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338 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: talent

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szav.huIf your character does not make a combat check during their turn, they use this talent to target one character (or minion group) within long range. That character must upgrade the difficulty of any ranged combat checks they make once until the end of your character’s next turn. Your character may…instead talent, talent currency, target talent, talent target, character talenttier, activation, check, character, active205
talentgallery.hu…team is made up of 40 talents, each with a standout, unique and colorful style for every genre. This team grows week by week as we continuously discover new talents. We curate from local communities as well as neighboring countries, and integrate the very best into our Talent Gallery community.odd talent, talent gallery, talent portfolio, young talent, talent prideillustration, gallery, digital, community, young26
employerbranding-hungary.huEmployer branding solutions: talent attraction, talent retention, EVP development, employer brand management, employer brand audit. +36 30 816 4770solution talent, talent attraction, attraction talent, talent retention, good talentbrand, attraction, development, retention, management23
arthur-hunt.hu…are part of the changing global landscape impacted by trends such as digitalization, emerging and converging technologies, and new revenue and business models. Most importantly for us, they are seeking alternative methods and new solutions when it comes to managing and attracting the best talent.leadership talent, talent transformation, blend talent, talent client, talent programconsultant, executive, search, transformation, leadership19
mcc.huYouth Talent Program High School Program University Program Leadership Academy PhD Program Postdoctoral Publishing Program Public Affairs Programs Roma Talent Program Debate Academy Parent Academymcc talent, talent development, youth talent, talent program, roma talentinternational, student, public, center, academy16
tiszatalentmanagement.hu“Tisza Talent Management was created to contribute to the rise of a new generation of athletes whose professionalism matches the international field both in terms of tactical and technical preparedness.tisza talent, talent management, individual talent, talent potential, care talentmanagement, training, athlete, individual, mental14
emsports.huEM Sports is a company specialized in football talents’ career management, led by Mátyás Esterházy, that offers the highest quality agency service in order to achieve the maximum of its clients’ potential. We believe in ongoing development so our dynamic and integrated solutions ensure that we can…fine talent, talent game, football talent, talent career, talent orderplayer, debut, champion, transfer, profile13
ttisuccessinsights.huWe believe all people have unique talents and skills of which they are often unaware. We exist to reveal and harness those talents.insight talent, talent science, unique talent, talent skill, job talentsuccess, insight, science, assessment, research12
arbortalent.hu“I have been dealing with national and international projects, application writing, implementing educational and youth programs, institute development for 15 years. Learning international good practices and national demands founded Arbor Talent – I have been always dreaming on establishing such an…arbor talent, talent innovative, talent enterprisedevelopment, institute, educational, organization, enterprise12
iamthebest.huMight be a suggestion: Our talent mentoring programmes provide assistance to young people who are already in the business or are new in the field. Our activities are based on the development of self-awareness a useful tool for creating the basis for a successful career.talent management, suggestion talent, talent mentoring, good talentlearn, self, awareness, training, youth10
motam.huMartin Molnár lived up to the challenge during the Richard Mille Young Talent Academy shootout, which marked his first serious test as a racing driver.motorsport talent, talent management, management talent, young talent, talent academydriver, italy, season, young, academy10
adsolution.huad solution - HR related services learning and development talent management leader development soft skilldevelopment talent, talent management, help talent, talent developmentsolution, development, consulting, skill, specialise7
elte.hu…research university in Hungary, the name of ELTE means knowledge, opportunities, competition, openness and community. Meet ELTE students and take a tour with us at ELTE in the centre of Budapest. Discover new opportunities and challenge your talent. Join the community of Eötvös Loránd University.talent support, opportunity talent, talent communityuniversity, student, faculty, mobility, summer7
dealagency.huWe create a professional life-long career plan for the athletes and talents which guides them through their life not only the active sporting years but also afterwards. It contains much more than just on-court performance, more importantly we care about the person off the court as well – for…athlete talent, talent lifedeal, agency, athlete, career, long7
odpartner.huWorking with bright-eyed talents is a bliss. They are enthusiastic, committed, and willing to take high levels of responsibility for learning, improving. We believe that an organization that consciously deals with improving the human potency within, contributes to strengthening the inner and outer…talent management, eyed talent, talent bliss, company talent, talent programdevelopment, organizational, leadership, management, research7
szoftvertippek.huDesign is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual commun ications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge.ications talent, talent creativetechnical, way, view, optimization, point6
kaczursandor.hu2008-2020: 13 students’ preparation for Scientific Students’ Associations Conference in higher education, organization of 7 different student workshops at Dennis Gabor Talent Point, coordination of professional practice, coordination of Erasmus+ student mobility programs, preparing students for…talent management, s. talent, gabor talent, talent pointwebpage, university, mobility, staff, training6
redrecruitment.huWe just opened our 2022-2023 HR & Recruitment Internship program for International universities'students with an Erasmus scholarship. RED. Recruitment is ready to welcome more than 15 students and fresh graduates in its business operations to cover Talent Sourcing, Headhunting, Employer branding…great talent, talent central, operation talent, talent source, successfull talentrecruitment, europe, central, agency, eastern6
innoview.huWhether you’re searching for your dream job, looking for a talent to join your team or need a workforce solution, we’ve got you covered.job talent, talent team, exceptional talent, talent contractjob, workforce, solution, career, interested6
czinkapanna.huThe Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association is a national, interest representation, interest protection and cultural social organization. The main objectives of the organization include promoting Roma culture in Hungary, assisting disadvantaged Roma people, finding and supporting Roma talents…roma talent, talent roma, talent research, disadvantaged talent, talent priorityassociation, cultural, event, interest, people4
napiflex.huI would like to present our contemporary talents, the great old men and the talents of the historical past.new talent, contemporary talent, talent great, man talent, talent historicalpast, people, famous, america, daily4
budapestcircusfestival.hu…fortunate to have been born into a circus family and to have been quickly drawn into the world of entertainment: she is able to bring her innate talent and passion to her performances, whether they are artistic or animal acts. They won the Bronze Clown at the 45th International Circus Festival of…great talent, talent world, young talent, talent russia, innate talentcircus, festival, international, act, artist4
ysound.huY SOUND STUDIO Audio post-production studio We work for audio post-production for leading television companies in Hungary (TV2, RTL, ViaSat, MTVA, HBO). • TV Shows and series we mixed and mastered: Partyzánok, Hungary’s Got Talent, Kicsi Óriások, My Man Can, Extreme Activity, Body and Brain…got talent, talent kicsistudio, sound, production, post, television4
intersearch.huIn our global business world getting top talent is more crucial than ever. Everyday we see the impact that real excellent leaders have on the life of their companies and we know what that means for the future of your enterprise.world talent, talent crucialexecutive, diversity, network, worldwide, inclusion4
pepperpr.hu…States by one the leading HR Consulting Companies called Hewitt Associates. Even in Hungary, it tends to become important to manage talents; according to the 59 % of HR experts their companies struggle with lack of talents, nevertheless, the concept-based talent-management is not characteristic.important talent, talent hr, lack talent, talent concept, concept talentpepper, software, technology, market, office4
cziffrafesztival.huwhere classical music, jazz, night club and gipsy music walk hand in hand with science, visual arts, cinematic arts and the introduction of young talents. As artistic director of the festival, from year to year, I have set it as my goal to create an artistic essence where merits meet delight, whereyoung talent, talent artistic, talent liszt, need talent, talent fosterfestival, event, performer, art, calendar4
ahproduction.huFölszállott a páva folk music and folk dance TV talent show’s broadcast recordings in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019tv talent, talent broadcastchampionship, production, broadcast, european, woman4
bluecasting.huWith our casting and talent scouting experience, Blue Casting is driven by the very notion that bringing the right people together can truly make or break a production. We are continuously inspired by the moments when talent brings a creative vision to life. Browse our site to learn more about the…casting talent, talent scouting, moment talent, talent creativecasting, registration, page, privacy, tab4
thegcindex.huChange Management – Culture Transformation Programmes – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion – Leadership Coaching & Development – Management Consulting – Mergers & Acquisitions – Organisational Design & Development – Talent Development – Team Coaching & Development – Young People Developmentleadership talent, talent organization, talent development, development talent, management talentchange, consulting, mindset, development, culture4
euraxess.huThe ERA TALENT Call for Multiplying the Impact of EURAXESS Hubs is out! ► It offers distinct, targeted financial support to parties that are EURAXESS members but do not directly participate in the ERA TALENT project. The support is provided for enhancing career development or talent circulationera talent, talent impact, talent project, development talent, talent circulationresearcher, funding, job, search, development4
borderlinealapitvany.huThe goal of the BORDERLINE TALENT FOUNDATION is to introduce people to Borderline personality disorder and the accompanying difficulties in life, and to introduce solutions to both the affected individual and their environment.borderline talent, talent foundationfounder, publication, page, main, foundation4
procurcon.hu…company level cost improvement, project management, business process reengineering, six sigma quality development, implementation of electronic tools in purchasing, outsourcing, and organizational development including the assessment and training of purchasing professionals, recruiting talents.require talent, talent competency, talent serviceprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement4
stafffinder.huRecognized by talent acquisition analysts as the fastest-growing staff provider in Hungary, Staff Finder helps organizations with a mass selection from different corners of the world. We also provide local permits to the talented people to come and work in Hungary. We have a huge clientele who…experience talent, talent acquisitionstaff, finder, brand, ecommerce, website4
ybg.huThe Tourism Club Franchise is Hungary’s largest and fastest growing student-led talent pool for tourism, hospitality and gastronomy. They currently have a total membership of 190+ people in the top 3 universities with Tourism and Hospitality degree program in our country: Tourism Club of Corvinus…big talent, talent pool, student talent, program talent, talent programstudent, university, organization, follow, diplomacy4
filmpartners.huFILMPARTNERS BUDAPEST works with a selected team of the best technical talents of the country: cinematographers, editors, art directors, music directors, stylists and set designers, talent coordinators and still photography. With our cosmopolitan project team and decades of filming experience we…new talent, talent hungarian, technical talent, talent country, designer talentproduction, director, agency, music, distributor4
europeanhouse.huOn 23 November 2023, the European Commission launched its new initiative, the Harnessing Talent Platform that is a key part of the Commission’s work on addressing demographic change in the…harness talent, talent platformnews, region, macro, europe, european3
