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415 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: asset

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bdl.huThe BDL Ltd. plays leading role, both in the public and municipal-owned water utilities asset-evaluation in the last decade.utility asset, asset evaluation, evaluation asset, time asset, asset valuationplan, water, evaluation, utility, economic22
lambdaprojekt.huWe had the opportunity to work on many types of properties, and to work with experienced asset managers, facility managers, international lease agents. We have gathered valuable experience and obtained a deep understanding of needs, trends and best practices.engineering asset, asset management, service asset, experience asset, asset managermanagement, technical, engineering, coordination, support20
macrofleet.huView your data and resources differently. Our asset management software system can be tailored to your individual requirements. You can widely integrate your equipments and assets to our platform, whether they are already owned or just awaiting acquisition. Their content, quantity, and operation…macrofleet asset, asset management, differently asset, equipment asset, asset platformsolution, management, administration, fleet, need16
procreditor.huPRO-CREDITOR Liquidation and Asset Controller Ltd is one of the leading and most acknowledged companies of the Hungarian Insolvency profession, which specialises in conducting bankruptcy proceedings, liquidation proceedings, and final settlement proceedings as well as providing reorganizational…liquidation asset, asset controller, practitioner asset, debtor asset, asset sufficientcreditor, debtor, liquidation, proceedings, bankruptcy14
primustrust.huPrimus Trust Corp. has been established by professionals with over 25 years of international experience in asset management, tax & legal advisory and trust management. Primus Trust Corp. aims to pursue its bespoken services at a high professional level with great commitment. Our corporate motto “…asset protection, wealth asset, asset management, fiduciary asset, primarily assettrust, protection, tax, family, plan13
aldomor.huWe inform you that in respect of companies under liquidation especially marked in the list of liquidations in progress, the debtor’s assets are not sufficient to cover the expected liquidation costs, or due to missing records and deficiencies of bookkeeping, it is technically impossible to conduct…practitioner asset, asset controller, debtor asset, asset sufficient, anybody assetdebtor, liquidation, creditor, bankruptcy, liquidator13
alfanyugdij.huWith over 166 thousand members and assets exceeding HUF 193 billion, Alfa Voluntary Pension Fund is one of the leading funds in Hungary.member asset, asset huf, beneficiary asset, asset voluntary, asset ratiofund, pension, portfolio, voluntary, tax12
echo.huBig Picture USD Asset Classes Commodities Week Ahead Economy EUR Intraday Psychology ETFs JPY GBP Day Ahead AUD CNH CAD NZD Trading Wisdom Valuation EU Stocks Gold SGD US Stocks Clean Energy TRYasset class, label asset, kind asset, asset rotation, usd assetweek, ahead, january, class, october11
rem.co.huREM Group is an expert company specializing in commercial real estate within Hungary. Our primary focus lies in three key sectors: Asset Management, Development, and Investment.sector asset, asset managementmanagement, development, group, investment, main10
pepperpr.hu, metals, printed circuit board, logistics, and test engineering services. The value of the agreement is estimated at approximately US$ 500 million over a five-year period. Flextronics will not assume any Raymarine buildings or assets, and no employees of Raymarine will be transferred to…software asset, asset management, font asset, asset business, advice assetpepper, software, technology, market, office9
shapes.huUncharted Lands is a massive collection of assets in four different scenarios. Just as our previous packs, this one delivers high quality foliage, terrain assets, a handful of decorative objects, skyboxes and four fully realised scenes in different scenarios.collection asset, asset different, terrain asset, asset handful, list assetshape, premium, unity, nature, land8
trackgps.huThe solution for monitoring individuals or fixed and mobile assets that lack their own power source.asset track, mobile asset, asset powerfleet, solution, vehicle, management, track7
proper-m.huExperienced real estate professional with over 20 years of experience in commercial real estate and a strong background in industrial property development. Skilled in real estate development, asset management, property management, real estate transactions, negotiation, working with tenants, and…commercial asset, asset class, development asset, asset management, transaction assetproper, transaction, real, estate, management7
spiderpig.huSpiderPig is a plug-and-play solution that enables you to simplify the implementation of IFRS 16 for lease contracts. It is a powerful engine with a user-friendly design that automates complex calculations such as the calculation of the initial right-of-use asset and lease liability amounts, the…use asset, asset lease, asset value, asset dismantle, asset interestlease, tool, contract, accounting, functionality7
milepartners.huBlockchain and crypto law office, experienced in legal token design, and providing support in FinTech, with digital assets, in Hungary.digital asset, asset hungary, asset blockchain, asset businessmile, digital, legal, law, association7
fejszamol.huThe asset settlement of a company defund without successor i.e. the settlement of assets ownership for a company terminated from the register of companies. Also the possibility in order to be deregistered the right or fact entered in a register for public or public interest purposes in favor of…settlement asset, asset settlement, liquidation asset, asset ownershipproceedings, settlement, liquidation, creditor, bankruptcy7
kilen.huSync your data between your desktop and mobile app and keep track of your crypto assets no matter where you are.favorite asset, asset like, community asset, crypto asset, asset matterdata, payment, fresh, exchange, currency6
direkt36.huUntil last autumn, Nikolay Kosov headed the International Investment Bank, which is leaving Hungary. According to documents obtained by Direkt36, the Russian banker, who has since been hit by US sanctions, was planning to transfer his family's assets to Dubai.hide asset, offshore asset, asset document, family asset, asset dubaihospital, infection, secret, document, russian6
finextfm.huFINEXT Investment Fund Management Ltd. offers institutional investors unique investment and asset management opportunities in real estate and other alternative assets that are unmatched in the Hungarian market, all in partnership with the world’s leading fund managers.investment asset, asset management, alternative asset, asset partnership, asset unmatchedinvestment, fund, management, real, estate6
granaxisconsult.huAt the present, we are excluisevly engaged in liquadition, custody and asset management activities.liquidation asset, asset management, proceed asset, custody assetproceed, financial, consulting, management, liquidation6
csovarilegal.huAnyone can act as a trustee and manage the assets of others in an “ad hoc” trust scheme (i.e., on a non-business basis, under a single asset management contract). It is also possible to take your own assets in trust through an own trustee company established specifically for this purpose…holding asset, asset management, broad asset, asset protection, trustee assetlaw, tax, legal, university, expertise6
lita.huOur solution provides the enterprise data visibility to understand available data, where it’s located, and how it flows throughout the organization. It empowers IT teams with metadata management automation and tools to efficiently catalog, enrich and activate metadata so data assets are found and…data asset, asset quickly, asset huge, asset data, efficiency assetdata, management, governance, delivery, organization6
mlszsz.hu(6) The Association is responsible for its debts with its assets. The members of the Association are not responsible for the Association’s debts only for paying the membership fee.ix asset, asset financial, association asset, asset accordance, asset gaassociation, member, shall, presidency, president6
tomlin.huSolar Energy is probably the most reliable and certainly the cleanest form of renewable energy. Tomlin’s team provides end-to-end support to our clients, from inception to implementation, from ongoing commissioning to operating the completed energy generating assets.today asset, asset value, user asset, asset facilitymanagement, cost, consultancy, cee, energy6
dcf.huOur core competences include product development, sales & distribution strategy, financial technologies advisory, and research & surveys. We provide these services to different participants of the financial sector like domestic and foreign banks, brokerages, insurance companies, asset managers…company asset, asset manager, insurance asset, asset managementadvisory, financial, strategy, client, sector6
pannoniakonyvvizsgalo.huAudit of annual reports, business valuation, transfer pricing consultancy. Evaluation of assets, intangibles and shares. Benchmark analyses. Risk analyses.evaluation asset, asset intangible, divisons asset, asset sharevaluation, pricing, transfer, evaluation, detail5
infogroup.hu…real estate market: while focusing on the industrial-logistic sector, the company has office- and hotel developments as well, and also provides asset and facility management in its own properties. Infogroup keeps its developments in its portfolio, since owner mentality and long-term tenant…development asset, asset facility, sale asset, asset managementdirector, development, real, estate5
crownholding.huCrown Holding Ltd. is a real estate investment company that continuously seeks the undervalued income generating assets and potential development opportunities.income asset, asset potential, activity asset, asset management, estate assetcrown, portfolio, real, estate, rating5
syrc.huProfessional asset protection is an investment that pays off, as you invest in peace of mind knowing your assets are safe.professional asset, asset protection, mind asset, asset safesecurity, protection, website, access, remote5
urbs.huOur company, URBS REAL ESTATE LTD, has been involved in property and asset management since 1990.estate asset, asset management, property assetreal, estate, group, management, development4
epds.hu…the requirements set by them. The immediate reports and continuously accessible documents show exactly to what extent the organisation, the processes and their assets conform to the relevant standards. Full compliance significantly increases operational safety and reduces risks for the company.process asset, asset relevant, people asset, asset place, equipment assetequipment, environment, activity, operation, management4
portex.huTranscargo makes business flow. As one of the world’s leading non-asset-based supply chain management companies, we design and implement industry-leading solutions in both freight management.non asset, asset supplyfreight, chain, road, compliant, supply4
opusglobal.huOPUS GLOBAL Plc. has direct and indirect minority interest in significant companies. The hereof interests are managed in the Asset Management segment of the company. The Company defined its portfolio and prepared the merger of KONZUM Plc., which was performed as of 31 June 2019, upon a conscious…asset management, interest assetglobal, value, industry, management, food4
swoosh.huSwoosh Capital Ltd. has also invested in long-term infrastructure-related assets that provide stable returns and diversified risk-return profile. Thus far, our investment portfolio is in excess of EUR1 billion as at FY2020, with our investment reach as far as Asia, in markets such as the…infrastructure asset, asset stable, argentum asset, asset hong, asset netherlandscapital, website, asia, opportunity, management4
reach-i4.huDigital twin is a dynamic digital representation of an industrial asset, that enables companies to better understand and predict the performance of their machines and find new revenue streams, and change the way their business operates. The digital representation provides both the elements and the…track asset, asset raw, challenge asset, asset intensive, time assetdata, reach, solution, big, real4
auroraenergy.hu…and implementation, if our Client requests so, which means that, we are prepared and skilled to find, in close cooperation with you, the successful form of investment and assets in the field of energetics as well as the effective and optimal way of operating the asset(s) (asset management).company asset, asset acquisition, investment asset, asset field, way assetenergy, management, operation, financial, advise4
drfucskar.hu…has a history of over 40 years in the Lónyay street located in the IX. district of Budapest and with the passage of time, a new generation of lawyers is now available to serve the second and often third generation of clients in the protection of growing family businesses and assets.agreement asset, asset real, corporate asset, asset legallaw, case, legal, agreement, family4
patriaconsult.huPátria Consult Liquidation Asset Valuation Public Procurement Energetics Certificates Job offersliquidation asset, asset valuationconsult, procurement, valuation, certificate, liquidation4
aideko.huThe game involved designing the courts, creating their visuals, 3D models and texturing of the court models, assets and other accessories, some effects and animation, and polishing the courts.kind asset, asset novice, model asset, asset accessoriesanimation, previous, texture, unity, model4
superposition.huinvestment options against various criteria, it selects the ones where divergent approaches produce mutually reinforcing results. The methods used for analysis can be fundamental, statistical or technical. Where no adequate option is available, the capital of the Fund is invested in low-risk assets.hold asset, asset managementfund, rate, investment, current, derivative4
sundance.hu…affect the real estate business: the cycles of supply and demand, over-looked sectors, under-valued properties, unrealised opportunities, in short to be invested in assets which offer the greatest long term safety for the funds that we invest, whilst allowing us to benefit from the value we add.status asset, asset optimal, finally asset, asset disposal, short assetdevelopment, property, view, office, croatia4
indotek.huOur asset management team ensures that the properties managed by the Group increase in value and that its investments achieve the highest possible return. We identify the highest and best use of each project, repositioning properties in the market if necessary.asset management, volume asset, asset bankmanagement, investment, group, property, market4
baloghorsolya.huAs an assets management specialist, I deal with capital acquisitions, investments and insurance. My specialist field is profit growth.order asset, asset importantly, structure asset, asset acquisition, future assetstrategy, financial, revenue, private, insurance4
mlsystems.huWith Asset Tracking you have complete control 24 hours a day over all assets that do not have their own power supply. It is suited for any industry and is extremely versatile. You can ensure your tools, equipment, boxes and trailers are safe, operational and at the right place.asset track, day asset, asset poweroffer, global, management, fleet, solution3
budateher.huWith decades of experience in the field of residential removals, vehicles and auxiliary equipment adapted to the specific needs of removals, flexible scheduling, our own packing solutions on request, barcode and RFID-based inventory of fixed assets, as well as useful information on our website…inventory asset, asset useful, document asset, asset office, fix assetoffice, furniture, removal, transport, equipment3
