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778 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: decision

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digitalisgondoskodas.huThis study aims to analyze the correlation clinical features taken from the history, physical examination, investigation of blood laboratory. Read doctor-produced health and medical information written for you to make informed decisions about your health concerns. he informed investigation of…inform decision, decision healthhealth, inform, concern, medical, doctor16
themagicbox.huThe new Fundamental Law of Hungary granted Tünde Handó, president of the National Office for the Judiciary, the right to (re)assign the BKV-case to the Court of Kecskemét famous for giving unreasonably severe court decisions. According to the plans the judgement would be passed in the peak period…court decision, decision plan, decision favour, decision instance, lawyer decisioncase, court, election, media, investigation13
homeinspection.huThere are usually more potential in a house than you think! However, it comes with properties that cannot be altered. It is worth taking a closer look through the eyes of an expert before making such a big decision.hasty decision, decision later, big decision, decision lifeproperty, inspection, house, price, build10
nextentservices.huWe offer you the best tools for knowledge-based decision support, including KPI measurement, reporting and forecasting tools. By converting data into information, you can make better decisions and react quickly to changes in your business.tool decision, decision knowledge, knowledge decision, decision support, well decisiondata, solution, application, development, management10
seohun.huInfluencer marketing is an online marketing strategy in which we use influencers to create promotions and content to reach the target audience and increase brand awareness. Influencers build an authentic relationship with their followers and can have a big impact on customer decisions.evaluation decision, decision making, customer decision, decision video, well decisionwebsite, analysis, research, strategy, keyword9
productflow.huPRODUCTFLOW is a relatively easy-to-understand product and process management toolkit. Its elements are compatible with Agile and Lean frameworks. It’s basically a big bunch of math that allows you to push back intuition driven decision making just a little further.project decision, decision instinct, tactical decision, decision making, decision pitfallswebinar, page, process, need, thing9
bilogic.huDiscover the business intelligence services provided by Powered BI and experience how you can reveal the true values ​​of your business. From data analysis to business decisions, Bilogic is your partner in digital transformation.business decision, decision bilogic, strategic decision, decision work, work decisionintelligence, data, logic, colleagues, analysis8
qstest.huTechnological possibilities nowadays are vast. There is literally no problem that cannot be solved through automation or digitalisation. Decision makers are confronted with a myriad of software and solution providers. However, it is not easy to make the right decision and understand the impact of…digitalisation decision, decision maker, right decision, decision impact, operation decisionmanagement, solution, automation, customer, process8
mlszsz.hu(3) The Presidency manages the Association during the period between two sessions of GA and executes the decisions of the GA. The Presidency holds session minimum two times a year. Additional sessions can be held if the members of the Presidency find it necessary. The sessions are called by the…presidency decision, decision admission, association decision, decision process, ga decisionassociation, member, shall, presidency, president8
zsolnayfenyfesztival.hu- We had to make a decision about this year's Zsolnay Light Festival at the beginning of the year in an unpredictable situation. Then we decided to organize the festival this year by all means, and picked an autumn date for the event. Fortunately, the amazing success and lots of positive feedback…sunday decision, decision professional, expert decision, decision maker, jury decisionlight, festival, art, map, visitor7
abtl.hu…the enquiry. If the person does not admit it, we have to deny the answer. The person who came up with the request may go to court and then it is the court’s decision whether the person affected is a public personality or not. The Archives will give or deny the answer according to the sentence.shall decision, decision municipal, court decision, decision state, law decisionarchive, shall, public, record, document7
codebreakers.co.huUnderstanding how biases work in business helps you make better decisions and achieve better resultscognitive decision, decision trap, well decision, decision well, decision makingbehavioural, tool, conscious, cognitive, bias7
marmin.huPLEASE FORWARD FORWARD THiS THiS EMAiL EMAiL TO TO SOMEONE SOMEONE íN YOUR YOUR COMPANY COMPANY WHO WHO íS ALLOWED ALLOWED TO TO MAKE MAKE iMPORTANT iMPORTANT DECiSiONS!well decision, decision invaluable, inform decision, decision businesslead, site, visitor, free, website6
adoeljaras.hu…have worked for many years in different audit departments of the Hungarian tax administration, therefore we are from inside aware of the tax authority’s mentality. In all instalment payment (equity) procedures where we were the representatives, a decision favorable for the client has been issued.representative decision, decision favorable, contract decision, decision possibletax, law, client, procedure, association6
paladinbilisim.huWelcome to Paladin, a data and intelligence consultancy company that specializes in helping businesses make data-driven decisions. Our team of experts provides customized solutions to solve your unique business challenges.data decision, decision team, intelligence decision, decision makerdata, solution, management, intelligence, organisation6
competition.huThe latest decisions of the Hungarian Competition Authority (HCA) have once again drawn the attention to the strict consumer protection-type inspections on advertising to children.gvh decision, decision court, latest decision, decision hungariancompetition, law, consumer, authority, advertisement6
control1.huThey interpret the data that directly and indirectly affect the success of the business, revealing relationships that are not clear to a manager, thus providing background support for making important strategic decisions. A controller makes a comprehensive interpretation of the data produced by an…implementation decision, decision support, kind decision, strategic decision, decision controllercontrol, management, controller, analysis, plan6
empatix.huUnlocking Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior is a complex and ever-changing landscape. Understanding why consumers make certain choices, what influences their decisions, and how they perceive different products and services is crucial for businesses and organizations to thrive in today’s highly…choice decision, decision different, story decision, decision making, emotion decisionconsumer, research, power, insight, expedition5
iriszoffice.hu…is traceable not only in figures, but in the complexity of our activities as well. At our company, accounting is not just recording data and we are not looking for partners who are pleased with only thst. We need partners who want more – a combined service which we call executive decision support.executive decision, decision support, plan decision, decision maker, management decisionoffice, plan, tax, financial, activity5
dreamwedding.hu…with us from the beginning, supported all of our ideas and took over the difficult parts of organizing. All the while, we were who made the decisions, you took all of our ideas into account, you kept on informing us about everything. This way, instead of the stress we received only the…beauty decision, decision risk, well decision, decision wedding, important decisionwedding, day, help, dream, guest5
superweek.huIn this presentation, Daniel will discuss ways to use Search data effectively and at scale. He’ll give an introduction on the data available today, and go on to talk about Search Console bulk data exports; from product decisions to best practices when exporting, analyzing and visualizing the data…inform decision, decision approach, way decision, decision daily, domain decisiondata, analytic, digital, day, analyst5
agilegettogether.huFostering autonomy while ensuring people are making the best decisions is an everyday struggle for leaders at every level of an agile organization. How do you refrain from pushing your solutions and trust the team to find their own? How do you make sure people don’t take bad decisions? How can…good decision, decision everyday, bad decision, decision team, team decisionagile, session, track, speaker, detail5
pepperpr.huA new survey from the Business Software Alliance (BSA) finds information technology (IT) decision makers from North America and Europe have grown more concerned about information security over the past two years. The survey finds 78% have increased the number of IT security projects they work on…service decision, decision thorough, technology decision, decision maker, haesf decisionpepper, software, technology, market, office5
bpc.huBusiness Intelligence (BI) is a process of data analysis. Whose goal is helping managers, employees and users make more through business decisions. Business Intelligence systems help companies gather valuable data from both their internal systems and external sources. The gathered data then goes…business decision, decision vital, decision business, safe decision, decision operationconsulting, data, process, intelligence, development5
szentandrasi-szabo.huSzentandrási-Szabó Family Dentistry in the 12th district of Budapest. Our dentistry is exclusively dental and family-owned, guaranteeing that our decisions in patient care are based on a strictly professional basis.family decision, decision patientdentistry, family, dental, patient, tooth5
acpartner.huA&C Partner könyvvizsgáló Kft . A collaborative partner in making successful business decisions.important decision, decision today, reasonable decision, information decision, decision nowadaysaccounting, financial, advisory, auditing, client5
mscity.huDo you want peace of mind and security regarding the finances of your company? You should never again be worried about tax audits or making wrong decisions due to incorrect data! Bookkeeping, accountancy, tax advising and auditing, and more: ten different services in one place, in addition to what…wrong decision, decision incorrect, leader decision, decision making, preparation decisiontax, city, accountancy, accountant, client5
dezsenyi.hu…this is a cost-effective solution, as the cost of a long-term mandate is fixed and therefore predictable. The advantage for the company is that the lawyer is responsible for advocacy of the company's decision, which has been taken in accordance with legal advice, in legal proceedings if necessary.time decision, decision problem, role decision, decision supplier, company decisionlaw, legal, client, labour, attorney5
significant.co.huCrafting a robust data strategy is vital for business success, aiding in decision-making and efficiency. At Significant Ltd., we tailor data strategies for optimal results, leveraging our expertise in data management and innovation.success decision, decision making, inform decisiondata, strategy, significant, optimization, tool5
kulturalisutvonalak.huBased on a Government Decision, Hungary joined the Cultural Routes of the European Council on 1 March 2013. Since than Hungarian associations and institutions can accede already existing routs or, with other European partners can apply for the Cultural Routes of the European Council’s certification.government decision, decision hungaryroute, european, cultural, council, danube5
azumba.hu…and organizations to navigate the complex field of law. Whether you’re dealing with employment contracts, rental agreements, or starting your own business, having a comprehensive understanding of legal agreements and regulations can make a significant difference in your decision-making process.strategic decision, decision particular, vital decision, decision service, difference decisionlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule5
szazadveg.hu…of office research, interviews with experts and individuals affected by abuse, and technical analysis”, and court and data protection authority decisions, reports by human rights organizations and legal aid providers, materials of election observers, and scientific articles and media reports were…nec decision, decision competent, shall decision, decision notifier, authority decisiondata, report, protection, political, human4
hunyouth.hu…to the youth of the world. They often offer practical advice to young people seeking help in running or launching UN-related youth projects too. The delegates are also known as lobbyists for youth rights and interests, such as the inclusion of young people in decision-making processes.global decision, decision process, people decision, decision maker, capacity decisionyouth, delegate, student, nation, united4
propertysupport.huIn association with our services a fundamental question to be clarified is what the optimal long-term decision for a tenant may be when the location of the office is concerned: renegotiation of the existing lease agreement from the best possible bargaining position or the thoughtful selection of…term decision, decision tenant, business decision, decision clientproperty, support, management, office, client4
bte.huThe decision arrived in the very last moment, as local authorities have already started official controls of vehicles carrying radioactive material, and their drivers (S12- ADR training of drivers) which already led to formal procedures in several cases.majority decision, decision case, vote decision, decision pointassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor4
ora-akcio.huAnd in truly unfortunate situations, knowing how to take legal action against an employer may become necessary. These challenging moments in life remind us that the legal world is not just a matter of technicalities, but an intricate part of navigating our everyday decisions.organization decision, decision process, asset decision, decision making, big decisionlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements4
tritoo.huDo you know what data can lead you to good decisions? To obtain adequate data, what internal or external, existing or planned systems and data sources should be taken account? What makes a data source appropriate and useful? How to treat and secure them?data decision, good decision, decision adequate, correct decision, decision businessdata, solution, science, analysis, process4
bit-soft.huhave a single supplier for both the hotel management and the restaurant area, a supplier that adapts quickly and smoothly to all our needs. We turned to Bit Soft, the market leader for IT solutions in the hospitality industry, and we knew from the first project that we had made the right decision. ”good decision, decision customer, happy decision, decision longsoftware, solution, bit, hospitality, restaurant4
tourdematra.hu…to, fees from Police, Air Ambulance, Fire and Rescue and the Ambulance service. If the situation arises that you are not capable of making the decision to call the emergency services, the rider agrees that a member of the Mátra Biker Sport Club or a member of the public may call for them. In thissoon decision, decision race, organiser decision, decision application, capable decisionrace, entry, tour, road, cycling4
kaszasgabor.huThey called me a couple of days later, saying that they created the agreement, and I should go in and sign it. I went there on November 15, 2011, and declared that on the advice of my lawyer I wouldn’t sign the agreement with these contents. I got one week to contemplate my decision, and to…accordance decision, decision admittance, chance decision, decision answer, week decisiontraining, contract, traffic, air, controller4
datalyze.huWe use billions of consumer data points and insights on the web to provide analytical and consultancy services that helps our partners to develop conscious, data-based business and communication decisions.bad decision, decision highdata, brand, opportunity, insight, consumer4
munkavedinfo.huLegal matters can be intricate, but with the right resources and information, anyone can stay informed and make informed decisions. Whether it’s understanding complex legal concepts, navigating business legalities, or accessing legal assistance, staying updated is key.inform decision, decision personal, outcome decision, decision case, decision complexlegal, law, agreement, regulation, important4
equinox.huIn every stage of the project or program cycle, we support our clients in elaborating and implementing their project ideas and plans, in rationalising their organisation and operation, in improving their efficiency, in taking founded decisions, as well as in evaluating the developments implemented.government decision, decision tourism, efficiency decision, decision development, management decisiondevelopment, preparation, management, consulting, reference4
origameo.huDo you need five meeting rooms or just three? After collecting both quantitative and qualitative data and listening to you carefully, we give you valuable insights to help you make the right decisions. Redesign or optimise your workplace with professional support.confident decision, right decision, decision workplaceoffice, workplace, way, article, employee4
flyboy.hu…conditions. Anyway, the decisions of the VFR and IFR pilots shall be followed, i. e. cancellation or postponement of the planned flight. In case of a decision by the pilot adverse to the passenger, the passenger may not instruct the pilot or endanger the passenger’s and the pilot’s life or health.condition decision, decision vfr, case decision, decision pilot, capable decisionflight, passenger, cost, regulation, book4
spiderpig.hurun simulations on different scenarios and measure the impact of the most important contracts on your financials, even before contracting. By using this functionality, SpiderPig can be used as a powerful and easy-to-use tool for preparing business case analyses supporting meaningful decision making.meaningful decision, decision making, right decision, decision financinglease, tool, contract, accounting, functionality3
ggis.huChoosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. GGIS offers the students who attend more than just a great academic education. GGIS educates the whole student; body, soul and spirit. Students will have the academic preparation for the…important decision, decision parentschool, international, great, question, grace3
bravogroup.huWe make business decisions based on prudent calculation and professional knowledge, bearing in mind the current market situation and any changes. Our goal is to be able to rely on professionalism and dedication in key decision-making situation instead of having our judgment be clouded by emotions.business decision, decision prudent, key decision, decision making, world decisionsolution, office, distribution, operation, trade3
revelator.huWe offer independent professional help, support in decision making and implementing your projects!support decision, decision making, consulting decision, decision preparationoption, solution, consulting, logistic, management3
asconsult.huDigital transformation affects both the IT and the business stakeholders, since for a succesful digital transformation not only the IT landscape renewal is a must, but business decision makers must also understand and use the digital-first attitude during product and process development. Our…key decision, decision maker, business decisionconsulting, transformation, strategic, management, technology3
grantis.huThe savings & insurance market is so saturated at this point, that it is hard to make a really good decision on your own. The more than 50 financial institutions that we list have hundreds of different offers and services to choose from - making it nearly impossible to make the ideal choice…people decision, decision consultation, good decision, decision financialinsurance, financial, consulting, investment, loan3
managerhungary.hu…has given lectures and mini-courses on topics that can be well-adapted in business such as learning methods, creativity and a novel approach to decision making based on mutual cooperation (see brief guide to “ Parallel Thinking: The Six Thinking Hats ” attached). The audiences worldwide include…approach decision, decision making, factor decision, perception decision, decision processthink, manager, de, book, management3
icteuropa.huIt is important for us that you have a clear view of the information we handle. Even if you are not a specialist you are able to make informed decisions.well decisionaccounting, ict, tax, auditing, finance3
cspadvisors.huThe consultancy services offered by CSP Advisors have been invaluable in helping us make informed decisions and achieve our marketing goals. Their expert guidance and insights have been crucial in navigating the complex digital landscape.inform decision, decision effective, decision marketingadvisor, agency, strategic, zoltan, creative3
liveinbudapest.huIn any case you need a consultation before sending your request to us. The consultation includes an assessment of your needs, a check on the documents you already have in hand, their usability and at the same time the information that will help you make your decision.office decision, decision scope, model decision, decision positionpermit, administration, case, important, consulting3
dmlab.huWe support your data-driven decision-making. We analyze your data and using external sources, helping you streamline your manufacturing and organizational processes. We develop data-driven solutions for your company and your partners.data decision, decision making, team decisiondata, scientist, solution, custom, problem3
sportnaplo.huDear Investor! Imagine a world where every business decision is backed by solid, reliable data. With the SportDiary system, this is reality! Our solution provides a demonstrable competitive advantage in the sports market as every athletic performance and management process becomes transparent and…data decision, decision smartly, business decision, decision solid, final decisionathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance3
nokatud.hu…stereotypes (2) promote a counter-narrative to the traditional family roles (3) create opportunities for teachers to deconstruct gender norms (4) support children in recognizing gender norms and their effect from an early age (5) promote gender equality in political and economic decision making.study decision, decision experience, economic decision, decision making, project decisionscience, girl, woman, technology, field3
rezsimonitor.hu“Deciding to consult with Sharon has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Sharon made me take a really good look at the issues by confronting them, and together and together we created a strategic plan to change my life for the better."good decision, decision sharonlorem, dolor, ipsum, success, aliquid3
mediatorpont.huIt’s your choice: engage in a lawsuit, get a divorce on your own, or choose Mediation with Mediator and Attorney support? The process starts with a joint decision, followed by the First Meeting, the Mediation, document signing, then Court filing.mediator decision, decision life, life decision, decision hand, joint decisiondivorce, attorney, mediator, court, agreement3
creditexperts.huAfter the bank’s decision, you sign the loan agreement at the bank after arranging an appointment, and then, after meeting the disbursement conditions, the bank disburses the requested amount.bank decision, decision loanloan, insurance, credit, mortgage, offer3
ap-x.huThe data subject shall have the right not to be covered by a decision based solely on automated data processing, including profiling, which would have a legal effect on him or her or a significant effect on him or her.right decision, decision solely, legally decision, decision supervisorydata, subject, process, personal, management3
proacteam.huEven before I started my studies, I had known that I would like to have my own accounting office once, during my career it became even stronger in me, until finally I made the decision with my business partner, Tímea Kocsis and founded the ProacTeam Hungary Ltd.finally decision, decision business, reason decision, decision companytax, accounting, accountant, relocation, chief3
russianstudies.huOn the basis of a previous decision made by the Council of the Institute of Historical Studies, the Council of the Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University has decided to name the new department, established by the merger of the Department of Eastern European History and the Department of…eventually decision, decision maker, recent decision, decision faculty, previous decisionrussian, study, history, russia, historical3
essrg.huBuilding the ForestWard Observatory, a pan-European monitoring and evaluation tool, to demonstrate climate change impacts on forests and to guide decision-making for better forest management.forest decision, decision making, well decision, decision biodiversityscience, social, research, food, environmental3
counterguard.huWhen choosing a real-time counting system, the specific needs of the venue, facility, or even occasion should be considered, and the decision should be based on the volume of traffic, accuracy requirements, and entrance characteristics. With our unique solutions, COUNTERGUARD is capable of…business decision, decision true, occasion decision, decision volumeevent, real, shopping, mall, establishment3
seacon.huVisual analysis and evaluation softwares will help you increasing your work efficiency by your decisions will based on objective measurements.inform decision, decision support, efficiency decision, decision objectivesoftware, europe, data, presentation, fleet3
shl.huLeaders, managers and employees actively participate in creating and maintaining organizational culture by interactions, information passing, decision-making – that is why it is challenging to change it proactively.pass decision, decision making, hire decision, decision aiquestionnaire, selection, development, exercise, manager3
fklaw.huThere have been numerous court decisions dealing with the interpretation of Section 33/A § of the Hungarian Insolvency Act. A recent decision of the Metropolitan Court of Appeals underlines in terms of non-compliance with the obligation to publish the financial records that although the…court decision, decision interpretation, recent decision, decision metropolitan, decision importantlaw, data, firm, legal, client3
tng.huTransform data into dynamic insights with our Industrial Visualization solutions, real-time displays for efficient decision-making and enhanced operational oversight.efficient decision, decision making, decision preparationsolution, engineering, technology, industrial, automation3
drfabry.huOur experience covers an extensive variety of litigation proceedings of which the business law litigations should be mostly emphasized. In tax law litigations we carry out judicial review procedures of administrative decisions, where we offer legal assistance either for business entities or…preliminary decision, decision procedure, administrative decision, decision legalclient, law, legal, office, agreement3
ende2022.huWe hope that you understand this situation and agree with our decision. We are looking forward to meeting all members of our community at the next ENDE workshop in Greece.responsible decision, decision event, situation decision, decision forwardpaper, deadline, submission, invitation, conference3
edmon.huyou can get the permit only if your living cost and expenses are financially proven. The important point is the IRS certificate of the previous year. Categories: Have to wait 2 years if married with a Hungarian citizen and have been living together in Hungary at least for 1 year. Decision: 6 months.visa decision, decision month, year decision, document decision, decision yearpermit, step, live, administration, job3
drdoczy.husale contracts, endowments, lease, legal advice on real estate taxes, landtaxes, land sale, land lease agreement on the use of joint property, multi-family house cases, alteration on the deed of foundation, notarial supervision, appeal against bord decision, clearing the ownership of propertiesbord decision, decision ownership, board decision, decision supervision, foreign decisionlegal, advice, law, contract, litigation3
pozibits.hu…Our IoT solutions help beekeepers manage their hives more effectively, while our data science division empowers companies to make data-driven decisions and optimize their operations. With a focus on cutting-edge technology and personalized service, we are committed to helping our clients achieveinform decision, decision operation, data decisionsolution, positive, data, science, operation3
bixpert.huCombining the world’s top Business Intelligence Technologies with our expertise to help you make the smartest decisions for your business.smart decision, decision business, fast decision, decision competitive, business decisionstory, success, data, intelligence, training3
miskolckulturajaert.huWe are not a decision-making body, it is not in our hands to make significant decisions about cultural life. At the same time, we are confident that we can make our voices heard, representing a large part of the artistic and cultural sphere.significant decision, decision cultural, important decision, decision culturecultural, city, public, culture, foundation3
proboxing.huANTHONY JOSHUA defended referee Phil Edwards’ decision to stop his WBA and IBF heavyweight...pulev decision, decision anthony, edwards decision, decision wbafresh, title, european, easy, boxing3
drszalay.huAs has been widely reported, last weekend, András Stohl, the actor playing one of the leading roles in the popular series, caused a traffic accident while intoxicated, resulting in personal injury. The unfortunate event will, of course, also have consequences on the series: based on the decision…series decision, decision production, television decision, decision actorlaw, attorney, client, legal, office3
scrolldown.huMy brief for the ecommerce store design focuses on compelling imagery, seamless integrations, user-friendly navigation, transparency, and emphasizes the crucial role of SEO and engaging content to effectively engage audiences, as well as integrations to facilitate quick decision and payment options.quick decision, decision payment, understand decision, decision brand, inform decisiondigital, website, user, story, presence3
supremeconsulting.hu…to make profit by investing in the Hungarian real estate sector. Our partner Lovely Homes Kft. is a well-established and professional real estate company whose decision-making and analyzing process is professionally designed to achieve the foreign investors aims regarding ROI (rate of interest).investment decision, decision professional, company decision, decision makingconsulting, national, client, management, investment3
euroadvance.hu…Our flagship is tender and project management, with which we have gone from managing microloans to investing billions in individual government decisions over a quarter of a century. In addition to application writing, accounting, public procurement, IFKA-accredited corporate consulting and…government decision, decision quarter, plan decision, decision making, consequence decisionmanagement, development, line, consultancy, education3
breakyourhabits.huBy putting it on every morning you can't escape setting your mind on The Road and your decisionbracelet, habit, day, ankle, goal3
