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64 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: holy

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holyprojects.huHoly Projects, Simon Balázs , owner, interior designer, scene-designer, graphic designer Studies: Hungarian University of Arts and Design (MOME) - Industrial designer, Master’s Degree. Private office: since 2011 - Graphic artist, scene designer and interior designer, working out self-designed and…designer holy, holy project, message holy, possible holy, environment holyinterior, balazs, graphic, set, concrete27
dominusest.hu"DOMINUS EST!" – for receiving the holy sacrament to the tongue while kneeling and the retraction of the concession to receive the sacrament to handest holy, holy sacramenttongue, hand, jesus, mission, book8
hivo.huWhat do we need for revival: for a deep transformation of Christianity and society? Articles about spiritual awakening, renewal, holiness movement, faith, Wesleyan, Arminian theology, holy, entire sanctification, Christian perfection, John Wesley, church history, denominations, evangelical church…theology holy, holy entirerevival, christian, theology, faith, article6
wojtyla.hu…while on the second day we took part in formal meetings. We negotiated with Daniela Strzelecka, the curator of the Museum of the Holy Father Family House , the members of the town council and the other delegations from Italy and Germany. We were happy that the Friendship Centre…earthy holy, holy possession, god holy, holy father, food holyfriendship, centre, house, poor, town6
szbike.huThanks to project we managed to realize the II. meeting of the Holy Wine Orders of the Carpathian Basin in October 2018, the relevant 19 wine orders sent their representatives from inside our borders and beyond the borders as well such organizations like St. George of Bácskai Order, St. Theodor of…meet holy, holy winewine, order, association, innovation, carpathian4
peminfo.hu…to make the best decision of our life to step in a loving relationship with Him starting our forever lasting life in the same time. Jesus’s blood was spilled for us and His Word (The Holy Bible) helps us to overcome the devil’s work in our life by the guidance of His Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.teaching holy, holy scripture, word holy, holy bible, guidance holygod, homepage, construction, people, jesus3
martinus.huThe main entrance of the Cathedral was renewed for the St. Martin Jubilee. The new gate was blessed by bishop András Veres on the 13 th of December on the same day of the opening of the Jubilee of Mercy. The bronze gate will be the gate of mercy in the Diocese during this Holy Year.extraordinary holy, holy year, diocese holy, thanksgiving holy, holy massst, jubilee, church, st., bishop3
360fokbringa.hu…her most favorite elephant, called “Laxmi”. In Pushkar and Udaipur we met some very nice Hungarians, spending time with them was really great. The Holy festival reached us in Aurangabad, a pretty untouristic place compared to other places in India. They put lot of colors on us, sometimes a bit…great holy, holy festival, local holyday, people, road, asia, way2
keresztenymotorosok.hu- We believe in the Holy Spirit, who leads people living without God to repentance and thus to conversion, gives them a new life and bestows the free gift of salvation to those believing in Jesus Christ.son holy, holy spiritgod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important2
bekesstock.hu…may bekes memorial fountains holt-körös tradition szarvas landscape 2021 exterior cloudy landmark spring foundation outdoor vacation körös jubilee honour garden famous canal historical plant nation fountain cloud holy crown history monument green holt anniversary szarvasvaros channel szarvasvároscloud holy, holy crowncounty, travel, europe, tourism, vacation2
historycruise.huThe statue of Saint Gellért is holding a cross in his hand showing us that he played an important role in baptising pagan Hungarians. This switch to Christianity was led by our holy king, Saint Stephen, and was a very important political decision. Hungarians arrived at the Carpathian Basin in 896…christianity holy, holy king, emperor holy, holy romanbridge, city, history, cruise, build2
adammedia.huOnlife Connect is truly a networking conference for the holy crazy. As a kind of technical demo, we provided all the technical background for the event.conference holy, holy lunatic, holy crazyevent, media, unique, conference, projector2
rendernet.huThe church of the ´Holy Wisdom´, built in the Byzantine Empire, had been one of the largest religious buildings until 1935, when it was converted into a museum.church holy, holy wisdomimage, interactive, animation, imagine, history2
navavrajadhama.hu5. To erect for the members and for society at large a holy place of transcendental pastimes dedicated to the personality of Krishna.chant holy, holy god, large holy, holy placekrishna, donation, society, god, member2
