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362 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: educational

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trainingandpractice.huOur journal of Educational Sciences Training and Practice provides a forum for the lectures of the Training and Practice Conference to appear in our issue 3-4 2017.conference educational, educational science, dimension educational, journal educationalpractice, training, conference, journal, photo14
arbortalent.hu“I have been dealing with national and international projects, application writing, implementing educational and youth programs, institute development for 15 years. Learning international good practices and national demands founded Arbor Talent – I have been always dreaming on establishing such an…experience educational, educational institute, write educational, educational youth, educational institutiondevelopment, institute, talent, organization, enterprise12
helping-hand.huHowever, most if not all children with ADHD struggle academically, due to the demands of educational environments (e.g., sit still and pay attention for long periods). However, with the right kind of support, both at home and in school, children with ADHD can reach their potential and become…traditional educational, educational structure, demand educational, educational environment, peer educationalchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten11
iepd.hu…technologies, forms, methods and tools of teaching, expansion and improvement of skills, expansion of general and professional knowledge, educational, publishing, publishing and media activities related to the professional sphere. Target audience Research and teaching staff of higher…institute educational, educational professional, knowledge educational, educational publish, high educationalinstitute, development, internship, method, teach9
pome.huPOME IS A MEDIA EXPERT TEAM, UNIQUE IN HUNGARY, SPECIALIZED TO THE AGE GROUP OF 15-25. FOR MORE THAN 15 YEARS, WE SERVE OUR CLIENTS WITH WIDE RANGE OF EDUCATIONAL RELATIONSHIP, WITH OWN PRODUCTS AND WITH COMPREHENSIVE AND PROFESSIONAL MARKETING SOLUTIONS.range educational, educational relationship, sexual educational, educational campaign, sex educationalcampaign, school, indoor, family, young9
musichouse.huMusic House is the first music-based international private educational institution in Budapest, which was established with the aim of enabling children of kindergarten and nursery age to learn and master English in an entirely English-speaking environment.private educational, educational institution, educational programmusic, house, nursery, kindergarten, international8
merjed.huand we have to perform on a very high level with our products. Our students will take part in professional competitions, we appear with our products is festivals and fairs and competitions. This way we will be able to promote the high educational standard of our school and our professional know-how.educational system, high educational, educational standard, field educational, educational spectrumtraining, fermentation, industry, school, page8
felvesznek.huPartners of CARMA Erasmus+ Project - which aims reducing share of early school leavers - held their first meeting on the last day of November in Budapest. The ten participants - two persons from each organization, e.g. project leader Raabe Klett Educational Consulting and Publisher (Budapest, HU)…variety educational, educational product, university educational, educational management, expert educationaltraining, manual, teacher, school, career8
mellearn.hu…The registered Hungarian higher education network – as the Hungarian member of the international EULLearN Network (European University Lifelong Learning Network), currently operating with 22 members, generates and co-ordinates pedagogical, educational, research activities of public utility.pedagogical educational, educational research, high educational, educational institution, non educationallearn, education, lifelong, international, university8
nimfea.huIn November the István Fekete Educational Center hosted the next round of the symposium series organized by Nimfea Environmental and Nature Conservation Association on practical nature conservation measures – this time the focus was on plant species and plant communities, following earlier…fekete educational, educational center, nature educational, wetland educationalnature, association, conservation, center, environmental7
foreignstudents.huHungarian Educational Tourism Association (HETA) was created in 2017, Budapest, by academic experts, professors and private entrepreneurs, interested in increasing arrival of foreign students to Hungary. According to previous researches, foreign students play important role in development of…association educational, educational tourism, hungarian educational, high educational, educational instituteforeign, student, association, tourism, education7
mcc.huLaunched in 2002, MCC's High School Program (KP), offers Hungary’s most talented high-school students with development opportunities in the field of social science. This tuition-free and supplemental educational program is based on a combination of in-person and distance learning skill-building…traditional educational, educational system, teach educational, educational strategy, supplemental educationalinternational, student, public, center, academy7
bpc.huSoftware Development Business Intelligence Consulting Data Warehousing IT Educational Activitieswarehousing educational, educational activityconsulting, data, process, intelligence, development6
phbences.huThe Szemrédi non-profit, Educational Charitable Foundation for the Students of Pannonhalma. The objectives of the Szemrédi Közhasznú Alapítvány a Pannonhalmi Diákokért is to help talented students attend this elite school by offering merit and need-based financial aid for students whose parents…profit educational, educational charitable, catholic educational, educational institutionstudent, school, foundation, financial, fund6
goldenrootfilm.huWe have produced many shows and educational programs for various channels including the Hungarian State Television , starring celebrities and great stories. The commercials we’ve made for leading companies are dynamic, powerful and up-to- date.educational film, show educational, educational programroot, format, original, creative, documentary6
kkvszoftverek.huDirectory: Software catalog for small and medium size businesses and educational organizations and individualsbusiness educational, educational organizationdirectory, software, small, individual, catalog6
creativedu.huThe Association for Creative Education has been established with the aim to support the attempts of the European Union in the field of global (citizenship) education by using creative and innovative educational methods. The aim of the global (citizenship) education aims to create global approach…innovative educational, educational method, traditional educationalcreative, education, method, global, generation5
expanzio.huTeacher-centred educational institutions are transformed into student-centered ones. Using global experiences, the process of transformation builds on constant feedback in the seamless daily work of the institutions. We combine the rigorous and knowledge-intensive Central-European way with…application educational, educational decision, improvement educational, educational institution, assessment educationalconsulting, human, learn, development, institution5
happykids.huHappy Kids International Kindergarten and Nursery aims to synthesize the best practices from a range of national educational systems, balanced by its own unique multicultural experience to create a day care and learning environment of excellence for children in the age range 1,5–7 years.national educational, educational systemkid, happy, child, kindergarten, international5
mta-tkk.huOn 10th of May 2018, the Research Centre for Multilingualism team held an informative professional workshop within the framework of the Languag-E-Chance Educational Research Group’s project – Development of language conscious school, bilingual deaf education and innovative methods and tools of…chance educational, educational researchlanguage, news, research, deaf, chance5
abtl.hu"(1) Specialized State archives are the Military History Archives, the Archives of the Central Statistical Office and the Water Conservancy Archives, the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security, as well as the archives of institutions performing higher educational, scientific, cultural…scientific educational, educational artistic, high educational, educational scientific, holding educationalarchive, shall, public, record, document5
euresidence.huWelcome to the official homepage of EuResidence Investments Ltd, a professional company helping residence and settlement in the European Union for business, educational and employment purposes. In only a couple of minutes you can review on this site:business educational, educational employmentpurpose, settlement, union, employment, european5
maround.hu…management, seven years of international project experiences. She spent months in Germany, Ireland, and the UK and has been taking part in educational projects and study visits. She has an extensive international network and participated in different LdV and Erasmus+ projects as a Partner and…uk educational, educational project, strong educational, educational background, teacher educationaltraining, background, school, development, education5
whiterabbit.huWe created an online educational video for the Sperti Hemorrhoid Cream. With the use of lovable characters, we dramatized the pain caused by hemorrhoids in a funny, light-hearted way. We also introduced a promotion to the campaign; the viewers were asked to watch the video, answer the quiz…sperti educational, educational campaign, online educational, educational video, sensitive educationalcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution5
sportnaplo.huSportDiary - Your sports club's digital assistant! Customized evaluation system for sports clubs and educational institutions.club educational, educational institutionathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance5
rendernet.huUsing the latest 3D web technologies, we have been pioneers in several architectural, museum and educational projects in recent years.educational app, museum educational, educational project, scene educational, educational primaryimage, interactive, animation, imagine, history5
merkbau.huACTIVITIESPUBLIC BUILDINGS General contractor services for the construction of educational, healthcare, church and touristic buildings. Currently, we have 60 blue-collar workers and a suitable number of technical management and preparatory staff, as well as our own machine park. CONTAINER…construction educational, educational healthcarebuilding, construction, plant, number, machine5
kultturist.huKult-Turist offers tailor-made cultural and educational programs and conferences in Central Europe and the Balkans. Explore our unique sample tours in Budapest, Krakow, Vienna, Prague and more…cultural educational, educational programeurope, central, heritage, tour, croatia5
peppino.huLogical ball 30 Rolling horse 104 Cross 111L, 111K Police Motorbike 105 Clown 31 cm 065 Little Ship 037 Pyramid 034 Educational Cube 032 Educational Toy 033 Caterpillar Lili 069 Alice's House 039 Pile Up 36 Ladybird 115 Frog 30 cm 066 Puzzle Blocks 2033, 2203, 2034…pyramid educational, educational cube, cube educational, educational toyset, music, boy, girl, build5
mapema.huEducational materials which explain phenomenons which were not presented clearly during my studies.educational materialmaterial, site, application, game, drink5
turbotanoda.hu…Dysgraphia, by Ildikó Meixner At ELTE Faculty of Humanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree…sindulár educational, educational manager, preventive educational, educational psychologyteacher, speciality, child, school, education4
independenttheater.huWe aim at creating pieces of art that reflect on social challenges. We educate and support underprivileged young people so that they can become successful professionals and active citizens. Besides, we initiate cultural, educational and economic integration. To realise our mission, we are working…educational methodology, artistic educational, educational programme, cultural educational, educational economictheater, independent, festival, mission, people4
zsonglor.hu…all initiatives about juggling as a circus art, sport or hobby/ free time activity. In its projects, the members of the association use the creativity, joyfullness, and challenge of juggling combined with a strong educational approach, in this way completing cultural, educative and civil missions.strong educational, educational approach, international educational, educational projectcircus, association, international, juggle, activity4
interregioforum.hu…preservation of cultural heritage, and also the development of cultural tourism. Our working principle is to use the comparative advantages offered by the cross-border and regional cooperation and to encourage cross-border cooperation amongst non-profit organizations and educational institutions.organization educational, educational institution, training educational, educational youth, cooperation educationalforum, border, cooperation, practice, region4
studnav.huAcademic system (finding a good study program or university in Hungary, which are the requirements, university codes and systems, educational apps, upper year students advices, student discounts)legal educational, educational service, system educational, educational app, abroad educationalstudent, support, member, tutor, opportunity4
russianstudies.hu…our special programme soon to be launched was christened Historical Russistics and Modern Sovietology, in order to differentiate between educational competences. Ten courses were launched, and we taught for free as volunteers, simply because we had a name but no salaried teaching positions…order educational, educational competence, plan educational, educational reform, colloquium educationalrussian, study, history, russia, historical4
psalmusarts.huPsalmus Humanus Integrated Arts Education program is built on the fifty-year traditions of Hungarian educational system and the most recent scientific researches.hungarian educational, educational systemart, education, scientific, integrate, tradition4
iks.huThe International Kodály Society is active in 34 countries and has Affiliated National Organizations in 16 countries. The IKS was founded in 1975 in Kecskemét, Hungary to promote the musical, educational and cultural concepts associated with Zoltán Kodály for the benefit of music generally and in…educational composition, musical educational, educational cultural, particular educational, educational advancementscholarship, music, membership, newsletter, publication3
ppke.huOur mission is to carry out our educational and research activities in the light of faith, with the in-depth and high-level cultivation of Catholic theology.general educational, educational information, mission educational, educational researchfaculty, study, student, scholarship, international3