grid.huOur mission includes the support of decision making processes of our clients, contributing to companies and regulatory bodies in the establishment of strategic actions and decisions. In addition, we aim to promote rational energy consumption in line with the support of the Hungarian national…support decision, decision making, action decision, decision addition, responsible decisiongrid, main, cee, solution, consultancy3
teatrom.huThe name of the festival is a result of a joint decision, the village coordinators decided to send this positive message of a healthy, modern and equal European minority. TeatRom - on its former name Made in Gypsystan from 2015 - has mainly been the encounter of amateur groups mentored by…joint decision, decision village, manner decision, decision making, collective decisioncommunity, performance, group, art, festival3
nekemawebshop.hu"Orbán left left the the room room when when we we voted": voted": EU EU official official explains explains how how decision decision to to open open accession accession talks talks with with Ukraine Ukraine was was madelandmark decision, decision prince, official decision, decision openlaunch, post, limited, media, ltd3
greenformatics.huIn February 2021, the Constitutional Court of Hungary issued a tender for the design, development and operation of an English-language Decision Search System. The aim of the client was to digitize the Constitutional Court decisions of the Central-European countries in English, and facilitate the…operation decision, decision search, language decision, court decision, decision centralsolution, data, digital, operation, case3
felvesznek.huWe present the results of the project for the vocational public, namely the vocational training schools and the representatives of the decision-maker authorities.information decision, decision maker, director decision, representative decisiontraining, manual, teacher, school, career3
7days.huNavigating Actions and Decisions: Exploring the Meanings of Postpone, Entitle, Consent, Agree, and Inclineaction decision, decision meaninggrammar, language, passive, vocabulary, password3
linkgroup.hu…CTO, Daniel Veres CMO and Iván Fekete Chief Scientist + last but not least the CEO, Szabolcs Nagy . In 2016 the startup won Bayer's accelerator contest. Currently 2 of the top 10 pharma companies are already using Turbine technology to speed up their pipeline and rationalize R&D decision making.learn decision, decision making, pipeline decisiongroup, network, member, signal, paper3
dataset.huContrary to popular belief, data warehouses and BI are not only for analysts and decision makers. A well-designed BI ecosystem can flawlessly serve any part of your company that has automated (or soon-to-be-automated) processes, be it controlling, project management, security log analysis, IT SLA…executive decision, decision making, analyst decision, decision makersolution, report, sale, data, customer2
csrmatrix.huIt has become the most significant c(s)r forum of the year, where business decision-makers, communication managers, researchers and university students can share their experiences.business decision, decision maker, future decisionconsulting, media, corporate, responsibility, maker2
goldtunnelsystem.huThe Gold Tunnel System utilises the RISE System (Ruler-Individual-Supporter-Expert), which is a decision-making process analysis system based on defining one's personality, behaviour, and motivation. RISE was first used in the international business sector 18 years ago, and due to years of success…expert decision, decision making, athlete decision, negotiation decisiontunnel, athlete, assessment, analysis, success2
teremtoonismeret.huYou can freely choose which energy quality to use for your physical experiences, whether you choose acceptance and love or fear. The power of the light will be reflected in your decisions, actions and life situations if you respect yourself and the world around us, trust in the power and your…life decision, decision bad, light decision, decision actionparent, power, father, mother, relationship2
lbmcoach.huI can’t believe you were able to guide us through this major life decision with just one month of coaching. So, thank you again for helping us see through the fog!life decision, decision month, key decision, decision successcolumn, grid, post, portfolio, latest2
hungarolen.hu..Hungaro-Len Ltd made the decision to stop it’s production in 2019 based on economic outlook.. The management of the company organised a soft-landing of the activity taking into account the ethical standstill, the interests of workers, customers and city administration. We would like to thank the…ltd decision, decision productionlen, linen, thread, yarn, mill2
sipospack.huWe also create the individual design of packaging. The moment you encounter a product is paramount, the right design is a great advantage at the moment of decision making. The SIPOS Design team has many years of experience in the field of product packaging design.moment decision, decision makingpackaging, recyclable, material, printing, solution2
blackpage.huPR is not just about media relations. Your customers, suppliers, colleagues and investors can all affect your reputation. They make decisions whether they want to cooperate with you or not, based on their opinion and perceptions. We help you develop the most positive image of your company, your…reputation decision, decision opinion, ethical decision, decision makingclient, agency, communication, consulting, approach2
igfhungary.huMultistakeholder. The multistakeholder approach refers to collaboration between all stakeholder groups on an equal footing (private sector, civil society, government and technical community), around development and implementation of an array of Internet-related principles, norms, rules, decision…rule decision, decision makinggeneration, forum, committee, steering, principle2
online-pszichoterapia.huCoaches have the ability to view things from afar - in what some call helicopter vision - and to shed new light on difficult situations. Often they can act as a sounding board through tough decisions, help sharpen skills, and motivate.key decision, tough decision, decision skillsit, adipiscing, consectetur, amet, ipsum2
quantaconsulting.huAs a final step we prepare business plan even with automated optimization tool to support decisionsproblem decision, decision supportconsulting, knowledge, modeling, advisory, quantitative2
etalonhorses.huThe responsibility of rider for the horse lasts till the very end of the horse’s life. Any decisions made by rider should always consider the best interest of the horse.life decision, decision rider, ethical decision, decision horsehorse, fire, close, equestrian, video2
magadert.huThe support and advice of the group help the relatives to find out how they can create a situation in which the addict makes the decisions.decision guiltygroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem2
greenscorecard.huIt is our intention that these data be analysed by many, and to see many people, especially decision makers, carry out their own assessments. We seek to generate debate on social phenomena, on sustainability, and on the future of society. If many people used this database suitable for preparing…especially decision, decision maker, suitable decision, decision timegreen, deal, sustainability, society, economy2
oltigergo.hu…one of the best places to work. I've been at the company for a month now, but I haven't really experienced the feeling of being home in a company before. I have achieved this with this company. This is amazing. I almost didn't come to this company but fortunately, I made the right decision. Thanksbad decision, decision life, right decision, decision thankreal, estate, media, market, academy2
alpsadria.huWe are monitoring daily the state of restrictions from Polish Government and we would like to keep you updated as well, to help in your decision to join the Conference. From 26 June, the limit will change to 1 person per 10 m2, but the situation is developing dynamically so we count on less and…government decision, decision conferencealp, scientific, announcement, abstract, cancellation2
sustain.huClimate risk assessment and calculation of vulnerability indicators involving decision-makers, trained professionals and stakeholders in the company and supply chain.indicator decision, decision makersustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate2
tarot-dr-gal.huWhen we come to a crossroad, or have to make a difficult decision, but the right path has not yet been clear to us.difficult decision, decision right, effective decision, decision goalcard, path, knowledge, origin, page2
nminnovacio.huVirtual walk in the data-based decision support solution provided by National Mobile Payment Plc. for the City of Szolnokdata decision, decision support, solution decision, decision makinginnovation, value, news, future, solution2
drlevai-budapest.hu…My clients can get legal help in setting up or modifying a company, preparing important contracts, and before making any major business decisions. There are a number of companies that work with foreign partners or provide cross-border services. For them, I also provide legal representationimportant decision, decision life, business decision, decision numberlaw, lawyer, legal, attorney, real2
veginnovation.huIt is an exciting board game that combines the experience of foosball with interactive buttons and strategic decision-making.strategic decision, decision makinginteractive, visual, innovation, video, identification2
pestbuda.huThe competition of the bridges was decided at a meeting Should the Árpád or the Petőfi Bridge be built first? This was the dilemma that preoccupied the rebuilders of the bridges in Budapest in 1948. The question was not new, the same decision had to be made once 20 years earlier. At that time, the…new decision, decision year, area decision, decision dianaago, square, public, build, century2
icqglobal.huThe purpose of Global DISC QUEST™ is to help you build more awareness, expand your comfort zone and see situations from different perspectives so you can make better decisions and you can choose to respond instead of just reacting.well decision, decision insteadglobal, welcome, people, knowledge, trainer2
krq.huCreating coherence in decisions and communication processes to ensure that messages are consistent.coherence decision, decision communication, agronomic decision, decision supportcommunication, client, brand, page, video2
papapedia.huAt that time he was a member (Regional Commander in Northern Region, Luanda) of the UN Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III), but with the decision of UN HQ New York he was transferred to Liberia in 1993 being part of the Advance Team to prepare and later to establish a Military Observer…military decision, decision recommendation, iii decision, decision unmission, military, force, observer, peace2
insightlab.huWe believe that learning the details can lead to better decisions, and thus, to outstanding success in business!well decision, decision outstandinginsight, research, market, quality, resource2
telex.huPetri Sarvamaa believes this is needed as the EU's decision-making machinery is simply stuck because of Viktor Orbán.eu decision, decision machinerytranslation, minister, ukraine, country, member2
4theclients.hu…consultant with a degree in economics, and the mother of three children. I work as a senior consultant for one of the largest insurance companies in the world, which is also a market leader in Hungary. Both professionally and personally I try to create security and stability in life decisions.insurance, client, health, pandemic, family2
freegereb.hu…hardship - said the 66 year old health professional. This act of clemency is about more than me. It is an acknowledgement of liberty in giving birth. It is a recognition by the state that the rights of women to make decisions about the circumstances of their children’s birth must be acknowledged.woman decision, decision circumstancesletter, president, international, birth, janos2
fbc.huTerrazas de Los Andes is a story we began writing nearly 3 decades ago – one of adventurers who made bold decisions at a time before the winemaking potential.bold decision, decision time, ingenuity decision, decision relationshipbrand, wine, spritz, chandon, premium2
spedpack.huOur streamlined organization allows for a short decision-making process. In addition, we provide quick answers to any questions that may arise.quick decision, decision making, short decisionpackaging, industry, detail, automotive, transport2
horvathconsulting.huWe believe in trainings in groups. But many times you are alone and you make a decision without having the possibility to consult with your colleagues. On-the- job coaching happens hand-in- hand with you at your workplace at worktime. We may even see your customers or your boss together with you…influence decision, decision making, time decision, decision possibilitysale, horvath, consulting, management, development2
highquality.hu…samples and quality criteria. We share all information with the custamer, we handle it confidentally making sure our partner can make the right decision and action in the right time. If you order our sorting action service we make sure that your customer will be able to continue it’s manufacturingobjejctive decision, decision making, right decision, decision actionquality, action, customer, support, inspection2
afshin.huIran Revolution. This was followed by a war which devastated the country and the region. As the conflict escalated his parents made the difficult decision to send him and his brother to England, in the hopes of giving him a better life. At the age of 12, he found himself in a new country with only…difficult decision, decision brothersurgeon, plastic, heart, introduction, order2
kopintalapitvany.hu…readiness by introducing a benchmark country. The research results support and complement the current enlargement strategy of the European Union in a quantitative approach. The results can also provide an objective basis for developing and supporting business and economic policy decisions.union decision, decision achmeaeconomic, international, literature, country, economy2
interactivebrokers.huSpot market opportunities, analyze results, manage your account and make better decisions with our free trading tools.well decision, decision freeaccount, broker, trading, interactive, fund2
rockabi.hu“Business Intelligence is getting the right information to the right people at the right time, so they can make the right decisions. Bill Cabiró’s definition is stating the obvious about corporate decision making, however timely decisions based on error free data are not possible in the era of…right decision, decision bill, corporate decision, decision making, timely decisiondata, dashboard, report, process, training2
action2020.huWith the SEEBALANCE® method, our first az utmost important goal is to make sustainability holistically measurable and assessable, and to incorporate the gained results in important decision-making processes in our business activities.important decision, decision processceo, director, manage, environmental, development2
nexusfund.huElevate your visual analytics with our AI Vision platform. Harness the power of machine learning for real-time image recognition and data insights. Enhance efficiency and decision-making.inform decision, decision ease, efficiency decision, decision makinggenerator, image, text, custom, post2
aera.huThere are those who believe that it is sufficient to provide products and services which meet customer needs. The offered goods meet consumers’ expectations and everyone is happy. This must be true in a world where there is no competition, and people make decisions relying solely on their reason.people decision, decision solely, heart decision, decision thingcommunication, concept, consulting, destination, people2
heritagemanager.hu…diversity. It is a resource against other development areas to get advantages, work out disadvantages or stimulate cooperations. KÖME helps the decision makers with counseling, making professional plans or accomplish actions and forums to open up and use the possibilities that regional heritage…institution decision, decision strategy, köme decision, decision makerheritage, manager, cultural, association, community2
fogszabalyzas.huIt’s never too late to have a smile you always wanted to have. Today there are processes, not only for children, but also for adults which shall not make everyday’s life essentially difficult while the device can be almost invisible. You just have to take the decision and le tus provide the…invisible decision, decision leorthodontic, treatment, child, surgery, homepage2
bauteamkft.huThe company owners are, if necessary, able to make quick decisions regarding any complex task within hours in the interest of meeting the deadline.quick decision, decision complexreference, quotation, price, quality, certification2
customerjourney.huThe customer’s journey is a simplified model that breaks the consumer experience down into three stages: Awareness , consideration , and decision . Every stage of a buyer’s journey matters, and you’ll have to understand each one in order to address customer needs.consideration decision, decision stagecustomer, journey, stack, stage, digital2
mito.huWe’ve developed a multi-touch global digital media campaign, which covered the entire user journey of business leaders, from education to making a business decision.business decision, decision makerstudy, case, performance, page, campaign2
allaboutparenting.huWhen you discipline your child using punishment, threats and shouting, you teach them that’s the best way to live. Then… they use the same punishments on YOU. Time for a radical new approach. Learn how to raise your child to be responsible for their decisions and behaviours using discipline based…responsible decision, decision behaviourparenting, child, parent, month, chapter2
dokkozpont.hu…fall within this scope, the aim of the institution is to support national construction investments, architectural researches, and government decisions relating to, architecture and construction. Our main fields of collection are the blueprints, plans, photos, films and documents of former…government decision, decision architecture, impression decision, decision makercollection, document, documentation, construction, plan2
ismerosok.huWe will retain the information for as long as we need it to provide our products, to comply with our legal obligations or to protect our interests or the interests of others. We decide on a case-by-case basis how long we need the data. We consider the following to make this decision:committee decision, decision termdata, condition, account, purpose, law2
leadgenerator.huLinkedIn is the world’s largest business social network, used primarily by decision-makers worldwide. Building and maintaining business relationships is easier and more effective through LinkedIn. The messaging feature offers the opportunity to communicate directly with decision-makers, which can…primarily decision, decision maker, directly decision, company decisionprice, profile, order, account, lead2
kertvellesy.hu. In our joint work, I have a regular experience, how the cooperative thinking forms my business thinking and my decisions. Observation, analysis, decision and repetition of these hörspiele umsonsten . Together, anytime, anywhere and as many time as needed. This requires the creativity, flexibility…think decision, decision observation, analysis decision, decision repetitionagreement, contract, office, reference, data2
orhaautomotive.huOur motivation is fuelled by a single purpose: that our partners are convinced that they have made the best possible decision. in entrusting us with the implementation of their key investments. We meet and assume responsibility for even the most stringent expectations.possible decision, decision implementationmanufacture, steel, quality, satisfied, automotive2
stsgroup.huDescription of project content: STS Service Ltd. plans to implement the acquisition of a complete ERP software package, consisting of CRM, time & attendance and HR, controlling and decision support, procurement and logistics, electronic document management (document repository) and mobile…control decision, decision supportgroup, plant, power, energy, construction2
jobgroup.huWith in-depth industry knowledge, a local and global network of contacts, and the most innovative methods, we address the labour market challenges of the energy and utilities sector. In addition to our comprehensive services, we also offer an HR decision support function.candidate decision, decision support, hr decisiondetail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour2
dace.huThe greatest intrinsic value of our company is the knowledge and experience of our colleagues. We are committed to continuous development with individual training and building on the international knowledge base as a subsidiary of Russmedia. We actively involve the employees in the decisions of…employee decision, decision companydate, mission, portfolio, europe, central2
fifikaponthu.huCollabIT creats disruptive digital solutions to support better management and decision making.management decision, decision making, well decisionmanagement, development, digital, solution, technology2
eniac.huENIAC remote accounting provides an ideal online solution to companies that do not have the in-house capacity to carry out accounting tasks when it is important to possess up-to-date financial and accounting information to make well-founded decisions.management, software, solution, detail, enterprise2
bottpince.huWe had no exact plans at all at that time. We were young, loose and perhaps a bit light-minded, too – though over the years we have lost a little bit of this. In return, we learned to take responsibility, how to make plans in the long run and to arrive at important decisions in a good harmony with…sudden decision, decision tokaj, important decision, decision goodvineyard, house, ceramic, region, force2
orhamuvek.huOur motivation is fuelled by a single purpose: that our partners are convinced that they have made the best possible decision. in entrusting us with the implementation of their key investments. We meet and assume responsibility for even the most stringent expectations.possible decision, decision implementationstructure, satisfied, quality, manufacture, additional2
omnit.huConvert the mass of raw data into useful information! By using BI solutions make fact-based decisions!solution, data, process, page, development2
magyarendre.huIn all cases, we provide a full guarantee for our work! Again, it can happen to us too, that a job is not completely successful, we undertake this even after weeks, and we will get out as soon as possible, then we will correct the error! In most of these cases, we make a decision based on a camera…case decision, decision cameraremoval, channel, machine, camera, sewer2
por.huDiscordance Rate of HER2 Status in Primary Gastric Cancer and Synchronous Lymph Node Metastases: Its Impact on Therapeutic Decision and Clinical Management 695therapeutic decision, decision clinical, submission decision, decision dayuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine2
domonkosendre.huMy research fields are the followings: The European Union’s policy and the economic and foreign affairs policy of the Mediterranean countries, such as France, Spain and Portugal. As a professional European Union expert, I also focus on the institutional and decision-making mechanism of the Lisbon…institutional decision, decision mechanism, decision structureteach, activity, university, european, history2
fundingproject.huFollowing a positive funding decision, we will help you negotiate the funding agreement in the most advantageous way with our legal colleagues who also have extensive project finance experience.bank decision, decision word, funding decision, decision fundingfunding, financial, financing, consulting, structure2
mte.hu…content providing, and the code of ethics describing a generally accepted system of ethical norms for Hungarian content provision. To decide about disputed matters, the association establishes a professional decision court, whose decisions are accepted by members of MTE as binding on themselves.professional decision, decision court, court decision, decision memberassociation, provider, provide, rule, regulation2
industry4.huthe world in unique format, but the loading them into a unified database and the analysis of their combined effects are not solved. The real added value arises when these data – after removing the irrelevant parts – are connected and used during the decision making trending to improve the processes.available decision, decision maker, part decision, decision makingindustry, production, solution, log, process2
markmyteacher.huBy providing information on teacher performance, qualifications, and classroom policies, Mark My Teacher enables informed decision-making for students and parents.decision making, inform decisionteacher, subject, rating, website, student2
fibusmed.huBusiness developement in healthcare, medical knowledge management and medical decision support, telemedicine.clinician decision, decision treatment, medical decision, decision supporthealthcare, small, professionalism, news, knowledge2
kontron.huManagement and operational reports, decision support analysis: fast decision-making based on real-time and comprehensive data, and the interconnection and integration of internal and external data sources and structures, real-time management reports.quick decision, decision automation, report decision, decision support, fast decisionsolution, network, management, customer, cloud2
budapestconsulting.huGrowth must be achieved to make your business successful and maintain success. To achieve growth, there is a need for thoughtful financial decisions. In the life of your business, there may be moments when working with a financial professional is best to consult the appropriate financial strategy…financial decision, decision life, decision businessconsulting, tax, accounting, eng, financial2
weinberg.hu…the production and assembly of which required special professional and manufacturing skills. We knew from the first moment that we could only turn to the best for our own benefit, so we chose the Weinberg steel structure manufacturing division. Time has shown that we have made a good decision.”construction, general, award, steel, structure2
flatbook.huOur mission is to empower consumers with information to make smart decisions. FlatBook is a real estate marketplace dedicated to helping homeowners, home buyers, sellers, renters and agents find and share information about homes, real estate and home improvement.smart decision, decision flatbook, home decision, decision professionalrent, city, centre, apartment, room2
adamhouse.huThe SIP technology is the least labour-intensive construction method in Hungary today. After the assessment of needs, we support you in the decision-making from the beginning of the construction, and help you with the necessary paperwork. Due to the panels manufactured using the design drawings…need decision, decision makingtechnology, house, production, programme, reference2
enasco.huENASCO Groups advisory services provide insights into carbon-reduction related projects to support decision-makers in making the right decisions with techno-economic analysis at hand.project decision, decision maker, right decision, decision technoenergy, group, innovation, advisory, development2
danubian.huDanubian Aircraft Company Hungary was founded in 1992 with the purpose of using domestic aviation industry experience of many decades and continue the aviation activity. By decision of the owners the 25-year experience of business and markets of Danubian Aircraft Company jsc. have since been…activity decision, decision owneraircraft, activity, tradition, operation, market2
salsanyaritabor.huresident in Europe. What is then the relation between music and Latin identity, what are the chances for integration through music and dance? The decision by many European enthusiasts to go and take salsa classes, on the other hand, represents a radical departure from the Western rock and popular…dance decision, decision europeandance, festival, cuban, course, lake2
higlernatural.huGuests or visitors to your office or institution using EcoNatural dispensers will know that you have made a decision to prioritise sustainability.dispenser decision, decision sustainabilityenvironmental, paper, natural, environmentally, dispenser2
hrsmart.huHowever, thoroughness pays off because the organizational integration of the new employee is also much faster. Not to mention that in the event of a wrong selection, the process restarts, causing a serious loss of time and money. Therefore, it is important to make a good decision first. We can…good decision, decision rightemployee, recruitment, staff, organizational, support2
vvintelligence.huAt VVI Solutions, we specialize in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), providing unparalleled investigative services to empower your decisions. With a team of seasoned professionals, we delve into the digital realm to unravel crucial insights, ensuring you have the information you need to stay ahead.service decision, decision teamintelligence, solution, insight, investigative, ethical2
cirkuszbp.huBence embarked himself on a brunch journey in the kitchen and ever since then it’s been history. He’s helped in making executive decisions to what to serve their customers and finally coming to conclusions that they’re best value is in the brunches that him and is team serve.executive decision, decision customercoffee, place, food, family, day2
uniqalis.huWe can support you in making strategic decisions by providing accurate information and relevant advice regarding the target markets. We act as interface between African and Hungarian governments and businesses to ensure our common success.strategic decision, decision accurate, management decision, decision developmentschedule, appointment, african, international, main2
nyitottkor.hu…a group has not yet taken place. The program might help the children in preventing exclusion and to choose to take the side of the weak. The high level of interaction plays an important part, the children make decisions as a group, they also play the part of the students of the fourth grade class.child decision, decision groupdrama, group, participant, european, education2
sardy.huCounselling and representation in administrative matters, including legal proceedings against the decisions of governmental and administrative authorities.proceedings decision, decision governmental, business decision, decision makinglaw, office, representation, counselling, proceedings2
doublerosenext.huIf a neat look and good impression on your customers and clients are important for you, then we are your good decision. The clean, stylish design of our clothes ensure elegant, professional appearance, so thus your clothing measures up to the level of your work.good decision, decision cleanprotection, technology, fabric, comfortable, healthcare2
focusfox.huThe US was preparing for the election (Bill Clinton was elected the second time) and this was also imported to the NAB booths. The first year of Focusfox became successful over expectation and this way we could say that in the spirit of election at least one of our decisions was right.election decision, decision right, difficult decision, decision makingwebsite, production, post, commercial, studio2
inventionfact.huI learned about the Organoco Mindset before the largest business decision I’ve ever had to make. The approach, the support it offers, and the perspectives and tools that model how people work have helped us address change creatively, without reservations, and shape our business decisions…business decision, decision approach, decision successfullydevelopment, change, invention, confidence, organization2