mkagency.huOur mission is to discover, help and promote young talents, providing them with careful career planning and a clear concept of becoming professionals.mka talent, talent programme, young talent, talent carefulagency, client, career, private, management3
mccfeszt.huMathias Corvinus Collegium is set to host its immensely popular festival, MCC Feszt, in Esztergom for the third consecutive year. Taking place from July 27 to 29, MCC Feszt promises a thrilling array of fresh speakers, engaging programs, and exceptional musical talent. This one-of-a-kind festival…musical talent, talent kindnews, festival, pass, gallery, day3
luminalearning.huHavas has worked with Lumina Learning to enhance their global talent development programmes in both programme design and execution.head talent, talent development, global talentlumina, learn, solution, event, study3
hejokereszturiskola.huTalents manifest at the subject competitions as well. Our students finish in the top 10 places in general in different levels of History, German, English, Mathematics and Drawing competitions.outstanding talent, talent good, regard talent, talent managementschool, class, student, pupil, education3
flow.hu…have on those around me by supporting them on their path to achieving their goals. Among the topics that find me as a consultant, leadership and talent development (self-knowledge, skills development, etc.) stand out, but I am also very attracted by organisation-wide development processes. As an…leadership talent, talent development, praktiker talent, mol talent, talent leadershipdevelopment, management, leadership, training, group3
gutmanjobs.hu…is that they are overwhelmed with all the options, just to name a few: Resume banks, recruitment training programs, internet search engines, talent auctions, print or on-line advertising, search research, contract recruiters, on-line job fairs, acquisition models, internal vs. external…quickly talent, talent fast, engine talent, talent auction, roadmap talentjob, consulting, management, recruitment3
komplexinstrukcio.hu…who can meet the criteria set by the school curriculum and perform well in tests. As opposed to this, KIP calls for acknowledgment of multiple talents and abilities. Such a perspective, first of all, requires teachers to create a working milieu, in which multiple talents can be manifested. It…strength talent, talent school, expert talent, talent ability, multiple talentschool, teacher, child, pupil, group3
yogalib.huI neglect my talents Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies…yoga, view, detail, technique, text3
crysys.hu…to prepare for CTF competitions, to socialize, and to have fun by spending time with other geeks of similar interest. The CrySyS Student Core also plays a key role in the talent management program of the CrySyS Lab, including the creation of challenges for the annual CrySyS Security Challenge.role talent, talent management, member talent, talent high, thank talentlab, security, professor, assistant, research3
malnalab.huWe are proud to announce that Kinga Oravecz PhD has won a “Young Talents of the Nation” scholarship which provides IT tools to collect, conduct and process HPLC data of metabolomic and pharmacokinetic experimentsyoung talent, talent nationresearch, article, september, june, molecular3
innovators.huWith the technology enabled transformation of the business world the struggle for talent has intensified. Undoubtedly key business success factor is the ability of an organization to attract, develop, and retain key talents. Simply: talent management.talent management, struggle talent, talent undoubtedly, key talent, talent simplyinnovator, development, people, challenge, management3
reedglobal.hu…offices around the world and was planning to open another in Hungary, led by their new Software Platform Director, Lajos Rancz, who was placed by talent scout, Anna Böröcz, Senior Recruitment Consultant at Reed. She explained: “After we found the ideal candidate in Lajos, we started working…rancz talent, talent scoutrecruitment, salary, job, guide, career3
superweek.huLeading an analytics team is a complex challenge, especially when it comes to acquiring and retaining the ideal digital analyst. Addressing this issue led Elena Nesi and Fosca on a research quest focused on talent retention strategies in the analytics realm - gathering valuable insights from…ability talent, talent ability, exploration talent, talent retention, quest talentdata, analytic, digital, day, analyst3
carbyne.huExclusive retained search aimed to provide complete overview of a niche market in order to identify and attract top talent for mid to senior level hires or highly specialised positions.new talent, order talent, talent mid, talent mapmedical, role, manager, specialist, typical3
rsdgroup.huAnonymous, a co-founder and full-stack developer, rose from a small Indian town facing resource limitations and intense competition. His talents led him to Hungary, where he experienced freedom and multiculturalism but also struggled with social acceptance. His encounter with Mohammed and Shekh by…industry talent, talent opportunity, competition talent, talent hungarygroup, legacy, need, agency, education2
konigconsulting.huIf the answer is yes to any of these questions König Consulting can offer your company a wide range of strategic HR services from performance- and talent management to employee surveys and from HR due diligence to organisational development and interim HR management.service talent, talent management, hr talent, talent strategyconsulting, consultancy, individual, advise, career2
afck.huOur mission: Add possibilities for "new generation", young talent footballer. Our players supply by family side, personal, club & coach and management. We work with peoples, players, coaches, clubs and scouters: whom we have continuous reasonable reputation.young talent, talent footballerplayer, football, key, individual, pillar2
action2020.huA dedicated, loyal and enthusiastic employee is worth gold. However, it is important to focus not only on colleagues with many years of experience, but also on keeping talented young people. In 2018, we launched the ALTEO Talent Program with the intention of giving the opportunity to develop and…alteo talent, talent programceo, director, manage, environmental, development2
stadiumkiado.hu…and Gí ( photographer). They havew close ties to the publisher’s profile, straining for the continuity of art, against anti-art, or artlike things, and against changing trends. The publisher helps the commencement of new talents and publishing their work, holding talent scout year by year.new talent, talent work, work talent, talent scoutart, artist, publisher, century, artistic2
fcbacademy.huOne of Barca’s biggest promising young talents, heir of the legendary #10 jersey, youngest ever goalscorer of Barcelona.skill talent, young talent, talent heiracademy, player, development, day, football2
alkotomuveszet.huAt MANK, we are committed to helping young talent. We wish to foster the up-and-coming fine artists of our generation, while centralising artistic innovation. Every year, MANK calls on artists under the age of 35 to send in applications for the opportunity to exhibit their works at MANK Gallery…exciting talent, talent contemporary, young talent, talent come, talent primaryartist, creative, house, art, scholarship2
conceptflow.huAt most events, there is a need to offer the most appropriate program elements for the concept or mood. We know the best service providers and we find the latest talentsevent, day, christmas, request, concept2
cirkuszbp.huHer love and talent for latte art emerged from previous frustration with the foam on her cappuccino. It motivated her to make this her own expertise and nearly mastering it to perfection.love talent, talent lattecoffee, place, food, family, day2
palvolgyresidence.huVictory Kids Preschool approaches every young resident individually, striving to reveal and nurture their talents. Capoeira or robotics, sculpting or foreign languages – every child will be engaged according to their interests.individually talent, talent capoeirafeature, apartment, layout, estate, infrastructure2
spartafy.huWe know how time-consuming the pre-screening process can be. Save your valuable time for the phases of recruiting where personal impact is indispensable. Spare your efforts and personal talent for the interviews, and meet only the best candidates . Spartafy will provide you with detailed…test talent, talent effortlessly, personal talent, talent interviewcompetency, candidate, map, assessment, software2
aholnapiskolaja.huThe inclusive school tackles the gaps in the education of children with multiple (and severe-multiple) disabilities. However, due to our focus on developing talent, the knowledge, skills and strengths of typically developing children also greatly improve. We are creating a type of institution that…focus talent, talent knowledge, exercise talent, talent studentschool, tomorrow, child, multiple, severe2
gaborsgang.huBandleader, Gabor F. Gabriel drums-vocals, with USA and UK background formed his Gang with educated young talents, bearing professional attitude that you are looking for. Their extensive repertoire contains something for everyone, including jazz standards, dinner music, Rock & roll, Country &…young talent, talent professional, wide talent, talent contestgabor, gang, repertoire, lead, vocal2
potenton.hu…Following the spirit of the place, our institute also considers high-level instrumental traing, singing and theoretical training, supporting talents as the foundation of its teaching work. We are convinced, however, that not the building or the structure of the institute are attractive to the…young talent, talent little, training talent, talent foundationconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music2
parq.huThe driving force behind our success is our dynamic team, meticulously curated with the industry's finest talent. Committed to creating future-proof and innovative technology, our experts bring unparalleled expertise to the forefront of parking solutions.fine talent, talent industry, talent futureparking, solution, technology, today, revenue2
brumiovoda.huthese sensitive years have a very profound impact on them. I do believe in the personal developmental power of play and joyful interaction while also convinced that personal development can be fostered with varied tools and methods, even their talent can be revealed in a natural and spontaneous way.freely talent, talent creativity, method talent, talent naturalkindergarten, group, child, age, range2
babelsound.huBabel Sound is organising the Laureate talent world-jazz competition in Hungary, since 2018 in association with the Dutch Amersfoort Jazz Festival.laureate talent, talent world, new talent, talent oilsound, festival, music, night, concert2
nyirkosjudit.huJudit Nyirkos was born in 1984 in Debrecen, Hungary. Her ancestors included artists on both his father's and mother's side: painter György Ruzicskay on his father's side, sculptor Gábor Imre on his mother's side. Her talents in fine arts soon became apparent; her teachers noticed her talent and…mother talent, talent finehomepage, painting, international, symposium, exhibition2
dttrecruitment.hu"Timea is a special recruiter and she was truly at the top of her game at Hortonworks. She managed a number of stressful ramp up hiring periods where she took the challenge on strongly and delivered great results for the business. She understands the business and delivers talent that matches the…business talent, talent skill, director talent, talent acquisitionrecruitment, hire, career, job, seeker2
budapestritmo.huA separate day and separate stage dedicated to emerging world music talent – to sum up Budapest Ritmo Showcase.music talent, talent budapest, discovery talent, talent bandconference, wonder, april, music, showcase2
omszkwakecentrum.huIn 2021 September, we’ve had a chance to welcome the very first Talent show at our cable park. 35 youngster competited well under the windy circumstances. Big thank to KARE Design furnitures and Progress Boards to support our new wave event. Can’t wait for the next episode.talent wake, chance talent, talent cablewake, price, center, free, beginner2
tedxbme.huKutsera Róbert is an accomplished project manager and organizational developer who primarily focuses on talent acquisition and development, as well as the adept management of organizational change processes. His expertise lies in facilitating the growth and development of small and medium-sized…specialist talent, talent expert, primarily talent, talent acquisitionevent, idea, official, organizational, website2
lunatics.huMusician, tv-host, stand- up comedian. Twenty years in show business, regular participant in comedy and talent shows, events and ads on the Hungarian scene. Father of two, loving owner of his bicycle.combination talent, talent market, comedy talent, talent showdata, father, big, commercial, advertising2
drfarkaseva.huTalent management and the education of young professionals play an extremely important role in my life. My greatest success and pleasure is that many of my former university students are now recognized professionals in adult education or higher education.role talent, talent managementactivity, education, learn, adult, research2
