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80 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: noble

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nobilitas.huThe main purpose of the Association is to cultivate the traditions and spiritual legacies of Hungarian historical families helping to protect their contemporary interests, preserving Christian and other noble values for future generations to come while encouraging solidarity for Hungarians living…place noble, noble youth, christian noble, noble value, pure nobleassociation, historical, family, youth, cultural7
himesudvar.huCinerea multiplies. Whereas the dry period with its sunshine warmth and drying wind helps the water evaporate and limits the multiplication of the noble rot. This special contrast has the result that fungus Botrytis Cinerea also known as noble rot starts a special overriping process, which…aszú noble, noble sweet, multiplication noble, noble rot, cinerea noblewine, grape, region, taste, quality6
solmontis.huOur estate is located in Gyöngyöstarján, the heart of the Mátra wine region. The surrounding scenery is a true miracle of nature, our personal mission therefore is to create noble wines that embody the most characteristic features of this area. We look after more than 100 hectares of grape at the…mission noble, noble winewine, estate, scenery, mission, heart5
szelmezeitavak.huAdult angler with annual ticket can retain 40 pieces of noble fish, junior angler can retain 20 pieces of noble fish, child angler can retain 10 pieces of noble fish. After reaching the quota fishing is available only by purchasing another annual area permission.sizeable noble, noble fish, piece noble, logbook noblefishing, fish, angle, area, lake5
thomasmenner.huThomas Menner craft beers characterized by quality materials, special bottling and historical traits - refined, noble, dateless values engraved into beer!refine noble, noble datelessbeer, craft, abbey, quality, tradition4
varakeskastelyok.huMeet the most important noble families of Hungary, past and present, and learn about the history of their family residences, castles and palaces. With the help of quality video content and image galleries on our site, you can immerse yourself in the past and learn about the history-shaping role of…famous noble, noble family, important noble, role noble, noble centrecastle, map, family, famous, image4
numizmat.huE-shop Numismatics Kremnica offers: Coins, Euro Coins, Memorable Coins, Gold Coins, Silver Coins, Coin Sets, Medals, Sculptures from precious metals and noble materials.metal noble, noble materialview, quick, coin, cart, medal4
hungaro-ventilator.huWhen its establishment, Hungaro-Ventilator Ltd. set the noble goal of developing and producing the ventilation equipment necessary for the supply of air to the people inside the buildings, be it fresh air supply or smoked air extraction systems.ventilator noble, noble goalventilator, number, registration, reference, fresh4
orszagbarok.huLike most kingdoms in medieval times, Hungary was divided into two main classes, nobles and commoners. But within these groups were further distinctions. The nobility was divided into the categories of "higher" and "lesser." The high nobility were the magnates, families that owned in the area of…class noble, noble commoner, noble peasant, interestingly noble, noble womanstory, realm, kingdom, family, castle3
csodama.huWe're happy to build network with our Hungarian and international partners for good and noble causes!noble cause, donor noble, good nobleevent, activity, cause, goal, foundation3
sulierted.huI am in this profession of teaching in an university for about 21 years. Every time whenever I am going to teach a class as a part of this noble profession I am learning also. I am trying consistently how to represent, interpret, summarize and rethink about the whole concept I wish to teach or…class noble, noble professionlorem, simply, industry, text, typesetting3
dunaihajospalinka.huQuality, with a measure – sounds the motto of the program (organized already 4. times) on the Vigadó square in Budapest. The devotees of pálinka can taste the noble nectars of 20 exhibitors throughout from afternoon 25. September until late night 27. September – begun with apple- and elderberry-…long noble, noble courageous, pálinka noble, noble nectardistillery, bronze, international, competition, festival2
multkutatas.hu…were they living? What was their origin? What does their family name mean? Are they coming from a simple peasant family or do they pride with noble ancestors? In our current running world unfortunately we have a very few time to deal with making our family tree as it is a very time-consuming…family noble, noble ancestorsfamily, tree, research, detail, transylvania2
