, as well as the evaluation of applications for university professor positions.statement solidarity, solidarity naqaaccreditation, education, procedure, forum, decision0