gyermekkoriautizmus.huToday however, we are hearing more and more amazing stories about children on the autism spectrum displaying talents and skills no one believed possible. Some develop computer applications, some play music with amazing talent and some non-speaking children display writing abilities that show a…spectrum talent, talent skill, amazing talent, talent nonautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic2
frenak.hu"In a way all artists are self-determined. This determination stems from personal convictions, beliefs, intuition, spirituality and sexuality; the combination of which shows up as potential talent."contemporary, dance, award, tour, choreographer2
linkgroup.huHe was also elected as the president of the European Council for High Ability between 2012 and 2016. The Council promotes network building of talent support acitvities in all European countries. This work is supported by the Budapest Centre of Talent Support established in the spring of 2012.build talent, talent support, centre talentgroup, network, member, signal, paper2
pestbuda.hu…the names of Miklós Ybl, Imre Steindl or Ödön Lechner, but if we dig deeper, it is impossible to list how many undeservedly lesser-known talents contributed to the decoration of the Hungarian capital. The building of the Buda Postal Palace, which adorns the south-western side of Széll…exceptional talent, talent fame, lesser talent, talent decorationago, square, public, build, century2
dnv.huage, gender, nationality, experience and mindset. Diversity and inclusion is a source of strength for DNV. It provides the widest access to global talent and is the best basis for delivering excellence to our customers. Managed well, diverse and inclusive teams can also identify and capture more…global talent, talent good, event talent, talent recentlydiversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group2
jovotepitok.hu…It helps young people develop their competencies and foster a successful attitude. Everything we do is designed to help young people realize their potential, develop their talents and make valuable contacts. What binds us together is that we are not afraid to share our ideas and think long-term.potential talent, talent valuableacademy, dinner, competition, successful, future2
balatongitar.hu…Roland Bogdányi has twice won first prize in national competitions and Vilmos Oláh has won prizes in more than 10 national and international guitar competitions. In 2021 he was a silver medallist and special prize winner of the Virtuózok V4+ talent show, from which many may already know him.danubia talent, talent internationalguitar, international, music, prize, concert2
sriprahlada.huAlso, in 2022, our Gurukula became an accredited high school. Thanks to our excellent and talented students who are outstanding in music, bhajans, and Odissi dance, our school was awarded the title of Krisna-Valley Talent point.valley talent, talent pointschool, valley, education, student, krishna2
akavevilagnapja.hu…management always looks for ways to provide opportunities for both professional growth as well as self development, creating the next-generation talents and leaders to be able to meet the challenges that the future holds. The human side of business is just as important for us as making profits…innovative talent, talent management, generation talent, talent leaderltd, brand, uk, square, customer2
kolosmagic.huLater, Kolos traveled to the USA and performed at the most prestigious magic club, the FFFF, and earned a Bachelor of Magic Diploma there. At 20, he performed at the renowned John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC. Then at 21, he wowed audience on television in Got Talent…magical talent, talent performer, got talent, talent magicevent, video, magician, audience, reference2
globon.huA wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I am alone, and feel Continue Readingcity, economy, western, soul, like2
harp.humiddle-management level employees. The methodology they use assures, that the evaluation is completely objective and provides that only true-born talents and leaders are taking part in our development programs. HaRp has a prepared and competent team, always taking into account the needs of the…internal talent, talent program, true talent, talent leaderharp, training, employee, news, customer2
indotek.huIndotek as a dominant player in the real estate market has always attributed great importance to promoting professionalism and recognising outstanding achievements by young talents. That is why in 2019, together with the Portfolio Group, we established the Real Estate Talent of the Year Award…young talent, talent portfolio, estate talent, talent yearmanagement, investment, group, property, market2
fice.hu…a creative form of social and personal development and of acquiring a role in the society. We believe that it is our task to present this form of talent management to a larger audience, and therefore encourage professionals working in child protection to start up more and more theatre groups…form talent, talent management, adolescent talent, talent showchild, event, day, theatre, camp2
sepsieniko.huI started my career in the Budapest-based Eötvös József Collegium. The very start of my career in this Institution has also given me the opportunity to realise the importance of talent nurturing (with respect to both the management and the development of the intellectual and institutional…importance talent, talent nurture, condition talent, development talentstudy, university, theatre, research, french2
apolloconsulting.hucomes from the outside and look at what happens within. Who am I, what are my goals and how can I accomplish them, who can be of help in this? Giving a meaning to our work life, setting clear goals for success in Sport and beyond, letting talent unfold – this is what self-awareness helps accomplish.sport talent, talent selfconsulting, goal, method, people, activity2
ernart.huare built on the creativity existing in all of us (there is such creativity in everybody indeedJ ), So you don’t need to have any special artistic talent or particular tools. We prepare creations from everything we have at home, anything can be good. You’ll see how refreshing it will be to look at…artistic talent, talent education, talent particularart, therapy, session, creation, group2
karaktercasting.hu…photo casting straight from our database and tipresent archive videos immediately. We manage actor buyouts based on specifications. We collect talent materials for tenders, organize photo and video casting (including casting director, equipped studio, stuff). Prostproduction (video converting…fresh talent, talent currently, specification talent, talent materialregistration, face, actor, character, reference2
randstad.huSee how we're driving HR technology that can pinpoint your business needs - and grab the industry's best talent for your company.good talent, talent companyjob, expertise, area, seeker, office1
mpex.huTamás Badár, special prize-winning magician of Hungary’s Got Talent, contributed to our advertising films.got talent, talent advertisingproduction, expert, metal, line, industrial1
edubot.huPublic education stakeholders across Europe face societal demands for effective education and talent management and the problem of early school leaving. To answer these challenges, new methodological solutions are needed that reflect these needs, and promote the spread of adaptive educational…education talent, talent managementlearn, methodology, competence, student, technology1
abigelrendezveny.huWe are constantly searching for professional innovations, programs, services, and talents, so that we can always provide our customers fresh and up-to-date ideas.service talent, talent customerevent, private, hall, gallery, salon1
musicalszilveszter.huKrisztián Károlyi – It would be hard to enumerate all he roles, leading parts played and sung by the young tenor, Krisztián Károlyi, be that pop, rock, or musical. His range of voice is extremely wide and we are sure that our guests will appreciate his talent.eve, dinner, gala, news, drink1
goodfilms.hu…as our roster, has enabled us to work both in a traditional and non traditional manner with agencies. With Goodfilms, we’ve created a place where talent finds a home: directors, producers, actors and writers with memorable stories to tell. They will join in, stay for a while and then maybe move on,place talent, talent homeproduction, post, animation, commercial, art1
invto.hu"Summing up cooperation with InVto: 150% of engagement from the representatives’ side, clear communication for both, the company and the talent and admirable strive for everybody to succeed ongoing campaigns."company talent, talent admirablecampaign, client, brand, eastern, europe1
ikelosz.huIf I think of György Kobelrausch, professionalism comes to my mind. I can be sure, that the quality of his service is always high providing the the feeling of individual approach. It is especially important for me in our cooperation, that he provides appropriate candidates but he has a special…special talent, talent futureexecutive, search, candidate, selection, network1
kollagi.huIndividual shows of popular dance groups, performers from Dance with the Stars, X-factor and other talent shows. We provide celebrities to host your events; programs for children, creative play house, and playful choreographies.factor talent, talent showdance, event, great, artistic, atmosphere1
diaklabor.huwork to make student labs an effective and acknowledged tool for scientific education, environmental education , career guidance, the dissemination of scientific thinking and talent managementthink talent, talent managementstudent, lab, operation, education, laboratory1
luxuryproject.huThe respect of people she is working with is a natural ability for her to be able to connect and create the best relationships both on professional and personal level. Kata is one of those unique talents that will find the most ubiquitous ideas for any kind of event or organization.unique talent, talent ubiquitousevent, luxury, wedding, hospitality, private1
probako.huCompanies need an excellent employer brand to compete effectively to attract and retain top talent. Probako team offer its clients both outward-facing employer branding campaigns and ongoing internal communications services.effectively talent, talent probakocommunication, media, award, campaign, social1
beauty-kiallitas.huWe are excitedly waiting for the talents of the future – cosmetology students, make-up artists, and eyelash artists – to test their skills again this year at the traditional professional competitions of the Beauty Forum.excitedly talent, talent futureexhibitors, makeup, permanent, forum, visitor1
235.huPhotography and Film share the same roots and visual power – just one is in motion, the other is still; hence it’s just given that our portfolio includes it. Let us deal with all the production problems - location, talent, crew, separate zen-yoga bungalow for the main actor, etc. - so you can…location talent, talent crewproduction, animation, commercial, client, domestic1
krq.huIt is one of the most highly rated classical music talent shows. The Virtuosos V4+ creates opportunity for young musicians, empowering and encouraging them to achieve their goals. We are honored to work together to make the dreams of talented children come true.music talent, talent showcommunication, client, brand, page, video1
djemeriq.huClub ShakerZ / DJ EMERIQ is in the club scene as a DJ since 2001. Besides his talents and DJing with vinyl and CDs, he also started to edit tracks so they made more sense for his DJ-sets.dj talent, talent djtrack, production, music, free, scene1
nextgenworld.hu…these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents.science, national, academy, engineering, square1
arc-budapest.huWorldwide Employee Relocation Council (WERC) is the number one professional association of talent management and global mobility knowledge.association talent, talent managementimmigration, destination, process, legal, employee1
proarte.hu…young people in their homeland. It begins at an early age to develop a sense of beauty, imagination and creativity, and to recognise and develop talent. It organises creative workshops, drawing courses and meetings for artists. It offers a creative house for contemporary artists in Benczúr village.creativity talent, talent creativemedia, foundation, et, art, nature1
basilicon.huCommitted to making a difference, Basilicon Foundation is our non-profit arm focusing on talent support, climate initiatives, and awareness campaigns. We invest in the potential of individuals, promote sustainable practices, and foster informed communities, driven by our dedication to social…arm talent, talent supportconsulting, international, knowledge, strategy, broad1
hays.huWe are the leader in specialist recruitment services and our experts can help to find the right talent for the right positions.right talent, talent rightpromo, homepage, block, job, seeker1
nemestamaslaszlo.huI was born on 5 March 1999 in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary. I studied at Zrínyi Miklós Gimnázium in Zalaegerszeg as a member of the Arany János Tehetséggondozó Program (AJTP - Arany János Talent Support Programme). I then proceeded to continue my education at Széchenyi István University in Győr…jános talent, talent supportcurriculum, owner, education, hello, field1
seashepherdorigins.hu…with the status quo, but motivated to make a difference with the skills she developed from it. Deciding to follow her heart and to dedicate her talents for the planet, she took the decision to become a deckhand and eventually bosun’s mate at one of Sea Shepherd ships, the White Holly. She helped…heart talent, talent planetshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean1