life-division.huProfit Max account is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The customer can withdraw money at any time without loss of profit for this period. Your money is invested on the US stock market. Usually, to trade securities on the stock exchange, you need to have considerable assets. Nevertheless…considerable asset, asset innovative, security asset, asset management, money assetdivision, account, question, assistance, security3
enerai.huby AI based software solutions across industries. Asset classes covered for Monitoring & Analytics: Buildings and Utilities, Electrical Vehicle Fleets, Industrial Process Machines.industrial asset, asset monitoring, asset availability, industry asset, asset classenergy, management, solution, industrial, facility3
seacon.huThe importance of information is continously growing in the economic life. In many cases, the database of a company represents higher value than all other assets. Nowdays every company has a lot of confidental documents in electronis form, such as contracts, blueprints, price lists, payroll lists…workforce asset, asset importance, value asset, asset nowdayssoftware, europe, data, presentation, fleet3
sipeuropa.huIf the Company is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, Your Personal Data may be transferred. We will provide notice before Your Personal Data is transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy.transfer asset, asset concern, company asset, asset financing, acquisition assetdata, personal, privacy, purpose, website3
capitalw.huEntrust the management of your assets to seasoned experts, ensuring strategic and personalized investment decisions are made on your behalfdiscretionary asset, asset management, management asset, asset season, eur assetcapital, wood, financial, management, office3
blcrew.huWe provide general designing and constructing solutions with our international standard base stage systems. Our cohesive team, with its assets, ensures visitor experience with high-qualityteam asset, asset visitorquote, stage, crew, reference, job3
interactivebrokers.huInvest globally in stocks, options, futures, bonds, funds, ETFs and CFDs from a single unified platform. Fund your account in 10 currencies (HUF, EUR, USD, GBP, CZK, DKK, NOK, PLN, SEK, CHF) and trade assets denominated in 27 currencies. Access market data 24 hours a day and six days a week. Fund…control asset, asset market, trade asset, asset currency, asset multipleaccount, broker, trading, interactive, fund3
naiceland.huAt NAI Hungary CELand, we specialize in providing comprehensive services in the property investment and management fields. Our team of highly experienced professionals excels in a wide range of areas, including investment advisory, asset management, tenant representation, retail consultancy…advisory asset, asset management, transaction asset, asset right, value assetestate, land, real, commercial, article3
ovst.huOVST is already the largest chartering company in Hungary, with ownership of significant world-class assets across the value chain.class asset, asset valuetrade, value, social, large, corporate3
immovest.huOur German management, being fluent in Hungarian, has a firm foundation in working experience at international firms, architecture (local and international qualifications), project management and development experience with renowned German construction, development and asset management companies…developer asset, asset manager, development asset, asset managementbuild, real, estate, management, office3
marmin.hu► Wasting Wasting Time Time Planning, Planning, Evaluating Evaluating & & Finalizing Finalizing How How To To Create Create Marketing Marketing Assetsmarketing asset, asset hungry, license asset, asset likelead, site, visitor, free, website3
krgroup.huIn the case of an asset deal, transfer tax is equal to 4% of the real estate’s market value. Above HUF 1 billion, the reduced rate of 2% is applied. The total payable transfer tax cannot exceed HUF 200 million per property. If the buyer is a property dealer who purchases the property for resale…estate asset, asset deal, case asset, rate assettax, group, accounting, vat, rate3
yplon.huIn the past couple of years a new business management sofware has been launched to enable us to provide correct and regular information for the venues, the creditors and owners, furthermore helps the effectiveness of administrational, hr, environmental and organizational tasks connected with asset…task asset, asset managementproceedings, liquidation, management, creditor, tender3
mnv.huAs one of the most important supporting organisations of the Ministry of National Development, the Hungarian National Asset Management Inc. (HNAM Inc.) exercises ownership rights over state assets of over 16 trillion Hungarian forints, representing almost 50 percent of the annual GDP of Hungary...national asset, asset management, state asset, asset trillionintroduction, website, complete, purpose, supervisory3
rhedey.huFull scale project management from land acquisition to turn key realising of real estate projects of the BI-Group. Asset manegement of a running high-standard residential park as managing director.development asset, asset management, group asset, asset manegementestate, real, consultant, architect, management3
perfectdesign.huWe have a state of the art technical background in the hungarian market and an extremely diverse portfolio of assets. All the technical equipment needed for your event can be provided by ONE supplier. This will simplify communication and reconciliation, leaving you more time for other work…portfolio asset, asset technicalperfect, production, site, portfolio, market3
bbvedelem.huBB-Védelem company has been performing complex asset protection tasks throughout Budapest and Hungary, since 2012. The management of the company has several decades of asset protection experience and expertise in the field of asset protection. Our company has the necessary police authority license…complex asset, asset protection, decade asset, field asset, performance assetcustomer, quality, security, committed, friendly3
significant.co.huA coherent data strategy in unleashing the full potential of your organization’s data assets. Our methodology commences with aligning your data initiatives with your company objectives, ensuring a clear vision for data-driven success. By adopting a holistic approach that encompasses people…data asset, asset methodology, asset strategy, strategic asset, asset mindsetdata, strategy, significant, optimization, tool3
kör-ház.huSopron is located in the busiest place, the Csengery Road, elegant, lift, fully meet the criteria of the modern office building. The "A" building with high security and asset management system, outdoor and underground parking with our customers to carry out their duties in the best possible…security asset, asset managementoffice, gallery, build, condition, rental2
amplify.huAsset valuation We value individual assets, such as real estate, machinery, and intellectual property.individual asset, asset realfinancial, consulting, reference, organization2
violet-consulting.huYou will onboard, validate, and analyze data to help build, prototype, and test models that explain and forecast the risk and return properties of assets across multiple asset classes. You will apply your skills to help solve a broad and diverse set of problems, working collaboratively with a…property asset, asset multiple, multiple asset, asset classconsulting, engineer, position, candidate, manager2
kontron.hu…is available everywhere from the management level to the operational level. This provides opportunities for proactive and faster decision- making, improved performance, increased asset utilization, preventing unplan- ned downtime, as well as improved quality and security, among other things.asset management, performance asset, asset utilizationsolution, network, management, customer, cloud2
dknv.huManaging and sharing data across the organization and implementing cross-organisational STP processes require careful analysis and out-of-box thinking. Our architects will help maximize the value of one of your most important asset by designing business-strategy driven architecture, leveraging the…important asset, asset human, asset businesssolution, consulting, management, trading, client2
tritoo.huUsage of Big Data technologies for the exploitation of a variety of large and fast-growing data assets in a structured (e.g. databases, log files, sensor data) or unstructured way (e.g. documents, photo, video, social-media streams).data asset, asset structure, asset treasuredata, solution, science, analysis, process2
mbtelectric.huHydropower systems are capital intensive assets can produce a significant income for decades provided they are operated and maintained to a high standard.intensive asset, asset significant, optimization assetelectric, energy, process, maintenance, sustainable2
cpigroup.huThe Group´s portfolio is highly diversified, comprising of office properties (46%, primarily Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest), followed by retail assets (24%, primarily dominant, regional shopping centres and retail parks in the Czech Republic, as well as Poland and Hungary). CPIPG also owns…retail asset, asset primarilygroup, office, opportunity, building, space2
publicisgroupe.huFully equipped, state-of-the-art studio for both small and large scale productions, with a proven track record of global level asset creation. What sets us apart from other competitors is that our ideas happen at the same place where our productions are made.level asset, asset creation, plan assetnews, brand, client, idea, media2
helgem.huAccounting of maintenance: A periodic cost incurred in activities that preserve an asset’s operational status without extending its life. Maintenance is an expense that, unlike capital improvement (which extends an asset’s life), is not capitalized.condition asset, asset resource, activity asset, asset operational, improvement assetprocess, quality, practice, food, machine2
park22.huEuropa Capital is a dedicated real estate investment manager focused on the European markets and specialized in investment through both equity and debt strategies where we employ our real estate asset management skills and experience to maximize value in all property classes across Europe.estate asset, asset managementestate, management, real, building, office2
zelemo.huPál is an experienced business leader and strategist with a diverse background in industrial remote data collection, vehicle tracking, and asset monitoring markets. Over the years, he held key roles in prominent companies, contributing significantly to their growth and success. His expertise spans…track asset, asset monitoringmanagement, value, unit, industrial, customer2
torekivendeghaz.huIf discrepancy or damage is detected during the inventory check, the value of the missing or damaged assets will be debited to the account of the Guests.value asset, asset accountguesthouse, guest, room, house, gallery2
rustler.huWe properly screen new tenants to avoid legal problems in advance. Even if legal issues rise up – we will handle them for you. Your asset management will be free to do what they do best: making decisions to increase your total revenue on your assets.issue asset, asset managementmanagement, facility, property, statement, mission2
gamma-am.huGAMMA Properties provides high-level services in all segments of the property market, such as asset management, property management, leasing and financial management of office buildings. GAMMA is a proactive, flexible and dynamic company, which tailors its services and solutions to their clients’…market asset, asset managementproperty, office, leasing, management, excellent2
doctor360.huOne of the most interesting topic how to gather, combine and use your data assets and make your customer service more personalised and agile.data asset, asset customersolution, technology, portfolio, client, nearshore2
biggeorgeproperty.huWe aim to use our knowledge to enlarge our clients’ assets. Based on our experience in the real estate market, we offer real estate investment products primarily for our institutional partners.client asset, asset experience, asset managementproperty, development, real, estate, view2
dravahotel.huThis area, along the Drava River in Baranya County, Southern Hungary is rich in historical and cultural assets, ethnographic traditions and natural beauty. The Villány wine region mentioned in the legend of Harka, the first Wine Route, the city of Pécs that was the European Cultural Capital in…cultural asset, asset ethnographic, natural asset, asset danuberoom, conference, price, rate, package2
benefactor.huOffering solutions for companies to support in the entire product lifecycle (sales, after-sales services, repair, maintenance, re-sale and also recycling of fixed assets according to strictest environmental laws and regulations)partner asset, asset lifecycle, recycling asset, asset strictsale, lifecycle, mobile, phone, solution2
solarmatrix21.huAfter installation the asset management of your system is done by Us. We get notified when maintenance is required. Through the app you can keep track of your system’s performance in real-time, wherever you are.installation asset, asset managementpage, energy, quality, solution, charger2
nador.huComplex solution packages and system development (for e.g. production monitoring systems, warehousing- logistics applications, fixed assets, recording software)portable asset, application asset, asset softwaresolution, implementation, security, device, range2
coomportix.huOur mission is to give support in audit and consulting framework for those companies that want to effectively protect their information assets.security, advisory, training, employee, general2
cloudkraft.huIncrease energy efficiency of facilities, EV fleets and industrial assets based on integrated and connected building solutions and AI software applications.industrial asset, asset build, industry asset, asset classdigital, innovation, solution, data, management2
powerpak.huIn mid 2016 we will complete the investment in a new engineerings department. The key asset will be a four axis CNC milling center. The new facility will produce many benefits including:key asset, asset axisfill, packaging, bottle, tube, liquid2
karro.huKárró Investment and Asset Management Co. Ltd. is a privately owned venture capital company.investment asset, asset managementinvestment, property, commercial, industrial, management2
genaudit.huAccounting tasks related to reorganization (change of the legal form of the company, merger, demerger, separation), preparation and audit of statements of assets and liabilitiesstatement asset, asset liabilitytax, page, main, news, accounting2
publicis.huFully equipped, state-of-the-art studio for both small and large scale productions, with a proven track record of global level asset creation. What sets us apart from other competitors is that our ideas happen at the same place where our productions are made.level asset, asset creation, plan assetbrand, client, idea, media, people2
mkvk.huEconomic decision makers in a market economy need information which help them in assessing the past and current asset, financial and income position of a given undertaking, in confirming or adjusting planned concepts regarding the future. Economic information is appropriate for preparing decision…current asset, asset financial, picture asset, asset financechamber, member, auditing, sector, place2
szinorg.hu…major the construction companies of Eastern Hungary, and its subsidiaries have reached by this time a level where the board of directors considered the creation of a holding structure a justified step. In the new organisational structure, Szinorg Universal Zrt. performs asset management activities.zrt asset, asset management, increase asset, asset szinorguniversal, group, property, news, development2
