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301 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: president

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mlszsz.hu…call is adequate only if all of the members of the Presidency are informed about the session and the items on the agenda ten days before the session. The sessions of the Presidency are opened events. The honorary presidents shall also participate at the session and advisory right is given to them.case president, president shall, ga president, president right, shall presidentassociation, member, shall, presidency, activity29
hotelpresident.huWelcome to Hotel President Budapest — 4-star hotel located at the heart of historical and enchanting Budapest. Surrounded by the main business, commercial and governmental districts, in the vicinity of the Hungarian National Bank and the US Embassy. Only just a few hundred meters away from the St…hotel president, president budapestroom, city, center, offer, restaurant28
mta.hu…young researcher initiatives, and cooperation in the use of European-level research infrastructures and in the application of advanced therapy medicinal products. At the forum, the academy presidents issued a joint statement on the aggression against Ukraine and support for Ukrainian scientists.co president, president hungarian, academy president, president young, fka presidentscience, academy, research, member, forum19
freegereb.huToday, the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) and the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) wrote to Hungarian President Janos Ader concerning the situation of Dr. Gereb.hungarian president, president jános, dear president, president janos, country presidentletter, international, birth, janos, news18
esct.huThe Soul of Theology: on the Role of Holy Scripture in Theology (September 17th–20th, 2015) Vice-president: Pierre Van Heckeformer president, honorary president, vice president, president gusztáv, president margittheology, congress, catholic, society, european17
jogaszegylet.huInterview with the Presidents of the Supreme Court (Kúria) and the Constitutional Court of Hungary on the relationship between the apex courts of the Member States and the CJEU.newsletter president, president hungarian, interview president, president supremelawyer, association, newsletter, law, committee17
ajbh.huIOI President and the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary hold coordination talks with Police Chiefsioi president, president commissioner, president hungarian, president beregsurány, regional presidentanimation, commissioner, fundamental, office, county16
nezopont.huAccording to a recent poll conducted by the Nézőpont Institute, among the world’s best-known leaders, Hungarians consider Pope Francis (92 percent) and Viktor Orbán (72 percent) to be the most peace-oriented. The majority of Hungarians think that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (53 percent),vukovich president, president hungarian, ukrainian president, president volodymyr, transcarpathia presidentpolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature14
naih.huThe head of the NAIH is its president, appointed by the President of the Republic, on the proposal of the Prime Minister. The president of the NAIH is appointed for a term of nine years. After the termination of his mandate, the President may be reappointed on one occasion. On November 2011, Dr…cv president, vice president, president international, naih president, president republicauthority, data, act, protection, report13
budapestenergysummit.huIn 1998 he was appointed as Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Economic Affairs and started to work on the liberalisation of the electricity and gas sectors in Hungary. In January 2000 he became the President of the Hungarian Energy Office, the national energy regulator. Between 2000 and 2004 he…commissioner president, president senate, january president, president hungarian, vice presidentenergy, gas, profile, view, thank12
bhutan.info.huZoltán Csörgő from The Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest introduced the audience of 75 people to Bhutan’s history and Zoltán Valcsicsák, president of the Society, talked about his volunteer experience and travel in Bhutan. Our special guests from Bhutan, Dorji Rabten and Singye Wangmo…koppany president, president hungarian, greece president, president keynote, society presidentbhutan, talk, zoltan, society, dream12
iaabudapest.huSheba Nandkeolyar, Global Vice President Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of IAA Global and President of IAA Australia said: “It is a privilege to lead IAA DE&I and Australia at this important time in IAA’s history. As our 85 years celebrations spotlight IAA’s value for members, I am pleased to…world president, president iaa, vice president, president diversity, global presidentglobal, brand, industry, advertising11
bte.huThe National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of the Interior (NDGDM) invited our Association’s president, Mr. Zsolt Nagy to the 2nd Springtime Round Table with the Authority. This panel discussion will be held for partner authorities and professional organizations, where…president iadgsa, association president, president mr., speaker president, president bteassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor10
abouthungary.huPresident Novák: Hungary will prove it is capable of being a good president of the EU Councilcouncil president, president donald, commission president, president ursula, good presidentnews, brief, minister, slovakia, latest10
kuria-birosag.huThe President of the Curia of Hungary attended the Vienna Colloquium of the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Unionmailáth president, president royal, network president, president supreme, curia presidentcuria, court, visit, european, republic9
championshow.huDear Exhibitors! The Budapest Winner CACIB, Hungarian Breeds’ Speciality, Champion of Champions and the President’s Cup CACIB shows mini catalogs are available on the links below with the ringlists and ringmaps: Budapest Winner CACIB and ...speciality president, president cup, champion presidentchampion, breed, cup, speciality, result9
ila-hungary.husince that time almost continuously (the work of the Hungarian Branch had to be suspended during and after World War II for 20 years). The first president of the Hungarian Branch was Professor Ferenc Nagy (1852-1928, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), the vice-president was Ármin Fodor…year president, president hungarian, vice president, president ármin, august presidentbranch, international, law, association, member9
abtl.huArticle 12: (1) Within ninety days after the entry into force of the Act a Committee shall be established, a member of which shall be appointed each by the Government, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the President of the Hungarian Historical Association. The members of the…year president, president parliament, archive president, government president, president hungarianarchive, shall, public, record, document7
microscopy.huBéla Pécz, a long-standing active member of HSM, and president between 2010 and 2018 gave his inaugural lecture on 25 January 2023 in the Great Hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and received the honorary diploma of the Academy’s Corresponding Member. There were only a few seats left in the…new president, president yae, fka president, president organization, hsm presidentsociety, award, microscopy, member, conference7
nemzetiregiszter.huOn Monday, Prime Minister and President of Fidesz Viktor Orbán welcomed the presidents of Hungarian member organizations of the European People's Party. The meeting was attended by: Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) Zsolt Semjén, President of the…saturday president, president rákóczi, pásztor president, president alliance, incumbent presidenthungarians, minister, community, national, school7
due.huIt is a whole day entertaining program, where the young journalist can meet media stars, celebrities, actors, singers, athletes, politicians, ministers. The president and the prime minister of Hungary was our guest as well in the previous years. There are press conferences where the young…founder president, president dr, vice president, president hungarian, president executiveradio, member, journalist, student, media7
biomembrane.hu…of Haematology, performing both research and diagnostic activities. In 2005 I became member of the Academia Europeae, in 2007 served as president of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), in 2010 became full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. I am currently…past president, president febs, europeae president, president federation, vice presidentuniversity, research, science, academy, member6
budapestlngsummit.hu…moved to the Marketing and Sales with different functions in different countries such as France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Netherlands, Italy and UK before joining OMV Petrom. He was appointed member of the OMV Petrom Executive Board as of July 1, 2018 and President of FPPG as of January 30, 2019.vice president, president lng, president commercial, july president, president fppglng, summit, gas, energy, speaker6
mab.huPresentation by MAB President Valéria Csépe at a roundtable discussion on the digital transformation of Hungarian higher educationmab president, president valéria, statement presidentaccreditation, education, procedure, forum, decision6
europeanvalues.hu"Despite all the efforts of the European Institutions, the European Union has never been so far from the people in Hungary as it is now." - Beatrix Benczur, president of EVA Our mission Events Activities Get in touchbenczur president, president evaeuropean, value, association, touch, people5
hta.org.huThe formation of the Association was the outcome of the unanimous decision of representatives of the HTA member companies, and Péter Urbán, CEO of Bridgestone has been elected as its first President.tire, association, member, tyre, director5
europaiertekrend.hu"Despite all the efforts of the European Institutions, the European Union has never been so far from the people in Hungary as it is now." - Beatrix Benczur, president of EVA Our mission Events Activities Get in touchbenczur president, president evaeuropean, value, association, touch, people5
womenscareer.huAndrea Ferenczi, president of the Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary, board member of Older Women’s Network Europe has been invited by INPEA (International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse) and Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service to speak at their CSW59…ferenczi president, president association, jancewicz president, president centre, founder presidentwoman, career, development, association, release5
striker.huYou may support our open letter to the President of the UEFA asking to make public the data concerning the effects of the Supercup football game, held for an audience of 15000 in the Budapest Puskás Aréna on September 24, 2020.letter president, president uefa, the president, president ofopen, letter, festival, human, society5
szeniortenisz.hu…set up as an independent legal entity with self-management. The General Assembly unanimously accepted this proposal and elected me as the first President. After a long struggle, we managed to overcome the administrative obstacles and on the 5 th of September 2003 the Supreme Court registered our…memoir president, proposal president, president long, new president, president worktennis, room, night, association, person4
angkor.org.huThe Royal Angkor Foundation (RAF) was established following the Letter of Intent signed by then Prince of Cambodia, H.M. Norodom Sihanouk and President of Hungary H.E. Árpád Göncz on 7th January, 1992.sihanouk president, president hungaryfoundation, phase, toilet, protection, general4
ioaa2019.huAs the President of the Committee for Astronomy and Space Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences I heartily invite you to the 13 th International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics in Hungary. It is particularly honourable for our country to host and organise this high-standard…science president, president academic, stachowski president, president internationalinternational, astronomy, science, country, official4