inmediasbrass.huand South-Korea. In Daegu, South-Korea they gave masterclasses, too. In November 2011 they were given the „Junior Prima” title, which is the highest award for young and talented people in any field of art in Hungary. In 2012 they were promoted by Hungarofest management, through their Talent Program.management talent, talent programbrass, concert, prize, event, video1
tamarahagen.huIf you would like to attract and retain the right talent and feel that you need professional communication support to build your company’s reputation, do not hesitate to contact us. Being part of a right company culture is more important than you would believe. How do you convince your customers…right talent, talent professionalcommunication, touch, public, relation, corporate1
moysmusic.huKeep an eye on MOYS as they continue to evolve and carve their path in the world of music. With their boundless talent, passion, and dedication, it is only a matter of time before they reach the hearts of music enthusiasts worldwide, spreading their infectious beats and enchanting melodies to make…boundless talent, talent passionmusic, infectious, search, dedication, passion1
musicproducer.huI scout talent, oversee the artistic development of artists and songwriters and liaise with artists and business partners. I have a vast experience in team and project management.music, artist, biography, song, page1
trillafesztival.huTrilla ventures to refresh our idea of folk heritage. In many ways a continuation of The Day of Folk Song (Magyar Népdal Napja), Trilla treasures tradition, while showing its relevance today. The lineup features artists devoted to, but also experimenting with folk music; young talent and…young talent, talent mouldfestival, folk, song, conference, heritage1
botanic-art.hu“In the Hungarian florist society, the name of Krisztián Kövér is associated with quality and creative flower arrangements. He has proven his talent at numerous flower arranging competitions and demonstrations and is always up to date on current trends. He is one of the few florists who excels not…arrangement talent, talent numerousbasket, flower, bouquet, composition, course1
broadwaycasting.hu„Broadway Casting” was formed in 1999 to provide casting services for every kind of production - feature films, TV series, commercials, photo-shoots etc., seeking professional and experienced actors, models, dancers, musicians, artists, kids, and amateur talents.casting, reference, production, actor, model1
budapestenergysummit.huHis new book The Map: Energy, Climate and the Clash of Nations has been described by reviewers as “a page-turner” and “another winner from the master.” The Wall Street Journal says “Daniel Yergin has turned his considerable talents to explaining how the world continues to be shaped by oil.”considerable talent, talent worldenergy, gas, profile, view, thank1
mscity.huSince 2016, she has utilised her talent and professional competence at MS City Audit, for the benefit of our clients. As an accounting and audit assistant, her tasks include bookkeeping, payroll account, the preparation of tax returns and reports , and she also maintains continuous contact with…tax, city, accountancy, accountant, client1
vng.huWe’re always looking for new talent to join our teams. If you wanna join us, just send us and email and we’ll get back to you!new talent, talent teammatch, page, overview, news, selection1
unikornislovarda.huOur Unikornis Stable is a professional Dressage Stable just 25km-s away from Budapest, offering world-class services with outstanding national and international trainers, for our riders to be able to reach world level achievements. We wholeheartedly welcome riders who have the talent, possibility…rider talent, talent possibilityevent, news, dressage, international, competition1
meraki.hu“I would like to thank everyone in the team once again who was engaged in the brand of WEBARTERY and who put their talent, expertise, and creativity into serving our success recently :)”webartery talent, talent expertisewebsite, digital, strategy, auditing, graphic1
termeszetforrasa.huI am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment.existence talent, talent incapablegarden, plant, environment, trouble, morning1
ordogkatlan.hudiscovery - providing outstanding quality in all areas. We would like to offer the widest possible range of genres, without boundaries. Our priority is to provide a forum for young musical talent and to promote individual voices, unique performances and out-of-the-mainstream productions and venues."musical talent, talent individualtheatre, performance, festival, concert, music1
morafke.hu…established the town embellishment movement of Flowery Félegyháza in order to make our town a better place to live. To support the local talents, our association has initiated the Reményi-prize in remembrance of Ede Reményi violinist and issued commemorative coins for the local notable…local talent, talent associationassociation, activity, publication, writer, local1
45plusz.huThe goal in the first part of the personal consultation is that the participants can discuss their life situations and problems. In the second part of the personal consultation we prepare a really thorough inventory together: we systematically explore the existing and mobilized capabilities…capability talent, talent participantentrepreneurship, day, group, idea, age1
kentaur.huWe Will Rock You UK cast performing at Britain’s Got Talent semi-final #premier #londoncoliseum #westend #QUEENmusical...got talent, talent semicurrent, stage, january, semi, news1
nuvu.huWe created an exceptional event in an exceptional location, which showed both the unique beauty of Budapest as well as the talent and dynamism of Hungarian artists and creators.budapest talent, talent dynamismpage, trade, letter, original, torch1
btms.huWe are a highly skilled software development and consulting firm driven by a passion for innovation. With expertise in government and banking projects, as well as a keen interest in artificial intelligence, we bring together a diverse range of talents and knowledge to deliver exceptional results…range talent, talent knowledgesoftware, development, solution, consulting, client1
niu.huThe development of the domestic innovation ecosystem is essential. To achieve this goal, the Hungarian Innovation Agency fosters a collaborative business community among entrepreneurs, investors, as well as educational and research institutions. We reach out to the youngest by introducing new…new talent, talent programinnovation, international, validation, agency, support1
sjlaw.huHe graduated from the University of Szeged with Business Law degree and became a member of the University Talent Point Excellence List. He can assist our clients primarily with Company Law , clinical research contracts and Real Estate Law . He speaks fluent English and Italian.university talent, talent pointlaw, data, contract, client, office1
netilab.hu…creative careers are booming across the globe. Today’s economy is more turbulent, technological, and connected than ever before. It is centered on knowledge intense teams, global connections, andnew modes of work and life that are reshaping the way in which people source talent and do business.people talent, talent businesslab, network, technology, innovation, laboratory1
boczgyula.huHis talent, his desire for self-expression, and his strength were already evident in his childhood: the prizes and awards he won in competitions for his works marked the beginning of his development. In his youth, in order to find a paid job, he started working in a machine factory in Pécs. It was…sculpture, exhibition, sculptor, stone, public1
telcotrend.huSmartSport is an unprecedented new sports IT application designed by Telcotrend for sports federations to help sports operators manage young talents more effectively. The system makes federation and sportsclub administration more efficient and transparent, and enables the recording and…young talent, talent effectivelysolution, custom, software, view, need1
malvinbt.huconsent with their honey maker talent, the flowers’ pollination and crop increasing service.maker talent, talent flowerhoney, bee, type, sell, fact1
stockfood.huIrina Meliukh – food blogger, recipe developer, chef, food stylist and photographer is a true multi-talent. Irina photographs amazing dishes and sweet creations, sometimes rustic, sometimes in a light, modern style – but always in a way that makes your mouth water.multi talent, talent irinaimage, recipe, feature, food, video1
botafogo.huThe leader of the ensemble is Tibor Dalotti. The members all possess high levels of technical training and have outstanding individual achievements behind them at couples contests. The group achieved its first success in a television talent show in 1993, and gained instant widespread popularity.television talent, talent instantdance, ensemble, formation, theatre, championship1
hungarotrain.hu…preparation of the local personnel for the operation of the metro for three years now. In Hungary, we render repair services to the components of Talent trains for Bombardier MÁV Kft. In 2010, under the commission of Stadler Bussnang AG we were appointed to commission the Flirt trains purchased by…component talent, talent trainvehicle, commission, railway, repair, subcontractor1
sputnikevents.huSputnik is an event organizer and booking agency estabilished in 2019 with the focus on rave culture. Our main goal is to help artists and creators to showcase their talents by organizing events and offering management services for its featured artists.creator talent, talent eventevent, artist, upcoming, video, agency1
alapjogokert.huScientific activity is an integral part of our daily life, with various books and articles published on a regular basis. Furthermore, fostering the development of individual talent is a core aspect of our work.individual talent, talent corehomepage, research, political, center, review1
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.huteam, how to handle and change being a perfectionist, or maintaining work-life balance. I also help individuals to find their calling and vocation with the tools of strengths coaching. I will help unearth your true potential by way of identifying your real talents and where those could be best used.real talent, talent goodtraining, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur1
lareesa.huLareesa is resourceful and always up for a challenge, and her happy personality makes working with her a pleasure. She is that rare find - talent and confidence... humor and compassion... dedication and finesse.find talent, talent confidencecreativity, science, brand, happy, serial1
blissandbody.huWe compile your tailor-made training plan according to your physical talent and abilities. Our professional personal trainers work together with you to achieve your desired aim as soon as possible. You can choose our private room as your workout place, where we provide a private environment for you.physical talent, talent abilitybody, training, personal, yoga, class1
pribojszki.hu"Jumping Matt" (aka Mátyás Pribojszki) is a 48-year-old man in command of a full range of creative talents – he appreciates all the legendary blues harp masters who inspired him, but next to being faithful to traditional roots, he builds his own contemporary style which will probably open a new…creative talent, talent legendaryfestival, jump, pig, video, official1
knowledgeport.huWe believe in a Hungary where knowledge and talent serve as the grounds of advancement both on the level of the individual and on the level of society. We position Knowledge Port to be a hub through which international knowledge and experience flows into the country, interacts with local knowledge…knowledge talent, talent groundevent, community, future, knowledge, previous1
gamba.hugentle curves of the wood, shaping the fine art of the music each piece would produce. While honing his carving skills, he also developed a strong talent and enthusiasm for playing classical music. Robert graduated from the workshop of Pal Saranszky with a Masters degree , followed by a successful…strong talent, talent enthusiasminstrument, baroque, cello, violin, strong1
szta.hu“We believe that human resources are the most valuable resources of any company. Thanks to Széchenyi Funds, our clients no longer need to waste talent on repetitive communication ever again.”long talent, talent repetitiveinvestment, news, fund, step, success1
lovecraft.huIt is very important to point out that the Society will not function as a publishing company, but we want to support talents in Hungary, who wish to salute to H. P. Lovecraft’s style and legacy with their own fictitious writings. Primarily we plan to publish the works of hungarian writers, if the…company talent, talent hungarysociety, community, member, essay, purpose1
socialstudies.huOur aim is to provide our students with the knowledge, competencies and personal skills that they will need in order to excel in their future careers. We promote the development of talent through research camps in collaboration with professional partners, creative workshops, student workshops…development talent, talent researchsocial, research, department, science, apply1