simmoag.huThe Company focuses on long-term profitable real estate investments, and its activities include real estate development, the purchase and lease of commercial real estate and active asset and portfolio management.active asset, asset portfolio, asset managementnews, office, portfolio, estate, main2
akkoinvest.huAKKO Invest Nyrt., Listed in the Premium category of the Budapest Stock Exchange, was established in 2019 with the transformation of Plotinus Nyrt., And its shares have been listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange since 2011. Since its transformation, AKKO Invest Plc. Has been engaged in asset…plc asset, asset management, asset external, external asset, asset basicnews, share, portfolio, publication, shareholder2
productsafety.huI worked with Hortenzia for 15 years. She is really an expert in the field of Compliance, Quality control, Standardization and Audit. Her analytical skill is really great, a very good team player and and come up with excellent alternative suggestions to any problem. She is really an asset for any…problem asset, asset organization, huge asset, asset teamsafety, testimonial, problem, lack, expert2
bilogic.huIn the life of a company, it is crucial to be aware of the data assets available to you – usually stored in your company’s internal IT systems. A data asset is the set of data sets managed by an organisation. Increasingly, organisations are realising that analysing this data can make their…data asset, asset available, asset setintelligence, data, logic, decision, colleagues2
starkcapital.huWhether you are looking for interim managers for a distressed asset, advisory on partial or complete divestments, carve-outs or spin-offs, Stark Capital would be pleased to assist you in your venture.distressed asset, asset advisory, restructuring asset, asset stripcapital, advisory, acquisition, management, merger2
rolandtoth.huIt was a joy seeing how lean was the output: only static HTML files and the assets, altogether under 5Mb - the old version weighed above 100 Mb. Of course this time I took a more minimalistic approach and used up-to-date techniques (the previous site was about 5 years old). Because of this the…file asset, asset altogethersite, toth, developer, portfolio, previous2
hungarymatters.hu…about Hungary and beyond. Whether you’re a decision-maker, diplomat or in business, our newsletter delivered to your inbox every weekday is indispensable. Receive Hungary Matters compliments of MTI, the National News Agency, and MTVA, the Hungarian Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund.support asset, asset managementjanuary, ukrainian, matter, ukraine, wage2
lengyel-wagner.huIn the phase of auditing we examine the annual reports compiled by the different companies in order to find out whether the statements presented there – concerning the company’s assets, financial and income situation-are in accord with the accounting standards and relative laws.company asset, asset financialclient, notion, utilization, logical, strength1
kovacs-hawa.huFamily law in Hungary is a complex area. We advise and act for clients in cases related to marriage, divorce, joint assets and custody. We act in contentious and non-contentious matters, and can advise on mediation and alternatives to litigation.joint asset, asset custodylegal, agreement, representation, lawyer, law1
ismerosok.huThese terms and conditions do not grant any beneficiary rights to third parties. All of our rights and obligations under these terms and conditions are freely assignable by us in the event of a merger, acquisition, sale of assets, by operation of law or otherwise.sale asset, asset operationdata, condition, account, purpose, law1
balancebuilding.huThe Group´s portfolio is highly diversified, comprising of office properties (46%, primarily Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest), followed by retail assets (24%, primarily dominant, regional shopping centres and retail parks in the Czech Republic, as well as Poland and Hungary). CPIPG also owns…retail asset, asset primarilybuild, floor, sqm, building, office1
vigam.huBasic principles of a responsible and sustainable investment activity, applied by the Fund Manager to operate its asset managementmanager asset, asset managementseries, fund, investment, market, return1
helpkft.huWe would like to inform you that Act XLIX of 1991 on Bankruptcy and Liquidation Proceedings Act LXX of 2021. amended by law, the Bankruptcy and Liquidation Proceedings Act Paragraphs 7a to 7c have been added to Section 46. The amount of the asset search and asset recovery costs to be paid in…section asset, asset search, search asset, asset recoveryliquidation, professionally, notice, bid, tender1
horizonsolutions.huOur experienced team members are our greatest asset. Our ability to deliver outstanding results for our clients starts with our team of smart experts.great asset, asset abilitytax, consulting, plan, employee, share1
academiaoffices.huThe Arago Group, founded in 1995, will become a new tenant in the renovated Danube riverside office building which is reopening its doors at the end of September. Equipped with advanced technology, ACADEMIA will provide 900 square meters to house the Arago asset management company on the buildings…arago asset, asset managementbuild, available, academia, area, traditional1
szemredialapitvany.hu…has already provided aid to many students. In recent years, the founders have regularly provided support to the foundation from their own assets. With their very significant donation in 2021, the organization's activities have been placed on a foundation that, even in the thousand…foundation asset, asset significantfoundation, charitable, board, donation, founder1
myesabcareer.huOur most valuable asset is our global workforce. Each member of our team matters to us: they help drive the business forward with passion and commitment.valuable asset, asset globalcareer, global, job, presence, customer1
sensomedia.huOur greatest asset is the co-ordination of hardware, software and service development. Integrated work enables us to provide the most effective up-to-date Digital Signage systems.great asset, asset comedia, solution, software, development, customer1
futureoceans.huSimilar Asset-Based Community Development projects are successfully present worldwide that build on the skills of local residents and on the power of local associations, to help them recognize their capacity to build their own, sustainable, local economy.similar asset, asset communitymanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future1
natureland.huGood health is every person's greatest asset. NATURLAND strives to improve the quality of people's lives by focusing on preventative health care products that promote well being and inhibit disease, as well as safe, natural alternatives for the treatment of common illnesses and ailments that are…great asset, asset naturlandherbal, quality, natural, production, supplement1
vasutvill.huThe Company has high-value tangible assets, railway vehicles, machines and other equipment for its ongoing and future construction works; these resources make it the largest company specialized in the construction and assembly of overhead lines. in Hungary.tangible asset, asset railwayrailway, line, overhead, construction, activity1
bancard.huReviewing IT governing framework. Updating the order, administration, obsolescence policies of IT asset management systems. System and process assessment.policy asset, asset managementreference, management, light, introduction, consulting1
planidea.huWe, at the Knowledge Center, believe, that the knowledge belongs to the national assets, thus its support at any ways in the widest range is our primary task.national asset, asset supportresearch, knowledge, activity, field, job1
alliedsoft.huWe believe in long-term partnership and know that Customers' trust is our most valuable asset.software, value, management, automotive, reference1
webben.huData is the new gold. In order to widen your access to this highly valuable asset, more and more complex IT systems have to be developed. We are here to back you in these very challenging times.valuable asset, asset complexdigital, agency, development, website, brand1
solener.huInvest your money in a solar farm, or take out a subsidized loan to construct a solar power station, and your assets can increase, even along ongoing positive cash flow.station asset, asset ongoingprotection, investment, safe, yield, environmental1
globalbusinessgroup.huGlobal Business Group Kft is active in oil products trading with its dedicated desks for light, middle, and heavy distillates as well as LNG. Products are traded globally, relying on a combination of physical assets, logistical presence, and professional expertise, with the company continuing to…physical asset, asset logisticalgroup, global, view, petrochemical, oil1
kvaszinger.huPreserving traditions and the natural assets, using modern technology, we make wines with a unique taste at an affordable price in the Tokaj Wine Regionnatural asset, asset modernwine, winery, taste, river, view1
smallthings.huTask: A major broadcasting company tasked Smallthings with migrating 300+GB media assets and their Drupal system from Acquia to AWS to greatly decrease server costs.media asset, asset drupalsit, consectetur, velit, amet, duis1
markjector.hu…it can be utilised in itself again after used with the device. This ensures the optimisation of the user's equipment, as the weight, volume, and asset value of the devices to be transported can be reduced by using multi-purpose devices. Various signals can be projected on the crime scene by…volume asset, asset valuelight, figure, length, distance, subject1
kapcsolatmentor.huAs the captain of RelationShip, I know how to help you steer the boat of your own life and find the right direction in the subtle maze of various relationships. By uncovering the root of your problems, defining your goals, and (re)discovering your strengths, you will have all the assets to make…strength asset, asset dreamrelationship, family, career, divorce, problem1
andrassypalota.huThe Group´s portfolio is highly diversified, comprising of office properties (46%, primarily Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest), followed by retail assets (24%, primarily dominant, regional shopping centres and retail parks in the Czech Republic, as well as Poland and Hungary). CPIPG also owns…retail asset, asset primarilybuild, floor, building, opportunity, space1
pentolt.huOur systems are responsible for protecting human lives and assets. With this in mind, we dolife asset, asset mindfire, institution, centre, vehicle, detection1
endo.hu…its solution to reduce time to market and integration time for energy providers. It helped eMeter to become the world leader in smart meter management, implementing asset management for 1 million of meters in the shortest time and last but not least becoming the Digital Grid department of Siemens.management asset, asset managementmile, application, investment, digital, long1
nagykun.huOn April 1, 2000, the Nagykun 2000 Mg. joint-stock company was established with the title of 97% of the cooperative’s assets, owned by 430 persons.cooperative asset, asset personcultivation, farming, agricultural, crop, management1
me-innovations.huIn the energy sector the main focuses are expert systems like dynamic line rating and asset management systems. The staff has excellent reputation among DSOs, TSOs, research organizations, laboratories and private companies.rating asset, asset managementinnovation, energy, mobility, staff, research1
btmsped.huWe aim for this by working with dynamic, motivated, well-trained and highly-experienced team who do everything they can to help us offer You the best possible outcome. Our best assets are our service-oriented mindset, custom-tailored solutions and close attention to detail.good asset, asset servicerequest, quotation, international, enterprise, quality1
optimumfs.huHygiene and cleanliness represent an ever increasing asset. We will be happy to cater to your needs.cleanliness asset, asset happyquote, clean, privacy, facility, industrial1
syswind.huWe protect your assets from the dark side of IT and, of course, from anyone else so that your business is not compromised by hacker attacks.infrastructure, network, solution, large, cost1
yosreson.hu…that showcases my creativity and attention to detail. My dedication to my craft is evident in every project I take on, and I am always looking for new ways to improve and grow as an artist. Overall, I am a valuable asset to any team in need of a reliable and skilled videographer and photographervaluable asset, asset teammedia, photo, memory, moment, extraordinary1
accurit.hu"At TMX, we have been using the accurIT AssetManagement application for years to register IT devices and software, to support the asset inventory process..."software asset, asset inventorycomplex, reference, consulting, industry, consultation1
eston.huValuation of real estate portfolios, individual properties, and other assets (machinery, equipment, vehicles, inventories, etc.) for marketing, accounting, credit, or other purposes.property asset, asset machineryinternational, property, management, office, real1
security-expert.huOn behalf of our principals we prove their claims with legal effects. In today’s bad payment moral’s term almost every business and individuals have assets. Since not the executives nor the employees do not have time and expertise to spend their priceless time running after their money. We hunt up…individual asset, asset executivedebt, management, security, legal, private1
solarlilium.huInvest your money in a solar farm, or take out a subsidized loan to construct a solar power station, and your assets can increase, even along ongoing positive cash flow.station asset, asset ongoingprotection, investment, safe, yield, environmental1
newagebc.huThe Group´s portfolio is highly diversified, comprising of office properties (46%, primarily Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest), followed by retail assets (24%, primarily dominant, regional shopping centres and retail parks in the Czech Republic, as well as Poland and Hungary). CPIPG also owns…retail asset, asset primarilyage, floor, build, area, location1
fazekasugyved.huAsset termination agreements; Enforcement of child support; In court claims for inheritance claims; Matrimonial property law; Gift of death; Preparation of a marriage or cohabitation contract property rights; Representation in probate proceedings; Representation in an out-of-court settlement…law, legal, contract, representation, case1
superweek.huThe fact that we deliver some degree of control over our digital assets to 3rd parties by injecting their scripts on our platforms.digital asset, asset partydata, analytic, digital, day, analyst1
mititex.huCommitment and sharing of a responsibly motivated staff at any professional level and sector in the processes. People represent our most important and valuable asset, being the ground of our organization.valuable asset, asset groundquality, activity, group, member, italian1
fklaw.hu…not only offer an insight in the two relevant EU Regulations on the subject, but also provides a summary per EU Member State on the principles of asset tracing, conservatory measures, recovery proceedings for undisputed claims and enforcement measures. We hope that you will find this Guide helpfulprinciple asset, asset tracelaw, data, firm, legal, client1
whiterabbit.huIn our almost fully automated world, a personal, client-oriented relationships – especially in the bank service sector – is a valuable asset. OTP Bank is the biggest and oldest bank in Hungary; due to its massive network of branches, OTP can be found nearly everywhere in our country. So the bank…valuable asset, asset otpcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution1
