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58 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: empathy

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gyogyitobeszelgetesek.huI firmly believe that those should work as a psychologist who are interested in other people’s problems and can turn to patients with empathy. This is why I decided to become a psychologist.patient empathy, empathy psychologist, acceptance empathy, empathy credibility, method empathyproblem, psychologist, hour, consulting, person3
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.huHe is frequently invited to international conferences and seminars to support the attainment of this positive attitude. On these events he develops and improves the audience’s consciousness and empathy via interactive workshops. Thanks to the internal satisfaction triggered by the engaging…global empathy, empathy committee, consciousness empathy, empathy interactivehealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion3
arwenmasszazs.huDuring a massage the masseur enters the client’s intimate space; therefore the masseur’s energy, communication, empathy and flexibility are very important.communication empathy, empathy flexibilitymassage, body, main, office, client2
rewart.hu…always give more than expected of them. They do all of this with uninterrupted cheer (seriously, amazing but that's the truth) and tremendous empathy. They are energetic, enthusiastic, creative and very fair! As a customer, we have been working together for many years now and we would love to…tremendous empathy, empathy energetic, platform empathy, empathy cafebrand, curious, enthusiastic, heart, talented2
highlaneconsulting.hu…future oriented business models in both startups and corporates in Hungary, the Netherlands and the U.S. With their excellent business acumen, empathy and deep understanding of complex business problems they navigate the field well. The team believes in measurable results and smart execution…acumen empathy, empathy deepinnovation, consulting, process, organization, plan2
kreativfejlesztes.hu„I have known Szilvi better and deeper after she applied for the trainer-training course. She has shown her honesty, openness, will to develop and courage. When she leads the group or the individual person, you can feel the attention and support through her empathy. Her methods inspire your own…support empathy, empathy methodmanager, trainer, development, individual, homepage2
encounter.huBeing present intensely and for an extended period in the atmosphere of the person-centred small and large groups can almost lead to an altered state of consciousness. Congruent empathy and positive regard, which we might experience in the group, may make us more open, more sensitive, more…congruent empathy, empathy positive, regard empathy, empathy wayregistration, group, fee, meal, encounter2
csunyavalas.huHowever, for PAS to even occur, one parent must be willing to act unusually cruelly and callously. These behaviors often point to narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), which is characterized by a grandiose sense of self, a strong need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.lack empathy, empathy cruelvisit, october, september, june, january2
drberkesistvan.huIt is my philosophy that patients should actively participate in decisions regading their own care. Therefore, I strive to treat all my patients with respect, empathy and concern for their well being.respect empathy, empathy concernvice, science, private, practice, curriculum1
applepshostess.huWe work primarily with young, attractive hostesses and hosts who also have the most important inner qualities needed to perform the task: outstanding communication skills, empathy, endurance, proactivity and patience. Year after year we receive more and more high-quality and challenging jobs in…skill empathy, empathy enduranceevent, host, staff, exhibition, agency1
dealagency.huOriginating from the private sector with more than 20 years of experience in the field of marketing, sports-marketing and sales. Beside that our personal journey also contained at some point performance sports. This is the reason why we have the personal involvement and empathy for the needs and…involvement empathy, empathy needdeal, agency, athlete, talent, career1
gotyourback.hu“ I was contacted because of my lower back problem due to sedentary work, lack of movement and overweight. The three qualities that describes you. Maximum professional competence, empathy, helpfulness. I don’t think they needed to be explained.”competence empathy, empathy helpfulnesstraining, personal, free, check, health1
goconcept.hu“In my trainer development work, the encounter, the challenge, as well as the novelty of the experience inspires me – each and every time. In the course of training we learn from each other, with each person investing themselves into the “here and now”. What I can provide in every case is my…openness empathy, empathy flexibilitytraining, lab, development, trainer, change1