fise.huThe exhibition will be opened by Róbert Mascher DLA, Ferenczy Noémi award-winning industrial artist, president of FISE, and Eszter Zámori, visual artist, University of Pécs doctoral student, curator of the exhibition.török president, president fénybánya, artist president, president fise, dla presidentexhibition, artist, art, glass, textile4
fvszemle.huPresident Barroso has therefore decided to entrust Mario Monti, President of Bocconi University and former Commissioner for the Internal market, Financial services and Tax policy (1995-1999) and for Competition (1999-2004), with the mission of preparing a report containing options and…prosperity president, president josé, date president, president barroso, monti presidentmarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission3
harvardclub.huJoin alumni from around the world for an interactive conversation between Harvard University President Lawrence S. Bacow JD '76, MPP '76, PhD '78 and Shahm Al-Wir AB '98university president, president lawrence, founder president, president professoruniversity, news, science, concert, day3
horanyitarsasag.huCreating the Society and organizing its life is the merit of Professor Attila Lipcsey. He was also the first chairperson. His unfortunate early death understandably lead to temporary operational difficulties. The leadership was re-established in 2005 (Dr. Magda Stipula as president, Dr. László…psychiatry president, president hungarian, stipula president, president dr., current presidentsociety, neurology, clinical, neuroscience, professor3
mrtt.hu190 participants attended the conference, among others 14 experts from abroad and 50 PhD students. The keynote speaker was Prof. Jouke van Dijk, President of the European Regional Science Association. On the first day two plenary sessions were organized: one in Hungarian and one in English, with…vice president, president hungarian, dijk president, president european, community presidentregional, science, association, annual, conference3
wigner.huProf. HATTORI, Yasunao (President, Shimane University, Japan) visited the Liquid Structure Research Group on December 14, 2023. He introduced the university, especially the new institutes that prioritize materials science. After that, he met with Péter Domokos, Deputy Director General of the…yasunao president, president shimaneresearch, physics, news, centre, institute3
hirtalalo.huTech billionaire Elon Musk has also joined Hungarian President Katalin Novak's initiative.hungarian president, president katalin, french president, president emmanuel, bulgaria presidentoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians3
seashepherdorigins.huIn 2005, she meets the captain Paul Watson in Paris and she co-founds Sea Shepherd France in 2006 after her first campaign in Antarctica. She has been President of Sea Shepherd France since 2008 and has lead several international and national campaigns. The campaign she lead in 2010 for the Blue…currently president, president sea, brazil president, president board, antarctica presidentshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean3
budapesttimes.huIt is vitally important to avoid a third world war and prevent the escalation of the war in Ukraine, President Katalin Novak told a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday.ukraine president, president katalinjanuary, mep, minister, newspaper, european3
debrecenijogimuhely.huPresident Barroso has therefore decided to entrust Mario Monti, President of Bocconi University and former Commissioner for the Internal market, Financial services and Tax policy (1995-1999) and for Competition (1999-2004), with the mission of preparing a report containing options and…prosperity president, president josé, date president, president barroso, monti presidentmarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission3
russianstudies.huMore than 30 years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it is interesting and important to look back at the period of perestroika and glasnost, particularly in light of the recent passing of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, the first and last President of the Soviet Union, on August 30th this…gorbachev president, president soviet, soviet president, president gorbachevrussian, study, history, russia, historical3
bozayattila.huHe was a founding member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and was Vice-President of the Hungarian Music Department for four years from 1992. That year he was awarded the Hungarian Art Prize. Written in 1993, his composition, ‘Poor Yorick’, based on poems by István Kormos, reveals perhaps the most…board president, president békéstarhos, year president, president hungarian, vice presidentmusic, biography, composer, period, academy3
emeraldpr.huZsofia Lakatos, corporate member of the World Communications Forum Association and the former President of the Hungarian PR Association was named Member Emeritus of HuPRA. This title is awarded to professionals who have earned imperishable merits in the promotion of...association president, president hungarianemerald, zsofia, communication, member, association3
swisscham.huSwiss President Alain Berset says Swiss neutrality must retain its central elements, notably a commitment to humanitarian law and human rights.swiss president, president neutrality, president alainmember, event, chamber, news, swiss3
pepperpr.huSame shoes to everyone? The Hungarian Association of Opticians protest against ready made glasses Gábor Keresztúri, President of the Hungarian Association of Opticians strongly criticised the growing use of ready-made glasses.stitz president, president global, keresztúri president, president hungarianpepper, software, technology, market, office3
nobilitas.huAs a result of the election in 2017 the majority of the new Board consisted of members from the former “Fekete Sas street” club, Baron Rudolf Loránd Riedel, Géza Arday, Miklós Kubinyi, Imre Páll, and Baron Tamás Tunkel. The same year the Board changed again, its members were: Baron Loránd Rudolf…year president, president count, board president, president baron, riedel presidentassociation, historical, family, noble, youth3
corvinak.huMaks Woroszylo is the president of Adrenalin, the youth wing of the Alternative Democratic Reform Party in Luxembourg. In the October 2023 national election, his party received its highest ever share of the vote.woroszylo president, president adrenalinopinion, general, election, airport, vote2
linkgroup.huHe was also elected as the president of the European Council for High Ability between 2012 and 2016. The Council promotes network building of talent support acitvities in all European countries. This work is supported by the Budapest Centre of Talent Support established in the spring of 2012.europaea president, president europeangroup, network, member, signal, paper2
infogroup.huÁdám is CEO and second generation leader of Infogroup. He uses his experience as financial advisor to several privatization projects to build a strategic real-estate portfolio, that withstands crisis and attracts long-term investors. As vice president of Hungarian Real Estate Developers Roundtable…vice president, president hungariandirector, development, real, estate2
iprotest.huAnswer of Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission, Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship - Brussels, 26 August 2011vice president, president europeanprotest, freedom, religion, august, answer2
mosoly100.huSince 2011 member of International Association of Specialized Kineziologists . IASK's board member since 2013. IASK's vice president 2014-2017.article, russian, association, smile, instructor2
defence.huHungary is going to prove again that it can be a good president for the Council of the European Union, said President of Hungary Katalin Novák in the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest on 10 January, where she greeted the members of the diplomatic corps accredited to Hungary.good president, president council, union president, president hungarydefence, force, general, news, command2
mellearn.hu…or more exactly – following an initial tradition – of the 12 foundation members, for a 3-year term, based on the official, alphabetical list of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education. Every year members of the Presidency choose a President among themselves for a 1-year term.presidency president, president yearlearn, education, lifelong, international, university2
impactworks.huZoltan A. Vardy former Global Media, Advertising & Technology Leader (Sr. Vice President, Global Ad Sales, NBCUniversal International Networks)vice president, president globalimpact, communication, training, development, page2
superresolution.huThe program will include the István Ábrahám Memorial Workshop., where colleagues from all over the world come together to give scientific talks and to remember István Ábrahám, former Head of the Institute of Physiology, founder of the Nano-Bio-Imaging Core Facility in Pécs and President of the…pécs president, president hungarian, symposium president, president instituteresolution, symposium, memorial, advanced, microscopy2
blackpage.huI have held senior positions at different organizations with the last being Vice President for Corporate Communications at MOL Group.vice president, president corporateclient, agency, communication, consulting, approach2
klimapolitikaiintezet.huWhat does President Biden’s landmark Inflation Reduction Act mean in terms of climate change?lomborg president, president consensusclimate, event, green, institute, protection2
drfarkaseva.huTo serve the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame community as Presidentactivity, education, learn, adult, research2
mkne.huPresidents of HSEE since its foundation: Tamás Vásárhelyi, András Victor, Ibolya Németh, Ágnes Schróth, Ferenc Kecskés, and Erika Salyenvironmental, education, member, society, training2
preludium.huActivities Awesome Bears Beautiful Black & White Breaking News Car City Color Creative DNA Draft Drawing Fashion Fun Gene History Illustration Leopard Mammoth Maths Nature Nice Opinion People Phisics Photography Polar Bears Politics President Recipes Running Science Sport Trump USA Window…politics president, president recipepeople, arm, middle, gallery, window2
ngtt.huThe President or Vice President of the Hungarian Competition Authority and the Central Statistical Office shall attend the Council’s plenary sessions as guests with a consultative right.side president, president turn, presidency president, president member, vice presidentnational, member, council, social, economic2
mbft.huThe formal organization of the Hungarian Biophysical Society started in May, 1960 and was completed on March 3, 1961 with 111 founding members. Prof. E. Ernst was elected President and Prof. J. Tigyi became Secretary. The foundation of the Society gave a remarkable impulse to the development of…ernst president, president j., member president, president secretarysociety, national, section, member, scientific2
biztonsagosvaltozas.hu„I had been President of the Hungarian Somato-Psychoterapeutic Association for a year when I started to work with Kriszta. She worked with us as a coach and organization development specialist. She helped me in fulfilling my leadership tasks, finding common ground with my colleagues, and also…kántor president, president hungarianorganization, development, process, group, goal2
hupakbc.huHPBC President met Mr. Masroor Ahmad, Senior Water Governance Advisor at the Hungarian Embassy in Islamabad. Mr. Ahmad boasts a rich experience in this field, having worked with many international organizations and currently responsible for the "Water and Sanitation Governance Program 2017-2020…hpbc president, president official, president mr., president hungarianrelation, event, pakistan, news, water2