egerhotelsbooking.huOne of the most famous historic cities of Hungary is Eger . Numerous world-famous monuments and museums are found here, e.g. the Castle of Eger, the Basilica, the Szepasszony Alley, the Ersekkert (large park), the Gardonyi Geza Museum (named after a famous Hungarian writer); Eger is also an…significant educational, educational cultural, eger educationalbooking, city, reservation, apartment, package3
hamiltoncollege.huHamilton American College is an ideal educational institution for those seeking a well-rounded and interactive learning experience. At Hamilton, students receive personalized attention from dedicated faculty who are passionate about cultivating the intellectual curiosity of each student.offer educational, educational program, ideal educational, educational institutioncollege, pre, application, american, student3
szarvasimuzeum.hu…and homeland. You can study his work and varied efforts on the boards on the wall. Today, he is primarily known for his soil improving and educational measures, but he also did a lot to change the way people thought and to encourage them to accept new things, especially the achievements of…soil educational, educational measureexhibition, age, idol, room, people3
itstudy.huChanges in technological skills and the skills required by the labour market, as well as problem-solving skills, critical thinking and the growing importance of creativity, have made it necessary to renew educational methods. The Flip-IT! project contributes to all these!digital educational, educational resource, necessary educational, educational method, hungary educationaleducation, vocational, teacher, training, development3
nativeenglishteacher.huBetween 1992 and 1994 I held teacher workshops for American English teachers from the organization Educational Services International, who were teaching English as a foreign language here in Hungary.educational background, course educational, educational service, organization educationalteacher, native, course, school, protect3
oktatasiweblap.huThis is because we know that educational institutions have an ongoing obligation to provide data and news. This is how we can provide you with the necessary conditions.service educational, educational institutionwebsite, interested, previous, institution, day3
tuskevariskola.huOnce final essays are submitted by teachers participating in the training at the end of the third half of the course, they shall become prepared for working as teachers of learning disabilities in accordance with the provisions of educational law.free educational, educational environment, seriously educational, educational learn, provision educationalteacher, school, training, learn, child3
komplexinstrukcio.huFor the successful implementation of KIP is teachers’ willingness to change their educational perspective. Working with KIP requires a change in pedagogues’ understanding of their role as teachers, as well as a different approach to the assessment of their pupils’ capacities and abilities…different educational, educational context, willingness educational, educational perspective, institute educationalschool, teacher, child, pupil, group3
ecovalley.huActing as the current head of the Eco Valley project, he continues taking part in the educational and research projects, and is generally in charge of all the activities related to the Eco Valley Foundation.project educational, educational research, professional educational, educational knowledge, raise educationalvalley, volunteer, model, education, sustainable3
kaczursandor.huI have been working since 2000. I have educational experience in the field of higher education, vocational training, public education. I consulted several theses. I also deal with talent management. I managed several online courses. I have 10+ years of leadership experience. I also gained…cryptography educational, educational software, technological educational, educational institutewebpage, university, mobility, staff, training3
neting.huWhen designing an educational portal, it’s important to first have a clear and defined vision that will make your site stand out, and help reach its aim. With this in mind, we here at Neting believe that our job is not just to offer technical expertise, but to help create this vision to make your…educational portallearn, solution, client, development, video2
oipeducation.huThis mission is more than words; it’s the foundation of a culture that values the educational aspirations of each individual, making OIP Education a trusted partner in realizing global opportunitiesstudent educational, educational journey, culture educational, educational aspirationeducation, student, university, process, future2
debrecenbike.hu…countryside. Located in spectacular forest setting, the large space around the terminus features hiking trails, fishpond, observation points, playground, and picnic areas. Brand new wildlife conservation facilities, such as the House of Nature, or Forest School also serve educational purposes.continuously educational, educational institution, school educational, educational purposebike, street, church, build, city2
learnthenplay.huThe educational package includes a set of methodological user guides for parents, teachers and students (COMMET),parent educational, educational processlearn, parent, conference, video, news2
sportovi.huOur Kindergarten follows the principles of Cambridge Budapest Language School, Methodology and Exam Centre for Young Learners, our educational material is based on the CAMBRIDGE English Language Education System. In addition to the Hungarian academic programme, children are involved in the…learner educational, educational material, purpose educationalprogramme, child, education, kindergarten, language2
sacinf.huDesigning and development of a Smile Design and Educational software on WPF Platform with Website and Web shop. Periodical updates and support afterwards.design educational, educational softwaretechnology, banking, office, development, application2
magyarlatnivalok.hu…plan to visit. Among the sights, there are museums, mansions, churches and chapels, castles and ruins, natural attractions, industrial heritage sites, visitor centres, educational trails and narrow-gauge railways waiting for you to visit. The app contains the descriptions of 300 educational trails.centre educational, educational trail, description educational, page educationalsight, feature, app, search, map2
agriteach.huThe iTStudy Hungary Educational and Research Centre for Information and Technology Ltd. has been working for more than twenty years in vocational and adult education in Hungary as an Accredited Hungarian Adult Educational Institute and accredited ECDL Exam Centre.experience educational, educational development, hungary educational, educational research, adult educationalagricultural, teacher, training, agriculture, digital2
blumprogram.hu…to successfully enter their school lives. According to our view the organic interaction of nursery school teachers and families may create a favourable educational atmosphere that guarantees the best possible personality development of children. Therefore the target groups of the program include:favourable educational, educational atmosphere, education educational, educational issuechild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher2
sacinformatics.huDesigning and development of a Smile Design and Educational software on WPF Platform with Website and Web shop. Periodical updates and support afterwards.design educational, educational softwaretechnology, banking, office, development, application2
rtdm.huHill, hilltop Castle Church Other sight Country house Educational trail Lookout tower Lakehouse educational, educational trailmain, page, castle, select, camp2
idosgyogyaszat.huIn the last decade a great number of scientific and educational papers related to the gerontology and geriatrics has been published in Hungarian or international scientific journals mainly on the following topics:scientific educational, educational paperage, university, effect, medical, health2
learninginnovation.huDELSA aimed at addressing the issue of low digital competences and skills by developing immediate and concrete training and educational resources to advance digital abilities of low skilled adults.method educational, educational context, training educational, educational resourcetraining, innovation, course, education, adult2
smartians.huWe have extensive network of educational experts and innovative companies from the educational technology sector. Thus, we can focus on promoting the technological development of education in order to adapt teaching methods to the changing world. Our events, programs aim to bring together…guidance educational, educational field, network educational, educational expert, company educationaltraining, education, career, news, management2
moonwalk.huSelf-esteem is also likely to be negatively affected by the experience of inequality in social participation, which is a basic experience, regardless of the degree of educational integration in a given country. The ignorant and disrespectful attitude of non-disabled people in everyday life makes…degree educational, educational integration, social educational, educational professionaldisability, people, research, young, youth2
kooperativ.huOur in-service trainings are based on the theories and practices of several alternative educational approaches. At the same time, they prepare teachers to become open and creative in their work with future children. We consider our trainees our partners and we expect them to behave in the same way…participant educational, educational system, alternative educational, educational approachschool, training, teacher, parent, tool2
etoki.huto foster and develop the link between the new members of the European Union and the educational and research programmes of the institutions of the EU, and to help the transfer of the already acquired experiencesunion educational, educational researcheuropean, research, education, institution, understand2
angolmesekert.huAt Angol Mesekert Preschool we strive for the evolvement, development, and education of a versatile character of your child through educational situations that are cognitively designed and structured in a complex way. Our effort is supported by the beautiful natural surroundings, the cheerful…child educational, educational situation, educational areachild, preschool, introduction, education, development2
vetiver-lms.huVET Itineraries with a Variety of Open Educational Resources enhanced by a Multilingual Repositoryopen educational, educational resourcetext, navigation, flag, main, variety2
isb.huOur average class size is 14-18. As a result, we can ensure individual attention is paid to every student, and that the personal needs of each child are taken into consideration to achieve their maximum educational progress.educational program, maximum educational, educational progressschool, student, academic, international, programme2
aholnapiskolaja.huIn September 2018 we started an inclusive study group . During the first school term we created the methods that allow children with different educational needs to learn together . From the second term we promote our school by organizing community programs and cultural events. We would also like…different educational, educational needschool, tomorrow, child, multiple, severe2
meevet.huJoins 4500 electricians who perform activities connected with creating electric meter points. Gives professional support and coordinates between the licence holders and the registered electricians. Arranges and edits educational and exam materials. Coordinates the registration process.view educational, educational advisory, electrician educational, educational exambranch, electric, energy, industry, resident2
cedit.huWith our fire and occupational safety e-learning system, we prepare educational material and topics for our clients in accordance with the scope of their activities (even in several languages) in accordance with the laws in force.system educational, educational materialprotection, fire, safety, office, learn2
pipa.info.huThe public benefit purpose qualification of our Foundation allowed us to apply for the Community Grant Scheme at our managing bank, Magnet Bank. We are delighted to inform you that we have been qualified for the 2nd round. If we win the fund, we will provide an affirmative…psychological educational, educational training, educational coachingdonation, social, foundation, tax, case2
avicenna.huI am delighted to welcome you to Avicenna International College (AIC) with more than 25 years of international experience in education. Today, more than any time, there is a need for a unique educational model which can meet the needs of the young generation and also satisfy the standards of…unique educational, educational model, rich educational, educational programinternational, college, student, education, study2
szbike.hu…results. The Grape and Wine Innovation Centre seeks extensive cooperation with domestic and international research institutes, universities, educational institutions, as well as grape and international research institutes, universities, educational institutions, and other organizations…university educational, educational institution, scientific educational, educational professionalwine, order, association, innovation, carpathian2
i-coaching.huOf the above, the name for identification purposes, the e-mail and postal address and telephone number for contact purposes, the name of the mother, the place and date of birth, the highest level of education and the educational identifier are required for statistical reporting and information…education educational, educational identifierdata, process, academy, training, course2
marmin.hu✔️ All All hand-holding. hand-holding. Completely Completely educational. educational. Squirrly Squirrly provides provides a a fail-proof, fail-proof, paint-by-numbers paint-by-numbers way way of of managing managing and and improving improving your your site’s SEO.completely educational, educational squirrly, educational gamelead, site, visitor, free, website2
szombathely2030.huAcquisition of an educational and research production line, training of 1,000 residents and 30 companies.acquisition educational, educational research, business educational, educational environmentenvironment, rehabilitation, development, international, city2
ikte.hu…helping professionals (adult sector) and 50+ senior unengaged citizens (senior sector). On these occasions we used our method as a non-formal educational and development tool for people with different levels of abilities. From educated and practising helping professionals to mentally and…vet educational, educational program, formal educational, educational developmentgroup, method, therapy, training, art2
bmpvsz.huThe members of the organisation are involved in organising youth training sessions, competitions, summer camps as helpers and active participants, and also appear at other events with educational programs. Our main sources of income are state and local government funds, tendering opportunities and…event educational, educational programdisaster, organisation, protection, management, event2