ridgeback-kennel.huThey are very strongly attached to their owner and their family. Accordingly, it must be nurtured with much empathy and love. They are ready to cooperate, very curious, and are excellent for training. On the other hand, ridgebacks like to think about what they do, which is why many call them…accordingly empathy, empathy lovedog, family, friendly, treatment, owner1
dreamwedding.hu…complex duty. They have to be skillful negotiators, comprehend things in a complex way, collate, gently recommend, let you chose, though wehere necessary, decide, control everything according to your desires. All that full of immense accuracy, clear-headed ideas, empathy, creativity and much love.idea empathy, empathy creativitywedding, day, help, dream, guest1
helping-hand.huPositive communication supports acceptance, empathy, empowerment, and the child’s autonomous decision-making. It matters a lot what we say and how we say it. Here are some examples to illustrate what we mean by this.acceptance empathy, empathy empowermentchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten1
meetingbudapest.hu…organizing team is composed of experienced conference organizers and event consultants, providing for the smooth and perfect event execution through their empathy and professional approach, paying special attention to even the tiniest detail of the expectations of clients and their organizations.execution empathy, empathy professionalmeeting, event, conference, exhibition, execution1
szemben.huElementary keywords: collective work, practical outlook of life, compact ways of seeing things, huge empathy, colourful problem solving and mediation under construction, and of course last but not least design and aestethics, modern technology.huge empathy, empathy colourfulexterior, interior, view, functional, studio1
mentalkozpont.huWhichever technique or therapy approach I use it is my belief that trust, empathy and professional competence are essential to a successful talking therapy. I guarantee these from my side in all of my therapy sessions but I do have to ask for some trust in advance from my clients. What I can…trust empathy, empathy professionaltherapy, therapist, page, psychologist, problem1
biztonsagosvaltozas.huDuring the sessions Kriszta succeessfully created a confidential and warm atmosphere. With empathy, discretion and openness she always found how to build the session so that it best helped in solving my problems. Based on my experience I recommend her with full confidence.”atmosphere empathy, empathy discretionorganization, development, process, group, goal1
leitnerleitner.huOur flexibility, personal commitment and optimistic approach are key-factors for customised and sustainable solutions. We encourage high potentials and facilitate entrepreneurship. In doing so, we combine our professional strengths with compassion and bring empathy, long-standing experience and…compassion empathy, empathy longtax, accounting, law, real, estate1
lelekkapu.huHaving tried many holistic disciplines, I found out that the three most efficient paths to clarify the mind and open the “soulgate” is the qigong, the world of sounds and the family constellation. Qigong practise is creating a strong mental power and rising empathy. Family constellation is able to…power empathy, empathy familyez, sound, constellation, family, path1
ggis.huThis diversity makes our classrooms a place where students learn life skills that will serve them their entire lives: empathy, appreciating differences and an understanding of differing perspectives. This intercultural exchange along with the respect and care we have for each other causes many who…life empathy, empathy differenceschool, international, great, question, grace1
darvasjudit.huReal presence, a non-judgemental attitude, acceptance, trust, respect, belief in the client and empathy are my most valuable assets in the helping professions. My knowledge-based approach and structural thinking are the extras that I can use to support my clients in gaining awareness of their…client empathy, empathy valuablestudent, study, approach, therapy, freedom1
pihenokert.hu„Reliable, correct, particular with high empathy that is essential for garden planning. Never ever better, I can only recommend him.high empathy, empathy essentialgarden, plan, irrigation, dream, homepage1
virtlanglab.huOur mission is to help you achieve breakthrough performance in the business arena, easily. When we communicate in your name, our utmost goal is to create meaning. Culture, language, and empathy serve as the foundation of what we live and work by.language empathy, empathy foundationlanguage, virtual, assistance, value, power1
starthomebudapest.hu" During my ten years of experience in the real estate market, I have gained extensive knowledge in fulfilling unique needs. Professionalism, persistent dedication, and empathy are the keys to my success, offering reliable guidance not only in the real estate industry but also in various other…dedication empathy, empathy keyproperty, rent, start, real, estate1