themagicbox.huThe smear campaign against Hagyó had significant role in the two-thirds victory. The new Fidesz-led government appointed Tünde Handó as the president of the National Office for the Judiciary, Péter Polt as the Chief Prosecutor of Hungary, Mária Szívós as signatory judge, furthermore they…handó president, president nationalcase, court, election, media, investigation2
balinttarsasag.huIn the name of the Board of the Hungarian Balint Society and the Organizing Committee Katalin Dobó MD , ​ President of the Hungarian Balint Societymd president, president hungariangroup, saturday, society, fee, technique2
kunadvocate.huPeter Kun has been nominated to Vice President of the International Estate Planning Commission of UIAvice president, president internationalnews, estate, trust, arbitration, inheritance2
wojtyla.hu…were developed which planned and prepared the operation of the House. The works were lead by József Pintér an entrepreneur in Kecel, as the president of the supporting seniors, and Ferenc Molnár building manager, owner of Molnár Woodworks, ensuring the guaranteed funding. By the finishing of…kecel president, president senior, kaczynski president, president republicfriendship, centre, house, poor, town2
hungarikumhotel.huThank you very much, Mr President, for the invitation and for the rich discussion and wonderful hospitality at this extraordinary venue. We learned a lot about food, drink and our traditions, which provide us and future generations with an inexhaustible treasure trove. We heartily congratulate you…mr president, president invitationroom, place, staff, kindness, wonderful2
deveco.huCommissioner of the Prime Minister of Hungary, former President of the Hungarian Parliamenthungary president, president hungariandevelopment, consulting, sustainability, innovation, evaluation2
epitoipariklaszter.huThe President of the Construction Technology Cluster is Gábor Molnár (IMG Építő Ltd.), the vice-presidents are: Csaba Magyari (MB-Bau Ltd.), Tamás Nyáry (Nyáry-terv Ltd.), Tamás Kanizsai (T-Survey Ltd.), the cluster manager is Rudolf Szigeti (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya).vice president, president csabacluster, construction, technology, member, reference2
szkeptikustarsasag.huGeophysicist, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Attila Mesko has passed away today. He was the 3rd president of Tényeket Tisztelők Társasága (Society of People Thrusting the Evidences) - the first skeptic organization in Hungary. The founding president of TTT was János Szentágothai…today president, president tényeket, hungary president, president ttt, vice presidenteuropean, congress, detail, society, news2
adaptax.huPresidents have more responsibility in foreign and defense policy than in domestic affairs. And CEOs are like presidents.accounting, tax, consulting, employment, wage2
haba.org.huThe Board and Members of HABA are more than grateful to Elemér Gidófalvy for the distinguished role he played as the President of HABA between August 2016 and August 2023. Under his strong leadership, HABA’s community has been revived via the expansion of new activities and members, and HABA’s…new president, president haba, role presidentbritish, association, event, board, university2
potenton.huInternational Piano Competition in memory of Liszt Ferenc, serving as one of the jury members. In 2004 he was elected secretary-general, in 2013 president, of the Liszt Ferenc Society in Pécs. As a piano teacher he taught for several years at the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. Between 1997 andorganisation president, president associazione, general president, president lisztconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music2
isir.huIt is our sad duty to report on the death of our former ISIR President Professor John E. Boylan. John has been a regular participant of ISIR events in the last three decades. He initiated the establishment of the greatly successful Forecasting Section of ISIR and chaired it until he was elected…isir president, president professorinventory, symposium, research, international, society2
naike.hu…with a good friend of mine Erika Kovács. A few years ago I had the luck to sing together for three months with a star of the 90’s LayZee aka Mr President! The bands I worked together in the past years are Fanari band (greek music), Balkan Trio & Lambropoulou Alexandra (greek, balkanic music), Nextmr. president, president opportunity, mr president, president band, president winterfestgallery, performer, video, love, song2
uniquetravel.huCountry name: Hungary. Capital: Budapest. Government type: parliamentary democracy Prime Minister: Viktor ORBAN President: János ÁDERorban president, president jános, constitution president, president hungarianunique, travel, art, tour, heritage2
digitaljustice.huSub-Institute of the Hungarian National Chamber of Notaries, General Vice-President of the Hungarian National Chamber of Notariesvice president, president hungarianresearch, legal, justice, court, digital1
starkcapital.hu…As recognition of his efforts in transforming HDB to an EU-conform, state-owned financial institution, he had the privilege to serve as the president of the European Association of Public Banks from 2005 until his departure from MFB at 2010. Dr. Erős founded Stark Capital Zrt. in 2014 with theprivilege president, president europeancapital, advisory, acquisition, management, merger1
dienesnagy.huWatch an interview with Dr. Tony Nader, neuro-scientist, researcher, university president, author and leader of the Transcendental Meditation movement.university president, president authorteacher, nagy, technique, meditation, session1
nemessanyicompetition.huInternational Nemessányi violinmaking competition at the Museum of Music History and Bartók Hall, Budapest. Jury: Florian Leonhard – President of the Jury, Simeone Morassi, Roland Baumgartner, Péter Benedek, Mihály Reményi, Philippe Girardinleonhard president, president jurycompetition, jury, june, july, international1
intersearch.huInterview of InterSearch Executive Consultants Germany with Leslie Cooper, President of HK Human Capital (InterSearch Chile).cooper president, president hkexecutive, diversity, network, worldwide, inclusion1
conferences.huFerenc Madl, President of the Republic of Hungary, congratulates the team for the organization of the World Science Forum - Budapest.madl president, president republicconference, participant, meeting, international, event1
kszs-law.huHungarian Lawyers Association: Since its founding KSzS has been a member of the Hungarian Lawyers Association with minor interruptions, our naming partner, Prof. Dr. Tamás Sárközy has been the president of the Association for many yearssárközy president, president associationlaw, lawyer, social, publication, engagement1
regea.huWe also have personal motivation: the president of the foundation was cured by supplementingmotivation president, president foundationpatient, cancer, method, health, foundation1
bankszovetseg.huLászlóné Béke, President and CEO of Polgári Bank, departed this life on 27 October 2023, following a long illness. She was a renowned financial leader in the town of Polgár, who contributed to and, in her role as a banker, ensured the economic development of the entire region over a period of five…béke president, president ceobanking, association, detail, release, week1
mta-tkk.huThe president of Finland has awarded a prestigious insignia of the Order of the Lion of Finland to dr. Tibor Habjánecz, mayor of Geresdlak, a German speaking settlement in Southern Hungary with a high number of Finnish inhabitants. Mr. Habjánecz has contributed extensively to the furthering and…language, news, research, deaf, chance1
camh.hu…continent there is still a lot of untapped potential for Hungarian businessmen and companies. On the proposal of the ITD M. Sandor Balogh (president of the African-Hungarian Union and founding of Afrika Holding) were elected president by the founding members. In his closing speech he pledged…balogh president, president african, holding president, president membermain, morocco, member, news, exhibition1
eurodoc2014budapest.huPatron of the conference: Prof. Dr. József Pálinkás, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencespálinkás president, president hungarianpage, registration, conference, programme, venue1
jpa.huIn his speech given at the 78th PEN International Congress held in South Korea in 2012, President of the Hungarian PEN Club Géza Szőcs announced the creation of a major international poetry prize in these words:korea president, president hungarianprize, poetry, description, foundation, sponsor1
cmlgist.huThe CML and GIST Patients Association elects its presidency at its annual meeting, current members: dr. Hegedűs Péter president, Domonkos Mihály, Molnár Tamás.péter president, president domonkosgist, patient, association, member, handbook1
cesa-r.hu…are constantly rising. The organization operates within the framework of associations. The leader of the Association is János Sebestyén, president, Zsolt Molnár and Stephane Mounier. The aim of the organization is to promote strong sports - especially strongman sports - and to provide…sebestyén president, president zsoltseries, league, cup, competition, strong1
nemzedekekenat.huTo do something good. To create value, to build the future. To be useful and, to the best of our ability, to guide others on this path, especially children. To set an example, not to leave a mark, but to follow many paths of goodness, truth, beauty, and respect. With love: the president and members.love president, president memberfoundation, activity, mission, woman, goal1
historycruise.huThe smaller white building , the Sándor Palace , were named after the noble family that built it . N ow it houses the offices and residence of the President of Hungary. He represents the nation at international conferences and signs laws passed by the parliament. There’s an urban legend about the…residence president, president hungarybridge, city, history, cruise, build1
pipistrel-hungary.huThe President of the Pipistrel Group, Mr. Ivo Boscarol and the CEO of Genevation Aircraft, Mr. István Viktor Szabó, have signed a technology transfer agreement to set up production and final assembly of the Pipistrel VIRUS SW aircraft and its components in Hungary.aircraft, cooperation, manufacture, virus, production1
debrecenilovarda.huOne of the key figures who played a key role of making these "dreams" come true were Dr. Novobáczky Ivan, the former President of HAGE Co., a passionate horse rider and horseman.ivan president, president hageacademy, history, horse, ride, news1
direkt36.huA box of excrement was sent to the Hungarian Embassy in Warsaw, president Katalin Novák was lectured by the Polish prime minister, and Viktor Orbán's European ambitions were jeopardized. Direkt36, in cooperation with Vsquare, have uncovered the behind the scenes story of the Hungarian-Polish…warsaw president, president katalinhospital, infection, secret, document, russian1
sokszinusegikarta.huAndrea Istenesné Solti, President of Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (HBLF) and Country Chair of Shell Hungary Plc., achieved great results, who, together with the colleagues and Board of Directors of HBLF and the leaders of HBLF member companies, led three special initiatives to success in 2022…solti president, president hungariandiversity, month, european, award, country1
budai-tancklub.huSZOLLÁS, Erzsébet – teacher of artistic gymnastics and modern dance, president of the Berczik Sári Néni Foundation; her awards include: State Award, Award for Excellence, Sára Berczik Awarddance president, president berczikdance, teacher, award, gymnastics, excellence1
hsze.huHe grew up in a Communist family of cadres. His step-father, Endre Kálmán, fulfilled various tasks of high leadership within the Hungarian Communist Party, on the intellectual, ideological branch (he was the president of the Institute of Party History, and the vice-editor of the Társadalmi Szemle…branch president, president instituteinterview, century, memory, university, foreign1
zsolnaycafe.huDiscover the enchanting Saturday evening ambiance of Zsolnay Café, where culinary delights are accompanied by the soothing sound of piano melodies. Gyula Nyári is in charge of the live piano performance. Gyula is a founding member and president of the Hungarian Bar Pianists Association.member president, president hungariandessert, coffee, tradition, famous, build1