pestextfestival.hu…Prize winner Mathias Énard . We will also welcome Rébecca Dautremer , perhaps the most famous contemporary French illustrator. Three young talents also promise to provide us with exciting insights: Stacey Halls , who rejuvenated historical fiction, science fiction writer Nicholas Binge and…young talent, talent excitingfestival, literary, author, writer, literature1
vsocial.huIf a Google employee reveals that he or she intends to leave because they have *accepted*–not received–an offer from a talent competitor like Facebook, in some cases they will be “walked off” so that they will no longer have access ...offer talent, talent competitorquestion, sidebar, user, post, single1
adecco.huGo beyond goals. Exceed expectations. Outrival rivals. You can do it all. But you need more than an employment agency. You need the world's best talent network. Tap into the power of our people.good talent, talent networkjob, privacy, seeker, branch, offer1
vmmodel.hu…to develop only lasting and longterm careers for a very selected group of "A" level models, who can start their career without any financial investment from their side. They have a special eye for choosing the right talent and constantly develop new rising stars in the international model industry.right talent, talent constantlymodel, homepage, girl, boy, international1
photonet.huLocal photographic talent has today been given a global platform by the world’s biggest photography…photographic talent, talent todayerror, thumbnail, photography, magazine, photo1
apambeajulna.huny snow snow matters matters imports imports talent. talent. ,NUMBER ,NUMBER strip strip daughters daughters participants participants provinces provinces brokers brokers ... ... köppen köppen globo globo ambac ambac sarcophagus sarcophagus deflected deflected rayon rayon worsen worsen denounce.import talent, talent numberny, ray, york, movie, book1
dramaworks.hu…to his coaching. He has a natural ability to develop students’ confidence in their performing abilities, spoken skills and preparation for auditions. He definitely tailors his private lessons to the needs of individual students, with the emphasis always on encouraging and nurturing talent.age, theatre, imagination, stage, act1
napur.huThe new building will become a great location for the multilayered talent nurturing and diversified professional programmes offered by Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC). The new real building should really serve the audience of MCC, and for this, one’s kind of innovative designer attitude needed…multilayered talent, talent nurturedetail, architect, office, build, center1
kayamar.hu…turned out that due to a genetical speciality his vocal chords were able to move much easier and in a longer range than usual, but even with this talent took him almost 10 years to develop his special technique making him able to use more than 5 octaves (you may try it clicking to the tuning fork…usual talent, talent yearsite, official, music, special, order1
operettissima.huIn 2014 he acquired outstanding merit as a television producer of the first classical music television talent show in the world: ,,Virtuosos!”television talent, talent worldoperetta, concert, theatre, ticket, news1
encosoftware.huAs we keep growing, we are [ always on the look for talent ]. If you believe it is [ time for a change ] or you are a student and would like to [ kick start your career ] with us, don't miss our career page. We may be just the right match.look talent, talent timesoftware, development, solution, plan, security1
boxing.huAll of the eleven junior finals took place in the fifth competition day at the 17th edition of the Silesian Women’s Open Tournament in Gliwice, Poland. The Polish talents earned six gold medals in the junior finals on Day5 when Ukraine’s Aurika Kostrytska and Denmark’s Nadja Munkholm proved their…polish talent, talent goldtournament, memorial, news, woman, boxing1
easteuroco.huWe joined one of the world largest network of executive search consultants, Cornerstone International Group in 2008. With the CIG network we can source from a global talent pool, which is often key to success in these days.global talent, talent poolsearch, management, consultant, executive, center1
magyarklasszikuszenenapja.hu“Everyone associates the name Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra with artistic quality of the highest possible standard. Kocsis began working with the orchestra in 1997, as its chief music director. This level of quality is the result of his talent and unsparing perfectionism. His memory…result talent, talent unsparing, musical talent, talent countrynational, philharmonic, music, orchestra, classical1
budapest-permanentmakeup.huShe is the dreamer and the owner of our Salon. Bettina is a permanent makeup lover for more than 12 years. She is an award-winning makeup artist and instructor. Convince yourself of her talent!makeup, tattoo, permanent, salon, lip1
wetalent.huOne of the biggest problems facing modern businesses is finding and keeping IT specialists. weTalent helps you since we want to identify the top IT talents.job, value, partnership, touch, technology1
bolykyzoltan.hu…Chamber Orchestra. We continuously strive to expand our repertoire and offer many young soloists the possibility for a debut. This mindset was vital when I was engaged to conduct the orchestra in the gala concerts featuring the young artists of the Virtuosos classical music talent show as soloists.music talent, talent soloistwebsite, orchestra, music, study, symphony1
nyitottakvagyunk.huDiversity, equity and inclusion are embedded in everything that we do. The diversity of our colleagues is a cornerstone of our corporate culture. At Citi, we are building a place where the best talent wants to work and where people can reach their full potential.good talent, talent peopleopen, diversity, resource, inclusion, practice1
kathleenedubsalapitvany.huWelcome to the homepage of the Kathleen Dubs Foundation! Our foundation was established to financially aid university and college students to facilitate a smooth path for developing talents.dub, foundation, university, grant, study1
tradeland.huShe combines her leadership skills with 20 years of experience and natural talent to bring the „positive aspects” to the surface. A friendly and collaborative person, she maintains close friendships with her colleagues in the Group's representative offices, a true "queen behind the scenes".natural talent, talent positivewater, owner, group, director, manage1
opl.huSzabolcs co-founded OPL in 2011 as a platform for his practice in providing top quality legal services to his globally ranked clients, mainly in Real Estate and ICT. He has an innate talent for designing complex real estate deals and executing asset management for institutional investors. After…innate talent, talent complexlaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
bimco.huAs a growing company, we are always on the lookout for enthusiastic, new colleagues who bring added value. We employ a great mix of young talent and experienced professionals and believe in building long-term relationships with our staff, just as we do with our clients. Together, we are building…young talent, talent experienceconstruction, modelling, modeling, structural, future1
etalonhorses.huIn 20 years dedicated to music made Tamás "Toto" Tóth the right person to direct all the music and sound for this show. His musical talent entertains thousands of people in prestigious theaters that ranges from playing violin, piano and guitar, singing musicals to composing musical acts with…musical talent, talent thousandhorse, fire, close, equestrian, video1
publicisgroupe.huIn the Lioness series of the Publicis Groupe CEE ‘Embrace Gender Equity’ initiative, we introduce Zsofia Komaromi, the Chief Talent Officer of Hungary.chief talent, talent officernews, brand, client, idea, media1
ais.huAIS is committed to create a community, which is focused on individual learners, nurturing their gifts and talents, and helping them become responsible global citizens and internationally-minded young people.gift talent, talent responsibleschool, nursery, child, international, general1
helping-hand.huwhat she is interested in, where her talents lay (she likes to climb trees, interested in animals, books and stories);interested talent, talent treechild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten1
dombovarifuvosok.hu…pieces. Our primary concern is to make live music popular. Hereby we present our official association and our Cricket Band which collects young talents for the band. We also enumerate our main sponsors . On our homepage the visitor can read our history , listen to our concerts , and watch our…young talent, talent bandsponsor, main, video, member, cricket1
doboz.co.huExpect light electronic music parties, danceable hits in an astounding setting, with at least one highlighted event monthly and the best DJ talents in the country. Experience the gem of Budapest’s clubbing scene.dj talent, talent countryticket, night, reservation, nightlife, premium1
gerbeaud.huGerbeaud’s extraordinary talent and his enterprising spirit gave the business added impetus, and accounted for the unique success story of Gerbeaud‘s. He took on a great number of new employees in both sales and service.extraordinary talent, talent enterprisingpage, legend, chocolate, ago, tradition1
laurelbudapest.huare bestowed by the renowned Michelin Guide, which recognizes exceptional dining establishments around the world. The presence of such establishments in Budapest underscores the city’s thriving gastronomic landscape and showcases the talent, creativity, and dedication of its chefs and restaurateurs.landscape talent, talent creativityrestaurant, dining, culinary, taste, wine1
hiperszuper.hu…Behaviour. Later, I was engaged in large social transformation and international human resource projects, and until 2012, as HR Business Partner at PWC, I worked in a corporate environment, above all in the field of talent management and career planning. I provide individual mentoring since 2018.field talent, talent managementhomepage, individual, picture, solution, big1
infra-voice.huWe offer our clients the very best in service, expertise, and support. Passionate about our work and dedicated to producing innovative, customized solutions for every business we collaborate with, our results speak for themselves. But while our talents are diverse, and our specialties many, our…result talent, talent diversesupport, voice, multiple, article, client1
nikolettmagyar.huIn 2019, I have won the special prize of the Bakelit Muti Art Center Talent Competition for Fine Arts with a pastel chalk work. Since then, I have been constantly developing not only in my visual world, but also in the field of the diverse application of color harmonies, color depths and tones. A…center talent, talent competition, exhibition talent, talent projectart, exhibition, group, artwork, color1
pattern.huWe are constantly on the lookout for bright talents to join our team. If you feel that’s you, send us your LinkedIn profile and we’ll take it from there.bright talent, talent teammanagement, digital, knowledge, consulting, pattern1
blue.hu…performance: it is also a way of self-expression and creativity. The reason people like their work is because it is the space for personal fulfilment. Talent needs space, inspiration, collaboration, and adaptability. Space is not limiting; it is an infinite, diverse and forward-looking opportunity.fulfilment talent, talent spacespace, office, workplace, desk, furniture1
hangyel.huThe history of the Hangyel design is reflected in that of its lines, beauty and elegance, in the ability to bring an aesthetic concept to life. Roland Hangyel is an artist and designer whose works are also masterpieces, the expression of a talent in some cases handed down and which contributes to…expression talent, talent casebottle, line, city, innovation, concept1
uniquetravel.huExperience Budapest, the city of Art & Culture, while you discover your own talents. Get an insight into the Hungarian art life, get inspiration from nature and art, and develop your artistic sense with the help of a recognized artist of Hungary.culture talent, talent insightunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
marmin.huUse photorealistic photorealistic digital digital actors actors and and voice-over voice-over talent talent to to create create custom custom videos.voice talent, talent customlead, site, visitor, free, website1
marcalikiss.huRita excels in teaching and talent development. Melitta became a painter, photographer and art teacher. Works of Jozsef and Melitta Marcali Kiss and their students can be found on the following webpages.teach talent, talent developmentjozsef, gallery, artist, painter, family1
medprise.huOur vast experience in marine, energy and civil engineering and our unique blend of innovative talent and deep technical knowledge makes us the ideal offshore partner.innovative talent, talent deepenergy, leadership, news, marine, installation1
aegisgeneral.huAegis General’s highly trained professionals have up to ten years of experience at your disposal. In addition to the law enforcement-trained veterans of our personal and property security personnel, we ensure that our service is up-to-date with innovative young talent.general, protection, operation, personal, complex1
lb42.huTogether with our partners and engineers we form a team which is ready for challenges. We pay a lot of attention to working with the right people. Always appreciate experience, respect talent and expect quality.experience talent, talent qualitytechnology, engineering, production, equipment, industrial1