hordelrelo.huWe believe that key to our success relies on competent, experienced and skilled people who handles each and every relocation not just with knowledge but with empathy and commitment as well.knowledge empathy, empathy commitmentair, transportation, globe, size, road1
borosferenc.hu…Photography. Exactitude, Elaboration, Clarity and Elegance - Advertising, Commercial Photography, Pack shot, Objects, Still Life. Relationship, empathy - Portrait, Headshot, Beauty photography. Seduction, sensuality, delicacy - Food and Drink Photography. Salute to the Beauty of Human Body -…relationship empathy, empathy portraitphotography, object, food, picture, school1
scarhung.huI am committed to providing a safe space for your healing journey. Here, you will find acceptance for who you are, without judgment. I will listen attentively, offer support, and guide you through processing your emotions with comfort, validation, empathy, and compassion.validation empathy, empathy compassionscar, psychologist, wei, qualification, location1
cij.huhow the previous generations in their families were affected by the events of 1945 and its aftermath. Activities included public events and unconventional history lessons at high schools to contribute to a political culture based on tolerance, empathy, civility and the respect of different opinions.tolerance empathy, empathy civilitymedia, center, training, independent, production1
jobgroup.huWe build on the foundations of diversity, inclusion, as well as knowledge-driven operations. We perform our work conscientiously, based on the values of equality and transparency, and with the highest customer focus and empathy. We provide our staff with equal but personalised opportunities for…focus empathy, empathy staffdetail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour1
clevermove.huI would also like to mention that even though this is now my full time job, I still do it with passion, empathy and personal engagement, and the mission is shared among all my employees. Coming to us for help, be sure you will receive the best treatment and we will look after your case as if it…passion empathy, empathy personalpermit, path, permanent, appeal, residency1
matheannapszichologus.huI find it extremely important for my clients to be able to open up in an environment they feel safe in, giving them empathy and unconditional acceptance. Every human being has a deeply treasured soul, that during our lives can run into set backs from time to time. These can be completely natural…safe empathy, empathy unconditionalsession, introduction, pricing, form, help1
szintezis-net.huOur work codex is centered around elevating our partners by embodying our core values of Empathy, Learning, Exceeding expectations, being Value-focused, Adaptability, Trust, and promoting Education. These values guide our interactions and decisions, as reflected in the following key areas (where…value empathy, empathy learnsupport, software, today, page, development1
advalorem.huDespite efforts to replicate human behaviour and gestures through automation and AI, the essentials of human connection—eye contact, personal touch, empathy—remain irreplaceable by technology.touch empathy, empathy irreplaceableclient, conference, testimonial, human, consultancy1
eskuvosiofok.huI'm a friendly, outgoing, smily, accurate, reliable, punctual, perfectionist person with empathy. Whatever I do I have my heart in it.person empathy, empathy heartwedding, event, management, plan, price1
komplexinstrukcio.huSecondly, group-work on open ended tasks requires cooperation and communication. This interaction does not only help pupils intellectually; it also enhances their social skills. When organized effectively, group-work helps to build friendships across status groups and ethnicity and reinforces…ethnicity empathy, empathy cohenschool, teacher, child, pupil, group1
pipa.info.hu…family relationships following the coming-out and create a new, deeper type of communication between family members based on openness and empathy. Our experience shows that teenagers and their parents badly need this after the coming out. The coming out youngster is not an adult yet and…openness empathy, empathy experiencedonation, social, foundation, tax, case1
kozelafrikahoz.hu…study-related expenses and tuition – receive proper education, is already worthy of great appreciation in itself, but given their exceptional dedication, empathy, and deep human love with which this activity is carried out, they deserve nothing less than some special respect and true admiration.”dedication empathy, empathy deepchild, africa, school, sponsor, education1
benyei.huWe think of our style as open, free and without limits, but not without empathy for the client who we support from consultation through to the handing over of the keys. And often, even beyond that. We are convinced that a properly established space positively inspires you to do great things.limit empathy, empathy clientinterior, space, build, architecture, energy1