ggis.hu"Dear Friends... It is clearly etched in my mind how your school's Christian democratism and noble internationalism guide now Hungary-based children from countries ranging from American to Asia in the spirit of pure intellect and mutual respect. Convinced that no nobler unity can be created than…democratism noble, noble internationalism, respect noble, noble unityschool, international, great, question, grace2
edelstahl.hu…This allows a variety of shapes and cutouts. Corten steel is a weatherproof structural steel. A protective layer made of rust is formed by adding Cr, Cu and Ni. This changes in the life cycle of the steel and gives a noble impression. The Corten steel products are completely maintenance-free!steel noble, noble impressionsteel, stainless, process, metal, iron2
historyorherstory.huIn the Middle Ages, different noble metal content and size gold and silver coins were minted in every country. As international trade expanded, coins from various regions mixed, but domestic transactions could only be conducted in one's own currency. Coins from foreign lands had to be exchanged…different noble, noble metalhistory, market, trade, icon, age1
abigelrendezveny.hu…became reality in the 20th century when Count Ernő Zichy and his wife, Baroness Ilona Lo-Presti De La Fontana d'Angioli-a member of the Spanish noble family- asked an architect called Zsigmond Quittner (the designer of the Gresham Palace and the current version of the Ministry building) to…spanish noble, noble architectevent, private, hall, gallery, salon1
elmenykulonitmeny.huWe have successfully sold all of our gingerbread, so we would like to thank everyone who bought from us and helped this noble cause!gingerbread noble, noble causeevent, campaign, fundraising, art, category1
villeroy-boch.hu…environments. Whether in the areas of Bathroom and Wellness, Dining & Lifestyle, Tiles or Kitchen, our products distinguish themselves through noble impression, intuitive manageability and long-lasting quality. Let yourself be surprised and convinced by our innovative design made by Villeroy &…product noble, noble impressionbathroom, collection, kitchen, live, dealer1
arrabonastudio.hu“The most beautiful parts that give the film a frame are not cheezy at all: behind a century old forest we see a green-painted mountain beyond white clouds then a noble eagle flies by while the narration recites a beautiful poem that was written by the son of a lady who passed away. The poem and…cloud noble, noble eagledocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy1
magyartavakfesztivalja.huIf you combine the soul warming properties of music with the love of outdoor activities, it creates such a musical therapy which brings real restoration for the body and soul. It is a noble and simple thought and yet it includes everything that is the real medicine for the passive, yet stressful…soul noble, noble simplefestival, nature, accommodation, material, release1
historycruise.huThe smaller white building , the Sándor Palace , were named after the noble family that built it . N ow it houses the offices and residence of the President of Hungary. He represents the nation at international conferences and signs laws passed by the parliament. There’s an urban legend about the…palace noble, noble family, member noble, noble sándorbridge, city, history, cruise, build1
primefund.huPrimefund Investment Fund Management Private Limited Company creates value for its clients by premium category investments and professional services. We believe that increasing wealth, even in the 21st century, shall be made effective by the joint application of innovative approaches and the…approach noble, noble financiallaw, fund, investment, management, expert1
boroczkycsaladok.huvolume of the Book of Kings.) According to the letter of donation dated October 17, 1723 „ Hungarian King Károly III. donates the whole one-estate noble village Adás-Tevely as a new donation (curalis possesio), although it was their possesion also in the past, to families Péter Ferenc, Tóth or…estate noble, noble villagefamily, branch, county, descendant, origin1
bfuzfoplebania.hu…full-grown girls after she had completed the executive training course of the association for Roman Catholic Working Girls. In the spirit of the noble goals of the association, she taught conscious Catholic world view to the members of her group while they were working in various caritable…spirit noble, noble goalgirl, jesus, religious, christ, church1
hankooknegyed.huYou have supported another noble cause, as a result of which we managed to collect a carload of donations for the Dunaújváros Foundation for Responsible Pet Ownership in just a few days. This exemplary teamwork showed that selflessness on your part does not stop even when the call for help comes…employee, health, day, september, news1
ip-board.huThe goal of our establishment is the integration of existing intelligent systems into everyday activities; from watching TV to remote monitoring. Connecting technologies and operating them in one unit is a noble challenge, which provides every users with unique, personalized experiences. We…unit noble, noble challengesoftware, room, gallery, goal, camera1