zsoltmolnar.huThe goal of the project was to create a mobile application that was able to identify malfunctioning assets based on thermal imagery. In this scenario, heat loss was the main symptom of these anomalies.malfunction asset, asset thermalmolnar, app, technology, angular, react1
piksys.huIt is a priority to protect the infrastructure that handles information-based assets. Block malware and advanced targeted attacks on your network by using our layered technologies that defend against never-before-seen threats.information asset, asset malwaresecurity, knowledge, strength, solution, threat1
arvaconsulting.hu…and network have extensive transaction experience obtained with Big4 and large consulting firms, ensures our clients maximize shareholder value - be it either selling their business or screening for new targets to acquire or changing strategies, raising capital or valuing their business or assets.consulting, site, firm, international, capital1
datarealizmo.hu…data-driven businesses. With our expertise in data strategy and management, we help companies leverage the full potential of their data to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and drive innovation. Let us guide you on your data journey and unlock the true value of your information assets.data, strategy, management, analytic, comprehensive1
gerbeaud.huPerhaps the most beautiful and exciting gift in life is to guard a precious treasure and to further ennoble it. The Gerbeaud is surely one of the most famous gastronomic assets of Hungary. It is a nice gift, but it is also a serious responsibility and a big challenge to manage such a business -…gastronomic asset, asset hungarypage, legend, chocolate, ago, tradition1
maksz.huCar rental companies have put in place the strictest possible customer rating process and collateral / deposit system to protect their well-conceived interests and assets. From the very beginning – from 1996 – the member organizations of MAKSZ were participants in the service group of the Formula…interest asset, asset beginningrental, guide, association, homepage, organizational1
rs-sailing.hu…of not only the Balaton but also Hungary. Since the nineteen sixties masses of tourists, both Hungarians and foreigners, have been visiting the place. Its main assets are the historical and cultural relics related to the monasetry, the unique landscape and the recreational possibilities of Balaton.main asset, asset historicalsailing, place, friendly, registration1
chainwayhungary.huChainway has more than 5000 clients, covering over 100 countries and regions in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Oceania. Our products and solutions are widely applied to retail, logistics, healthcare, mobile nursing, finance, fleet management, livestock, asset management, energy…livestock asset, asset managementreader, management, computer, mobile, fleet1
mostmarketing.huYour brand can be the most valuable asset of your business. We are gently planning next steps to make magic on your KPIs. All you need is an accurate strategy, messages and tools to keep your brand not only physically but mentally available. Involve us and reach your business goals together.valuable asset, asset businesscampaign, client, brand, director, head1
iriszoffice.hu…full advantage of legal tax opportunities, for example, by assessing business and country risk. This is usually followed by recommendations and preparation for tendering and financing purposes, financial planning, asset management and management of generational change or internal reorganization.plan asset, asset managementoffice, plan, tax, financial, activity1
ecofact.hu…regulations. However, they are held responsible by the law for implementing the rules of fire prevention in the workplace, which is just fair given the fact that it takes a responsible leader with decision making powers to take substantive measures in order to protect people and assets from fires.people asset, asset firesafety, fire, payroll, regulation, accounting1
millenniumgardens.husuccessfully navigated multiple economic and investment cycles and built Revetas into a fully integrated real estate platform covering investment, asset, development, and property management. Full alignment with investors, coupled with a strong focus on sustainability, is at the core of the firm’s…investment asset, asset developmentgarden, floor, office, sqm, page1
adventum.huAdventum Investment Fund Management Ltd. is part of Adventum Group with assets under management in excess of EUR 600m spread across Central and Eastern Europe.group asset, asset managementfund, investment, management, private, group1
pitagora.huThe key assets to the project success are our to the point sales and project management methodologies.key asset, asset projectrevival, consulting, way, colleagues, role1
m4u.huWe manage each asset as if it were our own, which means we give you the personal attention we ourselves would expect as a property owner.property, management, sale, fee, month1
wojtyla.huRemember, the first one of the eight ‘True Happiness’ is “Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor”, those who do no boast (insist on) of their assets and secular powers.poor asset, asset secularfriendship, centre, house, poor, town1
valtocsapagy.hu…linear and roller bearings, spherical plain bearings, plain bushes, rolling elements, tested greases offer a wide range of diagnostic-bearing assets. They are also the manufacturers of LuK premium brand products, OEM installation quality car parts are very popular, such as the clutch, flywheel,bear asset, asset manufacturerbearing, gearbox, repair, industrial, range1
mhvcosinus.huwhose main activities cover engineering, management, consulting, technical inspection and expert advisory tasks primarily relating to rail-bound railway infrastructure and the associated infrastructure asset system.infrastructure asset, asset systempreparation, investment, consulting, text, introduction1
kpluszj.huCollects, records, organizes and presents data on the assets and profitability of a business entity (business organization, cooperative, association, public institution, etc.). Aim of data collection: providing appropriate information for interested decision makers (managers, owners, lenders…data asset, asset profitabilityaccounting, tax, payroll, development, consultancy1
startouring.huTiszacsege`s most valuable asset is the 81 °C thermal water springing from a depth of 1150 metres, suitable for easing rheumatic and muscular pains.valuable asset, asset thermalwine, century, castle, country, house1
keletholding.huKelet-Holding Zrt. informs the creditors about the following, according to the Bankruptcy Act § 63/B. para 1: We inform you that in the list of the ongoing liquidation proceedings in the case of companies under liquidation that are marked the assets of the debtor are not enough to finance even the…liquidation asset, asset debtorliquidator, useful, liquidation, number, advice1
borzaconsulting.huLife insurance support: product development, assumption performance and valuation, calculation of reserves and liabilities, cash flow models, ESG, asset modelsesg asset, asset modelconsulting, insurance, support, development, pension1
equilibriumcapital.huOf course, we are also glad to serve our clients who are interested in individual asset management and wish to entrust us with their potential savings.individual asset, asset managementcapital, equilibrium, fund, manager, client1
framest.huThe most important asset of the agricultural production is the soil. The state of the soil determines other factors of the cultivation. The FRALAZ subsoilers help us to create good soil structure.important asset, asset agriculturalgallery, machine, cultivation, agricultural, manufacturer1
undertherainbow.huUTR has been offering early childhood education since 2009, continuously growing and expanding its curriculum. The latest assets to our educational program are the ‘Forest School’ program and the Animal Assisted Classes.latest asset, asset educationalchild, international, bilingual, location, staff1
seedless.huSo you will know where you are, where you are not, where we can help, and where others can. Our most valuable asset is the trust of our partners.valuable asset, asset trustsolution, partnership, market, long, creativity1
hallgatoferenc.huDo you need a 3D asset for a realtime project? PBR? Lowpoly? VR ready? We could deliver you as you want.portfolio, tour, build, technology, image1
drlevai-budapest.huI am committed to the success of my clients. I work to provide effective assistance to individuals who approach me on making important decisions in their lives (buying real estate, selling real estate, making high value agreements, divorce, distribution of assets, preparation of wills, disputes…distribution asset, asset preparationlaw, lawyer, legal, attorney, real1
e6integrations.huDigitalization is one of your biggest investments and it is also the opportunity to cease blocking boundaries. How will data become an asset and how can development time and cost be reduced at the same time? We know how to extend, integrate and configure the unlimited business functionalities of…data asset, asset developmentsolution, integration, architecture, architect, flexible1
abtl.hu…shall be placed in the county (Budapest City) archives competent for the relevant territory. In such a case the local authority of the settlement shall also give over to the county local authority (Municipality of Budapest) its assets that have served the purposes of the archives, for their use.budapest asset, asset purposearchive, shall, public, record, document1
tilea.huIn general international tax planning is a tax optimization for the whole company taking into consideration the current typical conditions of the company’s operation, future economic goals, income structure, the characteristics of its activity, assets and workforce. The aim of international tax…activity asset, asset workforce, protection asset, asset resourcetax, international, advisory, accounting, plan1
rowanhillglobal.huHillbrown Consulting is an expert in project development, proposal writing, project management and proposal consultancy for development projects funded by the European Union and Hungary. They are particularly active in the areas of research and development, asset procurement, land development and…development asset, asset procurementglobal, strategy, mission, valuation, value1
szentimrey.huDr. jur. Szabolcs Szentimrey - New Civil Code Consultation(venue: Budapest, Liquidators and National Association of Asset Management Companies) 28. May 2014.association asset, asset managementlaw, legal, health, data, office1
telederma.huWe are continously extending and modernizing our technical assets with lasers and aesthetical devices.technical asset, asset laserskin, treatment, surgery, aesthetic, dermatology1
darvasjudit.huReal presence, a non-judgemental attitude, acceptance, trust, respect, belief in the client and empathy are my most valuable assets in the helping professions. My knowledge-based approach and structural thinking are the extras that I can use to support my clients in gaining awareness of their…valuable asset, asset helpstudent, study, approach, therapy, freedom1
neweld.huDescription of the content of the project: assets acquired: – Citizen Cincom L32-1M8 turning machine, used to make pole-feeding connections. The Citizen brand has the most reliable service- Microfilter- Kube 1200 oil mist extractor:project asset, asset citizenwelding, production, consumables, material, machinery1
tng.huNavigate a safer industrial future with our comprehensive safety improvements and cutting-edge solutions designed to protect your workforce and assets.solution, engineering, technology, industrial, automation1
budapest-ugyved.hu…3 million by 15 March 2017 at the latest, or, if they do not wish to increase their capital, they must convert. However, companies will have the possibility to make a non-pecuniary contribution (contribution in kind), i.e. to bring tangible assets (car, laptop, real estate, etc.) into the company.tangible asset, asset carlawyer, contract, sale, purchase, client1
szonyihotel.huOur family-owned business gives us the opportunity to offer a personalized, adaptable service based on our Guest's special needs and requests, because we think, that being flexible and opened is an asset. We are proud to say, that our hotel is constantly being recommended to relatives, friends and…open asset, asset proudroom, family, accommodation, minute, motorway1
sommelierhungary.hu…the propagation of awareness and consumptions of quality wine and other alcoholic beverages and to take care for the appropriate professional qualification of the sommelier staff. Its particular purpose is to provide professional platform and networking that serve as an asset to all its members.networking asset, asset membergeneral, member, association, food, training1
nhkv.huWe established the website of NHKV [National Coordination of Waste Management and Asset Management Plc (NHKV Plc)] with the purpose of implementing the state tasks of waste management public service within the most efficient frameworks possible.management asset, asset managementpublic, data, introduction, organisation, recommendation1
lqd.huOur company has been founded for more than 20 years and it does liquidations, winding ups, property supervisor and wealth settlement proceedings. Our company has been registered in the Register of Liquidators and it is a member of the Hungarian Association of Insolvency Practitioners and Asset…practitioner asset, asset controlersproceedings, wealth, liquidation, settlement, bankruptcy1
budapestconsulting.huIn addition to basic accounting tasks, - including outgoing, incoming, POS, bank, mixed-item recording, fixed asset accounting, payroll posting, and end-of-year reporting, - plus features are available for your business. We can help for businesses where laws necessitate the preparation of various…record asset, asset accountingconsulting, tax, accounting, eng, financial1
vacigreens.hu…offices or large mix real estate projects which meet very strict criteria in terms of location, mixed use, diversification, technical quality, economic efficiency, and sustainable development, while taking into account the specificities and major assets of each city where we are present.major asset, asset citybuild, green, office, floor, building1
artitechmedia.huOur mission is to empower individuals, startups, and established businesses with stunning online platforms that not only reflect their vision but also drive results. We believe that a well-designed website is more than just a digital presence; it’s a strategic asset that can elevate your brand and…strategic asset, asset brandwebsite, goal, development, main, quality1
gatewaybc.huThe Group´s portfolio is highly diversified, comprising of office properties (46%, primarily Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest), followed by retail assets (24%, primarily dominant, regional shopping centres and retail parks in the Czech Republic, as well as Poland and Hungary). CPIPG also owns…retail asset, asset primarilygateway, office, floor, sqm, build1
droidx.huIn the company management, led by Róbert Dubics on the technical side, and on the financial side under the leadership of Tímea Dubicsné Szlotta, the development shows an increasing trend from year to year, both in terms of the company's assets and finances. From the spring of 2020, Arnold Dubics…company asset, asset financemachine, quality, machining, plant, management1
wise.huMembership in WISE is a commitment to improving the quality of life for all in the workplace and society in general. Our two greatest assets are the uniform workability of L. Ron Hubbard's organizational and management principles, and the dedication of our members.great asset, asset uniformwise, membership, management, member, free1