yourdance.huThis dancing course has more parts and levels. We teach you different styles of dance. The bases are today's clubs' different party-styles. Every style has two levels: one for beginners and one for advanced learners. Our ambition's been to make educational films which are easy to learn. The rest…clear educational, educational film, ambition educationaldance, school, music, course, history2
heartandsexuality.huWe presented the acquired knowledge and techniques at six professional events in Hungary. These new, innovative educational methodologies can have a developmental impact on the domestic sphere as well. These include:innovative educational, educational methodology, school educational, educational eventsexuality, training, heart, body, basic2
torekivendeghaz.hua fisherman and a family to find relaxing tranquility on the lake shore, even in the hottest summer hustle. You can reach the first stop of the educational trail along the artificial lakes fed by the stream on the section of the main road 7 between Siófok and Balatonszéplak by turning towards the…töreki educational, educational trail, stop educationalguesthouse, guest, room, house, gallery2
atoz.huOur Class Programs aim to relate strongly to the individual needs, developmental stages, and interests of the particular children in the class. The qualified teachers plan their own age-related program and daily routine based in accordance with the Centre’s educational guidelines, curriculum and…educational program, centre educational, educational guidelinechild, centre, international, kindergarten, introduction2
longhaircollection.huWe produce a variety of high quality hair art videos. These include but not limited to: long hair show, braid tutorials, reviews, product presentations, educational. We create custom photoshoots with our online models and who live near to us in Hungary. Our goal is for womens is the support…presentation educational, educational customhair, long, cart, collection, play1
nyelvinfo.huThe TOEFL / TOEFLiBT are the trademarks of the Educational Testing Service (ETS). Present presentation has not been revised and endorsed by ETS.trademark educational, educational testexamination, language, course, school, skill1
hospicehaz.huOur documentaries were made for educational purposes for family members looking after ill relatives at home. We would like to share our knowledge about how to take care of somone who has to stay at home or in bed after an illness or an operation. We are giving practical and useful tips and…educational video, documentary educational, educational purposecare, patient, family, pain, donation1
almabirtok.huOur concept is based on and revolves around the Derecske apple, which we would like to present through educational and experiential programmes that cover the whole "journey from the seed to the tree, the flower, and the fruit itself, and to products like apple juice and dishes containing apple”.apple educational, educational experientialassociation, main, experiential, news, grant1
solservices.huIn Hungary, it is necessary to continuously improve the level of general knowledge and public awareness about renewable energy sources. The backbone of our educational and public awareness activities consists of developing and mentoring local and national social programs that demonstrate the…backbone educational, educational publicenergy, renewable, implementation, sustainability, generation1
szoloszemovi.huBefore making our professional programme we had made a survey of parental requirements,the local situation and integrate all these into the educational values represented by us.:situation educational, educational valuegroup, kindergarten, pedagogy, activity, daily1
kunszigetiskola.huThe success began in 1990: several generations were taught in a warm and friendly atmosphere taking into consideration the educational viewpoint.consideration educational, educational viewpointeducation, school, history, art, teacher1
teatrom.hu"As the initiator of Utca-SzAK projects, I was always guided by deep love of theater, by the conviction that theatre is the strongest tool for learning and teaching humanness out of all educational forms.humanness educational, educational formcommunity, performance, group, art, festival1
action2020.huIt is crucial for our activities, that we manage the development and innovation of our products considering the lifestyles of children and families, so we offer more and more tasty and healthy choices to our consumers. In addition, we must place a great emphasis on our educational activities for…emphasis educational, educational activityceo, director, manage, environmental, development1
szeretetfenye.hu…view on the world, and their beliefs. The link that connects us is the belief in Humanity, the force of Love, and we accept the benefiting, educational role of love in our lives. Since 1995, through our health preserving activities, self-help and helping methods we provide support for people…love educational, educational roletreatment, group, health, local, international1
magnesfal.huThe magnetic table used in schools is not magnetic, but still called magnetic table, because it uses magnets to secure various educational tools and elements on it.magnet educational, educational toolmagnetic, wall, surface, plaster, frame1
alkotomuveszet.hu…they recognise the vital place art and culture plays in our world. To understand contemporary artistic practices children need to experience the process of creation first hand. MANK enables these introductions and interactions through a programme of educational activities, workshops and festivals.programme educational, educational activityartist, creative, house, art, scholarship1
laptoplifestyle.huTried and recognized legal method (which is why our company in 2007, had the honor to economics Nobel nomination) to achieve full financial freedom , legally, verifiable and viable option way educational path regardless of anyone who really wants to change positively the life. In addition, not…way educational, educational pathopportunity, income, excellent, combine, generation1
btmunkacsoport.huIldikó Kuritárné Szabó, associate professor as a leading figure in the organisation. Our activities, are based on a long informal cooperation among working group members sharing a similar integrative treatment approach, even if difffering in educational background or the range or level of expertise.approach educational, educational backgroundgroup, disorder, personality, treatment, pool1
alterjatek.huOur company, Alter Játék Kft. was established in 2005. The first board game of our own design was put on the market that same year, an educational game presenting selective waste collection to preschoolers. It was launched with the title KUKATÜNDÉR (Bin Fairy), and as recycling and selective waste…year educational, educational gamegame, alter, board, title, profile1
mentalizacio.huthe dissemination of the mentalization perspective, which has scientifically proven its value in communities, educational settings, and prison services, beyond its medical aimscommunity educational, educational settingmental, introduction, association, treatment, contribution1
ec-invest.huIn the field of general cleaning we provide services for office buildings, industrial facilities, educational institutions, business premises etc. on regular daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual bases, yearly cleaning, window cleaning, carpet, carpet floor cleaning, occasional major cleaning.facility educational, educational institutionarea, clean, price, capital, european1
darjeelingteahaz.huYour young one will love our Math Games for Kids! Math video games promote youngster improvement in a fun and healthy method. Our mission is to create and share high-quality educational learning video games for children all worldwide. Prepare for the future – Our Math Video games for Kids prepare…quality educational, educational learnfree, paper, write, game, math1
rsdgroup.huMohammed, the CEO and Managing Director, faced early life challenges, including the loss of his guardians. He worked various jobs, from a taxi driver to a railway ticket broker, while coping with educational and financial setbacks. His turning point came with a scholarship to Hungary, leading to a…broker educational, educational financialgroup, legacy, need, agency, education1
hatos.huHatos Language School has been operating in Győr and its vicinity since 1997 and by now it has become one of the most significant and versatile private educational institutions. We have a number of awards and satisfied customers which prove our high-quality work.private educational, educational institutionlanguage, course, recent, news, private1
orsiferenc.hu…today as they did decades ago, as the world has expanded and possibilities have increased. However, I still hope that many will find it interesting and educational at times." It was clearly a difficult question how much one should delve into the past, since I was not proud of everything I had done.interesting educational, educational timeadventure, book, diving, bus, pencil1
munkavedinfo.huMeanwhile, educators and policymakers need to be aware of the legal framework Esc 18 , which outlines key regulations and compliance guidelines for educational institutions.guideline educational, educational institutionlegal, law, agreement, regulation, important1
cetinelconsultancy.huWe do care about the strength of the relationship between Turkey and Hungary. We are experienced in general business matters, management, and legal issues. Our team consists of people who has strong educational background. Our aim is to provide the best services to our clients.strong educational, educational backgroundconsultancy, turkey, activity, area, tier1
tedxbme.huDr. István Vokony earned his degree as an electrical engineer from BME and subsequently obtained a degree in engineer-economics from the Corvinus University of Budapest. His educational journey continued as he achieved the remarkable accomplishment of defending his doctoral thesis with the highest…budapest educational, educational journeyevent, idea, official, organizational, website1
mesevilagovi.huOur facilities are spacious and child-friendly. The large classroomis equipped with different types of toys, games and educational tools to encourage creativity, social interaction and learning. In addition to the basic amenities, such as our fully stocked kitchen and the large bathroom designed…game educational, educational toolchild, kindergarten, environment, introduction, language1
kolyokzsinor.huThe puppet group, in cooperation with the Konyár Reformed Church, has been continuously visiting the children of our settlement for years, advertising it among the local educational institutions.local educational, educational institutionchild, easter, tour, puppet, competition1
vsagreenzone.hu- the emergence of new opportunities and innovations in educational and support work (collection of good practices, methodological guide);innovation educational, educational supportmeet, summary, programme, photo, serbia1
rogersalapitvany.huDrama and acting are ancient activities. It also appears in free play for children, but is also used in personality development and general competence development. We have several purposefully dramatic projects and use its tools in our educational work.tool educational, educational workeducation, foundation, person, centre, development1
undertherainbow.huUTR has been offering early childhood education since 2009, continuously growing and expanding its curriculum. The latest assets to our educational program are the ‘Forest School’ program and the Animal Assisted Classes.asset educational, educational programchild, international, bilingual, location, staff1
musicteacher.hu…and growth, not to mention the intrinsic joy that it brings to one’s life. Musical instrument lessons are a great activity for children. They encourage creative thinking, develop math and reading skills, and improve students’ overall educational progress, as well as building a fun life-long skill.overall educational, educational progressmusic, teacher, bass, piano, private1
etnoshop.huBuy unique, traditional musical instruments and skills development games as a present for children or for the whole family in the shop of the Museum of Ethnography. Our offers include surprises for all age-groups, from handmade dolls to workbooks for the smaller children and from educational…child educational, educational puzzlepublication, data, storage, entertainment, fashion1
grantis.huWe do not persuade anyone to make a decision that could do any harm even in the long run. Instead of cold calls and aggressive sales tactics, we promote the use of educational material like in-depth articles and videos. This way people can make a few decisions before contacting us for a…use educational, educational materialinsurance, financial, consulting, investment, loan1
premiumvision.huPremium Vision optics employs recognized optometrists and ophthalmologists in various fields of ophthalmology. High-quality work is ensured by a team of professionals with a clinical past and present, actively participating in the scientific and educational fields. Ophthalmic diagnostics…scientific educational, educational fieldvision, premium, eye, optic, ophthalmology1
nyitottkor.huThe MiGreat! project brings together four educational organisations from across Europe: Giolli (Italy), Elan Interculturel (France), EFA (England) and Open Circle (Hungary). The project aims to develop positive narratives around migration, to counter the discriminatory and negative discourses that…project educational, educational organisationdrama, group, participant, european, education1
heritagemanager.huWe cooperate regularly with municipalities, citizen groups, educational organizations and institutions to prepare decisions, strategies or to actualize concrete programs. Cooperation and collaboration is also crucial for our work methods.group educational, educational organizationheritage, manager, cultural, association, community1
radaymuzeum.huThe Ráday Museum can be found in the Old College (Ókollégium) building in Kecskemét. Old stands to signify that the building was the former school building of the reformed congregate at Kecskemét. Here, similarly to the great reformed educational centres of Hungary (the colleges of Debrecen…great educational, educational centre, important educational, educational institutionchurch, main, exhibition, museum, ecclesiastical1
nordegard.huWe design our equipment and programs based on this knowledge in order to create the most authentic image. In addition to preserving traditions, our reenactment team has been featured in American, Austrian, Canadian and British educational and entertainment movie productions. The support we receive…british educational, educational entertainmentperiod, carpathian, basin, history, introduction1
fehova.huThe charity auction hosted for the first time at FeHoVa also proved to be highly successful. Béla Hidvégi auctioned off his personal belongings – all of which were sold at the exhibition. All proceeds from the auction support the wildlife protection and educational programmes of Vadásztrófea…protection educational, educational programmeexhibitors, visitor, ticket, exhibition, app1
massagehouse.hu…to include one of you (respectively) in the massage as well to show you techniques. This is why that this program is much more interactive and educational than the two masseused counterpart. It’s very useful to learn some techniques, as you can always try that on a later day at home. Please note…interactive educational, educational masseusemassage, review, weight, height, erotic1