hsmti.huDesign of multi-level belt, roller and pallet convejor systems. Equipped with logical decisions systems (lever deflectors, forced paths, side forwarder, scrap management, PLC programming), automatic weight measurement, labeling (label printing, inkjet marking, barcode, QR code, Data Matrix code)…logical decision, decision system, solution decision, decision imagemachine, image, process, technology, production2
reach-i4.huREACH custom analytics enables you to drill down into fine details and discover correlations you wouldn’t see otherwise. With this feature you can create custom dashboards, visualizations , reports from your factory data, which helps you make better decisions. It also makes easier to discover and…well decision, decision easydata, reach, solution, big, real2
kfib.hu…confident that the country needs professional reasoning based on empirical facts to become a priority. We think that political discourse should revolve around the different options of a particular decision, and that the analysis of the consequences of such decisions should be entrusted to experts.particular decision, decision analysis, consequence decision, decision expertanalysis, budget, fiscal, projection, impact2
proread.huThe improvement of your ability to absorb new information quickly will make it easier to fully understand the implications of your decisions. A maximum of information is extracted in the minimum time. Find out more >>implications decision, decision maximumtraining, reference, skill, day, ability2
corexpro.huKeep the impacted parties and decision-makers informed of the latest developments related to the project, as required by the institutionsparty decision, decision makerplan, financing, implementation, tender, documentation2
habitat.hu…document is based on broad research and is drafted with the help of experts to inform the public and to provide reference for professionals and decision makers involved in housing related issues and policies. The annual report describes the major housing problems in Hungary, together with the…recommendation decision, decision maker, professional decisionhabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization2
helvid.huThe tools are manufcatured in our company, in this case your decision, modification will be simplier and easier. You can save time and it isn’t necessary waiting for tools for couple of weeks.case decision, decision modificationpackaging, tool, vacuum, development, quotation2
sttp.huHandover testing: By this we mean checking the different Entry and Exit criteria to decide if a particular development can move on to the next phase. Where possible, it may be worth automating this activity to help decision makers.activity decision, decision maker, oc decision, decision listpoint, client, straight, management, solution2
akavevilagnapja.huProduct Strategy: We focus on showing executives and other decision makers the most efficient way how their products will achieve the high-level business objectives.executive decision, decision makerltd, brand, uk, square, customer2
mfpartners.huWe have considerable experience of providing legal services for businesses. We assist our clients in preparing their business decisions, regulating their economic processes, and resolving their legal issues. In our activities we adapt flexibly to clients’ needs and expectations.optimal decision, decision efficiently, business decision, decision economiclaw, attorney, expertise, client, firm2
nimfea.huin partnership with Friends of the Earth Hungary, joining to the Europe-wide campaign. During the campaign all passers-by could make their deal to the policy-makers: they could offer a small change in their own life in exchange for a request from the decision-makers, in order to stop climate change.request decision, decision maker, resource decisionnature, association, conservation, center, environmental2
iaabudapest.huDagmara Szulce, Managing Director of IAA Global, said: “As consumers become more aware of environmental and social issues, they are increasingly taking into account a company's sustainability practices when making purchasing decisions. If a company is perceived as not being environmentally or…practice decision, decision company, purchase decision, decision marketerglobal, brand, industry, advertising2
informula.huIf you want to maintain the competitiveness it is necessary to flexibly modify and expand your IT systems and the IT infrastructure should handle large amounts of real-time data. Decisions, not data, create value!time decision, decision reaction, data decision, decision datareal, data, infrastructure, enterprise, architecture2
vajdaszilard.huproject manager, COO of a department, and Product Owner of a software. Most recently, I served as the head of the Project Management Office at Mirum Agency Budapest. This diverse experience has provided me with a unique perspective, allowing me to see the bigger picture and make strategic decisions.decision makingmanager, solution, management, people, onepage2
hoszivattyu-pest.hu…with different challenges, so we provide personalized advice and suggestions to support our clients. With our consultation services, you can be confident that every decision you make is well-founded and based on the latest industry knowledge, ensuring you always choose the most optimal solution.good decision, decision home, confident decision, decision latestair, heat, heating, pump, solution2
atlaszmernokiroda.hu…in many engineering challenges from small tasks to large-scale, complex projects. We not only incorporate our experience gained at the desing-table into our work; lessons learned on construction sites as site supervisors or as experts also help us to make the right decisions in our design tasks.right decision, decision designstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation2
eltinga.huEconomist. She has been working on the real estate market since 2008. She leads projects, writes public and pre-decision analyses.pre decision, decision analysisanalysis, residential, urban, market, research2
rockdigital.huWhen you register you get access to the entire 3 days course which will enable you to understand your business environment, devise a realistic development strategy and how to effectively act on it. Of course we'll also teach you how to evaluate your actions and take the right decisions.well decision, decision makingcourse, training, day, strategy, sell2
darvasjudit.hu…broaden their horizon of possibilities, but will also improve their quality of life. My goal as a student advisor is to empower students with study skills and life skills that will give them confidence, bring them success in their studies, and help them in the decisions regarding their own future.study decision, decision future, difficult decision, decision studentstudent, study, approach, therapy, freedom2
expanzio.huWe work for organisations, communities and individuals who feel burnt out in the cage of traditional and rigid learning systems. Our learning is practice-oriented. We develop learning by using the entire arsenal, including games. Our Android application for educational decision-makers on tackling…educational decision, decision makerconsulting, human, learn, educational, development2
tmerp.huERP AND S4 / HANA enterprise resource planning system provides IT support for the integrated processes of both business and budget organizations. It can be used to control, direct and automate processes, support decision-making, strategic and operational planning, and ensure the flow of information.strategic decision, decision making, process decisionimplementation, solution, process, management, operation2
cloverfield.hu…with everyone involved in the process within a heartbeat . So if you sign up and use this product your work life will be a lot more predictable , you will satisfy all stakeholders in your business and you will have a lot more time focusing on understanding the results and making smart decisions .result decision, decision dailyprocess, plan, cloud, performance, fast2
compassioninaction.huValue based behavior in day-to-day leadership decisions embraced, in line with values of mindful, caring compassion.life decision, decision today, leadership decision, decision lineaction, self, result, group, value2
mediatormiskolc.huThe mediator only guides the process, does not force, does not make a decision, and does not judge.necessary decision, decision partymediation, mediator, relationship, divorce, view2
innovatox.hu“Our company made a good decision when it commissioned InnovaTox several times to carry out the biocide authorisation procedures for our products. Prepared professional and fair business conduct was demonstrated at all times. We will turn to them next time. ”good decision, decision innovatoxsafety, substance, notification, registration, guarantee2
atlasmernokiroda.hu…in many engineering challenges from small tasks to large-scale, complex projects. We not only incorporate our experience gained at the desing-table into our work; lessons learned on construction sites as site supervisors or as experts also help us to make the right decisions in our design tasks.right decision, decision designstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation2
smartlegal.huI was positively impressed by your approach to our questions and the strategy advises. You provided accurate, clear and reasoned legal advice, which allowed our company to take appropriate business decisions.basis decision, decision makinglegal, law, international, lawyer, solution2
lareesa.huLareesa not only consulted me well in taking the right decisions, but also designed it very professionally, helped me a great deal in formulating the website text, finding the right wording and making it all fit together neatly. Furthermore, she fine-tuned my already existing brand logo and was a…right decision, decision professionally, difficult decision, decision makingcreativity, science, brand, happy, serial2
syscontrol.huWe work to ensure that our solutions make this information available to our customers at the optimal time, so they can make decisions with the lowest possible risk.time decision, decision lowcontrol, solution, instrument, webpage, proprietary2
rigocon.huThe embedded concordance of the business lines, finance and the supporting functions is key to longer-term success for any firm; this however, should be based on the internal transparency of processes defining roles and responsibilities, decision making, data flows and systems, records and…responsibility decision, decision making, specific decisionrisk, management, control, solution, financial2
phoenixcollection.huBeing digital is about using data to make better and faster decisions, devolving decision making to smaller teams, and developing much more.fast decision, decision makingdigital, bee, communication, sample, article2
helping-hand.huPositive communication supports acceptance, empathy, empowerment, and the child’s autonomous decision-making. It matters a lot what we say and how we say it. Here are some examples to illustrate what we mean by this.stakeholder decision, decision maker, autonomous decision, decision makingchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten2
basilicon.hu…the nuances and challenges, to develop policies that are not only robust and achievable – but also sustainable. Our policy advisory services encompass a broad range of sectors, empowering governments, public institutions, and NGOs to make informed, effective, and responsible policy decisions.inform decision, decision makingconsulting, international, knowledge, strategy, broad2
mikeklaudia.huFor a while I have worked parallel as a Project Expert for a multinational company and in private as a coach. Then the time came and I made one of my hardest decisions ever and I quit my main job.long decision, decision making, hard decision, decision maincareer, process, job, change, today2
advancedweb.huURL signing is a way to provide controlled access to protected content. The backend contains custom code that decides whether a user can download a file and if the decision is positive then it signs a URL using a secret that only it knows, then returns the URL to the user. Then for the download…file decision, decision positiveadvanced, machinery, resource, article, download2
xpl.huExplico specialises in regulatory monitoring. We offer assistance by tracking updates in laws, regulations, and technical specifications. Our monitoring encompasses decisions by regulators, court rulings, and inputs from other relevant entities. Additionally, we stay updated with publications and…monitoring decision, decision regulator, key decision, decision policyclient, political, public, risk, government2
inmategym.hu, it is a must to wear the right footwear. You need to get at least a pair of Converse with high ankles, since those have flat soles, but the best decision is to invest into a pair of professional weightlifting shoes like Adidas Adipower which will prevent you having the incorrect foot posture…good decision, decision pair, decision steptraining, body, session, muscle, like2
dev-lab.huIf I make the decision during the shooting, that I am unable or do not want to continue the rest of the package, can I give it to another person?shoot, package, weapon, range, detail2
pome.huduring the purchase decision-making moment, at the POME Old Spice deodorant products were introduced to the targeted customer.purchase decision, decision makingcampaign, school, indoor, family, young2
taxworld.huThese basic services - some of which our clients might not even be aware of - are carried out by our experts with particularly high standards, as these allow us to offer multiple solutions and possibilities to our clients. These fundamentals enable well-informed decision making, complex tax…fundamental decision, decision making, client decision, decision expansivelylegal, tax, accounting, office, client2
meevet.hu…power industry have priority during our activities. In the interest of the above mentioned goals we elaborate recommendations to improve the professional and legal arrangements regarding the electric power industry and we take part in preparing governmental, economical and professional decisions.branch, electric, energy, industry, resident1
vinfo.hu…market demands faster than ever before, which has enabled us to meet the diverse needs of our clients and yet manage our projects effectively. The level of service was of the highest grade. We are glad that we made the right decision to operate in the cloud, making us more resourceful.”right decision, decision cloudcloud, factory, code, engineer, technology1
digitalconto.huWe consider it essential to use our expertise and precise work to support entrepreneurs in making decisions towards achieving more effective operation.entrepreneur decision, decision effectiveaccounting, entrepreneur, sole, taxation, rate1
neumannconsulting.huThe name "miniMAX" is a tribute to the work of János Neumann, who laid the foundations of the science known as "game theory" and mathematically proved the MINIMAX principle, which is essential for optimal decisions.consulting, industry, expert, implementation, history1
estateandmore.huOne of the biggest decisions in our lives is when we want to buy, exchange or get a bigger living space. We are well-aware that we need to take mortgages and apply for state subsidies.big decision, decision lifeassistance, estate, real, seller, sale1
litocar.huOur data engineering services help organizations make sense of their data, providing insights and enabling better decision making.well decision, decision makingdevelopment, software, data, career, engineering1
prooptimum.hu…advice and accounting can bring long-term, balanced success to your business. Contact us in person or online to experience what it’s like to work with real tax experts who make your everyday life easier. They explain in a clear way your options in complex situations and help you make key decisions.tax, cancellation, consultancy, consultant, advice1
kiraly24.huWhen buying a home, there are basically two things that determine our decision: the first is to buy a property that is worthwhile, and the second is also an important aspect for many, so that the apartment can be moved immediately. However, it is not easy to find a property that meets both criteria.thing decision, decision propertyapartment, detail, city, location, terrace1
klimapolitikaiintezet.huCivil activism gains a foothold in many fields of policy decision preparation, especially in climate and environmental policy-making.policy decision, decision preparationclimate, event, green, institute, protection1
weddingceremony.huYou can be baptized before the wedding service or even during. Being Christian is not just a religious act – it is a decision to live by Love.act decision, decision lovewedding, ceremony, christian, way, minister1
jennyz.huI am still physically, mentally, emotionally as much a wreck as i was September 2020. Maybe more so, because the cumulative weight of the past two years has been crushing. I’ve helped my mom make countless medical decisions. Medical decisions that I painstakingly relive all the time, wondering…medical decision, decision medical, decision painstakinglyday, february, week, photo, family1
hegyesidesign.huWhen I decided that I wanted to use interior decorating help, I looked for someone who was recommended, and that's how I met Zsanett. After the phone conversation, I could already tell that I was dealing with a real professional, after the first personal meeting I was sure that I had made the…right decision, decision additionpage, interior, main, feedback, gallery1
accountantz.huInnovative technology applications, up-to-date financial and accounting information for decision makersinformation decision, decision makerpersonal, fee, career, process, financial1
rimconsulting.huAre your staff prepared for emergencies? Do they know what to do in case of theft, fire, burglary? Has it been clarified by who and what decisions can be made in special or suspicious circumstances?burglary decision, decision specialconsulting, rim, protection, security, case1
consact.huThe time passed and the business successes not only proved the correctness of our decision, but also encouraged and stimulated us to develop further and to renew. We have developed a new consulting model, which enables us to support in a more integrated way and more efficiently our clients’…correctness decision, decision newdevelopment, solution, virtual, area, consulting1
itoperation.huSupport your decision making mechanism in in-, co- or outsourcing; providing risk management services by using our quality assurance competency for your implementation projectsoperation, enhancement, performance, advisory, management1
balticm.huThe recruitment services will help corporate clients with issues related to hiring responsible and competent employees, and will also be able to conduct a labor market analysis to calculate staff costs and office management, which will help in decision about the development of a business in…management decision, decision developmentbaltic, management, solution, registration, foundation1
striker.huSándor Striker's employment case against the Eötvös Loránd University was terminated by an appeal court decision.open, letter, president, festival, human1
hairtransplanthungary.huDHC staff was very professional and very hard-working. I am glad I made the decision to come here during the end of my vacation in Europe. Waiting results but the hairline reconstruction looks great now! Special thanks to Tibor!glad decision, decision endhair, clinic, transplantation, consultation, result1
gostech.huWe can help you save time and money! As a result of years’ worth of professional experience and continuous market research, we are aware of various up-to-date solutions for a range of issues. Whether it’s visual inspections or industrial software development, we can help you quickly make…quickly decision, decision devicevisual, development, inspection, page, software1
envirosense.hu…maps, objects are represented spatially, and accurate measurements are offered. Using remote sensing technologies beside orthophotos numerous products can be derived to support decision making. In the following section we present some examples to illustrate the opportunities of our technologies.product decision, decision makingdata, area, map, page, airborne1
palotasmix.hu…of our joint work, and are helpful in accomplishing our goals in spite of the fact that they may often be present only indirectly, still in a self-evident manner in the life of our company. Ideal model behaviours give us proper guidance in various decisions to be made and conflicts to be resolved.guidance decision, decision conflictmixture, value, compound, activity, rubber1
a-games.huAs second board game of A-games for gamers Prehistory takes us back to the stone age to make complex strategic decisions and in order to survive. Funded on Kickstarter in 2018.strategic decision, decision ordergame, board, player, play, family1
actualart.huMy task is to find talented domestic and foreign artists, the preparation and creative realisation of stage productions. This is a very complex challenge, and in most cases it is my many years of stage experience that helps me to make a decision or implement an idea.experience decision, decision ideastage, image, production, art, actual1
meditations.huWe have great experience in building document retrieval systems for managing millions of documents. We designed search engine components of legal research systems developed for lawyers and legal experts. These databases contain millions of records (rules, acts, court decisions) where documents can…court decision, decision documentfast, custom, problem, algorithm, computation1
hiperszuper.hu…alertness of their attention some are real pioneers, game changers, transformation-leading change agents; they analyse and recognise situations efficiently, and as a result to their resilience, they are strategic thinkers, who are able to make serious decisions within a very short reaction time .able decision, decision shorthomepage, individual, picture, solution, big1
nextconsulting.huFinding the right person for the right position is one of the most important tasks in a corporation’s life. But what should we base our decisions on?consulting, manager, introduction, consultant, reference1
knui.huWe know the most emotional times that an individual or family must endure are those in which questions of family law arise. Choosing the right lawyer is a decision that should not be taken lightly. We have been in family law since 2008. We are purposely a small team of experienced family lawyers…lawyer decision, decision lightlylawyer, child, custody, family, divorce1
angolmesekert.hu…mother tongue the children will be able to speak English, and with the coordinated activities of the parents and the kindergarten they will grow to be honest, open, curious, independent, tolerant, kind-hearted, cheerful, helpful children with sufficient self-discipline and decision-making ability.discipline decision, decision abilitychild, preschool, introduction, education, development1
providers-nest.huIt will be our pleasure to inform you of the result in due course and whatever the outcome may be please be informed that our decision is final.outcome decision, decision finalprovider, nest, economic, finance, industry1
krgroup.hu…template for the articles of association. Within one working day from submission of the application, the registry court shall issue a decision on incorporation. Incorporation is usually accomplished within two to eight business days, as the tax number required for registration must be…shall decision, decision incorporationtax, group, accounting, vat, rate1
tokajmagic.huIf you want to give experince as a gift for someone who is really important for you, well it is always a hard decision. So trust us: why don’t you pick the perfect present? – A tasting which is far away from any sort of strict, snubby winegeeking? On our tastings anyone can get a close view…hard decision, decision perfectwine, tasting, special, local, topic1
digitaljustice.huThe use of AI in individual judicial proceedings – the assessment and evaluation of various foreign AI applications. Document analysis systems, recommendation, decision support systems. What are they used for? What ethical issues do they raise? What could be used in Hungary?recommendation decision, decision supportresearch, legal, justice, court, digital1
plastic-surgeon.hu"In Cyprus, in Limassol, Dr. George David, a British GMC registered plastic surgeon is practising the art of cosmetic surgery. Over years he has built an enviable reputation with hundreds of grateful clients. If you are seriously considering a very personal and life enhancing decision, Dr. David…life decision, decision dr.surgeon, plastic, surgery, cyprus, price1
hazinspektor.huIt is always a wise decision to get a property inspection prior to a home refurbishment. You will find out what works are necessary to carry out. This way you can save a good amount of money in case the contractor gets carried away with his “advices”.wise decision, decision propertyproperty, inspection, real, estate, detail1
drimal.hu…in the life of every company or individual when it is necessary to be aware of legal opportunities and consequences in order to make the right decision. No matter what kind of enterprise you have, it is essential already at the beginning to carry out proper tax planning and optimisation, produce…right decision, decision matterlaw, office, contract, official, website1
elitedriverservice.huOperating an airport in today’s environment is like running a small city. Understanding the impact of decisions on service levels and the bottom line are critical.impact decision, decision servicedriver, airport, flight, venice, sight1
egszb.hu…represent employer and employee organizations and other interest groups. The EESC develops opinions on various EU topics for the European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament, forming a bridge between the decision-making institutions of the EU and EU citizens.bridge decision, decision institutionorganization, social, european, committee, economic1
datarocklabs.huBI rocks. But it's completely useless if it isn't in the right place, at the right time, in the right format. We excel in extracting valuable insights from data, enabling informed decision-making and enhancing your business's efficiency.inform decision, decision makinglab, data, technology, solution, raw1
f12.huAnother issue that you may encounter is related to the previous and the applied PIN policy. Based on my experience, the WHfB enrollment process is prompting the current PIN and tries to set it as the new PIN (from a user experience standpoint, this was a clever decision from Microsoft), but if the…clever decision, decision microsofthello, access, application, user, sign1
meltanyossag.huÁdám Vermes spoke to Balkan Insight concerning lex-CEU, highlighting that while the EU court’s decision is a legal victory for the university, the political victory was reaped by the government.court decision, decision legalanalysis, election, opposition, primary, political1
projecthr.huBy the meaningful interpretation of the contexts emerging from the extensive information gathered through market research, we can effectively support the process of decision-making.process decision, decision makinghealth, market, research, human, resource1
kompress.huBased on the decision of the Judging Committee of the Hungaropack 2020 Hungarian Packaging Competition, it won the special prize for consumer packaging.packaging, printing, leaflet, data, finish1
drkocsis.hulawyer, decision taker in absolute grounds and relative grounds cases, European Union Intellectual Property Office (previously Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market), Alicante, Operations Departmentlawyer decision, decision takerlaw, firm, trade, property, member1
halamid.huFortify your data strategy with optimized database management, ensuring secure, efficient, and insightful data handling to inform strategic decisions.innovation, solution, affordable, operation, cloud1
iloveyoga.huI can still remember the evening when my husband and I went to our first yoga class. I believe our decision to try yoga was made at the right time as I was going through a very stressful period in my life, sitting in the office all day long was not good for me either and I could hardly handle the…class decision, decision yogayoga, booking, visit, price, photo1
prolaser.huAfter long persuasion from William R. B. Jr. we decided to take part on the world laser competition with one of our production created for a Hungarian conference. Our philosophy is to create rather than compete. However, we need to admit that we were really glad about the decision of the jury by…glad decision, decision juryproduction, gallery, concert, element, event1
jet-vill.hu…we pinpoint the defects of electrical equipment and draw attention to the deviations from standards. We provide cost estimates to support decision-making when choosing the required measures. We strive for co-operation. Our focus is to execute the task at hand. Our partners are able to carry…estimate decision, decision makingunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power1
zane.huThe Beneficiary – based on the Sponsor’s decision – is entitled to support. Amount of non-refundable grant: HUF 34,033,062, i.e. thirty-four million thirty-three thousand sixtysponsor decision, decision noncircuit, development, quotation, software, prototype1
slackware.hu…market demands faster than ever before, which has enabled us to meet the diverse needs of our clients and yet manage our projects effectively. The level of service was of the highest grade. We are glad that we made the right decision to operate in the cloud, making us more resourceful.”right decision, decision cloudcloud, factory, code, technology, engineer1
soundbridge.huIn order to change something, first we need to recognise what it really is. With the right perspective, we have a chance to accept the situation and then transform it. Once having received this acceptance, you can also more easily come to the decision of change.easily decision, decision changesound, group, day, session, retreat1
avisonyoung.huEveryone has data, but Avison Young experts translate it into insight you can really use to make smart decisions for today and for the future – fueling deeper insight into the dynamics of cities, intersections, buildings and people.smart decision, decision todayyoung, real, commercial, estate, advisor1
bariatria.huThe surgery turned out to be the best decision of my life! Dr. Baranyai is the coolest doctor I have ever met! He does not only have a good approach and great knowledge, but his humanity also contributes to the success!good decision, decision lifesurgery, weight, gastric, loss, calculator1
mgr-informatika.huWe can help enterprise customers improve data security and compliance of industrial standards. As an independent expert team can support decisions which impact most comprehensive and professional foundation for the field of information technology, ranging from the investment of the operation…team decision, decision comprehensivesolution, supplier, consultation, reference, server1
furedi-annamaria.huAfter the slapdash control procedure a most interesting information came: the airline stated that the Immigration Service of Canada forbade them to send Eva to Toronto while the Immigration Service – when asked – replied that they leave the decision with the airline.service decision, decision airlinecanada, woman, people, thing, category1