kinoalfa.huApart from facilitating the work of local talent, we are also invested in helping international productions during their time in Hungary. The company is co-producer of several projects abroad, as well as opening up to service productions.local talent, talent internationaltheatre, culture, production, documentary, feature1
mymentor.hu…having a clear vision, setting meaningful goals, and receiving the right guidance and support along the way. I believe that everyone has unique talents, dreams, and aspirations, and I am dedicated to providing you with the tools and resources needed to turn those aspirations into reality…unique talent, talent dreamgoal, , expert, success, community1
debrecenbike.huDebrecen Soccer Academy opened its facilities at Pallag in 2013. Its main goals include scouting local talent, special programs of study tailored to the needs of specific age groups, and popularizing the beautiful game.local talent, talent specialbike, street, church, build, city1
ioi2023.huSupporting young talents at the prestigious science contest that aims to foster more innovation and ideas for the future in informatics and IT Acer Inc. announced that it is powering…… Continue reading Acer Empowers Young Computer Scientists at the International Olympiad in Informatics 2023young talent, talent prestigiousinternational, informatics, contest, schedule, task1
dogandpony.huWhenever a business tries to work on their marketing issues in-house, they are faced with another problem: hiring new employees to solve them. Talent has its price, and if you’re planning on employing them full-time, it will be even more costly.employee talent, talent priceagency, logo, dog, advertising, media1
doszkocs-zsuzsa.huIt has been 25 years already since a amateur painter has been fighting for his life on a ventilator, yet through his irresistible creativity and artistic talent, he is still the creator of an online painting gallery. This amateur painter, who turns creative drawings into beautiful paintings…artistic talent, talent creatorpainting, gallery, drawing, picture, painter1
jerring.huThe professional manager and owner of the shooting ground is Tamás Jéri, the youngest talent and dare-devil of Hungarian clay shooting, World and European champion sport shooter.young talent, talent dareshoot, ground, basket, voucher, option1
publicis.huIn our School of Big Ideas program for young talents interested in the media world, two applicants had the opportunity to gain insight into the daily operations of the Publicis Groupe Hungary media team as interns. We interviewed them to share their experiences.young talent, talent interestedbrand, client, idea, media, people1
mernokverseny.huBeside competing it is the perfect opportunity to get to know Hungarian companies in your field and show them your Talent!day, engineering, competition, innovative, history1
nvc.huFor the second time in our SZELEKTOR competition, we were looking for the most promising young Hungarian talents in pop, club and xperimental categories and this evening we will focus on club music. Until sunset, the DJs and producers who came to our attention during the selection will take turns…hungarian talent, talent popevent, electronic, news, select, programme1
contactcasting.huTo find the right talent for your project, we work from our own database of extras, actors and models but also work together with other agencies in the city and hold castings in our own studio. We arrange low-cost travel from Budapest to your city.right talent, talent projectcasting, model, actor, registration, previous1
eldujra.huWe bring two professional 360 cameras to your event and edit them together so you get an amazing 360 video. Our experience covers a broad range of talent including cameras, lighting, editing, and 3D effects to enhance your epic 360 wedding.range talent, talent cameravideo, wedding, eng, degree, day1
pinterzoltan.huHe isthe Competition initiator, the main organizer of the annual Young Jazz Musician of the Year talent competition, and he is also the foreman of the jury.year talent, talent competitionzoltan, biography, competition, music, school1
enektanar-budapest.huenjoyable exercises, educating intelligible music theory, helping you with backing music and stimulating you to perform. At the same time, her sweet personality is comforting and her musical talent and skill inspiring. Starting singing lessons with Erika has been an utterly satisfying choice for me.musical talent, talent skillvocal, lesson, singing, homepage, class1
hotsmusic.huTo celebrate musical export, alongside Platon Karataev, Azahriah represented Hungary at Eurosonic in Groningen, Netherlands. The showcase festival and music conference, which showcases the most promising European talents, has launched the careers of global stars such as Dua Lipa. Therefore, the…european talent, talent careermusic, hot, news, sound, festival1
friendly.hu…innovative products and services to market faster. We create real solutions and deliver measurable results. Whether companies need to reorganize talent, resources and infrastructure or build them from the ground up, our team provides pragmatic digital and operational support throughout the…company talent, talent resourcefriendly, digital, media, technology, development1
alpaca.hu– Sustainable alpaca wool production and processing mainly in handcrafted products in Hungary, with the help of Hungarian talents.cart, view, quick, shop, care1
baltazarszinhaz.hu…part of Hungarian theatrical life. The Baltazar Theatre breaks new ground by putting actors’ disabilities in the background and emphasizing their talent instead. Since the very beginning, the purpose of the Baltazar Theatre is to get disabled and non-disabled parts of society closer to each other…background talent, talent insteadtheatre, disable, member, mentally, actor1
igfhungary.huThe conference aims to attract the local and regional Internet community, including market players, technical supporting organizations, government officials, academics and young talents. This year, the program will seek to include multilayered panel discussions, a fantastic round-up of keynotes…young talent, talent yeargeneration, forum, committee, steering, principle1
goldtunnelsystem.huWhen choosing the right sporting discipline, nurturing talent, or choosing sports for children and youngsters, it is of paramount importance to get to know the characteristics of the body, support physical development, and preserve one's health. One of the fundamental pillars of the Gold Tunnel…discipline talent, talent sporttunnel, athlete, assessment, analysis, success1
cafefilm.hu…features (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy; The Rite, Bel Ami) all chose Hungary for its diverse qualities: excellent locations ( please check out our selection below ), world-class studios, professional crews, equipment rental houses, showcasing talents and high-end post-production facilities.house talent, talent highcommercial, production, feature, short, tvc1
tubakurzus.huThe Tuba camp is a celebration of the Hungarian tuba society. The artists and significant teachers of the deepest brass instrument are happy to participate in the camp, where young talents can meet, learn from outstanding artists, play music together, hike, cauldron, play football. In the magical…young talent, talent outstandingcamp, teacher, music, meal, application1
motiontech.hu“It is a great experience to work with a professional, whose artistic talent competes with his technical skills. There is no need to explain or to ask twice. He is precise and maximalist in every small detail of his work."artistic talent, talent technicalvideo, animation, browser, innovation, japan1
szuszekos.hu…or an antlered shaman leading a cer-emony. The protrusions of antlers, horns, feathers mark the spiritual radiance on his head, symbolizing the talent “received from above”, depicted using supporting animals (two-fold antler = deer, three-fold: feather = bird). Shamans acted to support life. Thishead talent, talent animalchest, style, carpentry, item, geometric1
edinapasti.hu…is also a crucial area of focus in order to enhance your reputation as an employer and improve your position in the job market. I can help you establish a strong brand image and employer brand strategy that reflects your company’s culture and values, and attracts the top talent in your industry.value talent, talent industrywebsite, industrial, custom, solution, focus1
backtotheroots.hu…in honor of Tony Curtis, whose Hungarian heritage and Hollywood career set him apart. The event is brought to you by the Hungarian Hollywood Council, the city of Mátészalka, and the Origo Film Studio, with the aim of bringing together and discovering Hungarian and international film talent.festival, root, international, application, location1
projecthr.huDeveloping and communicating corporate values and engaging talents are complex strategic tasks. Where employer branding is the everyday experience of employees, and the commitment to values comes to life in leadership actions, thriving teams can work with creativity and productivity for common…value talent, talent complexhealth, market, research, human, resource1
lake-tisza.huBefore setting off for a canoe tour on Lake Tisza, it is highly recommended to become thoroughly prepared! Without local knowledge and talent in using maps, orienteering is not that easy.knowledge talent, talent maplake, tour, canoe, island, touristic1
hiondesign.hu…degree in architecture and engineering in some years' difference, then gathered experience in separate ways in different architecture studios. During this time we had opportunity to learn our profession in depth and to find the most suitable scope of our duties regarding our personality and talent.interior, architecture, engineering, visualization, architectural1
nasoft.huIn order to achieve a satisfying and completed mission, NA-Soft Ltd. relies on its dynamic, effective team and close partners. The company, using its engineering and IT talent and knowledge, provides services in the following fields:engineering talent, talent knowledgesolution, software, hardware, specialize, provider1
nokvilaga.huKazakhs have a particular talent in music. There are beautifully singing or music-playing members in almost every family. Their musical instruments evoke the sounds of the steppes.particular talent, talent musicperformer, event, woman, country, fashion1
auerfesztival.huWorld famous soloists, ensembles, competition winners and young talents on orchestral and chamber music concerts in the European Capital of Culture 2023.young talent, talent orchestralconcert, main, artist, venue, page1
alnico.huIn today’s competitive environment organisations need top talent and best in class leaders in order to grow. We are committed to find the right fit for your team.organisation talent, talent goodsearch, executive, main, market, today1
operafesztival.huFollowing Béla Bartók’s spirit Bartók Plus Opera Festival involves and inspires; offers support for young talent and holds the creation of quality art of high esteem. It adheres to...young talent, talent creationfestival, composition, archive, competition, future1
braininghub.huGood training and development programs help you retain the right people and gain profits. As the battle for top talent becomes more competitive, employee training and development programs are more important than ever. Hiring top talent takes time and money, and how you engage and develop that…battle talent, talent competitive, important talent, talent time, money talenttraining, hour, corporate, technology, latest1
sutoattila.hu…sector and in public education. As a qualified teacher and doctoral student, I am interested in teacher research and teacher education. I have expert and measurement-evaluation responsibilities in vocational education and mentoring in national talent development programmes and adult education.national talent, talent developmenttraining, activity, award, result, study1
nemethgaborbuvesz.hu“Gábor is a born showman which is accompanied by an amazing talent. I have seen him performing several times but it’s impossible to reveal his tricks, it always seems like he is doing real magic. His shows are highly recommended for those who wish to attend a spectacular, funny, and magical event.”amazing talent, talent timeticket, performance, trick, date, wedding1
loupefilms.hu…help you along the way of executing even your wildest ideas, while paying close attention to detail and the highest possible standards,whether it is commercial, a music video or a feature film. In the meanwhile, we constantly place great emphasis on the discovery and support of emerging…production, big, field, motion, screen1
barbershop-debrecen.huWork for us too! Professional attitude, humility, willpower. Our dynamically developing, friendly team is looking for barbers with the above mentioned talents in Eastern Hungary. We offer continuous professional development and learning opportunities, competitive, fair salary, and last, but not…barber talent, talent easternshop, gallery, traditional, gift, card1
arrabonastudio.hu''Arrabona Studio has amazing editors, talented people who listen and have great ideas and can execute them. Their ability to communicate was top notch. If you need an editor with talent and the ability to deliever then hire them, you will not be disappointed. I enjoyed working with them and will…editor talent, talent abilitydocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy1