nobilitas.huOn the first Sunday of each year, our association attends a thanksgiving mass held in St. Stephen’s Basilica, celebrating the the formal return of the Holy Crown from the United States.return holy, holy crownassociation, historical, family, noble, youth2
szegediujremeny.huWe believe that the Bible (39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament) was inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the revelation of God in which he revealed himself to man and has been protected from any potential errors by the Father. It is not only a book, but a…christ holy, holy spirit, testament holyjesus, god, mission, christ, university2
silver-line.hu…On this day, festivities are held at various locations throughout the country, in Budapest, too. The dome of the Parliament is opened, where the Holy Crown can be viewed, and many concerts will be held at various parts of the city. The main point of the day in Budapest is the huge fireworks over…people holy, holy festive, parliament holy, holy crowncruise, dinner, danube, piano, river2
bfuzfoplebania.hu…brunt of the work there, too. In spite of the three shifts scheme she had to work in, she managed to find a way to encounter Our Lord Jesus in the Holy Communion since she regularly visited the church while in the factory grounds. People of various social backround came to work there, and their…jesus holy, holy communion, exemption holy, holy stategirl, jesus, religious, christ, church2
tarot-dr-gal.hu"Holy heaven how could we believe that our judges decide on us beside and around us? They judge inside us! ― (Mária Szepes)card, path, knowledge, origin, page1
tertiomillennio.huThe Priestly Society of the Holy Cross and the Catholic Prelature of Opus Dei are responsible for the Christian training and spiritual guidance.society holy, holy crosssocial, centre, impact, training, page1
napkiado.hu…to László Gerevich’s excavation is can be visited today. Visegrád, just a few kilometres from Dömös, was a royal residence and the Hungarian Holy Crown was also kept here. The gorgeous royal palace in Visegrád was admired by the travellers of contemporary Europe. The palace from the Anjou…hungarian holy, holy crownanthem, national, country, nation, book1
esct.huThe Soul of Theology: on the Role of Holy Scripture in Theology (September 17th–20th, 2015) Vice-president: Pierre Van Heckerole holy, holy scripturepresident, theology, congress, catholic, society1
djj.hu…keep their job. The plant survived the depression and then, towards the end of the 1930’s, the Járműjavító (Vehicle Repair Base) began receiving highly prestigious orders demanding high expertise, such as the manufacturing of the Golden Train that carried the Holy Right Hand around the country.train holy, holy rightrailway, manufacture, news, repair, history1
1870.huThe Holy Royal Arch came to Hungary 18 years ago when the first Chapter was moved from London. Our Grand Chapter was Erected and Dedicated just over 10 years ago and as our youngest Order, we also celebrate their first decade in Hungary.anniversary, lodge, event, dress, bus1
handwritten.hu…I discovered an unknown feeling in my heart. The view of pages (filled by letters) is something that causes happiness and joy for me. I chose The Holy Bible's New Testament next time. During these wonderful days, weeks and months I felt that I have to change something. My cursive handwriting is…joy holy, holy biblecomplete, version, edition, fruit, volume1
mahayanaegyhaz.huHe founded monastery in Kurtoe and mongar village in eastern Bhutan and propagated Buddhist teachings which brought great benefits to the devotees around. Tulku Rinpoche was born on 2nd February, 1982 in a small remote village known as Soenakhar located near the great holy site_ Aja_ in eastern…great holy, holy sitebuddhist, activity, human, teaching, great1
por.hu- - Hospital system of the Porto Alegre Holy House of Mercy, Santa Rita Hospital, Departament of Urologyalegre holy, holy houseuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine1
tokajdrei.huThe secret: the wine should be made in the best place with the variety that best suits it, with perfect processing. I believe there is nothing higher than this "holy trinity".high holy, holy trinitywine, vineyard, area, perfect, sparkle1
dandelionhouse.huof the settlement were found, but specifically in the middle of the 13th century, our settlement appeared in the records by name. The Chapel of the Holy Cross in Kisapáti eventually became the property of the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma as a result of the multiple changes of the owner. The townchapel holy, holy crosshouse, guest, hill, reservation, st1
orszagbarok.hu…on this site are part of the rich and unbelievably dramatic history the the Hungarian Kingdom that was driven externally by the threat of the Holy Roman and the Ottoman Empires and internally by a constant tension between the monarchs and the powerful barons. This caused a series of battles ofthreat holy, holy romanstory, realm, kingdom, family, castle1