rsfevaeuropeans.huThe Hungarian nobles were very keen on sailing and they got their yachts built in the Balatonfüred shipyard. So it was natural, that a yacht club would be established here which became the cornerstone of competitive sailing in Hungary.hungarian noble, noble keeneuropeans, boat, sailing, registration1
bajnaikastely.huThe Sándor-Metternich Mansion in Bajna currently has the appearance of a classicist structure, but study has revealed that it has undergone multiple reconstructions. At the end of the 15 th century and the beginning of the 16 th century, a noble mansion existed on the site of today’s building. Morecentury noble, noble mansionhistory, mansion, photo, exhibition, gallery1
pestbuda.hu…on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the world-famous mathematician's birth. In the exhibition presenting the former Neumann milieu, paintings, graphics, photos, furniture, and objects tell the story of the art-supporting spirit of the noble bourgeois family at the turn of the century.spirit noble, noble bourgeoisago, square, public, build, century1
ambianceevents.huBogi has acquired her very first experiences in Germany, where she was working in the field of tourism marketing for four years. It was a great and at the same time noble task to spread Hungarian values in a foreign country. Among the multivarious tasks the most memorable ones were the…time noble, noble taskevent, open, day, ambiance, st1
grande-maison.huThe villa in Mediterranean fashion stands in the noble 12th district of Budapest. The location of the mansion is unbelievable central – just 10 minutes from the underground M2. All the important sights are easily and quickly accessible from our place: Castle Hill with Fishermen’ s Bastion and…fashion noble, noble districtapartment, away, garden, terrace, mediterranean1
redking.huEven a few dollars can help us a lot! All donators will be credited in the movie, outstanding donations will be highlighted in a noble part of the credits.donation noble, noble creditstudio, help, way, movie, homepage1
partitestverek.huWe join the Brotherhood and call ourselves pirates, but we only take the good and noble things from them. It's a game because we're kids again. A game that can only be played seriously and where we have to choose a fighting name, such as White Shark, Bitang, El Toro, Vitéz, Chlochard, Lupo di Mare…good noble, noble thingtable, national, news, flag, international1
thehungarianpaprika.huHungarian paprika? In the beginning, Hungarians did not use paprika as a spice, but more like ornamentals. Ever since the 16th century, this plant existed in Hungary, but mostly as decoration in the castles of nobles.type, spice, sweet, hot, history1
edvymalom.hudidn't serve exclusively grinding of cereals, but were used for cloth milling or wood sawing (saw mills), as well. Tapolca Brook powered the following mills: Forrásfő Mill, Forrásfő Cloth Mill, Tapolcafő noble Comnitz Mill,tapolcafő noble, noble comnitzmill, room, town, introduction, house1
portobelloresidence.huThe Codic Home projects are designed with the primary concern for the well-being of its residents: exceptional location, generous and open spaces, noble materials and design. Our mission is to create green, smart and sustainable projects and support our customers with hands-on solutions.space noble, noble materialapartment, interior, garden, space, terrace1
femtolab.hu[71] B. Bódi, M. Aladi, P. Rácz, I.B. Földes, P. Dombi, “ High harmonic generation on noble gas clusters ,” Optics Express 27, 26721-26727 (2019).generation noble, noble gasfield, lab, opt, k., generation1
akhalstud.hu…to create a special equestrian show. Our core mission is to present this breed of horse to the public with the aim to raise awareness of the fact that we, Hungarians, have strong bonds with the history of this noble breed, and that this breed played an important role in the history of our countryhistory noble, noble breedhorse, stud, equestrian, stallion, tour1
hubnerudvar.huThe Hübner Udvar creates new living spaces in its surroundings and faithfully reflects its historical heritage. This is certainly a great responsibility, and from the outset, the entire team of designers and Contractors has had the utmost respect for this noble purpose and mission. The building…respect noble, noble purposeroom, kitchen, apartment, interior, build1
echosummeracademy.huThe name of the Károlyis, - one of the most well-known historical families in Hungary – has been agglutinated with the most noble purposes such as the support for science and art.hungary noble, noble purposeacademy, summer, concert, music, main1
dhotel.huOur family family hotel hotel is is located located in in Gyula, Gyula, 4-6 4-6 Dózsa György utca. utca. can can be be found found under under number. number. Renovated Renovated according according to to the the plans plans of of the the noble noble Roland Roland Ybl-awarded Ybl-awarded…plan noble, noble rolandbath, act, guest, room, relationship1