unitedservices.hu“A building that works efficiently and effectively is delightful for occupants and a hard-working asset for owners – throughout its life, we help our clients make sure it works at its best.”hard asset, asset ownerunited, maintenance, problem, facility, operation1
faludikft.huOur firm has effected remarkable investments in real estate and assets; the continuous developments create a solid base for the due recognition of our name in the region.estate asset, asset continuouselectrical, production, equipment, engineering, installation1
7dtender.huModels created for the purpose of archiving the as-built state of the building, can form the basis of accounting. Operational models can be loaded with facility management (CAFM) systems, placing asset management and building management on a 3D basis.system asset, asset managementtender, build, model, plan, survey1
cantemus.org.hu…I was impressed, and I have never had such a beautiful, soulful experience with pure elemental power in my life, the acoustics of the place obviously added to this. Finally, a huge asset in the musical confusion of our time, where your choir shines high on the mountaintop of this world.'huge asset, asset musicalconcert, choral, choir, music, method1
ppco.huWorking with Premium Property Investment Kft. means you can expect results at the most superior level of professional and personalized service for your property management, asset management, research & consultancy, and property acquisitions & dispositions needs.management asset, asset managementproperty, premium, co., investment, office1
bmpvsz.huBaranya County Civil Protection Association continues to explore further possibilities and continuously improves its assets depending on the successful tenders.continuously asset, asset successfuldisaster, organisation, protection, management, event1
lfblegal.huWe proceed in corporate fraud and asset recovery matters as well as on the field of white-collar crimefraud asset, asset recoverylegal, tax, client, litigation, international1
goldhaus.co.huBalatonfüred is one of the most beautiful and prestigious resorts on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, offering a variety of attractions, cultural and gastronomic experiences, as well as a diverse programme of events throughout the year. Its most famous natural asset is the acidulous mineral…natural asset, asset acidulousroom, conference, gallery, price, offer1
watereum.huFuturAqua Mineral Water Production and Asset Management Public Limited Company © 2020. All rights reserved!production asset, asset managementmain, page, media, news, mission1
magyarbankholding.hu…position is particularly strong in the segment. Together with its subsidiaries, Budapest Fund Management Ltd., Budapest Leasing Ltd. and Budapest Asset Financing Ltd., the bank employs a total of nearly 3,000 people, with its nationwide network including nearly 100 branches. In 2006, it was the…budapest asset, asset financingnews, group, organizational, structure, banking1
drhodosi.huOf course, the claim set out in the judgment should be paid by the company. However, it is sometimes the limited liability company “disappears”, i.e. the company is without any property, it has no assets, the members of the company are replaced and the company neither responds to the inquiries nor…property asset, asset membercase, legal, contract, client, solution1
green-on.huon full project lifecycle : from site origination and development, electricity trading, financing, plant construction, to asset operationsconstruction asset, asset operationgreen, renewable, development, energy, surface1
ihr.huand a great asset to any crew, we will work solo or with a team and I highly recommend Robbie for any jobgreat asset, asset crewview, video, promotional, main, page1
rewaresoft.huWe can take care of the IT infrastructure and hosted servers, work together to optimize the available assets (e.g server virtualization)available asset, asset serversolution, server, application, network, custom1
grepton.huWe have supported the spread of digitalization in a wide variety of industries, both front and back office. We also facilitate efficient use of the handled and resulting corporate data assets. We have implemented complex systems for our financial, administrative, telecommunications, manufacturing…data asset, asset complexsolution, industry, detail, tender, career1
debtmarket.huLet factoring actors compete in a transparent, secure market and increase the value of your assets while making sure that the identity of the buyer and the amount of the transaction may not be challenged.value asset, asset suredebt, market, buyer, seller, exchange1
pulsoholding.hu…and manage expectations. Through real-life case studies, we can identify appropriate best practices related to governance, execution strategies, requirements management, procurement, asset and risk management, and organizational design and development for the successful delivery of large projects.procurement asset, asset riskdevelopment, oil, health, real, estate1
ndc.huInvest your money in a solar farm, or take out a subsidized loan to construct a solar power station, and your assets can increase, even along ongoing positive cash flow.station asset, asset ongoingdirection, consultant, protection, investment, safe1
agd.huOur company boasts a small but dedicated team of three engineers, two of whom worked abroad for over 4 years at international engineering firms gaining valuable professional experience while perfecting their language skills and expertise at project management. Our work experience is an asset that…experience asset, asset benefitconcrete, quality, engineering, expertise, architectural1
halamid.huOffering comprehensive cloud solutions to scale, manage, and protect your business assets, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve with flexibility and innovation.business asset, asset aheadinnovation, solution, affordable, operation, cloud1
budapestlngsummit.huWith a current focus on how to profitably decarbonise the road transport business, his strong experience in sales, operations, marketing, and asset management inspires his collaborative work with the entire industry ecosystem, from colleagues and customers to business partners. He is committed to…marketing asset, asset managementlng, summit, gas, energy, speaker1
prevenor.huWithin our fire protection service, we aim to protect human life, protect community assets, protect property values, and preserve and protect the environment – soil, wildlife, air, water.community asset, asset propertysafety, protection, activity, health, fire1
debrecenbike.hu…Debrecen chapter has been in operation since 2008. It has been involved in various projects with the objective of exploiting the city’s existing assets so that this means of transport can be of benefit to the local population. Its awareness-raising activities, special-interest events, and joint…city asset, asset meanbike, street, church, build, city1
medicalstore.hu…committed to make sure that, with the help of these devices, long term high quality health care can be ensured. Obtaining reliable and profitable assets is always a challenge for medical companies of all kinds: hospitals, private clinics and private practices. Our company helps in achieving this…profitable asset, asset challengeultrasound, medical, probe, store, equipment1
molnar2010.huAs a main feature of our company, we would mention the adherence to the given deadlines, in parallel with the impeccable execution. The development of our assets is continuous in order to implement up-to-date, innovative solutions.development asset, asset continuousstreet, build, reference, family, house1
sapiens.huChange is ultimately a human endeavour. There are corporate guerrillas™ in every organization, unsung heroes because they think and behave like misfits and rebels and as a result they are underutilized during digital transformation. Yet in times of disruption they are the most valuable asset to…valuable asset, asset changehuman, machine, evolution, training, solution1
dronedesign.huCreate a digital twin of your assets. Revisit and share with your stakeholders, make precise and georeferenced measurements and notes anytime, anywhere. Map, model and measure in 3D.twin asset, asset stakeholderdrone, solution, agriculture, enterprise, development1
balanceloft.huThe Group´s portfolio is highly diversified, comprising of office properties (46%, primarily Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest), followed by retail assets (24%, primarily dominant, regional shopping centres and retail parks in the Czech Republic, as well as Poland and Hungary). CPIPG also owns…retail asset, asset primarilystyle, floor, sqm, location, build1
balancehall.huThe Group´s portfolio is highly diversified, comprising of office properties (46%, primarily Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest), followed by retail assets (24%, primarily dominant, regional shopping centres and retail parks in the Czech Republic, as well as Poland and Hungary). CPIPG also owns…retail asset, asset primarilyhall, build, sqm, floor, conscious1
microcosmos.hu…of the company since 2002. As member of the management team she is responsible for Business Development and takes an active role in the marketing and sales activities of the company too. Dori has a great sence of humour which is a great asset when you spend close to 30 years in the MICE industry!great asset, asset closegallery, destination, event, management, great1
therealworld.huProfit from the world’s highest-performing assets. We’ll focus on attacking crypto markets from 3 angles: Long-term, medium-term, and short-term.high asset, asset cryptoreal, skill, money, learn, month1
emiratusadozas.hu100% foreign company ownership, asset protection and property ownership, even for non‑UAE individuals and businesses. Free capital repatriation.ownership asset, asset protectionuae, solution, account, free, permanent1
ls-simon.huOur partner has played a major role in outstanding transactions involving restructuring of series of Hungarian companies, sale of their assets and various corporate mergers. Furthermore, he assisted several foreign venture capital firms in acquisition of a controlling participation in numerous…sale asset, asset corporatelaw, transaction, firm, attorney, foreign1
facilityservice.huThere is no operation without information; if the data resource is incorrect, even a right decision may result a wrong outcome. If you do not dispose with right assets or resource, we deliver solution in an excellent quality, such as:right asset, asset resourcefacility, consulting, management, support, reference1
con.huRelying on Concorde Group’s 25 years of professional experience we provide private banking services advising the investment of more than HUF 100 billion in client assets.investment, corporate, private, research, banking1
parittyahaz.huA protected natural asset, one of the last representatives of the oak forests of the Great Plain, an excellent place for a hike!natural asset, asset representativebooking, house, village, guest, gallery1
mito.huThe goal: to build brand awareness and create demand for Nokia private Industrial Wireless solutions in new vertical markets, especially infrastructure or asset-heavy industries where digitization has been mostly restricted to point solutions without general network connectivity.infrastructure asset, asset heavystudy, case, performance, page, campaign1
csanyialapitvany.hu“Gábor Marosi, one of the trustees of the Csányi Foundation and CEO of the Unity Asset Management Foundation, was the......unity asset, asset managementfoundation, website, official, news, dinner1
movingservice.huIn addition to our standard professional moving services, our company offers you the possibility to arrange full cargo insurance cover for the assets entrusted to our company,cover asset, asset companyoffice, international, domestic, relocation, furniture1
nodle.huThe Nano Computer was created to make assets programmable on the Nodle Chain, and create a path towards sub $1 computing. The Nano Computer is printed, instead of assembled, using an eco-friendly based battery designed by Imprint Energy.computer asset, asset programmablenetwork, smartphone, app, node, decentralized1
gpz-design.huA portfolio is a grouping of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies and cash equivalents, as well as their fund counterparts, including mutual, exchange-traded and closed funds. A portfolio can also consist of non-publicly tradable securities, like real estate, art, and…financial asset, asset stockprofession, graphic, digital, logo, app1
aegisgeneral.huOur guarding services are based on the main areas of activity, which include asset protection and property protection. In addition to our expertise, we also guarantee discretion, which has made us a reliable partner in the asset protection sector for many years.activity asset, asset protection, partner assetgeneral, protection, operation, personal, complex1
taxworld.hu…They also offer comprehensive legal services on the fields of labour law, corporate law, crisis management, insolvency situations and claims and assets management. Their expertise may be utilized in all life stages of the venture. Setting up a business requires consciousness, careful planning and…claim asset, asset managementlegal, tax, accounting, office, client1
tokaji.huWe are committed to quality, to making great Tokaj wines and to protecting the environmental assets of our region.environmental asset, asset regionwinery, news, wine, association, attraction1
szazadveg.huRegarding the State Audit Office, the organization is independent of all other organizations in its audit activities. It carries out the monitoring of the management of public funds and state and municipal assets with general authority, and also carries out continuous and scheduled monitoring of…municipal asset, asset generaldata, report, protection, political, human1
dss.huWith our solutions, we assess the corporate data assets of our customers, and then we use one-time data cleaning and continuous data validation tools to ensure the quality of the data assets in the long term.data asset, asset customer, asset longsolution, data, development, quality, software1
millenniumcustodia.huThe employees of our company are qualified economists and lawyers with a professional qualification in liquidation and asset management, who have decades of experience in the fields of economics and law, as well as in liquidation and asset management.liquidation asset, asset managementproceedings, task, introduction, liquidator, office1
arena-corner.huThe Group´s portfolio is highly diversified, comprising of office properties (46%, primarily Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest), followed by retail assets (24%, primarily dominant, regional shopping centres and retail parks in the Czech Republic, as well as Poland and Hungary). CPIPG also owns…retail asset, asset primarilyfloor, build, sqm, office, operation1
semmelweis.huThe rector gave a report on his activities and the amendment of the Asset Management Plan was also approved.amendment asset, asset managementuniversity, health, faculty, science, medicine1
luxuryproject.huKata was always the most welcoming person. Her friendly but elegant assistance was a detail of the great service. I loved Kata’s impeccable and stylish appearance as well as her speedy and efficient way of handling a situation. I can say with great confidence that Kata Balazs will be a welcome…welcome asset, asset organisationevent, luxury, wedding, hospitality, private1
tihanyiugyved.huReal estate is a valuable asset in the Hungarian area. For many individuals and families, it represents their single largest purchase in a lifetime. It makes good sense to have an experienced real estate attorney who knows Hungarian real estate laws and understands the local real estate market.valuable asset, asset hungarianlaw, client, family, firm, attorney1
