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31 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: christ

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keresztenymotorosok.huThe Fellowship of Hungarian Christian Bikers (MKMK) is an interdenominational organization independent of any church, movement or political party. Motorcycling means a lot to us all and most of us have been riding on two wheels for years, even decades. At the same time we are believers who confess…jesus christ, christ personal, christ life, christ cross, motorcycling christgod, fellowship, life, jesus, motorcyclist8
vcci.huDiadalmas Christian Church International, is a gathering of christians in the body of Jesus Christ. We believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we are committed to proclaim the joyful message of salvation to the world, and to build up Spirit filled disciples for Jesus. The good news is simple:…jesus christ, christ gospel, christ joyful, christ extremely, rich christchurch, christian, international, homepage, jesus7
metegyhaz.huThe Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship (HEF) is a member of the Universal Mother Church of Jesus Christ. Our legacy extends back in time to the story of the Church of the Book of Acts, i.e., the Word of God. Looking back over the past centuries, it is very difficult to keep track of which branch of…nail christ, christ chapel, jesus christ, christ legacy, follower christchurch, congregation, temporary, hostel, street6
szegediujremeny.huTo plant a new, mainstream church which is willing and capable of reaching, teaching, and inspiring people who haven't known God, to come and serve Him. Our main desire is to live and work for the living God's glory, to share the good news with all the people who don’t know Christ personally yet…jesus christ, christ holy, christ embodiment, christ yesterday, christ persongod, jesus, university, mission, church5
bfuzfoplebania.hu…who also noticed her longer and longer prayers besides her small self-restraints. These endeavours have gradually fostered her devotion to Jesus Christ, and strengthened her will. She helped everyone and everwhere whenever she saw it necessary. She was particularly fond of small children, and she…jesus christ, christ portrait, christ endowed, christ everwhere, christ monasterygirl, jesus, religious, church, long5
hivo.huA CALL to Serious Christians Who Want Renewal and Revival in their Lives and Communities: For the glory of Christ and for diminishing all the dishonour to His name I humbly ask and call Christians who want renewal and revival to use the model of Wesley's groups flexibly, e.g. to form…faith christ, christ comparison, glory christ, christ dishonour, poor christrevival, theology, christian, summary, faith4
refkossuthter.huWe, called and saved by Christ Jesus, are sharing such a love-community at the Parish of the Reformed Church at Kossuth Square, Budapest, in which we know each other and help each other walk the way of God, thankfully devoting time to serving God and the ones who seek Him. The Gospel of Christ has…gospel christ, christ life, jesus christ, christ pastor, nature christcongregation, church, god, life, family3
ifes.huWe are a fellowship of Christian students from Hungarian universities. We want to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our fellow students and to establish student groups , where we can study the Bible and talk about the most important things of life and where everyone is welcome - regardless…jesus christ, christ fellowchurch, group, student, christian, international2
wojtyla.hu…its efforts the mystery of people who live in our soul but also require (need) material resources and food, as well as the Holy Father and Jesus Christ who was feeding hungry crowds with bread and fish. The sculpture of Saint John Paul II that was erected outside the house, however, is also a kindjesus christ, christ hungry, priest christ, christ likefriendship, centre, house, poor2
bartimeus.huThat disabled and disadvantaged people would hear the good news of Jesus Christ and become fruitful followers and workers for God’s Kingdom.jesus christ, christ fruitful, god christ, christ disadvantagedblind, people, camp, news, jun2
peminfo.huthe gospel is the good news about Jesus Christ, who came to the earth from his heavenly glory, took on sufferings and died on the cross thus everyone can access grace, new life, forgiveness for their sins. What a big gift, that God came close to us, and wants to be a part of our life. Jesus came…jesus christ, christ glorious, christ earthgod, homepage, construction, people, life2
hm2020.huThe story starts on the Buda side when Celts settled on Gellért Hill well before the birth of Christ. This territory was later occupied by the Romans in the 1st century A.D. in their effort to expand the empire's frontiers north to the river Danube. The Roman settlement – Aquincum - grew into a…birth christ, christ territoryforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis1
stoppanzio.huOf the numerous places of interest in Debrecen, one is the Déri Museum, where besides other interesting exhibitions, the Christ Trilogy of the well-known Hungarian painter, Munkácsy Mihály can be seen. Those who like folk art should visit the so-called Tímárház (Tanner’s House). In 2001, the main…exhibition christ, christ trilogyoffer, event, house, guest, price1