hungarian-translator.hu…king of Hungary, Saint Stephen, at the time of Pope Sylvester II in the year 1000; it represented the apostolic dignity of the Hungarian king. The Holy Crown at the top is the result of the fusion of two different objects, the "Greek Crown" (Corona Graeca; an open hoop crown with ten pictorial…king holy, holy crowntranslation, agency, german, district, certified1
metegyhaz.hu…temptations, always in a new form but basically with the same enticements. These chosen people, the elect sought to apply the unmistakable truth of Scripture every day and they gained power from the Holy Spirit to adjust their practical lives to the will of God and the attributes of their Savior.power holy, holy spiritchurch, congregation, detail, temporary, christ1
henigaleria.hu…his strength, his mild nobility. Their strength extends over from the astral world, it was buried because of this beside their dead persons their holy horses, that let the soul help him in his progress through the astral body of the horse through Milky Way until the Sun. Sirius, the shamans of a…person holy, holy horsepainting, painter, national, soul, sale1
refkossuthter.huMy Holy Father, thank you for this undeserved grace and I have only one wish to pray for: My Lord please use me to work out your plans.congregation, god, church, jesus, family1
drrose.huChina. In India and other ancient cultures of the East, the Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians used massage as a medical treatment, and the holy books of the Jews also referred to the use of massage. In ancient Greek and Roman cultures, doctors recommended clean air, good nutrition…treatment holy, holy bookscreening, surgery, card, package, child1
reformatus.huThe Ecumenical Council of Churches in Hungary (ECCH) delegation visited the Holy Land on May 15-18 at the invitation of the Higher Presidential Committee of Churches Affairs in Palestine.delegation holy, holy landchurch, ministry, refugee, community, event1
evangelikustemplom.hu…in you. We thereby commend the cause of the building of our church into your hands since we know that „Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it”. Bless our plans and our church-building efforts that will serve the strengthening of the community and glorify your holy name.church, lutheran, congregation, effort, build1
solaradio.hu“Studies in the Book of Revelation ” I listen to lectures more times. The teachings are very timely. Few have the message to transfer the will of God through the Holy Spirit and explaining people friendly to understand,. Now this happens in this series . God has his people of all time.”god holy, holy spiritradio, media, god, fountain, church1
ahproduction.huAntenna Hungária covers over 1700 sports and cultural events annually. Exclusive broadcast production partner of the home matches of the National Teams and the clubs tournaments in Champions League and Europa League along with National Championships and League competitions in football, handball…championship, production, broadcast, european, woman0
ixtys.huSo we are just waiting and waiting when a sin gets ripen in expiation that it doesn’t need the shining cover of lying and we can be the help of it."holy bible, god holy, holy spiritgod, soul, easter, truth, man0
silent-night.hu…belief that there is someone there who will accept them: A good, but not a punishing God. Joseph Mohr, the composer of the poem “Silent Night!” was a trained theologian and assistant priest. And he had a strong and unshakeable faith. He allowed this to influence the lines of the poem’s six verses.holy nightnight, silent, song, hope, crisis0
comfort65.huThe Comfort 28 apartment's friendly and elegant atmosphere makes it the perfect choice for those who want to truly relax! Feather soft beds, quality amenities, free parking and extra comfort all in one place.apartment, guest, booking, check, free0
picimfalum.hu“Killer Lake” is a natural dam in the Onion mountains of and was created from debris sliding off a nearby mountain. The rock of Kis-Cohard (1344 meters) rises above Killer Lake in the north. Distance: approx. 45kmcsiksomlyo holy, holy motherdistance, approx, house, guest, church0
apostil.huMeg szeretne hatalmazni egy képviselőt, hogy külföldön lépjen fel az Ön nevében, és ehhez teljes jogú meghatalmazást kell felmutatnia külföldön a képviselőnekunited, republic, kingdom, guinea, rep0
boldogkutyakozmetika.hu…and practicing at a salon, the goal was within arm’s reach. Since protecting the environment and caring for not just ours’ but our dogs’ health, we decided that we will only work with bio grooming materials. This is how Boldog Bio Grooming Salon was born. In the near future we plan to workholy spanieltreatment, sanitary, cut, hair, bathing0
