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74 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: determination

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por.huReal-World Data of the Correlation between EGFR Determination by Liquid Biopsy in Non-squamous Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) and the EGFR Profile in Tumor Biopsy 845egfr determination, determination liquid, characteristic determination, determination training, accurate determinationuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine10
szazadveg.huAccording to the legislation, NEC initiates the decision of the competent body in the event of a violation of the law. NEC also decides on objections to the participation of media service providers and the press and cinemas in election campaigns, and on the determination of the duration of the…self determination, determination freedom, campaign determination, determination durationdata, report, protection, political, human3
hungarytoday.hu30 years ago, the Hungarian minority in Slovakia formulated the principles of self-determination and expressed their demand for self-government.self determination, determination demandeuropean, minister, flight, latest, government2
frenak.hu"In a way all artists are self-determined. This determination stems from personal convictions, beliefs, intuition, spirituality and sexuality; the combination of which shows up as potential talent."determine determination, determination personalcontemporary, dance, award, tour, choreographer2
propertysupport.huWith weighty experience on their backs in large-scale office constructions and organizational responsibilities, our colleagues help in working out the goals and detailed schedule of the project in line with our Clients’ interests, and then contribute to the determination of the budget in the…interest determination, determination budgetproperty, support, management, office, client2
novosped.hutarif determination and participating in the collection of official permissions (animal health and plant health ceritificates, AGREX permission etc.taric determination, tarif determination, determination collectioncustom, administration, consultancy, environmental, charge2
jewishwomen.hu…that, like so many times before, I thought that her attitude was theatrical, but as the months passed, I began to understand the prudence and determination behind it. She would not allow any medical intervention that would prolong the agony; she consented only to pain relief. What else is this if…prudence determination, determination medicalreception, jewish, news, venue, sponsorship2
expoenergy.huThe measurement of the existing capacity, the determination of the needs, the preliminary studies necessary for the optimum performance of the panel and the highest efficiency.capacity determination, determination need, inspection determination, determination preciseenergy, sale, engineering, official, bulgaria2
abtl.huin important public positions. They stated that the Parliament acted against the Constitution by not providing for people’s informational self-determination when they ordered their lustration. At the same time the Parliament was obligated to make an end to this anti-constitutional situation by…self determination, determination lustration, determination constitutionalarchive, shall, public, record, document2
nemowork.huCondition system of prescreening, determination of maximal headcount during the pilot work, elaboration of adequate circumstances for performance of a successful trial day, as well as re-survey of the applicants’ opinion at the end of the trial day.prescreening determination, determination maximal, performance determination, determination developmenthuman, customer, enterprise, fluctuation, resource2
mavkfv.huRegular and occasional examination of existing bridges (railway, road, pedestrian, signalling and protective bridges), hall structures and crane tracks (trouble shooting, qualification, determination of the repairing methods by giving the technical details), load testsqualification determination, determination repairdiagnostic, qualification, track, rail, measurement1
enemeshazi.huEffects of environmental conditions on sexual development and the evolution of sex-determination systems of amphibianssex determination, determination systemresearch, institute, genetic, main, environmental1
piac42.huThe bistro is located at the Esztergom market place, where we have created a lifelong friendship with determination and balance. One bistro where we will stir you from the monotonous calm, with the illusion of a homey feeling. One bistro where we will show you through the glasses of Adam Barna…friendship determination, determination balancebread, cheese, sourdough, salad, potato1
stipendiumhungaricum.hu‘My quest for more knowledge and determination to fulfil my dreams made me search the internet to see available scholarships, fortunately I saw bilateral education award between the Governments of federal Republic of Nigeria and Hungary and I applied.’knowledge determination, determination dreamstipendium, study, programme, scholarship, finder1
bdl.huWe are present from the beginning of solving environmental issues: from the technological and environmental assessment, through the determination of development directions, the preparation of investment concepts and tender plans, classic civil engineering designing, until trial operation.assessment determination, determination developmentplan, water, asset, evaluation, utility1
tourdematra.huMátra Biker Sport Club has represented Gyöngyös (Hungary) in races throughout the country as well as in Europe, and is continuously expanding and developing with high goals and determination. Our team is dedicated to building relationships in the community that promote participation in cycling…goal determination, determination teamrace, entry, tour, road, cycling1
eltearabszak.hu…ill and was repeatedly hospitalized for several months, in addition to other common hardships during the immediate post-war period. Strothmann’s letters illustrate those dire circumstances while at the same time reflecting his determination to pursue his scholarship at all costs, and with success.time determination, determination scholarshippost, reply, volume, september, october1