yourgroup.huYou will find common ground with us. Since we know people, love people, and know how to treat people. This is one of our strengths. In addition to knowing hard work, lengthy business negotiations, and continuous efforts to carry out specific projects, we remain human, while believing that…patience empathy, empathy kindnessevent, group, placement, brand, management1
csaloganyorvosikozpont.huDespite the use of complex diagnostic methods and the latest scientific procedures, we take a simple approach to treating your health: with expertise and empathy.dermatology, aesthetic, appointment, medicine, sexual1
simity.huI believe creative ideas are made of 60% empathy , 30% concept and 10% art . Without empathy, there’s no concept, without concept there is no art… or there is, but we call it art and not advertising. I don’t consider myself an artist. I’m looking for the right concept and the right insight. To be…idea empathy, empathy concept, art empathysound, agency, idea, creative, consultant1
moviemaker.huMovieMaker is a team of TV and movie professionals. We make moving pictures, without any boundaries of genres. We believe that no project is too great or to small, so we treat all of them with the same respect and passion what we feel about movies.movie, theatre, documentary, short, passion0
szav.huIf your character does not make a combat check during their turn, they use this talent to target one character (or minion group) within long range. That character must upgrade the difficulty of any ranged combat checks they make once until the end of your character’s next turn. Your character may…animal empathy, empathy charmtier, activation, check, character, active0
intimmedical.huYou can obtian new medical aspects and by those your clients can achieve a better life quality of life.empathy caremedical, health, training, knowledge, woman0
kiralydent.hu…on a much affordable price in Budapest. Our prices are designed to provide the cheapest for the highest available quality and standard with providing maximum guaranties. All our general dentists and implantologists are professionals and highly trained for an many years before started practicing.professionalism empathy, empathy precisiondental, clinic, implant, appointment, staff0
proom.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.ipsum, lorem, sit, amet, dolor0
ltlo.huPurchase and sale of industrial, commercial, office and residential real estate, rental constructions, planning, providing legal background for construction planning, construction execution and real estate development, legal due diligence, settlement planning, full legal representation in…expertise, expert, law, legal, representation0
borbath.huArt of communication NVC: Non Violent Communication course on Udemy platform is a helpful tool to introduce you into the practice and the theory of NVC in an amusing way. The course explains the 4 steps of NVC with 5 exciting quizlets and 44 mins know-how videocommunication, course, list, icon, method0
vonalvezeto.huI graduated as a civil engineer from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Technology, Hungary, with specializations in Road and Railway Engineering and Urban Planning. After graduation, I became a qualified engineer and expert, Based on my professional activities, I was also…engineering, line, road, local, office0
markidental.hu…Our dental clinic has the latest and most advanced diagnostic equipments and technology. With decades of experience, we provide comprehensive dental care in a pleasant, elegant environment in excelent quality. We speak English and German, so there are no language difficulties if you choose us.dental, surgery, dentistry, oral, patient0
fogtogon.huOur dentists with the utmost care and caution to treat our patients. We aim to find the perfect aesthetic and functional solutions – matching our patients needs. Our guarantee is the professionalism and competence of our dentists, the helpful work of our assistants and the experienced dental…dentist, surgery, tooth, dental, gum0
formsdesign.huWorks… Contact… BUMSZLIFrame… STRETCHFrame… Forms…empathy niceform, frame, client, furniture, hello0
gbdental.huIf you need special oral surgery treatment such as complicated tooth extraction, or removal of wisdom teeth and that of surgery cyst, root of tooth, root resection, as well as sinus lift or bone grafting, these services are also available in our Dental Clinic.fairness empathydental, dentistry, tooth, choice, gallery0
myweddingplanner.huWe started to organize our wedding ourselves, but as the wedding date approached, I found myself panicking more and more and started to regret that we haven’t engaged a wedding planner. One day I stumbled across My Wedding Planner online and got in touch with Ildiko. After having met with her, I…empathy imaginationwedding, planner, day, ildiko, big0
nordentsmile.huNorDent Smile dental office was established in 2014 in Mórahalom. From the very beginning the goal of our dentistry was to provide impeccable dental services to our patients coming from all around the globe. Our mission is to provide tranquility and security through the kindness and…dental, smile, office, dentistry, dentist0