adamz.hu…employee at a full service marketing agency. Owned the web development department. Coordinated with clients to address their web presence needs. Worked with designers to translate client needs into design assets. Built web experiences for clients. Transitioned to explore broader web technologies.design asset, asset webresume, software, engineer, science, data1
nconnect.hu…data manipulations available because of vulnerable IT systems, can influent the public view of companies badly above on the embarrassing incident(s) itself. Market positions earned hard, recognition became to nothing if the customer trust got shaken, if the company data assets serves others.security, solution, intelligence, hardware, hacking1
altavia.huOur Group’s strenght and development draws on two fundamental elements: it’s Human Capital and Client Asset.production, development, retail, brand, store1
alvicom.huAt Alvicom Ltd, people are at the centre. In our friendly, family atmosphere, we take care of every employee, because our greatest assets are our experts, their accumulated knowledge and experience. Our colleagues are involved in a wide range of tasks, which help them to gain professional…great asset, asset expertsoftware, development, expert, client, reliable1
decision3.huData driven, AI, RPA, robots, machine learning – leading buzzwords today. But how to step forward? How to convert data asset into business value? How to build our business on data foundation?data asset, asset businessmanagement, mining, introduction, construction, page1
bartokudvar.huBalázs Czifra joins Infogroup in September 2020. He will oversee the sales, asset management, and business development activities of the company. “Balázs brings extensive experience to Infogroup,” says Ádám Székely, Infogroup’s managing director. “I believe he will contribute greatly to the…sale asset, asset managementcourt, office, award, location1
qstest.huMoving Your IT Assets to the Cloud. With Microsoft Modern Workplace solution, you can improve employee productivity and satisfaction, create seamless and limitless communication and collaboration while maintaining the security and integrity of systems and data. A modern solution to defeat the…management, solution, automation, customer, process1
clarksonhydeglobal.huIn general international tax planning is a tax optimization for the whole company taking into consideration the current typical conditions of the company’s operation, future economic goals, income structure, the characteristics of its activity, assets and workforce. The aim of international tax…activity asset, asset workforce, protection asset, asset resourceglobal, tax, international, preparation, advisory1
maks.huHGCC accepts individuals and legal entities as shareholders without affecting their assets, opens accounts in banks owned by HGCC, offers a highly qualified IT system for services and account management, the possibility of interest-free refinancing of projects and programs aimed at socio-economic…shareholder asset, asset accountcooperative, crown, goal, activity, legal1
furedi-annamaria.huthere. She desperately tried to defend herself and stated that her travel was only for research reasons, she does not want to live there. The officers did not believe her and finally she was blocked from travel. She was shocked and deeply humiliated. All the assets she paid for previously were lost.deeply asset, asset previouslycanada, woman, people, thing, category1
iosec.huBy implementing a set of tools for Risk Management and Asset Management, you can also manage risks in terms of other requirements and standards that impact your business (e.g., environmental aspects, labour risks, physical security, management, etc.).management asset, asset managementdata, security, protection, personal, risk1
bc209.huThe Group´s portfolio is highly diversified, comprising of office properties (46%, primarily Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest), followed by retail assets (24%, primarily dominant, regional shopping centres and retail parks in the Czech Republic, as well as Poland and Hungary). CPIPG also owns…retail asset, asset primarilyoffice, center, area, build, floor1
kunadvocate.huKun Péter Published in Inheritance and the family business: how to deal with inheritance when the main assets arenews, estate, trust, arbitration, inheritance1
clbpackaging.huOur experience in production is one of our assets as specialised cardboard distributors or the Hungarian market.production asset, asset specialisepackaging, cardboard, distribution, manufacture, field1
businesscoach.huI had the opportunity to work with Laura and Business Coach Kft. during my years as Managing Director at Körber Hungaria. She and her team helped me a lot to transform the leadership culture at the company to a truly openminded and innovative culture where helping each other became a key asset and…key asset, asset forcetraining, privacy, data, management, self1
opl.huSzabolcs co-founded OPL in 2011 as a platform for his practice in providing top quality legal services to his globally ranked clients, mainly in Real Estate and ICT. He has an innate talent for designing complex real estate deals and executing asset management for institutional investors. After…deal asset, asset managementlaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
dert.huSince July 2014 MET Asset Management AG (formerly known as: MET Power AG) has been the majority shareholder of Dunamenti Erőmű Power Plant, operating as a member of MET Group, which is planning to further modernise the plant.met asset, asset managementplant, power, statement, management, history1
lorik.huTo sustain co-existence in society, it is necessary to have rules of conduct which guarantee the life, bodily integrity, liberty and assets of individuals as well as public order and public safety. Such a person may not necessarily know that in Hungary…liberty asset, asset individualcriminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, defence1
ora-akcio.huData exchange tools are valuable since they help businesses improve info acquisition, monetize data properties and assets and augment decision-making, which usually drives progress. They also help foster effort and match compliance and security requirements. Businesses coming from all sizes and…property asset, asset decisionlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements1
ahproduction.huOur pool of supplementary technical assets (Jimmy Jib, Steadicam, Go-Cam, application of RF wireless technology) and our professional experience spanning several decades guarantee the creation of productions satisfying the highest expectationstechnical asset, asset jimmychampionship, production, broadcast, european, woman1
fundingproject.huIf the asset to be purchased or the investment to be implemented has been selected, we plan the structure of the project (actors, cash flows, contracts).funding, financial, financing, consulting, structure1
lgms.huLGMS Horvath & Partners serves its clients in various areas, such as litigation and (international) arbitration, corporate and commercial law including M&A, structuring FDI deals and state aids, real estate, agricultural law, agricultural leasehold, public assets, public procurement, labor and…public asset, asset publichorvath, domestic, international, client, management1
szinestinta.huWe create digital assets and we're focused on Web Technologies and Design, based on London, United Kingdom.digital asset, asset webminimal, dolor, ipsum, lorem, support1
komikft.huThe continuous innovation ensured us to offer international standard solutions in the field of consultancy, for the implementation of road and railway infrastructure investments, in projects related to environment and natural resources and in structural projects financed by various asset types…project asset, asset typemanagement, reference, road, supervision, consultancy1
komplexinstrukcio.huThe KIP clearly shows that one of the strongest assets of the program is its transferability to different cultural and institutional contexts. This capacity to adapt the exact “know-how” of the program, while still staying firm in the program’s philosophy and main methodological principles, makes…strong asset, asset programschool, teacher, child, pupil, group1
helping-hand.hu"It is not surprising that in far-off, less developed areas ADHD is regarded as a real treasure, a valuable asset, that is the basis of successful predation and species maintenance. But in modern societies, ADHD people are less likely to find their place, as their environment is stigmatising and…valuable asset, asset basischild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten1
pecsiepito.huWe know no compromise when it comes to the quality of our work. Utilising our solid professional knowledge and capital assets, we strive to maintain both our AAA qualification and the satisfaction of our clients.capital asset, asset aaabuilding, apartment, electrical, office, industrial1
pestbuda.huFrom eclecticism to brutalism: Budapest's protected buildings are presented The exhibition titled "From Eclecticism to Brutalism: Architectural Assets Excavated in Budapest between 2017-2022" opens today at the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library. Through the buildings that have been placed under…architectural asset, asset budapestago, square, public, build, century1
bte.hurector of the National University of Public Service awarded our Association (BTE- International Professional Association of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors) for entry: 'Development of the professional methodological asset system of the Disaster Management in the field of carriage of dangerous goods'methodological asset, asset systemassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor1
guidevision.huIncident Management, Problem Management, Change Management, Service Desk, Asset Management, Service Catalog incl Request Management...desk asset, asset managementmanagement, customer, insight, value, study1
krns.huAs an authorised reseller of UKG we understand that our people along with our innovative HR and workforce management solutions are what make us successful. People are the most valuable asset of any organisation, which is why the solutions are designed to create seamless and meaningful workforce…valuable asset, asset organisationdimension, workforce, management, resource, people1
nextconsulting.huMany outstanding managers are well aware that this is the right path; however, it is always more difficult to identify obstacles from the inside, to focus on them while busy with one’s daily routine. An outsider always sees more clearly. Our job is to hone the assets and opportunities – individual…job asset, asset opportunityconsulting, manager, introduction, consultant, reference1
bdpstgroup.hu…fields of innovation and digitization, hereby creating value for its clients. Building further on this, the financial service portfolio of BDPST Group was completed by Diófa Asset Management and Equilor Investment Corporation, thanks to which we have an overall presence on the financial market now.diófa asset, asset managementgroup, investment, real, estate, value1
frik.huIf you want to improve your company's IT assets and systems, we can provide you with tenders. Our company is a digitally qualified company and we have already completed several winning tender applications. Each of our application (VEKOP and GINOP) has the potential to set a new milestone in the…company asset, asset systemwebsite, development, management, application, engine1
kendoszalon.hu…by all applicable local, state, national and foreign laws, treatises and regulations in connection with your use of the Site and Services, including, without limitation, applicable common law, all relevant statutes, and the rules and regulations of the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.foreign asset, asset controlcondition, music, store, az, distribution1
bonitasktk.hu…Fund Management Zrt. has been active in the domestic equity investment market since 2013. Our venture capital investment activities were expanded with real estate fund management in 2018 and with private equity investments in 2022. The company’s seven funds manages over EUR 100 million in assets.investment, management, fund, group, domestic1
jtwagent.huYour brand is one of your most valuable assets. It’s more than just a logo, but your entire company image. We will help you identify how to best showcase your business and appeal to your audience.valuable asset, asset logoproduction, photography, photo, event, graphic1
dmlab.huRecognise the true value of your data. We understand your data and map what’s possible with it. We analyze the data assets of your company and give data-informed answers to your business questions.data asset, asset companydata, scientist, solution, decision, custom1
berta.huThe sci-fi author William Gibson envisioned in the 1980s a bleak, dystopic world in his books Neuromancer , Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive, where the world with a wide-spread overarching computer network called cyberspace. In Gibson's books, information is the most valuable asset; the world is…valuable asset, asset worldcourse, presentation, book, entry, file1
eps-connect.huOur security systems, which integrate with your existing IP network, help protect your business assets, prevent crime, prevent intellectual property infringement, prevent damage, and prevent unauthorized access to your corporate network.business asset, asset crimenetwork, structure, connect, solution, international1
k-ep.huIf you want world-class service with excellent price, your partner definitely the K-ÉP Studio.survey asset, asset surveysoftware, survey, price, site, unit0
hunorkolozsi.hu"We are very happy with the beautiful design of our logo. Huni answered very quickly and professional to our feedback and questions so at the end we had the perfect logo for us."web assetlogo, website, basketball, view, coffee0
feherdenever.huWe assist creditors and debtors in exercising their rights and facilitate the effective, lawful and professional conduct of liquidation proceedings.asset managementcreditor, proceedings, tender, account, number0
teetaku.hu…and Gamakichi… Naruto - Demon split… Be-lee-ve in yourself… Sharingan eyes… Kyuubi Head… Akatsuki…asset managerpirate, logo, hero, piece, face0
polarhost.huStake your favorite coins on the BlockChain and earn highest yields while maintaining liquidity and fast transaction times.safely assetcryptocurrency, worldwide, payment, valuable, factor0
luminaxis.huFirst and foremost, we are four good friends, with a lot of experience in different fields. The goal of our enterprise is to help other people find great investment opportunities in the dynamic real estate environment of Budapest. And, of course, make a good buck along the way.good asset, asset companyreal, estate, month, property, investment0
babydreams.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.brand assetsit, tellus, consectetur, ut, nec0
evista.hu…expertise in the mobile development domain that we needed to create our bespoke mobile applications. They were responsive and quick to react. Their fees were competitive and their prioritisation amongst their clients was reasonable. I recommend e-Vista for mobile application development projects.development, detail, task, main, client0
basicasset.hu…and purchases are easy to make (if that is what the application is designed for). UX planning is usually the first step of application development, which amounts to 10-20 percent of the development costs (or more, in the case of complex systems). The result of this phase, simply put, is…basic asset, asset managementprocess, management, development, basic, application0
holepito.huThe Construction Manager is not required to provide an estimate or contract cost breakdown and does not typically participate in pre-construction.construction, safety, build, pre, contract0