melea.huIn making Melea become reality, we were guided by our most important mission: to play a prominent educational role in the field of prevention and health promotion in Hungary and the region, paving the way for science-based holistic lifestyle enhancement.prominent educational, educational roleroom, guest, premium, suite, bathroom1
kathleenedubsalapitvany.huhave fond memories of her and greatly miss her. In 2012 a foundation bearing her name was established by individuals who are all confident that studying is the best long-term investment, in order to support talented young people who need financial aid to accomplish their educational goals. Read on .aid educational, educational goaldub, foundation, university, grant, study1
techno-security.huWe aid the quality oriented work of our employees on all points of the organisation through further education and educational programmes.education educational, educational programmesecurity, quality, task, location, equipment1
kismihok.huSzörényi, D., & Kismihók, G. (2015). Contribution of normative stakeholder theory to the improvement of factors affecting Educational data warehousing implementation success. EDEN 2015 Annual Conference Proceedings . EDEN 215, Barcelona.factor educational, educational datalearn, t., conference, research, proceedings1
fmkk-cloud.huWe started as an educational network thru Hungary. To sustain high quality software and high quality professional learning around that software requires resources that are predictable and reliable. So we developed a full scale service portfolio for Cloud Computing Services. Today we offer…cloud, client, telecommunication, channel, communication1
balazsbranyi.huMy author’s name is Balazsh Branyi named after Zsigmond Brányi, who was a director of the Győr County educational district in the 1920s and the 1930s, his wife was the sister of my grandmother’s mother.county educational, educational districtvenice, author, story, school, novel1
bothantal.huThe mission of our foundation is to cultivate the memory, spiritual and cultural legacy of Antal Both, to support scientific and cultural activities, with special regard to the ecumenical science and to the educational and scientific research work in the institutions of public education of the…science educational, educational scientificfoundation, cultural, board, member, mission1
ordogkatlan.huA folklore venue with craft workshops, Ukrainian folk musicians, educational lectures, interactive singing and dancing lessons, and a dance house every day.musician educational, educational lecturetheatre, performance, festival, concert, music1
pretinter.huprepares certified and attested translations of your company records, vital records or educational certificates to be submitted to authorities and institutions;record educational, educational certificateinterpretation, translation, language, tour, french1
noemi-fejlesztohaza.hu…and the basics of the profession in England where I spent a few years learning through experiences. My aim is to support children with special educational needs (SEN) in order to help them overcome their learning difficulties. In addition, I am committed to improving children's development of…special educational, educational needchild, development, institute, language, availability1
borzaconsulting.huHe has published numerous educational articles in the daily and weekly magazines, besides the following in professional publications:numerous educational, educational articleconsulting, insurance, support, development, pension1
piheapartman.huThe spacious apartments welcome our guests with a large terrace, barbecue facilities, sun loungers and much more, so you can enjoy up to 100% of your stay in this homely apartment. However, if you are looking for a more adventurous getaway, you can visit the Annagora Aquapark and hike for hours on…lóczy educational, educational trailseason, price, apartment, night, gallery1
sooskrisztina.huKrisztina is a renowned expert in the field of henna art, and is often invited for lectures, interviews and workshops by media organizations, educational institutions and businesses. She paints at parties, weddings, celebrations and corporate events.organization educational, educational institutiontattoo, book, face, artist, painter1
chilicreative.huWe are a group of creatives with diverse educational backgrounds varying from marketing communication to programming, which enables us to offer a wide range of digital services. Although we consider our work fun we take it seriously with the aim to establish and maintain a flourishing long term…diverse educational, educational backgroundcreative, communication, development, digital, campaign1
innobile.huEducation of software development technologies, presenting lectures and demonstrations based on many years of scientific and educational experience.scientific educational, educational experiencedevelopment, application, technology, maintenance, education1
romakepmuhely.huRoma Visual Lab(oratory) is an innovative form of studying Roma images as a result of a higher educational course development. It has been founded in 2011 and since then it has been functioning as a community film club, based on student involvement, active participation. In the tradition of…high educational, educational coursevisual, season, lab, image, book1
littlelearners.hu๐ŸŽ“ Educational Adventures: ย Unearth a collection of lesson plans, games, and activities that make every learning moment an adventure. From hands-on experiences to interactive games, our resources are crafted to make education an exciting journey for little minds.little, learner, education, learn, bilingual1
barke.huBarbara is a human ecologist, professional educator, curriculum designer and consultant who has taught professionally both in Switzerland and Hungary and conducted educational and sustainability projects in many countries on several continents.hungary educational, educational sustainabilitylanguage, education, translation, teach, interpret1
genealogia.huThis forum contains information about the old Hungarian educational institutes, boarding schools, grammar schools, universities , etc. This FORUM is thought to act as a lexicon, only the experts can contribute information to these schools. If you had any relevant information to a specific theme…hungarian educational, educational institutegenealogy, forum, archive, history, research1
fulbright.huThe U.S. educational system as well as international institutions worldwide judge the academic qualifications of applicants on their test results. Standardized admissions tests are primarily multiple-choice aptitude test that are intended to measure the quantitative, verbal and writing skills…fulbright, center, ago, newsletter, event1
syscontrol.huPurchase, installation and maintenance of sensors, measuring instruments, measuring systems for producers, manufacturers, road operators, educational institutions, research institutesoperator educational, educational institutioncontrol, solution, instrument, webpage, proprietary1
tudastars.huScientific educational programs for preschoolers which operates with a so called “project methodology”, so the kindergarten teachers get a training beforehand as well.scientific educational, educational programscience, communication, training, research, event1
bhkka.huDemocracy and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Center for Peace and Conflict Studies. The Center for Security and Defense Studies has been fully operational since November 1990. It is a non-governmental, non-profit educational and research institution, located and registered in Budapest, Hungary.profit educational, educational researchsecurity, study, main, booklet, international1
amadeus.huConstruction of the House of Hungarian Music, an educational, museum and concert venue designed by the world-famous Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto, will soon start as part of the Liget Budapest project in the City Park.music educational, educational museumapartment, price, centre, room, accommodation1
kopintalapitvany.huThe years of the global coronavirus epidemic have created an exceptionally favourable environment for educational technology (edtech) startups. For educational institutions and companies, the importance of the online tools they can use to transfer knowledge has increased. In the last two years…environment educational, educational technology, startup educational, educational institutioneconomic, international, literature, country, economy1
panograph.huSingapore Inernational School @ Trung Son, HCMC is the first educational institute that is interested in having virtual tour for their campuses.hcmc educational, educational institutepanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour1
kreativter.huWe offer high quality educational programmes for you. We deliver communication, personal-professional-organisational development trainings. Our experienced trainers are ready to consult and tailor-make the action-based and interactive educational programme for the exact needs of your group.quality educational, educational programme, interactive educationalspace, creative, youth, offer, request1
mecsekifarkasvar.huLake system, Orfű Mills, Country house and Oven yard, Bear onion house, Vízfő educational trail, Aquapark, water-bike-riding sports opportunitiesvízfő educational, educational trailapartment, night, price, child, guest1
sziklakorhaz.huPlease support the work of our Foundation with your donation. We use your help to maintain the museum, to donate class trips for disadvantaged children, and provide our scientific, research, and educational activities.research educational, educational activitymuseum, ticket, hospital, nuclear, donation1
luxusvillamalom.huOur company staff are a regular guest at Villa Malom, mainly for team building and educational purposes. The place is an inspiration, and the excellent organization and host skills only add to the atmosphere of the events and lead to a productive day. We recommend this place for companies of…build educational, educational purposeroom, luxury, space, rent, community1
cocora.hu…the Msc school of the University of Pécs; following this, she conducted a Ph.D. study with the applied sociolinguistic programme of the University of Pécs Doctoral School of Linguistics, and published several studies in her field, in the area of language rights, language and educational policy.language educational, educational policylegal, client, law, package, translation1
drzsu.huAlive, Live your Life Alive, is an evolutionary integrated health educational program, addressing practical change from 4 different angles:health educational, educational programhealth, alive, change, integrate, unique1
tertiomillennio.huThe aim of the “Diószegi 46” (Diószegi Sámuel street 46.) project implemented by the Fundatio Tertio Millennio is to establish an educational training centre in the heart of Budapest. In doing so, we seek to create an outstanding environment for students and families alike to engage in academic…millennio educational, educational trainingsocial, centre, impact, training, page1
aectutor.huParticipating in the Business English course was a blast! The teacher’s witty style and the one-language rule made it both educational and hilarious. It’s like learning to „speak business” with a side of laughter. Highly recommend!rule educational, educational hilariouscourse, language, class, student, skill1
sepsieniko.huFinally, let me mention that my routine activities of organisation development and talent nurturing were complemented by my publications and educational activities in the above fields, which surfaced as, and prompted, new areas of research in my research portfolio and contributed to the…publication educational, educational activitystudy, university, theatre, research, french1
dominarium.huTalentis is a regional development program with numerous elements, including educational, R&D, business, residential and leisure components. The program involves 29 independent projects.element educational, educational businessroom, location, sector, website, investment1
fogdakezemalapitvany.huThe Hold My Hand Foundation was founded in 1991 on the initiative of parents and professionals with the aim of helping day-to-day caring for young people with intellectual disabilities, who have gotten out of the educational system due to become adult. In 1998, the Foundation’s Therapy and Work…disability educational, educational systemfoundation, people, disability, youngsters, young1
abece.huIn Hungary, Educational Acts list dyslexic students among persons with disabilities; for this reason, they become disabled for the public. This classification is the most difficult to deal with, because after the great number of failures and without valuable help, both the child and the parents…hungary educational, educational actchild, problem, programme, task, treatment1
kaszo-life.hu…All conservation actions will be monitored in order to reach the best results in the improvement of the water supplies of the project area. Invasive plants will be eliminated and service roads will be reconstructed. A 960 m long educational trail with two resting places will also be created.long educational, educational trailaction, official, welcome, result, progress1
novoschool.huhas more than 20 years of professional experience in management and training in multi-national companies in corporate, non-profit and educational sectorsprofit educational, educational sectorinterview, letter, cover, course, skill1
szentmartonwaldorf.hu…parents and supporters decided to continue its work and establish an elementary school in the village, which would offer pedagogy based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, in the nurturing natural environment of the Pilis area. We believe that this village embraced by the Pilis…pedagogy educational, educational philosophyassociation, history, intention, gallery, donation1
champagnetower.hu…We teach you how to open and eat oysters,after all this is a ceremony. You have to taste them not just swallow them, especially if we pair them with an amazing champagne, sparkling wine or wine. The whole process is particularly spectacular, educational and of course playful. You will love it!spectacular educational, educational coursewine, taste, tower, bar, sparkle1
kellerkonyvtar.huOur main object is to help readers under the age of 14, including creating the opportunity of independent learning, to help educational and welfare work through contact with schools and to prepare child readers to the usage of online catalogues and use of adult section. In this way they get to…learn educational, educational welfarelibrary, history, local, book, journal1
hoppshoptoys.huFun, educational activities for every occasion with premium toys and snacks. Learn more about our finest services!fun educational, educational activityshop, fun, kid, excellent, helpful1
budaors.huIt is our Municipality's priority to support its network of institutions - all forms of social provisions have been established in the city and our educational institutions' performance earns them places in the top of the country.city educational, educational institutioncity, affairs, office, settlement, transaction1