bestdiamond.hu…any questions you may have and get a valuable insight in the exciting world of diamonds. We will also go through the 4 main characteristics of a diamond („4C’s”). My aim is to make sure you leave the consultation with gained knowledge and added value which will help you to take the best decision.engagement, guide, broker, collection, mission1
tamasmagusmedium.hu…it works very well. We will discuss how and how we will be able to work together. Of course, nothing is mandatory, I outline the options and the decision is in the hands of the client. In addition, there are consultations where clients contact me with specific questions and I try to answer them…option decision, decision handcourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health1
daalgroup.huNo need to worry that you will get a plan that is impossible to implement: we keep every decision under full control from the idea to implementation.impossible decision, decision controlindustrial, engineering, group, air, hall1
escoplatform.huThe aim of the Platform is to identify barriers to the uptake of energy efficiency services and to develop proposals to address them. It also aims to provide expert support to decision-makers in the field of energy efficiency and to contribute to the development of an appropriate regulatory and…support decision, decision makerenergy, efficiency, market, contract, environment1
fotpayment.huFOT started out managing our SEO efforts, but their scientific approach to digital marketing and the results they have achieved made it an easy decision for us to handover the management.easy decision, decision managementpayment, solution, app, graphic, technology1
tpa-group.huYour Strong Support. CFO Advisory. As a Chief Financial Officer you have to make important decisions. With our assistance...important decision, decision assistanceaccounting, advisory, order, tax, group1
all.huALL provides a new approach and a corresponding methodology to support cognizing, problem solving and decision making processes of intelligent systems. This methodology is based on a theoretically well-founded technology developed by ALL.solve decision, decision makingapply, logic, laboratory, technology, cognitive1
formalin.huWe constantly follow the decisions of the European Chemicals Agency regarding the registration, production and use of hazardous substances.constantly decision, decision europeanproduction, plant, material, industrial, customer1
drzsuborilaszlo.huMy name is Dr. Laszlo Zsubori. Being a dentist runs in my family. The atmosphere of a dental practice has been a part of my life since my early childhood thanks to my Mother. Upon finishing high school, I was considering becoming a tattoo artist but finally made the decision to attend the Medical…finally decision, decision medicaldental, tooth, oral, implant, replacement1
tuskevariskola.huOur aim is that a child develops decision-making ability and he looks for an alternative when solving a problem of his own.child decision, decision abilityteacher, school, training, learn, child1
fogjegytaxit.huAlthough it may be tempting for many to drive to the airport with their own car, this decision can come with several risks. Let us show you the downsides of traveling to the airport with your own car.car decision, decision riskairport, transfer, journey, driver, parking1
catcafebudapest.huWe ask all parents with children to please understand that this decision has been taken at the request of our guests and to protect our cats.child decision, decision requestguideline, place, street, card, drink1
analyticslab.huMake informed decisions with our advanced reporting solutions . Unlock the power of your data effortlesslyinform decision, decision advancedpotential, website, report, expert, measurement1
capitalw.huEntrust the management of your assets to seasoned experts, ensuring strategic and personalized investment decisions are made on your behalfinvestment decision, decision behalfcapital, wood, financial, management, office1
pcokft.hu…by our customers. The responsibility of the members of our team is to properly assess the given situation and to make a professionally sound decision, followed by the appropriate choice and implementation of the right method to apply. Naturally, we are happy to consult our customers at each…sound decision, decision appropriatecontrol, storage, facility, grain, crop1
sarimetal.huIn order to increase our capacity, we decided to purchase another CNC edge bending machine in 2023! We chose the TruBend 7050 machine manufactured by Trumpf GmbH due to its many technological features. Our machine was put into operation in January 2024 and based on the first data, we made a good…good decision, decision typemachine, welding, metal, bend, cut1
salesdrive.hu…sales processes, enhancing efficiency, accelerating sales productivity, creating a pipeline of leads, closing deals faster and making data-driven insightful decisions. The platform is provided as SaaS (Software as a Service) for browser-based access even available in the form of a mobile app.insightful decision, decision platformsale, cloud, solution, implementation, integration1
metegyhaz.hu…in time to the story of the Church of the Book of Acts, i.e., the Word of God. Looking back over the past centuries, it is very difficult to keep track of which branch of the Church continued to be the most faithful. The spiritual questions, decisions, and actions of all ages are important to us.question decision, decision actionchurch, congregation, detail, temporary, christ1
magashegy-pinceszet.huWe insist on the maximal naturalness. Spontaneous fermentation. Nothing added, nothing taken away. No additives, no adjustments, only some added sulfur. As we don't use additional acids neither aditional concentrated musts, the choosing of the time of the harvest is a very important decision. We…important decision, decision naturewine, house, guest, distributor, condition1
pipa.info.hu…the coming out. The coming out youngster is not an adult yet and cannot see exactly their future identity, they cannot make their independent decisions, and the parents tend to adhere to their idealistic concepts and cannot see their children realistically, but children are in need of being…independent decision, decision parentdonation, social, foundation, tax, case1
cma.hu…efficient auditing, operations and matinee programs, so that the investor is protected through proper facilities management; to create accessible project records, so that the process and outcomes of decision making will be readily accessible to project personnel over the duration of the project.outcome decision, decision makingarchitect, client, use, management, plan1
ferienhaus-luxus.huThis guesthouse is a perfect decision for families, circle of friends, couples, and for people who desire relaxation.perfect decision, decision familypool, house, room, perfect, guest1
trinityenviro.huour experts have been involved and have gathered experiences in a number of large projects financed by Hungarian and International Financing Institutions (EU, The World Bank, European Investment Bank, Hungarian State Budget) in decision making level. This gives us a national and international sight.budget decision, decision makingclient, expertise, area, reference, management1
graphit.huNX software help you design, simulate and manufacture better products faster by enabling smarter decisions in an integrated product development environment.smart decision, decision integratesolution, site, software, fast, manufacture1
blacksheeptechnologies.hu“Honestly, my smartest business decision was to never do anything that I didn’t love doing.” -Bennett Millerbusiness decision, decision millersheep, technology, motivation, skill, development1
actionfranchise.huIs ActionCOACH the right decision for you? An ActionCOACH business coach is a confidant partner and a mentor to their clients. There are so many reasons why our business coaches find success as an ActionCOACH franchise owner. Decide if you’re the one that is going to be seen as a leader in your…right decision, decision actioncoachreason, owner, step, story1
securesoft.humuch easier with high level of user cooperation. Our CarbidMail solution is a highly personaliseable solution. End users may vary from high level decision makers till sales and marketing personal. Customisable dashboards, various predefined settings and user menus makes this product a user friendly…level decision, decision makersecure, security, software, white, view1
kurultaj.hu…in all the nomadic cultures. Hungarian nomadic tribes also held these meetings, a fact that is mentioned in Byzantine and Arab written sources. At such meetings, important decisions were made, in particular, the leaders of the tribes would meet often to discuss military decisions and strategies.important decision, decision particular, military decision, decision strategynation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient1
paytrim.huWe exist to help entrepreneurs invest in their future. That is why Paytrim has smart features that help you make the right decisions and achieve your goals. In other words, Paytrim is a payment solution that is much more than "just a payment solution."right decision, decision goalpayment, solution, future, card, terminal1
disol.huOur work does not generate any hidden costs thus our clients can make a well-planned decision in advance, based on real figures.client decision, decision advanceprotection, insulation, corrosion, fire, proof1
netlife.huWe believe that our results and client portfolio reflects the outcome of your decision to put your future in our care.outcome decision, decision futurecustomer, development, welcome, application, quality1
realsafety.huManaging tenders and construction works according to the margin set by the owners, and everything according to the owners’ decisionssafety, fire, real, maintenance, technical1
motorfesztival.huThe company, considering all the circumstances, made this difficult decision in the interest of the visitors. Hungexpo has discussed with major dealers and potential exhibitors until the last minute, but some partners withdrew due to lack of support. Satisfaction of visitors and exhibitors is the…difficult decision, decision interestfestival, gallery, exhibition, visitor, close1
benefit.huDuring our operation we emphasize that our methodology, infrastructure and through continuous training of our staff provide regular and reliable basis for the adoption of our clients' business decisions and facilitate the everyday operation of changing economic and regulatory environment.business decision, decision everydaybenefit, consulting, accounting, tax, advisory1
mmpp.hu…employers and educational organizations on the expected tendencies of the Hungarian labor market. Our intention is to provide assistance in decisions concerning job-seeking, career orientation, workforce management and in organization of training programmes by making accessible aggregated dataassistance decision, decision jobforecast, labour, force, survey, analysis1
vindornyalak.huThe Commission decisions page belongs to the Elections. Here you can find all official documents about the decisions made by the Local Election Commission (Helyi Választási Bizottság or HVB shortly).commission decision, decision page, document decision, decision localvillage, page, lake, website, baroque1
noiegyutthato.hutarget group: municipal decision-makers and staff, community leaders (e.g. NGO leaders), local business leaders, thought leadersmunicipal decision, decision makerlocal, selection, training, community, application1
metwork.huAfter filling out our request for quotation template with all the important technical parameters, we will give you an accurate and detailed offer so that you can easily consider it yourself or present it to the decision makers.easily decision, decision makermachine, quote, offer, deadline, solution1
topdog.huThere is a fight to catch people’s attention. The one who gets attention gets to sell. An awesome story can both catch attention and influence decision. A campaign video is merely a waste of time without it.attention decision, decision campaigndog, award, tvc, production, direct1
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huSkies of Arcadia rules as one of the premier Dreamcast RPGs. You’ll quickly love Vyse and also his Blue Rogues as they battle the bad Valuan Empire. Sega, after the Dreamcast regrettably stumbled, made a decision to port this excellent first-party RPG to the GameCube, re-dubbing it as Skies of…regrettably decision, decision excellentgame, video, like, lot, certainly1
mta.hu…taking place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 6 to 9 December 2022. Convened under the main theme “Science for Social Justice”, this year’s forum calls on decision-makers to recognise the vital role that science must play in solving the world’s worsening societal, economic and environmental crises.forum decision, decision makerscience, academy, research, member, forum1
whiterabbit.huFor 20 years, Pantone Color Institute has been selecting the color of the year and drawing attention to our colorful world. Pantone’s Color of the Year has influenced product development and purchasing decisions in different industries, including fashion, interior and industrial design, as well as…purchase decision, decision differentcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution1
harp.huWe introduced both the executive selection and the support of our staff into the Assessment and Development Center services. The AC / DC method, represented by HaRp, quickly and effectively supports our decision-making processes and helps us in assigning directions for development, bringing to the…effectively decision, decision makingharp, training, employee, news, customer1
pharmanext.huOur professional consultants use the latest market data and research results to help you make the best decisions.portfolio, brand, news, sale, pharmaceutical1
szellkalmanalapitvany.hu…and resulting sensible approach. The people who have been awarded so far have done a lot to familiarise the highest number of international decision-makers and opinion shapers with Hungary, and presented Hungary’s business and political activity in the spirit of liberty, honest prosperity and…international decision, decision makerfoundation, media, page, main, people1
naftagaztech.huSo the decision came to take a part in the world of electricity. We take on management, planning, control of electrification and system development to...detail, plan, news, power, ami1
oxit.huThis project is a empowering strategic decision-making, it provides data visualization, tactical simulations, and collaborative planning for efficient and precise operations.strategic decision, decision makingtender, reality, robotic, technology, repair1
sarifruzsicoach.hu“Deciding to consult with Sharon has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Sharon made me take a really good look at the issues by confronting them, and together and together we created a strategic plan to change my life for the better."good decision, decision sharonstory, success, session, ipsum, dolor1
danubecapital.huDuring a macroeconomic presentation given by Danube Capital’s senior analyst, I gained a comprehensive picture of the global and domestic economic outlook, which can also be useful in making day-to-day business decisions.capital, danube, analysis, market, economic1
balanceline.huIf you’d like to make strategic business decisions or launching a new firm in Hungary, you need an extensive overview of the local tax environment. Experts of Balance Line can provide all up- to-date information concerning the relevant Hungarian tax regulations. After a deep and thorough analysis…business decision, decision newtax, line, legal, finance, financial1
doit.huWe attach our services to the devices in the inventory, so you and we know exactly what agreements apply to each device. So, we can provide a customer-oriented service to you according to our agreement, and by possessing the certain knowledge, we can make quick decision together and give an extra…quick decision, decision extraprice, administrator, customer, server, colleagues1
oko-rt.hu…sciences. Environment and Economy. ÖKO Co. Ltd., (former ÖKO Inc.) endeavours to harmonise the aspects of ecology, economy and engineering on the interdisciplinary fields of environmental protection and management, to support the enforcement of environmental interests in economical decision making.economical decision, decision makingenvironmental, management, protection, assessment, preparation1
colling.huChange of ownership? Investment? Or are you just wondering if your business is running efficiently? We make decision making easier. We take a magnifying glass of your bookkeeping and uncover any weaknesses in your company.efficiently decision, decision makingquote, friendly, accounting, payroll, question1
menhely.huApart from providing assistance to the homeless, the Shelter Foundation values the importance of treating the homeless and those threatened by homelessness with dignity, to respect their independence and also to encourage them in their freedom to make their own responsible decisions.foundation, mission, shelter, organisation, homeless1
stressmentor.huThe employer can do a lot for the prevention of burnout: by developing good communication methods, by involving the employees in the decision making processes, by providing feedback on their performance, by providing them with stress management and burnout prevention trainings.employee decision, decision makingstress, management, workplace, training, group1
boxago.huReturn on investment is a ratio between your net income and your investment A high ROI means the investment’s gains compare favorably to its cost. Your decisions have an obvious potential connection to the numerator of ROI. Our average ROI is 8 months to 15 months.cost decision, decision obviousstep, packaging, size, process, demand1
laxford.huThrough continuous education and training our senior developers are able to make decisions in a particular direction of a project development, in the expected time required for development.able decision, decision particulardevelopment, director, successfully, electronic, component1
facilityservice.huThere is no operation without information; if the data resource is incorrect, even a right decision may result a wrong outcome. If you do not dispose with right assets or resource, we deliver solution in an excellent quality, such as:right decision, decision wrongfacility, consulting, management, support, reference1
centauriweb.huEuropean farmers protested for better food systems While the Council presidency and European Parliament negotiated about the regulation on nature restoration and before the decision of the renewal of the approval of glyphosate, 250 protesters from the Good Food Good Farming movement took to the…restoration decision, decision renewalstory, short, literature, sun, matter1
aqvila.huWe work with clients to assess potential risks or defects that may affect the value, feasibility or performance of the property or the project. Site Technical Due Diligence helps owners make informed decisions and mitigate risks before they become costly or problematic.inform decision, decision riskengineering, consultancy, consult, build, value1
smileterminal.huEverything will be discussed with you patiently and accurately, so you can make a calm and confident decision about your treatment.confident decision, decision treatmentdental, dentistry, treatment, smile, aesthetic1
ventosus.huEngineering Advisory Services: We provide comprehensive professional advisory services for building developments, including conducting studies, calculating financial returns, and showcasing technical solutions along with their benefits and challenges, empowering clients to make informed decisions.build, heating, energy, engineering, heat1
ballaaudit.huOur aim is to have continuous working relationship with our partners and watch over the everyday working life of “our companies”. In the case of continuous accounting, we request a word of opinion in the main decisions along with participation in the meetings which determine the life of the company.main decision, decision participationauditing, continuous, accounting, consultation, software1
adworks.huWe realise that buyers make their final decisions at the point of sale. Therefore we design and produce materials that foster this decisions, in accordance with the product, place and possibilities.final decision, decision point, material decision, decision accordancesmall, client, fast, big, firm1
artifex.huthe functions of a terrain assessment GIS system and a database of military equipment and weapons containing items from pistol ammunition to aircraft carriers. This system supports group work in the military decision making process executed at different levels of the military organization structure.military decision, decision makingsimulation, training, military, profile, software1
novosped.huIf you receive customable products from a non EU country, they have to be declared for Free Circulation. We determine the financial burdens (VAT, environmental protection product fee, customs, etc.) based on the invoice. Customs duties have to be paid in five days after customs clearance…clearance decision, decision customcustom, administration, consultancy, environmental, charge1
ambiental.huFor us it was a great decision to start to use Ambiental, we are saving our time, and have live information about all our actions. All of our employees are very happy to use this easy method to report EHS issues, and immediately see the dashboard about all EHS actions. Reported near misses numbers…great decision, decision ambientalfeature, pricing, testimonial, report, finding1
dronepermet.huThe essence of precision farming is making decisions on the basis of data in cropping as well. This is where our drones with special thermal cameras come into play.farming decision, decision basisdrone, page, farming, crop, solution1
ficsak.huWe believe that commitment towards each other is a real value and a child is a true miracle. In our think tank community, besides our diverse programmes, we aim to gather the propositions and suggestions of our members, forward them from time to time to the decision makers and represent them in…time decision, decision makerchild, family, programme, real, commitment1
hclu.huThe Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) is appealing to the Constitutional Court to challenge the decision of the Supreme Court of Hungary, which upheld the police's decision to ban solidarity demonstrations in support of the victims of the Gaza conflict. The Curia deemed the police's decision…court decision, decision supreme, police decision, decision solidarity, decision lawfullaw, freedom, union, rule, news1
prezilimpia.huWhat can a company do to inspire not only itself but also its customers to act? Is it the responsibility of companies alone to encourage consumers to shop more consciously in order to reduce harm to themselves and the environment? Or do we also have an individual responsibility and make purchasing…responsibility decision, decision wiselypresentation, competition, talent, student, round1
aacm.hu…Czabarka were shares as to how to manage the risks of the renovation and the solutions for mitigating them. This webinar was an opportunity for decision-makers and practitioners to ask questions to accelerate the energy retrofitting of condominiums from both, a political and an operational point…opportunity decision, decision makereurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
terkitolto.huNowadays, the environmentally corporate decisions are becoming increasingly valued, which is not only due to the tightening of legislation. Environmental awareness is a market expectation, and definitely influenced by the market's perception.corporate decision, decision increasinglybiodegradable, green, fill, packaging, environmentally1
mohani.huBy making conscious decisions today we care for the sustainability of our planet. Mohani caring for planet at heart! Our skincare products are important to us and are derived in a cruelty-free way!conscious decision, decision todaycollection, oil, natural, polish, essential1
fluart.huFluart is guided by a strong dedication to prioritize environmental sustainability and health safety in all its endeavors. This commitment underscores the company's focus on fostering a sustainable and safe working environment. Through conscious decision-making, Fluart strives to contribute…conscious decision, decision makinghealth, vaccine, environment, safety, innovative1
findedichzurecht.huOur goal is to help you reduce your costs as part of our advice so that you can cope more easily and make the best decisions if possible. If you had a phone number to call in such cases, it should be ours.good decision, decision possibleadvice, legal, assistance, insurance, general1
qsspartner.huAccording to Gartner, one of the top 3 analytical tools, a true pioneer in BI. Active intelligence helps you to use up-to-date data to make business decisions at the right time.business decision, decision rightplanner, corporate, portfolio, training, data1
rece.huDecision of the Scientific and Research Ethics Committee of the Scientific Council for Healthlanguage, close, select, output, type1
lgms.huLGMS Horvath & Partners is dedicated in representing its clients’ interests according to the highest professional and ethical standards, setting the objective of exceeding all expectations. To achieve these goals, the firm closely and effectively collaborates with highest decision makers of the…high decision, decision makerhorvath, domestic, international, client, management1
budapestenergysummit.huMr Book appears frequently within print and broadcast media, contributes to policy forums convened by government and private organizations and meets with top Washington decision-makers. Mr Book has also testified before several House and Senate Committees.washington decision, decision makerenergy, gas, profile, view, thank1
ahang.huZsolt Borkai resigned on 6 November. A number of factors may have contributed to this decision, and one of them is the approximately 7,000 people who have signed the initiative demanding his departure. According to our experience, this is a very large number for a political (or somewhat more…factor decision, decision approximatelycampaign, family, public, national, care1
edubot.huDisseminate project results at a wide scale and attract the attention of decision makers to the developed methodology.attention decision, decision makerlearn, methodology, competence, student, technology1
buco.hu…of standard services that are increasingly automated and commoditised. You’ll need those for your day-to-day requirements, of course, but when it comes to the really important things – the decisions that will shape your future and that of those you care about – you don’t just need an accountant.thing decision, decision futurebookkeeping, tax, finance, corporate, fiscal1
regency.imWe use analytical cookies to help us understand the process that users go through from visiting our website to booking with us. This helps us make informed business decisions and offer the best possible prices.business decision, decision goodroom, offer, rate, accommodation, secure1
markom.huIf you are confusing? Do not worry. We offer free consultation to help you make a decision with the best creativity and quality that you deserve.consultation decision, decision goodhouse, builder, style, type, white1
bestlocalgov.hu…Committee decides with simple majority in all relevant cases. The members of the Steering Committee have the rights and possibilities to offer decision makers to get involved in the work of the Committee, recommend experts to the Selection Panel and nominate those persons with common decision…possibility decision, decision maker, common decision, decision steeringgovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
drbiroagnesui.hu…on the highest professional level whereas we make efforts to exoterically impart information about possible legal possibilities, to help decision making and to settle affairs in the simplest and most efficient way. We place great importance on informing our clients about the actual status…possibility decision, decision makingoffice, law, expertise, legal, client1
deveco.huThe importance of sustainability is not a question any more – neither for decision makers, nor for individuals. We are to help you comply with green criteria in a way that not hinders, but on the contrary, supports the development of your organisation.question decision, decision makerdevelopment, consulting, sustainability, innovation, evaluation1
dmker.huWe help you make your decision with loan and leasing administration, tender advice, and a special Bobcat loan option.loader, machine, machinery, excavator, construction1
villaflora.huLooking for a perfect spot ,where one could blow off some steam and literally feel like at home is a demanding task that involves a great deal of tiresome decision making. With help comes our "virtual tour" guide. Search what you like and see for yourself whether you are pleased with available…tiresome decision, decision makingapartment, house, offer, rent, website1
pitagora.hu‍ Blendraw is a unique skill development game helping children learn how to explore, create, and comprehend abstract images. Abstract thinking is the foundation of our daily existence. It is how we make decisions, react to our environment, and experience a situation.existence decision, decision environmentrevival, consulting, way, colleagues, role1
mkne.huEnvironmental Awareness – Education for Environmental Conscious Behavior; training for teachers and decision makers in sub-region municipalities (2010)teacher decision, decision makerenvironmental, education, member, society, training1
fazekasugyved.huThe information on this website is provided for information purposes only and is not an offer. After thoroughly investigating the issue, our law office will make a decision on how to deal with the case and the form of legal assistance with sufficient information.office decision, decision caselaw, legal, contract, representation, case1
quanticon.hu"Time period of a building development is a fraction of the whole lifecycle of a facility. However it is especially important to make the possible best decisions and thus ensure that it will be usable, suitable and livable in the future. With support of our engineering office you can reach that at…good decision, decision usableoffice, build, development, execution, building1
esgclub.huAs the founders of the ESG Club, our mission is to provide opportunities for business owners, decision-makers and specialists committed to sustainable economic growth to get answers to their questions about ESG.owner decision, decision makercorporate, event, membership, news, sustainable1
padmaresidence.huIn this phase we will present the project in detail to you and save your needs in our system. When the Sales phase starts you will be informed first hand so you can make a decision before everyone else to buy your dream home.hand decision, decision dreamapartment, gallery, list, street1
markrottweilerklub-hungary.huData Controller: a natural or legal person or a non-legal entity that either independently or with others determines the purpose of data management, makes and executes decisions on data management (including the equipment used) or performs it with the data processor.management decision, decision datadata, controller, personal, protection, person1
mikropakk.huViability of both product and process solutions is guaranteed by having design and manufacturing under the same roof. We can also react to any mid-process alterations in an agile manner and make decisions quickly.manner decision, decision quicklysolution, packaging, injection, value, closure1
kme-legal.huThe Braunschweig Appeal Court (Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig), acting on second instance confirmed the decision of the first instance court in which the court found justified the action of the plaintiff claiming for the payment of the purchase price. In the case the courts had to apply the Vienna…instance decision, decision instanceinternational, news, court, history, principle1