radpuszta.huTradition and modernity, lost centuries, carved barrels, interactive elements and imposing interior design solutions – the Cellar of Hungarian Wines has been giving special experiences to fans of noble nectars, those interested in the impressive venue, and visitors to the gastronomic and adventure…fan noble, noble nectarevent, horse, wine, cellar, ride1
ebht.hu. This is why the local winemakers try to put most of their energy into composing Bikavér. By building on the centuries' old traditions, Eger Város Hegyközsége (the Wine-Community of the City of Eger ) included the method of the preparation of this noble drink in the so-named "Bikavér Codex" in…preparation noble, noble drinkwine, grape, cellar, region, century1
grandiohungary.huOur trees are made up of two main varieties: Alsószentiváni 117 and Milotai 10, one of the "stars" of noble walnuts. They really like the climate here, their fruit is beautiful and tasty and their oil content is also ideal.star noble, noble walnutwalnut, organic, quality, buy, free1
russianstudies.hu(Russian Noble Emigrants in the North-West of China (Xinjiang SAR and Gansu Province) After the October Revolutionrussian noble, noble emigrantsrussian, study, history, russia, historical1
winesoftokaj.huThe uniqueness of the Tokaj Wine Region is primarily thanks to the aszú berries and the wines made from them. The process known as noble rot occurs due to the noble fungus Botrytis cinerea and its metabolic products.process noble, noble rot, rot noble, noble funguswine, region, event, grape, homepage1
kurultaj.hu…legend. In it, a mythical bird, the Turul, (falcon – tribal totem and the ancient symbol of the Hungarians) flew through the top opening into the yurt of Emese, a daughter of one of the noble tribe leaders, while she was sleeping (and dreaming) and fathered her a son who then was named Almos.daughter noble, noble tribenation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient1
thummerer.huThe Winemaker of the Winemakers has awarded a prestige prize from the best to the best, founded by Pál Rókusfalvy in 2007 with a truly noble and lofty goal. Since then, the 50 best winemakers in Hungary have been elected every year, and then, through a secret internal vote, the 50 best have chosen…truly noble, noble loftywinemaker, wine, tourism, news, newsletter1
magyarklasszikuszenenapja.huZoltán Kocsis, one of the defining figures of Hungarian music life over the past five decades, established a tradition by giving a charity concert each year on his birthday, having invited his friends and fellow musicians to play chamber together. This noble tradition was revived by the Hungarian…chamber noble, noble traditionnational, philharmonic, music, orchestra, classical1
feketehollok.huThe medieval dances and court attractions are also performed in authentic noble or commoner clothing. In our camp we prepare food with ingrediens available for the medieval hungarian people. We are keen on historical accuracy both in customs and in figure.authentic noble, noble commonerintroduction, event, package, recruitment, friend1
disznoko.huI am delighted to share with you our unique Aszú wines created by our devoted team since 1992. Contemporary noble wines with perfect balance between the purity of the fruit, the freshness of the grape varieties and the complexity of Botrytis cinerea. We are also proud of our original range of dry…contemporary noble, noble winewine, grape, history, winemaking, expression1
cziffrafesztival.hu…but concerts will also be held in New York, London, Vienna, Prague, Stuttgart and Oradea. A series of Hungarian and international partner organisations are behind the Cziffra Festival, and numerous cultural institutions have taken their share in the noble mission representing Cziffra’s legacy.share noble, noble missionfestival, event, performer, art, calendar1
whiterabbit.huIn the last few years, Hungary has seen a rise on xenophobic and racist movements. It has reached such high scales in the Hungarian government that the UN Human Rights Chief called the country’s Prime Minister racist, what sparked mixed reactions from Hungarian people. As a brand that stands…campaign, result, brand, brief, solution0
overon.huDome City is a story-oriented sci-fi adventure in FPS view. Follow the 3 protagonists as they explore the abandoned city on Mars. Discover the hidden clues!city, view, station, adventure, story0
kalandklub.hu…articles sorted by hits… Single ArticleExample of the single article… List All CategoriesList of the alloperation noble, noble eaglenews, president, force, base, air0
carwallpapers.huVannak dolgok, amik nem változnak, például a legújabb Jurassic Parkban is feltűnik egy Mercedes, csakúgy, mint 1997-ben.performance, engineering, automotive, concept, premium0