gksoft.huGKSoft Engineering Services Company was established in 1990 by professors and researchers of the Budapest Technical University in order to make the most of their educational, designing and researching experiences obtained at the University more efficiently. Our company's principal activities…order educational, educational designltd, engineering, analysis, vessel, co.1
lac.huThe educational division of MÁV-REC Railway Engineering Corporation participated as an exhibitor at the Hungarian Railway Conference organized by Hungrail ... more...support, management, kazakh, strategic, session1
rimconsulting.hu…Considering the communication with parents, who want to be officially informed about their child's life, study results, progress, further educational opportunities in Hungary, we provide them with continuous information, either in writing or orally, and fulfill the requests made to us, if it…progress educational, educational opportunityconsulting, rim, protection, security, case1
etnofon.huSo – as Hungary’s first independent folk music label – in the beginning, we concentrated on collecting and documenting traditional folk music in our region, preparation of educational materials on folk music, making recordings of folk-based musical arrangements and archiving and releasing…preparation educational, educational materialconcert, sound, studio, article, catalogue1
bringasuli.huBringasuli is an international project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme - the aim of the four project partners is to develop interactive safety cycling educational materials for pupils aged 10-12 and their teachers.cycling educational, educational materialteacher, interactive, material, description, site1
fjit.huSchool healthcare is in a unique and privileged situation in the field of prevention by being present and operating in the natural educational environment of children, and delivering services by professionals with medical knowledge. We are convinced that taking advantage of multi-disciplinary…natural educational, educational environmentschool, healthcare, member, health, mission1
tothpeter-api.huOn the following website you can find some public APIs that I have developed. The site is intended for educational purposes. Each of the projects below includes full API documentation and examples. The projects work with a live database, each request affects the data stored. So when you add a new…site educational, educational purposetoth, example, public, documentation, user1
scrolldown.huBuild and develop a Hungarian webshop distributing products from Swiss company IQAir. Emphasizing a scientific and educational approach for the products, the project achieved success through meticulous content, SEO, CRM integration, and optimized delivery / payment tools.scientific educational, educational approachdigital, website, user, story, presence1
cinemafilm.huThe profile of CINEMA-FILM Ltd. is preparing, organising and making films, television films, live broadcasts, short films (documentary, popular-scientific, educational) and cultural events.scientific educational, educational culturaldocumentary, television, short, feature, line1
szaboorsi.huL&D professionals are truly adviced to pay attention to new digital educational tools. Some of these tools make the trainer’s / teacher’s work easier, while others completely renew the course of adult education, mainly in the filed of corporate trainings. Here are the five favourites of mine:digital educational, educational toolarchive, training, skill, track, applicant1
minicards.huAgora Science Experience Centre Debrecen-Science can be exciting, fascinating and fun! Agora combines fun and games with learning; children and adults can discover special instruments and curiosities, participate in spectacular experiments and interesting educational activities.interesting educational, educational activitytourist, discount, card, location, advertiser1
trustbuilder.huIn an inspiring and playful educational environment, we anonymously measure and raise the level of trust in your company’s teams and in the whole organization.playful educational, educational environmenttrust, employee, tax, turnover, survey1
szentjanosbal.huTo encourage donations from individuals, we established this year the Saint John’s Charity Ball Supporters’ Circle. Your donations will give even more children with disabilities the opportunity to attend the International Maltese Summer Camp and will enable the launch of interactive and digital…digital educational, educational programsaint, charity, donation, supporter, ticket1
shmentor.huThe network’s aim is to assist the higher educational integration of freshman students that are coming to Hungary with the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship by providing mentor pairs to them. The mentors' responsibility is to assist their mentees in administrative and educational tasks and to help…high educational, educational integration, administrative educational, educational taskuniversity, network, stipendium, student, registration1
pics2023.huThe establishment of a unique organisation dealing with dissolution science and educational activities will be presented. Current trends in pharma industry research including newer drug delivery systems to increase patient awareness, compliance, and adherence will be presented along with the new…science educational, educational activitysymposium, industry, international, scenario, university1
forumanepmuveszetert.huWe are leaders of and partners in several international projects: we set up World Pitch in Hungary, a music educational pilot project (Music Moves Europe) with the support of the European Union’s Creative Europe Programme; and we have been organizing a new summer university course, Music as…music educational, educational pilotmusic, forum, course, pitch, european1
realschool.huThe founding team has spent years at Green School Bali , got completely heartwashed, and is now bringing this educational approach to Budapest, adapted to an urban and European cultural setting.completely educational, educational approachschool, real, learn, international, british1
ant.huOur client base primarily include large and medium –sized corporations as well as educational institutions and public administration bodies. We have been focusing on IT since the company was incorporated ...corporation educational, educational institutionsoftware, detail, event, security, management1
abigelrendezveny.huThe Abigél Event Salon is the perfect choice for organizing corporate and other events, whether it is a business event, conference, educational, cultural, PR or other level occasion.conference educational, educational culturalevent, private, hall, gallery, salon1
mymentor.hu…or plan for a secure future, our platform is here to guide you on your financial journey. Explore a wide range of resources,guidelines and educational materials designed to enhance your financial literacy. From budgeting tips and investment strategies to debt management and retirement planning,guideline educational, educational materialgoal, , expert, success, community1
mensch.huThe Mensch Foundation was founded by Steven Geiger in 2002, in his words, “to develop an educational curriculum to stamp-out stereotyping and anti-Semitic and racist thinking.” The Foundation’s goal is “to develop a tolerant social order of values which respects minority rights and freedom of…word educational, educational curriculumfoundation, international, media, director, board1
edubot.huPublic education stakeholders across Europe face societal demands for effective education and talent management and the problem of early school leaving. To answer these challenges, new methodological solutions are needed that reflect these needs, and promote the spread of adaptive educational…adaptive educational, educational processlearn, methodology, competence, student, technology1
ommik.huMany cultural institutions responded quickly to the emergency caused by the coronavirus epidemic. In addition to making collections and virtual exhibitions available online, they also use educational ...museum, national, conference, digital, collection1
dev-lab.huOf course. The shooting session starts with an educational video, then our professional shooting guides supervise the guests for the whole duration of the session.session educational, educational videoshoot, package, weapon, range, detail1
kaposgarden.huWith our decade-long experience and educational background, we ensure high quality results. We strive for long-term relationships with our clients, which are built through customer satisfaction and happiness.experience educational, educational backgroundgarden, landscaping, maintenance, quality, soil1
kettannyelvuiskola.huIn our program the students partake in guided activities 5 days-a-week, 4 hours-a-day, with our native English lecturers. This modernized educational method provides many more opportunities for language acquisition than a bilingual primary school.modernize educational, educational methodschool, native, primary, grade, language1
csernitzkylaura.huMy educational journey took me through undergraduate studies at ELTE, a half-year at Freie Universität in Berlin, and a master’s degree in clinical psychology at Leiden Universiteit in the Netherlands. Along the way, I not only acquired knowledge but also encountered different cultures and the…journey, support, forward, unique, passionate1
winesofhungary.huWalk the Kitaibel educational trail, have lunch at the foot of the hill and marvel at the tiny press houses!kitaibel educational, educational trailwine, district, region, day, upper1
darkcube.huOrganization of educational events, summer universities and conferences, which promote the space and the telecommunications sectors (e.g. events of the International Space University, the International Astronautical Federation, the International Telecommunication Union etc.)organization educational, educational eventdark, space, consulting, telecommunication, sector1
kszgysz.huThe Danube – Day is a celebration of healthier rivers following 24 years of ground-breaking international cooperation. In June and July, festivals along the Danube, public meetings, educational… További részletekmeeting educational, educational továbbiwaste, plastic, european, international, water1
hiperszuper.hu…is diverse, their genuity is remarkable , and many of them are unusually agile even physically. The phenomenon is undeniable, and from family homes through educational institutions to workplace it is more and more intensively transforming the scenes of our lives and the systems which operate them.home educational, educational institutionhomepage, individual, picture, solution, big1
edutax.hubecause we cultivate good relationship with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Széchenyi István University of Győr and other educational institutions,győr educational, educational institutiontax, labour, consultancy, expert, bookkeeping1
iskolakavaltozasert.hu…– its innovative development. The main topics related to “Global Fairness” are to be integrated in the classroom, in the curriculum, in educational opportunities and in everyday classes. The project is therefore aimed at school actors – in particular at managers, teachers and students, as…curriculum educational, educational opportunityschool, change, agent, global, globally1
firkaegyesulet.huWe have a good relationship with other NGOs in Hungary and abroad as well, our aim is to expand our relations, we would like to cooperate with other organizations, local governments, educational institutions on domestic and international level.government educational, educational institutionyouth, exchange, people, ngo, young1
zelemo.hu…monitoring markets. Over the years, he held key roles in prominent companies, contributing significantly to their growth and success. His expertise spans business management, communications, sales, and marketing, complemented by a strong educational foundation in business management and economics.strong educational, educational foundationmanagement, value, unit, industrial, customer1
reguly.huWe have experienced that it is interesting and useful to meet teachers from different countries with different educational system and practice, but at the same time we all work for the same goal. We have the chance to inspire each other, to collect a great amount of new ideas when visiting a…different educational, educational systemschool, student, teacher, host, day1
lims.huRecognizing one of the previous shortcomings of our support system, namely that our customers were not informed about new developments, opportunities, methods of use; we offer educational and training materials. If you are a customer, sign up through our Customer Portal!use educational, educational trainingcustomer, development, solution, laboratory, news1
szoftvertrening.huSubscribe now and receive weekly newsletter with educational materials, new courses, interesting posts, popular books and much more!newsletter educational, educational materialcourse, layout, education, single, income1
goconcept.hu“I’ve been working with non-formal educational methods ever since I was sixteen. I gained experience in storytelling and presentation techniques during my years as a presentation designer and trainer at Prezi (a top startup with 75 million users and a progressive culture). I enjoy optimizing…formal educational, educational methodtraining, lab, development, trainer, change1
esri.org.huThese scientific and educational objectives are to be achieved by holding meetings and organizing publications or by any other means deemed to be appropriate.scientific educational, educational objectivesociety, immunology, european, membership, meeting1
fmla.huOur Academy supports the educational and sporting successes of junior players on highest level.academy educational, educational sportingfootball, academy, school, introduction, grammar1
globe-shield.huOur company regulates the editing, control, licensing and use of the company’s educational plan, the collection of training needs, and the registration of training and qualifications through the training procedure.company educational, educational planglobe, shield, security, control, protection1
ora-akcio.hu…governance responsibilities and keeping up with fresh regulations and compliance requirements. Some of the leading companies which have adopted this technology contain non-profit organisations, oil and energy companies, educational institutions, health care providers, and financial institutions.company educational, educational institutionlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements1
hubnerudvar.huThe area is vivid and lively. The ever-sparkling and developing 6th District is currently one of the most popular parts of the capital among those seeking favorable long and short term returns. Excellent educational facilities, shops, banks and quality services in the neighborhood and nearby…excellent educational, educational facilityroom, kitchen, apartment, interior, build1
rutin.huThe University of Nyíregyháza offers a wide range of educational programmes. Based on the number of students, the most popular programmes are teacher training, engineering, agricultural sciences, economics, sports, natural sciences and informatics. The liberal arts, social sciences and art…range educational, educational programmeuniversity, science, teacher, research, education1