myfolio.huIn the past 8 years, I have gained a lot of experience in the field of graphic design, both on a personal and professional level. In my work, I strive to create unique, creative, and effective solutions for my clients. For me, it is important to always give my best and to showcase my talent and…good talent, talent professionalchristian, toth, category, video, page1
skymarketing.hu…system. In the centre, there are renowned professionals with decades of experience, who are artists, authors and teachers in one. Depending on the current challenge, a cloud of varying size and composition of young talents, enthusiastic innovators and professional artisans are surrounding them.young talent, talent enthusiasticsky, communication, group, place, event1
museo.huOur first appearances on stage were in different music clubs at Nyíregyháza (Depeche Mode Club, Postás). Through the years we appeared on the music stages of the neighboring cities. We gained a lot of success. The biggest trial for our duo was taking part of the 'competition of young talents' in…young talent, talent seriessong, favorite, pic, forum, music1
mta-tkk.hu…with regard to Deaf history, culture, the Deaf and the hearing world, and the Deaf-integrated in-Hearing and Hearing-integrated in-Deaf world. He fought especially hard for Deaf children’s future, opportunities, education, the nurturing of their talents, sports. For his Deaf brothers and sisters.nurture talent, talent sportlanguage, news, research, deaf, chance1
panograph.huWe combine the creative talent of an advertising agency with a sharp focus on ROI – we're your one-stop shop for hotel photography, web development and interactive marketing that drives results >>>creative talent, talent advertisingpanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour1
piczur3dstudio.huThe International Fine Art Exhibition serves as an opportunity for unique creatives from all around the world to demonstrate their talents. This year provides powerful narratives to complement groundbreaking art.world talent, talent yearart, exhibition, artwork, ticket, gallery1
prime-magankollegium.huA shared kitchen with appliances, tableware and cutlery. You will only need the ingredients and your talent for a delicious mealingredients talent, talent deliciousuniversity, room, minute, price, location1
dreamwedding.hu…decoration, the wonderful flowers – and one just couldn't have expected more. Everything was just excellent with You and Móni and Zsu and Orsi (though men might have been peering at the "talents" Zsu had... :-). Thank you for everything! "That was a good day" (like the song title of L. Dés says).man talent, talent zsuwedding, day, help, dream, guest1
mszjf.huHCF puts great emphasis on including in its work young talents, whether they already master copyright research on an academic level or are just in the course of discovering it, and especially on inspiring university students to nobly compete with each other in this field. The Apáthy-award, a…young talent, talent copyrightcongress, protection, international, award, national1
magnitude.huWe have talent and expertise in the development of tailor made software solution, to boost process automation and to deliver the best internal performance, at every level.consulting, technology, management, organization, italy1
suliverzum.huJobmonster is a great platform for talent sourcing, a wide range of profiles from all specialties is available, and the site is very much user friendly. The team is very helpful!platform talent, talent sourcejob, resume, candidate, view, category1
simonyibalazs.huART IS SIMPLE MANIPULATION (2004, Graffiti @ Bertalan Lajos street 11., Budapest; lenticular image) "Our world, seemingly global, is in reality a planet of thousands of the most varied and never intersecting provinces. A trip around the world is a journey from backwater to backwater, each of which…nokia talent, talent programbalazs, video, photo, image, location0
realpearl.huCountess Of Mystic Realms At Real Pearl ( Cricket x Smiley)“Aelynn” 1st place excellent JCAC and best junior of breed!!!super talent, talent presentationreal, dog, champion, past, border0
ormo.huWe specialise in mobile and web app development & design. Our talented and well-grooved team use their broad knowledge to make a complete 360-Degree approach on your needs and turn your vision into a viable product on the digital market.digital, step, mobile, brand, touch0
petrovoice.huAfter all, in order to arouse and maintain interest, a good topic is not enough, I also need a sympathetic voice.voice, sample, ready, material, short0
solinfo.huSolinfo Group provides professional lighting, interior design and decoration consultancy services, along with the design, production, management and distribution of high-end design brands and products. Solinfo Group contributes to more than 300 projects a year, whether as a supplier of lights…talent advancementstore, lighting, magazine, flagship, embassy0
actualart.huWe came home and by making use of our knowledge and experience we started to realise our earlier dream, building our own production agency which acts as an agent between artists and productions, self-created shows and cruise ships, luxury ferries, hotels, casinos and international stages.stage, image, production, art, actual0
actinvent.huOur Services… Our References… Contact us… References… ask for… our offer!… other…junior talentexpert, reference, problem, highly, data0
mimicry.huLED screen animations The Mimicry team created all the animations for the LEN European Water Polo Championships. In the Duna Arena, Budapest, we created two weeks of material for more than 13 million pixels of 9 LED walls. The following showreel presents this project:  "Metro number 5"…national talent, talent programanimation, video, commercial, festival, selection0
i-qrs.hu…collective and individual monitoring of players leads to more efficient training for each player, the whole team and the trainer. The telemetric module transfers data during sports activities through a wireless connection to a local server. The real-time analysis of the data enables the trainer tosport talent, talent earlymodule, player, field, rehabilitation, animal0
greg.huCan’t wait? Don't be shy, drop me a line using the contact details below or check my featured works.website, line, upgrade, detail, happy0
icons.huiCons-Hungary: Training, coaching, consulting, tests. Development of business strategies and personal competenciestalent mentornetwork, analysis, icon, training, development0
sonrisa.huAt Sonrisa, work + family is not just a concept. We do everything to make our family life easy. Kids are welcome in our offices' playing corner, we adapt our working hours to fit the needs of family matters with flexible working hours. We really focus on achieving a great work-life balance .new talenttechnology, great, solution, smile, today0
edutus.huSimilarly, to the previous past Semesters, the International Section of the Scientific Student Conference (TDK) – organised by Dr. Zoltán Peredy, Head of the Edutus Engineering Institute – took place again in the 2023-2024 Autumn Semester.international, student, conference, university, page0
e6integrations.huWe polish your architecture Our team of architects provides flexible solutions Delivering MuleSoft servicessolution, integration, architecture, architect, flexible0
mobilegyesulet.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur dipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod Incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo.et, ipsum, magna, elit, labore0
openminds.huWe love building software. We are always curious and open to perfecting our knowledge base, taking part in trainings, dojos and conferences, and helping new colleagues with mentoring.new talentopen, technology, great, solution, smile0
bigfish.huBIG FISH is proud to deliver simple and creative solutions to complex business needs since 1998. Many things have changed since, except for one: our passion for this industry and our commitment to our clients.big, fish, career, commerce, great0
integralalapitvany.huThe founder, Bence Gánti is a clinical psychologist, promoter of the integral approach in Hungary and worldwide, founder and director of the Integral Academy an independent transformative adult education in Budapest and that of the Integral European Conferences (IEC) held in Hungary. The…integral, foundation, approach, consultant, member0
backstreetvoice.hu…and foreign media and localization: television, film, music and advertising industry. Our extremely experienced staff includes some of the best sound engineers with several decades of work in voiceover studios, a huge pool of translators in multiple languages, and the best producers in the…voice talent, talent followvoice, studio, director, artist, sound0
womenscareer.huAndrea Ferenczi, president of the Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary, board member of Older Women’s Network Europe has been invited by INPEA (International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse) and Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service to speak at their CSW59…untapped talent, talent womanwoman, career, development, association, release0
csudijo.hu…and we knew, we felt it must have gone on. We confided our most important, inmost feelings, thoughts to each other. We connected. We created ideas. And a few years later, the thing you’re standing in front of was born: a community of small and tall ones, good and not-so-good ones, accepted…child, organization, community, everybody, love0
szexualszakpszichologus.huI am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.team talent, talent greatcase, action, sit, consectetur, amet0
spellcom.huIn addition to offering marketing and web development assistance to our Hungarian and multinational clients within Hungary, we also have clients in other European countries, mainly in Austria and Germany.soon talentwebsite, client, communication, agency, development0
muzeumkavehaz.huMenu… Drinks… Wine Book… Reservation… History… Gallery… Information… MABEUSZ: Best restaurant of the…reservation, award, piano, drink, wine0
paladinbilisim.huWelcome to Paladin, a data and intelligence consultancy company that specializes in helping businesses make data-driven decisions. Our team of experts provides customized solutions to solve your unique business challenges.talent management, talent sourcedata, solution, management, intelligence, organisation0
grafit.huI'm a digital crafter since last century. The main profile is the layouting and prepress, beside web sites and 3D.studio, digital, site, profile, prepress0
nobleprog.huNobleProg ajánl teljes tréninget és konzultációt a Mesterséges Intelligencia, Cloud, Big Data, Programozás, Statisztika és Management terén.training, data, management, course, cloud0
modernity.huProfessional creative directory collaboration on your photography and video campaigns for the best of the best visual experience.new talenthomepage, brand, creative, reference, video0
csanyialapitvany.hu“Gábor Marosi, one of the trustees of the Csányi Foundation and CEO of the Unity Asset Management Foundation, was the......talent lifetime, community talentfoundation, website, official, news, dinner0
katibar.huKati Bar… English… Concerts… Videos… Contact… Get to know the band… Alexandra Vakter, singer… Viktor…music talent, talent centerbar, concert, video, piano, bass0
mke.info.huThe Association of Hungarian Librarians takes pride in the traditions of Hungarian librarianship, and looks with respect upon the great librarian predecessors: József Szinnyei, Zoltán Ferenczi, József Fitz, Ervin Szabó, Béla Kőhalmi, Pál Gulyás, Béla Varjas, Ákos Domanovszky, Máté Kovács, Csaba…librarian talent, talent reformationlibrary, branch, association, county, conference0
aiesec.huAIESEC is a global platform for young people to develop their leadership potential through international internships and volunteer opportunities. Founded in 1948, AIESEC is a non-governmental, and not-for-profit organization entirely run by youth for youth.global talentyouth, leadership, global, goal, internship0
ekler.hu…us… Team… Good to know… Registration… English… More information… All jobs… Sterilization Specialist 7area talent, talent management, management talent, talent acquisitionago, day, engineering, engineer, job0
smartians.huEU aims to provide its citizens proper education, skills, competences and creativity they need in a knowledge-based society. In our rapidly changing world, renewable education systems need to adapt to new forms of teaching and learning, taking advantage of new opportunities. Education, trainings…talent managementtraining, education, career, news, management0
strangerfilms.huStranger Films Budapest helps talented filmmakers across the board. We supervise filmmakers and help them set foot in advertising. We device concepts and produce commercials. Based in Budapest, Hungary.young talent, talent servicestranger, creative, production, foot, advertising0
bfz.huBFO – Budapest Festival Orchestra – an orchestra under Iván Fischer's direction among the top ten symphonic ensembles of the worldbfo talent, talent scoutconcert, orchestra, festival, interview, community0
kastnerkartoon.huKastner Kartoon is a business of the Kastner advertising agency. Kastner is an independent international network with 8 offices: we operate in Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milan, Los Angeles, Oberhofen, Brunnen in Switzerland and Budapest. The agency runs own businesses worldwide, from a chocolate…famous talent, talent drawstudio, agency, animation, famous, creative0