galeriasavaria.huBuy from sellers you can trust or sell your items on the online marketplace of Galera Savaria. The marketplace of unique items: buy or sell home decor items, antiques, artworks, jewelry, retro or vintage items and collection pieces.religious holy, holy virginantique, item, marketplace, help, porcelain0
mandir.huMandir denotes a Hindu temple, a religious community and spiritual school. The temple is the place where we pray, where we turn inward and hear the voice of God in the depths of our being. In the Mandir we place divine symbols and forms that remind us of the omnipresence of God. During our…holy gurujideep, tax, temple, event, place0
vhphungary.hu…that aims to promote and protect Hindu culture and traditions worldwide. It was founded in 1964 in India and operates as a non-profit organization. The VHP advocates for the preservation of Hindu values, the construction and maintenance of Hindu temples, and the promotion of Hindu education.holy placeorganization, international, community, event, class0
aeroexpress-regional.huIn order to add funds to your deposit account, you must first login as a customer, click OK and login as a customer or sign-up to create your new customer account.error, flight, regional, customer, island0
nailland.hu✿ Cadillacquer New Winter Collection & Advent Colors (Capped) , Pre-Order January 15-21! Shipping will be app. mid-February !holy shapecollection, winter, shade, fall, summer0
e2.hu…Jungle Quest… Push Up… Poolpy Hazard… Mahjongg Solitaire… Flash Chess… Easy Chess… Sugar Treat Catch…holy cowcard, slot, sexy, game, fighter0
weddingceremony.husymbolic wedding ceremony, spiritual wedding ceremony, christian wedding ceremony, crossfaith wedding ceremony, official wedding ceremonyprayer holy, holy spiritwedding, ceremony, christian, way, minister0
balloon.huThis entry was posted in CIA , documents , Electronic Notice Board , Events , FAI , Photos , Results and tagged 2019 , 21st European , 21st FAI World Hot Air Balloon Championship , Championship , Hot Air Balloon , Malloca onballoon, september, national, report, flight0
eszterzamori.huUnique design jewelry from Eszter Zámori, contemporary jewellery made in Hungary, made by silver, gold and exotic woods. Goldsmith workshop located near Lake Balaton.holy trinityjewelry, brooch, portfolio, diving, flight0
ferratadventures.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.angelina holyroom, event, ticket, dolor, ipsum0
iliosart.huSix thousand words about this tiny magic island are touching only the surface. I give you an insight through my eyes, through the hospitality of my local hosts and through the honest memories of a local woman of the island. Tales from the past and the present. For the ones who want to discover…holy placeisland, nature, culture, greek, eng0
tiszatavitemplomok.hu…and experience-rich itinerary for guests looking for a value-packed break. Historic sites, tranquillity, contemplation, historical curiosities, concerts and exhibitions await visitors all year round. Exploring the religious monument heritage of the Lake Tisza region and learning about its sacred…church, place, catholic, roman, lake0
sinkobelyeg.huHungarian stamps, foreign stamps (stamps from Africa, North Korea all the way to Monaco), accessories for collecting stamps, Stamp catalogues, commemorative sheet, private souvenir sheetissue, island, republic, africa, stamp0
zsokanerdelyi.huCostume Design… Costume Illustrations… Sewing Projects… Production Design… Creature Design… Environment…costume, illustration, sewing, production, creature0
olexa.huHe is one who wants to see values displayed prominently in their original places; he turns to the lot and sufferings of this fellow – creatures with heartfelt sympathies. The drawings of Olexa promise us the way out and future in present time of contesting values.holy vegetationartist, picture, introduction, exhibition, award0
kzst.huLatest publications of KZST: 1, „The Holocaust is not a Theological Accident” – Some Documents of the Christian-Jewish Relations ; 2, Christian-Jewish Theological Year Book 2007.holy trinityjewish, christian, lecture, society, community0
porti.huZoltan Joo is a Hungarian artist, altar and table painter. Porti has made some different artworks: table pictures, oil paintings, sculptures, painted coffered ceiling, wall paintings and other painted constructions from wood, furthermore illustrations and animated book.holy spirit, door holyaltar, table, painter, ceiling, illustration0
krisna.huGlobal crises and individual battles – thousands await the Christmas Love Feast from the Hare Krishnasappearance holykrishna, thousand, feast, love, christmas0
techandtrad.hu…through the project they will study and produce various documents of their own special events (state and religious holidays as well as other special events like Children’s Day), share their finding with the other participants, and through our website with other schools and stakeholders in Europe.school, technology, tradition, activity, day0