weddingceremony.huI believe, there is no real difference talking only about love and trust and loyalty or even telling that it is the way how Jesus Christ invited us to live. I know – I have to talk on the language of the people who call me in their life in order to help them finding THEIR truth.jesus christ, christ languagewedding, ceremony, christian, way, minister1
wolbi.huStudent life at the Word of Life Bible Institute is about bringing brothers and sisters in Christ together. It’s hard to describe what it’s like living in a community of fellow believers dedicated to the goal of knowing God. It’s the kind of once in a lifetime experience that many Christians never…sister christ, christ hardlife, institute, bible, student, admission1
divali.huPrince Rāma appeared on the planet Earth tens of thousands of years before Jesus Christ as the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in a city at the feet of the Himalayas. The young prince was a perfect heir to the throne: both his father and himself were loved by their subjects…jesus christ, christ incarnationlight, festival, programme, life, gallery1
karpitmuveszek.hu…It may appear conceptually, philosophically or in specific Christian symbolisms such as the alpha and omega sign on Irén Málik’s creation or the Christ-corpus on the work of Ágnes Kecskés. Eleonóra Pasqualetti takes her works as autonomic, spiritual mediums. She mostly deals with the symbolism andcreation christ, christ corpuslight, artist, tapestry, thread, nature1
keresztuton.huIt is popular to watch movies with firends. When you watch one next time, take a Christian point of view in your analysis and make aware how Christ would view the plot and what he would do!aware christ, christ plotcounseling, christian, corporate, mental, health1
debrecenbike.hu…by Frigyes Déri, which represents various aspects of universal human civilization. One of the museum’s main attractions is the awe-inspiring Christ Trilogy painted by Mihály Munkácsy. Guided tours to the monumental paintings, complete with spectacular light shows, will be an unforgettable…awe christ, christ trilogybike, hungarian, street, church, build1
attilacsikos.huPerformer in some musicals among others Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Webber Gala, Jesus Christ Superstar, Mamma Mia at Madách Musical Theatre (Hungary)jesus christ, christ superstarportland, lorem, amet, dolor, sit1
robnewmanmusic.hu“There was a silly damn bird called a phoenix back before Christ, every few hundred years he built a pyre and burnt himself up. He must have been the first cousin to Man. But every time he burnt himself up he sprang out of the ashes, he got himself born all over again. And it looks like we’re…phoenix christ, christ yearmusic, gallery, chart, thing, template1
etalonhorses.huWe feel delighted to have the most versatile actor today with us who has many accomplishments. He is the founder member of the legendary Rock Theatre in Hungary and acted as Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ Superstar of Andrew Lloyd Webber from 1986 to 1997. He built up massive experience in theatre…jesus christ, christ jesus, christ superstarhorse, fire, close, equestrian, gallery1
gorogkatolikusmuzeum.hu…VOLUNTEERING… Window to Eternity Permanent exhibition… An Art Collector’s Legacy Temporary…jesus christexhibition, visit, news, close, jesus0
szegediszabadteri.hu…Fri 30 Alan Menken - Glenn Slater Sister Act musical 07. | 30., 31. 08. | 01.… Sat 31 Alan Menken -…jesus christ, christ superstarticket, night, thousand, west, story0
uipduna.huWest Africa – French-speaking (covering Ivory Coast, Gabon, Togo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Niger, Benin, Central African Republic, Chad, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Mali, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Republic of Senegal, Rwanda and Burundi)…christ churchinternational, picture, united, africa, west0
kzst.huLatest publications of KZST: 1, „The Holocaust is not a Theological Accident” – Some Documents of the Christian-Jewish Relations ; 2, Christian-Jewish Theological Year Book 2007.jesus christjewish, christian, lecture, society, community0
atibit.huSokat töprengtem azon, hogy jó lenne otthon gyakorolni, de a készen vásárolható elektronikus orgonautánzatokkal nem tudtam kibékülni. Regiszterkészletüket nem szeretem és szerkezeti kialakításuk sem szimpatikus.jesu christ, christ wavtune, minor, l., suite0
kuneva.huSACRAL Pictures… MYTHICAL Pictures… HERITAGE… SCULPTURES… GARDEN… SACRAL Sculptures… MYTHICAL…church christ, christ sculpturerelief, mural, prize, gallery, sculpture0
ixtys.huSo we are just waiting and waiting when a sin gets ripen in expiation that it doesn’t need the shining cover of lying and we can be the help of it."jesus christgod, soul, easter, truth, holy0
equippers.huWe believe in equipping you to be on mission for God. Whether you have been called to education, healthcare, business, arts, media, government, family or church, we want to equip you to extend the Kingdom of God in your world.church, kingdom, god, sunday, education0