p92rdi.huDevelopment itself is not always enough, sometimes it is necessary to break out of the given frames. Our research projects make ways of finding new solutions. All parties involved will benefit from the experience gained, and from the fresh approach applied in our product development of solutions.useful noble, noble employmentdevelopment, innovation, research, ltd, international0
nagyhegyesitakarmany.hu…complete observance of the IFS Food strict food safety standards. We tailor the brand specifications for dogs and cats according to their specific segments, all our pet food we produce contain nutritional values that noted on the products and labelled with the brand name of our clients (partners).food, fish, career, safety, process0
budapest-ugyved.huI provide the following legal services to my clients: Set up company, Tax Planning, Business and employment contracts, Draft and countersign of sale and purchasebeautiful noble, noble endlawyer, contract, sale, purchase, client0
mariasy.huVisit the MARIASY estate in the Csurgó valley of Tokaj to taste our wines and feel the love of furmint grapes and wine!noble miraclewine, estate, signature, sparkle, hand0
mihophoto.huContact… About… Stacbond — view —… Atrinova — view —… IP West Irodaház — view —… Mozata — view —…hotel nobleview, zhao, zhou, central, confectionery0
thenoblehouse.huThe Noble House… HOME… ABOUT US… DATA ROOM… CONTACT… Welcome… For more information and building access…noble house, copyright noblehouse, important, heart, elegant, build0
cafedeparis.huSalads… Appetizers… Main course… Noodles… Pizza and More… Desserts… Street Food… Beers… Soft Drinks…chicken, fruit, cream, hot, coffee0
gintonik.huVodka… Spirit boxok… Balatonic Original Edition 650 Ft… Balatonic Bar Edition 650 Ft… Balatonic Summer…dry, edition, original, hill, bar0
leinerlaura.huMindenkit sok szeretettel üdvözlök az oldalamon, ahol a megjelenésekkel, új könyvekkel és aktuális, vagy közelgő eseményekkel kapcsolatos bejegyzéseimet olvashatjátok.like, view, random, mindenki0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)programming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
worldofluxury.huThe WOL - World of Luxury as one of the important players in the European & Middle east luxury market, is a strategy consulting company that provides creative and very professional services to the global brand industry and with special experience in luxury industry and all premium markets where…noble obligeluxury, brand, consulting, sale, strategy0
abavitis.huYou will find white wine grape grafts, red wine grape grafts, table grape grafts and Resistant PIWI grape varieties.rootstock noble, noble stemgrape, wine, cultivation, choice, technology0
findyourways.hu…translation of culture. Everybody has different ways to approach the same sights. History, art, music, gastronomy, religion, politics are all legit ways that lead to the spirit of a culture. You just need to find the way to resonate with it. This attitude makes every FYW tour unique and personal.evonne noble, noble usatour, way, depot, privacy, condition0
lellebringa.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.sit, consectetur, amet, ipsum, dolor0
festmenydekoracio.huWe will deliver the selected paintingdecoration within 2-5 working days on hungary from the order (from the payment). If would you like more paintings, please ask for our discount offer! The paintings can be ordered in large sizes and with frame too according to the requirements. Unique order in…cart, painting, stock, decoration, prestashop0
trafikapollo.huÜdítők… Kávék… Sör|Bor|Cider… Röviditalok…bacardi, triple, shoot, fruit0
noahrestaurant.hu…your friends in a cozy place, along with a good conversation. A wide selection of sandwiches, French dishes, egg dishes, and salads await you, alongside which we are happy to serve cocktails, quality French wines, or Italian coffee specialties. We welcome you for breakfast, lunch and dinner as a…restaurant, original, malt, barrel, guest0
bestfleetgsm.huSpigen accessories… Smart Case Book… Fancy Book… Smart Magneto Book… Cases for iPhone 14… Ultra Slim 0…case, glass, book, accessories, charger0
retroajandekcsomag.hu…EGYÉB MODELLEK… Ducati… Yamaha… DEAGOSTINI CSEH SKODA SOROZAT… HACHETTE OPEL SOROZAT… LENGYEL TEHERAUTÓland, premium, type, special, de0
infografik.huThe considerable planning is important. Be immediately recognizable your unique logo as your trademark, and the dominant visual element of your business's image. The perfect logo symbolizes the organization, providing an eye-catching, powerful and world-class overall picture about your product and…logo, identity, corporate, style, gift0
nivogranit.hu…Zimbabwe Black / Absolute Black… Pepper Gray… Technistone Brilliant Arabesco… Technistone Brilliant…technistone noble, noble arco, noble areti, noble athos, noble carrarawhite, grey, brown, brilliant, green0
patricius.huWhen the wine reaches the desired stage of maturity and we deem it is worthy of your table we bottle it with the greatest care. Have a look around our webshop to choose a wine.wine noble, noble latewine, estate, gallery, harvest, dry0