anytest.hu…as well as offering expert technical support and consultation to ensure that our customers have the information they need to make informed decisions about their products. Our team is made up of highly skilled and experienced professionals who have a deep understanding of the electronics and…inform decision, decision productquality, sorry, solution, assurance, customer1
tetoalatt.huLightweight or traditional? Modern or rustic? Are you drawings and plans ready? Our architects can help you make the right decision. We can assist you with your administration, in obtaining the necessary building permissions and other legal matters. Our services are tailored to suit your needs…right decision, decision administrationconstruction, free, dream, quotation, goal1
promove.hu…customer contact. Our contact person’s only job is to guarantee the smooth flow of your move, answer your questions and assist you in making decisions in everything whether it’s choosing a date, using any additional services (such as boxing or littering), packaging materials, or any individual…question decision, decision datefurniture, quote, removal, quick, price1
kaalifa.huAs my wife and I had our fourth child in 2011, we spent a few years of our life practicing family life until 2012. Then, as a result of an internal decision maturing in me for years, I have created my first drawing on a wooden board. This journey has only just begun, because I need many years for…internal decision, decision yearcreation, page, furniture, art, ancient1
valkuz.hu…solution for businesses to manage various aspects, including sales, inventory, procurement, manufacturing, and accounting. It helps optimize business operations by streamlining processes, centralizing data, improving collaboration, and providing real-time insights for informed decision-making.inform decision, decision makingwebsite, management, security, server, solution1
gergenyi.huHe was a fisrts year trainee lawyer when the client became the successful party by using his litigation tactics and strategy. Many similar success was followed later and some of the cases became the means of law enforcement by the decision of the Supreme Court. He had his bar examination and…enforcement decision, decision supremelegal, office, law, procedure, contract1
tradiscoseeds.huthe existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, and, at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.automate decision, decision makingdata, subject, shall, personal, process1
seashepherdorigins.huto make a difference with the skills she developed from it. Deciding to follow her heart and to dedicate her talents for the planet, she took the decision to become a deckhand and eventually bosun’s mate at one of Sea Shepherd ships, the White Holly. She helped to set up the Holly for missions, and…planet decision, decision deckhandshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean1
tihanyiugyved.huIn addition to family law issues concerning your children, our family lawyer handles uncontested divorce and other family law cases. When clients agree on the major decisions to be made in a divorce, we provide advice to ensure our client's interests are protected and assist with drafting a fair…major decision, decision divorcelaw, client, family, firm, attorney1
eurokulcs.huEuro-key could not be obtained in Hungary, but within the framework of an international tender, the Association of Assistants for Disabled People launches the key system. Important: Only those persons who have a valid official decision to prove that they are physically disabled can receive this…official decision, decision physically, key decision, decision eg, eg decisionkey, invitation, road, study, basic1
lombardinvest.huWe believe in creativity, innovative thinking, professional management and performance. Though all these meetings may result in appropriate decisions, and later – if the implementation is supported by our knowledge – in the establishment of businesses that create values and are awarded with…appropriate decision, decision laterreal, estate, activity, broker, insurance1
allinwine.huThis is not just a simple team-building or motivational training. You and your team taste fine wines, make tactical decisions.wine, build, benefit, competition, culinary1
bmbah.huAs it was specified by law the official decisions, which procedures started after 1 November 2005, are announced on the website of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. If there is no result with the provided data in the search engine below, please click on the HIRDETMENY link, and repeat the…official decision, decision procedurenational, permit, permanent, client, fund1
netlogic-consulting.hu…moves multiple teams into new ways of working, while creating a management culture that supports this new approach business agility and technology solutions. The results of our work is quantifiable as demonstrated by better decision making, higher team velocities, and more predictable delivery.well decision, decision makingagile, consulting, practice, certification, unlimited1
bilingua.huWe translate business correspondence, e-mails, price quotations, Excel charts, powerpoint presentations, financial texts, annual reports, balance sheets, profit reports, company registers, specimen signatures, tax certifications, certificates of residence, court orders, decisions, contracts…order decision, decision contracttranslation, agency, language, price, free1
aranylo-napraforgo.huChoosing this kindergarten was the best possible decision. The building has been completely renovated this year and is aesthetically remarkable. The children develop and spend their daily lives in very good conditions. My little son loves it, he even wants to spend weekends there.possible decision, decision buildkindergarten, child, nursery, group, programme1
zelenyfa.huWhen it comes to very sensitive data, you can’t make the right decision with out reviewing information. Often , this could mean combing through countless amounts of documents that happen to be confidential and shouldn’t get caught in the wrong hands. Using an internet data room makes it simple to…right decision, decision informationdata, room, october, use, slider1
teacher-training.huChoosing a TEFL course can be a daunting process, with all the choices of courses and locations. It’s an important decision, one that will mean a considerable investment of time and energy; we want you to make a decision you’ll be happy with, regardless. Browse through our website and if at any…important decision, decision considerable, energy decision, decision happytraining, teacher, course, assessment, fee1
gemkft.huYou will remain in the position to make decisions and to have the control but you have to know that:position decision, decision controltask, image, event, technical, thing1
smartians.huCareer counselling has an important role in our organisation. We consider it a primary task to help young people make decisions that later could influence their whole life. However, we are not only working with young people, but also adults who feel a bit “insecure” in their chosen field, and they…people decision, decision latertraining, education, career, news, management1
debrecenilovarda.huIn the 90's the University of Agricultural Sciences made a decision to support horse riding as a sport and to establish its stables.science decision, decision horseacademy, history, horse, ride, news1
historycruise.huThe statue of Saint Gellért is holding a cross in his hand showing us that he played an important role in baptising pagan Hungarians. This switch to Christianity was led by our holy king, Saint Stephen, and was a very important political decision. Hungarians arrived at the Carpathian Basin in 896…political decision, decision hungariansbridge, city, history, cruise, build1
adventum.hu100% in matters falling within the exclusive competence of the general meeting, with the fact that the general meeting exercises its powers without prejudice to the rights of the owner of the decision-making preference shareowner decision, decision makingfund, investment, management, private, group1
abm.huOn the basis of the owner's decision, ABM Mérnöki Iroda Kft. (ABM Engineering Ltd.) was closed down.owner decision, decision abmsoftware, engineer, sculptor, technology, developer1
madoke.huThe Hungarian Documentary Association (HDA) was founded in 2019. The main aim of the organisation is to represent and safeguard the interest of all parties involved in making documentary films in Hungary. Our goal is to initiate a conversation between the filmmakers, the audience and the decision…audience decision, decision makermember, news, documentary, association, privacy1
unikraft.huIn 2013, after a management decision, our company started a new branch: the representation of Hungarian manufacturing companies in European markets.management decision, decision companyengineering, steel, construction, management, machining1
fortuneinvest.huOur company support the Client’s decision by preparing market researches and business plans. The team of competent attorneys and accountants will fully take care of all tasks connected with establishing and running the company. Our knowledge of local culture and habits will maximally support…client decision, decision marketfortune, investment, europe, real, european1
ecofact.huThe managers of companies may not have a profound knowledge of fire safety rules and regulations. However, they are held responsible by the law for implementing the rules of fire prevention in the workplace, which is just fair given the fact that it takes a responsible leader with decision making…leader decision, decision powersafety, fire, payroll, regulation, accounting1
hta.org.huThe formation of the Association was the outcome of the unanimous decision of representatives of the HTA member companies, and Péter Urbán, CEO of Bridgestone has been elected as its first President.unanimous decision, decision representativetire, association, member, tyre, director1
hungarikum.huThere are 12 exceptions that have been named as Hungarikums. These 12 values became Hungarikums by the decision of the Hungarikum Committee based on the above mentioned Act’s III. 12. § (2) point due to the fact that these values can be found on the UNESCO world heritage list.hungarikum decision, decision hungarikumvalue, collection, committee, national, people1
aram-foldgaz.huEarlier our company offered our partners efficient and quick help with their decisions and finding their way in the regulation system of the energy market.help decision, decision wayelectricity, price, low, order, energy1
raszta.huA aboard meeting may be a regular gathering of owners to discuss the company strategy, financials and governance issues of any organization. People share their ideas and perspectives around the company’s direction and desired goals although making decisions to move frontward. The first step to…goal decision, decision frontwardlegal, january, law, agreement, board1
rudabanya.huAfter World War II mining experienced a boom and in 1962 concentrator plant was built in our town. Based on a government decision, the iron ore mine was closed in 1986, in consideration of the economic situation.government decision, decision irontown, website, city, welcome, sightseeing1
baloghorsolya.huAre you looking to set money aside? Have you already found out for what? Or perhaps not yet? Whatever the situation, you first need to create the capital for it. I can help in this structuring, and you can delay a decision on the future of your assets until later.structure decision, decision futurestrategy, financial, revenue, private, insurance1
digitalis-konyveles.huI can save you money and time, help you make better business decisions, and keep you up to date about the current tax rules which change almost every day in Hungary.business decision, decision datedigital, accounting, tax, bookkeeping, international1
hdy.hu…the university almanac addresses higher education stakeholders, while the design yearbook will be useful for all design people from policy decision-makers through students to keen laymen. The opinion leader publications, available both online and offline, are the most efficient means…policy decision, decision makerbook, editor, art, university, international1
pannoncsoport.hu…improving in this field with our retailers. We signed a master contract with PANNON Csoport Kft in early 2021, which has proved to be a great decision in each and every month since then. The operating philosophy of PANNON Csoport Kft. is identical to the business credo of Márka-Mix Kft, namely…great decision, decision monthopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market1
anteus.huOur primary considerations for pay parking systems were quality, reliability, easy and user friendly operation and cash and credit card payment options. Based on that we have chosen Anteus and we were not disappointed. Continuous remote monitoring and fast response time confirms our decision.access, control, management, solution, ticket1
sporthotelvelence.huVelence being a multisport centre played a vital role in the University of Sports Science’s decision to open its newest campus in the town, renovating a long-neglected building and turning the centre of Lake Velence into a university town. A major factor in the development was the university’s…science decision, decision newbook, active, room, relaxation, lake1
bestwax-szortelenites.huAnd so the Hello ZiZi Foundation was created, which connects people who want to become dogs, animals who want to be farmed, and then helps people raise dogs. We believe that “he who loves animals cannot be a bad person,” but we try to make people aware that they support something with all their…aware decision, decision casehair, skin, resin, appointment, intimate1
premiumvision.huI was looking for ophthalmology close to where I live and now I know I’ve made the right decision. Easy to approach, hospital background, amazing professionalism and kindness radiate from everyone. I can only recommend it! 🙂right decision, decision easyvision, premium, eye, optic, ophthalmology1
jack-wolfskin.huFollowing Microsoft’s announcement to reduce support for Internet Explorer 11 even further, along with their recommendation to switch to Microsoft Edge, we, too, have now decided not to support this browser any longer. This was a conscious decision, on the one hand in order to protect you and your…conscious decision, decision handjacket, shoes, trousers, footwear, hiking1
lepjunkhogylephessenek.huTrainings and eye tracking devices for 14 children and teachers. The organization and implementation of three national conferences with the participation of people living with disabilities, their families, experts and decision-makers.expert decision, decision makerchild, disability, care, association, family1
szintezis-net.huAll the best products begin with an idea. Our team guides you through the entire development life cycle and helps you make the best decisions for your product. Whether it is the digitization of your internal processes, solutions for your business partners, or your revolutionary idea, our goal is…good decision, decision productprocess, development, solution, user, patient1
concierge-budapest.huThese courses enhanced my personal and professional skills giving me a more complex view of the business life as well as an inside view of the European Union, its institutions, structure and decision making.structure decision, decision makingpersonal, exclusive, manager, solution, assistant1
docroom.huBy sharing our results, we support professionals working in the social sector and decision-makers through policy recommendations.sector decision, decision makerresearch, health, publication, social, people1
akollegium.huWhen someone is interested in our college, we often encounter the same questions, so we thought we would answer them in advance to make the decision easier for you too.advance decision, decision easycollege, apartment, room, common, area1
affianced.huFor those of our dear customers who want to buy gold jewelry, even an engagement ring, out of a sudden decision, we offer jewelry that can be purchased and picked up immediately, some of which we even offer at discounted prices!sudden decision, decision jewelrywedding, engagement, jewelry, unique, color1
euvitis.hu…saving the harmony of their life with this landscape a few of winery-owner families decided to accept the strict rules of organic farming. Their decision might be a fortune for our business, because we – a newcomer entity within the endless line of grape seed processing companies – intend to…farming decision, decision fortunegrape, seed, source, family, wine1
zenheads.huRiport is a unique online service targeting SME owners and decision makers. By organizing company accounting data in an easily digestable, straightforward format, we have made company performance tracking easier than ever.owner decision, decision makermobile, app, head, development, live1
szigmaszerviz.huWith Szigma IntegRisk® system we offer our Customers not only a software but also a business soution. With the help of Szigma IntegRisk® the decision-makers of the companies can get an effective support in order to make a right business decision. This can provide a competitive advantage for our…integrisk decision, decision maker, business decision, decision competitiverisk, management, assessment, software, methodology1
hungaroautocentrum.huIf you are about to buy a used car, please ask for our special financing offer before making a decision. We are cost-conscious when selling a car, and if you choose financing, we will always offer the best solution to you.offer decision, decision costwarranty, ago, insurance, financing, administration1
eskuvoabalatonon.huIf you would like to check out our lakeside hotel, come in for a visit. It can help you a lot in making your decision. Book an apointment and we will be more than happy to show you around the venue, directly at the shores of Lake Balaton. We can provide you with helpful ideas, tips and useful…lot decision, decision apointmentwedding, venue, gallery, lake, restaurant1
signcoders.huStructured data structuring, flexible solutions for access to information and decision makinginformation decision, decision makingprocess, sign, language, impact, social1
search-lab.huEven one bad decision, carelessness or mistake in any phase of product development can lead to an exploitable security vulnerability.bad decision, decision carelessnesslab, search, security, vulnerability, secure1
andantemusic.huHopefully we chose them, Andante Band, and now after the wedding I can say that we made the best decision. These guys (Robi and István) made such a great flow of spirits and such a diverse performance satisfying every musical taste that this was they pinnacle of the day which was so important for…good decision, decision guymusic, wedding, great, live, unforgettable1
mainforce.huBy working as MAINFORCE team member, we understand our customers' needs, showing respect, empowering others, making sound and timely decisions, investing in our workforce for the future and focusing on long-term goals instead of short-term gains, we get the results the right way.timely decision, decision workforceworkforce, battery, need, control, quality1
procreditor.huA person who has a financial claim against the debtor either in pecuniary or monetary terms acknowledged or not disputed by the debtor, and which is based on a legally binding and enforceable decision made by a court of law or any other authority is regarded as a creditor.enforceable decision, decision courtcreditor, debtor, liquidation, proceedings, bankruptcy1
nanoworx.huWe are pleased to give an offer for a system upgrade. We carefully evaluate customer requirements and provide continuous information on the status of the requirement specification. We consult with several colleauges ([key] users, decision-makers, decision-makers): we summarise the ideas and we do…user decision, decision maker, maker decisionprocess, software, developer, order, solution1
inflexion.huWe drive business-focused discussions with your organization’s executives to encourage them to embrace change and integrate the people and community-building aspects in business decisions.sale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead1
wisdom.huWe still had many goals yet to satisfy after the release of "Rise Of The Wise" however, we all understood that we need a change. A change in many things which are not possible to do if we are on the road all the time or working continuously on the things around the band. We came to a decision, and…band decision, decision exactlywisdom, tour, alive, october, september1
kpluszj.huCollects, records, organizes and presents data on the assets and profitability of a business entity (business organization, cooperative, association, public institution, etc.). Aim of data collection: providing appropriate information for interested decision makers (managers, owners, lenders…interested decision, decision makeraccounting, tax, payroll, development, consultancy1
timeoff.huWith most drawings, I try to have some meaning behind it. This takes a lot of planning and conscious decision making. But during these processes, many small ideas and impressions gather, which then keep circling in my head. Sometimes even for weeks. The best method to get rid of these […]conscious decision, decision makingidea, adventure, draw, february, category1
wpmax.huAccording to a study conducted by Stanford, 75% of people make decisions about a company as a whole, based on web design alone. Your website is an excellent summary of what your business stands for.people decision, decision companywebsite, offer, media, social, tool1
locksmithservice.huRemember, Budapest Locksmith service’s specialists are standing by to help you with anything from being locked out of your home or car to making life-altering security decisions about how you want your family, home and door protected. Whether it’s 8am in the morning, or 8pm at night (depending on…security decision, decision familylocksmith, lock, problem, cylinder, customer1
redbridge.hu“We present complex problems with understandable simplicity and examine the possibilities of value creation in complex ways. We provide leaders with the opportunity for effective, well-founded decision-making through modelling and network thinking.”effective decision, decision makingmanagement, founder, page, consultancy, excellence1
teglasicitera.huMy father, Imre Téglási Sr., founded the company after he retired in 1975 and continued to make beautiful zithers until he passed away in 1996. It is thank to hum that we became involved in this wonderful craft. I took the decision to leave my former occupation and join my father's business in…craft decision, decision occupationstory, message, base, navigation, profession1
buffaloetterem.huAction followed the decision. We looked for a suitable place far away from the city centre and completely redecorated and furnished a restaurant in western style. We searched for excellent cooks, polite waiters and opened the Buffalo Steak House restaurant in Budapest.action decision, decision suitableatmosphere, restaurant, city, house, west1
worldwidenews.huOur service is ideal for market research, to support decision making process and at least but not last to ease the work of journalists and news agencies.research decision, decision makingdatabase, news, article, page, map1
fmmanager.huan independent professional opinion for the preparation of the decision with exercising external control powerspreparation decision, decision externalmanager, contract, external, benefit, independent1
drogfokuszpont.hu…workbooks. The Hungarian National Focal Point published the National Report about the latest trends in English and Hungarian languages in order to inform national and international experts, decision-makers and stakeholders, the wider public and the drugs agency of the European Union, the EMCDDA.expert decision, decision makerdrug, report, problem, european, national1
kapusi-co.huWe can provide rapid legal services (real estate and due diligence) prior to acquisition decisions and carry out legal support until the closing of the deal.acquisition decision, decision legallaw, estate, real, office, legal1
zahorjanivett.huI became a freelancer in 2017. Despite the pandemic, the experiences of the past years have only further confirmed that I made the right decision when I switched to this…fashion, social, media, journalist, marketer1
digitalislapok.huNavigate the realms of industry trends, cultural dialogues, and environmental initiatives through our e-paper collection, Digitalislapok Strategic Perspectives. Unlock valuable insights for informed decision-making and international collaboration opportunities.inform decision, decision makingpaper, gateway, cart, checkout, book1
gyogygombakkalkonnyebb.huThis is how I found DXN's Medicinal Mushrooms, which proved to be my case very quickly and I was able to abandon that 1 drug. Of course, I consulted my Doctor here in Germany about my decision. At first, he wasn't happy about it at all, but since he saw my blood results, he realized that this…germany decision, decision happycoffee, opportunity, mushroom, medicinal, country1
salvavita.huWe assist individuals to make decisions on their lifestyle and participation in society. Individuals are centrally involved in the planning, evaluation and development of services.individual decision, decision lifestylepeople, employment, organization, job, disability1
xperion.huBy applying our solutions, you can make more confident business decisions, delivering the customer experience promise and as a result your customers will recommend your company, its products and services.business decision, decision customermanagement, customer, digital, store, solution1
bravolight.huOur colleagues provide technical consultation and assessment of lighting with onsite inspection, all over the country. After the assesment, we examine the development opportunities and create the documentation with the measured values. According to these data, the process of lighting planning and…plan decision, decision preparation, process decision, decision makinglighting, light, plan, solution, source1
xperteam.huOur company can be an outstanding partner of your business when it comes to high-risk projects, strategic decisions and planning return on investment.strategic decision, decision returnintelligence, reference, age, expertise, competency1
dnv.huDNV’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is both an ethical choice and a business decision. And truly, DNV is already a very diverse company, with employees from 116 nationalities working in 100 countries. We see diversity and inclusion within our workforce as a way of delivering excellence…business decision, decision trulydiversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group1
biotechszovetseg.huIn each year HBA organizes special forums which provide opportunities for personal contacts between researchers, investors, companies and government decision-makers.government decision, decision makerbiotechnology, association, researcher, introduction, board1
intellitax.huWe always have time to comprehensively answer any accounting or tax questions You may have about Your business! In order to have all the necessary information for Your decisions, we are constantly informed and participate in professional trainings!information decision, decision constantlyaccounting, payroll, accountancy, office, tax1
righttohealth.huI made the right decision. If I had stayed within the official setting, perhaps I never would have come across the information that forms the foundation of my activities today.right decision, decision officialseries, medical, coronavirus, health, list1
foldmeresma.hu…grantor and the grantee. In most cases, it is created by contract, with the exception of easements created for utility providers by an official decision. To register it, a sketch plan must be drawn up and it must be entered in the land register. The registration of the creation, modification or…official decision, decision sketchland, build, plot, today, measurement1
kpli.huNAIH’s decision in relation to applying of Artificial Intelligence to the analysis of customer service voice recordings has resulted in a record fine.naih decision, decision relationlaw, firm, labour, pharmaceutical, client1
servicemania.huWe are also assisted by a separate Social Insurance specialist, which guarantees professionalism. Choosing them was a good decision.accounting, payroll, staff, management, quote1
brumiovoda.huThose magical years of early childhood and its exceptional significance regarding personal development has always amazed me and when it came to choosing profession, faculty of kindergarten education was an obvious decision. The experiences children have during these sensitive years have a very…obvious decision, decision experiencekindergarten, group, child, age, range1
ai-agency.huOur way of working is fueled by AI, seamlessly blending human ingenuity with machine intelligence. This symbiotic relationship accelerates our creative processes, streamlines decision-making, and empowers us to deliver exceptional results that keep you ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.process decision, decision makingagency, way, data, innovative, customer1
lacom.huPeople are more willing to make decisions related to characters and ideas, that to purchasing products or services. Thus it is imperative that company owners and executives establish their personal brands…willing decision, decision charactermedia, plan, creative, event, personal1
fradi.huChairman of the board of FTC Labdarúgó Zrt., dr. Attila Berzeviczi spoke about the decision of the EU court.berzeviczi decision, decision eufootball, match, news, ice, hockey1
pelsobay.huEarly birds – Early birds are our first future buyers, whose individual needs can be integrated into the development plans. The developer shall reward their early decision with a discount. With the discounted purchase of those apartment units that have the best features, the unit they select shall…early decision, decision discountapartment, lake, build, building, shore1
pps.hu…old one, or need someone to take care of your property, I’m here for you. I know a lot about the places and how things work in Budapest, so I can make all these big decisions easier for you. It’s like having a friend who’s really good at solving puzzles, but these puzzles are about where you live!big decision, decision easyproperty, sale, save, estate, real1
ststephen.huHaving expressed a desire to become a Freemason, we presume you have thoroughly considered the step you propose to take. The exact nature of our Institution being unknown to you, we consider it advisable that you should be informed on certain points, the knowledge of which might affect your…knowledge decision, decision membershiplodge, stephen, member, mason, st.1
prosysmod.huThe activities of the Virtual Lab are to investigate stochastic- (for instance maintenance), deterministic (e.g. mechanical etc.) systems and processes modeling - basically in the engineering and technical management - to work out mathematical models that help decision making of engineers and…model decision, decision makingvirtual, lab, process, modeling, publication1
comsyssoftware.huData science uses scientific methods, processes, and algorithms extract knowledge from data and leveraging this data to take major decisions is a key strategic practice for any business.major decision, decision keysoftware, data, development, llc, technology1
firemagic.hu"Besides handling their equipment like pros and moving on stage with excellence, they also have fantastic stage presence. At the "Fényes Napok" event in Mátészalka, they entranced the spectators. They are reliable, nice, spectacular, and above all, very talented. It is a wise decision to invite…fire, light, juggle, production, stage1