ensport.huIt is a long way to the podium. Getting there requires determination, willpower, and dedication. Our coaches themselves are (or were) athletes, well aware of what it takes to become the best possible version of yourself.podium determination, determination willpowerwindow, plan, training, run, athlete1
vatregistration.huAs a consequence of the uniform system, a wide range of activities can be performed under a VAT registration, without being obliged to be established in Hungary, which is an extremely cost-efficient solution concerning the administration. However, the determination of the fixed establishment or…administration determination, determination establishmentvat, registration, taxation, news, law1
workandsmile.huThe fee also includes the legal process related to their immigration and employment after selection, participation in the determination of employment conditions, the adoption of a preliminary employment contract, supervision of the visa administration of employees.participation determination, determination employmentemployee, smile, recruitment, worker, people1
drhodosi.huThere are some controversial issues that are no longer expected to result from conciliation. In such cases, the parties entrust the determination of their case with a competent authority, ie the Court, to decide disputes. Most of us, unfortunately, do not have enough knowledge of court…party determination, determination casecase, legal, contract, client, solution1
juliamalom.huAll these enable the precise determination of the parameters of the flour, so we can ensure consistent quality, thereby satisfying the individual requests of our customers.precise determination, determination parameterswheat, flour, technology, mill, quality1
uniquetravel.huBy 1918, the fate of the Monarchy was sealed. Before its capitulation on November 3, a National Council, headed by Count Mihaly Karolyi, demanded a separate peace, Hungarian independence, the recognition of the right of self-determination for the national minorities, land reform, and universal…self determination, determination nationalunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
medidia.huMediDia COVID-19 Ag is a chromatographic immunoassay kit for rapid qualitative determination for coronavirus infection.qualitative determination, determination coronavirusquotation, order, antigen, download, specimen1
vivida.huI look up to Kata for her determination, persistent manner, she knows what she wants. I feel safe with her, I can open up to her.kata determination, determination persistenthomepage, area, private, individual, news1
lovesziskola.huBeing a Shooting Instructor is a serious profession that only few can do good and even fewer can do exceptionally well as there are so many different categories. To be exceptionally well-trained in all of these is impossible as each one these categories require full life determination. There are…life determination, determination accordinglyshoot, training, school, tactical, competition1
forgonyanna.hu“Dear Anna! I love your voice, your determination, and the serenity and positivity that flows from you!voice determination, determination serenityseminar, practitioner, free, instructor, day1
cruisinclean.huWelcome to the world of Cruisin Clean, where car washing is not just a service but the result of passionate commitment. We, the founders of Cruisin Clean, deeply love and appreciate the world of cars. With immense dedication and determination, we strive to revolutionize the art of car washing…dedication determination, determination artclean, wash, vehicle, wheel, interior1
tedxbme.huAbdelaziz Ibrahim's incredible journey began as he faced mandatory military service, which presented a significant challenge to his aspirations. Despite being forbidden to study for university at the military camp, Abdelaziz's determination and resourcefulness shone through.abdelaziz determination, determination resourcefulnessevent, idea, official, organizational, website1
cool4u.huVALUES – Adequate judgement of values and humility towards our profession are main factors in our determination of goals and everyday work.factor determination, determination goalautomotive, air, conditioner, commercial, group1
munkavedinfo.huAnd speaking of legal compliance, have you ever wondered about the country of origin of a company? Our monsters have been investigating the Braun Company and its legal determination of country of origin . It’s a mystery waiting to be solved!legal determination, determination countrylegal, law, agreement, regulation, important1
drzsu.huFor 40 years of her life, she had to prove everything to herself and was dependent on the pain of creating difficulty in her life. As a result, she experienced multiple failed relationships, but managed to break through all hardship with her strength and determination to build a career.strength determination, determination careerhealth, alive, change, integrate, unique1
fvszemle.huThe Single Market is the cornerstone of Europe's integration and sustainable growth. As the European Union approaches the 20th anniversary of the symbolic date of 1992, President Barroso believes, as announced in his Political Guidelines, that the Single Market requires renewed political…political determination, determination threatmarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission1
interrescue.hu…working experience of experts adopted a range of specialized technical rescue mission when calculating their technical systems and their determination to ensure the operability, control. There is a very important element of the research tasks with dogs branch into that form the basis of a…system determination, determination operabilityrescue, international, association, special, earthquake1
alefordito.huyears old, with a pen and a notebook, flipping through a printed dictionary. Whenever I found something interesting written in English, I translated it. The quality of my “work” at that time is likely to be questionable, but determination, pursuit of continuous development and learning has remained.questionable determination, determination pursuittranslation, text, document, proofreading, technical1