wffinbudapest.huWorld FinTech Festival in Budapest is an official satellite event of the Singapore FinTech Festival, the biggest FinTech festival in the world. The Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the central bank of Hungary is proud to announce that this year it will be hosting World FinTech Festival in Budapest for the…digital assetdirector, central, digital, head, finance0
azumba.huLegal updates and requirements, as well as top law degrees in the world, are crucial for individuals and organizations to navigate the complex field of law. Whether you’re dealing with employment contracts, rental agreements, or starting your own business, having a comprehensive understanding of…legal, law, agreement, contract, rule0
impactalapkezelo.huIntroduction… About us… Company leading… A fuller description of Management… Practice areas… Real…impact asset, asset managementimpact, management, fund, house, property0
kibertronik.huFacebook… Twitter… Products…brand assetlist, brand, support, latest, plan0
szatmarikum.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur euismod elit id congue vestibulum. Aliquam est metus, molestie at hendrerit vel, accumsan ut enim. Vestibulum sagittis ullamcorper orci bibendum venenatis.asset purchasesit, amet, ipsum, elit, dolor0
nt.hu…work with." She leads cases that involve government institutions as well as acting on real estate and tax litigation. According to sources, Péter Nagy boasts "deep legal knowledge" and is "extremely confident" in court. He is further noted for his "great oversight and network." Nagy represents…estate asset, asset service, asset transfer, international assetlaw, nagy, legal, firm, client0
maczolaci.hu…Final Fantasy XV – feature animation… Assassin’s Creed Syndicate TV spot… Assassin’s Creed Syndicate…maya asset, asset managercinematic, spot, feature, animation, site0
redreal.huServices… Projects… Contact… Property Investments, Advisory… Asset Management… Real Estate Development…asset managementreal, consulting, value, management, estate0
puraset.huOur regenerative adsorbents remove arsenic, fluorine, boron, iodine, iron, manganese, and ammonia from drinking water. As bulk filter materials, our products are an excellent solution for water utilities and water industry companies.pure assetwater, detail, solution, drink, treatment0
universaltrade.co.huOur company designs and builds glass furnaces and all types of glass molding equipments. We produce, sell, buy and refurbish machines and production lines and we put them into operation when needed. Universal Trade also deals with market development for its partners in many different business areas.trade, universal, eastern, expert, europe0
caimmo.huYou can specify which cookies may be used by selecting the respective slider in the cookie settings. In particular, you can decide whether or not to give your consent to the transfer of data to the USA (by selecting the "Analytics", "Google Maps" or "Youtube" sliders). Please note that based on…head asset, asset managementprivacy, provider, map, setting, data0
bpid.huOur project management service package can be customised according to your specific needs and ideas. From the selection of the property to the handover of the keys, we can provide our clients with complete management and the entire project management.property asset, asset managementmanagement, plan, investment, quality, build0
marketingdrops.humarketing stratégia… hirdetéskezelés… webfejlesztés… seo…asset managementplan, estate, free, easy, result0
starkor.hu…the project workflow ensure the high quality of our products. Quality assurance does not end with the delivery of the project; it continues with customer support during the warranty period to ensure our customers obtain the highest level of services. It is indeed important for us that our customersmanagement asset, asset managementdeveloper, solution, customer, software, branch0
actpartner.huOur goal is joint success, so we look for grant resources that can help your company’s plans for the next 1-5 years. We manage the entire grant management process of each successful project so that you can draw down the total grant awarded.investment asset, asset acquisitiongrant, training, act, application, plan0
bgv.huUsing my years of leadership experience I established Baranyai Invest General Building Zrt. I've worked and still work to this day in several industrtial and service sectors. Over the past times I have found the most suitable people for managing my various segments.contractor asset, asset managementgeneral, build, management, wealth, germany0
bvisible.huBvisible… About us… Technologies… References… Contact us… Production of advertising assets… More…technology, reference, principle, production, advertising0
chillcamp.huEasily create beautiful, fully-customizable websites with the new WordPress Site Editor and the Blockstarter theme. No coding skills required. Download Blockstarter for free today!brand assetcamp, sample, page, post, hello0
iotnet.hu…unique and unequaled benefits in terms of bi-directionality, security, mobility and accurate localization that are not addressed by other LPWAN technologies. These benefits will enable the diverse use cases and business models that will enable deployments of large scale LPWAN IoT networks globally.person asset, asset tracknetwork, low, technology, software, solution0
aselec.huThe history of Aselec Villamosgép Javító Ltd. in Szeged dates back all the way to 1936. The enterprise has grown by now into a recognised business for repairing electric equipment and providing related services, and has become a permanent partner for many domestic and foreign companies.capacity asset, asset aselecrepair, main, page, equipment, electrical0
matchakitsune.huI am item content. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.brand assetedit, sit, lorem, ipsum, button0
keylogix.huEasily create beautiful, fully-customizable websites with the new WordPress Site Editor and the Blockstarter theme. No coding skills required. Download Blockstarter for free today!brand assetcase, outdoor, guide, post, latest0
klimapolitikaiintezet.huWe deal with issues of environmental protection, climate change and the protection of national values: education, attitude formation, policy, events.power asset, asset hungarianclimate, event, green, institute, protection0
soffie.huOffer office life related digital services that will drive the employee experience to the next level. Smart offices inspire and besides making office time more fun, they also enable more efficient working environment. Integrate employee services like HR, facility, IT for an optimized user-centric…asset managementoffice, management, employee, feature, highlight0
gerialkot.huFilmmaking, VFX, and electronic projects and AI-driven tools, tutorials to help you bring your creative vision to life.vfx asset, asset electronic, asset toolelectronic, filmmaking, tool, creative, video0
hklegal.hu…firms in Hungary and worked as an economist both in Hungary and Latin America. He graduated „summa cum laude” in 2001 at the political science faculty and in 2002 at the law faculty of ELTE University, Budapest. He spent his academic practice at the Dornbach and Hegyvári Attorneys at Law and…share asset, asset disposal, asset deallegal, law, attorney, energy, investment0
drtemesi.huOur firm focuses its practice on common law and corporate law which can cover the general corporate advising also. We are preparing different agreements, take part in legal representation in trials or other procedures in front of court and administrative procedures; furthermore we assume the…real asset, asset coveragelaw, legal, representation, trial, office0
drsk.huExamination of issues relating to state aid in the provision of public services, Complex legal advice.state asset, asset law, property asset, asset managementlegal, public, procedure, representation, draft0
metavasipar.huCall us and we will help you choose the most suitable product for you! Free on-site survey!workshop assetcabinet, reference, free, main, page0
bfnp.huVisitor centres and sites… Guided tours… Tours… Walking tours… E-bike tours… Water tours…detail, view, visitor, centre, tour0
kilatofejlesztohaz.huUsage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and power.brand assetdetail, child, eye, universe, computer0
schmieder-palinkahaz.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.brand assetelit, lorem, ipsum, tellus, nec0
horwatingatlan.huArea classification: Gksz-11. Smallest plot size 4000m2, built-in 45%, floor area 100%, min. green area 20%, max height of building 15m.investment asset, asset managementdevelopment, area, economic, course, plot0
mountbleu.huAbout us… Proceedings… For Creditors… Account numbers… Tenders… Contact us… Privacy policy… Complaint…asset managementproceedings, creditor, number, liquidation, account0
investcee.huLegal operations support for in-house legal teams and law firms. We help source legal technology tools & optimize implementation projects.legal, technology, operation, law, house0
fibusmed.huEvidence-Based Medicine Guidelines (EBMG) is an easy-to-use collection of clinical guidelines for primary and ambulatory care linked to the best available evidence. Continuously updated, EBMG follows the latest developments in clinical medicine and brings evidence into practice.professional assethealthcare, small, professionalism, news, knowledge0
talling.huThe company took part in other activities in the real estate market since its operation such as real estate brokerage; financial consulting for bank financing and regular business consulting specialized for real estate companies who are active in the local real estate market.asset managementmanagement, real, estate, consulting, market0
horvathrudolf.huRequest for quotation for road freight transport Request for quotation for passenger transport Request for quotation for logistics serviceslogistic, freight, passenger, transport, message0
apstudio.huSample text. Click to select the text box. Click again or double click to start editing the text. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.visual asset, asset creationstudio, strategy, text, sample, double0
munkagomb.huJó, hát valahogy el kellett nevezni! A munkakörből indultam ki, amit mindenki ismer. Amikor keresel valakit egy bizonyos munkakör ellátására, akkor jó esetben végiggondolod és összegyűjtöd egy dokumentumba, hogy pontosan milyen feladatok rendszeres elvégzését várod tőle.permanent assetcourse, award, depth, analysis, sit0
general-consulting.huProudly announcing that Ramasoft played a significant role at the largest professional event inoffice asset, asset management, kbc assetreport, management, solution, risk, software0
aegislegal.huIt is our intention to offer company owners and executives highly specialized legal services with auxiliary strategic advisory in those complex situations which demand this kind of structured legal thinking: in the field of business transactions, capital markets and trust structures.law, market, capital, page, advisory0
abrahampartners.huOur accounting firm helps existing and newly established companies with great professional experience, be it a sole proprietorship or a company. We provide a full range of accounting services (accounting, tax consulting, payroll, social security administration) for your business that can be…asset registeraccounting, preparation, tax, monthly, return0
margitpalace.huTrams no. 4 and 6, the main “ring” route, stop at “Margit híd, budai hídfő” (which is within a two minute walk), thus providing direct services to Széll Kálmán tér. Other public transportation facilities include buses no. 11 connecting Rose Hill to Batthyány tér and no 60 and 86, trams no 17 and 19.asset pagesqm, space, list, people, hide0
agrotex.huManufacturing and selling baler twine. Grain drying and storage. Plant production and selling.storage, production, grain, baler, dry0
coffeefree.huI am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper matti pibus leo.brand assethello, post, amet, lorem, luctus0
inbuss.hu…to new, as yet unknown technologies. We always try to choose the right and up-to-date technology to solve your problem. We are able to meet your needs ranging from stand-alone solutions to high-availability (or site-redundant) and scalable, load-critical systems planning, design and implementation.national asset, asset managementtechnology, management, ltd, solution, application0
flexiton.hubuilding up their network management systems and in providing them high quality data services.management, process, data, support, knowledge0
insolvcontroll.huThe INSOLV-Control Crisis Management Kft. Was up at guiding the creation of a liquidator, a crisis management company that fully meets the expectations of today's global and domestic.asset managementengine, description, search, short, management0
sixense-group.huSixense Hungary… Monitoring… Beyond Asset… Beyond InSite… Newsroom… Tekintse meg összes…france, engineering, infrastructure, mobile, secure0
veller.huChoose from different listing templates and lay them outas lists or grids, full-width or boxed ​recover asset, asset valueapartment, house, property, sit, amet0
paladino.huPALADINO Felszámoló Kft. was established by its owners for the sole purpose of being included in the new Register of Liquidators for 2021.asset managementproceedings, liquidation, liquidator, introduction, member0
andrusko.huThere are many variation of passages of Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has…ipsum, lorem, dummy, text, industry0
recharger.huRecharger – Better change this to something appropriate!brand assetappropriate, category, founder, ceo, august0
dawebtest.hu© All rights reserved Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean malesuada molestie neque non lobortis.brand assetvisitor, website, stranger, newsletter, order0
kaczursandor.hu2000-2017: Dennis Gabor College, college senior lecturer 2007-2017 (teaching of programming) , Vice Director of the Institute of Information Technology 2010-2017, teaching advanced Java technologies in English in Computer Engineering programme 2014-2016 (Application Development Technology, Mobile…webpage, university, mobility, staff, training0
dsproperties.huManage the investment of European real estate investment companies in Hungarian real estate portfolio companies or real estate management companiesmillion asset, asset valueproperty, investment, management, value, real0
socurity.huWe deliver a secure cyber environment and protect the virtual world in which you live and do business. Your business has already probably suffered cyber attacks. Regardless of how great your IT is, there is something lacking somewhere.digital asset, asset cybercybersecurity, division, environment, solution, virtual0
indalp.huThe Construction Manager is not required to provide an estimate or contract cost breakdown and does not typically participate in pre-construction.construction, award, safety, ethics, day0
mastert.hua 30 year-old designer from Budapest, Hungary. My main projects are 3D modelling (also low poly and high poly too), textures making and enviroment designing. In 3D technology created many low poly models for games with nextGen technologies (baking maps from high poly). For my models i am painting…farm asset, asset packgame, artist, low, model, light0
hellopension.huWe guide you through the implementation of a corporate pension program from the initial plans to the daily operationspension, corporate, individual, fund, client0
pps.hu…in Budapest, it’s my privilege to offer assistance with all your real estate needs. Whether you’re planning to buy, rent, sell, or require management services, I’m here to provide expert guidance and support at every step in this dynamic city. My commitment is to ensure your real estate…current asset, asset valueproperty, sale, save, estate, real0
indea.huINDEA creates mobile games, websites, graphic assets and other digital stuff.graphic asset, asset digital, practitioner asset, asset controllerwebsite, insolvency, logo, digital, experiment0