brunnen.huElaboration of the geothermal public grid system project in Komárom, carrying out preparation tasks (hydraulic water ways, etc.), obtaining licences and preparation of execution plans, compilation of tender feasibility study - 2013. Available KEOP subsidy: HUF 465 million , tender decision is…tender, subsidy, preparation, million, application1
gallaszauna.huWe hope that soon we can meet personally and greet You among our customers also. Please - before decision - inquire thoroughly since your sauna and infrared sauna you buy not only for one year but for a "lifetime". Do not let yourself to be abused by the popular price! Choose the balanced brand…customer decision, decision thoroughlysauna, infrared, basic, shape, therapy1
nezopont.huSome people were surprised when the Hungarian government made a quick decision to support Ukraine's candidate status for EU membership. They felt that Ukraine did not deserve to join because of the series of atrocities committed against Hungarians in Transcarpathia or because of President Zelensky'squick decision, decision ukrainepolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature1
dubicz.huOur family has been the owner of the winery since 2003. We truly believe in hard work and make decisions as a team helping each other.work decision, decision teamwine, winery, vineyard, award, store1
pallashealth.huDo you want to run your business more effectively and efficiently? We help you provide high value care by resolving healthcare delivery challenges, optimising collaborative perspectives and finding system-based solutions to integrative healthcare services. We encourage business decisions that…business decision, decision qualityeng, healthcare, health, eye, consulting1
loftdent.hu…a thorough examination a panoramic X-ray is taken, based on that we can set up a personalized treatment plan during the consultation. We give time enough for the patient to understand the individual dental plan and quotation as we know that it is an important, sometimes life changing decision.dental, patient, treatment, price, media1
ritkabetegsegakademia.huDiamond Congress Kft. did not subject itself to any code of conduct. Diamond Congress Kft. informs Participants that in processes running in front of mediator bodies it cooperates and accepts the decisions as proposals.body decision, decision proposaldata, congress, case, legal, conference1
inbuss.huWe believe in business driven development. If we understand your business, your vision, your problems, then we can make the right decisions and choose the best technologies.right decision, decision goodtechnology, management, ltd, solution, application1
trenerkft.huWe understand that after completing your high school studies, you may find yourself in a challenging position, as you have to make a lifelong decision about your further education.lifelong decision, decision educationtraining, rating, academy, license, opportunity1
bi360.huOur credo is to holistically integrate data for decision making with perfect data preparation for various analytical needs and visualization.data decision, decision makingtechnology, retail, solution, data, corporate1
demolab.hulearning, critical thinking, responsible decision-making and collaborative work. The long-termresponsible decision, decision makinglearn, method, young, people, summer1
wrap.huMy logo became the third best according to the jury’s decision in the open logo design competition of the Katona József Theatre. There were almost 2,000 logos submitted by 380 contestants.jury decision, decision openidentity, portfolio, corporate, logo, graphic1
mcc.huMCC’s Public Affairs Programs are recommended for those who wish to complement their knowledge obtained in higher education with skills and expertise that are essential to act as well-informed public leaders and decision-makers in political, economic or, cultural spheres.leader decision, decision makerinternational, student, public, center, academy1
nikolettadanian.huBuilding a brand that best captures the activities and the spirit of a company is extremely important. As your logo will be with you during the whole lifecycle of your company, it is worth to think it through and give enough time for the decisions and the creatiive process. I’ll present at least…time decision, decision creatiiveillustration, graphic, cover, identity, brand1
brbfinance.huWe can also provide independent financial model review relating to bank financing or investment decisions.financial, expertise, market, finance, advisory1
sherlockrehab.hu…Knowing Sherlock's therapeutic methods and the fact that trauma did not affect him, it was clear that we would go to Klári. It was a good decision, he managed to eliminate the complaint after a few treatments. An ankle injury years ago caused the tension in the neck, which disappeared…good decision, decision complaintmanual, therapy, therapist, treatment, pain1
peminfo.hu…God came close to us, and wants to be a part of our life. Jesus came to let us LIVE a redundantly aboundant LIFE, if we decide to make the best decision of our life to step in a loving relationship with Him starting our forever lasting life in the same time. Jesus’s blood was spilled for us and…good decision, decision lifegod, homepage, construction, people, holy1
advitas.hu…that our mission is to help you – trader, producer, purchaser – in having a clear picture of the market movements, while making important decisions whether selling or purchasing agricultural commodities. We are those who stand next to you when you face unforeseen issues in your business…important decision, decision agriculturalmarket, agricultural, commodity, trading, buyer1
ktc-international.huTime is money, so we don't like wasting it. Contact us today and we'll be speaking with you tomorrow. We like to respond fast and provide all the necessary information for a client to make an educated decision. This website has been designed to serve that purpose.educate decision, decision websiteinternational, forum, event, data, drive1
ais.hu"Our aim is to educate pupils to become responsible as well as open-minded, independnt learners and decision makers."learner decision, decision makerschool, nursery, child, international, general1
bbcc.huWe regret to inform you that the Municipality of Debrecen and the management of the Béla Bartók International Choir Competition had to make the unavoidable decision to cancel this year’s event. ...unavoidable decision, decision yearfestival, jury, competition, announcement, programme1
aidevelopment.huThis transformative feature simplifies and streamlines the process of generating reports, allowing you to focus on making data-driven decisions and driving your business forward.data decision, decision businessdevelopment, productivity, feature, translation, operational1
tachografkiertekeles.huWe produce highly detailed reports and analysis to help fleet managers make decisions, operate more efficiently and provide professional supervision.manager decision, decision efficientlyanalysis, data, file, card, driver1
vitezpetra.huThe logo and branding of an organization is like the face of a human. That’s what customers see first, and oftentimes they make decisions based on it. It’s the organization’s visual identity, that communicates our strength and values in a non-verbal way.oftentimes decision, decision organizationgraphic, logo, portfolio, website, illustration1
starthomebudapest.huClients repeatedly choose us over our competitors because we do not keep any information secret. We share all details and will help you to make well-informed decisions.property, rent, start, real, estate1
design-jegygyuru.huThough I was working with jewelry since 1992, duringmy university years from 1996- except the years I spent in Finlandwith scholarship- I got far away from jewelry. This was partly due to the universitythematics( jewelry was not more than one semester during my studies) and on the other hand to my…hand decision, decision otherscopeswedding, view, quick, engagement, jewelry1
abigelrendezveny.huThe flexibility, kindness and the large amount of attention you showed us always confirmed me that I made the right decision bringing our wedding to you.right decision, decision weddingevent, private, hall, gallery, salon1
fizzcode.huExecutives and leaders are now working in data-driven companies, making informed decisions based on insights that can be enabled by BI and technical expertise.inform decision, decision insightpower, data, expert, intelligence, solution1
szentimrey.huLegal advice and contact with the health services. Decision of validity of indemnities with forensic medical expert in case of necessary. Legal action and legal representation either out of court or by legal proceeding. Data protection in the healthcare law. Contribution to establish private…service decision, decision validitylaw, legal, health, data, office1
agroit.huOne of the basic aims of the Cluster, thanks to the system of relations effectively represent its member’s interests in general as well as IT, agriculture and food industry participants to decision-makers, and facilitate easier communication between the parties.participant decision, decision makersolution, complex, cluster, member, event1
techxpo.huThe first two days of the four-day event will feature a programme of business conferences with key European, international and domestic policy makers, multinational company executives, professional opinion leaders and representatives of regional countries and EU decision makers.eu decision, decision makerhall, soon, ticket, exhibitors, event1
nitrogen.huSince November 15, we have been engaged in active dialogue with credit rating agencies, during which we presented and analysed in detail our current and future performance. I was not surprised by the negative decisions of the agencies, in spite of our different assessment. It is challenging to…negative decision, decision agencynitrogen, investor, industrial, news, acid1
mmgrendszerhaz.huThe Beneficiary is entitled to a conditionally non-refundable grant of HUF 208,837,874 based on the Sponsor’s decisionprocess, control, automation, production, machinery1
cembeton.huCreating a standardised industry opinion and forwarding it to the domestic decision makers (e.g. ministries) and the relevant bodies of the EU.domestic decision, decision makerhomepage, association, member, industry, domestic1
popgroup.huMost decisions made by customers is influenced by weather changes. Where to eat and what to wear depends on the rainy, snowy or super sunny weather.group, agency, client, division, news1
absolvo.hu…and expectations in any market segment. In this post, we'll guide you through the challenging landscape of questionable market reports (case study included). By the time you finish reading, you'll be equipped with the tools to identify doubtful data and safeguard your decisions and investments.data decision, decision investmentgrowth, market, transaction, investor, capital1
egmo2022.huBased on the decision of the Jury at EGMO 2022, the next EGMO will be organized in Portorož, Slovenia (2023), and Georgia will organize EGMO...girl, problem, european, mathematical, location1
interdata.hu…accounting and payroll service, our goal is to support businesses, help our partners solve business problems and make appropriate, beneficial decisions. Our attitude towards our Clients and Partners is that we share their interest for success and development and We are constantly looking for…beneficial decision, decision attitudereference, list, newsletter, accounting, client1
varganoemi.hu" It's unbelievable that wingwave solved my years of trauma in one session. I am much more balanced on weekdays since I have been going regularly. I am less tense, my problem solutions are better, I can make decisions with a clearer head even under great pressure. "well decision, decision clearsession, method, wife, mother, problem1
squarra.huWe strive to achieve close and long-lasting relationship with our clients and support them in making well informed business decisions.law, office, property, international, firm1
consumer.huReading time: 3 minutes The Ministry of Innovation and Technology published a 48-point list showing what industries and products will be scrutinised this year. It’s a good idea to get prepared, because if you disagree with a decision, you can only defend yourself in court. Consumer protection…idea decision, decision courtconsumer, protection, inspection, rule, minute1
lawlang.huAt the very beginning of our operation, we decided to take a business risk in not releasing details of our clients or cases that we are involved in for commendations or the acquisition of business, even to the extent of quoting a reference. So far, we haven’t regretted our decision.translation, law, discount, package, legal1
miskolczilaw.hu…professional information about legal issues and options from as far as a patent application to a real-estate acquisition. We have always focused on providing special care by informing our clients about the expectable advantages and the possible risks in order to support their decisions with reason.order decision, decision reasonlaw, protection, attorney, office, trademark1
rustler.huWe properly screen new tenants to avoid legal problems in advance. Even if legal issues rise up – we will handle them for you. Your asset management will be free to do what they do best: making decisions to increase your total revenue on your assets.good decision, decision totalmanagement, facility, property, statement, mission1
itlgroup.huOur 25 years of experience in the real estate market in Hungary mean you can count on our knowledge and expertise to make the right investment decision.tax, law, real, estate1
danburit.huI’d like to help you with a few ideas whitch can help in your decision about jewelry and jewelry repair.whitch decision, decision jewelryrepair, jewelry, expert, judicial, sale1
ceid.huCEID is co-hosting an event about the Hungarian foreign policy decisions in cooperation with Political Capital and the CEU Democracy Institute. Since 2010 the Hungarian government has taken a more active international role, including in the Western Balkan. What economic interests shape Hungarian…policy decision, decision cooperationagreement, event, foreign, previous, partnership1
life-division.huIn our business, we follow the principle: your life, your decision. Therefore, the main goal of Life Division is to establish a financial culture and to show on personal example that making a successful international business based on family values is quite realistic.life decision, decision maindivision, account, question, assistance, security1
hrda.huStrategic decisions are made by the council consisting the delegates of member organisations.strategic decision, decision councildata, science, research, national, open1
ibs-b.huBefore important decisions we tend to look for pros and cons; we try to draw possible outcomes, so that we eventually find a right way. When deciding about higher education, we do exactly the same. And we often daydream.important decision, decision proprogramme, management, strategic, student, international1
muszertechnika.huWe aim to create our Human Resources vision in line with the vision of our business strategy through strategic workforce planning. We are working to build a positive employer brand inside – and outside – the company. To achieve this, we make our business decisions collaboratively, with a rapid…business decision, decision collaborativelymanufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software1
budapestbusiness.huAuditing means the examination of authenticity of corporate accounts prepared for certain companies. Its aim is to help the owners, the management, lenders and potential investors to bring the right business decisions based on realistic and reliable information and to be able to manage the…business decision, decision realistictaxation, financial, consulting, tax, statement1
p2k.huAny organization can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold steps and making insightful decisions. Let us guide you.cooperation, builder, website, digital, competitive1
epds.huIt significantly reduces the personal risk of decision-makers and maintenance staff and the exposure of the company.risk decision, decision makerequipment, environment, activity, operation, management1
bluebit.hu- participation, advising, deficiency correction, validity, suitability, checking the assessment, preparing the decision making, etc.assessment decision, decision makingprocurement, public, tender, procedure, counselling1
szabadossandor.huAll seven and a half billion of us have the same fate. We are going to witness our own and each other’s ephemeral existence, and one day we are going to die. What to do about the crippling horror caused by the knowledge that death is inevitable? What should I do about the obligation to bring a…series decision, decision degree, responsibility decision, decision feelsession, self, counseling, issue, relationship1
consultancyhouse.huIn all the important business decisions, what is most important is to do the right thing. It will be frustrating and making pain, doing the right things at the wrong time. But doing the right things at the right time will cause amazing success.business decision, decision importantplan, financial, organization, thing, success1
mome.huAs of 1 August 2024, Pál Koós, designer, university professor, General Vice Rector of MOME and Head of the Educational Development Workshop will take up the position of Rector of MOME, according to the decision of the Foundation for the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design.mome decision, decision foundationuniversity, art, innovation, international, study1
stageshop.huIt is always a hard decision to order a high value guitar online without personal touch and trial. We decided to make this video to make your decision easier.hard decision, decision high, video decision, decision easyguitar, acoustic, electric, custom, cart1
drszabozsanett.huIf you or someone you love has faced the necessity of professional assistance - we are here to help you make the best legal decisionstempor, attorney, video, background, page1
eduid.huThe working language of the MB is Hungarian. The Board publishes its decisions and guidelines at here .board decision, decision guidelinefederation, member, user, attribute, institution1
happybikeproject.huThe County Road Administration of Varaždin County (ŽUC) was established by a decision of the County Assembly in...žuc decision, decision countybike, happy, meet, event, manager1
geekandgorgeous.huMore is not always better, but transparency & knowing the amount of main actives in the right context can help to make smart & informed product decisions.gorgeous, price, set, liquid, collection1
kunadvocate.huOur practice has constantly adapted to changes in society and business over the years, but our goal has remained the same: to enable our clients to make the best possible decisions as a result of our work.possible decision, decision resultnews, estate, trust, arbitration, inheritance1
diamondresidence.huThe first impression of the guest – who book their accommodation on portals – about the apartment they wish to book is in any case dependent on the photos displayed there, which greatly influences their booking decision. Professionally recognized photographers with decades of experience are here…booking decision, decision professionallyguest, accommodation, apartment, package, booking1
tervaz.huoperating costs. This was the first construction project of our company. Selecting the constructor was a multiple round tender. The boys didn’t relent. In the end we decided to work with them based on likeability. We have not regretted this decision and we are sure to work with them in the... More »likeability decision, decision surehall, construction, office, warehouse, general1
kocsisszabougyved.hu…with their cases. It is very important to us to offer options in solving issues. We consider this essential and relevant to come to a reasonable decision. Based on our clients’ and partners’ opinions the performance of the Law Office is responsible, fast, accurate and reliable. In our office, you…reasonable decision, decision clientlaw, legal, office, representation, lawyer1
womenscareer.huOn the invitation of Silvia Perel-Levin (Switzerland, UN Rep., International Longevity Centre Global Alliance), convener of the roundtable AF spoke about the “Women’s Career for a Lifetime” Project of the AWCDH to empower Older Women in Decision Making and the Media.woman decision, decision makingwoman, career, development, association, release1
ehrenfeld.huUnderstanding your business is key to making informed decisions. We build structures and help you make sense of your financials and gain insight into how you can further develop.inform decision, decision structureadvisor, career, financial, open, healthy1
powerchild.hu…as necessary. We all need to save energy, resources and time. Every unnecessarily wasted energy, effort and raw material are just been destroying the sources of our planet. Our every single decision has important impact to our children’s future. As a graffiti says: “ Save the world – do nothing ”single decision, decision importantengineering, wind, prototype, repair, electric1
keripharma.huKéri Pharma is a sufficiently flexible company, reaches decision quickly and provides complex services to ensure that the products of its partners generate the highest sales in the Hungarian pharmaceutical market.company decision, decision quicklyadverse, drug, reaction, market, pharmaceutical1
webben.huTrue user experience design means, key decisions on digital products are not made by graphic designers or company directors. Everything we do is centered around the users. We help you to identify these users "needs and wants" and plan accordingly. During our information architecture phase we…key decision, decision digitaldigital, agency, development, website, brand1
dronedesign.huIdentify stress factors like pests or diseases in time. Guide your decisions to increase yield and profits, and improve efficiency. Plan site-specific fertilizer and crop protection applications, depending on plant needs.time decision, decision yielddrone, solution, agriculture, enterprise, development1
mymentor.hutips and investment strategies to debt management and retirement planning, we provide comprehensive insights to help you make informed financial decisions. Our team of financial experts is dedicated to simplifying complex concepts and offering practical advice tailored to your needs. Take control…financial decision, decision team, investment decision, decision beginnergoal, , expert, success, community1
keresztenymotorosok.hu…formulated by the Bible is the basis of our value system, too. It is present in our everyday lives and determines our way of thinking and our decisions. This is quite important for us, because those who experience what God’s love and grace mean, may also experience the wonderful joy resulting…think decision, decision importantgod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important1
egyensulyintezet.hu…proposals and strategies based on these visions. We are engaged in an ongoing dialogue with the most important political, economic and cultural decision-makers. We persuade them of the importance of implementing our policy proposals, and we provide expert assistance in the process of policy…cultural decision, decision makerinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think1
komplexinstrukcio.huThe nature of learner voice and learner agency in our main pedagogical approach, including the relationship of students with teachers and peers and their room to take decisions in the teaching and learning processroom decision, decision teachschool, teacher, child, pupil, group1
poolrobot.huI have used Dolphin cleaners since 2003. That Dolphin served me well for 12 years without a problem. The time came to replace the cleaner. My decision was easy. I purchased the Dolphin M500.clean decision, decision easyclean, pool, filtration, length, meter1
experiplant.huagricultural organizations, companies, and decision-makers to integrate scientific results from plant and soil biology into their regulatory and decision-making processes.company decision, decision maker, regulatory decision, decision makinglorem, ipsum, soil, plant, biology1
partitestverek.hu…me that’s how I got in picture. He read the “Octalogo” and asked me if I was interested. I asked for some to think about it seemed a responsible decision. Who is inaugurated gets a number which one will be his and nobody can never get it ever. His name will be recorded for a lifetime. Becoming a…responsible decision, decision numbertable, national, news, flag, international1
bynd.huThe majority of resources will be deployed here so this is a strictly disciplined work process. We make a plan on how to make use of every single minute. Ideally a decision maker from your team will also be present in order to avoid any surprises in the final result.ideally decision, decision makercreative, commercial, brand, video, social1
synergydigital.huWith your data architecture for analytics and decision support in mind, we create your future HR-IT architecture , realize system integrations , automize processes and create engaging user interfaces based on your use-cases.analytics decision, decision supportdigital, synergy, transformation, technology, integration1
collagenius.huAnd in the quiz section you can test your knowledge about collagen. The quiz questions will help you deepen your knowledge of collagen, its effects and how to choose the right supplements. Remember, getting the right answers will increase your knowledge and help you make the best decision about…good decision, decision collagenquality, doctor, open, question, effect1
starkcapital.huMr. Csenkey serves as CFO of Stark Capital Zrt. He is responsible for capital budgeting and financing decisions within the firm and supports the consulting business with regards to advisory relating to debt issuance, underwriting and equity financing. Before joining Stark Capital Zrt., Mr. Csenkey…financing decision, decision firmcapital, advisory, acquisition, management, merger1
modernceremoniamester.hu…to organize Your wedding is a great honour for me! My slogan is: The best or nothing! There is no place for doubts regarding the person you trust in helping you on Your Big Day. Therefore, I insist on meeting in person or at the very least - an online video-chat before making your final decision.wedding, video, gallery, day, friend1
forcelogistic.huWelcome to the official webpage of Force Logistics Limited. Here you will find all the needed information in order to make the right decision about the requisition of our services.right decision, decision requisitionlogistic, force, road, transportation, fast1
privateinvestigation.hu…between them, not always routine solutions will result. The team's creativity combines with its wide-ranging, high-level experience, allowing you to quickly and efficiently resolve cases. These experiences, in addition to serious training, help greatly to make the best decision in every situation.good decision, decision situationprivate, investigation, case, agency, family1
merkwood.huIt can be difficult for many people to imagine exactly what a building built entirely with CLT technology looks like. In order to answer these questions, we found it best to build a demo house. We are building our model house in Kiskunhalas, which can help everyone make a decision.technology, house, homepage, construction, day1
mighealth-unipecs.hu…the aim of providing an overview on the current situation and adopt a statement calling the attention of the international scientific community, international organizations like WHO, ILO and relevant decision makers. Considering the current COVID-19 pandemic related challenges, the event entitled:relevant decision, decision makerhealth, migrant, conference, education, europe1
ternai.huThe company's operation and management approach fits into the ISO 9001: 2015 quality management standard, our customer relationship mechanism follows the CRM system's methods and our decisions are based on planned and conscious controlling processes within the framework of GDPR.method decision, decision consciousquality, agricultural, activity, requirements, production1
westor.huWith more than 20 years of expertise and experience, Westor Technologies is proud to be regarded as a dominent supplier of parts and services in Hungary for rotating machines mainly in the oil industry, both in the upstream and downstream sectors. Every decision is inspired by our main mission…sector decision, decision mainmember, turbine, steam, technology, compressor1
kovasztunde.huThe more you tell about your service or project, the easier your clients’ decision will be.client, block, user, website, useful1
buzassandor.hu…and my perspective to clearly see my options. Each session was full of important insights. Sandor Buzas is a trusted advisor. He keeps me on the fast track for growth. Working with him, I had found the confidence to make the best decisions to advance my life and my business. He is a great coach!”good decision, decision lifesession, strategy, performance, free, people1
cutpro.huFilm distribution proved to be an exciting digression for us but our true vocation had always been the delivery of high quality technical solutions so we decided to dedicate all our energy to this activity. Our decision was instantly rewarded by the market and our partners: it did not take long to…activity decision, decision instantlydcp, production, cut, digital, offer1
airwin.hu“Perhaps the best way to learn responsibility is to be given the opportunity to be responsible, especially in the early stages of your aviation career. Hence, I am glad that Airwin encourages students to make decisions about how they learn best during theory classes.”student decision, decision goodtraining, flight, instructor, aircraft, easa1
rcc.hu…of the information presented on this website. Furthermore, the published information does not count as advice and thus does not replace the personal discussion with our experts. RC Consulting takes no responsibility for any damage arising from business decisions based on information on our website.business decision, decision informationconsulting, financial, tax, advisory, transactional1
starfol.huWe provide expertise to ensure our customers to make the most favourable decisions by taking into account environmental and economic considerations.favourable decision, decision accountpackaging, industry, hygiene, material, logistic1
feketebarbara.huIn my work I handle a “put the client first approach” by providing full information so that you can make an informed decision about your case. In many cases, my background as a government official helps me to provide full information. A big advantage is that I can collaborate with the older…inform decision, decision caselaw, real, estate, lawyer, property1
krns.huLeverage the most current thought leadership tools and resources to help you make more informed workforce and business decisions.dimension, workforce, management, resource, people1
ipasy.huBeyond mere disease detection, our diagnostic kit furnishes nuanced insights into the risk and aggressiveness of prostate cancer, making clinical decision-making easier.clinical decision, decision makingdiagnostic, technology, cancer, prostate, vision1
boldogkutyakozmetika.hu…I’ve decided to go back to my original plan – to work with and care for dogs. I was in a lucky situation, as my fiancée, Adam supported my decision so we dived into the world of dog grooming. After getting my qualifications and practicing at a salon, the goal was within arm’s reach. Since…adam decision, decision worldtreatment, sanitary, cut, hair, bathing1