lauryfarm.husignificant results and individual genetic background. It is the quality and the determination that is important. Our mini pony foals are beautiful, pure-bred and unique in Hungary. If you are ready to have your lovely pony at your home, don't hesitate to contact us.quality determination, determination importantbreed, stallion, sale, gallery, important1
sportnaplo.huThis area examines posture, the harmony of joints and skeletal structure, as well as muscle balance. For its determination, postural analyses, that is, posture examinations can be performed, and the results compared with the ideal posture of the given sport. Body statics can be a good indicator of…balance determination, determination posturalathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance1
elox.huFor decades, the leader of our company has grown to be one of the best in the profession, due to the constant desire for knowledge and determinationsurface, aluminum, treatment, decade, protection1
ketnyelvu-eskuvo.huDetermination, elegance, and collaborative skill – this trio is guided by my work, which is to contribute to the success of your great day as a counselor before the wedding and as a conductor on the wedding day.wedding, bilingual, united, color, important1
dentys.huDuring the provision of services, the Provider handles personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Act CXII. of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and Freedom of Information. In addition, the Provider manages this data solely for the purpose of performing the services, in…self determination, determination freedomprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic1
qplan.hu…of the builder. QPLAN prepared the plans of our plant with interpreting the technological requirements in detail, starting from the precise determination of the needs, recommending the recent refrigeration technology solutions. Not only the precision of the construction, but also cooperation…precise determination, determination needmanufacture, equipment, general, plan, development1
balazstakacs.hu…They had not! I felt completely recharged mentally and physically after the 1.5 hours I spent there. Thank you Balázs for your strength, kindness, determination and total authenticity! I recommend him to all massage lovers who want to recharge their batteries in authentic and professional hands!kindness determination, determination totalmassage, gift, voucher, pain, minute1
matrabikersc.huOur team has represented Gyöngyös in races throughout the country and internationally, and is looking forward to expanding and developing in 2023 with high goals and determination.cycling, website, bike, road, member1
xpatcare.huplace. But XpatCare jumped in and helped provide the arguments to convince the landlord of my first choice apartment. Without their help, I would have had to settle for something in a very different area. XpatCare provided the experience, time and determination to get the job done and make me happy.time determination, determination jobsupport, place, help, landlord, free1
bbis.huI’ve been dancing for six years, 3 or 4 times a week. When I was little, I tried every sport out until I found my true passion, dance, at the age of 9. After two years of doing it, I had this emotional roller coaster. I was getting bored during training, and my determination flew away instantly…training determination, determination awayschool, student, primary, secondary, admission1
jogaszegylet.huEach year, on the ides of March we commemorate the 1848–49 Revolution and War of independence, which was a milestone on the route to the modern Hungarian state. In addition, not only regaining the independence of the country and national self-determination was at stake, but also the start of…self determination, determination stakelawyer, association, president, newsletter, law1
naih.huBased on constitutional provision, the Act CXII of 2011 on the right to informational self-determination and on the freedom of information (hereinafter "the Act CXII of 2011") , which entered into force on 1 January 2012, established the Authority and regulated its operation in detail.self determination, determination freedomauthority, data, act, protection, president1
archbook.huIn the introduction, the author uses souvenir photographs from past decades to show where a hiking trail in one of the Garand Circle’s national parks actually begins. The answer lies in the genes we carry with us, the values we hold and the recognition that the world can be known if we have the…desire determination, determination dedicationbook, national, memory, wonder, arch1
primaudit2005.huThe main activities of our Company include auditing, tax advisory services, determination of real market value, apport value – just to mention our principal activities.service determination, determination realclient, activity, area, tax, government1
seashepherdorigins.huI remember being impressed by the determination of Captain Paul Watson, who I first saw in the ‘Ocean Warrior’ episode of the TV series ‘Defenders of Wildlife’ back in 1993.shepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean1
envitek.hu…Another group of instruments offers dual polarization capabilities which are useful in applications like soil moisture or ocean salinity determination and cloud / rain liquid water discrimination. RPG’s spectrum of active instruments include microwave scintillation transmit-receive systems…salinity determination, determination cloudgas, process, solution, manufacturer, instrument1
dataprivacy.huThe Hungarian Parliament adopted by 6 July 2015 an amendment ('the Amendment') of the Act No CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information ('the Information Act') that…self determination, determination freedomguidance, data, post, category, privacy1
patafinn.huWith or without olympic status – PATA remains Finn Fanatic forever A unique Boat like ours deserves to be loved so we keep on track and move on with full determination. So we developed the new PATA FANATIC. “I have been dreaming all my life to build the best Finn dinghy and the best carbon […]track determination, determination newnews, boat, cup, second, build1
tradiscoseeds.huAct CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information;self determination, determination freedomdata, subject, shall, personal, process1