holyprojects.hu…designer, scene-designer, graphic designer Studies: Hungarian University of Arts and Design (MOME) - Industrial designer, Master’s Degree. Private office: since 2011 - Graphic artist, scene designer and interior designer, working out self-designed and developed lamps and concrete facade elements.voice talentholy, interior, balazs, graphic, set0
koktel4u.huDuring the years we worked with various event managers . We are proud to win their appreciation, as we have been nominated for the Best Wedding Band category in 2013 , 2016 and 2022 as part of the Hungarian Wedding Awards .talent professionalismgallery, wedding, cocktail, mood, music0
matrabikersc.huIn the summer of 2022, for the first time in our club's life, we organized a sports camp in the Mátra Mountains, Hungary for primary school children of the diaspora. During the camp, the children learnt about the history, geography, and natural beauties of the Mátra Mountains. We went biking and…cycling, website, bike, road, member0
teremtoonismeret.huDivine Self-Awareness is Your spiritual capacity, Your inherent Universal knowledge. * Divine Self-Awareness is the Creative Power inside you that you bring for getting to know Yourself. * Divine Self-Awareness is the way, the purpose and the mission. * Divine Self-Awareness is the method which is…business talent, talent artisticparent, power, father, mother, relationship0
shl.huBorsodChem Zrt. has been in business relation with SHL Hungary Ltd. as a service provider since 2008. In 2008, three of our employees attended SHL Hungary Ltd’s “Tests in the World of Work” training. Following this course we bought some of their tests, having used with good results since then, and…questionnaire, selection, development, exercise, manager0
momentin.hu…Over the years, we have supported our partners in numerous other inventory management-related activities, such as stocking and picking . Our goal is to support our partners by thinking together with them. That is the same principle we applied when creating our Performance Management service.point talentinventory, efficient, management, stock, asset0
sorsforditovallalkozok.huEventry Conference 2016 is the conference for those who want to develop and design a beautiful websitesconference, title, april, page, sidebar0
englishschool.huand culture, Dan first came to the English School of Budapest in 2017. It was a rewarding experience to be a part of the team at ESB and make a positive contribution to improving Hungarian children’s language skills in an engaging, student-centered approach to teaching during his two years with ESB.school, teacher, child, language0
fmla.huSince September, 2008 the Fehér Miklós Secondary Grammar School and Dormitory has been teaching and educating the students of the football school, paying particular attention to the development of our competitively sporting students’ personalities.football, academy, school, introduction, grammar0
semmelweis.hu…European region. With its six faculties and doctoral school it covers all aspects of medical and health sciences. Semmelweis University is the largest provider of health care services in Hungary. The target of research at the university are early diagnostics and therapy, disease prevention and…talent supportuniversity, health, faculty, science, medicine0
fmlogistic.huWelcome to FM Logistic Hungary Website, designed for Logistics solutions and services in the Worldlogistic, supply, solution, change, chain0
ihr.huProducting of thematic films from the idea to the premiere. From short product commercial films to long nature documentary films we have solutions for everything. Professional team and equipment, quick and effective precise work what we offer to our customers.true talent, talent filmview, video, promotional, main, page0
lhari.huI wrote my first line of BASIC code in 1998 and became a professional developer in 2008. I have been developing software solutions ever since. Recently my time is split between working on Telecom (mostly SIP) stuff as a consultant and following my dream and building a startup.stuff, adventure, line, developer, code0
csempemania.hu…Trophy… Trueland… Wetwood… Willow… Woodland… Wood Basic… Wood Block… Wood Craft… Wood Cut… Wood…wood, paradyz, afternoon, dream, fancy0
isb.huProgram follow the world recognized Cambridge International Curriculum. The students of our Bilingual Academic Program follow both the Curriculum Framework for Bilingual Schools of the Hungarian National Curriculum and the Curriculum Framework of the Cambridge International Examinations’ curriculum.teach talent, talent talentedschool, student, academic, international, programme0
coachingteam.huConscious Leaders Academy (former Young Leaders Academy) is the first development program for the leaders who are in a young age or who are new in their position. It’s been operating in Hungarian with continuously growing participant number since 2012 and deals with development topics which are…development talent, talent managementdevelopment, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious0
warrioracademy.huPrint Design Online Graphics Social Media Web Development Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Brandingcsehkis talent, talent resourceadvertising, agency, media, interested, detail0
blb-soft.huOur experienced professionals have already proven themselves at several companies, so using their knowledge gained so far, they are able to provide help in case of almost any software problem that arises.technology, solution, software, main, privacy0
tyrusz.hu…comprehensive business development services, with a strategic focus on bridging the gap between the vibrant Hungarian market and the dynamic markets of the Arab world. We are committed to fostering mutually beneficial relationships, facilitating trade, and creating opportunities for businessesdevelopment talent, talent managementmarket, study, honey, communication, success0
open2jobs.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.image, job, article, apply, february0
madis.huWe are looking for a .NET Software Engineer to join our Software Development team in Budapest, working closely with our German and Hungarian software development partner companies, working directly on projects of German customers.great talentdata, software, consulting, detail, engineer0
deepcoaching.huDeep Coaching is neither psychotherapy nor life counseling. It is a series of deep conversations and interesting exercises which enable life-changing mind shifts to live your life to the fullest.exceptional talent, talent programdeep, exceptional, ready, obstacle, condition0
service4home.huFar far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialiafar, away, country, text, small0
artmodels.huDean, Csaba and Viktor’s fashion and beauty editorials from the Absolute Man magazine are amazing...magazine, editorial, fashion, campaign, model0
amiovink.huOur institute starting in 2002 was the first in Hungary to combine the Montessori education with bilingual education (Hungarian-English).english talent, talent workshop, maria talent, talent créchekindergarten, child, teacher, institution, language0
nextomic.huWe think big and aim high for our roster of artists, building long term careers that transcend genres and platforms.talent managementcareer, entertainment, position, open, technology0
prezilimpia.huThe University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, and the University of Szeged Junior Academy together with Ezabeszéd Toastmasters Retorika Klub Szeged with the contribution of Philip Morris, Hungary are organizing the SZTE-PREZILIMPIA competition. PREZILIMPIA is a…presentation talent, talent prezilimpiapresentation, competition, student, round, faculty0
wenczel.huassisting high-profile players, coaches and agents on contracts and transfers and representing them in disputes before Hungarianian state courts, Permanent Sport Arbitral Tribunal for Sport as well as international sports bodies: CAS, BCAS, FIFA DRC, FIBA BAT, CEV and FIVBlaw, office, firm, privacy, news0
cziczanoemi.huWelcome to Green Valley International School. We strive to provide highest quality education, bridging your child's success with infrastructure of knowledge and creativity.rhoncus, laoreet, sit, feugiat, lorem0
htconsulting.hu…business has grown and evolved under the banner of customer and people-centricity and creativity. As a result, approximately 1,000 clients, 10,000 training days and 50,000 attendees are now part of Human Telex Consulting’s history. View celebratory speeches recorded at our 30th Birthday Event.talent plantationconsulting, innovation, training, development, management0
improversgroup.huDevelopment of school culture based on strengthening the life-skills and character competences of teachers and young people.talent organizationdevelopment, group, culture, organization, school0
cesa-r.hu…level after the epidemiological situation has been resolved. The number one goal of the Association is to further organize and nurture the premium league series of the country's leading strong man in its own organization. It offers racing opportunities for fans of the Highland Games…series, league, cup, competition, strong0
bynd.huAn intriguing, creative commercial that perfectly encapsulates the brand begins with thorough preparation. Our team prepares the concept according to your goals and will produce it right until the final frame. We bring out the most of all projects with a great care for detail, 10 years of…creative, commercial, brand, video, social0
admaiore.huAdmaiore - Rent a BI expert from usjunior talentexpert, reference, immediately, highly, currently0
speakacademy.huMy life would have probably taken a totally different direction if I had not got selected into the first Speak Academy course for youth. Speak Academy built up my confidence level and allowed me to believe that I have the personality and skills to study abroad. As a fresh graduate from the…talent coursespeak, academy, course, speech, review0
usapolo.huAutós, Filmes, Horror, Koponyás, Mountain, Rock Fashion, Sport, Video Game Ruházat és Kiegészítőkplan, death, game, gothic, video0
inconcert.huWe are a concert and event company based in Budapest. We cover all aspects of concert management from promotion to all-round local production.talent managementevent, concert, hall, ensemble, management0
theagent.huown career. At the same time, it is necessary to build an athlete’s career and studies to prepare them for the eventuality of competing in an active sport. With the Easy Go to USA program, we can also help young athletes who play in youth teams to achieve international sporting career opportunities.agent, athlete, organization, agency, legal0
inflexion.huYou have a great solution, we help you sell it. After all, nobody needs a business track record to have a great business idea, but you do need an effective strategy to ensure proficient execution. Here’s where our sales strategy support comes in. Within the fields of our expertise, we can save you…hand talent, talent worksale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead0
fiokaetterem.huEach season we upgrade our selection of wine just as our menu with great care. You can take an adventure tasting the wine of both boutique wineries and well known Hungarian wineologists.new talentwine, free, gluten, lactose, vegetarian0
logijobs.huAllows job seekers to identify opportunities immediately by several specialist terms. Create your job ad with hints and autocomplete functionality. Just pick and choose all that is needed for the specific job posting from pre-defined tags and phrases.employer talent, talent logisticjob, candidate, logistic, simple, abroad0
takaritoszeres.huBy far the best team I've ever worked with. They truly understood the look I was going for and completely nailed it! I would highly recommend them as a company, you simply just won't find any better team!main, close, far, completely, search0
exactsolutions.huWe provide tailor-made, effective solutions to satisfy companies’ needs for human resources. Our strengths include recruitment-selection, the ability to reach passive job-seekers and the competence-based selection.job, exact, recruitment, solution, offer0
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budapestdata.huThe Budapest Data Forum is an international data architecture and data engineering conference in its 14th year, now in hybrid format .lead talent, talent developmentdata, conference, forum, tutorial, sponsor0
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edukid.huEdukid was created in 2010 with the goal of helping children and young people with hearing impairments in a way that adapts to the needs of the patient. We can proudly say that we are still unique in the market today. We are dealing primarily with hearing diagnosis and hearing rehabilitation for…talent carehear, child, rehabilitation, infant, need0
mome.hu…the climate summit in Dubai. The prototype of three-wheeled, multifunctional transport vehicle, developed through the collaboration of the two universities, was first showcased to the public on 1 December at the UN COP28 climate summit, and was sent to Dubai straight from the developers’ workshop.university, art, innovation, international, study0
pslab.huThe less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean.talent managementwastewater, ocean, water, eventually, detail0
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