hvbattery.huWe have our own cutting-edge automotive training centre specialising on diagnostics, oscilloscope use and electric powertrain. Moving towards HV battery training was a self-understanding decision. Therefore, we faced all the hazards (electric shock, explosion) related to HV batteries.self decision, decision hazardbattery, simulator, training, learn, diagnostic1
adsolution.huprocess? Some soft skills are missing to deal with difficult situations whitin your team? Let us guide you. Any organization can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions.solution, development, consulting, skill, talent1
adatvedelmi-jog.huIn favor of enforcing the community law, the PSC-system will be established in the field of data protection, meaning that only one office will act as supervisor. This will not only fasten the data protection procedures but also promises consistent decision-making. For example, large enterprises…consistent decision, decision makingdata, protection, law, process, subject1
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.huHe arrives in Central Europe for the first time to share his knowledge and inspire the healthcare professionals and decision makers.professional decision, decision makerhealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion1
hotelhero.huWe have launched the HotelHero initiative with the aim of providing opportunity for the good deeds of countless hotel workers and decision-makers, which were born in the midst of the adversities of the recent period, and encouraged us to coordinate our activities for the greater good.worker decision, decision makerhelp, news, hero, member, campaign1
mkvk.huEconomic decision makers in a market economy need information which help them in assessing the past and current asset, financial and income position of a given undertaking, in confirming or adjusting planned concepts regarding the future. Economic information is appropriate for preparing decision…economic decision, decision maker, appropriate decision, decision makingchamber, member, auditing, sector, place1
datarealizmo.huAt DATAREALIZMO, we specialize in providing valuable insights and solutions for data-driven businesses. With our expertise in data strategy and management, we help companies leverage the full potential of their data to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and drive innovation. Let us guide…inform decision, decision processdata, strategy, management, analytic, comprehensive1
kultturist.hu“As a meeting planner from the US organizing the 21st World Congress on Reading in Budapest, contracting with Kult-Turist to manage all of our conference needs proved to be an outstanding decision. I cannot more highly recommend them.outstanding decision, decision highlyeurope, central, heritage, tour, croatia1
ova.info.huFacilitate decision-making and planning efforts at various levels of game management administration.game, management, database, data, national1
levteam.hu…be constructed and put to operation on the roof of a building saving place and time by it. A constructed solar power system needs very little control and maintenance, thus it is a cost-effective and smart decision, so in some cases it can substitute the whole traditional electricity power system.smart decision, decision casepower, energy, station, goal, technology1
laoni.huWe'll help you choose your custom-made designer leather bag and make your decision easier by sending you a free leather colour sample!?bag decision, decision easyleather, shop, unique, collection, showroom1
kucserkafanni.huI provide individual counseling in English to adult expatriates living in Hungary. My goals are to help improve my clients’ self-knowledge, cope with loss, deal with conflicts and support decision making.counseling, family, individual, psychologist, therapist1
komondors.huYear 2015 The beginning of this year was great for us, because in the middle of January nine small komondor puppies from Pasa von Thüringen and Hét-Szilvafá Menti Árvácska were born. All the puppies are growing up, and we were full of energy for 2015. It was a difficult decision, but we made…difficult decision, decision pasapuppy, breed, result, dog, litter1
ketnyelvu-eskuvo.huCold head and warm heart – this is the right choice for the, according to the words of Dalai Lama. In the world of weddings, following these two can make good decisions and help couples at their wedding with love and enjoyment.good decision, decision couplewedding, bilingual, united, color, important1
sugarsebeszet.hudefined as a first-line treatment, whether it can be used as an alternative to classical surgery, or potentially as a supplemental treatment. The decision requires a neurosurgeon specialist with experience in radiosurgery, who can give an opinion on the suitability of the procedure based on the…treatment decision, decision neurosurgeontreatment, nerve, tumor, illness, process1
imsoft.huImSoft Ltd was established by people experienced in medical decision support system planning and creating who are familiar with the latest computing technologies as well as the high level of user-friendly software design, because they know that a good tool is essential for proper diagnosis. The…medical decision, decision supportmedical, solution, software, publication, site1
rekk.huAccounts Simulation for Tariffs and Effluent Charges - our model to support water utilities' economic decisionsenergy, market, research, analysis, economic1
meraki.hu"The marketing cooperation we started with you proved to be the best marketing decision of our company group so far. I'm glad that my colleague has stood up for Meraki."marketing decision, decision companywebsite, digital, strategy, auditing, graphic1
drberkesistvan.huIt is my philosophy that patients should actively participate in decisions regading their own care. Therefore, I strive to treat all my patients with respect, empathy and concern for their well being.actively decision, decision carevice, science, private, practice, curriculum1
szommerkonyvelo.huWe make suggestions which are favourable to you and your business. We provide support in legal, tax - related and business planning matters as well so that you can make the best decisions for your business.good decision, decision businesstax, accountancy, payroll, reference, news1
whitepaperconsulting.huFollow the latest industry trends, the key factors shaping the CEE markets, the EU regulations affecting the industry and join an exclusive network of experts, stakeholders, decision-makers and opinion leaders who form the future of energy in the region.stakeholder decision, decision makerpaper, consulting, white, event, energy1
bibliatanitasok.huIn 1998, we decided to leave our church and the charismatic movement. Before this serious decision we read Arnold's teaching about the Toronto phenomenon, about the true face of the third wave movement. I also spent hours in New York bookstores reading systematic theologies, theologies from…movement decision, decision arnoldchurch, bible, book, jewish, christian1
bhouse.hu…would impose such a great financial burden on the companies that would be pointless to finance. Moreover, tasks and projects needing expert knowledge incur less continuously, rather occasionally, therefore, permanently financing a high cost expert would not prove to be a wise business decision.solution, industrial, structure, machine, milling1
kkbse.huThe bicycle is a tool to disrupt systems that contribute to the climate crisis. We make decisions based on environmental impact.crisis decision, decision environmentalmember, opportunity, reason, event, charity1
2bgreatbasketball.hubetter decisions on the court. In the meantime, we help you to get to know yourself on and offwell decision, decision courtbasketball, great, camp, international, news1
arbolus.hu…of private investments, debt management and credit markets, and we can effectively help companies that have been faced difficutlies by an ad hoc decision or whose management lacks the knowledge to overcome the hardships that the company faces. These problems can be addressed with a well thought-outhoc decision, decision managementllc, bankruptcy, mission, proceedings, knowledge1
epti.huWe make decision – preparation study plans, investment programs, expert reports, cost estimates, survey documentations, approval – bid- and construction documents.facility, reference, news, colleagues, technical1
lawyerbudapest.huFantastic support and guidance throughout the whole process. Many questions but with answer options to make decisions easy. Honestly company formation is not that easy if you are enough careful, not just want a company. .option decision, decision easylaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat1
franchisehungary.huAs we have already described, there are many benefits of becoming a franchisor or deciding to be part of a well-established business as a franchisee. We also see the dangers and hard decisions to be made for this. We know that starting a franchise is a big step, but it can be an integral part of…hard decision, decision franchiseapplication, need, range, option, opportunity1
ijat.huIn the 2022-2023 academic year, the GAMF faculty's spectacular travelling truck will once again visit a number of secondary schools to help prospective students make career guidance decisions.department, news, university, research, conference1
pharmaiq.huUnlock the power of informed decision-making with our comprehensive business strategy insights and reviews. Our expert analysis provides you with the accurate and up-to-date information you need to stay ahead in today’s dynamic business landscape.inform decision, decision makingfeature, strategy, app, easy, innovation1
trustworthypainter.huZsolt did an excellent job of repairing and painting the ceilings and walls of our entire apartment. It was a lot of work, as all the electrical had been replaced. Now it looks amazing!From the very beginning, Zsolt helped us make decisions regarding finishes and other choices. He even helped us…zsolt decision, decision finishtrust, painting, painter, job, house1
headhuntingconsulting.hu…search, personal contacts, seniority, experience and overview are what count. We have a resilient international network and access to relevant decision-makers as well as excellent personalities. This is how we find people who develop companies, drive innovation and sustainably secure and expand…relevant decision, decision makerconsulting, position, vacancy, search, executive1
barkacsoldal.hu…Committee under the WTO watches over the following of the Declaration and its Implementations.[2] The agreement was expanded in 2015.[3] Find decisions of WTO bodies concerning the information technology agreement in the Analytical Index Guide to WTO Law and Practice. Under the terms of the…agreement decision, decision wtomarch, april, order, court, contract1
gtssimulation.huThe dismounted soldiers, law-enforcement officers, operators from security forces may encounter situations which are life-threatening, and they need to employ their tactical skills and use their personal firearms. In such dangerous situations, they must demonstrate situational awareness…awareness decision, decision makingsimulation, training, skill, environment, task1
riverlux.hu“ I took my business partners for a boat trip on the Danube. I wanted to organise something special for them. I think it was a good decision. We planned everything in advance and the night was wonderful. Thank you!"good decision, decision advancedanube, offer, passenger, trip, programme1
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huThe notarial procedure creates enforcement without lawsuit, in some cases the notary’s decision connects with res iudicata effect or rather its deeds have that kind of probative value, which significally holds back the parties from litigation.notary decision, decision resnotary, notarial, document, public, register1
origodigitalfilm.hu…filmmaking in Europe, and set out to align itself with the best premier independent film studios in the United States. Through this strategic decision, the Origo Film Group was born. Today, the Group is comprised of five integral components that come together in a state-of-the-art, full-service…strategic decision, decision origodigital, post, production, complex, daily1
kadar-komjathy.huWe know that initiating divorce proceedings is a decisive decision. By the time clients reach us, they have largely thought through the details of the divorce,decisive decision, decision timelegal, lawyer, client, news, fee1
hungarymatters.huHungary Matters covers essential news about Hungary and beyond. Whether you’re a decision-maker, diplomat or in business, our newsletter delivered to your inbox every weekday is indispensable. Receive Hungary Matters compliments of MTI, the National News Agency, and MTVA, the Hungarian Media…hungary decision, decision makerjanuary, ukrainian, matter, ukraine, wage1
lippai-ugyvedi-iroda-szeged.hu…District Court in Bácskapalánka. After World War II he worked as President of the District Court of Kiskunfélegyháza. Since he rejected to make decisions in forged cases referred to as “kulak” cases, he was removed on disciplinary grounds, and, as a result, was forced to blue-collar work between…kiskunfélegyháza decision, decision forgeattorney, law, client, cost, heritage1
mma-mmki.huBased on the decision of Hungarian Academy of Arts, the writer, cultural anthropologist and lawyer László Koppány Csáji will assume […]art, institute, publication, close, cultural1
meetsafe.husupporting its users in making conscious decisions about events among the unprecedented circumstancesconscious decision, decision eventevent, introduction, tool, creative, enhancement1
vikstore.huas a personal assistant at a prestigious IT software development firm. In this era where digitization takes center stage, I have made a conscious decision to spearhead the advancements in this field. Recognizing the rising significance of cryptocurrencies in Hungary, I embarked on a journey of…conscious decision, decision advancementimage, exhibition, digital, winner, collection1
quintus.huOur Ethics and Code of Conduct are rooted in our values and provide the standards and support to help us successfully navigate issues, make the right decisions and conduct our business with the integrity that reflects our heritage and ethical reputation.right decision, decision businesssustainability, sustainable, environment, investment, construction1
hirtalalo.huWe must contend with living in an era of dangers because of the bad decisions of others, according to the minister.bad decision, decision ministeroffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
firstmed.huOne of the best decisions of my life was to join FirstMed on the recommendation of my girlfriend. I get exactly what I’ve always wanted. Professional, polite, kind care. I’m not sick, (usually) but it feels good to have a sure background behind me.good decision, decision lifeclinic, care, health, medical, doctor1
veganactivists.huContrary to popular belief, choosing a vegan lifestyle is not just a dietary decision, but a deeper ethical stance in favor of animal rights. The goal of Vegan Activists Hungary Association is to bring the message of veganism to people and highlight that every living being is valuable and deserves…dietary decision, decision deepvegan, association, animal, ethical, gallery1
4ai.huIn order to make informed decisions, you need to understand your data. We can visualize yours for you.inform decision, decision datadata, big, client, insight, market1
taxcontor.huWe support financial and taxation decisions of our partners with our professional experience of tax, legal and financial expertise dating back 30 years.taxation decision, decision partnertax, accounting, consulting, reference, newsletter1
exoshop.huOur company has been trading since 2013. On the part of our customers, the need to start a well-functioning online store has already arisen. This was a necessary decision on our part as well, as we can organize our work much more efficiently and serve our customers faster and easier.necessary decision, decision workprivacy, customer, payment, delivery, point1
easy-way.huMost IT investments have a multi-year return on investment, so the decisions made during the informational planning will effect the next couple of years.investment decision, decision informationalsolution, strategy, expert, enterprise, automation1
ttis.huWe give you the guidelines to take your destination and tourism products in the best possible direction that will serve your future visitors to create memories they will remember for the rest of their lives. We help you take the best decisions regarding your future development plans by offering a…good decision, decision futuretourism, development, destination, brand, solution1
aldomor.huA person who has a financial claim against the debtor either in pecuniary or monetary terms acknowledged or not disputed by the debtor, and which is based on a legally binding and enforceable decision made by a court of law or any other authority is regarded as a creditor.enforceable decision, decision courtdebtor, liquidation, creditor, bankruptcy, liquidator1
360fokbringa.hu…a few days of fun because the border to China was closed for a few days at that time. So we decided to cycle 260km to Kashgar and it was a good decision because we had really great time with our English fellows (a new pal, James, also from the UK joined us), the scenery was awesome and once we…good decision, decision greatday, people, road, asia, way1
debrecenbike.huThe statue symbolizes the mutilated body of Hungary forcibly partitioned by the Treaty of Trianon, which concluded WW I. Lord Rothermere commissioned Frenchman Emile Guillaume to erect the memorial to commemorate the much criticized Allied decision he considered unjust. The inscription beneath the…ally decision, decision unjustbike, street, church, build, city1
sanatmetal.huComplete range of hip prostheses for the sake of the patient, upon the decision of the surgeon!patient decision, decision surgeondetail, spine, page, academy, career1
deltaplast.huWe respectfully and humbly approach each other, our employees, managers, partners, and we communicate our problems and successes with honesty. We take responsibility for our work, our decisions, each other and our common goals. We work with dedication to meet the challenges, with our professional…work decision, decision commonproduction, technical, quality, manager, manufacture1
hamvasintezet.huOur decision to wear the name of Béla Hamvas stemmed from the author’s invaluable and highly versatile body of work paired with a life story of symbolic significance. Béla Hamvas is one of the towering minds of twentieth-century Hungary, whose humanism ...security, news, communist, research, history1
momert.huAlready the third baby grows up on Momert’s baby products. 🙂 From baby scales, baby bottle sterilizers to thermometers, we use Momert products. There is no question that we made the right decision to choose them. It is also important for us to buy the product of a Hungarian manufacturer.right decision, decision importantscale, detail, care, analogue, digital1
bliano.hu6. Positive Impact: Choosing us means you’re making a difference. Your decision helps the environment by reducing waste and supports responsible business practices.difference decision, decision environmentinternational, waste, electronic, component, material1
ovsz.huThe Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service (HNBTS) serves as the national centralized provider of blood component products to the hospital sector in Hungary and is responsible for strategic planning, management, training and advisory activities in health policy decision making for the field…policy decision, decision makingdonation, blood, office, stem, cell1
szalaitk.hurequirements, with the buyer's wishes, and the option for the buyer to choose between new or remanufactured and tested used parts. In making this decision, staff with many years of experience are at the customer's disposal. When it comes to repairs, it is essential that the vehicle spends as little…part decision, decision staffvehicle, forklift, commercial, customer, solution1
kozossikereink.huAs a result of the new funding system and low interest rate credits it is worth to start a new firm. Being over the decision it is helpful to consider a few advices.firm decision, decision helpfulresult, success, funding, cycle, financial1
workandsmile.huWith 23 years of experience as a hotel director , he saw the labor shortage and the daily challenges of employers on the domestic market well. He personally selected more than 500 employees, seeing both the positive and negative sides of the decisions. An expert in selecting the right people with…side decision, decision expertemployee, smile, recruitment, worker, people1
bitrial.huWe provide a wide range of clinical trial expertise for both medical device developers and pharmaceutical companies to facilitate our partners’ decision making and significantly reduce their product development time.partner decision, decision makingclinical, site, study, management, trial1
ikoninformatika.huAll information in a company is only a pile of data until business intelligence puts it all in the service of decision makers. This needs order in business procedures, transparency in the reports, efficiency at the back-office processes – with as few resources used, as possible. Scope enterprise…service decision, decision makersoftware, solution, development, financial, reseller1
parlamentiszemle.huPractice – judicial, constitutional and international legal cases concerning parliamentary law, the presentation of internal parliamentary decisions (10000-40000 characters)parliamentary decision, decision characteruniversity, professor, parliamentary, constitutional, national1
hunled.huBased on the survey data, we prepare a preliminary plan detailing the cost of investment, model the lighting, and add return calculations to make it easier for you to make your decision based on guaranteed reductions in electricity bills, other costs (maintance, burner change, etc.) about starting…easy decision, decision reduction, able decision, decision lightinglighting, luminaire, type, technology, industrial1
outturn.huMarket Intelligence - perform in-depth market research and analysis to help guide market entry strategy and decision making.strategy decision, decision makingnegotiation, management, deal, support, market1
lowa.huNature provides us with all sorts of unique oppor­tunities to experience unfor­gettable adventures and enjoy very special moments. More and more people are making a conscious decision to get back in tune with nature. You hear words like “awareness” a lot – but what exactly do people mean when they…conscious decision, decision tunecold, weather, shoes, shoe, everyday1
chezdodo.hu…she started baking them for friends and colleagues, being an account manager at an ad agency during the day and a self-made pastry chef by night. The instant success and growing demand pushed her to a hard decision - quitting her day job and partner with an old friend, Peter Vary to open Chez Dodo.hard decision, decision dayprocess, dream, true, day, elaborate1
euroturbo.huWith more than 20 years of expertise and experience, Euroturbo is proud to be regarded as a dominant supplier of parts and services in Hungary for rotating machines mainly in the gas and oil industry, both in the upstream and downstream sectors. Every decision is inspired by our main mission…sector decision, decision mainmember, gas, pump, oil, industry1
blascoding.hu"Our goal is to empower businesses by making technology work for them in the most efficient way possible," added Peter Blasko CEO. "Whether it's through automating routine tasks, harnessing data for better decision-making, or creating entirely new digital experiences for their customers, we're…well decision, decision makingsoftware, solution, hardware, digital, development1
nagyrendezveny.huOrganizing a wedding is a difficult and exhausting task, with many hidden pitfalls that only a few think of. Many wish for a kind Fairy, who holds the thread of their fairy tale in her hands, who helps in the decision-making, plans the events of the Big Day step by step, and manages everything…hand decision, decision makingwedding, introduction, event, day, big1
conos.huConveniently access and review project documents from anywhere, ensuring informed decision-making.inform decision, decision makingdocument, file, build, construction, management1
bmszki.hu…the COVID-19 pandemic! That’s why this campaign is important for us in which the social sector workers can present their needs towards the EU decision makers. The campaign was launched by the European Social Network, the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities andeu decision, decision makersocial, street, accommodation, european, center1
cathayassociates.huOur staff has many years of professional experience in the full range of public procurement procedures, including the preparation of calls for tenders and documentation, the provision of additional information, the evaluation and evaluation of tenders received and the preparation of decisions for…preparation decision, decision announcementlaw, international, legal, corporate, media1
goldpenkonyveloiroda.huNo additional knowledge, cost or effort is required. All you have to do is log in to the web interface and you can send your receipts, ask our colleagues questions, access the information you need to make financial decisions.accounting, protect, tax, payroll, firm1
szinvonalbau.huYou give substantial consideration to choosing a construction firm? Making your decision is not easy at all if you emphasize high quality work since the market is saturated.firm decision, decision easyconstruction, customer, coating, employee, insulation1
geoiq.huAs a philosophy of GeoIQ Imaging ltd. we believe that better information, (aerial imagery or satellite imagery) makes for better decisions and have created GeoIQ ltd. for this purpose. Our reputation is built on contributing our technical knowledge, special people, valuable experience to the…well decision, decision geoiqimaging, planet, summary, space, activity1
kszgysz.huThe 2019 edition of the World Water Development Report (WWDR 2019) entitled ‘Leaving No One Behind’ seeks to inform policy and decision-makers, inside and outside the water community, how… További részletekpolicy decision, decision makerwaste, plastic, european, international, water1
balanceuniversal.huIt's a tough decision, so you should request a quote from more Accounting firm, view and analyze more accounting office's website.tough decision, decision quoteaccounting, office, universal, bookkeeping, payroll1
mentalkozpont.huPsychotherapy is a series of 50 minute meetings that can take from a few (10-15) sessions to several (12-36) months depending on the seriousness and type of the problem. This is a joint decision based on the recommendation of the therapist and the final word of the patient.joint decision, decision recommendationtherapy, therapist, page, psychologist, problem1
avobmat.huIdentify biases and errors in your databases at scale (e.g. selection, metadata, classification) to make more informed decisions about your research (questions)inform decision, decision researchtext, metadata, digital, toolkit, research1
xfbanalytics.huThe business of football may change quickly, and decisions have to be made accordingly. Be prepared for the questions that might arise and back up your decisions with precise analytics.quickly decision, decision accordingly, question decision, decision precisefootball, player, analysis, data, performance1
bloomhill.huThe app allows our customers to track their accounting in real-time via telephones and computers and make informed financial decisions.tax, accounting, consultancy, control, law1
leanbox.huRedefining the very concept of a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and a Process Control System, LEANBOX is THE perfect solution for manufacturing companies of the Central Eastern European region to start or improve their digital transformation. Built from the ground up LEANBOX merges…kpi decision, decision reportmanufacture, production, way, process, data0
wishywashy.huWishy Washy – Washing, ironing, cleaning, carpet cleaning, dry cleaning, shoe cleaning, shoe and clothes repair and a wide range of cleaning services in Debrecen with a door to door delivery.smart decision, decision simpleclean, washing, package, shoe, clothes0
szilveszterrallye.huThe “new structure” of the competition received a lot of negative criticism from the racing community, which confirmed to us that the Hungaroring can only be the home of this event, so Szilveszter Rallye will also close its gates to hopefully be reborn in the future.follow decisioncompetitor, competition, international, visitor, media0
kerigeorgina.hu…states and schizophrenia. In 2015 I left my clinical job for a private practice (Avomed Psychological Centre), where I continued working with adults. Here I gained more experience in treating less severe anxiety and mood disorders, and problems concerning relationships or the self and general…problem decision, decision makingproblem, clinical, psychologist, self, group0
panarella.huWe have created Panarella Energetika Kft for the sake of your best and most favourable tariff and service. We provide our clients the most favourable electricity supply in the given segment with our complete and top quality services.language, news, privacy, legal, environment0
hupx.huHUPX – CEEGEX - HUDEX is in Essen at E-World Energy & Water 2024.market, data, procedure, report, auction0
hellopension.huWe guide you through the implementation of a corporate pension program from the initial plans to the daily operationsmultinational decision, decision makerpension, corporate, individual, fund, client0
arelmelet.hu…supply, and cost function - Exercise 1… Price Theory - Microeconomics… Game Theory… Decision Theory…decision theorytheory, price, market, joomla, case0
novaservices.huServices Pricing Pricing Single Team Member Careers Single Career Contact V1 Contact V2 Contact V3data decision, decision makingcareer, doe, page, competency, development0
surferhungary.huWe, spinning anglers often find ourselves in situations when the fishing waters steal our beloved lures. We might label this as a revenge from the fish for fooling them with our finesse tools. Fishing isn't a cheap fun anyway but it really hurts when you return home with a depleted lurebox stock…fishing, lures, day, fish, stock0
movieset.huHi Josef Almost time to go home!! I wanted to say ’Thank You” to you, Viktor and everyone at Movieset for doing such a good job for Emerald City. West Witch’s Brothel, Glindar’s Palace and the spinning Farmhouse were all built with great efficiency and care. Movieset always delivers! Thanks, it…row, reference, furniture, street, feature0
ebs-consulting.huEffects-Based Solutions offer a series of lectures ranging from the tactical to the strategic level to senior leaders in the corporate world. Knowledge and expertise of lecturers come from a thorough understanding of major aspects of military science, practical experience as commander both at home…military decision, decision makingconsulting, topic, research, military, lesson0
humanskill.hu…to the competency development of your key employees. After identifying the problematic field, we provide flexible solutions focused onto your organisation by analyzing its variables. Besides the professional skills, it is essential to consider the individual competences and personal attributes as…decision makingtraining, development, organisational, skill, psychological0
pmi.huPMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter, builds a voluntary project management professional community for the development of the individual, as part of the PMI global organization with a half-century history, based on a proven knowledge base and qualification system. Our goal is to be the most significant…data decision, decision makingcertification, pm, award, overview, member0