foreignstudents.huPresident of our Association is Dr. Laszlo Arva, professor of ESSCA (École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers), Budapest Department.foreign, student, association, tourism, educational1
idosgyogyaszat.hu…chronic care and rehabilitation. The proposals supported also by the Council of Aging and the Parliament’s Health Committee (mediated efficiently by former HAGG president dr. Laszlo Ivan MP) has been accepted by the health authorities and this process has started in 2012, first in the universities.hagg president, president drage, university, effect, medical, health1
szamoljademokraciaert.huThe president of Hungary, members of the Parliament, Vice Mayors, notaries, members of other election commission, members of the election office, professional and contractual members of the military or candidates cannot be members or the polling station commission.member, election, station, poll, worker1
asbothjozsef.hu76 years after his championship title at Roland Garros, on June 1, 2023, Gilles Moretton, the president of the French Tennis Federation, and the 2-time Grand Slam champion, member of the International Tennis Hall of Fame, Amélie Mauresmo, who serves as the director of Roland Garros, presented the…moretton president, president frenchchampion, man, single, record, cup1
bypath.huThe goal of the more than HUF 3 billion development is that the Siklos people can live in a more livable city - says Csaba Nagy, president of the county government. With the latest development, [...]nagy president, president countypath, bicycle, castle, fortress, city1
gabortorok.hu…was the expert of TV3, in 2002 that of TV2, and in 2006 MTV. Head of the Political Expert Institute created by the Alliance of Free Democrats - Hungarian Liberal Party (SZDSZ) from 1998 to 2000. Member of the political advisory council of the President of Hungary, László Sólyom from 2006 to 2010.council president, president hungarypolitical, university, analysis, science, academic1
continentalgroup.huJudit manages the inbound travel agencies operated by the company: Continental Travel and Aktív Tours. She is the Vice-President and a founder of the Hungarian Incoming Professionals' Association [MABEUSZ].vice president, president foundergroup, travel, owner, portfolio, restaurant1
lsealumni.huOn 14 September Hungarian LSE Alumni Association President Levente Nyitrai attended a Hungarian Youth Association organised small group discussion for current and recent Hungarian students in the UK. Participants exchanged views on studying in the UK, finding work post-graduation and readjusting…association president, president leventeassociation, british, event, news, discussion1
aktivzenetanulas.huThe Content Pedagogy Research Programme was established by the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2016 to support projects in which the researchers give scientific answers to pedagogical and methodological questions. The developed theories are tested in practice with the…programme president, president hungarianmusic, learn, model, movement, active1
ebhinvest.huDr. Csaba Paróczai , Vice-President Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authorityvice president, president hungarianconstruction, reconstruction, monument, general, engineering1
hungaryinstant.hu…- girls won’t date you because feminism is bad, and if we got rid of feminism you’d have a girlfriend. The reason Donald Trump was an unpopular president wasn’t a complex combination of his public bigotry, lack of decorum, lack of qualifications, open incompetence, nepotism, corruption, loss of…unpopular president, president complexpeople, theory, thing, like, fact1
orthopaedics.hutraining in Hip Arthroscopy, Hip resurfacing, Primary and Revision Hip Arthroplasty. Next, I spent more than 12 months with Mr Nick Fiddian, the President of the British Knee Society at that time dealing with primary and revision total knee replacement (partial or total), knee arthroscopic…fiddian president, president britishorthopaedic, department, surgeon, consultant, professor1
kodaly.huBelow is the letter of welcome and farewell by Dr Andrea Vigh, President of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music.vigh president, president lisztinstitute, music, course, study, academy1
magyarugyved.huDr György MAGYAR graduated in law from Faculty of Law and Political Science, ELTE (Budapest) in 1973. He was admitted to the bar in 1977. He is a revered guest speaker to many legal conferences, giving lectures on data protection, tort law and on the aspects of criminal law. He is the honorary…honorary president, president hungarianlaw, introduction, expertise, case, bar1
hunyouth.huSimultaneously, he acts as the president of two university societies and is a prominent figure of Hungarian student cooperation in the UK. In 2015 October, he participated in the 9th UNESCO Youth Forum as an independent representative and peer-facilitator. From 2012 to 2014 he helped the work of…simultaneously president, president universityyouth, delegate, student, nation, united1
diplomaticmagazine.huInterview with János Mészáros, President of the Hungarian Karate Federation, about the sport, its successes,mészáros president, president hungarianmagazine, diplomatic, interview, public, colour1
mszjf.huALAI was established in 1078 to protect and promote the rights of creators. Its first president was Victor Hugo, the world famous writer. ALAI played a key role in initiating the process which finally led to the adoption of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in…creator president, president victorcongress, protection, international, award, national1
parazitak.huIn the 1960’s, parasitologists formed national societies throughout Europe. In 1963 the Hungarian Academy of Sciences promoted to establish the Hungarian Society of Parasitologists (HSP) with academician Sándor Kotlán as its first president. The goals of the Society are to supportkotlán president, president goalsociety, history, news, presidency, book1
tmg.hu…knowledge forty farmers can acquire in a year, one farmer can only acquire in decades. Encouraged by the success of our annual meetings, we decided to become an organization and officially represent regenerative agriculture in the Carpathian Basin." – Attila Szabó, President of the TMG Associationszabó president, president tmgsoil, regeneration, knowledge, association, condition1
curling2002.huKamaraerdei Curling Club is located in 11st district (Kamaraerdő), Budapest. This is the only icerink specifically to play curling. The ribbon cutting ceremony was on 31 of March 2005 hosted Mr Malcolm H. Richardson (the president of ECF in 2005) and Günter Hummelt (honorary president of WCF).richardson president, president ecf, honorary president, president wcfcup, double, march, september, open1
hunyady.huThe owner, József Hunyady is very active in nature conservation in the Somogy region, he is president of the Green Corridor Foundation, which works closely with the Somogy Nature Protection Association, and has personal contacts with the Park’s staff.region president, president greenbarn, bathroom, house, bedroom, wine1
gyermeksegito.hu…is an extra advantage. First stop is Amsterdam and the busy squares of the major cities of the Netherlands. In advance you will have to organise and coordinate with local NGOs, authorities, we need you! If you are interested in such a big adventure, please contact the president of the associationadventure president, president associationngo, need, christmas, family, ukrainian1
biokarma.huCEO and chief product engineer of Mag Technology & Support; angel investor, CEO and product architect of AkkuFresh, AkkuFresh Next Generation, AkkuFresh ECO.; founder and R&D Advisor of Organtra and ionXtra Cosmetics.; founder of ionXtra Textile; and Vision ionXtra Intelligent Water, and president…water president, president philanthropictechnology, limited, founder, energy, support1
lippai-ugyvedi-iroda-szeged.huOur Heritage: The founder of our third generation law firm was Dr. Pál Lippai, who was born in 1900 in Szeged and obtained his Juris Doctoral Degree in 1925 also in Szeged. He was a judge in Orosháza and Makó, later, President of the District Court in Bácskapalánka. After World War II he worked as…later president, president district, ii presidentattorney, law, client, cost, heritage1
malnalab.huIn recognition of its outstanding scientific work, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences awarded three lecturers (László Nyitrai, Mihály Kovács as well as András Málnási Csizmadia) at the ELTE TTK Biological Institute. The prizes were handed over by the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences…prize president, president hungarianresearch, article, september, june, molecular1
fice.huFollowing the traditions, Dr. Horváth Sándor: President of the Würth Foundation, Hámori Ágnes: Madam President of FICE and Vera Hazai presidency member, representative of Würth company and teachers from the Óbuda University, paid a visit together to the camper children this year as well. After the…sándor president, president würth, madam president, president ficechild, event, day, theatre, camp1
papapedia.huThe Liberian Civil War was an armed conflict that took place in the West African country of Liberia from 1989 to 1997. It was fought between the forces of the Government of Liberia, led by President Samuel Doe, and the rebel forces of the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) led by Charles…liberia president, president samuelmission, military, force, observer, peace1
esztergom.huPolish President Andrzej Duda presented a posthumous Virtus et Fraternitas Medal to Jenő Etter, the mayor of Esztergom during World War Two, who assisted Polish refugees, at a ceremony held at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw on Wednesday.polish president, president andrzejcity, history, municipal, economy, government1
foldtan.hu…established standpoints to policymakers in major issues concerning national economy. We do hope that all visitors, including experts, students, non-professionals, will find related pages interesting and useful. I wish ’Good luck!’ (with old miners’ greeting) to all visitors. Csaba BAKSA presidentregional, geological, branch, geology, society1
agriakennel.huJanuary 3, 2020, our wonderful Hungarian princess AUBRY (AGRIA WHO CARES) turned 6 years old. We are grateful to the President of the Hungarian Cynological Union ANDRAS KOROZS and the owner of AGRIA KENNEL – Judit Korózs – Papp for a wonderful fox terrier! She exceeded all our expectations and…grateful president, president hungarianchampion, winner, dog, breed, group1
sznbk1988.huSaarland, Prof Dr Imre Kocsis Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Dr Ferenc Janka , deputy rector of Gál Ferenc University, Prof Dr Ottó Pecsuk , President of the Ecumenical Bible Society, Dr Zoltán Kustár , President of Debrecen Reformed University of Theology. Dr Izsák Baán , Prior of St Mauriciuspecsuk president, president ecumenical, kustár president, president debrecenconference, st., text, biblical, th1
akademiaklub.hu"In the meantime, I ran into our vice-president who attended the dinner, and these are the comments I received: excellent food, waiters spoke good English (rare!), wonderful location."vice president, president dinneracademy, quote, hall, event, rule1
bethlenter.huRobert Deutsch “זצ״ל” was the Chief Rabbi of the Bethlen square synagogue, director of the Hungarian Rabbinate for 25 years, president of the Hungarian Rabbis and director of the Av Bet Din (Rabbinical Court).year president, president hungarianjewish, synagogue, community, religious, congregation1
bbart.huThe foundation has a board of 5 members: 2 artists (Zsigmond Karolyi and Ildiko Varnagy) of Munkacsy prize and 3 art historians (Maria Molnar, chief editor of the Central European art review Praesens, Orsolya Merhan , editor of the review Műemlékvédelem – Historic monuments’ protection – and the…protection president, president boardart, foundation, century, university, early1