ova.info.huThe determination of a maximum sustainable population size for red deer, roe deer, and wild boars in Hungary (1997-1999), and as a follow up, for the design and implementation of the big game harvest quota system launched by the Ministry of Agriculture (2002-present).game, management, database, data, national1
debrecenijogimuhely.huThe Single Market is the cornerstone of Europe's integration and sustainable growth. As the European Union approaches the 20th anniversary of the symbolic date of 1992, President Barroso believes, as announced in his Political Guidelines, that the Single Market requires renewed political…political determination, determination threatmarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission1
atformallak.huThis lady (163cm) was weighing 100kg before we started the training. She wasn’t used to making sport on the regular basis previously. After six months of regular training which she executed with great determination making some serious sacrifices, the workout, and the one-hour-long cardio training…great determination, determination sacrificetraining, health, personal, body, trainer1
bolley.huBus service optimisation and determination of the number and type of e-buses, and charging stations.optimisation determination, determination numberbus, network, electric, charge, transport1
izotop.huThe CA19-9 IRMA system provides a direct in vitro quantitative determination of the cancer associate…quantitative determination, determination cancerisotope, institute, radiation, technique, event1
hungarian-teacher.huWhat? Hungarian Who? Hungarian teacher How much? Hungarian language course Online Hungarian tuition Reference Hungarian in Budapest Contact Learn Hungariancourse, exercise, teacher, grammar, language0
ehs-guide.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed eiusmod tempor incididui labore dolore magna sadipieds etas lorems.lorem, consultant, support, magna, sit0
laurelbudapest.huThe Dining Guide Top 10 Hungarian restaurants awarded Laurel Budapest stands as a culinary destination that delights the senses and creates lasting memories. From their remarkable dinner service, featuring the chef menu and plant-based vegan degustation menu, to the delightful lunch experience…youthful determination, determination fanaticrestaurant, dining, culinary, taste, wine0
hm2020.huHM2023 will be taking place in Budapest, one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. The previous conferences have taken place in the magnificent cities of Berlin, Porto, Innsbruck, Ancona, Brussels, and Bydgoszcz. In the history of Budapest, the year 1872 stands out as a milestone, for it was…forensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis0
iplstudio.huremoval to be finished. If you would like to finish your treatment by the summer months, you have to start your hair removal sessions in the winter . There are certain body parts where 65% of the hair is in active phase, so with just one treatment, 60-65% of the hair can be removed from these areas.treatment, skin, hair, light, area0
jackplate.huInstalling a properly sized JackPlate on a fishing boat eliminates any problems that result from our outboard engine obscuring or falling into the line of our side-view sonar, meaning we usually experience poorer sonar images on the portside. The perfect sonar image depends on many parameters, but…accurate determination, determination engineseries, plate, engine, power, hydraulic0
eljegyzesi-gyuru.huGyörgy Rabotka, as leader of the company, coordinates the work, designs the jewelry according to the customer’s needs, and, as “judicial jewelry and precious stone expert”, he is the first in the country to make out a certificate guaranteeing the quality of the jewelry and the precious stones. He…value determination, determination diamondprecious, unique, stone, jewelry, certification0
trainingcontrol.huThe main task of the test system is to determine the optimal performance markers before training, to process, analyze and evaluate the measured data in a process model and to provide feedback in training planning.training, process, diagnostic, performance, adaptation0
labimmun.huOur partners are some of the leading companies in the laboratory diagnostics industry globally. Through their products, they are all working to achieve significant progress in providing quicker and more accurate laboratory diagnostic results.elisa determination, ifa determinationdiagnostic, laboratory, quick, accurate, solution0
muladharayoga.huDaily Yoga practices, building core strength for your mind and body. The studio is located in the heart of Budapest and offers semi-private yoga classes for all levels of students. such as: Spine Yoga Practice, Hip-opening Yoga Practice, Balance and Stability Yoga Practice, Prenatal Yoga Practice…grit determination, determination yogayoga, practice, hour, class, event0
mtesz-szabolcs.hu“Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts of lorem ipsum dolor”having determination, determination havingclient, country, text, accountant, blind0
klimakamra.huTemperature & climatic chambers Environmental stress screening Corrosion test equipment Weathering & IP chambers Emission test chambers Vacuum chambers Automotive test chambers Stability testing Laboratory test chambers Walk-In chambers Remote management systems Fitotronchamber, climate, temperature, environmental, simulation0
cocora.huLegal services in English, at favourable prices, in the heart of Budapest, next to the Basilica - Real estate law * Company law * Family law - Working languages: Hungarian, English, Romanianlegal, client, law, package, translation0
hclu.hu…proposal with a single sentence. However, according to Amnesty International Hungary, the Eötvös Károly Institute, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the regulatory framework of the state of danger should be transformed and the Government’s unjustified…law, freedom, union, rule, news0
opticost.huOur family business ready to provide You the widest variety of solutions, even in completely customized ways. We are at your disposal with our professional experience and confidence in personalized and individually managed solutions also.dynamism determinationsolution, security, director, government, local0