bte.huThe president of the Czech association of rail safety advisors sent an invitation to us to take part on a professional educational excursion organised in the Czech Republic. The host of the workshop is the company Fosfa in Breclav. We liaised about the participation in Luxemburg, on the last…professional educational, educational excursionassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor1
nytbk.huIt is the educational branch of the Open Mind Buddhist Community which provides courses incorporating early Buddhism and modern psychology.retreat, monastery, detail, community, centre1
hejokereszturiskola.huOur school, adapting to local needs, concentrates on personal development, enhancing efficiency of education and tuition, completion of equal opportunities, elaboration of efficient and successful educational pathways and programs, teaching methods, learning management methods supporting personal…successful educational, educational pathwayschool, class, student, pupil, education1
kettoronyegylet.huWith School of Village Skills we run educational and awareness raising activities. We provide courses for adults, those visitors of the settlement that would like to learn and experience natural lifestyles.skill educational, educational awarenessvillage, tower, settlement, cultural, gallery1
intellimed.huOur professional studio produces recordings and educational videos using multiple angles to record live conversations. We also provide closed user interface to broadcast HD quality professional presentations viewable anytime, anywhere on desktop or preferred mobile device.recording educational, educational videopage, technological, mobile, responsive, app1
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huLots of pupils believe that they will certainly not require physics in later life. For them, this is just one of the most despised topics, the study of which they do not pay due interest. Actually, this is not so, as well as the mentor of physics is not fruitless attended to by the institution…institution educational, educational programgame, video, like, lot, certainly1
ais.huThe NDNA is a charity which was established for the purpose of providing a good quality of teaching for very young children. The NDNA’s educational programme is used in numerous nurseries all over the U.K.; however, it is not only found in the U.K. but in several other countries as well.ndna educational, educational programmeschool, nursery, child, international, general1
britannicaschool.huAs Hungary's longest established British international school, Britannica International School Budapest is fully accredited to deliver high-quality British education for students aged 5-18. British-owned, our educational programme is based on the English National Curriculum, enhanced to meet the…british educational, educational programmeschool, international, admission, student, british1
refugeecenter.huWe provide assistance to refugees in obtaining the documents necessary for a long-term stay in Hungary, in finding a job, and we also help them find a suitable educational institution for their children. This makes it easier for them to settle in if they decide to live in the Debrecen area in the…suitable educational, educational institutionrefugee, center, ministry, child, ukrainian1
ststephen.huThese meetings typically take about three hours and include business and educational content. Typically there is a meal or festive board following the meeting.business educational, educational contentlodge, stephen, member, mason, st.1
littleoakcity.huAt Little Oak City Nursery, we are dedicated to creating a nurturing, stimulating, supportive and welcoming environment where your child can thrive. Our early educational programs incorporate a variety of playful themes and pedagogical theories, while always keeping the child’s best interest in…early educational, educational programoak, little, city, education, mission1
iceee.huAll over the world, universities and other educational and research institutions which are dealing with environmental engineering sciences in any aspect are invited to be a member of this ICEEE council.university educational, educational researchuniversity, science, environmental, engineering, faculty1
opl.huOur social responsibility programme is focused on local needs, where we believe our resources can best be put to use improving educational opportunities. At OPL, we strongly believe that wealth inequality has become one of the biggest issues in Hungary, and we are dedicated to supporting equal…use educational, educational opportunitylaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
cma.huCMA Architects are focused on design quality, quality execution and believe strongly in sustainable design having delivered LEED Gold certified offices buildings and educational buildings in both Europe and North America.building educational, educational buildingarchitect, client, use, management, plan1
ibsales.huWith 33 international patents on fluid drag system and camera counterbalance system, Cartoni covers all the needs of camera support and movement throughout news, documentary, sports, entertainment, educational and digital cinematography applications.entertainment educational, educational digitalbroadcast, motion, metus, optic, camera1
archivportal.hu…related to local governmental archives, and to a lesser extent the Hungarian National Archives, but the editorial staff wishes to involve open private archives, professional archives and the archives of higher educational institutions in the circle of participating institutions in the future.high educational, educational institutionarchive, portal, database, review, award1
feedbacksolutions.huThe uniqueness of content is at least as important as using the right keywords, whether it be blog posts, complete website content, educational content, PR articles, newsletters, or email marketing. We populate your website with unique, quality, SEO-compliant and relevant content.content educational, educational contentdental, client, clinic, feedback, page1
mmpp.huThis is the online surface of the Hungarian Labor Market Forecast (HLMF, from Hungarian MMPP) research. The HLMF aims to provide useful information to employees, job-seekers, employers and educational organizations on the expected tendencies of the Hungarian labor market. Our intention is to…employer educational, educational organizationforecast, labour, force, survey, analysis1
darvasjudit.huI believe that in our imperfect educational system students need tools and skills beyond the curriculum so that they can fully embrace and perceive education as potential for growth. I believe that students can benefit from seeking to meet the expectations of international higher education…imperfect educational, educational systemstudent, study, approach, therapy, freedom1
falcocluster.huWe establish partnership-based cooperation between educational institutions, research facilities and members of the cluster. The network-based organization serves the needs of the members and offers possible answers to the challenges of the economy. By generating the framework of the project, we…cooperation educational, educational institutioncluster, member, market, activity, introduction1
crownacademy.huWe apply a high-quality, interdependent educational program in the different age groups of our institution, which was developed based on children’s developmental stages and needs.interdependent educational, educational programgroup, academy, crown, location, small1
dartsmatek.huThanks to the many setting options the programme can be adjusted to someone’s own knowledge and desired difficulty level. Children dealing with dyscalculia or special educational needs can use effectively as well.special educational, educational needmath, page, student, programme, device1
metubudapest.huThe substantive professional work in the project started in the spring of 2021. First, STEAM education was mapped, based on the situation in Hungary. The existing innovative and effective educational methodologies and tools were identified, as well as the assessment of EU key competences among…effective educational, educational methodologystudent, art, university, international, office1
ajvk.huThe public library keeps live contact with cultural and educational institutions and non-profit organisations in preserving the historical past and satisfying educational and cultural needs. According to the modern information society we would like to offer a modern quality service in compliance…cultural educational, educational institution, past educational, educational culturalsmall, management, commercial, site, simple1
lutheranimation.huThe animation series, featuring the life and work of the German reformer Martin Luther, consists of ten episodes, 13 minutes each. The full series was released during the Reformation remembrance year 2017. Although there is a dramatic storyline throughout the episodes, it is suitable for…suitable educational, educational useanimation, church, series, contribution, news1
lanclanc.huThe Montessori Method has been used worldwide for more than 100 years. In some parts of the world – like in the Netherlands or in the USA – several educational institutes work with this method, and they also have well-developed teacher training system. A dynamic system which can be altered…usa educational, educational institutegroup, child, teacher, kindergarten, school1
cetemcom.huCoordination and organization of co-operation with universities and other educational institutionsuniversity educational, educational institutionmanagement, european, consulting, technology, central1
kantornedda.huAs a psychologist I gained my first experiences at an adult psychiatric ward. For years I have been a full-time adoption professional. I used to work in a child educational and psychological center and in a children‘s home, so the problems of childhood and adolescence are also familiar to me. I…child educational, educational psychologicalpsychologist, family, adoption, relationship, therapist1
mome.huAs of 1 August 2024, Pál Koós, designer, university professor, General Vice Rector of MOME and Head of the Educational Development Workshop will take up the position of Rector of MOME, according to the decision of the Foundation for the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design.head educational, educational developmentuniversity, art, innovation, international, study1
sriprahlada.huOnce you have decided to move, please describe your aims, spiritual standards, economic situation, and other needs (place of future residence, workplace, educational requirements, etc.) in detail.workplace educational, educational requirementsschool, valley, education, student, krishna1
cservolgymajor.hu© 2012 All content on this site is the property of Cservölgy Major Association . This site was not created for providing online health advice. The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace medical care. Under no circumstances should the written…website educational, educational purposemain, page, march, day, pm1
technosecurity.huWe aid the quality oriented work of our employees on all points of the organisation through further education and educational programmes.education educational, educational programmesecurity, quality, task, location, equipment1
komposztal-a-tep.hu…as well as reinforcement of selective waste collection in practice. This will include a free telephone line, in person and email availability for public consultancy service. Awareness raising and educational activities are taking place at the schools of the settlements and for the adult residents.awareness educational, educational activitywaste, management, collection, settlement, container1
framework.huIt is advantageous for any business to make use of online training possibilities gain ground all over the world as this is an effective, profitable and cost-effective way of performing educational tasks that are necessary in the life of an organisation. We help you with reducing the time you have…way educational, educational taskframework, publication, reference, energy, development1
pannoncsoport.huWe support professional trainings, educational activity of suppliers or producers with high importance.training educational, educational activityopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market1
startvideo.huWe create an imaginative, spectacular, and catchy short movie for educational, informative, and promotional purposes, that can be made on its own or as a part of a larger movie. Font, image and character animations in two or three dimensions.movie educational, educational informativevideo, reference, start, picture, price1
archeometallurgia.huThe popularity of interdisciplinary subjects and disciplines that became a parts of the educational structure of some faculties of the University of Miskolc.part educational, educational structureuniversity, research, group, faculty, objective1
niu.huThe development of the domestic innovation ecosystem is essential. To achieve this goal, the Hungarian Innovation Agency fosters a collaborative business community among entrepreneurs, investors, as well as educational and research institutions. We reach out to the youngest by introducing new…investor educational, educational researchinnovation, international, validation, agency, support1
eyewitness.hu…of today’s Hungarian society. However, due to modern technology, the sources of oral history regarding these three topics can be built into educational contents in an effective and methodologically justified way. During the realization of the program, the research team conducts qualitative…topic educational, educational content, team educational, educational experienceresearch, education, subject, material, host1
nagual.hu…this journey, I have gained valuable insights into the creative process, from inception to the realization of polished final products. My educational background includes specialized studies at the esteemed Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest, where I had the opportunity to…product educational, educational backgroundart, concept, illustration, book, cover1
freeszfe.huOur mission is to preserve the 155-year-old intellectual heritage of the former University of Theatre and Film Arts by building an internationally renowned educational community and workshop which is democratic and open to the outside world.renowned educational, educational communityevent, support, donation, cost, month1
bhidvegi.huCreating educational content and organizing workshops and presentations. Teaching about the necessity of controlled and sustainable hunting for wildlife conservation.conservation, small, parent, property, town1
historycruise.huThe central building of the University is home to the Faculty of Architecture. In the garden there is a nuclear reactor serving educational purposes. Apparently it’s not dangerous.reactor educational, educational purposebridge, city, history, cruise, build1
cembeton.huCooperation with the relevant higher educational institutions for the sake of the integration of the most recent directives, developments, materials, technologies, etc. into the curriculum.high educational, educational institutionhomepage, association, member, industry, domestic1