nt.huTo serve the needs of its global client base, N&T continued to expand and was joined by many outstanding partners and associates, among them well-known law professors. N&T alumni went on to serve variously as President of the Republic of Hungary, Constitutional Court judge, ambassador, Hungary’s…variously president, president republiclaw, nagy, legal, firm, client1
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.hu…generation of consoles had to supply. Unlike previous Evils, this tons you up with adequate guns as well as ammunition to stop a military of rhinocerouses, but you’ll require every last bullet to punch your method with the hordes of lunatics standing between you as well as the President’s child.lunatic president, president childgame, video, like, lot, certainly1
etalonhorses.hu…Domingo to address a concert in Hungary first in his carreer. Additionally, he created a movie with Beniamino Gigli, a tenor from Italy. The President of Hungary also enjoyed his support for four years. He headed a number of Hungarian and foreign companies as CEO over years with high success.italy president, president hungaryhorse, fire, close, equestrian, video1
potenciaklinika.huHe is the president of the Hungarian Society for Sexual Medicine and a member of some Hungarian and international medical societies.implant, private, clinic, treatment, medical1
gaborszabo.huHungarian cinematographer, founder and president of the Hungarian Cinematographers Association (HCA). As cinematographer he has completed dozens of feature films, including the one and only movie in which the highly acclaimed cinematographer, Vilmos Zsigmond ASC worked as director. Apart from all…founder president, president hungarianpage, award, commercial, cinematographer, poster1
portfolio.huMihály Varga and the President of the Hungarian State Treasury, hold a press conference on the detailsvarga president, president hungarianprice, fund, economy, portfolio, rate1
szazadveg.hu…Regulation, the NAIH operates a permanent working group (GDPR working group) within the authority, whose task is to discuss matters of principle and practice arising from the application of the GDPR and to solve emerging data protection problems or make proposals related thereto to the President.data, report, protection, political, human1
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huDuring a conference organized by the Hungarian Festival Association, the Zsolnay Light Festival of Pécs was awarded a recognition of accreditation from the president of the association, Kata Borsa. Only 6 festivals received the recognition this year.accreditation president, president associationlight, festival, art, map, visitor1
viplimuzin.huOver time, limousines have become increasingly popular. The goal has been to take full advantage of top quality transportation. Limousines were deployed in all areas: in addition to transporting presidents, ministers, movie stars and tourists, limos were also gaining ground in the field of airport…addition president, president ministerlimousine, rental, airport, transfer, city1
csaloganyorvosikozpont.huDermatologist, gynecologist, cosmetologist | President of the Psychodermatology section of the MDT.cosmetologist president, president psychodermatologydermatology, aesthetic, appointment, medicine, sexual1
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huThe president of Hungarian Chamber of Civil Law Notaries may entitle the notary to prepare notarial deeds in a foreign language, and shall issue a language licence to certify such authorisation. The notary with language licence shall prepare and issue the deed in one language of the clients’ choice.notary, notarial, document, public, register1
tamasmagusmedium.huThe Széchenyi Prize for Public Affairs is awarded to candidates from several fields – civil protection, firefighting, settlement development, public safety, rescue, law enforcement, armed forces, civil servants, the press and the civil sphere. The goal of the award founders and the president with…founder president, president awardcourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health1
lac.huHonorary Kazakh Consul László Horváth, President and CEO of LAC Holding Zrt, participated in the 6th session of the Hungarian-Kazakh Strategic Council. The... more...horváth president, president ceosupport, management, kazakh, strategic, session1
socialcluster.huDr. Ágnes Egervári as the president of the Social Cluster Association received the prestigious award "for the development of social services systems, especially for increasing of life quality and well being among the elderly and people with dementia and their families". (Hungarian Official Gazette…egervári president, president socialsocial, cluster, news, practice, event1
reformatus.huIn this season of expectation and hope, we’re pleased to present Christmas messages from around the Communion: Najla Kassab, president, World Communion of Reformed Churches …kassab president, president worldchurch, ministry, refugee, community, event1
kerteszmate.huIn 2018, the Project Management Excellence Board recognized my work with the “Project Manager of the Year Award”. I am former Vice President at Project Management Institute.vice president, president projectconsultation, management, training, pmo, reference1
iparnapjai.huAt the exhibition’s opening ceremony, István Lepsényi , President of the Hungarian Hydrogen Technological Alliance signed a declaration of intent with the representatives of major corporations on the development of hydrogen-based freight transport and the related fuelling infrastructure in Hungary.lepsényi president, president hungarianindustry, exhibition, day, exhibitors, visitor1
iugb35.huOn September 21, 2021, the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) opened its 35th IUGB Congress with a welcome speech from Congress President, Prof. Dr. Sandor Csányi.congress president, president dr.congress, guideline, registration, nature, venue1
balatonpetanquefestival.huThe first Balaton Pétanque Festival was held in 2022 and opened by FIPJP President Claude Azema.fipjp president, president claudefestival, calendar, reference, tournament, international1
debrecenbike.huDebrecen’s symbol is the nation’s largest Reformed church and a building of major historic significance. It was here that Lajos Kossuth read out the Declaration of Independence on April 14, 1849. The wing chair used by the Regent-President on that glorious occasion is one of the church’s most…regent president, president gloriousbike, street, church, build, city1
ernstgaleria.huIn 2008 Ernst René Wastl was honored with the Cross of Merit of the Republic of Austria, Gold Class (Goldenes Verdienstzeichen der Republik Österreich) by the Federal President of Austria Dr. Heinz Fischer. The honor was given for his work in strengthening cultural relations between the Republics…federal president, president austriagallery, art, painting, poster, antique1
drogriporter.huDrugreporter's video advocacy team travelled to Mexico in 2010 to film about the negative consequences of the war on drugs campaign launched by President Felipe Calderon in 2006. When we first entered the country, the number of people killed in the war was approaching 40,000. Today, the death toll…campaign president, president felipedrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
csapatsakk.huWTTCF is pleased to inform the members of the Federation, that Dr Jenõ Kamuti - President of the Int...kamuti president, president intnews, chess, cooperative, forum, shop1
agora92.huRequel Sullivan, Vice-president of Financial Systems and Integration, Livingston International, Canadavice president, president financialboard, development, portfolio, app, solution1
zanat.huIf you encounter any questions, please contact our President Attila Putz (putzati at gmail dot com)question president, president attilafamily, austrian, approximately, district, house1
swoosh.huHe is currently holding the position of the President in the International Economy Section of the Hungarian Economic Society, the oldest and largest association of the Hungarian economists.position president, president internationalcapital, website, asia, opportunity, management1
ful-orr-gegesz-orvos.huIn the Medical Chamber of Budapest I was entitled as the president of the supervisiory board for two years.budapest president, president supervisiorysurgery, tumor, treatment, neck, medical1
karpatvasut.hu– Unfortunately, the NOHAB is remaining with us only for two more weeks, because we are in need of a stronger locomotive. Ours is the longest industrial railway track in Hungary, it spans ninety kilometers – added an important piece of information Miklós Bükki, vice-president of VAPE, the…vice president, president vapeengine, railway, locomotive, track, coal1
nuvu.huThe opening was a significant domestic and international success, contributing greatly to the recognition of Hungary and Budapest. Dr. Julio C. Maglione President rightly called the Budapest WC the most successful World Championship of all time. Your devotional work played a huge role in this…maglione president, president rightlypage, trade, letter, original, torch1
worldnews.huEXCLUSIVE: The Russian President appeared “distracted” and “fearful” after making a rare journey More...russian president, president distractednews, travel, movie, daily, queen1
fazekasugyved.huin company law, economic law and public procurement law. For 17 years, the firm has represented one of Hungary’s major business groups, the WALLIS Group, which is present in many areas of business. From September 2010 to September 2014, he was President of the Public Procurement Authority. Read moreseptember president, president publiclaw, legal, contract, representation, case1
magyarklasszikuszenenapja.hu…Although he is no longer with us physically, his memory and artistic work have not dimmed even with the years,” emphasised Dr Andrea Vigh , the Liszt Academy’s president, when announcing the introduction of the all-day programme being organised together with the Hungarian National Philharmonic.academy president, president introductionnational, philharmonic, music, orchestra, classical1
orbitmedia.huIn an audio recording of a 2021 meeting in New Jersey, after he departed the White House, former President Donald Trump is heard discussing what he terms "secret information" that he claims he lacks the authority to declassify.house president, president donaldmusic, style, news, culture, release1
budapest-criticalguide.huAndrás Török, the author operates a higher-end tourism consultation business. It offers planning and tour services (usually max. 10 people) and lectures on Budapest. His most notable clients were former president Jimmy Carter and his wife , the late Paul Newman , prof. Francis Fukuyama , the Board…client president, president jimmyguide, book, history, fiction, man1
madagaszkar.huMy petition was approved and in May 2004, the President of the Republic of Madagascar confirmed my position as Honorary Consul of Madagascar in Hungary.petition president, president republicmadagascar, honorary, republic, task, country1
les-hungary.hu…and technology transfer, to actively participate in promoting cooperation between the Hungarian and international licensing culture and contribute to a more effective technology transfer and an innovative, knowledge-based and competitive national economy by creating professional added value.board presidentlicensing, international, field, membership, member0
dnv.huDNV’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is both an ethical choice and a business decision. And truly, DNV is already a very diverse company, with employees from 116 nationalities working in 100 countries. We see diversity and inclusion within our workforce as a way of delivering excellence…group president, president ceodiversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group0
cgeopol.hu…of the French IFRI and professor of numerous European universities. Among its members are prof. István Klinghammer, academian, prof. Károly Kocsis, doctor of the MTA (HAS) and prof. Ferenc Gazdag. The Council's scientific journal entitled 'GeoFocus' is published in English and French…council, member, board, research, foundation0
girep2019.huGIREP 2019 conference gives us a great opportunity to celebrate the International Eötvös Year gathering of educators, PhD students, researchers, policy makers.girep president, president marisaconference, event, july, gallery, scientific0