puremedion.huEmploying experts with many years of experience gained in several industries (Biomedical, Pharma, Oil and Gas, Energy, Automotive, Water processing, aso) PureMedion is able to offer standard and nonstandard solutions, turnkey systems and consultancy for the wide range of applications.valuable asset, asset customerindustry, water, air, filtration, virus0
igrafik.huInteractive… Portfolio… Consultency (default)… About… About 2… Services… Service Details… Masonry…total assetportfolio, page, interactive, digital, default0
szombathelyiugyved.huThe legal fee is the subject of a free agreement, which in each case depends on the nature of the case to be dealt with, on the value of the case and the on the amount of work to be done.asset managementlaw, page, legal, real, estate0
profinito.huDeclaration of intent to attend a creditors’ meeting using an electronic communication devicesettlement asset, asset settlementintroduction, proceedings, creditor, number, settlement0
laptoplifestyle.huLaptoplifestyle is an excellent opportunity for a family time spent with friends entertainment leisure work income generation combineminimum asset, asset requirementsopportunity, income, excellent, combine, generation0
mtgholding.huIn bankruptcy, liquidation, winding-up and liquidation proceedings, the advisory activities are effectively carried out by liquidation commissioners, assisted by lawyers, accountants, economists and other professionals employed under a contractual relationship.proceedings, liquidation, bankruptcy, wind, introduction0
bankar.huMANAGEMENT… INVESTMENTS… FOUNDATIONS… ABOUT US… xhtml…transaction asset, asset managementinvestment, management, foundation, xhtml, ltd0
dominarium.huThe newest addition to our hotel portfolio is the recently renovated M-Square hotel Budapest. It is a 71-room 4-star boutique hotel in the very heart of city centre at Madách Imre Square.investment asset, asset managementroom, location, sector, website, investment0
gabor-olah.huAbout Me… Contact Me… Envprog – Promotion 20193D Animation… Baumit – TV spot3D Animation, 3D Still…gabor, animation, game, map, projection0
gotballz.huSample – Assets… Sample – Blog… Sample – Contact… Sample – Features… Sample – Home… Sample – Landing…sample assetsample, brand, clothing, art, feature0
trafia.huWe are connecting the buyers with the suppliers in order for the suppliers to get the consideration of the invoices earlier, on conditions that are favourable to both parties. If necessary, we include external financing parties as well to provide the resources needed.financial asset, asset tradesupplier, interested, buyer, detail, cash0
lathatatlan.huThe Invisible Exhibition is a special, interactive journey into an invisible world wherein pitch-black you can try to find your way exclusively through touching, hearing and smelling.invisible, exhibition, dinner, taste, foreign0
ifixking.huTwitter… LinkedIn… Laptop… Egyéb elektronika…brand assetcamera, view, latest, support, headphone0
aludhatsz.huBérlés menete… Árak… Galéria…brand assetevent, change, university, ticket, speaker0
cma.huKrisz has performed a crucial role in the major projects delivered by CMA over the years including the design coordination of the Gresham Four Seasons Hotel in Budapest, the National Instruments campus and the majority of CMA’s logistics and manufacturing portfolio. Krisz acts as managing director…quintet asset, asset managementarchitect, client, use, management, plan0
averisk.huEstablishment, sustenance, and improvement of the organization’s information security capability via integrating all the relevant people, process, and technology layers.security, solution, process, vision, mission0
momentin.hu…Over the years, we have supported our partners in numerous other inventory management-related activities, such as stocking and picking . Our goal is to support our partners by thinking together with them. That is the same principle we applied when creating our Performance Management service.asset inventoryinventory, efficient, management, stock, performance0
hiemt.huJoin our fitness club and attend our special training sessions for busy people. Just spend 40 minutes daily for fitness and gym and feel the change yourself. There are 1000s of people already benefit from our fitness club.free asset, asset refreshmenttraining, member, free, personal, trainer0
szanalasialap.huResolution… What is resolution?… Resolution objectives… Conditions for Resolution… Resolution tools…bear asset, asset financingresolution, fund, institution, member, relation0
findedichzurecht.huOur services are carried out in German. We will help you with professional assistance so that you will be represented in front of various service providers and authorities in all administrative activities.advice, legal, assistance, insurance, general0
rigocon.hu…as to internally rate our suppliers. The quick understanding of our ’as-is’ state together with the flexibility and the multi-decade practical business experiences of Dénes Doszpod were deemed as the biggest benefits of the partnership; these enabled us to efficiently deliver precise…risk, management, control, solution, financial0
sandhillpetroleum.hu…Romania… Investors… Corporate Information… Social Responsibilities… Policy… Video Gallery… Contact Ushill, petroleum, sand, romania, overview0
tmerp.hu…provider market for several years. The principles of its business operation: quality work based on expertise and reliability. The goal of T&M ERP is to offer large enterprise and public sector customers intelligent solutions for implementation and operation supported by ERP, HR and BI systems.national asset, asset managementimplementation, solution, process, management, operation0
batorhoskatalin.hu…használom, hogy segítsek Neked. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy képes vagy csodálatos dolgokat elérni. Az a belső erő, amely a túlélésre ösztönöz, ugyanaz az erő, amely a sikerhez vezethet. Te rendelkezel teremtő erővel, és én itt vagyok, hogy segítsek ezt a képességedet teljes mértékben kihasználni.brand assetresource, brand, support, list, plan0
pannontax.huPannon Tax Audit Kft. | Könyvvizsgálat, Rating, Audit, Eu pályázatok, Költségvetés, Pénzügy, Könyvelés, Audit, Szombathely, Könyvvizsgálat, West hungary, Adótanácsadás, Steuerberatungtrust asset, asset management, rescue assettax, rating, west, expert, management0
debrecenihoszolgaltato.huHome… E-bill information… Service fees for district heating supply… Bill information… Information on…debrecen asset, asset managementform, heating, fee, district, supply0
clew.hu…investment process. We provide the business plan and financial model required to raise capital, and support you in finding the right investors for your company. On the other hand, we also support investors and capital fund managers with company valuations, financial and legal due diligence (DD).comparable asset, asset companyconsulting, financial, hand, investor, legal0
zarsebesz.huReferenciáink… Rólunk… Facebook… Twitter… YouTube…brand assetadipiscing, minim, volutpat, class, magna0
psgroup.huOur international Partners can rely on Pannon Support to extend the support of their products and services to the territory of Hungary. Following the necessary trainings, our team of experts can provide for example maintenance of specific equipment, support of daughter companies and local offices…asset managementsupport, group, maintenance, management, engineering0
bodnarpartner.huBodnar Partner… Home… Contact… News… Nulla turpis magna… Nam sed tellus id magna elementum tincidunt…brand assetwidget, news, section, turpis, magna0
heritagemanager.huArt itself often becomes heritage or it can help to give new meanings to heritage phenomena. For us both are important, but our area of interest is particularly heritage interpretation, which is a methodology of interpreting heritage phenomena. Interpretation is the art of relevance, it can render…important asset, asset tourismheritage, manager, cultural, association, community0
charitybridge.huDuring our nearly 18 years of existence, now we turn for the first time for public assistance.member asset, asset averagechild, donation, bridge, progress, edit0
bcestratcomm.huLotus spa center is the best till date I have experienced in past few months. They know hospitality very well. Even the spa & massage is extremely soothing. Rates are also pretty reasonable.brand assetstrategic, communication, appointment, massage, therapy0
ithelpcenter.huWe provide technical support for ad hoc, short-term or long-term projects. Our team of reliable and highly skilled professionals are at your service if you need to outsource the management of any kind of IT-related issue or to supplement your existing team. You can count on us if you find your…support, help, step, solution, center0
vaci33.huVáci 33 provides the highest quality office space for local and international companies. Váci 33 office building is located on the Váci út office corridor, the largest business district in Budapest. Our tenants benefit from the high technical standards and the flexible layout.asset managementoffice, area, management, advantage, build0
ingroup.huIN GROUP is one of the leading companies in the field of project development, real estate investment and construction.retail assetgroup, management, estate, real, development0
bsce.huinternal communication, intranet etc.) Isolation of these systems (information silos), leads to problems which impair the efficiency of business processes (multisite data storage,process management in several systems). One of the greatest challenges of EAI is to integrate systems that are based…development, management, solution, data, report0
transparency.huHungary is the most corrupt Member State of the European Union according to Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Indexasset declarationcorruption, transparency, report, international, public0
szapporta.huWe have unique experience in SAP mobile application: Teklogix, TEKConsole, SAP Console, SAP WEB Console, SAP ITS Mobile.solution, application, fast, implementation, mobile0
justfans.huBecome a creator and post your premium content securely on our platform. Earn up to 85% out of your sales and enjoy a stable base of fans.secure asset, asset privacycreator, user, premium, social, media0
action2020.huBased on the experiences of the past 30 year and contributing to the development of hundreds of thousands of companies, we can say that K & H understands the needs of domestic businesses, so using this knowledge we can provide professional background and assistance to startups, which can make the…ceo, director, manage, environmental, development0
startit.huWishlist 0… Sign in… English (US)… News… About Us… Get Quote… Contact…hardware assetnews, cart, quote, vat, latest0
kabocacsicsoka.huI am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper matti pibus leo.brand assetpage, sample, hello, post, amet0
lockerastoria.huThe maximum size of one locker is 31x80x55 cm (width x height x depth). You can book more storages at a time if necessary. The whole locker room is equipped with 24-hour camera surveillance and a security alarm system. Your belongings are insured up to 1000 euros by Generali Insurance.locker, hour, price, location, faq0
terkamese.huEasily create beautiful, fully-customizable websites with the new WordPress Site Editor and the Blockstarter theme. No coding skills required. Download Blockstarter for free today!brand assetcase, today, beautiful, website, skill0
aboutcorvin.huWe are delighted to welcome Nokia staff to their Headquarters in Corvin Promenade. We have prepared this short guide to help you ease into everyday life in the area and provide information on the range of services available in and around the facility.sale asset, asset managementoffice, promenade, emergency, transport, map0
oko-rt.huÖKO Co. Ltd. was established in 1991. On the market of environmental consulting, however, it is considered a long-standing firm since the research- and expert team of the share company has worked previously as a certain unit of different state-owned institutions, obtaining the skill and knowledge…preparation asset, asset mapenvironmental, management, protection, assessment, preparation0
canadianschool.huWelcome to the Canadian International School Singapore. As one of the leading IB schools in the Asia Pacific region we offer an academically rigorous programme implemented by a broad range of languages, fine arts, athletic and service learning opportunities designed to develop balance, deepen…brand assetschool, learn, admission, career, student0
derossi.huAuditing shines a light on your business's financial health, while business valuation captures its potential. Both crucial in crafting the roadmap to your business success.asset diligentlyvaluation, auditing, de, financial, data0
pozi.huPozi utilizes all currently available identification and positioning technologies to perfectly match every production environment.asset utilization, online asset, asset managementtechnology, positioning, benefit, production, real0
periferiak.huResourceSpace… Apply for an account… Forgotten…digital asset, asset managementmain, process, site, source, open0
karkojanos.hutraining the local digital marketing team. With the coordination of digital investments through Omni-Channel, focused on products advertised on TV, I was keeping a healthy media-mix. My role also involved evaluating emerging technologies, and provided thought leadership and perspective for adoption.youtube asset, asset monetizationmanager, digital, certification, ecommerce, growth0
donau-automation.huTermékek… Esettanulmányok… Több esettanulmányt szeretnék…brand assetprevious, több, vele, feature, overview0
egeszsegbiztositas.huThe core concept of private health insurance is that the insured pays a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or an annual premium to the insurance company, in return for which the insurance company organizes and finances medically justified examinations due to the insured’s health complaints, and…valuable asset, asset carehealth, insurance, plan, care, day0
sumiorsolya.huI am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper matti pibus leo.brand assetamet, lorem, luctus, consectetur, ut0
skunion.huOur company was founded in 1992 with the aim of providing accounting, payroll, taxation, financial consulting and auditing to the Hungarian companies and also to foreign partners. Today our company has become a consulting agency with a network of international connections providing also…asset valuationunion, auditing, legal, accounting, aim0
jet-vill.hu…areas comprise self-developed product ranges. We introduced compact concrete housing transformer station technology. With our state-of-the-art underground equipment, we continue the development activity that results in solutions for our partners with more and more advantages. With the installationasset protectionunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power0
eloszer.huELŐ-SZER Ltd. - onstruction work, building engineering, steel structure, locksmith, industrial hall, family house, public and listed building, agricultural building, livestock buildingtd asset, asset managementbuild, industrial, house, public, hall0
industrialconcretefloor.huEVERY YEAR, WE PRODUCE NEARLY 300-400,000 M2 OF INDUSTRIAL FLOORING WITH OUR OWN CONTRACTORS AND MACHINES.concrete, floor, industrial, photo, video0
imm.huArt Nouveau stained glass on archive photographs from the collection of the Museum of Applied... permanent exhibitionfinance asset, asset hungarianmuseum, art, apply, collection, exhibition0
ezermesterek.hu…sure about our work. Initially we started as a company specializing in household maintenance. During our successful work we expanded our list of services. Now we are proud that we can help people with welding, moving, dry cleaning, landscaping and even pest control. Every member of our team is…valuable asset, asset faceplumbing, style, single, view, roofing0