eduid.huHungarian Research and Educational Federation (HREF) is a SAML2-based Identity Federation of Hungarian higher education and research institutions, public collections and other content providers. For the end-users, the federation aims to be transparent, therefore the login procedure is communicated…research educational, educational federationfederation, member, user, attribute, institution1
nges.huSince 2017, the staff of the Hungarian Esports Sports Federation has been working tirelessly to make gaming and esports much more popular in Hungary, and more accepted socially. In order to reach our goals, we are organizing regular competitions, cups, and tournaments, as well as educational…tournament educational, educational lecturechampionship, cup, federation, able, competition1
uccusetak.huThe Uccu Foundation has been working in the field of informal education, social dialogue, volunteering and community development since 2010. We believe that real learning can only happen through dialogue, experience and active participation. Most of our educational work is carried out by a team of…participation educational, educational work, material educational, educational programmewalk, social, tour, culture, dialogue1
buglo.huTworzymy kreatywne zabawki do placów zabaw. Nasze produkty są bezpieczne, solidne i pięknie wykonane. Projektujemy zabawki, które zachęcają dzieci do zabawy!educational boardplace, street, play, active, single0
bh.huoffice… About us… COLLEAGUES… Portfolio… SUSTAINABILITY… Services… Career… Contact… The new workplace…view, office, build, residential, portfolio0
humanreport.huHis main field of interest is the communication theory aspects of social capital, as well as the associated fields of system theories, corporate communication. He is the author of four books . His first book System and politics was published in 2004, while his second book entitled Familiar…facility educational, educational institutionhuman, report, book, communication, social0
prompt.huPrompt has been offering complete security and IT solutions, from design to implementation and maintenance, in Gödöllő and its region since 1989.technology educational, educational tradesecurity, technology, solution, complete, maintenance0
girep2019.huGIREP 2019 conference gives us a great opportunity to celebrate the International Eötvös Year gathering of educators, PhD students, researchers, policy makers.educational resourceconference, event, july, gallery, scientific0
oneeleven.huOur coffee selection is divided into 3 categories: classic, ie Essential coffees , Special coffees with a light taste, and Fancy coffees with real premium quality, with an intense taste.barista educational, educational schoolcoffee, water, school, treatment, tool0
budai-tancklub.huPUSKÁS, Judit – warded teacher of classical ballet and modern dance, dance artist; her awards include: State Award, Award for Excellence, Sára Berczik Award, Bonis Bona Awardpublic educational, educational institutiondance, teacher, award, gymnastics, excellence0
kartya-jatek.huPlaying-cards… French-suited Playing-Cards… German-suited Playing-Cards… Italian-suited Playing-Cards…card, play, game, french, german0
britmagyariskola.huThe Brit-Magyar Bilingual School uses the Hungarian National Core Curriculum and the bilingual framework curriculum as defined for bilingual schools. Furthermore, Brit-Magyar is an accredited school for Cambridge International, the second bilingual school in Hungary to achieve this. Cambridge…educational programmeschool, student, child, question, admission0
skoll.huAs the founder of SKOLL Learning Technologies, he has been working with e-learning solutions since 2007. He has a PhD in IT and teaches and researches different e-learning projects at Corvinus University of Budapest.digital educational, educational apparatuslearn, management, education, material, training0
syntesia.huSyntesia Ltd. has been providing our global brand teams of blockbuster drugs with professional medical writing support over the past 4 years. The team has proven its competency and expertise within our therapeutic areas, the delivery has been reliable and of high quality supplied in a rapid pace…medical educationalmedical, communication, reference, write, quality0
englishschool.huand culture, Dan first came to the English School of Budapest in 2017. It was a rewarding experience to be a part of the team at ESB and make a positive contribution to improving Hungarian children’s language skills in an engaging, student-centered approach to teaching during his two years with ESB.educational directorschool, teacher, child, language0
imaginegreen.huImagine Green Association is focused on promoting environmentally sustainable practices and supporting rural development through initiatives such as eco-tourism, education and awareness-raising efforts, and efforts to enhance biodiversity.raise educational, educational programgreen, imagine, association, tourism, sustainable0
predaistvan.huHe was graduated at the Medical University of Budapest (present name: Semmelweis University) in 1967. After two years of internship for neurology, he changed for internal medicine and from 1969 to 2007 he worked in the prestigious, more than 100 years old National Scientific Center which the…scientific educational, educational achievementprofile, area, main, geographical, cardiology0
angoliskolabudapest.hu…will work with the Hungarian curriculum for Hungarian literature, grammar, science and maths but the remainder of the subjects will be taught in English using the Cambridge International school curriculum. English will be the main language of the school. Our programme will be taught half in…educational practiceschool, child, learn, language0
angoltanarlilla.hu2006 - General Astrology2004 - 2008 Etherikos Professional Certification Training Programme – psychologycourse, language, translation, teach, general0
hagyomanyokhaza.huThe performance shows for the first time in the history of Hungarian folk dance the colourful and rich traditional culture...dance, folk, performance, scenic, repertoire0
idomulato.hufree online flying games… free online logic games… Magic games… Mahjong… Mario games… Search… Sniper…game, free, collection, defense, fight0
praxi-dent.huWordzie GO: Play excellent quiz-based games, learn languages with word lists and master any subject, math, biology, chemistry or anything! With student and teacher functions. - Wordzie GOeducational materialstudent, teacher, language, chemistry, list0
barathegyisegitokutya.hu50 dogs participated in our puppy raising program in 2023. We held a puppy meeting every month so that the next generation could start the guide dog studies prepared and capably.educational workdog, guide, change, page, school0
kispeterportfolio.hu…free time in nature. Participating in Spartan races not only improves my physical fitness but also enhances my perseverance and teamwork skills. Thank you for visiting my portfolio website! I look forward to the opportunity to work together and assist you in creating unique and impactful websites.ruander educational, educational centerportfolio, skill, developer, education, website0
kistetenyitarsaskor.huour foundation in January each year . and organise Heroes’ Sunday in St Stephen Church in Budatétény in May.budapest educational, educational agreementorganisation, society, activity, association, programme0
likedrive-autosiskola.huParticipant should be applying for the Driving School training only personally, after getting to know Prospectus and Driving School Privacy Policy and complete and sign an application form. For the participant have the opportunity to send the application form in advance by e-mail to the Driving…educational siteexam, drive, hour, fee, school0
twinkl.huParents Twinkl ESL (TEFL and ESL Resources) Twinkl GO! (Interactive Resources and Games) Resource Collections GO! Twinkl Originals Story Books Life Book Club Rhino Readers Imagine Newsroom Intervention Resource (Boost)educational resource, educational app, ng educationalresource, teach, assessment, plan, math0
qplan.hu…which helps us to be able to serve our partners continuously and safely. Our competitiveness depends a lot on the use of the most efficient equipment and technologies related to the cooling functions. We got the best service therein in the history of our company through QPLAN Cooling Technicaleducational contentmanufacture, equipment, general, plan, development0
beta.info.huAcademy of Patient Organisations (BETA) founded byeducational materialevent, homepage, programme, material, room0
stack-systems.huStack-Systems company - comprehensive services for installing video surveillance systems, development, and implementation of mobile applications for business, turnkey office. Call ☎ +36 20 807 9600license educational, educational institutionstack, video, application, development, surveillance0
enbook.hu…items… Law… Computing & information technology… The arts… Lifestyle, sport & leisure… Medicine…science, book, technology, personal, lifestyle0
bukkicsillagda.huThis year, the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Observatory and Science Experience Center in Eger, as well as the newest visitor center of the Bükki National Park Administration (BNPI), the Bükki Star, hosted the XI. The Role of Planetariums and Demonstration Astronomers in Education Workshop.educational trailnews, event, observatory, ticket, visitor0
mke.hu…experimentation with performative expressions of fine art, landscape art, public art and body art. Alongside our autonomous artist courses, our long-established applied art courses offer students the highest levels of training in restoration and visual design, while the two courses run by the…rector educational, educational affairsart, university, department, head, education0
stulwerk.huStulwerk Ltd. is a producer of seating for the office and community sector , offering standard and customized seating solutions alike for a wide range of venues, from offices to theaters, from auditoriums to hotel lobbies.educational seatchair, area, wait, accessories, office0
elanor.co.huElanor has been a reliable partner for us for many years with regards to solving the payroll and personnel agendadiscount educational, educational coursepayroll, personnel, present, resource, human0
hungarianstudies.huThe Szeged Hungarian Studies Center offers a complex and intensive two-semester preparatory program in Hungarian as a foreign language for international students who wish to study at a Hungarian university.educational programstudy, student, language, semester, center0
pentolt.huPentolt Ltd. is a specialist company in the field of fire protection and electronic processingeducational institutionfire, institution, centre, vehicle, detection0
trenerkft.hu…come true. At Tréner Flight Academy, we believe that aviation is a field that should be accessible to everyone. We provide diverse training options and support aspiring pilots in realizing their goals, regardless of their background or age. Join us on this exciting journey towards becoming a…century educational, educational methodtraining, rating, academy, license, opportunity0
sam-buddy.huHungarian site… Menu… Swich to Hungarian… Main page… About us… Contact info… Introducing SAM-buddy for…school educational, educational institutionpeer, human, site, main, page0
bekescsaba.huOur City Tourism The Mayor’s Welcome A City Guide History of Our City Munkácsy and the town The Csaba…creation educational, educational collabotrationscity, logo, navigation, tourism, welcome0
reformatusgyongyszem.huOur main priority is to provide excellent service so that parents can be 100% sure their kids are safe and taken care of!educational gamecolumn, child, order, page, style0
valexa.huMartvill is a complete eCommerce shopping platform for multiple vendors to sell their products online to customers. You can choose Martvill if you have planned to buy a Multi-vendor eCommerce site.educational mediaaccessories, care, hair, camera, body0
atomki.huContinuous collaboration between RIKEN and ATOMKIeducational program, educational projecttopic, research, library, young, staff0
egyesek.huDuring the time I spent in Hollókő with children, friends and mentors as well as during the trainings I attended, I became more ready to express and share my emotions, thoughts and experience. I became more competent in facing and adapting into new situations.adult educational, educational servicecomplete, training, volunteer, newsletter, guide0
hatvaniszakkoli.huEnglish… Hatvani István College for Advanced Studies… Home… About us… About the College… About István…educational programmecollege, study, advanced, application, competition0
imro.hu…project took place on September 16, 2022 in Lenti. The project deals with energy and climate planning and implementing. As a professional partner of the municipality of the city of Lenti, our company helped the implementation of the project in many ways: over the past year we have Tovább…awareness educational, educational institutionenergy, climate, tovább, close, county0
kodaly.huKodály Institute in Kecskemét, Hungary teaches music teachers from all over the world so they can teach children with the Kodály Conceptkodály educational, educational philosophyinstitute, music, course, study, academy0
por.hu- - Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer (IBMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), Department of Thoracic Medical Oncologykom educational, educational hospitaluniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine0
balancemedacademy.hu"I've taken a lot of courses before, but clearly the Balance Movement trainings are the most practical! As a responsible sports masseuse, I only dare to give my athletes a treatment that I feel confident. Along with the tape course, I already have two pieces of knowledge, thanks to which, not only…practical educational, educational materialtraining, course, physiotherapist, website, quality0
mozaikhub.huA program of JDC, the Mozaik Jewish Community Hub is a professional platform that provides infrastructure, co-working space, customized professional support, learning opportunities and financial support for Jewish community NGOs and initiatives in Hungary.community, member, jewish, support, financial0
pmi.huPMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter, builds a voluntary project management professional community for the development of the individual, as part of the PMI global organization with a half-century history, based on a proven knowledge base and qualification system. Our goal is to be the most significant…agora educational, educational institutecertification, pm, award, overview, member0
gs-poseidon.huCrowd Management or Security Awareness training: For those requesting a CROWD Management only please be advised that the 2010 MANILA STCW Convention has separated this documentary of evidence two trainings ad issue two pieces. Price: 200 EUR. 3./ Security Awareness training, Price: 120 EUR. The…educational materialtraining, centre, course, certificate, price0
toppanto.hu…multi-layered already in primary school, in addition to folk dance, I also learned to play the piano. Later, to substantiate the conjecture of my family regarding the animated, zealous, restless personality living in me, I studied drama pedagogy in high school, then graduated in folk dance studies.camp, child, instructor, foundation, game0