lesclefsdor.hubest way we can! We proudly depend on our history and our traditions, yet we are not afraid use all new technologies to be a true ambassador of the destinations we work at. In our fast paced world, we are concentrating on personal and friendly service using all channels that this modern life offers.association, member, event, news, technology0
nohac.huWe would like to invite you to the automotive event in Miskolc Hungary, the International Automotive Conference: Electromobility and the international status for Automotive Supply Chain that will take place in a month.automotive, cluster, news, event, north0
puskasferenc.huAfter he stopped playing, he worked as a coach and led the Greek team Panathinaikos to the Euopean Championship Cup. He also headed the Hungarian National Team on four occasions. In 2002, People's Stadium, originally inaugurated in 1953, was officially renamed Ferenc Puskás Stadium.championship, national, board, news, thank0
australianshepherd.huWhile im judged in France mini american speciality, the super news are came from different countries !!!! Silver Dream Aussie’s Tyra Banks ‘Gömbi’ (Jack x Lea) won minor puppy Best in Show in Nitra. Silver Dream Mini’s All Star BOB also in Nitra, Silver Dream Mini’s Hit The Jackpot won BOB in…budapest president, president cupdream, champion, breed, dog, judge0
iceee.hu…Sydney, Kensington NSW 2052, Australia, 5 ELKH-PE Limnoecology Research Group, Veszprém, Hungary, 6 School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 7 Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon…university, science, environmental, engineering, faculty0
bpso.huHire a professional, high-quality orchestra for recording in Budapest, Central Europe. We have more than 20 years of experience in recording classical music. We are available to hire to record your project, commercial music or film score. Music recording services for composers, producers, soloists.orchestra, symphony, score, composer, record0
kultturist.huKult-Turist offers tailor-made cultural and educational programs and conferences in Central Europe and the Balkans. Explore our unique sample tours in Budapest, Krakow, Vienna, Prague and more…vice president, president road, president paneurope, central, heritage, tour, croatia0
renhome.huYou can use these sections to highlight the features of heading. Use these paragraphs to focus on the topic you want. Make sure you keep it short, attractive.vice presidentshort, description, paragraph, topic, head0
ishs.huThe purpose of the International Society for Hermeneutics and Science is to develop an understanding of the role of hermeneutics in natural sciences through, among other activities, organizing meetings, editing a newsletter, disseminate information, and facilitate discussions by an international…science, society, international, vienna, university0
geotechnikaiegyesulet.hu…in co-operation with the professional institutions yearly organize the most prestigious event of the Hungarian Geotechnial Profession, the Széchy Károly Memorial Session, which is usually held in the Great Hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and is followed by a Geotechnical Gala…society, geotechnical, award, memorial, homepage0
jouton-lohaton.huProgrammes… General programmes… Gruntvig PAT… About Gruntvig PAT… Gruntvig PAT Results… MOL - Those…irén president, president special, péter president, president monitoringresult, programme, member, report, committee0
allergiagyogyulas.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard.president financelorem, ipsum, dummy, simply, typesetting0
efisz.huProtecting those using electronic payment services, supporting service providers in developing consumer-friendly electronic payment services.payment, electronic, association, provider, member0
inflexion.huYou have a great solution, we help you sell it. After all, nobody needs a business track record to have a great business idea, but you do need an effective strategy to ensure proficient execution. Here’s where our sales strategy support comes in. Within the fields of our expertise, we can save you…ex president, president vodafone, hungary president, president johnsale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead0
phbences.huof Pannonhalma. The objectives of the Szemrédi Közhasznú Alapítvány a Pannonhalmi Diákokért is to help talented students attend this elite school by offering merit and need-based financial aid for students whose parents cannot afford the boarding school expenses. As a result, more deserving studentsstudent, school, foundation, financial, fund0
avicenna.huYour Bridge to Success We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities. WHY CHOOSE AVICENNA? Avicenna International College prepares and educates its students to be responsible citizens, enjoy learning, develop academically and pursue a successful higher…message presidentinternational, college, student, education, study0
flow.hu…impact I can have on those around me by supporting them on their path to achieving their goals. Among the topics that find me as a consultant, leadership and talent development (self-knowledge, skills development, etc.) stand out, but I am also very attracted by organisation-wide development…vice president, president downstreamdevelopment, management, leadership, training, group0
dzalapitvany.huThe managers of Tokaj Foundation believe that Tokaj Wine Region is one of the pillars of the world’s wine culture, where wines are produced to delight the entire humankind.foundation, wine, vineyard, map, generation0
huistro.huAt the beginning, I would like to tell thank you for your interest as a member of Working Group (WG) Conservation Soil Tillage (CST).member, event, branch, group, soil0
kutdiak.huExtended deadline: June 20. – XIII. Hungarian Research Student Association Scientific Poster Competitionact president, president hungarystudent, research, association, competition, scientific0
kurultaj.hu…nation is united (without tribal division) but much of the Hungarian nation’s history is characterized by a system of tribal segmentation, like most nomadic cultures. One of the most ancient Hungarian legend is the story of binding the tribes by taking a so called “blood oath”. During this…nation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient0
muszertechnika.huUnder a tripartite cooperation agreement concluded between ASTRASUN Solar Nyrt , a Hungarian solar panel manufacturer listed on the stock exchange, Műszertechnika and IK METAL Kft. , a member of the company group, start the production of solar panel support structures. In the future, they plan to…manufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software0
mtesz-szabolcs.hu“Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts of lorem ipsum dolor”vice presidentclient, country, text, determination, accountant0
budapestcircusfestival.hu…Circus Festival. For the first time, relics of Hungarian performers and circus dynasties, outstanding works of circus art and film, and the finest collectors, collections and museums of international circus heritage from abroad will be on display together. The visible wonders of the circus…inc president, president jury, italy president, president italy, honorary presidentcircus, festival, international, act, artist0
jolvanazugy.huWe manufacture and design custom Black Locust Lumber products for sustainable architectural projects. Decking, urban green spaces, ProFlow™ Permeable Pavers, site furnishings, and more.green, site, architectural, space, urban0
pagonyvt.hu…how our association works. The hunting-ground covers 4700 hectares and is situated at the triple meeting point of Western-Mecsek, Ormánság by the Dráva River and Zselicség in Somogy. 38-40% of the territory is wooded, its main game is the high-quality red deer , but wild boars and medium-quality…hunting, introduction, ground, association, guest0
theorangefiles.hu…history, beginning with Hungarian People’s Republic I . . . 1949–1956 , that provide context for understanding the motives—beyond the mere quest for power—that have impelled Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to build an illiberal authoritarian régime in Hungary. I will not add any other new…national, file, orange, election, european0
carpediembulldog.huMales… Females… Puppies… Guarantee… References… Contact… NEWS… For…news, dog, female, guarantee, reference0
aronerdelyi.huIn the last 2 years I have gathered experience with the Java Spring framework as a Microservice developer, with further insight into cloud technologies, containerisation, and container orchestration with Docker, Kubernetes and Helm. Currently I am working towards an AWS Cloud Practitioner…vice president, president studentsoftware, developer, microservice, development, engineering0
sandorpalota.hu"I think the most important value is to live our lives with faith and conviction and to do our work that way."president hungary, statement president, president familymain, family, page, news, release0
karmun.huWe are delighted to inform you that the 1st step Registration for Karinthy Model United Nations 2024 is officially open. KarMUN has a long-standing tradition in our school as it has been organised ever since 2005 making it the oldest MUN conference in Hungary. Since 2022 our conference has been…tóth president, president generalconference, nation, registration, united, model0
vese-alapitvany.huto support the development of nephrology in Hungary but also to place the founding bricks of a regional nephrology research and training center to train young physicians in central and eastern Europe. As the first health-related public, non-profit endowment to be founded in Hungary after the world…nephrology, foundation, school, kidney, university0
confindustria.huWe are promoters of an innovative, internationalized, ethical, and sustainable business system based on the presence of private associations, the direct participation of companies, and the creation of opportunities for businesses.vice president, president giordano, president alessandroassociation, presence, membership, private, sustainable0
matrabikersc.huIn the summer of 2022, for the first time in our club's life, we organized a sports camp in the Mátra Mountains, Hungary for primary school children of the diaspora. During the camp, the children learnt about the history, geography, and natural beauties of the Mátra Mountains. We went biking and…club presidentcycling, website, bike, road, member0
dynamis-hordo.hu“We like to pour refined new red wines into new barrels because it instantly changes the taste of fresh wine, tannins go to work with each other. The wine rounds up nicely during maturation, becoming velvety and silky. After 1 year, the harmonious maturation notes appear in the taste and aroma. We…barrel, wine, production, success, type0
herbamedicus.hu…market. Feedback from our clients using Herbamedicus products clearly shows the products' suitability to prevent chronic physical problems. Each product's description reveals the suggested use and their medical effects. Should you have more questions please do not hesitate to contact us via the…president ceofamily, trade, history, introduction, medical0
hazakelado.huWith a robust selection of popular properties on hand, as well as leading properties from real estate experts.vice president, president productsearch, property, view, studio, advanced0
kalandklub.hu…articles sorted by hits… Single ArticleExample of the single article… List All CategoriesList of the allnews, force, base, air, list0
ihr.huProducting of thematic films from the idea to the premiere. From short product commercial films to long nature documentary films we have solutions for everything. Professional team and equipment, quick and effective precise work what we offer to our customers.vice president, president outdoorview, video, promotional, main, page0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)obamacare president, president george, virtual president, president govermentdocumentary, islam, history, america, article0