hunconcourt.huContacts… Client gate… More summaries of recent decisions… 16th January, third five-member panel… 16th…court, constitutional, january, gate, client0
fixbetonkerites.hu…For the production of our fence panels, our company uses only materials of impeccable quality. However, as manufacturers, we are able to offer our entire range of products at affordable prices, and we can help you install it cost-effectively and hassle-free with the help of professional experts.inform decisionfence, concrete, quality, quote, customer0
ujratervezespszichologia.huI work with athletes, coaches, corporate professionals and individuals to achieve optimal performance, personal efficiency and to increase mental health. I graduated as a psychologist in 2004, and in 2017 I got my degree in sports psychology. In 2020, I graduated from the online Barca University…psychologist, trainer, counseling, psychological, performance0
lfblegal.huIn case of tax investigations and tax litigations, we represent our clients in teams composed of tax advisors with decades of in-house tax authority experience and litigation lawyers with international recognitionimportant decisionlegal, tax, client, litigation, international0
anettehilbertcoaching.hu“It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors.”people, easy, appointment, thing, booking0
serbiz.huSpecialized to Service Business Development. Servicesales consulting, service market mentoring and trainingtraining, sale, development, market, consultancy0
successplatform.huCustomer Success Platform. Advanced Operation in all Areas. Take a look at our Salesforce CRM site! Here is information about our team and solutions.leadership decision, decision datecloud, customer, sale, solution, success0
portfolio.huSouth Korean battery plant keeps sacking Hungarian workers after pocketing billions for job creationsubsidy decision, decision paymentprice, fund, economy, portfolio, rate0
doproject.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo dolor sit amet.sit, lorem, dolor, elit, consectetur0
help4you.huHelp4You offers complete comprehensive business assistance: expand your business into HU, start a your own business, set up a company, open bank account, prepare a business plan, get EU VAT number etc. GET Residence Permit through company formation.strategic decision, good decisionimmigration, permit, help, social, search0
mab.hu…and published by the MAB in advance. If the institution or programme meets these criteria, it is then accredited. The core activity of the MAB is therefore the accreditation of institutions, faculties and programmes, as well as the evaluation of applications for university professor positions.positive decision, negative decision, public decision, decision mabaccreditation, education, procedure, forum, european0
moviepuppeteers.hu…ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proidentplan decision, decision makeripsum, lorem, puppet, sit, consectetur0
innomed.huThe Cardiology segment working on our diagnostic devices with data management software for PCs. The main products of the group are the own developed and manufactured semi- automatic defibrillator (AED) , clinical defibrillators, the variety of ECG devices and we are also distributing a whole range…diagnostic decision, decision supportmedical, development, ray, generator, ecg0
advalorem.huWith 15 years’ experience in industry, we offer a range of marketing and sales consulting services and marketing agency support.client, conference, testimonial, human, consultancy0
transparency.huHungary is the most corrupt Member State of the European Union according to Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Indexcorruption, transparency, report, international, public0
online-angol.huYou can use the online English lessons by yourself, with the help of your teacher. If you like this learning method, CONTACT ME RIGHT NOW , sign up for free English lessons or require more online English lessons and offer this chance to your friends.orbán decision, decision imflesson, free, song, christmas, skill0
ybg.huThe Tourism Club Franchise is Hungary’s largest and fastest growing student-led talent pool for tourism, hospitality and gastronomy. They currently have a total membership of 190+ people in the top 3 universities with Tourism and Hospitality degree program in our country: Tourism Club of Corvinus…business decision, decision makerstudent, university, organization, follow, diplomacy0
freekey.huWe are members of the Freekey team.everybody decision, decision lifepersonal, disable, person, assistant, assistance0
bluegold.huThe water of the wells is a natural mineral water recognized by the competent authorities and included in the list of mineral waters recognized by the EU. Our mineral waters come from protected...water, mineral, quantity, property, size0
bisystems.huAreas of Expertise… Competitive Edge… Learn…inform decision, decision makingsolution, software, industrial, feature, expertise0
y3a.huY3A provides you guidance and support you need to achieve your goals and take your business to the next level.smart decision, decision newguidance, goal, support, expert, translation0
confidus.huOur company offers consulting services for small and medium-sized business about company management, and gives flexible outsourcing solutions for them.management decision, decision makinglaw, consulting, office, development, activity0
gasparannamaria.hu…HAVE… HOARDING… TRANSITION… EVERYTHING CHANGES… TÁRGYAIM / MY THINGS… EARLY WORKS… BIO… CONTACT… NEWShappiness decisionchange, art, exhibition, page, need0
kingbike.huNobody can keep beerbike tours in the city center of Budapest because of the legal regulations. However the beerbike service is still working with us! We are the only beerbike tour providers in Budapest.decision pointtour, beer, bike, crazy0
agendaconsulting.huEU-subsidies and Projects with State Subsidie! Copyright ©2018 Agenda Consulting - All rights reserved!investment decisionconsulting, agenda, subsidy, start, reference0
opanszkitamas.huThis time there are five paintings by me: two works from the coffee house series, two still lifes and an ice hockey theme. It can be viewed until October 30, 2023.jury decision, decision literaryexhibition, painting, painter, october, january0
bendeconsulting.huThe case study below shows how training, coaching and management consulting supported a management development company in developing the competencies of middle and senior managers in large companies.consulting, development, solution, management, case0
vasibajnokok.huÜdvözlöm Önt újra a honlapunkon. Az új design régi értékeinkkel párosulva lehetőséget ad nekem, hogy több információval láthassam el kedves érdeklődő ügyfeleimet.share decision, decision makingagreement, contract, contractor, trade, schedule0
diamantdent.huDiamant-Dent Dental Medical Institute in Hungary! Our dentists are specialized in dental implants, teeth implants, fixed denture, - crowns, bridges, veneers, bleaching and inlays. Dental week: connect dental treatment and holiday! Diamond-dent.dental, dentistry, aesthetic, dentist, treatment0
plastic.huThe 58 mm size PolyfiX RW profiles are mainly suitable for the construction of partitions, walls, exhibition stands and fixed thermal bridge doors and windows. The product is also a perfect solution for the production of mobile screen walls.profile, sheet, plastic, login, offer0
pjconsulting.huWhat is my goal? To partner with you to enhance the quality of your life via life coaching, relationship and career consultation via virtual sessions from Budapest.love decision, decision longrelationship, career, consultation, investment, appointment0
szanalasialap.huResolution… What is resolution?… Resolution objectives… Conditions for Resolution… Resolution tools…current decision, decision resolutionresolution, fund, institution, member, relation0
lacitanit.huCapturly helps to optimize your website with heatmap, session recording, conversion funnel, and event analytics. Analyze the exact actions your visitors take!business decision, decision useruser, website, conversion, visitor, session0
gdiensemble.hu…Module. This modular system is coupled with a service package that generates continuously processed data from remote sensing of parcels in the master dataset that can be used in precision farming. Our solution provides complete intelligence to help farmers get the most out of precision farming.good decision, decision pointensemble, agriculture, data, industry, today0
smartprojectconsulting.hu…visualization. The company's knowledge of economics, in addition to IT, enables us to provide our partners with effective support in investment appraisal, project portfolio and risk management. Our team consists of IT specialists and economists. We are ready to support you in achieving your goals.consulting, ltd, competence, methodology, career0
javorbenedek.huenergy energy policy European Commission European Parliament European Union Greens Hungary investigative journalism paks Paks2 press freedom transparency whistleblower directive whistleblower protection whistleblowersillegal decision, decision paksmedia, european, mep, letter, story0
bankszovetseg.hu…units of usable blood. With this initiative and the volume of blood donated, the Hungarian Banking Association is setting an example for other sectors to follow. In addition to the Government Officials' Blood Donation Weeks, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank also joined the Good Bank Blood Donation…banking, association, detail, release, week0
mke.info.huThe Association of Hungarian Librarians takes pride in the traditions of Hungarian librarianship, and looks with respect upon the great librarian predecessors: József Szinnyei, Zoltán Ferenczi, József Fitz, Ervin Szabó, Béla Kőhalmi, Pál Gulyás, Béla Varjas, Ákos Domanovszky, Máté Kovács, Csaba…participation decision, decision legislation, high decision, decision bodylibrary, branch, association, county, conference0
pentatrade.hu…or enhancing existing infrastructure, professional educations, trainings at high quality. Using our more than a quarter century experience, our colleagues after the inspection of inner operations in medium or national enterprises, capable of giving a competitive solution for our clients.corporate decision, decision support, executive decision, decision daysolution, management, homepage, support, corporate0
helpers.huGetting long-term residency in Hungary – whether through business, investment or other means – allows you and your family to live, work, do business and travel freely in Hungary and in Europe. We have helped hundreds of clients from all over the world to acquire a resident permit, work permit, or…immigration, helper, solution, permit, investment0
honifo.huBeginning as front desk agents, later as sales and marketing directors and general managers as well.tourism, consulting, sale, management, previous0
maxaldo.huNowadays enterprises find high quality bookkeeping and administrative services more and more important; there is an increasing demand from managers and owners for information, more and more companies are utilizing integrated computer systems, therefore there is a higher demand for bookkeeping…management decision, decision makingaccounting, preparation, bookkeeping, activity, financial0
turbotanoda.huHumanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree in Pedagogy of Students with Learning Disabilities."good decision, decision toughteacher, speciality, child, school, education0
mozduljunkki.huis a Non Profit Organisation to provide professional assistance for people with motor disorders at live concerts and at Sziget Festival since 2016.festival, people, wheelchair, assistance, live0
bloommarketing.huWe are proud of our flexibility to operate either as a classic creative agency or an on-site marketing team.business decision, decision supportsolution, production, management, plan, reference0
hudex.huIf a non HUDEX Member third party intends to incorporate the 'HUDEX Hungarian Financial Futures Index in any manner into its products or services traded on an energy exchange or equivalent facility, it shall conclude a contract with HUDEX Energy Exchange Ltd. on the use of the above data (this…data, report, overview, member0
jovotepitok.huThe Future Leaders’ Generation Association (FTG) offers a 2-year professional program for young people aged 17-30 called the FTG Academy. It helps young people develop their competencies and foster a successful attitude. Everything we do is designed to help young people realize their potential…career decision, decision secureacademy, dinner, competition, successful, future0
kuria-birosag.huThe President of the Curia of Hungary attended the Vienna Colloquium of the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Unionuniformity decision, decision jurisprudencecuria, court, president, visit, european0
mediproof.huComparing market trends of any product, brand, distributor, or active substance. Does not matter if you are looking for medicines, medical aids or starters, we have the data.analysis decision, decision supportmarket, analysis, support, data, news0
trustbuilder.hu…whole service, employee turnover and trust tax (costs arising from low level of trust) can be reduced, trust level, efficiency and customer satisfaction can be increased. The application educates the respondent, thus, during the completion, it raises the level of trust in the team, at your company.leader decision, decision makertrust, employee, tax, turnover, survey0
academiaoffices.huOn September 28, the renovated ACADEMIA office building officially opened its doors. In the opening speech, Csaba Zeley, the CEO of ConvergenCE, expressed his gratitude to the existing tenants for their patience and cooperation during the renovation works, as they continued to carry out their…build, available, academia, area, traditional0
otpbank.huOTP Bank branch and ATM locator, bank account management, e-banking, bank cards and exchange rates.account, banking, retail, management, security0
queryconsulting.huOur newest product is a simplified business reporting tool developed especially for small and medium sized businesses. With the help of this reporting tool smaller companies without an ERP system could have reports to gain insights and improve results.efficient decision, decision makingquery, consulting, report, solution, tool0
falcongt.huinclude high-end premium software, hardware and custom hardware solutions. Related services include planning and developing data security systems, commissioning and customisation of software, maintenance of information security systems and customised operation.responsibility decision, decision makingconsulting, security, risk, data, threat0
majorhalo.hucare, trainings, professional guidance and self-help groups, camps, etc.) we help to prepare people with autism and their families to realize the highest possible level of independent living. Our long-term goal is to take part in the development of different forms of subsidized housing, once the…autism, community, network, people, opportunity0
birnerauto.hu…father’s company in 1959. With his leadership began in Austria the territorial expansion, which was attended by his wife Margarete Birner. The activity started in Hungary in 1992. The company has been operating under the name Margarete Autó Kft. since 2011 and Birner Autó Kft. since November 2020,brake, map, shop, belt, oil0
curvesclub.huHome Join now Legyél te is franchise tulajdonos! Curves programme Curves & Health Find your club Own Your Franchise News and videos Testimonials Career Contact usgood decision, decision lifecurve, woman, minute, strength, testimonial0
funkymedia.hu…Is the Early Decision Agreement in Common App… What Was the Purpose of the Gentlemen Agreement with…early decision, decision agreementcontract, agreement, law, definition, form0
smartlynx.huOur Smart Parking service provides an end-to-end solution to the parking challenges of cities. We help drivers and parking professionals with cutting-edge parking sensors based on NarrowBand IoT technology, a user-friendly management interface, on-street displays and the Parker mobile app.data decision, decision supportparking, traffic, district, sensor, city0
ardomus.huWe propose and sell biotechnology and imaging science products and we perform product innovation and development.mri decision, decision supportimaging, development, webpage, official, science0
csodalampa.huThe mission of Csodalámpa (Magic Lamp) Wish Granting Foundation is to grant 230 to 300 wishes a year: a wish to any, 3-18 years old child, who suffer from a life-threatening illness.board decision, decision arrangementwish, report, foundation, lamp, annual0
euroconsulting.hu…complex corporate interfaces among various software parties. This know-how we bring to the field of HR modules, corporate intranets, social networks, cooperative platforms, mobile applications or to advanced e-commerce solutions. Our company motto is to be always a partner, whose target is theconsulting, analysis, manager, development, data0
colegal.hu…centre of our practice. Further on, our colleagues have obtained in-depth understanding of the legal aspect of criminal law, sports law, various fields of competition law and consumer protection law. In any and all of our practice areas, we efficiently provide clearly comprehensible and…proceduresagainst decision, decision authoritylaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling0
meliora.huPharmaceutical translations from English to Hungarian. Our agency is specialized in pharmaceutical translations to deliver exceptional quality.authorisation decisiontranslation, pharmaceutical, quality, agency, client0
realidaconsult.huWe have worked and operated in an international business environment, cooperating closely with German, Swiss, Austrian, English, Scandinavian and Japanese owners, mother companies during the years. Our aim is to bring and apply the essence of the most useful business practices. We speak English…wise decisionconsult, management, issue, situation, process0
aippi.huAIPPI - International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Propertyinternational, association, intellectual, protection, property0
jogaszegylet.huDr. habil. Róbert Szuchy Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Law of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary and Chair of the International Committee of Hungarian Lawyers Association was giving a lecture at the Day of Hungarian Science 2021 in…blasphemy decision, decision hungarianlawyer, association, president, newsletter, law0
ceegex.huMarket data is published according to delivery gasdays. The published prices before 1st of October 2017 are converted with the official euro exchange rates of MNB and serve for information purposes only.market, day, data, membership, rule0
erti.hu…The results of forest research have already proved that by means of sustainable forest management we can increase not only the value of forests that can be expressed in natural objects but also their adaptability and their other amenities. Professionally managed forests are more resistantforest, department, natural, management, change0
madagaszkar.hu-The primary task of the newly founded Consulate, and thus mine as well, is to develop commercial, economic, cultural, scientific and tourist relations between Madagascar and Hungary and to represent the interests and to act as a counsel for citizens of Madagascar, for any legal person or…madagascar, honorary, republic, task, country0
feldvebel.hueTaxi invoicing expense manager. Cost managing application on Android phone, tablet for taxi drivers. Easy...easycalc decision, decision goodmanager, invoicing, expense, software, practice0
bushofest.hu20th BuSho Film Festival Budapest, Hungary 3 September - 8 September 2024 20th BuSho Film Festival Budapest, Hungary 3 September - 8 September 2024festival, news, archive, entry, gallery0
nice-price.huCurabitur ac leo nunc estibul et mauris vel ante finibus maximus nec ut leo. Integer consectetur luctus dui id.nice, price, ac, leo, maximus0
echoresidence.huPackages… The Hotel… Suites… Extra discounts… Wellness… Photo gallery… Programs… Active Recreation… The…major decisionsuite, discount, event, package, training0
goconcept.hu“In my trainer development work, the encounter, the challenge, as well as the novelty of the experience inspires me – each and every time. In the course of training we learn from each other, with each person investing themselves into the “here and now”. What I can provide in every case is my…situation decisiontraining, lab, development, trainer, change0
diaklabor.huStudent laboratories are facilities which provide lessons for students and student groups in mathematics, information technology, nature sciences and technology mainly based on self-learning activities and self-experimentation. They provide every year more than 100 lessons for external students…lab decision, decision makerstudent, lab, operation, education, laboratory0
elmenykulonitmeny.huÉlménykülönítmény is the community of Bátor Tábor fundraisers. With our “ÉK” fundraisers, we have been encouraging severely ill children since 2011. In the meantime, we pursue our obsessions - do sports, cook, play music, celebrate, or juggle while standing on our heads. Together with our…good decision, decision lifeevent, campaign, fundraising, art, category0
orbitmedia.hu. We're of course talking about Mark Zuckerberg Moving On From Fight Against Elon Musk , Twitter's current overlord. In terms of style, Levi's Brand New Selvedge Denim Collection is certanly something to look out for, as well as the Release Of The Nike Kobe 8 Protro "Halo" , dedicated to the late…unanimous decision, decision natemusic, style, news, culture, release0
somogyiangelika.hu…of the experiences in the development of my colleagues, I became increasingly interested in the human psyche and its science, psychology. In the course of my psychological counseling work, I keep helping my clients in deeper understanding of their issues and develop their strengths to be able to…problem, university, counselling, psychologist, therapy0
trenico.huWe offer co-operation for our clients in selecting the best scheme and the bank providing the best service for the given investment, credit transaction or project based on our 20 years of experiences in understanding the operation, the structure and the special characteristics of the banking sector.financial decision, decision aspectinvestment, office, family, event, management0
serpakalandpark.huThe website of the Company contains information that enables a quick electronic contact to our enterprise, as well as direct communication with us, which also includes a general address of the so-called electronic mail (e-mail address). If a data subject contacts the controller by e-mail or via a…automate decision, decision making, automatic decisiondata, price, adventure, personal, process0
osziczki.huSome popular WordPress themes that support Full Site Editing include the FotaWP Theme, the BlockVerse Theme, and the Frost Theme. These themes have built-in support for Full Site Editing, allowing users to create custom designs without needing to know how to code.wise decision, decision websitesite, edit, ipsum, lorem, website0
xorxor.hu…Touch Paradox… Strata Clouds… Refract… Casualties of World War I… Everything (and)… Antwerp – City of…space, job, feed, poetry, municipality0
clew.hu…investment process. We provide the business plan and financial model required to raise capital, and support you in finding the right investors for your company. On the other hand, we also support investors and capital fund managers with company valuations, financial and legal due diligence (DD).consulting, financial, hand, investor, legal0
forgonyanna.hu…to learn from her. There is some natural positivity and strong faith in her that makes her an example for anyone to follow. I took the Basic DNA seminar quite a few years ago, and even the Advanced, but since I didn’t use the technique, I wanted to refresh my knowledge, so I took Anna’s online…good decision, decision lifeseminar, practitioner, free, instructor, day0
kszemle.huWelcome to our website! At the top and bottom of the page you can find a navigation bar. We would like to draw your attention to the menu point Contents , where you can find all of the articles published in the Economic Review since 1995 in digital (PDF) format.argument decision, decision keyneseconomic, review, page, january, search0
masterfield.huWe offer our students a wide range of live, online and classroom courses several days in length, in IT and project management topics!good decisioncourse, training, learn, catalogue, centre0
hajomuszerek.huBased on our vast experience, we started to design and install navigation and power systems into sailing and motor yachts, later on also electric propulsion boats, motorhomes, horse trucks, and special vehicles. Today SEAHUN provide a wide range of services in the yachting industry such as…consulting, reference, vehicle, truck, device0
tyrusz.hu…comprehensive business development services, with a strategic focus on bridging the gap between the vibrant Hungarian market and the dynamic markets of the Arab world. We are committed to fostering mutually beneficial relationships, facilitating trade, and creating opportunities for businessessolve decision, decision makingmarket, study, honey, communication, success0
itware.huWhen businesses are looking to innovate, grow, and leap ahead of their competition, they call on ITware to create them a great solution. We not just coding we provide a result-driven software solutions. Check out our work from different industries and talk about your ideas!company decision, decision processdevelopment, software, custom, application, nearshore0
heartandsexuality.hu…of our professional team participated in several trainings in Western Europe in 2019, and we all participated in a special course called Heart & Sexuality Professional Training organized by the Dutch BodyMind Opleidingen, as we were able to deepen the studies and practices of the previous years.autonomy decision, decision capacitysexuality, training, heart, body, basic0
gki.huOne of Hungary's best-known and longest-running economic research institutes. We have been at the service of science and the Hungarian economy for 30 years.economic, research, article, month, newsletter0
biohair.huBioHair Salons - THE SMART HAIRDRESSER Stand in line with your mobile phone from home or work and spend your time usefully! Without getting an appointment! Come in, You are next! Hairdressing, scalp treatment, cosmetics, manicure, pedicuregood decision, decision turnsalon, hair, line, treatment, scalp0
amcham.huAmCham Hungary is one of the largest American Chambers of Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe, representing both American, international and local business interests in Hungary. Not only is it a gateway to the growth of your business in the European Region but it also provides you with vital…member, event, news, large, law0
health-wise-living.hu…the environment we are in, in addition to comfort, raises our vibration and energises us. As a health conscious mother, I also weave the healing potential of nature and harmony into my children’s lives and this has inspired me to incorporate the healing potential of spaces into interior design.decision perspectiveinterior, health, space, live, wise0
vonalvezeto.huI graduated as a civil engineer from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Technology, Hungary, with specializations in Road and Railway Engineering and Urban Planning. After graduation, I became a qualified engineer and expert, Based on my professional activities, I was also…engineering, line, road, local, office0
isourcing.huAbout Us… Finding and identifying sources of supply… Tender processes and tendering… Supplier…strategy decision, decision preparationanalysis, source, international, market, process0
itris.huITRIS Kft - A fast, flexible and trusted partner - System maintenance, system support and IT hardware maintenance - Regional service deskshort decision, decision makingsupport, maintenance, hardware, offer, device0
adatmuhely.huI am offering you my services in data processing technology and methodology to help you get full scale insights into the data of your business.management decision, decision supportdata, solution, development, report, analysis0
improversgroup.huDevelopment of school culture based on strengthening the life-skills and character competences of teachers and young people.development, group, culture, organization, school0
faircity.huQuality life is rooted in the community of smart AND empathetic people and city management.dss decision, decision supportcommunity, city, management, social, dialogue0
lelek-harmonia.huEnglish speaking psychologist provides professional counselling, psychological consultation, hypnotherapy to foreigners living in Budapest. I started my private practice at the beginning of 2007 for adults and teenagers who are lookig for psychologist in Budapest, and who would like to develop…support decision, decision makingproblem, psychologist, counselling, disorder, technique0
bodyatwork.huAfter having been invited by the Budapest History Museum, our team facilitated two workshops in their amazing building last autumn. Extraordinary spaces and an extraordinary mission: visitors of the museum could take away calmness and trust after our stress-releasing sessions.body, page, awareness, stress, advanced0
intelligencemedia.hu…customized frameworks, system integration, and chatbot development tailored for global businesses. As pioneers in the AI domain, we're trusted by renowned brands worldwide. Dive into our offerings and discover how we blend Hungarian ingenuity with global innovation to empower your business.good decisionintelligence, media, solution, development, process0
realfluencer.hu…‘Girls Trip’ already surpasses ‘Rough Night’ in opening weekend… New Season 8 Walking Dead trailercongress, dead, fashion, politics, entertainment0
csodama.huWe're happy to build network with our Hungarian and international partners for good and noble causes!annual decision, decision makerevent, activity, cause, goal, foundation0
esvcp2024.hu…cattle. We shall not forget about the harmonization of laboratory testing. There will be sessions for mystery cases and cytological slides. The European Canine Lymphoma Network will also join our congress with their separate satellite session. Moreover, we plan a workshop for those who are…august, registration, congress, abstract, veterinary0
premiumapartmanok.huData protection and data security are very important to we, the Premium Apartments (hereinafter referred to as “ Company ”). Therefore, we want to inform you about which of your personal data we collect when you visit our website and for which purposes it is used.automate decision, decision making, automatic decisionapartment, data, personal, premium, process0
businesscoach.huI had the opportunity to work with Laura and Business Coach Kft. during my years as Managing Director at Körber Hungaria. She and her team helped me a lot to transform the leadership culture at the company to a truly openminded and innovative culture where helping each other became a key asset and…effective decision, decision makingtraining, privacy, data, management, self0
drhe.hu© 2021 DRHE - All rights reserved. • Website made by Digitall Sapiens Kft.student, doctoral, office, programme, university0
i-volution.huEnjoy a luxury car experience second to none! We will help you find the most suitable, premium category vehicle, based on your preferences and driving style. With a wide variety of vehicles – electric cars, luxury vehicles, mini vans – we can also help you find the most suitable rental scheme for…smart decision, decision consciousluxury, electric, lease, vehicle, rental0