customers.huPhone, Tablet, Laptop… All… Mobile phones and accessories… Mobile phones… Phone cases… Screen…educational bookaccessories, game, phone, garden, machine0
crownkindergarten.huCome and have a look around! Bring your parents along and find out together how we can contribute to your future success.personalised educational, educational programmecrown, kindergarten, group, vele, programme0
bphm.huThe Budapest Holocaust Museum and Education Center (BHMEC) was founded by private citizens in 2001. BHMEC’s most important goal is to present the history of the Holocaust in Hungary and Europe in an accessible way, to commemorate the victims and to preserve and introduce Hungarian Jewish heritage…online educational, educational materialholocaust, center, education, museum, close0
odv.hu…| Eger… Open-air theatre in the Városmajor | Budapest… Railway station | Gyula… County court |…rotonda educational, educational centregallery, office, visual, portfolio, elevator0
hungarolingua.huHungarolingua Language School and Translators’ Officeeducational tourlanguage, translation, tour, open, school0
kissasian.huAsian Drama, Watch drama asian Online for free releases in Korean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong,Thailand and Chinese with English subtitles, Download drama with english subbeddrama, asian, free, reality, kong0
inforness.hu…developments, scientific research, university education and corporate management. Our company has been an industrial partner of the Faculty of Informatics of Eötvös Loránd University for almost 5 years. Thanks to which, in addition to traditional IT projects, it has a prominent role in practical…training, university, development, algorithm, hana0
codehunters.huCodeHunters specializes in comprehensive IT training solutions covering DevOps, AWS, Azure, GCP, Java, SpringBoot, and Cloud technologies. Our expert-led courses empower professionals to excel in these cutting-edge domains.edge educational, educational solutioncourse, solution, training, academy, cloud0
semmelweis.hu…European region. With its six faculties and doctoral school it covers all aspects of medical and health sciences. Semmelweis University is the largest provider of health care services in Hungary. The target of research at the university are early diagnostics and therapy, disease prevention and…method educational, educational practiceuniversity, health, faculty, science, medicine0
frankakonyvtar.huKezdőlap… Rólunk… Szolgáltatások… Pricing… Kapcsolat… [email…genius educational, educational free, educational rightbootstrap, template, free, sit, consectetur0
ekraft.huHave the fastest electric boat on all water surfaces. You can choose from 150, 200, or 400 HP powertrain systems.professional educational, educational materialboat, electric, gallery, faq, open0
adatmentesfelhobe.huABC Childcare offers a wide range of activities, including Physical Education, Music and Language classes and are built into the children's day, plus we offer extracurricular activities to further enhance our own programme.educational activitychildcare, centre, learn, child, absolute0
parittyahaz.huThe Parittyaház "Sling House" in english, is a real, authentic porterhouse in the village Alsómégy. It is the most beautiful face of the Southern Great Plain, the pearl of Bács-Kiskun county, the hidden spot of Kalocsai Sárköz, which is worth discovering.marsh educational, educational trailbooking, house, village, guest, gallery0
tmtanitas.huTranscendental Meditation in Budapest for expats. Are you living in Budapest and interested about Transcendental Meditation? Book for the next English introductory lecture or make a private appointment without obligation, where you can get more information about it.people educational, educational culturalmeditation, stress, deep, benefit, health0
smartrailwaysolution.hueducation centre, has attained a market leader position in railway education among non-associated service providers in Hungary. The experts trained by our company represent reliable workforce in various fields of railway and we also provide them with regular post-graduate training to remain updated.instruction educational, educational implementationrailway, solution, field, training, centre0
imagescience.huThe microscope portfolio represented by Image-Science is developed to fulfill the needs from simple to complex applications in material science.educational microscopemicroscope, science, image, solution, application0
globecenter.hucreate a competitive Hungary-product and are constantly improving it to stay competitive. We are organising hotel accommodations and programs for leisure groups, individual tourists, FIT’s, as well as incentive groups. Together with our domestic partners –hotels,restaurants,transportation companiescompany educational, educational program, hospital educational, school educationalagency, travel, festival, center, globe0
guidoguide.hu…for museums, special exhibitions and collection presentations, archives, company tours, showrooms, zoos, game demos, city tours, tours of archaeological excavation or permanent exhibitions as well. The system consists of two applications, which can be used independently or as an integrated system.tour educational, educational tripguide, tour, exhibition, museum, multimedia0
minijatek.hu…2 Comments… Post format audio blogs… 3 Comments… Brand 1… Brand 2… Brand 3… Brand 4… Brand 5… Brand 6thumbnail, cart, view, boy, quick0
streamplan.huStream Plan Engineering Ltd is an engineering SME focusing on the fire protection sector. To satisfy the countinously growing demand Stream Plan was founded in 2020. However the company is operating in the present form since 2020, we have more than 15 years experience in this field. In Hungary…educational institutionplan, engineering, institution, field, sector0
goldenvisa.huFind out how to easily acquire EU residency for 10 years through a comprehensive investment program. The guest investor visa is coming up in 2024!real, estate, news, investment, immigration0
psychotech.hu…stakeholders in drug development, who wish to test their innovative products in a safe and expert environment. As part of our mission, we provide expertise and a creative and experimental background for our partners in Clinical Trials or in Research and Development in the field of Neuroscience.educational institutionprivacy, mail, research, trial, clinical0
melodika.huThree musicians - many instruments - different musical genres mixed together. The trio plays it's own arrangements of well known classical themes, hungarian folk songs and film music crossing limits between different styles with unique instrumentation.cinematique educational, educational tour, educational concertmusic, concert, classical, fusion, instrument0
innomed.huThe Cardiology segment working on our diagnostic devices with data management software for PCs. The main products of the group are the own developed and manufactured semi- automatic defibrillator (AED) , clinical defibrillators, the variety of ECG devices and we are also distributing a whole range…educational programmedical, development, ray, generator, ecg0
rcube.huSpeedcubes are also available from Rubik’s, the renowned manufacturer of the original Rubik’s Cube. These blocks keep up with the exemplary look while consolidating present day systems for further developed execution.toy educational, educational toyshop, brand, tour, art, street0
zsidojovoert.huBy uniting the strength of our communities, using it, our strength will multiply and we will also be able to perform tasks that we alone would otherwise be unable to do.educational programcommunity, manual, jewish, application, member0
balaton-tours.huBalaton Tours was established 21 years ago, and our main focus is incoming tourism to Hungary. Being a relatively small agency allows us to be flexible and service our customers with special care and attention.tour, trip, customer, special, day0
tehetszmehtobbet.huA multitude of celebrities and experts are drawing attention to the global consequences of the decline of pollinators and the importance of their protection.range educational, educational programbee, campaign, exhibition, event, ambassador0
matrabikersc.huIn the summer of 2022, for the first time in our club's life, we organized a sports camp in the Mátra Mountains, Hungary for primary school children of the diaspora. During the camp, the children learnt about the history, geography, and natural beauties of the Mátra Mountains. We went biking and…cycling, website, bike, road, member0
avmax.hu© AVmax System Integration LTD. 2024. Copyrighteducational institutionsolution, safe, brand, story, career0
bkb-solutions.huEstablished in 2012, BKB Solutions Kft. provides SAP-related consulting services to its clients in Hungary and the DACH region, primarily in the areas of SAP logistics, project management, and project administration.analysis educational, educational resultsolution, management, development, knowledge, performance0
sibarisclub.huSibaris' and our goal is to raise awareness in sports and nature, to help the youth and community. We believe that even the smallest impact in childhood can be life changing later in life, therefore we aim to involve children from a very young age how to live a healthy lifesytle in terms of sports…activity, nature, environment, area, event0
szokolkft.huSzokol es Tarsa Kft. was founded in 1994 (org number: 01-09-363396). It has 3 million HUF share capital. Two auditor owns the organization, Erzsebet Szokol is the CEO from the begining.educational attainmenttax, number, accounting, consultancy, ceo0
helybenjo.huHome… News… Accommodation… Pension… Guesthouse… Camp, camping… Hotel… Apartment… Catering… Snack bar…educational trailmain, page, sight, accommodation, entertainment0
tyrusz.hu…comprehensive business development services, with a strategic focus on bridging the gap between the vibrant Hungarian market and the dynamic markets of the Arab world. We are committed to fostering mutually beneficial relationships, facilitating trade, and creating opportunities for businessessevral educational, educational institutionmarket, study, honey, communication, success0
helpchildren.hu“Help to to Help!” FOUNDATION FOUNDATION This This flyer flyer can can be be downloaded downloaded from from here here in in PDF PDF format: format: Help Help Children Children See See the the world world program program Our Our Address: Address: H-1036 H-1036 Budapest, Budapest, Pacsirtamező u…world educationalevent, child, foundation, help, children0
turkevetermal.huPlease take a look at our Accommodations! We offer Apartments, Hostel rooms, Bungalows and a Campsite.hostel, bath, accommodation, therapy, restaurant0
szelesteyfamilia.huyears now. In 2004, we wrote letters with Pál Dénes Szelestey's wife, Ilona Bendy. They left after the II. World War. Since then, unfortunately, the relationship has broken with both family branches and the pictures we have been waiting for are not coming to us. We hope that they all in good health!historical educational, educational trailfamily, coat, arm, tree, research0
a4studio.huHotels… Retail and multifunctional… Sport facilities… Residential… Educational Buildings… Industrial…educational buildingstudio, multifunctional, retail, facility, residential0
tourdematra.huEvery racer participates in the Tour de Mátra Road Cycling Race under their own will and responsibility. Therefore, the Mátra Biker Sport Club cannot be made liable for any accident, fall or illness occurring during the entire duration of the race.race, entry, tour, road, cycling0
moviemaker.huMovieMaker is a team of TV and movie professionals. We make moving pictures, without any boundaries of genres. We believe that no project is too great or to small, so we treat all of them with the same respect and passion what we feel about movies.knowledge educational, educational series, world educationalmovie, theatre, documentary, short, passion0
szantaipszichologus.hu…with a former coach also affects my attitude towards mistakes. We reworked this well and we also talked a lot about communication that suits the players individually. I improved a lot last season as a person and as a coach. I handle situations more relaxed, I am more open to the children and I caneducational lecturearticle, public, activity, goalkeeper, post0
holokausztmuzeum.huIn partnership with internationally acclaimed historians and world-famous experts of exhibition design and development, we are creating one of Europe's most extraordinary museums of the Holocaust and Jewish historyexhibition, history, house, fate, voice0
ecpa2021.huOn the ECPA2021 conference technical tour participants will gain insight into precision agriculture technology solutions adopted and applied on the field through the example of a large Hungarian farming company, KEVE Zrt. The technical tour begins in the outskirts of Baracska, near Budapest (the…campus educational, educational centreconference, abstract, submission, agriculture, precision0
geohome.hu…energy production by using GSHP systems. Under average circumstances, we need 3 parts of ground heat and 1 part of electricity to produce 4 parts of heating energy. Currently, this is the most efficient solution among the energy sources that are not subject to licensing and are free to use.energy, ground, efficient, source, family0
eloszer.huELŐ-SZER Ltd. - onstruction work, building engineering, steel structure, locksmith, industrial hall, family house, public and listed building, agricultural building, livestock buildingeducational institutebuild, industrial, house, public, hall0
goldvisanow.huAre you yearning for the freedom and opportunities that Europe offers? Look no further than the Hungarian Gold Visa Program, and let Residence Relocation’s Gold Visa experts be your trusted guide throughout the entire journey.donation educational, educational culturalrelocation, immigration, european, requirements, dream0
worldnews.huabout After Back Best Bond Brexit British Britons Could Deal Euro First from Holiday holidays Huge Into James Live more movie news Next Over pension pound queen rate Release revealed Reveals Review Says Shock star State This Time travel Trump Update Warning Wars Watch Worldeducational articlenews, travel, movie, daily, queen0
blacko.huCard codes: cards are classified and coded according to the distribution method and what is represented on their surface.card educational, educational informationcard, swap, sell, list, interested0
veronikapartman.hu…comfortable bed, fine cozy blanket. Prepared a surprise (champagne, water, orange juice, fruit and sweets). Very nice owner who put her heart and soul into this beautiful apartment. There was even a beautiful bouquet of roses on the table. Everything is in its place, I am happy to recommend it!lily educational, educational trailapartment, place, price, day, beautiful0
quanticon.huWe provide the following services to support your real estate development: PROJECT MANAGEMENT, construction TECHNICAL SUPERVISION, complete BUILDING DESIGN and project preparation or operation related TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY. These activities are intorduced in details on our Services page.office educational, educational buildingoffice, build, development, execution, building0