barankovics.hu…hinterland and rally supporters. Just as the operation, organisational structure, style and objectives of Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt deviate as a single ideological party from its political rivals, the Barankovics Foundation plays an entirely different role than the other party foundations.vice president, president curriculumfoundation, christian, democracy, political, k.0
equilibriumcapital.huEQUILIBRIUM CAPITAL proudly informs its existing and future Clients that in Astana, Kazakhstan, we will receive the status of “FOREIGN FUND MANAGER” by using our licenses naturalized by the ASTANA FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY (AFSA).kazakh president, president kassym, mr. president, president kazakhstancapital, equilibrium, fund, manager, client0
rexfilm.huRexfilm Kft. represents an extremely high standard in the Hungarian world of broadcasting. Their experts are highly qualified, flexible and helpful. Be it support, acquisition or system integration, all of their activities can be described as highly professional. During my nearly 20 years of…vice president, president salebroadcast, integration, support, reference, customer0
kistetenyitarsaskor.huour foundation in January each year . and organise Heroes’ Sunday in St Stephen Church in Budatétény in May.vice president, president drorganisation, society, activity, association, programme0
hubay.hu| biography | compositions | publishers | discography | hungarian violin school | photos | events |foundation, main, page, laszlo, violin0
hotelcastle.huThe Castle Hotel is located in the heart of the multi-acre French park, surrounded by charming vineyards, mysterious forests and beautiful landscapes. Walking across the park by a babbling creek and […]castle, agreement, beautiful, fry, june0
kozgazknowledgehub.huThis site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies.report, member, site, mid, annual0
greencrew.hulet's make everyone in film production understand how important sustainability and recycling are. We regularly communicate with all departments, give ideas and help to minimize and best achieve the set goals. We have qualified sustainability coordinators to oversee the processes. We assess the…goal, sustainability, solution, operation, production0
hungarytoday.hu30 years ago, the Hungarian minority in Slovakia formulated the principles of self-determination and expressed their demand for self-government.european, minister, flight, latest, government0
filmpositive.huRomance of Ida… THE GAME… Sky… EMMI Christmas… Post Mortem… CIB Personal Loan… CIB… Family Friendly…president camambertpositive, award, production, christmas, romance0
ifmr-hungary.huIFMR…vice presidentchapter, fellowship, international, membership, event0
kalorcenter.huHome… About Kalor-Center Ltd.… QMS… Products and Services… References… Gas Turbines… Boilers… UPS…thai president, president foodcenter, gas, boiler, generator, reference0
mke.info.huThe Association of Hungarian Librarians takes pride in the traditions of Hungarian librarianship, and looks with respect upon the great librarian predecessors: József Szinnyei, Zoltán Ferenczi, József Fitz, Ervin Szabó, Béla Kőhalmi, Pál Gulyás, Béla Varjas, Ákos Domanovszky, Máté Kovács, Csaba…vice president, president gáborlibrary, branch, association, county, conference0
betonracspadlo.huOur high quality floors with 17 mm slats are perfect for both fattening farms and group housing. The floors have a slightly coarse surface to prevent slipping, injuries and stress. Deburring on the edges ensures the safety of your valuable livestock.floor, concrete, grid, quality, flooring0
mvosz.hu…in Hungary which Was founded with the aim of helping the Hungarian SME sector improvements thereby increasing the quality of entrepreneurs developing services, intiating new projects, helping spread the new technologies and represents the sector during the Goverment and international forums.association, enterprise, efficiency, event, page0
arteries.huWe have had smooth and flexible cooperation throughout the project. The Arteries team provided a well-coordinated and consistent process to meet our web development needs. The commitment, quick response and constant availability of the project manager, as well as the expert added value and…development, mobile, quote, application, detail0
zalavarpark.huThe heritage and religions of several nations are concentrated here to get along well with each other. As an evidence of this a collection of Hungarian, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Austrian monuments stands in the park. Thanks to the several-year long exemplary cooperation of the Local Government of…manninger president, president assemblycounty, memorial, visitor, gallery, history0
fmlogistic.huWelcome to FM Logistic Hungary Website, designed for Logistics solutions and services in the Worldlogistic, supply, solution, change, chain0
bereslegal.huThe Dr. Béres István Law Firm stands at its clients’ service primarily in civil law, international trade law, corporate law and real estate cases for more than 25 years.co presidentlaw, legal, firm, client, partnership0
prime-time.hu"We have worked together with Prime Time on many occasions, trusting them with the media communication of a professional initiative within the translation and interpretation segment. Prime Time has delivered to the maximum based on our expectations. We strongly recommend them to companies who need…communication, event, connectivity, trust, expertise0
toppanto.hu…multi-layered already in primary school, in addition to folk dance, I also learned to play the piano. Later, to substantiate the conjecture of my family regarding the animated, zealous, restless personality living in me, I studied drama pedagogy in high school, then graduated in folk dance studies.foundation presidentcamp, child, instructor, foundation, game0
kelemensburgerbar.huHome… Page… Shop… My account… Cart… Checkout… Contact… Tovább olvasom… Fresh Green Chilis… Mr…mr. presidentfresh, green, eiusmod, tempor, incididunt0
aacm.hu…achieve energy and climate targets. The project video presenting the Southern Great Plain Region was also screened in order to initiate a discussion with the local stakeholders on how they see the key strength and opportunities of the region to successfully manage the green transition process.bulkai president, president archenergeurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder0
tourdematra.huEvery racer participates in the Tour de Mátra Road Cycling Race under their own will and responsibility. Therefore, the Mátra Biker Sport Club cannot be made liable for any accident, fall or illness occurring during the entire duration of the race.club president, president laszlorace, entry, tour, road, cycling0
bbcc.huWe regret to inform you that the Municipality of Debrecen and the management of the Béla Bartók International Choir Competition had to make the unavoidable decision to cancel this year’s event. ...festival, jury, competition, announcement, programme0
boxerklub.huAds… Member recruitment… The Club… Events… News… Contact… CHAMPIONSHIP…member, recruitment, event, news, championship0
gotoveszprem.huThe main activities of the association to explore the current tourist offer of Veszprém and its region, to take stock of the attractions, to map the hospitality, to maintain regular and institutional coordination between the tourism operators, to create and maintain a forum for the flow and…tourism, association, member, több, main0
shl.huBorsodChem Zrt. has been in business relation with SHL Hungary Ltd. as a service provider since 2008. In 2008, three of our employees attended SHL Hungary Ltd’s “Tests in the World of Work” training. Following this course we bought some of their tests, having used with good results since then, and…vice president, president hrquestionnaire, selection, development, exercise, manager0
egylakas.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis, velit ut tincidunt laoreet, nunc orci tristique est, at placerat ligula urna et neque. Sed sed mattis nibh. Sed venenatis tortor metus, vel volutpat mauris interdum a. Mauris id finibus nisi. Vivamus eu ipsum maecenas…chung president, president montcolorem, ipsum, elit, article, sit0
q2020.huThe event aims to facilitate exchanges between international experts on methods to improve the quality of statistical products, to promote dialogues on quality frameworks, and to discuss the governance of statistical systems in relation to quality issues. The conference will also examine the new…conference, committee, statistical, date, training0
helikonfolyoirat.huHelikon 2019… Helikon 2018… Helikon 2017… Helikon…literary, study, issue, review, cultural0
grupoconsist.huThrough the vision and entrepreneurship they show, Grupo Consist has gained a strong and growing position in the bag making business. Hudson-Sharp is proud to be a key-partner to Grupo Consist by providing them with state-of-the-art production capabilities. Also on a professional and personal…vice president, president globalquality, customer, supplier, need, sack0
pafhungary.hu© PAFhungary - 2019 All rights reservedmezei president, president pafconference, care, hospital, health, spring0
mesetanya.huWe rotate the beef herd to fresh pasture every 1 - 3 days, moving them to a new temporary paddock using portable electic fencing from April through November.vice presidentbeef, grass, pasture, chess, portfolio0
das2023.huTo achieve this purpose the Society intends to: encourage exchanges of teachers and researchers between universities and other technical and scientific societies; develop areas of technological cooperation between researchers and technicians from different countries on bilateral and multilateral…society, mechanic, symposium, experimental, conference0
karate2020budapest.huIt is a great honour to host the most prestigious event of the rising generation of karatekas, the EKF Junior, Cadet & U21 Championships. I am particularly glad that only 7 years after the European Senior Championships, Budapest is to host such an exclusive and international karate tournament…page, main, location, accommodation, download0
ggis.huThe Greater Grace International School (GGIS) is a Christian international school located in Hungary. Learn more about our curriculum, values, and dedication to academic excellence and spiritual growth.president hungaryschool, international, great, question, grace0
goldengrace.huWe try to plan our rare litters carefully. A prerequisite for mating is that both parents fully comply with the breeding rules of the breeding club.dog, grace, winner, connection, cup0
elegantdesign.huElegant Design Ltd. is a Budapest-based garment production and prototype manufacturing company. It’s main goal is to create value under the sign of design and beauty. Design and eco-conscious leadership is key for our owners and managers, they are an integral part of our everyday activities.district president, president streetelegant, factory, clothing, fashion, principle0
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.hu…inspires the audience through his own experience and stories. He (also as a WHO advisor) facilitates hospital development projects, workshops and motivating lectures around the world, from the UK to the USA. Robin Youngson comes to Central Europe for the first time thanks to an invitation from PAF.mezei president, president pafhealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion0
settlers.hu"We have cooperated with SETTLERS for over 1 year and we are very satisfied with its service. Due to the project requirements, we needed to apply for huge amount of residence permits within limited time, and with the help of SETTLERS, we made it! One interesting story is that our partner also…vice president, president commercialimmigration, relocation, authority, matter, destination0
sorsforditovallalkozok.huEventry Conference 2016 is the conference for those who want to develop and design a beautiful websitesvice president, president companyconference, title, april, page, sidebar0
kzst.huLatest publications of KZST: 1, „The Holocaust is not a Theological Accident” – Some Documents of the Christian-Jewish Relations ; 2, Christian-Jewish Theological Year Book 2007.rabbi president, president hungarian, vice president, president jewish, villányi presidentjewish, christian, lecture, society, community0
rabraby.huThe restaurant was founded by János Németh and his family in 1982, during the time of the Iron Curtain. Its name comes from the main character of Mór Jókai's novel 'Rab Ráby,' who lived in Szentendre and played a major role in the fight against corruption during the reign of Joseph II. The…novák president, president hungaryrestaurant, price, close, group, food0
tokaji.huTokaj is a unique part of the world heritage, a region worth visiting for all wine lovers and wine professionals.new president, president tokaj, previous president, president saroltawinery, news, wine, association, attraction0
bestlocalgov.hu…of Hungarian Municipalities, 42 TÖOSZ Programmes providing help for local governments – with the support of the Council of Europe – 43 and the Ministry responsible for Local Governments. The Steering Committee has different kinds of members depending on the actual topic of the call. A project…preface president, schmidt president, president töoszgovernment, local, practice, council, europe0
hungarianbatteryday.hu…battery industry in Hungary and in the wider region. The conference established itself as an important yearly meeting point for high-level representatives of the battery industry and launched a new government action plan to develop the Hungarian battery value chain in the context of…vice president, president hungarianbattery, day, industry, director, objective0
primaudit2005.huWe consider it as a priority to get ackwainted with the production processes as well as the process integrated audit tasks of our product manufactoring clients. We put great emphasis on the examination of the continuous operation of these companies as well as on the complete examination of the…client, activity, area, tax, government0
action2020.huBased on the experiences of the past 30 year and contributing to the development of hundreds of thousands of companies, we can say that K & H understands the needs of domestic businesses, so using this knowledge we can provide professional background and assistance to startups, which can make the…vice president, president consumerceo, director, manage, environmental, development0
trainingandpractice.huOur journal of Educational Sciences Training and Practice provides a forum for the lectures of the Training and Practice Conference to appear in our issue 3-4 2017.podráczky president, president conferencepractice, training, conference, journal, educational0
grainconference.huTraditionally, Bácska region is the centre of agriculture. The biggest agricultural port of Hungary is a perfect place to organize this event.grain, meet, partnership, registration, accommodation0
investincsongradcounty.huHungary is divided into 19 counties. Csongrád-Csanád County, in the neighbourhood of Serbia and Romania, has a favourable location in the southern part of the country. The administrative centre is Szeged, which is the third most populous city in Hungary (population: approx. 162 000 inhabitants)…county, investment, investor, estate, real0
por.hu- - Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer (IBMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), Department of Thoracic Medical Oncologyuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine0
szinorg.huThe Group is very well positioned for property development activities, since in addition to the high level of capitalization, bank financing is also ensured. The investment risk is significantly reduced by the fact that several members of the group are well-operating construction companies.universal, group, property, news, development0
reflife.huThe Hungarian Ice Hockey Federation, in partnership with the National Hockey League (NHL), is hosting the second Summer Exposure Combine top-level ice hockey referee camp in 2024. This camp offers a unique opportunity for game-officials worldwide to gain valuable training and development under the…vice president, president directorice, camp, hockey, summer, combine0
rottweiler-hungary.huHome… About us… Become member… Board… Regulations… Fundamental rule… Breeding and Breeding test…result, entry, breed, trial, association0
kertvellesy.hu…is important. You have to feel and create harmony with either minimal, classic or mediterranean feeling. I enjoy my job, I love architecture. It gives me a creative, entertaining and even sufficiently comprehensive world. I’m happy to show you too… /design with passion – architecture with passion/agreement, contract, office, reference, data0
cij.huCIJ uses various ways to reach these goals. It organizes workshops, conferences, roundtable discussions, consultations for media professionals. Furthermore, the Center implements mentoring and internship programs, facilitates professional dialogue via events and exchange, provides reporting grants…media, center, training, independent, production0
bit-soft.hu“ We use Bit Soft software solutions throughout the entire City Grill chain. Our team loved how easy to use are the Bit Soft products and the short accommodation time. Also, the Bit Soft softwares are allowing us to streamline our processes, reduce the losses and increase our sales. It is a…software, solution, bit, hospitality, restaurant0
metagames.huMetagame kártyajáték és társasjáték bolt! Tekintse meg kínálatunk és látogasson el üzleteinkbe, vagy rendeljen online!making presidentgame, card, battle, space, set0
navaykornel.huWe strive to take care of the ecological balance of our hunting area though ethical and sustainable hunting and with quality wildlife management.hunting, game, number, nature, area0
mze.huSince one of the main aims of the association is the expansion of technical information of enamelling, the association has watching the foreign literature and presentations of the international enamellers congresses. Translate interesting publications, presentations and take them available for the…association, member, main, conference, publication0
elektromoskocsi-betegagy.huOur organization has been operating for 21 years. During this time, we distributed more than 300 trucks of home care equipment and devices in the following countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Ukraine, Romania, Poland and Slovenia. These devices are: hospital bed, nursing bed, sick bed, bath bed…president foundationfoundation, hospital, care, bed, wheelchair0
pro-sharp.huPro-Sharp provides software design and development services to help transform ideas into custom software solutions.vice president, president businesssoftware, process, application, development, quality0
dracula.huTHE DIFFERENCE… MANAGEMENT TEAM… GETTING STARTED… EMPLOYERS AND CANDIDATES… CONTACT…vice president, president salegroup, candidate, difference, management, hill0
businesswatch.huWeather Weather Data Source: Budapest 30 tage wetter Economy Financial Markets by TradingView Latest News Finance Business…independence president, president bullyingnews, finance, financial, market, latest0
kerka.huThe Kerka Ensemble is from a small town, Lenti , which is situated in west of Hungary near the Austrian, Slovenien, Croatian borders. The Kerka Folkdancegroup was formed in September, 1973. It was supported by the local Cultural House.ensemble, gallery, introduction, video, association0
lachegyiimre.hu…for keyboard instruments. The guiding principle behind the accompaniments (arranged by the excellent harpsichord player, Aino Oláh ) was simplicity so that even the teachers of the solo musical instrument can accompany their students. At the end of the volume you can find some popular pieceslachegyi president, president majorpiece, recorder, performance, media, purchase0
culturaldiversity.huOur Foundation is one of the organizations trying to share ideas and information on local initiatives and projects which aim at innovative co-existence and co-operation for sustainable future in a colorful world.cultural, diversity, foundation, place, happy0
regioexpo.huVirtual Online Conference Platform | Régió-10 Kft. | Managing online and interactive, virtual and hybrid conferences in real timevideo president, president conferenceconference, virtual, lecture, main, hall0
batizandras.huIn this myth-busting presentation, András shares his very personal experiences. Through insights into a challenging period of his life, he invites the audience to a collective reflection on the causes of the decline in our mental health and possible solutions. His starting point is that although…vice president, president unicreditpresentation, custom, offer, webpage, impact0
smallthings.hu…and DevOps members. We take the time to learn about your industry, business goals, and customer base inside and out — then we create inventive technical strategies and make ambitious projects a reality. We constantly experiment with cutting-edge technology to make sure our clients receive the…vice president, president contentsit, consectetur, velit, amet, duis0
szentmartonwaldorf.hu…of Budapest (15 km). In 2019, the same association made up by parents and supporters decided to continue its work and establish an elementary school in the village, which would offer pedagogy based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, in the nurturing natural environment of the…association presidentassociation, history, intention, gallery, donation0
fjit.hu…“health visitors” working in school healthcare, but there are also teachers, lecturers, psychologists and public healthcare specialists among us. To cite the words of József Fodor: Health protection is not only a medical task, but also a duty of education; by educating more we need to treat less.school, healthcare, member, health, mission0
mkvk.huin 1987, and the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors was formed eleven years ago. With Act LV of 1997, the first period of the renewal of the Hungarian auditing profession was concluded. Parliament reinstated the institution of the audit, recognizing the public body of auditors as entitled to…chamber, member, auditing, sector, place0
esri.org.huThe European Society for Reproductive Immunology (ESRI) was created in 2007 by the Alps Adria Society of Immunology of Reproduction (AASIR) and the European Society for Reproductive and Developmental Immunology (ESRADI).esri presidentsociety, immunology, european, membership, meeting0
civilpolicy.huDuis neque nisi, dapibus sed mattis quis, rutrum accumsan magna sed. Suspendisse eu varius nibh. Suspendisse vitae magna eget odio amet mollis justo facilisis quis. Sed sagittis amet lorem ipsum.doe president, president fakebizquis, magna, amet, mattis, rutrum0
pannonrex.huWe create solutions that work: through careful analysis, proactive risk management, creative design, thoughtful implementation, throughout testing, attention to detail, and continual project control we deliver applications that do what our clients need within budget, on time.president ceosolution, vision, execution, software, showcase0
triticale.hu…and valuable crop. Circa 25 years ago, when triticale production commercially started, we did not believe that triticale would reach the four million hectares of by today. It is interesting to learn that triticale became a typical European crop – more than 85% of the world production is…symposium, research, registration, cereal, production0
istvs2017.huInternational conferences of ISTVS are organized every third year and each event hosts participants from all of the world. Between the international events, the Society holds regional conferences every year. In 2017 the conference will be joint, international and regional as well.president istvsconference, september, international, vehicle, committee0
nytbk.huThe Open Mind Buddhist Community was founded by the Hungarian disciples of Venerable Dhammasami and the Oxford Buddha Vihāra (OVB) in order to establish a Theravādan monastery.vice president, president czikeretreat, monastery, detail, community, centre0
wffinbudapest.huWorld FinTech Festival in Budapest is an official satellite event of the Singapore FinTech Festival, the biggest FinTech festival in the world. The Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the central bank of Hungary is proud to announce that this year it will be hosting World FinTech Festival in Budapest for the…vice president, president managedirector, central, digital, head, finance0